shima-draws · 2 years
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Gifrias to start off the new year ;)))) As it SHOULD
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shadow-coolness · 4 months
Sweary Hilda P2
Hilda: I wrestled a fucking ghost for you!
Hilda: You’re fucking invisible!
Hilda: But that's all it fucking is! Memories. Our fucking house is gone. The fucking mountains are gone. Our fucking life here's gone. And now... Now, fucking Twig's gone too.
*Twig comes back*
Hilda: Twig stop im not in the fucking mood.
Woodman: Do I look like I have a fucking book of ghost rules? I do. At home. Beautiful leather binding.
Johanna covered in ectoplasm: Ugh! Dammit Hilda!
Hilda: I don't know what I expected but it was not fucking that!
Kaisa eating Jorts: What? They're hella delicious!
David: All this talk of Jorts is making me hella hungry.
Hilda: (nervously) Does this mean I'm going to devour the new CEO of Jorts' fucking soul?
David: If this is my future, I don't ever want to fucking grow up!
David eating Jorts: What? It's hella good!
Kaisa: (Samples some as well.) Wow! It is hella good!
Hilda: Come on let's go. I've had enough Jorts for one damn day.
Frida: (indignantly and muffled) It's not always easy to tell the fucking difference!
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eah-exchange · 9 months
Gifrs were due YESTERDAY!
If you haven't already turned in your gift or asked for an extension:
Please turn in your gift via email to [email protected]
If you need an extension, please let me know and give a rough estimate of when you think you'll be finished.
Please let me know if I'm posting your gift or if you are, and include all the info listed in the rules.
If you are making a fanvid, you are charge of posting it.
if your gift is a fanfic, please attach it as a document and don't paste it as text in the email.
If I'm posting your gift and it has multiple parts, let me know what order you want them posted.
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minhnguyen85 · 4 years
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(via https://www.zazzle.com/collections/social_faith-119243559540456598)
Best God Ever
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aegiszing · 6 years
You know what's insane?
How Rhajat is so good and deserves the world. Like? Holy shit? An absolute gift. Thank you intsys for blessing us with this bisexual beauty.
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fandomlit · 3 years
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gifr cred belongs to @cloudyblock​
requested by anon “Heyyy can you do a Dream SMP x German Reader where she’s part of the Dream Team and it’s just funny and sweet?”
imagine being german and apart of the dream team
“guys, someone asked what our theme song would be,” george spoke, reading off his chat as he awaited for you all to be ready for your adventure in minecraft.
“oo,” you wondered. “okay.. like, if we were to slow-mo walk into a room with ac/dc blasting in the background, what song would it be?”
“yeah, that scene fits us,” dream nodded with a chuckle.
“i don’t know about all of us, but know what yours would be, y/n,” sapnap spoke, running his character in circles around you.
“oh?” you smiled, giving your camera a cautious look. “what would it be?”
“the immigrant song.”
you didn’t say anything as the boys began to laugh. but sapnap began to yell when you drew your sword and chased him out of the makeshift house.
“get back here, racist!”
“i didn’t mean it! mercy!”
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
1, 2, 8, 11, and for HashiMada? :D
1. What’s the first thing they usually do to get the other’s attention?
It’s canon, isn’t it?
2. How comfortable are they with touching/being touched by the other? 
Madara? Not really, especially not in the public. He prefers to keep their relationship out of the public. “This is to no one’s concern!” In my Roots verse I even went as far as giving him touch phobia, feeling someone touching him gives him severe flashbacks of his dying mother.
Unfortunately, Hashirama’s a cuddler :D He tries to stay back and give Madara the room he needs. But he’d love to hug Madara in public, to show all world his love for his gifr from the divine (a phrase that would make Madara gut him, if he utters it in front of others :D)
8. Do they ever share (or steal) each other’s food? How do they act/react to it? 
It ends in a competition. Hashirama probably starts it. Madara gives him a venomous glare and in turn steals something from Hashirama. Hashirama then steals more and so on :D The only food that’s save from Madara is that mushroom soup that Hashirama loves.
11. How do their arguments usually play out? Do they make up quickly? 
Did you see the stunt that Madara pulled over their breakup? He started a fucking war! Their arguments involve A LOT of yelling from Madara’s part and A LOT of pouting from Hashirama’s part. Maybe even some smashed furniture if Madara is in an especially foul mood. But in the end he can never resist Hashirama’s puppy eyes. Hashirama may sulk for a day or two, but never long.
