#god I feel silly but oooh I kinda don’t care
the-lonelyshepherd · 6 months
What made you ship lottienat? :)
TYSM FOR THE ASK‼️‼️ i love asks (this is a hint)
oooh silly question okay
-honestly i was never really into shipping in the first place like i don’t go into a show being like hm. who should kiss.
-nat and lottie as individuals were my faves (along with shauna) through season 1. nat as a main i was more invested in at first but i really loved lottie in saints and all the lottielee shit plus her little comments and fun animal facts. and her weird girl swag. and nats whole demeanor in general she’s just SO INTERESTING. so i really liked the characters before the ship (which is why the mischarectarization pisses me off so bad, sorry not sorry)
-i never really saw them as a pair at first (i even kinda missed the doomcoming knife scene bc i was like what the FUCK is going on just in general. doomcoming was.. something) season two CHANGED IT
-i watched both seasons in rapid succession  for my first time through so i feel like i had a diff experience. s2 solidified lottie as my fave of all time, and i liked how they turned around from the edge they were approaching w demonizing her (schizophrenia). we got a lot more time w her character + time w adult lottie (im still figuring out adult lottie tbh. how does she work)
-i feel like their position as narrative foils was a lot more prevalent in s2 as we got more time w lottie as well as nat. you have the travlottienat scene in edible complex. which just GUH. i wrote smtn on that too. but like just in general a lot of emphasis on the physical vs the spiritual. hope vs the realist. 
-but above all what shines through is the SIMILARITIES in their characters. they’re different in so many ways but it just makes the ways they’re similar shine through so much?? they’re both general loners that have always been a little out of place. they both struggle with mental health. they both have issues with their parents. and above all they are both providers for the team. they don’t want to be leaders but they are almost called to it. lottie wants to be a martyr but they won’t let her. nat has never been one for the spotlight and now shes in charge. lottie cares about the good of the team nat cares about the good of the individuals in the team. something about the bleeding heart and the self made cynic. but they both just CARE SO MUCH!!! the parallels drive me insane
-onto them as actual characters and not their function in the narrative. the scene that SOLD ME was (of course) the bathtub scene. now this scene serves several purposes for sure and it’s a very important scene narratively/thematically as well as for my silly shipping purposes. it definitely hints at some kind of loose friend?ship before crash imo (supporting my party loners theory). lottie, who “only talks shit when someone really deserves it” talking shit playfully. nat, who’s words usually carry some kind of sting turning light. this is after they both (more lottie but ykwim) nearly died because of each other. it shows that there was something there before this “betrayal” of trust, the betrayal of lottie going on this path so different from nats in the wilderness.
-so now after that and the rest of s2 i went into my second watch curious on what i missed and DAMN did the pilot feed me. 
-lottienat dancing in the beginning lottienat hugging after the goal gets scored lottienat leaving together after the “freeze her out” argument LOTTIE GRABBING TAI TO DEFEND NAT AFTER SHE SAYS “"Don't you have a bong to hit or a dick to suck?". lottienat standing together at the party. et cetera. 
post pilot, you have scenes like the one in the middle of the night where lottie’s just staring at the attic. who comforts her? nat. so there was clearly some kind of trust in place. and as we go deeper into the free fall that is saints, flight of the bumblebee, doomcoming, and onward, you can see nats betrayal and animosity in this trust being
broken AND lottie’s confusion because she honestly is just trying to help. just, god.
doomcoming is a whole situation that’s honestly its own post but i wanted to touch on the knife scene because this is one of the first times we see nat actually really fucking scared of lottie. she can’t brush off the fact that there is something actually wrong anymore. and it scares her (and logically so. they did FUCKED UP SHIT. obv it was under the influence, off meds cold turkey. but it doesn’t excuse or erase what they did)
so then you have all the s2 stuff i went over and then the bathtub scene comes as this… return to the past? return to the energy of them from the pilot. it’s a gentle white flag in their horrible fucking world and it’s just so tender and idk. i fucking love bathtub scene. 
i yapped a bunch about other stuff previously and i don’t wanna talk too much about teen timeline (looking back i think i already did but wtv. i went “hm i’ll just go off the top of my head it’ll be fine”) bc im planning on doing a full analysis sometime soon. but wtv. 
adult timeline!!! keeping this one shorter for now bc looking back i typed sm wtf
immediately “you were always its favorite” “there was no it it was just us” “is there a difference”
also “she’s my friend” and then “is that what we are”
also the SCENES WHERE IN THEIR MOST VUNERABLE MOMENTS THEY SAW EACH OTHERS YOUNGER SELVES??? i did NOT come up with that it’s in the show. the flashlight scene and nats death scene (nats death scene def had several meanings but im talking shipping right now). i just think…. idk tho e closest we have to that is shauna hallucinating jackie when she’s an adult. and we all know jackieshauna as basically fucking canon. plus also lottie hallucinating laura lee which again. basically fucking canon. 
anyways basically summarized. i love the way their characters contrast each other and are so different and yet so fundamentally similar. i love their hinted at precrash friendship and the way there’s just this air of.. betrayal? around it later. i love the way they have one of the most tender scenes in all of the dark horrible thing that was season two. i love the interesting way their adult counterparts interact that hints at.. so much more? and i love how above all they care so much but are basically the narrative punching bags. i think they should kiss it would not make things better at all but i would be happy 👍
and honestly idgaf if you don’t like lottienat bc i get it. they’re not for everyone and that’s okay. plus their fanon sucks sm ass ugh. and the most vocal people who ship them are so toxic and weird and annoying :// i just think they’re silly and i like to microwave them in my head. peace and love
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fieryhonesty · 4 years
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“Omg I’m melting here. Thanks to my friend for giving me this idea.”
Words: 1318
Genre: fluff, modern AU, gn!reader
The long week has finally ended. The last customer has left the bar and you can close it. Clean all the tables and prepare them for the next day. Wiping out glasses and plates in the kitchen. As it's only you it will take a while to do all of this. All your colleagues are either having a day off or have already ended. You offered to be the last one, closing the business.
You didn't mind it as it's just a Sunday and the restaurant is closing at 10 pm instead of usual midnight. Lately you have been taking extra shifts just to make extra cash. It's not like you are struggling with money, it's quite the opposite. You can be sure your beloved would support you in need. 
But you wanted to make extra money and buy him something. Still being quite uncertain what it will be. Maybe something practical such as a new coat. Something that he would use everyday and think of you.
Just dreaming of the idea makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. Speaking of which, you didn't eat anything yet. It was quite embarrassing to serve food and drinks to customers while your belly was growling. Once you come home you will raid the fridge and won't leave anything untouched.
Last night you made a salad so there will be this and you could add some bread and salami. Just everything you can find. You are hungry and don't care what you will eat. You are food motivated right now! Cleaning the last table and once it's done you can turn off lights and get home.
Jogging through the night city's streets. Avoiding dark alleys. Maybe you should have call Diluc to pick you up but you are not sure if he is awake. Your shifts are kinda everywhere. One day you have a day shift next two days night shift or whole week night ones. Which simply creates this bad situation where you can barely see each other. Since he always leaves to work early morning and comes in afternoon. 
Yes, he waits for you. Says ‘welcome home’ and lil cuddles but then you go to sleep. There's nothing much to it. And as you are taking extra shifts lately you really see him just for a few moments before falling to bed. Sometimes he was already asleep whereas you quietly snuggled next to him. Maybe he would briefly wake up, recognizing the second half of the bed is cold no more.
Pulling you closer before drifting back to sleep. This little act of his makes you always weak. He wants to keep you close no matter what but your work times are against it. Unless you change jobs and find something more free evenings friendly.
It took you over one hour to get home. Meaning with all of that cleaning and walking. You look across the block of apartments, the lights are off. You were right he is probably sleeping already. Sighing for yourself and walking inside the building. Waiting for the elevator to take you up to your floor. 
Carefully opening the lock, you don't want to wake him up as he is a light sleeper. Sliding inside and fishing for your phone to use it as a flashlight. You could have turned on lights but you can't be bothered now. You are hungry and the fridge is close. You are so hungry that you can smell something yummy in the air. 
Well just if you knew. Diluc was doing his best tonight. Cooking your favorite food, preparing it on the table, lighting up candles. He was impatient and nervous. Waiting for you to finally open the door to the kitchen.
He never been into overly romantic stuff. Yes he would buy you a heart shaped gingerbread with words 'I love you'. But for that you will have to make puppy eyes. Rather than buying you silly stuff he would do something that would help you to relax. 
Cooking the late dinner was one of those things. His cooking is not something extra but he tried his best, he always does when it's for you. He is aware that you might not find it really fancy, the taste might not be the same as from your mother. But there's no way back now. The food is done, candles are lit and you are in the next room.
As soon as you open the door you are greeted by the light of the candles on the table. Next thing you notice is Diluc standing nearby the door. Something is odd about him and it takes you a whole ten seconds to realize what it is. He has your apron around him. You don't know if you should say 'aww' or giggle. He looks adorable. His crimson hair is tied loose, hanging over his left shoulder.
You greet him, kinda confused what's going on. You thought he was asleep and what’s with the candles?
"Welcome home, uh..." He is nervous, a lot. And nobody can blame him for it. "I... I wanted to... you looked tired lately and you know we barely saw each other. So I thought of making you dinner for tonight, it might not look the best but it tastes good, I guess?"
You jump at him, wrapping arms around his torso. Snuggling into his chest, making cute noises. You are unable to say anything. Everything you try to say just gets mixed together. Diluc has made all of this for you? You can't believe it. You are about to cry.
When you compose yourself and look up at him. You see how much he is nervous but trying his best to wait for your response. 
"Diluc, I... I don't know what to say. I'm touched. I feel like crying but also I'm extremely happy and want to keep hugging you like this. And oh my, that apron looks dangerously hot on you!"
You pull away to take a proper look at him. He should take it on more often. You can't pinpoint the exact reason but it looks way too good on him. 
Diluc's cheeks turns red. He has forgotten about the apron. He used it while cooking as the food was bubbling a lot. Not wanting to have dirty clothes. And just now when you make remarks about it he feels embarrassed. But also happy. You seem to be enjoying yourself. 
"I... uh, thank you, Love. Sorry for borrowing it."
"It's alright. You could do it more often. You know as a surprise! I no longer feel tired, thanks to you. I was considering writing to you if you could pick me up but... I thought you will be sleeping already."
You admit while playing with the loose hair on the side of his face. Sometimes gently brushing his cheek with your finger tips. He puts his hand on yours, looking down into your eyes.
"You could have. I'd gladly drive for you. We would need to warm up the food anyway."
"Oooh! Food! What food?"
You are excited. You know Diluc can cook and you love his cooking. But it's usually you who cooks before going to work.
"The stew you love so much~"
He says as he leans closer, eyes half lidded as he looks into your eyes. He’s barely a few inches away from your lips.
"Oh god. You are the best. I love you, you know that?"
You grin as you kiss his lips, pulling him closer. His hands are immediately on your sides, exploring. You are melting under his touch. It's been a while after all. Before he gets carried away by his touch starvation he pulls away. You pout at him. He gives you apologetic smile.
"First we will feed you, then take a shower."
"What’s next?"
He smiles at your eagerness. Kissing your forehead.
"That's a secret."
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trulymadlysydney · 4 years
Somewhere In Time: Ten
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“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
tw: Death, Loss of Parent
Previous Chapters HERE
***Please Do Not Repost Without Permission***
March 10th, 1990, 11:54am
Seventeen year-old Oliver Ward sighs, glancing mindlessly out the window of the old retirement home and fighting a yawn.  
It isn’t that he doesn’t love his Saturday mornings spent with his ninety one year-old companion, because he does.  In fact, most Saturdays he forgets that this is even an extra credit assignment at all.  He knows, of course, how terrific this is going to look on his college applications-- but he doesn’t think of it like that.   Over the past month or so, he’s befriended the older gentleman he’s been assigned by his AP psychology teacher, and the old man has taken a liking to him as well.  Most Saturdays, Oliver loses track of the time because he finds himself lost in some story the old man is sharing with him.  
This Saturday, however, Oliver doesn’t much feel like socializing.
It isn’t anyone’s fault but his own. Not really, at least. The previous night had been spent tossing and turning in bed, with a total of two non-consecutive hours of sleep. He’s exhausted, he’s bummed, and he’s pretty sure he’s lost the girl of his dreams.
“Awful talkative today, aren’t you?”  The older gentleman speaks in his thick accent from his spot on his recliner, drawing Oliver from his thoughts and startling him.
Oliver turns, softening when he sees the man’s understanding smile.  He chuckles sheepishly. “Sorry, Mr. Styles. Got a lot on my mind I guess.”
The gentleman— Mr. Styles— nods knowingly. “Well, I figured as much,” he says. “And I know how that goes. Do you want to talk about it?”
Oliver sighs again, moving closer to Mr. Styles.  “I’m afraid it’ll bore you, sir.  And I’m not sure you’d understand.”
Mr. Styles grins a dimpled grin, with a twinkle in his eye.  “Try me.”
That’s something that Oliver loves about Mr. Styles. He’s never judged Oliver, no matter how silly he thinks he sounds, and honestly he gives better advice than anyone Oliver has ever known.  He seems to have an air of mystery about him-- he always has-- and Oliver is sure that Mr. Styles knows at least two secrets of the universe that he’s keeping to himself.
So he shrugs, taking a seat on the bed beside the old man. “Okay.  So. There’s…. a girl.”
Mr. Styles nods understandingly. “Always is, isn’t there?”
“She’s the grade below me. She’s my best friend, but lately it’s been…. I don’t know, kinda more than that?  I  think?”
“Yeah, I mean…” Oliver fiddles with his hands in his lap. “Yeah. We’ve been hanging out and stuff.  Even kissed a few times.”
Mr. Styles wiggles his eyebrows. “Oooh, I see.”
“But lately I feel like…” Olivier sighs. “I don’t know. Like she’s getting bored with me.”
Mr. Styles sits back further in his seat, reminiscent of a therapist in his comfy chair. “What makes you say that?”
“I think she wants me to like… commit.”
“Ah.” The old man chuckles. “I see.”
Oliver eyes the older gentleman, curious as to how Mr. Styles could possibly understand any of this. As far as Oliver knows, Mr. Styles has never been married. A few times, he’s mentioned a girl from his youth, but never anyone after that. All Oliver knew about the girl is that she up and left, leaving poor Mr. Styles alone and heartbroken. And truth be told, Oliver had always found it silly how Mr. Styles had never moved on from that.
Oliver shrugs. “Anyway… I dunno. She’s been playing hard to get recently, like maybe she’s bored with me?  Like, she flirts and stuff, but then when it doesn’t go further I feel like she gets annoyed.  And...I want to commit, but what if I’m getting mixed signals, you know? I mean like, what if that’s not actually what she wants? You feel me? What if I ruin what we have going by trying to label it?  And besides,” he sighs, “I find out soon if I got into Syracuse. And if I did get in, I would start there in the fall. What if she doesn’t want to do the long distance thing?”
Mr. Styles chuckles wittingly, but not in a condescending way.  “Well first of all, son, I think you’re completely overthinking this.”
This brings a smile to Oliver’s face. “I have been known to do that.”
“That being said, you seem to really like this girl.  And from the sound of things, she likes you as well.  Am I wrong?”
“Well, that’s the thing.  We’ve kissed and stuff, but like, what if I’m reading it wrong?”
“How can you possibly read a kiss wrong?”  Mr. Styles grins.
Oliver sighs.  “You’re right.  I know.  Feelings are just… really hard.”
“Who is the lucky lady anyway?”  Mr. Styles settles further into his seat.  “Can’t say I recall you ever mentioning having a girl.”
“Her name is Roni,” Oliver says.   “Well, Veronica. She goes to my school.  I think I may have mentioned that.”
Oliver has launched deeply into the backstory of how he and this girl met, completely unaware of the way that Mr. Styles’ face has gone entirely ghostly white.  The old man is frozen in his chair, unblinking, and hardly listening to a word Oliver has said.
He doesn’t even realize he’s cutting Oliver off when he speaks.  “I’m sorry… what did you say her name was?”
“Last name?” Mr. Styles presses.
“Uhh… Elliot?”
If Mr. Styles didn’t look ill before, he certainly does now.  Oliver takes notice of this, rising to his feet. “Mr. Styles, are you alright?”
Mr. Styles blinks a few times, his breath heavy as shakes his head.  For whatever reason, he won’t look at Oliver now.  He looks at the wall, out the window, at the floor-- literally anywhere but at his young companion.  Oliver begins to grow worried, and he steps towards Mr. Styles, putting a concerned hand on his back.
“Should I call the nurse?”
It’s when Oliver asks this that Mr. Styles seems to regain some sense of consciousness back.  He blinks up at Oliver, almost like a curious little child, and shakes his head-- as if reminding himself to be present.  “No,” he says quietly.  “No, don’t call the nurse.”
“You’re scaring me,” Oliver admits.  “Where did you just go?”
Mr. Styles swallows thickly, eyes growing misty.  “You said… Veronica Elliot?”
Oliver nods.  “That’s right.”
The way that Mr. Styles scans Oliver’s face makes him grow anxious, and it becomes apparent that Oliver wants to let go and perhaps take a step back.  He’s a good kid though-- one who genuinely cares for Mr. Styles-- so he stays put.  “Sir?”
Mr. Styles lets out a shaky breath, obviously still processing everything that’s going on, before looking back up at Oliver  “I just--”  He trails off, noting for the first time the worry in the young boy’s eyes.  He softens just a bit.  
“Yes. I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine,” Oliver says.  “I can call the nurse, it’s not a big deal!  I just--”
“No,” Mr. Styles says, suddenly seeming more like himself than before.  “No, there will be no need for that, son.”
Oliver hesitantly relaxes, still keeping his eyes trained on Mr. Styles’ face. “What just happened?”
“It’s nothing,” Mr. Styles says, the slightest bit of color slowly returning to his face.  “I just… knew her mum.  That’s all.”
“Oh!”  Oliver seems to take this as an acceptable answer, obviously relaxing again.  “Yeah.  Her mom died like, five years ago actually.  It was super sad.  Car accident.”
“Five years ago,” Mr. Styles repeats, more to himself than to Oliver.  “God.”
“Yeah,” Oliver says, nodding.  “She’s okay! Lives with her grandparents. They’re super cool.”  He smiles suddenly, as if remembering something.  “They like me a lot.”
Mr. Styles smiles absently.  “I’ll bet they do,” he says gently.
“Anyway,” Oliver sighs,  “I don’t know.  Do you think I should go for it?”
Mr. Styles takes his time with his answer, still trying to process everything he’s hearing.  Oliver seems preoccupied with his own thoughts, which is good because he doesn’t notice the dampness of Mr. Style’s eyes.
What Oliver doesn’t know is that Mr. Styles is reliving every memory he has with the same girl Oliver is fretting over.  Mr. Styles is suddenly twenty-five years old again, in 1925, dancing in his living room with the girl from the future, and he’s young and head over heels in love with her.  He’s remembering everything that the young girl had told him about her timeline, about the boy named Oliver who was waiting in the future for her-- who befriended her shortly after her mother passed and asked her to be his girlfriend just before he graduated.  
This all checks out, and it makes Mr. Styles’ heart feel something it hasn’t felt in ages.  He blinks a few times, trying to clear out the moisture in his eyes.  
“Well,” Mr. Styles says, after a long pause.  “I think that… life is too short to let something so good pass you by.   Do you really like her?”
“So much, Mr. Styles.”  Oliver nods eagerly.  “And I think she likes me too, I’m just scared.”
Mr. Styles shakes his head, doing his best to cover up the shakiness in his own voice.  “Don’t be.  You need to make this girl your own.  You never know what tomorrow holds.  You don’t want to lose her, and spend the rest  of your days wishing you still had the chances that you have now.”
Oliver can tell that Mr. Styles is deep in his own head now, and he debates even speaking at all.  Mr. Styles continues on.  “Can’t even begin to tell you how much I wish I could go back and change some things.  Make some better decisions.”
“I know what you mean,” Oliver says, even though he really doesn’t.  How could he?
“And,” Mr.  Styles says, making an effort to sound less philosophical--less introspective-- and more human, “from the sounds of things, she really likes you, too, son.”
Oliver smiles.  “Yeah?”  
“Yeah.”  Mr. Styles swallows a lump in his throat.  “Take my advice, and don’t mess this up with her.  She sounds like a once in a lifetime kind of girl.”
“But what if--”
“No more ‘what if!’”  Mr. Styles sounds more stern than Oliver has ever heard him, and it takes Oliver aback.  “Get her.  Love her.  Love her now. You don’t realize how important she is, Oliver.  These feelings are real.  These feelings make life worth living.  You can’t pass them up because you’re too scared.”
“And if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“She does.”  Mr. Styles softens as soon as he speaks, as if realizing he’s being far too blunt.  “Oliver, she does.  Trust me on this one.”  
Oliver opens his mouth, then closes it.  Mr. Styles somehow seems to read his mind, and he continues speaking.  “Make her your girl.”
“You really think I should?”  Oliver asks quietly.
“I know you should.”
After a brief pause in which the two stand seemingly at a hold, Mr. Styles clears his throat  gently.
“Don’t let her pass you by,” he says, for emphasis.
Oliver smiles, nodding his head in finality.  “Alright,” he says.  “You’re right, Mr. Styles.  I can’t let her pass me by, can I?  I really like her, and--”
“And I know she likes you, too.”
“Yeah.  I’m gonna call her.”  
Oliver moves like he’s going to leave the room, stopping abruptly as if realizing that he’s here because of school.  The two seem to have the thought at the same time-- that Oliver is getting college credit just for spending a few hours a weekend with Mr. Styles, and they laugh awkwardly together.
“Sorry,” Oliver says.  “I didn’t mean to--”
“You know what you can do for me, son?”  There’s a smile on Mr. Styles’  face, but there is a serious edge to his tone of voice.  “Genuinely?”
“Anything,” Oliver says.  “Anything you need.”
“Bring her in.”  Mr. Styles smiles, contrasting Oliver’s confused expression.  “Bring her in, and let me meet her.  Hm?  Would love to meet her.”
Mr. Styles nods.  “Yeah,” he says, somewhat absently, but with a smile for Oliver nonetheless.  “Would love to see the young lady that’s done such a number on you.”
Oliver laughs, and even Mr. Styles lets out a personable chuckle-- as if he’s in on some joke that Oliver didn’t know he was keeping.
“I suppose I could bring her in,” Oliver says,  “but again, I don’t want it to be weird--”
“It won’t be,” Mr. Styles says.  The playful gleam still lingers in his eyes.  “What, am I not interesting enough for her?”
Oliver laughs.  “No, no! She’ll love you!”
The words hit the old gentleman’s heart in a way that Oliver doesn’t notice.
She did love him.  She does. She just isn’t aware of that yet.
“I hope you’re right,” Oliver adds. “About all of this, I mean. I hope she does like me and I’m not just… I dunno, reading too far into it?”
“I can assure you that you aren’t, Oliver.”
There is no trace of doubt on Mr. Styles face, and it makes Oliver both nervous and reassured.  He smiles.  “Alright then,” he says.  “I’ll talk to her.”
Mr. Styles relaxes into his chair, nodding his head in finality.  “Alright then,” he echoes.  “Good man.”
Oliver returns once again for his weekly visit the following Saturday, only this time, he’s hand in hand with his new girlfriend of four whole days.  He’d taken Mr. Styles’ advice and asked her to be his after confessing everything he was feeling for her.  She, of course, felt the same way, and though it didn’t come as a surprise to Oliver it did come as a great relief.
Roni hadn’t seemed as thrilled to go share the news with Mr. Styles, however, once Oliver brought it up.
“Why did we have to come so early though?” Sixteen year-old Roni whines, as she and her new boyfriend Oliver make their way into the Senior Citizen’s home.  “Like, couldn’t we have come in the afternoon?  I’m sure Mr. Style wouldn’t even know the difference.”
Oliver chuckles.  ���It’s Mr. Styles,” he corrects, “With an S.  And he seemed really excited about this! This is the time he gave me, so this is the time we’re here.”
“Why was he so excited anyway?” Roni asks, picking at a hangnail on her thumb.  “He doesn’t even know me.”
“No,” Oliver says, “but he knows me.  And he helped me out a lot! Gave me a lot of advice about you.  Least I can do is introduce him, you know?”
“I guess,” Roni mumbles to herself as Oliver checks in at the front desk.
Everyone here seems to brighten at Oliver’s presence.  All the little old ladies know him by name, and he’s quite the charmer.  It’s one of the reasons Roni likes him so much, really.  He talks so fondly about his Saturday’s spent here, and Roni can’t think of a single person his age who would enjoy it as much as he does. It’s cute the way he gushes about Mr. Styles, and how he had mentioned him when he’d asked Roni to be his girlfriend-- officially-- four days ago.  
Truly, Roni feels like she owes a lot to this Mr. Styles, and she really can understand why he would want to meet her.  The least she can do is thank him for telling Oliver to man up and commit already.
Oliver clips his badge to the collar of his shirt and gives Roni a little visitor’s sticker on which he’s scribbled her name with a green sharpie.  He’s dotted the “i” with a little heart, and it makes Roni’s cheeks grow hot when she notices.  He smiles, nodding his head towards the receptionist and interlacing his fingers with Roni’s.
Roni follows her boyfriend down the long hallways, into the elevator (where she has a mini makeout session with him because, come on, who could resist him when he’s looking this cute?) and onto the third floor.
He leads her out into the hallway, trying his best to dismiss how flushed and messy he looks (honestly, Roni takes pride in her work) and giving Roni’s hand a subtle squeeze as they walk along.
Roni looks at the doors as they walk, subconsciously counting the numbers in her head  304, 305, 306… each room an entire home to these people.  Each room a final resting place for all of them.
Oliver stops walking in front of door 310, and suddenly Roni grows nervous.  Her stomach seems to do cartwheels as Oliver smiles down at her.  “You’re gonna love him,” he says quietly, as if to reassure her.  “He’s the coolest.”
Before Roni even has time to reply, Oliver is rapping his knuckles against the large wooden door.  Two quick knocks, followed by one that seems out of rhythm with the other two.
