#girlboss season 1 episode 12
Kosha Patel on Girlboss Season 1
as Kaavi on Girlboss [S01 E12]
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beevean · 1 month
Ok hear me out:
I want you to rank the NFCV villains (Nocturne included) from "best" to worst :)
Oh, that's easy! They get worse and worse with each season! :D
Dracula is the best one. Sure, he got hit with a bad case of Idiot Plot in S2, but he's actually a believable menace in the first and last episode. He also benefits from having the best voice in the cast, so I don't want to tear out my ears when I listen to him - yeah yeah i'm killing my boy we've heard that one to death, but it is one of the most emotional moments in the show.
Then Carmilla. I don't like Carmilla one bit: she is a parody of a radfem, a generic #girlboss, and overall a large idiot with an inflated ego who only served to make Dracula and his boytoys look like imbeciles. However, I will commend one thing: she is an unrepentant bastard. In a series that wants you to go all 🥺 at all sorts of murderers and abusers, it's refreshing how hateable Carmilla is from start to finish. Sure, I question why a woman victim of all sorts of implied abuses is treated less fairly than a man who wanted to destroy all mankind and humankind because wife died, but hey, #feminism.
Lenore would have been #1 if the story didn't point at the vilest woman concievable, a disgusting abusive gaslighting lying condescending rapist only concerned with power over people and feeling good about herself, and asked me to pwease feel sowwy for her because she's kinda cute when she tells the man she raped that he can't complain about her enslaving him because he was having fun getting raped by deception 🥺 she isn't at the bottom because she is sadly effective in S3, and she could be a nice character in a story not written by a sex pest.
Since I'm including Miss "please find the rapist sympathetic", I'll include Mister "please find the jihadist sympathetic". Isaac is a giant pretentious hypocritical prick who thinks he's deep because he bleats HUMANS BAD until he wakes up and decides he wants to be Jesus instead, because you know, killing the magician gave him a big boner to stroke while he thinks about the great character development he had. He was also completely pointless to the story, to the point that they had to force a fight against Carmilla to pretend he earned his victory.
Death is so throw out there that I would almost say that his legendary manners of speech was included just so that people would remember him. He's literally a consolation prize to pretend Trevor is still relevant. Oh, and he gives us the stupidest finale possible by bringing back Dracula and Lisa, so that doesn't endear me to him.
Sun Thundercat is a wet fart. She is a 12 yo's Mary Sue, and that's assuming said 12 yo had shit taste to boot.
The Abbot is a complete moron that defies all human logic and no amount of "this time we'll make the CHURCH BAD nuanced" will convince me of the contrary. Give me a good reason as to why a priest who hates the Revolution for being godless would even consider to team up with godless demons.
Vaublanc will always be remembered for his hilarious fish eye frames and that's it.
Not worthy of note are the Bishop, Sala, the Japanese not-twins and the Judge. They are nothing more than walking HUMAN BAD and CHURCH BAD stereotypes, and I don't consider them characters, only plot devices. Oh, and uhhh the Magician? I guess? What a great roster. I won't count Olrox because his role is still unclear.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
HDM Season 2!
Episode 1:
Some of the early foreshadowing that opening gateways = specters is that right after Asriel makes his bridge, Citigazze is thronged with them. He must've created hundreds.
Where did Lyra learn judo
They've changed her first meeting with Will, continuing to make Lyra a bit more volatile to add tension and obstacles
The cloud pine is in the witches?? Also the sfx for the witches flying looks very silly, sorry.
Good, they kept Will paying for food and the all important omelettequest.
How does Will's phone have battery after 3 days in another dimension? Mine loses it sitting quietly on the shelf for a few hours.
They are sitting on the stairs from the intro sequence
Will psychic visions??
Episode 2:
Yes they kept Lyra getting hit by a car! (horrible thing to say)
They've tweaked the intro a little bit to reflect the Citigazze world so here is the important question - will the very artistic and serious intro for season 3 include the rollerskating elephants.
Botanic gardens mentioned!!
Ruta Skadi is more fiery and passionate in the books, but I don't remember her clashing this much with Serafina. More manufactured drama I guess.
SFF writers about dark matter: It's free real estate! (Diane Duane took a very different approach lol)
Mary Malone answering a random 12 year old's questions about her unpublished research: Anything to procrastinate on my grant application
They're dropping the witch daemon ritual lore early
Can you actually convict someone of being a traitor to a nation they don't actually belong to?
Grandparents?? Those don't come up in the book. Tbh if you're a mixed race kid and you learn that your white grandparents have never contacted you even though they live in the same city I'd assume they were racist and write them off, but I suppose Will is desperate.
I know a lot of the bad guys are given snake and lizard daemons because ooh, creepy crawly, but jokes on them because I love those little guys. I don't like Father McPhail but I love skinks.
Tbh I think being born in our world would have fixed Mrs. Coulter. She'd be a horrible girlboss CEO but she'd be thriving.
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Character ask thingie, a Legend of your choosing but you must answer ALL the questions
This is DERANGED. But I respect it, and I will do it (the questions for this ask game are here, feel free to send an ask in)
I am of course going to pick Zari Tarazi, because why the hell not
1. My first impression of them
I was deeply confused because I first watched Legends out of order and out of context, but I did love her pretty much immediately
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them)
3. A song that reminds me of them
IT GIRL by Aliyah's Interlude
4. How many people I ship them with
Let me count real quick... 3 or 4 (don't ask questions)
5. My favourite ship of them
I really like her and Charlie
6. My least favourite ship of them
Her and John. It's fine I guess, but I'm not that bothered
7. A quote of them that you remember
"I was just doing a runway turn ☺️"
8. Your favourite outfit of them
Yeah I'm not picking, when she looks good, she looks good
9. Your least favourite outfit of them
When she got high in season 7 (real rock bottom for her)
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Icon of all time, but severely down to earth beneath it all
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
How vibrant she is
12. Sexuality hc
I don't think she uses labels, but I don't think she's straight
13. Your favourite friendship they have
Her and Ava will always be so brilliant
14. Best storyline they had
Her moving away from her very vapid persona and becoming more grounded. That or the Speakeasy episode
15. Worst storyline they had
Why did she give up the totem like who asked for that
16. A childhood headcanon
She was really into Scooby Doo before she was famous
17. What do you think their first word was?
Probably Mama
18. How do you think they were as a kid?
Deeply kind
19. The most random ship you've seen people have them with
... No comment ( @sideguitars you will pay for your crimes) (just kidding)
20. A weird headcanon
She reads classic novels in her downtime
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
When her Z1 and Behrad were all in the timeline at the end of S5 after he came back to life and the world was saved, but before B started like dying and stuff
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
Right after she found out Behrad died
23. Future headcanon
She does a deep dive into the totems history in her family
24. What do you think is a secret that they have never told anyone?
Probably that she has major stage fright
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
Giving up the totem at the end of S7 (seriously who asked for this)
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most
After Behrad died and her determination to bring him back cancelled out her persona for a while. She was still on her girlboss shit, but she had focus and drive, and no time for bullshit
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Daphne Blake. They'd break the slay-ometer
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Give up the totem (I'm so upset about this, can you tell?)
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
I don't think that's for her, but if she was one she'd be the parent who says "you can be anything you want to be" and makes it happen
30. The funniest scene they had?
In S5 when z1 is trying to hack the loom and z2 just. Unplugs it. The popping into frame, the pause before she does it, her little fucking smile, the contrast with Z1. Perfection.
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whenthegoldrays · 7 months
hiii elly <3
kinda bored lately and wanted to watch something so came here for recs :) could be of any kind btw like movies, tv shows (any language)
also maybe not something from your top ten kdramas post lol i've already watched most of the shows on there
also how're you doing?
hope you're doing well <33
Hey girl hey! Thank you for asking, I'm doing well! Terribly busy, but on the whole things are good. How about you?
Oooh okay this is quite a thing to ask me, I'm going to get decision paralysis dhdvdvdg but let me think of some less-common things I can recommend!
Available on Prime Video.
The Surprise (2015). Also available on Tubi. After inking their own death warrants, an eccentric millionaire and distraught woman fall in love and find voiding their contracts isn't an option. Romance! Dark humor! The k-drama truck of doom, except it's a Dutch movie! (Disclaimer: I do not recommend watching this film if one is suicidal)
From Prada to Nada (2011). A modern Mexican-American adaptation of Sense and Sensibility that surprisingly really works?? The title is woeful but the movie is pretty darn good.
