#giant runt
giant-runt-winter · 1 month
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one of the most creatures ever
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thebirdens · 3 months
its been over 2 years since I posted anything on this account.. I still have my birdies although everyone is starting to get up there in age. I affectionately refer to it as a retirement home
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f-15-h · 1 year
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that horrible pigeon siren.
Time Lapse here
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muppenthings · 11 months
How well can each merm differentiate between different people and objects?
Of course the bigger you get, the harder it is to tell the difference in the tiny faces, so I assume there’s other ways? Maybe scent or taste?
When it comes to objects, could they easily know the difference between a watermelon and a bowling ball??
If you wanted to trick a giant mermaid with a mannequin or something, how easy would it be??
And also! There are huge leviathan level merms but are there tiny seahorse merms?? Little reef fish and shrimp and such?? If so, can they interact with the bigger merms at all??
Sorry for so many questions! I’m in a mood
*cracks fingers* Ok this is gonna be a long one! Because I'm including all of my giant mers. And they have different senses as their strong points. I'll go through them one by one. xD
Gorm doesn't try (yet) to tell humans apart since he wants to distance himself a little. But if he do try and tell humans apart, he'd mainly use his hearing followed by sight. He'd learn to recognize their voice foremost. Once he recognizes a voice he'll try to connect it with a visual; if they're wearing something colorful or a unique physical attribute. If he connects them with a cloth item and they take it off, he won't recognize them until they speak again. And if they distort their voice, if they baby talk or gets hoarse for example, he won't recognize them either.
You could trick him with a mannequin until the moment he touches it with one of his suckers (or hands but he prefers his arms). As the suckers can sense chemicals, he'd be able to taste that it's an object. And there'd be a lack of wriggling too. Same with telling a ball from a watermelon; the suckers will do the sensing for him! But he's quite big so I imagine it'd be difficult for him even then. So for him, small things comes down to sensing if it's edible or not, not much inbetween those.
Tide relies on sight to tell others apart. It's easier with merfolk since they have different patterns, colors and tails/fins. And he's not so big that details is a big issue, his vision is excellent. His sense of smell is also very good so that's an aid too. As for being tricked by a mannequin, he'd be difficult to fool! He has electroreception (an ability to perceive electrical stimuli) that allows him to sense that it's an object, if close enough. But he'd be suspicious way before that. Things drift and bob around underwater, so the stiff movements, or lack of, would tip him off. Then he'd see that yeah, not a person.
When it comes to differentiate a ball from a watermelon, it's through vision and scent. He'd also use touch; does it squish? Generally he doesn't have trouble telling similar things apart! It may just be a case of him not knowing human stuff.
Keiki relies on hearing and sight. At his smallest size it's easier to tell everyone apart. But when he gets past a certain size it's just impossible no matter what sense he's using.
You can fool him with a mannequin no problem. He'll just think he scared someone stiff (again) and try to calm them down. For an embarrassing amount of time (he'd realize it's a doll if he touches it ofc. but he tries to get consent before he does as to not freak them out more). xD
As for telling ball vs. watermelon apart, it depends on his size. Sometimes vision is enough, other times he'll have to touch or taste. And sometimes he can't tell any difference or even see them.
Runt, being my smallest seal mer, can easily tell individuals apart by sight alone. But his sense of smell is superior. Like he can smell things through walls. So he can identify who's about to enter the area long before he sees or hears them.
You wouldn't be able to fool him with a mannequin at all; he's able to see it visually and then confirm it through smell. Same with balls vs. watermelon, he confirms it visually and if there's any doubt, he'll sniff it! So Runt's exceptionally good at telling people apart aswell as objects that are similar in shape and color. He grew up around humans after all!
Cetus relies on all senses except for vision. He can recognize a person by their smell and voice. He also has electroreception but unlike Tide's it's stronger and covers more area. Using this sense, he can tell who's who by their movements, kinda like how you can recognize a person by their gait.
