#go get em 1D!!!
tpwkwriter · 1 year
hiii so i have a request! Could you do one like still in harry's 1d days. So like y/n is louis sister and she has been friends with the band since the beginning and harry has been in love with her since he first laid eyes on her and all that. But he never told her because she always had a bf but those bfs would never treat her right like always ignoring her and flirting with other girls so harry kept this like journal where he wrote how in love he is with y/n and how he would treat her right, how he know everything about her all the little things and how no one could love her as much as he does. So then one day like during prince hair harry her and harry are sharing a hotel room with seperate beds (ofc haha, but because they have always been best friends) and y/n finds this journal and like reads all the things he has written and then she goes to him and is like "well, if i didnt know any better i would say mr styles has a crush on me" and he gets all nervous and says that it isnt just a crush and he is in love and that and then he asks "will you be my girlfriend. I cant' go another day of not kissing you, hugging you, touching you I cant stand you not being mine" and y/n finds it very sweet but she is very insecure and kind of rejects him in a nice way because she feel they will critisise her because they expect harry to be w a model and gorgeous girl and harry is tells her how beautiful she is and how he feel in love the moment they met and how it didnt matter what the world thought because no one can love her like he can and he know eveything about her so he asks again "will you let me be your boyfriend" and she finally agrees and then he holds her close and protectively and then y/n starts tearing up and says sorry because she was being silly and he says "dont be. Its not silly, baby. I'll be her to wipe every tear and to comfort you. Your heart is safe here, you are safe with me, my love" and then how they spend the first night together because well they share a hotel room and then the morning after harry saying how happy he is and how he has always dreamed about it and then they meet with the boys and tell em the news and they are all very happy and are like "about time" and yeah hope you understand it thank you again so much it would be great i feel its so cute! <3
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Does he know?
OMGOMG THANK YOU FOR THISS!! the detail you put in and the image it painted in my head AHHH❤️
I’m so sorry this has taken so long!! I really wanted this to be perfect!! 🌷 but thank you for your patience It means the world x
Warnings: jealousy, mentions of toxic relationships, cussing, smutty themes if you squint, pent up emotions.
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— early 2013 —
Harry’s fingers held a ballpoint pen between his fingers, the lined paper sat empty on the table adjacent to him.
There new album ‘midnight memories’ was due mid November of this year, he loved his job but these deadlines took the piss.
‘Fuck’ he whispered to himself, he didn’t realise the clock had gone over midnight.
The shared tourbus was at a halt for the night the rest of the four boys remained in there bunk and no one heard a peep from them through the rest of the night.
“Y’alright H?” Y/n said Peeling the curtain that separated the bunks to the lounging area of the bus, and pulling it back behind her.
“Sorry y/n, did i wake you?” He quietly asked, dropping his pen instantly.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a crush on y/n, she was also the youngest of the Tomlinson family so her and Harry grew up together at the same time and age, hitting each milestone and big birthdays together.
“No, no not at all” she waved, sitting on the sofa next to his.
“What y’doing awake still?” She asked, taking a sip of her water.
“Tryna get song ideas, getting absolutely nowhere” he said, crossing his arms back and leaning back on the cushions.
“What are you doing awake? He smirked.
“Can’t sleep, excited for tomorrow” she smiles.
“Haven’t seen you all on stage for a while” she added.
They sat and spoke for awhile, what y/n was oblivious of is how many ideas he was racking up watching her.
She reached her arm out to grab her water bottle, her wrist was exposed from her hoodie sleeve for a second, what Harry didn’t expect was to see an inky drawing.
“Is that a tattoo?” He asked.
“Oh this?” She askers pulling her hoodie up her arm.
“Yeah, me and Louis got matching a few days ago, a random spontaneous idea that popped into our heads” she laughed repressing the day her and her older brother got matching ‘28’ tats.
“It’s funny because ben, hasn’t even noticed it, and it’s like our 4th month together” y/n mentioned, a slight frown forming on her face.
Harry’s heart teared a tiny bit, she was still with this ‘Ben’ it was clear none of the boys got on with him, he wasn’t the bestest of boyfriend.
“Really?” He asked, eyes widening.
“Mmhmm, don’t know what to do about this whole Situation-ship thing”
“Well, do you love him?” He asked, fiddling with the hem of his band tee.
“I can’t say I do Harry” she sighed, “but there’s a part of me that feels bad” she added.
“Don’t feel bad, if it’s not meant to be, s’not meant to be”
All y/n wanted to do was scream out her attraction to him, something clicked in, the soft and gentle words he spoke, the way he still looked good at 1am after a busy day, the way he made a band tee look like piece of designer. Y/n wasn’t sure what happened.
Y/n soon enough found herself back in her bunk, trying to push down her sudden butterflies, hoping it’s just a 1am sleepy thought, the last thing she wants is to thirst over her brothers best friend.
When y/n and Harry exchanged there goodnights, he instantly got back to his paper.
‘Does he know’ he whispered.
‘Does he know’ he repeated.
‘Your secret tattoos?” He asked himself.
He instantly jotted these phrases to himself.
Harry tried to think to himself of the little things you do.
Maybe you could be his muse this time around?
It was 8:45am the next day the bus was off again at 5pm so for now they could relax.
Y/n believed she was alone on the bus, she thought the boys were out doing the coffee run, she thought wrong.
“But she doesn’t know who I am, and she doesn’t give a damn about me” she sang whole continuing to organise her suitcase on her bunk.
As the beats of ‘teenage dirtbag’ continue, she moves her body to beat and sing.
“Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baaby” she sung.
“Y/n you may be a Tomlinson doesn’t mean you can sing like one though” he interrupted, almost kicking the tourbus door open and walking over to her bunk with her Starbucks in hand.
“Heeeey, I’m a lovely singer, it should be me selling out O2” she said with pride.
“She got you there tommo” Niall piped in walking in.
“See” she giggled.
“Thank you for this lou” she dragged taking a sip of her iced coffee.
“No problemo, me and and the lads are heading to the studio in a bit y’ can come if you want?” Louis offered sitting on his bunk opposite to y/n’s.
“Yeah will do” she answered.
At this point all boys were back on the bus enjoying some quality time together, but all Harry could think of was the remaining lyrics.
‘The songs that you sing when your all alone?’ He thought to himself, that’s a keeper.
——beginning of where we are 2014——
In past year y/n and Harry had become closer than ever, it’s was a night at the MSG, the boys opted on a hotel instead of the bus, to Louis’ dismay y/n and Harry were up for sharing a hotel.
“Neither of you better be doing anything” Louis called the opposite of the hotel door.
“Fuck sake lou, you can come in” she laughed, laying her head back on the hotel bed frame.
The door clicks open to see a wet head louis, who was still clad in his joggers and ‘the who’ tee.
“You nearly ready Harry!” He called, pulling his phone out and glancing the time.
“Yeah man” he said emerging from the bathroom.
“Have fun tonight guys” she called out as they both met each other at the door. “I’ll be sure to watch some shitty livestream of you all prancing about on stage” she laughed.
“Thanks love” Louis said rolling his eyes.
“See you y/n don’t get too lonely without us” Harry smirked flashing her a wink while adjusting his head scarf which kept his unruly curls at bay.
“Bye boys” she called as they slowly walked off and headed to the arena.
They had been gone about an hour and y/n knew they wouldn’t be back till maybe after midnight.
She decided to set down and get ready to stay in her bed and have a relaxed night.
