#ghoul elements
sovaghoul · 13 days
Hey so five senses, five Ghoul Elements.
Air / Scent
Fire / Vision
Water / Taste
Earth / Touch
Quint / Sound
And ofc that means
Multi / Clairsenses
Do with that what you will
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 8 months
Hello Clergy!!!! I've been reading your blog for a bit now and I absolutely love and onjey your National Geographic on ghouls. And I was wondering if there were more types ghouls in hell like:
○Light/Sun ghouls mostly live in the desert/Sahara plains of hell and they move in tribes like nomads, and they follow the
Sun as much as they can.
○Shadow/moon ghouls live in caves (their kinda like bats), they are nocturnal, they sleep through the day and come out at night to get with their lives, and they can not live without the moon in hell or on earth, (they have runes on their body that glow in the moonlight)
○Plant ghouls are a sub class of earth ghouls, they live in the jungle of hell, their much weaker then earth ghouls and most other too
(That's all I have, sorry if my English isn't good)
Awwwwwww, thank you so much!! ❤️❤️ I’m so happy you like my ghoul types!
I LOVE ALL OF THESE SO MUCH!! I love the idea of big, bat like ghouls!! ❤️ You should write more of these, I’d love to hear your ideas for other types! These are so cool!!
If you don’t mind my joining in with what I do for mine for these three types!: :)
-I actually have a plant based type of ghoul element, too! I do Earth ghouls in three categories; Normal/Plains type, Stone (rock and mountains), and Forest! Forest ghouls are your plant elemental types. They live in HUUUUGE trees, are typically very short, and are one of the biggest populations in Hell.
-Light elemental ghouls are actually a hybrid in my works! Sunshine is one of them! :) Sun/light ghouls are a mix of a fire element and air element. Air ghouls are both weather and air based, and when mixed with fire you can get really cool hybrids! Sometimes they manifest as lightning, and sometimes they manifest as pure light! Sunshine, for example, has powers that can be used to make beams of light!
-I think the closest I have to any type of ‘night’ or ‘moon’ ghoul are various Aether ghouls! Aether as an element embodies a LOT of different powers. Aether ghouls can have gifts in anything from manipulating shadows, to healing, to seeing the paths of the universe, and to even melding space itself! So many Aether ghouls are drawn to celestial bodies like the moon, and work very well at night! They particularly adore our Moon on Earth because it affords them more magic during certain phases.
Seriously, you should write more of yours!! They are so cool and I’d love to see it!! Thank you for sharing!! :)
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have-a-hiddles · 4 months
Earth: Soil, plants, rocks, crystals, land-dwelling animals
Air: Clouds, wind, flying animals, feathers, thunder and lightning
Fire: Fire (duh), volcanos, lava, sunlight, steam, cooking, dragons
Water: Natural bodies of water, swimming animals, rain, snow, hail, sleet, sailing ships
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jupiter-011 · 5 months
Hello my dear ghouls and ghoulettes
I had some thoughts on what would be the most common element. I think multi ghouls are the rarest and right after are the quintessence.
And for the more common ones I thought water is the most common one and earth the second one, since water and earth can be found everywhere. But a friend of mine told me that air is way more common, so I wanted to ask you guys.
What is the correct order of the elements (Fire, water, earth, air, quintessence and multi), most common to rarest?
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sanctum-vii · 4 months
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A (little bit late) Mushy May Day 20: Gardening doodle.
Thanks to @forlorn-crows for setting up the prompts!!
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thebigolbee · 1 year
The way you draw Hancock so smol has me dead
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Silliest little critter in the Commonwealth
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kabukiaku · 10 months
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my take on dewdrop ghoul!! 🔥🤍
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sentientgolfball · 2 months
Peter….the horse is here
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Hiii some more dividers! Two random one and some quint focused (:
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Swiss hurt/comfort because I love him. So, so much. Featuring Dew being the absolute best.
It's a peculiar feeling, being the only multi ghoul in the Ministry. Sure, there are some who come close, like three-elemental hybrid Aurora, but Swiss remains, to this day, the only ghoul to detain control of all five elements. Well. "Control" might be a strong word.
He is good with fire, has always been drawn to this element specifically. Quickly started hanging out with the fire ghoul bunch after his summoning, feeling like he might fit in best with them. He is good, yes, but no more than that. Good. Average good. Nothing like the effortless and precise mastery of the element displayed by the fire ghouls.
Air comes relatively easily to Swiss. He has Cumulus and Cirrus to thank for that. Summoned at the same time as them, he remains very close to the girls, and spent countless afternoon practicing with them, learning how to weave breezes and gusts of wind, earning countless praises and kisses whenever he made progress. Still, Swiss has none of the girls' grace or range when it comes to manipulating their common element.
Surprisingly, he is quite good with quintessence as well. Quintessence, this mysterious, elusive element that's known to be so hard to control, somehow doesn't give Swiss as much troubles as he'd expected. In Aether's opinion, it might be that Swiss is so very curious of people, his mind craving connection, which would encourage the spark of quintessence within his grasp. But of course, because there always is a "but", Swiss is far from fully in control of it. He would never try what Aether successfully does to calm pain, soothe nerves or various other things.
When it comes to water...well. Swiss can, with a lot of focus, fuck around with weak currents, direct some droplets to splash someone in the face, or even, thanks to Rain's patient efforts, developpe small gills which allow him to breath semi-decently underneath the surface of the lake, but that's about it. Swiss, as much as he sometimes wishes he could, will never slink through the currents with the water ghouls' elegancy, silent and blending in so very well with their element.
