#ginny x luna x harry
artbymaranne · 9 months
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Here's an updated /slightly more realistic version of my Ginny because I am suffering from an art block and this is the only thing that turned out okayy
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naw-sya · 4 months
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Saint Valentine's Luna 💖💘💓 (The last one is a concept I made one (or two??) years ago с':
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lilbeanz · 1 year
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Love is love is love 🫶
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carav4l · 10 months
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dim light
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Summary: After the first Quidditch match of the year, Y/N founds herself in the wrong side of the bar at the club she works at. And she’s not specially happy about it. However, Theo Nott is even more pissed, and he has all the rights to be.
Warnings: violence (not developed, but a fight does take place), swearing.
Before you read: this piece is set in a CollegeAU! English is not my first language, so please take that into consideration and be nice. Also, the whole piece is written in third POV because it’s the one I’m more comfortable with. Reader’s house isn’t specified, but definitely isn’t Slytherin or Gryffindor for the plot’s sake.
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Y/N had to cover for one of her colleagues that night, Aubrey, who was feeling unwell after accidentally tasting some unfinished potion they had been working on that morning’s class. So, much to her regret, Y/N had to experience the post-season party from behind the bar at the Witch’s Hour Nightclub. Y/N wasn't the biggest fan of Quidditch by any means, but she did love everything that came with it at the castle: the colorful stands, skipping classes to watch the other’s houses games, the tension during the match, and above all, the celebrations that followed.
"Can I have two strawberry daiquiris, please?"
Ginny Weasley's words were met with a nod from Y/N, who smiled hoping to conceal her frustration. As she prepared the drinks, she glimpsed her group of friends amidst the dance floor frenzy. Just about ten minutes ago, they had all been keeping her company, sympathizing with her bad luck until Y/N urged them to enjoy the night on her behalf, and they had moved towards the dance floor to never come back. With all honesty, Y/N didn’t blame them for doing so.
Once the daiquiris were ready, Y/N placed them in front of the redhead without a word, her forced smile still in place. After paying for her order, the Gryffindor left the bar to join Luna Lovegood on the other side of the room.
Y/N barely had time to stash the money in the cash register before another group of girls shouted their order at her, noticeably less politely than Ginny. Y/N found herself close, very close, to spitting on the three Sex on the Beach cocktails in front of her. She couldn't stand how people could seem to lose their manners with the slightest bit of alcohol in their system. It didn't take her long to realize that, when it came to those girls, the unjustified attitude was because it had been Y/N who had taken their order, not the curly-haired guy going back and forth behind her.
Theodore Nott seemed considerably more annoyed about working that night than Y/N. And rightfully so, given his position as chaser on the Slytherin team, which had also happened to lose the game that day. Well, if Y/N was in a bad mood, Theo seemed ready to hex anyone who entered his line of sight at any moment.
Y/N took the wad of bills the group left, or rather slammed on the counter, and turned to head back to the register. This time however, she ended up colliding with something herself, most specifically her coworker's chest. The boy’s hands shot to her waist to prevent her from falling, and Y/N felt the exposed skin between her black crop top and low-rise sequin miniskirt burn. She unconsciously grabbed onto Theo's forearm, her chest constricted by the sudden scare.
"Hey angel, seems like you really tripped over me there," he said with a grin once Y/N steadied herself, not even making an attempt to let her go. In fact, she felt like he was tracing circles on her hip with his thumb. Y/N became acutely aware of the places where Theo's skin touched hers. "You good?"
She lifted her gaze to his watercolor eyes and cursed herself for the effect they, and the boy himself, seemed to have on her. It was utterly stupid, as everyone knew that Theodore Nott wasn't available and didn't seem like he would ever be. The boy seemed way above any one-night stand or anything as trivial as college relationships. Y/N believed she could count on one hand all the girls she knew he had been involved with. In some way, she respected him for that.
"Yeah, sorry," she apologized with flushed cheeks, silently grateful for the dim lighting of the venue. "It's just that tonight's been a mess and I'm a bit distracted."
Her words got lost in the music resonating through the speakers. Theo put a finger to his ear to signal that he hadn't heard anything, then buried his hand in Y/N's hair and gently brought their faces closer. Y/N repeated her response, earning a nod and a guttural sound of agreement.
"Tell me about it," Theo sighed then, pulling his face back just enough for their eyes to lock. They were so close that their noses almost brushed.
"I still don't quite get why you're working tonight, to be honest. I thought there was an unwritten rule that said Quidditch players didn't have to work on match days."
"Well, let's just say dear boss couldn’t seem to care less about that rule," the guy said, giving a sidelong glance at Philippa Harvey, a rather ill-tempered Ravenclaw who happened to be the club's manager. She was on the good side of the bar, dancing suggestively with a guy Y/N couldn't quite place. "Let's say she made me an indecent proposal, and I turned her down. And voilà, here I am."
