#god I really gotta go reread this series soon
wutheringmights · 6 months
After I finished reading The Epic of Gilgamesh today, I entered a fugue state where I sat down and read the entirety of Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce.
On the record, I have had a lifelong love and adoration for Pierce's Tortall books. I first read the Song of the Lioness quartet when I was 11, and they rewrote my brain. I love them so much. I reread them and the other Tortall books on a semi-frequent schedule.
It's been a while since I reread any of the Alanna books, if only because my sister took our shared copies when she moved out. I've been meaning to buy my own set for a long while now but haven't been able to justify the purchase. The other week, I just so happened to find the first two volumes at my local indie bookstore. I bought them immediately, as well as ordered the third and fourth book. (And discovered that the store owner knows me by name-- when I went to pick up my order, she saw me and said, Hi Frankie! I got your books over here.) (I may be spending too much money there.)
So I have been in a bit of an emotional rut these past few weeks. Work sucks. Life stinks. The temptation to run off to Tortall and curl up in the fantasy story that captivated me as a kid has never been stronger.
Ergo, I ran off to read the first book as soon as I could.
If you're looking for any critique of this book, series, or Tortall in general, I will never give it. Sure, it's problematic and dated, and in many ways imperfect, but someone else can list out all of its issues. They're all perfect to me.
Anyway, the book. I should say something about this book in particular.
One thing I appreciate about Pierce's writing is how she handles school settings in fantasy. Learning and training is so mundane. All of her heroines have to work hard and put in extra hours of study in order to improve, much less keep up with their peers. It's so normal that it circles around to being weirdly refreshing.
Also, there is still no other fantasy author who handles period talk and birth control the way Pierce does. We make fun of the trope of fantasy birth control nowadays, but I rarely see it presented as it is here: as a part of normal puberty lessons and given long before sex is in the girl's radar. And even today with the glut of YA fantasy stories out there, I still have yet to see menstruation be portrayed as frequently or as bluntly as Pierce writes it.
There was a period of time publishers really tried to push the Tortall books as straight YA, which doesn't work for that reason alone. You gotta market them to middle schoolers. They're the ones just starting puberty talks, and getting scenes like this is so good for their brains.
Moving on: I fucking love these characters. Alanna was an icon of brash, temperamental heroines that have shaped my taste to this day. I love how even in the first book, Jon is kinda shitty. I adore George Cooper. Talk about a taste maker the way this man sets a standard.
I just can't be coherent when it comes to any Tortall books. I have no thoughts. Head empty. I am going to binge the rest of this series as quickly as I can before my library book comes in. Then normal book content will resume.
Before I go, I need to talk about the book covers.
Growing up, my sister and I had these covers:
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Which, god. I love them. The black is striking. The art is incredible. Alanna looks so good. They were the perfect pocket-size too. I was going to buy the same edition for my copies, but instead I got the 40th anniversary reprints:
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Not bad at all! These books have had some seriously bad covers, and these look great! Very anime, which will appeal to the 11 year olds who need to have their socks rocked by this series.
But, man. I really miss those black covers. One day I will splurge and buy a second set of them just so that I can stare at the art.
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cricketnationrise · 8 months
8.24pm, Alexia Tarabotti and Alanna of Pirate’s Swoop and Olau, outside on the terrace. Song lyric: “and I resent you just a little if I’m honest, one of us has gotta try to keep a promise”.
this prompt made me realize how long its been since i read Parasol Protectorate, so that series is back on the list and moving up -- i miss them! all that to say, I went with Alanna for your ficlet because I just reread Song of the Lioness in December so it's a lot fresher. hope you like it!
want your own ficlet? submit your prompt using these guidelines through January 31, 2024.
past the eighth bell, terrace
Alanna is not cut out for this kind of sneaking around.
She may have won the duel against Kel, may have faked good humor, may have joked around with the New Hope soldiers and commanders all afternoon, but she can’t pretend anymore tonight.
Dinner’s barely over, but she excuses herself to her quarters, waving off offers of just one more round with a forced smile. As soon as she clears the mess hall, she lets her face drop with a sigh and makes her way across the compound to the guest quarters with a purposeful stride.
Thankfully, no one stops her.
Alanna isn’t tired, per se, she just can’t handle being around people any longer—the only people she wants to see right now are miles, possibly oceans away.
Her rooms are too small to contain her frustration, so Alanna slips out onto the terrace attached to her suite—perks of being the Lioness. She leans heavily on the railing and looks up at the sky. The Cat constellation seems to wave at her somehow, and a reluctant grin tugs at the side of her lips. She can hear echoes of Faithful’s reproaches in her mind. He’d certainly have an earful for her if he could see her now.
Are you really sulking because someone else gets to be the hero this time around?
As she gazes up at the stars, Alanna lets her vision blur, trying to center herself before she retires for the night. It would be a lot easier if George had come with her. Or if he’d already found their wayward daughter and brought her back to the Swoop, safe and sound.
But they’d agreed: Alanna would go about her business as normal—saying nothing about Aly’s disappearance, so as not to draw attention from the wrong sort of people—and George would search for Aly.
Alanna wasn’t built for this, for maintaining a placid face, for lying about her family, for doing nothing. She had never been one for downtime. Gods, even during the Tusaine War as a squire she’d been helping out in the healer’s tents every chance she could. She’d never come up against something like this, a problem that some action on her part couldn’t solve.
It’s maddening, actually.
And she knows—she knows, okay?—that she can’t be the one to search for her daughter, to rescue her, to bring her back home. Alanna knows she’s too inconspicuous, too famous—that any hint of Aly being the Lioness’ daughter would put her in even more danger.
But damn it all, she resents the fact that she has to maintain a front, that she has to pretend, to friends and enemies alike, that all is well.
In her pettier moments, she even resents George.
Alanna scrubs a hand over her face in frustration. Dwelling on the impossibility of her situation won’t help her sleep tonight, won’t bring Aly back any sooner.
All she can do is hope. And put her faith in her husband, and the gods, to bring her daughter home.
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scythlyven-art · 5 months
When you have commissions open I will have a thing!
Phoenix (woodium on tumblr) has planted an image in my brain and I feel your art is perfect to bring it to life.
Vex holding Percy up by the scruff of his neck saying something along the lines of "This is the husband I have chosen." Both chibi would be adorable. Though very funny if Vex was more like in the animated series and Percy was chibi.
It is both a very tired and loving sentiment. Brought on by Phoenix being almost 20 volumes deep in Tokyo Ghoul reread for the express purpose of an essay review that he *chose* to do for someone online.
Will be going on your store for goodies soon! With con over and past gotta pay the bills and then MORE CHARMS! (we found some vox machina and Trigun charms we couldn't pass up in artist ally)
This sounds so interesting and fun! I had another person inquire about commissions a little while ago and I think I’m going to try and get those open by June
I really want to finish this vm set with the gods before doing anything else because I know if I do something else I’ll abandon the series and never finish it lol
I look forward to this commission as well as sending you two some goodies from my store 😊
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Small update on writing projects and other things so I can gather my thoughts and also hopefully feel more organized. Mostly about Symphonia, with small mentions of Adventure Time, Deltarune, Elden Ring and Dragonlance (tell me if you know this book series plz)
Still working on my Lloyd and Mithos fic which I shared a wip of here. It's slow going because it's going to involve some decent amount of dialogue and my brain is too ADHD right now for it. Thank you for those who shared interest in it! I want to finish this god help me.
Want to update my Wolf Bite fic (which is werewolf!Lloyd and Colette as Red Riding Hood) for this Halloween. I've started a chapter to continue the verse and also werewolf Lloyd is too cute. Plz look at this art by @frayed-symphony for my previous chapters that I still go crazy over.
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I also want to write something for one of those October prompt events. There's a lot of them! Let me! Choose! One! I just want to make one, preferable spicy.
Speaking of October prompts, I still have this Colette time loop fic made for whumptober last year that I never finished, which was using all 31 prompts. I got over halfway! Then things happened. They always happen. 😔 I want to get to the happy ending already.
Finished Adventure Time with Sky, and now I am obsessed with a mentally-ill lemon guy. Can I write him?? Is there a point to write him?? But I also finished Fionna and Cake and now I have a small idea with the genderswap versions of him and Lumpy Space Princess (new ship). Might try it soon. And yes I will be reblogging a lot of art for this show, let me ride it out.
I am still thinking about that Deltarune Spamton fic I started like two years ago. I did have a plot but again, life happened. I'd need to reread it too. You'd think I had a problem with finishing multichapters!! Haha. 🥲 But I was able to finish my last multichapter fic so I can do it! Just gotta be lucky. I also had another short story idea with him and Jevil, and the main three. Maybe I can get to it when Deltarune finally gets chapter 3 in about five years from now lol.
The Elden Ring zine I was in finally arrived for me! It's cool seeing my fic in print 😭 I'll share later on but it's been fun being on these zine projects lately. My fic was about the Omen brothers because I have a thing for twins apparently.
Not fic but there is a new Dragonlance book by the Weis and Hickman duo?? After nearly a decade?? I saw the ebook for it on sale and immediately picked it up. This series was my gateway into writing so it does feel nostalgic to go back to this world. Only one chapter read so far (with whole new characters this time) but W&H have a knack for being really engaging in their writing. Even for their past stories when I didn't care for a plot, I still tend to finish their books.
Oh yeah, I'm also on bluesky. I use it sometimes maybe.
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readingwithchristie · 5 months
Helloooooo all
I just decided to do this as a way to track the vair vair many books I’ll be reading this year. Gonna kick it off soon with a dual summary/response to Louise Rennison’s Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging; and It’s Okay, I’m Wearing Really Big Knickers (AKA On The Bright Sode, I’m Now The Girlfriend of a Sex God in the US). I was hit with a giant wave of nostalgia as of late, and to combat that, decided to reread some books I haven’t touched in about a decade. Possibly closer to 2 decades. A lady never reveals her age, but I can for certain say all those partying in your 30s memes are absobloodylutely accurate.
Some responses to look forward to:
Little House on the Prairie series
Little Women
The Bell Jar
Witch Child/Sorceress
And many many more.
Why am I doing this? Well for starters, the nostalgia is a big thing. Secondly, when the ol pandemo aka Rona lockdown happened, I purchased a Kindle and started reading just about everything I could get my hands on to fill up the time. I worked 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, in to work at 6 am, out by 11 am. So I would have a lot of hours to kill, and only some of the could be spent stopping at the grocery store to marvel at how apocalyptic everything was and to see about getting some fresh damn fruit while making a supplies run for my lovely elderly neighbors. Then I would walk to my favorite local brewery, grab a couple to-gos and if I was lucky, it would be about noon by the time I got home. If I was unlucky, it would only be 11:30 and I’d have EVEN MORE TIME TO KILL.
During the entirety of 2020, I read over 200 books. Some of these are just a blur now, unfortunately, but never fear, it’s time for a reread of some, and I started thinking about why I spent so much time reading. I have a huge family, money was/is tight, I had a high reading proficiency (hellllloooo and much love and support to all my fellow gifted and talenteds who were reading at a college level in third grade, we’ll get through), books are plentiful, can be passed around to a family, cable was expensive and let’s face it, my older siblings just wanted to watch MTV.
I’ve ALWAYS read. I once was married to a reallllllll winner of a man from 2014-2015, who thought it was uncool and weird and that reading was dumb and because I was a reader who spent valuable funds on bits of paper, I didn’t reflect the image of “ultimate rockstar party person” that he wanted to exude. He would call me lame when I would want to just hang out and read versus hang out and watch him play guitar terribly, or watch a movie, or watch his friend play a video game. It angered him that I can multitask and tune things out when I wanted to focus on my book. There were a lot of other things but when we broke up, he ripped up a book I had from my late grandpa about Shoeless Joe that Field of Dreams was based on, and I realized how awful he was. Ah, how great is it to look back on poor life choices.
I was also a lonely and strange child, and books gave me something to do, to immerse myself in them. I read my first chapter book at 6, The Boxcar Children. I read wild weird wonderful stories while my parents worked, my older sibs did homework, and also because reading wasn’t something I had to share with my tyrant of a little sister. I had friends, but nothing deep. I would go to the library a couple times a week for books. Overall, I like to think I’m on the path to being a lovely old lady who reads with her cats in front of a cozy fire on a rainy evening. (On a serious note, I do have a boyfriend and he’s wonderful)
Anywhooooooos sorry this is so rambly and odd. I’ve never done anything like this before, so let’s get to it.
I’ll update as soon as I’m finished with It’s Okay, I’m Wearing Really Big Knickers (gotta love double books! It’s 2 books for the price of 1!) with an update.
Until then, pip-pip, toodle oooh.
Xoxo, Christie
P.S. Did anyone else reread the Gossip Girl series and that other spinoff with Jenny Humphrey going to boarding school? I think I may add those to the list. If we start getting into manga, I’ll be screwed financially. Sailor Moon mangas have gotten suuuuuper expensive. Inuyasha as well.
P.P.S. I think I’m going to like this a lot.
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breathplayed · 1 year
16 & 19 💜
(16) where is your favorite place to write? in theory it is at a nice cafe or library but i gotta be honest...... the majority of my writing is done in bed it's where i'm most comfortable sahfjknsdfds I Like Lying Down. on my side or on my stomach. my back hurty. i can only work at a table/desk for like 2 hours max before needing some horiztonal time. bed would be my favorite place to write overall but i consider it dangerous territory... i am more easily distracted in private + get sleepy easier. but i can only last so long being aesthetic at a cafe with a drinky so i really do the most writing manic as hell at 4am on my beloved futon
(19) what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most? this sounds so edgy but stephen king and edgar allen poe were really big influences lol. my mom is a big King fan and i started grabbing books off her shelf when i was like 12, and since i was a lil hot topic Goth at the same time i bought a Complete Works of Poe 2 be edgy but ended up loving the descriptions and the language. King especially, i remember it was the first time i'd read something stylistically distinct from the ya fiction i'd been reading, that played with language rules (stream-of-consciousness thought narrations, throwing words together to make new ones like dream-machine [I Still Do That. lots of em in folie]) it was cool to realize u can break the rules once u know them + go tf off describing things like Poe did
when i did my first lil attempts at writing a few years later (which was all horror lol) i consciously decided to emulate parts of those styles. for a long time anything of mine i plugged into iwritelike gave me King lmao (p much everything after 2019 says agatha christie though! around then i decided to try and be slightly less incomprehensible, and simplify things for Fanfic) (heads up, i might be about to get worse again though, writing folie reminded me how much i love going batshit on prose 🥴)
honorable mentions: A Wrinkle in Time by madeleine l'engle, all of narnia but especially The Last Battle + The Magician's Nephew by cs lewis (that one got referenced in fucking 'ignite the stars' i am so annoying), Coraline by neil gaiman, and a series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket all left Impacts!!!! i reread those first three last year and i want to reread a series of unfortunate events soon, i think i'd appreciate it even more now
i really like when authors get a little lost in the sauce and flex their grasp of language and make things borderline poetic. and play with grammar rules and alliteration. things that are fun to read aloud bc they sound like an enchantment if that makes sense. not Purple Prose, but just..... spellbinding lil passages that use words that Sound like what they are. like viscera and shattered and ragged and enchanting. those all sound like what they are to me and are fun to say. or when authors have really succinct little turns of phrase that feel unique like lemony snicket and hit their target right on their head. idk!!!! God i am allergic to making sense + shutting up huh
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iknowyunholeeknow · 2 years
i am now trying to learn xdh names 😂 i've been listening to their songs on repeat lately (all 12 of them lol, they are such bangers)
your snowflake garland sounds so cute!! i love the holiday decorations around this time <3 and that is very cool that you are crocheting gifts for family members, it is always nice to receive a handmade gift. my mom started crocheting recently too and it seems relaxing haha
i love the dddd kingdom stage !!!! one of my favs (especially as a lino bias ahahaha). but i hadn't seen the colors stage before omg and this is AMAZING?? i had to watch it twice and might watch it again after this haha, changbin's raps in the beginning 🔥 and the others were sooo good too (also hongjoong looks so good?! and han with the hair up??) oh and of course the gods menu kingdom stage is so good, i would love to see skz do a horror concept one day (i also do like dark concepts/horror/thrillers in general lol). oh i really liked the mayfly kingdom stage as well (lol i gotta go and rewatch all these now, thank you 😂)
i hope your weekend things went well with family!! how was the jazz performance? as for me, this week is pretty busy at work so i'm looking forward to the holiday break and going home next week, as i actually don't have to go to work the week between xmas and new years :D i'm hoping to get some reading in as well (if you have any book recs), and i also like to send people letters of appreciation around this time of the year to spread some joy and love hehe so i'm looking forward to that too <3
i finished the show wednesday (on netflix) recently and i liked it!! i love the dark school theme lol and it was an enjoyable watch. i also saw that season 2 of alice in borderland is coming soon so i'm excited for that (i rly liked season 1, if you're okay with blood and stuff - similar to squid game?). i also enjoy kdramas, and some good ones i watched in the last few months are beyond evil and my name. okay looking back at my recs it makes it seem like i only watch dark shows all the time hahaha, i also really like dragon prince on netflix - it's an animated show and super cute and fun!! (i have a spreadsheet where i track everything i watch/read in a year which is where i'm getting this haha)
I've been listening to more of their music! I think I have all their names down because I spent ages trying to figure out who had certain parts that stuck out to me (it was almost always gaon lol) their music is really good
Crochet is really calming but I did end up taking up more projects to finish before Christmas so I'm Busy I'll probably work through some of your show recs while I do all my crochet, I actually really need to finish beyond evil I was watching it and then I took a break to watch the worst shows ever or something and I'll look into the other ones you mentioned too! I think we have similar taste in shows lol
I would love a skz horror cb, I love horror concepts I go crazy for them every time so I kinda wish skz leaned into it more with maniac
Apparently my grandparents didn't know it was not jazz so I was kinda lied to, it was mostly rock which was okay but there was a weird sing along portion and also one of the songs was bluegrass, I have no clue why absolutely none
Have fun and relax during your break! I recently reread uprooted by Naomi Novik and hitchhikers guide is a really fun series, something lighter are the Simon Snow books by Rainbow Rowell so you have lots of range there
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (19-25 Jun 2022)
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ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶦᵐᵐᵒʳᵗᵃˡ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵒᵒʳ 'ᵇᵃᵇʸᵍᶦʳˡ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒ ʰᵒᵗ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶦⁿˢᵗᶦⁿᶜᵗˢ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵇᵃᵈ'
😍 Fete For A King (Shivadhverse #1) (Sam Starbuck) - cannot express how much I love this entire universe!!!! This book started as a 'what if there was a hallmark movie where a guy-fieri-like celebrity chef fell for the crown-prince-soon-to-be-king?' - it's sweet and fucking hilarious and very low angst and all the characters are amazing
😍 Infinite Jes (Shivadhverse #2) (Sam Starbuck) - 2nd book in the same universe; a recently retired ex-king at loose ends decides to start a podcast and ends up acquiring more loved ones in the form of a nonbinary producer and their 15-yr-old apprentice/son/disaster magnet
😍 👂‍ The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes (The Queer Principles of Kit Webb #2) (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - fuck, I knew I was going to fucking love Marian Hayes and I wasn't disappointed; give me a prickly, angry romance heroine every day and someone who loves her because their jagged edges fit together
😍 Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) (spitandvinegar) - reread, absolute five-star forever fave; always enamoured of the idea that a broken, junkie recovering-from-hydra former asset would find enough of bucky barnes left to adopt two queer homeless kids; all the characterizations in this are incredible
😊 👂‍ Death in the Clouds (Hercule Poirot #13) (Agatha Christie, author; Hugh Fraser, narrator)
😊 Sweet Berries (Cambric Creek #2) (C.M. Nascosta) - mothman monsterfucking romance, very enjoyable
😊 👂‍ Enter the Saint (Simon Templar 'The Saint' #3) (Leslie Charteris, author; John Telfer, narrator) - surprisingly fun action adventure story; what little I knew of The Saint was from the solo hero he would later develop into - I enjoyed this early stuff where he's the leader of a vigilante gang of Bright Young Things
🙂 Dear Mona Lisa… (Claire Davis & Al Stewart) - short novella about a middle-aged synesthete trying to find the right way to come out to his daughter before his impending wedding
💖💖 +311K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Me and the Lavender Moon (emchant3d) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 10K - another fantastic part of this series about nonbinary kitchen witch bucky & cap!Steve - really love this entire series so much
Fire Island - just as amazing and wonderful on the rewatch; nothing but pure serotonin
Legends of Tomorrow - s6, e8-13
99% Invisible #496 - The Rights of Rice and Future of Nature
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Breathe
Shedunnit - Bonus: Ask Me Anything Part Two
Strong Songs Bonus Episodes - "Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)" by Kate Bush
Hit Parade - These Are the Good Times
Fire Island Movie Soundtrack playlist
Presenting Janet Jackson
Women Who Owned '99
Gotta Get Away!
