#goad writers community
laudaddysmitten · 1 month
Stunning View - Ch 6
By: LaudaddySmitten
GOAD Writer's Guild official
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Chapter 6: Gravity
CW: rated Explicit (Eventual smut...we are now what I'd call "smut adjacent")
As Aziraphale and Crowley try to enjoy time together at Aziraphale's safely warded room, several things are bubbling under the surface. Will any boil over?
Crowley knew allowing himself to be pulled in by Aziraphale's doubtlessly temporary desire would rip him apart. But he wanted to be ripped apart–by Aziraphale. Sudden, firm pressure on the front of his shoulders had Crowley taking a hasty step back — just in time to avoid falling on his ass — as his shoulders made forceful contact with the back of the door. Aziraphale's chest pushed flush against Crowley, keeping him pinned. Crowley found that he didn't mind having more of Aziraphale's body in contact with his!  Experiencing being handled with passionate abandon wasn’t bad either! Crowley was surrounded by Aziraphale; arms clutching his shoulders, the heat and weight of his body pressed into Crowley's, his moans in his ears, his smell teasing him each time he breathed, his taste sweeter than wine in his mouth. Aziraphale kissed as though Crowley's lips wouldn't remain in this reality for long, leaving him no choice but to chase them down with all his fervor and desire, devouring Crowley's mouth in a steadily more sloppy display.
Read on AO3:
Thank you for all the support, @goodomensafterdark !
Thanks for the beta help: @olfactoryventriloquism @outrageousring5655   @happynachohologram @adverbian @nosferatini @unapologetic-apathy
And finally, thanks for the artwork @lexarturo
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slayingfiction · 8 months
List of 400+ Dialogue Tags
Below is a full (but not exhaustive) and updated list of dialogue tags. Dialogue tags are a widely debated topic for writers, some saying you should only use said, others arguing the opposite. You will get no opinion for me—only a list to use as you wish :D
Some words may differ in categories based on context.
Expressing Agreement or Confirmation
Acknowledged, Admitted, Affirmed, Agreed, Apologized, Confirmed, Conceded, Gibed, Professed, Reassured, Verified, Vouched
Initiating or Continuing Conversation
Added, Began, Chimed In, Commented, Continued, Conversed, Discussed, Elaborated, Greeted, Interjected, Offered, Proposed, Remarked, Went On
Making a Declaration or Announcement
Announced, Attested, Declared, Decreed, Emphasized, Enunciated, Proclaimed, Revealed, Stated, Voiced
Formal or Deliberate Communication
Chanted, Concurred, Observed, Postulated, Preached, Put Forth, Reasoned, Surmised, Testified
Indirect Communication 
Digressed, Hinted, Implied, Insinuated 
Providing Information, Explanation or Speculation
Alleged, Articulated, Asserted, Clarified, Doubted, Equivocated, Explained, Guessed, Imparted, Informed, Lectured, Noted, Predicted, Quoted, Recited, Reported, Theorized
Expressing Doubt or Uncertainty
Doubted, Faltered, Guessed, Hesitated, Pondered, Questioned, Speculated, Wondered, Ventured
Seeking or Giving Advice
Advised, Coaxed, Proposed, Recommended, Remonstrated, Suggested, Supposed, Urged
Barked, Croaked, Growled, Hissed, Hooted, Howled, Hummed, Roared, Snarled 
Expressing Discontent or Frustration
Complained, Fretted, Grumbled, Protested, Ranted
Demonstrating Authority or Command
Avowed, Commanded, Crowed, Decided, Demanded, Dictated, Directed, Insisted, Instructed, Maintained, Ordered, Pressed, Proclaimed, Reprimanded
Displaying Confidence or Assertiveness
Asserted, Assured, Boasted, Bragged, Claimed, Piped Up, Pledged, Spoke Up, Told, Vowed
Exhibiting Anger or Aggression
Accused, Bristled, Challenged, Cursed, Erupted, Exasperated, Fumed, Groaned, Huffed, Raged, Seethed, Snapped, Spat, Stormed, Swore, Threatened, Whinged
Displaying Sadness or Despair
Anguished, Bawled, Bemoaned, Blubbered, Cried, Despaired, Grieved, Lamented, Mourned, Sobbed, Wept, Whimpered, Worried
Appealed, Begged, Cajoled, Convinced, Persuaded, Petitioned, Pleaded, Prayed
Conveying Fear or Worry
Cautioned, Entreated, Gasped, Quaked, Shuddered, Stressed, Trembled, Warned
Softly or Quietly
Breathed, Called, Crooned, Murmured, Mumbled, Muttered, Sighed, Whispered
Loudly or Forcefully
Bellowed, Boomed, Cried Out, Hollered, Screamed, Screeched, Shouted, Shrieked, Thundered, Wailed, Whooped, Yelled
Demonstrating Disgust or Disdain
Cringed, Gagged, Griped, Groused, Rasped, Scowled, Sneered, Snorted
Expressing Mockery, Disrespect or Sarcasm
Dared, Imitated, Insulted, Jeered, Mimicked, Mocked, Ribbed, Ridiculed, Scoffed, Snickered, Taunted 
Doing Annoyingly
Gloated, Goaded, Nagged, Pestered, Provoked, Sassed, Tattled
Emotional or Expressive Communication
Grunted, Mewled, Panted, Quavered, Sniffled, Snivelled, Squawked, Whined, Yowled
Showing Empathy or Comfort
Comforted, Consoled, Empathized, Soothed, Sympathized
Indicating Thoughtfulness or Reflection
