artichokefartichoke · 2 years
Watch "Gibbz - Stay For A While (Live)" on YouTube
Saw him open once in Denver. So talented.
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14thgalerie · 1 year
I have a Request. Best friends to lovers with James Potter. James potter stealing readers favourite shampoo. The reader notices this while she's in the shower. So angry she wraps a towel around her body and storms up to there marauders dorm with her hair soaking wet. She thinks that it was sirius who took and but she notices James in front of the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist. Hair soaking wet. So she reaches to smell his hair only to find out that his hair smells like her shampoo
shampoo thief
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• pairing: best friend!james potter  x reader
• now playing: i really love you by gibbz / sunscreen by nathanie
• word count: 2.7k
• genre: fluff
• based on: fluff
— first request I got but i- uh- totally botched it because I got carried away with the shampoo thief thing so to the user (i think they deactivated tho) I’m really sorry hehe but hopefully you'll still like this one.
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The hospital wing is quiet and James Potter is utterly lonely.
The rising pile of flowers, get-well cards, and the occasional chocolates— which reminds him, he mentally takes down a note to have Remus take them when he leaves— that people have left since he’s been admitted to the hospital didn’t really satiate him. 
The clock on the wall opposite him ticks tauntingly and at an agonisingly slow pace as he stares at the door. Willing for something, or someone to come through and give him what his heart had been searching for since three days ago.
He lies upon the creaky but somehow comfortable bed, mindlessly fluttering his eyes close and then open, asking himself how he got himself into this situation. It’s been a horrifyingly exhausting week for all the students at Hogwarts, what with the piling work their professors had concurrently dumped on them. However, as an avid player of their quidditch team, he’s also been working his ass off at practice, running only on cups and cups of coffee.
Somewhere between nearly catching the snitch, and trying to keep his eyes wide open and locked in, he must’ve dozed off and wavered in his broom. The action nearly caused him to fall off the wooden stick at soaring 30 feet off the floor. If it weren’t for Weasley catching his fall, he would be staying far longer than Madam Pomfrey firmly made him stay in the wing. He’s lucky to only have a fractured shoulder.
Still, the three days felt longer than they did. Especially when it’s only been the boys who really came every day even though, sadly for them, weren’t the person he’s been looking for.
“-then he flew across the room, dropping right smack on the cauldron filled with some disgusting concoction that Slughorn made! Prongs? James? Are you even listening?”
He hears an airy sound before he feels a hand slams down his unharmed shoulder.
“Huh? What?” 
Remus eyes him, a concerned look on his visage. “Merlin, Are you alright or have you also hit your head? You’ve been out of it since the first day we came.”
“It’s nothing.” He replies, his eyes unknowingly fleeting back towards the heavy door behind the three boys.
“There it is!” Sirius exclaims.
“What?” He looks back toward the dark-haired boy.
“You’ve been waiting for Y/N to come to visit you, haven’t you?”
“No, I’m not!” He defends.
“Whatever you say, man. But just to let you know, she’s been studying day and night so she hasn’t really found the time to visit you yet.” James pouts, ”But she did mention to let you know that she might take a break tonight and give the whiny baby the attention he’s been seeking.”
Remus and Peter chuckle as he suddenly brightens up and seemingly emitted out a beaming glow around him.
But as he sits in a jittering mess on the bed with the blankets laying on the edges of the hospital bed, he’s starting to think that maybe you’ve forgotten all about him.
He huffs and, like a child, pulls the blankets over his entire body. With only the ticking sound of the clock as his accompaniment, he quickly leaves off for dreamland. Where, weirdly, a familiar sweet and citrusy smell travels through his nostrils and fills him with warmth.
When James awakens, the day was just like the day before and the days before that. Madam Pomfrey was up and bustling about the vicinity of the room. Even though it was only ever really him who occupied the room since he arrived, the woman always seemed to be so busy.
But with a glance to his left, he catches a glimpse of a furry paw hidden under the blanket he haphazardly threw to the side. The curiosity eats at him to see if the item is another one that would join the mountain of gifts on the bedside table. But as he pulls the soft arm of the doll, he sees a familiar fabric as its makeshift shirt.
