#give chunk kissies for me!!!!
inkykeiji · 2 years
hi clari !! just wanted to hopefully brighten your day a little with a pic of my sweet baby <3 she's super cuddly n super talkative and her name is Chunk
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oh my GOSH she’s so beautiful!!!!!! oh i love her markings sooooo much 🥺🥺🥺 chunk!!!!!!!!! that is so fucking adorable please i am MELTING over here <333 thank you so much for sharing this with me, it really did make me smile and make my day better <3
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chaosheadspace · 30 days
You KNOW I’m gonna request 21 with Dreamling for the kissy prompts 🥺
Hello @five-and-dimes, thank you for sending in an ask! Here you go.
At first, Dream does not really notice.
After all, he has so much to do when he finally escapes, and Hob is a welcome distraction, a haven where he shores when his duty and the voices of others become too much, too heavy. Hob is safety, Hob is respite, Hob is a breath after surfacing after diving.
Hob helps him acclimatise again, makes humanity palatable in a thousand tiny morsels. Where Dream still feels cold glass, still tastes stale air, still sees painted stars, Hob slowly but surely replaces one hundred years of solitude with little flickers of colour.
Hob feeds him, just a few bites, of every meal he eats in Dream's presence. At first, Dream is hesitant, but he owes Hob, owes him for his loyalty, and a little food cannot harm him, can it? And Dream is surprised, the first time, how hungry his body is. Not for the offered sustenance, no, but for the care with which Hob offers a forkful of his dinner.
Hob's other offerings are easier to accept.
Soft blankets, clothes, even a black plushie called, according to Hob, mothman. He wraps Dream in warm softness, encloses him in the promise of a barrier between him and the recent past.
Television, which Hob is very enthusiastic about. Shows, films, video games. It runs human emotion through Dream on an infinitesimal scale, one at a time, easy, distinct. He tastes laughter again, fear, sorrow, lust, even allows himself to dip his toes into his sister Despair’s realm, but only briefly. The emotion does not have to be his, when he is watching. It is not overwhelming. He can feel it, and let it go. It leaves him exhausted but better, small chunks of himself puzzled into the cracks the past put there.
But Hob does not touch him, not really.
He offers hugs, and cuddles, and readily lets Dream treat him as part of the sofa, putting his feet or his head or his whole self into Hob's lap. But, Dream realises, he has never really felt Hob's touch. A squeeze on his coat-clad shoulder, at most.
It puzzles him, because Hob readily offers and gives touch to other people close to him, Dream has had time to observe. Tight hugs, claps on the back, ruffled hair, clasped hands in earnest conversation, Hob always reaches for people.
But not for Dream.
He recalls countless situations where Hob changed his mind, though. Tentatively lifted his hand, just to take it away again, uncharacteristically shy. If it is shyness at all.
And so it happens that in the middle of the game show they are supposed to be watching, Dream takes one of Hob's hands, startling him.
Hob turns his head, puzzled, trying to jerk his hand away. Dream does not let him. “Wha—”
“Why do you not touch me?” Dream asks softly. He loosens his hold on Hob's hand, turns it over in his grip and gently smooths his index finger over Hob's palm.
Hob releases a trembling breath. “Dream—”
“Please,” Dream says, even quieter, not looking Hob in the eye. Instead, he watches Hob's fingers curl slightly in the flickering light from the TV, trails the mounds of Hob's fingers from index to pinkie.
Hob switches off the TV sound.
“My hands aren't pretty,” he finally says. “They're not soft. They're warrior’s hands, craftsman’s hands, and I thought—” he swallows. “I thought you've had enough roughness in your life for once.”
Dream smiles, just a little. “Tell me,” he says, taking Hob's hand in both of his, “have you not been gentle with me?”
He raises it, cradled, moon white on sun-kissed. “Will these hands not protect me?”
He places a kiss on the knuckle of Hob's thumb, and Hob takes a sharp breath.
“These hands have fed me,” Dream continues, touching his lips to the pad of Hob's index finger. “They have clothed me, garbed me in blankets to ward off the cold.”
Dream's mouth slowly continues its way, feeling out the shape of Hob's calluses and scars, breathing the words into the space between Hob's fingers.
“Your hands will not harm me,” Dream says, carefully placing Hob's hand palm first against his own cheek, “and neither will you.”
A hitching breath, almost like a sob, and then Hob reaches for him with his other hand, drawing Dream in by the back of his head, twining his fingers into Dream's hair. And Dream goes gladly, leans forward into Hob's warmth, follows the call of Hob's lips with his own, tasting care and love and fierceness all for himself.
Send me a kissy prompt or read the other ones here
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gietterbug · 1 month
Spy x Family Code: White - Highlights
*This post contains spoilers. Scroll away if you still need to watch the movie. **Reposted because it didn't show in the tags.
Since the movie is out and has been circulating on the internet, I would like to talk one thing or two about it. I'm overjoyed about the release and have watched the movie numerous times. So here are some highlighted scenes, or at least the ones that have become my favorites and lingered in my mind for way too long.
