#gf papyrus
vrnicky · 1 year
Lemon (Sans), he is a dog herd maniac lol. He has a dog, and sometimes cats, shelter! A big one with tons of dogs and even some wolves that got hurt and he healed them. His special ability is making animals sound like they mimic them and it sounds so realistic. He likes to be a menace sometimes lol
He may seem very quiet at first but he is really chatty, jokes around and shares moments with his hundreds of dogs with you! He can often, really often, be seen baby-talking to a big wolf like if it was a puppy. This man knows no fear-
Lime (Papyrus), he is a soil and plant scientist! He studies the soil, its chemical and physical properties and even tests some magic on the soil to try and grow plants faster/stronger/and with some changes. His special ability is a big af memory, full detailed photos, remembering all events within just a day and month. That stuff, he may look crazy but he's really sweet!
Again, he is really sweet but he has a resting bitch face and can seem both crazy and scary since he often talks to himself but he does that to distract his mind, talking about his routine, his brother, his job, etc etc. He will always have something to show you or tell you!
Citron (Gaster), the deceased father of the brothers, that they know of. They don't know who was their mother but the only stuff they know was the diary of Citron, he showed that he truly loved her but never mentioned it.. and they also know that he was a big known farmer between the humans for his wheat and bread.
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sketchalicious · 1 year
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have a funny
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sebby180 · 2 months
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FNF Bonedoggle but it's TS!Underswap
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
the way that i make ocs is that i make completely different characters and then my brain says “what if: Girl” and im powerless to stop it
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capricioussun · 9 months
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Someone on ig called Dos wife material and while that’s very sweet, he is not <3
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determinedtriolove · 2 years
I just wanna talk about how Sans’ interactions with his favorite people is literally just-
Sans: *pun*
Toriel: [Positive Reaction!]
Sans: i love you
Sans: *pun*
Papyrus: [Negative Reaction!]
Sans: i love you
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msmsmsam-ut · 2 years
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Mine and @sonichearts’s self-inserts with our respective soulmates 🥺🥹 This was so much fun to draw and I love how it came out!!
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boyfeminism · 2 years
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me 🤝 papyrus
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
Visit to the Cottage
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there
There's an event called "Let Papyrus Say Fuck", which is about exactly what you'd think. Its aim is to show Papyrus doing and saying things that go against the common fandom misconception that he's just a child (mentally, at least; his actual age is debatable). The actual event is tomorrow (June 16th), but I'm not sure if I really want to take part in it, since there might be antis lurking about in a purely Papyrus-centric portion of the fanbase, and I don't want to have to deal with some asshole minors who think it's fun to harass strangers online for their shipping preferences.
That said, if anyone does feel the urge to harass me, just know that you won’t get a rise out of me. I ignore rude comments and will block those trying to bully me for enjoying what I love (and I report those whose behaviour is particularly egregious). I'm a grown-ass adult who ain't got no time to be playing stupid games with idiot children. I'm way too busy trying to squeeze as much joy out of life as possible.
But forget about all that, this is just a fun little scenario which takes place sometime after my fic "Good Girl Needs Kiss" (also here on AO3). You don't need to have read that, since you should be able to get a gist of what's going on while reading this, but just in case, the basic premise is that Witch!Reader messed up a spell, turning herself into a dog, and got found and taken in by Papyrus. This oneshot takes place after Witch!Reader has broken her spell, and she and Papyrus are officially a couple. I hope you enjoy ^^
I was up bright and early this morning, to get my cottage ready for my very special visitors: Papyrus was bringing his brother, Sans, over for the very first time, and I was anxious to make sure that my friend, and older brother to my boyfriend, enjoyed his time in my home as much as possible. I’d finally broken that stupid botched spell not too long ago, and I desperately wanted Sans to like me just as much as a human, as he did when I was stuck as a dog. As such, I was rushing all about my cottage, sprucing up the place and making it as welcoming as possible.
I’d spent all morning clearing away any dust and dirt, tidying up my spell books and tomes, putting away all of my magical instruments and various knick-knacks and curios, and cleaning up any potion stains I could find. I’d even scrubbed my cauldron until it gleamed, and arranged my alchemy ingredients into neat little rows. I’d also asked the spiders to make their cobwebs as nice as possible, bribed the resident imps and sprites with honey to stay on their best behaviour around my guests, and even banished the hobgoblin squatting in my attic to the wardrobe, when he’d refused to comply and blown a raspberry at me instead. I dearly hoped Sans wouldn’t try to practise his knock knock jokes on that wardrobe.
Any potentially dangerous objects were sealed away in a secure lockbox, which I’d hidden in the secret storage compartment in the floorboards underneath the large, sturdy bed Papyrus had built for me. My previous bed had been no match for my boyfriend’s very ardent affections, whenever he spent the night here, but Papyrus had proven to be quite the skilled carpenter, and this new bed seemed very robust. Still, I’d added my own reinforcing enchantments to it, just in case. Papyrus was very strong, after all. He was also quite the artist, and had even carved flames and cute, little bones into the frame. So talented, my boyfriend , I sighed dreamily to myself, as I brushed my cat familiar’s fur until it was silky smooth.
As soon as the skeleton brothers had entered the forest I lived in, several tree nymphs had shown up outside my window to let me know all about it, and were currently giving me a detailed, running commentary on the brothers’ trek to my cottage. Nymphs were notorious gossips, nosy, yet reliable with their information, and I always appreciated being kept up-to-date on the goings-on of my home, especially where it concerned anyone coming to see me. Nothing happened in the forest without the nymphs knowing about it, and it was very reassuring to have these nature spirits keeping a close eye on my very important visitors.