After a few seconds, nothing happens. Roni shifts her weight to her other foot and waits, somewhat impatiently, wanting nothing more than to go home and make out with her boyfriend.  Oliver seems to feel her energy, giving her side a few playful yet charged squeezes that make her giggle.
“No!” she squeaks, squirming out of his grasp.  “Don’t do that here!”
The door opens as Roni is mid giggle, and she and Oliver are met with a little old man, hunched over and looking at them with a warm and expectant smile.  He’s dressed nicer than Harry’s ever seen him dress, and on his head rests a little gray cap that’s probably as old as he is.
“Oliver,” the old man says by way of a greeting.  And then he looks at Roni.  
The reaction he has to Roni is strange to say the least.  It doesn’t make Roni uncomfortable by any means, but something in his demeanor shifts, and he seems to grow a hundred times more serious.  His stare is intense; so much so that it makes Roni shift her gaze.  His eyes seem to grow strangely misty, and his jaw begins trembling-- as if he’s about to cry.
He looks at Roni like he’s known her all his life, and it’s strange.  She almost feels bad that she doesn’t recognize him as well.
She clears her throat, trying to lighten up the now tense silence.   ‘Hi!” she says, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear and holding out her hand.  “I’m Roni.”
Mr. Styles swallows audibly, his trembling jaw hardly calming as a smile tugs on the corners of his lips.  “Roni,” he says.  He takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze, never once removing his eyes from hers.  “How wonderful it is to finally meet you.”
Roni looks at Oliver, wondering if he feels the same intense vibes that she’s feeling as well.  She laughs awkwardly, unsure of what else to do. “I’ve--uh-- heard a lot about you, Mr. Styles!”
Mr. Styles grins, an old hidden dimple flashing amongst the wrinkles of his cheeks.  “All bad, I hope,” he says, and now Oliver laughs.
“Of course,” he says.  “I had to let her know what a menace you were!”
Mr. Styles laughs, sounding suddenly young and full of life again.  He moves slowly to the side.  “Come in, please.  Make yourselves comfortable!”
Roni and Oliver share a glance and a quick smile before they enter the room.  It isn’t much, but it’s cozy.  Roni is surprised when she’s met with a delicious vanilla smell emanating from a candle in the corner of the room. (Not that she’d been expecting the place to stink, of course, but she absolutely had expected it to smell like old people, which it did not.)
“Wow,” Oliver says, as if even he is surprised with the state of the room.  “Mr. Styles, you cleaned this place up nice!”
Mr. Styles grins.  “But of course,” he says.  “You have to when you have a pretty girl coming over!”  He looks at Roni.  “Does this boy not clean up for you when you’re spending time together?”
Roni giggles.  “He does.  Although I have to say, the vanilla candle is an excellent touch.  I don’t even think Oliver owns a candle!”
Mr. Styles shakes his head, a playful smile on his cheeks.  “What a shame.  Oliver, you best buy some candles for your lady!”
Oliver and Roni both laugh.  “Vanilla is my favorite,” Roni comments.
“Somehow I had a hunch,” Mr. Styles replies with a playful wink.
With every passing minute that turns into an hour, the three grow more and more comfortable together. It isn’t weird, or forced, and Roni marvels at how easy it is to talk to Mr. Styles.  He asks her questions about her life, oddly fascinated by every word that comes out of her mouth.  The way he watches her with his undivided attention makes her feel important.
He plays music from a little tape recorder that sits in the window of his room.  It takes him a moment to figure it out, and Oliver has to help him a bit, but he finally gets there.  Roni doesn’t recognize any of the music playing (nor does she realize the way Mr. Styles watches her reaction to a few specific songs very closely), but she enjoys the tunes nonetheless.
He shares memories associated with each song; what specific stories each song calls to his mind. And Roni listens, fascinated with every single one of them, realizing that she could genuinely listen to this old man speak about his youth for days.
A stack of books on the nightstand near his bed draws Roni’s attention at some point, and she rises to her feet to go examine them further. Mr. Styles notes her movements and smiles, almost  knowingly, to himself.   She thumbs at the one on the top of the pile, a small menu from some pizza place marking his spot towards the back of the book.  She cocks her head to the side to get a better view of the books title:
Alternate Realities: by Lawrence Leshawn
She blinks a few times, the concept of an alternate reality very new to her.  Without thinking, she picks the book up and scans the back of it.  She glances back at the pile, noting the various ones on time travel, meditation, and astral projection.  Time travel being the only topic of the other three books that she’d ever considered before, this discovery of books feels like a landmine of information.
“Bit nerdy, innit?”  Mr. Styles’ voice pulls Roni from her thoughts, and she turns to him, still holding the book in her hands.  His eyes twinkle.  “Is that what the kids are saying these days?  ‘Nerdy?’”
Roni giggles.  “It is.  But this isn’t nerdy.”
“Ohh,” Mr. Styles says, playfully brushing away her words with his hand.  “Come now.  Yes it is.”
“You’ll never get Roni to agree with that,” Oliver speaks up.  “Haven’t I told  you before?  She’s super into all that!”
Roni feels her cheeks go hot with embarrassment, but Mr. Styles’ only smiles at her.  “No kidding!”
“I mean…” Roni trails off shyly, worried she’s about to make a fool of herself. “Yeah.  Kinda.  It’s silly.”
“It’s not silly,” Mr. Styles replies quickly, a hint of gravity to his words.  “Never say that.”
Roni debates telling Mr. Styles everything; about how she’s trying to find her mother, about how she’s already tried (and been unsuccessful) multiple times, and about how he is the first person (other than Oliver) who hasn’t actually thought she was silly for this at all.
But she’s only just met Mr. Styles, and she doesn’t want to bombard him with her own personal life story just yet-- nor is she certain he would really care.  So she only shrugs, a soft smile spreading across her cheeks.
“Yeah. I just… think it’s neat.  That’s all.”
There’s a look on Mr. Styles’ face that seems to say that he’s interested, but he doesn’t want to push her.  He waits patiently for her to continue, but when she doesn’t, he tries pressing just a tiny bit.  “Any particular reason?”
Even Oliver is watching her now, waiting for her answer even though he’s already known for a while. He offers her an encouraging smile, and Roni hesitates briefly before speaking   “I just want to go back and see my mom again.  She passed like five years ago and I just…”  She trails off, feeling silly despite the understanding looks on both Oliver and Mr. Styles’ faces.
“I understand.” Mr. Styles speaks up after a few moments of silence.  Roni doesn’t notice the all knowing smile on his face, or the way his eyes have grown damp.  She doesn’t catch the way he swallows down the lump in his throat.   Or how he looks at her the same way she looks out the window: pensive and lost in thought.
“Anyway,” Roni sighs, halfway through a laugh.  “I don’t know.  Oliver is the only one who believes me and even then, I’m not sure he really does.”
“I do!” Oliver laughs, shrugging almost defensively.  “I do.  I just don’t know if they’ve like… I dunno, developed some way to time travel yet.  I don’t know if technology has come that far, you know?  What  do you think, Mr. Styles?”
Both Roni and Mr. Styles seem to be deep in their own little worlds, but it’s lost on Oliver as he waits for a response from the older gentleman.  Mr. Styles smiles to himself, chuckling gently.  “I think it’s entirely possible,” he says, voice quiet.   “And I hope miss Roni never gives it up.”
Roni smiles, turning to face the old man.  “You really mean that?” she asks, stepping towards him.  “Like, you really think it’s possible?”
“I can promise you it is,” he says.  “I’m certain of it.”
Roni, realizing she’s still holding the Alternate Realities book, holds it up and gestures  at it with her free hand.  “What about this stuff?  I’ve never really heard of it.”
Mr. Styles grins, obviously glad she’s asked.  He shifts in his seat, speaking slowly.  “Have either of you ever heard of a parallel universe?”
Roni and Oliver both shake their heads, and Mr. Styles raises his eyebrows.  “No?  Well.  It’s a plane of existence, similar to the very one we’re living in right now now, that co-exists with our own.  It is said that there are multiple.”
“Multiple… existences?” Roni questions.
“That’s right,” Mr. Styles continues.  “Not much is known about them.  Especially considering that it isn’t even known if they exist or not.  But if they do, it is said that some are wildly different than your current existence now, while others are exactly the same with only a few minor differences.”
“Gnarly!” Oliver exclaims.  “So like, somewhere out there, I exist but I’m a billionaire?”
Mr. Styles chuckles.  “It’s possible.”
“Wait wait wait,” Roni says, significantly less convinced than her boyfriend.  “So you mean that somewhere out there in the world, there’s another Roni?  Who has no idea I exist?”
“We don’t know.”  Mr. Styles shrugs.  “Maybe.  Or maybe she knows all about you.”
Roni shakes her head, trying to wrap her mind around all this new information.  “That’s nuts.”
“Not really,” Oliver offers. “Kinda makes sense if you think about it.”
“So wait” Roni says, setting the book on the dresser and walking to stand by Mr. Styles.  “I told you why I’m into this.  Why are you into this?”
The old man goes quiet, smiling a tight lipped smile and hesitating as if really giving thought to his answer. “I like to think that in another reality, somewhere in time, I’m with my honey.”
Roni softens.  “Oh, I see.  Did she--”  She’s about to ask if Mr. Styles’ girl passed away as well, but she thinks better of it, unsure as to whether or not that’s an appropriate question.
Mr. Styles chuckles quietly, knowing exactly where Roni was going with her question. “I lost her,” he explains, because it isn’t technically a lie.  “Many, many years ago.”
“Oh.”  Roni frowns.  “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”  At this point, it’s impossible for him to hide the way his voice cracks.  Roni looks at him, then averts her eyes, as if she feels guilty for hearing it.  Oliver sighs, stepping forward.
“Mr. Styles--”
“You remind me of her,” Mr. Styles says, ignoring Oliver.  The look on his face makes it seem like he’s got more on his mind.  
“Yeah?” Roni steps towards Mr. Styles, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He sighs, reaching up to place his hand on top of hers.  “Yeah,” he says. “More than you’d even believe.”
“Wish I could’ve met her.”
Mr. Styles grins up at her, swallowing thickly and patting her hand.  “Yeah.  She was my honey.”
He takes a deep breath, looking away from Roni and glancing out the window.  There’s a charged silence.  Oliver squirms uncomfortably, but Roni stays right where she is, waiting patiently for Mr. Styles to continue.
“I think she’s doing just fine,” Mr. Styles says.  He smiles up at Roni.  “Wherever she is.”
“Maybe she’s with my mom,” Roni offers.
Mr. Styles closes his mouth, blinks back a few of his tears, and nods his head.  “Perhaps she is.  Wouldn’t that be something.”
“I didn’t mean to like… make you sad or anything, Mr. Styles--”
“You didn’t, darling.” The old man shakes his head.  “Don’t be silly.”
Somehow, Roni doesn’t believe him.
The subject is swiftly changed and the rest of their visit goes by relatively smoothly.  Mr. Styles is back to his cheery self before Roni can even think twice about the interaction they’ve just shared, and soon the three are laughing and chatting away like best friends again.
All too quickly does their visit come to an end.  They say their goodbyes, although it’s obvious that Mr. Styles doesn’t want their time together to be over.  He looks almost emotional to be saying goodbye to Roni, something that neither of the two teenagers seem to understand.
After he gives her a warm embrace, careful not to hold her too long or, heaven forbid, make her feel uncomfortable, Mr. Styles pulls away, holding Roni at arm’s length.
“Thank you,” he says quietly.
Confused, Roni cocks her head to the side.  “For?”
“You’ve made me feel young again.  I cannot even begin to express how badly I needed this.”
Roni smiles.  “Oh.  You’re welcome then!”  She giggles.  “It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Styles.”
“The pleasure was all mine, honey.”  His hands tremble as he lets go of her.  He turns to Oliver.  “You bring her back to visit sometime soon, alright?”
Oliver chuckles.  “I will.  But don’t go liking her more than you like me, now.  I’ve been here way longer.”
Mr. Styles laughs.  “Sure,”  he says,   “but she is prettier.”
Oliver slings his arm over Roni’s shoulder.    “Well I can’t argue with that, can I?”
When they finally do go their separate ways, Roni and Oliver playfully chase each other out to Oliver’s car-- blissfully unaware of the way that Mr. Styles watches them from his bedroom window with tears streaming down his wrinkled cheeks. They don’t know that Mr. Styles doesn’t leave his bedroom for the entire rest of the  day-- to the point that the caretakers at the home begin to worry about him.  
They don’t know that Mr. Styles has just reunited with his honey,  after nearly sixty-five years of looking for her, and that she has obviously no idea herself.
Oliver continues his weekly visits to Mr. Styles room for a few more weeks, noting that he is completely unlike himself, until mid April when Mr. Styles passes away.  
Oliver attends his funeral.  Roni, visiting a cousin out of town, does not.
Both Roni and Oliver eventually forget about the old man completely,  moving on with their lives and living together in blissful ignorance of  just how odd time can be.
It isn’t until ten years later, in April of 2000, that Roni  seems to recall the little old man, realizing with immense sadness how significant he really was.
With a heart shattering sob, she hopes that he’s with his honey, somewhere in time, just like he said.
December 31st, 1999, 11:54pm
It is ridiculously bright when Roni tries to open her eyes.  
She opens her eyes too quickly at first, immediately regretting it and squeezing them shut again.  The act of closing them once more, however, pushes a hot tear that’s been waiting for release from the corner of one eye  
And suddenly, it all comes flooding back to her.
Harry, 1925, Violet LaRue, the ocean, her mother…
She is so overwhelmed all at once with emotions that she grows sort of nauseous, and she sits up immediately to try and stop the spinning of the room around her.  
The room --her and Oliver’s shared bedroom-- looks completely untouched, as if she’d never left.  There is hip-hop music booming downstairs, lots of chattering, and a smell in the air that can only be described as drunk people.  The silence in the room, however, contrasts the chaos that’s occurring downstairs, and it makes her head pound.
Roni looks around slowly, noticing the skimpy, revealing party dress she’s wearing that clings to her every curve. It looks untouched as well, albeit a bit disheveled, and she reaches a cautious hand down to smooth it over her lap.
She hears Oliver’s booming laugh downstairs, and the sound feels like a stab to the heart. He must be completely wasted. The clock on the wall reads 11:54pm, and she knows she has to get back down to the party before the clock strikes midnight.
Never in her entire life has Roni felt anything like the feeling she’s currently experiencing.  
Surely she couldn’t have dreamt it all.  It was real-- Harry was real, and seeing her mother was real.  Besides, the fact that she’s even crying right now tells her that she had to have been experiencing something physical.  
Which reminds her…
Roni rises to her feet and makes her way over to the mirror hanging on the back of the door.  She pulls the neckline of her dress down, and feels her own breath catch in her throat when she finds what she’s looking for.
There, in the exact spot on her chest that she’d been anticipating it to be, is a bruise left by Harry.  The last remaining physical reminder of his existence.
With a shaky hand, she gently brushes her thumb over the purpling skin.  It stings, just a bit, but it’s real.  It’s there.  And it’s too much for Roni to handle.
Grateful for the cover of the commotion downstairs, Roni can’t help herself but to let out a pathetic sob as everything comes flooding over her.  How could she have been with Harry not even five minutes ago?  And her mother?  How was her mother just there and now suddenly she’s gone again?  
How can she be expected to go on in a world where neither of them exist, and she’s the only one with knowledge of what she’s just experienced?
She collapses to her knees, eyes closing and another choking sob echoing from her throat.  She reaches up to wipe her damp eyelashes, mindful of the fact that sooner or later she’s going to have to go downstairs and face everybody again— which she can’t do with a face full of runny makeup.
But right now she doesn’t care.  Right now, she’s overwhelmed, and upset, and deeply, deeply missing the love of her life.
It’s been ages since she’s cried this hard, and it feels somewhat therapeutic, although it doesn’t fix the terrible ache in her heart. Her throat hurts and her chest heaves. She reaches up to cover her own mouth to quiet her wails as her heart feels like it’s physically breaking.  
She misses him.  She misses him so much.
On top of that, having her mother so close to her after so long without her--only to have to leave her once more-- is more painful than she had ever anticipated it would be.  
Roni remains like this for another minute or so, until she’s drawn by her thoughts when she hears her own name faintly downstairs.  Someone asks where she is, and Oliver slurs out that she’s been gone for a while.  When someone suggests that he go find her and he jubilantly agrees, Roni panics.
“Shit.”  She reaches up and wipes at her snotty nose; stumbling awkwardly to her feet and making her way to the mirror once again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”  
Roni scrambles to fix her hair and wipe away the splotchy mascara stains under her eye.  She prays that Oliver is too drunk to even notice that she’s crying, and she swallows down the intense heartache still in her throat.  When she’s at least somewhat satisfied with her appearance, she hears footsteps coming down the hallway— her cue to leave.  With a deep breath, she opens the bedroom door just in time to eee Oliver approaching.
Oliver, with his sweet, drunken smile, immediately opens his arms. “Ronnaaaaaay!” He says, by way of greeting her.  “There you are!” He doesn’t wait for her to respond, instead he just wraps her up in his arms and gives her a big, suffocating squeeze.  He pulls away to press an obnoxious kiss to her forehead, and it breaks Roni’s heart even more.  
On any other occasion, she would find this unbearably adorable. But now, the scent of the alcohol mixed with his cologne is making her even more nauseous than she already was.
After a few more wet pecks to her forehead, he squishes her cheeks in his hand and kisses his way down her face, pausing only once he reaches her mouth and realizes it’s wet and salty.  He pulls away, not removing his hands from her cheeks, and furrows his eyebrows as he scans her face. “You been crying?”
Roni knows that if she opens her mouth, she’ll lose control again. So she only smiles, turning away and giggling softly as she nods.
Oliver doesn’t seem to find this as humorous as Roni does, and he tilts his head so that he’s once again in her line of vision. “Heyyy, hey,” he coos. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
She sniffs, trying her hardest to keep her light smile on her face. “It’s nothing,” she says, throat raspy and voice hardly above a whisper. “I promise.”
“It’s not nothing,” he says, wiping at Roni’s damp face and gently guiding her back into their bedroom.  He’s thoughtful like that-- he doesn’t want Roni to feel it necessary to squash her emotions should anyone walk by.  He knows she wouldn’t want anyone else to see her crying like this. He doesn’t close the door fully, leaving only a crack, before turning to Roni.
She doesn’t say anything, but the way he’s being so ridiculously sweet to her is making her want to cry harder. This isn’t fair; not fair to her and definitely not to him.  She crosses her arms over her torso, feeling ridiculously vulnerable under his gaze.
He gives her a sympathetic smile, and there’s a look in his eyes that comes across almost as if he knows what’s going on.  She lets out a little half laugh/half sob, and she feels closer to him than she expected to in this moment. She speaks.
“Are you gonna say something?”
Oliver cuts her off, speaking only a half second after her. “You tried that time travel junk again, didn’t you?”
His words feel like a slap to the face, but they aren’t exactly wrong.  She stays frozen, mouth agape, and then wilts.  
“Yeah,” she whispers, because what else is there for her to say?
“Ohhh, babe.” Oliver steps towards her, wrapping her in his arms. I told you it wasn’t gonna work.”
Roni knows she should have expected that kind of response from him, but still.  Ouch.  
For a split second, she almost loses it.  She almost tells him everything; about how it did work, about how she’s actually been gone for a little over a week now-- not just a few minutes--, and about how hard it was to find her way back. She wants to mention seeing her mom, and she wants to rub it in his face. “You were wrong! You were wrong about it all! I saw my mom! She hugged me!”
It’s when she considers telling him about Harry, however, that some sense is knocked back into her.
Just the mere, brief thought of Harry makes her want to break down again, and subconsciously the mark on her chest that Harry had left begins to sting.  She chews the inside of her cheek so hard it hurts.
“I’m sorry, honey.”  Oliver’s use of the pet name that Roni had grown so used to hearing from Harry’s mouth makes her nauseated.  She tries to break free from Oliver’s grasp, but he holds her tighter.  “I know how much you wanted it to work.”
“Stop,” she whispers.
He doesn’t hear her.
“I know you’ve tried for years, but haven’t you been through enough heartbreak?”  Oliver sighs.  “I really think it’s time you give it up, Ron.  I don’t know why you won’t just listen to me about this stuff.”
“Stop it.”  Roni finally does break out of Oliver’s embrace, and in his drunken state he blinks dumbly back at her.
“Did I say something?”
“Fuck’s sake,” she says, wiping the tears on her cheeks.  “You’re right, okay?  I’m an idiot.  I’m done trying.  I quit.  Is that what you want to hear? Can we fucking stop?”
Oliver frowns, hesitantly taking a step towards Roni.  “Babe, I didn’t mean--”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Roni says, harsher than intended.  “Okay?  Drop it.  Please.  I’m begging.  I just want to go to bed.”
“But it’s almost midnight.”  Oliver is pouting now, and although it should make Roni soften a bit, it only makes her angry.
Oliver takes a more definitive step in Roni’s direction.  “I don’t want to start the new year fighting with you, babe.  Can we just go back down to our party?  We can talk about this tomorrow.” He shrugs.  “Or not! We don’t have to ever talk about it again if you don’t want to.  I just want to bring in the new year kissing you, surrounded by our friends.  So can we just… please?”
Roni scans his face, feeling more and more on the verge of breakdown with every passing second.  She closes her eyes, wishing she were anywhere but here, and covers her face with her hands.  “God,” she groans, before taking a big breath and opening her eyes again.  “Fine.  Sure.  Let’s go.”
Oliver smiles softly, holding out his hand timidly for her to take.  “Sure you’re not mad?”
It isn’t Oliver’s fault.  Of course it isn’t.  So how can Roni be angry with him?
She sighs, trying to bitterly laugh off a tear that’s threatening to roll down her cheek and ignoring his hand.  “Yeah,” she says quietly.  “I’m sure.”
“Not sure I believe you,” Oliver chuckles, “But okay.”  He steps in, closing the gap between him and Roni and puckering his lips.  He speaks in a babyish voice that, in any other circumstances, would absolutely melt Roni.  “Gimme kiss?”
It makes Roni even more upset than she already is, but who is she to deny Oliver? He is none the wiser as to what’s going on, and she can’t exactly drop this bomb on him right now. Not when he’s drunk.  Not when there’s a party going on downstairs.
Not when they’ve been together for so many years with absolutely no problems before this.
Before Roni even has time to process what’s happening, Oliver is taking her wrist in his hand and pulling her impossibly closer to him.  He kisses her, softly at first, and then a bit more passionate once their lips are fastened together.  
It’s Oliver who is making all the effort then; tongue maneuvering it’s way into Roni’s mouth as seductively as he can manage.  Roni would have no objections to this in any other situation.  In fact, she would welcome this.  The normal Roni would suggest she and Oliver skip out on the midnight countdown altogether, in fact, and elect to stay up here bringing in the new year whilst fucking like rabbits.
But not now.  Of course not now.  In fact, probably not ever again.  How could she ever go back to Oliver now?  After Harry?  After everything she’d felt for Harry?
How could she have done this to Oliver?
She gently pushes Oliver off of her, hoping he doesn’t note the tears in her eyes.  “Please,” she says quietly.  “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?”  Oliver giggles,  “Kiss your boyfriend?  You scared our friends will catch on?  Start thinking we might have crushes on each other?  Assume you think I’m hot?”
Roni knows Oliver is playing around, but she genuinely is not in the mood for that right now, and she’s afraid that if he says much else she’ll snap.  She groans, leaning in and pressing the most bland, unemotional kiss to his lips.  “Lets go,” she says.  “Please.  We’re going to miss the countdown.”
She begins making her way out of the room with Oliver close behind her.  “I expect a much better kiss than that when the ball drops!” Oliver says. “Much, much better!”
Roni’s heart is pounding in her ears so loudly she can hardly hear herself think. Her face grows hot while the inside of her body feels cold.  She’s having a panic attack, no doubt about it, and for once she’s glad that everyone is going to be too drunk to acknowledge it.
“Ron?”  Oliver asks as he and Roni begin descending the stairs. “Hey, Ron? Baby… will you stop a minute?”
“I don’t want to miss the ball drop,” Roni says, refusing to turn around and trying her hardest to sound like her breathing is under control.
Oliver stops her, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Sweetheart,” he says tenderly. “You’re being weird.”
“I’m not being weird,” Roni insists, more urgently than intended.  She sighs (the shakiness of her breath incredibly obvious to both of them) and softens as best she can.  
“I’m not being weird,” she repeats. “Just tired.”
“You know if something is going on you can tell me, right?” Oliver sounds more sober than he has in hours, and the way he looks at Roni makes her insides shake with guilt.
She opens her mouth to speak, but has to forcibly stop herself when she almost says Harry’s name. She scans his face, so genuinely concerned and yet ridiculously kind, and she swallows down the vomit rising in her throat.  “Yeah,” she says “I know.”
Oliver smiles.  “Okay then.”  He gives her shoulder a squeeze and follows  her lead back into the living room.
Roni feels like she’s in a dream as she moves;  like her body is here physically but her mind is elsewhere.  In the strangest way possible, her brain feels small and disconnected entirely.   She can see everyone cheering when she and Oliver walk in.  She can feel her friend put a red solo cup filled with alcohol into her hand.  She can hear her name being called, but she doesn’t register it.  She doesn’t register anything that’s going on at the moment, actually.
Her attention is briefly caught when she hears people start counting down, signaling that the ball is about to drop.  Their exuberant voices sound far away, however, as if she’s hearing them from the next room over.  Her face feels cold and her hands feel sweaty, and she thinks maybe if everyone would scoot over a bit she’d be able to breathe better.
“18….17…. 16….”
Someone accidentally bumps into Roni, knocking into the cup in her hand and sloshing a bit of its contents onto her dress.  No one reacts; in fact, no one else even notices. Oliver gives her hand a quick squeeze, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arm around her waist.
“...12… 11….”
Roni’s ears burn.  She knows where she is, but she cannot, for the life of her, focus on a single thing.  Her heart is hurting.  This doesn’t feel right.  She shouldn’t be here.
