#god can you imagine this in a 8 or 16 bit game
wandringaesthetic · 1 year
Here, look at this one too
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danielnelsen · 1 year
having a LOT of fun recreating my warden and hawke using the ttrpg system
#i just wish you could get more spells and talents#like you get 12 and 10 respectively#(technically you can get up to 24 spells with careful talent choices and 16 talents if you count specialisations)#(but when they include every dao spell AND a bunch from the other games AND a bunch created for the ttrpg……it’s a bit limiting!)#i wonder why they decided to make it only go up to level 20#i get it for class powers but couldn’t they say like.. level as high as you want and alternate levels for spells and talents#and maybe start alternating levels for focuses or allow +4 focuses so you don’t just end up with every single focus#(not that there’s much risk of that. narrowing down my focus choices was just as hard)#idk it’s weird to limit something like that when you’re not restricted by video game mechanics#if i ever play this (which i hope i do) i’d want to extend it a bit#anyway. gotta sleep but tomorrow i’m gonna properly plan out abilities and preferred stunts too#(very confusing that they use ‘abilities’ as the name for what every other game calls ‘attributes’)#(but i DO like that there are 8. communication and perception are nice additions for a game that uses stats outside of combat)#(and god imagine how many focuses there’s be for cunning if they didn’t separate communication)#personal#da#darpg#i was doing like. 4d chess trying to plan out alim’s talents (some lore; spirit: creation; armor; spell expertise)#but then for hawke i was just like yeah give him max carousing and entropy and unarmed style. simple#(not actually. it was very hard rejecting other things. but i’m fine with what i’ve given him)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
i have one more silly bit of - well, okay. this is only sort of joe propaganda. this is a little bit me propaganda too. but for those new to the joe train, new followers who came here from other corners of joe fandom, or, indeed, people who want to read some fic as propaganda in order to sink into the true fandom experience:
hi! i write fic! i have written SEVERAL joe fic! here are some you can look at!
to convey a certain brilliance takes place in an alternate season eight where no one escapes before the moon hits, and joe must claw his way back to rebuilding enough to survive. inspired a bit by super hostile and actually written pre-season 8 finale, back when i thought they wouldn't actually PULL something like this. ah. more naive, good times.
god from the machine is a ficlet i wrote while joe was doing legends arceus stuff, taking place after the game and taking 'that's where joe was between seasons' as canon. god, sidenote? go watch joe's legend arceus streams. those were SUCH good streams. this has nothing to do with the fic just go watch those.
new moon is my inevitable moon's big feelings ficlet i wrote for joe and cleo. that's probably all you need to know.
beetroots is a character study ficlet people like where i have joe and grian have a conversation about the kinds of people they are. i still very much like it.
an empty head is a horror ficlet about what could have been happening while joe lived in cogsmede, given empires!false's memory potions. mind the fact there's a bit of intentionally talked-around, left-to-the-imagination gore in this one.
attempt thirty-three is my most recent proper fic, and it takes place during a slightly alternate 'pre-crossover' timeline where joe becomes trapped in a time loop. it's about a single loop during that time loop, and what joe does within it. i'm still quite proud of this premise and fic, it was an idea i'm glad i did fairly decent justice!
the last days of the free angel of carrows, finally, is a 79k 16-chapter noir-inspired urban fantasy in which joe and cleo together run a supernatural fixer/odd-job agency. when they're approached by pearl moon, a suspicious but extremely wealthy stranger, they take a job that the fate of the city ends up resting upon. if you like angel!joe, urban fantasy, action scenes, jleo friendship, or my usual standard for dumb jokes, this is an excellent longfic to read!
of course, you don't have to read any of these! there are a number of OTHER really good joe writers on ao3, and i encourage them to promo on this themselves! i'm just in a very joe mood and thought some people might also be, and decided to share!
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prettypinkporkchop · 7 days
Can I get a long haired embry imagine 🥵
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Aight so irl kiowa gordon was like 19 during this, but in the movies, he's like 16. SO IN THIS STORY HOMIE LOOKS LIKE THIS GIF AND HE IS 20 AND WE ARE PASSED BREAKING DAWN PART 2.
You're eating your popcorn, focused on the movie playing on your TV in front of you. It's raining outside pretty badly. You're not used to it constantly raining. Since moving to Washington, there's been a lot of getting used to. Luckily, you've met a few friends already. Even someone you really like!
A knock on your door startles you. You slowly get up and look out the peephole. There's Embry Call. You sigh of relief that it's just him and open the door. He's soaked! "Embry! What are you doing?" You grab his arm and pull him inside. He chuckles at you and stands in your entryway, watching you shut the door. "Well?" You ask and cross your arms. He shrugs and smiles. "I was just at work and then leaving, I decided to come see you." He says. You shake your head and step up to him. "Embry, you're probably freezing. Look, I can get you fresh clothes." Your hand touches the bottom of his shirt to lift it up. His eyes are on you, which makes your eyes meet his. You instantly blush, realizing you're trying to take off Embry's shirt. "Sorry." You back away. "I didn't mean it like that. Just, uh, worried." You stumble on your words. He licks his lips and raises an eyebrow at you. "I have clothes if you want them." You look away from him. "I never get cold." He says. You chuckle at his manly ego and look up at him. "Em, everyone gets cold." You laugh, shaking your head. He sighs and then takes his shirt off. "Touch me." His face is serious. You're in shock. You're stuck. But, your body does as he says like you always do because listening to him is natural. You're safe. You're comfortable. You step right in front of his body and reach your hand up to touch shis abs. He does feel very warm. And God, his abs feel so hard. His face is inches from yours when you look up at him. You cough awkwardly and then step back. "How are you so warm?" You ask. "If I tell you something... really crazy.." He laughs at the end, "will you believe me?" His face goes back to being serious. You do trust him. You trust him and his people. You met him and Jacob while you were out and about trying to find something to do in your new area. After that, you haven't left Embry's side much.
"Yes." You breathe out. "The tattoo." He points to his shoulder. "We all have them. The shifters. Our tribe, we come from wolves. We protect our people from danger." He says. Embrys a wolf? "Wait, huh? You and your friends are wolves?" You ask with a deeply confused tone and face. "Yes." He replies. "Uh? What's the danger?" You ask, looking around. "Vampires." He gulps. "What? That's crazy." You reply. He nods his head and sighs. "Trust me. I know. Jacob has his own pack. His wife, Renesmee." He looks at you. You nod your head. "She's half human half vampire." He says. Your knees get a bit weak, so you sit at the dining table. He sits down next to you. "You're the only outsider I can tell because you're my soulmate."
Jacob shoots the 8 ball in the hole, winning the game. "Damn it." You hiss. Renesmee and Embry laugh. "We told you! Jake's a beast." Embry grabs onto your waist and pulls you into him. You lean your head back and look up at his face. He's smiling at you, but you turn around, lean up, and press your lips on his. First kiss.
You're a little tipsy with the other imprints. You, Embry, Renesmee, and Jacob are in the game room at Jake's house.
