#go follow my save file blog!!!
descarted · 2 years
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Made by Arty with Mid*journey!
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bamsara · 7 months
I’m a little confused, who is Arson? Did you name your computer that or the program or something like that? Been trying to piece stuff together with all the posts about Arson but I feel a little lost. Like it’s an inside joke that I wasn’t there for the development of it
Rip I forgot new followers are not Aware of Arson
Arson is my laptop. Specifically a laptop sona I made for my laptop because of the sheer amount of trouble I've had with him. Twitch chat started shipping an 'enemies to lovers' between me and my laptop and it was giving me such a hard time during a livestream that it turned into a full fledged oc.
He's a gaming laptop I got in 2018 and had saved up for and while he's very good, his technical service life was only for 3 years and it's been about 5 and a half years since I've had him because I didn't want to replace him.
This means for the last two years he's been progressivly getting worse; starting with the battery going out completely, and then it getting discontinued so I couldn't replace it, the laptop started lagging hard, which I just kinda delt with. Then he's bluescreening a lot, and my files are getting corrupted and disappear. He cannot detatch from the wall so he's not a laptop anymore but really just a desktop now anyway. His model is discontinued so I cant get parts to replace him or have him repaired.
It's a running joke that 99% of all streaming problems are Arson's fault because for no reason he'll just. Crash and critcal error this and bluescreen that.
He got his name because he overheats really badly, and while gaming laptops are built to withstand that kind of heat, it still does wear and tear over time.
It would have been fine for 2-3 years but it's climbing near to 6 and part of the front is melted and I have to turn stream and art off early sometimes to let him cool down because the keyboard has left burns on my fingers. (Though this only happens when using him intensly, like streaming or gaming or art....which is 90% of what I do. The other being writing and work.) (Also before anyone asks, I regularly clean out the fans and I have a cooling stand beneath him)
Currently the top part of his keyboard is not working anymore and he's missing keys anyway. Part of his casing near the charging port is broken off. I've used his heat to cook tiny cookies while I've played skyrim before
TBH If you just search up Arson on my blog you'll see a whole series of posts about him.
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he's my guy......my robot.........
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mermaidgirl30 · 10 days
✨Slip Into Me: Part 1 Saved Before Dusk✨
QZ! Joel x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist Kofi
A/N: This just stumbled upon me when I was driving home from work this week, so I wrote this in about a day. I’m still not sure how I feel about the first chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for giving this a read for me! (I cannot keep up with tags, so be sure to go follow my notifications blog if you want to be notified when I post @mermaidgirl30-updates)
Chapter Summary: You run into trouble with one of the FEDRA soldiers, but a broad, handsome stranger comes along and intervenes.
Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Chapter Tags: QZ! Joel, outbreak au, FEDRA soldier tries to attack reader, Joel steps in and saves reader, soft Joel, a bit of pining and a little flirting, eventual smut in next chapter, no use y/n
Word Count: 6.1k
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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  The Boston QZ is grimy, filthy, overrun with FEDRA soldiers who stalk and parade up and down the city of turmoil. Their tanks fill the streets night and day, ordering people around as if they were their own personal slaves. The buildings are rundown, furniture tattered and torn, bodies filing in and out day after day just trying to survive off the little ration cards they collect every week. 
   It’s not a place you wanted to stumble upon, not a home at all. But this was where you’d stay for now because your group was all gone, killed by feral raiders who murdered your friends in cold blood. You were the only one left, untouched in an infected world. You were lucky to make it out alive, but at what cost? You sure as hell didn’t want to stay here in this cage. But you guess it’s better than being attacked by infected or murdered in your sleep. 
   They offered you a little apartment, ration cards for a hard day’s work cleaning and organizing weapons for FEDRA. You don’t trust any of the soldiers, don’t dare look them in the eyes most days, only when you have to. Maybe one day you’ll make it out of here alive, but for now this place is giving you shelter, food, running water, electricity. It sure beats living on your own out in the woods somewhere where no one else can defend you. You’ve learned to be on your own, but that doesn’t mean you like it. 
   The air is warm as dusk draws near, the summer heat stifling even as you walk through the shade. Your shift is over, dinner gone and finished, so now it’s time to go back to your cold, lonely apartment. Maybe tonight you’ll actually get some decent sleep instead of waking up screaming from nightmares of distant times. You still see faces of loved ones you lost get murdered by infected and raiders, friends starve to death, companions freeze to death. You don’t know how you made it all this way, but you did. You had to stop holding on to the past, it wasn’t coming back for you. 
   You swipe your fingers against the cool bricks of falling apart buildings, making your way through the narrow alleyway that’ll lead to your apartment building. Just as you pass a stairwell on the side of the brick building, a dark shadow makes its way toward you. 
   You freeze, stopping dead in your tracks, fingertips still tracing the rough bricks. There’s a tall FEDRA man walking toward you. Navy blue pants, combat boots, a camouflage vest strapped tight to his chest. He looks menacing. Piercing blue eyes narrowing your way, coarse blonde locks that look like pure ice, a large scar running down the side of his dirty neck, and fists locked tight at his sides. 
   “Hey, girl. What do you think you’re doing out here all alone? Up to no good I suppose?” he asks as he stalks toward you like a hungry tiger, eyes locked with yours as a smirk meets his chapped lips. 
   You back up to the brick wall, feeling like you could sink like jello into the dusty cracks of the brown faded bricks. You have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. You’re trapped like a helpless little mouse. “No, I’m just trying to get back to my apartment.”
   “Sun’s about to go down, shouldn’t be out so late in the day close to curfew. You’re up to no good, aren’t ya? Trying to sneak around and steal some ration cards?”
   “No, I…”
   “Don’t lie!” He bites back, jaw seething as he pulls your wrist and clamps down on your skin. It feels like wires setting your nerves on fire, like he’s ripping through your delicate bones. 
   “Please, I’m only trying to get back. Let me go,” you beg, using all your might to get out of his tight grip. 
   “I don’t think so, love. Thieves get searched, and I’m gonna search you till I find what I’m looking for,” he snarks. 
   Before you can fight your way out of this mess, he spins you around and pins you to the wall, slamming your face into the sharp bricks as you cry out in pain. He crowds your body, digging his fingers into your hips as his other hand shoves your face against the searing surface. You can’t break free, can’t fight your way out of this. He’s too strong, too overpowering. You’re completely helpless. 
   “Please, stop,” you whine, feeling a warm tear slip down your cheek. 
   “No, I don’t think so, doll. Think I’ll stay right here between your…”
   Before he can finish his sentence, you hear a deep gruff voice growl behind you. “Get the fuck off her, Seth.” You feel the soldier’s weight being dragged off you, hear the sounds of a body being thrown into the side of the opposite wall. 
   You spin around and freeze, watching a stranger punch the soldier’s face with bruised knuckles. The soldier spits blood from his mouth, but the other man grabs the edge of his navy collar and pins his back against the brick wall.
   “Think you’re a tough guy, Seth? Think it’s alright to put your filthy hands on her? I’m sure she didn’t ask you to, so mind your fuckin’ manners and keep your goddamn paws off her,” he growls, spitting up into the soldier’s wide eyes.
   You don’t know what to do, what to think. All your brain can do is eye the back of the man who saved you. He’s tall, so very broad, wide shoulders, tousled dark curls that probably feel like silk. His green flannel is rolled up to his elbows, exposing cascading veins that drape down his tanned skin, ending in massive calloused hands. His dark jeans are faded, worn brown boots covering his feet. He looks like your knight in shining armor, your saving grace. Why he saved you, you don’t know. But you want to find out, now. 
   The soldier laughs in his face, but he only grips his collar tighter as he sends another punch to his swollen eye. When he spits more blood, he turns back to your savior and laughs casually like he didn’t just get beaten up. “Fancy meeting you here, Miller. Say, you ever find those cigarettes and drugs we sent you out for?”
   He clenches his jaw, releasing his collar so he can push the soldier again against the wall. “Ain’t got nothin’ for you, Seth. You want some, you can give me more ration cards,” he hisses. 
   The soldier laughs, shaking his head back and forth. “Five,” he wagers. 
   “Ten,” the broad man demands with narrowed eyes. 
   He raises his hands in defeat and sighs. “Fine, ten it is. Just hurry up with my order, will ya?”
   The other man slaps his face, hard. You can practically hear the split of a rubber band snapping against skin. The soldier cowers over, holding the side of his mouth in pain as he stands back up slowly. “Tell me to hurry up one more time, and I’ll break your jaw,” he seethes. “I’ll do it when I’m good and ready, Seth. You’ll be the very last.”
   He narrows his cold blue eyes, pointing a finger accusingly at the man who saved you. “Better watch it, Miller.”
   “You threatening me? I shouldn’t be the one that’s careful, you be careful. Wait till Tess hears about this,” he growls with furrowed eyebrows. 
   Seth backs up all wide-eyed and bruised, like he’s afraid of the name Tess. Before he can get anywhere, the broad bodied man nods his head to him. “Get out of here, and don’t mess with this girl again. Got it?” he growls with the bite of his scowling jaw. 
   Seth looks over at you and nods before he runs off in the opposite direction, clutching his vest like it’s the only thing keeping him at bay. 
   He huffs out a deep breath and turns to you, furrowed eyebrows turning into a contemplative, concerned expression. Your eyes go wide, taking in the front of his face for the first time. He’s absolutely gorgeous. Dark brown eyes that look like pools of honey hone your vision, sweaty, tanned skin glistening in the fading light of day. His dark beard is threaded with silver, a strong jaw set with plush lips that half open when he looks at you. He’s the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, and he’s so fucking broad. You decide then that his eyes could kill, they could devastate anyone in their wake by how beautiful they are. Warm chocolate eyes flecked with wisps of honey brown. Absolutely breathtaking.
   “You alright there?” he asks with concern lathered in his voice, careful with his large steps as he walks up to you. 
   “Oh, I’m… yeah, I’m fine,” you breathe out, suddenly forgetful on how to take deep breaths. Your heart is racing wildly, you swear it’s about to fly out of your chest. 
   He reaches out, but stops himself. Instead, he just points out the left side of your face. “Your face. You’re hurt,” he says with a scowl, clenching his hand into a tight fist at his side like he’s furious at the soldier for hurting you.
   Your hand shoots up to the side of your face, and that’s when you feel it. The blood, the aching feeling of having your face bashed into the hard bricks. “Ahh, fuck,” you whine, hissing when you try to brush your fingertips over the swelling area. 
   “Here, c’mon. Follow me. I’ll get ya taken care of. I’ve got supplies back at my place. Can fix ya up in no time,” he offers as he nods his head for you to follow. You stay put, weighing your options. You don’t know this man, but he saved you, so he must be safe.
   He takes a few steps forward and turns back around when he doesn’t see you following. “You comin’?” he asks with hope in his brown eyes. 
   You take a moment to breathe and then nod, agreeing to go with him. “Yeah, lead the way.”
   You follow after him, letting him lead you away from the narrow, dark alleyway. When you get on the sidewalk of the main street you notice he walks on the outside of you, like he’s shielding you from any other soldiers who might give you a hard time. You don’t know why he does it, but you owe him a huge debt now. 
   You cross your arms over your teal t-shirt, looking up at the tall man who saved your life while he leads you to building two where he must live. You’re about to speak, but he beats you to it. “You know, you shouldn’t be out alone when the sun’s about to go down. A bunch of no good soldiers swarmin’ the streets here. What were you even doin’ out?” he asks, turning to a stairwell where he leads you up to the second floor. 
   “I was just heading back to my apartment. I got a late start with work today, had some things to finish up.”
   He hums, looking back at you with furrowed brows. “Next time walk back with someone. Seth ain’t the only lowlife soldier. Gotta be more careful,” he tsks as he takes out a golden key in the pocket of his denim jeans. 
   You sigh, feeling as if he’s somehow blaming you for not knowing the safety rules around here. “Look, I’m new here. I didn’t know any better. I was just trying to get back to my place. I didn’t… I didn’t…”
   “Whoa, hey. S’alright. Nobody said you did anythin’ wrong. I’m jus’ sayin’ watch yourself. Alright?” he asks with his hands raised, like he means no harm. 
