#but i was wrong and the actual title makes slightly more sense....
note-boom · 2 years
Just noticed that the DoA arc is when we really started leaning into the Bungo and Stray and Dogs part of the Bungo Stray Dogs title. Big spoilers ahead, but...
My breakdown of it?
Bungo (I believe this just means literary) - Sigma and the Book
Stray - ADA guys displaced from their homes, the PM sorta scattered due to vampirism, Aya also kind of lost at the airport, most of the groups just thrown around and separated
Dogs - The Hunting Dogs literally being called dogs in their name
Do I have any big point with this? Not really...it was just something fun that randomly hit me
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upat4amwiththemoon · 22 days
Hi!! How are you? It's my first time requesting so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I just had an idea of adopted!reader being like Komi ( she's from an anime, basically she has a like an extreme social anxiety where she doesn't speak and she just straight up freezes when someone tries to talk to her ) her adopted parents / wandanat brings and introduces her to the team and they're confused of why she's not speaking.
Have a fantastic day / night! Xoxo .
She can’t communicate
Summary: May cause fear and anxiety.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: panic attackish
Word count: 1191
a/n: I actually started watching Komi can’t communicate a while back!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
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Wanda is holding Y/N’s hand as the two of them, and Natasha, wait for the elevator in the Avengers Tower’s lobby. “Are you excited, honey?” She squeezes Y/N’s hand, glancing down at her with a smile.
The teen nods, keeping her eyes on the numbers on top of the elevator.
She isn’t necessarily excited, but she isn’t displeased by it either. She has wanted to meet her parents’ families for a while now, but there has always been a question whether or not she is capable of meeting them.
Natasha and Wanda are used to Y/N’s nonverbal answers by now. She didn’t talk to them at all for the first few weeks, which made them worried something was wrong, but soon enough they figured out that the girl is just incredibly nervous around people. Nowadays she is comfortable enough to talk to them, though the two adults are still more talkative compared to her.
The elevator lets out a ding once it reaches the ground floor, its doors opening.
The trio steps inside and Natasha presses the button for the right floor. “We made sure that only few team members are there, okay?” She moves to Y/N’s other side, setting her hand onto her shoulder.
Y/N looks up at her mom, giving her a small smile. A lot of people in her life, before getting adopted by Natasha and Wanda, thought her minimal expressions were rude. But the two ex-Avengers never faulted her for them, they’ve always known she’s still being genuine.
As the elevator goes up the floors, the nerves in Y/N start to rise. She tightens her hold on Wanda’s hand, the feel of it bringing her some sense of comfort.
The ride to the 91st floor is over fairly quick.
The elevator doors open once again, the quiet chatter of the few team members present audible though they are not yet visible.
The trio walk out of the elevator, Y/N’s steps slightly slower now that the presence of unknown people is clear. She stays close to Wanda as they walk towards the living room, practically glued to her side.
“Hi everyone.” Kate, Steve, and Pietro turn to look at the three of them when Wanda speaks. “This is Y/N,” she brings her forward, “our daughter. And these are some of our teammates.” She glances at Y/N as she gestures at the three Avengers on the couches, naming them all individually.
Y/N doesn’t look at them directly, rather having her gaze on the back of one of the couches. Her body is tense, she can feel all of them staring at her.
“Just a teammate?” Pietro scoffs, standing up with a grin. “I’m her uncle, sister, give some respect to my title.”
Wanda rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, that’s your uncle Pietro.” She mumbles to Y/N, standing behind her with her hands on her shoulders.
The playful annoyance in her mother’s voice makes a small smile appear on Y/N’s face. However, it quickly disappears when the attention completely shifts to her.
“How old are you, kid?”
Though Steve’s voice is calm—a reason why Wanda and Natasha wanted him to be one of the first ones to meet her—Y/N still felt incredibly anxious. She continues staring at the couch, her hands fidgeting behind her back as she stays quiet.
“She’s 14.” Natasha speaks up soon after, knowing her daughter wouldn’t be speaking.
Steve glances at Natasha, nodding with a small smile. "So, how is school then? What grade are you in?"
"Can you be any more of an old man." Kate mumbles, snickering with Pietro. "What movie do you like? Or are you more into series?"
"Do you like video games? Me, Kate, and you could play some mario Kart." Pietro joins to the questioning.
Y/N's eyes widen as she listens to the onslaught of questions from her mothers' teammates. Her heart starts hammering in her chest, the thumping of it almost deafening in her ears. She starts breathing heavier, faster, deperately trying to reign it in, she doesn't want these people to see her like that. She tries to open your mouth to answer, to answer at least one of the questions, but it's almost like her body is frozen.
"She likes both, current favorite is...Fallout series, if I remember correctly." Wanda answers, her voice muffled in Y/N's ears. "Video games too, she actually got us both into Stardew Valley." She laughs, bumping her shoulder gently against Natasha's.
"Sister, please." Pietro groans, stepping closer to the three of them, his eyes on Y/N. "Let the kid answer some of the questions too. What else do you like to do?"
Her hands start to tremble at the attention on her, a cold sweat starting to appear on her skin. Y/N clears her throat, though she isn't sure if any sounds even leaves her. She feels her mind going further and further away, her thoughts not making sense anymore. She swallows onece, twice, her throat starts to feel smaller.
"Would you give us a moment." She can hear Natasha's muffled voice as a hand takes hold of her arm, pulling her into the corridor and away from the people. She can see the mix of worry and confusion in the other teammates' faces at a glance.
Natasha and Wanda pull their daughter into their old bedroom, gently pushing her to sit on the bed. "Sweetheart," the latter whispers, "you are okay. Take some deep breaths for me." Shaky breaths leave Y/N's mouth. She holds onto Wanda's hand tightly while leaning against Natasha, their proximity bringing her comfort.
It takes her a while, but she manages to calm herself down before a full blown panic attack happens.
"You're okay, nothing's going to get you." Natasha whispers, her hand rubbing Y/N's back. "We can stay here, just the three of us. There's no hurry to go back or meet anyone else."
Y/N leans her head against Natasha's shoulder. Wanda taps her chin softly, making her move her gaze to her face. "You did so well in there, you hear me? Don't let this pull you down, my darling."
Although, she doesn't fully believe her mother's words, Y/N nods and musters up a tiny smile for her. A sense of disappointment does fill her for being unable to talk to the people her mothers are close to, but she tries to remember their words. It's not her fault, and every social interaction is a victory, no matter how small.
"How about we stay the night here, yeah?" Natasha wraps one arm around Y/N and the other grabs Wanda's arm, pulling them both down to lie down on the bed. "We'll stay here all night and only go out when we need to eat."
Wanda laughs as she gets pulled on top of Natasha. "Sounds wonderful, baby."
A small smile grows on Y/N's face as she listens to her mothers laugh. She cuddles up to them, happy to stay in the Avengers Tower as long as they stay in the bedroom.
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daisynik7 · 8 months
I blinked and suddenly I had a Valentine
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Author's Note: modern setting, no curses, high school setting. ~1.3k words. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Title from the song “Valentine” by Laufey. Rice bear bathing in Japanese curry looks something like this (reddit link). Part of the past lives vignettes series. Thank you for reading!
It’s almost the end of January and you’ve spent the past three weeks at your new school eating alone, either in the classroom or in the cafeteria. You’re too shy to socialize with your peers, who are already well-established in their own social circles. This is what happens when you transfer in with less than three months left of the schoolyear. No one wants to be friends with the new girl, right? 
Well, two people prove this theory wrong. 
Yu Haibara is the first to approach you in the cafeteria during lunchtime. “Hi there!” he greets, taking a seat across from you, a cheerful smile on his face. You can tell from his aura alone that this is someone easy to get along with. Jovial, optimistic, kind-hearted. You’d normally feel nervous interacting with someone you’ve never met before, but his welcoming presence immediately puts you at ease. 
He’s followed by a blonde boy, slightly taller, a bit lanky, and sulking behind him. His name is Kento Nanami. You recognize him from your homeroom, though you’ve never spoken before. Occasionally, he eats his meals there, usually in the back with his headphones in, listening to music, while you’re in the front, indulging in whatever homemade bento box you decide to make for yourself that day. It’s crossed your mind more than once to join him so that neither of you are alone, though you’ve chickened out each time, convinced that he’d rather remain that way than be bothered by a nobody. Unlike Haibara, his lips are pressed together in a natural frown. You don’t sense unhappiness or animosity from him; rather, it’s indifference, apathy. When he sits down next to his pal, he gives you a nod, acknowledging you. 
Haibara does the courtesy of introductions. You hold your hand out to him, doing the same. He takes it enthusiastically, beaming at you. “I know who you are. I’m a first-year too!”
It doesn’t strike you as odd that he’s already somewhat familiar with you. Instead, you’re relieved to finally be making friends in this cutthroat environment called high school. After this first meeting, the three of you are inseparable. You get on well with Haibara, who’s an expert at keeping the conversation flowing. Nanami doesn’t say much, though you notice his subtle mannerisms that speak volumes more than what his actual words do. You can tell he admires your homemade lunches each time you uncover them at the table. His eyes light up, marveling at whatever creation you’ve concocted the night before: yakisoba, onigiri, chicken stir-fry. He doesn’t say anything, relying on Haibara to do the complimenting. You appreciate how intently he listens to you, even if he doesn’t have much to contribute. In homeroom, you sneak glances at him when your teacher says something particularly ridiculous, to which you spot the faintest hint of a smile flitting on his lips. And you realize that every time you’re walking beside each other, he makes sure to switch his bag to his arm away from you. Part of you hopes the real reason behind this is to be closer to you, but you try to keep those lovelorn thoughts buried in the back of your mind, being certain that’s not the case.  
You eventually find out that Haibara has severe allergies, especially during the seasons of Winter and Spring. He explains how he has to take at least a few days off once a month, sometimes an entire week. Today, he dons a face mask, already anticipating it. “Don’t miss me too much,” he jokes, his bright smile noticeable even behind the mask. It’s February now; the three of you sit together at your regular spot in the cafeteria. Nanami eats his rice bowl in silence while you say to Haibara, “You’re going to miss Valentine’s Day.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, smirking. “I guess the two of you will have to be each other’s Valentines.”
At this, Nanami almost chokes on his food, face turning scarlet. He reaches for his water bottle, which is empty, still clearing his throat as he excuses himself to refill it. When you’re alone, you glare at Haibara, scolding him. “Why would you say that?!”
He shrugs innocently. “What’s the big deal? He likes you.”
Your jaw drops at his surprising statement. You’ve always thought that Nanami tolerates you, but you never truly believed he could ever like you. “What do you mean?”
Haibara blinks at you, as if the answer is so obvious. “He told me about you. Said how you always had the most amazing bento boxes for lunch. How cute your smile was whenever you’d take a bite. He was too shy to talk to you first, so he had me do it. You…didn’t know that?”
You stare at him, shaking your head slowly, stunned by this revelation. 
He laughs nervously, scratching his head. “Oops.”
Nanami returns, back to his normal self now, remaining quiet. There’s still the faint blush on his cheeks; you pretend not to notice it. Nothing else is mentioned about Valentine’s the rest of the day, though it lingers on your mind the remainder of the week.
Haibara is out sick February 13th, leaving you and Nanami alone together for the first time since you befriended them. You’re curious to see if the dynamic would change, if Nanami would actually speak up now that his buddy isn’t around to fill the void with his amicable chatter. But lunch ends up being a quiet affair. You do your best to ask questions, start conversation, but he’s even more tense than he usually is. When you mention Valentine’s Day tomorrow, the familiar rosy tint spreads across his face. You drop it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, though you can’t help thinking how sweet he is for reacting that way.
He likes you. The words have been replaying in your head since you heard them. And the truth is: you like Nanami too.  Based on what Haibara said, he might be too shy to tell you. 
So, you take matters into your own hands. 
The next day, February 14th, you come to school carrying a box wrapped in red ribbon. Inside homeroom. You greet Nanami politely, catching the way his gaze drifts to your hands. You smile wider to yourself, excited to present it to him later. At your seat, you can smell the decadent scent of homemade chocolates and heart-shaped candies from the other girls in your class. You get increasingly nervous about the gift, wondering if he’ll receive it well. Still, it’s worth a shot.
When class is over and it’s time for lunch, Nanami waits for you near the door to walk to the cafeteria together. Ready to leave, you stop him, clearing your throat before you announce, “I have something for you.”
His eyes widen, his jaw clenches. It’s obvious he wasn’t expecting this. 
You don’t hand it to him, afraid he wouldn’t know what to do with it. Instead, you untie the ribbon yourself, uncovering it. Inside is the bento box you prepared special for him. “I made this for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, Nanami.”
He reaches inside, holding the bento in his hands like found treasure. He snaps the cover off slowly, revealing rice balls formed into a cute bear, bathing in Japanese curry. A sheet of seaweed cut into a heart is placed directly in the center. 
You watch him for his response, heart racing against your chest. He inspects it carefully, his expression softening to one of adoration. When he looks at you, he smiles, and you swear you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than Nanami Kento smiling. 
“Do you like it?” you ask, needing to hear it in his own words. 
He nods, still smiling. “I love it.”
You spend your lunch in the classroom, eating your matching bento boxes together while listening to his music on shared headphones. 
For the first time in his life, Nanami has a special Valentine.
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anemonelovesfiction · 4 months
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10 ~ Cowgirl
Tonowari x Avatar! Reader x Ronal
Warnings ⚠️: Eating out, Riding, cowgirl, slight suffocation if you squint, passing out
Not Proofread
This one goes out to whoever sent me this ask I apologize for it being late, but better late than never? And I used camera instead <I’m so sorry but I hope you like it still>
Holy crud it’s been ten whole days of this event and I couldn’t be happier to spend them with you guys!
Translation Station
Tsahik: Shaman; Healer; Interpreter of the will of Eywa
Marui: Home (in the Metkayina Language)
Olo’eyktan: Male clan leader
Paysyul: Water lily
Tawtute: Sky person (Human)
Yawne: Beloved
Word Count: 3k
It had been tough news to choke down when Jake had called your brother, Norm, to come help with Kiri after she had remained in a comatose state after having connected to the spirit tree. I’d actually been the one to deliver the news to Jake that it had sounded like Kiri had suffered a seizure, but what was an even harder pill to swallow was the gorgeous pregnant Tsahik coming into the marui - a word I’d learned meant home for the Metkayina- I could have sworn her gaze had lingered on me slightly but it could have been my mind playing tricks on me. Her gaze breaking as she finally looked around the room and avoided eye contact with Neytiri.
“I see that I am not needed here.” She stated in Na’Vi, although I had been mesmerized by the difference in her pronunciation in the words to make my hands work as quickly as I’d wanted them to -out of respect for her and the title she held- I’d learned Na’Vi alongside Norm back on Earth and we often studied together, testing one another until we nailed the language.
She had been carrying a basket filled with things she would have used on Kiri had we not been occupying the space in this Marui, my gaze still caught on her as her beauty was starting to make me nervous, had we overstepped out bounds with her? Was she upset with us at the moment? I attempted to slap Norm’s hand to catch his attention so we could start removing ourselves from her way but he’d written me off as him, Max, and Jake continued talking amongst themselves, I fought to roll my eyes as I capture Neytiri grasping the woman’s arm.
“You are Tsahik!” Neytiri almost growls at the woman and as soon as she turns I realize she is heavily pregnant, I attempt to knock some sense into myself but she speaks before I could move.
“Remove these things.” The woman holds her head high and I feel like I’m about to start shaking from having upset her. Her eyes look over to Neytiri as a means to get her to translate but I’d already stood up at this moment, grabbing my bag, capturing the tsahik’s gaze once more, flinching once Neytiri had opened her mouth as I scooted past her.
“Out! You have done nothing.” I didn’t bother watching the guys scramble as I hear Jake muttering something about them taking a break. I’d taken a liking into Mo’at’s training of the next Tsahik for the Omatikaya and stayed close enough to watch what this Tsahik had been doing but far enough away to give them their privacy if they needed, but with her sturdy work and continual chanting, she’d managed to get Kiri to wake up.
Kiri’s immediate response was to start crying and as Neytiri began to comfort her daughter I could feel the tears welling up in my own eyes. I’d always been a bit sensitive since I was younger, but to have witnessed something like this was like a miracle in and of itself.
That had happened about two months ago, Jake ended up having to talk to me before we left as the Tsahik and Olo’eyktan had wanted to speak with me personally, at that moment I’d believed I’d done something wrong and started feeling nervous, had I been in my human body I would have started sweating profusely but I was metaphorically shitting bricks.
To my surprise the Tsahik had done all of the talking as her husband just watched me, Jake had been there to translate if I needed it but more as my safety cushion, I was surprised to hear that she was straightforward with how I’d managed to capture her attention, how easily I’d followed her instructions without being asked, and how emotional I had been upon seeing Kiri waking up, but she absolutely floored me when she stated that she and her husband had wanted to court me because of a pull she felt for me.
That wasn’t the last time I had been nervous around her, she was rather rough with her words but I understood that part of it was her placing boundaries between herself and her privacy, but nothing would have prepared me for what would happen when I came into our shared marui with a polaroid camera as it was a human contraption, but my intentions had been set to seeing this as a positive thing, although I wasn’t sure how the conversation would go.
Tonowari would be the most understanding out of the two as he was soft spoken, very kind, and usually won over with a kiss or two, but even then I wasn’t sure how he’d handle this either, I’d actually pulled back the flap of the marui and held the camera behind me as I walked in to the beautiful scene before me.
Tonowari had been gingerly rubbing a fragrant oil on Ronal’s belly carefully, it was the kind that helped ease her pain with the burden of having to carry such a large child, it also smelled very sweet, but I knew better than to think I’d be undetected as the woman had eyes all over her head.
“What have you got there, Paysyul?” She asks without turning her head to look at me and I stiffen my body at the thought of having been caught, I let out a sigh as I remove the object from behind my back and bring it forward instantly, knowing I couldn’t hide this thing behind my back forever.
Tonowari is the first to turn and tilt his head in curiosity, but his nose crinkled as he saw what I had been holding, they had both become familiar with being able to tell what tawtute contraptions were and from the look on his face he was leaning more toward not wanting to know what it was. Ronal easily capturing her husbands disapproval is quick to lift her gaze and settle it on mine, bypassing the camera in my hand and immediately talking to me.
“What have you brought into our home, paysyul?” She asks with a flick of her tail, ears going back as her head tilts slightly, one arm going to stroke the oil on her belly as the other planted on the floor to support her as she leans back a bit.
“A camera.” I stated stupidly as I comment on the device in my hand but feel frozen in fear as I’ve never really had an argument with them before, but I knew I was overstepping an invisible boundary by having brought this thing in here in the first place.
“And why have you brought this into our home?” Tonowari is quick to chime in as one of his hands goes to Ronal’s lower back to give her some support as the two are sitting on the floor, his other just settled on his lap.
“I- I wanted to- to tell you-“ I stopped talking at that moment as my nerves had started getting the better of me and I could feel my throat closing up, my eyes were starting to get wet but not to the point that I would cry- at least not yet.
“Take a breath paysyul, we are not mad, just curious.” Ronal stated sweetly and I could feel the tension leaving my shoulders as I drop them.
“Take a breath and start again.” She encourages and it honestly helps as I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling my heart beating back to normal and my eyes drying up, my vision no longer slightly blurred.
“This is a camera, we used it back in my home to capture a moment in time, and we saved it forever.” I responded once I’d gotten out of my own head.
“Thats what our stories and song cords are for.” Ronal adds in but is given a look from our mate, I could only bite my lip nervously and looked back down.