The Lady Vanishes (2013). Iris Carr is traveling across Europe by train when she befriends Miss Froy, an elderly English woman. But when she wakes up from a few hours' sleep, Miss Froy has vanished. As fellow passengers claim the lady never existed, Iris fights to discover the fate of Miss Froy - and prove that she's not going mad.
Love and Friendship (2016). Adaptation of Jane Austen's Lady Susan, starring Kate Beckinsdale. The main character is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, and the supporting characters are all just. so funny.
To Tell The Truth (1961). If you just want something to distract you that doesn't take a lot of thinking, old game shows are ideal. In this one, a celebrity panel tries to guess which of three strangers is the person they claim to be.
Masterpiece/PBS Passport Shows.
All Creatures Great and Small (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. A feel-good (but unafraid to get real and sad) show about the misadventures of a country vet practice in Yorkshire.
Miss Scarlet and the Duke (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. In 1880s London, the daughter of a private investigator decides to take over his detective business after his untimely death. Mystery series that also has just about the BEST opening titles ever.
Available on Tubi (which is free!)
Forever Young (1992). The movie where I realized that Mel Gibson was cute, actually. In 1939, a heartbroken Army pilot volunteers for a cryogenics experiment and wakes up in 1992, where he gets a second shot at love.
The Space Between Us (2017). On his first visit to Earth, a man born and raised on Mars bonds with a street-smart young woman while unraveling the mysteries of how he came to be. To quote my mutual Chris: "wanna cry? 🥰"
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1960s). Some of the stuff hasn't aged well, but this is still one my top favorite old sitcoms. All the characters are so fun and endearing. You probably won't want to sift through all five seasons, so my top episode recommendations are "The Curious Thing About Women" (s1 e16), "The Two Faces of Rob" (s2 e2), "That's My Boy??" (s3 e1), "Big Max Calvada" (s3 e9), "October Eve" (s3 e28), "My Mother Can Beat Up My Father" (s4 e1), "4 1/2" (s4 e7), "The Impractical Joke" (s4 e16), and "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" (s5 e1).
(I got a little too excited with those episode recs, oopsie 🤭)
The Surprise, like I mentioned.
I just found out that they have some episodes of The Flintstones and Tom and Jerry on Tubi, if you want some good nostalgic laughs.
Available on Netflix.
Love At First Sight (2023). Cute romance about taking a chance on a good feeling.
The Adam Project (2022). You've probably seen it, but I will mention it anyway! Time travel. Annoying and precocious 12-year-old child. Ryan Reynolds and Zoe Saldaña. Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo! FIVE STARS.
Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would (2022). The best Trevor Noah special, in my opinion. The curry story??? Iconic forever and ever.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist (2018). A woman takes a job as a housekeeper, but in order to stay in it, she and her boss agree to a contract marriage. If you've ever seen the k-drama Because This Is My First Life... This is the better version of that show, imo. The ML is suchhh a sweetheart.
Indian Matchmaking (since 2020). I never watch reality TV, so I don't know how I started seeing this show, but it's SO good and super bingeable.
Omg the Jurassic Park movies are on Netflix right now
Available on Hulu.
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020). It's a love story, and it's so silly and enjoyable. The resolution is just shdhfhshshsg
The Giver (2014). Jonas learns the secrets of the past, and the utopia he's grown up in begins to look more and more dystopian. Also, Taylor Swift is there for some reason.
Flamin' Hot (2023). It wasn't until I watched this that I realized how much I need movies about Mexican success stories in my life. File this under ✨inspirational✨
If you haven't yet watched The Artful Dodger (2023), you absolutely should. Come for the romance, stay for the absolutely bonkers, insane hijinks.
I barely started watching Timeless (2016), but it looks really fun and good. It's about time travel, unsurprisingly for me 🤭
Available on Disney+
Baby's Day Out (1994). A childhood CLASSIC of mine. The cuteness is just. so much. The humor is standard slapstick, but really fun, and the mom has some of the most gorgeous 90s outfits omggg
Hidden Figures (2016). I love this movie endlesslyyy. Awesome intelligent Black women overcoming the odds, space race setting, and even a side of cute romance.
The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Dare I say, best dog movie I've seen?
The Call of the Wild (2020). Another dog movie, with Harrison Ford. I don't remember much of it but I remember really enjoying it.
Milo Murphy's Law (2017–2018). Have you seen this follow-up to Phineas and Ferb? If you haven't, you need to. The comedy is so gold tier and the music slaps.
Delicacies Destiny (2022). I kind of stopped watching this c-drama about 1/3 of the way through, but I totally should pick it up again, and it's worth watching even if just for all the gorgeous food scenes.
And of course, anything from my top ten k-dramas that you haven't seen yet is an automatic recommendation 😌
This got. so long. I hope you find something here that you like and thank you for asking @milkteawithrusk!! This was so fun to put together! 🫶🏼
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metawatts · 1 year
Bitch about the RWBY vs Ace Ops fight. Pretty please. 🥺
Oh this fight. This fight. Bane of my existence. And, also, I'll give the JLxRWBY movie props for proving one thing: Harriet would have soloed team rwby with EASE if the writers weren't afraid to let a girlboss win. (my evidence: Flash kicking Ruby, Weiss, Batman, and Superman around like footballs while possessed, especially Ruby and Weiss before they get their Heroic Speech Power-up, which is a lame way to do it but whatever)
My problems with this fight scene are numerous and varied but the thing that continues to stick in my craw is just all the convenience of it. Let's break it down:
Convenient Thing 1: Marrow doesn't use his semblance off the bat, which would freeze team rwby in place, even though we've been shown that it works on crowds, on Huntsmen, literally he'd have to do is point. He literally has the 'solve this without brawling' button and just doesn't press it, instead just whining about duking it out when he could stop it.
Convenient Thing 2: The Ace Ops and RWBY have spent the night fighting Grimm in Mantle, but aside from a Damsel In Distress aura flicker with Blake, they all go down in 2-4 hits while RWBY takes easily the same or more amount and doesn't. THe rules of aura are bullshit.
Convenient Thing 3: They keep making comments that attempt to justify the fact that the ace ops lost because of Emotions using the lines 'we're the best in atlas' 'you were, then you trained us', 'alright vine, don't hold back' 'are you telling me that or yourself' 'Marrow, cut the crap' 'I'm trying to arrest her, not kill her'. Ren later talks about 'something something friendship power' but that makes zero sense because if team rwby won via the power of friendship, then why were these all solo fights and one double battle? (also the latter lines imply that elm and marrow could and would have bodied WBY and Harriet did in fact completely knock Ruby around like a trashcan for most of the fight, but nah, team rwby wins because their name's on the brand)
Convenient Thing 4: this one's less convenient and more Straight Up Racis, but the DVD commentary goes that 'the ace ops didn't win because they didn't have Clover's semblance to cheese it', which is, well, not only convenient for team rwby, but also just another time where crwby was openly Horrific, in this case going, 'without their white guy leader the poc team can't accomplish anything', but the fndm tries to pretend they weren't (see also crwby going with their mouths 'ironwood losing his arm is a sign of losing his humanity' and the fndm just tries to. Pretend that isn't horrifically ableist. But that's a rant we all know).
Convenient Thing 5: if getting to Mantle is so important, and Ruby's head is hard enough to bust through the steel barricade Harriet dropped down, why waste time on a spectacle fight and not just have Ruby grab her teammates and bust out the window with her steel forehead? (also, the fact that she had the mass to break down a door in petal form really just shows that the 'rwby has no mass' bullshit in vol8 was completely pulled out of the writer's asses because they wrote themselves into a corner).
Conveninent Thing 6, which is actually the second half of 5: why is it that team rwby's big spectacle fight is in episode 12 of 13 against characters who were introduced in this season, and not, say, the big finale fight against an actual villain? it's so convenient for the writers to just toss a random cannon fodder 'surprise baddie' at team rwby to beat up so that they don't have to write actual plot interactions with team rwby vs the villains that they have history with. (ie. everything about the Cat in vol9 and Neo just straight up not being in her own finale fight)
Also, and I'd like to make this clear: the ace ops v rwby fight is BORING. Not even the Spectacle part of the Spectacle fight is good. Ruby v Harriet is just a blur of red blob vs gold lines with the occasional chance to make Harriet look comedic with how she has to spend the last bit of it tied up, literally loses by running into a wall, and makes an ahegao face as she passes out. Elm and Vine vs Blake and Yang is just watching Blake and Yang get ragdolled around until they smirk and suddenly Vine (who had spent most of the fight standing there) got ragdolled and Elm got the Funny humiliating defeat of 'landing funny, toe twitches, hahaha'.