I wasn’t too worried about anything untoward happening to the brothers, though. The ancient Forest God protecting this entire area had taken quite the liking to Papyrus (in large part thanks to all of the fun and creative puzzles he’d been coming up with to entertain the forests’ inhabitants), and had even named him an official “Friend of the Forest”, granting him safe passage through these woods whenever he pleased. And since the Old God had given his approval, all the rest of the woodland residents would respect his judgement. Many will-o'-the-wisps had even taken it upon themselves to guide Papyrus back to safe trails, whenever he’d gotten distracted by something or someone, and lost his way. I was truly delighted by how easily and quickly my boyfriend had managed to befriend my friends and neighbours. All the more reason to befriend his friends in turn! And as a human this time.
I’d finally managed to get all of the major chores done, and was discussing with my household brownie if there were any minor tasks that needed doing. The shy, little, brown elf was usually the one taking care of most of the housework, which I was always very grateful for, but this was too big and too important a job for him alone. Nevertheless, his help was invaluable to me, and he knew my cottage even better than I did, so I was seeking his opinion on what else I could do to make the place look more inviting. Suddenly, I heard a furious voice booming in the distance.
I’d recognise that obnoxiously loud voice anywhere! Papyrus! I gasped to myself, as I reached over to help the brownie back onto his feet, after he’d startled so badly from the noise that he’d fallen over. With a quick promise from the tiny elf to keep an eye on my house while I was gone, I ran to the front door, grabbing my broomstick on my way out. Once outside, I hopped onto my broom, kicked off the ground and was up in the air in the blink of an eye, shooting off in the direction of my boyfriend’s irate shouting.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I fretted over what could have happened to Papyrus, my mind racing as it came up with increasingly horrifying possibilities. The forest, while generally peaceful, was nonetheless full of mysterious and sometimes malevolent entities, ever eager to play nasty tricks on unsuspecting travellers. I prayed that my boyfriend and his brother hadn’t run afoul of one of the more malicious creatures living in these dark woods...
The further I flew, the louder the yelling became, until I could hear both Papyrus and Sans’s voices clearly.
“but pap-”
Papyrus sounded both panicked and determined, whereas Sans sounded more annoyed than anything, as he responded to his brother.
“then what exactly do you suggest we-”
I finally reached the two skeleton monsters, only to find them both dangling several feet in the air, ensnared in the vines of a gigantic plant, the main body of which was a massive, flower-like creature, whose metres-wide, fuchsia petals formed a humongous mouth, lined with several rows of razor-sharp fangs. Harsh, guttural growls reverberated through the air, seeming to be coming from the main flower. I noticed that a large, draconic skull was also caught in the vines, and instantly recognised it as a Gaster Blaster, although it was wider and thicker than the ones Papyrus would occasionally summon during his training.
Sans had cut himself off when I flew into view, and both brothers were openly staring at me, their eye sockets wide and pitch black, as I took in the scene before me with no small amount of alarm. Sans was the first to recover from his shock, as he waved at me casually, lazy grin fixed on his skull, with only the tightness of his expression betraying how uneasy he actually was.
“oh, hey. ‘sup, kid, howzit hanging ?”
I blinked at him, at a loss for words. Papyrus, however, was not, as he turned an angry glare on his brother.
He was struggling furiously within the vines holding him, almost upside down in the air, as more vines rose up to further constrict him. Sans tried very hard to appear unbothered by the situation, as he shrugged carelessly.
“you’re totally right, bro.” He then shot me a wink. “sorry pal, but we can’t chat right now, we’re a little tied up at the moment.”
As Papyrus practically exploded at his brother’s joking, I hurriedly flew towards the two of them, gripping my broom tightly in my concern.
“Oh shit, are you guys all right?!”
In hindsight, that was probably a stupid question, but this was a ridiculous situation I was in. This was not at all how I envisioned today going, I silently despaired. Papyrus gave a nervous laugh, trying vainly to appear cool and collected, despite his current predicament.
Sans chuckled, looking more pleased at his brother’s pun than he did his own, but I ignored the both of them to make my way down to the main blossom. Landing on the forest floor, I swiftly got off of my broom, and used it to deliver a firm whack to the flower, scolding it with my best cross look.
“You let my friends down this instant, you ill-mannered lout!”
The plant snarled at me, the sound deep, harsh and menacing, but I just pointed the business end of my broom threateningly at it.
“Don’t you sass me, plant bitch! Unhand my boyfriend and his brother, right now , or I’m getting out the weed killer! And you better be gentle! Or else .”
The flower audibly grumbled at me, before reluctantly lowering the two skeleton monsters to the ground, and released them from its vines. The giant blossom, along with all of its leafy, tentacle-like vines, then retreated into the bushes, slinking away and disappearing in the undergrowth.
I heaved a deep sigh, sagging in relief, before running over to the brothers as they staggered to their feet, checking them both over carefully, and making sure that they were unharmed. Neither of them seemed the worse for wear after their ordeal, thankfully, just a little shaken and covered in leaves. The chunky Gaster Blaster shook itself vigorously as it hovered in the air, looking remarkably like a dog shaking water from its fur, before it vanished, returning to wherever Blasters go when they aren’t being summoned (I assumed, at least, since I’d never actually asked Papyrus the specifics of his skeletal weapons).
