#best friend squad bonding – IN SPACE
degendog · 3 months
I would love to learn what it means to be a real man
trying to do it alone can be tough and it's so much easier when you just have to do as your told
for starters, seeking out advice on becoming a real man is a solid first step. that shit takes some serious balls. you’ve already started.
becoming a man is about gaining confidence in yourself. don’t make yourself smaller, don’t try to take up less space. be as unapologetically yourself as you want. cis people, and even some fellow trans people, won’t be comfortable with you being confident and secure in yourself, but fuck em. you exist for yourself, not anyone else.
becoming a man is also about presenting in a way that makes you feel powerful and enhances that confidence. if you haven’t tried wearing men’s clothes, get a couple things from a thrift store or hand-me-downs from a friend. try them on, wear them to a store. get a pack of boxers briefs and pin a rolled up sock to the front pouch. that’s your dick now—wear it as much as you can, even outside of boymode.
if you’ve already done all that, make sure the clothes you wear fit your personal style, whatever that may be. punk? jock? guy that works at geek squad? make sure the outside matches the inside.
start manspreading in public. sit with your legs shoulder width apart. it’ll be easier if you’re packing. it’ll be even easier when you start t—you’d be too sensitive to do anything else.
stop giving a shit about your height if you’re below the male average. tons of short guys exist and are hot as fuck because they own it. josh hutcherson is like 5’5 and tons of people think he’s sexy. part of that is because he doesn’t come off as insecure.
apologize less. be polite to people that deserve it, but don’t be subservient. dont apologize for asking questions, don’t apologize for correcting someone, don’t apologize for existing. don’t be afraid to be a bit abrasive, even.
try out more masculine hobbies. you don’t have to abandon any “girly” hobbies you may have—it’s 2024, men can knit. try out woodworking or shooting or fishing or computer building or working on cars or even growing chili peppers. ask your male friends what they do for fun and try it out for yourself. if you have a good relationship with your dad or any other male family member, ask him to teach you. if you don’t have someone irl to teach you something, pick a hobby you’ve always wanted to try out but were too scared to, and watch youtube videos on it. even if you don’t end up loving it, you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone, which is a big accomplishment in itself, and you might’ve even had a nice bonding experience with someone.
look into how to get t, and then do it, if you haven’t already. find a trans clinic in your area, go to planned parenthood if you’re in the states, hell even do diy if you need to. if you’re in an area where it’s unsafe to start t—especially florida jfc—work your ass off to get out of there as soon as possible.
start jacking off and fucking more like a man. stroke your dick instead of rubbing your clit. get a strap on and jerk that off. repeat, “i’m a man” to yourself on every stroke. try pumping your dick. picture yourself topping. actually top. experience your sexuality as something beyond cis society’s expectations for a “woman”—because you never were a woman, so why should you fuck like one?
if you’re scared to do something that’ll help yourself transition, ask yourself “why does this scare me?” and decide if your fears are as big as they seem. many things that seem daunting about transitioning aren’t actually bad, and sometimes end up being fucking awesome.
it’s not going to be easy and it’s definitely not going to be easier than “staying” a woman, but becoming the man you were always meant to be is the best thing you can do for yourself. being able to look in the mirror and like what looks back at you is the greatest feeling in the world. i hope you get there.
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unfair-water-plane · 5 days
So one thing that has always made me chuckle in ME2 is the fact that Kal’Reegar is a marine in a Quarian suit. And he fits in with Shepard easily, the same attitude and headspace and cadence (for mShep at least). And I’m sitting here at work and the thought just hit me.
What if that’s because he is a marine in a Quarian suit?
Hear me out. Kal is older than Tali, or at least gives off those vibes, and so he would have been on his pilgrimage a while ago. Like maybe right after first contact. And here are these brand new people who came out of nowhere and had apparently enough fire power and attitude to give the Turians a very brief pause. The whole galaxy wants to know more. And humanity has no idea who is out there, but surely they can’t all be like the creepy bird people?
Cue one very curious Quarian in Shanxi, just as curious an out humanity as humanity is about everything. Meeting with early alliance brass, giving them information common palace to any kid with an extranet feed but wholly new to humanity. He explains that the Quarian don’t have ground forces because they don’t have a ground, and is honest about the geth, and is like ‘so how did you make the Turian Hierarchy freak out?’
And somehow ends up observing basic training, and falls in love with it. To the point where he actively asks to go through marine boot camp in Hanshan, and is just earnest and endearing enough to be allowed. So he goes through it, puts in the work and the blood and sweat and tears and makes the kinds of friends that you sort of have on the Flotilla, but everyone also knows you are all going to separate ships eventually and getting attached is hard.
But the humans will pack bond with a robot vacuum without issue, and when they meet a Quarian who wants to learn and thinks it’s amazing that they stood up to the biggest military in the galaxy running on old fashioned rocketry and spite? The marines adopt him as one of their own. They are brothers, something most single child Quarians have no experience with, and Kal gives it back in spades. He talks like them, fights like them, jokes and learns and is like them.
And when it is over and they graduate, it’s hard to turn down the offer to stay. But humanity respects the loyalty to his people that takes him back to the fleet, and it almost brings him to tears when his graduating class passes a cap for his passage back to the fleet in more comfort than sitting on a box in a volus cargo ship.
It actually brings him to tears when his drill instructor informs him that while it might not be in great shape, Arcturus has authorized them to gift Kal’Reegar with a battered but space worthy corsair and an official greeting from the Systems Alliance to the Migrant Fleet.
The SSV Jarhead is perhaps the best gift anyone is his age range can give to a future captain, though his practical military experience is a gift to the whole fleet. It catapults him through the Quarian military, from for soldier to instructor to commander, and somewhere he hopes that his brothers and sisters are as proud of them as he is of every transmission that makes it back to him.
On Haestrom, that training keeps him alive long enough to watch his squad die, and that cuts like nothing else. But he can’t stop, because the principle is still depending on him, and until his suit gives out he has to fight to her.
But then the voice cuts through the chatter of his own mind, and he *knows it*. Knows the cadence and the phrasing, knows how a human mouth forms the phrases that he has spent years trying to teach. Commander Shepard might not be a marine, but they are a human combat specialist and the fraternity is there.
Maybe it’s just three more people who are going to die for this fools errand, but somehow Kal doesn’t think so. There are two bone deep beliefs that he will carry it’s him to either the home world or the afterlife, and it has always felt appropriate to him that they rhyme. That they sound similar, when he breathes them into the air.
Keelah Salai. Semper Fi.
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space-dreams-world · 7 months
DPXDC soulmate prompt au:
Everyone has a soulmate. Even if the way you meet your soulmate is different, you can still feel a click in place. Even with different species, romantically or platonically, and multiple soulmates. ( like one person has by sight, and their soulmate is by touch. Basically, you can have soulmates with the same markings or two different types and still work)
So, Danny, after becoming Phantom and dealing with the ghosts, finally finds a way to shut down the Portal around his last year of high school, and multiple people aren't happy about that, i.e. his parents, the ghosts, Sam, the GIW, and even Vlad as he was banking on the fentons for his shit to work, and he had plans surrounding Danny's family.
He gets run out of town by Amity and his parents after they uncover his secret. Danny then spends the next few years in space, discovering aliens.
(During his disappearance, the GIW are disbanded, Vlad doesn't have access to the zone anymore and asking for him to search in space is a permadeath sentence for him, his parents regret their Gung ho attitude and miss him. In a twist of faith, an accident kills them off, and they are working through their regrets in the zone, waiting to see Danny so they can pass)
Now, as I mentioned at the top, this is a soulmate au, so in Death, Danny is able to get a feel for soulmate, like if his soulmate had a marking for him to recognize even if his soulmate identifier is lock on sight. (He essentially has an advantage of figuring out his significant other as he has his soulmate symbol on him.)
So, whose Danny significant other? Look no further than Gotham depressed himbo dad, Bruce Wayne, whose soulmate identifier is a tattoo of Danny's mark.
This could be pretty early on in his hero career or after Duke is a part of the Bats, but basically, Bruce goes on a space mission with the league and in one of their stints to get info, Danny immediately recognizes Batman's mark which was his soulmate clue. So, Danny, who hasn't spoken human or been on earth in years, has zero in on him,but they don't get to talk before Bruce heads back to earth, but Bruce knows there is something off about the possible alien man.
On Bruce's side, he hasn't seen anyone that has made it work, except if if you want to make it a polycule with Superman. (Dick has his redhead squad or the titans, Jason ends up with Roy or someone else, Tim has Bernard and Kon, and Damian is starting to platonically be friends with Jon. Cass has found her soulmate in Stephanie.
(The Joker is a weird case where he has a soulmate that isn't born yet or died already, or he has no one and that why he is crazy and scars the Bat symbol on him as he sees his enemy with no soulmate either.)
Anyway, something big happens on earth, like an invasion, and the Bat is almost killed before a bright light descends upon the sky and removes the threat. Batman, once recovering his sight, sees the same masked alien man from before. Once they regroup, the masked man removes his helmet, and Bruce finally gets his soulmate connection. Danny has aged significantly since his first departure of earth and attempting to relearn earth's customs and figure out what happened with his family and friends.
( Jazz is soulmates with Talia and is in a secret relationship with her after Damian is made.
Sam is soulmates with Paulina but despises this, which causes her some mental instability, and refuses to acknowledge their bond, somehow still banking on Danny being her knight, and rebrands herself as Pamela Isley or Poison Ivy and finds love in Harley.
Tucker actually renames himself after Amity as Silas Stone and has a child. He works with Alien Tech to see if he can find his best friend again.
Dani is only made after Danny's return to earth but loves her indefinitely as he feels that the Portal had robbed him of a good life with offspring.
And Dan is working on his aggression in the zone.)
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Hello :) if your requests are still open:
This is my first time requesting something so please ignore this if I‘m doing something wrong.
I saw the 150 Random Writing Prompts and was thinking of a jealous Hunter smut. (Or Echo, if you find it more fitting)
143.: “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
And if it’s ok ( I could not decide, sorry)
97.: if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god”
93.: say you want me, and i’m yours.”
Thanks 🙏🏻 You are an awesome writer!✨
Thank you so much for the request, anon! You did nothing wrong at all! I was able to work in all three, but I’m incapable of writing anything short, so this is kinda long - oops. Hope you like it! <3
Bonus point if you spot the Taylor Swift lyric I managed to weave in!
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Green Doesn’t Suit You
With the whole squad safely back on Pabu, you settle into a comfortable civilian life. But the yearly Celestialis festival, said to bring good fortune for the next year to those who attend, brings with it something you never thought you’d have.
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Word count: 6.5k
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!
Warnings: jealousy, friends to lovers, pet names, old lady shoving her oar in, Omega is a fantastic wing-woman, confessions of love, first kiss together, squint for possessiveness, being (lovingly) manhandled, first time together, oral (f!receiving), unprotected PiV, dirty talk, soft aftercare, all the fluffy feels.
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The air was stifling, not only from the heat outside but the warmth emanating from both ovens in the kitchen of your new home on Pabu.
The house had been a gift – the fanciest gift you’d ever received – from Shep and the other island residents. A thank you for all the hard work you, the boys, and Omega had put into rebuilding their island after the freak tsunami.
All seven of you, living together in a space infinitely bigger than the Marauder or your old barracks. It was heaven.