A pang of something close to jealousy reluctantly settled in Y/N's stomach. It's not like she had any right to feel that way, anyway. She opened her mouth to express how sorry she felt for him, both for Slytherin's defeat and the fact that Philippa had finished screwing the night for him, but the sound of someone banging on the counter forcefully stole her opportunity.
"Hey, you two! Less groping and more pouring drinks."
It was a Gryffindor from the Quidditch team, tall and big, with a rather ordinary face. Y/N assumed that's why she couldn't remember his name. In any case, he seemed pretty drunk to her.
After trailing her cheek with his thumb one last time, Theo let go of her and with the distasteful expression he had worn all night back in place, told Y/N that he would handle it. She sighed and resumed the task of putting away the money in the cash register. Once done, she walked over to where Theo was serving the Gryffindor big guy to attend another one who had just arrived at the bar.
As she was about to start making a gin and tonic for him, a shot glass was placed right in front of her. Y/N raised an eyebrow at Theo, and he just shrugged in response. "It's going to be a long night," he seemed to convey with the gesture. "We might as well make it as enjoyable as possible." She agreed, so she took the shot and brought it to her lips without hesitation. Theo did the same with his own shot, never taking his eyes off her, and Y/N wasn't sure if the rush of heat that swept through her body was due to the alcohol or his gaze.
"Have another one on me, Nott," the Gryffindor guy interrupted them again, placing another pair of bills on top of those already on the counter. "And another for your gorgeous coworker. It sucks that you have to be the one serving drinks after how we beat the shit out of you guys this afternoon, don't you think?"
Theo clenched his fist around the glass, his knuckles turning white. Lips pressed into a stern line, he continued preparing the jerk's drink without looking up from his task. Y/N continued hers, not taking her eyes off the scene unfolding by her side.
"I also think it sucks that such a pretty girl like you has to be on that side of the bar," the Gryffindor guy persisted, unabated. Y/N looked at him out of the corner of her eye, still working, grabbing a bottle of gin from under the bar and pouring it into the glass in front of her. "When you get a break, you could look me up. We Gryffindors know how to show a girl a good time."
Disgusted, Y/N opened her mouth to tell him that she'd rather get eaten by a basilisk than to let him lay a finger on her, but someone beat her to it.
"Don't you even think about talking to her," snapped Theo, slamming the drink down in front of the Gryffindor with such force that Y/N thought the glass might shatter. "In fact, don't ever look at her again."
Y/N was taken aback by such words. She glanced at Theo with a racing heart, but he didn't return the look because his gaze was fixed on the idiot. The latter laughed brazenly.
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
Y/N saw a glint of anger in Theo's watercolor eyes, so she hurried to slip under the boy's arm resting on the counter and interpose herself between him and the Gryffindor. For a moment, Theo ignored her and continued to glare at the rival idiot. With a slightly trembling hand, Y/N grabbed his face by the jaw and forced their gazes to meet. If he had taken her that intimately before, he shouldn't mind her doing the same, right?
"Theo," she called him. He however, not willing to give in attempted to turn his face again. "Theo, just leave it. It's not worth it."
Y/N felt Theo's grip on his jaw tighten even more, but he nodded imperceptibly anyway.
"Yeah, Nott, listen to your little whore."
In the blink of an eye, Theo had jumped over the counter and landed a solid left hook on the round-faced Gryffindor. Y/N gasped in surprise at the sight. The Slytherin boy wasn't particularly known for getting into fights, not even when they happened during a match and the rest of his team and some of his friends were involved. That was more typical of Mattheo Riddle, or Lorenzo Berkshire. By Merlin, even Malfoy could be more prone to fights than Theo.
But there he was, straddling a guy who was a head taller and twice his size, punching him repeatedly in the face. Y/N figured the only reason Theo barely had gotten a scratch on his cheek was that, as she had suspected earlier, the Gryffindor was quite drunk. For a moment, Y/N just stood there, doing nothing but watching the spectacle unfold before her eyes, as if in a trance that prevented her from looking away. It didn't last too long luckily, and once she managed to move, she went straight to the dance floor, heading for the area where she thought she had spotted Theo's group of friends over an hour ago.
If it hadn't been for Draco Malfoy's bleached blond hair, Y/N didn't think she would have found them in the mass of dancing bodies. Pushing any insecurities the group might make her feel deep down, Y/N grabbed the wrist of the person who was closest to her and shook them hard enough to get their attention. Mattheo Riddle's dark eyes met hers shortly after, giving her an unfriendly once-over from head to toe. The guy didn't even bother to speak, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Hmm... I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she introduced herself awkwardly, trying not to dwell on it for too long. "I work here with Theo. This is actually about him. He's fighting with a Gryffindor idiot, and I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but the guy is like twice his size, and I can't separate them."