For the character dynamic.
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cinefairy · 3 years
THIS GUY I BARLEY TALK TO GIFTED ME A VJCYORIAS SECRET GIFR XARD IM CRYING!,,, literally all week I've been repeating men worship the ground i walk on
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sh-kit-posts · 7 years
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Sweaters and undies, AtS Edition!! ***Characters belong to @shima-draws***
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bronziart · 3 years
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It’s the boyyos. Original Character Content :>, from one of my many stories. In case you want to know more about them, though, here’s the listing:
Left to Right:
Gifre, Astrea, Amaro, Cadi, Konrad, Latifa
This pic is a revisit to an older piece (which is pretty much all I can do now) AND a revisit to my original coloring style. I hope yall like it!
<3 Peace and Love <3 - Bronzi
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the-expatriate · 2 years
what’s the first ship you played?
((Originally I hadn't planned on Pari being shipped at all. I didn't think anyone would be interested but all that changed when Pari had met a really tall dude by the name of Gifre and the chemistry was MAGICAL and I still ship them hard to this very day.
@klinxthegiantess - tagging you because of reasons ♡))
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shima-draws · 4 years
Top five among the stars OCs?
[[Ask me my “TOP 5” anything!]]
Okay I’m not putting these in order because it’s too hard to rate my babies but uh. Hiro, Kaz, Gi-bot, Taku, and Jasper
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star-ruler-shima · 4 years
Ok I just read ALL of your blog and let me say I am. In love. ANYWAYS while I was reading Merion's bio all I could think of was "Yes, this is my dad Elias and this is my dad Gifre. Oh this robot? Yeah that's my other dad Gi-Bot. This one is my dad too his name is Eli-Bot and thi" MSHDHSSHSSHSHS I DON'T KNOW WHY
AND YOU ARE SO RIGHT LMAOOO that’s literally what it is Merion and his 7 parental figures
“And this is my Uncle Elymas and my Aunt Ava and my Aunt Lacie and my Uncle Emrys and my grandpa Ignis and—”
Everyone’s like okay we get it you have a very extensive family that you’re proud of. LOL
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minhnguyen85 · 4 years
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(via https://www.zazzle.com/collections/tote-119959772162601122)
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gamerzylo · 4 years
If i were to shine a laser pointer dot on the floor, who would attack it first? Andy or Gunther (or any other oc)?
Andy would go after it first (“look I needed to see what it was pointing at, that’s all”) and then go after whoever’s holding the laser pointer.
Between Gunther and the others? Gunther would attack it accidentally, like if he saw it out the corner of his eye.
Gifre would go after it because “hell yeah laser pointers, gimmie one”; Adam and Brant would probably just ignore it.
Ian would be the one using it “for science”.
Both versions of Aiden and Arlo would just be watching in amusement while Shadow watches in confusion.
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greenestcoat · 5 years
the common tongue of you loving me
A belate @fic-or-treat gifr for @pluttskutt ! Hope you enjoy.
Also on ao3 here.
"You didn’t.”
Josephine’s exclamation has Evelyn Trevelyan scuffing her boot on the floor, looking absurdly sheepish for a woman of her height. She glances up at Josephine over the small sleepy bundle in her arms. “Um. Would it help if I said he’s an orphan?”
Josephine looks from the puppy in Evelyn’s arms to her face, the earnest anxiety there, and gives in to the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Evelyn, you’re the Inquisitor. You don’t have to ask permission to have a dog.”
“But I wanted him to be - ” Evelyn hesitates. “Both of ours. If you want.”
The puppy chooses this moment to wake up and yawn prodigiously, displaying a tiny pink tongue and needle-sharp teeth. Josephine’s heart melts. She leans up and brushes a soft kiss across Evelyn’s cheek.
“Thank you for thinking of me, mi amor.” It’s hard to put a name to the tender feeling she always has at the idea of Evelyn making space for her in her life, thinking of her while the Inquisition forces are away from Skyhold, even as Josephine often thinks of her. The affection between them is new, only a few months old, but they miss each other terribly in those absences. Perhaps that was part of the thought, that this tiny golden ball of fluff could be good company against the loneliness that encroaches on Josephine sometimes despite her best efforts to keep busy. It would be like Evelyn to think of that.
