#give lena a chance to do the supergirl thing
natalievoncatte · 1 year
Something, some instinct, told Lena that she wasn’t alone. She wanted to blame it on the whisky, but it was better to check. She grabbed the gun from its hiding place beneath a pillow, where she kept it in case of an intruder.
She wasn’t sure why she did that now; she was, in theory, safe from her greatest enemy. After all, Lena had murdered him in cold blood. She’d killed her own brother for a monstrous lie, and while there was little to mourn -the man he was died years ago by his own hand- it hurt. It hurt so much that the pain squeezed out of every pore, until she awoke in the depths of the night thinking the hot stains on her cheeks might have been from crying blood.
The one person she had truly trusted, respected, revered-
-was a lie, an illusion. At least Lex had, at one point, been real.
Lena scouted her apartment. It didn’t occur her to check the balcony until she was about to go to bed. She was on the thirty-sixth floor. No one could get up here.
Kara was outside.
She hasn’t landed; she was hanging in the air with her cape lazily swirling against her legs as she hung in the nighttime breeze. She was far enough away that Lena couldn’t get a read on her.
“What do you want?”
She drifted closer, in that unnerving way she had.
Lena sighed, and waved a dismissive hand.
“Go away, Supergirl. I’m not in the mood for another speech.”
Lena turned back inside, but stopped when she felt the soft gust of wind. Kara was a few feet away from the balcony now, arms wrapped tightly around herself.
She hated how things had changed when Kara told her. She no longer saw Supergirl, just Kara in a costume. It was impossible not to see her, and yet for three long years she’d done just that. Blinded herself. Refused to see the bitter truth. All she’d ever wanted was a real friend
who respected and admired
(and loved and cherished)
her and with whom she could share those feelings, and she’d really thought Kara was it. She was the best friend
(the one)
that Andrea and Jack could never have been. She believed that so deeply.
(she doesn’t want me the way I want her)
“I’m not here to give you a speech.”
Lena looked up sharply.
“Then what? Here to stop me? Foil my evil plans? I’m a villain now, remember.”
Kara’s face turned hard. “Don’t lie to me.”
Lena barked out a bitter laugh, feeling that need rise inside her, that anger. She had lost everything. The love of her mother, the protection of her brother. No matter how wealthy she was, she could never have those back. There was no price for what Lena wanted.
“How dare you say those words to me,” Lena hissed. “You’re the biggest liar I’ve ever met. Everything you’ve ever said to me is a lie.’
“That’s not true.”
“You told me you’d always protect me. Who’ll protect me from you?”
Kara looked away, shuddering as she breathed, or silently sobbing. Lena smiled a thin smile, glad to twist the knife.
(stop it stop it stop it stop hurting her)
“Something happened to me tonight.”
“I don’t care.”
“A fifth-dimensional being came to me and offered to let me change the past. I could change whatever I wanted.”
“I don’t see any changes,” said Lena.
Kara shook her head. “His gifts were all poison. Every time I tried to fix what happened, it turned out wrong. I tried and tried and tried until I realized what was happening.”
“Which is?”
“I was supposed to learn that I can’t just push past my mistakes. I have to own them and accept the consequences. There’s no magic wand that can fix us.”
“There is no us, Kara. We weren’t meant to be.”
“How can you say that?”
Kara drifted closer, sank down so they were face to face with the balcony railing between them.
“How can you say that?”
“It’s obvious. Whatever this was, it wasn’t meant to be. We’re just too different.”
Kara shook her head.
“When I think of all the things that had to happen in order for me to be here right now, it boggles my mind,” said Kara. “Two species from two different galaxies evolved so close together. Just the chances of that happening are incredibly small, and…
“And then my people had to find this world, and Kal-El’s parents had to choose it for their son. This world, this world specifically, and then I had to get stuck in the phantom zone on my way here. All of those things and a billion others all had to happen in perfect, crystalline order just for me to walk into that office and see you.”
Lena has gone still, listening. Kara looked at her so intently, so reverently, that Lena felt something strain inside her, stretch against itself to the point of breaking. It took all her many years of carefully honed composure to keep herself still.
“Every moment I had with you was a gift. Every single one. There are times when… there are times when I think that if I could somehow have saved Krypton, I don’t know if I could, because it would mean losing you. I don’t know if that’s a choice I could make and I don’t know what that means.”
“That’s lovely,” Lena said, trying and brutally failing to keep her voice from cracking, “but it doesn’t change anything.”
Kara let out a soft, choked sound.
“I know that. I know I ruined everything and I can’t fix it. I just needed to say this because it needed to be said. I’m not here to ask you to forgive me. I’m here to ask you to forgive yourself.”
“Oh, please.”
“I can’t stop you.”
Lena blinked. “What?”
“I can’t stop you. I can’t fight you. I know that now. It doesn’t matter what you do, I won’t ever hurt you again. I don’t want to confront what that means.”
“That’s rich, considering that the last time we had one of these chats, your sister pointed an orbital fusion canon at my head.”
“If she’d fired that thing,” said Kara, “there would be no more satellite, and no more DEO. I would shatter the foundations and pull down the walls. I would rain destruction on whoever hurt you. I’ve seen what happens to me when something happens to you. I never want to see it again.”
Lena leaned on the railing. “Go away.”
“What you have planned, you need to stop. I can’t stop you, and if I can’t, no one can. Please, Lena. I’m begging you, don’t do this. Don’t become someone you’ll hate just to hurt me. I’m not worth it.”
“Not everything is about you, Supergirl.”
“Please. Don’t take away everyone’s choice. I know what that’s like.”
Kara nodded, and in the moonlight, her tears sparkled on her skin. “On Krypton, we were assigned to guilds as children. We had arranged marriages. Everything about our lives was planned from birth. Here, people have so much choice. Yes, they make mistakes, but people choose life and art and love. You can’t take that away over me.”
“It’s too late,” Lena said, her voice cracking, finally. “I’m doing it and if you won’t stand in my way, it’ll be done.”
Kara took a deep breath.
“Okay. I guess I should go.”
Lena rocked back.
“What? No. I’m going through with the plan.”
“I know. I won’t fight you.”
Kara turned, about to rocket off into the sky.
“You can’t just leave!” Lena screamed, her voice ragged from liquor and tears.
Kara stopped.
“You’re supposed to fight me. You’re supposed to yell at me and tell me the truth, that you knew I was a monster all along, that you were just staying close to me to watch me, to get to Lex. You’re supposed to fight me! You’re supposed to fight me!”
Lena let out an incoherent scream and balled her hands into fists, meaning to slam them on the balcony, but they struck the implacable flesh of Kara’s chest. Powerful arms gathered around Lena, sheltering her from the nighttime chill and the voiceless judgment of distant stars.
“I won’t ever hurt you again,” Kara murmured. “I promise. If you’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you for what I’ve done.”
“Why?” Lena whimpered. “Why won’t you just fight back?”
“Because you’re just like me. We’ve both lost so much. We both don’t want to see anyone else die.”
Lena should have shoved her away, demanded to be set free, screamed, protested, shoved. Instead her arms wound around Kara, drawn as if by gravity, and Kara’s gentle fingers began to stroke through her hair, her warm breath on the crown of Lena’s head.
“Come back to our life, Lena. To our friends. Come home.”
“I killed my big brother.”
“I know. I failed you both. I’m Supergirl. I’m supposed to find another way, a perfect solution.”
“I had to. He’d never have let you live if he knew how I f…”
Lena caught herself as the last moment.
It was Kara who sobbed now, her entire body shuddering. So much power with so much tenderness, her vast crushing strength kept at bay as she held Lena like one of the most precious of treasures.
“In one of the timelines that Mxy showed me, you… you told me how you felt as you were dying. I saw you die so many times, I can’t do it again.”
Lena tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry.
“I didn’t get to tell you before you died. I was scared. I never thought you’d want me like I want you.”
Lena went stock still, feeling Kara’s shuddering breath against her as she held her own. She couldn’t look up, afraid that if she did, this would be a cruel nightmare and she’d jolt awake in an empty bed and a penthouse full of bitter memories.
“Kara,” Lena began, finally. “Kara, what are you saying? What do you mean?”
“It’s so hard to say,” Kara sighed, and then, almost to herself, “even if I don’t have much left to lose.”
“Say it.”
“I love you.”
Lena’s heart soared, and a harsh sob exploded out of her. She’d dreamed of those words, longed for them, needed to hear them. So many times, Lena had almost let herself believe it.
“I want this to be real,” said Lena. “I just don’t know if I can forgive you, Kara. It hurt so much.”
“Can we try?” said Kara. “Can we give it a chance? Can you give me a chance?”
Lena finally looked up, and when she saw those tear-stained blue eyes filled in equal measure with terror and hope, she knew.
“Yes,” she said, simply.
Lena looked behind her, and was suddenly full of revulsion and regret. She hated this place.
“Can you take me back to your loft?”
Kara lifted her easily into a bridal carry and into the sky.
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thornedrose44 · 1 year
20 for supercorp please?
Prompt: “Are you already dating someone new?”
“Supergirl!” The reporter yelled, pulling the hero’s attention away from greeting the crowd after stopping a getaway car. “Are you already dating someone new?”
Kara frowned, eyebrows shooting up in surprise, “Am I… what?”
And that was all the opening the reporter needed, Kara had engaged and was locked in.
“You were seen out on the town with Diana Prince only last week, the two of you were engaged in a close conversation.”
“That… I… we… uh…” Kara stammered, her blush the irrefutable proof the reporter needed.
“And then last night you were seen with James Olsen on a date clearly set up by Superman.”
“What? Superman had nothing to do with it. When I dated James I did it all by myself. But we’re not-“
“Dated? You’ve had a previous relationship? Exes rekindling the romance? Diana Prince merely used to rouse jealousy in your once lover? Who knew Supergirl was such a heartbreaker?”
“That was a lot of questions and none of them point to the truth.” Kara huffed.
“So James was just another in a long line, hmm?”
“I didn’t say that-“
“Who will Supergirl date next? Her identity and libido now revealed and free to conquer the city,” The reporter turned to fully face the camera, completely ignoring Kara’s outrage in the background as he pointed down the lens, “maybe it could be you?”
“Watch out, everyone! Supergirl’s raging libido is on the loose!” Nia called out as Kara landed on the Tower’s balcony looking awfully put out - bottom lip stuck out petulantly.
“Eww, please don’t talk about my sister’s libido.” Alex grimaced, glancing up from the monitor she was studying with Kelly. Esme was spending the day with J’onn, giving the parents a chance to catch up on some odd tasks at the Tower before going on a date. Lena and Brainy were fiddling with some tech components on a workbench in the corner of the room.
“Sorry, Alex but the whole city is talking about it, who knows who will be next?” Nia singsonged, looking far too pleased with herself.
“I shouldn’t have engaged…” Kara groaned, banging her head lightly against a wall.
“Yup!” Nia agreed, “But you did! Cat Grant is furious!”
“Ugh…” Kara slouched, sinking to the floor.
“Nia, I think she’s suffered enough.” Lena said, approaching quietly.
Nia pouted, patting Kara’s shoulder amicably before skipping away, her and Brainy departing together to go on their regular lunch date.
“How are you holding up, heartbreaker?” Lena teased, holding out a hand to help Kara up.
“Not you too.” Kara whined, accepting the hand offered her merely to link their hands together - palms brushing and fingers interlocking - using her own abilities to hover back onto her feet. “You know this is all your fault, right?”
Lena quirked an eyebrow, “How do you figure that?”
“No smoke without fire.” Kara replied confidently, swinging their joined hands back and forth. “I have an aura.”
Lena’s gaze narrowed as she repeated slowly, “An aura?”
“Yep.” Kara popped the word, smile growing into a grin. “A happily dating aura.”
Lena smirked, “Are you sure it’s not a recently fu-“
“NOPE! Nuh uh!” Alex shouted, fingers swiftly plugging ears. “Not listening! Kelly let’s go!”
Kelly shook her head in fond amusement of her wife, “Bye guys!”
Alex bolted for the exit, Kelly following more sedately behind.
“You did that on purpose.” Kara accused.
Lena placed a hand over her chest in mock offence. “Not everything can be my fault.” She followed this up with a shrug, “Admittedly I definitely did that on purpose and will gladly take accountability for Supergirl’s raging libido.”
Kara rolled her eyes, tugging Lena closer and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You know there’s no substance to the rumours, right? I only have eyes for you.” Kara reassured, gently checking in. This thing between them was still new, still finding its feet and Kara wanted to keep it safe and sheltered for as long as possible.
