#getting stonewall reader soon
snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
need 2 read more queer history books.
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azriels-human · 4 months
In Your Dreams: II ☁️🌙☁️
Azriel x Reader
A/n: Heyy😖 sorry for the long delay. Lowkey, I don’t like using Y/n but since it’s more Azriel’s POV we just have to put up with it. God gives his strongest battles to his strongest warriors😔✊🏽
Summary: Az isn’t very fond of the newest member of the Night Court so much so that you even plague his dreams.
Warnings: Smut. MDNI.
Part I
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Azriel could help but let his mind wander to that dream. To the way you looked at his mercy and how his name sounded coming from your lips. Those lush rosy lips.
Azriel hits the ground forcefully, his sword flying out of sight.
Cassian rolls his eyes and extends a hand to his brother. “What the hells is it? You’re distracted this morning.”
Azriel takes his hand, standing to his feet. “Nothing.”
Cassian tugs Azriel’s hand and gives him a knowing look. “Is it the stuff with Elain?”
Azriel’s brow pinches in confusion for just a second before he answers. “No. There is no ‘stuff’ with Elain.”
As Rhysand had made it very clear to him.
For a moment he’d forgotten of the incident he shared with the Archeron sister. Of course, he has thought of her many times since but she is not what plagued his thoughts this morning.
It was you, quite the opposite, in fact.
While Elain is the picture of innocent loveliness and blooming roses, you are the essence of grim allure. The thorns of those roses.
Shit, he even forgot that he promised to take Elain to her favorite bakery as soon as he returned from his mission. He’d been so focused on not focusing on you that he hadn’t even tried to find her at all yesterday.
Another thing he adds to the mental list of reasons not to like you.
“Then what is it?” Cassian asks, readying his blade for more action while Azriel picks up his own.
Though his distaste for you is apparent, he hasn’t spoken of you to anyone but Rhysand. The only reason he ever does is to get him to do something about you. What that something is, he’s not too sure but anything works at this point.
“I have to take…Y/N with me on a mission tomorrow.” Your name feels so foreign on his tongue, chilling, as if speaking it would summon you.
Cassian shrugs, gesturing for Azriel to strike him first in their new round of training and he does. The two begin to spar once more.
“What of it?” Cassian asks dodging Azriel’s attacks.
“Only that I cannot stand the sight or smell or idea of her.” Az grunts.
“Yeah, I kind of got that.” Cass chuckles between blows. “Remind me why? is it because she out sneaked you?”
“She did not out sneak me!” Azriel growls. “Something is just off about her.”
“Like how bleak and foreboding she is.”
Cassian laughs, “I can’t argue with that. She’s definitely intimidating at first.”
“At first?”
“Well once I got to know her, I discovered that’s she’s actually pretty interesting.” Cassian swings his sword.
“Got to know her?” Cassians attack misses.
“Yeah. Shes kind of like you in that sense.”
Az staggers back, not from Cassian’s attacks but from utter shock. The accusation of being anything like you. “What do you mean by that? I’m not like her at all.”
“Just that some people aren’t as scary as they look.” Cassian doesn’t bother to strike Azriel in his baffled state.
Azriel really didn’t know what to make of it all, couldn’t picture you smiling and chatting away with Cassian. You’re all but a stonewall whenever he’s seen you. But Cassian wouldn’t just lie for the fun of it. Unless…
“Did Rhysand tell you to say that?” Azriel runs his hands through his hair, wiping the sweat that drips from his curled tips.
He doesn’t wait for an answer before returning his training sword to its proper area, Cassian in suit.
“Why would he?”
“Well he seems quite adamant on me getting along with her.”
“Maybe you should. She’s-”
“I get it Cass. Shes your new best friend but that certainly does not mean she has to be mine.” Azriel rolls his eyes. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a promise to keep.”
Thankfully, Elain wasn’t upset with Azriel’s forgetfulness, allowing him to escort her to her favorite bakery and even stopping by a jewelry shop for some new earrings.
“What do you think of these?” Elain asks pointing to a pair of small pearls.
Azriel leans forward, inspecting the timeless jewelry. “They’re very nice.”
Elain nods at the shop owner who adds them to the small pile of jewels she’s picked. “Maybe one more pair?” Elain sheepishly smiles.
Azriel nods. “Take your time.”
“How about you pick them?” Elain suggests. “They’re all so beautiful, I can’t choose.”
The idea makes Azriel smile at the middle Archeron sister. That she might like to wear something he chose for her.
Azriel scratched his chin examining the rows of elegant and extravagant jewelry. Gold, silver, diamonds, all kinds of jewelry that he knows she would appreciate but there is one piece that calls to him.
A unique piece for sure, nothing like he’d ever seen before. A silver pair of earrings with a stone so black it’s like looking into a void and the tiniest diamonds scattered across it like stars.
However, Elain is not who came to mind upon seeing them. It’s you.
The earrings would go flawlessly with your usual pure black attire but it’s the way they make him feel like he’s looking right at you.
His chest tightens. Daunting yet fascinating.
He hates himself for letting you distract him from Elain again. You, who could not be anymore different, should be far from his thoughts right now.
You steal his siphon, his thoughts, his dreams and he detests it. He just wants to return to the life he had before he knew of your existence.
“You seem to like those.” Elain’s tranquil voice brings Azriel out of his thoughts. “I’ll take them.”
The shop owner reaches for the unnerving jewels but Azriel stops him. “No, not those. The ones next to it.”
Azriel hadn’t even taken notice in the plain, diamond studs beside them and mentally cursed you for keeping him from finding a beautiful pair for Elain.
Elain nods and the owner rings her up.
The walk back to the house is silent. Azriel’s thoughts consisting of half trying not to replay his dream of you grinding on his cock and half wondering where the tension between he and Elain is coming from.
Did she know he was thinking of you when he saw the earrings? Was she upset that he’d chosen something so boring for her?
Whatever the reason, it’s your fault for being a parasite in his brain.
“You seem distracted lately.” Elain breaks the silence between them.
Distracted. The same thing Cassian had said this morning and what he is trying so hard not to let you do to him.
“It’s nothing. Just thinking about my assignment tomorrow.” It wasn’t a lie. You are the most troubling part of his work now too.
“Right, you’re going to the Hewn City with Y/n.”
Azriel’s eyes almost leave his skull at Elain’s comment. You are not a topic he EVER needs to speak of with Elain.
Elain giggles, “She told me about it.”
“You…talk to her?” Azriel asks incredulously. It’s one thing to hear that Cassian has spoken to her but Elain? Sweet, sunshine Elain?
Elain nods, “Why wouldn’t I?”
Azriel shakes his head. It felt like worlds colliding. World’s he didn’t want to mix at all.
It was foolish of him to believe Elain wouldn’t talk to you though. Despite her months of casting everyone out, Elain is kind hearted.
Even before the cauldron, when she was afraid of him, she still did her best to be polite.
“I just assumed she didn’t speak to anyone.”
Again, Elain laughs. “She gets along quite well with everyone.”
Another piece of shocking information. “Everyone?”
Elain nods. “I won’t lie, she’s a bit scary when she’s quiet, but one day she asked to join me while baking and I got to know her a bit.”
You approached her? Azriel didn’t think he could be anymore shocked but there he was his jaw practically on the floor.
That isn’t at all like what he imagined you to be like. With your cold and strange disposition, he couldn’t even imagine you and Elain in the same room, let alone baking together.
Now, Azriel by no means believes Elain to be a liar but the thought of you actually getting along with his family is so…bizarre. He needs to know for himself to believe it. So he set forth on his own personal mission.
Upon his departure from Elain at the House, Azriel begins the search for his first witness, Mor.
He beelines for her room, knocking on her door a bit too urgently.
She’ll tell me him the truth.
Mor opens her door, brow pinched in slight annoyance. “Want to knock a bit louder?”
“Have you spoken to Y/n?” Azriel wastes no time on formalities or her mood.
“About?” Mor shrugs.
“Anything. Anything at all.” Azriel sighs, growing impatient. He needs answers now, before he’s stuck with you for Gods know how long tomorrow.
“Uh…yes?” Mor’s irritation turning into confusion.
She shakes her head, her confusion only furthering. “And what? I don’t know what you’re asking me, Az.”
“What do you think of her? What did you talk about?” Azriel runs a hand through his hair trying to calm his edge as he realizes how frantic he is coming off.
Mor taps her finger against her chin. “She’s great! We talk about clothes, we talk about clubs, we talk about boys.” Mor wiggles her eyebrows.
Boys? He didn’t care about that. He wants to know what she knows about you.
Yet he couldn’t help himself.
“What ‘boys’?” Azriel glances down the hallway, as if you’d appear there, staring him down as you always do. “Anyone I should be concerned about?”
Mor chuckles and rolls her eyes. “None. Unless you’re concerned with who she may share a bed with.”
Something like nausea twist in his gut. He did not need to know that. He will absolutely never need to know that.
“I am most definitely not. I mean, is there anything suspicious about her? Anything I should know?” Azriel shakes the thought from his head.
“Nope. She seems alright to me. Anymore questions that you can find out for yourself?”
Azriel resists the urge to learn every detail she knows and shakes his head, bidding her a good evening and setting off to search for the next subject to his questions. If there’s anyone that will tell him what he wants to hear, it’s Nesta.
Azriel finds Nesta lounging in the den, a book (that she obviously is very concentrated on) in hand.
Nesta isn’t fond of being interrupted while reading but this is important and time sensitive. He needs to know who it is he’s going to be stuck with.
Azriel clears his throat, stepping into the den. Nesta continues to read.
He clears his throat again, a bit louder this time.
“I’m busy.” Her eyes remain in the book.
“What do you think of Y/n.” Azriel decides it’s might be worse to try and ease her into conversation.
To his surprise, she actually looks up. A smirk stretches across her lips as she puts her book down and crosses her arms. “Why the sudden interest? I didn’t think you liked the poor girl.”
Poor girl? Nesta thinks you’re the victim here? He’s the one you stole from.
“That doesn’t matter. Do you like her or do you not?” Azriel asks, doubt begins to fill the hope he held out for anyone else to feel what he feels.
Nesta waves him off. “If you’re not going to tell me, then I’m not going to have answers.”
Azriel’s patience is worn thin at this point. He has a feeling he knows her answer. He just wants to rip the band aid off.
“My only interest is making sure she isn’t going to stab me in my sleep when I take her with me on my assignment tomorrow.” His hands rest on his hips, awaiting Nesta’s response.
Nesta scoffs. “I doubt that. Though it seems you might be the one doing the stabbing. You look like you’re going insane.”
“I feel like I am.” Azriel slumps onto the sofa across from Nesta and burries his face into his palms.
He doesn’t know what to think and he has yet to see any of this ‘great’ personality as Mor had described you. Anytime he has been around you, you’ve always been tucked away in a corner, languishing in your own mysterious presence.
“Stop being so stubborn and talk to her. Maybe then you won’t run away like a scared child when you see her.” Nesta pokes fun at him but he couldn’t deny that he mostly feels the need to flee when you are around.
Speaking to you does not sound appealing, not only because you seem as interesting as watching paint dry, but mostly because of how you make him feel.
Being face to face with you always results in his every nerve being on fire and a gripping ache in his abdomen that won’t go away. He’s on high alert, anxious that you’ll break from your spine chilling stillness and put your cunning skills to use.
You are a source of stress that he does not know how to relieve. Even after learning that you’ve earned his family’s affection, he can’t settle the unease that you stir in him.
But he’s afraid everyone is right. Maybe it’s best for him to grow a pair and face the discomfort to try and alleviate some it at least.
Azriel hesitantly searches for you throughout the rest of the evening and night, occasionally gathering the courage to peak into a room to see if you are there.
He has faced beasts and armies and kings yet facing you is what terrifies him?
The walk to the library felt long in the dead silent house. Not even Cassian’s snores can be heard from here and it only makes Azriel more nervous.
Since he could not find you anywhere else, the library seems to be where you hide at night.
He silently creeps into the library. The illumination of moonlight from the back of the room proves him right as he slips past the row of bookcases until he reaches the now open balcony.
There you were lying on the bench, eyes closed, hands tucked tightly to your chest.
Now he’s sure you are insane. Sleeping on a hard bench in the cold night.
Azriel stalks towards you, unsure if he should wake you or let you freeze the death. Maybe that’ll solve this whole thing.
But once again he just can’t walk away.
Your skin seems to glow in the moonlight and each strand of your hair glitters in the gentle night breeze. Peace replaces your usual stone features.
Heat pulses through his veins and his every nerve begins to vibrate with alarm just as he knew they would. Except there was something more.
It’s not only that he can’t leave but its as if once he gets close enough to smell you, to notice the details of your being and to be able to reach out and touch you, he is lost to an unseen enchantment that only draws him closer.
Azriel looks down over your sleeping form. His eyes roam over your nightgown clad figure. The hem, riding dangerously up your thigh, would do absolutely nothing to cover your center if you move half an inch.
Visions of his degenerate dream flit through his mind, the lewd things he did to you. The sound of your breathless moans and the feeling of your tight pussy contracting around his fingers as you came.
Unwelcomed desire pinches deep in his stomach. Despite his best attempt to push down the carnal feeling, all is for not when his eyes lock onto your lips.
Pink and plump and parted in your slumber, he cannot look away, can’t stop the vulgar thoughts flooding his mind. Hypnotized, his fingers twitch with the need to touch, to feel, to know.
Cauldron, he needs to know.
“Do you enjoy watching people sleep?”
Azriel jumps back as his heartbeat sky rockets. What the hells is wrong with you!?
You look up at him through your lashes. “Well?”
What is he even supposed to say? There is no way to make staring at someone while they sleep sound normal.
Azriel swallows, “I was making sure you weren’t up to anything.” Turning the tables of accusations is one way.
Your brow quirks up. “Oh? And what exactly do you think I’d be up to?”
Azriel shakes his head as if it should be obvious. “Stealing.”
“Stealing? With my eyes closed?” You scratch your chin. “Though I probably could from you.”
Lightning strikes his pride. “You could not. Even the worst of the worst get lucky from time to time.”
The corner of your tempting lips curl into a smirk and a chuckle escapes them. You laughed. He made you laugh. Not at all intentional but still the sound weaves its way into the deepest corner of his mind, engraving its melody for what he knows will be eternity.
He wants to hear it again.
“Okay. So what would I be stealing?” You sit up. Azriel doesn’t miss the way your soft thighs glide against each other as you cross your legs.
“Whatever you can get your little hands on.” Azriel sneers, already regretting letting everyone influence him to speak with you.
“Hm. Well, I can get these ‘little hands’ wrapped around just about anything. Sounds like you’ve got trouble then.” The smirk on your lips turns devious, like a cat toying with a mouse.
Your choice of words incite that thrill in him again. The same one when he retrieved his siphon. The same one he felt fucking you with his fingers in his dream.
“Say I was stealing, what would you do to me?” You blink once, twice.
Azriel couldn’t ignore the thrum of his heart. Just as you had in his dream, you feign innocence. Chin tilted down as you watch him behind long fluttering lashes. “I’d…”
You did not want to know what he’d do to you. What he had done to you.
For stealing he’d send you somewhere as dark and cold as you. For your arrogant attitude, it would involve three fingers in your soaking cunt and your ass grinding on his throbbing cock.
“Rhysand would lock you away.” Azriel keeps himself out of the scenario completely. He’ll be damned if he shows you just how much your provocative choice of words affect him.
“He already didn’t do that.” You pout. His frown must be more apparent than he thought it to be because your vacant eyes fill with a devilish amusement.
