#given the many strange titles out there i didn't even blink at the way this was title literally stray dogs
note-boom · 2 years
Just noticed that the DoA arc is when we really started leaning into the Bungo and Stray and Dogs part of the Bungo Stray Dogs title. Big spoilers ahead, but...
My breakdown of it?
Bungo (I believe this just means literary) - Sigma and the Book
Stray - ADA guys displaced from their homes, the PM sorta scattered due to vampirism, Aya also kind of lost at the airport, most of the groups just thrown around and separated
Dogs - The Hunting Dogs literally being called dogs in their name
Do I have any big point with this? Not really...it was just something fun that randomly hit me
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3l91 · 1 month
bkak detective au.
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PI bokuto koutarou and his roommate akaashi keiji..
more thoughts (first meeting) belo w..
pplease take my pathetic attempt at narrative as i try to beam my vision to you in my brain 😊,,,
--- --- --- ---
Akaashi's legs are tired from walking.
"Do you need to sit down for a second?"
"No, I'm alright."
Despite this, he still refuses to stop moving, following at a brisk pace beside his old classmate, Konoha Akinari, who'd been living in the capital for some time now.
It was clear by the way he walked and maneuvered his way through the bustling streets that Konoha had grown accustomed to the crowds and the noise, things that only made Akaashi grit his teeth in silent displeasure as they continued their way through the city.
It hadn't started off that way, of course. Lunch had been pleasant. The atmosphere of the restaurant was different from what Akaashi was used to, but it was a good kind of different. In fact, he'd even found himself dazzled by the sights and the people.
It wasn't until they started walking towards Konoha's old housing complex that the charm of the city started to settle down on him in an unpleasant way. There were too many people, too many streets, too many noises. He isn't used to this feeling of excess, and his head is swimming by the time Konoha says, Just around this corner.
Akaashi figures he's done a great job at masking his discomfort, as the two of them don't stop for a minute until they reach the door of a single apartment building, the city's presence receding ever so slightly into the background as Konoha rounds on Akaashi, hands on his hips.
"I already warned you, my ex-roommate's a bit of a weird guy. Nice, but weird. I'm already sort of wondering why I thought this would be an okay idea..."
Akaashi blinks, nods. Idly adjusting his glasses with an index finger, he clears his throat before responding.
"I just need a place to stay for a few days while I sort out permanent housing. It's very nice of your ex-roommate to have offered the space."
"Well, I don't know about nice..."
Akaashi would only find out later that this mysterious ex-roommate was having trouble with rent.
"Shall we let him know we're here? We're already a few minutes late."
As Konoha takes his time knocking on the door, Akaashi's mind clears enough to recall Konoha's previous testimony regarding this ex roommate of his.
First of all, he'd told Akaashi, I'm only telling you about this place because you're in immediate need of lodging. But just so you can't say I didn't warn you, the guy is a little eccentric.
That was how Konoha had framed his warning, and while many of the things he'd stated afterwards about this roommate (that he was messy, that he was loud, that he snored like crazy, got into strange moods where he wouldn't speak to Konoha for days -- "I won't lie, those weren't bad times." -- only to shake him awake to talk about some incomprehensible subject) would have normally dissuaded Akaashi from even considering sharing a living space with the man, there was one thing that Konoha mentioned about his ex-roommate that piqued Akaashi's interest.
"HEY, HEY, HEY! If it isn't Konoha!"
With a burst of energy as loud as the bang! that accompanied the thrown-open door, comes a presence as bombastic as Akaashi had been warned to anticipate.
"And how's the great detective been doing lately?"
Konoha looks as tired as Akaashi feels the second his ex-roommate makes his appearance, giving him a wry smile and a half wave.
The man in front of them is too much to take in all at once, but it isn't his stature that Akaashi latches on to first, nor is i the shock of white hair upon his head.
It's the way the other man beams at the title that was most assuredly stated sarcastically, the one piece of information that made Akaashi's trek through the city worth it, that little tidbit that caught his eye during Konoha's 30 minute public advisory warning given several days before, that simple turn of phrase -- great detective.
"Busy! I'm busy all the time! But, hey, is this the guy you were telling me about? Akashi something or othe -"
"Akaashi. Akaashi Keiji," he says. "It's nice to meet you."
There's a small moment of silence as Bokuto looks Akaashi up and down. He isn't subtle about it at all, the way he gives Akaashi a once over from head to toe. Through it all, Bokuto's smile never once falters, and Akaashi's cool expression never once breaks. The only one who seems to have any sort of change in demeanor is Konoha, whose face is morphing into something close to panic the longer the silence continues.
This was a terrible idea, wasn't it? To allow someone like Akaashi - always composed, proper, quiet - anywhere near a loudmouthed character like Bokuto who would almost certainly drive him up the wall. Why had Konoha thought it would be okay, even though Akaashi had -- strangely -- agreed to meet with his ex-roommate, who had him out the door in a measly one and a half months?!
And yet-
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"Soon as you wanna."
The question is asked too quickly and answered too quickly for Konoha's liking, because he's immediately putting up his hands and yelling, "Wait, wait, wait!!"
First, to Akaashi.
"You remember what I said about this guy, right? He keeps an irregular schedule, and he'll pop in to your room unannounced whenever he pleases, and he's not the neatest person to share a space with and-"
Then, to Bokuto, with an accusatory finger.
"You should at least let him know what he's getting into if he stays here. All the clients and the late nights and the bl-"
"Of course, of course," Bokuto says with a smile, unbothered by the picture that Konoha is painting of himself to a complete stranger. He gestures towards the interior of the apartment. "Come on in! We shouldn't talk about things like this outside. Besides-"
His eyes meet Akaashi's once again before he heads into his abode.
"- Akaashi's real tired from walking."
--- --- ---
something like that... ssomething like that!!!!!!! more notes um..
i'm not set on time period but i do like the idea of 20s-30s.. golden age.. ??? they could work in a modern setting too though-
akaashi is from outside of tokyo, but moved in order to be closer to work (udai met him while he was out on a research trip and brought akaashi on as a temp editor. after accepting a fulltime position working with udai, he makes his move to tokyo)
bokuto and konoha were college roommates but it was kind of short lived because konoha could NOT keep up with the antics and wound up living w/ sarukui .. boy best friends
bokuto would have done boxing in college :]c (i think boxing suits him well as an individual sport.. + holmes reference..)
i like the image of kenma being an informant who sends kuroo to bokuto's place to relay info (because he doesn't have the energy to talk to bokuto for long HERJSDF-)
okay thats my delulu if you read all of that hiiii 😋
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naussensei · 5 months
In Satoru's Room
The door of Satoru’s room opened to reveal a neat and clean place, much to Suguru’s dismay. He had almost expected food wrappings and dirty laundry all over the place, but instead, found himself in front of one of the most elegantly decorated rooms he’d ever seen.
“What the hell?” Are you like… rich or something?”
“Yeah.” Satoru said, with utmost simplicity, which had Geto’s jaw dropping. He was only joking when he asked the question.
Suguru entered the place willingly now, to inspect it carefully, as one enters a museum. The space was exactly the same as his room in terms of size, except Satoru’s seemed like a place where someone actually lived there, and not some cheap, tasteless motel room like Suguru’s. The closet was filled with several sets of school uniforms and the most expensive brands of clothes, some of which Suguru had never even heard of before. There were also some posters of bands hung on the walls, mostly popular rock bands like L'Arc en Ciel or Miyavi, and a few American bands, among which Suguru could only recognize the names “Blink 182” and “The Offsprings”, and only because some emo kid in his previous school was obsessed with them. Suddenly, Suguru’s plain, empty room felt lame, and wondered if he should maybe start hanging up band posters. Not like he knew many anyway. He didn’t really listen that much to music, other than whatever was popular on the radio. The only CD he owned was an Utada Hikaru CD that a girl in his previous school had lent him, which he didn’t particularly like, but just happened to keep listening to because he never got the chance to return it before he changed schools and houses.
In his exploration, Suguru made his way through the room as if it was a lion's lair he was entering, and continued to the bed now. In front of it, there was a TV with a DVD player, and a large shelf with a wide collection of CDs, movies, video games, and every single gadget that Suguru could ever think of, and more.