Slowly, the room around her begins spinning.  Roni wobbles a bit on her feet and Oliver catches her, probably chalking her wooziness up to her being as drunk as he is. She almost wishes she was, because maybe that would make everything hurt less.
“...8… 7…6”
Roni’s throat feels like it’s closing in on itself, and her mind seems to be running far behind her actual body.  She tries to blink herself into some clarity, glancing around the room.  She’s looking--hoping-- for someone who she knows damn well isn’t there.  Someone who couldn’t even try to be there.  The only person she cares to see at this point.
The entire room erupts in cheers, which definitely doesn’t help the throbbing in Roni’s brain, and the song Auld Lang Syne blasts from the tv.  There is nothing but chaos surrounding Roni, and she almost gags at the feeling of the lump in her throat.   She opens her mouth to say something, but is promptly cut off when Oliver pulls her in by her hips, fastening his lips to hers in a kiss that feels a far too enthusiastic for Roni’s taste.
The way he’s holding her by her hips would be enough to make her swoon on any other occasion. But now it makes her feel suffocated, and she doesn’t even close her eyes as she gives Oliver a half-assed kiss back.
No one else in the room seems to be aware of what’s going on.  They’re all too drunk, too busy making out with their respective partners/fuck buddies/love interests for the evening, to seem to care or even notice at all that Roni’s eyes are wide open.  The guilt, the pain, the longing for Harry-- all of it wraps itself around Roni’s heart and squeezes like a python.
Oliver pulls away, a dopey smile on his face.  “Happy New Year, baby!”
He looks so thrilled; so beyond naive to not only the fact that she’s hurt him in what she’s certain will be an unforgivable way, but also the fact that she is more concerned with missing Harry than feeling much else at all right now.
A voice from off to the side catches her attention, and she turns in slow motion to see her and Oliver’s mutual friend, Zach, squinting at her.  “Ron, you don’t look so good.”
“Wait, yeah,” comes Zach’s girlfriend, Skye.  “Girl, are you okay?”
Roni hears their questions.  She hears them, but she doesn’t process them.  Zach and Skye aren’t the only people who seem to be concerned, as more and more people around them quickly catch on.
“Sweetheart?” comes Oliver’s voice, and Roni turns, almost drunkenly.
“Is she drunk?”
“Did she take something?”
“She looks green!”
“Baby?” It’s Oliver’s voice that breaks through the deafening noise the most, although Roni still can’t even really process what he’s saying. “Roni?  Hun, can you hear me?”
“Everyone step back!”
“Let her breathe!”
“Can someone get her some water?”
Her breathing is so shallow now that she can actually hear herself gasping for air.  She feels like she’s choking.  She hates this.  She hates these people.  She doesn’t want to be here.
Where she wants to be is with Harry.  Alone with him, in his tiny apartment that isn’t even half the size of the room.  The year 2000 nothing but a vague memory, something she knows is so far in the future that  she’ll never have to worry about it.  She should have stayed.
Goddammit, she should have stayed.
As she looks around the room at these people who she should love-- who she should be thrilled to be surrounded by-- she realizes that she’s never felt more alone.  Not a single one of them would understand what’s going on. How is she supposed to continue on into the new year-- the new millennium-- feeling so isolated in her own feelings?
“I can’t breathe.”
She can feel herself saying the words, yet her own voice sounds so fuzzy and far away.
“She can’t breathe!” someone repeats.  “Everyone back up!”
“Can we get her some water?”
It’s too much.  It’s all too fucking much.
Roni’s knees wobble a bit before she feels them buckle.  The last thing she sees before hitting the ground is Oliver worriedly scrambling to catch her.  
And then everything is dark.
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madlilsongbird · 3 years
Watching The Amazing Spidernan movies so that I’m all caught up before No Way Home. Will add my thoughts as I have them. Note I am not some big Spider-Man fan nor have I read the comics so if my thoughts sound kinda stupid they probably are.
First movie:
That’s a good trick with the broom. Making a mental note as we speak.
Actually seeing Peter say goodbye to his parents is horrible and I would like to never experience it again
SALLY FIELD IS AUNT MAY?! Why does this one have the good cast? (not good as in better but good as in more well known)
The sexual tension in “good morning flash…good morning Peter” (this is a joke I’m not shipping him with his bully)
Jesus roid rage much?
Shut your blinds! I don’t know who would be looking in your window at this exact moment but close them anyway!
First careful, you never know who is watching what you search (when did I become this person)
Second…curt connors is ableist.
Poor Rodrigo Guevara
Oh internalised ableism. And that is the only comment I will make going forward because my disabilities do not include limb difference and I dont want to overstep.
Stop following the man, you are not subtle…wait wtf how’d he do that?!
This is where he gets his powers right?
Okay but when would 5 men make that much of a fuss over a woman that only 1 of them seems to know?
Same. (This is in reference to smashing the alarm clock)
Oh my god is it really necessary to show all the different kinds of spider bites.
Actually just going back to the internalised ableism thing…he is allowed to feel whatever type of way about his own disability that is his right. But insinuating that all disabled people are weak and wanting to breed out the weakness is eugenics and just kinda gross. THIS is the final comment I will make on the matter.
No but seriously he is way more aggressive than regular teen boy aggressive so either he’s on something or he’s overcompensating for something
The way he looks at him doe (again all jokes am not shipping flash and Peter)
Why is this so awkward? And not like teens navigating a crush awkward just genuinely awkward. I feel no chemistry between them.
I like the song, it’s an interesting choice for this scene but I like it.
Stop does uncle Ben die now? Like I know uncle Ben dies at some point but I was really kinda hoping he just wouldn’t in this iteration. I was going for a ninth doctor moment “just this once everybody lives”
God Sally is incredible
Don’t show me moments of Flash being human I might accidentally start shipping them for real and that simply can’t happen.
Oooh he’s a fashion designer
I just really enjoy how he takes the piss out of his victims? Arrests?
Is Gwen aware that the school nurse can’t cure everything? Both legally and just like generally doesn’t have the knowledge to cure everything. She suggests going to the nurse a lot.
This family gives me bad vibes
This is a long movie…it’s not even half way through
Well that’s one way to tell her
I think with what I remember of SpiderTobey and what I know of SpiderTom, Andrews Spider-Man is definitely better with the people he’s rescuing. Smoother, good bedside manner.
His sons name is Jack. Why does that make me angry?
So he’s just not gonna rescue the other people hanging off the bridge?
It’s almost poetic that the son of the man tried to stop him the first time will be the one to stop him now
Now how is he getting enough power in the sewer
No means no Peter
Does she die in this one or the next one? I don’t imagine her dying will help captain stacey see him as a good guy
Stan 🥺
This movie is exhausting and I don’t know if I mean that in a good way or a bad way.
MoThEr HuBbArD aRe YoU sErIoUs
He managed to get three whole words out and you didn’t think to ease up on the trigger a little to hear what those words might be?
She’s very clever and I will be sad to see her go
That wasn’t her scream. Or it was but from a different take.
Foyet about to be coming in clutch
I’m going to cry.
He’s so ugly. Some lizards are really cute but lizard + human, kinda gross looking.
Well shit. I didn’t know that happened. I guess what I said about him being upset with Peter about Gwen is irrelevant. Unless it isn’t, like if you believe in the afterlife, imagine how pissed he’s gonna be when Gwen arrives.
He finally got the eggs 🥺
As someone who’s boyfriend at the time didn’t go to her fathers funeral I feel ya Gwen. I mean I don’t care now but at the time it sucked.
Dr Connors was just in a silly goofy mood. He seems to show genuine care for the boy (this is mostly sarcasm).
Second movie
Oh we’re going back to peters dad.
How do they have access to a private jet?
Miss Honey is badass
Ngl I’m actually quite relieved they both died before the plane crashed. Stil devastating though.
Okay so this is first up on the list of potential mystery villains in No Way Home…he looks like a tool.
He really just let Spider-Man put his hand on his tongue. Sir do you know where his hand has been? Not to mention just in general the feeling of spandex on your tongue. I feel ill.
No respect for the proper care of plutonium.
Please don’t ever say “come to daddy” again 😂
I’m kinda sad Jamie Fox becomes a villain, his character seems kinda sweet so far from the 2 seconds I’ve seen of him
You mean to tell me he missed his girlfriend’s fathers funeral AND her valedictorian speech?!
Stan x2 🥺
Because you can’t lose me you’re going to lose me? 😂
I love her jacket
Why are they still pretending like she doesn’t know?
I may have spoken to soon about Max
See I would be speeding up daddy’s death if he told me he’d passed down a genetic disease and just decided not to tell me.
Okay max is still a little bit nutty but you gotta feel bad for the guy. He must’ve been so scared.
Don’t smile that’s not cute, if he was a regular boy you’d file a restraining order.
Oh I see Spider-Man is gonna fight him which will make him turn and become the “bad guy” whether he will actually be a bad guy is still unknown.
This scene is actually kinda just making me angry (the time square scene)
Cops suck man. Peter was talking him down just fine.
Did nobody teach these people not to touch metal when there’s electricity about.
Interesting that I didn’t pick up any chemistry from them in the first movie weren’t they an actual couple for a while?
Another good song with an interesting placement
I’m sorry did the caller ID not say Mary Parker? How was it Harry on the phone?
Run Gwen!
This version of Harry is kinda creepy I’m sure the actor is swell but the character is terrifying. Original version Harry was swell whereas the actor is…
“Maybe everyone has a part of themselves they hide” gives him the eye
This movies shorter or at least it feels shorter
An excellent show of what happens when you tell a rich daddy’s boy no for the first time.
This makes me very sad. She’s so excited for the possibility of Oxford.
As much as Harry disturbs me, I want him to burn his entire team.
His daddy really did love him!
I think it’s mostly his eyes, his behaviour can be explained by trauma (why I find Harry creepy)
Okay most of his behaviour. The taking joy in killing people that’s just him being nutty and not a trauma response.
This is fucked up. And where is Peter? he is off chasing a girl who has broken up with him twice now.
I really like SpiderAndrew, the movies are fine but as a character I thoroughly enjoy him
Sorcerers apprentice who?
Captain Stacy can’t blame him! She’s clearly stubborn as hell and her own free woman
I quite literally stopped breathing (in reference to the almost plane crash)
Is this why they made it Gwen and not MJ so that he could kill her and be an actual bad guy? From my little knowledge of the comics and what I’ve seen from the movies Harry would never hurt MJ so it had to be someone else important to Peter but not super important to him for him to a real bad guy
I like that Harry actually looks like a goblin.
What was the disease he’s supposed to have?
This poor family. I know I said they gave me bad vibes in the first movie but nobody deserves this.
He looks less like a tool with his suit on…but only slightly less
Baby you better get back behind that baracade!
Nobody talk to me I’m very emotional. This child looks very much like a magical mix of all 3 of my brothers put together and seeing him stand there so brave but so scared is doing something to me.
Final thoughts:
So I think SpiderAndrew might be a close second favourite for me. I like the relationships of the original the most, the comedy of the mcu version the most but this one was like a nice in between. Im a little disappointed there won’t be a third not cos I think I would have enjoyed it just cos the original had 3 movies, the mcu version will have at least 3 movies and this one is left out with 2. Don’t think I would have loved Shailene Woodley as MJ though so I dunno. I think the only thing I would have wanted from a third movie is to know who fedora guy is…and for Peter and May to acknowledge that they both know that he is Spider-Man. Apart from that it was fine and I now feel fully prepared for No Way Home.
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
ok ok this is a very random thought that i just had,,, reader and dewey/beej, it's up to you sweets 💖 are bored then the reader's like 'what if i tie your hair into tiny ponytails 🤔🤔' and so they do that and dew/beej end up loving it and they don't want to take it off and they end up wearing it the entire day 😇😇 for some reason i find this so cute ✨✨ anywayyy i hope you have a great day loveeeee 💖✨
Soft Hair, Even for a Dead Guy
beetlejuice x reader
hello my lovely, this was such a fun request!! I decided to go for beej x reader because I need more Beej practice I hope that’s ok! thank you so much, I hope it’s okay hehe🙈
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You audibly sighed, dramatically some might say, as you threw your head against the edge of the couch. You had been upside down, your legs swinging off the top of the couch, and your head hanging over the edge. Beej was sitting on the floor, his head lay back on the couch, next to your own.
You were both bored out your nut. You had been lying like this for fifteen minutes in silence. Lockdown had truly got the better of you both, especially since you couldn’t go over and visit the Deets. Stupid virus.
You turned your head and looked over at your demon. His eyes were shut, and for once he looked at peace. Strange for him. Probably the quietest he’d been in centuries.
Your eyes wandered up and into his manic hair. God that hair. It had a mind of it’s own, honestly. You began to wonder if he even styled it, or did it just sit like that naturally? I mean considering how old and dead it must be, it wasn’t in bad condition.
“hey Beej… what’s your hair care routine?”
Your ghost with the most knitted his eyebrows, his eyes remaining closed. “hair care routine? Babes, are you kidding me?” he sounded almost offended.
“nah your hair is in far too good condition for you to not have washed it in like- OOOH?” you sat up suddenly, having the best idea.
“I have the best idea!”
You crossed your legs and sat in front of his head, slowly running your fingers through his soft hair.
Beej opened his eyes quickly, a little bit startled by the sudden contact. He looked up into your eyes. Then his eyes wandered down to your chest. He could see a lil something something due to the low cut top you had on.
“sweet angle.. stay there” he almost moaned.
You scoffed and pushed his head up, so he was sat facing forward.
“what- hey!” he protested.
You continued to run your fingers through his hair.
“have you ever braided your hair? Or put it in pony tails? You would look so cute with pony tails.” you asked him excitedly.
“aaaannddddd you expect me to know what that is?” he chuckled.
“I mean… your not wrong” you giggled. “just stay there and I’ll show you..”.
Beej closed his eyes and sighed a little bit, not sure what to expect. You pulled his head back a little as your fingers combed out his hair.
Within seconds Beej was literally purring at you combing his hair. It was soothing and relaxing, and he hated to admit it, but he loved it. No one really ever touched him, never mind combed their fingers through his hair.
Poor touch starved lil baby.
You split his hair into two as you took the bobble out of your hair and began to tie it up.
He could feel you pull it and he furrowed his brows “what the fuck are you doing...”
You chuckled, “you’re gonna love it.”
You pulled another bobble out of your pockets and began to put the rest of his hair up.
“okay… voila!” you finished, throwing your hands up in completion. “look at me..”
Beej turned around, facing you, with a confused look plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but kinda giggle at how silly, but cute, he looked as you pulled both bobbles a little bit tighter.
“this feels weird…” he put his hands up to feel what you had done. “this. feels. weird”.
“you look so. Cute.” You smirked.
He kinda smirked back then went up and bounced over to look into the mirror. You couldn’t see him, but you could hear him.
“well butter my buns and call me Betty Crocker… I’m one cute son of a bitch”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “you like em’?” you called to him.
You heard him come stomping back in, his arms out and waving at his sides. “like em’?!? babes.. you’re gonna have to do this on me every day… I’m not taking them out”. His hands went up and he ran them through the end of each pony tail, smoothing them out. His face was gleaming. You turned back around and lay your head against the couch, smirking.
“knew you’d like that..” you said smugly.
Beej came and flopped on the couch beside you.
There was silence for a few seconds before he spoke, the pony tails in his hair making it hard to keep a straight face.
“Treseme shampoo and conditioner, rinse and repeat on your conditioner there, comb thoroughly, don’t use heat, just air dry, then stick some hair serum in there and bingo.. soft hair, even for a dead guy.” He looked at you winked, running one hand through the end of his pony tail.
“I fucking knew it.”
tags: @thewolfisapartofmysoul   @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​ @ssheinaa​ @demonwifey​ @beetle-herbs​ @bugdrinkss​
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ywhiterain · 3 years
But, Sam doesn’t even know about Cas’ confession. Or much about his death at all - yesss, I've seen them want Sam to fuck off when their ship gets together in the finale (before it aired), how they'll go to the beach like Dean said (doesn't matter that Dean included Sam in the plan, Sam's not invited in their world) but oooh boyyy when they have to blame someone for Castiel not being an important enough plot device to save, you bet Sam's getting included then 😀
I'VE BEEN HERE FOR AWHILE. We used to call it 'Sam goes skydiving'. I missed those times. That's more fun than this weird revision of Sam/Eileen. God was dub conning them both, Sam was still into it (but not enough to like do much about it tbh) but Eileen was kinda squicked. They had sex like once. But it fizzled out. HOW IS THIS YOUR EPIC OTP WITH MARRAIGE.
anyway they should have been Rowena/Sam truthers. They had way more consistent build up and he was destined to kill her but she trusted him anyway. asdlkifjaer90wif AND SHE BELIEVES IN MAGIC AND SHE SACRIFICES HERSELF IN A MIRROR TO SAM IN SWAN SONG. such quality het.
sorry um, Destiel's desire to erase Sam. I feel like if Dean and Castiel actually got married, Dean would book Sam on their honeymoon. Well, actually, Sam would do that legwork. Dean keeps getting distracted by porn. Cas probably would be okay with that tbh. He gets that Dean needs his we time with Sammy <3
Actually, are more canon grounded Dean/Castiel where Castiel was kind of a third wheel with Sam+Dean would be amazing to read. And I don't meant silly petty fake ship fic. I mean a fic where Dean actually is in love with Cas and is happy to be married with him, but, like. No. He's not going to the Grand Canyon honeymoon without Sammy. And, the thing is, I think Cas could find a way to work with that. He knows the brothers are weird and he's an ageless immortal celestial light of intent. There would be fights and issues, but yeah. I think Cas, Dean, and Sam could figure it out and make it work.
and you cant ask me to write it because that would require me to care about Dean and Castiel and the only time I care is when it's messed up, badly defined, and filled with betrayal and attempted murders. And Sam isn't involved enough.
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rwbyremnants · 4 years
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Hard convos and fluff (and awkward almost-incesty feelings)
Getting pretty close to the end! Also I started writing a new project - I know I know, I'm not even done posting this and Princess And The Dragons! Believe me there's just a ton of fics I could keep posting for all eternity, but they're all a complete mess (except the 2 I'm working on posting now). I might hit the fuck it point and post a few of them without doing any editing or rereading to make sure they make any sense. Yay for all that information nobody asked for!
=Chapter 10
A few months passed. Ruby had no further contact with Winter after she drove away from her, apart from one message she asked Penny to send, establishing that she no longer wanted to continue their arrangement. No more sessions, no more visits to the club, nothing. Even the casual texts had stopped, or the occasional silly snaps back and forth of each other's day; it was like they had never met. Strangers.
Then came an occasion she was dreading. There were other family gatherings she had managed to bow out of – anything to avoid awkward contact again out of fear of embarrassing herself; but this wasn't one she could squirm her way out of so easily. Weiss's birthday. She would never want to avoid her idol's celebration, especially not when she was specially invited! Dodging that one would also raise suspicion, and make it far more obvious that she was avoiding something to the other guests.
Plus, she didn't want to hurt her any more than she already had. Her guilt was too heavy. Time to bite the bullet and say hello.
All she could do was mentally prepare while she was out shopping with Yang, looking for an ideal present with her wife. She had promised that she would look after whatever she bought so Weiss didn't find it; at least that was a promise she could keep without anyone getting hurt.
"Hey, how about a cute little pony?"
When Ruby looked over, she saw Yang was holding up some kind of rainbow-painted porcelain horse tchotchke. She practically welcomed the distraction, no matter how mundane. Raising an eyebrow, she laughed, "Oh God, are you gonna turn her into one of those kooky nerds who has a billion of those?"
"Well… no…" Putting it back, Yang sighed and looked around. "But I'm totally drawing a blank this year. You know she's the one who's good at picking out gifts, and I just… suck ass."
Still trying to distract herself, Ruby smirked back toward her, walking a couple of steps backward to keep their pace in the store. "She told me enough times she liked what you got her last year. You know… the 'banana'?" If she wasn't going to be able to distract herself with small goods, she could by embarrassing her favourite sister. "She tells me everything when she gets drunk, unfortunately."
Ducking her blonde head, her big sister groaned and muttered, "God, Weiss… why can't you handle your booze?" She cleared her throat and spoke up to say, "But I don't wanna get her another 'toy' this time. I want it to be something sweet. Y'know, romantic and shit."
"Oooh…" That didn't give Ruby all too much to work with. While Yang and Weiss were definitely happy together, even she knew romance wasn't Yang's strong point. Aside from throwing herself in the path of an explosion that time a few years ago, the closest she had gotten was buying flowers on one occasion; only to get rid of them when they discovered Weiss was allergic. That was a story she wouldn't let her live down.
"Well, what kinds of things has she been into lately? Anything she mentions in passing or something?"
"Um… music? Frilly dresses and expensive perfume? Marrying the worst girlfriend in the world?" Sighing, she leaned back against a shelving unit full of lawn gnomes and hung her head. "I'll just get her another Victoria's Secret gift card."
"Doesn't that kinda count as a present for yourself? Just saying…" But Yang's phrasing didn't sit well in Ruby's own mind. Sure, she didn't know what sorts of presents were romantic and usually ended up with a cop-out gift, but at least she wasn't hurting anyone in the process of that. The worst girlfriend award for sure went to Ruby Rose. "And we both know she has the better of the Xiao Long-Rose sisters, so don't say you're the worst, dork."
"Does not! You're the real prize, and Penny is so lucky! Geeze, if you weren't with her, I'd be beating guys and girls off you with a stick!"
Even if it was meant positively, Ruby wasn't particularly in the mood to play along. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders reluctantly as she wandered out of the store, walking aimlessly in the direction of a jeweller’s. "Nah, I'm lucky to even have Penny. Don't even know how she puts up with me sometimes."
After a moment, Yang followed. She took so long to respond that by then, Ruby assumed she had forgotten the topic. Then…
"Okay, spill. What's been up with you the past couple months?"
"H-huh?" Even if it was a question she should have expected, she was taken aback, instantly finding herself on the defensive. "N-nothing! I was just saying that Penny's good for putting up with me, that's all!"
"Yeah, but you and Penny never fight. She hasn't seemed unhappy being with you or anything like that, at all." Folding her arms over her ample chest, she demanded, "So what's up, Rubes? Spill – unless you want me to tickle it out of you."
No getting out of that not-so-idle threat, no matter how much she tried. And even if Yang didn’t tickle her, she would be like a dog with a bone. Sighing, she looked downward sadly, still idly pacing around in the hope either of them would see something of interest for Weiss.
"It's not Penny and me that have had issues. We're fine. Our relationship's been pretty solid for a while…" When she stopped in front of the bracelets, she debated where to begin, whether or not to tell the story. In the end… "But… I’m, uh…"
Sensing this was big, Yang slid an arm around Ruby's shoulders. "You can tell me anything. If you could handle me coming out and transitioning, I can handle whatever's bugging you."
In the end, that tilted the scales. Yang deserved to know, since she had always been so open with her. At the same time, she didn't need to know who it was. The thought of that conversation coming to light certainly wasn't a good one given Yang's past with Winter.
"You know Penny and I don't… y'know, that often. So, um, Penny let me go out and see someone else, purely for sex. It worked out so great at first, me and this other girl had an amazing connection… but I had to go and ruin it."
For a moment, all Yang could do was blink in surprise. "Whoa, really? Never thought of you as a 'side chick' kinda girl." She hastily added, "But that's cool! I mean, if you have needs and Penny's okay with it, why the hell not?"
"Yeah, heh… I guess." Scratching the back of her head nervously, she couldn't look Yang in the eye anymore. The situation was too sensitive. "But it got deeper than that. Penny and I talked about it as well, and… and we realised that I was falling for this other girl the same way as Penny. Which she felt, too. But then… then I said some really stupid stuff and made a huge mess."
"Falling for both of them?" But of course, Yang had mostly been saying that to confirm it to herself. Blinking a few more times, she then asked, "What kinda stuff? Like, maybe it wasn't as bad as you thought."
"L-like…" There was the awkward part; she didn't know how to word what was happening without possibly outing either Winter or Qrow. Sighing in frustration, she looked back up. "Okay imagine if, I mean just imagine here – you're about to confess your feelings to Weiss for the first time, but then when you're just about to, you find out she's been sleeping with… with Dad or someone as close as that. Y-you'd be shocked, right? Shocked enough to really hurt her feelings on accident?"
For a long moment, Yang just tried to process the very idea being put across to her. Then she burst out, "Dad's been banging your side-chick?!"
"No!!!" Quickly slapping a hand to her forehead, she groaned out in frustration; one that had a couple of people turning to look at them. "I said 'someone as close as', not Dad himself! But that's not the point, anyway!" Looking around some more of the various watches and charm bracelets, Ruby sighed again. "I was yelling at her how if she cared she would have told me, because that was happening before I started hooking up with her, and during. And like, she knew this person was close to me! And I ended up… ended up learning I'd hurt her on other occasions without meaning to. Bad."
This time, Yang took even longer to respond. They both went back to looking over the things in the displays, picking them up and putting them down. Neither really paying much attention to what they were seeing.
"This, um…" Yang held up a tennis bracelet with a musical note dangling from it. "Is this dumb? I… think she could like it, but I, um…"
Again, Ruby welcomed the distraction. As much as she needed advice for what to do next, she much preferred to ignore the subject and keep burying her head in the sand. "That is super cute, actually. Maybe you can get another little snowflake charm for it too?"
"Ooh, that's a good idea… let me know if you find anything like that. Or maybe a star, because…" Her voice got quieter as she added, "She's my star."
Despite Yang having meant it genuinely, Ruby only saw her usual attitude of pun making and groaned again. "That was sooooo bad, international superstar. But stars and snowflakes, got it."
"Y-yeah," Yang replied with a feigned laugh. Clearly she had thought that was really romantic and it fell flat.
They both dug through the display for a little while longer, and Yang did eventually find a snowflake. Ruby was still hunting for a star when she walked back over. Clearly her mind was preoccupied.
"Um… hey Ruby?"
"Hmm?" Noticing that Yang had found what she wanted, she turned back to the display a moment to look longer. "Still can't find a star… Do you mind if it's a typical one? Or do you want a more… what? Something wrong?"
