#god gamers we need to pick one
similar to the greentext stuff - i was visiting with my neighbors and their grandkids were around, and I said to this eight year old, "Hey, you wanna know something cool? I was playing the game when the Endermen came out." and his eyes went wide, like this kid looked like i told him i landed on the moon. His grandma thought it was really funny, and she said she has no idea what i'm talking about, but her grandbabies do, and that's incredible to her.
oh that's fun lmao, when minecraft & that update's existed for more than your whole life, and yknow being that young and like Next Year fr is this huge time scale away, a couple of years is a quarter of your life thus far and like maybe nigh half of the part of your life you actually have longterm memories for....i was checking out this dev's blog's archives about a:tdd's release in 2010 & in one entry they compared the implicitly Roughly concurrent release of Minecraft and i was like hey whoah. forever primarily being a game i've Heard Of more than any more direct exposure so i had no precise sense of [before minecraft release] [after minecraft release] Year 0 there but it's like for sure back in thee day when minecraft was a new thing, huh
#add in that [i also basically Heard Of mass effect but that's a game series w/a 2010 median which i had Any knowledge abt already]#so i have that reference point for a still like [niche video for When You've Played These Games For Sure] there but then like#if you were ten or even 5 yrs younger at the time you May Well Be much more at sea as your starting point there#(but i mean not that much; i didn't know a ton. reread those wikipedia plot summaries myself)#enderman came out? happy pride#shoutout to this one time i crossed paths w/this kid who was at the time probably like late middle school early high school age#who started talking abt pokemon like Clearly A Big Interest and i'm like my only Direct experience is playing pokemon go but i know Some#stuff b/c i was 5 in '99 when it was first making that huge splash lol. can make Some remarks....but also just Listening Attentively To You#Monologue like uh huh go off....i sure remember like the Sense of a couple yr's sagacity like being 9 i think reading a book abt 6th or 7th#graders (i.e. two or three yrs older) like My God They Must Be So Mature....#and like ofc when skimming passages as an adult it's like omg l'enfants. Both Perspectives Being Accurate respectively lol#my vintage experiences like i've def saved things on the floppy discs of [save icons imagery]. have heard the dialup tones organically....#but also; say; Home Computers That You Didn't Really Need To Know Much Abt Computers To Use were forever an everyday thing for me#having been born mid '90s....vs like in the '80s being nicher but also like. the programs to amateur code not being As Complex either#like [working on cars] of yore vs more modernly lmao....plus ofc in their designs; opening up a desktop Tower vs what? a tablet??#ppl my age who had more substantial Online Access earlier than i did maybe having at least picked up some html; which i did not lol#also didn't have too much Gamer Experience ever; what i did largely desktop then laptop pc wasd+mouse style....#didn't have a smartphone till maybe 5 yrs after they were starting to become more commonplace#vs that again to an 8 yr old of today [commonplacer smartphones] is your whole life basically too. i remember when we flipped those phones.#(i do fr lol. did have one of those first for a good while.)#granpa granpa....mh being fourteen yrs old meaning like the Teen Fans of Today were probably not watching it as it aired lol#whereas i Was that teen fan of those yesteryears. and all my stories for it like fuckin uhhhhhh [crickets chirping] [studio audience laugh]#though You Don't Need The Fans like mh is a long movie ppl can newly discover Whenever that holds up; plus it has bonus lore#mostly what i could even Possibly bring is just the particularly nicher older bonus lore. but like grandpa simpson (the simpsons) for sure#which is to say: humorously irrelevant & perhaps somewhat cantankerous#whilest i'm vaguely aware there may have also been that minecraft resurgence (esp through streaming?) from 2020 on....#but evidently Like Mh something that continually revives / takes on New Fans / Participants#for sure i might well be playing some tf2 myself if i had the technical capability (i would have the poor personal ability i always did lol#real games of yore but it never gets old also. though i know Of Late there was a bot problem / just neglected maintenance? that get fixed?#These Have Been The Tag Tangents. maxed out thirty tags i know that's right
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 800
warnings: vague descriptions of video game violence and gore, established relationship
“is it scary? i don't wanna play if it's scary.” you pout as rafe places the controller into your hand.
“ill protect you, promise.” rafe says, reaching over to flick the lamp on the side table on, that way more than just the light from the tv is illuminating the room.
“fine, but you can't get mad at me if i get your character killed.” you watch as rafe navigates the game easily, opening it up to the character customization screen, just doing default settings for himself.
“oh my god, im gonna make my girl look so cute!” you gush, taking your time to carefully choose her hair and outfit, even though none of the options are stylish, you create the best look you can out of the post apocalyptic clothing choices.
rafe doesn't care that he has to sit and wait for you to perfect your character, not when he finally got you to agree to play with him.
“okay, done.” you nod as you choose a pair of pink sneakers, practical but still cute. “so what's this game all about? just running from zombies?”
“basically.” rafe says with a light chuckle. “we gotta get to the safe house for this round. just follow me, gonna pick up some weapons.”
you pick up the hang of the controls easily, concentrating on the tv as rafe drops a knife and gun for character to use to protect yourself just in case.
“this isn't so bad.” you hum, pausing to admire the scenery in the background of the game, mountain peaks poking up into the sky. “where are all the zombies?”
“they give you a few minutes to get weapons before the storms start.” rafe says, eyes scanning the screen as you head into a building, rafe knows there's med packs in there that he will need when he sustains damage keeping your character safe.
“storms? that sounds scary rafe.” you scooch so you’re closer to your boyfriend. “and it's getting dark.”
it's already dark outside your actual window, but you can tell that it's getting darker in the game as well, the sun setting as you follow rafe down the desolate street, crashed cars and trash strewn about just like if it was a real apocalypse.
“here they come!” rafe warns, clicking the buttons quickly as his character shoots at the zombies moving slowly towards you. your eyes widen upon seeing the gore, cringing and turning to hide your face in rafes shoulder once your character is hidden behind a stopped car.
“i don't like this rafey!” you whine once the gunfire stops, peeking up to see a literal pile of dead zombies. “it's scary.”
“i know, but i kept you safe, didn't i? we are almost done with the first level, just gotta get to the safe house then we can take a break, okay?” rafe offers, keeping his eyes on the screen but turning his head to press a kiss to your cheek.
“fine.” you groan. you like playing games with rafe, but your preference is him watching you dress your sims or decorate their houses after using a cheat to get them more money, only wanting your sims to have the best furniture.
you navigate your character to follow him down the sidewalk, occasionally stopping to kill the zombies. you even manage to shoot a couple.
“wait, baby, be careful.” rafe warns. “dont go that way.”
but his warning comes too late as a zombie jumps out of a dumpster that you’re standing directly next to, making you scream as it takes up your entire screen, not just attacking your character but also jumpscaring you.
“i got you, hold on.” rafe is pressing the sprint button as hard as he can, as if that can somehow make his character get to you faster. rafe manages to kill the zombie before it has the chance to bite you.
your chest is heaving up and down like you were the one to get attacked. “come on, the safe house is just around the corner.” rafe wraps an arm around your shoulder, using one hand on the controller until you’re both behind the barbed wire fence, the game switching to a cutscene. 
“i hate this.” you look to rafe with a pout on your face. “can we play stardew valley instead? please?”
rafe sighs. he should have known better than having you play with him. you are extremely adverse to any sort of shooting game. “yeah, sure.” rafe saves his progress, just in case he can convince you to play with him again before switching to stardew valley and handing you the main controller.
“yesss, thank you.” you smile, pressing a kiss to rafes cheek as your character wakes up. “you’re the best boyfriend ever.”
“you just say that because you need me to go into the mines for you.” rafe says with a laugh.
“well, its scary!”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh
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tyunkus · 1 year
amazon wishlist — kang taehyun
pairing: roommate!kang taehyun x afab!reader summary: your roommate and best friend, taehyun, finds a dildo on your amazon wishlist.
wc: 5.5k
warnings: masturbation, dry humping, dirty talk (praise, some degradation), pet names (princess, angel, baby, pretty), like One spank, teasing/humiliation?, penetrative, safe sex, mention of cunnilingus and handjob, also unrealistic because taehyun games here but. let me live my gamer bf dreams ok?
note: originally wrote this in 3rd person and then had to manually change it to 2nd person so sorry for any mistakes ! also still figuring how this site works so sorry for the plain formatting. i dont actually know if amazon sells dildos, and if they cost $30? probably not but yk... artistic liberty... capitalism...
There’s no chicken.