When unpacking her bags and digging to find her favourite pyjamas she was sure she packed. A large ‘thump’ was heard the other side of the room.
“Shit” she jumped.
A relieved smile, when it was something falling out of Harry’s suitcase.
She turned her head and spotted a brown, leather notebook that was lying on the carpet by his bags.
Once y/n had picked out her pjs for the evening, she walked over to the bed she picked out in the hotel room.
She placed them down by her pillows and was about to reach out for her phone by the charging port until something about this note book, caught her eye, ‘one and only’ was scribed into the leather with black ink.
She knows she shouldn’t, she knows that not hers, that’s Harry’s, that’s his property not y/n’s but there was something pulling her in a feeling she couldn’t push down.
A shaky breath left her mouth as her fingers reached out towards the book in front of her.
She peeled back the smooth cover:
23rd of February 2013
Ben doesn’t know how lucky he is, such a smart, beautiful, caring woman, how could he take her for granted??.
Y/n’a heart was running a Marathon.
“No” she said louder than she anticipated.
She flicked to the next page:
28th February 2013
‘All of us were at the studio this evening I couldn’t stop staring at y/n, I feel terrible knowing it’s my best friends sister, but she is wonderful’
Her mind was now matching her palpitating heart, a million thoughts were being processed at that moment.
He really thought the same the whole time?
She quickly flicked another.
3rd of March 2013
Write a couple of songs for midnight memories is it bad to say there all inspired by one person.
If she was mine she wouldn’t be ignored or treated terribly, I hope Louis talks to her about this Ben.
Y/n did agree with this statement getting rid of Ben was the best thing she’s done.
But she didn’t know Harry was the one with a crush.
She couldn’t believe her eyes, he really felt the same? He really did like her? She was almost hyperventilating.
10th of March 2013
I’ve noticed when y/n gets anxious she plays with the ends of her hair, I wish I could just scoop her into my arms and tell her it’s going to be okay.
Ben is finally out the picture, hopefully she can be with someone who knows her self worth.
Her heart is beaming, butterflies fill each side of her tummy, her mind still feeling a little delusional and still very much in disbelief.
Maybe this was her sign to take there friendship another level up.
She slammed the cover over the paper and decided if she’d read anymore she’d become a crimson red mess.
She gently tucked it into the suitcase of where it fell and tried to go on as normal.
She decided to wait up for Harry and see what she could do about this, she couldn’t hide this any longer she wish she knew sooner about his little crush.
It was just past midnight and she heard the hotel room key click in approval.
A tired looking Harry appears.
“Y’alright” she quietly asked.
“Mmm” he hummed shutting the door behind him.
Y/n move to one side of her bed, and patted the empty space beside her, inviting him to join.
Wether it was just his sleepy mind, but he took no time and accepted her invitation.
Y/n let him adjust to the light, and get comfortable not wanting to overload him already.
“Y’okay” he asked, noticing her thinking face.
“Yeah” she smiled.
“Well if I didn’t know any better, than I think that you mr styles have a teeny crush” she said, a breathy laugh leaving her mouth.
His eyes widened, now it it was his time to go red.
“Wha-“ he nervously laughed.
“I guess y’right” he said looking straight ahead at the blank wall.
“Y/n, m’gonna be honest”
“I’m in love with you”
Y/n’s heart pounded inside her chest, this is real? This was real life, he admitted.
“Harry” she blushed.
“And I know, it’s probably weird, we’ve been friends for 4 years now and on a random night , I’m now saying this but, seeing you keep hurting yourself on these boys that don’t understand you, it hurts”
“Harry-“ her cheeks becoming a strawberry colour.
“Be my girlfriend?” Harry blurted.
Y/n’s ears almost burned at the question, Someone she actually had interest in liked her back? And wanted to be with her? She felt like. Lovesick teenager again.
She wanted this, more than ever.
But Louis.
Realistically there was nothing wrong with it, they were the same age, and both wanted it.
“I can’t stand another day, not touching you, not hugging you, not wiping your tears away” he added, which caused y/n’s thought process to halt.
“Harry, y’too good for me” she started, a glossy layer had formed over her eyes.
“Y’need someone better, your options are so big” she said head almost dropping to her lap.
“Hey” he said taking using his index finger and thumb to guide her chin up.
“What I’ve learnt is your the one I want, haven’t been able to settle because of you y/n”
“Be mine?” He asked once again leaning his forehead on hers using his free hand to wipe the tears away.
“Please” he whispered, this is all he’s wanted.
Worried that her words would fail her at that moment all she could do was frantically nod.
“Yeah?” He smiles, there noses basically touching at this point.
“Words baby, need y’words” he reminded.
“Yeah, yes harry yes” she smiled, tears still manage to cascade her cheeks.
“Thank fuck” he breathed, now hesitating to wrap his arm around the girl, oh how he’s longed to do that.
The girl crashes into his touch, not taking her time either.
“Your okay, y’safe in my arms love” he whispered into her hair, pressing his long awaited kisses.
— the following morning —
Both Harry and y/n were getting ready to meet the rest of the lads on the bus, which was round the back of the hotel.
“How are we gonna tell them?” Harry asked getting the rest of his stuff.
“They’ll understand, Louis will be unsure but he’s my brother he can’t hate me forever” she laughed.
She pressed a kiss to his cheek, and they made there way to the boys.
“Guys we have something to tell you all” y/n began.
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Cruel summer (and when was it)
Cruel Summer tells of an affair that ends with loving someone other than a significant other. When Cruel Summer went to #1 on 19 October 2033 Taylor released this top photo which is reminiscent of the Cannes Sunset referred to in Lover also.
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[Verse 1] Fever dream high in the quiet of the night You know that I caught it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
Middle of the night reminds us of Wish you would.
A bad boy is referred to in Blank Space and bad ones in End Game.
Shiny toy separates the muse of this song and paper rings where she sings “I like shiny things but I’ll marry you with paper rings”.
With a price refers the Haylor theme of paying a price
[Pre-Chorus] Killing me slow, out the window I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
Here the muse is the same as in Wish you would, Harry drove past her house at night, and style he picked her up during the night.
Taylor used Devil/angel about Harry before, in the intro to the thematically similar Trouble: “how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?” Here she takes chances having an affair. This line appeared in a game of the Lover video.
[Chorus] And it's new, the shape of your body It's blue, the feeling I've got And it's ooh, woah-oh It's a cruel summer It's cool, that's what I tell 'em No rules in breakable heaven But ooh, woah-oh It's a cruel summer with you
The shape of his body means different to her boyfriend. Harry also changed to low impact training post 1d and his body did change, but I hear it as a different person
Blue was the colour of the 1989 album, depression and Harry is called “sad boy” in Question…?
No rules, breakable heaven - their love is fragile and they make their own rule.
[Verse 2] Hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine I'm not dying (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times We're not trying (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
vending machine glow places it in hotel
Another reference to buying (as in Fine Line) and that they are not trying to avoid being together, again similar to Fine Line
Screwing it up in trying times is reminiscent of Sign of the Times
[Pre-Chorus] So cut the headlights, summer's a knife I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes And if I bleed, you'll be the last to know, oh
Style has cutting headlights to go undetected when picking her up
Summers a knife/cut to the bone tells us this person is someone with a history that she has feelings for. Willow has a similar line: “I’m like the water rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife”
If I bleed is saying she won’t share her feelings with the muse
It's a cruel summer with you [Bridge] I'm drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby comin' home from the bar (Oh) Said, "I'm fine," but it wasn't true I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (Oh) And I scream, "For whatever it's worth I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" He looks up, grinnin' like a devil
Taylor has pay the price, crying in the way home. “Get drunk but you’re still not my baby” from Death by a thousand cuts,
Keeping secrets and Sneaking in through the garden gate confirm this is an affair, the garden is in many Haylor songs.
