#given the context of the rest of the volume it would likely feel out of place or rushed or like it was blown off quickly
daresplaining · 6 months
Hi, the question about MCU Matt’s sunglasses reminded me of something I’ve wondered about occasionally: is there an in universe reason for why comics Matt wears sunglasses?
In-universe, this topic has never been explored in-depth, though there are many hints and it is easy to speculate. (The out-of-universe reasoning, of course, is that dark glasses are a common shorthand for indicating that a character is blind, even though many visually impaired people in real life don't wear them. Often, those who do do so because their eyes are sensitive to light.)
In Daredevil volume 4 #14, when Matt fully embraces his public identity and also decides to stop wearing his glasses, he indirectly refers to them as a mask.
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Matt: "I disguise myself mostly out of force of habit, Wendell. And now that you mention it...I'm tired of masks." Daredevil vol. 4 #14 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Caramagna
This suggests that he uses them to shield a part of himself. Just as his Daredevil mask hides his identity, his dark glasses hide something that he doesn't necessarily want other people to see. The intensity of the accident that took his sight would suggest that his eyes would look quite damaged, and most Daredevil artists at least provide an indication of cataracts. Hiding his eyes could be a decision based in self-consciousness-- that Matt thinks the sight of them will make people uncomfortable. It could also be a part of trying to assert control in his life by being very intentional about how the rest of the world sees him. As a lawyer, visual presentation is important, and Matt is very good at putting up a front; he wears nice suits, he is clean-shaven, and his hair is neat. And he wears dark glasses so juries and clients can't see a messier, more "flawed" (if you will) part of himself. Matt is also someone who lives immersed in half-truths and has been hiding parts of himself his entire life. He isn't someone naturally inclined to bare his whole self to the world at any given time, and in that context, using the "mask" of dark glasses to hide a very vulnerable part of himself feels like a very natural strand within that web of secret-keeping.
My feeling is that it's a little bit of all of this.
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cursedvibes · 7 months
I think Yuuji getting through to Megumi and finding out he has no will to live anymore would've been more impactful if we saw more of him during his possession than the three panels stretched over nearly 40 chapters where he's always just lying on the floor crying.
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We initially get input that he's trying to fight back against Sukuna after he was hit with Jacob's Ladder, but then he's essentially just a footnote. "Btw, Megumi is somewhere in there and he's suffering." But we don't really see it.
I think it all comes down to that the moment that really broke him, the Yorozu vs Sukuna fight, should've given him more focus and Tsumiki. If that moment really hit and we saw him give up, his lack of presence for the rest of the chapters wouldn't be such a big problem.
The Yorozu fight was really just focused on her and Sukuna and their history. You get a mention that Sukuna is doing this to break Megumi and oh no, Tsumiki would die too, but really it's about Yorozu's character and Sukuna learning to handle 10 Shadows. Everything is about them, their jokes and then as a last addition we get "oh yeah, Megumi is sad because someone who has his sister's face died". Everything is already over at that point there is no tension, we don't feel with Megumi because the focus is on other people who vaguely look like him and Tsumiki. Looks are the only real connection to the sibling drama here and I think Yorozu and Sukuna don't even look that much like them. That should've been better balanced.
Take Yuuji's breakdown in Shibuya for example. That makes him want to die as well and throw everything away. We're there with him, how he goes through briefly raised hopes to crushing defeat, how his face distorts as he sees Nanami and Nobara die before him. He's going through anger, fighting with grit teeth for as long as he can until he just curls in on himself and wants to die like his friends. We hear his thoughts, we can emphasize with what is happening. Even when he finds out what happened while Sukuna took over, we see the memories swarm his mind, he desperately clutches his head, claws at the ground, throws up. It's utterly heartbreaking. And that is because we experience it with Yuuji. We don't just cut to him lying on the floor unresponsive and that's the only feedback we get to his emotional state, not even some thoughts.
Megumi clearly saw or felt what happened while Sukuna was in control of his body (I mean, if we didn't have the editor comment like in the volume release you could also think the Bath just numbed him, but I'm not gonna be that picky here). So show him struggle during the fight against Yorozu aka the body of Tsumiki. Show his reaction to being rendered mute and powerless, unable to even lift a finger to hinder Sukuna. Show me his thoughts, he clearly has them. Show me how he eventually came to just give up and wait for death. Just something, anything. All of this I mentioned I am just inferring, we don't get to go through his emotional journey that is clearly very important to the story. All we see is the aftermath with no additional context and then nothing for another 20 chapters or so.
For that matter, show me Tsumiki, if there's anything left of her at all. That is who Megumi tries to fight for after all and she's a victim in all this too. She might've gone through the same things Megumi did, she might've experienced similar pain, but we simply don't know. What would Megumi even be fighting for? Was Tsumiki just dead or gone ever since Yorozu woke up in the hospital or did she witness what was going on as well? Was the Yorozu fight just pointless in that regard because clearly Tsumiki was long gone anyway and Sukuna is essentially just burying a dead body? This fight could've actually been quite dramatic. It claimed to be that due to Megumi and potentially Tsumiki suffering in the background, but it was in the end completely inconsequential. Sukuna and Yorozu would've fought anyway, if Megumi and Tsumiki were there or not, and Yorozu would've always lost. Since except for some throwaway lines and the end panel there isn't really any acknowledgement of the emotional stakes, they fall completely flat. It's about Yorozu and her understanding of love and also a bit about Sukuna's backstory and all this is nice and interesting, I certainly enjoyed it, but this should've laid the groundwork for what is happening to possessed-Megumi as well.
Same with the Gojo fight. Was Megumi effected at all by seeing Gojo there, was he affected by what Gojo said, his disregard for Megumi's body that made Yuuji and Hana question if he even cared? Did he feel anything when Gojo died? Was he still capable of sensing what was going on outside at all or did he sleep through all that. For that matter, how did those 5 Unlimited Voids affect him? His brain should be toast by all accounts. Did he blame Gojo for anything? This could've added some much needed emotional stakes and depth to the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but again, we don't see anything, just a repeat shot of Megumi crying on the floor.
Megumi went through some pretty significant character development and I assume that is going to go even further now that Yuuji has made contact, but that all happened off-screen. Especially "Tsumiki's" death and its impact should've been shown to lay the groundwork for what happens now. All we got so far is: what happened made him sad. Like yeah sure, I can imagine, but can't we get more than that? That's like skipping the majority of Shibuya except for Nanami and Nobara's deaths and then going right to Yuuji lying on the floor and Todo giving his inspirational speech without showing us even a hint of all the struggle and emotional turmoil Yuuji experienced in the meantime.
I'm not even a Megumi fan, it's just something I noticed while reading. Honestly, the last 30 chapters or so I pretty much forgot about Megumi. Yes, I want Yuuji to save him, but as for Megumi himself my thoughts were always just "well, I guess he's doing badly, who knows". It was all very abstract and hypothetical when it didn't need to be.
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aihoshiino · 1 year
Hoshino Aqua's Lie of Love: A Character Analysis
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All of the interview flashforwards in volume one of OnK are interesting in their own right but out of all of them, Aqua's is particularly so to me. In the context of volume 1, these flashforwards are used to build tension and dread; they tell us how this story will end before we've even realized what path it's taking. Aqua's, by contrast, is more to do with telling us about him as a person... and it might be just a bit more telling than he may have realized or wanted it to be.
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Given how much time we spend with this Aqua in the rest of the series, it's funny to remember that this page constitutes something of a reveal within its own immediate context. He's namedropped and mentioned obliquely in most previous interviews, just as Ruby is, but in contrast to Ruby this is the first and only time we see his face.
More importantly, though, is what Aqua is saying here. As his introduction, these two panels serve as the bedrock for our understanding as the series goes on. This is the image Aqua wants to project - a loveless, heartless man who doesn't care for anything but his acting; his revenge. I see a lot of people hold this interview up as proof that this is self evidently true or as proof that Aqua truly is as loveless as he paints himself as.
But... don't these words sound a little bit familiar? Ringing any bells?
They should be, considering we've heard them before.
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Ai doesn't quite have a traditional interview segment like the rest of the characters, save her post-mortem video message to the kids, but in the chapter immediately before Aqua's interview we instead see a flashback to Ai at around twelve as she was recruited for B-Komachi. This scene parallels Aqua's declaration, especially when it comes to their shared attitude regarding love.
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This assertion isn't simply laid out unchallenged, however. Ai bares her heart a little bit here, even in the process of trying to make it more ugly than it really is and in that moment of vulnerability, Ichigo Saitou identifies the core of this anxiety...
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And refutes it.
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Ai is a person absolutely overflowing with love. Despite the abnormally cruel and lonely life she's lead, we see her extend kindness and warmth to almost everyone she comes across whether it benefits her or not - everyone, that is, except herself. The abuse and abandonment and the lack of love she has suffered since she was born leads her to believe that she is the one at fault for it - that she carries some inherent ugliness that makes her both incapable and unworthy of love.
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It's why, instead of looking for someone to love her, Ai spent her life searching for someone she could give her love to. Ai hates herself too much to ever believe that anyone would love the real her, so the only way she could ever experience real love would be to give it instead of receiving it.
In that sense, she and Aqua are alike. Both of them overflow with love and care for the people closest to them but they remain convinced that they carry some flaw that makes this love untrue. In both cases, these are lies - but while Ai has been taught this deception by the world around her, it's Aqua who tells this lie most fervently to himself.
For all that he insists he won't love anyone, all the actions Aqua takes are fuelled by desperate, self destructive love. Love for his mother, his sister, his friends all warped into rage and retribution - both against the main who took Ai from them and against himself, for failing to save her and the daring to ever imagine being happy in a world where he still carried that sin.
This is the key point of difference between him and his mother. Though she acts on her feelings sincerely and whole-heartedly, her history of trauma and abuse - both personally and at the hands of the entertainment industry - leave her unsure of whether she even has sincere feelings to act on in the first place.
Aqua, by contrast, feels everything so strongly it kills him - he loves so intensely it makes him sick. But he spends his whole life choking his feelings down, trying to throttle them into silence so he can convince himself of that declaration that he won't love, that those who love him won't get anything in return, so when the people who care for him are inevitably hurt by his self destruction, it's their own fault for making the mistake of caring for him in the first place.
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Even so, he really can't help himself. When the people he cares about need help, Aqua will drop everything to step in for them. Even at cost to himself and even when it means risking his path to revenge.
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That 'first, do no harm' principal is no joke, huh?
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The Hoshino family is a trio of mirrors set up to reflect each other ad infinitum. The more you learn about one of them, the more the other two come into greater clarity. Like the stars in their eyes, Aqua and Ruby each represent opposing sides of Ai's heart; her confidence and self hatred, innocence and cynicism and all consuming, overflowing love.
Ai never quite learned how to give any of that love to herself - but maybe if we're lucky, Aqua will. And maybe this time, it won't take a tragedy that nobody can erase.
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Fusion Theory
For better or worse, I'm putting on my clown makeup and wig, and planting my flag permanently in the "Little is actually Penny" camp.
Let's break this down.
At the end of Volume 8, Penny is given a new body, functionally organic, but implied to be made basically out of raw aura, somehow. During the fight on the bridge, Cinder fatally wounds Penny; forcing Jaune to mercy-kill her to allow the maiden powers to transfer to Winter instead. However, Penny's body remains on the bridges throughout the rest of the fight, and presumably falls with Jaune when they disappate.
So the questions are, where did the body go, and does it particularly matter despite her already being dead? To the second question, going back to the body being made of raw aura, (AKA pure distilled essence of Penny) I would argue that it still does. To the first question, I think the body landed in the Ever After, and was immediately dropped to the Tree's roots to be ascended.
Sure, the Curious Cat did say in Episode 6 that people of Remnant don't ascend like Afterans do, buuut there's also a lot of uncertainty over whether or not that's actually accurate to begin with, pending more understanding of just what went down with Alyx and Lewis. And again, even if that really is the case, the Aura-body factor still gives wiggle room for an exception.
Plus, as we see with the Paper Pleasers, death and Ascension in the Ever After seem to be kinda intertwined, and inflicting the former (by any means aside from the Jabberwalker) can apparently lead to the latter regardless.* Therefore, even with Penny's death occurring in the Vault-space outside the Ever After, I am inclined to believe it still "counts" enough to meet the requirement for Ascension once the body did fall into the EA.