The kiss shocks him, and he pulls away, chuckling. "Damn, how drunk are you?" He asks. Jacob laughs at Embry. "Dawg, even if she's sober, she wants you." Jacob sets all of the colorful balls back in the middle of the pool table. Embry bites his lip and kisses your cheek. "When you're sober, we'll come back to this." He says.
You wake up in a room you haven't seen before. But the smell automatically tells you where you are. The bed is small with brown bedding. Dream catchers fill the walls as well as some band posters. You know this is Embry's house. You're in his bed. You stand up and walk out of the room, not really sure where to walk to. You've never been in his house. You turn and walk into the living room. "Embry is sitting up on the couch, but his head is leaned to the side, and he's snoozing. His feet are propped up on the table in front of him. "Embry?" You ask. His eyes open, and he looks at you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to steal your bed." You giggle. He yawns and shakes his head. "Don't worry about it." You sit down next to him, remembering that you kissed him. "Embry?" You ask. "Mhm?" He stands up, grabbing his keys. "Was it okay that I kissed you?" You look up at him. "It's only okay if you plan on doing it again and for the rest of your life." He smiles. Your cheeks burn red, and you stand up. He looks over your face, and you reach around, pulling his hair back behind his shoulders, pushing some strands behind his ears. "I would do it again, but I need to brush my teeth and shower." You giggle. He rolls his eyes, biting his lip and smiling. "I'll take you home, baby." He says. He said it so naturally, like you shouldn't have questioned it, but you caught it really quick.
You step out of your bathroom and see a shirtless Embry, laying on your couch. "Up." You tell him. He sits up, and you sit next to him. "Floor." You demand. He raises an eyebrow and sits on the floor between your legs. You start playing with his hair. His hair is super soft and beautiful. "Am I your baby?" You ask. "Yes." He replies. You run your fingers through his hair, up his scalp, and pull back slightly so he's looking up at you. "Kiss me." You order. He doesn't hesitate to grab your face and kiss you. His lips are soft and warm. Love is pouring into your mouth. You pull him up. He gets on the couch next to you, pulling your body up on his lap. You pull away and look into his brown eyes. "Embry Call. Claim me." His eyes widen, and his grip tightens on your back. "As you wish."
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backtothestart02 · 6 months
I got (honorable) tagged by the wonderful @theartofdreaming1- thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? - 321
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,322,068 words (at the moment)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still writing for The Flash, but every once in a while a new show/movie grabs my fancy and I write a few fics for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
An unimpressive bunch but here goes: Muse (456), Replacement Scrunchie (393), Fallen Star (357), Inconvenient Inspiration (343), and Drabbles (277). Muse is a handful of one-shots based solely off spoilers before I saw the eps they were for. Replacement Scrunchie is my sole fic for the TATBILB fandom about Peter & LJ's first date (which was way less impressive than what the sequel movie gave us, WOW). Fallen Star is my most popular westallen fic to date, so that one's actually not too surprising. But both Inconvenient Inspiration and Drabbles are requested (the latter) and spontaneous (the former) brainstorming ficlets and snippets for The Flash/WA. Bo-ring.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, gosh, I have so many unfinished fics that it's hard to remember the complete ones that I finished that didn't end so happy, of which there aren't many. Maybe...Breaking Point though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the others have happy endings. Go read them. Lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
When I wrote for another fandom I did, but not really in The Flash fandom, which is nice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. And uh...descriptive, I guess? I'm def not the best out there, but I do my best and for the most part smut-lovers seem to enjoy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've attempted a couple crossovers, but I haven't completed any or gotten far with them, usually because there wasn't an audience for it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, I discovered a whole bunch on another website years ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In the process of it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Stuck on Westallen atm, but I used to write Chair, and I was highly obsessed with them as well.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, I have SO MANY WIPs. One that I really want to finish but fear I won't though has got to be He's MY Barry Allen. I'm just stuck on what the next chapter will look like, and as of yet no one has come forward with a solution. Lol. The Problem is Tony Woodward is another one like that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I can hook people into my fics fairly well and drop enough cliffies to keep them coming back for more. But ofc the smut helps too. Most of my fics include at least some smut, even a single scene.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I have trouble making a chapter (or a scene for that matter) all that long. I've seen people write like 10k+ for a chap, and unless I'm crazy inspired, roughly 1-3k is what you're getting.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I actually dabbled in this a little bit for a westallen fic where Iris was learning Italian, I think? I did some research and managed to sift in enough for that one-shot, but I can't imagine I'd do it repeatedly or for a multi-chap.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I believe it was the STAR WARS prequels, but it might've been The Day After Tomorrow.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's unfinished, but there's so much untapped potential in my Flashpoint fic. Lots of world-building that's present as it rides the line between canon divergent and AU. Hopefully one day I'll get back to it.
As much as I'd love to tag a bunch of people, I can't recall anyone who still writes fic that I follow on here, so I'll just shout out my bestie @simplylove101 who is prob done with writing but may want to answer these questions either way!
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chiconisroc · 1 year
Was Not The Hero/the Way We Ended Up Questions and Answers Batch
1. Question: Would Anyone draw fanart for “The Way we ended up”?
Answer: I have no idea : o. It would be cool if someone did
More questions and responses:
2. Question: Here's another song I think it fits well with Belos:
Unsteady by X Ambassadors:
Answer: yes, that would fit Belos well : 3
3. Question: How would Philip react to being French Kissed?
Answer: it depends, like Philip has never been kissed before so a French kiss right now would be too overwhelming for him : o. He probably would cringe, hahaha
4. Question: What would Philip think of among us?
Answer: he has no opinions since he wouldn’t enjoy playing video games : o. It’s not his thing o.o
5. Question: Would “I won’t say I’m in Love” fit Silas or Philip more.
Answer: I say it would fit Silas : o
6. Question: Would the Hexsquad hug Philip in the future?
Answer: maybe : 3. Got to wait and see ~
7. Question: In “Not What you Expected” would Philip confront the minister that abused him during childhood?
Answer: oh that is a spoiler and for sure will be revealed later if he does or not : )
8. Question: i think the lyrics from First Love/Late Spring fit Philip.
“ but i find that lately, I’ve been crying like a tall child “ ugsgas and “ please don’t say you love me “ because of the guilt and oh my god I LOVE ANGST. Philip Wittebane
Answer: yesss, I love angst toooo : )
9. Question: Did Silas Parents ever suspected he was gay?
Answer: nope, because peeps back in the day wouldn’t really think about that or not dare to : o
10. Question: Did Philip liked Silas because he reminded him of his brother?
Answer: nope : o. You will see why Philip liked Silas later in the story : 3
11. Question: Would Belos wear a dress?
Answer: it depends : o, on the style. He probably would like it more like what one of the robes he wore but not really a super feminine one
12. Question: If Philip had a nightmare about hurting Silas what would he do?
Answer: Philip would for sure feel guilty and would further add on to his belief that he is nothing but a monster and shouldn’t get close to anyone v.v
13. Question: another song that would fit Philip and Silas relationship is “Sim Under the Tree”
Answer: yesssss, ahhh, I think every bit of it fits them :3
14. Question: Has Hunter Seen Hunter x Hunter?
Answer: not yet : )
15. Question: Would Philip or Silas like “Everytime We touch”? also Would it fit their relationship?
Answer: I say Silas would for sure would love the song and fits both of them when it comes to their relationships : )
16. Question: I can't help but imagine Masha feeling bad about summing up the Wittebane backstory with "Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend, and little bro got upset." in an alternate scenario of the events of "Was Not The Hero" taking place after the Halloween Festival from Thanks To Them.
