#giovanni will NOT leave him alone hes like
teecupangel · 2 months
Don't if this has already been explored before but: Desmond being reborn as Ezio's bastard (the one Clay is supposed to descend from) and everyone's reactions to it. Especially Claudia's and Maria's.
Desmond obviously regains all of his memories. He thinks it's super weird to have his ancestor as his actual father. But quickly realizes he prefers Ezio as a parent to Bill.
Bonus points: things get really confusing after Ezio goes to the Vault
I'm pretty sure there's already a fic like this somewhere in AO3 but the only one I can remember is the one where Altaïr is reborn in Italy and has Desmond as his little brother
So, for this one, we’ll focus on everyone’s reaction to it XD
First of all, we’ll have to think about where to set this. We do not have any confirmation (as far as I know) on when Clay’s ancestor was born but, considering that his memories seemed to focus on AC2, we will set this around the latter part of AC2. My suggestion would be around the time the Brotherhood lost the Apple after giving it to Sforza.
This will give us Ezio finding Desmond during the time he’s looking for the Apple.
Now, for everyone’s reaction:
Maria is still unresponsive around this time but he would move and cradle Desmond when he cries at night because he woke up from a nightmare that may or may not be his. They’re not sure if Maria is truly seeing Desmond or if she’s seeing a ‘memory’ of a child she lost (probably Petruccio).
Claudia doesn’t really pay him much attention, too focus on making sure the numbers are all correct.
When she has free time, she would visit him to ‘take care’ of him while his nanny takes a break. More often that not, she tells him all her complaints in a cutesy baby voice. Desmond is more amused than embarrassed.
Mario absolutely adore him and dotes on him more than enough that Claudia has to cut him off. He doesn’t show it but this is Mario’s way of ‘making up’ for his absence in his brother’s children’s life (whether he did it to keep them safe or because he had a falling out with Giovanni is up to you)
Leonardo is fascinated by him because he is the most mild mannered baby he had ever seen and is willing to stay as still as he could while Leonardo paints him. Desmond is definitely the model of a baby Jesus commission that Leonardo did XD
La Volpe visited him once and only once because it was too dangerous to leave his guild alone and there was really nothing to keep him in Monteriggioni. He slipped inside Desmond’s room at night and left soon after. Desmond thinks that was creepy but just waves it off.
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renx01 · 6 months
You called
Prompt: “You came.” - “You called.” Pairing: Harry Hart x Reader Fandom: Kingsman Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood and injuries, honeypot mission Word count: 1511
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‘Galahad.’ It was barely a whisper which came out of your mouth. The predicament you were in wasn’t as you had planned. The mission in and of itself was relatively simple: go to an event, talk to some high ranking people and criminals in order to gather information, and leave. Yet, here you were sitting on the floor in an alley, bleeding from a gunshot wound.
It had been going quite well. Your target, Vincent Giante, had been at the event early and you had approached carefully but confidently. Merlin had informed you that he was, in fact, a ladies-man, and that it could be of use to, as he said, “throw your womanly charms at him”. You ended up following that advice after the target had shown interest in you, most likely due to the rather revealing emerald-green dress you were wearing. ‘My, my, a lovely young lady at an event such as this one, alone and seemingly without a date.’ Vincent had said to you as he approached. It sounded vulgar as he said it, as if she were a piece of meat, an object which he was intent on owning. That would never happen in a million years if you had any say in it. You did, however, have to play into it. ‘Why thank you, I’m flattered.’ You say as he grabs your hand and leans down to kiss it, his touch lingering a tad too long for your liking. ‘So what’s your name darling?’ ‘Josephine.’ Was what you answered as you heard Merlin in your ear. Target on lock. Vincent made small-talk with you for a bit before the two of you were approached by a man. ‘Sorry, boss, that I have to interrupt your conversation with this lovely lady.’ He leans in and whispers something to his boss which you’re unable to hear. That’s Vincent’s right-hand man, Giovanni. Be careful around him, he can be quite the fighter. Merlin informs you before the pair can shift their focus back to you. ‘Sorry love, I have to go meet with some people.’ He sounded genuinely disappointed. He leans in to kiss your cheek and whispers in your ear. ‘If you’re feeling up for it, meet me outside in an hour.’ 
Time passed slowly as you waited to meet up with Vincent. You were in fact, not feeling up to it, but it was too good of a chance to pass up. During that time, you mingled with some more of the guests, but were unable to gather any information that was particularly of note. Merlin, on the other hand, was able to gather the information that Vincent supposedly had a harddrive with him which contained some secret documents which the Kingsman could use to folly his organisation’s plans. As the agreed upon time approaches, Merlin fills you in about the surroundings and what to look out for. Supposedly, Giante would have the drive somewhere on this person, so the goal had shifted from gaining information to getting the harddrive without being caught. 
Outside, it was quiet, the hustle and bustle of the event left behind. Vincent stood near a statue in the gardens, seemingly alone, yet you knew better. It was likely that multiple of his men would be surrounding the two of you, looking out for his well-being. ‘Josephine, I’m glad you came.’ He smiles and puts his hand on your shoulder. ‘Let us walk for a bit, I’ve been inside all day.’ You take the arm which was offered to you and join him.  After ten minutes you reach a part of the gardens which seemed completely isolated. Slowly, he tries getting closer, putting his hand on your lower back as he whispers things in your ear. You endure them, finding them disgusting but pretending to love the attention. Slowly, he starts kissing your neck and eventually mouth. If it weren’t for your training and experience, you probably would’ve gagged as his hands slowly started lowering further. Finding your focus again, you shifted it to trying to find the harddrive on him, roaming your hands over his body. Eventually, you feel it in one of his pockets, and slowly but surely, you try to get it out. As he starts getting more passionate you manage to grab hold of it. Slowly, you slip it into one of your hidden pockets. After a few more minutes you pull back and look him in the eye, smiling kindly. ‘We should take this elsewhere.’ Taking his hand, you lead him back to where the event was taking place. He seemed quite content for the time being, but you weren’t too convinced. Well done agent Kay, get out of there. 
Vincent leads you back inside to a relatively quiet corner, stopping a moment to talk to one of his men. As you look around, you suddenly hear a click just behind you. ‘Now love, I had so much fun, but I’d prefer it if you handed back that harddrive.’ Vincent sticks out his hand while the man behind you slowly pushes the gun against the back of your head. ‘We can talk about this Vincent.’ You slowly walk up to him. Agent Kay what are you doing? Get out. Merlin almost screams in your ear as you try to remain as possible. You slowly put your hands up, ‘I was enjoying myself quite a bit, but I suppose that is now over?’ your voice is almost sickly sweet. The hand he was holding out slowly wraps around your chin, tilting it up. ‘It’d be a pity to lose this pretty face.’ You were stalling quite a bit, that was clear.
Kay, Galahad is on his way. Just get out of this venue.
Galahad, that was your sign. Your colleague was on the way and you only had to get out of the building. Leaning into his touch, he clearly gets distracted once again, just enough to pull out a small knife and throw it backwards into the man that was pointing a gun at you. Turning, you grab hold of the lead and break the man’s fingers, then shooting him with his own gun, followed by shooting Vincent in the head. ‘A shame really.’ You scoff before turning and running into the crowd, 8 men following you, their guns loaded. Every step felt hot, so very hot, and they were right on your heels. ‘Fuck’, a soft whisper escaping you as they start firing their guns.
Kay, I need you to confirm that you are on the way out. ‘Confirm Merlin, I just have to lose some people.’ Heels continue to click where-ever you go. After turning a corner in one of the many hallways, several more of the men following you go down as you disarm and shoot them. That is until you didn’t have any ammo left. Of course this would happen to you, as if your day wasn’t going terribly already. ‘At least I still have these ones.’ You throw a few knives, hitting several throats. Their blood covers your face. Around you several bodies lay and you are finally able to breathe, even if it’s just for a moment. ‘Galahad, do you copy?’ You say quietly as you continue walking through the maze of hallways. Several footsteps can be heard from several of the hallways around you, so you start running once again. 
‘Merlin, where is Galahad?’ 
You don’t get a response.
Managing to finally get outside, heading into a dimly lit alleyway, you see over a dozen people following you. Pulling out your own gun, you shoot as many of them as possible while continuing to move. They shoot back, one hitting you in the leg. 
They seem to keep on coming, and slowly, they surround you. ‘Galahad do you copy?’ Bodies keep on falling, but time seems to be running out when another bullet hits you, this time in your left shoulder. Frustrated, you throw some more knives and grab one of your daggers. One by one they go down, and with every body that hits the ground, your green dress becomes more red and your limbs are covered in blood. As the last of your energy slowly leaves your body and you start feeling faint. 
It was barely a whisper which left your mouth. Before you are able to say anything else, you feel a gun being put against your temple. ‘Calm down lady, drop the knife.’ There was only one man left standing and he had the obvious advantage. You sigh, letting the weapon fall to the ground. 
You had to find a way out of this situation, you always did, but your body seems to be done. A gunshot interrupts your train of thought, the gun which was held against your head, falling away. Turning, you see Galahad standing there.
‘You came.’
Your voice sounds exhausted as you stand there; shoulders slumped and body aching. Your colleague approaches and hugs your body tightly.
‘You called.’
He whispers in your ear before kissing the side of your head.
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leggerefiore · 3 months
I would like to request an uno reverse on the hcs where s/o misses the pokemen gone on a trip. This time their DARLING is away on a vacation/work/family business, how will they cope?? Can I also ask for giovanni for this too please? 🙏
since you didn't really request anyone else in particular, I did a few other assorted characters
cw: a little angsty in some of them, some comfort,
characters: Giovanni, Larry, Colress, Cyrus
An issue arose suddenly and unexpectedly. You had been caught completely unawares and felt stressed as you worked to make plans last minute to get where you needed to go. Your cell phone was in your hand as you tried to pack away required clothing and items into a suitcase. The hold jingle was echoing out in the room as your lover peered in. His gaze was a bit harsh, likely confused by what you were doing before realising. Whatever worry or panic he may have initially had faded when you explained the situation. Then, another emotion settled in, but you paid little attention to it. Your mind was entirely set on the task at hand. The evening drifted away into nothing but a memory for you both before it could even be realised. You were on a rushed leave the next morning to be gone for a few days.
🟥 Annoyance flooded his mind. He understood that his attendance to a sudden family emergency was unwanted – In fact, he had no particular interest in going himself, but he was very much annoyed. It was rare that he managed to find himself away from his duties as Rocket Boss to enjoy multiple days alone with you. Yet, it had been ripped away from him. He was not angry – no, that was useless aiming of his ire. He sat in his home office, petting his Persian and going over reports. There was little else for him to do.