Contemplated, Echoed, Mused, Pondered, Recalled, Reflected, Remembered, Reminded, Reminisced, Retorted, Reiterated
Expressing Humour or Amusement
Cackled, Chirped, Chuckled, Giggled, Guffawed, Jested, Joked, Laughed, Quipped
Revealing Information
Confessed, Confided, Divulged, Disclosed, Expressed, Hinted, Revealed, Shared, Spilled, Uttered
In a Flirtatious Way
Bantered, Cooed, Flirted, Joshed, Moaned, Purred, Teased
Demonstrating Surprise or Astonishment
Gasped, Marvelled, Yelped
Indicating Hesitation or Reluctance
Faltered, Hesitated, Stammered, Stuttered
Engaging in a Dispute or Argument
Argued, Bargained, Bickered, Contended, Debated, Disputed, Negotiates, Objected, Rebutted, Shot Back
Showing Enthusiasm or Excitement
Beamed, Blurted, Cheered, Exclaimed, Gushed, Raved, Rejoiced, Sang, Squealed, Trumpeted
Expressing Approval or Praise
Applauded, Complimented, Encouraged, Exhorted, Extolled, Lauded, Praised
Speaking in a Continuous or Repetitive Manner
Babbled, Chattered, Jabbered, Rambled, Rattled On, Repeated
Questions and Answers
Answered, Asked, Cross-examined, Inquired, Implored, Probed. Prodded, Prompted, Queried, Questioned, Quizzed, Requested
Expressing Criticism or Disagreement
Challenged, Chastised, Chided, Condemned, Corrected, Countered, Criticized, Deflected, Demurred, Denounced, Scolded
Negative or Deceptive Communication
Denied, Droned, Exaggerated, Interrupted, Lied
Finishing the Conversation 
Concluded, Finished, Thanked
Neutral or Miscellaneous
Admired, Consented, Foretold, Invited, Mentioned, Mouthed, Pointed Out, Replied, Said, Sputtered, Volunteered
Don’t forget our Grand Opening Giveaway starts February 1st/24 on Tumblr, Instagram and slayingfiction.com! You don’t want to miss it!
Happy Writing!
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goodomensafterdark · 3 months
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Oh my god, we just hit 4,500 people following the account!
(okay, missed it by a few days, we were busy okay)
What are you all doing here and when did that happen?! Well well well…  
*adjusts waistcoat*
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We have something very special in mind in order to celebrate this milestone: we would like to do a bit of a rebrand of the Tumblr account.
And for this, what better than a little contest?
This will go into three directions : 
We would like to change our pfp ! We of course love @vavoom-sorted-art ‘s, but since this one was put in there, the subreddit changed 20 times! So it is time to do a bit of undusting.
Draw a riveting pfp for the Tumblr account!
We have been trying to give a good summary of who we are and what the sub and this account are all about, but… we are missing YOUR interpretation!
Write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of our sub! 
Make us LAUGH and make us HORNY!
Try to keep the main presentation at a maximum of 500 words.
If you want to write a companion fic that would be longer, go for it, but we need an actual presentation that would be a bit shorter 😉
You heard us, YOU TOO get to participate! We have special plans for those celebrations, you see, and for this, we will need you!
Choose a fic in our collection that is less than 1500 words and podfic it.
You will have 1 month to complete this task, so until the 28th of July!
How will the choices and results be handled
Please submit your art, fics and podfics on the Good Omens After Dark file share here.
Folder name should be : GOAD Tumblr Contest
Name your files as follows:
[your tumblr account name]_[pfp/presentation/podfic]_submission
We will not take your submission into account if you don’t follow the GOAD account.
Your productions don't need to stay private: you can absolutely post them and mention us!
If you post ahead of the results announcement:
On Tumblr: use the tag #GOAD 4500 celebrations
On AO3: use the tag GOAD 4500 celebrations and add it to the collection
Results announcement
We know you feral goblins, so we will be planning for 2 weeks to go through the art and writing and podficcing you will have submitted.
Once we are done with it all, we will choose 3 winners:
an artist, whose art will become our new pfp
a writer, whose presentation blurb will be added to our metapost
a podficcer, whose podfic will be added to our metapost as a star example of what this community has to offer.
But for all the others, not to worry: you will of course all be celebrated for the work that you have done during this month, and will get plenty of love from us! <3
TL;DR: Celebration contest! (need to follow us here if you want to compete)
Deadline: 29th of July
Artists: draw a new PFP
Writers: write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of the sub
Podficcers: choose a fic from the collection that is not more than 1500 words long and podfic it
Prize: the winners will be part of our rebranding! The artist's pfp will be our new pfp, the writer's presentation will appear in our metapost, and the podficcer will appear in our metapost.
Good luck to you all!
