#give the people what they want comte
Saint Germain, to Leonardo: You know, Vlad can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Also Saint Germain: *fires pistol at Vlad* GET FUCKED!
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sweetlittleneptune · 5 months
"You speak French??"
The translations were made by me, as I'm a native French speaker! tho, if you have any issues/questions/see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out!
The fact that you never admitted to speaking French to the residents of the mansion was a simple lie of omission. You didn’t think it was that important at first, and then you also noticed how much of an advantage that was. This meant you could spy on some of residents without much trouble at all. Sadly, the charade couldn’t last forever.
He had a habit of rambling in French to himself. Random thoughts, most of them unimportant and simple little reminders to do something later. But every once in a while, he would mumble something that caught your attention, and you’d have to hold in your laughter. He had to stop though, once he realized you understood what he was saying and was absolutely humiliated.
It had been a rough day, and the man was frustrated. Between the bickering kids and the eccentric residents, he was practically boiling. That was reason enough to be mumbling insults and such.
“C’est juste des cons. Pas capable de se la fermer, tous inutiles.”
(They’re just idiots. Can’t shut up, useless.)
And it came out before you could even think about it. You just had to.
“Quand même, c'est un peu méchant M. Napoléon. Mais je l’admets… ils sont un peu lourds.”
(Well, that’s a bit rude Mr. Napoleon. But I’ve got to admit… they are a bit annoying)
The look on his face was absolutely priceless. Surprise, confusion, worry, all of it. Napoleon opened his mouth once, then closed it. he reopened it again and closed it once more. Third time’s the charm they say…
“Since when…?”
“Ah, that’s my little secret. Just don’t tell the other, will you?”
Suspicion crossed his face.
“You know, it’s a great advantage to have. Would be a shame to lose it.”
“You’re a devil Nunuche, but a smart one I’ll admit.”
And with a chuckle he left the room
You intended to tell him at first. When he started bringing you to all those dinners, galas, and parties for the aristocrats of the city. You wanted to speak with him and the other attendants. But as soon as they heard the accent in your “bonsoir”, they switched to English, and you rolled with it for some reason. Now it had been months, and you felt it would be weird to start speaking French now.
You were used to being ignored in conversations too. None of it was on purpose and you couldn’t take it personally when Comte was such a popular man to begin with! What you weren’t used to, though, was being disrespected right in your face as if you weren’t there.
The first comment had been something along the lines of “you finally found someone to give you a son!”
Your husband was quick to answer that he had chosen you because you were you. It had nothing to do with kids.
The second almost made you open your mouth. But it was no use. Comte made very sure to let him know he was crossing a limit and ended the conversation there.
“Some people lack manners, it seems. No use wasting more time on this unimportant discussion.”
You simply nodded and followed.
But then you wanted a little treat to eat, and the buffet was on the other side of the room. So, you left Comte for a moment to grab something. Sadly, the same man from earlier was there, chatting away with someone you didn’t know. As soon as he saw you, you knew something unpleasant would happen.
“Elle n’est rien de bien spécial, mais j’imagine qu’elle doit être particulièrement bonne au lit si le Comte de Saint-Germain a décidé qu’elle était bonne à marier. »
(she’s nothing special, but I guess she’s particularly good in bed if the Count of Saint-Germain has decided to make her his wife.)
You pondered for a moment if you should even grace him with an answer. It wouldn’t do any good, you knew that. But if the man had the galls to say it, he surely could listen to your answer, no?
“Monsieur, j’apprécierais sincèrement que vous vous absteniez de m’insulter en ma présence. Et puis, ce sont de riches paroles, venant de l’homme dont la femme est reconnue pour avoir plusieurs amants. Au moins, l’un de nous sait satisfaire son partenaire… "
(Sir, I would appreciate if you could hold back from insulting me in my presence. And this is rich, coming from the man whose wife is known to have several lovers. At least, one of us can satisfy their spouse…)
Red rose to the man’s face.
“Eh bien, je crois que le message est clair! 
(Well, I think the message is clear!)
Comte’s voice made you jump in your place. You hadn’t heard him coming at all! You turned to look at him with shyness in your eyes, a bit worried he would scowl you for your action. But all he did was look at you with pride.
As you left though, he did ask where you learned to speak French.
“A while back, in my world.”
That night you were staying up late to clean up after one of Leonardo’s raids of the library. It was rotten work for sure, but someone had to do it and Sebastian was finishing up polishing of the silverware. So here you were, going through piles of books left on tables.
Time passed and after a while of not hearing any noise, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to sit down and read for a few minutes. There was a book that had caught your attention while cleaning up. It was a little book of French fables. Some of which you remembered reading back in school when you were young. Slowly, the stories caught your attention for good and the world around you faded.
That’s when Jean entered the room, in the hopes of finding some peace and some books to help him learn to write and read. Still hooked on your little island of nostalgia, you didn’t hear him at all. And him, not wanting to bother you, stayed in his little corner of the library.
An hour must have passed before your eyes left the pages of the book. But when you did, you were surprised to find you weren’t alone anymore. And you felt a bit cheap about being caught slacking on your job.
“I didn’t hear you come in, Jean. What are you doing here?”
“I’m trying to read this book. But it’s hard, I don’t understand much…”
The poor man was trying to read “Les Misérables”, of course he was having a hard time understanding what all those fancy words meant! You held your chuckle in and handed him your fable book.
“You might find this one easier to read. You picked a rather daunting book to try to learn.”
“Oh but… you know I speak French mademoiselle. Your book-” You smiled.
“Take a look at the cover. What does it say?”
It took him a minute to decipher the sounds and the words, but he managed to read the title out:
“Les fables de La Fontaine.” Jean paused. “It’s in French…”
“Yes, it is.”
“You can read French?” there was curiosity in his eyes.
“Oui, mais pas que. Je le parle aussi.”
(Yes, but that’s not all. I can speak it too.)
“Je ne savais pas. Vous ne l’avez jamais dit.”
(I didn’t know. You never told us)
“It’s my little secret,” you answered with a smirk. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should finish cleaning Leo’s mess.”
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yanderepuck · 8 months
We are thanking @aquagirl1978 for this.
At the Bronx zoo, they are letting you name a cockroach after someone and you get a little certificate for doing so.
So let's imagine MC doing this for the guys. She prints out the little certificate and gives it to them all cute like.
"You...did what?" Looking at the certificate wondering if he's reading it wrong.
"I named a cockroach after you"
He just looks at you. Very confused. Not sure if it's meant to be endearing or semi threatening.
"...You still love me, right?"
"of course!"
"Do you like it~"
"That..is.. DISGUSTING!"
You laugh as he throws a small tantrum.
"Because cockroaches are forever like our love~"
"I got the matching socks too"
"get those away from me"
"..a cockroach?"
"a hissing cockroach!"
Leonardo is just looking at the certificate. "I've been called worse things" shrugs and hangs it up in his wall
"aww. Thanks" he smiles at it and you even got him the cockroach plushie to go with it. You knew he would like it. He's going to go paint the two of you as cockroaches now, and going on a date
Mildly offended. "Why a cockroach?"
"Why not. It hisses and so do you. It seems fitting"
Still offended and is convinced you could have chosen a different animal/insect but decided on the cockroach for who knows what reason
You know he goes all out for Valentine's Day as it is. So when you just hand him the certificate he's a little confused.
"I named a cockroach after you!"
"..is...is that a normal thing in your country?"
He's wondering if this is a warning.
"I got us matching roach socks too!"
Boy probably shrieked a little when seeing a cockroach on the paper. "WHY???"
"I thought it was cute"
"They hiss!"
He screams again. But then you made him sit through the virtual encounter and he screams a little when it hisses
Handles it better than you expected honestly. For a split second you thought he would be confused "so this is how people celebrate Valentine's Day? They name bugs after each other"
"not exactly. I thought it would be a funny gift."
You got him the plush and he's holding it like a baby and he carries it around all day and tells people it's name is also Jean
"Aww. I got you the same thing"
You were SHOOK
Dazai also handed you a certificate. Needless to say he enjoyed being named after a cockroach. You're the one a little upset by it
He's telling you about how he is taking you to this nice restaurant. He even got you a new dress to go out in. And then you hand him a box with the certificate and the plush inside.
"a... cockroach? You named a cockroach after me.."
He's wondering if he's done anything wrong and you did this because you're mad at him.
He has no clue how to react. He bought you fancy chocolates and nice wine. Probably a new gold necklace. And he got matching roach socks and a certificate. He's probably a little concerned on how you were able to do this and why you wanted to. But he's putting on the socks right now
Probably sees the humor in it and thinks it's funny. He's oddly excited about the virtual encounter. Meanwhile he probably found a site where you can name a worm after your loved one because of the meme "would you still love me if I was a worm"
He thought you would pick something more elegant than a cockroach. Maybe something fluffy. Not a cockroach.
"Roaches are forever, like our love, and you"
Vlad now thinking roaches are immortal and is curious about them. This isn't what you planned. But he is very touched by this
"....you got me a cockroach?"
"no..I named one after you"
"why would you-" so very confused. He definitely hangs it up in his lab. It keeps his ego down tbh. You start calling him your little cockroach since he calls you a guinea pig
Slightly disturbed at first but is definitely here for the matching socks.
"didn't have to be a cockroach? I think I'm cuter than a cockroach"
"you're the cutest cockroach"
But then you watch the virtual encounter and he screams a little when it hisses. He wasn't expecting that
"aww you got me a gift?" Sees the certificate. "...a roach."
"because our love will never die~"
This is his first Valentine's with you and you named him after a roach.
"Is this a modern thing people do?"
"not really. Just a funny thing"
He's thinking you are trying to offend him but he's actually enthusiastic about it
Didn't even want to do anything for Valentine's but you hand him an envelope and he sees the certificate and he gets very confused.
"happy valentine's day~"
"... I think I'm a little above a roach"
"you both seem to hiss when touched so I see no difference"
That shot his ego down
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klutzyroses · 10 months
IkeVamp HCs: Virgin S/O
How do they react when they find out their s/o is a virgin during their first time and was embarrassed to say anything?
Suitors: Napoleon, Arthur, Comte, Charles
Warnings: NSFW, loss of virginity, Minors DNI
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He froze when Y/N let it slip that she had never been with a man before. And she decided to tell him this now?
He hovered over her for a second, his eyes watching her nervous orbs twinkling with trepidation and...appeared a little glassy.
He had noticed she seemed hesitant to take off her clothes and he had assumed it was because she was nervous that it was her first time with him as his lover.
Not her first time at all.
He reached down and held her face in his hands, looking into her eyes with a stern look. He wasn't mad, or disappointed, he was just... concerned.
"Nunuche...why didn't you say anything?"
"I...I just...It's embarrassing and I don't know what to do and...I.."
His heart panged a little when he saw the mist in her eyes thicken with shame.
He found it worrisome that she would lie about this, luckily, they had only just gotten through foreplay when she made her accidental confession.
He would've felt terrible if he had only found out after it was all said and done.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Y/N. Nothing at all."
He pressed his forehead to hers, sighing.
"Geez, don't lie to me about this kind of thing. I could've hurt you, nunuche."
He won't say it, but he feels a bit proud, to be her first and her last, which is why he will be sure to be gentle with her and make it special, so that he can show her just how much she means to him.
Um...do we remember what Arthur said in his first chapter? Because Y/N most certainly did.
Which was why when Arthur had her under him, his dexterous fingers sliding under her panties to feel her wetness as he slipped the first in slowly, he paused when he felt something...unusual.
Y/N watched the slight confusion swimming through the sapphire eyes before they widened with the realization that he had just made contact with her fully in tact hymen.
She stuttered and bit her lip, trying to come up with an excuse. She flinched when he levelled her with a slightly hurt look that caused her to tear up.
"You could've told me, you know?"
"B...But you said...you preferred..."
Now it was Arthur's turn to flinch. Yes, he remembered what he had said the first night they met. There were so many things he did wrong that night and it seems one of the things he said stuck with his beloved long after the fact.
"I thought if you knew, you wouldn't want to...I mean."
"Oh Y/N...Darling, no..."
The amount of kisses and cuddling she received contained every ounce of regret for putting those ideas in her pretty head.
"I'm sorry luv. Let me make it up to you. "
He slides his fingers through hers as he wipes away a stray tear.
"It'll hurt at first, but I promise, this will be an experience you won't forget in a long, long time."
And he most definitely made sure of that. Once the pain dissipated, Y/N is almost drowned in more ecstasy than she knew what to do with.
The master of the mansion had his suspicions but they weren't confirmed until he had asked her directly just as he started unlacing her dress for her.
He knows it's not... uncommon for people to lie about these things, and while it was easier for men to get away with it but women...
Indeed, it'd be quite difficult to lie successfully about her virginity.
Which is why he asked in the first place, running a finger down the line of her back, tickling her smooth skin.
When met with her uneasy silence, he sighed and gently turned her to face him.
"Had I not asked, would you have told me yourself, ma cherie?"
The slow shake of her head caused a flicker of sadness to mar his visage as he caressed her cheek.
"Ma cherie, that isn't very responsible. You should tell me these things."
"I always wanted...to give it up to someone special...like you and now I feel...It's pathetic!"