“I know, my love.” Lena affirmed, hand reaching out to comb through Kara’s hair. “It’s gossip mongering, I’ve suffered my fair share.”
“I don’t like adding to it.” Kara pouted, leaning into Lena’s tender care.
“You add so much more joy and love to counterbalance it. I knew what I was getting into dating Supergirl.”
“I can handle your raging libido, my love.”
“That’s going to stick isn’t it?”
“Afraid so; Cat has said it is to be your punishment.” Lena explained with a light chuckle. “She trained you to know better than to engage.”
“I know…” Kara grumbled, leaning forward to rest her forehead on Lena’s shoulder.
“I have a suggestion of how to get back in her good graces…”
“Oh?” Kara hummed, turning her head to gently kiss Lena’s neck.
“We offer her the bigger story to share.” Lena offered, voice quiet and shy.
Kara slowly pulled back, brow furrowed, “Bigger story?”
Lena nodded, “Well, I hope a Super and Luthor relationship would be bigger than your libido but who knows?”
Kara blinked, “You want to go public?”
“Only if you want to. And I view it less as going public and more as…” Lena hesitated, “setting the record straight.”
“I didn’t think the dating rumours bothered you?”
“They don’t.” Lena said. “It’s the lack of rumours that bothers me.”
“The lack?”
“I spent so long thinking that there was never going to be more between us, that our relationship was always destined to be platonic - which I was more than happy with but…” Lena looked away, cheeks tinting with embarrassment, “seeing how I am always the best friend in the news… It reminds me of that time. I don’t want to be in that box anymore. I don’t want us to be.”
“Hey, we’re not.” Kara promised, pressing kisses to Lena’s cheeks which only made the light pink flush deepen to sunset red. “You were never in that box.”
“I know that now.” Lena murmured, head tilting to catch Kara’s lips in a sweet kiss.
Kara rocked back, smile dreamy and dazed, “I’ll call Cat.” Kara declared. “Let her know my raging libido has found its next and final target.”
“Final, huh?”
“Final.” Kara said sincerely.
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supercorpkid · 11 months
Ace Reporter
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader!, Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 2030
More to come!
“Miss Luthor, Miss Y/L/N is here from the Daily Planet for the interview.” You hear Lena Luthor’s assistant on the phone, and look back at your hands clenching into your purse. 
You never got nervous interviewing before. But now, you came to National City to talk to Lena Luthor and try to get something out of her brother’s latest jailbreak. You are aware that the chances of Lena actually telling you anything about Lex are pretty slim. But there’s nothing you can do about it. If they sent you all the way from Metropolis to get a quote from her, you might as well work for it.
It’s not that you’re scared of her. No, that would be absurd. Yes, her brother is a borderline maniac and even though he is just a man he is a worthy opponent for Superman himself, so his mind is both amazing and bizarre. And yes, you’ve heard all Luthors have the same brain. But you’re not scared. No. You just think you should be careful with your approach.
“You can go in, Miss Y/L/N.” Her assistant signals for you to follow her, and takes you to Lena’s office. “Please.” She gestures for you to walk inside.
“Thank you.” You nod at her while she closes the door. You look to the other side of the big, fancy office to find the person you’re looking for. “Miss Luthor.”
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N.” Lena points to the chair before her desk. And you promptly make your way there. “Haven’t heard from the Daily Planet in a while.”
“Oh, yeah.” You smile, swallowing your insecurities while you’re in front of her. The fact that she was beautiful you already knew, but holy damn, you were not prepared for this gorgeous woman in front of you. You must look like a total loser while you stare at her at a loss for words. “I bet you only hear from CatCo now.”
She smiles, agreeing. CatCo is a pain in the ass of the Daily Planet. Actually, that’s not true. CatCo is a pain in your ass. Or rather one reporter named Kara Danvers. You push your reservations against CatCo and Kara aside, coming back to what it matters.
“I’m glad you said yes to sitting down with the Daily Planet today, Miss Luthor. We’ve lost touch now that you moved to National City. But you’re always out doing interesting things.” You try to butter her up a little to see if she’ll be more inclined to give you the information. “And rebranding Luthor Corp! That’s worth publishing about.”
“Oh.” Lena furrows her brows. She looks directly at your eyes, narrowing hers, clearly confused with your approach. “If you are actually here to talk about L Corp, I’d love to chat. But,” She raises her eyebrow at you and you know exactly what is coming next. “If you're here to ask about Lex, then I’m sorry but we have nothing to talk about.”
You give her a patient smile. “I’m here to hear about you, Miss Luthor.” Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. “Of course Lex’s name might come up since you took over his company, but I don’t think there’s anything more interesting than you.”
It’s a lie, but it also isn’t. You, as a person, are super interested in Lena. The Daily Planet, however…
The interview went well. As well as it could go with Lena purposely dodging all the questions about Lex, and you trying to be sneaky enough and get a quote on something about him. In the end you got a shabby quote about how she has no idea what he’s been up to, because she has much to do to recover the company since he left it in a horrible state. 
There were far more important things to talk about, and her mind is just as amazing as his for what you could see, but you did what you could in your limited time with her.
“Well, it was great to talk to you, Miss Luthor.” You stand up, showing her your hand. Lena looks at it with a smirk before taking into hers, and shaking it strongly.
“Hope I was worth the commute.” She tries to be funny, but it comes out a little flirty. With the eyebrow raised, the raspy tone both followed by a little smirk, you have a really hard time making your brain function properly. But that’s insane, Lena Luthor wouldn’t flirt with a simple reporter such as you.
“National City has its charms.” You smile, clearly talking about something other than National City. Because, honestly, this city has got nothing on Metropolis. Maybe the Super. You love Superman, obviously, but Supergirl is just as powerful and also a snack. "I guess I can see why it was appealing to some people."
“I hope you’re sticking around longer, there is much to see here.” She adds, and you furrow your brows confused to what she might be talking about. There’s literally nothing to see in National City. 
“Really? And here I was thinking nothing could beat this view." Your mind finally catches up to your brain when you realize you've been staring at her directly while saying that. "I mean, we're so high up." You point to the windows behind her.
Lena Luthor is a professional so she obviously wouldn't laugh right at your face, but she totally could after this. Ugh.
Instead, she smiles with a little nod. She rounds the table taking you to her office door, clearly telling you it’s time for you to leave without being indelicate.
“I hope to see you around, Miss Y/L/N.”
“She has given us nothing.” You hear on the phone, and breathe deep, knowing this would be the reaction from your editor.
“She doesn’t trust me. You know how hard it is to approach Luthors, especially in a situation like this. Just let me go back to Metropolis and help Clark with the investigation about Lex.”
“Clark doesn’t need any help, and we need at least a serious quote from someone in the family. Lena is our safest bet.” You can hear him shuffling with some papers. “Clark told me his cousin works for CatCo and she’ll be happy to help. She and Lena have a good relationship you can exploit. Look for her, her name is Kara Danvers.”
“Kara Danvers.” He repeats as if you hadn’t heard him. “You can come back when you give me an actual quote I can use.” He hangs up right after.
UGH! You throw your phone in the hotel bed, pissed. Not only you have to stay in National City for God only knows how long, now you also have to work with Kara fucking Danvers? This is your worst nightmare. 
You open your laptop, looking her up on Google. It isn’t the first time you’ve done this and it probably won’t be the last. You can’t believe you have yet to read her piece that won the award. The award that was supposed to be yours. It was so close, you were sure you were going to win, then Kara swooped in at the last second and took it from you. She must be a real dick. You can’t believe she is Clark’s cousin. He’s so nice and she is… ugh. Just the worst.
You don’t want to know if her article was actually better than yours. So you close your laptop, and throw yourself back in bed, looking at the hotel walls and imagining different ways you can be passive-aggressive with Kara Danvers.
Yet, you swallow your pride and make your way to CatCo first thing in the morning. You might not want to work with Kara, but you do want to go back home, and if this is the only way, then so be it.
“Hi, I’m Y/N from the Daily Planet. I was told to look for Kara Danvers. We are going to be working together.” You give the brunette in front of you your best fake smile. Even though she looks adorable and worth much more than that.
“Oh, that’s so cool. I’m Nia Nal. Come on, I’ll take you to her desk.” You follow her, heart beating fast in anticipation, you’re about to meet the woman that took your best chance to have a better career. 
“Kara, this is Y/N from the Daily Planet.” You stop behind Nia, looking at Kara and her button up shirt and stupid cardigan. She adjusts her glasses while looking at you. You can’t believe you lost your prize to this fucking nerd.
“Hi,” She stands up, showing you her hand. “I’m Kara. It’s nice to meet you. My cousin Clark texted me you’re coming. Hopefully I’ll be able to help you.”
Yeah, right. You hold her hand, forcing a smile. “I’m sure you will.”
Nia excuses herself, and Kara shows you to a desk in front of her where you can set up your things. “So, what brings the Daily Planet to National City?”
“Lex Luthor.” Kara’s eyebrows are pinched together when she hears his name. “His latest jailbreak.”
“Oh.” She adjusts her glasses on her face one more time, then smooths her hand over her stupid cardigan. 
“You look surprised, Danvers.” You smirk, glad to know something the prize-awardee doesn’t seem to know.
“No, no.” But she clearly is still processing the information. “I’m just confused as to why you’re here. Wasn’t he in a Metropolis jail? Seems you’d get more information there.”
“Clark is looking into it.” You breathe out. “We had to look for other sources.” 
She immediately puts two and two together. “Lena.” It’s merely a whisper, but you can hear her just fine.
“She agreed to an interview, but obviously wouldn’t talk about Lex.” You raise an eyebrow at her. “With me, at least.”
"She's nothing like her brother. I thought the Daily Planet would’ve figured that out by now.” Kara crosses her arms, defensively. Looking like she won’t want to help you. Which you can’t really blame her, but still can hate her for it.
“Of course I know that.” You don’t know it for sure, but your intuition tells you so. You were only with Lena for 20 minutes, but you already know she is different from all the other Luthors. “But we have nothing on him. Even Superman is worried. I know Lena is trying to reverse her brother’s evil schemes, and moving to National City was an excellent idea, because people in Metropolis hate the Luthor name even more than they do here. But still, Danvers, if she has anything on her brother, it would help a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” Kara looks back on her phone, and you dare a glance at it. She is texting Clark. 
Kara: What's up with Y/N?
Clark: Best reporter I know. Great at finding people's secrets.
You smile at the compliment. Even Clark knows you're a better reporter than prize-awardee over here. You stop looking at her phone and focus back on her face. She gives an annoyed sigh, clearly not wanting to help, but finding it impossible to say no. 
Come on, Kara Danvers. She owes you one.
“Look, I get it. You don’t want to help. Trust me, if I could, I wouldn’t be here either. But I need a quote from Lena to leave, and God, I really want to leave.” You show her your hand. “You help me, and I get out of your hair as soon as possible.”
“I can try, but I don’t think Lena knows anything.” 
“Well, that's an easy fix, isn't it? We're reporters, we just need to find something for her to learn. What do you say, Danvers?” You show her your hand one more time. “Your name can be the first one in the byline.”
Kara rolls her eyes, but shakes your hand in agreement. This fucking nerd. You can’t believe you came all the way from Metropolis to interview a Luthor and were paired up with the only reporter you cannot stand. Honestly, when did your career get so side-tracked?
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Many many ideas ago, I had an idea I started writing but never posted, and now I have no idea where I was planning to take it, but BASICALLY.
Before Kara's confession of her identity, but after Lex tells Lena the truth, Lena is still in the processing period where she's trying to work out how she feels about it, besides the overwhelming hurt.
When she's abducted for several days, Lena's not totally concerned. Now knowing who Kara is, Lena knows she's going to be Supergirl. It's only a matter of when.
Even so, several days being bound to a chair would wear down anyone. She's been treated relatively well, all things considered, but that doesn't mean she isn't exhausted, and generally just done by the time Supergirl shows up and frees her.
Kara, of course, is beside herself with worry, and frets over Lena. Are you harmed, did they hurt you, do you need medical attention...
"I'm fine," Lena says curtly.
But Kara doesn't let up, and Lena just snaps.
"Please, Kara, just take me home."
Supergirl finally relents, and it kills Lena when her arms open to bring her close, as though flying her home were the most natural thing in the world.
Then it clicks.
Supergirl's freezes for the faintest of heartbeats, before her eyes go wide with horror. But as she opens her mouth to speak, Lena just can't.