So a mannequin wouldn't fool him either. No smell, no electricity/hearbeats etc. The ball vs watermelon he'd have to smell and taste tho as both are inanimate. And he'd still eat the ball even if he recognized it as an object.
And for the final question!
I haven't really planned for any smaller merfolk. If there were any, they'd probably exist in the same world as Tide, Merry and Cetus. And them interacting with the human-sized mers would probably be enough. A Leviathan like Tide would just be too big for interaction, they'd instantly hide. Not to mention Cetus ouf!
Thank you for the questions! Hopefully I managed to answer them! :D
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in-my-loki-feels · 26 days
Plz tell me about Prez and Don stranded on Asgard
I outlined the basic outline for this idea here, so this time I'll share a snippet. Also forgot to mention there are Mom feels in this one. 🥺
“Loki?” a woman called. Don felt Loki go still beside him. Don turned first, seeing a beautiful woman in a golden gown approaching. She had long curly hair and kind eyes that crinkled when Loki turned to face her. “Mother,” Loki croaked. Don's eyes widened. So this was Frigga, the Queen of Asgard? He felt like he should bow or maybe kneel, but she only spared him a brief glance before focusing on Loki. “What’s this? Did something happen since you left the hall?” She came forward and took Loki’s hands in hers. A frown crossed her face and she looked down. “Your hand…” Loki was uncharacteristically silent, staring at Frigga with more naked emotion than Don had ever seen on his face. Don reached out a comforting hand but before it reached Loki's arm, someone spoke up behind them. “Mother?” Don knew that voice. It lacked the gravelly quality he was used to but there was no mistaking it. He spun around.  The newcomer bore an unmistakable resemblance to Loki except for one glaring difference: every bit of visible skin was blue. He wore a similar Asgardian outfit and had the same black hair, though his was longer. His eyes were red on red and wide with shock. Don looked between the two but the faces were almost identical.
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vulpinecircuitry · 2 years
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New New ref for Dimir!
Now blessed by the king of the storm giants and gaining a wider understanding of the world outside of his upbriging. He is still going to continue using his brain as a blunt object.
old new ref 
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conradrasputin · 1 year
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pseudsy · 7 months
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This is Rune, an OC from a roleplay thread of mine (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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cockringhoratio · 1 year
doing some deep introspection right now bc all my friends ended up with these huge absolute chad cats and i am two for two on shitty little princess cats. the most delicate fucking flowers. indignant little wisps of nothing. the universe is laughing at me.
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got-eggs · 1 year
Out of the 6 pigeons I got a year ago, 2 survived and repopulated a bit now
Predation got the other 4 sadly :/
But thanks to the repopulation from the other 2 there's 7 of them now
Course I gotta get new blood in so they don't inbreed too badly
Though I have to be careful, with the bird flu going around, don't want that near anything
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chimkin-samich · 9 months
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And Eclipse!
Standing at 9ft tall, Eclipse was believed to be runt when born due to how small he was, not to mention the double bottom wings and antennas, as he grew tho it became noticeable that he had gigantism which also gave him the slight mutation of iridescence (uncommon in their species) on his wings
Moths are born looking like little fur balls (like the soot spirits in spirited away) as they grow their torso becomes visibile and when their older most of thier fur is just around neck like we see with Sun and Moon but Eclipse was a rare case of having his mane almost down to his hips
His double antennas do come with some use, hes much more attuned to his surroundings and has better hearing than most. They also help with dealing with Moon trying to hypnotize him accidentally when hes upset since he’s less susceptible to it when he notices what hes doing
The hypnotizing ability is also another reason Moon was bullied, his species hunts by luring in prey with their pretty colors and then hypnotizing them, But Eclipse caught on pretty quick that as long as he picked up on Moon doing it he was pretty much fine, plus he had an easier time breaking out of it than anyone
The double bottom wings also making alot more agile when flying, more control when needing to make sharp turns, his upper wings are also much bigger proportionally compared to others due to needing much bigger wings to carry his bigger size
Eclipse’s main jobs in the town is as the Main cook and a hunter, he loves being in the kitchen and makin giant meals, his large size does especially help when needing to move the large pots of food around
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giant-runt-winter · 2 months
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envysparkler · 1 month
When Jason died, he’d still been a runt.  A black dog that could barely reach Bruce’s knees, more fur than shadows, eyes that had not yet started turning red.  He easily fit into the lap of whoever was holding him, wriggled into nooks in the Manor that Batman would never be able to follow, had an unerring ability to stumble upon dead bodies.