The only thing that seemed out of place was a poster of a girl in a bikini on the ceiling. Strange . For some reason, Satoru did not strike him like the kind of guy that would put up a picture of a girl in his room. In fact, he didn’t strike him as the kind guy who would be interested in girls at all. Or men. Or… humans, for that matter. But who knows? There was no denying he was handsome, surely he’d broken some hearts out there. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend waiting for him somewhere and kept a picture to remember her. Or, maybe he simply liked to jerk off to a picture at night, like all his classmates back home did. 
The image of it made Suguru squirm. He did not want to remember that. Least of all picture Satoru in that state.
“Sit,” Satoru patted the bed, signaling Suguru to sit by his side, which, right now he really didn't feel like doing. Not with the ever present picture above his head, and the lewd image he tried so hard to get rid of.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Suguru asked, in a lousy effort to keep the intrusive thoughts away.
“Pff, I wish.” Satoru dropped on his back in the bed. “You seriously don’t know who Waka Inoue is?”
“Should I?”
“Dude, she’s like, all over the TV and the streets.”
It was no wonder that he hadn’t seen her, since he hadn’t gotten a TV for his room yet. Although her face did seem to ring a bell, maybe from one of the dramas that his mother used to watch. Suguru titled his head to take a better look, which was apparently funny, because Satoru let out a laugh.
“She’s a model,” he said.
“Oh,” Suguru hummed, trying to sound impressed. “She’s, uh… she’s hot.” 
He didn’t really think so, but it seemed like the right thing to say, given how into it Satoru seemed.
After carefully assessing that the bed covers were clean and not stiff, Suguru finally took a seat at the other end of the bed.
“I haven’t been to the city yet, that’s why I haven’t seen her. But I'm thinking I should get a TV when I go.” He confessed.
From the bed, Satoru turned his head to look at him with furrowed brows. “You’ve never been to Tokyo?”
Suguru simply shrugged, somewhat embarrassed for some reason, wishing he hadn’t said that. He was not there to be judged, especially not by him .
“So, anyway, why are we here?” 
With a swift movement, Satoru got on his feet, then searched for something on the TV stand. The screen went on with the words “Play Station 2” on it.
“Because… I got this game, but it’s a co-op.”
“A what?”
“A co-op. You know, like, two or more people playing it. I’ve been meaning to play it for ages, but Shoko doesn’t want to play. She only likes to play Mario Kart.”
Suguru frowned in confusion. What did any of that have to do with him?
“And,” Satoru handed him a controller, “you and I are going to play it.”
Suguru raised an eyebrow at him, reluctantly.
“I don’t even know this game. I’ve never played it. Actually, I’m not really good at any games at all.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun!” 
The genuine enthusiasm in Satoru’s face really had him speechless, wondering if his frustration was only one-sided, because Satoru seemed oblivious. Perhaps Suguru was delusional and he was the only one staying up at night dwelling about these unimportant things. But a few days ago Satoru didn’t want to talk to him, and now he had dragged him into the intimacy of his room to play games with him, like they’ve been doing this since the beginning of times. Suguru might not have been an expert in the art of making friends, but he was pretty sure that was not how it worked. They were not little elementary school kids that would fight and make up like nothing happened the next moment, but he wasn’t sure Satoru was aware of that.
“Come on,” Satoru insisted with the most honest smile and the biggest puppy eyes. “I would really appreciate it if you played with me.”
It struck him then. That this was probably Satoru’s own strange, immature way to apologize.
Hesitant, Suguru looked at the clock on the wall. They would have to wake up in just a couple of hours. “It’s late.”
“Please?” Satoru titled his head, his smile was charming. Surely he knew it was, and the effect it had on people, because it was having the same effect on him right now, and Suguru half-hated him for it. 
In spite of himself, Suguru sighed in defeat, taking the controller. “Alright. But first...”
Suguru cocked an eyebrow at him. “You said you had tea.”
Satoru flinched, suddenly all signs of softening around his edges dissipated, yet did not protest. He simply moved to the kitchenette to grab the kettle, put on a sarcastic smile and said, “Anything else your majesty would like?” 
“A sandwich would be nice too.”
“Ok, now you’re pushing your luck, bro...”
Putting the controller down, Suguru opened his eyes wide at him, arms crossed and a wicked smirk growing on his lips.
“Fuck— fine…” 
Satoru took in a deep breath, then turned to grab a bag of bread and nearly smashed it on the counter to prepare a sandwich. Suguru watched him do so with delight.
When he was done improvising two cups of tea and a ham sandwich for each, Satoru moved everything to the night stand next to the bed. It took one flick of his fingers for the items to travel smoothly across the room. It was just as amusing to watch as the first time.
“How do you do that?” Suguru shook his head, not caring to hold back his amazement. “That’s so convenient. You think you can teach me to do that?”
“Nah. I was born like this,” he said, placing a plate with Suguru’s sandwich before him.
“Why, thank you, how very thoughtful of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, now shut up and eat. Unless you want me to feed it to you too.”
Suguru’s silent grin was answer enough.
“Oh god, you gotta be kidding me…”
“You shouldn’t give me ideas, Satoru.”
“Dude, I’m not gonna feed you.”
Still smiling, Suguru put the controller down again, and opened his mouth the slightest, ready to take a bite.
“Fucking unbelievable…” Satoru grumbled, yet took the sandwich in his hand violently, and brought it to Suguru’s mouth. Blue eyes gleamed at him with spite. “God, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”
Without breaking eye contact, Suguru took the smallest, most delicate bite, savoring the moment. Satoru’s lips parted as he watched him eat, hungry eyes fixed on Suguru’s lips now, as though he could taste the bread in his own mouth. When Suguru swallowed, Satoru swallowed. When Suguru licked the crumbs off his lips, Satoru’s tongue mirrored his. He must have been really hungry, because he seemed about to drool.
“That's a more than decent sandwich,” Suguru said, running his thumb over his lips to wipe the crumbs. Satoru followed his movements with his eyes, speechless, still staring at him with his mouth open. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed didn’t feel right, and it suddenly became less fun to tease him now for some reason. So Suguru took the sandwich in his hand, and Satoru’s eyes went from Suguru’s lips to his eyes again, his mouth closing instantly as he cleared his throat.
“You know what goes really well with it, though?” Said Suguru, to ease the tension, his eyes going to the full cup of tea on the table. Satoru was less than amused. 
There was horror in his face, and joy in Suguru’s.
“I swear to god I’m gonna shove that cup up your ass if you keep this up.” 
He reached for Suguru’s neck, and Suguru had to catch his hands to stop him from strangling him. 
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” Suguru was laughing now, which made it all the more difficult to resist Satoru’s strong hands, so he had to twist a little in the bed to avoid him. Luckily, Satoru seemed to have calmed down with his words. He was shaking his head now, giving him the most bombastic side-eye, but Suguru was certain he could see his lips curving upwards.
“We better start playing now,” Satoru said, taking his controller. “Or else I’m gonna end up either killing you, or myself.”
“Alright, I’ll try.” Suguru mirrored him, the grip feeling awkward in his hand. “But I don’t promise anything.”
(From Our Last Summer by Naus) Continue reading here
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asterjennifer · 1 year
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Saeran & Saeyoung (& V)
Word count: 2,599
After so long apart, it was inevitable for them to me again.
He resigned to the idea that's been feed to him. However, his other half isn't exactly thinking the same.
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The moment they stood together in front of the big doors forced his heart to swell up into his throat. The wodden color of warm brown reached his consciousness only in vague shapes, he couldn't really focus on a specific detail on the door. He stood as straight as a candle; unsure how to approach the entire situation.
“Do you need some more time?”
Jihyun's voice was soft when reaching out to the younger man beside him, stiffer than he'd like to admit. His voice was welcoming, warm even the moment he noticed his distress, however, he only shook his head.
“No, no… I am okay. Let's go inside.”
Mint colored hair fell forward after Jihyun titled his head to see his face better; much to his displeasure. He breathed through before rocking back to his heels for a second, taking in more air. It would be fine and it's nothing that's having business leaving his heart to almost hammer out of his chest.
The two, big hands on his shoulders caught him off guard. Turned with ease in order to be face to face, and Jihyun looked at him the way he'd done quite a lot lately. Fresh determination inside his shining eyes that paired ever so well with the new found calm he'd claimed over time. Yet a honest expression of strict feelings that kept his face wrinkle free.
“I mean it, Saeran. If you feel too nervous then we can go in a little later. This small amount of time won't do anything.”