*(This is admittedly also an uncertainty, and they may have just committed mass suicide for no meaningful gain. However, given the emphasis placed on the Jabberwalker as the sole source of permanent death in the Ever After, and the Papers' narrative framing in contrast to Jaune's perception of the EA's systems, I am inclined to trust they were correct.)
So to reiterate, I believe the body fell into the Ever After, and the tree recognized it as a broken being in need of fixing. The lack of life as we know it was of little concern, as the important essence remained intact and could be resparked. Again, going back to the Papers, this seems to be a valid strategy in the EA.
That then leads to the third question - if she did Ascend, what did she become? And while I'll admit to this part of the theory being shakier, I do believe that Penny became Little.
First off, in the first episode Little is established as being very young in the mouse colony, not having found a purpose or recieved a name yet. (Interestingly, given that the typical implication, such as with Herb, is that Afterans are rebuilt and ascended with a purpose already laid out for them, based on the needs or desires of their previous incarnation. If the previous incarnation was already dead and had no way to influence that outcome, then perhaps they would emerge like Little and have to find one.)
Furthermore, we get the bridge scene in Episode 2, where Little explains they haven't been this far away from the mouse colony before now, which is contrasted with a few moments throughout the next few episodes, where more (grown) mice are seen stealing or scavenging in the background in the Crimson acre and the Gardens acre's marketplace, much much further than Little had been. I think it's safe to assume that they typically venture out all over the Ever After, which further emphasizes Little's youth.
With later context, I feel confident in saying that means Little was very very recently ascended to this new form from a previous one. Sure, that doesn't mean they are Penny for sure, but the timing would seem to line up. (At least close enough for our purposes, given Neo's later arrival would seem to indicate the exact order of falling vs landing is stretchable.)
Then there's the Jade Marionette sequence in the crimson town square in Episode 2. This one I'll admit to being a bit more of a stretch, based mainly on camera placement and symbolism, but I feel it has just enough of a leg to stand on to be worth mentioning.
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The Jade Marionette is very obviously linked to Penny, as it turns out to be her sword hidden by an illusion. To drive the point home further, when Jinxy says "enough hope to fill this jar" the jar is held over the marionette relative to the camera, creating the illusion of it being inside. Penny has been very strongly linked to Ruby's sense of hope.
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Which then makes it interesting that a couple shots later, when Little pops up to steal the Marionette, (excuse me, "take what [Jinxy]'s not looking at, fair's fair") the jar is pulled back to settle between them and the camera, creating the same emphasis, which to me could be an indication that Little is also linked to Ruby's sense of hope, but also possibly more directly, to Penny. Again, I do feel like this one could be a stretch on my part, but I don't want to dismiss it offhand.
In addition, there's the fact that Little felt the need to take the initiative to take the Marionette in the first place. Sure, Ruby clearly wanted it and Little has been nothing if not helpful to Ruby. On the other hand, Little left before it was even clear Ruby couldn't pay up, so it could be that they felt as drawn to it as she did, if they are indeed Penny reincarnated. "The heart rarely forgets" as the Curious Cat said.
Finally, on that note, there is the mere fact of Little's unwavering loyalty and attachment to Ruby, wanting to help her no matter what. Again, there is a strong non-Penny explanation for that, a lack of other purpose and a kind attitude toward a stranger clearly in need, that would be just as valid if that's all there is to it. Still, I believe, with the Curious Cat's words in mind, that it could also be Penny's attachment, loyalty, and friendship with Ruby shining through in addition to those aforementioned reasons.
So then the fourth question, naturally, is what that means going forward. If Little is indeed Penny, will they stay as Little? Or possibly re-ascend into her again? I legitimately don't know for sure.
But from a thematic perspective, at least, I feel like it might make the most sense for Little to be revealed as Penny once Ruby starts to put her head back on straight and figure out how to handle things more healthily going forward, rather than repressing as she has been or exploding as she is now. It's possible that the reveal could be the catalyst for Ruby's recovery to begin as well, but that might come across as a deus-ex-machina; I think it makes more sense to happen as a signifier of her hope and health returning because of an internal decision, rather as an external cause for it.
Either way, I feel like if this is true, and if it does happen, we still have a few episodes to go before it does. Hurricane Ruby is still in the midst of her Explosive Decompression/Bad Decisions Era right now, and I think she's either going to go try to kick Neo's ass to take out her anger, or try to give into the Ever After's urging for her to give up her burden and Ascend; possibly both in one. Little can try to be her conscience, (ironic given Penny's Pinnochio allusion) but until Ruby gets this out of her system and recovers some hope, I don't see them being able to sway her from this path right now.
But it could be the case that somewhere in the course of this, Little decides to ascend again, having found the new purpose of helping Ruby but needing a form better-suited to doing so. The heart doesn't forget what they originally were, and this results in Penny's return, after a fashion. Again, as we understand Ascension works, the memories would not remain, but it would still be Penny in every way that matters.
(Besides, I remember CRWBY had entertained the idea of an amnesiac Penny for Volume 7 only to have to cut it for time, so this would be a perfect way to get to revisit and properly explore that idea.)
However, there's one other snarl to consider: what about the Winter theory? After all, ever since V8's conclusion, there has been the observation that the framing of Penny's maiden power transfer to Winter seemed odd compared to past instances, and from it the possibility that a part of Penny's consciousness resides with Winter now. In fact, I have seen people argue that if that is the case, Little being Penny would contradict that and make no sense.
But, as I am ever the type to have my cake and eat it too, I would like to introduce my theory fusion: Fusion Theory!
In short, everything I said about Penny's body being her Aura, and that becoming Little, doesn't contradict the Winter theory at all. Little is the soul or essence of Penny, and Winter carries the consciousness. In order to fully restore Penny, you would need to bring both back together again. So we get a partially restored Penny through Little's ascension, but sans memories, until they get back to Vacuo, and in Volume 10 find some way to bring her consciousness back over from Winter. In other words, fusion.
And then Penny and Ruby will kiss and NND will be canon and everything can be happy again, the end. ^^;
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liminalpebble · 1 month
Eddie's Education, Chapter 32
Masterlist link
Chapter 32
“I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”
“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
Behind her eyes, Leia could hear the melody of Eddie's warm voice reciting those words; words he knew so well that he probably didn't even need the pages in front of him to recite them.
It was comforting but fuzzy, fading in and out like someone toying with the volume button on the remote. She had no sense of context, of the story of how she got here, who she was, or what was happening. She was simply floating in the darkness, listening to a kind, familiar voice saying familiar words, though she couldn't place either of them.
However, Leia could feel a kind of blessed blankness in her mind, as if there had been a very destructive tenant, smashing furniture, raising hell, and thunderously screaming...now evicted. Whatever it was, she remembers its voice was deafening, its touch, agonizing. The sensations were sharply etched into her otherwise vague memory.
She began to dream of reclining in a cozy room, on a sofa. Everything was tidy, empty and silent, rebuilt after the retreat of her terrible roommate (whoever it was). She wasn't sure where her dream had placed her. It wasn't somewhere she could recall, but she had the drowsy thought that she'd like to stay and rest awhile, just take a cozy afternoon nap, curl up in blankets and stay.
Stay awhile...maybe never leave. The temptation swaddled her in the promise of rest. Although Leia couldn't be certain, she had the sense that she hadn't rested in a very long while.
But that voice...something about that honey-sweet, kind voice prodded her, irked her like a word at the tip of her tongue. Something important. Someone important. Something she needed to do....but what was it?
She turned her attention to her hand, resting on the arm of the couch. She had the strangest sensation of warm fingers intertwined with her own, spreading heat through her cool skin, but no one was there. Some very affectionate exothermic ghost seemed to be trying to warm her up, comfort her. Leia wondered who it might be, then wondered, in an absent sort of way, if she was the ghost instead. All too soon, the invisible touch was gone and she missed it terribly. For some reason, it made her cry.
Eddie paced and chewed his fingernails (a self-soothing habit he thought he had left behind in middle school).
Eddie paced and toyed with his rings, spinning them over and over and over again until they rubbed raw pink circles into his skin.
Eddie paced, and asked for the tenth time if there was somewhere, anywhere, around here he could smoke. The answer was always “no”, since they were in a vast bunker far far below ground. It's not like he could just find a balcony or patio to light one up real quick. He knew that...knew it was a stupid question, but he asked anyway. At least he had the always-satisfying entertainment of annoying someone in a uniform as he suffered peak anxiety and nicotine withdrawal.
Eddie paced and glanced at the clock above those wide double doors, painted the same maddeningly pristine white as everything else at the research facility.
Hours...it had been hours since they whisked her away while his fingers still reached towards her unconscious body. He tried not to wonder if that was the last time he would ever see her.
Eddie had finally fallen asleep, slumped in the 70's-style waiting room chair, long legs splayed wide and arms flung limply over the sides.
The incessant sharp tap of heels against concrete snapped him out of it. He twitched up with a snort and wiped some drool from his mouth.
FBI barbie was back and glaring at him.
“Charming,” she said with a grimace.
She threw a bundle into his lap with a towel, toiletries, and a patient gown.
“Wha..what the fuck is all this?”
“Come on. You're going to take a shower and clean up, and then we're going to need you.”
She huffed. “For one, because you smell like a septic tank, for two, because we need samples from you to help Leia.”
Eddie shrugged off the condescension in her voice, and his own befuddlement. All he needed to hear was “to help Leia,” to rouse him to his feet.
It felt good to have a hot shower and rid himself of the sticky debris of the upside down, but he was a lot less happy about being lead around in a starchy dress with half his ass probably hanging out. And would it have killed them to give him a pair of underwear?
He shimmied awkwardly in the patient's chair, attempting to somehow cover his ass and his junk enough to be decent while someone in scrubs took vial after vial of his blood and labeled them meticulously. Finally, just as he was beginning to feel dizzy, a band aid was pressed to his skin.
Before he could be dismissed, he asked the medic, “hey...um. How exactly will this help her?”
The employee sighed, and looked around, considering, calculating. Eddie was sure he would just be told to fuck off, but instead, she took mercy on him. She handed him a cup of juice and a packet of dry grainy cookies, then smiled.
“We'll have to do a special kind of transfusion from you to Leia.” She paused, mumbling under her breath, “how do I explain this?”
“The material from the...other side...knitted itself into your biology, helping you heal in a way you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Your own body and the foreign materials are still intertwined and have had a long time to adjust to each other...to evolve and work even better together. We think that a few donations from you, in addition to the treatments we've invented, will give her body the boost it needs to recover fully. But we're trying to figure out exactly how. We've been trying to figure out how it works for decades, really. You know, it's really interstin...”
“DR. WILLIS!” FBI barbie barked from the doorway. “The details of this are of no concern to Mr. Munson. This is on a need-to-know basis, and he doesn't need to know. Is that understood?”
Dr. Willis averted her eyes and mumbled, “Yes ma'am.”
Eddie raised his voice and stared daggers, “S'okay. I asked...insisted, in fact. So don't blame her.”
He placed a protective hand on her arm.
The agent crossed her arms and huffed, “Very well. Come with me, Edward.”
Eddie rose and followed, using one hand to tug the hem of his hospital gown down and the other to wave goodbye to Dr. Willis. He smiled shyly and said “Thank you, so much...really” and she could tell he meant it with all his heart. He was obviously grateful that someone had finally bothered to explain and treat him like a human being.
As he left, Dr. Willis couldn't help but think that their patient, Miss Vespero, must be a very lucky woman, indeed, to have him.
Eddie found himself on a medical slab in a room that looked like one of his metal album covers. The illustration depicted the inside of a futuristic alien spacecraft, complete with a metalhead strapped to a slab, screaming in agony as creatures prodded and tortured him. He tried very very hard to not think of that. Instead, he looked to the gurney just a little more than an arm's length away from him.
Leia was laying there, dark lashes in half moons over her still-shut eyes. A breathing apparatus covered those soft cheeks and lips that he adored so much; silky skin he'd kissed a thousand times and longed to kiss again. The need to hold her pierced Eddie, sharp and precise, like a needle through his heart.