Having travelled to her time before, he was somewhat aware that there was something of a stigma around women maintaining their virginity past a certain age, so he understood where she was coming from...but still...
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, ma beaute. I'm actually honored that you deem me worthy of being your first. But please be more honest about it. I loathe to think what would have happened had I hurt you out of ignorance."
He tucked her hair behind her ear, cupping her soft red cheek with a tender smile.
He would take care of her and make it the best she would ever experience. After all, he had every intention of not just being the first, but also the last.
Unfortunately, by the time Charles realized that his belle was as untouched as freshly laid snow, he was already inside her....oops.
He just taken notice of the pain all over Y/N's beautiful face and froze in his place before becoming aware of the ominous slickness down there. One glance at the bit of bleeding sent a chill down his spine as it hit him.
"Y...Y/N, you're a...I'm sorry, I didn't realize!"
He is so apologetic, peppering kisses all over her teary face as she shakily lets out a few whimpers, each one sending a cut into his heart.
"You...didn't realize...because I didn't tell you. It's not...your fault."
Her squeaky, pained reassurance did little to assuage his worries.
Charles remained as still as could be, not wanting to tear or break anything else. His large, cat-like eyes were wide, mournful and his lover feared he would also start crying.
"B...But why didn't you, now you're bleeding! I'm so sooo sorry!"
"I...I just felt...I thought it was embarrassing. I never did this before, because I wanted...to give it to someone who loved me and I know that you're more experienced than me and I..."
She couldn't continue before she had to bite down on her lip to restrain another onslaught of pained noises. She got her point across though, because Charles understood.
"Please don't be embarrassed! It's really sweet and I'm really happy you're letting me be the one to...Just...please don't lie to me anymore..."
Now, he actually did look like he was going to cry, nuzzling her like a love starved kitten, his tongue darting out to flick away a tear on her cheek.
Y/N swallowed thickly as she responded with a jerky nod.
Charles was always going to smother her with love, but now, she might as well have been gold. He will bend over backwards to make sure her first time with him would be earth shattering to make up for the pain.
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wilzy-woo · 1 month
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Ikemen Vampire Suitors ideal type in my eyes 👀 (also sorry if it seems more aimed at girls I tried to make it GN 😭)
Starting off simple with everyone's favourite (or not) sugar daddy COMTE 😍
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• Thinks confidence is really hot and he DEFINITELY likes a little bratty type
• Likes independence but LOVES it when they need help just so he gets to look all snug, he doesn't say anything (he might) but just looks at you with his smexy smirk
• Doesn't care much for looks but loves it when they get dressed up OR LIKE THE KIND OF BEFORE SHOWER MAKEUP
• I think that he NEEDS them to be honest like he would hate the "they told me not tell anyone..." Like he doesn't care he would want ALL OF IT spilt to him whether it's serious or not
Next is the love of my life (he wouldn't like me at all)
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• He wants an extrovert. I don't care he NEEDS an extrovert. May think he doesn't but Ugh he just does
• Wants someone to stand up for him, he may be able to stand up for himself but he just really appreciates when someone would do that.
• Someone cleverrr I can't stress this enough he wouldn't be able to stand someone who isn't interested or knows a thing or two about science or anything for that matter. He WANTS the "erm actually" person
• Needs someone who loves snow. It's a weird thing but I can just see him loving a snowy date in his delusions
Pookie bear Vincent (am I the only one who isn't a fan of Vincents route? Like it was painfully slow 😔 I mean don't get me wrong I love him but I didn't feel very attached)
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•Loves a sweet girl, needs someone to protect and love omg can you imagine someone timid meeting Vincent UGH IT WOULD BE SO CUTE
• Needs their love language to be physical touch, he just screams it
• Wouldn't mind someone bad at art so he could help them with it if they are interested but would PREFER someone who is good at it so they could do cute little dates together
• Wants a very Smiley person like someone who smiles or laughs at the stupidest thing, broken humour type of person
Now Theodore is different his route WAS SO GOOD I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME even if it was a bit weird and k!nky at some points 🤨
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(Why does this photo look massive)
• Chill anyways ALSO wants a bratty person, wants pretty much the opposite of Vincent he finds it such a turn on when they give him a dirty look or roll their eyes at him UGH
• I just know he likes a busty person (ass and chest for girlies) 😔 He seems like that type of person to nonchalantly slap their ass (honestly I'm not a huge fan of that but he would probably do it)
• Definitely likes the weird yappers, the ones who get distracted from one subject they were talking about and moved onto a completely different one
• Likes the observers! People who could just analyse someone easily based on the way they are sitting or talking
UGH MY HUSBAND (this might be biased towards me but I'll try 💔)
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(this photo makes me do unspeakable things)
• Wants them to be independent but not TOO independent, he wants them to depend on him for things but also have that nice balance of independence
• Also loves yappers, he's the listening type so being able to listen to their voice for hours on end would be so good for him. He doesn't care what it's about just as long as he doesn't have to pitch in much he's fine with it
• LOVES when someone is indecisive and asks for HIS help with choosing something, knowing that you think he has the best decision making compared to the others is such an ego boost
• Loves someone who isn't afraid to share their opinions. Finds it such a turn on when their mouth is faster than their mind and just says stuff that doesn't even make sense
Arthur oh Arthur let down your hair...I'm not even sure if this is accurate I never finished his route I got bored halfway through 💀
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•NEEDS someone humorous, CRAVES IT someone who can take a slightly rude joke and give him one back
• Needs someone with 100+ rizz...no seriously he would find it so funny if you went up to him and said some pick up line with that certain face
•Wants someone who would put him in his place when he does something wrong like overworking or doing something risky ass gambling 💀
• LOVES when their love language is acts of service, something simple like bringing him a coffee when he's writing and sitting down with him in silence, every now and then he'd ask you for ideas or something, just being helpful would make him fold.
• (EXTRA) would laugh if you failed your English GCSES
Mozzy Mosquito is that you 🤨 (I've never done his route so I have no bloody idea 💀)
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•WOULD FOLD IF THEY COULD SING. Not like one of those strong voices or rapping NONONO he wants a Lana Del Rey, Alex G and the Florence type of singer , someone with a soft sleepy like voice! He would literally be in love
•CRAVES FOR CONFIDENCE he just thinks it's so attractive for someone to be confident. Like for them initiate conversation and WON'T BACK DOWN (even when he's being a bit of arsey introvert)
• Craves praise. Needs it. Needs someone who praises him and supports him all the way, someone who will get him out of music block by just being there to share ideas or sit there with him for hours telling him if it's good or bad
•Would prefer an introverted lover, he needs someone who is calm and collected and loves it if they come home from an outing and go straight to him groaning and ranting about how much they dislike people
I finished the first chapter of Jeans route I'm sorry if this is inaccurate I literally just go from what I saw of him from the other routes I've played (which isn't a lot ,😭)
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•Though he's more of a listener he would also want a listener partner, to be able to sit there in comfortable silence in each others arms. However there will obviously be conversation it would be quiet and would last hours, something deep and personal to the both of them
• would love love love someone with soft slim hands. I don't know why he just seems like the type of person to be obsessed with those types of hands
• Needs someone patient and soft spoken, someone to be able to let his tough exterior break but by bit. A soft voice and reassurance looks like it would get him head over heels
I also haven't played Sebs route I'm sorry 😔
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•Probably wants someone who is capable of doing what he's capable of, a helping hand and someone he can rely on without messing up
•Someone who wouldn't mind if he was busy a lot doing something for the mansion as he is the 24/7 working butler 😭 someone patient and doesn't mind sitting in silence just holding eachother after a long day
• Prefers an ambivert, definitely wants to be able to have balanced conversations where they can be bothered listener and talker
• that's all I can think of 😭
I'm going to leave it here and do the other six in another part 😭
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soraviie · 2 years
them as boyfriends.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━  masterlist
━ about: fluff  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ previously posted on soraviii
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Conversations! I am extremely chill about it but still insistent
Conversations about stuff!
Doesn't even have to be like here's the top 10 reasons why Auguste Comte was a cunt but like overall
Why do you enjoy doing some things and why are these things his hobbies you know
Why he knows that some of his habits are bad but he can't seem to stop them and so on
I always think that Namjoon is very concerned about doing the Right Thing, you know, being an objectively good person within a subjectively impossible world he probably worries a lot about "oh, was this thing I said perhaps going to rub you off the long way", "is what I'm doing with my influence enough, is it right?" "oh, you said it was okay but could it be that when I did this you wish I didn't and so on"
Wants to do right by the people he loves so open, frequent communication he views as an opportunity to improve and be assured that he's not an ignorant tool
A multifaceted individual so you get to see all sides - cute and cuddly, shy and embarrassed, the hoe side
Does absolutely wake you up in the mornings like "get up, sucker, we're going somewhere, get up"
Often says he's bringing you to a little something and it could be anywhere between a specific tree in a park and a booked-out art gallery during the night
Tries to echolocate you if he's out and forgot to take his glasses
He's insecure that he can't cook so he probably cleans a lot
Probably has read an article about weaponized incompetency and therefore tries to split chores evenly and keep them regularly done
He's actually torn up he can't do most things he would want like - wait for you after work or walk along the river freely
So he puts the extra effort in all he gets - lazy mornings, eating brunch abroad etc.
I can for some reason imagine him slow driving a bike at night and you're walking beside
Why is he not giving you a lift? He's scared he'll crash and you'll be hurt
If you can drive and own a car he will indicate that he wants to be driven not by asking but by sitting in the seat and putting a seat belt on in front of your eyes
When on tour or working late nights sends you short videos of the animals he finds along the way (think of that Instagram video of him harassing a crab on the way home from work)
Deep morning voice! Lord!
Absolutely the one on the list to have sex to relieve pent-up anger
Sleeps shirtless
Just get like ear plugs or straight-up knock yourself out because I just know he snores like a whole ass truck
If he's in love, really, I mean truly in love you're straight up becoming immortalized in the songs
Like he assigns a symbol that he associated to you whether a specific flower or a word or a concept but it's a little thing that keeps mentioned throughout
If it's a private track will ask you to moan for it to be used in a track
On like one day in a year when you convince him to be lazy, for sure, sits and watches TV with like a passive-aggressive frown and munches on chips really loudly
It's not even a bad show it's just how his face looks then
When meeting your friends, has an awkward "smile and wave, boy, smile and wave" stance
Definitely plays up his hotness once in a while - sleazy smiles, and those bedroom eyes, there are two wolves within him, a romantic and a player
If you're walking through an art gallery, for sure talks about every single thing he sees
The way you're on his Instagram is by sharing the photos you take, through them he can see the man you fell in love with and he becomes giddy over it
So hear me out but when Yoongi is crushing he's like a boyfriend, when he's in a relationship he's like a married man with two kids and a mortgage
It's not that the spark is missing (guy can get you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds, you know what I'm saying) but it's literal comfort
Everything about him is comfort
He's like what men think men should be but so much better
E.g. fixes stuff - lamps, chairs, bulbs
Has plans on doing renovation
He never does it but he insists that when he gets the free time-!
"Next weekend."
"Yoon, you said it last weekend."
"Yeah, and eventually I'll do it. Consistency is key."
If he's home and you're there cooks meals 100%
For some reason, I always think he's really into cooking breakfast
It's more likely for him to cook breakfast than dinner because he would oftentimes order it in
Soft lighting in the apartment, no overhead lights
His type of touching is subtle
When you're watching say a movie, he doesn't lean into you wholly but like sits and keeps a hand slumped on your knee
Listen to this - fleeting hand holding
If you're keeping your hand on the table and he's near, he'll stroke your hand for 3 seconds take it away and repeat
Touches your pinky with his - it's like saying "hey"
Now hear me out, gossip
Jimin is for sure the no.1 gossiper but Yoongi is not too far behind himself
You're getting the freshest hottest brew about every single idol and producer he finds repulsive
Not too big of an outdoors guy but he'll do literally anything for you so if you want to go on like a few-day retreat, you sit him down and ask him:
"Is this something you want?"
"Yes -ㅅ-"
"Be honest! Are you really okay with going away this weekend and doing absolutely no work?"
"You'll be happy -ㅅ- yes -ㅅ-"
Hates it but you're happy so he's happy
I think he gets a little bit insecure about his partner not being to be able to do a lot of things so he spoils them a lot - trips and rest days and such
Is a hypocrite though
If you drink a lot of coffee nags the shit out of you only to drink seven cups himself
And here's the hill I'm going to die on - really strict when it comes to eating sweets before proper meals
He might be chill when you say you're not hungry, it sometimes happens you know, but will not! have it! for you to eat candy before dinner!
"What are you - my mom?" you sneer as he shOVES a pack of gummy worms into a deep, dark corner of a pantry where it most likely will never see the light of the sun ever again
"I'll call her," he warns, stirring whatever he was cooking that evening. "Don't test me."
Fights with him are rare and very diplomatic
He treasures you a lot so he takes a logical stance and flat out states "we both could say something hurtful, let's take a breather"
If you're in a foul mood and anNOYED at everything and itching for a fight, he'll cock an eyebrow and just say: "Is that really something you want to be spoken out there?"