🟥 At some point in his frustration, he found himself clutching your pillow as he lay in bed, trying to get some sleep one night. Your scent lingered on the fabric. Giovanni would grumble to himself that he felt like a man many years younger than he was as he held it to his chest. In the absence of his fierce irritation, he actually felt oddly lonely. Before you entered his life, he had barely spent much time at home, and what he did was spent lost in the indulgence of leisure and pleasure. With you, however, he found it more of a way to break away from his business facade and relax in a more healthy manner. Without you present… It felt odd. His thoughts drifted to you even as he attempted to do things that would usually keep him occupied. The frustration returned, and he gripped the pillow tighter.
🟥 Eventually, he forced himself to break his attention away from you as best he could. During a work call with Archer, you had been quite far away from his mind. (Though, perhaps, that was related to the nature of the call rather than actually working on having his attention go elsewhere from you.) It all felt unlike him. Being out of control unsettled him. He had been careful to manage every little thing he did, and now it was falling apart. What had you done to him? While his ego would typically prevent him from gaining such a realisation, the situation had laid out almost perfect instruction for it to unfold. You really had him completely wrapped around your finger. He could hardly believe that it was the truth, yet at any time, he could have headed back to the lounges that he used to frequent, he found himself waiting around for you. A shaky breath left him. The Rocket Boss was in too deep. All he could do was grumble and resign himself whatever fate he had apparently walked right into.
🟥 Whatever had happened back home was over, and you walked into a fancy dinner set up at the table. Giovanni sat at his usual chair, tracing the rim of a drinking glass with his finger. An amber liquid sat inside. His intense gaze shifted over to you as a smirk spread across his lips. Of course, he had been aware of your every movement, naturally. Even if he himself would not be joining you, elite guards had been assigned to trail you and make sure that nothing happened to you while you were away. The annoyance plaguing him instantly faded as you joined him at the table, gazing at the likely eye-bulging expensive array of dishes. He caught your chin in his hand and pulled you in for a quick kiss. “Welcome home,” was the only greeting you got before he suggested you eat up. Apparently, there was quite a night ahead of you.
🍙 A sudden business trip was something he understood. He knew he could not accompany you and did not even bother entertaining the thought. Larry more than understood the situation. It was simply something a boss stuck on you and expected you to dance to accomplish if they did not already have anything in order for you. He sighed as he returned to work, head up in the clouds as he conducted battles, and handled the clerical side of things. It felt strange being in the apartment. The word to describe his feelings escaped him. So, he focused on work.
🍙 But working hours could only be so longer before even Geeta opted to cut him off and send him home. Opening the door of his apartment, he unconsciously called out a greeting, only to stop himself. The lights were off sans a lamp in the living room. Right. You were out on a business trip. The salaryman dropped his briefcase in the entryway and slid off his shoes before realising his error. Dinner. The meal had completely been forgotten. Trailing over to the fridge, he opened the door to see a single left-over container of something with a note on it. “In case you have a late night while I'm gone, eat before XX/OO.” Your handwriting. He heated the meal with a heavy feeling in his heart. He would need to remember to thank you.
🍙 Slowly, he realised that he felt oddly empty at home. The plain monotony he had previously followed before engaging in a relationship with you felt like a cold void. Sitting alone eating dinner as the Treasure Eatery, his mind would only wander to you. When had you become such an important piece in his life? The realisation sat heavy on him. Those previous feelings of wanting to just live peacefully and uneventfully felt unknown to him. Peace lied with you. Is that how you felt when he was gone? Suddenly, he felt even worse about all the trips his boss would assign. An urge to be more conscious of how you felt towards him entered his mine. Yes, this emptiness was almost too much to bear. Rika had even commented on him being out of it when he went to the League office over his gym first thing in a day.
🍙 Larry felt his heart race when he heard the door to the apartment open one evening. A voice called out a greeting. He wandered over. You had finally come back from the trip. Unconsciously, he found himself trailing closer to you to bring you into an embrace. The void inside him felt filled. You hugged him back and pecked his cheek. “Welcome back home,” he said simply as he pulled away, “… I had a day off yesterday and actually did a few chores.” You gasped. It was rare the man did anything besides sleep on his days off, but he had felt too restless. He felt himself staying near you as you worked to start unpacking and settling in. It was only after you joined him and the couch that he finally felt relieved. Everything was going back to normal.
🧪 A friend had asked you to do something last minute after another backed out. Colress thought on it. Did he really have friends in the traditional sense? Not really. You were a friend, he supposed. Those who hire him often could be considered friends in a sense. His find rushed to inquisitive reasons related to bonds. Human to human bonds were honestly a thing he was more deficit in. He understood the concept of friends, yet he never felt a reason to really pursue friendships. His mind fell into a research mode as he found himself reading into psychology and adjacent fields' studies online to pass the time. Perhaps a more thorough understanding of human relationships would help with his research. It certainly was not to distract him from the odd hurt in his chest when he walked into the bedroom to speak with you only to remember at the last moment that you were gone.
🧪 He felt odd as he walked through his home. It was quiet. Clean. Peaceful, all things considered. The perfect counter to the hectic nature that could quickly invade his laboratory depending on the situation. His mind simply expected to see you there, however. Logically, he understood that you were gone, but his brain seemed to want to place you to be curled up on the couch or doing something in the bedroom. Sleeping had become strange. His attention lingered on the empty space next to him. He reached a hand out quite often to feel you, only to touch the sheets. Panic would consume his sleepy mind and worsened by his obscured vision until he could get on his glasses and recall that you were just away and not taken from him. Colress thought it best to log and analyse these feelings for later.
🧪 As he read over his logs one day, his brain slowly began to comprehend the complicated nature of his feelings. Loneliness was the most apparent. Sure, he may have interacted with others in his field or possibly employers, but they were not deep, meaningful relationships. He missed you horribly. Colress felt as if he blinked, and suddenly, his feelings were much deeper and stronger than he could recall. All these reading about relationships resulted in nothing, but understanding his relationship with you was deeply important to him. He reported his finding to you over the phone when you called to chat with him later that day. His description that you are almost certainly the most significant person in his life and that he misses you is an ego boost without a doubt.
🧪 When you finally return home, you are greeted by Colress's Porygon. The artificial pokemon received a quick pet before you wandered to his laboratory. You found him asleep at his desk, a single pokeball having fallen off the table and apparently opening. Impossible to understand datasets were open on his computer still. Walking over to him, you lightly shook him awake, worried about the last time he ate or drank. He startled awake and looked up at with tired dandelion eyes, his glasses resting on top of his head. You reached a hand to bring them down. A genuine smile spread across his face. “Ah, welcome back,” he spoke with his usual cadence and an undertone of rasp. A gloved hand came to hold your own. You almost felt bad for leaving the scientist in such a state, but he was more than happy to see you.
☄️ A family emergency suddenly came up. You knew that he could not just take off work so abruptly, so it was your form of kindness to not include him and cause him any stress. He felt silently grateful that you did not hold his busy schedule against him yet oddly hurt that you felt he would not make time for you. He would have, had you requested him. But, you had not. And now you were gone for a while. Cyrus felt… empty. It was what he preferred, yet it never came in the spaces where you lingered in his mind. Coming home left him with far too many feelings alongside the emptiness he so craved, so he found himself essentially living at the office.
☄️ His work was never-ending, after all. There was always something to be done. Always. Research into various projects was happening, and development periods were constantly starting. He could find something to do, assuredly. Yet… He felt strange as his underlings stared at him. Mars asked if everything was okay at home, while Saturn expressed his concern about how much he was sleeping at the office. Cyrus shrugged them off. It was not their jobs to worry over him. If only to make them stop, however, he went home finally. Opening the door to the empty apartment, he felt strange seeing everything untouched. The air almost felt stale. No one had breathed in the home for a few days, after all. No signs of life since he had last left.
☄️ Sitting on the couch, he gazed around quietly. What had changed in him? Did he not view the absence of emotion as the best solution? Feelings only caused strife, yet the lack of any here left him far more distressed. His mind wandered to you. This was a shared home, after all. You were supposed to be here alongside him. Alongside him…? He felt strange considering the fact that the expectations in life had been shifted to keeping you at his side. The emptiness slowly faded into something more solemn and desperate. You were always there for him, yet he was forced finally to face a situation in which you were not. His cruel thoughts instantly went to attack him. His Weavile hopped out of its pokeball without his command and seemed to curl up in his lap to give him a distraction from his spiralling. He held on to the feline pokemon tightly.
☄️ Your return home was to Cyrus working quietly in his home office. Most of his pokemon seemed to be out around the house. Honchkrow roosted on a stand that you had gotten for it. Houndoom napped outside the door to his office. Crobat had found itself a cosy place in the bed to nap. Weavile was curled up in Cyrus's lap as he swivelled around in his chair when you stepped into the office. Dark circles hung under his eyes. It was not an uncommon sight, truthfully, yet… Your thoughts were interrupted when Cyrus embraced you tightly. The hug was consuming and tight– A rare initiation of affection, too. “Beloved,” his voice was low, barely above a whisper, “I've missed you.” You suddenly felt like unpacking could wait. There were more pressing issues.
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demigoddessqueens · 7 months
First of all I just wanted to thank you for letting me know your requests were open. It makes me so happy to see people still giving Ezio the love he deserves! I don’t usually go for a lot of the more cliche lover tropes but I can’t stop thinking of Childhood best friend Ezio x reader.
What comes to mind is reader and Ezio having a strained relationship prior to his family’s execution due to readers newfound romantic feelings for Ezio and his infatuation with Christina. But once Ezio’s world is flipped on its axis after the murder of his father and brothers that he would seek reader’s help and comfort as he escapes Florence and trains to become an assassin.
I think at first he would be too shaken up and focused on revenge but after a while he would come to realize that he likes the reader. Maybe he would confess then, or perhaps after he kills Uberto.
It’s up to you to decide how you want to write all of this and what format (if you choose this request at all). You definitely don’t have to use my ideas if you don’t want to either, honestly I’d just love to see any type of Ezio x childhood best friend reader content. Thank you so so much for opening requests and for reading this 💗
Speaking my language with the Ezio angst!!! I need moar 💕💔
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You cared for Ezio so much and it hurts. Growing up close with the Auditores was filled with the happiest memories of you, Frederico, Ezio and Claudia together, welcoming Petruccio, but your feelings always ran different with Ezio.
It left you dismayed at the unrequited feelings, and you felt your heart shatter when you heard of his late escapades of getting chased out with Christina.
Yet nothing could prepare you for the tragedy that struck when you heard of what happened to Giovanni and his two sons, your closest friends. There wasn’t time to grieve as you would have liked now that targets were on you and your family’s back, and you had to leave much of what you knew behind.
Only you didn’t expect to see Ezio at the same place of refuge at the end of things. He mentions that he was able to send a final goodbye to his father (with the help of Christina) but you ignore the pangs at your heart. You mourn along with him at the loss of the life you once knew together.
Being friends of friends (or family) of Assassins come with the perks of protection, but nothing you know of is ever the same again. Getting adjusted to your new life leads to unexpectedly wielding a blade, despite the constant wounds
Still, Ezio is there to see you grow and change as you both reach your respective milestones well into adulthood.
