#go youkyung
cora-writes-things · 2 years
is there anything that compares to the pain of finding a new kpop girl group that embraces and discusses the queer coding in their mvs, watching said mvs, and THEN discovering that the group quietly disbanded earlier this year
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bravegirlss · 3 years
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the prettiest girls (spoiler it’s all of them) 110/? ♡ go youkyung
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qodesuser · 3 years
°•°*✧ QODES ✧*°•°
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– editei essa foto para postar em outro site só que lá não deu nem pra por legenda então vai aqui mesmo
★ {like and reblog} ★
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fatmilkers · 3 years
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QODES Delta IG update: 🐬🐬🐬
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alienzomby · 3 years
Mobile Sims 4 CC KPOP/JPOP/CPOP List
This is the full list of KPOP/Jpop/Cpop cc for people using mobile. If you want to see a list of my CC that isn't meant for this list you can go here. I will update both lists as CC gets released. If you want to see the full list of cc I plan on releasing and to see what I am currently working on go here
If the group name is linked it means clicking on it will lead you to the group cc.
If the idol's name is linked that means the link will lead you to the bias cc.
People in disbanded groups and are not active as a soloist will be listed under the last group they where in.
If they are currently in a group that is still actively promoting then they are under that group name.
If someone has been a soloist their whole career they will be listed under soloists.
If someone was apart of a disbanded group and is active as a they will still be listed under the last group they where in.
Project groups/Temp groups will not be included on this list because most if not all have main groups or are/were active soloists.
Because there is over 4659 individual idol names active and inactive the groups might be added before the biases are.
Bold mean’s it’s been done and maybe needs a update.
Slash through a person name means cc has been released and is the last update of that set because of a jail or a scandal that was too severe to continue to support that person.
Slash through a group name means the cc has been updated for the last time for that group(usually because of disbandment) and will not be updated unless the group releases a new album.
Italics means that it’s in a huge group/bias set because the group/person didn't/doesn't promote a lot.
✞ means that the person the cc was done for died and will no longer be updated after it's initial release, or will only be updated to include their final promotions.
[xxx]means clicking on it will lead you to the group or bias cc depending on which you click the idol name or the group name.
CC is listed under the cut
Baek Yerin
Park Jimin (Jamie)
Ji Eun
Punch (Samuel)
1/One (Jay1)
Jo Kwon
Jenyer (Jiyoon)
4TEN (Poten)
Hee O
Lee Sam
Moon Hyuna
Ryu Sera
AOA [AOA Cream]
Ji Woo
So Min
NCT [NCT U, NCT 127, NCT Dream, WayV]
Xiao Jun
Yang Yang
Red Velvet [Irene & Seulgi]
Taeha, IONE
Stray Kids [3RACHA]
Lee Know (Minho)
Bang Chan (CB97)
Changbin (SPEARB)
Han (J.ONE)
Project/Temp Group CC
Random CC
Random Asian Idol Stickers
Random Asian Idol Stickers pt 2
Allkpop Shirts
Allkpop Dresses
Allkpop Dresses pt 2
Soo Ah Fashion Posters
Tao Oamoto Fashion Posters
Park Sora Fashion Posters
Jung Minhee Fashion Posters
Jin Hee Fashion Posters
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staytheb · 4 years
Gotta Go
Pairing: SF9′s Youngbin x OC [Seul] || TBZ’s Sangyeon x OC [Yeon] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff, slight angst Word Count: 3,482 Summary: Seul and Yeon are both at work, but suddenly have to leave. Although Yeon returns to work and Seul doesn’t. KYB: errands/acting secretary || LSY: report
Warning: um... nothing i guess? lol
well, hello! it’s been a while. got in a mood to write a bit and to distract myself and came up with this. this again is originally another work i had, but re-did it for this. so i combined Seul and Yeon in this bit tying them in a little better compare to separate stories of theirs. other than that, not sure how this will go as i just found an old work and this came about. sorry that it’s not like a full story or anything, but i hope you enjoy it as much as i wrote for it. lol but yeah the title is bleh and i just need to title it with something and just came up with that. well, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Seul sat in-between Inseong and Dawon as the Marketing Department was having one of their quarterly meetings. This was the first meeting that Seul was present for since she started working for NEOZ Group a few months ago.
"Ms. Lee, you sit right here next to me." Youngbin stated as he motioned to the seat left of him for Seul to take.
"To better assist me."
Youngbin cast his personal assistant a friendly smile and Seul nodded with a small smile as she quickly stood while the two males sniggered knowingly at her. Seul slightly hushed them to stop it before making her way towards her boss and sat to his left while glaring at the two males who only cast her playful smiles. Seul cast Youkyung a smile who was sitting to the right of Youngbin, but the female only rolled her eyes before turning away from Seul. Seul brushed her off and got herself situated and glanced up to see that Dawon had purposely chosen to sit across from her with a playful expression.
"Why are you sitting right there?" Seul whispered as Dawon grinned before answering.
"So that I can watch you fall asleep like you've done back in school."
"That's messed up and I've never fallen asleep. I always doodled and pretended like I was paying attention. Thank you very much."
"Now that's messed up."
The duo's conversation was interrupted when Youngbin started the meeting.
"Good morning, everyone." Youngbin greeted the employees as he held a small remote control for the powerpoint presentation.
"For this meeting, we're going to discuss last quarter's activities, the activities for this quarter, and the social media and video advertisements for Mrs. Bages' product launch."
Within ten minutes of the meeting Seul already lost interest and began doodling on the agenda out of boredom to keep herself awake. Of course she listened in on what was being talked about, but for her she retained information better when taking partial notes. A moment later Seul's attention went to a small balled up piece of paper thrown by Dawon. She shot the male a blank look as Dawon signaled for her to open it. She did so and saw that Dawon had written 'you're gonna get caught' and in response she crumpled up the paper again with the male pouting.
Soon enough Seul was snapped back to reality five minutes later when she felt something hit her arm again. She looked towards Dawon who grinned at her while pointing at the papered star he had flicked at her to open it. Seul ignored him and pushed the paper back towards the male as to not wanting to deal with the whole note passing situation if they were caught. Dawon quietly rose from his swivel chair to retrieve the note and once he successfully got it back he had sat down only to crash to the floor with the chair rolling away once he tried to stand back up. All eyes were on Dawon as he silently laughed at his embarrassment and continued to just sit on his knees instead of back onto his chair.
"Is everything alright, Mr. Lee?" Youngbin asked while pausing in mid-speech.
"Ah, yes, I'm fine. Just wanted to test out the rolling chair." Dawon replied nonchalantly as he attempted to do just that.
"I thought you tested that out the first time we held a meeting." Youngbin said in amusement while Dawon coughed to hide his embarrassment again.
"Did I? I don't remember."
"I see. Well, let me finish this up and you can present your data analysis with Yoonho afterwards."
Youngbin continued on with his talk for another few minutes before handing it off to Yoonho and Dawon afterwards. Seul paid attention for a few seconds before realizing that she already knew what it was about as she had helped Dawon and Yoonho prepare this just a few days ago. Seul's attention went back to the paper before her as she continued to doodle various things. Unconsciously her right hand had slipped into her dress' pockets and was surprised when she pulled out a strawberry starburst. She had forgotten that her outfit actually had pockets for once. She happily unwrapped the sweet-tart treat and popped it into her mouth.
"What do you got there, Seul?"
"Nothing for you."
"That's not nice."
"Yeah, well, you should probaby shut up as we're in a meeting."
Seul wasn't aware that she was casually speaking with Youngbin as she was more focused on her candy.
"Really? Anwyays, are you going to share, Seul?"
The same male voice asked her and she automatically responded with something she would say to her sister upon hearing her name like always still not aware of the sitaution.
"Not with you."
Before realizing that it wasn't Yeon, but her boss that had asked that question. She hastily looked over at Youngbin with a sheepish look.
"Ah, sorry about that, Mr. Kim. I didn't mean to be so frank with you. My apologies. Um, but here you go, sir."
Seul whispered in embarrassment as she slid a lemon starburst towards the male while thinking why he had called her so casually within the work setting and of their different ranks. Youngbin chuckled softly as he took the item hiding the fact that he enjoyed the reaction he got out of his personal assistant.
"It's okay, Ms. Lee."
Seul just nodded although she just realized that he had addressed her properly this time. She didn't have much time to think about it until she noticed a small piece of crumpled paper coming into her view. Seul raised a brow wondering who it could be until she noticed that Inseong was looking at her expectantly. She realized it was him as he shot her a knowing look. Seul rolled her eyes, but actually went to read it since Inseong wasn't anything like Dawon. That was until she read the content and knew that he was just like him as Inseong had written if she liked their boss or not. Seul shook her head as a response, but Inseong didn't believe her. She didn't care if he did or not.