First off, this scene. It's just a small gesture of Loid because apparently he's worried about Yor's mouth due to the "irritating" lipstick she's wearing.
But tell me, what kind of man would give a woman such a pleasant little gift if he did NOT love her. It's not like, "You're nothing to me. Here's a new lipstick for you!"
Loid is not going to declare "I LOVE YOU" explicitly; the hell is he going to, but we have eyes, and we see. Your small gesture and little gift say everything I need to hear, and I won't take your for the mission excuse anymore, Loid Forger.
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I'm fully aware that the "Yor getting jealous" trope is becoming redundant nowadays. Some people say they're overdoing it and no longer find it interesting to talk about. But I beg to differ. I'm still on the Yor's jealousy bandwagon because it's become a crucial element in her and Loid's relationship. Yor does not necessarily have the right to get jealous and upset about the idea that there is someone else in Loid's heart. Heck, I dare say she can't pull out the "wifey" card because we know it's all fake.
But that's not that.
For me, to say that Yor is jealous there might be another woman in Loid's life is an understatement. It's not to say she is being greedy, but she does want Loid, and only him, not just because she's technically his wife—her genuine feelings for him are growing, and we can see that. She does not want to lose him, let alone to be out of the picture. It's Yor being true to herself. It's Yor fighting for her love and affection for Loid.
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Yor's heart is already shaken at the possibility of Loid cheating. And HE does not help by throwing such flattery and complimentary comments about his wife. This dense man…
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I liked what Anya did in this scene.
Afraid of her family falling apart, she tried everything she could to prevent that, and that is... through her parents' flirting 😏
She's still a little kiddo, but being the telepath that she is, she still wants her family to stay intact. Anya pushing Loid and Yor together to have some kissy-kissy time never gets old, to be honest. I always enjoy it every time she does that. Anya recollecting what Becky said about divorce and the "supposedly" bloodbath also added some comedic sense to the scene.
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This has got to be my #1 favorite.
The only physical intimacy in this scene is just Loid putting his hand on top of Yor's. Nothing more. Okay, we may have moved past that episode where LoidTwilight pulled a honeytrap on Yor, AND we can't dismiss the fact that maybe, there's a definite chance that he just used her.
But this time, he is determined to keep Yor around for real. He even restated his granade proposal to stick with each other—basically their wedding vows—and had no intention to break that promise. What's this smell? It's a whiff of peak romance.
This scene made me feel warm and fuzzy.
What came to my mind when I was watching this scene was that although Twilight is the best and most renowned spy there is, he's still lacking some things. One of them is, for sure, parenting, which we saw from the earlier episodes of the series, he picked it up from books.
Yor always plays along with Anya to keep her entertained, and it's also one of her ways of parenting that some people may have dismissed. Yor arguably does better in this field than Twilight from her own experiences, the big chunks of which were from when she raised little Yuri. This should eliminate the questionable discourse of Yor "unfitting" for the mother role.
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This scene got extended to when Yor told Loid that it was a family trip, that Anya was looking forward to this trip, and that they all should go together.
This may be the last for now: the Forgers walking hand in hand at the end.
I couldn't imagine the hardships this family went through throughout this movie. (Ok, I know some were absurd, but let's move past them for the sake of this post.) Despite being a fake family, they still came as one and worked hard together to put things back in their place and resolve all the problems. Like... they didn't have to do that; their family is a pretend. But they did. They're complete, and it's so beautiful to see ❤
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citruslullabies · 6 months
Trigger warnings: blood, gore, death, that whole shabang. ‼️PLEASE DO NOT ACTUALLY INTERACT IF YOU FIND THESE THINGS DISTURBING‼️
Romantic/platonic?: not really either, could be taken either way
Requested by: me! Because I forced an idea out of @bumblehoneybee
Category: HEAVY. ANGST.
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 704
Give a Dog a Bone
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It all came down at once, with the four of you being ambushed and separated and Dogday being recaptured while the side of Poppy’s face shattered and who knows what happened to Kissy.
But he was so worried about what happened to you, last he saw you were knocked unconscious as he was being dragged away by force. He tried so desperately to get back to you but everything went black. Now here he was, restrained again like some poster and an example of heretics again. His wrists felt the familiar sting of belts, ones that were tighter than his previous ones were.
He still had his legs, but they lost feeling in them from being held up so high. He may as well not have them at this rate, the stitches slowly becoming undone anyway. His mind raced but the only thing on his mind was you, his angel. The canine wanted nothing more than to make sure you were okay and safe, but he couldn't do that restrained.
Heavy footsteps approached, ones that made the ground shake and Dogday growl. Those familiar steps used to horrify him but now they just infuriated him, his head hung low until he looked up at the feline with a chunk of his ear missing from the ambush. The only hit Dogday had managed to land. But his fury morphed into confusion when he saw something in Catnap’s mouth, something alive and still thrashing around. He glared at the feline as he approached.