He hushed his racing brain one more time. For a moment he's speechless, wondering how often that actually happened over the short years he spend alongside his old guardian. It's not that he's not wanting to see these familiar faces, it's everything evolving around them. He didn't know what's changed about them specifically. He sighed when closing his eyes, reaching up to put his hand over Jihyun's.
“I'm okay.” He promised firmer. “Please… Just go in first, that way I have a second to process my surroundings.”
Jihyun kept his eyes straight as if trying to see through his soul for any particular lie. But Saeran meant it; he's ready despite his nerves threatening to snap. The older one took in a deep breath, patting his shoulder much too gently and finally letting go of him.
“Okay then. Let's meet them.”
Without another exchange of looks or words, Jihyun grabbed the doorknobs and turned them open. The noises of the party broke through immediately and the atmosphere did a one-eighty considering the smell of food, drinks and people hit forcefully. The lights inside the big hall lightning up the main floor brightly, a little too bright in Saeran's opinion.
He blinked at the pain it caused, lifting his hand up out of reflex. He didn't expect to find so many people in the room, he'd suspected perhaps hundred. Two hundred maximum. But this easily could've been a doubled number of faces, it caused his hands to shake from the pressure he's suddenly finding himself under.
“Don't worry.” Jihyun's voice reached out between the million others.
Saeran watched how he offered his hand in the middle of public. The smile lingering on the older one's face between doting and considerate, could be both at once for all he knew. It's embarrassing given some of the strangers already turned their attention to the scene he's involved in. Although it's maybe childish in some sense he's unwilling to see, he took Jihyun's hand tightly.
It's an instant reassurance that he's not alone right in the heat of the moment. Jihyun had strangely developed this trait of providing him his hand when seemingly overwhelmed. Not that Saeran complained, it's a nice gesture of care. It's difficult to get used to regardless. He's more than grateful though, it's not something somebody has given to him that openly before.
Jihyun began to lead them through the mass skillfully, like he knew exactly where to go. The people's voices lingered in his ears as the shimmer of the stage at the right side of the room kept attacking his eyes. The red curtains fit perfectly well to the red carpet running along the entire floor. The walls a golden touch, exactly like the lights and pattern in the ceiling.
He felt out of place by how fancy everything appeared. It's not quite right he was going across this hall. This very building he'd sworn to tear down one day, bury the dust deep into the ground right next to its occupiers. Days became blurry afterwards and now it could be laying back centuries ago, on the other hand it's just yesterday where he thought of demolishing it all.
“Wait here, Saeran. I will announce your presence as soon as I spoke to them.”
Fuzzy feeling, he thought to himself. His own steps came to an standstill, Jihyun let go of his hand altogether and suddenly he stood by himself behind the stage inside the darker part of the party. Ironical, a little fainted voice in the back of his head mumbled, quickly he suppressed it.
He peeked around the corner due to his insatiable curiosity. His hand against the wall's burning and he's certain the place itself is already flaming independently. But finally he could see them all in the very center of their successes.
Jaehee and Jumin stood with their usual professional attitude when discussing something that must've been important as usual. Yoosung and Zen lending an helping hand since the blond college student carried a list of his own. They looked… carefree. Happy. But there were two faces that had oxygen pressed out of Saeran's lungs right away.
She's present, too. He'd not seen her in what felt like an eternity. Eternity? Eternal...? The memories bubbled up to the surface when seeing her smile beam underneath the artificial light. She wore a pink dress, exactly how she did the day she arrived at Mint Eye two years ago. A lot more fancy today, of course. Her hair's braided back, showing the every inch of her face which hadn't changed in the slightest.
She was still pretty. Still the girl owning positive vibes, lovely attitude with her hands always being busy in some way or another. He'd not expected to feel his cheeks get warmer at the sight of her; especially now where the issue at hand wasn't his territory to play in. She's not the only face leaving his knees to wobble, though.
That red hair of childhood struck harder than prayed; the string of bitterness rose into his mouth. He wore these glasses he didn't even need in the first place. That happy suit in a lot more brighter shade than any of the two ever preferred. They both liked dark clothing most. It's true, his brother was an adult now. Simultaneously he's stayed the boy that he'd been since forever.
So many feelings woke up in a single second, just watching them laugh, speak and interact that easily with each other's concerning. They acted as themselves without a care in the world to play pretend. The RFA truly reminded of a close family.
“I've been waiting for this moment.”
Jihyun told her, to which she gazed back in confusion at first. Not long after her face shifted into pure shock, all their reactions were similar when thinking about it. Saeran's hand on the edge of the wall had strengthen the grip drastically until the tips of his fingers turned whiter than his skin.
No, he couldn't do this. Seeing them this way, peaceful and complete, where's his right interrupting this for the countless time? V assured he's wanted numerous times throughout their recovery together. Telling him they were searching, praying he survived in order to meet. Was it true?
Right there in the shadows of the greater good, far away and known by only the cloak of invisibility, he was home. All his life he's spend time in the dark by himself. There was too much light that it burned his retina, the warmth of the room letting sweat run down his back uncomfortably. This wasn't his home in the past, it wouldn't be in the presence and never be in the future.
The urge to turn on his heels and run until his body broke down filled his veins. He couldn't meet them like this, they shouldn't see him. He remembered well what exactly he'd done to the members of the organization and no matter how much time passed; this couldn't be his life. It implied so much happiness. That's nothing he's confident believing in. He couldn't be that happy without consequences.
“I have a news many of you wouldn't have expected – I'd like to introduce a new member of the RFA.”
Jihyun's tone of excitement tore him from spinning thoughts circling around his head. His body took a step back due to fear; he's aware what's about to happen. He didn't want it. He could not want it.
“I should have discussed it beforehand with the rest, but time was not so gracious with me.”
The short hint of a chuckle made Saeran's stomach sink. He couldn't smile at them if they were to find his presence soon. Should he shake hands with them? Apologize for all the destruction he'd done? Be silent and simply stand in the corner like decoration? He didn't know. Unconscious, his scar itched until he scratched it slightly.
“A new member...? But he did not discuss anything with us..” Jumin questioned.
Yoosung followed with a suspicious hint to his voice. “I think my skin is crawling right now..”
He swallowed, it's not that easy making out their words despite the short distance. People shut their mouths one after another; he's feeling the tips of his ears pulse the longer he was conscious of his body. He pressed a fist out of pure helplessness against his chest, hard and tight.
“Please give a round of applause for our newest member.”
And suddenly people were actually clapping. Saeran knew they're waiting for him, his mind went completely blank when acting on auto pilot, coming forth from the wall into the lightened side of the party hall. A variety of eyes staring holes through his tense limbs; there's not a single thing on his mind other than staring back.
He grazed the RFA, not one without wide eyes coming back. However, the second he met the ones oh-so very familiar, he's stuck in a slow motion. Saeoyung stood right there in front of him, mouth hanging open it what he assumed to be bewilderment.
It scared him to the bone. Hearing his own name being shouted by a voice he'd never imagine would even remember his existence. His ocean colored eyes widened in a different kind of shock as his older twin brother urged forward clumsily.
“You're Saeran, aren't you? It must be you!”
He yelped way too loud, way too emotional. His amber started getting wet once the tears reached the corners. Saeran felt torn, unable to keep his eyes at one point of the other's face. Exactly like before, he was left speechless. The hug that followed only added oil to the flames. His arms shot up instinctively; out of unwell emotions he'd rather forget about.
“You're alive. Thank you so much for being alive.”
The hug's strong and content, the grasp of his brother something he's sure he couldn't ever escape. His body continued to have grown a few inches taller than him, a little bigger than him, a little healthier and stronger. Nonetheless, Saeran wasn't sure who of them was weaker in that second.
“...See? I told you there is nothing to worry about.”
Jihyun tried talking to Saeran, affirmation of that kind he's not yet used to. He started shaking from head to toe, then. That scent knocking him over internally, reminding him of the ice cream under the sunny sky they shared in the past. That weird unconditional love he gave up shamefully quick.
“It must be you. Say something, Saeran...”
He pulled back to take him by the upper arms, for a brief thought he worried Saeoyung would shake him. Instead he stared in obvious desperation. What could he say? What should he say? It's luck he's standing on his feet right now and didn't fainted in the middle of the charity event.
“Saeran. It feels like you'd go away if I hold you. Don't go away! Don't you ever leave me now!”
God they pierced through deeply, each and every single world of that stupid man across from him. He shook his head slightly; unable to think of anything or find an action that could prove he's not mentally absent. Saeoyung's torturing stare finally broke away because of Jihyun, who stood behind him with the rest.
