#giggling and kicking my feet cause im so smart
lesbiandardevil · 9 months
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the fool
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brights-place · 6 months
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Dating Clay
- Not me giggling and kicking my feet IM SO NORMAL ABOUT CLAY GUYS DEF!
- Clay may use to be the funny one but he’s definitely smart (HE’S AN LICENSED CPA PUT SOME RESPECT ON HIS NAME FOOL!)
- Clay when first seeing you when he first arrived to putt putt village he was in awe.
- you were like Viva but… 100X More energetic which was terrifying to him at first
- Wondered how an troll like you had so much energy.
- Multiple things caught his attention about you… too many things…
- You where electric and hyper yet soothe and calming when needed to be he witnessed that when you comforted an troll who was having an panic attack
- He was in awe at how quick you switched up
- What he also noticed about you was that your pupils would grow about something you like or are daydreaming and shrink back when your brain is like being deep fried with information
- He giggled at how your doe eyes grow
- you were the one that made his romper outfit as an welcome gift and he cherished it.
- He enjoys the fact that you know all the choreography to the brozone songs and mainly his parts but wouldn’t speak up about it cause he was still in his ‘I don’t wanna talk about my past’ era
- Clay is VERY Petty (We all saw how he was with John Dory) now imagine that if you did something bad…
- You’d literally bother him so he can go back to talking to you and not be an petty tall shi-
- AHEM! Anywyasssss Clay would notice the smallest details about you and how your emotions shift abit before going back to normal in situations.
- overtime he got used to it and even got used to you kicking open the admin room with your foot just to annoy him and rant to him about the dumbest things or just about something you enjoy.
- He had written an schedule about when you enter take up his time then leave and would always keep that space and time open just for you and would stay in the same spot for an moment waiting for you to enter and as soon as you enter he starts the timer.
- He fell first and you fell harder
- He realised his emotions about you and went to Viva about it
- Viva couldn’t stop squealing loudly
- Her TWO best-friends liking each-other was everything to her
- She literally plotted and sketchbooked ideas on how Clay would confess
- Clay would seek out his brothers help since viva’s plans where… So corny
- His brothers helped him out to try ask you out and gave tips and comforted him when he freaked out abit
- He freaked out and started clutching his chest that Floyd had to soothe him which worked pretty well.
- Literally forgot everything he was taught once he saw you again
- He loves your hair, your eyes, personality and how you currently where cheering and dancing to some music
- tried to confess to you and failed miserably
- He tried about Two times to confess to you but failed
- Literally ended up saying “Dude I like this person but every time I try to confess to them they don’t even know what’s going on” “Yikes dude just straight up tell them!” “okay”
- He literally confessed as you nodded saying that’s how it was suppose to go.
- Man had to grab you by the shoulders and speak slowly “I Like You”
- Flustered mess THE BOTH OF YOU
- You went on an few dates before starting to go out on your third date when you kissed him by accident cause he got you some flowers
- Your first date would of been at an cafe
- fifth date he invited you to the brozone concert
- He still didn’t tell you he was in brozone
- literally grinned the whole time at you while you where the loudest in the crowd
- Literally screamed out “THATS MY BOYFRIEND!” To Clay and doing his choreography in the front row which made Him blush and his brothers snicker at Clay.
- You two would mostly hangout together at his office sometimes or at your place
- most of the time at your place
- Shy about Pda in public but in private he peppers your face with kisses and teased you
- He likes to drop his serious side sometimes around you
- you make him feel safe and you do too.
- He loves when you soothe and remind him that it’s okay to be funny and goofy in some moments
- He cries when you say that
- Cuddle this man 24/7
- he made you join his sad book club
- You two cuddled eachother bawling your eyes out together
- Small kisses on the cheek and knuckles when walking past each other while working sometimes
- you and him having dance battles at 3 am out of boredom
- gave you the job of stamping some papers… never again
- His face was covered in stamp marks aswell
- His hair is so fluffy and would melt in your hands if you play with his hair or brush it
- You remind him to take breaks and if he doesn’t you drag him out
- He’d literally blush when you got matching wrist hands like him yours an F/C as his are green.
- if you cup his face and squish it he would do it back to you
- loves having his arm on your waist or ontop of your head to remind you He’s taller
- if your too hyper sometimes he’d pick you up by the armpits and keep you up in air jail for abit or hug you by the waist and keep you on the spot till you relax.
- He’d explain to you about his job if you ask and would be shocked by the fact that you understood it quickly
- He loves how you bounce off walls like an Bouncy ball and then run into his arms as he just says your name in the softest tone ever
- Snuggle into his neck while cuddling he will be crying on how cute it is.
- You had bit his hand once out of pure interest…
- He literally gave you the biggest stink eye you had to run before he catches you.
- He would praise you whenever he can if he’s free
- When you talk about your interests he just nods and smiles lovingly at uou
- He got BANK
- He’d try to spoil you sometimes but fails when you say no and say that his time is enough
- Would buy you things you like or something he thinks you would enjoy
- Bought you an plushie of an character you REALLY liked
- Was mad at the plushie since you hugged it to bed instead of hugging him
- He threw the plushie to the wall and then made sure you clinged to him instead which made you laugh.
- Literally staring at his baby and teen photos with an Wtf look
- “Babe why do you have yellow hair then but your hair now is like green?” “well that’s because-“ Literally furrowed eyebrows “that’s because… holy shit wait”
- You’d have to beg him to move in with you after 2 years of dating since the admin room was depressing.
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lueurjun · 5 months
ENHA REACTION ⋆̩ s/o that wears a hip chain and anklets
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🖇·˚ ༘┊ 𝐑𝐄𝐐 . @666booklover , , Heyy 😁 Its me again lol.. can I pls request an enha reaction to a s/o that always wears a hip chain and anklets, if it's not too much trouble 😅. (like do u think they'd think it's 🥴 or something Imao). My Indian bestie heard I had an account and I am speaking on her behalf (aaand I just got pinched) tysm!!
˚ ༘💭 ·˚ message from lueurjun . . . hope this was okay for you my love !! sorry it took so long, i had a major brain fog and couldn’t seem to find the right words, but i hope i did your request justice.
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★ ! H E E S E U N G
no but he hasn’t breathed the same since he met you
bro wheezes in your mere presence
legit the embodiment of the pick up line: ‘are you an inhaler because you took my breath away’
yeah he’s cute but i’d write you poetry just sayin
he’s so in love with you in general, but with the added combination of you wearing hip chains and anklets, he’s enamoured by you
enamoured 🤓 look at me thinkin i’m smart
literally would go out of his way to get you more
drives the rest of the members up the wall with how much he talks about you
“they were wearing such a beautiful hip chain piece, the other day with a gorgeous anklet to match it- it brought out their eyes and-‘
‘heeseung im glad you’re a simp, but please shut up’
that was 100% jay or ni-ki ( i bet jay )
i can see him pouting when you decide not to wear one
like he just stares at you for a little while and you’re like ??
not that he doesn’t find you stunning without them, he does, but he’s grown accustomed to you wearing them
not him being obsessed… i could be more obsessed if you want. say the word, i’ll roundhouse kick him
he also likes the noises they make whenever you move
it literally soothes him??
bro stop before i literally cry
he’s so in love pls let me be you for a day
or be with you 😏
★ ! J A Y
slightly more reserved than heeseung
as in, not as obsessive about it, but he still loves them type of thing
he doesn’t make a big deal out of it, but not so much that you feel unappreciated because he still makes sure to compliment them — and you in general
that’s right. yeah he does. if not, he’ll have a meeting with my fists: pretty and punch.
though just because he’s not as obsessed does not mean he’s not observant
he pays enough attention to know which ones you prefer, and which colour you wear more often
so when he decides to surprise you with a new anklet or hip chain, it’s always the colour that you prefer
jay is also a fashion icon, so a lot of the time, he helps you pair them with a super nice outfit
super proud to strut around with you on his arm wearing your pretty hip chain which matches with your outfit, paired with a gorgeous anklet
mesmerising the locals with your outfits during a little coffee date
this could be us but you playinnn 😔🤟
no but seriously, jay loves your hip chains and anklets ( almost as much ) as he loves you
i could love you more tho
★ ! J A K E
this man legitimately GIGGLES whenever he catches sight of the chain
someone poison me he’s so cute
just when he thinks he’s found his favourite one
you rock up in different one and suddenly, that’s his favourite
and don’t even get him started on the anklets
bro loses all composure
me when you exist fr 🤭😌
to be honest, i can see jake wanting to match anklets with you
and he for sure would gift you one with a ‘j’ initial on it just because he loves you
‘not because he owns me, ‘cause he really knows me’ BOP
jake is 100% the type to play with it
like you could be laying together and all of a sudden you’d feel his fingers gently brush against your skin
and when you glance down, he’s absentmindedly playing with your hip chain
or if your feet are in his lap
he’s fiddling with the chain of anklet
someone be my jake, i can’t handle this anymore
it’s a habit of his at this point so now you don’t really bat an eyelash when he does it
but it does cause a stir inside of you when he does it in front of his friends
because it’s so intimate?? and loving?? and in front of his friends proves that he doesn’t mind showing that bit of affection
a man that is secure and proud 👏 you deserve nothing less baby !!
but it’s also not over the top enough to be considered as PDA
sighhh i’m obsessed with you guys
★ ! S U N G H O O N
a lot like jay, like he doesn’t really make a huge deal out of it
he thinks they’re nice, and he likes them but he doesn’t feel the urge to make a massive deal
like jay, he will compliment you and make sure you know that he thinks you’re stunning and that they really go with your outfit
he may even become slightly more touchy but won’t say anything about it
nonchalant mf tryna act all cool 🙄😎
despite acting all cool, i can see sunghoon secretly making you a hip chain or an anklet ( maybe both )
like on valentine’s day, amongst all of the other gifts he’s spoiled you with
he just whips out a box and sheepishly hands it to you
imagine he just launches it at your head and walks off-
and when you open it, your eyes instantly brim with tears because you imagine him just sitting there for hours
awh imagine him sitting with his legs crossed- STOP I CAN’T BE PUBLICLY CRYING OVER A GROWN MAN SITTING DOWN
it’s obvious he’s put a lot of effort into it
he may have even followed a tutorial step by step
and it definitely becomes your favourite piece
posting it on your story and him complaining that all his friends are going to see
but then refusing to let you take it down when you offer because he feels superior knowing their partners will whine about him being so sentimental and creative
once he sees how much you love it, he will make it a tradition for him to make you your very own piece every year
soon you have your own little boutique of hand crafted anklets and hip chains
that’s so romantic someone run me over
the boys tease him for being a simp, obviously but he can’t find it in him to feel embarrassed
not when he sees how happy you are
he’s well and truly smitten, but so are you so it’s all good
literally i would die for you both
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
second of all again i have to say ily Again for getting it LMFAO like IM SO GLSD YOU GET IT. i was a bit nervous about sending that ask but IM SO GLAD U SEE IT & I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THAT YOU SAID YUMMMM … especially this next paragraph that i’m abt to paste:
and then some of it is just because he likes seeing how desperate she gets for him like….. use your words or ask for what you want or whatever are all said with the same unspoken messages which are you’re a grown up so act like it or remember how smart you were five minutes ago or it’s so cute when i let you talk back to me and we pretend like i can’t fix your attitude the second i decide im sick of it
SCREAMS KICKS FEET AND SCREAMS SOME MORE. LIKE GODDD I LOVE IT I DO LIKE i’m seriously your biggest fan i think cause there’s so many things i pick out that i love like for example relating to the last part of the paragraph i just pasted, it’s not in dybmn but like there’s a couple fics you wrote where it says like “he’s kissed the attitude out of you” SCREAMS AGAIN. and i also love the idea of like- like you said the whole: you were so smart 5 mins ago or you had such an attitude or i thought you didn’t need this OMG THAT JUST REMINDED ME OF RELAX WHEN HE WAS LJKE. it seems like you don’t want it OMFGGG LIKE ITS SO DELICIOUSLY COCKY TO ME I DONT KNOW SORRY SUE ME. or again in ur other fics where like in dead of night omfg where she goes that was embarrassing and he’s all “next time we’ll make sure you don’t come at all to even it out” i am literally kicking my feet right now omg. and then she goes no i take it back and he’s like “i thought you might” ummmmm i think you need me in your life.
i just completely agree with everything in that paragraph & i can’t wait to see it incorporated more! like he doesn’t want to overwhelm her bc she’s very insecure but also loves her and that inexperience and teasing her and he Loves watching her reaction to that teasing too & her getting flustered OMGi. could keep going but this is so SO long i’m sorry lover 😭 your blog is my roman empire i am telling you i really could keep going on this i dissect your works like i’m in class and this is my latest thesis it’s that serious 😭 this is 4am brainrot so sorry if it doesn’t make sense and sorry again this is SO LONG. love u lots cutie thanks again 🩷
go on for as long as you want your mind is so powerful ily so bad
you literally said it all like i can’t even elaborate that’s how much you ate
I LOVE COCKY SPENCER SO MUCH I LOVE CONFIDENT SPENCER SO MUCH i love writing little moments like that because in my mind it’s character growth😭 like he normally in the show doesn’t have a lot of confidence but the right person would actually make him feel so much better about himself in a healthy way and he would just be happier and more assertive and djiefiwow idk idk thank you for blessing me with your thoughts
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uglypastels · 11 months
okay getting to the other stuff now that i’ve said my piece about the heart-wrenching cliffhanger you’re going to keep me up at night with lmao
- he was scared of losing her and was just gonna go be sad in his room by himself🥺
- even though he’s a good pirate (can’t believe i’m a pirate apologist now) he’s killed people before but what sits heaviest with him is that he’s hurt her!!! stfu that’s so pure
- as soon as he said to just call him eddie… oh babeyyy i knew shit was abt to go down in a sinful way. but no! poor eddie was blue balled, reader had a terrifying dream, and us (actual) readers were on the edge of our fucking seat
- the crew said they’d miss her!!
- hellfire shot first, right? (i kept getting interrupted trying to read that part so it’s fuzzy to me) WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE RED TAIL SANK I NEED THIS BACKSTORY OH MY GOD
CAN WE TALK ABT THE SMUT JFC. cause you rly fucking delivered on that
- ‘Really? The princess had thought of me, a filthy pirate?’ ‘I’m not a princess.’ You rolled your eyes playfully. ‘Out of all the things to dispute, you argue my words of affection?’
- ^fucking swooning over these lines
- ‘So you can be good for me.’
- ^this one too
- him admitting he lost his control due to jealousy!!! idec if it’s toxic (only cause this isn’t real life) jealous eddie is so hot
- as a tit (wo)man myself, i have to give my thanks for including boob stuff *chefs kiss*
more comments of after the smut cause i apparently have a million fucking thoughts abt this chapter i’m sorry😭
- they comforted each other after their nightmares that is so goddamn sweet im SICK
- ‘I had honesty considered just locking you away and keeping you forever, but I am a man of my word, am I not?’ HE SHOULD HAVE JUST KEPT HER THERE FOREVER. TURNED TF AROUND AND NEVER LOOKED BACK
- reader writing the ransom note and changing the whole story to try to spare eddie/hellfire was so smart oh my god u rly had me fooled that they weren’t gonna get in any trouble and be seen as fucking heroes or smth
- the comment abt him not having carpet fr cracked me up
- he read her mind and shut the idea of staying with him down:(( that son of a bitch (still love him tho)
- and he didn’t tie her hands tight so she could start swinging at any moment!! (c o m e o n reader…we’re fucking waiting! punch ur dad in the face!)
- ‘governor, i see we meet again’ again!!! AGAIN?!!?!
amazing fucking chapter. ur updates always make me so excited, and i’m eagerly waiting for more<333
Dont mind me just giddily giggling over all of this 🤭 but its really hard for me to reply bc i am just rereading your comments and kicking my feet with joy. You really know how to butter me up lmao and i wish i could write rn but i'll be at the beach the whole day so i will have to do with daydreams and the notes app- which, btw, do not ever again apologise for sharing your thoughts!! I as a professional attention whore absolutely thrive off of this so please do not stop
Well, ya know the title of the fic, and it is eddie so you know he's a sweetiepie at heart. He's just been through stuff (and yessss we will find out what. All questions will be answered i hope (unless people have questions to things i did not even consider but so far i dont think that has been the case???).
And listen, with [fan]fiction, there is no such thing as red flags 🫤🙄 only black ones with skulls on them 🏴‍☠️ and toxicity is what makes everything that extra bit spicy.
I am a bit sorry for blueballing yall at the beginning, but if i hadnt then we would not have gotten the rest of the chapter as it is now?? And that counts for something suuurely
plus, i tried to hold off on the smut as long as i could bc i really really do not like writing it, as much as i am an avid lover of it, which brings me to my next point of i really appreciate all the comments on the smut bc i honestly dont know what in doing most times and it was probably the main reason why it took so long to write this chapter because i just freeze up at the mention of genitalia lmao. My brain just becomes that cymbal monkey.
Hehe i was really proud of that pirate/princess line. And the carpet one. Just gotta break up the heaviness sometimes ya know. And you just know these two have that kind of "deprication as love language" affair. Is that a even a thing? Well i made it a thing. Especially since its basically canon for this au that eddie has a major degradation kink.
In a perfect world, they would have been welcomed as heroes, but in a perfect world they also would never have kidnapped her so 🫠
And yes Again 😌
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
BlackHeart Bakery
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Who says Halloween can’t be romantic?
Pairing: Emo! Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: fluff
A/N: HI OMG IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I love you, I hope you like it. I’m sorry it isn’t longer but, I still can’t wait for you to read it.
-you never imagined that the quirky lil bakery down the street from your university would change your life  
-But it did
-“Omg shut up, you’re so dumb.”
-“Rawr xD”
-“Did you just say rawr xD out loud??? That totally defeats the purpose of its existence...”
-“Don’t cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.”
-“And now you’re quoting the chronicles of narnia- alright just go back to sleep you big dummy...”
-“Mmm but you married a big dummy so what does that say about you”
-“Jungkook don't spoil it oh my god!”
-“Like they don’t know what’s coming already- spoiler alert losers! I get the girl.”
-“I hate you...”
-“Mm yeah- I love it when you talk dirty to me baby. The last time you said that- we ended up fuc-“
-“Ok! That’s enough! Our story begins...”
-Jungkook’s bakery was quite famous around your city
-If people didn’t come for the gaudy Halloween decorations  
-They came for the music  
-Exclusively pop punk, if you’re wondering
-It was like 2009 everyday  
-Which was comforting, considering the world has gotten a little
-Since then
-But anyways
-If they didn’t come for the music or the decorations
-They came for the AMAZING espresso  
-And the spooky themed treats
-But if you’re being honest
-You think the main thing that keeps them coming back
-Is Jungkook  
-If his sweeping black hair didn’t get you
-Or the adorable cheeky twinkle in his eyes
-It was the tattoos and the piercings  
-He looked like he walked right off of a black veil brides music video set  
-He was hot
-This was obvious
-But he didn’t seem to think so
-You had come to the conclusion that he was oblivious  
-he shoved his feet into his big black doc martens every morning  
-Slipped on his beaded bracelets and studded chokers
-Pulled his fall out boy t-shirt over his
-And just thought hm
-I’m pretty average I guess (lol)
-That’s a direct quote from him btw
-Men truly are hopeless
-Jungkook opened the bakery two years ago
-He had mentioned to you that he had saved up money from his 3 part time jobs to put a down payment on the building  
-Which was wedged between a sex shop
-And a thrift store
-And honestly his bakery
-Blackheart Bakery, if you’re being specific  
-Fits right in
-Jungkook refuses to hire new staff
-“They won’t do it right.” He whined to you one day
-“One time I tried to hire this guy and he put the sugared googly eyes on the cookie skeletons ALL WRONG”
-“How do you put googly eyes on wrong?” You had giggled
-“you just do- i- See? This is exactly why I can’t hire anyone...”
-You had started chewing on the end of your pencil in the midst of your laughter
-It was an unconscious habit
-And it makes Jungkook shift uncomfortably, his hands moving off of the top of your table
-“Don’t do that...” he had muttered, smirking to himself as he walked back behind the counter  
-he did that a lot
-He’d mutter something  
-Mildly flirtatious under his breath and then  
-Just walk away
-It was quite confusing
-But honestly you had a feeling he was just a filrty person  
-You certainly weren’t the only girl he smirked at
-Not that you pay attention
-Maybe you do  
-Pay attention  
-but it’s not your fault!!!!  
-You just  
-Can’t help but feel a little jealous
-You kiiiiiinda have a little thing for him
-Maybe it’s a big thing  
-Maybe it’s a massive
-But look at him!!!
-You simply couldn’t be blamed
-It was his fault  
-That’s what you’re going with
-It was Jungkook
-And his tight t shirts
-His ripped jeans
-His dangly earrings
-His tattoos
-His big
-Stupid boots
-Ugh ok
-You have work to do
-The whole reason you began coming to Jungkook's cafe was so you -could find a consistent place to study for your exams
-You were in school to become a teacher :)  
-And teachers have to study very very hard  
-Educating the youth is no easy feat  
-Jungkook had asked what you were studying during the first week you arrived at his spooky house of baked goods
-“Oh I’m an education major”
-“Ahh so you’re getting an education about...education.” He concludes
-“I love it.”
-“So meta.”
-“Are they educating you on the disparities between impoverished children and wealthier children?”
-His wide eyes were brimming with genuine curiosity  
-You kind of got a kick out of how candid he was about such heavy conversation topics
-“Not as much as they should be but, I’m actually writing a paper on a similar topic right now...”
-This caused a brilliant grin to come over his face
-It was almost blinding really
-And it made your heartbeat all wonky  
-“Of course you are. You look smart like that...”
-He had backed away from your table then, seemingly satisfied
-Had you passed the vibe check?
-“I’ll leave you to your paper.” He nodded to your laptop but as he walked away, he pivoted back towards you on and the heel of his combat boot, “welcome to Blackheart Bakery by the way, let me know if I can get you anything.”
