#geralt dad
Okay so after the mountain breakup and makeup, jaskier has a new horse. He super excited to introduce Geralt “horse girl” Riviera to his sweetheart of a horse, Pegasus. He talk about how well mannered and precious his horse is; and how he just had to buy him off of his old owners who didn’t treat him right — “ I mean they didn’t even give him apples, Geralt, who does that?? —
Geralt is expecting a dainty normal horse, maybe with ribbons in his hair, like his owner. But they get to the stables and jaskier skips over to this behemoth of a war horse. (I’m thinking like a shire horse type breed).
Jaskier is just absolutely besotted with the “sweetheart” and Geralt is petrified. This horse is bigger than roach. It’s glaring at Geralt with the rage of hellfire. Geralt is like 57% sure it’s a hell horse.
It’s also super protective of jaskier and it hates Geralt. Pegasus is always moving in between the two and when Jaskier starts giving Geralt attention Pegasus whines and Jaskier will go back to him.
Geralt is not jealous no matter what anyone says. He tries to tell Jaskier about how his demon horse keeps glaring at him and bumping him off the road. But everytime he tries to point it out Pegasus has the most innocent look on his face.
It would be so funny to see a horse and a Witcher try and fight for Jaskier attention
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aramblingjay · 1 year
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#that's her dad
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elven-sisters · 1 month
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Something wicked this way comes... ✨
And how do you think, who's hiding beetween the trees? (Funny and stupid ideas are also welcome!)
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zacksnydered · 4 months
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HENRY CAVILL as GERALT OF RIVIA Netflix’s The Witcher ‧ Shaerrawedd
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hannibard · 8 months
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I always find it funny when Kaer Morhen witchers call each other wolf. It's like calling your sibling by your shared last name.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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Kind of a second part to this - inspired by a convo I had with @panur in the replies! Ciri comes to them for cuddles and at this point Geralt is 100% awake, but Jaskier handles it all rather well.
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catzerooo · 2 years
It's take your kid to work day
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!   
a/n: I watched the new season of The Witcher and somehow Geralt got even hotter??? Anyway, he has dilf energy and I'm in love
Warnings: family abuse, curse previously put on reader
・He had saved you, and yet, your family still did not want you.
・Geralt found out that it was your own father who cursed you
・A noble family that saw you as less than. And they banished you from their land, not wanting you anywhere near them.
・And when Geralt spoke on your behalf, asking what you were supposed to do, your father shrugged his shoulders and ignored the Witcher.
"You won't even keep y/n on as ... as anything?" The Witcher was disgusted when your father kept on ignoring him. It got to the point where Geralt threw a golden plate just above your father's head and his attention snapped to the white-haired man.
"I could have your head for that." Your father's voice was cold, it was always cold.
"And I could have yours," snarled Geralt, whose eyes were ablaze. But he knew he couldn't do anything about your family. Only about you.
・So, Geralt couldn't leave you to fend for yourself. And he didn't.
・Besides, you had no idea how to look after yourself. You had been a monster, trapped inside a form that was not yours for 7 years
・You were filthy, tired, and utterly defenseless.
・And even though Witcher's weren't known for their grace nor kindness, Geralt was different.
・He took you with him, damning your family for casting you out. Promising that you would rise above what they had done to you.
・But for now, he had to clean you up and ... catch you up on life.
- ✦ -
・Geralt sat you in front of him, Roach slightly grumpy with the extra weight. But once you reached Geralt's destination, he rewarded the steed with extra food
"Thank you, old friend," he whispered into the horses' ear.
・Helping you inside, he had arranged a room that had a bathing chamber
・The water ran hot as Geralt added in oils and different kinds of herbs
・It was an odd situation, yes, helping a stranger clean themselves.
・But Geralt couldn't live with the knowledge of you being left on your own. The possibility of so much danger. Of being taken advantage of.
・Helping you undress was slightly embarrassing, for the both of you. Your body was still getting used to its original form. Your balance was off, and your posture wasn’t very good. Geralt had to keep on correcting it.
・Easing you into the bath, he grabbed a cloth and started gently rubbing the grime from your body. The dirt, sweat and mud that caked your body
・Even when you transformed back into your normal form, the dirt still remained, as did the torn clothes that you had worn before being cursed into a great beast
・Speaking was difficult as well, but it was becoming easier with time. Even though not much had passed.