Once the meeting was over, Seul returned to her desk tired and hungry as she felt drained for some odd reason. It wasn't even lunch time yet. She tiredly placed her head on top of the files of her desk while her desk phone machine was flashing red indicating she already had a voicemail to respond back to. Seul sighed as she closed her eyes to recuperate before going back into work mode. It didn't last long as her short break was disrupted when she heard a file or two slapped against her desk. Seul lifted her head to come face to face with a gleeful looking Dawon. She did not like the look on his face.
"Yes, Dawon?"
"So, you and the b-"
Seul interrupted him.
"There's nothing going on between us."
"Oh, c'mon, don't lie."
"I'm not. Seriously. There's nothing going on between us."
Dawon was gonna tease Seul some more, but she glared at him.
"Don't you have some other work to finish?"
"Well, yes, I do."
"Then why are you standing there?"
"To bother you like always."
"Gosh you're so annoying."
"I know, but anyways, you an-"
Seul shot him a dark look.
"You should probably shut up."
"And if I don't?"
Dawon grinned at her mischievously.
"hen I'ma beat you up."
Dawon backed off from the subject.
"Okay, whoa, whoa. Calm down. Usually that's Yeon's line, but alright."
Seul rolled her eyes.
"Because you talk too much and like bothering people for the fun of it."
"You right."
He chuckled.
"Anyways," Dawon changed the subject, "I need to discuss with you about what cake to get Hwiyoung for his birthday coming up soon."
"Why do you need to discuss that with me?"
"I wanna get everyone's opinions and help on it."
"You don't need my help. You can do that by yourself."
"I could, but I remember that you used to bake, right?"
"Not really."
"But don't you make cookies for Jangmi?"
The phone on Seul's desk rang and she ignored Dawon to answer the call.
"Hello, this is Seul Lee of the Marketing Department of NEOZ Group."
Seul reached for a pen and paper as she took down the caller's message and Dawon reluctantly returned to his desk. For a good hour and a half Seul had been constantly talking on the phone with clients about business ordeals that she hadn't realized her own phone going off as it was muted, but set to vibrate mode. Seul also hadn't paid attention to the beeps that sounded when she was speaking with the clients indicating that another caller was trying to reach her. So when she heard her name called by her sister while in mid-talk with another client she was confused.
"Yo, we gotta go." Yeon told her as she came up to her desk almost out of breath.
The others in the office watched the interaction between the sisters.
"What do you mean we gotta go?"
"It's Mom."
Seul made an annoyed face.
"So? What about her?"
Yeon's face turned serious. This caught Seul's attention.
"Yeon. What about Mom?"
Yeon stayed silent, but Seul noticed how her sister's eyes glistened over and face read with worry.
"Hello, Mr. Kwon. I'm sorry, but I'll have to call you back another time. Something urgent has come up. Goodbye."
She hung up with a current client before gathering her things.
"Seul, is everything okay?" Dawon suddenly asked upon seeing Seul packing her things in a hurry.
"Sorry, Dawon. I gotta go."
The pair anxiously waited in the waiting room of the hospital along with their mother's boyfriend, Yongin, and their father, Kisuk, and his girlfriend, Sanghee. Yongin has been waiting for more than two hours while the sisters have been there for less than an hour, and  Kisuk and Sanghee just arrived several minutes ago. Yeon only informed Seul that their mom had fainted as Yeon was the only one that had picked up Yongin's phone call and he only informed her of that small information. Other than that the sisters didn't know anything else as they awaited news.
"Hello, good evening. I'm Doctor Oh." The doctor greeted the quintet as their attention turned to him ten minutes later.
"How is she? Is she doing well? Nothing's wrong with Narae, right? Oh please tell me that she's alright and that's nothing wrong with her." Yongin fired questions at the doctor before Doctor Oh shot him a reassuring smile to calm the male.
"Ms. Jung is fine. Are you the husband?"
"Ah, no. I'm Narae's boyfriend. Um," Yongin motioned towards Kisuk, "He's her ex-husband."
The doctor shifted his eyes towards Kisuk as everyone felt awkward at their current situation.
"What's wrong with our mom?" Seul asked, breaking the awkwardness and just wanting to get this done and over with.
"Nothing serious, but your mother is eighteen weeks pregnant." Doctor Oh informed them of the news.
The quintet went silent once more. They weren't sure what to feel, but it was Yeon that broke the silence.
"Are you saying that our mom is having a baby? At her age?"
"Yes, that is correct."
The sisters breathed a sigh of relief and the worries that Seul had disappeared although she was now slightly annoyed.
"I can't believe she got herself knocked up."
"You're telling me." Yeon agreed with a shake of her head before looking over at Yongin.
"Well, congratulations, you're going to be a father."
"Yeah, Yongin, congratulations. You're gonna be a father of a tiny human." Seul mused as Yeon nudged her playfully.
"Uh, thank you." Yongin responded while still trying to process the information.
"Yes, congratulations, Yongin." Sanghee congratulated Yongin with a happy expression while looking over at Kisuk fondly. "Hearing those words are such wonderful news, isn't it, dear?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, it is." Kisuk responded a bit distracted although he looked over at his two daughters.
Yeon and Seul avoided eye contact with him and just looked at the doctor.
"Is that why she fainted, Doctor Oh?" Seul asked a moment later.
The doctor nodded.
"Yes, although it was mainly due to fatigue and malnourishment. I also believe there was some added stress over the past month that had eventually overwhelmed your mother causing her to lose consciousness."
Doctor Oh handed the sisters a piece of paper which Yeon took.
"I recommend for her to rest plenty, take vitamins and supplements, eat properly, watch her stress and activity levels, exercise accordingly, and to schedule monthly or even bi-weekly check-ups with her obstetrician or her main doctor that she's currently seeing."
The sisters nodded as Doctor Oh looked to the time on the wall before returning her gaze onto the quintet.
"If you would like you're all more than welcome to visit Ms. Jung for the time being, but only one of you can stay the night."
Before Yongin could suggest for one of the sisters to do it, the pair gave it up to him.
"You should stay, Yongin. We're fine."
"Ah, yes. I think that's a good choice." Kisuk agreed with his daughters.
"Good. Ms. Jung's should be fine with visitors in a few minutes." Doctor Oh informed them with a polite smile before walking away.
"Yongin, I believe you should go in first to see Narae." Sanghee suggested as Yongin nodded absent-mindedly before doing just that.
"So," Kisuk began, but Seul cut him off.
"You and Sanghee can visit Mom. Yeon and I have other things to take care of."
"I see." Their father responded a bit dejectedly. "Well, take care."
"Thanks. You, too." Seul curtly responded before she and Yeon bid them goodbye.
Yeon was the only one to return to work as Seul had to meet up with a lawyer that finally got back to her and could only meet today and soon to go about legal procedures concerning Seokwon. At the same time something had come up for Yuna and she was unable to care for Jangmi for the rest of the day. So that left Yeon to babysit her niece at her job even though she could've just not gone back, but she remembered that she had to finish a few reports that were already due by the end of the week and didn't need more piling up.
So when Yeon appeared with her niece at the lobby Chahee beamed at the child and told Yeon that her daughter was adorable and looked just like her. Yeon had to immediately correct Chahee who quickly apologized for the assumption. After clearing up that situation Chahee had issued a special visitor pass for the child with an image of some cartoon character featured on the pass. Soon afterwards they rode the elevator which Yeon forgot that her niece found very amusing and almost continued the mini ride for Jangmi until remembering she couldn't play. Walking hand-in-hand with Jangmi who seemed to look around the office in awe, Yeon's path was stopped by two of her colleagues, Kevin and Jacob.
"So, Yeon, who is this?" Kevin asked in almost a sing-song like tone while he and Jacob crouched down to Jangmi's level.
"Hi." Jacob greeted the toddler in a soft tone. "I'm Jacob."
"And I'm Kevin. Hi." Kevin followed after.
Yeon didn't bother answering as she just let her niece greet the two males.
"Hi." Jangmi greeted with a toothy grin. "I'm MiMi."
"How old are you, MiMi?" The duo asked.
Jangmi held up three fingers as the males were impressed.
