#gin y arte
ficcionalar · 1 year
Otra vuelta de página y ginebra
It’s late, time for bedSo we sit, and I waitFor that gin and tonicTo go to your head A Last Request (I Want YourSex Part 3), George Michael Podría decirse que la ginebra es la bebida destilada más literaria que existe. Si no fuese en verdad así, al menos estaría entre las primeras. En sus artículos sobre el gin, historia y literatura, Silvina Belén se sienta a la barra de los bares de copas con…
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meebssketches · 3 months
happy late bday akutagawa <3
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gin-no-g · 5 months
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Here's my artwork for Elie's fic 'More Than Words (and other stories about Sugawara Koushi)' for the 2023 Daisuga Big Bang (Twitter)!
check out Elie on Twitter and Ao3, and also look at fellow artist @lycaona 's work over here!!
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coffee-bat · 1 year
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sabi-star-blog · 7 months
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Feliz aniversario mi amol!!!! (≧▽≦)Lamento mucho la demora q-q...sé que han sido días difíciles para ambos,pero espero poderte alegrar un poco con este regalito,ti amu mutsho y estoy muy feliz y emocionada de pasar muchos muchos añitos más a tu lado!!! (๑>◡<๑) Ti amudoru! o(≧▽≦)o ♡♡♡ Gracias por todo, amua amua <3
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
So I saw this fanart and got this idea! And after a gin and juice I wrote this. Enjoy!
Art does not belong to me! It says the artist is Flamingo_PinkArt on Twitter (If incorrect please tell me ;-;)
My Heart Breaks Pt. 1
Warning: Angst and some Fluff
Buggy X FemReader
Buy me a Ko-Fi? ☕️
Part 2
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"(Y/N) Why the hell are we here?" You heard Buggy groan next to you annoyed, Shanks nodding in agreement. You rolled your eyes at their protest of being in the circus tent with you.
"Cause I am the one who got us the tickets, 20000 berries and I want to see the circus" You chimed proudly as you watched your favorite act come out. The clowns, Buggy grimacing at the sight of them, You see this and lean against his shoulder.
"Aww is Buggy afraid of clowns?~" You chime earning a glare from him and a blush. Shanks Grinning at this as he poked his friend in a teasing manor.
"No I'm not afraid of damn clowns! They are just... kinda creepy" He grumbled as he watched the group of bubbly cheerful clowns.
It had been a year since Gol. D Roger's had died, it had been hard on all three of you. But you luckily had each other and were trying to save up scraps of berries to start your guys own crew. You were the thief of the trio, a skilled person in breaking and entering as well as treasure hunting. Buggy was an amazing navigator and sailor while Shanks was the amazing fighter and leader of your trio of teenage Pirates.
You giggle at Buggy face of disgust at the clowns, you knew the real reason he hated them- It was the noses. He was self conscious about it heavily and seeing the clowns with the fake noses made him feel like they were making fun of him. You gently rub his shoulder gently, a silent gesture to comfort him.
Once out of the show you sighed in delight at feeling the sun on your face. Hearing both teens walking behind you and bickering between the two of them.
"Let's get some food for our journey to Hile Hile Village" You suggest, walking to the small market next to the curious. The three of you had been using this little village by Hile Hile Island as a sort of base. The three of you were planning a big heist in order to get a massive score of 750,000 berries which could help getting a bigger boat and not the stolen two decer you guys currently shared. The only issue was that the village was controlled by a dictator like man, A Lieutenant for the Marines that ruled the island. He had made it his mission to murder every pirate who tried to come to the island, so this would be a very quick smash and grab. Fleeing the island immediately afterwards.
It was simple, mildly foolish but hopefully effective.
Once in the market Buggy got toiletries, Shanks got food and you got basic supplies. The three of you walking together till you saw a beauty stand and seeing a deep red lipstick sticking out.
"Ohh I love this color" You hummed in pride at the red lipstick color, both teenage boys groaning as you took your sweet old time in choosing the brightest of red.
"I see you like the color red?" Shanks teased you, earning a sarcastic laugh from you.
"Oh yes, The color red really gets me going" You laugh as you pick the color and grab a near by red and white bandana, wrapping it around your head like a fake bonnet.
"Besides I hear red is a sigh of submission, what does that say about you Shanks?~" His face fell at your words and Buggy snorted a laugh.
You tossed down some berries for the bandana and lipstick. Following the boys back to the boat while you all chatted and teases each other, however Buggy's eyes landing on you every now and then more specifically your red lips. Everyone knew he had a crush on you, hell you had a thing for him too but it seemed he judt refused to make a move! Even when you all were on Roger's ship he never made a move on you.
"Buggy it's your turn to make dinner!" Shanks chimed out earning a groan from Buggy. After dinner you made it to the top of the deck to get some fresh air. Feeling the wind on your face as Buggy sailed you all to Hile Hile Island.
"Hey, You holding up okay?" You called out as you went to Buggy's side. The blue haired teen not meeting your eyes.
"I'm fine.." He grumbled, he knew he was pouting about something. Sighing as you look up at the night sky.
"What are you pouting about Bugs? Hm?" You pressed once more, Hearing a sigh from him.
"You um.. seem to like red right? Listen I assume you like Shanks and all. I mean ago doesnt- but um"
You look at Buggy as he leaned against the wheel of the stolen boat, not meeting your gaze.
"You two would be good together..." He grumbles, you roll your eyes and step towards him grabbing his arm hard you yank him from his pouting position and slammed your lips onto his. His eyes wide as you kiss him and leaned into the kiss, his eyes drooping as he felt warmth from you and wrapped a arm around you in return. After a moment you pulled away and grinned up at his cherry red face and eyes that were in a daze.
"I hope that answers the question of who I like Buggy" You teased, drawing a silent nod from him. Smiling you step back from his grasp and give his hand a gentle squeeze.
"Good night Bugs" You call out before heading down to the Lower Deck of the boat to sleep leaving Buggy standing there still shocked- His face breaking out in a wide grin as he silently cheered and jumped excitedly. You giggling at shearing his footsteps as he jumped up and down in excitement.
The next morning when the three of you arrived at Hile Hile Island and at dawn started your heist of robbing a jewelry store. It went smoothly enough, not too hard till the surprise alarms went off and the three of you ran.
Running through the streets you held the bag of values in your hand, the boys having a good lead on you as they slipped through the crowds and laughed. It was such a adrenaline rush! The boys ran ahead of you turning a sharp corner and heading down, as you prepared to catch up to them a muscular forearm suddenly slam put hitting you.
The wind getting knocked out of your lungs as you felt the forearm smash into your chest, your head smacking into the cobblestone ground as you looked up. The infamous Lieutenant staring down at you with a sickening grin- your eyes widened as you realized.. you were fucked.
"We are gonna be rich! Haha! That ship is ours! Right (Y/N!?)" Buggy yelled out, Hearing Shanks cheer ahead of him. Not hearing your voice he started to slow down lookknv behind him seeing you were gone and his eyes widened, Shanks still on his adrenaline high stopped as well and turned to look to see the confused Buggy.
"Where is (Y/N)?" Buggy questioned, Shanks face falling as he realized this. The two boys meeting each other's gaze and began to rush through were they had run to try and find you, calling out your name. The boys running back to try and find you, as they made it to a backstreet they see you in the back of a Marine jail wagon being dragged away to the local prison. Buggy surged forward in wanting to Spring you free but Shanks grabbed his shoulder quickly.
To say this had turned into a total shit show for you. You had been tossed in the back of the Marine jail wagon, then brought to the local prison.
There you were thrown into a cell with a women who had even in hysterics. Begging for death for her actions instead of the life sentence she was given. Your mind was racing as you tried to think of ways to get out- watching as the Lieutenant walked to you with a smile.
"It's been a while since we had a Pirate here, it's good. We needed an execution tomorrow" He said with a evil smile at you. The color draining from your face at his words.
"What!? Not a trial! Or even a proper investigation!?" You screamed as you grab at the bars. The Marine laughed loudly in your face as he leaned down to your level.
"Little girl, I'm the judge, jury and executioner. Welcome to Hile Hile!" He chimed loudly before dismissing himself with a deep laugh leaving you alone with the sobbing women.
You sat there for a while, trying to figure out what to do. Having even spoken to the women who told you she had accidently fell asleep and her child drowned and was imprisoned for murder. Now sentenced to life in prison at Impel Down, even though she wanted to die for her actions. A completely over sentencing for a horrible accident but you figured that was just how this place was run.
Going up the the barred wi dows of your cell you look out over the village. Fear running through your system as the words the man said to you rang through your system. It wasn't till you saw your two friends running in the alley by your cell did it snap you from your thoughts. Clapping your hands quickly to catch your attention you saw both of them turn to you.
"(Y/N)!" Buggy called out, looking around wildly before detaching his torso and floating up to meet you grabbing at the bars to try and pull on them. You quickly shoo him to go back down.
"No, They will see you" You hissed at him and held his hand, He floated back down but kept his detached hand with you. A sinking feeling hitting your stomach as you smiled at the two boys who rambled out in panic talking about how they would break you out. Shanks was the first one to notice your silence and the sadness in your eyes.