-Another brilliant smile is sent your way  
-“Thank you.” You had smiled back, sending a tiny wave his way
-Which in turn, made HIS heartbeat all wonky  
-You’re cute
-Like really cute
-And despite how often it may seem like his eyes are elsewhere
-They are ALWAYS on you
-Every chance he gets he is glancing your way
-Smirking to himself at how endearing you are
-Brow furrowed
-Lips pouted in concentration  
-Completely oblivious to his gaze
-He has to remind himself to look away  
-He doesn’t want to be a creep
-“Creepy men deserved to get kicked in the teeth...”
-He’s said this to you before when another patron had made you uncomfortable
-Jungkook kicked him out immediately  
-“If you don’t leave, I’ll have no choice but to kick you in the teeth. One, because I can’t compromise my personal philosophy and two because you’re making my favorite customer uncomfortable.”
-Oh look there goes your heartbeat again
-The guy leaves in an angry rush, flipping Jungkook off in the process
-Saying something about leaving a bad Yelp review  
-He doesn’t care tho
-He definitely doesn’t want to be a creep
-You’re just so  
-He rolls his eyes at himself behind the espresso bar
-The latte in front of him neglected  
-In need of a bit of foam
-“Focus Jeon, she’s just a chick...”
No wait
-“She’s just a woman. A woman who I respect, like I respect all women...”
-He’s been watching a lot of feminist theory on YouTube
-He likes staying educated  
-And also fuck the patriarchy
-The man waiting for his drink has arched a brow at this point, wondering if his barista has lost his mind
-“Uhhh medium...” he checks the cup for his awful hand writing, “ghostly toasted marshmallow latte!”
-“Thanks.” The guy mutters, throwing a judging look Jungkook's way  
-He gives him a lazy salute as the guy struts away with a briefcase in tow
-“Thaaanks.” Jungkook mocks him, his face scrunching up in annoyance  
-Stupid man
-With his stupid briefcase  
-As Jungkook is pulling out a batch of cream cheese frosting stuffed pumpkin muffins  
-Or as Jungkook calls them
-PUNK-in Muffins
-Movement at the counter catches his eye
-is that
-”oh shit...” He grunts, hastily wiping his hands on his apron and rushing over to the counter
-normally he would meander
-or even slump to greet any new guests at this hour
-and by this hour
-he means 45 minutes before closing
-Jungkook’s bakery is open til midnight on weeknights
-9pm on Sundays
-and 3am on Saturdays (for the culture of course, gotta keep it spooky)
-tonight happens to be a Friday night and the person awaiting his assistance is
-”You’re still here?” He gawks, the black polish on his nails glimmering as he punches in a few keys on the register
-You offer him a tired and slightly amused smile, “No. Y/N died around 4:30, you’re speaking to her ghost. Please leave your message after the tone.”
-Jungkook cracks a smile, his palms resting on flat on the counter, “Do ghosts check their voicemails?”
-“Oh of course not but, I will be checking yours because you have access to caffeine.”
-Jungkook laughs
-no...he giggles  
-and it’s fucking cute
-but you digress
-“I feel like I should cut you off...this is your 4th latte; I’m pretty sure you’re 80% caffeine at this point...”
-“Noooo, don’t do that.” You whine slumping against the counter, “I just need to finish this one page...”
-He quirks a brow as he scribbles something on your cup, unimpressed with your statement, “You said that three hours ago. I’ll make you another one but I’m not putting an extra shot in.”
-Your face turns up in protest but he click his tongue against his teeth , shaking a manicured finger at you
-“Ah ah- nope. I don’t want to hear it. You either take that or I’m making you a hot chocolate and shutting the buildings power off.”
-With a dramatic sigh, you concede
-“Ugh fine. Here-” You go to hand him your debit card but he shakes his head
-“Put that away.”
-You want to protest but given the fact that he’s made the rules thus far during this interaction, you doubt you’d be able to stop him.
-A smile appears on your face then, appreciative of his generosity
-“Thank you.”
-He merely grins, waving you off before rolling up the sleeves of his black Blink 182 shirt
-as soon as his tattoos are out
-all the moisture leaves your mouth
-you try your hardest not to stare at him
-expertly, he eases the espresso shots into the milk, tongue poking between his lips in concentration
-and you
-being sleep-deprived
-and a little loopy
-decide to  
-if you could even call it that
-which you could but you shouldn’t
-“For the record, when I finally dig my way out of this of mountain of death I’m stuck in, I will definitely take you up on that hot chocolate...”
-Jungkook’s brow quirks at the tone of your voice, his hands suddenly itching with nerves
-was that
-was that flirty?
-should he flirt back?
-“My hot chocolate is legendary. You won’t be disappointed.” His lips display a small grin as he places the lid atop your finished latte, “Also mountain of death is a great name and I WILL be stealing it.”
-You giggle
-“and I WILL be suing you for copyright.”
-He laughs now, wiping up the bit of milk he spilled
-the sinewy muscles in his forearm tensing and untensing
“Good luck getting me to show up to court.”
-and that’s kinda how it was between you and Jungkook
-for like six months
-it was a little bit flirty but never anything to push either over you over the edge.
-and speaking of being on edge
-recently, you had gone from vacationing in your timeshare on the edge
-to signing a 35 year mortgage contract  
-4 bedrooms
-2.5 bathrooms
-of pure
-you could feel it in the middle of your back
-shoving itself up between your shoulder blades
-your body seemed to ache with it
-the worst part being
-it was Halloween
-You should be out with your friends, having fun
-wearing itchy costumes and drinking sugary drinks
-but instead, your headed towards the bakery to work
-Jungkook was behind the counter, smiling happily at a family dressed like the cast of scooby doo
-from what you could see he was wearing a skeleton onesie
-his jet black hair tousled perfectly above his head
-he looked adorable
-(and hot)
-He notices you instantly, his face turning up in surprise
-you offer up a small wave and head over to your table
-you know he’s going to say something about you being there but
-you don’t really have much of a choice
-this work has to be done
-it takes him a second to spot you but when he does
-he seems to perk up
-his smile brightening as he looks back towards his customer
-as you’re setting everything up, you feel a presence (not the spooky kind) at the end of your table
-it’s Jungkook and he has your regular order in one hand, along with something wrapped in skeleton-patterned parchment paper
-“I know, I know.” You acknowledge before he’s even able to chide you for being here
-He smirks “What are you doing studying on the holiest day of the year??”
-You giggle
-“The holiest day of the year huh?”
-“Of course. Halloween is the one night a year that the homies can dress like total -sluts and no one can say anything about it.”
-This makes you giggle again
-“And you went with slutty skeleton huh? I love it- it’s like as naked as you can possibly get.”
-He chuckles, gesturing to his costume
-His floppy black hair getting in his face
-“Damn right baby.”
-The way he grins tells you the pet name is a joke
-But the deepening of his voice gets to you anyway
-“Thank you for this. I promise I’ll get out of your hair early tonight.”
-“The only thing I’m worried about getting out of my hair is this white spray paint. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
-He’s put a streak of white spray paint in his raven locks
-Why? You’re not certain
-Does it look good on him, like everything else does?
-Its been a few hours since your night of studying began
-Jungkook’s dropped off two free lattes since you’ve arrived  
-As well as a slice of his ‘I write cinnamon not tragedies’ bread
-Which was equally hilarious and delicious
-You caught him glancing over at your table a few times but you didn’t think anything of it
-He’s probably just checking to make sure that no one needs your table
-His bakery is packed most nights but Halloween is a special night at Blackheart Bakery
-He has a trick or treat counter set up with free (homemade) candy
-A photo op complete with a fake haunted house backdrop
-A Halloween playlist
-And a bunch of discounts on his signature lattes and food
-you watch him amongst the chaos
-He is completely unfazed
-He seems elated at the amount of customers he has
-he grins and laughs at something a man dressed like Thor says at his counter
-he seems entirely in his element
-you realize that the denial tactics you’ve been trying out haven’t been working
-because this floppy haired, tattooed, slutty skeleton/baker kind of has a hold on your heart
-you’ve been friends for a long time now
-he always makes sure you’re taken care of
-he always asks if you’re ok
-he always gives you this little grin
-it feels like a secret sometimes
-but maybe it’s been his way of letting you know where he stands
-he’s been bringing you lattes and pastries for months now
-he never charges you full-price
-he always reminds you not to work too hard
-he likes you doesn’t he?
-you look back over at the counter to see him bending over and handing a skeleton cookie to a little girl dressed like Captain Marvel
-he laughs at something she says
-his eyes focused entirely on her and whatever she seems to be proclaiming to him  
-your heart goes wonky again
-enough is enough
-you’re doing this  
-Jungkook’s done so much of the work thus far
-it’s time for you to seal the deal
-and if he rejects you, well…
-you can just crawl into a hole and never come out again
-easy peasy
-You can feel his eyes on you as you get up to take your place in line
-luckily there isn’t anyone else behind you
-rejection with an audience would certainly be worse
-Jungkook has his witty comment ready for you as you approach the register
-“I know for a fact you haven’t finished your third latte and I’m not making you another one until-“
-“I’m not here for another latte.” You laugh, trying to ignore the thrashing of your heartbeat
-“No? Well, are you finally going to try my Welcome to the Blackened Chicken Parade Burger then? I’ve been asking you for like three weeks…”
-god he’s fucking cute
-“I’m here to ask you out.”
-Jungkook swears he feels his heart stop
-“You’re here to…”
-He repeats the first part of your response as his he didn’t hear you
-his black fingernails anxiously tapping against the countertop
-“I’m here to ask you out- on a date.”
-Jungkooks face seems to go through various stages of confusion before a shy smirk presents itself on his pretty mouth
-“Me? You’re asking me-“ He places a hand on his chest, “-out on a date?”
-“Yes!” You laugh, slapping the counter a bit too hard, your nerves getting the best of you, “Are you down?”
-He shakes his head but his answer contradicts his movements
-“So down, beyond down. There is no one on Earth who is more DOWN than I am. Yes. My answer is yes. 50000% yes.”
-you can’t help the smile on your lips
-“great. So are you free next Friday then?”
-He grins with his teeth this time, nodding emphatically  
-“Consider the shop closed.”
-and so it was
-you returned to your table moments later  
-feeling on top of the world
-you did it
-you asked Jungkook out
-and he said yes
-and now you
-you try your best to engage with your studies but with Jungkook on your mind
-its really hard
-roughly two hours later, things at the bakery have finally started to slow down
-“Hey uh- Y/N?”
-Jungkook's voice that pulls you out of your studying trance
-he’s standing at the entrance of his back room, waving you over with his hand
-and who are you to deny him?
-you make your way over there, annoyed at the instant increase in your heartrate
-he stands awkwardly to the side and gestures to the boxes on the metal rack
-“I just remembered that I’ve never given you a tour of the place. I give all my regulars a tour of the stockroom and my office and uh-”
-he cuts himself off and clumsily cups your cheek
-he pulls you into a kiss
-a really good kiss
-his lips are so warm
-he smells like cinnamon
-you could literally die happy
-The ridiculous nature of his first attempt to kiss you, makes you giggle into his mouth
-you feel him smile, his hands smushing your cheeks together as he pulls away
-“Ok I lied. There is no tour. I’ve just been watching you focus on your computer for the last two hours and you’re just really fucking cute and-”
-this time, it’s you who cuts him off
-“You better give me an actual tour next time. How else am I going to steal your secret recipes?”
-he scoffs in mock offense
-“Ah ha! So that’s the only reason you asked me out huh? Should I be calling you Plankton instead of Y/N? Ew no wait- that would make me Mr. Krabs and he’s a dirty capitalist...”
-You laugh, “Oooh good point. Guess you’ll just have to be Karen, my computer wife.”
-This makes him laugh now and the sound warms your soul
-“I could live with that- I like your last name better anyways.”
-with another kiss, your adventure with the emo baker of your dreams begins
-It may have been Halloween but it sure felt like Christmas to you
385 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 12]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, overstimulation, tiniest mentions of daddy!kink, a lil bit of a filler chapter!, this is the most btsvt chapter that it’ll ever get so i’m sorry if you dont like that!! 😭😭, a bit of a lighthearted chapter too tbh to ease everyone back into cherry bomb! 💕 I know its been like two fuckin weeks since the last update which is honestly insane to me! I almost couldnt remember where we even left off lmao kdjfhds 😩💕💕 Thank you for being so patient with me and waiting it out while we had two weeks of Monster Mash! Starting Monday, I’m gonna be going back to my normal posting schedule! 💕 have a great rest of the weekend, yall! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - ?
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“Wait, seriously? You want to work here? But--but I thought you were from out of town?”
Jun’s eyes light up with excitement; fingertips crushing the resume you passed to him moments prior. “Um, well, there was a change of plans… and I’d really like to work somewhere where I have a friend! If you guys are still hiring, that is...” You reply back meekly.
It’d taken you all morning to write up a resume, blushing a little when you realize most of your income had been from camming. It’d also made you pause for a moment when you realized that it meant Jun would also know your real name too; as well as everyone who came through the diner and all of your coworkers.
“Yeah, of course! I, um, just give me a second to pass this to my manager, okay? I’ll be sure to put in a good word!” Jun shoots you a wink before he turns to leave.
You take the opportunity to sit down at a nearby booth, fishing for your phone to text Seungcheol.
‘I think I might be getting the job!!’
cheollie ✨: oh? Not that I doubted you, but is it confirmed already?
‘Mm… Jun is trying to put in a word for me! But I’m confident!’
cheollie ✨: thats my baby ;)
You hear someone call your name hesitantly, only to find Jun standing a few feet away looking at you sheepishly. “Um, sorry, your name’s on the resume so I figured…”
“Oh! Yeah, it’s fine!” You awkwardly giggle. “I figured writing ‘Cherry’ as my name wouldn’t be too smart when you need to cross-reference my ID if I get the job.” Jun laughs as he takes the seat across from you in the booth, papers in hand.
“Well, I convinced my manager to let me interview you. Told him that if we’d be workin’ together that I’d want to scope you out for myself! He bought it, can you believe it!?” Grinning, he sets your crumpled resume down next to a small stack of papers. “I don’t doubt you’d pull your weight around here but I do have to ask… Why here of all places? I thought your, uh, other job was enough? Or I guess I assumed...” You bite your lip, flip-flopping on whether or not you wanted to let him know exactly what happened that led to your sudden decision.
“Um… There were just some big life changes I had to make on the fly and I’ll be living around here now! I’m trying out some new things… I also figured if I worked with you, then you’d know my schedule the best too! And you seem like a really nice and cool guy.”
Jun nods, smiling back at you.
“You got that right!”
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“You’re seriously going to start working there?” Jeongguk raises a brow, cables in hand as he sets up the extra PC in his streaming room. “And the guy working there knows you? That doesn’t bother you?”
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, “Yeah and he knows me now too. And knows I’d kick his ass if he tried anything.” You pout from your place in the expensive gaming chair; eyes focused on Jeongguk who shimmies under the desk to start plugging in the cables.
“Well, yeah he does know me, but he’s also one of my regulars and knows the schedules I’ll need, so I think we can trust him!” They both nod and Seungcheol is quick to cross the small room until he’s right behind you.
“He seems like a nice guy though, I don’t think we have to worry.”
Jeongguk slides out from underneath the desk, dusting off his pants as he stands. “And if he does end up being a weirdo, there’s always a place for you at the roller rink!”
Seungcheol rolls his eyes, hands gripping onto the backrest of the chair.
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“Hey guys, welcome back to Golden Closet Gaming! I’m JK, your regular host! Today, we have a suuuper special guest! Why don’t you introduce yourself, pretty lady~”
You take a deep breath as you lean in close to the mic; somewhat nervous and a little out of your usual element. “Hi everyone~ I’m Cherry! Some of you may know me from, um, the other side of the streaming-sphere but I’m joining my friend today in hopes of boosting our channels together and having a ‘lil bit of fun!!”
Seungcheol sits at the side as he watches the two of you; a small smile painted on his lips at the way the two of you seem to fall into your characters easily despite the somewhat different platforms and influx of different viewers.
The sound of donations and comments pour in a lot quicker than Jeongguk, himself, is used to; eyes wide and eyebrows raised as he pauses to watch them flood the screen.
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
xcaliburDK has donated $100
sleepy_wonu: never thought i’d be donating here but here we are
xcaliburDK: i was always a silent watcher but u kno i had to donate for my favorite girl!
seokGENIE: i feel like i’m entitled to something for taking your shift so i wont be donating, sorry pretty girl
j__min: can’t believe this kid got a collab with you before i did :(
j__min has donated $200
dtsug__a: i dont normally watch streams either but im curious
Jeongguk laughs, still in disbelief as the donations continue to pour in from a combination of your viewers and his. He always made a decent amount from his viewers but he couldn’t deny the pull you had from your viewers as well. “Wow, um okay, my donations are adding up a lot quicker than they usually do. That’s… Hey, whaddya say to streaming with me regularly?” He jokes. 
A shy laugh bubbles up your throat; ears and cheeks burning hot at the idea. You had never collabed with any other streamer before and despite your initial hesitance and unsureness, you too, were shocked to find how well the two of you were doing without your usual content.
“Erm, I’m not very good at gaming though… I don’t think your viewers would like it very much...”
seokGENIE: thats ok jk sucks at gaming too, it wouldnt be too different
j__min: lmao fkjdhf
dtsug__a: does he get roasted often on this channel? If so i’ll be tuning in more often
dtsug__a has donated $100
dtsug__a: for your troubles, pretty gal
“On second thought, let’s let this be a special occasion, huh? Maybe collabs for the holiday, Cherry?” Jeongguk grumbles and Seungcheol has to bite his lip to keep in his laughs from his side of the small room. You start to feel more and more comfortable at the lighthearted atmosphere; tucking a stray hair behind your ear before you lean in towards the mic again.
“Ah! Speaking of, don’t forget to tune into my camshow tomorrow~! JK and I will be gaming on there as well but… with some added fun to match my channel~! 21 and over only~” You blink at the computer screen, still a little unused to the idea that you weren’t technically being filmed. Although, it was a nice change for once; not needing to be all done up for a show and simply just talking to your viewers and reading comments.
sleepy_wonu: is dom daddy gonna be on the show too?
“Dom daddy? Oh you mean Se---”
“Yes! Kind of!” You cut off, laughing nervously. Nobody knew Seungcheol’s name except for Jun and you were trying to keep as much of him private as possible, until he was ready. “In a sense, he’ll be there! You guys will just have to tune in to find out!”
Jeongguk laughs into his own mic, scooting in closer to his desk as he loads up the game.
“I think that’s enough chatting for now, huh? Let’s get started! Tonight we’ll be playing Phasmophobia! We’ll be playing something more lighthearted on Cherry’s channel, as she requested. So tonight we’ll be playing something I picked out. You ready, baby?”
Seungcheol narrows his eyes, quietly taking a sip of his water.
“Ready when you are!”
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“I gotta say, sweetheart, for someone who doesn’t play video games too often, you’re not too bad.” Seungcheol comments, nodding his head in amazement as the three of you exit Jeongguk’s PC room. He’d had a hard time keeping in his laughs as he watched from the side and he had to admit, you were even cuter when you were outside of your usual element.
“I have to agree with hyung, but maybe it was also the adrenaline and screaming that kept you goin’.”
The two males share a laugh as you pout and plop down onto Jeongguk’s living room sofa. “Hey, how were the numbers for tonight, by the way?” You ask quietly.
“Honestly? I think we made almost triple of what my channel usually sees. I know I don’t really make a ton off of my streams since I don’t really do anything, like, crazy but shit… Even I’m shocked at how much we made.”
Seungcheol’s lip ease into a smirk; Jeongguk really had no idea how much the two of you had made off of a couple videos alone.
“We still have one more stream to do and then we can just pool up the money and split it down the middle!”  
Jeongguk nods, stretching as he sits himself down onto the other end of the sofa. “I’ll bring my spare PC stuff so we can set up a little early tomorrow, if that’s cool with you two? Maybe have some food before we get started too ‘cause god knows I’m gonna be starving.” You look to Seungcheol who nods and checks his phone for the time.
“Yeah, we need to set up the cameras and lighting a little differently too so we’ll probably start earlier. Just text me before you drive over so we know when to expect you.”
You yawn next to Jeongguk; adrenaline having worn off as the tiredness finally sets in. “It’s so weird, usually I’m only just starting my stream right around this time but I’m so exhausted now...” Seungcheol’s eyes from cute crescents as he smiles down at you, stepping closer as he goes in to smooth down your hair.
“You really were screaming a lot, to be fair. How about we head home and you can sleep in the car?”
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Seungcheol lets you sleep in on Saturday morning, watching as your chest rises and falls with soft breaths.
He takes a moment to think over the last few weeks of his life and he can’t help the disbelieving expression that crosses his features when he realizes just how much had changed over the course of just weeks.
When the two of you had met, he wasn’t expecting much. He expected the two of you to hang out for a few days before you went home and forgot he even existed outside of your camshows and the comments section. But now that so much had happened between the two of you, Seungcheol felt a deeper connection to you and felt the need to protect you even moreso than ever.
He sees you shift slightly, sleepy eyes blinking open as you peer up at him. “Good morning, sweetheart.”
“Mm… g’morning ‘cheol…”
You grimace sleepily at how hoarse your voice sounds, “Ew, I sound so… gross.”
Seungcheol moves to get out of bed, leaning in to kiss your forehead before he shuffles towards the bathroom. “I’m going to wash up but you can stay in bed if you like. I’ll make you some tea for your throat, okay? We have a long day ahead of us and I don’t think you wanna sound like that later tonight.”
Nodding sleepily, you lay back down as you yawn and let the sleep take over once again.
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“Are you really sure ‘bout this?” Jeongguk takes a bite of his pizza as he watches Seungcheol pull the desk closer to the bed.
“What do you mean?” You ask; readjusting the light that was closest to the younger male. “Like, I dunno, I’ve never been on a cam show like this so… I mean do I have to do anything different?” You laugh lightly as you go in to pat Jeongguk on the shoulder.