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angie-words · 2 months
I'm operating on 4.5 hours' sleep because someone (me) decided it was a great idea to stay up writing fanfic (and I stand by this). Anyway, let's go -
It's been a year since Good Omens 2 came out and I want to share a very brief thing about what this show has meant to me:
It's meant being absolutely devastated for several weeks after the Final 15 and turning to social media for an outlet (note: I'm still not OK. Obviously)
It's meant finding amazing artists and writers and creators whose work has inspired me, helping me feel more at home and accepting of my own body and gender fuckery
It's meant my house is now decorated in a fair amount of GO-themed art
It's meant stumbling across this essay by swirlywords that let me understand myself better as a late-diagnosed autistic person
It's meant finding the desire to write once again following a long period of burnout because I couldn't contain all the things I was feeling anymore
It's meant becoming part of GOAD and discovering there are other people who share my appreciation of Michael Sheen and his whole-body giggles
It's meant becoming part of a community through @whickberstreetwriters and being in awe of the incredible writers there. All of these wonderful people have also been supportive and encouraging of my own work and, best of all, given me criticism that has done more to improve my abilities in less than one year than an MA creative writing course could accomplish in two
It's meant the absolute world 💜
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ineffablecrankshaft · 7 months
(Video) "Coming Home" - The Trailer
A ceasefire has occurred on the @goodomensafterdark Subreddit, site of the 5 five week long ineffable smut war, but not before the GOAD Writers Guild launched this utter behemoth of a finisher on Valentines Day:
31 Authors.
100 Chapters.
Over 100,000 words.
Over 100 different journeys.
31 authors in the community, co-ordinated by the indefatigable @doonarose and driven by the power of spreadsheets, came together to create a singularity of smut with a Choose your own adventure style telling of that first night in the south downs cottage. And you can play too!
But do not clikc that link before you've picked up your Bingo Card, designed (alongside the lovely poster that I used in the vid!) by @fuzzygoblin
With a couple of days left before they unleashed this on the fandom, their emissary approached me and asked if I would be able to put together a "Trailer" for the launch.
Flattered as I was, time was just to short, there was no way I'd be able to pull it off... Alone
Enter u/FourCatsAndCounting - GOAD Veteran, Purveyor of finest Crack and side splitting nonsense who I had long admired from the shadows. Now Together... Together this was something we could pull off...
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And this was the result. The CatShaft Alliance was formed.
Thankyou @doonarose and EVERY writer and creative that made this, It was an honour to put this together for your work even at the last minute!
And @goodomensafterdark for creating a community just brimming with talent that produces so much wonderful content and nonsense.
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ear-motif · 1 year
just out of curiosity, why do you feel Will is trans? like how does that concept look in your head?? (i dont feel he is canonically trans but so many of his themes align with that concept and it makes my heart happy) i'm very open about the subject, just wanna hear your thoughts!!
oughh i love having thoughts thank you so much.
he is not canonically trans, point blank. but god damn if this show was just a little but cooler he would be. inane ramblings below
it started as a selfish projection of myself onto him, because I immediately related to his awkward accidental sincerity and difficulty relating to the Normals. I even have a similar cadence to my voice when I’m being snarky (which people notice and is extremely embarrassing). lets hope i have a hot glow up cause so far I mostly relate to s1 will (sad!). And because I’m gendersomething I’m like lit ok hes trans bc I said so.
But will’s whole inner world and turmoil makes sense to me when seen through the lens of my experience with gender and mental illness (tho ill focus on the gender for now). feeling like there’s a dark, awful part of yourself that’s constantly being taunted at and goaded into taking over. but your normie friends say that you’re a good person for repressing it, for doing whats useful while resisting what you crave. sven if that’s not what they say, it’s what they mean, and it’s what you’ve been implicitly taught your whole life. [for will, i think allegorically speaking its less his “murderous tendencies” that he has to resist, but gaining an antisocial perspective based on his empathy. growing above morality through his intimate experience with death and killers. that would make a man like will very dangerous, not only for individuals but potentially for his entire community. idk wanted to clear that up im normal about will graham]. obviously thats not what everyone or even most queer ppl’s experience with gender is like, but it is for me. yes im making it sound like i have a transgendered Venom Symbiote Guy hiding in my bones but like. maybe i do you dont know
i feel like this is a crappy answer but thats honestly why im like yea willard graham transgendered…and then the writers like to taunt me by making one of his defining drives his drive to be a father which is mean bc I too need to be a caregiver while maintaining my masculine identity so RUDE. and then setting up how that goal is only pushed further from him by his involvement with hannibal by making mason assault margot and sterilize her, killing their child and leaving her with an abdominal scar. and then having hannibal kill abigail, effectively killing their child and leaving will with an abdominal scar. and from what i know abt s3, he doesnt bond with wally like he does with abigail; hannibal essentially stole his capacity for fatherhood like mason stole margot’s capacity for motherhood (except she wins cuz she and alana have a kid right?) fuck this doesnt relate to gender anymore OK IM DONE I SAID MY PIECE IM SO SORRY
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cal-writes · 9 months
I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO CHECKING OUT THOSE WRITER ASKS, so excuse me, I'm going to disturb your schedule now with some things I want to ask. For 2023 review asks: 1, 3, 9, 23, 24, and 30 please. For the AO3 wrapped asks: 3, 5, 20, and 30, if you'd be so kind. Hope you are having an excellent time and lots of rest, Cal!