You notice this one Friday afternoon in the middle of July, while the pavements outside sizzle from the heat and the sun spills through the windows and warms up your back. You’re in the kitchen, sifting through a pathetic heap of frozen food. Usually, you head to the nearby supermarket after pilates class to pick up a pack of bacon; other times, Taehyun comes home after a day with Kai bearing a bag of frozen wedges. Either way, it’s clear that neither of you have bought anything edible since your last grocery run two weeks ago.
Frozen french fries. Korean corndogs. A half-empty pack of fishcakes. No chicken.
You open the fridge, eyes skimming over its meager contents, as if it would be there. It isn’t. You open the freezer again, wondering if the gods above would be so gracious as to summon some chicken breast into your freezer to feed you and your roommate tonight. They don’t.
“Maybe we should go grocery shopping.”
You’re fresh from a long, elaborate shower. Your hair falls in wet tresses over your shoulders and you’re clad in dolphin shorts and a big shirt that might have been Taehyun’s but you borrowed so often and for so long that he probably forgot it ever belonged to him. It’s your turn to cook dinner and you’re grumbling over the fact that Taehyun cooked your only remaining pack of chicken breast last night when you hear his bedroom door click open.
Just in time. A shitty rap song follows the sound of the soft padding of his footsteps against the floor. “Hey, you home?” he calls from halfway down the hallway, but you cut him off before he can say anything else.
“I told you I would cook chicken and you still finished it last night, and now there’s nothing for me to cook, asshole,” you say, more exasperated than angry. You turn around just as he walks in, wearing nothing but black joggers and his obnoxious RGB headset. His eyes are wide and bashful. You wrinkle your nose and turn around again. “What happened to your shirt?”
Taehyun has the decency to sound sheepish. “Sorry, I was playing with the boys,” he mumbles, like that wasn’t painfully obvious already. You have no problem with seeing Taehyun or shirtless guys by themselves, but a shirtless Taehyun has you torn between wanting to throw up and throwing away your clothes. Maybe to other people having a first-class view of his washboard abs sounds like a blessing, but to you, it’s only a level below mental distress.
“Tell Kai I said hi,” you say absently, now going through your drawers for restaurant flyers (if worse comes to worst, you’ll order takeout for tonight). “Anyway, what’d you come outside for?”
“I needed to talk to you about something.”
At this, you peer over your shoulder, studying Taehyun’s face. He doesn’t look particularly upset, just stoic, which is a dangerous sign in itself. Taehyun’s usually calm, but he’s not stoic—at least, not in this stage of your friendship, when Taehyun has known you long enough to stop pretending that he’s some sort of tsundere.
“Is something wrong?” you ask softly, turning around to lean against the counter.
“I saw your wishlist on Amazon. Why do you have a dildo on there?”
The words fall on you like a bucket of hardened cement. You feel your heart rate increase by about a thousand beats.
“I—you what?” you sputter in disbelief. There are a few seconds in-between this moment of horror where you want to scold him, yell at him, do anything, but it’s not like he’s in the wrong. It’s your Amazon wishlist. But why was he snooping around on it? And why did you put a dildo on it? Fuck. Your mind searches for an intelligent response, but all that falls out of your mouth is, “Other people can see that?”
Taehyun raises his eyebrows. “Yes? I hope you didn’t share it with your parents or anything, ‘cause it’s like, the first one on the list.”
You grip the counter, suddenly feeling very ill. “Oh. Shit.” You had not done anything of the sort—you kept your parents away from your online presence for that very reason. But if anyone was to stumble upon your questionable wishlist on Amazon dot com, you weren’t expecting Taehyun of all people. Your best friend? And roommate? Really? Fuck Jeff Bezos, for real.
“But that’s besides the point,” Taehyun says, advancing towards you, and you back up a little. Between his tall, wide-shouldered frame and you being a good bit smaller, you discover that it is very, very easy to feel intimidated, almost trapped, by him. “Why do you need to buy one? You know I got a dick, right?”
It’s like another punch to the stomach, except someone also crushed your head with a boulder. If you weren’t red before, you definitely are now, sweat pooling at your palms at his implication. “What the fuck are you talking about.”
Taehyun shrugs and reaches behind you to grab a glass from the dish holder. “I’m just saying,” he says, making his way over to the sink. “Why waste thirty dollars on some plastic when you can get the real thing for free? And better?”
Are you even hearing him right? “Genuinely what are you on,” you say, still aghast. “I wanted to buy one because—because—I mean, I-I don’t know, it’s normal! Shit, Taehyun, does it really matter? Don’t tell me you’re being serious.”
He shrugs again. “Why not?”
You say the first thing that pops into your mind. “What if it sucks?”
Taehyun only laughs. “You really have that little faith in me?”
“I don’t know!” You think briefly on the sex talks you two have had—some you had sprawled over each other on the couch, glasses of soju in hand; others you had during movie nights, clay masks smeared over your faces while you struggled not to laugh too hard. They were fun, sure, but it’s one thing to hear Taehyun talk about fucking other people and another to hear him talk about fucking you. To your knowledge, Taehyun’s pretty good in bed, but… But why are you even considering it? You both have been best friends for years. If you have sex, it’s only going to ruin your friendship. There are other ways for you to feel good—ways that don’t risk a seven-year friendship and getting kicked out of the apartment.
“I don’t know,” you say again, suddenly terrified at yourself for not giving him a straight answer. It should be a hard, flat no! You shouldn’t be considering it all! Yet here you are, your brain suddenly full of the thought of Taehyun and his dick.
“Hey, I’m just saying. Trying to open up some options for you here. I’m one hundred percent willing, but only if you are.” Taehyun puts up his hands like that settles it. He flashes you a smile. “Just tell me, okay? And if you still don’t want to, that’s chill too. We’ll both act like this never happened.”
Is that even possible? “Right,” you say, feeling faint. “Okay, yeah.”
Taehyun’s smile doesn’t fade. You can only watch as he takes a swig of water and shuffles happily to his room.
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You think about it. Probably a bit too much.
You have an essay to write for your class, and it’s due in a few hours—but you can’t stop thinking about it. It being Taehyun fucking you. In your defense, you’ve been pent up all week, trying to balance your academics and health and social life and Taehyun all without having any time for yourself, so it makes sense, you think. You hope it makes sense that you’re fantasizing about your roommate, considering everything that’s happening to you.
You shut your laptop and sigh, lying back down on your bed. Taehyun has been acting completely normal in the three days between now and when he had first made his offer, which you are endlessly grateful for, but also bewildered by. He had even paid for takeout that same night, and you had eaten it together on the floor of your living room, and it was like nothing had even happened. Still, you’ve been mulling it over ever since. Pondering it, if you will. And it’s not your first time. Many nights you have found your tired, worn-out brain wandering to your roommate, his pretty face, great body, cute personality… How it would feel. What he would do. Taehyun, leaning over you, kissing you, running his pretty hands up and down your skin. Nipping at your collarbone with his sharp, perfect teeth. Grazing them along your neck, sucking at the soft parts.
Fuck. You’re wet.
You feel crazy.
Your hands slide down your panties, face burning with shame. The only thing you can think of is Taehyun, his soft skin and pretty brown eyes, his lean arms and chest. You picture him above you, caging you between his arms, a glittering smile on his face as he touches you, his back muscles flexing. Do you like that? he whispers, his voice low and raspy. You don’t even have to work hard to imagine what he sounds like during sex—the walls here are awfully thin, he’s a twenty-one-year-old guy, and you’ve thought about it more often than not.
“Fuck,” you keen, your hips rolling up as you dip your finger into your folds. Your free hand trails up your torso and into your mouth; you roll your tongue around your fingers and wish, crazily, that you were sucking on Taehyun’s instead. “Shit, oh f—”
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“About your offer.”
You’re sitting at the dining table. Taehyun is halfway through his serving of pancakes that you made for him in a partly-tired, mostly-horny daze. After a particularly busy morning, you can’t remember much of last night other than the fact that you fucked yourself sore and came three times in a row, no refractory period, and now you can barely hold your fork.
Taehyun looks up at you. He’s shirtless again. If you were any crazier you would be disappointed that he never left much room for imagination before your first time together. “My offer,” he echoes.
“From a few days ago,” you clarify, poking your fork through your slice of toast. “The. You-fucking-me thing.”
“Ah.” Taehyun leans back and you can tell he’s fighting down a smile. “Yeah, what about it?”