Answer: oh yah, Masha would feel bad if they said that cause that for sure is mocking him and throwing his traumas out the window
17. Question: have you seen a “Pip in time” webcomic?
Answer: i have now and it’s interesting : )
18. Question: Another song I think fits well with WNTH is Orange Blue's "Can Somebody Tell Me Who I Am":
Answer: that sound hits in the feels honestly and I agree that sound would fit the story
19. Question: Once hunter and Philip like eachother I think they'd go through a gacha life phase together and Philip would cry over glmv's and they would watch them together
Answer: I have no idea what glmv’s are : o
20. Question: Can Philip sing? Since his voice actor Mathew Rhys did musicals.
Answer: I say he can but it’s a skill he hasn’t realized he has himself : 3
21. Question: Was it the palisman or glyph tattoos that caused Philip Curse?
Answer: that you will have to wait for the story to reveal it : )
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Tav Ask Game
Got this list of questions from the amazing @tolkien-fantasy. If you want to answer those questions, don't forget to tag @tolkien-fantasyn-fantasy or make a reblog
The questions
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Tyrael is a half-elf. I chose that race because they are stuck between two worlds. They live too short for elves but too long for humans. Driven by elven wanderlust and human ambitions, they wander over Faeurun, seeking for a place to belong.
Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
Barbarian. It resonates with me.
What is your character’s moral alignment?
Chaotic good. Tyrael is a good person on the overall but she doesn't care about rules.
How did you choose your Tav’s name, if you gave them a unique one?
Generated via https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com . Tyrael grew among humans and has a name of the elven origin.
What are your character’s strongest and weakest stats (strength, charisma, etc)? 
Strength 16 and Intelligence 8. She can't read.
What is your Tav’s origin story? 
You can read it here . In short, it's angst and child neglect.
What was the most significant moment in your Tav’s origin story? 
A murder attempt by her human siblings which awoke RAGE in her.
What deity, if any, does your character worship? 
None. Tyrael feels abandoned by both elven and human gods but she believes in ancestral spirits who guide her through the fight.
What is your Tav’s biggest priority or goal?
If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
She has no idea and never thought about it.
What is your Tav’s most used weapon or spell? 
What is your Tav’s favorite school of magic/weapon type?
Two-handed axe.
How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
RAGE and attack!
Does your Tav know any other languages besides Common? 
Sylvan Elven
If your Tav could/does multiclass, what other class would they choose?
Battlerager (Barbarian + Paladin). I think Tyrael will become more lawful with years to pass but not less fierceful.
Which of the companions does your Tav trust most? 
Astarion, Wyll and Karlach
Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
Gale. Wizards are too smart, they can't be trusted.
Who is your Tav’s biggest rival?
No one, she is confident in her axe.
Who is your Tav romancing, if anyone?
Astarion, of course.
If you’re romancing anyone, why did your Tav fall for them? And why did that character fall for your Tav?
Tyrael fell from the first murder attempt. Astarion also reminds her of a fairytale prince who was turned into a monster and saved by an ancient queen-warrior. Astarion fell for Tyrael for her kindness - she treated him well since the first moment. Protected him and was genuinly interested in Astarion as a person.
If you’re romancing anyone, who fell first and who fell harder?
Tyrael fell first, Astarion fell harder.
How does your Tav act around their crush?
Tyrael is very straightforward and don't tend to act clumsily. At the same time, she has to be careful not to cross his boundaries.
What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
Tyrael isn't a person to be cared for. No one protects Barbarians. When she is wounded in a fight, she is the last one to be offered support or a healing potion. It is always like that. So, imagine her shock when suddenly Astarion kneels beside her and offers her help and then carries to the camp.
What is your Tav attracted to? What are their turn-ons and turn-offs? 
She is turned-off by attempts to dominate her.
Does your Tav have any biases against other classes or races? 
Wizards are stupid, gnomes are ugly, half-orks get the worst from two worlds.
What is the most prominent color in your Tav’s color scheme?
What is their sense of humor like?
Always a bit off.
What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
Fairytales and stories about heroes. The more naive they are, the better.
How easily offended are they? How do they act when offended?
Tyrael isn't offended easily but she is protective over people she cares. If you want to offend Astarion, beware the rage.
How does your Tav react when someone insults their friend/partner?
She threatens to break their bones.
How does your Tav dress for different occasions, like very fancy situations?
How did your Tav get their scars, if they have any?
The facial scars are the result of a fight with a bear when she was 15 when, in a fight, she used Rage for the first time.
What is your Tav’s relationship with their family?
She has none. Mother cheated with an elf, gave birth to Tyrael and always treated the girl as if it had been her fault.
What is your Tav’s opinion on nobility and authority?
Eat the rich, steal their gold.
How does your Tav react to wearing the Wavemother’s robe? How do they react to their partner wearing it?
Awkward. That thing looks hideous.
What is your Tav’s favorite type of environment? Like in a tavern, a library, out in the wilderness, underground, etc.
Wilderness. Tyraels knows this terrain well.
What would your Tav’s Zodiac sign be?
She doesn't know her date of birth.
What is their favorite season?
Where in the world does your Tav want to visit the most?
The Spine of the World
What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
To trust the Emperor.
What animal best represents your Tav?
A dragon.
What flower/tree/plant best represents your Tav?
Brimstone Snapdragon
What does your Tav smell like?
Ale and the forest.
What song best represents your Tav?
A Swedish folk ballade "Herr Mannelig"
What would be your Tav’s favorite music genre?
Folk rock
What role would your Tav play in a highschool AU? (nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc)
That girl everyone thinks is a lesbian who beats the shit out of anyone who mistreats her friends. Eventually turns up to a party with a handsome rich boyfriend who treates her like a princess.
What is the most important item your Tav has?
Her two-handed axe.
Where does your Tav feel most at home?
She feels home with Astarion no matter where they stay.
What is your Tav’s philosophy on life?
Fight. Gather loot. Get gold. Drink ale. Fight again.
Does your Tav think more with their heart or their brain?
It's INT 8 (-1). What brain are you talking about XD?
What does your Tav want in their future? (domestic bliss, more adventure, a family, etc)
More adventures. More travels. To die fighting a dragon.
What is your Tav’s worst fear?
She is afraid to lose her freedom. There have been too many warrior women who were enslaved and degrated to mere whores in beds of powerful men.
Is your Tav easily tricked or deceived?
She is because she isn't really smart but at the same time she has good intuition.
If your Tav was granted a single wish, what would it be?