“No, just be you. And we went over it already earlier, the only thing that’s different is going to be me! No weird tricks or anything, I promise.”
Seungcheol places another monitor on the tabletop, grunting as he goes. “Yeah, and in all honesty, I would hate to have to watch you get off, ‘Guk.”
“Oh shut up, hyung. You say that like I don’t know what you’re packin’ under those sweats. I think it’d only be fair! Just two bros getting to know each other.” Seungcheol pretends to gag just as you double over in laughter. “No, absolutely not, ‘Guk. And also, nobody told you to watch those videos!”
Jeongguk pauses, lips pressing into a firm line. “You right, you right…”
You leave to get changed just as Jeongguk starts to help Seungcheol set up the last few bits of equipment. He leans in close to the older male, eyes glancing around the space to make sure you were completely out of earshot. “Hey, hyung, honest question.”
“Are you really okay with all this?” Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as he raises an eyebrow at the younger male. “What’s ‘this’ exactly, ‘Guk?”
“Y’know, her living here and you camming all of a sudden, among everything else really… And the question if you’re in love with her which, by the way, we still all know that you are.”
A blush coats Seungcheol’s skin, fingertips almost losing grip of the camera he was about to mount to the desktop. “Listen, yes, okay, I do… like her a lot. But she’s going through a lot right now too and I don’t want to freak her out either. There’s a lot of life changes we’re going through so I’m just going to ...wait.”
“You’re a good man, hyung.”
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“Hi everyone!”
You wave to the camera, winking and blowing a kiss to the camera propped up between the two monitors on the table. “I know, this setup is a little wild and not my normal but this is part two of my collaboration with Golden Closet Gaming! Do you want to introduce yourself to those who missed our other stream?” You turn to Jeongguk who nods; this time a little nervous as he stares directly into the camera.
He’d said he was okay with being filmed since he wasn’t actually part of any sexual acts, but he still found himself a little camerashy now that the two of you were live.
Seungcheol sat directly behind the monitors and cameras; his phone open to your cam show to watch from a different angle.
“Ah, hello! I’m JK of Golden Closet Gaming! I’m a friend of Cherry’s and no we won’t be fuckin’.” Jeongguk ends with an innocent smile that has you holding back your laughter.
therealchan99: i dont think dom.cheol would like that very much anyway
universe_WZ has donated $100
universe_WZ: unless he’s into watching
dom.cheol: no
alphagyu97: oh shit hes back
angelhan: huh, so hes not there?
“Oh, he is! He’s behind the camera~” You gesture beyond the camera to where Seungcheol sits and he leans over to quickly wave upside down in front of the camera to prove his existence.
j__min: ah, of course~ we know your daddy would never let you play with anyone else~
j__min: he likes you too much ;)
emerald.tae: oh? also hi new watcher!!!
emerald.tae: ur videos were great!!
emerald.tae has donated $200
therealchan99: im gonna need to start fighting ppl for ur attention i swear
gentleman_josh95: implying u had it
chwenon: yooooooo lmao
“You guuuuys, be nice! Just for that, I’m gonna be sending you a special private pic, okay ‘therealchan99’? You guys pick on him too much!” You pout.
therealchan99: hahaahhAHhhahaHAAHAA FUCKIN LOSERS SUCK ON THAT
tangerine_kwan: bruh
chwenon: damn guess we should can it
You respond to a few more comments as Jeongguk sits by and watches the way you interact with your viewers. He also takes note that you had a donation minimum before you started actually doing anything on your channel and that you’d already hit it pretty quickly.
“Okay! I think we should start now, huh? Oh, I should explain what’s going on!” You giggle cutely, settling into your space on the bed. “So JK and I will be playing this stilt man game! We have to get our character to the finish line without falling or the level restarts! JK has to get to level 30 and I have to get to level 20 and whoever reaches their goal first, wins!”
“I have a higher level to reach ‘cause our skillsets are different and we all know I’d smoke her if we both had to reach the same level.” Jeongguk grins.
seokGENIE: sure
seokGENIE has donated $69
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $100
“And the reason why ‘dom.cheol’ is behind the camera is because...” You pause, eyes twinkling with playfulness as you stare directly into the lens. “In order to get me to do my best, he’ll be controlling a special toy I’m wearing~ Hehe, if my character falls, he’ll raise the vibration setting each time as punishment and leave it on until I cum…”
“Which we are assuming will be a lot. Unfortunately, no medic on standby.” Jeongguk jokes. Seungcheol rolls his eyes as he laughs from behind the camera.
“We have a safeword, don’t we, sweetheart?” You nod in response, “Mmhmm!”
“Let’s get it!”
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It takes all of four stages before your character falls for the first time.
Seungcheol turns the vibrating panties on and you immediately jolt as you try to keep your character upright on screen. “Oh, f-fuck!”
kitty_junjun: uh ohhhh it begins
artist8hao: i don’t think she’s gonna last.. babygirl is so sensitive, she’ll probably cum soon
xcaliburDK: i’m giving it until level 6 before she cums
emerald.tae: oh are we placing bets
“Noooo~ Don’t place bets on me, I’m weak!” You whine; already squirming as the vibrations attack your clit. Seungcheol grins from in front of you as Jeongguk laughs from your side, already on level 7 on his own screen.
You had to admit, it was a little weird for someone else to be in the room with you while Seungcheol basically used a toy on you, but the younger male seemed to not care about it at all. Although, he had already seen most of you and Seungcheol at this point.
Your fingertips are shaky on the keyboard and computer mouse; already fearing the way Seungcheol’s eyes almost become darker the longer you struggle.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Is the game too hard?”
“A-ah, n--no, it’s not that b-bad…” Squirming, you grind down a little harder onto the bed just as your character falls on screen and Seungcheol raises the setting to the second highest in the blink of an eye. “Ngh, fuh---fuck!”
“Uh oh~ Should I slow down to let you catch up?” Jeongguk teases.
“N-no, I can beat y-you!”
The donations and comments pour in as you struggle to keep your calm and get your character to the finish line; letting out a sigh of relief as you finally enter the fifth level. You let out a choked sob as you already feel your panties starting to stick to you like a second skin from how wet you were getting and Seungcheol can’t help but chuckle.
“You know, you’re technically allowed to cum whenever you want. It’ll just… slow you down, is all.” Grinning, he watches as you look beyond the camera towards him as you pout.
“But I--I wanna win!” You cry; palms clammy as you try to rush through the fifth stage, only for your character to fall almost immediately. “Nooo~”
Seungcheol clicks the vibrator to its highest setting and your body goes rigid as the vibrations wreck your body. You start to grind against the toy as you chase your orgasm and forget about the game almost completely. In a perfect world, Seungcheol would have his cock snug between your walls, but instead you clench around emptiness as you crave his cock.
artist8hao: ah shes already cumming lol
seokGENIE: on level 5? Fuck
universe_WZ: her cute lil cunt cant take it, poor babygirl
seokGENIE has donated $50
emerald.tae has donated $75
alphagyu97: cum baby, u kno u wanna
alphagyu97 has donated $75
A small choked whine is all you can manage before you do cum; eyes clamped shut and fingers wrapped tight around the computer mouse as the waves of pleasure crash down onto your body. Donations and comments flood the side of the screen from a combination of your viewers and Jeongguk’s as they watch your face contort in pleasure.
“Ah, sweetheart, you’re really falling behind~ JK is going through the stages so quickly while you’re sitting there cumming~” Seungcheol teases. He licks his lips, simultaneously wishing you were sitting on his cock while you played your game.
That’d have to be for another time, he thinks.
It takes a second for Seungcheol to turn the toy off and your body immediately slumps forward as you catch your breath. “Ngh, d-damn it…” You grimace when you re-adjust yourself and find your panties soaking wet.
“I’m already on level 17, babe. You gotta catch up!”
You can only groan in response, flexing your clammy fingers before you try to focus on your own screen again.
kitty_junjun: oho looks like our princess is focused now
tangerine_kwan: u got this baby
j__min: show ‘em who’s boss, babygirl
You tune out the sounds of the comments and donations as you manage to get yourself to level eight without falling, but level nine proves to be just a little too hard as your character falls and Seungcheol turns the vibrator back on to its lowest setting again.
“Be careful, baby. Wouldn’t want to fall behind again would you?”
Seungcheol feels his cock throbbing in his sweats as he watches you bite your lip. And for the first time all night, he wishes that Jeongguk would just win and go home so that he could have his own private time with you.
“I’m on level 22 already. D’you think she can even catch up?” Jeongguk teases. He spares you a side glance, taking in your form slumped closer to the table as you try to fight the vibrations.
Your body was already extremely sensitive from your first orgasm and you quickly losing your confidence as you struggled to keep your character upright. If you came even just one more time, there was no way that you’d be able to beat Jeongguk with how quickly he was going through the stages.
therealchan99: she’s cumming just as quickly as JK is getting thru the stages hfdsf
gentleman_josh95: shes so cute when she cums tho
angelhan has donated $50
angelhan: thats the real prize angel
“T-thank you…” You whimper out, fingertips twitching against the keyboard and mouse as you focus your attention to the game to the best of your ability. 
You manage to get to level ten with no more issues just as Jeongguk gets to level 25 and you let out an exasperated sigh as your character falls over again. “Uh oh~ I think I’m gonna win!” Jeongguk cheers; giddiness washing over him as he works to get to the end. 
“Nooo~ That’s n-not, ah, fair!” Whining, you grip the mouse tighter as Seungcheol raises the setting on the toy again, watching as you rub your thighs together at the feeling. 
hoshi_tiger_xx: sadly nothings fair in the gaming world babe
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
dtsug__a has donated $50
dtsug__a: cute for thinkin so tho 
“I don’t th--think I can, hah, c-catch up...” You moan. Your character on screen falls over one more time and all you hear is Seungcheol’s small ‘tsk’ under his breath as he sets the vibrator to the highest setting and leaves it there. 
It doesn’t take long before the vibrations prove to be too much for you and you let go of the keyboard and computer mouse as your hands ball up into fists on top of the table. 
The pleasure washes over you in sharp pin pricks; small whines and whimpers falling from your lips as your eyes completely clamp shut. 
Jeongguk lets out a surprised noise at the way the donations and comments almost make the screen lag and for the first time, his character on screen falls over at his split second loss of focus. 
“Ah, fuh--fuck!” You start to squirm once the pleasure starts to bleed into overstimulation and Seungcheol is quick to respond, “You’re gonna cum one more time as punishment for giving up, sweetheart.” 
alphagyu97: ooo she's in troubleeee
gentleman_josh95: ahhh daddy still has to punish you after all 
seokGENIE: damn is this what this channels abt? this is hot 
artist8hao: babygirl always misbehaves
chwenon: she seems to like it too much 😏
dtsug__a: hooooo shit, thats hot 
“It’s n-not my f-fault, hah, JK is j-just good at g-gaming...” You mumble. 
Jeongguk manages to get to level 30 within the time you sit and grind against the toy; small noises of excitement falling from his lips as he cheers for himself!
“Aww, poor baby. Maybe you’ll focus a bit better next time, hmm?” 
You nod frantically as a small tear slips down your cheek and your lips part in a breathy moan. “God, I--I’m c--cumming!” 
Your body locks up, ears ringing as you cum one more time. Seungcheol wishes he could work you through it; hands massaging your skin as you take your pleasure or thrusting his cock into you as he chased his high with you. 
Instead he watches from across you as your body twitches as your face contorts in unadulterated bliss, licking his lips the entire time with images of what could’ve been dancing behind his eyelids. 
Jeongguk watches as the donations far surpass what the two of you made on his channel; brows disappearing into his poofy head of hair. “Wow, uh, y’all seem to really like it when she gets punished, huh?” He mutters under his breath. 
“Don’t you?” Seungcheol teases. 
A garbled moan has both of their attention on you as you try to shy away from the toy still vibrating against your overly sensitive clit. “Ah, ‘m too sen--sensitive now...” You cry. 
Seungcheol turns the toy off completely as your chest heaves in deep breaths; pouting at the fact he wasn’t able to enter the camera frame to take care of you. 
Jeongguk grimaces slightly at the way your body sways in tiredness next to him, unsure of what to do next now that he’d won. 
“Haha, um, medic?” 
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barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 4
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Note: Here we go! This part is mostly a short fluffy moment. Reader being there for Bucky when he talks to Yori, and supporting him when he admits he will always be missing a key person in his amends. Next part will probably be more fluff, domestic and carefree Bucky cause we all know the Wilson's bring out the best in him. I'm thinking of what else to add to it so I want you guys to tell me what you'd like to see in part 4!
Updated: The first posting was all messed up and cut parts for some strange reason so it is now updated correctly!
Disclaimer: Gif not mine. All credits belong to @ryangoslings Tag List: ❤️ @hanakin-im-panakin, @evie-pr, @justinekomwriterkru, @felicityofbakerstreet, @maaaaryx, @ijustwantedplums, @winterberryfox, @ttatum14, @pastelbabygirl19, @love-buckybarnes, @forever-aimless, @izzlenizzlebizzle @pastel-boy-sungjae, @johnmurphys-sass, @ren-ni, @rachelizabethgraham
"This looks so different…" Bucky says as you two walk down the streets of Manhattan. "Steve and I would come to a hot dog stand on that corner after school. I would get him the same order every day" he says as you two walk.
"Wow, the same order" you smirk.
"He felt bad whenever I paid him, it was the cheapest order so he always asked for it no matter how many times I told him he could order something else."
"I have always admired your loyalty to each other" you say. "Never gave up on each other, always had each other's back no matter what."
"There was a time we were all we had left" he says and you could hear the nostalgia in his voice.
"Well, things change now" you bump into him and he chuckles, hands tucked in his jacket pockets. "You are not alone. You got Sam and you got me" you smile at him and he looks at you, smiling back. How much you loved this happy side of him was beyond words.
"I couldn't be more thankful," he says. His hands fall from his pocket and for a moment you see him hesitate after lifting one hand, until he realizes you were on his left side, so he drops it.
"You can do it, you know?" His eyes go wide for a moment, like if you have read his mind.
"Was it that obvious?"
"A little" you giggle and you can see his cheeks flushing. You reach for his gloved hand, but he moves it out of your reach. "Easy steps, remember?" You pause as you look at him. He nods his head before moving his hand to yours and you hold it. "So…" you trail off and get close to him, taking his arm and wrapping it over your shoulder. "This is what you wanted to do, right?" You ask him with a smile.
"Too predictable?" He asks.
"Not at all," you grin. You notice he is almost hovering it, he is touching you alright but not letting it actually drop on your shoulder. "Relax," you say. He let out an air through his nostrils before he rests it completely. The arm wasn't that heavy, or it wasn't to you. You haven't said anything about the Serum still having a slight effect on you although you have slowly felt it leaving your body.
"Thank you, for being so patient," he looks down at you as you two walk down Central Park.
"I told you I'd wait for you, I meant that" you admit. "I'm sure you will get the hang of being around a girl real quick again" you tease.
"I wonder what Steve said to you about me" he chuckles.
"That you got all the girls, even the dates you got for him" you smirk. "A true charmer" you say playfully.
"Jerk" he chuckles. "I didn't even try."
"With those looks? Of course you didn't try. One word and girl's would show you their ankles in one go" you laugh.
"Now I see enough ankles" he looks around and you elbow his side playfully and he pretends to be hurt.
"Don't you dare look other girl's ankles, Barnes" you tease.
"I'll try," he chuckles. "How have you been feeling though?"
"It's...almost gone" you shrug. "I mean, I feel it still but it isn't like the first time."
"I don't like that," he frowns.
"I know. If that stays in my system you won't see me as someone you have to save or help cause I can take care of my own."
"It has never been about that, doll" you duck your head so your hair falls and covers your cheek. The word making your cheeks flush instantly. "I'll still be there to save you, and you don't need saving so it isn't even that. You don't need help. I'm just worried of the toll it could have on you. That was a prototype, we don't know the side effects it could have…" he admits.
"Hopefully none" you bite your lower lip.
"We will figure it out," Buck says as he stops to pull his phone out when it starts ringing. "Sam?" You eye him curiously as he answers.
"Look at those lovebirds, taking a walk through the park like old people" you hear Sam on the other side of the phone. Your eyes look around the green areas, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Considering I'm a hundred and six" Bucky is looking for him too, dropping his arm off your shoulder.
"You dumbasses realize that I can fly, right?" That makes you two look up and you squeak at the sight.
Sam was above you, his wings and uniform were different, more white than the colors that Steve used to wear for his Captain America uniform. It was a sight. He lands perfectly in front of you, wings extended before they get concealed.
"Holy shit, is that what you asked Shuri to do?" You ask Bucky.
"Just a little something," he shrugs.
"Damn, Sam." You laugh as you go around him, his wings coming out scaring you off making him laugh.
"You like it?" He asks.
"I do" you say and squeak again at the shield on his back. "Oh, that's awesome." You say as you poke the shield.
"Thanks, man." Sam says to Bucky with a grin.
"No problem." Bucky says with a nod of his head. "What's up?"
"Karli is going to try to sabotage the votes in the GRC tonight" Sam says.
"If you give me a chance to change to something more comfortable I can be there."
"Alright. Voting starts in an hour. I'll send you the coordinates" he says and the jetpack initiates. "Sorry for ruining your date!" He shouts as he goes up to fly away.
"Right," your lips pressing together and you turn to Bucky. "You are going to change too?"
"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll go with you."
"If you want you can go and meet with Sam. I'll be quick" you shrug. He eyes you and you tilt your head, "I'll be fine, Buck."
"Be fast," he says and pecks your lips before he walks away without a glance back at you. It takes you a second to process that gesture before you start running back to your place.
When you get into the building, Sam, Bucky and Sharon were already inside in their respective places for the mission. Karli was forcing everyone out, which you had to admit, it was quite smart. Then you find yourself in the garage of the building where the armored cars with the Senators were leaving from. "Bucky?"
"I'm here," he says as he comes from your side. "Karli distracted me on the phone." He says as he takes the keys from one of the bikes, tossing it to you before he gets on one of them. "You are coming with me."
"Seriously guys, you had one job," Sharon says from your earpiece.
"You worry about your guy" Bucky says as he accelerates the bike. "Stay behind me." You nod your head before reviving the engine and taking off as instructed.
When you arrive at the meeting point of the Flag Smashers, Bucky turns to you, "You still have that adrenaline rush?" He asks, not stopping his bike.
"I think so!" You shout.
"Get ready!" And with that he hits the break of the bike, sending him forward and he tackles one of the group.
You jump off yours before taking the bike by the handles and flinging it forward to the group, taking down two of them at once. You are quick to run to them and kick one on the side, sending him back a few feet away, the other one comes at you and you avoid their hits for a moment before they take both of your arms. You screech as they try to hold you back but you are quick to kick the back of the knee of one of them, making her lose her grip before you move backwards behind the other person, making them follow you for a moment which gives you the chance to use their weight to your advantage and fling them over you and to the floor with a loud thud.
"Karli!" You shout as you see the group lighting up both trucks. Bucky is quick to try to open one and you go for the other one but to no avail.
"Morgenthau!" Walker's voice echoes and your eyes widened and you look at Bucky.
"How the hell does he keep showing up?!" You ask, but not really expecting an answer.
John is getting beaten by the Flag Smashers and Bucky is quick to save him from one of them, and you get to Karli, kicking her on the side, sending her against a fence. "Don't make us do this, Karli." A member of the group catches you off guard and wraps their arm around your neck, Karli delivers a few punches into your stomach that takes your breath away before punching you in the face. You are let go of and drop to your knees. Yep, the Serum was wearing off. Your vision was blurry, but you see Karli kicking Bucky and you see him sliding to the edge of the construction site before falling, hearing his scream. "Bucky!" You shout and are quick to stand up and run to the edge.
Everything keeps happening in quick blurs. John helps hold back the falling truck you couldn't open, and he manages to almost do it until the group kept going at him making them all fall to where Bucky was. Sam stops the truck from falling and is able to open the doors thanks to Redwing, so you help the Senators before jumping down to where your friends were. Batroc throws smoke grenades and Karli and her crew escape your sight until Sam identifies them and you follow, along with Walker.
Next thing you know, Sam is bringing Karli's body and talking with the senators and you had to lean against one of the trucks to process her death. Of course you didn't know her, but she was just a kid fighting for a very good reason but in the wrong ways. She was just a kid.
The next morning, the sound of a knock on your door woke you up. You lazily stand up, dragging your legs across the floor to your apartment door. Usually you would ask before opening the door, but you were too tired from the fight from last night to even be careful. When you open the door, you find the Sergeant right in front of you. "Hi" he breathes out. "Sorry, I- I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No. It's okay. Um...Come in" you step aside and he walks in. His cerulean eyes look around your apartment while you close the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. It's just...I want to go visit someone, you know, about what Sam talked to me about...I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. If not it's okay. It's early but-"
"Yeah," you interrupt him and he sighs in relief. "Just let me change real quick before we go" you pat his chest as you walk to your room, leaving him behind you. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the side and grabbing a bra and pulling it on, then throwing a shirt on. You reach for your jeans and step on them in front of the mirror, only to catch Bucky's eyes before they drift away like the gentleman he is.
He takes you in his bike to his destination, your arms wrapped around his waist. This felt too... intimate and your head can't help but wander off at the situation, you have to shake your head when things get heated in that daydreaming you were having. He parks the bike on the street side and turns it off. He was quiet, jaw clenched, eyes showing his concentration.
"Buck?" You call as you step out of the bike, following him. "Are you sure you are ready?" You ask him as you step in front of him.
"Yeah…" he clears his throat and your head tilts to the side.
"I'll be out the door, okay?"
"I don't know where to start…" he admits, looking at the entrance of the building. He was nervous, fidgeting with his own fingers, his voice slightly trembling.
"You will when it comes to it" you nod your head. You take his vibranium hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze. "Just one more name and you will be free, Bucky." A smile goes up your lips and his head nods.
