#go to sleep dee challenge
deetealeaf · 6 months
me feelin cute an fighting the urge to post my face online rn cuz i know on the .000001% chance a family member sees this im gonna be murdered
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 11 months
Loving people sucks because it’s like, okay yes I love you so much, and I’m making a choice to trust you knowing that you could break my heart but I’ve just got to hope that you don’t.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
Making snow angels but imagine this! Steve is the angel on your shoulder and Eddie is the devil! And and and one day you hit your head or something and you see both of them! It doesn’t even have to be romantic just like how would they explain why two random dudes are in your room after you wake up(imagine you hit your head, went to sleep) and next morning you wake up to two rando dudes sitting on your bed discussing something! Idk funny. This might be stupid but I just thought about it and how that conversation would go 😅😅
A/N: omg shut up I LOVE THAT!! *my brain immediately going to extremely smutty places and losing it at the wild possibilities*
Word count: 616
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“I think she can see us.”          
“I don’t know, maybe she just actually did get a concussion last night.”
Staring in complete and utter shock at the two strangers standing at the foot of your bed, your voice trembled as you asked, “w-who are you and what are you doing here?”
“Holy shit,” the one with long dark curls cursed. 
“Tell me right now or I swear I’ll scream!” you treated, scurrying up as close to the headboard as you could. 
“She can see us? She can see us,” the other one realised, “alright,” he looked straight at you, then wondered underneath his breath, “how the fuck do I do this…” flashing you a bright and slightly nervous smile, he said, “hi! I’m Steve and this is Eddie.”
“How did you get in my room?” your wild eyes darted from one to the other. 
“Well, we’re sort of always around you,” Eddie shrugged. 
“You-…” there was only one logical explanation to this. You had a stalker, or more accurately, you had two. “Please don’t hurt me!”
“Hurt you?” Steve’s brows furrowed as he swiftly sat down on the edge of the mattress, “we would never hurt you!”
“I mean,” the other’s ever-present smirk grew bigger, “unless you want us to-”
“Hold your split tongue for once in your life, Munson!” Steve snapped, glaring back at his partner. Dropping his harshness at once, he glanced back at you and spoke, “Y/n, don’t listen to him, just look at me and take a deep breath for a second.”
“Who are you? What do you want with me?”
Not waiting a second longer to respond, Eddie blurted out, “we are your shoulders’ devil and angel.”
“Dude,” Steve whipped his head around again, “you could have softened the blow a little.”
“Well, I’ve never done this before, what do you expect me to do?” he replied, defensively waving his arms around. 
“Is this some sort of joke?” you asked, still clutching your knees to your chest, “did Robin put you up to this?”
Looking you in the eye, Steve said, “I swear we’re telling you the truth.”
Still not convinced, you challenged, “then prove it,” not really sure what it was you were asking them to do. 
“Alright,” Eddie accepted the test, listing off confidently, “you usually always have oatmeal for breakfast but yesterday you had toast, 6 months ago you started lying to your friends and told them that you weren’t a virgin anymore, that you had fooled around with some guy during summer break when in reality you went away to visit your grandparents and spend your days playing bridge, and lastly, you say that pillow is only for decoration,” he pointed to the pink, firm one beside you, “but we are all well aware that’s not why you keep it on your bed…”
“I-…” your breath got caught in your throat, “but, you’re not on my shoulders…”
“Yeah, that part is more of an expression.”
“Holy shit… so you two are always here?”
“Always have, always will,” Eddie stated.
“Wait,” you winced, squeezing your eyes shut as you asked, “does that mean-, have you seen me naked?”
“Of course not,” Steve rushed to say, though Eddie swiftly corrected him. 
“Don’t lie, Steve, it’s not a good look on you. Yes,” he smirked, virtually singing the words, “yes, we certainly have.”
“Oh my god…” you sank down deeper, hiding your face in your knees. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a totally normal and natural thing,” you felt Steve’s fingers brush over your right calf, “we’re used to it, barely even notice anymore, I swear.”
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled, “that’s not what your dick said when she took a shower yesterday…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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teagballs · 9 months
hello angel! I was wondering if you could write a Dennis Reynolds x fem!reader one shot where basically, reader is apart of the gang and has been for a while. Surprisingly, one time when Dennis was really angry, she calmed him down. Everyone was shocked the first, but slowly overtime got used to it. Dennis always ignored the warm feeling in his chest when she calmed him, but when he went on a date and got really mad and the girl tried to calm him down, he got even more angry than realised he liked reader??
sorry if it’s confusing 😭🫶
calmed | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part 2 here!!
authors note: HEYOOO still alive. thank u sm for this prompt anon! tbh it was a bit of a challenge and i struggled 😭 i always struggle to write for dennis. i hope i did this idea justice cuz i love it. also this is my first iasip fic im publishing yayayay please send more requests for it im sooo deep into it rn. ive got a dee fic in the works rn.
cw: average dennis insanity ofc, swearing, mentions of D.E.N.N.I.S ing girls so yk, mentions of sex.
fic under the cut!
You can recall the first time you ever saw Dennis freak out.
"Idiots! Fucking idiots all of them!" Dennis ranted in his usual methodic tone. The gang wasn't phased, this sort of Dennis rant was something they'd become accustomed to. For you - the latest addition the gang - you had never witnessed one of Dennis' outbursts. It was probably that empathic nature or yours that made you want to act, to console him. And you did. Despite the gang's protests, once they noticed you about to leap into action. They knew it was better to just let Dennis ride out the anger and come down again. But you reached out and touched his arm. The gang collectively held their breath, expecting Dennis to bark out some obscenities in response, but it never came. The feeling of your hand on him made him turn to face you, to look at you.
"Dennis, it's okay, we'll fix this, I promise."
And he calmed. And took a deep breath.
"You know what? You're right. I can fix this." Dennis exhaled. Everyone was shocked,
"What the fuck just happened." Mac said blankly. In the whole time they had known him, Dennis had never been able to be pacified from one of these insane outbursts.
But then it became frequent, because Dennis's raging was frequent. Every time he would begin ranting and raving, you were able to calm him down. It was a voice of serene amidst the chaos. It went on for years like this, as you became part of the gang.
You were usually there hanging out with the gang when things would go wrong, and you'd be able to solve it and calm him down. But today, that wasn't the case. Today, Dennis was on a date.
Dennis was in the process of getting this woman to sleep with him, his stock procedure. But the date had been falling apart. It first started with his suit getting ruined. After dressing himself up in a nice blazer and shirt outfit, it was massacred by spaghetti after Mac spilt it on top of Dennis. Mac was haphazardly carrying it through their shared kitchen and failed to notice him.
"Christ Mac, what the hell are you doing!"
But that was okay. He could manage. He would just have to change. And although this did delay him, he could still D.E.N.N.I.S this girl. He could just say he was late because he was helping some old lady cross the street or looking after a stray kitten.
After successfully making it out of the door, he began to drive to the date. A cute restaurant not too far from his apartment, a picturesque rendezvous. But this was stalled even further by the lack of parking spaces available. Dennis groaned at threw his head back against the car headrest. After circling the block for what felt like the 100th time, Dennis decided to just park further away and book it to the restaurant. He settled for a tucked away corner of the city. Sure, it was far, but hey, at least it was a space.
Finally, after running to the entrance of the restaurant, he saw his date waiting, arms folded.
"Dennis! There you are! What took you so long?Are you.. okay? You look at a little out of sorts." Cadence spoke.
"Sorry. Sorry. Some old hags cat was- was trying to cross the road. I had to run from the other side of town." Dennis panted. He didn't expect the journey to have made him so debilitated. 'Not a perfect excuse, either. I might have messed up the wording..' he thought.
Dennis and his date, Cadence finally entered the restaurant. Dennis regained most of his breath and approached the host.
"Reynolds, table for two." He told the host.
The host scanned their notebook with a pen and searching eyes.
"Sorry, sir, I don't see anything for Reynolds here. Are you sure you booked for this restaurant?" The host replied. They lacked any kind of care for the situation, replying in a detached tone. Most likely years of working customer service had drained them.
"Am I sure I booked for- do you think I'm some kind of bumbling buffoon? Of course I fucking did!" Dennis snarled. Seemingly the frustrations from the evening were overflowing and spilling out.
"What do you take me for some kind of idiot!?" Dennis continued to bawl.
At this point, his date was getting embarrassed of his uncontrolled emotions. Cadence leaned in and touched his forearm. And maybe if it wasn't Dennis Reynolds she had performed this action on, it could have worked and soothed him.
"Dennis its okay, we can go eat somewhere else if you want?"
Immediately Dennis shook her grip off him.
"If I want? Why would I want to eat somewhere else when I made a fucking reservation here. What I want is to eat here!" He snapped, tapping his finger on the hosts notebook.
"Dennis, it's okay. We will do whatever you want." Cadence tried again.
"What I want? What I want is... well, what would you know about fixing shit! You're just..! Well, you're not.. not." Oh. And that's when it hit him.
What Dennis wanted now was not a reservation at this pseudo-rich restaurant. And he knew he certainly didn't want Cadence to try and comfort him. Her words didn't seem to hold any mindfulness or meaning... but yours did. She wasn't you. What he wanted was you. That's all he ever wanted. Everything else he had been doing for was a pathetic search to fill the void. The women he was trying to do, D.E.N.N.I.S, the dates he'd go on, the sex he would have, it all meant nothing.
All he wanted was you. A pure undivided love and something he had never felt before. Dennis had an unprofound realisation that he liked someone. Something most come to grips with in adolescents. But for him, that realisation was something he had never had. It made his heart ache and burn. He needed to act. He needed to call you and spill his heart out. Because no one was like you, and that's all he could think about as he turned on his heel and left the restaurant.
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simulation-machine · 7 months
My spring break is coming up in a week and holy crap do I have plans on plans on plans, especially since my summer is gonna be full of school + internship + HOPEFULLY friggin' graduating with a BA in Psychology so that I can start applying to grad schools.
Read more iffin' you'd like! It's long! Here's a picture of my golden retriever napping on her brother's food bowl to entice/entertain you:
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god she is so precious i would literally kill for her
I know that some people are sticklers for this but my thing is that I had no gee-dee clue what I was doing with ReShade, whereas Gshade just kinda clicked and worked for me? That said I have a bunch of resources for learning ReShade so I might end up moving back to it at some point.
My main issue is figuring out the order of all the different effects. It obviously matters, I'm sure people smarter than me have tried to use presets only to be like "why tf does this look absolutely nothing like the baller screenshots this one cool Simblr has?" Annnd it turns out it's order + remembering to turn off certain graphic settings. Also photoshop, but that's gonna take a lot longer for me to figure out lol.
Like I'd been struggling to figure out why @gunthermunch's gorgeous Lithium preset wasn't looking as sexy as it did before annnnd it's because I forgot to turn Edge Smoothing off when switching to it. Jesus wept at how dippy I am sometimes.
Eventually, what I would like to do is maybe make my own preset at some point? I would be kind enough to show the effect order too if I did so. But this requires so, so much more shader knowledge than I currently have.
FUN FACT: My first ever degree was in art, I even went to a very fancy and private art school (School of the Art Institute of Chicago if you're curious)- I dropped out after one semester because uhhh that shit is expensive. Ended up finishing my degree at a much cheaper location in MN. That said, my art was 100% analog and 2D, and it turns out it did not translate super well into trying my hand at graphic art.
It's funny because I've been gifted really neat stuff for graphic art (like a really nice Wacom tablet and Adobe subscriptions), like people just expected my mixed-media ass would know what to do with it. NOPE! But yeah, Sims is sort of my excuse to try my hand at this stuff again, especially since I have a bit more energy now that my soul is not regularly being drained out of my body by customer service and tech support jobs.
This one is hard because I am only on Gen 2 of the Orsons and it's sort of hard to justify starting up another story while that one is less than 1/5 of the way done.
THAT SAID, I don't plan on posting Another Door until I have a decent chunk of it done. Since it's not a casual gameplay story nor a legacy challenge, I plan on editing the bajeez out of the screenshots for it, really honing in on the aesthetic. I want it to look and feel very different from my random legacy challenge.
Fortunately, this story has been fucking up my sleep schedule for *months* now and I have a lot of the writing for it done. The hard part is translating that into the Sims, making sure I get the right poses and stuff, maybe even learning how to make some super easy CC (like, posters and stuff), and stuff related to GOAL 1 above.