Jason had felt his own death before he ever laid eyes on the bomb.  It was a horrible thing, knowing you were going to die but not knowing how or when.  Knowing that Batman would be too late.  Knowing that this was the end.
A Grim’s power was always stronger closer to death.  To someone else’s death.  To their own.
The Joker left, not because he was done playing games, but because something in those blue eyes had begun turning red and there was a flicker of fear amidst that carefully calculated crazy.  The Joker left before Jason Todd started leaking shadows.
The bomb went off.  A baby Grim died.
But you couldn’t kill something that belonged to Death.
Jason woke up.  Jason came back.  Jason opened eyes of liquid green fire, and fully transformed, he stood higher than most men, a terrifying amalgam of shadows and fear.  A giant canine, solid black and reeking of Death.
Because that was the thing about Grims.  Their full powers only kicked in after death.
Tim shuddered as he walked towards the control room, fighting the subconscious chill.  The thermostats all registered the temperature as a balmy seventy-four degrees, but he’d been shivering for the last ten minutes and he was determined to find the source of the problem.
It was dark, the sky outside so cloudy it looked like night, and even the lights seemed dimmer than they usually were.  Just perception, Tim tried to convince himself, darting glances over his shoulder at an empty hallway, but it didn’t quite stick.
The darkness closed over him like molasses, sticky, slow and inextricable.
Tim woke in a rush, like someone had jolted him, and struggled blindly up in the instinctive reaction to an alarm, before his mind woke all the way up and helpfully pointed out that he was restrained.
Before Tim could register anything more than an increased heartbeat, the binds tightened, and a low voice said smoothly into his ear, “Calm down.  Deep breaths.”
Calm down?  Calm down?  Tim felt like he’d gone five rounds with Crane, and he was being restrained, and the room was too dark to make out any significant details, and—
Something slid through his hair, pressure on the right side of a massage.  “Shh,” the voice instructed.  “Your heart rate is too high.  Robin, slow down.”
Tim instantly untensed, the reaction ingrained after years of hearing the same words in Batman’s growl.  The voice was on the edge of familiar, and it was enough to bypass his climbing anxiety and drop him into a lull.
Had he been hit with fear toxin?  He didn’t remember—and then Tim went very, very still when his mind pulled up what he did remember.
“Robin?” the low voice asked.
Tim started, voice scratchy, “There was a—” A dog?  A wolf?  What could he even use to describe such a monster?  “A creature.”  Tim swallowed, and opened his mouth again, to try and detail specifics, but they were nowhere to be found.
Red eyes.  Tall, taller than him, filling the entire corridor, black and shadowy and Tim had been unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to think—
“Robin, calm down!” the voice cursed right into his ear and Tim felt himself being pulled up.  The restraints across his chest was a pair of arms, one hand pressed flat above his heart, the other stroking through his hair.  His legs were pinned by a boot-clad leg clamped around his knees, and Tim became aware that he was half-reclined in someone’s lap.
“The creature’s gone,” the voice said.  “He’s gone and not coming back, stop panicking.”  The voice sounded on the verge of panic itself.  “Just—just breathe, goddammit.”
Tim obediently breathed.  In and out, slipping into the breathing pattern Bruce had taught him—a breathing pattern mirrored by the man holding him, and things gradually began to break through Tim’s spiral.
Details.  Facts.  Conjecture.
Detail—the voice sounded very, very familiar.  Hoarser than he remembered, but familiar.
Fact—Tim was still in Titans Tower, still in one of the most fortified bases on the planet.  There was no one else visible.  They appeared to be alone.