When Leonardo comes to see you both, it’s a much needed reprieve you didn’t realize you needed. A sense of normalcy despite all the heartbreak, and you realize how much you miss Ezio’s smile whenever you laugh at each other’s jokes.
Things feel…different. Upheavals so young and facing through them together does bring you closer. You and Ezio talk of the nightmares, seeking revenge, but try not to forget the good times as well.
In his quest against those who wronged him and his family, Ezio still thinks of you. You bring a tether and one close to him who knows what he’s feeling, going through.
There was one time you swore you felt him kiss you when you fell asleep at one of the desks, but you never brought it up since
Still, you heard of the visits he had with Christina and you didn’t think it would still affect you but jealousy works in mysterious ways. The day he lost her was the day you saw something shift in him, beyond the grief and pain from before.
He’s more urgent, stringent on whenever you go on missions or gather intel, and always wants to be by your side. Even Claudia begins to notice the change in her brother
It starts to annoy you at first, Ezio always hovering around you and whenever another person (let alone man) talks to you
“Ezio, this has gone on far too long now! Why are you always hovering near me?!”
You don’t have anything to retort, especially since he still has more to say
“I’ve lost more than enough in one lifetime, and I can’t lose you too. I care for you…maybe even more than that.”
You can only hug him for now, but come the next day there’s still more to say
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hubbvrd · 4 months
Pizza date | Sam Hubbard
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summary — Sam and you spend your date at the pizzeria of Sam's friend. There you bake your pizzas together and when Sam puts pineapple on his pizza you start to tease him a bit
pairing — sam hubbard x reader
words — 1444
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Date Night.
You and Sam loved to have special dates, so a few weeks ago you both sat down together and wrote down special dates that sam and you wanted to work through in order.
The list consisted of 20 dates, of which the two of you had already completed 2 items.
A few days ago, you both had picked out a difficult recipe which sam and you tried to cook.
In fact, it had turned into a big mess, making it impossible to even begin to get the recipe right.
However, you and Sam had found out that both of you couldn't really cook, which is why your date tonight was at a pizza place.
Sam knew the owner of the small pizzeria, not far from your flat, so you two had the pizzeria to themselves that evening.
You both were going to learn how to make a pizza together - hopefully this would be easier than cooking.
But you had a good feeling when you came to a stop in front of the small and cosy looking pizzeria and waited for Sam.
You had found out by now that Sam always arrived a little later than you did, but it wasn't because he was late.
It had a completely different reason. The Bengals player never came to a date without flowers, like now.
Sam approached you with quick steps, holding a small bouquet of your favourite flowers that he had asked for on the very first date.
Sam was really thoughtful and you loved this little gesture incredibly about Sam.
"Hello y/n", Sam greeted you by pulling you into a short hug, then giving you a kiss on the cheek, making you blush slightly, before handing yo the small bouquet of y/ns favourite flowers.
"Hey Sam," you returned the greeting, smelling the flowers, which once again smelled heavenly.
"Shall we go in?" Without waiting for your reply, he had also opened the door for you gentleman like, so you quickly slipped inside.
Even though the pizzeria must have been closed for hours, the typical pizza smell still hung in the air, making your stomach start to growl.
"I think we should hurry up with the pizza baking," Sam said with a grin, who had heard your growling belly.
You looked around for a vase or something similar that you could use as a vase.
Because you didn't want the beautiful flowers to be broken by the heat in the pizzeria in the next few hours.
"Ciao" greeted you two, the owner of the pizzeria, who first greeted Sam as a brother and then pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Do you want to start right away?" , the Italian asked you two, who introduced himself as Giovanni.
"I guess my flowers need water first," you said, because you still hadn't spotted a vase.
"I'll take care of that. Why don't you go into the kitchen and put on the aprons I had set aside for you," Giovanni let you both know as he took the flowers from you.
You followed Sam into the kitchen where you found the aprons and helped each other tie the apron at the back.
On the table in the middle of the room, Giovanni had already prepared a dough for both of them and various toppings for the pizzas were in small bowls on the table.
There was indeed a huge selection, so you were already thinking about what you would put on your pizza.
Shortly afterwards Giovanni came into the kitchen and showed you both how to prepare the pizza dough professionally.
And indeed, you and Sam found out that you both were more talented at this than at cooking.
"I guess my work is done. I'll leave you guys to it. You can just drop the key in my mailbox later," , Giovanni pressed a bunch of keys into Sam's hand before saying goodbye to both of them and you and Sam were then alone.
Over the last twenty minutes you two had learned from Giovanni the perfect methods for making the best pizza dough, so there were now two perfectly and finished pizza doughs in front of each of you, waiting to be topped.
"Do you feel like listening to some music?" Sam asked as he pulled out his mobile phone and seemed to connect it to the small Bluetooth box.
"Sure," you said and began to carefully spread tomato sauce on your pizza dough.
A moment later, after Sam had connected his phone to the box, he had started one of his favourite playlists and quietly the music enveloped the room.
So, quietly but with concentration, you both began to take care of your pizza toppings.
And in doing so, both realised how different tastes actually were.
While your pizza had all her favourite toppings, Sam had spared no small amount of cheese, salami and pineapple, causing you to tear up.
"Pineapple on pizza? Really?" Almost shocked, you looked at the older man, who looked at her uncomprehendingly.
"What's wrong with that?"
"Pineapple just doesn't belong on a pizza. I'm really disappointed in you. Why are we dating again?" , you asked him playfully indignant while you just wanted to tease him.
Even though it was really a no-go for you to eat pineapple on a pizza.
Sam just rolled his eyes while a slight smirk formed on his lips and then both of you finished their pizzas and Sam put them in the oven.
So while Sam took care of the pizzas, you walked through the small and cosy pizzeria, which was decorated in an Italian style and immediately delighted everyone.
As you looked around, you still couldn't get over why he could put pineapple on his pizza when he had a huge selection of other foods.
And so you decided to tease Sam a bit as a kind of 'revenge'.
With the pizzas ready, you and Sam sat at one of the tables while a candle burned in front of you, and Sam told you what he was going to do with the rest of his football break.
You listened intently to the Bengals star as you reached for another slice of your pizza and bit into it with relish.
In fact, you hadn't thought your own pizza would taste so incredibly good.
"Shall we swap a slice?" Sam asked you a moment later, after he had finished his story.
You looked puzzled at your counterpart, who pointed at his pizza.
"Y/n? Have you lost your voice?" Sam asked you again, while his opposite continued not to say a word.
Confused, Sam raised his eyebrow, while you just looked at Sam.
Had he done something wrong?
Or was it actually still the pineapple that was on his pizza?
Sam started to ask you a few more questions, but you didn't answer them and ate your pizza in silence.
But Sam spotted a small grin on your lips, which made Sam stop worrying about whether he had done something wrong, because he knew that you was just teasing him.
And all because of the pineapple on his pizza.
But over the next few minutes, Sam began to be more and more bothered by the fact that the younger girl seemed to ignore him, so he couldn't stand it any longer.
He really wanted to talk to y/n, get to know her a little better and continue to enjoy the date, which had already been a complete success.
"Can you stop ignoring me please? I'm going crazy."
Sam started to pout slightly, whereupon you lifted his eyes and looked at Sam.
His pouting increased, whereupon you began to giggle, ensuring that you 'plan' was now noticed.
"Is this the punishment now for having pineapple on my pizza?" , Sam asked you sulkily, to which you nodded with a grin.
"Have you even tried this? It's really tasty" , he tried to convince you about the pineapple on his pizza.
"No, because it just doesn't fit" you answered convincingly, whereupon Sam held a slice of pizza in front of your mouth and asked you to try it.
And that's exactly what you did.
She chewed for a few seconds and took your time answering while Sam watched you carefully.
"It's quite good," you said, even though it tasted really good, but you didn't want to let Sam win, so you didn't tell him.
With a grin on his lips, Sam just nodded and both of you finished the rest of your pizza while both talked and a successful date slowly came to an end.
And who knew what great things the next date would bring?
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sorrinslays · 4 months
My fellow aroace writer who adores platonic relationships! What are some of your fave nonromantic pairs in hsr? Like characters who have physical affection without romance, or romantic ships that are ace? I love things like qprs, and I would love to hear about them from a comrade-in-arms haha
Hello comrade! Thank you for the ask!
My favorite non romantic pair has to be Hook and Sampo. I adore father-daughter dynamics and it's very easy to imagine those two being menaces together, pickpocketing candy, braiding each other's hair (as much as Hook can given Sampo's hair length) and in general causing trouble.
To be honest I can also imagine Sampo and Gepard in a queerplatonic relationship or, if it's romantic in nature, then both of them being ace. I stand by the fact that Sampo sees sex as something transactional, just another way to gain a paycheck or to relax while Gepard just doesn't really care about it? Like, he will enjoy it and will be in the mood to initiate, but it's pretty rare. I think he would enjoy cuddles much more.
Speaking of Sampo and Gepard actually, I mentioned before that I headcanon Sampo as someone with severe touch starvation to the point that a simple touch can make him extremely uncomfortable. So if we get into touchy-feely soft territory, I imagine Gepard helping Sampo get more comfortable with touch, resulting in a bunch of bonding moments and cuddles.
Natasha's and Oleg's relationship is very underdeveloped and I would love to see more of them. They seem very interesting and I wouldn't mind looking more into it. But then again, same goes for all of Wildfire. We deserve to see much more of them, like a Natasha-Luka interaction or something. In general Wildfire as found family is very interesting and I think about them from time-to-time.
Same goes for Sampo and Sparkle, actually. I've mentioned it before but I imagine their relationship to be very layered. A kind of teacher and their annoying student kind of relationship. I can imagine Sparkle getting on his nerves a lot and Sampo keeping the neutral facade, hoping that if he appears boring she'll leave him alone. Best worsties, you know?
Purely platonic though... I'd say I like Giovanni and Sampo. I like the both of them having a lot of respect for each other and their methods of achieving Elation. I imagine their friendship is one of those that, even if they haven't talked in years, the moment they see each other it feels like nothing has changed as they exchange stories and anecdotes.
I don't really have any thoughts about other relationships since, in Honkai Star Rail Sampo has captivated my interest and I'm not that drawn to other characters, so I can't really yap about others unless someone asks about specifics, so sorry about that. The ask ended up being more of a yap session about Sampo again, haha
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silver-crowned-riders · 9 months
I need to start unfollowing all these criminals and evil teams yall are IDIOTS!
