hey-there-itskayla · 7 months
More fairy au creek, I love them both so much :']
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@cyncerity :)
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fennecfiree · 2 months
Hc dump from my notesapp
Stan listens to slipknot
Butters is half canadian
Jimmy likes sonic
Kyle is a really picky eater
Cartman is autistic and has ocd
Mr garrison has ocd, autism and DID
Stan plays animal jam with Wendy
Kyle plays club penguin
Craig paints his nails black and sometimes paints Tweeks nails
Kyle sleeps with a orca whale plushie
Clyde has dyslexia
Tweek has fucked up teeth from meth, acne, skin sores, and he's really skinny.
Wendy has 2 cats (1 white cat named sparkles 1 orange cat named cheesecake)
Bebe unironically uses those glasses nerdy Snapchat filters
Stan works at McDonald's in his late teens and gives Kyle free food
Sheila has a Facebook and shares every single moment of ther life on it, she used to post pictures of Kyle when he was a baby and ike
Cartmans actually pretty good at drawing. Kyle sucks at art tho and gets embarrassed whenever Cartman sees his art cuz Cartman makes fun of him like crazy for it
Butters favorite animal is bunnys
Nichole and Kyle still hang out. Nichole doesn't really have a crush on Kyle anymore but Kyle still kinda likes her
Kyle is scared of dogs, especially big dogs
Wendy wants to be a docter
Kenny gets really cold easily since he's malorished
Kyle is lactose intolerant
Mr garrison has a calico cat named tom
Kyle is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show him
Stan forgets to eat a lot
Kennys favorite season is summer
Bebe does kyles hair sometimes
Stan gets car sick really easily
Stan is the oldest in the group, cartmans the 2nd oldest, kyles the 3rd, and Kenny's the 4th
Shelly has a Tumblr and looks at yaoi and yuri
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borrowerspark · 1 year
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here we are now
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0-dear-rose-0 · 1 year
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freckle gang teehee
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gtraccoon · 2 years
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here’s some fluff, i just got done writing angst and i wanted to make something cute <3
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
okay okay hear me out
tiny craig with giant tweek
tiny craig staying in giant tweek’s pocket by his chest so he always knows when he’s about to panic due to the heartbeat increase
tiny craig acting as a stress toy/fidget for giant tweek
giant tweek letting tiny craig sleep in his floofy hair
tiny craig giving giant tweek smol neck/back/knuckle massages
tiny craig being like one of those shoulder pets you stick on your shoulders and they stick
tiny craig whispering words of encouragement to giant tweek when he’s in an environment that craig cannot be spotted in
just,,,giant tweek and smol craig :3
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
//i need to put tweek & craig in more video games
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sp-by-april · 2 months
ok hear me out….. craigs gang x reader sleepover fluff🙏
Sorry I had to stop a little early before the smut side of me took over! 😂😂😂
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Craig's Gang x GN!Reader
[Send a prompt!] [Master List]
Exams were over and decided to celebrate with an old fashioned sleepover, just like when we were kids. We were all piled onto the floor of my living room with blankets and pillows galore.
Clyde and Tolkien fought over the what movie we should watch. Tweek was insistant on no horror and when Clyde pushed back, Craig backed up Tweek. Of course.
Jimmy and I wanted a light-hearted comedy, we were thoroughly dismissed.
The arguing and cross-talk looked like it was going to get a little animated, so I sauntered in the kitchen and made a couple bags of popcorn while I waited for them to sort themselves out.
When I came back, the argument was unresolved, but put on hold as they saw the giant bowl in my hands.
“Shit, gimme some!” Clyde said grinning.
“No,” I made my way through the living room and dropped down between Tolkien and Craig.
Tolkien flashed me his cheesiest grin, “What about me?”
“No,” I said a little prissily, “I’ll share if we all agree the person who brings the snacks gets to pick the movie from now on,”
The boys all exchanged looks around me and spoke in hushed tones.
I pretended not to hear them even though I was right there.
They all shoved their hands in the bowl on my lap and agreed in unison, “Deal,”
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0harpies · 1 year
Just curious, how are the hunters able to differentiate the were animals from the regular ones? Like probably because the accessories and stuff they wear lol, but is there a size difference between were animals and the regular ones as well?
Weredogs are giant 💀 im talkin horse sized.
Tweek and Kyle are the smallest of the main 'pack' (on all fours), so they could get away with alot more.
After the next 2 parts, i could make a size chart for all of you to see!?