The Garden Gate to me is a metaphor for sneaking around, not the front door but through the garden to not be seen. However I’ve also heard it could be a physical gate or may actually be a pub in Hampstead Health, it’s close to Harry’s house and where Joe and Taylor rented. Taylor was seen in Hampstead Heath several times. The beer garden and red brick wall look to me like the promo photos for Lover. If it is a literal location I still think its use in the song is to indicate being hidden and shifty.
“he looks so pretty” … similar to Style and "pretty face" in Slut!
“I love you ain’t that the worst thing you’ve heard” sounds like something said to/by a person who is not your significant other.
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Why 2018 seems like the time period to me
29 January - Fine line written with similar meaning.
12 April - both in london, Harry chipper, on stage
11 March first medicine, ever, the crowd don’t say tasted 🥺
19 March - Harry cried in MMIH, he sang twice the Gotta get betters and no 'Cause nothing else will do' and left.
22 June - Harry teared up during Sweet Creature, and sang Still the One by Shauna Twain, setlist changes rare on that tour.
1 July - when Taylor in US he smiled on the same line and replaced 'running with the wolves' with 'running with you'.
July - Me! Video features Harry’s LOR US suits June - July. 
The next week, Harry’s shows were energetic, Medicine Saint Paul is here, grinning during Woman, speaking clearer in Dining table, Me! references his ‘enthusiasm’ during Medicine in California
4 July Taylor and Joe at Turks and Caicos, lots of photos
21 July Harry Camille break up announced
Falling, to be so lonely and Afterglow recorded by September 2018.
October 2018 Harry went to Tokyo and was still there when the Rep last show was there 21 November. Taylor played Haylor songs. HS wrote Little Freak. Then Taylor went to UK with Joe, HS stayed
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thewolvesof1998 · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by the talented @jesuisici33 @hoodie-buck @wikiangela @spotsandsocks
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I want you to be selfish with me (4.6k M)
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (2.8k E)
You bring me comfort (4.2k T)
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes (1.6k M)
I Can See You (3k T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I love getting comments, it literally makes my day so I always take the time to respond. Though I sometimes struggle with what to say so I might respond slowly but that's because I overthink everything 😂
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, it's either I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown (826 T) in which Eddie's in Jail and he almost calls Buck (Coda for episode s03e05 Rage) OR Under the Guise of Violence (3k E) Eddie can't touch Buck unless it's to hurt him, after a sparring match Buck confronts him and it leads them back to Eddie's bedroom- I had a lot of people comment about the angsty ending 😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm kinda a sucker for happy endings, this might be cheating as it's not finished yet but when it is Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em (17k E) is probably going to have the happiest ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had someone comment some criticism which I didn't think much of at the time because what they pointed out was something I was unhappy with myself and it did actually help me fix it but I realise now after talking to my friend who got me in to fic writing that that wasn't cool since I hadn't actually asked for any feedback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah, mostly just smut with a few kinks thrown in, playing around with light sub/dom stuff. I definitely want to write some more hardcore stuff in the future.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, I'm not opposed, since I only write Buddie atm it probably would be a Lonestar cross over, maybe Tarlos? But I have so many WIPs that it will be very far in the future.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, that would be pretty dope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I would love to try one day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Buddie's pretty much up there, but I do love Steddie and Anidala
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, none of them I hope but the one that's the furthest from being done is probably either my MMA Rivals AU or Mafia Husbands AU.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ahhhh maybe dialogue and plot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Uh, finishing? It's probably the biggest one atm, I just keep losing the mojo and struggling to stay focused until the end.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love to but I have to make sure I'm using it right and appropriately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Sharkboy and Lava Girl when I was 8. 1D was the first I ever posted tho.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably one I haven't finished or posted yet called You make bad days infinitely better I'm really trying to make the writing pretty, you know? And I love it and I will finish it at some point.
Tagging: @wildlife4life​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @try-set-me-on-fire @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley  @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammy-souffle
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @powerful-owl! (Em's answers are here)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
170. Crikey etc.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
2,698,478. That's a lot of words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment I'm writing F1, but I haven't been able to write anything for quite a while, and I never put the lid on any fandom. I've got some outstanding 1D WIPs that are on hiatus.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Emperor's New Clothes (1D famous/not famous, NDA where there used to be a relationship)
Can't Fight The Moonlight (Harry/Draco accidental mpreg)
Truly, Madly, Deeply (10 Things I Hate About You) (1D high school AU, famous/not famous again)
Maybe This Time (1D age play)
I Had Rather Hear My Dog Bark At A Crow (tomlinshaw, secret relationship, watersports, resulted in some of my favourite saved screenshots:
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hashtag never forget (my beloved)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
LOOK, I want to, and I used to when I had a fic lj, but every couple of years I'd try to on ao3 and then I'd just be drowning in my own horror at writing "thank you so much!!!!" over again and essentially we hit a slump and I haven't in ages. I'm going to pick it up again, though.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god I hate a sad ending. I hate them!!!! I will only accept an ambiguous ending under certain circumstances, so I don't think I've got any with truly angsty endings. I've got plenty with very angsty middles. That SAID, I occasionally get hassle from people who don't think my fics are happy enough at the end because I don't like to tie all the ends up. I really, really hate pointless epilogues - NOTE, not all epilogues are pointless, and some of them I love - but the ones where it's just an unnecessary flash forward and all the problems are solved and they've got 2.5 children and a beautiful house and everything's perfect and it just feels like a horror story to me, like a fannish/romance novel version of the stepford wives. If it's an epilogue where the characters have had a bit of a chance to breathe after the main events, and they're happy, GREAT. If it's a cookie cutter ending then I'm out, so I guess maybe the end of Emperor's New Clothes where they're trying living together and trying to be financial partners in their relationship, and Not Your Fault But Mine, where Louis and Nick are together but it isn't obvious which route Louis is going to take back to university/he's still struggling with his mental health was still too angsty for some people. To me, both those fics end with them together and planning for a future so they feel happy to me.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of mine are happy but maybe We Used To Wait is the most deserved happy ending, because it's the one where Louis was in an accident and a secret relationship with Nick, and he's in intensive care and his injuries are really bad, and the ending is him getting to perform again, and being out and being with Nick.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
y e p. Sometimes it makes me laugh because this fic very clearly wasn't For You, just press the back button, and sometimes it's more frustrating. Sometimes it's gross.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah baby. My current fic is delightfully feral (to me) and I love writing smut. And then other times, I'm like... yes we won't be writing THAT right now thank you, no sex please we're British. Usually I have one week per month when I vastly prefer everyone keep their clothes on. Love a weird hormonal flux.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have in the past, but in general now I can't be bothered. I definitely wrote a Sharpe/Doctor Who one back in the day.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, a few times. The most egregious (and recent) was someone stealing We Used To Wait (which was Louis/Nick) and changing the names to Aaron and Robert, and amending various little bits to suit Emmerdale canon. If you're going to steal a fic, it's best to do it in a fandom I'm not in/I don't fucking read in, for the love of fuck.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I love having a blanket transformation policy on AO3. I'm always so in awe of people wanting to engage with your writing like that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! A couple of short ones and then the delicious Sugar, We're Going Down which I co-wrote with my very dear Anonymous friend, and we didn't ever think we were going to share it when we wrote it (hence why my friend is anonymous on it!) so we just went balls to the wall feral with it.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have an answer to this, but if I ever considered something my OTP I will go to my grave loving it. I love Louis/Nick so much, and each OTP before that. Right now I'm extremely focused on Max/Daniel and I don't see that going anywhere soon.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Nope, I have the I Had Rather sequel and Harry Styles Cooks outstanding but hopefully they'll both get an ending when the time's right, even if it's just me reading them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue? Angst? IDK??!! Help!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, action and description for sure. I'm not a very visual writer/reader, I very rarely have a picture of a character in my head or the space that they inhabit. I know everything they say, though.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'd be worried about fucking it up. If I knew someone who was a native speaker and it worked, then I guess.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Young Americans technically, then probably Percy/Oliver in Harry Potter and Dom/Billy for the Lord of the Rings films.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I Had Rather Hear My Dog Bark At A Crow - I loved writing this, it came together in a few weeks, it made me fall in love with the pairing, legit changed my life for various reasons and I just enjoy it a lot.