Surprise transformed Mattheo's face, which only confirmed the belief that Theo and fighting didn't usually appear in the same sentence. He turned to his friends to convey the message, and they all hurriedly followed Y/N to the bar where Theo was still straddling the Gryffindor, as if Y/N had never left. In less than a second, Mattheo and Blaise had each of Theo's arms and were leading him out of the club, followed by Lorenzo, Draco, and Pansy.
Once again, Y/N stood still, not quite sure how to proceed. One thing was clear though: she definitely didn't want to be near the idiot once he woke up, or when his friends showed up and looked for someone to blame. Y/N approached the bar again to inform her only other coworker, a girl from her house with whom she maintained a friendly relationship of greetings and pleasant smiles in the corridors, that she was going to make sure Theo was okay. The girl nodded, and without further ado, Y/N headed for the back exit of the Witch's Hour, reserved only for staff and, on this occasion, Theo's friends.
Outside in the dimly lit alley, she found the curly-haired boy sitting on an old wooden crate, with Pansy Parkinson crouched in front of him at a distance that, for some reason she couldn’t wrap around her finger, seemed too short to Y/N. Pansy seemed to be giving him a quiet scolding even though there was no one else there but the two of them and their other four friends, standing prudently apart. Theo had his gaze fixed on the ground, and although Y/N couldn't see his eyes because of his bangs, she noticed that his jaw was clenched once again.
Y/N approached cautiously the rest of the group. The smell of tobacco from Mattheo and Lorenzo's cigarettes wafted into her nose, causing her to wrinkle her nose in distaste. Blaise was the first to notice her presence.
"You didn't need to come out," he spoke in a calm tone, giving her a friendly smile. Y/N shrugged and returned the smile timidly.
"Blaise’s right," Lorenzo chimed in between drags of his cigarette. The contrast between his boyish face and the action itself shocked Y/N. "Pansy knows how to handle him."
Y/N made an affirmative sound before giving a proper response. Why had she come out, anyway? The answer briefly crossed her mind, but she couldn't even process it correctly, let alone speak it out loud. She decided to go for the most obvious excuse.
"I just wanted to make sure he's okay. After all, this happened because..."
"I don’t fucking care, Theodore!" Pansy's shout cut her off mid-sentence. The five turned their heads toward them. Pansy had stood up and was pointing an accusing finger at Theo. "You're supposed to be the smart one in the group. You shouldn't stoop to this crap."
"Ouch," Mattheo whimpered, taking a drag from his cigarette.
"Don't play the victim, Riddle," Draco said, leaning against the alley wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "She hasn't said anything that isn't true."
"It's still pretty uncalled for on her part."
The conversation died there, unlike the ongoing one between Pansy and Theo. Y/N decided to wait until Theo's friends went back inside the club to talk to him alone about what had happened. She didn't feel up to doing it with all those strangers watching her from the other side of the alley, and there was no need to create such a scene.
The night was strangely cool for the time of year they were in, and considering how lightly she was dressed, Y/N began to shiver slightly. Thanks to Merlin, only a couple more minutes passed before Pansy concluded her scolding and headed back to the club. Y/N couldn't quite grasp the look she shot her as she walked by. It wasn't a look of complete disdain, at least not entirely, but it lacked the warm smile Blaise had given her earlier.
"Ignore her," Blaise reassured, that same smile still on his face. Shifting his attention back to Y/N, he noticed her shivering and promptly took off his green and black Quidditch team bomber jacket to offer it to her. "Here, take it. Give it back to Theo, and he'll return it to me."
Y/N barely had any time to refuse, but was grateful that Blaise didn't give her the chance to as she truly could use some warmth. She slid her arms into the sleeves of the jacket, which was considerably larger than her, and involuntarily breathed in its scent: expensive cologne with hints of mint and chocolate. Y/N couldn't help but find it somewhat addictive.
Once alone in the alley, Y/N walked over to where Theo was still seated, head down and hands tangled in his hair.
"Hey," she managed to say.
After a significantly long sigh, Theo raised his gaze to meet hers. With a tired smile, he greeted her in a hushed voice.
"Are you okay?"
"Mhhm," Theo barely made a sound in response, unsure of what else to say.
There was an air of something new between them, and neither was quite sure how to proceed. Y/N raised her hand with the intention of cupping his face to see for herself if what the boy had said was true, but her hand stopped midway. She attempted to disguise the motion by placing her hand on her chest.
"Thanks for standing up for me," Y/N finally said, feeling her cheeks grow warm.
"Anytime," Theo murmured, his voice slightly huskier than usual. In a sudden surge of courage he took Y/N's hand in his and tugged it gently, bringing her closer to him. He played with her fingers as he spoke again. "I wish you hadn't had to see that, though."