As I looked the brothers over, I couldn’t help but notice that Papyrus was wearing the “Cool Dude” shirt he often wore on our dates (he said it was part of his “secret style”, but I’d seen it so often I didn’t know what was so secret about it), as well as a pair of trousers I’d never seen before, with what looked like a Halloween themed design. I wondered if the pointy witch hats, black cats, bats, and pumpkins reminded him of me. A large part of me hoped so. Or maybe he thought I would appreciate them (I did, if that was the case, very much so).
Sans, on the other hand, was wearing his usual outfit, except with the addition of a bow tie, distinctly shaped like a bone. I could practically hear the “bone tie” pun from him, and resolved to not mention it in Papyrus’s presence. Best not to give the local forest spirits the wrong idea about these two.
Once Papyrus had regained his footing, brushing off all of the leaves clinging to his clothes, he reached out towards me with arms wide open and quite literally swept me off my feet, as he hugged me tightly to his chest, and spun the both of us around in a circle.
He set me back on the ground, but kept his arms loosely wrapped around me, which I was grateful for, since my impromptu mid-air twirl had left me a little dizzy. He was beaming down at me and I returned his bright smile, feeling my heart flutter in my chest at being so close to the one I loved. I felt a warmth close to my heart, which I recognised as my soul, as it too rejoiced at being so near to Papyrus and his own soul.
“I’m just glad you guys are all right,” I sighed softly, wrapping my own arms around Papyrus, returning his hug. My boyfriend squeezed me tighter in response, drawing me closer to him, and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on my lips. Just then, the sound of a camera shutter going off caused me to jolt apart from Papyrus and whip my head towards the noise. I saw Sans holding his phone up and pointing the lens towards us. He smiled apologetically at us, lowering his phone.
“heh heh, oops, sorry. shoulda silenced my phone,” he then gave us a cheeky wink. “you kids were just so cute, i couldn’t help snappin’ a quick pic. wanna hold tight to the good memories, after all.”
I could feel my cheeks heat up at his words, but I couldn’t argue with his reasoning. And neither could Papyrus, it seemed, as he swiftly made his way to his brother’s side and snatched the latter’s phone right out of his hands, to admire the photo Sans had taken of us. The taller skeleton’s face lit up, tiny specks of light glittering within the depths of his eye sockets, and he started tapping away on Sans’s phone.
I tried to cover my blushing cheeks, but couldn’t contain my smile. Papyrus gushing over photos of the two of us always made me feel giddy, and my soul warmed at how obviously my boyfriend treasured our relationship, new as it still was. I reached up a hand to yank my tall witch’s hat off of my head, and used it to fan my face, hoping to cool down my blush. The tiny, fluffy owl chick which had been peacefully snoozing underneath my hat, stirred slightly at the disturbance, but Papyrus quickly ran a phalange gently over its downy head and along its soft, puffy body, soothing the baby bird back to sleep.
Papyrus had been utterly enthralled to learn that I often kept baby birds, entrusted to me by their parents, underneath my hat, and when this latest owl chick had hatched, he’d immediately started fussing over the little fella, and caring for him like a parent would, even going so far as to keep bird feed on hand at all times. He’d even named the owlet “Voltaire”, proudly boasting about how fitting a name it was. I certainly hoped so, since Voltaire was a very intelligent writer and philosopher. Sans, meanwhile, had greatly appreciated the double pun.
Ordinarily, once the chicks were old enough, they’d fly the nest, so to speak, but Papyrus had grown so attached to this baby owl, and it to him, that I was considering keeping the little guy as my second familiar. My mother had two familiars herself, her cat Artemis, and her owl Hermes, however I’d never felt like my magic was stable enough to support two familiar bonds. Besides, Midnight had always been more than enough for me, and I didn’t want to risk him not liking another companion.
But with my blossoming relationship with Papyrus, and my growing friendship with his friends and family, I felt more confident in myself than ever before. Papyrus had been steadfast in his support of me and my efforts to improve my magical abilities, and had even declared himself my biggest fan. With him by my side, cheering me on every step of the way, I felt like I could accomplish anything. Once Voltaire was old enough, I would perform the bonding ritual, and he and I would be together for the rest of our lives. Hopefully so would Papyrus , my heart wished.
After I’d returned my hat back to its place on my head, and Papyrus had handed Sans’s phone back to him, my boyfriend gave me a deep bow, grabbing his brother’s skull to shove it down as well. I blinked at them in confusion, as Papyrus offered me his apologies.
Beside him, Sans mumbled a “yep, sure are” and Papyrus let him up, the both of them straightening up from their bow. I hastily shook my head, waving away their unnecessary apology.
“No, no, it’s fine, really! That flower has always been a bit of a grumpy git. Besides, it’s kinda my fault it’s like that anyway.” I sighed, recalling the incident which had led to the plant’s foul temperament and abnormally large size. “You see, it’s a very rare species of flower, whose seeds have many, fascinating uses in alchemy. So, I thought that if I poured some growth potion on it, it’d have bigger seeds, and therefore more material for me to work with. Clever, right?”
Papyrus nodded his skull in agreement, assuring me I was “VERY CLEVER!” and I smiled gratefully at him, before my face fell as I continued.
“Unfortunately, I failed to brew the potion correctly, and while the flower did indeed grow to a gigantic size, as intended, it somehow also gained some level of sentience as well. I still don’t know where I messed up in the brewing process to have caused such an effect...” I bit my lip, frowning thoughtfully to myself, before I shook my head, dismissing the question for another time. “But anyway, I thought I’d managed to tame the nasty beast, for the most part, and it hasn’t attacked anyone in a long while. I don’t know why it chose to attack you two now, but I’m really sorry about that.”