Pride Anthems
Summer Ska Celebration
Lazy Summer
Presenting Reba McEntire
Up All Night with Nile Rodgers
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Muggle [F.W.]
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*gif not mine
Pairing: Fred Weasley x muggle!Dursley!reader
Request: (anonymous) Could you do a imagine where the reader is a dursley aka Harry’s cousin. But when Fred and reader meet they don’t know, and they fall in love since she knows about magic. But she’s a muggle of course. So when Fred takes her to meet the family Harry’s so shocked. Maybe they use to love each other and trust each other like siblings but when he discovered he was a wizard they fall apart. Because Harry has other things going on. And maybe after forth year, they completely stoped talking and they both regret it. So when they see each other it hurts both of them, but they end up making up.
Summary: y/N Dursley is tired of being away from Harry because of her parents because he’s a wizard and because he stopped reaching out. She starts going after her cousin herself and she has the help of the Weasleys to do so.
Words: +6,3k
A/N: Had no idea where this was going until I wrote it. Hope you all like it; tried to keep it as coherent to the request as I could. There’s a scene where it was supposed to be Harry and y/N but I thought it would make more sense if it was other character speaking (you know it when you see it).
Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series
“Wait up, girls. I think I might know these guys,” she says just when her friends’ laughs are dying out.
She takes one last look to her back, hoping nobody will notice she’s checking out the tall and red-haired boys.
“Really? From where?” asks one of the friends in a whisper.
But y/N ignores the question. She takes one last sip from coffee and rush to catch the boys before they leave the place.
“Hey, you two!” she calls out after noticing she’s never going to catch them — one of their steps equals three of hers.
One of them looks at her first, tilting his head confused. The other one finally turns too, but he seems less intrigued than his twin.
“Are you... Weasleys?” she says when she gets close enough to them and whispers the last name as if it could be a curse-word or something. It was definitely prohibited in her household.
The twins exchanged looks, confused. They pretend to not recognize her — because they sure can’t remember from where they know her. She still doesn’t know why she decided to call them out anyway.
“Two of them, yes,” one of the boys answered, taking his time to mess with his red hair. The movement certainly showed some charm. “Why?”
She gulps — she was not expecting to be asked. However, the second twin, silently until now, decides to speak up.
“Aren’t you one of Harry’s cousins?”
She shakes her head yes, pressing her lips together at the same time. Remembering to have good manners, she offers them her hand.
“It’s y/N Dursley, actually.”
“Sure I presumed your name wasn’t ‘Harry’s cousin’,” giggled the twin that shook your hand first. He had a firm grip and a welcomed warm hand. He took his time with her hand, and for a moment she thought he wasn’t going to let it go. “I’m Fred, by the way,” he smiled, finally freeing her hand.
The other twin quickly took your hand in his as soon as you were free.
“I’m George.”
“I remember you two. Left my brother with a big purple tong just a couple of weeks ago,” she commented, trying to diffuse the tension.
They exchanged looks, scared if the right reaction was to apologize or to laugh. It sure was rather fun watching the fatty get what he deserved for years of bad things to Harry.
Y/N noticed her comment had the wrong reaction and tried again. “It’s fine, you can laugh. He sure deserved it.”
The one who presented himself as Fred chuckled, more because of her face than because of her brother. However, the one said to be George remained in silence.
She gulped, noticing the awkward situation.
“Well, I just stopped you two because I wanted to know... about Harry,” she says with an anxious tone. Talking about Harry was always a hard thing — with her parents or with his friends. “I sometimes write him letters, you see — not that he replies — but he never shared your family’s address, and I’ve been... Rambling,” she chuckled, pressing a finger in front of her lips. “Sorry for the non-stop talk. I want to know if Harry’s okay, that’s it.”
George steps towards her but stops when he realized his twin had done the same and was faster to speak up.
“Harry’s perfectly okay,” says Fred with a smile that showed no teeth.
“He’s been well-taken care of,” added George. “Did your parents want to know?”
“Who? Petunia and Vernon?” she asks before burst into laughter. The idea that her parents could be worried about Harry was absurd. “No — it’s me who wanted to know.”
She breaths hard before stepping backwards, away from the boys. She’s starting to feel blue, and she doesn’t want them to see her in that way.
“Well, anyway... thank you, boys, for telling me. I was worried, and then I recognized your red-heads...” her voice died out. She raised her head and stared at the twin said to be Fred. “What were you doing here? Harry said wizards don’t hang in ‘munnel’ places.”
She had a great point.
“It’s ‘muggle’, dear,” George corrected y/N trying to hold his laugh.
“And we generally don’t. We have a friend, you see, muggle-born, that tells us this place has the best coffee in the world,” Fred raises his own cup of coffee to go. “We decided to see if it was true.”
“Don’t tell our parents,” chuckled George.
“Nor our little sister,” added Fred and they both started laughing at their particular joke.
Silence fell upon the three of them again. Y/N looked from George to Fred, taking her time to look at that last one. Somehow, he had captured her attention, and it wasn’t just today. Since the day they came to Harry’s rescue a couple of years ago — of course, she knew about the flying car, her window gave her a great view of the three red-heads inside it —, y/N has been fascinated with the family. She wished she had been born a witch, like Harry. Maybe he would stop avoiding her if they were equals.
She turned her face back to take a look at the coffee shop before facing the twins again.
“Sorry, boys, gotta go. Can’t let my own coffee run cold,” she smiled sympathetically. “Tell Harry to write to me, would you?”
“Sure,” answered Fred promptly.
“Thank you,” she replied and started walking away as slow as she could. That was the closest she had ever been to real wizards besides Harry, and she actually managed to keep a conversation! That was new, because last time those two same boys were in her living room, she blushed, frowned and hid behind a pillow. And that had happened just a couple of weeks ago!
“Hey! Wait!” a male voice shouted from behind her. She was turning while one of the twins was running towards her. She presumed it was Fred, although she couldn’t be sure — they were wearing the same clothes.
“What is it?” she asked, stopping her tracks so she could wait for him to reach her.
“I can give you our address. Would be easier to get a reply from Harry if you were to be the one to contact him,” he suggested, shrugging as if he didn’t care if she took the address or not. “Muggle’s post-men generally pass through our house.”
She shook her head yes non-stop, excited for the niceness of the boy.
“Here, do you have a...” his voice died before finishing the question because he had no idea what the muggles used to write things down. But he got a piece of paper anyway — it was the paper that surrounded his coffee to make it easy to hold.
“A pen?” she completed his phrase, chuckling. Then, getting one pen out of her pocket, she continued, “Always care one with me. Quite useful.”
“Pen,” he whispered, not to her, but to test the word in his accent.
She offered the thing to him. He stared at it as if it was magical.
“Never seen one, have you?” she asked, giggling with joy in her heart, but he was already writing down the address.
Fred tried to give her both the paper and the pen, but the last one she did not accept back.
“Take it; you’ll like it more than I do,” she explained when he looked at her, confused.
“Thank you,” he said, genuinely grateful, but she said nothing, and slowly he walked away, playing with the pen with his fingers. His twin met him half-way, and soon they were gone from her sight.
She had written to Harry. Twice, actually, and none of those times she got a reply. The first letter she sent to the address Fred gave her and the second one she sent to his school. It was funny because, although Harry Potter seemed in no mood to talk to her, his owl always showed up from time to time in y/N’s window, as if she waited for her to have something for Harry. And y/N usually had.
She was in the middle of her own classes in the public school, but she wasn’t paying attention to the History class. Frankly, she already knew what the teacher was teaching.
Inside her notebook, laid Fred’s note with his house’s address. She didn’t exactly know why she carried it around. Perhaps it meant she knew the address of a hot boy; perhaps it meant she knew a place only wizards lived. Whatever it was, she couldn’t stop staring at it and rereading it all over again.
It also had a kind of joke written on it. Fred didn’t give his real name to the waitperson, and, at first, she thought he was just scared of his name being too wizard-like. But it really wasn’t. His name was completely okay. Different from the one he actually gave the waitress — that one was a bit stupid.
Behind the address to the Weasleys, a single name was written: Merlin.
It took her a couple of minutes to remember where she knew that name from, and then she felt completely dull for not immediately getting it.
Merlin was King Arthur’s advisor and a powerful wizard, at least, that was the children books told her when younger.
Perhaps Merlin was real to them. Oh my God, Merlin was definitely real to them!
She tried once more to pay attention to the class instead of the note she had memorized, but it was worthless. When the bell announced she was free to go home, she felt some sort of relief. Part of her was thinking of writing a letter to the address she had, only this time it wasn’t going to be to Harry.
But that was stupid, right?
She didn’t have much time to think because as soon as she got home, one letter already waited for her.
“This came for you today,” said her brother in a disgusted tone.
She took the letter from his hands, desperate to see what was it about. Opening it up, she read:
Dear y/N Dursley,
This is Molly Weasley, the mother of Harry’s best friend, Ron. I’m writing to you because I’d figured you would like to come with me to Hogwarts, to watch Harry’s thrid task at the Triwizard Tournament. I’m sure by now you know all about it, but maybe your parents can’t come because of their muggle jobs — I don’t really know how it works — but perhaps you and your younger brother would like to come.
Please, write me back with a reply as soon as possible.
With love, 
Molly Weasley.
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes. She read it at least twice before putting her backpack on the floor. Dudley stared at her suspiciously, he couldn’t understand what the letter was about or who was it from.
When she was sure she understood every word Mrs Weasley wrote, y/N rushed to the kitchen where she knew she’d find at least one of her parents. And there her mother was.
“Harry’s a participant in some Tournament?” she asked loudly.
Her mom looked up from the dough she was preparing, with an uptight look in her face. She didn’t like her kids screaming.
“Huh?!?” y/N threw the letter to her mom as if showing evidence. “And we were invited to watch? Never cared to mention, did you?”
Her mom got the paper and took her time to read it.
“What is this woman insinuating? That you are going with her to that wizarding place?” Petunia asked in a mocking tone before tossing the letter to the trashcan, but not before she tore it in pieces.
“Oh, I’m going!” you shouted. “Harry needs us, needs me.”
Petunia gave her a challenging look. She didn’t know y/N had memorized the Weasley’s address and therefore would not need to get the torn to pieces letter.
Y/N got a paper from her school bag and wrote a reply, saying yes she would go, any day that was. She also mentioned she knew nothing about the Tournament so if Mrs Weasley could explain, she’d like that very much.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Petunia asked from behind her daughter. Dudley watched excitedly.
“Replying,” she simply said. But now that it was written, what would she do? Fred Weasley had mentioned it could take days before a muggle post-man would pass their house... 
The answer didn’t need to be given. As if she knew and she waited, Harry’s owl came flying through the kitchen window and stopped right over the table, in front of y/N.
“Take this to the Weasleys, would you?” she said, giving the note to the owl, who didn’t wait for Petunia’s approval to leave the place.
“I can’t believe it! Your father wouldn’t like this, young lady!” her mom frowned.
“It doesn’t really matter to me. Now, how many letters has Hogwarts been delivering here about Harry that you guys haven’t told me about?” she retorted, getting up.
Her mom opened her mouth to speak, but she didn’t let her.
“Don’t say it doesn’t matter! Harry’s your nephew, my cousin! The only one I have!” she exploded, letting the anger domain. “I bet that if those letters invited you to study there, you’d have said yes! I bet you’d have gone!”
She walked away, but her mom fetched her by the arm.
“Young lady!” she shouted angrily, but y/N didn’t care.
“Wouldn’t you, huh? Or would you have gone?” she turned her face to see her mom, but the woman said nothing. She seemed hurt, which meant y/N had won. “Because I know I would. God knows I’d give anything to be out of here!”
And with that, Petunia let her go to her room.
Mrs Weasley and a pretty man named Bill Weasley appeared in front of her house in Privet Drive. They had a car with them — a flying one — and it was with that they were taking y/N to Hogwarts.
Y/N had counted hours to that moment. She even accepted Mrs Wealsey hug with a tight embrace, so thrilled she was.
Bill was the one driving while y/N was sitting in the back, but the trip was not awkward at all. Mrs Weasley asked y/N every possible question, and for once, y/N was glad someone could finally see her point of view about Harry and the wizards.
“I love Harry, I do. It’s just, he kinda left me behind with this thing of being a wizard, you know,” she said, hoping Mrs Weasley would understand her.
Bill seemed to get y/N’s point rather quickly, and she was glad for it. The Weasleys seemed so pleasant, all of them. And very handsome too, may she add.
“So, did Harry’s owl have any trouble finding you?” you asked when Mrs Wealsey’s questions seemed to have ended.
The woman exchanged looks with her son before gulping. Only then she answered:
“Well, actually, dear, I think Hedwig committed a mistake, even though that owl is incredibly good...” y/N raised a brow while listening. “You see, she delivered your letter to Fred and George at Hogwarts. They were the ones who sent the letter to me.”
Y/N could feel her facing frowning, the face of shock and confusion. She thought she had been specific to the owl, but I guess saying “the Weasleys” can mean a nine different people and there was no way the animal could know.
Bill, however, misunderstood your face.
“Fred and George are the twins, I don’t know you’ve met them...” he said, but his mom seemed to have a different opinion about the last part — Molly knew y/N remembered her twins, because they told her so, and, frankly, Molly had never seen Fred give a muggle so many compliments.
“Oh, I’ve met them,” y/N sighed, remembering that day so many days ago. She could visualize it as if it was happening right in front of her.
The flying car made a delightful trip. Molly told y/N that they usually never used it, but since they were caring a muggle, that was the only way they could take her to Hogwarts. Mrs Weasley informed that she made her husband upgrade it to make it safer.
“And he wants you to tell your experience with it, as a muggle,” continued the woman. She was nice but being called a muggle so many times was beginning to hurt.
When she finally arrived at Hogwarts, y/N was kind of disappointed. Is this it? An abandoned, ruined castle?
Bill noticed her look. “Don’t let it fool you. The castle is beautiful; it’s just that, from outside, muggles can’t see it,” there it was again, the little word y/N started to hate.
They walked in, and y/N finally saw what he meant. Hogwarts was more than beautiful — it was delightful, enchanted, unique.
That day y/N met so many wizards, she was sure that she would remember it as if the best day of her life. There were wizards from other places in Europe today as well. Some of them were Professors, some of them were parents of the other champions.
Now, she knew everything about the Tournament because Molly Weasley sent her — along with instructions of the day — a copy of a book about the competition and she spent the three whole nights reading it.
She asked if she could keep the book — a memory that wizards existed if Harry decided after today to cut relations with y/N — and Molly said she had bought it just for her.
They waited a bit before Harry finally walked in the room they were at. They were close to the fireplace, and Harry walked towards them. He didn’t seem to have noticed y/n was there too.
“Surprise!” Mrs Weasley smiled broadly and then she kissed him in the cheek.
“You all right?” said Bill, noticing Harry had finally seen his cousin.
Harry Potter stayed silently, and it seemed as if all the other families were watching the two interact. Harry loved her too, but he also knew her. She was always a fantasy lover, she would have loved to be a witch. Harry was just scared his own enthusiasm could hurt y/N.
“You came,” he said, simply.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Harry,” she smiled before ignoring her shame and pulling Harry to a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t write much this year, I didn’t know about the Tournament,” she whispered in his ear while her tears fell.
Harry was more than a cousin, sometimes more than a brother. Y/N was just a couple of years older, but she saw him as her little boy. She had to raise him anyway because her mom couldn’t care to do it.
“I’m so sorry, y/N,” he whispered back, not letting her go yet. “I shouldn‘t have...”
“Shh..” she interrupted him, finally pushing him a bit away just to see his beautiful eyes. “It’s okay. Nobody wants to be friends with the muggle.”
She shrugged, hoping it would make Harry feel better, but it had the opposite result. She, however, didn’t let him say anything else.
Bill asked Harry questions about the castle — if it was still the same — and Molly joined in, telling her own experiences. Y/N had none, so she stayed in silence, hearing.
“Fancy giving us a tour, Harry?” Bill asked, and she knew he was doing it for her. It made her like the Weasleys a bit more.
“Yeah, okay,” agreed on Harry. 
After a few minutes of walking — the castle was enormous — a couple of other red-head found the four of them.
“Fred, George, what are you doing here?” asked Bill, pulling them to a short hug. Fred barely cared — he had his eyes locked on you.
“Paying a visit,” said Fred.
“We never see the family,” added George and Harry laughed.
They said hi to y/N too, but she replied blushing.
“I believe you two are gonna follow us in the tour,” said Mrs Weasley, raising a brow towards the oldest twin.
“Why not, mum?” said Fred, smiling. 
Harry just shrugged and continued guiding the group around. Fred and George always added information to Harry’s description — only to your ears because they were scared of their mother’s opinion — such as which prank they had done in each place, and where were the secret passages. Y/N like the company; it made her feel wanted.
They all stopped at the Great Hall, where they sat down at the Gryffindor’s table, as Harry explained to y/N.
“Oh, I’d like to sit at the green table,” y/N commented, pointing to it. 
Harry widened his eyes while Fred and George came to y/N’s rescue.
“No, you wouldn’t,” said Fred. But he said nothing more to explain what could possibly be wrong with that table.
The other Weasleys that still attended the school and a girl named Hermione Granger also sat next to them while they ate. They all seemed excited with each other, talking about all things that sounded really cool but you had no idea of what it meant.
The tour continued after eating, and y/N loved every moment of it. She was sure she’d love to study there. Would she and Harry be housemates? — oh, yeah, the Weasley girl explained to y/N why they sat at the red table instead of the green one.
Fred and George, surprisingly, followed Harry, Bill, their mom and y/N around all day. Something told y/N they were there for her, but her insecurity never let her be sure.
They were always making jokes and — when their mom wasn’t looking — they’d cast sparkling spells just to see her surprised and amused face.
By the time they had to go back to the Great Hall for the evening feast, y/N had no more doubts that it had been her favourite day of her life. She would have to write it down in a diary or something. For one day, she was just like Harry. For one day, she was a witch.
And that was all she ever wanted.
Then, it all happened.
They called Harry to the task, and they all left to watch. Y/N said her good luck to her cousin and watched him disappear inside the maze. She was uptight during the whole thing. Something didn’t seem right. Was a school suppose to send students inside a make in the middle of the night in an activity that could kill them?
Maybe being a muggle had its perks.
“He’s taking too long, isn’t he?” y/N asked Fred, the twin sat down to her left.
“I can’t tell. Never seen a Tournament before,” he answered.
“But what about the other tasks? Where those this long?”
”No,” sighed Fred.
He noticed she was apprehensive, and he wanted to do something about it. George, who was sitting at y/N’s other side, raised just one hand high enough for Fred to see and he understood.
“Take it,” he offered his hand to her, “you can squeeze it if you are too frightened.”
She looked to the hand and back at him. Such a pretty boy... why would he be nice to her? But it was her good day, so she didn’t think much more before grabbing it.
They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Every time y/N heard a noise, she would squeeze his hand. Sometimes, she worried she was using too much strength to do so.
When Harry finally popped out of the maze, y/N didn’t think much before pulling Fred into a tight hug. He gripped her with all his force, scared that would be the last and only time he could do so. She probably thinks I’m a freak, he thought to himself.
But then, silence fell upon the crowd that once was cheering. Noticing something was wrong, y/N let go of Fred and rushed down to the field where Harry was over a dead body.
Cedric Diggory was one of the champions, and he laid lifeless in the ground. Next thing she knew, the place was chaotic. Mrs Wealey and Bill took her out of there, but she protested, saying she’d only live when she knew Harry was alright.
They decided to use one of the classrooms to stay with y/N as they waited for information about what was happening. Bill wandered around but quickly came back, noticing it was better to stay and protect his mom and the muggle.
When the door opened a couple of hours later, and it scared Bill for a second before he realized it was only two of his younger brothers.
“George, Fred, what are you doing here?” Mrs Wealsey asked, hugging her boys.
“Keeping you all company,” answered Fred.
“Actually, Mum, Bill, I think Ron wants to talk to you,” added George. 
“Ron? Why would...?” but Molly stopped talking when she realized how her son Fred looked to the muggle girl. She pressed her lips in a short smile before grabbing Bill. “Come on, Bill. And, hm, George, I think you need to show us the way.”
“Of course, mum, of course! Follow me,” and just like that, they left y/N alone with Fred.
“Take care of the girl, would you, Freddie?” requested Mrs Weasley.
“Sure, mum,” said Fred.