It’s blow after blow at his dignity as a spy master. Azriel’s ego was never high to begin with but your words get under his skin. “Yeah, instead he decided to give a very important job to a less than impressive thief.”
You chuckle again.
Azriel scoffs. Why are you laughing at his jabs at you? Why aren’t you as annoyed and desperate to end this conversation as he is?
“I beg to differ. I did impress the High Lord.” You lean forward just an inch. An inch that seems like a mile to Azriel. “And I think I impressed you too.”
“Impressed by a common thief from the slums of the Hewn City?” Azriel wanted to hit where it hurt, to knock you off your high horse.
“Where I’m from you’re either a thief or a whore.” You shrug, brushing your hair over your shoulder. “I chose thief.”
The persistent ache deepens within him as he recalls the noises you made in his dream. The way you begged to feel his fingers and make a mess of you. The way he had made you his whore.
“Maybe you would have been better at the latter.” Azriel steadies his breaths, unsure if he truly meant offense. He wanted to mean it that way but his crude memories begin to blur that line between hate and desire.
You stand from the bench, eyes never leaving his with their crushing weight. “You think I’d make a good whore?”
You take a step towards him only this time he did not step back. You tilt your chin up, a knowing look dances across your expression.
“More than a thief.”
“Why?” You ask.
Why not? Is what he wanted to say. How could you not when you made such tempting noises and felt so fucking good against him.
Upon his lack of response, your sultry smirk returns. “Is it my body? My face?”
Both. Your figure is one thing but your face is a whole other. Your darkened eyes stare into his soul, cheeks tinted pink from the pinch of the cold air and your pretty lips just waiting to be kissed.
Gods, you’re incredibly beautiful. Every time he sees you, he notices something new. More and more beautiful each time.
Azriel can’t help but stare, unable to say the words he wished to say. All he could focus on is how badly he wants your hand on his chest. For it to travel lower and lower until he stops you. For his all consuming dream to become a reality.
“Tell me what would make me a good whore.” You challenge.
He couldn’t think. With you standing so close he can feel the warmth of your skin through his leathers. He could touch you, the real you, only inches apart.
He could know how soft your kiss is in a split second.
His eyes flit to your lips then back to your magnetic eyes.
Suddenly you burst into laughter. Full blown laughter as you clutch your chest from the hysterics.
Azriel steps back in surprise.
“Don’t tell me you want a kiss, spy master?” Your lips curled back in a full grin, perfect teeth gleaming back at him.
A mix of humiliation and awe swirl through his every sense. Cruel splendor you are.
You chuckle once more and wink at him as you make your way out. “In your dreams.”
If only you knew. He doesn’t know if he’s furious or turned on but either way, he’ll make sure you pay for it tomorrow.
Azriel plops down onto his bed, running his hands over his face, a deep sigh following.
What was he to do about you? That conversation went far worse than he anticipated. Instead of finding some kind of relief to his assumptions, he found that he wants to fuck you senseless. The attitude mixed with that silver tongue of yours is a lethal combination, cracking down on his hard exterior.
He only hopes you’ll stay silent so he can focus on the assignment instead of your lips.
His pants tighten at the thought of them. How your lips would look so good around him.
Azriel couldn’t help but squirm, the friction of his pants against his cock making him even harder inside them.
His hands don’t leave his face, embarrassment and desire flood his senses.
His hips move in slow, deep circles. The soft fabric of his briefs caressing him.
“Having fun by yourself, Shadowsinger?” Azriel silently gasps, sitting up to see you stood in the center of his bedroom. Nightgown clinging to your body, loose hair swaying at you tilt your head to the side.
“Get out.” Azriel growls. As much as he tries to avoid you, one conversation has you following him around like a lost puppy?
“That’s no way to talk to a lady.” You pout.
“Leave.” Azriel points to his door. Heart racing, from surprise or lust he doesn’t know.
You shake your head, silky thighs brushing against each other as you move towards him. “You don’t want me to leave.”
“Leave.” Azriel repeats hardly over a whisper, chest visibly rising and falling with each heavy breath.
“You don’t want me to leave.” You match his volume. Your condescending tone mocking his decaying self control as you come to a halt right between his thighs.
You look down at him with those dark eyes. Words, thoughts, air all elude him as you lower yourself.
Azriel’s eyes never leave yours, his lips part slightly in fascination at the sight you kneeled before him.
“Do you?” You ask virtuously.
Azriel subtly shakes his head
Your pouted lips morph into a wicked smirk. “Then tell me I’m better.”
Azriel blinks. Confusion trickling into his intoxicating lust. “What?”
“Tell me that I’m better.”
“A better what? Whore?”
You scoff a laugh. “Spy. Everyone thinks it already, just admit I’m better.”
The haze of infatuation decomposes into disdain. For only a second he forgot about that arrogance, that you aren’t this innocent, amazing person everyone thinks you to be. You’re rotten and he’ll make sure you know it. Tonight he’ll teach you.
Azriel roughly grips your jaw in his hand, jerking you closer to him. An inaudible squeak leaving your puckered lips as your eyes widen at the unexpected movement.
“You will never be a better spy than me. You’re hardly a good thief.” Azriel’s grip tightens, pushing your lips even more together. His index finger brushes over them before he presses it down hard to keep you silent. “I still think you’d make a better whore.”
Your muffled response is lost on him as he squeezes even harder. You flinch at the ache forming in your cheeks.
“You’re going to show me just how good of a whore you can be.” Azriel’s thumb caresses your jaw. You glare at him but it only earns you a wry smile. Seeing you start to become irate just as you make him every second of the day is so satisfying.
“Show me.” Azriel releases you with a shove of your face. He leans back slightly on his palm, it’s his turn to wear the arrogant smirk.
And it’s your turn to be speechless. You only sit there, jaw clenched and red with his finger prints, debating your next move. “Not until you give me what I want.”
Azriel’s smirk widens. “I don’t think you understand. You are going to give me everything that I want and you are going to take everything I give you. Every last inch.”
You sneer up at him, eye glaring with animosity. Yet you stay there on your knees for him.
“Come here.” He coos, gesturing you to lean closer. Hesitantly, you come closer. His eyes fixate on your mouth again as he brings his index and pointer finger to rest on your bottom lip. “Open.”
You don’t open. You only glare at him as his fingers play with your lips. Moving them side to side trying to find an entrance into your mouth.
“I said open.” Azriel growls growing impatient with your attitude.
You take a second, another before parting your lips slightly. Letting him slide his long jagged fingers into your mouth. They slide across your tongue, reaching even further until they touch the back of your throat. Knuckles pressed to your lips.
Your eyes squeeze shut holding back a gag, his fingers curling deep in your throat. “This is where I want my cock. All the way back here, baby.”
He pulls his drenched fingers from your throat, sending you into a coughing fit as you try catching your breath.
Azriel chuckles, completely taking pleasure in assaulting your pride. “Good whore. Now show me where it goes.”
Your chest rises and falls with heavy breaths as you glare up at him. “Fuck you.”
Azriel frees himself from the confinement of his pants. His throbbing member eaking with need. You bite the inside of your cheek, contemplation in your stare.
You roll your eyes with a grimace before sticking out your tongue and dragging in from his base to his cum beaded tip.
Azriel takes in a sharp breath.
You roll your eyes again, taking his head into your mouth. Lazily and indifferent you bob your head around his tip.
Azriel scoffs, lacing his fingers through your hair and tugging you off of him. He leers down at you. “Don’t be a fucking brat. Suck my cock.”
He pulls you back down into him. Your soft whimper duly noted.
You wrap your mouth around his shaft, slowly sinking, throat stretching as he guides you further.
A strangled moan leaves Azriel when his head hits the back of your throat. You gag around him, clamping his stiffness.
His stomach tightens at the euphoric feeling. He can’t imagine you anywhere but here with his cock down your throat forever.
You go to pull away but his hand holds you down tightly.
“Not yet. Stay right there.” Azriel moans, grinding his hips into your face, wanting every inch of himself to be covered in your warm saliva. “Stay right fucking there.”
You gag again, reaching up and digging your nails into his thighs as his cock pulses in your throat. He groans pulling off of him again.
Your coughs are replaced by whines as you struggle to regain your breath. “Asshole.”
Azriel laughs at the image before him. Your cheeks pink from the pressure, drool dripping from your lips and eyes glossy. He reaches out, swiping his thumb over your tantalizing lips, spreading your spit across them.
You turn your head away, glaring daggers he knows you wish to impale him with at this very second. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Bullshit.” Azriel smirks. You raise a brow in question. “I think you’re bullshitting. You want my cock in your mouth. You want me to stretch that little throat of yours.”
Azriel gently caresses your jaw. Your eyes fluttering shut. “You want me to fuck your face until you’re covered in my cum.”
You open your half lidded eyes, chewing on your bottom lip. Unadulterated lust filling your gaze.
He could cum at this sight alone.
Azriel pushes your loose strands behind your ear and his hand slides to the back of your head, cradling you with affection. “Now suck it and make it yours, angel.”
You waste no time, taking him as far as you can, bobbing your head up and down, sucking and twisting and drooling all over him.
“Oh shit.” Azriel’s eyes roll to the back of his head. He grips your hair, not needing to guide you anymore. You devour him with an insatiable hunger, gagging and choking around him.
Azriel brings both hands to cup your face and hold it still. “F-fuck, look at me.”
You look up at him with wide eyes, tears streaking your cheeks. His hips thrust up into your tight throat, wanting to be impossibly deeper in your warmth. “You look so good choking on my cock.”
Your nose crinkles as you smile and what he assumes is your muffled attempt at giggling vibrates around him. “So fucking beautiful.”
Azriel continues to drive himself into your mouth. Tension begins to build inside him, hips bucking as he starts to lose his pace in the heightening feeling.
“I’m close. Fuck!” Azriel pulls your mouth off of him. You whine at the sudden loss but quickly open wide and stick your tongue out with excitement.
Azriel groans taking his cock in his hand and stroking desperately as he tilts your head back. His tip brushing your tongue earning even more moans from the Shadowsinger.
Azriel lets out a long, breathy moan, feeling himself start to come undone. Shockwaves grip his entire body as hot white ribbons shoot across your tongue and face. A smile graces your lips as you hum in content.
Azriel gawks at his masterpiece in admiration.
You swipe your fingers over your cheek, gathering his seed and toying with it. You chuckle and he can’t help but do the same.
“I do make a good whore.” You smirk before leaning forward. Your eyes closing gently as you slowly tilt your head and come closer.
You were going to kiss him. Azriel’s heart beats even more rapidly. You were going to kiss him and he would finally know.
Azriel closes his own eyes, awaiting your lips.
Azriel opens his eyes to see the ceiling. He sits up finding himself in the same position he had upon returning to his room last night.
Another dream? How? You were right there, making him cum.
Azriel sighs, making his way to the bathroom to clean up the mess he’d made of himself.
This is going to be the longest day ever.
Tag list:
@quinzzelx @mybestfriendmademe @quiettuba @kksbookstuff @bloodicka @lilah-asteria @honk4emoboyz
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flem17ng · 5 months
Vault Dweller's guide to perpetuating America:
Lucy Maclean x Fem!reader
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Summary: Lucy is getting married and reader is forced to watch. but vault tech never planned for the inevitability of Sapphics…
Content: Fluff and angst, systematic homophobia, happy ending, no use of y/n
Authors note: Let me know if you want more of this or have any prompts to send it :)
Word count: 3.1K
Gay people were not a thing according to Vault Tech. They did not add to the breading pool, they did not fit into the nuclear future, they simply did not fit in the vault. Unlike sperm, cola, and corn, homosexuals did not play a key part in perpetuating the American dream. This was a good enough explanation for anyone willing to enquire (and enquire they had in the early years of Vault 33), but overall, as the years of confinement and isolation dragged on, and marriage for the sake of breading continued, homosexuality was quite simply... forgotten.
Rely on a schooling system created by greying, rich, white men to eradicate historical depictions of minorities. Education in the vaults was about the great west, cowboys, the splitting of the atom, the creation of the commonwealths, and the importance of capitalism; education was certainly not for understanding the distant Stonewall riots or the ancient tunes of "Freddy Mercury". heck! This was the new world! a once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape society! If Vault Tech could systematically remove a section of society that could not reproduce and thus could not recolonize the wasteland then they sure as hell would do just that.
Now let's be clear: Vault Tech loves and values all its customers! The fight against the Reds was the fight for American freedom, for the dream, for the nuclear family, for the blue, white, and red! America celebrates freedom for all! but even in the great year of 2077, scientists at Vault tech simply couldn't work in the variable of homosexuals into the Vault system. At least not into the control vaults. Systematic eradication is, by all means, easier than acceptance.
Vault 33! One vault in a triad with 31 and 32. A dedicated meritocracy built on the values of one's good deeds. Lucy Maclean prided herself on her merit and her ethics. She knew how to de-escalate a conflict, she knew how to stand up for her beliefs, and she knew the importance of kindness. She also knew her valuable role as a woman in the Vault 33 society.
As a woman, the daughter of the overseer, she would be a community leader, a history teacher, and maybe later in life, she would run for council. As a woman, she would also get married (preferably not to her cousin) and have little vault babies who would grow up, learn their own merit, and so on and so on. To say that Lucy was comfortable and fulfilled by this prediction of her life would be... a vast exaggeration.
Yes, she understood her importance as a potential mother! Yes, she loved and valued her community, her family, and her job. But something stopped her from becoming stagnant. Something about this perfect path she had been given just wasn't right for her. It grated at her relentlessly, a thorn in her side, a nagging hunch she couldn't shake. Surely it would change on the day of her wedding. She would meet her husband, kiss, make babies, have cake and everything would settle. The unease she felt would lessen and she would accept her designated role.
"I am so glad your marriage application was accepted! I just cannot wait for you to join us wives!" Steph squeaked, one hand cradling the ever-growing bump in her tummy while the other waved around to illustrate her excitement. Steph was the carbon copy of what Vault Tech stood for: she was a wife, a soon-to-be mother, smart and strong-willed. She was drop-dead gorgeous with well-maintained hygiene. when you thought of the "American dream" you thought of Stephanie Harper.
Lucy grinned back, fighting the urge to roll her eyes (eye rolling was rude and there were more effective ways to respectfully communicate your disdain).
"Oh golly! to think in a few short hours I’ll be on my way to furthering the vault's great aim!" She smiled for real this time because she knew her discomfort did not stem from contempt for motherhood.
"Oh, Lucy spare me the lewd details!" Steph giggled before winking.
"I know you don't mean that Steph. you and me both know you want as much detail as I can give." Lucy chuckled, picking at the canned tuna on her plate.
The dining area near the cornfield was particularly packed today; everyone wanted one last glimpse of Lucy Maclean before she was assigned to the ranks of wife. The stares and whispers were not unwelcome, however. They reminded her of the community that she was a part of the community she had been raised to help and to eventually add to.
"I hope he's handsome" Steph breathed, looking begrudgingly at her own husband who was standing awkwardly next to the Nuka-Cola machine with Chet. Lucy just swallowed hard and nodded. It was easier to think about the more fun parts of marriage than linger on the particulars of her mystery partner.
She was grateful for the marriage of course. It meant an excuse to cut things off with Chet who had been steadily grating on her nerves since she was 15 (he seemed to love her and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't begin to think of him like that in return. his warm body was truly his only perk.) It was also a milestone for her, a badge of honor to her community service. This is what vault tech wanted! This is what America wanted!
Lucy pushed back from her chair, suddenly feeling nauseous. 
"Lucy, are you ok? you look a little pale dear?" Betty called from the seat next to her father. At the sound of her voice, the vault dwellers looked up to find Lucy standing awkwardly by her table.