Weiss and Marrow is just Yikes. Like yes lets continually have close ups on Marrow's tail getting burnt and him having to make silly poses to avoid impalement meanwhile the white Megacorp Cop Princess gets to constantly look graceful (they couldn't have had Marrow fight anyone else? Literally any of the others? They literally had the opening bit of the fight start with him clashing weapons with Blake before switching up, was the idea of Blake having to fight someone without being stitched to Yang's side too unbaity for crwby's wallet or-)
Also, the ending: team rwby did mostly use tricks to get an advantage, what with Ruby using Harriet's bolas against her, Blake and Yang setting up a bomb trap for Vine, Weiss taking advantage of Marrow's line of sight with his semblance, and... that's about it, but like, I'm not a 'power levels solve every fight' person, that's not fun, but the endings mostly still ended up being 'hit them harder' and the tricks only worked because the ace ops were all given the collective intelligence level of a salami sandwich in this fight just so the fight could happen instead of, say, Marrow using his fucking semblance from the get-go. Also, the fact that apparently aura breaks knock out the ace ops but in the same season Ironwood, Clover, and Winter all get broken auras but can still keep chatting and fighting is Something. Too convenient, throw the whole fight out.
Overall scores:
Story Context: 1/10
Fight Choreography: 3/10
Authorial Bullshit Intervention (Plot Armour): 10/10
Emotional Investment: 1/10
Deserved Outcome: 2/10
I hate this fight so much it is in my top 10 worst rwby fights (except for specifically seeing Elm put that warhammer to good use and Harriet's absolutely sick kicks)
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nerdyenby · 11 months
DR pt2 reactions (spoilers)
Episode 11
Opening scene hypeeeeeee!!!!! Love seeing them all work together, there’s definitely been a soft timeskip with Arin and Sora’s costume upgrades and how well they fit together
Lloyd’s handling Wyldfyre pretty well, respecting her boundaries while making sure she feels welcome anytime
Ray and Maya!!! Are they alive lol? Will we ever find out??
“The monastery works best when everything is in its proper place” *cue explosion*
Not listening to Zane is the cause of 85% of problems in this show
Kai and Wyldfyre’s rivalry is everything, actually
I will never stop gawking at the new animation, it’s so beautiful ;-;
Yayyyyyyy propaganda /s
Aye, Sora’s parents!!!! Seems like they’re having doubts mayhaps
Keep questioning authority kids, you’re getting there
Kids get it done!!!
I am begging all the water, fire/heat, and ice elementals to practice some critical thinking and remember that ghosts cannot touch water
The delivery on Nya’s “Whaaaaaat?!??” was so good lmao
“Eh, it never came up” LMAOOOOOOO he was so deadpan I’m dying
“How hard can it be?” Arin I stg why would you say that
Lloyd is so awkward I love him
Arin and Sora having a handshake <333
Episode 12
We love a villain whose pride is 90% of the reason they fail
If they start deadnaming Sora I’m gonna throw hands
I was so ready for them to confirm Kai’s age, should’ve known better tbh
Lloyd is such a good mentor, I could cry
They’re playing catch :((
Lloyd’s little “that was the last of our dinner plates” lmao
Has the Bounty actually operated as a ship before? In the course of the show?? Kinda love that they’re treating her like an actual boat now
Revolution counter: 1
That was so funny and for what
If they make it through this episode without mentioning Bentho I will be so sad
WAIT is the crab controlling the merlopians instead of the other way around????
So glad the merlopians aren’t the bad guys here
Episode 13
Kai isn’t handling not being the most unpredictable person in the group very well
Kai’s girlbossing his way through life, as he should
Zane being down to drink motor oil but not fly juice is so valid tbh
Frohickey and Zane’s dynamic is so silly I love them
Zane you literally have a human disguise lol, kinda love him being comfortable enough with who he is that he prefers to stay as a nindroid even in disguise tho
Is that his detective costume from prime empire???? Now I’m thinking about what the ninja’s closets look like
Wyldfyre causing problems on purpose my beloved, she’s such a menace, I love her
I’m really enjoying seeing all the seemingly forgotten species come back, have we seen these skeleton people since season 1??
“Ninjasplaining” IM DEAD
The lavatides have such fun character designs
How did the other realms know about the ninja before the merge? Like it makes sense, but how about the practicality of it??
“Ok this is just getting silly” this show makes me so happy you guys
Zane has a holiday, as he deserves!!
So ready to watch Zane lose a Zane lookalike contest, surely nothing could go awry
Challenging Kai with a character even more headstrong and proud then him is such a good move, it provides so many opportunities to showcase how much he’s grown
Poor Zane, this man does not need another ship of Theseus crisis
Damn, I’m kinda emo over this message
Episode 14
I miss Pixal so bad, man
Frohickey’s trying so hard, I would die for him
Sora honey, I love you but please check that cognitive dissonance, the things going wrong are not your fault, none of it is your fault.
This show’s comedic timing is everything, I never get tired of it
Fat rip to Clutch’s book, no brobrogoogoo today :(
“Long before the Merge, Djinnjago was destroyed” Nya, are you not gonna mention that you were the one to destroy it???????
“Bad news first: our mission was a failure, also we have no good news” Sora is so fucking funny you guys
Frohickey is having such a rough time, poor guy
Nya having a lightning dragon can be so personal
Sora the dragon’s name is Zanth!!!!! Best resolution to the “other Sora” thread imo
I love this guys attitude so much lol
Confirmation that Riyu’s a special lil guy <3
The depressed icon we never knew we needed
Arrakore my beloved
Zane and Frohickey’s friendship is so precious
Episode 15
I like how Kai and Wyldfyre didn’t have a specific moment of “oh hey you don’t suck” its just “we’re too similar and it’s kinda annoying but you’re cool sometimes”
Why didn’t we get to see Arrakore’s song :((
Nya’s being so chill with Arrakore being djinn, obviously he has nothing to do with Nadakhan but it’s still nice, he also seems massively less racist so that’s good
Nya’s dragon finally has a name, Jiro my beloved :))
Arin infodumping and Lloyd just “mhm-ing” my beloved
Asking nicely always works, apparently
I entirely forgot about Rapton lmao
Is it Cole time??? I want it to be Cole time
*motivational music* “all life is important” “… but that’s Rapton 🤨” I love Arin
HEATWAVE TO THE RESCUE!!!! Though where has he been up til now??
Lloyd being like “yeah sure, how impossible can it be?” and being entirely justified is the most him thing ever
Episode 16
Cole and Nya hug <3333
Someone other than Zane mentioned Pix, a day for the history books
Glad to see Cole’s as OP as ever lmao
Oh they’re so gay
I didn’t even think about that, it’s so fascinating that the earth is unsettled by everything that’s happened
That’s so sad what the hell, so in character for Cole to just adopt a buncha orphans tho
Sora I love you but that is the worst possible way to phrase that
Kai talking about the importance of other ways of helping and how combat isn’t everything and showing Wyldfyre a healing technique :(( I’ve been rewatching s1 and he’s come so far
Geo :(( things are better now, but change didn’t come soon enough for him and now he’s Lost
Borg mention!!!!!!
Also I love having a reference point for Sora and Nya’s skillsets, it’s also just so heartwarming to see adults who are wholly supportive and unafraid of younger people being better than them
Cole is so out of the loop lmao
Zanth :0
Oh you bitch
Cole and Geo are so in love :(
Episode 17
I entirely forgot about this plot point lol
Oh this is so dystopian
Kai in a mentor role means everything to me
They’re actually addressing Kai’s grief??? Hell yeah, fucking finally /lh
Alright, betting time: Jay or Pixal?
Lloyd and Arin are so silly, I love them
Zane really just sat in that office, huh (/ref but it’s so vague I’d be shocked if anyone got it)
It’s a part of the realm of madness oh my goodness that’s hilarious
“Are they safe for people?” “No” *proceeds to shove them both in there*
Zane had way too much fun with that superhero landing lol
Zane is having so much fun this episode, he’s just getting shit done and looking great doing it
So we’re not getting Jay back yet? Rip
Zane is so polite what the heck
Episode 18
So Wyldness confirmed to be the same realm as Imperium???