Y/N seemed unaware of the sat up, and Fred was glad for that. He wanted some time alone, maybe ask her on a date, but it seemed wrong now that he was about to do it. She was worried about her cousin.
“He’s fine, you know,” he started saying. “Harry is okay now.”
She looked at him, tilting her head unconsciously.
“The Diggory boy had an encounter with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Well, Harry faced him too. But Harry lived,” continued Fred, but he was rambling. Y/N was confused about those terms.
There was a dark wizard after Harry. Maybe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name was the guy. And Harry survived, so things were... fine?
“Where’s he?” she asked, unaware that Fred was glad they were alone together in a quiet room.
“Talking to Dumbledore,” he said, but that didn’t explain much to y/N. “Our Headmaster,” he added, pressing his lips together in the end.
Y/N sighed, getting up from her chair and walking around the room. There were many thoughts inside her head, and Fred started worrying if you were going to lose your mind. He would never have sent you here if he knew what was going to happen — if only Fred knew then Fred’d have burned that letter Hedwig gave him, but instead, he thought it was some type of sign and sent it to his mom.
He wanted to see y/N. He didn’t know why, but something about her face, her voice — even her mom side with Harry and, definitely, her curiosity with the Wizarding World — made him want to know more about her.
If you asked Harry, he’d say Fred was quite annoying, more than ever. He had all sorts of questions about the muggles to Harry, and he always made the conversation go to the Dursleys and end with y/N. Anything Harry knew about her, Fred now knew too.
“Well, there isn’t much I can do here...” y/N pondered aloud. “Perhaps I should go home. Petunia will be expecting me today, anyway.”
Fred couldn’t understand her words, so he stayed silent. That caused y/N to turn and face the ginger boy.
“Petunia’s my mum. Still don’t feel like callin’ her mum, though,” y/N said what she thought was an explanation, but Fred was still confused, even though he nodded, pretending to understand.
“If you wanna go home, I can get Bill to take you. ’M sure Mom won’t leave Hogwarts so early,” Fred sighed, thinking he would’ve to let her go without a chance to know her more.
“Thank you, Fred,” y/N stepped closer to the boy. “I wish I could stay, and God knows my rebel side is saying stay, but one of your teachers already notified me that, as a muggle, I shouldn’t stay much more.”
Fred bent his head and moved closer to her too. He was thinking.
“Perhaps you can. Sure there are exceptions, and Harry lives with you, so...”
“You can make them allow me to stay?” she asked, and her emotion was making her eyes sparks. Just then Fred noticed that, although worried and scared, she didn’t whine or cry, not even once.
Fred grabbed her hand in a rush of confidence. “Come with me, let’s find someone we can talk about this with.”
And they left. *** It was Professor Sprout that talked to Fred and y/N and honestly, she didn’t understand a word the teenagers were saying. She understood the girl was a muggle — it was obvious by the way her eyes shined, fascinated with the Professor’s clothes and wand — and she noticed Fred Weasley was in love with her.
Fred couldn’t stop side-looking at the muggle, and he nodded at every word she spoke. He also was holding her hand as if his life depended on it. Sprout had seen a lot of teens in love to recognize a couple at first sight.
So, of course, she said yes to the girl’s stay. She just warned:
“Keep her out of your dorm, will you, Weasley?”
The way both of their faces got blushed only confirmed Professor Sprout’s suspects, and she walked away laughing.
Y/N and Fred decided not to mention Professor Sprout’s comment and went to see Harry, who in the hospital ward.
They stayed there, accompanied by every other person that wanted to see Harry Potter — and believe, the place was crowded. The doctor — actually, Fred explained she isn’t a doctor as muggles know it — was a bit mad with all the people around, but y/N did the same as the others and said she wasn’t going to leave Harry’s side.
Even the twins left the place, and two other gingers with the bushy-haired girl, but y/N and Molly Weasley stayed behind.
A lot of things happened, and more than half of them, y/N did not follow. She was okay with not understand if it meant she could stay, but after the mourning of her third day in Hogwarts, Molly decided it was time for y/N to go back home. She couldn’t give worry to her parents any more than she already had.
It was Bill who took her back home with the flying car. He noticed how sad y/N looked — her eyes looking at every detail of the sight of Hogwarts and then her loud breaths as if she fought tears.
“What is it?” he asked, worried. “Is it Harry?”
She was caught by surprise. “Harry? No! He’s fine now, I saw that.”
Bill raised a brow when he side-looked at her for just a second before looking back at the sky ahead.
“I...” y/N sighed, discerning she would have to speak the truth. Something about the guy didn’t let her lie. “I will miss that school. It is so beautiful, and enchanting and... well, magical.”
Bill listened to her every word with a respectful silence.
“I’ll miss being around wizards and witches. You guys are so nice and so lucky! Do you even know it? Do you know how lucky you are because you can do magic? And God! No wonder Harry doesn’t wanna go back to my parents! After meeting your family, neither I want to go back,” y/N sighed, noticing she babbled. “I don’t want to go back to being a muggle,” she whispered, speaking with disgust the last word, and turned her face to the window.
Bill made a sound y/N wasn’t able to decipher, and he waited a while before speaking.
“I’m sorry if this is gonna sound offensive, but you are not going back to being muggle — you are a muggle. You were a muggle back at Hogwarts, you are back at home,” he said, trying hard to appear gentle. He was speaking the truth, but it still offended y/N, so she kept her eyes on the window.  “But — and believe me, I’m sure of this — you are, as well as Harry, always welcome at the Burrow.”
Y/N finally stared at him.
“Burrow, you know. My family’s place,” he added that extra information that she had already picked in the air. “Mum loved meeting you. And she wasn’t the only one.”
She kept staring at him, curious.
“Anytime you wanna have a meal with the fam, they’ll have you. You are an incredible girl, and I did not get to this thought all by myself,” he said.
“Thank you, Bill. For the invite and for the, well, help,” y/N pressed Bill’s arm gently, showing her gladness. “It’s good to know you guys like me.”
There was nobody home, or so, y/N thought. Bill left her in front of her house, and she walked out of the car empty-handed because before leaving y/N wasn’t planning on staying long at Hogwarts. The clothes she wore back then were Gryffindor uniforms given to her by cute little house-elves, as Fred and George explained.
She walked into an apparently deserted house, so she went directly to her room. She was not expecting to find her mom there, holding one of y/N’s pillows close, sitting in the bed with a sad look towards the mirror.
“Mum?” y/N didn’t feel confident enough to call her Petunia to her face.
The mom turned to see her daughter on the door, and she let go of the pillow.
“I do wish I had gone to the wizard’s school. I wish that every day,” her mom said, surprising y/N. She was not expecting to hear an answer to a question she asked long ago. “I want to be a witch since Lily found out she was one and I’m sorry I deprived you of being as well.”
Y/N gawked at her mom like she was seeing the woman for the first time, and she probably was.
“Mum, it’s not your fault I’m not a witch,” y/N finally said, sitting down next to the mother and hugging her tightly. “It’s not something to blame someone for. We are who we are, but we don’t have to be mean to others because we aren’t who we crave to be.”
Both Dursleys hugged each other for a couple of minutes, in silence. They were about to cry but never gave in — they hated crying.
“What counts is what we do to be closer to our goal. You have a wizard in your house, mum, and you’ve never shown interest in him,” she said when she pulled away from her mother’s embrace.
“It’s hard for me,” Petunia sighed. “You are young and kind, different from your father and me. If anything, you get it from Lily.”
Y/N tilted her head. That was another thing she wasn’t expecting to hear.
“You are curious when I’m not. You are great and destined for greatness,” Petunia said. “I love you, honey. I know I don’t say it often, but I do.”
“I love you too, mum.”
One hot day of July, when Harry was back at home, but wandering downtown and the rest of the family had gone fishing for the day, y/N had the house for herself. She tried to enjoy it, but her mind was somewhere else.
Every day was like that. She started thinking about Hogwarts, then her mind would shift to the Weasleys, and she would end her thought with the face of Fred Weasley.  She was going crazy. The Weasleys were barely talking to Harry — to y/N, they were practically strangers once again.
It was insane of her to think about Fred holding her hand, hugging her again, saying everything was going to be okay...
She generally had Harry to bring her back to senses and to the horror to have Voldemort walking around, but Harry wasn’t home that day. It was just y/N and her thoughts.
Until the knock on her front door; Y/N jumped from the couch and rushed to get it.
And to say she was surprised to see the person behind the door was saying the least.
“Fred?” do I have the power to summon people with my mind? Am I a witch?
“Hi, y/N. Sorry I came here suddenly,” y/N agreed, but she also didn’t mind. “It’s just... I can’t take you out of my mind.”
“Me? I’m a muggle!”
“So? That doesn’t stop you from being the most beautiful, kind and interesting girl I’ve ever seen!” It was like Fred was expecting her to be doubtful.
Fred didn’t need to say more. Y/N had learned a lesson about not enjoying the moment ahead of her, and she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.
She threw her arms around his neck and practically jumped towards the ginger boy, pressing her lips hard on his. Fred was shocked, but when he understood what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her waist, making sure she was trapped in him, and Fred kissed her back, just like he had been dreaming of doing since the day he noticed her when was trying to hide behind a pillow in her living room.
They stayed like this, focused on each other for God knows how long before y/N finally push him away gently while gasping for air.
“I’ve been thinking about you too,” she whispered, looking up at his eyes as he smiled shyly.
“Can we do this more often?” Fred asked, going back to his normal-self and smirking flirtatiously.
“You know, there’s nobody home but me. It’s no Burrow but...” y/N was smirking too eagerly.
“Say no more,” Fred pulled her close again, playing with a lock of her hair with just one hand.
They kissed again, and this time, y/N was going to make sure they were going to do it forever.
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joheun-saram · 4 years
To Make a Power Couple (knj) | 03
Chapter 3 - Coincidences
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Summary- Do their dates ever go according to plan? Well, who knew watching George Clooney was such an aphrodisiac. 
word count- 6.2k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, slow burn, fluff, smut, strangers2lovers
warnings- unwanted sexual advances (don’t worry, it’s not namjoon and it’s not overly discussed), alcohol consumption, oral sex (f. receiving), hickeys, dry humping, sex
a.n- okay so I wrote my first smut scene. AAAAH. I’m sorry if it’s not the best - I tried and realized I don’t know how to get into a guys headspace during sex lmfao 🙃  Namjoon is also a high-key cheeseball and God of Destruction strikes. I’m sorry but I had to - his face when he breaks things makes me simultaneously laugh and uwu.
Also, in case you missed it I have a lot of feelings about Batman having a credit card. Batman and Robin is an absurd movie but I still love it.
Feedback much appreciated! 💕
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​, @sassyuniversitytacopeanut​, @rjsmochii​, @jinjccns​
You were greeted by Siwon and a coffee as you walked to the elevator of your office building yawning furiously, uncharacteristically dressed in a navy pantsuit with a white turtleneck in anticipation of your big meeting today. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. You were meeting one of the big tech companies’ senior VP and your deal hinged on his approval. You were not looking forward to it - he was a certified creep. 
“Alright so your meetings in about four hours, we can finish the proposal in about two and then we can prep for the next two.” Siwon was in full assistant mode, rattling off details to add to the proposal that unbeknownst to him you had already finished last night.
“Proposal’s done so let’s skip to the prep,” you say as you step out of the elevator to your floor.
“Did you stay late? Yah Y/N! You know you can’t overwork like that! Also, this building is so creepy at night. Don’t tell me you stayed here alone.” He scolded you, effortlessly switching from employee to friend. You loved that he cared so much about you.
“I’m sorry, but if it makes you feel better - I wasn’t alone.” As you make your way to your desk you notice the kitchen filled with pink pastry boxes. “What’s all that?” you questioned as you forego your desk making a beeline for the kitchen, having skipped breakfast that morning for a much needed hour of sleep.
“What do you mean you weren’t alone?” Siwon was looking at you suspiciously with his eyebrow quirked. When you reached the boxes you noticed that they were filled with all sorts of breakfast goodies, from croissants to danishes to doughnuts. Your mouth watered as you grabbed a buttery croissant, anticipating the taste before it even made it on your plate.
“Y/N! Someone sent them over this morning with this note.” Timothy, your head of curriculum, handed you a pink envelope that matched the boxes. Placing your breakfast on the table you opened the note, hoping it wasn’t a client because that meant you would have to send something to them and would get caught in one of those one-upping gifting circlejerks. Arguably the worst part of corporate life.
Good luck on your meeting today. I’m rooting for you!
PS: this is also your reminder to drink water - stay hydrated! ;)
Your mouth flew open as you reread the note, a grin slowly spreading on your face. As Siwon read over your shoulder, he gasped loudly. Luckily no one else was within earshot or else they would notice you not so gently elbow your assistant and call HR.
“Oh my god… Is this from who I think it’s from?” He sputtered, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Was he the one keeping you company last night?”
“What? NO!” You giggled nervously as he playfully smacked your arm. “Maybe…” you whispered, shrugging, giving in to his charms.
“Is this why you are wearing a turtleneck? Did he rock your world? Did he bangtan that sonyeondan?” 
“Shut up please!” You hissed at Siwon. You really wished you had a closed office now as you walked to your desk and grabbed your laptop, going into one of the meeting rooms that hopefully no one else booked that morning.
“So spill.” Siwon said as he settled into the chair next to you on the long stained oak table.
“There’s nothing to spill. We worked together and had pizza. And before you ask, no we did not have sex. It was our first date!” You huffed as you started your laptop.
“What did you do to him?” He asked in awe.
“Excuse me?” You were getting irritated now. To insinuate that you did something to him was pretty callous of Siwon. It reminded you of the times in university when your best friend dropped you because her crush told her that he liked you instead of her. You had no intentions of liking that guy, he was honestly not your type, too lazy and self-entitled to ever catch your attention, but she did not hesitate in cutting all ties and insisting you moved out of your shared apartment. According to her, you seduced him with your looks and personality. Pfft. As if life were so easy that you could manipulate whoever you liked into liking you back. However, Siwon was unaware of this incident so you decided to calm your annoyance a little.
“Sorry. I mean he’s sending the whole office breakfast after a first date. He must really like you.” He caught on to your tone and corrected himself. He was good at catching your tonal nuances by now, and you were grateful.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to get annoyed.” You sighed, smiling forcefully, as you pulled up the proposal you worked on earlier that morning. “I really like him too.” You admitted. It kind of felt nice to share that with someone. Usually you would pick up your phone the moment you felt a date go right and tell Jiyoung right away, but knowing what a huge fan she was you wanted to feel out the situation more before she got too excited.
While relaying the events of last night to a very excited Siwon, you texted Namjoon.
Y/N: Wow. Breakfast for the whole office? Big moves.
Namjoon: Well I am trying to woo the CEO. Gotta bring in the big guns!
Y/N: And you think you can woo me with baked goods?
Namjoon: That depends…
Namjoon: Is it working?
Y/N: Yes. Yes it is...
Y/N: Thank you btw. This was really sweet!
Namjoon: Then everything is going according to plan :)
Y/N: I’m excited for tonight
Namjoon: Me too! I miss you!
Y/N: Joon you saw me like eight hours ago!
Namjoon: Eight hours too long!
Y/N: Omg! Stop! You’re so cheesy...
Namjoon: Never!
You walked into the conference room with Harry and Siwon twenty minutes before noon and the three of you started setting up, nerves on high alert. You wrung your hands as you rearranged the printouts on the table for the sixth time, before Harry pulled you into a hug.
“You got this bub! We’re gonna kill it and then celebrate and blow all the money from this deal.” You laughed as your nerves melted. This was the reason he was your best friend and partner in crime. You got out of the embrace, infinitely more calm as you settled in your seat at the end of the table. 
Soon, your client, Mr Li, arrived with two other people from his team. The presentation went smoothly if you were to ignore the fact that every time you glanced at Li his eyes seemed to be fixated on your chest. His team, however, was much less sleazy. After you finished presenting, you and Harry spent about an hour answering their questions and concerns before negotiating another lucrative contract for your company. With this deal done, you will be able to meet your company’s quarterly goals. 
As soon as the meeting ended, Li’s team, now joined by their legal team, that arrived a few minutes before the end, was escorted to your legal floor to sort out the details of the contract.
“So this is a cause for celebration!” Li booms loudly as he shakes Harry’s hand, before pulling you into an unwanted hug. The hug was extremely tight as you felt your chest being squished by his, knocking the air out of you. You awkwardly try to escape, confused by his less than professional behaviour, eyes widened and staring at Harry. “We should all get some drinks in a few weeks to truly seal the deal.”
“Yes, we will definitely set up something with our assistants. I’m not sure if Y/N will be able to join because of her hectic schedule, but I will definitely be there.” Harry swiftly stepped in to shake Li’s hand one more time, subtly but clearly giving you an out. You were immensely relieved till you heard Li’s next words.
“It’s no party without the CEO. I bet she’s a real firecracker with a few drinks in her!” He laughed full-bellied, elbowing an uncomfortably stunned Harry as you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Of course. We’ll set something up soon, Mr Li. Now if you excuse me I have another meeting to attend. We’re very excited to work with you!” You forced a fake smile as you exited the cringe-inducing situation. You grabbed some water when you reached your desk, drinking it to get the nasty taste of the situation out of your head. Sometimes you truly hated having to plaster a smile to appease clients, but unfortunately it was part of the job.
Your mood lightened significantly as your phone buzzed, instantly forgetting about the creepy old man. You picked up to hear Namjoon’s baritone voice greeting you as you ducked into a small meeting room, locking the door and settling on the comfy couch at the end.
“How did it go?” He seemed a bit out of breath.
“Nailed it! Although the guy was a certified creep.”
“Oh I’m sorry for that. What happened?” Genuine concern laced his tone.
“He just didn’t have any concerns for personal space” you sighed but your heart warmed at his worry for you. “Why are you out of breath?”
“That sucks! I just got done with dance practice.” He quickly picked up on your hesitance to go into further detail. “I haven’t danced this intensely in a while!”
“Oh! I would love to see you dance!” You giggled.
“Trust me I’m not good. It is not worth it.”
“I don’t believe you. I guess I’ll have to see it to judge for myself.”
“Hmm… maybe. Fair warning, there are literal twitter pages dedicated to my terrible moves.”
“Well then those people are assholes. I bet they’re jealous because you are an amazing dancer.” 
Namjoon hung up the call and stared at the call log on his phone, displaying that he had been on the phone with you for over thirty five minutes. It felt like it had been barely two. He didn’t know why talking to you improved his mood this much, but just hearing your voice was enough to make him forget the stress from messing up the choreography almost every run though this morning, and especially Hoseok’s disappointing face as he tried and failed to correct his moves.
Getting back to the big mirrored room, he decided to go through the steps again alone to really nail down the routine, his head full of your plans later this evening. Initially, he had planned a romantic dinner to a high end restaurant in Gangnam but after his manager’s email this morning that he might be being followed, you both had decided on a quiet evening at your apartment. You had insisted it would be safer this way since the suspected stalker would not know where he was going, but he still felt a little uncomfortable about possibly putting your home in danger. He remembered when Yoongi had a stalker three years ago and they all had to pretty much be holed together in the dorms to ensure their safety. Luckily, they were smarter now with a much larger budget for security so these incidents barely encroached on their everyday activities. Still, this was the first time he was seeing someone while dealing with this and that made him wary.
After practicing for another couple of hours, Namjoon headed back home before getting ready for the evening. The closer the clock ticked towards 7, the more nervous he seemed to get. He had butterflies in his stomach as he styled his hair for the fifth time. Giving up, he grabbed the small bouquet of sunflowers he had prepared for the evening and headed towards the car waiting to pick him up downstairs.
As much as he had talked to you over the last few days, the pressure of this being a real date made him want to make a good impression. He was disappointed that he couldn’t wow you with a gourmet meal and even though he was confident that you enjoyed his company, the fact that you would basically be forced to stay with him if you wanted to leave tonight made him uneasy. 
Fidgeting with the collar of his black t-shirt, he braced himself as he knocked on your door. You took his breath away when you opened the door, dressed in a beautiful red sundress that hugged all your curves perfectly. You smiled widely at him as you greeted him. Your pink dusted cheeks and the way your eyes sparkled as you saw him, made all his earlier worries disappear. His heart sang as you excitedly took the bouquet, sniffing the flowers before busying yourself and looking for a jar to place them in. He was glad he went through the effort of buying them. Well, the effort of bribing one of the staff with lunch for them.
“How did you know these are my favourite flowers?” You sounded shocked.
“I saw them everywhere at the gala, so I figured even if they weren’t your favourites you at least liked them.” He smiled widely, internally celebrating going for those over Jin’s suggestion of the typical roses. He watched as you carefully snapped the stems of the flowers and placed them in the jar a little too small to contain all the flowers. He couldn’t help but think how stunning you looked biting your lip concentrating while arranging the flowers, taking care not to break off any leaves.