“Thanks, V. You have my gratitude for eternity.” His voice slipped at the edges.
“You saved my brother, didn't you?”
Jihyun's warm smile twisted into a painful one. “…I'm sorry I hurt him in the first place.”
He only received half of their conversation, busy scanning his other half closely. The last time he had seen his brother's face that up close was...
“.. You remember me. Even though my face is like... what it's like now.”
The second the meaning fell over his lips, he felt stupid. Supposedly should've said something touching or real for the thick air to finally dissolve. Saeyoung's head snapped back, eyebrows rising as high as they could as his grip tightened to the point of edging on hurtful.
“What are you talking about? Of course I remember my brother.”
Why did this hurt so much, but at the same time got this immense weight of doubt and shame falling down his shoulders in featherlight manner? Why did hearing that connection coming out of the other's mouth had him want to cry his soul out of his body? Why was he cursed to be melancholic even in the moments of true happiness?
“Let's never part again. Now let's stay together, safe and sound.”
Saeyoung pulled him into another hug, almost more aggressive then the one previously. Saeran this time managed laying his arms around his brother in return; to actually take hold of him after he's been unreachable for years. An emotional flame right there underneath his skin, immeasurable in comparison to a wildfire.
There. He said the name out loud. A name so very conflicting to his heart. Going from the most precious word, to an insult to his faith and back to something soothing. The looks of the other RFA members filled to the brim with empathy, sadly Saeran didn't realize. He registered his own tears that ran down his cheeks, becoming more and more the longer he held his brother.
“It IS you...”
Feeling the nod, Saeyoung buried his face into the crock of his neck. The shaking of his shape unmistakably a sign of a silent cry with which Saeran was more familiar with than enjoyable. Instead of thinking over past memories, he gave the tears a pass since they're liberating. Hugging back and hiding into the suit of his older brother, mimicking his doing, almost too close to breathe properly. Yet neither could care one bit.
They stood there for mintues inside each other's arms. Hours? He didn't need to know. All he needed was to internalize the fact he finally go back the one thing he's been craving all his life. Looking for, fighting for in the first place. Crying out for endless times.
His family.
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Spock - Chocolate
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♫ - In Blue - Declan McKenna
For a lovely Anon, I hope you enjoy! Thank you all for reading! Hugs! ♡
Starfleet had provided you with a plethora of experiences, knowledge and learning opportunities, and you had made it your mission to learn as much as you could about other cultures. It had always fascinated you how other species in your galaxy and beyond acted and lived. Your time aboard the Enterprise had only advanced that.
You had been stationed on the ship for nearly two years, and in that time you had encountered so many different races, stepped onto so many different planets, you were learning all the time. Over those two years, you had also come to find yourself in a relationship with her resident Vulcan, Spock. Much to the shock of her senior staff, Spock and you had lasted, and you could safely say you'd never been more in love.
Being with Spock had given you opportunity to learn more in depth about Vulcan habits and culture, and it also gave way to meeting a fair few other Vulcans, too; some were polite and rather pleasant by Vulcan standards, others were Sarek.
Every day, when you thought you knew all there was to know about Spock, out he came with something else, and each time you fell just that bit more in love with him. This was shaping up to be one of those days.
The day had been fairly dull as far as days aboard the Enterprise went. It wasn't every day there was no malfunction, no attack, no form of a problem. Jim had even managed to not start any arguments with hostile species. Finishing up the last of your report, you headed out and began the walk through the ships winding corridors to your quarters, a yawn or two here and there.  All you wanted was to curl up with a good book and a beverage. Nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to walk in on.
Every time, without fail, if Spock was behind the door, he was always stood there ready to greet you. So it struck you as unusual to walk in and see him lay flat on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as though it was the most mesmerising thing he'd ever seen. His hand was above him, waving around as though he were drawing shapes in the sky. Hearing the door open and seeing you enter out of the corner of his eye, Spock sat up, and looked over to you with a grin; rather uncharacteristic of him, though you hadn't means to question it.
"Hi there," you spoke softly, titling your head and giggling. "Are we alright there, Spock?"
"Good evening, I am perfectly fine, Y/N, though I would much prefer if you were not so far away."
The tone of his voice made you raise both eyebrows and let out a small chuckle. Spock was never the one to initiate such things, nor was he someone who said things of the like. What was wrong with him, you didn't know. You complied, setting your things down on the table and walking towards him. Once in arms reach, you found  yourself pulled flat against him as he sat on the edge of the bed, nestled comfortably between his legs.
There was a comfortable silence around you, though you did wonder just what was wrong with Spock; he had his strange moments, and his emotional moments, but you'd yet to see such a moment as this. Breaking the silence, you spoke softly, pulling back to look down at him and running a hand through his hair.
"Perfectly fine, hey? Have you been drinking?" You knew all too well he hadn't, Spock never drank. Still, you had no other logical explanation for his behaviour.
"I am not intoxicated, Y/N, the captain suggested I sampled the chocolate in the mess hall, and I did. Admittedly, it was a bad idea, though I could not go against Jim's-"
"Orders, yes," you cut him off, realising what had happened. He most definitely was intoxicated. "And just how much have we had?"
"I am unsure, perhaps a bar." His voice was upbeat compared to his usual stoic tone, and it hit home just how much he must've had. Knowing it wasn't going to harm him kept you calm and very entertained at the whole fiasco.
"I think we should get you lay down, Spock."
You blinked, looking at him with wider eyes as he grinned at you; it finally clicked with you. You'd read somewhere that chocolate really didn't sit well with Vulcans, and it was an experience you didn't think you'd have to deal with first hand. Part of you believed it was just legend, a mere myth as it were, but another part of you was grateful you could see such an act. Spock was always prim and proper, almost regal, and so to see him in such a childlike and rather human manner was amusing you to no end.
One eyebrow raised, you stared at your boyfriend, who currently had turned into your four year old toddler throwing a tantrum. You tried desperately to to pull yourself from Spock, attempts which had proven unsuccessful. His arms stayed firmly around your waist and his head rested on your chest, grip only tightening the more you tried to wriggle free.
"Spock, please, you need to rest, you're clearly-"
Huffing, you were about to retort when he pulled you down next to him and lay beside you. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and tickled you slightly, all the while you tried your hardest to escape. There truly was no proper attempt, however; you were quite content to stay there with him if it meant he was lay down at least. You heard Spock laugh as he tightened his arms around you, pulling you even closer to him. His lips lightly left kisses on your shoulder, up your neck and eventually his lips met your own. Despite his state, his kisses were as gentle as ever, and you pulled back and took his hand in your own.
"You, sir, are something else." Your giggling betrayed the tone of your voice, and you had resigned yourself to the fact you weren't going to get any sense through to him until he'd slept this state off.
Smiling, he took his free hand and ran it through your hair, pulling your head down to rest gently against his chest.
"That is why you love me" he replied, tone sleepy in comparison to how it was when you'd walked in.
Not two minutes later did you look up to the Vulcan and find him asleep, returning your head to its original position.
So much for the book and cup of tea, though you weren't complaining; this was a far better way to end a dull day.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 4 years
All The Good Girls Go To Hell
This is based on the ask I got of Snow being the bad guy and which turned to Snow White Going Evil AU. Also the title is from Billie Ellish's song. Also thanks to @thegayestasexual for helping me with the title. Also genna base Mira's looks on the comics but add the parts from the show as well. As well as change a few things.
Warnings: none so far really just slight mention of alcohol use
Diana was excited for her story to start right away. Her class had graduated a few months ago and she was eagerly waiting for her fairytale to start.
Mira hadn't even enacted anything on her which was strange really.
She must be planning something spectacular!
She was pacing the walls of Good Castle when she curiously looked out a window and furrows her eyebrows.
A black horse, which oddly had a skull crown decorating it, with knights guarding it, which was somewhat odd since the only person in the land of Ever After who had a black horse with skulls delicately placed on it was...
Mira Queen.
Diana frowns, 'why would Mira be here?' she thought before she lit up at the realization.
Every past telling of the Snow White story had the Evil Queen of the story marry into the White family. However, that really couldn't be the explanation
She rushed her way downstairs and skidded as she heard the giggles of Mira Queen who was smiling at something Snow's father, Good King (Edward King), had said.
The giggling caught her off guard, but she shook it off.
"Hey dad," Diana said with a bright smile before furrowing her brows as her father looked at her nervously before smiling big again.