As James makes it sit on his lap, a piece of paper falls out of his shirt. 
“Hiya, I was gonna give you this personally but you were already fast asleep when I got here. Well, I suppose the taxing late night must’ve had you sleeping 24 hours, you’re the least happy person to be stuck in this place, but it’s your fault anyways.
Anyway, I made the cutest shirt for this little pal from my old night shirt ‘cus it pretty much was hanging by a thread already. I wanted to at least let you have a piece of me with you, cause I'm pretty sure you're badly missing me haha. Anyways get well soon, loser, I need a reason to take a break from work.”
A smile flirts across his lips, his gaze softening as he carefully tucks the flimsy paper between the pages of some book. He leans back and raises the bear above him, adoringly staring at the fluffy bear that weirdly smells like the one in his dream.
It was only two days later when he was discharged from the bleak, 4 walls of his nightmare.
“Are you being serious?” James asks, flabbergasted at the speed of his recovery.
“Yes, I am, Mr. Potter. Would you rather stay here for a few more days? Because you are free to do so.” She replies, taking a final check at his shoulder. 
“Thank merlins.” She jokingly huffed in relief. “I was worried you were about to say you wanted to for a second there.”
James, elated as a child free from the confines of his classroom, all but walks out the doors. He heads straight toward the Gryffindor tower, skipping in his step, enthusiastically giving a wave at the people he bumps into.
The occupants of the common room all collectively flinch in their places at his shout. Although it’s a common occurrence since the day James’ been sorted into Gryffindor, they easily got used to the peaceful silence of the one less noise from the four. It was really nice while it lasted.
“James!” A loud booming voice instead answers him, to which he simply bypassed the person whose arms were outstretched beside him. Bumping into their left arm as he does so.
Said person dramatically gasps— and it wouldn’t be Sirius Black if it wasn’t complete with the hands over his chest and heavy breathing after.
“Oi! I’m the one who has visited you when I could be studying, you ungrateful trash.”
James turns back laughing, “I’m just kidding, pads. Come on.”
He waits for the dark-haired boy to run towards him, engulfing him in a big hug. The two chuckled and rejoiced at the fact that James had finally left the room he’s been locked in for several days now.
“Am I that horrible of an accompaniment?”
“Remus!” James shouts. He leaves Sirius’ arms and hops towards the tall boy. Which the latter reciprocates, wrapping his arms around James’ shoulders. 
“Oh! You know you’re not, James just happens to see my eye for grandiose acts.” Sirius replies.
“I’m a prefect, Sirius. McGonagall’s gonna start to think I’ve been turning a blind eye to your pranks.”
“She loves you, you’re the only good thing out of all of us. I’m sure she can forget whatever we do as long as you say so”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” 
Remus turns to head back toward their room. He pauses for a second before he pivots on his heels.
“Oh right! Before I forget, Sirius and Peter had used up all your shampoo. So you should go buy some more when we head out for Hogsmeade.” He mentions before continuing on his path.
James nods and pulls Sirius towards the couch, making brief talk as they sit for hours on end on the floor beside the warm, crackling fireplace. 
“Where’s Y/N by the way, I didn’t see her on my way over here?” He asks.
“I heard Lily say that she was pulled by Slughorn to help out with some potions in preparation for class tomorrow.”
“Oh ok.”
“She knows you were gonna be out of confinement today, she asked herself earlier before classes.” Sirius explains to the forlorn boy, “It was just bad timing that she took too long to fix her bag and she couldn’t get away.
James leans back on his arms, watching tiny pieces of ash fall on the stone. The two have gone silent, instead resting in comfortable silence when suddenly he hears a whooshing sound followed by a thump as a heavy pillow hits Sirius’ face.
“What the hell!” Sirius jumps up, but before he could even let another word out, he is hit by another pillow which makes him stumble in his step. 
“You’re the thief!” 