"Oh! Yes, quite alright thank you!" she shrugged, teeth glinting with faux charm. "I just... I just wanted to have a nap before it gets too chaotic." lying was wrong. You were taught that very young in Vault 33. Lucy pushed down the stab of guilt before turning on her heels towards her family's shared apartment.
You watched her stand up from her table with a start that made you furrow your eyebrows and look away quickly. You would never admit to anyone that you had been staring at her, but you knew you had been. She was easy to stare at! She was a figure of authority, in a sweet and slightly clumsy way. Your excuse, should anyone catch you, was simply that you admired her can-do spirit! (that wasn't a lie though you couldn't label it as the truth either).
The other part of the truth was that you had been staring at her like a lost puppy since her marriage arrangement was announced. You and Lucy's friendship was... complicated. You had grown up together (as all vault children did), and your families were close (but not related as a "fun class DNA test" had proved during your school years). things got rocky as you got older though: Lucy was outgoing, confident, and stunning. All together just all the things you wished you were. That is, not to say you weren't pretty! In fact, you had received a few proposals in the past year (mostly from an anonymous admirer you knew was Davey, and a couple from Chet after he realized things with Lucy wouldn't work out). You and Lucy where still close, and to her, probably as uncomplicated at a friendship could get!
The complication was simply that to you it had become increasingly obvious that you were desperately in love with her.
You had noticed it first when you were about 14. Lucy was stunning, having never suffered the "awkward teenager" phase of adolescence, and was quickly discovering her hypnotic power over Chet. You weren't jealous of course! at least... not at first. But then it was more than Lucy's teasing flirtation: it was kissing, it was spending time with him more than usual. Suddenly you were jealous. Jealous in a way that couldn't be explained by the "Vault-Tech: Guild to female friendships" or "Vault-Tech: female adolescence in the Vault" or even by your mother's trusty copy of "surviving the teenage years: a manual sponsored by General atomics."
It got worse when you turned 17. Sex Education was vitally important in Vault education. it prevented the spread of disease, enabled knowledgeable future mothers and fathers, and fostered respect and dignity between men and women. It was in one of these detailed lessons that you caught yourself watching Lucy's expression: laughing at times, cringing at the birth diagrams, blushing at parts with a quick side eye to you. 
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks as your eyes fluttered to her lips and lingered there for a moment too long. It hit you again at 18 during your "prom" when Lucy danced with you slowly as the light from the 2.5D Telesonic projector scattered across her cheekbones and lit up her doe-eyes. you remember almost pushing her away from the force of it. The force of the feeling, the emotion, the unholy urge to press your lips to hers that caught you like a punch.
That night you had curled in a ball and prayed. you did not know who "god" was, but you'd heard about him in class before. You prayed to him to make you a boy, to change your emotions, to make things make sense again. Your mother had stroked your hair, not truly understanding your grief but accepting it and holding it for you like only a mother can.
In your world of perfect underground utopia, the truest sorrow you had ever felt was the realization that you loved Lucy Maclean.
It took you a split second to stand up and follow Lucy out of the atrium. A second in which your mind reeled and hesitated sickeningly before you shut it up. Lucy was your friend, and she needed you now. Your footsteps echoed down the hall as you took the familiar path along the "street" toward Lucy's home. The door was only just sliding shut as you reached it and you rushed to duck under.
Lucy was where you expected her to be: knees to her chest, curled up on the sofa. Her hands were clenched in front of her, and her eyes were set at some point just beyond the "radiation king" television set that was blasting its usual nature documentary. She didn't look up as you entered, but the slight dip in her shoulders told you that she knew you were there.
"Lucy?" you called quietly, kneeling on the rug near her. she turned to you slowly and smiled politely as she was raised to.
"hey" she muttered, clearly trying to keep her tone cheerful.
you fixed her a look before sitting softly next to her on the sofa. She remained in her tight ball.
"pre-wedding nerves?" you asked, ignoring the lump that formed just next to your heart at the thought of Lucy's marriage. You watched her expression for confirmation, but it never came. Instead, she furrowed her brows and looked back at the nothing behind the TV.
"I'm sure everyone gets nervous before their wedding Lucy. Steph could tell you a million stories of her 'pre-wedding wobbles'" you chuckled, remembering Stephs wedding day not long ago.
"Its... it's not that." Lucy finally responded, tightening her grip around her legs.
"Then wha-"
"What if I don't want this... Like I thought I did" she blurted, the words mushing together as she fought to get them out of her mouth. You pursed your lips, desperate for her to continue. After a moment of silence, she started again, quieter and more measured.
"I feel so... Wrong. and I don't know-" she cut herself off, swallowed, and began again, "I don't want what Steph has anymore." 
"What? the wedding? I'm sure your father would agree to a smaller celebration if you told him! I think he just likes to make a fuss of you."
Lucy shook her head. Finally, she let her legs fall away from her chest as she turned to face you with a dramatic sigh.
"I've always been so certain. and now... well I am certain but just not of the things I should be." She shut her eyes, needing to get away from your face for a moment. The lessons flashed in front of her eyes in quick succession: reclamation day, the purpose of the vaults, reproduction, male anatomy, romance, how to be a wife, the American dream. It flashed and flashed and then sank into her gut like an over-set Jello cake. 
You watched her face shift from carefully masked to strangely tortured and back again before she opened her eyes once more. how you missed those eyes in that moment you couldn't see them.
She reached forward and held your hand, her finders dusting over yours curiously as if she was handling some strange new specimen. she'd held your hand before, countless times in the 20 years you'd known each other; and yet her fingers felt tentative in a way they hadn't before.
"Lucy... it's ok to be scared, it's ok to feel unsure. heck, you know I spend most of my time feeling unsure." you cast her a weak smile, "I know you, and I know you will be an amazing bride to whoever you marry. You'll be a perfect wife; you’ll be an amazing mother and one day I know you'll make an amazing overseer as well. And Lucy? even if it feels hard, you know I'll always be here." You had long ago settled into your role of best friend, nothing more. You would be there, and you would love her (in a way approved by social expectations).
Lucy stayed quiet for a long time, still slowly tracing over your fingers with her own. It had clocked for her the moment you had entered the room after her dramatic exit from the atrium. she wasn't unsure, she wasn't uncertain. I fact, she felt as though she had never been more certain in her whole life.
Maybe it had started when she was 12, when you had helped her take her first ever stimpack: holding the needle steady, wiping her eyes with your own hand and giving her a little Vault-Boy band-aid to cover the little hole. 
Maybe it had started when she was 15 and getting a steady stream of attention from boys (mostly Chet) and could only watch your disdained reaction to her suitors. Even then she had a hunch that she cared more about your opinion on her "boyfriends" than the boys themselves.
Maybe it was when she was 18, pulling you through a maintenance tunnel by your hand with a high-pitched giggle and a determination to find a good meeting place for when you no longer had school to attend. She remembers your initial reluctance, followed by rebellious cheek that pushed you both further into the guts of the vault than you had planned on. She remembers the oil that had got on your face that she insisted on wiping away herself.
She tore her eyes away from your hands and stared at you with all the intensity and authority that the overseer’s daughter should possess.
"I’m not scared. and golly I feel about as far from unsure as a girl can be." her hands tightened around yours. "This vault... we are told what we do and what we feel. heck, they even tell us who we should marry! Maybe I'm being silly but that doesn't fit into the 'American dream' they are always yammering on about!" her voice rose had she got more passionate. you watched her with a mix of shock and awe (an emotion you often felt yourself feeling when you were around her)
"I've always nodded along to what they've told us! who am I to doubt the rules?" she continued, her eyes never leaving yours, "but this marriage... I don't want that!" she concluded with a huff, finally blinking and pursing her lips as if she'd suddenly gotten shy.
It was your turn to reach out to her now, freeing one of your hands from her grip and placing it softly on her shoulder. you put on a calm expression, but your heart betrayed you: beating rapidly as if trying to escape its spot behind your ribs.
"What is it you want if not the marriage?" you whispered, feeling the moments fragility.
a beat.
Lucy sighed, stealing herself. her eyes were no longer full of angry passion, but rather softer, watery. her expression seemed to mirror the way you knew you were looking at her.
"I think- no, I know... Gosh, I want you so badly" she breathed. 
Another war could have started and ended, and you wouldn't have noticed. The air stilled despite the constant circulation of the vents and the clock on the wall must have stopped ticking. Silence, a long silence that must have only spanned a fraction of a second.
Her words, like the flash of light as a fission reaction begins, followed by a lull followed by...
You launched forward before Lucy could hesitate, before you could leave her hanging, before she could dare think that you didn't want her back. her lips touched yours and it reminded you of the desperate prayers you used to send to the man called "god" (you thanked him now that he never changed you). There were no fireworks like the books said, no large, forced explosion, no splitting of an atom. Instead, it felt... inevitable, like the slow decay of an element, like aging gracefully, like coming home.
Her lips slotted against yours perfectly, softly and she gasped as she kissed you back. you kissed not for the purpose of "perpetuating America" or building the next generation of vault dwellers, but simply because you wanted to. 
She pulled back after a while, bleary eyes and pink-cheeked with a grin that made your heart grow.
"I did... know we could..." she let out before laughing, one hand covering her mouth while the other found its way to the side of your face where it lingered. You laughed too, sides splitting and eyes watering.
"Who the hell cares" you spluttered between laughs, leaning into Lucys hand.
"If it wasn't clear... I want you to. in a um... kissing way"
"Oh really? I wouldn't have guessed" she drawled playfully, "well then... I think we have a wedding to wreck."
"What will you tell them?"
She shrugged and scooched a little closer. "That's a future Lucy problem. Current Lucy is preoccupied..." She smiled at you in a manner that was really more of a smirk.
You had barely enough time to squeak out a rather excited "Okey Dokey" before it was her turn to shut you up with a kiss.
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lirational · 6 months
I think you've single-handedly gotten me into eldritch stuff. Well done! 😂 Sooo... would it be possible for any of the eldritch sinners to get Reader pregnant? 👀 If any of the other sinners are anything like Shalom, especially the S-class ones, who can do stuff like bend reality to their will, knocking up their favorite scientist might as well be child's play. And I'm sure any number of those women would have quite the breeding kink... 😏 Or since Scientist!Reader is all about learning new things and finding answers, maybe she happens to wander into a cell without realizing it's eldritch breeding season, and she gets /quite/ an educational lesson.
Yep! They definitely can.
That eldritch Shalom was actually based off a Cthulhu Mythos monster I once saw detailed on tvtropes. The creature lurks in mazes and if it sees you, it will chase you and corner you, then offer you a choice, be smashed into bloody pulp (which is an arguably better fate) or let it implant its egg into your body, which will eventually hatch and well, break your body into countless amount of its brood. I just added the reality bending bc it’s more fun that way, haha!
Mature content under the cut~
Of course~
You are so small, fragile and curious, and as a newbie, you haven’t quite mastered the art of not letting the eldritch beings get under your skin for their amusement by giving them stonewalling/evasive replies, so, often getting you as their assigned researcher would be the highlight of their day. As much as the other researchers are fun to tease and scare, you’re their favorite and it definitely shows.
When you get into their cell while they’re on breeding season…
Good luck, soldier 🫡
Shalom is far from the worst about it, but she can and will nudge you to comply with her mind control and reality warping. The plus side is that she knows all your sweet spots and will make you feel mind-melting pleasure while she puts the eggs inside you, and when you don’t come back to her in time and she didn’t get to help you through the hatching, well, let’s just say you will not be walking anytime soon, not until all the few dozen eggs inside hatch into tiny creatures. Well, even if you see her before that and she helps you, she’s all too glad to fill you up again, so… :D. At least, you can take comfort in the fact that if she breeds you, you’re staying human unless she feels like warping you a little. I’m sure the facility won’t mind sacrificing one of their researcher to keep one of the monsters happy and content.
Dreya approaches breeding season as almost an afterthought to her all-consuming thirst for knowledge, but in exchange, she can drown you in sensations that envelops every inch of your body, mind, and soul, and you will (might as well) very literally see the stars with her. However, with each time you become one with her, you will be a little less human, her forbidden knowledge taking form as sharpened crystalline growths start to dot your limbs, each reflecting the image of vast cosmos that draw you in, engulfing your mind and humanity. But even under the threat of your humanity perishing in the skies of forbidden knowledge, you will still come back to her, right?
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Quiet on the Path (Male!Witcher x Jaskier)
Hello! can i request a jaskier x witcher male reader?
tw injury mention
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"Is he... going to keep following us?"
The bard had dared to hope that Geralt was an outlier when it came to general chattiness among witchers, but apparently he was among the more talky of the breed.
Being nearly speared through the gut by the branches of a leshen had not improved Geralt's dour demeanor. Luckily Geralt was aware they were skirting the general territory of another witcher.
He had not spoken a single word, this other witcher. At first Jaskier assumed they spoke in magic ways, but soon realized the signs they used were not the typical Witcher signs.
Jaskier had found himself thrown bodily from the little cabin this witcher had resided in while he healed Geralt with concoctions and herbal remedies.
Jaskier never thought he'd miss Geralt's gruff and blunt stoicism, but it was better than completely being stonewalled.
In any case, they had left when Geralt was well enough to travel, although he had spotted the silent witcher following them.
"He's an old nanny goat, worse than Vesemir." Geralt rolled his eyes. "He didn't think I was better enough to ride yet. He'll follow us for another fortnight, at least."
"First off, only you could try and make such a giant of a man seem less intimidating by calling him a nanny goat. Second, how in the living hell did you get all that? He hasn't said a word since we arrived!"
Geralt's face bordered on disappointment, and Jaskier felt an unfamiliar twinge of shame. "I thought a bard would be the first to know that words are only one way to communicate ideas."
That week is the most frustrating of Jaskier's life. There are no words spoken, but the conversation, for once, is one that the bard cannot follow. Geralt and his silent companion move their hands almost too quickly to be seen, clearly using a language of signs that Jaskier cannot hope to decipher.
Geralt is more animated than ever, laughing his deep raspy laugh and leaning back in contentment, and Jaskier practically growls at not having the secret of how to get Geralt in this mood revealed to him.
He keeps attempting to catch the silent witcher off guard, to trick him into speaking. He knows he's not deaf, because there was a smirk when he asked a whispered question to Geralt, asking if this witcher was one of his brothers.
But nothing happens, not until Geralt has gone off hunting, and the silent one is left alone with Jaskier as they make camp.
Jaskier can barely abide silence, so he talks as much as he can. He asks questions but doesn't even leave space for answers.
To be honest, it sounds almost as if he's on the verge of a panic attack by the time the witcher's massive hand clamps over his mouth, stifling the flow of words.
"Are you done?" the witcher smirks, and Jaskier shudders at the sound of the voice.
He nods, unable to get any words out.
"I tend not to speak. I use my hands instead. But your... interest. It is... intriguing."
When Geralt returns to camp after the hunt, he's not entirely surprised to find Jaskier pinned down flat as the witcher kisses him.
"Well, that's one way to shut him up." Geralt laughs. The witcher sits up, still straddling Jaskier, placing a hand back over the bard's mouth despite a protest.
I like him. I'm keeping him. he signed.
Geralt only chuckled.
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calummss · 2 years
Love Resembles Misty Dream | Aemond Targaryen
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summary: as daughter of the hand of the king, not everything comes to you. aemond and you are madly in love, the only problem? there is a slim chance of getting married. it seems the old and new gods have not decided your fate just yet
pairing: fem! reader x aemond targaryen
words: 2.3k
a/n: wrote this bc i only found smut and we need fluffy aemond fics. this aemond is written canonically, but he would only act like this for that one specific person, no one else. i also changed the timeline slightly so that otto was disposed of after alicent gave birth to aemond. okay enjoy
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‘Dragonpit after sunrise. I’ll see you then my love.’