"Please. I'm tired. I just want to go home."
Lena can see the conflict in Kara's eyes, mingling with the same heartbreak that Lena's been struggling with for months.
Because that's the true cruelty of Lex's reveal, isn't it, Lena muses.
It's not just that he revealed Kara for a fraud-- it's that he stole Kara's chance to confess it herself.
Something that could have been so precious, so intimate, gone with a snap of his fingers.
In the end, Kara silently gathers Lena up and delivers her to the balcony of Lena's apartment. Only then, once Lena is safely out of her arms and standing on her own two feet does Kara try again to speak.
"Lena, I--"
The snick of Lena's balcony door sliding shut behind her mutes whatever Kara is about to say. Lena moves towards the bathroom, ready for a long shower.
She shuts the living room lights off behind her, and doesn't give the balcony so much as a second glance.
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fyonahmacnally · 10 months
Christmas Chaos
Here's a little Supercorp drabble as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem Event. Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.” Lena says as she stares at her now dark phone in her gloved hand. Her heart is galloping inside her chest and she’s sure everyone around her can hear it. “Godamnit! Of course this happens the first year I have the chance to organize the event. Shit, shit, shit.”
She paces back and forth in front of the National City Convention Center, her eyes bouncing from the currently cloak-covered tree to the workers hanging the wreaths, lights, and bows across the front of the building. The giant “Christmas Carols in the Park” sign ripples in the slight breeze. Her mind is racing, indexing names and favors she can call in, calculating her next move. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she decides her first course of action is to start making phone calls.
Two hours later, she’s still no closer to solving her problem. Artie Anderson can kiss her ass. Secretly, she hopes that he never gets a headlining singing gig again. So what if he’s one of the up and coming stars of tomorrow, she doesn’t care how good or popular he is. He can still kiss her ass. Honestly, she hopes his pants fall down at his next show or he shits himself on stage. So what if she’s being petty. Sue her. 
Who fucking does that?! She thinks. Cancels a headlining show the day of?! That’s just bad PR, Artie whatever-the-fuck. Choke on your microphone.
Lena sighs. Now she has to call her trusty assistant. It’s the last thing she wants to do, but well, she’s run out of options. She lifts her phone up and presses send.
“LKL Event Planning, where we bring your ideas to life. This is Jess speaking. How can I help you?” 
Rolling her eyes, Lena chuckles. “Jess, you knew it was me. You didn’t have to give the whole spiel.” She huffs as she starts descending the stairs of the convention center toward Noonan’s and a cup of her favorite peppermint hot chocolate.
“Oh come on, Miss Luthor, you know how much I love to share our company greeting with everyone that calls.” Jess laughs, the amusement evident in her tone. “What can I help you with this morning?”
“Unfortunately, I have bad news. ‘Christmas Carols in the Park’ is currently looking like it’s going to be ‘Christmas Chaos in the Park’. Our headliner canceled on us a couple of hours ago. I’ve called all my other connections and, as expected, everyone is booked. I have no idea what I’m going to do. This is going to be a disaster.” Her left hand comes up to massage her temples as she opens the door to enter the warm, wonderful smelling atmosphere of Noonan’s. “We can move Macy Lynn to the headlining spot and find a lesser known singer to fill her slot, but that still doesn’t solve the current problem.”
She sighs, trying her best not to panic, but it’s not looking good. “Jess, if the event goes South, it won’t be good for future bookings. We could lose clients over this!” She takes a deep breath, pressing her hand against her chest, desperately trying to calm her racing heart. “This tree lighting ceremony is second only to the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center! We have to figure this out! I didn’t spend years building this business for some little snot-nosed, spoiled brat to ruin it by canceling at the last minute!” 
Realizing that she had gotten a little louder than she thought, Lena sheepishly ducks her head and clears her throat. The line is moving slowly, but she knows she needs to wrap up her phone call soon. Years of Luthor etiquette training forcing her to be mindful of disturbing those around her. 
“Why don’t you let me call Macy’s manager and get that taken care of while you take a minute to collect yourself? Hmmm?” Jess says, a smile evident in her tone. “I’ll call you back when everything is confirmed. Maybe by then you’ll have a solution in mind.”
“What would I do without you?” Lena smiles, resigning herself to a long day of groveling. “Thanks, Jess. I’ll talk to you later.”
Stuffing her phone in her coat pocket, she blankly stares at the menu board above the counter. She’s deeply lost in her own thoughts and doesn’t notice the blonde woman standing in front of her, eyeing her curiously. As the line inches forward, Lena’s mind is still drifting through her list of possible singers or group acts to fill the empty slot in the schedule. She’s so preoccupied that she walks right into the back of the person in front of her.
“Oh no, I am so sorry.” Lena laments, her eyes practically glued to her feet in embarrassment. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I…” Her words fade as her eyes land on the black-framed startling blue eyes of the stranger in front of her. They’re the bluest, warmest, most kind eyes she’s ever seen and for a moment, the world around her seems to stop. 
The blonde smiles at her, subtly adjusting her glasses and Lena has to bite her bottom lip to keep from gasping at the beauty before her. This woman is stunning. Infinite hues of sky blue eyes dancing above a bright shimmering smile. She’s several inches taller than Lena and from what she can tell, incredibly well-built. Before she can rein her wandering eyes back in, she realizes she’s been caught and feels the heat climb up the back of her neck, across her ears, and land firmly on her cheeks. 
An adorable giggle bubbles up the handsome stranger's throat and through her perfectly pink lips. Lena can’t help but smile and tilt her head in amusement even as her own embarrassment camps out on her face. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me and it sounds like you’re having a rough day.” Attractive stranger says as she extends her hand toward Lena. “I’m Kara. Kara Danvers. And I might be able to help you with your little dilemma.”
Intrigued, Lena raises an eyebrow in question at the gorgeous stranger. Kara, she reminds herself. “Lena Luthor. Nice to meet you.” She eyes the woman up and down briefly before settling hers back onto the pools of blue eyeing her with amusement. “Do tell how you can assist with my dilemma, Miss Danvers.”
Kara grins, an adorably lop-sided grin as she offers her elbow to Lena and drags her to stand next to her in line. “How about you let me buy you your drink of choice and we find a table to chat? It sounds like you could use a little break.” She leans over to whisper conspiratorially into Lena’s ear. “Word on the street is this place has the best sticky buns in the state. I should know, I eat one several times a week.”
Without her permission and certainly for the first time in a long time, Lena can feel herself smile. Genuinely smile. Kara winks at her as they turn back toward the cashier and step up to order their drinks along with whatever monstrosity Kara has ordered. The young person working the register smiles, blushing as Kara calls them by name, and they move to the end of the long counter to wait for their names to be called. 
Kara grabs the tray and guides them through the sea of customers to a little table tucked toward the back of the cafe. Several of the staff speak to her on their way to their seats. They settle into the chairs, the noise of the place seems more hushed in this little nook. 
“You must come here a lot. Everyone on staff seems to know you.” Lena smiles as she takes a long, savored sip of her hot chocolate. “I think every single waiter we passed called you by name.” A boisterous, belly laugh floats across the table and graces Lena’s ears. It is such a lovely sound and she absolutely wants to hear it again.
“Well, I really am in here a lot.” Kara says with a warm smile, her skin creasing next to her mesmerizing eyes. “I’m a writer. I work from home most of the time, but a change of scenery is needed on those days I get stuck. So, I spend a good bit of time right here with my laptop, a warm drink, and sticky buns.” She points to the tray on the table and pulls a sticky bun off to settle in front of her.
Lena eyes her curiously. She’s inarguably never met anyone like Kara Danvers. They’ve known each other for less than thirty minutes and Lena already feels comfortable around her. This alone should scare the absolute shit out of her, yet she feels much calmer than she did when she walked inside earlier.
“So, Miss Danvers…how is it that you think you can help me?” Lena grins, raising her signature brow in question. She glances down at her watch and winces. “As much as I am enjoying your company, I have roughly six hours to find a replacement for my event tonight.”
“Well, what if I told you that I know a singer that is available tonight. She has a pretty decent voice and doesn't need any musicians or music. She usually performs acapella and will gladly help you out.” Kara gives her a bright, wide smile before taking a sip of her large monstrous drink and biting into her second sticky bun. 
Lena tilts her head at the blonde, curious about this singer and what the catch is…there’s always a catch, right? “Well, this sounds promising. I’m willing to hear you out.” She leans forward, her forearms resting on the table and hands clasped. “However, in my experience, there’s always a catch. So, what’s the catch Miss Danvers?”
Kara smiles. She pushes her now empty plate to the side and leans forward, mirroring Lena’s position. “Please call me Kara, Miss Luthor. Every time you say Ms. Danvers, it makes me think of my adoptive mom.” She winks at the porcelain skinned woman across from her, taking another sip of her almost empty cup. “What makes you think there is a catch? Why can’t it just be a trade and not a catch?”
An unrestrained laugh springs from Lena’s chest. It’s so surprising, she nearly falls out of her chair. Once she regains her composure, she clears her throat and leans back in her seat. “Well, if I am calling you Kara, then please, call me Lena. Ms. Luthor also, unfortunately, reminds me of my adoptive mother as well. And, that’s just something I’d rather not think about.” She returns Kara’s wink. “If not a catch to your proposal, then a trade. What is your requested compensation in return for solving my dilemma?”
“Ok, hear me out.” Kara beams at Lena. “Not only am I a writer, but also a pretty decent singer. I can fill the spot you need tonight, free of charge.” She pauses, nervously adjusting her glasses and twisting her hands on the table. “If you’ll, um, goonadatewithme.” Her eyes drop to her fingers and she bites her bottom lip.
Lena’s not 100% sure she heard Kara correctly, but she does notice the adorable pink blush dusting the apples of her cheeks and it not only makes her smile, but releases a sea of butterflies into her stomach and chest. She bites her own lip, then looks up at the blonde. “I’m sorry, Kara, but I didn’t quite catch the last part of what you said. Can you repeat that for me? Maybe a little slower this time?”
Kara huffs, squirming in her seat as her face turns a darker rosy shade of pink. “I can fill the spot for your event tonight, if you’ll, um, go on a date with me.” She says with a little more confidence than she actually feels. 
On the other side of the table, Lena is slightly stunned. Sure, she thought about asking the woman out before they parted ways or at least getting her phone number, but never imagined this is how their impromptu meeting would end. She smiles at the adorable fidgeting blonde. There’s no doubt in her mind she’s going to say yes, but she can’t give in right away. Where’s the fun in that?
“And what if I am already seeing someone?” She says with a smirk on her face. Watching as blue eyes widen. “How will I be able to meet the terms of your proposal in those circumstances?”
Kara drops her head onto the table and groans. It takes a minute before she lifts her head back up, red-faced and apologetic. “Oh no, Lena. I am so sorry. I should have known someone as stunning as you would be taken. I’m such an idiot. I’ll help you out and you don’t have to worry about payment or dates or anything like that. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask you that first. I just…”
“Kara!” Lena chuckles and reaches out to stop the ongoing ramble. “Hey. I was only kidding! I’m very single and would actually be amenable to going on a date with you.”
“Really?” Kara’s blinding, toothy smile shines back at Lena from across the table. “Are you sure?” She asks, timidly.
“Yes, Kara. I’m sure. I was sure the minute I laid eyes on you.” Lena smiles, unsure how she managed to land a date with the most attractive and adorable woman she’s ever seen. 
True to her word, Kara fills the slot at the ceremony that evening and ends up being the best performance of the night. They go on their promised date right after and end the night at Kara’s loft watching cheesy Christmas movies. The two of them share their first kiss surrounded by the twinkling glow of Christmas lights before they fall asleep on Kara’s comfortable couch. Their date is the most magical evening Lena’s had in all of her adult life. 
Until the next year when Kara proposes at the tree lighting ceremony. 
Christmas Chaos, indeed.
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thatonebirdwrites · 8 months
Finally! It took me quite a bit of research to pull off this chapter. It's a pretty crucial one, where many of the threads I'm weaving all start to come together.
Life refuses to give Lena breaks. 
That’s her first thought when her magic encounters the ominous grey fog. 
Her second thought is: Dammit, not again. Memories of her mother’s death deluge her.
Her third drops her into her CEO role, and she’s on her feet after gathering up remnants of the ritual. She relays orders to Kara and Nia. Doesn’t give them much chance to respond before she’s hurrying toward the car. 