"The typical one is fine, we dug through most of 'em." Then she cleared her throat and tried to sound unconcerned as she asked, "So, were you, uh, maybe, kinda… sleeping with Blake?"
That'd made Ruby drop the small charm she had picked up, which bounced and rolled under one of the displays before she could catch it. At least it was one of the cheapest ones. "Oh, shoot! Noooo!"
“Those things are dime a dozen. C’mon, I asked you a serious question.”
She looked back around to her sister reluctantly. "No, not Blake. I mean, she said she thinks I'm cute before, but also said she would never want to because of your past. Kinda... crossing the streams, or whatever."
"Okay," she sighed in relief. "Whew! Just… you know, I noticed you guys were kinda hanging out sometimes, and… like, I never for sure thought you were, but that’s the only obvious guess I have."
Breathing with relief, Ruby laughed nervously with her. "T-that's fine! Nah, she and Sun seem to be exclusive to each other, from what I know, at least."
Under her breath, Yang muttered, "She's said that one before…" Then she cleared her throat and said, "Okay, Ruby. Whatever went on between you and whoever… it sounds like you were going past just bumping uglies and into really caring about each other. Weren't you?"
"H-hey, it wasn't like-!" But as much as she wanted to deny it, Yang was right; that was the simplest way to put it. Looking downward, she mumbled, "Yeah… we were."
"But… she's also doing stuff with someone really close to you, and it kinda gives you the 'this room is too crowded' vibe?" When Ruby didn't answer, she sighed and ran a hand through her bangs. "Whoo. That's rough."
"She’s also roommates with this person," Ruby added. It seemed like a major detail to leave in given the situation. Pacing to the other displays, she explained in more detail. "I'm not really mad about that anymore, I guess… I'm more mad that I hurt her. Not just by yelling at her about that, but that I left before talking it though. And that I hurt her before all this ugliness and didn't even know I did."
"God… and you were just gonna walk around with all this weighing you down?" Reaching over, she tousled Ruby's hair until it was a messy brown-and-red mop. It was one of the few things she had done when she was Ying that still lingered, even with how much she had changed before Ruby's eyes as they both grew up.
"Sis, I can only work with the facts I got. From where I'm standing… it sounds like this, um, person is worth it to you to go out on a limb for. I’ve been watching you moping around the past few months, and it's like… like something's missing inside you. And maybe your hookup isn't what you need, or maybe she- they are, and… I think you owe it to both of you to try. Just… I don't know, talk to ‘em again. Be chill and see where it goes."
"How?" she asked desperately with a little shrug. "How can I be 'chill' about it when I more or less said 'fuck you and what you've been through' to her face? Like… okay, it wasn't those exact words, sure; but the message was the same."
Though Yang did wince at the implication of saying something like that to someone, she gripped Ruby's shoulder. Unfortunately, due to her ignorance of the topic, her phrasing was less than ideal. "Hey, so you messed up in a… not small way. Sometimes to get what you want, you gotta eat a little crow."
Which was rather noticeable, given that she immediately shut her eyes tightly at the remark. "GOD I'd rather not hear 'Crow' and 'Eat' in the same sentence, you have no idea…"
But whether Ruby liked it or not, her sister was completely right. The problem wasn't going to be solved by hiding from each other; they needed to talk. To apologise, say their piece, and learn. Even if they ended up still avoiding each other after, the least they could do was try.
Apparently, Yang had been trying to talk to her all along, because she finally said, "Yooo, you in there, little Ruby? Big sis calling!" Then a fist was knocking on the top of her head, albeit lightly.
"GAH!" Flinching as soon as her head was touched, she nearly managed to knock the bracelet from Yang's hand! But right away she composed herself again, scratching her head. "S-sorry… I spaced. What were you saying?"
"I was saying that we should probably check out," Yang laughed easily, beaming her usual confident smile down at Ruby. "This bracelet's kinda lame, but it's literally the only idea I've had all day that doesn't make me wanna hurl myself into a volcano."
Ruby could only smile back, handing over the small star charm she had unearthed. "I actually think it's really cute, she'll love it."
But just after they'd finished checking out and re-entered the mall complex, Ruby was attempting to get some information of her own. She had been wanting to for a while, but didn't know how without raising suspicion. As naturally she could, she asked, "So… who's coming to the party? Me, Penny… who else?"
"Oh, well you know. Family people. Plus FNKI is supposed to be there, and Blake and Sun." Pointing, she asked, "Smoothies? My treat, for helping me out with this."
"Yeah, I guess smoothies wouldn’t break the bank," Ruby laughed, following her big sis. "Family people… so Dad, Jacques… Winter…?"
With a slow drawl, Yang answered, "Riiiight. That's who family is. Oh, I don't know if Uncle Qrow RSVP'd yet or not; he was invited. But Dad's gonna be there for sure." Then she looked suspiciously at Ruby. "Unless there's a problem with Dad being there…?"
"Why would I have a problem with Da-" But given the rather serious look, Ruby rolled her eyes. "Look, Dad was an example. This friend isn't actually sleeping with Dad. If she was, he would be living in the house with them, cause they are roommates with the person, remember? And no, it’s not Penny, and it’s really not me."
"Well yeah, I guess. Just double-checking, okay?" When Ruby still seemed irritated, she sighed and said, "Okay, I won't ask who's who again. I get it, this is sensitive. But… I do hope you get whatever's going on squared away. And promise me you won't sit on it until too much time went by, and now you feel like you can't speak up. Please?"
Eyebrows furrowing, Ruby looked up to her sister anxiously. She was genuinely worried about her… and had good reason to be, given what she had to deal with a few years ago; of course now that a somewhat similar situation presented itself, even if only affecting her sister, she would be on edge. But not wanting to let on how truly she was bothered by this, Ruby instead looked at the smoothie menu.
"Get me a banana and blueberry smoothie and it's a deal."
But all Yang groaned in response was, "Do you have to pick 'banana'? I'm already embarrassed enough about that as it is!"
"…but she’s been saying she wants to eat more organic, so I figured, buying some vegetable plant seeds could be an idea; something to do with little Fèn once she gets older, also. Not such a boring present, is it?"
Winter’s father had offered to drive her to her sister’s birthday party to both spare her sobriety and cab fare. He insisted strongly, despite her reluctance to be in his company. In recent days, that seemed to be worryingly common; for her to be alone or seem a little more uptight and serious than usual. Even if he had never mentioned it, her father certainly noticed.
And when noticing she still wasn't particularly listening on this occasion, he cleared his throat. "S-so… Amber couldn't come. She had something with her own family she couldn't miss, so you and Weiss will have to meet her properly another time."
"Hmm? Oh, yes… that's wonderful, Father." It was a stock answer. Winter would normally have offered up something a lot more in-depth and pointed, but it seemed she still wasn't up to the task.
In fact, she had spent most of the past months avoiding any time alone with her father. Not that he would know why. Not that they never talked, but their discussions had been fewer and further between ever since he told her about Amber. Poor Jacques. The only cause he could think of was the possibility that Winter didn't like his flowering relationship. And no wonder; no one would like to hear their parent had moved on, much less such details.
While they were at a red light, he looked around to her, asking, "You… aren't mad at me for dating again, are you?"
"What?" she asked, roused from her reverie. "No, not at all… oh, Father, I'm sorry. My mind is just elsewhere." Frowning over at him, she told him as earnestly as she could, "I didn't mean to make you think I disapprove of Amber."
There was a wave of relief, and right away he swept the sweat from his brow. "Phew! You had me worried there! Last thing I wanted to do was make you or Weiss feel uncomfortable." As the light turned green, his attention returned to the road, but he didn't drop the subject. "Then what is wrong, dear? You've seemed off for a long time now."
"Have I?" she asked, trying to sound as convincing as she could. She shifted in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Well, you have been a little," he admitted. "So, if it's not Amber… what is it? Is there something I should be concerned about? Have I done anything to upset you?"
"No, nothing," she answered immediately. There was no way she could ever tell him why she was so uncomfortable in his presence now - especially since it was getting easier to manage a little at a time. So she had to distract him, and she could only find one topic that would adequately excuse her standoffishness without making her poor father feel worse. "Just… I was beginning to think I might have found an 'Amber' of my own. But the relationship fell through before I could figure that part out."
"Oooohh… so, it's relationship trouble." While it was a better assumption than the whole truth, it was still awkward for old Jacques Schnee. He wasn't used to talking to his daughters in such circumstances until a couple of years ago, so the advice was always rusty. Still, he tried. "There's always more fish in the sea, even if you have to swim a little further out, I suppose. I know you get out more than I do, I'm sure you'll find a nice… girl, to settle down with someday."
Laughing weakly, Winter crossed her legs in the opposite direction, hoping against hope that it would abate her discomfort. No such luck. "Doubtful. I just don't feel that kind of connection with people. Not until…" Did she dare confirm? "Until she came along."
"I see… the one that got away, hmm?" Given the silence, that was also confirmed. While it wasn't as easy for him as it would be talking to a son about this sort of thing, he tried his best to treat her in the same way he would a son, and cleared his throat. "Girls are very mysterious. One minute you think you have them figured out, the next, you're back to square one. Or in your case, square zero. Of course, you know that, being a woman yourself." Scratching his head nervously, he tried to continue, "But what I'm saying is, don't bet all your money on one horse. If it's not meant to be, it won't happen. If it is, things will… well, they'll find a way to work."
"But I wasn't putting money on any horse," she sighed. "My feelings came as a complete surprise to me; I wasn't even looking! And then…" There had to be a way to discuss this without going into specifics. "We had an argument. About our relationship, and how we hadn't been entirely honest about our situations. It should have been something we could work through, but…"
"Ah, of course. Nobody likes complications." They weren't too far from the house, but rather than pull right up to the drive, he pulled the car over onto the shoulder a moment. "Listen, I'm not very good at this, you can tell; but it sounds like you both left everything up in the air rather than talking through the issue properly."
Winter could feel her anxiety rising. They were so close! She hadn't been mentally prepared to be alone with him for any longer than the drive there. But she also didn't want to squander this chance to have a non-superficial conversation with her father; they were so rare, and if she avoided this one she might not get another for a while. Or might even lead him to believe she hated him. That wouldn’t do.
"I wanted to try again. But she let me know we were done. That… she didn't want to see me anymore. She was so upset, I… how can I approach her if she hates me?"
Leaning back in his seat, Jacques sighed deeply, drumming his fingers against the top of the steering wheel as some form of distraction. "How indeed. Then again, your mother and I used to have our fair share of arguments before we got serious; sometimes, shit happens." It was unusual for her father to swear, even more so when he was calm. Still, it meant they were possibly getting somewhere. "Perhaps arrange to meet under more neutral circumstances?"
"Perhaps so." Her eyes flicked toward her sister’s house and the promise of safety, and she sighed. "We'll see. It feels so hopeless, but… I should at least apologise for my part of our misunderstanding. Then it would be up to her, right?"
"Exactly." He smiled toward her. "The ball will be in her court, as it were. If she wants to play, she will. If not… well, you can say you did everything you possibly could. It's disappointing if it does come to that, but in the end, it's far more satisfying to say you tried than to give up without trying."
Nodding glumly, she tried to let herself believe him. It was so hard! But she knew it was the truth; yes, Ruby was well within her right to end their arrangement, even without what went on with Qrow. Even so, that didn't mean she and her sister-in-law couldn't patch up their friendship, and discuss what went wrong like mature adults.
"You're right, of course. It's… I'll think about it. Thank you."
Nodding happily, he put his hands back on the wheel again to drive the last few seconds of the journey. Already, there were a few cars and bikes on the drive from the various guests. One of which included the small red car that Winter recognised so much: Ruby's.
Oblivious to that, Jacques was already taking off his seatbelt and opening the door. "In the meantime, just enjoy the party today. I'm sure Weiss will let you hold Fèn for longer than a couple of minutes this time!"
"Don't count on it," she laughed as they exited the car and began walking up towards the lakehouse. Despite their difficulties and Winter's private discomfort, she really did appreciate the talk more than she could say.
Once they got inside, they could see most of the guests had arrived. Yang and a few members of FNKI were loitering in the spacious entryway. One or two other children from Fenléng's daycare were toddling back and forth in the living room, their mothers likely nearby. Winter thought it was nice that she had a few little friends to play with.
"I'll be back in a bit, guys," Yang reassured both Flynt and Inu upon noticing the new guests. Suspecting they hadn't seen Weiss yet, she thought it best to greet the newcomers herself, managing to scoot past them to welcome her inlaws with open arms. "There you two are! Figured you got lost, again."
Jacques chuckled to himself, accepting a quick hug from her with a pat on the back. "That was just one time. Where is my other pride and joy, anyway?"
"Out in the garden with Ruby! I think they wanted to catch up a little bit before we gave Weiss her presents and stuff. You can head through, if you want?"
Raising a small bag and the box from Jacques, Winter said, "Where shall I put these?"
"Oh, I'll take 'em while we go through, it's on the way. Weiss's been waiting for you guys to turn up!"
With a brief wave goodbye to the two guests, Yang journeyed through the living room with both of Weiss’s relations following behind. She detoured to the kitchen with the two gifts, adding them to the pile, then leading Winter and Jacques to the rear conservatory doors. And there in plain sight were Ruby and Weiss, sat together on the bench.
The circumstances couldn't be any worse. Both Jacques and Weiss were completely unaware of the tension between Winter and Ruby. It gave no time for either of them to prepare mentally, especially not when Jacques was already walking outside toward them both, calling out to get their attention. "There she is! Twenty-two years young."
Turning, Weiss smirked at him as she said, "You got it right this year, Father. I'm impressed." Then her smile widened and she said, "Hey, sister of mine!"
"Happy birthday," Winter said, smiling gently. For the moment, she could forget about the girl sitting next to her sister. Ruby was definitely very important to her, but this wasn't her day, and it wasn't Winter's. "How does it feel to be another year wiser?"
"About the same," she laughed back with a little shrug. "Yang and I were just talking about that this morning; every year is just an encore, isn't it?"
"Once you're past twenty-one, it is pretty much the same,” Jacques chuckled. “Still, gives us an excuse to have a drink or two."
While he was making small talk with his daughter, Ruby continued to sit still with a drink in hand, staring toward the ground nervously. She knew Winter was there, but was far too scared to even make eye contact with her. Clearly, she had been just as cut up as Winter was in the first place. At least that was one small good sign; the pseudo-breakup wasn’t already an irrelevant event for the girl.
"So, how many others are on their way?" Winter asked, hands in the small of her back.
"Well, there's Blake and Sun," Weiss began to list off as she embraced sister. "Taiyang is on his way with Qrow. That might be everyone, right, honey?"
"Blake just messaged and said she's on the way," spoke up Yang from behind them, who had just finished putting the gifts away and was now coming to a stop by her wife’s side. "Aaaand Dad's on the way but a little held up because he went to get Penny from the airport. That’ll be a while, so… should we do presents?"
"You guys go ahead," Ruby said from her seat. At least now she raised her head a little, and looked outward to the large lake rather than at the floor like she was before. "I'm just gonna… chill here for a minute. Crazy week."
"Sorry to hear that," Winter said almost automatically. Then she cleared her throat and hastily turned to Weiss. "Are you ready for presents, or would you rather wait for Blake and Sun?"
"We can wait. In fact, now that I've stopped breastfeeding, I'm ready to have a drink. Can I get you something?"
Smiling demurely, she responded, "Oh, come on; this is your day. I can make drinks for both of us. What will everyone have?"
"Maybe Weiss already has the drinks I…" Though before she could finish that quip, Yang realised just who was in their company. They might well be on good terms, but an adult breastfeeding joke might be a bit too much for the subject’s father and sister to take. Winding back, she cleared her throat again. "Yeah, but I'll get them though, seriously. I know Weiss wants a strawberry daiquiri, and I’m still on the dry list. You two…?"
"I'm driving, so just sparkling water for me. What about you, Winter?" Jacques asked, although he was about ready to head inside.
Her eyes flicked to Yang, but then she said, "Martini, dry, single olive. That is, if it's no trouble."
"Nope, not at all!."
Weiss and Jacques headed inside first, with him asking about how she was and how Fènleng had been. It was always the subject whenever he came over now. But before Winter could step inside, Yang's hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her slightly around.
"Hey… you got a minute?"
That was quite startling for the elder of the Schnee sisters. Glancing both between the door inside and Ruby on the bench, she asked, "Of course, what's up?"
Glancing back at her little sister for a quick moment herself, she leant in closer toward Winter, talking in a hushed tone. "Okay, this is gonna be a weird request, but could you talk to her? This past few months she's had a bad case of the blues about, um, this situation she’s in. I know it's weird asking since she barely knows you, but… I'm kinda at a roadblock."
"Me?" Gulping, she glanced back at Ruby, then again at Yang. The woman she had treated so badly once upon a time. "I… don't have the greatest track record with helping people. Mentally. I'm honestly very surprised you'd ask me."
"Well, I'm stuck… Weiss is stuck, Penny's stuck… we're out of options. Not that you're a bad option, that's not what I'm saying at all! I mean, I know it's not gonna be the same as when you talked me into leaving and-" Sensing she was rambling, however, she looked down when the quizzical gaze of Winter met her own. "Bad start… bad start. But, yeah… if it's okay with you, could you? She may open up more if it's with somebody who doesn’t know her as well as us."
"Yang… you have me all wrong. I'm honoured you trust me to help her, and I'll definitely do my very best. Just… surprised." Swallowing hard, she whispered, "I've been hoping to… make things up to you; I know I can't, but anything I can do to try…"
"Oh pssshhh, I wasn't even thinking about that!" Yang quickly assured her, even laughing a little just to prove it. But in a short moment she squeezed her shoulder, just enough to convey she was serious. "I'm asking as a sister-in-law. Not as a 'you owe me'. Please?"
That prompted Winter to sigh in mild relief as she patted the hand on her shoulder. "That means the world to me. And yes, of course; I just apologise in advance if the talk doesn't do as much good as we both hope."
"Least we can say we tried. I'll have your drink ready in a second."
Finally releasing the shoulder, she headed back in the house behind Weiss and Jacques, leaving the two girls outside alone. Ruby, who was still trying to look to one side with her beverage to do anything to avoid looking her way; and Winter, who was awkward enough thinking about what needed to be done. It was pretty obvious Ruby wouldn't be the one starting.
There was so much she wanted to say, but in the end all she did was pace up behind the bench, come to a stop, and ask, "So… how have you been?"
Nervously shrugging her shoulders, Ruby kept watching the lake while she took a sip of her drink. Damn Yang… she didn't know anything about the situation, yet had somehow managed to convince Winter to do the very thing they needed to - despite her wanting to run a mile from it!
"G-good," she murmured after the sip, resting the hand back on her knee again. "J-just, um, doing so-so. And you?"
"I've been better… but I've been worse. So… I guess the same as you." She looked down towards her hands, white-knuckling on the back of the bench, and tried to relax. It wasn't working. "How are… you and Penny?"
Yet again, she shrugged her shoulders. However this time she at least made some form of effort to acknowledge her needs, by scooting to one side of the bench. "Not too bad, I guess. She has a new job, but she's been kinda stressed because I've been super tired a lot of the time."
Realising it would look strange if she kept standing there when there was an empty seat, she rounded it, sitting down as far away as she could from Ruby. Hopefully, she wouldn't feel crowded. "Why so tired? If it's not too much to ask about. Feel free to tell me it's none of my business, I…" But she didn't finish her thought.
"O-oh, it's nothing. J-just… uh…" Seemed it was more than nothing, especially when it came to the person she was admitting this to. But trying her best, she eventually shrugged her shoulders after another drink. "Just… felt a little off, that's all. I-it's like that sometimes."
"You should talk to your sister about that. She would know more about that, since she's… already on medication. No thanks to me," she added in a bitter undertone.
Closing her eyes, Ruby sighed deeply as she placed her glass on the ground and out the way. "That wasn't your fault entirely, you know. There were a lot of issues at the time with her, hiding under the surface. And besides, I'm pretty sure it’s not genetic; my parents weren’t diagnosed with stuff like that. So if it’s anybody, it’s Yang’s mom, I guess."
"Still, you… should work on what's troubling you." This was getting harder to dance around, and when she thought about doing so, she found she was unable to. "Because despite… how things played out, I still want what's best for you, Ruby. There's just no sense in you suffering if you can talk to someone, sort things out. Medication or no medication."
"I'm not depressed," she corrected. Although from the way she kept staring toward the ground, she wasn't exactly doing anything to prove that comment wrong. In the end, she placed her hands on the bottom of her small skirt, grasping the hem anxiously. But in the end, she thought to herself; what good would it do to keep distracting and leaving things unsaid? "I've just… been upset. Not Depression, not anything else; I'm just sad, okay? It… it was my own stupid fault in the first place."
"What was?" When Ruby didn't answer immediately, she followed up with, "I don't want to assume anything. That isn't my right. But maybe whatever has upset you wasn't your fault alone, and… and then you wouldn't have to punish yourself so harshly. Right?"
For a long while, there was silence between them. Ruby continued to look downward, still unable to yet look up at someone she once couldn't get enough of. It was almost tragic how far they had drifted thanks to a single argument. But the silence was lifted by a small, but rather desperate whisper.
"I miss you."
Winter's head raised, eyes wide. Her mouth worked as if she would respond right away, but she forced herself to stop, to consider her words more carefully. Then she stated, "And I have missed you. So much."
Tucking a stray strand of hair out of her own face, she eventually settled to holding her hands together on her lap, idly crossing her legs to appear casual. Just on the off-chance anyone inside was looking. But already, she could feel everything she had bottled up coming loose, feel her heart thudding with fear, eyes welling up.
"I just got so mad," she began to confess. “S-so mad and so jealous… and I had n-no right to be. That wasn't fair. Not when I-I'd done things just as bad to you."
"You didn't realize what you had done was so…" Winter paused, having to breathe deeply. This wasn't something she made a habit of discussing, so even now, months later, it was difficult. "We both crossed a line that we didn't think as important to the other person as it turned out to be. Is… that fair to say?"
It was accurate. All Ruby had wanted to do was show Winter that she was brave enough to do more daring things, while Winter simply wanted to keep the two most important people in her life happy without awkward encounters. It was certainly a fair assessment. Nodding in agreement, she stared out toward the lake again in a somewhat more contented silence.
"…How's Qrow?"
"Oh, he's been alright. They promoted him to assistant manager of the bar; said he was doing a great job with the work but was a little rude to the customers, so he was better placed being rude to the bartenders."
"So he gets to sit at a desk behind the bar and drink? Sounds like an ideal job for him."
Winter smiled down at the hands in her lap. "You… probably don't want to know any more details than that, do you?"
Though that last comment didn't make Ruby laugh. Unfortunately, she was still rather awkward about that situation. "N-no… not really. I wanna hear if he's okay but not like, those details."
"Of course, of course," she replied hastily. "I have no problem with that. As long as you agree not to tease me about… about the other thing. We can bring it up from time to time, but don't tease. It just…" She looked away, biting her lip to keep from showing a reaction too severe.
"I know… I stepped over the line." Nervously she shuffled in her seat again, looking downward toward the floor. A look of pure shame. "The truth is… I just thought that maybe… if I used my intuition and showed that I could be daring enough to try something big like that, you'd be pleased with my progress. But now I know, t-that was completely wrong. That you can't ‘guess’ with this stuff."
The corner of her mouth ticked up as she conceded, "Well, to be fair, you were right with everything except the third person who happened to be in the room. But your performance was… I still have to fan myself thinking about how good you were."
"It… was pretty hot." Unsure if that was crossing the line or not, she shrugged her shoulders nervously. "That doesn't count as teasing, right? To admit that it was really… really thrilling?"
"No, not at all. I… could tell you how I really felt about it, if you promise not to pass judgment. A-and if you promise not to think it means I dislike you; just because I was angry and upset didn't mean I wanted you out of my life! I regret so much that I made it seem that way…"
"I wouldn't blame you if you did… I crossed the line," she admitted again. She knew she deserved more than that. She expected fury, rage even, but Winter had something else to say. "…g-go on?"
"What I said during play… that it really turned me on… I wasn't lying. It did. But admitting that means admitting that…" Winter's cheeks were pink already due to how long they had been talking about their last session, but she bravely forged ahead.
"On the car ride up here, I spent the entire time trying to ignore how wet I was getting. Because I was in the same car as my father. You were so good, and gave me such a powerful climax, that now… now I associate that with speaking to him, being in the same place as him. Which I'm so ashamed of; it's… not as if he had anything to do with it directly, or as if I want to sleep with him! GOD, no! But the two things are connected in my brain pretty strongly now." Now that the older woman had said her peace, she closed her eyes and waited for the reaction. However bad it might turn out to be.
"Ohhh…" Surprisingly, it was far easier for Ruby to take in than expected. While it was good to learn that she had given Winter an extremely powerful orgasm, and Winter was proud of her as a sub… learning that Winter now associated her own father with their escapades wasn't so good. In fact, when she thought about it…
It was the same association she now had with Qrow once learning who he was. Finding out that Qrow was another of Winter’s partners made such thoughts hard to totally block out. A sexual context for her own uncle. They were both dealing with those awful tricks of their minds. Only difference was, Ruby knew she would never accidentally be picturing her uncle during the act the same way Winter might with her father.
"Shit… I really screwed up…"
"Not so badly. I mean, it's almost fun, when I'm not disgusted with myself." A few seconds later, she added in a weak murmur, "That was supposed to be humourous, but after saying it, I realized it didn't come out that way…"
Still blinking, she finally looked more in Winter's direction than the floor at last. Not eye contact yet, but it was better than what it was. "Geeze, I just wanted to do something… adventurous. To be bold or whatever. I didn't want to ruin an entire person for you, let alone your own father!"
With another gentle, nervous smile, she turned back to face forward. "You don't have that much power, Ruby. He's not ruined, exactly… just… this is something I'll have to work through. But it does help to have a specific cause; you fucking me under the desk, instead of just 'Surprise, you're turned on in your father's presence'. Keeps me from thinking I'm even more of a deviant than I already am."
There was a small chuckle coming from her. "That would be the worst version of the Daddy kink."
"Ugh," Winter groaned, ducking her head. "Do you know how long I mentally dissected me moaning 'Daddy' when I’m being fucked?! I haven't called him that in over a decade, and I still had to worry about it!"
