#girlfriends who slay together stay together this is my truth
tequiilasunriise · 2 years
If Netflix wasn’t a coward we could’ve had Wenclair at the Rave’N where Enid matches Wednesday’s chaotically graceful energy during her absolutely iconic dance (compared to Tyler who barely danced at all). Miss Sinclair would’ve stood stunned and reverently staring at her favorite goth in the whole world before busting it down with a mix and match and mash of her favorite KPOP dances while Wednesday flaunts those 80s goth inspired moves. Cmon fanfic writers, lemme see Enid shimmying about while hitting that heart-bite aegyo as Wednesday does her thing. Enid with this HUGE absolutely beaming smile on her face as she throws in some TikTok moves contrasting Wednesday’s stoic expression during in her disjointed yet fluid dance moves!! Enid throwing her head back to joyously laugh as she dances and this makes the corner of Wednesday’s mouth lift just the tiniest bit to crack the world’s smallest smile!!! They’re just so focused on each other the world melts away around them and this would’ve easily made them the complete stars of the Rave’N with everyone watching them in “I know what you are” awE LIKE CMON NETFLIX YOU COWARDS‼️‼️‼️
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Helping Billy and Stu on their murder spree would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This might not be exactly what you were expecting but I hope you enjoy it anyways! Sorry it took me longer than expected!)
- Wrong. That was the best way to describe your relationship with Billy and Stu: wrong, fucked up, and dangerous …but you couldn’t deny the fact that it was exciting. 
- You were no saint. That was a fact you’d come to terms with a while ago. You were no saint but you certainly weren’t a killer; at least not when all of this started. No, back then, you were just a really, really bad girlfriend.
- Truth be told: you weren’t single when you’d gotten involved with the boys, though, to be fair, neither were they; not that that made things any better.
- You’d had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you’d once really cared about, but somewhere along the line, you’d begun to have problems and instead of resolving them, you’d both chosen to ignore them and resent each other instead. Which is probably why it was so easy for you to fall into another boys arms; especially when they were as charming as Billy was or as sweet as Stu was.
- You’d always had a bit of a crush on Billy. The two of you’d been acquaintances ever since freshman year and for a while you sort of thought that you and him might get together. But then he started dating Sidney and you got asked out by your boyfriend and you just sort of tried to put the idea out of your head.
- Unbeknownst to you, the idea never left Billy’s head and he found himself plotting all the ways that he could make you his; all while finding out that his partner in crime was seemingly just as interested in you as he was.
- Stu ended up playing a crucial role in your “arrangement”. The two of you found yourselves made into lab partners and thusly, you were invited over to his place after school and later given the perfect excuse to spend time with him; and/or Billy, without causing suspicion.
- The first few times you go over to the Macher place, nothing of value happens. You do exactly what you’re supposed to: work, study, joke around a little and get a bit more comfortable being in each other’s presences. It’s a few study sessions in that you get a curveball thrown at you.
- It’s late one evening, Stu’s parents are out and you’re both studying on his living room floor when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Stu gets up to answer it and who else would it be but Billy.
- Stu pretends to act surprised and tells the boy that he forgot they were going to hang out and that he’s studying with you. Billy assures him that it’s alright before Stu tells him to wait a second and reappears in the room, saying that he thinks the two of you have studied enough and that Billy’s got some horror movies that the three of you can watch if you’d like to stay and chill. How could you possibly refuse?
- And so, your makeshift friendship with the boys begin; a friendship which very quickly leads into something more once Billy decides the time is right to make a move.
- You obviously don’t expect it the first time it happens but you find yourself wanting more the minute it’s over.
- Sure, sometimes the guilt will kick in when you see Tatum and Sidney or when your boyfriend is being particularly sweet, but it never seems to be enough to stop you from coming over whenever they ask or letting them in whenever they knock on your door.
- But the longer the three of you keep up your affair, the more things you start to notice.
- Billy isn’t stupid. Regardless of how he feels about you, he isn’t going to jeopardize his whole plan by making one wrong move and trusting someone he shouldn’t have. He’ll take his time analyzing you, picking apart your every move and reaction until he’s sure that you’re the one.
- You’ll start to pick up on little things about your boys that some might consider weird: all the horror movies and Billy’s knowledge in them, strange questions, indecipherable looks, things like that.
- As Billy comes closer to making up his mind, more of the mask will slip; though not enough to scare you off or make you think that anything’s really wrong. More odd inquiries, questionable sexual activities, and Billy testing your loyalty; oftentimes by asking you to cover for him or Stu to see how far you’ll go for them.
- You might be asking what I mean by “questionable sexual activities”, well, Billy has, on more than one occasion, demanded that you only watch whatever gory film he’s put on instead of looking at him as he pleasures you. He watches you closely, muttering lowly in your ear about the movie and talking dirty as you lock your eyes on the screen.
- When the boys first confess to you about the murders, you don’t believe them. You think it’s a bad joke but once you see just how serious they are, your smile drops and you say “you’re serious aren’t you?”.
- It definitely takes you a while to get used to the fact, but you find yourself opening up to the idea more and more as Billy explains their motive and butters you up with his charming words.
- Your involvement starts with little things: patching them up when they’re hurt, analyzing horror movies, giving them ideas or intel and telling them what won’t work.
- Stu likes to bump your shoulder or ruffle your hair and call you smart whenever you offer up good advice. Billy is much more subtle in his praise but his reactions are usually the ones that make you want to help them more and more.
- The blonde enthusiastically recounts stories of their slayings to you, jumping around the room and making a bunch of noises and hand movements while he does so.
- The first time you mention that you’d like to help them “...more”, both their faces break out into shit eating grins. They don’t immediately hand you a mask, knife, and mission but they do start to ask more of you.
- Helping them hide evidence, giving them alibis, waiting outside of their crime scenes for them and helping them lure people right into their traps all becomes second nature to you.
- Then comes your initiation. 
- There’d always been some jealousy involved in your relationship; mainly on their parts. You had a boyfriend and they had girlfriends which meant all three of you had to; at some point, act all lovey dovey with your partners in front of the others, if only to keep up a façade. 
- But, as obvious as it was that none of you particularly cared for your significant others, that didn’t stop Billy or Stu from absolutely hating your boyfriends guts. This hatred would eventually play a key role in solidifying your role in their lives.
- Your parents aren’t home and you’re in your bedroom with the boys, doing exactly what one would assume you’d be doing, except, unlike all the other times you’d done “this”, your bedroom door swung open and revealed a very unexpected visitor: your boyfriend. 
- Maybe it was the pent up jealousy or the fear of his plan potentially being ruined or maybe it was a little bit of both but when the boy immediately began to just book it towards your front door, Billy followed after him. 
- By the time you make it out into the hall, Stu has him held in place and Billy is turning to look at you, telling you to “come on” as they walk the boy into your kitchen. 
- Once you get there, Billy pulls a knife from the block and walks up to you, telling you that you said you wanted to be a part of things and that now's your chance.
“Go on.” He says, nodding his head back towards the boy who Stu’s restraining and watching you closely as you slowly take the knife from his hands. Stu’s grinning excitedly as you approach him, cheering you on while Billy remains silent behind you. 
- The blonde whoops and hollers as you cut into the boy, audibly expressing his pride in you, and when you turn to look back at Billy, he’s got a tiny little smile pulling at his lips, showing that you’ve just proven yourself and done exactly what he wanted. 
- The brunette locks eyes with you before he walks up and wraps his arms around you, pulling you back against his chest and tilting your head down to look at the boy who’s currently bleeding out on your kitchen floor. “Would you look at that.” He says and you can hear the smile in his voice as he says it, his hand trailing up to grope at your chest as he stares down at the gory sight before you.
- There’s no going back after that. You’re now officially one of them and get your very own father death costume. 
- It’s perfect really. More hands, more confusion for the police, more bloody sex.  
- Billy gets turned on by the sight of blood and the adrenaline that he feels after a kill; and Stu has never been one to turn down sex, so don’t be surprised if you end up pressed against the floorboards of a victims house or thrown on one of their beds the minute the three of you get back to their house. 
- You and Billy tend to make the plans while Stu just goes along with whatever you say. 
- Helping them get Neil Prescott.
- Going along with Stu while Billy talks on the phone. 
- The two of them both baby and yell at you. They tend to do most of the dirty work because they think you can’t handle it but at the same time they; namely Billy, will get angry if you mess anything up in the slightest. The brunette will yell or insult you because he’s a control freak and wants everything to go exactly as he planned. 
- On the drive/walk home, you’ll stay quiet, wondering if maybe you’ve made a very severe mistake when deciding to be with the boys. But then Billy will grab your arm and pull you into a kiss, asking if you’re alright and apologizing so sweetly and for better or for worse, you’ll fall right back in again. 
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samdeancass · 4 years
You don't need to do this!
Requested by: @sourpatchspinster
Pairing: Doctor Strange x half demon!reader
Genre: Angst
Characters: Doctor Strange, Y/N
Description: Y/N is half demon. She knows she's supposed to bad, but she can't bring herself to be. Y/N wants to be good, be a hero. But when Stephen finds out about her secret, what will happen?
A/N: Sorry if it’s bad, it’s my first time writing for Doctor Strange, so feedback will be much appreciated :)
Y/N is half demon. Her mother was human, but her father was a demon. One of the worst demons, actually. That’s why everybody expected her to follow in her fathers footsteps. But, she never turned out that way. She took after her mother, who died giving birth. Y/N has never wanted anything to do with her father, especially after she found out about the horrible things he had done. She ran away from home, and started a new life with a new job, and even found herself a wonderful partner. But she never expected her father to show up in the city where she lived.
You and Stephen were having a cosy Sunday morning in after a very busy week of fighting evil.
“This is so nice, Stephen. No monsters, no evil, just us on a rare Sunday off.” 
You were both cuddled together in bed, his arms wrapped around you, protecting you from the world.
You always felt guilty about not telling Stephen you’re secret, but you were afraid he would see you in a different light, especially with who your father is. He is one of the most notorious criminals in the world, every superhero knew about him. Nobody has ever been able to bring him down, not even the most powerful asgardian could.
On the television that was blaring in the background,  your father was wreaking havoc on New York City. You sat bolt upright in the bed, not believing what you were seeing. “Woah! What’s up, sweetheart?” Stephen rubbed a calming hand across your back. “It’s nothing. Just looks like we won’t be enjoying our day off.” Stephen and you both sighed and went to get suited up.
Currently, your father, known as Amon, was tearing up the streets. Cars were totalled, people were lying injured in the streets with nowhere to run, he had them cornered.
“AMON! What do you think your doing?” Stephen and you had made it just in time before your father knocked down the Chrysler Building. He turned around and confronted who dared to question his actions. Amon was a little taken aback to see you standing beside Stephen. He always thought that you would take after him, rise in the ranks to become the most powerful of your kind. “Hello Doctor Strange, Y/N. I’ll be with you in just a moment.” Amon turned back around and dealt with the police who was currently shooting at him. He threw them in all different directions, disorientating them.
“Now, where were we?” Amon turned back around to find you and Stephen in a fighting stance. “Amon, why are you doing this? There can’t possibly be a reason why you would want to attack the whole of New York City.” Amon began to chuckle. “Mainly, it was to get my daughters attention.” You froze at his words, eyes widening. You weren’t ready for Stephen to know your secret, you didn’t want him to find out like this. “You’re daughter?” Stephen began to chuckle, not believing what he was hearing.
 “Of course, she hasn’t told you, has she? She’s too ashamed of who her father is, too ashamed of where she came from. She was supposed to be the most powerful of us all, she would have slayed hundreds, thousands even. But then, she fell in love with humanity and decided she was too good to be one of us. She fled, and moved her. Settled for a very human life, which is far from what she is.” Amon motioned towards you, giving you a very evil smirk, but behind his eyes, he was hurting that his daughter decided to run away from him.
Stephen turned around, wide-eyed and confused. “Y/N, what is he talking about?”. 
At that very question, you broke down and reeled off everything. You couldn’t lie to him, not after you had kept this bombshell from him for too long. “I’m so sorry, Stephen. Amon is my father but my mother was human, which means that I am half demon. My mother died when I was born, her body couldn’t cope with the power of giving birth to a demon. I did grow up with my father, he taught me all of the fighting I know. But when he sent me up here to wreak havoc, I just couldn’t do it. I fell in love with humanity, with humans. So I ran away. I didn’t want to be like my father any longer. I wanted to become a good demon, using my powers to save people, so I settled down here, got myself a normal job, and waited until people needed saving. I wanted to prove my father wrong, to prove that not all demons have to be bad.”
Stephen was staring at you, gobsmacked. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His girlfriend, who he planned to marry, was half demon. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have understood. You know I deal with stuff like this, with the mystic arts. I could have helped you to strengthen your powers and use them against our enemies?” Stephen slumped his shoulders. disappointed that you couldn’t trust him with the basis of who you are.
“It’s because she’s ashamed of where she comes from. She doesn’t want to be associated with the likes of us.” Amon interrupted your conversation, leaning your focus back onto him.
“Can you blame me? With all of the destruction you cause? Look around you. You are the embodiment of evil”. You snarled, powering back up. 
At this response, Amon attacked. He first went for you, but you blocked him using your demonic powers. Amon was flung into the building behind him, leaving him a little disorientated. Stephen took this chance to try and exorcise him. He began to say the exorcism but Amon flung him back, gaining enough strength to stand back up.
“You think you’re better than me? Than your own kind? Your just the same, just a lot more powerful. You have so much potential. Come back home with me and I’ll stop destroying this city you love so much.” Amon tried to bargain with you, but you weren’t interested. You looked over at Stephen, who was gradually gaining back his strength. “I will never go back there. I will never revert back to who I used to be. I am better off without you, and it’s going to stay that way.”
With those words, you held Amon down with your powers whilst Stephen attempted to exorcise your father again. 
This time, he was successful and your father was sent back down to Hell. You walked over to Stephen and attempted to give him a hug, but he backed away.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We could have avoided all of this, if you had just told me the truth.” Hurt, Stephen walked away from you and conjured up a portal to the Avengers tower. He needed some space to think about everything that’s happened and what he’s going to do.
Unbeknown to you, a news crew had captured the events of what had happened and the conversation that revealed you were a demon. You had to stay inside, afraid for your own life. All you ever wanted to do since arriving in New York was help people, now your father had ruined that. Your life began to crumble around you. Stephen had not talked to you in days. You began to fear that your relationship had crumbled aswell.
Stephen was under immense pressure to exorcise you. The Avengers team didn’t agree with you being able to walk the Earth, considering what you were. The citizens of New York City wanted you gone. He knew what he had to do, he just had to bring himself to do it.
After many days of contemplating what he was going to do, he conjured up a portal to your apartment and walked through.
You were lying on your bed, deep in your own thoughts when you heard the familiar sound of sparks, indicating that Stephen had finally come to see you. You jumped from the bed and ran towards the sound.
“Stephen, you’re finally home. I’ve missed you. I’ve been going out of my mind not knowing  what is going to happen with us, but now I know.” You hugged Stephen and gave him a little squeeze. He, however, did not reciprocate the hug and gently pulled you away from him.
“Y/N, we need to talk. This, you, it’s not going to work. Now that the whole world knows what you are, they no longer believe you to be a hero, considering your father was the one who caused destruction to half of the world. I am under immense pressure from the team and the citizens of this city to exorcise you and send you home.” 
At these words, you backed away, shocked at Stephens revelation of what he was planning to do. “No, Stephen, please. You know me. You know that I’m nothing like my father. I may be half demon, but i’m half human to. I’m still capable of becoming more human. I have never done anything to this world that remotely suggests that I am anything like my father. Please, don’t give up on me.” You broke down in tears, desperately pleading with your boyfriend. You know that he still loves you, but now that he knows what you are, you’re sure that has changed his perspective of you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I have to think of the citizens of New York and the rest of the world. You are simply too dangerous to be walking around, especially with what your father did to this city. I have to do right by the people, no matter how I feel about you.”
You were knelt down on the floor, hands clasped together, begging him not do this. Hesitantly, Stephen began to chant the exorcism, his eyes welling up, knowing that he is killing the love of his life.
As he got further into the exorcism, you were becoming weaker and weaker. You tried pleading with him one last time. “Please, Stephen. I love you, I know you love me to.” Stephen began to choke up at your words. He couldn’t let his feelings get the better of him. He reeled off the last of the exorcism and, just like that, you were gone.
Stephen knelt down by the spot where you were just moments before and began to cry. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I had to do what was right.”
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Shatter continued
A story in several parts:
tw: reader chan’s sibling is a toxic force to be reckoned with; officers mentioned in later parts (civil servants for young adults); mentions of accidents and scarring [both emotional and physical]; young adult 18+ for strong and suggestive language
word count: 6.8 K 
tagging @oikawa-obvs​ @m0nstergeneration20xx​
the characters and other tie in works:
seijoh 4: oikawa, iwazumi, hanamaki, mattsun
spin off of the Running at 6a.m. feat. hanamaki and his s/o [plus s/o family]
Little side notes: mattsukawa issei means “it’s all right.” // fuyu no rairakku fuji means “my beautiful wisteria tree” // mitsuketa means “I have you”
Throughout this story, mattsun & q learn how important the actions of others does not define a set path.
Images based via Pinterest
Image 2 based off this post
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The day before you leave back to your side of the city, you tell your friend what has transpired between you and mattsun on movie night:
“That’s great! I knew he’d like you. They all do,” she says. “I mean, you did fall asleep next to him for a little while before they walked us home that night.” 
“Yeah, I know,” you reply. “I’ll be out with him all day…”
“You’re not going to know what hits you until it shows, Q.” 
“Life is not like the hallmark movie channel, Chise!” 
Your friend’s stubbornness and your counter argument came to a close when her aunt and uncle stepped in to act as a mediator between the two of you… 
“Your sister is coming to pick you up, Q,” her uncle informs you. The news was not a welcomed one at all; the blood in your veins ran cold. 
“What?! Uncle, you can’t be serious,” your friend states, wide eyed. “Q just got here…She can’t go back! Her sister is not right. Please recon—”
“There’s nothing we can do,” her aunt replies. She explains all the sound reasonings why. 
“How long do I have?” You wonder. Chise storms out of the room and when you hear her door shut, you inhale and exhale a deep breath silently counting down before you rationally think things through. You were gone for a total of four days & three nights; it takes about an hour or so for the train, but if your sister does a ride share, you have less than that. 
“She’s on her way, isn’t she?” Your voice betrayed your expression. 
“Yes,” you’ve never seen your friend’s uncle so abruptly twist in disgust. You know both he and his wife would try anything to help you, but considering how they presented the facts, it was going to be a losing battle.
Nodding, you thank them both for the news and the hospitality they offered, but you ask them to leave as politely as you can. You were seventeen years old when you realized that the hardest thing and right thing are not always the same.
Your sister wasn’t always this way. She was the elder & you needed to listen to her. You were always like water, one with the moon & stars; she was like fire, warm and with enough energy to harbor the solar flares. She wasn’t always an unhappy brute; the accident that tore your family apart was the catastrophe which estranged you to this day. 
“What do you mean Q’s leaving?” Makki asks. He sits up hearing his girlfriend’s voice fall into a panic. 
“It’s an emergency; you know I told you about y/n’s relative right?” 
“Yeah. What’s wrong?”
“Takahiro, I’m worried for Q because that’s the one who’s coming to pick her up. She can’t go back to that house on a whim! Her sister might beat her up worse than before!”
“Stay where you are. I’m getting a hold of Iwazumi & Mattsun.”
“Mmk. Hurry because I don’t know what time that witch is arriving.”
“Call the authorities,” was what you hear your friend’s relative instructs. One of them has to keep the objective line of sight here and now all there is left to do is wait.
You stand outside your friends house with a dark expression. Your sister’s arrival meant you could try to fight, yet you knew words are just as damaging. You come face to face with her just as the boys arrive. 
“Come little sister,” she says. You don’t move. Your friend is behind you, but when the boys arrived she lets them in the side gate: Makki leads followed by Iwa, and finally Mattsun. Your friend fills them in and now they stand at the ready to help you if you need it.
“Q. Come now. Don’t make it anymore difficult than it has to be.”
“No.” Your voice is absolute. 
“No?” She sarcastically replied with a scoff. 
“Did I stutter?” You retort. Your friend and her family is on the porch watching this. 
“I don’t know what your game is, but this is a family affair…”
“Do not bring them into this mess,” you warn as you walk toward the spot on the lawn where your sister stands. There is a few feet of grass between you. 
“Enough,” she says in a menacing tone. “Quantum stop being foolish before I burn you and cast you out. Black sheep or not, you are my sister and you will do as I say.”
She takes out a lighter from her purse and one of the oldest journals you have. It was a tome you had since you started middle school.
“Burn it for all I care,” you spat. “Because as far as I am concerned, we are no longer family. You stopped being in mine before I started high school you bitch. Touch me again and I will make you regret finding me.” 
At this point, your teeth are bared and your voice is as even as it can me. You know there is truth in those words, but with your found family behind you, you have the higher ground. 
“Like hell little sister,” she spits. “I rather you drop dead and die because you are what makes me insane: this ends today.” 
You sister burns the book regardless. You stomp out the flames in time that a good portion of the damage book is scorched down to a delightful singe. You wonder how long your sister has been without her medication. The gargantuan illness does not leave her nor do you want to find out because the shadow of her hands comes into contact with your left side of your face. 
She leaves without batting an eye at you. Rather, you feel the residual sting of a slap across your face from a hand that is not your own. The sound is like a whip cracking in the wind.
“Mattsun, Iwazumi,” your friend’s face is pulled into Makki’s side where he whispers something in her ear, probably to watch you say the final nail in the coffin:
“You have no power over me; I am not afraid of you,” you defy her orders again. 
“You cheeky little shit,” your sister says before your fist makes direct contact with her face and when it knocks her to your left, you roundhouse kick her in the ribs thus knocking her wind out of her. 
“Did you know she could fight like that?” Makki asks. Your fist is unclenching because your wrath is unlike anything they’ve witnessed, sure Iwazumi smacks Oikawa with a volleyball, but when ther collectively see what you can do, they look at each other. Except Mattsun, he reads the situation and what you told him at the movie night the day before finally clicks.
I am not ready because I am not fully healed yet. I am left alone to deal with my own demons. Everyone has dragons to slay and for today that dragon is your sister. His thoughts are strung together, yet he sees what you mean in practice and honestly it explains your cynicism, your perception of what it means to have someone who is just as toxic and how they tried to break you. 
“Holy shit,” you clearly hear your friend gasp behind you when she pushes herself off of Makki. When your sister lands on the concrete border of the lawn, you don’t care to notice the winter wind whipping around your short locks. Your breathing is becoming more unstable, yet when you stand to inspect the damage done, you glance down with an oddly satisfying expression: You’re a survivor and you’d be damned if your sister thinks she could shatter you further. 
You pick your sister up by the collar until she is eye level with you. You whisper something in her ear which makes her furious: “Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on sister.” 
“Go,” your best friend says one word while Makki holds her back; Mattsukawa and Iwazumi sprint to where you are holding your sister and all that woman sees is red thereafter.
Her mouth lets out an in humane scream as she lunged forward, her hands have a vice grip on your exposed flash. You feel her nails dig and leave marks. The action carried through as hands reach for your neck to crush your windpipe. You know of the western saying “to choke on your words,” but you’d never thought of it being done physically.