Jangmi giggled at their reactions. The pair continued to gush at the toddler and Yeon had to finally drag her niece away from the two males who still wanted to interact with Jangmi. Yeon finally made it to her desk as she got Jangmi situated before she herself could get herself all settled in when she heard her boss' office door opened a few seconds later. Sangyeon hadn't noticed the child while speaking to his secretary in a firm tone.
"Welcome back to work, Ms. Lee. I see that you've returned two hours and fifty-seven minutes later when I wasn't aware that you had left in the first place. Could you tell me why that is please?"
Just as Yeon was going to apologize for her abrupt departure, but she momentarily paused curiously at how detailed the time was that her boss had stated. She shook the thought away and had barely opened her mouth until hers and Sangyeon's focus turned onto the toddler when Jangmi greeted the male.
Sangyeon's demeanor changed as he cast the child a warm smile and greeted the young child.
"Well, hello to you."
Yeon was weirded out by her boss' sudden behavior, but didn't comment on it as to not return the attention back to her. Instead she amusingly watched the two interact with one another thinking that she was off the hook. That was until Sangyeon remembered that he was at work and reminded himself of that before he righted himself.
"Um, why is this child here, Ms. Lee?" He asked, facing Yeon again. "Is she your daughter?"
"She's in my care for the time being." She answered him. "And no, she's not. She's my niece."
"Oh. Okay, but you do know that it's not a place for a child to be. Correst?"
"I'm well aware of that, but some things came up and I'm the only one that can look after her."
"I see. Is that why you left all of a sudden?"
"No. It was something else."
"Then why didn't you pick up my calls?"
Sangyeon changed the subject in a nonchalant manner, but Yeon quirk a brow in confusion.
"I've been calling you since I found out you left wondering why you suddenly left without my knowledge or informing me."
"Oh? twelve times?"
"I say it was less than that." Sangyeon commented casually, but he knew it was more than that if you looked through the call history.
Yeon didn't really care as she continued to speak in a nonchalant manner.
"Ah, so that was your number. Yeah, I don't pick up random numbers I don't know even if they call me many times."
Sangyeon scoffed at his secretary's answer.
"Well, now you do and you should save it just in case something like this happens again, Ms. Lee, especially as my secretary."
"Will do, Mr. Lee."
"I believe that you should do it right now."
"Do what?"
"Save my number."
"Oh. Um, sure. Just give me a moment."
Before Sangyeon could actually get his secretary to urgently do that, Yein from Sales arrived to deliver some documents to Sangyeon, but was without a doubt distracted by Jangmi.
"Aww, hi." Yein greeted the child while becoming eye level with her. "What's your name?"
"MiMi." Jangmi answered with a giggle. "Hi."
"Aww, you're so adorable." Yein continued to gush over the child. "Did you come with mommy to work?"
Yeon didn't bother to correct her colleague.
"Auntie isn't my mommy." Jangmi corrected the female instead.
Yeon slightly chuckled at her niece's words as Yein felt a bit sheepish.
"Oh, sorry."
Sangyeon coughed to get Yein's attention.
"Ahem, Ms. Ahn."
Yein didn't hear him as she was too busy communicating with the toddler. Sangyeon coughed louder and said her name louder than last time.
"Ahem, Ms. Ahn."
Yein heard him this time around.
"Oh, right. Sorry, Mr. Lee."
Yein straighten up as she handed the files over to Sangyeon.
"These are for you from Ms. Jung. She wanted to make sure they got to you before lunch time."
She bowed before hurrying away and waving goodbye to Jangmi. Sangyeon scanned the files before casting his eyes onto where Yeon should've been standing, but no longer was. His eyes wandered to find her and spotted her holding the child while making her way somewhere.
"Ms. Lee." He called out to her.
"Ah, yes?" Yeon answered while momentarily stopping to look over at her boss.
"Where are you going?"
"To the toilet. Jangmi needs to go."
"Goooo." Jangmi stressed as Yeon reassured her niece.
"Yes, MiMi, we're going, we're going."
"But I need you to in-"
Sangyeon didn't finish his sentence as Yeon paid him no mind and basically rushed off to get the child to relieve herself without causing some type of accident if she didn't get her niece to the restroom. Sangyeon tsked in annoyance before letting out a controlled breath.
"Deep breath, Sangyeon. Life happens. Just make sure she gets to these by the end of the week and everything's all good."
He let out another calm breath before placing the documents that Yein had handed to him earlier onto Yeon's desk before making his way to his own office.
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vyvesvi · 4 years
aoa was one of the first groups i ever truly stanned and idk what to do at this point. like obviously fuck jimin and support mina (and choa and youkyung) but like. idek where to go from here, like this is heartbreaking
i hope mina has a support system around her :(
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justicechoii · 5 years
Favorite Kpop Girl Group?
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    “now this is the type of question i like to see and if you disagree with this answer, you’re wrong. all the groups are great, don’t get me wrong.. look through my spotify and you’ll see how much of them i love. but aoa takes the cake!!  those sexy concepts??  someone find me a whole ass hyejeong to love down!!  imagine going through everything they have in the last seven years – from losing choa, youkyung and mina, to seolhyun having to run to her dick appointments with zico and getting pictured for it… and to them killing it on queendom. no one can do it like them and people need to appreciate them. the duality from the likes of heart attack and miniskirt, to bingle bangle and then to their egotistic performance? please go listen to them and fall in love with them as much as i have.”
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minyoukyung · 5 years
BTS Imagine #13: BTS Summer Package 2020 (Part 3)
Word count: 1,875
Members featured: All
Description: Jin takes advantage of Yoongi’s temporary preoccupied state to misbehave. This causes some tension within the group as everyone tries to find their own way to deal with it and we all realize that things can’t stay the same.
The next morning, I woke up to find that Yoongi was already gone. I reached blindly for my phone and squinted at the screen.
"Went to go eat breakfast with Jimin. I'll see you later."
I smiled, glad that he was spending time with his younger brother. I stretched my arms over my head, thinking about what I should do with my free time.
"Yoongi left already? Great!"
"What the--"
Jin had gotten into bed next to me, pulling the blankets up to his chin as he closed his eyes.
"Jinnie, what are you doing?" I asked him flatly.
"Going back to sleep," he murmured.
"You can't do that in your own bed?"
"It's lonely."
I sighed.
"I was going to get up and look for something to do," I said, frowning. "Don't you have to be at the beach to start filming?"
"We all already went," Jin told me, his eyes still closed. "You slept in really late."
I double checked the time on my phone, realizing that he was right.
"Well, all the more reason I should get up," I said, starting to shove the covers off of me.
"No, you can stay a little longer," Jin muttered sleepily, moving so that his head was resting on my shoulder.
I tried not to tense up. All I could think about was the possibility of one of the other members walking in and teasing us or Yoongi walking in and being furious. I tried to set boundaries with Jin again and again, if only to keep the peace and avoid making things weird. I couldn't get involved with him. It could ruin everything.
"You're all stiff," Jin complained.
"Then why don't you let go?" I snapped, my voice coming out a little more harshly than I had wanted it to.
Jin didn't seem fazed.
"Yoongi's not here, you can relax," he told me.
"That's not--"
"Besides, he already told me that he would back off a little."
"You're taking advantage of the situation," I said.
"Of course. I have to take what I can get."
I rolled my eyes, resigned to the fact that I couldn't move and was stuck until Jin decided to get up. Before long, I heard the sounds of soft snoring. I looked at him, his handsome features more childlike in his relaxed state. He looked so peaceful but I couldn't let Yoongi find us like this so I picked up my phone and texted the only person I knew I could count on.
Five minutes later, Namjoon tiptoed into the room, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Help me, I mouthed at him, pointing furiously at the sleeping Jin next to me.
Namjoon sighed then walked over to the bed before grabbing Jin by the shoulders and shaking him.
"What's going on?" Jin murmured, his voice thick with sleep.
"There's lunch in the maknaes' house," Namjoon told him. "Let's go."
Finally free, I leaped out of bed and made a bee line for the bathroom so that I could make myself presentable for lunch with the boys.
When I returned to my room, teeth brushed, face washed, and freshly showered, I noticed that Namjoon and Jin were still in my room. Jin was sitting up in my bed while Namjoon stood in front of it, arms crossed over his chest.
"You know that you have to give up," Namjoon was saying quietly. "I know Yoongi said that he would back off but that doesn't mean he's happy about it. And knowing Noona, she wouldn't want to do anything that would cause fighting between members."
"I know," Jin replied, "but I can't just... turn it off..."
Namjoon didn't have anything to say to this. I figured now was as good a time as any to make an entrance, so I walked in, whistling "DNA" cheerfully as I nonchalantly rummaged through my suitcase for something to wear.