at least this time im at my computer and not on mobile so it will be infitely easier to reply! thank you <3
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
writing present tense actually! my dear beta has been suggesting it for years bc i mostly wrote past tense (or both i would switch in the middle of a work constantly, sorry @vaguelyreferential) so i dont even know what made me do it one piece fic just had the vibes for it i guess
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
i write best at night and unfortunately like it best to write on my laptop. unfortunately bc i got an ergonomic keyboard for reasons and with the laptop thats not really compatible (i can of course conntect it but i like the vibe of the laptop yknow) i think it might have something to do with my double monitor setup on my main computer which tends to distract me so. fun things about being creative with adhd
What fic meant the most to you to write?
woof. thats a tough one. i mean to a certain degree they all mean something to me yknow. or i wouldnt write them. but i think meaningful to me personally is probably Salt of Midgar its the first long ongoing fic ive done in a while and i really tried to be consistent with uploads and stuff and try to hone the whole "done is better than perfect" with it. i sadly lost the consisitency with putting out chapters with it but i am still very dedicated to finishing it and plan to do it next year.
also have to say one of my unfinished 00Q fics has a soft spot in my heart bc i met my beta through it and got back into writing in the first place bc of the james bond fandom. i have planned to "reboot it" of sorts aka rewrite and actually finish it (bc its so old at this point my style wouldnt really work with it anymore and i also have no idea where i was going). it got shelved bc i got swallowed up my one piece fandom but yknow
Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
“You don’t have to have all the answers for him right now, you know that right?” Kazuha told him gently and he glanced up, feeling small and terrified at the gulf that was opening in his chest. She smiled and nudged their joined hands. “Just talk to him and tell him the truth. Left to your own devices you two just reach the worst conclusions possible.” She added teasingly and Heiji felt himself snort. She had them there. “Communication.” She stressed in a tone of voice Heiji was too familiar with from their time as a couple.  With a final squeeze, he extracted his hands and groaned, letting his head hang over the back of the chair. “Why do I have to be the mature one? Why can’t he come talk to me?” He whined.  “Because Shinichi is emotionally stunted and you are better at interpersonal relationships than him.” She said placatingly and Heiji gaped at her. He narrowed his eyes at her. Kazuha grinned as innocently as possible. Oh, she was goading him.
this whole conversation from the third chapter of One Trick Pony probably. i struggled with that whole chapter in general a whole lot. this conversation originally took place on the train before i scrapped that location change so to speak and had them stay in kazuha's place. what was difficult at the time with that chapter is how miserable the characters were and i got really into that headspace which kinda made writing hard. but im glad with how it turned out in the end!
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
i think i have a lot of my "oho" moments when im not actively writing. such as kaito working for the friend of heijis mom. that was like a "yknow what would be funny" and then i implemented that and from that alone came The Simple Life of Kaito. otherwise my writing process is often just getting possessed by ideas and getting them out of my head the way they want it
What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
as said above i want to finish up Salt of Midgar which i think are 2-3 chapters by my last count.
i also had another one piece thing thats basically done that i need to polish up which is in universe and two other things that i might finish up ive been trucking away at those for a while. one is a sequel to laws eleven and the other is a new AU. also of course lucky charm. that reminds me i have to finish up the next chapter for that whoops
i'll post this now just so i dont lose it all but will reply to the other questions in a reblog!!
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erisenyo · 10 months
For the game: would you ever write a sobbing, total mess Jet? (Yes I'm currently digging through your Jetko stuff, you're amazing 💖)
Yes! Though I think he would still be very angry in that state, and lashing out at how vulnerable he would feel.
Jet's actually a bit of a ticking time bomb for something like that, in my opinion. He collects orphans and strays like he can't help himself, he sets them up as their guiding north star, every injustice goads him into furious action, his senses of justice and of revenge are becoming the same thing, and he just keeps taking more and more ono his back to carry.
He's alone and trying not to be, and trying not to let on that he's trying. He needs to be strong for the people following him because he doesn't know how to be a friend, he knows how to be a leader, a savior.
And underneath it all is a mess of trauma and he can't let himself stop or else he's going to have to actually face it (and I wouldn't be surprised if he in his heart of hearts viewed himself as having some culpability in it).
After Katara and Aang called him out for his actions I actually think he'd be teetering on the edge of a breakdown. He's giving up his own life, he's agreeing to start over, he's adrift with Longshot and Smellerbee but he's still clearly clinging to what he knows as he reaches out to Zuko and tries to reform a community of likeminded strays around himself again.
I don't actually think it would take all that big of a push for him to crack, whether from him coming face to face with all the ways his actions are harming rather than hurting the people he has told himself he's protecting, or from feeling betrayed by Zuko after extending him his trust.
From the Writer' Would You Ever ask game!
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Just realised I missed this one out seemingly 😅
DS9 2x12 The Alternate thoughts (I'm rewatching, so possible future spilers)
Quark and Odo's, uh, thing, is so obvious, whatever it is that they have
"You're serious?" "Have you ever known me know to be?"