Is Beatrix gonna have the same origin story as Kalmaar??
Nya and Cole’s friendship is so tender and caring, they’re besties your honor
LaRow trash talking Rapton to his face lmao
Rapton redemption arc!??!????!
It’s so interesting seeing the backstory of Ras and Beatriz’s alliance after it’s already fallen apart
Wyldfyre did not need to be told twice lmao
From a psychological perspective, Beatrix is fascinating
Revolution counter: 2!!!!!!!
Episode 19
Lloyd letting Kai take point on wrangling Wyldfyre only for Kai to immediately match her energy my beloved
“You have no idea how foolish some of us can be!!” Pffff “-no offense Lloyd” PFFFFFFF
Interesting to go the “non bender revolution” route considering how few elemental masters there are compared to avatar where benders are a vast majority, but it’s a villain whose power hungry so makes sense and I’m entirely down
The quips this episode are impeccable
They built an hq??? Hasn’t it only been a week or two??
So much is interconnected in this season I’m kinda not following some of it, but I love it
Percival monologue going off!!!!!!
Sora main character fr fr
Kai and Wyldfyre are everything
Kinda iconic that Nya just hasn’t mentioned that she found Cole lol
That scene with the guard was so good!!!! The suspense and the realization of just how deep the resistance runs…. It’s such a good moment
Love that as soon as Kai has Wyldfyre even slightly reined in he’s down to let loose and make messes with her, as long as it’s for a good cause lol
That extra delivered with that cry holyyy
Heck yeah Rapton redemption :D
Rapton out here with the guardians of the galaxy motivation and I’m loving it
The fight choreography in this show never ceases to amaze me, holy crap
Sora’s speech goes so hard, I’m tearing up
Finally got confirmation the og ninja are in their twenties, thank god
One thing about Nya is that she will never pass up an opportunity to call her brother stupid
Episode 20
Rapton calling Dorama a “washed up clown” is everything I never knew I needed lmao
The stakes are staking
The glitch effect??? Hello spiderverse!!!
The platonic love on display this season is killing me, they all care about each other sm :((
That Rapton Nya interaction was so good and for what
Sora’s parents >:(
Deadnaming their kid and guilt tripping her saying she “abandoned you,” damn Sora’s response is so fucking cathartic as a trans person with unaccepting parents
I’m just here for the ride and having a great time
Lloyd doing ye ole Chosen One things, as he should
Kai and Wyldfyre hug <3333
Dragon heritage mention???? Mayhaps???????
That was cryptic, cool though
Lloyd sees so much of himself in these kids 😭😭😭
Jordana boutta get the Harumi treatment fr
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xweetok · 1 year
a dissection of King of the Hill Season 4, Episode 1 - Peggy Hill: The Decline and Fall and why it made me feel insane
this episode was so insanely dark & miserable i need to pick it apart and just talk about it or i will never be normal again!
i will now post most of the script with my thoughts added in. some parts were deleted for "brevity" (this is still a longass post i'm sorry)
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[Grave instrumental music]
[Hank exclaiming]
l think my wife.... l think, might be dead.
l'll be right back.
[Luanne screams]
the man thinks his wife is dead which is kinda sad but Luanne is so funny in this ep lol
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Hank grunting]
HANK: Peggy!
BOBBY: Dangit. Didi. Push!
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MEDICAL STAFF: lt's okay, son. The baby's here.
-He's beautiful. -What's his name?
MEDICAL STAFF: Here you go Daddy. To cut the umbilical cord.
kinda messed up that they think Bobby is the dad......hes like 12......... but ok
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BOBBY: [Softly] Oh. My uncle.
Hank: Peggy?
[Peggy gasping]
LUANNE: Aunt Peggy?
luanne haters suck my dick she's so silly i love her
[Somber instrumental music]
Hank: Okay (seeing Peggy from afar, on the ground). Think one piece. Peggy?
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Peggy: [Weakly] Hey, hey, hey.
Hank: God! You're all smashed up. Peggy: -l'm alive.
Luanne: Uncle Hank, we're too late.
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TV ANNOUNCER: Aikman takes the snap, a quick pass over the middle to Smith,,,the 20, the 10, Emmitt Smith scores! HANK: Yes!
DOCTOR: Hank Hill? HANK: l wasn't watching.
Just for a second.
l have no idea what the score is. l couldn't tell you.
wait why did he lose interest in his wife's condition..................actually nvm we all deserve a lil stress free moment when experiencing tragedies right?
DR: Your wife is gonna be just fine. Hank: Yes!
DR: Peggy has a compression fracture of the bones in her back.
Thank goodness for the mud.
She would not have survived if she had fallen on concrete...
or a fence.
HANK: But she's okay?
DR: Yes. They're putting her into a body cast to immobilize her while she heals.
HANK: What color is the cast? DR: What does that matter, Mr. Hill?
HANK: l don't know. l've never been through this before.
l'm just trying to ask the right questions.
DR: lt's white. Sponge bath. Bedpan. HANK: -Thank you.
that was a good scene i liked that
[Peggy humming]
-Peggy? -Hank. Come on in.
Look at me. l'm in an ensemble.
My top cast and my bottom cast match.
[Both chuckle]
Yeah. Quality plaster.
[Luanne comes in, immediately leaves sobbing hysterically]
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the voice acting is just so good in these
PEGGY: l'm guessing that was Luanne.
l wish she wouldn't feel sorry for me when l feel so terrific for me.
l have had a near-death experience. Most people never get that,,,
except when it's next to their death experience. Then they can't appreciate it.
You know what's odd? The last thing l remember was deciding not to jump. What or who would have made me change my mind?
HANK: (Lying) l'm not sure. l don't know. l wasn't in the plane. l was on the ground, remember? l'm the one who found you.
gaslight girlboss gatekeep
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-Mom? -Bobby?
-You really fell out of a plane? -Yes, sir. l did.
HANK: Your mom is one of only 16 people who have survived parachutes not opening.
PEGGY: Now, 16 is my estimate. l'll double-check my numbers later.
[Luanne walks in]
LUANNE: l'm sorry about before. l don't know what came over me.
[Starts sobbing]
Oh, God!
[Luanne runs out]
another great luanne moment. W for luanne fans.
[Cotton comes in]
COTTON: What did you do to your wife? l didn't teach you that.
cotton sucks i hate cotton. even when he's speaking up against spousal abuse.
[Door creaking open]
Where's my new dependent? l'm supposed to look at it.
cotton yikes #1
DIDI: Where did l put.... There it is.
BOBBY: Uncle, l present you to your father.
COTTON: Look at him. His shins are perfect. [Cooing] Look at you. You're a handsome little soldier. You wanna kill a Nazi? A Nazi, Nazi-scrazzi.
weird way to talk to a baby. cotton yikes #2
COTTON: Didi, did you name this baby yet? DlDl: What's the use?
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she literally looks so sad... this is where it starts bumming me out a lil
COTTON: l'm calling him Hank. l always wanted a boy named Hank.
HANK: Dad, Hank is my name.
COTTON: Not anymore. l'm taking it back. He's Hank.
HANK: You can't take away a grown man's name.
COTTON: All right. l'll call him G.H. Good Hank.
this was unhinged too but way funnier than the other stuff
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COTTON: Did you see the way my boy looked at that nurse?
Practically slapped her rump then and there.
nvm i'm back to hating cotton. cotton yikes #3
[Thunder cracking]
[Ominous instrumental music. Hank is having a nightmare.]
BAD HANK: Peggy, you've gotta do it. lt's amazing. lt's the best dang feeling in the world.
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evil hank >:)
NURSE: There we go. Okay. Now you try.
COTTON: We'll see about all this.
Okay. (Putting a diaper on the baby) Put this little nipper in here, tuck this little nipper in there.
Close up shop. There. Ready for soiling.
What the.... The kid is leaking out of his chest!
NURSE: That's from his nipples. lt's a form of lactation.
COTTON: Dangit. You said it was a boy.
NURSE: He is. He's simply been ingesting a lot of female hormones from his mother. lt's so common it has a name. Witch's milk.
COTTON: Lord! What did l do? Was it the 50 men l killed?
bro is abandoning his literal newborn bc he's anti-science. cotton yikes #4
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PEGGY: The maternity ward ceiling. lt reminds me of when my son was born.