"Guys.. I.. I love you two-" You said to them, both freezing at your words as dread fills their system.
"Hey don't be so glum! We will get you out okay?!"
You gave Buggy's hand a squeeze sniffling back tears as you kissed the back of his hand staining it with your lipstick and taking the bandana you had bought before from around your neck and tied it to his wrist.
"I promise it will be okay Buggy.. Ill be okay" You say in a shaky voice, trying to keep him calm. Releasing his hand which floated back to his wrist.
"I'll get you out of here (Y/N)! They won't hurt you I swear!" Buggy proclaimed, his mind racing with ideas to break you out. Rushing down the alleyway in order to begin plotting.
You looked at Shanks through the bars and gave him a watery smile, tears welling in your eyes.
"Shanks... Promise me- If I go... Buggy can't see it.. He should never see me that way okay? Dont try and break me out.. you guys can get killed" You begged, tears rolling down your cheeks as you saw Shanks own eyes well with tears and nod his head.
"I-I promise (Y/N)..." He stuttered out, looking ahead and running after Buggy finally. Knowing the task that laid before him-
The next day was the day of the public execution. Wanting to make a an example out of you as they prepare for you to be killed. The Lieutenant coming by the cell you shared with the woman, who was still in her mess of a state at being imprisoned for life.
"Ah a Pirate and a Murderer" He chuckled darkly at the two of you. You glaring back at him as he leered at you-
"Does it make you feel strong to kill a child?" You asked him, earning a glare from the male who slammed his hand against the bars.
"Your show time is in half an hour- pray" He hissed at you and tossed a prison uniform and cloth bag at your feet. You knew what this was for by the red that spotted the collars on both-
Buggy had been frantically gathering a plan for his rescue mission, Ignoring the oddly silent Shanks who had just been watching him. Buggy creating a flashy and dramatic escape plan to rescue (Y/N).
"Alright It's almost ready!" He said as he grabbed rope, knives and more. Shanks looking at Buggy and sighing.
"Buggy- We can't get her-" He started but Buggy glared hard at him.
"Yes we can- if we follow this plan I can get her!" Buggy screamed, Shanks clenching his fist as he glared at his friend.
"Buggy I'm not going to let you get yourself killed" He said evenly, a silent standoff starting before Buggy shot a punch using his devil fruit which landed right on Shanks cheek knocking the red head stumble back for just a moment before Buggy bolted, running off the boat and into the rain. Buggy hearing the sound of the crowd gathering at the main city court yard, Bolting towards the direction.
Shanks chased Buggy, sliding through the rain as he saw Buggy run like his life depended on it. Buggy turned a hard corner and slipped hard, his body slamming into an alleyway wall.
Shanks grabbed Buggy and held him against the wall with all his force keeping his limbs pinned, tears running down his own cheeks as he make sure Buggy didn't move from his spot. He knew Buggy couldn't use his Devil fruit abilities as well and his limbs couldn't get far enough to reach you or strong enough to push or kick him off.
"THEY ARE GOING TO KILL HER! WE CAN HELP HER!" Buggy screamed at Shanks as the red head held his friend down-
"Buggy they will kill you!... I-I promised... I-Im sorry" He croaked out- The sound of the crowd in the courtyard got louder and Buggy moved harshly.
'We are here to show that while Gol. D Roger's influence still stands! We will be the strong hand that brings it back!'
The echoing voice sounded through the city, Buggy screaming as he tried his hardest to fight against Shanks.
'A Thief and Pirate. This is the price to pay for crimes here in Hile Hile Town! Is Death!"
The crowd cheering before there was a click before it happened- Buggy's eyes went wide as he heard the massive sound of the guillotine slamming down. The fight leaving his body as he saw the birds fly up from were the courtyard was the sound scaring them from their refuge in the rain, and the sound of cheers from the courtyard from the public execution.
He didn't even feel the cold from the rain anymore, instead feeling the emotions he had turn into ice in his chest. Like his heart had been ripped from his very being and tossed into the deepest part of the sea.
Shanks still sobbing himself pulled away from Buggy knowing it had been done. His own body shivering from the cold as he wept looking at his brothers face, Buggy's eyes looking dull like that of a fishes.
"B-Buggy I'm sorry" Shanks managed to sob to his friend, Like a puppet Buggy moved to his feet barely able to stand as he felt his body was hollow and boots too heavy. His hair sticking to his skin as he felt the rain wash away his love for Shanks and you.
"..I will never forgive this betrayal Shanks... Just like (Y/N) you are dead to me..." Buggy croaked out his voice the softest it had ever sounded, not even meeting Shanks eyes as he turned and started to walk off to towards the courtyard.
Shanks standing there in the rain not saying a word as he let Buggy go, still crying himself. The blue haired teen walking to the courtyard were the crowd was filing out, having gotten their fill of bloodshed. Buggy walked to the empty courtyard and looked up seeing the Marines cleaning the mess, the rain helping to wash the blood from the blade used and the stage it rested on. One of the Marines loading a headless female body into a basket, wearing basic black and white stripped prison attire
Buggy fell to his knees, his eyes locked onto the blade that had taken you from his life- he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out the red and white bandana you had given him, while wet from rain he put it to his head and tied it around his blue hair.
He would remember you... he would cherish the memory. His best friend, his first love... a girl who always smiled wearing too red of lipstick and loved the circus...
He would be the greatest at it all.... Just for you.
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soft-girl-musings · 3 months
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - CHAPTER 5 (Something's Gotta Give)
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Noir!Jake Lockley x WOC Lounge Singer!Reader
written in collaboration with + header by @mrs-lockley
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
cross-posted to ao3
tags: late 1940s Noir AU, Reader is WOC coded but with no physical description besides being slightly taller than Jake while wearing heels, no use of Y/N, brief mention of past injury, spanish translation at end (courtesy of @queerponcho, thank you beloved)
wc: 3.4k
fic summary: Of all the gin joints in all the world, Jake Lockley walks into yours. Unfortunately for him, it's not quite the start of a beautiful friendship.
chapter summary: immovable object? the unstoppable force would like a word.
As far as peace offerings go, it’s not the worst.
At least, that’s what you’ve told yourself as you stand outside your neighbor’s apartment, your fist failing to close the distance and knock. In one hand you hold a plate of pastries you’d bought earlier. Hopefully it’s enough.
Before you can raise your hand again, the door whips open. 
Leah Mendoza, ever the force to be reckoned with, stands with arms akimbo and eyebrow raised. “Quit shuffling your feet and come inside, nena.”
You oblige wordlessly. Crossing the threshold, you immediately feel the warmth of her apartment embrace you. Not that she’s escaped the chill that plagues your building; Leah is an artist, and every flat surface serves as either canvas or easel. Most spaces are covered in surreal portraits and near-magical icons, her handiwork displayed as a gorgeously chaotic gallery. Sunlight streams through gauzy curtains to feed sprawling plants and attempts to warm the richly colored rug beneath your feet.
You leave your shoes at the door and hold out the platter, smiling sheepishly. “Hope you still have a sweet tooth.”
“It's been so long, I'm surprised you remember.” Despite her playfully icy tone, Leah’s expression warms as she peeks at the pan de mallorca you hand over.
“...But I suppose going five blocks out of your way for breakfast makes up for it.” She nudges you with her hip before escorting  you to the kitchen.
“Look what the cat dragged in, Caro,” Leah calls out to the seating area as she pours two mugs of coffee. You see your other friend’s smiling eyes light up at the sight of you.
“Ohhh, it’s been ages!” she squeals as she rushes to your side, tackling you with an enthusiastic hug.
Caroline Ngo, the youngest of your trio, has always brought a much-needed energy to your time together. When she and her parents moved in, you and Leah decided to adopt her into your early morning ritual of coffee and gossip. As her rosy cheeks beam up at you, you’re (a bit selfishly) grateful that she’s delayed her college applications by a year. You’re not ready to part with your other baby bird just yet.
Still, you pry yourself from her grasp. “Something tells me you had an early start on the coffee.”
“Maybe,” she drawls as she saunters away. Leah passes you a steaming mug, prepared just the way you like it.
The three of you sit, sipping and smiling as the room grows brighter with the sunrise. Leah regales you with the results of her latest art show; Caroline badgers you for updates about Mauricio, dimpled cheeks flushed as she speaks. For a few moments, everything feels like it used to.
Leah finishes her pastry and turns to you. “So, ‘Ms. Songbird’. How are you?”
You shrug, dismissive. “Oh, you know. The usual.”
“No, I don’t know. You haven't been around for us to see your ‘usual’.” Leah's voice is measured, but she’s clearly frustrated. “Can you tell me the last time we've heard more than a ‘good morning’ from you? Or were together for longer than an elevator ride to our floor?”
You chuckle nervously. “Goodness, maybe… August? September?”
“June.” She sips her coffee before setting it down. “Are things really so busy at work that you can't spare a moment for us anymore?”
If only you knew.
“I'm sorry, ladies. Truly. But things have been picking up at the lounge, I've even had to get outside help–”
“Ah yes, the altar boy lawyer.” Leah shakes her head. “I thought you were done with him.”