As soon as this occurs, you notice your sister’s wrists are almost snapped by the sheer force Mattsukawa exerts in holding you from behind. Your gasping for air is by far one of the most horrifyingly haunting things he’s ever heard (and you all you can emote is telagraphing I am terrified. Don’t let me go). It takes you a moment to register that it is because you hear him breathe behind you.
“I got you,” Mattsun holds you; he holds you for as long he can to make sure you don’t slip on the residual frost on the lawn. He runs a hand through your hair calming you down further. Your hands are not by your side anymore, rather you feel them grasp on to his own. You close your eyes and he repeats those three words until your breathing and panic subsided.
This occurs while Iwazumi corners your sister and she leaves your friends’ property. Sirens wail in the distance and it doesn’t take very long for the authorities to take your sister into custody for verbal and physical abuse charges whereas you claim self-defense. It’s hard to talk currently, so you write it out on the report form. Makki and your best friend are filling out witness statements while Iwazumi is being checked out by one of the health officials right after you sign the report documents. Mattsun doesn’t leave your line of sight at all, for that you are grateful. Your knuckles have the suture glue on them aid the healing process. The EMT gives you a neosporin antiseptic for the scratches on yout face left behind from the slap your received from the guilty party already in the backseat of the squad car that had already left for the booking station in the west side of the neighborhood.
When the witness statements are done, you are asked to come to the precinct first thing in the morning for a secondary assessment for your wounds,but this is bypassed as soon as you mentioned your previous case serial numbers.
“She’s as lucky as they come,” one of the officers says in passing. “We’ve been trying to pin her relative’s location because of the fact this isn’t her sibling’s first attempt at attempted murder.”
“You did the right thing as soon as you called sir,” his partner praises your friend’s aunt and uncle. “That woman is a danger to herself and others. How did one sister’s grief spiral while the other chose to move forward is beyond me, but miss Q has some good people around her.”
“She’s our niece’s closest friend, so please make sure that woman has all ties cut with the victim,” you heard her uncle say.  “We’ll take her in, but please make the arrangements to have some of her things brought here before the holidays.”
“Understood sir,” the first officer says tilting his hat. “Ma’am, we’ll be going then. Good day.”
Iwazumi takes his leave shortly thereafter and reminds Makki to give you all some space. Mattsun asks if it’s ok to take you away for a couple of hours. You finish passing along the case files while this occurs. You’re not ready to talk about what just happened, but you find yourself ready to move past this ordeal. Families are different, yet your relationship with your sister is one of the worst after the story of biblical twins.
“Of course. Take her out for as long as she needs. You have my number, so text me later,” your friend says with a warm smile. She bops her head toward where you still stood basking in the frosty atmosphere. “Gods know she needs a break. Oh, and Mattsun?”
“Thank you.” She hugs hun quietly along with her uncle who lays a hand on his shoulder. Her aunt mentioned something about how they’re going to remodel the room you stayed in to a permanent one. “She is family after all,” was the last thing he heard as the three of them went back inside their home.
On that note, Mattsukawa returns back to your side. He marvels at your new marks bestowed by what had transpired a couple hours ago. It’s nearly eight in the evening on a Tuesday night. Winter break has finally come, but here he notices you’re ok. Or rather, as ok as you make it seem.
“I should get you a bell,” your sense of humor is impeccable, but when the tears that never come do make their way known in other ways, you stop to turn your face back to the skies. You close your eyes thanking whatever lucky stars you have for having good people gravitate toward you; with one final breath, you return your focus back to your guard dog even if he towers over you with enough power to eclipse the graying skies. As he reaches for your hand, you know this is the first time he sees a glimpse of how much you shine. 
“It’s quiet now,” you said, returning your undivided attention to him. “Thank you.” 
The young middle blocker moves forward with you mentioning something along the lines of you had a date to keep. 
“Do you still want to go?” He asks you this to gage how you’d react. He doesn’t want you to over exert yourself, so when you say yes, he leads the way to one of the closer neighboring shopping plazas.
One trip to a tea shop down the street leads you and him to have a quaint seat by a window. The both of you talk like old friends. You don’t let the dread of what looms over you break you, you’ve been through worse and you’re not going to let anything happen to make him feel like that again. You could tell how frightened he really was earlier when he kept you in front of him on the lawn. You pour some more mango black tea into your cup. You know you two barely say much, yet an entire epic is laid out between you two.
Not a word is said because there is an definite understanding in the delicate exchange here. Mattsun sips his tea and as he learns you’re exhausted of fighting on your own. It dawns on you if given the chance stories about being wronged in the past leads you to be bound by love later on. Tell me you want to help me too, Mattsukawa.
“If you’ll have me, please let me be your kintsugi,” he places the dwarf tea cup down on its saucer. You sit across from him as the fluorescent lighting causes your eyes to flicker amusedly at his features. You rest your chin in your hand when he does this. 
“You don’t have to ask,” you reassure him. With your free hand, you hold one of his with residual heat. Why are you doing this? You like each other. Hell, he’s the one who made sure you’re alive. He’s amazingly kind, so what is stopping you? 
“I already run with you at six in morning. It’s plausible after--Mattsun? Hold on a sec. Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I like you,” Mattsun’s voice is as casual as he makes it seem. Don’t make me go through that again; I almost didn’t get the chance to show you how amazing you really are.
You see what he means behind those eyes of his. He’s honest, kind, and strong; almost like steel, but you’re just as strong like titanium. You work well together, you think. If this is what it feels to fall in like with someone, you’d proactively seek it every time from him until you learn how to love yourself for all parts of you. He has a subtle way of telling you he likes you. Acts of love and kindness aside, you want to cherish this setting, precisely because you live the way you tease him in a friendly manner. For a moment, the veil of winter’s shouldering dreariness stops. Your lips curl into a Cheshire’s grin. His heart nearly stops for the second time that day.
“I like you too,” you chuckle. “Who knew you were such a romantic at heart Mattsukawa?”
“You did.”
You nod. “I should have known. So, where would you like to take me now?”
After you two finish speaking at the teahouse, Mattsun escorts you toward another part of the same plaza. Your face illuminates in the refraction of the street lamps, your hands bump into each others whilst you walk the promenade.
There are no words exchanged because neither of you want to see each other with the image seared into your minds’ eye; his arms that evening were clicking on to your waist, his his center of gravity shifting so when he pulls your body backwards, you hear his voice reminding you he has you, you’re safe here. You nodding closing your eyes when his warmth emits a calming aura. You both ignore the subject, but you’re really fucking thankful to have him (along with the company you keep, each showing a different type of love from the international myths you loved to read): you both walk with the same thoughts that evening: Don’t scare me like that again, whatever you do, stay alive. We haven’t even seen what our story might look like. Just please, prove to me you’re still here; catch the fire from me to you and live.
Mattsukawa and you walk past a pillar and stop to take a glance at the community announcement boards. A few of the paper lanterns are already lit. The street lamps are beginning to hum.
“There’s a night market happening,” you read aloud, slowly, you feel yourself relaxing more into your surroundings. Your hand points to the sign and Mattsukawa notices the minute change in your behavior. You’re much more free and outgoing than before; you’re a winter’s tale and a dahlia, but he knows the flower thing might be a tad bit off, so he keeps that content to himself for now.
“We’ll take the others here later,” he informs you about thinking about how his classmates, especially Oikawa, would handle not coming.
“If you say so,” you reply. You both continue to walk and browse through the various shops, but when he takes you into one the art stores, you ask him to wait a moment to let other patrons walk in. He is perceptive enough to understand your feelings, so he does what he thinks is best: he reminds you you aren’t going inside alone. 
“I got you,” Mattsukawa repeats from earlier. “We’ll go inside whenever you’re ready. Does that sound fair to you?”
“Do you want to go call it a day then?” 
The moment you nod, he walks at a quicken pace. Eventually you tell him to slow down when you pass by a neighboring plaza. This one was more serene than the last.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask you impromptu date. 
I’m learning to trust you a little more and I’m afraid of this continues, would you run from me? 
“Mattsukawa. Don’t overthink it,” your voice is unmistakably calm, yet it is driving him to let go and live a little; so you do. You let his hand go for a little while, and now you stand in front of him and you have a mischievous glint in them. 
Fuck it. I don’t care if you’re here for four days or four minutes. I am not running away from this, from you, and the possibility of you staying.
Mattsukawa tilts your face up with one of his fingers and when you feel his lips ghost over your own, you close the gap. First kisses in the winter are not rare, but the ambiance of being surrounded by the wisteria trees dyes the world into a violet haze. Love is not as fickle as you think. This one is different, you both relish in this display of affection. He breaks the kiss briefly, and to him, seeing you like this makes him finally understand the sentiment of seeing a whole universe in one person.
You stop him dead in his tracks because as soon as you feel Mattsukawa’s warmth leave your face, you understand how much he was holding back; you both were. His face is tinged a little bit flushed out slightly by the curious softened stare you give him. He wanted to see you worked up before, but he wasn’t expecting to see you act so hastily. You drag your bottom lip through your teeth before you sigh much to your own chagrin because you knew what he felt was true.
“Mmhm,” you’re driving him insane in this short game of stolen glances because he received no further warning when you pull his lips back on yours. Your hands traverse upward from where your hands initially were on his shoulders and eventually looping around his neck. There is a secret kindness you want him to have; he owns this part of you, the wild capricious love of the cold is gorgeously delightful. You’re ok even when he deepens this kiss and he draws this sounds of want and need from you the more you let him. You taste his love in the way your hands love to tousle his hair; you hear his chest rumble in amusement when he opens his mouth slightly teasing you with the residual taste of the tea from earlier. Don’t be afraid to fall, you muse.
Mattsukawa draws you in closer to him as he snakes one arm around the small of your back while the other hand he has used to tilt your face moves to your shoulder before finding solace on your neck. He lost a to the way you move your body and you both don’t succumb to each other’s prowess. What you both crave you found in each other. He dips you to one side like in those old movies you so love. You’re mine, my dear; irreplaceable and hopelessly in my loving arms. Safe you’ll always be.
You catch your breathing when you part, he places you back in a standstill position. You’re smiling together, like a firefly lamp in the summer, casting a halo ring around you two. A few of the flowers are blown away in the brief wind and apparently land all around scattered like gorgeous mosaics on the concrete. You turn your head slightly to hear his heart drum on; you tell him things via tracing the kanji on his shirt little messages like “future,” “brave,” “loyal,” “true,” etc. he chuckles because it tickles a bit, but he reminds you wildhearts can’t be broken so easily. You concur taking a deep breath, watching as your exhale leaves little pufts of moisture to dissipate in the air. He rests his head against your shoulder in a slight variation of an acknowledging bow; his breath tickles against the nape of your neck, his mouth teasingly nips at the midpoint of your ear.
“Fuyu no rairakku fuji,” he crowns you a new name; his lips press against your cheekbone. You grin at the new nickname.
“Mattsukawa Issei,” you remind him when you two begin walking again and he pauses dumbfounded by the tone you use. It dawns on him that perhaps his best friend’s girl told you his name in full. You return the wisteria name he bestowed upon you with a much simpler one for him. “Mitsuketa.”
— spring forward—
You wonder if he could remember that when you sleepover for the first time; you find out he can and does so the moment he lays you down on his bed to make you remember how being loved by him is going to leave you breathless one step at a time, and true to his word, his hands are sturdy.
This love is messy, but you enjoy every moment of being enamored by him. You don’t look back anymore, but forward when he calls your new name right as you pull him back toward you before you both ruin the sheets that support you. You place a hand over his chest to stabilize his figure over you. “Watashi no utsukushī fuji,” his voice has you defenseless the moment you humbly accept him as solely yours.
“My first love, come here,” your lips were always inviting toward him and he listens to the way you both praise each other while he brings your unscarred arm above your head; your scars are now inked with wild wisteria flowers he so affectionately called you a few months ago.
Luckily one of your case workers knew someone in Miyagi who does tattoos pro bono for victims of abuse survivors. Languid wisteria blossoms iluminate your arms under a blacklight, but the white ink outlines remain visible like small embroideries tying you to the blossom to ward off evil. The subject came about one evening during the routine cafe shoppe run with the boys and your best friend:
“All I’m saying is that if she wants it done, we know someone in Miyagi who can,” Makki reasons with your friend.
“I was thinking about it,” you speak up before your friend completes her ‘harrumph.’
The table falls quiet. “I was thinking of having the wisteria blooms cover the worse of it.”
“Wisteria, huh?” Oikawa asks. “I think that’s a good choice. Iwa-Chan! Let’s— ”
“No.” Honestly, when he found out what had transpired via the group chat with his friends, he nearly cut his family vacation short to fly back to check on you.
Instead, Iwazumi took over by sending him photos of both Makki and your best friend eating a crepe one night followed by one of you and Mattsukawa after he gifted you a wisteria branch necklace.
Presently, your hand coaxes Mattsukawa into leaving marks of his love blatantly across the exposed parts let him meet. The bruises his lips left behind are just as intoxicating as you remember.
“You’re still so daring,” his voice drowns out the pleasurable noise you let him hear.
“You’re~ahh~ staring,” your hands find their way to the collar of his half undone dress shirt. He pauses for a moment, smirking through his gaze when he envelopes you in his arms. Your hands are too quick when you unbutton the rest of his shirt. You’re wearing one of your old high school gym baseball shirts when you came over to visit for spring break. (The first time you sleep overnight was quite entertaining to say the least, but you both prove you’re capable of this sort of love too.) His hands move to coerce your legs slide over his thighs and here you sit, knees slightly bent and he has you where you both want to be.
Your breathing is ragged and labored as he kisses you slowly, hands slipping under your shirt.
“Please," your voice is barely above a whisper. One word was all he needed and fuck were you worth it. Mattsukawa assists you in pulling that fabric over your head before you push him down back on the bed. Your arms are cut around his shoulders for support as he picks up where his kisses left off. Your love bites haven’t fully disappeared yet from last time: bites across the mounds of your breasts are yellowing now; the ones over the inside of your thighs are still healing beautifully. His wisdom lurks in how well you handle his sexual desires with every time you consent to it. You both seek no other tangible means to prove how far you’ve come (with and without his help).
“You’re still pretty,” he says. He marvels at the fact you’re still with him in the present moment. Your hair is tangled in his hands and he beckons you to make him remember what you told him in the park one winters day.
“Mesmerizing me is what you do best,” your mouth haunts his own pulling out the lewd sounds of his satisfaction. He hisses as you return his favor; he holds you tighter until you are comfortable in his hold. Those eyes of his remain on yours because you told him the first time to keep his eyes forward.
“You’re really something else,” he groans as you bite the space in the space between his shoulder and neck. You don’t let him come undone without you a little less than an hour later; he makes good on his promise of always saying he got you and you return with remembering you have him. You ran with him every day at six in the morning for a solid year, but forgot that sexual escapades with him are more often a marathon than not. Eventually, you catch up to him, and the cycle begins anew with you. Mattsukawa is a fierce lover, but within the walls you share with him, he realizes you’re just as lethal as a jaguar in his bed.
Yes, love in the spring always came in waves for the outside world, it here, once the sheets were changed, you and Mattsukawa take care of each other first before he has your drowsy form (smelling like the rain) clean and clothed in just an old pajama top of his (he wears a pair of a different style sleep pant) he lays you down first before he climbs in with you.
Loving each other is never as messy as you heard from those around you. It’s only because you both let each other propel forward; your love is maddening since you and Mattsukawa are firm believers the shattering parts make you the most beautiful. So when you wake up in each other’s touch, his lips always trace over the sides of you where he loves you strongest, whistling the melodies that cause flowers to bloom.
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yellowcanna · 5 years
Spring Tide
For their latest mission, Uzui Tengen needs a pretty boy with an expressionless face to go seduce a couple of Demons because believe it or not, there are people (rather Demons) whose taste runs like that.
So, Uzui grabbed the only person he can think of that fits the bill—Tomioka Giyuu, rank Kinoe and the second-in-command of the Water Division.
The Water Hashira, Urokodaki Sabito, was not amused.
Pairings: Sabito x Giyuu
Rating: 18+
Genre: Yaoi (boy love), Fluff, Smut, and one Protective Sabito
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Status: Complete
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Warning: The following story contains sexual content.
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Demon Slayers—that is the name given to those with special powers that hunts down Demons.
The Demon Slayers operates in a nameless task force to deal against supernatural beings—better known as Demons. No one knew when this task force came into existence or who the boss of the organization is. Rumour has it that this task force has been present in Japan since the Heian period.
Throughout history, the existence of Demon Slayers has been lost to the general public. Only those working in the higher division in the government were aware of their existence. Throughout history, every single Japanese prime minister has attempted to either shut down or take over control of Demon Slayers, but each time they were met with failures.
The first reason being the threat of Demons that the governments themselves were unable to deal with. The second—as well as the main reason—was that Demon Slayers were too powerful. They possess inhuman strength and speed that even bullets can't catch up to. They wielded katanas that were no longer being crafted in the modern age and with their blades wrapped in their powers, they can split a building in half.
They were monsters wearing the skin of humans, just like those Demons they slay. Demon Slayers only operates in the night, never in daylight. Throughout the years, no matter how hard the government tried, they can never locate their headquarter. Even meeting the boss of the organization had only been a handful of times throughout the centuries, the last being exactly a hundred years ago.
While the government continued to wreck their brains to figure out a way to contain the Demon Slayers—as they have always been—the Demon Slayers were having issues with their own.
That issue was a single Demon Slayer name Urokodaki Sabito.
Sabito was a legend among the newer generation of Demon Slayers. He was the Water Hashira—the highest title a Demon Slayer can get, as well as proof that he was the strongest Demon Slayer among the Water Breathe users. Sabito was an orphan, adopted and trained by none other than the previous Water Hashira, Urokodaki Sakonji.
Not only was Sabito strong, but he was also very kind and although strict when training, he was an excellent teacher. Unlike other Hashiras who never bothered teaching their subordinates, Sabito made sure to have a personal training session with each member in the Water Division. He always wore a kind smile on his face and greeted everyone respectfully and equally. He was never arrogant in being stronger and higher ranked than everyone else. He was like a warm flame in the cold winter night, attracting people to him.  
The lower rank Demon Slayers were blissfully oblivious, but the other Hashiras has entirely different stories to tell when it comes to Sabito.
They all had one Tomioka Giyuu to thank for that.
Giyuu was also a student of Urokodaki Sakonji, as well as Sabito’s childhood friend.
The two of them were inseparable.
Although Giyuu possessed abilities of a Hashira, his rank remained as Kinoe. It wasn’t that he wasn’t given the offer, it was just that Giyuu had no interest in becoming a Hashira. His only wish was to stay by Sabito’s and slay Demons.
If there was anyone in this world that can make Sabito lose all of his composures, that would definitely be Tomioka Giyuu.  
The Hashiras knew that better than anyone, as each one of them had been at least threatened once by the seemingly kind man.
The Insect Hashira—Kochou Shinobu—being the most recent example.
The genius paramedic would pop a vein while maintaining her smile whenever she recalled the incident. She had simply pointed out the truth of how nobody liked Tomioka Giyuu right in Giyuu’s face.
As much as Shinobu dislike Giyuu, she trusted his personality and his ability to keep silent on matters. That was why she was surprised when the very next day an unpleased looking Sabito stormed into her office. What occurred afterward was anyone’s guess, but Sabito would never raise a hand to a woman so Shinobu was considered to be let off easy. To this day the Insect Hashira was still searching for whoever that tattled her to Sabito, just so they can assist her in testing some of the latest poison she made.
And currently…that very same Urokodaki Sabito was livid.
If looks could kill, the Sound Hashira—Uzui Tengen—would be dead a hundred times over. Well…perhaps he wasn’t too far into dying, considering how his flamboyantly beautiful skin was beaten into ugly shades of purple. His three girlfriends were shivering in the corner of the training room, not even daring to whimper as they watched the one-sided beating of their beloved for the past thirty minutes.
“My apologies, I don’t think I’ve heard you properly, Tengen-san," Sabito spoke softly. Despite speaking so respectfully, there was nothing respectful in his actions. His voice was void of any emotion, like the calm before a storm.
Gray eyes stared down at the man lying before him in a heap of limbs.
“What did you say you made Giyuu do, Tengen-san?”
Ah…so this is how I will die—Uzui thought as he stared at the man with a huge scar across his right cheek and coral pink hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Those silver eyes were void of emotion as the man raised the wooden sword over his head, taking a very familiar stance.
Yep, he was going to die. Not by the hands of Demons, but by the hands of a fellow Hashira.
…All because this damn Hashira got jealousy issues?!
This was not the flamboyant way he imagined when he met his end! No, screw that! He never imagined meeting his end at all!
“S-Sabito-san!” A boy with red hair squeaked at the far end of the other room.
Sabito stopped.
Uzui didn’t dare to even breathe as he stared at the wooden sword hovering just an inch away from his face. He could feel the sharp wind from the force of the blade, brushing against his skin as if taunting his uselessness.
“Yes, Tanjirou?” Sabito asked, voice still even while those gray eyes never leaving their prey.
“Shouldn’t we look for Giyuu-san?” Kamado Tanjirou asked with slightly quivering voice and a face full of concern as he sneaked a glance at Uzui. For the love of Oyakata-sama somebody bless that kid.
That seemed to bring Sabito out as he turned to fully look at Tanjirou.
“Tanjirou, gather the team and have them meet me in the office in thirty minutes.”
“Yes!” Tanjirou shouted. With another glance at Uzui, he hurried away to relay the orders.
Sabito watched until Tanjirou disappeared through the door before looking back down at Uzui. “You better hope Giyuu doesn’t lose a strand of his hair, Tengen-san. Otherwise…”
Sabito didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t have to.
Tossing the wooden sword aside, Sabito vanished in a blink of an eye.
Certain that the other Hashira was gone, Uzui let out a long sigh of relief before he was tackled down by his three girlfriends who began crying all over him.
“Tengen-sama! Don’t die!!”
“I’m not going to die!” Uzui choked. He might be spared by Sabito, but these women were clutching onto him in all the wrong places. Scratch that, there was no right place, his entire body hurts and he was certain the bastard broke (or at least cracked) every single bone in his body!  
“Hurry and call…the paramedics!” He spat out a mouthful of crimson fluid, causing the women around him to freak out even more. None of them even heard his request. With one of the girls practically strangling him, he can’t even explain that it was just the tomato use he drank an hour ago finally spilling out.
Damn it, how did this happen?!
Oh, right…Uzui remembered now.
It had all began with three high ranked Demons. The three of them banded together and formed an underground organization. With their powers and abilities higher than normal humans, they were rapidly rising through the ranks in the underworld and expanding at an alarming rate.
As Demon Slayers, they needed to hurry and take out the three Demons. They couldn’t afford to let them accumulate power any more than this. After those three are taken care of, what’s left of the organization will be the government’s problem, not theirs.
Through the information they had gathered, they learned that the three Demons love to frequent a red district in Kyoto. This particular red-light district was popular amongst the underworld. Many big-name criminals go there, whether to exchange information or for pleasure.
Through weeks of observation and information sent from their spies, Uzui can be certain that these Demons visit the red light district at least once a week. They don’t have any preferred brothel. They would roam the street and look for whomever that catches their eyes.
Taking care of the three Demons wasn’t the main issue. The main issue was those human bodyguards hiding in the shadows watching over their boss. Criminals or not, it was against the Demon Slayer code to turn their blade against humans. That's why they needed to isolate those Demons from their bodyguards—along with the rest of the humans.