Your apartment reflected your personality it seemed. The kitchen was attached to the large living room, separated by a large island that you were working on. The living room had a large comfortable yellow couch with a few fuzzy blankets and white pillows, facing a television on the wall surrounded by framed posters of music festivals, which he gathered from the dates were ones you attended. He also noticed a vintage looking record player next to the opposite wall with a shelf full of books and records, arranged in seemingly no order; the books differing in lengths with random records popped between them. Everything was extremely clean but he could make out some clutter like a pair of keys attached to an Apeach keychain next to the window, and a pair of sunglasses that were precariously hanging off the edge of a small table in the corner. He felt that he was looking inside your brain a little, and it made him extremely grateful that you had deemed him worthy enough to invite him over. He didn’t know if that was something you were comfortable enough doing with everyone you met or dated, or if inviting him to your apartment was an anomaly, and he’d be lying if he didn’t hope it was the latter. The thought that he was getting special treatment made him giddy.
After arranging your flowers, you made your way to Namjoon, and he felt your arms around his waist as you wrapped him a hug. 
“Thank you” you whispered into his chest and even this small gesture made him blush.
“I just wanted to cheer you up after that shitty meeting.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He could feel you smile into his chest, something that was confirmed when you separated after a few seconds and made your way to the couch. He missed your warmth already.
“Honestly, just talking to you after it cheered me up.” He sat next to you on the couch as you poured two glasses of white wine, handing him one. “I know we just talked but how was the rest of your day?”
You both shared news about the rest of your days with each other while waiting for dinner to arrive. The conversation was easy and fluid, easily shifting from mundane everyday events to anecdotes about your friends while you ate your pastas and finished the bottle of wine. He appreciated that unlike other people he had dated you didn’t seem surprised that he had friends outside the band and that most of his stories revolved around them rather than BTS. He always felt that so much of his friendship with the guys was broadcasted that he’d be retelling something that people had already watched so to the disappointment of a lot of his dates, he shared more about his other friends. Like how last year he went on a trip to Paris with childhood friends and got kicked out of the Louvre because they accidentally almost knocked down an exhibit. Or when one of his friends got so unbelievably drunk he had to bribe him with actual money to ensure he didn’t sleep in the park. He enjoyed hearing your university tales too, laughing out loud when you recounted the time you had drunkenly won a debate with one of your friends on which Batman was the best, resulting in the said friend to streak around the neighbourhood.
“Wait so you’re telling me if you lost, you would have to streak instead?” His eyes were wide as he looked at you. He had not expected you to have this wild side. He was intrigued, if not slightly turned on by the idea that this side might show up later.
“I would. I never break a promise.” You looked smug as you smiled over your wine glass. “But if I’m being honest, I knew I would win. Who thinks Clooney is the best Batman? He had a bat credit card for crying out loud!” He smiled as you ranted about how Batman would even apply for a credit card and the unlikelihood of him having a social security number without giving away his identity. Sure, Namjoon had never seen this particular Batman movie, or any to be fair, but the way you passionately discussed the superhero was so endearing to him that he couldn’t help nodding along enthusiastically at each point you made, giggling as he did so.
“Okay. I have not seen that movie, but that sounds hilarious.” He commented as he finished the last of the wine in his glass.
“What? It is a cinematic meme masterpiece! We have to watch it!”
That’s how you ended up watching Batman and Robin, a second bottle of wine open on the coffee table. You hadn’t imagined that’s how you’ll be spending the next few hours with Namjoon. In fact, you did not want to impose your nerdy views on him at all, but tipsy you had other ideas. He seemed to be enjoying the movie too, laughing justly at the bat nipples and stupid ice puns. However with each corny flirt Poison Ivy threw at one of the many men on screen, you couldn’t help but notice how closely you were sitting next to a man hotter than any on your television. He had his arm around your shoulders and your head rested slightly on his chest, engulfed in his woodsy scent. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him, resisting the urge to reach up and kiss his jaw where it rested on his hand.
You had wanted to kiss him the moment he walked in the door with flowers in hand. No date had ever brought you flowers before and it set your heart aflutter. If he was any more perfect, you’d be worried you had imagined him and that you’d wake up from a very long, very surreal dream. The next time you glanced up at him you found him looking at you, a soft smile on his face, his dimples looking extra cute as he looked into your eyes.
Feeling uncharacteristically bashful, you smiled back at him, willing yourself not to avert his gaze. “Hi,” you muttered.
“Hi” His deep voice reverberated through your body and before you could tell your heart to stop thudding at your chest, Namjoon closed the space between you. His lips were slightly chapped as he brushed them against yours gently -  unrushed and soft. He took his time, his lips dancing around yours as if in a practiced waltz, as he moved his hand to your cheek, thumb stroking your cheekbones. Before you could deepen the kiss, you separated, much to your disappointment and he went back to watching the movie.
“Oh look! It’s the credit card scene.” He said nonchalantly as if he had not just taken your breath away.
“Joon! This movie is stupid,” you whined as you reached for his face, but before you could reach it he grabbed your wrist.
“But it’s a cinematic meme masterpiece!” He teased you with your earlier comment, his eyes lit with mirth. 
You pouted in defiance. “You can’t just kiss me like this and expect me to go back to watching the movie.”
“Aww! Cute!” He cooed as you huff, but before you could protest further, he kissed you again. Unlike the first time, this kiss was fierce, sparking a need in you. His lips pressed firmly against yours as his arm moved from around you to maneuver you on top of his lap. He did not hold back as he kissed you with a yearning you felt pulsate through you. He coaxed his way into your mouth as you didn't hesitate for a second, your hands running through the hair at the nape of his neck.
His hands were on your hips and as he pulled you closer you couldn’t help but roll your hips on him, feeling him hardening under you, a moan escaping from your mouth into his. Your dress was almost pulled to your waist and the rough material of his jeans felt delicious against your lace panties. You couldn’t help but roll your hips again, wanting him much closer than he already was.
“Baby you can’t do that to me.” He whined, his voice heavy with desire, as he started placing kisses down your face to your neck.
“Why not?” Your eyes spoke of challenge as you once again grind on him, a light moan escaping your lips, teasingly.
He stops kissing you as he looks up at you sternly, his jaw jutting out slightly. “Because I’m trying to be a gentleman here.”
“Fuck that. Let’s be b-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, he is spinning you around to lay you on the couch, hovering above you, your legs on either side of his body. Your head is caged between his arms, your dress barely covering your panties, as he smirks at you before rocking his hip against you, eliciting a loud gasp from you.
“Are you sure?” He asks as he kisses your neck, softly biting in a way that you’re sure there will be marks tomorrow, before soothing it with his tongue.
“Yes” you whisper as you reach down to palm him over his pants, making him groan where he’s kissing behind your ear.
“Fuck… Can I take this off?” His hand is on the zipper of your dress and as soon as you nod, he is pulling it down, increasing his force when it gets caught. Suddenly he stops, his eyes wide with alarm. Leaning up slightly you follow his gaze to his hand where he holds your zipper, no longer attached to the dress. He looks like a kid that broke an expensive vase in a store and you can’t help but laugh.
“Oh shit! I’m sorry!” The more he apologizes, the more you laugh at the situation, tears filling up your eyes. How could he be sexily growling in your ear one moment, making you drench your panties, and be this adorably guilty looking the next? Pushing him off you stand up and coax the rest of the zip down, letting the dress pool at your feet, as you grab his hand, urging him to stand up.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You lead him across the hall to your bedroom, and he quickly recovers from his blunder, wrapping himself behind you as he continues to kiss your neck and face.
“I’ll buy you a new dress! Sorry!” He says as you sit down at the end of your bed.
“Joonie, stop apologizing and fuck me.” You pull at his shirt, and thankfully he gets the hint, smoothly taking it off and throwing it beside you with a quick “Yes, ma'am.” You are mesmerized by his body, as you trace your hands up to his toned chest, thanking the god you didn’t believe in for this moment. Smirking at your adoration, he kisses you again, pushing you to lie down with his arm around your waist as he pushes you further up the bed till your head hits the pillows.
He continues kissing you as you run your hands over his chest and back, wanting to consume all of him. “Mmm, you’re so beautiful.” He moans as he kisses down your neck to your chest, rubbing himself on you, his fingers lingering at the waistband of your panties. He looks to you for consent and seeing your enthusiastic nod, he pulls them down, groaning at your arousal that liberally coats them.
“Baby, you’re so wet.” He whispers, amazed as if you had any other choice considering his earlier teasing. He kisses your lips again as his fingers slide against your lips teasingly, making you rut your hips against his hand in an effort to feel him inside.
“Joonie, please. Stop teasing” You whine against his lips, and thankfully he does, pushing one finger inside, making you cry out as you tip your head back against the pillows. Taking advantage of your angled head he presses his lips to your neck, leaving another hickey as one finger becomes two, deliciously stretching you and making you clench against him. Your head is cloudy with endorphins as he curls his fingers expertly thrusting in you, filling the room with your wanton moans. He kisses up to your ear, nibbling a little at your lobe.
“I want to taste you.” His voice is heavy with want and it sends a shiver up your spine. You clench around his fingers in anticipation as he kisses down your body, pulling your bra cups down to pay extra attention to your hardened nipples. His bangs brush against your skin raising goosebumps as he places multiple small pecks on your soft belly before reaching his destination.
“Look here, baby.” He says and as soon as you make eye contact, he pulls out his fingers, placing them in his mouth sucking on them with a groan, making heat rise up your neck. “You’re fucking delicious.”
Your heart is about to explode out of your chest and you can’t help but squirm but he holds your legs apart, slowly kissing each inner thigh as he takes his time. He really has a knack for teasing, and you wouldn’t complain if not for the aching between your legs. You’re desperate for him.
Finally, he lays on his stomach, his long legs dangling off the bed, as he holds your gaze, grinning, before giving you a long lick, making you shudder. He moans into you as he continues his long licks, your fingers making their way to his hair.
He focuses his attention on your clit, sucking and increasing his speed. No one has eaten you out like this. You remember after drinks with your friends claiming that it sucked that you were straight because guys always suck at eating pussy. Oh how wrong you were, you thought as Namjoon added his fingers back into the mix, thrusting as his tongue lapped at your clit, making you see stars. You could feel the familiar heat in your core as you tugged his hair, making him groan, a chant of his name on your lips as you feel yourself becoming undone. Your toes curl into the comforter below you as your legs shake screaming his name. He coaxes you though your orgasm, slowing his thrusts and licking you clean as you come down. When you could feel the overstimulation, you called his name, lightly stroking his hair. You kind of felt bad for pulling on it that tightly earlier.
He wiped his face as he came up towards you, smiling triumphantly. He kissed you and you could taste yourself on his lips. 
“You did so well for me, baby.” You had never been praised for orgasming and although you had just cum you felt yourself getting wet all over again. You kissed him again, reaching to undo his jeans and struggling.
“Are you sure? We can stop here if you want.” Namjoon says against your lips.
“Shut up and get naked, Joon” you huff against his lips as he chuckles, flipping on his back next to you to undo his pants and pulling them off along with his boxers. You bite your lip as you see his cock emerge, bouncing against his stomach, his head dripping precum. Your mouth waters as you undo your bra, tossing it to the side, before reaching for his generous length. He hisses as your thumb runs over the tip, and you use the precum to stroke him slowly.
Suddenly, he grabs your wrist, stopping your exploration. “I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.”
You peck his lips as he lets go, turning around and reaching out for the condoms in your bedside drawer. Ripping the packet open, you pinch the tip, smirking as you place it in your mouth, enjoying the way his eyes widen in surprise as you stroke him twice before using your lips to encase his length in latex. 
“Holy fuck. You’re perfect.” He grabs your face as soon as you’re done and kisses you fiercely as he once again lays you under him. His length rubs against your clit, sending jolts of pleasures up your spine as you rut your hips upwards. Getting the hint, he grabs his cock and lines it to your entrance. Your insides flutter as you feel him run his tip between your folds collecting your arousal, making you mewl a weak “please”. His face is flushed and his eyes are dark as he guides himself in smoothly, both of you moaning at the pleasure. The stretch is unbelievable, and you close your eyes as the sensation.
He waits a beat for you to accommodate him and as soon as you nod, he pulls back to thrust in again. Slowly he builds up to a rhythm that has you both panting. The room is full of the sounds of your bodies colliding and heavy breaths. You open your eyes to see him with his tongue between his lips and his jaw clenched. The same look of concentration he had when he was writing his songs in your office last night, and you felt yourself clench around him in pleasure. He moaned lowly and it was like you could feel his voice travel through you.
“Oh my god, Joon!” you cried as he changed his angle, hitting your g-spot directly, and increased his speed, thrusting harder.
“I got you, baby. I got you.” He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers, pressing his forehead against yours, pressing kisses against your cheeks. You could feel yourself getting close again as he continued his pace, and by the way his grip on your hand tightened you could tell he was getting there too. You wrapped your legs around him as he started to get sloppier, getting lost in chasing pleasure.
“Cum for me baby, please.” He pleaded as his fingers reached between you to tease your clit, shooting waves of pleasure through you. He sucked on your neck and the sensation was too much. You feel yourself tighten around him and he groans as the tension building in your stomach snaps, making you cum hard around him, his name on your tongue as your fingers dig into his back.
He fucks you through your orgasm, hard and fast, before cumming himself with a loud groan and collapsing on you. Your bodies panting in unison as you both try to catch your breath. You’re both still holding hands, as he sweetly kisses your cheek, before pulling himself off of you, discarding the condom in the trash can, and laying back next to you. After you both calm down, he speaks staring at the ceiling.
“Do you have cameras in here?”
“What?” You are confused as you turn to look at him.
“Wouldn’t wanna make a sex tape on our second date.” He laughs, turning on his side and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Oh my god. I hate you.” You playfully swat at his chest.
“Nah, you like me.” He grins, kissing the tip of your nose as you roll your eyes. “But it’s okay because I really like you too.”
“You are so cheesy!” you groan, but your face flushes at his words, your heart dancing in your chest. “I’m going to pee.”
“No, stay.” He whines pulling you close to his chest. You oblige him for all of two minutes, before grabbing his shirt from the end of the bed, putting it on, grabbing a fresh pair of panties, and making your way to the ensuite.
When you return you find him still on your bed, albeit in his boxers now, lying amongst your many pillows with his hands behind his head. Hearing your footsteps, he turns to you and smiles, reaching his hand out to pull you in with him. Cuddling you into his chest, he pulls the comforter over the two of you.
“You’re staying?” You hadn’t expected him to stay and you felt your heart warm at the way he did not rush to leave after sex. You knew he wasn’t the kind of person to just be in it for the sex, but it was your second date so you had kept your expectations low.
“Do you not want me to?” He asks with a pout, stiffening, and you could hear how fast his heart was beating.
“Please stay.” You snuggled closer to him, wrapping your arms around him, as you felt him relax and kiss the top of your head. “Want to see something cool?”
He hummed as you asked your google home to show you the sky. It was a dumb impulse purchase you made after a week of late nights of work at home and you hadn’t had the opportunity to show it off yet. You watched his mouth open in awe as the connected device turned off all the lights in your room and projected the milky way on to your ceiling. You chuckled at his child-like reaction. After talking to him this much, you were kind of sure that this would be how he’d act. You were pretty similar and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same reaction when you first saw the constellations on your ceiling. He was quiet for a while, taking in the view and the only way you knew he was awake was by the way his hand softly caressed your hair.
“Hey Y/N. Do you ever think how crazy it is that we met?” His voice was almost a whisper as he turned on his side to look at you. Turning to face him, you placed your hand on his cheek as he continued. “Like you would have to make a company at the perfect time, get your contract with Samsung, decide to move to Korea, convince my boss to sign with you, and then throw that gala, and at the same time I would have to decide to be a rapper, sign to this company, make it big at the right time, come across your non-profit at the right time, and successfully convince Bang PD to let us go to your event. Isn’t that crazy how all those little decisions led to this?”
You were stunned. You had never thought about it that way. How everyone you met was by such a coincidence, how you met Joon was such a coincidence. The way he phrased it made it seem like fate. Maybe it was.
“You forgot about the part where I almost didn’t let you come to the gala.” You joked. You knew he was being serious, but your internal defense mechanisms were in full gear. You didn’t know why you were making light of his beautiful statement, but you felt if you didn’t, you’d fall for him even further and you weren't ready for that.
“What do you mean?” He chuckled, his hand rubbing circles into your waist.
“Your team asked me four hours before the gala that you were coming.” He snorted at your response. “You’re lucky Jiyoung is a fan.”
“Well, then I’ll send a thank you card to her.” He gazed at you adoringly as he pulled you closer. “You know I wasn’t joking earlier… I really like you.”
“I really like you too, Joon.” you whispered as he captured your lips into a kiss. You both continued discussing the coincidences that had to align for you to meet, stealing kisses as you drift off to sleep. 
Wrapped up in his arms, with the twinkling stars on your ceiling, it was the best sleep you had had in a long while.
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staircasttext · 3 years
Ep 19: Beaver Tales
Episode 19
[intro music]
PAZ: Hi everyone, welcome back to Stairway to StarClan, a Warriors Cat reread pawdcast. I'm Paz.
JULIAN: I'm Julian.
LIZ: And I'm Liz.
PAZ: And we're back again this week with chapters seven to 10 of Forest of Secrets. I almost said Fire and Ice. No, we're done with that. Kind of a lot of in camp activities these chapters, I would say.
JULIAN: Yeah, some tightly focused drama.
PAZ: Yeah. I don't know anything, any pressing pre-summary thoughts, or should we just go into it?
LIZ: Let's just hop right in.
PAZ: Okay. Chapter seven. After Bluestar dismisses Fireheart, he bumps into Cinderpaw on her way to find herbs for Yellowfang and accompanies her. On the way out, they see Cloudkit and the other kits taunting Brokentail. Fireheart is conflicted and angry, and snatches Cloudkit away from Brokentail, telling the other kits to go back to the nursery. Darkstripe calls Fireheart a kittypet again, and Fireheart explains to Cloudkit what that means. He also tells Cloudkit that they were both kittypets, which shocks Cloudkit. Cloudkit vows to become a good warrior anyway, and Fireheart reminds him about being honorable.
Cinderpaw checks on Brokentail and Darkstripe returns into the den. Fireheart and Cinderpaw let Cloudkit come with them to find herbs, and she teaches Cloudkit a bit of what she's learned about foraging. While they talk about Cloudkit's future, Cloudkit eats some-- doesn't eat. That'd be bad if he. Cloudkit almost eats some poisonous berries before Cinderpaw stops him. Cloudkit, dead. He's dead now.
LIZ: Dead in Miami.
PAZ: Dead in chapter seven of Forest of Secrets. No, that didn't happen. He takes her warning seriously. Afterwards, Cinderpaw wonders what her future will be like, feeling uncertain and pained, and Fireheart encourages her to talk to Bluestar. He thinks briefly about Bluestar's reaction to Graypool's story again, and thinks to himself that it's beyond his understanding.
Chapter eight. Fireheart has a disturbing dream about kits suckling from a faceless grey queen, who then disappears. Spottedleaf appears, sheltering the kits, and the dream ends. When he wakes up, he thinks about Graypool's story again, noticing that Graystripe is also missing, seeing Silverstream, of course. He and Sandstorm decide to go hunting, taking poor Brackenpaw with them since Graystripe has forgotten about him again. Brackenpaw catches a bird, but they suddenly hear the sound of a kit in danger. They find a badger menacing Cloudkit and manage to chase it off. They wonder about how strange it was for a badger to be out in daytime. Cloudkit is returned safely to Brindleface, but Tigerclaw punishes him for wasting everyone's time, though isn't Cloudkit's fault. His punishment is to clean up for the elders.
Meanwhile, Yellowfang has taken Brokentail outside to talk about newleaf, while Darkstripe and Longtail act as guards. She's very gentle and motherly, but Brokentail doesn't respond. Fireheart watches sadly, thinking of mothers and kits, and then Mistyfoot and Stonefur again.
Chapter nine. While Cinderpaw tends to Brackenpaw's wounds from attacking the badger, Fireheart checks in on Cloudkit and helps him with tending to the elders. Fireheart tells him about having to tend to Yellowfang's ticks, her ass ticks, when he was younger, which cheers Cloudkit up.
Later, Fireheart sees Tigerclaw sneaking out of camp, so he decides to follow him. He notices Tigerclaw is getting close to Twolegplace, wondering if he's trying to track down Princess to hurt her. Fireheart also happens to catch a mouse on the way, which gives him an alibi for hunting, when he literally bumps into Tigerclaw soon after.