The switch and bait, I knew there had to be an ulterior motive - yes, Odo, excellently played XD
Ughhh, Mora. He's half treating Odo like a child, half still like an experiment - "Haven't quite managed the ears yet", "Is the suit a suit, or part of you?" - really horrible intrusive questions, aren't they?
Just noticed that Odo's hair is modelled after Mora's...
Mora, Odo KNOWS this station, he KNOWS Quark's motives better than you. As do we - Quark was DEFINITELY hoping this would be a distraction to Odo.
"I integrate as much as I want to", and quite right too
"Tell me about this police thing..." "I enjoy my work as Chief of Security." STOP DOWNPLAYING HIS ACHIEVEMENTS
Oh my goodness, I can't stand him, I genuinely hate him. He's so clearly manipulative and abusive, gah.
As always, Jake and Sisko are wonderful. I'm with you on Klingon opera, Jake. I love how terribly Sisko is justifying why Jake should have to learn it.
"Just because you suffered through all that doesn't mean I have to." "Yes, it does." This reminds me of his conversation with Bashir in Forsaken about the ambassadors - "So now you take the same perverse pleasure in doing it to me" - man, Sisko definitely is consistent XD
I actually can't remember how this episode goes, they definitely don't find the changelings...
Mora bringing up a story Odo doesn't like, directing him to "Tell her", and when Odo does interrupting like he's a child is not how you treat people you love! Or at least it could be in friendly banter but this isn't! It's infantilising and patronising
Jadzia had such a tight, polite face - good for her not showing too much interest once she realises how uncomfortable Odo is.
Oh! Is this the hologram one?!
Lol, that "lifeform" is just those whaddya-call-them metal things you use in primary school with magnets. Iron filings! That's the one.
Okay, so not the hologram one, then...
I've often thought Odo and Julian have a lot in common: I hadn't added complicated parent relationships to that thought but now I kinda want to see Odo being able to talk to Julian about his complicated feelings and having someone who actually understands listen
Sisko again forgetting not everyone has a good dad... It must be nice to be Sisko
Well, I guessed that the being wasn't going to stay there as soon as Miles said "level five security" - if it's highly secure there's gonna be a breakout, right?
Jadzia! I thought she was benched for this episode, but yay, she's back!
"Doctor Bashir wouldn't listen to me and hid my clothes so I wouldn't leave." I love her to PIECES, and I DO like their friendship
Sisko just being like "yeah get to work" XD It's good enough for him that Jadzia managed to escape Julian
"I'm moving in closer. If you run into my wife, don't mention I did this." Oh Miles, that is not healthy communication.
"I'll come home tonight and she'll ask me how my day was and I'll say, fine, honey, how was yours? Sometimes I think she really doesn't want to know the truth, so I do us both a favour and..." Oh Miles, THAT IS NOT HEALTHY COMMUNICATION
Come on Jadzia, you knew how he'd respond to that suggestion.
She did it with such a straight face I'm genuinely not sure if she was goading him or if he's just imagining that
Ughhh that interaction was kind of fine until this monologue tho :( The flirting is fine since they're both fine with it - but why the writers gotta make Bashir so creepy
He's about to be got!
Ooh, no, he got away :D
Even if you WERE right Mora, telling Odo what he thinks is not the way to go!
Yeaaaa, Odo and Bashir sure could have a lot to talk about wrt parental figures who are proud because they see their sons as their achievements, and not proud for their sons' sakes
Mora, talking like that behind someone's back is never a good move. Man, Jadzia is so uncomfortable
No, Mora, Dr Bashir would try to understand!
Fuck you, Mora, turning him against his friends.
I do get that Mora is genuinely worried and concerned for Odo, but he's just bad and incapable of doing anything well
Just because you "gave him more than anyone else in your life" DOESN'T mean he owes you A THING - that is the first step of parenting
Oh I DO remember this episode now XD eventually got there
And now Mora is trusting the crew? Has he finally realised he can't go it alone? Or has he resigned to them "putting Odo in a zoo".
"If maximum stun doesn't bring him down immediately, we set phasers to kill." "Commander." "I know, Major." Oof, that cannot have been an easy order to give.
Self awareness! Finally! Bit late, but we can work with that!
"I prescribe rest because it's hard for a doctor to go wrong with that one." 👍
Odo has never been my favourite character, but I do like him, and this episode is just so heart-breaking. And infuriating. Go away, Mora, forever please.
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laudaddysmitten · 1 month
You had me at
"Crowley In a Lab Coat"
by LaudaddySmitten
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(GOAD Writer's Guild presents!)
I continue my theme of writing Good Omens fanfiction - WITH SCIENCE! 🥼 ♥️ 🔬🧪 ♥️ 🥼
I teased the artwork on this baby a bit in the past while (hint, amazing photo from the BAFTA's), see below the AO3 info for more on that!
Aziraphale's eyes were immediately drawn to the triangle of bare skin at the base of Crowley's throat, and all queries died before reaching his tongue. Crowley's deliciously deep v-neck henleys, which he always made even more enticing by undoing more buttons, fit just out of sight under the lab coat's lapels, showing off the curve of his clavicles and the deep suprasternal notch between them. With a start, Aziraphale realized he’d been blatantly staring at Crowley's throat and upper chest for heaven knows how long. Mortified, he snapped his eyes to Crowley's, which, uncovered, only further fueled his lust for the enticing botanist. Aziraphale was surprised to see that Crowley was sporting a smirk that looked…pleased. “Enjoying the view?” He arched an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh my, I er…..” Aziraphale gulped and looked down at his wringing hands. “How rude of me. I'm…ah, terribly sorry…” “Angel. Don’t apologize. I was actually…hoping you would.” Hands instantly stilled, Aziraphale looked up quickly. Had he heard that right?
