#glimbow centric
tippenfunkaport · 9 months
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One of my funniest early fandom moments was when I had just started writing fanfic and I was trying to find more Glimbow centric fanfic to read and I got excited when I saw this post bc I thought I'd find some new authors to read and the only author they recommended was me. 😅
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bi4bination · 1 year
“First off, Dad- I’m bisexual.”
Song: Experience (Starkey Remix/Remaster) Ludovico Einaudi
Background: bisexual gradient
Glimbow-centric pride month video found here
Character list:
Moxxie- Helluva Boss
Glimmer + Bow- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy- DC
Luz Noceda- The Owl House
Marceline- Adventure Time
Sea-Hawk + Mermista- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Blake Belladonna- RWBY
(i actually don’t know who this is lmao I just found her on a bisexual compilation. I think her name is Norma?)
Charlie Morningstar- Hazbin Hotel
Kyle + Rogelio- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Korra + Asami- Avatar: Legend of Korra
Note: I am aware that Catra and Adora are lesbians. They are only in this video (1 sec each) to showcase Glimmer’s attraction to women, since Bow isn’t the only crush she’s ever had :) No lesbian-erasure intended in this video
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glimbow-fics · 1 year
Just a bunch of one shots based on random prompts I like. 1. “I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do” 2. "If you don't kiss me right now..." (T rating) Ratings will change from chapter to chapter. Glimbow centric (obviously) but will feature all of the other couples and characters from time to time.
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sailorglimmer · 4 years
The best friend has some time before their mission across the universe where Catra and Adora learn about relationships and Glimmer and Bow work out their feelings, and more shenanigans!
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If you want to read some Glimbow centric fic with catradora, scorfuma, spinetossa and seamista too, Glimmer singing, Catra learning about friendship and living with consequences, Angela's birthday, Glimmer singing, Frosta finding her new family and even the shenanigans of Micah and Castaspella trying to discover Glimmer and Bow together, please read my fic Learning Love! 🥺💖
Link here!
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persephx · 4 years
glimbow week 2020 masterpost
these all happen in the same universe and there are some overlapping scenes (and/or OCs), but they can be read separately. each of this short fic is based on the prompts by @glimbow-week-2020 .
1, childhood/memories - a lake that stayed the same
on tumblr   -   on ao3
2, illness/injury - by the side of love
on tumblr   -   on ao3
3, family reactions/meet the parents (siblings) - “i like that boy”
on tumblr   -   on ao3
4, princess prom/jealousy -
haha didn’t do this bc i don’t like writing jealousy and by the time i realized i could have just written about a new princess prom, i kinda didn’t want to, maybe this will be happening some other time but not right now, sorryyyyy
5, cuddling/touch - on scoundrels, psychologists and weddings
on tumblr   -   on ao3
6, role swap/Horde Glimmer -  the two prisoners
on tumblr   -   on ao3
7, engagement/wedding -  earrings and hearts and souls
on tumblr   -   on ao3
Thank you @i-just-love-spop for organizing this! I was late for the last two prompts but it was a really fun experience! Now I can’t wait to catch up on all the content people have posted!
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
Direct follow-up to “I’m here”, it would be best to read that one first. “At the end of the world” and “About what happened...” are also both referenced, but you don’t necessarily have to read them to understand this story.
Takes place in between “Taking Control” and “Perils of Peekablue”. This assumes that traveling from Etheria to Prime’s flagship and back took them at least three weeks each, because of their old ship, their limited knowledge of the technology and the lack of any ability to teleport or create portals. I have no idea if that’s accurate, but then again, nobody really knows how much time passes during the show.
Summary: In which Catra tried to make breakfast and it’s better than everyone expected it to be (but that might just be because Adora set the bar extremely low with her first attempt at cooking), Glimmer can’t help clinging to Bow after the precious night, Bow reflects on his feelings towards Glimmer and Adora has no idea why she gets so nervous around Catra all of a sudden, but is just glad to finally be able to call her a friend again.
Also, Entrapta casually calls everyone out on their feelings.
[The amount of Glimbow and Catradora in this is pretty much 50/50.]
Best Friend Squad-bonding in space? Best Friend Squad-bonding in space.
Bow and Glimmer were rudely awoken by the sound of the door swooshing open and unpleasantly loud voices.
She still had her arms around him the same way she had when they’d fallen asleep, and she didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon.
“See? I told you so! That’s exactly why I didn’t want to go back in here.”
“Huh, and here I thought you were just looking for an excuse to share the mattress with me again.”
“What? Me? Nooo...”
They heard Adora laugh.
“Do... do you think we should let them sleep?”
“You should have thought about that before you barged in here,” Glimmer murmured groggily and threw a pillow roughly in the direction the voices had come from without opening her eyes.
She was way too tired for this nonsense.
‘Whoever said space is peaceful and quiet definitely never traveled with these guys.’
“Good morning...?“
Bow blinked, still half asleep when he sat up on the mattress. He kind of dragged Glimmer up with him accidentally because she was still unwilling to let go of him.
...not that he minded.
“What are you guys doing in here?” Glimmer wondered, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, yawning.
Her grip on boy tightened a bit when she saw Wrong Hordak. He seemed to be pretty okay, but he brought back a lot of bad memories, and she didn’t think she’d ever get used to that.