What I'm saying is that it's going to take a bit. But I'm super serious about sharing it because it's my obsession and honestly the first time a story of my own design has possessed me in literal years.
Also, I want to make sure I have a significant backlog of the Orsons before I start seriously simming for it, because I don't want to screw over my favorite little pixel babies. This legacy challenge is going to be the one, I have done so much to keep my save files to keep it safe from harm (ask me how many backups I have of the save files. JK don't, the number is frankly silly).
Y'all, my CC folder for this game is honestly an embarrassment. I go so hard on CC shopping because this community is stupid-talented and I like giving my pixel babies nice things and cool looks. When I'm bored and not quite in the mood for gameplay, I just like making neat-looking sims that I do absolutely nothing with because I love fucking around in CAS.
I have built my own PCs since I was 17 years old, and when I first built COMPUTERMACHINE (current rig) back in the autumn of 2018, it was with the goal that it would run Sims 4 flawlessly no matter what I did to it. It's got ridiculous amounts of RAM, I religiously update parts for it. And to be fair, even with the current 6,907,907,890 TB of CC I have atm it runs better than Sims 3 ever had with a measly 50 GB of CC.
But for me, it comes down to finding all the stuff I wanna use. Making myself get rid of the stuff I don't wanna use. Straight up yeeting the CC that I thought was going to look incredible that uh, didn't deliver.
I do CAS CC purges about once a year but have literally never done it for Build & Buy stuff, because OMG some of this shit I've had since 2014. Like when Sims 4 first came out. YIKES. My CAS CC obsession is notable but it's honestly nothing compared to my Build & Buy. Even before For Rent made building lots slow af, my PC was starting to take a solid minute to switch to different buy categories.
It would take a long af time so I want to make sure I have a bunch of content in the queue before I do it. It's gonna be a whole ass thing and be so, so boring to do. So I'm putting it off for when I have a ton of time to do it. Like, oh, my entire Spring Break?
This would obviously need to wait until after GOAL 3 is completed, but I wanna make sure the awesome creators whose stuff I use get credit, and that people know where they can grab neat stuff. It would include not only CC but mods, Gshade/ReShade presets, and maybe even lots and sims I've downloaded from the gallery?
(Since I am super anti-paywall and very unapologetic and rude about it, I will also share where one could perhaps get some of these CCs without paying some dip a Trenta Starbucks Unicorn Frappucino amount of $$$)
It's ambitious as hell because *gestures vaguely at GOAL 3* but it would make things like doing WCIF asks and lookbooks so much easier.
Somewhat relatedly, I wanna make a navigation post, especially once Another Door starts getting posted. That story is gonna be a bit huge with multiple arcs that take place over the course of like, 14 years. Plus once the Orsons get to the 4th+ generation, it would be easier to track things down.
I have been having so much fun sharing my silly little Sim adventures on Tumblr, so much more than I ever thought I would! You all have been so great to me, and all of this stuff is sort of a way for me to repay that. Ever since I stopped being able to be artistically creative ever since a really nasty depressive spell in 2017, Sims has been my #1 artistic outlet. And having people who are even somewhat entertained by my pixels is incredibly motivating.
Basically, if you read all of this, DAMN would you have been a rad livejournal follower of mine circa 2007. On the seriousness, however, thank you all so much for being rad and encouraging and sweet. I promise to do you all, if not proud, then at the very least not disappointed.
Time to hit the bong and take some pictures of Lou and Tatertot before taking my IRL doggos on a walk~
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charmac · 1 year
What will be the catalyst that sets Dennis off in mental health day,
1. Something small and insignificant, Dennis has just reached breaking point.
2. Mac related, maybe Mac is dating a guy for real this time and it’s not Dennis catfishing him this time and Dennis can’t deal with it.
Also Mac’s bedroom is used as a set this year. When and why is it used?
Maybe at the end of mental health… Dennis goes to Mac. A kiss? A confession? Sleeping together
In terms of a catalyst as to why he takes a mental health day, we know already, "After a physical reveals Dennis has elevated blood pressure he decides to take a day away from The Gang"
So my best guess is he's at a doctor's office or hospital for some reason, doctor tells him that he has high blood pressure and asks if he has any sources of stress in his life that could be the cause, camera zooms out to the Gang doing something obnoxious right there in the office, or cuts to them screaming/fighting each other in the waiting room, back to *Dennis bitch face* - cut to "Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day" do do do do do do doooo.
Straight up, I do not think this episode will be Mac-related or Macdennis-y at all. This one is for Dennis. Of course Mac is a source of stress in Dennis' life, but I am pretty confident "The Gang" is all grouped here vs. Dennis vs. his mental health.
If you’ve been speculating here since filming I’ve been fully in the camp and am standing my ground on the car garage plot. The story Glenn told on Episode 53, Sweet Dee has a Heart Attack of the Always Sunny Podcast is absolutely playing out with Dennis. They filmed at a parking garage:
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The episode summary states "a domino-chain of tech and customer service challenges", which, ala Glenn's story, is what happens to him. I recommend listening to the story in the episode, but I'll clip here where they literally straight up tell us that they're doing an episode on it:
(Obviously they chose to have Ross write this episode, not Charlie, which may speak volumes)
What's interesting is that in Glenn's story he ends up making friends with everyone he interacted with in the situation, he says he had a deep moment of zen going through this. Will that happen with Dennis? Will his interactions restoring his faith in humanity be with strangers? Or people currently in his life?
How will it end? We know he gets his moment at the beach, we know they had a filming crew set up on the water, so he's like, definitely probably getting in the water. Will this be in a fit of rage, smashing the waves like Poseidon? Or will he have his Kendall Roy moment, floating, weightless?
Again, I think this is an episode for Dennis, not for Macdennis. Dennis' mental health is the focus, we now know it's clear he's into men and he has a whole System for them, he's not that repressed, there's something else buried deep and hurt and clawing its way out of him, something that has to be addressed before he can let himself be with Mac (for real, LOL, we have to clarify that now, don't we?). I think if Dennis ends with the Gang, it should be a moment of comfort similar to Charlie's moment on the mountain... (and maybe Mac hands him a tissue)
Also, little bonus from our sibling site:
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deyasworld · 4 months
Deedark heacanons?
I loved the ones you made a while back and was wondering if you had more!
Awww! Thank you, you’re very sweet! 😊💕
Sure! Let me remember them.
• I used to headcanon that Dee Dee snores, but when rewatching the show I noticed that Mandark is the one that Canonically snores, and they usually write Dee Dee as a silent sleeper. Now that I think about it, it might make sense, since he has a very narrow neck lolllll Edit: I forgot to mention that Mandark canonically Talks In His Sleep!!!!
• I also used to headcanon that Dee Dee is an early bird and that she sleeps early, and that Mandark was the night owl, but now that I think about the kinds of jobs they have, maybe their sleeping schedules should be the other way around 😆. I mean, ballet studios tend to be an after school activity, meaning that she would be working in the afternoons, and he runs a laboratory, so his office hours would be from 8 AM to 5 PM, but he stays up late working extra hours. I like to think their sleeping schedules sync because of it.
• They live together by 23, but have probably been roommates since before. I don’t know why I’m fixated on 23, I came up with this when I was 19, and 23 sounded like a very exciting age at the time. I’m turning 31 in June, and giving this some thought it still feels like a good age! It’s a challenging time for many, there’s so much societal pressure to get your shit together after college, but you still want to enjoy life ““before 25””, so it would be very nice if they’re together through it.
• They probably don’t marry until 25 though, because it feels like a “serious” age to them, but mostly because I want them to still call each other boyfriend and girlfriend for a while ( and Fiancé for a while too lolll ). Although 25 is still young! Don’t hurry things just because that age sounds scary 💝 People will think you’re 21 at 30, and 16 at 21. There’s always time; take things slow. ( I’m only keeping the headcanons because they feel lived in ).
• For Dee Dee’s job, I like to think she joined a ballet company, so in her early adulthood she’s doing a lot of performances. She gets the instructor job later, to get a steady paycheck. She begins to suffer muscle pains because she’s not 10 anymore, so I like to imagine that Mandark helps monitoring her muscle health and he’s Very serious about it, I’m talking massages, 3D diagrams they update every week, keeps a journal and plans a diet for her. At some point she retires from the performances and dedicates herself to be an instructor, but she returns to the stage every other year. Edit: I’ve been following ballerinas on social media and watching documentaries to learn about their life styles, so I think she’ll be healthy for a very long time. Mandark is still concerned about her health though.
• I have several AUs for these two, but most of my headcanons for them are in the FusionFall verse. I really really like that Universe! It inspires me a lot. I should illustrate some headcanons someday. If you want to hear any FF specific headcanons, let me know!
• From their personalities in canon, I like to think they’re both very clingy, in particular Mandark. He’s very needy, needs lots of validation and has tendencies of low self-esteem, and she’s too cuddly, she’ll walk in on you when you’re busy to shower you with attention. I think it makes them perfect for each other; they’re both smothering with affection, and it makes them natural outlets. They probably tire each other sometimes, but they’re back at it again afterwards.
Thanks for the ask! Hope these work for you! 🫶💖💕
Have some Milk and Mocha, they’re my go-to DeeDark mascots 🐻‍❄️🐻
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whoawardwinchester · 3 months
A Winchester Chronicle (c5)
Please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging. It fuels the creativity and lets me know you're enjoying my hard work.
Summary: Y/N returns to the "Supernatural" set, where the director welcomes her back and introduces new health policies to support the cast and crew. Filming for the "Monster Movie" episode showcases the undeniable chemistry between Y/N and Jensen, captivating everyone on set. Despite her recent challenges, Y/N feels a renewed sense of belonging and purpose. The chapter ends with a hopeful outlook, highlighting the strong bond and trust between Y/N and Jensen.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female Reader
Content Warning: (subject to change per chapter as this series is written) rough sex, reference to PCOS and Endo, arguments, tension, angst and physical violence. Smut, fluff. Readers are advised to proceed with caution due to these themes and scenes.
Rating: 18+ for the whole series.
This is a work of fiction. There is no hate for anyone in real life.
If you want to be added to the tag list for this series, just let me know! Also be sure to tell me how I'm doing or request anything related to Jensen/Dean!
Taglist: @nancymcl @perpetualabsurdity @hobby27
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Chapter 5: Has reference to Episode 5 'Monster Movie'
You lie in the hospital bed, the sterile scent of antiseptic lingering in the air. Pain still radiates from the surgery site, but it's dulled by the medication coursing through your veins. As you stare at the ceiling, your thoughts drift between Dee and your mother. Just as you begin to lose yourself in the haze of it all, a familiar face appears at the door.
Jensen steps into the room, his presence immediately soothing. He approaches with a tentative smile, concern etched in his eyes. “Hey,” he says softly, pulling a chair up beside your bed. “How are you feeling?”
You try to muster a smile. “Better, I guess. Still a bit out of it. Did you sleep well?.”
He nods, taking your hand in his. “ I guess. I had some issues with my room key. I’ve been worried about you. We all have. Jared said the set’s not the same without us.”
His words bring a lump to your throat. “I miss it too. But... things have been so overwhelming lately.”
Jensen squeezes your hand gently. “I know. And I hate to add to that, but I need you to come back. I mean how is Dean going to survive without Raven? ” He joked.
You look at him, searching his eyes for sincerity. “Jensen, I don’t know if I can go back. Not yet. There’s so much I need to sort out, especially with my mom and everything that happened with Dee.”
He nods, understanding. “I get it. You need to take care of yourself first.”
Tears well up in your eyes as you reflect on his words. The set had always been more than just a job. It was a second home, a family. And yet, the turmoil in your personal life made it hard to see that clearly.
“Jensen,” you begin, your voice trembling, “I need stability. I need to know that things will be different, that Dee won’t be an issue anymore.”
He leans closer, his expression earnest. “I’ve talked with Dee. She will never apologize, but she told me in not so great words that she hopes we enjoy each other.”
You take a deep breath, feeling a small sense of relief. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
Jensen smiles, the tension in his shoulders easing. “Of course. Get some rest.”
His words resonate deep within you, offering a glimmer of hope. As you lie back against the pillows, you realize that maybe, just maybe, you can find your way back to the place you love, surrounded by people who genuinely care for you.