CW: Rated E for Explicit sexual content. Read the tags on AO3!
Continue Reading on AO3:
This photo was the artwork tease/ clue:
Now that you've seen the artwork you probably know why. But just in case...
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David Tennant (Crowley, ofc) + Jeff Goldblum's most iconic movie pose (from Jurassic Park):
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Equals: Crowley In a Lab Coat by @lexarturo (She killed it!)
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My original post/ tease on the matter:
Thank you betas of awesomeness, especially @ladybracknellssherry !! Also thanks to you and @riverstyx125 for the very last-minute help!
And help ages ago from other awesome people: @unapologetic-apathy @gingerhaole (for reference/inspiration art) and a couple other betas whose usernames I will find and add b/c tumblr hates me rn! lol @ezomind-the-other-one
And of course thanks to the Writer's Guild of @goodomensafterdark !
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isiaiowin · 2 months
Hey!! Thanks for setting up the GOetry Community. I'm really enjoying it so much! I was wondering if you're going to continue posting the weekly challenge? I'm not in GOAD writers and don't have capacity for it tbh, so it'd be nice to engage with it in this smaller poetry group 😊❤️
Hey! Lickthecowhappy set it up! I just started to post prompts every week in our GOAD writers group hihi. But I will be posting the prompts to Tumblr too from now on 💚 I love seeing everyone having so much fun with it.
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goodomensafterdark · 6 months
GOAD-senpai wants to notice you. Tag us!
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Dear me, dear me, what's all this then?
Well, it's a call for tags!
We love you, dear creators of GOAD, but it is easy to lose track of you all in the midst of everybody, especially with how stupid Tumblr can be at times with how it chooses to show the posts on the dashboard.
We may be two people running the account, but we are also:
working full time jobs
having a family life
mods for the community of writers of GOAD
handling some projects led by GOAD
handling our own private accounts and social media presence
We don't necessarily have the time to browse through the faulty Tumblr dashboard for more than a few minutes, which means that we miss people.
So, here is how we work when we log into the account for a reblogging spree:
We look at the 99+ notifications that popped within an hour
We go into the Mentions tab and reblog anything that we have been tagged into
We hop onto the Writers Guild's schedule for the posts to be (re)blogged for the day
We hunt down the writers who didn't tag us + blog the posts whose writers don't have Tumblr
We browse the dashboard for a couple of minutes for the artists that we're following and reblog those that we find on the way down.
If you want to get some more traction, if you want to ensure that you get our attention and social support: Tag us!
You are doing Good Omens stuff and are a GOAD creator? Tag us!
It's not lewd/smutty? Tag us!
It's chapter/page x out of 53? Tag us!
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We have created this account to promote the creators of GOAD. If you don't use it as such by tagging it, we cannot promote you.
And if you are on Reddit and on the sub, think of posting your stuff there too, of course. Don't forget, this sub exists because you exist ;)
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Transformers: Megatron Origin #04
Read Date: February 15, 2023 Cover Date: October 2007 ● Writer: Eric Holmes ● Art: Alex Milne ● Colorist: Josh Perez ◦ Mark Bristow ● Letterer: Neil Uyetake ● Editor: Andrew Steven Harris ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● after the raid on the, uh, energon sport facilities, the prison at Kaon is at 300% capacity ● Starscream going in to speak to a special council ● heheh, councilman: "I am required to list your charges as follows: assault, murder, armed robbery, destruction of state property, inciting civil disobedience, extortion, kidnapping, receiving and selling stolen goods, passing counterfeit funds, firing upon a state senator, multiple counts of attacks on state officers and state property, supplying known criminals with illegal weaponry, vehicle theft, and misrepresenting yourself as a state official." ● Starscream's response (ha!) :
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● Starscreams delivers a message to the council from the prisoners that they (the council) created this proble through their own interests. (I mean… he ain't wrong.) ● they start to take Starscream away but he brings out his arm cannons. Then they hear some loud noise, which Starscream says is "Phase Two for us. The end for you." ● Starscream: "Oh destiny, how it pleases you to caress a few and molest others. In the mines, we had no idea that destiny must be harnessed, kicked and ridden until it takes you in the right direction…" QUESTION: ….just what animals do Cybertronians ride??? The fact that Starscream makes such a poetic metaphor means that riding a living being is in their history… right? ● Megatron has a helluvan arm cannon now ● Kaon in total chaos ● those not under Megatron's command finally evacuate, and the Decepticons have a new name and a city under their control ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Having been arrested and detained by Sentinel Prime's Autobot security forces, Megatron's forces are in a tight squeeze, literally and metaphorically - their presence threatens to push the holding capacity of Kaon's Security Services Headquarters to the limit, and Starscream is marched away from the other imprisoned gladiators, seemingly to turn in his fellow rebels.
