#god I love doing closet pidge
midnightlie · 2 years
lance’s year of misfortune starts after an amazing night. he’s moving, so his apartment is littered with boxes and bags with obscure and inappropriate labels on them (thank you pidge). his sister brought over some drinks and they sipped on them as they packed up the kitchen and the last of what he called home. he’s moving closer to home, closer to work, but still another apartment. he won’t miss the street light outside his window, blaring in his eyes all night. he won't miss the sound of traffic in the morning or his neighbors yells echoing through the floor. honestly, he doesn’t know why he didn't move sooner. his sister takes off before the night gets too old, promising to return first thing with the trailer. lance, still feeling the buzz of alcohol, is about to climb into bed when he notices a shirt on the floor in front of the closet. maroon in color with a pocket on the front, not one of his. and it takes his mind a moment, just a moment, to remember. dark hair, steel eyes, and a name he hasn't uttered in a over a year. Keith, Keith, Keith. the shirt must’ve fallen from some hidden crevice in the closet. he can’t even remember the last time he’d spoken to the man (a lie he tells himself. he remembers very well, every word, every tear). the article is tossed back into the closet and with the door slammed shut, out of sight out of mind. or so he thinks. lance finds his mind in a whirlwind of thoughts that are determined to keep him from sleeping. how is he? is he the same? does he ever think of me too? he spends a while longer staring before he gives up, throws the covers off, grabs his phone off the pillow, and kicks the closet door open in a stumble. his sister will scold him for what he does next, will probably yell. in utter disbelief, he doesn’t know why he’s doing it either. lance, god-forbid, takes the two seconds to fold the shirt before snaping picture. he texts “hey, long time no talk. is this yours?” before even stopping to think about it. and my god he should have thought about it. because the response is almost immediate. he doesn't know what he was expecting to happen, reaching out to him all of sudden in this matter. but keith’s response makes his blood simmer, makes his jaw tight. “throw it away.” and so he does. the shirt gets thrown, not in the closet, but somewhere else. in a sudden rage, lance uses all the strength he can muster to throw that damn shirt. he goes to bed but sleep doesn't bless him. he dreams of black hair and a smile for the ages. he dreams of whispers of endearments in his ear, gentle and loving hands holding him. he wakes up to his sister shaking him and his pillow damp with tears. 🍓
I AM BROKEN HEARTED AND ON MY KNEES RIGHT NOW!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 why did they break up!? do they get back together!? keith ur making my heart hurt so bad 😭😭😭 (i love u for sendinf this exactly the kind of kl pain i live on thank u so much)
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wwhatisstutorials · 6 years
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Fun fact: Closet cosplaying to work is the best thing I have ever done. 
Life be wild right now haha. Just thought I would post some of the more recent designs and closet cosplays I’ve done. I still have 2 other projects completed (just need some cool photos) and am working on 3 more cosplays (just wait for it. my friends and I are gonna be such memes) College be stressful af and throwing cosplays on top of the stuff I have to sew for garment structures is rough. College seriously takes over to the point where its hard to do or focus on anything that is not school work. I apologize for not really posting tutorials anymore, but my education is hopefully gonna take me somewhere someday. Jefferson is def a great design school if you’re looking for colleges and its so close to center city philadelphia without all the hustle/bustle. 
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Every single day of this stupid, godforsaken roadtrip, Lance had to hold back a death joke. It was genuinely harder than being in the closet. Like, sure. When he was in the closet he had to bite his tongue every time he parked a car. He had to avert his eyes every time he saw the fucking light refract (rainbow jokes are some of his best material). Not outing yourself with a gay joke is beyond difficult, it’s true. 
But pretending he never went into the light? A whole lot harder. 
They accidentally fly through an asteroid storm the size of a sun, and Hunk panics about being about to die? The words ‘been there, done that’ were literally on their way out of his stupid, big mouth before he choked them back. Camping on a planet, and Pidge jokingly telling him to stay alive when he goes to get firewood? He’s never wanted quip back so badly in his life (well, ‘life’. Life 2.0. The second time around. The sequel. Numero dos. Holy shit, Lance needs an audience sworn to secrecy so he can get these jokes out of his system once and for all before he ruins himself).
But, Lance, you might be asking, why do you have to hold these jokes back? Aren’t they kind of funny, if not lightly concerning?
Great question! Lance is holding the jokes back because he’s a coward who’s terrified of emotional vulnerability. He’s actually less scared of death, and that’s not even an exaggeration anymore! It’s just… he’s sure his team loves him. Kinda. Mostly. But Lance has been sorta distant from his team, lately. They don’t really talk much. At first it was because of the whole Lotor, seventh-wheel situation, but now he just doesn’t feel like he has much in common with them anymore. There’s also the fact that no one really seems to want him around. 
Like, he used to consider Hunk and Pidge his closest friends. They hung out all the time, he felt like he could trust them with anything. But it’s been kind of rough, for the past few months. They don’t seem to enjoy his company, and he was sure it was just his insecurities talking for a while, but then they made plans right in front of him without including him, so. He knows when he’s not really wanted. Allura kind of goes without saying. He’s a little raw around her right now, so it’s understandable that he wants to put some distance between them. He doesn’t even know Krolia or Romelle, so he’s obviously not gonna talk about anything with them. Keith made it abundantly clear who and what was important, and Lance did not make that list. 
Shiro’s a whole other can of worms. He knows, objectively, that nothing was Shiro’s fault. Shiro hasn’t even technically been around for months. But every time he looks at him, all he can see is Shiro’s snarling face and hard eyes: 
“Stay quiet, Lance, I didn’t ask you!”
“Lance, if we wanted your opinion you’d hear about it.”
“Actually, we don’t need you for this mission, Lance. Just stay in the castle.”
There’s also the debilitating guilt he feels whenever he hears Shiro’s voice. God, Lance heard him in the astral plane, and what did he do? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. He officially has the reward for the most useless paladin in the universe. 
And usually closeness wouldn’t really stop him from jokes – he likes to be the funny one, regardless of how well he knows a group of people – but Lance knows himself well enough to realise he isn’t holding back the death jokes because he’s too uncomfortable around the team. 
He’s holding back the jokes because he’s terrified, down to the very core of him, that the team will find out about his death and they won’t care. 
Right now it’s kind of Schrodinger’s Shitty Situation. The team simultaneously knows about Lance’s death and they don’t, and Lance making a death joke is the metaphorical opening of the box. And he is way, way too scared to open that box. So it stays sealed in the back corner of his mind. So long as it’s sealed Lance can hold on to the hope that the team cares about him, at least a little. At least until he gets back to Earth and to people he knows love him, so he doesn’t feel so lonely.
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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profoundpidgeon · 3 years
✨(In my opinion) What I think the Haikyuu characters sexual orientation(s) and pronouns are!✨
A/N: hey! *cue finger guns* I'm back? Ngl idk I've been busy (haha graduation is soon and I hate writing scholarships 😅) I also kinda lost inspiration/interest in writing there for a bit but I might start this series! Anyways, I hope y'all are doing well! 💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
~ur lovely Pidge
Daichi: I'm sorry my daisuga (or anyone else you ship daichi with) shippers but this man be strait as pole but eventually turns out to be an amazing ally. Pronouns: he/him
Suga: Suga is gay and goes to ALL of the pride events and parades. Very supportive and helps anyone who is scared to come out cause he knows how it is and yes it is very scary. Pronouns: I believe in He/They Suga Supremacy thank you
Asahi: An anxious bisexual. We love him so much 💞💞💞 Pronouns: He/Him
Kiyoko: Bi for a preference of women (tho she still gets with tanaka and we love that SO MUCH 💞💞💞) Pronouns: She/Her
Tanaka: Straight. Pronouns: He/him.
Noya: I believe he says he leans more towards girls but is also very curious about what it's like to have a relationship with a guy. (I didn't need to write all of that this is just Bi-Curious) Pronouns: He/him
Tsukishima: *sigh* look at this beautiful homophobic homosexuel (hella closeted I can't express this enough) Pronouns: he/him
Yamaguchi: Alright y'all... Yams is pansexual hands down I mean... just an adorable cute pan trying to get through life god👏bless👏 I'm here for it. Pronouns: They/them
Kageyama: ngl, it's the ace/aro (asexual/aromantic) vibes for me. Pronouns: He/him
Hinata: I believe he's pansexual. This ball of sunshine will be so happy if you say yes to his confession or if you confess to him no matter who you are! I believe he wouldn't really pay any attention to gender or physique. PRETTY👏IS👏PRETTY!👏 Pronouns: He/him
Yachi: 👏LESBIAN👏💖💞💖 y'all do u see the way she acts around Kiyoko? So shy and sweet gosh I love and I'm here for it!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Pronouns: Ngl I think she would go by She/they and I stand by that
🌻Pidges' Masterlist🌻
HOLY SHIT EDIT/UPDATE: I'm just reading this cause for some reason, I keep on getting notes on this smh... when did I make this... a year ago??? Anyways, DAICHI IS NOT STRAIT MY GOD.
Thanks for attending my tedtalk for those who see
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Day 11 | Love potion
Day 11 | Love Potion/Cauldron
A/N: heads-up, slightly longer than my last few. Also, even though I don’t personally believe this to be one of my best written stories, I still really had fun writing it and I hope you all enjoy it!
How did we get in this situation? Was all that was running through Pidges head as she and Keith were pressed against each other in a maintenance closet on the castle. The two had to been so close to kissing each other before Lance and Allura almost walked in on them in the hallway.
“Well, that’s kind of a mood killer. Huh?” Keith joked.
“Heh, yeah” Pidge laughed nervously “Sorry. I don’t know why I pushed us in here. It’s not like they don’t already know.”
“Hey did you hear that?”
Rewinding a couple of days, three of the five paladins walked down the halls “So you think this is going to work, Allura?” Lance asked, following after her with Hunk in tow.
“Pidge is highly intelligent, and Keith is clever in his own right. But both of them are completely oblivious, both when it comes to each other, and…” she cut herself off, giving a mischievous smile “Altean culture. Just a little misinformation here, a white lie there, and those two shall become even more inseparable.”
“Allow me to be the one to err on the side of caution” Hunk began as he sped up to get in front of the two “feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it a little messed up to make them believe they are ingesting a fake love potion from an ancient Altean myth?”
Allura and Lance looked back and forth between each other and Hunk.
“Of course not!” Allura answered “I look at Pidge as the little sister I never got to have, I just want to give her a little nudge.” She smiled as she went back on her way. “It is not like it’s an actual potion to force them to love each other, just a placebo to make them admit it to one another.”
Hunk shook his head furiously “I only see bad things come from this.”
On the other end of the castle, the two paladins in question were busy sparring with each other, with Shiro watching from above coaching over them, keeping them distracted while the others finished up the plan.
“Alright Pidge” Shiro spoke through the intercom to her helmet “shoot your bayard toward Keith, he’ll want to dodge, and what you’ll want to do is sweep his leg.”
Pidge grinned, doing as she was told and launching her weapon at Keith’s helmet, and just as Shiro predicted Keith dodged leaving himself wide open for the sweep.
“Ah, crap!” Keith shouted as he hit the ground with a loud thud.
“You good?” Pidge asked stretching her arm out to help him up.
“Yeah, nice read for that sweep.” Keith smiled, taking her hand.
She just replied with a nod, taking her helmet off to wipe the sweat from her face.
“Oh good, you guys are finished!” Hunk cheered as he walked into the training room “I just made some recovery drinks, with these cool ingredients from the castles garden.”
“The castle has a garden?” the two asked.
“Oh, yes” Allura answered for Hunk as he gave the drinks to the other two “we have some of the most diverse ingredients in the universe, all with many different effects and boons.”
After a moment of the two chugging their drinks and catching their breaths Pidge spoke up “I gotta say Hunk, whatever you made these from is really good!”
Allura grew a mischievous smile once again, now was the time to enact their plan. “Out of curiosity Hunk, what ingredients did you use?”
“Um, something that looked like kale, a white flower that resembled a honey-suckle, and a few green berries.” The big man explained, counting off each ingredient on his fingers.
The princess immediately had a shocked expression on her face.
“Allura? You okay?” Pidge asked.
“Hunk, did you say green berries?” she asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, why?
Allura started shaking her head vehemently “Oh no, no, no.”
“Why what’s wrong?!” Shiro asked.
“That green berry is an Altean wedding fruit! It’s there to celebrate the love two people have for each other!”
Lance stepped up, wrapping his arm around Alluras shoulder. “So what? It’s just a symbolic thing, right?”
“For the most part. But if taken in strong amounts, and if the two do feel something for the other, it will lower inhibitions.”
Hunks eyes went wide “Oh…”
“Shit.” Keith and Pidge finished.
After going to get checked out by Coran, and him subsequently telling them the berries should leave their system in a couple of days to a week depending on the amount, the two couldn’t spend two seconds together for the rest of the day. They purposefully went out of their way to not be in the same room as the other, growing an insane blush and sweating crazily the second they were around each other.
Then they got stuck on an elevator together.
Pidge couldn’t help it. She was in a very uncomfortable spot. There could be worse ways to tell a cute guy I like him, right?!
Meanwhile, Keith was dying on the inside. He was never really able to handle emotions very well, whenever he told Shiro he thought he may have feelings for Pidge, it mostly came out in a mish-mash of sounds instead of words. Now, it took every lesson of self-control Shiro had taught him to not act on the idea of confessing as much stuff as he could to Pidge.
“I’m sorry, if this- uh, makes you uncomfortable…” he awkwardly apologized.
“No- it’s not your fault.” She laughed nervously.
Then Keith had a thought, something to make her feel a little more comfortable and away for him to know if his confusing feelings were validated. “But I- uh, I guess we don’t really have anything to worry about. Because you’d have to have feelings for me, huh?”
Pidge shifted in place, hanging her head down. She felt like her face would catch on fire with the heat from the blush she felt in her cheeks. “Hrm.” She sounded off awkwardly.
Then Keith caught a glimpse of her face, he couldn’t believe it, was she really blushing? Well of course she was, but the real question was if she was blushing cause of the berries or cause she had feelings for him.