Anyway, tagging @allwaswell16, @astorytotellyourfriends, and @junkshop-disco if you fancy it :)
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ckret2 · 1 year
Since Dipper is the one most likely to get backstory out of Bill, did he ever come across Flatland (as in, the book)?
Dipper's the one most likely to ask the questions that get the terrifying answers that Bill doesn't realize reveal a bit too much; but I think Bill would more freely share dry unemotional biographical details . He's already told Ford he comes from the second dimension, and he mentions Edwin Abbot Abbot  when asked in the out-of-canon AMA about his origin—so I think it doesn't take much prying for him to describe where he comes from. (And in an earlier ask about this AU, I cracked a joke about him cheating at cards to coerce the family into watching Flatland for movie night.)
All of which is to say, I'm sure Dipper knows about the book Flatland—Bill's probably name dropped it—but to everyone's surprise except Bill's, it's Mabel who actually sits down and reads it first. By the time Dipper gets a crack at the book, Mabel's made a shapesona.
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(This is Mabel's shapesona. Bill calls it the most hideously disfigured man he's ever seen.)
Keeping with the theme I've got going here of "Bill and Mabel are actually scarily alike and the more they notice that the more they get invested in figuring each other out": Bill is Mabel's new terrifying friend who might destroy reality, but is pretty fun when he isn't doing that or hurting her family, and MAYBE he could be talked out of wanting to do that at all! She wants to know where he came from and what made him the way he is. Dipper is driven by academic curiosity and a need to understand his enemy, but Mabel is driven by the 🌈🌟POWER OF FRIENDSHIP🦄💞!!!
So yeah she'll jump on this dry hundred-something-year-old book about MATH just to learn a bit more about Bill.
The first the rest of the household learns she's picked up the book is when she stomps into the kitchen in her pajamas ready to RIOT because the Flatlanders banned colors. "That's like banning fashion! Or HAPPINESS!"
(Bill reassures her that the book's mostly satire and color was legal in his dimension. "And anyway, they're all dead now!")
Dipper picks up the book the second Mabel finishes it. He probably gets a bit more out of the mathematical thought-experiment side of it, but not by a whole lot; Mabel might not be a nerd but she is smart, and most of the math concepts explained in the book are the kind of thing they're about to hit in school in anyway.
Mabel connects more to the story emotionally. Dipper interacts with the 1D King's disbelief of the 2nd dimension with the understanding that it's a metaphor to help a 3D reader grapple with their own disbelief of the 4th dimension, but Mabel interacts with it on the level of "the point king is stupid not to believe in lines, the line king is stupid not to believe in squares, the squares are stupid not to believe in spheres, and the sphere is stupid not to believe in 4D shapes!!" (Bill, deeply amused: "YEAH, YOU TELL 'EM, SWEATERS!")
Of course, Ford's read Flatland too, decades ago. He and Dipper can talk in depth about the mathematical concepts (which Dipper appreciates, because watching Mabel go on with Bill about the social side of the book is making him feel pretty left out). Ford helps explain some of the geometric concepts that are a bit beyond Dipper's 13-year-old education, and talks about his own personal experiences trying to interact with higher and lower dimensions—which are all a lot messier than the book would suggest.
But at night when the adults (and alien) aren't around, Dipper and Mabel have quiet conversations about the politics in the book—the sexism, the classism, the... shape-ism? the anti-intellectualism, the political imprisonments, the medical mutilations, the infanticide, the tyranny... And they wonder how much of it is just a human's fiction to make an interesting sci-fi book, and how much really does describe the world Bill came from.
Stan hasn't read the book and fell asleep during the movie.
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youmarin · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Hello! <3 I hope you're doing well!!
Hmm 🤔, things that make me happy:
1. Singing
2. Listening to music
3. reading
4. going to the beach
5. my fav characters and artists (Imma mention tøp and Seo In Guk among all of em bc they're the ones dominating my mind rn. And 1D and 5SOS have made me happy when I was the saddest the most).
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
hello jen! could you please rec me some jen approved (u know what i mean) h/l/one dee (they don’t have to be completely 1d-centered i’m good with misc content) blogs to follow? i’ve been purifying my dash from all the toxic energy and it’s a bit dead now but i know one can always count on you to come thru with the good shit! x
U know I will! Fortunately, I've answered this ask here before (and inception-style, it has links to more people), so rather than relist 'em all, I vote checkin' it out and seeing what flies for you! People I missed in those rounds include @twelvedaysinaugust, @therealkasia, @wskysour, @sweetest-devotion, @ahurricanebehindthedoor, @ellistheelephant, and @cloudslou (actually, I mentioned that last one last time, only I didn't link, D'OH). Granted, I don't follow ALL of these blogs, but if i peek in, I can rest assured I won't see bullshit (or even worse, bullshit blogs reblogged), so that gets a thumbs up in my book!
I mentioned it in my earlier post, but generally speaking, it bears repeating, so here's some free advice on who/what to follow to maintain the good vibes:
vet a blog to see if it's blogging one of the shittier fandom voices (if it IS reblogging their content, do not follow, steer clear, that's on their dash for a reason, that's the noise they ingest)
do a quick search on a blog for olivia or holivia--you see people STILLLLLL calling her cunt or trash or want her to die? What about other women in the extended 1D universe? you see that shit, run.
if you like a blog, and you see that they've answered an ask you really vibe with, check the notes! Who liked it? Who reblogged it? Who commented? Go down that rabbit hole and see what else this person is into (again, using the tips above)
i beg and beg and beg, follow NON-ONE DIRECTION CONTENT, I mentioned the blogs above and earlier, but I probably follow maybe 5, 7 tops, and typically it's the ones that give other content because I don't want a lot of 1D content on my dash in general, I need that variety, bb, and I recommend everyone does the same (pick some other fandoms, get an aesthetic blog or 9, mix it up, go crazy, detoxify)
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liamsunshine · 2 years
Hello I’m live blogging Niall on The Voice s23 so enjoy the ride, the one or 2 people that will see this 🤍🧡
The actual very first thing u see is a sign that says One Direction <- in the direction Niall & Chance go and I think that’s very cute of them 🙃
Niall and Blake are already being cute w each other in the first blind, I can tell I’m going to adore whatever their relationship is about to become. Adam who?