The murmur of nearby voices ride the wind around the tower, this hulking stone structure that clings to the highest part of the Cliffs of Moher. That and the crash of waves feel far too peaceful for the unsettling energy she’d felt. Each time she looks over her shoulder, the fog seems to creep closer but maybe that’s an optical illusion. Fog on the sea near sunset is unusual, though not impossible, at least the science of it.
People may get hurt if that grey fog is anything like her dreams, which is her fourth and a thousand other thoughts. Dreams shouldn’t be real, but they weren’t, were they? They were manifestations of places she’s been before, things she saw as a child, all thrown together in a disturbing dream that has frightening parallels with reality again. 
She refuses to allow anyone to die like her mother did. To do that however, she needs the damn sword, and then she’ll rip apart that fog-person and end this whole aggravating situation.
Her thoughts trickle back to the disturbing vision of her first task: 
The Morrigan steps forward and a wrinkled, sun-burnt hand extends from her sleeve. “The truth has been unveiled, young one. Three days before full moon. Then and only then, seek the forge within Sliabh an Iarainn if you and your friends wish to live.”
Yes, she very much wants them all to live. Her heart cannot take more death right now.
Kara catches up to her. “Lena?” She reaches out and grasps her hand. “What is it? What did you sense?”
The worry in Kara’s voice breaks through Lena’s increasingly stormy thoughts. She flicks her gaze behind them, but the grey fog is still far out at sea, so they have time to make it to the dolmen. “The grey fog. Something walks in it. I have to obtain my mother’s grimorie before it hits us.”
“If it helps,” Nia says behind her, her voice suddenly shy, “it’s not today that it attacks.”
“What?” Lena stops and turns to Nia with a frown. “What do you mean not today?”
“Did you have a true dream?” Kara asks. 
Nia nods. “Earlier, in the car. Saw fog in the shape of an hourglass, us holding hands as we cross a bridge, and a falling tower. The hourglass signifies that we have time but it’s slipping away. The other elements all hint that confrontation is soon, and Lena, if you find the sword…”
“I know,” Lena says, impatiently. “Don’t unsheathe—”
Nia shakes her head. “You must fight with it, but choose your opponent carefully. Because I think, no, I’m sure it’s a fight to the death.” 
To read the full story, click here.
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waytooinvested · 3 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 16
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena arrived early to the Project Atlantis briefing and was idly skimming through the notes she had made in the course of her dream research when she felt a sharp jab in her shoulder.
She looked up to find Alex scowling at her, pencil in hand preparing for another jab.
‘You told Kara that she and I should go BASE JUMPING?’
She raised her hands defensively, fending off another attack even as a laugh tried to climb up out of her throat at the look on Alex’s face.
‘It was a joke!’
Alex huffed. She didn’t jab again, but she tapped the eraser end of the pencil reprimandingly on the top of Lena’s head before collapsing down into the seat beside her.
‘Clearly Kara didn’t think so. She actually wants to do it!’
‘Seriously? She definitely wasn’t just teasing? She loved the rock climbing, but this seems another league entirely.’
‘Well apparently she’s into it, and now I’m going freaking base jumping. Thanks a lot Lulu!’
‘Sorry, sorry… though honestly it sounds like something that could be up your street. Do you not think you might enjoy it?’
‘Urgh. I don’t know. I guess it might be pretty cool. I just feel like I have enough near death experiences in my life without going looking for them.’
‘Mmm… it is interesting that Kara’s so keen though. I think it’s a promising sign after she had that flying memory in her dream, it could mean that Supergirl really is starting to come through. If Nia’s dream work can bring back more of that in a safer way than the Q-waves, everything might start falling back into place. You should have seen her when we went climbing Alex. She wasn’t using her powers, but it felt like they were right there, just waiting to come out. Much as the idea of her throwing herself off high places for fun horrifies me, it might be exactly what she needs.’
‘So what you’re saying is, you did Q-waves, Nia’s doing dreams, and now it’s my turn to suck it up and do base jumping?’
‘Pretty much. Sorry.’
‘Hmph. You are the worst.’
But the declaration was made entirely without venom, and as they slipped further into easy banter Lena wondered fleetingly if the developing dynamic between them was anything like a normal sibling relationship would have been, if she had been lucky enough to have a sister like Alex instead of a brother like Lex.
She found she actually quite liked the idea, and almost wished there had been more time to chat before the others started filing in and the meeting began in earnest.
Once they were all seated Alex took charge as usual, slipping seamlessly from grumpy-reluctant-sister to DEO Director in an instant.
‘Okay people, lets start with this week’s action items. Nia, have you had a chance to float the idea of trying out some dream work with Kara?’
‘Yeah, I’ve been working on that. Since our movie night Kara’s been getting more comfortable with the whole superhero thing, and we’ve talked a few times about it now. I told her a bit about what it was like realising I was the one with powers when we had all been so sure it would be my sister, and how confusing it can be trying to figure it out by myself. I said I wished I had someone to practise with now Maeve and I aren’t on speaking terms, and she offered to help. I’m meeting with her on Friday at her place... I didn’t manage to find a way to suggest that someone else should be there too though, so I thought maybe Alex or Lena, if you’re free that evening you could just happen to drop round to see Kara for something unrelated, then I can invite you to join? Sorry I know it’s not perfect, but I couldn’t think how to bring it up without it sounding weird.’
‘It’s fine Nia, don’t worry. I can do it – I am actually in the middle of arranging something that I should be able to line up to drop on Friday, so that’ll give me an excuse to come over.’
‘Great, thanks Lena.’
‘Is this a Project Atlantis something?’
‘No, it’s personal. It’s… Just something I thought Kara might like.’
Alex raised her eyebrows at Lena, giving her a knowing little smirk that definitely slipped back over the line from professional to teasing.
‘Alright, be mysterious about it if you want to. That works for me anyway, I’m meant to be going out with Kelly on Friday and I’d like not to have to cancel our date night. And this way you get yours too so everybody wins.’
She added this last in such a low mutter that Lena wasn’t sure whether she had been supposed to hear or not. The implication made her stomach lurch, half with embarrassment at realising that the feelings she had been trying to convince herself were just an echo of something long past were clearly visible to other people (or one other person at least), and half with excitement at what this implied about how Kara felt for her in return. Well. How Alex perceived that she felt. Maybe.
It was confusing, terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure, because Lena still wasn’t really sure what she wanted anymore, except that she kind of wanted to kick Alex under the table for stirring up this hornets nest of feelings that was absolutely NONE of her business.
Needless to say she did not kick Alex. But she did shoot off a quick text, under cover of Brainy’s recitation of the predicted outcomes for the various different dream treatment approaches he and Nia had been working on.
Lena : Were you always this much of a nightmare??
Alex: What can I say, you bring out the best in me. Plus you’re dating my sister, so that makes you fair game
Alex: uh huh
Lena: I seriously can’t believe you just said that
Alex: Someone had to
‘Alex, do we have trouble?’
Alex looked up guiltily from her phone to J’onn, who was watching her text ing with a concerned frown.
‘No, it’s fine. Just- Kara stuff. I didn’t want to put off replying in case she got worried and came to find me.’
Alex very carefully avoided looking in Lena’s direction as she slid her phone back into her pocket, but she gave her a little nudge under the table, and Lena suspected she had not heard the end of that particular conversation.
However, the rest of the meeting progressed along more usual lines, with Alex and J’onn discussing the latest threats they had been facing over the past week that could be helped by Brainy and Lena’s technical support, in the absence of Super assistance. As had become their pattern, they continued workshopping until someone pointed out that it was way past dinner time and Brainy went out in search of sustenance. Then inevitably once the distraction of food arrived conversation start ed veering away from work, until it felt almost like the old days.
Almost .
But of course there was one glaring difference that was bothering Lena more and more every time they did this, as the lines between a professional coalition and a friendship group blurred a little further.
‘This isn’t right.’
She had been talking mostly to herself, but Brainy, meticulously examining an order of wontons beside her, overheard and looked her way.
‘Did you receive rancid chicken? I knew it wasn’t logical to order from an establishment with a one star hygiene rating, but their pork lo mein is so delicious, I allowed the fact to overcome my better judgement.’
Lena put down her chopsticks and pushed the take out carton away from her.
‘Okayyy, that’s not what I was referring to, but I think I’m done eating now.’
‘That’s not how the human metabolic system works Lena. You cannot be ‘done’ eating. It is a process that requires regular repetition in order to maintain functional internal systems and stave off the continual threat of starvation.’
Nia broke in gently before he could explain any further. ‘Uhh Brainy, I don’t think that’s what she meant.’
‘Ah. So you were then simply declaring that you no longer wish to consume the remainder of your chicken due to the high risk of contamination by campylobacter or salmonella bacterium? A wise decision if your gut microbiome is insufficiently prepared for the invasion: I calculate an 18.47% chance that consumption of any one of these dishes could induce vomiting, intestinal cramping and loose stool for a period of twenty four to seventy two hours.’
Around the table everyone else dropped their chopsticks with various noises of disgust, and Brainy looked round at them in surprise.
‘I take it that the rest of you took the precaution of ingesting a dose of an immune booster to deal with any possible bacterial infections, as is standard practise when consuming of food of dubious origin?’
‘No Brainy. That is not ‘standard practise’ in this century!’
‘Sprock. Then you have my apologies.’
Brainy looked crestfallen, and despite appearing a little nauseated Nia gave his hand a reassuring squeeze while J’onn swilled water and Alex spat a half chewed mouthful as discretely as she could into a paper napkin, then turned to Lena.
‘Okay, so now we’re all done giving ourselves some fun food poisoning, what did you mean wasn’t right Lena, if not the food? Did you think of a flaw in the dream session plan that we haven’t accounted for?’
‘It’s not the dream session, it’s this.’
She gestured round the table at all of them with a now defunct chopstick.
‘Kara should be here for this.’
‘I don’t like keeping her in the dark either, but you know we can’t bring her in on Project Atlantis. You’re the one that told us that in the first place.’
‘No, I know she can’t know about the work. But what about the rest of it? Eating take out and sharing stories about our day and dealing with group food poisoning incidents. Those aren’t Project Atlantis things, they’re friend things. And Kara should be a part of that.’
Alex gave her a look that said ‘oh, you are SO dating my sister’ (or at least that’s what Lena took from it), but she thankfully refrained from under-breath-muttering this time and took the point seriously.
‘You’re right, she should be. What would you suggest?’
Before Lena could respond, Nia broke off her whispered reassurances to Brainy and spoke up.
‘We should restart Game Nights. Between Kara disappearing, and then us all being so busy trying to find a cure and keep the city running without Supergirl, it’s been ages since we last had one.’
‘It’s a great idea, but Nia, are you sure? I mean, you of all people have taken on so much already with Dreamer stepping up as National City’s primary Superhero and now working with Kara on top of your regular day job.’
‘I’m sure. Lena’s right, we’ve all been so focused on getting Supergirl back, we’ve forgotten to make time for Kara outside of that. She deserves better than that.’
They all agreed to find time soon to schedule something in, assuming Kara was on board, and then the meeting drew rapidly to a close as everyone went off in search of less potentially poisonous dinner options.
Alex hung back.
‘Hey, Lena? Would you mind staying for a minute to help me with this?’
She gestured at the scattered take out containers and dropped chopsticks, but it was clear that they were just an excuse. Alex wanted to talk about their aborted exchange from earlier.
Did Lena want to talk about it?
Of course not.
It was none of Alex’s business how she felt about Kara, and it wasn’t her place to comment when they had already clearly established that this was a working relationship only.
She did want to.
She wanted Alex to explain herself. She wanted someone who knew them both to tell her if what she thought she saw from Kara was real, or if it was all just wishful thinking. She wanted not to be alone with this, because all her instincts were tied up in knots and she didn’t trust herself to be rational about Kara on her own anymore.
Besides, who was she even trying to kid at this point? Alex was her friend, and Kara’s sister, and Lena trusted her with this.
Even if she also still kind of wanted to kick her.
‘Do you have trash bags?’
‘Right here – I have the routine down by now.’
Alex pulled out a roll of trash bags from a cupboard and handed one to Lena, then shook one out for herself before broaching the real reason they were still here.
‘So… I owe you an apology. It was way out of line for me to say that in an Atlantis meeting, especially when you’ve made it clear that it’s not my place.’
‘Why did you?’
‘I guess… it feels like things have changed since we first talked about this? Tell me to back off if you want to, but I feel like we’re not just working together anymore. At least on my side, I consider you a friend. And even if you’re an annoying one who conspires to send me freaking BASE JUMPING, I was enjoying feeling like we were just hanging out today. I suppose I got a bit carried away.’