When Tigerclaw returns to camp, Fireheart checks around Twolegplace, where he smells that a lot of strange, unknown cats have been around in addition to Tigerclaw. He also meets with Princess briefly, and he tells her about how well Cloudkit is growing up, promising to bring him to see her in newleaf. On the way back to camp, he sees that newleaf's thaw has started.
Chapter 10. Fireheart tells Bluestar about the strange cat scents, and she says she'll send patrols out, thinking they might be rogues from Twolegplace. Two days later, newleaf has truly arrived, and there's plenty of food to hunt. Fireheart is pleased to see Cloudkit continuing to tend to the elders, even after his punishment has ended. Tigerclaw tells Fireheart to patrol the RiverClan border and renew the scent markings, and Fireheart realizes Tigerclaw is too clever to be hostile to him in public. He takes some other warriors with him, including Sandstorm and Graystripe, who is the most excited in case he sees Silverstream. However, they don't smell any RiverClan cats at all. The river has overflowed from the thaw, flooding Sunningrocks. And that's the end of the readings this week. What? Does anybody want to say anything?
JULIAN: Sorry, I was on the Wikipedia page for badgers again. Just for when we get to it.
PAZ: The Wikipedia page or like the Warriors wiki page?
JULIAN: No, the regular Wikipedia page.
PAZ: Oh, okay.
JULIAN: I was not on the Warriors wiki page, although I'm sure that's a rich vein.
LIZ: Oh, I'll check.
PAZ: No, don't. There's spoilers. Don't check.
LIZ: I'll just read the first sentence, how about that. There's only the first sentence and then the contents, like table of contents. They do have a picture of a real badger on there.
PAZ: That's beautiful.
LIZ: Not an illustrated one. "Badgers are thickset medium-sized animals with huge muscles and beady eyes that are mainly active at night, and are enemies to cats in the Warriors series." There you go.
JULIAN: Hot damn.
PAZ: Huge muscles.
JULIAN: The thing that I was reading on the actual Wikipedia page for badgers is that apparently they're usually pretty chill, unless they're cornered.
PAZ: Yeah, I thought so.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's saying that they often live alongside and will share their burrows with red foxes.
LIZ: Ooh.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: "Foxes provide badgers with food scraps, and badgers maintain the shared burrows' cleanliness."
LIZ: Roommates.
PAZ: Wow, love is real.
JULIAN: "Although sometimes this can go wrong, and cases are known of badgers driving vixens from their dens and destroying their litters."
PAZ: [gasp]
LIZ: [gasp] Oh.
JULIAN: "In return, red foxes are known to have killed badger cubs in spring."
LIZ: Roommates to enemies.
PAZ: Roommates to enemies.
JULIAN: Sometimes your roommate situation goes south.
PAZ: Yeah, it can be like that with roommates. Yeah, I'm like, I thought badgers were fairly chill. They're not like wolverines.
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: No, they're pretty chill unless you corner them. And that's not what happened here.
PAZ: Maybe this badger has rabies. That was my first thought when it was like, it's out in the daytime.
JULIAN: Oh, that's possible.
PAZ: I was like, does this badger have rabies? Is Brackenpaw gonna get rabies?
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: He hasn't had his shots.
PAZ: Exactly. He hasn't had his rabies shots.
LIZ: This is why Fireheart is like the chosen one, or whatever.
PAZ: Speaking of Brackenpaw, poor Brackenpaw.
LIZ: Poor little guy.
JULIAN: Fuckin, Graystripe, do your job. Do your job.
LIZ: How often does he have to see his girlfriend?
PAZ: Every hour of every day, apparently.
JULIAN: Like I get it. They don't have Skype. They can't write each other letters or like text or whatever. But like, you gotta deal.
LIZ: Make a schedule.
PAZ: Just go out at night, or something.
JULIAN: Have a weekly date night. And then be normal.
PAZ: I'm glad that the text pointed out that Graystripe sucks and is a bad teacher again because he is.
LIZ: Poor Brackenpaw.
JULIAN: Well, and it's having serious impacts on-- yeah. It's having serious impacts on Brackenpaw's like emotional health. He's really unsure of himself. And like, even when he did a really good job fighting off the badger, he's like, oh no, I'm sure it wasn't that-- like I didn't do that good.
LIZ: Brackenpaw is very cool. He caught a bird out of the air and then was very self-conscious about that.
PAZ: Yeah, he did a double-jump.
LIZ: Yeah. Where'd he learn that? Not Graystripe.
PAZ: Hell no. Graystripe wouldn't fight a badger. Graystripe would just leave.
JULIAN: Graystripe would leave the badger for someone else to deal with.
LIZ: There's that part where like Brackenpaw's like, oh, all the other apprentices are so much younger, but they're gonna be warriors before me.
PAZ: I know.
JULIAN: Also, like, Graystripe, do your job. Also Bluestar do your job.
PAZ: Bluestar... horrible leader.
JULIAN: Or-- not to be like, Tigerclaw should get in here. But like, if he's going to be aggressive and mean, maybe he should be aggressive and mean about the actual problems.
LIZ: He should just ground Graystripe for like a month.
JULIAN: Graystripe can deal with the elders' ticks.
PAZ: Okay, like, not to be like Tigerclaw's right again. But him giving Cloudkit a little like, oh, take care of the elders punishment seemed to work. Cloudkit gained some emotional maturity from that, so.
JULIAN: Yeah, I do have a note that's like his reasoning sucks, but this is good for Cloudkit.
PAZ: Yeah, Cloudkit needed that.
JULIAN: Also like, it integrates him better with the clan. Again, worst person you know made a great point.
LIZ: It's very funny. He just became like a mean teacher for a second. It's like, this is the 90s movie where Cloudkit is like the rowdy new transfer. Tigerclaw's like his mean math teacher or something, and he gives him extra homework. It makes his math better. I don't know. Is that how the movies go? Math, right? Math.
PAZ: Yeah. Uh-huh.
JULIAN: I didn't have a TV, so.
PAZ: Sure.
LIZ: Well, I've never seen a movie, so we are equal here.
PAZ: I think we jumped around a little bit though. I guess we can--
JULIAN: We did. We jumped straight to chapter eight.
PAZ: I forgot when that happened. For some reason I thought Brackenpaw being abandoned started in chapter seven, but it is not. It's Cinderpaw.
LIZ: Just start, in my mind, poor guy.
JULIAN: Oh, Cinderpaw.
PAZ: Once again, Cinderpaw seems to be doing just fine. But Fireheart's manpain, like internal narrative is terrible. Be quiet.
JULIAN: There is a line about how he's not in the mood for sharing tongues with his friends, which I know we've covered this before. I will never get used to sharing tongues.
LIZ: Why isn't it just called cleaning?
JULIAN: Grooming.
LIZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Well...
LIZ: There's a word for it. You got it.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know who decided that would be the term for it.
LIZ: Also, since we did like start out with, you know, seeing how like, we got to see how Brackenpaw felt about his situation, it's kind of like an capital-I Interesting contrast to see that in like Cinderpaw, cause we don't really get to see much of that, just kind of like Fireheart's man pain.
PAZ: I mean, she does like voice her feelings in this part, where she's like, I don't really know what I'm doing because we only have three jobs in our society. And no one's told me now what I should do.
LIZ: I guess it's like the way it cycles back to Fireheart, which...
PAZ: Yeah, that's true.
JULIAN: Yeah, the framing is very like Fireheart-centric, in a way that I wish it were not.
PAZ: Yeah, I agree.
JULIAN: God, it is like, he's so close, because there's one point where-- let me find the portion. Yeah. "Cinderpaw was brave and intelligent, and before her accident, she had shown endless energy and commitment to the clan. Surely that couldn't all be thrown away." Yeah, Fireheart, surely it couldn't. Like he's soooooo close. And yet so far away.
LIZ: My guy.
JULIAN: Like I'm glad she's found something that she can do, but blehhhhh.
LIZ: She was given one option by one person.
JULIAN: Well, and it's also in the like bit with the deathberries, um, like she does move very quickly when required. When the plot requires her to be able to move quickly, she sure can.
PAZ: Yeah, it's almost like she could hunt and stuff fine if anyone would just let her, or do anything else.
JULIAN: It's like right after he sees that that Fireheart is like, damn. Too bad she's helpless.
PAZ: Yeah, speaking of helplessness-- disability framed as helplessness, all this stuff with Brokentail at the start of chapter seven is also like what the hell.
LIZ: Ooh. Yikes.
JULIAN: It's so fucked.
LIZ: It's fucked.
PAZ: It frames him as completely helpless. I'm like, all he is is blind. He didn't like...
LIZ: He's still like an adult cat.
JULIAN: Right, he still has claws and like teeth. I fully expected him to kill one of the kits.
PAZ: He's just barely reacted. It's so weird.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's also just like, you know, I'm glad that Fireheart like takes Cloudkit aside and is like, Hey, don't do that.
LIZ: Yeah, it's fucking shitty. Don't do it.
JULIAN: But yeah, the fact that like-- and you know, it is framed as like a fucked up thing that the kits have done to like be taunting their prisoner, their disabled prisoner, but oooh! Yeesh.
PAZ: Yeah, it's like, it's one thing to like-- there was sort of a part where like Darkstripe like threatened Brokentail when like he almost clawed them, but like it wasn't really being framed as like, he's not doing it because he'll get, like, beat up by the guard. It was like-- he just barely reacted. And it was like, oh he couldn't track where the kits were. I'm like, he still has ears. He still has whiskers.
JULIAN: He has ears and whiskers and like scent.
LIZ: That's mostly what they hunt with anyway. It's not like they use their incredible bird's eye view to hunt the mouse.
JULIAN: Yeah, all the descriptions of hunting are like, oh, they hear the mouse rustling in the grass. Like they can't see the mouse.
PAZ: It's so weird.
LIZ: I mean, like we know why it's like this, and it's because the author didn't put the work into it to like-- just thinks this is the only way you can write your disabled character.
JULIAN: Yeah, I guess it really is sort of one finger curls on the monkey's paw. We were like, oh, I wish there were another disabled character besides Cinderpaw.
PAZ: Mm.
JULIAN: And we got one, and...
PAZ: Somehow worse.
JULIAN: He literally has Broken in the name.
PAZ: Yeah, but that scene-- oh, go ahead.
JULIAN: And then Fireheart gets-- oh sorry, I was gonna say, and then Fireheart gets to explain racism to Cloudkit.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: He literally says we have to work twice as hard. Oh my God.
JULIAN: Head in my hands.
PAZ: It's a kids book so I'll let it pass, but it is very funny.
LIZ: When's Cloudkit gonna have his lunchbox moment?
PAZ: He has his little catnip mouse. All the warriors are like, ew, what's that?
LIZ: Fuck.
JULIAN: Oh, God.
PAZ: Princess gives him some Temptations to take back to camp.
JULIAN: To bring home to them. To all his friends.
LIZ: And when all his friends are like, you know, in college, they're gonna be going to all the overpriced fusion Temptations bars.
PAZ: Oh god.
JULIAN: All the catnip lounges.
LIZ: Terrible.
JULIAN: Also, not only is Fireheart explaining racism to Cloudkit, but he's also telling Cloudkit that he's adopted, which is a lot.
PAZ: Yeah, I mean to be fair, Fireheart thought that he already knew.
JULIAN: Which is also, how did he not know?
PAZ: I don't know. I guess he just never like brought it up with Brindleface.
JULIAN: But they were all teasing him for being a kittypet.
PAZ: Were they?
LIZ: Maybe.
JULIAN: I think so.
PAZ: I don't know if they ever did it to his face.
JULIAN: I guess it was mostly like-- yeah.
PAZ: Well, he said like, so that's why everyone hates me but I don't know if anyone ever called him a kittypet like to his face.
JULIAN: Yeah, no, I think you're right. Damn.
PAZ: I do love that Cloudkit says, "'so that's why the other cats hate me,' he spat. 'They think I'll never be any good because I wasn't born in this dump of a forest.'"
LIZ: Get 'em.
PAZ: So good. Get 'em.
LIZ: I love his like immediate turnaround like fuck this house. None of you are my dad.
PAZ: He's such a funny child.
JULIAN: There's a bit later where when Fireheart meets with Princess, he's like, yeah, your son's doing great. Um, and then mentally he's like, yeah, and he's spoiled and like nosy. But I do love him.
PAZ: He's very fun.
LIZ: Just a little rowdy boy.
PAZ: Yeah, he's a little brat rowdy boy.
LIZ: He's definitely like a season two protagonist.
JULIAN: Mm, mm-hmm.
LIZ: Know what I mean?
PAZ: Yeah? You think, second series?
LIZ: Mm-hmm. It's like, no, it's not about the power of friendship anymore. It's about the power of me winning the sports game, except it is friendship, but I have to get through a couple of my own walls first, because of--
JULIAN: What sport do you think the cats will be inventing?
LIZ: What's a good one for them to play? Soccer. There you go.
PAZ: Yeah, they would love to bat a little ball around.
JULIAN: Or like a sort of--
LIZ: A moss ball.
JULIAN: I was gonna say, sort of a, like, Maya toss ball situation, where you have to get the ball into the hoop.
LIZ: They can have one more job then. It's hoop maker.
JULIAN: Hoop maker and athlete.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: Two more jobs. Three more jobs if they need referees.
PAZ: Wow. They can do like, like inter clan sports competitions, and that'll get all the bloodlust out when they just, you know, they play sports.
JULIAN: What if the cats have football riots though?
LIZ: They would. They will. It's terrible. Who's England in this situation?
JULIAN: ThunderClan, right?
LIZ: Yeah. Boo.
PAZ: Has to be.
JULIAN: Like, thinks they're good, has done many crimes.
PAZ: Exactly.
JULIAN: Although I guess ShadowClan is like the most obviously expansionist, so.
PAZ: They're all England.
LIZ: Ugh.
JULIAN: Maybe ThunderClan is like Germany
LIZ: They'll also probably need more like medics. So that's not a new job, but it is like expanding it.
PAZ: Yeah, more than two doctors.
LIZ: Oh, what a luxury.
JULIAN: More than one and a half doctors.
PAZ: Speaking of the doctors, it's very like stupid that Cinderpaw's like, oh I don't know what I'll do. And it's like, you're acting as the medicine cat. Throughout all these chapters, you were just a second doctor. And Fireheart's also like, I have no idea. Oh, you'll have to talk to Bluestar.
LIZ: Assigned doctor.
PAZ: I bet Yellowfang's gonna be like, um, I thought you were already my apprentice like three weeks ago.
LIZ: Well, did she ask?
PAZ: I guess, I don't know. It's just like--
LIZ: Listen, these cats are pretty dense.
JULIAN: Yellowfang seems like the kind of character who doesn't ask for things but sort of tries to trick people into doing nice things for them. She's like, oh, uh, oh, whoops, I made all this soup. You have to eat it or it'll go to waste.
LIZ: Tricks you into a paying job.
JULIAN: Yeah, Cinderpaw has a little moment where she's like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna have to move out of Yellowfang's den. And it's like, will you? I don't think you will. Has she asked you to?
LIZ: She probably already made you a room.
PAZ: Yeah, I'm pretty sure she has a bed there. I mean not just like her, like recovering bed.
JULIAN: Yellowfang like carefully decorating the walls while Cinderpaw's out.
LIZ: Yellowfang makes her a Welcome Home Temptations cake with a little ribbon.
PAZ: Cinderpaw also says, "ever since I was a tiny kit I wanted to be like Bluestar," and I'm like, no you don't.
LIZ: No. I mean she probably did.
JULIAN: Yeah, that's the lie of being a girlboss.
PAZ: I think you're better off.
JULIAN: Yeah, it seems like Bluestar isn't doing so hot.
LIZ: The part where Fireheart tells her like, oh, Bluestar will know what to do.
PAZ: I know. I was like, I don't think so.
JULIAN: When has Bluestar ever known what to do?
LIZ: For like five chapters in the first book.
PAZ: Yeah, and in like the beginning of book two with WindClan. And then it was kinda over.
LIZ: I don't know what's happening lately. Maybe she got taken over by the ghost of a cat that's not good at being...
JULIAN: Speaking of Yellowfang, the scenes with her and Brokentail are so sad.
PAZ: Like her being like, she's being motherly to him, and him just like, absolutely not responding. Of course he doesn't know that she's his mom.
JULIAN: Right. Woof.
LIZ: [sighs]
PAZ: Drama.
LIZ: There's a part where it says like, she makes like little mom noises at him.
PAZ: Yeah, I was in tears.
JULIAN: Or like, she was like grooming him, and like he does not even move.
LIZ: Aw.
JULIAN: Yellowfang, it's okay. You have so many other children.
PAZ: I know. This kid sucks.
JULIAN: You have so many children who don't suck.
PAZ: I guess we didn't really talk about that prophecy dream Fireheart had, but it wasn't really that interesting.
JULIAN: Yeah, it didn't really tell us anything that we don't already know.
PAZ: Yeah, it was just Spottedleaf being like Fireheart, you idiot. You know who those kits are.
LIZ: Who's that gray cat?
PAZ: I don't know.
LIZ: Well, there are so many gray cats, just.
PAZ: It's true.
LIZ: Like there's definitely more than-- like I knew about them, but it just seems more pointed out now for some reason. Is that just me? Like, it talks about how Cinderpelt is-- sorry, Cinderpaw. I know what happens later, name-wise. How she's gray. We already know Graystripe's gray. There's Graypool, there's Silverstream, there's that other guy. There's Yellowfang?
JULIAN: Stonefur?
PAZ: No, Yellowfang has black fur, I think.
JULIAN: Or like dark brown.
LIZ: Dark brown?
PAZ: Yeah. Persian cat.
JULIAN: Yeah, it does feel like they're like, hey, look, like all these gray cats. Parallels.
LIZ: It's cause there's no black and white.
PAZ: Was Oakheart gray too? How many fucking gray cats were there?
LIZ: Lots.
JULIAN: [typing] Oakheart Warriors wiki. He was... uh, no. He was reddish-brown.
PAZ: Well.
LIZ: That's a lot more uncommon, I think, like a reddish brown cat that isn't like a tabby or something. Like you ever see a brown cat? Like a brown brown cat?
JULIAN: I have, but it's definitely, like--
PAZ: Just pure brown? Yeah, those are a--
JULIAN: A weird-looking color.
PAZ: Those kinds of cats always look really smooth. It's probably a breed, that kind I'm thinking of.
LIZ: They look like just little like wild cats.
JULIAN: Oh, it's a Havana Brown.
LIZ: Hmm.
PAZ: We already talked about Brackenpaw being abandoned. The badger, of course,
LIZ: I don't know, does he become more prominent later?
PAZ: Brackenpaw?
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: I cannot-- I literally cannot remember.
JULIAN: Yeah, I also super do not remember.
LIZ: Is there like, I don't know, like, just like a fanfiction that's like a day in the life of Brackenpaw? What's he do? Poor guy.
PAZ: I feel like maybe I remember this scene.
JULIAN: I don't see anything like super big that he does later, but.
LIZ: Aw. Okay, new Patreon goal. Listen, if we get to $420. I don't know what'll happen.
PAZ: Oh. Sorry, I'm just reading something. I forgot who he mentored.
JULIAN: There is a nice little sentence here, first paragraph. "He was apprenticed early with the name Brackenpaw, mentored by Graystripe. However, Graystripe neglected his duties." Hell yeah he did.
LIZ: Bitch.
PAZ: "And Brackenpaw's training was mostly completed by Fireheart." Uh-huh.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: That's right.
LIZ: It's definitely more apparent in these chapters like that the other cats are picking up the slack, too, which is nice, but.
JULIAN: Yeah, Whitestorm and the other guy are like, yeah, we're gonna take all the cats out, all the apprentices out for a hunt.
PAZ: School field trip.
LIZ: But is it like-- does it feel like, oh, I'm like a sixth grader, and these are all first graders?
PAZ: Yeah, that seems to be the vibe because Brackenpaw's like really upset about it.
LIZ: He can't talk about Fortnite with them. They're too young.
JULIAN: Oh shit, new pixel art of Graystripe just dropped.
PAZ: Oh shit.
LIZ: What?
JULIAN: I think this is new. I don't remember seeing this. He's all fluffy in this pixel art. From the Warriors wiki.
LIZ: Whoa.
PAZ: Whoa. Why's he so dark?
JULIAN: I know, right?
LIZ: No, it's because he's wet from being in Riverclan all the time.
PAZ: Of course.
LIZ: [snickers]
PAZ: What? Got that trap neuter return ear?
LIZ: I was just gonna say that. What happened to you, Graystripe?
PAZ: Maybe if his balls got cut off that would solve a lot of problems.