   You drop your guard and sigh. “Sorry, just a little on edge,” you mutter. 
   “Don’t blame ya one bit. Now, c’mon. Take a seat at the table. I’ll get you a warm washcloth,” he instructs as he opens the rusted red door, the hinges squeaking while you make your way into his little apartment. 
   He shuts the door, and you take in your surroundings. The walls are covered with chipped white paint, the kitchen tiny, a little solid wooden table surrounded by two brown dining room chairs. The living room is open, a sunken leather couch with a broken coffee table sitting in the middle of an old, threaded blue rug. White satin stain coated curtains cover the glass window, and light shines dimly throughout the small apartment. It’s worn down, but it’s cozy enough. 
   You make your way over to one of the chairs, slowly pulling it back as to not make it drag across the hardwood floor. When you get comfy in the back of the chair, you watch Joel disappear into the other room, listening to the trickle of a running faucet while the bathroom light shines down the narrow hallway. 
   You fidget your fingers together, tapping your foot nervously on the dusty floor. You’re in his apartment, the man who just saved your life. And he’s tall, broad, and devastatingly handsome. His looks could surely kill a man with just the gaze of those dark flecked eyes. He had danger written all over those honey colored eyes. Eyes that could eat you alive.  
   He comes back down the hall a minute later, tan washcloth in hand, flannel sleeves rolled up to his elbows, corded veins skating all the way down to his massive hands. You’re nervous just by those large, thick fingers grasping the washcloth. You wonder what they’d feel like on your skin. Maybe like burning fire, hot charcoal, extreme heat rushing off his rough fingertips. He might feel like wildfire. 
   He pulls up the kitchen chair across from you and grunts when he sits, like his whole body hurts from the weight of working in the summer heat of the QZ. “Look up for me,” he requests, sliding his chair a tad bit closer to yours, enough to brush his knees against yours. 
   You gasp when his fingertips meet your skin, his hand cupping your chin and turning your injured cheek to where he can reach you. You were right. His fingers do feel like wildfire, calluses gliding against your smooth skin as he gets a good hold on you. It’s almost enough to send you jolting from the chair. 
   “This might sting a bit. Jus’ hold still,” he says gently, a deep voice escaping behind plush lips. You wince a little when the warm material meets your wound, but you relax when he gives you that certain look that says be still. 
   You hiss a little at the contact of the warm cloth across the scrapes on the side of your face. He makes eye contact with you and asks with those deep brown eyes if you’re okay, stopping his movements for just a second before you nod and let him continue. 
   From here you can see how clear the dark flecks in his eyes shine, a faint red scar above his right eye, silver threaded coarse beard that looks almost soft to the touch, and pink lips that look so inviting. He watches you study him, his own eyes flicking back and forth from your injury to your eyes, silently assessing you with a wary stare. 
   You see it in his eyes, he’s curious about you, maybe interested, but he doesn’t give much away. You see pain behind those dark irises, a worn body just getting by in the QZ day after day. You don’t know him, but you can tell this much. He’s reserved, quiet, careful, a man that keeps his guard up. You’d like to see behind those walls, if only for a moment. See what all he’s really been through. 
   After a couple more seconds of silence he finally talks. “You new here? Haven’t seen you around these parts before.”
   You nod, watching him trace the edges of the warm washcloth across your cheek. “Yeah. Just got here a couple weeks ago,” you murmur, clenching your jaw when he rubs against a really sore area of your cheek.
   “What the hell brought you here?” He says it rough, like he can’t believe anyone would ever dare come here by their own will. 
   “Raiders attacked my group. I was the only one left alive, and I just sort of stumbled upon the QZ gates. One of the soldiers found me and offered me a place here.”
   He hums, dark eyes assessing you slowly, sliding down your body briefly as something twists in your stomach at the sight of him really taking a good look at you. “M’sorry ‘bout your group, but I’m more sorry you ended up here in this hell hole. FEDRA runs this place, and none of ‘em are remotely friendly. Especially Seth.” He spits the name out like it’s poison on his tongue, and you see he can’t stand the man that attacked you. 
   You purse your lips and ask him the same. “And you? Why are you here?”
   He drops the washcloth from your skin, clenching his jaw as he stares with a hardline drawn on his forehead, shaping wrinkles across tanned skin. “That’s a long story that I don’t feel like answerin’ right now.”
   Before he brings the lukewarm washcloth back up you grab his wrist, preventing him from lifting his arm further. He stares at you, eyes partly narrowed, challenging you to ask him again. “At least tell me where you’re from. Your accent, are you from the south?”
   He leans back in his chair and sighs, nodding his head slowly. “Came from Austin, Texas. And you?” He raises his thick eyebrows like you owe him the same gratitude of telling him where you’re from. 
   “California. Northern part,” you answer, listening to him hum once again until he brings the washcloth back to your temple. 
   “You’re a little far from home ain’t ya?” he asks quietly while he brushes the soft material over your face. 
   “Unfortunately,” you mumble under your breath. Another flick of those pools of honey your way and you see a hint of concern, maybe even sadness buried in those flecks of darkness. He seems to have so many layers to him. You want to unravel them, unfold every piece and dig into his past, his present, his mind. And maybe you’ll get there, one day. Maybe, just maybe…
   You suddenly realize you don’t even know his name, how have you not asked him yet? You heard the soldier say Miller. Maybe that was his last name. 
   You pick at the fading denim of your jeans and raise your eyes to his hesitantly. “Your name. I didn’t catch it.”
   Another brush to your raw skin, and his soft brown eyes meet yours. “Joel Miller. And your name is?” he asks with a piqued interest, raising his eyebrows slightly. You tell him your name and he says it back to you slowly, another flick of his dark eyes over your body. Like he’s memorizing you entirely. Your name, your shape, your essence. It makes the room sticky and hot at the sight of his eyes exploring you, even if it means nothing. 
   “Joel…” you repeat, slowly spilling the syllables off the tip of your tongue. 
   “That’s right…” He says your name again slowly, like honey dripping off his warm tongue, every murmur and gruff sound making you a bit dizzy. 
   “You’re gonna be alright. Might bruise up a bit, but nothing that’ll last long. Gonna be sore tonight, jus’ clean it good and keep it dry. Ain’t gonna scar over,” he says as he nods to your face.
   He cups your chin again, turning you slightly to him as his calloused fingertips brush a strand of hair behind the slope of your ear, breathing down your neck as you finally smell him. He smells woodsy, summer sweat kissing the air, cheap whiskey filling your senses. Then he looks deep in your eyes, one hand falling slowly to the top of the table, fingertips curling over the scratched wood, his jaw flexing as his eyes travel down to your lips for just a second, a breath in time. And suddenly you’re frozen in place, waiting for something to happen, something that shouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t, he’s not…
   Another soft graze of his rough knuckles to your cheek and then the front door slams open, sending both of you back in your chairs. 
   “Joel! Got some information for you about the drugs we gotta… Oh.” She stops in the doorway, eyes wide as she looks at you, surprised Joel has company. She’s tall, thin but built with muscle. She’s strong, long brunette hair, and hazel eyes clouding her vision. 
   “Joel Miller has company? Who might this be?” she asks curiously, slamming the door shut with a bang as she folds her arms over chest and nods your way. 
   Joel introduces you two, and you quickly learn her name is Tess. “Nice to meet you, Tess,” you say with a small smile, your arm resting on the edge of the table. 
   “Likewise. What happened to you? Looks like you got knocked up pretty good there.”
   “It was Seth. Fucker had her pinned against one of the alleyway walls and was givin’ her trouble,” Joel spits as he flashes his incisors Tess’s way. 
   “That piece of shit. Wait till I get a hold of him, gonna make him wish he never saw the light of day,” she scoffs. 
   “He’ll be running for the hills, Tess,” he chuckles as he places his meaty hands on top of his large thighs. “What’d ya need?”
   Tess leans up against the fading wallpaper and throws him a pack of chewing gum. “Found this when I was outside the walls today, but just wanted to check in about tomorrow. Wanted to go over the plans before we head out in the morning. I can come back later though and discuss it.”
   Tess’s hazel eyes wander over to you, and she gives you a welcoming smile. “So, how long have you been here? Not long because I would’ve noticed a new face.”
   “Just a couple weeks. Just getting settled in,” you reply as you play absentmindedly with your hair. 
   “Where do they have you working at? I can always stop by, give you some tips, show you around the area. I’m sure you could use a friend.”
   You nod and smile up at her. “Yeah, thanks. They’ve got me working down at the weapons station. Cleaning and sorting and whatever else they tell me to do.”
   “I see. I’m sure that gets redundant and boring, so maybe I can show you a thing or two to not lose your mind in this shithole,” Tess replies, making her way over to Joel. 
   “You’re lucky this one was around,” Tess says with a firm slap to Joel’s back, stifling a grunt from him as he pushes Tess playfully in the arm. “Joel can be a real pain in the ass, but he’s sure nice to have around.”
   “Yeah yeah, shut up. Thanks for the gum,” Joel chuckles as he pushes the pack of Spearmint gum into the pocket of his jeans. 
   “Sure thing, handsome. I’ll see you later.” She waves and gives you a nod before heading out the door. “Welcome to the Boston QZ again.” Tess makes her grand exit and shuts the door loudly, her footsteps fading into the distance.
   You twist your hands in your lap, suddenly overstimulated by the presence of an intimidating woman who clearly gets her way in the QZ. You wish you were stronger, braver, more outspoken like her. And clearly she knows how to pull Joel’s strings. You’re not jealous of her, only slightly envious that she has Joel hooked around her finger. 
   “She seems nice,” you say slowly, looking over at Joel as he laughs at your words. 
   “Yeah, she ain’t too bad. Trust me, she’ll be having Seth shakin’ like a dog out in the freezin’ rain,” he chuckles. 
   You laugh at his words, but suddenly you’re asking something you shouldn’t be. “Are you guys like… together?” you ask nervously, gulping down the rest of your words as you hold your breath like you’re underwater. 
   “Me and Tess? Nah,” he laughs, shaking his head at the mention of it. “She’s my neighbor. But we work together, she’s my partner. We smuggle things for FEDRA.”
   “Smuggle things?” you ask, confused by what he means.
   He leans forward and places his hands on the table. “Yeah, smuggle things. Items, sometimes people, whatever they need. We go out on a bunch of missions. Searching abandoned buildings, makin’ trades, doin’ deals with folks around here and for some of the soldiers. Kind of an easy way to get extra supplies and ration cards.”
   “So you’ve got sway with the soldiers here?” you ask curiously. 
   “More or less. Tess is the one with the real sway, but I guess you can say people kinda fear me. They don’t really mess with me. Hell, they know not to.” He knocks his knuckles against the edge of the table, and you reach up to scratch your face, wincing when you forget how god awful sore it is. 
   “Shit, I forgot about my face,” you whine, gripping the edge of your denim tight as you sink your nail beds into your thigh. 
   “Careful there, try not to mess with it,” he warns softly, bringing back the cool washcloth to your scratches. You sit back and let him tend to your wound, watching how careful he's being with every swipe of the cloth to your fragile skin. 
   He’s close again, close enough to where you can smell him, inhaling the woodsy scent as summer sweat mixes with the pinecone scent. You could get drunk off the smell, and you really hope it’ll stick to your clothes when you’re back in your apartment, alone with your delusions of having his large hands all over your skin. 
   You watch the way his large biceps cling against his flannel shirt, like he’ll rip the soft material at any given moment. His knees brush against yours, fingertips grazing your jawline like the edge of a soft feather, enough to send tingles down your spine. 
   “Is it just you here?” you ask while he holds the damp cloth to your cheek. 
   “Jus’ me,” he murmurs, dark eyes flicking back to yours. 
   “Do you have family around. Anywhere?” you ask cautiously. His jaw clenches, and his lip quivers while he analyzes the question, figuring out if he wants to answer or not. 
   He sighs, “I’ve got a brother. Tommy.”
   “Nah. Haven’t talked to him in years. Last I heard he was settling in Jackson, Wyoming,” he mutters, clearly annoyed about the topic of conversation. 
   “Why don’t you go find your brother?” you ask, conflicted if you should continue the questions.
