#gladie answers
mobliterated · 5 months
What's the fishing for sushi game I need it for Reasons
Dave the Diver! It’s a really cool game and they recently did a crossover with Dredge (which is a spooky fishing game that is also fun) and I highly recommend both. I believe Dave is like $15 on steam and Dredge is $20? Could be wrong though but I know that they aren’t too expensive.
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ariesbilly · 1 year
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i know i just reblogged it but read kims parentdale rocky horror production fic!
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badmovieihave · 2 months
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Bad movie I have If a Man Answers 1962
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elvisabutler · 1 year
How many girls/boys do Professor Presley and Belle have and what are their names?
two of each. which puts elvis's total number of children at five because- and i toyed with this a while- it does include a version of lisa so to speak.
the twins are a boy and a girl. westley and wendy which elvis hates the names with a fiery passion when belle suggests them because first off why is it matching w names and second off westley presley? are you kidding him??? everyone calls him wes, but that's neither here nor there. eventually belle wears him down as she always does. westley has garon as a middle name wendy has love as a middle name.
as for the other two, the next one is a boy named jesse james who everyone calls jj because elvis while wanting his brother to be represented in his family is also a little superstitious re: names and outcomes so he worries about jesse a lot.
and the last one is a girl who is a bit of a surprise and she's actually judy aimee, again because no one should let belle be the one to name the kids. elvis should have and yet he let her do it now look what happened.
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godheadjones · 2 years
Jughead + 9 👀
thanks sara :)
9. Childhood headcanon
jughead was a nerd. fan convention nerd. he went to all his fandom conventions as a kid and he dragged his family and friends along. everyone he took would be bored as hell but like jughead didn't care. it was nice for him because he likes the fandom and because he wanted to spend time with his friends and his friends went along with his shenanigans <3
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meirimerens · 2 years
So what drew you to all your favorite ships? What specific things stood out about all them?
*if youd like to talk about your own oc's dynamics i'd love to hear that as well! ♥️
fan of the wet/dry & earthy/aesthete dynamics honesly. (that's a constant across medias I've had ships for, just look with your own eyes)
another constant is the Motherfuckers Who (Have To) Work Together relationship (cf. joseb, mobiusshipping, otasune, burakhovsky).- ANOTHER constant is the Possibility Of Having To Tend To The Other's Wounds (often as a direct result of Work Together). i love this... very intimate yet Profoundly Fucked Up experience, I think it adds flavor to the normal average Actually Loving intimate experiences, it's like... having seen the other in their worst state, and now they get to see them in their best ❤️️ love wins
it carries for OCs, if less; gladiola and ekaterina Do have that Work Together (even if for a while it's Against The Other) + cleaning up the wounds + da earthy & aesthete.
in general i like ships where one is ready to do Crazy Shit for the other, and the other too, they just need to be pushed a little ❤️️
at its core. i think what draws me to a ship is when they gotta put work into it but it is worth it. like...
I'll take care of you.
It's rotten work.
Yeah ngl it is. It is. But I'm here. I'm going to be here.
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captblackthorn · 14 hours
"I, um... I can't swim." (Shoves bells at u)
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑭𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑻 𝑩𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑺 || accepting.
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Roderick raised an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth curling into an amused grin. The dim light of the tavern flickered, casting shadows that danced across his rugged face. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, rich with the cadence of the sea.
"Can't swim, ye say? Well, ain't that a twist o' fate," he began, his tone both teasing and gentle. "Reminds me of ol' Barnacle Bill, a fine mate but couldn't swim a stroke to save his life. We were in the middle o' a storm, waves taller than the masts, and there he was, clingin' to a rope like a cat to a tree."
He took a slow sip of his ale, eyes twinkling with the thrill of the memory. "Now, Bill, he had a heart as stout as any sailor, but the sea can be a cruel mistress to those who ain't learned her ways. But let me tell ye, lassy, the sea's got a funny way of teachin'."
Roderick straightened up, his voice growing more animated. "One night, as we were anchored off the coast of some forgotten isle, Bill took a tumble overboard. Panic struck him like a lightning bolt, flailin' about like a fish outta water. But there’s a magic to the sea, a rhythm ye can feel if ye just let go. I dove in after him, pulled him to the surface, and there, under the light of a full moon, I taught him to float. It wasn’t much, but it was a start."