“I’m no thief, what are you talking about?” Sirius sputters at the accusation, offended that of all things to be called, it had to be a thief. 
“Peter said otherwise! He told me that you’re the one who’s been stealing my shampoo!”
“What?” He watches as Sirius’ face contorted into something akin to perplexity.
“I smelled it on him and he said he used yours!” You point a finger at him. 
James feels his heart skip a beat when his eyes cross. He dryly laughs, inching backward. His brain reminds him of when he accidentally took your bottle of shampoo from when the boys' bathroom was flooded and they had to all use the girls' bathroom. You accidentally left yours and to be fair, he didn’t know it was yours until now. Thinking of it, maybe it was why the bear smelled familiar to him. 
He genuinely thought it smelled good and hoped that the person wouldn’t mind losing a bottle. He supposed that was why he kept smelling the scent even in his dream.
“It was a new bottle! That shit was expensive!” You continue to berate the confused man. “Just admit it!”
James starts to inch backward, knowing that Sirius would point fingers at him anytime now. 
“Oh please! It didn’t even smell anything expensive. If I were to steal something, you must know that it must be the same brand that the king of England uses!”
He was so close to escaping, his hands were already gripping the railings of the stairs up to their room. But as he was about to turn around, a wave of relief was coursing through him as he saw that you hadn’t noticed him yet, he heard his name.
“Hey! It was James!” 
James curses under his breath. With one foot on the steps, he turns his head back towards the both of you. He sees your confused expression.
“We used his shampoo since we ran out and he was in the infirmary.” Sirius quickly continues, annoyed at how he was dropped by Peter and subsequently, accused by you.
James dryly laughs, before running for his life up the stairs. He didn’t bother to look back knowing that you were for sure on his tail. Darn his younger self for teaching you how to climb up the stairs. 
Once the wooden doors were in his sight, foolish as ever, he slowed down. 
He humiliatingly lets out a scream when he feels a hand grip his shoulder. It would’ve been fine if it was somebody else but he knew you would never let it down. 
“You fucker!” You pull him to face your side, your hands still gripped tight on his shoulder blades. You were panting from running up the flight of stairs.
He immediately blurts out anything his mind could muster, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was yours!”
“Even then! Who in their right mind would steal a literal bottle of shampoo?” 
“Uh- me?” He reluctantly answers.
Your face deadpans. 
“Give me my bear back.” You demand, putting your hand out.
He immediately shakes his head sideways. Eyes plastered intently on yours. His hands unconsciously make their way to the flaps of the shoulder bag that housed the fluffy toy.
“Um no? This is mine now, you can’t take back a gift!” He huffs. 
“That doesn’t count anymore when you owe me something! So give it, you little shit.”
He turns to run away when he notices that your hands were no longer on his body. His hands gripping the straps of the bag tight close to his chest.
But before he could even turn around, you had already foreseen his action and pulled the bag towards you.
“Let go.”
“No, he’s mine now!”
“You must’ve hit your brain when you fell, you should go back and I’ll keep her safe.”
“She’s a girl, you idiot. Look at her necklace.”
“Uh no? Your tiny hands might snatch it away as soon as I take her out of this bag!” He replies.
Instead of answering back, you forcefully tugged at the bag. The two of you played a tug of war, you were insanely strong with how hard you managed to pull it towards you. In his desperation to win, he loosens his grip and watches as you almost fall backward at the sudden force. 
But his hands were there to catch you from behind.
And little ole’ James didn’t know what came over him but as he leaned forward, he couldn’t allow himself to stop, instead, he let his lips crash into yours.
You’re shocked at the action. He waits for you to take a step back, to avert your gaze elsewhere before running off to wherever, as his young mind kept telling him to expect. But with every second that passes, you weren’t making any move, instead, he feels the loose threads of a smile weaving gently on your lips.
When he pulls away, you watch as his eyes flutter open. Waiting for those sparkling orbs to come in contact with yours, you’re surprised when he fixates his eyes on your lips instead. James wanted to say something, anything but as soon as you split apart, all confidence that ran through him just seconds ago had been washed out. He couldn’t do anything except to clear the lump in his throat and drop his head in the crook of your neck and shoulders.