"Let's just say you could have settled for threatening him or something," she excused him, downplaying it with a giggle that made the boy smile. "But I'm still grateful you did it."
Silence once again settled between them, but this time it felt more comforting in a way. For a few moments, they simply locked eyes, trying to find in each other's eyes all that they were feeling themselves. Y/N was genuinely surprised to find herself in this situation with none other than Theodore Nott. There had always been a sort of mutual understanding between them, a silent complicity they didn't share with any of their clubmates. But Y/N had always assumed it was a simple friendship, that Theo considered her a part of the short list of people he tolerated, and that was it.
However, under the dim light of the moon that night, it felt like much more to her.
"I think we should go back inside," Y/N said in a hushed voice, fearing that if she raised her tone too much, the magical moment would come to an end.
"We should, yeah," Theo agreed, but despite his words, made no attempt to go back inside. If anything, he pulled Y/N's hand a bit more until she was practically between his legs.
With his free hand, Theo cautiously cradled her face, as if unsure if she would pull away. On the contrary, Y/N tilted her head letting it rest in his hand, unable to believe that all these displays of affection were coming from him.
"Can I ask you something?" Theo's voice caught her slightly off guard, but she nodded all the same.
"Never wear Zabini's jacket again," his words caught her with a bit of surprise, and her cheeks turned an even rosier shade.
"Why? Are you going to lend me yours or something?" she joked, pushing a couple of strands of hair from Theo's face, using the excuse to touch him again.
Theo's gaze darkened a bit, and for a moment, Y/N cursed herself for choosing those words. Maybe they weren't at that point yet, right? Perhaps they hadn't reached the teasing phase, and her comment might had made Theo close up. It wouldn't surprise her coming from him.
Y/N didn't dare breathe again until Theo spoke, eyes filled with certainty.
"Consider it done."
Her heart raced, and seeing the smile that transformed her face into one of unexpected joy, his did too.
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why does molly weasley kinda give me homophobic vibes
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wizarding-world-povs · 2 months
You ignore 90% of The Cursed Child because what the bloody hell was that about.
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cleake · 2 years
HP Characters Reacting To You Drawing Them
Warning: I didn't read the books, these are my headcanons and personal ideas for the characters. It's just for fun. :)
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-"Oh! Brilliant! Yeah, sure." -He is a bit shy, but flattered, very flattered -He sits in front of you, with a nervous smile, sometimes adjusting his glasses or hair -You assure him that he looks great and he relaxes a bit, sitting more comfortably -While you work he asks from time to time some questions about your drawing journey and listens closely to your answers -He thinks about how you're going to draw his scar, are you going to make it a key thing, or represent him in another way? -When you finish and show him your work he's astonished by your talent -"Wow! This is really good! I can keep it? Oh! Thanks!"
-"You want to draw me? I don't think I'm that special." -He's a bit hesitant at first, he feels like he doesn't deserve attention, since he is not "The Chosen One" -But you make him believe otherwise -When sat down Ron is stiff, looking away from you, smiling nervously -You tell him that he looks great and he smiles a bit more confident -He suggests ideas on how you can present him, and he comes up with some sick propositions -Once you're finished he's so happy that he has something made by someone only for him -"Bloody hell, it's fantastic! You need to show your skill more often."
-"Draw me? Well if it makes you happy." -She pretends that it's nothing, she may look annoyed, but inside she cares -She fixes her hair or clothes when you aren't looking -She sits properly, legs together, hands on her lap, head slightly tilted, and a soft smile on her lips -She is mostly silent but asks you questions about what you are doing at a certain moment, she's curious -She's patient, giving you time to make your art perfect, she knows how hard it can be -She's very supportive when she sees your finished work -"This is lovely!"
-"Oh yeah? So my beauty captured you this much?" -He's so happy about it but can help not to tease you -"Are you interested in a more intimate portrait?" -He sits in a confident way, taking a lot of space -He gives you ideas for the drawing, like how he could look good on a broom, or fighting You-Know-Who -After he's done with his jokes he lets you work in silence, just sometimes giggling to himself because of your focused expression -When you sometimes look up at him, he sends you a quick wink -He's very happy when you finish the drawing, he'll show it to his friends -"Thank you, dear, we can repeat this if you want."
-"You got the right twin? Because I am not sharing this position." -He's more mature about this than his twin, but he has it in his nature to make some not-in-place comments -He gives you control, you decide how he sits or holds his hands -He's intrigued by how you work, but stays silent, just looking at you -He hums quietly, gently moving his head, when you tell him to stop moving he winks at you with a smirk, but completes your order -He's moved when he sees your done work, he feels appreciated for him -"Thank you, it's beautiful."