"Diana dear! The person I was looking for," he said with a kind smile.
"What for?" she asked curiously as she glanced at Mira who was wearing a lovely dress that had more bright color in it really.
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"I have some news to tell you my dear," he said softly as he glanced at Mira before looking at his daughter, "Mira and I are courting," he says.
Diana blinked and took a step back at the news. Sure her mother died when she was just a few days old and sure it had to do with her birth combined with how her Evil Queen made the poisoned apple a bit too strong.
Or so they say.
That and because they had to start the tale early because Diana's mother had gotten pregnant at 15 years old with her Good King and didn't want word of what Alice White had done.
Of her being pregnant, so Grimm had told her parents and the Evil Queen of their tale to start the tale early. So as to not have a scandal.
No one suspected anything really.
Mira's mother, Miranna Queen (who was in a way Diana's step grandmother), had been 21 years old because Mira's grandmother had Miraralla first while Alice's mother had Alice 6 years after the birth of Miranna Queen.
So all this time her father spent his time raising her with her maternal grandmother, who was resurrected for the specific purpose to raise Diana, by his side. Never getting in a relationship with anyone, since he was raising the next Snow White.
So to hear that her father, who is 34 years old, is dating Mira is a shock.
Especially since Mira is the same age as Diana.
Even though past tellings had Queens marry that age as well.
Or a bit older.
She smiles weakly, which went unnoticed by Mira and Good King who were holding hands.
She was weary now.
She... didn't think this would happen at all really.
"They make such a lovely couple," Diana jumps as she turned to look at Red Ridding Hood, Crimson Hood, and The Big Bad Wolf, Remus Badwolf.
Mira's bffas of course, whom came to the party dinner Good King had hosted.
How odd she had friends who were supposed to be enemies.
Diana smiled weakly and glanced at Diana who was with Edward, the couple were happily talking with Fiona Thorn, better known as Maleficent, and Valarie Goodfairy.
Mira wore purple fish tail skirt that had black stitching that helped make it seem as if animal bones were decorating the skirt, a black queen Anne top with black platform heels. Her hair was done in a fishtail braid, her small crown with the bone of a raven sitting on top delicately on her head.
The sight of beauty.
Diana pushed down the burst of jealousy she had for Mira.
It was ok, she was Snow White, the most fairest, of course Mira would be the fairest 1st. That's how the story goes.
She looked away after a minute to look back at Crimson and Remus and smiled wearily, "indeed."
Crimson bit back a smile, she and Remus knew from Mira that she felt as if Diana was uncomfortable with the relationship of her enemy with her daddy dearest. However, to Crimson and Remus it was clear Mira truly did love Good King. The man had wooed her well and he didn't care at all about her being his daughter's enemy.
The two have been dating for over 5 months, well 7 if you count the 2 months when they kept their relationship a secret, and they looked to be going strong.
"Nothing wrong with it," Diana said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she looked back to see Good King place a kiss on Mira's cheek.
Diana wished Willow was there, but her tale was already in progress and well... she wasn't really allowed to dinner parties or anything really.
She did see the ugly stepsisters and their evil mother. So there was that. However, they left after a while once it was 9 PM, she just hoped Willow was ok.
The poor girl never had a chance to leave the home she was now trapped in.
Emerald Lockes was here though, but the woman was so annoying with how she silently criticized the palace each time she came for a visit.
Diana bit back a groan before putting on a dazzling smile and walked up to Emerald.
At least she could talk with her.
Albeit probably not that of interesting things.
A year in a half (or almost 2 years and a month really) to Mira and Good King's relationship and Diana was getting impatient.
When the heck will their tale begin?!
She was thinking this during a ball that her father had thrown for Mira's 21st birthday and everyone was invited.
Diana wore a sweetheart gown
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With her hair in a curls, but she felt a bite of anger seeing what Mira was wearing.
(Mira wore this)
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With her mint blonde hair in waves with a small braided part in it.
It was a simple but elegant look that she had somehow been able to pull off with the many animal bone jewelry she wore.
She smiled sweetly to guests and danced with random Charming princes before pausing in confusion as the music stopped.
A spotlight flashed onto her father, who was smiling at Mira who had her hands on the pockets of her dress, whom held a microphone.
The next few things her father said caused her to stand there frozen as the whole room cheered and clapped.
Her father proposed to Mira.
Mira was marrying her father, the Good King, Diana's daddy dearest.
She felt her stomach clench before breathing deeply.
A few hours after the ball ended she paced her room and took deep breaths.
"It's no problem! Plenty of Queens have married a Good King to progress or create a story before poisoning their Snow White," she whispers to herself as she chugged on the bottle of wine that she had sneaked out of the wine cellar.
Her lips were a light blue, the bottle half empty, it was full when she entered the room.
"Yeah...no need to worry! Plenty of them even divorced their Good King," she giggles nervously.
Not remembering that it was a rare few of Queen who did end up divorcing their Good King, but that was years and years after their tale was done.
"Our tale is meant to start," Diana hisses before taking another drink as she remembered how her father called Mira beautiful.
"He's speaking out of love of course," she mumbled to herself.
Diana stat there frozen as Mira walked down the isle.
A week had passed after Mira's 21st birthday and the wedding was happening.
Everyone who was important was invited, even the common folk.
Much to the surprise of no one, Mira opted to wear a black wedding gown.
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Her blonde mint hair now dyed black was in curls and she held the black roses close to her as she reached Edward. Remus having walked her down the isle.
It very much suited her.
The rest of the wedding was a blur, all Diana remembered was feeling ice in the pit of her stomach.
'Just part of the story,' Diana chanted in her head throughout the whole day.
3 months later Dia- no! Snow White was now in the woods with the seven dwarfs.
In the glass coffin they made her.
3 months after she had been awoken by her prince, Prince Draiden Charming, and married him she was now living the best life.
She had her own kingdom, well... the kingdom that all past Snow Whites were able to rule over once their story finished.
Her grandmother had given it to her after she got back from her honeymoon.
She fixes her hair when she pauses a little.
"I haven't seen father for almost 4 months," she whispers shocked before finally deciding to go over to Good Castle to visit her father. Surely Evil Queen and him have already divorced.
The story already ended, no need for them to be married!
Snow made her way to Good Castle, she hopped off the carriage and in excitement threw open the doors. She looked around furrowing her eyebrows.
There were many dark knights guarding the place.
....that could only mean one thing.
Evil Queen was still here.
"Ah! Snow! What a lovely visit!" Mira called out from the top of the stairs, her mint blonde hair in a messy braid as she wore a black and violet fish tail skirt with a long sleeved button up black shirt with slingback heels.
"Hello Evil Queen," Snow said with a weak smile which wasn't noticed by Mira who smiled as her husband hugged her.
"There's my beautiful wife! The fairest in my heart," Edward said playfully.
Snow freezes at that. Evil Queen? The fairest?
But.... she was the fairest! Her! Snow White! She, Diana White,THE Snow White was the fairest!
She felt as if she was splashed with cold water.
But she felt as if a damn had been broken.
Mira couldn't still be married to Snow's father unless.... unless their story hasn't actually finished.
If it did then Mira and Good King have to have divorced by now....
"Snow?" Snow blinked and fought off the urge to sneer at her enemy as shr looked up st Mira.
"Would you like to stay for lunch? Me and Edward have a few things to do later on so really lunch time is the perfect time to catch up," Mira said with a bright smile.
"Sure!" Snow said ignoring the hisses in her mind as Good King cooed at Mira and called her beautiful.
'Draiden never calls me beautiful,' Diana thought bitterly.
'Surely our tale isn't done,' Diana thought darkly as she was handed her plate.
The anger inside of her continued to grow the whole week as she kept visiting and watched how wonderful her father and her enemy's marriage was. Her marriage wasn't like that at all.
How unfair.
Mira couldn't be the fairest. Snow White was!
But Good King kept calling her beautiful! He HAS to call Snow that.
She is his daughter. It's fair.
But he never did it.
How unfair.
Jealousy continued to grow.
She was the fairest.
All of Ever After knew that.
But it looked like they needed a reminder.
Tag: @2sunchild2 @thegayestasexual @unmaskedagain @captainrose35 @falling-electricxangel @calliopeia @mlbchaosqueen @animalgirl05 @alicesangelofmusic @thyladyanput
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
22 - Plans For Later
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This chapters songs:
Pretty When I Cry; Lana Del Rey
Your Teeth In My Neck; Kali Uchis
4EVER; Clairo
- E. T. perspective
I can only explain this feeling with one word, torture. Watching as he smiles down at her, holds her hand, grabs her waist all the ways I wish he did to me. Why does this always happen to me? Why is it every time I develop feelings for someone, things never go my way?