Alex met her eyes, the layer of bravado slipping briefly to leave her looking more unsure than Lena was used to seeing her.
‘Is that… okay with you?’
Lena pretended to consider, drawing it out for the space of a few heartbeats in a small act of revenge for Alex’s earlier jibes, but conceded before the uncertainty in her expression could tip towards hurt.
‘Well. In spite of the fact that you are completely insufferable and have all the decorum of a wasp at a tea party, yes, it’s okay with me. And… I think of you as a friend too.’
She let the sweet moment between them play out for all of two seconds before adding ‘though goodness knows why after what you just pulled in there. If I hadn’t been far too professional to do it in the middle of an important business meeting you would have some seriously kicked shins right now.’
This was punctuated with an only semi-jokey glower over the stack of soggy cardboard she was scooping into her trash bag, and Alex gave her a little acknowledging nose-scrunch in return.
‘Yeah, that’s fair. Even if no one else heard, saying anything in front of the others and in a place where you couldn’t respond properly was not cool, and I am sorry. I’ll keep my big mouth shut in future when there’s anyone else around.’
‘Thank you.’
Alex nodded seriously, then brightened, the same wicked gleam she always got when using Lena’s code name returning to her eyes.
‘HOWEVER. Since there isn’t anyone around anymore, and we have just established that we’re besties now, can I ask you about it? Because I really don’t think I’m imagining things here, and honestly it’s kind of driving me nuts wondering what’s going on.’
Lena hesitated. She had resolved to have this conversation, but now it was here she wasn’t sure how to get started.
‘Has Kara said anything to you?’
‘Not unless you count how fun and smart and kind you are, and how glad she is that you’re her best friend again, and how pretty your red lipstick looks with your dark hair and creamy Irish skin, and if you make me carry this sentence on any further I will have an aneurysm because this is my little sister I’m talking about, and it is SO weird to have to think about you two in that context. So no, technically she has never mentioned you being anything more than friends, but I have been Kara’s sister throughout every one of her crushes, and the way she talks about you, and the amount she talks about you, is on another level. So please just tell me… are you dating my sister?’
‘No, I’m not.’
‘Well why the hell NOT? No offense Lena but you are even less subtle about this than Kara is. Don’t think she didn’t tell me about the Wizard of Oz screening you just ‘happened’ to find right after she mentioned she’d never watched it on the big screen. Or the time you flew her to Broadway on a private jet to see Wicked together just because. Or the fact that you went climbing with her when I KNOW you didn’t want to, never mind all the times you get so protective in Atlantis meetings that you look ready to physically fight anyone you think might put Kara at any kind of risk. You are both completely gross for each other, so what gives?’
Alex didn’t quite stamp her foot but it seemed like a near thing, and if they had been talking about anything but this Lena would have laughed. Instead she rubbed hard at a partially dried puddle of spilled sweet and sour sauce and sighed.
‘It’s complicated Alex…’
‘Is it a closet issue? Because I totally get that. I’ve been there and I know how scary it is, but I really think-’
‘It’s not a closet issue. I have always been discrete about my bisexuality, for professional and family reasons, but I wouldn’t say that I’m in the closet as such, and I have always intended to come out publicly if I ever had something – someone to make doing so worthwhile. I’m not afraid of being out.’
Alex narrowed her eyes, too astute to miss the unspoken implication in her words.
‘But you’re afraid of something.’
‘Yes. I am.’
The admission made her heart pound, and Lena ducked down to pick up a chopstick that had rolled onto the floor to give herself a little breathing room. She had expected Alex to keep pushing her advantage, but she didn’t. She sat down on the edge of the table and waited, giving Lena space to find the words – and the courage – she needed.
‘It’s true. I have… feelings… for Kara.’
It was the first time that Lena had ever acknowledged this out loud, and she rushed on before the full realisation of what she’d just told Alex caught up with her and made her lose her nerve.
‘To be honest with you I felt that way long before we fell out, but she never seemed to pick up on the fact that I was flirting with her, so I accepted she was straight and settled for just being her best friend.’
‘Maybe you were just too subtle – Kara can be pretty oblivious for a smart person.’
‘Alex, I once filled her office with flowers, and she thought it was just a cute friend thing.’
‘Holy shit. Okay, my sister is an idiot, and you are so much gayer than I realised. That’s adorable and it makes me want to throw up. So okay, continue. You’re into Kara. Kara is definitely into you even if she is hopeless at picking up signals, and she is about as straight as a curly fry. So what’s the problem?’
‘The problem is, I can’t act on it. Not now.’
If Lena had expected sympathy from her newly declared ‘bestie’, she didn’t get it. Alex threw a balled up napkin at her and tutted, sounding genuinely annoyed.
‘Seriously? After all this you’re still too mad at her to even entertain the possibility?’
‘It’s not that. Well, not anymore. But Kara only has half the story right now – whatever she thinks we fought about, and whatever she thinks happened next, it isn’t real. I can’t tell her the truth, and I can’t start a relationship with her on a basis of lies. We’ve been there, and it didn’t go well for either of us. So. We are where we are. I love Kara, and I will be her friend. But that’s all it can be.’
Alex ran both hands through her hair, tugging the roots as if she might be able to pull another solution out of her head that way, then dropped them back to her sides with a defeated sigh.
‘Okay. I get it, and you’re right. But FUCK. This is all so messed up. We have got to find a way to bring Kara’s Kryptonian memories back.’
‘I really, really hope we can. But Alex, even if we do I don’t know if anything can ever happen between us. There is still a lot we would need to work out on both sides, and when Kara has the rest of her memories back that will only get more complicated. No matter what happens, I don’t think we’re going to be flying off into the sunset together any time soon.’
‘Bullshit, you’ll figure it out. You just have to keep this up instead of locking yourself away in your ivory tower again when it gets painful. Believe me, Kara will want to do the work. If you show up for it, so will she.’
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multifandominfj · 11 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Three: It’s A Long Story
“Well, Mxy came by and offered me a chance to change the timeline…”
“Aren’t you the person who said you’d never do that?” Lena asked.
“Yes, I know I sound like a hypocrite. But when Lex told you my secret before I did…and our…you're worth risking the timeline.”
“Kara…” Lena then scoots closer to wrap a warm arm around her girl, pulling her to her embrace as she gets her to lean back on the couch. “So what happened?”
“First, all realities ended up being hell. The first timeline Mxy showed me was during the Children of Liberty. I revealed I was Supergirl during a lunch date, but then Mercy Graves got in the way. After I come back…Mxy tells me you went to see Sam. She tries to convince you I’m still me, but you were too hurt. You were scared I’d see you like Lex. Because you didn’t make it back on time…I end up dying due to Agent Liberty poisoning the atmosphere.”
Lena could tell re-living this wasn’t easy for Kara. Now wasn’t the time for her to be asking questions. So, she simply offered a comforting embrace accompanied with forehead kisses, all the while, while stroking up and down her arm with feather-like delicateness.
“The next timeline was over the Kryptonite stash. I was Supergirl, and I revealed to you me as Kara. The look on your face…was one of the most devastating things I’ve felt. You tell me that you just found out Sam was a World Killer. You tell me that you can never trust me again, and don’t want to work with me. I…well, you can guess. What hurt more was seeing you not save other people just because of my own bone headedness of just wanting to protect you. Another timeline I had…”
Watching Lena die, even in a fake timeline, felt way too real. That moment was permanently ingrained in her memory; it was actually her greatest fear, she just had never outright said it.
“Reign killed you. You died in my arms. That pain was probably some of the worst I’ve experienced. Right up there with betraying you. It felt…”
“I’m not going anywhere, My Sunbeam.” Lena assured her by taking hold of Kara’s free hand, and squeezing tight.
“Another one had you testifying against Lillian. You refused to give up my identity. And the powerhouse that you are, you help win the case. But..,you end up getting kidnapped. The only way I could save you…was to reveal myself. I save you, but everyone else I love…” Kara’s voice became tight and shaky, and tears were definitely starting to form. “Agent Liberty killed them. Including Cat…”
She tries to take a steadying breath, to no avail; it doesn't really help. Just thinking about the last one was enough to make her cry.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Lena hated seeing Kara cry.
“This last timeline was practically a dystopian Horror movie. Everyone was on the run. Brainy and Reign were minions. You were a dictator, Lena. And…you were turned into Metallo. You wanted me to fight you…but I couldn’t. You may have been evil, but even then, in that timeline where we weren’t friends…hurting the woman I love was out of the question.”
“I know this isn’t the point…but all of those timelines tell me that us meeting, and the journey we went on to get here…all of the pain and healing. It was worth it. You are worth it.” Lena lifts Kara’s chin, gently wiping away her tears; flashing her famous grin to ease away Kara’s fear.
“You truly are amazing, Lena. I’m still amazed that…I get to call you not only my girlfriend, but my partner in crime. To use your favorite Grey’s Anatomy quote…” She lets a chuckle slip past. “You’re my person. Forever and always.”
“El Mayarah.” Lena answered back.
“You get sexier every time you say that, you know.” Kara smirked.
“Oh I know I do.” Lena jokingly gloats as she leans down, closing the distance slowly. “I just never get tired hearing you saying variations of it.”
“Is that so?” Kara loved that Lena was just as big a dork as her. Reaching up to cup Lena’s architecturally strong jaw, she sealed the gap. Stroking her chin, kissing Lena was equally invigorating and calming. With lips as soft and delicate as butterfly wings, it was the Disney World fireworks every time Kara kissed the love of her life.
“I’m glad you finally told me. With everyone knowing who you are now, it can’t be easy dealing with your trauma now.” Lena finishes their kiss with a kiss on Kara’s adorable button nose.
“I’m glad I could tell you. I’ve been holding onto that for a long time, and it feels like I can stand straighter now.” Kara sighs with content.
“Since we are sharing, there’s something I should tell you.” Lena takes a deep breath. “You know the whole thing with Leviathan? While you were helpless, in the virtual unity festival…Acrata showed up.”
“What?” Kara was taken aback by that revelation.
“Yeah, she somehow had gotten manipulated by Lex, no surprise there. She…was told to kill you. I couldn’t let that happen, so…I stood in between you and the Kryptonite shard she was holding.”
“Lena. Do you know how dangerous that was? Granted it wouldn’t have harmed you like it does me, but one wrong move and…”
“I know Kara. But after how I treated you those few months, and the regret I felt for not realizing how stupid I was for not taking steps sooner to mend our relationship…risking my life and every breath I took for you was more than worth it.”
“I will keep saying this because it’s always going to be true…the Luthor name never deserved your kind, breathtaking, beautiful soul in their family. And I’m so glad that I get to be that for you now.” Kara had felt her body begin to fall asleep as she gave her girlfriend a dopey smile.
“Come on Sleeping Beauty, time for bed. We both know Esme is going to want to come over and ask you tons of questions.” Helping Kara up from the couch as walking over to the bed, Lena got in first so Kara could nuzzle close.
“That is very true.” Kara gives a sleepy laugh as she follows, getting under the covers then cuddling close to Lena in the alcove of her shoulder and chest. “Thank you…” Her eyes began to droop.
“For what, Kara?” Seeing that she was getting tired, Lena began to stroke Kara’s hair to help her sleep.
“For listening…and for loving me…” She dozed off to sleep, Kara’s train of thought coming to a hypnotic halt.
“Always.” Lena whispered, kissing Kara’s head one last time. “Sleep tight, My Sunbeam.” Reaching, she turns to shut off the lamp. Resting her head atop her love’s she would also doze off to a land of blissful sleep.
Here is Chapter Three! Hope you guys are liking the story so far 🙏🏻.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 5 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes- Chapter 27
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Jason Todd, Otis Graves, Lex Luthor
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26
Kara stretched while sitting on the sofa in the living room of Wayne Manor. She was currently sitting next to Barry while Diana, Bruce, and Oliver sat on the chairs opposite of them. 
Barry yawned and said, “I am kind of surprised that Damian wasn’t the first one here. He seemed really excited about the prospect of playing.”
“I can assure you I have been here the entire time Flash.”
Barry yelped as Damian suddenly appeared behind Barry.
After catching his breath, Barry turned around to Damian, frowned and asked, “Where the hell did you come from?”
Damian smirked and said, “Don’t be mad that you didn’t suspect my presence.” Damian patted Flash on the back and said, “Maybe if you are nice I can give you pointers on stealth.”