“‘Done with him?’ Leah, he's my friend.”
“Oh, I recall. So good a friend that he lets you ice his bruises and clean his cuts.” She crosses her arms. “So good, he's even bringing new friends with the same scrapes to your door.”
“The other night was an emergency–”
“How long are you going to run around with that kind of crowd?” Her voice bites. “Believe me, I know my share of the nightlife. But every time you bring home some broken man, a load of trouble seems to follow.”
This is not where you saw the morning going. “I thought we were spending time together, not berating the company I keep.”
“Please don't be upset,” Caroline pleads, taking your hand from her seat on the floor. “We miss you. You haven’t been home in weeks,” she laments. “At least, not for more than a couple of hours.”
You shift in your seat but give her hand a light squeeze. “I've missed you, too.”
“Then do something about it.” Leah gets up, crossing the room to distract herself with more coffee but then doubles back to look you in the eyes.
“You know my gut is never wrong, nena. And I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't speak my mind.”
You brace yourself as she continues. “You can spend your nights hiding behind your Songbird persona and running the lounge, but don't be surprised if the cage you're building around yourself is locked from the inside.”
With that, she turns on her heel and heads back to the kitchen, leaving you and Caroline in silence.
Slowly, Caroline slides into Leah’s empty seat, her hand still on yours.
“... I always liked your stage name.”
You don’t say anything, instead letting your eyes trail through the patterns on the rug.
She scoots closer. “Leah’s just looking out for you. Like always.”
“I know, Caro.”
You feel her head rest on your shoulder. Tough love has always been Leah’s strong suit; as hard as you are on your boys, it’s bush league compared to your friend.
Caroline’s next words are low, whispered just loud enough for you to hear. “I know that man you were helping.”
You look down at her, dumbfounded. “Really? You know Jake?”
She sits up, eyes wide again. “Well, not technically. I never learned his name. But when he was leaving your apartment, I recognized his face.” Her small smile grows as she speaks. “There were days I’d stay out late after school, and I’d catch a ride from him sometimes. He’s really kind, not like some of the other cab drivers.”
Concern suddenly sweeps across her face. “Is he going to be alright?”
You think back to the morning he left your apartment: his bruises, your stitches, the blood that still stained his coat…
His hand on your hand, your face…
You don’t feel your fingers grazing the apple of your cheek until you hear Caroline giggle. Your hand drops to your lap as your face warms. “He’ll be fine. If he wised up and saw a real doctor, that is.” You shrug, reaching for your coffee.
“You care about him,” she teases.
“Oh, come off it,” you huff, nudging her leg with yours.
“And he obviously cares about you!” She squeals, lowering her voice when Leah turns her head toward the noise. “I saw him leave your apartment, but he stood there for ages, staring at your door.” Her grip on your hand grows unbearably tight. “What happened that night?”
You’ve been asking yourself the same question from the moment he left you standing in a bloodstained gown, your apartment colder without him. Since then, there hasn’t been a moment where you’ve been free from the memory of his face.
“I did him a favor. And… he may have done one for me, too.”
Jake Lockley is man enough to admit when he’s been beaten.
In this case, he's absolutely won over. Head-over-heels, and at your mercy.
Maybe years from now, society adopts stricter rules for how soon you should call on a lady. Even today, some would advise against showing your hand too early. Some men wouldn’t want to seem too eager, too desperate.
But Jake Lockley is not a liar.
If “desperate” is the word for the incessant drumming in his chest each time you come to mind; if it’s what has him cutting corners and driving recklessly, ushering customers along at double the pace so his thoughts can return to you; if it’s why his palms sweat and nerves ache at the memory of your face that night, that morning… then Jake Lockley is desperate.
It’s hardly been a day and a half since he left your apartment, cold and injured. The suit stitched him back together in seconds; the only ache that remained was at the thought of you. You, who scooped him off the pavement and took pity on him. Who stained your hands with his blood to make it stop. You, who set his skin on fire with the smallest touch and had him convinced he would burn with or without it.
Screw the three day rule. He has to see you.
Hot under the collar, Jake now sits at the bar– your bar, long before normal business hours. Next to him is Matt, whose face hasn’t untwisted from the wry grin he’s had from the moment they met up.
“It’s like a jackhammer,” he chuckles into his glass, dodging Jake’s backhand swing.
“Can it, Murdock.” Jake’s hand returns to his own drink. Downing the rest, he raises his glass to the bartender. “Top me off, Mr. Manalo.”
Teddy obliges with shaking hands. He scoops up the bills Jake slides his way before dashing off. The two men had asked for privacy, and he’s determined to stay in their good graces.
Jake knocks back the new drink, swiping the excess from his lip as Matt’s laughter grows louder.
“You really need to calm down.”
“That’s what this was for,” Jake retorts, shaking his glass so the ice clinks against the edge. It’s doing him little good, though; from the moment he snuck in here that stormy night, he knew The Paper Moon as an extension of you. Even with the house lights up and nobody onstage, the lounge makes his heart race as quickly as if you were right beside him.
Matt claps a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be alright, you’ve been through worse.”
“Yeah,” Jake snorts. Matt’s quiet for a suspicious amount of time. “What’s on your mind, Murdock?”
“What’s on yours?” Telltale concern creeps into his voice. “How are things up there lately?”
Jake smirks, the expression not reaching his eyes. “Oh, you know. Loud… and quiet, in all the wrong ways.”
“Seems quieter than before.”
“Yeah?” Jake cocks an eyebrow. His mind doesn’t feel quieter, not the way it should. Khonshu’s been on his ass more often, doubling down when his thoughts dare to drift to anything besides the mission at hand. The god throwing a tantrum has become one of the few guarantees that remain.
“I mean it,” Matt reassures him. “It’s like night and day from when you returned stateside.” 
Jake stirs the ice in his glass, tempted to hop the counter and refill it himself. It takes everything in him to repress the memory of “before,” to not think of the bloody business in El-Alamein. To forget when the occupancy of his mind dropped from three to two.
“Must be the good old American soil.” His sneer drops as he considers his next words. “... or the fool of a pro bono lawyer I managed to snag.”
“Maybe,” Matt says. “Or it could be the little bird that's caught your ear.”
Before Jake can respond, a pair of footsteps cross onto the stage behind them.
He turns to see you and Mauricio, backs to the house, talking in rushed succession as you survey the stage. You’re in a blouse and trousers, your movements easy and unrehearsed despite the growing exasperation in your voice. 
“Maurie, I don't care how Leo feels the lights bounces off his new mustache wax, unless he can't follow my cues he's staying stage left. And–”
“No days off for you, are there?”
When you turn you see Jake, hat in hand and standing a few steps from the bar, as if he’d walked toward you but stopped halfway up the aisle. You can’t place the look on his face, but you're nevertheless pinned under the gaze of his now-healed eyes shining up at you.
“JAKE!” Mauricio startles you when he shouts, leaping off the stage to clasp hands with the older man.
“Hermano,” Jake chuckles, pulling him into a quick hug before letting go. “¿No te andas metiendo en problemas, eh?” 
“¿Parece que tu eres el que anda causando problemas, ey botero? ¿De dónde salió esa cicatriz?" Mauricio leans in, examining the pale line running through Jake’s eyebrow with awe.     
“Ah, just a scratch.” Jake shrugs as he brushes past him to approach the stage and offers his hand as you step down. You accept, hoping he doesn’t notice the slight tremor in your grasp.
“Leave the man alone, Maurie,” you chide, nodding your thanks and holding back a laugh. As much as Caroline fawns over you, Mauricio seems to do the same to Jake whenever their paths cross. It helps that he plays along.
As the three of you walk back to the bar, you notice Matt dial in to something and smile– far from his normal reaction. 
“I’m afraid I can’t offer you more than another drink, I have an appointment with Matthew this afternoon.” You cross over to your friend, whose smile only grows as you draw closer. But you brush it off, still focused on Jake.
“Actually,” he starts, his hand sliding into his pocket, “I was hoping to cut in on your consult time for a moment. That alright with you, doll?”
Matt clears his throat. “Mauricio, can you take me backstage? I should start unpacking this file.”
The drummer perks up. “Sure! But the band’s getting ready to play some poker… you feel like teaming up again? We can split the pot like usual.”
“Even better,” Matt grins. “Lead on.”
He gathers his portfolio and walking stick to follow. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear you could see a moment of panic flicker across Jake’s face.
It’s replaced in a flash with his usual smirk. “Sure you want to risk your pocket change, Matty?”
“If all my clients paid like you do, I'd be out of a job.” He collects himself and follows Mauricio’s footsteps, turning to Jake and mouthing “jackhammer” with a hand to his chest when he’s behind you.
Their footfalls fade and it’s just the two of you at the bar. You take a seat, drumming your fingers on the surface to soothe your nerves. Jake sits beside you.
“You look better.” You notice the scar Maurie was talking about: his former head wound is free of your haphazard stitches, instead healed into a light dash through his dark brow. “But I told you that would scar.”
