#gi joe mainframe
holographic-mars · 1 month
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Boy is so ears
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thicctails · 2 months
A Merformers x Reader Fanfiction
Chapter 2 ° Coastguard
Blessed be Randy the coffee machine, your holy god of caffeine. May His hazel liquid flow eternally into graceous Bartholomew, vessel of Randy's divine lifeblood; discount noname brand coffee that had expired last week.
Taking another sip of your beloved breakfast drink, you forced yourself to walk towards the greeting area of your clinic, praying to any deity that was listening that you looked at least passably presentable. You'd taken far longer to pull yourself away from the tender embrace of your nearly flat air mattress than you should have, and both your nerves and back were paying for it.
The head researcher of A.E.R.O. was meeting with you today to discuss your collaboration effort with them, and finally tell you exactly what species you'd be getting to work with. You hoped it would be something exciting, like sharks, dolphins, whales, or nudibranchs.
Taking a shaky breath, you shoved your anxiety down into the pit of your gut where it could, hopefully, only be noticed by you as your hand grasped the handle of the door. You pulled, ready to take the first proper step towards your new life.
Ah. It was a push door.
Willing the colour that had suddenly flooded your cheeks to kindly fuck off, you meekly pushed the door open.
A man was standing in the main entrance room, leaning against Desk the desk and scrolling through something on his phone. He was dressed fairly casual for someone in his position, sporting tan cargo shorts, a forest green t-shirt, and a black lab coat, his company's acronym emblazoned in crisp vinyl across his breast pocket. He had tousled light brown hair and deep brown eyes that were framed by square glasses. At the sound of your approach, he lifted his gaze from his cellphone and gave you a warm smile, pocketing the device and turning his body towards you.
"Doctor L/N! It's nice to finally meet you!" he greeted, extending his hand to you. "My name is Dr. Burns, but please, just call me Graham."
Though it had been difficult to tell sometimes, you had not actually been raised by a pack of rabid wolves, so you returned the gesture, gripping the man's hand and giving it a shake.
"It's a pleasure to acquatence your make."
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Hey, God? Could you do a little smiting? Yeah, right here please.
"I- I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to say that." You managed to get out, almost shocked that you hadn't fucked that sentence up as well.
Breaking News! Local PhD holder flubbs basic greeting! Becomes World Champion speedrunner for ruining first impressions and instantly loses any chance of being considered for further employment and any shred of respect this man had for them!
"It's fine. Honestly, I was just as nervous as you when I first started." Graham laughed, startling you out of your own mental spiral, "I was so preoccupied with my own worries that I tripped and fell face first into a pool on my first day."
You stared at Graham for a moment, stunned that he was still talking to by choice and not out of obligation, before a small, strangled chuckle left your throat, sounding more like the dying squak of a strangled seabird than a laugh.
"Come on, the rest of the team is waiting for us in town." the brunette said, gesturing for you to follow him.
You arched a brow but obediently followed after him, trailing after the researcher like a duckling waddling after a pair of boots.
"Oh? I was under the impression this meeting was to discuss my contract." you replied, trying to scrape together a professional-ish sentence while simultaneously praying that you weren't coming off as rude.
"It is, but once everyone got wind that we would be working with someone new, they got a little," he paused, hand waving about as he searched for the right word, "excited. It's been a while since anyone besides Marissa worked close enough for us to talk to them on a semi-regular basis."
"Can't wait to meet them!" you said cheerfully, lying through your teeth.
The idea of having to interact with another human being today had been draining enough, but to have to converse with several? When their opinions of you could impact your career?
Your hands twitched around Bartholomew's smooth, ceramic body, wishing you'd added a few ounces of pure caffeine to your coffee. Maybe you'd get lucky and get struck by a bus.
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Unfortunately, God wasn't known for being kind to you, so you arrived at a small diner completely unharmed.
The worn bell above the door dinged as you and Graham stepped inside, the smell of greasy fries and cheap burgers wafting all around you as he led you over to one of the booths, the cracked red leather seats occupied by three other people in various states of dress.
There was a younger woman with russet skin and shockingly red hair that was pulled back in a loose ponytail, a few hairclips keeping her bangs out of her bright blue eyes. She was dressed in a cream and light orange dress, matching knee-high boots complementing her outfit. She was scrolling on her phone, but put the device down when she noticed your approach.
Ah, the mortifying feeling of being known. It never failed to make you uncomfortable.