Sometimes gets you cute plushies
You once walked in on him reading omegaverse fanfic and no, there is no backstory, nor an explanation given
Holds an incredibly harsh critique of snacks
Tastes a chip, hates it, discARDS the packet with a "d i s g u s t i n g"
You will absolutely hear a fuck ton of "back in my day" and "these are not Korean nuts, these are x nuts, they're no good"
Somehow I think he shits himself more before meeting your friends than parents???
Because he knows how to get along with older people but your friends who are convinced he's going to cheat on you, he's nothing but another over-inflated popstar stroking his ego? not a clue, he's a lost boy
He's so humble and helpful that, of course, he wins them over
Probably has driven your friends somewhere where they need to be, like a reception, probably offered his car for moving purposes (does anyone else help their friends move in and out of places?)
When on long car rides absolutely tries to gaslight you by saying the most impossible shit like:
"Of course, there is."
"There are no rivers in the Gobi desert!"
"But there are! Ancient people, how do you think they managed to travel all that distance? It's because they got to the river and that replenished them halfway."
Actually just wants to talk to you and this is an easy way to do so
dRUNK Yoongi just think about it and enjoy, he's so giggly and smiley and probably calls out for you with annoying frequency
Your nickname is an inside joke, many don't think it's cute at all but you know better and that's what's important
Gets irrationally shy even after dating you after a while, say, you're changing and he walks in, for some reason puts a hand in front of his eyes??
Definitely covers his body if you're checking him out
"Can we please have some respect? Some decorum?" he whines, neck flushing at an alarming speed
Annoys you a lot, he's the annoying boyfriend
Tells the most ridiculous things, like:
"______________, I was in the bathroom and I did this," flicks hair. "And wow, I'm just so handsome. You must be a very strong person indeed to be able to bear it every day."
His confidence is a Schrodinger's cat - half true, half - farce
Somedays he wakes up and doesn't feel it at all and hides away from you saying he's ugly right now
Please assure him a lot during that time
If you work too much he's the best remedy for that
Jin is wise and helps you see how your time is the most important thing, that you don't have to prove your existence to anyone and can occupy space without proving your worth over and over again
Conversations with him don't often delve into deep waters but at the same time you don't feel unheard because he listens very attentively even if he doesn't share these anxieties and concerns
Does, unfortunately, give you secondhand embarrassment quite often
Has and will wear ridiculous outfits that have people turning their heads around
You're trailing with him, hand in hand, head low and Jin's ears too are flaming like gasoline on fire but who is he to prohibit himself from indulging things
Most likely to want morning sex, I will not elaborate
He has a special soft smile for when he feels properly cared for and babied
Appreciates being given flowers, hair tugged behind the ear
He doesn't give a fuck what's a norm, it makes him feel nice, fuck you, he'll continue doing it
If you find fishing boring, sorry you'll have to put up with it
"I guess this will be our thorn, honey, you'll just have to endure this for love"
He takes no shit, not even from you but in return never, ever prohibits you from enjoying things
For example, diving into ice-cold water in a lake is not his idea of a fun time but if you enjoy it, he'll be by the side shivering with a towel and a thermos
Definitely, 100% rehearses meeting your parents and quizzes you on his
It is no surprise at all when you meet that both of you know just the right words, the right gestures
Jin loves his family and to be put in a conflict between you and them is a walking nightmare
So he does his best to avoid that
You often eat at very random places scattered throughout the town and sometimes out of it
One day it's a luxury five-star restaurant in a penthouse, the next you're sitting on a wobbly chair at a marketplace, eating a small vegetable or meat skewer from a plastic cup
But Jin always knows how to bring a good time, so both times are just perfect
Okay so if this makes sense but Hoseok is the type of boyfriend who wants you to improve
So he wouldn't be super clingy or overly protective or madly jealous but he shows his care by reminding you to do self-care
Like skincare routine, morning and night he's there to ask you if you did it
Or whether you ate well, why not, why are you neglecting care in your life
I don't see him as overly romantic like big-ass gestures but really consistent care from the start
Now hear me out and don't tussle, he partially views you as a responsibility and a project
He works hard, correct?
He's a strict teacher and absolutely works himself 100% for maximum improvement
And it's not like he's hovering over you like a helicopter parent, moulding you into a version of his liking I just think he wants you to be the person you really like
So obviously it depends on what your goals are but he's really quietly motivating you to do better for yourself
It may not sound most romantic but at its core he wants you to be happy and I think he realises that it doesn't always just means being loved by a close person
So he wants you to improve, feel better about yourself and feel better about the world in such a way
Because the world is a very dark place, it can't handle even more negativity
Kinky, 0 explanation iykyk
A hype man for sure
If you're ever feeling like you can't do something he'll convince you that at the very least there's not so much loss involved as you think
Handmade jewellery especially if he's been away for a long time
I imagine him sitting at a studio, taking like a 15-minute break and he's tinkering with beads, arranging them and stringing them into a bracelet tailored to your interests
Buys you clothes more than anything else say like a car or a house
He splurges reasonably
Though them triangle bags he had back in the day cost like 300 that's my whole rent homie
It's hard to read what he'd be like as a boyfriend but out of all most likely to feel like a friend with added stuff
Which isn't bad at all
I think he struggles between the view of love in the traditional sense he's been taught and interpreting it his own, more peculiar way
Buys subtly matching clothes
Has a private Instagram and definitely hypes you up there
If he's upset but not overtly mad, he'll lie in the bed and Complain using full VFX of Hobi sound effects
Somehow managed to friendzone you once
As an act of revenge, you did that as well and now has learnt his lesson
100% has inner demons but out of all is the most likely to not share it, above Yoongi, above all
He doesn't struggle with communication per se but struggles with understanding that he himself can have faults and he doesn't have to do everything alone
He holds people he loves in high standard hence why he's so insistent on self-care; on being the best you can be within your own eyes, so it makes complete sense that he holds himself up to the highest standard, cutting himself the least amount of slack
Makes you feel like you're the most hilarious person in the world but doesn't talk much at home
If you feel awkward at an event and pressured will leave immediately, I just have a sense about this
Has a knack for jealousy but the type to end with you being railed the entire night with his jaw clenched
I know we all like his cute side but he can be scary
He can be standoffish and sharp he just mostly chooses to not be
He chooses the high ground though that doesn't always mean he wants to take one
So if you have an ex he particularly loathes he will be near poisonous to that person
But lets it go because it's not about them, it's about you and you deserve his undivided attention
He needs assurance a lot because I think he's convinced himself you'll leave because honestly, it's a hard lifestyle to tolerate in a partner
Touchy but listen to this his favourite is not hugging you but leaning into you
Because it can be so variable
Like cutely leaning onto you whining at you at a full volume or pressing his nose in your cheek with a smirk
I have a feeling he'd enjoy it if you have some temper
He hates fights, absolutely abhors them, and probably has fights because he didn't voice something in the first place because he didn't want to fight
But if you're mad at someone else? If you're angry and getting heated and being bossy?
He just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he often has ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he's in tune with his sensual side
Speaking of sensual, reads the most toe-curling, filthy romance books in his free time
I'm talking like casually sipping coffee and calmly listing through like a BDSM orgy
He's the type to try everything once, within reasons
Often when talking has a soft, whiny voice and holds a part of your body rubbing circles there
I can't imagine his flirty nature not getting him in trouble at some point
But he makes his commitment known in very intense ways
Like gripping your jaw, making eye contact and saying something along that he can't even sleep without you, you're in his bloodstream
Kind of corny but manages to make it sexy because it's Park Jimin
He wants to know everything about you - what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, what made you to be who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow
Desires to make eye contact
Steals more of your clothes than you do his
Drunk, kind of out of it dancing to slow, sexy songs is a MUST for him
In a way there are two parts to being loved by him which are very representative of his sides - one is cute and cuddly, wanting you to be happy, like an idealized version of kids being in love and the other one is hungry
He wants you in and out, if you're not his in the understanding that he knows you best, that he can please you physically and please you mentally by giving you comfort, he's not happy
Sentimental, probably secretly keeps tokens of yours from the beginning of the relationship
Has a copy of all your childhood pics, argue with a wall
The one true no. 1 gossiper, he knows everything about everyone like your workplace for example
He knows why exactly that co-worker of yours left for a two-week vacation and the reason is salacious as all hell while you could be sitting there - "I have a coworker by that name?"
If you're out and he sees someone being rude, will viOLATE them
His sense of humour could make a person suicidal fr
But unlike some, he uses his inside voice
Has things that annoy him in your relationship but I don't think he says it unless it's really bad
He lets small grudges pass hoping to preserve the balance
Because only the mere thought of you leaving terrifies him
Once Jimin ties himself to someone, genuinely, he doesn't want to let them go for nothing
If you're away for a long time, let's say going abroad or really busy with work, his emotions get the best of him and he gets quite upset
But he hides it and frankly somewhat succeeds
But you can also tell when you return home that he was missing you like crazy
He needs to be pampered then, reassured that everything's fine
Does everything you want even if it's not what he would usually do
If you feel like driving for a while to stare at the moon, he absolutely would
Seduces you over and over again
Partially I think the reason he changes up his behaviour so much is to make sure he's keeping you on your toes and you wouldn't leave
It's lowkey a phobia of his
It's so obvious he's dating you
You can just see the Love
Also if he would just stop glARING at strangers for bREATHING your direction, that would be great
Reminds you to do a lot of things but also needs those reminders as well
Often so tired he forgets to do basic things so you have to wrangle him to take a shower or brush his teeth before bed because he really works himself very hard :(
If you're on your phone when it's time to sleep will yANK it away like a mOTHER
Love to him means sticking together - always
Oh, you're expecting an explanation?
You're not getting any :)
Very soft
Also very weird
Being his partner means being his interpreter at times
You two have probably developed a language of your consisting chiefly of sounds
Sends you a shit ton of selfies
Mostly stupid and often blurry
He's a blurry sort of guy
Has sent a selfie taken from underneath his nostril
You could be sitting at work and he sends you a wet, shirtless selfie
Cause he's a menace
Big enthusiast of having soft lights as well
It makes the atmosphere feel more intimate
Everything is about intimacy when he's with you
Emotional, spiritual, physical
Where Jimin is in love with love, Taehyung loves romance
So big, classic, romantic gestures are a part of the Kim course
Date nights are unavoidable even let's say you're in two different countries he'll find a way
Sometimes by spontaneously flying out, sometimes by arranging the most ridiculous zoom call known to man
Like the camera placed where you would sit across the table with a restaurant dinner in front
Buys you lingerie, jewellery and fancy clothes
Teases you about loving him
"Ah, ______________ your passion for me makes a guy shy."
Cue to you sitting like -_-
Cause by now you're tiRED
I imagine he does get on your nerves a lot but by weaponizing all of that infamous charm at this point you're convinced he could get away with breaching the Geneva conventions
Always looks at you like he's done absolutely NO WRONG
Even if it happened like 3 seconds ago
Gatekeeps you in a way
He wants you all to himself and he's afraid if you don't like his friends, you might end up not liking him as well
Really values your opinion of him
Has gone to a fortune teller to ask how your future would look like
When you're going through a tough time, he "lends" you his angel
Misses you like crazy when you're apart
And sometimes even when you're here
If he's miraculously drunk, you're not getting him off you
Fucking Clingatron 3000 over here practically treats you as a plushie when you go to sleep
If you're the more reserved type, he's simply over the moon trying to make you flustered
And if you're really cuddly, he invites it eagerly and joyously
Jump atop of him and he'll laugh head thrown back onto the bed
Absolutely the type to find you being angry quite cute, with the exception that you're not so mad you're breaking up with him
This is of course really annoying because what if you want to establish dOMINANCE
Well good luck with that
He'll just smooch you to pacifism
Is lowkey always horny
Has kinks but I do not have the strength to think about them
Every week attempts to cook a fancy meal which ends up being an inedible concoction tasting like an armpit sweat
Promises to not do it again but lo and behold next week!
Watches a lot of movies with you
Watches you if you're out
Really zones out when you're ordering or simply waiting for something
If you're both at home plays soft music in the background so he could pull you into dance at any time
Fresh flowers whenever the old ones wilt down :(
Brings you to a lot of hipster cafes late in the evening
Quite often says the most inappropriate shit at absolutely the wrong place and time
For example, you're about to throw the bins out and he casually lets it slide -
"What if we tried for a baby right now?"
Smiles at his phone when texting you
Recalling back to the finding you cute when angry, definitely smiles and chuckles to himself if you're being huffy and complaining about work or what some dumbass did today
Begs you to share food
The type to bump into you playfully when walking
If he's going to bed, you're going to bed (can't sleep without his plushie)
Increasingly ridiculous nicknames - honey, babe, dearest, flower, sweet bean, rice cake, jujubii (warps it to sound more cuter version of jujube)
Eats up every capitalized love celebration ever invented - white day, rose day, his own made - "our first kiss day"
Really sentimental in that way
I think he wants love to feel more like a movie than it necessarily is so tries his hardest to make that dream a reality
It is often and with an honestly worrying frequency that you think there is nothing but mii music behind those eyes
Zones out a lot
Stops mid-sentences
Sometimes forgets to listen when you're ranting
It's because he feels safe with you
He feels that he doesn't have to make perfect sense so his mind wanders a lot because he's very relaxed when with you
The type of guy who holds your legs crossed in his lap, one hand caressing your calf when watching a movie
Speaking of movies, yes, you probably have a whole list of tv shows to watch together
(which he absolutely cheats by squeezing in extra screen time)
But you know what he absolutely does
Plays the most horrible otome games known to man
I'm talking about the horse dating simulator, every and all butler romances in the app store
At first, it's just to make fun of it
But then naturally gets really competitive and complains quite hard if the butler he's supposed to be romancing doesn't like him
"Why are men so hard to please?" he growls, fingers gripping the phone so hard the knuckles are white. "I spent 45 diamonds on this dress and "okay" is all YOU CAN SAY?!"