He shakes his head, brushing his fingers past the spot. “I kinda like it. Gives me an edge,” he chuckles. Maybe Khonshu hadn’t healed his face the way he normally would as some sort of lesson. Joke’s on him.
“How did… I mean, you look really good, how did you recover so quickly?” Now that you’re closer, you realize there’s no sign he was hurt just two days ago. If not for his scar, you could pass that night off as some sort of dream.
“You told me to see a doctor, didn’t you? Looks like I’ve got the best one around.” 
You eye him, not sure what to think. “... yeah, alright.”
Your fingers drum the bar again. Maybe that night knocked all of Jake’s suave confidence from his head: when he’s not speaking (something you’re still not used to), he looks like a child about to lose his lunch. For all his urgency a few minutes ago, he’s taking his sweet time getting to the point.
Finally he sits up straight and takes something out of his pocket. “Here. For you, morena.”
A small black box slides toward you, stopping at your restless fingers. You raise an eyebrow quizzically, a familiar warmth spreading across your cheeks.
“A present? Didn’t take you for the ‘holly-jolly’ type.” You pick up the box, feeling its velvet casing and fighting back a smile.
“Nah, not really a Christmas guy myself. But I figured you could use a pick-me-up.” Jake crosses one arm along the bar, propping his chin in his other hand as he watches you open the box.
Inside, you see a delicate gold chain with a charm fastened to its middle: a small bird with its wings spread, intricate designs etched into its surface.
“Oh my…” You look back at Jake, who seems to have been holding his breath as you examine your gift. 
Your slowly unfolding smile is all the reward he could ask for, breathless laughter pushed from his chest with relief. “For the songbird,” he casually declares, relief mixing with pride at your reaction.
You take the necklace out and hold it to the light. “It’s beautiful,” you sigh. You undo the clasp and try to put it on yourself, but your fingers can’t seem to make it fasten.
“Allow me,” he says quickly, standing to move behind you and assist.
You feel his hands take over and drop your own in your lap. His knuckles brush the back of your neck and it takes everything in you not to shiver. The smell of smoke and spice dances on your senses, pulled away all too soon when he moves to stand in front of you.
“There,” he breathes, eyes going from the pendant draped below your collar to your eyes. “Looks perfect.”
Your fingers grasp the cool metal as you nod. “Looks perfect.” 
Silence falls again. You’ve come to hate the sound of nothing when you’re with him.
Jake’s the first to break it. He sits back down, his next words like a punch to the gut. “You know, now that I’m not driving Wesley around… I won’t have to take up space at your back table anymore.”
“Oh. No, I suppose not.” You toy with the charm around your neck. “So is this… goodbye?”
“That depends,” he says cautiously.  He turns to you, eyes swimming with the same unfamiliar mix of emotions from before. “Do you want it to be?”
Your fingers leave your neck as you meet his gaze. “Don't say you're going all soft on me, cabbie.”
“What if I was?” He leans forward, and for the first time you don't back away.
“Cards on the table: I haven't stopped thinking about you.”
That makes two of us. You bite your tongue to let him continue.
“Morena… would you ever want to get out of here? Just you and me, call it a truce or a… a date.” A smile plays on his lips before his brow creases. “I won't badger you after today, just… one way or another, put me out of my misery.”
The wings of the charm feel heavier with the weight of his confession. Hand to your heart, you feel the bird again, this time with Leah's warning running through your mind.
“I suppose a truce wouldn't hurt.”
When he smiles, wider than ever, you see the charming gap in his teeth. And you smile, too.  You both laugh, the heated stress in your nerves turning to effervescent relief.
You could spend an hour like this. But when you hear shouts of frustration and a bilingual litany of choice words echo from backstage, you know you have to go put out a different fire.
“I should make sure Matthew isn't in trouble,” you sigh, standing to straighten yourself.
“If I know Matt, he's the one causing the trouble.” Jake stands with you, desperate for this moment not to end but anxious for your next answer. “So when can we–”
“Sunday night,” you cut him off, starting to back away toward the stage. “I'll figure out how to slip away, but meet me under the sign at 9.”
You move to rush toward the stage at another outburst, but Jake's hand catches yours yet again.
“You can't keep doing that,” you groan, yet with a smile still on your lips as he tugs you back toward him.
“You're the boss,” he hums, pressing his lips to the back of your hand– the gesture all too routine, but you're ready to admit you've missed it.
He releases your hand and dons his cap, tipping it to you. You laugh again, a rich and easy sound he'd never tire of hearing. You bow slightly and dash backstage, with Jake's voice calling to you as you leave.
“See you Sunday, Songbird."
“¿No te andas metiendo en problemas, eh?” - Not getting yourself into any problems, eh?
“¿Parece que tu eres el que anda causando problemas, ey botero? ¿De dónde salió esa cicatriz?" - Seems like you’re the one causing troubles, hey cabbie? Where did that scar come from?
note: in-universe Jake is Guatemalan and Mauricio is Cuban; as a non-spanish speaker, please let me know how i can improve in the future!
A/N: i've missed these two!! this chapter was a doozy but i'm so happy to have gotten back on track. i won't say PPP is on hiatus (we never had a promised release schedule) but after i take a wee break from writing, i'm set on finishing my Moon Knight Bingo prompts before 4/30 + starting on my OI fanzine entries (!!! exciting times). but if inspiration strikes before i finish, i certainly won't complain.
ty for reading!!
tag list: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mercurysjoy, @importantnightwerewolf, @cupidysm, @queerponcho, @nerdieforpedro, @fandxmslxt69, @shadystarlightgentlemen, @lunar-ghoulie, @casa-boiardi (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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Bro like we know the normal Genshin impostor sagau but what if it would like with BSD. Like there is an impostor 'Guiding Light' saying the real one is trying somhething and somehow everyone belives (maybe Fyodor, Dazai, and Rampo would be suspicious maybe) and then they realized who is the real one like they would be horrified. (I live for angst)
If somehow Imposter managed to convince BSD Characters that Guiding Light are fake, and they hurt GL, BSD Cast would be horrified, when they learn the truth. They will do everything, to undo their mistake.
They will destroy the Imposter.
Will shower Guiding Light in presents, will do whatever they want. Even return to BSD World and stay there forever, to pay for their crimes.
Will let Guiding Light hurt them, if it will make them feel better.
But, personally, I think, that BSD Imposter SAGAU will be a little bit hard, if not impossible.
And here are my reasons, why
1. Emotions are universal, but not the same.
If Imposter stole GL's phone/ BSD Mayoi account, and start talking to characters through it, they would see, that Little Light changed its color, shape and size.
From "Family love(less). Prologue", where Reader start reading BSD after their relatives read it. Reader are reading the same books.
"And then another Kitsunebi¹ appeared.
This one was purple."
BSD Cast will know, that Imposter are a different person.
If Imposter get transported into Yokohama and start telling others about Evil Fake, but, Guiding Light stays in real world and continue reading/watching/playing, that will lead to an interesting situation.
Imposter: And they pretend to be me! They are evil! Please, help me get rid of them.
Suddenly, Little Light appeared and start circling around Fyodor, Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Nikolai and Akutagawa.
GL: New official art are so pretty
Dazai: give Imposter a heavy look Can you explain, why your emotions and thoughts are still coming from the different world?
Imposter: I... Well...
Fyodor: I don't think, that progress has reached that much, that will let you be in two places at the same time.
And, if others believe Imposter, but Ranpo, Dazai, Fyodor, Jounou and Ayatsuji don't, BSD Cast will lose a hacker.
Imposter: tell characters, how terrible Fake Guiding Light are
Katai, runs into the room, holding a note.
Note: "Call us, when you finally realize, that this thing is lying to you. Fyodor D., Dazai O., Ranpo E., S. Jounou, Y. Ayatsuji"
Katai: We have lost our leading hacker!
2. Characters, that was based in characters, not authors.
Kirako in this AU, before she really became self-aware, were in so sort of stasis.
"Sometimes Kirako heard words from different world. Without abilities, where you, a simple person named [Y/N] live. Where they talk about their interests. And Kirako herd them. She couldn't control what she hears, but, thankfully, she never heard something personal."
If she saw, that Ranpo, Dazai, Fyodor, Jouno and Ayatsuji aren't sure, if Imposter are Real! Guiding Light, she could start questioning The Imposter on trivia she learned about Guiding Light.
All characters, that were based on characters and not authors (minus Sigma, in this AU he is considered an author) have deeper connection with real world and GL.
Naomi knew, that Reader aren't bad, the moment she felt their presence.
Kirako saw visions from the real world.
___Spoilers for unreleased entries___
Gin saw chunks of GL's memories about the past day, when she sleeps.
Karma, after canon chains were broken, got an 'ability' to 'connect' to the real world by will. He would volunteer to observe GL, if Imposter will insist that they are evil.
__And fact from STORMBRINGER___
Adam Frankenstein has a lie detector.
If only Imposter aren't Dazai's level of genius, their lie won't work.