But he couldn't. Not when the medics and staff and people in scrubs and white coats and surgical masks were hooking the both of them up to machines which Eddie could never guess the function of. They scolded him, over and over again, to stop squirming while they attached all manner of things to his skin.
But he kept reaching. His fingers were so close to hers. He had to hold them before the sedative did its work, and they wouldn't fucking let him. Then, mercifully, a set of kind eyes found his. Though he couldn't see her face, Eddie could tell by the crinkle of her eyes that Dr. Willis smiled as she subtly wheeled Eddie's bed ever-so-slightly closer to Leia's.
“Thank you,” Eddie gasped as he intertwined his fingers with Leia's.
Dr. Willis nodded. “No problem, Eddie. See you on the other side. Okay?”
Eddie giggled. He couldn't be sure if it was funny or if the anesthetic was just working its magic, but he wanted to ask if she meant she'd see him after the procedure or in the afterlife.
He really hoped it was the former. Eddie Munson was really fucking sick of all the dying.
@sweetsigyn @veemoon @elegantkoalapaper @little-wormwood
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voidcat · 2 years
— for a moment, I parry
characters: gojo satoru/reader
genre & word count: angst, slice of life, closure if u squint – 5.2k
notes/warnings: discussions of death, dying, drowning, attempting to murder someone. mc p much trauma dumping to gojo at one point. that one theory regarding love and cursed techniques being passed down is implied. timeline is not linear. this fic takes place few days before the shibuya arc. Song is Люди by Дайте танк (!)
a/n: the warnings are listed above so please try to avoid reading this fic bc discussion of those topics take a good chunk of the middle of this fic. normally I keep things vague but I find this one my heaviest? fic- as in most effective in bringing your mood down. regarding the “love and cursed techniques” theory, if u don’t know u can ask, I’ll explain w context of this fic
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i. the night slips right out of your hands
ii. the sea in your palm; and love, the greatest curse of them all
The sun shudders above, rays of light and warmth spreading, stuttering.
In the distance you can hear the first years run around and yell, cheerful chatter, sounds of joy and teasing fill the air.
Have they never been given a time off like this? A moment's breath, allowed to rest?
Yaga was an agreeable man at least, though he didn’t accept it all so easily.
A day off for the first years, and for second years another day. The requests for exorcisms have severed as of late, this was a time as good as any.
Turning up the volume of the song slightly, you watch the kids as they splash water at one another, run and swim– typical teen activities a group gets to at the beach.
Reaching out for the can, you let the liquid dissolve on your tongue, the cold, numbing sweet feeling spreading all over.
Gojo appears a little later, holding more cans with him, tossing the alcoholic beverage your way, cracking open what seems to be fruit soda for himself.
He raises the can and shoots you a grin, as if saying ‘cheers’ and gulps down what you assume to be half the contents.
Blindfold ditched for the sunglasses sitting perched on his nose, the look almost brings you back to your younger times.
At least he looks presentable enough, lest anyone else drops by.
The thought itself catches you off– why would you care, now of all times? Why would you think about your teenage years as if it was a lifetime ago, as if you only witnessed it from the audience.
A finger poking your bicep from the side, you push away the thoughts and turn to where the interruption came from. 
“Where did you go just now?” he pokes one more time as you try and back away slightly to evade his index.
“I’ve been here this whole time.” your voice comes out neutral but a slight eyebrow raise keeps the confusion clear.
His chuckling only makes it rise higher. “I am well aware of that.” he brings his soda to his lips and you decide to refocus your attention on the kids.
You know better than to entertain Gojo, or further feed into whatever he has to say– or does not have.
You have conflicted, and complicated, feelings when it comes to being around Gojo Satoru. Or so you've decided early on, from that lifetime before.
Sure, he is the strongest, and quite irresponsible, still manages to get the job, work when it matters and work hard.
For all the awful teaching skills– or lack of it, would be a better way to describe, you can tell from your limited time around that he cares about his students. And his methods, as stupid as they are, work. How can they not, when experience is the best teacher after all?
All in all, despite being one of the most irritating, demanding, petty, spoiled and persistent people in your life, he was a good man.
At least, he hadn’t done anything that would disprove that, yet.
The thought of it alone was unnerving.
He was unnerving, to be around.
For all the responsibility, pressure and just the weight alone of his techniques, he still seemed intact, no more of a mess than you are– and that was telling enough.
And yet, being around him was something you were not a fan of.
Being with him, in a crowd, among people, in front of people, that was even worse.
“There it is again.” His voice draws you back, “where did you go this time, Robin?”
Nose scrunched up at the nickname, you opt to ignore him.
You did not like being Gojo Satoru, you had decided years ago. His behavior even today held proof to that decision, making you somewhat grateful for your intuition, and for him to keep acting like whatever this is, giving you more the excuses to stay as far away as work allows the two of you to be.
“Are you a Larvivora akahige?”
Confusion seeps through your entire being. Why would anyone mistake you for a …bird, was it?
“Because you’re robin’ my heart!” 
A second, another one, a needle drop worthy moment and the horrifying pun was said in quite the awful English, the messy accent on purpose and all.
Above all, you do not like the implications as to why your technique never held even a sliver of effect on Gojo Satoru since day one.
“That was quite the song, you know.” There he goes, again, filling the serene silence of the sea, the noises coming from the kids and the sound of heat waves radiating.
“The one you danced to with Kugisaki?” He adds in, tone more of a question this time.
Attempts of being civil can be rewarded once in a while, especially when it is Gojo Satoru in question.
A curt “Thanks.” He should be grateful he is getting this much now.
Yet the sound of his chuckle filling the air shows that he is choosing arrogance over gratitude.
“Interesting lyrics, too.”
“I wasn’t aware you knew Russian.”
“Who says I do?” He replies. You resist the urge to steal a glance this time, knowing full well the stupid grin on his face that awaits you.
“With techniques such as yours, one would go and learn several languages, expand their knowledge of things and all.” you mutter as you take a sip.
“And what makes you think I don’t?” He asks again, his voice lower than before, head tilted forward, his eyes peeking from behind the glasses. the grin morphed into a smirk, waiting for the fish to take the bait.
Well you are no god damn fish, as his stupid nickname for you has attained that much.
“Relax, I saw the song title on your phone and decided to Google it. I must repe-“ “Guess I’ll bring a walkman or a radio next time.” You cut him before he can finish.
You do not want his emphasis, nor that knowing smile, the arrogant face that claims he knows everyone and everything, anywhere all at once.
Not today, not when the weather is lovely and you’re by the sea.
“Oh, so there will be a next time.”
He sounds enthusiastic about it already, ready to pack his imaginary bag for the idea of a second get away.
Always count on Gojo Satoru when it comes to slacking off.
“Maybe.” You decide to inquire, “one you will be excluded from. That, I can attest to.” A swing of the can and you gulp down the last of its contents.
From the increasing volume of the voices, you can tell the kids are retreating for the moment. 
Getting up, you toss the can into the trash bag.
Eyes locked on your form intensely, you can feel his gaze burning a hole.
Watching intently, waiting for the opportunity, to do whatever it is he set his mind to this time. Because god forbid Gojo Satoru could ever allow a day to be ordinary, just, no conflict present.
“Don’t.” you hiss, watching as he tilts his head to the side, almost touching his shoulder comically. “‘Don’t’, what?”
You squint your eyes at his fake innocence. “Don’t go around, acting like you’re ready for something you have no idea about.” your index shaken in the air, scolding the manchild before you. 
“Don’t talk as if you know anything,” you spit the words, his gaze behind the shades only making your mood worse. “Don’t act as if you’re seeing some big picture- some secret to uncover. Seeing things that aren’t even there!” Once the words come out, they leave one by one, each on their own, each a sentence of themselves. There is no ‘whole’, no integrity, some so desperate to be free, they get out stuttered. You barely notice your hands thrown into the air, pinching the bridge of your nose, every breath deepened. “You don’t know shit just because you got the six eyes!” out of breath, you can sense your throat starting to grow raspy. Having limited your talking just worsens the situation. 
Is this the most you’ve spoken to him, with your own words, in your own voice?
Allowing your head to fall, you let out an exasperated sigh, gulping to smooth out your throat even just a little.
“Don’t act like yo- as if you understand.” the rest leave barely in a whisper.
At the sudden burst of what you prefer not to name, he sits the same, looks the same, stares the same. Azure eyes swirling with everything and nothing all at once, observing you for your next moves.
“I’m going for a walk.” You announce to no one in particular.
But the snow colored participant seems to take the sentence on himself. “I’ll come with.” 
He stretches and tosses his empty can without even sparing a glance at the bag.
The silence resides and you weigh your options as the kids approach.
Pettiness wins over for the second time in that moment.
“I don’t need you to watch over me.” Head turned back, you look at his glasses. 
The words you want to utter hang by your tongue. 
I dont need a babysitter.
I don’t need a reminder of last year.
I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.
There is no else on this deserted beach but us, I can handle myse-
“I just like having you around.” He says nonchalantly, as if it is nothing, shrugging as you turn harshly to fully face him.
“And it’s always a bonus to piss you off.” 
And here returns the Gojo Satoru as you know, as everyone else, mocking, immature, annoying, a fruit fly that will not stop pestering you, hovering around your ears, buzzing until there is no tomorrow.
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Feet sink into the sand with each step taken.
The igniting warmth of the absorbing sand and the coolness the waves bring to your feet whenever they desire, you walk with eyes half closed, feeling the breeze, inhaling the salty scent of the sea, of the birds nearby and far away chirp, the seagulls a decade ago shriek.
You can see that red moon again if you close your eyes just a tad tighter, travel back into the moment, of the wind kissing your skin, of music in one ear and the sound of the world, lively and lived in, another.
The harsh sounds of another set of feet caving into the sand and pulled out forbids you from touching the memory.
At least he keeps his mouth shut.
Hands dipped into cold gooey earth, you watch as Satoru looks at you horrified.
Palming as much as you can of the substance, you slap your hand on his shoulder with a loud smack and give a reassuring smile.
His scowl only pulls downwards.
It takes a little convincing, and a lot of smiles, sweet expressions and docile voice, you’d rather not give him yet at the end he yields.
Shoulders slouched down, he crouches to get a feel of the clay and slowly smears some on his body.
“Not so bad now, was it?”
He answers in a grumble, making you laugh in return.
It’s worth getting all dirty, smeared in who knows what if it’ll make you laugh like this more.
Seeing his struggle with his face, you take a step closer, fingers lightly touching his cheeks, forehead, tracing his nose, his cheekbones and chin.
Would it be cheating to poke fun at your blush under the clay? Not that he needs the six eyes to know but you’d definitely accuse him of that either way.
“Now what?” “We sit and wait for it to dry– or walk.”
As much as walking by the sea is good exercise, feeling the shy waves of the sea touching him, he chooses to sit.
This way it won’t be a ‘will it, will it not?’ about the waves reaching out all the way to you.
Hands placed behind, you lean your weight against them and raise your head to face the sun– resembling a cat taking a nap under the sun.
That cat, he should say perhaps, it’s not a scenery he viewed often after all.
You watch the sun behind closed eyes and Satoru watches you, your watching, your waiting.
Maybe he shouldn’t have ditched his jacket, this way he could avoid getting a full on, involuntary, amateur spa day from your hands.
Sure, as if he has ever rejected anything coming from you in his entire life, he knew exactly what he got himself involved with.
Even if you are aware of the eyes giving their full attention on you, you do a great job at acting you don’t care. Though your body tells him you are at your own world again, lost in your head.
When you tire of it, or finished with it, you blink a couple of times to readjust to the bright sun, using your forearm for a makeshift shadow over your eyes.
Satoru doesn’t expect you to make much of a conversation after that honestly.
Your silent, non hostile, company is enough.
Maybe the universe truly loves him, maybe you’re in a particularly good mood because of where you were a little while ago.
Because you don’t budge when he lightly elbows your arm, popping the same question from, “Where were you just now?”
When your lips part, you talk of the sea, of the beaches you’ve been to, of living by the sea and visiting it often.
You talk of your mother, and how she found a spot of clay one day midwalk, deciding to spend your hours there that day. How you’d watch when you were little, the way she’d make a clay mask and apply it on her face, fingers working in the same way and order yours did when you applied his.