Catnap's heavy paws came to a stop In Front of Dogday, hanging his head low and dropping whatever he had in his mouth to the floor. And to Dogday’s absolute horror; it was you. A bloody mess in tears. “Angel…?” He managed to choke out, trying to break from his restraints. You looked like a wreck, your left leg twisted in an unnatural way as the skin on your arms and chest was sliced open.
He wanted to save you like you had saved him before, cradle you and wipe the snot and tears off your face. But he couldn't, and that ate him from the inside out.
“D.. Dogday?” You choked out, trying to crawl towards him as you sobbed pitifully. The pain being all too much for you, you were down like a fighting dog in a ring. You gave it your all to survive and still you're wounded and down on your luck. Dogday wanted to respond, but a paw lifted his chin up and forced him to look at the disgusting feline Infront of him. He growled but Catnap stopped him before he could speak. He let out a heavy sigh, red gas barely escaping so Dogday can stay wide awake for this.
The feline slowly leaned in, holding the dog's head still so he could look him in the eyes. A leader being taken down once more after getting back up, the feeling was satisfying. “Look what you made me do, heretic.” He hissed out before forcing Dogday to look back at you.
Catnap lifted one large foot up, and Dogday’s eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen. “CATNAP, NO PLEASE!” He pleaded, trying to squirm away so he couldn't see. This had to be a nightmare, but he watched as Catnap’s foot came down agonizingly fast and the sound of your yells and your bones crunching. The canine could only stare, trembling as Catnap put more weight down which released the sigh of your organs and your blood spilling. Crushed like some bug.
He started sobbing. Shaking and violently sobbing as he was too frozen to try and fight his restraints anymore, his chest moving up and down in a ragged motion as he felt the oxygen leave his lungs. he watched Catnap move his foot off of you, blood and strings of your hair sticking to the bottom and he wanted to vomit at the sight of your unrecognizable body. Completely crushed and destroyed, Catnap lifting one of your broken ribs up and wedged it into Dogday’s mouth despite Dogday trying to squirm his head away.
Knick knack, patty wack. Give a dog a bone. Poor angel won't be going home.
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Aggressively plays Shoots and Ladders by Korn
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missmyluv · 1 year
bonnet stealer (`_´)ゞ
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💐 : synopsis | miles steals ur bonnet n think shit sweet .
warnings | cursing !!
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your face twists in all typa ways when your silk purple bonnet isn’t in the bathroom— hence the last place you left it. you checked inside of the shower and underneath the sink, still no show of your precious bonnet.
you sigh, stress painting itself on your body as you walk inside of your bedroom looking on the top of your desk, slamming the drawers shut as to see it not being there either. you were already tired n this shit wasn’t helping either.
checking underneath the covers of your bed and the nightstand you groaned in frustration laying down on your comfy bed, the only place you could think of checking was your boyfriend’s house.
you grabbed your phone from the stand searching for his contact and face-timing him.
you migrated from your bedroom to the bathroom to finish your self care routine. it dialed for a few seconds before you were met with the ceiling, you rolled your eyes and set your phone up on the stand in your bathroom for times like this.
“where’s my boy at?” you asked, wetting your face then applying night cream
“hollup mami.” you can hear him light smacking on the other line with sounds of scraping of a plate. your piercing stress wells down a little when he spoke, a clear small smile rises with a laugh. you wait for him, moving to your room and setting up your phone to apply cocoa butter on your body.
the phone shifts onto his pillow, seeing his full face. you weren’t looking at him- but when you did irritation took over your features.
“i know damn well that ain’t my bonnet, miles.” your arms were crossed under your chest as you stare blankly at the screen, his bonnet was in fact on his newly braided hair. he chuckles at you and eats another chunk of his food.
“this shit comfy as fuck too.” he teases, laughing again at your expression. “ain’t shit funny!” you grab your phone and slip on your crocs, putting on your (his) jacket walking out of the house to his.
“we fightin’ when i get there.” you flash your middle finger at him and continue walking. “alright ma, see you there.” he laughs, making kissy noises on the phone and hanging up.
you made it to his house and unlock the door with a key mama rio gave you, taking your shoes off at the door and barging into his room with him already standing in front of the door with a smirk on his face.
he looks you up and down, tugging at the jacket. “n’ you got my jacket on. guess we even, huh?”
“no we not! you gave me this, i ain’t give you my bonnet.” you step forward to reach onto his head and grab it, but he takes a step backwards. “nigga go buy your own shiiittt.” you said, irritated. he was fully capable of buying his own shit and he steals yours??
he grabs your forearm picking you up and throwing you on his bed, taking your bonnet off and tossing it to you. you roll eyes and mutter a ‘finally.’ putting it over your almost-ruined hair.
“you happy now, hermosa?” he lays on your chest with the same color bonnet on his head. “what’s the point of stealin’ my bonnet if you got your own?” you questioned, flicking his forehead.
“i jus’ wanted you to come over.”