I wrung my hands anxiously, feeling guilty that my past actions had put my dear friends in danger, but Papyrus strode forward and took my hands into his own. He wasn’t wearing his gloves for once, and I enjoyed the feeling of cool, smooth bone against my skin, as he gave my hands a firm squeeze. He smiled down at me reassuringly.
“DON’T BE! IT WAS ALL SANS’S FAULT!” The monster in question huffed a laugh at how easily his brother had thrown him under the proverbial bus. Papyrus leaned his skull down to press his forehead to mine, as he gazed directly into my eyes. “MY FOOLISH BROTHER IGNORED MY INSTRUCTIONS TO NOT BOTHER THE FOREST’S RESIDENTS, AND PICKED ONE OF YOUR FRIEND’S SMALLER FLOWERS. SO YOU SEE, SANS IS ENTIRELY TO BLAME! MY LITTLE LADY HAS NOTHING TO BE SORRY FOR!”
My guilt wasn’t completely assuaged, but I did feel a lot better at his words. I was just glad that he wasn’t upset with me for creating such a menace and allowing it to run loose in the forest. Still, I couldn’t really fault the flower for getting mad at the brothers, if one of its blooms was harvested without its consent. I twisted my head towards Sans, and he hunched his shoulders a little, looking sheepish as he held up the flower which had instigated this whole mess.
“eh heh heh... sorry about that, pal. i didn’t know the rest of the plant would take offence to my takin’ just one, tiny bud,” he glanced down at it, eyelights fuzzing slightly around the edges. “i thought frisk would like it. she loves pretty flowers.”
I thought back to Frisk’s stunning, flower-filled garden, with its myriad of blossoms covering the majority of the area, a veritable kaleidoscope of vibrant colours everywhere you looked. She did indeed love pretty flowers. And the one Sans was holding would fit right in with the rest in Frisk’s garden, with its bright, pink petals. I nodded my head, conceding Sans’s point.
“True, she’ll probably like it,” Sans’s smile widened at my agreement. “Just let her know that while it is edible, it has a rather bitter flavour. Nothing overpowering, but still something to be aware of.”
Sans looked at me a little oddly, for some reason, before shrugging and giving me a wink.
“sure, i’ll tell her that. heh, thanks for the advice, kid.”
I beamed at him, glad to be of help. “No problem!”
Papyrus then clapped his hands, as if he’d just thought of something.
“SPEAKING OF PRESENTS!” He reached into his inventory and took out a bone, with a big, red bow wrapped around it. He held the bone out to me with a huge grin. “THIS IS A GIFT SANS BROUGHT FOR YOU, ON HIS OWN!”
Sans looked to be holding back a snigger, which I found puzzling, but I chose not to question his strange behaviour, as I happily accepted the kind gift.
“Thanks, Sans! How thoughtful of you! I love bones.”
Papyrus’s in particular, but I kept that to myself; Sans didn’t need to know that. The shorter skeleton monster seemed to be trying to hold back another laugh, as he struggled to get out a “no problem at all , buddy”. Huh. He really was an odd fellow, but I was glad to have such interesting friends. I made a mental note to find a present of my own to give to Sans, one that would match the level of care that must have gone into this one.
Clutching my lovely gift firmly in one hand, I bent down to retrieve my fallen broomstick with the other, and suggested that the three of us make our way to my cottage, before we attracted any more unwanted attention. As it was, a group of tree nymphs were already giggling to each other, and would most certainly be gossiping about this encounter for the next few days. I could also spot several curious fairies spying on us from behind tree leaves and bushes, and who knew what else was watching us, hiding from view. I sighed in exasperation. Didn’t these creatures have anything better to do?
Papyrus readily agreed with my suggestion, even volunteering to carry my broom for me, so that he could free up one of my hands to hold it in his. I eagerly accepted, of course, and the three of us marched off in the direction of my home, myself and my boyfriend walking hand in hand the entire way.
Despite the little hiccup with the giant, angry flower, the rest of the day passed by smoothly, and I felt that by the end of it, Sans and I had grown even closer as friends, which delighted me to no end. My friendship power would soon be unmatched! And Papyrus was even more thrilled by this than I was, if his not-so-quiet comments to himself and to Sans were anything to go by. The big guy wasn’t very subtle about his desire for his loved ones to get along well, but that just proved that he had a big heart (metaphorically speaking)!
As an added bonus, I’d learnt that the hobgoblin did, in fact, enjoy knock knock jokes, and a great deal too. Papyrus, however, did not . All in all, today had been a fun and interesting day indeed, and I looked forward to my next hang-out with the skeleton brothers (even if I did prefer my private dates with Papyrus just a bit more).
This was fun to write. I normally avoid swearing in my fics, just because it feels a little too crass (even though I cuss a bunch in real life, amongst my close friends and family), but just for this special occasion, I'm letting Papyrus swear. It feels a little weird, honestly 'w'
Anyway, to my regular readers, I've got something planned for this coming Sunday, because it's Father's Day where I am. I wrote something for Mother's Day, so I couldn't miss out on Father's Day ^^ It won't be similar to my other fic, though, but I hope people like it all the same.
(Psst! To those who are confused about the double pun in "Voltaire"... "vol" is French for "flight", which along with "air" seemed fitting for a bird. I thought it was fairly obvious, but I'm half French and a friend pointed out that it really wasn't, so here's the explanation for those who want it.)