"I thought you guys would've gone to eat by now," I said, pulling out a loosely fitting top and a pair of shorts.
"We were waiting for you," Namjoon said.
"What is taking you all so long?" Yoongi demanded, storming in impatiently.
I looked up at him and he froze. He looked at me, still in my bathrobe with wet hair and at Jin sitting on my bed, his legs still under the covers, then looked at Namjoon, his eyebrows raised.
"What's... going on here?" he asked slowly, as if he didn't really want to know the answer.
"Youkyung was taking too long to get ready," Jin answered casually, "so I decided to take a nap."
"And I came to get them for lunch," Namjoon added.
Yoongi glanced at me sideways, checking my expression to see if what they were saying was true. I shrugged then gathered my clothes and went back to the bathroom to change.
When I came back, Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon were all standing up, their heads very close together as they whispered furiously about something.
"Aren't you guys hungry?" I said loudly. "Let's go eat!"
Yoongi was the first to detach himself from the huddle. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
"Did you already eat?" I asked him.
"No, I was waiting for you," he said, sounding agitated.
I tugged on his arm, forcing him to come to a stop a few feet away from the maknaes' house. I took his other hand so that I was holding both of them, squeezing tightly. He locked eyes with me and soon the tension left his features. I would never say it out loud but no matter what, if it came down between choosing Yoongi or someone else, I would always pick him. I was on his side and he was on mine and nothing was worth jeopardizing the connection that we shared.
"Let's go eat," I said.
Yoongi nodded and I released his hands. We walked into the house, heading for the kitchen where the other members had left food for us. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sitting on the couch, having already eaten. I went to go sit with them and they all immediately threw their arms around me for a big group hug. I patted all their hands affectionately.
"I always wanted adorable younger brothers," I told them. "Now I have the most adorable younger brothers in the world."
"But we're manly too, right?" Jungkook asked me, flexing his bicep jokingly.
"Of course," I agreed. "The manliest."
"Okay, okay," Yoongi grumbled, walking over with two plates of food in his hands. "She needs to eat."
The three boys reluctantly let go of me and I moved over to the other couch so that I could eat comfortably. Yoongi sat down next to me.
"How was breakfast with your hyung this morning, Jimin-ah?" I asked.
"Oh, it was so much fun!" he replied excitedly. "Hyung cooked all of my favorite foods!"
Yoongi looked down at his plate and kept eating as if he hadn't heard what Jimin had said, although his cheeks were slightly pink. I smiled, pleased to know that they had enjoyed their time together. I patted his knee gently then started eating. Soon Namjoon and Jin walked in, heading straight for the kitchen to get their own food.
"What are you guys doing after this?" I posed the question to the group.
"I think the staff said we're getting free time?" Hoseok said, strolling into the room as he towel dried his hair. "I really want to go check out the marketplace."
"You should go do something with Taehyung or Jungkook," I whispered to Yoongi.
He nodded in agreement, chewing thoughtfully.
"Hobi, would you like someone to go with you?" I asked Hoseok now that I knew Yoongi would have plans of his own.
"I'm always down to spend time with my girl!" Hoseok said in English, putting on what we called his swaggy voice.
"Your girl?" Jungkook repeated, raising an eyebrow.
"Officially my girl," Hoseok added, winking at me.
I giggled, just knowing without looking at him that Yoongi was fuming on the inside.
"I thought Halsey was officially our girl," Taehyung said, confused.
"Never mind, Taehyungie," Jimin told him, patting his shoulder.
"Jin-hyung! Namjoon-hyung!" Jungkook called out. "What are you doing after lunch?"
The two of them emerged from the kitchen with their plates of food and sat down on the floor.
"I was thinking of going back to the beach," Namjoon replied, tilting his head to one side. "I want to see if I can find some crabs."
Jin looked at me as if to ask me what I was doing and I shook my head slightly. There was no way I was letting him tag along, regardless of what I had planned. I needed to put some distance between us--for the sake of the group.
"Jin-hyung, let's go on the jet ski!" Jungkook suggested.
"Okay," he agreed easily.
I locked eyes with Jungkook and nodded. Whether he had picked up on the exchange between Jin and I or not, I was grateful that he was taking the initiative to occupy his eldest brother's time.
"Taehyungie, do you want to go take pictures with me?" Yoongi asked.
Taehyung's entire face lit up. He loved taking pictures but he also really loved Yoongi and he was absolutely delighted to be doing one of his favorite activities with one of his favorite people.
"Jimin-ssi, why don't you come with Hobi and I?" I offered, knowing that Hoseok wouldn't mind.
"Yay!" Jimin cheered. "Does this mean you're my girl too, Noona?"
"No!" Hoseok interrupted at once. "I said it first!"
"That's not fair!"
"Well, too bad!"
The two of them started bickering and I couldn't help but grin. This group of boys in their twenties were no more than overgrown children, even at the best of times, but I loved them so much. There was nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for them.
"Alright, children, that's enough," Namjoon said, crumpling up a napkin into a ball and throwing it at them.
As I strolled through the marketplace later, arm-in-arm with Hoseok and Jimin on either side of me, I let them steer me in whichever direction they fancied. I wasn't really thinking about the things on sale or even the fact that I was in Bora Bora of all places.
I was thinking about Namjoon sifting through the sand looking for tiny crabs.
I was thinking about Taehyung posing elegantly while Yoongi took his picture.
I was thinking about Jimin telling Hoseok that a floral printed shirt at a nearby stall would look great on him.
I was thinking about Jin expertly riding the waves on the jet ski and Jungkook being so impressed with his hyung.
Most of all, I was thinking about how I never wanted this to change. I wanted us to all stay like this forever, the friendship between the eight of us strong and enduring. As we all gathered back in the rap line's house to spend some time together before bed, I glanced at one of them out of the corner of my eye and knew that even as I desperately wished nothing would change, change was right on the horizon.
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donqhox-blog · 6 years
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AZM (A to Z Music) is a girlgroup under INNO-K Entertainment. They consist of five members, and debuted on the 2nd of March 2018 with the song “E.D.G.E.”.
Social media: Instagram, YouTube.
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EUNJI — 은지
Birth name: Sung Eunji — 성은지.
Birth date: April 9, 1993.
Birth place: South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Height: 166 cm — 5′5″.
Weight: 46 kg — 101 lbs.
Blood type: O.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Position: Leader, vocal.
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Birth name: Go Youkyung — 고유경.
Birth date: June 28, 1997.
Birth place: South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Height: 160 cm — 5′2″.
Weight: 43 kg — 95 lbs.
Blood type: B.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Position: Vocal.
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Birth name: Bae Suhyun — 배수현.
Birth date: February 27, 1998.
Birth place: South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Height: 168 cm — 5′6″.
Weight: 49 kg — 108 lbs.
Blood type: O.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Position: Vocal.
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Birth name: Kang Seoyeon — 강서연.
Birth date: October 1, 1998.
Birth place: South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Height: 167 cm — 5′5″.
Weight: 45 kg — 99 lbs.
Blood type: B.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Position: Rap.
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YEJIN — 예진
Birth name: Lee Yejin — 이예진.
Birth date: May 8.
Birth place: South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Height: Unknown.
Weight: Unknown.
Blood type: Unknown.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Position: Rap.
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roseband · 7 years
ft island, SF9, AOA?
F.T. Island
If I’m a fan or not a fan: VERY MUCH!How long I’ve been a fan: 2009The first song I heard by them: I HopeMy favorite song as of now: Pray, Mitaiken Future, Satisfaction, Champagne, Flower Rock, Let it Go, ETC… they have 10 yrs of discography i can’t chooseThe first MV I saw: I HopeMy favorite MV as of now: Pray (I have a soft spot for FNC groups telling ceo han to fuck himself tbh and that’s what that whole album was)Who my bias is: Jonghun/SeunghyunWho my first bias was: i think it was Jaejin?My OTP: Seunghyun and BOB?? also CNISLAND A pairing I dislike: noneAnd lastly, an unpopular opinion: Puppy is like one of the worst songs they’ve ever released 
If I’m a fan or not a fan: casual, they’re the only fnc group i can’t really get intoHow long I’ve been a fan: deubt/DoBThe first song I heard by them: FanfareMy favorite song as of now: Easy LoveThe first MV I saw: FanfareMy favorite MV as of now: they all sorta blend together?Who my bias is: don’t really have oneWho my first bias was: i sorta have a soft spot for Chanhi tho cause he reminds me of predebut yonghwa a bit?My OTP: none?A pairing I dislike: noneAnd lastly, an unpopular opinion: I don’t exactly like that FNC used honeyst as a promotional tactic for SF9 nor that they dumped off n.lying for two years when they were planning a dance group
If I’m a fan or not a fan: used to be…How long I’ve been a fan: deubt (2012)The first song I heard by them: Elvis (jjirit jjirit elvis show me show me ur lOVE)My favorite song as of now: Love is Only You (Yonghwa wrote it soooo….), Moya, Get Out, The first MV I saw: ElvisMy favorite MV as of now: Elvis (AOA Black version), Short Hair, Get OutWho my bias is: it was ChoA and Youkyung (oh well?) Who my first bias was: ChoA/JiminMy OTP: ot5/ot8?? A pairing I dislike: ot7And lastly, an unpopular opinion: I… an FNC stan… hate FNC, they had something so good… so unique,,,, so GOOD but they don’t put effort into their artists anymore and if they don’t hit RIGHT AWAY… they dump them off. Basically I’m bitter that fnc got one brave bros hit and then threw aoa black away ;_;
thanks for the ask! (also I LOVE your icon)
send me a kpop group!