“Well, Adora and Catra just spent a weird amount of time commenting on your sleeping position, especially considering I found them in the same one,” Entrapta analyzed with her usual enthusiasm.
The two girls flushed scarlet.
Bow grinned.
“Awwww, you guys were spooning?”
“We. Were. Not. Spooning,” Catra growled, but then she dropped the demeanor, her face turning into a sheepish grin. “...and also, I might have burnt breakfast.”
That genuinely surprised Glimmer, but in a positive way.
“You tried to make breakfast?”
Catra grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.
“Well, yeah. Emphasis on tried. I mean, you cooked for us once, and Arrow Boy did it the rest of the week, and I just... thought I should try it? Argh, I... I don’t know. Maybe that was a stupid idea. Especially because I don’t know how to cook.”
Glimmer shrugged.
“No, that’s fine. It’s... really nice of you, actually. And I don’t think anyone here knows how to cook, except for Bow maybe.”
Adora chuckled.
“Yeah, she has a point.”
“I mean, it can’t be as bad as when Adora tried to make food. We ended up with half-cooked broccoli with chocolate sauce and sprinkles for dinner,” Bow pointed out, shrugging. “It looked kind of nice, but...”
He was trying to be polite, but really, there hadn’t been much in the meal his friend had made that one could be polite about. There was a difference between ‘you clearly haven’t cooked before and your cooking still needs a some work’ and ‘your cooking is literally weapons-grade’.
Glimmer’s face went green.
“Oh stars, don’t remind me. I still want to throw up just thinking about that.”
Catra’s eyes widened.
“Adora did what?!”
She had never tried either of these things, personally, but she roughly knew what they were, and even she could tell that there was no way these were supposed to go together.
The blonde scratched the back of her head.
“It wasn’t as bad as it sounds...” Glimmer gave her a death glare. “...you know what? Actually, it was.”
Adora blinked for a moment. Why had she tried to defend the terrible food she’d made? She was usually totally cool with the others joking about her really, really poor first attempt at cooking, especially because she herself knew that it had been awful and that she would never try that combination again.
And yet, today she felt a pang of... embarrassment?
Weird. Why would she...
‘It isn’t because Catra’s here, is it? She knows what I’m like, better than anyone, so I doubt this surprises her. And, I mean, there are other ways I could impress her than cooking!’
...wait, why would she want to impress Catra?
That made no sense.
Adora shook her head and abandoned these thoughts.
“And that’s the story why almighty She-Ra over here is banished from Bright Moon’s kitchen,” Glimmer concluded, giggling.
Catra chuckled. That did make her feel a little better about her own cooking skills.
And Adora getting a tad bit embarrassed was also a nice bonus. She looked really cute when she was embarrassed.
...damn, Catra had missed her best friend.
“Not to worry, you guys. No broccoli today. Would have been hard to make anyway, seeing as we have no broccoli on the ship,” the brunette promised. “You guys coming?”
Glimmer smiled.
“Sure, we’ll just get dressed real quick, and then we’ll be right there.”
“How are you?” Bow asked his best friend as soon as the door closed behind the others.
Glimmer gave him a small smile.
“Better, I think.” She nuzzled against the crook of his neck. “Just tired.“
He stroked her head.
“You’ll never be a morning person, huh?”
She laughed, visibly relaxing a bit. Being with Bow always made her feel so much better...
“I mean, technically, there are no mornings in space – but no, I’m definitely never going to be a morning person. At this rate, our kids are going to have to wake me one day instead of me waking them.”
Bow stared at her for a second.
Had she just...?
No. No way. Glimmer wouldn’t... she didn’t... they were close, obviously, but... he’d know if she had feelings for him, right?
“You think they’ll be close? ...our kids, I mean,” he added when he saw the confused look on her face. “You know, since you suggested they’d come wake you up together.”
“Yeah. Right. They’ll be best friends, just like us. I’m sure of that,” Glimmer replied, just kind of going with what he had said because oh stars she couldn’t believe she’d just suggested having kids like that without even telling him she was in love with him first.
Bow shook his head and smiled at her softly.
Of course that was what she’d meant.
The mental image of their kids also being best friends one day was adorable.
Despite that, for a moment, he couldn’t help but imagine a girl with his dark curls and Glimmer’s beautiful eyes and a little boy with his eyes and her cute little nose and smile climbing into bed to wake them, him and Glimmer still sleepily embracing each other the same way they had tonight.
He really had caught feelings for her, after all.
...or maybe he’d always felt that way about her and hadn’t realized what his feelings truly were until he’d almost lost her.
That thought had always terrified him, but this had been so much worse than anything he could ever have imagined.
This was already the second really close call since they’d met. He’d do everything in his power to make sure there would never be a third.
He hugged her. She snuggled against him. He felt his cheeks heat.
It was weird. As mad as he’d been at her, and as terrified as he’d been about possibly losing her, apparently this was what he’d needed to put some things about their relationship into perspective.
“Hey Bow?” She asked, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Thanks again for earlier. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He smiled at her.
“Of course. Anytime.”
He’d tell her eventually. Maybe.
But now was not the time.
After a while of comfortably sitting like that in silence, Bow spoke up again.
“Come on, we should actually get dressed now, before the others-”
Too late. Catra stuck her head in again.