“We still need to get those tanks moved.” Omega grumbled, grabbing a clean tray and loading it with the latest batch of cooled cookies you’d made. In the sitting room, just visible through the kitchen doorway, were two bacta tanks. Where Phee had managed to procure them from was still a mystery, but they’d saved Crosshair and Tech’s lives after you, Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker had stormed Mount Tantiss to rescue Omega and the twins. The brothers had been worse for wear – it was still a miracle Tech had survived his fall.
“I’ll speak to Phee in the morning.” You added it to your mental list, skirting around an open cabinet door.
Today was the Celestialis festival, where Pabu’s residents came together to wish for good fortune for the year ahead. Once Shep and the island’s organising committee had caught wind of how good your baking skills were, they’d pulled you into the fray. For weeks, you’d been planning and purchasing ingredients and trying different recipes. And for the last few days, you’d been baking all hours of day and night – with varying levels of assistance from Omega and her brothers.
Four years ago, when the war had broken out, you’d signed up as a civilian handler. Fresh out of college and with nothing lined up, it had seemed like a good idea. While other handlers stayed on Kamino and supported their squads from a distance, the moment you’d read the files for Clone Force 99, you’d known that you’d need to be at their side constantly. They had a habit of veering off track, and handling that from afar would only give you a permanent migraine. So, after signing a hefty waiver with the Kaminoans, you’d been handed some armour, a blaster, and directions to the hangar.
Three years, you’d fought alongside them, learning the best ways to manage them and their unique skill set, building bonds and friendships far deeper and more meaningful than anything you’d ever had before. This last year, since Order 66, had brought its own challenges, too, but it has also brought you Omega.
Grabbing another tray from a cupboard, you pass it over to the young girl, watching as she loads it up with more cookies. Sweat beads on the nape of your neck, and you sigh, lifting your hair to try and get some air to it.
Omega, forever perceptive, abandons the cookies to help tie your hair back. From a small pot on the counter, she goes to grab a hairband, but at the last minute, you redirect her to the strip of fabric that sits nearby, the two of you sharing a look.
It’s another hour before you’re ready to leave for the festival. The boys had headed out mid-afternoon to help set up, taking their dressier clothes with them to spare themselves the walk back to the house and to not get in your way as you finished up. As infuriating and stubborn as they could all be at times, their thoughtfulness was unparalleled.
Dragging wagons laden with treats up to the central plaza, you and Omega work quickly to lay out all the goodies on the tables Shep had set aside for you. You hoped there would be enough for everyone, especially as other food was on offer, too. Stepping back from the tables, you take a deep breath.
“Finally left the kitchen, eh?” Echo teases as he approaches, the rest of the boys in tow. He’d tried to help as best as he could over the last few days, but baking with one hand had been less than ideal. Ultimately, he’d sat at the kitchen table and kept you going with conversation and caff breaks. And he’d chased Hunter off a few times when that keen nose of his had brought him sniffing around for treats to ‘sample.’
You watch as Omega passes a star-shaped cookie over to Wrecker, and the delight on the big man’s face as he devours it fills you with pride. “If I step foot in that kitchen again at any point in the next two weeks, please shoot me.” You joke, the corners of your lips curling into a smile.
“Deal.” Crosshair teases, toothpick sliding to the other side of his mouth as he reaches for a Roonan lemon cookie. His appetite hadn’t returned much since his rescue from Mount Tantiss and time in the bacta tank, but he was trying to eat a little more each day so you wouldn’t worry about him.  
“Hey!” You protest playfully, the boys chuckling as Crosshair takes a small bite, throwing you a wink. Light conversation flows between you all, broken up by the occasional island resident swinging by for some treats. The music starts, and more residents arrive, joining the festival’s spirit, dancing together and laughing.
Hunter can’t keep his eyes off you. For the last four years, he’s seen you in blacks and armour, with the recent addition of sweatpants around the house, and yet now you’re in a dress. A light and airy thing with delicate straps that cross over your shoulders, the fabric cinched in at your waist to accentuate the soft curves of your body. He’s sure it’s the same shade of aqua that paints his pauldrons, too. The thought has a strange sensation sweeping through his gut.
The sound of someone calling your name snatches his attention and drags his thoughts back to the present. As you turn towards the person calling for you, he can’t help but steal the opportunity to admire you. Eyes raking up your bare legs, across your hips and ass that he’s imagined grasping many times, over the smooth plane of your back to the curve of your neck and then…
The entire galaxy might as well cease to exist as his mind goes blank.
Wide brown eyes lock onto the scrap of red fabric keeping your hair up, and that strange sensation in his gut slams into him again. There, holding your hair up, is one of his spare bandanas.
His heart races, thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind. A torrent of emotions surges within him. He wants to reach out to you, to pull you close and finally tell you how much you mean to him, but he holds himself back. He can't bear the thought of you not returning the sentiment. Maybe it had just been an accident. Maybe his bandana had been the closest thing available.
In the silence of his thoughts, he missed you excusing yourself to talk with one of the island’s elderly residents, who’d been calling you over.
“Smooth.” Crosshair deadpans, gaze flicking to Hunter as they watch you go, the rest of their siblings distracted by the food and music.
The slink of his brother’s voice pulls Hunter from his thoughts, and he frowns in Crosshair’s direction. “What?” He asks. They’d worked hard to reconcile ever since Crosshair had been deemed stable enough to leave the bacta tank – they’d broached difficult topics and mended a few bridges as they worked towards getting back to what they’d had before the Order had been given. It was slow and, at times, painful, but neither of them was willing to give up on each other again.
“You were staring at her like she’s pure aurodium. Not that I blame you…” Hawkish eyes slide towards Hunter, a smirk tugging at Crosshair’s lips as he watches his brother’s jaw clench and his head tilt, a hardness settling across his features.
Crosshair lets out a low chuckle, enjoying the slight rise he’d secured. “Green doesn’t suit you, vod.” He tosses the comment before snatching up a few more of your baked treats, striding away in search of a quiet place to perch. Crowds still bothered him, but he didn’t want to avoid the gathering altogether and feel like even more of an outcast.
Across the plaza, you’d reached Mrs. Magiere. The elderly lady had lived on the island for years and had slowly convinced her family to move across the galaxy and join her. She wandered the island around lunchtime, and you’d often crossed paths, sharing polite conversation.
Beside her stood an unfamiliar man. “There you are, dear. I want to introduce you to my grandson, Dax.” Mrs. Magiere reached for your hand, drawing you closer.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Dax.” You offered the man a smile. He was a little taller than you, with a slender build, perfectly coifed brown hair and piercing green eyes.
Dax tries to keep his gaze on your face, but his eyes betray him for a moment as he takes all of you in. You’re quite lovely, he must admit. “And you. My grandmother speaks very fondly of you.” He replies.
Mrs. Magiere looks between you both with glee. “Why don’t you two go and dance? My old bones can’t keep up anymore.” One of her hands finds your lower back, and she gives you a gentle nudge towards Dax.
Warmth sweeps across your cheeks caught off guard and a little uncomfortable, but Dax offers you a reassuring smile and his hand. Not wanting to cause a scene or upset anyone, you take it, letting him lead you towards the plaza’s centre where couples and families are dancing. He stops en route, snagging a delicate pink flower from one of the blossoming vines nearby. With careful hands, he slides it into your hair, leaning back to admire you.
“And here I thought you couldn’t be any more beautiful.” The compliment comes naturally to Dax as he retakes your hand, leading you to a small available spot amongst the dancing island residents.  
The warmth in your cheeks grows, and all you can offer Dax is a small smile as he twirls you into his arms once you are amongst the crowd. Laughing softly, you let him lead, the few dance classes you’d taken at college helping you keep up with him.
“You did a wonderful job with the baked goods.” Dax lays another compliment on you, enjoying your bashful smile.
It felt good to be appreciated for all your hard work preparing for this evening, especially by those outside of your little family. “Thank you. What did you like the most?”
Turmoil rolls through Dax. Truth told, he hadn’t sampled any of the treats you’d so lovingly prepared, but he knew it was essential to compliment you. “The oat ones were delicious.” He takes a stab in the dark.
Your smile falters briefly before you fix it back into place. “I’m glad.” You lie in return, not pointing out that you hadn’t made oat cookies.
Standing off at the side of the plaza, it took no time for Hunter to find you amongst the crowd. Over the years, he’d memorised the sound of your heartbeat and the delicate whisper of your voice as the light breeze carried it to him. His eyes found you, and his brows furrowed as he watched you gracefully twirl in the arms of another man, a torrent of emotions churning within him. Jealousy, like a venomous snake, coiled around his heart, injecting poison into his every thought.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The woman he loved, whose smile could light up his darkest days, was now smiling at someone else. Insecurity gnawed at him, an unpleasant feeling he thought he’d long buried during his cadet days.
He longed to be the one guiding you across the dance floor, holding you as though you were the most precious thing in the galaxy. The realisation that someone else was experiencing that privilege grated on him.
“I don’t like him.” Omega’s voice snapped Hunter from his spiralling thoughts, and he glanced down to see her standing at his side, her own eyes watching you and the unfamiliar man dance.
“Hm, neither do I.” Hunter comments, arms crossed over his chest as he watches you twirl again.
It was no secret to Omega how much you and Hunter loved one another, and she was getting tired of neither of you doing anything about it. “Then, why don’t you go dance with her?” She asked, injecting as much innocence into her voice as she could muster, wide eyes turning up to look at her brother.
Hunter sighed. Omega had a point – he could quickly end this torture.
“Mind if I cut in?” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice interrupted your dance, and you turned towards him, offering him a bright smile.
The smile Dax had been wearing dissipated, a faint clench to his jaw as he shook his head while the music changed to something softer. “Not at all.” He lied, taking his hands from you. His grandmother had told him about the man who’d interrupted, with half of his face shrouded in darkness, and had warned him that you were close. Not willing to go easily, Dax lifted one of your hands to his lips, holding your gaze as he pressed a kiss to the back of it before stepping away a small distance. He’d wait nearby for another turn.
Your bright smile turned a little uneasy as Dax pressed a kiss to your hand, but relief had your shoulders sagging as Hunter stepped forward, sliding one arm around your waist to pull you close, your hand resting on his shoulder. He took your other hand with his free one, fingers interlacing. “Thank you for the save.” You murmured gratefully, knowing that with his hearing, you didn’t need to raise your voice to be heard above the music.
“Always.” Hunter’s answer leaves no room for doubt as he gently leads, moving you both in a slow sway. He can’t help but revel in your closeness. Every touch, every brush of your hand against his, feels electrifying, making his heart race with desire. Your warm body is pressed to his, his senses overwhelmed with you.
Warmth and security flood your body with the press of Hunter’s hand on your lower back, igniting a desire to be even closer. The rest of the galaxy can’t reach you here, tucked safely in his arms, and for a moment, you allow yourself to forget about everything that’s happened over the last four years – all the pain and bloodshed, all the horrors and tears. Through it all, Hunter has been a steady presence.
As you sift through the good memories, certain moments stand out. There was that day at the lake on Kintan, where the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The two of you had sat side by side, another successful mission under your belt, your laughter dancing in the air. You remember stealing glances at him, the way the sunlight had caught in his eyes, adding more warmth than you thought possible to those endless pools of brown.