   “It’s complicated,” he grumbles. 
   “What’s so complicated?”
   “He’s halfway across the country.”
   “So?” you say mockingly. 
   “So? That’s a hell of a ways to go to find someone that I’m not sure even wants to see me,” he says with gritted teeth. 
   “Joel, I’m sure he wouldn’t be upset. What makes you think he wouldn’t want to see you?”
   “We got into a bad fight, and we weren't agreeing on some things. Turns out we wanted different things, so I told him to leave, and he went. Followed some fireflies, hell if I know how long he actually stayed with them,” he scoffs, digging his worn boot into the wooden floor. 
   “Fireflies?” you ask with wide eyes. 
   “That’s what I said,” he grumbles with furrowed brows, getting annoyed with you already, but you just keep talking. 
   “Oh, that’s… well, that’s something. But I’m sure he’d want you to try to reach out. Would you go, if you thought he would? Do you have any other family?” you ask intrigued, pulling yourself to the edge of the seat. 
   He leans back and drops the washcloth to the table, sighing as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “You sure do ask a bunch of questions, don’t ya?” he huffs, crossing his arms as a hard line maps across his forehead. 
   “Well, I’m just saying. If I had family still alive I sure as hell would go find them, not stand back and watch them slip away from me! I fucking wish I had mine!” Your words come out louder, harsher than you mean to, and Joel’s just sitting there, staring at you with wide eyes and an expression you can’t quite read. 
   The room is suddenly silent, only the sounds of your labored breathing and teary eyes fogging up the room. You shouldn’t have snapped, shouldn’t have thrown that back in his face. You shouldn’t have pried, now look what you’ve done. “Sorry, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to say it like that.”
   He opens his mouth partially, big brown eyes lathered in concern holding your gaze. He looks like he understands your pain, maybe just a fraction of that. But he doesn’t share it with you. “S’alright. Don’t gotta apologize. Think we both jus’ over shared a little too much.”
   You nod, biting your tongue from saying anything else stupid. What’s wrong with you? “Yeah, guess so.” You take a deep breath, hearing him scrape his chair back while his left arm rests on the edge of the table. 
   You see it then, a black military watch clasped to his wrist, the glass broken and arms not moving on the watch. It’s broken, just a mere memory of some sort that you want to unlock, but now is not the time. 
   “Think I should get you back to your place,” he says in a deep voice, one that says he’s finished talking about family matters.
   “Yeah, okay,” you say quietly. 
   “Where are you stayin’ at?”
   “I’m in building four.”
   “Alright then. That ain’t too far. C’mon, I’ll walk you back. Make sure no soldiers give ya a hard time,” he says through clenched teeth. 
   “Joel, wait.” Before he can push himself up, you rest your hand on top of his, feeling his warm skin simmer underneath yours. 
   He stares at your hand on his, ticking his jaw nervously as his brown doe eyes fall back on yours. “Thank you, for today, for saving me.”
   “It was nothin’, don’t mention it,” he murmurs, sliding his hand out from under yours, memorizing the way his hand feels like fire underneath yours, mourning the loss of his skin on yours. 
   “I owe you.”
   He looks at you with a serious gaze, his thick fingers clamping down on the material of his flannel. “Don’t owe me a damn thing, sweetheart. I’d do it all over if I had to.”
   His jaw twitches, amber eyes glowing into yours, a sudden tension filling the room. It feels a lot like longing, understanding, some kind of connection. But the spark of it snaps when he pulls back his chair and stands, nodding for you to follow him. “C’mon, let’s get you back before we break curfew.”
   He leads you out of his apartment, down the rickety stairs and steers you through the winding buildings, avoiding FEDRA’s eyes on the main road. His fingertips brush against yours as he walks briskly next to you, staying near and looking every which way as to not have another run in with a soldier. 
   The city is musty, old brick buildings barely staying intact. Military tanks litter the streets while old broken down cars sit to rot around the QZ. You stay close to Joel, keeping quiet as he concentrates on getting you back to safety. 
   You should be grateful to him, you are grateful. He saved you, even though he really didn’t have to. He took care of your wounded cheek, made sure you got back to your place safely. You were eternally grateful for the broad man that showed you kindness when no one else did in this godforsaken city. Joel was a good man, as far as you could tell.
   He leads you to your building, the one with the number four painted in white on the side of the old bricks. Your room is the first door on the right, a chip right next to the jiggling door handle. 
   You turn around and face him, leaning up against your solid oak door as you look up into those dark brown eyes you’ve grown accustomed of thinking about too much. “Thank you, Joel. For everything. Really, I owe you.”
   He chuckles, running a hand through his tousled curls as he smiles a crooked grin your way. “Gotta stop sayin’ that, sweetheart. You gave me company, I’ll call that even enough.”
   You swallow, nodding his way. “Alright then. I guess I’ll let you get back before they catch you outside your apartment.”
   You turn around and twist the door handle, pushing it open until he stops you in your tracks and places his fingers around your wrist. “Wait a second.”
   “Huh?” you ask, whipping back around to find him digging inside his back pocket and retrieving a little switchblade in his hand. 
   “Here.” He stretches his arm out and holds out the knife, nodding for you to take it. You just stare at it, your mouth open wide without even taking a step forward to take it. 
   “Well, go on. Take it.” He steps forward, brushing against your knuckles as he pries your fingers open and drops the knife in your palm, closing your fingers over the switchblade so you have no option but to keep it. 
   “Oh, no. Joel, I can’t. This is yours,” you argue.
   He tsks your way, clicking his tongue and urging you to listen. “Keep it, I’d feel better knowin’ you had somethin’ to defend yourself with. Ya know if someone tries to mess with you again. Jus’ be careful with it,” he instructs.
   You open your palm and assess the bronze blade, tracing the cold edges, watching the glisten of the sharp tip reflect off your eyes. You close it up and slide it in your pocket, looking back at Joel with a wide smile. “Thanks, Joel. You didn’t have to.”
   “I did and stop thankin’ me. I’ve got plenty more where that came from. Jus’ want you to be safe is all,” he murmurs, his deep voice carrying through your ears as he pushes his hands nervously in his jean pockets. 
   “Oh, I see.” Your voice comes out in a mere whisper, but he hears you through the hot wind that blows against your hair. 
   “Jus’ watch your back, okay? It ain’t easy around here, and you can’t trust anybody.”
   “What about you?” 
   He knits his brows together and gives you a tight lipped smile. “You can trust me, sweetheart. Ain’t gonna hurt ya.” He cups your chin, rough fingertips meeting your soft skin. It almost feels electric, like his fingers are magic, and maybe he is. That’s what he feels like.
   His eyes hover over your lips for just a second, peeling them back up to meet your wide eyes. He’s got a soft side to him, something someone would miss if they weren’t looking close enough. You have a feeling he doesn’t let his guard down with just anyone, but with you he did, if only for just a few seconds. 
   He drops his hand from your chin and steps back, keeping his eyes aligned with yours. “Guess I’ll see ya around,” he says, stepping back away from your apartment. 
   “Yeah, guess you will,” you breathe.
   He nods your way and gives you a small smile. “Have a good night, trouble.”
   “Trouble?” you question, laughing at the accusation. 
   “Yeah, that’s what I said. Trouble,” he chuckles as he makes his way back through the narrow buildings, disappearing with one more glance your way, capturing the deep brown eyes that look your way, memorizing them, burning them in the backs of your eyes so you can remember every fleck and sparkle of those sweet honey eyes. 
   You walk into your empty apartment and close the door, kicking off your shoes and dragging yourself to your falling apart mattress. You collapse into the cool white sheets, closing your eyes and replaying every glance, every touch, every word of you and Joel’s time together. You don’t know what’s come over you, but you clearly have fallen for the broad shouldered man with beautiful brown eyes. 
   Maybe the QZ wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe it wouldn’t end you like you thought it would. Maybe just maybe Joel would be your saving grace. Maybe those honey glazed eyes would haunt your dreams until you saw him again. And that’s exactly what happened that night. All you saw were crystal clear brown eyes and tousled curls tracing through your fingertips, sheets drenched in the summer sweat of him. You knew then that you were fucked. 
Tags: @milla-frenchy @amyispxnk @sawymredfox @aurorawritestoescape @akah565
@rav3n-pascal22 @keylimebeag
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vilz · 5 months
hello obviously there isn't anything i can really do to control this (unfortunately i deleted a bunch of posts BEFORE turning off reblogs on them) but i would prefer that people did not circulate my posts from this blog any more... i appreciate that people are kind to me about my art, but that is just my request i suppose. this blog is unprivated now, and if you'd like to see what is still up you can look at them here. my ask box is also open but i will not be making any art posts here from now on. here is a little preemptive faq:
why did you leave?
i didn't feel comfortable or happy posting on this blog any more!
do you still make art? do you post it somewhere else?
yes. but i've been pulling away from posting very much online, and the things i'm interested in drawing nowadays are generally more private, so i won't be directing anyone there or anything. i don't consider my new blog to be a continuation of this one.
i know your new blog!
that isn't really that surprising since i didn't honestly put great effort into concealing it or anything. we are probably not friends, so i hold no sway over you, but i would still prefer you did not share it or treat me as if i am still "vilz who posts fnaf art". i'm just a whatever blogger who blogs about whatever things. also to be frank i do not think my new blog has anything that interesting for people who followed for the kind of art i used to post here. this is not an invitation to say "it is interesting!".
we are friends!
if we have not been in direct, mutual conversations i highly doubt that. i'm sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings.
why did you delete all your self ship art?
people seem to enjoy my self ship art a lot, which is very flattering, but i don't want people to be looking at them any more. i realize that they are still rebloggable and are still circulating around, which is nobody's fault but my own, but i would prefer they were not shared any more. i can't really do anything about it and i also don't blame anyone for reblogging those posts since it's obviously not something they would know, but yeah.
i saw your art on pinterest!
i did not and do not consent to my works being put on pinterest. the art from "vilz" has not been uploaded by me to any other website besides tumblr. if someone is posting my art from here on a different platform, they are doing so without permission.
i saw you on magma!
i still join magma boards sometimes lol. it's a fun site.
what about your ocs?
they are still my ocs. sometimes i still draw them. currently, i do not have any plans of posting my oc art online ever again. i would prefer that people did not reblog the oc art i have posted to this blog.
what about your fics?
all of my fics are still up on ao3 anonymously. they are: small mercies obscura floriography baying of lambs scrape bitch, bastard, bullshit almost human a dream, recurring countdown i'm very flattered and happy that people have left kind comments on these. thank you very much for reading the words of an amateur and for sharing an experience with me.
are you going to finish your uncompleted fics?
i would really like to say yes, because i care a great deal about aspects of them, but it's looking pretty unlikely. i lost all my files (and my calmlywriter key !!! always save your emails and receipts, everyone!!!) and also it's hard to feel motivated about them now. i guess i will leave this up in the air just to soothe my own feelings but in reality the answer is Probably Not.
are you going to post new fics?
i might, because i've been in a writing mood lately, but please don't expect anything. if i do, they will be anonymous on ao3. i will not post about them here or on any other blog.
i really liked your posts and blog!
thank you. i'm glad that people could feel that way about the things i made and thought about stuff i care about. irregardless, i would prefer that people did not share my old posts from this blog.
i will do it anyway.
i cannot stop you, so there isn't really any point in pleading. i just thought i'd make a little info post for people who are inquiring. after this, there won't be any "posts" from me. if there are relevant questions or messages i might reply to them or just update this post.
thank you for reading and for enjoying my blog. goodbye !!!
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galedekarios · 6 months
I always come to your blog for the devnote deets so I'm curious if you know what causes the ORI_Gale_State_WillingToDie flag to be True or False for Gale? It comes up in so many dialog files but I'm totally unsure how it actually triggers
from what i could gather it depends on which options you pick during gale's last night alive scene / act ii romance scene.
there are several options the player can take that have a flag called 'ORI_Gale_Event_PushTowardsDeath'.
these are all options that encourage to make the ultimate sacrifice on mystra's instructions / don't actively discourage him:
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Player: You're right. At least this way, you might take the Absolute down with you. [Gale gets pushed one step towards death] Gale: I can only hope that there are few innocents within the Absolute's reach, when the time comes... and that you will seek safety, far away from me. Gale: Stay with me a while, will you? Day will come all too soon, even in this place. Player: I'm not going anywhere, Gale. I'll be by your side, whatever dawn brings.