As the days pass slowly in the hospital room, Jensen remains a constant presence by your side, his unwavering support a source of comfort. He spends hours talking to you, sharing updates about the cast and how the director is driving him crazy, reminding you of how much you’re missed.
“Enough about the set, for now. Can I ask you something?” Jensen climbs into your hospital bed to hold you close to him. “Of course.” You say, shifting to embrace him, wincing a little. “Careful. You don’t have to move.” He supports you more. “Why did your mom say that your husband wouldn’t have stood up for you?” He asks, dropping his chin to the top of your head. “My husband was great, truly. But he wasn’t one for conflict… unless it was fighting with me.” Your eyes saddened as you said it. You hated putting him down, especially since he couldn’t be there to defend himself, but you could never not be transparent. “He did everything my mom asked of him, even if it meant crossing boundaries in our relationship.” “Why did you stay?” He asked, raising your chin up to look at him. His eyes were studying you now. “I couldn’t go home. I knew it then and I should've known it this time. I had no money of my own, no support, and three kids who depended on me.” You said embarrassed. The weight of your words made your stomach sink. “It was actually a fight we had the night the accident happened.” He was silent, unsure of what to say. All Jensen could do was embrace you with his body as much as he could. “I think he was on his way to take the kids to his parents’ house. He just packed them up after we all went to bed and left…” You added. The memory pushing at your throat distorts your voice. “Why? Over a disagreement?” Jensen asked. “Because my mom put it in his head that I was only homeschooling because I wanted to take them from him, even though we both felt that homeschooling was right for all of them… They struggled with ADHD, just like I did. I was happy to give them more of a chance to learn at their own pace, to embrace their “superpower” instead of shutting it down like my mom did for me.” You said, getting angry again. “‘Shut it down?’” He asked. “She sent me to this boarding school in Europe in the middle of BFE. It looked sketchy in the pamphlets, but I agreed to go just to get away from her. I thought the distance would have helped but it was only worse over there. There were a total of 5 girls, and they abused us all. When I called to come home, my mom obliged, but began telling me how selfish I was. Everything was always my fault, speak when spoken to, don’t go outside, don’t go out with friends… It was so bad, I found myself wishing I was back at that boarding school.” You rambled, sitting up, in pain. “The physical pain was easier to heal from.” “Shhhhh. Let me get a nurse.” Jensen got up, concern dawned on his face. A nurse came in and asked you about your pain, adding, “Sorry I’m late, miss, we are short staffed tonight.” She administered some medicine in your IV and left. The effects hit almost immediately. “Lay back, babe. Forget everything. You’re safe.” Jensen helped you down to your pillow, stroking your hair from your face. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was, “For as long as I live, You’ll always be safe.”
The next afternoon, Jensen steps out to make a phone call. When he returns, there's a determined look on his face. He sits down beside you, taking your hand. "I talked to the director," he says. " He said that he can accommodate your absence in the face of a medical emergency, funding and filming won’t cease, but you’d have to agree to come back."
“I still don’t know yet. I don’t even have an end date from here.” You said, taking his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
The hospital staff come and go, checking your vitals and ensuring you’re comfortable. Each visit reminds you of the support network you had back on set. The betrayal by Dee, the harsh words from your mother—it all feels like a distant storm, getting to know Jensen and him understanding your background makes you feel like you can move forward. Now it was just about getting out of the hospital and finding the right time to tell Jensen you’d try again even though you weren’t completely sold.
Late one night, as the hospital falls into a hushed silence, your mother arrives. Jensen is asleep in the chair beside your bed, his hand still entwined with yours. Your mother's presence fills the room with an oppressive tension. She approaches your bed, her expression cold and disapproving.
"Y/N," she begins, her voice low and sharp, "You better not be thinking of leaving once you’ve healed. You need to realize what a mistake that would be. If you continue down this path, you can forget about any inheritance. You’ll have nothing."
Her words cut deep, reopening old wounds. You feel a mix of anger and despair, the familiar sting of her disapproval weighing heavily on you. Before you can respond, Jensen stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He takes in the scene, his expression darkening as he overhears your mother's harsh ultimatum.
"Mrs. Y/L/N," Jensen says, his voice firm as he stands from his chair, "I think it’s time for you to leave."
Your mother glares at him, her lips pressed into a thin line. "This is a family matter. It’s none of your business."
Jensen stands, placing himself between you and your mother. "Y/N is my family. She doesn’t need this right now."
Tears prick at your eyes as you watch the confrontation unfold. You feel a surge of gratitude for Jensen’s unwavering support. "Jen," you say, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside, "I’m going back with you. The only mistake was ever thinging I still possibly have a home here. My home was buried 14 months ago…” “No, you do, it’s wherever we are, together. And a happier home; a SAFE home, it will always be.” He places a hand on your thigh, as he looks from you to your mother.
Your mother’s expression falters for a moment before hardening again. "You’re making a mistake," she hisses, but she turns and leaves the room without another word.
As the door closes behind her, you let out a shaky breath. Jensen turns to you, his eyes softening. "You deserve to be happy, but are you absolutely sure about your decision?"
You nod, feeling a sense of relief and determination. "So do you. I… have never been more sure about wanting to be with someone in my life than when I was with my kids. But are YOU sure you want to be with me? With these… problems?" Doubts creeping into your brain about your physical insecurities, as you motion toward your IV. “It’s a lot, Jen. And it’s not going away…”
He smiles, his hand finding yours again. "I don’t know how I’ve lived in my life without you. Every day since I saw you walk into that casting call, I’ve thought about you. You are my happiness.I’ll call set tomorrow with the news."
He kisses your head and lays beside you, both drifting to sleep.
A week later, a doctor came to see you. “Good morning Ms. Y/L/N. I have great news, you get to break out of here today.” He said writing down some last vitals and smiling at you and Jensen. “Oh thank God. If I stayed any longer, you’d be treating me for bed sores and boredom.” You joke, sitting up. The nurse, Doctor, and Jensen all laughed. “I just need to see your incision site and ask you a few questions and then we can get you the discharge papers.” The doctor said, putting on gloves. “Okay. Hey, Jensen, could you go grab some coffee?” You asked sheepishly as you laid back preparing for the doctor to lift your gown. “I’m sorry Miss, the Cafe doesn’t open for another hour.” The nurse said as Jensen nodded at you, silently understanding your request. “I can still step out.” He leaned over to kiss your head before he walked out of the room. Everything looked great and went so smoothly as the doctor checked you over, asked about your pain, and if you had support at home. They got you discharged within the hour. Jensen secured a car and you both made your way to the hotel. The hotel lobby buzzes with quiet activity as you and Jensen step inside, the warmth of the interior contrasting sharply with the cool Seattle night air. You’ve never been in a place as fancy as this. Jensen guides you to the front desk, his hand reassuringly placed at the small of your back. The receptionist greets you both with a practiced smile.
"Welcome back, Mr. Ackles," she says, handing over a room key. "Here is your extra keycard for your lady friend."
Jensen nods, taking the keycard and offering a smile in return. "Thank you.”
You follow him to the elevator, the anticipation between you crackling like static electricity. When the elevator doors close, Jensen turns to you, his eyes dark with a mixture of desire and affection. "I’m glad you’re here," he murmurs, his voice low and intimate. He pulls you close to him, his lips crashing into yours. You drop your bag and wrap your hand around his neck, and kiss him back.
The elevator dings, interrupting the moment as you reach the third floor. You both chuckle as an old couple clears their throat to replace you on the elevator. Jensen leads the way down the hallway to room 312 taking your hand, sliding the keycard into the lock. The light flashes red. He frowns, tries again, but the result is the same.
"This has been happening a lot here," he says, his tone exasperated yet controlled. He leads you back to the front desk, this time taking the stairs. “Oh no. It’s not working again?” The receptionist asked. Jensen nods. Moments later, she returns with new keycards, but they too fail to unlock the door.
"This is ridiculous," Jensen mutters, running a hand through his hair. You both go back to the lobby where he waves the keycard at the receptionist, “No workie…” He said sarcastically. She calls for the manager. The manager, a middle-aged man with a harried look, follows you and Jensen back to the room. He tries the master key, but it also fails.
"My key no work, the door is no good," the manager says apologetically. "I have maintenance come in morning and, uh, break it down."
Jensen, visibly frustrated, turns to the manager. "So, you're saying the door has to be broken in and you can’t do it until morning?"
"Uh, yes, sir."
"Cool, stand back." Jensen steps forward and, with a swift, powerful kick, forces the door open. He grabs his bags from the room and turns to the manager. "We couldn’t wait until morning. Please get us a new suite with working keys."
You watch in awe, your heart racing. There’s something undeniably attractive about his take-charge attitude. Your face flushes with heat as your body tingles with lust. The manager stammers an apology and scurries off to arrange a new room. Jensen turns to you, a sheepish grin on his face. "What?"
You laugh softly, shaking your head. "That was... impressive." You tucked your hair behind your ear, shyly. He picks you up on his back and grabs both of bags. “What are you doing?” you whispered in his ear. “I can’t have you tired yet, princess. The day has just begun.” He swaggers away following the manager. 
Within minutes, you’re settled into a new suite, the door securely closed behind you. The room is spacious and elegant, a perfect retreat after the chaos of the hospital and the confrontation with your mother. As soon as you’re alone, the tension that’s been building between you and Jensen snaps. He pulls you into his arms, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. He pauses, looking at you. “I wasn’t thinking. Are you ok? Do you need anything? I should have thought…” He looked concerned and apologetic. “Jensen.” You interrupt him. “I’m fine.” You put a finger to his lips to get him to stop talking. “The only words that should be coming out of your mouth is...” You ran your hand down to his pants, firmly grasping his erection. He groaned, his eyes flashing to your hand and back to your face. “THAT.” You bit your lip in reaction. 
He took no time in removing your clothes and you removing his. There was no gentleness in his demeanor, but you knew that if he went to far, he’d stop immediately. You had no care about your insecurities tonight. All you knew was that you wanted Jensen and you wanted him now. “Jen…” you began, placing your small hands on his shoulders through a break in kissing. “No.” He looked at you sternly. “No words, remember. Show me.” He picked you up and you entwined with fierce kisses again, moaning at the feeling. You leaned back toward the bed, as he still held you, catching yourself on your hands. He lowered you in sync with your movements and you pulled him on top of you. He spread your legs with one swift movement of his and was teasing you with anticipation. You couldn’t wait for him. He wanted you to show him, you were going to show him. You locked your right leg over his left and flipped him over, climbing on top of him. It was no easy feat, but you were determined. He growled at the sight of you on top, immediately caressing your body. He worked his way from your hips to your breasts, sending goosebumps all over. You took his hand and pushed it to your throat, lightly squeezing the sides to set the pressure. He sat up looking at your face, as you slid his cock inside you. A gasp escaped your mouth and you reared your head up at the length of him completely inside you. He brought your face to his by guiding you with his hand still on your neck. He nipped at your lips and then licked the side of your neck down to your breasts that were now fully bouncing as you gave into the pleasure. “Jensen. I’m… about to… BABE!” you screamed, wrapping both hands around his at your neck for stability as you rode out the orgasm. He took it all in. When you finished, he brought you closer to him again, face on his. His strong hand is a little more firm on your neck now. “You shouldn’t have come yet. You’re not done, baby. You’re going to come all night for me.” His voice was a deep octave. You felt tingles in your gut all over again as his green eyes pierced yours. You wriggle under the grasp he has on you, smiling seductively. “So are you.” You whispered, biting your lip. The night becomes a blur of silent words and shared rough intimacies, the outside world fading away as you explore the depths of your connection. The first light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. You lie nestled against Jensen, your heart full and your body pleasantly exhausted. You just opened your eyes glancing at the clock, remembering that you have a flight to catch in just under an hour. “We’re going to miss the flight!!” 
You scramble out of bed, hastily dressing and gathering your things. Jensen moves with equal urgency, his usual calm demeanor momentarily replaced with frantic energy. "We’re cutting it close," he mutters, glancing at his watch.
You race to the airport, the minutes ticking away too quickly. The security lines are mercifully short, but the gate was a hefty run away, and you make it just as the staff begins to close it. You both flash your boarding passes, breathless and relieved, and hurry onto the plane.