“Well. I’ve been kinda… you know, lately,” you begin, staring hard at your plate, “and I was gonna buy the… you know, but then I realized my shipping address is still at my parents’ house and I really don’t want to wait for another week or pay extra to get it the next day or pay thirty dollars for a plastic dick so—”
“So you want me to fuck you?”
You let out a breath and brave a glance at him. “Yeah,” you mumble.
“That’s all you had to say,” Taehyun says with a smile. He pushes his plate away and fixes you with a look. “When do you want to do it? Kinda weird to be planning this out, no?”
You groan and bury your face in your hands. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to do it,” you groan.
Taehyun laughs, reaching over to touch your arm. “Don’t worry about it. What about later tonight? After you’re finished with your homework, I can help you unwind,” he suggests, and he sounds like he’s just telling you about the weather—but his voice has dropped about three octaves and normally you would find this shit cringe, but. Holy fuck.
You aren’t one for slutshaming, but perhaps you are one yourself. You squeeze your thighs together and nod, your gaze falling to the table. “Sure. That sounds good.”
“Good. You can come to my room once you’ve finished. I won’t be playing tonight, so don’t worry about interrupting. Well, you might be interrupting something, but—”
“Okay, okay, I get it. Nooo need to elaborate,” you spit, standing up and picking up your plate. Taehyun laughs as you walk over to the sink and put away your dish. When you return back to the dining table, he continues eating like nothing happened. “I’ll go study now.”
“Study well, pretty.”
You make a vague sound of affirmation before slipping inside your room again. You back up against the door and take a second to breathe, then shuffle over to your closet.
Your panties are wet. Again.
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“Come in.”
You step inside his room. It’s dark—his lights aren’t on, save for the RGB strips on his setup. He sits on his chair, legs spread, lap looking awfully inviting. For once, he’s wearing a hoodie, and he looks like he just got off a game.
“I expected to catch you at a more… compromising time,” you say, carefully.
“Funny way to say you wanted to see me jerking off.”
“I didn’t say that,” you say with a frown, and you stop walking in front of his chair. Taehyun pats his lap. He’s smiling so, so wide.
“Take a seat.”
You’re grateful when his hands reach up to cup your waist, guiding you as you slide a leg over him and sit down. It’s weird—oddly comfortable, but your tits are pressed up against his chest and your faces are really, really close. Like, close enough you can see each of his eyelashes. He’s so, so pretty.
Taehyun looks you in the eye. “Can I kiss you?” he asks, voice soft. When you nod, he hums and squeezes your waist. “Alright. Tell me about your day.”
“Foreplay, baby. That’s like, the whole essence of a hookup.” Taehyun raises his eyebrows at you. “Would you just play along?”
“Fine, fine. I didn’t do mu—oh,” you gasp, as Taehyun’s lips latch onto your neck, pulling you into him. “Ah, fuck. I didn’t do much. I—I woke up early and did some assignments. Got a ninety percent on my mock exams.”
“Woah,” Taehyun says, pulling away. His eyes are bright. “Really?”
“Yeah. All of them.”
“Damn. Good job. Sometimes I forget you’re smart and hot,” he murmurs in between kisses. “Perfect girl.”
Holy shit. “Um—and then I went to the gym and this guy asked me for my number,” you continue. Taehyun licks at your throat and bites down hard. “Ow, fuck you. I said no thanks and then went back home and showered.”
“Did you do anything in the shower?”
You scoff as he licks along your jaw. “No. I’m not a perv like you.”
“Not a good idea to make fun of the guy who’s about to fuck you.”
“Sorry. Can’t help it.”
“And then what?”
“And then I had breakfast with you and after, I… I fucked myself a little.” Taehyun groans and your breath hitches in your throat. “I thought of you.”
He chuckles. “I would have been a little confused if you hadn’t. You must have been so pent up, baby, huh?”
You grab a fistful of his hair and pulls him away from your neck so your eyes meet. “I’ve been thinking of you. For a long time. Even before you made the offer,” you say, barely breathing. Your grip loosens, and you watch as his eyes grow dark. “Anytime I got h-horny, I—I imagined you. And I… was going to buy the toy ’cause I never thought I’d get the real thing with you.”
Taehyun seems taken aback, but his face of faint surprise melts into his usual cocky smile and he presses his lips against yours.
“I’m sorry to disappoint, but the real thing is a little bigger than five inches, baby.”
If you weren’t wet before, you’re drenched now. You feel a little bad for his grey sweatpants, the front all smeared with your precum. But knowing Taehyun, he’d probably like that.
You continue kissing for a while, Taehyun’s gaming chair creaking incessantly underneath your weight, but you’re too turned on to be bothered. He’s still playing with your panties, rubbing you over them. You honestly, truly might die.
“Taehyun,” you say, pulling away. He looks like a mess, lipgloss smeared all over his mouth, hair messy from your constant running your hands through them. “Can you touch me?”
“I am touching you, baby.”
You whine. “No, no, like—like inside me, please, fuck.”
“Use your pretty voice to ask me nicely.”
You take a deep breath but it’s let out as a whimper. “Please, Taehyun. Fuck me with your fingers,” you mumble, burying your face in his neck. “Please, please. Please.”
“Good job, princess. Of course. Anything you want.”
And you—you almost die, and it shows with the way you squeezes your thighs together and nuzzle your face deeper into his shoulder, letting out a soft moan when he finally moves to comply.
Taehyun seems to notice, because something in his eyes shifts and he leans in, kissing your cheek. “Do you like it when I praise you, baby? Come on, tell me everything. Tell me what turns you on. Want to make you feel good.”
“I like praise, yeah,” you say, your voice trembling as he moves his hands down to the hem of your panties. “Praise and… And some degradation, too, but mostly praise. I like pet names and—fuck—biting and spanking and k-kissing, fuck, even just kissing turns me on so much.”
“I can tell, baby.” Taehyun glides a finger over your cunt and smiles. “You’re fucking soaked. So cuuute.” He coos it, like you’re some sort of cute doll and not his fucking roommate whose pussy he’s playing with.
It makes you whimper, your fingers shaking where they should be holding onto Taehyun’s shoulders. “Ugh, fuck,” you squeak. “Fuck you.”
“Let me do it first. Grind down on me, pretty.”
You comply and gasp a little at the hardness underneath you. “Fuck. You’re so—”
Taehyun hums, his hands moving to your waist, helping you rock harder against him. “Just for you. I’ve been hard all day just thinking about you.”
You make a pathetic sound at the back of your throat and kiss him, your mind suddenly flooded with images of him touching himself right here in his chair, the slick sound of his hand wrapped around his cock, all while he thinks of you. Without warning, he reaches up his free hand and lightly taps at your cheek; you don’t even have to think about it before your mouth falls open and his fingers slide in.
“Perfect,” Taehyun breathes, and your heart skips in your chest. “You’re so good, fuck. Didn’t even have to ask, what a good girl.”
You grind down harder. Taehyun throws his head back and lets out something between a sigh and a groan. “Fuck, princess,” he rasps. “You’re so cute.” He reaches up with his other hand to caress your flushed face. “You feel really—ugh—really fucking good.”
“Oh my god, wait, fuck, wait—” You whimper around his fingers and slow to a stop; your hands clutch at the back of his hoodie. You whine into the cloth, breathing him in, feeling him all over you. His hands move down to your waist, squeezing gently. You can hardly breathe. “I… I was getting close. I don’t wanna come yet.”
Taehyun shifts a little under you; you huff when his hands slide under your ass and he moves to stand up, lifting you with him. “Let’s move to the bed, then,” he grunts, and your legs close around his waist as he carries the both of you to his bed.
He preoccupies himself by kissing you—your lips don’t move away from each other’s as you tumble onto the mattress. Your mind is racing. You’ve imagined kissing Taehyun so many times before, fantasized about how it felt, and these past few days it was all you could think about. His lips are so warm, his hands even warmer where they wander on your skin. You want him close, closer. Inside.
You break the kiss. “Taehyun,” you murmur against his lips. “Taehyun, please.”
Thankfully, Taehyun seems to understand what you’re getting at, and doesn’t make you beg for it—he’s shimmied out of his sweats and hoodie in record time, with only boxers and a wife beater left. He smiles down at you, gentle, loving. “Could you undress for me?”
You don’t need to be asked twice. You pull your dolphin shorts down and kick them off your ankles, trying your best to peel off your shirt as you do so. Taehyun is fully shirtless now, shadows cast across his toned muscles, and his hands probe at his boxers, but his eyes are fixed on you.