Conjecture—Tim let out a slow breath and kept his limbs relaxed, waiting for his captor to release his breath before Tim twisted as fast he could.  He wasn’t aiming to break their grip, just to see—
Green eyes in a surprised expression.  A random white lock of hair.  A familiar, set, stubborn jaw.
“Jason?” Tim felt like he was drowning again.
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hypnoneghoul · 3 months
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Pull Me Down Again
WC: 2,7K
Relationship: Swiss & Mountain
Tags: Soft anal sex, first time, love confessions, fluffy smut
“I’d love to help, but your first time has to be special, so if you don’t want to have it with me, I underst–”
“NO! No, please, I’d never want it to be anyone else, I want you. Please, Mountain."
Notes: Swissalps' first time is not a topic I fool around about. I couldn't do it half-assed, so here's nearly 3k words of them being stupid and cute and in love and fucking about it
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Swiss had always been a lot. He had crawled out of the summoning circle uninvited—with a toothy grin and fiery eyes—but he had fitted right in and everyone had loved him right away. He’d loved them all, too, but his eyes had been fixed on one specific ghoul from the very beginning.
Mountain. The moment he’d seen the giant standing over him in the humid and moldy ritual chamber, stoic, but obviously ready to pounce if the new ghoul would decide to attack any of his packmates or Papa. Swiss hadn’t, of course, but when he thought back to that moment, he knew that even if he did have such plans, Mountain’s look alone would stop him.
He had been truly scary in that moment, but Swiss had immediately felt something else about him, too. Something the multi ghoul would recognize as the feeling of safe and home, if he had ever known them in the Pit.
When Swiss had gotten up—he had stayed down until the two ghoulettes who’s summoning he hijacked had left with the pack, not wanting to risk looking like a threat in any way—he’d swayed and stumbled on his feet, and had fallen right into the giant’s arms. He’d tensed, afraid, but Mountain’s touch was gentle. Something Swiss had never experienced before.
The earth ghoul’s face had finally softened and he’d smiled down at the slightly dumbfounded ghoul as he’d scooped him up. Swiss wasn’t especially big, nearly a runt in his old pack in the Pit—though most of the ghoul’s he had just seen were even smaller—but he wasn’t small either, and Mountain had picked him up like he weighed nothing.
“Welcome Topside,” Mountain had rumbled and Swiss felt something warm bloom in his chest.
Months later, Swiss was completely and utterly in love. So enchanted by the earth ghoul that he lost any and all composure every time he and Mountain would be in the same room. He was just perfect, so smart and beautiful and strong and gentle and–
“Hey, Swiss, you there?” a voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Mountain’s voice.
“Yeah, uhm, h– hi,” he squeaked, cheeks burning. The earth ghoul chuckled at his fluster as he flopped down onto the couch next to Swiss. So close their thighs ended up touching and the multi ghoul’s gut twisted.
(Mountain knew exactly how stupid Swiss was about him and truth be told he was no better. The only thing he was better at was acting and not being so obvious. There was an unspoken rule amongst the ghoul’s to not offer any new summons to join the pack’s sexual and romantic dynamics until they properly settled Topside. Usually three-four months was safe, and for Swiss it had been five. Mountain was irrevocably in love with him and he didn’t want to wait anymore.)
“Any plans for the evening, darling?” the earth ghoul asked and watched Swiss’ blush get impossibly deeper in real time.
He swallowed thickly, “D– darling?”
“Not good? I just felt like it fits.”
“No, it’s– it’s nice,” Swiss mumbled and Mountain grinned. 
“Well, then?”
“Then… what?”
The earth ghoul laughed, “I asked you if you had any plans for the evening.”
“OH, oh, yeah, right, you did.” Swiss’ ears drooped and he hung his head, suddenly very interested in a certain loose thread on his jeans. “No plans.”
“In that case, would you like to spend it with me?” Mountain put a hand on the other’s thigh and the multi ghoul jumped, heat flooding him.