Then there were the late-night conversations while you were deep in hyperspace, where you’d lose track of time, sharing dreams, fears, and secrets. Hunter’s voice, soft yet determined, painted a vivid picture of what he wanted from life after the war.
You could only hope those wants had changed.
Hunter drew his senses in, letting the crowd in the plaza fade into the background as he focused on you, the steadiness of your heartbeat, the feel of your hand in his and your bodies pressed together, and the subtle change to your scent. “You smell different.” He comments, curious eyes finding yours.
“If anyone else said that to me, I’d stomp on their foot.” You laugh, a little caught off guard by the statement. “I…” You trail off, the warmth that had faded from your cheeks now returning. “I stopped wearing perfume while knee-deep in the war, but now we’re out the other side of it. I thought I might try it again.” You admit, head dipping bashfully, before worry laces through you. “Is it too much? I aimed for something I hoped wouldn’t bother you and your senses.”
Lips parting at your answer, Hunter blinks with disbelief. Here you were in a sweet little dress, one of his bandanas keeping your hair up, and now you’d dropped on him that you were wearing a perfume picked out with his heightened senses in mind. He groans, desire churning through his veins. “Are you trying to turn me on, or are you really just that oblivious?” 
Freezing, you think for a moment that you’ve misheard him. “What?” You question softly.
Hunter realises his mistake, but it’s too damn late to take the words back. 
In the following pause, neither of you moving, simply staring at one another, Dax spots his opportunity and steps forward. “Can I cut back in?”
Hunter has to actively stop himself from grunting in frustration at the interruption. “We’re not done.” He tells him politely, making sure to keep his eyes on you. He knows he has to say something to you. “Cyar’ika, I…”
Dax huffs, finding it unfair that this man had swooped in and stolen you mid-dance and refused to let him back in. “Look, bud-“
Something snaps in Hunter, and his head whips to the side, eyes narrowing at the man you’d been dancing with. “If you interrupt me one more time, so help the Maker…” He growls out the threat, no longer caring that he’s being rude. This was too important. You were too important.
Your jaw drops, and you watch in disbelief as Hunter threatens Dax. Your heart races, and for a moment, the tension in the air is palpable. Dax, a bit taken aback by Hunter’s sudden intensity, raises his hands in a placating gesture.
“Whoa, whoa, man.” Dax stammers, realising he’s pushed Hunter’s patience to the limit. He steps back, allowing some space between him and the seething clone.
Hunter takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, regaining his composure. He turns back to you, his eyes softening as he tries to find the right words. "Cyar'ika, I'm sorry. It’s just... I need to talk to you.”
Your heart still races, but now it’s not just from the tension between the two men. You look into Hunter’s eyes searchingly. “What is it?” you ask, your voice filled with concern.
Keeping hold of your hand, Hunter leads you away from the crowd, finding a quiet corner of the plaza where you can talk in peace. The silence lingers for a few minutes as he struggles to find the right words, scrubbing his free hand over his face, having never anticipated this moment would come. 
Unable to bear seeing him so stressed, you step closer, resting a hand against his chest. His heart thuds heavy under your palm. “H…” You breathe the little nickname you’d given him shortly after joining them all those years ago, which breaks him out of his funk. 
“You’re a kaleidoscope of everything beautiful in this galaxy.” He blurts out, catching you off guard. “Your kindness, the way you listen, how you look after everyone around you — you’ve had me captivated since the day you waltzed onto the Marauder like you owned the damn thing and introduced yourself. And now, it’s terrifying to think of my life without you in it.” Once the words start, he can’t stop them.
“And I know we’ve been friends for years, and I value that more than anything in the galaxy. But seeing him dance with you and thinking of him doing it again…” Hunter huffs, trying desperately not to get worked up. “I mean, cyar’ika, the colour…” He gestures to your dress with his free hand. “And you’re using my bandana to keep your hair up, and you picked out a perfume with me in mind...” He trails off, knowing he’s shared so much that he can’t return from it, but Maker does it feel good to get the weight off his shoulders.
A small smile weaves onto your lips, even though you know you shouldn’t be happy, given the man you love is clearly stressed. “What if I told you none of it was accidental?” You murmur, your hand on his chest smoothing across the firm plane of muscle. “That you didn’t misplace your right pauldron the other week – I borrowed it to colour match. And I purposefully asked Omega to use your bandana earlier when she was tying up my hair.” You confess, eyes darting up to watch as surprise paints itself on his handsome features.
“You know, I’ve spent countless nights replaying moments in my head, wondering if you ever picked up on how my heart races when you’re near or how I can’t keep my eyes off you when we’re together. I didn’t want to make things awkward or ask for something neither of us could give in the middle of a war. But we’ve made it out the other side, so…” It’s your turn to trail off.
Your words hung in the air, and Hunter’s heart began to race, his body swirling with so many emotions it was difficult to grasp onto any of them. A rush of warmth surged through him, from the tips of his fingers to the depths of his soul. Gazing into your eyes, all he finds is pure, unwavering honesty. Your sincerity was a balm to his fears.
Hunter’s silence unnerves you, but you’re not backing out now. Not when the promise of something so much sweeter is tantalisingly close. “Say you want me, and I’m yours.” You whisper.
Hunter’s gaze never wavers from yours, and a flicker of relief crosses his eyes as he realises that this isn’t a cruel joke or an illusion. It’s real. The tension between you seems to crackle with anticipation as he takes a deep breath, finally finding the words he’s been searching for. “I’ve wanted you since the day you walked onto the Marauder.” He admits softly, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. “I’ve tried to be strong, to protect you and the rest of the squad, to not let my feelings get the better of me. But I can’t deny it any longer. I want you with every beat of my heart, every breath I take.”
His confession sends a shiver down your spine, and you can feel the intensity of his desire in the way he holds you and the way he looks at you. There’s no turning back now.
With a slow, deliberate movement, Hunter leans in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. The world around you fades into obscurity, and it’s just the two of you finally giving in to the magnetic pull that has existed between you for so long. The kiss is a promise, a declaration of all the unspoken feelings and desires built up over the years.
As your lips parted, Hunter rested his forehead against yours, his breathing ragged with emotion. “I want you, and I’m yours.” He whispers, his voice filled with love and longing.
A radiant smile spreads across your face, and you reply, “I’m yours too, Hunter. Always.”
His smile matches your own as he pulls back a little, though his fingers remain on your face, now stroking across your jawline. “Want to get out of here?”
Teeth sinking into your lower lip, you nod. “Thought you’d never ask.”
Hunter’s eyes twinkle with excitement and relief as he takes your hand and leads you away from the plaza, slipping down side streets towards your home. As you walk hand in hand, you can feel the electric connection between you two, a spark that has finally ignited into a full-blown flame.
Halfway there, Hunter pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist as he tucks you against the side of a building, his lips finding yours. His kisses are hungry, filled with longing and desire, as if he’s been waiting forever for this moment. And in truth, he feels like he has.
As the kiss breaks, your laughter echoes in the stillness of the night, smile as bright as the stars above as he disentangles from you, drawing you out of the shadows and back towards the house. As you reach the front door, he stops, his free hand moving to your hair, plucking the flower from Dax free. Carelessly, he drops it to the floor.
“Hunter!” You exclaim, watching the delicate bloom hit the pebbled path beneath your feet.
Something dark shines in his eyes, sending a thrill through you. “The only things in your hair should be my bandana,” his hand reaches for your ponytail, giving it a gentle tug as he leans in, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. “Or my hands.”
Breath catching, Hunter’s lips meet yours for a passionate kiss. The front door is pushed open, and you’re guided inside, steady hands grasping at your hips as he kicks the door shut behind you both.
Heart thudding as both of Hunter’s hands cup your face; you sink into his touch as his tongue slides between your lips, tasting you. He leads you up the stairs, refusing to break the kiss for even a moment as you reach his room. One hand leaves your face to push the bedroom door shut, and a moment later, you’re pressed up against it, Hunter’s body pining you in place, an arm resting on the door above your head, caging you in. That earlier sense of safety creeps back through you.
Tearing his lips from yours, Hunter’s chest heaves with each breath, a fire licking its way through his veins as you both open your eyes, gazing at one another for a split second. His head dips, mouth leaving a trail of delicate kisses along your throat, groaning as you tilt to give him better access, the prettiest moan sliding from your lips as he laves a kiss to the juncture where your shoulder and neck meet, following it with a quick, gentle nip.
Knees shaking, your fingers find the buttons of his shirt, undoing them one by one until you can push the fabric off his body. The rough pads of his fingers drag across your bare thighs, breath stuttering as the hem of your dress meets his grasp. He breaks contact just long enough to lean back and lift the garment over your head, letting it fall to the floor.
“Fuck…” Hunter curses quietly, eyes roving over your exposed body, the curves and dips of your frame, the swell of your bare breasts. A needy groan escapes him as he realises your panties match the dress, too.
Before self-consciousness can creep in, he’s dragging you to the bed with a hungry kiss, pushing you back onto it, kiss breaking as your back meets the soft mattress. For a moment, you both pause, drinking the other in. There’s a wildness in Hunter’s eyes you’ve never seen before, a warmth in your cheeks at how his eyes devour you. You’ve seen him shirtless countless times – while sparring or coming out of the fresher, changing, or patching up wounds, but now you can look.
His broad shoulders taper to his narrow waist, and his tanned, toned skin begs to be touched. Half of him is shrouded in black ink, and a burning desire to drag your nails over the ridges of his abs has you licking your lips.
Hunter’s not faring much better, either. The sight of you sprawled on his bed in nothing but a scrap of aqua fabric, lips kiss-swollen, his bandana still in your hair, and your gorgeous tits exposed has him itching to fuck you on every surface, to fill the room with the scent of your arousal and make you scream his name over and over again. “Don’t mind me, just enjoying the view.” Hunter breaks the momentary silence, reaching down to palm himself through his pants.
The action draws your gaze downwards, and you watch delightfully as the man you love gives himself a stroke through the fabric.
Hunter’s nostrils flare, picking up on how the simple action drew more of your heady scent from between your thighs. At the foot of the bed, he slowly sinks down onto his knees, eyes never once leaving you. If you smell that delicious, he can only imagine how you’ll taste.
Propped up on your forearms, you watch as Hunter sinks down between your thighs, those warm brown eyes focused solely on you. Fingers skim up your calves, feather-light, gently pressing your legs wider as they reach your knees. His head turns inwards, gazes breaking as he presses soft kisses to your thighs, tongue leaving small, slow licks in their wake. He takes his time savouring you, savouring the moment.
Lips brush across the juncture between your thigh and hip, sucking small marks against your skin before Hunter buries his face against your clothed pussy, eyes shut as he presses his nose against your clit, inhaling deeply. Your scent pulls a low growl from him, the vibrations making you gasp. “So wet already. I’ll take good care of you, I promise.” Hunter vows, tongue pressing forward to lick across the damp fabric of your panties, making your breath stutter at the contact as your head thunks back down onto the mattress, eyes screwing shut.
Fingers prying the material down your legs, Hunter dives back between your thighs, dragging the flat of his tongue through your soaked folds, delighting in the way your hips buck and you cry out. He was right; you taste even more delicious than you smell, and he groans at your tang on his tongue.
Drawing your legs over his shoulders, he settles in, licking long, broad strokes across your pussy, familiarising himself with you. His senses home in on you, mind cataloguing every slight noise you make, every jerk of your hips, the way your breath quickens when his tongue skirts oh so close to your entrance and then circles around your clit.