He leaned back, his expression softening. "The sea ain’t somethin' to fear, but to respect. She’s got her own way of doin' things. So, if ye ever find yerself starin' down them waves, remember ol' Barnacle Bill. If he could learn, so can ye."
With a final wink, he raised his tankard once more. "To new beginnings and the courage to face the deep. Here’s hopin' ye never have to swim, but knowin' ye can if the need arises."
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hachichimitsu · 1 year
Could you maybe write a short fic where Wendy finds out that Stan has been using ChatGPT and didn’t actually read what she said about her trauma?
Hello! Sorry for the late response to this ask! Unfortunately, I don’t take in any fic requests :,)
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zaephix · 3 months
the little things / / xavier , zayne , & rafayel . . .
slight spoilers for their myth stories
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the reason as to why XAVIER takes great care of his hair was unknown to you. why he laid his head down in your lap even after being glued to your side the whole day. the reason was simple, so that you could keep running your fingers through it. he'd gently guide your hands over to the top of his head, a soft chuckle as you kiss the button of his nose. to him, you were the core of his being, his star.
XAVIER can't stop the pleasant smile gracing his face as you revel in another victory, his eyes never leaving your form. in the same way that you ponder about what to eat for lunch, he wonders if anyone ever wished upon the stars that danced in your eyes. and as you both ready yourself for sleep, he'd found his answer. if no one else did, he'd glady be the first to do so. just ignore how his already slow heartbeat begins to slow even more against your back, how his mind travels back to that fateful night underneath the glistening cosmos. "i'll be by your side, always."
before heading to work, ZAYNE can never seem to leave your side. he'd be caught up in your soft snores, the way your chest slowly rises and falls, and your lips. he can't stop himself as he leans down to place a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth, all the while making sure you're wrapped snugly in your blanket, your pillow fluffed from beneath you.
ZAYNE is the type of lover to text you as soon as he's on his break, asking to make sure you ate the breakfast he left for you in the kitchen, or that you remembered your wallet on the coffee table. you always tell him that he worries too much, that he should be focusing on himself, but how could he? not when his priority is your well-being, your state of self. just ignore how his breath seems to get shaky, the frost crawling up his skin and into his veins every time he's near you, sharp pains coursing through his muscle. "i won't forget you... not this time."
when it comes to showering you with affection, RAFAYEL seems to take the cake. kissing your knuckles every time he greets you, strategically pulling you away from work to cuddle with you, he knows just how and what to do at the right times. however, what he fails to notice is how he unconsciously looks for you the first thing he steps into a room, how his shoulders relax after realizing you're safe after you've texted him a little later than usual, how his hands linger a little too long in yours.
RAFAYEL has already come to the realization that he's head over heels for you long ago, just not fully realizing how bad it was. all within a second you were his bodyguard, his fishie, but most of all, his muse. he'd make the world his canvas - your eyes the rhythm hidden beneath the layers of paint. just ignore how he sometimes gets quiet when around you, his mind swirling like a paint brush dipped into watercolor. "fish are emissaries of the god of the sea, this... is my vow to you."
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upon-a-starry-night · 3 months
Number neighbors Pt.28
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
You wouldn’t describe yourself as someone who was regularly paranoid, but recently you've been more than a little on edge. You’d given the man at the market the benefit of the doubt, chalking his appearance up to going to the marketplace when the weather was the most reasonable- like you’d been doing, but that doesn’t explain the Suvs.
You don’t know how long they’ve been following you for, you’d been so stuck in your own world that you’d barely been paying attention to your surroundings but after Saturday you’ve been more cautious of your surroundings and that’s when you noticed the black Suv.
You don’t know if it’s the same one every time, they’ve always kept a far enough distance and you haven't been able to catch a license plate but they appear every so often when you go out. The windows are tinted far too dark to be legal so you can’t see inside but you occasionally find them parked outside of buildings you frequent and it’s starting to worry you.
You don’t want to worry your friends or your mom who would buy a ticket out there first thing though, so you keep to yourself and try to keep a distance from the cars and the marketplace (it’s a devastating loss to not have Gladys’ pastries on hand)
On top of that, everyone has been on edge because of the disappearance of most of the Avengers. As far as you know, Stark, Clint, Banner, and that Spider kid are the only ones still in New York which has civilians asking questions about where the others are and why they left. 
The anxiety from the lack of heroes has everyone grilling the government for answers, especially considering the fact that the crime rate has gone up just from petty criminals getting too cocky. Due to the constant heat The government has been under, they stated that they’ll issue a public service announcement in a week to explain the situation and you can practically feel the country buzzing with anticipation.