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justyourtypicalwriter · 5 months
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Minor Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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11x13kyle · 9 months
the main four stop including cartman in secret santa because he always intentionally gets his mom to buy the other person a present that only he would want (“poopsiekins, kyle’s list says he wants—” “mom kyle is my BEST FUCKING FRIEND i KNOW he wants the new oculus that’s comparable with the chinpokomon vr game that comes out next week!!!!!”) so that he can go “well, if you don’t like it, i’ll just take it!!!” so they start including tweek instead, which is a net negative because 1. cartman ends up angrily crashing the gift exchange anyway and throwing a giant fit and 2. secret santa stresses tweek out so much even though he’s literally given an exact list of what the other person wants. he’s convinced they’re going to change their mind the second he gives them the present, which will then lead to all the guys beating him to death with hammers. that, and cartman threatened to bomb stan’s house over being uninvited, and tweek saw what happened to butters when he was the replacement for secret santa the year before, and he doesn’t want to be next. plus he thinks cartman is probably serious about the bomb threat, which is an extremely reasonable fear!
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hey-there-itskayla · 1 year
A Fairy and A Human (Creek)
I don't know what to put on the title bu meh, so anyways, @cyncerity here's the fic based on that small idea that I've shared with you 👀
Anyways Enjoy :]
Word count: 1.2k
Craig left the highschool with a tired face, accompanied by Tweek, his boyfriend. He smiled slightly as he listened to him speak and although he wouldn't admit it, he loved listening to him tell his problems or worries.
They walked together until they reached the blonde's house, giving him a kiss on the cheek and saying goodbye while saying that they would see each other the next day at class.
Craig continued walking until he got inside a forest, approaching a specific tree. There was a small door embedded in the trunk, while on the sides there were two windows through which a fairly dim light came out.
Craig closed his eyes and a few seconds later, large blue butterfly wings appeared on his back, while on his head, a pair of antennae.
His size had also changed, going from 5' 7 to 4 inches tall, making it possible for him to use the door embedded in the tree. He approached the door, opened it and commandeered the two adults and the girl who were inside.
"How were classes today?" The woman asked him. "As always mom... I'm going to the room for a while..."
Craig and his family are butterfly fairies, although his father used to be a human who could shrink to the size of a fairy, but he stopped being that when he kissed his mother and became a fairy like her, nullifying his powers of being able to change size.
Craig was born a fairy, but inherited his father's past powers, making it possible for him to change from fairy to human. However, his little sister, Tricia, did not inherit any powers so she was just an ordinary fairy.
After a while distractedly looking out the window of his room, he left his backpack on the floor and left the room. "I'm going to fly for a while, I'll be back in a few hours." He said as he left, closing the door and not letting his parents answer him.
He flew out of the forest, entering South Park again heading towards Tweek's house. Craig liked to look at Tweek from time to time while he was in his fairy form.
He approached his bedroom window, frowning when he didn't see the blonde in the room. He pushed a little, knowing that the window was open and fluttered into the room.
He perched on the nightstand, looking around the room, seeing it a little messy. He probably should help him sort it out later or the next day... he let out a sigh as he moved his wings with the intention of taking flight, but for some reason he couldn't do it.
He stopped moving them, suddenly falling on his hands and knees, unable to get up. His gaze went downwards to see what was pinning him down, his eyes widening as his face paled.
A glue trap. He had gotten stuck in a glue trap. Craig tried to keep his calm as he tried to think of why Tweek had a glue trap on his nightstand although he didn't have to think much as he heard Tweek's mother from afar.
"Tweek honey, be careful not to touch the glue trap I left on your table." "O-Okay, I-I'll be careful..." 'Had it been Ms. Tweak who set the trap? Well, that made some sense I guess...' he thought for a few seconds before realizing the situation.
Tweek was heading towards the room! Craig flapped his wings in panic, desperately trying to get out of the glue even though it was practically impossible on his own.
One of the reasons he was panicking was because he hadn't told Tweek anything about him being a fairy since it was a family secret and because… right now Tweek was fucking huge compared to him. He thought at the same time that Tweek stood in front of the table, he and Craig staring at each other.
Suddenly Tweek put a cup on him as he let out a scream. "T-The underpants gnomes are b-back!" Craig let out a sigh as he calmed down a bit, or at least tried to, still listening to Tweek yell about gnomes in a panic.
A few minutes passed until the room fell silent, Tweek finally calming down. Craig half closed his eyes as the light hit his face as Tweek finally lifted the cup from him.