Niall, raising a finger with a shit-eating sweet smile after Kelly tries to sell: “I’ve been in a group! 😃😃😃”
Blake and Niall giving us 1d crumbs ok ok ok <3 (:
“Old head young shoulders, Kelly.” Im so fucking in love w him shut up niall pls god
Niall fits in so well with all the other judges and his sense of humor is so perfect for The Voice… like this show has done well bc it brings in judges and contestants that are very down to earth and balanced and genuinely good… that’s all Niall baby
Not Niall but wow I was crying over that sweet guy and his wife
“I kept saying NIall, NIall.” “He musta been saying my name wrong.” pfffffttt
- “This is my son. My son is…” *brings Niall in for a hug* “You’re good you know that?”
(Kelly: “We should celebrate, like there should be some form of tequila”)
- “Come on son, let’s go get ‘em.”
- “Let’s go dad.”
AJD THE WINK!!!!! Hehsidjdjhddhehbd
Did he just fall in love like actually? I’ve never seen Niall look like that omg
Oh Niall the hoodie… why did he go grey lmao
Kelly calls him “Ireland”????? Omfg
HE’S SCHEMING LOL “ I just want to go grab a guitar and write a song with you.” Oh my god???? That’s a proposal in Niall-speak????????? Kala u r living my dream
His Blake voice wow oh my god… it’s making me feel things. his giggle… i feel like it’s 2012 and im 1d blogging over graining interviews
“Where’s my lawyer?!” tell me u cant hear him say it and tell me u dont know what it reminds u of :)
The actual scheming that went into that church boy who??
“I can’t fight One Direction.” Kelly ur so right.
Blake is proud of his son 😩❤️
Hand kiss???? Holy shit Adam ACTUALLY move over it took you seasons to get a neck kiss from Blake… w the pace that Niall’s moving they’ll be hooking up by the summer
SCREAMING IT WAS JIMMY FALLON goooood he’s my favorite night time host!!! And he’s so talented!!!!! Even w his impression singing he was good lol. I was hoping it would be Adam but this was great <3
Anyway that was my reaction and I’m even more in love w him I can’t stand it. Can’t wait for next week for more 1d crumbs. And for Adam to appear. And for Blake and Niall to get matching bracelets. It’s gonna be great.
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singular-yike · 2 years
Gimme your theories about Mast- I mean Tsurubami-sama~
Hm yokie dokie! I've two main ones, but I'll be interspersing some minor theories here and there as well. In any case, let's go over them one by one:
1. The Eye of Senri's Thousand-Yard Stare
The first theory I have ties quite heavily to the Eye of Senri, the mysterious item often used as a symbol related to the Senri Shrine.
Below: An Eye of Senri from BotC
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Important to this theory are three particular instances of the eye:
The eye on Tsurubami Senri's hat
The eye held in Tsurubami's hand in their EE appearance
The eye that appeared on Tsubakura's hat from EMS onwards
Long story short, my theory is that Tsurubami uses the eye they hold in their hand (3) to see through the eye on their hat (1), which they granted to Tsubakura (2), in order to monitor Mugenri even from the Outside World.
So, now we can go over the details that make up the theory, as well as other minor points I came up with:
1A. Tsubakura Was Given Tsurubami's Eye of Senri
My main point here is that the eye on (post-EE) Tsubakura's hat and that on (EE) Tsurubami's hat are one and the same. This idea came from this conversation:
EMS: Tsubakura's Bad Ending Tsubakura: "C'mon, the opponent was using a sacred treasure against me. It was totally unfair." Yabusame: "You got something sorta similar too, right? From the former priest." Tsubakura: "You mean this hat? Unfortunately, it seems to be sleeping in."
Depicted below: Tsubakura talking to their hat. (EMS: Tsubakura St.1)
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It's almost certain that they are referring to Tsubakura's hat, or rather, the Eye of Senri on it, as the sacred treasure.
My theory is that Tsurubami literally gave them the same eye that was on their own hat, and there are two possibilities as to how Tsurubami did this:
Tsurubami transformed their hat into a copy of Tsuba's hat, which we already know they're capable of doing, and gave it to them.
Tsurubami somehow transferred the eye alone onto Tsuba's hat.
Either way though, the outcome remains the same, Tsurubami's hat Eye of Senri is now on Tsubakura's hat.
1B. The Eye of Senri's Function
This next part is my own speculation on what a possible function of the eye could be, specifically: That it allows one to see across vast distances through the eye.
This idea came from its name, the "Eye of Senri" (闡裡の瞳 senri no hitomi). (As a side note, we get this name from Fumikado, as they're the only character to ever mention the eye at all, in any capacity.)
It's quite likely that it was derived from the Japanese word for clairvoyance, specifically in the sense of "seeing much further than normally possible".
The word is "senri-gan" (千里眼), literally "thousand-mile eye". The two words share the pronunciation of Senri (闡裡), although written with different characters, followed up with a word for "eye".
1C. Tsurubami's Use of the Eye
The final point in my theory, and I admit its flimsiest part, is how Tsurubami uses the eye to look back into Mugenri from the Outside World. Full disclosure: I have no actual proof for this section.
I theorise that Tsurubami is looking through the eye now on Tsubakura's hat to periodically check on Mugenri. Perhaps through that curious artefact with an Eye of Senri on it they held atop their right hand in EE.
Below: Tsurubami from EE, with the Eye of Senri still on their hat, along with the curious artefact floating above their right hand.
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And yeah, that's the theory regarding Tsurubami, Tsubakura and the Eye of Senri, though I do have a bit of a bonus too:
1D. The True Eye of Senri
The eye appears everywhere in the series: It's on Tsubakura and Tsurubami's hats, on Xeno a's cards, on the ??? race units in BotC, on some of the monochroids and even as a part of Suzumi's outfit.
It's to the point where sometimes I wonder whether it's merely a symbol or something more, however, Fumikado gives us this in RMI:
RMI: Bottle Opener Team St.5 "Honestly, I would've liked to get my hands on the Eye of Senri, but I'm sure that the Emperor will be pleased enough with my current pair."
This certainly seems to imply that there is a "the Eye of Senri", and not only that, but that it (or they) actually function as eyes, capable of vision and everything.
This seems to match up with what we know about the hat eye, and it's my personal minor theory that the eye Tsubakura now has on their hat is the Eye of Senri, sacred treasure of the Senri Shrine.
2. Tsurubami and Rei
Rei, or rather, Monochroid[Rei] = _Type_iX01[Tsubakura];, is a monochroid who promotes the Len'en project on Trick Nostalgie's official YouTube channel, amongst other things.
Below: Rei's full design.
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Rei carefully straddles the line between out-of-universe mascot and in-universe character, but as an in-universe character, one of the biggest mysteries they pose is where they came from.
My theory, is that Tsurubami Senri, upon reaching the Outside World, reactivated Rei and released them into the world as we see them.
To understand how I can to this conclusion, let's first take a look at some background information:
2A. Rei's Origins
Rei's origins are extremely mysterious, the closest to a concrete origin story we have are what Hoojiro Shitodo thinks it might be.
Although ambiguous, Hoojiro thinks that Rei's quite similar to an abandoned AI project back from (presumably Tsubakura's) research centre.