“Does this hold a sentiment to you?” Tonowari asks sweetly and waits for my answer, all I could do was nod wordlessly.
“I can- I can show you how it works if you want.”
“Th-this isn’t what I had in m-mind-“ I moaned as I slowly slid down Tonowari’s member, my hands placed on his muscular abdomen as I lowered myself even more, still having a hard time taking all of him in, I could still feel a slight sting of pain as I was not used to having to ride him as Ronal usually took that roll. But she was busy stuffing his mouth with her cunt as she rode his face instead.
Although she was on his face she was facing me, placing her hand under my chin to keep me form looking down and closing my eyes, I wondered how a woman as pregnant as her could keep such balance but never questioned it as I’m sure she’s had practice after her first two kids, these two were truly insatiable.
I could feel her snaking her arm around my back and grasping my braid, giving it a sensual tug and hearing a moan rip out my lips, she’d brought my kuru close to her mouth and before I could question what was happening, I can feel her tongue on the tendrils of my kuru, having caught me off guard with doing that I slide all the way down Tonowari’s length, taking him to the hilt and moaning with pain and pleasure as Ronal continues to tongue fuck my kuru.
“She’s squeezing around me already,” Tonowari was strong enough to have lifted Ronal off his face just to speak only for her to shush him and slam herself back down onto his mouth.
Whenever I first had gotten my Avatar, I was eternally grateful to be a driver, but once I had to learn the ways of the Metkayina I noticed my Kuru would purposely split in two before the tendrils started going crazy. I even had to ask Norm and Jake if theirs did the same thing as I never recalled anyone else’s doing this, but to my surprise theirs didn’t, it wasn’t until I’d first mated with Ronal and Tonowari that I noticed theirs did the same, it was fashioned in such a way that the three of us could connect ourselves together while being intimate.
Just as Ronal had been done teasing my Kuru, she’d brought it over to Tonowari’s, connecting the two together and allowing me a second to feel everything he had been feeling at this moment, the gentle calmness that washed over me once connecting to him reminded me of sitting at the beach while listening to the waves lap in the distance, closing my eyes as I feel the warmth of the sun. Right when I lifted my hips from his, I could feel a newer connection, as if it were a windy almost stormy day on the beach but every fiber of my being knew everything would be alright, thats what it felt like when connecting to her.
“Oh paysyul you feel incredible, why don’t you try sliding back down on him hm?” Ronal asks as she lets go of our intertwined kuru, knowing that even if they fell to the floor they wouldn’t disconnect unless we willed them to or pulled them off one another.
Right as I slide back down I could feel Tonowari swipe his tongue over Ronal’s cunt and her hips bucking against his mouth, I let out a whimper, tossing my head back as I let out a strangled moan silently thanking Eywa for allowing us to experience what the other was feeling before a sudden flash of light stirs me out of my thoughts.
I raise my head upright, opening my eyes to find Ronal with the camera near her face as she continues looking through the lens of the camera, she then removes the camera from her face as the picture prints out, she gently takes the slip of paper and removes it from the bottom, airing it out to get the picture to develop.
“Look at you,” She coo’s, turning the picture around to let me catch a glimpse, my eyes closed in pure ecstasy, my hands still settled on Tonowari’s abdomen but you could see through the space between my arms with his teal cock buried deep inside my cobalt blue skin. I could feel the purple blush settling on my cheeks at this moment before feeling Tonowari thrust his hips upward, causing a yelp to leave my lips.
“That feels nice, ‘Wari,” Ronal states as she places her hands on his chest, still holding into the camera as she grinds herself all over his mouth. I sneak my hands past hers and grasp the camera, taking a steady hold of it and looking through the lens, snapping the picture right when Ronal had started coming.
Her eyes slightly opened but only the whites were showing, indicating her eyes were rolled to the back of her head, which often happened as she was sensitive from her pregnancy. Her bottom lip sucked in through her teeth as a sinful moan had escaped, her knee’s coming closer together toward Tonowari’s face and her hips slightly blurred due to the speed at which she had been grinding his face with, her tail raised behind her stiffly. A groan coming from the man below her, whose arms had been wrapped around her thighs in an attempt to keep her placed where she was.
I could feel everything through our bond and felt myself tighten around Tonowari’s length once more, stopping to readjust myself, i stead of having my knee’s straddling him, I’d placed the flats of my feet on the floor of the marui, giving me the best position for me to ride him better.
Ronal has a drunken expression on her face as she has felt fulfilled, she gently slides off his face and once she does I can see most of it from the nose down glistening in our mates juices. I smile down at him and use my arm to extend the camera above our bodies, since I was naked and my breast were perked up it was obvious what position I was in, I snap the picture and wait for it to print out, refusing to tear it off and handing the camera to Ronal, having her take a look at the picture as a smile frames her gorgeous face.
“This one is a moment worth savoring, paysyul.” She smiles at me and places the camera down, leaning over toward me and placing her lips on mine, I couldn’t help but grind my hips in an attempt to get closer to her, hearing our groaning partner below, who desperately grasps my hips. Ronal gently places her hand on my cheek and forces her tongue inside my mouth, as I moan I hear the click of the camera, opening my eyes, slowly sucking on Ronal’s tongue and disconnecting from her mouth fully only to see Tonowari holding the camera with a smug smile on his face.
I could only grow hotter at the scene before me as the two of them had now been paying full attention to me, Ronal placing her hands on my breasts and running her thumbs alongside my nipples, a rush of excitement running through me. Understanding what they wanted I lifted my hips up, with the help of my feet, and slid back down forcefully, coming into contact with Tonowari’s hips and moaning loudly, doing that motion once more as I felt Ronal kissing my neck.
“Goodness Paysyul, I’m closer than you think,” Tonowari growls out as he places the camera on the floor, now fully grasping my hips as he lifts me up himself, watching where our bodies were connected as he slams me down, his hips rising to meet mine, and a lewd moan slipping through my lips as Ronal plays with my nipples.
He keeps the same motion going, making me feel like I was seeing stars, accepting my fate as I screwed my eyes shut, allowing my legs to do some of the work as I rose up and slam back down on his hard cock. I swear I could see flashes going off in my vision and other was at this moment I’d no longer felt Ronal’s light touches on my breasts, I couldn’t bear opening my eyes as I felt the same heat spread across my cheeks.
“Fuck I’m close!” I yelled in English and felt Tonowari set a faster pace as I slam i to his cock without faltering.
It felt as though each slam of his cock was taking my breath away and I was struggling to catch it, I could hear my breaths coming in short shallow huffs as his iron grip on my hips keeps me at bay between losing myself and reality.
“Thats it paysyul, why don’t you be a good girl and come for us?” Ronal coo’s from whatever corner of the marui she had been standing in, another flash going off from the camera.
“I’m fuckin’ close-“ I moan out as I attempt to grasp Tonowari’s abdomen for some sort of stability, feeling as though I was dipping down low in a hole that would be impossible for me to dig myself out of.
“Come Paysyul. Paint my cock white with your juices,” He barely manages to get those words out and I can feel my pleasure toed up in a tight strong that knotted right in my stomach. I could feel it taught in my abdomen ready to burst.
“Thats it,” He coo’s at me in an encouraging manner.
“Come for us yawne,” He speaks once more and thats when I reach my limit.
Everything seems to have frozen in time and all I can feel is my orgasm fast approaching completely knocking me out cold.
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rummigumi · 4 months
Excerpt from 'Cracks in the Dark' draft. I'm so in love with the idea, but it's been like pulling teeth to actually write it. Spoiler warning for the Argentinian film "Terrified", which inspired this.
Crouching down, they looked over the side of the building they were perched on to see a glowing teenager with bright white hair staring at the wall of an abandoned warehouse across from them. He appeared to be studying it, one hand on his hip and his chin resting in the other.
"There's our mystery magic man," Duke whispered.
"You sure?" Dick asked.
Duke nodded and the three of them shared a look before moving into action.
Following Dick's hand signals, Jason and Duke lightly jumped to the ground while he stayed behind, intent on flanking the kid. The kid didn't seem to notice them as they stopped a few feet away from him until Jason called out, "Hey kid, pretty sure that wall isn't as interesting as you're making it seem."
The kid noticeably jumped a few feet in the air, obviously startled as he twisted to face them. A meta or an alien? Or a third unknown? Jason was on edge with how little they knew.
"Christ on a cracker, where did you guys come from?" Jason noted an American accent, along with inhuman glowing green eyes. So the kid was most likely from Earth then, that made things a little easier.
"We live here. Haven't seen you around before though." Jason saw the slightest movement out of the corner of his eye as Dick continued to move around them. The kid looked around at the old, decrepit buildings surrounding them with confusion on his face. He opened his mouth, closed it and shook his head slightly, and then spoke.
"You guys should probably try to hide somewhere. It's not safe out here right now." Jason crossed his arms and Duke titled his head.
"Now why do you say that?" Jason caught more movement out of the corner of his eye.
What the fuck was Dick doing?
"Look, it's...it's a little hard to explain. Just please, get inside somewhere and stay quiet."
Duke hopped into the conversation.
"Do you know what's causing the power outage? Or jammed radio signals?" The kid looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
"I might be part of what's jamming things, not completely sure about the power outage though."
"So you have an idea of what is?" Duke pressed. The kid avoided eye contact and continued to rub his neck.
"I don't-," he cut off, eyes wide like a cat's as his head snapped (a little too fast and a little too hard for Jason to be comfortable with) to the side as he seemed to lock onto something. Jason unholstered and cocked his gun, prepared to shoot if needed. He didn't like hurting kids, but this one was old and alien enough that he was fine putting a few rounds in him if needed. Beside him Duke tensed as he also readied to fight.
Jason aimed his pistol as the kid raised his hand and let out a green goo-like stream from it. The stream became taunt like a rope as it dragged a struggling Dick from the shadows - the opposite side from where Jason had been catching movement. His skin began to prickle, but he refused to look away from the kid as he released Dick a few feet from where they stood before holding his hands up in a placating manner.
"Is this all of you?"
"As if we'd tell you," Jason replied. It didn't seem like the kid was a threat, but his reluctance to answer all their questions rubbed Jason the wrong way. It only added to the vague sense of unease growing in his stomach. He could no longer see movement out of the corner of his eyes. He hoped it was just some schmuck who had the sense to leave once they saw the group. If only Jason had ever been that lucky.
"Listen, I'm trying to help you but you guys are making it a tad difficult." Jason opened his mouth to respond, but Dick cut in before he had a chance to.
"Sorry, it's hard to trust someone we know nothing about. How about introductions? I'm Nightwing, that's Signal, and the grumpy one is Red Hood." There was no sign of recognition on the kid's face at their names, which only sent more warning bells ringing through Jason's head. It could easily be explained why the kid didn't recognize him or Duke (the two of them rarely left Gotham unless on covert missions) but Nightwing was well-known worldwide. If the kid didn't recognize the name, something was up.
"You can call me Danny. Also, I gotta ask, what are you guys wearing? Is this, like, the fashion here?"
"Like you have room to talk, Onesie."
"Excuse you, this is a jumpsuit. He's wearing a onesie!" Danny pointed an accusatory finger at Dick before pulling it back. "Wait, I'm getting sidetracked. We need to get you guys off the streets."
"You still haven't explained why we're not safe here," Duke piped up. Danny sighed and looked around before speaking.
"This may be a bit hard to believe, but you see this?" He pointed at the wall behind him.
"A...warehouse?" Duke asked.
"No, this." Danny dragged a finger along a thin crack in the wall.
"Yes, we totally see that tiny crack. What of it?" Jason was beginning to feel restless, the sense of unease in him only continuing to grow as he fingered the trigger on his gun. Danny didn't seem alarmed that Jason was still pointing it at him, which only sent more bells ringing in Jason's head. Most people were uncomfortable around guns, even more so when one was aimed at them. Danny wasn't, which meant either bullets wouldn't affect him or he was so used to having a gun pointing at him he wasn't fazed. Or, a third option, he didn't know what a gun was. Jason didn't like any of those possible reasons.
"It's...okay this is the crazy-sounding part. It's a crack in the dimension." Danny paused, waiting to see their reactions.
"Okay, continue," Dick prompted.
"You guys aren't going to react to that at all?"
"It takes a lot to surprise us," Duke shrugged. Danny ran a hand through his hair before shaking his head. Jason really hoped he wasn't radioactive with how much he glowed. The kid also talked with his hands alot and was pretty expressive, Jason noted, as Danny continued with his explanation. It made him easy to read, and he was obviously getting annoyed with them.
"Okay, great. So, there are a lot of cracks currently forming in the area, some bigger than others. Like, a lot bigger. Which by itself is already an issue, but the dimension on the other side of these bad boys is not a fun one. Now the things from that dimension are slowly making their way through to this one. That is why you guys have to get inside and lay low until I'm able to deal with all of this."
Danny ended his mini-lecture by gesturing along the entire length of the crack.
"Yeah, that's a no go," Jason said as at the same time Dick asked, "Why are you the one to fix this?"
Danny threw his head back as he groaned and Jason half expected him to stomp his foot like a toddler.
"Look, you guys aren't equipped to seal the cracks or fight these things. I was sent here because I'm able to do both - not going into specifics there. So just listen to me okay?"
Jason caught more movement, more than before. Trusting Dick and Duke to be able to handle the kid, who was seeming less and less like a threat with each second, he focused more of his attention to the side. Trusting his helmet to hide where he was looking, he shifted his eyes to look closer. Still nothing but formless, slight movement. He tilted his head, as if he was listening to the others' discussion but really was allowing himself a better line of sight. Even though he was looking almost directly at it, he still couldn't make out the shape of what was moving - all he saw was an out-of-focus mass. And the longer he looked at it the greater his uneasiness grew until a wave of nausea overtook him.
"Hey kid." Jason tried to keep his voice steady as he fought down bile in his throat. He refused to let whatever that was out of his sight, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could make it.
When the others paused to look at him, Jason gave the slightest gesture with his gun towards the shadowy mass. Danny just furrowed his brow, but Duke and Dick understood. Jason could pinpoint the instant they saw it too, the color immediately draining from their faces as Jason was sure they got hit by the same wave of nausea as he did - maybe worse.
Finally (maybe all of a second but that's too long when there's an unknown being maybe a hundred feet away from you) Danny caught on and followed their line of sight. Jason couldn't tell if the kid was affected or not he was already so pale and his face wasn't one of horror but an expression Jason couldn't quite make out. So much for the kid being easy to read.
"This is why you guys need to stay inside." Danny's voice was suddenly hard and determined.
"What is that?" Duke whispered and Jason was partly curious if he was seeing something he and Dick couldn't (the other part of Jason, the part he'd never admit, the truly scared part, didn't want to know).
"I told you, an interdimensional being."
Jason finally had to look away unless he wanted the contents of his stomach to end up inside his helmet. Duke also turned his head, even bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. Danny was still staring down the creature.
"Listen to me. I will deal with this. I doubt you guys can fight these things, but you don't seem to want to hear that. One thing you need to remember is to not trust anything you see or hear, okay? They can warp what's around you, make you experience things that aren't true." Jason wanted to curse, but his throat was still tight.
"We need to evacuate the area," Dick somehow managed to choke out, his voice sounding cracked and dry. Danny shook his head. He hadn't blinked once this whole time.
"A barrier was put around the area to contain these things. No one's getting in or out."
"So you've fucked everyone in here, great, thanks." Jason hoped there weren't too many civilians around. The area was mostly abandoned buildings and warehouses, but that didn't mean no one was around when all this started. It was a pretty popular place for those with nowhere to go, along with those who didn't want people knowing what they were up to.
"It was that or let these things escape and run free all over your dimension."
"They spread that quickly?" Duke still sounded sick to his stomach. Danny nodded. The creature seemed to be growing agitated, possibly moving closer - it was hard to tell with Jason still only being able to look at it indirectly.
"Are you beginning to understand now? You need to leave and let me deal with this."
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bradleyblog · 1 month
Bradley Uppercrust’s Father speculation Part one
When it comes to Bradley’s family and backstory not much is known. The one thing that we do know for certain is that Bradley is probably a descendant of a monarch due to having a regnal name ( “Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd” ) as these titles are as far as I know only given to those with regal backgrounds. 
But despite not knowing much else , I do believe that the movie does give us the audience a small hint about what kind of relationship Bradley has with his own father. 
When Bradley is trying to convince Goofy to join his team , Goofy respectfully declines due to the fact that he only wants to stay close to Max. 
“That’s real nice of you to ask, but I’m really only interested in stayin close to Maxie.”- Goofy
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We then cut to Bradley’s reaction where just by his body language of him moving back slightly while pressing his fingertips between his forehead, you can tell that he thinks Goofy is lacking common sense and isn’t thinking clearly.
Bradley then counter’s Goofy’s statement by bringing up how he doesn't think Goofy understands how big of a deal being offered to be a Gamma is due to it being a once in a lifetime opportunity.
”Uh… I’m not sure you understand this once in a lifetime opportunity.”- Bradley
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Goofy however prioritizes spending time with Max and mimics Bradley’s body language and choice of words to emphasize his point that Bradley doesn't understand the bond between a father and son if Bradley thinks he would choose the Gamma’s over Max.
“Well , ah-yuck, I’m not sure you understand the bond between a father and his son.”
Now what’s interesting about Goofy’s choice of words is how he could have said something along the lines of “I’m not sure you understand the fatherly son bond between me and Max”, as Goofy should really only be referring to him and Max’s relationship. But instead he chooses to refer to a bond between a father and son in general. 
But what is Bradley’s reaction to Goofy’s statement? Well at first he is smiling while waiting for Goofy to respond but once Goofy says “I’m not sure you understand-” Bradley’s smile drops into a neutral expression to see what Goofy thinks he doesn't understand. 
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We then cut to a wider shot of Goofy and the Gamma’s when Goofy is finishing the rest of his sentence to Bradley.
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As Goofy says “the bond between a father and his son” , you can see that Bradley’s expression has changed slightly to something more vulnerable looking. 
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It’s one of those if you don't look close enough you may miss it moments but just by looking at Bradley’s expression to Goofy’s assessment of him , it looks like Goofy may have briefly struck a chord with Bradley and that he took it a little personally. As if what Goofy just said to him is actually true but deep down he doesn't want it to be. I mean he does look a little sad don't he?
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So why would Bradley’s expression look like this? Well I think it’s because Bradley knows Goofy is right about him not understanding due to the fact that he himself doesn't have a bond with his own dad. Something he probably would have wanted but is too proud to admit.  
If he had a good bond with his dad I don't think his expression would look like this as if he did then his expression would have been portrayed differently. You would even think Bradley would try to prove Goofy wrong and may even brag about his own father but he doesn't. 
Instead , Bradley doesn't even retort back. He just changes the direction of the conversation into a Exit strategy by giving Goofy a business card if he changes his mind about joining the Gamma’s. 
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To me this looks like a classic defence mechanism of personal deflection where when someone doesn't want to deal with a topic that makes them uncomfortable , they will turn the focus onto something else of their choosing. This to me suggests that Bradley isn't comfortable with the topic of father's and sons , more specifically him and his own father.
Bradley even does a similar kind of deflective behaviour earlier on in the movie when he is confronted by Beret Girl. At first he tells her that he is busy as he just wants to deal with Max being a Gamma but she wont back down from him. Instead she accuses him of making her dizzy from being a downward spiral ( making things worse and worse) , to which Bradley responds by deflecting her statement by telling her to go save some whales as he doesn't want to engage with what she's negatively saying about him.