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Player: You speak as if this affects you alone. How many will die if you unleash what's inside you? [Gale gets pushed one step towards death] Gale: Fewer than if the Absolute goes unchecked. I don't want to kill, and I don't want to die... but inaction will lead to bloodshed all the same.
there's an opposing flag set to this, which is ORI_Gale_Event_PushAwayFromDeath and it's tied to the following option:
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Gale: There is no point in running from the inevitable. Better to meet it, on my own terms.devnote Player: Nothing is inevitable. Not when we face it together. You don't have to die. [Gale gets pushed one step away from death]
the flag that gets set here (ORI_Gale_Event_PushTowardsDeath) is what will later trigger the ORI_Gale_State_WillingToDie and ORI_Gale_State_EagerToDie to be set and it's already apparent in the follow-up conversation after the act ii romance scene / last night alive scene:
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Gale: I was hoping to speak to you, as a matter of fact. About the night you were kind enough to keep this melancholy wizard company... Player: Go on. Gale: I suppose one might say I'm rather adrift, to be honest. Since our conversation, I'd resigned myself to my fate. Each day bore the possibility of being my last, and I accepted it. Gale: I'm only standing here now because I failed, to put it in rather blunt terms. Mystra is unlikely to let me try again. Yet, even in spite of that - I'm glad to have more time with you. Since you still have me, was there anything else on your mind?
there are quite a few options that reflect that mental state in gale as well. i've added a few here, but there are more:
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Gale: The Absolute should be a thing of the past, and I with it...
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Gale: I always imagined what it would be like when you finally got to meet her. This wasn't quite what I pictured. Gale: I thought we'd be in Waterdeep. You, curled up before a roaring hearth while I prepared us a ridiculously extravageant meal, served with a batch of my homemade hundur sauce. Gale: I fear mine is a dream for another life. But a fine one nonetheless. Gale: As for this one, I think we've still got a world to save. Unless there's anything else? - Player: It's a date. Gale: I can hardly wait. devnote: Gale still intends to blow himself up. He knows he'll never make the date.
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Player: How are you feeling? Gale: Trying not to think about what lies ahead, if I'm being honest. I'd have hoped to spend our final moments together somewhere more romantic, but it seems we won't have much of a say in the matter.
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Gale: I regret many things in my life. Choosing to be here, intact and unexploded, is not one of them. Devnote/NoteContext: Trying to convince himself a bit here, he knows he 'should' have killed himself
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Gale: When the time comes for the orb to fulfil its purpose, I will think of only one thing: Your face. Nothing else will matter.
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
I reaaaally love your blog and writing. You deserve all the followers and attention!! Yandere is so difficult to make accessible because it has so much potential to be negatively triggering instead of….like….arousing…ly? The whole fear to….haappy chemicals…I don’t know the science 🥹 but you do it perfectly.I am always amazed and in love with what you write❤️❤️❤️
For your follower event, if you arent too full alreadddy. Thinking “You were only supposed to be a temporary psychologist where a member was confined “ with Hoseok or Seokjin?
I had a dream like that recently and I can’t get it out. I would love to see your rendition 🙏
Happy Easter, I hope you enjoy the chocolates and bunnies ❤️
My Sunshine
Pairing: Patient!Jung Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Warnings: Soft Yandere, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Slight sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: ahhhhh yes, our love for twisted love! Tysm for loving my works! Belated Happy Easter hehe this was late but tysm for celebrating with me.
3000 celebration
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He kept on smiling.
Had you met him under differences circumstances, you were certain that the thought of him being a danger to the society wouldn’t cross your mind. You were sure that under different circumstances, you and him would be friends. He had that specific aura in him, as though he was the sun that brought light to the world. He looked as though anyone could mess up and he wouldn’t have it in him to be angry. Not only did he look kind, but he was one of the most good looking men you had ever laid eyes on. His prominent jaw and his heart-shaped lips were only some of the attributes that stood out. His eyes were crinkling as he continued smiling at you.
Jung Hoseok looked like the kindest person you would ever meet.
Except that he did send twelve people to the hospital. The worst part of it all was that he was seen to be laughing as he beat up the men. He was said to be having the time of his life as he bathe on their blood.
He was happy.
Just like now.
You cleared your throat and crossed your legs, your notepad resting on your thighs as you tried to calm your nerves. Hoesok looked like he was not affected by any of this, as though he was not mandated by court to be evaluated psychologically. He was too calm as though he wasn’t currently confined in a mental institution because, and he quoted, he was a menace to the society.
Yet there he was, sitting on the couch in front of you with his hands resting on his lap- an image of a good, patient student.
“You look nervous, Doctor. Please, don’t be,” he broke the silence with his comforting voice, his eyes shining with genuine worry over your state. “I don’t bite.”
Oh, but he did bite that one guy. But not you, though. He decided you looked like a good person. The psychologist that came before you was on mental health leave. He stated that Hoseok’s case was stressing him out, that he was beyond saving and so they temporarily sent the new doctor in. For the life of him, he didn’t know why he was the cause of that doctor’s stress when all he did was smile at him.
Maybe he should stop smiling? Ahh, but he was just so happy, he thought.
“How are you, Hoseok?” You finally asked, looking up from his files to the man himself who was still…smiling so unnervingly.
He tilted his head in what someone could described as adorable. “The food is bland, doc. I think I’m losing weight since they sent me here two months ago,” he replied with a shudder, remembering the tasteless meals they made him eat. He even volunteered to replace the cook and they only looked at him with fear in their eyes. He was being serious, though.
You stood up without a second thought, going straight to your bag to grab your packed lunch. You were walking to him when you paused, suddenly thinking of the warnings they told you.
Don’t get too close, they said.
Don’t get fooled by his innocent face, they said.
He’s dangerous, they said.
He’s obsessive, they said.
In hindsight though, you should have listened to them. But then you kept on walking and placed your food container on the coffee table in front of him. He was watching you curiously, that smile was still ever so present on his face. He watched you hesitate before looking at him, your hand holding your own utensils.
“I won’t hurt you,” Hoseok claimed with a nod. He knew you what you were thinking. He wasn’t a bad man, he would never hurt you.
You blinked owlishly when he caught on what you were thinking before slowly placing the utensils in his large hand. “I’m choosing to trust you, Hoseok.”
A bad decision, really.
That day, he finished the food for the first time since he was institutionalized. You were good at cooking, and he found himself looking forward to his visits. He found himself hating when the clock strikes one hour. He hated when he had to leave.
The first few visits, he would only smile at you and would evade your questions with his silence. And so, you started talking about your day, your family, your work- anything to fill the silence for an hour. Jung Hoseok merely listened. You did it for another two visits until he started chiming in, asking you follow-up questions with such genuine curiosity. It was during the fifth visit when he started sharing about his childhood, about how he had a loving mom and a younger sister…about how they both perished because of some stupid break-in that happened when he wasn’t there to protect them.
He was sixteen.
You told him it wasn’t his fault, that he had no control over what happened before. You told him that he shouldn’t blame himself.
He grinned at you and told you that yes, he didn’t have control before. But now, he had all the control and power. “I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to my family again.”
You frowned at his words before looking down at the file you had already gone through several times. Did you miss the information about his family? You were certain he had none. He was said to be merely existing with no known ties. Or had all of you been fooled?
“You’re cute when you’re confused,” he observed as he leaned in, his chin resting delicately on his hand. “Your face is so expressive. You’re like a…sunshine.”
Your eyes widened from his unexpected compliment, and you couldn’t help but feel you cheeks warming up. “And I like how sunshine makes me feel,” he trailed off before smiling even brighter at you.
Brushing off the confusing feelings he evoked from you, you looked at the peculiar man, in front of you before straightening your back. “It says on the file that you no longer have living relatives.”
“I’m referring to the future family I’ll surely have, sunshine,” he divulged dreamily as though having a family of his own was promised to him.
That day was the first time you saw the swirling darkness and insanity in his eyes.
You didn’t look up when he entered the room for his visit this time, your eyes focused on your laptop to keep your emotion in check. You heard the nurse removing his straight jacket before leaving the room.
Hoseok observed you from the distance he hated, your head bowed on the device when he heard it. You sniffed, your eyes looked swollen.
Were you crying?
Hoseok felt his hand turned into a fist, his smile faltering slightly. He badly wanted to come to you if not for the device enclasping his ankle. He detested that thing- how it could control him, how it could stop him from going to you.
Additionally, he wondered why he cared…or why he didn’t care that he was falling for you.
“Who do I have to hurt, sunshine?” He inquired with a reassuring smile that did anything but reassured you. You haltered your movement before slowly sitting down in front or him.
“I didn’t bring you food today. I’m sorry-“
He waved his hand at you, his focus not on the delicious meals you always brought him. His main focus was on who he had to hurt for hurting you. “Why are you crying, sunshine?”
You swallowed the rising tightness in your throat, tears desperately wanting to fall. “I’m not-“
“Tsk. We don’t lie here, sunshine. You made me promise not to lie to you. Shouldn’t you, too?”
“I just-“ you took a deep breath to calm yourself before looking at anywhere but him. “I just had an awful week, Hoseok. It’s just a lot. My other clients aren’t exactly as…kind as you are. I have a lot of responsibilities on top of my grandmother’s hospital bills-“ you cut yourself off before you could even rant longer. You dared to raise your eyes to his, only to find him listening intently. The twisted gears in his mind turning as he processed what you were saying. “I-I’m sorry. You’re my patient. I shouldn’t have-“ you trailed off before clearing your throat. “That was unprofessional of me. You have your own problems and you didn’t need to hear mine.”
He regarded you for a moment with silence that wasn’t welcomed, a tad bit too long before he beamed at you once again. “Would you like to hear about my past, sunshine?”
“Of course,” you answered, hiding your excitement. You barely scratched the surface with him, only letting you know what he wanted you to know. And besides, his old psychiatrist would come back soon. After all, his court hearing was fast approaching.
He smiled eagerly at you before tapping the space next to him. He saw you hesitated. Hoseok hated that. Oh what he would give to see you come willingly to him, he thought. Ah, it would come. He was sure.
“It’s a secret, sunshine,” he added as though it would convinced you. “You need to come near me so I can whisper it to you,” he reasoned out with a pout, his eyes twinkling with mischief. You were safe with him. He promised himself never to hurt you when he accepted that he was falling for you. He watched you with enthusiasm and when you finally sat next to him, he felt the happiest. He turned to you before thoughtlessly holding your soft hand in his larger one. Your heart beat faster. You never expected his hand to be warm and strong. He was confusing you. Jung Hoseok was messing with your emotions. They did warn you, but you had always been a stubborn girl since you were young. You were about to pull it away from him when he spoke.
“My father was the leader of an…organization,” he began, his eyes focused on the way your hand was smaller than his. He loved how the size difference made him feel. He loved… “It was his enemies who murdered my family.”
You stopped pulling your hand away from him. He was finally sharing. He was finally letting you in his dark and bloody past. “Where is your father, Hoseok?”
He chuckled as if you asked him a funny question. He was now nuzzling your hand, rubbing it so gently against his cheek.
You didn’t have to know who was his first kill.
You didn’t have to know it was his own flesh and blood.
“He’s dead, sunshine. Not that I care,” he mused before planting small kisses on the back your hand, his hold tightening when he felt you about to pull away. “He was an abusive person who hurt my mother. That’s not love, right?” He asked you before turning his head to you. He was close…so close that you could clearly see the color of his eyes, could clearly count the little freckles on his face. He was so close that you could feel the heat coming from him.
Hoseok smiled at you before lifting his hand and caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. He was watching his hand touched your skin as though he was enchanted by it. He smiled, still smiling when the conversation was as heavy as this way. “You don’t hurt the people you love. Because if you did, that’s simply not love.”
You went home that day with your thoughts scrambled by what he revealed. You weren’t aware that he was that powerful, that his family was one of the richest and most powerful family in the country. You weren’t aware of how dangerous he really was.