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velvetwyrme · 3 months
i eat up ur recs with a spoon and have almost gotten to the end of the list!!! do u have any other self insert recs? thank u! u have great taste
MWAH MWAH ILY !! THANK YOU and yes ofc I have more recs (not as many as last time, but it should still be a decent list to sink your teeth into <3)
Take care when reading, and always be sure to check the tags!
Same notation as last time, with STATUS of each fic labelled as such: Finished, Ongoing/Unfinished, Discontinued. (Unless the author specified that the fic is Discontinued or on Indefinite Hiatus, I will mark it as Ongoing/Unfinished. Oneshots are also marked as such.)
Spicy (Explicit) and/or Dark fics have also been labelled if relevant. (I won’t mark ones with just suggestive themes/moments, since I cant guarantee I’ll catch all of them. Similarly, unless there is consistent graphic death or gore I [probably] won’t mark it as dark.)
As always, tread carefully while reading and take care of yourselves <3
Edit: Fixed a missing link or two!
These Masks We Wear - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
TIME LOOPS BABEY!!!! This reader is a delight from the get go because they have been stuck in a time loop and are... rather impulsive because of it, which lands them in a bit of a mess, because these strange, dangerous monsters have just emerged from the mountain. (I'm screaming and yelling at this fic very intensely)
Resisting the Current - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If you haven't read this yet please do yourself a favour and read it. The premise was enough to get me irrevocably hooked (anti-harem but the gf is ALSO into you. ALSO SHE'S YOUR EX) and the writing is just FANTASTIC. I'm obsessed with the dialogue and description at every turn. Also, I would very much like to kiss Quinn please and thank you. The plot is beginning to set in now, and it's so good??? I have to cut this short or else I'll talk forever <3
ALSO the same author recently posted the first chapter of Wishbone which has me in a vice grip!!! AHH
Comic Classifieds - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
*kicks in the door* DID I HEAR... FAKE DATING? Very sweet VERY funny, with an extremely extraordinarily awkward reader. (Who is also "cute in an awkward, baby giraffe kind of way.") It's sooo good please please check it out.
Stolen with Friendship, Captured by Love - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
2016... I still love this fic deeply <3 It's so SWEET and it reminds me of the good days of fic... Papyrus is. a Lot to deal with, but the reader takes it all in stride. He is SO full of energy and I want to sqUISH HIM.
Tough Choices, Tougher Consequences - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I loooooove stories where soldiers get thrust into awful political matters. After you are forcefully removed from the battlefield, the Emperor gifts you his finest gladiator- Papyrus. He intends for the monster to be a toy to you as much as you are a toy to him, but you can't accept that and quickly broker a deal with Papyrus for his freedom.
Already There - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Finished
BURSTS INTO TEARS. Like for real though I adore this fic, it will break you into a hundred million pieces. My beloved son!!!!!!! I can't believe I didn't add this one to my last list it's such an influential piece of my existence like genuinely
There is also a sequel! Which hasn't updated since 2018 BUT STILL IS REALLY GOOD. If you want a slightly less heartbreaking story, the author also has another Sans/Reader; A Tale of Dog and Monster which makes me want to cry but in a happy emotional way instead.
Here's to You, Doll - Mafia!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ah... this one is very fun. You're a scientist who gets accidentally isekai'd into a Mafiatale universe and becomes stranded there. Unfortunately for you, Don Gaster and his brothers think you are a spy, so you're kinda stuck with them. Also Sans is kinda a little freak in this one at times (/appreciative)
Soul Collector - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The reader (the Soul Collector) gets transported into another universe and has to stay with their alternate, who is the skeleton's terrible neighbour. You look just like her, of course, resulting in a lot of VERY confusing interactions. I wasn't expecting to, but I actually really like Meyer.
Consequences - Papyrus(?)/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Anti harem, but the reader gets mcfreaking MURDERED (and so does classic Papyrus?!) so now they are both Ghosts. Focus is currently more on platonic relationships and REVENGE but I'm enjoying the twist on the typical anti-harem structure!!
My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Edge is very cute in this and I also feel really bad for him, he's trying so hard but the MC will not give him the time of day ;w;!! I looove me a good tumultuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans’ soulmate in the bg, so if you’re not a fan, that’s something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn’t quite my thing, but tbh I’m really interested in seeing how things turn out here!)
ERROR: Not Found - Error!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Error, gets obsessed with the reader and kidnaps them! It's slice of life, so don't expect TOO much hard hitting angst here, it's more about being woo'd by the strange stalkerish entity who knows everything about you <3
When Death isn't an Option - Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
I'm a sucker for immortal readers, especially ones that get stuck in HORRORTALE of all places. This fic is very fun and plays in the Horrortale sandbox in a fun way- I'm enjoying it a ton so far :]!!!
Additionally... if you liked that or if you're like me and love immortal readers forced to make decisions of extremely dubious morality and sense because of their immortal nature, you should also check out Cadarverous and 𝚎𝚊t. which are both very dark and very compelling.
Babysitting with Extra Morbid Steps - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
So the first thing you need to know is: Papyrus is dead.
... WAIT WAIT WAIT HEAR ME OUT- this is a really brilliantly written fic about like. SO much fucked up shit happening. The reader is Sans' friend, who he has hired/tasked with guarding the various alternates he has. just straight up imprisoned(?!?!). I avoided this for a while because of the aforementioned Papyrus Being Dead thing, but HOT DAMN I'm glad I read it in the end. Delightfully horrifying, but it gets sweet I swear!!! I would say read the tags but those are Spoilery ;)!