The situation makes you think of Nat and you wonder if her “not FBI job” has something to do with this and is the reason why she’s disappeared. You hope she knows wherever she is that you would’ve understood if she’d just explained the situation to you- but maybe she couldn’t. Maybe she was under some kind of NDA that could put her in danger.
Despite avoiding the marketplace you still get the feeling that you’re being watched and it makes you uneasy. You feel like you’re hallucinating with how often you see shadows moving somewhere nearby. You’re never able to catch a glimpse of anyone who might resemble the market man but the fear is enough to have you staying a few nights at your friend's house.
The Suv’s don’t appear for a while after the move and it allows you a small moment of reprieve. You push the lingering feeling of constant observance to the back of your mind despite your brain telling you to be on guard.
The stress of the situation is so tremendous you don’t even realize you’ve been forgetting to leave voicemails for Nat until your mom calls asking why you haven’t called her in a while. You don’t bring up the stalkers to avoid giving her a heart attack but you do tell her about the amount of stress you’ve been under and the toll it’s been taking on you. 
It feels so good to talk about it that you don’t even realize you’re crying until your mother's concerned voice is comforting you through the speaker. God, it was like the universe couldn’t give you a break lately. You hope whatever they’re putting you through all of this for is worth it. 
“Come home for a while, Y/n. it sounds like you need a break, I’ll take care of you.” The dismissal of her offer is on the tip of your tongue but the more you mull it over the more you think it might be a good idea. With the city on edge, the growing crime rate, and your new potential stalkers, getting away from the city is probably the best thing you could do right now.
Much to your mother's surprise, you agree and her excitement at having you come home has you smiling on your end of the receiver. The two of you spend the next hour looking for an affordable last minute and you find a plane that leaves in two days that the two of you agree on. It’s probably not nearly enough appropriate notice for time off but your boss agrees anyway and within the hour you’ve got plans to spend a week at your mother's out of town.
It’s the first vacation you’ve taken in a while and even if it was just going home you find yourself more excited than you’d been in at least a month. You hadn’t been this excited since-
Nat. You hadn’t been this excited since you were supposed to meet Nat. 
It probably didn’t matter to her that you were going out of town, it wasn’t like she was getting your voicemails anyway but- what if she showed up while you were gone? You shake your head, the possibility of that was slim to none and if she did come back while you were gone she’d just have to wait like she’d made you wait.
Still, she deserved to know about the kid on the skateboard you watched run into a pole earlier today, at least. You listen for the tale-tell sound of the beep after the long too-familiar ringing and you find yourself subconsciously smiling as you tell her random snippets from your week.
The breakfast your friend treated you to, the new show you started, the fair that got canceled due to raccoons breaking in to eat all the cotton candy. You avoid talking about the stalkers like you’d done with everyone else but you frown when the news channel starts covering another attempted bank robbery. 
Despite your own safety being in jeopardy you can’t help but worry for her wherever she may be, causing you to voice the thought, the humor in your tone replaced with a solemn resolve
“wherever you are… I hope you’re safe.” You shake your head, attempting to clear your mind from the restless thoughts in your mind “Anyway, sorry I know that was a lot- all that to say I miss you and I love you. Bye!”
You don’t even realize what you’ve said until 10 seconds later and you frantically press whichever number was supposed to delete the message. 
It was such a force of habit to end your phone calls with an I love you. You can’t believe you almost confessed to Nat over the phone. Moreover, you’re freaked out by how much the words didn’t feel like a lie. If you were honest you’d been avoiding putting a label on your emotions because you were scared of how serious they were getting but apparently your brain had already decided for you. 
You loved Nat.
You Love Nat.
Your mind reels with the newfound discovery and you’re grateful you deleted the message before it would be stuck in her voicemail for her to one day hear. Your head's a mess as you set your phone down on the counter and go to pack up your stuff, you had a trip to get ready for and a relationship to overanalyze to try and pinpoint when you and Nat had gone from total strangers to you being in love with her.