Pushing his head away from you by his jaw so that you can look at him, eye to eye. You gasp at the red tint that painted his entire face and laugh. You swipe your thumb that sits on his cheeks in admiration of how absolutely adorable he was. He leans to your touch and smiles lightly, but his eyes were still wavering scared to hear or see how your reaction would be.
He takes you in, everything about you, down to every breath you take, to the way your hands unconsciously kept swiping at his cheek. The world is unstable beneath his feet at the realisation of what he just did. 
“You do know that won’t be your payback for the shampoo right? You still have to buy me a new one.” You cheekily say to him.
He, once again, drops his head at the junction of your neck. His laughter vibrates against your skin, sending immediate shivers down your spine. 
“I’ll buy you as many as you want as long as you come with me to buy them on Saturday?” He asks with the last bit of confidence still left in him. Crossing his fingers.
“A hundred?” You tease, lightly laughing.
“I don't care if it’s a hundred or a thousand, just cuddle with me so I can smell it on you.”
“That sounds so weird.” You let out a burst of laughter. It gets even louder when you see the tip of his ears turn redder by the second.
“Shut up.” He says, as he grabs your waist and pulls you against him, and moves his head to set a peck on the crown of your head. He retracts and smiles at you so wide that his glasses move up his nose and tilt sideways. 
He takes your hand up to his lips, where he lets them brush against your fingertips down to your wrist where he lands the softest kiss right where your pulse lies.
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penroseparticle · 2 months
Songs that make your heart bigger, go thumpthump, make you hug whoever’s closest
Hey. Thanks for this. This playlist was a lot of fun to work on.
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These songs all make me feel. Big. Somehow. Idk man. I feel love most ardently or what have you.
I hope these songs also give you that Peridot feeling.
Loser- Jagwar Twin
something will happen- berlioz
Girl In The Orchestra- HONNE
Preach- Keiynan Lonsdale
Will You Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet- Glee Cast
I Got You- whatever mike
Closer- POWERS
Vienna- Billy Joel
Make It Better- Anderson .Paak ft. Smokey Robinson
The Gambler- fun.
How Deep Is Your Love- PJ Morton ft. Yebba
I Really Love You- Gibbz
Stupid Shit- Girlicious
Almost (Sweet Music)- Hozier
Fisherman's Horizon- Final Fantasy VIII
Ghost of Chicago- Noah Floersch
Pink + White- Frank Ocean
Pink Pony Club- Chappell Roan
It RUns Through Me- Tom Misch ft. De La Soul
Cupid (Twin Version)- FIFTY FIFTY
fake.guitars- lost spaces
King Of My Heart- Sub-Radio
Good Bye- Victoria Monet
Downtown- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Melle Mel, Grandmaster Caz, Kool Moe Dee and Eric Nally
Must Have Done Something Right- Relient K
Build a Boat- Colton Dixon
Lite Weight- Anderson .Paak ft. The Free Nationals United Fellowship Choir
Remember Summer Days (Night Tempo Showa Groove Mix)- Anri, Night Tempo
Special- Lizzo
Mama Say- Betty Who
This playlist is one that's gonna grow, I can feel it. Thanks for planting something special.
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starberry-skies · 11 months
ough, maybe 📚📣💖🎥 for the music asks?? sorry if these are too many i just am constantly looking for excuses to find new music
!!! YIPPEE i get to talk abt music!!
📚 A song or album you could write a term paper on: okok whenever i mention songs that i like i gotta talk abt lent by autoheart at least once. the lyrics are ehhhhhh? but where autoheart Thrives is the beat and the rythm of the song. every single line is incredibly satisfying and steadying. every time i blast my eardrums w it i feel so much better afterwards. one day i even listened to it on repeat for 7 hrs. it's just. so good.