Days by the beach, breakfasts and brunches, of sunsets spent together with a glass of wine and laughter, sometimes tears of your own in silence, and an arm that wraps around you after.
Sweet, salty, heavy air of the summer, of the gentle sea breeze stroking your cheeks lightly, the sun burning your skin as you’d run away or fall asleep.
You sound as if you’re somewhere else as you talk, a veil over your eyes he can spot, watching something play out only for your eyes.
Are you reminiscing about the past now? Thinking of the good old days when you were just a child, no worry, no curses, no tedious jobs or fellow adults to handle?
Of sunsets and meteorite showers, he learns you like the beach, a lot.
You talk about the body of water as if it’s where you came from.
“It could be partially true, like, the amniotic fluid mimicking water, considering evolution and all.” you muse.
“We could check for a meteorite shower happening tonight.” Satoru offers at one point. “Jujutsu world won’t be on its demise just because we return a few hours later than planned.” his voice comes out louder, almost in a whine when he practically feels you frowning at the idea.
And so you talk, and keep on talking, mindless and conscious, of small things, things that do not matter, afterthoughts and random things your brain locked away into your memory.
You talk and Satoru listens, taking in every word, saving it all away at a certain part of his brain.
It is only the sound of the waves washing over, and your voice occasionally to fill the void.
And he savors every word leaving your lips.
Against the melody nature makes, your voice comes out silent and meek.
“I tried to drown myself once.” 
You say it like it’s nothing. The ‘you know’ you must've contemplated to put at the beginning or the end ringing clear in his mind.
No, I do not know. 
Satoru turns his head slightly to see you, only to find you staring at a random spot in the distance, watching each wave chase one another, grow bigger and faster.
“The view is beautiful down there.” You say, as if this eases the situation somehow.
Rainbow shimmers down, rays of light twinkle, lit and gone in milliseconds.
The waves shiver above, create the illusion of something more, something warm yet just as cold.
“To see from under the water as if you’re above ground. Of course I didn’t stay under much, there was no water flooding my lungs. Just the waves pushing me toward the shore and pulling me back.”
Gojos eyes stay locked on the horizon, doing everything but picturing the image you are describing out to him.
“Dunno.” You mumble “I suppose I was light enough as a kid for the sea to throw me around like that.”
Shouldn’t such a scene raise worry in an instant? He finds it odd no one had noticed.
“Did you know,” your voice comes out much lighter and alive, a tone similar to when someone recalls something random, something unrelated or long gone. “You can never choke yourself to death, the survival instinct kicks in, you cannot hold your breath long enough to finish the job, neither can you strangle long enough…”
A thin fish with prints of a tiger, swimming away in a long stripe, how clear the sea looks, the sand looks bottomless as shadows of water falls upon. 
You must’ve lost the fun in ‘fun fact’, that much your words prove to him.
Warm like the winter sun, the breeze gently stroking your skin.
“Don't get me wrong” you continue to speak in the same tone. “I didn’t have a death wish. I guess I was just curious,”
The use of past tense does nothing to help your case “bored,”
You speak steady, holding each word in, contemplating, waiting, is this an ambush, is that what you warned him about?
“It felt nice to be close with the sea like that, closer than i've ever done with air. Maybe that was my reasoning, though which kid needs a reason for the deeds they commit?”
The silence sits heavy between the two of you.
The serene air to you waits and dispels at the same time, in an instant, without showing itself, loud, quick, gradually and with time.
So you keep talking whenever your mind seems to reach another memory, and Gojo sits next to you listening to every word that drips from your lips.
No sounds indicating he follows, perhaps that’s what you’ve come to find more appealing.
The blazing sun atop burns into every breath he takes, the greenish gray mud crawls at his skin.
You speak of peaches by the beach, small hermit crabs you’ve come across, how your mother made a fuss when you swam too far away, how you always return to the sea somehow.
Gojo knows that to know a person, to truly know someone, you don’t necessarily need to know the details, or every aspect of their life, every minute of their past they can recall or not.
Knowing someone, truly, genuinely goes past that. It is beyond just the pleasantries, it is about the trust, the comfort, the ease one gets as they exist with in the same space as the other, how natural it all feels.
Gojo Satoru knows you.
He has known you for a long time, despite your shared time together falling short compared to all the years long since passed from the moment you’ve first met.
Yet as you speak, that feeling creeps up behind, around, all over, that he realizes perhaps it was all just the surface level, the scrapped bits and pieces– some pieces of a mask, some pieces he gets a peek through the openings and holes of the mask, how vast yet tiny the shell of earth seems compared to the rest. 
Perhaps that is exactly what you meant by your words earlier. Gojo Satoru gets what he wants, once again, yet he stays silent.
As the outer layer is drilled through and goes deeper and deeper, reaching the cold, lifeless magma that roams inside, ready to burn and hit whatever comes into contact, whatever reaches it, and the driller keeps going, and the man keeps digging, hitting piece after piece of earth with the pickaxe.
Is this the same warmth icarus had felt when he flew a bit too close?
Bad analogy, he is aware of it.
Natural just like grass shivering at the slightest of breezes.
“I tried to kill my father once.” you say softly, like a kid telling their utmost secret to someone that yes, it was them who broke the vase, it was them who ate the cookies when no one was present.
“It wasn’t even with any malicious intent or anything. I just recall not liking the guy even when I was younger. Annoying me, annoying mom…” you let your words trail off.
Gojo knows that, it is quite easy to guess, from your choice of words, from the way you act and hold yourself– how it is her side of the family you’ve embraced the technique off while you are clueless what it is even capable of, the technique you should’ve inherited from his side.
“So one day I just grabbed some bottles ive seen in the bathroom, lotions, tonics, the likes– for face, body, to remove a part of makeup, anything. And just spilled the contents down to his pillow.” allowing your words to cool off, you take a pause, “It is ridiculous to think about it, you know. I didn’t even consider a chemical reaction or anything. I just hoped the awful mix of those strong and bitter scents would do something, I guess. Or that’s what I told myself back then.”
He knows a lie when he hears one, as well.
A lie you’re telling yourself, and to him, while perfectly aware you knew of chemistry and its basics. It was most likely the volatility you didn’t take into account, and whatever products you’ve picked weren’t toxic to begin with.
“Oh well, we all know the pig still lives as healthy as ever.” you say with a shrug, with that shift of tone again, like you’ve walked all the way to a restaurant only to find out it’s closed on tuesdays. ‘Oh well, we can visit again another day.’
A butterfly flaps its wings and nothing happens. A bird opens its wings, one strong swing it elevates and everything changes, the moth with the skull print comes, the course of nature, the evident truth that everything changes at all times remains proven correct once more. A caw the bird lets out and death comes, watching from afar.
When he turns his head to face you, your eyes are slightly ajar, unfocused– somewhere else, lost in your head again.
You do appear a little relaxed, he notes. Probably with the help of the sun and memories of the clay hugging you from all sides now.
Perhaps this is why your technique works the way it does, too lost in your head, for as long as you can remember, since forever, conjuring up tale after tale, escape even just for a moment. How the mask fits like skin, how there is one for each feeling, even the cracks filled with a plaster of sorts to keep the play going just a little longer. Nothing could see this coming, painting, dancing, even singing were the more likely candidates, or so it seemed, or so you appeared for it to be. It is up to the artist to pick the medium, which technique to use. It is up to their soul how they wish to tell the tale, create the feeling, rewrite the world when needed.
Tell a lie long enough and it stops being one.
Sometimes things are simple like this.
No great artist ever settled for a single medium after all.
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Everyone has their turn with the little speaker one by one, each requesting songs, tilting their heads to the melody– or in Yuuji’s case trying to sing, or rap?.. along. An entertaining sight as well as scary you decide.
Nobara complains about everyone’s lack of tastes after a while, claiming none of these match the vibes, and that your 2014 picks barely fit, best of the worst she deems them.
“There is this specific… genre, I can pick from. Not exactly a genre per se, it’s just this wave of songs that get popular during the summer and are forgotten by the end of august.” 
Your reluctant tone is only met with curious gazes that slowly blink at you.
“Uh…” you pause, “Mediterranean songs?” you suggest then shake your head, “Not like that but– god–” (‘Yes, honey?’ Gojo has made it a habit to cut in whenever you utter the word) “I really don’t know how else to explain.”
When explaining reaches its dead end, it’s better to show and tell, and so you do.
Nodding their heads to the song as they listen with serious expressions and all, the council of first years conclude that yes they do get what you mean and your poor definition actually fits.
A day off by the beach, treats, the cold embrace of the waves and simply existing in the moment… certainly does the trick for the kids.
Wrappings of ice cream from a while ago cast aside but you know Gojo bought extras, stored them in the portable freezer.
(I didn’t know they made milkshakes in plastic wrapping.” you eye the halfway melted white treat. He just shoots you a cheeky grin, “You wouldn’t believe the queue.”
As if sensing the arrival of the sugary cold treats, you can spot the kids getting out of the sea as you open the package, only to be met with a vanilla that looks a bit too cylinderic.
Yet again, Gojo turns a blind eye when met with your glare. Something about having never seen you eat one of the classics when you were students, whatever that means.
Two can play this game, so with a shrug you maintain eye contact and bite into the ice cream with force, teeth and all. His gaze fixated on you, you can see his smile waver, gulping almost in fear. ‘I’ve never felt more uncomfortable in my life before’.
You only laugh in return, the tense atmosphere morphing into genuine laughter and memories that’ll soon be gone.)
Another song plays next, your head moving accordingly, ignoring the curious gazes of the kids as you begin murmuring along to the lyrics.
You can hear one of them whisper about it, ‘hey isn’t this dangerous?’ ‘could they speak this whole time?’
You cannot blame them for their curiosity, that is what keeps everyone improving after all.
“Up until last year, you could not get them to shut up actually.” Gojo jumps in, shaking an index all knowing. “Well,” he tilts his head to the side, “they’d mostly communicate through songs so that was a tad confusing at times.”
“As long as I avoid certain metaphors, or keep my cursed energy at a low level, I can speak.” you say, “And I’ve been feeling fairly good recently.”
Ignoring the curious gazes that only increase in energy and eyes widening, you get up and grab Yuuji’s hand, pulling him up and moving to the song’s melody.
The chorus is moving, easy to sway, to dart steps here and there, to move your body like one of those old time’s dances. The kid picks up in no time, soon giggling and spinning to the instruments.
With the second verse, you go for Nobara. She must’ve not seen you coming, her yelp proving it pretty much. Compared to Yuuji, she is stiffer, guarded. Arms opening wide and closing, you lean in as you sing the lyric about rings and gems, and by the time she warms up, joining you, holding her hat with one hand yet matching the energy with all the same.
When Megumi gets dragged, it’s by everyone and against his will. He pouts and stands but it doesn’t miss your attention how he bumps his feet to the melody, how slightly he tilts his head, even his frown threatening to break into a faint smile.
How the outro begins and you’re dancing to yourself wrapped in their joy and laughter, four people together yet your form standing alone with each lyric repeated.
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This is the most you spoke to him perhaps, and yet you look like it was about the weather and nothing else. Is that how disconnected you feel? 
He knows it’s not that, he sees through your “feeling good today” bullshit, that you’ve managed for so long and did no further improvement to keep it under check simply because you go back and forth with feeling.
“Look, about …that,” one year and you still refuse to even acknowledge it, “ I am tired of staying silent for so long, for living with its fear and ‘what if’s.” You pause and take in a breath, eyes tracing the sand that surrounds his fingers. 
“I am grateful for what you did, really. But I will deal with the aftermath my way. It is my burden to carry, my life in my hands spilling down like sand.”
He only nods, what else can he do, when you’ve said in your life for the first time that you’re grateful? And thanking him on top of that… He’ll take what he can, he realizes, when it comes to you. Mouth still slightly ajar, Gojo remains his posture, eyes on you.
“Everything I’ve said here, we talked about today,” you begin speaking once again, eyes looking into his, cold and distant, still faraway, still behind veils. “Forget about them, they never existed.”
It is not a question, a request, one he cannot refuse.
He doesn’t need to check to know you didn’t use your ability, there is little to no cursed energy left inside you, a hollow shell in the shape of a person.
Seeing no refusal rising from his side, your gaze meets the water again, he can still hear your voice talking of memories. He wonders if the scenery today feels similar to that day you’ve found a starfish, only for it to wrinkle inside your palm suddenly.