Which leaves earth. Ah, earth. Swiss can feel it, the thrumming under his skin whenever he's surrounded by the element, in the forest guarding the Ministry's grounds or even Primo's beautiful rose garden. Yet Swiss can barely access to that power keeping itself just out of grasp, almost as if it was taunting him. No amount of time spent in the greenhouses helping Mountain, listening to his advice or copying his careful gestures can change that. But Swiss knows it's there, can feel it, and, on rare occasions, has his suspicions confirmed when flowers sprouts around his horns after being subjected to especially intense emotions.
So that is what Swiss is. Jack of all trades, master of none. And it gets to him, sometimes. He knows, realistically speaking, that people like him. That the Clergy sees him as a blessing, the Siblings are irresistibly drawn to him, that the ghouls are all over him. And yet, sometimes, he cannot help but feel like an outsider, a freak, something that shouldn't be, or at least shouldn't be that way.
It's often Dew who notices first when Swiss starts spiralling that way. Everyone always underestimates how perceptive and attentive to others the fire ghoul is, but Swiss has been on the receiving end of his quiet comfort enough times to know Dew cares, a lot. And somehow, when Swiss is overwhelmed by the objectively speaking irrationnal feeling of not belonging, Dew always manages to reassure him.
Maybe it's because the fire ghoul remembers his water days, when he struggled to connect with his element and felt like a disappointment, even with Mist always fiercely supporting him and expressing her pride in what Dew grew to become. In any case, he always find the words to appease Swiss, or, when words aren't what he needs, what to do to make him feel better.
A hand slipping in Swiss', an arm slung around his shoulders. A press of forehead against his, a cheeky kiss at the corner of his mouth. Sometimes, understanding that all Swiss needs is to be smothered with affection, Dew simply throws himself at the multi ghoul and wrestles him onto his back with surprising strenght before calling for a cuddle pile.
It's harder to feel like an outsider when your packmates are all purring and making happy noises on top of you.
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cirrus-ghoulette · 5 months
Thinking about Dew directly after his elemental transition.
Laid out in an infirmary bed that looks too big for someone so small. Induced into a quintessence coma because his body was too badly injured to keep him awake. His wheezing, crackly breaths through the oxygen mask, his vocal cords ruined after the fire burned him from the inside out. His body occasionally jerking as it tries to cough and clear his throat.
Arms, legs, neck, and part of his face covered in burn dressings, his platinum blonde hair charred black, bald in places. One seaglass horn shattered and fragmented, the other one crumbling under the lightest touch. One night, Omega has the horrible job of gently tapping at Dew's horns until they crumble into a dish he's holding with his free hand. They had to break off the remnants of his horns, the fragments were getting stuck in his wounds otherwise.
Copia sits by his bed for weeks. He's horrified at what he did to this ghoul. Papa Terzo's golden ghoul, the sweet little water ghoul, and he ruined him. There was no telling at this point if Dew would even recover fully from this, or if this had ruined him. They didn't even know if he'd be able to become a lead guitarist after this point, the whole reason for the elemental change. The guilt eats Copia alive.
He can't even hold Dew's hand. He tries to. He turns Dew's hand over carefully, and the palm is covered in blisters. He doesn't want to inflict any more pain on Dew by holding his hand.
Papa Terzo is beyond angry. He knows Copia didn't have a choice, the Clergy forced him to perform an elemental change to show that he possessed the powers to be a suitable Papa. But he's still angry. The change would have gone without a hitch if he had done it. But hindsight is 20/20, after all.
Terzo can barely look at Dew. That was his ghoul, and they've wrecked him beyond recognition. He knows Omega feels the same way, he can feel the silent rage as Omega changes Dew's dressings. The anger as he rolls Dew's limp body onto its' side to stop bedsores forming. The hopelessness as he checks over Dew's charts for what seems like the tenth time that hour.
Dew's touch and go. They take it day by day, but at the moment, it would be cruel to wake him.
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ghcstcd · 9 months
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Every now and then, I remember that Copia nabbed that hottie. She likes is pathetic guy swagger. He makes her laugh. He's sweet. You know (Oh yeah, swiss is there too, I guess)
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cupid-ghoul · 1 month
aether: the pack and ministry responsibilities are stressing me out so much that I'm getting gray hairs ...
rain, after a few minutes of silent staring: ........ aether .... we ARE gray ........
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bloodfin · 9 months
quintessence ghouls have their cool healing and body powers, but i think water ghouls also frequently found in the halls of healing.
they have naturally cool temperatures, helping to soothe fevers. water bends to their will, they can clear sinuses with one tap to the forehead. dry eyes, dry mouth, dry skin, burns, all relieved by water's gentle touch.
sure, it's not setting bones and stealing migraines and sensing and preventing harm before it even occurs, but it's healing all the same
i thought too much about this
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turbodrawn · 6 months
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Despite everything, it’s still… you.
Dewdrop/Sodo angst? More likely than you think
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dewphomet · 1 year
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Posting these couple of old giant Ghouls from last year ⛧ (Because i forgot to lmao) 
I have to severely draw / fix them desing wise at some point since, ever sice i did this ive started the HC Them both to be Caretakers/Tutors for both Aether and Dew (Pre and Post element transition) Also a little bit to Ifrit aswell! (Tho only the tutor side from Alpha) Still, theyre both suckers for the kits and cannot deny it
Ps. Alpha sucks at teaching.He tries his best but ends up showing off, help him.
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