Your heart fluttered in excitement as you read the letter, written with the black ink you came to know so well. You have received similar scrolls over the years, yet every time the words swirled around your mind, you could feel your heart beating faster. It was a reminder that even after all these years he still made you nervous; excited; over the moon. You knew it was love by the way you felt, and knowing him, he loved you so much he would start a war over you.
The light of the moon did not seem to want to leave the dark sky anytime soon. Only the flicker of a candle lit up your chamber, illuminating orange between the misty air.
You stroked the parchment with your thumb, the other hand hidden under your head as you waited for the sun to rise.
Your father was a guest at the court, turned Hand of the King when Otto Hightower had his position taken from him. Days at court were boring, considering that there were barely any girls at court your age with the exception of Princess Helaena Targaryen. But her brother Aemond was who took your interest. You had observed him the first few weeks and noticed he was bold, wild, willful, hot-tempered and unforgiving. He grew up to be a proficient and dangerous swordsman. He had a weird calmness to him which made him scary to most, but somehow you had befriended him. You knew how odd that was when people started to stare at you, following the news of the “Prince’s First Friend”. Ridiculous title if you were asked. One particular night he had accompanied you through the gardens and when no one was looking caught you by surprise, sneaking a kiss on your lips as you had stared at the ground seconds before. Aemond loved the risk of being with you, but also grew tired of it at the same time.
When the moon did decide to disappear you wasted no time. Your handmaiden helped you braid and tie your long silky hair, helping you into your pink dress that was your favourite. You were grateful that the castle was not yet awake with the exception being the household personnel tending to breakfast, cleaning and whatever else had to be done by the time the King would awake.
The halls were empty, your shoes gently echoing against the harsh stonewalls trying not to cause a racket that would lead its way back to you. Finding your way out of the Keep and covering yourself with a cape, you started heading towards the Dragonpit. Walking past the drunks and unconscious men that belonged to the smallfolk, made the sweat in your nape roll faster. The winds felt exceptionally cold that morning, as did the narrow streets seem to have shrunken the last time you traveled the way. Small but fast paced steps had you standing in front of the Dragonpit quicker than last time.
The Dragonkeepers were the one thing you hated amongst the sneaking around. Any sound, any movement, any sense to be alarmed, and they would swing their swords, find you and send you back to the Red Keep, telling your father of your shortcut adventure of the early morning hour. Luckily they had never been aware of you until now.
Flattening yourself against the rough stones of the building, you slid against the wall, carefully getting past the four guards that were deep in conversation. Clenching your teeth, you detached yourself from the wall and headed towards the basement that led you to the individual caves the dragons were held in. Small torches lit the wet structure, shining in the light. The wind breeze blew your face softly, your hair moving away from your face as you got closer to the entrance.
‘Aemond.’ You whispered as quiet as you could, not to wake the dragons or to alert the Dragonkeepers of a break-in.
The heels of your shoes left an echoing click in the air, but Aemond was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly someone grabbed you by your side and pulled you in against one of the cave walls.
‘Aemond.’ You smiled, greeted by blond hair and a blue eye, one hidden behind the black eyepatch.
Aemond pulled you into his embrace, so tightly it felt like he was craving your touch more than was humanly possible. He rested his forehead against yours, smiling ear to ear before lowering his head. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees got weaker. It wasn’t the first kiss but Aemond’s presence made you nervous like a little girl. Your whole body tingled, the movement of his chest coming closer, as his arms wrapping even tighter around you felt forbidden. Your chest filled with air as his lips brushed against yours; softly, delicately, like you were a porcelain figure, a crack away from falling to pieces and being broken forever. You could only focus on how soft he felt against your mouth, how addictively he invaded all your senses. He kissed you long enough that he could inhale your breath, feel the warmth of your skin, and the smell of your perfume that would linger far after you had gone. His lips were soft and his tongue as wet as water. Aemond gently grabbed your chin, slowly pulling back from the kiss, deep down not wanting to break apart from you.
‘I missed you hm,’ His deep voice mumbled against your lips, his thumb gently rubbing against your cheek, holding your face close to his. ‘So much.’
You placed your hand over his, also rubbing against his skin. ‘I missed you too.’ You kissed him one more time. ’But we can’t stay here.’
‘Hm.’ Aemond slightly smirked before grabbing your hand and pulling you further down the caves.
‘Where are we going?’
‘Going to take Vhagar for a ride.’
‘Really?’ Sound of surprise coated your question.
‘I was reluctant to let you ride on her, my love,’ Aemond’s arm pulled your shoulder closer to his side. ‘But I know you love dragons and desperately want to ride one so why not be the best-only-boyfriend you have and let you ride with me.’
Your stomach churned in excitement and nervousness as you were finally confronted with one of the biggest dreams you had ever had. Vhagar was the biggest dragon amongst all living and a giant compared to you. Aemond made the mounting of the animal look so easy and graceful so that when it came to your turn to climb onto her back you lost your balance a few times before taking Aemond’s hand which pulled you up and swung you onto the seat in front of him so that he could ensure your safety at all cost.
‘Hold on tight.’
‘Where are we going?’ You turned your head back but Aemond already uttered the words ‘Sōvēs’, and Vhagar started to move, making loads of noise. Her walk was like an earthquake, the flapping of her wings like thunder.
You held on tightly, your hands hurting from the amount of pressure. Aemond’s front was pressed to your back, his hands holding on to the rope in front of your stomach making you feel a little less anxious, yet it was still your first time on a dragon and you could swear you could feel your heartbeat outside of your chest.
There was a remote island just off the coast off Dragonstone. No one ever went there so it had become a sacred hideout. The island was big in size; sand, mountains, stones, all making up the solid ground.
You were laying in the sun, the warmth of the rays making you take off the cape. At the same time you felt a different warmth against the skin on your neck, slow wet kisses going down to your collarbones where his fingers played with the hem of your dress. Using your index finger, you pushed his chin up so he was looking at you and locked your lips with his. Again and again he invaded every corner of your mind and all your senses, his slow passionate kisses turning hungrier.
‘We can’t,’ you pushed Aemond’s hand from your chest, disappointment coating your words. ‘It is too big of a risk to take. I would rather just stay here and be able to kiss you as much as I want to then to be banned from court and seeing you with someone else.’
‘I do love you, Y/n.’ Aemod said, his fingers tangled in your hair as you rested your head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall as you enjoyed each other’s company under the old blooming tree.
‘I know that Aemond.’ You absentmindedly traced circles on his abdomen.
‘I will make sure that I am to be your husband. And if you are to be with child, I will make sure that that child is from my seed and my seed only.’
‘I know you don’t wish to have a lot of kids,’ he repositioned his head so that he could stare at your face, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, ‘however if you are to be my wife we will have to have one child to make sure our succession is secured.’ Aemond smiled genuinely. ‘I do not ask for more than just one. That is all you have to do, my love. After that, all my love and devotion will be to my wife,’ He inched closer. ‘Our child and our marriage.’ He locked his lips with yours as he mumbled the last words.
‘One might think this is a prayer.’ You grinned up at him, your heart full of warmth.
‘Hm, maybe it is.’
‘You are aware that there is a slim chance we are to be wed, Aemond, right?’ You shifted uncomfortably, pushing yourself up against the tree.
‘Yet my father is a king and you can find me to be very persuasive.’ He smirked.
‘I know.’
‘Now,’ Aemond adjusted himself to lie down comfortably, closing his eyes as he relaxed beneath the sun. ‘Let us just rest here. We can’t be gone for too long.’
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When you returned from your morning trip, you saw that Aemond was immediately approached by one of the King’s Guard to whom he followed inside.
Must be important.
You ignored the scene you had witnessed and headed towards your quarters, having no further duties for the day.
‘M’lady’, a guard strutted towards you as soon as you walked through the hallway that led to your quarters at the end of the hall.
‘Ser Criston Cole, what a surprise to see you here, tucked away from kingly duties? What is it you need from me?’
He returned a blank stare. ‘Your father the Hand awaits you in his study about an urgent matter that requires you to be present right this second.’
‘In the name of the Old and New Gods why the fuck would you wait for me to climb up all these stairs to send me back down again, Cole.’ Your voice echoed through the halls, your feet already picking up pace to run down the very steps you had just ascended.
The stairs felt like they never ended. Every time you were done with a staircase a new one appeared in front of your eyes, slowly making you run out of breath as you raced towards your father’s study.
‘My darling daughter,’ your father greeted you as soon and you entered the room, huffing desperately for air.
‘Ser Criston just told me you needed to see me.’ You coughed mid-sentence. ‘Urgently.’
‘Well, yes. You see the news came…rather unexpected without being able to have some sort of say in it. However I do not feel to cause a scene since the recent agreement made is nothing but a good arrangement.’
‘You lost me.’
‘You are to marry the Prince Aemond this summer.’
You stayed completely silent.
You pinched yourself good to make sure that if this was a dream you would wake up, but everything stayed the same. You were still in that room with your father, him now growing more concerned about your quiet state.
Without thinking further you rushed out of the room, hearing your name being called after but you only had one thing on your mind; find Aemond.
Back on your feet you started picking up speed again. This time there was joy in the run. You had to find him. Every second felt like your heart was about to explode. When you rounded the corner in front of the throne room you could see Aemond stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw you. He had also run.
His small smile from across the room shined brighter than any light that had casted above the halls. You crashed into him, arms flung around his neck as his arms snuck around your waist and pulled you into his embrace, his face hidden in your neck as he spun you around in circles.
‘So I can finally call you ‘my love’ out loud hm?’
‘Please,’ you whispered, closing the gap between you once more, no longer having to hide from everyone.
‘Kiss me.’
‘I could never deny that order, my love.’
Your bodies pressed together against each other heatedly, tighter than ever before, breathing heavily as your lips pressed together. You could taste your shared breath, feel the thud of your combined heartbeat as you breathed him in like he was your air.
‘It seems as though we are getting that child of ours afterall, hm?’
‘Only one.’ You giggled against his lips.
‘One is all we need.’
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
Colliding Memories
Clive Rosfield x *Brainwashed* reader (Angst)
Summary: You were about finish off the vulnerable Clive Rosfield, until your head began to hurt and your memories of him started to appear.
Clive Rosfield gif credits: @obiwaned
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(Note: Just a heads up, this has nothing to do with the events from the game.)
“(Y/N)! Snap out of it!” Clive parried your attack, he tried to pin you down to the ground so he could face you properly and talk his way into you. You teleported behind him and blasted him away in the distance using the magic of wind. Clive grunted, his body slammed by the wall. You smirked in return, watching him suffer. “Pathetic…” 
The King of Waloed seemed to enjoy the performance. Until he grew tired of just standing and watching, Barnabas then joins in the fight and gets surprised by Clive’s attack which he manages to evade easily. The two point their swords at each other and sounds of their blade came clashing on like a powerful storm. 
 You heard the dominant of Shiva coming your way and swung your dual blades to Jill’s rapier sword who failed to land a strike on you, “Please, (Y/n), don’t do this!” ignoring her words, you knocked the rapier off her hand and cast wind magic to blow her away. Jill fell unconscious after getting body slammed to the stonewall.  
Joshua sweeps in and fights you after gaining his strength back, “(Y/n), we’re your friends! The only friends you ever had in Rosalith!” he evaded your blows and took a step back, “I have no intention to hurt you but you leave me no choice!” He used the flames of Phoenix, aiming the shots of them towards you. You somersaulted up in the air to avoid the blast. Joshua heads in quickly and thrashes his sword against yours. 
Clive, with all his might, desperately attempted to get to you but Lord Barnabas kept getting in the way, preventing Ifrit’s dominant to save (Y/n) by saying the most utter worthless things to put in your head. 
“Do you think you can save her, Mythos?” says Barnabas, causing Clive’s anger to explode like a ticking bomb, “Your dear, sweet, little dove will never remember you. So amusing watching you say those ridiculous things to dear (Y/n) who no longer have you in her memory.” 
Clive semi-primed into Ifrit and aggressively thrashed his blade towards him. Barnabas dodges and summons his long, dark sword. Pinning the sharp surface against Clive’s Invictus sword. Barnabas plants a smirk across his face, “When this is all over, Mythos, I am going to make (Y/n) (L/n)...” his next words set Clive off, angering him more, “My Queen…the Queen of Waloed…” 
“You…YOU FUCKING DEPRAVING BASTARD!” The anger in Clive rises high, turning more violent and aggressive. Landing his fiery blows on Lord Barnabas as the King dodges them swiftly, “Yes, that’s right, Mythos! Let the rage consume you!” 
“I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!” All the rage began to take over Clive, making him more vulnerable for Barnabas to land strong attacks on him. 
The King bested Clive, watching him drop weakly to the ground. Barnabas motioned his sword to Clive’s face of defeat, pointing the tip of his blade, “Bow before your king, Clive Rosfield.” 
You grabbed the collar of unconscious Joshua’s red shirt, dragging him along as she marches over to Lord Barnabas. You dropped his unmoving body, standing with the King. “(Y/n), my soon to be queen, would you like to do the honours to finish Clive Rosfield in my stead?” 
“As you wish, Lord Barnabas.” You unsheathed one of your dual swords with Barnabas taking a step back as he watches you finish off Ifrit’s dominant. “(Y/n), please!” shouted Clive, crawling back in his weak state “(Y/n)...my love…come back to me…” 
As you were going to pierce him through the heart with your dual sword, you felt your hand on the sword’s hilt shaking for some reason. Your head began to throb, the pain growing heavier. You screamed in agony causing you to drop your dual sword as you backed away, head down with hands to the sides. “Ah! Ugh…” feeling the pain increasing, you shrieked with your eyes closed looking up to the sky of darkness. It felt more like a cry for help. You drop your head looking to the ground while suffering with headaches. 
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!” Clive rises up quickly to come and aid you. You pushed him away and sorrowful tears appeared in your eyes. Memories popped up in your head, there were so many of them. Sad, happy memories. Most of them…had Clive Rosfield in it. Remembering the momentous days you spent time with him. The laughs you share together, the happiness and the joy…
You started to remember something that you lost…
“(Y/n)...” Clive called out your name in a calm tone, walking up to you at a slow pace. You slowly held your head up, your eyes focused on him, “C-Clive…” 
Finally, you came back to him, “(Y/n)...” Clive swept you in his strong arms, holding you tight in an embrace, “My dear (Y/n)...I knew you were still in there.” 
You continued to have your arms wrapped around Clive, remembering the last time you embraced him. “Oh my, this is very touching.” you pulled away from your lover for a moment as Barnabas looked at both of you with a smirk, slipping out his sword, “Never thought this day would come where (Y/n) (L/n) regains her old self. Even her memories.” 
“Stay back, my love. I will deal with him.” Clive urges you to step aside, grasping the hilt of his sword and facing towards Barnabas’s direction. “Clive…” you mumbled , saying his name worryingly. You didn’t want to know what would happen next but you just envisioned it anyway. Things are about to get ugly.
“Tell me, Mythos…you think you can protect your precious dove from me?” Barnabas questioned, semi-priming into the dark eikon Odin. His voice goes demonically deep, “Do you truly believe you have all the strength to protect your precious (Y/n)?” 
Clive, once again, half transformed into his Ifrit form. The roars of the flames floating all over him, standing his ground, “I will never let you take her away from me again, Barnabas.”
“Come then, Mythos…” Barnabas raising his sword, the sharp point focusing on Clive Rosfield, “Let’s see if you have the power to defeat me.” 