You have never felt so exposed wearing your favorite set of lingerie—you fight the urge to cover your stomach with your arms and instead opt to look up at Taehyun from under your lashes and hope he’s as horny as you are right now.
It takes a moment for Taehyun to recollect himself, but when he does, his hands are immediately on you, awed at your softness. “Damn,” he breathes.
“How eloquent of you.”
Taehyun laughs, running his hands down your waist. “No, I—” He breathes out another chuckle, his eyes trailing down to your belly. “No, you’re just perfect.”
Your cheeks heat and you feel yourself throb a little at his praise. “Says you. Know how many guys would kill to have your body?”
“Know how many guys would kill to have such a beautiful, sexy, smart girl like you?”
You press your lips together. You can’t help but think about how nice he looks, seated between your legs. “A lot of guys would be after you, it seems.”
“Can’t blame them. Fuck, your thighs,” Taehyun groans, moving his hands over them. Your breath catches in your throat. His hands look—are—huge. “Oh my fucking god. Promise me you’ll let me eat you out.”
You blink. “Of course,” you say. “Could you get to fucking me already?”
Taehyun laughs. “Right, sorry. Let me take my boxers off first.”
“Do you have a condom?”
“Yeah, it should be in the hoodie pocket.”
You retrieve the hoodie from the other side of the bed and feel around in its pocket before your fingers graze the plastic; you immediately pick it up and throw the hoodie on the floor. Meanwhile, Taehyun is finally fully naked and stroking himself; you turn even redder. Fuck, you want him so bad.
You tell him so. “Hurry, hurry, please,” you gasp, tossing the unopened condom packet to Taehyun, who chuckles.
“On your hands and knees, angel.”
You obey and whimper impatiently as Taehyun opens the condom and puts it on.
“Jesus, baby, you’re such a mess already and I haven’t even put it in,” Taehyun mumbles. You feel the bed dip where he climbs onto it again, and moans when he gives your ass a smack. “Needy. That’s what you are. Needy and impatient.”
You whimper. “Please, pleasepleaseplease, just put it in, put it in—” Taehyun pushes the small of your back so you drop face-first onto the mattress, cheek squished against the blankets. It smells like him. Everything smells like him. For once you fall silent when he announces he’s sliding in and you feels it poking at your entrance. Your eyes squeeze shut.
He slides in the first inch and you can’t help but whine. “Pleeeease, Taehyun,” you gasp, your voice high and reedy. He complies without an answer, sliding in more, slowly, until he’s almost halfway. You let out a squeak.
“What’s wrong?” Taehyun coos. “Don’t think you can take it?”
You make a small, pathetic noise at the back of your throat. “Nonono,” you cry. “You’re just… really big. Bigger than that—that dumb f-fucking dildo.”
“Aw, am I r-r-really?” Taehyun grins and eases another inch into you before you get the chance to retort. You suck in a breath instead, bunching the sheets into your hands. In a moment of guilt, he uses his other hand to give your waist a reassuring squeeze, then leans over to push back your hair for you. “Damn, you’re tight. You can take it, though, can’t you?”
You whimper. “Ah, shit, yes.”
“That’s it. There you go. Doing such a good fucking job, taking my cock.”
Taehyun kisses your shoulder as he slides in the rest, a string of pathetic whimpers and cries leaving your mouth as he bottoms out. Once his thighs touch the back of yours, he stays very still, letting you adjust to the size.
To both your surprise, you are the one who breaks the almost-silence with a short huff as you prop yourself on your elbows. “You… you can move now,” you grit out, sounding almost pained.
Taehyun hums. “Tell me first. Which do you like better? The toy or my cock?”
You’re silent, but he can see your knuckles whitening as you grip the bedsheets. Taehyun scoffs and grabs both your arms with his hand, pulling them behind you with a grunt. You yelp as his cock hits a different angle inside of you.
“Tell me. Which one is better? I won’t move until you tell me.”
You whimper for a few moments, but Taehyun doesn’t let up. You take a shaky breath and let your head hang. “Y-you,” you mumble.
“Louder, pretty.”
“I like your cock better—hmf—better than the toy,” you say. Taehyun can hear the tears in your voice and his belly flip-flops. So fucking hot.
He might have said that out loud—you might have heard him—but he doesn’t have time to think about the possibilities, because at once he’s drawing his hips away from yours and slamming back inside again. The reaction is immediate. You keen, chest heaving at the intensity. 
“Fuck,” you croak, clinging onto the bedsheets.
“God,” Taehyun breathes, holding you up to his chest, “I’m obsessed with you.” He mouths at your neck and you whimper.
“Don’t bite too hard,” you plead. Taehyun bites down harder in response.
“I’ll bite as hard as I want,” he says, but there’s no heat in his words, and he presses a kiss to your shoulder right after. His hands snake up your body, from your hips to your waist until they stop comfortably at your tummy. He thrusts in and out of you at a steady pace, kissing mindlessly at any sliver of skin he can get his lips on. “Been dreaming about this for ages, you know. I’ve been wanting to fill you up for the longest time.”
Fire stirs within the pit of your stomach at the thought. “I do, too. Fingered myself thinking it was your cock,” you mumble back, delirious, and you can feel him smile against your shoulderblades. Suddenly, he slides out, flips you over and enters you once more in a single swift movement. His pace picks up and you exhale slowly, melting into the pleasure, your eyes trained on the array of faces he’s making above you.
“You’re perfect, angel.” Taehyun’s voice drops into a murmur, his bangs falling perfectly around his face. “I’ve always wanted to do this with you, baby. Not only because you’re really hot, but”—he lets out a moan here—“also ’cause I really, really like you, and I don’t wanna fuck the shit out of you for no reason, I—I also wanna take you on dates, and—” He pauses and groans when you squeeze down on him, eyes twisting shut. “Ah, shit, and I wanna fuck you not as a one time thing, but—fuck, but as like, a boyfriend thing—mm—you know?”
You let out a moan, your eyes cracking open incredulously. “You’re telling me this now?” you pant.
Taehyun laughs but goes even faster, his hands still tight around the softness of your waist. You cry out and latch onto his strong arms, wondering if this is happening, if this is real, if Taehyun really just confessed to you in the middle of rearranging your guts. You can’t believe this. Your heart flutters. Your pussy throbs. God, what is wrong with him?
Taehyun’s hand moves up to your jaw. He tilts your chin up and presses your lips together in a slow, slow kiss. “Fuck, baby, you’re gorgeous. Shit,” he says, kissing you again and again. He looks almost desperate, moving inside you, his entire face flushed red. “I love kissing you. Such a pretty girl, my baby, aren’t you? I—oh, fuck, you feel so good, I like you so much.”
“Shit,” you mewl, reaching up to cup his face. He kisses the corner of your mouth, moving almost desperately now, moaning loudly against your skin. “Fuck, Taehyun, you’re crazy—fuck—”
“Tell me how beautiful you are,” Taehyun rasps, not sounding like himself at all, but he moves his hips impossibly faster, and his hand trails down to your neck. “Tell me how pretty you look while your pussy chokes this dick, fuck.”
You wail, your hands flying up to grasp at his wrists. “I’m—’m a puh-pretty girl, fuck, ’m so pretty—”
“That’s right, princess. Are you close? You wanna come?” he rasps, reaching down now to rub your clit. “Go ahead, baby, come on my cock, please, fuck, come on—”
“Taehyun,” you gasp, your breath hitching, as you feel the waves of your oncoming orgasm. 
“—cream on it, sweet girl, make me proud, wanna feel you coming for me, ’cause of me—”
You cry out from underneath him and you jolt so suddenly it startles him; your back arches off the bed and your thighs clamp around him and you go very, very still. You come for a long time, breathing and whining throughout it; Taehyun keeps moving, easing you out of it, his hands rubbing and squeezing your waist until finally your muscles relax and you go slack, melting back into the mattress.
“That’s it, pretty, good job,” he murmurs, running feather-light touches up and down your torso. “Good job, princess, what a sweet girl.”
He slides out of you after a minute, and you make a noise; you crane your neck to watch as he peels off the condom. “Did you come?” you ask, your voice awfully quiet. He looks up at you and smiles.
“It’s fine, baby.”
You move to sit up. “No, no—”
“Angel, I’m good.”
“You’re still—”
“Shush.” Taehyun scoots closer to you, settling on his elbows between your legs. “I still want to taste you.”