But back to the scene at hand. When Bradley wants to leave the situation with Goofy he starts by folding his arms across his chest which in body language terms is a classic gesture of defensiveness where it’s usually done out of discomfort , uneasiness , shyness , insecurity , feeling threatened or feeling like you're in an undesirable situation. I get that Bradley is failing to persuade Goofy to join and all but the fact that he gives up so quickly after what Goofy just said to him is a bit suspicious.  
( Psychmechanics.com was my resource about body language ) 
So despite Bradley putting on a smile and acting composed when leaving, you can tell by his overall responsive to Goofy that Bradley was probably effected by what he said but would rather deflect than deal with it.
Of course this is just how I Interpret the scene.
So if they dont have a good bond then what could Bradley and his father’s relationship really be like and how does this impact Bradley’s character? Well Be ready for Part 2 as we got a lot of speculating to do. 
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theblueseassoul · 8 months
It’s been a long day.
I might make a part two.
Song listened to while writing: “What the water gave me - Florence + The Machine”
Zayne x Reader
Love and deep space fan fiction
Talk of mental health.
No use of Y/n. Gender neutral reader. Read in the second person. Established relationship.
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This past week has been hell. And the most annoying part is that you have absolutely no idea why. This happened once in a while, but it hadn’t happened in so long so you thought you’d be able to escape it for a while longer. Instead, here you sat curled up in your work chair, arms around your legs and gazing out of the window nearby once more. At least it had a nice view of the city, you thought, as you watched time pass. You sighed softly, closing your eyes for a moment. Not even a few moments later, you heard someone call out your name. You winced, hoping if you hid your head in your arms they wouldn’t see you, but you knew that isn’t how it worked. They called your name again.
When you looked up, you found Alexander. Alexander was your co-worker, and often took your kindness for granted. You worked hard, everyone knew that, you even took on missions that you weren’t even required to do. You loved your job. This was something you’d dreamed of for… you don’t know how long. So of course you put everything you had into it, you were protecting people by doing your job. It was worth it. However, Alexander made you hate it just for a moment. a brief moment but a moment nonetheless. He grinned, brown hair annoyingly messy as was his uniform. “Are you done with that assignment I asked you to help me with?” He asked, leaning against your desk.
You raised a brow slightly but offered your politest smile. You could have done better on a better day, however this was not one of them, so that was the best he would get. “I did. I saw you had a lot of errors though. You missed a lot of dangerous-“ as you pulled it up to show him what had gone wrong, he waved his hand and cut you off.
“It’s whatever. No one actually reads them.” Alexander’s tone was dismissive, not even glancing at the highlighted sections. You looked at the title of the document and resisted the urge to roll your eyes. It was a complete overview of one of the sectors of the city getting more wanderers by the day, and metaflux’s. You knew people read them because you were people. These were given out to hunters for assignments to know what to expect. They were updated frequently and needed to be as accurate as possible for both hunter and civilian safety. You looked back at him.
“Yes, we do.” You stated, losing the patience you had to smile. “It’s actually vital for us hunters and the civilians who might come across these areas. You know that right? That lives depend on these reports?”
He scoffed, mumbling dismissive none sense and waving his hand in the air once more before saying “thanks for finishing it anyways. See you tomorrow yeah?” As he turned his back, you rolled your eyes and put your head face in your hands, mocking him under your breath.
“See you tomorrow! Whatever.” You murmured and once you knew he was out of the room, groaned in annoyance as you leaned back into your chair. “No one reads it anyways.” You mocked again, shaking your head. “Come on. It’s like you forgot the…” you went on into a nonsensical ramble and continued, until you noticed your phone buzzing next to your mouse. You sat up, picking up your phone and reading the caller ID. It read ‘snowy seal.’ It was Zayne, your doctor, and your boyfriend who didn’t call out of the blue often. You raised a brow and picked up, and he spoke almost immediately.
“There you are.” He hummed into the speaker, and as you started to question him, he continued “I texted you when my shift ended. Usually you’re done by now, are you working over time? You know you shouldn’t.” He warned you. You smiled softly. You knew he was lecturing you again, but it made you feel all warm inside knowing he cared so much. He was stern about it, but he was always that way. It was part of his charm.
“No, I was just..” you sighed, blowing a raspberry as you stood up. You turned off your computer with one hand while you held the phone up to your ear with the other “A co worker wanted to speak with me. Did you need something?” You asked, putting your jacket on your fore arm and picking up your back. He paused for a moment, the sound of a car rushing by before he started talking again.
“I’m waiting outside. Hurry, let’s go home.” Zayne said, and you swore you could hear the soft grin through the phone. Once you had everything and said goodbye to everyone, you left, and it only took a few steps before you heard your boyfriend’s cool voice calling your name. You smiled in almost relief, and wrapped your arms around him immediately. He hugged you back, one arm firmly around your waist and the other against your back holding you close to him.
At home, after you’d gotten changed and showered, you decided to do the dishes. They were piling up anyways. So you rolled your sleeves up, and started to empty the dishwasher. Usually, this task came easily to you. Of course you had your moments when motivation wasn’t at its peak, but if you forced yourself to do it, you would find yourself more content by the end of it. It was the same with a lot of house hold chores. You didn’t mind doing them, it was your house, of course you should take care of it. But it was just.. hard sometimes. You felt like a child because of it, how emotional you got over small things. Bouts of depression, Zayne called it. When it was hard to do anything at all. You forced your way through it though, with the help of your trusty doctor.
While you put the dishes away, you had dropped a plastic cup. You clicked your tongue softly in annoyance, “god..” you murmured and picked it up, rolling your eyes at yourself before putting it in its cabinet. Then, after a while, you dropped a spatula after letting go too early. This too made your patience wane. You felt the pricking feeling in the back of your eyes when you got frustrated, and got even more frustrated. You sighed and placed the spatula in its drawer, muttering “stay.” Before closing it. The last straw was when you were putting away pans, when they all fell out of the cabinet because they wouldn’t fit. At this point you weren’t sure if you wanted to scream or cry. The clashing and clanging was more than enough to wince, and you had to step back for a moment and try not to absolutely break down then and there. You flexed your hands, taking a deep breath. “This is ridiculous to get upset about.” You told yourself. You headed to the fridge for a drink, and on the way.. you ended up ramming your side into the island corner.
Zayne had walked into the kitchen then. Just as you simply gave up, sliding against the island and to the floor, covering your face. He heard you muttering to yourself about something stupid, being annoyed, and such. He knew how you got. You must’ve had a hard day, he thought. Or week. Or month. And so he carefully knelt down beside you, hand on your arm. “Honey.” He called, softly, in a tone he only ever used with you to calm you. Usually you felt special. Right now you were just filled with conflicting emotions you didn’t really know what to do or how to respond.
“Not even something to get upset about. Just dishes.” You groaned to yourself as you pulled your head up from your hands. Zayne carefully pulled you up to your feet, and walked you into your bedroom, rubbing your shoulder the whole time. He listened to your nonesense words, talking about how “I don’t even know why they all fell out.” Or “I’m so clumsy today. What is wrong with me.” Sometimes it wasn’t words, just noises sort of mushed together. He understood anyways.
Zayne sat you down on the bed, and crawled in beside you. He pulled the comforter over the both of you and opened an arm towards you, offering a hug if you wanted it. You leaned into him almost immediately, and his arm wrapped around you tightly, to keep you firmly against his side. He was silent for a while. He usually waited for you to start talking about what bothered you, because he didn’t want you to talk about it if you didn’t feel up to it. You did this time, but you didn’t even know what the issue was. That was what made it so frustrating. He rubbed his thumb against your arm, and asked softly “rough day?”
You sniffed. “I don’t know.” You shook your head, and he nodded slightly, to let you know he was listening. You continued, “I did what I usually do. I fought wanderers. Did reports. Alexander, he handed me an unfinished report and asked if I could do it because he had so much to do and I said yes.”
“The man who never finishes on time?”
“Yeah.” You nodded to Zayne’s question. “So I did. I found some stuff wrong so I corrected them and told him about it and he said..” you rolled your eyes, your lips pulling into a frown “no one ever reads them so why doesn’t it matter.” You threw a hand up slightly. “Like he doesn’t know that it’s actually crucial. Like what it a civilian wandered there and got hurt because we didn’t keep them from it because the report said there wasn’t any danger but there was. Someone could die. It’s our job to protect these people, you know?” You dropped your hand helplessly and shuffled closer to Zayne. “But that isn’t even what made me upset. It was dropping dishes.” You scoffed.
He hummed softly as he listened to you, leaning his head against yours as you curled into him further. When you stopped your ramble, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head before he spoke “it sounds like you’re just overwhelmed. It happens, it’s alright.” Zayne said, rocking you back and forth slightly with him. His words were always carefully chosen, you could tell by the slow way he spoke and the pauses between his sentences. It was a nice grounder though. “You’ve been working very hard lately. I’m proud of you, you know.” This was just above a whisper, just for your ears. He rested his chin against your head again.
“You should take a day off.” Zayne suddenly suggested. You looked up at him, puzzled. He glanced at you and chuckled softly and continued to explain “you deserve it. You haven’t taken a day off in.. ages. If you do, I’ll stay here and take care of you. You can come into the office with me as well, if you want.” He said, squeezing your shoulders gently. You debated it, tilting your head into him and looking down at your hands laying in your lap.
“Mm.” You hummed softly in thought. You debated it, wondering if it was a good idea. You have been working hard lately, it wouldn’t hurt to have a day off. Just one. With Zayne, no less. He was usually drowning with work, it would be nice to have a just the two of you day. You nodded “I’d like that.” You finally said, looking up at him.
He smiled softly, a smile he only gave you. Warm, and filled with so much love it made your heart melt every time you saw it. “Good.” He kissed your forehead, and then your nose bridge, the tip of your nose, and then two firm ones against your cheeks, kissing away the trails the tears from before had left. “Let’s get you to bed early then. I’ll make dinner, after you’ll take your medicine, and tomorrow we will have lots of staying home to do.” He said, happily. You nodded, a warm smile spreading over your lips to match his.
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mentallyisekaid · 2 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 3.5✦ 」
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5 Part 3 [Part 3.5]
It's highly recommended to read the parts in order, otherwise few things will make sense!
A/N ~ I ACTUALLY GOT A CHAPTER OUT. Anyway, the next one might take... another while. I've got other stuff going on and life can be kinda chaotic sometimes. Hope you enjoy this one, though :')
Warnings: I'm not sure what to list here; slightly angsty stuff maybe, I also feel like Dottore & Pantalone are a warning of their own
Word count: 2.9k
More often than not, family wasn't the manifestation of perfect, unconditional love that you could foolishly rely on. Something... that would never harm you. Because this was, in the end, just what humans were like - so easily blinded by things like greed, anger and envy that they were bound to end up hurting those around them.
You'd learned this yourself a long time ago, and witnessing it again hardly should have swayed you anymore. But what it did was bring up memories; a hurtful echo that even time couldn't drown.
And this mission only served to remind you of what a 'lovely' thing blood relations could be...
"Who are they?" you finally asked, breaking the pointless silence.
Inside the cabin Dottore and Pantalone had led you into, you'd faced a young mother and her two children. Judging by how they looked, the three were undoubtedly victims of unjust fate, yet somehow unfazed even as Harbingers waltzed into their home. A certain dignity in their eyes never faded...
Then again, this was just what Snezhnayans were like.
"Well, these people here are yours to handle, miss 12th. If you please." The Doctor's words were somehow vague, and Pantalone's expression, too, implied that such a roundabout answer was probably not the entire truth.
Since it wasn't clear what anyone expected you to do, you could only test the waters.
With a somewhat polite smile on your lips, you addressed the residents. "Hello, ma'am. Hello, little ones~"
No response. Somehow unsurprising, seeing as you were a Harbinger; one half of Snezhnaya feared you, the other despised you.
And yet, they went and got involved with the Fatui anyway. How stupid!
You glanced at Pantalone. The Banker seemed oddly delighted about the situation, hence, it likely had something to do with Mora. Then again, this man always did seem like he was enjoying himself thoroughly.
As for Dottore, he was the silently measuring these people with his gaze, a sinful smile on his lips. You decided not to decipher what his thoughts on the matter were, or what, pray tell, was this corrupt heretic even doing on a field mission...
Their questionable work ethics were beyond your remit anyway.
"Now then," you sighed, "what are we sensible people dealing with here, and why won't anyone tell me?"
The woman gave a derisive scoff, finally speaking.
"Ha, it looks like Pantalone and company brought along yet another recruit this time - but she's just a little girl!~ How amusing."
"Careful there, I'm definitely old enough... And, by title, a full-fledged Harbinger. So," your smile was innocent yet subtly menacing, "...let's not get too uncivil now; we wouldn't want to upset your children."
Or maybe you don't actually care about them at all?
The young siblings stood firmly by their mother's side, observing you with lilac eyes as cold yet fragile as hoarfrost.
They're so brave. But perhaps brave for the wrong person, much like I once was. In that sense, I probably shouldn't be the one to meddle in whatever it is that's going on here... I want my paycheck, though.
Pantalone and Dottore had watched your interaction with amused curiosity while lingering near the doorway, wanting to see just how their little Harbinger would behave on her first mission.
But one slightly vexed look from you, and they deemed it best to give the situation a little push forward.
As the two men walked forward, stopping on each of your sides, both of them placed a praiseful hand on your shoulder. You hadn't actually done anything yet, but welcomed this with a content smile regardless~ These affectionate gestures hardly went unnoticed by anyone in the room, yet only a fool would have dared to make a comment about it!
"Now then, Dominika," Pantalone addressed the woman with a complacent smile. "It's high time to pay off your debt, don't you think?
A debt?
"Oh, I'm certain she agrees." Dottore commented. "Of course, there are alternative means of paying back. I could offer plenty."
You sighed. Pity those who had to do business with these two!
But this 'Dominika' woman seemed unbothered...
"Then, Lord Regrator," the lady commented, her voice as sharp as ice. "I ask that you show at least some decency. I don't have the whole sum gathered yet, so do wait for a month longer, as I'm certain that someone like you is not so short on Mora that you should have the heart to harass me like this."
Well, at least she had backbone? Though, it seemed to cover up something utterly immoral.
Pantalone entwined his fingers, the numerous silver rings decorating them clinking presumptuously.
"But, my friend, surely you realize that what you owe the Northland Bank is at least three times the amount I'm now here to collect. You've had plenty of time to pay back, too. Moreover, I surmise you have quite a profitable job? After all, when taking such monumental loans from us - 3 million Mora, to be exact - you must have been well prepared to return it. With interest, naturally~"
Ah, so that was it.
Yet, it made you frown. 3 million Mora? Something fishy was going on here!
You chuckled, patting his shoulder. "But, dear Pantalone..."
The log cabin - not even a house - was thoroughly ramshackle, it was freezing cold inside and there was an unpleasant, moldy smell in the air. And those two children looked so malnourished and sickly that it was hard to believe they'd had a proper meal or felt the warmth of a home in years, if ever.
...so then, where had all that money gone?
You gazed at the siblings, a sister and a brother, who stood by their mother's side, clearly not entirely oblivious despite of their young age yet devoted to shield their parent's crimes.
And you of all people had no right to condemn them for that.
The two Harbingers were observing you keenly, shrewd smiles on their faces, almost as if expecting you to do something unfavorable for the Fatui.
I swear, Pierro and his infinite need to test anyone and everyone!
Well, this certainly wasn't the time to question anyone's loyalties. You wanted to disclose this particular matter anyway...
"You don't have the money, then?" you questioned Dominika, cocking an eyebrow.
"No, and you don't even need it, so you damn cretins better leave us alone," she spat with such disrespect and malice that even the Balladeer would have been impressed.
"There's no need for such a violent tone-"
"Violent?" Dominika chuckled darkly. "The Fatui are the only true violence Snezhnaya has ever seen."
"Tut-tut," you scolded her. "The Fatui do NOT wish to harm the people, nor will they do so without a reason. If one of us has harmed you just for the sake of being cruel, I shall see myself that they are punished tenfold..."
"However," you looked at the kids, then at back their mother, "ma'am herself is not so innocent either, it seems?"
She threw you a nasty look. "You dare accuse me-"
"Then, does Dominika suggest the money just vanished into thin air?"
"I-I know! I can tell you," the little boy, no older than six, suddenly exclaimed. For their sake, it was better that at least somebody was smart enough to talk.
Guilt flashed in the mother's eyes before she raised her hand in a hasty attempt to silence her child. But before she could, Pantalone had moved swiftly to grab her arm, an ominous smile on his lips.
"Now, now, Dominika..."
Yet, someone was quick to follow their mother's lead. The girl was surely only eleven or so, but the look in her eyes was fierce as she slapped the back of her brother's head.
"Don't forget our promise, Lazár," she reprimanded the boy. "No tattletaling."
"I'm sorry, Liliya..."
You fixed 'Liliya' a warning look, though it quickly softened - the brave yet somehow lost look in her eyes reminded you a bit of yourself. But she desperately needed a reality check. No child should feel the need to cover up their parents' sins...
The girl didn't flinch as you cupped her cheek with your cold hand. This made you smile a bit.
"Liliya, was it? You don't have to protect your mother, you know. What has she done to deserve such devotion?"
Sighing, you turned to her brother.
"Does your mommy have... a lot of Mora?"
"And she uses that Mora to take care of you and your sister? To buy you food, warm clothes and... toys?"
Lazár tilted his head. "Mama gets us bread from the city."
"And what else does she buy?" Dottore asked with a subtle smirk on his lips, clearly in the know of everything relevant but insistent on letting you figure it out yourself.
The boy frowned as he searched for the right words (or wondered whether he should've kept his mouth shut after all).
"...Golden cans! There's nothing inside, though. You have to pay a lot of Mora to get them... Then the misters come, and take those. Liliya says they smell like foreigners - spices and the ocean. Mama gets big bags of Mora from them. But we're not supposed to know, so we don't really... know," he finally finished.
Canned knowledge? All the way in Snezhnaya?
You glanced at the Doctor, but he only gave you an amused look and shook his head, implying that he wasn't involved in this - not this time, at least.
Something still felt off, though.
"Even so, Dominika... your debt equals millions of Mora. It's clear that loan hasn't been used to take care of your family. I'm not judging you for smuggling foreign goods, per se. But then, on my travels I've also become quite familiar with Sumeru's market, and even canned knowledge isn't that expensive."
You sighed, "Well, forbidden knowledge, perhaps. Do enlighten me?"
Dottore broke his. "Marvellous, it seem Y/N truly is as knowledgeable in this particular matter as the Director claimed. I wonder why that is, hm?"
Another story, another time.
"But for what reason does she smuggle, if not to get money to feed her children?" Pantalone smiled.
Liliya had been quiet since earlier. She shrugged and spoke in an emotionless tone, "Mama has different family in a different land. They're important people. Dangerous people. I don't know. That's probably where the Mora goes, too."
"Ah, is that so?" You smiled darkly. What a disloyal woman.
The girl hesitated. "For them, she... runs all kinds of errands. But that money, too, just goes... poof."
Pantalone nodded. "Yes, Dominika here is quite the magician~"
Dottore clicked his tongue. "I suppose you would know."
"Let's try to behave ourselves..."
But really, the issue at hand was practically clear by now.
Smiling at the kids, you patted their heads and gave them two apples from under your cloak.
"Here, have some snacks as a 'thank you'... Liliya, take your brother to play outside for a bit, okay?"
Liliya just shrugged nonchalantly, taking Lazár's hand and leading him out of the cabin.
It was quiet for a while.
You stared at Dominika with a frown.
Dottore and Pantalone smiled ominously.
"You're a Snezhnayan," you pointed out, "yet your own kin is worth this little to you?"
The woman shrugged. "I do what I know I have the right to. There's nothing unholy about that."
"What about your children?"