 It all made sense now, the heartache, the worrying, the underlying tension between the two of you
It was just your luck that you’d discover you love her when you can’t even tell her. You’re so in your head with your emotions and figuring out what to pack that you don’t even register the sound of your phone’s female electronic voice as it declares
“Voicemail sent”
A/n: Classic mistake, Y/n, I’m sure everyone’s done that! Don’t worry it’s not like she can hear your voicemails or anything…or uhhh ~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat @toouncreativeforausername @ordelixx @autorasexy @blacklightsposts @vmpnano @jono723 @sylencr @saraaahsstuff @autorasexy @gay4hotmilfs @tofu9162 @dyslexic-dreamer @graniairish @colettehope @kosmichs1 @nmhlver @natblidaclexa @skittlebum @dorabledewdroop @nothanksbye07 @mrsrushman @midastouch013 @thalia-is-not-ok @tessalah @annab3113 @officialnighttime
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mobliterated · 18 days
What’s the biggest animal you think you could eat?
In one sitting?? Idk I struggle eating a rotisserie chicken so uh. Cornish hen?
If it’s not one sitting? I honestly would try just about anything. Bear jerky was pretty good!
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ariesbilly · 1 year
Archie being best man at his dads wedding 🥺 for both of them I guess cuz neither of them have male friends or other sons LMAO fp can have gladys there it's fine
Gladys being FPs best man makes my heart so happy I can’t even tell you…
They could’ve roped Tom into it if they really needed but eh 😂
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crisiscutie · 5 months
Yandere 7R Sephiroth Musings
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In Sephiroth's wild race against fate, his ruthlessness has no boundaries. He will do whatever he can to ensure his victory, and he'll glady take every opportunity to break his precious doll.
Content Warning: NSFW. Teratophilia. Noncon. Curvy darling. Cumflation. Sister complex/kink. Long musings.
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༻❁༺ His fervent attachment to the darling started when he was just a boy. She played the role of an older sister for him, giving him doses of love and normalcy. He still desired these doses, even after the Nibelheim Incident.
༻❁༺ He was never happy with his Nee-San Darling mentoring other young SOLIDERS. He desired for her undivided attention and love, which he sought from her alone.
༻❁༺ Leaving her was tough for him when he went on his first mission to Rhadore, but he always kept her in his heart, even when they met again years later.
༻❁༺ His growth awed her, as he transformed from a boy barely reaching her shoulders to a towering man who dwarfed her, even when she wore heels.
༻❁༺ But he was caught up in a storm of emotions, constantly questioning his purpose and his feelings for her, wondering if it was even appropriate to feel so strongly for his mentor, his SOLDIER comrade, his big sister. These feelings, combined with a series of other traumatic events, ultimately pushed him to madness.
༻❁༺ Even though he had erased most of his memories in the Lifestream, the deep affection for his Nee-San returned when they were reunited again years later, a reminder that memories are forever etched in the heart.
༻❁༺  When she was found unconscious at Nibelheim, she was forcibly injected with his cells. In his twisted mind, destiny intended for them to be intertwined, as brother and sister, man and wife.
༻❁༺ When she joined up with Cloud and his party, he took every opportunity he could to remind her of their "bond". Jealousy burned inside him as he watched her give guidance to his puppet, as she did to him when he was a boy.
༻❁༺ So Sephiroth had to prove himself to her. He must fully destroy her image of him - a sweet, obedient boy. He is the chosen one of Gaia, determined to claim what is rightfully his.
༻❁༺ Using his puppets at his disposal, he crept up and approached his nee-san darling when she least expected it. One of his clones accidentally fell on her, landing snugly against her pillowy chest, a habit picked up from Sephiroth whenever he needed her comfort.
༻❁༺ Another time, Sephiroth pinned her against the wall, his gloved hand firmly around her neck. Although he could've killed her, he gave her a twisted declaration of love, claiming that now he was free to love her, and she should be free to love him and JENOVA.
༻❁༺ His other hand caressed her curvy figure, starting from her lovely bust, trailing down to her child-bearing hips and then all the way to her thick thighs. He couldn't help but adore how she remained unchanged, even after all this time. She's been always the same Nee-San.
༻❁༺ He couldn't forget about her lovely bush. He couldn't resist running his gloved thumb through it, relishing how the hairs reacted to his touch.
༻❁༺ Last but not least, her pulsating cunt seemed to call for his attention. He was curious to explore it. He asked for her permission in a sweet, nostalgic tone, reminding her of his past self.
༻❁༺ Without waiting for her answer, he quickly plunged his fist within her cunt. With a disturbing sense of delight, he savored the way her juices trickled down his arm as her tight walls contracted around his fist.