To cure Astarion of his vampirism or, at least, allow him to walk in the sun.
How does your Tav feel about keeping secrets, both their own and others?
She respects people's right for them.
How would your Tav react to a love confession?
When Astarion confessed his feelings, she was shocked to hear these words.
What are your Tav’s biggest insecurities?
Body image. She was harassed and lusted for her elven features but at the same time she is seen as ugly by most of the pure elves she's met.
What is your Tav’s favorite food?
How generous is your Tav, especially to those they don’t know?
She is very generous and ready to share everything.
If an evil character told your Tav that they wanted to change and help them, would they believe it?
What does your Tav want to be remembered by?
She wants to be remembered as a hero in songs and ballads.
What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
Ten of Swords.
What would be your Tav’s major in college?
She wouldn't be accepted in college.
Does your Tav consider themselves a hero, villain, victim or something else?
A hero.
How good is your Tav at giving advice? How good are they at following it themselves?
Depends. In a fight, Tyrael is better to be listened to. Aside battle, she's not very competent.
How does your Tav get along with each party member?
Pretty good, she doesn't like hurting people on purpose. Though, she was very angry with Halsin who tried to propose her right in front of Astarion.
What are your Tav’s other hobbies?
She enjoys listening to good stories.
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leighsartworks216 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by @shenanigans-and-imagines! I don't usually do these, but hell why not
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 56 individual "works", but that doesn't count how many chapters/actual fics I have posted there
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
So many, oh god. Markiplier Egos, Marvel, The Witcher, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, NCIS, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, The Arcana, For The Love Of The Gods, Ace Attorney, Indiana Jones, Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Howl's Moving Castle, Enola Holmes, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Baldur's Gate 3. These are just all the fandoms I have characters I will write for in, so even though I don't have fics for all these fandoms, I will write for them
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Have A Type, Don't You? - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I Come With Knives (series) - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Designated Lockpicker - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Astarion Drabbles - Astarion x Tav/Reader ficlets
You Hate Me - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends on the comment, but I don't respond all the time. If someone has a question, or I feel I need to correct them/steer them in the right direction, I'll answer, but I don't respond to most of the ones gushing/aweing over the fic, not to say I don't still appreciate them all immensely.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Rom, My Beloved is my saddest/angstiest from my individual works, but there are some really angsty fics in my Loki and Markiplier Ego compiled works. I wrote it because Rom is my favorite Bloodborne boss and I just loved her lore, but tragedy abounds when you talk about a Soulsborne game
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics nowadays have happy endings, but my favorite of my completed individual works is probably The Rescue of Magistrate Ancunin, because it's open-ended as to what could happen next but it takes a devastating moment from Astarion's life and makes it nice and a little silly
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
In recent memory, no, but I'm sure I have at some point. I usually delete it and move on
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Very vanilla but very emotionally-charged. I have a tendency to focus more on the emotions of those involved and how they feel about their partner over how the sex feels
10 - Do you write crossovers?
No, but I have thought about doing a Witcher and Bloodborne crossover, because I think it would be very interesting
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I did check through the major sites when AI bots started scraping fics off AO3, but I didn't see anything then. If anything does come up though, absolutely let me know
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but! Back when I wrote on Wattpad, I had some very lovely person ask to read my fic on Youtube. I agreed and I wish I could find it, because I just remember being so elated by it
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don't really know how to approach co-writing, and it's just not something I'm too interested in rn
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
Uh uhm pass (I can't think of any 💀)
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a Breath of the Wild fic planned out, with notes and even a first chapter written out and future ones with little bits drabbled out, but when I tried revisiting it again, I was just so lost in what I had planned. I hope one day I can finish it, but it's not gonna be soon
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that it's the little details I add that ground it more into reality, ie hair getting caught on earrings or a voice cracking while trying to sing
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I don't describe things complex enough. I can describe emotions or scenery and dip in a little bit, but I can never get it deep *enough*, but I know that comes mostly with neurodivergences and comparing myself to others
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I hate when writers have foreign words/phrases in the middle of a fic and don't translate them until the very very end. That means I have so pick up the context clues around it, translate it myself, or risk getting spoiled trying to find the translation
Also, if your character uses sign language, don't put it in italics or ' ', just write it out like if it was verbal dialogue. "They signed, '[fill in the blank]'" Describe the way the gestures are formed (sloppy, sharp, indecipherable, fast) to get across emotion, and also the expressions on their face, since sign languages are very heavily reliant on facial emotions to ass meaning to the signs themselves
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Hard to say. I first started my writing on Wattpad, and have since been locked out of that account, but it was probably Doctor Who, knowing me
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
I have a hard time picking favorites! And I like a bunch of them for a variety of different reasons, and always have things to nitpick about them
I will say I am really really enjoying my work on I Come With Knives so far. It's a passion project and I have some very big, angsty things planned for the future that I can't wait to get to >:3
I don't really know who to tag for these things ever, so if you want to do it, go for it :)
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artsyrissa · 10 months
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This fun little thing has been going around twitter. I said who needs likes when you can have tav lore! So, I answered them all! here they are:
1. Her birth name is Suspiria, she later took on the last name windfall after her late care taker Wynona Windfall a sweet dwarf alchemist living in the secluded woods beyond baldurs gate. Suspiria is an asmodeous tiefling beast master ranger with a wolf named Karma. Her background is charlatan from her time living under her slavers, but she could also have a little bit of an outlander background after she escaped. Her pronouns are she/her and her alignment is chaotic neutral, but leaning chaotic good.
2. Suspiria was a charlatan in baldurs gate making some shady deals to get by. She probably was up to some scheme to make a quick dollar when she was captured.
3. She slept with astarion, but ultimately fell in love with Gale. They have some history, even though they didn’t realize it at first.
4. After the romance drama settled, her an astarion became besties. Her and karlach are also very well. She never liked wyll, and found him very annoying, but karlach cared about him, so she tried to treat him with respect and had his back along the journey.
5. Many of the tieflings died on their journey through the shadow cursed lands. This really hurt her, but she would never show it. she tried everything to protect her kin, but she couldn’t save them all.
6. Post game, she is happily married to Gale & living in waterdeep. She raises hunter pets, mostly wolves, and helps train hunter pets and young rangers a few times a week. She never imagined herself settling down, but it was what she never knew she truly wanted.
7. Supiria has no living blood family left, at least not to her knowledge, but she has a mother figure in her life who took her in a few years after she escaped her slave owner.
8. She specializes in archery, but she is naturally inclined to the arcane to some degree and knows a few cantrips and healing spells.
9. Her proudest moment was saving the tieflings in the emerald grove and sticking it to Khaga. She looks out for her kin whenever she can.
10. She has thigh high leather boots that also act as sufficient armor. At camp she like to be comfortable, and prefers to let a little skin show
11. She feels most relaxed being in nature, preferably by a lake or stream.
12. She originally took Raphael’s deal out of a moment of weakness. She doesn’t always look past her own self interest right away, since she had to look out for herself for so long. But karlach talked some sense into her, and she was thrilled to put Raphael in his place and steal all his treasure. She had helped yugir back in the sharran temple, so he helped her to break into Raphael’s, which solidified her decision to break the contract.