"I know... It's just...he trusted me from day one. Telling him this about his son after so long…"
"I'm sure Yori will understand, not right away, but he will" he returns the squeeze of your hand before letting go. He walks inside and you follow him closely. He hesitates in front of the door before knocking. You lean against the wall, he looks back at you and you nod your head before his eyes return to the door as it opens.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yori asks as he looks at James. "It's early, come in before someone calls the cops" the man says before he catches your form a few feet away. "Is she with you?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, but don't worry about her…" Bucky waves off. You nod your head to the man with a smile before Bucky walks in and the door closes.
You wait patiently outside, your head resting against the wall and closing your eyes. Not even twenty minutes go by until you hear the door opening and Bucky walking out, shutting the door close behind him. You could see he was on the verge of tearing up, the tip of his nose red, his shoulders hunched and his head hanging low. "Bucky," you call quietly and he looks at you. He walks up to you and you wrap your arms around him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay…" you coo as he holds you close to him, the few tears he let out wetting your shirt. "You gave him closure, Bucky. You gave yourself closure. You did the right thing…"
"He won't forgive what I did. What I did to his son…" his voice was shaking and it broke your heart into a million pieces.
"He won't forget, but he will understand later that it wasn't really you. I promise" your hand moves to the back of his head, your fingers soothingly moving along his scalp.
After a few seconds, he pulls away before taking his book out of his jacket pocket, taking out a pencil as well and scratching the name off his book. He stares at the book for a moment, looking at all the names he has crossed. Your hands place on top of his and you press your lips against the back of his palms, he looks down at you and nods his head before sighing and putting the book back on his pocket. "I need to do one more stop…"
After taking the bag with the book and an envelope with Bucky's gratitude. He takes you back to your place. You don't remove your arms from around his waist until after he turns the bike off. "Feeling better?" You ask, your chin resting on his shoulder blade.
"I do," he says with a nod of his head.
"Come on," you say and pat his back before stepping out of the bike and walking to your apartment. He is quiet as he walks with you and comes through the door, sitting on your couch. "We have to drink for today" you say as you walk to your fridge and pull two beers out, tossing one to him which he is quick to catch with his vibranium arm. "For closures, for partners, and for the beginning of something new" you say with a smile as you sit beside him.
"Cheers to that" he raises his beer before the two bottles make a crystal sound as they bump into each other. He takes a sip from his drink and stares at the bottle afterwards, his mind somewhere else.
"Steve would be proud, you know?" The mention of his best friend's name makes his eyes light up. "I know I am" you say as you take a swig.
"I thought I would never be able to finish that list," he says. "There's still one person I couldn't even apologize for what I did back then. I know they hated me for it but-"
"You are talking about Tony?" His head nods. "He never brought it up after what happened" you say. "Tony felt betrayed, Steve kept that from him, never mentioned it. That alone and the accords complicated things to a different level."
"That was a horrible moment…"
"Tell me about it" you say and take a sip of your beer, so does he. "I had to step out, I couldn't fight Tony, I couldn't fight Steve or you. The best thing I did was to stay out of it. I couldn't have forgiven myself if I fought any of you…" you say. "Tony wouldn't have admitted it...but I know he knew it wasn't something you could've controlled."
"Even then, I never got a chance to say something about it…" he says as he fidgets with the bottle. His cheekbones doing that thing you couldn't describe but you found attractive…
"I'm sure he understood in the long run…" you assure him. Bucky was looking at the floor, lost in thought.
"Hey, no. Let's not ruin the good moment we were having" you whine as you lean against him and he let out a soft chuckle. "We have to celebrate later with Sam. He is officially out there as Captain America," you raise your bottle and grin.
"True" you can see how proud Bucky was of Sam by the smile that appeared on his lips. "I'm glad he took the shield back."
"I'm sure he is too, and he will do a great job. He already did with that speech." There is a moment of silence. "I'll go get another one, you want one too?" You ask him noticing his beer was about to be empty.
"Uh, yeah, sure" he lifts it up.
You walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling two beers. "I have to restock-" you say as you turn around only to be met by Bucky's body a few inches away. His gaze was soft as he looked down at you. You could feel his hot breath close to you, and you were sure he could hear the fast beating of your heart. His tongue runs along his lips, and you can't help but bite on your lower lip as you look up into his eyes. "Bucky-"
"I just...want to try something…" his vibranium takes the beers from your hands and sets them aside, then resting it against the fridge, caging you, but where in any other situation you would've been defensive, you were calm because this was all Bucky, not the Winter Soldier. His other hand moves to the side of your neck, his fingers resting on the nape of it, moving ever so slowly. You can feel your cheeks flushing, your breath hitching as he leans in, his lips pressing against yours slowly. Three times you two have kissed, three times he has kissed you differently and three times you have felt different.
The first kiss was an impulse of yours, very out of place, but he kissed back anyway, even if it was a liplock kind of kiss. You felt guilty about it, you felt like you took advantage of the situation and you two had a small argument about how you shouldn't apologize for it. The second back at Sam's house which he initiated. It lasted somewhat longer than the first one, it was something that happened with the moment because you were talking about your status. Now this, which you wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to try that something. You melted into the kiss, trying to mold your body against his. Your hands rest on both sides of his hip ever so lightly, your lips moving slowly against his, his tongue brushing your upper lip. Your head tilts, deciding to test the waters by deepening the kiss, and you were glad when he didn't pull away like the first time.
His body presses closer to yours and your fingers curl around his shirt, unconsciously pulling him closer. Your teeth graze his lips and he hums, and gosh you would lie if that didn't awaken something in you. He pulls away slightly, and you take the chance to get your breathing in check, your eyes open slowly while his remain close for a few more opens until his eyelids lift. "You good?" You ask under your breath and he nods, noticing he was short of breath as well. One of your hands let go of his shirt, moving up his side and wrapping around his neck, the one on your neck moves to your waist, holding you close to him but he leaves against the fridge his metal arm.
His lips connect with yours again, this time isn't slow, it's more urgent and you can't help but give into it. You bring him closer, if possible, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Your tongue trails his lower lip, and he grants the access, a soft moan escaping your lips as his own intertwine with yours. His finger traces your skin where your shirt rolled a bit and you shiver under his touch at the contact of his hand touching a part of skin he hadn't touched before.
Then your phone goes off and you break the kiss, your forehead resting against his as you pant, so does Bucky. "I-"
"Yeah. It could be urgent…" he clears his throat and drops his left hand from the fridge and the one on your back. You look at his lips one last time, catching your breath before walking to the table and picking up your phone.
"Hey, Sam" you say as you look at Bucky who slowly turns to face you.
"Hey, kiddo. Just wanted to invite you and Barnes to a cookout my family will have tomorrow."
"Oh, uh" you look at Bucky who shrugs. "Sure, I'll let him know."
"He already knows, huh?" Sam chuckles.
"Shut up, Sam," you say playfully.
"Well, be safe. Have fun. Not too much fun though" Sam chuckles.
"Weren't you the one to tell us to take baby steps?"
"Depends on how big the baby already is."
"I'll see you two tomorrow! Bye now!" And he hangs up.
You stare at the phone in your hand before sighing. "Cookout tomorrow?" You offer the man an apologetic smile, tapping your phone against your palm.
"Would be nice to go back," Bucky shrugs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I go if you go."
"Only if you want to" you walk to the counter, standing on the other side of it so it was the only thing between you two. "We can take the first flight tomorrow. I can go and pick you up," you shrug. Then you have that idea… "Or you-" you stop yourself. Nope. Too straightforward. "Nevermind."
"What were you going to say?" His head tilts, eyeing you curiously.
"Oh, nothing" you put your phone down on the counter and scroll through the airline app looking for a flight. "There is a flight tomorrow at 5am. We can get there early to spend some good time there." Best attempt to change the subject, but when you look up, Bucky is eyeing you. "Oh, no. I'm not gonna talk."
His lips purse and he walks around the counter and you curse under your breath. "Would it be that bad?"
"Terrible actually," you swallow harshly as he stands in front of you, his arms crossing against his chest making his biceps bulge out. Why was he like this? His head nods in agreement, but he has that face that you know he won't let go of it until you speak up. You sigh. "Fine," you pause. "Can I walk you through a hypothetical?"
"Using my words. This sounds promising" he says, and you see that playful smile on his lips which purse as he waits for the answer. No matter how many times he smiled, you were glad about two things. One, that he was now falling to the Bucky he once was, he was getting his personality back. Two, that his smiles were around you, that you in a way have helped him. Yes, there was still a long way to go because he still hesitates about some things, but it was okay. Every new thing he tried you took it as a huge step.
"So, what if, hypothetically, you…" you trail off, "you stayed the night and we go to the airport." His gaze softens, and you see he is thinking of your words. "Hypothetically, okay? Like, just an idea. That way we just go straight to the airport." You can't help but chew on the inside of your cheek nervously.
"That's- I would- I would like that" he was stammering. "But, um...I don't want to make you feel-"
"If you say uncomfortable after you kissed me not more than five minutes ago I'm gonna kick your ass" you say and he smirks, but he remains somewhat serious. "You can sleep on the couch" you were regretting this. The more you say, the more you felt you were screwing it up. "I mean, if you want, Buck. It was a random suggestion." You wave off and turn around to continue looking for the flights.
"Hey" Bucky calls and you continue on your phone. His hand rests on your back before it reaches your waist and turns you around, you avoid his gaze but he bends down a little to meet it. "I would like nothing more than to stay with you, doll" he starts. "But I- I don't trust myself enough to stay around you while the nightmares are still there. I don't want to hurt you."
"Bucky," your hand rests on his cheek, his stubble poking the inside of your palm, feeling his warmth. "I trust you." He leans against your hand and kisses the inside of it, sending warmth all over your body. His cerulean eyes were looking at you with such affection that was making you weak. "I know the Winter Soldier is gone. It's just a matter of time that the nightmares will stop, when you feel more at ease."
"I know, doll" he nods his head and you smile softly at him. He pulls you closer to him, leaning in and kissing your forehead. Lips lingering there for a moment. "I'll go get my things. Text me which flight you choose" he says as he pulls away, letting go of your body before walking out the door.
You felt like this trip could help him. There was nothing to be worried about. No Zemo. No Karli. No Flag Smashers. He could now be at ease and sort his thoughts out now that he has finished his book. This could be the perfect getaway if things planned out right.
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ssamie · 3 years
one. new beginnings 
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"eh?! what do you mean you're moving?!" reki shrieked out in surprise, accidentally tripping over his feet and landing on the ground
the distant sounds of cars honking and the few civilians chattering filled the air. it was almost dark and they had just gotten off work and were on their way home. 
y/n sighed and picked up his skateboard, nodding her head lightly with a frown. "yeah.. my mom said we have to move soon" she said. "but.. why?" reki frowned as he stood up to meet eyes with her.
"well, my mom got a better paying job there so she said we should just move, i guess" she replied, her tone laced with guilt. "oh.." reki muttered. he kicked his feet on the ground, looking down as y/n peers at him with a guilty frown.
"im sorry reki" she whispered with a soft whimper "i guess i should've told you a lot sooner.." she said
reki looked up at her and shook his head. "no, no! it's fine, don't worry.." he reassured with a shaky smile "um..where exactly will you be moving to?" reki asked her 
"miyagi" she answered quietly, sheepishly kicking her feet back and forth, causing the rumbling sound of the wheels hitting the pavement to fill the tense air. 
"wow uh.." reki chuckled in surprise "that's really far.." he muttered. he then cleared his throat and shot her a shaky grin "well, atleast it snows over there!" he exclaimed. "maybe you can try snowboarding again" reki said, though it didn't seem to fill her with much comfort 
"i heard there's a good amount of snow when you're deep in the mountains! you can even-" 
"reki.." she cut him off with a soft whimper of his name 
reki stopped and looked at her with a sad sigh. he pursed his lips and finally dropped the enthusiastic façade. "i don't wanna leave okinawa" she admitted with a pained sigh. "i don't wanna leave you" 
".. a-and the others too ofcourse" she continued with a nervous chuckle "not just you.." 
"i don't want you to leave too" reki chuckled as he wiped the tears brimming his eyes 
he lightly punched her shoulder and took his board from her hands. "agh! you're gonna make me cry, you know!" he exclaimed. y/n smiled and let out a soft laugh "sorry, sorry" she said 
reki pouted and hesitantly brought her into his arms, nibbling on his bottom lip and letting out a sigh as he squeezed her tight. "i'll really miss you, y/n" reki said. 
she blinked repeatedly in shock and flusteredly wrapped her arms around him as well. "um-i-i'll miss you too reki.." she stammered out as she tried to fight off the heat that was rushing to her cheeks 
suddenly, reki pulled away, much to her distaste, and fixed his stance. "let's skate together before you leave, yeah?" reki mused "just for tonight.. then we'll continue when you get back" reki smiled 
"yeah. let's skate" she replied with a fond smile 
the pair skated home, taking their usual route and doing some tricks here and there. though their usual chatter and banter was not present, and all there was, was silence that seemed to weight down on both of their chests with varying emotions. 
they stopped at the block separating their houses, right under the street light where they always meet up with each other. 
reki looked back at her and smiled. "well, this is where we part" he chuckled ."yeah.. i guess so.." y/n muttered back with a frown 
reki sighed and nudged her with his elbow. "cmon, don't be like that" he said "its not like we'll never see each other again!" reki exclaimed with a laugh, though even he wasnt able to convince or reassure himself. 
"you're just moving, no big deal! we have one more day to spend together and our friends and visit S" reki explained in a comforting tone 
y/n sighed in distress and crouched down on the ground. she kept her board in place with her feet and stared at it with furrowed brows. "i guess you're right" she said. "but i really don't want to leave. im completely fine here in okinawa with you and the others." 
"i wanna keep skating with you and go to hotsprings together and eat bentos and keep working at dope sketch!" she exclaimed with a look of affliction 
reki frowned and sat down beside her, resting his chin on his hands and nodding along. "yeah, i wanna keep doing that too" he said "but we can't really do anything about it anymore" 
"unless you wanna try begging your mom or something" reki joked with a laugh as he nudged her with his shoulder. "but it's not like that would work-... y/n?" reki sweat dropped as he looked at her only to be met with a look of determination and sparkling eyes. 
"you're so smart, reki!" she praised "that's a great idea, we should do that! you're so amazing" 
reki chuckled and cheekily grinned at her "ah shucks, you flatter me too much!" he giggled 
"but were not gonna actually do that, right?" reki asked with a soft chuckle
".. right?" 
"WE BEG YOU!" they simultaneously exclaimed as they got down on their hands and knees to bow 
"w-what?! kids, what are you doing??" nanako exclaimed with a nervous smile as she tried to get them to stand up 
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"PLEASE! DON'T TAKE Y/N AWAY!" reki cried out as he wrapped his arms around her in a bone crushing hold. "please!" y/n followed up with a determined look in her eyes as she stares at her mother expectantly 
y/n loosely wrapped her arms around reki's waist and pouted "please, mom?" she pleaded as she accentuated her 'puppy eyes'. "please, hasegawa-san?" reki pleaded as well as he gave her his 'puppy eyes' for the extra cute effect 
nanako seemed conflicted as she stares at their cutesy expressions with a look of dread. "what do i do?! they're too.. too cute!!" she cried to herself "help me, oliver !!!" 
she then composed herself and cleared her throat. "well, im really sorry kids" she said "but my desicion is final." she stated with a determined huff "im doing this so we can earn more-" 
she cut herself off as she caught sight of the two teens sulking and holding ecah other while a dark gloomily aura loomed over them. "ah well- i-" nanako stammered as she shakily reached her hand out to them with a guilty smile 
she then sighed and let her arms hang by her sides. "im sorry, y/n, reki. but we need to move so i can earn more money and y/n won't have to work for me anymore" she explained "plus, i've already purchased the house so there's really no going back now" 
"but im okay with working at dope sketch.." y/n muttered with a frown 
"i know, but.." nanako smiled nervously "look at it this way! you'll go to a new school and make some friends! we can even try snowboarding during winter, won't you love that?" 
y/n briefly glanced at reki and sighed. "sure.." she mumbled 
nanako smiled and gently patted them both on the head. "you should hang out with your friends before we leave" she said "you'll regret wasting your time here, yknow?" nanako mused 
reki and y/n nodded and went to put on their shoes. they grabbed their boards, and hastily skated to joe's restaurant 
"ah jeez.." nanako muttered to herself as she watched them skate away. "teenagers are so hard to handle!!" 
"help me oliver!!!" 
"guys, we have something to say!" reki exclaimed as he abruptly slammed his hand down on the table, effectively gaining all of their attention. 
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"y/n is-" 
"what is it you slime?" miya sneered as he continued sipping on his drink 
"your girlfriend?" they all simultaneously said with a bored tone as they continued on eating their meals 
"..." reki and y/n blinked and looked at each other in confusion. "what?" reki asked cluelessly "no that's not-" 
"well its kinda obvious" shadow said with a chuckle "yeah, we kind of saw it coming" miya agreed 
"what? no seriously, that's not what-" reki was once again cut off by joe who playfully punched him in the shoulder and grinned. "damn, didn't know you had it in you to ask her out" joe laughed "and i didn't think y/n would ever confe-" 
"I'M MOVING TO MIYAGI!" she immediately cut him off, mainly to prevent joe's big mouth from spilling anything, and just to get it out of the way. 
"WHAT?!" they all collectively exclaimed 
"are you serious? that's pretty far away" shadow said with furrowed brows "yeah... what about S?" miya asked with a small frown 
"i'll have to quit" y/n says as she steals a fry from cherry's plate "i'll go one last time later." 
"miyagi.." cherry mumbled as he swats her hand away from his food. "where in miyagi will you be staying?" he asked. "i don't know" she answered with a shrug. "but im going to a school named aoba johsai i think." 
"carla, tell me about that school." almost immediately, carla had responded. "okay master" it said. 
"aoba johsai, also known as seijoh, is a private school located at miyagi prefecture. they are mostly known for their performance in volleyball, having competed in numerous tournaments and had made a name for themselves through the sport and successfully deemed themselves as a powerhouse school. "
"volleyball?" y/n hummed in curiosity "how do you play that?" she asked cherry. "i wouldn't know." he replied "though it's a sport where you play with a team. why? would you like to join?" he asked 
"probably not" y/n shrugged 
"oi, rookie! are you really moving?" joe asked with a small frown "S would get boring without you, yknow?" 
"i am" she replied "and i think S would be fine with you guys and reki in it" 
reki looked at her and smiled. the redhead slung his arm around her shoulders and picked up his board "how bout we have a beef one last time before you go?" reki suggested "we could all go against each other. just for the fun of it." 
"sure, but you'll lose, just so you know" joe boasted as he flexed his biceps. "hah?! just cus you're bigger and more muscular doesn't mean you'll win!" reki whined 
"yeah!" y/n agreed with a huff "reki has gotten better and much faster! and he knows more tricks now. he even did a snowboarding trick and-" 
miya quickly cut her off before she could go on a full rant about the redhead. "let's just go" miya groaned out as he grabbed his board. "man, are you sure you're not together" shadow sweat dropped as he followed miya and dragged them both out of the restaurant 
"we're not!" reki exclaimed with a laugh "why would you even think that would happen? we're just best friends" 
"right.. best friends" y/n agreed 
shadow sweat dropped as he turned to look at her, only to be met with her teary eyes and her quivering smile, looking like she’s on the verge of crying her eyes out like a child. 
"are you okay?" shadow muttered sheepishly as he watched her hastily wipe her eyes and pout like a child "yes" she replied with a huff 
"oh, is that so?" miya cooed with a cat-like grin as he stalked closer to her side "i mean it makes sense" he said "the heroine shouldn't be with a slime, after all" 
shadow deadpanned as he watched miya slyly lock their arms together with a grin "so who should she be with? you?" he scoffed "ofcourse!" miya wholeheartedly agreed. "im the hero so the heroine should be with me!" 
shadow sweat dropped as he watched miya hug her arm and look at them with a smug cat-like smirk. "dude, aren't you like thirteen?" shadow deadpanned 
y/n smiled and patted his head with a soft laugh "yup, you're right" she agreed jokingly, her smile widening as miya's face exploded into bright shades of red. "i-it doesn't mean i like you though!" he shrieked out "im just saying that we would be compatible!!" 
"i see." she muttered "japanese people are so hard to decipher" 
cherry and joe came out of the restaurant and got on their boards, urging them to do the same. "cmon, let's go there before too many people arrive" joe said as he stretched his arms 
"last one to arrive buys everyone boba!!" reki announced as he skated away, pulling y/n along as he does so 
"ha?! oi! unfair you should've counted!!" shadow exclaimed before hastily catching up to them "hmp, as if i'll lose to any of you slimes." miya muttered as he sped up 
"oh please. you all make me pay anyways." cherry mumbled with a sigh as he got on carla and calmly caught up to them 
"well you got the most cash" joe shrugged with a grin 
"shut up you gorilla." 
"i'll really miss their banters." y/n mumbled as she looked back to watch joe and cherry hit  each other with their board. "hey, it's not like we can't visit you" reki laughed 
"would you visit me reki?" she asked with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "it would be strange not being with you.." 
"of course! i'll visit you like every week!" reki reassured with a wide grin 
"heh, as if you got the cash for that" shadow sneered from beside him. 
"i-im gonna save up, then i'll visit you every week!" reki cleared his throat with a nervous laugh 
her smile widened as she stared at reki in admiration and pure glee. 
"okay, im counting on it!"
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im making miya have a cute little puppy crush on u cus why not lol, yall won't end up together tho that's weird 🤨‼️
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cherrybracelets · 4 years
We Fell In Love in October
dad!spencer x reader
a continuation of these blurbs. you do not need to read them to read this fic, but they all take place in the same universe
word count: 2.7k | warnings: pregnancy, hospitals, other than that all fluff
We fell in love in October, That’s why I love fall, Looking at the stars, Admiring from a far
There was nothing that broke your heart more than the fact that you were missing your daughters first time trick or treating. But, as Spencer reminded you every day, you were way too pregnant to be out walking around all night while she got candy. You were devastated, but you knew he was right. You were nearing your due date and felt like you were carrying a whale around at all times. There was absolutely no way you’d last longer than 20 minutes without whining about how your feet hurt.