3. Imposter's character
BSD Cast have more or less good understanding of Guiding Light's character. So, as long as Guiding Light don't do this:
GL: What?! They are talking bad about me?! I will burn them! run to find matches
GL: What?! They are a bad person?! I will destroy them! run to find a hammer
GL: What?! Old lady had a bad sigh and accidentally gave me wrong candies, that are normal, have good flavor and I don't have allergy, but they are wrong flavor?! Come here, old witch! run to find an inquisition
They would really be confused, why their 'Guiding Light' insisted on hurting/if not killing/ this person.
In real world. GL's apartment
Imposter: pointing at GL They are evil, protect me! Threw them away.
BSD cast is waiting, while Francis and GL are talking. GL show Francis documents (about apartment, birth certificate, ID)
Francis: It's their apartment. We can't throw a person, who have all rights to live here.
Imposter: But... Then kill them! They will do something bad to me! To you!
BSD Cast still didn't do anything
Francis: We and you will move away anyway, they won't bother you. Just forget about them.
Imposter: But... But...
Francis: By the way, since when you became that thirsty for blood?
BSD Cast may be grateful to Guiding Light, but, if GL start treating them as... accessories, money bags and servants, BSD Cast will leave them.
They won't stand for being treated poorly. They won't keep a toxic relationship.
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Anon rebelde
Como bien señalas en la cena hay matrimonios entonces, que impide que Cait acuda a la misma con el que dice que es su esposo? O ese *esposo solo le sirve de vez en cuando para para calentar los ánimos en un fandom fácilmente caldeable? Ya sabemos que Sam está en Londres así que Cait no puede estar allí y en Glasgow tampoco, esas obras no acaban nunca 🤣
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Y muy reactiva, hoy. 😉 Como se dice en Chile: 'a ver, a ver/por qué llora esta mujer'?
'As you very well observed, there were couples invited to that dinner. So, why would Cait not be there with the one she says it's her husband? Or would that be that the *husband* is only useful once in a while, to fire up tempers in a fandom that's easily heated? We know that Sam is in London, so Cait cannot be there or in Glasgow, so it never ends. 🤣'
You know I agree with everything you wrote, spare one detail: S was apparently not in LHR in October, when the Belfast dinner took place. I had to go look at my archives and make some sense of the context. And although I am not Marple, I couldn't help but notice last October was a very active networking/promo/shit show month for both of them, as the SAG-AFTRA strike was still not over yet.
Just a short summing up:
October 4, 2023 - C's 44th birthday and another mysterious donation to Project CaiTreena/One Tree Planted. S in NYC for drinks and Departures interview with Sophie Mancini. Fandom gets ballistic speculating - an empty 💩, of course.
October 5, 2023 - S in NYC for the Keepers of the Quaich US Chapter gala, with Norouzi (as I predicted) and Mancini. C's whereabouts unknown - not the US, I suppose. Maybe in LHR, re-enacting that Prophet Song excerpt, on behalf of the Booker Prize?
October 8, 2023 - C spotted in LHR for Harrods Iconic Dining Hall Relaunch hosted by Stanley Tucci, with McIdiot (the only time, that month!). Hullaballo ensues for something very close to a nothing burger. S supposedly in GLA, as shown by FaceTime snippet convo with Amanda Tutschek, Venice Beach topless artist extraordinaire. Date of above FaceTime snippet - unknown.
October 10, 2023 - S confirmed in GLA, likely latergram (IG SS gin pics taken on own driveway). C confirmed in LHR, first by Gareth Bromell, then by Getty Image pics at Loewe Foundation's Studio Voltaire Award. Sans McIdiot.
October 17, 2023 - S signs APUK's Palestine letter, whereabouts unknown (my bet is on NYC/Nevis). C confirmed in LHR at the Portia Coughlan play Press Night/After Party, Almeida Theatre. Sans McIdiot, but with Tobias. LOL.
October 19, 2023 - S on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show, in NYC. Ring ding ding proves to be a very effective lookie here, not there prop. C's whereabouts unknown, as S's in the October 10-17 interval (Nevis? both? That would be my best bet, and yeah, go ahead and screech. I DGAF).
October 25, 2023 - S confirmed in GLA, despite posting 'from Nevis' the same day and shirtless thirst trap the next day. C's whereabouts unknown? Not really, I should say.
Back to the Northern Irish dinner - bear with me, Anon Rebelde, I am trying to pinpoint a date, here. Begin Again, Jeffers' book that prompted it, was out in the US on October 2 and in UK/Canada and Ireland on October 10:
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October was a dementedly busy month for the author, as shown by the excruciating dates of his North American and UK book launch tours (https://www.oliverjeffers.com/begin-again-book-tour):
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One of the events surrounding this launch was held at Belfast's Crescent Arts Centre in partnership with No Alibis Bookstore, on October 24. Best thing? He is dressed exactly like in the NYT article pics.
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My best bet is that dinner took place in Belfast on October 24, Anon Rebelde or at the latest on October 25 (next to 0 chance, given the identical attire, but let's allow some margin of error to our estimate).
As for Jeffers' position on the Israel-Hamas Gaza War (which, may I remind you, started on October 7), I think this is a very clear statement:
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You draw your own conclusions, Anon Rebelde. I am here to try and bring some clarity in a shitstorm, not brainwash you.
Always waiting for your input, which is much appreciated! Hasta luego, hija de la rebeldía!
PS: The timeline game was fucking exhausting. I am not the Securitate, so you won't see me play at that any time soon :)
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azukisoul · 11 months
Translation of HijiGin manga/dj: "We Got Married" by 新飯田 (pixiv) [non-h]
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Domestic married shenanigans. Comedy. Like, comedy. I swear this artist is secretly Sorachi.
CLICK HERE FOR MANGA LINK | Out of courtesy to the artist I'm not reposting their art here, please visit the page, refer to the translation as you read along, and show the artist some love!
I do not mind uncredited text reposts but please DO NOT use my translation to scanlate/edit the manga and post the edits. Keep it text only and link to the source.
Downloadable translation on Google Docs
[page 1] H: Hey. Their first meeting was terrible.
[page 2] Whenever they see each other, they would always fight. But as time passed, they forged a strong bond. Their feelings towards each other started to change, and now, the two of them… …have gotten married. *DING DONG~* Don't think too much about it.
[page 3] (We Got Married)
[page 4] (Morning Routine) Zzz… Krrr…. Zzz… *tick* *Rrrring—* *SMASH* Zzz… zzz….
[page 5] *slides* S: Good morning… H: How many times have I told you!? Stop destroying our alarm clocks! G: Huh!? Like I care! Anyway, you're always so noisy every morning! S: Good morning, Kagura-chan. G: Don't use alarm clocks, then! Wake up on your own!! K: Yeah. Morning. H: Well, thanks to a certain someone's noisy ass snoring I keep not getting enough sleep!! G: What'd'ya say!? My snoring is not that loud! S: Good morning, Sadaharu. Sa: Woof. H: You snore so fucking loud, you know! Also I have sleep apnea! G: Wait, really!? S: Hijikata-san, time's running out. It's almost eight. H: Hey! Don't you have anything I can eat right away!? G: Shuddup! I'm making it right now!
[page 6] *clunk* G: Here.
H: …Hey… What is this… G: Huh? H: I told you before, I… G: What are you saying? Hurry up and eat. H: I told you I only eat rice for breakfast!! G: Huh? I didn't know that. H: Don't we have rice!? G: Stop nagging for rice. I forgot to cook some. G: Come on, just quickly eat that and go. Go eat rice or whatever you want with some girl who fell down from the sky. H: Don't justify this by saying it's fine because Ghi*li characters eat it!!
[page 7] *flip* H: Ah, dammit! There's no time left! *slides* G: Wait! You forgot something, hey!! H: Huh!? *grabs* *SMOOOOOOOOCH* G: Have a safe trip!!! H: See you when I get back!!! *rattles* *slam* S: When'll they stop doing this every morning? K: I know, uh-uh.
[page 8] (Husbands' Quarrel) G: I don't give a shit about you anymore! I'll be going back home!! H: Don't say anything and go then!! It's easier that way!! *SLAM* *SLIDES* G: This is my home though!! H: Oh!! You're right!!
[page 9] (Always Saying This or That) Y: Huff… huff… huff… *whoosh* *whoosh* Y: Huff… huff… huff… G: Are you always doing that? Y: Aaaahh! B-Boss!? Y: Why are you here!? G: I'm just delivering something, that's it. Y: Huh?
[page 10] G: Here. G: That damn Hijikata ran off without it this morning. Seems like it's something important? Y: This is… yeah, it's an important document! Y: But the vice chief is in a meeting right now… G: It's fine. Just pass it to him later. G: Gin-san went all this way to deliver it, so tell him he should be grateful. Y: Ah… Boss, hold on! Y: Wanna come with me for a bit?
[page 11] G: It's sho good!! Sho damn good!! *munch munch munch* Y: We got it as a gift and had leftovers… G: Sho good!!! Y: I'm glad you like it. G: Man, you guys sure have it good. Getting good food and high pay… Y: W-Well… It's really not as good as you think… Y: Our job is just that rough, so… G: Speaking of job, G: he's been coming home late recently, is he busy? Y: Huh? Ah… Vice chief duties have indeed been particularly busy lately. G: Hmmm… I see. *sips*
[page 12] Y: It's kind of… still a little bit hard to believe. G: What is? Y: Your marriage. Y: Never in my dreams had I thought that the vice chief and Yorozuya's boss would be bound together in that way… Y: Ah, but I don't think it's weird or anything! Y: I really sincerely wish you two the best… G: I get what you're trying to say. G: Well, I never thought things would turn out like this, either. Y: But, really. When you told us you were getting married, I was so surprised.