“Gah, this really isn’t how I expected to do things… but I’m kind of out of options. Keith, I do have something to worry about, because I do have feelings for you. Okay? Have for a while now. But I was content to just leave it be because I know you don’t have feelings for me.” She stopped, letting herself trail off “That’s why you said we wouldn’t have anything to worry about, right?”
Keith was stupefied, he really couldn’t believe what he just heard from her. “No, that’s not it at all. You basically said everything that was running though my mind. It’s just, I don’t really know how to do… this!” he finished gesturing all around him “Emotions aren’t really my strong suit. That’s why I guess part of me was kind of happy that this happened. I can’t say, stuff- and it sound the way I want. You know?”
“So, you do have feelings for me? I’m not crazy?” She laughed.
“Oh don’t get me wrong, you’re definitely crazy, you ever see what you do to your enemies? But seriously, I do like you Pidge.”
Pidge let out a sigh of relief. “Awesome. Also, is it just me or is this the longest elevator ride in history?”
“Did you ever hit the button?”
“… I thought you did.”
Oh my god, we could have just avoided all of that! They thought to themselves.
Over the next few days, the two found themselves in slightly more and more intense situations until eventually they were about to kiss when they heard someone approaching.
“Well, that’s kind of a mood killer. Huh.”
“Heh, yeah” Pidge laughed nervously “Sorry. I don’t know why I pushed us in here. It’s not like they don’t already know.”
“Did you hear that?”
The two leaned their ears against the door, listening to the conversation between Lance and Allura.
“So, when do you think we should tell them there was no love potion, and they admitted everything on their own free will?”
“Never. You haven’t known Pidge or Keith as long as we have, if they find out what we did, they will kill us or worse. As far as they know, the ‘potion’ will leave their system in another day or so, and everything will go back to normal. Save for the fact, they both now know the truth.”
I’m going to kill him. Was the only thought shared as the maintenance closet door swung open.
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kandyklancing · 4 years
klance fic | mini skirt lance 🔞
lance loves showing off his leggy body when he wears his mini skirts. so when he saw a tiny black one hanging in the window of a store in the space mall he couldn't resist. the team had gone there under shiro's command to "stock back up on essentials" he knew a mini skirt wasn't exactly something he *needed* but he had missed dressing up nicely like he sometimes did back on earth. he couldn't resist the opportunity to snag the little black number. "lura! let's go in that one!" he called excitedly, snagging allura's hand. her eyes lit up as she caught sight of the clothing store, and lance looked back to the others. "we'll be back, he called." starting towards the store. keith's eyebrows rose questioningly, but he said nothing, turning back to pay attention to shiro who was beginning to lead hunk slowly toward the grocery store, reading from a list of things they needed. lance knew he had been getting on keith's nerves lately, with him exasperatedly telling him that he never took their tasks or missions seriously. he tried not to let it get to him, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult to do. who says just because they're fighting in an intergalactic war that he can't be cute? besides, pidge wasn't even around right now, she had dragged coran with her to the nearest video game store, and allura willingly came with him, also interested in buying something to wear. so if keith wanted something to bitch at, he'd have to take it up with all of them. that was only somewhat reassuring to lance though, he didn't enjoy upsetting keith as much as he was sure keith thought he did. but it wasn't enough to stop him from walking through the doors of the store, albeit slightly sulkily. "oh my god lance!" allura squeeled. "look at this!" she said, holding up a purple strappy and sparkly crop top. "that's pretty lura. you should try it on" he encouraged weakly, lacking his usual vigor. he knew it wasn't gonna bypass allura, how his mood had been dampened. the two had grown close since he practically got plucked off earth to fight battles in space. they were best friends. her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked at him caringly and cautiously. "are you okay? what's the matter?" she asked. he sighed. "keith's still on my ass. i know he's wondering why i'm wasting time fucking around in a clothing store rather than helping them buy food and supplies" allura took his hands in hers gently, looking into his eyes. "listen" she began. " i love keith, but just because they boy doesn't know how to unwind that doesn't mean that you shouldn't. we've all been working so hard lately. it's not unwise to treat yourself." "you're right, i know" lance sighed. "it's just that..." he turned his gaze elsewhere, cheeks slowing becoming alight. "i just...want him to understand me..." he sulked. allura smiled softly. she knew about lance's personal feelings toward keith. she also knew that keith had his own feelings about lance, he just grew frustrated with himself at not being able to express them, and often ended up projecting that frustration onto lance. he didn't know how to properly express himself. "listen. how about you show him the good that comes out of an impromptu shopping trip? force him to get it!" she smiled cheekily and excitedly. "oh please! he doesn't look my way except to complain about something ive apparently done. give it up allura, he's not into me." it was a conversation they had had time and time again. allura was convinced that keith digged him just as much as lance was into him. she rolled her eyes. "then do it for yourself. buy something you feel good in!" that he could do. he hightailed it over to the mini skirt in the window, allura in tow. "OH. that's the one lance. he won't be able to take his eyes off you" she smirked. lance bit his lips to hide a smile, rolling his eyes at her and signalling for the salesperson at the front.
-2 weeks later-
the team was exhausted and exaxperated. the battle with the galra they had just returned from was a long one. they had won, yes, but not without completely draining themselves. they were a lot of close calls, and things felt dismal. "listen up, team. we're taking the day off tomorrow. we've been working tirelessly, and i know we're all feeling weighed down. so relax tomorrow. do something you like" he told them. it served to be a giant relief to them all, even keith let go a placated sigh. lance woke up with a smile on his face the next day, ready to pamper himself. he spent time doing his favourite skincare rituals and singing to himself. when finished, he walked over to his closet, staring longingly at the mini skirt. "fuck it" he said to himself and put it on. lance trailed into the kitchen where the others sat, already eating breakfast. allura looked up, whooping loudly upon his arrival. "you look amazing lance!" she encouraged. he smiled at her in response. he felt shy under the rest of the group's gaze. shiro only smiled, telling lance to sit and have some breakfast. "lance! bro! you look good!" hunk told him around a mouthful of his food. "thanks buddy." lance smiled genuinely. pidge was fiddling with some game console in her hand, having thrown lance a small smile when he walked in. coran dove estatically into a story about how he used to wear his own fair share of skirts back in his day. and keith... keith is keeping his eyes resolutely on his plate. lance felt a pang of sadness but he quickly pushes it down. he looks GREAT and they finally have a day off. he's not gonna spend time thinking about his unrequited crush at all. he dove into his food. later on in the day, after lazing around and playing dungeons and dragons, lance suggests a game of hiding seek with the castle lights off. shiro and coran have retired to their rooms, so he insists they won't be slowed down by the "old people" allura, hunk and pidge say they're in, and keith does too, albeit reluctantly. "this is...juvenile. but i guess i don't have anything better to do" he says, shrugging. lance looks at him closely. keith hasn't looked him in the eye all day. still he pushes down his disappointment. "okay i'm counting! better go hide you bastards!" pidge yells out excitedly. allura runs in a circle for a solid minute, panicking and giggling before she takes off to the left side of the castle ship. hunk runs to the right, and keith slinks off somewhere stealthily. lance knows exactly where he won't be found, smirking to himself and taking his time walking there. he knows he won't be found in the "secret" door in the back of the library. it's an inconspicuous looking door, in the back left corner. the only way he'd found it because he was sulking one day alone, sitting on the floor of the library thinking about his family back home, resting his back against what he'd originally thought was the wall. it felt different, and after running his hands over it, he came across a doorknob sized button, and upon investigation, found that if pushed it the "wall" slid up to reveal an open room. in it was a massive floor to wall window, where he'd sat many nights gazing out at the stars. "fucking altean technology" lance mused to himself, stepping through the space upon arrival. he hurried over to his favourite spot where he liked to perch by the glass. except, he tripped over some lump like object. "shit!" he hissed palms slapping onto the tiled floor. "what the fuck man?" a disgruntled voice called. "keith??? how the hell did you get in here!?" lance asked, infuriated. "how did YOU get here? how do you even know about this place?" keith demanded.
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aesthetic--us · 5 years
Klance Christmas/ New Years HC
Keith isn’t one who spends too much time on decorations, so his apartment just kinda stays the same all year round 
Lance, however, decorates the shit outta the apartment where he lives with Hunk and Pidge
Because most of the gang is there, Keith just kinda spends most of his time there anyway
So every year, they rope Keith into helping them decorate the tree and cookies.
Lance will watch Keith struggle with untangling the lights, because “the children need to be entertained and drained out of energy so the real big boys can get the job done.” 
Once Keith finishes, Lance will not let anyone help him wrap the lights around the tree. Growing up in a household with lots of children, everyone had a specific task when it came to the tree, and doing the lights holds a special place in his heart to this day.
Once that’s done, everyone crowds the tree, putting up the small decorations. 
This year’s a little different because Keith and Lance are both pining idiots who physically cannot flirt without it seeming like a joke. But Lance is determined to ask out Keith before the year ends.
This year, they got a lot of new decorations, which they dumped in a clear box so anyone can just dig around and grab for them
Keith is self-conscious every time Lance touches him, whether it’s the small bump of his shoulder or their hands brushing past each other when they go back to get more decorations from the clear box on the sofa. 
“Look, it’s mistletoe.” Lance pulls out a small plastic mistletoe decoration between Keith and him. “Give me a kiss, Keith-y boy.” 
Keith just goes red in the face, immediately freezing up, because God knows when his gay panic hits, its like a big collision occurring in slow motion.
Lance just smacks his shoulder playfully. “Just kidding. Don’t go cheating on your girlfriend just because you can’t keep your paws off of me.” 
“ I’m gay.” 
Not how Keith was planning on coming out, but Hunk deemed it a celebration, so they all got a special dinner that night. 
If that phrase kept Lance up all night, hope slowly trickling into his system, he didn’t let anyone know. 
After that confession, their dynamic changed. Lance started to flirt more bluntly. Keith can’t figure out if he’s just imagining it, but it sure as hell is confusing the shit out of him.
Keith ranting to Shiro: “Today he asked to hold my hand because his were cold. I don’t know what it means!” 
“It means…that he wants to hold your hand…” Shiro pities Lance. Keith is as smart as a rock when it comes to signals. 
“But what if his hands were just cold?” 
“Would you hold my hand if I said I was cold?” 
“No.” Keith deadpans. 
Shiro thinks he’s finally gonna break through to Keith with logic 
"BuT LaNcE iS a DiFfErEnT sPeCiEs Of HuMaN-"
Keith does his very best not to have a heart attack and have his stomach burst with all the butterflies every time Lance does something that makes him fall in love even more.
Lance becomes more touchy with Keith. Every time they’re hanging out, he’ll wrap his arm loosely around Keith’s shoulder,,, and Lance is smart enough not to yawn every time he does it because,,, cringe. And to Keith, Lance always seems so smooth when he does it, so Keith does the only thing he can think of: pretend like it doesn’t affect him in any way, shape, or form.
Lance doesn’t know if he should be feeling let down because it seems like Keith isn’t affected by his presence, but it gives him the courage to do even more. 
 Whenever they’re with the whole gang and not doing anything in particular, he’ll grab Keith’s hand and just play with his fingers, sometimes just wanting to go for it and hold Keith’s hand altogether. But he doesn’t want to be tooooooooo obvious, so he holds back
Whenever they happen to sit or just be near each other, Keith makes sure to have his closest hand open and free.
Lance will occasionally convince Keith to cuddle with him while they’re having a movie night, bringing out a blanket so they can get cozy. Lance will lean into Keith, and Keith will rest his head on top of Lance’s. Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Shiro just pretend they don’t see them.
When Lance is out doing a Starbucks run, Hunk and Pidge always tell him what they want. But Keith never has to look up from his phone because he knows Lance has his order memorized. Keith rarely wants something different, so if Keith doesn’t want his usual, Lance knows Keith will tell him. And if that isn’t domestically cute,,,,,,,,
Keith has a habit of underdressing when he goes out, so over time, he unintentionally builds a collection of Lance’s clothes and vise versa.
Keith will go to Lance’s with just a t-shirt and some jeans made out of thin material on a day where it’s windy as heck. So Lance will convince Keith to change into one of his long sleeves, a hoodie, and a pair of warm sweats. Or Keith will be wearing a thin hoodie, which Lance will make him switch out for a thicker one. 
And so, at a certain point, they just start wearing each other’s clothes. 
“Hey, have you seen my green hoodie?” Lance asks Keith
“The one with the black thing on the sleeve?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been looking for it.” 
“It’s back at my place.” Keith feels a bit guilty at always taking his clothes. “Do you want me to bring it back next time?” 
“I mean,,, I don’t really need it…” Lance shrugs it off because just knowing Keith wears his clothes makes him feel like he’s Keith’s boyfriend. Plus, it’s not like he hasn’t used the clothes he has of Keith in his closet just because it went with his outfit better than anything else he owned. 
But now, knowing he has a chance, Lance decides to use Keith’s habit of taking his clothes to an advantage.
Keith, once again, didn’t bring a sweater 
“What material do you want?” Lance asks. 
“Um???? Does the material really matter?” Keith sure as heck doesn’t know what the heck the difference between cotton and polyester would mean. They’re all just meant to keep you warm, no???
“Then, might I suggest this sweater?” Lance holds a black sweater out to Keith,” Made out of boyfriend material.”
Keith pauses. Like physically pauses. So they’re just standing there. Lance still has his hand extended out with the sweater. And Keith is just staring at him. 
Keith’s heart starts beating really fast because he doesn’t know if Lance is trying to ask him out or just making another one of his weird jokes. So he sucks in air and slowly lets it out to calm himself. 
Lance hears Keith sigh, so he can only imagine how stupid he sounded. 
“I’m cold, so I’ll take it.” Keith grabs the sweater and puts it on. 
When Lance recounts the story to Hunk and Pidge later that night, he feels himself die of embarrassment.
“Now Keith is never gonna date meeeeeeee,” Lance whines, wishing that pick-up line never left his mouth. 
When Christmas Eve rolls around, Lance makes sure everyone is at his place so they can all stay up together until its 12 and they can open gifts.