Barry rolled her eyes while Kara chuckled. 
“You have the stealth thing down Damian. I was barely able to detect your heartbeat which I am not sure if that is something I should be amazed or worry about,” said Kara. 
Damian smirked and said, “One day I will surprise you Supergirl.”
Kara smirked and said, “I look forward to the challenge.”
Damian turned to his father and asked, “Father, did Drake, Todd, or Grayson say when they will be here?”
Bruce nodded and said, “They just finished up a mission and will be here in about 15 minutes. Why?”
Damian smirked and said, “It will give Supergirl, Flash, and me a chance to talk about strategy. I see that you brought the heavy hitters with you, but I suggest you take the time we have to do the same.” Damian turned towards Kara and Flash and said, “Come. We have much to discuss.”
Diana and Oliver stared at the trio startled as Kara and Barry shrugged their shoulders and followed Damian out of the living room. 
Oliver turned to Bruce as with a raised eyebrow and said, “When you told me about this, you said it would be a nice game of paintball. Why do I have a feeling now that it will be something similar to war games?”
Bruce sighed and said, “Knowing Damian it is or it could be a dig at the fact that I have lost every game night since we started this about a month or two ago.”
Oliver bursted out laughing and asked, “Wait….you’re telling me….the great detective….hasn’t won anything yet. You can’t be serious.”
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose and said, “Please don’t make me regret asking you to come tonight.”
Oliver wiped a tear from his eye and said, “I’m sorry. I just didn’t see that coming is all.”
Diana chuckled while patting Bruce on the back and said, “Don’t worry. We will make sure that this isn’t another losing streak for you.”
Bruce leaned back into his chair, sighed, and said, “I hope so.”
Kara and Barry sat on Damian’s bed as they watched Damian go through his wardrobe in search of something.
 Barry yawned and asked, “So what is this secret strategy that you want to discuss so badly.”
Damian turned around and carried a box to his bed. He opened the box and smirked while looking at the contents inside.
Barry looked at Damian hesitantly and asked, “Whatever you have inside the box isn’t alive, is it?”
Damian scoffed and said, “You have an overactive imagination, Barry.” 
He looked back down in the box, grabbed two gift bags, and handed them to Barry and Kara.
While peeking inside the gift bag, Kara asked, “What are these for?”
Damian smirked and said, “To win, we need to show team spirit. I thought a good start of that was having a team uniform.”
Kara and Barry looked down at the gift bags in surprise. Each gift bag had several clothing items: a black shirt with the words “Worlds Finest” with their logos directly underneath it (Supergirl symbol, lightning symbol, and a bat symbol), a baseball hat with the same imagery as the t-shirt, black pants, and black gym shoes.
Barry looked back up at Damian shocked and said, “These are really nice. You didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”
Damian looked down while grabbing his uniform from the box and said, “I know I didn’t have to, but we should go in as a united front if doing this. It will help with morale.”
Barry and Kara turned to look at each other and smirked. 
Damian frowned and asked, “What is that look for?”
Kara smiled and said, “It is nice to see that you care is all. This is very sweet of you.”
Damian scowled and said, “It isn’t that big of a deal.”
Barry chuckled and said, “Dude, just take the compliment. I know that I will be wearing this a lot after today.”
Damian looked up surprised and asked, “Really?”
Kara chuckled and said, “Of course. I can’t wait to wear it and show it to Lena later.”
Damian looked down while rubbing the back of his neck and said, “I am glad that you guys like the items.”
Damian cleared his throat and said, “Anyways…” He walked over to his nightstand and grabbed out his laptop while Kara and Barry chuckled among themselves. They enjoyed seeing a little vulnerable side to Damian.
As Damian started typing on his laptop, he turned it towards the duo and said, “I found out that we will be playing in the bat cave. I went out and took photos in order to make a 3d rendering of the space. I thought we can discuss which spaces in the cave would give us the best advantage points.”
Barry raised an eyebrow and asked, “Isn’t this supposed to be just a friendly game between peers?”
Damian scowled and asked, “What rock have you been living under? This is a test to prove myself to Father that I can go back into the field. He is trying to make this extra difficult since he requested the assistance of Arrow and the Amazon princess.”
Barry sighed and asked, “Don’t you think you are being a tad bit overdramatic? The more likely reason why he asked Wonder Woman and Green Arrow here today is because Bruce got tired of being in last place all the time.”
Damian gave Barry a deadpan stare. 
Barry rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. If you really think this is some conspiracy of people being out to get you, what do you suggest our course of action is?”
Read the rest on AO3
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scorbleeo · 8 months
TV Series Discussion: Supergirl
Season 6 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
The adventures of Superman's cousin and her own superhero career.
Source: IMDb (2015)
A Bittersweet End
I am going to start this out by saying I had no expectations for Supergirl Season 6. I might have watched all the previous seasons, but I was disappointed with the last or last 2 season(s). Although I adore Supergirl and the Super Friends, the plots were often average. Now thinking back, I can't even name a Supergirl villain that stuck to me.
That being said, this final season of Supergirl was much better than the previous seasons. It got me hooked onto the show and there were times when I was actually emotional. Although the villains were way below mid, the storylines were solid. And the action, I absolutely enjoyed it. Even the character developments were good. As a Supergirl season, season 6 was one of the better ones. As a final season, I believe it could have been better plotted.
Lets start with the villains. I'm not saying Nyxly was a marvellous villain but because of her existence and actions, it created several great storylines, especially the role it played into Kara's self-realisation, then development.
Lex on the other hand, his arc was so weirdly written. The Lex Luthor I was used to disappeared in season 6, for real. Him being in love really ruined his arc, when he could have gone down as one of the show's better villains. But, I like what the writers did with this character. I mean, people have tried to kill Lex, he lived. People have tried to incarcerate Lex, he walked away scott free. Other than the Phantom Zone, I doubt there would be another way to get rid of Lex once and for all.
As for Lillian. I hated her throughout all 6 seasons. I really did not like the idea of her redemption in the end but her redemption meant enlightenment for Lena. For that, I eventually accepted that there was a redemption arc for this infuriating woman. Perhaps, if her redemption was shown gradually through this last season, I might not have disliked the idea as much.
Through the entire season, I enjoyed more than I was bored. I liked more than I disliked. Unfortunately, there was something I seriously wished the writers never wrote down. What happened to William did not need to happen, or at least, not to him. It's not as if William's death meant the whole Super Friends was going on a revenge path, so why bring him back from being shot only to have him go permanently by being shot? He was the one character I constantly wished nothing happened to him since his first appearance...
Moving on to brighter topics, lets talk about Kelly. First thing first, that episode that was Kelly-centric? Wow. It was the first time Azie Tesfai impressed me. The way Tesfai portrayed Kelly in the episode, it was almost like I could feel everything Kelly was experiencing. Then came their wedding scene and I am never one for vows, not a romantic and could care less about wedding vows. However, Kelly's vows to Alex touched my heart. I really don't know if it's the words, Tesfai's acting, or the combination of both. Whatever it is, I finished Supergirl extremely aware of what a magnificent actress Tesfai is.
Next, Nia. Not only did Nia (and Dreamer) grow, Nicole Maines improved so much too. I never disliked Maines nor her character but the acting always felt a little awkward. Usually, I just let it go because if Nia is one awkward girl, Dreamer will be awkward too and thus the awkward acting. This last season proved me wrong because I still see awkward Nia but the acting very obviously improved. Completely off the tangent here but when Nia confronted Maeve? Atta girl! I loved it when Nia told her sister, she will not forgive her but she can give a second chance. That's the way, actually. How do people forgive without seeing how others handle their second chances?
Lastly, Kara's character arc. I have always loved it when Kara showed vulnerability. In this season, she's practically always vulnerable even when she's not actively attacked. It hurts to watch Supergirl lose hope so often but then the way the smallest things brought back some hope to her? Love it. The courage plot was something else too, something I did not see play out the way it did. As much as I loved it, I still don't know how I feel about the season ending with the world finding out Supergirl's identity.
After watching several Arrowverse shows consecutively, Supergirl was a nice end before a break from the Arrowverse TV shows. Although Kara and Mon-El are not endgame, I am still very happy that the finale brought back the old faces.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More Arrowverse here: Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 | The Flash Season 7
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spidermasc · 2 days
lena threads her fingers through your hair and hauls you around head first. she’s the only one that can get away with inflicting so much pain because, while her fists tighten enough to draw tears from your dizzy little eyes, she makes up for it by thrusting into places never before reached. “s'all about the angles, baby boy. why else would i treat you so rough?” :(
(also… lena keeping track of your bottom growth… doing your tshots for you… lena medical gloves on my tdick…)
kara never lets you stray too far in the first place. she'll press her full body weight onto you, tuck you nice and tight below her so she can jackhammer into your boypussy with little fuss :3 maybe she'll wrap a paw around your neck, or prop your sternum up with those firm, bulging biceps— but not for mobility reasons, so much as exercises in power. emphasising size and strength differences to stroke her own ego. “god, baby, you’re so gorgeous, my good boy, fuck—“
nia prefers you tied up. you're good, she knows. wouldn't dream of squirming away. still, sometimes you just need to be reminded of your place. of all the things she can do to you. she really gets off on how it looks passing over your face when you realise you can't move; especially if she’s been edging you and you try to move your hands to pull her back. she’ll tie your wrists above your head and put the strap on you, riding you n’ giving you nothing in return :((( or, if we’re talking pre-bottom surgery nia, she’ll fuck down into your throat whilst she grips the headboard… but, that’s the thing about nia— she babbles. you dont have to do any of the work, she fucks herself dumb. “fuck- yes- oh, honey- oh, god, so fucking good- take it, take it- that’s my fucking boy- yesyesyesyes-“
cant imagine taking them at the same time... rip to your holes.
and YES to lena monitoring your bottom growth!!!!!!!!!! (also has me thinking about tmasc!kara and how much bigger his bottom growth would be because of his kryptonian genes....) lena who knows how afraid you are of shots so she always has you distracted :3 either by riding your face while she preps your stomach/thigh or by making you suck her fingers or even ride her.
kara who is SUCHHH a good fuck that you can't help but squirm all the time... either from pleasure and trying to fuck yourself back into her or because her strap is stretching you out in such a painful but good way that you keep moving. of course, since she's so strong, you never have a chance to move even an inch away from her. you get off to the feeling of her pressing her body into you, showing you just how strong she is and that you can't get away from her. making you kiss her biceps as she fucks you.......
nia tying you up with her lasso.... giving you tiny zaps from time to time, especially when you try to break free and touch her @___@ honestly, i kinda forgot some of her powers, but putting you into a dream-state so you're rendered even more useless :P deepthroating you while your hands are tied around her waist so she fits snug in your throat :) kind of just humping your mouth while getting off and babbling about how good you're being and you can't do anything but take it and whine
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supercorpkid · 2 years
Supergirl, Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word count: 2730.
Notes: Inspired by Joshua Bassett's song :)
“Hey, Y/N!” Your favorite barista says an excited hello to you when your time comes in line. “The usual?”
“Yes, Maddie, thanks.” You smile, glad she knows what your usual is, and that she is always so chipper when she sees you. 
“Oh, Lena is at that table.” She points and you follow her long fingers to the person she is pointing to. Your heart stops in the tracks. Shit. You did not calculate you’d see her here. Though, it was kind of naive of you to think you wouldn’t, when this is the closest coffee shop to L Corp. Thus why you so frequently came to meet her here.
“Oh, um, right. Thanks.” You force a smile out, wondering how to break it to the barista that you two are not together anymore. It sounds like it’s too much information to give out, so you just bite your tongue, pointing at a muffin. “I’ll have one of those as well.”
“Ok!” She makes quick work of giving it to you and letting you pay for your food, while you give space to the next person in line. 
You look up one more time. Lena has her back turned at you, so she won’t see you unless she is curious about what’s behind her. But she is definitely too focused working on her tablet, so you know it’s up to you if you want to talk to her. 
You breathe deep, wondering whether you should. It’s been a while, and yet not long enough. She might be totally over you, or she might be exactly where you are, not as over her as you thought you were.
Someone calls your name, and your attention is drawn back to your coffee. You give the barista an embarrassed smile while collecting it, and choose a table far from the one Lena is. 
Because you can’t get any closer. Your hands press down the cup a little too strong and a splash of hot coffee flies out of the lid and into your hands. What are you doing? Why are you being so creepy and why can’t you breathe, when the woman you loved (love, still) is right there and you can just walk up to her and say hi?