Needy little whines escape you, every nerve in your body alight as Hunter teases you, lips and tongue exploring you, his nose bumping against your clit to send sparks of desire surging through you. Warmth pools in your belly, and it only grows as the wet warmth of his tongue presses against your entrance, dipping in. “Hunter…” You moan out his name, fingers burrowing into his hair as you cant your hips, grinding against his face.
Pride blooms in Hunter’s chest at your response, and he keeps going a little longer before he flicks his tongue up and across your clit, the sounds of your cries of delight like music to his ears. Hands grasping at your thighs, he presses your legs up, almost folding you in half as his tongue sweeps side to side, teasing his way back down your pussy as he has greater access.
The change in angle makes you moan, free hand clawing at the sheets while your hips rock, chasing the delight of his mouth. A light suck on your clit makes you gasp, the warmth in your belly building with every swipe of his talented tongue. Dragging his tongue around the edge of your folds, he draws an arch, skirting around the top of your clit again. “Hunter, please.” You crack, desperate for him.
You feel him smile against you, releasing one of your thighs, fingers roaming up your body until his tattooed hand gently squeezes one of your breasts. His mouth is relentless, tongue finding your clit, firmly moving side to side over the sensitive bud as those talented fingers of his tweak your pebbled nipple.
The warmth crescendos, spilling over, and you cry out his name as your release slams into you, making your body shudder, gasping for breath at its intensity.
Hunter works you through the high, and as you whine at the overstimulation, his mouth leaves you, fingers letting go of your nipple to smooth over the soft skin of your breast. “Beautiful.” He whispers reverently, tongue darting out to lick his lips and drink up the taste of you as he watches you come down from the high, your heavy-lidded eyes opening to meet his gaze.
With your hand in his hair, you guide him up your body, small hums of delight leaving you as he peppers kisses across your stomach and chest, laving little licks across your breasts as he drags you further up the bed. He breaks away for a second, using one hand to remove his belt and shuck off his pants.
You watch as he strips completely, acres of tanned skin finally revealed. As he ditches his boxers, his hard cock springs free, and your tongue darts out to wet your lips, thighs parting a little wider. You relish the low groan the action pulls from him before he takes himself in hand, fist sliding along his shaft for a few pumps. He’s average in length but thicker than you expected - anticipation coils through you.
He prowls up the bed, settling above you, letting a little of his weight rest against you. Dark eyes meet yours, and you can’t hold back your smile, fingers reaching up to trace along his face. Drawing his head down, you steal a kiss, letting the moment build as your eyes flutter shut, tongues brushing together. Hunter shifts above you, resting his weight on one hand while the other dips between your bodies, fingers wrapping around his cock as he teases the velvety head through your soaked folds. Achingly slowly, he presses forward, your lips parting as you let out a soft moan at the stretch as he eases into you inch by inch.
“That’s it, cyar’ika. Maker, you’re so pretty, taking all of me like a good girl.” He whispers against your lips, enjoying how your breathing changes and your heart races at his words. You feel like heaven as he bottoms out, hips flush against you, chests pressed together as his hand moves back to the side of your head, redistributing his weight.
The stretch as Hunter fills you is exquisite, and your eyes open to gaze up at him in awe that this is happening – that this incredible man is yours. The first slow roll of his hips has your head tilting backwards, a breathy sigh filling the room.
The pace builds, your hands reaching for him, dragging up his back and down his flanks, nails scraping along flushed skin, making him grunt at the combination of pleasure and pain. Desire coils through you, building with every thrust of his hips, every drag of his cock as he pulls out to the tip and pushes back in. He leans down to kiss you, demanding tongue sliding between your lips to taste you.
“You’re so good for me, so fucking good around me. Made for me.” Hunter growls and the sound of your bodies meeting creates a background of white noise. “Won’t last long, baby. You feel too good. Fucking dreamed of this.” He adds, supporting his weight with one hand again, thrusts never faltering as he reaches down to grasp one of your legs, hauling it up. He presses a kiss to your ankle before he pushes your leg towards your chest, the change in angle enabling him to thrust into you even deeper.
Eyes falling shut once again as he drives you closer to the edge, you whine and whimper as his cock repeatedly rubs against your g-spot. The hand he’d used to pry your leg up moves to your breast, fingers tweaking your pebbled nipple again before he gently squeezes. Your name falls from his lips, raspy alongside his command. “Come for me.”
Between his hands, cock, and voice, you’re powerless to resist. Fingers scrambling at his body for purchase, your back arches as you cry out his name, desire bubbling over into a rush of euphoria that sweeps through your body and momentarily renders you speechless. Tremors wrack through you, toes curling as you desperately pant for breath, hazy eyes opening to look up at him.
Feeling you come apart, watching you fall into pleasure beneath him, was more than Hunter could’ve ever asked for. You were beautiful every day, but lost in the throes of an orgasm he’d given you? You were divine. He could feel the pressure building, feel himself teetering on that edge.
“Where?” The roughness of Hunter’s voice caresses you, warm puffs of his breath tickling your ear from where he’s bent down to bring you both even closer, caging you under him as his thrusts grow sloppy, muscles taut under your hands.
“In me, please.” You whisper back, and the deep moan he lets out will forever be seared into your mind.
Hunter gives a few final thrusts before he presses in as deep as he can, a guttural sound leaving him as his eyes screwed shut, thighs shaking as he hits his own peak, the pressure evaporating into molten bliss as he gives you everything. Slowly, the pleasure pulls back, like the tide, and he swallows thickly as his eyes open, breath catching at the sight of you.
You’re gazing up at him like he hung all the stars in the galaxy, indescribable love woven through your features. Carefully, he lowers your raised leg, fingers rubbing to return some of the feeling as his lips meet yours with a tenderness that could only come from years of shared moments, mouths moving in perfect harmony, a slow, sensuous exploration of one another.
Hand sliding to your waist, Hunter holds you still as he gently eases himself out of you, shifting to lay on his side, drawing you against his chest.
You nestle into his embrace. Your fingers trace the contours of his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. The years of laughter and tears, the countless shared experiences, and the trust built over time have all culminated in this moment.
Hunter presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, and you can feel the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips. He draws lazy circles on your back, a comforting motion that brings you a sense of security and belonging.
With your bodies pressed together, you both revel in the aftermath of your lovemaking. The room is filled with a peaceful stillness, and you listen to the soft melody of your combined breaths, knowing that this love is the anchor that holds you both steady in a still-turbulent galaxy.
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buckys-metal-arm · 7 months
Okay but Bucky being friends with the Space-Based heroes
Carol showing Bucky the Skrull Memory band and letting him use it to recover memories of his family and childhood that he thought HYDRA had well and truly beaten out of him
Mantis using her powers to help Bucky sleep, like she used to with Ego, and her being happy that she can help a good person find some peace this time
Rocket understanding what Bucky has been through better than most. When he's working on the ship or weapons or something Bucky comes and sits with him and he explains what he's doing and why and Bucky is super interested and always asks a ton of questions
Kraglin taking Bucky to Nowhere and showing him around and Bucky being enraptured by it because he's a giant fuckin nerd
Cosmo absolutely loving playing with Bucky, he's also the only one who speaks Russian to her
In a similar vein, Goose absolutely ADORING Bucky and maybe sending one of her kittens with him so we can get Flerkitten!Alpine
Nebula and Bucky talking best practice for prosthetic maintenance, and bonding over the fact they've both lost their sisters, one to old age and one to... *Gestures to IW*, as well as the fact that, like Rocket, she gets what he's been through better than most
Drax and Bucky sparring and Bucky realizing he's one of the few people he can spar with and not worry about hurting
Thor teaching Bucky about the 9 worlds like he did Jane in Thor 1 and Bucky being absolutely fascinated also Bucky is ABSOLUTELY worthy of picking up Mjolnir. He doesn't try because he doesn't think he is, but Thor knows. Just like he did with Steve.
Valkyrie and Bucky being bi disaster squad drinking buddies. They hang out and drink Asgardian mead (Bucky is shocked when it gets him drunk for the first time in 70 years), talking about the people they've lost, doing what they can to keep their memories alive. She lets him ride Warsong once and Bucky is freaked out because "god dammit Val I've never ridden a normal horse before let alone a fucking flying one". He figures it out enough to have fun eventually
Star-Lord making Bucky a playlist of all of the best music that he missed. He also ABSOLUTELY makes Bucky watch Footloose and though he refuses to admit it to Peter he ended up really liking it
Bucky loving being around Phylla when he hangs with the Guardians and Love when he's with Thor because they remind him of his sister when she was young
I know there are other space based heroes but these were the ones I could think of, I just like the idea of Bucky having a bunch of friends and being a giant nerd with them 🥺🥹
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blorboandblorbina · 8 months
Sun and Moon are the type of people who would go to any length for each other. Sun is optimistic and Moon is pragmatic. Moon has a charitable heart, while Sun's focus is inward. This doesn't mean he is incapable of recognizing the good in others. Moon's face is incredibly expressive. Sun's face often resembles a cat. Moon goes out of her way to help Sun even when she has no reason to. Sun helps Moon in her mission to get ingredients to create a special medicine. Moon helps Sun in his mission to bring peace to the Alola region by calming the Tapus.
Over time their bond strengthens to something closer than best friends, but not yet lovers, because one of them has yet to realize his feelings. Moon is bashful and her emotions betray her infatuation with Sun. Sun is careless with his words and will speak without thinking, whether it's to say something stupid or to give an embarrassing compliment.
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Moon is a talented archer
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as well as a pharmacist of people and pokemon. Sun always asks if Moon will fix him up, and if it will be free. Every time she says that she will and that it is. She is charitable. Sun is saving up one million pokedollars for something important so he is conscious of not spending money.
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(banter dynamic and Moon's expressions).
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(Moon being asked to accompany Sun on his mission to save Alola with no reward for her).
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At a certain point, Sun is abducted into Ultra Space and Moon dives in after him with no guarantee that she will be able to return home. Additionally, Sun had just lost all of the million pokedollars he had finally saved up right before being abducted, years of hard work wasted. Yet, while Moon is fretting, he keeps up a positive attitude for Moon's sake.
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After being stranded in Ultra Space together for six months, they finally find Lunala and are able to take an Ultra Warp Ride home. But Moon insists that instead of returning to Alola, they go further into Ultra Space to fix the problem of Ultra Beasts entering Alola. Sun compliments her bravery and selflessness, calling her "amazing". Moon responds by blushing and brushing off the compliment. This is a big moment for Sun and Moon shippers. Sun then calls out to the Ultra Recon Squad members about Moon's positive qualities, embarrassing her further.
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This relationship may seem one-sided, with Moon in love with Sun, but it's a relationship where she falls for him first since she is more emotionally mature. Sun absolutely cares for Moon just as much, it's just that he is completely dedicated to the goal that he must accomplish.
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I feel this image accurately summarizes their dynamic lol.
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kenobster · 11 months
Star Wars Reading List
Figured that since Ao3 is down, this might be a good time for y'all to get into reading actual Star Wars books/comics. Thus, here is a list of excellent books that focus on Obi-Wan & Anakin or beloved prequel-era characters.