Your sudden yawn, and arms stretching over your head pulls him out.
Talk about judging you for getting lost inside your head for too long.
Eyeing the little specks of green dusty, you brush them off your leg, only for more crumbs to rain down. “Guess we should take this off, huh?” 
You get up before finishing your words, already making way to meet the waves once again.
It’s a long shot, he knows, and he has asked before, yet Gojo cannot help but wonder if you’ll show more of yourself like you did today. Allow him to read your words, or listen to them come out of your word, with no malicious intent, with survival not being the priority of your brains.
Following you, he gets up as well, “You think it’s alright to do that?” 
He sounds skeptical, one foot in the air, you freeze in a position he’d laugh any other day.
Placing it down, you turn and open your arms in a big gesture, “What comes from nature, returns to nature.”
You wear a smile and keep your eyes closed but in your words, he can hear someone else– the who of it is a mystery just yet.After few seconds of staring, he shrugs ‘fair enough’ and follows after you, back into the body water.
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mobolanz · 10 months
omgomg!! i worked a 12hr shift yesterday & saw i missed evelyn’s birthday!!!
what did her & reiner do to celebrate??
EMMMM IT'S ALL GOOD SHE HERSELF WOULD AGREE OML THAT'S SWEET hope it was easy enough on you tho ;W; 🥺💖💖💖
It actually took me quite a while to type this down myself aofjwofjqimfwk
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So for what they'd do,,, In addition to the gifts specifically,which I answered here, I figure it should go like this usually, assuming it's a few good years into it, can work for any, canon compliant main timeline, school caste or any modern au:
"you got some explaining to do." Be it if still at home or working or studying she just opens the door at probably early enough hour and a surprise visit: big blond man standing there with his hands clasped behind his back as if he's a professional bodyguard formally escorting her to some fancy event. Probably even dressed like he's going for one And the smirk of 'Hope you weren't expecting me to miss it like that'.
That just gets Evelyn blink twice, do one plus one yet again and start laughing sweetly- while Reiny gives a loud sigh of fake disappointment as if it's his birthday being forgotten (actually it's far more than he'd usually care for his own 🤧🥹) before it switched to laughter as well.
In that case she gets a quick preparation, making a special includion of a pendant he got her last year. (Won't openly admit it but the sight of it clutches at his heart :"). )
Maybe she should've connected the dots with those out of the blue no context given questions of his thrown around throughout the last month.
Like,,, on what's an ideal hour for her; any restruant she's fond of or curious to try; name a band she likes and if they have any concert soon, favourite play or movie they can go to or watch at his place...
If she's feeling outgoing that day after all that some dance can be arranged too 🤧
That said evy really hopes he doesn't just plan it all at once considering the gifts alone must've taken a great effort. But he assures her it's really just whatever she's interested in doing.
(They're set right there behind him along her cake (mille feuille with strawberry or raspberry) , small bouquet and glittery heart shaped card)
On the last one, reading the black distinctive blocks script on it forming a dedication all for her makes her blush to a point her cheeks hurt and she has to cover her mouth. Mumbling a soft 'thank you' in response only to add 'it's probably not nearly enough to everything you g-' only to get paused by a kiss on her cheek and Reiner cooing a " yes it is" awfully close
Honestly it's volumes upon volumes to her. More than all she really needs, and wants, and could ask for (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
But before any of that they have hours and the whole day ahead after all. So neither would really refuse just a nice walk at a calmer and more private spot first. And maybe even later when on the way back.
As big as all that sounds, it really is just about the two of them 🤧
Ah wait I think a good combination of something fancy an practical on the gifts, for this one he'd add some pretty pom-pom hat or beret in a color that looks especially good on her since winter's just starting.
When she tries it on Reiner's casually Mentions he was unsure between that and gloves, but decided going for the former "since I can always just...." then he's just pulling her delicate palms up, wrapping them completely in his to a kiss and place on his cheeks.
Then proceed spend the rest of the evening back at her place alone showing her what a great time he can be. Maybe even proceeding to warm each other up since Y'know,,,,😵‍💫
Evelyn birthday asks (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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handgiven · 1 year
working yourself to death isn't going to fix anything.
workaholic character prompts / @heavenfelled
so he barely managed to land in the hallway coming here, what of it? it probably sounded scarier than it was. fumbling and stumbling to stay upright, even as his limbs were giving out. breaking into his own flat with a sense of urgency that was only thinly masked when he realised he wasn't alone.
the domesticity of their shared living has reached a new paradoxical milestone. though in most scenarios of this kind there is alcohol involved in coming home late and being given scornful looks, while emmanuel was simply 'drunken! off of doing his job with little rest or even regard for his own wellbeing, up until the breaking point where he didn't have a choice but to push himself to the side in order to pull it back to gether. his very physical form was bursting at the seams and most of all his fingertips felt warm and sore like an open wound -- their skin felt too thin to contain all the light within, drying out and falling away as specks of dried clay and the frustrating part was he couldn't stop it.
that was the gist of it really. he didn't take breaks often per se but when he did it was because his very own body forced his hand. exhaustion to the brink of extinction. locking himself off at home and quietly imploding for a couple of days still felt worth it in context of how much he has done. and sure, earth would be without her communal guardian angel for a little while but the sheer volume of people he was able to bring joy to was great enough not to beat himself up over it significantly, at least until after the worst of the worst passed.
after he would feel better, he would be down that slippery slope again, relearning to walk and to smile and to hold and chance meeting people within the house, and just for a moment breaking them out of their loneliness. it was... addicting really, being useful. being helpful. being good. in this moment in time, he felt the other simply couldn't understand, but his tongue was heavy with fear of saying something wrong. so he rather said nothing, for a little while. his hands trembled and he walked past the other to make himself a cup of tea. he needed it. needed to hold it in his palms and perhaps not let his hands fall apart entirely. just that.
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digging around through the tea cabinet, he did pause, feeling the other's gaze puncturing his back. his voice was quiet, shaky, though not reproachful or otherwise bitter. he spoke with a diction of one repeating a set definition by heart, almost more to assure himself than to convince another. "the goal is not to fix. i thought you'd know that. mercy... just is. kindness... just is. always has to be. and i have to be there to give it when no one else does. i thought you knew. the greater good is greater than the sum of me. ---- and i did come home this time around." the last sentence was the world's worst substitute for an apology.
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asm5129 · 1 year
RWBY V9 Thoughts & Analysis: E7 - The Perils of Paper Houses
So I thought there were new images of the blacksmith in the opening of this episode on first watch, but a friend told me they were always there and i checked and he was right. Oh well. Moving on
From the first shot we can see the creativity put into the design of the town with the paper lantern acting as their "sun"
Yang and Blake appear to have slept directly next top one another, which is adorable. Yang's also a snorer, because naturally.
Jaune...literally sleeps in his armor. Yikes. that's not a good sign.
And then Ruby...Ruby, you poor girl. I desperately hope you weren't awake all night stewing in your negative thoughts while staring at CR. Honestly though, considering what comes later, i wouldn't doubt it--we'll get there.
"I'm late!! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" As others have noted, Jaune holds allusions to the white rabbit
"You can fix it. You always fix it." Ooh boy, that's not a good sign.
"Ruby, where's your weapon?" Ruby dismisses this as her being tired, but it's clearly hinting at her actually not wanting to pick up Crescent Rose again.
"Hurry, people are counting on us!"
Ruby needs a break, but she's expected to be able to fulfill the role of Hero at any given moment. No time to rest, there's a new crisis to deal with!
btw I'll be talking more about Weiss' role this episode--and honestly, this volume--when i get to the final scene
Love this bit of foreshadowing--the vocal performance of "Three cheers for the Rusted Knight and his White Rabbit" is extremely flat and inauthentic. I noticed that the first time, but i wasn't sure what it meant. Now i know.
In fact, nearly every single moment with the Paper Pleasers gets new context on rewatch.
For instance, blatant disregards for their own (presumed) safety, like "Hello water, how may i serve you?"
Oh so Alyx did leave Jaune to die. It was a lethal poison. I stand by my theory that Alyx genuinely thought of the Ever After as make believe though, not to mention that it's quite possible she thought would Ascend--especially if she had topped believing he was actually from Remannt
Jaune's spent decades literally putting out fires whenever one pops up. He runs himself ragged, but as he says--at least the crises in this village are "predictable"
Oh no. He named the Paper Pleasers after everyone he feels like he failed. Oh no.
Ooof, Yang and Weiss accidently feeding the idea that Jaune is a failure through their tone about him not having any leads. This whole episode is "hurt people hurt people"
I won't go in depth here, but i highly recommend reading through Jaune's to-do list. It's wholesome and heartbreaking and a great look into his psyche at this point in time. I'm really happy they actually filled it out and gave us a good look, they easily could have made it squiggles or something.
So...hot take: I actually think Jaune's plan isn't that bad. But I also get why WBY are hesitant to take him up on it. From their perspective, this absolutely would feel pointless.
"This isn't crazy...I'm not crazy..." Poor Jaune. he's genuinely terrified he IS crazy, that he's been driven mad by isolation and pain, which is why he was so angry when CC implied it last episode.
"We can be frustrated later. Right now, Jaune needs us."
Ruby hasn't talked at all since they sat down, and she's not looking too good. and Little is noticing.
"Who does that leave us with? It's obvious we need someone to guide us"
Ruby speaks up for the first time "Well if that's how everyone feels--"
and gets cut off. If she hadn't been, I think what happens later would have happened here. She was already getting genuinely angry, clearly feeling like her team was saying they had a problem with her leadership. Except, maybe it wouldn't have been quite what it was in that final scene. Maybe it would have been more manageable. We'll never know.
So here's the thing. Arryn's great, but this isn't a town of "suicidal origami." The Paper Pleasers have no wish to die. If they were suicidal, they'd want to get eaten by the Jabberwalker. The problem is, Jaune doesn't understand that Ascension isn't death. I know to us and to him it sounds like it's indistinguishable from it, but it's been made explicit that to Afterans it is not the same at all. If they were the same, there would be no reason to worry about getting eaten by the jabberwalker. No, Ascension is a continuation of life to them. We may not understand it, but it's simply their reality. And that's why what Jaune has done is so awful.
To be clear, I'm not demonizing Jaune. I have deep empathy for him. He was desperate, and in pain, and isolated, and again, to him Ascension is death. But his own trauma and trust issues and subsequent willful ignorance about how the Ever After works ended up pushing him to craft a fantasy where crises can befall the people he loves (or stand-ins for them, anyway) and he can save them, again and again and again and again and again, forever.
Yang is totally right-- no one has the full story, not yet.
"he's clearly not...all there"
"Is that what you think?!"
There is a surprising lack of empathy for Jaune from Weiss and Yang in particular this episode--and we see the direct consequences of it right here.
"We're not listening to [the cat] We're listening to the Afterans"
Someone mentioned this somewhere and i think it's right--this is Blake's social justice side coming out in the aftermath of the visit to the herbalist. Listening to those with the authentic lived experience, rather than accepting the biases that come with her own.
Oh Jaune. Your trust issues are so deep.
"Then why do you care so much about this village?"
Ugh, my heart. Refer to my paragraph about Jaune creating a fantasy here
Again, they aren't suicidal, otherwise they wouldn't be running in fear from the walkers
"then we won't run this time"
Ruby stays back for a couple seconds, but as always there's no time. She has a responsibility, right? She's the hero. There's no choice but to fight, no matter how much she doesn't want to, because that's her role.
Weiss and Jaune acting like partners in this fight while Ruby stands off on the sidelines, ugh. And that look he gives to Ruby when he notices she isn't fighting? ouch.
I hope i'm not misusing the term, but what's happening to Ruby here certainly seems like PTSD flashbacks. And the way they're animated and visualized and framed really puts us in ruby's headspace, it's heartbreaking. Plus that shot of Salem? Yikes
It was literally going to eat her and she was just...paralyzed.
Yeah, so yang's weirded out--definitely more than a semblance evolution here.
Regardless, Neo's closing in. I expect a lot of her tomorrow, but we'll see.