📣 A lyric that feels like it is specifically calling you out: the romantic by lauryn marie speaks to my fuckin heart ToT specifically the opening lyric:
I have romanticized every little thing that you've said to me I didn't mean it, it just happens when you have an overactive imagination
pov ur main source of comfort was fanfiction for 3+ years tbh T-T i am doin better tho and don't relate to this song aaaas much anymore, but when i first heard it it felt like such a callout lmao
💖 A guilty pleasure song: i'm forever furious that patricia taxxon's hyperpop cover of caramelldansen isn't on spotify. the chorus sounds like glass breaking in my ears and i turn it up to full volume every time. i'm generally a sucker for anything hyperpop and this song is the epitome of that culture. aaaaaa it's so good!!!!
🎥 A song that gives you a really specific mental image: stay for a while by gibbz my beloved!! the beat is vv soothing but i just loveeee the picture it paints lyrically. but personally, every time i hear it i just think about writing on my shitty phone in my family's trailer on a trip i didn't want to go on and listening to this song on repeat. but that trip inadvertently got me a lot more comfortable w writing so it wasn't all bad!!
anyway tytyty for the ask!!!! i loveeeeee talkin abt my silly little songs lolol :D
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unable4 · 3 months
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Gibbz x Stable Hall
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lazykazzz · 9 months
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An old art, but I'm still very proud of it <3
Inspired by the song Stay For A While by Gibbz
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happybirthdayannazel · 10 months
In case you're bored, stressed or all the whirlwind of emotions are surrounding you. Here are some songs I can share with you.
If you want some more, you know where to message me. Have fun and take a break Anna!
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Asbury High and the Writing on the Wall (Asbury High Series, Book 7) by Kelly Brady Channick is AVAILABLE NOW
Amazon: https://amzn.to/44LaA2Q
@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #AsburyHighandtheWritingontheWall #KellyBradyChannick #YoungAdult #YAMystery
Entering their Senior year, the gang believes they left the rough seas behind on their summer cruise. Yet while they were away, seemingly random graffiti spread throughout Asbury. After a talented, young woman goes missing, Maddie, Cornelious, Carly and Pilot wonder if there could be a connection—since the graffiti suddenly stops. Things take a turn for the worse when her body is found a few weeks later, viciously murdered.
Most believe the murderer to be an outsider, until cryptic journal entries and close friends of the young woman point to someone in town. Things only get messier when the local bully (and Pitbulls gang leader) approaches the four sleuths, announcing one of his Pitbulls has gone missing as well. Could his missing Pitbull simply be the murderer on the run?
The deeper they investigate, the foggier everything seems. When Jeremiah Gibbz is arrested for murder, Cornelious is torn between trusting his father or accepting the mounting evidence.
In addition to Jeremiah’s legal troubles, he begins planning a presidential campaign and brings a hopeful future running mate to town…with his family. Among the new family, is beautiful and sly high school Senior, Chelsea Jaminucco—who (with Jeremiah’s blessing) is intent on making Cornelious her own.
Through everything, the gang celebrates their senior year with friends and each other. As scholarships and college loom closer than ever, the foursome find it difficult to focus on the case.
When typical high school problems and slippery interferences crowd the gang’s life, can they find the truth behind Asbury’s gruesome murder? Can they stick together, or will this case be the one that pulls them apart for good?
0 notes
prettylonelys · 1 year
please may i have some music recs? i always love what you recommend!!!
of course!!! i’m so glad you like them!!!
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shooshzilla · 2 years
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dangan-imagine-plus · 4 years
Sonia Nevermind Playlist For Anon
Anon: Playlist for Sonia Nevermind plsss 🥺🥺
Of course! A playlist for the perfect little princesses!
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1. Royals by Lorde
2. Happy Synthesizer by EastPop
3. Townie by Mitski
4. I Really Love you by Gibbz
5. If You Like It Or Not by The Brobecks
6. Buttercup by Hippo Campus
7. Talk Too Much by COIN
8. Clever by Dreamhouse
9. Resurface by Dreamhouse
10. Run by COIN
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halxpal · 5 years
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Obsessed with you. @fuckinwithaliens
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penroseparticle · 13 days
Penrose Song of the Day Day 41: Feel Good by Gibbz ft. Russ Liquid
I'm having trouble writing because I'm having trouble deciding what's worth saying. What is there to say that hasn't been said already. I'm but one monkey with a typewriter, cut me some slack.