Note: With whatever credibility I've earned, I ask you to please consider ordering these books from somewhere other than Amazon. Not only is Jeff Bezos a plague upon planet earth, but his site is also wreaking havoc on the publishing industry. Amazon is a huge contributor to current bestsellers sucking and diverse, marginalized voices not getting heard. Local bookstores are best, but even Barnes & Noble is better. I am happy to assist you with an Amazon book boycott if you PM me.
Karen Miller
Reading actual books & comics is gross, you say? Fanfic is more palatable in style to your interests? Not a problem, my friends; do I have the author for you. Karen Miller writes some excellent Obi-Wan & Anakin centric books that feel just like reading fanfiction (if only minus smut XD). The way she writes the protagonists goes deep into the bonds they feel (and/or develop) with each other. If you're used to reading fanfiction, this won't feel much different.
Note to the wise: Don't worry about Karen Traviss—you don't need her.
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#1: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth
Even though Wild Space (below) is the first book in this storyline, I recommend starting with this one. The beginning of the book is Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka engaged in a multipronged battle. From a starfighter, Anakin engages his squad in an air assault while Obi-Wan fights on the ground with Ahsoka. After that, it has one of my favorite Obi-Wan tropes ever in which Anakin spends about four chapters assigning miscellaneous members of the GAR to escort Obi-Wan to the medbay for neglected injuries. (If you like my fic Every Shadow, then you will love this.) Afterward, the story veers toward a mission that Obi-Wan & Anakin embark on together, in which the two of them bicker lovingly whilst exhausting the ever-loving shit out of themselves to endure dire, hostile straits. The amount of sweat, fatigue, and desperation drenching their characters by the end of this novel will make you feel alive.
#2: Clone Wars Gambit: Siege
The direct sequel to Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth, which is no less fun of a read. Oh? You thought the nonstop sweat-drenched, desperation-fueled survival instinct and fatigue were over? You thought that? Cute. Being the direct sequel to Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth, this book starts as Obi-Wan jolts awake from an unexpected, impromptu nap and yells at Anakin for letting him fall asleep in the first place. (In response, Anakin is shrugging like wtf was I supposed to do, we're tired and tired ppl sleep.) In the midst of their argument, the stolen speeder which Anakin is piloting decides to demand an immediate crash-landing in the middle of nowhere. From there, Obi-Wan & Anakin are stranded on a planet under intense Separatist surveillance and are forced to find sanctuary in a local and suspicious village. But this book is titled "Siege" for a reason. Catastrophes are not over, and despite what you may think, they have not yet scraped the absolute bottom of their limits yet. They will though. They will. My favorite scene involves Anakin (running on sheer fumes and willpower alone) throws a tantrum about Obi-Wan healing civilians so much he's practically keeling over. You will like this book. I guarantee it.
#3 Clone Wars: Wild Space
Now that you understand Karen Miller is a fellow author of all your favorite Obi-Wan & Anakin fanfic tropes, you can read her fanficiest fanfic of all published Star Wars material. The amount of Obi-Wan whump in this novel is batshit, y'all. It starts out with a lot of satisfactory Obi-Wan & Anakin scenes, especially re Obi-Wan enduring physical injuries and Anakin being intensely upset and worried. Then, for the second half of the book, Obi-Wan embarks on an investigative mission with Bail Organa based on the Senator's mysterious intel. This leads the two of them to Zigoola, a Sith planet of utter despair and Obi-Wan's worst nightmares. This is the origin story of Obi-Wan & Bail's friendship, but mostly you'll like it because Obi-Wan is so fucked up by the end of it that he can't even stand. The whump cuts deep on a physical, emotional, and cosmic-Force-magic level. A true treat.
When Ao3 is back up, I recommend the incredibly written fanfic A Thousand Satellites by stark2ash as a follow-up to Wild Space.
Matthew Stover
Alright, you're with me on why reading published Star Wars content is good now? You're ready? Amazing. Let me introduce you to one of the most incredible authors of our time. Matthew Stover writes so expertly that his books feel like literary masterpieces, regardless of their inclusion in the Star Wars franchise. If you read nothing else on this list, please read something by him. You will not regret it.
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#1 Revenge of the Sith novelization
If you always liked the prequels but felt they were kinda rushed or shallow or failed to adequately suspend your disbelief for certain plot points, then this is the book you should read. Every single aspect of the movie is portrayed with such care in terms of themes, characters, and attention to detail. There is incredible characterization for Obi-Wan—the hopeful but tragic hero of the clone wars; the brilliantly competent and yet endearingly humble Jedi Master. The emotions Stover puts this man through successfully makes us sob rivers, alongside the masterminded and horrifyingly abusive manipulation that Palpatine directs onto Anakin—the child prodigy who struggles so desperately to stay in the Light and ultimately fails. You know how people always watch a movie and come out saying how the book was better? Somehow, Stover managed to achieve this feat after the movie was already released! Again, if you read nothing else, please read this book. Otherwise, I can't talk to you, lol.
#2: Shatterpoint
Since you followed my advice and read the above book (you did read the above book... right?!), I am now assuming you realize Stover is a literary genius and a true master of his craft. Thus, may I present you with Shatterpoint, an equally inspired character study of Jedi Master Mace Windu. You like Mace Windu, right? Yeah, of course! We all do. But I bet the content featuring him has always been a little boring. I bet that makes you a bit nervous to give this book a try because you're worried it will be boring. Well, ho boy you are wrong, my friend. This book is a fascinating deep dive into not only the political landscape surrounding the clone wars but also the human element of what constant war can do to a society. At all times, the book is intense, chilling, and thrillingly page-turning. If you're a loser and don't like Mace Windu, you absolutely will by the end of this. I cannot convey how utterly this book strayed from my usual interests and still managed to zip me through to the very end.
Aha! You have read all of the above and are still looking for some more? Well well well, you fucking nerd, you are definitely someone I'd would like to engage in friendly conversation with. XD Now that I've proven my good taste, please add these additionally nerdy books your list.
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#1: Brotherhood by Mike Chen
Hey look! It's a canon book! Yeah! This book is canon! And it's good, too! If you always wish for more political/investigative drama in your Star Wars content, Mike Chen has you covered. Obi-Wan is a brilliant Jedi in terms of getting to the bottom of some forensic shenanigans, pulling all-nighters to write persuasive essay-length speeches to extremely important people, evading enemies who intend to do him dead without harming a single one of them, and most notably displaying a strong inclination (and talent!) for diplomacy even when it means doing none of the above. On the side, he maintains an adorable relationship with his newly knighted Padawan, who embarks on an interesting journey of his own. Anakin bonds with a Jedi initiate who is struggling with a intense Force empathy, both of whom decide to go "rescue" Obi-Wan. I love this book. It is one of my all-time Star Wars faves.
Also in this book, Anakin manages to have the most hilarious scifi equivalent of an "I'm going through a tunnel" phone call while talking to Mace Windu. 😂
#2 Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray
This book is also canon, horray! If you're dissatisfied with many two-dimensional portrayals of Padawan!Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, then this book will satisfy the relationship you never knew you craved. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fumble to overcome their rocky dynamic well into their Master-Padawan relationship—causing Obi-Wan a massive amount of anxiety and Qui-Gon a massive amount of guilt. Their miscommunication, however, goes both ways! Both of them are beloved Jedi who are trying really hard to understand each other—and eventually do! Obi-Wan righteously abides by Jedi guidelines, but in the most obnoxious and bratty way possible. XD Meanwhile, Qui-Gon's interest in myth and precognition is actually more complicated and nuanced than it seems. This book characterizes these two characters, including their relationship with each other, not only in the way George Lucas originally intended but also in a super emotionally compelling way.
#3: Dark Disciple by Christie Golden
Quinlan seems to have become a bit of a fanfic favorite for some, but his character is actually a lot more complicated than you'd ever know! Read this book for the beautifully intricate story regarding the choices he has to make and the paths they take him down. He has a hell of a time and he struggles dearly between right and wrong because of it—but the layers of depth to his character, including his devotion to the Light side, his intelligent kindness, and his endearing façade of humor shine through the darkness he is subjected and temporarily falls to. Obi-Wan himself is a central character to this story; likewise, his fierce perspective on forgiveness, atonement, and redemption are essential cornerstones to understanding this novel and his character. Plus, there is some very cute Anakin to boot. If you made it through the other books, then this one is an absolute must-read.
#4: Rogue Planet by Greg Bear
Ever wonder where all the "Barriss Offee once was great" discourse comes from? Ever intrigued when fellow fans talk about the Blood Carver? Well, my friend, you're in luck! This book are both conversations' source. I'll admit, this book is the driest of all of my recommendations, but it is no less worth the read! The moments where Obi-Wan struggles to be a good mentor to Anakin, teenage mom style, are adorable, particularly in the early scenes where he must stop Padawan!Anakin from competing in a podrace-like competition. If you're literally out of things to read, this book will get you over the spell. And after you're done, you'll finally feel knowledgeable enough to start engaging this Barriss Offee discourse!
Damn it, you're still not with me on the book-reading thing? Books are too wordy for you or something? Sighs, to each their own, I guess. Here's some incredibly well written comic runs that achieve fantastic storylines but with super pretty pictures, too.
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#1: Obi-Wan & Anakin (5-issue run in 2016)
The comic in which, despite Palpatine's disgustingly creepy attempts to the contrary, Obi-Wan is an incredible teacher and Anakin is an incredible student. Obi-Wan's style as a Jedi Master is shown to be lovingly wise and gentle. In fact, it is so uplifting that it repeatedly brought me to tears when I read it. Similarly, Anakin's struggles with the Jedi Order are defined with a satisfying level of depth. He is trying and sometimes he fails—but he learns. The storyline overall is gorgeous, both in art and in narrative value, and the ending itself is something truly beautiful. Furthermore, this artist paints Obi-Wan in a way that makes me reconsider my sexuality. You will stare for decades at his face.
#2: Darth Vader (25-issue run from 2017 to 2018)
What happens after ROTS you wonder? How does Darth Sidious begin to instruct his new apprentice? What measures do the surviving Jedi take to attempt to preserve their culture? Where do the Inquisitors come from? How does one "bleed" a Kyber crystal? All of these questions and more are answered in this 2017 comic run (not to be confused with other Darth Vader comic runs). Besides the really interesting worldbuilding immediately post-Order 66, I don't think I've read a comic run this absurdly well-written ever. Of particular note, the author & artist use a sort of magical realism in Darth Vader's Meditative Hellscape™ to convey intricately detailed emotions/metaphors/themes. You have to see it to believe it. For example, I feel the below two pages are so full of depth and meaning that they should be added to any kind of college art/film/fiction curriculum:
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#3: Slaves of the Republic (6-issue run from 2008 to 2009)
This comic definitely isn't of the same caliber as the former two, but it's still ideal reading. If you feel the show left some stuff out or should have gone differently or should have handled certain subject matters with greater respect, then this will bring you closure! This comic's issues fills in so many holes in its plots and thematic values left in the Zygerria/Kadavo episodes. It also characterizes its protagonists Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka in a way that makes huge amounts of sense. Obi-Wan is kind and brave and self-sacrificial in a way he failed to be in the show. Anakin is intelligent, compassionate, and competent, especially regarding matters of slavery. And Ahsoka contains the fun characterization of her iteration in earlier seasons before Dave Filoni stripped it from her. The worldbuilding, too, in these comics is much more rich and interesting than their episodic counterparts.