LIZ: I think he'd still be a bitch. He didn't have a girlfriend when he was like, mm, I don't know about this Tigerclaw being a murder thing
PAZ: God, I can't get over that. I mean, there's a badger scene. There's Cloudkit getting his punishment.
LIZ: What is the level of sentience that badgers have here?
PAZ: I don't know.
JULIAN: Well. I mean, there's some stuff later. But I don't know about badgers in general.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't know if all badgers are sentient or not.
LIZ: Okay, well, the way you guys said that made me think there's like a special badger.
PAZ: No comment.
LIZ: Hmm.
JULIAN: I really love how much of this description is clearly copied from Wikipedia or like an encyclopedia article about badgers. I don't think that it's been revealed anywhere in the Warrior books that male and female badgers generally have the same head-body length falling between 56 and 90 centimeters.
LIZ: God bless.
JULIAN: I just don't think the cats are thinking in centimeters.
LIZ: Oh, they use inches?
JULIAN: Oh, there's a source for all this. Oh, it's revealed on animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu. Yep.
PAZ: Of course.
JULIAN: I do love that they continue to use the revealed language for...
PAZ: It's so funny. I was reading about the supposed Warriors film and it was of course, all revealed on variety.com.
LIZ: Variety?
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: I see.
JULIAN: Oh, this badger looks so cute. There's a badger art from the badger from Secrets of the Clans, which is one of the Warrior guidebooks, and it has--
PAZ: Oh my gosh.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: The roundest, softest face.
PAZ: Oh my god, I'm in tears.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: This badger looks like the picture of the cat who's been photoshopped to be crying.
LIZ: What has this badger seen?
JULIAN: Also, that's not a Eurasian badger. That's an American badger.
PAZ: Yeah, that is definitely not.
JULIAN: That's the wrong species.
LIZ: What the fuck's a Eurasian badger look like?
JULIAN: It's got the long--
PAZ: It's the classic like black and white striped one, right?
JULIAN: Yeah, so like if you look at the picture at the top of the wiki article, it's a badger with a much longer face with stripes that go all the way down. And that's a Eurasian badger, and the American badger has a much rounder babier looking face.
LIZ: What a sad looking little guy. What have you seen? Do you think the American badger's looking over at like England or whatever with its incredible Hawkeye vision like, oh, that poor little Brackenpaw. If it was me, I wouldn't have attacked a little baby kitten. Oh, those poor cats.
JULIAN: Oh, I'm sorry. I know we got to move off of the Wikipedia page, but I found an amazing picture of an American badger.
PAZ: Please.
LIZ: We'll post these badger pictures on the Twitter. Don't you guys worry.
PAZ: If we remember. Oh my god.
JULIAN: Look at that lad!
LIZ: Oh my God. Oh my god.
PAZ: Holy shit.
LIZ: This looks fake.
PAZ: This looks like they stretched the jpeg.
JULIAN: It's on illinois.gov.
LIZ: What?
JULIAN: It's on the Department of Natural Resources.
PAZ: [wheezing] What is-- what--
LIZ: Chunky.
PAZ: What's wrong with its head?
JULIAN: I mean, they fucking, they all look like this.
LIZ: Nothing. It's perfect.
JULIAN: Here's from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
PAZ: Oh my god.
LIZ: I didn't know they looked like this.
JULIAN: Look at him. There he goes, trot, trot.
LIZ: His powerful stance.
PAZ: They're so wide. I can't. They look like potatoes.
JULIAN: Absolute legend.
LIZ: That's how they make those tunnels. They just like wiggle.
JULIAN: Here's a European badger, just to like for comparison. We can-- I'm putting all these images in the chat so we can tweet them later. Just a long boy. Just a looong slinky boy.
PAZ: Yeah, that's a much less wide, wide lad.
LIZ: Very classic.
PAZ: Still very round nose.
JULIAN: Oh, here's one running.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Thank you Shutterstock. Thank you Shutterstock. Thank you whichever photographer hid out in a wild, in like a lane somewhere in England.
PAZ: Oh my god. Look at it go.
JULIAN: To catch this lad.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: It looks like--
LIZ: He go.
PAZ: You know the like boom mic on TVs that they--
LIZ: Yes.
PAZ: It looks like one of those.
JULIAN: Oh, I love him.
LIZ: What's that thing you keep telling me to get for my mic?
PAZ: Oh, a pop filter?
LIZ: Yeah. He looks like a pop filter.
JULIAN: I'm also seeing an image that says, it's a infographic about the differences between the European badger and American badger, but [laughing] the European badger is clearly a beaver.
LIZ: Wait.
JULIAN: Like, could not more clearly be a beaver.
PAZ: What?
LIZ: Wait a minute. Is this just a little nature joke? Little humor?
JULIAN: No, this is a whole... everything you need to know.
LIZ: Oh dear.
PAZ: Well, the first thing you need to know is that's not the European badger.
JULIAN: That's not a fucking badger. Oh, I know that this is clearly a content farm and someone just did a bad job. But this is a beaver. This is a beaver.
LIZ: This looks like a meme.
JULIAN: They do have it correct that none of these are good pets.
PAZ: No.
LIZ: True. God, look at that guy go. I can't stop looking at it. It's just running. Where's he going?
JULIAN: He has important business.
LIZ: Gotta go attack a baby. Heard that baby's an atheist.
PAZ: That's why the badger went for it.
JULIAN: The badger's here to enforce, uh. Oh, I'm sorry, I can't get over the beaver.
PAZ: Okay, we gotta move on.
LIZ: It's a badger.
JULIAN: We gotta move on. We gotta move on.
LIZ: A European badger.
PAZ: Cloudkit got attacked by a beaver.
LIZ: Just turns around and like, waps you.
JULIAN: Oh. Alright, what else happened in these chapters?
PAZ: I guess the next thing we didn't talk about, um, I mean we talked a little about... I guess Fireheart and Cloudkit have another little bonding scene getting the moss.
JULIAN: Yeah, that was cute. And then Tigerclaw's up to some shit again.
PAZ: Of course. Yeah, Tigerclaw going to Twolegplace to do nefarious things. There was a point where his pawprints were described as massive, which was extremely funny to me.
JULIAN: I love the image of Tigerclaw's just enormous big ol beans.
PAZ: Huge beans.
LIZ: Big ol beans compared to cats, though. How big could they be?
PAZ: Well, have you ever seen a cat with real, real big paw to body ratio? That's what I'm imagining. Like he's a big cat but his paws are even bigger.
LIZ: Yeah, but he could still fit in like...
PAZ: What if Tigerclaw's like a polydactyl? Is that what they're called?
LIZ: Oh, absolutely.
JULIAN: [gasps] Yes.
PAZ: Multiple toes.
LIZ: He's got thumbs so that's why he can commit all his crimes.
PAZ: It all makes sense.
LIZ: All dexterity. How did Tigerclaw kill all those other cats? He's got a gun.
PAZ: Holy shit.
JULIAN: I mean, he has been hanging out with all these back alley cats that smell like trash.
LIZ: These city cats.
JULIAN: This is how guns enter the rural English countryside.
PAZ: I love that Fireheart just keeps collecting evidence that Tigerclaw's evil, and he just can't do anything about it because Bluestar is useless.
LIZ: I just can't believe that in these chapters, there's that part specifically where he says Bluestar will know what to do.
PAZ: [snorts]
JULIAN: Right, it's like last-- well, I mean, I feel like he still thinks it's his fault, that he like didn't frame it right last time. Which is very sad.
PAZ: Yeah, but like, he tried to tell her twice. And each time she's been like, no,
LIZ: But it's definitely like being set up for that, right? Because this is very like his own perspective and it's gonna be a dramatic irony turn later.
LIZ: Is that too hopeful?
PAZ: We'll see.
LIZ: [darkly] Mm.
PAZ: He does literally run into Tigerclaw.
JULIAN: He does. It's very funny.
LIZ: Right, he's like--
JULIAN: Bounces right off him anime-style.
LIZ: No, he's tailing him, right, and then he's like, oh fuck, but there's this mouse. Ooh, but I gotta--
PAZ: It's so funny. His little cat attention span.
LIZ: It's very video game, too. It's like, okay, main quest. Wait, fuck. Ooh. Mm. Give me a second.
PAZ: I'll be real quick. I just gotta. Yeah, there's a nasty cat smell. Princess shows back up. She's like, you're so thin.
JULIAN: She's like, hey, you're feeding my son, right?
LIZ: Princess having some second thoughts. It's like, maybe I should have gotten my fucking kid vaccinated before he went.
JULIAN: Maybe I should have let him reach like an adult size. Then his growth wouldn't be stunted.
PAZ: She's like, are you getting enough to eat, and Fireheart's just like, no. Doesn't even try to lie.
JULIAN: Imagine being Princess, though. It's like, your shithead brother comes back, is clearly malnourished, and you're like, oh my god, like, I have food at home. Come get some food. And he's like, I can't. The clan. It's like, buddy.
PAZ: He's just in a cult.
JULIAN: He's in a cult. She's trying her best to help him. Well, not really. She's not.
LIZ: Well, she--
PAZ: No, she gave her son to the cult.
JULIAN: She gave him her son.
LIZ: He could have just rolled in some garlic or whatever.
PAZ: Right? Didn't he roll in fox dung before? That was fine.
LIZ: Eat the Temptations.
JULIAN: Eat the Temptations. And then eat some like, I don't know, chives or something so no one can smell the Temptations, the sweet, sweet smell of Temptations on your breath.
LIZ: Just eat some catnip, damn.
PAZ: A single Temptation would kill a Warrior cat dead. Be overwhelming.
JULIAN: God, they really are just like medieval peasants out there in the woods, eating their bowls of gruel. If they got a single bite of tender ocean fish dinner, they would just keel over.
LIZ: Don't they make like beggin strips or whatever for cats now?
JULIAN: Mm-hmm.
PAZ: Probably.
LIZ: You think like the Warriors have a little, little pot of catgrass? I don't think so.
PAZ: No.
LIZ: Everything out there's poisonous.
JULIAN: Well, at the fancy boutique pet bakery in my neighborhood, because of course there is one of those, they do have whole dried fish treats.
LIZ: Wow.
JULIAN: That you can give your cat, if you I guess don't care about having to sweep up after them.
LIZ: Wow.
JULIAN: We have never given one of those to Chickpea because I think she would-- it would be too much for her.
PAZ: No offense to Chickpea, but she doesn't seem to have very discerning taste.
JULIAN: No, no, she really wants Cheez-its.
LIZ: Aw.
JULIAN: She wants Cheez-its so bad.
PAZ: I can relate. I could go for some Cheez-its.
LIZ: She does look like someone who loves to crunch.
JULIAN: Today she knocked-- she loves to crunch. She loves to crunch, and I love to hear her crunch, so it's a win-win. Today she climbed on top of the fridge, again, to try to get the food that is no longer there because we moved it. And she knocked over like the 12 pack of Coke that was up there.
PAZ: Oh my gosh.
LIZ: Oh my god. Does she even weigh 12 packs of coke?
JULIAN: No. Well, there were probably like five or six in there. Um, but she tried to jump on it and then obviously her momentum-- she didn't have great purchase on top of the fridge, so it fell off. I just heard a clatter and came out, and she was looking very, um, you know cats do when it's like, oh I didn't do that. I'm the most distinguished.
PAZ: Kip goes up on the top of our fridge and knocks things over on purpose. He'll like look at me, and knock it off the top of the fridge.
JULIAN: Real Cloudkit. Real Cloudkit energies on that one.
LIZ: Kip's an atheist.
PAZ: Absolutely. Wow. Chapter 10.
JULIAN: Chapter 10.
LIZ: Wait, wait.
PAZ: Oh, yeah?
LIZ: No, just, what if we got one of those like, you know those YouTubes that are always like me making a gourmet cat-friendly meal for my cats?
PAZ: Yeah?
LIZ: We just gotta do that. And I don't know. I think that that has more pull than Temptations, maybe. It's like I made you cat sushi, or I made you like a cat cake.
PAZ: Are you saying that's what'll get Fireheart inside?
LIZ: I think so.
JULIAN: He's got discerning tastes is what you're saying.
LIZ: Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: He needs that raw meat.
PAZ: He does.
JULIAN: What even happened in chapter 10? I just have a note, Whitestorm is a good guy.
PAZ: That's true. Was he even mentioned?
JULIAN: Which is accurate.
PAZ: Was that him taking out the apprentices or something?
LIZ: I think so, yeah.
JULIAN: I think that's where I've, yeah.
PAZ: I've seen a lot of, I think Whitestorm X Tigerclaw stuff on YouTube. I think that's right.
LIZ: That is very funny.
PAZ: I love Tigerclaw's many exes. First Redtail. Now Whitestorm.
JULIAN: Well, I guess the reason we don't remember anything from chapter 10 is it's literally eight pages long.
PAZ: Yeah, it's real short. Fireheart tells Bluestar that there's nasty cats over at Twolegplace, but can't tell her that Tigerclaw is there, because he's like she just won't believe me.
JULIAN: Then they go on a little patrol and they go to RiverClan, and the river's flooded. Uh-oh.
PAZ: It sure is flooded.
JULIAN: I guess that's the downside to having your camp in the middle of the river.
PAZ: Yeah, I wonder if their camp's doing okay.
JULIAN: Yeah. Uh-oh.
LIZ: Oh boy.
PAZ: Uh-oh. I didn't even think about that.
LIZ: Whuh-oh.
JULIAN: I'm sure it's fine that Graystripe is on this patrol.
PAZ: Listen, one time he decides to do work is when he's like maybe I'll see my gf on the way.
PAZ: Please, what are you gonna fucking do if you do see her?
LIZ: He's so annoying.
JULIAN: Well, he's gonna have a double date with Sandstorm and Fireheart and him and his gf and also--
PAZ: Running whoever. What's that guy's name? Runningwind.
JULIAN: Also Runningwind is there.
PAZ: Wow. Fifth wheel Runningwind.
LIZ: Well, maybe Runningwind will find his own starcrossed like cat romance. Triple date. Yes.
JULIAN: There you go.
PAZ: Perfect.
JULIAN: Runningwind slash, who's in... Stonefur.
PAZ: Oh.
LIZ: What do we call that?
PAZ: Runningstone. I'm Googling Runningwind. Don't Google Runningwind, Liz.
LIZ: I'm never going to get into that fucking spoiler channel. What's going on in there? I don't know.
PAZ: Runningwind stories Wattpad. "This is my spin on Warriors: The Prophecies Begin, just with a reader insert. I do not own Warriors. I only own the plot points I use." Oh, here we go. Redtail x Runningwind. Ooh.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: Tell me more.
PAZ: I'm intrigued.
JULIAN: I think this is literally the first time we've seen Runningwind say anything onscreen.
PAZ: Okay, this is someone posting on the forums, "I am utterly baffled by this ship."
LIZ: Well, them saying that makes me want to be like--
PAZ: Oh, fuck this person. They say, "I understand the trans Redtail thing, but I don't really like it. But I don't really care too much." Still, die.
JULIAN: Well, I don't care about you. I don't care about your opinion.
LIZ: Well, yeah.
PAZ: Your opinion is horrible.
JULIAN: And I think Redtail is trans. This is the first I've heard of this headcanon and I would now die for it.
LIZ: Redtail is trans and gay.
PAZ: We've heard of trans Redtail before. Yeah.
JULIAN: Have we?
PAZ: Apparently Redtail-- yeah, that was that one Youtuber's name.
JULIAN: Oh my god, right. It's the YouTuber. I'm sorry.
PAZ: Apparently Redtail was a male calico so yeah, trans Redtail.
LIZ: Hell yeah.
PAZ: Just like Hadesclipse.
JULIAN: Just like Hadesclipse.
PAZ: Redtail likes Hadesclipse. This is my self insert.
LIZ: You're gonna have to fight Runningwind.
JULIAN: I guess Runningwind has been here before on screen. I just forgot about him. He helped train Brackenpaw back in Fire and Ice when Graystripe was once again not doing his job.
LIZ: He's just like a nice fellow.
JULIAN: Yeah, he's just a guy.
PAZ: I do not respect the person who made this forum thread at all.
LIZ: Yeah, get outta here, OP.
JULIAN: Uh-oh.
PAZ: Yeah?
JULIAN: I've read some stories or some spoilers for, uh.
PAZ: Yeah?
JULIAN: For later.
PAZ: Well, how bad--
LIZ: Wait, hold on a second. Wait. How come Julian gets to do it and not me?
PAZ: Because Julian's read the books!
JULIAN: Cause this is all shit that I should already know, I just don't remember.
LIZ: Mm. Hmm.
PAZ: Listen, once we finish the Power of Three, you can go wild, because that's up to where we got to. I don't know what we were doing.
LIZ: Chapter 10?
JULIAN: Chapter 10. The eight-page chapter 10. RiverClan is flooded.
PAZ: RIP RiverClan.
LIZ: Oh, sorry. Go ahead.
PAZ: I was just saying RIP RiverClan.
LIZ: I do want to talk about the one thing where Tigerclaw's telling Fireheart to patrol and then Fireheart is like, oh, he's too smart to be hostile to me in public. But he is, though.
PAZ: Right? He's already been hostile to you many times.
LIZ: He calls you a little bitch like every single day in front of people.
PAZ: For real.
JULIAN: It's like, you don't really need to set Fire-- or set Tigerclaw up as like conniving because he's already been conniving. We've seen him be conniving. Part of his connivingness is that he calls you a little bitch every day, and you can't do anything about it because he's the deputy.
PAZ: It's not like-- his whole posse calls Fireheart a little bitch. Fireheart got called a kittypet like two chapters ago.
LIZ: Right? The problem is that people don't care.
JULIAN: Fucking Longtail and Dustpelt.
PAZ: Yeah, and Darkstripe.
LIZ: One of those is like someone's brother, right?
JULIAN: Dustpelt is Sandstorm's brother.
PAZ: No, no, no, no, no.
LIZ: No, wait.
PAZ: They were just apprentices. He's, um, I think he's technically Ravenpaw's brother.
LIZ: Oh, right right right.
JULIAN: Is he?
PAZ: Or something like that.
LIZ: Someone is Ravenpaw's brother.
JULIAN: Oh, I just assumed they were siblings because they were...
PAZ: But it's like, not really--
JULIAN: Oh, you're right. He is Ravenpaw's brother.
LIZ: Wild.
JULIAN: And he's Longtail's half brother.
PAZ: Bitch.
JULIAN: Oh, he's such a little bitch because Darkstripe was his mentor.
LIZ: Duh.
PAZ: Oh. Sorry, I just saw a spoiler for the.... Oh man.
LIZ: These cats. I think that's it though for the chapters, right?
PAZ: Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, Dustpelt had a son.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: Called Spiderleg.
JULIAN: [snorting]
LIZ: You can't do that. What about a cat is spidery?
JULIAN: Peyton's gonna be so angry.
LIZ: Please.
PAZ: That's incredible. I'm clicking Spiderleg's wiki page.
LIZ: Wait, I think Dustpelt should have eight children, no, nine children, and they should all be like Spiderleg 1, Spiderleg 2, Spiderleg 3, until you get to 8. And then you should have one just be like Spiderhead.
JULIAN: Oh holy shit.
LIZ: And then they can stand on top of each other like a mech.
JULIAN: Dustpelt is also Birchfall's father.
PAZ: Oh.
JULIAN: Birchfall of the bad name.
PAZ: I bet Peyton hates Spiderleg too.
JULIAN: Yeah, I guess, uh. Well, whoever the leader is the person who gave the leg name because Spiderkit is... I mean, it's a weird name. But it's a fine one.
LIZ: Oh God.
JULIAN: Oh, I hate that the pixel art here is this cat is looking directly at me. Usually the pixel art, the cat is kind of like, you know, three quarter view, like looking off into the distance. Spiderleg? Looking into my eyes.
PAZ: Sorry, what? Here's a quote caption. "Spiderleg annoyed with Dovepaw when she talks about brown animals." What?
LIZ: Hey, Spiderleg, you, hey, what?
PAZ: What? Brown animals.
JULIAN: [yells]
LIZ: What is that noise you just made?
JULIAN: [hysterical laughter]
PAZ: Hold on. Just gonna screenshot this.
JULIAN: [creaks]
PAZ: If my phone will let me.
PAZ: It all comes full circle.
JULIAN: It really does.
LIZ: [laughing] Oh my god.
PAZ: I clicked "brown animals," and it took me to the beaver page.
LIZ: What does it mean?
PAZ: "Friendly? No."
LIZ: What does it mean?
JULIAN: Beavers aren't friendly?
PAZ: No.
JULIAN: "Relation to clan cats. If provoked they're able to kill a cat with their sharp front teeth."