She lets Evelyn pull her in with one arm as they smile at each other. “Maybe I could help you name him?”
They call the puppy Bear, the name hilariously at odds with his size but fitting his demeanour. He settles in well at Skyhold, following Evelyn around everywhere when she’s home and curling at Josephine’s side when Evelyn is away. He takes to sitting on Josephine’s feet while she works at her desk, and the warmth and company is welcome. It doesn’t take her long to fall as deeply in love with the puppy as Evelyn has (and the rest of Skyhold, for that matter.) Soon Bear is always to be found with Josephine, at Evelyn’s side, or in the kitchen, begging for scraps.
It’s after one of these excursions to the kitchen that Evelyn receives a harried message from one of the staff to come to the kitchen immediately, and she hurries there, feeling anxious. Bear is a little mischievous, and he’s made trouble in the kitchen before. She has been training him, but sometimes, if food smells particularly delicious, he forgets that he’s only supposed to eat what’s given to him, and then they all have grumpy kitchen staff to deal with for a few days.
The staff have been cooking squash, it seems. Pumpkins and various other gourds are being seeded, chopped, and baked into pies or roasted to serve with the meat for dinner. The huge stone room is echoing with bustling activity, full of the smell of cinnamon and apples, and in the corner, Evelyn spots her very unrepentant-looking small dog, being watched over by a maid. Pumpkin innards have been spilled and smeared all over the floor, and two more staff members are sweeping them up, looking irritated at the interruption to dinner preparations.
“Oh, Bear, what have you done now?” She directs the question to the people more than to her dog, who just looks at her with mirth written all over his face.
“Only rolled in all the leavings from the pumpkins,” the maid holding Bear’s collar says in disgust. Bear has certainly done a very thorough job of making a mess. His golden fur is slicked down and sticky with stringy orange vegetable bits. Pumpkin seeds are mashed into the mess like a bizarre decoration. Evelyn sighs, crouches down and scoops him up into her arms, carrying her armful of wriggling puppy out of the kitchen with apologies cast behind in her wake.
She’s never actually washed a dog before, but it can’t be too hard. The tub in her own quarters would work, but she’d rather not have to clean fur out of it afterwards. Instead, she carries a protesting Bear out to the stables, where she unearths a large old tub. Filling it with conjured ice while trying to keep Bear from seizing the chance to escape is the work of a few minutes, and then she melts the ice with a heating spell until the water is warm. She rolls up her sleeves and sets to work.
Bear objects strenuously. Evelyn’s attempts to talk him gently through the process don’t seem to be helping, and they are both soaked and covered in pumpkin goo when a familiar laugh sounds in the courtyard. Evelyn looks up to see Josephine giggling at them both.
“You could come and help me,” Evelyn puffs. She doesn’t really mean it - Josephine is in a gown that looks a little too fine for wrestling a wet dog - but Josephine immediately comes over and kneels beside her. Bear calms a little at her touch, and Evelyn manages to scrub the rest of the mess out of his fur.
“Sorry, your dress is getting dirty,” she says, looking up at Josephine. She knows how much some of Josephine’s dresses cost, and how vital they are to the impression the Inquisition makes on its visitors.
“No matter. I changed into an old dress,” Josephine replies cheerfully. Sure enough, there’s a dark stain down the whole front of the skirt. Evelyn dimly remembers a clumsy envoy spilling his wine on it a few weeks ago. “Here, I brought a towel.”
The peace of the autumn day returns. Bear is calm now, letting Evelyn direct gentle wind gusts to dry him properly. The end result has them both laughing helplessly - Bear’s fur puffs out gently, making him look like a small, fierce dandelion.
“Skyhold’s most fearsome guardian,” Josephine gasps, wiping away tears of laughter. In the sunshine, her hair glints like black silk, coming down out of its neat bun into wisps around her face. The front of her dress is drenched, there’s a smear of pumpkin up her sleeve, and Evelyn wants nothing more than to kiss both of the dimples brought out by her laugh. Bear takes advantage of her distraction to escape, dancing away to chase a leaf blowing across the courtyard. And Evelyn gathers Josephine into her arms, and they both forget about the mess, embracing in the sunshine while Bear frolics around them.
She couldn’t be happier.
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