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
Etho got bit not terribly long ago. He successfully convinced Pause and Beef to go on without him. The bite take a while to make someone undead, like, it has to kill you first and then it'll bring you back, so Etho's been getting weaker and slower and sicker over a few days now and he knows that it'd be detrimental to his friends survival if they stuck together until Etho but the dust. twice. So with a tearful goodbye he watched his friends continue on to their ultimate destination.
Problem being, Etho hasn't turned yet. He's miserable sick and missing a chunk of memory which makes him think that he's now a zombie, but he's not mindless or hungrier than usual or violent or anything. So what gives? Another thing, the infected pass him by. A few come over and sniff at him, some even including him in their daytime huddle piles. (He's pretty sure they do that to protect their eyes? They all crowd together and shove their faces at one another to cover their eyes, so. That's Etho's theory.)
So the infected don't mind him, awesome! that'll make travel so much easier! But! He can't really stand anymore. He has trouble breathing and moving in the day and it's even worse at night. He doesn't know how to make it better but he's sticking by a river so he at least has water.
He hears engines and laughter, he must be finally dying. (He's not)
It's Scar! Scar on a 4-wheeler electric solar powered wheelchair that looks more like an off road go kart than a mobility aid. The things decked out and to top it all off Scar's got a shotty that don't miss.
Scar finds him, introduces himself kindly, and then almost kills him because Etho looks dead as hell and can't really articulate words of any sort. Scar sees him, sick and immobile and in a great deal of pain, and thinks "ah yes, I shall take it with me" so he gets Etho up and wrapped in a sleeping bag and curled up sideways on his lap.
The journey starts slow, with Etho doing just. Terribly. The movement of riding on the chair makes him queasy and he's awkward talking to Scar when he has the energy to do so. Over time Etho gets a little better, being able to rest easy with the promise of protection helps him out a lot. He's sleeping a lot, which means Scar can go fast through the woods and down abandoned roads.
Etho gets strong enough to walk alongside Scar, though they both prefer to just cuddle the whole time to uh, "make faster progress". But he's doing good, and scars really nice, and it turns out that they're heading to the same place that Etho was originally, so the odds of running I to his friends are high.
Then they start smoochin, gods the first time they did that Etho nearly went into cardiac arrest. He got actually ill because he was feeling so many feelings that his body didn't know what to do, they both laughed about it, and scar gave him lots of kissies to get him used to it.
By the time they make it to the safe zone Etho can race scar through the woods on foot and is proficient at kissing, much to the surprise of a delighted pause and beef, who thought he was dead for sure.
Sorry it's so long, I got 'carrie'd (hah) away
Etho still isn't sure what he is, or what this means for him. It feels like he went through the whole zombie process, yet... He's fairly sure he isn't a zombie. But he's not necessarily sure if he's unturned, either.
The zombies still don't bother him, which makes supply runs a whole lot easier. Even sitting on Scar means they don't get much more than a few curious zombies sniffing at them. He takes advantage of it to go out of supply runs as often as he can. He wants to make sure he's earning his place in this safe zone.
All four of them decided not to tell anybody about Etho being bitten. It's safest, they don't know how people will react and- they won't let Etho get hurt. They can't.
Scar promises that if they need to be, they'll be out of that compound. They'll make their own safe area, together. Scar promise.
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brandogenius · 7 months
As you can probably tell, especially since you went through their tiktok account, Jo is very unhinged. (The infected toe comment still has me in shambled cuz what made them say that😭)
Soooooo, I have this Idea that Jo, before y'all got together, was a huge flirt whether or not it was verbal or physical
Jo coming up from behind and giving you a back hug, head on shoulder and acting so nonchalant even though they KNOW that you're flustered
You doing Jo's makeup (cuz why not) and they're purposely keeping eye contact, making kissy faces, and going "you're so cute when your concentrated." (FORBID her from asking you to do their makeup on their lap I BEG we need you ALIVE)
Y'all are the friends that banter a lot and sometimes it ends up with Jo tickling you (That video of her tickling katies foot is priceless)
Just clips and moment of them before they got together, said clips going around on tiktok and people making edits cuz atp it's obvious that there's something there.
Especially if you went with them on tour and did little vlogs of things that went on throughout the day, and in a good chunk of videos Jo is there just being a menace.
i am loving this content!!!
i literally have nothing else to add to this it’s perfect 😭😭😭
i want to tattoo this in my head if i could 😭😭😭 your brain i love it am ugh YES
I definitely wanna start writing a fic with jo it’d be so fun and new to write!!
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shukakumoodboard · 9 months
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anon i hope you are able to find this because you asked my original blog and i’m trying to stealthily migrate so my irls can't find me dkgjhfkjl
answers below the cut <3
would you like some fandomy thoughts?