-"That's nice of you." -She doesn't ask a lot of questions, just lets you do your work -She's happy to pose for you, it makes her feel seen -She smiles when you accidentally make a silly face but doesn't point it out -When you're finished she takes a while to admire your work -"It's amazing, thank you."
-"I would love to, sitting can be fun too." -She's very calm, listens to your instructions, and is very patient -She asks you how you got to draw, or what inspires you to create, she's nice to have conversations with -She has her glasses on her nose, sitting with her knees to her chest -When you're finished she's very happy -"Oh, it's magnificent. I am so happy to keep it."
-"Me? Are you sure?" -He's very self-conscious, and thinks you're doing it out of pity, but you assure him it's not like that -He's very nervous, he doesn't know what to do with his hands, you have to guide him a little bit -He thinks he looks bad at every angle, but you tell him that everything is perfect and that makes him feel a bit more confident -He is so grateful for this art piece, he keeps it close to him at all times -"Wow, that is so pretty, thank you Y/N."
-"Why? For what?" -He doesn't feel comfortable with this and is suspicious you have bad intentions -But his pride wins over him and he lets you draw him -He sits proudly with a serious look on his face -He says nothing, just watches you, expecting your work will be not as high as his expectations -But he's shocked when he sees your done work -He keeps it in his room, away from others -"Well that's not as bad as I thought it will be."
-"I can agree to that." -He sees this as an opportunity to capture his image for future -He wears his best suit, rings on his fingers, and in his hand a dark book -He sits with his head high, one leg on the other, leaning on the armchair -He doesn't talk but nods his head in approval when you stop drawing for a moment -He's very satisfied with the result and keeps the drawing well hidden -"That is good, thank you for your time."
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beerose12 · 4 months
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harry potter as memes part 1 feat.
1. ron having the emotional range of a teaspoon
2. neville being accident prone
3. hermione being done with all this fucking bullshit
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lilithslittleworld · 22 days
Doing it with the Harry Potter characters is like (headcanons):
Hermione Granger: mostly submissive, though she 100% sets the pace w Ron. I feel like she's really delicate and loving, a soft kind of seduction. She looks really pretty and sounds even prettier if yk what I mean ;) She most definitely looks up or over at you with doe eyes.
Luna Lovegood: Switch 100%. Like Hermione, she's angelic and so soft, her fingertips are as gentle as the breeze. She isn't too loud but still sounds so lovely. Her dominant side is very encouraging, filled with praise and pretty words towards you.
Ginny Weasley: More dominant than submissive. Ginny seems like the kind of girl that knows what she wants and gets it. Definitely into praising you but would rather see you on your knees begging. Totally into dirty talking.
Harry Potter: total sub, what can I even say? He loves to please you and make you feel good, even if he is a little shy about it. Will listen and follow any request or demand you give. Definitely into being restrained and watching you touch yourself. Whimpers.
Ron Weasley: switch but leans more towards the submissive side. Like Harry, he loves making you feel good but isn't shy about it. (he was at first.) Into roleplay and having sex in risky situations/places. Makes a lot of noise and isn't ashamed about it (he sounds so hot).
Fred Weasley: Dominant with an exception for sometimes being submissive. Fred loves teasing you, watching you squirm in anticipation. Into anything that involves sex in risky places/situations, sensory deprivation, tying you up and making you watch him, etc. Dirty talk throughout every interaction but with a lot of praise. His more submissive side is literally submitting to you fully, like on his knees and up for anything you ask of him.
George Weasley: George is really wholesome and loving during sex. Like his brother, he's after making you feel good but from a softer approach. Loves caressing you, watching you as he makes you feel good, telling you he loves you, and especially loves it when you moan his name.
Draco Malfoy: Draco's a tricky one because he gives off both very dominant and very submissive vibes, depending on context. I say he's a switch but is never a hard dom. He's really caring, though he doesn't show it in public. Loves when you wear different sets of lingerie and when you take the upper hand. Ngl, he probably likes being humiliated a little LOL.
Tom Riddle: very passionate. very. Is more dominant than submissive and likes to be in charge of what and how much you feel. Loves when you beg, when you look up at him, watching you touch yourself but also loves when you watch him too. Into literally almost anything. However, he cares deeply for you and is loving in his own way.
(Marauder's era) Remus Lupin: switch, leaning towards more submissive. Loves pleasuring you and having you tell him what to do. Quiet and shy but in the hottest way. Loves worshipping you and telling you how much he loves you. Soft, caring, sweet and wholesome vibes.
(Marauder's era) Sirius Black: definitely dominant. Similar to Freddie, Sirius loves teasing you, having you beg for him, and watching you squirm under his touch/words. Loves head, both giving and receiving, dirty talking to you (praise mixed with humiliation) and hearing you say his name, especially when you cum.