Except us. We're the ones who get it ^_^
( 500 GAZILLION notes )
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🐲 route-1-full-evos Follow
Yo that guy doesn't have running shoes let's fucking kill him
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R rocket-grunt Follow
Guyssss Giovanni in that new released court footage... someone help me... 🧎💘💔🚑
R rocket-grunt Follow
R rocket-grunt Follow
I KNOW he's saving a luxury ball just for me
🌲 nerdy-old-man Follow
None of these words are in the pokedex :(
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🦔 super-duper-sonic-sandshrew-fan Follow
Hi guys I'm Timmy this is my intro post! I'm 10 and love video games. Team Plasma took me in when I was 6 and I haven't seen my family in years but I'm NOT brainwashed!!! I'm not!!!!! My Pokemon are my lvl 11 Tepig and my lvl 30 Rotom assigned to me that keeps a lookout on me :)
#intro post #team plasma #sonic the sandshrew
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🐈‍⬛ devious-liepard Follow
Guys can we stop like having evil team leaders try to employ actual literal children. Like how are these kids on Rotomblr in the first place??
🌙 umbral-charm Follow
Okay I'm sick of seeing this post on my dash. The trainer's journey starts at 10 obviously these people can make their own decisions 🙄🙄🙄 you are the same people going on about Team Rocket letting teenagers become murderers its NOT A BIG DEALLL. Evil teams these days are so straight laced it's insane.
💀 layla-used-hex Follow
All of you are wrong I joined an evil team on Club Penguin when I was 9 and I swear whatever kid was running that was a bigger menace than Ghetsis. Leave them alone n they'll accomplish more than Giovanni did
💀 layla-used-hex Follow
Friendly reminder since this is making rounds again that the first two ppl here ended up being Faba sock puppet accounts. Because it's always Faba. It's always fucking Faba.
💰 black-market-posts-evaluator Follow
50,000 Pokedollars
#top reward posts #evaluated posts #trainers journey discourse #no arguments in the notes please arc I already had to deal with that on the last aq*a m*gma post for weeks
( 20,753 notes )
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xlxvesxckx · 1 year
Promoted. [Yandere!Giovanni]
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Synop: You've been a Team Rocket member for a while now, and you've noticed a change in your Boss. Little do you know what he has planned for you.
Character(s): Giovanni (Pokemon) Rating: 16+ Word Count: 1k words Tags: Obsession, kidnapping, stalking, intimidation.
a/n: Hi! Hello! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all! I am back in action with posting! I think I want to shift to writing mostly Yandere themed fanfics (to play more into the name/theme of the blog) so with this post my ask box is officially open again and I look forward to writing for you all again.
You’ve been a part of Team Rocket for many years now, in fact, it’ll be your 5 years in a few days. You were basically an admin, you were above your fellow henchmen but below the main four admins.
You didn’t mind, it meant less talking for you.
But recently you noticed something…off.
You started to see less and less of your fellow peers. Usually grunts that you would hang out with after shifts started to avoid you like the plague. And you began to see more of the admins. 
Ariana would accompany you whenever you had missions, never leaving you alone or allowing you to capture pokemon.
Proton and Petrel were like your personal bodyguards, you couldn’t even breathe without them being near you. 
And Archer…he was the worst.
You could be teaching new grunts about the new routes they would be working and the schemes that they will be working.
“Y/n. The Boss said that would be too dangerous for you..”
“Y/n. I need you to be alongside me for this mission. Boss’s orders.”
“Y/n.  Boss recommends this change in your uniform.”
You wanted to scream. It was always what the boss wanted for you!
You rarely got to see the male, he was always cooped up in his office or galavanting off in that damned gym of his. It was beyond irritating.
Giovanni was your boss, the big scary boss of Team Rocket/Rainbow Rocket. And you only saw him a maximum of three times, and the most recent time was two weeks ago.
You were being briefed on a mission, you were being sent off with Jesse, James and Meowth, a trio you loved working with so much due to their spunk and their energy. While you were walking past him, you felt eyes on you. When you looked up you locked eyes with Giovanni. 
It felt wrong locking eyes with your boss, especially since so many people feared him.
However when you looked into his eyes...you saw something different.
Not only that, you felt like there were eyes on you at all times, even when you were in your most private of settings. You felt like he had someone watching your every mood so he knew everything.
And that day in his office, the way he looked at you solidified the thoughts you were thinking.
He stared at you with emotions you can't describe, one could only describe it as obsession.
So you quickly ran to go join Jesse and James. 
You considered those three to be your only sense of normalcy, as they were the only ones who didn’t run to avoid you. 
Ever since that day of the meeting, the rest of the team seemed to officially separate themselves from you. You would walk up to hold a conversation with some you thought were your friends and they would sneer at you and walk away.
Some who even hold fear in their eyes as they saw you approaching and even averted their gazes.
You were walking with Jesse and James through the team rocket headquarters, expressing your feelings about this whole situation.
“I don’t know Jesse..I feel weird about this..no one else gets treated like this..”
“No you’re valid in your feelings darling…The boss is usually a cold fellow.”
Jesse had a hand on your shoulder as she talked to you. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. It was stressing you out as you continued to think about it.
Why were you the only one being singled out?
Were you going to be fired? Or worse, were you going to be excuted because you knew too much?
James could sense your stress and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to try and calm you down. It was all becoming too much and you were really thinking about quitting.
"G-guys..I think I should quit."
"I- well I would hate to see you go sweetheart, but if you're uncomfortable you should.
“For once, I agree with Jesse. It’s strange that the admins would show this much attention to-”
The three of you freeze and you slowly turn to face Archer, he had opened the door that led to the hallways to Giovanni’s office. You felt a chill go down your spine as you turned to look at Jesse and James who both gave you small waves and smiles as they left.
You went to follow Archer as he led you to the office. 
You had a bad feeling come over you as Archer approached the door, he gave you a small smile before opening the door for you. 
“The Boss is inside waiting for you. He said it was urgent.”
You nodded at him and walked into the room.
"Oh. And I wouldn't think about quitting, Y/n."
You froze in your spot. Turning back to face Archer.
He only gave a dark smirk "You're Special."
Archer left you in the hallway and you were left to walk to the office by yourself.
His office was dark, it was quiet besides the purring of Persian, who greeted you at the door. 
“Good Afternoon, Y/n..please take a seat.”
You walked over to the seat in front of his desk, watching as he slowly turned in his chair, his legs crossed as he stared ahead at you.
Giovanni wasn’t an ugly man, he was very attractive actually. But there was something about him that was just terrifying to you. And not just because he was your boss.
there was something…darker lurking behind his eyes.
"Welcome, Y/n." His voice was the same as usual, cocky as hell. But there was an undertone in his voice, one that you couldn't recognize at all.
“I know you’re wondering why I called you here, darling.” he started, not breaking eye contact with you at all. The pet name was new, he usually only called you grunt or you girl.
Not Darling.
“The truth is, I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you first became a part of Team Rocket. A young woman like yourself…joining a dangerous organization like this is rare.” 
Giovanni stood up and came around his desk. “I feel like you’re destined to be more…” He smirks and walks over to you, stopping a few feet away.
“W-what do you mean?..” You asked and Giovanni chuckled at your question. 
“I want you to be mine. Simply put.” 
You shot up straight in your chair, staring at Giovanni with widened eyes. “What!?”
“Don’t be surprised. You’re perfect. You’re a great worker, you don’t allow anyone to control you, you continue to do amazing things. And I need you permanently beside me.”
Giovanni walks over to you and places a hand under your chin. “You belong beside me. We could be a power couple together.”
You backed away from him, making a beeline towards the door, only to be blocked by Persian. The Pokémon knew how its master felt about you, and therefore was going to help its master keep you around. 
"Don't you run, Y/n. It's not like you can go anywhere. Everyone in team rocket knows of your special promotion~"
You went to go around Persian by reaching for your own Pokémon, you weren't going down without a fight.
But it seems your boss had other plans.
You heard Giovanni sigh and the sound of a Pokeball opening.
“MewTwo. Use Psychic.”
You barely had time to get out the door before you felt your body be lifted in the air and be turned back around to face Giovanni.
He held a smirk on his face as he commanded MewTwo to bring you closer to him. You get brought back directly to him and he pats your cheek.
“I’ll let everyone know you’ve been promoted. They are to refer to you as Admin Y/n. You are to report directly to me, if someone speaks to you out of term, if someone is rude. You. Tell. Me.”
He says sternly, before placing both hands on your cheeks. You stared at him scared out of your mind seeing the sinister grin on his lips. His eyes held pure obsession, greed, like a child who just got their hands on a toy they had been wanting for years now.
And his next words scared your even more.
“Because I hope you know I will Kill for you.” ---------------------------------------------------- I hope you all enjoyed!! <3 Like I said, My Ask box is open for requests, just read my pinned for the fandoms i write for!
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pxstxl-strxwbxrry · 2 months
Wide Awake
Pairing: Giovanni Potage/Lorelai Blyndeff
Word count: 2.6 k
Tags: Fluff/Angst, Post POP, Cuddles, Dancing in the Rain, Walks In The Park, Constructed Reality, technically one sided GioLori
There was only one thing Lorelai Blyndeff needed in her life: love. It was something she was in a constant shortage of. The people around her had it; her sister had her friends, Giovanni Potage, (whose real name she had learned was NOT Vincent Murder) had his minions, and Howie had his worker bees. Lorelai Blyndeff had no one. Molly had run away; her father was tucked away in his basement, only coming out when he needed something… who did she have to turn to?
No one.
So, she was left to make someone who loved her. She made worlds where she was surrounded by love, where it consumed her. But that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted only one person. Giovanni. So, she made just that.
It was a nice spring day; the clouds were floating above, big and fluffy. The gentle breeze made her black skirt flow with it, as if it were trying to whisk her away. It made her happy. It was never this warm in the real world. The hottest day would be about seventy degrees.
The park she was surrounded by was something out of a dream, with greenery you could get lost in, adorable wildlife, and trails you could follow for miles. It was near deserted, something she made sure of before she took her position. She didn’t want any of her pesky creations getting in the way of *her* story!
Lorelai leaned against a tree, twiddling with the heart bracelet around her wrist. She liked to think Giovanni made it for her in this world. The simple thought made her smile.
Lorelai looked down at herself a moment, double checking that she had gotten her outfit right. She needed to be the cutest she could be for him. She couldn’t have it any other way. She’d probably make herself restart the whole scene otherwise.
She kept her usual leg warmers, putting on what she considered to be the nicest Maryjane’s with them. Her purple crop-top matched with her purse and headscarf, which tied at the top of her head to make bunny ears. The outfit was simple for once. Though Giovanni was one to wear costumes out in public, Lorelai couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing her like that, real or otherwise.
She dug through her purse, taking out her phone. It was about 7:30. She took a deep breath, stuffing her phone back where it belonged. Giovanni would be rounding the corner in three, two…
“Heyyyy, Lori!” She heard the string bean’s voice before seeing his goofy grin and his arm waving excitedly in the air. He wore a red coat with a fluffy white trim, jeans, knee-high boots, and a bracelet around his wrist.
She had seen him once in the same outfit in real life, just once. She wanted to see Giovanni and Molly for her dad and herself. It was just to make sure they were both okay. Well, she was instructed to see if Molly was okay, but checking on Giovanni was a bonus.