・The bath was the best thing you had felt in 7 whole goddamn years.
・Hot; like it was ridding you of all the hurt that built over time
・You swished your fingers through the water, delighting in the ripples they made. Such a small happiness. Yet you found glee in small things now. Grateful for a second chance.
・Geralt kept on scrubbing at your skin, using a bristled brush on some areas, careful not to be too rough or stay in one spot for too long
・Next he used this delicious smelling soap. Your knowledge of herbs was next to nothing, due to a lack in education, but you thought it smelt homely, earthly and calming. Lathering it in his hands and massaging it onto your own, you both worked the soap into different areas of your skin
“I’m going to wash your hair now,” he said. Voice soft yet still rough, like he wasn’t used to being kind to others. If that were true, you wondered why he was doing this for you.
“But first we need to brush it,” his eyes squinted at the tangled mess but started on it nonetheless.
・It hurt at first, but you knew Geralt was being as gentle as he could be, but there were so many knots.
“What do you think about cutting it?” You shook your head. Your hair was one of the only things that made you feel … beautiful.
“Ugh, fine. But this is going to take a while.”
・You shrugged your shoulders and happily kept on sitting in the tub, taking over some of the scrubbing, especially your feet, which felt so sensitive.
・Once they were large and clawed, now … they were human
・Your eyes stilled as the water reflected the glow of the candles around the room
・And you sighed. Not in sadness, or pain, or grief. But with the knowledge that you no longer had to be someone that you were not. Whether that was a beast or playing a role in your family that you didn’t want to have to play.
“You alright?” Geralt had made significant process, practically finished with your hair. And he grabbed a bucket and told you to lean back as he poured the water onto your hair.
・Geralt grabbed a different kind of soap and placed it in your hair, massaging and rubbing it, making sure there wasn’t a spot unwashed.
・You weren’t used to the sensation and let out a laugh. It tickled a tiny bit, especially when he rubbed behind your ears
・Unbeknownst to you, Geralt was slightly smiling. He enjoyed seeing you experience some happiness.
・After he had washed your hair a total of three times, he stood back satisfied with your appearance and held out a towel for you to wrap yourself in.
・Helping you out of the bath, he set down a pair of clean clothes on your bed and said he would be back in a few minutes.
・He wanted to give your privacy, while also wanting to check on Roach.
・The clothes were a big pair of brown pants and a long white shirt. They were a fresh pair from the Innkeeper's husband, who had recently passed away. Geralt had paid extra for them.
・After twenty minutes, Geralt came back into the room to find you asleep on the floor. The usual place you slept.
・A place you had slept for 7 years.
・7 years without a bed. Without a blanket or pillows. Nor were you given any sort of comfort.
・A rage so hot spread through Geralt that it practically radiated off of him.
・In that moment he swore you would have a better life, the best he could find … or give you.
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mattmurdock42 · 5 months
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Don't tease the bear with a short stick!
Summary: you and Henry had plans for the night, but your son kept delaying the plans, and you would tease him All.The.Time!!
Warnings: vibrator, cuffs, overstimulation, oral (m recieving), hand job, sex, butt plug, loottss of fluff.
P.s: Little Tomás is back!!! (His first appearance was in "Henry dressed as a Vampire")
It was saturday.
You, Henry and little Tomás woke up at 9, then you headed to the gym.
While you and Henry worked out, little Tom sat on a chair playing his videogame.
You were doing squats and listening to some metal ( it was your work out songs), when you suddenly feel someone approaching you from behind, putting their hands on each side of the bar and squat with you, kinda helping if the bar happens to be to heavy and you fail. Startled, you look up and recognize Henry´s hands. As you finish this rep, panting, you look at him with narrowed eyes and say: " How many times do i have to tell you to not approach me from behind during the reps? Besides beign distracting, it scares me most of the times!"
He grins at you. "Sorry, my love, but i couldn´t help myself. i just needed to say that you should take of your shirt. It´s hell hot today. Moreover, i´m dying to see you squat just in your sports bra." He says as he toys with the hem of your shirt.
You gently move away his hand from your clothe. "Sorry, bear, but i´m a little swollen today." You give him a quick peck on his lips to apologize.