13. She doesn’t follow any gods, she strongly dislikes gods and feels they’re selfish beings who toy with mortals for fun, this was further confirmed for her after falling for Gale.
14. She was living on the outskirts of baldurs gate, doing odd jobs and adventures to earn some coin. She liked being free and untethered to any one place after being forced to stay in one place as a slave
15. She got along very well with Zevlor and had immense respect for him. She looks up to him like a father now.
16. She didn’t know her guardian, she was a tough and beautiful drow, so she was less hesitant to trust her than she would have been with another person, since drow also face similar societal challenges.
17. Suspirias tiefling village was raded when she was about 5 years old, her parents were killed and she was sold into slavery on the black market. She had several slave owners over the years and lived in a few different places. Some were worse than others, but they were all abusive. Her last owner was an older human man. He was a bad man, but never hurt her like the others, but she ultimately killed him and ran away to escape slavery all together. She was around 12 when she escaped.
18. Hurting astarion, not so much sleeping with him, but for leading him on and hurting him in the end. Although they’ve all moved on at this point, it weighed heavy on her for a while.
19. These slide off easily, but good luck breaking down those walls.
20. Not in particular
21. Teasing in more ways than one 😉 and sarcasm and hugging, which is reserved for only those she cared for most
22. Before the journey, her greatest fear was falling in love, or having someone she was afraid to lose. After, losing her friends and/or her Husband.
23. She actually felt some level of empathy for ketheric, she longed for her family desperately too once, especially when she was young, and she made some poor decisions because of it. She hated gortash and Orin, they were selfish and sloppy and too stupid to have so much power.
24. She carried a book Gale gave her everywhere, although she didn’t recognize it was his at the start of the journey. They only met once briefly as children and he gave her the book because he didn’t want her to be lonely.
25. Her last slave owner was not too far from baldurs gate, when she ran away and was eventually taken in by wynona, she started going there often to help her caretaker sell her potions, and to collect supplies, etc.
26. the Balthazar fight was so hard! She wasnt comfortable with the terrain and that jerk reminded her of slavers, keeping alin like that. It really got to her head. She was trying to be supportive of ShadowHeart, but she was frustrated with her inability to see her goddess for what she is.
27. Realizing she was in love with Gale and realizing he was on a suicide mission. She was furious with mystra and elminster and even with Gale for considering it, and she didn’t want to accept her love for him. She mostly suffered in silence, but her team noticed her mind was elsewhere from time to time.
28. Her reputation before was very much charlatan. She was scheming and sly, and kind of a bitch, and she liked it. She intimidated her way through many schemes and caused quite a bit of trouble in her time in baldurs gate.
29. She isn’t really a morning person, so she often stayed up late. She did a lot of the hunting and gathering, collecting firewood and finding food and medicine for the group.
30. She freed Orpheus and let him take on the illithid form, since she refused. She has come a long way, but she is still very self serving in some lights. (I didn’t have lazel in my original run, but I am replaying and have lazel this time, so her ending may change) still ends up with Gale in the end no matter what.
Thank you for coming to my rant. Ok bye 👋😅
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kolomo · 2 months
thank you for tagging me, @ruanbaijie ♡
1. why did you choose your url? my gaming blog is @picopond, which is a pond in botw/totk, and i thought 'kolomo', a lake in the games, would match it nicely:) 'lakekolomo' was a bit of a mouthful, though.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. nope! the gaming blog is its own log in. i don't like the side blog feature all that much...
3. how long have you been on tumblr? 2011 or 2012, i think.
4. do you have a queue tag? nah, my blog runs on a queue so no need for a tag.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? ummm, i just saw people on twitter using it back in 2011/2012, so that's when i made my first blog. i deleted it maybe a year or two ago and created this one for a bit of a fresh start.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? ei-chan very special to me
7. why did you choose your header? i was gifing snf and just thought that shot was neat. i've actually been meaning to update it... idk what to, tho.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?this one. that's cool! (oh my god and this one on the gaming blog...)
9. how many mutuals do you have? idk i don't track that stuff
10. how many followers do you have? 904, but i need to go through a cull the most recent bots.....
11. how many people do you follow?198
12. have you ever made a shitpost? yeh anything with gojo in it is a shitpost i hate that man
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? tbh depends if im bored at work or if there's a particular piece of media im really into and wanna see posts of. sometimes i can go a few days or a week without checking this hellsite.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? lmfao yeah. simblr was a rough place to be.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts i ignore them on purpose and hope they curse me.
16. do you like tag games? yeah!! i always read the answers of the ones i get tagged in and then immediately forget to do it myself lol!!!
17. do you like ask games? yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like talking shit!! except im probs gonna turn my ask off...
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? literally all of them and that's not even a joke lol
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? nope!
20. the last song i listened to: a tear in space (airlock) - glass animals
21. currently watching: yatagarasu, spice and wolf, no longer allowed in another world, oshi no ko, suicide squad isekai, twilight out of focus, and senpai is an otokonoko. non-anime is just drag race all stars, and i've been binge watching linus tech tips. you'll figure out why.
22. sweet/savoury/spicy? all three sorry!! cant pick!!
23. relationship status: single. i was on hinge for like two months and then i deleted it lol.
24. current obsession: building a pc!!!!!!!!!! tho researching what parts to get isn't that enjoyable lmfao so it's a painful obsession.
25. nine songs/albums i've been listening to:
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the rise and fall of a midwest princess - chappell roan i love you so f***ing much - glass animals loom - imagine dragons
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hit me hard and soft - billie eilish intellectual property 2 - waterparks stampede: vol. 1 - orville peck
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(and some songs:) hind's hall - macklemore the lovecats - the cure the great pretender - freddie mercury
i tried tagging people but the post editor was being really difficult so... if you see this, you can do it if you want!!!!
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ummm errr heres my NiGHTS playlist
tbf its just meant to be songs that feel magical and NiGHTS was the best character i thought i could assign to a playlist of that theme but whatever. explanations under cut
1. Gate of Your Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
hurrrr hurrr NiGHTS into dreams song fits NiGHTS' character
2. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this is pretty magic and from NiGHTS hurrrr
3. Fragmented Nights SEGA SOUND TEAM
guess the explanation
4. Introduced Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
5. Paternal Horn SEGA SOUND TEAM
6. After The Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 1 - 5
7. Star Light Zone Masato Nakamura
8. Special Stage (Sonic 1) Masato Nakamura
mysterious and surreal... some may say dreamlike... and also sonic team
9. Duel in Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
like the first one but instead of NiGHTS into dreams its journey of dreams
10. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
if i include the NiD version i may as well include the JoD version. i didnt do this with gate of your dream because the JoD version sounds so bad
11. Merry Memory Go Round SEGA SOUND TEAM
this is getting exhausting
12. Eloquent Echo: River Rescue SEGA SOUND TEAM
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god ive gotta get out of here or ill have another word to sell another story to tell another time piece ringing the bell' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end no you know it must be neverending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool although youre only a man so give it up and smile
13. Dreams Dreams - Located Link Mix (Instrumental) SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 9 - 12
14. Collision Chaos - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this feels like NiGHTS
15. Tidal Tempest - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
these are also obviously sonic team, yeah, you get it
16. Zone Clear SEGA SOUND TEAM
17. Sky Chase Zone Masato Nakamura
i think you get the point
18. Special Stage (Sonic 2) - Demo Masato Nakamura
i recently got into the sonic 1&2 demos. some of them are bangers, such as this one
19. Special Stage (Sonic 1) - Demo Masato Nakamura
see above, with the additional bonus of me adding the mega drive version before
20. Vanilla Jack Stauber
and i just realised its instrumental. great. if it helps, its sort of like a lullaby.
21. dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off spellcasting
22. Dream Sweet in Sea Major Miracle Musical
i think less about the lyrics and more about the fact this sounds vaguely magic and a little christmassy (because, yk, christmas NiD)???
23. A Lady Tally Hall
idk its kinda calm ig. if you ignore the 'lady' bit (although NiGHTS probably wouldnt mind being called that) i suppose you could say theyre good and evil? idk
24. 13 Tally Hall
i probably should have added ruler of everything afterwards but idk why i feel i shouldnt
25. Spring Yard Zone Masato Nakamura
this is my favourite stage in sonic 1!!! so much so that i made up loads of lore about it having homes just so that i could make an oc be from there!!! anyway yeah the usual. its sonic team. sounds vaguely magical.
26. Temptation Stairway (Waltz Variation) Metaroom
when i got into ena temptation stairway was the latest episode, or really anything to do with ena. maybe the first teaser for dream bbq was out??? before we knew it was a game??? idk. point is, ena is absolutely bafflingly surreal, and i could sort of imagine this in a NiGHTS game. sonic team please contact metaroom for any future NiGHTS projects please please please 🙏🙏🙏
27. Fancam RYL0, Aron Enoch
the lyrics dont fit even slightly ❤️ but it sounds cute
this is such a silly happy song from a game that references NiGHTS! also ive literally gone bankrupt from buying stuff in the chao garden black market in sadx lol
29. Isle Unto Thyself Miracle Musical
to me, this DEFINITELY fits the magical theme, as well as the sensation of flying. i have absolutely no idea what any of the lyrics mean.
30. Black Rainbows Miracle Musical
it also feels kinda magical and follows isle unto thyself
31. White Ball Miracle Musical
see above only less because it feels magical and more because it follows black rainbows. i didnt add murders because that's definitely a stretch to say it fits NiGHTS
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oasivy · 1 year
sims get to know me.. thingie or w/e 
this seemed fun! thank you for the tag @rebouks ♡
1. What’s your favourite sims death? i love the telescope/meteor death and how not rare it is even if it is supposed to be lol
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match, aiming to be a bit maxis mix lately lol
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? not usually no, whatever happens, happens. kinda off topic but rosalie likes the gym and i made her use the  machine like twice and now her arms are getting BUFF
4. Do you use move objects? yes ma’am
5. Favorite mod? i used to only really have ui and mc command center but recently i’ve really been liking the rpo mod and other story enhancing mods! 
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? first expansion: get to work, first stuff: vintage glamour, first game pack: parenthood... i think. i was there since the beginning lol
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? lol i like how  rebouks described it... LIVE, laugh, love is how i say it 
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? it changes all the time, i love making sims. laurynn is really cool and i enjoyed making her, as well as charley
9. Have you made a simself? i actually did recently! sent it to my dear friend @aurorangen
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? ambitious, bookworm, high maintenance 
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? there’s a very specific brown swatch that they added recently that i really like
12. Favorite EA hair? they’ve been adding a lot of good natural hair textures lately, so one of those!
13. Favorite life stage? i’ve grown to really like infant gameplay! it’s my first time playing with them and growing together adds a lot of cool depth. but other than that probably young adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? rarely a builder, god bless you guys who can build, but i LOVE decorating rooms and builds. definitely more of a cas/gameplay girly tho
15. Are you a CC creator? god i wish, but no
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? yeah! i mean i think so? i like to imagine we’re all basically besties at this point lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) i used to say sims 3 because my nostalgia, but i think right now 4 is where i spend a lot of my time 
18. Do you have any sims merch? nopeee
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i made one years ago, but never posted on it lol. i don’t really have the time for it right now unfortunately, but it was always in the back of my mind
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i have a lot more skin details and cc, and looking for much more tbh. i also think i pay a lot more attention to smaller details in my sim’s faces
21. What’s your Origin ID? siimlee
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? gegesimmer and simstrouble!
23. How long have you had a simblr? i think since 2019? summer before junior year of high school lol
24. How do you edit your pictures? photoshop
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? the answer is not a horse pack...jk i want bands, let me be a musician without it being so.... classical? but also idc just give me more apartments please and thank you
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? i am a seasons girl through and through. i like the depth of growing together, but i have yet to really dive into thanks to rosalie being... well rosalie. and highschool years had the potential of being really good if it wasn’t so broken
feel free to ignore the tag! @d4isy-nukes @duusheen @aurorangen @duskiivy @thereesespiece @bakersimmer @seokolat @papiermaker @maxismade @bobnewbie
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solar-halos · 11 months
20 Questions: Fic Author Edition
omg <3. thank you for tagging me @bodyelectric77<3 <3. ive never done this before so this is so exciting :o)
1) How many works do you have on ao3?
45. damn!
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
the hunger games / ballad of songbirds and snakes mostly. sometimes total drama island lol
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a deep dive into the mind of annie cresta
get a load of this monster
a collection of encanto what-ifs
eat my heart out with a spoon
u focus on the wrong thing and it shows
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i love responding to comments! it blows my mind that there are people reading words i wrote and taking time out of their day to be so sweet! <3
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probs you hurt my head like cheap red wine
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
queen of crabs, it's the silly awkward first date antics odesta deserves <3
8) Do you get hate on fics?
no (thank god)
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i tried writing E rated smut once but one thing about me is that intimacy makes me laugh out fucking loud (like i always try to do bits like im wearing the crown of clowns it can get very awkward) so whenever i write anything smut-adjacent im incapable of writing it sexy i just kinda feel silly the entire time. perhaps its the asexual in me
10) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nah. but i think an umbrella academy and succession crossover would fuck
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
percabeth <3 (sorry odesta but on my first read thru of the hunger games i hated annie for no fucking reason and developed a hc that johanna and finnick were having an affair.. but that is a convo for another day. LOVE them now tho obv, but ive been shipping percabeth since day 1 theyre so cute and in luv)
15) What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
tbh prob the odesta greek au. i love the concept (siren!annie is very important to me) but im just not in a greek mythology mood anymore
16) What are your writing strengths?