The other two, who were seemingly in the middle of seeing who could chug a milkshake faster, were men, light skinned and with almost identically brown hair. It was easy to pick them apart, though, seeing as one was built like a brick shithouse and looked as though he was cosplaying some strange cross between a soldier and a Ghostbuster, and the other was a twink that also happened to be absolutely rocking some sun-bleached overalls and a set of the most obnoxiously yellow rubber boots you'd ever seen in your entire life.
"Hey, dingbats!" the woman hissed, nudging her closest colleague, who happened to be the rubber boots guy, "The new vet is here!"
While the two guys attempted to swallow their drinks without getting a brain freeze, Graham gave you a somewhat sheepish smile. "Dr. L/N, I'd like to introduce you to Doctor Sari Sumdac, Doctor Spike Witwicky, and Doctor Blaine L. Parker."
"Mainframe." Blaine said, slamming his cup down with a satisfied sigh, "Call me Mainframe. Only my Mama calls me Blaine."
"I'm still good with Spike." the other man chimed in, extending his hand to you as you and Graham slid into the opposite booth seat. You shook it, quickly repeating the action with Sari and Mainframe.
"So, you're the new guy, eh?" Mainframe asked, "We've been waitn' for Marissa to finally pick someone. She's too picky, if you ask me."
"Not picky enough if she hired you." Sari shot back, and for a moment you stiffened, afraid you were about to have front row seats for a fight, but Mainframe's laughter and Sari's teasing expression quickly calmed your nerves. She looked back at you, her face taking on a more genuine look, "He's not wrong about us waiting, though. A.E.R.O. has been around for a few years now, but you're the first vet we've gotten assigned to work with us."
Your eyebrows shot up, mouth opening slightly in surprise before you remembered to shut it, "Really? Why?"
The gathered marine biologists looked at each other for a moment, before Spike leaned in closer to you. You matched his action, wondering what exactly he had to say.
"Did Marissa fill you in on what exactly A.E.R.O. means?" he asked in a low whisper.
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. Actually, your employer had told you very little, just enough to get you to sign a contract with her. You didn't regret your decision; anything would be better than the place you'd come from, but this secrecy did make you wonder what exactly you'd gotten yourself into.
"A.E.R.O.," Spike continued, "stands for Aquatic Extraterrestrial Research Outpost."
You blinked, leaning back as you turned over what Spike had just told you. Had you heard him correctly? No, surely not. Clearly you hadn't had enough coffee yet.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, chuckling a little "I must still be a bit groggy, because I thought you said extraterrestrial for a moment there."
The four shared another look, then once again focused their attention back on you.
"You heard correctly, Dr. L/N." Graham said, producing an envelope from the interior of his jacket. He quickly glanced around the diner, before sliding the envelope over to you. He continued speaking as you picked it up, hands shaking slightly.
"Five years ago, several objects from deep space suddenly entered our atmosphere and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. It was presumed that they were abnormal meteors of some kind, but a government owned dive team discovered that they were actually pods of some kind, made of materials not found on Earth.
"They were empty by the time they were found, but not long after they were discovered and retrieved, strange signals began to be picked up by sonar sensors, and sailors around this area began to report seeing bizzare creatures swimming beneath their boats, some of them claiming that their vessels were attacked, which was corroborated by several documented cases of boats coming in with scratch marks on their hulls."
You opened the envelope and reached inside, withdrawing several polaroid photographs. Each one was of a different boat, ranging from dinky little sailboats to bulky fishing trawlers. However, they all shared one unique feature; a set of deep gouges that tore through wood and metal, left behind by something that had to be absolutely huge.
Well shit, slap a tinfoil hat on your head and call you a believer, because there wasn't much in the ocean that had claws to begin with, and certainly nothing with claws large enough to do that kind of damage.
As you began to tuck the photos back into the envelope, you noticed that one of them was drastically different. It was blurry, taken on the coast during what looked like a storm, but not even those hindrances could mask the appearance of the... thing that had been captured on camera.
It was big. Like, really big.
The closest thing you could compare it to would be some kind of whale, but it looked so wholly unlike any species you knew of that you immediately tossed that idea out the window. It had a long, silvery body, covered in large, armour-like scales that almost gave the appearance of it being segmented. Thick, spiny fins jutted out along most of its tail, purple webbing torn and ragged. It's upper half was obscured, as the creature was diving back down beneath the surface, but the very beginnings of its torso hadn't quite been submerged when the photo was taken, and you could see a long row of crimson gills that glowed in the moonless dark.
"What the fuck." you breathed out, shoving the photos back into the envelope before tossing it away from you like you were playing the world's strangest game of Hot Potato.