“Y– yeah, yes, sure,” Swiss sputtered, looking up at him to send him a little smile.
Mountain squeezed his thigh before letting go and getting up. “See you later, then. It’s a date.”
The next few hours were a torture. Swiss was anxious—terrified, really—but excited. He had no idea what Mountain would want to do with him, but he knew he’d fuck it up somehow. He didn’t know what a date really meant, so he looked it up on that tiny touchy device he was given, and the results terrified him even more. Dates were for people in love and a lot of times ended up in sex. Was that Mountain’s way of saying he did like him and maybe–
Now, Swiss knew what sex was, but he never had a chance to… participate in the act. There’s no breeding or mating opportunities for multi ghoul runts down in the Pit. He knew the feeling—roughly—he did know how to get off, relieve some pressure and pent up energy, but actual sex? With Mountain?
He came to a conclusion he’d simply die.
The earth ghoul hadn’t given him a specific time or place for when and where they should meet, so Swiss prepared himself mentally pretty early, and waited for a sign he should move. It came in a form of a text message and the multi ghoul nearly jumped out of his skin when his silly device buzzed in his pocket. Mountain told him to meet him by his room in five. Clear request, Swiss could do that.
Those five minutes were probably the longest in Swiss’ entire life, but finally he made it to the earth ghoul’s room. Mountain opened the door and his knees buckled. “Been waiting for you, darling.”
“Hi,” Swiss mumbled and dropped his eyes to the floor, the sight of Mountain in a shirt too much for him to handle. He let him in and prompted him to sit on the edge of his bed.
Swiss thought Mountain started talking, but he was too busy staring at him and taking him whole in to pay attention to what was falling from his perfect, full lips, looking so soft.
“...wiss, hey, Swiss, are you okay?” the earth ghoul waved an elegant, long fingered hand right in front of his face to snap him back to reality. Mountain’s brows were furrowed with honest worry. Swiss must’ve really spaced out.
Suddenly he couldn’t bear to wait any longer.
“You are so fucking gorgeous and smart and kind and I can’t not think about you all the time and you turn me into putty of a flustered mess and I think I’m in love with– no, I know I’m in love and you and it’s so bad it hurts and–”
Mountain stopped him with a finger placed over his lips, grinning with a glint in his eyes that couldn’t have been described with any different word than mischievous. Swiss stared at him with wide eyes, face burning after that bout of bravery.
“I think I’m in love with you, too, darling,” the earth ghoul purred, taking his finger off of Swiss’ lips and cupping his face with his hand instead.
“Thank fuck,” Swiss breathed out with a chuckle as relief washed over him. Mountain scooted closer, their legs now touching.
“May I?” he asked and Swiss remembered that.
“I– I’ve never…” he mumbled, “don’t want you to be disappointed.”
“I could never be disappointed with you. I’ll teach you everything, if you’ll let me.”
“Please, Mountain. Please do.” The earth ghoul smiled and leaned in, cupping the back of Swiss’ head with his free hand and pressing their lips together. Swiss let out a sweet little nose when they met, melting into the kiss and Mountain’s arms. Feeling nothing but contentement from the multi ghoul, he deepened the kiss, slowly exploring him.
Neither of them knew if they made out like that—all lovely and gently—for ten minutes or an hour. At some point Swiss ended up laid out on the plush bed with Mountain hovering over him as he peppered the multi ghoul’s face with kisses, making him giggle like a teenage girl. Nothing was rushed, they enjoyed just feeling each other and kissing until they were breathless, only to move to kissing the other somewhere else. It was perfect.
Until Swiss got anxious. He tensed when he felt something low in his gut stirring, afraid that it was still not what Mountain would want from him, that he’d mess up their good time by popping a boner. The earth ghoul felt his sudden hesitation. He pulled away. “Everything okay, darling?”
“Yeah, I just– I don’t want my body to ruin it,” he mumbled, embarrassed.
“What do you mean– oh.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re really hot and I’ve been literally dreaming about this and I’m a dumbass who can’t control–”
“It’s okay.” Mountain stopped his rambling again, this time with a kiss. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, we can proceed however you want. We can pause so you can take care of it on your own… or I can help you.”