So you and Spencer decided you’d stay home and hand out candy while he took Imogen to the fanciest neighborhood in your suburb so she could get the best candy. You remember trick or treating in the same neighborhood as a kid, and the houses always had full size candy bars and toys. There was one house that made a mini haunted house in their front yard every year, and it was your favorite thing as a kid. You felt sick thinking that Immy was going to experience it for the first time without you. 
“You promise me you will take a ton of pictures and videos? If there’s not at least 500, we are literally getting a divorce,” you pouted, helping Spencer get his costume on. 
“Babe, I promise you won’t miss a second of it. I know it sucks you can’t go, but you have to keep my little baby safe,” he smiled, kissing your swollen belly and then bringing his lips to yours, giving you a small peck. 
“I’m gonna go check on her, make sure she’s got her costume all set. Why don’t you go downstairs and relax, you seem a little high strung today,” he teased, walking out of your bedroom together and into your daughters room. 
“Of course I’m high strung, Spence. I’m a thousand months pregnant and you’re taking my daughter away from me to walk around alone in the dark.” You felt yourself tearing up, one again out of control of your emotions. Being pregnant fucking sucked. 
“Do you not trust me to keep Immy safe? Do you know what I do for a living?” Spencer laughed, and you rolled your eyes in annoyance as you walked down the stairs to go flop on your couch. 
You felt the baby kick, and you placed a hand on your belly. You both decided not to find out the gender, the same thing you did with your last pregnancy. Spencer loved not knowing, claiming you got ‘more gifts’ if you didn’t know. But it drove you crazy. Even though you didn't know for sure, Spencer was convinced it was a boy. He wanted a son so bad, so you played along with his fantasy, but you were pretty certain it was a girl. You felt the same as you did when you were pregnant with Imogen, even craving the same foods as before. You had a mother's instinct- you knew who she was. 
You leaned your head back on the couch, closing your eyes to rest for a moment. You seemed to be constantly exhausted, despite spending most of the day sleeping. You slowly rubbed your belly, always afraid that if you went too long without touching her she would forget you. 
“You ready, Mommy?” You heard Spencer’s voice say, from the top of the stairs. You smiled happily, keeping your eyes closed as the two of them came down to the living room in their costumes. 
“Let me see my loves!” You responded, giggling in anticipation as you awaited your daughters first Halloween costume. 
“Look at me, Mommy! I’m so pretty!” Imogen said, Spencer holding the girl in his arms. You opened your eyes to see her dressed as a fairy- exactly what she wanted. You felt yourself tearing up, which were a mix of happy and sad tears. 
“You both look so amazing!” You stuttered, trying to get your words out through muffled cries. 
“Don’t cry, Mommy!” Immy pouted, wriggling out of Spencer’s arms and onto the couch to give you a hug. 
“Oh, I’m not sad, Im. You’re just so pretty!” You kissed her on the top of the head, trying not to mess up her costume. 
“We should probably get going soon. I don’t want to be out too late,” Spencer frowned, checking his watch and looking outside to see if it was getting dark yet. 
“Right, of course. Please keep me updated, okay?” 
“Of course, my love.” 
“Have fun, you guys. Be safe!” 
Spencer and Imogen waved goodbye to you, blowing you a kiss as they walked out the door. You tried your best not to cry as they drove away, trying to focus on getting ready to hand candy out to other kids. You knew it was probably just your anxiety, and the fact that you and Spence had been watching scary movies every night for the past month- but you had a bad feeling about tonight. And it was only a short time later when you realized your feeling was right. 
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Spencer was one of the smartest men alive- that was indisputable. But where he excelled in book smarts, sometimes his common sense was lacking. Like how he was consistently forgetting to charge his phone. So when it died after only an hour of trick or treating- probably because he hadn’t stopped taking pictures since they left- he felt like a huge idiot. Especially considering how much you reminded him to plug it in every night before bed. 
But he tried not to panic, convincing himself he had recorded enough of the night to satisfy you. Plus, now he could really be in the moment with his daughter, which was what it was all about, right? 
“C'mon Daddy,” Imogen groaned, pulling Spencer by the arm up to another house. And as Spencer followed his daughter, he realized where they were. This was the house. The ‘haunted house’ house that you talked about every Halloween, that the both of you were so excited for Immy to experience herself. And Spencer had promised you a thousand times over that he would record the entire experience. 
‘Fuck,’ he thought to himself, shaking his head in disappointment, preparing for the inevitable fight when he had to tell you he didn’t record it. Unless, they just don’t go? That could work, right? He would just tell you that they didn’t do it this year, and next Halloween they could all go together. The plan was perfect. Except for one thing. 
“Please, Daddy. I really wanna go to this house,” his daughter frowned, crossing her arms in frustration. 
“Immy, please just listen to Dad, okay. Not this house.” His daughter was persistent and adorable, which made this incredibly difficult. 
“No. I want to go to this one.” 
“Imogen Josephine, when your Dad tells you no, you have to listen.” 
“No! I want to go!” She turned around quickly, running up the driveway to the house. Spencer rolled his eyes in annoyance, chasing after her. She was running quickly, not paying attention to her surroundings. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and Spencer knew it. But he couldn’t catch up to her before disaster struck. She tripped over one of the decorations, falling on the pavement and falling on her arm. 
“Ow!” She yelled, her eyes filling with tears as she sat on the ground. Spencer caught up with her, immediately getting on the ground and checking on her. 
“Imogen! This is why you listen to me when I tell you no!” He yelled in frustration, trying to see just how bad her scrapes and cuts were. 
“Don’t yell at me!” She responded, now fully crying and screaming. 
“I’m sorry, peanut. I didn’t mean to get mad,” Spencer responded, wiping the tears from her cheeks and picking her up. 
“My arm really hurts,” she wept, holding her now swollen wrist away from them. 
“Okay, peanut, I think we need to go to the hospital and get that checked out,” Spencer instructed, carrying his daughter down the street and back towards their car. He knew you were going to kill him when he got a call from the hospital. He felt sick to his stomach as he got Immy in the car and started driving. What an absolute nightmare. Maybe he couldn’t do it without you. Maybe his skills as a parent were only valid if you were around to watch him. 
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Seeing all of the cute kids in their costumes was definitely making you feel better. You knew you had to trust Spencer. He was an amazing Dad and husband, and he would always take care of your girl. You knew he would. 
But, everything seemed to fall apart in about five minutes. It all started when you went to check Spencer’s location, a bad habit that you knew wouldn’t solve anything. When it popped up that he couldn’t be located, you felt your stomach flip and your heart skip a beat. 
“Damnit Spence. Charge your fucking phone…” you whispered, shaking your head and digging your nails into your palms. It was okay, though. He was fine, they were fine. Right? 
And then the worst possible thing could’ve happened. You felt a weird pain in your abdomen, one that caused you to nearly double over and fall on the floor. Only a few seconds later, it made sense. Your water broke. 
You weren’t due for another two weeks. This could not be happening. There’s no way. But another contraction a few minutes later made it clear- you were having your baby, and Spencer had no phone. Holy shit. 
You reached for your phone and instinctively called JJ, telling yourself it was because she lived the closest but also knowing she was the only person who could handle being in the delivery room with you if you couldn’t find your husband. 
“I’m going to kill him,” you screamed into the phone, not even bothering to greet your friend or explain the situation. 
“Woah, okay kiddo. What’s going on?” 
“His phone is dead, and I am having this damn baby. I am going to kill him.” 
“Oh, Jesus (Y/N). Okay… um… we can figure this out. Do you know what neighborhood they're in?” 
“Okay, I’ll send Will to go drive around and look for them. In the meantime, I am coming to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Just relax, take a few deep breaths. Everything will be fine.” 
You hung up the call and grabbed your hospital bag, patiently waiting by the door. JJ was only about ten minutes away, but it felt like you were waiting for hours. You tried calling Spencer’s phone a few times, but it went right to voicemail. This could not be happening. Holy shit, this could not be happening. 
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Spencer pulled into the emergency room parking lot, whipping his car through the lines as his daughter cried in the backseat. He finally found a spot, parking terribly and quickly grabbing Imogen. 
“We’re here now, peanut, everything’s gonna be okay,” he reassured her, not truly believing the words himself. His heart was racing, his breath shaky and his mind going a million miles a minute. He needed to talk to you as soon as possible- he needed you to tell him, and your daughter, everything would be okay. 
“Hi, um, my daughter fell and hurt her arm. I just need to get her checked in,” he spoke, his voice quick and panicky as he stood at the desk. 
“Of course. What’s her name and date of birth?” The woman asked, smiling kindly at the two of them. 
“Imogen Josephine Reid. She was born April 8th, 2017.”
“Oh, wonderful, I’ve got her file right here. Let’s get her admitted.” 
Spencer stood impatiently, holding his daughters hand as she stood next to him, watching the secretary take her sweet time to admit Imogen. Spencer was tapping his foot in frustration, which Imogen quickly noticed, placing her free hand on his knee and telling him to stop. Spencer just laughed at his daughter, who was always so unapologetic, always just telling people whatever thoughts came to her head. 
“Oh no, this is not good,” a familiar voice behind him said. He turned around quickly and saw JJ, a nauseated look on her face. 
“What are you doing here…” Spencer asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. She appeared just fine, and she wasn’t with anyone else. 
“Spencer, don’t freak out, but-” 
“SPENCER REID!” You yelled, your face red and voice fuming. 
“Wait, what is going on?” Spencer looked at you, confused, as you were being wheeled into the emergency room by a nurse.  
“Why are you at the emergency room, Spencer? What happened to Imogen?” 
“Hi Mommy! I fell and hurt my arm!” Imogen responded, her face stained with tears and her costume ripped from the fall. 
“What?” You were seething, staring at Spencer with wide eyes. You were about to yell again, but your whole body seized and pain shot through your body. Another contraction. They were getting closer, and you knew it was only a matter of time before this baby came out. You whined loudly, gripping onto the arm of the chair and closing your eyes in pain. 
“We need to get you in a room now, Mrs. Reid,” the nurse instructed, looking at JJ and Spencer. 
“Wait… are you… are we having a baby?” Spencer’s eyes got wide, excitement filling his face as he realized what was going on. 
“Yes, Spencer. Maybe you could try to not let this one break their arm,” you yelled, immediately noticing Spencer’s shit in tone as you yelled at him. 
“Okay, okay, everyone. I’m sure what happened with Immy was an accident, right Spence?” 
“Yes, yes I promise. She was running and tripped…” 
“See, (Y/N)! Just an accident. So why don’t I take her to go see the Doctor and you guys can go… have your baby,” JJ smiled, doing her best to handle the situation. She was used to dealing with yours and Spencer's chaos. She was also Imogen’s godmother, and she did not take that role lightly. 
“Okay… okay… let’s go have our baby.” 
“Let’s go have our baby!” 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥♥
On November 1st, 2020, at 1:17 AM, your second daughter was born. You weren’t shocked at all when the doctors told you it was a girl, but Spencer was at a loss for words. They wrapped your small newborn in a blanket and handed her back to you. You were even more in love with her than you thought possible, and so was your husband. 
JJ and Imogen were in the waiting room, along with Will and the rest of the team. Immy’s arm was fine- nothing more than a bad bruise. They had given her a halloween ice pack and a bag full of candy, to which JJ allowed her to have a little too much, and she crashed from the sugar rush pretty hard. She was passed out in Uncle Rossi’s arms, drooling chocolate all over his pajamas. 
“Guys… she’s here.” Spencer smiled, walking out of the delivery room to share the news with his family. 
“She? Another girl? I knew it. You owe me twenty bucks, Derek,” Garcia giggled, Derek rolling his eyes in response. 
“Can we meet her?” JJ asked, happy to have another little girl to spoil. 
“Of course. Come on!” 
Rossi woke Imogen up, who was thrilled to meet her baby sister. Everyone walked quietly into the room, where you were holding your sleeping daughter in your arms. You were overjoyed to see all of them, knowing they would always be your family, and the first to meet your baby, because they were her family, too. 
“Mommy!” Immy yelled, running towards you. 
“Shh, be quiet, peanut. She’s sleeping!” 
“Got it. Quiet.” Immy whispered, giggly as she looked down on her little sister. 
“She looks like you, Spence,” Emily laughed, lightly grabbing Spencer’s shoulder. 
“Do you remember how much Imogen looked like (Y/N) when she was born?” JJ asked, smiling down at the two girls. 
“We now have a clone of each of us. It’s only a matter of time before we take over the world,” Spencer laughed, his arm wrapped around you and the baby. 
“What’s her name?” Hotch asked.
“Lola. Lola Danielle Reid.” 
“Welcome to the BAU, Lola.” 
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brelione · 4 years
The Surfer And The Siren
The Shell,The Phone and The Date
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JJ had picked up the shell,Pope insisting that it had simply gotten caught in the propellers and had somehow escaped and landed on the dock.JJ knew it was bullshit,that it had to have been cause by the same thing that he had seen that morning.That thing had been you.
You wanted to stay at the dock in hopes of seeing him tomorrow morning but you had to get back to the cave to see Richard.You went up to the surface for a moment,taking in a little bit of air,looking over to John.B’s house.An interesting thing it was,messy,run down and always full of laughter.You grinned to yourself before going back under the water,getting back to your cave a long while before Richard.
JJ put on his hat,John.B patting his back and telling him to “Just go for it”.The blonde was standing outside with the pogues,getting ready to go inside and talk to Richard in hopes of getting a date with you.JJ nodded,opening the door,bell jingling and alerting Richard.He was calm tonight,not worried about you getting kidnapped by Ward or something like that. 
“Evening,Jesse.What can I do for you?”Richard asked,his voice raspy from his coughing.JJ bit his lip,playing with his fingers nervously. “Um...so (Y/N)....does she have a phone?”JJ asked,chewing the inside of his cheek as he waited for an answer.Richard chuckled at his nervousness. “You’ve got a crush,I see.I can give you a number and she’ll answer you when she can.She’s a busy girl.”Richard chuckled,grabbing his pen and notepad,hand shaking slightly as he wrote down his own phone number and handing it back to JJ.
JJ’s eyebrows furrowed,trying to figure out why it was so easy and if this was a trick of some sort.JJ thanked him quietly,leaving the store and holding up the paper slip. “I got the number.”He smiled,Kiara hitting his arm in excitement. “You got the number?”She asked.JJ nodded,putting the paper in his pocket while Pope just stood,completely shocked.
 “So what now?Are you going to call her?”He asked.JJ frowned,realising that he hadnt even thought that far ahead yet. “Not today but maybe tomorrow morning.”He answered,tucking the paper into his pocket where it would be safe.
Richard locked the door,heading out the back and getting into his old car,starting it up and beginning his journey to your cave.You would be pleased to hear that the Maybank boy would be able to talk to you now.Thats what he thought,at least.He didnt know that you had gotten JJ to bring that shell inside.
That wouldn't really do much for you.You’d be able to hear him and see him for a split second if you were lucky but you couldn't communicate through that.You lifted yourself onto your rock,letting out a loud sigh as bubbles fizzed in the water due to the crashing waves outside.You grunted,lifting yourself out of the deep pool of water and onto the sand,rolling across in a disgustingly ungraceful way to grab a poptart and a t shirt from the bags that Richard had given to you,realizing that you were shirtless.
You smirked to yourself when you saw a shiny,pearl like shell,the object dragging itself across the sand and into your hand.You kept thinking back to the conversation you had heard between JJ and his friends,smiling at the thought.
You hoped you’d see him next time you went on land,maybe even get to talk to him.You lifted the shell to your lips,closing your eyes. “JJ Maybank.”You whispered,lifting it to your ear to hear chuckling. “John.B,you're the stupidest person I know!”You heard him exclaim,followed by a small cough. “You just choked on a dorito so fuck you!”John.B shouted back before the sound got muffled by something,probably someone sitting on it or something getting thrown on top of it.
You watched an Iphone get dropped down the opening in the rocks,followed by Richard’s rope latter as the old man held onto it,climbing down. “Guess what.”He grinned,brushing the sand off of the phone.You raised an eyebrow,opening a sundae flavored pop tart. “The Maybank boy asked for your number,you dont have a number but I gave him mine so now you can take this,”He waved the phone in the air.
 “And you can get some blonde boy dick.”He exclaimed,putting it down on top of the dry string bag.You felt your face grow hot,biting into to poptart. “Shut the fuck up,Rich!What do I even say to a teenage boy?Its been like...a couple of decades since I made a new guy friend.What do people even talk about now?”You asked,sliding back into the water,getting off the sand that had gotten stuck between your scales.
He shrugged,sitting down and putting his feet in the water. “Maybank,he’s a real ladies man.He’s probably gonna have something to talk about.If you go on land with him next month you need to stay safe,away from cops and away from the Cameron’s.Dont tell him about yourself either,you already know that.”He grabbed for your poptart,breaking off the corner.You sighed,flicking your fins to make the ends touch. 
“So if I hang out with him next month you wont be mad?”You asked,pulling the wet cotton black shirt away from your skin,water drops dripping from it.He shook his head,taking the poptart wrapper from you and putting it into his pants pocket so he could throw it away when he got back to his house. “I wont be but Blue probably will.”He answered,eyes focusing on the bubbles at the surface.
You bit the inside of your cheek,tightening your hand around the shell before tossing it to the bottom of the pool. “The dryads missed you a lot.Word around the island says that a ton of little girls with green hair were running around the docks the other day.None of em’ speak english though,I think you’ve got to talk to them and remind them that this place isnt like it used to be.
Maybe go up to the river tomorrow to see them so I dont have too.”He pulled at the wrinkly skin of his wrists,kicking his feet back and forth under the water.You nodded,scratching at your eyebrow. “I mean,they’re trees.They cant really do much damage except stealing donuts and giggling for no god damn reason.”You shrugged,hoping you wouldnt have to go and talk to the dozens of tree children.
As you thought about it,flicking your fin back and forth under the unnaturally warm water the phone dinged.You gasped,lifting your hand up,the smart phone colliding with your palm.You let out an excited squeal,smacking Richard on the arm.
Hey :) Its JJ,the blonde guy from the store last night. 
“Is it him?”Richard asked,equally excited.You nodded,staring at the text. “Well what did he say?”Richard asked,falling into the water as he tried to see what the boy had said. “Oh my holy Jesus-he’s totally flirting with you right now!”He exclaimed,gripping the rock and pulling himself out of the water,shaking slightly as he did so.You began to type,Richard trying to see what you were saying. “What are you typing?”He asked impatiently.
Hey :) Richard said he gave you my number,you typed out,staring at it to make sure that it looked okay before sending it.
“She read it!”JJ exclaimed,watching as three floating dots came across the bottom of his screen. “Is she answering?”KIara asked,leaning across the couch to watch as you typed. “What do I say?”He asked,not wanting to fuck up.Pope became intrigued,looking at the screen. 
“Ask her how her day went.”Pope suggested,trying to read upside down as JJ typed. “No-that’s dry texting.Get into depth and ask her about her political views and what she wants to do with her life and what her zodiac sign is!”Kie argued,trying to take the phone from JJ. “What the fuck,Kie?I dont want to freak her out!”JJ exclaimed,checking how long it had been since you sent the text.
Two minutes. “Fuck,now she thinks im ignoring her.You know what?Im just gonna ask what shes doing.”JJ went to type,only to have John.B shout at him. “GIrls hate that!Ask her how she knows Richard!”John.B urged him to type quickly.JJ typed as fast as he could go without making any spelling mistakes,sending the text.
He watched nervously as he saw the ‘read’ receipt,waiting for you to answer him. “Family friend,living situation is kind of complicated ig.”He read out loud,biting his lip as he thought about what to say. “Relatable lmao I go between my friend’s houses all the time”He replied,hoping he hadnt gone too far into detail about his person life.
You bit at your tumb nail,Richard asking you what was happening but you shushed him. “Felt that.My parents decided to head out when I was like seven so that sucks.”You answered,leaning so that you were half in and half out of the water,your arms stretched outwards as you typed.
He was really fast at replying,agreeing that it sucked that your parents abandoned you and also explaining that his mother had done the same when he was six.You knew that you felt a connection to him for other reasons besides the fact that he looked exactly like your deceased lover,grinning slightly to yourself. “Twinsies.So hows your life going now?”You sent the message,cringing at the vocabulary.
That probably wouldve got you sent to an insane asylum if you had said that in the forties.You put the phone down for a moment,letting Richard read the messages as you swam to the bottom of your pool quickly,searching for the shiny shell that you had heard the blonde through earlier.You picked it up,kicking off the bottom with your fins and wiping the hair from your forehead when you resurfaced,attempting to dry your hands on the rocks.
You wiped a water drop from your nose with the back of your hand,whispering into the shell.Richard smiled,asking you to let him listen to it for a second.You let him,watching as he held the shell to his ear with one hand,the other hand going to cover his mouth. “What?What are they saying?”You asked,taking the shell back and trying to focus on listening. “He’s gonna ask you on a date!Get the phone-get the phone-get the phone!”He whispered loudly,too excited to grab it himself.
You used your arms to semi drag yourself out of the water,reaching for it. “Im getting the phone!Chill the fuck out!”You giggled,staring at the screen. “Is he typing?”RIchard asked,nearly slipping as he got out of the pool and sat in the sand,squinting and watching the screen. “Do you wanna maybe hang out tomorrow?”You gasped at the message,screaming to Richard.
 “He wants to hang out tomorrow!”You exclaimed,not knowing what to say. “Shit-telll him that you have work and that you cant hang out until….July 26th im pretty sure.”He answered,trying to recall when the next full moon would be.You sighed,pinching the bridge of your nose. “Thats a month from now.What would I be doing for a whole month straight?”You asked,trying to come up with a decent lie.
He bit the inside of his cheek,trying to think of a good answer. “Working and doing something confidential that you cant tell him about.Tell him that you’ll tell him about your job when he sees you so he’ll be more excited to see you.”Richard nodded to himself.