"I never asked for them. Their father was a wretch. Hasn't my world, my Snezhnaya, already been cruel enough to me? And only a fool would to go out of their way to selflessly take care of children that life is going to treat unkindly regardless." She smiled darkly. "Plenty of people in this cold land have been on their own since childhood. I know I was, yet here I am, because I learned to survive."
Again, you could only judge a person so far.
You nodded. "I see. I'm not a saint, either. I... was not loved by my parents, either. I'm not sure if I can love like that, either."
"However," you paused for a bit, gazing out of the window at Liliya and Lazár who were busy building a snowman, "as someone who serves the Archon of Love, there is one sin I cannot overlook... a parent forsaking their child."
A wistful smile curved your lips, "For as much as Liliya and Lazár are your children, they are the Tsaritsa's children as well. And she loves all her children fiercely~"
Dominika was silent. Perhaps because she did not care. Perhaps because she did.
Regardless, the time of her retribution was nigh. And, in the end, it was also for a reason much simpler than the 'crime' of being an unloving mother...
She didn't have Pantalone's money, and that was that.
The Banker walked to stand by your side, softly brushing your cheek with the back of his gloved hand. The rings felt cold, yet the touch was somehow... incredibly warm.
"What does Y/N wish to do with those children, then?"
You smiled.
"The House of the Hearth is no heaven... but it's better for Liliya and Lazár there than out on the streets by themselves. And despite what ignorant people say, Arlecchino is not a monster - I'll personally ask her to look after these two."
And I will look out for them as well, so that they will never have to make the same mistakes I did.
Sudden anger flashed in Dominika's lifeless eyes. She took a quick step forward with her hand raised threateningly. "You witch-"
...I dare you.
But Dottore had already pulled you back a bit, a few centimeters behind him.
You smiled.
"I'm quite capable of protecting myself, Doctor~"
"Quite, but it's her I was shielding. That's a scary gaze you have there, Y/N, and as much as I'd enjoy observing just how violent you can be, Pierro specifically asked us to fetch this woman with all her limbs still attached."
You pouted. " I wasn't going to-" Not too much, at least!
Zandik chuckled, patting your head. "Yes, yes, I believe you~"
The woman didn't speak another word nor struggle when a couple of Fatui agents came in and restrained her - who knows if this was proof of the dignity of a Snezhnayan, or the lack thereof.
Dottore injected her with something that dimmed the last flicker of a flame still glowing in those dull eyes.
You frowned at this.
"Just a mild sedative, don't worry," said the Doctor and you dared not question it further - though you probably should have...
After Dominika was gone, and Liliya and Lazár had been sent on their way to the House of the Hearth, Snezhnaya's sun had reached its zenith.
You stood outside in the snow, a hand shielding your eyes from the cold, pale yellow rays.
Pantalone had since remained inside the cabin with his subordinates, likely discussing the distraint of the property - not that it was worth much anything.
Celestia knows where Dottore had gone...
A hollow ache was left in your chest.
Was it resentment, melancholy, indifference, all of the above, or perhaps something else that you just couldn't admit to feeling - regardless, it was there.
But who would you have shed a tear for? It would've just frozen in this frigid weather anyway.
"Shall we head back, dear?" Pantalone's soft voice came from next to you. Dottore had disappeared and then appeared again, now standing on your other side, humming to himself while resting a hand on your shoulder.
"I think I'll stay behind for a bit. I've got an errand to run nearby." Your voice was devoid of any emotion, faltering ever so slightly.
It wasn't a lie, but at most, a half-truth. You really just wanted some time to clear your head - just a little more to pull yourself together, so that your Harbingers wouldn't discover too big of a crack in your defences.
Being vulnerable was quite scary.
"No, no, that won't do at all." Pantalone looked down at you sternly yet gently. "I couldn't possibly agree to leave our little Y/N here in such a state."
"I'm fine."
"Y/N is very strong, after all."
He leaned closed, his breath fanning across your cheek.
"But I do find there is a certain irresistible charm about strong people who think they need to be tough all the time. It makes their broken parts appear all the more beautiful~"
You frowned. "Um... I-I see. Is that so, huh..."
Dottore sighed, wrapping his outer cloak around yours.
"In any case, Pierro would be quite displeased if we were to tell him that we diligently finished the job, but lost our precious little Harbinger somewhere in Snezhnaya..."
His comment actually made you chuckle a bit, along with the fact that this impossible duo seemed more than ready to (gently) drag you back to the Headquarters if you really tried to stay.
The Doctor suddenly leaned closer, lifting his mask to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. Uncharacteristic, and a bit weird? Well, not really, since it appeared this really was one of his "gentler" segments. What instead stole your attention were those strikingly red eyes...
It was the first time you'd seen his face fully uncovered.
You didn't know how to feel about that. You didn't know how too feel about a lot things these days.
And, maybe... that was okay.
"Shall we go home, then?" The Doctor held your hand.
"Little Harbinger?~" Pantalone also held your hand.
You smiled. 'Home' was perhaps not the right term. Not yet, at least. But in that moment, it didn't really matter. Sometimes just trusting someone, even if not completely, was enough.
And so...
"Mm, let's go home~"
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itgetsdark-x · 2 years
I Wanna See You Beggin’ (Part 4)
Summary: Joel Miller is your dad’s best friend, you knew it was wrong, you knew it would only cause trouble but you couldn’t help the way you ached for the man. (Part One | Part Two | Part Three)
Disclaimers: (Title is from I Hate Myself for Loving You — Joan Jett & The Blackhearts), I do not own any of these characters / people but I did write these words, I don’t give permission for this to be copied anywhere else 😌
Characters: dbf!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni, pls), unprotected p in v (pls be responsible and wrap before u tap), mild violence / swearing / general angst, age gap (reader mid twenties, Joel would be late 40s), no outbreak in this au.
A/N: woweeee, I am still blown away by the interest in my dumb writing! thank you for all the reblogs / likes / comments and thank you for your patience whilst I got my act together and wrote this fourth part! I feel like it sucks, if it does, I’m so sorry! I think I have one more part in me, with this series which would include a small time jump to finish it off. if people are interested, I will definitely write it. enjoy and I hope it makes y’all happy, finally hehehe. love u all <3
“Y/N?” Your dad called louder this time and you slapped Joel as you jolted awake, your fist hit his chest and he spluttered as he awoke from his deep sleep. 
“Fuck, shit. Fuck. Joel, get up, get the fuck up and get dressed.” You hissed and Joel sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You immediately went into action and pulled your pyjamas on hastily, your shirt was inside out and you almost fell over as you stumbled down your stairs to answer the front door. 
“M-morning dad, you woke me up.” You mumbled, your voice panicked. “What’re you doing here, are you okay?” You lied as he entered your hallway. 
You could sense it, your dad was pissed, he rarely ever got angry but whenever he did, you knew it immediately. 
“Well uh, I went to Joel’s house to pick him up but it was weird, his truck wasn’t on his drive nor was he actually home. I shrugged it off and assumed it was just ‘cause he went to site by himself so imagine my surprise, sweet pea, when I drive past here and see his truck parked up out the front of your house.” Your dad spoke and you could feel the annoyance, his eyes were scanning the area, looking behind you to see if he could spot Joel. “You wanna tell me why it is exactly that his truck is out front?” 
“Look, I, um. We, uh, fuck.” You cursed and your cheeks flushed a deep red as you shifted awkwardly on the spot, your brain not moving nearly fast enough to come up with a convincing lie.
“Just… Where is he?” Your dad asked and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. 
“M-my bedroom…” You answered quietly. “B-but it’s not what you think!” You called after your dad as he didn’t hesitate to climb your stairs quickly. 
“Miller,” Your dad barked and your stomach flipped, you felt sweaty and sick. “What. The. Fuck have you been doin’ with my little girl?” He shouted and slammed your bedroom door open, you followed your dad and tried to grab his arm back and take him downstairs. “Get downstairs, right now.” Your dad hissed at you. 
Joel was stood in your bedroom, he had pulled his boxers and shirt on and was just trying to button up his jeans. It was clear as day; entirely evident what had been happening here; it was written over both of your faces and the fact Joel’s shirt and jeans were unbuttoned only supplied further, concrete proof to your dad. 
You dad lurched at Joel, his forearm pinned the older male against the wall as he pushed his arm across Joel’s chest and without thinking for another second, your dad planted a hard punch to Joel’s face. You heard a sickening crunch and you winced before you leapt into the room and tried to peel your dad’s frame off of Joel’s. 
“I told you to fucking go downstairs. Go.” Your dad barked and you flinched away from him, that seemed to soften your dad’s eyes ever so slightly but the rage soon built once again as Joel spoke. 
“I’m sorry, bud. It’s not what you think. I haven’t been preying on her, I care about her. A lot.” Joel spoke, trying to calm your father down. “Can we please sit down and talk about this?”
“So you haven’t been fucking her then?” Your dad spat and it made the guilt in your stomach bubble ferociously. 
“Dad.” You whispered. “I’m a woman, I can choose whom I have relationships with. You don’t get to decide that.” Your voice shook as you looked at Joel, you wanted to take him into your arms and stroke his hair, just do anything to soothe him. He dabbed at his nose with his sleeve as blood soaked it and your stomach turned again. 
“So you decide to fuck my best friend, a man older than your own father? Like a cheap whore.” He spat at you and you felt tears prick your eyes before they fell silently down your cheeks. 
Joel pushed your father off him, whilst he was turned to look at you and he grunted with the effort. 
“You don’t get to speak to her like that.” Joel shouted, squaring his large shoulder up to your dad. 
Your dad laughed, it was dark and fuelled by anger. “Yeah, well, you don’t get to tell me how to do shit. You’ve lost that privilege.” 
“I know you’re upset, dad and I’m really sorry, I didn’t want this to happen, not like this… b-but, but I really like Joel.” You spoke quietly as you steadied your panicked breathing. 
Joel looked at you with a soft smile as he mopped up the last of his blood that was staining his moustache. His eyes were soft as he looked at you and he felt such pride that you would even stick up for him to your dad. He knew your dad’s anger was justified which is why it was hard to argue his case. 
“Look, I’ll take the day off work, I’ll go home and then maybe you could both come over this evening and we could talk about this, calmly. I know you’re angry, and trust me, I would be too. I am sorry you found out this way but I’m not sorry for this happening.” Joel’s voice was edged with coldness but he remained calm as he spoke to your dad. 
“You can take everyday off, ‘bud’. You’re fired, so if I see your face around any of the sites, you’ll be a dead man. You had a kid, you should understand how fucked up this is. Maybe it’s for the best your daughter isn’t around.” You dad said heartlessly. 
“Dad!” You gasped disappointedly. 
Joel winced at your dad’s words and they cut deeper than any punch could. 
“We will speak later. I’m sorry for yelling at you, sweet pea. It’s not your fault, he took advantage, you’re just a kid.” You dad whispered and he went to give you a kiss on the cheek but you flinched away from his touch. 
“I’m a woman, I’m closer to thirty than I am to twenty, dad. I’m a fully grown woman. I’m sorry you found out this way but we’ll only be speaking if you’ll sit down with the two of us. Understand?” Your voice wobbled as you spoke and soon the tears were falling down your cheeks yet again. 
Your dad threw his hands up in defeat and walked out of your room silently, the thick atmosphere of your room was shattered when the front door closed and you jumped. 
The way your dad acted was entirely out of character, he usually never so much as raised his voice at anyone and especially not at you. He wasn’t an aggressive man, so the way he reacted truly shook you to your core.
“Joel,” you cried and went to hold his arm but he avoided your touch. “Joel please,” your voice was coming out as wrecked cries. “Please don’t shut me out, don’t let him get into your head like that. I’m sorry for what he said. He’s just angry and he didn’t think. I’m sorry.” You sobbed further and fell to your knees dramatically, you brought your arms around yourself and cried. 
“Peach,” Joel whispered, his voice shaking also. You looked up at him and his eyes were blurry with tears and it only broke you further. “Your dad is right, I’ve been taking advantage and maybe we didn’t realise because we were blinded with the pure pleasure of it all.” He spoke and he knelt down to look you in the eyes. 
You shook your head and wiped your eyes roughly to clear your vision. “N-no!” You shouted. “You don’t get to fuck me and then tell me you’re taking advantage.” You shouted and weakly punched at Joel’s arms in frustration. “You don’t get to do that.”
He winced as you took your frustrations out on him but he took it all. “I care about you, peach, a lot but… this is my life, I need that job.” He sighed as he took your flailing hands to hold them steady. 
You tried to pull away from his grip with a whine of frustration as he only held you tighter. “Go then.” You stated coldly, tears still falling down your cheeks as you wiped them away in vein. “If the job means that much to you, go. Go apologise to my dad for ‘taking advantage’ of me, go tell him it was the wrong thing to do even though we both know that it’s a lie.” You cried, openly and blatantly now, you let the tears fall as your voice shook with effort. 
Joel enveloped you in his arms, his hand stroked through your hair and he shushed you softly. “Baby girl, it’s okay.” He whispered into the top of your head and he closed his eyes. “It’s not as simple as that. I really care about you and fuck it, I guess part of me didn’t want to admit it, especially not this early on but clearly, I love you. I’ve cared about you for years, I just didn’t understand to what capacity. It’s just… I can’t let this ruin my life, or yours for that matter… If your dad says anything to anyone… I’ll be a wanted man, people will be furious with me.” He sighed. 
His words cut through you like a hot knife through butter and it only seemed to make things worse. “I’m a woman!” You cried quietly, wiping your eyes again to try and clear them. “Why doesn’t anyone understand that? I’m a fully legal and consenting woman! I pay taxes!!” You laughed through a cry which caused Joel to chuckle above you. 
“We knew we were crossing a very strong line when we slept together last Friday, we knew it would cause issues but we did it anyway. And I’m glad we did… it’s just, I think I need to go home and think about this all. You should think too, if we decide to pursue this further it might mean your old man won’t speak to you again…” Joel spoke quietly and released you from his arms. 
“I —“ Your voice cracked and you took a deep, calming breath in to try to resume some composure. “I don’t need to think about this, Joel. I’ve wanted you for months, if not years, it’s actually kind of embarrassing. Sure, a lot of that lies in lust for you but I want you completely, I want to be yours. I- I want a future with you.” You mumbled the last part of your sentence. 
Joel cringed internally at your words; it made his heart swell at your kindness, your sincerity in wanting a future with him but he couldn’t help but cringe at the fact you would give everything up for him. He didn’t feel worthy of it. He felt like a complete screw up. 
“Peach,” his voice shook as you looked into his big, sad brown eyes. “You need your dad, he needs you, you know this. I can’t, I mean, I won’t let you throw that away on me.” He said sadly and slumped his back against the wall, creating some space between you both. 
“Joel,” you said sternly. “If my father can’t get over this, then that is on him. He should care more for my happiness than the awkwardness of the situation. I understand that it’s a difficult thing for him but on our one date we have been on, you treated me so much better than any guy my age. You’re a gentleman, you’ve been nothing short of that.” You finalised. 
“That’s sweet of you, baby girl. It is but, you need to be sure of this. It’ll get a whole lot more ugly before it gets better.” Joel sighed. 
You pinched at the bridge of your nose, closed your eyes and sighed frustratedly. “God, I just don’t understand why it effects him so much?! You’ve known me for years, you wouldn’t hurt me! Surely that’s better than some stupid fuck boy my age just looking for a quick fuck and chuck.” You grumbled and Joel couldn’t help but laugh. 
You shot a warning glare in his direction and he bit back another laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He laughed and threw his hands up in surrender. “It’s just… You’re adorable when you’re grumpy. It’s not the time but, you’re just so cute.” He smiled. 
“Shut up.” You grumbled and rolled your eyes. “We need to get you cleaned up, I’m gonna text my boss and tell him I’m taking the day off. I’m a mess and I couldn’t think of anything worse than client calls today.” You stood from the floor and wiped your face with your hands. “Go get in the shower, I’ll grab a towel for you and bring it in.” You held your hand out for Joel to take, he took it gently and pulled himself to his feet. 
You didn’t release his hand, instead you reached up to cup the side of his face so you could place a chaste kiss to his lip, the faint metallic tang of blood lingered on your lips and you sighed softly. 
“Joel, for what it’s worth, I’m glad he found out about us. It’s taken the pressure off of it and now, we can work on winning him over.” You said softly and looked into his soft eyes, you could see the tiredness and sadness hiding in his deep irises. 
“I am too, peach. I’m sorry for how he shouted at you though, you don’t deserve that. Not now, not ever.” He concluded and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Come join me in the shower?” He asked with a boyish smile. 
“Give me five minutes to call my boss and I’ll be right there. Go warm the water up for me.” You smiled and pushed him towards the bathroom. 
That’s exactly what you did, you phoned your boss and explained you weren’t feeling great and needed the day off, thankfully, he didn’t ask too many questions and was pretty forgiving. Once that was taken care of, you grabbed a couple fresh towels from the laundry closet and headed to your bathroom; you smiled to yourself as you heard Joel hum lowly and saw steam spilling from the room. 
There he was, in all his rough perfection, all strong lines and a light frown settled into his features. He had his head tipped back into the hot stream of water and the hot water cascaded down his body like a river. Your breath caught in your throat slightly as you watched him and it hit you all at once, like a brick, you had such strong feelings for this man and finally, you were allowing yourself to feel them all at once. Your shoulder was leant up against the doorframe when Joel finally tilted his head back up and opened his eyes to see you watching him. 
“Didn’t realise you were such a peeping Tom, darlin’.” He huffed out a chuckle as he cleared the water from his face with his hands. 
“Just admiring you, s’all.” You smiled. “You’re pretty damned handsome, Joel Miller.” 
“And you,” he held a hand out to you, ushering you forward. “Peach, are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart fluttered at his words and once again, a blush settled high in your cheeks. He had such a physical effect on you with his tender words. You took a step towards the bathtub and smiled at him. 
“Are you trying to have sex with me again, Miller?” You asked with a soft smirk. 
“Maybe. Maybe not.” He shrugged. “But get in here with me anyway.” Joel grinned before holding his nose when the pain rippled through his face. 
You undressed from your pyjamas and stepped into the bathtub with Joel, he made room for you and allowed you to have the direct stream of water to flow over you. You sighed happily as the hot water washed away all the tension in your body. 
You held onto Joel’s arm tightly as you went onto your tiptoes to inspect his face further, your delicate fingers held his chin as you rotated his head to get a full view of his features. 
“Do you think it’s broken? Do I need to take you to the ER?” You asked worriedly. 
Joel shook his head. “Nah, not broken or anything darlin’, just really fucking sore. I’ve broken my nose before and it was a lot worse. It’ll be fine.” He dismissed with a weak smile. 
“I’m sorry,” you sighed and stroked Joel’s arm. 
He shook his head at you, “Please stop apologisin’, wasn’t your fault.”
You reached behind you and grabbed the shampoo off of the shelf in your shower. “Let me wash your hair.” You smiled at him and began to lather the fruit-scented liquid into his salt and pepper hair. 
Joel hummed in appreciation and dipped his head down so you had better access; your finger nails gently scratched at his scalp and he let out a soft groan. You smiled as you washed Joel’s hair, it felt so domesticated and natural. 
“Got a few new grey hairs here.” You teased as you took the shower head and directed the stream of water to his head. 
“Do not!” He grumbled which caused you to laugh again. 
You finished washing his hair and Joel switched your positions so he could return the favour, his rough fingers massaged your scalp before he let his fingers drop lower to massage your tense neck and shoulders. Your back was turned to the older male as his fingers worked the tight knots in your muscles loose. You hummed as your body relaxed further and Joel dipped his head down to pepper soft kisses to your neck. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Joel whispered as he kissed your neck and shoulder; you could feel his body pressed to yours, his cock hardening with each kiss he pressed to your soft skin. 