But you were now as you looked at the email from the hospital stating that your bill and any succeeding treatments were all taken care of by none other than the Jung Group of Companies.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said for the fifth time today, your patience running thin from how stubborn he was. You were sitting in front of him despite his insistence that you sat next to him. He missed you. Thrice a week visitation was starting to not be enough for him. He worried for you constantly.
Did you eat?
Did you come home safe?
Did any other fuckers looked at you?
Did they?
Did they try to get your attention?
Did someone try to touch you?
Did they?
See, he worried. And it was for that reason that he had someone following you for your protection, and well…his sanity.
“Come sit with me, my sunshine,” he smiled at you as he patted not the sit beside him, but his lap this time. Your eyes widened at what he wanted. You weren’t a fool, you noticed him becoming touchy with you. You noticed him starting to be possessive of you. You were shaking your head before walking further away from him.
He hated seeing you walked away from him. He tilted his head to the side before giving you what he knew you couldn’t resist. “My sunshine,” he called you in a sing-song voice, smiling so sweetly at you it made you sick. “If you come to me now, I’ll tell you about why I beat those boys. And wouldn’t that make your job easier?”
He could see the fight in your eyes, could see you wondering whether you should trust him. In his opinion, you should trust him. He only wanted what was best for you, and well…he was the best for you. He watched you make your decision, and at the end, your sense of self-preservation lost the fight. He was triumphant as he held you in his arms, his hand caressing your waist.
God, he loved you.
“You see…those men,” he whispered from behind you, his lips touching your neck as he spoke and you couldn’t help but feel goosebumps from the way he touched you. “They were the one who murdered my family.
You stiffened from what he said…and from his lips that were peppering open-mouthed kisses on your neck. His hold on you was tight, his other hand caressing your smooth thigh. “And if you do a bad thing, shouldn’t there be consequences? You know…I waited too long for justice to come. I was patient, until I wasn’t. They weren’t atoning for their sins, sunshine. They keep on hurting innocent people. And I stopped them,” he whispered hotly in your ear, his finger so close to your core. Fuck, were you just as twisted as he was? How could you be attracted to him? To this?
Your core clenched when he traced your slit on top of your underwear. He chuckled when he felt how wet you were. He couldn’t wait to marry you. He couldn’t wait for the beautiful family that the two of you would create.
“That way, they could no longer hurt anyone. Am I not the good guy here?”
You could see it clearly now. Jung Hoseok had a distorted concept on what was right and wrong. He saw everything as black and white, his foundation was that he was good to those who were kind, yet he was even worse to those who were bad.
He enjoyed delivering his twisted justice.
“And if I’m the good guy, don’t I deserve the happily, ever after?” He whispered. You turned to look at him, his pupils blown wide evidencing his lust. He smiled at you before leaning in and kissing you so softly you thought it was your imagination. “I think I do, my sunshine. I think I deserve you.”
A knock woke you up from the twisted and hypnotic words from Hoseok. Your hour was done. You stood up hastily, fixing your skirt and blouse before facing him. Fuck, what had you done?
“I-I think…I think you need another doctor. This is our last meeting,” you stammered at the calm Jung Hoseok. He was sitting on the couch with his legs spread apart, his eyes focused on you. For the first time since you met him, he lost his smile. He looked dangerous. He was dangerous.
You should have listened to them.
Next week was his final hearing, and he already knew what would happen. He wasn’t a Jung for nothing. If you thought you would leave him that easy, you were in for a treat. He would be with you after his hearing. It would all be done. You would finally be in his arms each night. And it was that thought that calmed him down.
He only smirked, “See you next week…my sunshine.”
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awingedllama · 10 months
Hi Anna, I know you mentioned a while ago that you had made your own lighting mod so I was wondering if you have a tutorial for how to go about that?
there used to be a great in-depth tutorial for this by lunar-nelfean (which is how i learned to do it, so all credit for the discovery to them), but since they've deactivated their blog i'll make a quick one. for posterity. and google results
Sims 4 Edit World Lighting Tutorial
Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4. If you want to change the lighting for an expansion pack world, go to the Delta folder and choose an EP folder. If you want to change the Base Game lighting, go to Data\Shared\Worlds\Areas. BGEngagement 0-3 is Newcrest, all worlds with a GD prefix are Willow Creek and SO prefix is Oasis Springs.
Copy the .world files you want to edit, as you can't save files in your game folder. I recommend saving a backup of the original EA ones too, just in case you don't like your edits and want a clean slate, or want to go back to EA lighting without having to repair your game.
2. Open "World Color Timeline" and click Edit Items.
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3. From there, you're off to the races. Change any values you like. The names are mostly are self-explanatory as to what they change. Sometimes you notice a huge difference on changing values, and other times you might not. Some effects (like bloom) are only visible when you have Post Processing Effects on in your settings. You just have to experiment!
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It's a bit difficult to visualize what each one of those colors is going to look like in game, so back when I was still planning to make a lighting mod, I spent way too much time making a sheet to help visualize what each color looks like at each time of day for certain values. The top colors are EA's original for San Myshuno, and the bottom is basically a recolor I made by just changing the hue/saturation (I used the eyedropper in Photoshop to get the RGB and changed the values in S4S to match). Hopefully this can help you get a rough idea of what decimal number corresponds to what time of day.
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4. Each 'World Timeline Color' represents a season, hence the 4 entries in the box. When you're done editing, if you want the same values for each season, delete the bottom 3 World Timeline Color entries, then copy your edited one 3 times. Change the PointofInterestID. Make sure you have 00000000, 00010000, 00020000 and 00030000. When you're ready, save!
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5. To quickly copy your custom lighting to the other neighborhood files for the world, batch export the World Timeline Color file.
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Open another neighborhood, click on World Timeline Color and click Import.
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6. Save, repeat for the rest of the neighborhood files, and you're done! Drag your edited files into your Sims 4 game folder, replace the existing ones, and go in game to see your changes :D
i hope this was easy to follow. if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them, just shoot me a message!
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photopeablr · 6 months
this blog is such a cool idea!! i'm fairly new to gifmaking and still learning how to get the best out of photopea. i was wondering if you knew of a way to get gif overlays to work seeing as there isn't a timeline function? like when one gif blends into another with like an ink effect? i was trying and failing yesterday 😅
hello!! thank you for the question <3 apologies for the wait on this tutorial, but follow the steps under the cut below to learn how to make a gif like this!
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Before you do anything, make sure you know how many frames your gif is going to be. This is vital for this tutorial, as you are going to be blending gifs together and to do so, you need all of them to be the same length.
step one: the transition gif
Once you have found the gif overlay you want to use for your transition (I will be using the first one from this pack), open it in Photopea. Since you should know how many frames your gif is going to be, make sure you delete the unnecessary frames from the gif overlay. For example, my gif is going to be 36 frames, so I will make sure to delete any other frames I don’t want besides 36 frames. You will also probably need to rename the frames that you’re going to be keeping; with the gif overlay I’m using, all of the frames are titled something like “_a_frm0,30”. However, my gifs end with “,50”, so I need to change the names of the 36 frames of this overlay so they all say “_a_frm0,50” for all 36 frames. This is arguably the most tedious bit of the entire process, which is why I do it first before anything else.
Now you will need to save two different versions of this gif. The first version will be for the “first” gif, and the second version will be for the “second” gif that your gif will transition into. As you likely noticed, gif overlays are black and white; for this tutorial, the first version will be the gif as it comes, and the second version will be inverted. Below are what mine look like after having cropping and resizing the gifs to the size I need them to be for my finished product:
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In order to do the inversion, while selecting the folder of your gif overlay on the “Layer” panel on your right, go to Layer… > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map…. With the pop up that shows up, check the “Reverse” button to invert your gif overlay. Save this version as well as the other version without the inversion.
step two: creating the transition
after creating both your gif overlay versions as well as the two gifs you’re going to transition between, open up all four of the completed gifs you have created thus far.
Copy over the gif overlays on top of their respective gifs (so, your first gif should have the first version of the gif overlay, and the second gif you want to transition to should have the inverted version of the gif overlay). To copy over the gifs, right click and select Duplicate Into… and select the gif that the overlay will be on. You will want the black of these overlays to show up on both of them, so make sure you set the blending mode on the gif overlay to “Multiply” (you don’t have to change anything about the actual gif that is going to be part of the transition).
Once you have completed this, go to Layer > Animation > Merge in order to combine the gifs with the overlay on them. These are what my gifs look like with the gif overlay transition over them:
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step three: final gif
Create a new canvas by going to File > New and creating one with a black background and sized to the size you’ve cropped your other gifs. Duplicate your merged gifs into this canvas, first gif on the bottom above the Background layer and the second gif above that first gif.
You don’t have to do anything to the first gif, but for the second gif, you will need to change the blending mode to “Screen” for the transition to work properly.
From here, do anything else you would like to do to your finished product (add your watermark, do typography, etc). Once you’ve done what you wanted for your finished product, merge your gifs again using Layer > Animation > Merge and then save your gif.
And you’re done! You have successfully completed your gif overlay transition. :)
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lunariamv · 4 months
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Doom Stones is a horror visual novel/adventure game created with RPG Maker 2000. The game style is inspired from Charon/Nekofuji Kaoru.
Yuuka, a shy and softspoken girl, loses herself when her best friend Souta passes away. One day, she's given a chance to redo the night his life was taken. Perhaps this time, she'll save him.
This is an authentic serious charon-esque game following the formula, presented by me.
⚠️ Before venturing into any of my works, please heed my disclaimer/rules;; I don't want obstructive people engaging with me or my content.
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⚠️Disclaimer ⚠️
⚠️This game contains violent and grotesque depictions, as well as dark themes. Please do not play the game if you are sensitive to this type of material. ⚠️
⚠️Rating: 17+ ⚠️
⚠️Separate fiction from reality + Separate art from the artist -- I do not condone any dark content/themes depicted in my works. Any works done in fiction should not be adapted to real life. ⚠️
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❖ Download link
❖ Mirror link
RPG Maker 2000 RTP is required for the game to run. Download link here and in the readme file.
(Chrome or windows may block usage of these programs, but these are safe to ignore.)
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Platform and Troubleshooting
The game's engine only works for windows, but EasyRPG can used in it's place. May not be perfect. Instructions in the readme file.
Further troubleshooting instructions are in the readme file. Expect possible errors or the game never running at all, since RPG Maker 2000 is outdated software.
Gameplay Notes
❖ The game is a horror adventure rpg with 8 endings in total. A spoiler-free guide to the different endings is in the readme. (Video Walkthrough here)
Usage Notes
Do not edit, repost, or sell assets from the game without permission!!
Fanworks and videos of the content are allowed, but do not directly use assets from the game to make them. (YT Thumbnails are fine, but modifying the game to post or claim assets as your own is not.)
My email is here, and in the readme for comments and concerns. Please only contact me if there are mild errors such as spelling. Do not contact me regarding troubleshooting errors. Go through the readme instructions, but expect that the game might not work, since RPG Maker 2000 is outdated.
♡ Games Masterlist
♡ Blog (with extra game info)
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otomiyaa · 7 months
PSA: Back up your blog, check your tumblr e-mail for copyright strikes
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Hi everyone, after suddenly losing my account with main blog + sideblogs last week, I would like to share the following warning with y'all. Not to scare you even though it is shitty, but to raise awareness. If this somehow results in me getting kicked off the platform again, so be it lol.
If you post anything fandom* related on your tumblr blog**, whether that's gifs, screenshots, videos, cosplay pics or even fics (?), you may risk getting a copyright strike (up to 3 in 18 months) or even immediate account termination. The chance is still rather small, but just know that it can happen.
*I say fandom in the broad term, so blogs that post about movies and series, anime/manga, games, celebrities, models, sports/olympics, etc. and it goes for gif and fic creators too. Not just accounts that post music or videos for example.
**I say tumblr blog, but this goes for all of the internet ofc. People have been getting this problem on any platform, from insta to etsy, youtube and twitter.
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Disclaimer: I am no legal expert, just an unlucky blogger who lost her silly multifandom fic blog after 7+ years.
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This will be a bit long and detailed so I proceed under the cut!
What can you do?