The only time that happens was when those Demons find a man that catches their eyes.
Yes, these three Demon’s tastes were into males.
Young and handsome males, to be exact.
The first thing that came to Uzui’s mind was that boar-headed brat. He was perfect for the job and what’s more, he didn’t belong to any division, so he was free to grab. Unfortunately, that idea was quickly discarded when they found out that these Demons liked to conquer their victims. They love pretty boys with strong resolves—especially ones that didn’t wear emotions on their faces—so they would get the sick sense of satisfaction when they break them in bed. They will play with their toy over and over until they get tired (which was in a week at most), devour the victim and move on to their next hunt.
That was how Uzui ended up in this kind of situation…because no matter how much he thought, Tomioka Giyuu who served under the Water Hashira was the only one that fitted the bill. On top of that, being ranked Kinoe meant Giyuu would have no problem taking care of himself should anything happen.
As if Oyakata was on his side, Sabito had been sent away for a one month trip in Korea.
It seemed that Demon Slayer branch in Korea was inadequate with their works so Sabito was sent to smack them into shape. After all, when it comes to teaching Sabito was the only reasonable choice among the Hashiras.
That was two weeks ago, which means there’s still another two weeks until Sabito returns!
In the beginning, Giyuu had walked away when Uzui flamboyantly told him to go with them on this mission. However, the moment the older man announced that this was an order from a Hashira, the raven—like the good soldier he was—reluctantly obliged.
Sure, Uzui had worried about Sabito finding out. After all, the man always has some ways to find out things when it came to Giyuu. However, with the Water Hashira out of the country and Giyuu never being one to tattle or gossip, Uzui was certain he could return Giyuu before Sabito even realized he was gone.
So why?
Why was Sabito who was supposed to be gone for another two weeks back in Japan?! Who the hell leaked their information?!
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Tomioka Giyuu was feeling extremely uneasy.
He stood under the roof of the brothel he had been assigned to as he stared at the rain falling from the grey clouds above.
He has been working here in the red light district for five days now, yet still no signs of Demons. The black-haired man gazed down at his clothes and wondered what Sabito will say if he sees him like this. Giyuu could still remember those four painful hours he spent with Uzui’s girlfriends as they dragged him off to shop for suitable clothes.
He was wearing two layers of tank tops. A plain black one underneath and a navy one with leopard prints on top. The black one was a size smaller than it should be, sticking uncomfortably tight against his skin with the navy tank top being a bit too big, causing the right strap to constantly slip off his pale shoulder.
Giyuu’s fingers itched to pull the strap back up, but every time he would remember Uzui’s girlfriends lecturing him how it’s supposed to be this way—just like the leather jacket he was half wearing. His arms were through the sleeves with the jacket itself pooling around his waist. For some reason, the girls had repeatedly told him not to pull the jacket over his shoulders. It was extremely awkward and very hard to move—which would be incredibly dangerous in battle. The leather pants sticking against his legs were also a huge restriction to his movement, matched with those tight boots and buckles.
Since his pants were rather low and his tank tops couldn’t cover much, his waist was revealed, showing off the beautiful abs and v-line disappearing into his pants.
If that wasn’t enough, his nails got painted blue to match his eyes and he even had to wear a black choker which Giyuu still sees as a collar. According to Uzui, this was a tracker so that his team would know his location at all time,
Giyuu heaved out a soft sigh and stepped outside.
He wasn’t the least bothered by the rain soaking into his body as he strolled down the quiet street. In one more hour, the brothels will be open for business and people will flood in. Giyuu walked over to the hydrangea garden at the center plaza. The hydrangeas were in full bloom during this season. The blue and purple flowers complemented each other beautifully as raindrops gently cleaned their petals.
He found this place on his second day of work. It was a good spot for him to relax and think. He reached out, about to touch a blue hydrangea when his senses went haywire.
Giyuu’s eyes narrowed just by a small fraction, but his hands continued to reach out, not even faltering as he gently brushed his finger over the soft petals.
“My, my, what’s a lovely thing like you doing here?” A voice spoke behind him as shadows passed over Giyuu. The water droplets that had been hitting against his body disappeared.
Giyuu turned to see an ordinary-looking businessman, dressed in gray suits and holding a black umbrella over him to shield him from the rain.
Giyuu didn’t say anything and just stared impassively at the man.
“Are you lost?” The businessman inquired politely as if he seriously believed Giyuu was some innocent young man lost in the underground red-light district.
“I work here," Giyuu deadpanned, turning his head away.  
“Oh?” The raven pretended not to notice the way the Demon’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “That must be harsh—pardon me, I shouldn’t say that. It’s just that you’re so charming that I couldn’t help but notice you. Where do you work? I’ll walk you back.”
“No need," Giyuu said curtly, stepping around the Demon as he walked away. While he never looked back at the Demon and acted like he didn’t care, Giyuu was actually focusing all his senses on him.
The Demon didn’t follow him. He acted casual, but Giyuu could feel the Demon’s gaze burning holes into his back.
Giyuu did not doubt that he will see him very soon.
After he returned to the brothel, he headed straight for his assigned room. He ignored the front desk lady who was too used to his cold shoulder to bother with him. He went up the stairs, passed by a couple of rooms with questionable sounds coming from behind closed doors, and shut himself inside his room.
It was only then that he relaxed just the slightest bit. He still couldn’t drop his guard, as there was no telling who might have come into his room or if this place has been bugged. For the hundredth time, Giyuu wanted to go home.
He missed the dorm he shared with Sabito.
He missed their bed that carried Sabito’s scent.
Most of all, he missed Sabito.
Giyuu slowly sat down on the corner of the room. It was the only place he ever used in this room, whether it was to sleep or eat. Never once did he touch any of the furniture within this small, confined space.
Giyuu pulled his knees up so he can rest his head. He closed his eyes, briefly wondering what Sabito was doing before deciding to get some rest.
Tonight will be busy.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
No one dared to speak.
Never has the Water Breathe users been so terrified of their Hashira. To them, Sabito has always been a mentor and an older brother figure. The Water Division has always been proud of their Hashira because unlike all other Hashiras, Sabito was normal gentle.
He treated his subordinates kindly. He taught them everything they needed to know. And most of all, he was extremely responsible in his work. Unlike some of the Hashiras that pushed all their paper works to their underlings, Sabito never did any of that. He was dutiful and efficient in everything he does.
Yes, their Hashira was the best.
Kind, strong and wise—except he was currently oozing bloodlust as he stood over his mahogany desk, glaring at the materials they’ve been ordered to steal gather from the Sound Division.
Makomo was perhaps the only one unaffected. Then again, rarely anything affects her. She was smiling—humming even—as if the entire situation was completely unrelated to her.
Never has the Water Breathe users wanted to beat up the Sound Hashira like they were doing in their hearts right now. What in the world was he thinking?! Why the heck did he make their second-in-command go undercover in a brothel of all places?! If they were capable, they would charge into the Sound Division just to give Uzui Tengen a piece of their minds!
Of all Water Breathe users, Tanjirou—their latest addition—had it the worst. Due to his sensitive nose, he was pretty much drowning in Sabito’s rage. The poor boy had to be supported by his sister who was also somewhat affected by the pressure Sabito was giving out.
Sabito wasn’t livid anymore.
There was no longer any words to describe the heat bubbling through his veins as he stared down at the pictures taken of Giyuu from the past couple of days. Giyuu who was dressed in all types of flimsy clothing he had never in his life wore before, living in a sex house and being eyed by men like a product.
Sabito had to use all his strength to hold himself back just from charging back into the Sound Division and giving Uzui another round of beating.
“Murata.” Despite the anger, Sabito still managed to speak so calmly. If the Water Breathe users didn't know their Hashira well, they would have all been fooled.
“Y-yes!” Murata was nearly in tears just from being called out. In his hast he almost dropped the laptop he was clenching onto.
“What is the current intel the Sound Division has gathered?”
“Yes!” Murata shouted as he looked down at his laptop. He stared at the screen of data coming from the Sound Division that he had secretly hacked into, praying desperately that the Sound Division hasn't noticed yet. If they throw up a firewall and kicks him out of their server, who knows what Sabito might do!
“The last information was sent an hour ago! G-Giyuu-san has made contact with one of the Demons. It’s very likely the Demons will make their move on him tonight!”
"Good," Sabito whirled around as the Water Breathe users shuddered at the calm and composed look on his face because they all knew Sabito was nowhere near calm or composed. “Makomo.”
“Yes, Sabito?” Makomo replied in that sweet and airy voice of hers, beautiful emerald eyes smiling up at her Hashira.
“Take care of the people from the Sound Division. There’s no need to worry about the Sound Hashira. He won’t be able to move tonight.”
What the heck did you do to the Sound Hashira?—was the thought flowing through all of their minds except Makomo and Tanjirou who was the witness to the crime scene.
“Tanjirou, Nezuko.”
“Yes!” The Kamado siblings straightened up at being called.
“You two will accompany me in tonight’s hunt. We leave in an hour. Murata, keep us updated with Giyuu’s location and status. Send Makomo the locations of the Demon Slayers from the Sound Division.”
“Yes sir!”
Sabito waved his hand, a signal of dismissal and all the Demon Slayers filed out, leaving Sabito to stand alone in his office. The man leaned back against his desk, swiping a picture of Giyuu and held it up over his head.
A small frown tugged on the man’s lips as silver eyes stared at the picture of the blue-eyed man standing next to the glowing red lantern in the night. Whoever took this picture had taken it high up in a building across the street.
Giyuu’s long black hair was brushed over his shoulder, a black chocker on his neck and wearing a crimson t-shirt with the collar so big it was sliding off his shoulders, showing off his defined collar bones. The raven’s ripped jeans seemed to hug his legs so tightly that Sabito doubt he could even bend down. And worst…Sabito could even see the edges of Giyuu’s underwear sticking out.
It was red.
Giyuu never wore or own red underwear.
The raven had his arms crossed, leaning against the doorframe with cornflower blue eyes gazing off into the distance. Sabito would have laughed at how the Giyuu in the picture was dozing off if not for the situation he was in. The warm light from the lanterns wrapped around his lithe frame, making him all the more eye-catching as well as giving him a delicate feature that only Sabito knew of.
Sabito felt like there was a tidal wave crashing around inside him, pushing his organs left and right.
He sighed, leaning his head back as he slowly closed his eyes.
“What should I do with you…Giyuu?”
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
Night came faster than Giyuu had anticipated.
He had only gotten three hours of sleep before he was woken up by a sharp knock at the door and order to get to work.
Giyuu wasn’t liked by the workers at the brothel—not that he intended to be liked. He was only here for the mission. The raven walked down the street, ignoring the burning gazes of various men as their eyes raked over his body, accessing him like some sort of goods.
It was time to bring customers back to the brothel.
Giyuu tucked his hands in his pocket, feeling around the small bags of drugs hidden there. These drugs were given to him by Uzui, made by none other than Shinobu. Every time Giyuu finds a customer, he could bring them back into his room before smacking the entire pack of drug into their faces to send them off into dreamland.
The Sound Hashira did mention something about letting them drink it, but Giyuu found this method more efficient. With the help of the drugs, these people would hallucinate and believed they really had sex, leaving the brothel next day extremely satisfied and gave Giyuu enough tips to get him on the owner’s good grace.
Giyuu stopped upon feeling an arm snaking around his waist, grimy hands slipping under his tank tops to feel his skin.
It was disgusting.
“How much for a night, pretty boy?” Foul breath reached his nose.
Everything about this man was repulsive.
The touch, the sound, the smell…it was all wrong.
Giyuu spoke a price.
The man was delighted.
As easy as that, a deal has been struck.
The man pulled Giyuu close, muttering dirty promises into his ears, causing Giyuu to tilt his head away as the stench of alcohol wrapped around him. He closed his eyes, mentally counting to hold back the urge to lead this man into an alleyway and just knock him out.
It was at this moment that Giyuu felt it—the presence of Demons.
They’re here.
He kept his eyes closed, acting as normal as possible as he felt the slimy hand gliding up his skin—edging towards his chest.
One moment the hand was still there, the next, it was gone along with the man’s presence. Giyuu snapped opened his eyes just as he was pulled into a different embrace. The raven breathed into the fresh minty scent rolling off the clothes pressed against him. A normal person might be swooned by the delicacy of the person holding them, but if anything Giyuu was more disguised.
He felt nauseous.
Giyuu didn’t have Tanjirou’s sense of smell. He couldn’t sniff out the difference between human and Demons, but he could feel the Demon’s presence. It was a revolting feeling, like insects crawling in the layer between his skin and flesh. Being held within a Demon’s arms was more nauseating than any drunkard.
Right now, he wanted nothing more than to run a blade right through this Demon’s neck.
If only he had his sword…
“We meet again.” The Demon’s soft voice spoke. Giyuu looked up and just as he thought, it was the Demon from earlier. Beside him were two other Demon males. One looked more like the punk type with long wavy blond hair and the other looked rather shaggy with bushy beard.
The bearded Demon was gripping onto the drunkard, whispering something to him that had the man stumble away in fright.
“These are my friends.” The businessman Demon introduced with a perfect smile when he saw Giyuu eyeing his two other companions.
Giyuu didn’t say anything. He stepped out of the Demon’s arm and turned, about to leave when his wrist was caught. Giyuu looked up at the punk Demon.
“Now, now, we’re sorry for ruining your date.” He said with an arrogant smirk. “As compensation, how about you spend a night with the three of us?”
Giyuu stared at him for a long time before slowly nodding. The man whistled, wrapping an arm around Giyuu and pulling him against his body.
“Fuck you smell so good.”
Giyuu jolted when the man buried his face into his head and inhaled hard.
The raven was barely holding back his disgust as he brought the three Demons to his brothel. They needed to dispose of them away from the eyes of public and their bodyguards. The best way to do that in such a crowded red-light district was in one of the brothel rooms.
Giyuu was certain Uzui and his subordinates were waiting for them already.  
This wasn’t the way the Water Division worked, but the Sound Division has always been trained in assassination more than face to face combat, so this method was the best for them.
Giyuu had to force himself to calm down when he felt a tongue running up his neck. If only he has his sword, he would behead this demon right here and now.
Giyuu frowned at the thought of his lover.
Really, he should never have taken Uzui’s request. Hashira’s order or not, he wasn’t part of the Sound Division, he has no obligation to listen to him. If Sabito was to find out, he would be extremely angry, wouldn’t he?
“Oh my, Sasaki-san! How wonderful it is to see you visiting us again!” The owner of the brothel ran up to welcomed the four of them the moment they stepped through the entrance. “I see you have found Yukio-chan! Such good eyes you have! Yukio-chan here is our latest addition! He’s been very popular with our guests!”
“Your name is Yukio?” The punk Demon purred as he licked the shell of the raven’s ear.
“Such a lovely name for a lovely person as yourself.” The businessman Demon hummed as he dropped a card into the owner’s hand. “We’ll take him.”
“Of course, Sasaki-san!” The owner was smiling so wide her lips were practically splitting her face apart as she ran the card through the card machine.  
“Yukio-chan, show our guests to the room, be sure to treat them well! I will have someone bring some appetizers and drink to you!”
“No need.” The gruff Demon snapped impatiently, reaching out to snatch Giyuu from his companion’s arms and sniffed him loudly. “Fuck, I already can’t wait.” He licked his lips, beard scratching over the raven’s pale skin and leaving red markings. He was practically running his hands all over the young male.
Giyuu closed his eyes, trying to hold down his anger before he stepped forward despite the hands all over his body.
The journey to his room felt like an eternity. More than once, Giyuu would be forced to stop, pushed against the walls as hungry lips attacked his throat. Many times these demons tried to claim his lips, but Giyuu had avoided all those attempts.
He pushed off the gruff Demon, muttering quietly about going into his room to escape their clutches. The Demons weren’t put off by his reluctance. If anything, they were only getting more and more excited.
Uzui wasn’t wrong when he told Giyuu to act like himself and the Demons will fall for him.
The moment Giyuu opened the door to his rooms, he was all but thrown onto the bed he had avoided touching ever since arriving at the brothel. Immediately, he was crushed under a large body with something hard pressed against his stomach.
His heart pounded as something he kept neglecting finally sank in.
It was fear.
It wasn’t the fear of possible death, but the fear of being touched any more than he already had been. Giyuu was about to push the man off when his wrists were grabbed and pinned over his head.
Azure blue stared as the demon's face distorted, losing that human appearance and becoming the Demon he was all too familiar of. His long tongue snaked out, licking Giyuu across the face, edging closer and closer to his lips when a foot suddenly slammed into the side of the Demon’s face.
It was as if time had slowed for that very moment.
Giyuu watched with wide, unblinking eyes as a black combat boot he was all too familiar with shattered the demon’s skull—distorting the entire shape of the demon’s head. As the demon was sent flying into the air and off of Giyuu, there was a flicker of silver light, moving so fast that the other two Demons didn’t even know what had happened.
Giyuu saw it clearly though.
That flicker of light was from a katana, running smoothly through the demon’s neck.
And that familiar colour and shape the blade…Giyuu only knew one person who wields it other than himself.
A leather-gloved hand grabbed Giyuu by the elbow, pulling up and secured him against the familiar black and navy coat that was not the Sound Division’s, but the Water Division’s uniform.
Giyuu’s heart was racing as the salty ocean scent of his lover filled his nose.
Sabito was here.
“Quiet, Giyuu.” Sabito voice was as cold as ice.
It was as if a bucket of cold water was dumped over his head, washing away the heat that started seeping through his body. Giyuu didn’t even dare to look up, fearing the expression he might see on Sabito’s face.
It also reminded him that if Sabito was here, then that means he must have seen everything.
“Fucking Demon Slayers!” The other two Demons snarled when they saw the Demon Slayer uniforms all Demons were made to be aware of as well, as well as the Nichirin blade that could end their lives.
Before they could react, two more people dropped down from the hole in the roof. One was a red-haired boy and the other a black-haired girl. Both youths were clad in the Water Division uniforms as they drew their swords.
“Water Breathe Fourth Form: Striking Tide!”
“Water Breathe Fourth Form: Water Wheel!”
Just from the sound, Giyuu knew the battle was over. Taken by surprise, the Demons couldn’t even react in time and just like that, their lives had ended.
Giyuu heard the rustling sound of clothes before Sabito removed the coat of his uniform and wrapped it around his body. This also reminded the raven how unsightly he must look right now.
Sabito didn’t say anything as he hooked an arm under Giyuu’s knees, sweeping the raven off his feet and holding him within his arms.
“Tanjirou, Nezuko, I will leave the rest to the two of you," Sabito ordered. Without waiting for a response, he disappeared from the room.
The entire way back to the headquarters, Sabito and Giyuu didn’t exchange a single word.
The moment they got back, the first thing Sabito did was go to their dorm. As Hashira, Sabito’s dorm was naturally bigger and more luxurious than the rest. While it’s still considered a dorm, it was more like a condo.
They have a wide bathroom with a large tub. While it couldn’t be compared to the public bathhouse, it was more than enough.
Despite Sabito’s rage, Giyuu found himself placed in the bathtub gently before warm water sprayed over his head.
“Don’t move.” Sabito’s tone was demanding as Giyuu froze. The raven stared at his feet, not daring to look up as Sabito began to lather his neck with soap.
So he has seen everything.
Sabito’s touch was soft as usual despite how much Giyuu wished he could just rub his skin raw to get rid of the disgusting feeling. In fact, that’s probably why Sabito was doing it…because as much as Sabito hated the idea of other beings—men or Demons—leaving their marks on Giyuu, he hated the idea of Giyuu getting hurt more.
Giyuu stared at the hands moving his view, noticing how the long sleeve of Sabito’s uniform was getting wet. He wanted to say something but decided against it.  
After all, what could he say in a situation like this?
There was no excuse behind his actions. Job or not, he went to work at a red light district while his lover was away on a business trip without even telling him.
“Close your eyes.”
Giyuu obeyed and felt a soft towel rubbing over his face, carrying the fresh scent of soap. After that, Sabito pulled down the showerhead to wash the soap off the raven’s face.
“Here, you can wash the rest can’t you, Giyuu?” Sabito put the towel into his lover’s hands. Despite sounding like a question, it was really a command.
Giyuu nodded mutely, still not daring to look up. Sabito sat on the edge of the tub for a little longer before he walked out of the bathroom.
“I don’t want to see any part of your skin scrubbed red.” Those were his parting words before the bathroom door closed, giving Giyuu his privacy.
Despite how angry Sabito must be, how could he still be so gentle?
Giyuu buried his face into his knees as warm water continued to splash over his body.
Thirty minutes later, Giyuu slowly walked out of the bathroom. He was dressed in a large, maroon t-shirt and baggy black sweat pants that Sabito had kindly left on the counter for him. Giyuu never had these clothes before, and he was certain Sabito didn’t have these either. They seemed new and the fabrics were unusually soft against his skin.
Giyuu didn’t need to think to know that Sabito must have gotten these for him during his time in Korea.  
The raven’s heart swelled with shame. Even in Korea, Sabito had been thinking about him and yet he…
Ocean blue eyes glanced across the room, landing on the man with coral pink hair sitting on the edge of their bed, looking through reports.
This was Giyuu’s first time seeing Sabito’s face after in two weeks.
His face was carefully blank with silvery gray eyes concentrating on the papers in his hand. However, Giyuu knew that Sabito was not even looking at those documents at all. His eyes were too distant and his posture too stiff.
Sabito didn’t look up as Giyuu slowly approached him. He didn’t even look up when Giyuu stopped right in front of him. He just turned to the next page and continued reading.
Giyuu felt more and more insecure as time went by. He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t even utter his lover’s name with how hard his lips were trembling.
Being ignored by Sabito of all people hurts.
He hated this feeling, but he got no right to complain.
“I’m sorry.” Giyuu finally mustered the courage to speak. Even his voice was trembling. “I’m sorry, Sabito.”
Sabito finally moved. He tilted his head back, looking up at Giyuu with eyes that seemed to have the power to suck his soul in.
“Sorry for what, Giyuu? You’ve done an excellent job in assisting the termination of three high ranked Demons. There’s nothing for you to be sorry of.”
It hurts.
It hurts so much to hear Sabito speak to him in such aloof tone. There wasn’t even the slightest bit of sarcasm in his voice. It’s like Sabito was sincerely stating a fact.
Giyuu stopped thinking for the first time in his life and acted on impulse. He threw himself against Sabito, wrapping his arms tightly around the other man’s neck and buried his face into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry…I should have talked to you. I shouldn’t have done this without consulting with you first. So please don’t ignore me, Sabito. I won’t do it ever again so…”
Sabito sighed. His arms came up, wrapping around Giyuu and flipped them around.
Giyuu hit the bed softly with Sabito on top of him, holding him so tightly that a normal human’s bone would probably crack from the sheer force. But to Giyuu, Sabito’s hug was so warm he could just melt into it.
"I'm angry, Giyuu," Sabito said through gritted teeth as he buried his face into the raven’s pale neck. “Do you have any idea how I felt when I got the news of you working undercover at a brothel taking in customers? Do you have any idea what I felt when I saw those demons running their hands and tongues over you? Giyuu I—do you have any idea how hurt I am when you left me in the dark?!”
“I know…I’m so sorry, Sabito," Giyuu whispered. "I hated it…I don't like feeling anyone else touching me. I never let them get far, I—!"
“This isn’t a matter of how far they went! They touched you! You put yourself in a position for other men to touch you!” Sabito shouted, pulling back as Giyuu saw the rage and bitterness mixed on his face. “And those clothes you wore—damn it Giyuu!”