The blonde watched him for a few seconds, opening his eyes wide seconds later. "CRAIG?!" He shouted in surprise. Craig slammed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them.
He wished his hands were free of the glue so he could cover his ears. "Hey honey…" Tweek seemed to realize how loud he was to Craig and that he had hurt him by accident, so he tried to speak lower.
"I-I'm sorry, I must be pretty loud to you... B-But how are you a fairy?! What happened to you?! S-Surely it was the North Koreans!" He said panicking again.
"Tweek honey, calm down, this is not the work of the North Koreans or other people, this is my true form!" He said, trying to calm his big boyfriend down. And apparently it worked, as Tweek stopped talking in a panic and looked at him confused.
"H-Huh…? W-What do you mean…?" Craig let out a sigh as he explained. "I was born a fairy, my parents and sister are fairies... although apparently I'm the only one of them who can transform into a human... so, you've been in love and dating me in human form..."
Craig's wings trembled for a second as he let out another sigh and looked away. "I'll understand if you're disappointed and don't want us to be together anymore..." the room was silent for a few seconds, the fairy still avoiding eye contact with Tweek.
"Craig... I-I don't care if you're a fairy or not... I-I'm not going to leave you because of that, I-I like you anyway. J-Just because you're smaller and have wings, i-it doesn't change the fact that you're still Craig. I-I'm going to continue loving you anyway." Tweek said softly as he crouched down to get a better look at his boyfriend, who looked up and looked at him in surprise.
"L-Let's get you out of there, okay?" He continued talking as he stood up and left the room, only to return a few minutes later with a damp cloth.
He crouched down in front of Craig and began carefully rubbing the glue off his arms and legs. "I-I have informed myself and water is very effective with this type of traps, y-you will be free in a few minutes." He said while still concentrating on freeing him from the glue.
Just as he said, in a few minutes, he was finally free of the trap, which Tweek threw away. Meanwhile, Craig stretched briefly and looked back at his giant boyfriend.
"...You… really don't care?" "O-Of course not Craig, I love you so much!" He responded happily, picking him up and hugging against his chest, careful not to hurt him.
"You're adorable Craig!" The fairy blushed at those words, replying. "I-I'm not adorable Tweek!" The human simply laughed, his cheeks a little red from laughter.
Craig looked at Tweek, who was still laughing, a soft smile forming on his face as he blushed slightly.
This wouldn't be so bad after all.
Craig's wings are based on this butterfly species btw :]
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cheylouwho · 5 months
how popular was creek as a ship before s19ep6? like i know it was a crackship but i was wondering how many people shipped it compared to the other ships in the fandom. also before the episode, was creek the most popular ship to put tweek and craig in?
So from my memory and research, I'd say if was like a top ten ship, maybe top 5 closer to canonization, but not the giant it is today. It gained momentum in the early 2010s and was much more of a crackship prior. We were really surviving off blurry screenshots of them standing together in the background, fanart and prayers.
I'd say top ships close to canon were your various combinations of the main 4 (yearly spring style vs kyman wars were an injoke because off season gave us too much free time), bunny was pretty high especially when April talked about being aware of it, gregstophe and dip pretty high (they had a resurgence recently but for a while they fell off), creek was fairly popular but not to the level it is now. But top ten for sure.
Pre-episode I'd say it was more common to see alternative Craig ships (Cryde, staig, cryle) than it was to see tweek with someone else-- however creek i think was the most popular for the two of them? At least for tweek that was the case. Twebe was actually fairly popular. If I was to say the alt ship I remember most for him was twyle but I blame a couple of popular fics at the time (circa 2014-2015 at least). For Craig it was closely rivaled by cryde and cryle, at least while certain fic writers were active. Ironically I have more archived fanart for 2015 that was cryde directly pre-canon than creek. So at least for the first part of 2015 I'd say cryde surpassed it.
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borrowerspark · 1 year
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sheree-says-stuff · 6 months
What are your favorite South Park headcanons? 🖖🏻
It took me ten million years to respond to this because I don't really have SP headcannons (besides my AU fics) so I had to make a list!
i'm an average-height kyle truther. he's no shorter than 5'9" but no taller than 5'11".
horror movie fanatic but probably threw up while watching midsommar (and never finished it).