Though you started the game together, he's the one to finish them because it's just slightly hard to develop a romantic interest in an anime pigeon for you but not for Jungkook
Does as he's told when it comes to chores - washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, does it all eagerly
If you're messy, nags you but doesn't go as hard as, for example, Hoseok
Before you stop by his apartment, 100% tried to make it more "palatable" for you
Meaning, shOVES those 7 mattresses of his lying around into a closet or something
Whilst he's pouring a glass of wine you hear a crash come from somewhere
"What's that??" you ask and he sweats, absolutely shits himself
"Nothing," he replies, voice squeaky
"Didn't sound like nothing..."
"...dON't even worry about it."
If he has to take out the bins and your high-heeled shoes are the only thing available, he'll be strutting down to the garbage like a Victoria's Secret model
Has switched those LED lights to red to try and dance sexily in front of you only to bump his crotch into the corner of a closet
You're 90% of his impulse control so if you're gone, expect to see him with one eyebrow upon returning
Has cried at least once about thinking how much he loves you
Turns up his hotness just to see what happens
Is HIGHKEY ready to go at any given point
Even if he's dead tired, he's like "just a quick, lazy sesh, okay 🥺🥺🥺"
If you're scolding him also does this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Finds it absolutely hilarious and endearing if you're bossy
Obeys whilst giggling all throughout
Your ass is a source of comfort for him, it's not your ass it's OUR ass once you're with him
If you're close with your family, probably the one most likely to spend a lot of time with them (of course, only with you there cause he cannot handle that tension A L O N E)
When you first brought him to meet the fam, anytime you tried to leave he would look at you with a smile on his lips but wide panicked eyes, hissing:
"do nOT leAVE me"
"I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Hold it! for the love of gOD hOLD iT."
After a while, he's a bit more chill, the type to be brought along to every camping trip and cookout
Is probably used for labour by your relatives
No, does not send you memes, he's breaking the Gen Z stereotype as he's not attached to the hip with his phone
Makes a conscious effort to spend enough time with you
He can be weaponized to kill bugs, shoo away birds, glare threateningly at strangers
Gently wrestles you for fun
Really enjoys it if you take care of him, like put hair oil in his hair, massage his shoulders, cream his hands etc.
Doesn't like spending a lot of time hanging around somewhere so he whines in your ear
"Are you going to be done soon?"
"We just got here. I need to buy a new shirt."
"You have plenty at home and they all look great on you. Let's just go eat. There's online shopping for a reason."
Gets jealous a lot but never gets angry at you and quickly lets it go
Mostly pouts and fusses if he thinks you're being too friendly with someone
Sometimes utilizes you as weights whilst working out
Like makes you lay on top of him when he's doing push-ups
Adores if you try to manhandle him only to then show you how it's really done by taking a hold of your legs and hoisting you around his waist
You have had a talk about whether he'd choose Namjoon over you and the results of that debate were relayed to Namjoon himself who just looks at you both with a frown that says "what the hell are both of you on"
Gets lowkey combative if you have bad habits that impact your health like smoking, too much drinking, or not eating regularly
Health to him is very important in spite of you pointing out the hypocrisy of it
As he often fails to take proper care of himself
But he tries so he wants you to try your best as well
Makes a secret tattoo about you
Like your favourite flower, or a favourite thing
Similar to how Namjoon immortalizes you in a way, but on his flesh
Sings around the house but is too shy to give you concerts
Sneaks you into the studio, however, for you to express your opinion
Sneaks you into a lot of places
Like an afterparty or a press conference
A member will see you and wonder out loud:
"I think I saw _____ walking by."
"You're just getting old, seeing things," Jungkook replies trying not to seem too guilty
You can absolutely tell if he has a surprise planned for you
"Jungkook, are you planning to bring me on a secret date?"
"0.0 no 0.0"
If you're mercilessly destroying him at a game, he threatens to cry
Would get upset at you for something he dreamt
Glares at you over coffee cup:
"You said you liked Yoongi better than me."
"In a dream you Dumbo," you roll your eyes. "I'm literally making you breakfast."
He answers with a vague hum, then turns up his nose, all offended:
"Said you liked his hip thrust more."
Wants to adopt more dogs, so you'll have someone to keep you company when he's on tour :( and so that they could protect you in case of home invasion or stalkers
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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natimiles · 6 months
Worthy (Jean x reader)
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Summary: Jean never felt this way before. He never thought he deserved love — or to be alive again to begin with. That’s what his brain tells him; that’s what seems more logical to do. But his heart grows more stubborn every day.
Words: 2418
Tags: sfw; fluffy; angst with a happy ending; not-so-unrequited love; confessions; first kiss; female reader (Jean calls you mademoiselle and you’re wearing a dress).
Notes: it took me so long, but I finally finished iiit! This is my entry for the lovely challenge “Love Booth for Underrated Characters” hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady! The prompts for Jean were “Monster — I am not worthy of love.”
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He seriously considers not attending this party. He’s never had any problems just staying in his room before. Why doesn’t he do just that now?
The sound of your laugh reverberates throughout the room, piercing straight into the core of his heart — make it twist, stop, hurt.
Oh… Right. 
And now he doesn’t know whether it would be better to enter this hellish party or to run back to his bedroom.
Jean never felt this way before. He never thought he deserved love — or to be alive again to begin with. So, having such a bright soul near him is a little scary. It makes him want to hide in his room and never leave again, or perhaps go to his weapon shop and not come back. That’s what his brain tells him; that’s what seems more logical to do.
But his heart grows more stubborn every day.
He sees you as soon as he steps into the grand party hall. You’re chatting with Isaac while he’s a shy mess, blushing and stuttering. Jean isn’t good with body language or understanding people, but he can tell the physicist likes you. To be fair, he can tell everyone in the mansion likes you — and that probably says more about how they all make no effort to disguise their feelings than Jean starting to be less oblivious.
And the worst part is that he can include himself in that count.
He is better at concealing his feelings though. It’s easy when he thinks he’s a horrible monster that doesn’t deserve happiness. But it’s hard when you look at him from the other corner of the room with those doe-like eyes. When you smile widely and wave at him. When you interrupt your conversation with Isaac to walk up to him, to welcome him to this party that Comte insisted on throwing to celebrate your one-year anniversary living in the mansion with them — something that Comte, once again, went overboard with, renting out an entire party hall and throwing a fancy celebration.
“Jean! You’re here!” you say in a cheery tone. You almost reach out to hug him but think better of it and clasp your hands together. Sometimes you forget Jean is not a fan of hugs; you’re used to all these needy vampires wanting your attention and affection 24/7.
“I am,” he replies in what he thinks is his usual stoic voice, but if someone else were close enough to hear him, they’d notice it’s a little softer.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you smile widely. It reaches your eyes in the most beautiful and radiant way he’s ever seen; it almost blinds him. He just averts his gaze and hums in agreement. He fails to see your smile wavering at his lack of a better response. “Do you... Do you want to eat something? The buffet is incredible!”
He glances back at you. “Alright,” he replies simply, and your face brightens up again.
You practically don’t leave his side from that point on. You guide him to the buffet, tell him about some food he’s never seen before, and keep chatting with him for a good while. He can’t understand what’s happening. Why are you still giving him all this attention? Shouldn’t you be talking to the others?
However, he doesn’t have the heart to dismiss you, and it only makes things worse.
So when Arthur calls you for a dance, he seizes the opportunity to escape. It’s stupid, he knows it, but it’s the only way he can think of distancing himself from you. Jean considers going back home; someone like him shouldn’t be there, enjoying all the attention you were giving to him. He doesn’t deserve it. You’re basically an angel in his eyes, with a natural light, a bright smile, and a pure heart, and he’s not worthy of any of that.
Why does it become harder and harder to keep believing that?
He goes to the balcony and sits down on a bench in the corner. He sighs and gazes at the moon in the dark sky, while his mind wanders. The sounds from the party are a little quieter there, but he can still hear the music and the laughter. He can imagine you dancing with Arthur, the way you’d spin around in his arms while giving him your beautiful smile, how your sweet voice would chat with him while dancing... How you’d do everything he wants, but he knows he’s not worthy of having.
Why does the thought bring him pain? He should be happy if you end up choosing anyone else, even if it’s Arthur. They’re all more deserving of your affection than he will ever be.
He hears footsteps slowly approaching the balcony, and only then does he realize he must’ve been lost in his own thoughts for a while because the song has changed. His gaze flicks down from the moon to whoever is coming out into the chilly night, and he stops breathing when he sees you approaching him.
“There you are!” you smile, sitting down beside him. “What are you doing here?”
“Just getting some fresh air,” he says simply.
“Oh! I think I need some air too, so I’ll stay here for a while… is that okay?”
His head nods before his lips can give you a verbal answer, and you smile shyly. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you, with only the faint music from inside the hall serving as background noise.
A soft song starts to play, and he can see from the corner of his eye you fidgeting with your fingers, then with the skirt of your dress, then fiddling with your hair. He turns his head slightly, silently watching your face change into a million different expressions in a short span of time. It’s both impressive and endearing to him.
“Jean?” you call in a soft voice, and he hums in acknowledgment. You finally look directly at his face, biting your lip nervously. “Do you dance?”
“Pardon?” His eye widen as he looks at you funny, as if you’ve suddenly grown a second head.
“I want to dance,” you explain slowly and softly. “And I’d like to dance with you.”
“Mademoiselle, I don’t think I’m the most appropriate partner for this,” he says, frowning. “Have you considered asking Mozart?”
“No, because I don’t want to dance with him,” you pout. “I want to dance with you. If you’re not comfortable, then we can just stay as we are now, keeping each other company.”
“Not uncomfortable…” he starts, tilting his head to the side. “I’ve never danced before. I don’t know how to.”
“Oh! Then it’s easily fixed!” You jolt up and look expectantly at him. “Come on, let’s dance. We can do it here, so no one will see us while we practice.”
Jean considers denying you, but he realizes how difficult it actually is. Slowly, almost suspiciously, and very awkwardly, he stands up in front of you. You beam at him, your neck craning a little backward so you can properly look at him from such a short distance, since he is taller than you.
“How... do we do it?” he asks, trying to ignore his heart beating faster.
“It’s quite simple. One of your hands will hold mine, and the other goes to my waist.”
You don’t move or try to catch his hands; you just stay there with one hand extended for him to grab, waiting for him to approach you when he’s ready. With a mental deep breath, he brings himself to touch you. The hand on your waist pulls you a little closer without him really noticing what he’s doing, and the other proceeds to hold yours.
“And now?” he asks in a low voice.
“Now we sway,” you reply, placing your other hand on his shoulder and gently nudging him to move. “One step to the right, one step to the left.”
“Alright,” he murmurs, a little insecure. He looks down at both your feet, trying hard not to step on you, but ends up doing so. “I’m so sorry,” he apologizes. His cheeks flush, his brow furrows, and you think it’s the most adorable sight you’ve ever seen.
“Don’t worry about my feet, Jean,” you kindly say. “And try not to look down while dancing.”
The soldier nods, briefly glancing at your face before averting his gaze to something above your head. He can feel you intently looking up at his face while slowly guiding him, and he makes a huge effort not to look directly into your curious eyes. He fails. He never thought it was possible, but here, underneath the starry sky and the moonlight, you’re even more beautiful.
He can feel his heart beating inside his ribcage. Is this normal? Is he dying again? He thought vampires were supposed to be stronger. You lick your lips, and his gaze drops to follow the motion, being rewarded with a shy smile in return. Now his knees are weak and his head feels light, and he’s sure he’s about to pass out.
“Jean…” you call his name oh so softly.
He turns his amethyst eye back to yours, and you both stay silent for a few seconds, lost in each other’s gaze.
“... Yes?” He tries to encourage you, but he isn’t sure if it’s effective. 
Unaware that it makes you more nervous, he intently watches as you bite your lip and furrow your brow. You keep staring at him for a whole minute, and Jean considers asking if you’re feeling unwell too. But then you intertwine your fingers more with his, and bring your linked hands close to your lips and place a soft peck.
“I like you,” you whisper, the hands still close to your lips, your breath warming them.
He stops dead in his tracks, causing you to stop swaying too.
He blinks.
“What…?” His voice is so hoarse and low, you can barely hear him.
“No, that’s not right,” you pout. “I’m in love with you.”
Oh, he’s definitely dying again. Or maybe he’s already dead and this is Heaven?
“Mademoiselle, what are you saying…”
“I’m saying I love you,” you speak with more confidence now.
He wants to push you away. He wants to tell you that you shouldn’t say this to him. He wants to warn you about his true self. He wants to make you realize the monster he really is, the one that doesn’t deserve love, especially yours.