That was the only warning Giyuu had before Sabito smashed their lips together. The raven gasped in surprise when Sabito’s tongue pushed its way inside his mouth, moving so violently it was as if he was being swept away by a tsunami.
The raven couldn’t do anything but shake within his lover’s tight arms as his mouth was ravished.
This was the first time Sabito had ever been so forceful.
Giyuu shivered when he felt large hands slipped into his pants and cupped his butt cheeks. They kneaded and squeezed the flesh while Sabito kissed him like a starved man. As Demon Slayers, their lung capacities were far greater than humans. However, even Giyuu couldn’t hold on from the onslaught of his Hashira.
Ten minutes later, he was practically drained. His lungs burned in pain and as if knowing that, Sabito allowed their lips to separate with a wet pop. The pink-haired man’s tongue was the last to withdraw from his mouth before he latched onto Giyuu’s neck, kissing and marking his skin like a painter painting over an empty canvas.
Giyuu let out a small gasp when the hands gripping his butt pulled him upward, causing his front to press into Sabito’s. The raven trembled. Through the soft fabric of their pants, Giyuu could feel the shape of Sabito’s cock and the heat radiating off it. When Sabito slid their hips to fit together better, he had to hold down a moan as pleasure jolted through his body.
“I’m sorry, Giyuu, but I won’t wait. I can’t.” Sabito breathed hotly into his ears before Giyuu felt his pants and underwear pulled down his legs.
He was then flipped around, face planting into the pillow as his hips were pulled up and held by firm hands.
Giyuu could hear the sound of bottle being unscrewed and instantly knew it was lotion. He bit down on his lower lip when cold fingers slipped inside of him. Usually, Sabito would warm up the lotion in his hands first, but it seemed Sabito had meant it when he said that he won't wait.
Giyuu panted into the pillow, burying his face inside as those fingers moved around inside him, checking to see if he was loose enough. Sabito’s fingers were quick to slide out before Giyuu felt the thick member rubbing against his entrance.
A soft wheeze was all that left his lips as Sabito began pushing himself inside. Giyuu shook as he felt the familiar shape of his lover smoothly sliding into his body until Sabito’s balls were pressed snugly against his ass.
“…!” Giyuu gritted his teeth, holding back a moan when Sabito experimentally rolled his hips.
“Giyuu.” Sabito suddenly called his name as his body draped over Giyuu’s. Their bodies slid against one another as Sabito overlapped his hands with Giyuu’s and laced their fingers tightly together. “Tell me, how many.”
“…What?” Giyuu panted weakly, already short of breath.
“I want—I need to know. Please Giyuu, how many men touched you?”
“I—ah?!” Because his mouth had opened to speak, Giyuu couldn’t contain the yelp that jumped out of his throat when Sabito thrust in him again. “Sabit—ngh!”
“How many, Giyuu.”
“F-four!” Giyuu wheezed. “J-just four…one…ahn…a day…!”
“And?” Sabito snapped his hip forward as Giyuu whimpered beneath him. “Do they all touch you the same way as the ones today?”
Giyuu’s mind wasn’t that far gone yet, so he keenly caught Sabito’s choice of words.
As the ones today?
Sabito didn’t specifically say Demons, which meant Sabito had also seen him on the street with that drunkard. His lover has seen the process of how he hooked up with other men…and yet there was nothing Sabito could do about it. Not without ruining the operation and endangering humans.
Shame and guilt filled Giyuu as he buried his face into the pillow. He gripped the bedsheets, which in turn tightened their fingers that were still laced together.
The raven's silence and action were more than enough answer for Sabito.
Goosebumps crawled over his skin upon feeling the change in Sabito’s aura. Before Giyuu could think about it, Sabito was pistoling in and out of him so fast that Giyuu couldn’t even hold back his voice.
Giyuu was never vocal in bed.
If anything, he barely makes a sound. No matter how good Sabito made him felt, he would always hold his voice in because he didn’t want to look unsightly in front of Sabito.
Sabito had only questioned about this one time. Even after he assured Giyuu that he could never look unsightly or how he would never hate his voice, Giyuu just couldn’t do it. Sabito was never bothered by this. After all, whether Giyuu wanted to let out his voice or not was his choice. All he ever wanted was to pamper and spoil his cute boyfriend.
The pink-haired man once told Giyuu that he enjoyed listening to Giyuu’s breathings. He loved listening to the different changes in his lover’s breaths. He even memorized every pitch and tempo. Sabito could tell how good Giyuu was feeling just from listening to the pattern of Giyuu’s breathing.
Their sex life had always been gentle and unhurried. Holding back his voice might have been hard, but never impossible like right now. Giyuu wailed as Sabito fucked him into the mattress, using strength he had never used in any of their lovemaking before.  
Each time the man’s balls slapped against his ass, Giyuu would be pushed forward from the force before Sabito jerked him back. Throughout that, he never once saw Sabito’s face. This made him extremely insecure as this was the first time they had sex without facing each other.
“Sa—Sabito…please ngh…l-let me…let me see you…!” Giyuu pleaded. He wanted to see Sabito so bad. He didn’t like this position despite the intense pleasure wrecking his body. He wanted to see Sabito so bad.
Unfortunately, Sabito didn’t listen. He didn’t even respond.
His movement got rougher and rougher, slamming into his prostate repeatedly as tears prickled the corner of Giyuu’s eyes.
With a half scream, half moan, Giyuu came. His seeds shot out, splattering against the mattress as Sabito tightened his hands over his. With a few more thrusts, Sabito plunged himself deep inside and with a low grunt, Giyuu felt burning hot fluid flooding into his body.
His body was shaking uncontrollably as he lay against the pillow, struggling to control his breathing.
Giyuu felt the hands gripping his slowly loosened before sliding away. He felt those hands taking each side of his hips, applying a bit of pressure as Sabito carefully began easing himself out of him.
Giyuu’s breathing hitched as Sabito did so. When his lover’s cock was completely out of him, he felt an uncomfortable emptiness and longing to feel his lover back inside. He closed his eyes, the unshed tears latching onto his dark eyelashes as he used his breath to calm himself back down.
A warm hand touched his shoulder, making Giyuu open his eyes as Sabito nudged him onto his back.
Giyuu blinked at the blinding light from the ceiling. When Giyuu finally saw Sabito’s face that was just inches away from his. The raven froze, completely forgetting his need for air.
Sabito hovered over Giyuu. His brows were furrowed as he gazed down at Giyuu with a sad smile on his face. A hand gently touched his face, fingers brushing away the extra moisture in his eyes before Sabito dipped his head to press their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry, Giyuu," Sabito whispered as his breath tickled Giyuu’s face. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. I just…”
Sabito couldn’t finish his words as he wrapped Giyuu into a tight hug and buried his face into his hair.
Giyuu was shocked by Sabito’s action. With his head tucked under Sabito’s jaw, he couldn’t see anything, but just from Sabito’s tone, Giyuu knew that his lover was feeling insecure…scared even. These were emotions Giyuu had never seen on Sabito before. He never even considered the possibility that Sabito could feel it. Even in the Final Selection when they faced Demons for the very first time, Sabito hadn’t shown any fear.
“I was scared, Giyuu.” Sabito finally admitted. “You’re strong. Even without your sword, I know you can protect yourself be it from Demons or humans. But when I saw you wearing all those exposing clothes and letting them run their hands—lips—all over you, I…!!”
Sabito paused. His lips were still parted, but no more words came through. He seemed conflicted, as if he wasn't sure whether or not he should say it to Giyuu. His silver eyes were also swirling with uncertainly—something that Giyuu also never seen on Sabito before.
Then after a long time, Sabito finally whispered out the last part of his sentence.
“…I wanted to kill them.”
That was no joke or exaggeration.
Sabito truly wanted to kill anyone that had violated his lover—even if it was simple touching. He was scared for Giyuu…as well as scared of himself. This was the first time he came so close to losing himself to rage. That was why he had brought Tanjirou and Nezuko with him. He needed someone to act as an anchor for him—to remind him of his responsibility as a Hashira and a Demon Slayer. Had he not brought them with him, he would most likely lose himself and do unspeakable things to those Demons that Oyakata will never approve of.
Worst of all, he might have done it in front of Giyuu…
Sabito was pulled from his thought when he felt Giyuu’s arms wrapped around him, giving him a firm squeeze.
“I’m sorry," Giyuu mumbled against his neck. “I…”
Giyuu thought back to the feeling of those hands roaming over his body and the tiny bit of fear he experienced at the time.
“I was scared.” He said quietly, feeling Sabito’s arms tightened around him. “When they were touching me, I was more afraid of their touches than the possibility of them killing me. But you came for me. Thank you, Sabito.”
“…Just promise me to never do that again, Giyuu?” Sabito sighed, voice much calmer now.
Giyuu responded with a small nod.
They stayed like that until Sabito locked their lips in a tight kiss.
Giyuu shivered when he felt Sabito’s tongue licking across his lips, requesting permission to enter. He didn’t hesitate to part his mouth, welcoming the tongue that slid inside and began playing around with his.
Sabito’s hands—calloused from the years of wielding swords—slid down the curves of his body, hooking onto the back of his left knee and hiked it over his hip. The gesture surprised Giyuu, causing him to gasp into his lover’s mouth before that gasp morphed into a long moan as Sabito’s hard cock slid back into his body.
“S-Sabito…” Giyuu pulled back with a thin thread of saliva stretching between their moist and kiss swollen lips.
“Sorry, Giyuu.” Sabito nestled himself inside that delicious heat. “But I can’t hold back.”
“Then don’t. There’s no need to hold back...” Giyuu shuddered, turning his face away to hide his embarrassment, only for Sabito to guide his head back by the chin.
“Let me see your face," Sabito said softly as he rested his palm against Giyuu’s cheek. The adoration within his silver eyes turned into sadness as he brought Giyuu closer.
“I’m sorry about before…did it hurt Giyuu? I know I was rough on you, I’m really—”
“No.” Giyuu leaned against Sabito’s touch. “It felt good. You’re always gentle, Sabito.”
Sabito frowned, silver eyes searching Giyuu’s face until he was certain there was no trace of lies anywhere in his words. And then, Sabito began to move. He rocked slowly against Giyuu, causing the raven to suck in a sharp breath of air.
“Sa…Sabi—…” Giyuu panted, grasping the wrist of the hand on his cheek. It was the only thing he could think of holding onto as his breathing started to become a mess all over again.
“I know…” Sabito groaned, leaning forward until their noses were lightly touching. “Ngh…You feel so good, Giyuu.”
Giyuu’s cheeks heated up at the compliment. Sabito always knew exactly how to set him off. It wasn’t fair.
“Giyuu?” Sabito’s eyes widened when Giyuu suddenly pulled his hand away from his face and grabbed him by the shoulder. With a burst of strength, the raven turned Sabito onto his back and seated himself on top of him. Both men had to fight down a moan as Sabito’s cock slipped deeper into Giyuu.
The raven was trembling hard with half-lidded eyes swirling with desire.
“Giyuu, you don’t need to—!” Sabito was cut off when Giyuu tried to lift himself. The Hashira’s hands instantly flew up to catch the raven by his hips. “Giyuu!”
“I want to do this," Giyuu said so quietly that Sabito almost didn’t hear him. “Please Sabito, let me do this.”
Sabito stared at Giyuu with wide eyes before he slowly lay back down. His hands still rested on those pale, boney hips, but they were no longer gripping Giyuu’s hips to restrict his movement.
“Just…tell me any time you’re tired—or when you want to stop," Sabito instructed him. As an afterthought, he grabbed his coat lying at the bedside and threw it over Giyuu’s shoulders.
Sabito was honestly just thinking about Giyuu’s wellbeing. Their room temperature wasn’t that high, and Giyuu’s naked. He just wanted to find something to provide him with some warmth. However, the visual was so mind-blowing that Sabito found himself blushing hard. The way his uniform hung off that beautiful, lithe body was incredible. The contract of Giyuu’s pale skin and the darkness of the coat were also amazing.
Sabito was certain he never had any weird kinks, but this came dangerously close.
“It’s…a bit cold…” Sabito stammered, trying hard to control himself while hoping that Giyuu didn’t feel the way his cock twitched inside him.
Rosy pink hue dusted over Giyuu’s pale cheeks. With that shy expression and beautiful blush on his usually stoic face, Giyuu looked enchanting. Sabito hurriedly swallowed the pool of saliva that had gathered in his mouth without him knowing.
Really, Giyuu will be the death of him one day.
“I-I’m…going to move.” Giyuu bashfully averted his eyes as the colours on his cheeks deepened.  
“Y…yeah…” Sabito swallowed hard as Giyuu lifted himself, then slowly lower back down until he was fully seated on Sabito.
Both men shuddered at the sensation.
“Ah…” Giyuu couldn’t contain his voice. It was deep, too deep. He didn’t know if it was because he was taking the initiative first time or if it was because of this position, Sabito’s cock was going into places it had never reached before.
“Sabito….Sabito…” Giyuu chanted Sabito’s name as his movements gradually became fluid. His speed began to pick up and when he sank down at just the right angle, his eyes widened upon feeling Sabito’s cock digging right into his prostate.
Giyuu screamed.
Having cummed not too long ago, Giyuu’s body was naturally sensitive. Just the slight aim into his prostate was enough to have him cumming over Sabito’s abdomen. The raven breathed heavily, his heart beating so hard he felt like he could have a heart attack at any moment.
But he wasn’t done.
He still needed to get Sabito off.
The thought of Sabito was the only thing keeping him moving. Even when Sabito called out his name and tightened his hold on his hip to stop him, Giyuu continued to move on trembling legs.
Then finally, Giyuu saw that familiar expression on Sabito’s face. It looked like a wince—as if he was trying to hold something back but couldn’t. The grips on his hips tightened to the point where Giyuu could no longer move, so he did the only thing he could think of. He squeezed his muscles, clamping his walls around Sabito and pushing him across that final line.
“Giyuu!” Sabito came with a gasp of his lover’s name.
Giyuu moaned faintly as he felt another wave of heat flowing into him. Finally, without any strength to keep himself upright, he collapsed onto Sabito. Sabito caught him in his arms and pulled the blanket under them, wrapping them up within a cocoon as he held onto Giyuu tightly.
Sabito’s cock was still buried deep within him, but Giyuu didn’t mind. He wanted to feel Sabito longer. Although it had only been two short weeks, he dearly missed his Hashira. He smuggled into Sabito’s warm embrace.
It was always strange to him how making love with Sabito could drain so much of his strength when he can go an entire night hunting down Demons.
“Did…it felt good…Sabito?” Giyuu asked quietly, heart pumping as he nervously waited for a response.
Sabito chuckled, his voice practically vibrating off his body and into Giyuu’s. The pink-haired man dipped his head and kissed Giyuu right between the eyes.
“You’re amazing, Giyuu.” He breathed, pulling Giyuu even tighter against him.
Giyuu let out a small, comfortable sigh. Azure blue eyes fluttered open to look up at Sabito.
“Welcome home.” Giyuu wrapped his arms around Sabito and snuggled against his chest, missing the way Sabito’s eyes widened before warmth and adoration filled those silver orbs.
“Yeah…” Sabito buried his face into Giyuu’s black hair. A small smile graced his lips. “I’m home.”
     ✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼
Omake: Who snitched?
✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼
 “Murata-san.” Tanjirou greeted as he walked into the surveillance room with Nezuko poking her head from the doorway. “Nezuko and I are going to the cafeteria for our lunch break, do you want to join us?”
 “Ah, yes! I’ll go!” Murata said, shutting his laptop as he glanced up at all the security screens in the wall. He heaved out a heavy sigh he shoved his laptop into his bag. 
 “Were you busy?” Tanjirou frowned, hoping he didn’t intrude on Murata’s work. 
 “Oh, no!” Murata waved his hands. “I’m free! I’ll be free for a while...I think…” 
 The older man heaved out another sigh. 
 Tanjirou gave him a confused look, but didn’t question any further.
 As Murata finished packing his things, he secretly prayed to anyone who would bother listening to him. Please do not let the Sound Hashira—or any Hashiras for that matter—find out that it was him who had been tattling them to Sabito. 
 He had no choice! It was the job Sabito gave him after all! Since Giyuu never says anything, Murata had to keep an eye on Giyuu through the headquarters’ security cameras and report to Sabito whenever he sees anything unusual—such as a Hashira talking to Giyuu.
 If they ever find out…Murata shivered, not daring to think down that line. He hurriedly joined the Kamado siblings as they head for the cafeteria. 
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momothegeckho · 4 years
Magi19 is Online...
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Mystic Messenger Fanfic. Yoosung x Reader (OC)
Note: So i totally did this when this game first came out, and its been collecting dust for a long time lol. I know its a bit lat and irrelevant now, but I enjoyed writing it so here it goes. I may not continue it unless I feel it needs more, so this is just what I wrote.
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Yoosung unlocked his door and sighed. His Professor had caught him texting during class again and really let him have it after the session ended. He went into his room, dropped his bag, and jumped onto his bed. “He just had to give me extra homework, today of all days! What luck…” Today was a special event on his favorite MMORPG, LOLOL. If he wasn’t there today, it would be gone tomorrow. Yoosung sat up and looked at his bag, then at his computer. After what seemed like forever, which was really five seconds, Yoosung chose LOLOL. He just couldn’t wait. And the homework was due on friday, anyway. He pushed the power button on the side of his computer and smiled. 
“Armor is 60% off today! As well as certain boosts, too! No way can I miss this event!” The desktop on his screen lit up to show the background picture of him when he was younger, holding a light brown puppy with brown eyes. Rika’s puppy. He smiled at the memory and quickly opened up LOLOL, put on his headphones, and logged in. As soon as he was about to review his character, Yoosung’s phone beeped. A new chat room had opened up on the messenger app. He picked up his phone and sighed. It was Seven again, most likely signing on to poke a little fun at everyone. He turned on the app and entered the chatroom.
707: Yoosung!!!!
Yoosung: Seven… why are you here? Didn’t you say you had work?
Mina (MC):He does… but he’s putting it off until the last minute. Hello Yoosung! How was school?
Yoosung: Fine I guess, but my prof. yelled at me for being on my phone… I was just about to get on LOLOL.
707: Yoosung.
Yoosung: What?
707:… Get a girlfriend.
Those words made Yoosung sigh. Ever since Seven and Mina had gotten together, Seven tried to set Yoosung up on dates with girls he barely knew. He just wanted to find a girl naturally and connect with her through a mutual friendship, though he knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Even though he wished it would.
Yoosung: Seven… Pls.
Mina: Seven! That was rude! Let Yoosung find love by his own terms! Sorry Yoosung. You know Seven is just playing.
Yoosung: Thanks, Mina. I’ll find someone someday!!!
{Jaehee Kang Has Entered the Chatroom}
Jaehee: How soon is someday exactly? Because from what I see, you barely put yourself out there.
Yoosung: Jaehee! You’re so mean!!!!
Jaehee: Just speaking the truth. Hello Seven, Mina. Finally got a break from Mr. Han!!!
Mina: Glad you made it out alive! How is Jumin? He hasn’t been in the chatroom lately.
Jaehee: He’s been on a lot of business trips lately. Just this morning, he took off for America for a transaction. And this time, he took the furball with him! 
707: Wow. You must be really happy. Elizabeth Third! Come baaack!
Jaehee: Don’t jinx this. Please.
Yoosung: Lol. Jaehee. Do you really not like Elizabeth the Third? She’s cute!
Jaehee: No… She’s the devil with shedding hair. Zen’s new role in ‘Love Under the Cherry Blossom’ is cute! ////
Yoosung: Whatever. LOLOL calls for me. Later, everyone!
Mina: Bye, Yoosung!!
Yoosung put down his phone and started to play LOLOL. He smiled at the prices on new armor and buffs for his character. It was like being a kid in a candy store! He bought up a few things and started to play. He found a dungeon to go into and saw another player standing outside of it. The character wore a white cape with gold decorating the edges, while the armor she had on was very amazon-like. The character’s hair was black with white tips, and she had a sword on her side. Almost as if on cue, the messenger block popped up with blinking dots. The player was contacting him.
Magi19: Hello! Are you here for the event, too?
Yoosung: Yeah! I mean, who could miss it? I would hate myself if this passed and I wasn’t here to participate. What did you get?
Magi19: Right!? I just got a few buffs to help me cast spells quicker. I also got some new armor! You?
Yoosung: A few armor suits and some buffs. Hey, do you want to be friends? We could conquer the dungeon together! 
There was a small pause after Yoosung’s question, and he started to feel awkward. Was he too straightforward? After all, He only met Magi19 a few seconds ago. The worst thing that got to him was that he was thinking so hard about this as if he was asking out a girl… He was about to dismiss his question when a beep came from his computer.
Magi19: Yeah, sure!! I haven’t went inside yet! Let me send you my info really quickly…
Yoosung received Magi19’s profile info and looked through it. Everything seemed normal, from her gender all the way to her stats.
Yoosung: Wow! You’re really experienced! Level 60? You could clear this level by yourself if you wanted!
Magi19: I’m not that experienced. I just fight monsters here and there for the items. You have a really high level, too. Lol!!!
Yoosung: I’m sure you’re great! Let’s go!
Magi19: Wait! Shouldn’t we hook up our mics so we can talk instead of type? I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a slow typer…
Yoosung: Oh yeah, sure! Here’s my sky-pic number.
Magi19: Thanks! Hold on…
Magi19 stopped typing and then called Yoosung on Skypic. He answered and was met with a smiling face. “Hi! You’re Yoosung, right?” The girl had brown hair with light purple tips, brown eyes, and a really bright smile. 
“Yeah… Hi. I’m Yoosung! Nice to meet you…” Yoosung trailed off, not knowing her real name and smiled. “Sorry! My name is Yoona. Nice to meet you, Yoosung!” Yoosung smiled and laughed with the girl as they entered the dungeon together. Jokes were exchanged between the two as they slayed monsters and talked about daily life “You go to Sky University, too?” Yoosung looked at the girl on his screen as she nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I actually got there a few months ago! You see, I had to transfer from my other college for a few reasons…” Yoona trailed off and slayed a beast in front of her. “But I like Sky. It’s the best school I’ve ever been to!” Yoosung smiled and laughed a little. 
Where was this girl all his life? She liked video games, she was super comfortable around people, she has a great personality, and to top it all off, she was comfortable in her own skin. She didn’t need to be told she was pretty, because she didn’t care. Yoosung liked that. “So Yoosung, what are you planning on making your occupation later in life?” Yoona looked at Yoosung and picked up some items from the dungeon. “I’m going into medicine to become a veterinarian. What about you?”  Yoona stopped moving her character and looked into the lens. Yoosung knew that she wasn’t there with him and couldn’t really stare through a camera, but still felt as though her eyes were going to pierce his soul. “I wanted to go into medicine to be a veterinarian freelancer, but instead, I want to become a patissiere! I have already went to culinary school in France and got my degree, so now, all I have to do is get this degree, and I’ll be able to open up my own shop! It doesn’t sound stupid, does it?” Yoosung smiled and shook his head. “No! I think that it’s amazing you can study so hard and still have time for LOLOL. How do you do it?” 