“Shut up.” You giggled affectionately; Joel nipped at your skin in response which caused you to yelp quietly. 
“Manners.” He reminded you as his hands worked their way down your body. 
His hands landed on your breasts, he gave the flesh of them a testing squeeze and let his fingers tweak your nipples softly. 
“God, I want you just as bad as the first time.” He hummed into your neck, his fingers twisting the delicate buds of your hardening nipples. 
You made a soft noise of appreciation, your ass pressed against Joel harder and you wiggled your hips for him. Joel’s hands slid down your torso before sliding behind you to cup your ass, he spread your cheeks and gripped at the flesh tightly, you leant forward slightly to give the male more access. 
He made a guttural noise behind you and let his cock slide between your folds which cause you to let out a breathy moan. 
“How about I take your mind off this mornin’, fuck the stress right out of your little cunt.” Joel whispered, his gruff voice almost being drowned out by the water running. 
You nodded meekly, your stomach knotting with the anticipation of being filled by the older male once again; it felt like no matter how many times you had him, you were always left wanting more. He was intoxicating, worse than any drug out there and it left you hungrier than the last time. 
Joel let out a low, breathy chuckle and passed his cock through your slick folds again. “Please.” You whispered and pressed yourself back, catching the tip of his cock. 
“Okay, pretty girl. No teasin’, not today.” He laughed, taking his length and pressing it to your needy hole. He pushed his hips forward roughly and bottomed out, you gasped out loudly and your hands fell flat onto the tiled walls of your bathroom. Joel held your ass and gave the delicate skin a soft slap, the sound of your wet skin echoed in the room. 
Joel groaned out as he pulled his hips back and snapped them forward once again. “You feel like heaven, wanna stay inside of you forever.” He mumbled, building up a quick pace. 
You moaned into your arm as Joel’s cock worked its way in and out of you, your fingers flexed weakly as they searched for something to grip onto for support. 
“How ‘bout you touch yourself whilst I fuck you?” Joel asked, his voice oozing with just enough condescension to drive you crazy. 
You nodded and let one of your shaky arms drop down your stomach and you let your fingers find your throbbing clit. As soon as your nimble fingers made contact with your sensitive clit, you moaned and clenched around Joel which only seemed to egg him on further. You circled your clit in time with Joel’s thrusts and it didn’t take long for your stomach to bubble with your impending orgasm. 
“G-gonna cum.” You stated, your chest heaving with your heavy breaths. “Please, please let me cum.” You whimpered, knowing Joel loved it when you asked him for permission. 
“Mmm, atta girl. Such a good girl for asking. Cum on my cock before I drain my balls into your tight little hole.” He groaned.
It’s all the permission you needed; Joel’s filthy words lingered in your mind as the obscene sounds of your wet pussy and your bodies slapping together filled the room. Your walls fluttered around the older male, your toes curled and you tried your hardest to keep your balance as the water poured around you. You screwed your eyes shut as you came around the male, his name falling from your wet parted lips. Stars fluttered behind your closed eyelids as you rode out your high, Joel still fucked into you with vigour. 
“Fill me up, please.” You whined to Joel as you clenched around him, the aftershocks of your orgasm still thrumming through your body. 
Joel was there, chasing his high like a crazed man. He held your hips tightly and kept his thrusts deep and quick as he worked himself to his finish. It only took a matter of seconds before he roughly grabbed one of your breasts and finished deep inside of you. You gasped as you felt the hot liquid spurt in you, spilling around Joel’s thick cock as he fucked himself through it. He groaned deeply in your ear and kept your body close to his; he had pulled you up so you were standing upright and his face was buried deeply into your neck. His lips brushed over your ear and his hot breath fanned across your skin, you shuddered as Joel finally pulled himself from within you. You already felt his semen leaking from your spent hole and you whined at the sensation. 
“I’m a ruined woman, you’ve ruined me, Joel Miller.” You laughed dryly, to which Joel kissed the top of your head with a breathy chuckle. 
Once you were cleaned up, you and Joel found yourselves cuddled on your sofa; he had claimed his hoodie back and had slipped his boxers back on, it was a look you quite appreciated as it meant you could stare at his muscular legs. 
You had a blanket wrapped around you, your legs draped over Joel’s lap as you faced the male. “I feel like we should properly speak about this morning… Now that everything has calmed down a little and I’m not crying anymore.” You mumbled, breaking the comfortable quietness in the room. Your tv was on in the background but the volume was low, you were entirely sure what Joel had put on but his attention shifted as soon as you spoke. 
“Yeah, we probably should. I think maybe you should reach out to your old man.” Joel said quietly. 
You opened your mouth to protest and he raised an eyebrow at you, causing the words to quickly die in your mouth. 
“I know. I know you were about to say that he’s the one in the wrong and he needs apologise and yeah, he does, darlin’. He was a nasty piece of work this morning, with the way he spoke to you but you did have sex with me, like we said this morning… we knew we were crossing a line and we let it happen again afterwards.” Joel continued, you listened and nodded slightly. 
“I just… I don’t know what to say to him, I know it was a shock this morning but like, he was a dick!” You protested, dropping your head back onto the arm of your sofa in frustration. 
“I think we need to be a little more understanding, sweet girl. Could you imagine if you walked in on your dad and one of your close friends?” Joel asked. 
“Gross!” You exclaimed with a fake gag. “I guess you’re right though… do you think I should try calling him? I think he would be on his lunch break now?”
“I think it’s a good idea, I could leave and give you some space, if you like?” Joel asked and looked you, your head was still dropped back and he squeezed your leg gently. 
“No!” You called out and lifted your head, your eyes filled with panic. “Please stay, I want you here incase he shouts or something again… I’ll probably cry.” You stated bluntly. 
“As long as you’re sure, peach.” He said softly and stroked the bare skin of your legs. 
You reached over to your coffee table and slid your phone off the edge, you contemplated it for a while before you unlocked your device and pressed your dad’s name to call him. You put it on speakerphone and placed your phone on your chest, your fingers toyed with the blanket as the dial-tones filled the room. 
“Dad,” you started as soon as he picked up. “Hi.” You said weakly. 
“Y/N.” You dad stated. “Is he there with you still?” 
“No,” you lied pathetically before shaking your head at Joel. “I mean, yes. He is, sorry I don’t know why I lied, I panicked.”
“I’ll call you later once he is gone then. I don’t want anything do with that man ever again and you shouldn’t either. Disgusting.” You dad hissed into the receiver, his voice was dropped low and you were thankful he wasn’t throwing Joel’s name around carelessly. You could hear the tiredness in his voice as well, like he was forcing the anger out.
“Daddy, please.” You begged, you rarely ever called your dad that anymore but you were desperate, you felt like a child seeking acceptance and validation again. “Please talk to us. Talk to me. I’m sorry for what happened this morning.” You spoke, your voice cracked part way through your sentence and you cleared your throat.
“Please don’t get upset, princess.” Your dad said softly, and for the first time today, you could hear the love in his voice. “I’m sorry for how I shouted at you this morning, my anger was directed in the wrong place and I’m sorry for what I called you. I’m ashamed of how I acted towards you this morning.”
“And towards Joel.” You said quietly. “Dad, you said it was for the best his daughter isn’t around anymore. Regardless of how upset you were, that was a disgusting cheap shot and I still can’t believe you said it.” You sighed sadly, replaying the scene in your head over and over. 
“I — uh, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said that to him, I’ve been thinking ‘bout it all morning. Is he okay? Are you okay? I’m really sorry you saw me punch him like that as well, I just… I feel like I should have protected you more, I feel like this happened because I let Joel into our lives.” Your dad mumbled. He kept his voice hushed as he whispered the older male’s name. 
“Dad…” you sighed again. “Joel’s not a bad man, he’s one of the best guy’s I know. I was the one who instigated this whole thing. So if you’re gonna blame anyone, please, please blame me. Joel’s not done anything wrong. I’m an adult.”
“I know you and maybe that’s why I reacted the way I did, it’s just. You’re all I have left and it’s not an excuse but I feel like you don’t need me anymore.” Your dad admitted and you heard the wobble in his voice. 
“Please come over to Joel’s tonight, we can all sit down and talk about this properly?” You pleaded. 
“Fine. I’ll be round about 7pm, okay?” Your dad concluded. 
“I love you so much, dad. Thank you.” You whispered. 
“Love you too, sweet pea.” He said softly before the line cut off. 
You let out a deep huff and your head dropped against the arm of sofa again, tears pricked your eyes and you rubbed them roughly to stop the tears from falling. 
“Proud of you.” Joel stated, his fingers rubbing your skin soothingly. “You did so well, you were mature and kind. Perfect manners.” He praised, teasing you about your manners. 
You let out a small laugh, sitting up so you could look at Joel again. His eyes were tired and soft, his fingers continued to soothe you and you sighed contentedly. 
“God, I’m dreading tonight already.” You winced and Joel nodded in agreement. “Gonna have to keep your dirty hands off me, Miller.” You teased, jabbing your toes into his side to tickle him; he grabbed your feet and tickled the bottom of them causing you to let out a squeal. 
“Gonna have to keep your hands off me, more like. Dirty girl.” He teased, still tickling you. 
Joel and you spent the majority of your afternoon on your sofa, watching TV and cuddling up to have a couple of naps. You had got dressed into jeans and a comfy knitted jumper, Joel had pulled his clothes on from the previous night. 
“Stay with me tonight, once your dad is gone? Bring some clothes and stay with me?” Joel asked quietly, feeling nervous to ask you, for some reason. 
“Thought you’d never ask.” You teased with a grin before you grabbed your overnight bag and stuffed your essentials inside of it.
Joel drove you both over to his house, it was around 6pm and you felt your stomach flip with anxiety with every minute that passed. You drew the curtains in the living room, lit the fireplace and even lit a couple of candles that were scattered in the living room. They made you smile as the warm glow flicked in front of you; you had bought these for Joel for Christmas last year, you insisted he needed a feminine touch to his house, especially if he was ‘ever going to get a girlfriend’. You had always felt to bitterly anytime your father brought up that Joel should ‘get back out there and find someone’; looking back on it now, it made you laugh. If only you could have seen what was coming right round the corner for you both. 
“I think we should order Chinese.” Joel stated from the doorway of the living room, causing you to jump slightly. 
“Oh uh, yeah. Sounds good. Dad’s favourite, good tactic, Miller.” You smiled as you wandered over to where Joel was stood. 
“What were you doing in here?” Joel asked suspiciously. 
“Nothin’, just admiring those nice candles.” You teased and wrapped your arms around Joel’s waist so you were hugging his frame. 
“Oh yeah?” Joel asked, smirking. “Some girl got me them saying I needed a feminine touch in my house, or somethin’ like that.” He teased, wrapping his arms around your neck so he could hold you close. 
You hit his side affectionately and rolled your eyes at him, you leant back so you could see his features and he ducked his head down to catch your lips in a kiss. His hand immediately found your cheek, he cupped it tenderly as his lips moved against yours. You smiled into the kiss and swiped your tongue across Joel’s bottom lip silently asking for permission to deepen it. Joel obliged happily, allowing you access to explore his mouth further and he hummed in appreciation as your tongue met his own. You could taste mint on his hot breath as you kissed and you couldn’t stop the quiet moan that escaped your mouth as you kissed. It was a tender moment, his hand held you so softly as you kissed him deeply. 
Finally, you pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath momentarily and his kissed your lips softly once more. 
“You can’t be doing that to me, not when your dad could arrive any moment. We are trying to win him over, I don’t think he’ll be best pleased if he arrived and saw you with your tongue down my throat and my cock hard in my jeans, will he?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
You giggled and shrugged at Joel. “Not my problem if you get hard from me kissing you. Sounds like a you problem, Mr Miller.” You teased and kissed his cheek before leaving the room. 
Joel slapped your ass teasingly as you walked away and you yelped at him, pushing his hand away. You climbed onto one of the stools at his kitchen island and picked up your phone to look at the time. It was 6:40pm and you knew your dad would be arriving imminently. You absently chewed on the side of your thumb and scrolled through your phone to try and distract yourself momentarily. 
“It’ll be fine, peach.” Joel said soothingly, he kissed the top of your head. “I’m gonna have a quick smoke before he arrives.”
“It’ll be fine, Joel.” You mimicked, knowing the man only really smoked when he was drunk, stressed or nervous. 
“Shut up.” He laughed affectionately and grabbed his packet of smokes from near his kitchen door; he let himself out and lit one of his cigarettes. 
You looked at him and you couldn’t help but think back to the morning after it first happened, when you walked down and saw him in nearly the same position then. It was less than a week ago but it felt like a lifetime ago now, it felt as if so much had happened since then. 
You went back to your phone, you opened the camera roll and looked through the images you had taken with Joel last night; you giggled as you scrolled through the stupid faces you pulled. You thumb lingered over the screen as you stared at the image in front of you; it was the one where Joel was kissing your head, your eyes were closed peacefully and you saw the perfect side profile of the older man. It was an image of a seemingly normal couple, you almost didn’t recognise it. Your thumb hovered momentarily over the options before you pressed your screen a couple of times more to set the image as your wallpaper. You locked your phone and touched the screen to see the image illuminated there for you and you grinned at it. 
You were pulled from your phone as the back door, where Joel was, slid open and he stepped inside. He was about to ask if your dad had arrived yet but his words were cut short by the doorbell ringing through the house. You jumped down from the stool, smoothed your jumper and gave a shaky sigh to try and calm yourself. Joel held his hand out for you to take; which you did gratefully and he caught your lips for a quick kiss, just one last stolen moment of bliss before your dad broke it. 
Joel wrapped his arm around your waist protectively as you walked to the front door, he gave you a small squeeze as you opened it and saw your dad stood awkwardly, a pack of beer under one arm and a large bunch of flowers in his other hand. You knew he felt awful for this morning, part of you was glad he recognised his awful behaviour and the other part of you felt guilty for his guilt. 
“For you, sweet pea.” He said softly, pushing the bouquet into your direction you. You smelled the flowers and smiled at your dad, the bouquet contained different wildflowers and he had even made sure there were sweet peas throughout, as it was how he always addressed you. “And uh; Joel, these are for you. They’re the ones we always share.” Your dad said quietly, holding the beers out for him to take. 
Joel took them, ushered your dad inside and smiled at him. “Thank you, bud. Truly.”
“Come on through to the kitchen, dad. I’ll put these in a vase and I’ll get you both a drink.” You said sweetly, kissing your dad’s cheek before going through to the kitchen. 
You looked through Joel’s cupboards frustratedly, looking for anything resembling a vase. 
“You’re not gonna find one, peach. Do I look like the sorta guy that has flowers hanging around?” Joel laughed and you rolled your eyes. 
“Of course you don’t have a fuckin’ vase. A vase, something so simple.” You muttered, settling for a large glass and filling it with water so you could at least keep the flowers hydrated. “Gonna start buying you flowers so you have to get a vase.” You teased, sticking your tongue out at Joel. 
Your dad cleared his throat, feeling awkward as he stood by the kitchen island and you shot him an apologetic look. 
“Beers?” You asked enthusiastically as you tried to clear the air. 
“Beers.” The two men concluded at the same time which caused you to laugh. 
You fetched everyone a drink before you put the remaining beers back into the fridge for your dad and Joel to enjoy. 
“Cheers,” you announced. “To family and friendship.” You offered up, tilting your bottle towards your dad. 
“To love.” Your dad concluded and clinked his bottle to yours before gently tapping Joel’s too. 
“Joel, shall I order some food? Do you maybe wanna go through the living room with dad?” You encouraged to which Joel nodded. “Gonna order Chinese, old man, so I hope you brought your appetite.”
“Sounds perfect, thank you, sweet pea.” Your dad smiled weakly as he followed Joel out of the room. 
Joel sat himself down on his couch and motioned for your dad to take a seat, he did so in the arm chair across from the male. 
“I’m sorry.” They both spoke at the same time, your dad waved a hand in front of his face dismissively and shook his head. “No, Joel, I’m sorry. Y/N is an adult, I just didn’t want to admit that she may not need me anymore. What I said was out of order —“
Joel went to interrupt and your dad gave him a look that told him otherwise. “I was out of order, I shouldn’t have brought up Sarah. It wasn’t fair and it definitely wasn’t nice. I just — I hated the thought of you, of you touching my little girl. I just. It made me feel ill.” Your dad continued, pausing to take a swig of his drink with a grimace. “But it’s not just you… it’s the thought of anyone with my little girl that makes me feel ill, I just need to remember she’s an adult and well, at least she’s with someone I know and trust. Because I do, Joel, I still trust you; only now, I trust that you won’t hurt my girl.” He spoke, his voice was soft but stern. 
Joel nodded, his fingers toyed with the label of his beer bottle and he stared at it intently. “Bud, I wouldn’t hurt her. Not even for a second. And I’m sorry, I am for the way this has gone. I know I’m a lot older than her, and I know I’m your friend and I crossed a line there… I care so much about her, I’m truly lucky she wants to give an old guy like me a chance. I’m sorry.” He all but whispered, his voice shaking with nerves. 
“I know you are.” Your dad offered up, giving his knee a friendly pat. “I don’t love the idea of your relationship, and I would appreciate if you didn’t flaunt it in front of me, at least not whilst I adjust to it but I know you’re sorry, and I forgive you. I uh — I didn’t mean what I said about work this morning, you’re not fired. I couldn’t run this shit without you.” Your dad laughed dryly. “Take the rest of the week off, come back next Monday, once we have both had a bit of time to digest everything.”
“Thank you.” Joel breathed, relief flooding his body as he finally felt his muscles relax into the sofa. “Thank you so much, and for what it’s worth, peach is real’ sorry for how this all happened. I know she’s said it herself but she feels awful, much like I do.”
“I know. It’s messy but we will all get over it in time. Come here.” Your dad said, placing his beer bottle down and standing to bring Joel in for a hug; his hands patted Joel’s back as he held him there. “Sarah was the luckiest girl to have a dad like you, I know it. And my sweet pear will be lucky to have you as her partner, also.” Your dad forced the last part of his sentence out, the words didn’t flow with ease but he did mean them, somewhat. 
The rest of the evening was pleasant, you all sat around eating Chinese and listening to music; much like how your Friday evenings went. The tension had all but dissipated once you all sat down to eat and talk things through. 
It was late, you had placed your head into Joel’s lap and drifted off to sleep; your belly full of Chinese food and a low buzz of alcohol thrummed through your body. You were content and safe. 
Joel stroked through your hair with his fingers, his eyes so soft as he looked at you with adoration, your lashes splayed across your soft cheeks and he held your hand with his free one. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” Your dad announced, a little awkward. Joel was about to get up, to wake you up to say bye but your dad shook his head. “Let her sleep, I’ll send her a message tomorrow morning. Thank you for tonight, truly. I’m sorry for this morning. You’re a good guy, Joel Miller.” Your dad whispered, he patted Joel’s shoulder and Joel closed his eyes at your dad’s kind words of acceptance. He didn’t feel like a good guy, especially not after this morning but he was so thankful for your dad’s apology. 
Your dad left the house quietly and Joel looked down at the perfect sight of your snoozing in his lap. He gently pried you off to stand before he leant down to lift your sleeping body off of the sofa. He was gentle with you, being mindful to hold your body close as he walked you through the doorway to go upstairs.
“Hmm?” You hummed at the disturbance, your eyes barely fluttering open. 
“Taking you up to bed, sweet girl. Your dad just left, he’ll message you in the mornin’ he said.” Joel whispered, trying to keep you from waking up fully. 