"Yeah, that was pretty much our reaction too." Sari said, picking up the envelope. "We've been calling that one 'The Meg', since you could almost mistake it for an overgrown shark, if you only caught a glimpse of it.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned softly as you considered everything you'd just been told.
"Let me get this straight," you started slowly, dragging your hand down your face before resting it on your chin, "You and Marissa want me to find a way to study and treat a highly aggressive, barely studied, extremely dangerous alien, let me repeat that for you, alien species with no prior experience and, since you four work at a separate facility, no team?"
A pregnant silence met your question for a moment, before being broken by a very timid, very nervous "Yes?" from Graham, who was rubbing the back of his head.
You looked at him, looked at the rest of his team, looked at the exit of the diner, and considered your options; accept this batshit insane, borderline suicidal offer and risk getting torn limb from limb by sea monsters from beyond the stars, or move back in with your parents.
"Well Christ on a bike, sign me up." you replied, before snagging the nearby coffee pot and, after checking that it wouldn't give you third degree burns, chugged the whole damn thing, determined to get enough caffeine in your body to drown out that little voice in your head that alway nagged that you should have been a lawyer.
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georgeromeros · 1 year
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G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO - “Nightmare Assault”
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nadertigerkay · 1 month
Top 10 couples in G.I. Joe cartoon
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 1 year
Why didn't I realize that this is a total Mainframe/Zarana song last year? lol
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juniaships · 10 months
Okay oc lore time
Jonny Quest the real adventures and the direct to video scooby movies takes place in the same universe. Myra is friends with the Quest Kids and Jessie Bannon.
Reboot (the cgi cartoon from 1994) also takes place in the same universe; Mainframe can access QuestWorld. Race Bannon flirted with Hexidecimal much to the horror of everyone else.
Swat Kats take place on another planet (nearly canonized in a scrapped ending for one of the episodes). I have a SK OC who works as the Kats' mission control/backup member.
Beau is a government agent who got cursed by the evil werecats; after their defeat died he was cured but had to send all his findings to the Quests so they can help the victims' families find closure. He then goes on to be an informant for various super teams.
Skysurfers also exists because that show was made by the same creators of Scooby Doo; Jack Hollister's father used to be lab partners with Dr. Quest.
Acceleracers takes place in the same universe due to being made by the same folks who made Reboot (being Canadian productions irl).
Mainframe and Cyberspace (of Cyberchase fame) may be linked, technically considers Mainframe a Site.
Gen 13 (mix of comics & the animated film) is set in the same verse. Unlike the movies Matthew Callahan doesn't die but remains under the custody of John Lynch; also he doesn't rejoin Ivana as he did in the comics. Also, unlike the comics Gen 13 actually has 13 members. They rotate time from time. Matthew is forced to be a part to undo the damage he caused working as Ivana's underling. Caitlyn is not his sister, his siblings are Sarah and Nicole as in the comics. Cait and Roxy are half sibs.
Im not sure if I want TFA in the same verse but for the sake of it yes; the year is current but still with the theme of Detroit rebuilding, to go along with Animated's theme of redemption
Jackie Chan Adventures are set in same verse as the 2006 legion of superheroes, the 03 Teen Titans, Xiaolin Showdown, and 2004 Batman.
GI Joe Sigma Six is set in the same verse as TFA.
GI Joe Renegades and Transformers Prime are set in the same verse detached from Sigma Six and TFA.
Universal's Monster Force is set in same verse as JQTRA and Scooby Doo
The 2000s Mummy and Tintin take place in the past; 1930s at the earliest. Bayformers and the live action Joes take place in that timeline's future.
Mummies Alive take place in San Fran and likely set in the future of the Mummy cartoon. It also takes place in the same verse as the 90s King Kong & Godzilla cartoons.
My Descendants rewrite takes place in a world where the heroes never agreed to send villains on the Isle. Instead the isle is simply a mysterious place said to harbor riches beyond legend.
Gargoyles, Atlantis, The Mighty Ducks cartoon, BLOSC, and OUAT takes place in the same verse. BLOSC is set in space and has a ranger from the same planet the Swat Kats come from
Osmosis Jones is in its own solar system based on organic body parts. Its "star" pulses like a heart beat. Sorry but I hate Bill Murray.
Loonatics Unleashed takes place in the same time period of the regular looney tunes; instead of being descendants theyre distant cousins. Acmetropolis is a mega city using Sumdac Tech
Zadavia comes from a planet English translaters describe as Freleng. The common export is energy crystals and its rocky deserts is a haven for geologists and unlucky miners everywhere
The civil war was sparked by General Deuce and Optimatus's betrayal
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fereality-indy · 1 year
My Personal GI Joe Universe
My personal Joe-verse loosely follows the Hamaverse for the most part, but not completely. Also pretty much if I can buy a figure of a character, that character is still alive.