“Hey, are you guys coming? If you keep making out in the cabin for another hour, the food will taste burnt and be cold by the time you join us!”
Glimmer blushed scarlet and let go of Bow, like that would change anything about what Catra just saw.
“We were not making out!” She protested – then realized how weird her reaction had just been.
She and Bow hugged all the time. Hugging was a normal thing that friends did. There was no need for her to be embarrassed about anyone catching them.
Glimmer shook her head.
‘Well that was subtle... I just made everything worse, didn’t I?’
Surprisingly, though, Catra didn’t bring it up again.
“Sure, whatever. Now get up and get dressed so you can join us for breakfast.”
“So... what do you think?”
Catra was super nervous what the others thought about the food she’d made because she was pretty sure it wasn’t terrible – she’d tried it beforehand, of course, she wasn’t trying to poison anyone, after all –, and she really wanted to do something nice for everyone after they’d saved her and been so nice and kind to her despite everything that had happened between them... that she’d done to them.
“This is actually pretty neat,” Glimmer concluded after a while of chewing.
Bow nodded in agreement, and Adora was already moved to tears because Catra had tried at all.
“This is the best thing I have ever eaten,” the blonde breathed, just loud enough for Catra to hear.
The brunette shook her head.
“That’s sweet, dummy, but we both know the food Bow and Glimmer made was way better.”
But Adora shook her head. She meant it. She really did.
The food made her feel warm inside, in a way it couldn’t when Bow or Glimmer cooked.
Wrong Hordak was just eating quietly.
Entrapta put her fork down and cocked her head to the side in curiosity.
“Is that something you do as friends? Lie to the other person to make them feel better about their inadequate skills? Fascinating...”
Catra flattened her ears.
“We’re not lying, Entrapta. This is actually pretty good,” Glimmer chimed in. “Especially considering this is her first time cooking. You can’t let someone cook for the first time in their life and then except the kind of meal professional kitchen staff would make. Besides, Adora has been trying to learn how to cook for years, and let me tell you, it did not get much better after the broccoli with sprinkles-incident. Somehow, Adora is still worse after years of trying than Catra was at her first attempt.”
There it was again. Adora was embarrassed for no reason. The fact that she couldn’t cook wasn’t a secret, and she usually didn’t even care about it. Other people joking about that was fine. And it wasn’t like that was a skill that really mattered at the moment.
What was going on?
Catra chuckled.
‘Wow. She has a really nice laugh.’
Adora shook her head.
She knew that. She’d always known that. Why was she thinking about that now?
“So that’s your biggest weakness huh? Who would’ve thought! Etheria’s almighty hero, defeated by a stove and a frying pan,” Catra teased her, grinning.
“...shut up.”
Adora tried to sound annoyed, but she was visibly beaming when she nudged the brunette. She was just happy that, after all this time, she could finally call Catra her friend again.
“Never,” Catra replied teasingly as she nudged Adora back. “That’s the only thing I’m going to be talking about for the rest of my life.” Her grin widened. “Hey, that means I can now officially put ‘cooks better than She-Ra’ on my resume, right? Oh, I know! I need a cup that says that! Or an apron!”
Adora giggled.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Yeah, well, at least I’m an idiot that can cook,” Catra shot back, sticking her tongue out at the blonde.
They were all laughing now, except for Entrapta, who was speaking into her voice recorder.
“After a couple of days of observations, I think I can safely conclude that it is indeed still very much mutual.” She squealed. “Oh, that means I can update Scorpia when we get back home! How exciting!”
Catra winced a bit when hearing her former friend’s name. Scorpia had been nothing but kind to her from the start, and Catra had been the worst friend possibly imaginable. She felt awful. Scorpia deserved an apology – or twenty –, and then, maybe, she’d forgive her. Maybe they could actually be friends this time. Or maybe Scorpia wouldn’t want the person that hurt her back in her life, and that would be okay, too, despite the sting Catra felt when she thought about it. What mattered was that Scorpia was happy, no matter what she would choose – just like it had been with Adora.
Catra was done making everyone miserable – herself included.
“Update Scorpia on wha-” Glimmer started, then stopped in mid-sentence. “On second thought, I don’t think I even want to know.”
Entrapta blinked, then eyed Bow and Glimmer.
“Speaking of, you two are also interestingly close today. Amount of touching in comparison to the last couple of days increased by about twenty percent. That brings us pretty close to a hundred percent so far! I don’t think Glimmer has stopped holding onto your arm since you two entered the room... Should I write that down? I’m going to write that down.” She thought about the best way to word it for a moment. “There appears to be a chance that travelers will develop an increased need for physical contact while in space, as indicated by four different research subjects.”
There was a moment of very awkward silence as everyone but Wrong Hordak blushed scarlet and tried to avoid eye contact with the person they were sitting with... but Catra didn’t move from where she was sitting, and Glimmer still didn’t let go of Bow’s arm.
In the end, it was Adora that broke the silence as she cleared her throat and looked directly at Glimmer and Bow.
“Entrapta’s kind of right. You two do seem even more attached at the hip today than usual.“
They looked very cozy. It was pretty cute.
Glimmer had to bite back a comment about how Adora was really one to talk, with Catra sitting on her lap and all.