“Oh.” You yawned before nuzzling your face into Joel’s neck, searching for warmth. “Hmm. I love you.” You mumbled incoherently, not really registering what had been said. 
Joel paused for a second, taking in your words, he bit back a smile and kissed your head. “My sweet girl, love you more.” He chuckled lowly, you made a small noise in your sleep and with that Joel laid you down on his bed. 
He took your jeans off of you and your jumper before redressing you in the pyjamas you had brought over. He stripped himself down to his boxers and climbed into the space next to you; he brought your sleeping frame closer and held you tightly as he let his own slumber pull him in. 
Taglist: @jksprincess10 @joelmill3r @the-blue-banshee @silkiers @martiansodas-blog @bigmoodyjoody @daddysuperduperlonglegs @not-a-unique-snowflake89 @powergirlsupremacy @weddingfairy @zarakirbyy @available-ostrich @queerly-anxious @seeyoutomaura @hazehepburn @moonfllowerr @butts4sale @st4rb0y27 @mrsyixingunicorn10 @dojacatswink @readerfanfichere @pintsizedsunshine @sivulele @deanwinchesterscumrag @jessie-skywalker @tayymiller @namedafteramovie @wisedeanwagoncroissant @dirtysadnessfillmeup @sashathephoenix @lunxramour @here4thespice @kyuupidwrites @hangmans-girl @hellowhoisthisidk @sxngria @completelyoverit @xuniverseofbeachesx @bisexualdolphinthings @follivora @mildloser @ashh1211 @starblogsalot @your-not-invisible-to-me @wreckdwolf @cant-shake-this-feeling-off @tiredandreadytogohome
Taglist Notes: If anyone wants tags removing for the last part, please let me know! Subsequently, if people want to be tagged in the last (?) part, also please let me know! Names strikedthrough are users that couldn’t be tagged properly, if I missed you, please know it isn’t intentional at all!!! <3
683 notes · View notes
pr0wlerpunk · 1 year
Title: Trust Me.
Person: Roman reigns
Requested: |Yes|No|(part 2 was yes)
Part 1. Part. 3
★Trust Masterlist
Warnings: manipulation, obsessiveness, dark!Themes, surprised ambush(only mentioned but not written as a scene), yelling, slight!abuse(a hand gets raised as if to slap but never happens and reader gets choked by Roman), angst, cussing,
description: it’s been a week after Roman said he trusted you and things are starting to go down hill..
Pairings: Romantic!roman x reader, slight!romantic!Jey x reader, slight!romantic!Jimmy x reader, slight!romantic!solo x reader, also includes a very friendly Paul heyman
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Pic creds: WWE
(Pics have nothing to do with story 😋)
A/n: you’ve read the warnings so please if they make you uncomfortable do not read.
Choking will be marked with a “☹︎“ and will end at “☻︎“
Not proof read!
Roman was pissed, all he could see was red when he heard what happened, more importantly what you did
After he talked to you and poured his heart out you had gone and betrayed him
How dare you
He had got word from someone that they saw you with Sami and ko laughing and having a good time
At first he didn’t believe them
Then he saw the picture
Ko and Sami on both sides of you laughing and smiling
Oh was he furious
But from some talking with his cousins he was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and actually let you explain
That was until Jey and Jimmy got ambushed by Sami and ko themselves
Now he was livid
As soon as they got back he made solo go find you
Which is where you’re at now
Sitting in front of Roman as he quietly glared at you…
“___ do you know why I had solo bring you here?”
His tone was different then what he ever used before making you slightly uncomfortable
“No Roman, I don’t…”
You answered honestly confusion lacing your voice
“Wiseman, show her the picture”
Paul was quick to walk towards you with his phone in hand
Handing the phone to you as he quickly walked back to his original spot
You eyed the picture seeing nothing wrong with it
about to open your mouth Roman spoke
“Don’t say anything.” His tone was demanding making you shiver as you quickly shut your mouth
“Boys, come.”
watching as Jey and Jimmy stepped up until they were in front of you heads both turned down as they looked to Roman for further instruction
Roman nodded and finally they raised their heads looking everywhere but you
You couldn’t help the soft gasp that left your lips as you caught a glimpse of their faces
“Look at them ___ look at what you did..”
Your brows netted together hearing what Roman was accusing you of
But your attention was still set on the twins
They had busted lips, with bruises forming on their jaws as small cuts littered alongside their noses
“Jey, Jimmy” your voice shaky as they both locked eyes with you
“What-what happened?” You went to get up but the look solo gave you had you glued to your seat
“Who did this?”
Your voice shaky as you tried racking your brain for who had the balls to try and hurt two vital members of the bloodline
Roman stared at you in disbelief
“Who do you think did this ___ ?”
His tone was way darker than before, almost as if he was trying to intimidate you..
“Roman I-I don’t understand”
You could sense him getting angrier and it honestly scared you
His abrupt yelling startled not only you but everyone else in the room besides solo
“I brought you into my family, I cared for you, I Trusted you.”
His palms abruptly slapping into the arms of the leather chair he was sitting in created a loud noise that echoed throughout the room making you jump slightly
“And this is how you repay me?”
He stood Making his way towards you as You looked away feeling tears prick your eyes
“Look at me”
You felt his presence in front of you but yet you still refused to look at him
Afraid that if you did you wouldn’t hold back
But He was growing impatient at your disobedience
“I said, Look. At. Me”
Slowly you turned facing him and you swear your heart stopped
He looked so intimidating
And it scared the living fuck out of you
He bent down to your level leaving almost no room between you two
“Answer me ___”
His voice gruff as his hand ran slightly along your shoulder to your jaw
He waited
And then he snapped
He rose to his feet pulling you with him as he hand gripped your throat
You heard Paul gasp as you were lifted off your feet by Roman’s large hand
Tears fell freely as you clawed at his hand to try and let you slightly free, but it wasn’t working and you were loosing air fast
Ears ringing as your vision began to blur
Still you could slightly hear Jey yelling at Roman to let you go as Jimmy started pulling and grabbing at him
It wasn’t until Jey said something that snapped him out of his trance that he let you go
Solo was quick to walk over and check on your choking form as you regained air into your lungs
Once you could breath again you stood with the help of solo and turned to watch Jey and Roman
Who now was yelling and shoving each other around with Jimmy trying to talk them both down
It want until Roman raised his hand towards Jey that you broke from Solo’s arms to step in
“Roman Please!” He stopped lowering his hand to glare at you
Taking a breath you finally explained
“The picture, it was three years ago..”
His eyes softened slightly but his glare never faltered
You looked towards Paul and gestured for him to give you the phone
With shaky hands he handed it to you
“Look at the picture again,look at my gear” Roman tour his eyes away from you to finally look at the phone once again
“That’s my rookie gear Roman”
Finally his eyes softened as he looked at you
He could see the yellow and purple marks in the form of fingerprints start to form around your neck
Where He grabbed you.
Then it hit him
He had put his hands on you
He hurt you
And he broke
Brows furrowed as Tears fell down his cheeks
“Oh babygirl”
Hearing his voice crack made your heart break
“I’m so sorry”
You shook your head
“I should’ve never grabbed you like that”
He was so genuine you knew he felt bad
“You have to believe me when I say I didn’t mean it”
He pleaded
“Please Trust Me and know I will never do it again”
It was silent until you took his hands in yours smiling softly..
“I know Roman, I forgive you”
A wide smile graced his lips hearing those words come out your mouth
“It was an accident it’s ok”
He nodded agreeing with you
“I Trust You”
Hearing those words he quickly brought you into a hug
“Oh thank you baby!”
He pulled back slightly and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before pulling back again to look you in the eyes this time
I’ll make it up to you princess, I promise”
He watched as you smiled before burying your head into his neck as he placed his chin on your head…
The three brothers stood confused at what just a cured
How could you take Roman back after he literally choked you…
Then they realized.
You were Hooked
Roman had built up enough trust with you so you wouldn’t runaway
Roman knew if you were to runaway you would be a liability, you knew too much…
Now They stared at you and Roman with one shared thought
How do they get you to trust them the same as you trusted their cousin?
Taglist: @eddiems-whore @le-le-lea @slasherswh0reeee @lolsimmaho @mostlikelythedevil @nikotokitaswife @christinabae @janesakainoa @jeyusos-girl @niknakbucks92 @harlem11680 @pinkwithhearts @bandkiddo @itsmaybaby @blackwomenluxurylifestyle @thesamoanqueen @mohawkmama @visi0naryyy
In red=can not tag
Please message me to be added or taken off the taglist😋
(I honestly don’t know if I liked this because of how harsh it gets so next part won’t be so harsh I promise!)
(Also what do you guys think Jey said to Roman?)
410 notes · View notes
minhosimthings · 1 year
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Call him up. He comes to my bedroom. Ended up we'd fuck on the hotel floor.
Summary: you, Jay, fucking after an award show
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, MINORS DNI, Oral (recieving), some comfort from husband material Jay
A/N: ALRIGHT! First smut work! I definitely need to improve a lot but here you go my babygirls. Also first Jay drabble! YAY! im taking a break from my work and writing whenever I'm at work and just staring at fishies.
Song rec: A&W by Lana del Rey. Yes the title is a lyric from that song. My favourite lyric!
"You wanted to see me baby?" Jay Park. Can anyone in this world get more luckier that you to get Jay fucking Park.
Award shows were boring, but when you had Jay beside you, it made it worth it, for you to stare at that slightly open white shirt with that watch that you gifted him, wrapped around his pretty little wrist. Yet again, L/N Y/N had won another award for best producer of the year. Some more of these and your house will end up becoming a store for selling 'Best producer' awards. Jay's group Enhypen had won 'Best boy band of the year' award this time and you were so proud of him. If not for the slight hiccup.
Being a producer, your ears were probably the most sensitive shit on earth, which enabled you to hear far more further than most people can (I actually have this ability and it's really cool!). Which in turn allows you to eavesdrop easily. But sometimes the eavesdropping isn't always the most comforting thing on this world, and as you heard your fellow producers smoke in the bathroom stalls and say 'She just got that award because she's Jay's girlfriend.' and 'He's so delicious though. Why did he pick that ugly bitch of a whore?'. You weren't really the type of person to cry or feel insecure, I mean after all you were in the kpop industry. Someone was always prettier or more talented than you. But hey, you were raised by some pretty good people, who taught you not to let jealousy take over you. But sometimes even saints abandon their principles in time of desperation. And for you? Your co workers shit talking about you was the time of desperation. You knew being in a relationship in this industry and letting it be public was a risk. But for Jay? Oh honey you'd risk the entire universe to be with him.
"Honey what's wrong? Hey are you crying?" Jay had walked into your hotel room, after you sent a staff member to get him. The afterparty was in the same hotel and you knew Jay would be with the rest of the boys, enjoying, drinking and critiquing every person's outfit. But you just couldn't go and stand there and give fake smiles to your coworkers, and pretend that everything was okay. You needed your boyfriend right now. And Jay would do anything for you, even abandon a party to come up to your magnificent suite. "Baby what's wrong?" Jay sat down on the bed next to you and cupped your cheeks. "You weren't at the party. I brought some food for you." Hearing that only made you sob harder onto your custom made red Prada dress, a gift from the worried man sitting in front of you, wondering silently what he could do to make you feel better as he stroked your hair and put your head against his chest.
"Shh baby shh. What happened?" "I- I heard them s-saying- Jay they think I- don't have- Jay." You sniffled in Jay's chest as he quickly understood what had happened. He had seen your coworkers giggling and approaching him again and again at the party and connecting the dots, it made perfect sense. Tracing the jewels on your dress with one hand and slightly taking off his tie with his other, Jay moved you to the pillow slowly, whilst admiring your figure in that dress. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to you or see you up close since both of you were seated at different places, far from each other, neither did he have the chance to see you before the show, so when his eyes fell upon the tightly fit fabric on your hips, oh god his entire world came crashing down.
"Jay wha- what are you doi-" "Baby where do you keep the condoms?" You shuddered back as Jay slowly cane above you. "I- I'm on the pill." Jay slowly unzipped your dress, sneaking his hand behind you as you moved your hand to his collar. "Good" he growled against your ear. "You'll see what you're capable of tonight."
"Jay~" you whine as he grinds against your figure, the fabric of your dress slowly getting destroyed and ripped off of your body. You were quick to unbutton his white silk shirt, your gift, and unbutton his pants, throwing away the belt onto the bedside table. Jay moaned lowly as he inhaled the scent of your jasmine perfume, his favourite one. "Shit baby were you always this wet for him?" He teased you as you could do nothing but only whine in response. "Jay ah fuck!" He had slipped his fingers into your cunt, rings still on. The metal of the rings rubbed your pussy so hard, pleasure seeping in and out of you. "Is this ok baby? Or does my love need my cock inside?" "Jay ngh ahh fuck!" He slips himself in at an absolutely brutal pace, that your brain goes dumb and your pussy goes wild. This was heaven like you've never seen it. Jay was angry, so angry, and as his hands felt all of your naked skin, and all of your sadness turning into pure pleasure, satisfaction filled him to the brim. "No Jay don't pull out please." You whine to Jay as he slowly goes back. "Patience baby. Patience. I'll make you feel even better yeah? Give me my belt would you?" You were quick to reach out to the bedside table, where the brown leather belt lay, waiting for its turn. Jay slowly got your hands up and tied them to the bedframe with the belt tightly, as all you were capable of doing was whine and moan for him. "Jay please" He chuckled slowly at your desperate words and made his way down to your ripped pink panties. Pressing light kisses to your pussy, Jay took in your ever sweet whimpers and as his tongue darted out ever so often to flick you cute little clit, it drove you crazy, as you begged and begged for his cock again and again. "Aww does my Y/N want her daddy's dick inside of her now?" You whimpered again as he came up to you, face right above yours, hot breath, tinted with the smell of alcohol hitting your face. "Yes d-daddy please I need it please." You whispered to him. "Anything for my princess." He kissed you with his tongue moving around in your mouth, hands touching your clit, making you moan out his name, in the dirtiest way possible.
"Ah deeper Jay go deeper please." "You like that baby? Want me to cum inside of you hm?" The belt tied around your hands was untied now, as you moved your hands to Jay's pretty neck and thrust him into you. Jay sucked on your nipple softly, love and roses filling the huge room. The bed was definitely strong, because at the rate both of you were thrusting into each other, it should have broke. But then again, the hotel you were in wasn't called the best in the country for no reason.
"Wanna get in the shower baby?" Jay finally pulled out and flopped next to you on the bed, both of your hair and makeup, a mess. "Sure baby. Round two there?" You asked him, massaging your legs. Jay, to your dissatisfaction, shook his head. "No baby. Lets get washed up. We got an event tomorrow don't we? Don't want you limping at the event do we?" You pouted slightly as you remembered the Prada event you had tomorrow and as an ambassador, you had to deliver a speech. Yep another round of sex with Jay right now and tomorrow, nothing would be on your brain other than getting your pussy filled with his cum again. "Alright oh great Park Joengsoeng. I got your lavender shampoo. Wanna use that?" You said while getting up from the bed, completely naked. "Of course baby." Jay replied.
Winning an award tonight was good but getting your actual award with Jay was even better, you thought, as you entered the hot shower, Jay caressing your hips and kissing your neck. Yep you can't wait to get married to this man.
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casullcasket · 1 year
Hellsing OC Masterpost
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(Sorry if this post makes zero sense..)
The general premise:
It takes place post-time skip, there is some sort of international threat (still under development) that leads the Hellsing Organization to have to travel to America. However, the US government figures this out and says if they want to continue their investigation without legal persecution they have to work with their own vampire-fighting organization: Morris Co.
The characters of Morris Co are meant to be ‘mirrors’ of those in the Hellsing organization.
Morris Co:
(Since Quincey Morris was shown being dead at one point; I basically just added in ‘he left behind a son’ and made Quincey Morris a widower (which is why he proposed to Lucy))
Morris Co is a very similar organization to Hellsing, dealing with any supernatural threats that threaten the US. It was founded by Quincey Morris, and gained a reputation after he captured and sealed away ‘The Headless Horseman.’ After Quincey’s death assisting Abraham Van Hellsing in capturing Dracula, his son, James Morris, took over the company.
Inspired by the the Hellsing Organization’s idea of using Count Dracula (Alucard) as their own personal weapon, James decides to unseal the monster his father had captured for the same purpose. He coins the name ‘Bishop,’ which the horseman uses from then on.
The present-day head of Morris Co is Elizabeth Morris, the granddaughter of Quincey Morris. The organization works closely with the CIA, and receives large sums of money from the government.
Elizabeth Morris:
As stated before, Elizabeth Morris is the head of Morris Co as Quincey Morris’s ancestor. She uses a regenerator, as well as carries silver throwing knives and a gun with silver bullets on her person for protection.
Unlike Integra, she keeps a much more hospitable and ‘professional’ attitude, dealing with things with a calm demeanor. However, this nice demeanor is simply just courtesy. She cares very little about the civilians she is supposedly trying to protect, but rather cares most about “getting the job done.” She is willing to put her men and civilians lives in danger for the sake of protecting Morris Co’s reputation and continue receiving government funding.
To put in simple terms: Integra seems harsh, but she genuinely wants to protect humanity, and cares for those who work under her. Elizabeth, on the other hand, seems friendly and hospitable actually only cares for profit, and she sees the people who work under her as mere pawns to serve her interests.
Bishop is Morris Co’s ‘Trump Card,’ a willpower vampire that once roamed the west under the title of ‘The Headless Horseman.’ (More notes on how that works in the pic)
Bishop’s backstory follows a similar story to the story of the Headless Horseman, an American Revolutionary War soldier gets his head blown off by a canon in the battlefield. However, all the blood flows to him and he becomes a Willpower Vampire, and his head regenerates ‘wrong’ (like Seras’s arm). He spends many years wandering around the US as an undead legend before being defeated by Quincey Morris. He is sealed away in a locked coffin for many years before James Morris unsealed him. After his release, he takes a slightly different form to better ‘blend in’ with the humans he lives with.
He comes off as a “strong silent type” at a first glance, though over time it becomes more apparent he is under an unspoken ‘do not speak unless spoken too’ rule. This becomes confusing for him when members of Hellsing talk to him semi-casually, or when he sees Seras and Alucard talk to Integra casually.
When he does speak, he talks with a heavy southern accent, uses a lot of contractions/slangs, a kind of opposite way of Alucard’s sort of regal way of talking.
Also, unlike Alucard, he isn’t one to push buttons, and l will back down if Elizabeth (or later Integra) shows any sign of hostility or irritation because his relationship with humans is much more rocky. He will still keep his ‘tough guy’ front by acting like he doesn’t care. For example he’s likely to shrug something off and go “alrighty then” instead of argue his point.
Elizabeth and Bishop don’t have any sort of friendliness between them the way the members of Hellsing do, nor does Bishop really see any honor in what they do because he can see past her friendly front.
He is also much more likely to take bullets for/protect humans, because he sees it as his responsibility to do so. He sees humans in a similar way a farmer sees his livestock, a way that is still ‘below him’ but also has a bit of respect and care to it.
In the same allegory as Alucard = Guarddog, Bishop = sheepdog.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
WIP Wednesday Game
Taken from @kedreeva.
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
file names:
omegaverse nursing
feral omega murder-nanny Jason and pup Damian in the League
Krypton lives and Kara did not sign up for this
Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!
YJ accidental baby acquisition
snippet from "YJ accidental baby acquisition":
"Thank you," Tim says, dropping the swab into the evidence bag. Kenley eyes him sourly for a last long moment, then makes a point of looking at Vic instead. Tim feels distinctly ignored. 