Once you’re seated, you exchange a look with Jensen, a shared giggle that speaks volumes about the night you’ve had. The plane takes off, and as it reaches cruising altitude. You catch Jensen looking at you out of the corner of your eye and you tuck your hair behind your ear and you pretend not to have noticed him. “What are you doing to me… woman.” He whispered playfully shifting in his seat. “Whatever do you mean Mr. Ackles?” You joked back. Doing it again, this time looking him in the eyes. He brought you in for a kiss. "Meet me in the bathroom in three minutes." You said through closed teeth, just low enough for only him to hear.
Jensen’s eyes light up with a mix of surprise and excitement. He nods, and you make your way down the aisle, trying to appear casual. A few minutes later, he joins you in the cramped bathroom. “Well, this seemed like a better idea before I saw the condition of this place.” You said glancing around the small bathroom, disappointed. The toilet cover was cracked, toilet paper strewn about, making the whole thing feel dirty. “We should wait.” You added. Jensen looks around, equally as disappointed, and then picks you up. “Well, at least let me help you.” He said lightly scratching down your back as you hang on to him with your legs wrapped around his waist. You no longer cared about the state of the bathroom. “MMM, no. Let’s do this.” You both started kissing frantically without much room to manuever, when a jolt of turbulence makes you both slam against the door. It breaks open and you both fall out, Jensen breaking the fall but causing loud crash none the less. Everyone turned in their seats to see what happened. He helped you up saying loud enough for others to hear, “Oh, I didn’t realize there was someone in there. Excuse me.” He winked at you. You played along. “No worries. Be careful, the seat is cracked.” You added as you headed back to your seat, your face filling with a little twinge of embarrassment. He went back into the bathroom for a few minutes and met you back at his seat, taking your hand in his as he sat down. “Are you ok?” He asked, chuckling. “Yes. My dignity isn’t, but I’m fine.” You giggled, putting your forehead to his. “Are you?” You added. “I’m perfect. Tired, but perfect.” He said leaning his seat back a little. “Get some rest.” You kissed his forehead and put in your headphones, leaning back, as well. The plane touches down, and you both disembark, the exhaustion of your sleepless night tempered by the excitement of returning to the set. Some of the familiar faces of the cast and crew greet you with smiles and hugs once you get there, welcoming you back with genuine warmth.
The director gathers you and Jensen for a brief meeting, his expression serious but kind. "Welcome back, Y/N. We’re glad to have you with us again. We’ve made some changes to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being. Let’s make sure we take care of each other."
“I’m truly sorry for all of the trouble I’ve caused. I promise you’ll never have any issue like this happen from me again.” You said, taking the director’s hands in yours. “I’m just glad you’re well. It’s all forgotten now. Are you up for filming a little today?” He said tapping your hands with his. “Let’s do it!” you said, already walking toward the costume trailer.
You step onto the set of "Supernatural," after hair and makeup, the familiar sights and sounds greeting you like old friends. The hustle and bustle of crew members setting up equipment, the quiet murmur of actors reviewing their lines, and the comforting smell of coffee wafting from the craft services table—all of it feels like coming home.
Jensen walks beside you, his presence a steadying force. He catches the eye of the director, who nods in acknowledgment before calling for everyone's attention.
"Alright, everyone, gather around," the director says, his voice carrying a note of authority mingled with warmth. The cast and crew form a loose circle, their expressions curious and attentive. "First, I want to welcome Y/N back. We're thrilled to have you with us again."
A wave of applause and cheers erupts, filling you with a rush of gratitude. You smile, nodding your thanks as the director continues. "We’ve made some updates to our policies to address medical emergencies on set. It’s important that we take care of each other, so we’ll be conducting regular health check-ins and ensuring that emergency contacts and medical information are up to date for everyone."
The crew murmurs their agreement, and you feel a sense of support and solidarity wrapping around you like a warm blanket. This is a family, you realize, one that looks out for each other no matter what. The set is transformed into a black-and-white homage to classic horror films for the Season 4, Episode 5 shoot, "Monster Movie." The atmosphere crackles with energy as you and Jensen prepare for your scene. You adjust your costume, a vintage outfit that makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time, while Jensen, dressed as Dean, exudes a rugged charm.
The director gives the signal, and the cameras start rolling. Dean has just been drugged and taken to ‘Dracula’s Castle’, bound to a table after changed into a traditional Oktoberfest outfit. Dean: Oh, come on. (He wakes up glancing at his situation. Looks around studying the room with worry on his face as he find a large portrait on the wall of a woman.)
Dracula: (entering the room) She is beautiful, no? Bride number three front he first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved. (He walked to her portrait, stroking her face on the wall.) Which is why I chose her shape, her form to move among the mortals unnoticed, to listen to the cricket songs of the living. (He looks at Dean)
Dean looks confused as he takes in his words. Dracula: That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century. Dean: (chuckling as Dracula looks at him in a how-dare-you way) I can’t get over what pumpkin-pie-eyed, crazy son of a bitch you really are. (Dracula walks creepily at him, clearly offended.) You’re not Dracula! You get that, right? Or even if you think you are Dracula, what the hell is up with the Mummy?! Dracula: (Closer to Dean as he finished his question, punches Dean in the face.) I AM ALL MONSTERS! (holds a hand up in defiance, glaring at Dean. Dean shakes his head as he takes the punch) Dean: Life ain’t a movie you sorry sack of…. (Dracula punches Dean again.) AAH. Dracula: (glaring at Dean) Life is small, meager, messy. (Walks away) The movies are grand, simple, elegant. I have chosen elegance. (holds out his cape to either side of him) Dean: (looking at him like he’s stupid) You think “elegance” is really the word for what you did to Marissa or Rick Deacon or any of the OTHERS?! Dracula: (wraps his cape like a bat) But of course. It is a Monster Movie, after all. Dean: You do realize what happens at the END of every Monster Movie? Dracula: Ah. But this movie is MINE. (Dean looks worried again) And in it, the monster… WINSSSS.The monster get the girllll. (Walking creepily to switches on the wall) And the hero, he’s… electrocuted. (Laughs evilly) and tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero. (Reaches for the switch)
Dean: Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. (Chuckles nervously) (Dracula continues reaching slowly, watching Dean as he grapples with getting free of the table in anticipation of being hurt) (Doorbell rings and Dracula stops just before he was to grab the switch) Dracula: Please, excuse me. (He opens the door and Sam is there dressed as a Pizza Delivery man) Good evening. Sam: Uh… (looking at Dracula concerned) Pizza Delivery (holds up some pies in reference) Dracula: (looking smug) Ah, you’ve brought a repast. Excellent. Continue to be of such service and your life will be spared. Sam: (Pretending to look annoyed, chewing gum) Uh-huh. (walks into the room to set down the pies and keep distracting Dracula) That’ll be $15.50… (He turns so that Dracula can’t see who sneaks into the ‘Castle’ behind him)
Dracula: (looking concerned at the pizza) Tell me.. Sam: Yeah? Dracula: Is there garlic on this pizza? 
Sam: (monotoned and annoyed) I don’t know. Did you order garlic? Dracula: (looks disgusted) No. Sam: Then no. Look mister, I got four other deliveries to make. You wanna just pay me so I can go? Dracula: Of course. Yes. But I have a coupon. Scene cuts to Dean still bound to the table. Dean: (still trying to break out notices that someone is coming back, thinking it’s Dracula)
Raven is holding up a gun, stalking down the staircase into the room, after scanning to see if it’s clear, she lowers her weapon and races to Dean, who looks relieved at the sight of her. Raven: Well, this is kinky. (She winks and starts pulling at his constraints)
Dean: Oh, thank god. Just in the nick of time. That guy was about to Frankenstien me. (realizes what she said) Wait, really? (they stop trying to break him out and look at each other seductively) 
Raven: (continues to break him out. As Dean stands up.) Remind me later to buy you a suit like this, handsome. (she looks him up and down) Dean: SHUT UP. (he points at her as she chuckles and hands him a knife) Raven: (imitating a song as he walks toward the door) Talk dirty to me. Dean is supposed to keep walking and Raven follows him out, but the piece of improv that you just did, set Jensen ablaze. He turned back around and scooped you up so fast, you didn’t know what was happening. His mouth met yours as he backed you both up to the table he was just on, feeling you up in the process. The scene pans over to the doorway where Sam is standing in his Pizza outfit, holding up a gun. Disgust creeps on his face as he sees what’s unfolding. Sam: AHEM. (he clears his throat)
Raven and Dean turn around and stand quietly. Sam: Raven, you were taking too long, let’s go. (he motions towards the door) Dean: Always a cock block, Sammy. (he pushes him a little as he stalks by, Raven following apologetically behind him) Sam: yeah, well it’s certainly not on purpose, Dean. Remind me to drown those visions from my brain, later. (He says as he trails after them, cutting the scene).
The intensity of your combine improv moment was so electric, that it drew everyone’s focus. The crew watched in rapt attention, the connection between you and Jensen so vivid it’s almost tangible. You can see it in their faces, the realization that this is more than just acting—this was chemistry in its purest form.
"Cut!" the director calls, his face splitting into a wide grin. "That was fantastic! This is chemistry, folks!"
The crew erupts in applause, and you share a look with Jensen, a silent acknowledgment of the bond you’ve forged. It’s more than just a professional connection; it’s something deeper, something that resonates with every word and gesture.
As the day winds down and the set begins to clear, you take a moment to help clean up.Jensen comes up beside you, his presence comforting and steady. "You did great today," he says, his eyes full of warmth.
"Thanks," you reply, feeling a swell of gratitude. "I couldn’t have done it without you."
He smiles, the kind that reaches his eyes and makes you feel like everything is going to be okay. "So, kinky, huh?" He smirks.
You laugh. “Yeah, about that… Want to go finish what you started?” You pulled him by the shirt closer to you, swaying a little. “What I started? If my memory holds true, you started it on the plane this morning.” He said, thinking and laughing. “I mean, if you don’t want to…” You shrugged, playfully pushing him away. “Just say that.” You turned away from him. He wrapped you in his arms from behind as you squealed a little. “Jensen!” His voice in your ear, warm, and comforting. “I certainly didn’t say THAT.” And he picked you up and walked to his trailer. “But, I don’t know that I’ll last too long tonight.” He chuckled. “Me, either.” You agreed. Both laughing as he shut the door. 
This is your home now, and with Jensen by your side, you’re ready to face whatever comes next.
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chowmoon2 · 3 months
My weird,random and somewhat self indulgent Headcannons relating to Mr.Star
Yep! It’s been a while since I dedicated a whole post to our favorite Star so let’s change that! My insane headcannons about this obscure character can be found under the cut cause this might get a bit long
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(He is such a sobbing wet cat,my blorbo <3)
To start,he is apart of a super ultra rare sentient Star species that is sorta eldritch in a way,like,even the Ancients don’t fully know what they are
They have tremendous power inside of them but since they are relatively peaceful beings,they don’t really use that power
Like shown with Mr. Star ingame,Star pieces can be broken off of them and are extremely valuable,the Ancients used some of those Star Pieces to make artifacts like the Triple Star! (Which I also headcannon to be a weapon one of the Heroes of Yore used)
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Unfortunately,Star Pieces can drive most who come in contact with it crazy due to amount of power it has so making does Star related artifacts was risky and is also why in Super Star Stacker,the opponents (like Parasol Waddle Dee,Knuckle Joe,etc) were so aggressive and keen on keeping the star piece
And then there are Warp Stars which I headcannon to not be a creation of the ancients but instead somesort of variation of Mr. Star species,it’s a bit hard to explain :p
Anyways,Mr. Star is older than he looks,the Star was nearly a century old during the events of Super Star Stacker! though,by his species standards,that’s a young age (the average life span is around 3000 and some can even live longer!)
During his journey to get all of his star pieces,he especially got along with Kine the most but Kirby was still his closest friend in general (he is friends with all of the animal buddies though)
After saying goodbye to Kirby and co,Mr. Star just couldn’t stop thinking about them,he desperately wanted to go back but couldn’t because not only that somebody could blast his Star pieces from him again but also that he was near his metamorphosis phase (more on that in a bit!)