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drinkingteawithkate · 3 months
Ginny Weasley
The mom that can sing Taylor Swift and TV girl with Lily
The mom that can sing the smiths and def tones with Albus
And the mom that can sing Eminem and Kanye with James
And she knows every single word
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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alwayshinny · 24 days
Hinny - Bridgerton Edition 🪻📜
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naw-sya · 2 years
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Dance With Me ✨💫
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starlingflight · 3 months
A/N: I respected the WIP poll and finished this first, over my own preferences, because this is a democracy.
Read on AO3
The sound of loud, thumping footsteps on the staircase alerted Harry that he was no longer alone in the house. 
His quill paused over the parchment taking up too much of his desk. Paperwork had never been his preferred activity; it had only become an increasing headache since taking leadership of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. A burden he would usually welcome any excuse to get away from, but when that excuse was the unmistakable sound of his teenaged daughter stomping upstairs, it was hard to decide which was the least daunting prospect. 
The now-familiar sound of one of his children's bedroom doors slamming reverberated through the house. Sighing, Harry placed his quill in its ink pot, steeling himself, as he pushed his chair back from his desk and cautiously made his way out into the hallway. 
“Lily?” He called softly, adopting a voice one might typically use when approaching an angry dragon. 
The only response he received was the faint thrum of music emanating from her room above, presumably intended as a plausible excuse for why she did not answer her father's call. 
Harry hesitated, foot on the bottom stair. It was ridiculous, he knew, to approach his daughter with the same caution he usually applied when chasing dark wizards, but she had been impossible to predict of late, having returned from her second year at Hogwarts with a newfound supply of eye rolls and huffy sighs that were completely at odds with the sweet girl he'd always known. 
The music echoed louder through the house as Harry reached the top of the stairs, muffled only slightly by Lily's bedroom door. It was an earsplitting volume that he would more commonly expect from Al. 
Harry knocked firmly on Lily's door, loud enough to be heard over the blasting music. It silenced at once. “Go away!” 
Despite the definitive instruction, his hand poised around the door handle. He couldn't help but smile at the sign affixed to the door in front of him, Lily's name surrounded by carefully drawn flowers and butterflies, the gentle illustrations clashed starkly with her current tone. 
“It's only me,” he said through the door. “I didn't expect you home yet.” 
She'd only left an hour ago, popping her head into his office long enough to inform him she would be spending the afternoon at Violet's house, before disappearing. He'd heard the flash of floo powder being thrown into the fire in the living room, and then the house had been silent. 
“Well, I'm going to be home for the rest of my life!” Came Lily's dramatic pronouncement from the opposite side of the door. 
Harry hesitated only a moment longer. “I'm coming in.” He was already opening the door. 
Lily's room was as he'd envisioned; soft lilac walls, shelves covered in plants rather than books, and a stuffed animal collection that had been unceremoniously shoved under the bed recently whenever her friends were expected, and only brought back out when she could be sure there would be no witnesses. 
What he hadn’t anticipated was to find Lily sprawled across her bed, face buried in her pillow, bright red hair spilling vibrantly over her white bedding. 
Harry crossed the room quickly, perching on the end of her bed. “What's wrong?” 
Lily lifted her head just enough for her voice not to be muffled by her pillow. “I want to be homeschooled.” 
Harry's eyebrows shot up at this pronouncement, another thing he would've more readily expected from Al. “You love Hogwarts.” 
“I did,” Lily corrected. “Before I made a complete fool of myself… Now I can never show my face in public again!” 
Harry's hand fell on her back, rubbing soothing circles like he'd done when she was small and her nightmares had called him into this room in the middle of the night. “What's happened?” 
Lily shook her head, letting it fall back into the pillow. 
“It can't be that bad,” Harry assured her. “Did I ever tell you about the time I fainted on the train?” 
Lily's head whipped around, dislodging Harry's hand from her back as she sat up. “Because there was a Dementor, not because you're the most embarrassing person to ever be born!” 
“You're not the most embarrassing –” 
“Yes, I am!” Lily declared, drawing her knees up to her chest. “Don't tell me I'm not. You have to say that.”
“Alright,” Harry said placatingly. “Will you tell me what happened?” 
Lily looked at him, her brown eyes appraising. “Promise not to laugh at me?” 
The innocent question caused a pang in Harry's heart. “I would never laugh at you.” 
“Lewis Fletcher did,” her tone made it clear this was quite possibly the worst thing that had ever happened to her. Worse than an unexpected Dementor on a train could ever be. 
Harry frowned, mentally reeling through his list of Lily's friends in his mind and coming up empty. “Who's Lewis Fletcher?” 
Before his eyes, Lily turned a magnificent shade of red. Her eyes fell to the bed, where she was picking nervously at a thread on the cover. “He's a fourth year… he's friends with Violet's brother and he's really good at Quidditch.” 