Keith rolls up in black and red checkered pj bottoms and a black hoodie. In Lance’s eyes, he looked so damn fine in pjs. It shouldn’t be allowed to look that good in fuckin pjs. 
Lance wears a dark blue onesie with small snowflakes on it. He’s the embodiment of soft 
Keith shows up at 8 am with 2 boxes full of donuts and 4 hot chocolates. Because Hunk and Pidge are still asleep, Keith and Lance take a box of donuts and their hot chocolate and warm up under the covers in Lance’s bed. They spend their morning cuddling for warmth watching the Home Alone movies. 
By the second movie, they’ve already finished their hot chocolate and ate about 2-3 donuts each. Since they don’t need their hands anymore, Lance decides to be bold and lay his hand on top of Keith’s. 
Keith stiffens, and Lance almost pulls back, but he feels Keith snuggle closer to him, so he doesn’t.
Because Keith was so full of food and comfortably warm, he ends up falling asleep against Lance.
At first, Lance doesn’t notice
But then,,, a soft snore comes from Keith, which surprises Lance. The last thing he expected was to have Keith trust him enough to fall asleep near him. 
Lance moves his laptop and shimmies Keith off, placing a pillow under his head so he could be more comfortable 
Lance moves to lay next to him, just staring up at the ceiling. And just because he can, he places his hand in Keith’s and intertwines their fingers. It feels natural, though Keith’s hand was understandably limp since he is off in Dream Land
Without meaning to, Lance knocks out too. 
By the time Keith wakes up, Lance has managed to roll half of his body onto Keith’s, his left arm across Keith’s stomach and his head on Keith’s chest. 
Keith would have enjoyed the moment longer had his bladder not been yelling at him to bolt out of bed and get his ass in the bathroom. 
By the time everyone arrives, Hunk already has a batch of cookies set out on the counter with frosting bowls of different colors laid out.
They’re all decorating their cookies in fun, colorful ways, just enjoying the Christmas spirit when all of a sudden, they hear Keith yelling. 
Lance is laughing, having gotten red icing on Keith’s cheek. 
Keith dips his finger in blue icing and draws a line across Lance’s forehead. 
They’re both laughing, chasing each other, a bowl of icing in hand. It doesn’t take long before they’re both in their seats again. Instead of icing the cookies, they’re decorating each other’s faces.
Keith secretly hopes it never ends, because having Lance tenderly brush his hair back and just look at him like he’s something important has got him feeling on a high that he never wants to come down from. 
When they’re done, they have everyone vote on who’s ‘makeup’ is better. 
Of course, Lance wins. And if it means seeing Lance smile so brightly, Keith wouldn’t mind losing every time.
After their Secret Santa exchanges, people start trickling out of the apartment
Lance and Keith end up back in Lance’s room. 
Lance pulls out a box with a purple paste-on bow and hands it to Keith. “I got you some stuff. Merry Christmas.” 
Keith immediately stands up and hands the present back. 
Lance feels his heart sink. 
“Wait here. I got you something, too. It’s in my car. Let’s open them together!” Keith slips on his shoes before rushing out to his car to get the box in his backseat. 
Lance just gets jittery and full of butterflies. His face heats up just thinking of the fact that Keith spent time out of his day to buy him a present when he didn’t need to. 
And almost as immediately, he worries if his gift is good enough. Or if it’s too much. But it’s too late to do anything about it because he hears the front door open and shut. And seconds later, Keith was coming into his room, taking his previous place on Lance’s bed. 
They both exchange gifts.
When Keith opens his box, and the first thing that he pulls out is black fingerless mittens. Keith snorts, but smiles. Inside the box is also a clip-on dangling earring with a silver cross. 
Keith holds the earing closer to examine the cross. “Really? A dangling earing?” 
Lance shrugs. “To further help you in your effort to be an e-boy.”
The final items in Keith’s box are a picture of Lance doing a ridiculously looking kissy-face with Lance’s signature in black, black and red nail polish, and the most beautiful jacket he had ever seen. From the outside, it looked like black leather, but on the inside, it was soft and warm. 
“Oh my god, Lance! This jacket…thank you so much.” Keith hugs Lance tightly. His heart feels so full of love for the man in front of him. 
When Lance opens his box, the first thing he pulls out is a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, WHICH ARE HIS FUCKIN MOST FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD. He turns to look at Keith, who just gives him a yeah-I-know look. Lance resists the urge to open the box and just pop a chocolate into his mouth. 
Inside the box, Lance finds multiple pairs of fuzzy socks, a Baby-It’ s-Cold-Outside mug, 4 face mask sheets, a bottle of peel-off mask, and the softest blanket that he had ever felt.
They stay up late talking, but it doesn’t last very long because Keith gets sleepy, so he ends up leaving before he accidentally falls asleep on Lance’s bed again, not that Lance would mind.
 Lance and Keith never really talked about the underlying meaning of the gifts. Still, at that point, they both kinda already knew that their friendship was possibly a little more than platonic. But that has never stopped two pining idiots from tiptoeing around each other.
Before they know it, time flies by, and the whole gang is back at Lance’s apartment for New Years
Keith shows up a little late to the get-together. Hunk had asked him to stop by the grocery store and snatch some wine since he forgot to buy some earlier. 
Though Keith felt a little bold in his outfit, Shiro had encouraged him to wear it. So in he walks, wearing the semi-leather jacket Lance had gifted him and the clip-on earing, most of his hair pulled back in a small little puff that barely counted as a ponytail. 
When Lance saw him, Lance felt his heart almost jump out of his throat because HOT DAMN
“What Tik Tok video did you escape from?” Lance teases, helping Keith place the wine on the counter. Keith playfully glares at him. 
Keith sets down the last wine bottle. “People would die to date this ‘Tik-Tok escapee.’” 
“Uh-huh. Sure they would, sport,” Lance ruffles Keith’s hair. 
“Don’t touch the merchandise unless you’re planning to buy!” Keith yells, swatting Lance’s hand away. 
It’s not long before they’re both laughing. 
Out of habit, they both take their usual place on the couch, cuddling while they wait for everyone to arrive.
It’s a minute before the fated New Year is upon them. Everyone is getting together with their dates in front of the television or on the balcony.
Lance decides to take a chance and pull Keith aside to pop the question that had been bugging him all night. “Would you be my New Year’s kiss?”
One of Keith’s New Year Resolutions was to be bolder,,, And so what if there was still 20 seconds until the New Year? It didn’t mean that he couldn’t start a little bit early
Keith raises his eyebrow teasingly. “Just a New Year’s kiss?”
They can hear the tv in the background counting down. Lance is just standing there, unsure of what to really say. One thing’s for sure: it’s getting hot as heck in that room. 
Keith has to hold back his smile because he can visibly see Lance’s brain running a thousand miles per hour, and it’s nice to know that Keith can make him feel as nervous as he does around Lance. 
Lance grabs the neck of his jacket and tries to air himself. “Is it just me, or did it get 10 degrees hotter in here? I don’t know what material they used to make this thing, but I feel like I’m in a sauna.” 
Keith rolls his eyes. There are 10 seconds left on the clock. He knows that if he doesn’t make a move, they’ll probably get nowhere. 
Keith grabs Lance’s jacket and pulls him in close. He lightly tugs the coat. “Huh, well what do you know? It’s made out of boyfriend material.” 
Keith doesn’t get the chance to see Lance’s reaction because the next thing he knew, he was kissing Lance with the sounds of fireworks and the Time’s Square Ball Drop from the TV.
Keith’s eyelashes flutter as they pull apart. But Lance’s reaction was not one he was expecting.
Lance softly pushes Keith away, laughing. He has to place his hands on his knees because he can’t stop laughing. If it wasn’t for the wall next to him, he’d probably be on the floor. 
Keith’s first instinct is to feel hurt and rejected, but Lance’s laugh sounds so happy and bubbly that he can’t help but hold off on being rash. 
“What?” Keith asks insecurely. 
Lance takes a gulp of air, trying to recompose himself. He finally straightens up. 
“I can’t believe that I’m going to associate our first kiss with the words’ boyfriend material’ and a corny ass line.” Lance’s smile is so big that Keith can’t help but laugh as well. 
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backupblogforjg · 5 years
The racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism and cruel tropes in Voltron
So, it’s the anniversary of the ending of Voltron. And I’m getting really, really tired of people saying that only shippers hated the ending. There were many issues with Voltron, and they were neither limited to shipping nor to S8.
So, I’ve decided to compile a list.
It gets LONG. Turns out there was a hell of a lot of racist, sexist, ableist and cruel tropes in VLD.
In fact, I had originally planned on writing a list of both the terrible tropes and the plot holes. But there just wasn’t enough room for both. The post is huge as it is, and with the plot holes, it would have been twice as long, so I had to focus on only one thing.
Salt, obviously. So, so, so much salt. I could turn a lake into a sea here. You’ve been warned.
1) The Alteans are genocide survivors. Out of all the Alteans, only the black Altean was used for a Reverse Racism story where she resents a teammate for belonging to the race that exterminated hers. The white Alteans are totally cool with him, and with his race in general, and only hate the bad people. But the black one had to be taught that hating people because of their race is wrong.
2) VLD Allura is also the only version of Allura who is black. In every other Voltron media (several different cartoons and comics), Allura is blond with blue eyes. All the white versions of the character get a happy ending, while only the black version ends up dying to save the world.
While "hero sacrifices their life to save the world" is not a bad trope in and of itself, it becomes bad when it kills off one of the extremely few black female characters in leading roles. You kill off a white male hero, there are 463278462387 more. You kill off the black female hero, you are kinda screwed. Making it worse, Allura had been portrayed as suffering from depression throughout the latest seasons, so that her death comes across less as heroic sacrifice and more as suicide.
3) The brown Cuban kid who dreamed of being a pilot, and never once in 78 episodes ever expressed anything but sheer love for an exciting life, in the final two minutes of the final episode ends up realizing that the place for him is a farm.
4) As told in interviews, Lotor was meant to be a bad example of mixed-race person, to contrast him with Keith as good example of mixed race person. Do I even have to point out how messed up this is?
5) Even before they became Space Nazis, back when they were still on the side of the angels, the Galra invaded and conquered planets. This is portrayed as totally cool when they happily name the prince after a "hero" who invaded and conquered a lot of worlds, and the peaceful Alteans think the guy is just as heroic as one of their greatest scientists. Apparently there is such a thing as ethically killing people to steal their land.
6) They whitewashed Keith, a character who is poc in every other iteration of Voltron.
I’m sure a lot of people are going to get angry here, claiming that I hate Keith. Let me assure you, I don’t. I love Keith, and I hate what was done to him. I hate that they took a traditionally poc character and went to frankly ridiculous lengths to erase that part of his character. Keith should be Asian, and it would be incredibly easy to make him so in VLD (seriously, all they’d have to do is update the freaking bios, an intern could do it right now in 5 minutes). But they refuse to do it.
A lot of people don’t realise that the surname “Kogane” in VLD is fanon.
I’m serious. Check his official bios page. Keith is not actually called Keith Kogane in VLD. Fans started calling him that in fanfiction, and it stuck, but it’s not canon.
In every other Voltron media, Keith is an Asian guy. But in VLD, they:
- went out of their way to always avoid giving him an Asian surname
- gave him a Texan father
- refused to confirm his race, even when every other character had a specific race. Again, check his official bios. All the other characters got a race, Keith gets “human.” It got so ridiculous it would be funny if it weren’t sad. It pretty much went like this:
Fans: Keith is half alien, but about his human half, what is his ethnicity? EPs: oh, we couldn't possibly say, because the story takes place in the future, and in the future, everybody is mixed up! So, Keith is HUMAN, we can't give him a specific race because there are no specific races in the future! Fans: ok. And what are the races of the other characters? EPs: Pidge is Italian, Lance is Cuban, Hunk is half-black half- Samoan, Shiro is Japanese. Fans: but Keith...? EPs: HUMAN! There is no such thing as race in the future!
Some people at least hoped that Keith's Texan father had Asian ancestry because he kinda looked like Shiro, who is Japanese. But the EPs confirmed that the resemblance was just a coincidence, they never meant for the dad to look Japanese.
At this point pretty much the only evidence that Keith is Asian is that he is voiced by an Asian person. But then, Josh Keaton is not Japanese, is he?
7) After whitewashing Keith, they claimed he is the best leader of Voltron, better than his poc predecessor, because he has Galra blood.
So, instead of bringing up any sort of legit reason to justify why Keith should be in charge (like his empathy or pilot skills), they go with "the half-white guy is also half space-nazi and that's why he should give the orders instead of the poc guy."
If you think I’m bashing Keith here, please ask yourself why you are getting angry at the person pointing out the whitewashing instead of getting angry at the whitewashing. Especially when, again, making VLD Keith canonically poc could be done anytime with zero cost and zero effort, and DW just doesn’t want to.
- Hunk, the half-black half-Samoan guy, was going to be killed and replaced as Paladin by a blue alien. The EPs were pissed when DW forbade them to, and complained in the interview about it.
Every single woman who is ever put in charge ends up going insane, making terrible decisions that endanger her planet, or losing all of her authority.
Allura starts out as co-leader of Voltron and leader of the Coalition. Ends up as a foot soldier who takes orders from the new leader and his right-hand man, and is treated as a cadet by the Earth military.
1) Dreamworks, Netflix and the EPs very, very, very heavily promoted S7 as GLBT-friendly. The EPs gave whole interviews about the past relationship between Shiro and new character Adam, retweeted a ton of posts celebrating Shiro’s homosexuality, and enthusiastically sent tweets like "you are going to see more of Adam in S7! :D" from their personal accounts after they showed the episode that introduced him.
In S7:
- Shiro's homosexuality is so ambiguous that even the Brazilian voice actor didn't realize that he was supposed to be gay. Just by watching the show, without knowing the World Of God, you can’t tell he and the other guy were engaged.
- Adam gets about 30 seconds of screentime after that one episode they had already shown. Then he dies screaming in pain and terror in a fire.
A lot of people claimed that it was okay to kill Adam because Shiro was supposed to be our rep, not Adam, who was a brand new character we knew little about. And, out of context, that would be true. Adam was pretty much a NPC, why would his death matter?