༻❁༺ To him, her screams were like white noise, drowned out by his conversation with JENOVA. He casually and innocently discussed how ready Nee-San was for him, casually pushing his fist deeper and deeper. Once he reached the stopping point, he playfully prodded her cervix.
༻❁༺ Another time, he effortlessly lifted her, her head against his chest, back against his stomach as his hands softly traced her inner thighs. Pink tentacles caressed her curvy body, signaling the impending brutal breeding that awaited her.
༻❁༺ Until this point, Nee-San Darling was a virgin. Sephiroth was convinced that she had saved herself for him and JENOVA all this time. Therefore, it seems only fitting that the three of them should celebrate this union.
༻❁༺ Using JENOVA's shape-shifting powers, he morphed the tips of the tentacles to mimic the shapes of her secret dildo collection. He didn't care how tight her holes were. A horsecock tentacle there with another, a dragon cock tentacle there with another, she will take as many as "mother" he dictated.
༻❁༺ "She feels amazing, doesn't she, mother?" His slit eyes then narrowed, his lips brushed against her ear. "Do you like it, Nee-San?" he whispered, his velvety voice hoarse with desire. "Tell me you want more."
༻❁༺ It was a rhetorical question. Given that a tentacle already filled her mouth, muffling her screams.
༻❁༺ He held her steady and tight as the tentacles filled every hole of hers to the brim. In all his years, he had never witnessed her radiate such beauty. Her mako eyes rolled back in sheer bliss as JENOVA spunk dripped down her chin. Her belly and womb were visibly swollen and brimming with that same spunk.
༻❁༺ He couldn't care less about the Whispers circling around them as he prepared to take her back to the Northern Crater. His obligation as the father of their unborn, monstrous offspring dictated he act swiftly.
༻❁༺ With his mother and doll at his side, how could fate possibly put an end to Sephiroth?
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Partly inspired by me watching clips of Ukraine from Hetalia. The analogues make so much sense. 😭
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sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but do you have any thoughts on the orcas that have been attacking boats? genuinley curious whats going on there behaviourly and paychologically
So it seems this unusual behavior started when the pod’s matriarch, known to researchers as Gladis, was struck and injured by a boat propeller. The most viable theory is that Gladis then lashed out in an act of extreme frustration. Subsequently, she either taught her offspring the same behavior or—more likely—they observed her and decided to try it out for themselves. Mimicry is a huge part of how intelligent, highly social cetaceans like killer whales learn.
Since most of the attacks are perpetrated by youngsters, I’m honestly chalking it up to kids being dumb. Orcas, especially as juveniles, are very playful and very destructive, and this is all a super fun game. Far less likely, but still possible I suppose, is that they now truly see the boats as threats and are neutralizing them.
As fun as the memes about the orca uprising have been, there is no malice or vengeance at work here. To claim so is blatant anthropomorphism (but hey, people anthropomorphizing killer whales, what else is new). Hopefully, the behavior dies down soon, before another orca is hurt by a propeller or, worse, humans decide to put an end to it.
Because if there’s one animal that practices revenge, it’s the human being.
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j-shel-b · 3 months
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/86 x Reader
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Summary : Iceman is home, breakfast with your man is always better.
Content/Warning : Fluff, implied sex.
You go downstairs attracted by the delicious smell that comes from the kitchen. Tom returned to your shared home yesterday and you couldn't be happier, you just want one thing, being close to him.
When you walk into the kitchen you can finally see him, in his pyjamas, his hair not styled, finishing up what you like best for breakfast. He turns his head towards you and give you a beautiful smile, the kind of smile that takes your breath away everytime.
"Hi love." He says as you're coming next to him, you grab his arm and pulls him in a hug that he glady gives back. You enjoy the feeling of him being close, you enjoy his smells, so conforting. Your eyes closed, head resting on him, he laugh softly when he feels that you start leaning on him, still half asleep you mumble :
"I should be the one making breakfast.
- I've been away for a long time, I wanted to do something nice for you.
- Thank you.. You slightly part from the hug to look at him. I sleep way better when you're here you know.
- I know, it's the same for me." He brings you into a kiss.
Everytime you kiss him it feels like it's the first time and yet you know his lips by heart. He gently puts his hand on the base of your neck under your still tangeld hair.
There is a lots of love, passion but also sweetness throughout this kiss. There's a feeling of lack that needs to be filled too.
But at one point you two have to stop the kiss even if you don't want to.