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qodesuser · 3 years
Youkyung • ICON & HEADER
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°•°• like and reblog •°•°
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fatmilkers · 3 years
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QODES Delta IG update: I love special things unconditionally 🖤
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staytheb · 5 years
Acting Secretary
Pairing: SF9′s Youngbin x OC [Seul] Genre: idol!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,091 Summary: Seul unexpectedly runs into Youngbin while clubbing. The latter is too drunk to go home and orders Seul to drive him. previous: Errands
Warning: curse words? semi-proofread. not really sure.
this is another earlier work and this was gonna be written with someone else, but then Youngbin popped up and it’s like a part two to Errands, but not really sure. dunno if it will be an actual series, or just when i feel the mood to write something in relations. lol but yeah, that’s about it and so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Youngbin sat at the VIP table awaiting his friends. They were at the nightclub to relax and have fun, but all he's done since arriving was drink his mood away and gone down to the dance floor every now and then with his buddies. When his friends didn't return after another ten minutes of waiting, Youngbin downed the last bit of alcohol and decided to head on home. He was done for the night and if his friends wanted to get in touch with him, then they could call him instead. Youngbin clumsily stood up and slightly wobbled his way to the entrance of the club and out of it into the cold night air. He inhaled the cold air and let out a sigh while clicking his tongue in a bad mood a second later.
"I can't drive in this state."
Youngbin angrily whipped around to head back inside to find one of his sober friends to take him, but he instead got hit by the door. He stumbled a few steps back while a female on the other side apologized about the incident.
"I am so sorry. I didn't exp- Mr. Kim?"
Seul in surprised upon spotting her boss at the nightclub. Youngbin tried to focus on the person who had just addressed him like so.
"Um, yes."
Seul maneuvered herself and her boss out of the way as to not block the entrance although she wondered why her boss had addressed her so casually.
"Are you okay, Mr. Kim? Do I need to call someone for you?" She asked in concern as Youngbin continued to stare at her. "Mr. Kim?"
Youngbin snapped back to his senses.
"Sorry, Se- Ms. Lee."
Youngbin caught himself from saying her name so casually again. He silently scolded himself for doing so and he couldn't show that kind of behavior outside of work. Seul noticed, but didn't mention it. Instead she glanced at him with worried before motioning with her head at the nightclub.
"Okay. Well, if you're alright, Mr. Kim, then I'm gonna head back in-"
"Wait." Youngbin interrupted her as he went to reach out to grab a hold of her had, but at the last second stopped his action.
Seul saw, but once again didn't acknowledged how casually he was being at the moment.
"Yes, Mr. Kim?"
As Youngbin was about to reply he had taken a step back at the same time, but lost his footing. He staggered away from his subordinate and almost lost balance, but Seul reached out to steady the male.
"I think you're drunk, Mr. Kim." She told the male with a light chuckle.
Youngbin liked the sound of her laugh, but frowned at the way she kept addressing him so accordingly even though he knew himself that that was how their relationship was. He was gonna say something, but Seul spoke before he could.
"We should get you home, Mr. Kim. If you didn't drive yourself, then I can call a taxi or something for you."
"I don't need one."
"Ah, right. Then I'm sure you drove here by yourself."
"I did, but I can't drive at the moment. I'm too intoxicated." Youngbin replied.
"Oh, did you come with Dawon?" Seul asked remembering that the two were friends.
"I did, but I don't trust him with driving."
An instant idea popped into Youngbin's head a second later.
"Why don't you take me home instead, Seul?"
Seul once again caught Youngbin calling her name casually, but she was more concerned about him asking for her to drive him home.
"Yeah, you."
"I'm sorry, but you want me to take you home?"
"Yes. Yes, I do."
"Why would you want me to take you home?"
"You are my personal assistant, right?"
"Then you'll take me home." Youngbin reasoned with a smug look.
"Um, why not get your actual secretary to do it? I'm sure she's more than willing to help you out with that, Mr. Kim." Seul reasoned knowing full well that his secretary would agree automatically.
"She's not here and you can be Acting Secretary then."
Seul frowned, but knew that driving her boss around wasn't out of the ordinary as a personal assistant since she mainly worked for him. Still though she couldn't help think that him wanting her as an Acting Secretary was really just pushing it. Seul once again tried to weasel herself out of it.
"Sorry, Mr. Kim, but I don't know where you live. I'm sure Youkyung does as she's been your secretary for a few years now."
Youngbin dismissed that notion upon remembering that she had visited his place before.
"Ms. Seo isn't here. Anyways, you did come to my home that time you ran errands for Dawon, correct?"
"Yeah, but it's not like I'm really gonna remember it."
"But you do know the general area, yes?"
"No. I don't live on that side of time and hardly ever go there."
"I'll just tell you the address then."
"But I came with my friends." She reasoned again as her boss countered her words with a smirk. "So did I, but you can just messaged them."
Seul wasn't keen on the idea of driving her boss home, but upon hearing that he came with his friends she opted for that..
"Oh, well since you're friends are here, too, why not ask them to take you home?"
"Because they're just as drunk as me."
"I'm sure one of them is at least sober."
"None of them are."
Seul regarded the male with a curious gaze as Youngbin shot her a charming smile.
"Oh, c'mon, Seul. Haven't you ever been curious about where I live or what my home looks like?"
"No." Seul answered as she heard the way Youngbin said her name so casually once again. "Not really."
Despite the talks of the company, especially from Dawon, Seul herself didn't meddle with other people' affair. She mainly kept to herself and did her work. Of course there were quite a bit of whispers going on behind her back when they found out she was Youngbin's personal assistant, but again she never let it phase her. Until now and she wondered what would happened at work tomorrow.
"So you're telling me for the past few months that you've worked with me, you've never been curious?" He asked in disbelief.
Seul tried to bite back the words of 'working for him' and 'not with him', but said something else with a small laugh.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, but it's never once crossed my mind at all."
Youngbin scoffed, but didn't say anything as he rubbed his forehead. He knew that a headache was about to form and needed to get home as soon as possible. His ears perked up when he heard a male voice's call out to his subordinate.
"Hey, lady in the blue dress. If you got problems with your man, then I can take care of you instead."
Seul groaned and just as she was about to tell the guy off, Youngbin did it for her.
"She's fine. I suggest for you to take care of yourself before something ugly happens."
The stranger backed off upon the gaze that Youngbin had shot him and walked away in a hurry. Youngbin took off his jacket and draped it over Seul before zipping it up.
"Thank you." She thanked her boss before feeling his hand slipped into hers and Youngbin pulled her along towards the parking garage.
A few minutes later they stood in front of a really fancy car to which Seul could only assume was her boss' vehicle. It was a nice car, but Seul disliked the color of it and made a face that didn't go unnoticed by Youngbin.
"What? You don't like it?"
"It's nice. I'm just not a big fan of red."
"Well, too bad. You're gonna have to learn to like it."
Youngbin fished the keys from his pockets and held it out for Seul to take while clicking the button to unlock the vehicle. Seul still cast her boss an unsure look while glancing at the keys. Youngbin shot her a small smile.
"You can drive manual, right?"
"Yes, I can, but are you really keen on me driving you?"
He tossed the keys towards her and out of reflex she caught them. Seul was gonna deny the idea of her driving him home, but Youngbin sat himself comfortably in the passenger's seat. Seul sighed, but pulled out her phone to send her friends a quick text before getting into the driver's seat. If he insist on her driving him home, then she will. Someone had to make sure the boss got home safely so she and the others could continue to work.