Over the course of the last few days, Catra had slowly moved closer and closer to Adora during meals – which had been blatantly obvious to anyone but Adora – until on the prior day, Catra had carefully touched her arm, and Adora had pulled her a little closer, which the brunette had taken as a signal that they maybe could go back to the way they used to be. Her initial shyness had melted away from her now, and she’d gone from sitting next to her friend to straight up planting herself in Adora’s lap today. The blonde hadn’t complained one bit.
“Did something happen?” Adora asked when neither of them replied.
Glimmer‘s semi-good mood disappeared instantly as she remembered the previous night. Her mouth went dry. Her voice was incredibly monotone as she spoke.
“Nothing, I just... had a nightmare,” she said.
“Right. One,” Bow murmured, glancing at his best friend worriedly.
She immediately elbowed him in the ribs for that.
Adora already had enough on her plate as it was, there was no need to worry her further, especially with something as silly as a couple of nightmares.
“But I’m all better now.”
Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but apparently it was convincing enough for Adora to not dig deeper.
Catra kept quiet, but gave the Queen a sympathetic, encouraging look that made Glimmer certain the brunette knew what it felt like.
All things considered, Catra had definitely had it way worse than Glimmer on Prime’s ship. Glimmer shuddered at the thought of being robbed of her free will, of being forced to fight the people she loved.
Didn’t that mean that Glimmer was just being a baby that was upset for no reason? If Catra could cope with that, why couldn’t Glimmer even calm herself long enough to let go of Bow’s arm?
She closed her eyes and tried to keep herself from shaking. It didn’t work very well.
Apparently guessing where Glimmer‘s mind went, Catra coughed a bit and spoke up.
“Sparkles, listen, I... I know we’re pretty different, but nightmares always suck, no matter how bad they are, and I don’t think they can be compared anyway because different people are afraid of different things. It’s good that you have someone there to comfort you.” She snuggled against the crook of Adora’s neck. “But I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better.”
“I... thank you.” Glimmer’s smile felt less fake now. Bow nodded at Catra appreciative as he put an arm around his best friend. Adora was thankfully way too distracted by the brunette purring against her chest to really listen to what they were talking about. It was better that way. “What about you guys? How did you sleep?”
“Good. Great actually.” Adora beamed. “I don’t think I’ve slept this good in years.”
Since she’d left the Horde, to be precise.
“Yeah, me too. I... really missed sleeping next to you,” Catra mumbled, blushing.
“What do you mean, ‘missed’?” Glimmer raised an eyebrow. “You’ve done this before?”
“Pretty much every day before I left.” Adora grinned smugly. “She couldn’t sleep without me.”
...that actually explained a lot – especially the time Adora had climbed into Glimmer’s bed because she hadn’t been used to sleeping alone. She hadn’t just meant that referring to the fact that she’d been sharing her room with so many other cadets before. She also hadn’t been used to sleeping alone in her bed, because she’d shared it with Catra for so long before leaving the Horde.
Catra blushed even more, and her first instinct was to get defensive and deny it... but then she didn’t. She’d promised herself to be a little more open with her emotions, after all.
“It started back when we were kids, actually... and then we got so used to it that we never stopped. The other cadets always said we could give my bed to someone else because I never slept there anyway.” Catra shrugged and laughed. Adora looked at her in surprise... but then her expression melted into a soft smile. She couldn’t remember when she’d last been this happy. “I was losing my mind without you...”
“Being apart from you wasn’t easy for me either.”
Catra bit her lip.
“If I’d just come with you when you asked me to, none of this would have happened. I’m so sorry.”
Adora squeezed her hand and kept her voice down when she started speaking.
“Don’t get me wrong, everything that happened really, really sucked... but I think it kind of needed to happen. Even when we were so close back at the Horde, there was so much standing between us... so many things we didn’t talk about, so many things we never realized about the other, and we both had issues that we had to work through back then. ...that, and we started being an ‘us’ so early on that we needed some time away from each other to learn who we are separately.”
She’d been thinking about that a lot lately.
For a second, Catra was back on Adora’s bed at the Horde, sitting back to back with her best friend, telling her that she wouldn’t know who she’d be without her.
She knew, now.
That Catra kind of sucked... she’d hurt others, and she’d been hurt, until finally, she’d broken down and reflected on everything she’d done, and then she’d cried and drowned herself in regret and guilt. Now, she finally really knew who she was... and who she wanted to be. Now, she would learn from her mistakes, and she would be better.
“We needed to grow apart so we could grow back together,” she whispered when she understood, and it hurt and it sucked because it meant that even if they’d left together, everything still wouldn’t have been fine – but at least it also meant that everything that had happened in the past few years hadn’t happened completely in vain, even though she still wished things had been different. And maybe they could be fine again now. Or better, at the very least. “I’ve made so many mistakes and hurt so many people...”
Adora hugged her best friend from behind.
“These days are over. And now you’ve got all the time in the universe to be better.”
“And I will be. I promise.” Catra smiled softly and squeezed her hand as she snuggled against her.
Bow and Glimmer just gave each other a knowing look while Entrapta was rambling into her voice recorder again.
After a while, Catra looked up at the others and grinned.
“Now that we’ve unveiled my deepest, darkest secret... you guys have got to have some more silly Adora-stories, right?”
Glimmer laughed and cracked her knuckles.