And so the two raging dominants clashed on, blades clicking together as they fought like wild beasts in the fight. You just stood there, frozen. Watching them battling against each other. 
You thought Clive would win. Barnabas outsmarted him somehow, sweeping him off the ground. “Ugh!” Clive groaned, blood dripping from his mouth. “Clive!” You pulled out your dual sword and rushed to him as quickly as you could. 
“It’s over, Mythos!” Barnabas laughed devilishly, levelling his sword mid-air. Planning to kill the love of your life. “Fuck! Am I going to make it in time?!” you thought after realizing how far you are in the distance from them. 
As you watched Barnabas in panic who was about to end Clive’s life, you sped up rapidly and made it in time to kill the King. Your dual sword pierced through the chest. Barnabas spat out blood when he was stabbed by you, his hand dropping as his dark sword vanished. Transforming back to his human form. You drew your sword back, stepping away from him. A dying Barnabas twisted in your way, facing you, “Well…I never knew you had it in you…” He crept up to you in his weakened condition. “Get back, you fucking psycho!” you yelled in a threatening tone while walking a few steps back, drawing out your sword at his stone-hardened skin. Clive comes to your side, shielding you from Barnabas. 
“You have outdone yourself…(Y/n) (L/n)...” At long last, the King of Waloed is dead. His body dropped, his entire body turning to stone. You let out a sigh, throwing your sword in sorrow. Remembering the horrible things you’ve done.
“(Y/n)..” Clive comforts you, tucking you into his arms, “It’s over now, my love.” 
“You’re finally free from him, (Y/n).” A conscious Joshua finally awakened, healed enough to walk over with a small smile appearing on his face. Even Jill recovered her strength, “Welcome back to the real world, (Y/n).” happy tears forming into her eyes, she was so glad that you were back to your normal self. 
You hugged Joshua and Jill, crashing them into your arms. Being careful not to squeeze them too tight since they’re still slightly injured. “I’m so sorry…” your voice lowered, tears falling down onto your face. 
“It’s okay, (Y/n).” Joshua reassured you. 
“It wasn’t you, (Y/n). We both know that it wasn’t you.” Jill spoke in a comforting manner. 
You returned to Clive as the two of you nuzzled up to each other, “I miss you, my darling. Thought I would never see you again.” Thinking you were never coming back to him. If you didn’t, he would still be in a very dark place. “I’m here, Clive…Never forget that I will always come back to you..” 
Clive moved in closer to kiss you, your eyes shut tight falling into the moment where you circle your arms around him. Jill smiled warmly, seeing the two lovers reunited at last. Joshua chuckled nervously, knowing this was bound to happen. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention from you and Clive, “We should head back to the hideaway and inform the others about what happened here.” 
Jill added, “And let’s not forget to tell them that we have (Y/n) back with us. Our long lost dear friend of ours.” 
Clive nodded, agreeing with them. He held your hand into his, tightly so he never lets go. His blue eyes shining up on you, “Ready to head home with us, my darling?” 
You chuckled, smiling sweetly at your lover, “Let’s get the hell out of this miserable place.” 
(A/n) - Truly sorry for not writing him for A VERY LONG TIME! I hope you all enjoy reading it! UNTIL NEXT TIME ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ઇଓ
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 13
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 1298
(I guess Joe's willingness to murder is more book-Joe than show-Joe, but whatever. I can't help that I'm halfway through the first book right now.)
Minor warning: masturbation is briefly mentioned.
Some things, you just can't learn about a person until you're in a relationship with them.
For example: you like to be kissed, often. Softly and sweetly, but also with intent, until you can't breathe. You smile into kisses and when I pull away, you tilt your head and the smile doesn't leave.
I live for that smile.
Also, you're not always nice. You run out of energy and you stonewall me. When you get like that there is nothing I can do to make it better, except leave. This happens most often when you've had a busy day at work, and one day soon we're probably going to have a beautiful fight about it, but for now I let you close down and shut me out. I really do try not to take it personally.
You don't care if I look at your phone. Sometimes you even ask me to check texts for you. This would make me incredibly happy, except aside from me, the only people you text in English are your coworkers.
You're more secretive about your laptop, which makes me wonder what I missed when I looked at it. I guess I didn't really do much digging. But when I do check it out again, even digging doesn't turn up anything.
You're a bit of a slob. I knew that already, but I didn't know it would be so easy to take things from your apartment. You don't notice when items go missing, or if I move them around while you're not there. You did comment on your missing toothbrush, but you just assumed you misplaced it yourself.
“I swear, Joe, if my head wasn't attached to my body…”
All of this, I've learned over the course of two months. Two amazing months of being with you. Only it doesn’t always feel like I am with you, because you haven't told Nadia or your mother or even Grey about me, and I've been checking. After you told him you had a crush on me, he tried to find out more about me and you avoided the subject by writing to him about how much you like Angel from Buffy the vampire slayer. (If I could beat up a fictional character, I would.)
And we haven't had sex.
We've gotten close a few times, but you always pull away just when things are getting hot and heavy. Sometimes when you're alone, you masturbate several times in a row and I know you think of me, (Y/n). I can see it on your face. But when we're together, you look embarrassed and tell me you're not ready and I am patient, I am, but how can you not be ready when you are so obviously eager for it? Even dreaming about it?
I still don't like your coworkers. They are rude to you and belittle you, and they make inappropriate jokes in the groupchat. This is why I almost say no when you invite me to a company lunch, but in the end I say yes because at least you're inviting me somewhere.
“It won't be like last time,” you assure me. “No alcohol, for one.”
And you're right. It isn't like last time: it's worse.
I’m pretty sure your job is a scam, (Y/n). Nobody who works at your agency (other than you) actually needs to make money. The owner, Sam Carr, is a man in his fifties who considers this entire venture a hobby. He has two other companies, neither of which are making any money, but he doesn't need to make money because he is the kind of rich that goes back generations, to before white people even lived in America. Yet he pays you peanuts and you have to borrow money from your grandfather over and over again.
Sam's wife is Pam (which is short for Pamela, but Sam thinks it's hilarious for them to be Sam and Pam). She is only a little over half his age (thirty) and twice as smart as him, and you know this. You address her like she's the owner, and when she's around, you don't even talk to Kim, whose approval you were so eager for last time. Pam comes from old money, too, and has started several foundations throughout her life, all of which are doing well.
There's Judy Allen, who is tall and blond and keeps her lips pursed at all times. She does the same thing you do, copywriting, but her real job is being a momfluencer on Instagram, showing her kids off like accessories. Out of everyone here she is the nicest to you, but I can't tell if she means it or not and neither can you. You are nice to her, but you address her like you would a teacher, or a distant relative.
Jasper is so much worse than I remember him. He follows you around like a lost puppy and you let him. You glance at me, testing me, and I hate this side of you. I hate who you are around these people.
Surprisingly little is eaten, though there is much more on the table than even an entire orphanage could put away. You and your coworkers talk about Google and helpful content and black hat SEO and I don't understand anything any of you are saying.
At some point somebody asks me what I do. I grit out that I work in a bookstore and you look up and say: “he's being modest. He manages it” and I feel kind of proud. But then the person who asked me what I do in the first place starts asking me about the store's website and I have to admit that actually, Mooney's doesn't have one.
“I prefer things a little more old fashioned,” I try to justify, and then realize immediately how incredibly dumb I must sound to these people. “I mean, sometimes we sell a first edition on Ebay.”
You pat my leg underneath the table, which is code for 'shut up', so I do.
“You could always ask (Y/n) to help you make a website,” Jasper says, and he is looking way too intently at your chest as you reach across the table for a croissant. “She's surprisingly good at it.”
Surprisingly good? Seriously, (Y/n), I want to bash this guy’s teeth into his skull.
But you act like it's a compliment. You blush and wave him off and shake your head at me.
“You'd be better off hiring someone who actually knows how to make websites. I can write your content, though, if you want.”
I don't even want a fucking website, but I nod.
Finally, we can leave. I don't know what the point of any of that was.
In the cab, you slump against me and close your eyes, and you say: “Did you see the way Jasper kept staring at my boobs? I fucking hate that guy.”
Faith in you restored. I never should have doubted you.
“He just will not leave me alone lately,” you complain, and I wrap an arm around your shoulder and press a kiss to the side of your head. “But when I tell him off, he goes and tells Kim I'm being rude. She told me I need to be more of a team player, you know.”
But you are a team player, (Y/n). It's just that those people aren't on your team. I'm on your team.
“He's basically harassing me, and if I wanna keep my job I can't do a damn thing about it.”
“Fuck him,” I say.
And I mean it. Fuck Jasper. Fuck him and every man like him who thinks he can own a woman just because he has money and connections.
Jasper's gotta go.
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roguelov · 1 year
Picture this:
Dream with Reader who's very shy, skittish, reserved and oblivious. She's easily flustered, a girl of few words, nerdy and socially awkward to the point where it's painful, but she's good at her powers and her job, and that's all that matters to her. She's sent to his realm to help with the rebuilding of it by her organization. Few weeks of working alongside her, and he has fallen head over heels with her, and yet, she knows nothing. His attempts at flirting with her were met with either her getting flustered, retreating and quickly changing the topic or just plain obliviousness as she goes on her merry way with her work, unintentionally ignoring his advances and stonewalling him. And what do we know... Dream isn't the most patient of beings and at this point, he's tired of just feeling like he's trying to approach a skittish stray cat. What will he do? Decisions, decisions...
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Oooo anon I’m intrigued! Like let’s say for plot reasons the reader is fae (or maybe a demon still debating) who is basically there to aid Dream but to be an olive branch between their realms and have a better relationship
You had been living in the Dreaming for quite some time now. Dare you say, it started to feel like home. The residents were kind, and the ruler wasn’t who you expected. Rumors always swirled around the Endless, and you had heard a few nasty ones about Dream in particular. However, since his recent imprisonment there was a change in him. Or at least his residents and people told you.
“How are you this evening, my honored guest?”
You peered over your shoulder to the king himself, Dream. “I am well, thank you.”
You continued your easy stride with maps of the Dreaming in your hands. Lucienne had requested them.
Dream walked beside you. “I am glad to hear.”
You simply hummed in response.
Dream stepped in front of you, blocking your path. You froze and your eyebrows furrowed together.
What a cute expression, he thought.
“My dear,” he stated. “I hope you are not lying to me. If there is anything I can do for you, you may simply ask.”
Your heart sang at his term of endearment. Yet, you buried such feelings. You shook your head, “I assure you I am content.”
“But, not happy?”
Content sat wrongly in his mind.
Your gaze dropped. “I am -“ you cleared your throat and clutched the maps closer to your chest - “I’m sorry, but I must -“
He gently tipped your chin up, forcing your eyes on him. Your words died on your tongue. His gaze was one of upmost intensity. A shudder ran through your body.
“Perhaps on your break,” he hummed, running his thumb across your chin, “you could join me possibly for some tea.”
“I - I would be honored but -“
He sighed unable to hide is disappointment, “And who else has your attention this evening?”
No one.
After delivering the maps to Lucienne, you would be done for the day. Surely, Dream had better things to do than entertain you.
“I am sure a king as yourself is quite busy,” you pointed out.
He leaned in closely. “Oh, sweet one, I can do what I please. Like you said, I am king and I wish to be in your company.”
His eyes flickered down to your lips. He did little to had his want for you. You swallowed nervously. You quickly yanked yourself away from him.
It’s not like that. Something was probably on my face.
“I will meet you then,” you answered with your eyes locked onto the floor.
“Look me in the eyes and answer me,” he said. “It’s little disrespectful to not address me properly.”
He didn’t care. He simply wanted to see your lovely face, to see your adorable expressions.
You winced internally. Of course. Glancing up, you cleared your throat and stated, “I will meet you for tea after my delivery.”
Dream smiled, almost predatory like. “Good, I will see you then.”
A heat spread all over your chest. Your eyes widened. You mumbled out a goodbye before rushing off the to library.
Dream continued to smile at you. Just one day at a time, he thought. He would have you soon enough. You would soon understand his desires for you, his sweet guest.
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Hey, Bard! May I request some sort of situation then reader runs into Goron territory and grabs onto Daruk, sniffling nervously. And while big guy is trying to understand what is going on, dog runs to them. And both Daruk and Reader start to panic?
PFFFFT Okay so that would probably go like this:
To say you were having the worst day on your day trip in Eldin was an understatement. Instead of leisurely climbing the Death Mountain trail, you were instead sprinting on it like your life depended on it. Because it did. Danger was at your heels, so you headed you headed to the only safe haven you knew that was close by: Goron City. Your legs burned and your lungs heaved as your traversed up the mountainside, but as soon as the steel plating of the industrial town came into view, you used the very last shred of energy you had to hightail it inside.
"S'alright if it takes a day or two, I can handle not havin' it on me" bellowed Daruk's deep voice, as he handed over his beloved Boulder Breaker for some repairs. As soon as he'd walked off from the blacksmith's shop, he felt the swoosh of a smaller figure whip by him. Small hands grasped at the rocks that lined his back, followed the sounds of muffled sniffling. Daruk lifted his arm, peering under to see you tearfully hiding behind him. He did remember getting a letter from you a few days ago saying you were stopping in Eldin for a few days, but what he wasn't expecting for his first encounter with you in so long to start with you cowering in fear. "Normally I get a hello whenever ya come visit," the Goron champion laughed, his expression slowly shifting to concern, "Y'alright? What's got your earth quakin'? You trembled against your stonewall friend, "I'm sorry Daruk, it's just...they were after me and I didn't know where else to go or who to turn to other than you and I'm terrified of them and I--"
"Woah, woah, slow down," Daruk cut into your spiraling. His hand gently came to your back, ushering you out to face him. Eyebrows turned down he took in your quivering form, "I dunno what's got you shakin' so bad, but I'm not lettin' anything hurt you, got it?"
Suddenly a noise hit the warrior's ears. A noise that he hadn't heard in so long...a noise that he had tried so hard to keep out of Eldin ever since he was big enough to lift boulders. He turned toward the direction you came from, horror sweeping over his face. Running up to the entryway of Goron City was a pack of dogs, barking as they wagged their long tails on the way. Solemn as stone, Daruk looked on as he thoughtlessly shielded you with his hand in a protective stance, "...Is that what you were runnin' from?" Squeaking out a yes, you found yourself leaning into his fingers, terrified at that the very creatures that had chased you all the way to Goron City had finally caught up with you.
Suddenly, you were snatched up in Daruk's giant hand and slung over his shoulder, "WE GOTTA MOVE NOW THEN!" he shrieked, nearly stumbling over his own feet as he turned tail in the opposite direction. Noises of panic and fear escaped the Goron stalwart, only feeding your own terror as you clung to him. The pack of dogs followed you both, gaining on Daruk as he clambered up toward the outskirts of Death Mountain. You held around his neck as he climbed up a steep crag, giving himself some height that he knew the dogs couldn't reach. Steadfastly holding onto Daruk, he held you close, sharing your dread and disdain for the furry creatures.
The two you shook in fright at the rambunctious canines who barked and yipped for your attention. To most they would simply see a bunch of pups that seemed like they wanted to play with you guys. To you two however, all you saw was teeth and held on to memories of dogs that had left you both a little traumatized. A particular large bark made you jump, dropping your pack at your feet. The contents spilled out en masse: several small weapons, a journal, a few health potions and other liquids, and of course - a few apples. As they rolled, a few of your fruits fell off the rock form you stood on to plop at the feet of your prowlers. All barking ceased, small noises of munching and snapping being audible for only a few moments - and then total silence.