Luckily,he had company in the form of Gryll and their companions,Salt,Pepper and Sugar,I like to think that Mr. Star wasn’t present when Gryll challenged Kirby so the witch was surprised when the star journeyed with the puffball beforehand especially since Gryll has been intrigued by his species for a long time
They hang out a lot mostly playing Star Stacker,Mr. Star slowly start to improve on his skills and even manages to beat Gryll in their last game of Star Stacker before his metamorphosis!
Speaking of which,metamorphosis is something that happens which turns a star into fully grown star,it happens around their 100’s
When a star is ready for their metamorphosis,they will feel extremely fatigued and sleepy,the Star then go to a spot with a lot of stardust and fall into a very deep sleep
Then the stardust among other things like matter will be pulled towards the star which forms somesort of circular cocoon that is as bright and hot as the sun so it is suggested not to got near a star who is in their metamorphosis phase
It is theorized that they use chaos during their metamorphosis but that is not confirmed,it is certain that they use Dream Matter during the process
This phase could at least a few years and at most around 15 years,during this time,the star begins to dream,replaying their most favorite memories and even making new memories
For Mr. Star,his favorite memories are the ones with Kirby and friends so he constantly dreamed of experiencing the events of Super Star Stacker on repeat like it was the first time,he even dreamed new memories about spending more time with Kirby and the animal friends!
After the metamorphosis is completed,the now fully grown star would be lot brighter,would have claws on their nubs and most importantly,they would have wings,no one knows what the purpose but they look cool!
Though,as a consequence of dreaming new memories during metamorphosis,the line between what’s real and what’s not would be blurred for the star at first but luckily for Mr. Star,Gryll was there to help him
Then at long last,Mr. Star gets to reunite with Kirby and gets to live in Popstar with fun filled days that he used to dream of that is now a reality!
Plus,he is practicing on his powers for any future threats since the fully grown state is where a star could really use their tremendous power to their full potential
In short,Mr. Star is having a good time :D
Also,I feel like he (alongside his species) have a connection to the star doors,in fact,I like to headcannon that a ancient made the golden goal door based on a fully grown star! I think it’s a fun connection
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In the end,Idk why I have a strong hyperfixation on this character but I need Mr. Star to comeback in a Kirby game even if it’s just a small cameo,please-
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nailgunstigmata · 1 year
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beantothemax · 1 year
Claudia fic :3
Though they weren't quite in the frostlands, the woodlands were cold that time of year. Fall in northern Osterra was brutal, but it wasn't anything unfamiliar. Claudia had visited the Crestlands enough times to know how semi cold climates worked.
She sat atop the town wall, looking down at the forest below. It was silent. Mammals had gone to sleep for hibernation while all the birds had returned to the warmer climate of the Riverlands.
Though it was quiet, there was sound, movement and life, if one was patient. A wolf peaked its head out from the between the trees, sniffing the ground as it walked. The black snout stayed glued to the ground, seemingly tracking a scent, perhaps food.
The wolf stopped dead in its tracks, looking up at something out of view. With a jolt, it ran with all its might, likely pursuing a deer or hare. And once again, the woods were silent.
Argus climbed up the steps and stood beside her. He stared at her as she watched the woods.
"Let's go back to the inn, it's too cold to stay out any longer," he started.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned to look up at him.
"Don't scare me like that! And I'm fine, just let me be," she rolled her eyes.
"If I do that then you'll get hypothermia and you won't get to challenge Hawthorn for that rematch," he argued.
"What does it matter? If I can't even beat Hawthorn, then there's no way I'm getting home."
Argus kept his cool, sighing as he thought of what next to say. He mustn't lose his temper with her, not when she needed a world of patience and love.
Without a word, he scooped her into his arms. She squirmed and kicked as she tried in vain to escape. Argus was more than a head taller than her and had a decade of fighting experience. There was no way he'd lose to a tiny girl who hardly knew how to hold an axe.
As she gave up her struggle, tears started to trickle down her cheeks. She pressed her face to his chest as she cried and cried. She held onto him as tight as she could. Her nails dug into his waistcoat and it nearly got torn to shreds under her touch. But when he placed her on her bed, she let go.
She hardly moved as he took off her jacket and shoes. He made her lie down and tucked her in. His fingers danced across her scalp as he absent-mindedly pushed the hair from her face.
"I understand your frustration, Dee, but please give it another go. Hawthorn wants to help you learn and go home as much as Galatea and I, but he can't teach you if you give up," he whispered.
Claudia turned her back towards him.
This behavior was rare but it was difficult to deal with. Each attempt to help her, no matter what it was, would always be denied. He wanted to yell at her and tell her she was choosing the worst possible decision and call her mean words till his throat hurt. But he couldn't.
She was in a worse situation than anything he could ever imagine and needed help like he needed to breathe. He gave her hair one final ruffle before blowing out the lamp and leaving.
"Goodnight, sleep well," he muttered.
Just as he shut the door, he heard a squeak from her bed.
"What is it?"
She turned to look at him, sitting up as she did.
"I'm sorry, I'm just scared," her voice barely audible.
"It's fine," Argus said.
As he crawled into bed, all he thought of was her. He needed to get her home and see her smile.
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argus staying with her at the very end was v nice tho…. claidia needs one billion hugs and kisses rn
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deetealeaf · 6 months
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hi and welcome to my blog! stay awhile, if you'd like<33
this blog is a proclaimed @florsial fan blog!!!! anyone who dares to be rude or mean will be horrifically murdered <3333
About me-
my name is dee! im alright with nicknames tho, so go ahead
im queer, i go by she/her but will adore you forever if you sprinkle in some they/them
im mostly unlabeled when it comes to sexuality and gender, rn we're sticking woth just plain queer lols
i am a cancer sun, child of apollo, if you're into that
i am a minor, please dont be weird- i have a block button and im unafraid to use it :)
i love people, so talk to me if you'd like! dont be scared to start a convo<3
Things i like-
Music ->noah kahan, maisie peters, renee rapp, baby queen, beth mcarthy, conan gray, boygenius, lucy dacus, julien baker, hozier and tons more! but i mostly listen to specific songs, not specific artists.
Fandoms -> the marauders era, heartstopper, the batfam, harry potter(fuck jkr btw), percy jackson, heathers the musical, epic the musical, dead boy detectives
Books -> one for all by lillie lainoff, frankenstein(tho im not done reading it), dracula, the perks of being a wallflower, solitaire by alice oseman, as you wish by chelsea sedoti, kween by vichet chum, the gentlemans guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee, gwen and art are not in love, les miserables, and so much more that im not remembering(i also love book recs btw ;))
My tags-
dee's reblogs- stuff i think is important or just super cute
go to sleep dee challenge- mostly used at the unspeakable hours of the morning, basically shitposting
dee's music- rarely used, self explanatory i think
dee's gender- used when i need to panic about my gender on main, also very rarely used
dee's art tag- it is the tag where i art.
dee talks too much- new tag!! text posts
best ivan tag- tag for my lovely moot ivan<3
my fav dragon!- tag for my dear moot dragon<3
right now i only have this blog, which doesn't really have a theme, but ive been toying with the idea of a writing(vent tbh, not really writing) or art sideblog. ill tag it here if i do create it!!!
My blog/s-
HAHAHAAH IVE DONE IT!!! I created an art blog, but if yall wanna find it, ill make a post or something :)) just ask!!
have a wonderful day friend, and thanks for stopping by! i wish you the best<33
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kmomof4 · 2 years
Christmas Miracles for Storybrooke: A New Christmas Fic by @kmomof4
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Hello everyone!!! I am so excited to begin posting this years Christmas offering, I thought I’d offer y’all a sneak peek! This fic is inspired by the 1979 made for TV movie Christmas Lilies of the Field starring Billie Dee Williams, which was itself a sequel to the 1963 movie Lilies of the Field starring Sidney Poitier. The fic is complete with five chapters. It’ll start posting tomorrow, so the last chapter will be posted on Christmas Eve. 
Without further ado, here we go!
“So,” Killian began, looking around the kitchen at all the children and out the window over the sink at the rest of the compound. “Where does everyone sleep? I don’t see any new buildings around, and I know you don’t have the room in here for all of them.”
“We don’t,” Sister Astrid agreed. “They sleep in the barn.”
Killian couldn’t contain his shock at her statement. “What?”
Mother Superior turned to him, her face just as he remembered when he was under her care- like stone, eyes flashing, daring him to challenge her. “It is safe, warm, and dry. We have no other place for them and we certainly won’t be turning them out when they have no one else to care for them.”
Killian’s shock and dismay disappeared as quickly as it came. “Of course, you wouldn’t. No one would expect you to, Mother. But sleeping in a barn is no place for children, or expectant mothers.”
Mother Superior’s shoulders fell. “I know. Child Protective Services has given us until the end of the year to get adequate accommodations built or they’ll be collecting and separating the children.”
“I’d like to see them try to separate us,” Will interjected, angrily. “This is my family, and I’m not going anywhere without a fight.”
“The battle is the Lord’s, William,” Mother Superior reminded him. “The battle and the victory are His. We just have to have faith.” She turned toward Emma who was sweeping  the floor in the common room where they’d eaten. “Emma will be eighteen in October, they won’t have the authority to take her if she doesn’t wish to go, but her baby will be born by then…” she trailed away and smiled at the girl with soft affection before turning back to him. “Cora Mills, one of the ladies in our congregation, is hosting a bazaar Labor Day weekend to raise money for the building of a kindergarten so the children won’t be separated. She’s Henry Mills’ widow, very rich, and a bit eccentric, but she’s continued supporting us since Henry passed. Her donations make it possible to keep all the children fed and clothed.”
“Oh, I remember Mr. Henry, and I’ve already met Ms. Mills,” Killian acknowledged with a roll of his eyes. “She came to the office earlier today and introduced herself before asking… insisting really… on housecalls.”
Mother Superior rolled her eyes as well and one side of her mouth twitched up in a smirk. “I’m not terribly surprised. She claims to have a very rare and serious form of agoraphobia.” Her voice rose in exaggerated concern and Killian had trouble containing his chuckles as she continued. “She can’t leave her house unless she’s going to be surrounded by many people. At all times. And if those people she’s surrounded with just happen to think very highly of her, then so much the better. If she were to, say, go grocery shopping, alone… why, it would leave her bedridden for days afterward from her anxiety. She just can’t possibly… unless, of course, she’ll be the center of attention, or at least very visible, like on the front row of a church service, for example…”
She stopped abruptly and made the sign of the cross over herself as she lifted her eyes heavenward. “Lord, forgive me my uncharitable thoughts.”
“And who will be building the kindergarten?” he asked.
Mother Superior cut her eyes toward him furtively and Killian raised his eyebrow at her.
“You and Liam did good work for us when you built the chapel all those years ago…”
“Yes, we did, but you never paid us for the work, if you’ll remember,” he reminded her.
“You were both gone before I could!” she exclaimed. “I know now, of course, where you went and why, but neither of you informed us then. I had no idea where to find you! And besides,” she continued, with a hint of a smile, “the chapel still needs bells.”
Killian pressed his lips into a thin line. “I could probably reach out to Liam and see what can be done about that, but back then, we couldn’t get bells the right size without paying extortionate prices that you wouldn’t have approved in the first place!”
“How about this,” she offered. “If you will build us the kindergarten, we’ll pay you for your work on both.” She held her hand out for him to shake. He reached out and took it.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Mother. We’ll be cutting it close getting it built,” he observed, his brow furrowing. “I’ll only be able to work on it in the evenings and on the weekends.”
“The Lord is faithful and He will provide,” she assured him.
Killian grinned. “Indeed.” He looked around the clean kitchen, finding it empty.
“It is time for the evening vespers. Will you join us?” Mother Superior asked.
“Ah,” he scratched behind his ear in nervousness. He still believed, and tried to live his life accordingly, but he hadn’t stepped foot in a church since he left home to go to college. Mother Superior gave him an appraising look and looped her arm around his. She wasn’t going to give him the option, so he sighed in acquiescence. “Lead the way, Mother.”
Thank you for reading and sharing! Ch1 will be posting tomorrow!!
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inenochian · 1 year
Beautiful California Weather
Say_It_In_Enochian - Written for a JackeDee fic prompt: “Restless”
Dean can't put his finger on it but something about this day seems...wrong.
Warning: Spoilers for Where All My Journeys End & Twist and Shout
This is one of two ficlets written for Jackie Dee’s art fic prompt, “Restless.”