PAZ: Holy shit.
LIZ: Is that true?
JULIAN: That has never happened.
PAZ: I do not think so.
LIZ: Wait. [typing] Can beavers kill cats. [gasps]
JULIAN: Beaver versus cat.
LIZ: "Beaver attacks can be fatal to domestic animals."
JULIAN: [gasps]
PAZ: Holy shit.
LIZ: There's a whole Wikipedia page for beaver attack.
PAZ: I never would have guessed.
LIZ: Oh, you gotta see this beaver. You gotta see the beaver they use. Look at him, looking at you.
PAZ: Oh no.
LIZ: What the fuck?
PAZ: He's so round. I'm so scared.
LIZ: Got his little paws together like [evil laugh] I will.
JULIAN: A beaver has killed a man.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: "Relation to clan cats." Oh, go ahead.
JULIAN: Um, I mean, okay, so this is a 60 year old guy who grabbed the beaver, to take a photo with it.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: And the beaver bit open his femoral artery.
PAZ: Oh, okay, he shouldn't have done that.
LIZ: Yikes.
JULIAN: So it was like, you shouldn't have done it. Also, it was like bad luck. It just happened to get the femoral.
PAZ: Here's what the Warriors wiki has to say. "Relation to clan cats. Beavers are known to be both inquisitive with cats, but also aggressive if provoked."
JULIAN: Oh my god?
LIZ: Well, how many beavers are they gonna see in England?
JULIAN: There are beavers in England.
PAZ: Yeah, there are beavers.
LIZ: Have we covered this? This feels...
PAZ: I feel like we have, yes.
JULIAN: I think we have. There's beavers in the Narnia book.
LIZ: Aren't they like-- isn't it that like beavers have been recently reintroduced or something?
JULIAN: Yes, we talked about this because they were hunted for their fur to almost extinction, and then they made a big comeback.
PAZ: To kill cats.
LIZ: Good for them?
JULIAN: Good for them. Aw, this is one sleeping and he's all curled up into his tail.
LIZ: I'm just looking at the list of non fatal attacks on humans by beavers.
PAZ: Get 'em.
LIZ: While you say this. Goddamn.
JULIAN: Oh, this image is too powerful for Discord.
PAZ: Understandable.
LIZ: Can you screenshot it?
JULIAN: Oh, I just posted the link, because it's 6000 by 4000 pixels.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Aw. Have you guys seen baby beavers? They are an incredible shape.
LIZ: Oh yeah. Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: Oh, I don't think I have. Baby beavers. Listeners, I hope you enjoy our animal googling. Oh!
PAZ: They're just such a good shape. They're so fuzzy. They're so round.
JULIAN: Oh, they're so fluffy. Oh, I highly recommend everyone to Google baby beavers.
PAZ: Yes, please. There's some good videos on YouTube, I think.
JULIAN: Yep. They're so small. This is from I Can Has Cheezburger, a site I did not realize was still on the internet.
LIZ: I don't think it can die at this point. I think it's an establishment, right?
JULIAN: Here it is. Their Facebook page is actively posting things as of 47 minutes ago.
PAZ: On Facebook?
JULIAN: There's a listicle about 18 cats demonstrating their cat logic.
LIZ: [groans]
PAZ: Tigerclaw voice.
LIZ: Tigerclaw voice, debate me.
PAZ: I'll destroy them with facts and logic.
LIZ: Also sorry, on my search for can beavers kill cats, like the fourth result is just the beaver Warriors wiki page.
PAZ: What do you call a baby beaver? Kits.
LIZ: Baby.
PAZ: They're kits, too.
LIZ: [laughs] Can I-- oh my god. Can I give you some suggested searches from this?
LIZ: Okay. One. "Are beavers venomous?"
PAZ: No, that's a platypus.
JULIAN: I understand the confusion, though.
PAZ: Yeah, they're a little similar.
LIZ: Two. "How to survive a beaver attack."
PAZ: Run.
JULIAN: Don't get bitten in the femoral artery and you'll be good.
LIZ: Three. "Beaver bite force PSI."
JULIAN: Now what is the beaver bite force psi? I'm very curious.
LIZ: Let me check. 180 pounds.
PAZ: Holy shit.
JULIAN: That's a lot.
PAZ: Well, I mean they have to bite hard to take down trees, I guess.
LIZ: Goddamn.
JULIAN: Yeah, damn.
LIZ: Compared to a human's 88 pounds. Good Lord.
PAZ: We don't have shit.
JULIAN: That's pretty strong on humans, too.
PAZ: Yeah, I'm not biting that hard.
JULIAN: No wonder my teeth hurt all the time.
PAZ: I don't have anything else to say about these chapters.
JULIAN: Yeah, I think we've wrapped up.
PAZ: I forgot to decide on something to talk about.
JULIAN: I mean, we did talk about beavers for quite some time.
PAZ: We did.
JULIAN: I wonder if-- okay, I'm gonna do a quick Google to see if... beaver roleplay.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Oh my god. Beaver kids book.
JULIAN: Oh no, this is Narnia roleplay. That's not what I want. Beaver roleplay Proboards.
PAZ: Oh shit.
JULIAN: Beaver [sighs]. Yep, here we go. I found-- this is on the Disney Roleplay World.
PAZ: Disney?
LIZ: Oh?
LIZ: Beavers in Disney?
JULIAN: This is an Angry Beavers RP.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: Oh my god, that show. You don't know that show, Liz?
LIZ: No?
PAZ: I think it was a Nickelodeon cartoon. It was like the era of like, Catdog and such.
LIZ: Oh.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's a band of outcast beavers trying to take over the world, or take over the woods, sorry, not the world.
PAZ: Why not the world?
JULIAN: Holy shit, this is dark. Um, they are the young Zachs family. The head beaver, Jason, catches Treeflower. Kate, who was with her, isn't seen, but finds her mother dead after Jason kills her to send a message.
PAZ: What?
JULIAN: Is there a way to bring her back or stop Jason? Fuck!
PAZ: I hope so.
JULIAN: Oh, it's so much to read this very intensive, um, there are lions here?!
LIZ: What?
PAZ: I don't remember that.
JULIAN: This roleplay includes lions and bears. It's a lot to see this really intensive moment where this beaver is facing down lions. And she's screaming for her uncle, Daggett.
PAZ: Oh yeah, I remember. Yep, that was the name.
JULIAN: "'Mama, Daddy, Uncle Daggy-Waggy,' she screams."
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Also a lot to see, um... is this Tyler Posey? Someone's shooting a gun at me in the gif.
PAZ: What?
JULIAN: In this signature about beavers.
PAZ: What year was this happening?
JULIAN: This was posted in 2014.
PAZ: That is much more recent than I would have thought.
JULIAN: Yeah, it didn't get off the ground too far. Only about 10 posts here.
PAZ: I wonder why.
JULIAN: Oh, no, I'm sorry, there's four pages of this. I'm just kidding.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Yeah, the final post is, "'Kate, it's time for lunch,' Norb called to his daughter." So I presume they--
PAZ: They survived.
JULIAN: They dealt with the lions.
LIZ: They went to lunch.
PAZ: Man, Warrior Cats needs to step up.
LIZ: This is riveting.
JULIAN: These beavers have sofas? I never watched the cartoon.
PAZ: Oh yeah, they live in like a-- I don't remember exactly.
JULIAN: Little house?
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Yeah, no, Kate's mom fuckin died. Rip Treeflower.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: I am kind of surprised but there hasn't been like a big sprawling story about a society of beavers.
PAZ: Yeah, they also are like communal animals. Are beavers not interesting enough? I think they're cool.
JULIAN: Wait, hold up. What was the Redwall book? Oh no, those were otters.
LIZ: An otter is just a beaver that hasn't been flattened at the back.
JULIAN: Because I was thinking of Taggerung, which in hindsight was I think a little racist. But that was about otters and not beavers.
LIZ: You know that--
JULIAN: Are beavers--
LIZ: Oh, go ahead.
JULIAN: Are they evil in Redwall?
PAZ: Are they in Redwall?
LIZ: Beavers?
JULIAN: Oh, there are no beavers.
LIZ: Well, when was Redwall written?
JULIAN: Redwall wiki. "According to Brian Jacques, beavers do not appear in subsequent Redwall novels to reflect the fact that there are no longer any native beavers in Great Britain."
LIZ: Well. Wait.
JULIAN: "The solitary beaver is the only beaver in the Redwall series and was very rarely mentioned."
PAZ: Holy shit. Who's the solitary beaver?
JULIAN: He stopped Cluny from climbing up the wall in the first battle of the Late Rose Summer Wars.
PAZ: I want to know more about this guy.
JULIAN: And he uses a crossbow. Damn.
PAZ: Wow, apparently beavers have like, mate for life.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: Wikipedia doesn't have a fictional beavers page.
JULIAN: Why? They have a fictional badgers page.
PAZ: Maybe there just aren't many fictional beavers.
JULIAN: Oh my God. I know this is not a Redwall padcast.
LIZ: Padcast?
JULIAN: Padcast. But I have found a tidbit of Redwall lore that is blowing the series wide open. Bees can communicate in Redwall.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: What?
JULIAN: "Indicated by a statement at the end of the books where the guerrilla shrews learn to speak the bee language so they can trade and argue. This is not noted in other books."
PAZ: Holy shit.
JULIAN: That means that if bees can communicate, half of the animals eat insects. Are they eating sentient insects?
PAZ: Ahh.
LIZ: Horrible. I hate that. What if you're like, God, I don't know, like a bird or mouse or whatever, and you just like, eat a cricket, and it's just like, [tinily] nooo.
JULIAN: [very small] I have a family.
LIZ: Gruesome.
PAZ: This is a problem when you make all the animals in sentient societies.
JULIAN: Well, I feel like Redwall tried to handle it by making all the carnivores evil.
PAZ: I've never read Redwall.
JULIAN: Yeah, they make most of the carnivores, like-- which is its own problem because then it's like these species are inherently evil.
PAZ: They just did Zootopia. I mean, I guess Zootopia did Redwall, is what I should say.
LIZ: With cops? Does Redwall have cops?
PAZ: They have like soldiers.
JULIAN: It's sort of like a medieval situation. So they have like soldiers, and like, there might be like a sheriff or something. There's not like the police.
PAZ: There's only 21 pages in the fictional beavers category.
LIZ: That's so sad.
JULIAN: That's so sad. That feels--
PAZ: This is an undertapped market.
LIZ: They have architecture. They feel rife for like anthropomorph-- word I can't say. You know, when they become little guys with little houses?
JULIAN: Hey, children's book editors, hot new idea, fictional story about beavers, species of beavers. They're-- not species, family of beavers. Society of beavers. That's the word I was looking for.
PAZ: That should be the next Erin Hunter endeavor.
JULIAN: Right? I guess maybe the concern is, while they do have a society and they do have little hands and they do build things, they don't attack each other and kill each other?
PAZ: That's true. No, but they're very territorial. Maybe they do.
LIZ: They can attack and kill us. That's gotta be something.
JULIAN: That's true.
PAZ: They probably have fights.
LIZ: Maybe it's like the next, you know, great civilization is one of beavers and they've got to fight the humans or something.
JULIAN: There you go.
LIZ: Terrible remnants of the last one.
PAZ: Beavers inherit the earth.
JULIAN: There was a beaver dam in the creek at home, and they were-- they did a lot. They really dammed up that creek.
PAZ: Yeah, they work hard. Okay, if Erin Hunter was to make a beaver series, what would it be called? So the bears one is called Seekers. I think the canceled dog one was like...
JULIAN: No, that's the Africa one.
LIZ: Designers. Planners.
JULIAN: Architects. Builders.
LIZ: Constructors. Oh, Creators.
PAZ: Ooh.
LIZ: There's also Devisors, which sounds a little, you know.
PAZ: Oh, that sounds like they'll be like little wizards.
JULIAN: Yeah, I like Devisors.
PAZ: Devisors is real good.
JULIAN: Survivors is the dog series.
PAZ: Oh, Devisors is a little close to Survivors. But I think it's still very good.
LIZ: Artisan.
PAZ: I want little wizard beavers.
JULIAN: Right? They're so ripe to be little magic guys. Little magicians. They got their little hands.
LIZ: I feel like every other creature that's vaguely in the shape of a beaver, which is like kind of a brown egg, has gotten that treatment already. Like, you know, badgers, which they're not really brown, but they're eh. Porcupine. I feel like I've definitely seen more porcupine than beaver.
PAZ: Yeah. Why are beavers so underutilized?
LIZ: Otters. Capybaras.
JULIAN: I don't think we've done capybaras.
PAZ: Friends at the Table has done capybaras now.
LIZ: I think someone's done capybaras.
JULIAN: I mean, maybe there's a children's book.
LIZ: Moles. Voles.
JULIAN: That's just Redwall.
PAZ: Yeah, those little guys are Redwall.
LIZ: A raccoon isn't brown but it does have little hands and is about the same shape, and they've definitely done those.
PAZ: There's like Sly Cooper, yeah.
JULIAN: Yeah. Ranger Rick.
PAZ: Justice for beavers.
LIZ: Let the beaver have its moment. It's basically like a water clan, right?
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Okay, there should just be like a direct lifting of all the Warriors clans into just like beaver clan, badger clan. That's like--
PAZ: This is just Redwall. We're just reinventing Redwall with beavers.
LIZ: No, there's more than one beaver, because they've returned to England.
PAZ: You're writing Redwall fanfiction.
LIZ: I can make this an Arthurian beaver.
PAZ: Yeah, the beaver is Merlin.
JULIAN: Guinebeaver.
LIZ: Who's gonna play young hot BBC beaver Merlin?
JULIAN: Do you mean Beaverlin?
LIZ: Yes.
PAZ: You know, that might do it for us. I think we're-- [laughs].
LIZ: When we hit that 420 goal.
PAZ: Thanks everyone for listening to our podcast. You can find the show at Stairway to Star-- no, it's just, you can find the show @staircast on twitter.com. You can now support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/staircast. You can email questions or anecdotes or yell at us about talking about beavers too much, [email protected]. Um, next week we'll be reading chapters 11 through 14 of Forest of Secrets. I guess that's about it. So until next time, may StarClan light your path. Bye.
LIZ: Bye.
[outro music]
LIZ: My God.
LIZ: Hey, did you know beavertails are a kind of donut?
JULIAN: Oh, like a food?
LIZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: I was like, I thought you were talking about like a mathematical donut for some reason.
PAZ: Wow.
LIZ: That's me. I love to talk about math.
JULIAN: Like a torus. Anyway.
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dear-yandere · 4 years
—ask collection!
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a collection of mostly very old chats and sweet asks that i never got around to answering! thanks for the patience and love!! 
beware, fairly long post... woops....
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chat asks.
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darling: Eu-jin is best boy. Change my mind.
vanya: i am physically incapable of fulfilling that request, how dare you do that to me... i’m biased since he’s my own oc, but i would die for my (very best) boy eu-jin... who can resist such a gentle yandere that loves you so whole-heartedly?
that reminds me! he’s actually based off of kuroyuki and gekkamaru from the otome nightshade, so if you want similar characters by any chance, do check them and the game out ♡
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darling: I was watching the dub for Part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre adventure yesterday...Mista called himself Daddy and I like- sdfghjfgsdhnhnmj!! My heart can't take this--
vanya: WAIT HE DID???? i’m not even big on daddy kink and reading that made me go 😳 this is vital information to know... what episode was this??? for research purposes, of course. gotta perfect my yan! mista, after all~...
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darling: for yandere songs, have you heard of the major to minor covers by chase holfelder :O? the way he delivers the lyrics in some songs (betty, all i want for christmas), added with the key changes to minor, is really fantastic, and gives a stalker-ish vibe imo! and he's a really good singer in general
vanya: i have!! a good chunk of them are actually on my personal yandere playlist, so i end up hearing them frequently when i’m writing!! i haven’t been keeping up with his uploads recently, so ‘betty’ is completely new to me and just, wow???????????? this man is an absolute god send for us “romantic” horror fans... ♡
this ask gave me such a lovely idea, though, darling: assigning yandere types/mbti based off each of chase’s minor key covers. i think i’ll do that just for you. ♡
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darling @blossomiich​: I reread some of your old character interaction asks and saw the one with Jotaro hugging his Darling after a panic attack and the elephant seal plush reminded me of the iconic C H O N K Y ringed seal plushie that was kinda trending and I can totally imagine Jotaro having one of those >w< that's so adorable!
vanya: i honestly don’t remember that interaction, but then again i don’t remember most things hmghng so i looked it up and
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j...just imagine star plat hogging it and not letting joot cuddle with it 🥺 the duality of man...thank you for this cute image...
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darling: Umm, sorry for asking this. I'm just curious because of your bio language in your header. Are you Chinese too, perhaps?
vanya: no worries!! i’m mixed guyanese (indian, chinese, & possibly black and/or portuguese), but my family only celebrates (or rather, acknowledges?) our indian descent, since the majority of our family is predominantly east indian. 
my header is actually a quote from a danmei novel (and one of my all-time favorite fandoms), tiān guān cì fú (heaven’s official blessing)!
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darling genki stan anon: Omg you're writing for free now, i didn't expect that one lol. It's a cute show innit? Not a nagi stan but I feel like nagisa has that kinda unsnapped personality that would make him peak delusional yandere material lolol like oikawa but less threatening and without his head being up his own ass 😂. Hope you're doing well!! -gsa
Gdjsjs im such a fool, i think my last ask said something about not thinking you'd write for free when i literally just pointed out kisumi on your sideblog LMAO my bad 😅 😂 also ill hold back on the gen chan requests because ive already asked so many in the past! Thank you though 🥺. Also feel free not to post this, it can just dip into my onesided chats with my lil flower 💐 so long as you receive them im fine 😌 -genki stan anon
vanya: nagisa isn’t my favorite (kisumi is), but gods if he wouldn’t make a great yandere. honestly, out of the iwatobi boys, nagi is probably the most unhinged. i wouldn’t peg him as delusional, at least not at first; i think he’s very lucid and knows exactly what he wants and how to manipulate people in order to get it!!! kisumi is fairly similar now that i think about it... i might... have a type...
please feel free to send in gen-chan requests whenever you want!!!! i’m kinda super asocial, so it’ll take me a while to answer, but i love getting asks from you since you’re so sweet and excitable!!! your little flower reads and cherishes them all!! 🥺
also darling genki stan anon: Sorry for spamming you with asks hdjkdks, u dont even need to reply im just kinda brain empty venting here whether you recieve them or not 😂 i just needed to confess that while yes i am #1 gen simp, and he is undoubtedly my fave oc of yours but that Ilya tentacle smut had me very much so highkey kinda 👀, had to re read the genki oral style drabble to bring my head back. He dont even need to worry about luca bc that man a thot. I think therin is a thot too but like lowkey, a classy thót -gsa
vanya: omg i’ve kept this one for forever mnmghngh i might’ve even answered at some other point, now that i think about it... but i just 🥺 gosh i hope i find my muse soon, because i really wanna write you a genki fic 🥺 hhhh
the ilya tentacle smut was so in character for that boy... i have no clue how to write monsters, much less tentacles, but i’d honestly do anything for him 🙏 kinky russian boy...
therin is definitely a classy thot, the kind that only bangs the finest concubines then turns around and slut shames you for banging the very same prostitutes gbfmngnfg rules don’t apply to him, in his kingdom...wish that were me tbh ✊😔
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sweet asks.
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darling one: i've read almost all of your dazai and chuuya fics and i love them so much!! your formatting is also super aesthetic just a question, i saw on your kofi that you also draw so i was wondering if you drew all the header arts?? bc they're all super pretty :) have a great day!
darling two: Just wanted to say love the writing and the way your format your posts is so aesthetically pleasing. One day I hope my posts looks half as good as yours because I legit can't get over how pretty and organized it looks.
vanya: omg thank you so much!!!! one of my bffs, yue, is to thank for the formatting and aesthetic choices, really! if you wanna see more of her aesthetic formats and posts, she actually runs a few blogs! you may know her as @milkscafe​, formally @milkaaton! i adore her and her aes choices so much 🥺
as for the headers, i don’t draw 99.98% of them! i have drawn a couple, but they’re so few and far in between since i almost never finish my art wips haha... my older posts are lacking proper credits because i’m an absolute idiot, but i’m slowly working my way backwards to credit them all where possible! they’re all indeed super pretty!!!
have a great day yourself, my love!!