"Darling, i did not ask if you are swollen or not, i said for you to take your shirt of. You are dripping wet. If you don´t take it off yourself, i´ll do it for you, baby girl." He whispered for only you to hear this last part.
You knew how sweat you were. However, your insecurities never leaved you. With time, you grew comfortable with Henry, he always loved your thick belly. Your bigger insecurity was your belly, since it was the most thick part of your body. You hated that. Your legs could be considered strong, your arms too, but your stomach, always thick and looking swollen. Henry always tried to reasure you, but you couldn´t help it sometimes.
"Henry, please." You whined, looking to your sides as he got closer.
"Baby, there is just five more people in here, and they are all mindind their own bussines. You are looking stunning, darling, I assure you. This gray, wet shorts are driving my mind crazy. Take your shirt off, and tonight i´ll show you the effect they caused on me now." He said as he caressed your hand.
"Okay." You sighed.
You went to the bathroom and took it of.
As you came back, Henry gave you a mischievious smile and went to finish his training, giving constant glances at you the whole time.
You finished your work out program and went to sit with your son, to wait for Henry.
"Hello, my little one." You say as you sit beside him, messing with his hair.
"Hi, mama!" He says without taking his eyes off of the device.
"Daddy told me you could pick the restaurant this weekend. Where do you wanna go?"
He put the device aside and looked happily at you. "Umm, could it be at Cigalon?"
"Sure, my love."
He gave you a long hugh. He was a mama´s boy, so his hugs were always long when it came to you. Tomás sat on your lap as he continued playing his videogame, and you watched Henry, lifting weighs three times your body weigh.
As he finished, he took your bag and you headed home.
After everyone took a shower, you went to Cigalon, as your son asked.
After you had lunch, you headed to the supermarket, since you were already out.
"Mama, you look so pretty!" Tomás said as he hughed your waist while you were picking fruits and vegetables. "This dress looks amazing on you. So cute!" He said as he gently took a peace of fabric in his tiny hands to look at it closer.
"Aww, thank you so much, my puppy." You say as you envelop his back on a hugh. As you meet with Henry again (he was getting the meat, since he loved this part), your son ran to him and said: "Daddy, doesn´t mama look cute in that dress? It suits her so well!"
"Yes, Tommy, it really suits her." He says as he places the meat inside your cart and goes to your side. "It really gets her most beautiful parts to get notice." As he said that, he slightly smacked your ass, so your son wouldn´t see it.
You got what he meant with the 'get notice'.
Tomás, that afternoon, went to a birthday party of one of his little friends, so you and Henry were alone.
As he was seating on his game chair, playing World of War Hammer, you got behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders, massaging it. You lowered your torso to his ear level and whispered: "I was hoping you´d show me what my gray short caused on you today."
He humms, appreciating the massage. " My love, if you don't mind, could we do this tonight? Right now I'm a little sore from the gym, but at night, I will be all yours."
"Are you sure?" You ask as you lower one hand to his bulge, squeezing it, but not hard enough to hurt him.
"Be careful with those sinful hands, pet. They could get you in a serious trouble."
"Oh, I'm counting on it." You whisper in his ear as you give him a harder squeeze, making him jump a little.
As he looked back at you, you ran to the living room. You knew what waited for you tonight, and you couldn't wait.
The night came and you went to pick Tom. When you arrived, Henry was already cooking dinner, beef with carrots and rice, just like your son liked.
During dinner, Tomás asked: "Daddy, can we watch a movie later?"
"Could it be tomorrow? You played the whole day and I bet you are really tired. Don't you agree that tomorrow is a better idea?"
You knew Henry's intentions, and had to cover your mouth to suppress the big smile of amusement on your face.
Your son turned to you for help. He knew that, if there was someone who could persuade his daddy, it was you.
"Mama, please? I'm not tired!"
You looked at Henry and scornfully said: "please, daddy?"
He sighed. "Sure, puppy. Finish your meal then go choose the film."
Thomás was choosing the movie while you and Henry were cleaning the table.
You knew that you had messed a little with Henry's plans for tonight, but you loved to tease him, so you decided to make it hard to him. And your son, absent mindedly, helped you.
Henry sat on the couch with his bowl of ice cream while you were handing Tom his. Then, you got back to the kitchen to take yours. As you showed back into the room, Henry put his enormous thick thighs on the couch and looked at you.