[page 13] H: We have… H: …decided to get married.
[page 14] Y: W-What do you mean!? K: Huh? What? Married…!? O: Are you saying this while understanding what's between both of your legs? H: I know what you're trying to say. H: It's true that we're both men. H: What I'm saying is, I want to be with him so much that stuff like that doesn't matter to me. K: To-Toshi… Are you serious…? H: Yeah. K: You're really getting married? H: Yeah. K: With the Yorozuya? H: Yeah. K: You're fine marrying him!? H: Yeah. K: Yorozuya… you're also fine with this? G: Sure, I'm fine, whatever. K: … *smack!*
[page 15] K: I understand. K: If you're saying this now, I'm sure you've properly given it a lot of thought and consideration. K: We're not in the place to tell you anything. K: Toshi… Be happy. H: Kondou-san…! H: Thank you… H: Thank you…! G: *yawns*
[page 16] Y: … Y: It's been half a year since then, huh… Y: Honestly, Boss, I thought that even though you married him, you don't really care for the vice chief that much, but… Y: That's actually not the case, huh? G: Huh!? G: I don't feel anything for him! I only think of him as my ATM, okay!? Y: Naaah, even if you're always saying this or that, Y: you're always concerned about him and worry about him, right? Y: I thought, I guess you really do love him. G: Lo-…!? G: It's not…
[page 17] G: It's nothing like that at all… H: Hrrrgghackh!? Ha: Vice chieeef!? What happened!? Ha: The vice chief suddenly coughed out blood!! H: Just now… I received signals of Gintoki's love… *faints* K: Toshiiiiiiiiii!!!! G: Sometimes I regret it, though. Y: … K: Pull yourself togetheeeer!!
[page 18] (Wedding Ring) Y: By the way, you two don't wear wedding rings? H: I bought a pair, but my job is like this, so. H: Better if I don't wear it. It'd be bad if I lose it. G: I-I also… put away mine… uh-uh… G: Somewhere. H: Hey, did you lose your ring!? H: No wait, it's you we're talking about. You pawned it off, didn't you!! G: I’m not that awful of a person, okay!! I can find it if I look!! Probably!!
[page 19] (Demon Wife) M: Alriiiight! I'm treating all of you today, M: so go ahead and order anything you want! ♀1: Ahh, Toshi-san, you haven't been coming here, so I've been missing you! ♀2: Me too! ♀2: Come on, drink up ♡ H: Nah… I'm good… O: Hijikata-san, what's wrong? You're sweating bullets. H: I mean, I should be sweating if I'm at a place like this. H: Even though I'm here because the old man forced me to, H: if he finds out, I'm screwed… O: Yeah… You're right.
[page 20] K: Tosshi is late tonight, uh-uh. S: He's probably busy working again. G: Yeah, probably. *chime* G: Who is it? (A phone Hijikata makes him carry ->) *flip*
[page 21] H: Nothing happened and I was there as a part of work, so I should just act like usual, right… H: I'm home… G: Welcome back! *peeks* *ah!* G: You're home late. H: A-Ah, it's because of work, y'know… G: Hmmm… I see. G: Hijikata-kun, you're tired from work, so… G: Do you want dinner? G: Or a bath? G: Or… G: A bloodshed?
[page 22] *step step step step* H: Heeeeyy!! What's this all of a sudden! Why are you so clearly trying to kill me!? *step step step step* G: It's no use playing dumb!! Okita-kun contacted me earlier…
[page 23] G: …and sent me this picture! *bam* (From: Okita. Subject: Having fun) H: Sougooooooooooo! G: How was it!? How was the alcohol poured by pretty ladies, hm!!? G: It definitely tasted good, huh!? Man, I'm so jealous, you bastard!! H: That's what you're jealous about!? H: The old man forced me to come with him! H: He's my superior, so I had no choice, okay!? G: Well, I guess there's no choice if it's a superior… G: Looking at it again, you clearly looked like you hated it anywa…
[page 24] G: You didn't hate it at aaaaaall!! *GRRAAAHHHH* H: It's not that! It's because I was drunk! H: I wasn't enjoying it at all! G: …Then… G: You should've at least contacted me beforehand!!! *whoop* *rattle* H: Alright, then I'm sorry for not contacting you!! H: My bad!! *clink* *clang*
[page 25] H: Ah!! H: Heey! Help me convince him!! *PUNCH* H: Why is no one in this house on my side!? S: That's not the case at all. *pat* H: Glasses…! S: As long as you keep putting your money into Yorozuya, I'll be on your side. G: Alright. Good job, you two. S: Um, Gin-san… To the point of telling us not to be on his side, isn't that too much… G: It's fine. He should have this much done to him.
[page 26] (Wife-Bragging) G: Here. H: Huh? H: …. G: Come on, hurry up and take it.
[page 27] H: Wait, wait, wait! H: What are you doing here!? G: What'd'ya mean, "what"? I'm making lunch. H: Lunch…? What happened to our usual lunch lady? G: Ah, about that… G: Seems like all the old ladies at the barracks had a cold all at once, so I was asked to make lunch G: by the gorilla. H: If that's the case, you should've told me that this morning… ♂: Boss! ♂1: The lunch was absolutely delicious! ♂2: Thanks for the meal! G: Sure. H: ….
[page 28] Ha: Yorozuya's boss is amazing, huh. Y: Why suddenly say that? Ha: I mean, not only that he can be said as the strongest when it comes to swordsmanship, Ha: but he's even also good at cooking. Ha: Isn't he perfect? Ha: To add to that… Ha: When you get a good look at him, he's also quite good looking, right? Ha: Although I don't swing that way. Y: I totally get that! Y: Ah, this miso soup is good. *sips* *SLAM*
[page 29] Ha/Y: Vice chieeeeef! *sits* Ha/Y: Shit, here comes the hassle-maker! H: Huh? This tastes different than how he usually makes it. Y: O-Oh, really… Ha/Y: He's trying to brag about how he eats his cooking all the time! H: Usually it goes down the throat easier. H: Today, it's like, thicker, or like, saltier… *CRASH* G: Don't eat it if you're going to complain about it!! Ha/Y: He has a point. Y: V-Vice chief, are you alright? H: No big deal. H: It's always like this, you see. It's his way of showing affection, you see. Ha/Y: He's still saying that.
[page 30] Ha: I guess the vice chief is the one being lead by the nose, huh? Y: He's walking all over the vice chief, huh? Y: Hm!? *hides* Ha: What's wrong? Y: It's the boss. Y: He's coming into the vice chief's room. Y: Is the boss going to yell at him again? Heh heh. H: Gintoki! G: Hey. ….
[page 31] H: ! H: What's wrong? G: …Something we don't usually do… H: Huh? G: Usually, there's Shinpachi and the others, or you'd be away at work, so… G: …I tried doing it. H: I see. H: You're right. Ha/Y: The ending is pretty wholesome, thoooough!!!!!? (end)
[page 32] I released this book in 2015, but I came up with this concept 8 years ago… (I drew it on my drawing blog) The wife who would become Shiroyasha in fights. Hijikata-kun, who in fact wasn't enjoying his time with the girls, but was actually bragging about his wife. H: My wife… H: Then, he's like… Thank you to everyone who has read this book!
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wolfpants · 10 months
Terrible People, a Drarry Fic (Chapter Four: Consequences and Complications)
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Terrible People | Chapter 4/9 | Rated E
Fic by @wolfpants art by @getawayfox 💘
Tags: EWE, minor Harry/Charlie, past Draco/Zacharias, background relationships, romance, romcom, meddling friends, beaches and beach holidays, cruise ships, clubbing, summer holidays (in september), truth or dare, adults playing games designed for teenagers, Harry is in a silly goofy mood, Draco has a dog called Hermes, Healer!Draco, Sports Media Mogul!Harry (but really he just sits around all day buying art from Sotheby's), Drarry in their (late) 30s, pining, FWB, FWB to lovers, smut tags in the work
What happens when Harry and Draco end up on the same Muggle gay cruise? They certainly didn't plan for it to happen (but their friends might have). They're stuck with each other for a week, they might as well make the most of it, right?
Featuring a holiday-long game of Truth or Dare, a very ill-judged FWB proposition, decades-long pining, lots of gin, and a small pair of green swimming trunks.
Harry is hungover.
He rolls out of bed two hours after the ship docks at the port of Palermo, staggering to the bathroom with a sore head and an empty stomach.