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s) [which ofc im answering for gaalee]
the discord i'm in for it is the highlight of my day and forms approximately 65% of my social life! who knew you could hyperfixate on some gay ninjas and as a result, end up visiting people irl and getting christmas cards and making incredible friends all over the world? pretty sure i have standing invites to homes in at least 3 different countries rn. incredible
fic quality is fuckin'. superior. and i'm not saying that because i write, i'm saying that as a reader. it's a smallish fandom and yet there's folks who can write full-length novels like @sagemoderocklee and @the-moss-project, people who can write every possible trope and au greyson's georg @ghoste-catte and @urieskooki and so many others i couldn't list them all. it's beyond obvious that the authors who write the gaalees are SO passionate about them. writers i lov you evryday
seguing from that into art!?!? pleas i have a dragon hoard of fanart only for my fics and there's over 100 pieces. A HUNDRED ARE TIOYU GIKISDINDIGME. giving u all a kissy rn. also the way i can get on discord and get immediately smacked in the face with bespoke paneenis liike every day help. gheelpp don't look at me. i will save my money and commission every one of u if its the last htign i do
2. a headcanon you weren’t sure about at first but have come to like!
oho! ready for this one? i was initially not super on board with hairy!lee. what was i on actually. me, a Wrong, and now i will purposefully include it in every fic as a sign of penance for my sins
3. answered!
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
those who know me know that i strictly see leesaku as a brOTP, like those dudes are buddies to me. but that being said, i think leesaku as a romantic pairing is far healthier for sakura than her canon partner. lee is capable of so much love and forgiveness and they do parallel each other so much as the like... "underdog"/non-gifted member of their respective teams. she deserves love and support and understanding and lee would be genuinely ideal for it.
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
sunans (and team gai) being multilingual. oml one of my fave headcanons. you cannot tell me these different countries with different isolated villages are all casually speaking the same language when in big chunks of nart they didn't even like. get along properly. i loooove the concept of a shinobi common tongue and regional languages. further on that same thing, given team gai is pretty chinese-coded, i think it makes sense that they'd also be speaking another langauge, whether taught by gai or just because of their own independent histories or whatever. @sagemoderocklee has some truly stunning worldbuilding and it where i got my love for this hc from <3
6. something you see in art a lot and love
ok joking aside i refuse to believe gaara made it past like 5'3" that man did not sleep for his whole adolescence. conversely lee was probably on the Optimum Macros and that healthy eating would 100% contribute to maximum height gains etc. that man deserves to be 6 feet tall, that's my opinion and im right
thank you so much for the opportunity to gush about my blorbos <3
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crystalelemental · 4 months
Kitties update. Interactions and Coco's Braveries.
Let's start with individual celebrations. Gia is no longer running from us as immediately, and is willingly receiving pets with her meals. She's still less affectionate than Coco, but she's never mean, just not as engaged. She's our independent daughter.
Coco, meanwhile, is getting so close to a Category 5 Lap Event.
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We brought out a step for Bond, because he's old and can't make it to the couch. Coco has decided this is her perch, although if my wife isn't on the couch, Coco will sometimes come up to the far side of it with me. Please note: Coco on her perch would not look at me, because cat mother was playing video games and she has front row seats.
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When I'm not on the couch, she will steal my spot. Every time. We're getting to the point I can pet her on the couch, but only if I'm standing. If I get to close while sitting she doesn't seem to love that, but we are getting better about it. Moreover, I was able to give her a Coco Kissie today. It was on her back when she wasn't looking at me, because she gets scared if my face gets too close. She startled at first and made to run, but then realized she wasn't being eaten and came back. She seems to be a bit calmer about me getting close now, and is getting very direct about seeking attention. She tried to jump the baby gate one day, and is getting close to the bedroom when I wake up. I was also able to coax her out from under the guest bed, which is absolutely huge. We'll get her to that vet appointment yet.
Now, we're still acclimating Bond and the gremlins. It's very slow going and I don't think it's quite perfect, but it's improving.
While we're home, we leave the baby gate down and monitor them. This is, in part, because Bond had to have some teeth extracted. He's old, they knew he had a cracked tooth, but apparently it got infected. They told us that during surgery, two of his teeth just fell out on their own once the first was taken. So apparently, some of his harder to read behaviors may have been because his entire face hurt. Hard to say how long he was like that, but we seem to have caught it before infection could spread all that far. Crisis averted.
Anyway, while hopped up on painkillers, he was as zonked as you would imagine, which meant he wouldn't be aggressive toward them because he barely registers that they're there. This went okay. He'd wander around, completely oblivious, and Coco would kinda stay away and hiss a bit. She does not like him very much, but she's at least not hostile. She'll run if he gets too close. And being younger, she and Gia can jump around to the window alcove, where he can't reach. Which is good.
The problem right now is that it seems Bond is food aggressive. I assume this is because he isn't getting as much food as he was before, in part because he is super chunk and needs to lose a bit of weight, but also in part because he seems to think all people food is his food and I don't play that game. So if he sees the other two eating anything, he will growl at minimum, and charged Gia about it, so Gia's actually scared of him. He did get scolded though, and I like to think the other two recognized we're keeping them safe too.