However, they also note that the project's data was frozen and should have died out by now. Therefore, Hoojiro suspects that whoever "revived" Rei must have been someone involved with the project.
After being reactivated, they were apparently made to be the "goodwill ambassador of Mugenri", and while we don't know how they looked before this, it's also notable that their design now features an Eye of Senri.
2B. Rei's Reaction to Tsurubami
Back when the official OSTs to Len'en 01 to 04 were uploaded onto Trick Nostalgie' Official Channel's official YouTube channel. Rei would make an announcement for each video's upload, and give a small comment on the song or its related character(s).
When Tsurubami's BPoHC theme, Deteriorating Eternal Dance Engine, was uploaded, Rei made the following comment:
Rei Tweet "Go-…… Tsurubami-sama!! I wonder what the dictator of Mugenri’s previous age is doing right now~? (← Said in a monotone voice)"
Below: Thumbnail of the Deteriorating Eternal Dance Engine video.
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Here, Rei almost referred to Tsurubami with something starting with "go" (ご), but quickly swapped to "Tsurubami-sama" (鶴喰さま). While it's impossible to really know what Rei was about to say, my personal guess is "go-shuujin" (ご主人), "Master".
This wouldn't be the first time Rei references having a "master" either, they apparently once received new clothes from a "master" roughly a month prior to the above tweet.
Additionally, the tweet also seems to imply that Rei does actually know what Tsurubami is up to now, perhaps in the Outside World. This is supported by some other tweets:
Rei Tweet (Regarding a piece of Tsurubami and Tenkai fanart) "Dazzlingly beautiful!! I suppose even Tsurubami-sama must’ve had such a wonderful period in their life~!" Reply from Twitter user @__biberiye__ "'Must've had'? Does that mean things are different now?" Rei's Reply "Hmm~, Rei-kun doesn’t really know~."
Rei Tweet "Rei-kun’s never been to Mugenri, and they’re not sure if they’ll ever get to either! (*╹▽╹*) What is Tsurubami-sama doing right now? Hmm~, Rei-kun doesn’t really know~."
Especially of note here is that "Hmm~, Rei-kun doesn’t really know~." is a set phrase that Rei always uses when they aren't allowed to say something, like when something is set as restricted information in their code.
These combined with Rei's re-emergence as the "goodwill ambassador of Mugenri" and having an Eye of Senri on their hat suggests, at least to me, that Tsurubami is Rei's mysterious master.
2C. How Tsurubami Accessed Rei
The question is then, of course, how Tsurubami managed to access Rei. After all, Hoojiro tells us that only people involved with the project should have any access to it at all.
Well, we've already seen how! Tsurubami and Tsubakura are apparently extremely similar in appearance, to the point where a simple change of clothes was enough to fool almost everyone in EE that Tsurubami was Tsubakura.
It isn't too far of a stretch to believe that, even without magical clothing transformation magic, that Tsurubami could have convincingly acted as Tsubakura and accessed their research centre, along with everything inside of it, like Rei.
And that's my theory on Tsurubami and Rei, that Tsurubami, once in the outside world, snuck into Tsubakura's research centre and reactivated Rei.
I'll admit, this theory relies on a lot of speculation, and I can't even give a good guess as to what Tsuruabmi wants with Rei.
Perhaps to learn more about the Outside World through Rei's database, the Akashic Records? Or perhaps they want to draw the Outside World's attention towards Mugenri for some reason? It certainly worked on Haru and Hoojiro.
So there we have it, two major theories I have related to Tsurubami. They do rely on a fair bit of speculation, but nevertheless, they are what seem to make the most sense to me at the moment.
While they are what I believe are the likely truths at the moment, do keep in mind not to lean on them too much. With a series like Len'en, anything can happen, so we must be impartial when considering the possibilities, as nothing more than that, possibilities.
As always, I hope you enjoyed~! :)
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msclaritea · 5 months
Takeaways From CinemaCon 2024: Not Enough Movies, Too Much Testosterone
Story by Sharon Waxman
 • 1d • 5 min read
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LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - APRIL 11: Dwayne Johnson speaks onstage at the Walt Disney Studios Presentation during CinemaCon 2024 at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace on April 11, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.© TheWrap
There's some good work coming up: Universal's "Wicked" at Christmas will be incredible. Disney's "Kingdom of Planet of the Apes," coming next month, looks otherworldly. Bong Joon-ho's "Mickey 17," in which Robert Pattinson keeps dying and getting cloned, from Warners, looks insane in the best possible way. 
But the strike took its toll. The studios don't have the full complement of movies and there's no way around it: 2024 is going to be painful at the box office. The hope in the room (and there was some) is really about 2025 and 2026. 
A week in Las Vegas at the annual CinemaCon gathering of movie exhibitors with midday cocktail parties at Nobu (thanks Lionsgate) didn't mask the fact that the coming eight months of movies will be scraped together after a brutal year.
"It will be painful for moviegoers who want something other than angry shoot-em-ups, ear-shattering sound tracks and constant horror. The slates of Warner Bros., Paramount and Lionsgate particularly screamed of unrelenting testosterone and a stream of fear, anger and retribution." 
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Chris Aronson, Paramount Domestic Distribution chief, at CinemaCon (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for CinemaCon)© Provided by TheWrap
"I've said it before: Is there no joy, no tenderness, no intimacy permitted as part of the moviegoing experience? Do we audiences ever get to dream? To feel awe and empathy in between the white-knuckle moments? Are Hollywood executives who greenlight the movies unfamiliar with ... y'know, kindness? Think about it please."
(Me: YES!)
Here are my CinemaCon takeaways. 
1. Disney might have had the fewest movies, but it has the biggest winners, and had the best presentation. Several years ago, Disney -- at the top of its game and in the height of arrogance -- showed up to CinemaCon and presented a giant screen with a calendar of its upcoming releases. And that was it. This year, the studio tried a lot harder, presenting delightful chunks of footage from their slate -- including a stunning glimpse of "Apes" -- and onstage patter, with everyone from Marvel's Kevin Feige to the dapper distribution chief Tony Chambers dropping the F-bomb. It was liberating, honestly. Disney's strength lies in its array of brands that cater to audiences and taste across the board, and in a year like this one it showed: movies for kids with "Inside Out 2" and "Moana 2," the latter of which was presented by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson; a sensory, four-quadrant experience like "Apes"; and a fully hilarious foray into R-rated superhero fare with "Deadpool & Wolverine." Actually, it was refreshing to not be bombarded with classic Marvel superhero fare. The studio was smart to let the movies do the talking, and the exhibitors responded with cheers of appreciation. 
2. New Line lives? The Warner Bros. slate presented by Mike DeLuca and Pam Abdy (maybe not professional moderators, but at least real humans) felt like nothing so much as New Line Cinema circa the 1990s, where DeLuca spent a decade of his career. The movies were heavy on genre -- violent action, horror and crime. So sure, "Furiosa" by George Miller with Anya Taylor-Joy, is a feast for all the senses. But by the time you got through "The Watchers" (horror), "Traps" (thriller), "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" (fantasy-horror) and Todd Phillips' follow-up to "Joker" -- "Folie a Deux" (I don't know what to call this thing, but it's mad creepy) -- the audience was begging for a reason to laugh or cry — anything but cower in fear. The movie on the Warner slate that got the strongest response from the CinemaCon audience was not made by Warner. It was the Sundance documentary "Super/Man," acquired by the studio. The trailer they showed about the courage of Christopher Reeve, the love of his wife and his devotion to his children, made everybody cry. Yeah, Hollywood, that's a thing. 