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An hour later, you find yourselves lying in bed together. After making you come another time on his tongue and finally coming after the world’s best handjob, Taehyun had scooped you up and seated you in the bathtub, where you took turns washing each other’s hair and giggling deliriously about what had just happened. You smell overwhelmingly like his shitty male body wash, but you find it hard to care that much when he’s buried his face in the crook of your neck.
Seeing that your friendship was effectively ruined in the best way possible, you find it hard not to giggle a little, wrapped in his arms. Taehyun’s hands, sliding smooth and gentle across your torso, stop abruptly.
“What are you laughing at?” he asks, sounding affronted.
“You. You’re ridiculous.”
“What? I wasn’t even doing anything.”
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to just ask me out on a date? As opposed to offering to fuck me. You came off a little strong with that, you know,” you mumble. “Now that I think about it, it was kind of a dick move.”
“Sorry,” Taehyun grumbles. “I’ve asked you out to dinner multiple times but you kept calling them friend dates so I gave up on that.”
“You were trying to flirt with me? I had no idea.”
“Clearly. That’s why I had to stop trying to make romantic advancements and just settled on asking to fuck you instead. The dildo was the perfect incentive.” His fingers move up to tangle in your hair. “I had—I have, like, the biggest, stupidest crush on you. It’s embarrassing.”
You smile. “Lucky you. I like you, too.”
He breathes out, presses his forehead to your shoulder. “Thank god. I was waiting for you to say it,” he says quietly. “We don’t have to talk about it now, though. Let’s talk about it in the morning.”
“Fine with me. Why were you even looking at my Amazon wishlist, anyway?”
“Well.” Taehyun stills his hands and clears his throat. “I was trying… to pick out… a birthday gift for you.”
“A birthday gift?”
“Oh my god.”
“Don’t laugh.”
You start to laugh. “Oh my god,” you say again, in between giggles. “My birthday isn’t for another two months, dumbass.”
“I wanted to be prepared!” Taehyun protests, pinching lightly at your waist. “I told you, I have the biggest fucking crush on you. I was gonna give you a bunch of little gifts. And actually, I was planning to ask you to be my girlfriend. I was so excited, too. Asked the guys for help and everything. Soobin was going to hold up the sign. And Beomgyu was in charge of finding a nice place.”
You snort, twisting around to kiss him. “Sorry for laughing. You’re just an idiot sometimes,” you mumble, and kiss him again. “If it makes you feel better, I would have said yes. And anyway… I kinda knew you liked me. The walls are very thin, you know.”
Taehyun tenses up behind you. “What?” he asks after a beat of silence.
“I hear you jacking off all the time. I’m sorry to break it to you. At least you sound pretty.”
Taehyun groans and presses his nose between your shoulderblades. “Fuck you,” he says, muffled.
You hum. “We’re even.”
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tyun: pussy so good i professed my undying love for her
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bi-badass-geek · 1 month
Hades 1 vs Hades 2 Designs
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● Hermes besides Hypnos was first character that made me think when i saw him oh some time has passed since Zag's escapes indeed, makes you feel that time skip. In this particular debate between those i'm really digging both but if needed to say which i prefer would go with second. I feel it should be said he sure rolls nicely with longer hair i would say darker outfit too but that's probably because pallet that's used for levels.
Ps. I saw post that mentioned how his ring is the same as ones Charon is wearing in first game and if it's a hint at something i'm here for it!
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● Zeus for this god specifically there is discourse about how his pose is less dynamic and oh boy if i don't agree with that so much. In first game you see him and his look makes you think yeah this is the king of gods while in second game man is just there with posture i take often because i'm useless gay that don't know what to do with my hands and feels like they took all this might and put it into chiseling his nipples & abs into his golden chestplate. Not to mention the detail of missing the iconic bolt! Don't think it needs to be said but 100% would pick Hades 1 design out of those options.
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● Poseidon the King of the Sea another example in my humble opinion where they went with flattening that dynamic looks exchanging it for man that just standing there chilling which is good for him but where first screams cool uncle second one goes uncle that wants retirement. I really like how we can see the trident now tho and need to point out his outfit sure got more print on it. When it comes down to pointing out which one is the winner in my eyes it would be 2020 one.
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● Aphrodite if she wasn't the one that got thrown into drama because people double standards and hypocrisy. Design from first game and the pose straight up makes you think of love, lust, seduction all the things that are associated with said goddess. As for Hades 2 version i have no clue why it feels like this considering it's actually the opposite because we can see armor on her legs now but she feels less covered for me, do i find it negative or in any way problematic? Not one bit let the woman show off all her assets all day long! Really love the adds of her weapon and shield makes you immerse in the store of oh fights are happening around these parts. From seduction to i stand here at the ready kinda vibe and i'm really digging it.
Ps. Another post i read was about fact that her war paint i will call it (not 100% sure if that is it or just line for the giggles) is reference to Ares and considering her myth i really like that touch!
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● Hypnos was the first OG i saw and was like man not only catching up on his sleep but also got such glow up i absolutely adore the design. Not to say he looked bad in Hades 1 but there it was like okay nice to Hades 2 like Damnnn and his lil helpers that keeps him up! Love the fact that of all things they made him be tucked into his cape like burrito.
Ps. I really do hope by the end of the game we get to wake him up so he can try out that nectar that we all leave there waiting.
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● Chaos so many things to say and at the same time silence says it all. Seen people focusing on fact some out there call them he or how it's a downgrade from previous but don't even elaborate why they think that because everyone has right to have their own preference but at least put it into words instead of going trash next..there was also notion how they resemble Meg and while i see where people get that idea from for sure before reading that my mind didn't went there at all. I think both designs really work with someone who is primordial originator and how time goes so can their form. I find it very fascinating that they put old skeleton with new one and adore galaxy under suit makes me think of Nyx right away and how they're connected. Can totally see how between those two gamers got major stance that left reminds them more of male and right of female beings but at the end of the it chaos is chaos. Gotta take chair routine from Meg while they at it! The face on the shoulder surely throws me in loop tho fits? Sure. Does it disturb me in micro scale? Yes. About frames and poses don't have much to say cause both caption the essence of i mind my business everything unrelevant until i say so.
Ps. I know it's about physical aspect but let me say Chaos roasting Mel about how her brother is amusing one out of two Hades spawns is living rent free in my brain.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
How did I never realize you wrote for Josh, Juicy and Eddie too omg?? :00 that's so cool
Could I request a Foolish x Reader with them being online friends meeting up irl for the first time (stupid sillies crushing on each other and flustered confessions have a death grip on me lmao)
I recently got back into the boys so 🙏🙏 just doing God's work yk? this app needs to be blessed by x reader fics of them so mwahhahaah (leave me sm reqs for them idec) ; ooo okay okay I see u bro, I got you ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy! ; post writing me, sorry this is so short, idek man I had a couple paragraphs then deleted them bc they were so unnecessary lolll ; ALSO TWO POSTS TODAY!! I might post tonight but we'll see. two of these oneshots are hurting my brain bc idk what to do LMAOOO
FOOLISH GAMERS ; flustered confessions
summary ; you meet up with foolish irl and dorkily confess your feelings
warnings ; language, supportive little elderly people 🫶
word count ; 491
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You were now sitting in Foolish's office, watching him finish editing a video he didn't complete before he left to pick you up from the airport. You lay on the floor, a plushie shark used as a pillow for your head, the (mostly nonexistent) jetlag getting the best of you.
He turns around in his swirly chair, finding you on the floor. "You okay?" He smiles.
You nod in response, his smile making you feel a twisty-turny feeling in your stomach as it was swarmed with butterflies. "You wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving"
"Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?" He speaks, grabbing his phone and wallet off his desk to shove them in his pants pockets.
"Anything local?" You suggest, sitting up to put the plushie back where it went on his shelving system.
"Yeah, I have a few ideas" He nods with a little smile, "C'mon, I'll drive"
"Yes sir"
Foolish had taken you two to a little diner on the edge of town. You sit in the high tops in front of one of the large windows, sipping on cool glasses of water and chewing on the sandwiches you'd ordered.
An elderly couple walks past, smiling as they see the two of you laughing and smiling together. The old woman smiles as her and her husband slowly walk past, her frail voice respectfully quieting the two of you.
"You two are so adorable together. You better put a ring on that finger, young man"
Foolish's cheeks quickly redden as he smiles kindly at the old woman. "Oh, thank you"
You giggle, feeling your face flush a bit.
The old lady gives you both a warm smile, the same as her husband's, as they walk away toward the front counter to place their order. You and Foolish look at each other, nervous and flustered looks plastered on your faces.
"That was..." You start.