Starscream is taken before the Kaon Council to testify. As the assembled 'bots read out a list of charges, the Seeker remains flippant, raising the ire of the prosecutors, before finally offering his own two cents: everything that has happened is their fault. Raising his weapons, he and Soundwave easily destroy their would-be captors in a final coup de grace against the old order, and etch their symbol into the meeting room's view screen.
From their cells, the other prisoners hear the bloodshed, and Megatron is pleased: he'd deliberately engineered the entire arrest and Starscream's seeming defection in order to easily slaughter his assembled enemies. Starscream releases his leader and his gladiator crew, who are swiftly joined by every other criminal in the building. With Soundwave providing armaments and badges to the new recruits, Starscream introduces Megatron to the most devastating weapon in the precinct's armory: a new, arm-mounted fusion cannon. Blasting a hole in the wall with his new weapon, Megatron orders the group to attack with an offensive that is as simple as it is destructive: everything burns.
Aboard a pleasure vessel filled with Cybertron's upper class, snooty recreation comes to an end when Megatron's forces launch an attack. Though Thundercracker is uncertain, his partner Skywarp goads him into firing upon the leisure ship, causing it to crash into the city below in a fiery conflagration.
As Kaon burns, Sentinel and the other Autobots fight to retake the city from the insurgents, but it's an uphill fight all the way: the rebels have caused massive damaged, jammed communications with Iacon, and refuse to give an inch of ground. With his options running out, Sentinel realizes that he'll have to deploy the "Apex" as his final contingency plan, ordering his soldiers to hold the line while he falls back to retrieve it.
While Megatron and his troops lead the assault on Kaon, Soundwave meets with his boss, Senator Ratbat. The smug Senator admits that he was behind the disastrous chain of events that led to Megatron's rise to power: not only did he aid Megatron's cause by supplying arms, he was also the one who arranged for Megatron to be removed from the mining operation where he was originally working—and now that Megatron's forces have destabilized the area, the senator is embezzling what he can before moving on to new pastures. Soundwave, however, shoots his former boss, takes Ratbat's ill-gotten gains, and prepares to seal his spark inside a new frame…
As he struggles to get to the front lines, Megatron's advance is briefly halted by a colossal explosion: an explosion that was caused by Sentinel Prime, sealed inside a colossal suit of Apex Armor and ready to throw down with his opposite number. Another salvo of firepower throws the rebel leader off his feet. Believing his enemy dead, Sentinel radios to the other Autobots that he's created an opening in the enemy lines… but learns that he's spoken too soon when Megatron rises once more, using Hound's body as a bludgeon to shatter the helmet of the Apex Armor.
Their struggle takes them over a precipice as they battle while discussing Megatron's goal: Megatron will transform the world by tearing it all down, and Sentinel seeks to uphold the old order from any treachery. The two grapple until Megatron is almost knocked over a precipice; as Sentinel lifts him up to deliver the final strike, Megatron gains a second wind and launches a savage counterattack against the Autobot leader, mortally wounding him. Haivng finally made contact with Iacon, more Autobot reinforcements arrive… just in time to see their leader's broken body lying in a crater. Prowl, assuming command, orders a retreat.
As dawn breaks, Megatron takes stock of his latest victory and the journey that led him to this point. Having fashioned a throne from the remains of the Apex Armor, he discusses his next moves with Soundwave. Now that Kaon has been taken, the next step is clear—the rest of Cybertron shall be conquered. But they will not do it as Cybertronians. From this day forward, they are the Decepticons.
The Great War has begun…
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Fan Art: Kneel Before Megatron by Tianwaitang
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coghive · 2 years
TRIBL Introduces New Worship Collective, Family Music, With Debut Single
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TRIBL Records is excited to announce the debut single, “However You Want To” featuring Karen Espinosa & Kendell James by worship collective, Family Music. This powerful anthem from the upcoming album, UNDIGNIFIED, invites the Holy Spirit to move without any barriers. “However You Want To” is available now! UNDIGNIFIED, the debut album from Family Music, is available for pre-order/pre-save now. Family Music was born out of a hunger for community and relationship with like-minded songwriters and friends. In August 2020, amidst a global pandemic, twelve friends gathered in a house in St. Augustine, FL to write songs and to chase the heart of Jesus. What came out of those songs was unexpected. What came out of them was Family. Unapologetically raw and unedited, the Family Music sound captures the heart of the writers as worshippers and lovers of Jesus. With the combined stories of 20+ writers and artists, Family Music is a collective and a group. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to encounter the presence of Jesus without the fanfare of a stage or a spotlight. “However You Want To” is a wonderfully crafted and unrefined song of surrender.  The moment the instrumental introduction begins, listeners know this is not a regular recording. This song is a real-time worship experience. The instrumentals and vocals flow freely without concern for formal structure. Family Music has created a sound that focuses on the Spirit, not the individuals leading the songs. Listeners will feel the intimate desire to surrender to the will of the Spirit as Family Music sings the words, “burst through the doors…just come however you want to!;” with “However You Want To”, Family Music ushers the listener into a life-changing experience often only captured in live worship services. “This project is a picture of what it looks like when we get out of the way.” However You Want To - Family Music https://youtu.be/w_HUvY4NEzw UNDIGNIFIED Tracklist - 1.     However You Want To (feat. Karen Espinosa & Kendall James) - 2.     New Thing (feat. Montel Moore) - 3.     Undignified (feat. Karen Espinosa & Steve Davis) - 4.     Aquí Estoy (feat. Alyna Francine & Sydney Yien) - 5.     Still Overwhelmed (feat. Rachel Leifeste, Lou Taylor & Steve Davis) - 6.     New Beginnings (feat. Montel Moore & Bre Goad) - 7.     Your Name Alone (feat. Bre Goad & Matthew DelVescovo) - 8.     I Am Free (feat. Sam Heilig, Steve Davis & Sydney Yien) Read the full article
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deanismysavior · 2 years
Mileven has a beautiful story and ruining them in season 5 would be a shame. Byler is so toxic,mike and will fight all the time and Mike makes Will suffer all the time. That’s why i think it’s better for will to find another crush.