Additional note; the comments section often has Really Interesting dissections of characters and their motivations, which if you're into that (like me) then you should read those too!
All You Knead is Loaf - Sans/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Super sweet, VERY punny fic that updated over the course of a month iirc. It's a cute food-centric Sans/Reader!
Like a moth to flame…or a lamp - Mothman Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
BIG MOTHMAN HORROR!!! He's so sweet and sad this poor man. He has mistaken the reader for his mate and is trying to woo them again...
Those Times I Met His Brother - Sans/Reader - Finished
Essentially you befriend Papyrus and keep getting left with Sans, during which you grow closer. Love Papyrus' not-so-subtle attempts to get them together afjkdfjsf,,
Just Try and Help (Lil Old Hopeless Me) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Skeleton reader! Very angy skeleton reader. They do not Want to be here (understandably, considering they were essentially kidnapped) but their former caretaker is gone, and they have nowhere to go.
Lovely House of Bones - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Six monsters get stranded in a snowstorm, and you help them not freeze to death by inviting them into the house you inherited. I'm really excited to see where this one goes :D!
Maybe In Time, You'll Want To Be Mine - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
More!! Soulmate stuff!!!! SOULMARKS BABEY!! Love it when there are misunderstandings! Love it when there are cuuuuute background character kiddos!! AUGH it's cute! And angsty! But cute!!
No Good Deed - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
You volunteer at a local homeless shelter where you meet a strange, less-than-friendly volunteer. Short and sweet!
Nothing but Skin and Bone - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
MORE Horrortale content! This one only finished last month or so- it goes from angsty to sweet/cute and it's real good!!
If you read that and want EVEN MORE sadness and gore, the author's other work Vivid Blood, Pale Scars (DARK) is very tragic and very fucked up because you get saddled the Horrorfell boys this time. MUCH Hurt and No Comfort!! All the endings hurt me in different ways and none of them are happy. LUCKILY(?) the spinoff/AU where the skelebros and reader from VBPS get pulled into a multiversal skeleton house; Blurred Lines, Opened Wounds has just started!! Surely nothing can go wrong. Surely.
The Princes' Bride - Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you got kidnapped by the king to marry his sons. "Why" is a good question. And an even MORE pressing question is: how do you get OUTTA here. (Papyrus is a sweetie, Sans is distrusting, and King Gaster is a mysterious weirdo who is a good dad and bad everything else.)
MorTificaTion - Bad Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Reader from Outertale gets yanked into Horrortale! They then have to masquerade as Sans' wife and Aliza's mother, all the while trying to just stay alive. Not to mention the other Sanses running around... really fun premise and I'm excited to see where it all goes >:0!! Also extra kudos to the name of the fic because YAY Murder Time Trio (MTT) mention!
So here's the plan... - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader/Underswap!Papyrus- Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
VERY CUTE!! Love them. Fake dating except there's a third conspirator involved. Each of them was also trying to set the other two up in a couple uwu. Chapter 1 is cute, and chapter 2 is spicy ;)!
Just a Cat - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
The reader is in fact, not just a cat. (He is a shapeshifter, and pretends to be a cat.) Shenanigans ensue.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Asshole Away - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Unhinged. When I say unhinged I mean it in the best possible way but it IS unhinged. They're all a bunch of little FREAKS. Please read it, if only to experience the absolute TERROR of Miss Bluebell and also Steve. What the hell (appreciative)
Honey Lemon Tea - ...?/Reader - Discontinued
RAGHHH I'm so sad this was discontinued :(( I loved the set up and the mystery so much... the author did leave an end note with how the plot would have played out though!
Shifting Morals - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
You go stargazing and have an encounter with a mysterious stranger :0c?! (It's Sans. He's a cool beasty guy, and he is very very sadly Entirely alone.)
Additionally, this fic was suddenly revived 5 years after posting the first chapter which I have immense respect for.
The Key To Freedom - Yandere Buttontale!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Yandere Papyrus! Not a common sight, but this fic does it particularly well. He mostly wants to eat your soul at first, but then he starts getting... attached. The bittersweet ending!!! AUGH.
Milky Tea and Souls - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you could summon bitty versions of your soulmates!! And oh stars why are there so many- WHAT DO YOU MEAN MORE KEEP APPEARING??? The reader has a handful of skeletons and more to deal with!
The House on Lane 66 - Various/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I feel like legally I have to include this (/lh /j). I finally finished it recently and went "WOAH..."
I stopped reading for a while (because of the length...) BUT I returned to it because I really really enjoy the world building (like holy SHIT!!!) but oh my god that sure is. a Million words now. It is TECHNICALLY finished, but that's only because the next part is in the works(?!?!?!)
Love Grows - Farmtale!Sans/Anomaly!Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
🎵 Love grows where my rosemary goes~
The reader doesn't have a physical body or a way to interact with the world while they watch over Saejun and the rest of the Farmtale characters. They inhabit a scarecrow to have some semblance of personhood, but they remain unable to talk...
Falling - Underswap!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
You are dying. You are dying and all of a sudden your dad is asking you to pick out a fucking slave of all things. The monster does not trust you (fair) and he thinks you are faking your illness for attention (less fair. what the fuck). Really interesting dynamics in this one!
Se Brûler - Grillby/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I reaaaally love this fic! Sweet fluff! Angst! THE DRAMA!!!!! AUAUUUUGH I have too much to say about it just go read it.