...To make sure you don't suddenly lose days, months, and years of content:
CHECK THE EMAIL LINKED TO YOUR TUMBLR. I know a lot of people don't do it, myself included. Tumblr does send warnings (though not always). It wouldn't have changed anything for me because I wouldn't want to appeal - since I don't want to go into this "fair use" discussion for just a fic & editing blog. I personally don't know the chances of retrieving your blog if you protest against the claims, so can't say much about that.
Back up your Tumblr blog if you can. Also save your Tumblr chats with people dear to you if you can. Account termination seems to work differently than deactivation. I was still able to see chats with people who deactivated long ago. But my blog that got terminated has vanished from everyone's DMs and ask boxes à la Thanos snap. I mourn my years of Tumblr chat with my best friend. It was not as if we even considered exporting/copying it just for the memories of the start of our friendship. But now that it's entirely gone, hehe, well. It is sad.
Save URLs and masterposts outside Tumblr. After losing your account, for I thiiink about 24-48hrs (I didn't clock, but it was temporary) you will be able to access it at least temporarily through cachedpages, if you have the URL. It doesn't seem to work for everything, but most of my Tumblr posts I could still see shortly through this site, even after I got wiped off the platform. I did this by googling my tumblr username + certain keywords, and the posts would pop up and give me the URL.
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...To prevent getting copyright strikes and losing your account?
Probably nothing - but like I said, I'm not the expert, just the fool who lost her account. The termination e-mail will give you a numbered URL so it's not easy to see which post resulted in the account loss, but for me the keywords were:
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Despite the 7+ years of posts, many followers and a lot of memories, I did not gain anything else from this blog and didn't think it was worth the (legal-) risks and effort to try and get it back. It would require filing an objection against the copyright claims with personal info from home address to name, and consenting to USA legal law stuff.
Even if I don't know the exact details, I'm sure they're not wrong, because whether it's fair or not, most fandom stuff has copyright issues in the end, so I can't protest against the claims with 100% certainty it won't get me in real trouble. Besides, I read about similar cases, lost cases, and admitted defeat right away.
They work with manual reports and most dangerously, bots, who seem to be randomly picking unlucky people to take down their posts and possibly the entire account.
So besides putting an entire halt to fic writing, gif making, video editing and other fandom indulgement, or the inconvenient act of censoring every single word and image, I don't think there is a way to entirely prevent getting targeted.
The one that treated me to the strikes leading to account termination was a certain Mr. Green who seems to have targeted mostly people on Etsy. But apparently now also on Tumblr. More about this I can share here for further information. I also share some other links that can inform you about how far the copyright problem can go. Again, no reason to panic. It's rare and I was unlucky. But it happens.
About Mr. Green, using bots all over the internet to take down fandom related material:
Tumblr post about his attack on fandom.
Long detailed doc from an Etsy user.
Insta post about also loss of Etsy account.
Also Etsy related, but same Mr. Green and his bots taking down something only because it used the NAME of an anime character.
Tweet about him and his company not being officially contracted but getting compensated.
About copyright claims on Tumblr - they are still rare, no panic, I just call it russian roulette and these are all unlucky people like me :')
Post by user @/marilynjeansiims about claims against users who post about Sims, including a petition against it.
Post by user @/happyheidi about Moomin posts facing issues.
Post by user @/hanyusan about olympic related claims.
Example by user @/koov about what a vague copyright warning looks like.
Good news, post by user @/yunghos about getting their account back after filing a counter notice. It seems to be possible.
Post by user @/iamkatehardy about getting a strike for using a gif.
Post by user @/stxrshxpxd about getting their acc terminated for no 100% clear reasons.
Post by user @/tekweela about getting terminated mercilessly because of a reblog.
Post by user @/fromanotherroom-revived about losing their account with similar advice as I write here.
Post by user @/ladyphasma about gifs and US law
Knowing this won't bring lost accounts back, or change the law, I do hope at least you can be better prepared just in case it happens... Better prepared than I was at least.
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rigelmejo · 5 months
Some learning apps I've liked (in no patrticular order)
Renshuu (japanese): good lessons, a bit slow paced for me
Readibu (chinese reading app): free version is good, paid version includes full sentence audio and translations I think which may be useful.
Pleco (chinese dictionary and reader app): top level app, get it now if you study chinese and use your phone at all. Its free version includes a huge great dictionary, and Clipboard Reader which has ALL the Reader features just that you have to copy and paste the chinese text in (their paid Reader you can upload epub txt files etc directly). Their paid features are nice because they are all 1 time fees: pay 5 dollars once and have the purchased item forever. I hate subscriptions so i love that this app does single purchase instead. I bought some graded readers on this, and expanded dictionaries. Its Dictate Text text to speech feature is nice in the Reader/Clipboard reader because it highlights the word as it reads and shows translation, making it easy to follow along.
Duoreader: a free basic app, has a few parallel language books for many languuages. It includes text to speech audio and click word translation. Excellent for free reading with parallel text set up.
Smart Book by Kursx (also under the name Parallel Translation of books by kursx on the app store): it uses mtl, but you can search for books or import books, and it will show sentence translations or make an entire parallel text for you, it also has click translations, word saving, progress information (which is motivating to me), and text to speech read aloud function. Its currently what i use the most for reading. Trahslations are as good as Lingq or Google Translate so NOT always reliable but useable and the sentence translation helps for figuring out grammar. But Pleco and Readibu have BETTER translations. For chinese this app is good, for japanese its useable if youre upper beginner but if you dont know basic grammar and particles then the japanese individual word translations are often wrong and unreliable - sentence long translations are useable though.
Tofugu: good hanzi study app.
Anki: great app especially if you import decks made by people around the internet. I look up decks by going to a search engine and typing in something like "4000 hanzi mnemonics anki deck" or "common chinese words in sentences anki deck." I have recommended some anki decks I've used on this blog. A tip about anki: their website works fine in mobile browsers, you do not have to pay for any app to use anki on your phone, you can just use the site if you'd prefer. For initial uploads of flashcard decks created by other users, you will need to install anki on a computer, then download the anki deck from the deck's page online, then put it into your computer anki program. After you do that, you can sync your computer anki to the website one. Then you can use anki either online or on the computer or on both. I use anki only on my phone mobile browser. It seems the main benefit of anki phone apps over using the internet mobile browser, is flashcards are easier to Make if you end up wanting to make your own anki flashcards on your phone.
Immersive Chinese: chinese lessons. I haven't used it much but I like the structure
Glossika: I specifically recommend getting the old cds, possibly through your library, or finding the mp3 files online. I think the audio files are easier if youre not good at focusing on consistently doing SRS flashcards, since spaced repetition study sentences are the new glossika model and require a monthly subscription. Plus side to the new model: most languages have around 6000 sentences where the old cd courses often had around 3000 sentences. Plus side to the old cds/mp3s: can be found in many libraries for free, and online, and if you do buy them theyre a one time cost. Excellent resource if you like audio review (i do), with common grammar and vocabulary taught. I like that even the 3000 word old courses will get you at least to upper beginner or lower intermediate, enough knowledge to start learning by reading or watching shows and looking words up, and enough words to have some conversations. Pimsleur is similar but tends to cover less vocabulary, so afterward you need to learn more words on your own before you can immerse and look up words to study.
Japaneseaudiolessons.com: a website with free japanese audio lessons, a free textbook, free notes. They also have nice kanji learning books with pre written mnemonics and sentence examples for sale.
Your local library: a lot of libraries have deals with language learning sites/apps, your specific library may provide some courses for free. In addition, apps Hoopla and Libby have a lot of courses and digital textbooks and audios you can check out. You can use those apps with a library card. If you are a college student, a lot of college ebook collections include MANY textbooks and independent study books for languages. Nearly every Tuttle book I got for studying Japanese and Chinese, I was able to check out the ebook version first using my college library and only bought those books because I ended up finding them so useful I wanted print copies. (For that matter, some under $20 dollar reference books I owe for teaching me hanzi and kanji: Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters: HSK Levels 1-3 - this book gave me a foundation in hanzi and was the easiest guide for learning hanzi for me and learning HOW to remember them. I found it more useful than Heisig's Remember the Kanji/Hanzi books by far, although they utilize a similat idea, and less effort to remember than Kodansha Kanji Learner's Guide - although I like that reference book as a reference. Runner up is Tuttle Learn Japanese Today: The Easy Way to Learn 400 Practical Kanji by Len Walsh. It was more basic than the hanzi book, less in depth, but a very approachable understandable and quick to learn kanji book to start out with when studying Japanese, that will not overwhelm you the way say Heisig or KKLG might. For hanzi I used my Learning Chinese Characters book for a few months, then an anki deck "hanzi 2000 mnemonics pinyin" while also just regularly looking up new words while reading graded readers then chinese show subtitles then webnovels, and making up my own mnemonics which got easier over time. For japanese, I followed up with a vocabulary deck as I found vocabulary easier to remember than isolated kanji, and kanji.koohi.com was a useful site for free user submitted mnemonics to remember kanji when I struggled to remember. Its also a good site for free flashcards and study of kanji generally.
ChinesePronunciationTrainer: a really simple free app. It's biggest usefulness is practicing pronunciation. You can record yourself trying to pronounce a sentence after hearing the chinese pronunciation, then play back your recorded attempt compared to the chinese pronunciation. The app makes shadowing easier to evaluate, so you can compare and notice if you're making pronunciation errors and work on them. It's also very simple low feature speaking practice.
LingoTube: free app, uses machine translation. If you want to watch youtube with dual subtitles, or click translations on subtitles, or instant replay/loop of dialogue lines, this is an app that can do that. Very useful for immersing with youtube videos like youtubers and shows on youtube.
Idiom app: it is orange with an i on the icon. Click skip for the "helm" offer when you first download it, helm is a paid add on for better translations and you may not want it right away. The core app is free (helm add on costs a subscription). This app is basically Lingq but free. Translation quality is the same, which appears to be google translate quality on Lingq and Idiom. So some errors, but useable especially as you hit upper beginner and above and can notice when you may want to reference a word in an external dictionary (like Pleco app for chinese, yomiwa app for japanese, etc).
Satori Reader: a graded reader app for japanese, absolutely amazing quality material. I recommend exploring the free content on the app. If you decide you'll use it a lot, or plan to get into a reading kick for a few months, it's worth getting a subscription for a while. I plan to get a subscription once I have the time to read japanese 1-2 hours a day for a few months. Satori Reader has tons of reading materials branching from approachable to an upper beginner (say you can read Yostuba manga a bit, or are in Genki 2, or know around 2000 words) to you're almost ready to read webnovels or regular japanese novels but the difficulty bump is just a Touch too steep. If you go through the various reading level material on the app, you shpuld be prepared to handle at least some japanese novels for natives once you can handle some of the higher reading level stuff on Satori Reader. In addition: the translations are done by professional translators with in depth notes on grammar points (incredibly useful and the best explanations on Japanese Graded Readers Ive used), fully narrated stories by real people, and many of the graded readers are designed to be enjoyable long reading material in their own right. There's also some multiple difficulty versions of reading material if you'd like to read an easier version before trying a more complex version of the same story. There is so much reading material on the app you can get significant practice and vocabulary/grammar improvement if you have time to read. I lnow a few people who got through a few hundred+ chapters on this app, and generally they went from N4 or N3 reading level to N2 or N1. Then they transitioned to reading novels for natives. As far as high quality well made well explained plentiful graded reading material for japanese, this is one of the best resources I've found. (The other 2 great graded readers I have are textbooks, one being a Tuttle Read Japanese book that goes from basics through to being able to read 2000 kanji, newspapers and documents, formal and informal, and is dry af to read but generally leaves you fairly prepared for japanese reading, and a more basic Beginning Japanese Reading book thats part of a 4 part textbook collection and absolutely drills the basic 500 most common kanji and many words, hiragana and katakana and many words in them, for 500 or so pages).