JJ frowned as your answer came onto the screen.By now Pope and John.B had fallen asleep,Kiara too interested in what was going on with you to sleep. “She says she has work too much and cant hang out until the 26th.”He grumbled.Kiara nearly shouted,instead taking his phone to make sure he had read it correctly.
She began to type,making JJ nervous. “Kie-Kie what are you doing!Dont send that without showing me!”He yelled,not caring if he woke up the boys.It was too late though,she already sent a text,smiling when she gave it back to him. Cool,I’ll see you then ig.Do you want to go to the beach or something? She had typed,pretending to be him.It wasnt that bad,in fact,he was glad that she had sent it cause he wouldnt have the balls to. “Yeah,okay.So like 8pm on the 26th?”Was your response,making him blush. “Sounds like a date.”He replied.
@hazel-maybank​  @milamaybank​ @drewswannabegirl​ @teamnick​ @unmotivatedwritings​  @danicarosaline​ @sexualparkour​  @asaks6082 @mac-daddy-210​ @prejudic3 @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc @cherryobx @poguestarkey   @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @outerbongs  @copper-boom @nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you​ @nxsmss @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee 
Comment with a smiley face if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
hiii 💕 if u r interested could u do 52 and 58 prompts (can i kiss u smth like that and are you flirting with me?) it could be about y/n having a crush on bakugo (he likes her too) but she flirts way too much on him (in front of everyone at the dorms) in the weirdest moments (middle of class, 1a watching a movie, eating lunch) but ends in fluff IM SO SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH TO ASK if u don’t like it i can write another one 😊
A/N: This had me so happy, you have no idea. Thanks for the idea, and you better give me more :b 
Title: Who said pickup lines don’t work?
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
52. “Can I kiss you right now?”58.  “Are you flirting with me?”
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
You were constantly getting away with embarrassing him, there were way too many times to count as it was practically a daily occurrence. You were always doing it in the most public places, like in the classroom:
“I’m lost.”
Bakugou looked up to see you hovering over his desk, a confused look on your face as you held your notebook. It was study hall, and Aizawa was fast asleep, leaving people to their own devices. He was originally studying by himself, until you came over to bother him that is.
“Dumbass, why do I care.” He huffed, hoping his face wasn’t spotting a blush as he saw you pout.
“Because you’re the only one who can help me.”
“Tch. Whatever.” He looked back down at his desk as you set your notebook down in front of him, pointing to a-
A picture?
“Like I said, I’m lost. Can you draw me the directions to your heart?” 
You pointed at your drawing, in the middle of it it said ‘Your Heart’ in very fancy lettering. 
Bakugou knew that this time his face definitely was heating up as you gave him a big flirty grin. The snickers and coos from his classmates only embarrassed him further as he ripped the page out and exploded it in his palms. 
All you did was sigh and shrug your shoulders, giving him a wink as you grabbed your book in hopes he wouldn’t burn that too.
“Maybe next time, firecracker~”
Or even during lunch for the entire cafeteria to hear if they were listening. He knew that most likely no one cared, but it didn’t help it when you did something so grand it felt like all eyes were on him.
“Oh Katsuki!” You yelled from across the table, voice so loud that even Bakugou wanted to cringe back from it.
“What do you want now.”
“So, in front of all these witnesses,” You pointed to the lunch table and the rest of the people in the cafeteria, “I need you to do something.”
“But you have to! Listen, you’re smart so I need you to answer this okay?” You fluttered your eyes, and Bakugou felt his resolve cracking. You always knew how to get him to do whatever the hell you wanted, he was sick of it.
Mina, Kaminari, and Sero started to snicker as you dramatically stood on the table. They must have known about your stupid plan, those assholes.
Plenty of eyes found their way over towards the commotion, and Katsuki felt his temper flare. Feeling mortified as you blew a kiss towards him and began to walk closer from atop the tables. 
“STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!” He got up and sped away, hoping the red on his cheekbones wouldn’t become permanent. He wanted your lips nowhere near his, or so he told himself.
Even times where it was just you two, you never left him alone.
“I’m sorry, were you talking to me?” You questioned, looking up from the pot of water you set on the stove to boil.
Katsuki, who was cutting some vegetables looked up with a brow raised.
“Well then, would you please start. I like hearing your voice.” You smiled while grabbing the noodles.
“NO!” Katsuki snapped his head away from you, putting more force into his cutting than necessary.
“No fair, your voice is too pretty to be kept quiet. Talk to me.”
“S-shut up already! I’ll fucking kick your ass if you keep it up!”
“Could I kick yours back if you do?~”
There were times where you weren’t even trying, yet you still somehow managed to get to him. This time in particular is when he couldn’t hold back any longer, and that was the first time you were flustered by him.
It was right after school ended, everyone was exhausted by Aizawa’s intense training at the end of class. Everyone had made their way to get changed out of their uniforms when Bakugou had saw you lingering behind. You looked tired and worn down, having a rough session with Shinsou earlier. Katsuki was annoyed the entire time you were fighting, not because he thought you couldn’t handle yourself, but because you seemed distracted and were taking more hits than you should have been. 
Without even realizing it himself, he stopped to bend down, pretending to tie his shoes as he waited for you to catch up. Once you were by his side you looked down at him with a frown, what the hell was this?
You were always smiling at him.
“What the hell is up with you?” He huffed, standing to his full height.
“I’m just.. Tired, sorry.” You shrugged, bringing an arm to rub the side of your neck, looking away.
Katsuki just stared on in worry, although if anyone told him he was worried he would blast them into oblivion, because Katsuki Bkaugou was never worried.
“Tch, then get more sleep. You can’t keep getting your ass handed to you like that. Got it?”
You smiled, or well you tried to. It was small and didn’t seem to be real, and Bakugou felt a bit hurt cerep into his chest. He looked away as quickly as he could, hoping you didn’t notice the upset look in his eyes.
You hadn’t been pestering him lately and he was growing annoyed. You weren’t being yourself, and he had this nagging feeling he didn’t understand tugging on his heart. 
Picking up the pace to get away from you, he didn’t think you’d try to so hard to catch up to him.
“Bakugou-ooh!” During the match, Shinso had delivered a hard blow on your left knee, and now that you were rushing to keep up with your crush, your body wasn’t ready for the pressure. Along with the blow, and still being so tired from your match, you moved quicker than your body wanted and your knee gave out.
Katsuki quickly turned to see you tumble forwards, so he stuck out his arms to catch you before you fell face first onto the floor. You stumbled a bit more, but his tight hold on you held you up, allowing you to steady yourself in his arms. They were wrapped around your waist, holding on just enough to not be painful. You could feel his chest underneath your palms as they pressed against him, and you couldn’t help the slight blush at the thought of how strong it was. He looked far too handsome right now, and your gaze was stuck on him.
 His beating heart quickened as you looked up at him, your eyes were blown open wide and sparkling from the setting sun that was filtering through the large windows. It caused his breath to hitch as your lips parted open in awe, a light blush across your own cheeks. 
“Oh Katsuki.. I think I’m falling for you.”
Normally he’d fight you, push you away and yell at you for being ridiculous as always, but right now you were too beautiful to look away from. You smiled up at him, and it wasn't the same flirty smile you always teased him with.
No, this was a genuine smile that he’s never seen before and he couldn’t help but look at your lips.
He knew what that feeling had to be, he missed you. Your flirts, your presence, but most importantly;
That’s the smile he’s been missing all day long.
He couldn’t help it, the urge to speak was too strong and so he just followed through.
“I’ll sweep you off your feet for the rest of my life if you keep looking at me, just like this.” 
Your mouth dropped open, red roses blooming across your cheeks as your breath caught in your throat. He was just looking at you so intensely, like if he was absolutely lovestruck. You didn’t know what to do, so you just stuttered.
“W-what? I-I.. huh? Are you flirting with me?” This seemed to snap him out of his own daze, because his cheeks then matched yours as he backed away from you. Hands crossed over his chest as he yelled at you.
“But you said-”
“Did you mean it?”
“I DID!”
“Really?” You bite your lip, happiness coursing through your body at the sight of his flushing face.
He eyes screwed shut while letting out a sharp breath, opening them slowly but keeping his gaze on the ground.
“I.. I did. I.. I fucking like you okay?”
“I like you too Katsuki, really really!”
“I hope so, otherwise I’d kick your ass for leading me on with those terrible liners.” He clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, uncrossing his arms to shove them into his pocket instead. 
You just giggled, closing in on him to wrap him into a hug. He went ridgid, not sure what to do, but calmed down as he heard your voice.
“They’re only for you, no one compares to you.”
“Damn straight.”
“Oh, hey.. Can I kiss you right now?”
“Damn straight.”
Later that night, back in the dorms, you were sitting on the couch, with your now boyfriend, when your phone buzzed. Pulling it up you saw a text from Kirishima.
“What does he want?” Katsuki huffed, receiving a text from the boy as well.
You opened the message and couldn’t help but smirk.
“Looks like he had a present for us, damn there must be something wrong with my eyes ‘cause I can’t keep them off of you in this picture. Who knew you could look this cute.”
Katsuki slammed his phone on the couch, jumping off while screaming out into the dorms.
You only looked back to the picture, your heart squeezing happily as you did. It was from earlier, he must’ve been spying. It was after Katsuki hugged you right after your kiss, and while you couldn’t see his face at that moment, you could see it in this picture clearly.
You swore to yourself you’ll see it in person one day, the smile on his face was the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
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sad-boy-mono · 4 years
High School Casualties
Chapter 2/?
Word Count- 1,586
Master post with Ao3 link
Damien and Shayne were now 30 minutes through their second period of the day, parting ways with Courtney after the first. But, as always, agreed to meet up again at lunch with Keith, Noah and Olivia.
They only had 10 minutes left of class, and in that 10 minutes their teacher let them work on their homework. Shayne, working on science notes, took a look at his friend. Damien, sitting a few rows away from him, was staring blankly at his textbook for world history. His eyes glued in place so Shayne could tell that he wasn’t reading. Just... Staring.
Shayne glanced around the classroom, seeing if their teacher was nearby. When he confirmed it was safe, Shayne snuck his phone out of his pocket and held it in his lap so it looked like he just was reading a book. He unlocked his phone and went to Damien’s contact.
You good? You’re just kind staring off into space
Shayne looked back at his exhausted friend. Damien jerked his head upwards as he snapped out of the zoning out he was doing. He did the same glance around the room Shayne had done, then pulled out his own phone from his bag. He turned it on and after seeing the notification, looked at Shayne briefly. He began typing, glancing around every so often.
Yeah I thibk so just really ducking tired.
Damn I need to learn hiw to spell or just type slower
Shayne stifled a laugh and looked at Damien with a smile.
Ok just making sure ur not dying or something lol
Just be sure to get some good sleep tonight you dumb bitch
ooooooor I could suffer and try to nap during lucnh
I mean you could also go to the nurse
u tired fuck
Well I’m not gonna do that so if u excuse me ima continue to stare off into space
Well staring off into space is not a good substitute for sleep so you better get some tonight
Or wut ;)))
Shayne stifled another laugh. This time he was laughing at himself though.
Or I’ll come to your house at midnight and make you sleep ;)))))
Like r u gonna knock me out with a bat or fuck me? cuz im down either way honestly ;)))))))))))))
Shayne laughed quietly to himself after reading that, and looked over at Damien. Who looked like he was also struggling to hide his laughter.
“I fucking hate you!” Shayne mouthed to Damien, who just blew a sarcastic kiss to Shayne.
Ok but deadass don’t force yourself to be miserable all day. If you keep this up I’ll bring Courtney into the chat
Oh god plz no she scares me when she goes into mom mode
Exactly. So be a good boy and get to sleep by 8 and eat your veggies 
and do your homework
That would be smart as well
But I don’t waaaaaannnnaaaaaa
Ok you leave me no choice. 
Shayne went to the group chat that had all 3 of them in it.
Banana Man
@Court Bourt 
The two stared at their phones, waiting for Courtney to reply. It took about 3 minutes before she did.
Court Bourt
What did you guys do this time?
Banana Man
Damien’s being a lil bitch. Make his sleep
Court Bourt
What do you want me to do? Kill him?
Banana Man
He’s gonna pull another all-nighter on us again and be miserable 
Court Bourt 
I’m sowwwwwwy 
Court Bourt
I will personally come to your house and make you some niiiice sleepytime tea. But little did you know it will be full of that extra sleepy juuuuuuice
Court Bourt
please don’t
Court Bourt
Oh I will and don’t you doubt it
Court Bourt
Ok I gotta go my teacher’s about to yoink my phone
Banana Man
Court Bourt
But Damien, don’t think this is over bitch
Oh shit she’s gonna kill me
Banana Man
Shayne heard a snort come from a few rows ahead of him. He looked ahead and saw Damien chuckling to himself.
Banana Man
Why you laughing bitch
Did I say something fUnNy
No youre just being a SILLY GOOSEY BOY
Banana Man
That was kinda rude.
Banana Man
That sounds like a you issue
It probably is but fuck you anyways :)
Shayne giggled to himself quietly. Damien always made him laugh, even if what he said wasn’t necessarily a joke. 
Oh WhAtS sO fUnNy sHaYnE dId I sAy SOmEtHiNg fUnNy?!?!
Banana Man
It is just you who is the silly goosey boy now
Shayne could see Damien chuckling to himself at the comment Shayne made. Damien turned to face Shayne slowly and subtly flipped him off, making him laugh once again.
Then the bell rang, and in seconds time the whole class was on their feet and packing up to leave. Shayne walked out the door and waited for Damien right outside the classroom. Once Damien walked out the two just stared at each other.
“You’re really fucking stupid.” They said in unison, which was followed up by boisterous laughter from the two. 
“JINXS you owe me eight- thousand dollars!” Damien said in between laughter, making Shayne laugh harder.
“God I WISH I had that kind of money!” Shayne said between laughter. 
“Imagine having money to do stuff.” Damien began walking down the hall once the crowd of people finished making their way out of the room.
“Well first you need a job.” Shayne said, following Damien
“Imagine having a job.” 
Shayne laughed at his comment. “You know you’re dumb idiot, right?”
“Yeah but I’m your dumb idiot and the only way you’re getting rid of me is if you kill me. And I think Courtney’s gonna beat you to that. So JOKES ON YOU!” 
Shayne rolled his eyes but continued to laugh. “You’re still a dumb idiot though.”
“Again, Shayne, we just went through this! I’m your dumb idiot!” Damien slapped his own hand for emphasizes. “And, also, you’re my dumb idiot! That’s how this WORKS Shayne!”
The boys laughed harder as they walked down the hall, getting a few weird looks as they did.
They continued to talk until Damien began to talk slower, his words we getting jumbled and he looked pale. He took one last look around before he began to fall.
“Whoa- shit!” Shayne’s reflexes kicked in and wrapped his arms around Damien, preventing him from hitting the ground. 
“Damien you good?” Shayne asked, getting a delayed nod from Damien. 
“Can you stand up?” 
“Y- yeah.” Damien placed hid feet fully on the ground and slowly stood up. “Ok yeah. I think I’m good.”
“What caused that?” Shayne asked, trying to mask the obvious concern in his voice.
“I-I don’t know. One moment my head really hurt, the next I’m almost on the ground.” Damien rubbed his temples in an attempt to sooth his head. “I think it’s just really loud in the halls.”
“Ok lets head in there then,” Shayne point to the bathroom not to far down the hall. Damien nodded in agreeance. 
The two boys walked down the hall, Shayne keeping a subtle hand on Damien’s shoulder in case of another spill. Damien was running a hand through his hair to try and stable himself.
The two took a quick turn into the bathroom. Damien went to lean against the wall in between two sinks. Shayne dug through his bag and pulled out his water bottle.
“Here,” he passed it to Damien “drink up bitch.”
“Wow is that anyway to talk to your friend who could be dying? No I don’t think so!” Damien sarcastically said, then took a drink of the water.
“I friggen hate you!” Shayne chuckled, pulling paper towels from the dispenser and running them under the sink with cold water.
“What you doin there baby boy?” Damien said in between drinks.
“This,” Shayne took the paper towels and placed them on Damien’s forehead after ringing them out. “I don’t know how much it’ll help, but we gotta do what we can to prepare for the long journey to the nurses office.”
Damien snorted at Shayne’s exaggeration. “Oh yeah I guess I should go to the nurse shouldn’t I?”
“YeAh I think that’d be smart!”
“Also I’m sorry, but I’m gonna drink all your water.” Damien punctuated with another drink.
“oH nO nOt My wAtEr! Dude drink it. Drink it all! Hell, I will get you and your sleep deprived, dehydrated ass another bottle of water.” Damien snorted at his statement, only slightly choking on the water
“You good?” Shayne asked with an amused smirk on his face.
“Yeah, you’re just a dumb lil man who makes dumb lil man jokes.” Damien teases, receiving one middle finger from Shayne. 
“Hey man, that’s just unnecessary.” Damien said, flipping off Shayne as he did. The two looked at each other and began snickering.
“Oh god,” Shayne said with a sigh, “Let’s get you to the nurse.”
“Oh you’re trying to get rid of me now? Well I’m not going down that easily! Take that!” Damien gently slapped Shayne with the wet paper towel that had been on his forehead.
Shayne stood there, mildly stunned.
“Let’s go to the nurse now.”
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rvnjun · 5 years
everything | zhong chenle
requested #1: So I was wondering if you could do a little chenle fluff thingy where he hugs the readers waist? Idk I just had a dream about it and I’m 🥺 you can do whatever you want with it after that tho! requested #2: I’ve have no ideas rnkdkdnsj- but I guess I can go off of how I feel rn ? I have a massive headache and I’m feeling really nauseous so can I get chenle cuddles in his room if you’re not busy pls 👉🏼👈🏼 requested #3: Hihi!! May I get cute chenle hugs where the reader doesn’t wanna let go of him after a cuddle session and he just walks around with them bc he’s best boy and I wanna squish his cheeks bc cheek chub if that isn’t too much, you can ignore this if you want!! ☺️ requested #4: can i please have a chenle request where youre having a rough day and it ends with cuddles? requested #5: May I request a really tired chenle pls 🥺 genre: fluff word count: 1.1k authors note: wowie everyone really wanted chenle, all these reqs came in last night and today so wow. i hope yall dont mind that i combined them all into one super request XD
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Everything. Everything was going wrong today, nothing wanted to go proper for you. Your vision slowly started to blur as tears welled up, you sniffled and wiped your eyes carefully. The day was almost over and you were ready to go home but someone seemed to have other plans for you. “Are you kidding me,” you dejectedly mumbled under your breath. 
The last bus home had already left which left you one of two options, neither pleasing. Walk home or call someone to get you, that's all you could do. Your mind started to race as you thought of who you could call, the obvious answer was Chenle but he was busy preparing for a show the next day and you had already bugged him enough about your day. Sometimes you feel like a nuisance to Chenle so you didn't want to keep that up.
 Crestfallen you started your long journey home, feet already beginning to hurt after no more than 20 steps. Your cheeks burned as the tears continued to fall showing no sign of stopping. “Stupid,, fucking,, day,” your voice cracked as you kicked at the air with every word. To bystanders, you looked like you were losing your mind but you could have cared less. 
Out of your peripheral, you noticed a black van slowing down near you. Honestly, if you were smart you would have realized sooner who it was but you didn't. Your heart started to pound rapidly against your chest even more tears falling due to your fear of what they wanted. 
The car stopped right next to you, causing you to halt in your spot when you noticed a familiar look to it. The door opened and Chenle burst out, wrapping his arms around you. You started to cry harder and hug him back “Why didn't you call and have me get my manager to pick you up?” he asked, feeling slightly hurt that you didn't. 
“I felt like a nuisance and didn’t want to disturb you,” you cried into his warm embrace. He sighed and placed a kiss on top of your forehead. “How did you find me?” you asked feeling curious as to how he knew you missed your bus and how he knew where you'd be. 
“You always text me when you get on the bus but you didn't so I was worried,” he tried to let go of you but you refused. His sweet laugh rang through your ears as he slightly loosened your grip on him and turned around so you were hugging his back. “Come on baby, why don't you come to my house for a bit and we can have a little movie night or something.” The tears started to halt and you smiled, a movie night with Chenle sounded beyond perfect. You hummed in response and followed him into the car, feeling sad that you had to let go of him. 
The ride to his house was silent as he gently rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand, every once and awhile bringing your hand up to place a sweet kiss on it. “You know just how to make my day better,” you said, laughing at thinking how hysterical and stupid you must've looked. Chenle leaned forward and peered at your face, seemingly knowing what you were thinking. 
“You know, I don't understand how someone can always look so perfect?? After all the crying you just did maybe I'd be able to see something wrong but I can't?” he smiled at his own words, fixing your hair a bit. Wanting to poke some fun at him for being cheesy you realize that you couldn't. The tears that had finally stopped started up once more. “Oh no, why are you crying?” he asked with a pout. 
“Because, because of im so happy and I love you,” you cried out, hands waving. “I love you too Y/n,” his voice was gentle as he leaned over and pulled you into his chest the best he could. You wiped your eyes when you arrived at his house. 
You hugged Chenle’s back tightly making him giggle once more, slowly taking off your shoes and jackets and heading to his room. Not once letting go of the warm boy. His back bringing a sense of peace over you, calming the rough waves of today the crashed against your head relentlessly. Just being near Chenle made you feel like you were laying in a meadow with the sun cascading down on your skin leaving behind a warm tingly feeling. 
As you approached his room you finally let go. He opened his door and immediately picked out a random movie, placing it in. You, on the other hand, made your way to his closet and put on one of his shirts. Smiling triumphantly you couldn't help but giggle to yourself.  
As you went to crawl into his bed Chenle placed his hands on your waist, spinning you around so you were facing him. The gesture made butterflies float all through you. “Y/n,,-” he started, eyes wandering all over your face before they landed on your lips, his grip tightened slightly “-I love you so much and I want you to know that you are never a nuisance.,” he ended his sentence with a slow and gentle peck to your lips. The kiss may have been simple but that didn't stop it from being full of love and passion, your mind blanking. Your knees nearly betrayed you but Chenle wrapped his arm around your back, pulling you into his chest and deepening the kiss. When you pulled away your face gave away your obvious flustered mind. 