"Don't forget your breakfast." He says soflty, his lips really close to yours. You have other ideas in mind but you'll not spoil what he has prepared for you. You nod and go sit at the table with him. He serves you and you have to say that you're excited to taste what he made. Tom has always been a good cook, a skill that you like very much.
"Thanks honey. It seems really good. He is very happy to please you and as you start eating you are, as always, impressed. It's sooo good. You tell him immediately.
- I'm glad you like it. He holds out his hand, you take it and squeeze it gently.
- you cook so well. But I'm warning you, tonight I'm the one cooking. You just got home, take some time to rest."
You can see that he doesn't really agree. Tom never liked to let you do most of the tasks just because 'he just came home' like you've said. You have a job too, so when his home he wants to take off a weight from your shoulders and do his part. And if he can do even more, he'll do it. But, for tonight, he agrees.
"You'll do my favorite ? He asks, curious. You smile and nod.
- Yes, your favorite.
- And for dessert.. can I have my favorite too ? His voice has depeen. You look up to him and you can see that his eyes have darkened. You smile, playful.
- Yes, but you can have it earlier if you want. You answer, touching his leg under the table.
- Can't wait.
- oh me too.."
Lots of love ❤️
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drkmgs · 1 year
Jenna Ortega x Fem! Reader
Warning: angst, break-up, exes working with each other
Story type: One shot
According to the poll, I made 50.5% of 311 voters want this one. I don't know. Should I have posted a little summary? hehe. The end was so hard to write. I hope it came out fine...
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You released a heavy sigh as you looked around your blackroom. She was everywhere. There is it again, the certain squeeze in your chest. You swallowed the clump in your throat.
She was your muse.
Sadly, that has changed now.
At first, she was a stranger, then an acquaintance, turned into a friend, that developed to lovers, and now back to a stranger again. Stranger is a strong word because you don't work with strangers. What do you call two exes that sometimes work together?
You should have listened to your friends – never mingle with someone who is famous.
It will only destroy you, and it did.
Well, not you completely, but mostly your heart and it shows – in your writings, pictures, songs you listen to, and hell even in your outfits. She drastically changed you. No, scratch that. It wasn't her who changed you. It was the pain, anger, and heartache. Where do these feelings come from? Is it from the unanswered questions, like why did she leave me? Probably.
How do people cope with heartbreaks without knowing the reason as to why the person you love the most left you? This breakup did something to you. It brought a lot of people back into your life and opened up opportunities. Next month, you'll be showing chasing some of your work at the Met Gala. The main reason why you're in the middle of developing some of your films.
After your break up with Jenna, you threw yourself onto work. Most of the pieces you have sold, were painful and hurtful, but these ones that you're developing are quite the opposite. These pictures were taken before the pain, where everything was happy and in love. You weren't even halfway developing all the roll films you have, and yet your blackroom is already filled with her.
Smiling, dancing, singing, baking, walking, and even sleeping. She was certainly your muse. There is one picture that stands out, and it is your favorite. She was in a grass field with daisies. Her smiling face wasn't towards the camera but to you. It shows how happy she was with you in that moment. You wonder what changed? What changed that made her run away from you?
Your thoughts were interrupted when your phone vibrated beside you. You immediately answered and squeezed it between your ear and shoulder, both of your hands were busy hanging the developed film.
"Y/N Callaway speaking." You hear hectic shoutings in the background and commands from the person who rang you.
"Darling, Callaway! It's Gladys! I know you're busy with your work for the Met Gala, but is there a chance that you could do me a favor?" You can hear that she's biting her nails as her voice wasn't as confident as it always has been.
"Depends on what favor, Glads." You have known this woman since you started your photography career, and she has been setting you up with clients, but now that you have bigger projects, she would only set you up if it was necessary.
"I need you for a shoot. In like 30 min. The one I hired got into an accident and we need a photographer asap." You look at your watch. The pieces you want to use for the Met were already drying, but new ones wouldn't hurt.
"Okay. Send me the address." You ended the call, stood up from the stool, got your leather jacket from the hook, and stepped out of your blackroom. When you got there, everyone was already waiting, and Gladys was frantically pacing back and fort.
"Oh may god! Darling! You're an angel sent from above!" She greeted you as she spotted you when she faced towards you. "I tried to come as fast as I could." You gently placed your equipment on the ground and greeted her back.