"Get off this exit." Youngbin informed Seul as she briefly took a glance at the male before re-focusing her eyes back onto the road before her.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Take this exit that's coming up." Her boss answered surely as Seul signaled to get off, but Youngbin changed his answer once more.
"Oh, wait not this one."
Seul jerked the wheel back onto the highway and narrowly missed the other car that passed on by like the previous attempts.
"Mr. Kim!" She exclaimed in a controlled and firmed tone.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Youngbin apologized while making the begging gesture. "I don't exactly remember which exit it was."
"And you couldn't told me this beforehand when I almost caused an accident the last few times?"
"At the time I thought they were the right exits, but remembered that they were not the right ones."
Seul let out a frustrated sighed.
"Mr. Kim, why can't you just give me the address like you said you would before we left the nightclub?"
"It's because, I, uh, I don't remember the address." Youngbin admitted as Seul gripped the steering wheel to channel her anger somewhere else.
"How could you not remember your own address, Mr. Kim?" Seul questioned in disbelief. "You go home every day."
Youngbin still didn't like the fact how she was addressing him, but he also didn't like how she was angry at him.
"It's because I use my GPS."
"Okay, then please pull up your address on the console and I'll be good."
"Oh, I don't use that. I use my phone."
Seul eyed her boss with an annoyed look before returning them to the front.
"No wonder you need a personal assistant." She muttered before speaking louder. "Then just pull it up from your phone."
"My phone just died."
"Okay, then charge it."
"I took out the charger and forgot to put it back."
"Wow, Mr. Kim. Wow."
Youngbin was now upset and voiced his opinion of how she kept addressing him.
"And stop calling me Mr. Kim outside of work or when it's just the two of us. You make me sound like my father."
"How am I supposed to address you, Mr. Kim?" Seul asked curiously. "We're not exactly friends or even that close."
"Anything other than Mr. Kim." Youngbin huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest and looked out the window like a child.
"Don't be so childish."
"I'm not being childish."
Upon noticing the next upcoming exit, Seul debated whether to stop by a gas station to re-think their situation or to just continued on ahead and let her boss guess on which exit to take. She opted for the former idea so that she could remove her heels so that she could drive better and grab some snacks, too. So when she took the next exit, Youngbin grew alert o it and looked over at the female.
"What are you doing, Seul?"
"Stopping at a gas station for a break and to charge your phone because you forgot your charger."
Youngbin didn't comment and Seul easily found a gas station. She parked the car and didn't want for Youngbin as she got out of the car a second later. He felt a bit miffed by the lack of attention, but continued to sulk in the car. When several minutes passed, Youngbin grew a bit worried. Seul hadn't returned and just as he was about to go find her the driver's side door opened.
Seul tossed a newly packaged car charger at her boss before starting up the car so that Youngbin could actually charge his mobile device and she could actually take him home.
"Drink this, too."
Seul handed him a cold white mocha Starbucks bottle as she opened one for herself.
"Maybe that'll help you out, too."
She took a sip of her drink while Youngbin looked at her confused. Seul didn't notice as she then happily munched on some chips as she waited for her boss to get going on charging his phone. Youngbin opened the package and got his phone charging. Now his interest lied on the chips that Seul was eating. So when he reached a hand towards the bag, Seul moved it out of his way. He raised a questioning brow at her.
"These are mine." She informed him while popping another chip into her mouth.
"So, you can buy me a Starbucks drink, but you can't share your chips with me?" Youngbin asked her in an incredulous tone.
Seul glanced at his mobile device.
"Is it charged enough to turn on?"
"I don't know. Don't feel like checking." He replied as he returned back to his childish behavior.
"Whatever." Seul dismissed his behavior with a tired sigh while putting away the snacks and taking off her heels.
Youngbin noticed and peeked over at her curiously.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't worry about it."
Seul wiggled her toes to ease the ache from them being cooped up all night. She then pulled out her phone and typed something into it. Youngbin wanted to ask, but decided against it as he felt he may have upset the female. Once Seul was done, she put on her seat belt and then put the car into reverse and got back onto the highway. The car ride was silent with only the music playing from the radio to fill up the void.
Youngbin stirred awake and realized he had fallen asleep. A few seconds later he noticed that the car wasn't moving. He wondered how long he was out for and casually glanced to the driver's seat and realized that Seul wasn't in the car with him. He looked outside the passenger's side's window and saw that he was in a parking garage. He leaned forward and something slid off of him. It was his jacket that he had Seul wear earlier. He became alarmed as to where he was and what happened to Seul. Youngbin went to check his phone and saw a paper on top of it.
Mr. Kim,
You fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you. You're at the work's parking garage. I hope you slept off your drunkenness and that you'll be able to drive yourself home instead. I won't mentioned this to your other employees and tell them what kind of drunk you are either. Anyways, there's a bag of chips for you along with a water bottle. Take care and good night, Mr. Kim.
Lee Seul
Youngbin groaned and how he may now be perceived by Seul. He also groaned at the fact that he had to drive himself home now. He finally turned on his phone to check the time and realized it was half an hour after four. Luckily, his work place didn't work weekends and he could just sleep in.
Monday rolled around and Seul rode the elevator to the seventh floor and made her way to her personal desk that was right besides Dawon. She turned on her computer and waited for it to load up while checking other documents upon her desk. Even though Youngbin actually had his own secretary to do stuff, she helped out with other things in the office if she's not running other errands for Youngbin. Youngbin happened to arrive a few minutes later and when he spotted Seul his footsteps slowed down. Flashbacks from Friday night popped into his head and almost tripped, but righted himself.
Fortunately it was just the two of them on the floor, but it didn't lessen the anxiety he felt for some reason. Youngbin let out a silent breath as he kept a cool demeanor while walking passed Seul's desk. Seul didn't bat an eyes and continued to do her own thing as she inputted data. Youngbin slightly scowled due to the lack of attention, but continued to make his way to his own office. Just as he sat down in a relaxed manner, a knock sounded causing the male to sit up right and proper.
"Come in." He announced as Seul entered his ofice.
"Good morning, Mr. Kim." Seul greeted the male with a polite smile as she set two files onto his desk.
"Good morning." Youngbin greeted back while picking up one of the files to go through.
"By the way, Mr. Kim, don't forget that you have an important client arriving soon at nine today."
"Oh. Then could you make sure to make her feel welcome upon arrival."
Seul's brows furrowed.
"I'm not your secretary. That belongs to Youkyung, remember."
"I know, but at the moment Ms. Seo isn't here like she should be." Youngbin clarified as he shot her a smile. "And as my personal assistant, I'm ordering for you to take care of it for the time being, Ms. Lee."
Seul slightly frowned as Youngbin's smile became wider.
"Think of it as you're being the Acting Secretary in this situation this time around."
A knock sounded and Youngbin answered for the person to enter.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Kim." Youkyung apologized upon entering.
"You're here now." Youngbin replied as he went back to the documents before.
Youkyung bit her lip nervously, but remained composed.
"Mrs. Bages has arrived and Ms. Lee is attending to her in Conference Room A. Would you like me to take over?"
Youngbin stood up as he buttoned the last few buttons of his suit jacket before grabbing the documents he was reviewing earlier.
"No thank you, Ms. Seo. I'll take it from here."
He shot his secretary a smile before walking briskly passed her and towards the said room. When he entered the space Youngbin wasn't expecting Seul to have a conversation with the client and her own secretary. Unfortunately for him he didn't understand French, but he was happy to know that the trio were getting along fine. Luckily though, Mrs. Bages and her secretary knew Korean.
"Ah, Mrs. Bages, welcome." Youngbin greeted the woman along with her secretary. "Mr. Caron. Welcome."
"Ah, Mr. Kim, thank you for the lovely surprise." Mrs. Bages thanked him with a wide smile causing Youngbin's brows to furrow.
Mrs. Bages gestured at Seul with a bright expression.
"I thought you didn't have a worker that could speak French."
Before Youngbin answered Seul intervened.
"No one knew that I could, Mrs. Bages."
"It's okay, darling. Call me Siah."
"Ah, okay, Siah." Seul complied a bit hesitantly before standing up with a polite smile. "Let me go fetch your refreshments."
Seul excused herself as the other three got down to business, but not before asking what they wanted.
"All set."
Seul smiled as she even placed a bag of chips onto the tray. just as she was about to exit the break room and deliver the items, she was intercepted by Youkyung who took the tray from her.
"I'll take over my responsibilities now, Ms. Lee."