I've been thinking about taste, and recommendations, and what the music we like says about us. I've been thinking about arrogance, and cruelty, and a little bit about No True Scotsman fallacies, too. I just. I don't know. What is "good" music and why are so many people fans of "bad" music.
I don't think bad music even exists, at least not really. I think music like any medium has so many competing and often contradictory delivery methods, goals, audiences, and interpretations that a categorical verdict like that is, frankly, Quixotic. I think about things like Throbbing Gristle and Clown Core, like Taylor Swift and Imagine Dragons, like Jungkook and 21 Savage and JVKE and Drake and AJR and all of the people who would say you're not listening to "real music" or "good music". There's a pity that's normalized with the superiority of your music tastes.
On the other hand, the more you learn and deeper you dive into anything, the more repetition you hear. The more you see things as hackneyed or trite. You've seen it before, heard it before, etc. You learn when someone was stolen from, when an artist is just rehashing something or taking from an entire genre/subculture that they weren't part of. Wider eyes see the ugly truths right?
I don't know. It's tough. I wonder if there's an answer that's satisfactory.
I saw Gibbz live, actually. Back in... 2017? I was seeing... I think A SIlent Film? With my good friend Katie. This was back when she would suggest we go see a band and I would just say yes. I think Gibbz opened. I don't remember. Shout Out Rock and Roll Hotel, I miss that venue.
Gibbz wasn't what I was expecting. A little smooth, a little mischievous. Like a wink between good friends. Electronic but soulful. A Silent Film was more classic, traditional rock. Gibbz was one guy at the front with a synth and a crooner's deathgrip on the microphone.
I went up and spoke to him after his set. It was a small venue, he was an opening artist, I just told him I loved his stuff and I really loved I Really Love You (which is still my favorite Gibbz song, for the record). He was kind. He said thanks, and how it was humbling to be playing live. It was a nice interaction.
I think, given the time and money to do so, I want to get back to doing this. Just going to shows blind, of artists I've never heard of, in genre's I've never imagined.
What does all this have to do with taste. I meander, I know. I'll bring it back.
I think I have pretty basic, milquetoast tastes. I like pretty average music. I have a passing interest in things with more obscurity- I like melodic forms of metal, I keep a finger on the pulse of industrial for Lauren. I'm finding myself drawn more to house, classical, and jazz. I like Math Rock.
But cards on the table, my favorite type of music with a bullet is Hot Pop Girlies Having Fun (tm). The Sabrina Carpenters. The Dua Lipas. My second favorite type of music is apparently Men Being Sad (the Hoziers of the world). I don't think that's ever going to change. And I'm trying to be more ok with that. I'm trying to stop letting audience or surveilance or observation change what I like and what I enjoy. I'm trying to unlearn shame.
I don't know. I just want to listen to something I love. You know?
I've stopped sharing music with a lot of people in my life (I'm aware of the irony of having that rumination on this kind of post, thanks). There's like 3 people I share music with IRL and I basically only listen to music with headphones these days. I want to make music one day but I'm struggling to see what the point is. I gotta remember the effusive joy that comes from creation, but I also need to remember, somehow, some way, that sharing music is good, actually.
Anyways, enjoy this song. I hope you feel how this song feels, at least to me. Chill, soulful, grateful to be alive, and above all, I hope that you feel good.
You could be dead right now. Go listen to something you love.
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I think you've missed the train
I feel a rumble in my feet
As we say goodnight when we don't want to
There's no use in the way
Let's retrace our steps and walk to my apartment
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thebasswizzard · 5 years
Cherub crushed The Fox Theatre this past weekend! Check out the full recap from their electrifying show 🔥🔥🔥
Full article created by me :)
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wecastmusic · 6 years
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Get You Some
These Are Love Songs
WeCastPlaylist: Dance form the Underground
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