The only reason this creates a problem is that right now, Bond is coming out of his stupor and is hungry, but he can't eat easily. So he sees their food and wants to go for it, but that's not his. We'll set out the same food for him in a separate bowl in a separate spot, but he won't eat his, he goes after theirs. It's difficult to get him to differentiate. Also difficult to get him not to be a bastard. The girls eat intermittently for a few hours after being fed, and we want them to have that, but if we let him out in the living room to sit with us, he'll get aggressive about seeing them eat. We could feed them in a separate spot, but the house is small and I can't think of a great space for it. Also I feel like eventually we need to figure out a way for them to get along, even with food present, so I'm not sure how to introduce all that.
Still, the fact they're tolerating each other from a distance is a good start. We're using the guest room to mingle scent, giving Bond access some days and the girls access other days, as a sort of "common area." I'm thinking this might be where we feed them when we go into work, so it's an associated location that alternates. We did have a toy exchange. Coco liked Bond's plush banana, and he liked a little jingle toy. Neither was the other's favorite, but it is coated in their scent, so again, we're hoping the exchange works.
Slow but steady progress. We're not quite at unsupervised mingling, and Coco does not yet trust me enough to be placed in my lap, but we're close.
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bronzed-hope · 8 months
Pokemon list!
Pokemon on my main team
SharkBait the Dewott! He is... very rash, very combative, and speaks his mind openly... not sure he likes me all that much haha- He does like me, he was just grumpy about the name situation at the time! Now has a scar on his chest from a Raticate's Super Fang attack. I really want to punch that Neo Team Plasma grunt in the face.
Cannon the Magmar!! A MAGBY!! =D Sorry, still excited! Bold, very adventurous and has gotten himself knocked out... a few times because of it ha. He's getting better and better as we go! He's getting really close to evolving! I can feel it! And we're both excited!! =D HE EVOLVED!!!!!!!
Needle the Nidoking. Seemed docile at first, but now I'm not so sure... very jealous at everyone new joining in, to the point that I don't think he likes me giving new mons attention. He's gonna have to get over it if he want's to stay. Has a chunk missing from his ear from Winter... because he decided it would be a good idea to try and double kick her- Has chilled a bit with evolution, but is still combative with Winter.
Digimon the Porygon2! Kinda Naive, have to keep it off of Google and stuff because it keeps trying to look up things I do not want it to- a Translator! Its very nice to me other than that. Has told me that this is as far as it wants to evolve, which is fair!
Winter the Luxray. Also seemed docile at first- hm... well uh, she's very headstrong and combative with Needle, which... makes sense considering. Nice to me at least? Likes pulling pranks for some reason.
Travel buddies undercut!
My travel buddies. Floof the Flareon! He's my shiny guy!! My dads gave him to me when I was little, very gentle ^^
Flar the Quilava! Papi gave her to me! A breeding reject that the original trainer didn't want. She's very bold.
Croc the Croconaw! Dad gave him to me! Another breeding reject, he can be rather naughty at times, but he cares a lot!
Kissy the Togetic! A kid of my Papi's Togekiss and Dad's Honchkrow! She's a bit odd looking but sweet! Can be kinda timid though.
Vile the Sneasel! A kid of my Papi's Ambipom and Dad's Weavile. She's very impish, loves to steal things when I'm not looking, getting her under control is something I struggle with quite a bit... ^^;
Dolly the Mareep! My first self caught pokemon!! Pretty she's modest but loves praise ^^
Choco Heart the Jangmo-o. Got sent to me by dad, he's really sweet, likes to cuddle... think he's Jolly. I can't use him in battle here sadly, but as soon as I can find a place to do so I will!