PEGGY: And l am also reminded of when my next child will be born. Why isn't the baby with his mother? NURSE: Didi Hill has postpartum depression. She couldn't even gather up the strength to put on some lipstick.
And she looks awful.
UM??????? it's giving HIPAA violation. also she has POSRPARTUM DEPRESSION. that was simply..not nice
COTTON: You did this to my son. There's no milk coming out of these (groping his bare chest, shirtless)
cotton verbally abusing his depressed wife. this guy is the WORST. yikes #5
PEGGY: Cotton, stop it. You should be comforting her. COTTON: Comfort her? Comfort me.
NURSE: Mr. Hill, your insurance company's automated voice says you have to leave the hospital today, in 85 minutes.
COTTON: But l can't take care of a dripping witch-child. Can't we just stay hospitaling until Didi gets her brains back?
NURSE: [Laughing] Maybe if you were the richest man in America.
lots to unpack here. america's failure of a medical system. cotton being a dick about his lactating newborn, unsympathetic abt didi's condition - but at least advocating for a longer hospital stay isn't a bad idea...................BUT THEN WHY DID THE NURSE LAUGH AT HIM LOL she doesn't care abt people
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DR: You and your wife and those flowers are going home today.
HANK: Yeah. But Peggy's got a broken back.
DR: l know. l told you that. But she wants to be discharged.
l'm not so worried about her back. l'm worried about her emotional state.
HANK: Yeah. But she seems so happy.
DR: Once the thrill of surviving wears off...and it does, trust me, Jetski, July '94...she may experience a second crash when she feels her own limitations.
HANK: There won't be any second crash. As long as l'm around, l won't let her feel any limitations.
DR: There's no need for you to feel this guilty. You didn't make her jump.
HANK: Yeah. Do you think you could put that on her chart?
sus hank with 0 emotional intelligence. unsurprising tho.
HANK: Peggy, l'm here. PEGGY: Hey! We're going home today.
l have packed myself up without any help from the nurses,
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this was sad to me idk she's so delusional
[Hank sighs]
HANK: Are you sure you're ready? PEGGY: Honey, ready or not, l have got to go.
l invited Cotton and Didi and the baby to stay with me...until they can take care of him on their own.
HANK: You think you can help them take care of a baby?
PEGGY: lf that poor farm boy, whose arms were ripped off by a thresher...could dial 91 1 with his nose...then l think Peggy Hill can take care of that baby.
like, you obvs can tell she's gonna break soon. kind of a bummer.
HANK: (Unloading Peggy from the ambulance into the neighborhood) Back off. Back off, everybody.
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(They bump Peggy into the doorframe when wheeling her inside the house)
HANK: That's our fault, Peggy, not your fault.
PEGGY: Try the back door. lt'll fit.
[Balloon pops. They keep bumping Peggy into the sliding door walls.)]
PEGGY: Am l in a very wide bed?
HANK: Maybe we can get her in at an angle. Come on, guys. All right. On three.
BOOMHAUER: lf you lift on three, you mean one, two, dang ol' three and then go...or do you kind of, like, lift her on three?
HANK: Just lift now, okay?
HANK: Now.
HANK: Tilt towards me. No. Toward....
HANK: Fine. Away from me.
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peggy looks really uncomfortable in this scene 🥲
[All grunting]
BlLL: Hi, Peggy. PEGGY: Hello, Bill.
DALE: l think a ''thank you'' would be in order.
HANK: Dale, get the hell out of here.
this was so unhinged i love dale
(Minh, Nancy, & Peggy inside the house)
MINH: Cast make you look good for Peggy Hill. Like you mummy, museum piece, but with attitude. Mummy for the '90s.
NANCY: Sug', you ain't helping.
(to Peggy) People spend hundreds of dollars at a spa to get wrapped up like that.
PEGGY: Yes. lt's very refreshing.
NANCY: l just can't believe your attitude. Who would have thought?
Didi's depressed and you're not.
LIKE..........the neighbor's don't have any sympathy for didi either??? THEYRE SO MEAN??
[Car horn honking]
The baby's here. [NANCY & MINGH leave)
PEGGY: Good. The baby's here. Okay. Minh, make sure Didi puts a hat on him. Nancy, you make sure he takes it off when he gets inside the house.
peggy's just talking to herself until she realizes her friends have LEFT and its????? SO QUIET??? LIKE, THIS IS SO SAD WTF
[Scene with Peggy and Hank]
PEGGY: l feel so stupid for jumping. lt wasn't worth this. Why did l do it? Do you remember? This is really bugging me. [...] Wait, wait, wait. l just remembered something. On the plane, l was talking to you on a phone, Do planes have phones?
HANK: That's a good one. l'll look into that.
PEGGY: No. l remember now. l was talking to you. But what did we say?
HANK: lt sounds familiar. But with all the noise from the engines...and then you falling and all, l'm not sure we'll ever know.
PEGGY: Please, Hank. You are gonna have to be my memory...because l don't have one anymore.
HANK: Deal.
like i get that hank is feeling guilty and it's like hahaha funny but...................................gaslighter 😒
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HANK: You don't have to yell. We can hear you just fine through the baby monitor.
PEGGY: Why am l being fed with a bottle? HANK: We're out of straws.
PEGGY: l do not want to be fed with a bottle.
HANK: lt's just easier, okay? Please?
and then he like...PUTS THE BOTTLE IN HER MOUTH. like i'm SORRY to be a joykill but that's literally so dehumanizing & wrong?? THE WOMAN WAS IN A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT you could at least treat her like a person & LISTEN TO HER. she is uncomfortable & in pain!!!!!!!
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PEGGY: (drinking the bottle) What is that?
HANK: lt should be Carnation lnstant Breakfast.
PEGGY: lt tastes like formula.
HANK: (at Bobby, chuckling) You took Peggy's bottle, and l took the baby's bottle? Now, that's funny.
also bobby is the one taking care of the baby and he is EXHAUSTED. literally child neglect for both kids idk what to tell you...
PEGGY: (being wiped with a baby wipe) What are you doing? Look, l do not want a bottle, okay?
HANK: Shhh.
PEGGY: l'm not hungry. HANK: Shhh.
PEGGY: l want eggs. HANK: Shhh.
[Peggy crying]
[Peggy and baby crying]
at this point they have stopped listening to peggy entirely. so much that she breaks down crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the woman is deadass psychologically broken or something!!!!!! i found this uncomfortable to watch
BOBBY: Maybe Mom just needs to burp.
HANK: Bobby, could you give us a moment?
(to Peggy) What's wrong?
PEGGY: [Sobbing] My life is ruined. l had to jump out of a plane for our anniversary. l'm sorry, Hank. l ruined both of our lives.
[Peggy sobbing hysterically]
HANK: Okay. Look. lt wasn't your fault. lt was my fault.
hank confesses to his evil sins of hyping up sky diving. peggy says the real reason she jumped is bc she's jealous of didi & cotton for having a baby.
PEGGY: Do you know what torture that is? l was once one of the finest mothers in the state of Texas... and now l can't even wipe a baby. And l have to watch those two, Cotton and Stupid...with their beautiful new baby that they don't even want.
PEGGY: What are you smiling about? HANK: lt wasn't my fault. lt's just such a load off my mind. l feel lighter than air.
l mean, l feel bad in a new way, for you...because what you were just saying. That stuff.
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PEGGY: Just leave me alone, okay?
HANK: You just want me to leave? PEGGY: Yes.
HANK: So the right thing for me to do is leave, even though you're crying.
HANK: l'm skeptical, but okay.
at this point i start wondering if hank is neurodivergent & a minor. jk jk this part was funny
[Bobby signing to the baby, exhausted]
COTTON: Bobby, since you're doing all the woman's work around here...be a woman and get me my shin jelly.
BOBBY: G.H. kind of needs me right now. COTTON: So, take him along.Just get the jelly and lather me up.
child abuse, neglect, sexism, etc etc but the biggest crime is making me look at cotton again. LESS COTTON, MORE LUANNE!
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DIDI: Bobby, Could you buy me some lottery tickets?
BOBBY: [Screaming] l am a 12-year-old boy. l am this child's nephew. l cannot do this. l cannot do this! [Gives Didi the baby] lf anybody makes any dinner, l'll eat. But that's it. All l'll do is eat!
not gonna say bobby was in the wrong for screaming at didi, since he is just a child & should NOT have been doing any of these things, but DAMN DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO PUT DOWN DIDI EVEN MORE????!?!??