Yoona thought for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t really know. Once I got everything down on a schedule, it all fit together. How about you? I only just got here, and I already know that the Uni’s homework is a bit… piled.” Yoosung sighed deeply at the question and instantly got depressed. “To be honest with you, I don’t do a lot of my work. You see… I’m addicted to LOLOL. As we speak, I have homework I still haven’t gotten to. How about you?” Yoona smiled. “I already finished! You know, if you want, I could help you with your homework!” Hearing Yoona say she would help made Yoosung tear up. He didn’t know many people from the campus, but loved to meet new people along the way to graduation. 
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you so much!” Yoosung wiped away a fake tear and laughed. “Anything for a fellow LOLOL player and teammate! Here’s my number…” Yoona gave Yoosung her number and smiled. “I hate to do this now, but it’s getting really late. I have to go now.” Yoosung groaned and gave her puppy eyes. “You can’t stay a bit longer?” Yoona smiled and sighed. “Sorry! But hey! We go to the same school! Let’s just meet up tomorrow, kay’?” Yoosung nodded and exited out of the game. They said their goodbyes and signed off, anticipating if they would really see each other tomorrow. Yoosung was excited to make a new friend like Yoona. She seemed really cool, and definitely had a certain enthusiasm about her. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even though they had literally just met a few hours earlier. He logged onto the messenger and saw no one was online. He took the opportunity to open a chat room. He smiled as he typed in the news.
Yoosung: Everyone, I met someone today. She’s a really nice girl, and she also likes LOLOL…
Yoosung: She’s really pretty, her name is Yoona. 
Yoosung: Turns out, we go to the same school… and have probably been passing each other everyday.
Yoosung: What should I do!?!?
Yoosung: I’m meeting her tomorrow! Should I buy her something? Should I?
Yoosung: … Is it weird that I’m talking like this even though I met her a few hours ago?
Yoosung: Gahhh!!!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• There are 3 other chapters I made, so this is just the first one. ugh its so cringey lmaooo - 
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jcmorrigan · 5 years
Valentine’s Day F/O Letter
For the event hosted by @nougatships​ and @megane-shipping​! I decided to write a letter to Giovanni Potage from EE because I am love him SO MUCH right now. Anyway, it got kinda long, so most of it will be under a cut.
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Hi Gio,
             This is the first time I’ve ever really written anything of length to you. To any of the ones I love this way, really. Beginnings are hard. There’s so much I want to say, and I’m not sure where to even start. So let’s get the basics out of the way: how are you doing? Successful heists lately? Epic tales of villainy I simply must know about?
           I’ve been fine. Life’s boring, as usual. I would say I don’t even know how you put up with it, but I’ve seen your couch-potato side, so that’s not really a big mystery. I like that. I like that you’re equally up for breaking the mold with some adventure and just…kicking it. (Wow. That’s some old slang. When’s the last time anyone said “kicking it”? Me. Just now.)
           So as for the reason I’m writing this letter…I think it’s best if I just begin in chronological order. So you and I both know you’re not the only one in my heart, and I’m glad you respect this. There’s a time, a place, and an AU for you, and it doesn’t make you any less special. But I’m always stunned when I look back at how we met. The others, it took time to realize I loved them, and how much they meant to me. But you? You broke through that fuckin’ museum wall, and I KNEW you were my type. If you want the receipts, I have the Discord chat of when I was talking to my friend while watching you and screaming about how much I wanted to cuddle you. (LISTEN. I KNOW THAT WAS FORWARD. I’M SORRY FOR BEING A CREEP. SOMETIMES I’M A STALKER.) …Actually, the exact words were when my friend, knowing you were my type, said “If he were any further up your alley, he’d be at your house” and I said “He could come to my house anytime” and I’m sorry your girlfriend is such a creep.
           I haven’t felt that instant…fall that many times in my life. The last time I can remember it, it was for someone real. As in who originates in my world. I think you’ve figured out that sometimes, I compare you to him. That chase went on such a runaround…with men, my whole life after him, I’ve thought of them as goals to achieve. I got the attention of the hot one! Yay! Finally! Now he can love me and all of my little quirks, even though I’m super boring! And I’m not saying that’s incredibly wrong. I’ve made some good relationships that way, actually. (All fictional, of course.)
           But you…what struck me is how much I wanted to be with you for your sake. Not mine. Not to bandy about getting you to notice me, or playing the tsundere game, or worrying I’m not good enough. Sure, I like a slowburn and a good confession, but I really just wanted to be close to you because you made me smile. You had a good sense of humor, you have that unbreakable lighthearted confidence I adore…you’re a little bit of an idiot, but in the absolute best way possible (and you have emotional smarts where I don’t). And on that note! You’re one of the nicest guys I know! Even if you are the bad guy.
           Which was kind of the two-hit combo that slayed me. I have a villain problem. You know this. I know this. I wasn’t sure how to handle it. Some days, I want to be a villain, myself, and have the freedom to do what I want, take revenge on those I feel wronged me, take whatever my heart desires, just not have to live by the RULES anymore. But some days, I become acutely aware of my conscience. Could I ever be a real villain? Could I actually steal? Could I KILL? I think about the people I’d hurt, and I don’t wanna do that. I now know that depending on the situation, I can laugh with the sinners and cry with the saints. (Little Billy Joel for ya.) But with you, I know I don’t really have to…pick. You let me be me, and you let me have that freedom of just…doing bad things that are against the rules. And it feels AWESOME. But then, we never really take it too far, and we still have our friendships, our standards, our moral codes, our etiquette. Basically, you’ll let me be the good guy, too, and you’re just a sweetie pie. Some days, I need to toe the line more; some days, I need to shed blood. But you let me suspend in between, getting the best of both worlds.
           And all this is why I think…maybe you’re my favorite out of all of them. It makes me feel guilty to love you best when I’ve given my heart to two others, and who knows where it will stop? But it’s you I find myself thinking of most often. You who I’d have fun with. You who’d make me smile. You who I’d want to make smile.
           Also, I realized lately. I don’t get jealous over you, not like I thought I would. I like seeing you depicted with other partners, the Blasters or other selfshippers/OCs. I love when I meet someone else who had the good enough taste to fall for you! If you want to invite Crusher or Spike or anyone else you like to be part of this…I know you have enough love for all of us. We can all be happy together. Just say the word!
           Knowing you would support me emotionally no matter what is touching. I’ve relied on you for a lot. I’ve done scary grown-up government stuff while listening to your theme. I invited you to the crew that would go on that flight with me because I hate airplanes so much, and I knew you would give me amazing distraction-cuddles (though I suspect you, also, fear the airplane, and if I’m right about that, I admire you so much for not letting it show). There are times I…really hate myself, or feel worthless. Especially because I have so much trouble validating myself. But I know you’d just put a hand on my shoulder and tell me it’s going to be all right before inviting me to slip on some ski masks and pretty supervillain clothes so we can go hijack sugar cookies from the bakery. (Pink for you. You always have dibs on the pink ones! I haven’t forgotten! And blue for me <3)
           The adventures we’ve been on in my imagination…the walks around Twilight Town (YEAH YEAH I KNOW WRONG WORK OF FICTION), snuggling up in your knitted blankets (which are SO SOFT), making my villainess dress together, the first kiss on the rooftop, dancing like idiots, THE HEISTS…it all makes me really happy. You remind me that I don’t necessarily have to “grow up” to be a grown-up. And, I mean, I knew that, but you make sure I REALLY know that. (Speaking of which, don’t you love how if you add the two of us parents’-basement-dwellers together, you probably end up with one [1] functioning adult?)
           I also really have to thank you for being accepting of my asexuality. I’m always scared it will push others away. They say men only want one thing, right? And I am unfortunately attracted to men. Yaaaaay me. But there are big exceptions to the rule, and you’ve always been the one to say “Fuck gender roles!” I feel like when I’m with you, I never have to worry that you’ll be wanting something I can’t give you.
           In return, I will accept you no matter your body, your identity. I’ve run into a couple different takes on you, but they’re all you.
           I guess that brings me to the hard part of this. This is going public, so I don’t know how specific I want to get. But there was a very powerful force that suggested I couldn’t see you through my own eyes. That no one could do so. It almost tore us apart. I thought it was my moral obligation to let you go. I thought loving you would mean taking a stand on the wrong side and hurting my friends. I thought that what would happen is that every time I thought of you, I would be reminded of ugly truths and harsh realities.
           But after two days, I missed you so much. It was a good wake-up call to know this relationship wasn’t completely baggage-free, and it reminded me that I have many characters in my life who I want to give my attention, but it also proved to me that if I tried to let you go…I would have to physically push you away instead, and in the end, I couldn’t do it. I think back all the time to how good of a brother-dad-mentor-figure you were to Molly, and how you got worried about Fred’s astigmatism, and how I was sure you’d get along with so many of the characters who already made up my world, and how this spoke to your heart. Oh, and also, I needed your dumb ass to say loitering in front of a truck was a valid crime. (Please don’t ever loiter in front of a truck. I’m begging you.) I need you to show me how easily you shift from Grandma Mode to Knife Mode with your knitting needle, to be proud of the way you season your soup attacks, to keep making your own capes, to insist on the benefits of wielding a bat with a fucking knife taped to it, to jet your friends to safety when they’re afraid of such things as fire and traitor bears.
           Whatever comes of all that, I hope there can still be a space for us. You and me. And I’m confident it will happen, now. It already is happening. Because I know that you’d just want me to be happy, no matter where you fell on the issue that began it. And you love and respect my friends, too. I know you see us as our own little group of villains and co-minions and talk about us like we’re an evil team that has to take care of each other, and that’s…honestly so cute. Too bad I’m terrible at putting your words to work. Maybe one day. When I learn how to find the approval I seek without fighting it out of people. But I think that was the moment it went from a crush to actually loving you. When I saw how you would do that with Molly. With everyone. Make sure they knew how valid they were. I…feel bad that I haven’t been able to live up to this lately. Like I’ve failed you. But I can always try again, right? That’s what you’d want me to do! And I do improve on things every day. One day, the minion will surpass her villain (but still stay around with you because that’s what we do)! I hope I can support you in the same way – that when you have things that trouble your mind, that I can help you feel better and get you toward a solution to the problem.
           I know I’m safe with you, and I want to keep you safe, too. I know how much you’d put on the line to defend me, and I just want to protect you from all of the bad in your world – from snooty Vice Principals who call their armies to beat you up (I’m still SO SORRY you went through that!), from the law chasing you away from all that’s familiar, from all the insults and mockery that could ever come your way. I want to stand before you like a shield. To gather the troops of the other characters I know and form a protection squad around you. To make you smile. (Even if you are really, really cute when you cry. Look, I’m not gonna beat around the bush – I do love getting to comfort you. It SUCKS that you have to go through the hard times, but I like…being there. I hope that doesn’t make a sadist of me. Yeah, yeah, I know, that’s an overreaction.)
           By the way, I’m kinda sorry for not ordering the lobster bisque at the pub in the airport. I was gonna because of you! But I chickened out! And that salmon I got instead was REALLY good, okay? But it’s a double whammy because I had JUST found out the soup place in the mall closed and I need to make up for this. There will be soup!
           (As of the most recent draft, I had a horrid stomachache last Sunday, and chicken soup was all I could eat for most of the day. I thought of you. Though yours would’ve been better than Campbell’s and we both know it.)
           Fun fact: you are dating a silly, sappy lady. I keep thinking back to this letter – I drafted it once, then went back and added things, and here I am saying I ALMOST mailed this without talking up your looks. Which is probably a good thing because it means I’m primarily with you for your personality, but everyone deserves to feel like they look nice, so here goes: I love your silly, sly smirk. I love your cute little fangies. I love your untamed pink hair. I love when I can see just how deep-pink your eyes are. I love how much of a beanpole you are, and how much taller you are than me (even if it does mean you can’t carry me bridal-style for more than thirty seconds). I love how innocent you can look, and how you can look the absolute OPPOSITE of innocent when you want to. I love the way your face lights up when you’re happy about something, or when you’re being cocky. I love the way you wear your emotions on your sleeve, and I can always see how you feel just by looking (I’m bad at body language and reading between lines, after all). Do not ever doubt that is one handsome man looking back at you from the other side of the mirror! Because I could just watch your smile for so long, unbroken, you don’t even know.
           Thank you for being you. Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for the fact that we’re our silly selves and we can be grown-ups without growing up in the gray space between good and evil. I can’t wait to see you more – in your own story, where I’m not; in the story just for us, in our own little timeline; in the TBTCverse Twilight Town where we are hounded by complex crossover lore; in the beautiful art everyone draws of you; in any other universe that may bring us together.
           And someday, the time might come that we have to part ways romantically. I’m not looking forward to that. I’m really not. I hope it doesn’t happen. But someday, we might not have the chemistry anymore, or you might find someone better, or I might have to put more focus in what I guess is the “real world.” If that day comes, I hope we can still be friends and mean something to each other. Zucchinis/QPPs, preferably. But if we have to be more distant…just so that I can think of you, and you can think of me, and we’ll both treasure those memories.
           I love you, Giovanni. Or should I say “Boss”?
 Sincerely, with all my heart,
Rachel “Composer” Scribere/Inlustris
(P.S. I wasn’t sure which universe’s last name I should put, seeing as I obviously am not going to write my last name in THIS world, so there, have both the ones you know me as.)
(P.P.S. “If there’s a place that I could be, then I’d be another memory. Can I be the only hope for you? Because you’re the only hope for me.” ~MCR, “The Only Hope for Me Is You,” Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys)
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lushscreamqueen · 3 years
The Buffy Horror Picture Show
Movie Script Parodied by: Alex Jacobs ([email protected]) December 25, 2001 Note: This takes place at the end of Season 4. Cast: Dr. Ang-l-us (a vampire)                David Borenaz Riley Finn (a heroine)                  Buffy Summers (a hero)                  Sarah Michelle Gellar Xander Harris (a handyman)              Nicholas Brendon Willow Rosenberg (a domestic)           Allyson Hannigan Cordelia (a groupie)                    Charisma Carpentar ) Mr. Giles (a rival)                             Anthony Stewart Head Spike (a creation)                      James Marsterson Jenny Calendar (ex-computer teacher)    The Werewolf (Narrator) (an expert)     Seth Green The Vampire Prostitutes Perry Bedden                            Fran Fullenwider Christopher Biggins                     Lindsay Ingram Gayle Brown                             Penny Ledger Ishaq Bux                               Annabelle Leventon Stephen Calcutt                         Anthony Milner Hugh Cecil                              Pamela Obermeyer Imogen Claire                           Tony Then Rufus Collins                           Kimi Wong Sadie Corre                             Henry Woolf Tuesday Evening/UPN NERF HERDER (FANGS) Joyce Summers felt down When the school burned to the ground So she moved to Sunnydale. And the Master was there In his underground lair, Waiting for the Slayer to fail. Then something went down In that old coastal town; Buffy died and opened the mouth of Hell. Then she came back to life And the Master?? Just died. And the special effects looked real swell: CHORUS Tuesday Evening, UPN Angelus will lose his soul again. See vampires fighting Buff and Riley Cordelia Chase will Show her hiney. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh On the eight PM, Tuesday evening, TV show. NERF HERDER (FANGS) I know that Rupert Giles Was pissed off by miles When Angelus killed his girlfriend. And I really lost favor When I saw the Slayer Fight Angelus and to Hell he was sent. Chanting magical tunes And gypsy runes Willow saved Angel's soul just too late. But when Angel came back, And the Mayor attacked, I knew the school couldn't escape its fate. Not on? CHORUS Tuesday evening, UPN Angelus will lose his soul again. See vampires fighting Buff and Riley Cordelia chase will Show her hiney. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh On the eight PM, Tuesday evening, TV show. I wanna go Watch the eight PM, UPN, TV show. By Mutant Inc, Hee hee hee. Go watch the eight PM, UPN TV show. Hope it won't blow, Oh Oh Oh Not the eight PM, UPN, TV show. HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT Here they come! (Highschool Students cheer and drink) DEMON WITH A CAMERA Let's get a picture. Close together now.  The natives and the transfer students. Just of the those that survived graduation.  Ahhh, hold that. Beautiful. And?  (A giant snake comes out of the ground and eats all the students) DEMON Congratulations. (Buffy and Tara walk past the snake) TARA I guess we finally did it, huh. BUFFY I don't think there's any doubt about that. You and my Mom have been almost inseparable since you broke up with Willow after catching her with that strange hickey. TARA Well to tell you the truth, Buffy, your mom's the only reason I dated Willow in the first place. (chuckles)  You know, to meet hot older chicks. BUFFY That explains a lot? too much.  We must never speak of this again. JOYCE O.K. you guys, this is it. (everyone screams) TARA Well Joyce is going to throw the bouquet. RILEY I got it! I got it! TARA Hey, looks like it could be your turn next, eh? BUFFY Like I'd ever have a relationship stable enough for marriage. TARA True, but you don't like girls so I don't care either way. Guess we better get going now Joyce. Come on, hop in. (Buffy gives the car the finger.  They drive away) (sign saying "Sunnydale High School: One Year Reunion") RILEY Oh Buffy, wasn't it wonderful?  Wasn't your mom radiantly beautiful? I can't believe it. An week ago she was just plain old celibate Joyce, and now?  now she's Mrs. Muff-diver extraordinaire. BUFFY Yes Riley, Tara's a creepy girl.  And thanks for
wigging me out like that. RILEY Your welcome. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT I always cry at death scenes. BUFFY Everyone knows my mom is a tight little fuck.  Why does everyone know that? RILEY (shrugs) BUFFY Why Tara herself'll probably be teaching her about rim jobs in a minute or two. RILEY Yes. Crimey Riley BUFFY Hey Riley. RILEY Yes Buffy? BUFFY I've got something to say RILEY Uh huh. BUFFY I really love the? Coincidental way? The Initiative disappeared? When things went astray. RILEY Oh Buffy. BUFFY The journey was tough but now finally (CHORUS: Riley) The future is looking quite smiley. (Riley) So please don't take it unkindly. (Riley) I've one thing to say and that's Crimey, Riley the Initiative blows. The leaders were lame but they died-y (Riley) There were monsters in tunnels that cried-y (Riley) I know that you're really tired-y. (Riley) I've one thing to say and that's Crimey, Riley the Initative Blows. Here's some things that prove that I'm for real. There's three things that they could have done: That's run, fight, or imprison. Oh R-I-L-E-Y They failed their mi-i-sion. RILEY Oh, it's not my fault that we were crap stuff. (Oh Buff) Or that our plans were just lame fluff (Oh Buff) And I don't blame you for leaving in that huff. (Oh Buff) I've one thing to say and that's Buff, you're tough, but we sucked chode. Oh Buffy? BUFFY Oh... crimey. RILEY You're tough... BUFFY Oh... Riley. RILEY ? We sucked so much. BUFFY I lost my lu-u-unch. BUFFY & RILEY You/We were standing on a crutch- ah - utch. BUFFY So let's go see the man who so finely (Riley) Taught me how to kick your hiney. (Riley) When I compare you to him I just smiley (Riley) Now I've one thing to say and that's crimey, Riley, the Initiative blows. Crimey, Riley. RILEY Oh Buff, you're tough. BUFFY Crimey, Riley. BUFFY & RILEY They sure blew. OZ I would like, ah, if I may, ?to take you on a strange journey (goes for black book opens book) It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Buffy Summers and her bitch, Riley Finn, two young,  stupid, healthy kids, left Sunnydale that late June evening, to visit a certain Mr. Giles, ex-Watcher, now friend to both of them.  It's true there were dark storm clouds.  Heavy, black, and pendulous, toward which they were driving.  It's true, also, that the spare crossbow they were carrying was badly in need of repair, but, uh, they being stupid kids, on a night out?  well, they weren't going to let a storm spoil the rest of their evening, were they?  On a night out?  It was a night out they were going to remember?  for a very long time. JOYCE (ON RADIO) I have never been a quitter...  To leave the show before my contract is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body.  But as an actress I must put the interests of my career first.  My income requires a full time acting job?  and an in depth part? RILEY Gosh, that's the third vampire prostitute that's passed us.  They sure do look skanky, what with the tube tops and all. BUFFY Yes, but they're pretty cheap to the right type. RILEY I'm that type. BUFFY What did you say? RILEY Oh, nothing?  Say, What's the matter, Buffy darling? BUFFY Oooh. We must have taken a wrong turn a few miles back. RILEY Oh, but where did those vampire prostitutes come from? BUFFY Hmmm? well I guess we'll just have to turn back. RILEY Oh! What was that bang? BUFFY My driving.  CRIMEY!  I knew I should have gotten that spare crossbow fixed, it would make the next few hours a lot simpler.  Well, you just stay here and keep warm and I'll go for help. RILEY But where will you go in the middle of nowhere? BUFFY ?Didn't we pass the new high school back down the road a few miles? Maybe they have a telephone we could use. RILEY I'm going with you. BUFFY Oh, no, darling, there's no sense in bringing you along when you'll just get in my way. RILEY I'm coming with you!  Besides darling, the owner of that phone might be a handsome vampire and you might never come back. BUFFY Eh.  Probably. Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth RILEY In the velvet darkness, Of California