Last night, after Draco slunk back down to his suite, Harry had felt a strange mixture of sad and horny. Sad, because Draco hadn’t wanted to stay, and horny, because they spent the time they did have together leaning over the railings, arm-to-arm, gazing at the sunset: Draco’s skin hot against Harry’s, his sunglasses slipping low on the bridge of his nose to reveal the handsome sweep of his dark blond lashes and the first signs of freckles on his pale skin, right beneath his eyes. Whenever he shifted to take a drink from his glass, Harry got a whiff of his citrusy cologne, of the almond-y scent of his suncream: a heady combination that left the little hairs on the back of Harry’s neck prickling to attention.
Amongst other things.
read chapter four: consequences and complications on ao3
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whinlatter · 7 months
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<Art credit: Margaryta Yermolayeva>
Wild card trick or treat: go nuts, friend.
Send an ask with “Trick or treat!” to the writer who reblogged this & you could receive a 3-sentence fic, drabble, headcanon, sneak-peek at a WIP, the last sentence they wrote, a new fic idea, random line from a fic, picture of their notebook, a deleted line they love, an idea for a sequel, something they’re researching, behind-the-scenes info on a published fic, or something else!
an excuse to post hinny deleted scenes??? 👀👀👀
i bit off more than i can chew with this delightful trick or treat challenge but i do have literally mountains of dumb harry/ginny letters that didn't make the cut in beasts so here's some deleted scenes/the two of them doing what they do best (flirting by post, shooting the shit). do i love these lines? not particularly, but i love these two and i couldn't find anywhere for this extremely dumb exchange to go in the fic so sharing it here in honour of halloween will have to do! thank you sm @turanga4!
How’s your week? It’s shit here. Work’s shit, weather’s shit, house is shit. Today I also stood in literal dog shit and I couldn’t even scourgify my shoe because I was in a street full of Muggles so I had to wait until I was in the employee entrance at work to try clean it out. And then when I walked in someone said ‘what’s that smell’, and then someone else started retching and someone else started pointing and going ‘shit is that Harry Potter’. So then I had to try to pretend like it wasn’t me that had shit on my shoe until the room had cleared and I could finally sort it out. And now I’m worried the Prophet is going to run a story about how Harry Potter smells like shit, or start calling me The Boy Who Lived in His Own Filth, or bring those Potter Stinks badges out of retirement and send them into mass production, or something.
Yours (drowning in shit) -
The Boy Who Lived in His Own Filth (catchy),
I’m sorry your week has been so full of shit (literal and figurative). It does seem cosmically cruel that you can save the Wizarding World and still find yourself standing in dog shit. You’d think the universe would give you a pass, or something. Really, no treading in dog shit for the rest of your life seems the least the universe could do for you, given how much trouble you’ve gone to. I’m outraged on your behalf and willing to write to whatever necessary higher power to make this right. 
It’s pretty shit here too. I miss you (yawn, lame, boring). When you inevitably go into hiding from the brutal Prophet expose of your personal hygiene habits you are very welcome to hang out with me up here/hide out in Hagrid’s cabin and help me try to explain to him the proper consistency of custard. 
Yours in shitty solidarity,
Hagrid’s long suffering sous chef
Dear Hagrid’s long suffering sous chef/custard de-lumper in chief,
Thanks for the sympathy. I miss you too, a lot (yawn, lame, boring). Ron’s just asked if I’m writing to you ‘again’ like he doesn’t write to Hermione each time there’s a Y in the day. He just asked what we even talk about. So if he asks I told him we’re working on a big list of his flaws and most embarrassing moments to read out at his thirtieth and/or him and Hermione’s wedding, whichever comes first. Now he’s saying we’re ‘very childish’ and keeps trying to get a look at the parchment to check if I was lying or not. Oh wait no now he’s going up to his room to write Hermione about his very busy exciting day spent reading evidence logs and complaining about the canteen’s stingy pie portions. What a lucky girl.
Keep fighting the good custard fight. 
PS. Thanks for the offer but have to say no to hiding out in Hagrid’s hut. Fang’s poos are huge. I can’t risk it. Can I not crash in your dormitory? The steps up to the girls’ rooms don’t still turn into slides, do they? 
Outrageous and scandalous attempt to wangle your way into my bed, Potter. Of course the steps still turn into slides. What, you thought because there was a war on and the castle got pounded to smithereens the relics of archaic magical paternalism designed to defend young witches’ virtues would somehow cease to function? How naive. Anyway, I for one am grateful for the slides, if they stop you bringing your stinky shit covered shoes into our dormitory.
Tell Ron I'm writing you absolute filth. Like debauched sexual propositions, truly eye-watering stuff. That said, if you think for a second I’m not going to back my dear brother in his campaign for generous pie portions then you’re out of your mind. Despite the sneering of critics (you), we Weasleys believe in the importance of hearty pie helpings, almost as much as we believe in the importance of perfect custard viscosity.
PS. You're literally not going to believe this - wrote this letter at Hagrid’s, was heading out and sealing it up to send and I literally stepped in one of Fang's enormous shits. What are the chances???
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picochu007 · 3 months
Your Turn to Crossover
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So... I wrote a multi-fandom crossover death game fic, as any normal person definitely would.
Currently, the first 1.5 Chapters have been posted, which add up to over 100k words! Currently working on rereading Chapter 2 to fix some grammatical issues I learned about far too late, so I can then finally start posting 2-2 😩
Now, you may be wondering, "Why should I read this fic, random stranger with no online following?", and have I got a speech prepared for you!
Are you a fan of Your Turn to Die, Ducktales, Skylanders, The Quarry, Total Drama, Undertale, Danganronpa, The Clone Wars, Cookie Run or Until Dawn? If so, this is the fic for you!
If not? This is STILL the fic for you, because it can be read entirely fandom-blind to any and all fandoms!
At points, you even get to make choices that affect who lives and who dies! There are even 2 endings, already available to read!
AND some of these characters get whole Extra Chapters dedicated just to fleshing them out!
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Look at all these characters. Don't you just want to see them go through a torturous experience and maybe barely survive? :)
Now, in case this wonderful art hasn't quite convinced you yet, here is a list of characters that have appeared and served major roles so far! Maybe you'll find one of your favorites in there ;)
Ducktales (2017): Fenton
Skylanders: Smolderdash
The Quarry: Ryan, Dylan
Total Drama: Lindsay, Heather
Your Turn to Die: Gin, Mai, Kurumada
Undertale: Grillby, Sans
Danganronpa: Mikan
The Clone Wars: Fox
Cookie Run: Cocoa, Mint Choco
Until Dawn: Ashley
Sidenote: Heather, Kurumada and Ashley are all very morally corrupt in this fic.
Now if I STILL haven't convinced you, here is an excerpt so you can see the brilliance of my writing truly shine:
“The ice dog statue!” Cocoa gasped. “…What?” Grillby asked. “We melted the ice dog statue on the Second Floor Landing with the warm water from the mug you gave me! We were really confused when nothing happened, but that must have been why the water in the pool melted!” Cocoa explained. “…Huh. I suppose that means I have not yet gone insane.” Grillby nodded as Cocoa went over to peer into the barren pool. Y-Yet…?!
So, um, I'm super cool and you should read my awesome fic! (No pressure, though!)
Just stop at the end of Chapter 1 for now. I'm not finished fixing Chapter 2 yet.
(Faking it till you're making it is way harder than it looks. Phew! No idea if this is even how you promote fics on Tumblr, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't rush into it headfirst!)
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I can't include any pics of Kurumada or Ashley because they only appear in Chapter 2, where a bunch of these guys are already dead 😭
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tumberkin · 4 months
are requests for kin ships allowed? if so could i request a stimboard of dr. n. gin & dr. n. tropy from crash bandicoot with silly cats?? thank u!!! ^_^
(also if its not too much could u not source the images from crash 4 pls? that game makes me uncomfy. the designs have like a plastic-y look to them if that helps narrow it down hehe /nf ofc)
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Dr n & Dr gin Stimboard w/ Silly cats!
I hope you enjoy!
ofc art credits below :3
@/king-magppi for the dr gin!
@/space0crusade for dr n!
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Chapter 18 - Sisters
Warnings: bit of angst, a couple curse words
Summary: Ginny and Y/N talk through the recent events at the Burrow
Start Here:
George's POV
Unable to keep still for very long, George had spent the past hour in his bedroom stuck in an endless loop of sitting, standing, pacing. Every few minutes he looked out the window for any sign of Y/N and Ginny, all the while dithering over whether or not he should try to go find his girlfriend.
He was sitting on the edge of his bed when he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. Jumping up, he ran to it, swinging it open. His heart sank when he saw it was Molly.
"Oh, it's you," he muttered. "What do you want?"
"I want to talk. Can we talk?"
George sighed, slumping back down on his bed. "Sure. Why not?"
'Things can't get much worse than they already are.'
"Of course you belong here."
Y/N jumped, spinning around at the sound of Ginny's voice. "You and George belong together," she said, walking to stand beside Y/N. "Everyone knows that. Even Mum. She just has her head up her ass right now."
Y/N blinked, unmoving, staring at Ginny. Then she burst out laughing.
The Weasley girl tilted her head, giving Y/N a quizzical look.
"I'm sorry, Ginny." Y/N said. "You just took me by surprise. Of all things you could've said about your mom, that was the last thing I ever expected."