Bow’s and Glimmer’s relationship with Catra was still strained for several reasons... but she was slowly starting to grow on them, now that they could see she was truly changing. She was almost fun to be around.
“Oh, you bet we do.”
Adora sighed.
“...oh no. ”
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thegoatsongs · 4 years
Two times that Glimmer stroked Bow’s hand to make him agree with something that was wrong and two times he rejected it.
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At the princess ball, Glimmer takes Bow’s hand and tells him she’ll forgive him for taking Perfuma as his date instead of choosing her, hoping he’ll agree into apologizing to her about it.
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But it doesn’t work, because as Bow says “I did nothing wrong.” He’s pretty upset that Glimmer would try to guilt trip him like this for wanting to spend time with other people than her, pulls his hand away and leaves.
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It happens again when Glimmer tries to convince him to not go to save Entrapta and stick with her and trust her plan. And we get an emphasis of Glimmer stroking his hand with her thumb.
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To which he reacts, not without struggle, by pulling his hand away and again standing up for himself. 
Like how Adora chose to fight for the Rebellion even if Catra refused to come with her, he chooses to go save Entrapta even if Glimmer refuses to come. Like Adora, he feels guilt after his choice in both situations and thinks he may have made things worse, because he loves Glimmer and hates having to do this.
Bow may be the heart of the group and the Friendship Guy, but he’s got backbone and his own principles, even if that won’t make him seem like the most loyal friend. (contrast to Scorpia who used to believe that loyalty is the biggest expression of love)
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sevens-evan · 4 years
maybe i’ll have to do fake dating au glimbow instead of high school au glimbow for my next multichap...GOD i have too many ideas
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fic rec list version 1
will be consistently updating! these are just a handful of fics i’ve found that i think are neat :> feel free to send more/rb with your own! i’ve included links to both the fic and the author and i’m absolutely not done yet, there are way more i need to link
a picture’s worth a thousand words by akarihope - catradora in a post-season 3 au, very cool idea behind it, lots of portal theory and catra punching shadow weaver in the face! also VERY GAY. in the woods somewhere is also... pure brilliance. gay witch catra and very soft adora <3
i have faced it, a life wasted by catrasredemption - catradora, modern au where catra and adora are separated after a big accident that changes everything for them. very good, very deep, made me cry, READ THE TAGS! i’d also recommend when all she is, and ever was, in compromised, because it hurt me deeply, and cast some light (it’ll be alright), which features soft artist catra <3
i couldn’t get very far without recommending anachronism by chellethewriter - seriously, both anachronism and immemorial have made me cry almost every update. catradora but they have to live the worst 3 years of their lives all over again and live with the consequences. the angst factor is INCREDIBLY HIGH. also, forever, if you want, because vampire catra owns my heart, and the vanishing point, a catra study that made me cry. a lot.
find a new place to be from by sevensevan - ongoing glimbow and catradora ghostbusters fic, feat. trans bow and nonbinary adora! very powerful and the concept leaves me in tears. recent updates have made me cry repetitively <3
you did something to me and the blood in your mouth by artemiswords - both of these fics are INSANELY POWERFUL and i was really surprised by how accurate the season 5 predictions in the blood in your mouth were! both fics are catradora-centric - a fake dating au and a season 5 speculative fic that HITS
this whole series by buckysbears - catra-centric, focuses on her relationships with the bfs and her trauma, really worth the pain that comes with it! i’d also recommend time take us, a chronic pain adora au with a little bit of implied glitradora thrown in, and made for you, which ;w;
mark my words by lologoblins - catradora flower shop/tattoo artist + soulmates au, very soft and pure fluff with catra and adora being absolute gay messes and mara being hilarious
keep your money (you can take my time) by ehj - catradora coffee shop au from adora’s pov, you can feel the Gay Mess seeping from this one and i love it unconditionally
daylight and bouquet by fuhadeza - post-season 5 catradora being incredibly soft and fluffy and post-season 4 catradora learning to love respectively, both of which are incredibly soft and made me cry for entirely different reasons 
the aftershock (of your touch) by bow_woahh - soulmates catradora au in which catra struggles with her feelings for a whole lot of words and adora is just a complete mess (affectionate). very fluffy, contains its own brand of emotions
up in our bedroom after the war and the infinite of sky by herothehardway - the first is a post-season 5 speculative fic written post-season 5 that focuses on catradora recovering from the impact of the war, specifically on adora’s trauma, and the second is a post-season 5 fic focused on catra being a soft wife and helping adora through a bad night <3 both also made me cry, which i’m discovering is a very dramatic thing to do 
i never cared for stories, until you entered mine by thethirdphiladelphiavireo - modern soulmates catradora au, very soft and containing pining catra. i have read this so many times and it makes me so emotional.