Chenle smiled softly at you, rubbing his eyes with a big yawn, “Now let's cuddle,” he beamed while grabbing your hand and pulling you down into his bed. He pulled you against his chest, his head nestled into the back of your neck. One of his legs crossed over you making you guys even closer There was barely any space between the both of you. He placed a soft kiss on your neck and sighed. In the darkness of your day, Chenle’s cuddles were heaven. 
“I love you Chenle, and, thank you,” your voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke. He hummed in response, his eyes growing heavier by the second. About to speak up and say more you stopped when you heard his calm breathing. Slightly turned your head a smile grew on your face at the amazing sight. Even sleeping he was still so ethereal looking. “Cute,” you whispered before kissing his nose and turning back to face the TV. “I guess I wasn't the only one with a bad day,” you quietly said to yourself. Soon joining Chenle in a warm and peaceful slumber.
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staycatcher · 5 years
Anguish 001- Anguish
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“Out  of  genuine  free  will,  I,  Lee  Minho,  exercise  the  divine  right  to  reject  my  sacredly  designed  soulmate.”
Member: Lee  Minho / Lee  Know  x  Femme  Reader  (she / her)
Au: Frat Boi! Minho  +  Rejected  Soulmate  AU
Genre: Angst  (some  comedy?,,  this  series  is  gonna  be  angsty  because  of  the  whole  ‘rejected  soulmate’  thing)
Rated  T  for  a  whole  lotta  swearing,  a  frat  party,  crowds,  usage  of  alcohol  and  mentions  of  drugs,  intensity,  reader  is  a  bit  socially  anxious (please  lmk  if  any  other  warnings  are  needed!💞🥺)
Word Count:  4k  &  manually  double  spaced  between  words  &  paragraphs  for  ease  of  reading!!!!🥵🤠🥰
Note: this is dedicated to @trixareforlix, they’re the first-ever friend I made on here and they’re the one who sparked this frat au idea!! Ilysm always angel!!<33
Edited: 201015 (Original: 190813 )
Anguish series 1/?-  ~001~, 002
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The  anticipated  day  where  you’d  become  magnetized,  the  world  around  you  becoming  a  blur,  your  heart  falling  into  perfect  sync  with  the  one  destined  for  you  truly… was  not  like  that  at  all,  actually!  No,  the  stars  were  cruel  to you,  perhaps  you  did  something  awful  in  your  past  life  to   deserve  this,  but  maybe  what  is  more  likely  is  that  your  soulmate’s  just  an  asshole.  After  all,  one’s  soulmate  was  the  complete  opposite  of  one’s  self.  Soulmates  were  the  yin  to  one’s  yang  and  vice  versa  and  all  that.  To  keep  one  balanced,  or  whatever. 
Now,  you  aren’t  the  angel  everyone  may  claim  you  to  be.  You  weren’t  angelic,  not  at  all.  Eating  ice  cream  for  breakfast  was  not  above  you.  Your  nail  polish  was  perpetually  chipped.  You  couldn’t  stand  to  keep  your  hair  in  the  same  style  for  too  long;  chopping  it  all  off  or  seeing  how  long  it  could  grow,  dying  it  as  bright  as  you  could,  and  everything  in  between.  You  adorned  yourself  with  two  or  three  more  piercings  than  your  parents  could  get  behind,  bless  them,  you’re  beginning  to  have  trouble  hiding  your  new  tattoo.  Habitually,  you  were  sensitive,  soft,  a  bit  emotional,  and  tended  to  be  a  bit  of  a  smartass.  You  weren’t  blessed  with  physical  grace,  ceaselessly  tripping  over  yourself,  spilling  and  knocking  over  anything  in  your  path,  and  dancing  out  of  beat  to  blasted  songs. 
More  often  than  not,  you  would  go  to  bed  later  than  planned.  Tonight  was  one  of  those  nights,  but  it  was  not  because  of  your  natural  preference.  You  were  not  too  figuratively  dragged  into  this  by  someone  who  held  the  title  of  your  best  friend,  someone  whom  you  were  currently  thinking  of  ways  of  revoking  that  title  from. 
  “C’mon,  dummy!  We’re  almost  there!”  Jamie  elbowed  you,  her  eyes  crinkled  in  laughter,  whacking  you  on  the  back  a  bit  too  hard. 
 “Jamie,  I  must’ve  forgotten,  but  why’re  you  even  dragging me  to  this  frat  party  again?  Why  not  just  go  to  your  sorority  instead?”  You  groaned,  your  two  left  feet  were  dragging  behind  you  on  the  aged  sidewalk,  your  fake  Doc  Martens  feeling  like  cinder  blocks. 
“‘Cause  Chris  invited  me  and  he’s  being  a  little  bitch  about  it  because  I  keep  canceling  on  ‘im!  He  keeps  saying  that  my  soulmate  might  be  there!”  She  reminded  you  for  the  umpteenth  time,  rolling  her  head  and  eyes  back  in  frustration,  sighing  before  continuing.  “And  now  it’s  like-  I  might  as  well  try  and  see!  I  mean,  come  on!~  I’m  starting  to  think  he’s  right!”  And  for  the  umpteenth  time  today,  you  question  why  she’s  falling  for  this.  She’s  sharper  than  this.  But  for  some  reason,  just  this  once,  she  found  a way  to  shoehorn  Chris’s  dumbassery  to  logic. 
 In  reality,  you  could  meet  your  soulmate  at  any  time  or  place,  so  to  say  that  one's  soulmate  might  be  there  is  like  saying  it  might  rain.  Sure,  it  might.  But  it  also  can  rain  in  any  season  so  you  can’t  be  wrong  with  saying  that  it  might.  It  doesn’t  always  rain  every  day,  all  the  time,  so  it  also  isn’t  that  likely.  Rain  depends  on  a  lot  more  factors.  But  right  now,  you’re  a  little  buzzed,  so  it  sounded  pretty  sound. 
 “So  he  knows  your  soulmate?” 
 “I’d  hope  so!  If  not,  I’d  rip  his  bleached  hay-hair  right  out  of  his  thick  skull!”  Now,  this  is  the  Jamie  you  knew  and  loved,  you  couldn't  help  the  endeared  smile  on  your  face.  “When  we  could’ve  been  eating  takeout  and  watching  a  musical-“
 “So  which  frat  are  we  going  to  again?”  You  had  to  interrupt  her  for  her  sake.  Takeout  and  a  movie  would  always  remain  superior  to  parties  in  your  mind  and  you  already  didn’t  want  to  be  accompanying  her  to  a  frat  house. 
 “Hmm…  It’s  like-  uh...  Signal  kite  zing-  wait  no-  hold  on-“
You  guys  must  be  tipsier  from  the  pregaming  than  you  thought.  “Sigma?  ‘Signal’  isn’t  greek,  I  think  you  mean  sigma!  And  ‘kite’  isn-”
 “Right,  whatever!  Anyways,  the  abbreviation  is  SKZ-“
 “Ohhh!  We’re  friends  with  some  of  them-  We’re  like  best  friends  with  Chris!!  Why  didn’t  you  say  it  was  Chris’s  frat  in  the  first  place?”  Your  laugh  projecting  out  of  you  unattractively  with  claps  and  swings  of  limbs  which  led  to  slapping  a  little  too  hard  at  Jamie's  shoulder.  This  clarification  did  make  you  feel  a  bit  better.  This  wasn’t  a  shitty  fraternity  you  didn’t  know,  this  was  a  shitty  fraternity  you  inevitably  tolerated  since  you  knew  and  even  approved  of  some  of  its  members! 
 SKZ  was  home  to  a  hodgepodge  of  eight  brothers  who  were  pretty  individual  as  far  as  frat  dudes  go.  Some  of  which  you  were  genuinely  fond  of,  like  Chris,  or  simply  acquainted  with,  like  Jisung,  whom  you  shared  a major  and  program  with.  Others,  you  couldn’t  even  remember  the  names  of  or  who  they  are  in  general.  It’s  also  the  smallest  frat  on  campus,  so  they  try  to  get  as  many  people  to  come  to  events  as  possible,  which  is  honestly  exhausting  as  a  concept  to  your  introverted  self.  Thus,  you’ve  never  actually  attended  one  of  theirs  until  now,  now  that  Jamie  is  dragging  you  along  with  her.
 “Ow!  I  don’t  know!~  I  thought  you  were  smart  enough  to  figure  it  out  when  I  mentioned  Chris!”  She  teased,  making  the  two  of  you  laugh  harder,  you  couldn’t  defend  yourself  on  that  one.  The  two  of  you  just  continued  your  idiotic  banter  the  rest  of  the  way  to  the  Sigma  Kappa  Zeta  house  aka  the  SKZ  frat.  
 The  walk  to  SKZ’s  lair  was  a  bit  much,  more  than  you  and  Jamie  bargained  for.  You  were  so  kindly  carrying  her  platforms  for  her  until  she’ll  put  them  back  on  again,  only  for  you  to  probably  end  up  kindly  carrying  them  again  later  tonight.  The  cool  breeze  of  the  September  night  helped  with  the  humidity  and  sweat,  and  the  sun  beautifully  set,  leaving  a  delicate  lilac  color  in  its  wake  which  was  becoming  darker  and  darker  the  further  you  walked.  The  hazy  streetlights  added  to  the  whimsy  atmosphere,  yet  to  be  ruined  with  the  sound  of  an  intolerable  amount  of  bass  and  the  overbearing  smell  of  beer  and  weed  when  the two  of  you  arrived  on  site.  
 “Okay,  I’m  pretty  sure  it’s  this  house!”  Jamie  halted  her  steps,  turning  towards  you,  her  hair  swaying  along  with  the  belled  sleeves  of  her  mesh  turtleneck  she  had  under  her  dress.  The  two  of  you  really  dolled  yourselves  up  for  the  night,  her  hair  was  perfect,  your  hair  was  perfect,  outside  was  perfect,  and  it  brought  you  sobering  back  to  the  not-so-perfect  earth.  The  idea  of  going  inside  a  suffocating,  putrid  house  majorly  crowded  with  drunk  and  hormonal  peers...  was  not  appealing  to  you  in  the  least.   
 “Yup,  and  now  it’s  time  to  turn  back  around!”  You  quipped,  ensnaring  her  arm  with  your  empty  one,  about  to  steer  the  two  of  you  in  a  three-point-turn.  This  was  your  final  chance  at  getting  out  of  your  predicament,  and  now  that  you’re  here  you  regret  playing  along.  Sadly,  Jamie  was  just  as  stubborn  as  you,  and  your  turn  around  was  met  with  a  roadblock. 
 “Oh  my  god,  Y/n,  you’re  joking!  We  walked  the  whole  ass  way  here!”  She  got  out  in  between  puffs  of  airy  frustration,  her  socked  heels  digging  into  the  ground  as  you  attempted,  gracelessly,  to  steer  the  two  of  you  around.    
 “Okay,  okay,  fine.  We  did  come  all  this  way  and  now  our  drinks’ve  worn  off.”  You  acknowledged  with  an  irritated  huff.  “Okay-  how  about  we  go  in  and  get  some  drinks,  and  then  we’ll  leave?!”  Your  pitch  going  up  with  each  word  of  your  attempt  to  negotiate  before  forcing  out  a  chuckle,  your  laugh  did  its  best  to  hide  the  fact  that  your  body  was  beginning  to  stick  with  sweat  and  anxiety. 
“No,  ‘and  then’  we’ll  find  Chris  to  hook  me  up!”  She  playfully  fought  back  but  it  was  hard  to  take  her  seriously,  or  yourself,  with  how  the  two  of  you  were  laughing,  hers  genuine,  yours  not  so  much.  
 “Jesus  Christ,  you  really  are  set  on  this  ‘finding  your  soulmate’  thing.”  You  breathed.  As  much  as  you  hated  social  gatherings,  you  loved  your  best  friend  much,  much  more,  therefore  you  were  willing  to  be  won  over  in  the  name  of  friendship.  Though,  she  would  owe  you  for  this!  Fortunately  for  her,  food  and  drink  is  fair  trade  in  you  and  your  wallet’s  eyes. 
 “I’m  lonely,  okay!  I’d  prefer  winning  the  lottery  but  this  is  the  next  best  thing!”  Jamie,  as  per  usual,  brought  the  two  you  back  right  to  laughter  instantly.  She  had  her  mind  made  up.  Plus,  with  you  giggling  it  made  it  all  the  easier  for  her  to  haul  the  both  of  you  right  up  the  steps  of  the  SKZ  Frat  House  stairs.   
Once  in,  Jamie  stuck  close  to  your  side,  literally,  but  not  that  she  had  the  natural  choice  or  much  of  an  alternative;  this  place  was  packed  to   the  gills!  Jumping  up  on  her  now  platform  clad  feet,  looking  for  anyone  she  recognized  or  any  signs  of  Chris,  while  you  led  the  two  of  you,  hopefully,  to  a  kitchen.  You  were  practically  kicking  yourself  each  step  of  the  way  as  you  shoved  your  way  through  the  crowd.  The  air  was  stuffy  and  possibly  even  toxic,  to  say  the  least.  The  scent  is  much  more  foul  than  last  you  remember,  pungent  with  alcohol,  sweat,  cigarettes,  weed,  hints  of  puke,  and  dashes  of  all  sorts  of  pheromones.  Despite  the  few  times  you’ve  smelled  this  scent,  it  never  failed  to  make  you  wish  you  didn’t  leave  your  safe,  sanitary  bed.   
 There’s  jabbing  elbows  and  flailing  parts  of  strangers  everywhere  that  had  to  be  watched  out  and  dodged  for,  sloshing  cups,  sometimes  drunken  flirtatious  hands  grabbing  at  you,  not  at  all  fazed  by  the  pretty  companion  you  had  your  elbow  linked  with.  The  sway  of  the  hoards  of  people  was  beginning  to  get  you  motion  sick,  but  you  were  determined  to  keep  wading  through,  trying  to  hike  through  this  high  tide,  but  you  couldn’t  help  but  feel  vulnerable.  You  were  cursed  with  a  soft,  approachable  face  that  just  begged  to  be  messed  with.  Even  in  times  like  these,  where  your  thoughts  are  nothing  short  of  bitchy,  the  message  would  never  get  across  with  a  resting  bitch  face.  Your  love  for  dark  attire  didn’t  matter.  Your  baby  face  and  aura  won  every  match.  Not  even  the  eyeliner  and  dark  lipstick  you  preferred  could  save  you.  All  you  could  do  is  hope  that  your  best  friend’s  intimidation  and  delightfully  loud  presence  was  enough  for  the  two  of  you  as  you  keep  planting  one  foot  after  the  other.  
“Fucking  hell!”  You  barely  gasped  out,  finally  freed  out  of  the  main  room,  and  now  into  the  hallway.  The  seasick  claustrophobia  no  longer  had  its  poisonous  grips  on  your  soft,  easy  to  bruise  skin,  though,  you  did  need  to  catch  your  breath.  
 “Finally!”  Jamie  sighed  loudly  and  melodically,  patting  you  on  the  back  and  easily  recovering.  Before  she  headed  straight  into  the kitchen  to  scope  out  the  place,  possibly  for  anyone  she  knew  and,  perhaps,  her   Special  Someone.  
 “So  did  ya  see  anyone  you  knew,  Jame?”  You  called  after  her  upon  entering  what  appeared  to  be  a  stereotypical  scene  of  the  kitchen  during  a  college  party.  Cliche  red  solo  cups  scattered  everywhere,  filled  at  varying  degrees.  A  beer  keg  or  two,  some  cheap  bottles  of  vodka  splayed  about,  remnants  of  ash  from  blunts,  a  couple  or  two  aggressively  making  out  against  the  wall,  and  four  or  five  random  stragglers  fidgeting  with  their  phone or  talking  overly  loudly  to  each  other.  You  know,  the  usual.  
“Ughh,  no”  She  answered  reluctantly.  “They  have  to  be  somewhere  else,  maybe,  like  upstairs  or  downstairs,  right?!”  
Before  you  could  reply,  behind  you,  you  heard  an  enthusiastic  “Jamie!!”  then  a  muffled,  “you  finally  made  it!!”  The  familiar  voice  had  you  jerking  your  head  to  see  if  your  ears  were  failing  you,  evidently,  they  weren’t.  Right  away  you  see  Chris  tackling  Jamie  in  a  hug  before  he  met  your  eyes  with  his  comically  wide  ones.  
“Aaaahhh!!  Y/n’s  here  too?!”
 “Yeah!  Don’t  we  look  cute?”  Jamie  fluffed  up  her  cropped,  newly  dyed  hair  you  helped  her  do,  yours  also  in  a  similar  state.   
“Yeah,  but  Y/n  looks  better.”  He  teased,  giggling  and  slapping  her  in  the  arm;  unsurprising,  as  it’s  their  usual  fashion.   
“Oh  my  god!  Why  did  I  come  here?!  Okay,  we’ll  leave  then,  Chris.”  Jamie  joked  right  back  at  him,  snatching  at  your  hand  like  it  was  a  prize  to  be  won  and  taking  you  away  with  her.  Unfortunately  for  you,  this  was  just  a  well-meaning  joke,  you  weren’t  going  to  be  set  free  from  a  party  anytime  soon.   
 “Nooo!  Don’t  go!!”  He  dramatized,  grabbing  onto  at  Jamie,  halting  her  from  leaving  with  you  in  tow.  Giggling  so  hard,  he  had  to  throw  his  head  back  to  project  it  all.  You  snorted  a  “thank  you”  a  bit  late,  too  busy  laughing.  He  just  gave  you  a  brotherly  slap  on  the  arm,  on  his  way  to  leave  before  Jamie  stopped  him.  
“Wait!  What  about  my  soulmate?  You  said  they'd  be  here,  remember!”  
“Oh?”  Chris’s  eyebrows  scrunched  in  confusion,  Jamie  nodded  with  stern  wide  eyes  which  seemed  to  spark  back  his  doubtful  memory,  “Ahhh…  downstairs…  maybe…  I  think-  hangin’  out!  There’s  a  game  about  to  start-  Oh,  yeah!  That’s  why  I’m  here-”  he  giggled  to  himself,  “to  get  this!”  He  then  snatched  a  full  bottle  of  vodka  from  a  sneaky  cabinet  you  didn’t  know  about  before  ushering  you  guys  along  to  follow  him.  Honestly,  Chris  didn’t  make  it  sound  too  promising  that  Jamie’s  soulmate  could  be  down  there,  but  it’s  the  best  lead  you  got.   
Shyly,  you  followed  behind  the  two  as  he  led  the  way  to  the  basement.  With  Chris  as  your  guide,  it  was  relatively  smooth  sailing,  the  crowd  parting  minimally  to  make  way  for  the  president  of  the  frat.  Before  you  know  it,  you’re  walking  down  some  nasty  ass  carpeted  stairs,  forcing  your  eyes  from  questionable  stains  to  look  for  a  rail  instead  to  hold  onto.  Strangely  enough,  walking  down  the  steps  was  comforting  somehow,  the  feeling  as  if  it  were  inviting  you  in.  Like  it  assigned  you  a  duty  instead  of  the  alienating  fish  out  of  water  experience  you  had  earlier  on  the  main  floor.   
 “I  picked  up  some  stragglers!”  Chris  cheered  as  he  turned  into  the  room.   
 “Yeah,  but  did  you  bring  the  alcohol?”  A  brazen  voice  you’ve  never  heard  before  shot  straight  through  you.  You  could  feel  it  run  through  you  with  tingles  down  your  spine  and  goosebumps  up  your  arms.   
“Hell  yeah  I  did,  ya  jackass!”  
 When  the  two  of  you  turned  the  corner,  the  world  slowed  down  and  your  muscles  instantly  seized  up,  halting  you  into  place  without  consent.  Your  insides  clench  tight,  wrapping  itself  into  a  knot.  Suddenly  you  were  sweating,  but  in  contrast,  your  vision  looked  as  though  you  were  looking  through  a  nice  refreshing  glass  of  pink  lemonade.  Normally  steady  hands  were  now  shaky,  your  ears  and  cheeks  beginning  to  glow  beet  red.  You  could  feel  yourself  beginning  to  sweat  at  the  nape  of  your  neck  and  underarms;  all  this  from  the  sudden  voice  of  the  stranger!  -What?  What’s  going  on?!-    
 Immediately,  your  gaze  pans  around  the  room  before  they  landed  on  the  source,  long-lashed  eyes  holding  a  dark  chocolate  glaze  and  shivering  you  to  the  bone.  Like  a  hooked  fish,  you  couldn’t  look  away.  The  initial  astonishment  of  just  the  sensations  couldn‘t  compare  to  exploring  the  face  in  front  of  you.  
 Chiseled  cheeks,  and  angular  brows.  Pouty  naturally  downturned  lips  were  discovered  underneath  an  impossibly  perfect,  pointy  nose.  Everything  about  him  was  like  the  artwork,  his  slightly  covered  forehead  was  somehow  artistic  as  if  even  the  space  between  the  brow  and  the  hairline  was  something  new  that  your  narrow  mind  could  never  possibly  understand.  His  hairline  soon  revealed  a  head  of  luscious  black  hair,  unrealistically  voluminous,  shiny  and  soft.  Honestly,  his  hair  was  screaming  at  you  to  test  out  if  it  could  be  possible,  that  someone  who  looked  like  this  was  real.  His  entire  face  and  head  on  his  shoulders  didn’t  make  conceivable  sense.  Maybe  it’s  just  you,  but  a  person  this  perfect  couldn’t  exist  and  you  have  yet  to  venture  south  to  see  how  perfect  the  rest  of  him  could  possibly  be.    
 “Y/n?  Are- are  you  okay?”  