^ also a giant Scream fan. owns so much ghostface merch.
probably chubby.
straight as a board. he is so heteronormative, it's not even funny.
favorite bands are Bloodhound Gang and Insane Clown Posse but his guilty pleasure is Conan Gray (and cartman makes fun of him for it)
insomniac. bro CANNOT sleep ‼️
tall kenny is the only valid take for me. he is 6'2" for sure and he uses his height to be intimidating when he wants to be.
when he's older, he moves to Italy with Cartman (don't ask how either of them afford it, just go with it)
he for sure writes fics about himself on a burner account.
is really good at school without having to study. naturally quick to learn.
is straight but will do anything for money (hey, $20 is $20!)
can talk to the dead and/or supernatural. can tell when ghosts are around.
COVERED in scars
short and skinny. i'm talking 5'6".
idkw but i imagine him being mexican, or at least partially mexican.
chronically depressed (and probably has OCD) but not an alcoholic or substance user.
hates weed because he grew up on a weed farm.
you cannot convince me that he doesn't watch Family Guy.
will sleep anywhere in any position.
closeted bisexual.
is really good at playing instruments, becomes a famous lead singer in a pop band
is actually really intelligent but refuses to apply himself in school.
sent to boarding school, came back unrecognizable
football player, probably a quarterback
i really like the intersex cartman theory
doesn't believe in evolution or science
probably has a lot of trauma
Other characters:
Butters is blind in one eye from the Weapons episode
Butters is also extremely Type A as he grows up
Wendy, Heidi, Nicole, and Bebe don't have social media for feminist reasons
Jimmy can rap better than Eminem
Tweek loves true crime but is scared of FNaF
the only person who loves b@relyhuman more than Tweek is Craig
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
as requested by a dear friend, @meowzyz
Craig and Tweek with a Borrower!S/O
You probably lived in Craig’s house
You often stole things from him when he wasn’t looking, or when he wasn’t home
You felt bad doing it, but survival of the fittest, amirite?
So one day you were in Craig’s room, he was probably asleep, when suddenly, a blonde boy showed up in the midst of one of your heists
You stared at each other for a little bit…
he trapped you in his coffee cup
This probably woke Craig up too
”Tweek, honey, what’s wrong?”
“The underpants gnomes! They’re back’ Oh god!”
Then you just hear screaming from said blonde boy
”Tweek, Tweek, calm down.”
It took a while, but Craig got Tweek to calm down and take the coffee cup away
boy was he mad when he saw you were yrying to take one of his Red Racer figurines
Immediately grabs you by the shirt and dangled you right by his face
“What the hell?!”
When you finally manage to coax him into listening to you (all the while Tweek was warning him about ‘the underpants gnomes are coming back for more!‘)
You explained you were a borrower, thus meaning that you often needed to steal things from other people
Craig wasn’t happy when you pulled out all the shit you’d stolen from him
It was a rocky beginning, but eventually, the pair began to like you
Craig sometimes let’s you ride Stripe around his room, only because you’re close friends though and ‘you’re not allowed to bring anyone else over to do this’
You sit on Tweek’s shoulder and give him nose hugs whenever he’s having one of his episodes
You ride around on Craig’s shoulder and he puts you in his backpack when he goes to school
He doesn’t trust that you won’t steal from his room again or that someone will come in and see you
You try to make Tweek coffee, but it’s hard because of your tiny size
You fell in once (after it cooled off thank god-)
Tweek barely noticed you before chugging the entire thing and immediately freaked out that he accidentally hurt you
As for your relationship, they never actually said they had developed feelings, Craig one day was just like ‘hey you’re cool do you wanna take this to the next level?”
Thus Craig often began calling you ‘honey’ and ‘babe’ and Tweek was willing to give you giant kisses once in a while (that cover your whole face)
not often though because he’s scared of accidentally swallowing you or biting you because you’re so small
(as stated in a previous headcanon) Tweek gets a really gurgly/noisy stomach whenever he’s upset, so you and craig work to comfort him
You probably either sit on his shoulder and kiss his temples or you rub his stomach to try and keep it quiet
Whenecer you really out though, Craig is always right there as a therapist and Tweek tries, but he’s not the best
Craig giving you a little kiss after your therapy session
“I’m proud of you, babe.”
The two probably made you a little bed made out of a matchbox and memory foam so you can sleep right by their side
When they cuddle, they sometimes invite you to lay in between them
(kinda hdc that they sleep chest to chest with Craig’s jaw being on Tweek’s head)
So you sleep in between their chests and can feel both of their heartbeats all around you
Tweek’s is often really fast and Craig’s is slow and steady, but it makes for a perfect combination
They love you a lot, even if you occasionally still steal Craig‘s shit
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