The hand holding yours squeezes tightly, and he brings it to his chest, while the one around your waist clenches the fabric of your dress between his fingers. The motion brings you closer, and you squeeze his shoulder, beaming at him in such a way that he feels something melting inside him.
“I’m not… appropriate. I’m not worthy… You—”
“I don’t want to tell this to anyone else,” you practically read his thoughts, based on the previous answer when you asked him to dance with you. “And don’t talk like that about yourself. I love you. You’re worthy of love, and every good thing this life gives you. I can tell you the whole list of why, if it helps you see what a wonderful man you really are.”
Jean is confused. He’s never been called a “wonderful man” before, not in this soft way you just did — he was a wonderful soldier, but that had a whole different meaning back then. It’s unusual, but he notices it isn’t an unpleasant feeling.
He leans down, leveling his gaze with yours. Your expectant gaze flits from his eye to his lips and back again. Perhaps he can allow himself to pull out those feelings from his chest too.
“That’s not necessary,” Jean whispers, his expression softer than you’ve ever seen. You even dare to say he is smiling, but it’s timid, almost only a tiny curve at the corner of his lips. “My heart is stubborn. Even though I keep thinking that I don’t deserve you, I can’t bring myself to stop loving you.”
“You… love me too?” Your eyes widen for a moment.
“I love you too,” he states simply and directly. Your gaze softens, and you break into a big smile. He’s mesmerized by every little change in your features, as always, but there’s something more enticing tonight. Something that compels him to bring his face closer. “... Am I allowed to kiss you?”
“Yes,” you reply in a whisper. “Always.”
He closes the gap between your lips in one soft peck that ends too soon for your liking. When he pulls away to look at you, you hold his hand more firmly, using it as support to keep him close and bring your face towards his. You don’t waste time, and tilting your head for a better angle, you request passage with your tongue to deepen the kiss.
And it’s everything he’s ever heard of and more — almost too much.
Your tongue flicks against his, making his head spin and his body crave more. Without thinking, his hand squeezes your waist and slides up your back, meeting your nape, as he tries to bring you closer, wanting to keep it going forever. The grip you have on his shoulder tightens, and a low, satisfied sound ripples from your throat.
When the kiss ends, you both maintain your foreheads together, pausing to catch your breath as you gaze into each other’s eyes. Jean smiles, boldly bringing his hand to your face, his fingertips caressing under your eyes, your cheeks, your lips… He wishes to commit every little detail of you to memory, even though he knows you two have all the time in the world now.
You do the same to him, sliding your hand from his shoulder to his neck, to his jawline, up his cheeks, until you reach his eyepatch. He tenses up, but doesn’t retreat; he trusts you, and he knows you won’t do anything without asking. You simply trace the line between his eyepatch and his skin, and continue your path sliding your hand behind his head. Your fingers delicately tangle in his dark locks, and before you can complete your intention of pulling him in for another kiss, Jean kisses you.
You stay there for God knows how long, lost in yourselves.
Neither of you notices footsteps approaching the balcony door and instantly turn back inside, while Arthur shouts to the others that he found you and you’re more than fine.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chandeliermichel @fang-and-feather @sh0jun
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sunshineyuuji · 2 years
Surprising Facts
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IkeVamp suitors with an s/o who randomly says interesting facts
Characters: Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Arthur Conan Doyle, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, Johann Georg Faust
Warnings: maybe ooc since I don't know their personalities well, bad English (?), some facts may be a little disturbing (Isaac's part), gn!reader/fem!reader.
Notes: hello~! It's great to write again! I hope you're all taking care. This is the first time I write anything that has to do with the Ikemen series, so I hope you like it (╥﹏╥). Also, this is a tiny bit too much inspired by things I say to my friends and family so enjoy this little random facts I know, te-hee~.
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Leonardo Da Vinci
"Did you know that Samuel Morse, the creator of the telegraph and Morse code ran for mayor of New York, but was against Catholics and immigrants?"
"I beg your pardon?"
It's really fun to have them around, though he sometimes doesn't understand some of the facts they throw at him and asks them to explain.
He learns more about future events through their random facts than asking the other residents.
He gets caught off guard by some of the facts his s/o throws at him though.
"Nutmeg is a hallucinogen."
Sometimes tries to ask them things that he thinks may be difficult for them to know, but he always fails.
"Actually, Sudan has more pyramids than any other country in the world."
His s/o never fails to impress him and he loves that.
They’re just cute darlings full of knowledge! They’re pretty and smart!
Secretly wishes to surprise his s/o with something they don't know.
Perhaps his unconditional love for them.
"And did you know, tesoro, that I love you dearly?"
I'm sure they didn't know that one, did they?
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Isaac Newton
"Did you know the human stomach can dissolve razor blades?"
"Y/N, please, PLEASE stop with the creepy information."
Look, he's glad they’re drenched in information, but WHY do they choose to tell him the creepy ones?
He knows some of the facts his s/o tells him, others are more modern so he asks them information about it.
But when it comes to the creepy ones...
"Acids can dissolve a body more completely than lye, liquefying even the bones and teeth."
"And why do you need this information?!"
Let's face it, it's a bit weird that they know that, but they’re full of information!
Although they always have one or two that make him smile.
"Did you know the world's longest marriage lasted 86 years?"
Isaac looked up at his s/o with intrigue.
"Why don't we break the record?" they smiled at him and laughed when they noticed his cheeks blush.
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Arthur Conan Doyle
"There are four law books bound in human skin at the Harvard University Library."
"Bound in what?!"
It feels like a competition.
He wants to outsmart them in saying something they don't know, but never finds anything.
"Video cameras were invented in 1891."
"Mmm that was the movie camera called Kinetograph, but in 1888 Louis Le Prince invented a single-lens camera that created the first and oldest motion video in existence."
"Bloody hell, Y/N!"
Don't worry, there is one thing he can do that leaves them with no answer.
And that is at flirting.
"You may be a little know-it-all, but you're still my cute dove, aren't you?" he chuckles. "Oh yes, I always win in the game of seduction."
Always uses the little random facts they give him on books.
Like that one time when his s/o told him that hydrogen peroxide dissolves blood!
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Comte de Saint-Germain
Let's be clear, this man knows quite a lot thanks to his time travels.
But that doesn't stop his s/o from saying a thing or two.
"It's interesting how people often paint you as a time traveler and an immortal being without knowing they're right. Isn't it ironic?"
Asks more about future events like wars that are soon to come or any type of information that calls his attention.
"In your time, which is the most famous book?"
"Currently the Bible. It's the most recognizable and famous book that has ever been published."
He always has this soft smile whenever they tell him anything out of the blue, either because of amusement or because he loves how they smile whenever they tell him any random fact.
It's adorable to say the least, and he will make sure to always make them feel proud of their knowledge.
"Ma chèrie is very smart and knowledgeable. I sure am a lucky man, aren't I?"
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Johann Georg Faust
Let's be for real, he's a smart ass.
He knows quite a lot about alchemy and other stuff.
But what about modern stuff?
"You know, I wanted to watch the play that goes by your name. I read it though! Very tragic indeed."
"What are you talking about?"
Yeah, yeah, he’s smart and stuff.
Really cool.
But his face when they tell him something he doesn’t know?!
Even if he does know, he’s more surprised on the fact that his s/o knows that type of stuff.
For example:
“Did you know that injecting 35% hydrogen peroxide can cause inflammation of the blood vessels at the injection site? The oxygen bubbles that block flood flow and lead to gas embolisms, leading to the destruction of red blood cells.”
“May I know why you know this information?”
Secretly likes it. I mean after all, his s/o isn’t just some pretty face.
Doesn’t stop him from teasing you though.
“Your knowledge won’t help you get away from me now will it? Hm, thought so. Now come here before I make you regret it.”
Will make a quiz full of questions regarding history out of spite.
They pass flawlessly. (Yeah, just with random facts from the internet. Leave me alone, I did that once.)
“You are proficient with your little data. Well, I can't expect less from my partner.”
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xxsycamore · 1 month
Hello pls can I have Napo with size kink and body worship ? Thank you 😍😍
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Napoleon + body worship (giving)
You might find it that every time you have sex with Napoleon it feels like he's going for body worship. It's hard for him not to pay attention to and appreciate every part of your body, and what better time than that? I think Napoleon would be the type to insist on full discarding of your clothes, given that the circumstances allow it, and that you allow it, of course. He wants to see it all. You might chuckle as he removes even the accessories off of you that most people would leave on on purpose like stockings, shoes, gloves... He prefers you in the flesh, and he prefers that you know exactly why. Napoleon would start unwrapping you like a present on any chance he gets, beginning from the top as the kiss he plants on your lips is usually followed by another on your neck, then on your shoulders, then lower down when he exposes your chest. It's not like he hates clothing, he has an eye for sexy outfits and knows how to appreciate them, like a big cat playing with its food before savoring it... It's just that he always finds it easier to express himself via actions, and physical love is no different. It allows him to tell you how grateful he is for your body and everything it does. Massaging your sore feet after a long day of doing chores, bathing you in the thermae... applying that fancy imported handcream that Comte bought for you, even if he knows and cares little about these things. If there's one thing he's confident about providing for you, it's his intimate love. Exploring your body, mapping it with his fingers, getting to know it, it's all just a sweet bonus to making you mewl and purr and even scream in pleasure. He makes extra sure to show love to any part of your body that you don't feel confident about. Every curve, dip and scar is kissed and complimented - that's it, if you want him to do that. He has had scars of his own, imperfections of his own, and he knows everyone deals differently with accepting them. But if you're willing he'll go crazy with his love for you. If you let out a noise of pleasure while he's stimulating a new spot on your body, he's memorizing that and using it against you every chance he gets...
10/10 "Oh no, I'm not done yet. I've yet to kiss goodnight those tireless little hands, *kiss* your cute belly, *kiss* this naughty knee that accidentally met my stomach earlier when I was- Alright Nunuche, I admit, it was my fault that I was stroking you so fast. Don't distract me now. I won't let you sleep just yet, not when the moonlight is making your skin glow so beautifully for me."
-> (ALWAYS OPEN) send me a kink & I’ll give you a headcanon and rating for Napoleon!
🦶foot fetish 
🥵breeding kink 
🍈breast kink 
🩸period kink 
🏙public sex 
🤗praise kink 
👅 cunnilingus 
🍌blowjobs (receiving) 
🚪getting caught 
📏size difference
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fang-and-feather · 11 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Comte x Reader
Visions of Temptation, Day 3 Prompt: Vanilla Sex
Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore
Also written for Comte's birthday, a little late, but not as much as I thought it would. I didn't have the time to finish the SFW part of this, although this smut is basically a piece of fluff anyway
Kinktober Masterlist / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Of all the “gifts” he was expecting you to offer him, what you actually proposed was not one.
He couldn’t help but steal you away, back to your room after that, the party you were supposed to return to forgotten.
How could he not? Even if he didn’t go forward with your proposal, only the fact that you brought it up was enough to make him happy, and your conviction had stolen his heart once again.
“Abel, what about the party?” You asked, but it didn’t sound like you were complaining. In fact, you smiled at him.
“I’m happy to be able to celebrate my birthday with my family, but right now, you’re the one I want to focus on. I’m sure the others won’t mind our absence.”
He placed you on the bed, gently kissing you. He approached you tonight, not with the usual fiery passion, only his heart full of love that needed an outlet.
“So, you enjoyed your day today?”
You had spent a long time planning, only for your day to be ruined by a sudden storm. Despite your efforts to hide it, he knew. And he also knew how you panicked at the change of plans. Still, you had braved it and made your best efforts to make him happy at home.
You were always so happy to celebrate his birthday every year. Such a passage of time had meant nothing to him before meeting you, only marked by meaningless interactions with people who didn’t care enough. People who didn’t see him.
But you did. Your efforts were for him. For the man he was, the one behind all the titles and masks, the one he sometimes lost sight of himself, caught in all the social performing. The one you loved, despite all the mistakes and weaknesses.
“I always enjoy my time with you, but you always go to such lengths to make me even happier.” He kissed you again, gently nudging you to lie down. “Thank you for this.” He leaned over you and kissed your neck, and you moved your head to give him better access, so receptive to what you thought was to come. “And thank you for being with me. For loving me. I will always treasure you.”
He had no intention of going ahead with it, though. Not right away. But he couldn’t deny how tempting it was as he nuzzled into you, inhaling your scent. Despite how much he learned to control it, the thirst for you was always there, longing for that taste of you.
His fangs gently grazed your skin, and you didn’t even flinch, unlike many times before. Your resolve was real. You had offered for him to turn you, and you were ready for that. But he only kissed your neck, nuzzling against your skin again.
“Abel?” you asked, confused.
“Later.” He whispered in your ear. “I want to enjoy the rest of my birthday with you today.” His hand slipped under your skirt, massaging your thigh. “Let me love you, my princess.”
He kissed you deeper, carefully removing your clothes. You kissed back, also unbuttoning his shirt. He wasn’t usually so gentle, as his desire for you burned with an intensity that could barely be contained. Tonight, though, he only wanted to return that gentle love you always gave him. To treasure you properly.