Early Bird Special - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Old fic that's still updating!!!! Really interesting plot that just keeps getting More Dramatic as time goes on (in a good way). It's a Slavetale AU, in which the reader ends up joining the resistance after a few chance encounters. The author also has a spinoff fic with the same premise but featuring Underfell instead, which results in quiiiiite a lot changing.
nemesis & nike - Various Horrorbros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
The reader essentially starts off in a zombie apocalypse and then gets transported into an alternate universe where they initially think that the various skeletons they meet are zombies. Turns out they are not in fact, zombies, but like most of them still want to kill the reader so...
Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes] [Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
More zombie apocalypse stuff! Except this time you're stuck there with a pair of weird skeletons! You give them nicknames so you don't get attached, but of course you end up getting attached anyway.
To My Horror - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Post-surfacing Horrortale fic where the skelebros get to go live their farming dreams. With you! Slice of life with a dash of intimidation and angst.
If you enjoyed the Horrortale/Farmtale fusion, you'll be glad to hear there's also...
The Skeleton Stalks - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Another Horror-farm-tale fusion which has just begun recently! You live on a farm and all of a sudden there is this Big Intelligent Dog hanging around. Eventually, your new neighbors are sent to check in on you and your Great(er) Dog, which leads to some sweet interactions.
The Ruse - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
This is a rework! I read the original fic while it was being originally posted and I ADORED it, and the rework is superb <3 Sans is the Captain of the Royal Guard, who must fight valiantly against the villanous Eclipse, who exists only to spread terror... and you're just some human chilling on the sidelines, posting treasonous Soriel posts on the Undernet.
I'm so so so excited for it to return auauusgfhfhdj THE ORIGINAL FIC IS GONE SO I CAN'T EVEN READ IT TO SATIATE ME...
Almost Alone - Swapfell!Papyrus/Male!Reader - Finished
I love the sleepy, slow atmosphere this fic has- it's so befitting of both SF!Pap and the MC in this. It's soft and sweet and melancholic auauuauauuughgh I LOVE IT... *bursts into tears again*!!!! Also, there is a side fic which follows different POVs throughout the story, which is similarly well written!
Date night Purring - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
SUPER CUTE (and slightly suggestive)! Also Edge has a feminine body in this which is always fun. Booba <3
Scares and a Sudden Friendship - Horror!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Reader's shitty boyfriend leaves them behind in the haunted house in which HT!Sans is working as a scare actor. Sweet little meet cute! (Meet spook?)
Fallen Star - Underfell!Gaster/Reader - Oneshot
An ooooold fic but one that never fails to break my heart. Written from the perspective of UF!Gaster recording experiment logs about the newest fallen human.
Birdy -Mafiafell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
LET THE BIRD FUCK SHIT UP!! I love the way the Avian... siren(?) reader is characterised... there's also another oneshot in the same series which I enjoyed- love me some weird Creature Body Horror!!
I also really enjoyed the author's other fic: Moss & Mycelium, wherein the reader is a skeleton :]!!
Skeleton's Curiosity - FellswapGold!Skelebros/Reader - Oneshot
SUBNAUTICA AUUUUUUUUUUU YEAAHH BABEY!! I love mermaid AUs and I love Subnautica! Real cute!
Chance Encounter - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
ANOTHER SUBNAUTICA AU :D!! Except it's just UF!Pap this time <33 !!!
Leaving A Mark - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The twist(?) made me laugh so hard I almost cried. It's VERY cute also.
Nice to Scare You - Various/Reader - Oneshot Series
A fun series of oneshots of the spookier variety! Or more Halloween-y at least. All very good <3
The Escort - Lust!Sans/Reader || &Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Discussions of Explicit Content.]
No romance! (But lots of kind-of-onscreen fucking.) This fic feels like looking at a bunch of polaroids, seeing a snapshot of existence. Life out of context. And it works SO well. It makes me feel sad and existential and I really love it.
Rubble & Ramparts - (An R&R-Inspired AU Fic) - Various/OC || Various&OC - Ongoing/Unfinished
Not a reader insert, but it's like. An AU of a reader insert so I'm including it here!!! Rubble and Ramparts is of course, inspired by R&R (Rabble & Rampallians), which was on my previous list but is getting linked here again for ease of navigation
ALEXIS my beloved!!!!!!! I am in loooove with the way things are going in this fic. It's so COOL and Alexis is such a freaking DELIGHT. Also I just really love reading all the notes from the Cutting Room floor, which the author has kindly included in a separate fic for your reading pleasure!!
ALSO in writing this I also remembered there is Another Spinoff AU fic which IS a reader insert (that I'm enjoying)...
Perception & Patronage (An R&R Spinoff) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Thank the stars I remembered this, it's really fun!! Also judging by the tags there is also plans for. not only Various Sanses/Reader, but also READER/READER, which is such an underrated thing I love it, but I digress. It's a really fun spin on a really fun fic <3
Teen Livin' - Various Skelebros & Reader + Frisk/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Cute and sad! Platonic reader insert. The reader is a troubled teen who befriends Frisk, and gets to meet a bunch of skeletal guardians. The skeletons have a familial/friend's cool cousin vibe with the reader, which is really sweet! The fic is currently going through a Halloween Special which I'm enjoying quite a bit (Haunted dolls! Ghosts! Blood!! Still very sad :[...)