It took a few moments for you to realize that you no longer heard the dogs crying at you. Carefully you peeled yourself from Daruk's strong grip (who of which was still holding his free hand over his head), peering over the edge to see the animals had completely disappeared. "They're gone...?" you said aloud. At first it struck you as odd, until you made out the bits of apple skins and stems at the bottom of the rock. "Ah!" you yelled, getting Daruk's attention. Turning towards the Goron you smiled in a mix of relief and realization, "They're gone! And...I think I know what they wanted." Grabbing one of his fingers, you led him to the ledge and pointed at the apple bits that were leftover, "They must have smelled the apples in my backpack and wanted some."
Daruk stared at the tiny pieces of fruit for a moment before bursting out in a guffaw. He sat himself down, clutching his head in laughter. Hearing him laugh had you giggling yourself, the whole situation feeling rather silly (though your fear was very real). Eventually you would gather your things, both of you talking about your fears over dogs and Daruk helping you get back down to solid ground. "Can't believe all they wanted was some food," you snickered wryly, "Here I was thinking I was mincemeat."
"You can say that again..." sighed your companion, "The lista stuff that scares me is short - but man are those critters at the top." You hummed in agreement, "Let's hope we don't run into them again, hm?"
He nodded, scratching at his head, "No kiddin' - can't promise I won't roll away next time."
Mouth agape in shock, you set your hands on your hips, "Daruk, you better not leave me to the dogs!"
Laughter echoed from both of you as you head back to Goron City together.
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swampstew · 1 year
𝔸𝕥 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Take a seat next to the log fireplace as we begin this in-progress, spicy/smutty reader insert story starring YOU (AFAB Reader) and the Kid Pirates. Powerade and snacks are provided! You can find links to the mini-series on Wattpad and AO3 at the end of the post. Minors DNI you will be blocked - for mature audiences only.
Spicy smut in this one😘 warnings: vaginal penetration (reader is AFAB), and creampie.
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Y/N was relaxing on the deck, up the ramp over the helms room, lounging around with the women crew members and Heat. They drank chilled beers and talked amongst each other quietly, all wearing sunglasses, looking more like their own posse instead of pirates despite the fact that the group was roughly 86% pirate based.
Kid was silently seething. Pissed he was missing out. Upset he wasn’t invited. Tired of being punished for his mistake.
It had been how many weeks? Two? Three? He didn’t even know anymore.
His bed felt alien and uncomfortable, gotten so accustomed to a body keeping his warm throughout the nights. He felt like an addict going through withdrawal. Which was insane. She was just some woman. Why was she fucking with his head this much?!
He sighed miserably and removed himself from the display, seeking refuge in his workshop to brood in private.
Everything sucked.
Nothing could lift his mood.
He used his power to mash metal together and throw it around, smash it down and rebuild it. Did that for an hour before he laid down on the couch, stewing in loneliness.
Kid had no idea how to fix any of it. Killer was hopeless, too torn up about having harmed someone they pretty much considered a…friend, with some really great benefits, to be any help whatsoever. He covered his face with his greased palm, a despondent groan tore from his throat.
Without removing his hand, Kid almost reflexively activated his power, letting his mind flow freely to make something…simple. Soothing. The tinkling clinks of metal tapped in the air as bolts, nuts, screws, and panels rotated around each other. Clicking into place. Molding into desired shapes and angles. Until soon there were half a dozen metal death moths with ghoulish skulls lazily flying around the workshop. He watched them drift in and out of his sight as he quieted his mind, engaging in the rare activity of introspection.
If only for a few minutes.
Someone knocked on the door, breaking his peace. The small creatures fell from the air as Kid deactivated his power like a battery switch.
“Enter,” he rasped.
Y/N stepped through the threshold, “Didn’t mean to interrupt. Left my polishing kit here and I didn’t realize how much I neglected my weapon.” Her tone was impassive, almost bored. Had been for weeks and he was over it. So resentful of how much he craved her warmth, her affections once more.
Being stonewalled sucked. Kid now had sympathy for anyone who had to endure him when he did the same. Making a mental note to be better towards Killer in the future.
Without waiting for Kid to acknowledge her, she walked inside to where she last remembered using the kit. Stopping short when she found the remains of the death moths he dropped. She picked up the pieces, turning them in her palms and then, somehow, intuitively piecing them together until it was mostly reformed. Not perfectly like Kid could make but enough to make it recognizable.
“Didn’t know you could make something so elegant.”
Well that was nice to hear.
“S’lot you don’t know about me,” he grumbled.
“Touché,” she almost sounded regretful. “We should be getting close to the next island soon. Then I’ll be out of your hair and you can once again have whatever peace you had before I came along.” The droll of her aloof tone back. It irked him to no end.
“…Wouldn’t say I had peace then. Had it recently for a bit… I think,” he muttered, moreso to himself.
“Is that so?”
“Aye,” his voice was strained. “I’m sorry.”
He sat up, “I’m sorry for scaring you. For taking you and putting you through what I did. And for acting like a twat after it happened. Expecting you to fall in line with what I wanted.” His flesh hand was bouncing nervously over his thigh as he spoke.
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock, “Thank you. I genuinely thought you would have drowned yourself first before I ever got an apology from you.”
“It’s not off the table.”
She placed her weapon on the work table and slowly walked to the couch. Standing in front of him, “Well don’t. Your crew needs you,” she tutted softly, using the rag towel she pulled off the table to wipe his face free of residual grease.
Kid scoffed, “I know they do.” Taking the towel, he cleaned his hands and stared at the ground. Wishing with his entire being that something would give. Anything to have her back in his arms. His smoldering eyes looked up and burned into hers, “You don’t. Wish you did.”
Her breath caught in Y/N’s throat, her eyes dilated as she took him in. Seeing him truly remorseful as he sat below her, all pride and bravado gone.
“Just so we’re clear. This is a one time thing because I’ve been feeling…stressed. Nothing more,” she bent down to his ear, nearly whispering the words..
He nodded his head, not even fully comprehending what she said, just wanting her forgiveness in any manner she was willing to give it.
Forgiveness came in the heavenly warmth of her gushing, throbbing pussy engulfing his neglected, starving cock.
“Y/N!!” Kid gasped, hips bucking sharply.
Her walls clenched on him in response. She rocked her hips on him as she straddled his pelvis to grind herself flush against his pelvis. Her clit grinding against his pelvic muscles, she moaned throatily as she hastened her pace.
She’d been starving too. Her pussy greedily took him in and hugged him close, not allowing much room for him to retreat from her sopping cavern. Not that he wanted to.
He felt himself twitch as he fought the urge to cum right then and there. Felt like he might have failed as he felt like some cum managed to bypass his control and dribble out in a short rope as her rutting pushed him against her cervix.
Y/N lifted her hips, gripping his cock as she pulled away and it slowly slid out of her cunt, only to slam herself back down, shaking her hips to drive him deeper until he was nearly crying out loud in pleasure. One hand on his scarred chest and one hand behind her on his upper thigh to support herself, Y/N set a rapid pace of bouncing on his cock with full strokes that rubbed her sweet spot. Her ribbed walls coaxing his ecstasy to the surface; his hardness making her inner muscles quake and spasm.
Quickening her pace, desperate to snap the taut rope of pleasure inside her lower belly, her slick made squelching noises as she rutted on the massive man’s impressive girth, Y/N began clawing at his skin. Kid groaned pathetically as his raised his hips to meet her thrusts, drunk on her tight pussy.
Her orgasm peaked as she fucked herself on his cock, stroking her throbbing walls until they clenched repeatedly on his thick, veiny member. Not stopping, her hips switched directions until she was throwing her ass back on his thighs, grinding him into her.
“Oh oh oh fuuuuuck,” Kid panted, the new sensation sending hot erotic bolts of lightning straight to his cock. He felt his balls rise as they slapped against her cheeks. With a final slam of her ass on him, Kid’s cock railed Y/N’s cervix and he came with a loud, needy moan. Ropes of thick cum shot from his engorged head that was positioned right on her secret entrance, flooding her private garden with his sin.
Y/N’s moans were voiceless as her head hung back and she rutted on him. Milking him. Feeling the need to step up, Kid attached his metal arm and secured her seat on his still-swollen cock that was the only plug to keep his cum from leaking out. He pressed his calloused, organic thumb on her clit and began rubbing circles.
Letting out soft shrieks, Y/N’s hips buckled at the overstimulation. Clenching on his hard-again cock as he quickly built her up with swipes, flicks, and pinches to her swollen bundle of nerves. Rutting shamelessly, Y/N’s shrieks turned into panting moans and yelps as Kid rubbed and teased her, edging them both on as he milked all the physical affection he could get from her.
They both craved the orgasmic rush of lust, her hips slammed against his as his metal arm helped her rapid thrusting as they peaked. They came at the same time, breathlessly. Convulsing against each other as their juices flooded, lips crashing together for the first time in weeks, not breaking apart until their hips stopped moving on their own accord.
Falling right back into kissing in heated passion even after they stilled. Y/N finally pulled away desperate for air and tucked her face into Kid’s neck, wrapping her arms around him to anchor herself. Kid panted lightly, swollen painted lips nearly wiped clean.
She hummed in response.
“Are—are you afraid I won’t like you or somethin dumb like that if I find out about your past? I don’t…give a shit about who you were or where you came from. You coulda been the princess of your entire island and I wouldn’t judge you…much. I just want to know.”
Sighing heavily, “No, its not that. Kid, I don’t want to tell you because I don’t trust you. I’ve been burned by the people I have put my faith in whom I’ve known for far longer than I know you. What makes you think you’d be the exception?”
He numbly nodded at the logic in that, “I want to be.”
“I wanted you to be too,” she whispered so softly he went to discretely pinch himself to make sure he hadn’t dreamt the entire damn affair up. His suspicious were confirmed when she lifted herself off him, the cold grip of loneliness made him hiss as his cock lost her warmth. Y/N started dressing herself and Kid fought the urge to fucking beg her.
Don’t go.
He followed suit and pulled his pants back on, fixing their appearances in silence. She grabbed her items and walked towards the door. Kid let out a strangled, choked sound he covered up as a cough.
The woman stepped into the hallway, not turning around, “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“Look at me!!”
Y/N flinched and he thought he could hear a shaky gasp escape her lips. Gingerly, she turned on her heel and stared at him with glassy eyes.
I’ll treat you better! I’ll do whatever you need or want to accomplish your goals! Please don’t leave me! Don’t leave me to be alone again!
Words he wished he could will himself to say. Words he did not utter. Words too inappropriate to come from a man like him.
“I just—” he struggled to form the words.
“I know.”
His hairless brows furrowed, “You know?”
Y/N nodded, “I liked the peaceful feeling I had with you. With Killer too. It made me feel less lonely. That’s not my fate in this life. I don’t get to have nice things like that.”
“Says who?”
She smiled sadly, “Everyone I’ve ever cared about is dead. I don’t like those odds. Do you?”
He couldn’t argue. Watching with sad eyes as she left him alone. A stab through the stomach would’ve been less painful. He thought back to when he read her journal entry, the first page that told the story of her parents love story.
‘They’d kiss each other and I’d run away screaming like a brat. Going to my room and daydreaming about the day someone would tell stories like that about me.’
Kid didn’t believe in things like fate or deserving things. He knew firsthand the only way to get anything in this miserable life is to take it or make it himself.
It made something toil in his gut. The idea that some silly little girl with whimsy daydreams would never get her happy ending…it didn’t sit well with him. Not for something so simple as yearning for good, ole’ loyal companionship. She could stand to dream bigger, but it was…admirable.
She suffered enough, hadn’t she? Fuck he knew so little about her and yet from what he could tell, she more than earned the right to have people who wouldn’t betray her, who would appreciate her, who would make her feel…lucky to be alive.
Sitting at his workbench, Kid mulled over his thoughts as he collected his moths. Noticing one was missing. The one she had put back together. A small smile perked on his lips. That was what he wanted.
To make her want to have those dreams again.
He decided. He would win her loyalty and trust, and in the end have her join the crew as his. Give her the best goddamn life she had ever dreamed of, on top of the world as the King and Queen of the Pirates. How could he not win?
Grinning to himself, Kid sat on the bench and started crafting a new project. In the air behind him, more metal death moths began to spawn, fluttering in whimsical circles as the redhead worked.
Y/N sat atop the dinosaur skull, sharpening, and polishing her borrowed longsword. She had always loved sitting on the figurehead or in the crow’s nest of a ship, letting the salty air breeze infiltrate her lungs and cleanse her mind. It had for at least two hours. As she took another gulp of regenerating air, she suddenly felt something sour. Like rotten seaweed that had sat on the beach for too long. A sickening feeling in her stomach.
Swiveling her head, she tried to detect which direction the ick was coming from but the weather had been slowly shifting from slightly overcast to darkening skies and a bit of fog. Stowing her items in the helms room, Y/N sprinted across the deck and vaulted up the rickety steps to the crow’s nest, slamming the door open and startling Killer.
“What the?!”
“I need your telescope!”
The blonde handed it over, pulling out a new one from a small box next to the door. Y/N scanned the horizon until she could vaguely make out the blip silhouette of something in the water. After a minute, the shape grew in size as it drew nearer. Another ship.
“I’ll alert Kid. Stay here and see if you can make out any markings or clues on who that is.”
“Got it!”
Thankful she was alone, her eye strained against the glass as the tall mast toting the ship’s main sail came into view. She gulped.
It was them.
Or at least one of their ships. It wasn’t her ship. The sail design was an obnoxious logo that came from the world’s most pompous, self-deluded asshole. Scumbag. This meant that the small fleet was on time to meet on the designated island, just as Luciano had said. Brian was supposedly stretched thin trying to find a specialist in order to sell a hot item. He had ordered his men to split up and find anyone who would cooperate, even under duress.
“Y/N!” Kid hollered from the deck.
She skipped steps in order to reach the ground faster.
“Who are they?”
“My prey.”
A sickening smile grew on Kid’s face, “Good timing. Wanted to see you wield these in battle.”
Y/N gave him a confused look as he placed gauntlets with wicked claws on each end.
“Give ‘em hell.”
“Thanks Kid,” she gave him a grateful smile. “You were wrong, you know.”
Kid’s fury welled on his face before she could finish.
“I do need you. Without you, I couldn’t have gotten here.”
“Haah?! Oh! Yeah, no big deal,” he brushed it off, face as red as his hair. “We -ahem- we good then?”
“And me?” Killer stood shoulder to shoulder to Kid.
“What have you done for me lately?”
“I do all your chores now!” he whined.
“Learn from your Captain then,” Y/N clicked her tongue. She sheathed the long sword and strapped the gauntlets over her hands. A perfect fit. It was made of a dark metal alloy shaped into human bones, bones of the hand actually, and fit the back of her hands and fingers perfectly. The metal metacarpal bones sat over her fingers snugly, the middle to distal phalanges covered her digits entirely. At the ends of each digit sat long, curled claws. She lightly dotted the pad of her pinky and drew blood, “These are elegant.”
“HMMPH,” Kid wore his proud grin loudly, only turning to begin shouting orders at the crew to prepare for interception.
The Victoria Punk sailed straight towards the vessel. Their target tried to evade them using the thickening fog but they couldn’t catch the wind. The Kid Pirates caught up to them in under three hours.
“We have no quarrel with you!” The Captain of the vessel shouted out as Kid used his powers to drop their anchor, creating multiple metal fists to seize their ships wheel and rudder too.
“Well I have beef with you all!” Kid retorted. He held their attention while Y/N observed the ship personnel from the crow’s nest with Killer.
“How much is the original crew?”