Clothes were removed between kisses, with no rush, hands feeling every inch of skin as it was exposed. He only pulled away when everything was out of the way, eyes roaming your body.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, and when you blushed, looking away, he kissed you before you could complain. “I’m always as entranced as the first time I saw you.” He slowly kissed a path from your cheek, down your neck and your chest. “Always so sweet, too. I can never get enough of you.” You moaned and shivered when he traced a path up your thigh with a finger. “And you sound so sweet, too. Sing for me, mon amour.”
The same finger climbed higher, until it reached your clit, massaging gently. He kissed up your neck again, then right behind your ear, making you shiver and moan again. The familiar tension built inside him with each sound you made, but not with the usual intensity. It felt warm, but not searing hot like he was used to.
“We should get you ready, too.” You nudged him back, sitting up as he complied, then wrapped a hand around his member, stroking him gently. And you kissed him this time. A slow and sensual kiss, still intoxicating.
His hand slid back down, a finger pushing inside your heat. You were so ready, despite how little you had done. You had become so responsive to every little touch of his, every word. Not that he was any different. The more time you spent together, the more he desired you, and the easier his passion was triggered. Why did people say love and desire were the opposite?
Pushing you back down, he intertwined his fingers with yours, his body practically blanketing yours as he pushed into you, bringing your bodies as close as they could be.
Your passion tonight was like a dance, your bodies molding to each other, moving in harmony, hearts beating to the same rhythm as you held each other tight, gazing into each other’s eyes.
The sweet wave of ecstasy washed over him first. He moaned your name, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to yours.
It didn’t take long for you to join him. He always loved the sound of his name when spoken by you, but there was something special about the soft, breathy way you called him now.
You two kissed, sharing the remainder of your passion while you both came down from your highs.
“Satisfied already?” You asked.
If he was being sincere, not really, especially not with how you were looking at him.
“Not if you keep looking at me like this. So sweet and seductive…” He kissed you, lying by your side and pulling you to his chest. “But you have been working so hard all week. I will let you rest.” The next kiss was placed over your eyelids. “I love you. Forever.”
Instead, he would give you what you wanted. A new step in your life together.
“I’m all yours.” You whispered back, kissing him. “Happy birthday.” You wished again.
He chuckled before his fangs sank into your neck. Your blood was sweet and warm in his mouth. Addicting. As much as the moans that escaped you, before your body went limp in his arms.
Pulling away from your neck, he kissed your forehead, hugging you tighter to his chest.
“Happy birthday to you too, princess. Thank you for loving me.”
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Tag List: @tele86
If you want to be tagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
Kinktober Masterlist / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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vivelareine · 7 months
One of the things I've been gradually poking at is the story of Jacques Armand (name as related by Campan) who was an orphaned toddler that Marie Antoinette took in after encountering his elderly, infirm grandmother in Saint-Michael.
There's been a lot of misinformation about him going around thanks to a pretty poorly done Wikipedia article--which falsely claims, among other things, that Marie Antoinette "renamed him" Armand. The article cites Campan for this, when Campan clearly relates that his family name was Armand and does not say the queen renamed him.
So far, I've found 2 contemporary sources describing Marie Antoinette taking in Jacques Armand. None of them have the same over-dramatic details that Campan included, such as the claim that he was almost run over by horses and that's when Marie Antoinette dramatically threw out her arms and declared destiny had given her the child to console her until she had some of her own.
Here is what the comte de Mercy wrote to Maria Theresa on the matter in 1776:
"...the queen was passing through a village near Versailles and saw a kindly old woman surrounded by orphaned children. Their pleasant faces interested the Queen. She gave the grandmother money [for their upkeep] and deigned to ask if she could give one to H.M…The smallest, a boy of three, was given to her. He is lively, cheerful and amuses the Queen. He stays in her apartments and is neither rowdy or annoying."
The following recollection is from the 1778 'Anecdotes of the reign of Louis XVI' and matches very closely what the comte de Mercy wrote 2 years earlier:
At the beginning of August of 1776, the queen was walking through the village of Saint-Michael, near Versailles, when she came upon an old, infirm woman surrounded by several small children. This picture, which appealed to Her Majesty's compassionate soul as the most interesting of the extremes of human nature, moved her at once, and caused her to stop walking. She approached the old peasant woman, questioned her with as much gentleness as she did kindness, and learned that this good woman, grandmother to the children surrounding her, was in her declining years and despite her poverty, was the sole support of these fatherless and motherless children. Touched by all she heard, it was not enough for our sovereign to give her immediate financial assistance; she cast her tender eyes on the youngest of these orphans, aged three, and declared that she wanted to take care of him, and that would have him taken care of.
It's not that I find Campan's account necessarily unrealistic in some respects--I'm sure this 3 year old toddler was scared and emotional when taken to the palace--but so far none of the actual contemporary accounts, even the one written by Mercy, have anything like the details that he was almost hit by horses, that MA threw her arms out and demanded him because Destiny and Stuff, etc. Surely Mercy would have recounted some of this, considering how much detail he gets into when Marie Antoinette encountered local people in other instances, such as the man injured by the hunt.
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eventinelysplayground · 2 months
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This is my final entry for @violettduchess and @lorei-writes Sunshine and Starlight creation challenge. I will tag you both when I write the prequel (I guess) for my first entry but it's not even started so. I went with stained glass for this one and it was actually the first idea I had. It's not what I thought it would be, initially I had a different plan but when I started to write it I wasn't feeling it so thought more on it then switched gears to this. I do pull a tiny bit and some dialogue from Faust's route as well as the make me melt event epilogue but as always not a prerequisite to enjoy the fic. Returning to the church brings back memories for Faust. Fluff with a bit of spiciness, WC approx 1305.
A Dance of Colors
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With the war having passed the streets of Paris were busy once again with the comings and goings of its residents. Along a certain street stood an imposing church, one that had bared witness to so much in its time. Across the road from the church's heavy wooden doors stood a man, his hazel eyes seeing the past rather than the now.
‘I just wanted to do something to help. Unfortunately the bread is all I could give…’
‘You know, they say ‘devoting yourself to others without caring about yourself is called dedication.’ not many people would offer to help a stranger without hesitation. You're a very compassionate person.’
A sudden chorus of children's laughter could be heard bringing Faust's attention back to the present. He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.
“Of course the children would still be as noisy as ever.”
He watched one of the older boys open the heavy church door and hold it open so that the smaller children could dash inside. Stealing himself Faust quickly walked towards that same door, one he had not entered through in decades, and opened it.
The inside of the church was mostly unchanged since the last time he was there. It had held up well through the long years and wars it seemed, only requiring the replacement of most of the stained glass.A pity they had to be replaced, the way the colors used to dance off her skin.
Faust's face softened and his lips turned upwards into a smile as he took a seat in one of the pews and thought back to the time he and Mitsuki spent in the church together. Happy times filled with playing children, christenings and weddings; sad times filled with sickness, funerals and despair; and other times…
‘Johann, I…ohh…’
‘Johann, Johann…I want to give myself to you. So you have to give yourself to me too.’
‘Here. Now. Are you sure?’
‘Of course I'm sure. Ahh! Haah…Nnh. Hnh…’
‘Neither God nor Devil can take you away. You belong to me.’
Other times that were filled with love and passion but that would almost certainly see them both condemned to hell.
Faust sat in the pew listening to the children and reminiscing about his life so far he failed to notice that the young priest had noticed him and was slowly approaching.
“It's quite a fine day today, wouldn't you agree?"
Faust said nothing.
“Though the expression on your face doesn't match the weather.”
Faust still said nothing and kept his eyes on the altar as the priest sat down beside him.
“If you won't talk to me, how can I help you with your problems, my child?”
Faust clicked his tongue.
“I am not your child.”
“We are all God's chil-”
Faust cut the priest off with another click of his tongue followed by a sigh.
“Where did you ever learn to be so impudent?”
“Oh most certainly from my Father.”
Faust turned to face the priest, hazel eyes meeting hazel eyes. The priest gave Faust a devious smile and he let out a low chuckle.
“They kicked you out of the castle didn't they?”
A frown came over Faust's face and he turned his attention back to the altar.
“According to your mother, my standing there was making Le Comte and the old goat nervous.”
“Were you really just standing there?”
“Of course.”
“You shouldn't lie in a church, you wouldn't want to end up in hell after all.”
Faust let out a scoff.
“I assure you Christian, if I am to end up in hell for my behavior in a church, lying would be the least of my offenses.”
It was now Christians turn to click his tongue and sigh.
“How did you ever manage to make everyone believe you were a respectable priest?”
“Watch your tongue my son, I took my duties here quite seriously even if I do not believe in God myself.”
“If it's true that you do not believe in God then why are you here?”
Faust was silent for a moment as he pondered his eldest childs words.
“Even though I do not believe in God, this place brings me peace and once again brought hope into my life.”
Father and son sat in silence for a long time watching as the children played in the church while the sunlight coming in through the new stained glass cast colorful patterns across the floor.
“I believe they have had enough time now.”
Faust stood to leave.
“Before you go…”
Christian began fishing around in his robes for something.
“I only just got this back today, I was going to bring it to you tonight but you're here now so might as well.”
Faust looked quizzically at the brown paper wrapped item Christian held out to him.
“Trust me, you and Mother will both enjoy it. Think of it as a momento from your past.”
Faust gently turned the item over in his hands, his eyes widening ever so slightly.
“Thank you, I will see you later tonight?”
“Of course.”
Faust had just exited the pew when he heard Christian cough and saw his hand come out palm up to block his path.
“The scalpel Father.”
Faust rolled his eyes but his sons hand didn't budge.
“Now Father, all of them.”
Faust sighed and took not one but three scalpels out of various pockets and handed them to a smiling Christian.
“Thank you. Go with God my child.”
Faust grumbled as he left the church leaving behind the noisy laughter of not only the actual children but Christian's as well.
The castle was always quiet this late at night, in their room Mitsuki sat awake in bed staring down at the face of the man she loved.
“Did you fall asleep taking care of me again?”
The memories from when she had caught the epidemic, or any other time she wasn't feeling well played through her mind. Mitsuki reached out and began to run her fingers through Faust's hair disturbing the colors displayed upon it.
I'd know those colors and pattern anywhere but how?
Mitsuki began to look around the room and her breath hitched when her eyes fell to the desk. Sitting on top of it propped up against the window was a pane made with the old stained glass from the church.
“Christian gave it to me.”
Mitsuki startled a bit at the sudden voice.
“Johann you're awake!”
Mitsuki's hand traveled from Faust's hair down to rest on his cheek.
“And so are you.”
Faust grabbed Mitsukis hand and placed a kiss upon her palm, it was only then she noticed that her hand was no longer wrinkled.
“How long?”
“Five days.”
“Oh, and everyone else is….”
Mitsuki's voice trailed off and Faust chuckled.
“Both of the old goats are fine and still in one piece.”
Mitsuki let out a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding then she smiled at Faust.
“Thank you, I know it was difficult for you but…”
Mitsuki snaked her arms around Faust's neck then planted a quick kiss to his lips.
“I really am yours for all eternity now Johann.”
Faust's strong arms wrapped around Mitsukis waist pulling her towards him.
“I hope you are prepared to spend the rest of eternity with me because I'll never let you go or let anyone else have you.”
Mitsuki let out a soft moan as Faust trailed kisses down her neck.
“I'll gladly spend eternity with you Johann.”
The sound of passionate kisses along with lustful moans and soft cries began to fill the room.
She really does look so beautiful when those colors dance across her skin, especially when it's flushed from pleasure I give her.
It was the last coherent thought Faust had before they both succumbed to the rising heat between them.
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I need to scream about this event (Friends Like These) because I truly was just. Not expecting the impact it would have--I don't remember if I read this one in Japanese???
I've only gotten the first two stories so far but I just.
Jeanne and Mozart are of course, as adorable as ever; there's no question about that. But Jeanne dropping this line:
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"It galls me to sound so much like le Comte, but I am grateful to God that I met you."
I. [prolonged error 404 sounds]. I'm not sure there are words to convey the simultaneous endless wheezing laughter but also AWWWWWWWW energy that consumed me in milliseconds. Wildly oscillating between "LMFAO ah yes, sentimentality? Disgusting I'll drink to that (blasts Bring Me To Life)" and "BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM DEEP DOWN AND HE LOVES YOU WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH."
I just can't get over how Jeanne says exactly one thing about liking another person and he's like, 'ew dad gave me cooties >:///// how dare he subject me to the mortifying ordeal of hope.' Jeanne I love you. Jeanne I would die for you. Middle schooler with well-meaning stepfather who begrudgingly accepts his kindness and grows for the better, but would rather perish than admit it. I never knew I needed this found family dynamic so freaking bad until I started playing this game. 11/10 I could watch this forever
More Shenanigans below the cut, + the Shakespeare and Comte Event Story:
Also a sidebar because I just can't help myself, I know I've talked about it before but: Mozart and Jeanne's friendship is so endlessly precious to me????? I love how Mozart is so NO I'M NOT NICE REEEEE (turtles) and Jeanne is like :> bestie. It's so damn cute watching Mozart squirm at being exposed for being sweet and Jeanne just truly grateful someone cares about him?????? How much Jeanne and MC dote on Mozart despite being together, how it only strengthens their friendship? Literally I'm over the moon, nobody touch me I'm tender!!! Jeanne deserves to live peacefully without being a tool of the state/bad actors!!!! Mozart deserves to be loved and happy without being defined by his musical success!!!!!