As your hands shake in anticipation, and you take a large sip of your coffee, you wonder if this is normal. If this is how everyone feels when they see their exes again after a while. And when you think about it, the word ex hurts you again. 
It hurts and hurts, and you wonder if it will ever stop hurting. If the thought of not having Lena in your life anymore will ever be something that won’t kill you just to think about. If you’ll still regret letting her go when you’re older. And whether this will haunt you until your last breath.
You can’t get any closer. Your butt is glued to the chair, and you feel that you will need a push to unstick yourself from this place and walk again. Your legs shake and your heart is beating out of your chest, so loud, so strong, you’re almost dizzy.
But maybe, maybe this is your chance to talk to her. Maybe this is your opportunity to see her beautiful face again. And you should take any chance, any casual unplanned situations to see her beauty again, because you don’t get to see it everyday anymore.
Are there rules you should’ve been following when it comes to a break-up? It’s funny how worried you are about this now, when in the relationship you just kept breaking them in order to be all hers.
There are a thousand things you’d like to tell her. How your apartment feels like a barren land without her. How you just keep thinking that if this is final, then maybe you should get out of National City and run far enough so you’ll never have to face the biggest mistake you’ve ever made by letting her walk away. How your life has gone from easy to everything leading you back to her.
You look back at the barista. She gives you a knowing smile. And tries to encourage you with her eyes. You reciprocate the smile, feeling this was the push you needed to get up from your chair and walk up to Lena. 
Your mouth runs dry, words get stuck on your throat, no matter how many times you’ve practiced how this conversation would go in front of a mirror. How many nights you spent memorizing things you’ve never told her, but wish you had. 
“Lee.” Your voice comes out as nothing but a whisper and in the noisy coffee shop is barely even acknowledged by anyone except you. You lick your lips, before trying again, louder this time. “Lena.”
There’s no answer, and she doesn’t look behind herself. Face buried into her iPad. And you have no other alternative but to touch her shoulder to call her attention.
“Hm?” The woman, who is definitely not your ex-girlfriend Lena, turns to you, confusion crossing her face. “Yes?”
But she has it all. The dark shiny hair and pale skin. Thick eyebrows and green eyes. She looks so much like Lena, and at the same time not enough. 
“Oh.” That's all you can say. Because you might have been terrified to see Lena, but now that you realize that is not her, it’s even more frustrating than it could ever be. “Sorry, I – I thought you were someone else.”
But now, there’s a burning desire within you. You need to see Lena, and you need to talk to her. You don’t know what is that you could possibly say to her that would change her mind, but having the prospect of seeing her, touching her right there, to only be taken from you by a fucking doppelgänger, it’s, ugh, so infuriating.
So you forget your barely-eaten-muffin and your half-finished-coffee and march to L Corp. The rush going through your head is so intense, you don’t even take a minute to second guess what you’re doing. And, wow, you should. You should for sure think about what the hell are you going to say to her when you’re face-to-face.
But you don’t, and then, when you realize, you're marching inside her office and your so-called resolution dissolves right when you see her. 
“Y/N!” She exclaims, surprised. “What is –” She double checks your expression. “Is everything alright?”
You must look like a total insane person. But you almost don’t care, because you know she’s seen all of you already. But a part of you still cares a little, wanting her to see you only in your best light.
“I saw someone who looked like you at our favorite coffee shop.”
“Oh?” Because what else could she say about this nonsense.
“But she wasn’t you.” And you see it on her face that she’s about to say ‘obviously’, so you do it for her. “Obviously.”
“And I admit, Lena, I haven’t thought this through. I marched in here looking completely irrational. But the thing is when I saw her face, and she wasn’t you, I needed – It had to be you. I – I sound insane, don’t I?”
Lena chuckles, getting up from her chair and rounding the table to stop in front of you. “You missed my face.” She suggests an easier explanation. 
“Yeah.” You let out in one breathe. “I did. I mean, you have a really nice one, so-”
She chuckles again, the way she always used to. Like no time has passed. Like nothing has changed between you two. “Funny, I missed yours too.”
“You did?” A nod from her end answers your question. “You do. Wow.”
“How are you?” She asks, so soft, so pure. So full of something more than curiosity, or maybe you are overthinking her every step. 
“Great.” But you’re lying through your teeth. “Good.” You breathe out one more time. “I’m ok.” You admit.
Lena’s hand hover closer to your face, as if she is thinking on whether she should touch you so she can comfort you. But her hand retracts and she sighs, realizing the same thing you just did. She doesn't have to comfort you because you’re not hers anymore. 
“I’m sorry.” Instinctively your hands go to your pockets. “I came in here and acted like you weren’t busy at all, which is-”
“True.” She shrugs. “For, maybe, the first time all week. But yeah, I’m free and I could use a coffee.”
You try to hold a smile, but you can’t, because you know Lena. She wouldn’t just ask you to go back to the coffee shop with her. No, she would make you ask her for it, already knowing her answer is definitely a yes.
“Yes.” Come before you’re even done with the question, and then you smile wider. You two start walking together towards the elevator. “So, this woman who looked like me…”
“Beautiful.” You make sure she knows. “Dark hair, perfect eyebrows, piercing green eyes. Just so pretty.”
“Right.” You hear a little bit of disappointment in her voice, as if she didn’t realize you were talking entirely about her.
“But there was one thing I just couldn’t accept.” Lena raises her eyebrows at you in question. “She wasn’t you. And no look-alike can ever take your place.” She smiles, but doesn’t do more than that. 
You two make your way to the coffee shop, and she buys you another round. You talk, but not really. She’s cautious and you’re dancing around the words you truly needed to say. And no one asks any life-changing questions, or acts on honest slips up that could complicate the whole situation.
And while you wonder if you should let her go, she’s gone. And you’re gone too, to the other side of town, leaving this moment for what it was. Two ex lovers trying to deal with the fact that despite all the love and care, things didn’t work out.
And things should be simple. It should be all. Because you tried, you did. But Lena works so hard, too much even. Between L Corp and saving the world with the Superfriends, there was never too much time she could use to be with you.
And because you were so in love, you didn’t care. You took the scraps. Enjoyed the coffees and the little to no demonstration of love in public. You accepted the midnight dinners invitations and what your friends would call the ‘after work booty calls’.
At first it was fine. It was great hopping on her private jet and walking around Paris while she went to a meeting. It was ok, not being able to tell anyone you were together, because you knew she was all yours and that was enough. 
Until it wasn’t. 
Until you wanted to go to romantic restaurants with your girlfriend and couldn’t. Wanted her to walk beside you while you discovered cute little places in other countries. Wanted to wake up next to her instead of having her run out the door first thing in the morning.
But you loved her, and she loved you too. You know that much.
I should’ve been all. One doppelgänger, unresolved feelings, begrudgingly moving on.
Except it wasn’t.
“Lena?” You ask, surprised. You look at the clock on the wall just to be sure. Yep, it’s the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday. “Um, what are you doing here?” 
“I came to see you.” She smiles, unbothered by the surprise look on your face.
You furrow your brows, opening the door more so she can come inside. “Is everything alright? Did something happen?”
“I missed your face.” You smile at her, still finding it weird since you two met a few days ago in your weird outburst. “You have a really nice one, so…”
“Ah, good one.” You point to the couch and she makes her way there. You go to the fridge, instead. “Can I get you anything?”
What comes out of your mouth cannot be described as a word, but it’s a shriek of excitement and confusion. Something that not even an ‘huh’ could have expressed better.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong…” you try, quick to explain yourself. “I miss you like crazy. But, um — you broke up with me because I was asking a lot more than you could give me, remember?”
“Well,” Lena sets her purse to the side, changing her posture into something more inviting. Her posture slouches a little and her hands tremble on her lap. That Lena. That’s the one you love. “I was scared. I had feelings for you that were bigger than I’ve had for anyone before. You weren’t asking a lot. Darling, you were asking the bare minimum.”
You’re not surprised by what she is saying, because duh, of course you weren’t asking anything absurd out of her, but having Lena admitting this to you is still confusing. 
“I wanna give it to you. Everything you gave me and deserved.” She touches your face when you finally sit back on the couch with her. “Please, give me another chance.”
You stare at her, mouth agape, eyebrows raised, the whole shocked face. “I – I want that. I do. But I need to know what changed? And why now?”
“You were gone, and I was unhappy. Just – clearly not ok. Everyone knew exactly why. God, Kara wouldn’t shut up about it and how I made this huge mistake and how I was sabotaging my happiness. And I knew that. You know, deep down, I obviously knew that.” She finally breathes, you nod for her to go on, signaling that you’re following. “But it’s a life long of trying to convince myself I don’t need anyone, that Luthors don’t love or whatever.”
“Yeah, I got that speech once or twice before.”
“You did, ‘cause I’m a dick, see?” She breathes out a forced smile. “But then you barged in my office and I finally smiled again, so I lied.” You furrow your brows again. “I had a meeting. I was not free, but I wanted to talk and see you, I needed you more than I wanted to admit.”
“And so you waited until a Wednesday afternoon to do a big grand gesture?” You smirk, knowing the answer.
“I mean, it wouldn’t hurt.” Lena jokes and you let out a little smile to that. “But no, I actually saw your doppelgänger.”
“What?” You bark, finding the coincidence incredible.
“She was walking on the street and I had my driver follow her for a while.” You open your mouth but she cuts you off, “I know, creepy as hell. And turns out she looked nothing like you aside from the hair.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Which only meant I was so desperate to see you, I was willing to see you in every face on the street.” 
“Lena.” The way you say her name says it all. Thick of want and need. Embedded with devotion and love. She would be crazy if she didn’t kiss you after that. 
Which she does. Smiling on your lips right after, heart beating so fast and happy.
“No more midnight dinners.” Lena promises, and you smile from ear to ear. She pecks your lips. “No more visiting places alone.” Another chaste kiss. “No more after work booty calls.”
“I mean, I won’t say no to any booty call.” You joke and she chuckles at you, looking at you fondly.
“I’ve missed you.”
“Now you’re going to stop stalking people with my hair color around?”
“Are you going to stop describing other woman as ‘just so pretty’?” 
“Not when they look like you, I won’t.” 
You can see how difficult it is for Lena to stop working so much and manage her time better between two jobs, but she does it. She works hard for it. Takes two days every time she’s going on a work trip, so she can spend at least one entire day with you. National city is quick to find out you two are together and she deals with that perfectly. But the ultimate change that happens is that you get to go to bed and wake up everyday next to her. And you love it just as much as you love her.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Kelly talks with Kara about Lena, and how grow up with an alcoholic father, a narcissistic mother and a psychopath brother might have affected her
It’s not exactly uncommon for Kelly to find Kara deep in thought these days. Ever since Lena has withdrawn following the reveal of Kara’s secret as Supergirl, the hero has grown more pensive– far from her usual bubbly self. Kelly has largely let her process her change in circumstance alone– she’s loathe to cross the line between friend and therapist– but when she sees Kara’s features darker than ever and eyes brimming with tears, Kelly know it’s time to step in.
“Hey,” she greets softly. Carefully, she approaches and takes the seat next to Kara. “You okay?”
Kara sniffles, but tries to cover it with a derisive scoff. “Peachy.”
“You tried reaching out to Lena again?” Kelly knows the answer, but waits for Kara to confirm, which she does with a heavy nod.
“That obvious, huh.”
“It’s natural to feel badly in your situation. It’s hard to make amends when a person won’t speak with you.”
“She wouldn’t even look at me.”
Kelly takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
“I’m going to tell you something James shared with me, back when he and Lena were dating. He pieced together some discoveries that he didn’t know what to do with, so he came to me.”
Kara stares at her in apprehension. “Okay.”
“From certain things Lena shared with him, James came to the conclusion that Lena’s dad may have been an alcoholic. A mean one. That, coupled with Lex, and well– you’ve met her mother.”
Kara nods wordlessly, her eyes wide.
“I’m telling you this not so you can pity Lena, or feel differently at all about her, but because in my experience many abusive situations tend to follow a similar pattern of harm and reconciliation. It’s a cycle– the abuser does harm, and then immediately tries to smooth things over. It could be gifts, excuses, affirmations of love, anything. Then it starts all over again.”
It’s clear that Kara is absorbing every word, processing what Kelly’s telling her with careful thought. “What does that mean for Lena?” she finally asks.