[Baby crying]
DIDI: Baby, stop crying. l.... Oh....l'm tired. [She walks over to Peggy, put the baby on her bed, and leaves]
PEGGY: Didi, are you leaving? No, please. Someone has to watch the baby. Because unless it's flying above my head, l cannot do it,
All right, Help! Will somebody come,,,, Hank!
What? What's wrong?
HANK: l shouldn't have left, right? l had a feeling....
PEGGY: The baby. HANK: Yeah?
PEGGY: lt's crying. HANK: lt's always crying. The baby hasn't stopped crying since it got here.
PEGGY: Just do something!
hank's emotional intelligence is so low that he literally didn't even think there was anything abnormal about a baby that cries 24/7. GUYS, IF UR BABY IS CRYING ALL THE TIME, IT COULD BE IN PAIN OR DYING OR SOMETHING. DON'T BE LIKE HANK.
HANK: [Goes to Cotton] All right. l've had enough, Dad. There's a baby crying in the house.
COTTON: Go fix it. HANK: You go fix it.
COTTON: l ain't getting near that child. He's possessed.
HANK: He's just leaking a little milk. Sure, it's disturbing, but he'll grow out of it.
COTTON: How do you know? Are you a leaker? Are you leaking on me right now, Leaky?
cotton literally does not want this child. child neglect, abandonment. JAIL JAIL JAIL. wait i forgot the cotton yikes counter. what number were we on???????
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HANK: You hear that, that silence?
COTTON: G.H. HANK: Something's wrong.
[Dramatic instrumental music. They run back to the room with Peggy and GH]
[Both gasp]
[Baby cooing. Peggy is rocking GH with her toe]
[Gentle instrumental music]
PEGGY: Isn't it amazing? It's the greatest dang feeling in the world.
[Theme music]
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everything is ok now because peggy has proven that she is able to serve, hence she has worth again!! the neglect isn't relevant anymore!!! who cares that she was gaslit & manipulated & treated like garbage throughout the whole episode!!!! no one had any genuine care about her health after an almost fatal accident but that's fine!!!!! FUCK DIDI SHE HAS DEPRESSION!!!!
anyway that was a Not Very Nice episode in terms of human decency. the script alone doesn't really capture how heavy it felt; there was lots of ill-fitting music over the scenes that i found disturbing, it was wild! there were some good parts tho. i'm not sure if the writers just hate women with depression, or if it was all intentionally written as an absurdist portrayal of genuine human misery, like an existentialist play. regardless of intent, it was MASTERFUL as the latter. it was a piece of media written with no shred of emotional empathy towards the suffering of its cast. hbo can recreate this episode with the same script & create something incredibly gritty & dark.
anyway 4/10 needed more luanne
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lerios · 1 year
tagged by all time icon @baynton 💕 this has been in my drafts for like a month because i wanted to answer it after i properly started succession but now i get the feeling its gonna take a while to get a proper grip of that show lmao😅
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. bbc quacks
2. firefly (my absolute beloved 😍)
3. its always sunny in philidelphia
4. bbc ghosts
5. fuck it, critical role (i don't watch much TV lol)
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Favourite? probably Wash my gorgeous comedy boy with an icon wife i spent years simping over, BUT i don't think we can ignore how fucking fixated i was on Simon. like, he was gender envy before i knew that Gender™ was a thing.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
i lowkey highkey want to throw hands with Robert. how dare you marry a girlboss and then not appreciate her wtf. give me her number
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
the Thomas Thorne Affair popped off. like yeah sure my skrunkly is centre stage but also the episode is just really well done.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I AM A SEASON 1 TRUTHER. vox machina i miss you so much 😭
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
charlie mac brotp.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
jayne/river shippers are wild, she's like 12 and they don't even get along (also jayne/simon is the real OTP)
7. How long have you watched 1?
well i first posted about it in march, so like 5 months probably
8. How did you become interested in 3?
my mate jon said there was a musical episode so i watched like 10 seasons of it lol.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
okay i don't really know anything about any of them, but ben seems like a vibe. i too write mostly depressing shit and don't talk to anyone about anything 🥰
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
3 because theres 16 seasons of always sunny and only 1 season of quacks 😭😭😭
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
my man mike is alive and has a magical badass wife that can talk to ghosts.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
my man Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo the third can never die, fuck off. (i'd kill him in a suitably emo way probably. he dies alone and still demon-infested, having scared the rest of vox machina away from caring about him once and for all, then probably getting converted into a vampire).
14. Would a ¾ crossover work?
asdagjsdag YES the gang would make such a big deal of having ghosts, they'd probably try to make money off of julian somehow. robin and charlie would be 100% best friends. the captain would be having a breakdown at thier impropriety 24/7 but fanny would get along with them way better than she'd expect lol
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
okay theres not many characters in quacks but i would love to see john/william. john absolutely needs to drug him 🥰
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
probably 5 because i got Parasocial about them for a while. pro-lgbt kings.
and i’m tagging: fucking nobody because i don't have the braincells to do social shit rn but i wanted do this when i found it again bc it looked fun
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morphogenetic · 1 year
Mediaposting 2023, #12: Succession Season 2
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i think I like season 2 Overall less than I do with season 1, but when the episodes are bangers (6, 7, 9, 10) they are fucking BANGERS.
i also have literally no idea where season 3 and 4 are gonna go. like other than the one spoiler I know about s4 [which I'm not really surprised happened at this point] and the fact that kendall gets a shaved head eventually....NO idea what happens. at all. other than the repercussions that I'm sure happen after ep 10 lol
more spoilery thoughts under the cut (though tbh they're more about what I think is gonna happen next season)
-I knew about the "can't make a tomlette without breaking a few greggs" line. vaguely. what I did NOT know was that the line was said in THE SENATE
-honestly just so many good tom and greg moments. "we here for you" is still so fucking funny. the water bottle thing. Tom complimenting greg on his blackmailing skills. it's all so toxic and so so good
-speaking of Tom. "i wonder if the sad I'd be without you is bigger than the sad i am with you" is such an augh line and it's phrased in such a tom way. divorce arc so real
-shiv was so real for letting rhea be ceo and then immediately leaving bc of the cruises stuff. she girlbossed too close to the sun in episode 6 but then girlbossed her way back down to earth too
-i REALLY want to see if Roman actually gets therapy or if they just let him suffer like they did w kendall only getting two days of rehab. im also feeling like he might get more attention next season since shiv was more focused on during s2, when kendall was most important for s1, so maybe each season is more focused on one particular character?
-it's also fascinating to me that even though Roman is clearly the comedic relief sibling...he's smarter than he looks. he couches it in a lot of acting like he doesn't know anything - and he doesn't a lot of the time, lol at him buying the wrong soccer team - but like...the piece of episode 10 where he doesn't think the buyout will work? and in a way where his dad won't really get mad at him for it? he's kind of incredible at socially engineering people, in the way that youngest siblings often are. i don't think he'll ever lead the company but he could definitely be a way bigger player next season
-i know the entire point of kendall is that he's incredibly inscrutable and hard to figure out and like, a+ to jeremys acting on this, but he is even more inscrutable than usual this season. which felt weird after season 1 where he was definitely complicated but at least I could understand what the fuck was going on with him. now I'm a little ???? about it. i guess that's what happens when he's more of a background player this season though
-...but the divide between ep 9 and ep 10 kendall is both wild and totally expected. constantly going between defending his dad and treating him like a God and then saying he's a horrible person? on point. 10/10 no notes
-also I didn't really start paying attention to this until near the end of the season but the way that people have conversations in terms of the physical space between them is so important. it stood out to me with Logan and his kids. with Roman and Logan they sit apart but not distant, like business partners. logan and shiv? at first they had business partner spacing, then they had family member spacing. logan and kendall? circling each other like fucking sharks until the very end where kendall kisses his dad on the cheek right before betraying him. God. peak
-ending the season on a boat was perfect after the season ends up being about the cruises drama. so perfect. i know it has the metaphor of pushing someone overboard too but (gestures) Boats
-i feel like I need to rewatch this season specifically when everything ends because a lot of the episodes felt....not pointless, totally, but more filler-y than season 1? like I really don't even remember what happened for most of the season outside of a few specific moments and I literally just watched it. idk. i mean the same is kind of true for season 1 but season 1 felt like it had more defined mini-arcs and I can remember more of what happened in that way
-i could write a whole thing on the pierces bc I think that was the most compelling part of the season outside of eps 9 and 10 but. ill spare you the details
-i like how by the end of the season greg is totally unimpressed by the size of the boat. luxury corruption arc
-tom and greg are absolutely having a screaming match next season about having the documents even after burning them and i cannot fucking WAIT
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
it's finally time...
for episode 3!!!
please pardon my lateness- I had family over last week, and then I got the second booster shot and it knocked me out for a couple days!