"Yeah." He chuckles, trying to hide his smile.
You snicker, looking away for a moment.
You're both quiet for a minute, not knowing how to redirect the conversation.
"I mean... she wasn't wrong." Foolish shrugs, catching your gaze with his awkward smile.
"Huh?" You question, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I think we look cute together," He says, his voice cracking a little bit. "I like you," He shrugs, trying to act nonchalantly as he looks for a reaction in your eyes.
You blink a few times, trying to find a way to react as you scan over every scenario in your head. "Oh" is the only thing to slip out from your mouth.
"No, like, good! Sorry"
"No, no, you're fine! Uh-"
You talk over each other, still flustered and nervous around each other.
"Would you wanna make this a date?" You quickly ask, stealing the words from Foolish's mouth.
"Yeah!" He smiles, "Sure"
"We can't tell Quackity about this, okay?"
"Oh, yeah, of course"
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bestworstcase · 1 month
Hello, long time lurker and fan of your analyses here. There is one thing that I've been thinking over in relation to how people in the fandom react to Salem, that I'm puzzled with.
I followed one blog because of their posting about a game, and the villain of the game have extraordinarily similar circumstances to Salem, and that got me reflecting...
Both of them had tragic circumstances (or at least, implied), both of them were "corrupted" by "dark creatures" and considered "evil" because of it, both were betrayed by loved ones and both had their faith in the gods shattered and rejected them and deride divinity, but I see that there is much more analyses, understanding and sympathy for the guy than for her.
He wasn't portrayed to be very sympathetic in the game (in fact, he wasn't that present, showing up mostly at middle-end) and most of his characther was informed by a movie and a dlc, and yet...
Why would that be? It is because gamers are more prone to sympathyze with villains? It's because Salem's a woman, or that people are more willing to see depth in video games than in animation? It is lack of media literacy?
Thank you for your time!
it’s gender. mostly
(*without knowing the other story it’s difficult to say how much narrative framing contributes to the disparity, but framing can have a significant influence; by this i don’t mean whether the character is portrayed sympathetically per se but more, whose perspective do we see? what details are given focus?
salem as a character has been kept extremely opaque—the lost fable is narrated from ozpin’s perspective so we don’t really know why she does anything, we only know why ozpin believes she did everything; to understand her v1/v3 soliloquies we need context given in v6 and arguably v9 before it’s possible to start piecing together what she’s really talking about / what she really means, etc—and that’s something rwby does on purpose, because it’s Making A Point about the power that storytellers have over their audiences, and truth being more difficult to come by than asking for just one side of the story.
which has the effect of making salem a difficult character. the thematic point the story is making with her character is that it is really, really easy to fall for dehumanizing propaganda if that’s the only source of information you have. to see beneath the surface with her you really need to pay close attention to what she says and does and be very skeptical of what other characters say about her, including the authoritative spirit of knowledge [i.e. you need to pick up on ruby only asking specifically for ozpin’s side of the story AND that it’s never stated by anyone that jinn’s answers are objective factual truth AND that the lamp probably works like the staff in that she answers the exact wording of the questions put to her]. because the narrative we’re getting about her is heavily steeped in in-universe propaganda designed to convince people that she’s an unreasonable, deceitful, supremely manipulative and malevolent, inhuman monster.)
<- but with that being said. fandom is always much more critical of female characters than male ones, and it tends to be much more difficult to persuade a fandom to dedicate this level of interest and energy to a female character than a male one. you can see this in action even within just the rwby fandom: compare the fan reception of raven vs taiyang, for example, with leaving her child in the care of two loving parents because she felt unable to take good enough care of yang being styled as the worst most horrid unforgivable thing a mother could do whereas letting his five year old "pick up the pieces" is often… flat out ignored in favor of headcanon that he’s the best dad ever.
or just the fact that the vast majority of the fandom regards the lost fable fight as "salem murdered her kids, ozma died trying to protect them" even though that is explicitly contradicted by what’s shown on screen with both ozma and salem being equally aggressive and oz having no idea what happened to those girls from the instant the fight began because he wasn’t thinking about them; they BOTH killed their kids in their fury at each other. but the fanon is that salem murdered her children on purpose in a vengeful rage and ozma was a good dad—in its most extreme form this becomes the Dadpin Nonsense.
(there is also an extremely funny talking point in dadpin circles to the tune of "if ozlem were gender-swapped no one would question that salem was abusive!" as if a) tauradonna shippers who scream and cry about blake being abusive don’t exist and b) dadpin people wouldn’t eat ozpin alive if he was a woman)
it’s complicated by the reality that salem does do a lot of very horrible things—terroristic attacks, enabling a serial killer by using him as her attack dog, her abusive treatment of cinder, everything she does to lionheart, sacking atlas, razing vale—and her moments of restraint or mercy are very easy to miss (she actively disguises her own release of her hostages in 8.9 for example) and again you have to be very attentive to detail to pick up on the fact that she cares about cinder. so it isn’t like she has an obvious "good side" juxtaposing all the atrocities, which means except for those who make a conscious decision to try to figure out what’s going on in her head while keeping an open mind, no one is going to see anything but the atrocities.
and again, fandom in general is a lot more willing to do that with male characters than female ones.
i think the clearest sign that It’s The Misogyny is the sheer amount of extremely widespread, extremely entrenched fanon there is about salem that is straight up contradicted by the text. her supposed "disdain" for humanity, for example; people act like it’s outrageous and nonsensical to suggest that salem thinks highly of humankind in the abstract (despite her indifference to individual people) even though… in both of her soliloquies she speaks quite highly of mankind… or her supposed "obsession" with magic, never mind that she barely uses "real" magic herself (most of what she does is Grimm Stuff, and she uses dust to make her grimm battlewhale fly) and never mind that she keeps flat out warning cinder that magic "comes with a cost." etc. this is a kind of flanderization driven by people disregarding what she says/does and mentally inserting generic villain tropes to fill in the gaps of story they miss by doing that, and then these ideas become memetically repeated often enough that they become the accepted lens through which everything she does is refracted.
(and that is how you get nonsense takes like "salem calls emerald’s semblance a semblance because she’s furious that this pitiful imitation of REAL MAGIC somehow fooled her, not because 'semblance' is what that kind of magic is called." this is why salem’s the only adult character who’s read as condescending and disdainful when she refers to the 17-19 year olds as children, even though all the older adults and some of the teenagers themselves do that. etc. there’s a preconceived notion that salem is disdainful of humanity and the text is bent to fit that reading even to the point of creating the absurd double standard that it’s… wrong for salem to use the same language used by every other character in the story?)
this kind of sexism is covert and usually subconscious; it emerges out of disinterest and an unexamined reflex to read female characters as less competent / less moral / less complex / less trustworthy / less rational etc. than their male counterparts, often with a side helping of blaming bad things male characters do on female characters instead. (eg see team rwby being blamed for things ironwood does in v7-8 by certain circles, or the constant "everything oz does is justified because salem evil" drumbeat).
watch how fast this fandom turns on summer rose once she turns out to be neither a martyred paragon nor a slave.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Shangri-La Frontier Episode 1: What Do You Play Games For?
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What happens when a gamer who only plays shitty games decides to pick up a so called god-tier game? Shangri-La Frontier is the answer to that and provides an insane opening episode for the concept. I'm just so excited to get 2 whole cours of this, and I really want to explain why.
Also, SiM's vocalist (MAH) on the OP with FZMZ? And Chico on the ending song? This series was made for me man.
First of all, C2C is an incredibly underrated studio considering the quality of the projects that they enjoy. This is one such project. Right from the start the quality is insane. 2D camera movement, detailed animation and character acting, the whole nine yards. Just look at this walking cycle! There's no 3D and their shoulders move!
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It's just crazy to see the detail they put into these pieces early on. Walking cycles are super neglected due to how "plain" they are, but there's just something incredible about seeing that effort put into it with stuff like these examples.
And then there's this (sort of misleading) litmus test. Does your anime have really good art for a random cut? Odds are the production's doing really well. And, well, there's this really good looking beetle shown early on in the episode.
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Anyways, to Shangri-La Frontier the game. The direction understands the assignment right away. This is a video game, we need to know it's a video game. So they show us it's a video game. First person perspective is our very first cut shown in the welcome screen and once we enter the world, setting the tone perfectly for what's to come.
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But of course, a video game has more to it then just first person perspective, and of course C2C grasp that as well. Slow motion (which you'll see later), and more importantly camera movement are important in establishing that feel. The slow draw towards an endless expanse of world, the bird's eye view of a landmark or feature as the camera slowly rotates. It gets it, and it's able to create a living, breathing trailer for Shangri-La during the episode because of that.