Y/n isn't easy to hate. No matter how long I stalk her social media page and find new things to ask her about, she always has an excuse, and it's never sinister enough to make Koshi hate her too.
But Koshi will never hate Y/n, and neither will I.
It's not her fault that the dummy fell in love with her. Her scent, her voice, her skin— everything about the girl is so much better than any cell in my body.
I remember the first time I met him. I was looking for a sport to get used to and found that volleyball was the most entertaining and friendly. There were limited players and not very good ones. Back then, Koshi was considered one of the best players, but his title was taken from Kageyama. I knew the instant he looked at me that I wanted him to be mine.
From time to time, Koshi would give me eyes under his lashes when we spoke, brush his hands against my back when he wanted, and do so many other things that made my heart throb. I thought that he felt the things I felt as well. That was until the week before I left Japan.
It was just the two of us in the supply closet, cleaning up after another day of practice. The light timer had just gone off and the both of us ran to reset it, making our bodies collide with each other. Unintentionally, he pressed me against the wall with both hands, breathing over my shoulder.
I was running out of time back then. I only had a week to kiss him, to talk to him, to love him. All different scenarios ran through my mind as I turned around and stared deep into what I assumed were his eyes. I had my chance to kiss him. So, I did. And he didn't resist.
He let me touch his pale cheeks with my fingers and slip my tongue through his lips. He let me press myself against his chest and whimper while I fought his tongue with mine. He even helped himself to press my hip back against the wall. My skin ran cold, wishing I could feel what was under the shirt he wore.
Did Koshi want to feel me too?
He didn't. I knew he didn't, and it was painful. I knew that no matter how much I kissed and held him, he wouldn't ever return my feelings. Koshi only kissed me for the hell of it. He was empty, as always. What made him this way? Why wasn't I ever enough to fulfill the man I love?
I shoved him away and covered my blushing face that now had tears running down it. "Koshi!" I shouted out. "Why do you do this to me?! You give me so many mixed signals even though you know you'll never love me back! Why are you torturing me this way?!"
Koshi attempted to calm me down with many gestures of hand waves and shushed, but I wailed into the darkness, crying out his name over and over again. My heart felt as if it sunk to my feet. It wasn't his fault that I fell in love with him, but blaming someone for my issues felt like the only solution at the moment.
"Why not me?! Why do you—why do you like so many girls but me? I'm here, Koshi! You know I'm in love with you yet you haven't given me any sign or hint! Is this all you wanted from me?! Was I just another girl for you to concur?"
He grabbed my shoulder and caught my attention in an instant, yelling back at me. "Eclair, I'd never do that to you! You're worth much more than someone who can't last a day in a relationship. Especially...especially someone who doesn't love you back."
It hurt so much to hear him say those words. Now that he truly does love another girl, I don't think I can handle hearing them again. Why did my relationships never work out? All I've ever wanted was to feel loved by someone. My parents don't make much of an effort. What is so good about Y/n and not I? Why couldn't he have changed his ways for me? Am I that bad?
At this point, I have no idea what to do other than stare at the bunk above mine, hearing the steady breathing coming from Y/n as she sleeps. He loves her, and not me; that was the most painful thing that I have ever realized.
- Y. L. Perspective
When I went to sleep, I didn't think I would wake up sweaty under the comfortable, feeling as if I had a severe fever.  I open my eyes and stare widely at the white ceiling above me, wondering if Kiyoko and Eclair were burning up as well.
'I hope I don't have to do much activity today.' I think to myself as I sit up in the top bunk. My legs dangle off of the wooden barrier that contains me from falling out.
"Hey! Eclair is taking a quick shower. Ready to cook breakfast?" Kiyoko says, grabbing onto the bedboard. She wore a lilac shirt with blue sweatpants; something comfortable to start the day.
'Guessing she didn't go through hell and back last night?' I rub my eye, nodding to the girl as she slips her phone into her back pocket. "Hey, is it just me, or was it super hot last night?" I ask.
Before leaving the room, she gives me a side-eye. "Uhm...no. But I know why you were." Her voice is filled with curiosity, telling me something wasn't right. "Last night, you seemed to have a dream of some sort. Nightmare or something more..?"
The smirk on her face is diminishing. Did I have a strange dream last night? I couldn't seem to remember. If so, I hoped I wasn't tossing and turning like a maniac.
Embarrassed, I slap my face gently, hiding my red face. "Shimizu!" I whine to her. I, unfortunately, forgot any memory of my dream last night the second I opened my eyes. There was no knowing what made me have hot flashes. "I'll meet you in the kitchen. Give me a minute to freshen up," I tell her, climbing down from the top bunk.
I could hear a few of the boy's voices as I roasted the vegetables on the stove, letting a smile creep up onto my face. If they were awake, that meant Koshi was getting ready as well.
I knew that Eclair's being here stopped us from being as affectionate as we would like to be, but seeing each other was all we needed to get through the day.
"Almost done, Y/n?" Kiyoko asks me from the counter as she plates the meat and rice we cooked. I nod, turning off the stove and pouring the vegetables into a bowl. The both of us pick up a few plates to take to the mess hall. Takeda was right behind us as we walked there with utensils and plates.
Kiyoko kicks the door open, revealing two tables full of hungry boys. We set down the food onto a counter for them to begin serving themselves. After carefully placing my bowl of vegetables, I turn around to glance for Sugawara.
Of course, he was already behind me. "Good morning, Y/n and Kiyoko. Thank you for cooking us breakfast," he says as friendly as possible. Though the entire volleyball team except Eclair knew we were a couple, Koshi didn't want to make a scene out of our relationship.
Shimizu rolls her eyes playfully, wafting her hand in the air. "You guys can play 'dating'. Eclairs showering so she won't be down here until another twenty minutes." Leaving the two of us in front of the serving table.
He runs his neck, smiling at me. "How'd you sleep?" Koshi asks me, lowering his voice to where only I can make it out under the noisy volleyball club. One step closer results in his body softly pressed against mine and his hand resting neatly on my shoulder, his eyes staring back into mine. At that very moment, discovering why I'd woken up so sweaty this morning wasn't any struggle.
I become red in an instant, flustered at visions of Koshi being intimate with me in my room. His facial features lit by moonlight, his lips gentle tugging on mine, his scent showering my body. Wonders about my first time would enter my mind once in a while, but I've never had such a vivid image of what it would be like. It wasn't as if I could continue fantasizing about it in the breakfast line.
"Y/n...are you good?" Koshi squeezes my shoulder gently, waking me from a daze. Blinking rapidly, I look away from him in shame of my perverted thoughts and nod.
"Yeah! I slept great. What about you?" A bright smile is enough to clear up any worry that he had brought upon himself. He grins back, sliding his hand from my shoulder to my wrist, fidgeting with my fingers as he spoke.
"Good, good. Although, sharing a room with eleven boys isn't very peaceful. I bet Kiyoko and Eclair let you get some rest," he says, giving us both plates to begin plating our food. I grab a few fresh vegetables and a scoop of rice, then pour myself and Koshi and cup of green tea.
He nods his head to the left, motioning for me to follow him to an empty table where we could discuss how our night went further. We sat down our plates and sat across from each other, saying our thanks.
"So! Got any ideas about what we might be doing today?" I ask him as I began eating my food.
He scoffs lightly. "Well, Daichi told me we are gonna be running for the entire morning. Then, I assume we'll be extending our skills in the gym for a while. If we have any free time, wanna sneak off somewhere and head into the small town?" He looks up at me before taking a bite of steak.
Running and training don't seem all bad on behalf of Kiyoko and me. All that meant was that we would be handing out water and towels for them; regular manager things. "Yeah! Do you think we'll get in trouble if we do?" I whisper, leaning closer to him.
For a second, he stares at me intensely, then looks to his left and right. "No, not if we don't tell anybody."
He bites his bottom lip slightly and gulps his tea. Ever before he could notice I was staring, I look down at my plate and continue eating.
It wasn't the risk of getting in trouble that scared me, but what might happen when I go out with Koshi. Perhaps being alone with him after having a dream about fucking wasn't the brightest idea. Although, I wanted so badly to spend time with him without having to refrain from any couple-like behavior.