But the problem here is the context:
- Shiro is closeted in S7, you need to read interviews to know he is gay. So, if only Shiro is meant to be the rep, they couldn’t even do that right.
- They very heavily marketed both Shiro and Adam as gay rep, and specifically talked at length about Adam in several interviews.
In THAT context, REGARDLESS of what you ship, killing off Adam revealed a complete willingness to manipulate the audience to the point of outright lying. Even if you hated Adam, even if Adashi is your NOTP, the clear evidence that the creators had absolutely no problem making empty promises was NOT a good sign.
2) The moment Shiro is revealed to be gay in interviews, he is practically quarantined from the Team.
3) Shiro is also given a Totally Not AIDS deadly disease.
Making it even worse, Shiro never actually gets cured in canon. We are told he is cured in interviews, but the show itself drops the topic entirely. Depending on where you lean in the Word Of God VS Death Of The Author debate, Shiro may be doomed to die.
4) A female villain is revealed to be a lesbian. 30 seconds later she gleefully tortures a little girl. Then she, too, dies in a fire.
(Fan outrage about pulling two Bury Your Gays in the Season that had been very heavily promoted as GLBT-friendly caused DW to retcon her death and bring her back in S8, but she was originally meant to die in the explosion)
5) Shiro ends up marrying a random character who doesn’t even get a name in the show.
1) Shiro's PTSD magically disappears offscreen. In interviews, the EPs claimed that he "got over it" between S6 and S7 because "he is a professional." Wow! Who knew being a professional magically cures mental illnesses!
2) Shiro is an amputee. The EPs admitted that they never put any thought into his status as disabled rep, they just wanted a character with a cool-looking arm. It literally didn't occur to them that making him lose his arm (TWICE! First up to the biceps, then up to the shoulder) meant anything. Also worth noting that Shiro’s new arm makes him look like the guy who tormented him.
3) Shiro is systematically robbed of his agency.
- He is the only Paladin who never gets to use his bayard.
- He loses his bond with Black for no given canon reason (and the reason they give in interviews makes no sense, they basically say that transferring his soul out of the Black Lion makes her stop loving him. But she still lets Zarkon fly her!).
I know that Keith is traditionally Black’s pilot in Voltron media (although that shouldn’t matter, because VLD made a lot of huge changes to the traditional status quo). But if they wanted Black Paladin Keith that badly, they could have given some non-insulting reason for it. For example, say “because Shiro has spent so much time within Black, their bond is now so strong that he will get absorbed again if he flies her again.” Or co-pilots in Black (if Pidge can co-pilot with Matt, why can’t Shiro co-pilot with Keith?).
- He is defeated not only by Sendak, but also by a bunch of random Alteans. He basically can’t win a fight anymore unless it’s played for laughs.
- His new robot Atlas is bigger than Voltron, but also much weaker, and can only buy a few minutes for Voltron to come save the day.
- Every single enemy he ever defeated comes back to be finished off by somebody else (even the friggin' Gladiator from S1 comes back in S8). In the epilogue, he retires in his twenties.
4) Narti, the disabled General, is fridged shortly after her introduction. For a while at least it seemed like her death had affected the remaining three Generals, but then it turns out that the "For Narti" line was a trick and they never actually planned on avenging her.
1) They intentionally baited the fans by pushing the plot thread that Lotor would be redeemed. They named the episode where he defects "A New Defender," they kept saying in interviews that they come from Avatar and they are very familiar with Zuko *hint hint*, they showed his family as incredibly abusive and Lotor himself as desperate, they showed that Lotor was a victim of severe racism (he is mixed race, and as stated above, the Galra are Space Nazis and are pretty obsessed with blood purity).
Then, after revealing him to be a villain, they gave an interview where they practically dislocated their shoulders by patting themselves on the back as they gleefully bragged that "we made them think we would give them a Zuko, but we gave them an Azula!"
(Nevermind the fact that Azula herself was a 14-year-old child, not a monster, and that Aaron Ehasz himself confirmed that he always wanted her to be redeemed).
When fans who are survivors of child abuse told them that the bait-and-switch was really hurtful, they laughed it off, and claimed that Lotor was just beyond redemption. Then they proceeded to redeem Lotor's abusive parents, who were objectively much worse.
2) Shiro’s clone, who sincerely believed he was Shiro and always meant well, was dehumanised, demonised and discarded like his life meant nothing. His short existence was full of pain from literally the moment he first opened his eyes, as Haggar kept torturing him with migraines to manipulate him. In the end, she brutally violates him body and mind, and brainwashes him to force him to turn on the family he was so desperate to find in The Journey. He dies in incredibly questionable circumstances, without ever getting to learn that his family survived Haggar’s plans. He is victim-blamed for the things she forced him to do against his will with mind-control, and is never mourned because the only family he ever had writes him off as a “thing” and “evil.”
In fact, the horrific treatment of Kuron foreshadowed S8. The Medium article “It never stops at one - Why Voltron: Legendary Defender's tragic ending wasn't a surprise and why more DreamWorks' series will follow suit” explains how.
The tl;dr version is that, when a story posits that the circumstances of your birth determine the value of your life, so that good intentions and hard work mean nothing, and long-established bonds can be discarded with zero thought and care, and your very humanity can be revoked over something you have absolutely no control over, and the whole sociopathic disaster is celebrated as a happy ending... it really, really can’t end well. Not just for you, but for the entire cast.
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madeofstardust17 · 5 years
Coffee and perfection
Thought I should get this posted since it's been lying on my documents forever.
Rating: T for Pidge trying (and failing) to be sexy
Summery: 21 year old Pidge gets drunk and Lance being a good friend, decides to take her home. He should not be suffering like this.
Pidge was drunk. 
Katie Holt, genius, former green paladin of Voltron, universally famous tech expert, was drunk out of her mind, chatting with a guy whose name was probably Chad or John by the bar. 
Lance watched her, trying not to sulk as he nursed his half-drank glass of whiskey in a table in the other corner of the bar. 
He scowled when she giggled at something mr. perfect told her and slapped his arm playfully but rather clumsily. 
But when he placed his hand on her calf, leaning closer to her, he got up, his blood roaring in his ears. 
He barely registered walking over to them, but one second he was too far away and the next he had a hand on her shoulder, putting on a smile that came out looking more like a grimace. 
Pidge looked up and smiled lazily when she saw him. 
“Hey Lance” she said, her speech a little slurred. The moment she opened her mouth, Lance could smell the alcohol as if she wear breathing on his face. 
“You’re drunk, Pidge” he told her, and she looked at him like “duh”
He turned to the guy 
“I’m sorry, but I’m taking her home” 
He suspected that from his tone, the guy could tell he really wasn’t 
“Wait a moment” the guy complained “how do I know she’ll get back safely with you?”
Dammit, he was a nice guy. Lance hated it when they were nice guys. 
“I’m her best friend” 
And when the man looked skeptical, he tapped Pidge’s shoulder, she looked up
“Pidge, who am I?”
She grinned lazily at him, and he ordered himself not to dwell on how his heart skipped a beat when she looked at him with those honey-colored eyes 
“You’re Lance, my bff” she giggled, and the continued in a singsong voice “Lance Lance, Lancey-Lance, my sharpshooter”
Lance looked at the guy, pretending his cheeks weren’t turning red.
The guy, obviously annoyed Lance had ruined his fun, scowled and turned away, draining the last of his drink. 
Without further ado, Lance grabbed the girl’s arm and slung it over his shoulders, helping her stand up. 
Even with his help, her knees wobbled, and her black high heels shook, threatening to make her fall.
“Goodbye Jack!” She called, shouting louder than necessary.
Close enough, Lance though with a wry smile. 
Miraculously, he managed to get her inside his car without too much trouble. 
They reached Pidge small apartment not too long after, and lance found Pidge with her eyes closed and leaning against the window when he parked. 
“Pidge” he said. When she only grunted, he shook her shoulder. She slapped his hand clumsily and glared at him. 
He stifled a laugh and said 
“You’re home” 
She hummed and said no more.
Rolling his eyes, he got out of the car and opened her door, smirking when she almost fell sideways but managed to right herself before she could. 
She glared at him, hurt and feeling betrayed, but when he only raised an eyebrow at her, she pouted and rested her head against the back of her seat and whimpered. 
“Oh my god” he said exasperated as he leaned down. 
Placing an arm beneath her legs and another one around her shoulder, he scooped her up into his arms. 
“You’re a pain in my ass. You know that, Holt?”
She merely hummed, surrounded his neck with her arms and rested her head on his shoulders. 
Suddenly he felt uncomfortably hot, and he felt a flush creep up his neck.
Grumbling, he climbed the steps that led to her apartment, and they hadn’t even reached her door when she spoke 
“Since when do you call me Holt?” She said, not bothering to open her eyes 
“Since when do you let me carry you?”
“Fair ‘nough”
Smiling, she rest her head again in his shoulder and said no more. 
Cursing the gods that had made his best friend so cute, he struggled to open the door that led into her nice but modest apartment. 
He closed the door with his foot, walked over to where her bedroom was and lay her down on her bed. 
She hummed happily and spread her arms and legs as if she were making a snow angel, giggling like a child. 
She looked at him, a funny look in her eyes 
“Wanna lay down here with me?” She said, with another small giggle that was so not Pidge.
I’d love to.
“I’d rather not, thanks ” he said instead, looking in her closet for clean pijamas. 
She laughed, a sound that made his hair stand on end as she sat up, bouncing a little on the mattress. 
“Come on”
She stood up on wobbly legs and naked feet, walking over to him. 
She ran a hand down his arm, and the place her fingers touch burned like fire. 
“Let’s have fun” she purred as she leaned closer. 
He could feel her hot breath on his neck now, as well as the violent flush that was creeping up his neck once again. 
“You’re drunk” he said, mostly to himself “you need to sleep”
But he quickly closed his mouth and eyes as she pressed her lips into his jawline. A whimper he refused to let out caught on his throat. This was torture, this was pure evil.
He imagined Shiro’s voice in his head, saying “patience yields focus” over and over again, trying to ignore Pidge’s lips making her way up, almost to the corner of his mouth.
Without thinking he lowered his face, and their lips met briefly, before Lance stepped away in pure panic.
“This is wrong” he said. Pidge looked sad, disappointed even.
“I thought… don’t you want…?” She looked at a loss for words as tears filled her eyes.
God, no, please don’t cry, Kate. He looked at the girl helplessly
“It’s not that I don’t want this, Katie” Lance said, almost in a whisper, surrounding her with his arms.
“It’s that I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you”
Pidge didn’t respond, but nodded, her eyes shut as her arms sneaked around his back and she leaned into him
“It’s spinning” she mumbled “the room” panic flared inside him
“Are you gonna be sick?”
She shook her head, so as gently as he could, he scooped her up again, and walked back to the bed. 
She didn't say anything as he lowered her into it, right until he made to walk away. 
She grabbed his arm
“Where you going?” She mumbled, already half asleep
“To get you some clean clothes” he wrinkled his nose “you reek of alcohol” 
“Asshole” she sounded more awake now, more like her normal self
“Gremlin” He shot back, grabbing the clothes he had discarded on the floor before. 
She asked him to get the zipper of her dress down, and he complied, trying very hard not to stare at her freckled back. 
Lord, give him strength. 
She finally took the dress off and put her pajama pants on, but when she tried to put on the t-shirt, it didn’t go as well. 
“Lance” she whimpered “help”
Lance, who had been standing with his front to the wall turned and found Pidge trapped. She had tried to fit her head into one of her sleeves and was now stuck. 
Rolling his eyes with a small smile and trying very hard not to laugh, he walked up to her as she struggled
“I can’t see!” She cried, and he pursed his lips to hold the laughter that was begging to burst out of him
“Okay just… hold on” 
He managed to get her head out of hole and into the right one. 
When she saw him she smiled 
“There you are”
“There I am” he grinned. She leaned forward and kissed his nose (although she was off balance and she ended up mostly kissing his upper lip) before getting up and stumbling over to the bathroom. 
Lance stood frozen for a few seconds, blinking rapidly as his cheeks reddened. 
He could hear the girl brushing her teeth as she mumbled something to herself.
“She’s drunk” he muttered “she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She is drunk”
“I’m not that drunk you know” Pidge shouted from the bathroom “I’ve been drunker than this before”
“Did you just say ‘drunker’?” He grinned. The only response he got was a snort.
Rubbing his face, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a painkiller along with a glass of water before returning to the bedroom, where Pidge was already crawling underneath the covers. 
“Alright” He said, leaving the painkiller and glass of water in the nightstand “you need to sleep this off, so I’m leaving this here, and I’ll go sleep on the couch. ‘Night, Pidgeon” he went to leave, but she grabbed his wrist. 
Trying very hard to fill himself with determination, he took a deep breath and looked at the girl. 
She raised her arms towards him, her hair messy and her eyes shining, her cheeks pink 
“Hold me?”
He clicked his tongue and looked elsewhere, looking for something to give him the courage to say no. 
“Please? I don’t want to sleep alone” he made the mistake of looking at her, and the puppy eyes that looked back were stronger than him. 
His poor heart never stood a chance. 
“Fine” he sighed, resigning himself to his fate.
He crawled into the covers next to her and wrapped his arms around her thin frame. 
She smiled, humming in delight as she snuggled closer, burying her face on his chest.
“Thank you, Lance” she said, her speech slurred again. 
“Goodnight, Pidge” He said, feeling the pull of sleep already. 
Lance woke up to soft breathing and a warm petite body pressed against his. 
He raised his hand and found soft hair, which explained the sweet smell of what he thought might be green tea shampoo. 
Katie. His brain supplied. 
He was sleeping next to Katie Holt. He was cuddling with Pidge. 
He opened his eyes, and there she was, her face completely relaxed as she dreamt on, her hair a mess and her pajamas rumpled.
Lance thought she had never looked so beautiful. 
She was going to wake soon, he thought. She was going to wake up and freak out, but when he tried to sit up to make breakfast for the girl who was surely nursing a terrible hangover, she grabbed onto the shirt he had been wearing the previous night, frowning slightly. 