"Oh my god, I was kidding - I didn't know you had one!" The laugh was beginning to increase in volume. In fact, it would be the loudest anyone would have heard her laugh in weeks, even if it was a slight form of teasing. Their talk was working.
So Winter kept it going. Yes, she was uncomfortable with the subject matter, but it was also a relief to be able to get it out and discuss it instead of bottling everything up. "Well, I do, but it never had anything to do with my actual daddy until that night. Not as far as I knew, anyway." Shifting in her seat, she muttered, "You know what they say about all little girls wanting to marry their fathers…"
"Not me; never ever been interested in men. Even me being kinda weird about sex aside…" Finally, she felt her muscles relaxing as she grew more at ease; even began to smile. Maybe things were going to work out for them still being friends, after all. In the end, that's what they wanted, to be in one another's lives, regardless of feelings.
But Ruby didn't want to leave it there. Talking about where things went wrong with their arrangement was one thing, but with their feelings was another. They had come too far, said too much to leave it there without talking it through fully. If only she could take that first step.
Though Winter beat her to it. "If you're sure you want to keep these secrets, and aren't already disgusted by me…" Her eyes flicked up to Ruby's face, then away again, waiting. Bursting to speak, but afraid that she had already gone too far.
"I could never be disgusted with you." At long last, she looked up, and right at Winter's face. It was like she was seeing her for the first time all over again. She could already feel the bottled up feelings reemerging, the compulsive need to grab Winter and kiss her as hard as she could. But they had to talk it out first. "Even after all my thinking, all this time with these dumb thoughts… I can't be disgusted with you. I can't even dislike you. And I don't want to. Because all this time has passed and I… I-I… still…"
Almost as if to head her off, Winter went on, "G-good. Because it's been getting worse, even if I've been getting better at processing it; understanding it's a kink, and it doesn't make me bad for having a kink if I don't indulge it. That's not as bad, right?" Her eyes held Ruby's for just a moment, hopeful, drinking in the desire she saw reflected there, before she turned away.
"As you heard, my father has begun dating this Amber woman. I've seen her, and she really is attractive." More fidgeting from the elder Schnee sister. "S-so… I may have had a stray fantasy about walking in on them…"
"Well… I-I guess… um…" Truly speechless after that confession of hers, Ruby looked to one side wide eyed, scratching the back of her head nervously. Managing to force a chuckle of her own, she admitted, "I guess these things don't hurt. Fantasies and all that, different strokes for different folks."
"You know, I could tell he was flustered by that sketch of yours - which I framed, by the way, I hope I can show you how it looks framed. That… is part of what made it harder to forget this whole thing. He didn't know it, but he was finding me attractive." Then she cleared her throat, waving that away as best she could. "Which only makes sense; he's always told me I'm a lot like Mother was. Weiss is the one who looks so distinctly different, even though there's a family resemblance, of course."
"Weirdly? She looks like your dad, if he was a girl… if that makes sense?" She could only hope that would be enough to make her chuckle along with her. The strange thing was, at the start of this arrangement, she was so obsessed with Winter's likeness to Weiss. Now, she could completely separate them. When with Winter, it was like Weiss was never even a factor.
"She does!" Winter admitted with a giggle of her own, raising a hand to her mouth to hide it. Then she sighed and said, "Anyway, enough about my budding Electra complex before I develop a thing for Weiss, too." Turning more fully, she looked straight at Ruby with a sober gaze. "I'm so happy that we can talk again. It might not be easy, but I can't tell you how much I've missed this!"
Laughing right back with her, Ruby picked her drink back up from the ground. The smile on her face evolved into a grin. "Me too! This was one of the things I missed. I mean, Weiss and Blake are great to talk to, but you sorta get fed up with them bringing up their other halves like, all the time."
Nodding, Winter crossed her legs in a lot less discomfited gesture - though she still shivered slightly at the action. "Indeed, they do go on about each other. But it's a positive thing, that they're in such stable relationships." Glancing over at Ruby, she asked in a careful tone, "You and Blake didn't ever…?"
Drinking the final swig of her drink, Ruby shook her head lightly, drawing the glass away. "Nah. We agreed that'd be too weird with how she was with Yang and all. Plus, as much as she knows she's bisexual…" Shuffling up closer to Winter a moment, she quickly checked the area to make sure no one was in sight. Thankfully, they were all too distracted by the presents to even notice those two outside. Finally, she leaned into her ear, whispering, "She is definitely all about dicks."
Giggling, Winter whispered back, "I know. I offered to Dom her a few times, or to let her Dom me, and she said she 'wouldn't mind' but didn't seem all that excited about getting around to it. I saw that as the gentle kiss-off that it was, and never pushed for an answer."
"Yeah… She won't admit it, but she is a cockslut," Ruby whispered back. And yet even when she was done whispering, she didn't move away. Not yet. She had become content with sitting right at Winter's side, even leaning in slightly toward her. So close… even after months, it was becoming like those few romantic sessions all over again. Except there were no characters, no practice. This was Winter Schnee and Ruby Rose.
"Do you still…" But as soon as the words began to form, she held a hand up, shaking her head. "Nah, forget it, I'm being dumb."
"I still miss more than just our sessions," Winter told her firmly, offering it when Ruby hadn't finished her question. "I miss YOU, all of you."
Ruby found no more words to say. Usually a chatterbox who let her mouth run, and she was completely speechless. All she could do was keep their close proximity, feel her cheeks beginning to heat up once more as Winter stared back at her. She always managed to make her blush… and this was no exception. After a brief check to make sure no one was around, she found her eyes wandering elsewhere. To Winter's eyes, her lips…
"Kiss me."
"Are you sure?" she breathed gently, allowing her index finger to brush down along Ruby's arm. "Someone might see. Or do you want them to see?" Quirking her lips, she whispered as she drifted closer, "Not that I would fault you if that was secretly what you wanted."
"I-I want…" She wanted everything to go the way it was meant to go when she first confessed her feelings for Winter. She wanted for them to be more, so much more. "I want you… I want to feel how you feel about me. Even after this long. I-if you still do."
At the more insistent wording, the lessening of ambiguity, Winter's eyes began to shimmer. Her throat tightened, and she leaned in yet closer. With only another second of hesitation, her lips took the younger woman's, hungrily and with great relish.
And she poured every last ounce of desire into her mouth as she kissed her back, as her hand slid up to rest upon her neck. For the first time, one of their kisses wasn't merely full of confidence, sensuality, desire. This time, there was so much affection - on a level closer to Penny's, though different in its own right. Open and earnest.
In the same way, Ruby felt her eyes closing in bliss. Her hand crept up and into Winter's hair, bringing her in closer. Her other hand was holding her glass as best she could, but even that was a struggle. In the movement and effort Winter displayed when she opened her lips slightly further, when she eased her tongue forward to brush against her own, she could feel it. This kiss was so completely different to what she had felt from her before, yet entirely familiar. Winter Schnee loved her, and she could tell from that single, honest kiss between them. And already she could feel tears welling up in her eyes all over again.
Though Winter continued to pour more and more of her affection into the contact, eventually it grew to be too powerful. She had to break away to whisper, "I thought I lost you forever!" before she threw her arms around Ruby, pushing her face into her neck and trembling all over as she tried not to break down entirely.
Although hesitant at first, Ruby eventually found the strength to hug right back, pulling her in tightly as she grasped the cardigan she was wearing. Everything was back, her scent, her touch; her. And she wouldn't have it any other way. What a fool she was to let it all go, to let such a thing slip away because of a pathetic argume-
"Guys, we're starting to open the presents!"
Yang happened to call as she stood by the conservatory door. Why did that have to happen now?! Thankfully, there was no awkwardness about the embrace; it simply looked like what Yang had intended for them, for Winter to have helped Ruby with her sadness. And that brought a smile to her face. "Awww, come on you nerds, get in here!"
Pulling back with a sniffle, she was sure not to do what she would have done - kiss Ruby again - and instead turned immediately to call, "Coming!" When addressing Ruby again, she whispered, "Are you going to be alright? I mean, I think I can dry it up, but we can linger a moment if you need to."
Moving the hand from the back of her head to her shoulder instead, she nodded. She desperately wanted to do the same, quickly lunge forward and kiss Winter. But that would have to wait until another time. "Y-yeah, we'd better. Yang's been worried about me."
"Yeah, she said. Your sister really cares for you; I'm glad you're so close." Biting her lip as she stroked Ruby's arm, down out of sight due to the bench, she whispered, "Maybe… she can be one of the first ones we tell, when we're ready. She and Weiss. I think they're the ones who might feel the most strange about us being anything other than sisters-in-law."
"Yeah… Yeah that's true. It would be a good idea." But it seemed at first, Ruby hadn't quite realised what that implied. Until she started to really think about it. And her eyes widened once she began to think on it more and more, before finally gasping, "You… want that with me? Like, to be completely out in the open? Really?"
"Possibly," she answered with a shy smile as she finally began to stand up, pulling Ruby to her feet alongside. "Depending on other factors. Mainly, you and Penny; if we did that, she would be part of a polyamorous relationship, even if she has no feelings for me. I don't want to put her in that position if she's not comfortable with it. And then we'll have to decide how we feel about each of the other people in our lives knowing about it in turn."
"Yeah, of course. If we don't handle this right, people would accuse me of being a cheater. And I don't want that – she doesn’t deserve to have people thinking that, either. Don't worry, I'll be talking to her about it soon."
Winter nodded, then couldn’t help grinning down at the little puppy. Now all hers – or at least, more hers than she had been expecting. "I can’t wait."
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the-nysh · 4 years
At what point in the story you started liking Garou as a character? What was his first impression on you and how did it changed later as the story progressed?
Oooh! What a GREAT question, I’m so glad you asked! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (Cause yes, my perceptions of him certainly did change over time! And that’s one of the fun things I love to see happen with other opm fans too.) So let’s see…*pulls up a chair and shovel to dig thru nearly 5yrs of archives* where to begin~
It was definitely a gradual process (so buckle in, this is gonna be a looong chronological trip thru memory lane. About 3500~ words!)
First impressions
Early on (and cause I’m skeptical to most new characters who I don’t ‘know’ yet), I remember feeling kinda like ‘huh? Who the heck is this guy? This wannabe Hiruma-lookalike (recognizing some of Murata’s recycled Eyeshield 21 char design elements for him) with some silly double Vegeta hair? The hell does he think he’s doing??’ Beyond being kinda incredulous about him, I honestly didn’t really give him much passing thought or attention either, and definitely not anything on a deeper level yet. He was just kinda there (I suppose?), but also out there forcefully (cockily and somewhat annoyingly?) inserting himself as the ‘villain’ into the story at times (which wasn’t really my thing), seemingly WAY in over his head with reckless antics and overambitious about what he was claiming to be and challenging himself to do (which I thought seemed both ridiculous and ironic to set up like that when characters like Saitama exist to directly check/refute his aims).
So at the time I wasn’t fully ‘on board’ or invested much in his story/concept yet cause I hadn’t really seen him…define himself (beyond those first impressions) into his own fleshed-out character. Because he still kept reminding me too much of other characters (I even heard him with Hiruma’s voice) rather than breaking out on his own. Murata’s early art also had yet to really evolve and settle him into his own distinguishable ‘face’ for that matter too (he would though later, when he’d draw ‘Garou’ recognizable as himself and not like…‘Hiruma’s shadow’ anymore). So with all that coming in, it’s hard to ‘see’ or genuinely ‘like’ a char at first when they haven’t done much yet to distinguish themselves from others and grow into their own. (Oho, how time will tell~)
This impression of Garou hadn’t really changed much and continued all thru the Metal Bat fight, by the way. (I actually caught up to the manga around the time Murata introduced MB with the centipedes and was about to start his fight with Garou. Events which weren’t on my highest priority to see either, cause I still mostly preferred seeing Saitama + Genos interact instead.) But on a surface level, I at least knew Garou was fun/impressive to watch and his excitable/feral energy was infectious and entertaining (Murata really knew how to hype him up too), but other than that, I’d yet to really ‘like’ him on his own (enough to talk/blog about) still.
I first eased into reblogging stuff with him back in Oct 2016, which included the first reblog of his back muscles (lol) appreciating how Murata drew him facing Watchdog Man so ksjggh that part of the story (when Murata was teasing their fight) was also when Garou starting having a presence on my blog. :O
First turning point
However, I distinctly remember the first ‘aha I see now’ point in understanding him better was when I did a second reread of the webcomic. (I don’t exactly remember when that was, but probably sometime during the tournament arc when the pace was kinda dragging, so I prob reread the wc around then for fun.) It was around early-April 2017 when I later admitted that (in the tags):
I’ve come to really like Garou, a second read of the webcomic made me fond of him, of his background and ideas he wished to set out and change, his heart was in it and he had his set of morals, but he was young and brashly took the wrong path, I really want to see him return someday now that he's learned better
Cause following the big webcomic reveal at the end of his arc (when Saitama calls him out), going back thru his entire story again you could totally spot all the consistent hints and signs (from both his backstory and actions) ONE sprinkled the entire time, making everything revealed about him true, and not suddenly sprung up outta nowhere. It was finally like ‘aaah, I understand what’s up with him and can sympathize where he’s coming from. Yes that makes sense. :O’ However, this clarity/acknowledgment had yet to shift from simply ‘seeing’ or understanding a thing as knowledge, to actually feeling it (connecting on a deeper/personal level) later. That’ll remain a big distinction.
May 2017, I first started writing some early meta break downs about him, starting with his end-arc parallels in Suiryu’s despair moment and from this, there was acknowledgement how all ONE’s manga additions (up til then this was still all tournament arc stuff) were only building further context towards what’s to come much later on in the webcomic.
June 2017, I started posting stream coverage about him (vs Watchdog Man stuff when he intercepts King and Saitama.) Around this time I also admit this kinda stuff in tags ‘goodness how I love that this nerd has a soft spot for that kid (truthfully he's not monstrous at all)’ for appreciating the manga’s wholesome extra Tareo moments.
Second big turning point
Around Sept-Oct 2017 was when post content/stream coverage kinda started exploding during the whole vs A/B heroes + shed fight. This whole sequence, following the tournament arc, was the first big long-awaited return back to the wc’s script (with style!), but with significant expansions (esp to his character) never seen before. In particular, the bullet shielding moment was changed/revised from him simply standing there in the wc, to Garou protecting Tareo in the shed.
Truly awesome and moving because dang, he selflessly put his life on the line for that ‘Garou the determinator fending off the impossible while protecting a kid ;o;’ Firmly standing up to (injustices) and revealing his solid moral core, like wow, what a guy. <3
Murata’s stream output picked up significantly back then too (compared to his slower pace drawing the previous arcs), so I also admitted: ‘gosh been cheering for Murata's hard work just like Garou's in-chapter determination!’
But also cause this whole fight was like the first actual, legit demonstration (shown, not told) of Garou’s prodigious fighting skills, intelligence, tenacity, resourcefulness, perseverance, etc. Like this is what he’s actually capable of when pushed to the brink; testing the actual quality of his character (showing his true colors) and allowing those merits to shine while under unfavorable, difficult, and desperate conditions. And all impressively done in a way to make the audience both believe it and root for him (presented from his side much like a protagonist? Wild! 8D) It was extremely thrilling and badass (truly that whole shed part was brilliant, narratively and spectacle-wise. As I’ve repeatedly gone back to write about many times and again. :’D) My impressions of Garou around this time:
yoooo boi see I really like Garou, the wild prodigy determinator with a misguided goal, going all out and demonstrating his talent and prowess (even tho he gets in over his head), PROTECTING CHILDREN WHEN HE PRETENDS HE DOESN'T CARE, omfg what a softie (as Saitama would say) :'D, yaaa see he was never a 'real' monster at all, Saitama can see straight through him, and what he REALLY wants to achieve
Dec 2017, first started getting some sporadic Garou anons after the whole epic manga spectacle vs Genos + Bang + EC fight with everyone.
Jan 2018, back when Garou was captured in the MA base and then left to his own devices above ground…things started getting really interesting. Including noticing ONE’s more careful (or perhaps more transparent?) approach to writing Garou’s manga portrayal this time around. Different and more nuanced from the wc for instance, so there were many fascinating contradictions and complexities to uncover (break down meta-wise) about his convictions, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and how he applied those thru his actions and behavior (revealing decisive acts of character). This was when @gofancyninjaworld also started joining in to discuss and explore Garou’s ongoing dilemma with his goals and mindset. “His heart is in the right place, but his means are not, because at his core, he’s not a monster.” I admitted ‘Garou’s one of the most well-written characters in the story, I feel.’ And I was really looking forward to all the significant changes ONE was doing to make his manga story all the more defined and cohesive than it already was in the wc. That made things extra engaging (when there’s a desire to look deeper into things for fun and excitement for more).
Third turning point
Feb 2018 Oooh man. It was around here, (when Garou saves Tareo from the bullies and confronts RR and Bug God) that I was really starting to feel that shift happening (the impression of him turning into something more), so I had to comment on his ongoing characterization presented thus far (budding into a well-rounded, 3 dimensional character) and how ONE was (re)writing him in a more personal, sympathetic light that made him so easy to root for and genuinely likeable. I was fully AWARE of this happening and what both Murata and ONE were doing to increase his appeal. Admitting the more they revealed of him the more I was falling deeper for him, and fully welcoming it by narrative design. (Like alright let’s goooo! 8’D) Cause it was obvious how much differently and expansive he was getting portrayed vs the wc (with much less moral ambiguity). I said:
“Garou’s not simply a rogue, prodigious teen going on a spiteful rampage with an overconfident, slasher smile. Consistently, he’s been shown what really makes him tic: what gets him serious, passionate, sincere, and desperate – things that force his hand to either fight or defend against, with standards and ideals that he’d put his life on the line for. All of it is great: a variety of expressive emotions and definitive acts of character that all build towards the whole. Which we’re then left to ponder exactly what that is. Is he truly a villain or a hero? Is he really a troublemaking bad guy or actually a misguided ‘nice guy’? The answer isn’t so black and white; it’s more like a mix of ALL of the above. And I LIKE that. As ONE has presented him, Garou is Garou, and not really someone to align or classify as simply one or the other. He’s in that kind of delicious gray zone where he’s getting put to the brink to show his true colors. And it’s so GOOD and refreshing to see.”
That plus the manga showing his deeper bond with Tareo, his gruffly protective qualities (ok but that’s kinda hot?) and a more sincere showing of his morals (which he refused to budge on no matter what anyone else ordered him to do), brought on all the feels. :’)
Stream coverage + ch commentary devolved to like unintelligible screaming, with some ‘man he’s so fucking cool,’ or ‘damn protective Garou’s SOO good,’ or ‘I swear the more Murata draws of him the more I fall for him like wtf,’ or even the flat out ‘GODDAMMIT MURATA ;A;’ types of suffering reactions, ahaha.
At this point I was all ‘bring on the Garou appreciation; he deserves it; I have a mighty NEED’ but was kinda annoyed/frustrated with the fandom cause there was hardly any recent fan content of him (relevant to his current plot progression, it was all suspiciously dry or old ship-related content I wasn’t interested in cause the plot had moved on, so I was like omg where is everybody, hello?!) It was already a dry spell in between seasons so overall fan content was slow anyway, but it seemed like there were so few actual fans of him (to my confusion?!) So I started making my own content (beyond just the stream coverage and ch reactions/commentary + meta) with the expression posts appreciation.
March 2018. U-uhoh, things (and posting frequency especially) were starting to escalate. His reaction to literally getting backstabbed by the monsters and losing Tareo (his quiet but seething controlled feral rage) definitely had me feeling™ things.
Final nail in the coffin
April 2018 Oshit;; Garou forcefully storming and bulldozing his way thru the MA base, his awesome BIG DAMN HEROES moment rescuing Tareo from Royal Ripper, to his hilarious absolute tsundere™ moment denying it (before running into Rover and immediately protecting the kid again) pretty much destroyed me. This was also like the first time I’d seen ONE make a character go full tsundere mode and pull it off in a genuine comedic way (with the classic ‘it’s not like I came here to save you or anything baka’ line and all) so pfft, that was so much endearing icing on the cake. :’D
At this point someone even asked me who’s my favorite opm character, to which I was all, ‘Garou’s current manga content has been on fire so he’s been quickly skyrocketing into my favs (if he wasn’t there already)!’
But then Murata soon dropped THIS ‘protect the child’ page all with perfect timing, and I was…fucking doomed.
'sugoi ojisan' was pretty much the moment of instant death for me ;A; my constant reaction to the streams has been that gaijin 4koma meme with laser heart eyes for emphasis, and I'm pretty much losing my ability to articulate much beyond screaming at this rate
Garou’s behavior could then be summarized as ‘a very stubborn and in denial asshole tsundere little shit nerd. <3’ But there was classic ONE heartwarming irony in there too, cause Garou hadn’t fully ‘lost’ his battles either…during those critical times where he actually assumed the role of the ‘hero’ for Tareo instead. (Oho~)  
basically Garou is a great character, the more you look into how ONE has built him the more meta af it gets
May 2018 (the long-awaited debut of the wc ‘scarf’ vs Rover towards Garou vs Orochi’s epic wtfshitstorm) lolwhoops~ I finally made the inevitable back muscles compilation while also writing longer, more in depth meta posts about him.
Murata delivered some of the best stream content we’ve seen of him. (Completely on FIRE, both literally and figuratively. And looking back, this was probably some of the most fun Murata’s stream sessions ever got. :’D Was awesome to be a fan tuning in during this time.)
even Murata was doodling chibis of himself freaking out in the margins XD
Delivering content from the pose of peak badassery…to dropping stream doodles of peak heartwarming/cuteness (Garou & Tareo in suits) on the fans for good measure.
bam Murata’s out to kill us with his art ...Murata can you like -maybe- chill? ABSOLUTELY NOT
Basically Murata knew exactly what he was doing, always delivering and servicing the fans (drawing the coke bottle was a fan suggestion too) yet also remaining a huge tease~
Towards S2 and beyond
June 2018, following the Orochi fight, Garou was put on a bus and absent from the manga for a while, so I went back revisiting older content again (rereading the manga for fun) and realizing/noticing/wondering stuff I hadn’t really caught about him before like…oh no why is he cute?? Was he always this way or had my eyes finally opened after everything??? (Cause aside from him being a little shit or a cool badass, he was also a complete dork and a nerd, and an oblivious dummy, and just…that was so…wtf endearing, a full package of fun to enjoy.)
But we soon got clips of Midorikawa’s voice reveal (from the opm drama cd) and all hell broke loose among the resident Garou fans. 8’D Especially cause his voice was ‘dark/smooth/mature/sexy’ as opposed to a higher-pitched, unhinged teen voice many had expected (remember that old Hiruma voice I first thought for him? So interestingly many fanboys were disappointed with this deeper voice casting). But also cause Midorikawa said “I’ll do my best to make Garou even more charming than before,” so we were excited to see Garou’s popularity spike even more cause of s2.
Aug 2018, the s2 key visual revealed with Garou prominently featured up and center and I WAS NOT PREPARED!!! I remember having like a full hyper-incoherent breakdown because of this so…yeaaaaah. 8’D I was all rationalizing,
If anything it’s all Murata and ONE’s fault that (the hype and appreciation for him) feeling’s grown even stronger. He was already a thoroughly fun walking meta source, but the manga made his softer/compassionate moments much more obvious (than in the wc). Just watch as this badass dorky nerd becomes even more hugely popular than he already is!
April 2019 was his anime debut…coincided with his post-arc WEBCOMIC DEBUT AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS (before he even returned in the manga even) IMPECCABLE timing from ONE, holy shit people lost their minds. Including Murata, who had to draw him too! With all that and the anime airing (adding even more wholesome cute Tareo interactions not seen in the manga), fandom participation (+anons) really started to kick off.
I remember seeing the influx of new fans and how so many (who didn’t ‘know’ him yet either) would unironically label him as genuinely ‘evil’ or a ‘heinous villain’ at face value, which….uhhhhhh were the kinda takes that were hard to take seriously, but I appreciated how ONE’s writing allowed the readers to see and think for themselves as the narrative revealed more (rather than believing everything the characters said or claimed), so it’d only be a matter of time until they ‘saw’ the truth about him too. :’)
May-July 2019 the anime continued airing with fandom activity popping, until August when he finally reappeared and ‘awoke’ in the manga! ;A; After like an entire full year of him mia too. This was also the time frame when all the thirsty (and interestingly meta-hungry) Garou anons started (finding me???) regularly chiming in with fun participation. I was grateful though, cause they prompted certain takes I couldn’t have come up with on my own, and allowed me to think, examine, and explain things much more closely and thoroughly than I had ever posted before. (Yaaay~) Such as looking into just what IS it about him?!
“Garou wouldn’t be as compelling, engaging, and appealing as a character without (all) those other interesting layers and nuances to talk about too! :D It’s even better that way! Cause Murata can draw everyone looking drop-dead gorgeous and conventionally attractive, so just having a pretty face and impressive muscles isn’t enough to make him stand out in a special way from the rest of the cast. Already all those things (about him) are certainly impressive, so just what is it about him in particular? (That makes him unique.) The fact Garou has all that AND those other compassionate & interesting qualities to him just makes it the icing on the cake for a complete, well-rounded package. The fact we can know him, for all his feelings and attitude why he behaves and acts the way he does, such as when he’s contradictory, troubled and tsundere-like sometimes, to hardcore and badass other times, to softer and empathetic to fiercely righteous, protective and determined other times, and all portrayed in the way he’s capable of the range (and makes us feel) the entire spectrum of emotion too. …Like whoa (I could keep going but I’d be preaching to the choir at that point aha), all that only enhances what’s already there. In this way, I feel the Garou we’ve come to know by now is much more endearing and appealing than the one we were introduced to at the start. Because as he appeared then, he may have seemed like just another wannabe thug-of-the-week we might not have given much passing thought & attention to. But now…uhoh, you could arguably say he’s grown to the point he’s almost taken over the rest of the manga (within good reason!) by challenging our perception of who’s even the active protagonist. :O Who keeps us engaged and tuned in to see more. Buaha, just what the hell happened?! Now that’s quite the impressive feat from both ONE and Murata to create a character with a lasting impact like that!”