sometimes when i write emotions i feel like as a reader you can look at it and go "oh okay. i know that feeling" which is awesome
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
i am in love with run on sentences. "no its just a stream of consciouness writing style" baby you just wrote something that's mostly just em dashes and semicolons and parenthesis. also i don't know how to describe stuff so thank god for the internet bc i link outfits like my life depends on it. ive always struggled w writing locations too. and ive been wanting to get better at writing bits
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i tried doing this with a mags fanfic i wrote bc i hc that d4 spoke spanish before the first war. there is literally only one sentence in spanish though bc i knew for a fact the phrasing was correct (at least in a casual, conversational setting) but i do think it's really cool when people write d4 characters having entire convos in spanish even though im not confident enough in my langauge skills to do it myself. also i just don't think d4 would know how to speak spanish in canon times, prob just affectionate terms like mija/o or mano or chula. like stuff that doesn't rlly affect how the capitol understands them. i get into this in the fic, but i think even by mags’ generation spanish would stop being a common language in d4. like i love the sentiment of her carrying a piece of that w her but i don’t think the capitol would let them get away with that and it’s also Not Easy to remember how to speak a language you only learned as a child and then never used for the rest of ur life, which is what i imagined happened with her + her gen. like. me and my siblings only know english bc the moment my dad moved here he was like “okay. English Time” and that stemmed from the pressure to assimilate can you imagine if the actual law got involved. anyway this answer got long but i have a lot of thoughts about this sorta stuff, esp in d4
19) First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson lol
20) Favorite fic you've ever written?
don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. tbh this answer changes all the time any fic im currently working on is automatically my fav lol
idk why i feel a bit silly about tagging people directly, so i am informally tagging anyone who wants to do this sorry i hope this isn't a cop out <3. ily
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jewelledfoxes · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @medusasfinalgirl for tagging me!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16 atm! (1 anonymous) Which is wild to me. English was my least favourite subject in school.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 198,609 which, again, absolutely wild.
3. What fandoms do you write for? At the minute, just stranger things. But my early fics were Game of Thrones and Bridgerton.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I'm just going off ST fics so:
(Anything You) Want - friends to lovers mutual pining Nice (Just Ain't My Type) - silly celebrity rivals au (I Don't Have To Tell You But) You're The Only One - AYW college sequel This Be The Verse - on a theme of parenthood Stay - AYW Eddie POV
I only consider 2 of these to actually be amongst my "best" fics tho.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I definitely try my best to respond to everything as quickly as possible. I feel very honoured that there are people out there who take time out of their day to let me know they enjoyed. Makes my day every single time!!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oooh okay, Haunt Me, Then! (kinktober spectrophilia fic) for now, but it's very possible that She's Got A Boyfriend Anyway (classic cheating-on-Jason fic) might beat it when I get round to finishing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know if any of my fics have particularly strong happy endings, but off the top of my head it's got to be This Be The Verse.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Defo not on hellcheer ones! Everyone's so nice here!!! <3 My very first fic got SO MUCH hate on it but that's because I wrote it when I was 17 and it WAS terrible.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Really never thought I would, but more of my fics have smut in them than not these days lol. Idk, something about hellcheer just really made me go ...these two should be going at it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't, and I'd be very surprised if I ever do tbh.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope again!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't, and I'm not really sure I can ever imagine myself co-writing.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I mean, I've not written 13 fics for any ship other than hellcheer so that's something. In terms of longevity, Katniss/Peeta and Finnick/Annie still have the same effect on me as they did when I first read the book at like 13 years old.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? What a stressful question! I doubt I'll finish off Hard to Forgive (Hard to Forget) because it would be one of those proper multi-chapters (40k words ish by my estimates) and I just don't think I could do it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Hmm I'm not sure. I used to be quite good at setting a scene but I think I'm losing that a little. If I'm honest, recently I've been really proud of the sheer volume of what I've been writing and my willingness to venture out of my comfort zone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? God, where to start. Weak dialogue, my repetitive writing style, difficulty writing endings, complete inability to do anything concisely. But I genuinely feel like I'm slowly improving bit by bit!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I did French and Spanish in school, French to a slightly higher level than Spanish, so I'd feel comfortable including either of those at a school level (like them trying out saying things like "at the weekend I like to go to the park" and "I have two brothers and no sisters" in a class) but wouldn't want to risk anything more complex!
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Hunger Games. I never posted it anywhere, but I still have my old drafts for fics that I look back on every now and again just to see how far I've come!
20. Favorite fic you've written? So hard to choose! This Be The Verse because it felt so immensely personal to write or Cherry (sapphic hellcheer) because it was a long time coming. Both are eclipsed by a soon-to-be-uploaded kinktober foot fic that I will reveal is called Heart and Sole (and yes it's as dumb and silly as the title implies)!
Okay that was fun! I'm not 100% sure on who I follow writes but I'm p sure @gingertumericlemon, @bibiche007 and @achilleanenjolras all do, so would love to hear your responses if you fancy it!
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thebutterflea · 2 years
holy fucking smokes people
no one speak. not a fucking word.
it's time for kujou tenn to cry and im just not ready ngl. the fucking cg in game broke me and now this shits about to be moving???? no fucking way. not ready after the week i've had.
but here we go!
1:27 - idk how many times i can take tama fucking licking his lips at me. do we still have the strength?
1:40 - the cutest op i fucking loves it
2:38 - oh god oh god here it fucking comes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHI'M NOT READY
2:50 - tenn's smile. i'm not ready
2:56 - not tenn quoting the brother he literally abandoned, like come on man
3:02 - yargHHHHHHHH. heart pains. fuck this show. your rival, bro???? call back to a few seasons ago???? right before you fuck me in the ass?????????
3:18 - crumbs for the tenngaku shippers and i'm lapping them up
3:54 - why's tenn's hair so extended? he got that extra strength gel to keep his flicky bits up. ever since shaving my head, i can respect that.
4:05 - anesagi crying CAN WE FUCKING NOT
4:43 - use your words brother, tsumugi's gonna turn around and think you ascended to the next astral plane
5:15 - what the hell, slap my granmama in the face, shoot my turkey in the leg THEY JUST DON'T DESERVE THIS MAN
6:06 - now i know we are not getting fucking SECRET NIGHT animated again??? they said let them eat cake and we EATING
6:14 - hello perspective??? ryu's foot is cutting into my leg rn. i just love technology!
6:35 - what's going on rn??? these angles? animators have died for this it seems
6:51 - why's anesagi having the shittest time out of everyone? poor miss gorl is having to listen to all the hate like just leave??
7:19 - i'm actually going to have 2 fillings after this episode bc it's SO SWEET?? MOMO AND YUKI MOMENT?? 'have your cake and eat it' like i'm eating bitch
8:12 - yamato's face rn. who would've thought we'd come from psychotic breakdowns and strangling to this? not me!
9:42 - mmmmm. mmmmmmMMMMMMM. i'm just not ready. it is 10pm on a saturday night, am i really ready for a breakdown like this?