"It seems that there is no more space on the couch for you to sit, love. So I think my lap will have serve it." He said with a devilish grin.
You rolled your eyes, knowing his intentions. However, as you headed to your 'sit', little Tom came to action.
"Daddy, you are taking the whole couch!" He said trying to pull his daddy's thick legs off of the couch.
"But mama doesn't mind sitting on my lap, puppy."
"Yes, she does!" As the little boy noticed that he had no strength compared to his father, he rised from his sit, on the other end of the couch, and points it to you.
"Mama, you can have my sit." You smile at this cute action. You really didn't mind to sit on Henry's lap, (actually, you planed to tease his body the whole movie) but you couldn't say no to your son after this gesture.
You sat and opened your arms. " Come here, puppy!"
He ran to sit on your lap, snuggling into you. As his attention got into the movie, you gave Henry a playful smile squeezing lovingly your son.
You were going to pay for this later.
The inevitable happened. Tomás really was tired, just as Henry said, and slept in the middle of the film in your arms. Henry carefully took him from you and put him to sleep in his bedroom.
When he showed up back in the living room, he spoke: " Now it's time to take my baby girl to sleep." He was slowly making his way to where you sat. You got up and started to head to the garden.
If he wanted to eat, he would have to hunt.
"Don't you think that the evening is beautiful? It has a slight cold breeze that can make one so peaceful, to calm every nerve on one's being. It's amazing that it can causes you sleepiness, but at the same time, can make you stay more alert. It's a moment when interesting things happen: child's being born; people dramatically fading away; someone studying for something that will change their life, in the silence; maybe the greatest world rob!" You laugh as you stare at the sky. " But the most interesting thing of all: intercourse." You say this looking to Henry while you walk away from him backwards, slowly, with a mischievous grin on your face. "The darkness makes everything so dramatic!"
"I know it is not one of my best reflections, darling, but you don't need to so rude." You say faking an offended look.
"Stop. Moving. I meant. Your reflection was ardent, pet."
"Ardent? I think I would call it 'fine', this one, Mr.Darcy." You say as you stop, letting him get closer. Although, as soon as he reaches a hand to grab you, you strayed away from him.
"You know, it is pretty early, we should do something." You say feigning obliviousness.
"Oh, pet, I think you know what we should do. I have a thing to show you, remember?"
"That new action figure you got? I think you've already showed me, love."
As he fastly reaches for you, you stray from him again, almost failing at your attempt. However, as soon as you giggle, you both hear a sleepy, low voice.
" Mama, Daddy, can I play hide and seek with you?"
"puppy, it's late and you are tired, go back to sleep." You say in a soothing voice, trying not to wake Tomas up to much, since he seemed tired.
"But it looks so fun! Please mama, just for a bit."
You look at Henry, who was clearly frustrated. He had been neglected before because of his son. Now again? And the worse part, you were teasing him all the time to make this worse.
And the teasing wouldn't stop now.
"Alright, pup, but only for a moment." You say.
"Yay! Daddy, me and mama are going to run, and you will catch us." He says as he starts to run away from his father. You ran too.
Henry, obviously, let's his son win, running slower and saying things like " you are to fast, my little bear", making the boy laugh and feel proud of himself. Moreover, then, Henry noticed how close he was to you and changed his direction. And, with you, he wasn't going to let you win.
You started to run for your life , noticing him getting closer and closer. You had long legs, but his were longer. Suddenly, you feel a hand grab your arm pulling you back, and before you could tell, you felt a sharp pain in your waist. Henry had grabbed you without mercy, making you let out a squeal, both of terror and excitement. You looked at him, " Enough, pet, you are already in trouble, don't make it worse. " He whispers to you.
"Daddy, let mama go. You are hurting her!" Tomás says as he runs to you. As he reaches you, he hugs your waist. " Daddy, be gentle, she is fragile." He says, making your heart melt.
"it's ok, pup, daddy didn't hurt me."
"Yes he did, I heard your little scream, mama." He says as he pushes the hem of your shirt up, revealing a little of your waist. It was red. Of course it was, and it was going to leave a bruise, but it didn't hurt you. You and Henry had already talked about boundaries, and he knew that when he left bruises it turned you on.