not if it’s you by luuma - single mother adora is just trying to raise her child and her neighbour (catra) insists on helping out. featuring adora’s gay awakening, huntara being an Old Gay, glimmer and bow being glimmer and bow (affectionate)
let adora wear pants by advancingambition - adora discovering her gender identity, featuring supportive trans butch catra. very fluffy, actually made me cry very hard <3
24 things about you by deepblueskies - modern au catradora living together, in which catra is oblivious and adora pines for a lot of words and struggles to communicate her feelings. also featuring fake dating, lonnie being excellent, and sheer fluff. <3
build our own higher ground  by iwouldgetaniguana - a pre-season 5 speculative fic on catra’s redemption arc, which gets pretty damn deep and looks into catra and adora repairing their relationship in a DOPE way
here’s all my bookmarks and here’s a link to the catradora big bang 2020, which contains some of the best fics i’ve ever read
be warned, i will be back with more
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littleweirdplatypus · 3 years
Post-canon! Glimmer knows that her best friends (and boyfriend, not that she takes pride in mentioning that) have been working hard. She just wants them to take a night and relax, even she if she has to force them into it, because nothing can trump the queen card, right? (Glimbow centric with a dash of Catradora)
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imaginationfanstar · 3 years
Glimbow Fairy Tale AUs 👑📖💍
Hey everyone. I have some awesome fic recommendations for you. They’re really good and best of all Glimbow-centric. Please be sure to show these wonderful authors your love with kudos and comments. I’m sure it’ll make their day.
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tippenfunkaport · 11 months
Mermista centric fics!
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It's Mermista's birthday and I would love to say I'll make something new before the end of the day, but the autumn is really crazy for me so instead here is a highlight real of some of the Mermista-centric stuff I have made in the past! All but one are rated G or Teen.
In no particular order...
OK With This
(canon-verse, 1,758 words) Entrapta and Sea Hawk have become buddies during the restoration of Salineas, throwing Mermista and Hordak into an unwilling friendship.
Common Ground
(missing scene / angst, 765 words) Queen Angella pulls Mermista aside after the Battle of Bright Moon to share some memories of her late mother.
Summer Nights from Grease… but make it Seamista!
(Fluff / Comedy, 2447 words) I mean... pretty much what the title says.
(fluff, 642 words) Mermista and Scorpia practice adding dramatic lightning effects to everyday conversation and prank Glimmer.
There Are Many Benefits to Being a Marine Biologist
(fluff, 920 words) Mermista is a marine biologist. Sea Hawk is a hazard to society who wants to hug a manatee.
(fluff, 369 words) Mermista is looking for a tattoo to cover up her scare from Prime's chip
(comedy / missing scene, 1604 words) Mermista and Spinnerella decide to combine their powers to show the Horde something they've never seen before.
(canonverse fluff, 1,407) Mermista is hosting a murder mystery game with the whole gang, but winning is not going to be quite as easy as she thinks.
Captain Mermista
(Comedy / AU, 1,547 words) Retelling of The Sea Gate with Glimbow and Seamista swapped so Glimmer is lusting over pirate captain Mermista. It's funny, just go with it.
Parenting is an ADVENTURE!
(domestic parenting fluff, 1,285 words) My first ever seamista fic! Mermista watches Sea Hawk play with their kids and also nearly drowns.
Baby, It's Cold Outside
(winter fluff, 1667 words) The classic song but with Seamista!
Did Someone Say Seabowmista? <- the only one rated M but it's just for crude language
(comedy, 3,141 words) I wrote this as an April Fool's Day joke so adjust your expectations accordingly.
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catracorner962 · 3 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: catradora - Relationship, Catra/Adora, Glimbow - Relationship, Glimmer/Bow, Catra & Glimmer, catra & scorpia, Bow & Adora, Adora & Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), Adora & Catra & Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), Catra & Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), Adora & Bow (She-Ra), Catra & Scorpia (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Finn | Adora/Catra Child (She-Ra), Catra, Catra (She-Ra), Adora, Shera (Compilation of FFVII), Shera, Glimmer (She-Ra), Bow (She-Ra), Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), Spinnerella (She-Ra), Netossa (She-Ra), Horde Prime (She-Ra), Frosta (She-Ra), Perfuma (She-Ra), Scorpia (She-Ra), Entrapta (She-Ra), Hordak (She-Ra), Micah (She-Ra), Thief King Bakura, Angella (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Childhood Memories, parenting, Fluff, Angst, fluff/angst, Hurt, Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Babies, Baby, Magicat, Magicats, fankid, finn - Freeform, spop, Catra (She-Ra) Redemption, Lesbian Catra (She-Ra), Catra-centric (She-Ra), Lesbian Adora (She-Ra), Adora-centric (She-Ra), parenting goals, Raising a Child, Childhood, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner's A+ Parenting, aruging, Catradora Kid, catradora parenting, Catradora Family, catra/adora kid, catra/adora fankid, catra/adora parenting, Cycles of abuse, Lullabies, Adora (She-Ra) Needs a Hug, Catra (She-Ra) Needs a Hug, catradora fankid, catradora child, catradora parents, Mom Catra, mom adora, finn has two moms, eventually, Unplanned Parenting, Emotional Manipulation Summary It's been five years since Horde Prime was defeated. Two years since Catra and Adora got married. Magic has been brought to Etheria, but all is not well. On a mission to destroy the last of The Brotherhood of Prime Catra finds an orphan magicat among the ruin. Now she and Adora must decide if they are ready for another adventure all together. Adora is ecstatic, Catra...less so. Through their decision, both must revisit childhood memories, some more pleasant than others.
Now back from hiatus! 
*Warning: Violence, themes of childhood abuse and trauma.*
<3 Like what I do? Consider buying me a Ko-Fi! <3
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glimbow-fics · 4 years
Actually Glimbow Fics
Because Glimbow is so often tagged in fics where they either don’t appear or barely appear, I decided to make this blog to help make it easier to find fanfiction where Glimmer and Bow are actually the main focus.