"Oh, sure, Ms. Seo."
Seul complied nonchalantly.
"By the way," Seul began, but Youkyung cut her off.
"No thank you."
Youkyung walked off as Seul frowned while shaking her head at the fact that she was gonna inform her that Mr. Caron preferred to make his own tea with his own packet that he brought along with Mrs. Bages preferring to have hot chocolate with milk instead of water. As for their boss, he wanted the French Vanilla flavor for his coffee.
Meanwhile Youkyung entered the conference room and had set the tray onto the table. Youngbin noticed the familiar brand of chips and let out a small smile, but when he looked up he was surprised to see Youkyung instead of Seul. Youkyung smiled at him while preparing the drinks based on the way it was set on the tray in accordance to how the people were sat in the room.
Unfortunately it was all wrong once she set all their drinks in front of them. Mr. Caron glanced at Mrs. Bages nervously as Mrs. Bages' frowned slightly. Youngbin finally took noticed of their faces as he glanced down at their drinks and then his own. He realized what had upset the two and looked up at his secretary who seemed cheery and not bothered. Youngbin faced the pair again while apologizing as he faced Youkyung again who now seemed puzzled.
"Is something wrong, Mr. Kim?"
Youngbin cast her a polite smile.
"It's fine. Thank you. Could you please tell Ms. Lee to come back here."
Youkyung awkwardly smile while complying to her boss' words and left the conference room. Once leaving and out of their sights she fumed quietly having known that she had made a mistake and looked like a fool in front of her boss and his clients. She directly went to Seul's desk, but not to do what her boss had told her. Instead she wanted to confront her. Youkyung smacked a hand on Seul's desk which got the female's attention.
"Yes, Ms. Seo?"
"Don't think you can keep on trying to take my position, Ms. Lee." Youkyung accused as Seul looked at her clueless.
"I'm not trying to take your job, Ms. Seo."
"Oh, please." She scoffed as a sneer graced her face. "Every other dumb woman has tried to be the new secretary, but has always failed in the end."
"Yeah, right." Seul dismissed with a neutral while returning back to her computer.
Youkyung wasn't backing down.
"Also don't think you have the slightest chance at getting with Mr. Kim either."
"Never thought of it." Seul countered with a bored look at Youkyung. "So don't worry, Ms. Seo. I don't want your position nor do I have any feelings for Mr. Kim. Now you have one less competitor to worry about for both situations."
Seul went back to typing away on her computer as Youkyung fumed even more. Just as she was about to say something else, another worker called for her and she went to see what the colleague wanted. Meanwhile Dawon had watched all of this go down and swiveled his chair over to his friend.
"Sheesh, what did you do this time?" He asked her as Seul replied indifferently. "Hell if I know."
"I'm sure you already know that answer, Seul."
"I really don't know, Dawon."
"Ever since you started she's been a real bitch."
Seul didn't comment. Dawon rolled his eyes as he leaned towards his friend.
"You do know that she was the one that started all those rumors about you, right?"
Seul still didn't reply.
"Hey, say something."
"What do you want me to say?" Seul asked as she paused in her typing and glanced at her friend. "I really don't care about her, Dawon. I have other things to worry about."
"Why, yes you do, Ms. Lee." Youngbin interjected as the pair glanced to see their boss before them.
Youngbin glanced at Dawon who shot his friend a smile and a wave before swiveling away back to his desk. He pretended to go back to his work while eavesdropping on the pair's conversation. Seul glanced up at Youngbin with a curious glance.
"Yes, Mr. Kim?"
"I thought you were told to bring the drinks for the clients and I?"
Seul tiled her head confused.
"I thought Ms. Seo already brought it to you?"
"Well, it wasn't correct. I need you to bring them again."
Just as Seul was gonna decline and advised him to just tell Youkyung instead, Youngbin walked away returning to the conference room. Seul sighed as she got up and rolled her eyes when Dawon was laughing at her.
"Why do I have to keep on being the Acting Secretary when she's already here?" Seul muttered while heading over to the break room to prepare the drinks once more.
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whitemaegee · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @chiaku <3 tagging everyone that wants to do either of these (tag me to let me know if you do!! especially the kpop one)
1. Who was your first bias and who is your current one? honestly, its so long ago that i don’t remember my first bias exactly. i think it was yunho but it could have been changmin?? the only member of dbsk i remember it not being is yoochun :’) now, it’s very definitely onew ♥
2. Why did you get into kpop? god this is so cringe but i was in a final fantasy/kingdom hearts youtube community (back in the days of amvs) and a friend was like ‘you have to watch this!! look how hot they all are!!!!!’ and linked me dbsk’s rising sun mv :’)
3. If you could join any kpop group, who would you choose? none thanks, i don’t want that life :’) i feel like i would enjoy being in a group with personality types like vixx or cnblue the most, but im lowkey picking aoa so i can just chill with youkyung in whatever void she fell in to
4. If all your biases proposed to you, who would you pick? ahh i dont have that many biases any more bc i haven’t followed kpop very closely for a while but even if i did i’d still say onew :’) he’s pretty much the perfect guy, lbr 
5. If you could be in a fanfic, what genre would it be? slow burn friends to lovers (in a nice au setting pls)
6. What mythological creature would you be if you had the chance? a dryad, or maybe a nature faerie/nymph type thing?
7. Supernatural!au or Mafia!au im watching peaky blinders atm and honestly i would just love to be part of a criminal family empire so mafia :’) i prefer supernatural themes but that’s a pretty broad description...
8. Which kpop idol would you switch bodies with? if body includes face then irene (red velvet) bc shes so pretty
9. If you could have any idol as a pocket sized companion, who would you pick? luna or chen, theyre both actual sunshine istg
10. What idol would you want as a sibling? maybe jungkook (bts) because ive always wanted a younger sibling or hakyeon (vixx) because honestly hes perf
11. If you were able to say five words to your bias, what would you say? god knowing me i’d waste my five words on something dumb like ‘oh wow, your face heLP’ :’) and also~~~
Get to Know Me Tag Part 2
Countries I’ve lived in: england Favorite fandom: despite its kind of shady reputation, im going to say the soulsborne fandom. the community is helpful, the streamers, video makers, translators, artists etc put in so much time and effort to wring the very most out of the games for everyone and even then you can just strike up a conversation with a total stranger about some obscure lore theory and still be chatting about it 6 hours later. 10/10 would recommend these people (if you can avoid the git-gud-gatekeepers ofc) Languages I speak: just english :( i learnt a fair bit of korean like, i can manage reading simple things and fumble through listening but i couldnt speak it to save my life Favorite film of 2016: kubo (also low key magnificent seven) ((ive not seen any of the disney movies yet oops)) Last article I read: an obituary for peter sarsdtedt :c Last thing I bought online: child of light and transistor Last person I dreamt of: my brother A recurring dream: i don’t really have recurring dreams Phobias / Fears: vomiting, blood, heights How would my friends describe me: probably ‘the nice one’ (but theyre lowkey thinking the flakey one) If I had $$$ to spend what would I buy first: new underwear, i lost a load of weight so my bras fit weird but i just cant excuse that kind of money :’))
Shuffle your song library and list the first 3 songs that play:
reuben hollebon - faces luke sital singh - pure flora cash - down on your knees
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 1)
Word count: 2,039
Members featured: All
Description: The COVID-19 quarantine has been affecting everyone across the globe, but in South Korea, being quarantined with the global stars known as BTS is an entirely different experience, in many unexpected ways.
"Coffee," Yoongi murmured sleepily. "Need coffee."
I slid his usual black ceramic mug across the table towards him, the delicate tendrils of steam floating upwards. He inhaled slightly, taking in a whiff of the freshly brewed drink before sipping tentatively.
"Mmm, thank you," he said softly, already lifting the mug back up to his lips.
I smiled at him. He was always so cute in the mornings.
Quarantine... was not ideal, to say the least. Even though we were past what was considered the worst of it, I hadn't been able to go back to my apartment for weeks. I had been advised to avoid contact with my house mates, so I'd been staying at the dorms, which was a little much sometimes. Living with seven boys part-time pre COVID-19 had been one thing; living with them full-time was another thing entirely.
Of course, I could never be upset about being able to share small, quiet moments like this with Yoongi.
I sat down at the table across from him, my own cup of coffee in hand. His eyes were still blurry with sleep, his nose scrunched cutely as he continued to sip at his coffee. He extended his hand wordlessly and I accepted it. Our hands were almost exactly the same size, which meant that our fingers laced together effortlessly.