Oh well. A small voice in his mind said Better enjoy the peace while it lasts. 
So he fell back down and embraced her again, pleasantly dozing for what he thought it might have been half an hour, before the 21 year old beside him started to stir, groaning and burying her face in his chest to escape the light seeping through the window. 
“Yeah, Sorry about that” he said “I forgot to pull the curtains close last night”
The moment he started speaking she tensed, frozen on the spot. 
“Lance?” Her voice was hoarse and small, as if she were wishing he was product of her imagination. Her hope was lost when she looked up and found him staring at her, half amused, half concerned.
“Well, hello there, Pidgeon. Sleep well?” 
She sat up, looked at him, looked at her lap and then straight forward.
“I’m not doing this right now” and with this, she got up, wobbled her first few steps and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 
That’s fair. He thought as he rubbed his eyes and got up to make coffee. 
When he came back with a steaming cup of black coffee for Pidge, he found her sitting on her bed, drinking the glass he had left on her nightstand the night before. 
When she was done, he sat next to her, keeping his distance, and handed her the mug without a word. 
With a grunt he took for a thanks, she took the coffee, put the painkiller in her mouth and took two large gulps of the steaming drink. 
After a few minutes in which she finished her coffee and the color returned to her face, she looked at him with a grimace. 
“How many stupid things did I do last night?” She asked 
“That depends, how much do you remember?”
The glare she gave him should not have been cute, but somehow it was.
“Lance” her tone gave a warning, but it was also pleading. 
“Nothing too embarrassing” he assured her. 
“Well I remember trying to kiss you, and that counts as embarrassing” she said, taking the last sip from her coffee. 
“It’s fine, Kate. I don’t mind” 
The nickname seemed to anger her, because her cheeks turned red, and there was fire in her eyes as she said 
“But I do mind, Lance. I-” she stopped herself “you turned me down” it wasn’t an accusation, or a resigned comment, it was just a fact.
The words slipped from her lips before she could stopped them, and her ears turned bright crimson as she stood up and turned to the bathroom 
“Excuse me”
“Katie, wait” he followed her, but she shut the door in front of him.
“But I didn’t want to, Kate. I really didn’t” he pressed his forehead against the door, suddenly feeling very, very tired. 
The door opened, and he had a moment of panic as he struggled to regain his balance. 
Pidge stood there, her hair still a mess, her pajamas rumpled and looking like a fallen angel in Lance’s eyes.
“You… didn’t?” 
There was confusion in her eyes, as well as distrust, and maybe... a bit of hope?
He dared take a step forwards, so that their were a mere foot from each other. 
“I told you, but I’m not sure you remember” 
She shook her head. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck, not sure how to say what he wanted her to know. 
“I turned you down” he said slowly, swallowing hard “because you were drunk, and I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you” 
She said nothing, and Lance couldn’t bear the silence.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but I never knew if you were interested, and I didn’t want to make things weird, and yesterday you caught completely off guard -you looked stunning, by the way, it was so not fair and now-” he stopped suddenly, looking at her with a mixture of confusion, exasperation and amusement. 
“Your laughing at me” he said, but her laughs were contagious and he was soon smiling 
“Don’t laugh at me, I just poured my heart out to you” but a moment later he was laughing too. 
“I’m sorry” she said between laughs, trying to stop, clutching her ribs.
“It’s just so ridiculous” she continued to laugh, tears in the corner of her eyes. 
“You know, of all the ways I expected you to react” he said, finally calming down “I didn’t think this would be an option”
“Yeah well” she said, breathing deeply to stop another wave of laughter 
“You always knew how to make me laugh” she giggled once more before falling silent.
He grinned at her, a pleasant warmth rising to his chest as he reached out a grabbed her hand. 
“Soooo, does this mean I get to take you out?” 
She hummed in thought 
“As long as you don’t take me out for drinks. I’ve had enough of alcohol for a while” 
“Shame. I liked drunk Pidge”
“Asshole” She swatted his arm, but she was still smiling.
He leaned forward, his heart in his throat, and waited for a second, telling her without words that she could back away if she wanted. 
Instead, she stepped forwards, and her lips met his. 
He pulled away, leaving her dazed
“I’ve been waiting so long to do that” he said, grinning 
“What were you waiting for?”
“I can’t remember” 
And with that, he kissed her again.
“Now” she said, breaking away first. It took him a moment to open his eyes, which made her smile.
“Go get me some more coffee” she pushed towards the kitchen. 
“Yes, ma’am” with one last soft kiss, he went on his way, and she turned to the very inviting bed. 
She flopped down onto the mattress, hiding her smile and her flushed cheeks. 
Maybe getting drunk had been worth it.
She looked up after a few seconds though, frowning 
“Did I really say ‘drunker’?” She shouted.
“It was the highlight of my night” she heard Lance respond, his tone full of cheek.
Huffing, she flopped down again, hiding the violent flush in her cheeks, neck and ears.
Nope. Not worth it. 
As she lay on her bed waiting for the coffee, her phone buzzed in her nightstand. She extended her arm and patted the table until she found it. 
She rolled onto her back and looked at her messages. 
A screenshot of a local newspaper showed Lance half carrying her to a car. The headline wasn’t visible. Under the screenshot, Keith wrote 
Samurai: [Shiro’s having a heart attack over this]
Pidge snorted 
Gremlin: [He’s not that old]
Samurai: [What the hell happened?]
Gremlin: [I got drunk and Lance took me home] 
Samurai: [and…?]
Gremlin: [you're such a gossip]
Samurai: [so something DID happen]
Gremlin: [Shut up]
Samurai [he asked you out, didn’t he?]
Gremlin: [...maybe] 
Samurai: [I fucking knew it. Shiro’s gonna freak] 
Gremlin: [you're a terrible friend] 
Samurai: [I know]
Pidge sighed and dropped the phone. At that moment lance entered the room with another cup of coffee.
“Who are you talking to?”
“Keith and Shiro know”
Lance frowned as he sat down and handed her the mug
“Yesterday some paparazzi saw us leaving the bar. Shiro saw the headline, he sent it to Keith and I’ve just talked to Keith” 
Lance grabbed his phone 
Sharpshooter: [Keith you ass. Stop gossiping] 
Mullet: [never] 
Just then another text made Lance’s phone buzz
Spacedad: [you do know what will happen if you hurt our girl?]
Sharpshooter: [she’ll kick my ass] 
Spacedad: [good boy]
Lance sighed and dropped his phone. He gave Pidge a deadpan group 
“I hate our friends” 
She hummed as she dunked her coffee.
“No you don’t” 
“I should” he grumbled “they’re all jackasses”
“Except for Hunk” she corrected 
“Except for Hunk” he agreed
“They’re just worried about us” she said, reaching over and grabbing his hand “I thinks it’s sweet”
“Romance makes you soft” he noted 
“A little bit” she leaned forward and their lips met halfway.
She tasted like coffee. 
It was the image of perfection. 
Cheesy, I know. Comment if you like it please!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 98
   It was weird to have slow weeks again with all the excitement Keith had brought into his life. Keith had called to update him on things in Platt which weren’t exactly good. A scuffle had broken out between three vampire clans, so Lotor, and his generals, were now calling VOLTRON home for the foreseeable future. Asking far too much over Lance for Keith’s comfort. Keith and Shiro were both back in with Blades after the failure of a mission, though Keith was two weeks out of loop, so he’d had to work extra time to catch up on everything he’d missed. Then the last two weeks August had seemed to disappear into thin air, without seeing Keith. Lance honestly didn’t know where they’d gone, only that they were wankers for leaving him without Keith for so long.
  Filled in far too much, Sendak seemed to be the cause of the recent vampire fighting. The four clans suffering heavy casualties, which meant pretty much every night hunters and Blades were on the look out of for potential vampires turning humans to bolster their numbers. Plus they had to deal with werewolves getting all uppity with their mangy noses out of joint. Two murders had made their way into the news, the reports on the details varied differently with between each printed news report. Someone had brought up the question of it being related to the theft he and Keith committed, with that particular story disappearing within 6 hours of making it to socials. The Blades could make anything disappear, maybe even him if they got sick of all these vampire drama. Lance didn’t envy Keith at all. He knew his boyfriend was working hard, even harder as he tried to avoid his approaching birthday weekend... despite how freakin’ long it was until their holiday. The broody anger loaf as as bad at him over birthdays. He could have easily pushed it to the back of his mind, but instead he wanted all the information and considered hiking it ahead of time so they wouldn’t get lost.
  Lance was working in his own way. Pidge found them a “case” a few towns over. Lance didn’t want to go. He felt wiped from his heat. Pidge had no pity for him after a “romantic week away”, Lance ending up going. Matt coming along for the night and succeeding in pissing off Pidge by explaining away phenomenons with science. He was kind of right. There wasn’t the feeling of death in the building despite its age, nor any annoying shadows to ignore. Hunk saved them all from Pidge’s bad mood by suggesting the turn the video into a “debunk” video for the watchers. It was nice to have part of his old life back. He felt as if things were finally settling down for the Garrison Trio, and that they’d worked past his whole “vampire” issue. A new video landed him a couple of new clients seeking advice, giving him a chance to feel helpful in a different way from tagging along because Lotor wanted it.
  Vegged out on the sofa, their new family member mooed loudly from outside. Yeah. They’d kept the damn cow. Three weeks seemed too long to now be going out and finding the owner seeing she hadn’t been reported missing. They’d even named her Kaltenecker. Blue wasn’t fond of her. Her Royal Highness was sulking as it was. She and Kosmo had gotten pretty close, Lance feeling she missed the hyperactive pup as much as he missed Keith. She’d tried to be friendly with Kaltenecker, but was out the moment Kalternecker’s long slobbery tongue passed over her head. He didn’t like to admit that he slept with one of Keith’s shirts over his pillow these days, because it felt kind of stalkerish and really rather lame. He couldn’t help that he slept better with Keith’s scent close to him, despite the fact he felt a 45 year old man should probably have grown out of nightmares long ago.
  Matt and Rieva both tried to help with his nightmares. Lance appreciated the thought, but his dreams had been so weird lately that he had no idea what to make of them. Sometimes they were about him being turned. Sometimes he’d turned Keith in them and they were having the weirdest adventures. He’d had one dream where he was pregnant and Keith was on a quest to find him shorts... though, the worst dream he’d had was when Nyma and Rolo had kidnapped Keith and he’d come home to find his boyfriend dead. It took calling Keith to calm him down from that one.
  There was also one big change in the house that made Lance happy. Curtis had moved back in. When he’d come to check on him at the hotel, they’d talked, entertaining the idea of finding an apartment in Platt, only to decide that it was more practical if Curtis lived there. It was nice to have him back. Curtis felt as lost as he did over not being able to be in the field with Keith and Shiro. Having found a home outside VOLTRON, where his curse wasn’t such a big deal, Lance fully supported Curtis moving in and having fresh air and freedom. Plus, it helped to have someone get as emotional over soap operas as he did. Matt forced to watch the pair of them make fools of themselves as they’d yell at the TV over the script.
  With Rieva at her waitressing job, Lance having cleaned through the house, and nothing much to do, Lance was curled up against Curtis, Christmas shopping for their friends group, and trying to ignore the feelings of anxiety that came with waiting for Keith to check in with him. Seeing he was giving Keith a twin set of blades for his birthday, Lance was facing he dilemma of “Did he buy Keith another blade” or “Should be he buy him camera equipment without knowing anything about cameras”. His boyfriend really did get excited at the idea of stabbing things... Maybe too excited so he shouldn’t give him a potential murder weapon?
  He could always gift Keith a voucher to a camera equipment store, but he didn’t want to spend too much on the voucher and have Keith feel guilty over the cost of the gift. He could probably pick up a vintage camera as a gift...
  Then again, he’d seen some amazing antique blades. As well as custom jobs that seemed to scream Keith’s name at him. It was hard containing himself. Huge gifts would be nice, he’d spoil Keith rotten for every single bad birthday memory he had, yet a heartfelt gift was worth more than spending thousands. That’s why he loved that he had a small selection of Keith’s photos. His photography so super personal that the vampire felt kind of honoured. He adored it. He adored the photos of them all, the photos of the caves, but his favourite was of Keith and Kosmo cuddled up together, even more so of the ones where he was kissing Keith’s cheek. Now he was missing his boyfriend again. God. Okay. No more swords. Time to move on to Shiro and who better to ask than his boyfriend?
  “Hey, Curtis. What are you getting Shiro for Christmas?”
“I’m not going through this again”
Tilting his head back, Lance frowned up at Curtis
“What does that mean?”
Curtis sighed at him
“It means Keith nearly had a mental breakdown trying to decide on your gift. I will not go through that again”
Lance blinked at him, a warm feeling in his belly that his boyfriend cared that much. He didn’t blame Curtis for not wanting to go through that again, a stressed Keith could be very bossy and uncooperative
“No, I’m being literal here. I don’t want to get him the same thing as you. I’m tossing up between getting Keith another blade, or some camera equipment. I thought I’d move onto Shiro”
“Oh. I was sure you were edging into asking what you should purchase for Keith. He was quite the wreck the morning of your birthday. 5 cups of coffee, all in different cups. Pacing nonstop. Freaking out because he hadn’t purchased a present and it had to be just right and in no way lame”
  Lance huffed at Curtis. He really wanted to call Keith now... Their camping trip seemed so long away... 52 days. Every day counting down was being marked off on his office calendar and his friend calendar
“I am trying not to think about how much I miss my boyfriend. What should I get Shiro?”
Shiro was filled with “Dad” vibes. Sometimes it felt he was the only mature one around them
“You could get us matching T-shirts. I’m with stupid pointing to him, and his saying “I am stupid””
“Dude, that seems more like something you should give him. Maybe I’ll skip him for now”
“You could get him an ugly sweater?”
Lance hummed. Shiro was a closet nerd. He’d seen the bobble head collection... and the movie collection...
“That could work. Maybe some socks to make it feel like a dad present. Thanks for the idea. What are you getting him?”
“I’m thinking I should get him an ugly sweater now”
Lance rolled his eyes
“That’s what you told me to get him”
“But it’s such a good idea. Why don’t we all get him ugly sweaters?”