"That's okay! I'm so glad you are here! So, our model just got her make-up done, and she already has her outfit on. We need a picture of her walking here, somewhere she's sitting and then one with a car. The car is that one. You can meet our model, she is in that van." She pointed at the blacked parked mini van, not far where you were standing. You nodded at her, and she walked away to do some phone calls.
You knocked on the van door and stepped back a bit, gaze on the ground. "Oh-Hi, Y/N." A familiar voice rang through your ear, which made you snap your head up. "Enrique. Nice to see you again." You gave him a genuine smile. Your gaze shifted to the woman behind him. You saw her shock face, but it immediately changed into a stoic expression.
"Miss Ortega. Congratulations to Wednesday. It turned out great." After the break up, you started calling her by her last name. You thought, a professional approach would be better than people asking how you two got into the first-name basis. The relationship you two had was only known by close friends and family, obviously Enrique counted as a close friend.
"You watched Wednesday?" There was a hint of curiosity in her voice, but her face stayed uninterested. "Yeah, I watched it with my daughter." You smiled lightly. "Sorry, did you say daughter?" Her uninterested face turned into a furrowed eyebrows.
"Goddaughter." You don't know why you had the urge to correct yourself, but when she unforrowed her eyebrows, it made you exhale. You were used to people knowing that Penelope – your Goddaughter – you referring to her as your daughter.
Aside from diving into work while healing yourself, you spent mostly your time at your best friends's house, and when they announced they're adopting, you were over the moon. They didn't just help you get back on your feet but also gave you a different reason to be happy, and that's being a Godparent to Penelope.
There is a hint of confusion and anger within you as to why she reacted like that? She left you. You mean nothing to her. So, why did she look so relieved when you corrected yourself? You shook your head to get out of that state of mind.
"I think we should get this shooting started." You didn't wait for her to reply. You just walked away and got your equipment ready. While you're busy with your stuff, there's a pair of eyes watching you. Never taking them away from you.
"Take a picture. It will last longer." Enrique chimed behind the woman. "I don't understand you. You keep saying you don't love her anymore and that you moved on, but here you are having heart eyes." Enrique made a hand gesture indicating the situation he just saw.
"I don't have heart eyes." She scoffed and rollled her eyes and went back, scrolling through her phone. "Girl. Don't. I know what I saw, and I believe in what I saw. You are still in love with her." Enrique sassied. "Okay, so what if I still love her?! It doesn't matter! Let's say she still loves me. Why? Why would she be? All I did was leave and break her heart." From a far, it looks like Jenna is about to have a mental breakdown.
Sure, she has seen you a couple of times after the breakup, but right now, something is different. The shine in your eyes talking about your goddaughter–is the way you looked at her in the past. Full of adoration and love. Jenna wanted to get lost in those eyes, but it changed as soon as you laid your eyes on hers.
From where you were standing, you could see how frustrated she was and her eyes. You know it's screaming sadness and regrets, but also pain and anger. Anger not towards you, but to herself. She tried so hard to stop the tears. Seeing her like that, something heavy pulls down on your chest. Enrique tried to consult her, but she refused and excused herself.
You watch her walk away the set and turn to look at Enrique. He shrugged and signed you to follow her. You excused yourself from the other staff saying you are going to the powder room, but you actually followed Jenna. Around the corner, you see her, phasing back and forth, shaking her hands–trying to calm down.
You couldn't keep watching, so as soon as Jenna turned around, you engulfed her into a hug. She didn't push you away. She inhaled and relaxed into you, grabbing onto your jacket. "I'm sorry." She mumbled through her sobbing. You didn't say anything. You just stood there patting her back. When she calmed down, she stepped back and wiped her tears. You were about to leave when she stopped you.
"I mean it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for not telling you about how I feel and what was bothering me. Please forgive." Jenna's voice cracked at the end. You shook your head. "I don't know what to say to you, Jenna. I thought when this moment came, I was ready to face any of your reasons, but I am not. What you did is still so fresh in my memory as if it happened yesterday, but I know I still have the heart to forgive you." You say trying to get out of her grip. "Then let me make it up to you. I promise I'll be better. I'll fix everything." She desperately says. "Jenna. Don't make promises you can't fulfill, and if you break a glass and try to fix it, it will never be the same before you broke it." After hearing that, Jenna finally loosened her grip on you.
"I'll head back to the set. I'll tell them you'll need a minute." You excused yourself. This time around, Jenna watched you leave, and she'll never know when you'll be back in her arms.
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