" It's gonna be purple! Daddy, apologize to mama." He says with a pout.
"its ok,Tom" Despite your efforts, your son was looking angryly at his dad.
"I'm sorry, my love. I won't do it again. I hope you can forgive me for hurting you. I would never do it on purpose. Daddy would never hurt mama, my puppy." Henry says as he finally gets close enouth to you to kiss you. You making sure to make your tongue invade his mouth, dominant, teasing his every nerve.
"Ewww. Stop it." Tomás said.
"Ok, i think it´s time for everyone to go to sleep. Come on, pup, i´ll put you in bed." You say, guiding Tom by pulling him gently at his back.
Your son was already asleep, and this time, you told him to stay on his bedroom, because mama and daddy would be sleeping now.
As soon as you enter your bedroom, something was wrong: the room was dark. But Henry was supposed to be here, wasnt he? Suddenly, when you give a step further, heading to turn on the lights, you are suddenly grasped and thrown to the bed. Your wrists were pinned above your head, a knee between you legs, preading them apart, you could hear a breathing sound above you.
"You had your fun beign a bratt and driving me mad all night. Now, i´ll have to punish you. Otherwise, you´ll pooke the bear with a short stick again, pet."
Before you could tell, with one hand helding your wrists and the other cuffing you to the bed, he had you all binded. You feel him leave the bed. Bare foot steps could be heard going to his nightstand. You see a light flame burning. He was lighting candles. He goes to your nightstand and light another ones.
He was just in his boxers, giving you a show of his godly body.
You were wearing a shorts and one of his shirts. He started with the bottom part. He took of your shorts and threw them to the side. Your underwear, he lowered just above your knees. You started to move your legs to take them off, but he hold your knees and said. "No, no, no. You won´t move, love. You´ll just take it."
"Shh. Just. take. it. You need to learn, pet."
He then went to the closet. You heard some doors being opened and, when he came back, you saw he had something on his hands: a clit and intervaginal vibrator and a cloth.
He got on the bed againg. With some lube, he massaged your walls making you moan with the soft touch. He put some lub on the vibrator. He was set between your spread legs, giving then no permision to close.
He slowly eased the vibrator inside you. In his hands, the little control, and in his face, a devilish smile.
He pushed your panties up again, placing it ´back so the vibrator wouldnt scape, since he wouldn´t hold it on place. Aparently, he had other plans.
He goes and sit near your head. " Open your mouth." As you do, he binds the cloth around your mouth. You look at him with questioning eyes. " We have been interupted before, and i dont plan on it happening again. Besides, i dont wanna traumatize our son by him hearing us. So, be quiet, ok?" You nod.
He leaved the bed and took a chair. Placing it in front of the bed, he sat with a whole privileged view of your core with the vibrator.
"Are you ready, my love?" you gently nod, not really knowing the answer.
He turns the vibrator on, already in medium speed, not wetting you enough first. You groan with the sensation, archin your back involuntarily.
After a minute of him watching you, letting you get used to it, he put the speed on full force, causing your legs to close.
" You look stuning, darling. Hey, dont close your legs! i want a full view all of the time." You slowly opened them again.
" You teased me bad today. Giving me that looks during the movie, while with your feet, placed it on my cock, pulling it. You made it grow and ache, but you just smiled with that wolfish look of yours. Now, you are at my mercy. You are going to stay in this position as much time as i want now, pet." As he says this in a menancing voice, he gets up from the chair and goes get his script from his next role: Walter Marshall. He was already with the hair and the bulky body. And you couldnt deny it, you loved him all bulky and with long curls.
He sat back on his chair and started to work on getting to know the character.
You couldn believe this. You knew how much time he took to know a character. He´d read all the lines and them would imagine certain especific habits and expressions for the character. It definitely would take a while.
After eight minutes, witht the vibrator on full speed, you starting to sweat, you came for the first time in that night, leaving a moan scape throug the cloth. He lookes at you with a disaproving look. "Quiet."
Was he serious with this? He didnt even lowered the speed to rode you out of your climax. And you were getting sensitive.
This happened more two times. You quietly having orgasms as he sat there, working while sometimes giving glances at your core.