Kelly sighs. “Well, Lena’s smart. She knows the cycle, and it seems she’s found a way to nip it in the bud– by not giving anyone the chance to apologize in the first place.”
With a quaking breath, Kara looks at Kelly with helplessness in her eyes. “Then what do I do?”
Kelly places a comforting hand overtop Kara’s. “As your friend and hers, all I can say is to give her time to heal. By respecting her boundaries, you can show her that what you’re feeling isn’t just reactive guilt. That you’re serious about making things right, for both your sakes– not just your own.”
Kara’s chin wobbles. “But what if time isn’t enough?”
“Then that’s Lena’s choice to make.” Kelly offers a thin smile of sympathy. She knows the thought of losing Lena scares Kara to death, and that it would devastate her if it ever came to pass, but it wouldn’t do anyone any good to pretend it wasn’t a possibility. “And if she does make that choice, all you can do is continue to respect her boundaries.”
The breath squeezes out of Kara’s chest, but she nods, dislodging even more tears. “Okay.”
“Either way,” Kelly offers, “you’re going to survive this. You both will. It’ll be different, but you’ll through, be it together or apart.”
When she wraps an arm around Kara’s shoulders, Kara leans against her, accepting the support being offered. Exhausted, Kara sighs.
“Thank you, for looking out for her.”
“Of course.” She knows that of the two of them, Lena is the one more likely to feel alone, both by preference and circumstance. Kara has Alex, and the superfriends (whom she pre-emptively claimed as her own when she told them her secret and not Lena), while Lena had, well– no one. Or so she likely believes.
“I’m going to invite her to lunch tomorrow,” Kelly decides right then and there, vowing to not take no for an answer. “I’ll keep Lena’s confidence if she chooses to speak with me, because I think she could use an impartial friend right now, but… I’ll let you know how it goes.”
Kara nods her gratitude. After a few minutes of sitting with the silence, Kara finally gives voice to what they’ve all been thinking.
“This sucks.”
Kelly squeezes Kara’s hand. “I know.”
//prompts are closed
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fyonahmacnally · 9 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @casualsavant for the tag. I'm not even sure I did the first 20 Questions round, but rules be damned.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship/fandom?
Well, like anything I write, I get ideas from everything around me - they come to me from dreams, something I see, from random prompts, etc. As most writers know, we are simply the vessel, it's the brain goblins that tell us what to do.
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
Geez, we have so many in the Supercorp/Supergirl fandom. I'm not even sure that's a fair question. HA. I will inevitably leave someone out, but here are a few of my favorites @searidings, @jazzfordshire, @chaotic-super, @lovesastateofmind1, @innamorament0, @someoneyouloved93, @lostariels, @luthordamnvers, @thornedrose44, and @fazedlight. I read such a variety of genres, tags, and tropes that I will give almost anything a chance so the authors I read will vary. There's oh so many to choose from in this fandom and the vast talent is beyond imagination!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
Hmmm, I like writing Sam, Andrea, and Jack. The rest of the main cast is fun too, but those three characters are fun to explore in fics. The shenanigans they get into together makes it easy to play with.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
Karamel, Lames, and Kalex. I am pretty open-minded, but those are my hard limit ships. To each their own. It's not my thing at all. I'm pretty open to tropes, too. Haven't had a chance to explore too many yet.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
I'm not sure how to answer this one, really. It can vary depending on what's going on in my life and how the idea came about.
Generally speaking, I get an idea, outline the basic premise of the story (usually in a word or google doc), do whatever research is needed (longer fics), and just start writing (or staring at the outline and empty doc). That's writing too, ask any writer. LOL
One shots tend to be more like: get idea, sit at desk thinking while blank doc stares back at me tauntingly, look out window, turn back to blank doc, write three sentences, back space all three sentences, look out window again, write three more sentences, repeat previous steps, then the brain goblins take over and suddenly it's 4 hours later, somehow there's several thousand words staring back at me.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Because I am a huge nerd, the research. I love to research the things I write. Not all of my stories require it, but when they do, I dive right in. Completing the story is a big one too. The anxiety and excitement that comes with yeeting something into the ether is indescribable.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Weirdest thing...pagan rituals and ancient runes or bondage/fetish clubs in Amsterdam. There is some really interesting things out there. I learned a lot during that time.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
I think tense is one that slips on me. I try to catch them all during rereads and edits, but those little bastards are sneaky.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
The panic attacks and abuse scenes relating to Lena in Carterhaugh-Wood Academy (CWA). Lena is my absolute favorite character and writing anything that causes her harm hurts my soul.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
Is water wet? My characters always do what the brain goblins want despite my initial protest. I am just here to convey the message, after all.
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
Oh, hands down, Lena. I wouldn't pass up a chance to speak with any of them, let's be real, but Lena would be #1.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
I am by nature a fluff and happy-ending writer. However, I am working on an angst with a happy ending fic at the moment. The tropes I have written so far have been limited to friends to lovers and a little light angst with happy ending. I'm still exploring other things. Hopefully 2024 will be the year I can flex my writing muscles and expand into new territory.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Friends and other writers. Nothing beats a good brainstorming session with writer pals. I also like to do improv writing to boost creativity. You never know where a story will go when that happens.
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
The strategy depends on the story. For longer fics, I have a few writer friends that help with reading over it and helping with typos, grammar errors, and helping fluff up the places that need it. For one shots or shorter fics, I will let it sit for a bit, go back and read it again to do the editing and rewrite the places that my brain doesn't like.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Oooof, definitely the posting anxiety. I usually immediately find something else to do so I don't obsess over it.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
Hits, kudos, and comments are always fun and rewarding, but I write for my own enjoyment and sanity. I have plenty of fics that barely get any love, but I enjoy writing them. It's therapeutic for me. The rest is just noise. Also, like any writer, I love to hear from readers and try to respond to all my comments because they mean a lot to me.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character/ship?
Sometimes, yes. It depends on what I am writing and how I am feeling. Most of the time it is instrumental piano and/or cello music because I will start accidentally typing the lyrics of a regular playlist. If I am going for a specific vibe or writing because of a specific song, I will have the song on repeat or at least an album by the artist.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
SCBB delivered that on a platter for me. CWA got art from the multi-talented @bigmammallama5. If you haven't seen it, you can check it out here.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
13 total with another one that is in the planning stages.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Write for yourself. If you love it, it brings you enjoyment, and adds to your life, continue doing it. You're not going to please everyone and there will be people who are less than kind about something you publish. Those voices don't matter. There is someone out there that has read or will read your work and it will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Always do it for you.
Tagging but no pressure: @lovesastateofmind1 @casualkoalatea @fabulousglitch and @sssammich
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morganacorp · 5 months
Lena running for president. Sadie gets assigned to follow her campaign and despite how much other news outlets rave that Lena and the Luthor name are all tainted, Sadie's determined to report objectively. But she is going to do her due diligence and dig into tge numerous shell companies and philanthropic organizations Lena has a hand in. Which of course is the catalyst for a visit from Supergirl telling Sadie to back off, Lena's a force for good and isn't at all like her brother or the rest of the Luthors etc etc...
Which only makes Sadie EVEN MORE convinced that there's a BUG story here.
What happens next?
Ohhh that's such an interesting thought!!!! (And kinda fun considering my current WIP) 😂
I think Sadie would be enamoured by Lena's potential, her honesty and the way she uses her family's history to prop herself apart and show that even from the dark you can get something good. Lena's campaign would be based in transparency and hard work, with her being interviewed daily, and under attack from trolls and detractors.
Sadie would start her coverage getting a nice one-on-one with Lena thanks to her press secretary, a tough Alex Danvers, and she'd ask the tough questions, starting by why she wants to run for office. Lena would be honest, almost vulnerable but very guarded, that ability of hers that has been learned since she walked into Luthor Manor.
She'd start investigating after a rumor started about one of LCorp's subsidiaries being involved in fishy transactions. Sadie's instincts would be conflicted because she knows there's a story, she can almost feel it, but she also wants to believe that Lena's innocent.
When she's walking down the street after meeting a source and she's intercepted by Supergirl, she'd be nervous and genuinely surprised. She didn't think the Paragon of Hope, hero of Earth and defender of what's right would try to do something as mundane as defendingba candidate to the presidency.
'I need to tell you, off the record, that Lena Luthor isn't who you think she is. She is good and honest, and this country would be lucky to have her in office. The world needs someone like her.' A tough looking Supergirl told her, hands on her hips in her typical power stance. 'Don't get on her way. Listen to what she has to say, and give her an honest chance.' She insisted. 'I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in her'
'you shouldn't be talking to me about this.' Sadie said, still processing the interaction. The cynic in her still doubted the whole superhero thing, but having Supergirl in front of her made her feel like an excited little girl. 'people could take this interaction as you interfering with the elections; you know there's part of the population who fears you and your power-'
'I'm off the record here, and I'm not going to intervene. I'd never do that.' Supergirl said. 'I'm simply asking you to give Lena a chance, a fair shot. We've had so many different types of shady people in power, it's time for someone like her to take over. She's brilliant and honest, she's not afraid of ruffling a few feathers and making white men angry'
'I believe you, but if she's got her hands on dirty businesses... I'm sorry but it would be my obligation as an American to denounce it'
'andbI know you'd do it. Just... Don't mistake Lena for Lex. She's different' Supergirl said and took off, leaving Sadie with more questions in her head.
'what the fuck are they hiding?'
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Get To Know Me Tag!
I was tagged by @hereforthehaunts, thank you very much! I’m doing this at work and have no idea who I’d tag in return, but if you see this and think it looks fun, consider yourself tagged.
Last Song: Purest Gold, by Miracle of Sound (and guest singer The Charismatic Voice) – a song inspired by Malenia, the legendarily cool and hard superboss from Elden Ring. MoS never fails to put out absolute bangers, so go give him a listen!
Currently Watching: Netflix Avatar, which is better than I expected, worse than I hoped, although in fairness I’m only three episodes in. We’ll see how it goes. Other than that, I’m approaching the halfway mark on Campaign 2 of Critical Role, being a very late comer to the show. I’m resigned to never managing to catch up to the live broadcasts, but hopefully I can at least finish Mighty Nein and the…Exandria? spin-offs by the end of the year.
Three Ships: I never really think of myself as being a shipper, to be honest…but I can still answer this lol. Supercorp, which is to say, Supergirl (Kara Danvers)/Lena Luthor, from the Supergirl CW show that finished…last year? is basically my main ship, even though I’ve not finished watching the show yet. I sometimes question whether I actually like the ship or whether it’s more the creative fire that it kinda sorta lit in me (I’ve not actually written much of anything for them, but oh boy do I have ideas), but that probably doesn’t really matter. Fem!Shep/Thane Krios, which is to say, Shepard and Thane from Mass Effect 2 onwards. Possibly somewhat unusually for a Mass Effect fan on Tumblr, I don’t actually have any real preference in ships for the series, but the playthrough where I did this romance was the one that tipped me over from “Mass Effect is a very good series of games that I enjoy a lot” to “Mass Effect is a core part of my personality, and I’m going to start a blog dedicated to the series (which has slowly but surely become a more general blog, as anyone who follows me can attest, but the point still stands)” Tav/Shadowheart, from Baldurs Gate 3. I’m fully intending to do all the romances, but both my playthroughs so far have wound up with her…
Favourite Colour: dark blue, I guess?
Currently Consuming: On any given day, there’s a decent chance I’m watching something by Outside Xbox/Outside Xtra, two hugely entertaining gaming Youtube channels, or their TTRPG spin-off channel Oxventure. I’m also trying to catch up on the Worlds Beyond Number TTRPG actual play podcast, from some of the minds behind Dimension 20 (which I haven’t actually watched beyond clips). I’m trying to finish Dark Souls 3 after an intended short break turned into about two years – just the second DLC and final boss to beat now, so fingers crossed! And I’m reading Nona the 9th, by Tamsyn Muir – too early in the book to comment on that, but I loved the first two books.
First Ship: probably Batman/Catwoman, I guess? Although I had a soft spot for Jacen Solo and Tenel-Ka from the old Star Wars expanded universe.
Place of Birth: UK
Current Location: Work
Relationship status: long term single
Last Movie: American Fiction (loved it)
Currently Working on: I am always mentally rotating my various fiction ideas, but the main thing I’m actually working on is the D&D campaign I’m running  - module based for the most part (Lost Mines of Phandelver, always a classic, with the intention of continuing into Princes of the Apocalypse), but one of the players came up with a backstory that’s going to require a homebrew plot if there’s ever going to be any resolution to it.
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