3. "Where are the women?" That's what I scrawled in my notebook after the third consecutive studio presentation and the umpteenth cast with a half-dozen men and one single woman. (Actually, it was after Paramount's animated "Transformers One" and the studio's decades-later sequel of "Gladiator 2.") Not only weren't there movies to appeal specifically to a female audience, even the so-called "broad" appeal movies have overwhelmingly male casts and a token woman. "Gladiator II" has Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington ... and Connie Nielsen. "Transformers One" has Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry and a bunch more guys ... and Scarlett Johansson🙄. This absurd imbalance was supposed to have been addressed after the awakening of #MeToo, no? Women are half the population, and we like movies, too. But you'd never know it from these slates. Lionsgate was especially egregious in trotting out a full slate of movies that were a litany of violent combat, breaking bones, machetes and knives. Guy Ritchie and Eli Roth were in the mix, of course. Keanu Reaves was in four of the movies. One guy got stabbed in the eye. "Ballerina" stars a woman (Ana de Armas) but it's no less violent for that. I don't know what they're eating over there, but it feels like a diet of nails and rawhide.
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Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, the stars of "Wicked," at CinemaCon in Las Vegas (Credit: David Becker/WireImage)© Provided by TheWrap
4. Universal is riding high after its Best Picture win with "Oppenheimer" and a box office performance that defied expectations in 2023.
(Oppenheimer, THE FLOP, had to stay in theaters for FIVE MONTHS, to make its bank back! Dear God!)
 And while the studio, blessedly, had a variety of films on its slate that suggested something other than just horror and violence (although they're going hard on the Blumhouse canon with sequels to "Five Nights at Freddy's" and "M3ghan"), that slate is undeniably thin. It's going to be a long wait until December, when the studio can unveil what appears to be a spectacular experience in "Wicked," starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande in the first of two films. Director Jon M. Chu said the production planted 8 million tulip bulbs to create the practical effect of fields of blooms in the movie. Universal cleverly gave every attendee at their presentation a tulip that lit up in the dark and created a magical, glowing effect in the auditorium.
5. Nepo-baby alert. I would have thought that Warner Bros. would be embarrassed to bring not one but TWO M. Night Shyamalan progeny out on stage to tease their new movies. There was 22-year-old Ishana with a twist on her dad's horror in the woods genre; and 27-year-old Saleka who sang live, which was probably not a great decision for "Trap," written and directed by M. Night. But then again, the studio is merely being paid a distribution fee for movies Shyamalan has financed himself.
Good luck to the box office, and see you next year, CinemaCon!
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rosenallies · 1 year
Even though they’re disappointed that em would go after Liam again, they still understand why she did it. I imagine that they’re the type of family to dole out groundings and shit at the table and then cuddle with the kids in bed 🥺 so em gets grounded for two weeks and then they all cuddle with her
The way I named him Liam bc I was listening to 1d and the other names were too obvious like oh yea she named him Harry probably bc of Harry styles ..</3 anyway <3 I could definitely see Synthia like sobbing while trying to ground her bc she hates doing it so much 😭 Kendall has to take over and gently tells her she’s grounded for 2 weeks but that they all love her and that they’re slightly proud of her for sticking up for her brother, even if it landed her getting suspended from school for a couple days 😭 then come the cuddles 🥰
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harrylights · 1 year
9, 15, 47 🤍
god fucking bless ilysm ty
9: which do I prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake? I don’t think I’ve ever had funnel cake??? so i’ll go w cotton candy but i haven’t had it in yeeaaarrrss
15: what’s the weirdest thing that happened to me? god. okay. it’s time for the 19th bday story. SO…. slight cw for dr*g mention but it won’t be graphic (and i’ve been clean from this specific stuff for years and from everything for a lil over 8 months 🫶) when i was a teen my main friend group went thru my 1d phase w me and for my 19th bday we all dropped acid and listened to 1d while vibing out but long story short things went sideways for me (i’m still not totally sure why) and despite having never hallucinated before, i thought all my friends were the members of 1d trying to Get At Me and shit got scary but ! i have since repaired the trauma this caused w myself and all those friends, and my main bestie from that group is now a dj in berlin and she dj’d my 24th bday party over zoom (bc covid) and without telling me she sent everyone harry styles masks and they all pulled em out when she slid a harry song into her mix and i nearly pissed myself laughing. it was so funny and cathartic and a very full circle moment that healed that strange time in my life tbh so….. Yeah. That Happened
47: book stores or record stores? oof, tough call. I like chilling out in bookstores more bc I feel like Constantly Judged by the employees at the record stores I’ve been to but I do love listening to the random shit they play in record stores and finding old gems I’d forgotten about so… let’s say it depends on the mood?
asks to help me ignore life <3
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rfvewor · 2 years
Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii
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#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii full
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii pro
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii professional
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii series
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii series
The Canon 1D Series is designed for the sports/action/wildlife shooter with a very high burst rate, and a highly sensitive AF system tuned to keep the focus on the action. Canon has two types of 1 Series bodies, each specialized for specific needs: The shutters have a very high life expectancy, and it's very common to see used 1 series bodies with shutter actuation counts in the 200,000 range.
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii full
The bodies are full weather sealed, when paired with a weathersealed lens. It sports an insane AF system, a tank-like build quality, and a fine degree of control and features that allow users to custom tailor the body for their needs. I have seen hobbyist shooters with 1 series bodies (and certainly if money was no object I would have a closet full of 'em). These are built with the tough demands of professionals in mind.
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii professional
This is Canon's professional camera line. The 7D is an APS-C 1.6x crop camera, like the Rebel and XXD series. This is a specialized camera with an AF system, and high burst rate designed to offer sports/action shooters a lot more performance. What The 5D Mark II is for studio and landscape photography, the 7D is for sports, wildlife and action shots. Notable features include built-in WiFi, GPS, HD video, and build quality similar to that of the 5D and 7D. Unlike the 5D Mark III, the 6D has a cropped viewfinder, allowing the photographer to see only 97% of the frame before shooting. The 6D is Canon's newest and least expensive DSLR sporting a full frame sensor. These are more specialized bodies they are a step up in terms of both features, and image quality from the XXD line, but lack in the high-speed performance that the XXD offers for sports. They are designed for studio and landscape work, primarily because of the slower burst rate, and AF system. Unlike the Rebel and XXD series, the 5D Mark II and 5D Mark III have a full frame image sensor. This is Canon's non-professional line Full Frame camera. These bodies are also APS-C bodies, so any lens paired with the body will have a 1.6 FOV crop. For many pro's, these bodies serve as a 3rd body backup (some even using them as 2nd body backups). These camera's make for excellent bodies for someone who has experience with SLR photography, or new comer who is serious about getting into photography.