When writing my Twist and Shout AU fic (in which I butterfly-effected Dean and Cas so that things turned out realistically but differently and ended HAPPILY), I mused over the idea that if something tragic, really really tragic, happened to someone in one universe, might their counterpart in another universe feel some ripple of that? When reading Twist and Shout and trying to map out the timeframe it seemed like “Cas died on a Thursday,” sometime in early to mid-March of 1981. Would an Alt Universe Dean and Cas even notice that day?
Ultimately I didn’t write it, since I didn’t want to put anything sci-fi-ish in something that was supposed to be a historical fiction AU, but for Jackie Dee’s challenge, I explored that idea. This ficlet would have taken place early in Chapter 49 of WAMJE but is not referenced in that story for the aforementioned reasons (except for a small hint by Cas in the final scene of Ch 49).
Because of the subject, it is angsty and references relationships and situations established in WAMJE, including Dean's panic attacks and therapy, but ends with comfort, and hope, and love! 
One last but VERY IMPORTANT note:
I loved Twist and Shout, not for its ending (it wrecked me), but for the beautiful, realistic story Gabriel and Standbyme depicted. My writing an AU of it - or “ficfic,” was never an attempt to “fix” that story. Yes, it's tragic, yet beautiful and true to the time. Writing my T&S AU started as a way to work through emotional stuff I was going through at the time. Thanks to gabriel and standbyme for bringing the era to life.
Thursday March 12th 1981
Dean sat bolt upright in the bed with a gasp, instinctively reaching out to the man in the bed beside him.
Cas wasn’t there.
His eyes strained in the dark for a sign of him. Where is he? Where’s Cas? Where am I?
He pulled himself from the confusion of sleep, like trudging through heavy snow.
A sliver of light framed the window shade to the left allowing him to orient himself.
He was in his bed…In his room… His and Cas’s room…Cas’s side of the bed was cold.
Dean looked at the clock on the bedside table.
He groped in the near dark for the lamp beside him, almost toppling it. He turned the small knob flicking it on, shielding his eyes at first from the glare.
Cas’s clean laundry was still in the basket near the dresser where Dean set it last night after he’d folded it.
After Cas kissed him goodbye and went in for his shift.
That was seven hours ago. Another nine before Cas would be coming home.
Dean sat back against the headboard, hugging his knees close, resting his head on his arms. He blew out a heavy breath trying to shake the strange feeling - trying to clear the clinging fog from his brain.
It wasn’t right that Cas wasn’t here.
Dean rubbed his hands over his face. That was stupid. Of course Cas wasn’t here. He had a double shift. This was normal.
Perfectly normal.
He flicked off the light, rolling over onto his side and closing his eyes, but couldn’t shake the lingering anxiousness produced by whatever had awoken him.
On an impulse he grabbed Cas’s pillow, tossing his own to the floor as he pulled it beneath his head, hoping the subtle scent of the man would alleviate the weighty feeling of his absence.
He only remembered he’d changed the sheets the night before when he inhaled the nose-tickling fragrance of ocean breeze detergent where the soothing scent of Cas’s skin should be.
He closed his eyes anyway trying not to think about the time and how he needed sleep…. because once you start thinking about the time your mind won’t stop obsessing on it….. so he really needed to just make his mind blank…do some of that deep breathing shit Benny and Pamela always told him to do when his mind started racing out of control.
His back was cold where Cas’s body should be pressed up against him - warming him like his own personal furnace.
Dean opened his eyes.
He sat up and switched on the light again, hating the way it basked the room in its too-yellow glow, making everything it touched seem artificial too. When they built their house Dean would make sure there were lots of windows…lots of natural light.
And still, he couldn’t shake it…this feeling he couldn’t put his finger on that wouldn’t let him rest. A foreboding. He wondered if it had been a dream, but couldn’t for the life of him remember anything more than that moment of dread that had thrown him out of his sleep and now wouldn’t let him get back to it.
He needed Cas.
Like, needed him.
Like a fix…No…more like a life saving drug.
Dean needed to touch him. To know he was real.
Fucking ridiculous is what it was. Missing your lover when he’s at work is one thing. Pining after him like a toddler in need of a goddamn security blanket is something else.
He got up and did what Cas would make him do if it were one of his panic attacks, even though it was clear this wasn’t one of them. Not a typical one anyway. No racing heart. No gasping breaths, no lingering taste of metal in his mouth. Just a looming shadow… a chill at the nape of his neck.
Dean couldn’t explain it. Somehow that made it worse.
Still, he trudged down the narrow hall of their trailer to the kitchen and switched on the light. He popped some bread into the toaster oven and peeled a banana, eating the fruit while he waited for the toast to pop. His shift at the garage didn’t start for a few hours, so after finishing the toast Dean tried going back to bed.
The sunlight streamed more brightly now through the sides of the window shades. Dean lay back down under the covers and pulled the pillow half over his head to block it. He tried going back to sleep but the urge to keep checking the clock for the time was overwhelming.
It was too quiet here in the bed without Cas’s soft snores. Without the little sleepy hums he made when he shifted in Dean’s arms. Too cold without the warmth of their limbs tangling together.
How is it that they’d argued just two nights ago over which one of them was hogging the blankets? Over which one of them was taking up more than their fair space in the queen-sized bed?
How is it that Dean had complained and tried to roll Cas over to “his side” of some imaginary line down the center of the mattress? Had grabbed his pillow and spare blanket and ended up on the couch - when all he wanted at the moment was to be crowded by Cas’s overheated, sweaty, sleepy body? To feel the rise and fall that marked the cadence of his breath and know that he was real. That they were real.
This is crazy, Dean thought, the sudden heartache, almost a physical pain inside him.
Dean needed him. Now.
Needed to know he was safe.
Dean shook his head. What did that even mean? Of course he was safe. The hospital would have called if…
He fought the urge to grab the phone and call Cas in the middle of his shift.
Cas would want him to. Even if he couldn’t talk to Dean right away he’d want to know Dean needed him. He’d find a way to call him back, even if it meant sacrificing his break. Cas was like that. He was always looking out for Dean like that.
Dean hated that he needed it sometimes. He could usually just soldier on through it…but this feeling… this cold at the nape of his neck…the harrowing down his spine…
Dean looked at the clock.
Dean thought about the way they used to lay, clinging to each other against the threat of toppling onto the floor in the little twin-sized bed they shared in Cas’s old apartment. Thought about their sweat drenched bodies sliding against one another in the California night. Soft lips on hot skin...limbs tangled... never a care for personal space. He thought about how Cas’s legs seemed to always weave themselves around his so perfectly, no matter how humid the summer night, when they were young.
Dean tossed in the bed, switching sides, shifting up against the edge as if doing so could put himself back there, a balancing act - shifting Cas’s pillows behind him to pretend there was a body at his back. It wasn’t the same, and still the need to see him, to touch his face, to kiss his lips….
He got up and squeezed into the narrow shower stall of their bathroom, pressing himself against the back wall until the water temperature was right. If he hurried he could swing by the hospital before going to the garage. Bring Cas a thermos of coffee or something - just because.  
As much as they hated hiding their relationship, they weren’t in San Francisco anymore. Cas needed a chance to establish himself without having to deal with hateful bullshit and discrimination. For that matter, there was no doubt in Dean’s mind that his new boss at the garage would fire him if he knew Dean was playing doctor with Dr. Novak.
Would it be too obvious? Cas’s “roommate” bringing him coffee in the middle of his shift?
He was being paranoid. Friends do nice things for each other all the time.
Dean made a fresh pot of coffee and poured most of it in his work thermos, adding in sugar and cream, just the way Cas liked it.
He quickly made a ham and cheese sandwich, wrapped it in foil, and put it in the metal Stanley lunchbox that he’d had since he worked in Sacramento at Bobby’s, along with another banana, a hostess fruit pie, and two cans of A&W. He placed the lunchbox and thermos in his backpack, grabbed his army surplus jacket from the hook by the door and headed out.
The hum of the 4 stroke engine of his motorcycle grounded him. Pamela was forever making jokes about it but it beat her badass Harley with its ape-hanger handlebars any day for sheer power, and for a moment, as he sped down the dirt driveway of their new property toward the main road, Dean felt like he was flying, leaving that shadow that had plagued his morning in the dust.
There was barely any traffic, when he got into town, early as it was for even the morning commute. Still, the noise of the engine garnered him a few frowns and disgruntled looks from people waiting for buses while he waited for the lights to turn.
Dean pulled into the grounds of Angels of Mercy Hospital. He parked the bike in the emergency room lot and made his way into the lobby. Cas was working in the ER today. He went to the main desk which was currently unoccupied except for the receptionist flipping through the latest copy of the Ladies Home Journal.
“Hey,” Dean said.
“Hello,” the woman smiled, closing the magazine and pushing it aside, her eyes alighting on Dean with an interested smile.
“I’m a friend of Castiel Novak. You don’t happen to know if he has a minute, do you? It’s not an emergency or anything,” Dean said, feeling foolish even saying that part given he’d just walked into the ER.  “I just have something for him.”
Just then a doctor in a white coat, stethoscope round his neck, popped into the registration area. “Wendy I just got a call that they’re flying in a patient from that accident on 97 and another ambulance is en route. Direct anyone with non-life-threatening conditions to the clinic on Broad Street okay?”
“Yes, Dr. Wallace. Oh! Would you happen to know where Dr. Novak is? This gentleman has something for him.”
The stupidly handsome doctor with the blue eyes and perfectly white smile regarded Dean, offering a handshake in greeting. “Inias Wallace. I’m Dr. Novak’s Attending Physician. How can I help you?”
Dean wasn’t expecting the jolt to the spine that ran through his limbs making him feel he might sprout claws from his fingertips, nor the way his eyes narrowed on Wallace like a sniper.
No you can’t fucking help me. Where’s Cas?
“Dean Winchester,” he said with a squaring of shoulders and lift to his chin. He shook Wallace’s hand.  
“Oh, Dean! Cas mentioned you. You’re his roommate aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” Dean said thickly, fighting the urge to tell this guy exactly who he was to Cas. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“He’s asleep in the on-call room at the moment. We had a pretty long night. Do you want me to wake him?”
“No!” Dean shook his head. He’d figured catching Cas in a free moment was a long shot, still, it was a disappointment to say the least, and making things worse… the way this guy spoke about Cas like he was his keeper.
“No, don’t wake him.”
A voice in his head told Dean he was being unreasonable. This guy was in charge of the Residents. He should be glad he was looking out for Cas.
Dean reached into his backpack, pulling out the thermos of coffee. “When he does wake up, can you give him this though? It’s just coffee. I was on my way to work so figured I’d stop by and bring him some.”
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it,” Wallace said, taking the thermos.
“Yeah,” Dean said, slipping his hands in his pockets. He was stalling now, hoping Cas would pop through the door if he just waited a minute longer. “Okay…okay well, anyway…gotta go,” Dean nodded to them both finally, and turned to leave.
Dean finished replacing the carburetor on a Ford Escort when he was called into the office. He checked his watch.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, some guy called. I told him you were working. Said to tell you thanks for the coffee. I ain’t your answering service Winchester.”
“Yeah..No..I mean. Thanks for the message.”
“Hey, there’s a station wagon out in the lot waitin on brake pads and an inspection, and a Volkswagon with a leak in the cooling system. Get on it, pretty boy.”
Get on it.
Dean took a deep breath and reminded himself that he needed this job, at least for now, if he and Cas were ever gonna build a life for themselves here. He checked his watch again as if by some miracle it would tell him more than two minutes had passed by since the last time he checked. No dice.
“Winchester, inventory the shipment of the new parts we got in, then punch out.”
He took the clipboard from the shop manager and made his way to the back of the shop.
“Hey, Dean, why don’t you come out with me and Richie for a few drinks later,” one of the full-time mechanics offered.
“Yeah Dean, you can witness this loser hit on every chick with a pulse and strike out anyway!” Richie laughed.
“Shut up faggot! At least I ain’t afraid to approach a woman. You just stare at your feet and mumble if one of 'em tries to even talk to you.”
“Thanks, guys. After this I got somewhere to be,” Dean said, eyeing the inventory list.
“Is she hot?”