Now that you're done reading comics, I would like to implore you to please please please go back to the top of this post and try again. I prefer fanfic to books a vast majority of the time, too, but I've tailored this list specifically for you. I promise you won't regret the effort.
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dearweirdme · 7 months
I have been watching some of Tae with Wooga Squad lately and as well as him saying his walls come down around them, Tae seems a little more at ease with them somehow. Like a safe space. (I don't doubt his love for his brothers btw, just noticing a kind of pressure is off him)
So I think it's *very* significant that JK is brought into the Wooga group too. He definitely seems to consider JK as a safe space aside from Bangtan. Interesting!
Hi anon!
The way I see it is kinda like this: BTS members are kinda like brothers, they refer to themselves as family. Having spent many years living together and seeing each other constantly (like hours each day) will have that effect. They have gone through hardships and successes together, and have had to deal with everything they went through as a group. That forms a bond that is strong and understanding and basically something none of us are able to completely grasp. All of them are super close. But, like siblings.. they did not really have a choice in forming that bond. It’s something that happened because they were put together and because they lucked out on actually getting along.
Tae’s Wooga friends however, are chosen by him. Just like siblings will all have best friends outside of their family. At times it even occurs that people have stronger bonds with their friends than their family. I don’t think that’s true here, but I do think Tae needed friends outside of BTS (and I suppose more members did too). Wooga will always be on Tae’s side, and I can imagine it being nice having people at tour side when you want to vent about your members at times (don’t dramatize 😉).
I do therefore feel it’s significant that Jk also hangs out with Tae and Wooga. I imagine all members have by now met Wooga and know them somewhat, but Jk very obviously sees them more.
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archaictold · 6 months
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what's this? a permanent plotter repost? in my isola radiale, at 5am? it's more likely than you think... it has been a HOT minute since i've done anything like this. seeing as zhilan has long settled into spirale, i think it's about time i cast my reel into the pond a second time and start strengthening long-term plots for him. i'll preface this by saying we do not need to have threaded before for you to express your interest! if you think your muse can vibe with any of these  ( or even if you have an idea i haven't covered here! ) , you're more than welcome to hop onto this plotter call. 'what does this do, exactly?' you might be asking. i'll tell you! by liking this, you can guarantee:
me hopping into your IMs to plot!
memes for meme day!
spontaneous starters! ( with your permission, of course! )
… and all things good for development! now! onto the real meat of this post!
RELATIONSHIPS. these are the bonds i want to see zhilan develop! some of these include——
FRIENDS. if you've been around zhilan for longer than 5 seconds, you've probably noticed that he is extremely friendly! zhilan has the personality of a sunbeam: it's bright, it's cheerful, it's warm and everything you would expect of a walking beacon of positivity. he's pretty talkative, even when faced with less talkative muses. he's also really trusting and believes the best in people, sometimes to his own detriment. he'd make a good friend to just about anyone, being a rather personable individual! he's got some good ones here, too. i'd like to have him strengthen those, while opening him to new ones! GEEK SQUAD. do you have a muse that's also super nerdy? you're in luck! they probably stand a chance of coming across zhilan in his natural element, that being his lab at the university or one of the libraries scattered about spirale. there is no greater joy to him than positing theories and discussing the nature of one's work. even if their fields differ, he'll want to hear all about it! ENEMIES. now, i feel like it's hard to get under zhilan's skin unless you're the absolute anarchy of humanity, BUT! i do think his optimism can rub people the wrong way, especially if they're more jaded. i'm not expressly looking for people to antagonize zhilan, but i do think it's impossible for him to get along with everyone. thus, i'm leaving this here! SPARRING PARTNERS. you wouldn't know it from zhilan's scrawny stature, but he does dabble a bit in martial arts! now that he's gotten his polearm back, he's actively looking to improve his combat skills… which are admittedly not that impressive, unless he's acting as a support. maybe your muse could act as a mentor, or even a fellow peer! THE MUSEUM. zhilan has a job position here! it's… kind of an odd choice, yes, but he doesn't exactly want to pursue an academic position at the university. so where better to put that treasure trove of knowledge to use than a museum! if you're visiting for any reason, you'll likely come across him among the gallery. just, er… not the abyssal gallery. he tends to keep out of there. THE UNIVERSITY. zhilan borrows one of the lab spaces here for work related things while he's in the middle of setting up his own establishment. zhilan doesn't have his own work office set up yet, but he does spend a lot of time in this one. he's gotten into the habit of helping history and anthropology majors with their research as they've started visiting him alongside clients. he's not a professor here, he swears. but he can't say no to those seeking knowledge! you'll find him here fairly often, when he's not at home or in... YESTERYEAR. zhilan frequents this branch rather often, being the sort to gravitate to old dilapidated ruins and forgotten history. if you know a thing or two about this branch, he'll be incredibly interested to hear about it! who knows! maybe the two of you can explore it together… CASTMATES. zhilan might be a fandom oc, but i'm really keen on the idea of him developing some established bonds with his canon counterparts.  ;v;  their shared canon background already gives them a good basis for interactions, so i'd like to nurture some connections for him with his genshin fellows! aaaand that’s about it! of course this doesn’t cover everything, so if you’ve got an idea and you don’t see it here you’re free to hop on this post and shoot it my way! thanks for reading!  :^)
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poly marauders relationship headcannons
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The Marauders—James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin—form an unbreakable bond of friendship at Hogwarts. When Y/N becomes an integral part of their lives, the dynamics of their relationship take on a special and heartwarming twist:
1. Inseparable Unit: The trio of Marauders and Y/N become an inseparable unit, each complementing the others' personalities perfectly. They share an unspoken understanding that goes beyond words, forming a strong, unbreakable friendship.
2. Mischief and Laughter: Marauders are known for their mischief, and Y/N's inventive mind only enhances their pranks. Together, they orchestrate elaborate schemes that keep the entire Hogwarts community entertained, and they're often caught in fits of laughter at the outcomes.
3. Sirius Black: Sirius is the charming, impulsive one in the group. He's the prankster with a heart of gold, always ready to bring a smile to Y/N's face. His mischievous nature is balanced by the genuine care and loyalty he shows towards his friends, especially Y/N.
4. James Potter: James is the confident, charismatic leader of the Marauders. He's head over heels for Y/N and often finds himself going to great lengths to impress them. His love for Quidditch and his friends is only rivaled by his affection for Y/N.
5. Remus Lupin: Remus is the calm, wise, and responsible one in the group. He's not only a voice of reason but also a pillar of emotional support for Y/N and the other Marauders. His nurturing nature brings a sense of stability to the relationship.
6. Shared Secrets: The bond between the Marauders and Y/N is built on trust, and they share their deepest secrets with each other. Y/N becomes the confidant for each Marauder, providing a safe space for them to open up without judgment.
7. Celebrating Victories and Facing Challenges: They celebrate each other's successes and stand united in the face of challenges. Y/N becomes the cheering squad for the Marauders' Quidditch triumphs and a source of strength when they encounter personal struggles.
8. Unwavering Loyalty: Loyalty is the cornerstone of their relationship. They stand by each other, no matter the circumstances. Y/N's presence only strengthens this loyalty, creating a support system that can weather any storm.
9. The "Y/N Effect": Y/N's presence brings out the best in each Marauder. They become more responsible, caring, and attuned to each other's feelings. Y/N's influence contributes to the personal growth of the Marauders, making them better individuals.
10. Lasting Bonds: Their friendship extends beyond Hogwarts, and they remain a tight-knit group even after leaving school. As they navigate adulthood, their bond remains unbreakable, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and love.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
Here’s a fun little question, I know we don’t know to much information about all of the wonder squad, but if you could pair off the phantom thieves(including Akechi, Sumire, Zenkichi, and Sophia) and wonder squad, who would each of them be friends with the most, based on just vibes and the general traits that we know of?
Ooo! I love an excuse to think about the potential dynamics of characters that've never met in canon (even if for most of the Wonder Squad we have... very little canon to go off of in the first place).
Also in retrospect after typing these, they may not be strictly all who they'd each be the best friends with, but I guess they're character duos that I think would bond for a particular reason, in a way that might be interesting?
This also turned out much longer than expected, so, uh. Under the cut it goes!
Not to start with something totally out of left field, but I feel like Wonder and Yusuke would get along, in the way that I think Yusuke would enjoy drawing him, and Wonder seems to just sort of stare off into space sometimes, which'd make him a great, barely-moving sketch target, haha. If everyone else wanted to go and do something else, but Yusuke wanted to stay and draw, I feel like Wonder'd stick around with him (either intentionally or not). In general, Wonder just kind of goes along with things, which I think would lend well to him spending a lot of time with Yusuke, who tends to sweep up whoever's with him into what he's doing/passionate about. Yusuke's influence might even help Wonder be a bit more actively passionate about things, too!
As an extension of that, I think Polter probably would get along with Yusuke since they both seem to be art kids, though I have no idea if Polter's attitude towards art is the same as Yusuke's, haha.
Just to get the obvious out of the way here, I feel very strongly that Motoha and Ryuji would get along. They both have a very enthusiastically supportive sports friend vibe. I think it's sort of a given, to the point where it'd be weird not to bring it up at all.
However, if I'm supposed to come up with duos here, there's someone else I wanna go with that's a little less obvious- Motoha and Sumire. I think, first and foremost, that Motoha's enthusiasm would be really, really good for Sumire. I haven't gotten the impression that Motoha's really someone to lie just to make her friends feel better (though she wouldn't say something cruelly blunt, either), and she's definitely the type to get hyped up when her friends do well with the way she encourages Tomoko. I think Motoha's encouragement and opinion- both genuine- would really help Sumire's self-confidence, and I think Motoha would bond with her over them both having sport interests (if different sports).
I think their respective sports' skills, for that matter, would probably rub off on each other a bit, too, haha. Motoha seems like the kind of person who'd be down to try something that's really important to a friend of hers at least once, if not more. I feel like they'd do pre-exercise stretches together.
Cattle... I have a slightly out there suggestion for, actually. You know when a younger little kid latches onto an older kid who gives off the vibe of knowing what's going on in a situation?
I feel like Sophia would kind of do that with Cattle. Cattle very much likes to give off the vibe of cool confidence, knowing what's going on the majority of the time but rarely being fazed by the stuff he didn't expect either. I feel like Sophia would kind of latch onto Cattle in a way she didn't quite with Morgana, because of this? She wants answers, and to understand, and has a billion questions, and that curiosity doesn't go away after awakening her Persona properly. And Cattle seems to enjoy being the bird with a plan, the one with the answers.
So I can kind of imagine Sophia drowning him in questions about the Metaverse and Thief stuff and humans, because he at least likes to act like he knows all that, and she always wants answers but sometimes her questions are a little too difficult for others to answer. Cattle would probably at least try?
Not to bring in Yusuke again, but Yusuke and Shun would absolutely get along and it'd be a mistake not to say it. One of the first things Shun says to Motoha is asking how the ramen at the restaurant she and Wonder just ate at was. You know he'd be asking to hear every detail of how Yusuke describes food, and Yusuke'd be just as happy to give the descriptions (and to eat the food in the first place, haha).