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And then, there's the fact that it's a video game. There's talks of skills and abilities and levels and whatnot, but I think most understand that that's a "staple" and that C2C/Shangri-La handle it quite well.
Let's talk about the good stuff, let's talk about action. C2C nails it. They put incredible effort into video game-styled choreography, and it pays off in spades. The slow motion, the harsh camera angles to accentuate the fight, the camera rotation, the way that attacks linger in the air. It's incredible stuff that's augmented by insane animation and visual effects. Seriously, pay attention to the fight and you'll see that they did an impact frame for a crit. Not in the traditional sense, but that the impact frame was the crit. This sort of stuff just makes me so excited because of how well it's handled.
And then there's the worldbuilding. The OP comes into play as well of course, but the details are super great. The enemies Sunraku faces in the starting forest are (mostly) beginner enemies. A goblin with a stone axe and some sort of large pig seem to be the "typical", but there's more to it than that. The Vorpal bunny is a "rare" enemy which makes sense, but the pig enemy only appears as Sunraku ventures closer to the second town rather than the first.
There's considerable detail and effort placed in the creation and appearances of these creatures in the world. The Vorpal Bunny featuring a better crafted weapon than the others that most likely came from somewhere else. Don't forget - we saw a rabbit in the opening.
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It's just insanely cool stuff. The world is already shown to be more broad and deep than "it's a big video game world!". There's all sorts of little pieces like this peppered about, and it's just so damn good. Even the concept of Sunraku's "Wanderer" dropping him in a forest rather than the starter town. The detail to really sell this game as god-tier is so damn good.
But it's important to not forget, the god-tier part of the game is only one part of the puzzle. Sunraku here is famous for playing garbage games.
And it's a great way to offset the story and provide a fun angle, I'm serious. It allows them to add fun commentary and responses in regards to frustration from playing bad games, and at the same time provide a novel and excitable approach to a genuinely good game. The best of both worlds that sets the perfect stage for how they want to explore this story.
So, understandably so, I'm very excited about two cours of this and everybody else should be too. C2C is showing us they've got the potential to make the absolute most of Shangri-La Frontier and it's fun and surprisingly unique concept. Can't wait to see what they bring with the next episode!
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deepspacezaynesmaster · 3 months
Is the protagonist of Love & Deepspace, the character the gamers play as, is she actually the god Astra?!
Question?! Is the MC fully Astra with memory loss? Or is she just a part of Astra?! I am unclear which, however I am convinced that she is Astra in some way!
So, in the end only she has the ability to forgive Zayne, help Rafayel's people and restore Xavier's world and position!
Truly only with the power to control destiny itself, can you make three powerful men forget everything, duty, family, friends and loyalties to do the most irresponsible things.
I like how it's all working out as well, that all 3 storylines converge at the exact same place and time, yet separated just enough to help her to fulfill that one last thing she needs to do restore her memories. I suspect this is clearing 4 trails. A normal, an ice, fire and light, aka Orbits! She could do everything across three different timelines from the exact same place.
Yet, I am so curious as to what she is going to look like when she merges into or takes the form as Astra. Will we then be able to use our own created looks and pick our hair colors?! (We know now that the game supports that) I wonder how many creatio cores we need to get to unlock her new skills!
The fact that Zayne doesn't recognize her as Astra also lends to the fact that she could be able to change or manipulate her form or that she's in a completely different form from the true Astra at the moment.
We are told we would get new abilities right at the start of the game but I haven't seen any!
Why do I think this?! 1)MC has the power of Astra! One of the creatio protocore was placed inside her and she just absorbed it because it belonged to her. And Zayne clearly said that she could use that power to destroy Astra's plans, but then she just didn't do anything as he disappeared.
2) When she almost drowned with Rafayel she didn't question anything about that, she just carried on as if nothing had happened. She was supposed to think that Rafayel was weak, that he needed her protection, but she didn't really even question how he protected her when she was the one who was supposed to be protecting him.
In his back story, Rafayel didn't give a reason for giving up everything for a princess he hardly knew, he just starts sacrificing! She has the heart, or is this really the creatio protocore?
3) I don't think I even have to explain Xavier. Just all of the whole of Xavier's back story. You don't just abdicate because 'don't feel like it', then simply piece out off to another time and place in space leaving everyone and everything you've known forever behind. The whole thing doesn't flow naturally!
Anywhoo... theory! Astra is manipulating these three guys for some reason and using love (or rather obsession) to do it!
Can't wait to find out what she is up to.
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
Kalamar’s Gamer Pad
[Modern AU]
[The bishops are influencers. Shamura makes video essays and documentaries but is currently taking a break for their mental health. Kallamar and Narinder are Twitch streamers, Kallamar w/ a focus on horror games, and Narinder w/ a focus on FPSs and anything Nintendo-related. You’ll find Heket and Leshy on Youtube and Tiktok; Heket as a fitness and food influencer, while Leshy does vlogs, comedy skits, commentary, and reactions (and really whatever else he wants). Lamb/Lambert is a rising Youtuber who was initially hired to be Narinder’s editor and mod but got dragged into a feud Narinder was having with his siblings. They were to dig up dirt to use as blackmail, but wound up exposing all five of them in an eight-part series with a mix of embarrassing secrets and mild-to-moderate problematic (but mostly forgivable) actions.]
[Ages: Shamura(32), Kallamar(30), Narinder(29), Heket(26), Leshy(24), Lamb(22), Palaal(22), Lulu(31), Hatty(25)]
Heket let out a long, dramatic sigh, leaning back as she did so.
“Do I have to?” She corrected her posture with a lurch forward.
“It’s important to him.” Shamura hummed in reply before taking a sip of their tea.
 “I’m supposed to hang out with Eligos this afternoon! The new Marvel movie comes out today, you know?”
“I’ve heard.”
“It’s bad enough we couldn’t get tickets to the premiere; You want me to get an even later showing? There’s going to be spoilers all over social media! You know how people are nowadays.”
Shamura was not surprised that Heket had thoughtlessly made plans for today. She had once again responded to their survey as “fully available” for the month, not because she actually was, but because she left the default response in every slot.
“You could simply stay off of social media for the day.”
“Yeah?” Heket did a mix of a scoff and a laugh. “And Narinder could simply stop smoking.”
“What? I’m kidding!”
“It’s not a matter to joke about.”
Heket crossed her arms, attempting to be stubborn, but she knew she had two strikes already. Shamura was looking away from her. They didn’t want to show they were upset, but it was their go-to move, so she knew.
“Fine, whatever. I’ll tell Eligos to reschedule.”
“Thank you,” Shamura mumbled.
What would usually be a natural end to the conversation felt strained and awkward to Heket. She hoped Leshy would pop in, as he always had good timing—it felt almost supernatural sometimes—but the silence continued.
“It wasn’t a jab, you know?” She added.
‘Gods, where’s Leshy?’
Heket scraped her brain for why Kallamar needed an audience. She was sure that if she asked, that would be strike three, and she’d be rewarded with one of Shamura’s scathing lectures. She was going to have to figure it out as the day went on.
She tapped away at her phone, partially pretending to look busy by refreshing the app for tickets.
Leshy finally joined the two down in Shamura’s living room.
“Finally! Were you passing a kidney stone up there?” Heket exclaimed.
“Fuck off, I was taking a shit.” Leshy shot back lightheartedly.
They piled into Leshy’s little car—Shamura in the passenger seat, Heket in the back—and went on their way. She was surprised when Leshy pulled onto the freeway, she assumed they would be picking up Kallamar next. Now she really didn’t know what they were doing today.
“Who doesn’t own a hair dryer?”
“Narinder… I don’t have hair.”
“How do I smell?”
Kallamar raised one of his tentacles and placed it near Narinder’s general vicinity. The smell he picked up was faint, but he made a face regardless.
“Better than you did.” He responded as the tentacle slithered back where it belonged. 
Narinder groaned. “Seriously?”
Narinder had arrived early to shower off the evidence that he’d been smoking before Shamura got a whiff of him. He knew they’d hold their tongue—today was Kallamar’s day—but they’d have something to say afterwards if they figured out he wasn’t as clean as he said he was. He was willing to try and hide it, but he felt that blatantly lying to them was crossing a line.
“Why don’t you just switch to vaping? It’s the same garbage without the stench.” Kallamar rolled his eyes.