 You  vaguely  felt  or  heard  your  best  friend  at  your  side,  but  it  wasn’t  decipherable.  Everything  but  this  guy  in  front  of  you  was  fuzzy,  blurry  to  you.  All  the  energy  in  your  being  focused  on  this  human  in  front  of  you.  His  silky,  messily  parted  locks,  begging  for  you  to  test  if  it  was  as  soft  as  it  looked.  His  sharp  features.  His  lips  a  natural  coral-y  color  that  began  to  shine  and  glimmer  with  saliva  as  his  glossy  tongue  began  to  trail  along  those  chapped  lips.  You  shot  your  eyes  back  to  his,  reeling  you  back  in  like  the  prey  you  began  to  feel.  Oh,  sweet,  sweet  baby  Jesus,  is  this  really  happening?!
 “I-“  both  of  you  started  at  the  same  time.  Embarrassingly  enough,  it  seems  as  though  the  blurry  figures  of  everyone  else  in  the  corner  of  your  eyes  caught  on  to  something  the  two  of  you  were  oblivious  to.  Everyone  started  jumping  and  screaming,  whooping  chaotically,  and  taking  over  your  vision.  The  slow  world  disappeared  in  a  blink,  launching  you  right  back  to  its  now  rapid,  woozy  speed.  With  everyone  pushing  and  shoving  around  you  in  excitement  it  was  not  at  all  helping  with  your  wibbly-wobbly  state.  
Suddenly,  you  felt  many  different  arms  coming  at  you,  wrapping  around  you,  constricting  you,  and  jumping  around  with  you  in  their  arms  in  excitement.  There was  a  deafening  amount  of  rambunctious  hooting  and  hollering  it  was  almost  as  if  the  team  they  were  rooting  for  won  the  SuperBowl.  
 “And  here  I  thought  Y/n  was  Jamie’s  soulmate!”  Chris  guffawed  and  they  all  joined  in,  all  besides  you  and  this  guy- WAIT-  did  Chris  say-  say  ‘soulmate’??  No,  he  couldn’t  have!  
 “Soulmate?”  Equally,  as  soon  as  you  internally  questioned  the  word  choice,  you  heard  his  earth-shattering  voice  speak  again,  despite  the  fact  he  merely  whispered,  softly  wondering  aloud.  He  spoke  aloud  what  you  were  thinking,  right  when  you  thought  it!   
 You  couldn’t  get  enough  of  his  voice,  especially  now  when  you  can’t  see  him  in  the  crowd.  His  voice  was  light,  honey-colored,  dreamy,  just  the  perfect  amount  of  deep,  it  made  you  want  to  taste  his  lips  to  see  if  he’s  as  sweet  as  he  sounded.  You,  yourself,  were  still  in  the  locked-in-place  state,  still  too  shell  shocked  to  even  make  a  step  forward,  your  poor  brain  overworking  itself  to  make  sense  of  any  of  this.   
 “Really?”  In  elated  shock  you  chirped,  slowly  giving  in  to  the  hugs  and  excited  jumping  with  wide  and  confused  eyes.  Is  this  for  real?  This  is  really  happening?!  
“Holy  fuck,  Y/n!”  Jamie  managed  to  get  you,  pulling  you  a  bit  too  crushingly  in  a  hug.  “I  can’t  believe  it!  You  found  your  soulmate  in  this  shitty  basement  and  not  me!”  She  playfully  teased,  there  was  no  ill  will  behind  it.   
 By  now  the  situation  was  beginning  to  sink  in  a  teeny  bit  and  you  were  shocked,  to  say  the  least.  Frankly,  you  were  starting  to  think  that  this  day  would  never  come.  You  had  a  soulmate  and  your  soulmate  looked  like  that!  You  were  over  the  moon,  even  if  you  felt  a  bit  guilty  that  you  found  your  soulmate  at  this  party  instead  of  Jamie.  It  was  the  plan  of this  whole  night,  after  all.  Now  that  it  was  you,  you  didn’t  know  how  to  react.  You  were  completely  and  utterly  unprepared.  
  “I’m  so  sorry,  Jamie.”  You  pulled  her  back  in  closer,  crushing  her  back  into  you,  eyes  watering,  lip  trembling.  “Oh  my  god,  I  think  I  might-  I  think  I  might  cry.”  You  hiccupped  into  her  chic  mesh  turtleneck  and  dress  combo.  This  is  too  much.  Too  too  much.   
 “Heyy!~  Don’t  feel  bad  for  me!  It’s  okay!”  Jamie  simply  chortled,  patting  your  head  deeper  into  her  chest,  her  usual  protocol  if  you  were  about  to  seriously  cry.  
Humiliatingly  enough,  you  heard  a  few  guys  begin  to  chant  “don’t  cry!”  in  the  background.  Your  small  moment  of  sincerity  and  calm  was  soon  interrupted  by  Chris.   
 “Well  isn’t  this  fun!  You  know  what  this  means!”~   
“Minho’s  soulmate’s  a  lil’  bitch?”  You  heard  Jisung,  the  kid  whom  you  shared  your  major  and  many  classes  with,  taunt.  His  words  forcing  you  forward,  ready  to  fight  the  kid.  He’s  a  child,  literally   a  child!  Why  do  I  associate  myself  with  him?!  I  swear  to  god-
 “Hey,  hey,  hey!  It  was  a  joke!”  He  squeaked  away  from  you.  He  was  too  speedy,  no  chance  for  you  and  your  heavy  ass  boots  stomping  after  him.  Safely,  he  skidded  behind  the  couch,  behind  whom  you’re  assuming  is  “Minho”,  which  had  your  boots  screeching  to  a  halt.  
Though  you  were  scrambling  after  Jisung,  your  eyes  naturally  met  Minho’s  as  you  halted.  Once  again,  your  body  is  preparing  to  either  fight  or  flight.  His  face  was  glowing  like  he  was  some  sort  of  ethereal  being,  wracked  up  in  deep,  attractive  concentration.  In  contrast,  your  face  was  beginning  to  burn  up  an  embarrassing  amount,  your  body  already  turning  into  inoperable  mush.  You  couldn’t  say  anything  if  you  tried.  Any  sentence  structure  your  brain  tried  to  form  didn’t  make  any  grammatical  or  logical  sense,  your  mind  racing  like  a  hamster  on  a  wheel.  Your  neural  pathways  were  glowing,  steaming  with  this  sudden  overstimulation,  leading  you  to  the  same  frazzling  answer  each  and  every  time: 
This  person  right  in  front  of  you?  Yeah,  that’s  your  soulmate. 
 A  hush  was  spread  throughout  the  previously  hype  basement,  all  eyes  immersed  in  the  two  of  you  speechlessly  enraptured  in  each  other.  The  longer  you  stood  there, the  more  you  could  take  him  in  and  get  used  to  him  and  the  idea  of  him.  You  were  warming  up  to  him,  he  became  more  and  more  real  with  each  millisecond.  You've  studied  his  eyes  so  passionately  now  that  could  see  his  dark  chocolatey  pupils  when  you  closed  your  eyes.  You  were  no  longer  overwhelmed  but  now  enchanted  by  his  features  and  general  presence.  His  cheekbones  are  no  longer  an  unfamiliar  art  piece.  His  aura  was  still  intimidating  as  before,  but  now  it  appeared   to  the  cheeky  kind  of  way  like  you  wanted  to  see  what  amount  of  scary  he  was  capable  of.  It  was  a  long,  jittery,  drawn-out  pause  before  anything  happened,  not  that  you  noticed.  
 “Out  of  genuine  free  will,”  You  just  smiled,  staring  at  his  naturally  downturned  lips.  Only  by  reading  his  lips  did  you  pay  attention  to  what  he  was  saying-  Wait,  what?
“I,  Lee-”  Hold on a second.  
“Minho-”  No.  
“Exercise  the  divine  right  to”  This  isn’t  happening  to  me.  This  isn’t- 
“Reject  my  sacredly  designed-” happening.  No.  No.  It  can’t  be.  It’s  not  p-   
“Soulmate.”  -ossible.  
The  electric,  exciting,  high  energy  pause  between  us  fell  and  wilted.  Died  just  like  that.  The  connected  red  strings  that  tied  Minho  and  yourself  were  chopped  off  on  his  own  accord,  bringing  icy  cold  into  the  room  in  its  wake.  A  harsh  blizzard  overwhelming  the  space.  Gasps  of  shocked  air  were  being  taken  in  from  everyone  in  this  basement,  everyone,  including  Lee  Minho.  
 You  got  a  gasp  of  bitter  cold  in  through  your  lungs  before  you  were  struck  like  lightning.  Lightning  of  feverish  torture  took  over  your  body,  struck  you  directly  in  the  heart  and  brain  before  it  flashed  through  your  veins  carrying  the  harsh  poison  of  rejection.  
   You  heard  a  pathetic  squawk  tear  its  way  out  of  your  chapped  lips,  the  anguish  forcing  you  down  to  your  knees  as  if  you  were  directly  stabbed  in  the  heart.  The  electric,  immediate  painful  reaction  faded,  bringing  boiling  throbs  through  all  your  cells,  not  leaving  one  out.  It  was  unlike  anything  you  could  describe,  no,  imagine.  It  was  as  if  the  blood  in  your  veins  was  replaced  with  boiling  water  and  your  heart  was  simultaneously  squeezed  and  electrocuted  in  the  grasps  of  electric  hands.  Maybe  it  was  the  hands  of  Satan  dragging  you  down  with  him.
Blurrily,  through  fresh,  hot  tears,  you  swear  you  could  see  Minho  physically  flinch  in  response,  immediately,  sprinting  out  of  the  room  as  if  he  was  escaping  from  a  house  on  fire. 
 That  was  the  last  you  saw  before  it  all  faded  to  black. 
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Finally home (16/16)
Here it is... the final chapter had arrived. Thank you everyone for riding along with me on this. My first attempt at ROD, althought we may be closing out this, it doesnt mean we have seen the last of this gang. I have some one shots and possibly a mini planned in the future!
I want to give a few special shot outs @riseandshinelittleblossom for pushing me to do this. @brightpinkpeppercorn for putting up with my crazy venting self!! And also the babies first name! @choicesarehard for her amazing edits and @desiree-0816 for being the biggest cheerleader.
Pairing: Colt x Ellie, mpc crew and friends.
Rating: fluff
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This song I picked because it sums up Colt in a nutshell.. also its from one of my favorite movies, and gave me slight inspiration.
Ellie sat slouched back on the couch indian style, amazed she could even get her feet to bend that way.   Any Day now she sighed, her hand rested on her swollen belly. She was huge this time around, much bigger than with Luca, her feet were swollen and she couldn't fall asleep without a back rub. "Well she's asleep, finally." She smiled at the shirtless man in front of her as he laid on the couch, his head resting in her lap. "How many books did it take?" She giggled as she ran her fingers through his dark locks. "Only two tonight.  guess the rehearsal dinner wore her out." A sudden jolt against her stomach collided against the side of his head.
He turned facing her stomach, one hand on the side "Hello in there. You can come out now, daddy can't wait to meet you." He spoke to her stomach, placing a soft kiss against her bare skin. Ellie smiled looking down at him, the sight completely melting her heart. The baby always reacted hearing Colts voice prompting a dance party usually.  They weren't sure what the sex was, both wanting to let it be a surprise. If someone had of told her almost a year ago that this would be her life, she would have laughed. Yet here she was married to Colt, raising their daughter together with another on the way, living next to the beach and ridiculously happy. Any time now  she whispered again. "We should probably get to bed, big day tomorrow." Colt stood, kissing her forehead. "Mmhmm." She practically hummed. She had been having Braxton hicks contractions the past few days, on top of the swelling and the last minute preparations for her dad's wedding, she was exhausted.
"You ok baby?" Colt looked at her concerned.  "Yeah, just these braxton hicks again. Help me up?" She held her hand out as Colt carefully helped her off the couch. They made their way up the stairs slowly, Ellie in some pain, but she hid it from Colt. Her dad was getting Married tomorrow and she was not missing it. She knew Colt would take it as a sign she was in labor, and rush her to the hospital.  The doctor and Ingrid both told her that the Braxton hicks contractions were going to be felt more intense the end time around, and she was positive that's what it was, besides she was almost 2 weeks late with Luca, her due date was a week away.
They laid in bed, colt started at her feet, then her stomach, shoulders and then her back. He had been amazing throughout the whole pregnancy,  never missed an appointment or ultrasound, always attentive, took every mood swing and craving in stride, and he massaged her swollen, achy body every night.  He was an amazing Husband and Father, Ellie thanked god and Logan every chance she got, that they talked her out of going through with the divorce. Sure he was a smart ass, and stubborn to boot, but he was always there for her, had her back and supported her no matter what and he genuinely cherished every moment he spent with them.
The past 8 months have been such an amazing time for them. Colt and Luca were like two peas in a pod. They witty banter between the two kept Ellie in stitches and on her toes. They had drove to Lake Tahoe to see Colts mother, who apologized profusely for stepping in and causing problems.  Ellie and Colt both accepted and they had an amazing relationship. She had pulled out all of Colts photos growing up to show Ellie and Luca. Ellie forming the conclusion that Luca indeed looked just like Colt as a baby. If she had of seen those pictures before the plate test, she was certain that she would have known instantly.
Darcy and Colt spoiled the hell out of her, Darcy ecstatic to have a granddaughter and equally happy to have another little one coming. She literally pissed her pants when she went to open the back door one day and was greeted by a small pony. Of course Colt bought her the damn pony, she knew he would. She had to double check that, neither He nor Toby stole said pony, old habits and all. So yes, everything and everyone was amazing and blissful.
Ellie shot out of bed with a sharp pain to the abdomen. She let out a low, dull sounding moan shit that one hurt. She waddled to the bathroom and got into a warm shower, relaxing her immediately. After her shower she waddled naked back to the bed. Colt rolled over, rubbing her stomach. "You ok?"
"Yeah, just uncomfortable. Lets try and get some more rest, big day ahead of us." She tried to assure him, hoping he bought it.
A few hours later they were up, and out of the house. Colt had bought a minivan for Ellie, although he drove it more then she did.  He had his and ellies hospital bags packed and in the van, along with the car seat installed and the diaper bag ready to go. Colt played no games when it came to being prepared for this baby, he could not even wait. They had a quick breakfast with Frank, sally, Logan and Stacie before the girls were separated and taken for hair and makeup. Ellie was Sallys maid of honor,  Stacie a bridesmaid. Ellie sat in the chair, taking deep breaths, stacie looked over at her "You ok?" Ellie gave her a quick yes, but she knew Stacie didn't buy it. Once Sally stepped into the changing room Ellie tried to walk over to the couch, but a strong pain hit her like a brick. She doubled over and Stacie was on her. "You're in labor aren't you?" Ellie gave her a pleading look. "I don't know. I don't want to ruin my dads wedding. Just let me get through the ceremony.  Please don't say anything especially to my husband." She paused looking down at Stacies slight bump "or I'll tell Logan its a boy."
"Fine! But you know he doesn't want to know yet.   Stacie snapped.
Sally walked out the girls dropped their conversation. "Sally, you look so beautiful.  Dad's going to cry." Ellie teared up. "Really Sally, you look so beautiful." Stacie confirmed. Just then they heard a knock on the door. "Knock knock. I came to collect a bride." Logan popped in, his eyes settling on his mother. It was an odd, yet great feeling to see his mom getting married. Logan grew up without any one, and in such a short time he gained an entire family and was starting his own. The photographer came in to take pictures, first of Sally alone.  Ellie hunched over again, this time Logan seeing it. "Ellie, you ok?" She looked up at him, trying her best to lie "oooh yeah. This one just kicked me, hard." He gave her an unbelieving look, before setting his gaze on stacie. "Colts kid." She offered up.
They finished taking pictures, Logan walked his mom down the aisle to a teary eyed Frank. Ellie was right, her father cried, and so did Sally, Ellie, Stacie and Riya. Colt and Logan served as Franks groomsmen. They made their way to the reception Colt and Luca sitting next to Ellie who was taking deep breaths. "Ellie, what's wrong?" He asked concerned. "Nothing. Im fine, just standing too long." She lied.  
"Maybe we should go to the -" Ellie cut him off.
"No Colt! We are not going to the hospital and ruin my dads wedding for nothing. So please lets just enjoy the day ok?"
She knew it may be a good idea to go, the contractions were stronger,  closer together then they had been. Still she wanted to be there for her dad.
The reception in full swing, Luca dancing up a storm, she was the life of the party. They followed through with the motions, wedding party dances,  dinner that Ellie barely touched. She sat at the table, shoes off and extremely uncomfortable. Colt crossed the room standing before her "Dance with me Mrs Kaneko?" He gave her a devilish smirk that made her heart soar. "Of course. But only because you look incredibly sexy right now." She took his hand and joined him on the dance floor. The swayed together as close as they could possibly get, before Ellie stopped abruptly. Colt slipped a little "Shit, be careful El. I think someone spilled something." He said looking down at the puddle by their feet. "My water. My water broke." She looked up at him, wide eyed. "Your. Oh shit." He looked around for help, he had no idea what to do in that moment.
Ellie doubled over, a wave of extremely strong contradictions hitting her hard. "Ok, just breathe El. Were gonna get to the hospital." Colt looked up, seeing Logan "Logan, I need your help." Logan, noticing the panicked look on his face rushed over. "The baby's coming. I need your car."  Colt told him, Logans car was much faster than the minivan. Ellie let out a painful moan, getting the attention of pretty much the entire room. Logan tossed him the keys, colt giving him the keys to their van. "Mom, can you keep Luca for us?" Colt looked towards his mother. "Of course. We will be up soon. Good luck you two." Darcy gave them each a quick kiss and hug.
"What's going on?" Frank came up, concerned.  "Babys coming. We gotta get to the hospital." Colt filled him in as he ushered Ellie towards the exit. "I'm coming with you guys." Frank insisted. "No daddy. Finish the wedding, please." She groaned out. "Ellie I-"
"No. You have fun. Come up after ok." She cut him off. "I love you Eliana."
"Wait for me. I'm coming with you guys." Riya insisted.  Colt nodded and off they went.
Colt speed to the hospital, they rushed inside and were whisked away to a room. Riya called the doctor ahead to inform him that Ellie's water had broken and she was on the way to the hospital. "Hi mrs Kaneko. Im kelly, I'll be your nurse. Dr Coulson will be here soon." The short blonde woman said, taking her blood pressure and hooking her up to monitors. Another contraction hit her hard "oooooh god." She screamed out as colt grabbed her hand "breathe El." He tried calming her as she firmly gripped his hand. "Ok. Your contractions are consistent,  lets see what progress you've made." She checked dilation and station. "Oh wow, your at 8 hun. And the baby is low. Let me try and get the doctor on the phone." Kelly stood, quickly exiting the room another contraction hit hard and she almost jumped off the table. "Whoa Ellie." He steadied her. "It hurts. Fuck!" She hollered. "I know baby. Your doing so good. What did you do with Luca to ease the pain?" He asked. "I had an epidural. This fucking hurts." Finally the dr walked in.
"Hello Ellie, colt. Ready to have a baby?" Dr Coulson smiled. "Beyond ready doc." Colt beamed. Ellie nodded,  sweaty and heavy breathing. "Yeah, pressure, lots of pressure. can I get something for the, ooooh pain?"
"Well. You were at 8 a little bit ago. Let's see where your at now." The dr checked her, shaking his head. "Well, this baby is ready to come out. Your at 10."
Everything happened fast, Colt stood there at Ellie's side gripping her hand as she put her feet in the stirrups. He could feel the adrenaline kicking in, like he was just about to race.  "Ok Ellie, with the next contraction i'm going to need you to push." Dr Coulson ordered.
Ellie beared down and pushed hard, Once, twice. Colt was amazed as he watched the woman he loved bring the life they created into the world. The baby's black full head of hair first, another big push and the baby was all the way out. "You did it El. Our baby is here." He sobbed as they heard their child's healthy set of lungs. "Its a boy." Dr Coulson announced.  "We have a son Colt." Ellie sniffled. They cleaned him up and placed him in Ellies chest. "He's beautiful." Colt showered her in kisses. The nurse snapped a few photos for them before he was taken to the warmer and weighed and measured. He was 8lbs 6oz 21 ½ inches, had a head full of jet black hair and looked exactly like a scrunched up version of Colt.
They nurse brought him back over, placing him in Ellies arms. Colt sat on the bed next to his wife and son, Ellie looked up at his blissful face she knew exactly what he needed. "Here you go daddy." Ellie said as she handed him off. Colt took the tiny person in his arms,he looked down at his son, a sense of pride washing over him. He had texted his mom after they were given the ok for visitors, a short while later Darcy walked in with a shy Luca. An odd sight if they ever saw one, the once outspoken, opinionated 6 year old was now  cowering behind her grandmother.
"Hey princess. You want to come meet your baby brother?" Colt beamed at his daughter. She nodded her head hurrying over as colt squatted down to her level. "He's so tiny." Her small voice almost a whisper. Darcy came over to hug Ellie before taking a glance at her new grandson. "He looks just like you did as a baby." Colt looked up and smiled. "So, we got a name for this little guy?" Darcy eyes the two. "We do." Ellie spoke, "but we're waiting to tell everyone when they get here."
They didn't have to wait long,  the room filled with all of their family and friends. Barley anyroom to stand,  they all crowded around the sweet little bundle of joy. Another momento of the love they shared,  and someone to share the over abundance of aunts and uncles they had. Colt sat next to Ellie as she held their son, Luca on the other side. Everyone snapping pictures of the happy family in front of them. "Ok everybody, Colt and I would like to formally introduce you all to our son." She smiled as she looked to Colt. "Everyone, meet Cade Teppei Kaneko."
They chose to name him after Colts dad, who they were sure was looking down on them. He wasn't there for Colt, but Colt was sure he would have been for his Children.  Ellie may have started out as someone the crew used for information, but in a short time she changed them all, for the better. Colt stood back, looking at the group of people in front of him. The motto of the crew was always look out for yourself, somehow along the way they became a family. Ellie came into his life like a hurricane and turned his world around. He once told her she was his queen, that they would run the city together but these days he was thinking bigger.  She was his queen, but not of the city, she was queen of the world, his world.
He closed his eyes, envisioning his father. "Life is good pop. And it's only going to get better."
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