Ginny shrugged. "Well, it's true and I'm pissed at her for it."
Y/N's smile faded as the heaviness in the pit of her chest returned. It was bad enough that George and Molly were at odds over her. But, driving a rift between her and another of her children was unforgivable.
"Please don't be angry with her." Y/N pleaded. "She's just doing what she thinks is best."
"So are Death Eaters, but that doesn't make their actions right."
Y/N's mouth fell open. "Ginny! Are you comparing your mom to a Death Eater?"
"No, no, not at all." Ginny clarified. "I'm just saying that sometimes we think we're doing something good when we're really doing the opposite."
Y/N gave a thoughtful nod. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," she replied, her thoughts drifting back to her first day at Ilvermorny, remembering the words of Professor Greene, her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
'Good intentions do not always make for good magic. There can be a great deal of difference between what someone intends to do and what they actually do. If one is not mindful, well-intended magic can lead to devastating consequences just as easily as ill-intended magic.'
Y/N almost laughed out loud again. 'Damn, I'm such an idiot.'
Blaming herself for George and Molly's falling out, Y/N had felt responsible for fixing everything. In her distress over the situation, she'd never once stopped to think of the implications of her actions.
Ginny's voice cut through her ruminations. "Hey, Y/N? You ok? Y/N?" She waved her hand in front of Y/N's face.
"What? Yeah, yeah. Sorry. My mind wandered off for a moment." Y/N shook herself, then smiled, seeing the worry on her friend's face. "Promise."
Ginny narrowed her eyes, but didn't press the matter. Instead, she held up a small stone. "Will you teach me how to make rocks hop across the water?"
Ginny's POV
They skipped rocks for a while, chatting about random things, before Ginny returned to more important business. Under normal circumstances, Ginny had no problem speaking her mind. However, this was a delicate situation. It wasn't just Y/N feeling unwelcome at the Burrow, it was that Mrs. Weasley prided herself on making it a home to everyone who stepped across the threshold.
Until now.
Taking in a slow, steady breath, Ginny began. "I'm really sorry about mum," she apologized, watching her stone skip across the water. "I had no idea she was going to be like this."
"I don't blame you, Gin. There's no way you could've known."
Ginny threw another stone. "I know. It's just-- I don't understand how she can be so blind. You’re a Weasley, Y/N. Maybe not in name." Yet. "But, you're one of us."
"You're sweet to say so." Y/N skipped a rock, trying to hide the crack in her voice.
"And you're my sister." Ginny continued. "George isn't the only one refusing to give you up without a fight."
A noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob escaped Y/N's lips.
Ginny dropped her stone and moved to place a gentle hand on Y/N's arm. "I--I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"
"No." Y/N gave her a watery smile. "You said everything right. I just never expected to gain a family out of this little excursion across the pond."
"So, does that mean you're not leaving, err--coming back after graduation?"
"Absolutely. I'm not giving George or my new sister up either."
"Oh, good." Ginny smiled wide, relief flooding her as she engulfed Y/N in a hug. "After this morning, I thought I might have to appeal to your sense of mercy."
"George would never, ever get over you," Ginny explained, pulling away. "And I'd have to spend the rest of my life with him moping around, pining after you. A fate worse than death."
Molly's POV
Molly watched out the window as George sprinted out to embrace Y/N as she and Ginny returned. The younger twin had always been the gentlest and most sensitive of her children. He was the one she worried about the most, even with Fred looking out for him.
The Weasley matriarch sighed, stepping back from the window. She had well and truly lost this battle. George would not budge an inch and she had a strong suspicion that Ginny would stand firm, as well. The only thing left was to actually talk to Y/N. Something Arthur had pushed her to do from the beginning.
Rolling her eyes, Molly could almost hear her husband saying, "I told you so."
Next Chapter:
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soranihimawari · 1 year
Winters breath
A Kita Shinsuke x reader drabble
Word count: 600+?
Pairing: kitaaaaa! x reader
Warnings: fluff confession
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You were a vision, according to your old friend, Kita Shinsuke. You were visiting home for a much needed vacation from coordinating all the intramural matches for the local schools ranging from middle school to high school and even some colleges. The deadline was approaching and lo and behold you bosses had tasked you with at the very least coordinating the opening season match of your shared alma mater before your vacation truly began. Regardless of talking your friend’s ear off in the car trip back to the house you grew up in, Kita softly laughs at the way your brows furrow and relax when you’re overly exchanging how dreadful Mo-kun is as the ‘office snitch.’
“…I almost slapped him for asking me out. Again,” you sighed. “I’m sorry I rambled on for too long, huh.”
“It’s ok,” he says with a sweet smile. “I’m just glad you stopped by to say hi. You’re a very busy person, y/n.”
You both were seated on the front porch of his farmhouse which had been the main scene for a few teenage shenanigans while still in high school. A medium sized coffee table complete the furnishings for said patio; cups of cold tea remain on their saucers now. One of the many shenanigans happened shortly after the spring carnival where your class had a silent auction for a ‘date night.’
Apparently the rumor around the student body the was how a first year Suna or was it second year Aran mentioned how they didn’t want to ask any member of the student body until they kissed their first love. The moment either Miya twin heard of this, they consistently tried to get you alone with their friends. Considering you were in a few classes along with Aran and an art elective with Suna, the volleyball team seemed to have their eyes suspiciously on you. Well, more like in the sense that whenever your name is brought up, Kita had to quell his teammates’ annoyance at the twins’ teasing. Granted, Kita, bless him, was a little peeved at the time. The only one who knew of their diligent admiration from afar was perhaps Gin. Gin who saw how flustered Kita became whenever you had swung by during morning practice with sweet cream sandwiches amongst other snacks. Or when you stopped to deliver some calculus handouts to both Aran and Kita right before midterms in your third year caused a bit of a ruckus since Aran noticed how Kita’s eyes lingered on you speaking with a member of the management team that brisk fall afternoon.
However, presently, the thought of you with someone else made Kita blurt out a rushed, “go on a date with me.”
You were busy glancing at the blossoming hibiscus tree whose branches swayed in the wind; you had heard what your dear friend said, but you decide to play coy instead. You curl a fist under your chin and tilt your head to the side to have a better look at his features. You see his stern expression grow softer the more you stare at him.
“Ehh?” Your voice is a mix of both surprise and confusion.
He’s leaning back in his chair shyly covering his flushed cheekbones, an amused expression reflects through his bronzed eyes. For a second there, you think you see the sparks of the fabled western idea of fireworks, he must have felt it too. You feel your own cheeks flush with embarrassment because even you can fall victim of the revered, “Captain Kita stare.” Though you are feeling a bit bold and initially had aimed to tease the company you keep, you glance back at your dear friend who for whatever reason made you feel a bit unsteady.
“Oh don’t look at me like that Kita Shinsuke.”
Kita shrugs. “Like what?”
Golden brown eyes reflect a warmth and strength you didn’t know existed; supposing his dating history, given taking care of the fields to the east of the house, would be small, it seems to you that his tactful nature when talking to you had fallen a bit… well, flat. Then again, you wonder to yourself, when was the last time he had even thought to date anyone? Let alone bring anyone to bed? From what your text chain conversation with Aran, Suna, the twins, and sometimes Gin pokes in every once in a while, Kita never really brought any significant other around. Yet, if any of them mention you, according ‘Samu, Kita would literally spend hours bugging them about more details about your life post college graduation (are you ok? taking care of yourself in the ‘big city’? pack you extra onigiri which kita not so anonymously pays for, etc).
Your curiosity has led you here. Back to the farm of your youth with the man determined to love you the best way he knew how. Who cares if he had been waiting a little over a decade for the right time, sans your friend circle who could’ve interrupted you two at any point. It’s such a quiet, earnest request from you to him. Bleach locks with ebony tips blow gently in the wind as you notice he will not budge from staring so sweetly back at you.
You needed to break eye contact for a moment, so you glance down at his boots compared to your business kitten heels: you jump to the logical solution, you’re determined to test the waters of whatever may come from this, so you chose to speak your mind when you bring your eyes to look at him like you haven’t noticed his matured features before:
“Like you’ve been in love with me forever and now you’re coming to terms with—?!”
Kita silences your rambling fear in such an austere way: his lips align with yours in the most subtle of moves. Perhaps if you’d have been more careful, you’d notice he was staring at your lips the entire time you were speaking. He holds your hand when he breaks this quiet confession, a bold smirk on his boyish face.
You’re too stunned to speak by this development; your cheeks are flushed with a fever you can’t sweat out as you try to suppress your beaming grin with your free hand. The other is currently being held (and kept warm) by the man across from you. You feel him exhale over your brow before pecking you there. He chuckles a bit when you lean back a bit in your chair.
“So, about that date…?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You lean forward and as he turns his face, you kiss his lips again. Here is where you both feel your heart stutter for you feel yourselves topple over in compassionate way. Though you break this kiss first, you smirk at him. Kita shakes his head slightly as he says your name so deftly you almost miss it. You’re too enamored by the sudden electricity passed from you to him; it’s in the reflection of his eyes when you realize perhaps Kita one day will truly answer your question.
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