Her little sister was bossy and mean, but when she saw her again, she was much smaller than she had remembered. She hid behind Giovanni’s leg, her hood up, occasionally peeking out at Lorelai. Giovanni was kind, explaining what he could to her. They were staying with someone named Crusher, who, in her opinion, sounded dangerous. What was this guy crushing, anyway? Her spirit? But from what Lorelai could tell, Molly was doing okay. If Lorelai ripped this from her, they would all be worse off.
When Lorelai started to cry while this was all being explained to her, Giovanni held her, brushing his hand through her hair. Molly stood there, frozen. Lorelai didn’t want either of them to go.
Here, Giovanni didn’t leave. Here, Molly was at home, playing with a teddy. Here, he didn’t take her sister away and leave her alone with her dad. Instead, here, he took her hand, dragging her onto the trail. She took a deep breath, putting on a grin. “You missed me that much, huh? You’ve barely said hi, and yet you’re already dragging me away!”
“Well, Ms. Hare-idan, I think this date needs to start off right!” Giovanni looked over his shoulder to look at her, giving her his mischievous grin. Lori laughed. “Start off right how, Creampuff?”
“I’m not sure, hah!” Giovanni said. “But it *will* start off right, don’t you worry your little head.”
“I assure you, I’m not worried about anything.” She responded. “Just lead me, and I’ll follow you anywhere.”
Giovanni’s grin widened, letting go of her hand to dash forward. “Then just follow me!”
“Hey!” She sputtered, running after him. “Slow down, I’m not in a running outfit!”
“Every outfit’s a running outfit for you! You *insist* on running through my mind all day!” He cackled maniacally. She gushed, “You’re acting like you don’t do the same to me!”
“Oh, please!” He skidded to a stop, turning on his heel to face her. “You’re a knockout of the ballpark, Lori! A total Babe! Babe Ruth, that is.”
“Well, *you’re*… uhm.” She slowed to a stop in front of him, wrapping her arms around one of his. Crap. She didn’t know that much about baseball. “You’re a pitcher. So *strikingly* handsome.”
“Oh! That was great!” He snorted, his wild laughter returning. Lorelai felt her face flush.“Oh, you’re just saying that…” “No way, that was so cute!”
Hearing him flatter her so much made her face feel like it was steaming. “I mean, I’m better with lacrosse pickup lines! Like, are you a ground ball? Cuz I’d chase you anywhere!”
“Is that how you do it in lacrosse? Cuz, in baseball, you gotta wait for it to come to you and then snag it! Just imagine I’m wearing a glove and an awesome uniform. And if it’s infield, then…“ Giovanni squatted, his hands hanging between his legs. He stood up, putting a hand to his chest, his eyes locked on a random tree. He lined himself up to it, skipping forward and throwing nothing. “You toss it to a baseman to get a base runner out!”
“Really? Ground balls get us points!” Lorelai knew that much about the sport at least; she wasn’t totally helpless. Plus, his excitement from that sentence was just to die for! “No way!”
“I meannn… we could probably play out here, either game!” Lorelai smiled sweetly, putting her hands behind her back. Giovanni put his hands on his hips, looking up. “I’m not sure, Lori, the clouds kinda look-“
Small droplets of rain began to fall onto the pair. Giovanni unbuttoned his coat, sighing. He draped it over Lorelai’s shoulders. “Gray. They looked gray.”
“That’s too bad… but we still could hang out, y’know?” She tugged the fluffy hood over her head, looking at the way the rain dampened his black tank top. She let herself admire his muscles. What? This was still her fantasy! Giovanni boasted, pumping an arm, “Of course! The rain can dampen our clothes, but not our spirits!”
“That’s, Mr. Murder, the most dorky line you’ve said yet.” She said, slipping her arms into the sleeves. He sighed dramatically, buttoning the coat on her. “Thought you loved that about me…”
“I do, more than anything,” she paused, “but, I would also like it if we got out of the rain so you don’t get a cold. My house isn’t far. Molly talks about you all the time, I bet she’ll love a visit from her boss.”
She wondered if Molly would be happy to see her big sister again. Would she even want a visit? Did she even talk about her, let alone miss her?
Lorelai felt a wet arm wrap around her, snatching her out of her thoughts. From the corner of her eye, she saw Giovanni cheer. “Bear trap! My number one minion! Hey, how lucky is that? I get to date my minion’s cool older sister!”
She took his hand from her waist, making him spin her. “You must be the luckiest supervillain in the world, then.” “Heck yeah I am! Just look at me!”
Giovanni seemed receptive to this dance, tugging her closer to lift her up and spin her. “Pfft— Gio! You’re all wet!” “You’re just so light!” He chirped. Lori wrapped her arms around his neck, brushing his wet bangs out of the way to kiss his head. “Dummy.”
He rolled his eyes at the tease, setting her down with her arms still linked around his neck. They began to dance down the sidewalk, the only noise for a brief while being the splashes of their feet, the drum of raindrops, and their giggles. Their dance wasn’t anything special, or fast-paced; it was quite the opposite, really. It was slow, and by the amount of giggles, clearly unpracticed. They rocked back and forth, Lorelai’s head resting against his shoulder, and spun each other, clinging to one another once their footing was half stable again. They were pressed so close, the rain didn’t feel cold anymore.
“You said you were worried I would end up sick.” Giovanni mumbled. Lorelai’s eyes fluttered closed. “I am. But I want this more.” “You want me more?” Giovanni said, amused. Lorelai stayed quiet. “I see, the hare-idan refuses to speak! Did she hit herself with a mute spell, or embarrassed from drinking too much love potion?”
She giggled, squeezing him tighter. Giovanni dipped her down, kissing her nose. “Did you use an incantation to take all the color away from the world and put it in your laugh?”
“I put it all in me.” She said, her voice barely louder than the pitter-patter of the rain.
She wished she could be a bunny, watching the pair dance. She was sure it was something out of a movie. The way his eyes were stuck on her, as if she was the only thing in the world that mattered, was something straight out of a fairytale. It made her heart pound.
Giovanni stood her up, wrapping an arm around her. “Couldn’t bother to share?” “Nope! But maybe I’ll give some to you in exchange for another kiss.” She said, leaning closer. Giovanni leaned down, connecting their lips. It didn’t last more than a second before he pulled away, guiding her to her home. She had wished it had lasted longer— not just the kiss, but the entire moment. She wasn’t ready for it to end.
“Your house is right up ahead, right?” But even she knew they had to.
There, across the street, was the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, a bear and bunny decorating the sign. Toys sat in the windows, the top of which were decorated with party banners. Posters were pasted to the inside panes of glass, advertising the toys inside and a Regional Below Ceremony.
“Uhm, yeah! The toy store is right there.” Lorelai stuttered. “Great!” Giovanni pushed her closer, inside the store. “It’s been so long since I’ve been here!”
She looked around the store. For once, it was rather full. Customers drifted around the isles, picking random toys from the shelves. She felt her shoulders sag, free from the weight of seeing her father, real or otherwise.
She began to guide Giovanni to the back of the store, but before she made it to the door, a voice called out. “Lorelainebacker Blyndeff! Who is the lucky guy?”
Crap. She pushed Giovanni closer to the door, a plastic grin plastered on her face. Giovanni appeared confused.
It wasn’t her real father, so it wouldn’t be a problem, she reasoned to herself. She heard him call out again, but would not turn to face him. She shoved Giovanni through the door, guiding him up the rickety old staircase.
Martin had made his oldest daughter talk to Giovanni for him, which ended up moot. She had to pick up most of Molly’s chores: cleaning, cooking, running the store; and if she was “too busy,” otherwise known as trying to pass school, her father ran the register. It had ended up tanking her grades, making her turn in homework late, feeling constantly exhausted, getting even less time outside…
Is this really what she had been putting her sister through?
Once home, Lorelai sighed. “I’m so sorry. Do you want something? The toy tea sets serve real tea, so we can have that! Or I could make some cookies. I looked up some new recipes after last time, so they’ll taste great.” Giovanni shook his head to all of that. “I’d rather warm up with you.”
“Let’s go, then.” She said cheerfully. “My bedroom’s just up ahead.”
Down the hall, they entered the pink and green bedroom. The pair discarded their excess layers into a soggy pile corner. They collapsed onto the bed together, Lorelai squeezing herself into his arms. “There we are. This feels right.”
Giovanni ran his hand through her hair. “Beartrap’s in her room?” “Probably playing with her stuffies, yeah.” Lorelai replied.
“How’s she been?” He looked down at her. She shrugged. “Good, I guess? She’s happy.”
“And how’ve you been?” He asked. She, again, shrugged. “This was amazing. This is so much better than what’s been happening.” “What has been happening?”
Lorelai hesitated, gripping him tighter. “You know, after all the witch stuff? After Graham, and that fight?”
Giovanni remained silent. Of course, he wouldn’t know what had happened. He wasn’t there. She pulled away from Giovanni, sitting up. Giovanni furrowed his brow, sitting up after her.
“What fight?”
Lorelai felt her throat tighten, her voice cracking as she spoke. “She isn’t here.”
This only confused the villain more. “Who?”
“Molly. And those customers. And you, you aren’t here either.” She hiccuped. She could feel him wrap his arms around her again. She put a hand on his chest. “Stop it. Just go away.”
“I’m right here, Lori, I’m real.” He said, his tone gentle. Her face felt hot and wet, tears dripping down her cheeks. “You aren’t, though. You think you are, but you aren’t. You’re there with Molly, and I’m here.”
Giovanni, again, looked confused. He reached a hand up, brushing some of her tears away. “I’ll stay all night if it convinces you I’m real. I’ll stay forever, if it’s what it takes.” “See, that? That’s not real! We aren’t the story I wish we were!” She tugged herself away, getting off the bed. Giovanni stood up after her, lifting his hands. “Hey, hey! It’s okay!”
She stumbled away from him, wiping her eyes. “It's not! Nothing’s okay! It doesn’t feel like anything will be okay ever again!” “It will be, it just takes time!” “I’ve used all the time I’ve had!” She sobbed. “She's gone because of me! I don’t know how I’m supposed to live with myself or how Dad can live with himself without shame!”
Giovanni stepped closer, “There will always be a bit of shame in you, Lori, I can’t take that away from you. I just want to be here to help you go through it.” “But you won’t be.” She said bitterly. “You want to, but you won’t, because you’ll be taking care of her.”
Giovanni was silent.
And the world shone ivory.
Lorelai opened her eyes, finding herself in her bedroom in her pajamas. The house was silent, besides the sound of her dad’s snores. It was pitch black out; it had to be past midnight.
Lorelai Blyndeff had no one to turn to. No one at all, not even in the recesses of her mind. She couldn’t even make someone who loved her.
Lorelai Blyndeff was truly and utterly alone.