“Because you’re the one who’s going to have to live with the consequences”
“I don’t mind”
“Fiiiiine. But you better gift him something else to make up for it, or he’s really going to think we don’t like him”
“I think I’ll manage. Why are you shopping now?”
“So it’s all out the way. Postage gets hectic around Christmas and if there’s going to be delays than I want the extra time”
  He was letting his age show. But with two months to go before everyone started going mental for Chris, he wanted things all organised so he didn’t have the last minute rush to deal with. He had his eye on a nice outdoor setting as his birthday gift to himself, a little late, but if he timed it right he couldn’t always say it was an early Christmas present. He wanted something bigger to fit them all comfortably, once he’d extended the brickwork... maybe built a pen for Kaltenecker... ohhh... Kaltenecker could have her own stall near the house. They could build a doggy training course for Kosmo... and Matt...
“Curtis, do you know anything about construction”
“Not particularly. Dismantling measures... Explosives. Survival measures”
“Do you want to try building a cow pen with me?”
“No. And you will not be building one either. Go back to your Christmas shopping”
  Lance pouted. Not liking being told not to do something. It wasn’t an ego thing. It was something he’d heard so many times in his life. No matter how good he’d been, he wasn’t good enough
“I did all the repairs on the house for like the most part, and things are still standing”
“So you did the electrics, the plumbing, reroofing...?”
Well... no. The walls had to come down to tackle the mould and... his ego didn’t like what Curtis was saying
“I pulled down the walls and replaced them once I got rid of the mould”
“Great. You broke stuff. Speaking of broken stuff, Matt and Rieva broke the bed again”
“I heard. Maybe it’s time to get them another bed for that room? Instead of two singles pushed together?”
“Weren’t they planning on moving out once their probation ended?”
“That’s beside the point...”
  He really liked having them there. Not just because he’d become friends with them, but for the added security of having two werewolves in the off chance of things going south
“You’re acting delusional. Maybe it’s the stress of Christmas shopping?”
“I’m not stressed. And before you ask, I’ve already ordered your present”
“I know. I’ve been on your laptop”
“Dude! Privacy! I’ve got confidential client... you’re an arsehole”
Curtis started laughing as he snapped at him
“You should have seen your face”
“You should see what I’m going to do to yours”
Curtis brushed his hair back from his horn
“It’s because I’m horny, isn’t it? You wouldn’t hit a horny man”
Lance choked on air. Curtis laughing at him as he spluttered. Part of Curtis’s Christmas present might have to go missing in revenge. Sulkily, Lance snapped his laptop closed. His friend was a dick. He was a raisin cookie pretending to be filled with chocolate goodness
“I’m going to go make lunch while you think about your actions”
And check in on Matt who was doing “Top Secret Research”
“Oh, good. Food and free entertainment. This really is the life”
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wendyhamlet · 6 years
Third time’s the charm
I blame @bittenred (not that I’m complaining lol)
Inspired by @magimagali ‘s amazing art:
“Everyone find a spot! Hunk scoot over. Lance! Could you grab my phone?”
He turned to where Pidge had motioned and grabbed her phone, joining the circle of his peers sitting on the floor. “Here ya go.” He said as he handed it over, his eyes flickered to her right, daring to glance at Keith while he was distracted.
He took a sip from his bottle, his neck shifting as he swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing. Condensation glistened on his lower lip, and Lance watched, transfixed as Keith dragged his teeth across it to catch the droplets absentmindedly.
He’d gotten taller, and broader. Backpacking across Europe for the past year with his mom must have been a good workout.
“Lance, finish that bottle off so we can use it.”
Keith’s gaze, redirected by Allura’s comment, flickered over to Lance, their eyes met for a moment, but Lance looked away quickly, cheeks flushing at being caught staring.
He downed the last of his beer and set the bottle down on its side in the middle of their circle. “Alright, who’s first?”
“You might as well.”
He shrugged, needing something to keep him occupied so he wouldn’t keep looking at or thinking about Keith.
Reaching forward, he gave the bottle a good flick, watching as it spun around and around, slowing and finally stopping. On Keith.
The circle all cheered and hooted, laughing at the look on both young men’s faces.
“Time for a new rivalry, who’s the better kisser?” Hunk said between chuckles.
Lance shot an unamused look at his best friend, his cheeks flaming as he stretched across the circle and placed the quickest of kisses against Keith’s cheekbone. “There, who’s next?”
As the game continued around the circle, Lance chanced another quick glance at Keith, having avoided looking at him when he had kissed him, knowing he would have lost the nerve or done something stupid.
Keith was watching the game, laughing when Pidge kissed Allura’s nose. He had a flush of pink across his face, like the last hints of a sunset. It was probably just from the alcohol he had drunk.
“Okay Keith, your turn.”
He spun the bottle, body language relaxed, idly watching the light catch the glass as it slowed to a stop.
Lance felt his heart skip, staring at the neck of the bottle which was pointed directly at him. The noise of the others blurred into static as he lifted his gaze and met Keith’s across the circle. Why was he so hard to read? His expression was neutral, the only hint of what he was thinking being the slight downward angle of his left eyebrow. Also why did he have such great eyebrows? Lance Focus, you’re not in middle school.
“Second match means you’ve gotta kiss on the lips this time.”
Keith rolled his eyes at the giddy proclamation. “Whatever.”
“Whose idea was it to play this anyway?” Lance asked indignantly, his voice cracking slightly.
“Yours, now hurry up and kiss each other or you’ll have to do it French style.”
Lance spluttered, feeling his ears burn from the intensity of his blush. Before he could protest the rules, Keith had slid forward across the circle and pecked his lips, barely making contact before moving back to his seat.
Forgetting how to breathe for a few moments, Lance fought the urge to touch his lips, very very determined to avoid looking at Keith at all costs. Before he knew it it was his turn to spin again, and desperate for any kind of distraction, he spun.
If there were any gods out there, they either really loved him, or really really hated him.
“Third time! Time to play seven minutes in heaven!”
Lance couldn’t even hear what he was saying but he knew he was protesting, arguing the rules and trying to convince the others that they had agreed against the seven minutes in heaven rule.
Despite his best efforts, he and Keith ended up herded into the hallway closet and left alone in the dark.
“Forcing a guy back in the closet, not cool guys!” He called, pounding his fist against the door a few times for emphasis. Huffing, he turned around and let his eyes adjust to the dim lighting, looking at Keith. “Sorry.”
He shrugged, hands in his pockets. “You know we don’t actually have to do anything in here, right? Just wait for the seven minutes to pass.”
Lance was grateful for the dim lighting so Keith couldn’t see him blushing. “I know that! Just...you know, everyone will talk.”
“Since when do you care what people think?”
“Well, I don’t really, just...I don’t know.”
They sat in silence for a few moments, then Keith spoke up. “Are you okay?”
Lance looked up, frowning slightly. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Just, you seem...different.”
“Me? You’re the one who’s, you know, more-” He uncrossed one arm and gestured at Keith vaguely. “-grizzled.”
Keith smiled slightly, raising his eyebrows. “Grizzled?”
“You know what I mean. You’ve just changed a lot in the past year.”
“I guess so…”
Silence again.
“So, how was it? Reconnecting with your mom?”
More silence.
Keith idly looked through the contents of the closet they were in, slowly making his way closer to Lance in his exploration. “How long do you think it’s been?”
“I don’t know. Maybe three minutes.” He watched Keith run his fingers over a stack of towels. “Having fun?”
Keith chuckled, the sound warm and cloying. “Just a little bored.”
Lance tried to think of something to say, but he kept coming up short. When did conversation between the two of them become so difficult? They used to be able to talk for hours on end, even if they argued, at least they were talking. This weird distance between them was unbearable. Things just hadn’t been the same since he left.
“So I bet Europe was pretty cool, I’d love to travel some day, I mean I’ve been to Cuba to visit family and stuff but it’d be cool to see other places too. And your mom seems pretty cool, not that I’ve talked to her much but she looks like a badass and was really nice and-”
“Hey Lance?”
He stopped rambling and looked up, realizing they could see easily eye to eye. Was Keith a little taller than him now? “Yeah?” His brain short circuited as Keith leaned forward and pressed his lips against his.
His eyes widened and he found himself holding his breath as Keith stayed there for a long moment before pulling away.
“You talk too much sometimes.”
Letting the breath he had been holding out in a rush, Lance blinked and reached up to touch his lips. “What the hell was that?”
Keith shrugged. “A kiss?”
“No shit Sherlock, I meant why the hell?”
Shoulders hunching defensively, Keith shot back quickly. “Why? I don’t know you tell me, you’re the one who’s been sending signals.”
“What? Since when?” Lance protested, knowing damn well since when.
“Okay look, nevermind, just forget it, okay? I’ve had too much to drink tonight anyway.” Keith said, stepping back, his walls visibly closing back around him.
“No, you don’t get to do that, not again.” Lance said, feeling the rush of emotions he’d been holding back overwhelm him, crashing through the fragile barrier he had built. “What the fuck, man? You can’t just do something like that and then say to forget it. How am I supposed to forget it when I still can’t forget the fact that you left?”
Keith softened. “What?”
Lance felt his throat go tight, determined not to cry, not in front of him, not when he was finally getting to say what he had been wanting to for over a year. “You left. We were a team, we were friends, and you left. Like, yeah I get that you had stuff to do and then you reconnected with your mom and everything but you can’t just-” His voice broke for a moment and he paused, letting his head and heart settle. “The way we left things, it wasn’t good. And I had no way of contacting you, no way to smooth things over. Hell, I didn’t even know where you were most of the time.”
“I...I didn’t-”
“No, you know what, it’s fine.” Lance took a deep breath. “I just needed to say that, I’m over it.”
“I’m not.” Keith finally looked him in the eye, and the emotion there was raw and vulnerable. “I’m not over it.”
“What- what do you mean?”
Keith opened his mouth to say something, closed it again, and growled in frustration, running a hand messily through his hair. “I’m not good at-” he gestured vaguely “-this. I just...fuck it.” He grabbed Lance’s tie and pulled him forward, kissing him hard.
Lance was taken off guard, hands held out at his sides, stiff and trying desperately to stand his ground and stay mad because god it had hurt when he left. But Keith was here now, with him, and he was so so warm.
He folded like a petal in the wind, his hands moving to hold Keith’s face, brow furrowing as he pressed back against Keith’s advances, his frustration and hurt finding release in the feeling of his fingers in Keith’s hair, the weeks and months, hell the years of pining confessed in the movement of his lips.
Keith pulled back slightly, barely leaving room to breathe between them as he frowned, forehead rubbing against Lance’s. “Wait-wait...what about you and Allura?”
Lance’s nose bumped his as he shook his head. “It didn’t work out, we were both trying to get over other people.”
“Sorry.” Keith said, trying to find sincerity in his heart, he was lying if he thought he wasn’t happy that things didn’t work out.
“It’s fine, just- kiss me?” His eyes were glowing, staring at and through Keith, pulling him in like a siren calling a sailor to his death, and there was nothing Keith wanted more than to drown in that gaze forever.
He was soft this time, gentle kisses placed against Lance’s mouth, tracing his Cupid’s bow with delicate reverence. Lance parted his lips and let out a sound that turned his blood to magma, slow and impossibly hot, burning his skin and spreading heat through his veins with every short breath he exhaled against Keith’s lips.
Fuck, his name on Lance’s tongue was the final note to pull him in, the water closing over his head as he sank in deeper and deeper. His lips trailed from his lips down to his jaw, teeth scraping the sharp ridge there before moving to the delicate skin of his neck, breathing in the smell of him, feeling the race of his pulse thrum beneath his lips, the way his fingers curled tightly into the hair at the nape of his neck as he kissed him there long and slow.
“Keith.” Lance dropped his head back, granting Keith full access to the slender expanse of his neck.
Keith found a stretch of skin that made Lance moan, taking his time to explore the area carefully and commit it to memory, his fingers working to loosen the tie at his collar and pull open his shirt to reveal more alluring brown skin.
Lance’s hands were insistent and relentless in his hair, combing through the thick strands, curling and pulling, pushing it back from his forehead. Keith could lose himself to the feeling of Lance’s fingers against his scalp, sparks lighting in the wake of his touches.
Moving back up, Keith looked at Lance’s lips, bitten red and glistening, like a fruit ripe for the tasting. Hungry, he devoured him, a groan bubbling from his chest as Lance coaxed his lips apart and explored with his tongue, his hands moving from his hair and down underneath Keith’s shirt, eagerly exploring bare skin.
Blinded suddenly by the light in the closet flicking on, Keith tore his mouth from Lance’s and turned to the door.
Reluctant to release him from his grip, Keith kept both arms firmly wrapped around Lance, left hand boldly resting very low on his back.
Before the others could say anything Keith temporarily released Lance to slam the door shut and say abruptly. “Your watches are fast.”
Lance, ruffled, flushed, and grinning from ear to ear, laughed. Full bellied and genuine laughter that had Keith feeling overwhelmed by the softness he felt for him.
Smirking, he crossed the closet’s small floor space and wrapped Lance back in his arms, fingers drawing slow circles against the skin exposed on his lower back, drinking in the way it made Lance shiver and push tighter against him.
“Now. Where were we?”
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bleusarcellewrites · 6 years
Happy Bday, Keith?
Keith pouts. Because when he steps into his room the lights are out.
Which means Lance has gone to bed already.
Which means Keith didn't get his Birthday Cuddles.
The fuck.
Keith pouts, shoulders sagging in defeat but not really holding it against his boyfriend.
It's been a hectic week, full of debriefing, supplies runs and some outer space missions to guide some of the refugees to Earth safely.
Keith was exhausted.
But man, he wanted Birthday Cuddles.
It's not like his birthday went unnoticed, like most of his childhood. He got hugs (Hunk and Coran), kisses (Mom, Cosmo, Lance), nudgies (Shiro), a smack on the shoulder (Pidge and Romelle who trusted Pidge on teaching her earth customs) and a cupcake with a single candle (Surpringly, Lance).