10:15 - fuck. fucking fukcing aiodsjfaisdhfa;isudduhfajsd I'M SILENTLY SCREAMING. INTO MY HANDS. why? BECAUSE OF LINES AND COLOURS THAT MOVE. actually what is my life?
the voice break is about to have my fucking heart. bros. help
11:25 - my heart physically hurts. like i knew this was coming but still?? lord have mercy
11:48 - that 'thank you' just legally murdered my children. how you doing this TO YOUR OWN SUPPORTERS??? hurting them this way
11:52 - BROS I'M GOOD I'M ACTUALLY DONE, I'M FINISHED. he's glad he's singing????? why don't we all just suck a cock and call it a day?!
12:27 - tsumugi is such a babe, we're getting married tomorrow
12:33 - like i knew this was gonna be bad but FR FR??
12:41 - actually can't even process. let me be free from this pain. let me live. also gaku and ryu are such bros.
13:33 - whiplash from that emotional shit right into the riku's a monster storyline. like can i have some place to cry throw up sob on the floor, roll about, scoot over to the kitchen, make myself a snack, get back into bed, process for about 3 hours? thanks.
13:42 - now i KNOW. i KNOW. that they did not just add this shot of riku fucking doing press-ups? what is this ANGLE? they really having iori watch riku, from THIS ANGLE, and analyse. i'm tired.
14:02 - imagine walking into your lounge and iori izumi is rewatching clips of you doing press ups on tv. riku pov would start an inquiry.
14:28 - OH SHIT, iori pack your shit up before riku calls the police
15:32 - the animator in me just loves the attention to detail. like of course you rub your arm inside your bracelet when you're talking about something uncomfortable. they did not come to play.
15:45 - Hi. I’m your average gay fuck. Did you know that you have gay? this line says you do. And so do I.
16:35 - why riku look so good in this shot? i mean im not complaining, slay and all that.
17:09 - huh?? what just happened? oh wait his breathing?
17:25 - now this ain't right. where's all the love for the other members people?? i want to see more orange in this crowd RIGHT NOW or i'm coming down there fools
18:06 - transition??? they really aren't messing about!
18:08 - this gay motherfucker i swear to god. ALLURE? actually just fuck and get off my screen please
19:03 - i can't, this man is really trying to explain his gay panic away as 'riku plays on people's emotions'. YOU WANNA FUCK. ok?? so get on with it please
19:12 - calling your crush pitiful does not make you any less gay for them fool. tsundere looking ass
19:39 - tsumugi's face here really says it all. she said come out of the closet or you'll be coming into the insane asylum with this level of denial.
20:21 - am i about to 180 my opinions on this storyline bc iori's slaying this speech so hard? tenn gives and riku takes? i can get behind the story potential that contrast.
20:39 - is it on purpose that he looks like kujou takamasa with all this gesturing?
21:17 - i remember finding this example of him becoming a political leader so fucking funny before. nanase riku for president 2022. i'd vote for him
21:49 - like this was very well animated and written but calm down bro. riku's a babe we don't need to worry.
22:36 - kujou takamasa knows how gay iori is. he knows all
well, holy fuck! another knee slapper from idolish7 that i'll probs rewatch. now to wait for season 4 where toma tells nagi's brother he wants to touch him in terrible northmeirian. patience is a virtue
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byakurenbreak · 2 years
A Ship Thing I saw that I’m gonna use for Matt/Asha, because I barely see any content of this pairing
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1. …I think this GIF answers that question
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2. They switch, but Matt’s usually the big spoon because I like to imagine he’s super cuddly
3. Asha could pick Matt up, no problem.
4. Matt knows that Asha can hold up her own, so he doesn’t worry as much as she does. On the other hand, Asha tends to worry more when they’re out on the “battlefield” or when he’s off somewhere by himself.
5. Asha. She’d probably let Matt try it every once in a while if they wanted to do some NyteBlayde roleplaying, but Asha likes Matt more when he’s himself.
6. Depends on the situation. If they’re together, like if they’re working or just hanging out on the ship, Matt will usually initiate kisses. But if they’ve been apart for a while (ie; Asha getting rescued from her simulation) Asha will always kiss Matt first.
7. Asha probably is more used to waking up early, while Matt likely stays up half the night hacking or playing games.
8. They both have their moments where they act before they think. Matt is probably the more likely candidate.
9. Matt confesses his feelings first, but Asha says “I love you” before he can finish
10. Asha’s probably better, but they both prefer going out.
11. Matt. Complete with a NyteBlayde impression and bad puns.
12. Matt usually feels insecure that most of the Saints are usually out with guns blazing while he’s hidden behind a screen, but Asha tells him that he’s very helpful with what he does.
13. Yes. Both would.
14. Yes, but they’d do it differently. Asha would kick the perpetrator’s ass, while Matt would ruin their life using whatever technology he can come across.
15. Matt’s a selfie guy, usually taking pictures with Asha in the background doing her own thing with the caption “Hanging out with GF ❤️”
16. Matt
17. Asha
18. Matt’s super pale, so Asha finds it pretty easy to make him blush over anything. Even if he tries to deny that he’s blushing, it’s written all over his face.
19. Asha sits on Matt’s lap, while Matt likes laying his head on Asha’s lap
20. Matt
21. At that point, they’re both comfortable in their relationship that butterflies only seem happen when one of them goes out of their way to make a romantic gesture. Or if they see their partner doing something cool.
22. Matt’s NyteBlayde impression never fails to make Asha laugh. While it’s not the reaction he expected the first time he did that, he was happy to know that she thought it was funny. Asha’s laugh is cute too, so that’s a huge bonus.
23. Oh god, Matt just. Chugging Saints Flow when he’s planning to pull an all nighter doing who knows what on his laptop, and Asha’s like “I swear, if you keep me up all night with this, I’ll kill you.”
24. Asha’s more ticklish, but Matt has only tickled her once. He wound up not needing to wear makeup on his left eye for about a week. While it was convenient, he doesn’t plan on making that mistake again. Black eyes just aren’t worth it.
25. Asha
26. Matt probably comes home with a stray kitten once every month. They never keep the cats, but they always go to the animal shelter across the street
27. They both have their own blankets so they don’t have that problem, but Matt usually finds himself under Asha’s blanket when he wakes up in the morning
28. Neither.
29. Again, neither. However!! Rina (my Saints Row “Playa”) dedicates certain songs to Matt and Asha whenever she performs a song cover anywhere.
30. After seeing Matt get killed over and over in her simulation, she vows to never let that happen for real.
31. Matt
32. Asha
33. Matt
34. Asha
35. Asha wears some of Matt’s T-shirts sometimes
36. Neither. It’s a bit embarrassing for both of them when people catch them in the act, or overhear them being all lovey-dovey
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37. Matt for sure.
38. This is Saints Row, guys. When do they NOT swear?
39. Asha usually speaks Hindi in her sleep, but Matt can tell whether or not it’s about him. No particular reason, it’s just intuition.
40. Matt. In fact, meeting Asha was one of the many factors that gave him a reason to redeem himself.
Phew, that’s all of them. I’m on mobile so I can’t add a “read more”, so sorry if this clogs up your dash!
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