That's definitely not because Kenley's stopped seeing him as a potential threat, he knows, and can't help suspecting it's that they trust Kon more than they don't trust him. 
Or they think Kon's going to be easier to manipulate than the rest of them, given the clone factor, and–
"You're doing good, Kenley," Kon says, giving Kenley another gentle little squeeze. Tim remembers, again, how quickly he had that name to hand. "Want a lollipop or something after this? Gar's probably got some kicking around if Bart doesn't.” 
"Why?" Kenley asks. 
"This is basically your first doctor's appointment," Kon says reasonably. "Lollipops are traditional, right?" 
". . . hm," Kenley says, brow just barely creasing assessingly. 
"Kon, they've never eaten anything in their life and you want to start them off with candy?" Cassie asks, putting her hands on her hips and looking exasperated by the idea. 
"Yeah," Kon replies with a shrug. "Tasting stuff for the first time is really overwhelming, simpler flavors are easier to start with. Not gonna want to order them paneer right now, you know? Maybe get them some of those bottled smoothies to start, actually, on that note. I puked the first couple times I tried eating and I'm pretty sure my teenage stomach was more capable of handling solid food than a kindergarten one is gonna be. Plus sugar tastes good, and Kenley should get to taste something good for their first time." 
"Oh, uh, good idea," Cassie says, blanching slightly. Tim empathizes with the urge to backpedal on saying the wrong thing here. Deeply empathizes. He's not sure it would've even occurred to him to make sure that Kenley's first experience with taste was a positive one or that they might have trouble with solid food right off the bat, himself. 
Kon's "ours" comment is both making more and more sense and also is probably for the best, at this point. 
“What flavor do you wanna try?” Bart asks Kenley, peering curiously at them. “Wonder Girl's favorite is cherry and mine's orange and Robin's is green apple, so you might like one of those or you could try–” 
“Mango,” Kenley says, burying their face in Kon's chest and gripping his jacket again. 
. . . that's Kon's favorite, Tim knows. 
And he'd be a lot less concerned by that choice if Bart had actually mentioned that fact. Especially because mango is a much, much more specific and unusual candy flavor than something like grape or lemon.
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acescorazon · 9 months
Title: Changes
Chapter: 9/?
Rating: M
Word Count: 2972
Chapter Excerpt:
Okay, yeah, he gets it.
“I’m supposed to be an emperor of the sea,” Buggy giggles, “And that’s my ship? That’s what's supposed to incite fear into the Marines? Okay, even I think that’s kind of funny.” He says and when he turns and looks at Mihawk, he’s silent now and just staring at Buggy as he laughs. Did… did I do something wrong, Buggy instantly thinks, sensing a sudden change in the mood. Was… Was he not supposed to laugh along… or…? “Uh, what’s wrong…?” Buggy asks, instantly forcing himself to stop laughing. Maybe… Maybe Mihawk just doesn’t like the sound of his laugh? Mihawk never likes anything Buggy says or does, so maybe that’s it. Maybe it was all fun and games until Buggy actually started to laugh, and now Mihawk’s annoyed by him again.
Mihawk blinks, looking slightly startled for some reason, “Oh, nothing.” He mutters, turning his head away as he reaches for his wine again, “I was just thinking about something…” Oh… Like how Buggy has an annoying laugh that’s super obnoxious. One that makes him want to punch Buggy in the face and regret that he even asked him to this dinner, right? Those kinds of thoughts, right?
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Mihawk’s tent is quiet except for the occasional sound of silverware clanking against metal trays, and Buggy doesn’t think he’s ever had a more awkward dinner before. He sits at the very end of the couch, far away from Mihawk, quietly eating his meal as he continues to wonder why he’s even here. Mihawk greeted him when he first came in, but he’s been completely silent since then. Wasn’t he the one who wanted to talk things out? So, why is he being so quiet now…? Not that Buggy really cares, but still… He thought there’d be a lot more talking going on.
Just as he has that thought, Mihawk clears his throat, “Uh, so how was your day?” He asks, and Buggy glances over at him for a split second before looking away. How was his day…? Who gives a shit? If there’s one thing Buggy hates, it’s a bunch of pointless small talk. Still, he needs to put effort into being Mihawk's friend, whether he likes it or not.
Buggy swallows down a mouthful of his sea king before slowly replying, “...Good…how was yours?” He asks, not saying any more or any less than that.
They exchange brief glances again, and Buggy cracks first, looking back down at his dinner tray a minute later. He’s unsure of what he should even say. Maybe he can talk about tonight’s dinner, but then again, there’s not much to say about it. It’s decent and that’s putting things nicely. Uh, what else could he talk or ask about…? Buggy takes a moment to think, but any potential conversation he could strike up with Mihawk eludes him, which is weird because Buggy has always been good at running his mouth, especially when it comes to things related to himself.
“The weather is nice this evening,” Mihawk states, and Buggy holds back a groan that’s building in his chest. Ugh, Buggy doesn’t want to talk about the boring old weather like a bunch of boring old men. The weather on Emptee Bluffs Island is always the same, warm and sunny, what’s there to talk about?! Still, Buggy nods, “Yeah, there’s a nice breeze tonight.” He replies, and Mihawk hums in response, and after that, the conversation is effectively dead and buried.
Buggy hates this, he's so bored and uncomfortable.
He looks around Mihawk’s tent, and there’s nothing remarkable about it. Mihawk’s been on the island for a couple of months, but he hasn’t bothered to decorate his new home at all. It’s devoid of all personality and basically looks more or less like something akin to a guest bedroom rather than someone’s actual bedroom that they sleep in. Buggy spots a couple of books stacked on Mihawk’s nightstand and his sword is tucked neatly away in a corner, leaning against his dresser, but other than that, the tent is pretty much spotless and empty with only the bed, the couch, and a few other small pieces of furniture in the room.
Mihawk reaches for his glass of red wine on the coffee table in front of the couch, “I asked Crocodile if he wanted to join us earlier.” He states as he grabs his glass and then takes a sip of his wine. As soon as Buggy hears Crocodile’s name, he tenses up. God, is he coming? No, no, he’d never come because he hates Buggy… But what if he does come… is this a trap? Are they going to beat Buggy u–
Mihawk sighs, shaking his head, “I don’t think he’ll be coming, though.” He says, and as soon as he does, Buggy releases a shaky sigh of relief. Oh, thank god, he thinks. He had a hard enough time trying to gather up the courage just to have dinner with Mihawk, he doesn't know if he'd have it in him to have dinner with Crocodile too. "He and I have been fighting a lot recently,” Mihawk mutters quietly, sitting his wine back down, “He’s just too stubborn for his own good.”
Buggy really doesn’t care about Hawkeye and Crocodile’s relationship. If they have a falling out and then disband Cross Guild then it might be the best thing to happen to Buggy yet, but then again, it could always result in Crocodile cruelly selling Buggy off like he said he would. Who’s to say what would happen if Cross Guild actually disbanded but maybe life would be slightly better regardless if it meant that Buggy was finally able to get away from Mihawk and Crocodile.
There is a part of him that’s curious though, and it’s not like he has anything better to talk about at the moment, so in a tiny voice he asks Mihawk to elaborate, “Why are you guys fighting?” He asks, hoping that Mihawk won’t snap at him and call him nosey or something, and then beat him up, “I’m not trying to be nosey or anything, I’m just curious. You guys seemed to be on really good terms until recently…”
Mihawk is quiet for a moment, and Buggy really starts to think that maybe he unintentionally pissed Mihawk off, until said man turns and looks at him again, “Oh, it’s nothing really.” He insists, “I just don’t like how he’s been acting recently… let’s just leave it at that.”
“Yeah, he’s a dick.” Buggy blurts, and a moment later breaks out into a cold sweat. He did not just say that. He did not just say that out loud. Good, god, he did not just say that out loud. He takes a deep breath and slowly peeks over at Mihawk, trying to gauge his reaction. It’s no use though, Mihawk’s face is completely unreadable. “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out, and I… please don’t be mad at me.” He adds quickly.
“He’s not that bad when you get to know him,” Mihawk says slowly, almost cautiously, “I know he might seem like he’s a horrible person, but he has a good side just like you and I.” Okay, sure, Buggy will believe that when he sees it. He wants to scoff and tell Mihawk he’s full of shit, but he doesn’t for obvious reasons. “Crocodile is just extremely hot-headed, I’m afraid, and he often lets his emotions get the best of him.”
Whatever, Buggy thinks, looking down at his tray. He only has a couple of more bites of food left, and he thinks that he’ll just finish it off and tell Mihawk he’s going to leave because he’s tired or something. Things could be going a lot worse, but he still doesn’t want to be here. “His tantrums are funny at times, actually,” Mihawk adds, chuckling quietly. How could Crocodile’s violent outbursts be considered funny little temper tantrums? They’re horrifying, and Buggy’s been on the receiving end of Crocodile’s fury one too many times, so he doesn’t understand what’s so funny about any of this.
Still, Mihawk continues to chuckle to himself, “Like when he saw that new ship.” He says, “He got so mad and red in the face, and it kind of looked like his head was going to explode.” That… That wasn’t funny. Nothing about that day was funny, actually, and Buggy really thought that Crocodile was going to kill him after he saw their flagship.
Oh, to have the courage and strength Mihawk has.
“Yeah…” Buggy mutters quietly, unsure of how he’s even supposed to go about the very topic that gives him such horrible memories. He just kind of wants to forget that it all happened and change the subject to something random, but then Mihawk speaks up again, “You know, now that I think about it, the clown ship is kind of funny.” Huh? He thinks the ship is funny now? Is he drunk? Didn’t he call it hideous? Didn’t he hate it as much as Crocodile did? Why is it funny all of a sudden?
“The idea of three of the most fearsome pirates in the world traveling around in a boat with a giant clown as its figurehead is so ridiculous, it’s funny.” Mihawk says, and as soon as Buggy pictures it, though he still associates the ship with bad memories, he can’t help but chuckle a little. Yeah, okay, yeah, it is funny. The idea of a notorious group of pirates like Cross Guild traveling from island to island on a boat with circus tents and a clown figurehead that looks just like Buggy is kind of funny, and even funnier when you think about how the Marines will still take them as a serious threat even in their ridiculous ship.
Okay, yeah, he gets it.
“I’m supposed to be an emperor of the sea,” Buggy giggles, “And that’s my ship? That’s what's supposed to incite fear into the Marines? Okay, even I think that’s kind of funny.” He says and when he turns and looks at Mihawk, he’s silent now and just staring at Buggy as he laughs. Did… did I do something wrong, Buggy instantly thinks, sensing a sudden change in the mood. Was… Was he not supposed to laugh along… or…? “Uh, what’s wrong…?” Buggy asks, instantly forcing himself to stop laughing. Maybe… Maybe Mihawk just doesn’t like the sound of his laugh? Mihawk never likes anything Buggy says or does, so maybe that’s it. Maybe it was all fun and games until Buggy actually started to laugh, and now Mihawk’s annoyed by him again.
Mihawk blinks, looking slightly startled for some reason, “Oh, nothing.” He mutters, turning his head away as he reaches for his wine again, “I was just thinking about something…” Oh… Like how Buggy has an annoying laugh that’s super obnoxious. One that makes him want to punch Buggy in the face and regret that he even asked him to this dinner, right? Those kinds of thoughts, right? “Anyways, uh, like i said earlier, your men are really improving in battle. I’m actually…. Proud of them.” Proud… Mihawk is proud of Buggy’s men…?
Buggy’s brain takes a minute to process the… compliment? Yes, that was definitely a compliment, and he struggles to figure out if Mihawk’s telling the truth or not. It just seems too good to be true. How can he go from saying Buggy’s men are useless to saying he’s proud of them in such a short time…? “Do you actually mean that… or…?” Buggy asks in a tight, tiny voice. He holds his breath as he waits for Mihawk’s next words.
Mihawk nods his head, “They’re a handful sometimes, but honestly… Being around your men gives me a sort of nostalgic feeling. They remind me of a pair of rowdy kids i spent a couple of years looking after…” He says, smiling slightly. He chuckles again, “It’s been such a long time since i trained anyone, and, honestly, part of me missed it.” Is…Is he being serious right now? “There’s something so satisfying about taking someone under your wing and watching them improve right before your eyes…I don’t know… I just missed it.”
Buggy remains silent for a long moment, and now he’s the one staring at Mihawk, baffled at everything that Mihawk just said to him. He wants to question if everything that Mihawk is saying is true, but he gets the feeling that Mihawk is genuinely opening up to him for once, and he doesn’t know how to feel about that, at least not right now. “Oh, i see.” Buggy nods, “So, you actually enjoy training my crew…”
“I do.” Mihawk confirms, smiling as he does so, “I find their antics… charming at times, actually.” He says and then proceeds to tell Buggy a couple of stories from their training sessions. Buggy was a little skeptical at first, but the more that Buggy listens to Mihawk, the more he feels like maybe he was wrong.
Mihawk's voice is soft and quiet as he rambles on about Buggy's crew, and for the first time all night, Mihawk is actually talking about something Buggy's passionate about. There are two things Buggy likes to talk about: Himself and his children. So naturally as soon as he realizes that Mihawk's being genuine, he starts putting a little more effort into the conversation, sharing his own stories about his men and all their silly little antics, and Mihawk listens with bright, attentive eyes, leaning closer and looking like he actually cares about what Buggy has to say.
It's…weird… Everything's still so weird, but this one little thing puts Buggy's worried mind at rest for the time being and he finds himself relaxing a little. He finishes his meal, and somewhere at the back of his head he knows he's done eating and that he should wrap things up and go to bed, but instead he… He puts his tray on Mihawk's coffee table, continuing to listen to Mihawk as he talks, now about how Buggy's men asked him if he'd like to join them for dinner sometime.
Buggy's men are so cute… he really does love his crew! Who else would have the courage to ask the world's strongest swordsman to a meal? They know damn well what kind of person Mihawk is but they just don't seem to care! They're so fearless, and it makes Buggy proud. He laughs at the thought of his men grabbing a rather confused Mihawk by the arm and leading him to the cafeteria to eat with them and chat his head off.
Cute. They're just so cute and they bring Buggy so much joy and happiness...
Buggy looks up in the middle of his giggle fit only to find Mihawk staring at him again, no this time it looks like he's staring at Buggy's mouth, and he briefly wonders If he has something on his face like sauce his meal, but when he asks Mihawk about it, he shakes his head, replying in a rather nonchalant matter, "No." He tells him, and afterwards, he locks eyes with Buggy, and Buggy's brain scrambles to process the situation. Buggy can't hold his gaze, so he looks back down at his lap … What is he looking at then? Buggy wonders, and at that moment, he has the weirdest thought, but he quickly pushes that idea down because there’s just no way…
His brain briefly considers the possibility that Mihawk was looking at his lips, but there's no way. He doesn't even know why he had an idea like that, actually. It's so weird, and the idea makes Buggy's skin crawl slightly.
Buggy shifts uncomfortably in his seat and in the process, he brushes his knee against Mihawk's. He pauses for a second, trying to figure out when he and Mihawk got so close to each other, surely Buggy wasn't the one who moved, but… the idea of Mihawk inching closer to Buggy of all people is…stupid… it's ridiculous. Maybe they were a lot closer than Buggy thought they originally were. Yeah.
"Um," Buggy says softly, once again finding himself in the same awkward situation as before. He no longer knows what to say, but the silence feels so weird now. "So, uhm, you're really serious about wanting you, me, and Crocodile to start over…?" He asks.
"Even though I'm a pathetic, useless coward?"
"You're not so bad," Mihawk replies, "We're a little different, but I think we can get along for the sake of Cross Guild." Huh? Seriously? "It might take a little while, but maybe after spending some time together we'll come to like each other." The idea of Buggy liking Mihawk is such a bizarre concept, he can't imagine any reality where he actually enjoys Mihawk's company and considers him his friend, still for the sake of his own well being he nods slowly, "Yeah…" he mutters, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, "Yeah, that'd be nice… " he mutters, though he's not sure if he fully believes himself.
"Now that we've talked a little… I actually find you quite charming." Mihawk confesses, and Buggy finds himself smiling at the comment.
In an instant, Buggy grows confused. One, by Mihawk's compliment, and two, by his own reaction. Did Buggy really just… did he really just smile at Mihawk of a people?! Did he really give him a genuine smile and not one of those fake ones he puts on all the time…? Buggy eyes go wide as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on. Oh, this is weirding him out so bad. "Uh, I think I'm going to head back to my room now….uh, I had…fun?" He says, but it sounds more like a question than anything.
"Oh, uh…" Mihawk replies, again looking slightly caught off guard, "Oh. Already?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah…" Buggy nods, "I'm kind of tired…" It's a lie, and not a very good one but that momentarily comfort he felt around Mihawk is gone again, and replaced with a new feeling of confusion and maybe even a hint of embarrassment, but he's not sure why.
"Oh… I understand…" Mihawk chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his head, "Right… it is getting a little late…"
The truth of the matter is, Buggy's pretty sure that it's not even ten o'clock yet, but that doesn't matter. He reaches for his tray on the coffee table, only for Mihawk to stop him, and offer to take it back to the cafeteria for him, and Buggy gives him a sheepish grin, thanking him and then standing up afterward.
Mihawk stands up as soon as Buggy does, "Buggy…" he calls out, and Buggy swears that this is one of the few times Mihawk's actually called him by his name, and he sounds strangely gentle right now, "Uh, let me walk you back to your sleeping quarters."
((A/N: Y'ALL MIND IF I SCREAM. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Thank you. If you squint you can see the exact moment Mihawk starts feeling some type of way about Buggy and OOF.))
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
Let's be one another's present tense
Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Rating: R-ish for now. Warning: Swearing, soft Buggy, sort of terrible communication but in a soft way, both of them are just a bit dumb. Kissing. A/N: This story is opposite of my Kid Buggy series and I love that for myself.
Title comes from “Crater Lake” by Lady Lamb.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 (NC-17) + Chapter 16 (NC-17) + Chapter 17 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @neuvilleteismybby @fluffybunnyu @sinning-23 @the-angriest-angel @ane5e
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Chapter 6
The makeup didn’t work underwater. 
Once you were submerged it didn’t take long before it started running down your face and getting into the water. You immediately resurfaced, coughing and wiping at your face as it burned your eyes. Buggy’s hand was there in a moment with a towel, helping dry your face as he watched from below.
“So, no on the makeup right now?” He asked. You took the towel from him and wiped your face before throwing it back at him.
“Fuck no!” You shot back. “It burns my damn eyes, you asshole!”
“Oh it can’t be that bad!” 
You glared at him as you climbed out of the tank. Cabaji greeted you with a hot cup of tea while Buggy handed you a dry towel. It was that bad. Your eyes hurt because the makeup clearly wasn’t waterproof. At least Buggy had the sense to help you back to the room as you squinted through the discomfort, occasionally holding your tea with one hand while rubbing at your eyes with the other.
“Stop, you’ll make it worse.” He sighed as he had you sit down at the vanity in his room. You kept your eyes shut, resisting the urge to keep rubbing them. Buggy grabbed a clean washcloth and took hold of your head as he wiped at the makeup running down your face. You inhaled sharply at the touch, not realizing he was that close to you. It was just a little… something having your eyes closed while he touched you, but you couldn’t put your finger on what that feeling was.
He took his time cleaning your face of the ruined makeup, eventually getting a cream to help with the last of it. Buggy didn’t say anything as he worked, being mindful of how he put his hands on your face, how gentle he was. He didn’t want to startle you, knowing you were already a little on edge from how the makeup caused you discomfort. He wasn’t going to give up just yet. He would find something that would work. 
“All done.”