LIKE. Not to be dramatic but I could watch an entire saga of these two being friends and being adorable. Fresh serotonin every single time. Did I know Jeanne was going to share his food? Absolutely. Did I expect MC to think ahead and pack two lunches? Absolutely not. Was I delighted both times? Beyond what you can imagine!!!!!!!
I'm going to stop here at the risk of repeating myself over and over but wow. Jeanne's capacity to see to the very core of people, for better and worse, and how it lets Mozart be meaningfully seen. Mozart's recognition that Jeanne can mean well to a fault, worried that he might be taken advantage of--and how Jeanne can build trust with someone for the first time without being afraid. Can you hear me wailing and bawling
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Naturally, I acquired the Comte and Shakespeare one next. Now, I'm gonna be honest, I saw their names together and went "oh dear God. What am I walking into. Why do I hear boss music????" But I gathered my courage (more like I'm just too feral not to gather info abt Comte, but I digress) and experienced something that left me literally on the floor because I just. Did Not Remotely Expect This Series of Events.
So like. It starts off by being pretty normal and cute and I'm like awwww baby boy (oh he's a little fked up actually) giving gifts to dad. I'm sensing an ulterior motive but right now just let me have this. Also adorable that Comte is struck dumb by it, that's really cute I'm taking notes. And then. I was hit with the veritable ANVIL that was these next few lines:
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deep breath Okay. Where to begin.
I LOST IT at the implication that Will was like. Holding back from ending Comte's entire life with mere words. WILL????? WILL P L S??????? (lowkey wanted to hear the roast snickers) Why am I sensing a pattern that Comte loves spicy people??? Love this for me
I also started losing my shit the second MC was mentioned and you could just hear the record scratch/kill bill sirens. Comte really out here like "son say WHAT about MC." I can't get over how he's always so ready to throw down for both MC and Sebas at any moment. Anywho, naturally I come to the conclusion that Will was just trying to one-up Comte to mess with him by giving MC gifts. It was the one thing I did anticipate--and, fool that I was--thought it rendered me safe from what happens next.
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Mans out here like "I lost everything in the war (literally) let me spoil my girlboss dream gf in peace. Vlad took everything in the divorce let me have this pls." I just. The mental image of him chasing Will around the house. The potential implications of him doing this to protect them both (I love you Will but you have. Problems). The HILARIOUS AND DUBIOUS qualifier when he says "dressing up MC is nearly my entire reason for living." Comte I love you more than life itself but that does not make this any more normal. What are you doing my beloved vampire jkhlhalfdhjfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also an honorable mention moment, because it was endearing:
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Just the img of him wandering around with sparkly eyes and toting home little trinkets for everyone??????? He's so cute, that's the most grandpa behavior I've ever seen. I was chortling when Will was like "sir you made me sit in that cluttered carriage followed by another carriage full of stuff all the way home IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE (affectionate)."
I also love how Comte is like "Do I have a problem? Maybe. Will that stop me? Only when the sun cataclysmically swallows the earth."
Literally half of the members of the house are like "why are you like this" and he just heeheehoos his way out of it. How does he keep getting away with it. Can you tell I love him. Dazai isn't the only clown in this house honks Comte's nose
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yanderepuck · 9 months
So Drake??? First off HOLY SHIT. They went sooo hard on his route and backstory and didn't hold back.
I LOVE that he's a lil psycho. Lil crazy. Lil evil. AS HE SHOULD BE. We thought Vlad was going to be unhinged bc that's how he was early on, but now he's not bc of MC.
So I was having an issue figuring out how "MC is the reason the future changes"
Like..she's literally JUST A GIRL.
BUUUUT it turns out she is STOPPING the world from ending. Not her herself
But Drake WANTS the world to end. He is looking forward to it and apparently Galileo is as well.
BUT that changed when MC comes through the door. The future is no longer on the path to destruction. AND MY THEORY is that it is bc of Vlads love for her.
Vlad loves MC to the point where he is willing to partially give up his goal, meaning he's looking to find a different way.
Meanwhile (and I've had this theory for a while) bc Vlad was so passionate about changing the future he's the one that led to the destruction.
He decides to let the residents live, rather than finding the strongest to help him with his plan bc MC loves and cares about all of them.
So this changed history. Vlad was going to cause a lot of fighting, and obviously vampire hunters showed up, and they were getting all of Paris worked up because people were going missing.
Now the end of the world isn't close, its CENTURIES into the future. But Comte and Vlad would have kept bringing people back, thus creating more vampires.
So we need to think of it being more than just who is alive rn. Plus idk where it came from but a lot of ppl think lessers only live around 700 years...idk where that number came from but a few people have agreed on that number.
BUT EVEN LEONARDO STATES that lessers either go insane from the long life or turn against their master before the end of their life, thus their life ending short anyway. So no one really knows
So all in all, Drake wants to kill MC because she's the reason why the world won't be destroyed
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qshara · 2 years
Why didn't anyone tell me there are new hot characters in Ikemen Vampire?!
Galileo Galilei (VA: Makoto Furukawa)
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Same voice actor as Sherlock Holmes in Moriarty the Patriot omgggg
I am not going to lie. He looks like he has a very bad attitude, in the sense that you can be doing anything and he somehow knows how to do it a thousand times better and he's going to throw it in your face (even so, he doesn't say it with bad intentions???)
Please stop judging me with your eyes
It gives me vibes that he's a freak of order or doesn't like people touching his things or getting into his room/space/studio
Imagine being in a room with Galileo and Mozart. Both silent and in a bad mood (Dazai would say they are brothers in some way. I have no proof, but I don't doubt either)
It also gives me vibes his route will be an enemies to lovers
I think that even though he dislikes Leonardo's disorder, he is one of the characters with whom he gets along best
I'm not sure. A part of me tells me that Isaac could perhaps be a little Galileo simp
I DON'T CARE WHAT CYBIRD SAYS. I DON'T CARE IF THEY TELL ME THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS AND SLEEP TOGETHER. ARTHUR AND GALILEO GET ON BAD. THEY ARE DOG AND CAT. WATER AND OIL (definitely not because Galileo has the same voice actor as Sherlock and I kind of imagine him with a similar attitude)
Francis Drake (VA: Tasuku Hatanaka)
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I'm not going to lie to you. I had to look up who the character was because his name didn't sound familiar to me
Bro is technically a pirate??? 🤨🤨🤨
I really like his eyes...and his smile
What he says: "Haha you're so short. How is the weather underground?" What he thinks: "Omg she's so small she's adorable"
I think his route could be the same as enemies to lovers, but it started with a misunderstanding
Somehow I think he can be very nice to be around, unlike Galileo. Very chill, but at the same time worried about his things and space
Maybe he likes to drink. Could be a drinking partner for Arthur and Theo
If he doesn't have a pet parrot I want him to get mad every time someone asks if his pet is a parrot just because they think he's a pirate (Francis: Hey 😄 / MC: Are you a pirate? / Francis: 😠)
He gives me a vibe that he's always in a silly goofy mood, but that he can kill you if you bother him too much
The dynamic between the two is: I have to put up with my horrible roommate because I don't have money to buy my own home (comte, please adopt them)
They have matching clothes so they are married (and divorced at the same time)
Francis: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
Galileo: Opposite over hypotenuse
Galileo: Dipshit
Francis: Hopefully Galileo has learned a lesson about respecting other people's feelings
Galileo: Oh, shut up and die Francis
Galileo: I'm having problems with a guy...
Francis: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
[Francis is cleaning the house and he finds an empty bottle of orange juice]
Francis: Clear orange juice?
Francis: Oh, it's empty
Galileo, who has been watching the entire time: I live with an idiot. I live with an idiot. I live with an idiot
[Galileo and Francis's house is on fire, but they don't know it]
Galileo: Damn, it's hot in here
Francis: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!
Galileo: ...
Galileo: First of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is
Francis: What?
Galileo: Second of all, we need to get the fuck out of here, NOW
[After being defeated by the mansion's friendship power]
Galileo: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way
Francis: I almost died
Galileo: That... was my favorite memory
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natimiles · 10 months
Are you here with me? (Jean x MC)
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Summary: Those who had the first words with their soulmate marked on their body considered it both a blessing and a curse. For her, it was the latter. When she arrived at that strange mansion and realized Jean was her soulmate, he didn’t show a single reaction, and it hurt.
Words: 3676
Pairing: Jean x f!MC
Tags: soulmate au; soulmate’s first words mark; swearing; attempt at humor; happy ending; no kissing we die like Isaac; 
Crossposted on AO3
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Those who had the first interaction with their soulmate marked on their body considered it both a blessing and a curse. It was nice to know when you met the love of your life, but sometimes it’d be better to keep it unknown. Some people had names, as if the soulmates were introducing themselves. Others had random phrases, like a light conversation about the weather, and some had swearings and weird things.
When MC turned 18, she stayed home all day. Wearing only her underwear, she checked herself in her bedroom mirror every 5 minutes, anxiously waiting to see if she’d get one and where it would be. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to be marked or not. Was it selfish to only want it if it was a good one? Like ‘hello, nice to meet you’ or ‘I hope we get along’. She hoped not to be something weird or bad, if she didn’t get something nice.
She was already giving up; it was almost midnight and nothing happened. Sighing, she went to put on her pajamas, and that’s when she saw it. The mark appeared on her left arm, going in one straight line until almost her wrist. She quickly sat on her bed to read it.
‘Why haven’t you fled? What is someone like you even doing in this place?’ 
Was she supposed to be happy? Well, it could be worse, but it also could be better. MC didn’t know if she should feel threatened or not. Would she be too awkward for the mysterious place? Or would said place be so dangerous that they were trying to get her out of there? Seemed like her soulmate was trying to make her run away. Would she be in danger when they meet? She hoped not; she wasn’t an adventurous person. Sighing for the nth time that day, she finally laid down to sleep. She’d have time until they met (probably), so she decided she’d do everything she could to understand under what possible circumstances they might say it to her.
When she arrived at that mansion, everything was confusing. Comte invited her to dinner, introducing some residents — all great historical figures — and explaining about the door. She was quite shocked when they told her they were vampires, all brought back by the pure-blood himself. Her first thought was to get up and run as fast as she could, but Comte’s soothing tone convinced her that she was safe there. They seemed like nice people, especially Vincent — completely opposite of his rude brother, by the way. And it helped to know Sebastian was human, so when she was offered a place elsewhere, she decided it wasn’t needed. She could stay there; it would only be a month, and then she’d be home. Nothing would happen.
Next morning, she woke up early, got ready as best as she could, and went to help Sebastian with breakfast. However, her steps stopped when she was in the middle of the hallway. MC saw someone hunched over there, seemingly feeling unwell.
“Are you ok?” She took a few steps closer. “You’re really pale! You’re Isaac, right?” She remembered him introducing himself.
“Get... me,” he muttered under his breath.
“What? I didn’t understand what-”
“Get away from me!” He said louder and went in her direction. She had no time to react; she was suddenly pinned against the wall. “Give me… your blood!”
“W-what?” She asked with an alarmed tone, her eyes wide. “I-Isaac, d-don’t…" 
He held her firmly by the shoulders and opened his mouth, looking at her neck with some kind of hunger in his eyes; that’s when she saw his fangs. It’d be better to get some help, considering Isaac was super strong, even though he was almost fainting less than a minute ago. MC took a deep breath, ready to scream from the top of her lungs and draw everyone’s attention and hopefully prevent herself from being bitten.
“Isaac, stop.” A commanding, firm voice sounded, and Isaac froze on his spot.
“W-what?” He sounded confused, letting go of her as if she had burned him and taking long steps back. “Jean…”
“Did you forget to drink your rouge?” The other man sighed. “Come on, let’s get you some.”
The men walked away, leaving her alone again. She stood there, frightened for a good minute before deciding what to do. Her legs took her to the dining room, where a few people she met the day before were.
“Are you ok, MC? Isaac just told us what happened.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you, Vincent,” she said with a smile, glad to remember who he was.
“I asked Theo to call Comte; he will check on you soon. Sebastian is brewing some tea to soothe you.”
Comte arrived in a few minutes, just like the other residents. He checked on MC and apologized for Isaac, explaining his situation. The conclusion was that Isaac spent the whole night awake and didn’t even realize he hadn’t drunk his rouge after dinner.
“I’m glad you’re ok,” he said with a smile. “I’m responsible for your safety, so you have my word that I’ll talk to Isaac later. He can’t be reckless while you’re here with us.”
“Don’t worry, everything is fine.” She waved her hands in the air. 
“It’s good Jean was around,” he smiled at her.
As if on cue, someone came from the kitchen. If she wasn’t mistaken, Isaac and Comte called him Jean… Was he Jean D’Arc? Comte mentioned him the night before. Now, taking a better look at his face, MC saw how beautiful he was. He must’ve sensed her staring because he turned to her with a frown.
“Why haven’t you fled? What is someone like you even doing in this place?” he said, catching her off guard.