Listen, I'm not here to start ship wars, really. I'm just calling it like I see it, given what we have visually been shown throughout the season and the context clues we can pick up on.
If you want to continue to ship Mileven, great, cool, fine, but on my own blog, I'm going to share my own opinion, so here it is:
It seems, at least to me, pretty undeniable at this point that the writing is on the wall for Mileven. All we've gotten from them this season is lies, miscommunication, and a lack of understanding what the other needs. There was no real reconciling after the love confession, no real resolution to all of that strain. In fact, it was confirmed to us that El still wasn't really talking to Mike. To try to put them back together at this point with the fact that Mike has definitely not changed how he views El or gained any insight into how to actually love her the way she needs and deserves, it would feel forced, and I honestly want better for them both than to continue in a relationship where they're not feeling seen by one another.
Mileven, as a relationship, used to be a cute dynamic. It was sweet and innocent, but as they've grown up, they haven't grown together pretty much at all. Their relationship is not built on honest communication, but instead just physical affection, which isn't healthy or balanced. I'm sorry to say it, but I really don't think the writers would be ruining anything that's not already broken here.
Mike and Will might fight a few times over the course of the show, but to me, none of that displays toxic behavior. They are actively expressing their feelings around one another in moments where they come to a head. Mike's really unhealthy behavior shows up whether he's fighting or not: he deflects blame, but what's different about his relationship with Will is that he almost always takes full accountability afterwards and apologizes right away. We don't really see him display this behavior with anyone else. He has consistently always had to be goaded into apologizing to others, and it either shows up half-assed (like his apology to Lucas in s1) or performative (like his attempted apology to El post-breakup). He only really ever gives a genuine and authentic apology without prompting to Will.
Mike and Will's relationship is built on mutual trust; Mike and El's is not, as we see El spying on Mike (s3) or lying to Mike (s4), and Mike gaslighting her on multiple occasions. If you want to call anything toxic, I'd say that's pretty damn close right there.
The only reason Will is suffering is because he thinks his feelings are unrequited, but Mike doesn't "make him suffer," Mike makes him feel seen.
They've already addressed that they are not bringing new characters into the show next season, and it would honestly feel cheap at this point to have built up Will being in love with Mike and building more trust with him all of season 4 to then just have Will pursue a different romantic partner. If they wanted Will with someone else, they should have introduced someone else for him, but they didn't. They explicitly made him in love with Mike.
At the end of the day, we all just want our characters to be happy, but I don't think that that happiness is going to come from Mileven staying together. El needs to feel empowered and understood. Mike needs to feel like he's not inferior to his partner. Will deserves to be loved the way that he gives love to others. Byler endgame is just the way that I see all of them getting satisfying and happy endings for themselves.
But seriously, do whatever you want. Think whatever you want. Ship whatever you want. But don't come into my ask box and expect to prove me wrong about something I've thought very carefully about.
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wangyiboshands · 2 years
it’s kind of hilarious how wifi’s cnc kink is twofold. dude wants the illusion of being forced, but it’s not as good for him if he doesn’t first goad lwj into coercing him
like, ‘i’m gonna make you make me’
peak comedy tho is wifi attempting to rp cnc from a different angle and having it fail due to lwj’s boredom (c115, ExR)
wifi, throws blanket over lwj’s head and jumps him: surprise, rape!
lwj: *lies there like a slug*
wifi, getting impatient: this is surprise rape, ur supposed to shriek and wriggle around
lwj: no shrieking in cloud recesses. also, wriggling not worth my spoons
wifi: i give up
then wifi runs his mouth some more (as he does), lwj gets annoyed (as *he* does), and it’s all good. one of the things i find fascinating abt wangxian is the way they’re hella into bdsm, but not so much D/s. it can be difficult to separate bondage&sadomasochism from Domination/submission, but in reality you really can have one without the other. for a lot of writers that’s a hard concept to convey, so extra kudos to mxtx for succeeding. wifi tells lwj what he wants, in detail, sure, but that’s partially how he tests both of their boundaries. as happens in chapter 115, if lwj isn’t into something, he ignores the suggestion and wifi drops it
i don’t get why so many people get so freaked out about what is actually a very healthy and communication rich sex life. they like what they like; they’re shameless abt and ok with liking what they like, and i love that for them
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