Meanwhile Jaune is lashing out, framing her paralysis as cowardice and selfishness, yet Ruby can't even hold Crescent Rose, the thing she once called her "sweetheart".
everyone knows that's a big deal, but hey--there's another crisis! There's always a crisis.
Clear mirror to the fall of Atlas.
"I was supposed to save them, and they're dead." -Jaune
Explicit spelling out that they're gone, but not dead
And here it is. THE scene. Let's break it down
"Why are you asking me? Because I'm the leader? Because I'm just supposed to have something to say? Cuz i don't. I mean, why do I have to be the leader anyway? Why do I have to be the one who always picks everybody up? What about me?"
Everyone has always looked to her for inspiration, because she's damn good at it. But it's waaaay too much pressure. It's funny--Yang once said something ruby desperately needed to hear, but she said it in one of her worst moments and Ruby didn't know how important it was.
"Sometimes bad things just happen"
And the thing is, without intending to, a lot of people--people who genuinely love her--relied on her to make that not true. To make every bad thing seem manageable, or to mean something.
They relied on her to make the world more like a fairy tale, because they didn't know how to cultivate the same spark she seemed to have.
Ruby's pain was always quiet. Actually, funnily enough, a lot of the audience fell into similar assumptions--that if Ruby's development wasn't loud, didn't get the spotlight, that it didn't matter. But it was always there. And just because not everyone's pain is loud and obvious, doesn't make it not real--If you were paying attention, you could see the groundwork being laid for this in every volume, including the ones that get the most gripes for doing her dirty.
But, the thing is, WBY and co aren't the bad guys for not being able to help her. She wasn't able to be helped, and they had their own baggage to deal with. Everyone can do their best, and someone can still get extremely hurt. WBY did the absolute best they could, and Ruby was still hurt. Those can and do coexist.
To Weiss: "No time, right? Gotta get home! Gotta help Jaune! Gotta find someone who isn't going to screw everything up!"
So, i personally take this line as coming from Weiss' behavior in this volume--the complaints about the Ever After, the blaming of team RWBY for the evacuation plan going wrong, being "tired of leaving places in ashes--having been internalized by Ruby as remarks about her failures.
Remember, Ruby blames herself for getting everyone stuck in the Ever After, so every time someone expressed frustration with the Ever After, or impatience over not having gotten out yet, she would have internalized that as slights against her.
When Weiss' frustration about the Ever After comes out, Ruby hears it as "You got us stuck here, you lost my home, and I'm miserable because of your choices. and you aren't even able to get us out."
I ALSO think it has a lot to do with her behavior in volume 1
the FNDM talks a lot about the impact of Oz's words on leadership on Ruby, and for good reason
But i think we overlook just how much of an impact v1 Weiss likely had on Ruby's psyche
Ruby came to Beacon riddled with insecurities
She was worried about making friends, worried about being a leader, worried about not deserving the skip to Beacon Oz granted her, and worried how people would treat her because of it
And Weiss hammered at ALL of those
Hell, Ruby only got that awful advice from ozpin because she wanted reassurance that he didn't think weiss was right about her inability to be a leader
Again, not demonizing Weiss. We know why she was like that, it wasn't her fault. But i think it's something we oughta talk about more.
To Yang: "Gotta stay positive, right?! Smiles all around!! Maybe even get our feelings sorted out!
We've seen Yang very explicitly put Ruby on a pedestal multiple times. Most obviously in volume 5, but a bit even as far back as volume 1.
in volume 1, Ruby is expressing her desire not to be seen as a freak or imposter for skipping ahead two years, saying she doesn't want anyone to think she's special, while Yang piles on the praise telling her she is special
in volume 5, she stays to fight Salem after learning about all of Oz's lies and explicitly states it's because Ruby is doing so and she "always knows the right thing to do"
In volume 7, despite her hesitancy around lying to Ironwood, she tells Ruby they'll follow her lead
in volume 8, she says "We said we'd follow your lead when we got here, and that hasn't exactly worked out", unintentionally laying the blame for Ironwood's fall and all the other Atlas crises at Ruby's feet
Again, not demonizing Yang. She gave up her childhood for Ruby to be her parental figure when Tai was in his depression, but that doesn't mean she knew how to be a mother, not at that age. She would have no idea how to deal with with the complex and messy emotions of someone the age Ruby was when she was raising her, and Ruby herself would have felt pressure not to make an unfair job for Yang even harder.
To Blake: "Good for you, by the way, we're all so happy for you!"
RUBY IS NOT BEING HOMOPHOBIC. Can't believe I have to say that. She's not even genuinely unhappy for them I'd wager, she's just resentful that she didn't get to be happy too.
The thing is, there always seemed to be time for everyone else to slow down and sort through their feelings, but to Ruby that meant that if they needed that time she had to pick up the slack. That's why she went to Haven. It's what happened with the Apathy. If everyone else has fallen apart, someone has to hold it together and save lives. Someone has to hold it it together and lead. And she could, so she should...right?
"i'm sorry is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune's make believe friends?"
and then Jaune goes on to blame her for everything she's already blaming herself for, and ooof that painful expression she makes, it breaks my heart (RWBY facial expressions are such an underrated part of the series btw--they're so good)
Jaune was her first real friend at Beacon. He gave her his hand in support for no other reason than that she needed it. I'd say that they genuinely might be best friends. They were always there for each other.
Hearing these words would always be painful, but hearing it from Jaune cuts straight into Ruby's soul.
He immediately apologizes. "I'm sorry, I know I'm not okay, I know I'm not right.... but how am I supposed to be?"
That bit of self-awareness is what could save you Jaune. Hold onto that.
"I've been alone for so long...Here...on that bridge...I was the only one that could do it, i was the ONLY ONE. And now I have to live with that forever. In here or back home." I think he's talking about killing Penny.
"Guys, i know things are bad but--"
"Shut. Up.
Don't do that. Just...don't."
When you know all the right words to lift people up, but you've stopped believing them, hearing them from others feels...almost insulting.
God what a brilliant episode. Im excited for what comes next, but also utterly terrified. I'm not sure any other story has affected me quite as deeply as RWBY. I'll have to do some RWBY meta on why that is at some point, but right now I've already spent far too long on this.
Good luck everyone! We'll need it 😅
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Hello there! Hi! It is me again! As I had said previously, I’m probably gonna send quite a few asks in cause once I get to rambling, my brain just goes for it and it can be a bit difficult to turn down.
One, I love the cast of VAs you have! I do a tiny bit of VAing as a hobby, and I can’t help but be entranced by VAs ever since I started to know more about what goes on behind the scenes.
Ryan Hoyle as Kayn is amazing! There’s that flirty playfulness that is thus far the majority of Kayn’s personality(surface level at least), an air of confidence and pride, but in more serious situations, there’s reassuring and a steady/stable/solid/grounding kind of feel.
Ken Langner as Druk sounds incredible! Druk has a more laidback/down to earth personality, maybe even slightly teasing if he’s not on the clock. I say this with all the love I can muster, but Druk is the most “normal” of the cast, and Langner keeps that “normal air” with Druk, but also doesn’t make him sound like he “doesn’t belong” with the rest of our colorful cast of characters. Also has a very reliable kind of tone/feeling.
John Patneaude as Fenir is a lovely choice! Fenir seemed like he would be a harder character to cast, given his rather soft tone. Softness in VAing can be, at least in my experience, difficult to obtain, what with getting the mic to actually pick up the voice with as little broadband/background noise as possible and the recording itself being clean and clear enough, and, imo at least, Patneaude did amazing at that! Fenir doesn’t sound like an anxious wreck as most softer voices tend to, more so unsure and trying to figure out the best course of action, and the line between can be thin at times, so props to Patneaude!
Joy Ododu as Etza is not what I expected(not that even I knew what I was expecting), but is very solid! The voice given to Etza has them sounding, ah, very, hmm, capable. Authoritative, if that makes sense. There’s an air of grace and practiced control that comes off as effortless. Reliable, but not exactly like Langner did for Durk, like. Meeting Durk and hearing his voice, you think “okay, this guy can hold my drink at a party” but meeting and hearing Etza’s is more like “I trust this person. I don’t know why, but I do. My gut says that they sound trustworthy.” And like you can confidently put your life in their hands, which must come in handy for a healer
Luca Xavier as Kuna’a… lemme tell you… as soon as I hit the button for the voice line, I immediately started getting flustered. And checked my computer volume. And that no one else was home. Yeah. Anyways! I’m not the best with certain tone(writing with no voice or voice with no writing/context), so I wasn’t too sure of how Kuna’a came off. Xavier did a lovely job in portraying Kuna’a’s mystique and I can now get a kind of hint of coyness? Some of Kuna’a’s lines have an unexpected laidback kind of tone? But not “relaxed” laidback, more like “looking into the eyes of death and asking to play Go Fish” kind of laidback. Or like Kuna’a has complete control and they know it, but they feel like playing along
Sarah Ruth Thomas as Aisa has me really curious. I don’t know what about Thomas’s voice makes me so curious, but just hearing the voice lines in the demo as of 4/28/2023, just something makes me curious. Aisa generally sounds rather serious. Not necessarily “no nonsense” but more “there’s a time and a place for nonsense, but not right now”. While sounding serious though, Aisa doesn’t sound, ah, boring or scolding or blunt. More so like there is an ongoing process of, well, processing what is going on in real time. Not that there’s an “I don’t know what’s happening” vibe, but rather a, uh, “I’m going to see how this plays out before I do anything for the best possible result.”
Ah, goodness. My gushing got progressively longer and longer the farther in I got. I don’t mean to imply that any VA is better or worse than another, I just kinda. Rambled. Um. Anyways! This was my praise to the VAs who all did a wonderful job bringing Alaris’ characters to life with, well, all their voices! I find that sometime VAs may not get enough credit for how difficult and expensive voice acting can be and wanted to share some love.
I didn’t know what the VAs’ preferred pronouns were so I tried my best when referring to their voice, first state the character and the character’s preferred pronouns, I hope that’s alright. May I ask for preferred pronouns? I also didn’t know what the VAs were comfortable being addressed as, so I just. Tried sticking to last names. I also hope that that’s alright.
Another anyways! This is… probably gonna be among the first of my gushing posts. As I said, I know I have a tendency to ramble, so, uh. I do hope that it isn’t, ah, a bother?
hi! WOW this is so in depth (not in a bad way!! definitely don’t feel bad or think you’re being a bother 💖) it’s super interesting to hear ur thoughts and theories about each of their characters and the voices, esp as a VA urself!!!
you’re honestly spot on with all the characters and why i chose them. as i was listening to ryan’s lines recently, he made me think of flynn rider for some reason. hopefully when the new demo comes out someone agrees w me so i don’t feel crazy LMAO.
i LOVE DRUKS VOICE and his VA!!!!! i totally know what you mean by normal and don’t take it offensively at all bc that is exactly how i imagined his character! it’s not normal in a boring way—i always just had the vision that if i were to date one of them irl it would be druk. someone who is nice, fun to joke around with, reliable, and just all around a good person.
fenir was definitely the hardest to cast not just because of his character but also because he ended up being the most popular character to audition for. but i think john does an unbelievable job voicing him. his lines actually made me giggle a little when i heard them voiced so i’m excited for you all to hear john bring life to him!
i feel bad talking more since this message is getting quite long LMAO so i’ll give the VAs pronouns and stuff rly quick:
Ryan (he/him): Kayn
Ken/Pat (he/him): Druk
John: (they/he/NB): Fenir
Joy (she/her): Etza
Luca (he/him): Kuna’a
Sarah (she/her): Aisa
but you are literally so spot on with everyone and why i chose them! i’m actually a bit in awe, esp with aisa for example and how you have interpreted their character. i wasn’t sure how the characters came across in the game, but it’s rly satisfying to know i gave enough crumbs for even aisa for people to have an impression of their character :’)
thank you so much for the kind words!!! i’m so happy you’re enjoying the game and what we have out so far <333 if you (and anyone else) ever want to talk more, have more questions, feel free to drop by!!! <3 no one will talk about alaris more than me LMAO
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cursedfortune · 1 year
[thigh touch] - Your muse slides their hand slowly up my muse’s thigh, gazing at them the entire time to gauge their response.