“I came through the door by mistake…” MC scratched the back of her head, embarrassed. Jean wore a somewhat stern and stoic expression, leaving her feeling a bit self-conscious, uncertain about what he might be thinking of her. “I just thought about helping Isaac; I didn’t even think about-” she abruptly stopped talking. The shock of almost being bitten must have made her slower because she took some time to properly catch what he said. Widening her eyes, she took a few steps in his direction. “Wait, what did you just say?” Her voice sounded louder than she intended, and the residents stopped whatever they were doing to stare at them.
“Um… MC, I don’t think he meant it in a rude way,” Vincent said, sounding worried that a misunderstanding could begin.
“I-I… I just…” she stammered, her voice cracking a little. She couldn’t stop looking at Jean, and the vampire was starting to feel nervous and trapped.
She didn’t know what to do. Was she supposed to say something? But he didn’t say anything; maybe it’s a mistake? Was it really possible that her soulmate was in an entirely different country and century? Well, the country was okay, but the century? Maybe it was only a coincidence that he said the exact same thing as her mark.
“Sorry, I guess I didn’t understand clearly what you said. I didn’t think you were rude, and I didn’t mean to be either.” She forced a smile, her thoughts still running wild.
He gazed at her for a few more seconds, his expression unreadable, before turning around and quietly leaving the dining room.
It had been a whole week, and she was getting used to living there. She offered to help Sebastian during her stay because she didn’t want to be a lazy guest. Her days were filled with household tasks, and her nights were haunted by the mark. She’d stare at her own arm until she fell asleep, overthinking the whole thing with uncertainty gnawing at her. She had heard some people say that when soulmates acknowledge one another, their marks would feel warm. She didn’t feel anything, but she was sure he had said the exact words…
“Oh my, what has our little bird sighing so hard so early?” Arthur’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he entered the dining room earlier than anyone else, startling her a little.
“Are you alright, luv?” He sat at his usual spot. “You look worried.”
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you,” she answered. Her voice didn’t fool him, and when she sighed again, he confirmed his suspicions that something was off.
He hummed, eyeing her up and down, and shot her a small smile. “You know, I’m really perceptive. Although it doesn’t take a highly observant person to see that something is bothering you.”
“Don’t disturb MC, Master Arthur,” Sebastian said as he came from the kitchen, bringing the trays of food for breakfast.
“It’s fine, Sebas. I’m just thinking about the door and my home,” she said, shrugging. She got Arthur’s coffee and put it in front of him.
“Mmmm, no, it’s not that,” he said, putting a finger on his chin, wondering. “You didn’t seem so distressed when you arrived. You were pretty calm even when we told you we’re vampires. It started later, maybe the next day? Care to share?”
“It’s nothing, really… I guess,” she bit her lip anxiously. He raised an eyebrow at her and crossed his arms, making her aware that he knew it wasn’t nothing. Sebastian only glanced at Arthur, as a warning not to disturb her anymore. But she sighed in defeat. “Ok, fine.” Taking a deep breath, she closed and opened her eyes, gazing straight into his eyes. “You two know about soulmates?”
“Yes,” they said, nodding. Now that she was willing to talk, Sebastian was genuinely interested in knowing. He had noticed she was worried about something, but when he asked, she just said it was nothing, and he didn’t want to pressure her into sharing feelings when she clearly didn’t want to.
“I have my soulmate’s first words to me marked on my arm. But he… He didn’t say anything about it, so… I don’t know if I’m wrong or if he didn’t like me. Is it possible for soulmates not to like each other once they meet?”
“I don’t think so…” Sebastian pondered. “I think some may take more time to understand and sort out their feelings, but it’s not possible for them not to like each other. Isn’t the whole purpose exactly to make them be together? I don’t think it changed over time; it’s the same in the future and here.”
“I suppose…”
“So, want us to help you with Jean?” Arthur asked.
“W-what? Who told you…?” she stammered in panic, her eyes wide.
The writer laughed as she stumbled for words. “Perceptive and smart, luv,” he said, tapping his index finger on his head to make a point. “You acted really weird when Jean talked to you.” She opened her mouth to debate but decided not to. He was right; she acted weird, and the vampire ran away from her. “Can we see it?”
She nodded and finally rolled her sleeve up. “It’s really what he said, right? I was wondering if maybe I remembered it wrong…”
“I don’t recall his exact words, but I guess that was it,” Sebastian said.
“Now, want to know another fact that made me realize it’s Jean?” Arthur asked with a mischievous tone. She didn’t know if she wanted to know or not but nodded before thinking too much. “Jean can’t read.”
“What?” she asked, her voice too loud. 
Arthur laughed, amused at her honest reactions. “He doesn’t know how to write or read. Even if he ever saw the mark on his body, he wouldn’t know what it is. I highly doubt he’d ask anyone what was written. You can try asking Mozart, but I think he wouldn’t know about it either.”
“And you’d have to actually talk to Mozart to ask him something,” Theo said, entering the door. “Please, let me see-” he was about to tease her on how the musician was always rude to her, but then he looked at her arm and stopped abruptly. His eyes snapped back at her face.
“Ow, Theo, why did you stop walking?” Vincent asked from behind his brother, taking a step to the side. He looked at her and smiled. “Oh!”
“Great,” she muttered. MC was trying to be discreet, and now it’d be impossible not to talk about it.
“Good…” Isaac entered the room greeting whoever was already there, but he also saw her arm and stumbled with his words. “... morning?!”
And talk about it she would. Apparently, it was really hard to keep a secret in a mansion full of nosy vampires.
Before she knew it, everyone was gathered in the dining room. Whenever someone entered the room, they’d see the strange activity around her and ask what was happening. After having to tell the same thing three times in a row, MC was already tired of all this. But, of course, Arthur had the "bestest" idea for her to tell everything only once more. Those who weren’t morning people were awakened by him to go as soon as possible to the dining room for an urgent meeting.
“Ok, now everyone’s here. You can tell them what happened, luv,” Arthur announced.
“Why am I even doing this again?” She sighed loudly.
“Because we can help you,” he said matter-of-factly.
“And because they’re all too nosy,” Sebastian whispered behind her, meant only for her ears.
“Fine. Here’s the deal…”
She showed her arm and told everything one last time. They were all looking at each other the whole time, searching who might be her other half, and she thought it was kinda funny. When she finally revealed who was supposed to be her soulmate, everyone gaped at her, and Mozart choked on his own blanc.
“It’s a soulmate mark… with Jean?” Napoleon managed to ask, patting the musician on his back to help him breathe.
“Well, probably? We don’t even know if he has a mark either.”
“Jean wouldn’t know,” Mozart said quietly, still coughing a little. “He can’t read.”
“Yes, I know that now,” she huffed.
“He has to have his mark,” Comte said. “It appears on both soulmates, not only one.”
“It’s not in his arms,” Napoleon said, wondering where it could be. “We practice together sometimes, and I’ve seen him roll up his sleeves, but never saw anything there. Mozart, have you ever seen anything?”
“Mmm, we’ve been together in la thermae, and I never saw anything either,” the musician decided to try and help her too, for the sake of his friend. “However, every time I meet him, he’s already there, and I always leave before him.”
“So it’s in his back or his ribs down,” Arthur pondered. “Do you think-”
“No, we don’t,” Theo cut him off shortly, glaring at his friend.
“It doesn’t appear there, Master Arthur,” Sebastian said with a heavy sigh.
“Okay,” she said, trying to gather all the information she had in her mind. “So I know it’s real, but no one’s ever seen it, and we don’t even know where it is. I could try knocking on his door and talking to him myself, but… I don’t think he’d open the door for me,” she grimaced. “Or even believe in me.”
“But he’d open for a friend,” Theo looked at Mozart and Napoleon.
“It wouldn’t hurt to try,” the emperor said, shrugging.
“Should we go… now?” she asked, her anxiety barely at bay. “Is Jean even awake now?”
“I am,” a deep voice sounded from the door, startling everyone and making her flinch.
“Jean!” She looked back and saw him standing there, a confused look on his face. “H-hi!”
“We were about to go look for you!” Arthur said with a smile.
“Why?” The soldier narrowed his eyes. “I don’t wanna participate in whatever you’re doing.”
She tried to keep up with the little banter, but her mind was already elsewhere. She was openly staring at Jean, his eyepatch, his deep-purple eye that looked troubled, and his dark hair that seemed really soft to touch and thread her fingers through. His lean figure was always straight; he walked with both fierceness and grace, his hand resting on the hilt of his rapier as he was ready to battle at any time.
“What is it, mademoiselle?” he inquired, noting her obvious stare.
“S-sorry,” she apologized, turning her gaze down to the floor.
Arthur chuckled slyly. “I didn’t even have the time to properly meet our cute new guest, and Jean already stole her.”
“Huh? I haven’t stolen anyone,” Jean said, looking genuinely confused.
“Don’t listen to Arthur,” Napoleon said, sighing heavily. “Jean, do you have any kind of mark on your body?”
“That’s a strange and private question,” he frowned.
“MC has a soulmate mark,” Vincent said, trying to help. 
The soldier didn’t say anything, only tilted his head to the side. Everyone realized he was even more lost on the topic than they anticipated.
“Do you know what soulmates are, Master Jean?” Sebastian decided to intervene, starting with the very first question they should’ve asked from the beginning.
“If I may,” Comte called out, and he calmly explained everything, aware that the chances of Jean even believing him were slim.
She extended her arm to show him, hoping to convey the sincerity in their words. Jean, however, remained stoic, staring at her as if processing the information. It took assurances from both Mozart and Napoleon before he began to entertain the idea that the soulmate story could be true.
“Ok,” he said, more confused now than before. “But why do I need to know about all this?”
“By Gods, this is physically hurtful,” Isaac mumbled under his breath.
“Jean, you have a soulmate mark too,” Arthur said, exasperated. “She has one for you, so you have to have one for her. Tell us where it is, before we all die again, and then we can move on with our lives!”
There was a whole minute of silence. She flitted her gaze back to the soldier, and startled when she found him staring at her. His eye wavered; he didn’t know what to do. Arthur wasn’t the most trustworthy person he knew, but everyone was looking expectantly at him. He glanced at Mozart, and his friend nodded, confirming once again that they were telling the truth.
“Jean,” she finally said something directly to him. “It’s okay if you don’t want to do this.” She tried to sound calm. Arthur clearly lost his patience, and she was a little afraid that the soldier would either run away or fight him in the middle of the dining room. “We can just forget it if that’s what you’d prefer.”
She sounded hurt, and it made him narrow his face. Why did it bother him? He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, weighing in his head if it really was worthy. But the tug in his heart wasn’t a good feeling and he wanted it to stop. Something in the back of his brain said it’d only stop if he resolved this issue as soon as possible. Without saying a word, he sat down on one of the chairs and began taking off his boot. Everyone looked puzzled.
“My right leg,” he said simply. “It appeared when I was revived. I thought it was something related to being a vampire.”
No one dared say a word; they just waited. When Jean finally rolled up his pants, they saw it. On the outer side of his right leg, starting at his ankle and going up, there were her first words to him. He looked up, expecting someone to read them for him.
“I came through the door by mistake,” Napoleon did it.
Everyone saw it, she saw it. It was real. It was really there. She finally felt that warm feeling; it was like putting a really hot compress on her mark, but it wasn’t unpleasant. It felt like… home. Her eyes met Jean’s, and his stoic expression wasn’t there anymore. He was a little flushed, staring so intently at her, his mouth slightly agape, and his breath hitched in his throat. His fingers were grabbing the fabric of his pants in such a tight grip that his knuckles were white. He felt it too; the warm and cozy feeling starting on his mark and enveloping his whole body.
“Should we leave?” Dazai asked, failing to whisper so she and Jean wouldn’t hear him.
“No, don’t worry,” Jean said. He recomposed himself the best he could to put his boot back on.
“Uh, y-yeah, please, stay and have your breakfast,” she tried to sound calm and polite, but it sounded strained. Apparently he didn’t want to talk or anything. “I’m gonna get everyone’s coffee and-”
“We will leave.” She was cut mid-sentence with Jean in front of her, offering his hand for her to hold. He even bowed a little, looking like a prince from the movies she’s always seen. She blushed, but carefully placed her hand above his.
His lip tugged a little on the side, so discreet that she almost missed his timid and tiny smile. He squeezed her hand and guided her outside. Jean was clueless most of the time, but even he understood that what they needed was a little peace and privacy. In the garden, they settled into the gazebo, hands still together, fingers slowly intertwining.
His mind was running wild; he still thought he shouldn’t be there or that he didn’t deserve this happy feeling. However, her mere presence by his side made his heart strangely calm for the first time in his two lives. He decided to hold onto it. It would take a lot of talking, a lot of understanding, and a lot of quality time together, but he could already see himself warming up to her.
And when he finally felt brave and worthy enough to kiss her, she’d know it was all worth it.
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Title from On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
Soulmates are for life. Since Jean didn’t have one in his first life, it makes sense (for me) that his mark appeared only in his second life, when he would meet MC. 
And I made them in the places that would be the reason they met. Her arm, because that’s what she used to open the door to the mansion (it was technically her hand, but you got me). His leg, because his death was what brought him there (it’s kind of Comte’s “fault” he’s in the mansion, but you got me #2).
I’ll be making lots of soulmates au with lots of suitors (but probably not all of them, sorry).
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