With that in mind, I say yes to his request. "Sure thing. Got any ideas about where to go? Or more importantly, any money?" I jokingly ask, making him chuckle at me. He shakes his head gently, eying me.
"Yeah, I got money. If it's okay with you, we can hop on a few buses and wander the city." I grew eager to do exactly that. During the summer when Grimlace was invited to open for concerts, we would blow our money on cheap motels and bus bills, but always made the best memories while doing so.
Of course, I'd want to go with Koshi. And so, I smile brightly, resting my head on my hand, and looking at him while he happily ate his food. "Yeah, I'd like that." Now, our schedule didn't seem so bad. We'd be able to spend time with each other once it was clear of volleyball training.
Hey hey hey my bbs. Tysm for reading, I tried to make this chapter fulfilling enough to build excitement for the next one!! As always, take care of yourself. Love you and pls vote!
(Ps. I love the new comments)
- estrxlar
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machineryfield · 3 years
At the Start of the World Chapter 2
Heading Out
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Fiora sits on the bench at Outlook Park, staring out at the Colony. Just a day ago it had been so peaceful, the threat of Mechon becoming more and more of a distant dream... But, like most good things, that had to come to an end.
She closes her eyes, remembering the scenes that had played out before her. People being eaten, Shulk being eaten. Stabbed cleanly through by that Mechon with a face before smaller ones descended on his body.
She remembers the cold rage that had seeped into her, the way she had finally found a weak point on the blaster armour of that thing and let the Monado cut deep...
The Monado feels so heavy on her back when Reyn approaches, and she forces herself to give him a smile when he sits next to her. "Hey."
"Hey," he doesn't even attempt to pretend to smile. "You doin' alright? I know you and Dunban went home last night... He say anythin'?"
"He tried to comfort me." She admits. "...It didn't really help, though. He just said what I expected him to say, really."
Words of moving forward, like Shulk would want. Firm looks and with an underlying insistence she returns the Monado to the Weapons Development Lab as soon as possible in his tone. She thinks of all he said and frowns. She decided then and there she wouldn't listen to him...
"I want to go out and find that Mechon," she says. "I want to make it pay for what it did to Shulk, and I want to understand why."
"Understand why?" Reyn frowns. "I don't get it..."
"I want to know why the Mechon attacked us, why they’re always attacking us, what made us their targets. I want to know why... why they eat us. Do they need to, or do they just take pleasure in it? Things like that..." She wrings her hands together. "But a piece of me just wants to make the Mechon pay. Not take the time to learn, as much as the questions eat at me."
"Sounds like that piece of you is me rubbin' off on ya,” Reyn rubs under his nose. "...If ya got that, I guess I should be the one to keep you on your path to learnin', right?"
"That piece of me is loud, just like you!" She giggles, before looking over at him. "Really? You're willing to let me try and find out why? Even though you just want to..."
"You're my friend, Fiora. You've got your reasons for wantin' to know, and 'sides, if we know, might be easier to take 'em down!" He nods with a grin. "So let's do this, yeah?"
She smiles and nods. "Yeah...!"
"So," he kicks his legs. "Guess we're not tellin' Dunban, yeah?"
"Yeah." She frowns. "He'd just try to stop me... We head out, just the two of us, tonight."
Reyn nods. "You got it, I'll meet ya at the entrance."
"Ready to go?" She asks, fixing the pack at her side.
She goes over all she has. Food for a few days, her knives in case she needs them, and the Monado. Not much, but enough to get them through Tephra Cave and the Bionis leg, at least. They could stock up at Colony 6.
"Yep." Reyn rolls his arm and smiles at her. "The Mechon won't know what hit 'em."
"Yeah," she nods. "First we go to Colony 6, then we head for Sword Valley. If we're gonna find that Mechon anywhere, it'll be there."
"Galahad Fortress," Reyn adds on. "If there's still Mechon, the fortress is probably still there. Buildin' up grunts for a year, I bet."
"Yeah, something like that." She cracks her neck and looks out towards the path towards Tephra Cave. This time, it'd just be the two of them. "Let's go, Reyn."
Fiora sees the door open towards Colony 6, once locked, and figures that's where the strange machines they fought earlier came from. She wonders, they showed up right before the Mechon.... Had they sensed the threat? Activated for that?
She shrugs off that thought, at least for now. Whatever those machines were, they were gone now. They could move forward without a problem, right? They just needed to get to Colony 6.
"You know," Reyn speaks, pulling Fiora out of her thoughts. "We haven't had any convoys from Colony 6 recently, have we? Y'think the Mechon got 'em, too...?"
Fiora frowns as they make it to the lit path. "I hope not. Maybe they just got delayed, or it was bad harvests this year."
She doesn't believe what she says, but she continues to hope, anyway. Maybe they did die, but maybe to natural wildlife. It was never fun to lose any of the few Homs they had left, but better to beings of the Bionis than the Mechon.
Reyn nods, frowning. "Sorry, I didn't mean t'..."
"Don't worry about it," she gives him a small smile. "I get the worry, really. We just... have to try and look on the bright side."
"Yeah... you're right."
They continue on their way for a while, fighting off the wild life and picking up knick knacks from the ground. It's going well, she thinks. Maybe too well... She doesn't like thinking that, but dread sits in her stomach as they walk along. What was this feeling...?
She tries to shake it off, at least, until they see dead bodies ahead of them. She feels panic wrack her body as they move towards them. Reyn is there first, looking them over with a grimace.
"Was it the Mechon...?" She asks as she approaches, voice shaking."
Reyn shakes his head, "looks like Arachno wounds, if y'ask me. Probably got ambushed on their way to Colony 9..."
Fiora frowns, she knows how Reyn feels about spiders and their bigger monstrous cousins. She moves to his side and places a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, there's some water, let's return them to the Bionis, then rest. We should think about our next move first if there are Arachnos ahead."
Reyn nods, clearly thankful for the idea. "Yeah. Let's do it."
Fiora's thankful that she and Reyn are both pretty athletic, all things given. It makes moving the remnants of the Caravan easier. There's not enough for it to have been the full group, and as bad as it sounds, Fiora is glad. That's less death they have to see right after what happened.
The bodies start to dissolve the minute they touch the water, and Fiora offers a quick prayer to the Bionis. Born of the Bionis and returned to it, the way Shulk didn't get to be.
She swallows down the bitter thought and turns to Reyn. "Come on, let's get some rest. You first, I'll take point."
A giant Arachno, Reyn surrounded by smaller ones. There's no where for him to run and Fiora isn't with him. She watches as it strikes out, he moves to block it, and dread settles in as it gives out. She watches the Arachno stab right through his chest. Watches him die, just like Shulk did.
Fiora blinks back to reality and sees Reyn walking towards her. "Your turn to rest."
"Reyn," she stands, shaky on her feet as she moves to him. "Are you okay?"
"'Course I am." He frowns, scratching his cheek. "Well, couldn't sleep a wink, but I feel alright. You look like you just saw a ghost, though."
"I..." She bites her lip. "I had another vision. Promise me you'll stay safe if I sleep?"
Reyn pats her back. "'Course I will, Fiora. We just lost Shulk, I ain't lettin' you lose me, too."
"Reyn..." She sighs and rests her head against his chest for a minute, tears pricking at her eyes. "You better stay safe, you big dummy."
He squeezes her into a tight hug then, a smile on his face. "Don't you worry about me! I can take a few hits... and if I need ya, I'll wake ya up, okay?"
"You better," she looks up at him. "No running off to play hero. No doing what Shulk did."
"None of that, promise."
It's foggy in Fiora's dream, she can barely make out where she is. It's a platform of some sort, that much she can make out. Looking around, she comes to realize she's high above some sort of water source…
There's not much else she can see, save a man in the distance. She squints, trying to get a better look at him and takes a step forward. He seems to realize she's there, but doesn't turn to greet her. He keeps his back to her, simply tilts his head back a bit.
"Quite the divergence, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't think the Heir to the Monado would fall like that." He says, voice sounding quite sad. "But now you are here, to take on that heavy title."
"Heir to the Monado..." She furrows her brow and doesn't even understand why she asks what she does. "Do you mean Shulk?"
He was the miracle child, after all. Found alive when everyone else from his colony -- pushing forward on an expedition to find any way to stay alive -- perished to the cold of Valak Mountain. The little boy, sleeping next to the mythical sword that saved the day so many times.