Swiss stammered, “W– would you? But I’ve never…”
“I would, I’d love to,” the earth ghoul assured, “but your first time has to be special, so if you don’t want to have it with me, I underst–”
“NO! No, please, I’d never want it to be anyone else, I want you. Please, Mountain, I want it to be you,” Swiss pleaded, clinging to Mountain’s shoulder with an iron grip. Once he realized he was doing it he let go, not wanting to hurt him.
“Okay,” he huffed with a smile, “okay, darling, we can do that. I’m honored, but are you absolutely sure?”
Swiss nodded frantically, “Yes, yes, yes.”
Mountain leaned down to kiss him once more before pulling away to unbutton his shirt. The multi ghoul’s mouth fell open as more and more skin was revealed and Mountain smirked. He wasn’t vain, but he wouldn’t lie and say Swiss’ reactions didn’t fuel some weird fire inside him.
“Like what you see, don’t you, darling?”
The earth ghoul chuckled at his sophisticated response and threw the shirt completely off. “Your turn.”
Swiss snapped out of his trance—but didn’t take his eyes off of Mountain—and with shaky fingers tried to take care of his own shirt. He was too shaky, though, and failed miserably on the buttons. After a few moments of watching his struggle intently, the earth ghoul batted his hands away and opened his shirt for him. Meanwhile, Swiss looked as if drool would start trailing down his chin any moment.
Soon enough—but not as soon as it could’ve been—they were both naked and now Swiss actually was drooling at the sight of the earth ghoul’s beautiful cock. He was also anxious, intimidated by its size.
As he was staring at his dick, Mountain was warming up lube between his fingers. He was kneeling between Swiss’ legs, calves on Mountain’s thighs, nicely spread and waiting. He may have been a blushing virgin, but at that point he was so focused on the earth ghoul he couldn’t care less about being exposed. For the first time ever like this.
“Ready?” he asked. Swiss nodded frantically, but Mountain only tutted. “Words, darling.”
“Yes, yes, fuck, please,” he begged as he bent his legs and opened them further.
The other smiled, leaned down to kiss Swiss’ knee and brought his hand to his hole. With his eyes locked on the multi ghoul’s own to watch out for any signs of discomfort, Mountain pressed a finger in.
“Oh,” Swiss huffed. “That’s… weird, but nice.”
“You’ve never even put anything up here?”
“N– n–oh,” he broke off into a moan when Mountain crooked his fingers and hit his prostate. “Just a– a quick handy now and t– then.”
The earth ghoul hummed in acknowledgement and continued slowly working him open, his free hand smoothing up and down Swiss’ thigh soothingly.
He was floating. He had no idea that sex was all that. He knew the concept, but only from the Pit, where everything was about survival. Sex there was quick and feral and rarely about pleasure. This? This was as close to heaven as any ghoul could ever get.
The multi ghoul zoned out a bit, drowning in love that Mountain was showering him in. He had never before felt so… important.
Mountain squeezed his thigh assuringly as he pulled his fingers out. (When did he get four in there?) “Swiss, are you with me? I need you to listen for me now, okay?”
“Uh-uh… yeah.”
“This is the part where I… put it in. Are you still down, are you sure? I can and will stop at any moment if you need me to, but there’s no going back once that line is crossed,” he explained and while normally it would sound painfully patronizing, Swiss felt nothing but kindness and caring from Mountain.
“I trust you, Mountain,” the multi ghoul said, trying to sound as coherent as possible for that one moment. “I want you and I’m sure of it. I am in love with you.”
“Okay,” he muttered and rose on his knees, moving to hover over Swiss. One hand next to his head, the other on his hip, holding protectively but not possessively. Not yet.
Mountain kissed him and guided his cock to Swiss’ ass.
“I love you,” he whispered against his lips and pushed in. The multi ghoul moaned into Mountain’s mouth as he kept going deeper and deeper, Swiss’ legs wrapped around his middle, until his hips were flush against the other’s. “Okay?”