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rhinco · 2 years
Hi!! Also not on anon but i wanna ask questions too :] uuhhgjmnmOH
Top three eliot leverage outfits ! Could be a silly hat could be a shirt. I was gonna be mean and say just one but i have found generosity and homosexuality in my heart
Comfort movie(s)
Tell me about your fav shark again :]
SECRET BONUS QUESTION: would you pat him so he does a little mrrp and a tiny stretch before carrying on sleeping⬇️
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(rambling welcome mwah mwah mwah💞💫)
1. explodes and dies. 3 is still too few /lh
okay first of all. im giving an appreciation and honorary mention to shirtless eliot and tank top eliot. however since this is favourite outfit im focusing on fashion more so they don't make the top 3
3rd place: mostly because of the half-tied up hair. but also the undone shirt and rolled up sleeves <33
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2nd place:
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this picture is so tiny sorry but umm. suit eliot. all suits but specifically this one too the dark colours <33
1st place:
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haven't even finished this episode yet but im going bonkers. he's so. o(-(
2. i don't rewatch movies that often tbh because they're so long it's so much commitment /lh but im gonna say grand budapest hotel and the scooby doo movie
3. hehehe ^-^ okay i can never decide on one fave so im going to just pick one im thinking about a lot which is the cookie cutter shark!! funky little dudes they're pretty small compared to most sharks, and their teeth grow in full sets (upper row and bottom row). so they lose their teeth in full rows at once! they don't actually kill prey but take circular chunks out of larger predators that looks like a cookie cutter mark which is how they got their name!! they're also mostly deeper sea dwellers
4. OH MY GOSH..... yes absolutely of course im giving him seven million kissies too btw
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bluiex · 2 years
:D anon totally not procrastinating on writing that fic because of burnout here with some headcanons (mostly Scarian, one Rancher)
The Rancher one first:
Tango was absolutely going to flip the server upside down when Scar burned the ranch. Seething with rage, becoming deaf to the cries of the world. They got there too little too late to put out the flames and had to watch their home crumble. It didn’t help that the others threw out suggestions that they should get their revenge on Scar, but Jimmy knew better. As much as he wanted to get back at Scar, too, going into a blind rage wouldn’t solve anything, but make matters worse. Jimmy tries to keep Tango grounded, calling out to him and pulling him back to earth. He holds onto his soulmate’s arms, suffering searing scorch marks on his palms due to the netherborn’s flames on his body. Despite this Jimmy keeps talking to him, trying to get through to him, calm him down. It works, and Tango is glad to see his soulmate safe and sound other than the burns on his hands. He feels awful, truly, and treats his wounds and builds a good chunk of their new home as an apology. Jimmy can see just how on edge and heartbroken Tango is, and just cuddles in bed with him that night, reminding them that they’re safe, and they’re going to have their revenge with time.
Now for the Scarian ones!!
Vex Scar and Allay Grian time ehehehehhe. The gentle giant predator and the feisty tiny gremlin, a complete reversal on their roles. The Vex consider Scar to be very soft-hearted and the Allay think that Grian is too unrelenting. When they meet it’s more or less an initial shock that the other is not what they’d thought would be. They fit in with each other’s natures. After getting together, it wouldn’t take long before they’re found out, but they have a chance at appealing to their enemy’s family. Scar is very nice and gentle like the Allay, and Grian is not as weak or naïve as the Vex initially thought.
(My headcanon) They don’t think about having kids in the conventional sense. They mostly adopt animals who are injured or need a home. Jellie will obviously be Scar’s lifelong companion, but the others like Pizza, the Allay, and the Jellie Pandas, and any wayward creatures who need a warm place to rest will be welcomed with open arms. Grian admires how nurturing Scar is towards animals, and treats them like his own children. Scar might have once caught a glimpse of Grian tucked away in his nest with a baby animal, and Scar’s heart just melting at the wholesome overload.
Scar’s Vex side allows him to sense strong sources of magic, see through illusions and mirages, etc. When he meets Grian, he doesn’t exactly see it right away, but he senses a lot of ominous magical energy surrounding him. As he gets to know him more and more, that illusion is chipped away and he recognizes that Grian is a Watcher. (He also notices other Watcher/Listener-aligned Hermits, too.) This happens over the course of their friendship, and he realizes it only after Third Life. He confronts Grian about it, but he’s super understanding about it, which surprises Grian, and he trusts Scar to keep this secret from the others.
Just general fluff. They need to cuddle. Playful banter. Soft kissies. Words of encouragement. Hugs. Something so sickeningly sweet that it gives someone cavities >:’( <333
(its ok im on burnout as well lmfao, take your time! no rush<3)
dslkghsalkgh I love me some soft rancher. Jimmy just calming down a seething Tango, whos just all flamey and shit. Touches and hugs him anyways
LOVE LOVE LOVE! Vex Scar being the soft one, very happy carefree lil guy. And Grian being the unhinged one lmao. So cute i love it
FUR BABIES!! Yeees they have lil fur babies all the time. Jellie being the main one-
Yeees. I personally really love that Scar, being vex, can tell and sense Grian's watcher magic. and Scar is just like hella interested in it and asks SO many questions about it
yesyesyesyes please tons of cuddles and kisses and being so sickingly sweet to one another
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howlingday · 2 years
Mama Harley Arc AU: Now that Roman and Harley are kinda buddies has she used some of her psychological skills on him to figure him out? Maybe she'll be his therapist, everyone knows the man has some issues.
If Roman Torchwick lived in Gotham, he'd either get eaten alive by Falcone or Cobblepot, or he'd survive and thrive as another supervillain for Bats to beat down.
The man was the ambitious sort. He even had doomsday weapon plans like Lex Luthor, if Lex Luthor wrote all his plans down on bar napkins. She could respect an up-and-comer in the criminal underworld.
"So, listen," Harley started, "I'm not askin ya ta give what ya doin, but you should definitely drop the lapdog routine. I've seen way too many crime lords get in too deep with legit supavillains."
Roman scoffed. "Please, Cinder isn't a supervillain!" Roman rolled his good eye. "She's just somebody looking for a little muscle and skill to get the job done."
"An how's that doin for ya?" Harley asked.
"Just fine, until Little Red showed up with her friends." Roman groused.