You had more three orgasms before he put down the script. How long had it been since he turned on the device? 35, 40 minutes? You lost the count. You couldnt think straight, already overstimulated. He sat on the bed next to your head. " i finished giving a first glance to the script. Nice movie, i think. I´ll let you read once we are over your lesson, my dear."
You looked at him with pleading eyes. But of course he ignored it. Lowering himself, with a hand, he cupped one of your breasts and sucked at it gently, feeling your smooth sking in his mouth, savouring it, missing the times you asked him to suck your milk because your breasts were sore from being too filled with milk and Tomas already had a full tummy. Gosh, it had been heavenly. He had to get you pregnant again to feel that taste once more.
With the extra stimulation, you left out a low moan throught the cloth, making him stop and look at your eyes. " My little thing, are you already so stimulated?" You nod. " Wanna me to turn off the vibrator?" You nod more vigorously now. With the little control in hands, he turns it off now. The abrupt stop making you shiver.
"That was for making me say yes to the movie. You knew my plans, yet you teasingly ruined. Now, now it´s your punishment for getting away from me in the backyard. Do you think that was a hard grip? Lucky yours we werent alone. But now, the situation changed."
Looking down, you saw the little shining silver plug on his hands, with a wolf tale in the end. He put your legs on his shoulders and, with an exagerated amount of lub, he gently inserted the plug. You loved the plug, thinking of all the times he called you his "little wolf", because how your teasing smile reminded him of one. You adored the gift, with him saying that now, you could be fully one.
He knew how sensible you were in that area, so, in the begginig, he would always be extra carefull, respecting your body and your time.
After he put the plug, he took out his boxers and took his already hard and pulsing length in his hands, he teased the tip, making you moan from the sensitivity. "Easy, pet." He stilled inside you, taking his time to fell your walls clentching around him, making his head fall in to your chest.
He slowly began to pound on you, going faster as his orgasm was getting close, his hands squeezing your waist so hard that made you gasp. If he was hurting you, you would just have to say the safe word that you created and he would stop imediately. His thrusts were getting sloppier, so he began to massage your clit for you to cum too.
"Look at you, taking me so well. Already used to my size, my gorgeous, incredible wife. 'my' wolf." He barely had time to finish and you came, trigering his release.
You were exausted, but he had waited for to long. As he came out of you, his cock was already hardeing again. He uncuffed you and, taking you bridal stile, he put you on your knees, facing the bed. He sat on the edge, in front of you. He took of the cloth from you mouth. Your mouth felt dry. "Now, you are going to take me like the good girl you are, understood?"
Without giving an answer, you took his manhood on your hands and started pumping it, slowly putting him in your mouth until it hitted the back of your throat. You eagerly sucked him, making him loose his posture. However, as you felt he was almost cumming, he moved away your head, "Not in your mouth, pet. Not today, at least. I think you already learned your lesson, darling." As he reached for his cock, you took it in your hands faster and started pumping it. "May I ?" You asked. " Sure, darling." He said with love on his eyes as he leaned forward to kiss you, placing both hands gently on your cheeks. You could fell his tendernes. He cums in your hand. You leak your index finger, making him smile. "Wait just a moment, baby girl, I´ll run us a bath." As he enters the bathroom, you start to prepare the bed for when you´d sleep and place comfy pajamas on each one´s side of the bed.
He got back to the bedroon and took you in his arms, heading to the bathtub. It always amazed you how strong he was, knowing that you could definitely be considered heavy. "Put me down, i can walk a little yet." You giggle, still felling your legs tremble from the overstimulation. " You´ll hurt yourself, darling. I´m to heavy for you to pick me up all the time."
"Dont you see the weights i work out with, love? You aweight nothing. " He states kissing your forehead. You smile placing your arms around his neck.
After the bath, you were both already in bed. Starting to almost drift of to dreamland. "Sweet Wolf?" He calls for your attention. "Yeah?"
" Did i hurt you before? During sex, i think i squeezed you to rough."
"You didn´t. i have already told you, squeeze me as hard you like."
"I love your kinky side." He says as he gives you a peck on the lips.
"I know." You say with your wolfy smile, making him pull you to lay on top of him. "Tonight you are sleeping here." He says in a commanding voice.
" Yes, sir."
You both fall asleep on your cozy embrace.