“About 10, so the rest must be with Brian. Don’t know who that Captain is. I’m not aiming for anyone that wasn’t my original crew so you all can do what you will to the others.”
“Thanks for the permission,” he scoffed.
“You’re VERY welcome that I’m sharing my pool of revenge, serial killer.”
A laugh and growl cross fired and got caught in his throat. Choosing dignity over retort, Killer followed her down the ladder to join Kid.
“What’s the plan?” Kid asked her.
“I’m going to take down everyone that was on my crew. I’ll kill the ones that I know won’t have any information and hack down the ones who do for later questioning. Luciano said Brian’s crew was out searching for a specialist so they may have some valuables on board. I’m looking for something personal.”
“The hot item?” Killer attached his scythes to his gauntlets.
“It’s a personal item,” Y/N insisted.
“What’s so special about it?” Kid took her hand and inspected the gauntlet, making sure it was on properly.
“My dad forged it. It’s the last thing I have to remember my family by,” she said sadly.
Must be the family legacy that asshole Donnie talked about. “I see. I understand why it’s important for you to take it back,” the redhead nodded solemnly. “C’mon, let’s go kill a bunch of bitches.”
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ireadyabooks · 1 year
Read with Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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Representation across the queer spectrum is crucial, as all readers should see themselves reflected in the stories they love! 🏳️‍🌈 We’ve pulled together a list of books to read that feature gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, asexual, aromantic, and sapphic relationships, characters, and stories.
Here are some of our favorite books encompassing the LGBTQIA+ community! ✨
Heartstopper Volume 1
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Now streaming on Netflix! Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. A sweet and charming coming-of-age story that explores friendship, love, and coming out. This edition features beautiful two color artwork.
Nick and Charlie
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From the mega-bestselling creator of Heartstopper, a must-have novella in which Heartstopper's lead characters, Nick and Charlie, face one of their biggest challenges yet. Nick will soon be leaving for university, and Charlie, a year younger, will be left behind. Everyone knows that first loves rarely last forever. What will it take for Nick and Charlie to defy the odds?
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From Alice Oseman, author of Heartstopper, comes an honest and relatable novel about realizing that it’s okay to not have sexual or romantic feelings for anyone — because there are plenty of other ways to find love and connection.
I Was Born For This
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A funny, wise, and heartbreakingly true coming of age novel. I Was Born for This is a stunning reflection of modern teenage life, and the power of believing in something — especially yourself.
The Honeys
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A twisted and tantalizing horror novel set amidst the bucolic splendor of a secluded summer retreat.
The Feeling of Falling in Love
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A new kind of love story about the bad decisions we sometimes make... and the people who help get us back on the right path. Perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston and What if It’s Us by Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli.
This is Our Place
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Three teens — in three different decades — navigate life, love, and family. This is our Place is a novel about queer teens dealing with sudden life changes, family conflict, and first loves, proving that while generations change, we will always be connected to each other.
Destination Unknown
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From Stonewall Award winner Bill Konigsberg, a remarkable, funny, sexy, heartbreaking story of two teen boys finding each other in New York City at the height of the AIDS epidemic.
Gay Club
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Barney’s a shoo-in for his school’s LGBTQ+ Society President at the club’s next election — until the vote is opened to the entire student body. Can the club members put politics aside and stand united? Gay Club is a landmark comedic novel about a group of queer teens at their worst — and ultimately their best.
The Library of Broken Worlds
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A girl matches wits with a war god in this kaleidoscopic, thought-provoking tale of oppression and the cost of peace, where stories hide within other stories, and narrative has the power to heal — or to burn everything in its path.
Love Letters for Joy
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Joy is asexual, but that’s no reason she can’t experience first love. She writes to Caldwell Cupid and falls for the mysterious voice behind the letters - until the letter-writer turns out to be the last person she would ever expect.
Magical Boy 
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A hilarious and heartfelt riff on the magical girl genre made popular by teen manga series, Magical Boy is a one-of-a-kind fantasy series that comic readers of all ages will love. 
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misterewrites · 1 year
Year Two and a Halfish (Threads of Fate)
Hi! E here still alive. Been. a while. Sorry if you were expecting updates sooner my laptop was having some serious black screen issues and every attempt at sending it to get repaired is getting stonewalled and honestly it's infuriating and yeah. That happened. Hopefully this time it gets properly fixed and i can go back to writing consistently. I'm just using my mom's laptop to write in the meantime.
So it's super late but Merry Christmas @hains-mae! WOO! this is her gift that she requested at the time (I was pretty surprised when she wanted me to write this story but then i was promptly told she wanted her Solider Poet King for her birthday so that explained everything haha.
I started working on this a few days ago and unfortunately something happened here in America relates in a small part to the story. Honestly maybe I'm overreacting or overthinking it but I also know a lot of people read this story and i rather be overly prepped than accidentally not doing enough
Mae wanted a situation where Jason loses it after you, the reader, is injured. She gave me little requests like Robin's line and has to end in all warm feel goodness (cuz i am not legally allowed to write angst haha) so I have chosen that the reader is shot in the shoulder.
Yeah my little thing makes sense now.
It gets a bit intense, maybe? I can never tell cuz I'm writing it. Like i said I could be overthinking this but heads up. It also does end very sweet and homely and all that goodness so no worries. If you don't feel like reading it I understand.
Stay safe everyone. Lose yourself in a story whether it be mine or someone else's and just relax. breath. It'll be okay. Even if it seems like a lot right now.
So yeah hopefully I'll have my laptop fixed and we're all good but at least for now i have an alternate means of writing! Next is probably Mirror's Edge, Mae's birthday gift, Mirror's edge, another gift i owe but that's a personal one that won't be posted.
Be safe, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Wear masks (i know i know but remember you can pass them on to people with compromised immune systems.) remember to get the vaccine or booster cuz it'll help make it bearable. It's okay to just exist and be and let the world pass you by. One step at a time together. Also vaccine worldwide push for it cuz it's important and frankly whatever you feel is important. The issues that matter to you and remember. It'll be okay.
That's it for me! E is out have a great week and i'll see you really soon!
If you want to read this from the start you can find the whole story on this really awesome site right here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29955270/chapters/73737858
For the rest of my work that includes some awesome original work (so i am told haha) Arcane Legend of Zelda and Soul Eater you can find that over here https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/pseuds/MrE42
Summary: A few months later, you are trying to get to work when a very unfortune thing happens. For better or worse Red Hood is saving the day.
It’s pretty cold right now. I…I don’t recall ever feeling this cold before.
Wait. That’s not…true. I think. I’m pretty sure I’ve been this cold before.
Have I?
Whenever Mister Freeze has a snow day it gets really cold.
I feel for him, I do but...
God it’s cold. Or is it warm? My head is warm. Hands not so much. Feet freezing too.
Am I cold? I can’t tell. Everything is a lot right now. The floor is damp I know that much. I can see my breath frozen midair for a moment.
Someone is yelling, waving something towards me from overhead but I can’t focus. Everything’s a bit blurry.
Why does my side hurt? Fuck did I pull something again? I really hope not. I have work tomorrow. Eww wet too. Did I spill something?
Wait, no. Today. I have work today. Right now I think. What time is it?
Shit why do I feel weak? Arm’s shaking too. I didn’t forget to eat again did I? Ugh Jason’s going to kill me.
Hee, Jason. He’s soooo handsome. I have no idea why he wants out hang with me though. He is way out of my league. Like he’s fucking Batman’s son! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO IMPRESS THE ACTUAL SON OF BATMAN!?
Mister Wayne? Bruce? Bruce. No not Bruce. I’ve never met him, I don’t think I can be on a first name basis with freaking Batman if I’ve never met him. Well him him. I’ve been saved by the bats before. Few times actually.
I should really thank him for Jason. He’s just amazing.
Okay so maybe I drank a lot. Why am I thinking of Jason?
Ugh, this asshat is yelling at me still. What the hell does he want? He’s talking to me right? Ugh my head’s pounding, I can’t hear anything.
The guy seems frantic, keeps looking back expecting something but I have no idea what. He just keeps gesturing to his open hand. What the fuck does he…
FUCK! That’s right this asshole shot me!
I wince as the sound turns back on all at once: The angry honking of impatient drivers, the numbing chatter of a thousand people living in a concrete jungle as one. The adrenaline is making my senses so sharp I can hear the dripping water splatting against the cold floor of the alley.
I must’ve gone into shock without realizing it. I mean I was just shot so can you blame me?
My shoulder is burning with a white hot pain I only felt twice in my life: Once when Bane slammed a mailbox into me and when I was 12 and I was really trying to…
You know what? Not important. More pressing matters right now.
I remember now that my flight or fight kicked in: I was late to work and I tried cutting through an alley for a shortcut.
Terrible idea in Gotham I know but this one was brightly lit. I didn’t think anyone was stupid enough to try anything.
So naturally the universe decides to give me the one stupidest person who would try.
He waves his gun at me again (it was a gun. Duh.) but honestly I’m too wired to care. Plus he shot a hole in my favorite jacket! AND IT’S GOT BLOOD RUNNING DOWN IT! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET BLOOD OUT OF CLOTHING?! Really fucking hard.
Oh. Shit. I’m bleeding out. That’s probably important too.
I try to pick myself off the floor but he takes a step forward, threatening me with the gun again.
“I’ll shoot!” he yells.
Even now, with the last possible moments of my life slipping away, I can’t help but be a smartass.
“You already did you asshat! Shooting me again isn’t gonna make me want to give you my money anymore than the first time!”
Gonna die as I lived: Sassy.
He clicks the hammer on the gun, prepping it to fire again.
I…I feel numb. The adrenaline lessens the pain but it’s still mind dumbing. I just want to scream and fight and yell and go down swinging.
But that’s not who I am. I’m not some superhero or even a regular hero. I’m just a person trying to make my way through this chaotic journey called life. I couldn’t even get up and now because some idiot wants the 10 bucks and a very, very old video rental card to a place that doesn’t exist anymore in my wallet, it was about to end.
I could feel fear bite at my resolve, a dreadful overwhelming sense of finality wash over me. Goosebumps crawled down my skin, the air felt stuffy and too cold all at once as time slowed to a crawl.
I can’t even think.
I’m just scared. I don’t want to go out this way.
I took a deep breath and close my eyes.
I think of my mom, waiting for my phone call later.
I think about Jason Jr, a cat I adopted by accident cuz he had streak of white that was way too familiar. Feed them once and every Jason refuses to leave you.
I do my best to not think of him but Jason Jr leads to Jason the human: His piercing blue eyes that feel like he’s seeing deep into my soul. His messy black hair with that one streak of white that made him so iconic, so distinct from his brothers. The various knicks, tiny bruises, cuts and scars from years being Robin then the Red Hood. Invisible from afar but so, so clear up close.
I can hear his laugh, mostly teasing but with a hint of warmth when I do something dumb. The way shows off his prowess with a knife and how proud he beams when I clap excitedly. Wide smirks when we get into one of our playful chats and jabs. The small smile that graces his lips when he thinks I’m not looking. The quiet thoughtful look when something troubles him. A distance gaze only someone who has experienced for too much has.
I see Jason in my mind but I don’t want that. I want to look him in eye when he tries to be all broody and cool. I want to mess with his hair and tease him about his terrible tastes in books. I want to see him again!
Not like this. No fucking way. I have no idea how I’m going to go but I refuse to let it be like this.
I snap out of my stupor, time seemingly unmoved by whatever deeply reflective crap I just did.
He still has his hand on the gun. I’m still on the floor and this still sucks.
I prep my body, tensing and wincing from my aching shoulder but I try not to be distracted. One shot and whether it works or not, I’m not going to go quietly.
“JUST GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!” the man screams hysterically.
“Fuck you.” I spit out as I’m ready to make my move.
The red string tied around my finger slackens, distracting me at a really bad time but suddenly goes taut like someone is pulling at it.
A thud is all I hear and suddenly the guy is gone. Just vanished into thin air.
I weakly try to stand but my legs turn to jelly and honestly I’m not in fight or flight anymore. I’m in “the floor is nice and solid and I’m just gonna lay here” mode.
So I do just that and fall back on the floor and decide to exist for like the next ten minutes.
I mean I would’ve if something didn’t pick me up.
“Are you okay?” A voice asks, young. Younger than me at least.
“Umm.” I smartly reply.
The young man hums thoughtfully “You’ve been shot.”
“Yeah. That thing.”
“Shock.” He concludes before slipping my good arm over his neck and helps me over to a wall. I take this sec to look and am unsurprised to find Red Robin at my side.
“JA.…” Someone else from above calls out, nearly saying a full name before realizing his mistakes “HOOD!”
Hood? Jason. Jason is the Hood. Jason is here. God I’m tired.
He doesn’t respond if he is here.
A figure elegantly sails through the air, tucking into an impossible swan dive only a skilled master of acrobatics whose trained his entire life could manage so effortlessly.
Plus that’s Nightwing’s ass. It doesn’t matter where you land on orientation, everyone in Gotham and Bludhaven knows that ass.
“HOOD!” Nightwing shouts, less cheery goofyball as per his usual self and more firm. More worried.
Red Robin looks now and his practiced, measured posture drops. He doesn’t even bother to hide his brother’s name.
“Jason. Jason stop! JASON!”
Nightwing has already broken into a full sprint towards where I assume Jason is but Red Robin take a second to make sure I’m comfortable. He places me against the wall and hands me a thick cloth to press over my shoulder. A second later and he’s off. My eyes follow and land on Jason.
Except he’s not Jason right now. He’s Red hood and the difference is….staggering to be honest.
I…forget who he is, the brand of justice he deals out with harsh sentences. Somehow, despite how we first met, I managed to split Jay and Hood into two different entities. Two different people who never happened to be in the same room at the same time.
But now, seeing Jason rain blow and blow upon my attacker, I see it.
Jason favors his right side. He’s amberidext-something but that’s from years of training. He says it feels more natural to him, easier for him to focus on other things.
Red likes using the right too. He’s just a fraction faster using his favored side and it’s clear even with his build that he is quick and there’s power in each punch.
Jason is light on his feet but has a solid stance. He loves to boast how it takes all his siblings to hold back him even if he’s not really trying to break free.
Nightwing can’t stop him neither can Red Robin. They’ve all had the same training from the same teacher but they’re not the same. They all have their strengths: Nightwing was blessed with an inhuman grace (and ass). RR is as smart as Batman and just as capable as a detective.
But Jason? Just a force of nature. Pure muscle and strength only equaled by his mentor and with a will to match.
They could barely slow the battle crazed Hood. It took all they had to pull him back but I could see by the sweat on their brows that it was only a matter of time before he broke free from their grasp. He was like a shark that smelled blood in the water and he wasn’t going to stop until he felt the price of injustice had been paid.
Another figure descended from the roof, smaller in stature and wearing an all too iconic yellow and black outfit: Robin. Well the newest Robin since everyone here minus me was Robin at some point.
You know when you’re drained of adrenaline you get reeeeeeally out of it.
Robin cautiously approached the trashing Red Hood, well aware of how dangerous his brother could be.
“Todd.” Robin spoke firmly “This is wrong. You know this is wrong.”
“Yeah Jay!” Nightwing pitched in quickly “And that’s coming from the kid. Imagine how you’re acting if he’s saying that.”
Robin openly glared “Watch your tongue Grayson.”
“Guys, could we deal with the rampaging Jason before we start snipping at each other?” Red Robin pleaded with immense strain.
Nightwing tightened his grip “Jay please. They’re watching.”
Jason’s shoulders slump as realization dawned on him. I could physically note when the exact moment the fight left him.
And me as I promptly passed out.