If you post a Glimbow centric fic of any length (aka Glimmer and Bow are the main or at least 50% of the focus) please either tag @glimbow-fics in your post about it so I know to reblog it or submit it to the blog here.
Or, please take a moment to submit some of your favorites so I can make sure to include them!
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mochibunny360 · 4 years
Glimbow Fanfic Masterlist
please reblog and like @sailorglimmer @i-just-love-spop @darkmasterofcupcakes @tippenfunkaport
  i updated the list since it did so well!
people seem to have a hard time finding fanfic that is glimbow centric and not just a background to catadora i feel like these two get neglected so here ya go!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Festival -https://archiveofourown.org/works/25063603
I hate accidents - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25166899
once the coast is clear-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25074793/chapters/60737431
Wishing you were always here-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24676753/chapters/59633107
Queen of the castle-https://archiveofourown.org/works/20205085
Little things-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24362425
it’ll have to do-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25137832
An Outside Perspective-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24992944
Web of lies-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24853432
Getting Warmer-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24835438
Learning Love-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24412870/chapters/58894885
One night, I wished upon a star-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24825046
But The Tigers Come At Night-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25081426
She ra shorts-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25069669/chapters/60723607
Bright Stars- https://archiveofourown.org/works/25023916
400 lux- https://archiveofourown.org/works/24988663
this morning that moves and holds me-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24939211
Things Were Not Too Young To know-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24310030
Test Results-https://archiveofourown.org/works/20442869
The Queen’s Dilemma-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24219046
The One Time Bow Has ever Done-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24892246
I’am Here-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24766729
Slow Down,Brother -https://archiveofourown.org/works/24868975
HERES ANOTHER ONE MOTHERFUCKERS-https://archiveofourown.org/works/24836467/chapters/60077830
Stay With Me-https://archiveofourown.org/works/19766617
Anger Management-https://archiveofourown.org/works/23220451
testing the waters -https://archiveofourown.org/works/24744157
But are we really just friends-https://archiveofourown.org/works/16663582
a long, full in your arms-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25356175/chapters/61480477
but there’s nothing to be afraid of-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25324237
Another world-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25325062
i like that boy.-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25304980
Just Friends-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25191907
skipping stones-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25230388
queen of hearts-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25237090
you and i can go when the night gets dark-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25200940
don’t wanna lie here-https://archiveofourown.org/works/25192777
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persephx · 4 years
by the side of love - glimbow week 2020
this is my fic for today’s prompt for the @glimbow-week-2020 , sickness/injury
read on ao3
Bow looked at Glimmer and bit his lip nervously. He could feel the tiredness pulling him to sleep, but he couldn’t let himself fall for it. He had to look after Glimmer. He had to keep himself awake in case something happened to her. He had to stay with her.
“Nothing is going to happen if you go to sleep” Adora had tried to tell him.
And he knew, okay? On a logical level, he knew. But at the same time, there was something about seeing Glimmer so pale, so weak, that was making him uneasy. She looked so sick that leaving her would have felt like betrayal. The war had ended, they were supposedly safe, but there was not going to be a time when Bow stopped covering Glimmer’s back.
There was a knock on the door that brought him back to reality, and Spinnerella walked into the room. “I brought soup,” she said, showing him the purple bowl. There was steam coming from it and it smelled amazing. It made Bow’s stomach churn. He wasn’t sick, but he wasn’t taking the best care of himself either. The thanked her and took the bowl from her. As Spinnerella left the room, Bow shook Glimmer’s shoulder softly, trying to pull her gently from her sleep. She opened her eyes and hummed brokenly.
“Hey there,” he said softly. She hummed again as an answer. She hadn’t been speaking much those past few days, so it didn’t surprise him that she didn’t have any words for him then. “I have soup.”
She mumbled something that could have been translated to “I don’t want soup.”
He couldn’t hold back his smile. “Spinnerella made it for you, it would be incredibly rude if you refused it.” That didn’t convince her, and it would have made his smile waver, but it wasn’t the first time this had happened. “You need to eat,” he told her, and, at her pout, he let out a soft chuckle. He brough his hand to her cheek and sighed.  “C’mon, Glim, you need to eat something, you can go to sleep again after, okay?”
She whined but sat up and took the bowl from Bow’s hands. It was a small victory that Bow celebrated silently; she hadn’t been able to hold stuff the day before, too weak for doing things by herself. If she could pick up her bowl and hold it herself, that had to mean that she was getting better. He still couldn’t see any real change in how she looked; she still looked tired, stuffy and feverish. He supposed recovery wasn’t going to happen from one day to the other, but these past few days had been the worst that Bow had ever seen Glimmer, and, honestly, he was scared.
She ate in silence and sighed loudly when she finished her food. The fact that she finished the whole bowl without any complaints gave Bow a little bit of hope that he really needed in that moment. He had been having to force her to eat, and he despised the feeling of her sad eyes on him. He hated it. It also meant that she was starting to be able to stomach her food better. She might not have been hungry, but she had at least been able to eat the whole thing.
“You want anything else?” he asked, once she had handed him the bowl.
“Yeah, for you to get some sleep.”