- I add some ideas/characters from Sunbow (Mainframe/Zarana romance, Honda Lou, Teiko, Green shirts, etc), DiC (in my version, Armadhila is the Alley-Viper that was friends with Scoop in Operation: Dragonfire, Evy the Range-Viper, etc), DDP (Firewall, Mayday, Mariner, Alexander McCullen, Mistress Armada, [American] Red Shadows II, Phoenix Guard, etc), IDW (Hashtag, Ronin, Lighthorse, etc), etc.
- A lot of Legacy characters get renamed: Resolute/RoC/IDW Dial Tone is Landline, IDW Hard Drive is Network, Sean Collins is Kamakura and Throwdown is one of his brother, Sunbow's Daina is Krasa (Russian for Beautiful), etc
- Final Faction is a branch of Star Brigade that deals with alien encurscions to Earth.
- MASK is based more on the original season of the cartoon, but has ties to GI Joe.
- Street Fighters are a loose collection of street fighters that include members of Interpol, British intelligence, US military, etc that regularly deal with various low level threats that would not require action by any of the larger teams. There is a healthy working relationship between the the Joe's and the Street Fighters.
- Oktober Guard is made up of Brekhov, Daina, Horrorshow, Schrage Stormavik, Krasa, Volga, Vorona, Gorky, Misha, Dragonsky, Red Star, Big Bear, Wong, and a couple of Original Characters.
- Action Force is made up of non GI Joe characters (ie Skip, Scout, Doc, Wheels, Jammer, Quarrel, Stalker, Steeler, Moondancer, etc) and the Joe's that were of European nationality (Big Ben, Action Man, Natalie Poole, etc). They are Europe's GI Joe equivalent.
- Argen7 is the Argentinan Joe equivalent. Made up of Shimik, Glenda, Sokerk, Redmack, Manleh, Topson, & TNT.
- Commandos En Açāo is the Brazilian version of the Joe's. Made up of Athena, Sparta, Estopim, Tigor, etc. They actually work a lot with the Argen7 team to fight Cobra in South America.
- India has the Commandos Force made up of the original characters from Funskool (Rednok, Canary Ann, Streethawk, [red Caucasian] Stalker, Wireless Tracker, Super Cop, Skydiver, etc)
- Bronze Bombers (original & 97 characters) are a private contractor group that operate out of the African continent. They operate along the lines of the A-Team in the fashion that they usually work for the oppressed and underdogs. And don't let them find you poaching if they are in the area.
- The Corps are the UN equivalent of the Joe's. They are made up of the original & modern characters.
- Cobra is based around the Hamaverse version. There are also South American & Indian branches of the group based around the figures released in the area (Armadhila, Mortal, En Aco, Kangor, O Invasors, etc for Cobra SA and Snake Shadow, Scorpion, etc for India).
- Iron Grenadiers are Destro's personal army. Other named characters are Darklon, Roddy Piper, Mayhem, Voltar, Metal Head, Copperback, Alexander McCullen, Mistress Armada, etc.
- Athena is the private contractor company owned by the Baroness' family. They were really only seen once in the DDP comics, but I have a couple of Fortnite figures I used to represent them. (Calamity is an officer and the Elite & Rogue Agents are the troops).
- Dreadnoks are a multinational biker gang lead by Zartan. Pretty much a combo of the Hamaverse & DDP versions of the group.
- SKAR is a terrorist group led by Iron Klaw. They occasionally encounter either the Joes, Action Force, or Oktober Guard.
- IRON Army is a group of cyborgs created by the former ally of Sgt Savage, Garrison Kreiger aka General Blitz.
- Red Shadows are the main enemy of the Action Force. They have a small branch in the Americas based around the DDP version. Baron Ironblood, Black Major, Red Laser, Red Jackal, Red Wolf, Red Vulture, Red Scream, etc are the command force of the European branch with Wilder Vaughn, Arthur Kulik, & Dela Eden lead the American branch.
- Marauders are a former private contractor army that went rogue. They are one of the two enemies of the Corps. Ravage, Plague I, Vulture, Road Rash, Remora, Hak Luger, & (formerly) Dusk are the named members.
- Curse created by the former Corps member Shadow, the Curse are almost all infected with nanobots that augment them in some fashion. Plague II, as Shadow now goes by, has recruited several allies; Puma, Impact, Reaper, Occulus, etc.