Cas should have been home twenty minutes ago. Dean turned on the tv and went to the window, but there was still no sign of Cas coming up the road.
Dean reprimanded himself. This wasn’t like him, hovering like this, but ever since this morning there’d been this itch under his skin that he couldn’t scratch.
He went to the sink to put away the dishes that had been left to dry in the rack the night before. One slipped from his hand smashing on the floor. Cas’s NYU mug.
Dean bent over to pick up the shards before Freddie could come nosing around and injure a paw.
Fuck. It was the only thing Cas really had from his time in New York City. Now Dean had fucking broken it.
And where was Cas? Why wasn’t he here?
It was too quiet here without him. It was… empty.
Dean suddenly felt like he was being pulled under water, into a dark overwhelming gloom.
It had been nagging at him all day. This feeling like something was just behind him, something he was trying to outrun…he’d tried keeping busy all day just to keep ahead of it, knowing if he slowed down it would catch him…pull him under…. Ruin him.
Cas wasn’t coming home.
That’s crazy…he’s coming home…of course he’s….
The metallic taste filled his mouth.
Breathe through it…it’ll pass
Dean couldn’t breathe.
He looked around the living room of the trailer…he was alone…
I’m going to lose him.
He was only ever going to be alone…Cas was gone…he’d lost him somehow…
Despair covered him like a shroud…heavy and crippling… malevolent…
He was going to die alone…
Maybe that was okay…at least the dying part
Then maybe he’d be with Cas…
What? No…Fuck!
Dean couldn’t breathe…
He needed air… this fucking yellow light on everything …Dean needed air…
He burst out the front door trying to suck in the fresh air but his chest was too tight…
Five things…find five things…
Dean stumbled toward the patch of trees…
The crunch of last year's leaves underfoot…rough bark on his palm…
Fuck! Don’t pass out here….fuck!
He sank down…back against the tree…pulling his knees up…head between his knees
Breathe Dean…fucking breathe…
The ground was cold and damp beneath him…
Cold like Cas’s hand…like Cas’s body…
This isn’t real!
The ground, Dean refocused …cold and damp…how many was that? Shit! He hadn’t been counting.
I’m gonna lose him…
He closed his eyes tight…hand cradling his forehead….he was alone….
I love you….I love you….
Breathe Dean….
It’s…it’s gonna be okay…breathe….
“Breathe Dean…”
“I’ve got you…breathe with me….inhale…exhale…”
Five things…five things he could sense...
Crunch of last year's leaves next to him…cold ground where he sat….
“You’re okay, Dean...inhale….”
Rough scrape of bark against his skin…
“It’ll pass…”
Birdsong in the trees….warm sun on his face….a calm voice...
“Can you look at me, baby? ...Dean, look at me, sweetheart.”
Warm hands on his skin…gentle hands…
“You’re doing so good, Baby…you’re okay…it’ll pass…I love you…”
Cas’s hands…
I love you…
“I love you… It’s okay…breathe with me, Dean…”
“I’m here,” Cas said. “Dean. I’m right here. Just keep breathing with me.”
Cas’s body, warm against his side where he crouched next to Dean…
“You're doing so good, Dean. You’re okay.”
“Cas….Cas, I’m so sorry!”
Cas regarded him, concerned eyes soft on his own, “For what, baby?”
“For leaving you…I’m sorry I wasn’t what you needed me to be…”
“I…I don’t know what you mean,” Cas’s hand rubbed circles on his back.
“When I left you…all those years…I left you..”
“But you came back,” Cas’s brow knitted as he searched Dean’s face. “Sweetheart…that was a long time ago,” Cas touched the back of his hand to Dean’s forehead, checking for fever.
Dean took his hand…gripped it tight against his chest.
“I know…I know Cas…I don’t know why I…I just woke up this morning and I…” Dean shook his head. “It felt like I was losing you.”
“Dean,” Cas cocked his head, his tone mildly admonishing. “Don’t you know by now you’re stuck with me?” Cas smiled, his free hand cupping Dean’s cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“You weren’t….” You were gone, Dean thought. I lost you… . He searched Cas’s eyes. Cas hadn’t left him….why did he even think that? They were okay….they were going to be okay… “It doesn’t matter now,” he said finally, closing his eyes and shaking his head to clear it.
When he opened them again Cas was appraising him, eyes blue, like the lupines that grew in their meadow in spring. Blue and full of life and tenderness.
“Come here,” Dean gasped suddenly, pulling Cas into his lap, and clinging to him tightly. Cas let out a little surprised “Oh! Okay!”
Dean cradled the back of Cas’s head with his hand. Cas tucked his face into the crook of Dean’s neck.
This was what he’d needed all day. The reassuring touch he craved. The softness of Cas’s hair against his cheek. The feel of Cas’s heartbeat against his own. His skin smelt clean like the Ivory soap he’d showered with before coming home from his shift.
“I needed this,” Dean confessed, his lips against Cas’s hair. “I just needed to feel you…to touch you.  I can’t explain it.”
“I tried to call you, but your boss is a real dick.”
“Heh,” Dean huffed, with a tired smile. “Don’t I know it.”
Cas hummed, thoughtfully. He shifted back in Dean’s arms, letting go enough to see his face.
“It was a nice surprise. The coffee.”
“It wasn’t nothin, Cas,” Dean blushed, knowing Cas was assessing him now, searching his expression with a worried little pinch to his brow.
Cas lifted his hand to cup Dean’s cheek. Dean placed his own hand against Cas’s, holding it there before placing a kiss on his palm.
“I broke your mug,” Dean remembered suddenly. He gripped Cas’s hand, pulling it away from his face, but holding on, caressing Cas’s fingers and palm. “The NYU one. I’m sorry, Cas.”
“Oh! That’s okay. I didn’t really like that one anyway,” Cas's lips quirked into a smile as he caught Dean’s eyes again.  “It’s too wide. Too much surface area. The coffee and tea always get cold too fast in that one.”
Cas shifted off Dean’s lap, sitting next to him, both of their backs against the tree. He smiled softly. “Should we go inside? Or do you need a change of scene?”
Dean searched Cas’s face as if looking at him for the first time, trying to take in every feature, every crinkle and laugh line and commit it to memory. He swept the hair from Cas’s forehead smiling back. “Maybe…maybe a quick drive with you. Just…yeah..change of scene for a bit, but…I just really want us to spend time together tonight.”
“We could go into town and get a pizza,” Cas suggested. He looked around seeming to notice their surroundings. “It’s still warm out. Actually a pretty nice night for a walk through town. I stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and picked up that new motocross mag and a few catalogs that had home designs and blueprints in them. I saw a few that looked nice and wanted to show you. That’s why I was late actually. Sorry I wasn’t home sooner.”
“That’s okay Cas.”
“I guess that might be kind of boring though huh? Just looking at house plans. We can go see a movie if you-”
“No!” Dean interrupted. “Boring is good. Boring is… perfect. But for the record Cas, looking through design catalogs for the home I’m gonna build with you is anything but boring. That was actually really sweet of you.”
Cas smiled with a shy bite to his lip, then stood, offering a hand to Dean and pulling him up.
“Feeling better then?” He asked, regarding Dean, the little furrow in his gaze returning briefly.
“You’re here.” Dean’s hand squeezed Cas’s tighter. “I feel perfect."
They walked to the Impala, Dean holding Cas’s hand, thinking about all the little ways Cas showed Dean every day that he loved him, and about all the ways Dean was going to show his love to Cas in return. Every day.  
A whole lifetime full of love.
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Transcription of Dr. Death Defying Radio Show, Special Holiday version, 14th February, 2019.
Couple: Party Poison/Dr. Benzedrine
Show Pony: …Oh, are we on? Hello, my favourite people of all people! I am your most beloved and requested host, Show Pony! Today is the 14th of February, you guessed it, it’s Valentine's Day! The advice of the day is to fucking tell that one joy that you are pastel for them, because personally, I think pastel is a cool word.
Now, last year, we brought on some Cherri Cola poetry actions and a special love song from our dearie Mad Gear. He played a wonderful melody dedicated to Missile Kid, who was, funnily enough, in the next room. I saw that you guys definitely enjoyed the special guests, so I figured, why don’t we have more this year? After all, it would be so boring to hear my lovely voice rambling all day, right?
So, without further a-do-a-dee, let’s welcome our new people. For privacy purpose, we are going to use nicknames so there’s no point finding them, folks, you better get rid of the idea!
Murder Wizard: Hi, I’m Murder Wizard.
Nosebleed: I’m Nosebleed.
Show Pony: Okay, let’s make this straight, you guys are a couple, yeah?
Murder Wizard: Pony, that is not the definition of straight. But yes, we are.
Show Pony: Wonderful! Happy Valentine! So, any plans for the day?
Nosebleed: Considering the fact that you knocked on our door at an unholy hour in the morning to drag us here, no, not really.
Murder Wizard: Sorry, he didn’t get enough sleep last night. We were busy-
Nosebleed: I dare you to finish that sentence.
Murder Wizard: …Alright.
Show Pony: Boys, boys, calm down. I know that this is my fault. To make up for it, how about we play a fun little game and I’ll let you guys go?
Murder Wizard: Sure.
Show Pony: Cool! The game is simple. I had some questions regarding love sent in from some killjoys out there who need advice, and you will have to answer them.
Nosebleed: You know that I should be the last person to ask for love advice, right?
Show Pony: I mean you got yourself this crash queen right here as proof that you got something up your sleeve, no?
Nosebleed: I think it’s because Murder Wizard is kinda fucked in the head.
Murder Wizard: Hey!
Show Pony: Let’s see… the first question is from a gentleman called Fusion Heatstroke. ‘Hello, Show Pony and whoever the guests are. I’m in a situation where I made a really bad first impression with this motor baby and I want to change that. Any advice?’.
Murder Wizard: That’s an easy fix. Just show ‘em that you’re better than what you showed. Like meeting them a lot, being nice and so on!
Nosebleed: You weren’t particularly nice to me.
Show Pony: What is your first impression of the other?
Murder Wizard: This guy is no fun.
Nosebleed: You still say that all the time, though?
Murder Wizard: Never admitted that I was wrong.
Show Pony: What about you, Nosebleed?
Nosebleed: Fucking annoying son of a bitch.
[someone yelled]
Show Pony: Please leave the fight after the show. Okay, let’s move on. This next question is from… oh, a familiar name, Tommy! What an honor! ‘Not really a question, but I want to get someone away from their crew from time to time, and I need a list of excuses ASAP. Whoever Show Pony brings on must be able to answer this, right?’
Murder Wizard: I take this as a challenge. Fixing a broken down vehicle, needing a helping hand at your store, you name it. It’s actually pretty easy, and my advice to you is to ask them privately before letting the crew know, ‘cause like, if the other person already agreed then what’s the point in stopping them, you know?
Show Pony: You seem experienced, Murder.
Nosebleed: You never had to do that with me. I’m wondering, where does this come from?
Murder Wizard: No! I saw… uh, that blond friend of yours using those shits to get my blond particle of the group away all the time!
Nosebleed: Fair enough.
Show Pony: Then what does Murder do to get your attention, Nosebleed?
Nosebleed: They are like, constantly invading my home and personal space. It never changes. I’m just better at enduring them.
Murder Wizard: I love you, too.
Show Pony: Leave that to the pillow talk and let’s move on to our final question so I can let you two disgusting creatures go-
Murder Wizard: Oh yeah? And who begged us to fill in because you were left hanging by a certain other couple?
Show Pony: This is from someone who would like to remain anonymous. Thank you for joining in! ‘How do I tell them that I am pastel for them? I don’t think just one sentence is enough, and a whole speech sounds kinda cringe to me.’
Nosebleed: Murder is good with speeches, I can give them that.
Murder Wizard: I am!
Nosebleed: Anyway, the point is that you get your feelings across, I believe, and do what you feel like it’s best. Other than that I don’t know what to tell you.
Murder Wizard: Getting philosophical, are we?
Nosebleed: At least I’m being helpful.
Show Pony: Since Murder is good at doing a speech, how about you declare your love to Nosebleed right here, right now? You have 10 seconds to prepare if you want.
Murder Wizard: I don’t need that crap. Ahem.