…So that’s what happened. :’D In my opinion, I feel Garou’s best moments where we (or really, I) got to know him better (shed scene, Elder Centipede aftermath, dine n dash, rescuing Tareo, all up towards his fights vs Rover & Orochi) mostly only happen until after s2 so… Since those were some of my absolute fav manga moments (which only enhanced my perceptions of him), those’ll be the moments I’m really looking forward to see animated in s3. But most of all, I’m hoping to witness some of that same ‘aha!’ gradual realization process happen to newer fans who come to appreciate him too. :’3
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 15 ~The Road Trip~
Jamie was surprised to discover that Claire was a light traveller. She produced a duffel bag, a laptop case and her everyday tote bag, even though he had told her they would be travelling in a campervan, the distillery's promotional tour carrier. He thought his choice of transport was a perfect way for Claire to see the Highland's countryside and to allow her to rest when the necessity arises, albeit the distance from Inverness to the Isle of Skye was more or less two and a half hours drive.
After Claire's admission to her feelings, there was a notable air of constraint and shyness on her part, and Jamie attempted to ease the awkwardness by giving her a quick tour inside the Frisealach distillery before retrieving the campervan from the compound. So he was moved to see her eyes lit up when she stepped inside the vehicle, her earlier discomfiture forgotten.
Standing close by, he heard her gasped as she took in the interior open-mouthed. Inside was a fully equipped kitchen with hidden nooks and cabinets for storage, a comfortable upholstered living space, a TV area, a mini wardrobe and shower compartment.
"Oh my word, Jamie!" she gushed, looking at him wide-eyed, before proceeding to open cupboards for brief inspections and touch the smooth surfaces of the kitchenette. "This is so luxurious...it's like a proper house. Goodness, I can live here...it has everything."
Coming from behind, he wrapped his arms around her, loving the feel of her warmth. "Ye like it, Sassenach?" he whispered, burying his face into her freshly washed hair.
"Like it? Are you serious? I love it! I have been on the road so many times with uncle Lamb...but this," she whistled under her breath, throwing her hands in the air at awe. "...this is something else. Good Lord, back then we slept under the stars or in a tent and travelled in jeeps or four-wheel drives when work took uncle Lamb to North Africa. The nearest thing to luxury we had was spoon and fork." she recounted chuckling, clasping the arms around her.
Without letting go, Jaime gently guided Claire to the back, reaching out to slide the trifold door in front of her, unveiling the sleeping quarters. "Ye can sleep here Sassenach if the journey gets too much for ye. I read somewhere that pregnant women need plenty of sleep," he explained matter-of-factly.
Claire blinked and let out an "Oooh" at the sight of the king-size berth, one hand flying to her mouth, as her face turned crimson. "Oh, my God! This bed is massive...you will be able to actually fit in it without your feet hanging at the edge."
He laughed. "We can both fit in it...want to try?" It fascinated him that Claire could still blush at a sight of a bed despite the fact she was pregnant with their baby.
Detaching herself from Jamie, Claire quickly scrambled onto the mattress, loving the feel and smell of the clean, crisp bed linen underneath. "Definitely huge enough!" she confirmed giggling as she rolled from one end of the bed to the other, delighted, like a child in a candy store.
Jamie followed suit and laid on his back, turning his head to face her. "Och aye...it's definitely big enough! Actually, I've never slept in here before...we've only used the campervan when we're doing tours across the country...ye ken...promotional kinds of stuff." He bounced his weight lightly, testing the spring beneath him. "It's actually kinda comfy."
Claire rolled onto her tummy and edged closer to Jaime. Beaming with joy, she leaned forward to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Love it!" she said, smiling.
Before Jamie can put his arms around her, she was already up on her feet, hands reaching out to pull him up. "C'mon soldier, show me the Highlands."
It was late afternoon by the time Jamie and Claire hit the road, but there was still plenty of daylight left to enjoy the scenery. Although partly cloudy, the Spring weather held up despite the forecast of light rain, which was unusual for that time of year in the northern part of Scotland. They had made a pit stop earlier to buy snacks and drinks to fill the mini-fridge for their journey at a village supermarket, and Jamie was amused when Claire grabbed a box of frozen ice cream cones.
"Don't ye think it's still too cold for ice cream, Sassenach?" he had asked playfully as they were checking out at the til.
"Definitely not!" she clucked, nodding in approval of her edible acquisition. "Everyone knows that ice cream is worth the trouble of being cold. Like all things virtuous, you have to suffer to gain the reward."
He laughed, retracting on his earlier statement. "Och, ye dinna need to worry about the cold. I promise ye, it will be nice and warm in the camper."
Jamie noticed the change in Claire's food choices. Usually, an advocate for healthy eating, opting for loads of greens and fruits, he noted her preference of late was more of a sweet fare. There was too a certain glow about her since leaving the hospital earlier, her recent ordeal blotted out of mind, or so it seemed. The pallor on her cheeks from the day before was replaced with a healthy flush, making her recovery quite a remarkable turnaround. Joe had warned him that there could be a delayed reaction to her trauma, but so far so good, Claire seemed fully recuperated.
The weeks that had followed after the charity ball had been like hell for Jamie and ever since Claire was back, he had been trying his utmost best to slow it down for her sake, until that minor hiccup with the engagement ring. He realised it was proving to be a difficult commitment as his senses were permeated by everything that was Claire, being very close together on this trip, and his hands having a mind of their own, tend to reach out and touch her whenever she was near. He wanted her so badly but was afraid he could jeopardise her recovery.  Damn Christie!  Instead, he focused on pointing out the sceneries and landscapes they passed on the road, telling her stories of Scotland's past and the battle of Culloden hoping that would be enough to quelch his mounting yearning.
True to his words, the inside of the camper van was very warm once they were on the road, and Claire and Jamie had quickly changed into something more comfortable before setting off. Claire for once wished she had something more alluring to wear, instead of her well worn and shabby jean shorts and an over-sized red-black flannel shirt. Growing up, Claire rarely shopped for clothes, and when the opportunity did arise, her choice was always practical and comfortable. For some reason, it did cross her mind that Jamie must think she was scruffy and dowdy. Although still attentive and caring, Claire couldn't help but noticed Jamie's demonstrativeness was more subdued than usual.  Maybe he's disgusted with all the sugary junk food I'm eating!  Suddenly feeling annoyed with herself, she tried to dismiss her thoughts as a silly rumination of a hormonal pregnant woman, and instead, she directed her attention on the trip.
The camper was already moving when she finally took her seat next to Jamie. As she sat down, Jamie gave her a glance over, his eyes lingering on her bare legs. Noticing his gaze, she felt conscious of her clothes. "It's uncle Lamb's shirt, and it's comfortable," she explained defensively, as she looked down her front, unwittingly fidgeting and tugging at the hem of her top.
Smiling, he reached out and squeezed her thigh. "Sassenach, you look beautiful more than ever," he said softly and sincerely.
Lightening up, she smiled back at him and settled to enjoy the countryside views. 
She loved listening to Jamie talked so passionately about Scotland as he pointed at glens and mountains he had trekked and told her stories and myths of standings stones and cairns. He was at his most element whenever he spoke of his country's history and culture, his sky blue eyes lighting up when he answered her curiosities. Claire had always loved travelling, and being on the road with Jamie had brought back memories of her childhood adventures with uncle Lamb.
"I'm really looking forward to seeing Skye, especially now that you've told me all these wonderful stories," she mused, feeling grateful for the trip.
"Weel, I was thinking, since ye've had a long day, we should stop for the night near Eilean Donan Castle. I know we're not too far from Skye, but there's this place I'd like ye to see. I ken ye will love it Sassenach," he suggested with his comical wink, making her laugh.
"I'm quite sure I will," she agreed, smiling. All of a sudden, craving for something sugary, she offered, "Want some icecream? I know it's dinner time soon, but I really fancy something sweet."
Jamie grinned. "No, ye go ahead Sassenach. I can't be eating and driving at the same time. I'll do."
Claire quickly got up from her seat to get the frozen coned ice cream from the fridge. She had been hankering for some sweet treat ever since they set off and had tried to suppress it, having had her few shares of puddings in the last 24 hours. The craving had won, and she didn't care anymore.
Settling back, she peeled off the wrapping from her treat and bit a big chunk from the top, her eyes closing as the sweetness filled her mouth. It was vanilla ice cream with chocolate covering on the top. Sensing Jamie's eyes on her, she blushed. "Want some? It's delicious!" she offered, extending her arm to let him have a taste.
Jamie just shook his head and stared for a long time.
"Jamie watch the road!" she cautioned. "What's with you?" Her hands went to her mouth, thinking she was covered with ice cream.
He blinked and turned his focus on the road again. "Och, sorry, Sassenach..."
Thinking Jamie's scrutiny had something to do with her mouth being smothered in a sticky mess, she got up to get some wet wipes.  Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, I must look like a hodgepodge of grubbiness!  As she was about to return to her seat, she was surprised the camper van had halted, and the ignition turned off.
"Jamie, is everything alright? Why are we stopping?" she asked as she looked out the window. She noticed they were parked at the lay-by.
She glanced up as she saw Jamie leave the driver seat. "Jamie is something the matter?" she asked, concerned, noticing a funny look on his face.
He walked over, his eyes dark as the ocean blue. "No, Sassenach, I'm not alright," he replied hoarsely, openly appraising the sight of her like she was some forbidden fruit, the movement of his Adam's Apple visible. "I ken ye want to take things slow, but I'm dying inside from wanting ye. If I don't have ye now, I'm going to implode."
"W-Wot?" She stared at him, shocked.
He continued to stare at her, his eyes penetrating and his face a picture of yearning. "I want ye, Claire. Will ye have me...now?"
Transfixed, Claire dropped the packet of wet wipes and ice cream cone from her hands and licked her lips as she felt her mouth go dry. Just one look had always been what it took, and she was lost forever in those azure abyssal depths. Something primal took over her, and she could feel a delicious heat scattering from her core, like tiny fiery sparks igniting every nerve and particle alight. She couldn't speak, so instead, with unintentional slowness and shaking hands, Claire unbuttoned her flannel shirt as she watched his eyes strayed lower to the visible bare skin.
Without waiting for a further invitation, and in one deft movement, Jamie pulled her to him, his tongue parting her mouth, probing and teasing, savouring the taste of her. "Christ, ye taste of vanilla and chocolate," he muttered in her lips, as he licked the residual sweet off its corners, before trailing kisses along her jawline and nipping her earlobe. Impatiently he pushed her top down from her shoulders, and with dexterous fingers, he unfastened her jean shorts, sending them sliding down the floor.
Spellbound, Claire twined her arms around his neck as he lifted her from behind her thighs. She could feel him hot and hard, throbbing against her, and instinctively, she slithered her body, rubbing herself against him, making him groan and his abs clench. He laid her down onto the bed, and she watched him pull down her lace panties too eagerly, accidentally ripping the seam of one side. They paused, looking at the torn fabric and then at each other. "What's with your promise of making verra slow love to me?" she teased, trying to imitate his accent.
"We're not in Skye in yet, Sassenach," he answered, a lopsided grin slowly spreading across his face. Then he ripped the other side with a quick, sharp tug, making her squeak in surprise.
Jamie quickly shed his shirt, sweatpants and his boxer shorts, his eyes never leaving hers. Completely naked, he laid between her thighs, spreading them wider apart. Before she knew what he was doing, he pulled her by the waist to hook her legs on his shoulders and to cup her arse with both hands, raising her to kiss her most intimate part. She felt his tongue dart along the folds of her slippery cleft and holding her breath, she clutched tightly on the bed covers as a moan passed her lips. His tongue skimmed and dipped, savouring the taste of her, as one long arm reached to rub her nipples with the palm of a hand, before teasing it with circular motions with his forefinger. She thrashed and gyrated while holding his head firmly between her legs with one hand as one climax rolled after another, propelling soul-shattering spasms to spread through her body.
Her whimpers were hushed by his kiss, and she could taste herself in his mouth. Releasing her lips, he whispered, "Open yer eyes Sassenach and look at me." She did as she was told as he pinned her arms above her head, his eyes lusty and dark. His cock slid inside slowly, stretching her and making her back arch to embrace a renewed assault. He began to thrust rhythmically, one hand raising her arse for deeper penetration, his breathing fast and hot on her neck. His strokes were hard and powerful as he slammed into her over and over again, her legs wrapped tight around his waist. They stared into each other's eyes as their adjoining bodies moved to the beat of their pounding hearts, faster and faster. As he felt her tremble and tighten around him, he picked up speed, lowering his head to kiss her hungrily, plunging deeper and grinding harder. Another powerful thrust and Jamie found his own release, arching his back with a loud grunt before settling gently on top of her.
The hard-won intimacy of their lovemaking had eased the sexual tension that had been building between Jamie and Claire. Whatever uncertainty or hesitancy they had before their trip, it had all dissipated, and it was like a rebirth for their blossoming relationship.
It was already dark when they arrived in a small village of Torridon, and they found a place to stay for the night in a private cottage managed by the village inn. It was called The Boat House, and it owed its name to its proximity to the water's edge overlooking the loch. Claire couldn't wait till morning to see the view as she caught partial glimpses of the lake and surrounding forest in darkness.
Tired and hungry, they made their way to the inn for some nourishment, giggling like a couple of teenagers as they took their seats in a semi-crowded pub. They were oblivious to their surroundings and had only eyes for each other, their minds far from the ordeal that happened less than 24 hours ago. Even the worry of Claire's pregnancy was replaced with optimism and hope as they talked about the future and discussed names for their unborn child. They held each other's hand as Jamie told stories of Lallybroch and of his sister, absorbed in each other's company that they didn't see the approaching figure towards their table.
It was only when a shadow fell upon them that they both looked up, Claire's face turning into one shock astonishment.
"Hello there...my name is Stephen Bonnet an' ah've cum ter collect me missus," drawled an amused voice in a thick broad Irish accent.
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fandom-meanderer · 5 years
Okay, so I absolutely love your writing! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a FE3H request? It can be any route, but probably alluding to post time skip. The reader is interested in Sylvain, but she catches him being blushy and stumbling over himself when he's talking to Ingrid/another female student. Felix, who likes(loves) reader, as she can actually hold her own in training, wonders why she likes him anyway, low-key jealous. How it's ended is up to you. Keep up the fantastic work! 💝ty
Oooh boy.
This. This is good.
Let’s get cracking.
The clash of metal filled the air, blades crossing at every possible second. You knew you had to focus, you’re in war for pete’s sake, but your mind just kept drifting for fractions of a second and you would create an opening that Felix worked himself into. Finally, Felix deals the final blow and knocks your sword out of your hand.
“You’re distracted,” he grunts.
“Am I?” You smirk, you immediately roundhouse him. “If this was an actual battle, you’d be out of commission, Felix,” you tease. Felix clicks his tongue and pushes himself off of the floor.
“You’ve got a point, I can’t be careless,” he says. You glance outside of the door and Felix follows your gaze. “Thinking about that idiot again?”
“No!” You shout. “Yes…” you mumble.
“I honestly don’t know what you see in him,” Felix grumbles. “We’re in war. You should be focusing on your training.”
“What do you mean? I just bested you, did I not?”
“That’s hardly relevant!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “I think I’m going to tell him tomorrow.”
“Nothing good will come out of that, I promise you.”
“Like you’d know,” you shoot him a disapproving glare.
To say you’ve fallen head over heels for Sylvain is a bit of an understatement. I mean, who wouldn’t fall for his charming good looks? Especially after these five years, you could tell that he has matured since his school days. It doesn’t help that you two have grown quite close as well, what with Professor Byleth always insisting that the two of you work together on the battlefield. You’ve come to love his charming personality. And some will deep down inside is telling you he felt the same.
“I’m gonna call it a night. I take it that you’ll stay here for another hour or so?”
“Yes. Unlike you, I care about surviving.”
“Of course,” you sigh. Felix picks up his sword again and begins to practice his combat arts, signaling an end to the conversation. Taking another huff, you walk out into the crisp night air. 
“Sylvain this, Sylvain that,” Felix buries his sword into the training dummy. “Gods above. Why must you be so dense?!” He completely decapitates the dummy and throws his sword to the ground.
Now, on Felix’s end, he found himself to be completely smitten by you. Who knew he was into women who could totally beat his ass if they wanted to? Imagine the rage that boiled in him when you first mentioned his childhood friend. And after what you said to him just a few moments ago? He’s about to lose you forever, and he never even had the chance.
“Why do I even feel this way?” He scolded himself. Still, his eyes lingered on the door for another moment longer.
Right as you are about to make your way into the dormitories, you notice the candle light coming from your old classroom. Your first thought was of Professor Byleth, he had been working late nights for a while now, it wouldn’t hurt to check on him, right? As you neared the classroom, thats when you heard familiar voices.
“Hey, Ingrid. How are you- I mean, what are you- Are you… you know… off to train again?” Sylvain stumbles over his words. You stop yourself right as you’re about to reach the door, standing behind the wall. You felt yourself about to have a slight breakdown, what a silly thought.
“No, not right now, I was on my way to the dorms,” Ingrid says. “You’re being weird. Have you always been this weird, and I have never noticed?” Ingrid asks with a light tone.
‘Of course it would be Ingrid,’ races through your mind.
“No. I’m pretty sure. I don’t think so. By the by, have you, ya know, fallen for anybody recently?”
‘Oh gods, here is comes.’
“Don’t be ridiculous. What are you even bumbling on about?”
“Well, everyone’s talking about how you got really, uh, pretty. Just, you know, all of a sudden.”
Yup, there it was. Heart, are you okay in there?
You couldn’t even listen to their conversation anymore. You held onto your heart and ran off, careful to not be heard in the night. You found yourself in the training grounds again, this time empty. Felix must have left.
Good for him. He won’t see you having your mental breakdown.
You pick up your sword and dash at the training dummy, delivering blow upon blow.
“Stupid Sylvain! You and your dirty tricks! Making me fall for you! And then tossing me away! Why did I allow myself to be led on by you, you idiot!” You shout. Finally your sword slices one of the dummy’s arms off, and you feel your arms fall.
“So, you finally agree with me,” Felix says behind you. You freeze. Without moving, you speak up.
“How long have you been here?”
“Since I saw you walk in, I figured you left something so I came to see what it was.”
“Gods above…” you curse. You pick up your sword and walk towards the exit, keeping your gaze on the floor because Goddess be damned if you let Felix see you cry. He’d never let you live it down, and for some reason, that coming from him just hit differently. Just as you were about to cross him, he holds his arm out, stopping you in your tracks. “What, Felix? Going to tell me ‘I told you so’?”
“Not exactly,” he spins you around and pushes you against the pillar, one arm keeping you from the exit. His eyes stared into yours. 
“What?” You look to the ground, making another feeble attempt to hide your red eyes. He cups your cheek and pushes you to look at him.
“I guess that idiot was good for one thing,” he musters out. He leans in and you know exactly what’s coming next.
“Which is?”
“Ugh, you’re too dense.” He stops just inches away from your face and lifts his arm, making a move to leave, but you grab his shirt and stop him.
“Wait just a second,” you growl. You stand on the tips of his toes and press a quick kiss. You pull back and quickly walk around him. It was like an instant connection was formed and, something that had to be held back in your subconscious had surfaced itself. Just as you were just a foot away from the door, Felix steps in front of you.
“If you’re going to start something, own up to it and finish it,” he says before capturing your lips once more, but with a different feel than when you were testing the waters. This time, it felt right.
So this is what the first kiss alluded to, it was never Sylvain, it had to have been him.
After a not so short session, you were one hundred percent shocked when you and Felix walked out of the training grounds and you saw the damned sun in the sky. The two of you ran into Sylvain on your way to the dorms.
“Wow! You two looked tired,” Sylvain points out. “Were you training all night?”
“Something like that,” Felix glances to the side and scoffs.
“You two are absolute monsters,” Sylvain grimaces. “I’ll catch up with you guys later,” he says, walking off toward the other direction. Felix looks at you, a bit of small anxiety welling up in him.
“Fuck Sylvain.”
“That’s right,” Felix gives you a wild smirk as the two of you share a quick fist bump. “Wait. No.”
“Shit, you’re right,” realization quickly dawned on your face, but you replaced it with your iconic confidence and corrected yourself, “fuck you.”
“That’s better.”
Kinda wanna write an alternative version to this with Felix’s POV, should I?
Edit (9/13/2019) Felix’s POV is up! [Read it Here]!
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amnachil · 5 years
To the perfection Chapter 2 Part 2
Enjoy :)
Cody Monday March 11
He gulped, absolutely not ready for it. Monday morning were usually rough. But this one was special in every way. Not only they were forced to attend school this week because they had hours to catch up in order to make a trip later this year, but he was going to see Thomas. I don't know what got into me. I don't know why I went up against him during the game. Cody wasn't ready to face Thomas, but he had to. Next to him, Joël finished a video about cats and laughed loudly.
"I can't help but watch it again and again." he said. "This kitty is so cute !"
Thankfully, he was stupid enough to not notice Cody wasn't listening. Because their friend was coming closer. Oh man. Thomas was smiling. His usual bright smile, which could enlighten your whole day. The smile Cody fell for.
"Hi Joël." he said. "Let's go inside, it's freezing."
Wait. "Hi Joël" ? Seriously ? So that was his punishment. Of course, the ginger couldn't ignore him more than he already did.
"I saw the video you sent yesterday." continued Thomas. "The cat is incredibly cute !"
"Ah ! I know right ?!" exclaimed their friend.
It was childish. Stupid. He's just pretending to care to hurt me. I know that. So why was it so painful ? He looked at his buddies while they entered in the highschool. They looked exactly like in these memories. Back when Thomas was talking openly with them. Back when he was the sun in Cody's life. And piece by piece, I can literally feel my heart crumbles. Because he knew those times wouldn't come back ever again.
The day went awfully slowly. Thomas was purposely more talktative with everyone. He laughed to every single joke Joël did. He talked politely to the teachers. He even held the door for the girls in each class. Well, he was literally shining. And everyone wanted to be part of it. Their classmates and their professors all fell for it. Someone said the ginger was back to his old self. Cody resisted to his urge to punch the poor soul. Everything is an act. He just wants to make me suffer, right ? How come Joël wasn't suspecting anything ? This dude had zero braincell or what ? Finally, for their last hour, their science teacher made a comment.
"You're extremely nice today." he pointed out. "Are you hiding something ?"
"Does a man need a reason to be nice ?" smiled Thomas. "Besides, I'm always nice."
"Well, let's say you're extra shiny today." confessed Darren. "Are you in love or something ?"
Cody froze for a second. Nah, that's not possible. The class laughed. Yeah, their professor only made a little joke. But the dark-haired lad noticed his friend's twitch. No way. Is it even possible ? It was highly unlikely. But what if ? The idea was already settling in Cody's mind.
"Dude, I understand shit and you're not helping if you are stargazing."
The teennager turned towards Ilhan. Right, they were working here.
"Sorry." he mumbled. "I got distracted. Anyway, where were we ?"
"I don't know anymore. I'm just lost."
Cody frowned. He looked closely at his friend. He looked so tired, so depressed. Whatever was going on, it wasn't good. He completely let himself go... Ilhan was definitely tubby now. His too-tight vest wasn't fit to hide such a paunch. And several times, Cody had spotted the man in a bloated state. Is it what they call stress-eating ? The nurse would turn completely crazy during the next check-up. I should help him. It would be nice to feel useful to someone. And maybe that way, I can't forget Thomas for a bit. Well, it was just a lie. And to say tomorow is my birthday...
Dan Wednesday March 13 – Thursday March 14
The day hadn't been good. His college's professor had told him his grades were too low. I won't graduate like this. I need to improve my grades. So Dan was studying more despite the fact it was his only week of holidays. When he arrived at the gym this evening, he wasn't in the mood. Sandra offered to do only light exercises, and she let him in peace. He managed to do some stuff, but his mind was elsewhere. Well, until he noticed Thomas's friend coming his way. What is his name again ? I think it's Joël.
"Hey dude." greeted the teenager. "How've you been ?"
"Uh, fine. I'm struggling a bit with those weights."
"You're doing great man."
Seing Joël's biceps, this one could lift them up easily and he was just trying to make Dan feel better. Well, thank for the thought.
"Sooo you live with Thomy right ?" asked the lad.
Dan decided to stop his stupid training because he probably looked ridiculous. He stood up and glanced at his interlocutor. He was slightly taller and broad-shouldered. His hair were dark with blond strand, his eyes brown.
"Yeah." finally answered the college student.
"Okay so here's the deal." smiled Joël. "There are rumors saying our Thomy got a girlfriend but of course, he won't tell me. I'm just dying to know ! Damn, I can't be in the dark so please please please tell me ?"
He made puppy eyes which made Dan smile. This guy is cool.
"Sorry but I havn't heard anything on the subject." he assured. "And I doubt Thomas is seeing anyone right now. He's very busy between working out, helping Ilhan every night and stuff."
Joël made a face.
"Helping Ilhan every night ?" he repeated. "Cody said they stopped a moment ago since they're not really talking at school anymore."
"What ?"
Now Dan was lost too. I'm pretty sure he didn't lie when he told me he was going to Ilhan's place. So he lied to his friend ?
"Ah, that's cool." laughed Joël. "If Thomas is still helping him, I'm sure Ilhan will be rocking again soon !"
The college student nodded. I should just trust Thomy. I'm sure there is a good explanation behind this.
The next day, Dan exhausted himself with studying. This evening, he was so tired he decided to indulge more than usual. He ate his content pretty fast and then more. Thomas wasn't home yet, so he finished all the leftover. And then ordered two oversized pizzas. It wasn't very rational nor healthy, but he needed something to relax. He went though the first one lazily. The added weight forced him to lay down on the couch. The bloat was feeling nice. When he finished, he belched, kinda satisfied. Then he decided to try his luck with the second pizza. It was harder but still, he continued. His belly bulged and he needed to took off his pull over to let it expand. He felt his stomach took the free room. Honestly, Dan didn't know exactly how he managed to finish, but he did. Damn. He burped loudly. He tried to move, but that was painful. He had a tummy ache for sure. It was worth it anyway. He was trying to appease his angry belly when Thomas arrived.