I wish I could tell you after such a harrowing ordeal that I reflected with a deep and newly acquired profound understanding of my existence, the importance of living each day to the fullest and my place in the universe for really I am the instrument in which the universe….
Yeah no. I woke up on a cloud and instantly hated existing cuz pain is not fun.
I’m not exaggerating by the way. I found myself on the most comfortable bed I have ever been. It was like it was molded for me, shaping around my body in a way that didn’t aggravate my aches. I mean it didn’t stop them but I’ll take anything I could get.
“I see you are awake.”
I couldn’t even flail so I settled for screaming at the top of my lungs.
The most British older gentleman I have ever seen regarded me with a stony face of indifference though I swore I saw a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
“I must admit I have never illicit that particular response before.” He said dryly complete with stiff upper lip “But I can see why it is Master Bruce’s favorite.”
I could feel my cheeks burn “Ah yes. Sorry I….sorry. Umm good morning mister…?”
The man gave a bow “Pennyworth. Normally I would ask you to refer to me as such but seeing as young Master Jason has spoken about you at great length and detail it seems only fair we are on a more familiar basis. Alfred is my name.”
I chuckled nervously as realization dawns on me “Yes. Please forgive me…Alfred? Sir? I…Long night.”
“I should say so what with that bullet lodged in your shoulder.”
I could feel my shoulder ache dully at the reminder.
“Ugh I gotta get to a hospital huh? Don’t want to get lead poisoning. Umm Alfred, sir, do you know if Gotham Blue covers gunshot wounds? My brain is still a bit scrambled.” I speak honestly.
Even his laugh is dry “Do not worry. I have taken the liberty of removing the round as you were sleeping. It made the process simpler and more efficient. A refreshing change of pace I will admit. My usual patients like to insist very serious gunshot wounds fall under the category of merely a ‘scratch’.”
I opened my mouth to reply but someone else answered for me “We’re bats Alfred. Comes with the territory that we get shot at.”
Jason sauntered into the room lazily but I knew he’d been worried: His hair was extra messy and matted, his shoulders slumped as his posture hunched over. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, probably fiddling with whatever he had inside. His gaze was intensely focused on Alfred but I could see him struggling not to look at me.
Alfred’s gave a slight smile “Ah yes. Forgive me Master Todd but I do recall there is quite the difference between being shot at and being shot in general. One many of you seem to have difficulty grasping.”
Jason shrugged, unsure what to say.
“Beg your pardon” Alfred turned to me “I must prepare breakfast. I shall be back shortly with some French toast and fresh bandages for your wound.”
With a polite bow Alfred briskly left the room and sent a scurrying of hurried feet racing from the door.
Silence, not awkward but still tense. The lingering sense of shame filled the air.
Jason wouldn’t look at me.
“Your siblings will be back soon.” I nudged him helpfully “If you want a private conversation I’d say we got like 5 minutes.”
“Twenty.” Jason mumbled uneasily “They really like to scatter to make sure no one is suspicious but Alfred and Bruce know us too well to fall for it. Alfred will suddenly find tiny and convenient issues around the house to prevent them from circling back and Bruce will track one or two down to have a quick chat.”
“Neat.” I said honestly.
Silence fell over us again but I knew it was because Jason was gathering his thoughts into words. When things really mattered he always took his time.
“I’m sorry.” He said, still refusing to meet my gaze.
I scoffed loudly “I wasn’t aware you shot me.”
“This isn’t the time for being a smartass!”
“It isn’t the time for being a dumbass either but here you are.”
“I know you saw me.”
I sighed deeply “Of course I saw you. What, do you think I never wanna see you again?”
Jason remained quiet.
“Look.” I tried to sit up “I’m not gonna pretend like I know what your life’s been like and what you did last night was…a lot.”
“Don’t move, you’ll make it worse.” He said but I ignored him.
“Make me Jay.”
Jason whirled around so quick I nearly didn’t see him gently push me onto back.
“Oww.” I wheezed but Jason held a firm yet careful hold on me “Cheater.”
“How? How did I cheat?” Jason gave a cutely offended look.
I snort “Alphabetically or chronologically?”
Jason glared “If you say Batman trained me one more time…”
“Am I lying?” I smirked “The most training I got was little league and I sucked at it.”
“You hit a homerun once” He offered helpfully.
I rolled my eyes playfully “I hit home, not a homerun. Big diff Jay.”
“True. Only you could hit the homebase and send it flying 5 feet.”
“Hey! It was 20 feet. Minimum.”
“Mhm sure. My bad.” Jason finally grinned “I suppose you also managed to get 5 points for doing that too.”
“Don’t forget the scholarship too! You always forget the scholarship.”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
We stared at each other deeply for a moment before breaking out into laughter.
Well Jason did. I took one breath and suddenly I was violently coughing.
“Oww oww oww.”
“Idiot.” He mumbled as he tucked me into the sheets.
I gave a cheesy grin “Worth it.”
Jason raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Okay no, not really” I admitted “That hurt way more than I was expecting.”
“Rest.” Jason threatened me with arms crossed.
I was too tired to care the words “Only if you’re here to keep an eye on me.” Tumbled out of my mouth before I thought better.
Jason shifted guiltily “Look I…”
In for a pound. I gently placed on my hand over his “We’ll talk about it later. For now it’s over and honestly I really don’t wanna think about it this second. I am just….really happy to see you Jay.”
He took my hand in his.
“You really need to stop taking shortcuts.” He scolded lightly.
“Hey!” I raised my free hand defensively “There were lights! What kind of idiot tries to rob someone in a well lit alley?!”
“The one that shot you yesterday.”
“No shit Jay.” I glared openly at him but all he did was smirk in response.
As beautiful as this moment was, I had to ruin it. A thought began to bother me and Jason noticed.
Jason motioned with his head “Don’t think too hard. Your body can’t handle the strain right now.”
“Oh shut it. You said Bruce was gonna intercept your siblings, right?”
“Umm yeah.” Jason was unsure where I was going with this “He pretends to be emotionally constipated but he’s very good at bed side manner and respectful with privacy.”
I nodded in agreement “Have you ever brought anyone to here?”
Jason’s face fell “Oh no.”
“Emotionally constipated? You’re being unusually kind today Jason.”
The doors flung open and in strode the one, the only, the myth, the legend and Jay’s father: Bruceman.
Shit I mean Batwayne. Brucebat.
Bruce motherfreaking Wayne gave me a million dollar smile “Hello I’m Bruce Wayne. It is so nice to meet you. Jason never brings any of his friends over.”
I could feel myself pale as I stared dumbfounded at his outstretched hand.
Then I promptly passed out.
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magicinavalon · 2 years
For the end-of-year book asks: 4, 5, & 6
Ah hi! thank you for the ask!! 😄💜
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
I did!! Three of them actually. First, I really love Samantha Shannon, the author of Priory of the Orange Tree. I cannot wait to read the prequel when it comes out in a few weeks! Her world building is phenomenal, and the characters in the book were so well written - theres a pov character that comes to mind who I actively rooted against for 70% of the book, which ended up having one of my favorite character arcs I've ever read. This was also the first time I saw/read a high fantasy novel in which matriarchy is the norm and the main pairing is wlw, and it was done so well. Her writing was such a treat to read in every way.
I also loved On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, an autobiography by Ocean Vuong. His writing is deeply human and his prose has to be in my top 5 favorites of all time. There were several times I caught myself tearing up because he really brings the reader with him and makes you experience every one of his memories with painful clarity. I hope to read the rest of his novels/poetry collection soon!
Last, but not least, I fell in love with Maggie Stiefvater's writing this year. I read the entire Raven Cycle series as well as the Dreamer Trilogy which takes place after the fact. Once again, her worldbuilding is out of this world (ha), and the friendships she builds between characters are so uniquely intimate. There are lines from these books that will stick with me for a very long time. For her next series she's moving out of the YA fantasy genre and I will absolutely be reading whatever she chooses to write.
5. What genre did you read the most of?
Probably young adult. The seven books of trc/tdt definitely skewed the results in that direction 😂
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
Ahhh my to be read list is so long, but the ones I meant to read this year were:
- The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
- Emma by Jane Austen
- His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
- The Stonewall Generation by Jane Fleishman
I'll probably get around to reading these next year!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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March 👵🏻 2023 Monthly - Pisces
Whole of your energy: The Emperor
Either you’re dealing with an ex or this all could be an ex’s way of dealing with you. I’ll just read it as if it’s all you. The Emperor is a serious, hardworking and goal-driven, accomplished individual that sets and abides by a specific standard of rules and boundaries. Justice has come out as well, which may indicate government and the law, if that applies to you. Someone you know may be being released from jail, and the story is regarding them, only take that if it applies. Everyone’s outcome and decisions will be different, but The Emperor is your focus. For some that’s a person, could be a boss, father, spouse, and for others it’s you not putting up with any more of someone’s crap. You’re determined to start off brand new and release whatever you feel has been holding you back. Periodt 💯
What’s going on in March:
Queen of Cups in this row is probably you. You’ve been very patient regarding a separation you’ve had with someone in your life, probably this Emperor. Or who you’re having to act that way with. If you’ve been going through a legal separation, that’s taken time, and you’ve not acted out of character, on the contrary you’ve been kind, slow to offend, taking your time as required by what this person or that one says, you’re in no rush. It’s like coasting along, because you have to. For someone this is also a reconciliation with someone that has left you. It doesn’t have to be romantic, this can be family too, but with The Hierophant and possible separation cards, I’ll assume it’s romantic and it’s gone all the way to the point of pull up some legal papers, I’m out of here. It’s not the dominant story, but someone is forgiving them and forcing the release of negative patterns and cycles. Or that’s the conditions to meet moving forward.
6 Pentacles:
You two have a good relationship platonically, outside of whatever else is going on. That may be kinda forced by children, or with mutual friends as shown by 3 Cups. If you broke up around a holiday, you’re in good spirits for the occasion and just kinda push your problems to the back burner. Again, especially if you have kids. There are literal gifts here, whether to each other or children, you may have been more jovial in December, and it feels genuine. If you’re reconciling with this person, they’re giving you the space you need & vice versa, but you two do get along well and are friendly with each other, again especially with any holidays. Or your birthday, which has already passed or is coming up soon.
Either you two have been completely separate since an occasion and you’ve purposely held back from communicating with each other. Or if you’re reconciling, you were doing this before but that’s now over with. At some point there was a stonewall standoff where no one is talking to the other person.
Page of Pentacles:
One of you may send a friendly message to the other person, I assume them, and it seems to just boil your blood, you don’t respond. You’re silent because you’re hurting, and healing. They’re more the friendly type that wants to stay friends and sends messages to check up, which is noble or something, but you’re hurting and their friendly messages make you feel like your healing has to start over again. It’s totally possible this person knows this about you, it’s difficult to be with Pisces in any way and not be some level of a mind-reader, that’s how y’all work. So they pop up just to stay on your mind, and it hurts you. If you’re reconciling, one of you is apologizing for whatever toxic elements they’ve brought to this connection that caused this all in the first place, you or they…both, are taking accountability for each others actions so that things can be released and healed.
The Hierophant:
If separating, by this person popping up as a friend here and there, you’re thrown back into nostalgia, which just opens the wounds back up. Queen of Swords rev shows you being pissed right off at this person and everything that’s happened between you, you’re like “we’re not friends”. The Emperor may be you taking control of this in some way, and 4 Swords we saw prior may be you actually blocking them. If they want to leave, go on then. If reconciling, you’re wholly committed to this person, still reminiscing about the past, and all of the issues between you that made you angry. Feelings don’t just go away. In that case you seem to be trying to heal that anger in yourself so that it may be released, you don’t want to hold on to any of that anymore. Either way, you’re determined to get passed all of it.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer & Libra
Oracles: ✨
“Guess I’ll just chill.”
20 Healing Energy 🤕
Drawing this card guides you to work with energy on a healing level. Take a class, go and receive a Reiki healing, or just sit in meditation and concentrate on mindfulness. With the healing energy of Divine love, you do not have to “know” how to do anything. Just sit quietly, set your intention and let Spirit’s love fill you up. When you are living in a vibration of healing, you not only affect yourself, but those around you. Others then can connect with your energy and their vibrations can rise as a result. There is no force to this. This is basically how energy works. Your vibrational change will effect change in the ones you are close to. Alternately this card signifies healing is taking place within a relationship.
We enter into March as:
The Lilac Key 🔑
“The last thing out of Pandora’s Box was hope.”
Change is coming. It is imminent and cannot be avoided. The desire to run from this situation is tempting. However this is a necessary challenge for you. You are going through the labor pains of birth. This may indicate a painful divorce or partnership ending bitterly. In all situations it represents a death of an old way of living, thinking, and surviving. Lilac Key appears when mere survival is not enough for you. Your will to live is what is forcing the change. It is a change of consciousness, which in turn will lead to a balance of harmony in all areas of your life. Cleaning up the past is a process that is often painful; yet hope and joy are the after effects. Remember, once the key has been used to open the door, once you have entered this new consciousness, you cannot go back. You will be left with a new way of living, one without keys - for where you are heading there is no need for locks 🔒
What is to be learned in March:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Orange/Amber may be lucky colors 🧡🤎
🧜🏽‍♀️ Happy Birthday Pisces!! 🐬
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cheeses-degree · 2 years
First Language
College freshman
General Chemistry I (with lab)- 4 General Biology I (with lab)- 4 Healthcare Informatics- 3 Honors Culture & Expression- 6 -Lecture- 2 -Social Studies Discussion- 2 -Humanities/Literature Discussion- 2 Total Credit Hours: 17
Other Blog(s)
@buysomecheese (main; I follow and like from there)
reading, listening to music/podcasts, playing D&D, cooking/baking, working out
American Medical Student Association The Lavender Grove Student Government Association Dance club but idk which one yet
What languages do you study?
Some of your favorite books?
The Book Thief (Markus Zusak), Shadow Walkers (Brent Hartinger),  Frankly in Love (David Yoon), Stoner (John Williams), We Both Laughed in Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan (Lou Sullivan; Susan Stryker, Zach Ozma, Ellis Martin)
Currently Reading (Self)
David Copperfield (Charles Dickens), The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde), The Stonewall Reader (New York Public Library)
Currently Reading (School)
To Read Soon
The Stranger (Albert Camus), Helen's House
Currently Watching/Listening To (Podcasts/Shows)
Boy Meets World, The Magnus Protocol,
To get good at studying and managing my time
Going To
Hofstra University, College of Health Sciences (Health Sciences BS Honors)
My Tags
#cheese’s reading - the book(s) I’m currently reading #cheese speaks - general idk opinions/thoughts I have? Me talking a lot either in post or in tags #take a break - fun things to do on study breaks!! #challenges - reading or studying challenges I wanna try #college moment - for college in general
Retired Tags
#college essay moment - technically for college essay complaints. Hence the name. But I just use this for college application process in general #GSA adventures - my ventures as the only active member of GSA leadership 😔 I feel the weight of the world upon my shoulders and it’s Gay (/lh)
College Applications List
Adelphi University ✅, Brevard College✅, Campbell University✅, Colgate University❌, Davidson College✅, Duke University❌, Furman University✅, Georgetown University➡️ ❌, Hamilton College⏯️❌ , Hofstra University✅, John Hopkins University❌, New York Institute of Technology✅, Nova Southeastern University✅, UNC State Chapel Hill❌, Villanova University➡️✅, Wake Forest University✅, Washington and Lee University⏯️❌, College of William & Mary⏯️❌, Wofford College✅ Bold = "Dream schools"; the last few schools I was considering/hoping for before I chose ✅ = Accepted ➡️ = Deferred ⏯️ = Waitlisted ❌ = Rejected
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