You opened your eyes, letting them readjust to the light as you looked up at your captain. He actually wasn’t done, wiping the washcloth over your lips to get the last remnants of the yellow lipstick he had applied. You almost wanted to mention how he should hold off in case he kissed you again, marking you with the red color from his own lips, but you kept quiet, instead leaning into his touch as you had done before.
“You good?” He asked as he moved the washcloth away from your mouth, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip to make sure the last of the color is gone. You wanted to nod but he still had a gentle hold on you, and before you could stop you were pressing your lips to his thumb again, like you had done before, and you saw the way his eyes widened slightly, heard the hitch in his breath as he pressed his thumb down against your lip gently. You repeated the action once again before he pulled his hand away. 
“We’ll try again in a few weeks.” He said quietly as he looked away from you. “I want your eyes to feel better.”
And a few weeks passed pretty quickly. 
Buggy had put the cot away during that time, citing that the unpredictable weather meant a storm could happen at any point, so you had permission to sleep in his bed. And he wasn’t wrong, a few more storms came, but nothing that would have caused you too much discomfort. You didn’t mind sleeping in an actual bed, it was way more comfortable than the cot. You just tried to make sure not to invade his space too much, which was hard because he always managed to invade yours. You fell asleep with him on one side of the bed only to wake up with his arms around you and his hair in your face. It wasn’t a bad way to wake up.
After dinner one night, Cabaji came to your shared bedroom and left a bag with Buggy. You were cautious when the pirate's eyes lit as he took the bag from him. He shut the door and looked at you with a grin. 
“Waterproof makeup delivery.” He chuckled as he dumped the contents on the bed, pawing through it to see what the other pirate picked out. “Oh, bright colors, perfect.”
“Y’know, if we cleaned the tank you could see me.” You pointed out as Buggy gestured for you to sit down. You did so without hesitation, knowing there was no point in fighting him on this. He was insistent on doing your makeup, to find the right look for you when you performed. “You wouldn’t have to do all this. I hate wasting your time.”
He looked up from pawing around the pile of makeup, frowning at you. “It’s not a waste of my time.”
Oh. You were a little taken aback. Did he actually enjoy this? Granted, besides sleeping, it was the only time you two were alone without risk of the crew interrupting you and you… liked it when it was just the two of you. He was a different person when he wasn’t shouting at everyone to be perfect. You liked having Buggy to yourself, and if you had to sit through multiple makeover sessions, then so be it.
He was touching your face before you even realized it, eyeliner pencil in his hand that claimed to be water and smudge proof. You closed your eyes when he told you to, sighing softly as he held your face still. At this point you knew what to do but you liked feeling his hands on you, the gentle touches that kept you still while he added some flair to your face. And sometimes you acted just a bit obnoxious, pulling away slightly so he could tighten his hold on you to keep you from moving.
“After all this time I still have to tell you what to do.” He mused as he finished with the eyeliner and grabbed the mascara next, tearing the package open first before reading what it was actually waterproof (he just assumed). “Tsk tsk, Cupcake. What am I going to do with you?”
“Just don’t stop touching me.” You murmured.
You both paused. Your eyes shot open and you stared up at him; he was looking down at you curiously, mascara wand out and ready for your eyelashes. You couldn’t believe what you just said to him. Did he even hear you? He must have, because he got that look in his eye, the one where he was about to remind you who was in charge. You swallowed heavily and tried to sink into your chair.
“Well, well, something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?” Buggy teased as he set the makeup down. “Hm? You like me touching you, do you?”
“I, um, well-” You didn’t know what to say. You did like it. You liked this kind of intimacy you shared with him, being close while he touched you like this, expecting nothing in return but your patience (which waned from time to time). 
“What about when I kissed you?” He asked as he held you still, his face now close to yours. You swallowed heavily and nodded, your hands moving to the front of his shirt to grip tightly. Buggy looked down at you for a moment, eyes searching for any hint of teasing on your end, before he smiled and pressed his lips gently to yours. 
You expected him to pull back, to point and laugh and tease you about this, but he held onto the kiss for a moment longer than you expected. His eyes were closed while you kept yours open, unsure now if this was the right thing to do. He was your Captain, who you shared a bed with, who held you in his arms while you both slept, and sometimes you’d wake up to him whispering in your ear, about keeping you safe now and you will never need to leave him. 
He was your Captain and he was kissing you. On the lips. 
Buggy broke the kiss after what felt like an eternity. 
“You good?” 
You could only nod, now speechless because what did this mean now? Did he like you? You were pretty sure you liked him, given the rough introduction you initially had with him, and the fact he pissed you off from time to time, you found yourself actually liking him.
“I need you to tell me.” He told you as he touched your cheek gently. “Words, Cupcake.”
And the way he spoke to you like that, gentle yet commanding, you hated that you loved it. 
“I'm… I'm good, Captain.” You replied shakily as you leaned towards his hand. “Really.”
He stroked your cheek before pulling his hand back. You reached out for it, not wanting him to stop, but he held up the mascara once more. Oh, right, he wanted to finish what he started. He held you still once more, the bristles of the mascara wand carefully coating your eyelashes as he focused on the task at hand. You were both quiet and you wondered what he was thinking. 
Just because you liked him didn't mean he felt the same way. He could just be toying with you, pitying you even because you were this broken toy he picked up, slapping some tape and glue on it to fix it. It could do the job for a while but eventually you'd break again.
“Glad to hear it.” He murmured as he put the mascara away. “May kiss you again once I'm done here.”
Your heart jumped into your throat and you leaned back in the chair as you watched him look over different lipsticks. He tossed aside any that were in shades of blue or purple, not wanting to see that on you when you were under water. Brighter colors were better, the yellows, greens, oranges. Red would be too similar to his but he wouldn't say no to pink. Maybe pink and yellow, smudged together on your lips would work and copy the effect with eyeshadow as well.
“Captain, can I ask something?” You managed to say without your voice shaking too much. He hummed in response as he looked over different shades of pink lipstick. “Do… you like me? In the… romantic way?”
He paused what he was doing and looked at you. Oh, you felt dumb asking that. Why did you ask that? Kissing you was one thing, but asking if he liked you was a whole other Pandora's box that you just threw the lid off of with that question. You couldn't read his expression as he uncapped the lipstick and marked it on the top of his hand, making sure the shade was right.
“I did say you were cute when we first met.” He finally said with a shrug. “And still think you are.” Buggy took hold of you again, his grasp just a bit firmer than before as he began applying the pink lipstick. “And if someone else asked, I suppose I would say I liked you to keep them away from you, Cupcake.” 
“But, do you?” You asked when he set the pink color down and grabbed the yellow. “Like me in that way?”
Buggy sighed as he uncapped the yellow color, marking it against his hand before smudging the two colors together to see if they blended well. “Do I need to spell it out for ya?”
“... Probably.” You admitted. He rolled his eyes and sighed again.
“Yes, I like you in a romantic way.” He told you, sounding just a touch frustrated before he held the lipstick up to you. “There, I said it. I figured between cuddling you and getting you towels would have made it obvious but I guess I was wrong.”
Your eyes widened slightly. Oh. As loud as Buggy was and how much he could talk, he really wasn't going to tell you how he felt in a straightforward way. It was gestures, touches, little things but not necessarily words. 
“Sorry, uh, I guess I wasn't… aware.” You replied. “I guess when you kissed me the first time it should have been a sign, but I was a bit too… surprised.”
“Mhm, surprised, guarded, on edge.” He counted off as he held up the yellow lipstick for you to see. “I probably should have said something after that but… didn't cross my mind.”
You shrugged as he started applying the lipstick, looking up into his eyes as he worked. If he kissed you that first time, then it was only fair that you got to kiss him this time. You waited until he was done with the lipstick, because next he was smudging the colors together on your lips and around your mouth, and when you saw opportunity, you took it, grabbing the front of his shirt and jerking him down to you as you crushed your newly painted lips against his.
And to your delight, he let you, resting his hands on the back of his chair for support while you held him down to you.
Once you broke the kiss, you decided next time the two of you kissed you'd both be standing up. The chair was making it just a bit uncomfortable.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if i can request where y/n is dating roman and she’s a face, she’s in a match and she gets serious injured and roman gets very worried but she then ends up okay with fluff at the end? (sorry if that made no sense) ty!
BACKLASH, roman reigns.
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warning: curse words, shitty description of action, blood, violence
tags: YES MORE STAGE NAMES SORRY, made-up events, fluff!!!!
summary: lovers to enemies but make it a fight
"AND i'll see you at wrestlemania, baby." you dropped the mic. the crowd cheered, waiting for your boyfriend's response. nothing came out of your mouth. the two of you had a stare down, totally in character. "then it's settled, roman reigns against stage killer for wrestlemania!" the announcer yelled. who would've thought the power couple of the industry was up against each other.
the camera stopped rolling and you were out of your character. going back to the clingy girlfriend you were. "baby!" you jumped on his back as soon as you got backstage. "can you believe it? wrestlemania?" you giggled in excitement. "i'm gonna beat your ass, you know that right?" "i’m gonna beat your ass!”
the moment you got back to your place, you immediately went to take a shower. work was never boring for you, you got to work with your boyfriend and his cousins–so it was quite exciting to see what the industry had for you. after showering, you laid on your bed, trying to close your eyes. but before you knew it, roman was already right next to you. "baby, you're not gonna shower?" "i was going to, but you went ahead of me." he joked.
morning came by and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. damn, up and early for a morning run, you thought. you were wrong, he was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of you. "morning." you greeted him with a kiss on his forehead, trying your best to reach his height. "morning baby, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes. turn on the tv for me, please." you nodded and went to the living room.
"you heard it right, the power couple will face each other in wrestlemania!" the match had everyone talking. you chuckled as you switched the channel. "when do you wanna go over the choreography?" you asked him. "what?" he couldn't hear you. "i said when do you wanna go over the choreography?" "what?" at this point he was messing with you. you only groaned in response. "we'll go over it the day after tomorrow, let's just chill for a bit."
the build up for the fight was insane. even your families couldn't believe that you were pinned against each other. your mother called, asking if you had relationship problems with roman. you brushed it off, telling her it was all an act. the entire 'lovers-to-enemies' plot was a good idea to bring more depths into your storyline. being a face with your boyfriend as the top heel was complicated on live television. people were rooting for you to join the bloodline, some were rooting for the bloodline to turn face–needless to say, the two of you were the talk of the town.
behind closed doors and all the soap opera-coded romance, the two of you were actually so in love with each other. you had been dating for 5 years. your debut and his debut were in the same era, causing you to meet him in every reading and practice. the two of you immediately hit it off when he realized that you were practically living in the same neighbourhood.
gym sessions turned to dates, running together turned to grocery shoppings for your household, and friends turned to lovers. you loved every single little thing about him; how he drank his morning coffee–slightly sweeter than yours, how he dropped whatever was in his hands–to catch you, how he held you higher than any title that he has. out of all the belts and titles he owned, you were his prized possession, his true win in life.
and the same goes for you. he loved every single little thing about you. you never thought that you'd end up with one of your closest ring partners. the love that you had for each other was indescribable. "hey, baby." he greeted you, scooting closer to your body. "hey." you replied. "you ready to go over the script?" he raised an eyebrow. "hell yeah."
the big creative boss, triple h, was the reason why you were doing this entire 'lovers-to-enemies' gimmick. he wanted people to stay invested, rather than just fawning over the perfect love story you had. at first, roman and you thought it was a joke. it wasn't a joke at all. as much as you wanted to cling on roman and make him break character by your flirtings, it was quite interesting seeing this 'evil' persona of your boyfriend on stage.
the plan for wrestlemania was laid in front of the two of you from months ago. it was going to end with you winning. you wanted a change and the industry brought it to you. "so roman, what do you want to talk about?" the other wrestlers in the arena laughed at your joke. "hey that was my line!" cody complained from outside the ring. "sorry, just had to!" you gave him a thumbs up.
everyone was doing their job, you could see the sound guy adjusting the volumes of the speakers, wardrobe crews running to the backstage, you felt peace in the ring–not knowing what was coming for you. you dropkicked your boyfriend's chest, avoiding several spots. he flew back, hanging on the ropes. "that was great!" he smiled at you. "learned from the best." practice continued for the two of you.
roman was sitting in front of you, waiting for you to finish your makeup. he finished putting on his gear, his iconic red gloves and an ula fala around his neck. he was playing with his phones, replying to messages from his family and friends, wishing the two of you good luck for the show. "do you think cody will be using all his pyro tonight?" you asked him a question. "the ground will shake when he goes out." you applied your signature lip color, bloody red, contradicting to the blue gloves you had on your left arm.
people started to notice that the two of you had similar gears, the red and blue dividing you from being one. "and you're done!" the makeup artist said, excusing herself from the scene as she didn't want to bother roman and you. "you look beautiful, baby." he complimented you. "and you don't look too bad yourself, reigns." roman rolled his eyes. he took out his phone from his pocket and snapped pictures of you. "turn around, i'm gonna show everyone my girl." oh, he was very cheesy, you thought.
the crowd was ecstatic for the main and last event. the nervousness you had inside yourself was gone, replaced with adrenaline. "GOOD LUCK (Y/N)! GOOD LUCK ROMAN!" the locker room was hyping you up for the match. "MAIN EVENT, BABY!" you shouted, earning several whistles from your fellow wrestlers. "(l/n) up in 5, reigns up in 10!" one of the crew opened the locker room, only to be greeted by the superstars being loud and rowdy. "ALRIGHT, SEE YOU ALL IN A BIT!"
roman and you walked hand-in-hand, savouring the moment before going out. right when the two of you got near the entrance, your steps stopped. "fuck." you muttered, scanning the crowd. "it's going to be amazing, baby." he kissed your forehead, calming you down. "i'm okay!" you smiled at him. you had a ritual together where you prayed in silence before going out. you heard your theme song started to play, the crowd singing along to it.
"kill the stage, baby." like your stage name, the stage killer–you were going to kill the stage.
as you walked the long path filled with fans, you were making a grand entrance with all your pyro and charisma. you ran and slid your body inside the ring, giving your signature pose. the crowd was still singing along your entrance song, pumping you up with adrenaline and love. as soon as your song stopped, you took the time to wave at some fans. you were ready to face your boyfriend, no matter what it takes.
"and her opponent for tonight, accompanied with his wiseman and solo sikoa, roman reigns!" you were on the opposite side of the ring, clearly making eye-contact with him as he walked down the aisle. you couldn't help but to feel slightly intimidated by your boyfriend's cold gaze. you gave him a quick wink, sticking to the true nature of your character, a flirt.
the two of you had a stare down for a couple of minutes, asserting your positions. "we can see here that the tension is crazy. going from lovers to enemies, the adventure leads to this very moment right here. it's history." the commentator said to the microphone. you smirked as he took off his ula fala.
with that, the bell rang and the fight was on.
like practice, roman lunged first, trying to get you on your back. you ran to him, knocking him out with your forearm. "a full-blown upper arm shot from killer! what a shot!" the commentator said. "and reigns is getting up on his feet!" you saw roman slightly nodding at you, ready for the next move. "reigns spears killer to the pole!" you landed on the least dangerous side of the pole. with all of your energy, you stood up, cracking your knuckles.
the entire match seemed like you were dancing inside the ring with your boyfriend, people were satisfied with the moves the two of you pulled. your quickness was the only thing that roman didn't have. you were light on your feet, dodging every attack perfectly. sooner or later the final move came and you were supposed to attack him with his move, the superman punch. when you first read the script, you laughed. how ironic, you thought. you gripped the ropes as tight as you could, wanting him to hit the ropes when he attacked you before the final move.
but all the sudden, your visions became hazy as one of the ropes accidentally snapped on your back, causing some backlash. the ropes brushed against your back–a loud snap was heard from the ring. roman's eyes flashed with worry. "you hear that? the rope just snapped! is killer getting up?" you almost stumbled upon your own legs, but you had to give people a great show. you shook your head and put up your iconic fighting stance.
you had to give them your all, but you didn't expect a botch in the middle of the fight, and it wasn't even your fault. you started to notice that the cut was very deep as you felt blood dripping down your back. this wasn't how you imagined your match would end. roman hesitated a bit when he wanted to spear you again before you counter it with a superman punch. "DO IT, REIGNS!" you yelled at him. he saw the determination in your eyes, your lips were pale, but your eyes were still full of life.
"REIGNS IS TAKING HIS STANCE TO SPEAR KILLER, WITH HER BLEEDING HER BACK OUT... IS THIS LOVE?" the crowd went silent for a bit, anxiously waiting for your next move. in a blink of an eye, the spear was countered by a superman punch, leaving roman in the middle of the ring, gasping for air. you quickly got down and locked his legs in between your head, slowly feeling more blood coming out of your injury. you didn’t even realize that your forehead was kind of bleeding too. it was blood all over the ring. the referee came in an counted down with the crowd.
and in a second, you won. "AND HERE IS YOUR WINNER, THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, THE STAGE KILLER!" you let go of roman's body, kneeling down next to him. the referee helped you on on your feet, giving you the belt. "paramedics needed. paramedics needed." the commentators mouthed to the stage crew. you were crying and you didn't know if it was because you just gave the best performance in your career or because of the stinging pain on your back.
everyone cheered your name and you were practically trying your best to stand up. paramedics arrived, but you shook your head, wanting to stay longer inside the ring. "(y/n), baby. please go." roman's eyes was still filled with worry. "i- i'll be okay, baby." you stuttered. the more you stumbled on your own feet, the more you were convinced to leave the ring. you got down, paramedics helped you out of the way. "we love you (y/n)!" "you were so cool (y/n)!" the noises soon fade away as darkness consumed your vision.
backstage was a mess. people were waiting for the paramedics to say that you were clear to go. your fellow wrestlers already had plans for your celebration, but things went downhill. roman was just sitting in front of the medical room, his legs trembling from anxiety. "dude, she'll be okay, she's suffering from blood loss." jey patted his back, trying to calm him down. "they're stitching her up, apparently the ropes malfunctioned and her back was too exposed to it." jey talked him into a sense of mind.
paramedics came out and roman immediately stood up from his seat. "is she alright?" the question had been roaming around his head. "she's awake now, had to stitch her up. she lost a lot of blood because of the incident, but she's okay. she's asking for you." roman nodded and entered the room. you were lying on your stomach. "hey baby, look. i got stitches!" roman couldn't help but to laugh at your positivity.
you saw his expression and it was still the same from earlier, he was worried. "come on, baby. don't be worried, i'm okay. it was just blood loss." you nagged. "how can i not be worried, you were bleeding your ass off and you still wanted to continue the match? you could've asked me to end it quickly." he said. "and let everyone down? you know i wouldn't do that... please don't worry too much about me." roman shook his head.
"baby..." roman softly spoke. "of course i'm worried. i love you and i don't want anything to happen to you." he confessed. "i know baby, but i'm fine now. and i'm the universal champion, i have nothing to fear." you pushed your body up, trying to sit down with the fresh stitches on your back. "you're amazing, love. i'm so proud of you. my girl, a universal champion?" he smiled and you could feel butterflies in your stomach. no matter how hard it got, you knew that by just seeing his smile, things would be alright.
losing was not a bad thing, roman thought. seeing you all jolly and excited over your new title got him smiling again. he was so lucky to have you in his life. "i love you." "and i love you too."
he remembered something. "oh and when you're ready to go out please don't mind everyone, they're too excited and worried at the same time. they have your favorite ice cream and lesnar got some balloons for you." "AW HELL YEAH, LET'S GET OUT!"
a/n: hii! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it bc its my fav one so far,, reminder that requests are always open! (pssttt... someone pls request a cody fic i want to write him)
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