I do actually think that Joker and Shun would get along as well, though, because they both enjoy cooking. I'm not sure whether Shun enjoys cooking as a group activity, but considering all the dishes Joker learns how to make in P5S, I think you can pretty easily argue they have a shared interest to talk about, whether they actually cook together or not, haha. I know Wonder can cook as well, but I guess it feels more like it's an interest of Joker's (as opposed to a necessity for Wonder, who lives alone), in my mind at the very least?
They also both give off kind of a "loner delinquent at school" vibe that most of the Wonder Squad doesn't quite have, which I think would draw Joker just a bit more towards Shun over the others, even without the cooking stuff.
I think Yukimi and Makoto would be an interesting one. Yukimi's silver hair and apparently "cold" exterior would remind Makoto of her sister, I think, whereas I think Yukimi would see herself in Makoto with how they both lost their fathers and grew up with heavy expectations from their remaining female guardian. To that end, I think their interactions might be a little awkward at first, coming from slightly different angles of relation to each other, but I think if they started interacting (and possibly fighting Shadows together) without overthinking it, they'd easily start to bond, and probably also be terrifying in combat as a duo.
I think sparring would be equally good practice and catharsis, on some level, for them both, haha. Though if they're both used to heavy expectations, they, uh... may study for finals to death if left alone for too long, so maybe that's one thing they shouldn't do as a pair.
For the sake of pairing each P5 and P5X thief once, and also because (as the recurring theme here) I think it would be interesting, I think Seiji and Zenkichi would be an unexpected pair. At first it's probably just a thing where, if everyone else is hanging out with someone, then they're kind of the leftovers? But there's also really something, in my brain, to the fact that Seiji's detached attitude is implied by his profile to come from his rich family (and/or cold education) but he wants connection, and Zenkichi is a literal dad on the team who didn't (and still doesn't entirely) quite know how to connect with his daughter but really wants to. They both sort of have a family thing going on, which Zenkichi is at least starting to work on (though we don't know about Seiji), you know?
Of course, given that Zenkichi is Zenkichi, I don't think he would pick up on this for a while. Like, just long enough that it starts to get a little embarrassing in retrospect, haha. And Seiji might notice the similarity, but I really doubt he would act on it. So I think where it really starts it that Zenkichi eventually picks up on the fact that Seiji, polite as he is, is the only one (besides Okyann, though honestly, she might do it too) who never calls him "Gramps", or any other nickname like that, ever. I don't know if every member of the Wonder Squad or even the original Phantom Thieves would always call him Gramps, but I think there'd be moments. Except with Seiji.
And I mean, Zenkichi is an investigator. I think once he realizes there's something to pick up, he'd quickly piece the rest of it together, with or without a literal background check. And I think his attempts to bond with Seiji would be awkward, because Zenkichi's sort of awkward around the kids most of the time when he's not fighting anyway, but I do think he'd try, the same way he tries with Akane. Probably better, even, because he's actually making progress on Akane so he's learning, and they can do stuff like fight shadows together, haha.
Not sure how fast Seiji would pick up on what he's doing (or, in particular, how intentional it is), given we don't really know him that well, but I do think he would at least subconsciously start to feel like there's at least a bit of a connection there, and maybe once it'd start it'd build faster and faster, or they'd just sort of slowburn a found family situation. Either way. I think it'd work.
Also, Haru and Seiji can bond over not knowing the price of basic goods, and having a limo escort them everywhere, because they're both rich. You know how it is.
Listen- if Mont also has an injury that makes it so she can't do her favorite sport anymore? Or at least, certainly not on the level she used to be able to, and certainly not as easily in the real world as the heightened physical abilities make it in the Metaverse? Then I've gotta think about her interactions with Ryuji. Mont's a little tricky because we don't know her as well, but I think Ryuji's enthusiasm would do good things for her, especially if she still has that ache in her heart, like her description says, that she can't skate anymore. Definitely going for morning jogs together, maybe also physical therapy either together (if... possible?) or at least being each other's accountability buddies to make sure they both keep it up. And I think it'd be fun she taught him how to ice skate (if he doesn't know already- not sure how canon we consider the original P5 opening, hehe?), because absolutely no one would expect him to know how to ice skate, let alone technically having training from a professional in the subject.
I don't think anyone would expect them to get along as well as they do, either, which might be just as entertaining as their actual potential interactions.
Hear me out: Yaoling and Haru. Admittedly, I don't have a huge basis for this one, but I was thinking about Yaoling with the peppers in her sticker, and Haru with her garden and teas, and I think Yaoling helping Haru with the garden and being a bit childishly excited about the plants as they grow would be really fun, and I'm sure Haru would always appreciate the help and enthusiasm as well.
They'd also just be fun as a duo interacting with others, because Haru is very much the combat threat and one that would obliterate a cop with a smile on her face, while I strongly feel that Yaoling would be the one cheering from the sidelines/otherwise the backup of the situation. My impression is that people would expect Yaoling, as the more energetic and (at least going by vibe) louder and outspoken of the two, to be the dangerous one, but you're really doomed if Haru joins in.
Not that Yaoling isn't a threat, too. They're very much two cute girls that bonded over gardening and could destroy you if you deserve it. It's just that people don't expect Haru to be the muscle, haha.
Now, okay. For Leo, this may be a little self-indulgent on my part and probably more than a little obvious, but I think he and Akechi would make such a funny pair.
I don't know if Akechi would strictly enjoy it, and certainly he wouldn't show it at surface level if he did. But they both have the superhero Personas, and there's no way Leo isn't a Featherman fan. Enthusiastically a Featherman fan. Leo has the vibe, thief outfit, and battle lines, EVERYTHING of someone who is very earnest about his interest in superheroes, tokusatsu, and etc. Which is to say, I don't think Akechi wants to be grouped with Leo. I don't think Akechi wants to admit that he on some level enjoys being a superhero duo. But I think that is absolutely who he'd get paired with out of the options, if I have to come up with a duo for each of them. (Futaba would also make Featherman jokes just to make Leo happy and Akechi not.)
He can't even win when he uses Loki, because he's Grey Pigeon. It's inescapable.
This one is maybe an obvious one- Kayo and Ann.
But I think Ann actually finds Kayo a bit offputting at first. If they meet in reality before meeting as thieves, I'd say it's because Ann's parents are the kind of people to leave their daughter in an empty house for a year+, so I'd believe they're also the sort of people to have subjected her as a little kid to a lot of adult-focused events with all their friends over that all gush about Ann exactly like Kayo does to Wonder, but don't actually care about her in any capacity and are more just doing it for her parents. That's headcanon, I guess, but it tracks in my mind at least. In the modeling industry, Ann's also used to that level of friendliness being performative, too (in her social link for instance), which doesn't help.
If they first meet as thieves, on the other hand, I think Ann might instead be a bit put-off because Okyann seems like she might come off as a bit much sometimes- and there are plenty of reasons Ann doesn't get along with the other girls at Shujin, even if it's not Ann's fault- and not to mention outdated fashion-wise. On the flip side, I'm not really sure how Kayo would feel about Ann? It could be her seeing herself (for better or for worse), or it could be her seeing a teenager that's part of the trends that evolved without her. Either way, though...
Once they start to bond, I think it's all over for everyone. I can totally see them hanging out, getting crepes together, expanding each other's fashion knowledge, getting their hair done and cute makeup, all kinds of silly girly stuff that Ann doesn't quite have someone else to do that with and Kayo'd usually be considered a bit "old" for. I think Ann helps Kayo feel younger again in reality, and Kayo probably (intentionally or unintentionally) helps bolster Ann against some of that anti-aging beauty stuff. People would probably mistake Kayo for Ann's aunt or mom or something, but I think in actuality they'd actually be closer to two besties with a bit of a difference in age than anything.
My suggestion here might be a little weird, but... Tomoko and Futaba. Not because I think they have shared interests, or even much in common besides I guess being short teammates with glasses haha, but because I think that's... actually kind of the point?
Futaba's not good with social interaction. It's a well-known fact. Tomoko, however, is a bit on the softer/quieter side, but she's never really been shown to have any anxiety about interactions as far as we've seen, and is pretty outgoing even. And I think that would work really well for Futaba, because Tomoko wouldn't have the vibe of judging her if she doesn't quite know how to interact, but also has enough backbone to keep pushing Futaba when she needs it. Tomoko's not going to draw attention to them the way their flashier teammates might, either, but she can take charge if she needs to. Tomoko can get through a crowd to get Futaba that computer part she needs if Futaba can't do it. She's the scout-ahead teammate that tells Futaba when the coast is clear.
Also, Futaba's weird in a way that Tomoko has only lightly shown signs of, and I think that would rub off on Tomoko. Tomoko's willing to get a little silly- she and Wonder posing before serving people food, for instance- so she'd indulge Futaba's sillier, weirder moments, and I think that'd make Tomoko weirder in turn.
Okay, speaking of weirdos, it's the two left- Kiyoshi and Morgana! This is the key of the whole duo: they both like feeling kind of superior about the weird powers they have (or at least think they have... but that Kiyoshi as a full teammate would in fact actually have), and get really enthusiastic about it when someone encourages them.
I think it'd be sort of like an infinite validation loop- Morgana shows Kiyoshi something cool in the Metaverse, or really anything sneaky in reality for the fact that he's a talking cat, and Kiyoshi thinks that's cool and it feeds into his thing about being a psychic chosen one, which makes Morgana feel wanted and validated as being cool. And then Kiyoshi figures something out, or otherwise puts together something neat and probably cool they can do in the Metaverse (he strikes me as a "what can you do with psychic superpowers" ideas/trial and error kinda guy), and Morgana thinks that's cool and immediately wants to try it in battle or for a heist, which makes Kiyoshi feel recognized and validated as being cool.
And that just goes on. And on. To the benefit and possibly slight detriment of everyone else, because there are really both pros and cons to two of your most enthusiastic teammates also sort of wanting to feel better and cooler than everyone else all the time (even if they of course still respect and value their teammates).
Um. So there you go! Nearly 3k words about which P5 and P5X teammates I think should bond, basically. Honestly, you're just enabling me at this point. I hope you're having as much fun as I am, haha!
And also. I did not mean to write like three times as much for Seiji as anyone else got. I don't know what came over me there.
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lumau · 1 year
I wanted to finish another drawing during @polyshipweek (inspired by various prompts, including Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad from Nozle's ship dynamics meme), but it didn't get past the sketch stage. I'll still share it, together with some hcs (slightly nsfw and kinky ones included) for an AU in which these five got entangled with each other in more ways than just crime solving.
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Tang Fan:
Firmly believes that he is the littlest cinnamon roll of all cinnamon rolls and behaves accordingly. Would do anything for his friends. Now that he has more than one brat tamer at his disposal, it does not make him any less needy. The only one he is secretly afraid of is Ding Rong, knowledge that Wang Zhi is frequently using against him. With his dramatic antics he suffers the most prettily, so he is the most common to get wrecked (and makes it everyone's problem). Doesn't accept anything less than three bowls of noodles as aftercare.
Wang Zhi:
The actual cinnamon roll, but in denial (no one should dare to imply that towards him). It is not always easy to encompass the conflicting facts that he is both the youngest of the group and the 2nd most powerful man in the dynasty. Is making strides towards learning what he wants and deserves, but easily bristles when his inexperience becomes apparent. Has developed a habit of showing up at anyone's door at any time out of the blue and has no qualms to take up the most space in bed, even though he is by far the smallest. He has become the biggest flirt and the most touchy-feely once he learned how nice it is to have such a big, loving family.