“S– so, so okay,” Swiss breathed out. “But, uhm… I don’t think it's gonna be a long ride.”
Mountain chuckled, giving the other a moment to adjust, “Me neither, darling, but it doesn’t matter. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
“You gonna fuck me on every surface Topside in that time?”
“Probably. If you’re good I may let you fuck me, too.”
“That’s a good– fuck, incentive,” the multi ghoul giggled, making Mountain laugh at him, too. “Can we, uh, can you move now? Please?”
Mountain nodded and slowly pulled out, just to push back in with a bit more purpose, but equal amounts of gentleness. Swiss moaned, all fucked out, and the earth ghoul took it as a good sign. He picked up a slow but solid rhythm, hitting the other’s prostate with every thrust, causing waves of pleasure to wash over him.
As for Mountain himself, he was barely holding onto his sanity. Swiss was so tight, wet and warm, it was pure bliss. He’d never let himself lose composure in such a moment, but he knew for sure there would be a time he’d fuck the multi ghoul into a true mess.
“M– Mountain, I– I’m– I’m gonna–”
“That’s okay. It’s alright, darling,” he assured, speeding up just a little bit. Swiss hooked his arms around the earth ghoul’s neck and brought him down for a desperate, borderline filthy kiss. Mountain brought a hand to cup his face to return it, albeit a little gentler than Swiss did. “Are you gonna come for me, hm?”
“Yes– fuck,” he whined loudly. “Please, and– and you… in, Mountain, please.”
“Mhm,” Mountain hummed and doubled down on pushing Swiss to the brink of his orgasm. It didn’t take much—barely a few thrusts—before the multi ghoul was going rigid in his arms, clenching around his cock and spilling white between them with a pretty little noise falling from his lips. “There we go, my darling. My sweet darling.”
He was beyond words in the throes of the best orgasm of his entire life. Mountain didn’t need much more to come himself, but a bolt of anxiety shot through him at the sight of tears in Swiss' eyes. He never prayed for anything before, but at that moment he was praying that it was good tears.
“Swiss? Swiss, darling, are you okay?” he asked as soon as he saw some brain return to the multi ghoul as they were coming down.
“Yeah, no, it’s good. So good,” he said, all breathless. “It’s just… I’ve never… I wasn’t ever anyone’s anything, much less someone’s darling.”
Mountain smiled, relieved. “I love you, my heart,” he whispered into Swiss’ lips, following it with a kiss between his horns.
“Your heart, now, hm?” the multi ghoul hummed, half-asleep under him already.
“Yeah. Yeah, you are.”
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muppenthings · 2 years
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(Start) | Previous | (Fin.)
And the order has been restored! Hurray! c:
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kelthebarb · 3 months
ghoul element size headcanons cus why not??
starting with water ghouls! water ghouls tend to stay on the smaller/medium size of ghouls, making it a lot easier for them to move through the water with little resistance or effort.
earth ghouls are almost always big. like trees, strong and powerful — like the earth. they’re all mostly gentle giants. you’re in for it if you piss off an earth ghoul, though.
quintessence ghouls are usually bigger, not as big as earth ghouls but not as small as water ghouls. they tend to need slightly bigger vessels to keep their magic contained and controlled, but Phantom/Aeon was the runt of his litter. so he came out smaller than the average quintessence ghoul, around the size of an average water ghoul.
fire ghouls are in the middle of quintessence and earth. they’re usually pretty large so they can have better control over their fire element — like quints. however, since Dewdrop was a fire ghoul by forced transformation, he kept his smaller stature from his days as a water ghoul.
air ghouls tend to be between the size of a large water ghoul and an average quintessence ghoul. they’re not necessarily large, but not tiny. they can vary in size, but it’s a bit rare for them to grow bigger or smaller than that.
multi ghouls have a large range of sizes, all based on their elemental components. some of them can cancel out or dominate, making them average or a bit smaller than others.
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