night, They rise despite, All the vamps you slay. Even if you kill them all day. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Making people scream and shout. BUFFY & RILEY They will come, come in the darkness of California night. XANDER The vampires must go down the river of night's killing. They make me sick, but then pretty girls come spilling Into my life? Into my life? BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Over to the Sunnydale Hellmouth. BUFFY & RILEY They will come? CHORUS Making people scream and shout. They will come, will come. BUFFY & RILEY ? in the darkness of California night. OZ And so, it seemed that fortune had smiled on Buffy and Riley and that they had found the assistance that their plight required.  Or had they? RILEY Buffy, let's go back, I'm cold and frightened? BUFFY Just a moment Riley, they might have a phone. XANDER Yo! BUFFY Hey! What are you doing here Xander? XANDER Eh.  Got turned by some über-vamp.  You? BUFFY I-I was wondering if you could help us.  You see our car broke down a few miles up the road? do you have a phone we could use? XANDER (stares at Buffy's t-shirt which has gotten so wet it's transparent) You're wet. RILEY Yes - ?  - it's raining. BUFFY Yes. XANDER Yes?   I think that perhaps you'd better come.  Come inside.  That's what I said, come inside. RILEY About time. Oh Buffy, I'm frightened. I thought the school blew up and wasn't supposed to be rebuilt for another three years? BUFFY Oh, it's probably some kind of temporary high school to educate the young until a new plot-hook can be built. RILEY Oh. (forlornly) XANDER This way. RILEY Are you helping students cram for finals? XANDER You've arrived on a very special night. It's one of the master's affairs. BUFFY Master? XANDER Uh? -bater? RILEY (Buffy and Riley share a look) Oh.  Now I'm wiggin'. WILLOW You're wigging, He's wigging, I'm wigging, we're all wigging! ha ha ha ha ha (school bell rings seven times) Fuck Over Xander XANDER It's astounding; Vamps are fleeing; The Slayer takes effect. But listen closely... WILLOW Not for very much longer. XANDER Things aren't over yet. I remember hating the vampires. Wishing They'd get a nice tan. But then hypnosis hit me XANDER & WILLOW And I heard a voice calling... (Willow and Xander put on vampire game faces) VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ (pulls down chart.  There are dozens of pictures of Xander slumped to the floor, unconscious) It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. WILLOW I was so easy, but he never bothered to please me. So you could see me, getting really pissed. But I found a vampire, A Scooby insider, Who agreed, To give us the kiss. XANDER After Angelus's neck bite WILLOW Everything was made right. XANDER Now nothing can ever be the same. WILLOW I'm spaced out on orgasms. XANDER They're giving her spasms. ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. CORDELIA (in vampire game face) Well I was living in LA, but not eating every day When this beautiful face put me in my place. He took me to a party, I figured what the heck He had a Ferrari, but then he bit my neck. He sucked my blood and I felt a change. Food meant nothing, never would again. ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. (Cordelia pole dances) (Cordelia falls) ALL Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. OZ It's just a knock to the head. ALL Or a pretty girl in plain sight. OZ With gigantic tits. ALL And an embrace so tight. But it's the pelvic
thrust That really drives him insane. Let's fuck over Xander again. Let's fuck over Xander again. RILEY Buffy, say something. (whispered) BUFFY So, you guys are vampires now? (vampire prostitutes get up and start walking towards Buffy and Riley, licking there lips) RILEY Buffy, please, let's get out of here. BUFFY For God's sake, Riley, keep a grip on yourself. RILEY But it? it seems so unhealthy here. BUFFY It's just the undead, Riley. RILEY Well -- I want to go. BUFFY Well we can't go anywhere until I get to a phone. RILEY Well then just slay them already. BUFFY Just a moment, Riley -- we don't want to do anything that might upset them. RILEY This isn't the Initiative headquarters, Buffy. BUFFY They're probably just getting used to their new vitality-challenged lifestyle. They may do some more folk dancing. RILEY Look, I'm cold, I'm wet, and I'm just plain scared BUFFY I'm here -- there's nothing to worry about. (Riley screams and faints) Pretty Vampire Angel So glad you're here, I See you've met my Latest acquisition. He's just a tad depressed Because when you knocked He thought you were the Red Cross deposition. Don't get turned off by the way I dress. Afterwards I can still wear black shades. I'm not man about town by the light of day But by night can make your womb ache. (drops cloak to reveal leather pants and no shirt) I'm a just a pretty vampire.  From Los Angeles, California. Let me show you my chest Or maybe the rest. You look like you're both pretty turned on. Or if you want something tactual, That's not entirely factual, We could put on an old Martin Gaye song. BUFFY I'm glad you're in this strange place, Didn't you leave for LA? We're actually somewhat rushed, now. RILEY Right. BUFFY We'll just say give Giles a ring, Then go get our things. We want to tell Oz, Willow's straight now. ANGEL So you're crossbow won't work, well, You're both jerks. I'm sorry, but things break. By the light of the dawn it'll all turn out wrong. It seems you two made a mistake. I'm just a pretty vampire  From Los Angeles, California. Why don't you stay for the show? XANDER Show. ANGEL See how far things dare go. CORDELIA Go. ANGEL I could show you my favorite night wear. I've been assisting a fiend With blond hair and big thing. And it's great when he touches me (hand passes in front of crotch) right there. I'm just a pretty vampire  From Los Angeles, California. THRUST IT, THRUST IT! (thrusts hips on "THRUST") I'm just a pretty vampire CORDELIA, XANDER, & WILLOW Pretty vampire ANGEL  From Los Angeles, CORDELIA, XANDER, & WILLOW California. ANGEL So come down to the crypt, And I'll show you my stick. I see you shiver with erotic plea- sure. But maybe the plot Isn't completely shot. So I'll remove the chicken (Chuckles) But not the feathers. (applause) RILEY What in the world does that mean? BUFFY Who knows? (Buffy and Riley are given towels) RILEY Thank you. BUFFY Thank you very much. (Willow and Xander start to undress Buffy and Riley) RILEY Oh!  Buffy! BUFFY (Buffy grows impatient with Xander, pushes him away, and strips in two seconds) It's all right Riley. We'll play along for now and pull out Mr. Pointy when the time is right. (Riley looks down in shame) CORDELIA Faster, people, faster!  Some of us have lives here.  Well, technically only these two, but you know what I mean. BUFFY Hi, Cordelia, remember me, the Slayer, and this is my boyfriend and former Initiative member, Riley Finn.  You are really pissing me off and you're a vamp so if you'd just shut up? CORDELIA If you don't shut up you'll never get down to Angelus's crypt.  Some people would suck cock for the privilege. BUFFY People like you maybe? CORDELIA Pretty much. (Xander pours wine into a glass, takes a swig from the bottle, and lets it drop after Willow says "Screw it.") XANDER Come along ? Angelus doesn't like to be kept waiting. WILLOW Screw it. (Riley screeches - the elevator goes up) RILEY Is he ? Angel, I mean ? still good? XANDER The master-bater is not good, nor do I think he ever shall be
again. We're all pretty happy about this. RILEY Oh. ANGEL Willow, Cordelia go assist Xander.  I will entertain?  uh huh huh... (chuckle) (camera shows Buffy) BUFFY I'm the Slayer, remember.  And I don't think you've had a chance to meet your replacement, Riley "Fuck." RILEY Finn. BUFFY Shut up. ANGEL Embrassez mon âne.* (Riley giggles) Well! How dull.  And what boring underclothes you both have.  But here. Put these (negligees) on.  They'll make you feel more sexy. It's not often we receive visitors here, let alone offer them? hospitality. BUFFY Hospitality?! All we asked was to use your telephone, goshdarnit, a reasonable request which you've chosen to ignore. RILEY Buffy, don't be ungrateful. BUFFY Ungrateful! ANGEL How forceful you are, Buffy.  Such a perfect specimen of manhood. So? dominant. You must be awfully submissive, Riley. RILEY Well, yes I am. (giggles) ANGEL Do you have your virginity, Buffy? BUFFY Certainly not!  You took it from me, remember? ANGEL No.  How about you? (to Riley) RILEY No. (giggling) XANDER Everything is in readiness, master-bater.  We merely await your (pause) creepiness. ANGEL Tonight, my undead death-conventionists?  you are to witness a new breakthrough in biofatalistic research?  and Sunnydale is to be mine? It was strange the way it happened?   Suddenly you find your voice? Vampires start to obey your commands, not a sign of rebellion?  What fools!  The right vampire was there all the time but it took a small accident to make me realize?  AN ACCIDENT! WILLOW & CORDELIA An accident! ANGEL And that's how I discovered the key, that elusive nosferatu, that vamp who'd be the breath of death?  Yes, I have that power?  I hold the key?  to the Hellmouth?  itself! You see?  you are fortunate for tonight is the night that my beautiful creature is destined to destroy the world! Up now! (Curtain is lifted exposing a pair of large doors with a strange seal) Throw open the doors to the tomb? and shine in a flashlight so I can see what the Hell is going on! RILEY Oh Buffy! BUFFY It's all right Riley. (Xander takes a crowbar and forces one of the doors open.  He shines a flashlight in revealing Spike lying in his underwear) (Spike emits some guttural garbage) ANGEL Oh! Spike! The Chip of the Initiative SPIKE The chip of the Initiative is stuck somewhere in my head, And while it's in there I can't make anyone dead. Oh, woe is me, my un-life is a misery. Oh, can't you see, that I'm starting to act like a pansy ass bugger. I woke up this evening and I cried when I remembered my fate. ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE And for awhile I thought there was nothing I could do to escape. ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE It's blood I need, I'm all bleached but still can't feed. And I know it seems like I'm starting to act like a pansy ass bugger. ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh ho no no The chip of the Initiative is stuck somewhere in my head, ALL That sure sucks ass. SPIKE And while it's in there I can't make anyone dead. ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. SPIKE Oh no no no (repeat until end -- Sha-la-la) ALL Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass.  Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass.  Sha-la-la-la That sure sucks ass. Sha-la-la. ANGEL Well really.  That's no problem if you know what to do about it. (Angel punches through the side of Spike's head and pulls out a microchip) SPIKE Augh!  You wanker!  That really hurt. ANGEL But because you've got such "exceptional" strength, you should be able to handle it. SPIKE Augh Agh  (applause) ANGEL Oh, I just love success. XANDER That was a credit to your strength, master-bater. ANGEL Yes. WILLOW A triumph of your fist. ANGEL Yes. CORDELIA He's in pain. ANGEL In pain? Only in pain! I think we can do better than that. Humph! Well, Buffy and Riley,
what do you think of the hole in the side of his head? RILEY Well, I don't like to see a grown man cry. ANGEL I didn't make him cry for you!  If he's tough enough to break heads he can have his own broken. To Make You a Vamp ANGEL A weakling weighing just ninety-seven Will get left in the dirt When bit in the neck. (pats Spike on the head) SPIKE Ow!  It still hurts you bloody git! ANGEL But give him some blood after draining him dry, The hunger takes effect as he sucks on your neck. We'll make him muscled and rough. And with blood, and just a little bit of manly love, He'll be dead and quite tough He'll be a strong vamp. So bloody? ALL But all vamps ANGEL Will eat nothing high protein.  They just swallow raw blood? Trying to build up an appetite, martial arts, but not? Lungs And an evil diabolical man Doesn't even need seven days... ANGEL & VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES To make you a vamp. ANGEL He'll kill cheerleaders, and bankers, kill the old, young and feeble. He thinks beating old ladies is fun and quite evil. Your obsessed with living.  I just don't understand, When it doesn't even take seven days... To make you a vamp. (Beep Beep Beep) ANGEL What the? CORDELIA JENNY!  I mean, Miss Calendar!  You never changed my grade like you promised! (Runs up to Jenny with a change of grade slip.  Jenny ignores her and begins stripping) C'mon Giles (Show Me Affection) JENNY Whatever happened to going on patrol, When your stake was all sharp and you'd take a stroll? It don't seem the same since the mayor died And I came back to life thanks to gypsy magic inside. Two years ago I fell for a librarian, Before being killed by a barbarian; He was dressed in leather pants and a black silk shirt. I ran to the back of the school knowing it would really hurt. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. (Sex solo) (Jenny thrusts) My head used to swim from the cologne he wore. My hands kind of fumbled down there til I'd roar "Just come in my bed and I'll be your whore." He'd answer that tonight he was just gonna read. Go back to school, Put the kettle on The library was closed and the night seemed so long. Masturbating to his picture I'd try to get along. It felt pretty good. But not what I really need. (Cordelia slides to a halt at the V of Jenny's crotch and begins pleasuring her) C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. C'mon Giles, show me affection, I really love resurrection. (for a total of twelve times) (Angel attacks Jenny with a vibrating alpinist's pick) (Cordelia begins screaming how she did her part and not to hurt her before Jenny does hers) ANGEL One from last season. (chuckles) SPIKE Ha!? ANGEL (opens door) You baby?  Don't be upset?  I know it was a messy killing the first time but I like to clean up after myself?  She had a certain innocent appeal, but no eroticism. (Spike flexes a bicep) ? Oh! To Make You a Vamp (Reprise) ANGEL But a jugular and a corpuscle. A hot vein and some neck muscle. Makes me, oooh, bite, Makes me want to take Jenny Calendar by the ? ha-ha-hand. ANGEL & VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Doesn't even take seven days To make you a vamp. ANGEL I don't want no weird demons, Just able bodied seamen. RILEY That's a crazy plan. ANGEL It doesn't even take seven days, To make you a vamp. Run now if you can It doesn't even take seven days, To make you a vamp. (Angel and Spike's wedding march) VAMPIRE PROSTITUTES Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! Angel and Spike, rah-rah-rah! OZ There are some who say that vampires are imaginary, and demons are but a figment of gothic literature.  If this is so, then Buffy and Riley are quite safe?  However, the sudden departure of their host? and his childe? into the seclusion
of his somber crypt left them feeling both apprehensive and uneasy, a feeling which grew as the vampire prostitutes departed, and they were shown to their separate rooms. (Buffy and Riley are shown to their separate rooms by Xander and Willow) (Riley enters room) (Buffy enters room) (knock) (howling) RILEY Uhh! Who is it? Who's there? ANGEL (BUFFY) It's only me, Riley. RILEY Oh, Buffy darling, come in.  Oh! Buffy, Oh Buffy. Yes, my darling? but what if? ANGEL (BUFFY) It's all right, Riley, everything's going to be all right. RILEY Oh, I hope so, my darling. Oh? Ah?  Ahh OHHH! Oh, it's you! ANGEL I'm afraid so, Riley, but isn't it nice? RILEY Oh, you beast, you monster?  Oh what have you done with Buffy? ANGEL Fucked the shit out of her but that was two years ago.  Did you mean recently? RILEY You tricked me?  I wouldn't have?  I've never?  I would never? never? Unless Buffy was ignoring, or it was an incredibly hard day, or I hadn't gotten laid in the past three hours, or the vamp was really cute.  But otherwise never, never? ANGEL Yes, yes, I know, but it isn't all bad, is it?  I think you really found it quite  pleasurable. RILEY Oh, stop?  I mean help?  Buffy Buffy!?  Oh Buffy!! ANGEL Shhh. Buffy's probably asleep by now. Do you want her to see you like?   This! (Grabs Riley's wrist and starts sucking) RILEY Like this like how?!  Oh, it's your fault?  You're to blame?  Oh?  I was saving myself for the Red Cross drive. ANGEL Yes, but I'm sure your not drained yet? RILEY Promise you won't tell Buffy? ANGEL Cross my heart and hope to die? (assorted sucking noises) (Scene with Xander and Willow, Willow with a mop, Xander putting on gloves) (Xander walks over to Spike) (Xander grabs a cross and uses it to threaten Spike) (Spike runs away) (Spike climbs up the stairs out of the highschool basement) (Xander throws the cross after him then makes out with Willow) ANGEL (RILEY) Oh, Buffy darling, it's no good here.  It'll destroy us. BUFFY Don't worry Riley, we'll be away from here in the morning. ANGEL (RILEY) Oh, Buffy you're so strong and protective. BUFFY Ah, ah, ah, oh YOU! ANGEL I'm afraid so, Buffy, but isn't it nice? BUFFY Yes, but what have you done with Riley? ANGEL Nothing.  Why?  Do you think I should? BUFFY Probably, but that's not the point.  You tricked me, I wouldn't have? ANGEL Oh yes you would, I know?  I was there the first time, remember.  And it wasn't all bad, was it?  Not even half bad, I think you really quite enjoyed it. BUFFY Oh? so soft?  More?  More?  More Riley?  RILEY! ANGEL Riley's probably asleep by now.  Do you want him to see you like THIS? (Buffy sits up and yells) BUFFY Like this, like how?  It's your fault, you're to blame, I thought it was the living thing! ANGEL Oh come on, Buffy, admit it, you liked it, didn't you?  It isn't a crime to give yourself over to pleasure, Buffy.  We've wasted two seasons already?  Riley needn't know, I won't tell him? BUFFY Well, promise you won't tell? ANGEL On my mother's corp-... XANDER Master-bater, Spike has broken his chains and vanished.  Your new playmate is loose and somewhere on school grounds?  Willow has just released the dogs? ANGEL Mmmm? Coming! RILEY What's happening here? Where's Buffy? Where's ANYbody? Oh, Buffy.  Buffy, my darling, how could I have done this to you?  Oh! If only we hadn't made this journey? If only the crossbow hadn't broken down? If only we were amongst friends?  Or living persons. Oh Buffy, oh Buffy.  What have they done with her? (screen shows Buffy bouncing up and down on top of Angelus) Oh, Buffy, Oh Buffy -- How could you? (he fondles vacuum cleaner) (Spike emits moans and general cries of pain) (Spike gets up) RILEY Oh, but you are hurt?  I mean, good.  I mean, did they do this to you? SPIKE You are a bleamin' idiot. RILEY I'll dress your wounds? baby there? (Rip his boxers and dress Spike's wound) Let me make it all better. SPIKE You're aware that vampires heal on their own? (glances down at Riley's wripped boxers) And that I'm straight? OZ Addiction: abnormally dependent
on something?  Psychologically or physically habit forming. In other words: a powerful and irrational master?  and from what Willow and Cordelia eagerly viewed on their television monitor there seemed little doubt that Riley was, indeed, ?its slave. WILLOW & CORDELIA Tell us about it, Riley. Suck-a Suck-a Suck-a Suck Me RILEY I was feeling turned on,  From vampire spawn. I'd only ever killed their kind. CORDELIA You mean he? WILLOW ?s even dumber than he looks. RILEY I thought don't try to consort, Except as a last resort. It only leads to trouble And military court. Now all I want to do is go to you. I've given blood and I want less. WILLOW & CORDELIA Less, less, less. RILEY I'll put up no resistance But I have one insistence: I've got an itchy neck It's your subsistence. Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. Then if my veins shrink, while you drink, I'll get a needle and stick it in. WILLOW & CORDELIA In, in, in. RILEY And that's just one penetration Of the prime elation. You need a willing meal plan and I need sensation. Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. CORDELIA Sucka sucka sucka suck me! WILLOW It's okay if you hurt me. CORDELIA Bite me, slight me, excite me! WILLOW Creature of the night. RILEY Sucka sucka sucka suck me! It's okay if you hurt me. Bite me, slight me, excite me! Creature of the night. SPIKE Creature of the night. BUFFY Creature of the night? ANGEL Creature of the night. WILLOW Creature of the night. XANDER Creature of the ? hey!  Nachos (walks off camera) CORDELIA Creature of the night. SPIKE Creature of the night. RILEY Creature of the night. (scene change, Xander being whipped) XANDER Owwwwwwwww!  Mercy! (Being kicked by Angel) ANGEL How did it happen?  I understand you were to be watching? XANDER I was only away for a minute?  Masturbating. ANGEL Well, see if you can find him on the school's security cameras. XANDER Master-bater, master-bater?  We have a visitor. BUFFY Hey, Giles! ANGEL You told your Watcher where we were? BUFFY Well, no.  He, he's a friend of mine and we were on our way to meet him but I never knew we were going to end up here so how could I tell him to meet us here and? is there at all a chance you believe me. ANGEL I see.  So this wasn't simply a chance meeting.  You came here with a purpose. BUFFY Hello?  I told you, my car broke down.  Car right outside?  You saw it, remember. ANGEL I know what you told me, Buffy?  But Giles is not exactly unknown to me. BUFFY He was a librarian at Sunnydale High.  You should know, you brought him books, remember. ANGEL Yes!  And now he works for the Watcher's council again, doesn't he, Buffy? He's attached to the bureau of extermination of that which you call HST's!!!  Isn't that right, Buffy? BUFFY He might be? I don't know. XANDER The intruder is entering the building, master-bater. ANGEL He'll probably be? entering the library.  Shall we inquire of him in person? (activates triple contact faggot magnet) (Pause) BUFFY What the Hell? GILES Angelus, we meet again. BUFFY Giles! GILES Buffy! What are you doing here? ANGEL Don't play games, Mr. Giles.  You know perfectly well what Buffy Summers is doing here.  It was part of your plan, was it not?  That the slayer and her bitch could check the layout for you.  Well, unfortunately for you all, the plans are to be changed.  You must be adaptable, old man; I know Buffy is. GILES I can assure you that Buffy's presence here comes as a complete surprise to me.  I came here to find Jenny. BUFFY Jenny! I've seen her! ANGEL Jenny?  What do you know of Jenny? GILES I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things.  After all, Jenny happens to be ex-girlfriend. (Angel gasps and releases Oz) (Riley gasps) BUFFY Giles? RILEY Ah! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr. Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr. Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! GILES Riley! RILEY Mr.