Ding Rong:
Nobody really knows what he does most of the time. He is married to his job, aka Wang Zhi, a room full of meticulously sorted jars and 2 1/2 skeletons. Anyone who wants to get it on with Wang Zhi needs to get past Ding Rong's intense glare first. When they all get together, he is both the one who makes sure that everyone has all the oils, towels and implements they need, as well as the service top who is the last man standing at the end of a long night. He is also the kinkiest of the lot, his intricate knowledge of the human body combined with his sadistic tendencies make him light up as soon as any kind of edge play is mentioned. Might start to silently cry when held tightly for longer than 30 seconds.
Jia Kui:
After his retirement plan got forcefully cancelled, Jia Kui still doesn't quite know why he's here (tbh, same), but somehow, to his even greater bewilderment, everyone seems to love him (also same), even though he rarely talks and is mostly just there. He finds it kinda nice, though. Jia Kui gives the best of hugs and likes to join Sui Zhou in the kitchen, where they bond over cooking and military trauma.
Sui Zhou:
Similar to Jia Kui he isn't quite sure how he got roped into this new, big family life, but their community helps him to cope with his ptsd. It's hard to take his nightmares too seriously when burried amongst a heap of blissfully snooring men. He is appreciated by everyone for his cooking skills and his generosity, loyalty and his unobtrusive, pleasant company (as well as his great physique). He has learned that he does not mind sharing Tang Fan, in fact, it gives him fuzzy warm feels to know he is enjoying himself.
One would think that with five handsome guys there is a lot of action in the various bedrooms - however, given the stressful lives they lead, usually everyone just passes out as soon as they find a moment to lie down. With their youthful energy Tang Fan and Wang Zhi are the two most likely to initiate anything. The times when Sui Zhou and Jia Kui happen to get it on together are special highlights and have the others watching in awe (because clearly, they are a sight to behold!). In his efficiency Wang Zhi has tried to schedule regular sexy times, but after the third attempt failed due to some emergency or imperial affair getting in the way, he has now resolved to simply send out carriages to pull everyone away from whatever they are doing whenever he's in the mood. He has also now reserved a much bigger private suite at Huanyi Lou for such occasions.
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leonsliga · 1 year
Hi! How could you describe leon personality with the people he knows 🤍
Aww hi anon 💜 I think, like all of us, who Leon is depends on who he’s around. So what do you say we talk about some of the Bayern teammates he interacts with the most? I’ll also try to throw in a picture that summarizes his relationship with each one, like a mini picture book of sorts :)
Joshua Kimmich: Leon’s the order to Jo’s chaos, the quiet to his noise (when he hasn’t had his magic potion coffee, anyway). He’s protective with Jo while also giving him the space he needs to feel secure in himself and his role in the team. Leon seems to steady Jo, to ground him in a way no one else can. Their relationship is more than just Leon stabilizing the defense so Jo can surge forward and fuel the attack (or vice versa) though. It’s not reserved only for the midfield; their bond transcends the football world. It’s a partnership forged as much off the pitch as on it—one based in trust, tenderness, and mutual respect. After all, they’re business partners—We Kick Corona’s founding fathers. They even appeared on the German Who Wants to be a Millionaire? as a team. We may not know everything about their relationship, but the snapshots the cameras catch tell us a vivid story—a story of twin anchors taking turns grounding each other.
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As is tradition, Leon Goretzka embraces his midfield partner, a gesture of recognition for the way in which they have helped each other thrive. In turn, Joshua Kimmich clings to him; the expectation that Leon will steady him through currents of passion remains unspoken.
Serge Gnabry: I’m almost 100% sure Leon and Serge love to annoy the shit out of each other, but at the end of the day, it’s all love, holding hands, piggyback rides, and strutting around Säbener like the royal couple they are. Serge didn’t call Leon his “kleinen Bruder” (little brother) for nothing after all ❤️ Leon has literally lifted him up before, but he isn’t afraid to knock him down a few pegs when necessary to keep him humble 😂
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Leon Goretzka accompanies his best friend and brother, Serge Gnabry, on a stroll around Säbener Straße, Serge’s arm looped through his.
Leroy Sané: I feel like Leroy brings out Leon’s goofy side. They’ve probably known each other longer than Leon’s known anyone else on the Bayern squad, since they went to school together and played for their school’s football team. In other words, he’s not in as much of a “jaha” mood when Leroy’s around 🤣 That hardened shell Leon’s developed to handle the media attention cracks a bit, in the best possible way. That practiced seriousness melts away and leaves a genuine smile behind.
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A passionate kiss on the cheek for Bayern’s number 10, the kind reserved for a relationship born in childhood and nurtured under the watchful eyes of millions.
Thomas Müller: I think Leon’s annoyed and amused by Thomas in equal measure. When I think of their interactions, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the classic Die Mannschaft video where Thomas says Holland instead of the Netherlands and Leon immediately snaps back with “Das ist auf gar keinen Fall richtig!” (“that is in no way right!”). I think Thomas wore Leon down in the end though, because Leon’s not afraid to tease him right back. If Thomas winds him up, he can expect that Leon won’t let that crime go unpunished!
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Thomas Müller being his usual self and Leon looking off into the distance in amused disbelief.
Manuel Neuer: describing Leon’s relationship with Manu is a little bit trickier. Like Leon though, I like a challenge! I think Leon enjoys pushing his buttons a lot and tossing little jabs at him, trying to get him to crack. However, Manu’s not just any old Bayern teammate, he’s the captain, and as the overworked team mom, he’s used to dealing with the rambunctious, meddling kids that make up the Bayern squad. Whether Leon’s ever succeeded in winding him up is anyone’s guess, but what we do know is that the two are clearly close. After all, Leon’s addressed several of his selfies to him; not even Jo or Serge can say the same 😂
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“Don’t hurt yourself, kid” Manuel Neuer writes to Leon Goretzka, one of the teammates under his charge as captain. If this exchange is any indication, it appears Leon’s attempts to grind the gears of his fearless leader have failed so far.
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mc-and-elise · 2 years
Vanderwood and their relationships in the RFA
Part of a content contestwith @antiochean
They've joined the "Focus on school dammit" group
"This kid is still innocent and I'm not about to let Seven corrupt him"
Teaches him some recipes and tries to get him to eat better
Yoosung is trying to get him into LOLOL. They're intrigued by the tabletop version of it.
Bonds with him over motorcycles and theater
Is a secret theater nerd.
Helps him practice lines often.
They both share haircare tips with each other.
If they're dating MC, Zen is a bit less overprotective of MC, but instead of calling them a wolf, they're a "leopard"
He's their boss
No really.
Vanderwood is a member of his security detail. They also occasionally work as the night guard at the office.
Jumin finally has someone else in the chat room who doesn't understand memes
And gets his protectiveness of Elizabeth the Third
They're still grateful for him rescuing them following the Secret Endings
Vanderwood isn't afraid to call him out sometimes, but not too harshly
He's still their boss
If Jumin and MC are together, they're one of the few people he trusts to leave MC with alone.
If MC ends up with Vandy, Jumin is more generous with time off and scheduling
Mom Squad™️
The two bond over their complaints over working for Jumin
Knows she could easily kill them. Is impressed.
Helps her towards her dream of opening a coffee shop
Will never admit it, but he's one of their best friends
Trusts him with their life, something nearly impossible to achieve with them
Often scolds him for not taking better care of himself
After leaving the Agency and dealing with Mint Eye, they demand a full explanation as to wtf just happened
Never drinks around him. They don't know much about his past, but picked up that he had an abusive alcoholic parent
If MC ends up with him, they question what they see in Saeyoung.
If MC and Vandy are dating, nonstop teasing from Seven and constant tazer threats
They don't have the best relationship at first
Turns out kidnapping someone and then betraying them to help the brother they want dead isn't how you make friends
Saeran is understandably upset about that
Vanderwood gives them space, but shows they care silently
An extra pint of ice cream in the freezer, meals he loves, that book of bedtime stories Saeran mentioned wanting to get.
The two are quiet in how they support one another
And as an extra: Elise
Their bff
They've been partners back as secret agents
They both are in denial that they have feelings for each other
Knows they can turn to her for anything
She knows she can do the same
Both have adopted the twins as their unofficial younger siblings
She was upset that they left with Seven the way they did
When they finally end up dating, they become very domestic.
All the lovey dovey things
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phantomposting · 1 year
This is another 5am rant so sorry if I don't word thing the best, spell things incorrectly, or use bad grammar. I'm so very sleepy. I hope you guys enjoy my sleepy ranting tho
So I live for crossovers in this fandom as you can tell by all the dp x dc prompts I write, but there's a crossover out there that I feel is a bit underrated and deserves more content cause I'm absolutely desperate for some. This crossover is none other that dp x ben 10. I really think there's a ton of possibilities here
I mean ghosts and aliens both fall under similar categories after all. Not to mention ghostfreak is literally a ghost alien which opens up a lot of opportunities for ghostly interactions. Maybe ghostfreak is after the power of the ghost king, maybe it's just a by chance run it, maybe GiW is involved? Who knows, there's tons of room in the ben 10 timeline too they could meet in any version. Introduce the forever knights to ghosts and the Fenton's things probably get pretty spicy. The forever knights could also work with the GiW too. Ben and the crew could definetly offer Danny some help or maybe he could even become a plumber. One possibility is he could be a plumber in training since its one of the coolest ways to get to go to space!
Another possibily is taking place during the original ben 10 where they meet the Fentons while traveling through Illinois or maybe camping near the Great lakes. They all get rather suspicious of Danny cause that kid's totally acting like he's hiding something and the Fenton parents are such odd ducks. There could be a ghost attack where both Danny's and Ben's secrets come out to eachother. Both are essential superheros and they bond over this and become great friends.
Another possibility for those who love angst is Danny is hurt and on the run from the GiW things have gone horribly wrong and he has nowhere to go. So Kevin finds this scared injured teen in an alleyway and helps him. He's like Danny's new big bro! He slowly learns about what happened and Danny's big secret, gets the squad together and goes ham on the GiW.
Those are just some small thoughts tho. I just really love ben 10. If there's any content out there you guys enjoy with this crossover please send it my way I'm so desperate!
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the-witching-ash · 5 months
Plot Bunny: Hunger Games + Peeta or Everlark ship?
(Head empty no FC this is just vibes)
Maddox Undersee
Madge’s twin brother
Best friends with Peeta, has had a crush on him for years, regularly buys goods from the bakery just as an excuse to see him. (They’ve kissed before out of curiosity and Maddox was a goner)
He knows Peeta at least has feelinga for Katniss.
Is friends with Katniss but not quite as close, also regularly buy’s cheese that prim makes from her goat.
Is terrified to lose them to the arena after they get reaped.
Doesn’t say anything about his feels after because he doesn’t want to risk putting them in danger.
Is in the square watching the games when Katniss explodes the arena force field. Survives the bombing, loses his entire family. 🥺
Would personally fight Coin himself if he found out she refused to get Peeta out of The Capitol
Bonds more with Katniss while in 13, sits in the same space with her whenever she goes to one of hiding spots so she wouldn’t be alone, joins her squad thing.
Initially stays with Peeta after Katniss kills Colin, eventually all three live together in The Village, get together as a triad sometime after.
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