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nullio · 1 year
Geralt accidentally developing Dad Humor, even when he wasn't actively invested in or looking for Ciri- it just happens by rule of the universe
like this,
Jaskier falls from a tree, off a small ledge, down a short hill
Jask: Geraaaalt, I've hurt my leg!
Geralt: sigh, fine. Let me look
Geralt: we'll have to amputate
Jaskier: GERALT
-one more-
Jaskier: EUGH- Geralt! There's a nasty bug on my pillow
Geralt: let me see...ah, it's a brain sucker
Jask: brain sucker?!
Geralt: yes, don't worry
*he flips over and lies down again*
Geralt: it starved
please please please, Geralt dad humor
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silverflameataraxia · 5 months
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dankzombiereviews · 2 years
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seen these floating around and wanted to post one of my own because this trope fucks, especially with these people in particular
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heytheredeann · 1 year
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elven-sisters · 2 months
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One of my students once told me that, in his opinion, Roach is the most powerful character in the universe - no matter where Geralt leaves her (even on another continent), she can always come back to him, she can talk (even if some say that her voice is a side effect of witcher potions), and sometimes it seems that she's cleaver than her owner. Well... It's hard for me to disagree. Long live Roach! 😂🐎🗡️
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zacksnydered · 8 months
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"Do give our best to the Elder Blood princess." Netflix’s The Witcher ‧ Unbound
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winters-mistress · 7 months
Cuddle pile
It's cold. It's so fucking cold that Ciri thinks she may honestly ask the gods to take her to the next world, because nothing can be as cold as this. She's got two pairs of leggings on, two pairs of socks, one of Geralt's tunics, her pair of gloves that Eskel had found for her, and she's buried underneath several blankets. Yet, she's so cold. She's so fucking cold.
The door opens, she can hear the squeak of the hinges. Footsteps come towards her, she can tell by the gait that it's Geralt, he's trying to be quiet, but he knows she's awake.
"Ciri?" she peaks out of her cocoon of blankets, one eye blinking up at him. His lip twitches, and he reaches towards her. "Cone here, it's too cold for you to be here alone. Especially with the fire refusing to catch."
She realises that the fireplace and the torches are dead. How many times has somebody came in and tried to warm her, only for the wind to blow it out?
Her thoughts distract her enough that Geralts breath upon her cheeks startle her, but she doesn't jump when his arks finally pick her up, blanket cocoon and all.
She makes a questioning noise, but never says no to Geralt giving her a hug. She's carried like a baby out of her room, out of the wing, down two flights of stairs, down another corridor, a third set of stairs, before they end up at the kitchens.
She makes a confused noise. It can't be breakfast time yet, the keep is pitch black to her puny human eyes.
"Why're we here?" she asks, rubbing her tired eyes.
"It's too cold, even for us. Gotta rest." Geralt says. Ciri blinks at him.
All in all, the witchers are good when it comes to her sleeping. When her nights are plagued with the horrors of her past and future, and she wakes up screaming with wet cheeks, the witchers let her sleep in whenever her rest finally turns peaceful and dark. They allow her afternoon naps after training and chores are done, and send her to bed when she stumbles into the dining hall with dark circles under her eyes. Early nights and late starts aren't punished, and as long as training and chores are completed at some point in the day, the witchers don't particularly care when it happens. Hell, shes been wrapped up like a baby by Lambert of all people when they had determined she needed a sleep.
Which is why it shouldn't be surprising when he turns the last corner and finds five Witchers laying a couple feet away from the cracking fireplace underneath the stew pot. They've got blankets and pillows and furs, and look rather comfortable. Laying all over each other, looking rather like a puppy pile. Even Aiden joins in with the snuggling.
"Pups." Vesemir rumbles when he sees them both. Geralt puts her on the floor, kneeling down next to her.
"Come here, girl, get comfortable. Gonna be making camp here for a couple'a days." Coën clarifies when he sees her confused face. Ciri blinks, but nods. These things make sense, and she's seen all the men here hug, but admittedly, this is the first cuddle pile she's been privy to.
She turns upon her side, feeling Geralt curl behind her, trapping her in with his arms, wrapping her in another blanket. She hums, wrapping her hand over his, before Eskel pulls them both close, and she smiles, closing her eyes, feeling the warmth seep into her.
And tonight, she will sleep sweetly indeed.
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