But the day was also a work day, like any other. It was run up and down from the Altlas, training session with and without Voltron. Simulations with the newest generation of pilots and meetings with Iverson and Shiro.
All day long. And Keith had really looked forward for bed time. To flop into his boyfriend's arms and fucking cuddle, man.
But no.
"Sad," Keith mumbles to himself but sighs nonetheless, already unbuttoning his jacket and brushing it off his shoulders.
He's on the way of walking quietly towards the closet, God forgives that he might wake Lance after the week they have had, when the lamp from the desk lights up.
Keith looks up, eyes wide in surprise at the sight of his wide awake boyfriend before him.
All dressed up with that gorgeous dark blue shirt that he loves to roll up to his elbows and those tight black pants that do wonders for his backside.
God, but those eyes, glowing even with the dim light that surrounds him and lights up maybe less than a quarter of their room.
Keith is fine with that, as long as he's able to see Lance.
"Surprise!" Lance says, throwing some colorful confetti above his head to add more dramatic effect but the bright smile on his lips is enough for Keith. "Bet you're surprised, huh?"
He was. "I mean, that you're missing your beauty sleep? I sure am," Keith chuckles dropping the jacket into the chair as his lips twitch and walks towards his partner, "but, wow, I'm glad you are."
Lance laughs quietly, hand rubbing the back of his neck as Keith's eyes travels down his body. "Ah, I'm glad," he mumbles, tugging at the end of his collar shyly before meeting his eyes. "I wanted to celebrate your day with you; no work, no voltron - just us, you know?"
"Lovely," Keith whispers, hands settling down on Lance's hips, squeezing in appreciation. He sighs contently against his boyfriend's neck before breathing him. "God, you look amazing, so handsome."
"Flatterer," Lance mumbles but Keith can hear the smile on his voice and the fondness on his fingers as he strokes the back of his head. "Come on, you gotta get the second part of your gift."
"Oh?" Keith whispers, a familiar fire growing inside his chest. He tightens his hold around his boyfriend, smirk growing playful against brown skin. "Do I get to unwrapped it now?"
"Well, yeah," Lance stats, sounding bemused at his question and it's really endearing, "but, babe, it's over the--ah!"
Oh, yeah, Keith thinks, licking gently as an apology over the bite on his boyfriend's skin. Keith likes his gift very much so.
"Wait, babe," Lance whispers, a small laugh leaving his lips but it only sends a shiver down Keith spine, urging him to get the man in his arms breathless. "Babe - ah, fuck, that's good - wait, no, hold on!"
Keith snickers huskily against Lance's collarbone, his kissing traveling as his lips please. "Sh, I'm getting my gift," he mumbles, kissing just above Lance's collarbone before nuzzling his nose against it. "You are so gorgeous, fuck."
"Keith, babe -"
"I'm going to make you scream tonight," Keith says, loud and strong, hands already making their way down his boyfriend's stomach until he's cupping Lance's crotch. "Make you beg after I worship every inch of your body."
Lance's breath hitches. "K-Keith -"
Keith laughs. "I know, I'm also surprised with the dirty talk."
"That makes eight of us."
Keith chokes, forehead hitting the edge of Lance's shoulder at how hard he vents forward at the voice coming behind.
"Aw, man," he hears Lance mumble, shifting awkardly in his arms, before a light switch is turn on and now their entire bedroom is lighted up.
With their entire team and family in the middle of it. With a small banner being held up by Allura and Romelle. And his mom and Cosmo holding a wrapped box.
And Shiro holding two balloons. And Coran grinning proudly.
And Hunk dropping his cake to the floor with his mouth wide open. The shaking figure behind Shiro is probably Matt.
Pidge, though, seems to be the one only who is decent enough to raise her hand as greeting.
"Hi, I'm Pidge, and this was worse than the time I heard my parents have sex."
Matt chokes at that in the background.
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The editor and the designer
Chapter one: move in day
Our story begins with a 24 year old girl, Katie Vasquez, on the way to a new life, though she did not know it yet. Katie sat in her car driving down to L.A to visit her family friend, Noah, in her 1967 Volkswagen 21-Window samba bus as the late May wind blew through her hair. The two had been friends since they were young, as their parents were friends from college they got extremely close do to seeing each other every holiday. He had invited her from her home in chicago to visit his family all the way in sunny California. Katie had heard about the famous Noah and his great work for years, if she had to hear about it from her father when he was mad at her then she would step in front of a truck. She didn’t blame Noah for the way her father yelled at her expecting more, he had always been like a big brother to her. He had even given her her nickname, pidge, after the voltron character they adored to watch. Katie smiled as she drove down the highway remembering how they had found that very car in a junkyard and he helped her fix it up when he came to chicago with his family for christmas their junior year, the same year they had dyed her hair midnight blue in an act of rebellion against her father. Her growing up was not happy. But the times she spent with her best friend, Noah were.
When he joined smosh she watched every video with pride as he never failed to help her feel better. When she got a text from Noah to join him in L.A for the summer she immediately said yes. But I’m getting ahead of myself. After college where she majored in costume design, her father pressured her into moving back home and she took a job sewing costumes for off broadway shows. Noah insisted she come visit when her show closed to spend some time together outside of family vacations. She was just excited to get out of her father’s house. The road trip had been long and even though Noah offered to fly her out, she enjoyed the drive over.
She got off the highway and made her way through the streets until she finally pulled into the driveway. Katie was barely done parking when she saw Noah run out of the apartment complex. She stepped out and was immediately pulled into a hug.
“I’ve been waiting for you all day. I hope you don’t mind but i um…. Well i might have gotten you an interview with smosh, well that is if you want it.” he said pulling her into the building.
“Hello Katie! How’s it going Katie? How was the drive? Oh hi, Noah! Okay, and not too bad. How are you?” she mocked stepping into the elevator.
“Good but seriously, I’m really excited to bring you in. I was showing Ian those amazing costumes you made for your senior production of Indecent and for the Little Mermaid and he thought you’re good at making ridiculous stuff on short notice and after everything with Defy, we’re missing some key crew members, so he asked if you were looking for a job. What do you think?”he said, by the time he was done he was already in front of his door.
“I’ll think about it, I mean I barely got in the state and you’re already trying to get me to move here,” She responded not really knowing how she felt about it.
“Just think about it, it could just be a summer job or a whole job, Pidge no more living in chicago with your dad. Now I did invite some friends from work over to help bring stuff in and give you a little welcome party.” He said unlocking the door.
“You did what no-” Katie was cut off by a chores of “Surprise” from the living room. She fully stepped in to see the entire cast and crew of smosh in Noah’s apartment.
“Welcome to L.A BABY!” Courtny yelled in a high pitched voice, due to the helium she inhaled proven by the balloon in her hand. The room laughed at her voice as Noah walked Pidge to introduce her to everyone. They all seemed nice and welcoming, which was good since she were considering working with them for at least the summer. After getting to meet them, Wes suggested going to get her bags. And this made Katie smile, not yet knowing quite why. Katie insisted she could get them all herself but everyone just walked out ready to help.
The group reached Katie’s car. Upon seeing it, Wes yelled “This is your car! It’s beautiful!” And our Katie could help but smile at the silver haired man-child. She shook her head and opened the trunk.
“Wait this looks like your whole closet.” Noah looked at the bags piled in the trunk. Katie looked in at the bags in the trunk and shrugged.
“If this is your whole closet than we gotta take you shopping.” Mari said.
“Well, I recently cleaned out my closet and got rid of a lot of stuff and I realized it wasn’t enough for the whole summer but with the show closing and packing, I haven’t really had a lot of time to shop, so this is almost everything I own, and plus a tailor doesn’t get paid much so. Some of this isn’t even clothes, it’s just food from the trip over.” Katie explained. Seriously, guys, pay your crew fair wages.
“Katie.” Noah said sternly.
“Yes” she replied, trying to be innocently. Keyword there friends, trying.
“Think about what i said and we can go shopping later. I’ll even take you to Target if you want.” Katie gasped dramatically. I mean can you resist a good deal.
“Stop, you know that’s my weakness.” she said. The group moved everything up and put them in two areas, the spare room and the bathroom. Katie had seen every smosh video, even on the other channels, so she felt like she knew everyone, though she knew they played up their personalities on camera. Yet, she still awkwardly talked to them, thanking and apologizing way more than necessary. She really has to stop that. How midwestern? She was setting a box of clothes on the bed when Wes came in with a box labeled ‘oof’.
“Hey where should oof go, Pidge?” he said pulling her out of her thoughts. Startled, she turned around and bumped into him, knocking both of them and the box onto the ground. The box opened sending stuffed animals everywhere, but what Katie noticed was that they were face to face.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry….. Sorry. I should have not gotten so scared.” She said to embarrassed to look down to see him. She felt his laugh underneath her and she looked up to meet his eyes.
“You really need to stop apologizing for little things. You’re proving the stereotype about us Midwesterners.” Hey, I said that. ”I shouldn’t have scared you. Also is that a cat bug plushie?” He said not leaving her eyes for a second. Katie blushed, seeing the position they were in. She scrambled off of him and over to her catbug plushie. Wes almost looked sad to have her off.
“You never saw what was in this box. This is my secret stash of plushies, they are my children and if you laugh i might just cry.” she said holding onto as many as she could reach.
“I didn’t mean to laugh at you because i thought it looked funny, I laughed because you are adorable. And i love bravest warriors, I even have a cat bug of my own.” Wes placed a hand on hers hoping to calm her. Katie smiled and got up, then held out her hands to help Wes. they group finished unpacking. On the drive home, Wes couldn’t stop thinking of the girl with dark blue dyed hair. And Katie couldn’t help but smile thinking about how she could feel his heartbeat against hers just hours before. It was weird for the both of them. This person came out of nowhere and made them feel awkward around each other. And that dear readers, is where this chapter ends.
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Keith sighed, looking drearily at the cash register below him. A bird squawked in a room nearby, and the poor worker ran his half-gloved hand through his bed-headed mullet. He would never admit to it being a mullet, but he had his reasons.
The bell sounded at the front of the store, calling Keith's attention to it. A boy with soft, chestnut hair walked in, winking an ocean eye at the worker.
Lance, a regular visitor to this shop.
"Hey~, Mullet", he called out walking up to the counter and leaning half his weight on it, leaving his arm out in front of him. His smirk blinded Keith momentarily before he took in another heavy sigh.
"Hello, Lance", he said, with disinterest dripping in every part of it.
He clicked a few buttons on the register to just look busy, and then moved over to the clipboard at the side of the counter Lance wasn't leaning on to check the inventory for the third time in the last half hour.
"What do you want this time?" He asked, trying his best to look as invested in the papers in front of him.
"Hm", Lance started, and Keith already knew he was in trouble. Lance leaned back and put his hands in his jean pockets.
"Ah, right, I remember now!" Keith sighed. Again. Shiro was never going to hear the end of this from him, if he had any say in it. Why did Lance have to be the cutest and most annoying person he's ever met?
Wait-cutest? Never crossed his mind, didn't think it, nope.
..fine. He was cute. But a super annoying asshole that just won't. shut. up.
"I wanted to ask you out!"
Keith dropped his clipboard and stood staring at the mess of papers on the floor.
He cleared his throat and spoke.
"Yeah... I'm sorry but what?"
Keith looked him dead in the eyes.
Lance looked so hopeful, and had this soft smile on his face that once it reached his eyes, Keith felt like he was in an hour glass that changes with emotions.
Keith is doomed.
"Well, there's this new coffee shop down the street, which you might've already known about, but I haven't tried anything there yet and it would be awesome if I could grab a coffee with you?"
Lance rubbed the back of his neck, then looked up to Keith again, praying for an answer.
Keith just stood there, looking at him with wide eyes.
Lance slouched in disappointment.
"I'm sorry, I knew it was a bad idea. I just came in here to annoy you and see if you could handle how annoying I can be, and boy, you have godly patience. That's... Everything I really need in somebody, to be honest. Just for them to be patient with me, and you've done that every tiring day since I first walked in. But... again, I'm sorry. I'll get out if your hair, now. Bye, Keith."
With that, Lance turned around, and walked out of the store with his head held high but a depressing aura.
"Fuck. Holy shit. What the fuck. What the actual, fucking fuck, was that? He??? Asked me out??? What the fuck???"
Keith looked back outside and saw Lance slumping at the bus stop across the street, waiting for the next one to come in. That was in 2 minutes.
Keith thought aloud.
"Wait, do I want to go on that date? Oh shit, he's probably not gonna come back here after that bus leaves oh God oh NO IT CAME EARLY."
Keith shot through the glass door, nearly breaking the bell with it, and darted across the street, just barely missing oncoming traffic. Quite a few horns honked after him. Once Keith reached the other side of the street, Lance already had one foot on the bus.
Keith leaned down and panted a bit, catching his breath.
When he looked up, Lance was looking at him with glassy, curious eyes.
"C'mon kid, I don't got all day here."
The bus driver snapped Lance back to reality, and with that he stepped on the bus and the doors slammed behind him.
Keith could only watch with heavy disappointment as the blue vehicle sped away and blended into traffic. But not before Keith saw it's next stop.
It was a mall nearby, maybe about 5 miles, and Keith could easily get there quickly on his motorcycle if he tried. Of course, there was no guarantee Lance would get off there, but it was worth a shot.
"Jeez, buddy, you look like death."
A kind, comforting voice said.
"I feel like death. You know that cute boy? The one who runs the cash register there from 9-12 then from 1-5?"
"How could I not? You never shut up about him."
A nerdy asshole kid said.
"Shut up, Pidge, at least Hunk cares about me."
He turned back to the latter person me mentioned.
"As I was saying, I finally got the guts to ask him out and he BRUTALLY rejected me. Like, didn't say a single word afterward, just stared at me like I was some insane asylum escapee."
"I'm sorry, man. There's always next time?"
"Next time? With who? Nobody has the patience to talk to me, let alone be with me. I mean, of course, except for you guys, but we're like family and neither of you are my type."
"And emo boy is?"
Lance looked over to Pidge to see them looking over his shoulder, studying something really hard.
When Lance followed their gaze, the first thing he noticed was pale skin. Then long, raven hair, and finally amethyst eyes.