“I see.” He rather wished he didn't. 
“I didn't know he was there until he said hello – I jumped and spilled my pumpkin juice all over him.” 
“Well, that sounds like an accident,” Harry said fairly, suppressing the urge to smile. 
Lily looked up sharply. “You do want to laugh at me!” 
“I don't,” Harry said quickly. “Sorry, I was just thinking of your mum.” 
“You can't tell Mum!” 
The smile Harry had been fighting to repress was quickly battled into submission, not by any of his efforts, but by the look of horror on Lily's face at the suggestion of telling Ginny. 
“You tell Mum everything.” More than she ever told Harry. 
It had been the same since the moment Lily could walk, her first steps had been towards Ginny, and she hadn't stopped following her since. 
It was an actuality Ginny had predicted was about to change only the other day. 
"Did you see the look she gave me?” Ginny asked incredulously, pointing her wand at the pile of dirty dishes on the side and directing them to wash themselves. “All I asked her to do was put her laundry in the basket.” 
Harry looked up from the fruit he’d been chopping in an attempt to entice Al into something slightly more nutritional than the endless supply of chocolate frogs he’d taken to eating in place of actual meals. 
“I’m not asking her to actually do the washing,” Ginny continued before he could say anything. “Although, maybe I should, given the glare I got for washing her purple skirt last week.” Her ensuing impression of Lily was eerily accurate. “‘I need that for Samara’s birthday party! What am I supposed to wear now?’ Oh I don’t know, Lily, what about one of the millions of other outfits I’ve lovingly bought for you?” 
Smiling, Harry sent the sliced strawberries, kiwi and banana to mix themselves in the awaiting bowl on the counter. “I have it on good authority that anyone who’s anyone wore purple to Samara’s birthday party.” 
Ginny’s laughter was accompanied by a raised eyebrow. “Is that what your Auror intelligence is telling you these days?” 
“No, I got this information straight from the source… against my will, while trying very hard not to listen, when I took Lily and Violet to Diagon Alley last week.” 
“Ah, back in the field, are you, Auror Potter?” Ginny winked at him across the kitchen. 
Harry’s sigh shook with barely contained laughter. “My most dangerous mission yet.” 
Ginny’s smile faltered, in the space of a blink, it slid from her face. “I’m losing her.” 
“You’re not–” 
“I am,” Ginny insisted. “She didn’t even ask me what I thought she should wear to that stupid party – she always asks me… that’s it, I’m officially her annoying mother!” 
Harry shook his head. “Don’t you think you might be catastrophising a bit?” 
“No,” Ginny replied at once. “You have no idea how teenaged girls think. I’m not going to get anything but glares and withering looks for the next seven years.” 
“Where are you going?” She was already halfway to the door before Harry managed to ask the question. 
Ginny paused, her hand on the doorframe as though she was in need of support. “To order my mum a very large flower arrangement.”
“Yeah, but I'm not telling her this” Lily exclaimed now, throwing Harry one of Ginny’s predicted withering looks. “She's not going to get it… Look at her!” 
Lily waved an aggravated arm at the wall opposite, where one of Ginny's old Harpies posters had been hung beside a signed picture of Aurora Fontaine – ‘She's a lyrical genius, Dad!’ – and a collection of hand painted botanical drawings that Neville had given her a few years ago, when it was becoming clear Lily had a green thumb.
Right on cue, the poster version of Ginny tossed her hair dramatically over her shoulder, revealing the Harpies badge on her robes, and looking very much like a woman who would never dream of spilling pumpkin juice on anyone. 
Harry decided to ignore the implication that he, apparently, was embarrassing enough to be entrusted with this information. Saving the world just didn't impress teenagers as much as being a professional Quidditch player, a factor he'd foolishly failed to consider when choosing a career path. 
“First of all, I think you’re overblowing this a bit, it’s just some pumpkin juice, Lils–” 
“His t-shirt turned bright orange!” Lily cried despairingly. “Everyone was laughing at me!” 
“No one is going to remember it by the time summer ends,” Harry said, in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. 
Lily did not appear to agree. “I think my best plan is to obliviate them all.” 
“Do you know how to do a memory charm?” 
“No, but I can learn.” 
“So, instead of enjoying your summer, and pretending this minor incident never happened, you’re going to spend it learning how to do a complicated spell, well above your age range, that has a high likelihood of going horribly wrong, and then use it on your friends?” 
“Yes.” If Lily grasped the sarcasm in Harry’s tone, she did an excellent job of not showing it. 
There was a moment of silence in which Lily slumped back over her pillows, and Harry contemplated whether he might need to confiscate her wand; a loud knock sounded on the door before he could reach a decision. 