- Pyro's Band Of Thugs are essentially a group of mercs made up of the enemies of Bronze Bombers. Cool Breeze, the Baron, Chilly Pop, Backdraft, Crazeblaze, Firebomb, & Scorch.
- Shadaloo is a small nation that offers sanctuary to many evil people.
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serpentorslair · 5 months
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I want to do a bognadoff twins meme with Tomax and Xamot. Shipwreck wants to get into crypto and Mainframe sets up a crypto-wallet for him and gives him advice not to go overboard on it. Immediately Shipwreck buys Cobra-coin created by Extensive Enterprises which goes up in value until Tomax and Xamot order it to be crashed. Shipwreck then turns into a screaming wojak.
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gritsandbrits · 5 years
Press F for Respect 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Edit: I'd like to thank everyone for reblogging this, as well as providing more sadly-cancelled cartoons. Though they are gone they will always live with us through fandoms and Kisscartoon.com.
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roninkairi · 4 years
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Zarana: This is why I love him.
Me: ..and who in the BLUE HELL is Crystal Ball?
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Because lets face it, most of you probably are wondering the same thing too.
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shanascarlett · 4 years
Mainframe and Zarana wedding reaction
Jem and the Holograms, MASK, Micronauts, Action Man, Autobots, Visionaries
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G.I. Joe, Cobra, Decepticons, Dreadnocks
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xcom2-joes · 6 years
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Sometimes the random placements in the photo booth mode work out just right.
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georgeromeros · 1 year
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G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO - “Computer Complications”
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thecastingcircle · 3 years
EXCLUSIVE: Lady Jaye, the undercover operative in Hasbro’s G.I. Joe universe, is getting the small screen treatment.
Deadline understands that a live-action TV series about the character, who was portrayed by Adrianne Palicki in the 2013 feature film G.I. Joe: Retaliation, is in the works at Amazon.
Erik Oleson, the showrunner and executive producer of the upcoming second season of Amazon’s Legendary-produced Carnival Row, will create and showrun the series and will exec produce alongside Lorenzo DiBonaventura.
It comes from Paramount Television Studios, eOne and Skydance Television.
The series will be a standalone story centered around Jaye, which will also connect to the larger G.I. Joe universe.
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Jaye first appeared in the 1984 animated series and was later turned into an action figure and written into the comics.
Oleson’s past credits include head writer and exec producer on Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle as well showrunner and executive producer on the third season of Netflix’s Daredevil. He currently has an overall deal with Amazon Studios and is represented by WME, as well as Jamie Mandelbaum of Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein.
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This is the first thing Hasbro has done RIGHT since teaming up with Steven Spielberg for the first Transformers movie.  
Adrianne Palicki didn’t have a lot to work with in “Retaliation” (a film I have not seen).  But she was rock solid in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” as Mockingbird.  Only problem is she never gained a large fan following, no one is clamoring for her to be in “Hawkeye” or to return for the final season of SHIELD.  
I don’t know who else could play her right now.  But let’s focus on her supporting cast:
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Can’t have Lady Jaye without Flint.  They can have a great “Will They, Won’t They?” relationship.
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The villains of this piece?  GI Joe is investigating Extensive Enterprises and Lady Jaye goes undercover, quickly rising through the ranks.  She eventually ends up as an assistant to Tomax and Xamot.  
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She ends up going against The Twins’ other executive assistant- Cadet Demming.  She’s a corporate head hunter, that actually hunts heads.
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Extensive Enterprises is laundering money for Cobra and the Twins (who are the darlings of Wall Street) want to get in on the thrill seeking of domestic/international terrorism.  They wear masks as the Crimson Guard Commanders.  The audience would know they’re terrorists but the Joes would be suspicious.  
Who else can help her?
Mainframe- as her Q, giving her all kinds of new technology.
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Dial Tone- can keep her in touch with Joe Headquarters
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Can either be OG or Resolute versions.
Destro can be the second season villain.  She can still find out he’s a distant relative.
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Why, yes, I did think of this as a movie (a few years ago), then thought it would make a better series.  
Only problem here?  I don’t have Amazon Prime!!!!!!!!
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 1 year
Listened to this while writing this GI Joe fic for Mainframe/Zarana.
I listened to this in the summer, and it furthered me into having that romantic fantasy. Well, I only had one bf in my lifetime, and I know the ins and outs of a bf/gf, so yeah heh... My views on romance now is a little different, but a girl can dream.
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