Something Good - Fellswap Gold!Papyrus/Reader(?) || /OC(s) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Technically not a reader insert since Coffee is the MC, but I can forgive it because I'm really really invested in this and I really adore the character dynamics so far <3 Coffee striking it out on his own is always a fun thing to explore, and I'm excited to see more!!
I love writing up these rec lists- it's such a fun way for me to rediscover fics I've enjoyed, thank you for giving me another opportunity to reread some of my favourite fics and more importantly to share them with you! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :D!!!
I'll probably leave it here for now or else I'll end up rereading fics forever lolol it's already like 3am I gotta sleep SOMETIME
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giggleeclown · 3 months
Some more undertale brainrot:
Sans loves making other people laugh, but he’s more reserved when it comes to other people hearing his laugh. He tends to snort when he laughs hard enough and he can’t help but be a little bit embarrassed by it. But as he gets to know everyone and becomes closer with them, he starts opening up more, and becomes more involved with the tickle shenanigans that tend to happen around his friend group, especially Toriel and Frisk.
Papyrus loves grappling and play wrestling with Frisks, and it usually leads to him taking on the role of “tickle monster”. He usually lets Frisk get back at him, but he sometimes legitimately loses tickle fights against them because he’s way too ticklish for his own good, lol.
Undyne also takes on the role of “tickle monster” whenever she wrestles with the human. She’s a bit of a sore loser and won’t usually let Frisk win, but if Papyrus is there he’ll team up with Frisk, just to get back at her. He and Undyne sometimes devolve into tickle fighting during training if it’s a day where they aren’t taking it that seriously.
The only person Undyne would ever let win a tickle fight is Alphys, because she’s a good gf and she likes seeing her happy (aww)
I feel like Asgore is kind of neglected by the fandom sometimes, but he really is such a fluffy soft guy! He loves to playfully tickle Frisk along with Toriel, but they sometimes get emotional because it reminds them of their own children the lost (😭) but it makes Frisk so happy having affectionate parental figures (wether they end up back together or not), and they’re pretty quick to adapt more tickling into their day to day life.
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vrnicky · 1 year
Can you tell me a bit more about Lime? *poke poke*
Sure thing!
Lime could be easily be your mad scientist lol but instead of just searching his own benefit, he searches the benefit of all the farm neighborhood!
He has a lot of bitties lol. The first thing he did with the soil, he planted a carrot and the next thing he sees is a carrot bitty and he was so confused pfff. His recent experiments are success and has created a good way of speeding the process of growing fruits faster and that's special soil mixed with magic!
He is always full of dirt or dust but his house porch and stuff, clean and tidy! Everything shines!
And he never really care about his father true identity or why he just left them alone. He just knows that he found comfort on the experiments and trying to help everyone.
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weaponofmasseduction · 4 months
Some context to the image im about to post i was talking to my gf and i thought it would be so funny if sans was catholic and nobody knows because it never comes up and he doesnt want ppl to care about it
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He eats a tray of edibles and then sits in the very last row of pews in the church so catatonically high that he cannot speak. After service he gives candy to the kids and when the parents try to make conversation he can only answer in one word responses
Papyrus is not religious because he thinks peekaboo with fluffy bunny is a much more engaging read than the bible
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ask-dcf · 2 years
Adult Frisk and Chara
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So I saw a trend of some of my friends doing adult verions of their frisk and charas. So I thought you know what screw it. Imma show adult versions of Frisk and Chara to. ^^
Frisk age 23: Over the years they became an absolute weeb. They developed a bit of a cat face and took on Muffet's Ahuhuhu laugh. They also got lots of heart shape stuff. They got a heart stitched on their shirt heart shaped pants and silver locket they got from Chara. In their mind the more hearts they have the more the feel connected to the other Frisk's in the multiverse (Sorta like kinning) and if they live a happy life then they feel those Frisks who didn't will live a happy life aswell. And yes they got a Mouse hoodie that they love.
Chara age 25: Chara hasn't changed her looks much, She kept asking for the same clothes in different sizes alot. As for her poncho its still the same as when she was a kid, it has an elastic collar. You might see some acessories she kept as a kid, the bracelet, the earrings, her necklace, the ri-..... >w> A riiiing?~ Heheheh~ shhhh. But yeah She still loves her chocolate. Also she still has her static abilities when she got older. And she likes to call herself "Empress of Monsters" Now. Because of course she would lol.
These two don't exactly live a life of importance when they get older. Frisk was too stressed to a very bad point with the political stuff and left it all to Papyrus, while Chara supported them and decided for them both to live a slow simple easy life. For once having things be NORMAL in their crazy lives.
Fun fact when I showed Chara to my gf she went "My baby girl!~" I SWEAR I LOVE THAT WOMAN SO MUCH HHHH QWQ SHE SO CUTE!
But yeah thought i post this for the day. Dealing with some stress so no asks today. But have this instead. If you wanna send mod asks about them I can answer them without spoilers for whats to come in the story. ^^;
Art by @xjunjox
inspired by @ask-duotale-b2fc @somedancingpineapple @kamikotorayama391 @lilybug-02 @doloshroom @dhundertale @potatogoats1blog @larzzzyyy
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drawer-ghost · 3 months
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Have two attempt to stylize the gfs+some lighting experiments but I added Papyrus cuz' they felt lonely. I also wanna add that the two drawings weren't meant to be connected story.
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capricioussun · 3 months
Posted that too early lol anyways while I continue chipping away at stuff, does anyone have any questions about any of my outcode guys? Like Comet, Wingdings, Dos, etc etc
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