The man chuckles, and does not answer her. "I look forward to seeing what you'll do, now thrust into his place. I'm sure you'll make him proud, Fiora."
"How do you know my name?" She asks, stepping forward once again. "Who are you? What do you know about the Monado?!"
"All will be revealed in due time." He assures, but Fiora still feels unsettled. "Do your best, now, I'll be watching."
She opens her mouth and sits up from where she fell asleep, panting as sweat rolls down her brow. She turns to see if Reyn noticed, see if he has commentary for her, and her blood runs cold.
Reyn isn't there.
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
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((Requested - It's readers birthday and Heartman surprises them with vines.
It's not very long but I really hope this is kinda what you were after????? Enjoy!!! 👍🏻💙))
Happy Birthday Raven! I Can't Swim.
"What do you fancy for breakfast?" You asked Heartman as you walked to the kitchen.
"Now that you've gained some strength back after your surgery you can have whatever you want. My treat."
You were so happy that he finally got a heart transplant meaning he didn't have to stick to his twenty one minute cycle anymore. You had been together for about a year when he agreed to it having fully moved on from the search for his family.
"Can I get a waffle?" He asked with a grin. He had been on strick healthy foods to help with the recovery so he was ready to get his teeth into something tasty.
"CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!" Your brain had the words out before you even thought about it. The reaction was so natural considering how long it had been since you had watched that video.
Heartman jumped at your sudden outburst making his glasses go askew. You laughed again at his reaction, he was so cute sometimes.
"(F/n), you can't go making me jump, I still don't know just how much this new heart can take." Heartman joked.
"I know," You laughed. "I'm sorry Heartman. It was instinct, honestly. I used to love vines."
"Vines?" Heartman asked carefully adjusting his glasses before looking over them at you.
"Yeah, Vine." You grinned excitedly.
Heartman squinted in confusion and you felt your smile drop.
"Oh come on! Please tell me you know what vines are!"
"I can't say that I do (f/n), sorry. What are Vines?"
"Oh my God, how did you miss out on vines?! They were short videos on the internet before the Death Stranding. Just a few seconds long but they were so hilarious! Me and my friends used to communicate solely in vine references, it was great!"
Heartman smiled at your enthusiasm despite not having the faintest idea what you were talking about. He could tell that these 'Vines' meant a great deal to you.
"Ah well," You sighed fondly at the memory. "I'll get you those waffles!"
You beamed at him before returning to your task.
He watched from his chair as you pottered around the kitchen making him his food. The smell floated through the air and made his mouth water. He adored you and appreciated all that you had done for him over the past few years. You were his rock when he lost him family and when the Death Stranding finally ended he realised that you had become his world. You were always helping him in some way. Whether that be through his mourning or getting him waffles.
Heartman knew your birthday was tomorrow and he was yet to find a gift for you. Despite knowing you so well he still struggled with finding gifts for you. He had been searching for a way to show you how much you meant to him but nothing was as heartfelt as you deserved. He had considered proposing to you but he didn't want to be cliche and wanted to make it really special.
However, now that he had found out about your love of 'Vines' he thankfully had a few ideas. He decided he would wait until you went to your meeting with Die-hardman before getting started since he knew you would be trapped there for hours.
Heartman had missed his research and now he had something new to get his teeth into. Due to Sam successfully connecting the Chiral Network it meant that he now had access to archives from before the Death Stranding. He quickly typed in 'Vines' into the database and thousands of folders popped up. At first all he could find was information on plant samples but he was determined to find what he was looking for.
After an hour and a half of searching he finally found a folder containing videos and social media posts. From what you had described he thought he was in the right place. He browsed the video titles and found one called 'Iconic Vines That Cured My Depression And Watered My Houseplants' and decided it was a great place to start. He opened up the video and watched intently not sure what to expect.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart cuz they're not gay!" The video was of two men and lasted only a few seconds.
"What on earth?" Heartman said pushing his glasses up his nose. He leant in closer to the screen.
"Every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your no yelling sock and pretty soon you'll have a weapon to bea-"
Heartman couldn't help chuckle at that one. The more he watched the more confused he became in the most wonderful way. The humor was ridiculous but he loved it and found himself laughing along with them. Before he knew it he had binged several compilation videos and had a whole set of notes to create some birthday surprises.
Your cuff flashed as you sat in yet another meeting signaling you had received a message. You were thankful that this was the last meeting of the week. They were getting more and more frequent as they were discussing plans for repairs to old delivery equipment. Of course this meeting just so happened to be on your birthday. Lucky you right?
You hadn't gotten the chance to speak to Heartman before you left. He still slept a lot despite his recovery almost being over meaning he was still fast asleep when you were getting ready. He looked so peaceful and you kissed his forehead and snuck out the door, careful not to wake him.
After half an hour more of listening to renovation plans the meeting finally came to an end allowing you to check your mail. You felt a smile tugging at your lips when you saw Heartman's name pop up. You always loved seeing what he wrote to you.
"Good afternoon love, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to see you off. I hope you're having a great birthday and I can't wait for you to come back home to me. Missing you always,
- H x "
You grinned at your cuff before making your way back home. You knew the drive would take forever.
Heartman stood back to admire his creations. Truth be told he was really proud of himself. He never considered himself good at gift giving but this time he was excited. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you saw what he had been planning. With a grin Heartman placed the last tray down on the table and waited for you to arrive home.
When the door finally slid open Heartman jumped up and ran towards it to greet you.
"Happy birthday (f/n)!" He said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave you a kiss.
"Close your eyes." He said before you could come any further into the house.
You looked at him suspiciously before doing so anyways. Heartman took your hands in his and began leading you through the house and into the living room area.
"Okay (f/n), you can open them!" He said awaiting your reaction eagerly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and were met with trays of food on the table.
"Welcome to Chilies! I hope you're hungry!" Heartman's grin grew wider.
"What is all this?" You laughed looking at the strange choices of food.
"Could I interest you in some Freeshavoca-do?" Heartman asked pointing to some guacamole in a bowl.
You felt your smile widen.
"Or perhaps some hurricane tortillas?" Heartman could tell that his references were being recognised.
You were beaming at this point. You couldn't believe what he had done for you. Now all the foods made a little more sense to you.
Heartman gestured at a plate of chicken strips.
"Fuck ya chicken strips!" You both shouted in unison. Heartman's new heart melted at how happy you were.
"Oh Heartman!" You pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much, this is the best present ever!"
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"This is actually your present." He said taking a step towards the table and picking up the gift box from it. He handed it to you and waited.
You bit your bottom lip as you took the lid off. When your eyes fell upon the wrapped object you started to laugh knowing full well what was under the paper. You quickly ripped it open and put on your best child's voice.
"An avocado... thanks!" You giggled and placed the box back on the table.
"Actually," Heartman laughed. "This is your real present." He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to you.
You took the second box and opened it still laughing from the avocado. Inside was a USB stick. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow.
"It contains thousands of vines so you will never have to miss them again!" Heartman looked so proud of himself. "Happy birthday (f/n)."
You brushed your finger over the USB stick and felt tears come to your eyes. To anyone else they were just stupid videos but they held so many memories for you. They transported you back to before everything went to shit, made you relive moments with those you had lost a long time ago. No one had ever given you a gift that thoughtful before.
"Heartman... I... Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me... How much you mean to me..." You smiled blinking away your tears. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too (f/n)." Heartman rested his palm against your cheek and you nuzzled into it. "We could make a night out of this and play them on the big screen if you'd like? I've grown quite fond of them."
"I'd love to!"
You quickly ran to set it all up while Heartman shut out the day light and set the lighting to pink and blue.
The whole night was amazing. You both cuddled up and feasted on the vine related food while laughing like a pair of hyenas. You were over the moon that he seemed to enjoy vine humor just as much as you did. When it started getting late and you started yawning Heartman stood and switched the screen off.
"Come on, you look tired." He smiled warmly, hold out his hand to you.
You took his outstretched hand gratefully with another yawn. You went to start grabbing the plates but he stopped you quickly.
"Don't you worry about those love, I'll tidy this up. It is your birthday after all." Heartman smiled grabbing the plates from the table. He hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen area.
"This bitch is indeed empty. Yeet." Heartman chuckled loudly throwing the plates in the dishwasher.
You shook your head and laughed at the butchered attempt of a vine quote and wondered how you ever got so lucky. This truly was the best birthday you could have ever asked for. Vines, food and Heartman. What's not to love?
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