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bunnygirl678 · 3 months
New au just dropped, it’s technically prec metal but like that’s not the focus at all,
-something happens and somehow Silver (manga or this isn’t as sweet) is deaged
-silver and gold had been dating for a while, so even though Silver has the memories of himself at 2, subconsciously he knows he can trust Gold so he doesn’t freak out and lets him hold him and care for him
-gold is immediately like omg baby silver is adorable, he’s like hmmm I’m fine taking care of him, he has an idea
-it’s only going to be a week of him being deaged then it’s back to normal silver
-gold takes the wiggly baby (who is giving him baby fever let’s be honest here, as soon as silver is back to himself they are totes looking into a surrogate he wants little ginger babies to spoil)
-gold shows up at team rocket base, goes straight to Giovanni, who is immediately like omg that’s silver, I’d recognize my sweet little baby anywhere
-gold is like, listen, silver is a baby for the next week, and I thought you might enjoy having him around for it
-gold sticks around of course, he wouldn’t leave Silver alone, but Giovanni has a great time, he’s a really good dad, obviously loves his son, he and gold end up chatting a lot, Gio admits that he’s glad Silver and Gold are dating, Gold is good for Silver, ect, he thanks Gold for the opportunity to have his baby again even if it was for a short time, also admits he wishes he and Silver could spend time together
-Gio has grown on Gold at this point, but the week is over, Gio puts Silver to sleep, doesn’t realize that Gold is watching, he kisses the baby’s forehead, tells him how much he loves him, and loves him as an adult too, very sweet moment
-Silver wakes up, he’s back to being grown, he’s immediately like wtf where am I, Gold is next to him, smiles and is like, missed you buddy, how much do you remember, silver is just like nada where are we
-Gold explains what happens, but also how Giovanni was, suggests that they stick around for awhile maybe Silver try to connect
-they do, it’s really nice, they hang out for a while and become a family, then gold is like soooo i really want little ginger babies
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teecupangel · 1 year
Another Desmond reborn as X, but this one is as Uberto Alberti's kid. Who we don't know anything about but "family" is the reason he betrayed his friend supposedly so I'd be interesting if Desmond could try and avoid it this time around.
According to the transcription of Uberto’s database in ACII:
Now, I found a backdoor into the Templars' database server, I've been combing it for some kind of smoking gun. I found it. Apparently, Uberto's family was evicted by the Medici bank. Uberto's been aching for revenge ever since, and the Templars promised him support. Ezio's father was standing in the way AND Uberto was jealous of his influence over the Florentine government. Two birds with one stone, isn't it? It looks like Uberto used his election to the Signoria as his opportunity to strike.
Apparently, he joined the Templars because the Medici evicted his family.
If he is part of the real House Alberti, there is no mentions of any evictions in wiki nor any mention of an Uberto. The Albertis were allies of the Medici as far as I read.
Returned to Florence, in the 15th century they were first allied to the Medici against the Albizzi. Main members of the period include writer Antonio Alberti, cardinal Alberto di Giovanni Alberti and architect and Renaissance theorist Leon Battista Alberti.
But wiki did say that they “divided into different lines, who owned several houses and towers near the modern Ponte alle Grazie” and “Some of them were admitted in the Venetian nobility late in the century” so maybe Uberto’s family wasn’t one of those few fortunate Albertis to gain nobility.
So, really…
Giovanni died and dragged his two sons with him because of his ties to the Medicis.
And Desmond would point that out.
In this setup, Desmond would probably think of Uberto as a good father as he did stress he did it for his family (although another setup is that Uberto is using the whole “I’m doing it for my family” to hide his greed and thirst for power but that would be a bit boring so we’ll go down the ‘a good man wishing to avenge his family’s misfortunes’ route instead).
So Desmond would want to protect his new family (especially if he has younger siblings). When they get evicted, Desmond understood why Uberto did what he did. Maybe add in the drama of the eviction being all of a sudden or not given any warning before they were evicted during a time when Firenze was having ‘money problems’.
Desmond knew that the Templars would contact Uberto then and tried to stop Uberto from saying yes to the Templars but he’d say that this was their only choice if they wish to protect their family.
(If you really wanna drive in a conundrum, one of Desmond’s siblings or his mother falls ill during this time and the financial support the Templars gave them is what kept them from dying or maybe said mother/sibling was already ill and almost died had it not been for the Templars’ money)
In the end, Desmond tries to leave the Auditores alone but, instead, Ezio found him and started to talk to him. Desmond couldn’t help but form a bond with Ezio anyway, maybe become a close friend who doesn’t really like to be seen with others.
Ezio knows Desmond spend most of his time caring for his ailing sibling/mother, and he remembers Petruccio so he has a soft spot for Desmond.
Uberto still becomes a Templar and Desmond tries to undermine him, first by trying to save the decoded message that Giovanni needed but that failed because Uberto knew that Desmond was trying to stop him so he’s become more ‘suspicious’. He never scolds Desmond though and he understands what his son is doing so he tells Desmond to continue to try and stop him…
“This way… no matter which sides wins, our family will be safe.”
And Desmond realized then and there that Uberto was ready to die if it meant their family would be safe and financially secured.
In the end…
Desmond helped Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio escape by unlocking their cage and telling them that Uberto’s a Templar. Desmond begs Giovanni to not kill Uberto, that he’ll be able to make Uberto understand that they have failed and they’ll leave Firenze, hell, they’ll leave all of Italia, just…
“Please… don’t kill padre.”
Giovanni promises not to kill Uberto if they leave Firenze as soon as possible.
And Desmond is able to persuade Uberto to do just that, telling him that revenge means nothing if it would lead to his death.
The happy ending would be that Desmond and Ezio would see each other and there will be this strain in their friendship because of Uberto’s betrayal that they will slowly get past.
The more angst-filled route would be…
Lorenzo wants all the conspirators of the Pazzi conspiracy to be killed and Uberto was one of them. He orders Giovanni to kill Uberto and Giovanni tried to say no, at first, only to acquiesce once Lorenzo reminded him who he was ‘allies’ with.
Desmond finds an Assassin standing in front of his father’s bleeding corpse and the darkness and his shock made it hard for him to see the Assassin clearly.
All he knows…
… was that the Assassin was wearing Ezio’s robes…
In this setup, Desmond would be torn between wanting to take vengeance or being the person to cut the noose of revenge that keeps looping and looping around all of them.
His trust in the Auditores would be destroyed and Desmond would want to believe that it wasn’t Ezio, that maybe it was Giovanni or even Federico but a part of him would whisper that it could have been Ezio. Ezio wasn’t there when Desmond begged for his father’s life.
Last time he saw Ezio, he was wearing those robes…
And Desmond can’t…
… will not kill Ezio even if a part of him wished to avenge Uberto’s death.
They had no reason to kill him.
His family had exiled themselves away from Firenze, living as normal farmers of all things.
He needed to know the truth.
And, once he knows it…
That’s when he’ll decide how to end this chain of vengeance.
With blood spilled… or not.
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coffeecat1983 · 5 months
Mario Bros Then and Now (feat Tony and Arthur): Home Sweet Home
Time: Early June 2023. Luigi pushed open the front door with his shoulder, turning once he was inside. He had a medium sized box in his hands labelled 'books'. It had taken a lot of work but the Bros were finally moved in to their own home in the Mushroom Kingdom. Over the course of a few weeks Peach had snuck a small army of toads in to Brooklyn at night to gather the packed items and take them back through the warp.
The last thing to go was the furniture with Giovanni and the twins helping out. Even the beds had been dismantled and transported down to the smallest bolt. Once the Bros broke the news that the house was built, Marianna had gotten into the hall closet and pulling something out, handed it to them at the dining table. "I've been saving this for when you two move. A little piece of home." Luigi teared up and Mario was speechless. It was more of the wallpaper from their bedroom. It had gone up in their new room. The toads worked with love and care to put it in place, and once it was done Giovanni and Arthur got to work putting the beds together. Meanwhile Marianna and Tony helped with kitchen items and the living room. Now the Bros were alone in their new home, and Luigi had just brought in the last box that had been left outside. Setting it down, he heaved a sigh. "Phew, I think this is the last one." he grunted as he stretched and popped his back. "Moving through a warp made moving cross-country look easy, huh big bro?" His brother didn't reply. Leaving the small entryway, Luigi found his older brother standing in the living room, surrounded by boxes. His cap was off and his arms were folded. He looked, Luigi thought, lost. "Mario?" he was gentle as he placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You okay?"
Mario didn't look at him, instead his gaze remained on all the boxes. "I didn't think it would feel this weird." he finally said. "Bein' in our own place." "You having second thoughts?" Luigi silently admitted to himself that he had been worried about the move. Out of Brooklyn was one thing, but to a new world altogether, well that was terrifying. Mario let out a soft laugh. "Nah, no second thoughts. Just we've always been in that apartment. Now it's a whole house for us. Uncle Art and Tony aren't across the hall, Ma, Dad, Papa Sal, they won't be here when we get up…" "Heh, I see what you mean. It is kinda weird." Clearing his throat, he went over to a box and opening it, took out a video game and held it up. "But h-hey, we can stay up late now playin' games!" he set the game aside and pulled out a movie. "Or watch movies as loud as we want, there's no other houses close by." His attempt to cheer him up worked, he made Mario laugh. "Yeah, you're right, Lu. How about we get your music player set up and start unpackin'? Oh, and Ma wants us back tonight for dinner." Luigi's eyes lit up and digging in his pocket, he pulled out his little music player and turning it on, cranked up the volume.
That evening in Brooklyn, the Bros were surprised to find the whole family gathered for dinner like it was Sunday evening. "What's all this?" Mario asked as they entered to cheers from their relatives. "Hey kid! Gotta celebrate you two gettin' your own place." Arthur said, holding up a wineglass. Marianna slipped behind the Bros as they were taking their seats and leaning in, kissed them both on the cheek. "My boys, so proud of you two!" she beamed. "How's it feel havin' your own place?" Marie spoke next. Mario let out a soft laugh, glancing at Luigi. "It, ah, it feels, well…" he hesitated. "Weird?" Tony volunteered. Mario's shoulders visibly relaxed. "Y-Yeah, that. Just, not being so close to you all is really different." Tony sat back, arms folded. "Sound familiar, Art?" Arthur groaned past his sip of wine. Setting the glass down he shook his head. "God, that first day in the basement felt like the Twilight Zone…"
August 1999.