Microsoft Edge. I know, weird. Edge on computer and mobile internet browser has a Read Aloud tool. It is the best sounding text to speech Ive heard. This Read Aloud tool is also in Microsoft Word if you copy paste text into Word. I find going to sites in my target language, and using the Read Aloud tool, is a nice way to get audio in with my reading when I can't find an audiobook. The tool also highlights the word as it reads, helping you keep up with the reading, and for me it helps improve my reading speed. In addition, ANY web browser (and any phone/tablet Reader app like Kindle, Moonreader, Kybooks etc.) often has the ability to click or tap or highlight a word to look up the translation. So when reading on any of those internet browsers/Readers, you can look up words just like you would on Lingq but free.
Japanese.io: a site with japanese graded reading material, and tools like click translation and saving words.
https://www.sosekiproject.org/about.html If you like the author Soseki, this site is awesome. It features full audio of his works, full parallel text translation, and individual word translation.
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innerchorus · 2 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 127
The long-awaited encounter with Zahhak is here! I'm tagging my posts for new manga chapters with 'arslan senki spoilers' but here is your reminder to look away (and probably avoid my blog until you've read the chapter) if you don't want to find out what happens.
Turns out I was right about a few things and my suspicions about something else seem likely to be correct, too.
The chapter opens with the legend of Zahhak and his defeat by Kaykhusraw as the Parsians know it. The title page features Kaykhusraw's open sarcophagus with his wrapped body and Rukhnabad inside, inside the tomb. This is clearly from an earlier time (presumably his burial?), well before Hilmes ventured down there, and given the chapter title it feels... ominous. (And it's right to feel that way, as you'll see when you get to the end of the chapter.)
The legend is conveyed in the typical stylised carving/illustration style that Arakawa has used for mythological history before.
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Look what appears as a decorative border to one of the panels!
It might just be a nod to the existence of these creatures in the novels, but I really hope that their presence here makes it more likely we might actually encounter them before the end of the manga... DARK TEMPLE PLUS CREATURES, ARAKAWA PLEASE
Very much has the feel of something that has been mythologised, the details probably don't match up exactly with how it really went down, but the main points are there...
...and 300 years later, the Snake King appears to have returned
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Farangis's raishal reacting like this is a nice touch and shows just how extreme the presence of evil is here. (Also I didn't know it could do that so I'm filing this detail away very happily.)
Those snake heads are really very freaky, the fact that they are so humanoid yet totally animalistic and driven by instict and hunger for human brains. Top notch horror!
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Daryun's warrior instinct comes to the fore and overrides his shock!
The Zot do their best but one gets chomped pretty quickly, sadly. I'll go ahead and say it now, the Zot being the only casualties in this encounter was exactly as I called it, but Arakawa does her best to ensure their deaths don't feel trivial, as we later learn the names of those who fell, and even though we never got to know them it's clear that they meant something to their comrades.
Some very exciting combat scenes follow and Team Arslan enter the fray and get to grips with their frightening new enemy! Some key details about Zahhak rapidly become apparent: his blood is corrosive, and his wounds can heal.
The key is to keep moving! Alfarid realises this; one of the Zot tries to encourage her to flee, but is struggling with his terrified mount, but thanks to Elam and Alfarid loosing arrows at one of the snake heads he is spared.
Don Ricardo is in abject terror, but his behaviour later this chapter was a surprise for me, in a good way!
Estelle saving Don Ricardo just in time, and putting her life on the line to stand before him even though she's trembling in fear! 👌👌👌
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She's so brave!
She doesn't know that the snakes have spotted/sensed Rukhbanad... but Don Ricardo does! Let's hope he will now give that 'junk sword' the respect it deserves. Anyway this is the part where he surprised me, as he breaks out of his terrified state to call out to everyone to rally to him and gather round the sword! Remember when I said 'quick, everyone group hug Don Ricardo'?
Of course, he's speaking in Lusitanian, but Estelle translates in an instant... and Gieve quickly grasps why!
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"Is it truly Zahhak...?" This is the line that makes me think I might be on the mark when I say that Zahhak, although freed from Mount Damavand, may not have returned to full consciousness yet. I think those head jars may have something to do with a final ritual to bring about his true return.
So, it's now a stalemate. Zahhak cannot attack them, but they can't attack it either. But there's an ominous shape in the mist (and you can take one look at it and just KNOW it's going to be fucked up and even take a pretty good guess at how)
Before Team Arslan can get a good look at it, Zahhak withdraws, whether due to the arrows they fired at it it because of some other unknown reason isn't clear... Team Arslan leave without even being able to spare time to bury the bodies of the fallen, which clearly weighs on them, but night is drawing closer and they can't remain safely.
(I wonder whether they will still continue to Mount Damavand? Perhaps Arslan will appeal to Kaykhusraw's spirit to seek his approval to wield the sword? Or maybe priorities will have understandably changed and they'll change directions. Personally I think we'll at least get a scene that indicates Arslan has the right to wield Rukhnabad!)
Anyway Zahhak's also in a hurry to get somewhere and although Team Arslan didn't manage to glimpse the true horror, we do!
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Well, now we know what happened to Kaykhusraw's mummified body? I did think that Team Zahhak would use him as a vessel for the Snake King, thinking this might occur in Ecbatana, but nope, that looks to be the case already.
The torso ending in a cluster of snakes, ugh.
I wonder whether Kaykhusraw's spirit is aware of what has happened to his body now that it has been possessed like this?
I wonder whether the intention is for Zahhak to retain this form? Because at the end of the chapter you see the host body's brittle-looking arm disintegrate where one of Team Arslan's arrows struck it, and it looks different to Zahhak's snakes pushing arrows from their bodies and regenerating. So maybe this takeover of Kaykhusraw is a temporary thing, and Team Zahhak are planning to transfer Zahhak to a new body once he reaches Ecbatana? And that new body... who better than another descendant of the Parsian royal line? 👀
I feel like with any luck I might get my wish for Hilmes to come face to face with Zahhak and in a moment of horror realise exactly what the sorcerers have been using him for and what he's helped to bring about...
(I want Team Zahhak to be planning for Hilmes to be a host for Zahhak but I don't want for it to actually happen! I'd love it if Team Arslan managed to step in just in time... augh my brain is racing into visions of Hilmes captured for a head jar ritual below Ecbatana)
Oh and Zahhak really is heading towards Ecbatana as I thought, so it looks extremely likely that all final showdowns are going to take place there. I feel like this direction was actually hinted at when the corpse of Kaykhusraw was slithering towards the setting sun. It's a panel I really like, as it both indicates the sun (which represents the Shah) setting on the royal line and Pars alike, and as the sun sets in the west and Ecbatana is west of Mount Damavand, you can tentatively extrapolate where the Snake King is heading.
So now Team Arslan have seen the Snake King. One day soon, they will have to defeat him for good. And given that everyone survived this time, can we hope for the same to happen again when they next meet in battle?
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slavboris · 1 month
So I would like to officially announce that this blog is retired.
It has been a great 12 years of absolute wholesomeness and bullshit. Sadly not everything lasts including my files. While I still have all the screenshots of every post I do not have the demoman model backed up and that was corrupted in storage and out storage.
So to end this blog let me sum up the story in the quickest and most understanding way possible. (I made this up when I was 15 btw)
So hugman fell in an endless hole that time did not run, out of nowhere Trigon from the DC universe pops in and tells him he'll save him if he takes care of his baby Raven, hugman does so, Raven doesn't like being trapped and escapes with the help of hugman while also opening a portal for hugman to escape as well. Hugman is in the white void of protection and does random stuff via the blog.
I had this idea of a proper ending for the blog for Trigon to find him and use hugman as bait to get Raven out of hiding and some fighting that results in hugman finally dying, but my motivation ran out as I grew up.
I want to thank everyone that interacted with my silly little blog and to wish you all amazing lives moving foward. I had fun.
Currently I am in the process of making a video for my sideblog that's going to take me god knows how long but other than that I'm just watching youtube and playing video games.
So I'm giving this blog a month before I change name/description all of that so if you want to relive some posts as they are go ahead, I'm not deleting any posts but the blog theme will be changed. If you want to follow me elsewhere here are some links:
Discord: boris0733
Instagram: slavboriss
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Horror novel recommendations
@allthestoriescantbelies​ asked for horror novel recommendations, so I thought I’d throw one together to post on the blog! Largely focused on non-gothic stuff since I’ve already made a gothic lit list over here.
As a general warning, all horror books listed here will have potentially triggering material. If you want more specific trigger warnings, you can ask me or see if people have listed them on goodreads or storygraph.
My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix: I know you’ve read this, but I’m putting it on the list because it is one of the scariest books I’ve ever read, about a teenage girl in trouble and the only other girl willing to help her. I’m told the movie makes it much more straightforwardly comic rather than horror-with-jokes, which disappoints me. I’m a big fan of Hendrix in general, though I know you (and plenty of others!) find him hit-or-miss.
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris: Another one I believe you’ve read, but for reference, it’s the best serial killer thriller I’ve ever read. Francis Dolarhyde is a much more interesting character than Hannibal Lecter, I will die on this hill.
We Will All Go Down Together by Gemma Files: Centuries ago, the Five Family Coven made a deal with the Fairy Queen, and their descendants have been doomed ever since. I could have just as easily recommended Files’ book Experimental Film- if you like one, read the other as well.
The Drowning Girl by Caitlin R. Kiernan: A schizophrenic woman has two different memories of her ex-girlfriend and the horror that followed her- was she a werewolf, a mermaid, or were both memories wrong? This is Kiernan at her most heartfelt and most accessible; if you like this and want to try her grosser stuff, read The Very Best of Caitlin R. Kiernan.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski: A haunted house in a haunted film in a haunted memoir, written in a work of visual art. I won’t blame anyone who bounces off this, but give it a try!
Carrie by Stephen King: If you’re only going to read one Stephen King, make it either Carrie or Misery. I don’t feel like any film adaptations have captured all the aspects of this tragedy about a girl who deserved a better life and the town who didn’t save her while there was still a chance, including the epistolary format.
Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant: This novella was followed up by Into the Drowning Deep, but I found Rolling in the Deep much scarier. It’s brisk and high-tension to watch a semi-fake documentary team put together, piece by piece, just what the monsters are that pursue them.
Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge: The Great Pumpkin, but scary! Seriously, though, if you are willing to accept the concept of a boy with a pumpkin head and a knife and a yearly child sacrifice, this is short and a lot of fun.
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones: Just an elk killed when some kids were blowing off steam. Just an elk damning the rest of their lives. (Jones’s My Heart is a Chainsaw was too sad for me to recommend as a favorite, but I am curious about the sequel.)
The Wolfen by Whitley Striber: I wanted to include a good werewolf novel on this list, and The Wolfen wins by far for interesting creature design. (The runner up was The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan.)
The Auctioneer by Joan Samson: A very atypical entry on this list, closer to Twin Peaks than your average thriller. A rural town is turned into a capitalist police state when a slick salesman comes to see what they’ll allow him to do. It turns out, it’s a lot.
The Drive-In by Joe R. Lansdale: The only “splatterpunk” I’ve ever loved, this is an absurdist nightmare about a southern drive-in crowd who get stuck in a world with only the movie screens and each other, turning into literal and figurative monsters. Usually published with the sequel, since both are short, though I didn’t like the latter as much. If you like it, read one of Lansdale’s short story collections.
As always, reblog with suggestions of your own!
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archiveikemen · 1 year
"Black Wedding" Story Event: Premium END
William's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
This story is in William's POV
William • Kate: I don't.
The air in the church instantly turned ice cold.
(... I expected her to hesitate a little.)
(Such a firm declaration. As expected of Kate.)
I gazed lovingly at my partner in her black dress, then turned my eyes to the man who was to be judged for his sins.
William: Founder — I mean, Mister Amor.
William: You've killing the couples who vowed their love here, haven't you?
Amor's shoulders trembled and he tried to argue, but I had no intention to accept any of his excuses.
William: Ah, save your breath. We have already ascertained that you're hiding the bodies in the basement of his church.
William: Your motive for committing those crimes is...
William: Before you started this organisation, you were betrayed by your fiancee whom you loved so much...
William: You lost all your money and honour, you were at the brink of death.
Amor: H-How did you know that...!?
Cultist: What does that mean, Father*?
*I chose this word because in a church, the pastor is addressed as "Father", right? Feel free to let me know if there is a better alternative.