“Come in – unless it’s James, then go away!” 
“Lily,” Harry said warningly. 
Fortunately, it wasn’t James. Ginny’s head peered around the door; her brow furrowed, taking in the sight of Harry perched on the edge of Lily’s bed, and Lily still draped forlornly across her pillows. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yes,” Lily said quickly, before Harry could answer. “Dad was just leaving.” 
“Was I?” 
“Yeah, don’t you have one of those reports you’re always going on about to finish?” 
Ginny’s eye met Harry's as she sidled into the room, her grin took a great deal of the sting out of Lily’s disdainful tone. 
“Well, I don’t know about Dad’s horrifically boring reports, but I’ve just come from the office, and they’ve given me the lineup for this year’s All Star charity Quidditch match… It’ll be in my column tomorrow but I thought you might want the inside scoop.” 
Lily looked doubtful, but she did sit up another inch on her pillows. “Is there someone good for once? It was embarrassing watching Ludo Bagman try to play last year.”
Ginny's eyes flicked to Harry's even as she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from smiling. Harry looked away quickly, knowing they were both in agreement with Lily's fair assessment of Bagman's performance the year previous. 
Ginny cleared her throat. “Well, I don’t know what her flying skills are like, but they’ve got Aurora Fontaine playing seeker for the celebrity team.” 
Upon hearing this, Lily sat up with such ferocity Harry was almost pushed from the bed by the force of her movement. 
“You're joking!” 
“Would I joke about Aurora Fontaine?” Ginny's eyes met Harry's again, and, as usual, the joke was just between them.  
She looked away as she continued to speak, “...and I might have agreed to come out of retirement for one match and play chaser in exchange for some VIP passes.”
Lily's eyes widened; Harry felt his smile grow along with hers. “For me?” 
“Obviously,” Ginny said through a laugh. “There's a spare one as well, if you know someone who'd be interested?” 
Lily leapt from the bed, pausing only long enough to throw her arms around Ginny in a quick, but delighted, hug, before pulling the door open. 
“Where are you going?” Ginny asked.
“To tell Violet!” 
“Hang on,” Harry called after her. “I thought you weren’t ever leaving your room again?” 
Lily was already halfway out of the door; she threw him an exasperated look over her shoulder. “Dad, this is important.” 
With that, she turned and fled the bedroom, the incident apparently forgotten in the face of bigger issues. 
Harry pushed himself up from Lily's bed, joining Ginny who was waiting for him in the doorway. 
“Do I get a VIP pass?” Harry asked, following her down the landing towards the stairs. 
Ginny smirked at him over her shoulder as she began to descend. “No, I stopped trying to impress you around the time I grew three human beings for you.” 
Harry laughed, secure in the knowledge he would be expected to supervise Lily if Ginny was playing in the match. 
“You don't need to impress her either, she still has a very idealised view of you.” 
“I suppose she told you that at the same time she told you she was never leaving her room again?” 
They reached the bottom of the stairs; Ginny continued down the downstairs hallway in the direction of the kitchen. 
“She spilled pumpkin juice on Lewis Fletcher and he laughed at her apparently,” Harry said, answering Ginny's unasked question as she pointed her wand at the kettle. 
“Who’s Lewis Fletcher?” 
“No idea,” Harry shrugged, leaning nonchalantly against the counter, as though he didn't have every intention of finding out. “But he's good at Quidditch apparently.”
Ginny paused halfway through retrieving their mugs from the cupboard. “Oh.” 
“I was just about to tell her about a certain incident between your elbow and a butter dish to put her mind at ease, but you interrupted me.” 
Ginny frowned at him before returning her attention to the kettle. “The butter dish?” 
Harry returned her frown. “You don’t remember?”
“You do apparently,” she said evasively.
“Well, maybe she'll forget, and in thirty years, when they're married, he can remind her.” 
Ginny shook her head vehemently. “She won't marry him.” She placed the kettle down with a decided thud. “He laughed at her. You never laughed at me.”  
Harry raised his eyebrows. “I thought you said you didn't remember?” 
 “I don’t.” Ginny smiled widely, her eyes sparking with amusement. “I forgot about it instantly.” 
“Seems like it,” Harry agreed through a smile of his own. 
“I definitely didn’t spend hours in bed replaying it in my mind.” Ginny crossed the kitchen, placing Harry's tea on the counter beside him.
“Of course you didn't.” His hand found her waist, pulling her to him. 
Ginny rose up on her toes, still smiling as she closed the distance between them. “It wasn’t mortifying at all.” 
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
Ginny: Can you describe the wizard who hexed you?
Luna: Yeah, he wasn’t very friendly
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sofmaart · 17 days
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This is my first time ever posting fanart, so I hope it goes well🦡
Anyway f*ck TERFs💗
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