But we're BACKKKK
And here's a Sonic for your troubles :)
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Oh! And if you'd like to support my poor time management skills, I would greatly appreciate if you'd consider donating to my Kofi! haha. i'm. broke
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
"Welp, guess they jumped overboard. Alright, back to dinner, everyone!"
How'd you get that figure? Did Kate tell you?
"Alright gang, stay calm, we don't want them to hear us. By the way, we're 120 feet over the ocean, so uh... don't look down."
Down? Shouldn't you have gone up??
...do you think constance has a evil plan pre-formed in case she ever decides to go rogue?
she hopped on the ruse train :)
y'all ever hear a good word and decide hm! nice word! i will use it Always from now on
what do you mean
Number Two's plan B is biological warfare!! love that for her
I think you can be as judgmental as you want when it comes to his second mind control scheme in as many years
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noland HUH
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constance wants a taste
gambling montage hell yeah!!
смерть или слава.
i absolutely love that they made her russian vsjdaskdf
i know nothing about gambling so that was. interesting to watch with no context jasfkjs
please let the pie truck be connected to moocho in some way please pl
"I'm highly concerned about the lion in this cave. Oh, what's that? I've stumbled upon a pile of meat and am being invited to sit on it? Well, why not?"
no it ain't, nathaniel
roll credits kinda!
impromptu parenting seminar with ms perumal. we love to see it
hehehe! same. haaaaaaaah
okay but how is that considered cheating?? it's a strategy!
i mean... true enough
then again i somehow doubt this is a legal operation so if you're stealing from criminals, two wrongs make a right! /j
kinda thought this guy was risker when i saw the trailer. guess not!
Ahhh, you can totally take him. You just have to make it outside and them sic Madge on 'im! Just... don't look.
oh right, international waters. no laws! don't look that up, i promise it's true
the earnestness of that line awwww
Good job, Reynie. Applejack would approve!
Those "water polo" players are lucky Martina's not here. You do not besmirch the name of sports in her presence- unlike Kate she won't hesitate, bitch.
i love cannonball oh my god
...that line, and referring to his followers as "family" is.... really reminding me of my own experience in a similar organization. Man.
...excuse me a second
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.... given what we know about constance that somehow seems competely plausible
Not so "equal in weight", huh, Atalanta?
rip milligan's luggage :(
these are children you two
she just called your ship sad. with class!
love that kate really is expanding her vocab- she didn't lie to milligan in ep 1!
do they not have passports?? did they leave them behind with the adults?
What happened to "Nicholas, I've moved on?"
if you're going through the grieving process simply say "no"
Unlike last season, the bright yellow is actually very effective camouflage in a lemon grove!
(also, little bit of trivia- coastal Italy does have the ideal climate for growing lemons!)
free snacks for the road ayyy
they sound like they're looking for their lost dog shakjdsl
sebastian's brokennnnnn
the engineering on that luggage cube must be insane because the ones on top are essentially floating
which was not very from your perspective! was that a diss?
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and now i'm laughing bc i'm thinking of the chekhov's gun bit from the goes wrong show s2 ajaskhjh
And there's an example of one right there!
"But today I learned that morality is relative!"
so has reynie's "oh no humanity might be evil" arc been replaced with a "humanity's evil so i'm gonna lean into it lmao" arc?
constance over there like "oh? really? yes a completely figurative saying imagine that"
highly, highly accurate
and also
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jeffers was in curtain's drama club in college and curtain couldn't stand him but he was on board for the evil scheme stuff so what can you do.
more evidence for the drama club theory. gotta pose dramatically before even attempting to hail one of the numerous nearby cabs to follow them! you go king.
Alright! That was episode 3: A Gold Bar in Fort Knox. I feel like this was sort of a transitional episode, and I'm... not sure how I feel about that. The Shortcut and the people on it were a huge part of the book's journey, and here... it's just used to get from point A to point B, rather than being an interesting stop of its own. With that, I'm gonna have to give this one a 7/10. I really hope they do more with Noland and Cannonball down the line... But I am fascinated to see where the brainwashed Mr. Benedict plot goes...
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See you all shortly for episode 4!
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
what are some of your favorite romance animes? I haven't really watched any, and I trust your taste ✨
Shoujo animes are a mess BUT they are my mess so it’s okay 💖 I haven’t watched a few of these in years, so I might be masked by nostalgia but shoujo animes are all about having a good time at the end of the day, and I’m pretty sure these will give that to you 🕺
Fruits Basket (2019):
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural, drama, slice of life
Length: 3 Seasons, 63 episodes in total (+ a movie, but I don’t like the relationship in the movie so I don’t talk about it 🥰)
Okay okay, so like the plot to fruits basket out of context sounds like wild heterosexual bullshit. BUT I SWEAR, it is such a wholesome show, and it’s probably my favorite shoujo anime. It’s even complete with soap opera drama on occasions 😫 (I would definitely look up triggerwarnings though!)
Synopsis: orphan girl moves in with three guys, they are secretly furries 🤨 (aka they are cursed so when the opposite gender hugs them, they turn into the Chinese zodiac animals 😭) surprisingly this is not a reverse harem anime, and you actually want her to live with the guys 🤨 it also like handles toxic family relationships, and grief really well. It also has a lot of queer coded characters 😭 2001 is a lot goofier, but 2019 is way more dramatic, and actually has the full series. :)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun:
Genres: parody, romantic comedy, slice of life
Length: 12 episodes
This one is really fun!! It’s also very cute.
Sakura Chiyo has a crush on this guy Umetarou Nozaki, and somehow ends up joining his manga team? Nozaki basically writes shoujo manga under the pen name, ‘Sakiko Yumeno’. He’s actually really open about it, but nobody believes him. 🦧 anyway she basically just gets to meet his team, and it’s a really fun and cute time <3
Ouran High School Host Club:
Genres: drama, romantic comedy, harem (but like it affects nothing, they are all mainly besties)
Length: 26 episodes
This is really unsurprising 🦧 BUT it’s a really fun time. A lot of things haven’t aged well in it, but for its time it really was changing things. Its a very episodic, romcom, making fun of a lot of common shoujo tropes, while still acknowledging that it’s basically the same thing it’s parodying.
Synopsis: Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student, at a big fancy school. She accidentally breaks a vase, and it puts her in debt with one of the clubs. Which happens to be a host club?? 🦧 so now she has to dress up as a guy and flirt with women <3 basically everyone is a stereotype, and it actively is making fun of rich people. 😭
Yona Of The Dawn:
Genres: romance, high fantasy, adventure
Length: 24 episodes + 3 OVA
Admittedly I haven’t watched this one in years, but I remember absolutely loving it. And luckily a friend of mine has watched it like this year, and she loved it as well. So I’m hoping that means it stands the test of time LOL.
Synopsis: Princess girly gets a reality check, and now has to girlboss too close to the sun <3 but it’s very fun. (This is all I can say without giving spoilers ig 🦧)
Snow White With The Red Hair:
Genres: fantasy, romance
Length: 2 seasons, 24 episodes in total + 1 OVA
I also haven’t watched this one in years, BUT I remember being obsessed with it. Sometimes I still check in on the manga to see what’s going on, I do not understand what’s going on. 💖 it’s very relaxed and cute though. And also nobody is in high school, which is always a good change 🦧
Synopsis: Shirayuki is a pharmacist who gets proposed to by a prince for straight up just having red hair?? 🦧 doesn’t want to marry said prince, so she then cuts off her hair, and runs away.
My Love Story!!:
Genre: romantic comedy
Length: 24 episodes
This one from what I remember is really wholesome from what I recall :)
Synopsis: basically a guy who is seemingly “scary” is actually really sweet, like he’s not even a bad boy. He’s like anime equivalent season two Sam Evans. Gets a girlfriend, and the whole plot is just them being cute + the guys best friend being their bestie.