"Tsk tsk, Youkyung," Seokjin reprimanded teasingly as he walked into the kitchen. "Big Hit doesn't pay you to hold Yoongi's hand."
"I thought that's exactly what I get paid to do?" I said, feigning confusion.
Yoongi smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink over the brim of his mug.
"Are we going to get started on breakfast?" Jin asked, changing the subject with an expression of mock disgust on his face.
"More coffee," Yoongi mumbled, holding out his now empty cup.
"Do I look like a maid to you?" Jin demanded.
I got up from the table, patting Jin's shoulder as I passed him on the way to the coffee pot.
"Noona, you baby him too much," Jimin commented, wandering in still wearing his soft Chimmy pajamas. "Baby me instead."
"Like she doesn't always baby you, you brat," Taehyung teased, he and Jungkook following behind him in their own Tata and Cooky pajamas.
"Does everyone have BT21 pajamas but me?" I complained, envious.
"We can get you some!" Jimin promised immediately. "And then when we all have our pajamas, we can have a giant sleepover in the living room!"
"But whose pajamas would you get?" Hoseok wondered out loud, strolling into the room and the conversation casually. He was not wearing his Mang pajamas but I bet he had them in his room somewhere.
"Maybe Van?" I suggested. "Since Van doesn't really belong to any one member."
Namjoon sat down at the table, his hair still messy and his loose T-shirt wrinkled. He leaned forward on one elbow, hand cupping his cheek adorably and brow furrowed slightly.
"Who is your favorite BT21 character, noona?" he asked.
I froze.
None of the members had ever been inside of my room at my apartment, but if they had, they would have seen shelves lined with RJ products, as well as the RJ standing doll that I kept on my bed for cuddling purposes.
I wasn’t about to admit all of that.
The boys were all staring at me, Namjoon in particular completely oblivious to the chaos he had unknowingly caused inside of my head, so I tried to keep my expression neutral.
"Noona really likes pink so maybe Cooky?" Jungkook guessed, although his expression looked a little smug.
Truthfully speaking, I had at least one thing of every BT21 character, but all of my RJ possessions far outnumbered the rest. The only other character that came close was Shooky, out of loyalty to Yoongi.
"I think to be fair, I should just get Van pajamas," I said evasively.
"I think you're hiding something," Jin said shrewdly, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I think you should get started on breakfast, Kim Seokjin," I told him flatly.
"What am I--"
"'A maid?'" I finished his question. "Yes, absolutely. Would you like me to tie your apron for you?"
I took his apron that was hanging on one of the cabinet knobs and stood on tiptoe to pull it over his head. It was pink and had the words “Please do nothing to the cook” stitched on the front.
"Make omelets, everyone likes those," I said softly as I tied a pretty bow in the back.
Jin’s face was bright red, all the way to the tips of his ears. I squeezed his arm and then walked back to the kitchen table where Yoongi was staring at me strangely. I made a face at him and he made the face back.
"Oh no, the twins are at it again with their silent communication," Hoseok said jokingly.
Yoongi and I both turned to look at him with our mouths stretched into a line, making identical expressions just to fluster him.
"What's on our schedule for today?" Namjoon wondered.
"Studio," I answered. "For the Japanese album."
BTS didn't stop during quarantine. They'd had to cancel their tour but they had decided to make use of the time they now had to work on new music. I'd already spent a good amount of time in Genius Lab with Yoongi while he worked on lyrics. It was one of the places we could go for the time being, but as the weeks dragged on, it was already becoming as confining to me as the dorms.
"You can all take your lessons during your breaks from recording," I continued. "I finished the lesson plan last night."
Namjoon nodded in affirmation and Hoseok chirped out an “Okay!” Yoongi and Jin both hummed to indicate that they understood; and Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all shot me a thumbs up in unison.
Trying to squeeze English lessons into their hectic schedules was a bit easier now, but they still had to be done in small increments. Jungkook always tried to drag them out, eager to join Namjoon during interviews, but I had been specifically instructed not to make their lessons too lengthy. They had to be designed to fit into whatever free time they had, so their progress was not as fast as any of them would have liked.
While Jin got started on the omelets the maknae line went to go get changed; and Hoseok and Namjoon relocated to the living room to talk about lyrics for the new Japanese album. Yoongi and I remained at the kitchen table, drinking our coffee and whisking waffle batter.
“So are you going to tell me why you were flirting with Jin earlier?” Yoongi asked me nonchalantly as he plugged the waffle maker into the outlet on the wall closest to the table.
“I wasn’t flirting with him,” I disagreed. “I was teasing him. He should know what it feels like from time to time, since he does it to everyone else.”
“It looked like flirting.”
“Well, it wasn’t.”
Yoongi shrugged, pouring batter into the waffle maker as if it didn’t really matter to him either way. I huffed audibly and he smiled, even though his attention was on making sure the batter spread evenly.
Life during quarantine had become pretty stagnant. I didn’t want to say that I was bored, because being the English tutor for the biggest group in the world could never be boring. I also didn’t want to say that I was fed up because there were certainly worse people to be stuck at home with. It was just difficult not having space to breathe sometimes. Everywhere I went, one of the boys was there. I missed my apartment, my room, my things--everything that made it my space.
As I watched Yoongi manning the waffle maker diligently, I felt a little guilty for wanting separation. He was my favorite person in the world and I had so much of his attention. I tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of my mind, taking a sip of my coffee to ground myself again.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook came back, dressed in casual attire yet looking so effortlessly beautiful, it was unfair.
“What do you kids want on your waffles?” I asked them.
The room was immediately filled with the sounds of five different voices shouting their favorite toppings. I rolled my eyes. They really were like children sometimes, children I attempted to raise even though we were close in age. I left Yoongi at the table to mind the waffles, grabbing a clean cutting board and knife so that I could start chopping up fruit.
“Smells good, Jinnie,” I complimented, inhaling the delicious aroma of garlic, butter, and cheese.
“Of course it does,” he huffed. “I am an amazing chef, after all.”
I shook my head fondly, concentrating on the fruit I was cutting up. On anyone else, I would think that Jin’s behavior was insufferable, but he always got away with it. It was just the way things were.
Without tour dates and flights to factor in, my daily life had changed a little bit more than the boys’ had during this quarantine. I powered through entire books like it was nothing, something that I hadn’t done since I had been in university. I played Just Dance Now pretty religiously, my choice of fitness activity since I hated working out. I took on kitchen duty much more often just to have something to do, although I didn’t mind since I loved cooking; and cooking with Yoongi and Jin was always an enjoyable experience. I started writing again, fictions that sprung from the depths of my imagination and formed brilliant universes of their own. I worked on getting better at photography. I focused on taking care of myself.
All those things were good, healthy, productive... but I went from the dorms to the Big Hit building to Genius Lab and back to the dorms again, day in and day out. It wasn’t bad, but it was... something.
I sighed.
Jin heard me, looking over at me questioningly. I shrugged it off, sliding the neatly cut fruit off the cutting board into a glass bowl with my knife. I placed the cutting board and knife into the sink to wash later and took the bowl of fruit to the table.
The stack of waffles in front of Yoongi had grown. I ruffled his hair affectionately with my free hand and he leaned into my touch.
What a softie, I thought.
A few more flips of the waffle maker later and breakfast was ready. I helped Jin plate all the omelets, which were filled with gooey melted cheese, fresh spinach, truffles, and grape tomatoes cut in halves.
“Yay! Thank you for making breakfast, hyungs and noona!” Jimin cheered, clapping his adorably tiny hands happily.
A chorus of “thank you”s floated around the table.
“You kids better be grateful,” Jin said, no real firmness in his tone.
As the eight of us sat around the kitchen table--an extra large dining set that the company had purchased just to accommodate all of us--I felt the familiar warmth in my chest that I usually felt whenever I looked at my little family. I soaked up the feeling, reveling in the fondness and love I had for each of them. I couldn’t keep being selfish, wanting space from them when there were no better people to be quarantined with.
Yoongi, sensing my emotional state, reached for my hand under the table, squeezing gently. I squeezed back, smiling at him. I slung an arm around Jungkook, who was sitting on my other side. I looked around the table.
“I love you guys,” I told them.
Immediately, a round of “aw”s met my ears and before I knew it, I was crushed beneath the weight of seven boys who had latched onto me in a giant group hug.
“We purple you, noona,” Taehyung said earnestly.
I felt tears well up in the corner of my eyes. I knew how much the phrase meant to him and how much it meant coming from him.
My family. My perfect little family.
“Alright, get off, you’re squishing me!”
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