Tony stepped back, taking in the sight of the freshly made bed. He swallowed hard. Seeing the powder blue of his bedspread all alone without Arthur's yellow and white stripped spread nearby was jarring. "Beds are made." he called as he went to the kitchen. Not getting a reply, he popped his head around the doorway. His twin was in the living room, rubbing his arm as he stood surrounded by boxes. His hair was ruffled, the loose strands hanging down nearly to his eyes. "Hey, lil bro, you in there?" Tony teasingly waved a hand in front of his face and Arthur jerked, coming out of his thoughts. He sputtered and waved his hands, playfully pushing Tony back. "What're you doin', ya idiot?" he said with a laugh. "There you are. You okay? Looked like you were lost." Shuffling past the boxes of movies and comic books, Arthur plopped down on the secondhand couch they had gotten. "I feel lost." he softly admitted. "New place, not having the family with us," he looked at Tony, "seperate rooms." Tony sat beside him, sighing. "Yeah, definitely weird. We've always had people around, and shared a room." Arthur quietly agreed. They couldn't afford one of the upper apartments that would give them a room big enough to share, and with Marianna expecting her babies, they had to take what they could get to give their old room to their nephews. Something that neither resented, but it meant a big change and it was hitting them hard. Tony sat back, looking at the blank walls. "I mean, yeah we got separate rooms but we got the whole place to ourselves." He nudged Arthur and jerked a thumb towards a long, thin box. "And Gio never liked posters on the living room walls…" Arthur broke into a grin as he caught on. When Marianna came down in the elevator to see how the twins were doing, she found them both singing as Arthur hung up movie posters and Tony filled the bookcases with their movies and music. "Hi Ma!" Tony waved before turning down the stereo and going to give her a hug. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she entered and looked around. "Well look at you two! You're gonna turn it into your own place in no time." "You like it?" Tony asked nervously. "I know Gio never liked posters in the living room." Marianna laughed. "Oh he's stubborn! I think you boys are doing a wonderful job. But how about a break and some dinner? Can't have a good sleep in a new place without a full stomach."
"We had a good sleep all right," Arthur finished the story. "Passed out on the couch together watching movies!"
Giovanni shook his head as he folded his arms. "Thankfully you two moved on a weekend and didn't have work the next day." "Gettin' to the point," Tony said, "I know it feels weird but give it time. It'll feel like home pretty quick." After dinner and a movie with the twins, the Bros made the trip back, both stopping outside the house. The little porch light by the door cast a warm and welcoming glow. "You know somethin', Lu?" "Hmm?" Mario smiled at his little brother. "Feels good to be home."
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Part Seven of "The Lake Between Us"
Merging Star Clusters
Ezra AU x Seraphina (plus size OFC)
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Word Count: 1252
Warnings: surprisingly none! 😄
Summary: Ezra's got all his favorite ladies in one place. Seraphina and Cee finally meet.
Notes: Usually, Nerdie brings the family drama, but for Ezra (and my last slivers of sanity), I left that alone this time. This fic is easy, like Sunday morning or whenever you happen to read this.
Main Masterlist/ Ezra Masterlist/ The Lake between Us Series
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Cee noted that something was different about her guardian when he stood next to his truck to pick her and Zoe up. He of course took their suitcases like always and brought them in for hugs, never judging her for her choice of partner. Some days, she thought he preferred she was with a woman, she remembered him always telling her “never fully trust anyone even me, but especially men. Leave them alone as long as possible.” She’d been pretty sure he was saying that because he was her father figure as most of them seemed to she heard from her friends. That said, he looked brighter, like he actually slept and put a bit of his weight back on. Cee would never be foolish enough to tell him that last part. Ezra tended to gather it around his belly which despite never mentioning it, she knew he was sensitive about it. She was waiting for him to mention it first. The reason for his positive change. They had spoken about the person in question for the first time a few months ago but only in depth a few weeks ago.
Zora, Cee’s girlfriend of the past year, was never one to mince words or be delicate. Cee appreciated her directness but also her kindness as she was never rude with questions of comments. “So Mr. Wordsmith, this lady friend of yours, is she just that or your partner in you looking like a million dollars?” Ezra had grown accustomed to Zora’s nicknames for his expansive vocabulary and he chuckled at her question as he turned down the main road that led to his home. About twenty more minutes now. 
“She has become an essential fixture in my days and nights, so yes my partner.” Answering in a matter of fact manner without a full paragraph had Cee and Zora look at each other through his rear view mirror as Cee was sitting upfront. 
“I’m still in shock. She’s got to be an angel or something.” Zora exclaimed, patting Ezra’s shoulders to which he continued to smile. 
“Did you not tell Zora her name Cee?” Ezra asked with a raised eyebrow. Zora furrowed her brow at the blonde who appeared in thought.
“Wait, I thought I had. Her name is-“
“Seraphina. My lovely lady’s name is Seraphina.” Ezra hummed. Both women shivered.
“Please don’t say her name like that in front of us like that again. Save that for her.” Cee looked out the window, grinning. He’s smitten, the man who told her never to trust anyone is smitten.
“Never expected you to find an actual angel Mr. Ezra. Though I guess if anyone was, it would be you. You did find that 1st edition copy of ‘Love Poems’ by Nikki Giovanni for my twentieth birthday. Didn’t think one existed anymore.” Zora leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek as they pulled into the driveway and parked his truck. She hopped out along with Cee. Ezra went to grab their suitcases as the front door opened.
A woman clad in a yellow sundress with a bright smile and coiled hair up in a ponytail atop her head her copper skin shimmered from the humidity forming on her skin. She was wearing a bright fuschia lipstick on her full lips and wore blue rimmed glasses. She gave a small wave to which Cee and Zora matched. Ezra climbed the stairs and set the bags down to peck her lips then embrace her. The two young women collectively made an “ooo!” 
“These two uncouth creatins are Zora and Cee. Despite their teasing, they are excited to meet you. They’re mainly having fun at my expense, not yours Sundrop.” His smile nearly hurt, it was from ear to ear. The women that made his life brighter were all gathered here under one roof. Was it alright that he felt this happy? That his nightmares weren’t as frequent? With everyone making their way into his home, he watched as Cee went to the kitchen with Sera and they hugged, rocking back and forth as Sera often did with her own family. Did that mean Seraphina saw Cee as part of her family? Wait…were the two of them family now? Shaking his head, he felt he may be getting ahead of himself. 
Sundrop had already set the table while Ezra had been out. They just poured water and sweet tea and sat down together at the table. Eating and laughing all night, they asked each other questions. Eventually, Cee and Seraphina ended up outside on the porch to chat. They sat side by side, chuckling at how enamored both Zora and Ezra were with the books on the shelves. 
“I sometimes think she’s more of his charge than I am.” Cee laughs as Ezra and Zora are seen through the window exchanging some heightened words over a hardcover book. Their hands are moving back and forth, both excited and likely talking a mile a minute.
“I can see why he took a liking to her. They’re discussing those volumes with quite the fervor.” Sera commenced and Cee nodded. She smiled at Sera.
“I can also see why he’s taken a liking to you. Just sitting with you is pretty relaxing. He looks a hell of a lot better than the last time I saw him.” Seraphina laughed and Cee gasped, “Ah sorry. I sometimes-”
“I know. Ezra told me. I don’t mind. I know he doesn’t like it. He’s not out here is he?” Sera chuckled and Cee relaxed again. Thankfully she was the same as she had been around the dinner table. Personable and kind. “We’ve helped each other. He’s got quite a few layers but they’re warm.” Seraphina then looked out over the water. Cee followed her eyes and peered at the lake too.
“I’ve never heard him described like that, but also you’re the only woman I’ve seen him bring to his house to meet me.”
“That’s…” Sera pressed her hands together and looked over at Cee. She knew things had become more serious between the two of them. The significance wasn’t lost on her. It fell in line with Ezra meeting her mother and subsequently her brothers at a family dinner. Her father met Ezra later that night after his part time job. “I suppose a lot has happened between us.
“In any case, it’s good for him. He doesn’t do well when he’s idle. He’ll say he’s just fine but-”
“That’s when the very bad ideas start and even longer than normal prose starts and never stops?” Seraphina and Cee laugh on that one as Zora exits the back door with Ezra holding a book of poems by Robert Frost. 
“Can you believe he won’t let me borrow this?” Zora appears to be distraught, while Ezra’s arms are crossed defensively. 
“The condition of the Langston Hughes poems speaks volumes to your treatment and care of books. I’ll not have the pages of my collection bent, ripped or stained.” Ezra argued. Cee and Seraphina watched as they bickered a bit more and ushered them inside the house. 
Eventually, they simmered down and agreed that Zora could read it while staying at Ezra’s home and wouldn’t need to be supervised. Cee and Zora slept in Birdie’s old bedroom while Sera and Ezra retired to his. The soft taps of the wind on the sides of the house and the croaks of the crickets lulled them all to sleep for the night.
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Interlude 2 Chapter eight
Chapter six
Taste-testers of Ezra’s gumbo 🍤: @rav3n-pascal22 @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @survivingandenduring @bonezone44 @magpiepillsjunior-deactivated20 @yorksgirl @gemmahale @missredherring @missladym1981 @alltheglitterandtheroar @megamindsecretlair @readingiskeepingmegoing @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @inept-the-magnificent @vivian-pascal @jessthebaker
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Hi, I wanted to ask you if you could write a one-shot about Ezio Auditore x Reader (Lorenzo's niece)?. where the two of them have an important relationship, which one day the reader discovers that she is pregnant and she immediately goes to tell Ezio but she finds out that he cheated on her with Cristina. due to the pain she decides to leave Florence and raise the child alone (the only ones who know about the pregnancy are Lorenzo, Giovanni, Maria and Federico) only later Ezio finds out and goes to look for her
Oooh bringing in the angst!! 💔❤️‍🩹 no happy ending here
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You look down at her and your heart breaks. She looks like you and so much him at the same time. If things had gone differently, Ezio would be here with you both during playtime with the dolls.
He loved you. He loved Cristina. He risked everything to keep you and his family safe. He gave himself to you endlessly and selflessly. The network of ally spies revealed to you he had seen Cristina again.
Two of the four who knew were tragically passed, even though you knew Giovanni and Frederico would have been ecstatic to be a part of your daughter’s life.
For the longest time, you wanted to be angry at Cristina, at Ezio, at the world, but what good was that going to do? The poor young woman and you never got him in the end.
Now Claudia had become another informant, and her letter betrayed the timing of when Ezio was due to your abode.
Downstairs, you hear the commotion between your Uncle Lorenzo and Ezio. Raised voices and desperate pleading before thudding footsteps got closer to the doorway.
You held your breath for a split second as the door swung open, and Ezio burst into the drawing room with gasping breaths.
The little one turned to look at the disheveled man before turning back to her imaginations.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
The cracked voice betrayed all the anguish that been pent up inside the young man. Tear stains and sunken eyes painted his heartbreak.
“It was not how I wanted to tell you, but things do change…”
He took a tentative step towards you both with a hopeful expression. You hoped the situation would not involve raised voices. There has been too much of that through all the sleepless tearful nights of your pregnancy.
“Can I—?”
Any other time, you would have agreed to him, but nothing would ever be the same again.
“I am not sure, Ezio…I am not certain about anything…”
Outside your window, two doves nestled to each other protectively over their nest of new hatchlings.
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sydsaint · 1 year
My fav Judgement Day member. 💜
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Summary: The reader encounters some problems with Imperium buts finds someone unexpected coming to her rescue.
