#gg worth it
xamaxenta · 10 months
We’ve had Omega Ace milkies
Its time for Omega Marco milkies and Sabo is incredibly down bad
But bros lactose intolerant
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moonfountain · 2 months
i don’t think i’m ever gonna love another girlgroup the way i love dreamcatcher i’m so glad they exist
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ashuzu44 · 2 months
What results did you get with LOA I'm curious? And I love you muah muah
HIIII i love you too mwa mwa
As for my results, I'll list a few of them hehe
I got this guy who I haven't talked to or met in over 10 years from my elementary school and his sister, and I manifested for both of them to follow me. Considering they had a public account, usually people don't see, so for me it was A HUGE THING.
I manifested my grades for my IBDP board exams. (AYE)
I manifested eating whatever I want and not gaining weight, this was actually only very recently.
I manifested a new ipad (the latest model for less than a 100 dollars)
OOOO i also got a new house for me RIGHT BANG IN THE CITY, which is super expensive but I got the best one !!
xoxo, karina
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ruinnous · 2 years
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year
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[Midge is] proud that she did exactly what she set out to do after doing exactly what she set out to do the first time and having the rug ripped out from under her. She's proud that she rebuilds, that she headed in a completely different direction that she didn't know was possible, that she found a partner and the love of her life in a lot of ways in both Susie and stand-up. She's proud and she's fulfilled. Is she happy? I don't know.
Rachel Brosnahan on the finale [x]
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k-martins · 1 year
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Or better! A panel with a tiger and wolf ready to devour the prey that is now Sukuna!
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pynkhues · 6 months
About an hour away from updating a fic for the first time in two years and I love that it's the one nobody is asking for <3
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theggning · 1 year
AA3 spoilers: I've always assumed Godot died at the prosecutors bench, due to him being a barely functioning heavily medicated poison victim with a stab wound that went without heat, medication, or food for as long as Maya did. But I'm very intrigued at the thought of what a man who has truly lost all purpose like him would do if he survived. Do you have any thoughts on his future? Will he pick a third even dumber name?
Sup friend. I'm actually a "Diego lives" truther 'til the day I die. Because what's the point of a redemption arc/realization like his if he immediately dies anyway? (Though I wouldn't be surprised if he passed out in the lobby and ended up in the hospital, he HAS been pushing himself a lot the past few days.)
The thing is, I really don't think Diego has lost all purpose. I think HE thinks that, but it's much more compelling that he now has to snap himself out of that mindset-- the same delusion that made him pick up "Godot" in the first place. He's got a crime to atone for now, yes, but he's also got a Maya who has FIRMLY forgiven him and welcomed him into her circle. A Phoenix who's also come to understand him and wants to know the man behind the mask. He can't get Mia back, but you also can't tell me that she would want him to keep suffering for her. She'd want him to work on accepting himself, dealing with his grief, getting the therapy he so desperately needs, and enjoying what's left of the life he does have, even if it's not the one either of them wanted.
(As it turns out I wrote this fic exactly...)
Personally, I think (and thus in all of my fanworks and suppositions on the topic) Diego gets out of the system pretty quickly. I'm a huge proponent of any and all "Weird Uncle Diego" scenarios, where he's welcomed by and like family to the Feys. I like him eventually embracing his other great love and opening a coffee shop, becoming a weird local cryptid in the legal scene. I want him to find peace and I also want him to take up a future that @tanaleth and I gushed about and have named "the ghostwife meta" in which he and Mia have an unconventional, but still very devoted relationship for the rest of his life.
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// Arin “literally just a happy little kid” Hanson 🥰
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ayatxt · 10 months
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gildengirl · 4 months
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Zachary Goode playlist
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ashuzu44 · 2 months
I am a person with a lot of problems I really try to believe in Loa because I know that if it is not with this I will not have a solution my life is bad very bad and I really want to believe in this I really want to because it sounds good but there are so many people saying it does not work and they have more logic I wish I could feel good with this (blindly believe in Loa) but I can not at least at this moment I can not feel it I wish this was so fast I can have everything in a second but I do not feel like that and this is not hate I just do not feel good I think my life exists with Loa or does not exist . I like your account very much because you always answer you are a very good help <3
Hi, first of all sending love <3
I don't know you situation or scenario, so what I do tell you, its coming from my own opinion. Now why do you wan to believe what other people tell you. I know logic is a big defining characteristic in any situation related to this, but, its important for the first step to be for YOU to realise your power and as you say "blindly believe loa".
You don't have to feel it, you can feel as you feel but in YOUR own MIND, you have to know what you have is true and not the circumstances.
I hope this could help you <3
xoxo, karina
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ujuro · 5 months
Of all of the kpop mysteries to be explained in 2024 gfriends disbandment wasn’t one of them
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i hate to say it and i hope i don't sound ridiculous, but i think i might miss f1
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hummus-birb · 10 months
How did she win again
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