Tension & Attraction. @fallesto
He had made it known that they would be within close proximity of one another from now on. She could see the irritation he felt when that own rule he had made (that she happily did not object to) was broken when he had to leave to handle something on his own. While the witch was always ready to join him, she knew some tasks he may prefer her to remain here for due to the witch's scent. So Mortem compromised, despite how effective her spell and his own abilities were-- she did not wish to make him worry when he should be focused on his quests. Instead she'd empower her mind with learning more about the world she now called home while he was away.
Most times Regulus returned he was exasperated with much to say. So she'd listen, inquire, genuinely interested and hoping to vent out that mood he could get into all at once. Like now. The witch remedied their lack of proximity by sitting sideways atop his lap, her back resting comfortably against the arm of the chair where she could feel the sleeve of his coat rub against her thin dress. Whatever book she had been reading was discarded to the end table beside them, hands settled within her lap as she watched his animated face as he recounted his adventure.
The witch had noticed his other hand had, at some point, left its post to rest upon her leg. Curious he didn't go for a hand. Given it just rested there as he ranted she paid it little mind otherwise... until his words finally came to an end for now. Mortem inquired here and there, feeling his fingers toying with the hem of her dress that had partially ridden up her legs when she initially climbed into place.
Her gaze briefly looked down to his limb before trailing off elsewhere, humming in thought as she processed what he had shared with her-- but even that was led to her being distracted when she felt his hand creeping higher. That difficulty to focus showed in the brief crease of her brows, her gaze pulling from looking elsewhere in the room to look back at Regulus. Ready to question not his time away but his actions now, only to find liquid gold staring back at her already. His pale skin wasn't as red as she could often make it, a faint dusting at best. Almost able to be missed.
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...How curious. Ashen lips parted slightly as she stared back, holding his gaze even as she felt the warmth of his hand sliding along her thigh with nothing but the thin fabric of her dress to separate their skin. This was different from him. Usually it was she that had to initiate this sort of contact before he'd take action of his own accord. At times it left her worried the intimacy she sought, regardless of how light or heavy, was not something he felt as strongly for. Which led her to questioning if this or that was alright as they grew more familiar with physical contact. Them having a difference of physical needs would be fine, so long as she just knew. She was easily made happy when he'd lace their hands together, scooped her up into his arms or simply draped an arm over her whilst they slumbered.
This was different from her Regulus, however. Yet not at all unwelcomed. After taking in a short breath her lips came together once more-- whatever she was about to say faded, far too engrossed in his actions currently. Ones she could see were deliberate. She remained where she was, scared that if she moved too much that he would stop... whatever it was he was doing. Testing the water? Experimenting? Expressing himself to her? She didn't know but she wanted to find out.
As if she wasn't always so taken and charmed by her archbishop; perhaps he could see for himself now how easily she swayed under his attention, her heart fluttering by his initiation as it spoke volumes to her even without the context as to why it was happening in the first place. If any was even there. Perhaps this was... merely a whim? Something impulsive? Either way it had the witch involuntarily breaking their stare to glance at his lips, then further - to the mark on his neck he was so adamant to preserve from their first time together. She hardly even noticed how quickly she looked away before she was staring back into his eyes.
Except this time she moved just a little. A hand raised to brush her fingertips along his cheek affectionately, expression warming much like her heart. She would not be so forward as to gaze upon her love with desire over touching her thigh like so, but she also couldn't deny her interest was growing. At his pace, the witch would agree with herself to let him lead however far he wished to go. Whether it would just be him touching and holding her thigh or progress to something more, she would follow and reciprocate on the same level. A touch for a touch. A stare for a stare. Even as her eyes softened, her smile drew into that sincere one only he was privy to. Love, desire, such transparent honesty about all the ways her own greed presented itself. Summoned with ease in his presence, in the touches they shared. Always wanting more of his love.
One could blame the isolation she had known for so long, one could also blame the fact she never had a romantic relationship before him. One could also say she just loved him so much that he easily ensnared and captivated her attention in return. Despite how vicious of a creature she could be, that she has been-- when with him, like this, she found herself anything but. Always chasing whatever touches he returned, even now her thigh pressed back into the palm of his hand. Compassion and romance existed in tandem with all the terrible things within her soul, and she only wished to share what she hasn't been able to before with him. Romance, lust, compassion, love-- it all sang his name within her heart.
This love... it trembled within her soul. Her fingers slipped from his cheek to follow the line of gold down his chest and rest there. So gently did the matching earring of blue sway, a reminder of what she was. His other half. The only wife to share his bed. The one that he felt willing to remove his barrier for and become, for a time, a little ordinary with her.
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spider-xan · 1 year
Thoughts on Griffin's death in LOEG?
Definitely one of the lowest points of the comic, what was Moore thinking, etc., and while I do think death and some kind of cosmic justice was coming to Griffin given his betrayal and crimes in the comics, I think Moore went way too far with it - but I will try to do an actual short analysis rather than just leaving it as a shitty moment bc yeah, it's bad, but I also see where Moore was going and there are a few good moments that I wish had been used in a better context.
So in terms of the bad - yeah, I think it's obvious that 'Hyde rapes Griffin to death' is an excessively edgy death and it's so extreme that I feel like that scene overshadows the rest of the comics for a lot of people; the other problem is that the next Hyde scene is the one where he reveals that Jekyll was attracted to men, and when you consider that Hyde comes from Jekyll, that would imply that Hyde is also into men, and it comes off as homophobic to have your reveal of a gay/bi man come immediately after he raped another man to death as the embodiment of evil.
I think Volume 2 actually has a lot of problems with there being not much of a plot and feeling more like a series of shocking moments, but that would be its own topic of analysis.
Now, if I'm going to try and be fair and analyze the scene through the lens of how rape is not inherently a taboo subject that has zero literary value, I do think we're supposed to be disgusted with the scene and with Hyde rather than cheering him on, and we're supposed to feel bad for Griffin - Nemo, one of the more moral characters whom Moore has said he admires, is horrified to the point of wanting to kill Hyde for it, and though she doesn't know the details, Mina as the classic hero expresses pity for him when she hears he has died and hopes he didn't suffer, despite the things he did; and I think considering both Hyde and Griffin are villains, even in their source material, and both rapists in LoEG, whether you agree with that or not (I don't like it), it's supposed to be a Pay Evil Unto Evil scene where there are no good guys here, even if Griffin is sympathetic for his suffering.
The one good thing I do want to highlight is that the subplot with Hyde being able to see Griffin is done really well and pays off - we find out in the middle of Volume 1 that Hyde can see him, but since Hyde is intelligent and not a mindless monster, he hides that knowledge from Griffin until the time is right and he's able to use it against him; likewise, it's an interesting for Griffin bc he's at a point where his invisibility gives him a sense that he can escape any consequences that he fails to consider that maybe someone like Hyde, who clearly has powers of his own, might be able to counter his invisibility, and by the time he realizes the truth, his invisibility can no longer save him.
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mechazushi · 6 months
Bartender: Glass of God. The manga, the Show, The Reboot.
TL:DR; A review about some rando's take on a little known bartending manga that got turned into a show and just released a reboot of the same show.
F*ck it, I'm doing reviews now and I just wanted to shout out a great slice of life anime about the one thing that weirdly tickles a random cluster of neurons in my skull: Aesthetically pleasing looking drinks.
Lets kick this off by getting everyone on the same page about a few things. The manga is called Bartender and its a finished series. The first run of the anime was in 2006 and lasted 11 episodes. Today, as of April 5, 2024, they are reproducing an updated version called Bartender: Glass of God. There is only one episode (obviously) so this review will only cover differences I've noticed between the three and how I feel about this. (also I haven't finished the first show and I just read, like, The first three chapters and skipped a volume/ read some chapters from that no less that 2 minutes before writing this. the next review I make of this, I will probably be reading more to make this more credible.) The story is about a man named Ryu Sasakura. As far as I can tell, he doesn't really have a resound, Earth-shattering goal for himself. He's just there to make cocktails and give advice/fix relationships. Bartender is accompanied by a somewhat steady cast of reoccurring characters, mainly one woman in particular named Miwa Kurushima.
Got all that. Good. Here we go.
The Manga (spoilers)
While this is the material I have previously admitted not to have studied the most intensely, It is the basis from where these shows originate from and should be given center stage at the moment. The first chapter starts with Miwa in a bar fretting over a task from work, she argues with the guy behind the bar about her drink, then gets interrupted by Ryu. She pieces together that Ryu is a bartender and manages to convince him to show up at a testing and interview at a newly built hotel that's trying to open a bar inside. He shows up, aces the test, then rejects the offer to work there, saying he wants to try other places first.
Having this be the last thing I looked made everything else I was about to watch a bit of shock to me. Most people read the book before watching the movie/series, which causes most people to compare the two. In most cases, in a negative light because people tend to really attached to the source material and get fussy when something gets changed. Not to say that someone going in the opposite direction like I have couldn't act the same way, but it also helps that I haven't had the time or the well aged, rose colored glasses to view everything through.
So when I saw that Ryu doesn't immediately start out working in his famous Eden Hall. It gave me an odd platform to (hopefully) objectively compare the shows to. Also, a lot of the major story points that get touched on in the first episodes of both of the shows, are not present or given different context in the manga. There are things that remain consistent between all three. That being the two phrases "What two professions should you never betray the customer?" and the speech about "why is a bartender called a bartender?". What I found to be the most decisive creative difference between all three was how they portrayed the first drink served in all three first episodes/chapters. In all three, is a whiskey/ water mix with a higher ratio of water to whiskey ( In the reboot, they changed it to a High ball, which is just sparkling soda instead of water, but I think that's because a water cut is more of a Japanese thing.) The drink and how he comes at the presentation of the drink reflects his personality for the rest of the series. To be honest, I think a lot of people would be surprised at how the creation and the aftermath of the High ball scene definitively sets up just how different Ryu's personality is in each iteration.
In the manga, Ryu is smart, but not right off the bat. Given time to prepare and he can come across as amazing and otherworldly. But catch him off guard with something can cause him to fumble. He is also portrayed as impulsive, running off to steal a specific type of ice and staging (At least one that I know of) happenstance meetings. The man knows what it takes to impress someone, but through it all, he's still human. Albeit, it doesn't show through normal human behaviors like a clear expression of goals or bad habits, This doesn't make him come across like a robot, but as a man wiser than his years whose had time to perfect his perception of people and how to cater to a distraught stranger. This is helped by the fact that this story has actual plot that is subcontextual in every chapter with a slow, but not a slow-burn level of progression. That last bit is absolutely no where to be seen in the 2006 iteration of Bartender.
Bartender: The 2006 release (Spoilers)
The 2006 version was the one I had stumbled upon first. Thought it was interesting, watched two episodes and didn't pick it back up again for several months. Not because it was bad, mind you. but the thing about the story Bartender is that... its not meant to be binged in one seating. The show is meant to be savored slowly, like an actual cocktail. The way the original anime variation is set up like this; Ryu already has Eden Hall, and the lore acts like he's always been there, where in the manga he was actually living in France for years before he decided to come back to Japan and start his own bar. And Ryu didn't even start with Eden, he worked somewhere else as a new guy before befriending Miwa's grandpa and gramps (gifting? convinced? not sure haven't found the chapter yet) Ryu the Eden Hall. So the story the show sets up ends up acting like Eden Hall just... grew out of a side street and there was Ryu behind the mahogany.
This isn't helped by how they depicted the doorway in the show verses the manga. The entry is down a set of stairs and off to the left, hidden underneath a deceptively simple sign in the manga; while in the show its just... in the wall facing the street. Its framed by three square stone pillars set in the wall around it with a small, lit potted tree sat beside, making the entry feel more like you're stepping into an underground temple than a bar.
The show then continues like a abridged and condensed rendition of the manga. The b*tchy personality that was given to Miwa was given to her supervisor. She meets Ryu at the Hall and he correctly guesses the drink order she always had when she got off work when they both were in France several years ago, He wasn't asked or even showed up to the bartending test, and the setup to the water-cut whisky scene was way different. Instead of making the drink at the test and then later giving the supervisor a taste of Ryu's Sherlockian level deduction skills at a different bar; the events leading to the drink, the making of the drink, and the key speeches that define the core of the first chapter were shoved into a scene that lasted probably less then 10 minutes and it never left Eden Hall.