Cultist: Didn't you receive the divine relevation to become a messenger of love...?
William: Did you do it out of good faith to prevent others from suffering the same fate as you, or was it out of jealousy?
William: Honestly, I'm not so interested in whatever motives you may have.
Amor: All of that is untrue! Silence this man!
William: You brainwashed all your believers into becoming your obedient servants and killed those couples who were free to love each other.
William: That's a fact that will not change.
The blood drained from Amor's face upon being confronted with his sins.
However, no amount of fear, crying, or begging for mercy meant anything.
William: It's up to the individual to decide their form of love and how they wish to prove it.
William: We won't just watch from the sidelines as you take the lives of innocent people because of your selfish ideals.
William: Therefore, my verdict is — you're guilty.
Amor: *gasp*...
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William: "Stay there and don't move".
After stopping Amor from fleeing, I turned to look behind me.
His believers who stood there dumbfounded were also victims of having their freedom stolen.
William: "Get in a single file and leave this place quietly. Follow the man waiting outside who identifies himself as Victor."
At my command, the believers left the church like puppets.
Amor trembled at the sight of that bizzare spectacle.
Amor: ... Wha... what was that...
Amor: Why!? All of you are supposed to only obey me!
Amor: Obey me! I... I'm the only one who's right! I will never forgive you for your betrayal!!
William: "A domesticated animal"...
William: "Docile, as a man tamed it"...
William: Very tasteless of you to decorate the beautiful garden with anagrams of sheep and your believers.
William: Nothing bad about creating an ideal place, but you should do it alone.
I placed a knife in Amor's trembling hand.
Standing next to me, Kate silently watched the scene unfold.
The villain who was to be punished for his sins — and the villain who will punish him by committing the same sin.
(Make sure to properly burn this moment into your memory.)
(And write my sins down in your reports.)
William: "Stab your heart, and sleep forever".
I went outside after condemning Amor for his sins, and saw Victor leaving with the believers in a carriage.
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Kate: What's going to happen to them...?
William: They'll be put in the Royal Hospital for some time.
William: Some of them will wake up from this nightmare and return to their original lives...
William: While the rest will search for something else to rely on.
Kate: ... Is that so?
Kate watched as the carriage left, perhaps wishing that there would be hope for their future.
(... How beautiful.)
Kate was dressed in black, like she were attending a funeral possession.
Her eyes didn't look like she was bidding farewell to the dead, but instead looked like they held a light that believed in rebirth.
(Even when you're shrouded in darkness, your radiance never disappeared.)
She was willing to become evil for the sake of others, and yet wished that there would be a day evil would vanish from this world.
How could I possibly not love a woman this foolish and kind?
(She seems to agree that marriage vows are unnecessary.)
(Being addressed as the "bride", choosing a wedding dress, and putting it on...)
(She found the wedding process itself enjoyable.)
Formalities weren't important to her, she was instead open to having color in her life and enjoying herself.
William: Kate.
Kate: What's the ma— mmph.
I pulled her close and stole her lips in a kiss.
Kate's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before closing to receive the kiss.
Standing in front of the church with blood on my hands, I unreservedly cherished my bride who was raptured by the kiss.
Kate: Mm... haah... what's the matter, all of a sudden?
William: We haven't had a "memorable, blood-stained promise kiss" yet.
Kate blinked in surprise and chuckled.
Kate: Fufu... that would be a great memory.
William: Wonderful.
William: While we're at it, shall we go on a honeymoon, my bride?
Kate: ... Huh?
I left the church with Kate still in her wedding dress, and we were now seated in a carriage that swayed lightly and rhythmically.
Kate: It's so dark outside.
She looked stunning in her black dress, like a single black rose.
Kate: But I was surprised by your sudden suggestion to go on a honeymoon...
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William: Looking at you made me want to whisk you away.
William: I wanted to enjoy the sight of you in your wedding dress a little longer.
Kate's cheeks turned red.
(Ah, I want to see her wearing a red dress as well.)
I had a sudden whimsical thought.
Kate: ... Hey, Will.
William: Hm?
Kate: I've always thought that wedding vows were a very serious thing, it was the goal of two people deeply in love.
Kate: But when it was our turn to say our vows... it felt so trivial.
William: ... Fufu.
Kate: Why are you laughing?
William: Pardon me. It's because of how serious is the look you have on your face right now.
William: Everything is trivial compared to what you've sworn to me, Kate.
There was nothing that could be greater than Kate putting her life at risk by swearing her love to me.
Kate: I mean...
Her slightly pouty lips were adorable, she looked like she was feeling embarrassed from being laughed at.
(I could stare at her like this forever.)
Kate: Regardless of whether we're married or not...
Kate: We have a special relationship whereby we've both sworn our love to each other.
Kate: Today's mission... it made me really happy.
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William: ...
The sight of her carefree smile made my heart ache.
I knew that when I lost her one day, that pain would eat me alive.
William: ... So, have you lost interest in having a real wedding?
Kate: … Huh?
William: I just thought it’d be enjoyable to have a real wedding with you.
Kate: …
(This face she makes is adorable too.)
William: You looked so happy to be in a wedding dress.
William: Being called my bride, choosing your dress… and of course, you look happy right now too.
I touched her cheek and looked into her face.
William: Ah, I won’t tie you down with marriage.
William: But if it means I can see your happy face, I don’t think having a “ceremony” is a bad idea.
Kate: … Will…
William: We can have multiple wedding ceremonies if you wish.
William: Next time, we’ll have you wear a dress of your choice.
William: When you wear a red wedding dress, let’s have a wedding with just the two of us. No one else will be there to see it.
(Someday, her smile, warmth, and flame of life would disappear forever.)
(Until that moment comes, let’s make many happy memories together.)
Kate innocently blinked and then narrowed her eyes.
Kate: … Alright, then let’s hold 10 ceremonies.
Kate: I, too, want to see you in both black and white tuxedos.
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William: ... Fufu, 10 times, huh?
William: You’re such a greedy bride.
Kate: … My bad, that was false. Actually, let’s have 100 ceremonies.
William: Ahahaha!
I burst out laughing, and Kate joined in the laughter.
Hearing her laughter in the darkness brought me more joy than any sacred vow could.
William: If we have 100 ceremonies, that means we’ll have 100 promise kisses.
William: But for now…
William: I want to give my one and only bride a kiss filled with my love.
(We’ll vow to each other as many times as we want.)
(Until the very end, when this happiness turns into a poison that will kill me.)
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because apparently it’s relevant now?-
Let’s start in early November with gangle blog.
I, new to tumblr and not wanting to try and get in on something I had assumed had been going on for a long time and didn’t want to seem like an intruder, made the least intrusive character possible. This was also about the time where the “canon character” blogs were having some issues with the oc blogs, due to Tiger.
So I made Easton West.
He’s just a guy on lunch break who found the circus’s computer and can’t really do anything but interact via Developer console. No angst, just a guy who likes sandwiches. He befriended Gangle pretty quick. I also had him show up occasionally on Sun blog, iirc. He’s shy, he has no friends, but he cares a lot for people and always wants the best for those he cares for. He’s pretty “sunshine child”, but can be serious and assertive.
Then Gangle’s Ferris wheel/hammer anon plot started. And Jax DIED. And Easton was trying to save Jax and barely failed, and Gangle was in danger and soidjeieidjdie it was a messsssssss
Easton augments the computer with more monitors and PC’s and such, so he can actually affect things.
This is about the point where I threw my inhibitions out the window and gave Easton depression. This will come up later, and it became very severe over time. So tw for that.
At this point, Easton is friends with both Gangle and Sun, but due to the Ferris wheel stuff, he actually probably ended up befriending sun more.
Time for a new character. Easton mentions a coworker of his, after Sun tells him that he needs help running this thing. Sun tells him to find her, and thus we are introduced to Northa South.
Northa, like Easton, is shy and has no friends. She’s kind of a doormat, and doesn’t have a family because the foster system sucks and thus BAM childhood of inconsistency and physical…uh…ab—e. Not fun.
They hit it off instantly, and have a very sweet dynamic of “oh my gosh you’re amazing and I will give you all the affection”. While Easton is somewhat more protective, they’re pretty much on equal footing dynamic-wise.
Yes, they fall in love and start dating.
Before that, though, we introduce Dusk. Basically, Sun checks the heck out at one point and Easton saves everyone by bringing her back, but it’s a glitchy mess. Due to this, post-northa, they make a “backup plan” just in case the sun leaves. Northa being a graphic designer and Easton a coder, they can accomplish much more together than they would apart, and it shows with Dusk.
Dusk is the backup plan, a third celestial. She is summoned when Sun leaves again, and is just a sweetheart. Buuuut people don’t really like her because she accidentally adopts Sun’s tiny paper crane (who is named BlueJay now) and is…just…not Sun.
Easton and Northa attempt to help her, and are some of the best friends she has.
…And then Gangle dies.
…And thus the angst begins anew!
Northa and Easton kind of…crack from stress. Northa puts on the headset. Easton follows suit, but leaves behind a few things, including creating Dusk’s domain and the “Encyclopedia Poetica Circo”, a comprehensive and updating collection of files, functions, mechanics, character sheets, art, code, staff files, etc. for the circus and the company he worked for.
So, who are these two now? The Lord and Lady of Compass Manor, in Dusk’s domain. Dusk’s domain functions as an alternate, dream-esque dimension where logic runs on “what makes sense for the character/emotions?” (Ex: when someone is depressed, oftentimes it will begin to rain.) Each area runs on symbolism (Ex: Northeast’s area is symbolic of and thus will evoke the associated feelings of their innocent, genuine love.)
Dusk is very grieved. Sun shows up, drama, and meets a girl from Candleton named Alpenglow, who symbolizes the excitement of adventure. Uuunfortunately, after snapping at the amnesiac Lord and Lady, she leaves Alpen in the depression forest (“the Depths”) to die by accident, which traumatizes the already abandonment-issues-ridden child. Alpen is saved by Dusk and Sigil, who seem to be friends now, although Dusk had to magically lobotomize Insanity first. They end up on better terms later.
Sun calls up Easton’s ex, Lattia Tudor, and her business partner/best friend, Lonn Gitud. They’re here now.
Alpen quickly befriends and is adopted by Silhou, although Sun also still kinda adopted her it’s complex Sun and Silhou haven’t had the interaction where they deal with that yet
sun is missing, Dusk and sigil are looking for her.
…You’re probably realizing that there’s a character or two that I haven’t mentioned.
Meet Kit.
Kit is an 16 year old inter dimensional magical girl and one of two bits of madoka crossover we’ve had.
Kit started out as a five second joke character named Tea Anon, who had a conversation with a semi-dead Hammer in the void about tea.
Tea anon was SUPPOSED to just be my sona wearing anon glasses, thus why our personalities are somewhat similar, but she ended up as her own character with her own angst and motivations over time.
Tea anon ends up as Hammer’s…like, only friend. Also, Origami gets roped into this. They’re a team! Awwww…. Sure hope nothing goes wrong here.
they fight Kirsten, aka H.N. Elly, a witch from canon, who ends up being one of Tea’s old teammates. They end on good terms.
Hammer eventually…gets very very intoxicated, and Ori disappears. So Tea is on her own.
She witches out. And takes off the anon glasses, and thus her disguise as Tea anon. Her name is Kitsune and she wished to save those she loved, but failed. Her old teammates are witches or dead, her new teammates are gone, awww frick.
She and hammer have an emotional conversation, where Kit says she believes he is a good person, genuinely, because he cares about changing. She extends him a handshake. He does not shake her hand.
He proposes to chaos, and Kit as the eldritch horror she is crashes the wedding against her will, the grief-hungry witch side wanting to cause as much horror as possible. Generally, the inhuman monster is called Aite, the Odd Fox Witch.
hammer gets Kit back by the power of hugs and friendship. Awww.
Ori returns! But her friends have a concussion (hammer) and a gunshot wound (kit) sooo not fun. They’re in Pyxel’s care.
Bob witches out while fighting Kit and kills her, leaving only her grief seed behind…sad.
that’s where we are rn lol
there’s your notes, @copper-ichor
(And there’s that essay I mentioned, @nymn-taoc)
sorry for the tags lol
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