Giles! BUFFY Riley! RILEY BUFFY! ANGEL Spike! Listen?  I made you?  and I can stake you just as easily. (to Spike) WILLOW (Rings gong) Master, dinner is prepared! ANGEL Excellent.  Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional. OZ Food has always played a vital role in life's rituals, even for the dead.  The breaking of bread, the sucking of blood from a dying man, and now? this meal.  However informal it might appear, you can be sure that there was to be a little hoot and even less nanny. (Xander and Willow wheel in a cart) (Xander opens the lid) (Xander places a large piece of meat in front of Angel) (He carves the meat and Xander serves it to the others) (Xander pours and spills wine before this) ANGEL A toast? to absent friends? ALL To absent friends. BUFFY (to Riley) What exactly is in these glasses? ANGEL And to Spike. (Angel starts a verse of staccato "Happy Birthday Spike" and cuts it off after "Dear Spike." Riley continues until he realizes he is the only one left singing.) Shall we? GILES We came here to discuss Jenny. CORDELIA Jenny! (Angel threatens her with the slicer) ANGEL That's a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone? CORDELIA Excuse me. (Exits room, closes door behind her, and screams) GILES (to the entire table) I knew she was in with a bad crowd, but is was worst than I imagined?  Demons! SPIKE What the blazes are you talking about?  We're vampires you twit. BUFFY Giles! ANGEL Go on, Mr.Giles.  Or should I say?  Ripper. BUFFY Just what exactly are you implying? GILES It's all right! BUFFY Giles! OZ It's all right, Buffy. Jenny GILES  From the day she came here. She was annoying. She was an itch. In my boxer shorts. She tried in vain? OZ ? but of sex he would always abstain. GILES But I wept the day she was no more.  From the day she was gone All I wanted Was computer geek porn And my Jenny back. Hiring mystic jerks? OZ But not a damn thing they tried ever worked! GILES And my sex life was feeling the lack. ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! RILEY But her stench. OZ Made me sick. CORDELIA Everybody failed me But when Jenny nailed me I said, "hey, can you pass me? And I'll give you my ass for free!" But she didn't run from Angel fast enough to flee. GILES But then she was brought Back from the dead, Making me fraught With worry when I read? ALL What'd you read? What'd you read? JENNY'S VOICE I'm out of that Hel Oh, hurry, this won't turn out well. Angelus might just come out ahead. (scream) ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! RILEY But her stench. GILES Made me sick. ALL When Jenny said she wouldn't wear a teddy Giles acted like a stuck up prick. But when he shut off his cock with a kryptonite lock ANGEL That poor wench! ALL Oh-oh-oh... RILEY But her stench. ALL Ew, ew, ew... GILES Made me sick. (Angel pulls the tablecloth off of the table and the slaughtered remains of Jenny are seen under the glass surface) (All scream) (Spike runs to Riley and bites his neck) ANGEL Spike! How can you think of food at a time like this? GILES (To Buffy, who's running alongside him) This way, this way. (General mayhem as Angel chases Riley.  Xander and Willow laugh, until Xander suddenly says "Why are we laughing?") XANDER Why are we laughing? Hiney Whiney ANGEL I'll drink your blood but I won't give in. You'd better shut up, Riley Finn. Your soufflé is a bit too thin. You'd better shut up, Riley Finn. I've broke her cherry; it should make things quite merry. You're as bright as a nightlight; wound up like an G.I. Joe guy. When I sucked you, were you this contrary? Ya gonna bitch? Well, pay attention. You better shut up, Riley Finn. The hypnosis will cause sclerosis. RILEY My boots! I can't move my boots! GILES My glasses! My God, I can't clean my glasses! BUFFY It's as if we're glued to the
spot! ANGEL Bingo!  So quake with fear, you mortal fools! RILEY (Breaks down in tears) We're stuck! ANGEL (sung) It's something you'll get used to. Everyone needs a little fuck. GILES You won't find mortals quite the easy mark you imagine.  This hypnosis sclerosis?  it is I suppose, some kind of psycho-somatic capillary-constriction command word? BUFFY You mean? GILES Yes, Buffy, it's something we've heard of vamps having for quite some time.  But it seems our friend here has found a means of perfecting it.  A power capable of breaking down human will and then controlling it within the body and, who knows, perhaps even mentally projecting. RILEY You mean he's going to mentally control our hineys? ANGEL Hiney, Whiney Riley! You better shut up, Riley Finn. You better shut up, build your butt up, You better shut up? OZ And then he stood up? RILEY Stop! ANGEL Don't get hot and horny! This line is quite corny. BUFFY You're an asshole, but you better not try to enspell us, Angelus. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Buffy turns to stone) GILES You're an asshole, but you better not try to enspell us, Angelus. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Giles turns to stone) RILEY You're a poopyhead-- (Angelus's eyes flash red and Riley turns to stone) CORDELIA My God!  I can't stand any more of this!  First you cancel my credit cards, and then you throw out my wardrobe for an old overcoat and these pajamas!  You bully other people and take their stuff?  I wanted you?  d'ya hear me! I wanted you.  And what did it get me?  Yeah, I'll tell you -- a big nothing.  You're like a leech.  You drink, drink, drink, and drain others of their blood and emotion. Yeah, well, I've had enough!  You're gonna choose between me and Spike, so named because of? something I can't think of. (Angelus's eyes flash red and Cordelia turns to stone) ANGELUS It's not easy finding good help? (Angelus's eyes flash red and Spike turns to stone) Even feeding makes my face ache?  And my childers turn on me?  Spike's behaving just the way he always did.  Do you think I made a mistake, taking out his chip before getting him to agree to destroy the world for me? (Willow walks over to where Angelus is. Xander follows) WILLOW Ahhh! I grow weary of this world!  When shall we open the Hellmouth, huh? ANGEL Willow, I am indeed grateful to both you and your boyfriend, Xander. You have both served me well. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded. You will discover that when my libido takes me, I can be quite generous. WILLOW I ask for nothing? ANGEL That works, too. Come, we are ready for the ritual. OZ And so, by some extraordinary coincidence, fate, it seemed, had decided that Buffy and Riley should keep that appointment with their friend, Mr. Giles. But it was to be in a situation which none of them could have possibly foreseen. And, just a few hours after declaring their mutual hatred of the Initiative, Buffy and Riley had both been tasted?  By the Initiative's enemies.  This irony was proof that Angelus was again a vampire with no soul and a significant appetite. What further dangers were they to be subjected to? And what of the ritual that had been spoken of?  On top of the Hellmouth?  In the middle of the night?  What diabolical plan had seized Angelus's crazed imagination?  What indeed?  From what had gone before, it was clear that this was to be? no picnic. Blood Tints My World (Unfreeze - Cordelia) CORDELIA It was great when he first bit me. I was an Angelus devotee. But it was over right when he decreed To damn the Sunnydale bourgeoisie. Now the only thing that's left to try Is to find myself a handsome guy. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from hunger and pain. (Unfreeze - Spike) SPIKE I'm two hundred years young, And extraordinarily well hung. And the next few days should be quite fun Since my hunger has been unstrung. But the one thing that I like best Is biting into Riley's neck.. Blood tints my world and keeps me safe from hunger and pain. (Unfreeze - Buffy) BUFFY It confuses me; Angelus uses me! I'll look good; you'll see, In a
spaghetti strap bikini. What's this? Let's see, I feel sexy! What's gotten into me? Woo! Mr. Pointy again. (Camera close up revels Buffy's?  um, impaled herself on her own stake) (Unfreeze - Riley) RILEY I feel anemic; Hypoglycemic. The problem is I'm bulimic; How do I get it back? My blood sugar has gone away; And the craving's there to stay. Spike can suck me all day. I love his hunger attacks. ANGEL Whatever happened to Faith? That buxom, young Slayer who left? As she fought Nine vampires. When she lit them On fire And in black leather she was quite well dressed. Give your blood over to nocturnal demons. Feel the warm fires of flames coming from Hell. Erotic nightmares, without any reason. So you lose the daytime?  It's just as well. You don't really need it.  No, no, no. Don't bleed it, drink it. (four times) ALL Don't bleed it, drink it (eight times) (On sixth line, Angelus's eyes flash and Giles is unfrozen) GILES Whoa!  We've got to get out of this school Before this vampire makes us food. I've got to be tough, and hope that's enough or else my control may well snap and my life will be lived? (feels face which has gone all bumpy and ridgey) as a vamp! BUFFY It confuses me; Angelus uses me! RILEY God bless Joss Whedon. ANGEL Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me? me I'm a crazy and an deadly vamp. I'm undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make me pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. ALL We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make us pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should. Blood tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're crazy and deadly vamps. We're undead with a pissed off rant. You get a red light on the indicator lamp. Your heart'll thump and you make us pant. So run for cover in the nearby woods. We're gonna getcha just like we should, should, should. Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my hunger and pain. (Xander and Willow enter from the rear door in black leather outfits) XANDER Yo, Angelus, it's all done here. Your family is a failure; Your childers go astray. I am your new sire; You now are my childer. We return to Los Angeles. Prepare the Chevrolet. ANGEL Wait! I can explain! (Angelus goes and speaks to Cordelia, who goes and turns on the spotlight; and to Spike who goes and turns on the stage lights) I'm Spinning Off ANGEL On the day the school blew up? ALL Oh no? ANGEL I nearly threw up? ALL Way to go? ANGEL I want to act again, and stay on. ALL With my own show? ANGEL Sign here, and that will mean I may. ?cause I've been, Undervalued oh, Underrated in my eyes (Willow yawns with disinterest) And I realize, I'm spinning off. ALL I'm spinning off. (Willow yawns) ANGEL In Sunnydale it's been the same? ALL ?feeling? ANGEL ?like I'm outside feeling lame? ALL ?wheeling? ANGEL ?Easy To try and find a fight? ALL ?dealing? ANGEL ?death from pencils, death from light. ?Cause I've been, oh, undervalued, Underrated in my eyes And I realize, I'm spinning off. ANGEL & ALL I'm spinning off. (3 times) (applause, then Vampire Prostitutes disappear) WILLOW Well that answered nothing. (Angelus turns around and sees the house empty) XANDER And rather self-centered, even for you. You see, when I said we were to return to Los Angeles, I referred only to Willor and myself.  I'm sorry, however, if you found my words misleading, but you see, you are to remain here; in ashes, anyway. GILES Good lord, that's a crossbow! XANDER Yes, Oz.  A crossbow capable of firing a bolt of pure anti-mater. BUFFY That doesn't make any sense. GILES Neither does anything else in this episode.  Continuity must be protected. XANDER See, Oz gets it.  And now, Angelus, your time has come.  Say good-bye to all of this, and hello to
oblivion. (Cordelia screams - get staked) (Angelus tries to escape by climbing the curtain) (Angelus screams - gets staked, falls) (Spike moans over and falls on Angelus's ashes) (Picks him up and begins to climb the tower - gets staked in the stomach, staked in the back, staked in the shoulder, staked in ther armpit, and finally staked through the heart ? Spike's and Angel's ashes fall into the pool) BUFFY Jeez, Xander!  What's your problem? RILEY Oh! You killed them!  Now they'll never feed from me again. (Buffy glares at him) WILLOW But I thought you'd liked him.  He liked you. XANDER I didn't like him! I never liked him! GILES You did right. XANDER (Primping) A decision had to be made. GILES You're O.K. by me. (holds out his hand as to shake it with Xander) XANDER Oz, I'm sorry about your? GILES Jenny? Yes, well, perhaps it was all for the best, heh, heh, heh. (cleans glasses) XANDER You should leave now, Mr. Giles, while it is still possible.  We are about to suck the entire school down through the Hellmouth, into Hell.   It's on the other side.  Of the Hellmouth. Go? Now. (to Willow) Our vision is completed, my most beautiful sister-like-platonic-friend-except-not-now-that-we're-both-sexy-creatures-of-the-night, and soon we shall return to the blood-drenched shores of our beloved Hell dimension. WILLOW Oh?  Sweet Sunnydale, land of the Hellmouth?  To sing and dance once more to your demon lords. To take?  That? pretty girl in plain sight! XANDER & WILLOW Ha! XANDER But it's the pelvic THRUST! (flashback to Fuck Over Xander sequence) ALL That really drives him insaaaaane WILLOW And the demons will fuck you over AGAIN! (Shot of the entire school being sucked down into the Hellmouth as Buffy and Riley carry Giles out) Super Heroes (Buffy and Riley are crawling around on the ground outside the school, in mist) BUFFY I've slain a lot. Vamps know I try To end their days. I slay their kind. But all I know is down inside I'm? ALL ?bleeding? (Riley comes on the screen like a cat) RILEY And so my girlfriend comes to slay To fuck them up Three times a day. And all I know is still the vamps are? ALL ?breeding? BUFFY (Buffy is on the ground) My bitch, I can't find my bitch. RILEY (Riley is on the ground) My mistress, I can't find my mistress. GILES (Giles is on the ground) My glasses, I can't find my glasses.   (Red light on Buffy) (Scene starts to turn grainy, and fades into a woodcut illustration in a book, which Oz closes) OZ And crawling Past the ruined school Some mortals I regard as fools? They keep us safe While vampires rule The evenings. ALL Evenings? Tuesday Evening/UPN - Reprise NERF HERDER Tuesday evening, UPN. Angelus has died and. Lost his friends. Dust has covered Buffy and Riley. Willow and Xander At least are smiley. Grr, ah, ah, argh. On the eight PM, UPN, TV show. I want to go, oh, oh, oh. Watch the eight PM, UPN, TV Show.
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rinavictor-blog · 7 years
Fake dating? Yup, I did.
Disclaimer: The following is based on a real life experience. Everything is from my point of view and I remember everything clearly. Certainly, there are no alterations on some parts because there is no need to and that is just plain awful.  
Who else loved to read some teen romance books or stories? Yes? Because I do too. I mean, who doesn’t? And have you ever dreamt or imagine if those cheesy yet romantic scenarios will happen to you in real life? Don’t deny, we all did. However, there are some lucky girls out there who actually got to experience those teen romance scenarios. Sadly, I am one of those girls. Why sadly? Well, I will get on to that later. 
Yesterday, I was reading some short stories and fan fictions on Tumblr, and I couldn’t help but look back and remember the previous boyfriends, flings and the dating that I had experienced. But let me tell you this, it's not what you expect in real life. HAHA. To conclude, I had my fair share of those teen romance scenarios and I wish to never experience it again. Now, I will share some of these with you because why not? So I hope you enjoy my embarrassing, miserable and memorable “teen romance” experience. I think I should make this into a series. 
Fake dating. It is one of those teen romance plots that we all love. The leads decided to fake date for some reason and they promised to not fall in love with each other. However, promises are meant to be broken and eventually they end up with each other. So if you are in a “fake” relationship or offered to be a fake girlfriend or boyfriend, read further so at least I could indirectly give you a heads up about fake dating. Before I begin, I want to say that that my experience with fake dating is awful. If a real relationship blooms from fake dating, then good for you but that rarely happens.
I was reading a cute story of two best friends who fake dated and have eventually ended up together. It was really cute, I read it four more times before moving on. Yes, I “fake dated” but it was not my intention to do such act. I thought that it will be fun and I know I am not really gonna fall for the dude. I still remember everything clearly: December 2013. A month after I moved from my hometown to another city, I received a message from an elementary classmate who wanted to meet up with me (See how cliché this is starting. I did not realize how cliché this is until I wrote it). He found out that I moved so it was a great idea for us to have a reunion with our elementary school classmates. I agreed to the reunion because it’s great to meet and catch up with some classmates that I haven’t seen in an average of over 11 years (and we still remember each other, how cool is that?). This particular classmate will be named Joe. After the reunion, Joe and I decided to stay longer because we were the only ones who didn’t want to go home yet. Nothing romantic have happened yet until Joe received a text message from his college friends, telling to meet up with them. I did not know what went through his mind but all of the sudden, he gave me a proposal: “Will you act as my fake girlfriend for a while?” Here’s the thing: Although we know each other, we didn’t know each other *that* well. So, I didn’t know why needed a fake girlfriend for. So I asked him why he needed one and he said that it will be for fun. I agreed because it will be “fun” and I am certain that I won’t be seeing Joe or his friends after this. 
   We did meet up with his college friends and the fake dating began. I would say that we weren’t that convincing but his friends were somehow convinced. Why? I was playing the shy-girlfriend-who-didn’t-talk-unless-spoken-to type of girlfriend and there is that kind of girl. Well, I slayed that role well. I didn’t talk unless spoken to, I made lovey-dovey faces at him for hints, held his hand or arm for a realistic girlfriend feel. It was a success, I guess? HAHA. 
   Yeah, did I mention that I agreed to the fake date because I know that I will not see Joe and his friends ever again? Apparently, that didn’t happen. I met up with them again because I was invited to the festival-like party that was held in their school. I accepted the invite because I have the “party girl soul” in me. When Joe invited me, he said that he’ll pay for the tickets and will make sure that I will go home safe with him. That was the deal which I agreed to. So I made sure that I was party ready. Please continue reading because from this point on, things will start to get interesting.
   He picked me up from the nearest mall and we arrived an hour early before the actual start of the party. The gates were still closed so we (including his friends) decided to grab a light snack at the nearest restaurant in the campus. To be honest, I expected Joe to pay for my smoothie because he paid for my meal last time when I first met with his friends. The dude didn’t offer to pay for my smoothie. I was okay with that until I found out that I didn’t bring enough money. Well, technically I did but I didn’t expect that we will have a light snack at this particular restaurant which was a bit pricier than the restaurants at the mall. It was okay. I still paid for my drink and went through ignoring the chatters from Joe and his friends. I was not in the mood to be the fake girlfriend. 
   Joe’s friend received a text that the gates had opened, so we went back there. I asked Joe if he had the tickets with him. He sheepishly said yes. A few minutes later, he asked some money from me for the paints and colored powders that will be used for later. I was hesitant to give him the money. Why? Well, you watch cartoons right? When a character lies, he/she/it will act in a certain way that we know that there’s something fishy about him? That’s what Joe did and it was so obvious. I still gave him the money but I could sense that something was fishy. I tried to push the thought away because I came here to party and not to act as Joe’s girlfriend (although technically it was the other way around). We were in line and since we already have the tickets, we’re just getting our passes. I looked at the ticket booth and was shocked, mad and pissed. The amount of money Joe borrowed from me was the same price for one ticket. Holy shit, I was pissed as hell. Then a miracle happened, I found money on the floor when I looked down to cool myself. That have cooled me down a bit. Let me defend myself for a bit, from where I am it is normal to contribute money for certain group spending, in this case, the paints that will be used for the party. 
   The party started and even though I am dancing with Joe, I was not feeling the party. Again, another miracle, I met a classmate of mine in the party so we ended up spending the night partying away together. I left Joe to whatever the hell he is doing. The night went well when I was with my classmate. It was great, the night was great, I was able to party again after a while. The party ended, my friend and I split ways and I have met with Joe again. When I saw Joe, I remembered the money/ticket incident. I ignored him for some time because I was pissed again. Joe didn’t notice why my mood has gone sour. He did not ask me where I have been or whatever. He invited me here so he should be responsible for my safety. Joe didn’t think about the responsibility. It made me question how he had girlfriends.
   Recap: Our deal was that Joe will pay for the tickets and will take me home to make sure I am safe (because I was not familiar with the city at this time so getting lost is certain to happen with me). Joe did not keep his end of the deal with the tickets and guess what? He did not take me home. Instead, he asked his best friend to get me a taxi and I will ride home alone. Damn Joe. You are the worst. You know readers, I could have done something about it. I could have got angry at him and yelled at him in public because he tricked me and did not keep his deal but I respect his human rights and public humiliation is frowned upon. The least I could do was tell his best friend the truth while we waited for the taxi and I did just that. I don’t know what happened after that but all of us had forgotten about it. I arrived home safe and I vowed to never meet up with Joe ever again and to never agree to fake dates ever again. 
   So for those of you who planned to fake date someone, please make a decent proposal about the fake date and make sure that both of you will benefit something from it. That is all. 
   I hope that you enjoyed my fake date story and I also hoped that you learned something about it. My fake date experience is not a good one but at least, I learned that I should always have my guard up and must always be conscious and observant. If you want to share your story, feel free to do so :) Thanks.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
'The Pocket book' Shocker - Ryan Gosling REFUSED To Movie With Rachel McAdams!
http://tinyurl.com/y6rl3hkr Are you able to imagine it’s the 15th anniversary of The Pocket book?? The basic romance adaptation that made us all fall in love with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams got here out approach again on June 25, 2004. So what higher time than to relay our favourite not-so-fun truth concerning the filming? Related: Netflix CHANGED The Notebook Ending! Everyone knows Ryan and Rachel dated in actual life after assembly on the film — that chemistry was actual, y’all! — however do you know they sort of HATED each other, too?? Apparently they’d kind of a love/hate factor going? Director Nick Cassavetes spilled the tea from behind the scenes of The Pocket book about how in the future Ryan flat-out refused to shoot together with his future girlfriend. He informed VH1: “Possibly I’m not supposed to inform this story, however they have been actually not getting alongside in the future on set. Actually not. And Ryan got here to me, and there’s 150 folks standing on this massive scene, and he says, ‘Nick come right here.’ And he’s doing a scene with Rachel and he says, ‘Would you are taking her out of right here and herald one other actor to learn off digicam with me?’ I mentioned, ‘What?’ He says, ‘I can’t. I can’t do it along with her. I’m simply not getting something from this.’” “I’m simply not getting something from this”?? Wow. To assume, they dated after he mentioned that. Who can neglect their kiss on the 2005 MTV Film Awards?? / (c) Nikki Nelson/WENN Or perhaps they have been courting on the time, and it was actually some sort of lover’s spat they have been maintaining on the DL from their director? Neither has ever commented on the story, so we guess it’ll simply have to stay a secret. BTW, Ryan and Rachel weren’t the one stars to refuse to shoot collectively. Ch-ch-check out another notorious feuds from the historical past of TV and films (under)! Jerome Flynn & Lena Headey (c) HBO/YouTube In accordance with a tea-spilling Sport Of Thrones crew member, Queen Cersei and Ser Bronn of the Blackwater are by no means in scenes collectively as a result of the celebs gained’t even be in the identical room! Imagine it or not, the 2 characters have by no means exchanged a phrase on the present, and have solely ever been in the identical shot as soon as in a scene — with out even each other. That is as shut as they ever obtained, and she or he doesn’t spare a look his approach. / (c) HBO/YouTube Followers will bear in mind within the Season 7 finale Bronn leaves to “have a drink whereas the flowery of us discuss.” And in Season 8, Episode 1 Cersei hires Bronn — however she sends her proper hand man Qyburn to talk to him. Rumor has it the actors, who briefly date IRL in 2002, had such a contentious breakup they now should be saved aside in any respect prices. We don’t know what they did to at least one one other, but when they’re prepared to make a whole TV manufacturing plan round them it should have been BAD. The Rock and Vin Diesel (c) Common/YouTube From their first assembly in Quick 5, Dominic Toretto and Luke Hobbs have been on reverse sides of the regulation — however it turned out that animosity prolonged past the display. Through the filming of the eighth film within the Quick and Livid franchise, The Rock posted on social media about coping with a “sweet ass” on set. It shortly grew to become clear which costar he was speaking about. Vin Diesel could have copped to the feud — however by no means to the preliminary motive. The closest we obtained was Johnson happening the report to Rolling Stone: “Vin and I had just a few discussions, together with an necessary face-to-face in my trailer. And what I got here to understand is that we now have a basic distinction in philosophies on how we method moviemaking and collaborating. It took me a while, however I’m grateful for that readability. Whether or not we work collectively once more or not.” The results of all of this appears to have been the delay of FF 9, with The Rock’s spinoff with Jason Statham, Hobbs And Present, being pushed into manufacturing subsequent — much to the chagrin of Tyrese Gibson, who began his personal beef over the necessity to receives a commission on one other of those movies. We doubt if The Rock will even return to the franchise correct, particularly now that Vin has introduced his wrestling rival John Cena is becoming a member of the subsequent installment. He completed his assertion to RS: “Proper now I’m concentrating on making the spinoff nearly as good as it may be. However I want him all one of the best, and I harbor no ailing will there, simply due to the readability we now have… Truly, you may erase that final half about ‘no ailing will.’ We’ll simply maintain it with the readability.” The shade! Nick Nolte and Julia Roberts (c) Buena Vista/YouTube I Love Bother is essentially forgotten, however the feud at its middle will dwell in Hollywood infamy. The 1994 movie, about two reporters dealing with down hazard to uncover a serious crime, was meant to evoke the screwball romantic comedies of the 1940s, with Roberts and Nolte enjoying hated rivals who find yourself teaming up after which falling in love. Nevertheless the enmity between the 2 stars was all too actual. In accordance with Julia, her costar was abrasive and threw tantrums on set — and she or he did all the pieces she may to remain away. Ultimately regardless of their onscreen romance, the 2 needed to be filmed individually with stand-ins! Years afterward Roberts was quoted as calling Nolte “fully disgusting” in a NY Instances interview. Nolte responded by saying: “It’s not good to name somebody ‘disgusting.’ However she’s not a pleasant particular person. Everybody is aware of that.” DAMN. Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes (c) Warner Bros/YouTube For these of you who don’t even bear in mind Blade: Trinity, allow us to take you again to a time earlier than Marvel Studios had nailed the comedian e-book film method. In 1998, Wesley Snipes slayed as Marvel Comics’ resident vampire hunter within the action-packed Blade. By 2004, he had gotten a bit… tough, from what we’ve heard. He reportedly stayed in character and would solely talk to the director by way of notes signed “Blade.” Enter Ryan Reynolds. Lengthy earlier than he was enjoying Deadpool, he was all the time principally Deadpool. He was an motion hero within the making who couldn’t assist himself from improvising and cracking smart on set, ad-libbing in his personal jokes. Reynolds could receives a commission the large bucks to do exactly that lately, however it was one thing Snipes supposedly couldn’t take. Phrase is, he would solely come to set for his closeups for scenes with Ryan, leaving him to movie all the pieces else by himself or with a stand-in. Channing Tatum and Emma Watson (c) FayesVision/WENN Each stars made appearances in Seth Rogen‘s star-studded apocalypse comedy This Is The Finish — however their cameos initially overlapped! In the direction of the tip of the movie, Channing Tatum seems in a gimp masks because the intercourse toy of Danny McBride. Apparently Emma Watson was purported to be in that scene, too. However she regarded round at what was occurring, and it was simply an excessive amount of. In fact, a lot of the wild debauchery was within the script — however in keeping with an additional, Channing breakdancing in his leather-based intercourse masks made her stroll off set and name her agent. Costar James Franco just about confirmed the story later, although he graciously by no means talked about Emma by identify, telling the story to Interview journal: “This actress — I gained’t say who, however she had a smaller position within the movie — walked off the film in the course of a scene. What was happening round her was, I assume, too excessive for her…And she or he mentioned, ‘Yeah, I’ve obtained to depart.’” We perceive saying no to that sort of a scene once you’ve obtained a squeaky clear Hermione picture you wish to defend — however why conform to a script with an enormous satan penis and an impaled Michael Cera (separate scenes, LOLz!) within the first place?? Helen Hunt And Invoice Paxton (c) Common Footage/YouTube This one you’d by no means be capable of inform by the film — as a result of it technically wasn’t within the film. Tornado was one of many first trendy catastrophe films and nonetheless one of many largest hits. And on the middle of the 1996 flick was a His Woman Friday-style love story about two divorced meteorologists performed splendidly by Helen Hunt and Invoice Paxton. However issues on set didn’t have fairly so pleased an ending. Rumors flew on the time the celebs didn’t get alongside behind the scenes — which couldn’t have been helped by the actual fact Hunt hated taking pictures the film altogether. Years later she described the “nightmare” to Huffington Put up, saying: “They didn’t paint within the hail with the pc. They made a hail machine and dropped large balls of ice on us. I imply, it was loopy… That they had firehoses pointed at us, and also you couldn’t hear something, which isn’t the most secure approach to make a film, so I used to be actually pleased to make it by means of in a single piece.” We’re unsure how Invoice Paxton made it worse, however the two apparently did NOT get alongside. However Helen Hunt has been an actress since she was a baby, and she or he was an expert and did her job… till they determined to make a trip. The Tornado… Trip It Out trip was a mainstay at Common Studios in Orlando for 17 years. When you rode, you most likely bear in mind the filmed bits earlier than the trip started, wherein Helen and Invoice warned you concerning the energy of wind — solely they didn’t do it collectively. Yep, the celebs acknowledge each other on completely different TV screens, and this wasn’t finished to utilize the area. (c) Common Studios/YouTube No, the celebs reportedly wouldn’t even movie the temporary scripted interplay collectively and needed to be shot individually. [Picture by way of Warner Bros./WENN.] Source link