Having the show frame it like this, left me with the impression that Ryu... was some sort of God. Like a benevolent being whose sole purpose of existence was to make drinks and help others emotionally. It isn't helped by how the show is presented. Its episodic, prioritizing facts and answers to relatable situations over chaining lore beats. Unintentionally making Ryu feel inhuman; he's helpful, sure, but comes across as vaguely omnipotent, and there's also no scene where Ryu is outside of the bar, making it feel like he only exists to serve. This could just be Japanese work style mannerisms at work, but if that isn't the case, then him acting with no changes in demeanor like that just tacks on to the whole not human allegations.
The reason why I feel like this is comes out in one particular scene. In the making of the water cut whiskey, there's another speech that is given. The two of them talk about why Eden Hall was named Eden Hall. Turns out it relates to an English Folk tale about a group of fairies leaving behind a glass and a note saying "You break this, bad luck comes to Eden Hall. (paraphrased, of course)" After the speech is given, Ryu walks over to a glass cabinet that contains an ice sculpture recreation of the famous Eden Hall glass... and promptly BREAKS IT IN FRONT OF THE GUY! He uses the ice from the sculpture for the drink and that becomes part of the reason the drink is so good, its because of how special the ice is.
Having not read the manga before hand, I didn't know at the time that this was the show writers way of introducing the so important ice sculpture needed to make this Glass of God, but without having Ryu being all the way at the hotel for the test. Not knowing this, I think, unintentionally made Ryu feel like he viewed anyone that walked through his door, was just a toy to him that he could fix or break emotionally, and that he only helped as many people as he did was because he felt like it. Seeing Ryu break the sculpture after giving that speech and serve the drink to a man that had been openly hostile to him gave this whole scene an unintended shock factor that I didn't see coming. And the thing is, the origin of the name for Eden Hall speech takes place in like, midway through VOLUME 2. It was never supposed to be in the first episode. Having everything unfold like that was a deliberate choice of the writers, so it makes me wonder if they were doing this intentionally. Again, having not read the manga first and seeing Ryu portrayed like this had me unprepared to meet the Reboot variation of him
Bartender: Glass of God (Spoilers, duh)
Having only one episode to draw from for this part makes me hopeful that this will be shorter than what I have written so far, (God, what have started). I think this will be more of a description of what changes were made and hopeful expectations since there isn't much to stack up, material wise.
Starting off, this looks like its going to be more lore based than its earlier counterpart. We get to see Miwa actually interacting with her supervisor and a friend that appears only occasionally in the first run. Miwa was a bitch before and then had next to no personality in the show, but now seems to have regain a little of the b*tchyness and is now more...judgemental? Definitely a reads book covers first kind-a person, but is paired nicely with her bubbly and eager friend. We still have the bartender test, but instead of the reason behind it being that the supervisor is stingy and judgemental (or outright hates bartenders) him, Miwa, and her friend are all on a mission to find the bartender that makes the Glass of God, and this is on orders from above the supervisor. Honestly, the writers did a really good job with everyone that makes an appearance across all the media, because they even took their time and gave the three bartenders that show up for the test their own personalities. They didn't have to do that and I love them for it.
After the test fails they meet Ryu in the park. And this is where the show kinda slapped me in the face a little. Again, the only other reference to Ryu that I had seen was the earlier 2006 run, and (hopefully) you saw how I felt about him. So to see Ryu act as this forgetful, awkward, goofy goober of a person really threw me for a loop. He leaves behind a book from the library and Miwa ends up holding onto it. The two of them meet two more times and because Miwa's whole mission is to find the maker of the Glass of God, finally finds Eden Hall. Again, the show decides to have Ryu have Eden Hall to start off with instead of him working somewhere else and then earning the right to have Eden Hall. I'm not going to have a strong opinion on which direction is better yet because there's a shot where Ryu is looking dramatically at a fenced in, empty lot, that and crossed with this being more lore heavy so as to tie in better with the original manga, it seems like a better plan to let this play out and see where it goes first.
Anyway, Miwa and friend show up and realize its Ryu. (If you can't tell by now, we're about to hit the High Ball sequence.) This time, Ryu has more customers in the room with him, setting it up to be what I thought was the best iteration of the whole "realization that Ryu is d*mn good at his job". The test from earlier actually becomes important this time around because it sets up two scenarios that a good bartender should be good at if they want to be considered good. And of course, Ryu passed with flying colors. We now enter the High Ball scene. And honestly, nothing really stands out about this version, but I think that's because its blending in with the momentum kept from the previous drinks, making it that from the moment they enter the bar, the High ball itself doesn't stand out specifically until after Miwa comments on it, drawing out what so special about it. She asks for hers after seeing the other two get made and gets hyped for the drink as she sees whiskey being brought out, thinking shes going to get something fancy... only to get handed the (infamous) High ball. Miwa writes it off, thinking that nothing special could come from something so simple...only to have a Studio Ghibli level blast to the senses. Which is here we tie into the voice lines about how Ryu knew that a water cut whiskey would be perfect for her at the moment, going into the same spiel about how observant he is and makes the viewers know that Ryu is that guy. This episode so far has been a wonderful take on a lesser know story and I'm glad that the lore is getting a turn in the spotlight this time around.
This is a whole different take on the characterization of the bartender named Ryu. Going from unusually wise but young bartender, to possibly omnipotent God of cocktails and relationship advice, to a socially awkward and unashamed of it human who's just a beast behind the counter with a cobbler shaker in his hands. There isn't enough footage of the Reboot variant of Ryu being a free therapist or being a relationship solver yet so this is where I leave this review of Bartender: Glass of God for now. Again, I haven't finished the 2006 run or the manga yet, so take everything I've been saying with a grain of salt
If you have managed to make it this far, I applaud your tenacity, or severely pity your level of boredom, but nontheless greatly appreciate you taking time out of your shitty sleep schedule and joined me on my first review. I don't think I'll be doing this too often. And if I do, there will be an attempt to condense it all down much more succinctly. Here's hoping that a brief glance ( cuz' lets be honest, no one is going to read this whole thing) might of convinced you to check out an amazing slice of life that just focuses on taking advice and swallowing down the bitterness of life with a chilled and well crafted glass (of god).
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fruiteggsaladit · 1 year
Oh dang Lupin III Albatross wings of death MAY HAVE inspired YYH volume 18 cover art where Yusuke Kuwabara are on mini-airplanes? Cool
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The Lupin episode aired way back in 1980 so the timeline does match up for it to have served as inspiration, Togashi has commented in the past that he's been inspired by Ghibli movies and Miyazaki in particular(?), both MCs are smiling kinda nervously.
Togashi's facial expressions for characters are hard for me to interpret I realise; initially I saw Yusuke's smile as something excited bc Kuwabara's expression is so stressed-out-looking; they're foils of each other, and so it felt right to assume that Yusuke is purely excited in this image.
Next to consider though is the content of the volume this image belongs to: How They Spent Their Year, and the beginning of the King's Tournament and its lead-up. Yusuke chose a tournament bc that's what he's most comfotable with participating in, and feels like the simplest solution to avoiding outright war. Combining this context with what may have been its inspiration, Yusuke's grin now feels a little tense, like smiling from nervousness.
The way his body is posed, it looks like his elbows would be jagging into his stomach. It doesn't appear as if his forearms are resting on a console (granted, we're given no information about that and so this is pure speculation, but it feels like most aircrafts don't encourage its pilots to rest their arms anywhere, keeping the arms free and hands on the steering wheel. Easier to WRENCH oneself away in case one needs a sudden turn? This rings true of any vehicle I think...)
He is sitting like he's driving a bumper car! He and Kuwabara, actually. The association meaning he intends to drive into another pilot? Or is he excited to be soaring in the sky at all?
Which is a lot more intentional on Yusuke's part than Lupin's! In the episode, Lupin uses the aircraft to crash through the guns on the bigger aircraft, damaging it so it belatedly and comically loses most of its wingspan. Having turned upward, it stalls and begins to descend, to everyone's mild anxiety. It finally crashes through, conveniently trough a pre-made hole there through which we spot Fujiko, biting her fingers as she watches the aircraft fall down on top of her. They do all survive, having fallen into a comical pile of limbs and bodies.
In that shot, Lupin isn't so much grinning as much as I assumed at first, and more like gritting his teeth with stress - as they fall, the wheel is torn off its console, Lupin having tried to the very last second to somehow miraculously getting it to fly again. Before this though, his expression had been in a triumphant smile, having taken out the guns.
It's hard to figure out expressions sometimes! I think I wanted to end on the note that it was interesting to be thinking about Yusuke's grin in this image from the perspective of a playful grin, to being an anxious stress-smile. Depends on how the viewer wants to interpret Yusuke! A badass who never feels any fear whatsoever and says "fuck you" to authority bc they have no power over him, or someone who passes very well for that kind of figure and is misinterpreted as much a battle-obsessed badass both in-universe and by consumers.
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sagaofstardustmkg · 2 years
dissociated || bo || 6.2 || re: fumie, phantoms, research
“‘No better than phantoms’ is likely more accurate than you meant for it to be.”
Bo mumbles and glances over to Petrel with a weary stare. It wouldn’t be the first time the two have discussed phantoms. Not even the fifth or sixth. Bo had been curious about Petrel’s thesis since reading it, and their talks revolved around emotions more often than not. Of course it had come up.
He listens as Fumie speaks up, paying more attention than he has with the other bits of information simply because he hadn’t gotten a good look at the corkboard himself. He’d been rather… preoccupied when everyone else found it.
“I believe that Fumie has the right idea—that they are after particularly strong emotional power. The reason for which could be… well, it might require some context. Bear with me, please. We found a book in one of the castle towers that was a relatively basic overview of phantoms. A good introduction for someone unfamiliar with them.”
There’s a nudge at his side and Bo looks down to find a corgi with the exact book balanced perfectly on its little head. Bo takes it with a nod and passes it around to the rest of the table without looking over it himself.
[Bookmarked Book] A book about phantoms and the differences between them and ghosts. It seems one section in particular, the introduction, has been read through numerous times.
“Phantoms aren’t actually proper ghosts, though they share several features and are often mistaken for them. Usually, they form as a result of strong emotions that occur within dense ambient magic. They aren’t guaranteed to form by any means, but given a magically rich environment and constant, strong emotions—or even strong bursts of emotion—it’s much more likely for them to appear.”
Bo pauses, and mentally has to reign himself in from going off into unnecessary detail about ghosts. Now is no time for infodumping.
“Unfortunately, I have a feeling that may be the larger intention behind all of this. The pocket dimension that Stardust Academy sits in is extremely dense with ambient magic. Provoking strong emotions like grief, anger, or betrayal would likely encourage phantoms to form. Which could be done through an archaic torture device… or a killing game.”
He gives a small nod to Arianna here, since she’d been the one to ask what you could get out of the monstrosity they’d found in the basement. Despite the acknowledgment of different points, Bo stare has stayed largely on the table over the course of his speaking. It takes a measure of focus to keep his thoughts straight as his headache gradually spreads across his skull and settles behind his eyes.
“As for why they’d want to encourage strong emotions and phantoms—”
Another corgi nudges Bo’s leg with its nose, and he squeezes his eyes shut with a small sigh. He looks down at it, unsurprised to find it carrying a sheet of paper he’d rather have forgotten. Still, it’s not the dog’s fault. He takes the paper and holds it gingerly in his hands.
[Odd Research] The majority of the mess here is made up of pages upon pages of nearly incomprehensible magical diagrams and matching jargon written atop and around them. The technicality of it all is hard to parse, but there is one page that stands out as mostly understandable. All together, the sheer volume of work here lends itself to spanning some number of years.
“They are using the phantoms, I believe, as a sort of core component. It’s all extremely technical, but it’s largely the same subject matter as my own studies, so I…”
After a moment of hesitation, he passes around the paper.
“I can tell that their work is sound—incredible, and a fucking breakthrough, but… sound. It would work. With all of the details written here accounted for, including the use of a ‘phantom core’ as a conductor, it would theoretically be possible to… piece a person back together. To bring someone back from the dead.”
Beneath the table, Bo’s hands have subconsciously found their way to each other, the thumb of one pressing into the palm of the other. It doesn’t offer any sort of comfort here.
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daffodilwill · 2 years
am I the only one who doesn’t consider that queerbait??
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