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vanya: this was in response to a now-deleted lil blurb but i kept it in my inbox because i wanted to say i love u very much and seeing this ask each time i open my inbox makes my heart skip a beat ♡
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darling: Listen I love your writing, you inspired me to start it myself! I've always loved to write, and read of course but your style and concepts just stick with me. If you where to write something besides Yandere content/fandom content and started your own series? I would read the shit, out of it. I'm always nervous to interact with my favorite writers because you know, I'm afraid of the impression I'd leave but I just wanted to say this anyway! 💞💞💞🔫😳
vanya: wowowow fgfnmgnfmngfg that’s such a high compliment my brain just gmfnbgmnf go boom fogjfngnfg and thank you for the interaction, us writers truly appreciate it no matter how awkward or nervous you think you may be / come off!!!
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darling one: As a writer, your post struck a nerve with me. I don’t send feedback to writers I like nearly as much as I should (and certainly not as much as I’d like in return as a writer). So, as such, I’m going to start doing that when I can, starting with you.
You are an incredible writer. You were one of the first yandere writing blogs I found and you’re still one I check in on regularly to see what you have been working on. You can portray a sense of suspense and intrigue in a natural way that many other writers - published ones included - struggle with. You delve into the darkness without it feeling forced, and you have an amazing grasp on the psyches of the characters you write for (which is a quality I adore in writing and strive toward myself).
I’m not great at ending these things so I guess.. you keep doing you? Because the you is great and I appreciate it.
darling two:  hey. i'm here to tell you that from the bottom of my heart i love you and your writings. i really admire your writing skills. you inspire me. one of your posts once saved me from a nervous breakdown. thank you for everything you do. you're a wonderful person. good luck!
darling three: I wanted to tell you that thank you for writing such wonderful beautiful writings and that you take time to edit and write I hope you are taking care of yourself 💖❤
darling four: Thanks. I was having a hard time and deleted all my apps, but as soon as i opened my phone my first instinct was to look at your blog and i got my motivation back. Thanks (:
darling five: Hi ! I just wanted to say I really enjoy the stories you write and how they are detailed so well ! Stay safe and I hope you have a good day/night ! ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
vanya: ahhhh, these are very old asks mostly dating back to my “tumblr writing community is dying” post, and i’ve kept them this entire time because i’m just so starstruck. i have no clue how to reply to compliments, so i’m not sure what else to say besides that these asks made me very happy and got me through a few insecure moments!!! i’ve actually been feeling a little down about my writing recently, mostly because of lack of motivation / inspiration, so revisiting these really warmed my heart, so thank you truly ♡ i’m certainly keeping the originals in my inbox until the end of time!!
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darling @monstrously-obsessed: psst, this local cryptic mom thing send all of their love for you 💕
vanya: your local herbo says she loves you very much momster 🥺 mwah
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also, to the anon worried about my safety:
thank you so much for pointing that out!!! it hadn’t even crossed my mind when i made those ocs, so i appreciate your concern! i was contemplating revamping those two as is, so this is a great place to start! thank you again!!
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annebrontesrequiem · 4 years
Higurashi Gou Ep. 7 Thoughts
Spoilers for both 2020 Higurashi, 2006 Higurashi, Higurashi Kai, and the manga. These spoilers will become more pronounced the more episodes I watch, You have been warned.
Again, please pay attention to that spoiler warning. I basically spoiled the end of the first series (as in the end of Kai/all the manga/I mean the VN but I’ve never played it). Anyways, HERE WE GO!!! Also this one is LONG because I have so many thoughts.
Okay guys here we go! This was the kind of perfect episode I wanted from this show. I was seriously blown away by it (and we aren’t even at the murder), so much so I rewatched it the next day. Now I have to put the bulletpoints of thoughts in my head into something vaguely coherent. So let’s try!
The first part I want to touch on is Takano explaining the story of the demons. This part I was first of all glad they kept the sketchy style, but secondly I was a bit confused as the original story is that Oyashiro-sama sacrificed themselves for the people of Hinamizawa, then Onigafuchi, and that was... that. I could ne misremembering, I forgot to reread that part in the manga, but either way it was of note. I guess more proof of Takano’s infallibility. More importantly, at least to me since the series isn’t over and they could explain the disconnect later, this scene was great atmospherically. Not the best, but very good. Keichii VA is really talented gotta throw that out there (no I haven’t seen the dub). Oh also his “you’re lying!” was good, although I do think Studio Deen was better at getting the Higurashi face to look more distorted. Oh well I like the new animation style it doesn’t bug me.
Next is Shion knocking off the statue head. I cannot be the only one that noticed a very deliberate slit in the base of the statue. That combined with it already being broken... I think something’s in the statue. This is a theory and a pretty random one so I’m just throwing it out there and leaving it at that. Also Takano def took something.
Next is our pal Ooishi. Am I the only one who feels he comes off much creepier in this version. I mean it might be because by the end of Kai/the end of the original manga we’ve gotten a super intimate look into his life and the guilt he feels and how it manifests in his obsession with this supposed curse. But in the scene with Keichii... he’s just so creepy. In that like oh my god old man get away from me. Still that scene was pretty good. Although the timeline and the fact they’re already asking after Takano and Tomitake seems a bit odd. I know that unlike the original Cotton Drifting arc they stole a van (Is this Tomitake getting held up or getting inject with Hinamizawa Syndrome I wonder) but still it seems very soon to the viewer and a bit... rushed? Idk I think people asking after it the day after works better. Anyways.
Oh also interesting how dialogue keeps getting shifted. For example in the original Ooishi is the one who brings up Mion and Shion aren’t even wearing the same clothes. I hope they aren’t changes for changes sake but it also did bug me, just something I noticed when I reread the manga.
Anyways now we really start getting to it. The phone scene between Shion and Keichii was an 11/10 scene for me, I thought it was spectacular. Again Keichii’s VA is amazing (so is Shion’s btw not forgetting her, she’s great at being understated in a way that makes everything creepier). And the animation wasn’t as out there as the original but I still felt a sense of claustrophobia. I think it’s the way everything’s shot super close in frame before having a wideshot with Keichii and Shion alone in their relative spaces, it gives this great feeling of being watched. I really thought the phone scene was going to be the highlight of the episode and discounting the shock factor of Rika’s later stuff it prolly is. On rewatch it hit just as hard.
This is getting obnoxiously long so let’s get to the end and talk about Rika. Her pulling a Bernkastel and just snapping on Keichii was so unexpected I half laughed in shock (also another reason you should watch the original first it wouldn’t be so offputting if you didn’t assume she said she was going to protect the kittens). I could meme on this scene, hell I already have, but honestly it’s so good. Again great angles and voice work. The way Rika looms over Keichii, who’s shadowed by her, just gives this huge sense of tension and powerlessness and Rika’s adult(/Bernkastel gonna keep name dropping my fav) voice is really great at this dejected apathy. I love it 11/10. Also of note this really makes me doubt this is a sequel. I mean I always doubted it cause Rika would just repeat what she did in the last arc (Festival Arc?) and win again, which she’s not doing, but more importantly for this episode she says Takano’s dead. Unless one of the kids went on a VERY preemptive murder spree which included taking down not only two adults but all of Takano’s “dogs” Rika doesn’t know Takano is the orchestrator behind her murder. Safe to say I’m confused.
This episode was so amazing I can’t get over it. The slow pacing of this show (slower than the last this episode ends at like the quarter mark of the last manga volume for this arc) really helps ratchet up the tension when stuff happens. But also WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN NOW? I’m gonna sleep but we’ll know in 2 hours!
Hope you liked this review and see you soon with the next episode!
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siren1song · 5 years
In Which Jo Loves Content Creators
I’m in a mushy mood. This means it’s time to snipe people with my love for their work and affection for them as people. (People I don’t know that well/talk to regularly won’t be as personal as people as I’ve made good friends with! All to avoid making anyone uncomfortable <3)
I’m going to start with @sleepless-in-starbucks, because of course I’m starting with Lia. I know I’ve made a literal collaboration post with Max about how much I love them and their work, but Also how can I not mention once again how sweet and funny they are? I vowed that one day, I would rick roll them, they don’t believe I can, but I will, one day. Also they’re really good at comforting people??? And let me scream about some of my favorite fics/tropes to them. I also really enjoy talking to them about stuff I’m working. Listen. Lia is great, okay?
Speaking of @max-is-tired did you know they’re an incredibly sweet datemate who’s super considerate and easy to talk to and gosh I love them a whole lot? Not to mention their writing and ideas are phenomenal!!!! Max is so big brained!!!!! I will never stop expressing my love for them ever.
Oh, oh, oh!!!! @thechildoflightning is also really super sweet!! I became a huge fan of their writing through their daemon prinxiety au!! And my love of their work just kept expanding as I read the jksf verse they’ve worked so hard on! Their research is expansive!! And did you know they’re really cute when they info dump? I asked them to tell me about the bird facts the other day because I wanted to hear their info dumping and it was really cool information!!! I learned a lot about a really cool bird!!
(This is going to get long... time for a cut!)
Another segue! You know who else I’ve learned a lot from? @lilfellasblog who is so cool? And kind???? And smart? Sometimes, I’ll ask them questions in a joking way and then I’ll end up learning something and wow! That’s so cool! And they don’t mind simplifying things for me when I ask! And their fic, Healing Broken Wings? An actual masterpiece, though if you check it out I recommend reading tags thoroughly. And if you have questions about a tag, ask them! They’re so willing to elaborate to make sure you’re able to stay safe!!! They care more about your safety than your readership!!!!! And that’s so awesome! I love Lil so much! A great friend and an amazing writer!
A friend I don’t really talk to nearly as much as the others but who I still care about a whole lot is @illogicallyinclined. They say they can’t write, but bullet fics are a Valid Form of Writing, and also their art? Stunning? They’re the reason I started appreciating Logan a whole lot more than I used to, and their hockey au  is really good (and Jam Packed with Logan Angst if you’re into that.) They’re also hilarious to talk to. I have chatted about Virgil and Logan being huge ass meme’s with them on multiple occasions.
Someone I’ve only recently started talking to is @sign-from-god-complex who’s actually really cool? I was talking to him about my love for fandom content creators before I decided to make this post and of course I had to include him? I’m literally going to be bingeing his writing as soon as I finish this Love and Appreciation post because it’s amazing! I can’t believe I haven’t read more of his work before! A travesty, honestly!!! And oh my God his music is good? Literally the whole reason I joined his server and started talking to Lo in the first place was because he was really nice when I asked him how downloading music worked because I’ve only ever done that onto an MP3 (I know, I’m old) and even then I had to have help because I’m not adept with technology. A great singer and writer!
Now for people I’ve never talked to personally but really want to show my appreciation for... Goodness, there’s so many?
I’m gonna start this section with @princeanxious who’s writing, art, and ideas in general are amazing? Have you seen his coma au? Heart wrenching. His Lost Guardian au? Beautiful world building! His punk lo/pastel dee au? Adorable oh my goodness I can’t get enough!! I tried to talk to him once, but I kind of got scared I was bothering him, but he seems really nice!!!!
Did I mention soulmate au’s earlier? I did. You know who writes really cool and great soulmate aus? @not-so-innocent-bi-sander and MAN is their writing great! Have you read their vampire soulmate au? That was so cute??? I loved Logan’s internal conflict with changing Patton and Roman, gosh? And they have such interesting au ideas too? Like I have actually never heard the concept of Lockets before, and it was such a fascinating idea for a soulmate au? I mean, obviously they have other fics that aren’t soulmate aus, like their prinxiety fic Overcoming a Legacy? Stunning, I am pretty sure I stayed up really late reading that one.
Speaking of fics that made me stay up late (so many segue’s) @impatentpending ‘s fic Powerless had me up from 5:30 pm when I started reading it to 2:30 am when Max finally woke up and distracted me long enough to make me shower and go to bed cause I had work in the morning. Do I regret it? No. Powerless is a stunning fic with an amazing concept. I can’t tell you how excited I was to read a fic where Virgil willingly took on a villain role to protect his loved ones. And also I’m going to physically fight Missy, she can catch these hands. I can’t really give much else on the rest of her fics, because I tend to avoid anything that might not end happy (I’m five chapters away from finishing Powerless, and I’m only just now getting skeptical they might not get their happy ending so count me scared) but I have no doubt everything she’s written is just as good, if not better since this fic was finished in 2018? Wow.
Another fic that had me up super late was @lovelylogans gilmore girls au where you lead, i will follow. Don’t be fooled by the eleven chapters, that fic is over 100k words but God is it so worth it to read every single one. You don’t even need to be familiar with the show the au is based on, it’s amazing either way. The characters, the plot, the romance, all absolutely stunning. I will personally fight Patton’s mom. And the rest of her fics! Wow!!! Stunning, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, I’m running out of adjectives. I loved their princess bride bullet fic a whole lot, that was fun.
If you ever see me gushing about mermaid aus, please know that @voidsides au is Probably my favorite take on it. The prinxiety! The sassy virgil!!! The Logan being so done with Roman’s shit. Literally the one comic with Logan interaction I could practically see “Roman I swear to god if you don’t stop flirting with the fish I’m going to push you into the water” in his words. He didn’t say it, but man he was definitely thinking it.
Oh man, I can’t forget to mention the person who got me into g/t-slash-borrower sides @infinimay cause his content? Amazing, really. I found him when someone I follow reblogged one of his halloween fics and I fell in love and proceeded to binge the rest of their writing. Amazing, really. I really love the giant hermit virgil and hiker logan ones a lot. There’s more that I definitely love a whole lot as well, but I can’t currently match content with titles right now and if I go through I’ll get caught up and forget to come back to this post, but just know I love
Another giant/tiny writer I really love who I fell in love because of his amazingly written alien au- @delimeful WIBAR is currently one of my fic obsessions and I might reread it soon because it’s so good? I love the world building and how he’s written the characters so much. The rest of his work is Also Great? The fic where Virgil turns into a dragon when stressed? Amazing I can’t wait for it to continue.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors You got me so in love with laoft I think about it often. Scary Virgil?? Changeling Logan???? Witch Roman???? Gifted Patton????? I want to cry I love them so much. And God, May! May Gage is a disaster of a woman but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her. I just. I love this au so much and it’s gotten me to love fae lore so much like I used to. I want to reread this au now, crap. Wait I need to read Lo’s stuff first. Double crap.
Oh man. speaking of writer’s who keep bringing up fae and reminding me how much I love them, @lefaystrent I hope you know your parental shenanigans on my dash bring me life. I didn’t know carbonated milk existed until last night. Kind of wish I was still ignorant on that particular topic. Either way, your fae virgil fic? Amazing. I got so super excited every time I saw an update, and that epilogue? A beautiful ending, if you ask me.
@stillebesat I start screaming in excitement, reading your Interview fic. When I found it, I became so in love with the fic I had a really hard time reading anything else and I frequently checked your blog looking for an update. I am so in love with it, and honestly there’s lots of questions I have about it but if I ask all of them this post will be even LONGER and it’s so massive already.
@today-only-happens-once You’re writing is amazing. So many of your fics are so stunning?? I fell in love reading The Only Exception. Still need to go through your masterlist thoroughly, but man everything I’ve read from you so far is so well written and takes my entire heart.
This post wouldn’t be complete without @notalwaysthevillian who actually got me to start shipping Logince with her fic Shattering Stereotypes. And then there’s of course her tangled prinxiety au??? Which I actually really gotta finish but what I’ve read of it? Amazing. 
Oh crap. If void has my favorite artistic mermaid au, @teacupfulofstarshine has my favorite written au. LDAD is a stunning fic and I would die for it. And also her recent atla au fic? I was screaming over it. Also also her moxiety dad au series she did for halloween had my entire heart. Every installment of that series had me so incredibly soft I probably could have cried.
And finally, @randomslasher I really love your writing. Your fic, Starved was one of the first I read in the fandom and I adored every single word. I haven’t actually had the chance to really sit down and binge any of your work that I could find, but I plan on fixing that soon. It’s also?? Really nice to see an older fander! As someone in their twenties and constantly seeing how young everyone is, it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one!
That’s everyone I wasn’t scared of bothering! Everyone who I wanted to shower in my love for their work (and affection for the people I talk to!) This isn’t really in any particular order, beyond me separating the people I talk to from the people I don’t. This post is massive, but I hope everyone enjoys my appreciation for their content!
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thetiptoeingtulip · 4 years
Discworld for the ask meme?
Thank you!! This was so much fun and discworld is something at the core of my little heart
Top 5 favourite characters: In no particular order- Sam Vimes, Lord Vetinari, Death, Tiffany Aching, and the Librarian
Other characters you like: So many, I love them all so much… I think Mr. Teatime is one of the most enjoyable villains I’ve ever read and obviously he sucks but I still reread Hogfather every Christmas excited to see him. Dr Lawn was also my favourite solo appearance character. Granny Weatherwax, Moist van Lipwig, Nobby Nobbs, Death of Rats
Least favourite characters: There aren’t any characters I dislike just ones I’m less attached to. I found Gaspode annoying sometimes. I like Carrot but am less fond of the parts of books that focus on him too much. Rincewind is a cinnamon roll but also less interesting than some of the other characters. 
Otps: Vetvimes and/or VetvimesRankin ;) half a crackship half a legitimate interest in their dynamic
Notps: Don’t really have any because there isn’t a lot of shipping in this fandom but there are so many characters that if you put some of them together I’m sure I’d wince. 
Favourite friendships: Vetinari and Margolotta, Om and Brutha, Nobby Nobbs and Colon
Favourite family: Gotta be Vimes, Sybil, Little Sam, although I love Death and Susan
Favourite episodes: N/A
Favourite season/book/movie: Night Watch closely followed by Small Gods
Favourite quotes: My absolute favourite quote of all time is the one from Night Watch when Vimes is talking about The People- ‘The People on the side of The People always ended up disappointed, in any case. They found that The People tended not to be grateful or appreciative or forward-thinking or obedient. The People tended to be small-minded and conservative and not very clever and were even distrustful of cleverness. And so the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn’t that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people. As soon as you saw people as things to be measured, they didn’t measure up.’ It hits.
Best musical moment: How do they rise up?
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Any moment where a character who is not commonly in that series makes an appearance ie. mentions of Vimes in Lipwig books, mentions of Granny Weatherwax in the Tiffany Aching books
When it really disappointed you: This is saddened more than disappointed but the last three books- Snuff, Raising Steam, Shepherd's Crown- were definitely not up to the usual writing standard, although I’m 100% certain that was because of Terry’s condition. 
Saddest moment: So many come to mind. Off the top of my head, when Granny Weatherwax has to choose between the child or the mother in the birth scene in Carpe Jugulum
Most well done character death: All the character deaths are well done because of Death (haha) I have to say Granny Weatherwax though, if only because of the weight her character carried.
Favourite guest star: N/A
Favourite cast member: N/A
Character you wish was still alive: I mentioned him before, I almost wish Mr. Teatime had survived if only so we could see him used in other discworld books. 
One thing you hope really happens: I just want the characters to be happy. Tiffany Aching grows into a happy young woman. Sam Vimes is happy with his son. 
Most shocking twist: The vampire/heraldry dude being behind everything in Feet of Clay genuinely surprised me
When did you start watching/reading?: When I was 16 and going through the roughest time of my life. Later than most people but it really saved me (cliche but yeah)
Best animal/creature: Hm… does the Librarian count? If not than the great A’tuin himself
Favourite location: Ankh Morpork obvs 
Trope you wish they would stop using: None I love them all
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Social and political commentary in a fantasy format that actually works, isn’t preachy, makes extremely intelligent and well thought out points without being tone deaf to the fact that it is a fantasy format. 
Funniest moments: Any mention of Bloody Stupid Johnson. Any footnotes. 
Couple you would like to see: VetvimesRankin (Sybil still has to be there)
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: N/A
Favourite outfit: Sam Vimes’ shoes and Nobbs disguise in Jingo
Favourite item: Death’s sword
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: No but I desperately want an Unseen Academics hoodie
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I’d be a witch baby! or an unseen academic (small part of me wants to be in the assassin’s guild)
Most boring plotline: Colour of Magic 
Most laughably bad moment: None. Everything is laughably good. 
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: The entirety of Night Watch, if time travel counts
Most layered character: Probably Vetinari? Nobby Nobbs was given good depth in Night Watch too. 
Most one dimensional character: Rincewind in Colour of Magic (he got better!)
Scariest moment: Vorbis and his torture techniques in Small Gods
Grossest moment: Same as above
Best looking male: N/A although canonically probably Carrot
Best looking female: N/A 
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Vetinari and Margolotta because intelligent + powerful = sexy :/ No one!
Favourite cast moment: N/A
Favourite transportation: Leonard de Quirm’s yellow submarine
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): N/A 
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Nothing really, Terry was always exceptional at continuity for someone who wrote about 50 books in one series
Best promo: N/A
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Like 5 pages into Guards Guards when there was the joke about black magic cults reserving certain hotels and having overly complicated passwords. Humour made me fall in love, humanity made me stay in love
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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