"Well, lemme ask you dis den," Harley leaned close, "what's stoppin' Miss Fiyaboll from roastin' Ruby?"
"She's trying to keep her cover as a student." Roman shook his head, then placed the glass to his swollen eye. "Don't know why when a teacher is better for a hag like her."
"I mean, would you think she's a student?" Harley asked.
"Maybe one about to graduate." Roman shrugged. "Still, I may not know what her plan is, but the pay is good. And if beating up students keeps me on her good side, then so be it."
"Oh, I get it now!" Roman took a drink. "Yer scaired of er, aintcha?" Roman spat his drink. "She must be really tough if ya still workin for er!"
"What?!" Roman wiped himself down. "I am not afraid of Cinder! I'm the greatest criminal mastermind in Remnant! I've never been afraid of anyone!"
And just like that, Roman upgraded from crime lord to Bat Rogue. She'd congratulate him if he cared about it. Still low ranking, though. If she were to put him on a scale of villains, she'd put him above Penguin, but just under Riddler.
"I'm Roman Torchwick, dammit!" He stood up, shouting. The alcohol was getting to him. "I'll lie, cheat, steal, and do what ever it takes to survive!"
"Even roll ova like a little doggie?" Roman snapped a look at her. "Aw, does Romie have a leash for him to go for walkies?" His face was flush with anger. "Does Cinda give her Romie-Womie kissy-wissies?"
"I GOT YER KISSY-WISSY RIGHT HE-!" Harley gut-punched Roman, and he threw up before he could swing his punch.
The bartender grimaced as he watched his counter get covered in bile and half-digested chunks. Other patrons started moving away from the oozing filth. Harley patted Roman's back.
"Send the bill ta Cinda Foll." Harley said with a smile, and helped Roman out back to his hideout.
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palimpsessed · 2 years
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I wasn’t going to do this today, and yet here we are. Thanks for the tags @bloodiedpixie @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @confused-bi-queer @bookish-bogwitch @basiltonbutliketheherb
I haven’t written this weekend because my brain was melting so I just focused on art instead. But I did post a new chapter of SAE yesterday so I’ll give you a chunk of that. Some new characters make a cameo...
“The god of love,” I tell her.
“His soul energy is chaotic and oppressive. I can understand why he needs our help.”
“He’s like a raging fire.”
I snort. “That seems about right.”
“According to the philosophers,” Virginia starts, as she always does, and I can physically feel Filippa groaning behind me. “Love, especially passionate, romantic love, is like an inferno of the heart.”
“Of course it is. Simon’s blade is made of fire.”
Virginia fixes me with a look, nodding thoughtfully. “Well, there you have it.”
I don’t think Simon carrying a flaming sword is evidence that the sophists Virginia was quoting are correct. I think it’s evidence they’re charlatans and make profound sounding declarations about irrefutable truths everyone already knows.
Which is exactly how prophecy works.
No art tease today because I’m very close to being done (or am done?? 🤔 ) and I need to save something for the big reveal on Simon’s birthday. But I can say I’m very happy with how it’s turning out. I’ve also started planning out my next one for the awtwb anniversary. It’s a lot less angsty and lot more kissy.
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Spamton Neo succeeds in breaking free
Spamton: HEY       EVERY        ! GUESS [What]?
Spamton: I KNOW [You Wanna Buy] mY [[Hyperlink Blocked]], BUT [?$!@] YOU, i"M KEEPING THE [[Hyperlink Blocked]]!
Spamton: I"M TAK1NG OVER [[Hot Single]], I"M tAK1NG OVER [[Specil Deals]], THE [[$!?! the Presses]] IS MINE, AND [Everyone Else Can Leave]. YOU SEE THAT       [Planet]? I'M TAKING IT NOW!
(Shot of the ARK colony)
Spamton: IT LOOKS LIKE A [$!$!]ing WALNUT!
(The front explodes, revealing Spamton's face with the Eclipse Cannon as his nose.)
(The Eclipse Cannon charges up.)
(The cannon fires a superlaser, which zips across the sky while Spamton makes laser noises with his mouth.)
A random Addison: Oh my god it missed!
(The laser blasts a chunk out of the moon.)
Spamton: [$@!$] YOU, MOON, YOU NEVER HAD THE [[ProcessdDairyProduct]] I WANTED!
Addison: Oh. Well, that wasn't very nice.
Addison: I-I think that's gonna have some kind of effect on the tides or something.
(A timer begins counting down from 24 hours)
Spamton: I HoPE Y4U'RE READY TO [[Died]], IT"S GONNA BE LIKE [Mew Mew Kissy Cutie] GET THE [@$@!] OUT!
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supernova-151 · 3 years
if i told you guys i spent the whole night writing apigp and i forgot to go to sleep and i’m going now and i have to be out all afternoon so i’ll probably be a zombie but if i if if if i told you i wrote a good chunk of chapter 8 and i might publish this week would you like send me to superhell or would you give me a big kissy on the forehead be honest <3
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