It's a Monday night after Raw has already gone off the air and everyone has exited the arena for the night. Earlier in the night you suffered your 5th loss in a row this month. This one is at the hands of Sonya Deville. And it's safe to say that you're feeling pretty sorry for yourself right about now. And what better way to celebrate your self-loathing than grabbing a drink at the hotel bar?
The bar is unusually packed for a Monday night when you arrive. You recognize a few people from work as you make a b-line for the bar, but none of them bother to acknowledge you. Not that you really care. Right now, the only thing on your mind is getting a drink and feeling sorry for yourself. 
"Evening," The bartender on duty smiles at you when you approach the bar. 
You nod at him with a hint of a smile and sit down on a barstool. "Hey," You answer his greeting and nod to the cooler of bottleneck beers sitting behind him. "Just a beer, please." 
"That it?" The bartender muses. "No fruity drink?" He jokes.
"Not tonight." You shake your head. 
The bartender nods and pops the cap off of a beer before handing it to you. You take a sip and close your eyes for a moment. The cold liquid slides down your throat and cools you off. You can hear various conversations between patrons all around you, as well as some Indi music playing from somewhere to your right. 
The bartender strikes up a friendly conversation with you when he's not serving drinks. He's nice enough that you don't feel annoyed when he asks you about yourself. He walks away after asking you about your job for a moment and when he comes back he's got some fruity drink with him. 
"Here, this is for you." He slides the drink your way. "It's from those two guys over in that booth." He nods across the room. 
You turn in your seat and gaze across the room where Giovonni Vinci and Marcel Barthel are sitting. Vinci flashes a dashing smile at you and you quickly turn away from him. "Great. Thanks." You reluctantly take the drink. 
You hope and pray that the drink was just a friendly gesture and that Vinci won't come over to bother you. But much to your chagrin, he heads over a few minutes later. 
"Y/N! What a pleasure seeing you here." Vinci walks over and leans against the bar next to you.
"Giovanni. Thanks for the drink." You offer him a small smile. "That was nice of you. But I was just about to call it a night." You inform him. 
You reach for your purse and pray again that Vinci will get the hint and leave you alone. But he makes no indication that he's going to leave you alone. "Awe, going so soon, Y/N?" Vinci asks you. "You've only been here for like half an hour." 
"Yeah well, I've got an early day tomorrow." You reply dryly. 
Vinci still makes no effort to take your hints and leave you be and you start to wonder if you could get away with just leaving without a word. You've already made plenty of enemies on RAW at work. Sonya and Chelsea hate you. Zoey is still holding a grudge from when you were both in NXT. Not to mention Rhea Ripley has had it in for you ever since it was revealed that you and Dominik are cousins. 
You take a breath and are about to try and dismiss yourself from Vinci again when suddenly you sense that someone is standing directly behind you. "She doesn't seem like she's interested, Vinci." A deep voice sounds from behind you. 
"Pfft. It's none of your business, Priest!" Vinci defends his prey.
You turn your head and find Damian Priest looming behind you with a scowl on his face. 'shit' You curse to yourself. 'What the hell could he want?' You wonder. 
"I said, leave her alone. Don't make me tell you again." Damian remains adamant that Vinci needs to leave. 
Vinci locks eyes with Priest and the pair stare at one another in a statement. Vinci ends up breaking first through, and storms off mumbling something under his breath. 
"You didn't have to do that." You turn back to the bar. 
"I know." Damian replies and steps over to your side where you can see him now. 
You reach for your drink and finish the rest of it. "If you're expecting me to thank you then you're going to be standing there for a while. I didn't need any help." You inform him dryly. 
"No thanks needed." Damian replies. "Vinci gets on my nerves too. It was no problem." He insists. 
"Right." You huff and reach for your purse again. 
The last thing you need is one of Rhea's goons thinking that you owe them something. So it's better if you just leave now and not interact with Priest. Even if he did save your ass. 
"Here, let me get it." Damian pulls his wallet out faster than you can find your card in your purse and hands it to the waiting bartender. 
"I can pay for my own drinks." You insist, but Damian shakes his head. 
You watch him sit down on the stool next to you and signal the bartender to ignore your request. "It's just a beer," Damian argues with you. "Trust me, it's no big deal." 
"With you people, it always seems to be." You grumble. 
"You people?" Damian turns to you with a raised brow. 
You realize your poor choice of words and bite your lip. "You know what I meant. You're in Judgement Day. And I don't want any part of that whole mess." 
"That's work," Damian replies smoothly. "We're not at work right now, are we?" He reminds you. "Right now we might as well be strangers. You're the girl getting unwanted attention from some sleaze who doesn't know how to take a hint. And I'm the guy trying to help her out." He jokes. 
"Pretty sure this conversation qualifies you as the sleaze giving me unwanted attention." You quip back with just a hint of a laugh. 
Damian chuckles and picks up his drink. "Fair enough." He acknowledges your burn. "I'll let you get out of here then. But I'm still paying for your drink." He adds. 
"Yeah, thanks." You sigh and dismiss yourself. 
The next week you are heading back to the locker rooms after your match against Zoey Stark when you run into Giovonni and Marcel again. The pair box you in and manage to corner you outside of catering.
"Well well well, Y/N, funny seeing you here." Vinci grins down at you. 
"Giovanni." You swallow hard and accidentally back yourself into a wall. "How are you?" You ask him nervously. 
Vinci and Barthel both share a look and laugh with one other before they both turn back to you. "I don't appreciate being dismissed, Y/N," Vinci warns you. "Especially when I was being so nice last night. I even bought you a drink." He reminds you. 
"I never asked you to do that." You defend yourself. "I wasn't looking to have any company last night." 
"Oh but that's just not true, now is it?" Marcel cuts in. "You seemed more than happy to let Damian Priest sit down with you and talk for a moment." He reminds you. 
You bite the inside of your lip and curse yourself for managing to get yourself into this much trouble. Why can't you go one week without getting your ass beat?
"Hey!" A booming voice echoes through the hall causing Vinci and Barthel to look away from you. 
You take a chance and duck to the side and past Marcel and Giovanni and toward whoever just shouted. Once you're passed them you see that Damian is heading down the hall with a serious scowl on his face. You make your way to him and duck to safety behind him. 
"Unless both of you want your asses kicked, I suggest that you both leave," Damian warns Vinci with a growl. 
Marcel grabs Giovonni's arm and encourages him to leave. Vinci nods in frustration and both of them head off. Damian waits for them to be out of sight before he turns to you. 
"You okay?" Damian asks you in a calmer tone. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nod. "I...thank you for that." You thank him. "But I don't need this." 
Damian nods but doesn't walk off just yet. "I know. You don't want anything to do with Judgment Day. I get it." He informs you. "That's not what this is about." 
"Then what is it?" You reply sheepishly. "Because I've got no clue why'd you have any interest in me that doesn't have to do with the fact that Dominik is my cousin." You admit. 
Damian chuckles and shrugs. "Maybe I just think you're pretty." He suggests. "No ulterior motives needed then, right?" He jokes. 
"Right." A small smile plays on your lips. "Thank you again, Damian." You thank him once more. "And sorry about acting like a frigid bitch last night." 
"It's alright." Damian nods. "You were having a bad night. I get it." 
You laugh to yourself and shake your head. "More like a bad year. But yeah." You correct him. 
"Awe, you'll pick it back up soon." Damian chuckles. "You just need the right confidence boost is all." 
"Right, well when you figure out where I can get one of those, let me know." You joke. "Anyway, I better get back to the locker room." You nod down the hall. 
Damian nods and steps out of the way to let you pass him. "Y/N, wait up. Get a drink with me after the show?" He asks you. 
"Damian." You bite your lip. "Rhea and Dominik...:
"They don't have to know." Damian replies. "No one does." 
You mull it over for a moment, knowing that you're playing a dangerous game right now. "...Yeah, okay. One drink." You ultimately decide to give in and get that drink. 
"Great." Damian smiles. "Meet me at the hotel bar at 11." 
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Prohibition AU: The Family
The Outer Circle
These members have a limited amount of knowledge into the scale or even the degree-of-illegality of Naven's empire (Bliss Ocean).
Molly Blyndeff, trudging through hard times with an uncaring family, Ms Blyndeff has been quietly emancipated in exchange for her eyes, ears, and unassuming demeanor. A little spy in short.
Trixie Roughhouse, a close friend of Molly's with a fascination with concoctions. Upon introduction, they were assigned to be apprenticed in moonshining at one of Naven's underground distilleries, though they personally prefer experimenting for unknown product.
Phoenica Fleecity, another friend of Molly's. She isn't of much use in criminal activities (also the least informed of Naven's doings), but her generous allowance does help grease the financial side of activities she has no business knowing about.
Howie Honeyglow, an engineer and construction contact of Naven's. He provides maintenance and solves any lack of facilities for 'business activities', by building them up in record time with little excess charges.
Giovanni Potage, leader of a band of misfits who broke off from another street gang; now in Naven's employ. As mentioned in a previous post, he provides the majority of grunt work in Sweet Jazz City for Bliss Ocean. His talent lies in his rousing leadership which keeps morale steady no matter the branch, much to Naven's surprise. Hosts weekly hotpot nights for his brothers (in-arms).
Percival King, the officer who chose peace. She sees Naven as a major businessman with some connections to the criminal underworld; thus a deal was struck where Percy cooperates with Naven in removing the violence on the streets (and kills off competition) while Percy avoids further investigating Naven's influence that made the deal possible.
Indus Tarbella. Formerly Mera's self-declared servant and bodyguard, he now provides security and butler-like services in extension to Naven as a means to remain close to Mera.
The Inner Circle
Everyone here has blood on their hands. These are the men and women who initiates and executes the family's plans. Aka Bliss Ocean Proper.
Zora Salazar: former bounty hunter, gunsmith, and living action film 'protagonist'. Once carried out a hit halfway across the country within a single day by jumping off a wing of a plane midair onto a passing train to cut time. She usually works alone over larger distances outside of Sweet Jazz City.
Mera Salamin, the main (once) licensed surgeon and occasional strategist. She was out of a career after leaving glass shards in a patient and former co-worker who allegedly harassed her. But her swift manner of action caught Naven's attention, and she refuses to play on the sidelines this time.
Ramsey Murdoch is the accountant and financial advisor, mainly for Naven's legitimate ventures but also reaffirms good and competitive business sense for an empire balancing its legal and illegal standings. Whilst Naven is a great dealmaker, Ramsey makes those bigger deals possible.
The Driver is Naven's eyes on the city, as well as his personal companion. Always (seemingly) a different person to outsiders, some speculate that Naven has Sweet Jazz City's private chauffeurs under his patronage. Though in reality, Yoomtah Zing is a master of disguise and has a more hands-on role in managing Naven's criminal operations alongside Mera.
Naven Nuknuk, former arms dealer to the IRA and the man who came from selling apples to apple cider. He is just a small fish in comparison to the big bosses in New York or Chicago, no need to pay heed to him! (The FBI certainly doesn't anymore)
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