The self-satisfied smile that Glimmer was sporting meant she was proud of her rebuttal, which also showed how gone she was —if she thought that had been good, she must have been more on world of dreams than in reality. Bow supposed he must have really looked tired if she could tell that he needed sleep in the state she was in. And he was tired. He wanted to sleep, but he hadn’t really been able to do so since Glimmer had fallen ill. He also didn’t want to leave her alone, not even if she seemed to —maybe— be getting better.
“Make some room for me, then.”
Glimmer frowned and grumbled. She did not move. “You are gonna get sick if you sleep with me.”
“I don’t care,” he answered decisively. Sleeping with her was the one way that he could fall asleep and not feel the guilt of leaving her.
“I do. You’re grumpy when you’re sick.”
That startled an unexpected laugh out of Bow. “And you are one to talk,” he pointed out with raised eyebrows. If he was grumpy when he was sick, Glimmer was in a whole other league. She had been all whines and grumbles and, even though Bow could find it funny when he saw that Glimmer was better, it had been one of the things that had worried him the most. She had seemed so outside of the real world…
There was a knock on the door that got their attention. As Bow stood up to get it, Glimmer let herself fall back into a lying position, but she fought to keep her eyes opened. On the other side of the door was Catra, looking a little bit uncomfortable, shifty.
“Is something wrong?” Bow asked instantly, worry flashing through his body. It wouldn’t have surprised him if someone else —specially Adora, after all the time she had spent with Glimmer— had also gotten sick.
“Not really,” Catra answered, faking a nonchalant tone. Once they had started to spend more time together, Bow had gotten better at recognizing Catra’s tones, especially when she faked indifference. “I came to see how Sparkles was.”
“I’m fine,” came as a muffled answer from the bed.
Bow looked back to see Glimmer almost asleep and curled up in a ball. She did not look fine. Maybe it was the soup that made her sleepy, but she looked to be dying to get some more sleep.
Catra looked at Bow with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that let visible one of her fangs. “And you, Arrow Boy?”
He rolled his eyes at the name. “Also fine.”
And at that, Catra raised both of her eyebrows.
“He’s not!” Glimmer snitched from her bed. The words came louder than her other interjection, but they sounded just as slurred.
“I’m a little bit tired,” he ended up admitting.
His friend looked him up and down and then let herself into the room. She scrunched her nose but sat in the chair next to Glimmer’s bed. “Go to bed, Bow. I’ll keep guard over the princess here.”
“Queen,” Glimmer corrected.
Neither of them acknowledged her.
“I don’t—”
“If you don’t sleep, it’s you who’s gonna end up getting sick. You need to sleep. You don’t want Glimmer to be alone, and she’s not going to be, I’ll be here until you come back rested,” she made a point of emphasizing the word ‘rested’, which made sense, because Bow could have slept for a couple of hours and then gone back to the room to be with Glimmer. “We’ll be fine without your watchful eye, dude, really.”
“We’ll be fine!” almost-asleep Glimmer added. She had dropped the pretense of staying awake and she had let her eyes close. She would be out in a matter of seconds, Bow thought, and he felt the sort of jealousy that meant that he really was too tired to be there.
“Okay,” he ended up saying. “I’ll— Well. I’ll go to my old room. If anything happens, you’ll tell me, right?”
Catra nodded, more solemnly than what Bow would have ever expected from her. “I promise, Bow. Go to sleep.”
After a couple of seconds of hesitation, he nodded and left the room. He hadn’t even had the chance to take one step away when Catra opened the door and poked her head out in the corridor.
“Hey,” she said in a whisper. “I just wanted to say that Glimmer is going to be alright. She’s strong and she’ll get through this.”
“I know.”
And, really, logically speaking, he did know. But fear wasn’t always logical.
“Yeah, but it’s hard not to worry, isn’t it?” Catra sighed. She looked as uncomfortable as she always did when feelings were discussed. “It’s normal to worry about your loved ones. But you need to know that she’s going to be okay. The same way I know that you will get back every time you go to a diplomatic trip with Glimmer. The same way I know Adora is going to come back from the Whispering Woods in one piece every time she goes out on an adventure.”
Bow nodded, not knowing what to say. It had been the first time that Catra had outright said that she cared for Bow and Glimmer. She showed it, most of the time, with small actions, but she had never actually worded it. It made Bow want to jump to hug her, but he knew she would not react well to that. Instead, he grabbed her hand and squeezed.
“She’s gonna be alright.”
“Thank you, Cat.”
Catra’s soft expression quickly turned into her normal annoyed-at-the-world one. “You’re not making that a thing.” Her tone was decisive, but Bow could see the rise in the corner of her mouth.
“Sure thing.”
He left the corridor before she could find something to throw at him and went to his old room. It had been months since he had moved out from it to sleep with Glimmer, and he didn’t exactly miss it, but he was excited to be there again. That had been the first space he hadn’t had to share with anyone. Not his siblings. Not his dads. Not his dads’ weird stuff. The room had been his and it had been him who chose who could enter in it, something Glimmer had always respected.
As soon as he got there, he faceplanted in the bed and fell asleep instantly, all the exhaustion of the last week finally catching up to him. He woke up thirteen hours later and rushed to Glimmer’s room only to find her laughing with Catra and Adora. His heart seemed to beat at a normal speed for the first time in forever.
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