"Shit that's him!"
Lance moved and hid behind Pidge.
"Shut up, you wimp, just go talk to him."
"Hell no! He probably came here to make fun of me."
"Nope, that's it, I'm figuring out why he's here."
"Pidge! No!"
"Hey, Hot Topic, what'cha need?"
Keith turned around and gave them a specific 'really?' look.
"Are you talking to me?"
"No, there's some other emo dude in a leather jacket here. Yes, you! You look like you're looking for something, can we help?"
Keith walked closer to them so they didn't have to yell across the store, but not close enough that he could see Lance.
"Actually... Um, have you seen a guy with tan skin, ocean blue eyes and chestnut hair?"
"That's hella specific, you in love with the dude or someth'n?"
"Um, well, no, but he's cute and you can't blame me for that. He asked me out about 15 minutes ago but my fucking social skills are absolute shit and I just stared at him instead of answering."
"Jesus, dude, your social skills are shit."
"I'm an orphan for a reason."
"Woah, dude, didn't mean to offend you or anything."
"Oh... Stupid social skills, that was supposed to be a joke."
"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, your Cuban dude, Lance, right? We're pretty good friends with him and he came in a few minutes ago."
Pidge looked around themselves to not see any sign of Lance.
"He hasn't left the store, but I don't know where he is."
"Alright, thank you."
And with that, Keith dashed off.
"Hunk, did you see Lance leave?"
"Fucking ninja."
Keith kept is steps as quiet as he could (with boots, it wasn't very effective), looking around corners and traveling through aisles one by one. Why'd he have to pick Wal-Mart? Why not, I don't know, a telephone booth? Yeah, wishful thinking since they don't really exist around here, but anything small would do the trick.
He came across a mini-hallway for the employees and froze. If Lance's friends work here, he probably has access to employee-locked things. There were public bathrooms, and of course checked them first, (Two were locked, but he could see the shoes underneath the stalls and they were definitely too ugly for Lance's taste. Yes, he knew Lance's taste, shut up.) then he was down to only two doors: One was a grey door with a keyhole, which Keith figured was a storage closet, and another one was a normal door with a 'employees only' plaque on it. Keith automatically assumed Lance didn't have a key, but he didn't exactly have access to employees privileges. He'd have to ask the weird person at the front who couldn't be older than 16.
He dashed towards where they were when he came to be heavily relieved they were still there.
"Hey, found him yet?"
They asked as soon as Keith walked up next to them. They didn't look up, and Keith is terrified.
"Um, no, but considering he's friends with you I'm assuming he has permission to go into the break room, or whatever that door near the bathrooms is?"
Pidge looked up, quite impressed by coming to such a conclusion.
"You assumed right. Manager doesn't even bat an eye at this point, but you have freedom to check. Just say Pidge let ya try to find Lance, he'll understand. But you might have to say you work at a pet shop."
"What? Um... Why?"
"Lance, as you've seen, isn't very quiet. And he talks about you. A. Lot."
"Oh... Well, I'm gonna go check there, cya."
And he was off.
"Hello there, boy! What'cha doing back here? There is an employee's only sign on the door you're about to open."
Keith turned around, seeing the nametag 'Coran'. Just under that was the word 'Manager'.
"Oh, I'm looking for Lance. Pidge sent me."
"Hmmm... I don't know why they didn't search themselves or have Hunk do it. Anything specific going on?"
"Oh, Pidge said saying that I work at a Pet Shop might help?"
"Oh, that helps plenty! Go ahead in, pal! Good luck."
Coran walked off, and as soon as he turned the corner he turned the knob and opened the door.
Sitting right there, in a chair at the middle table, was Lance.
Keith quietly closed the door behind him, but when he looked back at Lance, he had terror in his eyes and looked ready to bolt at a moments notice.
"Um... Hey..."
"Look, I know that I'm stupid and talkative and far too annoying and I shouldn't have asked you out in the first place, but please don't make fun of me. I feel guilty already."
Keith sat down, pity and guilt dripping in his voice. Lance looked the other way, the floor suddenly being very interesting.
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah, but you don't want to go on a date, I get it-"
Lance stopped talking and looked at him.
"Let me finish."
Lance softly nodded.
"I'm sorry I gave you that impression. That's not what I had meant at all, just... I've never been asked out before, nonetheless by somebody cute, and my lack of social skills was no help. I know what I'm saying can't justify my actions, but I hope you can forgive me."
Keith looked up from the table, where his vision had fell while ranting, to seeing an unreadable Lance looking at him.
"You think I'm cute?"
"Alright, this was stupid, if my brother wasn't my manager then I would be fired, I'm going to call him but I'm sorry I bothered you."
Keith stopped midway from standing up and cautiously sat down, very confused.
"I...um... You weren't... I forgive you. There. That's a great place to start, right?"
"You know far more than me when it comes to that, but I appreciate it."
"Alright, sweet, so, do you not want to talk to me again, or...?"
"What? Why would I want that?"
"Well, I was a complete ass to you then sprung a date request out of nowhere. I'd be pissed, man."
"Well, I'm not."
Keith smiled, while Lance visibly relaxed, however slightly.
"Um.... Then what did you want to say to me, Keith?"
Lance was startled into confusion.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, we can meet up for coffee."
A wide grin fell across their faces, knowing that something big was starting.
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saphsilver · 5 years
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Inktober Day 28: Companion
Prompt from @ttimemachines​ ‘ Inktober
Voltron: Legendary Defender Happy Ending AU: Fly Me to the Moon
Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you
-By Bart Howard, performed by Frank Sinatra
This is like 4 days late cuz the power went out while I was doing this and it stayed off for days lmao thanks pg&e anyway 
I followed VLD since 2016 and am veeery fond of sheith. As a form of self-care, I decided to completely disregard the existence of season 8 and I daydreamed a  sappy, romantic ending I would’ve liked to see and am accepting as canon. GAY RIGHTS.
In a nutshell, Shiro and Keith get together and live on Earth. But you can’t tie down a space exploring power couple to one planet, so they go off with the Blade of Marmora. In this picture, they’re dancing to Fly Me to the Moon, celebrating their (kind-of) elopement and new life together.
I wrote a rough outline and bolded the main points. It’s long, so if you want to read it, buckle up and hit that Keep Reading!
Picking up from what little I remember of season 7 cuz I watched it the day it aired in 2018:
After the big battle with the Galra, everyone is chillin. Shiro is officially captain of the Atlas and Keith is like hell yeah I’m the Black Paladin! Idk whatever stuff they did to conclude the fight with the Galra, but I guess they did that. 
Idk why they killed Allura, but that doesn’t fuckin happen. Everyone is happy!
They eventually settle into their new roles on Earth with Pidge/Katie working as a head of the tech department with the Holts. Hunk and Lance handle diplomatic/relief affairs. Allura becomes the queen of the Alteans they found with Coran and Romelle as her advisory. The mice are there too.
As admiral, Shiro gets a cool fancy house. So they throw a house party and the gang and some of the cool Earth/Galran/Altean people are invited too. It’s a great party 10/10 and 3 hours in, Lance gets wasted cuz Allura drinks him under the table. Hunk is getting some water while Pidge/Katie is taking blackmail pictures. Coran is still partying with the mice and Romelle.
Keith and his introvertedness has his social battery run out at this point,  so he finds a porch to sigh upon. It takes Shiro exactly five minutes to notice that Keith isn’t coming back yet, so he seeks him out in the big fancy house.
 Shiro finds Keith sighing on the porch or smth and jokes about this being their easiest time finding each other and Keith smiles at this. Shiro has a beer or smth and Keith asks to try it to break the ice. Shiro teases him about being old enough to drink. Then he’s like uh yeah remember the time I was stuck on a meteor for 2 years with my mom?? Fair point. Shiro lets him try it and Keith spits it out cuz it’s nasty even though bruh probably drank swamp water. They laugh and banter about that too.
The mood settles and then Shiro asks about those two years. And about  their lost time. Keith asks if he took any of Kuron’s memories since he’s got a clone body now. 
He does. He remembers it, but Kuron’s memories feel like it’s him, but he’s taken a backseat and is watching himself do things instead of doing them himself. Then Keith asks him if he remembers what he said when they fought. “You said you love me,” Shiro speaks softly as he turns back to face Keith. “Is that still true?”
Finally they talk about their feelings. Like a well-developed couple should. Keith does still love him and says that he always will. Shiro also admits his feelings too. Thought he was fam. Turns out he was bae. They almost kiss, but the Voltron gang interrupts because that’s how it be.
The two awkwardly get dragged back into the party and Lance is recovering okay. Also, he’s been offical with Allura at this point too. Lance teases them about being a couple and Shiro and Keith are internally screaming. 
The party dies down and everyone starts to go home. The Voltron gang is the only few left and they help Shiro clean up. Lance gets benched cuz he’s still recovering. As they clean up, Shiro begins to notice how large and lonely the house is gonna get. He catches Keith before everyone leaves and slips him a key and says he’s always welcome just in case he gets lonely. Or something.... There’s some Shiro head scratching and Keith knows what’s up.
Everyone leaves. Shiro is alone. He tries to get some rest, but the house is too gotdamn big and unfamiliar. Being alone in a large space is not good for a guy with PTSD. He works out. He investigates his house, etc. Bro still can’t sleep. 
Afterwards, he just gives up and sits at his kitchen going like :( at a glass of water. Then the doorbell rings. Who is it? DING DING, It’s Keith!  With a duffel bag! Turns out he couldn’t sleep either. Shiro invites him to join him in the kitchen with his :( water and they talk a bit.
Then they pick up where they left off at the party and finally kiss. One of them asks if the kiss was okay, and the other is like HELL YEAH and so they keep going. It’s really spicy. One thing leads to another and then they go upstairs to Shiro’s large bed. (I’ll leave that to your imagination.) 
Either way, morning comes and Shiro wakes up with Keith in his arm(s). (HELL YEAH) Guess they got REAL official. He asks about the duffel bag. It’s literally everything Keith owns. So like. 3 outfits. And some weapons. Hygeine products. Etc. (Dude is a minimalist.) Kosmo is in the living room or smth. Bottom(lmao) line is, Keith planned on taking Shiro up on his offer the whole time. He literally just left to pack lmao (HELL YEAH) Shiro gives him his own closet and drawers since the room is big. Guess they live together now yeehaw. 
Eventually, everyone finds out they’re official and is like FINALLY and so they continue their lives on Earth with Shiro as admiral and Keith as captain. They sort out the war damage for a year-ish or so and then do whatever leaders do in peace time. Probably train their people idk. Shiro is up to his neck in papers. He’s not really digging it. He enjoys his peaceful life on Earth, but he often thinks about what it would be like exploring the galaxy now that the Galra aren’t a threat.
Allura and Lance get married. Lance still gets those blue marks but idk why. Why not lmao. It’s a big wedding and Lance throws the boquet. Keith catches it. He looks to Shiro and DING DING, the lightbulb goes off. The Altean Queen and King have many babies and they all have the marks too. Happy family. Goofy dad. Badass mum. Gotta rule the new Alteans too. That’s all good. They either live in space or get their own land cuz racism doesn’t exist on this earth. Cuz I said so. Either way, Lance and Allura visit the others often with their kids. Hunk and Pidge are GREAT with kids.
The Blade of Marmora calls. Krolia is like hey wus poppin’ son. Keith tells her he and Shiro are a couple and she’s like oh finally thank god. That guy was the only thing he’d talk about for the two years and like honestly it’d be awkward if they didn’t get together. But also, the Blade of Marmora needs Keith. For a while. Like, at year at least. He has a few days to decide to go with them. Keith’s torn between his people on Earth or his people in Marmora. 
Shiro tells him it’s okay to go. But before that, he kneels on one knee and presents Keith with a ring. An engagement ring!!!! It’s specially designed by Pidge with a one-channel track that won’t get in the way of any signals or whatever, but they can find each other, no matter where in the galaxy each is. (Since that’s been a recurring problem throughout the series.)
Keith goes. Keith Galra Facetimes whenever he can. Weeks pass. Months pass. Seasons fly. Shiro terribly misses his fiancé. Nothing goes terribly wrong since this is the endgame, but Keith is away for a looong time. More than a year. He misses Shiro terribly, but he knows his duty is to the Blade of Marmora, which has become a relief effort and guardians of the galaxy. No talking trees or raccoons, unfortunately.
Eventually, Keith makes his way back to earth. Krolia, Kolivan, Axca, and the other Blades are with him. Krolia has a mother-son moment with him and asks him what he truly wants. Keith wants Shiro, but he also wants the life with the Blade of Marmora. It’s way better than on Earth, (no offense.) Then Krolia asks, “Why not take your man with us? His skill is going to waste at that desk.” And Kolivan is like “Shiro is a man of honor. He will always have a place with us if he so desires.” And Keith is like :0
He tells Shiro to come with him and Shiro’s like :O But he’s got papers! And Duties! And... the ability to train a successor to be Admiral! He gets on it. But low-key. Cuz he doesn’t want everyone to freak out. Like All Might and Deku, but not as life-threatening a situation and no consumption of hair. It’s probably that guy who thought Keith was his rival. Jack? Jacob? James! Or someone else idk. Who’s Curtis? We can sprinkle him in, I guess. Not sure if Hunk would want to be admiral. But either way, Shiro steps down from his position and gives it to someone very capable.
Then the Blades are back on Earth. Keith leaps into Shiro’s arm(s) all dramatically and gay as God intended. Shiro and Keith get married!!!! Everyone is there and it’s such a happy day like wowie.
After the wedding/goodbye party and preparations, the newlyweds announce their leave into space. And they fly off! Shiro is part of the Blade of Marmora. They’re a happy family and visit Earth and Altea whenever they can. Everyone still gets together every year for Christmas or something.
The last scene is the space ship leaving earth with Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” playing. The planets and space stuff fade further in the background. They’re in a field of stars. It cuts to Keith in his uniform holding Shiro, who’s in his earthly clothing and kissing his husband’s hand. A golden ring shines on each of their fingers and they continue to dance. Gosh, they’re so happy and in love. The two never lose each other again.
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