I love you to the moon and back, and then another 10 rounds around Zone 7. I would take down Battery City, sell my car, or even cut off my own arms and legs if they mean you will give me just a smile. I swear under the Witch and Destroya or whatever God is looking down at us that my love for you is undying, even if we’re dusted and gone. My love will bleed into the air you breathe, and it’s so much that you will breathe the same air in your next life walking this Earth.
Show Pony: Wow, you don’t even stop to breathe.
Murder Wizard: Thanks.
Show Pony: Nosebleed?
Murder Wizard: Nosebleed, what are you- Get off me! We’re in the studio- Hmph!
Show Pony: Ew! Get a room, you two!
[something crashed]
Show Pony: Well, I guess that will be the end of today’s special Valentine show. I hope you find it fun, yeah, fun. Anyways, thank you for tuning in! I will see you next time!
[radio signal stopped]
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tbyfandoms · 3 years
Here For You | Luke Hemmings x Reader
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Pairing: luke hemmings x f!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: when y/n notices luke drifting away from her, she decides to confront him on it. luke’s response leads to shock and a whole lot of heartache
Warnings: angst, mild swearing (like one word)
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hi everyone! here's my first ever luke hemmings fic! I wrote this in honor of @goldensonlyangel 's 1k celebration! (congrats again on hitting 1k!) I've loved luke for so long and when i saw him as an option for the fic challenge, i just had to write about him! it’s not the greatest fic i’ve written, but it is kind of a heavy one so sorry if it gets you emotional lol. nonetheless, it was so fun to write and i'm glad i was able to finish it before the challenge ended. i hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think! :)
It’s probably been a few days since you started to notice the differences. The way Luke would now be up out of bed and gone from the house before you woke up. The way you could barely hold a conversation with him at dinner given his short responses and only excuse being that he was tired. The way every night when you two went to bed, he seemed to create as much distance from you as possible, leaving you feeling hurt and confused.
This sudden display of distance took you by complete surprise. Before a couple days ago things were going wonderful between you both. The two of you have only been dating for half a year, but you felt such a deep connection with Luke and you assumed he felt the same considering how he treated you and handled your relationship.
When Luke asked you to move in with him and Petunia a month ago you never felt so happy and excited. Considering his busy schedule and constant traveling, Luke thought it would be best if you moved in with him so he could spend as much time with you as possible, both of you hating how far from him you were in your old apartment. With moving in you’d both never have to worry about planning times for you to go to his house or for him to go to yours. Luke could go to sleep and wake up with his two favorite girls every day. It was the perfect situation and you both seemed so happy with how the relationship was going, never before having felt something like it.
But now you don’t know what to think. Everything feels weird and you can tell something has shifted in your relationship, you just can’t figure out what it is. Luke’s opened up to you before but you can tell there’s something he’s holding back. You’ve reached out to Ashton, knowing Luke’s got a strong bond with him and tells Ash almost everything, but it was no use. All Ashton told you was that Luke was going through some things he thought he moved on from and that you should just give him some time and he’ll come around. You didn’t understand how that was supposed to help. You know everyone needs their space to deal with personal things sometimes, but when it comes to your relationship you figured Luke would be open and honest with you, not shut you out. You don’t know whether to be worried about this or not.
So here you are now, racking your brain for any sign you might have looked over from the past week that could clue you in on what’s going on inside Luke’s head, as you sit and wait for him to come home.
There’s nothing you can think of, no arguments have happened between you both and nothing’s changed in anyone’s routine. It’s been business as usual in the best possible way, and that’s what’s got you so confused and anxious.
Whatever it is you just hope it’s nothing awful and that maybe Luke does just need some alone time. But what you don’t want to do is waste anymore time. Even if it’s the easiest route, shutting people out is never the option, especially when it’s your partner. You’ll get to the bottom of this, and hopefully it’ll do more good than harm.
Petunia wiggles her way off the couch beside you and you watch as she scurries over to the front door. She can always tell when Luke’s arrived home.
You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the confrontation you know is about to go down. You just want to make sure Luke’s okay, but you don’t know if he’ll take your questioning that way.
Luke opens the door and you can’t help but smile as you watch him laugh and bend down to pet Petunia, always happy to see how excited she gets when he comes home.
“Hey, love,” you say timidly, not knowing if he’s still going to be cold towards you.
Luke glances up at you and then looks back down at Petunia before slowly standing back up. “Hey.”
Short, no use of a pet name or even just your name, not exactly cold but definitely not warm.
You feel yourself deflate instantly.
Luke starts to move towards the kitchen but before he can go very far you call out to him. “Luke, can we talk? Please?”
You swear you see him tense for a second before he turns back around to face you.
“Yeah, sure.” He won’t meet your gaze and you can feel your anxiety raising by the second. What’s going on with him?
The two of you make your way over to the couch and sit down. There’s probably three feet between you and Luke but you try not to think about it.
“Is everything okay? These past few days I’ve noticed you’ve been really distant. You’re gone every morning before I wake up, you barely say more than a full sentence to me when you’re home, and when we go to sleep it’s like you can’t stand to touch me. I’m worried, Luke. What’s going on, are you alright?”
Luke takes a breath and looks over at you. It’s the first time he’s looked you in the eyes in days and the guilt and remorse is evident in them.
“I think we should break up,” he replies, and instantly your breath is caught in your throat. Tears begin to prick in your eyes and suddenly your mission to figure out what’s wrong has turned into your heart being shattered.
A beat of silence and then, “What?” It comes out like a whisper, your voice not strong enough for anything more as you try to refill your lungs with air.
“I-It would be best for both of us if we just ended things now before..." Luke trails off and doesn't finish his sentence. His internal struggle is obvious and it kills you that even during a moment like this, he's still holding back and shutting you out.
"Before what, Luke? Why won't you tell me what's going on inside your head?" Your voice begins to waver and you wish you could control your emotions right now but it's so hard when the man you've fallen in love with is breaking your heart right before your eyes.
"Before we inevitably break up anyways!" He rushes out his response and your left even more sad and confused.
"Why would we inevitably break up? I know I can't predict the future but I don't plan on us breaking up any time soon. I don't know about you but I'm pretty in love with you, Luke!"
Luke stands up from the couch and runs a hand through his hair, becoming frustrated. "And what you think I'm not in love with you?"
You feel your chest tighten for a moment, regretting making him feel that's what you thought, but then feel defensive because who wouldn't think that after how he's been this past week? "I don't know! I thought you were but actions speak louder than words and this week all you've done is make me believe you're anything but in love with me!"
"Y/N I'm doing this because I'm in love with you!"
"How the hell does that even make sense!?" You get up from the couch and move to stand in front of Luke as your mind reels with everything happening. You can't at all grasp the concept on how Luke breaking up with you correlates to him still being in love with you.
"It just does, okay? I'm sorry I know I'm hurting you right now but I'm only doing it to save you from being hurt worse in the future. I just- I can't-" You look up into Luke's eyes and you can see how glossy they are, tears threatening to spill at any moment. He looks broken and even amidst the current chaos, all you want to do is hold him close.
"Why would I be hurt worse in the future? What's going to happen?" Your voice lowers, becomes more gentle. You reach out and place your hands on Luke's chest and you watch as he melts into them. "Why can't you just let me all the way in?"
Luke closes his eyes as tears begin to fall down his face. This is one of the only times you've ever seen Luke cry and the sight of it breaks your heart even more.
"It's just-that's how it always is with me. Every relationship I've ever been in has ended so horribly and has been so toxic. I don't want that to happen to us, I don't want that to happen to you. You don't deserve it and in all honesty I don't deserve you."
"Luke..." You whisper, reaching up and cupping his face within your hands.
"Every time I think I've found someone good it gets twisted so fast. All my relationships turn into disasters filled with arguments and heartache, and whenever I tried to fix them it always felt like I was taking all the blame and holding on to something not worth it. Everyone I've been with has drained me and made me feel like that's how love always ends up, and I'm not trying to play victim because I know I've made horrible choices that have hurt other people but it's like nothing good ever happens. And I'm not saying that I feel this way with you, God I feel the exact opposite. Everything feels right and good with you and I know we've moved fast but I promise you I don't regret any of it. I'm just terrified of it ending like the rest of my relationships and I won't be able to handle that, not again."
More tears fall down Luke's face and you do your best to try and wipe them away, hating the fact he's felt like this and has dealt with so much to the point he's willing to give up love before it can hurt him again.
"It's all I've been able to think about this past week. After my last relationship I thought I had processed everything and grown and was able to realize love is complicated at times but at the end of the day is so good and pure, but I just can't get the idea of it crumbling again out of my head. Maybe I'm overreacting but I just don't want to ruin everything more than I already am right now."
Luke leans his head down and presses his forehead against yours as he tries to even out his breathing. Your heart hurts but now for completely different reasons than when this conversation started.
"I want to be the type of man you deserve so badly. I don't want to hurt you or breakup because I truly believe you are the love of my life, I have never felt anything like this before, but I just don't know what to do."
You're so extremely shocked at everything Luke has just told you. You knew he had some trouble with his past relationships, but not to this extent. You figured they ended just due to differences and typical relationship struggles, but this is so much more than that. A lot of the heartbreaking songs Luke wrote and told you were about his friend's relationships, start to seem to be more about his relationships and feelings.
"Luke, look at me," You say softly, guiding his head up so you can look him in the eyes. "You are the most wonderful man I've ever had the pleasure of being with. I have fallen so deeply in love with you, I don't even think you realize it. I am so incredibly sorry that you've had to deal with all of that in your past relationships. It's so insanely heartbreaking and I completely understand where you're coming from."
Luke looks at you with so much adoration and he can't believe how kind and caring you're being right now, but also he can because that's how you've always been. He can't understand how such a wonderful person has come into his life.
"I wish you wouldn't put that all on your shoulders because not everything is your fault. The way you were treated is disgusting and I know you've made mistakes too, but no one is perfect. The blame should never be put on one person if both people involved have done wrong. I want you to know that you deserve so much more in love than you've gotten and that I am willing to be that person to show you that. I get that you need to deal with these things though, so If you think breaking up so you can have time to really heal is what you need then I understand and respect that. But no matter what happens I want you to know that I'm here for you, Luke Hemmings, always."
By this time tears are streaming down both yours and Luke's faces. There is so much emotion between the two of you right now that it's indescribable. You've both been vulnerable with each other before but this is something so unique and raw.
Reaching up and placing his hands over yours on his face, Luke gives you a small smile and leans into your hand. "You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
A similar smile spreads across your face and hearing Luke say those words somehow has your heart piecing back together.
"And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Luke's smile widens but then falters instantly. He removes your hands from his face and holds them between you both.
"I'm sorry I worried you and was so cold to you this week. I wanted to save you from being hurt and in the end I hurt you anyways. And I shouldn't have started this whole conversation off with saying we should break up. I'm an idiot and should've just been honest with you from the beginning. Breaking up with you is the last thing I want. All I need is to continue to talk through all of this and move forwards and I was wrong to think I should do that without you."
"Hey, it's okay. You opened up and let me know what was going on. It's really hard to do that and sometimes we don't go about it the right way, but what matters is that you did it and now I can help you."
"Okay, but I'm still sorry and I'm extremely grateful for you." Luke ponders for a moment before he smirks and says, "If you'll still have me, I'd love to continue to be your boyfriend."
"Hmm, I don't know, it depends. Do you have a really cute dog that likes to cuddle?" Luke let's out a loud, genuine laugh and the sound makes your heart flutter. You've always adored his laugh.
"I do have a really cute dog that likes to cuddle," he replies.
"Alright, I guess you can be my boyfriend then," you shrug and let out a giggle as you see Luke playfully roll his eyes.
"Gee, thanks I guess." He lets out a small laugh before letting go of your hands and reaching up to bring your face closer to his. Luke lightly brushes his nose up against yours before closing the gap between you and planting a soft kiss on your lips.
You stay like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's touch and closeness. There's something about your relationship that makes each of you feel like home to the other, and neither of you would change that for the world.
Suddenly you feel a nudge against your leg and you break apart from Luke to look down and see Petunia sat between the two of you, looking up at both of you wondering what just happened.
The two of you laugh before bending down and embracing Petunia. Just as you did earlier, you sit and watch as Luke greets Petunia with a fond smile, but this time feeling much lighter and at ease.
Although there's lots of things to be worked through, you know you'll both be just fine. After all, you'll be there for Luke just like you know he'll be there for you.
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