"Oh. Looks like you already ate." he said.
Dan nodded, groggy. His friend sat next to him.
"Are you in pain ?"
"Yeah... Ate too much, too fast."
A soft hand entered in touch with his skin. Made a circle. Oooh. Good. Very good. He let out a moan against his will.
"I... I'll make you feel better." whispered Thomas, short-winded. "Just... Let me do it."
His friend rubbed his belly slowly, calmly. At first, it was timid but it became firmer. It feels so nice. Dan closed his eyes. Now he could digest peacefully. Slowly, he fell asleep.
Thomas Sunday March 17
Gregory wolfed down a burger like if it was nothing. His big mouth was very useful for this kind of thing. As for her, Shirley lowered her head, uneasy. The ginger bite his lips. Why on earth I agreed to come ? Dan arrived with his own order and sat next to him. Oh yeah, I recall now. Because he had done something terribly stupid four days ago. I rubbed his belly. I mean, I rubbed DAN's belly when he was conscious. It had been the happiest moment of his life. And the worst too. Because his crush had moaned Raphaël's name during his sleep. Of course, he was his boyfriend. It's pretty normal he thought about him. It had destroyed Thomas's heart. But it had also gave him hope. Because it means I can rub his belly again. I mean, I can rub DAN's belly again. All he had to do was pretend to be his brother.
"I can't do it." Shirley complained. "I'm not ready yet."
"Sis' you are more than ready." contradicted Dan. "You found a flat to rent, you've a job as a cashier and you're pulling yourself together very well."
"Agreed." added Gregory between two mouthful. "You're more than ready to talk to Sam."
Honestly, Thomas didn't care at all about Shirley, her ex and whatever. But since it was important to Dan, it mattered to him aswell.
"You're great." he assured with his brightest smile. "Go ahead and make peace."
She nodded, reassured by their cheerings. She stood up and went for Sam. The ginger felt Dan's shoulder press against his. It was just a friendly touch, but he got flustered anyway.
"I hope she'll be okay." he mumbled.
"Don't worry man, she's on the right way." Thomas stated. "And Gregory is here to watch her... I guess, because it seems like he can't get his eyes away from his burger."
The joke made them laugh. And the teenager felt genuinely happy.
Fast enough, the craving for more haunted him again. To press shoulders wasn't enough to satisfy his teenager's needs. He called Joël.
"Hi man. Sorry but I can't make it to the gym today."
"Whaaat ? But Cody and I are already there !" groused the other. "Man, not fair !"
Well, if this asshole is here, there is another reason why I can't come. Both his friends were Raphaël's pawns but at least Joël was too silly to be a bother. The leech on the other hand... I just hate him so much right now. He dared stand up against me.
"There's somewhere else I need to be." he said.
"Mmhm alrighty.... Wait Cody asks if you're going to Ilhan's place again ?"
For god's sake. He can't leave me alone, can he ? And how the hell did he know about this ?
"He's not my mom." Thomas replied. "I'm hanging up."
No sooner said than done. He didn't want Cody to stick his nose into his business. Anyway, Thomas went straight to Ilhan's home. He knocked at the door, and his friend's mother opened. She led him upstair, saying how much she was glad he was here. According to her, her son was going through a bad phase, and his help was more than welcome. She hoped he would help him get back in shape. Sure thing. Count on me. He barely waited for her to leave. And then, he jumped on Ilhan's bed, next to his friend. This one had already indulged in the pastries Thomas had sent earlier with a note. He was seemingly overstuffed.
"I did burp... what you asked." he muttered.
"Nice. Now I'll fuck you."
"Wait... Thomas. I just need to know, why are we doing this ? What are we even doing ?"
The ginger sighed, annoyed. Ilhan had so many questions, so many doubts ! They were just having fun !
"I don't understand why you're still so worried about everything." he said with a threatening tone. "Just let me fuck you and we're good, okay ?"
"O... Okay."
To be continued
Not much to say. Our feedees are doing their job. Dan rather willingly while Ilhan is well... not so sure about this.
And Thomas... Thomas doesn’t change. He’s not very nice to the people who annoys him. And that’s a lot of people.
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SV ch.63
someone was trying to hurt shizun, right? *snaps her fingers* alright, let’s see what’s gonna happen
The three different types of ancient demon blood were storms colliding within Shen Qingqiu’s body, locked together in a tangled web that was impossible to separate. Among them, Luo Binghe’s blood was holding together Shen Qingqiu’s five organs and protecting the veins connecting them.
this two sentences gave me life, how powerful must lbh be to be able to protect shizun from inside attacks and at the same time physically fight father-in-law and zhzuhzzusnakey?!?!? he is a god and doesn’t care about anything but his husband, LOOK
Shen Qingqiu knew this wouldn’t end well for him, but he didn’t want to drag anyone else down with him. His whole life, he’d always hated the kind of characters that just ended up becoming bargaining chips for others. If that was the kind of flimsy, delicate character role he was forced to play, he’d rather die.
(i love when we get more insight of shen yuan’s life or even just things that he sees as typical of himself -it says so much about his character!! i wanna know more about him before svsss ç_ç)
He clutched his hand over his heart and forced his face to remain neutral as he spoke. “Whatever Your Excellency would like to do to me, please, feel free. As you’ve said, after being forced to drink so many times, I should be getting used to it. But don’t even think about seeking the flesh of Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe, if you agree to him, I will strike you down myself with the force of the heavens.”
(ALL I CAN SAY TO THIS IS “SHIZUN YOU ARE SO COOL” SOIJGIEJRIORE sound awfully close to “if you touch even a hair of my lbh i’ll skin you alive”, with his calm and polite tone. 
or also, shizun: “lbh’s flesh belongs to me” *giggles and smilles* guys i love him)
Tianlang-Jun stared at him strangely. “Who said I wanted his flesh?”
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh what but wait-
Tianlang-Jun continued. “He can’t compare to my own noble, handsome figure, so why would I want his flesh?” …… …… Who said you were more handsome than him?
Who put their seal of approval on this?
Shen Qingqiu’s entire expression sunk in exasperation. “Then what exactly do you want?”
Zhuzhi-Lang replied, “Junshang desires that sword.”
SORRY WHAT? WHY? i mean, okay, that sword kick ass just by existing, but i thought he wanted lbh’s body so what’s going onnnnnnnnnnn
Tianlang-Jun confirmed, “That’s correct. I would like to present a gift to the human world, but I won’t be able to without that sword.”
don’t bother giving us gifts, we don’t need them, so thank you for the thought but-
Luo Binghe demanded. “Now hand him over!”
Zhuzhi-Lang immediately transformed into a serpent and caught Shen Qingqiu in his massive mouth. Tianlang-Jun leaped up gracefully, laughing loudly as he rose. “You really believed that? Hahahahahaha.”
also, shizun trying to defend lbh from these two bullies keeps being my favorite thing EVER, i can see sparks of their old relationship and it’s gold, PURE GOLD OKAY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BUT I AM GONNA KILL THOSE TWO IF THEY DON’T RELEASE SHIZUN N O W
EDIT 6: 
He was swallowed by Zhuzhi-Lang. 
Shen Qingqiu kept his expression carefully blank as he wiped his face, making sure that there was no trace of reptile stomach juices remaining on him.
he does so with such nonchalance, if it were me, i wuould be throwing up and screaming and feeling disgusting like there was no tomorrow, omg woisajfiojgfoero
EDIT 8: oh, demonic geography!
He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself so that he was 120% ready for whatever he might see. Then he looked down.
……The problem was even more serious than he thought.
Like a prosthetic limb made of leaves and branches, every inch of his right arm was covered in green, fleshy leaves and sprouts, trembling slightly along the limb with every motion. All five fingers were completely numb, and he couldn’t even curl them.
EDIT 10:
Just then, Zhuzhi-Lang approached, holding a small, steaming gold stove. Shen Qingqiu jumped as if he’d seen a ghost, instantly on high alert. “What are you doing!?”
Zhuzhi-Lang froze in place. “This subordinate just wanted to help Master Shen……”
every time he says he wants to help shizun i feel deeply uncomfortable. i’d be like, “no but thank you” with a polite smile while retreating one step at time, better be careful with snakes, DON’T LET THEM SMELL FEAR- 
*run politely, shizun :)*
EDIT 11: 
Shen Qingqiu pulled his robes back over his shoulders. Zhuzhi-Lang unconsciously glanced up, then quickly turned his gaze down again. Outside, Tianlang-Jun laughed. “Silly child, what are you embarrassed about?” 
(these are the moments where i can almost kinda maybe quietly admire how cute and awkward zhuzhzuhsnakey truly is)
He’s right, Shen Qingqiu thought to himself. What do you have to be embarrassed about? Seeing this chest that was just covered in fleshy sprouts all over? Seeing this being that you just swallowed whole? What is there left to be embarrassed about?
Zhuzhi-Lang answered completely seriously. “My lord, please don’t mock this subordinate. I do not have the slightest of intentions towards Master Shen.”
He looked towards Shen Qingqiu and re-emphasized, “Absolutely none of Luo Binghe’s intentions.”
I LOVE how lbh’s love for shizun is made so so so obvious by literally everyone in this novel, i live for moments like this!! shizun keeps denying his “possible” feelings while replying with a “wtf” every time someone says something about lbh being in love with him and guys
the moment he’ll snap...
EDIT 12: usually i say that father-in-law deserves to be strangled or whatever, BUT
Tianlang-Jun asked, “You and my son, have the two of you cultivated as partners?”
Shen Qingqiu was sure he heard wrong. “What did you say?”
Tianlang-Jun patiently repeated himself, “I was asking Peak Lord Shen whether you and Luo Binghe……”
Shen Qingqiu’s face twitched several times and he immediately put up his hand in a gesture to “stop.” Tianlang-Jun continued. “Or perhaps Peak Lord Shen doesn’t understand what I mean by cultivating as partners? It means that…”
Shen Qingqiu interrupted. “That’s enough.”
Could you have some sense of shame at least!?
(AHAHAAHAH OOOH HE KNOWS, HE KNOWS!! aaah i really feel thankful toward father-in-law for all this teasing right now ojoij3owfg WHO NEEDS SHAME WHEN WE LIVE IN A WORLD WITH BL SOAHFOIJPERKW)
EDIT 13:
God! D**n! Resentment! Of! Chunshan!
BLESS this song, ‘cause we need bingqiu fan both in and out of the novel xD i wanna listen to it too dovoiejpos
EDIT 14: 
System: [Chatting with the BOSS about interests and hobbies, increasing the villain’s depth of character, B-points +150!]
BLESS THE SYSTEM TOO. this fake-quiet atmosphere that’s always there in scenes that would naturally be full of tension is one of the many many reasons i love these novels!!!! like, we feel the tension and we know it’s bad and we know something bad may happen but here they are, chatting “calmly” and it’s all i didn’t know i needed XD
EDIT 15:
Shen Qingqiu replied, “You’re planning to use the Heart Devil sword to open a crack between the two worlds?”
Tianlang-Jun corrected him. “To be accurate, it will be a merging of the two worlds.”
Merging the Human and Demon Realms!
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blatherkatt · 6 years
Well, Hey, If You Need A Wingman
Summary: In which Rose is a useless lesbian, John is a dirty ice cream stealer, and Kanaya doesn’t actually have any dialogue and may have forgot to take the whites out of the wash. Contains Rosemary, John and Rose friendship, and a good old dose of the Sexuality Panics. [humanstuck fluff] 
“—Nope, I’m paying and that’s final!” John’s voice rang into the ice cream shop, nearly drowning out the bell as he swung the door open.
“John, really, it’s not that big of a deal,” Rose insisted, but John shook his head adamantly.
“Nuh-uh! We’re celebrating! I don’t care if fourth place isn’t considered a big winner, you still placed in a national contest, and I thought your entry was really cool! I mean, it was kinda hard to read, sure, but whatever, it’s worth celebrating, so I’m buying!”
“It was hardly my best work, honestly,” said Rose. She’d already had to deal with her mother being somewhat obnoxious about Rose’s modest entry into a national contest for high school works of fiction, but, well, at least John was keeping his own version of commemoration rather quiet. She still hardly felt it was necessary, though. For goodness’ sakes, she’d written the piece long enough ago that she felt hardly any attachment to it, now…
John was already busily looking at the options available. There were some with peanuts, which was a little worrying, but he’d come prepared with a bit of emergency medication if it came to that, and made sure to warn the vendor as he folded the newspaper he’d been reading. He waved Rose over, insistently. Honestly, he really hadn’t understood the story she’d written at all, but it was still cool that she’d placed so high in a competition with so many entries. And, well, more than that, it was a good excuse to get Rose out of the house for something other than school! She’d been so stuck in her own head lately, and he was really hoping some fun out and about would help her relax a little, or at the very least give him a clue as to what was eating her.
With a roll of her eyes, Rose finally caved in and picked out her own dish. When John paid, the worker said, “Have a nice date!” in a perky voice, and Rose surprised John by responding almost too quickly.
“We’re not dating,” she said, her voice flat. She picked up her dish and informed John that she was going to pick out a table, whatever it was that was on her mind lately clearly coming back in full force. John winced, stammered out an apology to the server, and hurried to sit himself next to her in the booth she’d chosen (but not too close! Didn’t wanna make it weird, after all).
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked.
“Perfectly fine,” said Rose. “It’s a lovely day out, and I’m spending it with my very dear friend. What on Earth could I have to be unhappy about.” She sounded just a touch bitter as she said it.
John twirled his spoon around in his bowl, nervous. “I, uh, I’ve noticed you’ve been kinda off lately. Is it, um…Oh, has your mom been doing that thing again where she acts like we’re gonna get married just cuz we grew up together? I know that annoys you—“
“That’s not…exactly it,” she said. “It’s related, technically, I suppose, but…” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, John, it’s…It’s very personal. I’m fine, really I am.”
“Is it about wizards?” he grinned, knowing that he was giving her a free pass to change the subject. “Did Gandalf fall down a hole again, is that it?”
She flashed him a grateful look, and took it. Better to waste time shooting the breeze about something meaningless than to spend it talking about her thoughts as of late. “Oh, hardly,” she said. “Please, Lord of the Rings may have been foundational, but we can’t spend all our time dwelling on our founders, Genres move on, John. Honestly, update your references.”
John laughed. “Yeah, sorry, silly of me. I oughtta be talking about your goofy wizards! Like, uh, Zazzlepants?”
“Zazzerpan. John, really, I could’ve done much better than that thing I threw together for this competition, you don’t have to force yourself to bring up something so trite. Anyway, I’ve since moved on to more interesting fictional wizards in my own works.”
“Well, tell me about them!”
Rose sighed, her exasperation mostly pretend. It really had been too long since the two of them had just hung out, and it was nice to have someone to share these things with who didn’t feel the need to mock them for being admittedly deeply self-indulgent. Conversation carried on as she described the rough outline for the grand story she’d begun to envision, coupled with the occasional breaks to eat a bit of their ice cream, or for John to crack a joke (one of which actually inspired some very real plot development, she’d have to scribble it down somewhere before she forgot).
And then, she walked in, and the world ground to a stop.
Tumblr media
John was still babbling on about how, in his opinion, the wizards ought to stop trying to beat Calmasis with trials of wits, since Calmasis was obviously a genius, and should instead just prank them so hard they had to give up in shame, but Rose suddenly couldn’t take her eyes away from the new customer who’d just entered the tiny ice cream parlor. This wasn’t the first time their paths had almost crossed, leading Rose to believe the girl lived somewhere in the area, but each time, Rose had felt her breath taken away. So lovely was she, always with her stunningly green eyes and her always elegant clothing, she might have passed for something straight out of a painting—especially after she picked out her ice cream and sat down alone at a table some distance away from Rose and John, perched with her spoon resting temptingly on her lip for just a moment, the light from the window casting her into tones of ethereal beauty, highlighting her wistful gaze at the world beyond…
“What are we looking at?” spoke John in a stage whisper, right next to Rose’s ear, causing her to nearly jump. Realizing her mistake—staring in public, with John right there, God, she’d nearly given everything away!—she tried to pull herself together, fighting the blush that threatened to creep across her cheeks.
John tipped his head, now feeling a little worried. If it’d been Dave, he wouldn’t have thought anything of his friend zoning out all the sudden, but this was Rose! “Are you okay?” he asked. “You seem real distracted all the sudden!”
“No, I’m quite alright,” she said, trying a little too hard to be chipper and fooling no one. She stirred her ice cream, now seeming like she was trying not to look the way she had before. John looked over that way himself again, but he didn’t see anything weird this time, either. Just some girl who’d walked in a few minutes ago, sitting sorta awkwardly by herself and looking maybe a little lonely. Other than that, there was nothing over that way, just empty tables and a big framed black-and-white photo of a historical building. John never got why some places did that, it was sorta weird.
He looked back at Rose again, and caught her sneaking another glance at the girl, before quickly turning back to her ice cream. And just like that, it clicked.
“As to your suggestion, I’ll certainly take the idea into consideration,” she said, “But the trouble with it is that Calmasis is—“
“Oooh, I think I know what’s going on,” John said, grinning.
“Well, of course you do, I’ve just laid out for you the entire rough plot I currently have set down of what may well be my magnum opus.” She was really talking fast, pretty obviously trying to derail him, but John would not be swayed! “I’d feel insulted if you didn’t know what was going on, as it would mean that I’d either failed to explain, or that you’ve not been paying attention.”
He snorted. “Not with that, I mean what’s going on with you! You like her, don’t you?”
Rose dropped her spoon, startled. Bingo. The look she gave him was real scared, though, so he added on quickly, “I’m not gonna be weird about it, promise! I won’t tell anyone!”
Tension drained out of her with a relieved sigh. “I’m…thank you, for that,” she said, picking her spoon up and stirring her ice cream again. “It’s been a rather…recent realization, and I’m still sorting out that I’m…you know, gay.” She looked around nervously as she said the word, fearing someone might be watching, but the shop had only three customers, and the server was quite occupied with the Sunday comics. She let out a breath she’d been unaware she’d been holding. “I’ve no idea how I’m going to tell mother, nevermind the rest of the world, so I’ve been keeping it to myself for now.”
“For what it’s worth,” John said, “I think I only figured it out because of how you’ve been looking at her. I had no idea thats what this was about! Sorry you’ve been dealing with it alone.”
Rose sighed, and nearly cursed herself for how lovelorn it must have sounded. “How can I not stare at her? Look at her, she’s like something straight from some gothic romance, an enchantress here to draw away the unsuspecting into her dark embrace, some unknowable entity full of knowledge mere mortals could understand…”
(John just thought she looked mostly like she’d forgotten something and was trying to remember what it was, but he let Rose keep talking. Gosh, she was adorable right now.)
“—She’s something sublime, in the sense of—oh, Jesus, stop looking, she’s turning this way, stop looking!” Rose turned her face down, suddenly intently focused on her ice cream again. John looked away too, but hazarded a glance out of the corner of his eye and saw that the girl wasn’t looking at them at all, she’d just sorta turned to look at one of the black-and-white photos on the wall.
“You should go talk to her,” said John.
“I-I couldn’t!” Rose hissed.
“Why not?”
“She’s a complete stranger! I’m not—I couldn’t bother her, it’d be, be, be uncouth, I’d be a nuisance!”
John rolled his eyes. “Rose, she wouldn’t mind, I’m sure of it! I mean, when I wanna be left alone while eating, I hunch over and eat fast and stare at my phone, you know? But she looks really bored, and she’s eating super slow—I think she’s taken maybe three bites of her sherbet this whole time? You should totally ask her to come over and sit with us, see if she wants some company!”
“I couldn’t possibly…”
“Sure you could! Go for it!”
Rose bit her lip. “I don’t even know how I’d engage the conversation in the first place…”
John laughed. “Just say you like her shirt or something, I dunno. Rose, c’mon, you’re like, one of the best people with words I know! You can handle one conversation!”
“No one can be eloquent in the face of the very goddess of beauty, John.”
“Oh my God, Rose, she’s just a person. I bet you she’s just been trying to figure out if she turned the lights out at home before she left this whole time, you goof. She’s not gonna bite you just for talking to her! Who knows, maybe she likes girls, too, and you guys’ll hit it off!”
“Let’s not get carried away, now,” Rose said, having to force down a blush that threatened to consume her whole face. Still, she’d be lying if she tried to claim that John wasn’t starting to wear her down—perhaps there was a chance, and if she did invite the girl to sit with them as John had suggested, it wouldn’t be as if she needed to take on the entirety of this first conversation alone…
John nudged Rose with his elbow. “Go on! You got this, and I got your back! Go talk to her!”
She took a deep breath. “Alright,” she said. “Alright, I’m going for it.” She stood up, hardened her resolve…and turned back, just for a moment, to fix John with a long and meaningful look as she said, “Thank you.”
He grinned, flicked her a thumbs up, and, as soon as she started talking to the girl, stole a big spoonful of her ice cream.
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peakyblinders-au · 6 years
Ekaterina Lvovna Smirnova
Tumblr Url & Your Real Name: @peakytoms // Kat
Character Full Name: Ekaterina Lvovna Smirnova
Nicknames/Alias: Kitty (only by Tommy), Katherine for all the other english people, some (Arthur, Alfie) call her Kit
Face Claim:
Backstory for nicknames/alias/names: Tommy is the only one who can call her Kitty because he’s the only one that has made her purr
Gender: Female
Gender Role: if you want a backstory for this add anymore necessary info here as well for the gender prompt
Sexual Orientation: She’s whatever she has to be but mostly hetero
Age: 19
Birthday: August 21 1900
Deathday: I mean I don’t want her to die, but honestly you guys are the writers and do what you do
Birthplace: Anapa, Russia
Ethnicity: Russian
Family Members: Orphan-  mother (Nadezhda) died on the way to England from russia,  father (Lev) was killed in a bar-fight when she was 16, she has a brother (Pyotr/Peter) who moved to Scotland for work but they are not close
Children: none
Face shape: Heart Shape
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Black
Hairstyle: long curly hair that is normally down but pinned up when needed (especially when I was on the street)
Skin tone:  she was born close to the sea so she tan easily, but because it’s England she is now quite pale
Complexion: a light olive (like mila kunis/penelope cruz) but shes hella pale rn
Body type/Build: slim (but she’s got some hips)
Height: 5’4
Weight: 90-100 lbs
Breast size: 34B (they seem bigger on her since she’s so tiny but its a good handful)
Facial Hair: none (well-eyebrows and like baby hairs)
Scars/Birthmarks/Prominent Features:
She has a scar about 5 cm on her chest from when she was once attacked with a bottle while on the streets (but really it happened when she killed her dad…oooh plot twist), and a few cigarette burns on her arms from her dad as well
She has a tiny one in the shape of a heart on her cheekbone- like scarlett Johansson
A birthmark the size of Tommy’s palm on her right buttcheek—its light brown (Tommy says it was a sign that he was meant for me because it’s the perfect size of his hand)
Preferred hand: Righty,
Health: she was malnourished as a child and teen so she’s slim and has a problem with eating food- like she likes to store food cuz she’s always worried she will one day have none
Phobias: she is kinda afraid of the dark, but the fear dwindles the longer she lives with tommy
Addictions: she eventually becomes addicted to cigarettes after living with Tommy
Mental Disorders: slight anxiety but nothing too maladaptive
Attitude: she seems pretty meek and quiet when you first meet her so many underestimate her (also because of how small she is). but in reality she has a non-nonsense attitude and is not at all afraid to speak her mind. she’s kinda like a less exuberant Tatiana
Expressions: when she’s nervous she scratches at the scar on her chest and nibbles on her lips
Residence: she used to live on the street and would get a room when she could afford one, now she lives with Tommy and his wife (Erika)
Political Affiliation: she doesn’t know enough about politics since she’s not educated and hasn’t worked in any organization or legitimate place. plus she’s an immigrant (came to England as a child)— but probably more communist since she hates Imperialism and the imbalances of capitalism
Friends: Erikas character is one of her friends (she found her on the street and took her in since she was so young (but really, she was 19 just looked so young since she was so malnourished), she’s also pretty close to Finn, and Isiah because they are close in age (eventually Michael but she doesn’t really get good vibes from him and so avoids him) but she doesn’t spend much time with them since she’s so busy
Enemies: she HATES the Russians because they’re the bourgeoisie and ran the Jews out of Russia
Boss: Erika is kinda her boss (She help look after the kid and work around the house to earn her keep) but Tommy also sometimes uses her to help in business (he once tried to set her on Kimber and Erika bitched him out for it, but she’s still willing to help because she’s cunning and has a good eye for who tommy should/should not trust)
Pets: She has one dog (Nochka) who was a stray that she found and bonded with, Nochka is like her little guardian (She is a mutt and kinda like a scruffy collie; see picture)
Finances: PISS POOR, she’s living on the streets, stealing when she can (which she doesn’t like but a girls gotta eat), she wants to work but finds it hard since all the men came back, so sometimes she has to work the streets out of sheer desperation)
Marital Status: not married
Sex Life: HECK YES. I want her to smash Alfie cuz she’s a Jewess and Tommy sets them up (he figured since Alfie is such a loud mouth and she was Jewish, he would tell her all his secrets- which he did since its Alfie)
Lovers: so eventually she is going to become Tommy’s mistress (but not at the beginning since she’s young and he doesn’t trust her), though eventually as they spend more time together (because she starts to work for him) he starts to trust herm talk to her about business, and develop feelings (he’s an older man though and feels weird about it at first and doesn’t want to take advantage, but she makes it clear that the feelings are reciprocated)
Turn-ons: she’s kinda a masochist (her abuse from when she was young left her kinda damaged so she likes pain, but she also likes giving it since she sometimes also has a power kink
Turn-offs: she hates men with dirty hands since they remind her of her father (she makes sure Alfie washes his hands thoroughly before the bang bang)
Dom or Sub: she’s a switch– usually she’s more sub cuz of her masochism, but she knows when Tommy is being to hard on himself and needs to take the reigns herself)
Fantasies: if you want this written or at least known go ahead but i can’t promise it will be apart of the story, there is only so much time and so many episodes y’know!