#Whats the going rate for a used canon mark 5d ii pro
These camera's have a more advanced AF system compared to the Rebel series, have a high burst shot count, making them suitable for action photography, but lack in many of the features found in Canon's pro line. Taking all the features of the Rebel series and adding many more options, to create a camera that suits well for a beginner, but enough features and options that advanced photographers can make use of, resulting in a body that will "grow" with you as you advance in your skills. This is what has been dubbed the prosumer model. These bodies make for excellent choices if you are on a budget, new to photography, or not sure how deep you want to get into the world of SLR photography (you aint seen nothing yet, alice). A 100mm lens when used with an APS-C camera will result in a Field of View that is equivalent to 160mm on a 35mm film camera. These camera's use an APS-C sensor, which results in a 1.6x Field of View crop when compared to a 35mm film negative. Much like you would expect when going from a base-model car to it's fancier deluxe model. What they lack in comparison to the higher priced line-ups are typically features and options. These camera's are quite capable of producing amazing pictures. The difference between the different Rebel cameras you've listed are just subsequent upgrades, and features: more megapixels, HD video, faster burst rate, etc. Beginner/Intermediate models for hobby photographers who are transitioning to dSLR's, and looking to start, but within a moderate budget.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
remember when harry had the stomach flu, and kept on running offstage to vomit? how do you think 1d!reader would’ve reacted? part of me thinks she’d try to remain professional onstage, but the other part of me thinks she’d probably run off after him to try and help
Like when she sees him run off stage the first time, she doesn't really think much of it. She knows that running off stage to empty his stomach is a natural response to him being sick on top of having to still do shows.
The second time she sees him run off, it makes her start to feel uneasy herself, her concern and anxiousness starting to creep in. When he returns on stage, he gladly accepts the water bottle she hands him.
"Yeh alright, babe?"
And her nerves don't ease up despite him furrowing his eyebrows as nods reassuringly at her while he chugs half of the bottle.
But by the third time he runs backstage as he clutches his stomach, she's off running after him. The good thing is that it was during the time when Liam was introducing the band so they had some time to spare.
She sees one of the band's PAs holding Harry's microphone while standing next to the porta potties they keep by the stage. She asks the PA if they can go grab the tour nurse and to hurry.
When he exists the portal restroom, YN is shoving two pills in hands and another water bottle. It pains her to see his face pale and eyes woozy.
"M'fine, YN." He softly pushes her hands away.
"Take 'em. M'not askin' yeh." If it were under different circumstances, Harry would take the time to smirk at her stern demeanor, probably tease her about it too. But right now he feels like shit, ready to pass out any second. "We don't have all day, H. Liam's crap at stalling."
So as the two make their way up the stairs on stage, she's somewhat relieved that he swallows the medicine and takes a swing of water without another word.
As Louis and Niall start to wrap up their silly banter on some of the signs fans brought, Harry sees her struggling to open up a granola bar she took from backstage. He wordlessly takes it from her hands, bringing the end to his teeth and rips the packaging open with ease. When he goes to hand it back to her, she pushes it towards him.
"S'for you. Y'tummy's begging for it."
Harry doesn't have time to think about domestic and gooey it makes his insides feel as YN takes care of him because they have to move onto the next song. He knows she's not a lovey dovey type of person like him, so it makes his head swim with thoughts of how their life might be if they were together as he's tucked under the fluffy sheets of his hotel room.
He watches with a fond smile as she slowly shuffles her feet across the room to get to him as she holds a steaming bowl of chicken soup, careful not to spill it. She delicately places it on the tray table above his lap before handing him another two tablets.
He can't help but wonder if she'd do this for the other boys, too. If she would a night out on the city to stay and help nurse them to health again. Or would make them chicken soup and watch the cheesy rom coms she despised with them. Or after cleaning up and putting away their tray, she would climb under the covers with him.
"Hey, hey, no, M'contagious."
"Yeh act like you didn't do the same when I had the stomach flu. Come 'ere."
He's a little taken back by the way she beckon's him over--knowing she doesn't favor a cuddle--but he wastes no time scooting close to her side so his head rests close to her chest. Her arm is bent and sits above his head on the pillow, resting her temple on her fist while the other comes up to run her fingers through his hair. He sighs out contently before his breathing eventually evens out.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles  
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grxcisxhy-wp · 2 years
𝖼.𝗁. | 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇
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pairing ; calum hood x bi!5sos!reader (MAIN), mention of previous harry styles x bi!5sos!reader, mention of unrequited/pining ashton irwin x bi!5sos!reader
summary ; Prequel ish headcannon of bi!5sos!reader based on this blurb
warnings ! my humor (so bad)
word count ; ~700
a/n ; guys, this is probably so bad, but bare with me. also, so sorry to anyone who is straight, but being bi is going to be part of the story later
I’m forcing you to be Australian, deal with it
When you were younger (about 11 years old) you moved into Calum’s neighborhood right across the street from him
And you know, puberty be hitting hard, so this man instantly gets a crush (cause you’re beautiful duh) and befriends you
But of course, he doesn’t say anything (for another few years)
You guys are each other’s closest friends, and you end up being each other’s first kiss (a classic)
The two of you will just play music together on the weekends or after Cal’s soccer practice
You play piano and guitar (and sing but we’ll get into that later)
The two of you meet Luke and Michael when you go into high school and you guys form the beginnings of 5sos
Luke and Michael quickly begin to feel like brothers to you
Then Michael Facebook messages Ashton
When you meet Ashton, you are a complete MESS
Like stuttering like an idiot because his humor just tugs at your heart strings and you’re crushing HARD
You tell Calum about it, obliviously hurting his feelings
poor fetus Calum :’(
but he still supports you
eventually your puppy love with ash goes away and you meet someone
someone that’s a GiRl (yes, you’re bi curious and we’re living for it)
you’re all confused that you feel this way about a girl and questioning your sexuality (as most do in high school)
nothing happens with the girl (nothing ever does… I’m not crying you are)
but you do confide in Calum that you find girls attractive
poor Calum is thinking you're gay, but you reassure him that you do still in fact find guys attractive too
Calum is super supportive and eventually convinces you to tell the rest of your band mates
they’re all supportive too
someone definitely makes a joke like “I don’t blame you. Girls are hot”
would probably be ash or Mikey
we love a good coming out story
you and the boys are making youtube covers and becoming quite popular
then the one direction tours
you practically melt when you meet Zayn and Harry (at least I would)
during the tours your management and 1d’s management decide to do a pr stunt with you and harry of a will they won’t they situation
ngl you and harry did hook up a few times after you turned 18 (sorry to those of you who do not like harry styles, which should be none of you)
calum is pretty much over his crush on you by the time the first album comes out (at least that’s what he says)
fans of the band kind of speculate that you might be bi when you sing lyrics like “you’re like the perfect mixture of megan fox and katy p” (greenlight underrated bop imo)
ofc the question comes up in interviews but you and the boys dodge ‘em like ninjas
you came out to the world on your terms during sounds live feels live tour
and this is frat 5sos era so just like them you’re pulling the ladies AND the gentlemen
you’re more discreet abt it tho cause we know how the media be about women who have multiple partners (the media is disgusting)
then there’s the hiatus
during this time, you get back to writing pieces with piano aka you’re the genius behind ghost of you and lie to me’s piano melody
during the writing process of youngblood is also when you and calum start becoming more than friends
you write why won’t you love me about him cause you’re oblivious that he likes you too
you show a demo of wwylm to luke (who is almost as close to you as calum now) and he convinces you to play it for the rest of band and put it on the album
this leads to feelings being confessed and you and calum end up together
you and calum date for about a year and a half before the unfortunate when will you be back blurb comes into play
and then you’re a mess, which is where I’ll be starting this series(??)
so yeah, lmk what moments you want to see like interviews and just relationship things and I’ll do my best to write them well
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