Kamisama Kiss:
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural
Length: two seasons, 25 episodes in total + 2 OVA
OKAY, so this one is a very good time from what I remember :) it’s main flaw is that the girl is in high school, and her main love interest is immortal?? So like an Edward Cullen type beat 😍
Synopsis: a girl ends up homeless (this is a very prominent trope if you can’t tell 🦧), and she runs into this guy, who kisses her on the cheek?? Turns out he’s a god, and has just given her his god title? So she’s just a god now. And she has to go to his shrine, and do god things?? And his old familiar (which is basically like if instead of working for Jeff Bezos, he just adopted you 🦧) isn’t very happy about it.
Anyways they are very much fun to watch <3 even if a lot of the time there’s a lot of “🤨” moments in shoujo anime, (they have an awful age gap issue) but they have been a very long time guilty pleasure of mine LOL. My friend and I have been purposely watching the bad ones, because they are equally as fun as the good ones.
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asshatthewoobie · 2 years
BBC Robin Hood Season 1 Thoughts
I’ve decided to rewatch a series I haven’t seen, or heard of in ages, despite having fond memories of at least season 1 and 2. I was 12-13 at the time, and I wasn’t really involved with the international fandom (small as it is)yet. However, even then the drop off at season 3 was noticeable, and soured the desire to engage with more fan content.
Now, as time marches on my joy at seeing anything vaguely medieval/historical has lessened. Whereas I would’ve been in awe at seeing the bros do some archery seven years ago I’ve consumed a lot more shit now, and so my heart has grown cold and unfeeling. This does make laughing at the stupid editing a lot more easier, but that wasn’t my only reason for me to seek this show out again. Truth is I want to feel some amount of joy again, and if watching a goofy anachronistic laced BBC product with some surprisingly compelling moments is going to do it that will be the way.
Some thoughts in no particular order:
Guy of Gisbourne:
So I’m starting of with the character I feel like people have some divisive opinions about. I remember being skeeved out by Guy on my first watch, not able or willing to see any nuance in his character until his character redemption in season 3 (which some have argued isn’t as much development as it is him getting the crumbiest amount of not being as much of a shitty person). I was planning on trying to see more humanity this time.
I suppose I should reserve my judgements for season 2 or three, but so far I cannot bring myself to see Guy as a mere victim. It’s true that his dynamic with the Sheriff has an unequal dynamic to it, with Guy often being berated in a way that could be interpreted as verbal abuse. Even then, as we see in episode four he doesn’t hesitate to abandon his own bastard child and not tell the mother. This is never addressed again so I guess both the fans and the writers chose to forget this ever happened but I’ll choose to hold onto this. One thing that has remained unchanged from my previous viewing was the discomfort I felt with his relationship with Marian. Seeing her delivering that punch was very satisfying.
Much is a tricky one for me. On one hand, the moments where he is allowed to be gentle and the voice of reason were among the best of the first season. I feel like the power dynamic between him and Robin is addressed…and that is what makes me a bit uncomfortable with how much he is seen as the butt of the joke. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but although Robin has made him a freed man, it feels more like a gift he has no qualms about retracting when he sees fit, like him insulting him in the last episode (you are a small man). Much is obviously hurt, but eventually still helps Robin, and a part of me feels like he comes off too easy for the comment he made.
Robin and Marian
Both Marian and Robin surprised me with being decently written upon my rewatch. It would have been very easy to just make Marian a girlboss, and though she has moments of that (what’s with the random tai-chi) I feel like she was allowed to be make mistakes and to have her own convictions opposite to Robin. Robin can be arrogant, but I also feel like the series allows other characters to disagree with him enough that he never becomes too unlikeable.
I generally like their relationship except for one big thing, the constant jealousy from Robin. I get it, relationships do need conflict, but at some points I just wanted to roll my eyes at the upteenth time that the guy made another remark about Guy. No Robin, she doesn’t want to do this, put yourself in her spot for once you man child.
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chatmeow9 · 2 years
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#the magnus archives - 10 posts
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#because it's getting to be that time of year. no one wants to hear 'all i want for christmas' 10000 times over the course of a month
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I'm watching Baymax! right now it's really good! I was smiling throughout the entirety of the first episode.
I repeatedly find it funny that he just... appears out of nowhere like some harbinger of medical help.
7 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Tma but it's a musical.
(This is all very stream of consciousness, please bare with me)
Not in the "A Leitner made them do it" sense (There's already great fic that way) that but in the "This is a musical universe and people burst into song" sense.
Jon is the only genre-aware character in the story, he's our protagonistic he has to be the straight man in this situation. He MAYBE gets a song at the very very very end idk
Martin has a happy song 🎵 It's gonna be a greeeaaaat day!🎵 (actually part of a Trio song with Tim and Sasha, introducing the world) at the beginning with a sad reprisal of said song when he's lost in the Lonely.
Jane's song is (in true Corruption fashion) a creepy love song
I'm on the fence as to whether or not Basira is also questioning the people singing thing. Daisy at first seems no-nonsense/no singing but gets a song about how she now knows that she's a shit person when she a Jon are trapped in the Buried.
Not-Sasha off-key sings Sasha's part from earlier in the story and is, in general very uncanny.
Gerry (begrudgingly) sings an explanation song about the Entities
Nikola's song is similar sounding to that opening bit of Entrance of the Gladiators everyone's familiar with. (and gets the end of the song cut off by Tim blowing the whole place to smithereens)
Simon when he's talking to Martin towards the end of season 4 has a song in a similar tone to Memento Mori by Will Wood (which is a great Vast/End song)
Jonah gets a song Ala "Be Prepared" not sure how that'd work, but tonally feels right.
11 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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13 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Whoever predicted that Mark's character would be replaced with Matpat... gold star for you!
24 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Admiral! ❤
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For day 2 of TMA appreciation week
36 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
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hollowwish · 2 years
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#empires smp - 53 posts
#cubfan135 - 45 posts
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#shoutout to the one family in the sims i started playing as and made the wife cheat with geoffrey landgraab and the husband i was gonna kill
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133 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
In todays episode of Empires, Pixlriffs steals someone's fucking house
159 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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meme potential
232 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
The concept of only winners remembering the life series is absolutely heartbreaking with Scott and Pearl. They both won, but the other can't remember their partners win. Scott goes back to empires after his win. Pearl doesn't remember their alliance, here she's not his friend and trusted ally, just the farmer queen. He can't even tell her that he placed the last axolotl down safely, or that he avenged her death. He feels a part of him die when Pearl withers away. When Double Life starts he can't believe he's soulmates with her. The universe has stuck them together once again. But it hurts, it hurts that she didn't look for her soulmate, didnt look for him. He knows she doesn't remember but it still hurts. And then he leaves her, leaves her out of anger. Anger that she can't remember what they had with Cleo in last life. It's him and Cleo, against the world, but without Pearl this time. Just Gatekeep and Gaslight without Girlboss. His anger starts to be directed at Pearl herself (rather than he memory loss) when she starts hurting them on purpose. Scott's annoyed with her almost every time she shows up at him and Cleo's base. The alliance they had against the reds was begrudging on Scotts side. He can't quite fathom how they went from friends to acting like bitter jealous exes. He blows himself up, genuinely thinking Pearl deserves the win, after all she did for him last season. He doesn't want to remember a world where he hates Pearl anyways. This gets worse if you combine this concept with soulmates sharing emotions. Pearl can tell his anger is different, she can feel it, but she doesn't know why. She can't understand what else he could be mad about other than her "leaving him first." And then she wins. Something clicks in her head, that oh Scott must've won before. We must've been friends before. Oh god what have i done. Pearl is back to being a god on Empires after Double life. She sees Scott but can't talk to him. She can't say she's sorry for ruining their soul bond, for running off to the nether with Martyn the episode one, for the powered snow, for killing Cleo, for everything. He wouldn't even understand what she's sorry for. On Hermitcraft she has to see the people she killed. Bdubs is right there, alive and okay, and all she can think of is how she murdered him and Impulse in cold blood. How they killed her beloved Tilly, and how Cleo fell out of that tree trying to escape her. She understands what Scott felt, his anger towards her during Double Life, what he's been feeling, and what he'll keep feeling. She only hopes and prays that no one else has to go through this.... (Grian is. Grian is right there, has been right there in the same server suffering.)
289 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think we're sleeping on e!s2 Scott and Jimmy a little bit A Sheriff and a man whos never respected authority in his life?? Sign me up, this is peak relationship dynamic
350 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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