Occupation: she’s worked as a seamstress and a prostitute, but now she’s whatever she needs to be for Tommy and his wife (babysitter, maid, trojan horse— meaning that Tommy sometimes uses her to get info from his enemies, kinda like lizzie in season 2)
Income: she doesn’t have one for the beginning since she’s getting to live with Tommy for free, but eventually he starts paying her because he knows how much she needs to have money saved to feel safe
Work Experience: seamstress, factory worker, child-care worker, prostitute
Religion: she grew up in Judaism but she doesn’t identify with it (If a god put her through what she went through then it’s not a god she wants to worship)
Criminal Record: she’s been arrested for theft and solicitation but because everyone thinks she’s so young she’s never been to jail for long
Morals: she tries her best to be a good person, she doesn’t like picking on the little guys, but doesn’t mind knocking the big ones down a few pegs. She also knows that morals sometimes get in the way when you need stuff (she would steal and sell herself when she needed to) so she’s not fused to her morals
Main Goal: she just wants to get out of her destitution and feel safe somewhere. Once she feels safe in Tommy’s home and begins to trust him, she becomes loyal as a dog (Russians are fiercely loyal). She just wants to be happy and healthy and safe
Ambitions: her only ambition is to better her life and protect the ones she loves, she is willing to kill if she has to
Regrets: she doesn’t really regret anything, she believes that things happen as they will happen and it’s pointless to regret and worry about things (she’s a total Russian)
Secrets: her dad died “in a bar fight” but in reality she killed him. After the mum died, her dad would get drunk and mistake her for her mum and assault her, her brother used to help but when he went off to war it was just the two of them, and she killed him and that’s how she became homeless. No one except Tommy knows what her dad did to her, and what she did to him.
Best memories: anything to do with her mum, her and her mum used to garden and go to the beach, so when she moves in with Tommy, she asks very kindly for a small garden in memory of her mama.
Also the first time that Tommy smiled at her (she was admiring his horse one day when she thought he wasn’t around, and she fed the horse an apple, and she heard Tommy chuckle because of how amazed she was with the horse eating it, and it was the first time she saw him smile at her– this was back when she first moved in and Tommy didn’t trust her)
Worst memories: literally all of her life from when her mum died to when Tommy’s wife took her in
Hobbies: she’s started smoking since she’s moved into Tommy’s (it’s silly but she started smoking so they would have something in common, she was always smitten by him)
Skills: she’s really good with knives (duh she’s Russian), she’s also really good at languages and picking them up, accents etc. (but this isn’t like essential i guess), she’s also very stealthy and sneaky
Likes: LOVES READING and gardening so much, and just hanging out by water and laying down on the grass and just relaxing and feeling safe, she loves the sun (which sucks cuz lel it’s Birmingham and England), LOVES baths (and loves having them with Tommyboy)
Dislikes: she hates when people are rude to those who have less than them,
Superstitions: SO SUPERSTITIOUS SHE’S RUSSIAN (but not superstitious about anything to do with cats, she loves all animals)
Quirks: she talks to herself a lot
Guilty Pleasures: she LOVES sweets. Like if there is a sweet in the house for Tommy’s kids, she’s eating them. She saves up what she can just to buy sweets and when Tommy is feeling kind, he brings her back some and just acts all chill and non-chalant about it, but loves how excited and happy she reacts every time)
Strengths: she’s strong and capable, she’s smart and knows how to read people really well
Weaknesses: she doesn’t trust anyone really
Languages: Russian, English, Yiddish/Hebrew, she’s picked up French from Erikas character and thus find its easy to pick up other romance and Slavic languages- at least she has a rudimentary knowledge of understanding (she cant speak most but she can listen)
Accent: English, Brummie
Speech Impediments: none
Reputation: she has a pretty poor reputation, since she was a nuisance to most of society while on the streets, now she has a reputation for being Tommy mistress, which means people fear and ‘respect’ her (at least to her face, but to her back, they think she’s just a gold digging whore)
Backstory: KAY SO, what I was thinking was, Ekaterina and her fam, emigrated from Russia (though really they were like forced because they were Jewish) when she was like 10, and her mum died when she was 11 before they got to the UK. Since her mum died, her dad has been abusing her when he gets drunk (which was very frequent) because she looked like her mama. Her brother used to try to protect her but papa was big and when he was drunk it would be one helluva mess to fight with him. When brother went to war, and it was just her and her dad, it was awful and one day she snapped and she killed him (and everyone just assumed it was some barfight). She stayed in the house for a bit but eventually was thrown onto the streets when the men came back from war and she lost her job. Now homeless, she had to steal, and sell her body to live. She befriended a stray who would stay with her and cuddle her for warmth on nights that she spent on the streets, and the dog became her guardian and security. One day Tommy’s wife saw her and the dog curled up in some corner on the street and legit thought it was a dead child (because she was so tiny), so she took her in to her home (and the dog to since it refused to leave Kit (it was barking like mad until it was let in). Tommy’s wife was nice and at first Kit lied about her age figuring it would be easier to get pity if she were younger and not an adult). Tommy was mad as hell that she let some stranger into the house, but he couldn’t force her to throw Kit out, so she stayed and started helping out around the house (baby-sitting, housework, etc). Tommy, who was suspicious of Kit, ignored her at first, but then started ‘asking’ (read: manipulating, psychological coercing) her to help with the business (used her to sweeten the deal with Alfie and get some deets, wanted her to seduce some potential enemies etc.).
Eventually, as she spend more time with Tommy, they get used to one another, and he begins to trust her and see her worth as a business advisor kinda. He knows that she’s good at reading people and he trusts her to help him out so they become close. Tommy has known that she has been lying about her age for a while and as they get closer, he becomes more and more attracted to her, but feels awks about it since she’s like the young hot nanny, and he’s older (so modest and insecure for someone so beautiful sigh). She obviously feels the same (since Hello it’s Tommy Shelby and god those eyes????), so eventually she just flat out asks him if he’s attracted to her “because I am attracted to you”. And badda boom badda bing, they get it on. She at first feels kinda bad about it because she genuinely loves his wife and owes her her life for taking her in, but she’s still Russian and so thinks that things happen for a reason (so the universe wanted them to all be together because it brought them together). Kitty is definitely the one that gets Tommy the most, and helps him out with the business. She understand him and why he does what he does, but she isn’t afraid to give him shit when he’s being unnecessarily awful.
Her and Tommy’s relationship is very unique– like they are friends and confidantes first and they share everything with one another and trust each other completely. But they also get down and dirty and that’s where Tommy lets out all his kinks (she’s Russian so she judged nothing in the bedroom…nothing).
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misterbitches · 3 years
@flootweed ​
That's super fucking romantic? Like tragic but in a nice way. i love that shit. i'm a monogamous slut for romance pghiosuag even tho we have to learn to live alone too but it's just like the NOTION is nice?!??! awwww i told my mom that SOPHIE's gf was like "she died taking a picture of the moon" and how it was like idk. the gf was just processing it and she thought it was romantic and my mom was like "wow.....depressing" bc think she thought it was stupid millenial shit i was like no mother doent u see she died in the BEAUTY LMAO but then i told her jessica walter's husband died the year before and then she died and she was like "aw...kind of romantic" LMAOOOO i guess two people have to die. why did i tell this story? i am so sorry. the show ended today right (ep 10?) i didn't realize it was that short. so i hope it was a happy ending? (tell me) i understand why you love the atmos! it's like, not really been done. there's this BL that i hear isn't too great but it does take place in a rural part of thailand and there's way less budget. a lot of ppl seem to like it. ep 6 LW / LW in gen gotta be honest, rushed through it. i knew spoilers from jump cause BL spoilers are just absolutely nothing and sometimes ur just like i need to know. i do not understand the ~silently lookin 4 u~ trope it always backfires and is also DUMB. so happy about tiffy. a girl who likes girls but ends up with a man bc of mommy and also the man is ok....it's me. she's gorgeous and actually [h*lf] gay so it's great. god ok i feel so old again. lmaooo but i was like obsessed with lady gaga for that reason (dont ask...also how i got kinda popular on tumblr way back in the day) and shes just absolutely fucking beautiful and bad ass. (which kind of doesnt helpcos they r all skinnty but that's FINEEEE) right? i mean like i guess cos we knew abt it? i can see why he was so pissed off, too? i mean i'm so fucking like...sensitive to being told what to do so i was angry for him from jump. i guess i was also looking at it different wholetime cos i knew the spoilers? i'm assuming u did too lmao. so we knew hed be pissed and leave. and frankly that's what sib gets. just for you my friend i will watch it and update. i think MANY times in shows in gen but it is something you notice a lot in BL bc they are just absolute novices most times. in this case, gene's actor mostly well (and i like him as a person just cos he was on that thai 3 girls in a car show and used to date on eof them lmao) can act so i will look over that scene to see how sib's actor plays off him. but the pausing in between sentences or for so long even decent actors or actors doing better. kao is not bad, not great so they will talk slowly because dramatic acting but the problem is most times it's too long. even if the person is an adept actor it won't always work and YES THEN THAT MEANS THE EDITOR COMES IN AND SNIP SNIP SNIP! it's too long. and sometimes it just does not work even if you can act. but it is GLARING when they cant or are average (someoe said this about tharntype and my god lmao tharn..is...so...slow...in...talking...the actor idk his name it's one of em, the other one with the nose (type) is....different not better but he certainly does not talk as slow. they arent bad but they are not good so.) also sometimes they are forgetting their lines. some ppl find this charming. clearly we do not lmao. what is their relation? what is going on there? i don't have a problem with stepbrothers as long as they didn't grow up with that sibling bond. many times blended families really have to watch out for that kind of fraternizing but it's always when theyre older and teenagers bc they didnt grow up w/ each other....i mean they have chemistry so i'm whatever. but. hennYYWAYYYS.actually it's bc im an idiot i didn't read it as Mhok (singular) and aey's father. Yes and his sister who i think i may hate? im like bitch okkkkkk but. his name is lhong. and he is a psycho. i mean so is type. so. oooh it could be that he stole! but also i'm pretty sure cos hes gay lol or did they
not make that explicit? the thing is i had to skip through most of that scene too because the drama was WAY too much for me. too much. lmao. the sister thing i got and it made sense and iliked that. oh yea he is gay and they know. that's a big one.
haven’t watched color rush! did you like it? i have seen wyel, parts of mr heart, and ofc to my star :) 
ohhhhhh ok. i get you. yea he definitely wasn’t being ooc cos i think that....what u said. and also like....ugh i cant even think rn. i like sam lin a lot so i like gao shi de but i gotta say. lmao. hm. first of all. yes it is creepy what he did. it’s fucking weird. and sad that his whole life revolves around him. it’s not as fucking weird as LW but still like when he did the door thing. i was like UMMMMMMMMM cos i really didnt want it to be constructed. and when it was i was like imma suspend my disbelief. but if anyone dared...
and so what he did in s2 i think he just couldnt realize that he was loved back which is why it’s good he WAS ALONE for 5 yrs imo. but he gave shu yi 0 choice and for that i am pretty sure i would be even angrier. i do think though that the father’s role is pretty important but i can see how the show is like....letting that go? bc as fucking weird as GSD is, he was still like...20? i guess and shu yi’s dad is like. crazy? i am also like he really had to fucking start a company to get noticed like are u joking? is it also that easy? and also why? lmao i just. ugh. i think that probs bothered me the most...priorities.
i like the show! well idk if i love it but sure. i think it’s decent lmao. i understand what you’re saying. for here it bothers me less but i certainly don’t think it was OOC. immature and stupid but like...that’s.....what they are. i also don’t have a problm with the timing from a technical point.
however, when i started the show? i had NO clue what concept of time it was. and that was very annoying. tehy redeemed it bc of the comedy aspects (the first time shu yi sees shi de is so fucking good, i really loved the shot and editing; it’s hilarious and silly) and i started to go with the flow of the show through that. but the fucking concept of time in the show in general esp with repetitive outfits (i understand that they are more likely to wear multiple outfits as well, it’s just that you have to split it up or it i sconfusing visually and looks like the same scene twice or just a full day of shooting which it could be but then something should change in the clothes. this is just an ex~~*~*) and partof that is they have this already controlled narrative i guess. 
i have to admit as well...i skipped episode 1. and most of 2. i was like i rly dont want to see someone slap a pereson even if they were like. not together. it’s just not cute also not in front of ppl. and then when they were yelling and bla bla i was like listen ladies lets calm down. too much angst in a boring way. what they have now is good. also they should probably like estrange the father but i doubt they will. 
i cannot make up my mind totally now bc i see what ur saying i guess i just don’t feel that way as much but i guess i have to think about it more, too. i do think he was contorlling in getting him or like when he didnt want shu yi to find out whwatshisface liked him. i guess for me it would be if he is still that way in the rship. but even tho he’s at fault for what happened, i’m also like but his dad? but also like...did he try? why did he just stop contacting? but then i guess he emailed everyday? DO U C MY QUANDARY.
alsoi have to say i do not care abt their backdoor being opened lmao like wow business? no thanks
LMAO. did they cry a lot in UWMA? i only know the teamwin parts. which one is fluke the really pale one who died? idk what it is about that kid but i just cant watch him. it’s not his fault it’s mine.
DUDE i still dont understand the husband and wife thing and ive looked into it multiple times. ive kinda just classified it as one of those things that make me uncomfortable but arent problematic lol. it you have any insight about it id love to hear it tho !!
it’s stupid. that’s what it is (husband and wife.) it’s just something they say like many gay couples may use pejoratives in conjunction with them, the f word etc. or even imply something about being a top and a bottom. whatever. but these arent gay spaces or gay storylines. sure gay men may direct them but since BL operates and relies on patriarchy without a doubt and also stereotypes poorly kathoeys or won’t cast trans women in anything substantial and use them as jokes (and see this is one of those things where it’s like...ud never see this in the US tho like our concept of third gender or kathoeys but life stillBOOOOO.) so it’s just useless when they put it into the scripts because it’s for people to consume and lots of girls are. obviously. so the idea that if you are being penetrated and u r the wife and this is used like literally anywhere but not from gay or whatever men is gross. are cis women’s vaginas sieves to them? are trans women not women? do we have to categorize people by PHALLIC OBJECTS IN OUR BODIES SPECIFICALLY A WOMAN? it dont make no sense. plus really most ppl just experiment, there’s more ways than one to have sex, we have lives so most times it’s not just full penetration for hours anyway. it’s just so gross. like oh that’s really funny lol ur the wife cos his dick goes in ur butt XD i get it, same. i say “i’m wife’ whenever there’s a penis in me. fucking kill me. it’s not a big deal but it’s just dumb and gross. if they use it they could try and subvert it too like i like how my engineer has  a whole absurdly stupid episode about it. but in TT the dad says “if ur the wife i wont accept it” and i was like u know what gals? im good. goodbye.
pgojaihousgajigko THAT’S SOOOOOOO OOWIEOFUGHOIJ WEIRD. FANDOM IS REALLY WEIRD. i have read rpf and written it once upon a time but dont do it anymore  uch. i mean it’s weird. no doubt about that. invasive, weird, strange. but very unreal anyway. it is. plus i dont like celebs or fame and think of it as a gross capitalist scheme so i had to stop (also so weird?) but i know very many people like lean in. lean in. LEAN IN. this youtuber i watch did a video on like insanely popular ships (like that 1d one) and their insane fandoms and i just couldnt. it’s so embarrassing? and then they’re so bold????? about it? 
yea it would be cool (more queer men or visibly we should say or like out whatever.) but it doesnt necessarily mean that will be good or beneficial i guess? i mean like. i dont know. so much about the genre is about wish fulfilment for young girls. its literally selling some fantasies because the other thing is for BL (i read a paper on this...) esp for girls in more conservative societies they cna maybe replace themselves in the character? but they may not feel a threat as a woman or like their life will fall apart if they engage in sexual things with anyone really. and that’s where i’m like....for a lot of these are they just writing a story and just replacing two men? bc they also seem to think it owrks like that. and in a way that’s what it is bc of the writing and how they use certain terms. you can tell the piece is about pushing a product and less about the real affects of a story. i think ITSAY is a great example of a really intelligent great piece of work that contains multitudes. and the girl was amazing. it just depends on the goal. and for most of the ppl the goal isnt...to do anything. so i dont know. idk how to talk abt representation anymore. it both is and isnt.
 i really liked tingting from my engineer a lot (idk if u have seen) she’s so fun and unapologetic. i love how much she drinks and if someone tells her to be ladylike she says no. and i appreciate that in the show when girls were rude to her she said nothing about the girls but said “NO IM NOT LUCKY TO HAVE ALL MALE FRIENDS?” i really want to see her more in the next season. obviously tiffy is goat. super excited to see how their rship develops.
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Chapter 2: Michael Maguire
“Just a little shorter, okay?”, grunted Mike gruffly.
His older sister gave him a pointed glare as she held the buzzer in her hand. “Why you don’t just go to a hairdresser for this is completely beyond me. I’m a literature professor, I’m not---oh.”
“...Oh?”, echoed Mike slightly nervous.
“I’m just saying that you are literally dating a billionaire”, grumbled his sister.
“What was that ‘oh’, Melanie”, demanded Mike to know tensely.
Melanie pursed her lips and grabbed her phone to snap a picture. 2It’s not as bad as it looks and I might be able to fix it, but you should have just gone to someone professional.”
“Oh god, what did you do to my hair? Matt will leave me”, grunted Mike wide-eyed.
Melanie rolled her blue-green eyes at him in a very pointed manner. “Sure. Because your lush, black hair was the only reason why he was dating you.”
Mike squinted at her, glaring back at her with the same blue-green eyes. “No. But my bad decision-making is one of the main things he keeps complaining about, Mel. Now fix this somehow.”
“I told you to go to a salon”, warned Melanie one last time.
Rick had been cackling at him all morning long and it had not helped improve his mood at all. And it did so not get better when the two partners entered the Saint John’s Pub. Jessica behind the bar literally broke out into laughter the moment Mike was within her sight.
“Jamie! Jamie, come oput! You have to see this. Mike lost a bet to Rick!”, exclaimed Jessica.
Mike glared darkly at the bartender as he and Rick sat down in front of her. Rick grinned broadly, nudging Mike with a sharp elbow just as Jamie came out of the kitchen. The cook looked way too cute again. His reddish-brown curls were tied together in the back of his neck though it was too short to hold so a few strands kept slipping out and framing his face prettily. His freckles seemed more prominent when he was blushing like right now.
“W--What happeneed to your hair?”, asked Jamie surprised.
“My sister”, glowered Mike with a deadpan. “My sister happened to my hair.”
“You look like you have a midlife-crisis, mi hermano”, chuckled Rick, clapping him on the shoulder. [trans: my brother]
“First of all”, grunted Mike, glaring at his best friend. “I’m 28. This is not the middle of my life, you bag of dicks. And secondly, it’s... not that bad.”
He turned downright pleading eyes on Jamie, hoping the Irish man would have some mercy on him. Jamie’s dark-green eyes softened
“Well, no. It actually looks kinda good, the undercut suits you”, smiled Jamie. “It’s just... unusual. I’ve only ever seen you in two states: Prim and proper short-cut and unruly, needs a trim mop.”
“You really do need to get a haircut regularly. By a professional”, agreed Rick.
“What’s the occasion anyway?”, asked Jamie curiously, leaning against the bar. “You only ever get a haircut when Mattie has something big planned.”
Mike rolled his eyes. “A double-date. With some big business partner and her boyfriend. I am so looking forward to it.”
“You’re such a bad liar”, snorted Jamie fondly.
Mike smiled faintly. Jamie always managed to lift his mood. It was why he had first fallen for the Irish man, because Jamie was always there and kind and caring. Also gorgeous, lithe with strong arms and chest (Mike had seen Jamie without a shirt on before. It was a nice view. Very nice).
“Mattie and I will come around them them at... seven-ish? Keep a table for four free for us?”, requested Mike.
“We don’t make reservations”, snorted Jessica, throwing a towel at Mike.
“Not even for two billionairs sharing a business dinnner”, huffed Mike and rolled his eyes at her.
“Don’t think your fiance’s money gets you special treatment around here”, countered Jessica sternly.
There was a table saved for the four of them by the time they went out for dinner. Mike pulled his tie loose; he hated wearing a monkey-suit, but Matt had insisted. Though he loved Matt and Matt looked gorgeous in his own suit, so it was a bit of a compromise.
“Relax, amore”, whispered Matt gently, arms linked with Mike.
“Easier said than done”, grumbled Mike grumpily.
Laughing softly, Matt got on his tiptoes to kiss Mike, effectively soothing his fiance. Sighing, Mike relaxed at least a little. They met the other couple in front of the retaurant. He, a tall, lanky and awkward nerd adjusting his glasses and wearing clothes fit for a fifty year old, she the embodiment of a head-strong career woman. She smiled at them as she offered her hand to Mike.
“Sonia Gold. It’s a pleasure to meet you”, introduced the woman.
“Michael Maguire. And likewise, Miss Gold”, replied Mike politely as he shook her hand.
“Sander Hancock”, stated her boyfriend cortly, seizing Matt up as they shook hands.
“Matteo di Girasole”, said Matt, mimicking Sander’s way of introduction.
This evening was going to be so much fun. Mike conveyed that message to his lover with one hard look. Matt quirked his lip just a little, a fond spark in his bright eyes.
The two couples sat down and studied the menu in silence. Not that Mike and Matt couldn’t cite it with their eyes blindfolded by now. So after only a moment, Mike let his eyes wander. He paused when he spotted Jamie sitting on top of the bar, kicking his legs back and forth. His dark-red shirt hugged his arms and shoulders nicely. Mike grunted and elbowed Matt. Matt’s replying glare melted when he noticed why Mike had elbowed him. Jamie seemed to be engaged in a very animated conversation (read: ridiculous discussion) with his sister Jessica. Matt hummed in appreciation as he rested his chin on Mike’s shoulder.
“He looks good in red”, whispered Matt very softly. “I really like that shirt.”
“Mhmh”, grunted Mike in reply. “Know where it’d look even better?”
“He’s too lithe for that and too tall. It’d be too long and too tight at the same time on me”, grunted Matt with a deadpan.
“...I wasn’t talking about you, sunshine. I was talking about our bedroom floor”, grunted Mike with just the smallest, teasing grin.
“Oooh. Mh. Yes”, nodded Matt pleased, kissing Mike’s cheek.
“The two of you are ridiculously smitten.”
Matt and Mike blinked slowly before tearing their eyes off of Jamie and looking at their companions. Sonia had one eyebrow raised, an amused smile playing on her lips as she leaned back in her chair. She seemed pleased.
Mike knew what the point of this dinner was. Mainly, Sonia had not quite believed Matt’s claims during their first meeting, that Jamie was in fact not some sideline affair Matt’s fiance had no idea about. Mike smiled and wrapped one arm around Matt’s shoulders, drawing the half-Italian closer against himself.
“It’s hard not to. Have you seen that ass in those leather pants?”, asked Mike playfully, gesturing to the bar.
“...Sonia, if you could not”, sighed Sander in fond exasperation.
Sonia just grinned and dismissed him with wave of her hand. “But it is a nice ass. Just see for yourself, Sandy.”
Sander gave her a hard glare for the nickname before obediently checking said nice ass out himself. “...Did we really only come here to check the owner out?”
“No. The burgers. We mainly came here for the burgers”, hummed Sonia.
Mike grinned just a little bit. He had a feeling he could really get along with those two. Which, such a nice change from the stiffs Matt usually had to work with. Those made Mike wish for someone to rob the restaurant so he could get to work and sneak out with the colleagues.
And true to that prediction, the evening was actually rather nice. More like an outing with new friends than an actual business arrangement. As they left the restaurant to make their way back home, the two couples paused in surprise.
“Shooting stars. Beautiful, but... I didn’t read anything about a shower?”, mused Sonia softly.
“Oh, we have to make a wish!”, exclaimed Matt, tugging on Mike’s arm.
Both of them closed their eyes. It was a silly tradition that the Maguire siblings had always shared, ever since they were little, still living in London and sitting on their rooftop watching their first meteor shower. When they opened their eyes again, the sky was back to normal and the shooting stars were gone.
“Well, it was a please to meet you”, started Sander with a sharp nod.
“We should do this again”, suggested Matt brightly.
“I’d love to, darling”, agreed Sonia and pulled him close for a routine of kiss-right-kiss-left.
Sonia and Sander headed down the streets into the opposite direction and Matt and Mike wanted to go on their way too when a car pulled up right beside them.
“Did you sign the contract? Did it go without a hitch?”
Mike knew he should not be surprised, but he was still startled when Matt’s best friend slash personal assistant looked at them demandingly from the driver’s seat. Tatiana Tarasova was scary, to put it mildly. Sometimes, Mike was sure she could just materialize out of thin air.
“...How do you even know we’re here, Tanya?”, asked Mike stunned.
“I can read minds. It’s a Russian thing”, drawled Tanya with a serious deadpan before rolling her eyes. “I’m Matt’s assistant. I know his schedule.”
“Oh. Makes sense. Not as much sense as the mind reading, but...”, nodded Mike.
“Do you want to get in the car so I can drive you home, or do you want to walk? And will anyone answer my question?”, asked Tanya pointedly.
“It went well. She will come to the office for the official signing tomorrow morning”, replied Matt with a smile as they got into the car.
As soon as the couple sat on the backseats, Matt leaned contently against Mike and closed his eyes in sheer exhaustion. Mike smiled softly and kissed the top of his lover’s head gently.
By the time they finally got home, both were already half asleep. Mike yawned widely as he got his keys and phone out of his pockets. He paused when he felt something cold and found in his pocket. Slowly, he pulled his hand out and put the objects on the table. Keys, phone and... a marble? Frowning confused, Mike took the small, dark-blue marble and rolled it around between his fingers. It was made of glass, from the feel of it. Squinting, he took a closer look as he saw something enclosed inside the glass. Black letters. No. Numbers? He turned the marble until he could properly identify them. 69. Huh. Strange.
“Mikey? You coming to bed or do you want to sleep on the couch...?”
Shaking his head and putting the marble down, Mike turned toward their bedroom. “Coming, sunshine.”
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