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infinitypool · 7 years
Letting go of something, some place or even someone that you thought you had loved can be one of the hardest things in the world. Realizing that you are lost in a brand new world of your very own can be even harder. There are so many things that can overtake us, dreams of fortune, relationships; with every second bleeding out consequent thoughts and assumptions, philosophical questions that are almost extraneous to our own paths and yet still perplex us and our time with paradox, excitement; a feeling which gives us proof of purchase in a foreign and distant type of rebellion, there is boredom ; a quiet tempestuous void, without a continuance and still representing a feeling that epitomizes the phrase "in between" and lastly the definition of life, a way of a path, a bridge to an end, a solution to a constant and a shimmering light in lieu of an overly apparent darkness. ------------------- We would always meet up at "Saint Frick " in between east and west Greenwich. The reservoir was pretty much a beacon of our progression as time went on. It was there before the 7-eleven, the St. Andrew's baked goods fiasco and was rehabilitated about a month right after Ricky ate out Clarisse out on my fucking roof.... So yeah it holds a lot of history I guess... our history. Ricky was the type of person who you would love to hate with a passion; Don't get me wrong he was good company, good laughs, good times on Saturday nights, but he honestly had no sense of respect at times. He was attractive enough to be considered a somewhat tolerable asshole, so when you got down to the gist of it, he was a prick, a likable prick nonetheless. Claire, from my previous mention of her, you could probably guess is my next topic of discussion, ironically she wasn't anyone's sole girlfriend, she was everyone's girlfriend. It wasn't because she was considered the typical "loose" floozy or whatever you would call her but because she didn't have a care in the world. That was pretty much her only flaw, she didn't care enough about anything, so she did everything and well actually every body, for a bit. A stranger of which me and my father would soon see her dancing on the entrance after driving up there for maintenance issues. I think it was something wrong with the filter gutter, wild moss? Or just leaves I don't really remember. Though one of the first things that i do remember about her was the song she was playing that day. Aidan looked up toward the sky. “What is she doing?” What was she doing? he asked himself... and how many times had she done this before? better question.. "How the fuck did she get up here?" Aidan said to the group. He stood next to Alexandra, Rick, Sarah and his father, Victor; All of their gazes were unified at this sudden intrusion. She was an odd spirit, dancing so calmly on top of the mismatched half refurbished planks. What is she doing up there? "Dancing...." said Aidan's father "What?" "She's dancing." Victor said, shocked "More like teasing really... "Aidan said. Victor laughed "YASSSSS"  Truman screamed. "SLAY! QUEEN" Sarah chimed in. "She's kind of hot" ... Rick uttered I thought she looked interesting, not in Ricky's sense but she was pretty I guess—though Ricky would've fucked a brick to be honest. "That's debatable..." Aidan remarked as he eyed her hips and peeked a look at her ass. Aidan's Father, Victor stood still and in a daze almost... "On a fucking Monday ..." he said to himself.... Hmph... Aidan looked over at Alexandra. "What do you make of all this?" She looked through her glasses.. "I'm a little more concerned about the integrity of the roof.." Alexandra said   "SHIT" Victor yelled as he quickly burst into a run to the pool shed. "DEBORAH! He yelled again. "WHERES THE LADDER" "Oh Come-On," Aidan looked back up at the girl. "She's not even in any fucking danger..,." "Watch your mouth, " scolded Victor as he hustled away. Aidan looked back to the girl and sighed in remorse. "She got up there for Christ's sake, I don't think she's going to fall." This girl baffled him. "The amount of effort"... he thought in his head. "I kind of admire her for it to be honest" he muttered "For what?" Sarah said "Her spunk," Aidan said, still looking in awe. Truman smiled. "She is definitely high off of something." Sarah said "Hmph.." Rick grunted in amusement. "And it definitively aint weed"..... he said "Nope" ... "Ecstasy?" Truman suggested . "A rave drug without the rave." "Hmph" Rick muttered . " She's been up there for like an hour, that's a fucking rave." Sarah said. The whole gang looked intensely at each of sway of her hips, her feet balancing and readjusting fluidly and in a motion they had never really seen or even understood if they had even. " She actually got up there," Aidan said as he looked on... She was moving with aimless passion of all sorts, everyone kind of stayed still for another moment and just was there for the sight of her. The skylight glistened around the roof through some of the fresh palms behind the entrance. "That's something in its self." he said astonished. "You don't even know if she's sober." Alexandra said "Well could you have gotten up there if you were drunk?" Aidan remarked "Good point" Aidan looked up at her intensely, perplexed and curious thoughts about, " .........Fuck It " Aidan reached for the nearest branch jutting out of the side of the old sycamore tree beside the main entrance. "What are you doing?" said Rick "I've been inspired, Rick." Aidan said to him as he started to ascend This was unlike him. Sarah thought. "By what Mr. Mcdaniel?" Sarah said in spite. "Her" he responded ,yelling as he grunted with the fling of his wrist to the next branch. "Oh, well that's fucking cute. "Sarah said to herself. "You know ... some could say she's his Rapunzel in this instance." Truman said as she chuckled. I had never truly understood why the first couple of scratches you get from climbing hurt so much, Aidan thought, after the third or fourth scratch you just slowly stop caring all together, or maybe you just lose a sense of pain, after all your already half way up, you kind of feel like you owe it to yourself really, and that's why you fight through it. Its an odd sense of adrenaline. "Ladies and gentleman"  Aidan Grylls in the premier of NIGGAS VS WILD !" Truman yelled as he sarcastically clapped. "Truman!" Aidan yelled below. "What?" Truman replied "When's the last time you sucked a dick?" Aidan said as he smirked while grabbing another branch. "Tuesday! I thought you would have remembered me and the moment we shared ! " Truman yelled back from below. Aidan laughed as he reached for another branch now about halfway up the old sycamore, the sound of the girl's boom box was more of a motivation for him to reach forward again and again. "Don't be an idiot!" yelled Rick. It's a little too late for that. Aidan thought to himself. Alexandra sighed to herself. "Determination is a such a puissant resource for the blissfully courageous," She said to herself, distressingly as she watched. "You mean blissfully ignorant" Rick interrupted "Do you even know what puissant means?" Alexandra waited for a senseless response. Rick thought for a moment, paused, "Means precise right ? ......" he asked. Aidan's grunting was echoing in the distance as Rick took a moment to look at Alexandra, this short haired little Spanish girl with a Hiroshima sun tattoo on her back peaking out from beneath her bra strap .He saw this intelligent girl spectacularly in tune with everything and yet still at a distance from any standard definition of human emotion, she glared back at him, looking at him for longer than he looked at her, through him almost, without a care in the world through her faded & scratched maroon glasses. He bit his lip, thinking about any possible miserable definition for puissant, and looked back at Aidan. Alexandra smirked. “It was a latin word, and even though her pronunciation of it was actually wrong, she would have never told him this.” She opened her phone and checked her messages, reading some text, then paused for a moment to think again. Aidan had reached a very decent height and a small realization hit her, she sighed and then quickly raised her head up high, closed her eyes and yelled. "IT RAINED LAST NIGHT YOU FUCK WATCH WHAT YOU REACH FOR " Aidan braced for it just as the words reached his ears, "Shit". his foot had slipped off one of the moistened branches Everyone watching flinched at the sight of the blunder, all except Alexandra. Aidan was now hanging from a branch by one hand precariously as he glanced back down to the sneering ground below.... He could see Alexandra smiling as she waved up at him with a smug look of self-appropriation. "GET THAT FUCKING SMILE OFF YOUR FACE, YOU'RE FUCKING ME UP! " He yelled. Her intelligence was more like a constant truth really, annoyingly so. She was always so imp-endingly right and why it would always be right before he would try to fly so close to the sun he would never know. It would always feel so sidesplittingly ironic how much she was right, He had come to love and hate that about her and he would always remember that about her, Aidan thought to himself as he held the base of the tree trunk before shimmying onto one of the branches. He jumped from the biggest branch to the ledge of the entrance,  barely making it. His hands grasped the top of the gutter, hanging dangerously high from the top of the entrance roof as he slowly tried to raise his legs from beneath the gutter. The music from the speakers vibrated through the tiles of the roof. One elbow after another he pulled himself up. His face was red and plump with effort as he gained a footing on the roofs red tiles; he bent over as regained his breath. "I'll be damned" Rick said impressed Aidan rose from his quick and tired state to stand up on the roof. He let his arms drop as he felt the falls dry breeze beneath them as he regained a better sense of where he was, he raised his head to the clear maroon sky and let go of the fear of falling for a second to catch his breath. The palm leaves looked quaint dancing in the sunlight from the top of the entrance. In fact the entire facility looked amazing, Aidan could see the path to the hayfield in between the pool shed's back gate, his father running back from the tool shed, Alexandra's mother Vivian watching from outside of the Shake shack, and even the pool, looked invariably grandiose from up there and he probably would've tried jumping in it if it were closer to the entrance. Everything went slow for a moment; He couldn't hear anything, the wind, the oceans far distant echo , Sarah cursing at Truman for making jokes about his apparent demise, Victor yelling at him to get down from the roof, everything was silent. All he could hear was Claire's music. He loved her all together in that moment in time despite the absurdity of the moment, he would never forget exactly how in the flying fuck he got up there on that windy day in March in the first place. "So this is why people climb mountains .... and all other types of extravagance and shit," he thought as he looked at the scenery.  It's serene...." Aidan started to bob his head to the beat as he looked around his view, he was star-struck by the beauty of the moment, in fact, this was the first thing he had climbed in his life... and to think he didn't even climb shit since his freshman year.... "Holy Fuck" Aidan said mind-blown at this sudden surrealism. Claire turned around at him and looked at Aidan disturbed, the song had ended. "What? "She said Aidan had completely forgot about Claire in that moment and quickly turned around ... they both looked back at each other. "What did you say?" Claire said confusedly. Aidan was at a loss of words.... This was the first time he had heard her talk, then it hit him. "Wait, why are you looking at me, like I'm the wild one? he said " You're the one on our roof"  he gestured at her "like seriously?" he said. He looked back down at the gang below, then looked back at Claire. The entire gang looked back up at him blankly. "How do you think its going?" Truman questioned. "I don't know, this isn't like him, at all, well at least not to this degree" Sarah said to herself. "DON'T FUCK UP YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION WITH RAPUNZEL." Rick yelled. "Oh fuck you Rick" Aidan whispered as he eyed him below. Her face was blank as she stared at him. Why am I even up here? he thought to himself, surprised. Claire, still looking at Aidan, laughed and smiled. The next song started to play, breaking the silence and just like that she was dancing again. Aidan turned around to look at this weird, clearly insane woman sensually moving without a care in the world one more time. He had thought it was love at first, but it clearly wasn't that type of affection, it was much less serious than that, it was more like sheer amazement, an amazement he couldn't even pinpoint, a sense of unpredictability" he thought. He sobered up and looked back at Claire, crazy fucking Claire. What is she on ...  he thought to himself ... Aidan snapped back to his senses.. he cleared his throat "Ok?....so uhm you're going to have get dow---." the tile beneath his foot broke before Aidan could finish his sentence, and of course he fell into the pack of panda lilies in front of the entrance.
0 notes
infinitypool · 7 years
Authors note. —————————————— Letting go of something, some place or even someone that you thought you had loved can be one of the hardest things in the world. Realizing that you are lost in a brand new world of your very own can be even harder. There are so many things that can overtake us, dreams of fortune, relationships; with every second bleeding out consequent thoughts and assumptions, philosophical questions that are almost extraneous to our own paths and yet still perplex us and our time with paradox, excitement; a feeling which gives us proof of purchase in a foreign and distant type of rebellion, there is boredom ; a quiet tempestuous void, without a continuance and still representing a feeling that epitomizes the phrase “in between” and lastly the definition of life, a way of a path, a bridge to an end, a solution to a constant and a shimmering light in lieu of an overly apparent darkness. ——————- Chapter 1 - Efflux We would always meet up at “Saint Frick ” in between east and west Greenwich. The reservoir was pretty much a beacon of our progression as time went on. It was there before the 7-eleven, the St. Andrew’s baked goods fiasco and was rehabilitated about a month right after Ricky ate out Clarisse out on my fucking roof…. So yeah it holds a lot of history I guess… our history. Ricky was the type of person who you would love to hate with a passion; Don’t get me wrong he was good company, good laughs, good times on Saturday nights, but he honestly had no sense of respect at times. He was attractive enough to be considered a somewhat tolerable asshole, so when you got down to the gist of it, he was a prick, a likable prick nonetheless. Claire, from my previous mention of her, you could probably guess is my next topic of discussion, ironically she wasn’t anyone’s sole girlfriend, she was everyone’s girlfriend. It wasn’t because she was considered the typical “loose” floozy or whatever you would call her but because she didn’t have a care in the world. That was pretty much her only flaw, she didn’t care enough about anything, so she did everything and well actually every body, for a bit. A stranger to which me and my father would soon see dancing on the entrance after driving up there for maintenance issues. I think it was something wrong with the filter gutter, wild moss? Or just leaves I don’t really remember. Though one of the things that i do remember about that day was her song, and the leaves. Aidan looked up toward the sky. “What is she doing?” What was she doing? he asked himself… and how many times had she done this before? better question.. “How the fuck did she get up here?” Aidan said to the group. He stood next to Alexandra, Rick, Sarah and his father, Victor; All of their gazes were unified at this sudden intrusion. She was an odd spirit, dancing so calmly on top of the mismatched half refurbished planks. What is she doing up there? “Dancing….” said Aidan’s father “What?” “She’s dancing.” Victor said, shocked “More like teasing really… "Aidan said. Victor laughed "YASSSSS”  Truman screamed. “SLAY! QUEEN” Sarah chimed in. “She’s kind of hot” … Rick uttered I thought she looked interesting, not in Ricky’s sense but she was pretty I guess—though Ricky would’ve fucked a brick to be honest. “That’s debatable…” Aidan remarked as he eyed her hips and peeked a look at her ass. Aidan’s Father, Victor stood still and in a daze almost… “On a fucking Monday …” he said to himself…. Hmph… Aidan looked over at Alexandra. “What do you make of all this?” She looked through her glasses.. “I’m a little more concerned about the integrity of the roof..” Alexandra said   “SHIT” Victor yelled as he quickly burst into a run to the pool shed. “DEBORAH! He yelled again. "WHERES THE LADDER” “Oh Come-On,” Aidan looked back up at the girl. “She’s not even in any fucking danger..,.” “Watch your mouth, ” scolded Victor as he hustled away. Aidan looked back to the girl and sighed in remorse. “She got up there for Christ’s sake, I don’t think she’s going to fall.” This girl baffled him. “The amount of effort”… he thought in his head. “I kind of admire her for it to be honest” he muttered “For what?” Sarah said “Her spunk,” Aidan said, still looking in awe. Truman smiled. “She is definitely high off of something.” Sarah said “Hmph..” Rick grunted in amusement. “And it definitively aint weed”….. he said “Nope” … “Ecstasy?” Truman suggested . “A rave drug without the rave.” “Hmph” Rick muttered . “ She’s been up there for like an hour, that’s a fucking rave.” Sarah said. The whole gang looked intensely at each of sway of her hips, her feet balancing and readjusting fluidly and in a motion they had never really seen or even understood if they had even. “ She actually got up there,” Aidan said as he looked on… She was moving with aimless passion of all sorts, everyone kind of stayed still for another moment and just was there for the sight of her. The skylight glistened around the roof through some of the fresh palms behind the entrance. “That’s something in its self.” he said astonished. “You don’t even know if she’s sober.” Alexandra said “Well could you have gotten up there if you were drunk?” Aidan remarked “Good point” Aidan looked up at her intensely, perplexed and curious thoughts about, “ ………Fuck It ” Aidan reached for the nearest branch jutting out of the side of the old sycamore tree beside the main entrance. “What are you doing?” said Rick “I’ve been inspired, Rick.” Aidan said to him as he started to ascend This was unlike him. Sarah thought. “By what Mr. Mcdaniel?” Sarah said in spite. “Her” he responded ,yelling as he grunted with the fling of his wrist to the next branch. “Oh, well that’s fucking cute. "Sarah said to herself. "You know … some could say she’s his Rapunzel in this instance.” Truman said as she chuckled. I had never truly understood why the first couple of scratches you get from climbing hurt so much, Aidan thought, after the third or fourth scratch you just slowly stop caring all together, or maybe you just lose a sense of pain, after all your already half way up, you kind of feel like you owe it to yourself really, and that’s why you fight through it. Its an odd sense of adrenaline. “Ladies and gentleman”  Aidan Grylls in the premier of NIGGAS VS WILD !“ Truman yelled as he sarcastically clapped. "Truman!” Aidan yelled below. “What?” Truman replied “When’s the last time you sucked a dick?” Aidan said as he smirked while grabbing another branch. “Tuesday! I thought you would have remembered me and the moment we shared ! ” Truman yelled back from below. Aidan laughed as he reached for another branch now about halfway up the old sycamore, the sound of the girl’s boom box was more of a motivation for him to reach forward again and again. “Don’t be an idiot!” yelled Rick. It’s a little too late for that. Aidan thought to himself. Alexandra sighed to herself. “Determination is a such a puissant resource for the blissfully courageous,” She said to herself, distressingly as she watched. “You mean blissfully ignorant” Rick interrupted “Do you even know what puissant means?” Alexandra waited for a senseless response. Rick thought for a moment, paused, “Means precise right ? ……” he asked. Aidan’s grunting was echoing in the distance as Rick took a moment to look at Alexandra, this short haired little Spanish girl with a Hiroshima sun tattoo on her back peaking out from beneath her bra strap .He saw this intelligent girl spectacularly in tune with everything and yet still at a distance from any standard definition of human emotion, she glared back at him, looking at him for longer than he looked at her, through him almost, without a care in the world through her faded & scratched maroon glasses. He bit his lip, thinking about any possible miserable definition for puissant, and looked back at Aidan. Alexandra smirked. “It was a latin word, and even though her pronunciation of it was actually wrong, she would have never told him this.” She opened her phone and checked her messages, reading some text, then paused for a moment to think again. Aidan had reached a very decent height and a small realization hit her, she sighed and then quickly raised her head up high, closed her eyes and yelled. “IT RAINED LAST NIGHT YOU FUCK WATCH WHAT YOU REACH FOR ” Aidan braced for it just as the words reached his ears, “Shit”. his foot had slipped off one of the moistened branches Everyone watching flinched at the sight of the blunder, all except Alexandra. Aidan was now hanging from a branch by one hand precariously as he glanced back down to the sneering ground below…. He could see Alexandra smiling as she waved up at him with a smug look of self-appropriation. “GET THAT FUCKING SMILE OFF YOUR FACE, YOU’RE FUCKING ME UP! ” He yelled. Her intelligence was more like a constant truth really, annoyingly so. She was always so imp-endingly right and why it would always be right before he would try to fly so close to the sun he would never know. It would always feel so sidesplittingly ironic how much she was right, He had come to love and hate that about her and he would always remember that about her, Aidan thought to himself as he held the base of the tree trunk before shimmying onto one of the branches. He jumped from the biggest branch to the ledge of the entrance,  barely making it. His hands grasped the top of the gutter, hanging dangerously high from the top of the entrance roof as he slowly tried to raise his legs from beneath the gutter. The music from the speakers vibrated through the tiles of the roof. One elbow after another he pulled himself up. His face was red and plump with effort as he gained a footing on the roofs red tiles; he bent over as regained his breath. “I’ll be damned” Rick said impressed Aidan rose from his quick and tired state to stand up on the roof. He let his arms drop as he felt the falls dry breeze beneath them as he regained a better sense of where he was, he raised his head to the clear maroon sky and let go of the fear of falling for a second to catch his breath. The palm leaves looked quaint dancing in the sunlight from the top of the entrance. In fact the entire facility looked amazing, Aidan could see the path to the hayfield in between the pool shed’s back gate, his father running back from the tool shed, Alexandra’s mother Vivian watching from outside of the Shake shack, and even the pool, looked invariably grandiose from up there and he probably would’ve tried jumping in it if it were closer to the entrance. Everything went slow for a moment; He couldn’t hear anything, the wind, the oceans far distant echo , Sarah cursing at Truman for making jokes about his apparent demise, Victor yelling at him to get down from the roof, everything was silent. All he could hear was Claire’s music. He loved her all together in that moment in time despite the absurdity of the moment, he would never forget exactly how in the flying fuck he got up there on that windy day in March in the first place. “So this is why people climb mountains …. and all other types of extravagance and shit,” he thought as he looked at the scenery.  It’s serene….“ Aidan started to bob his head to the beat as he looked around his view, he was star-struck by the beauty of the moment, in fact, this was the first thing he had climbed in his life… and to think he didn’t even climb shit since his freshman year…. "Holy Fuck” Aidan said mind-blown at this sudden surrealism. Claire turned around at him and looked at Aidan disturbed, the song had ended. “What? "She said Aidan had completely forgot about Claire in that moment and quickly turned around … they both looked back at each other. "What did you say?” Claire said confusedly. Aidan was at a loss of words…. This was the first time he had heard her talk, then it hit him. “Wait, why are you looking at me, like I’m the wild one? he said ” You’re the one on our roof"  he gestured at her “like seriously?” he said. He looked back down at the gang below, then looked back at Claire. The entire gang looked back up at him blankly. “How do you think its going?” Truman questioned. “I don’t know, this isn’t like him, at all, well at least not to this degree” Sarah said to herself. “DON’T FUCK UP YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION WITH RAPUNZEL.” Rick yelled. “Oh fuck you Rick” Aidan whispered as he eyed him below. Her face was blank as she stared at him. Why am I even up here? he thought to himself, surprised. Claire, still looking at Aidan, laughed and smiled. The next song started to play, breaking the silence and just like that she was dancing again. Aidan turned around to look at this weird, clearly insane woman sensually moving without a care in the world one more time. He had thought it was love at first, but it clearly wasn’t that type of affection, it was much less serious than that, it was more like sheer amazement, an amazement he couldn’t even pinpoint, a sense of unpredictability" he thought. He sobered up and looked back at Claire, crazy fucking Claire. What is she on …  he thought to himself … Aidan snapped back to his senses.. he cleared his throat “Ok?….so uhm you’re going to have get dow—.” the tile beneath him broke before he could finish his sentence, and of course he fell into the pack of panda lilies in front of the entrance.
0 notes