“Because I’m not a loser. Vapes are lame,” Narinder rolled his eyes right back. “No one looks cool taking a rip off their bright green, raspberry-pussy flavored USB-drives.”
“Oh, is that why you smoke? To look cool?”
Narinder had to admit, that actually was the reason why he started.
“You’re a few decades too late.” Kallamar added. He checked his phone. “Ah, they’re almost here. Come on.”
Narinder got a different, dry towel and threw it over his head to obscure his vision. Kallamar then took him by the hand and led him back through the house to the front door. Normally he wouldn’t indulge such silliness, but Kallamar was doing him a favor by allowing him to come early like this.
And it was impressive that he had bought his own house for him and his partners. Narinder had to give credit where credit was due, even Shamura still lived with roommates. Heket and Leshy lived together in a one-bedroom apartment, and though Narinder was currently playing an extended game of chicken with Lambert over moving in together, they would still be renting. 
Kallamar diminished this achievement (according to some, anyways) by referring to it as a tour of his “gamer pad”, but it was important nonetheless. Narinder would make a conscious effort to reel back his usual teasing and mocking of Kallamar, and he advised Leshy to do the same. He would’ve said something to Heket, but he didn’t want to give her any reason to block his number this week.
He had a friend that managed to get into an early screening of the new Marvel movie coming out, and they slipped him a few recordings of “big” moments sloppily done with their phone. He hid a clip of a major character’s death in the middle of a short, unrelated video, so that once the recipient saw it, it’d be too late to look away. Then she could (and most definitely would) block him.
He didn’t expect Heket to show up. He knew the stupid movie came out today (and knew what time her tickets were for), so he’d be ruining it for her. Her absence would surely dampen Kallamar’s mood, so Narinder felt it was only fair to dampen hers as well. For Kallamar’s sake, he hoped she would prove him wrong today, but he wouldn’t hold his breath.
“Here are the stairs. Be caref—Be careful!”
Kallamar nearly had a heart attack as Narinder sped down the stairs with confidence, somehow making it down without missing a step. He huffed, then began hid descent down at a pace that worked for him.
“I trust that your house is built to-code.” Narinder turned to face Kallamar with a shrug, but instead faced the nearest wall.
“What does that have to do with running down the stairs blind?”
“A good set of stairs are all the same height and length. Once you take the first step, your brain knows where the rest are.”
“…I don’t think that’s true.”
“I made it down the stairs, didn’t I?”
“By sheer luck, maybe.”
Narinder laughed shortly, then paused as Kallamar began to guide him again. He hadn’t thought much about it when he arrived since his mind was preoccupied with other things, but…
“Why did you buy a house with stairs?”
Narinder’s tone wasn’t accusatory, he was genuinely confused. If there was one thing Kallamar complained the most about, it was stairs. Rightfully so. But while he would have trouble finding a house in the area with squid-accessible stairs, there are certainly plenty of one-story homes available. Maybe that’s why he sounded so defensive in his response.
“I just loved this place the most! It’s perfect! Er, aside from the stairs. But that’s it’s only flaw!” He explained. “A flaw that can be corrected with some modifications. Is that not the point of homeownership? To make it your own?”
“Okay, front entrance! You can take the towel off now.”
Kallamar opened the door. His face lit up with glee when he saw his three other siblings. He called out each of their names as a greeting and proclaimed how happy he was to see them. He really was, he was afraid only Shamura would show up. Narinder gave a single greeting to address all three of them.
“Come in, come in! Welcome to my gamer pad!” Kallamar held the door open.
“How’s the Triforce?” Leshy asked as he passed through the doorway, referring to Kallamar’s three partners.
“Oh, they’re just lovely. Hatty and Lulu are out together, and Palaal’s around, but he’s working. Supposed to be working, anyways.”
The foyer was illuminated with natural light from the tall windows on the front and side walls. On the walls without windows and the hallway leading into the rest of the house were framed posters from various games and movies, some of which were even signed by the voice actors and actors.
The group exchanged hugs and handshakes—Leshy and Narinder’s “secret” handshake seemed to increase in complexity every time they saw each other—and made the usual small talk as they took off their shoes and coats. There were questions about when Narinder arrived and why he was damp, but he gave no solid answers. Though he hated their nosiness regarding his personal relationships, he namedropped Lambert as bait to change the subject, and they took it.
“I didn’t know you were doing another content house.” Heket suddenly commented, causing even the conversations she wasn’t apart of to grind to a halt. “Who else is staying here? Anyone I know?”
“…what?” Kallamar stared in confusion. “I’m… not? This is my house.”
“My gods, are you crazy? Renting a place this huge? You might as well buy the damn place.”
“I did?”
“What?” He parroted back with a different intonation.
“…you bought a house!?”
Shamura and Leshy sighed.
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
“That’s amazing! Congratulations!” Heket clapped her hands together. She was sincerely excited now that she knew, but also didn’t want to leave any space for the others to question how she didn’t know already. “I can’t believe it! Well, I can, your RSS feed’s always got something new in it. You’re a hit!”
Kallamar could’ve harped on her not knowing. Tt did somewhat hurt his feelings. He opted not to, however. He thanked her warmly and moved forward.
He turned with a flourish and began to lead the way down the main hallway.
“I’ll make this very quick! Let us commence the tour,” He announced. “I know you all have busy lives, and I really appreciate you all coming! Don’t worry, this wasn’t just for the sake of attention. There’s something in it for you,”
The left wall in the spacious hallway was different. It had been painted matte black from floor to ceiling. Kallamar picked up a plastic bag that had been sitting up against the wall. He reached into it and pulled out a handful of white Sharpies of varying thickness.
“I wanted you all to be the first names on my guest wall!”
Kallamar frequently hosted parties and other gatherings, and the day he saw a similar concept, he dreamed of having one of his own. When people visited for the first time, they could sign their name on the wall like a guestbook. His siblings eagerly did so.
Leshy wrote his name with a standard-sized sharpie, and then his simple logo under it. Heket signed hers in big, blocky letters that she then filled in with stripes and dots. Narinder used the thickest sharpie available to sign his, placing a pair of cat ears above the “e” as he often did. Finally, Shamura signed their name in cursive, not nearly as large as everyone else. They had to go over it again to make up for their normally light handwriting.
Seeing all their names together filled Kallamar with unimaginable joy. He continued the tour passed the stairway (which he promptly justified again) and into the living-dining room, which certainly screamed “gamer pad”. The curtains were closed so that the LED lighting slowly shifting through the rainbow could properly set the vibe. There was additional lighting that provided actual visibility without overpowering the colored lights.
The blocky, red and black couch, the massive TV mounted on the wall, the side tables being held up by out-stretched hands, the tablecloth with a pattern of blood splatters, and the handful of beanbag chairs splayed out somehow worked in cohesion despite no obvious common thread. Maybe it was the Dead by Daylight themed rug in the center of the room. The posters in this room weren’t framed, but they were plentiful, alternating spaces on the walls with decals depicting some of Kallamar’s preferred perk-loadouts. Shelves on either side of the TV held minor collectibles Kallamar didn’t mind losing if a guest got a little handsy.
“This is the living-dining room! The place where everyone’s kind of free to gather. It’s equipped with surround sound!” Kallamar gestured. “It’s not setup yet, but there’s a working photo booth! Isn’t that so vintage?”
“Aaah… you’ve already painted?” Shamura observed. “It’s very… bold.”
Kallamar had indeed painted the walls a royal purple with the help of Lulu and Palaal. The ceiling was also purple, albeit a less saturated shade.
“The red and purple work, surprisingly.” Leshy hummed as he took it all in. It wasn’t how he’d decorate, but he thought it looked well-enough.
“Yes, yes. I wanted to color code the house. Purple means anyone can be in here.” Kallamar explained. “Though, we have a lot more painting to do, this room was the most important to finish first.”
“Huh. Not bad, brother.” Narinder said. “Gaudy, just like you.”
“I won’t dignify that with a response.”
“You just did.”
Kallamar made a noise of defeat. He ushered them deeper into the house, showing off the spacious kitchen equipped with a pantry (painted blue to mean “you can come in here if you need to”), and then the second living room (painted maroon to mean “invite only”). This second living room was sectioned off with a sliding glass door. Though it had a similar vibe and setup to the first living room with its massive TV and variety of consoles, instead of merchandise and quirky décor, it contained photos of Kallamar, his partners, and his family on the walls and atop of every surface. There was a box containing more photos already in frames, waiting for more shelving and wall mounts to be installed.
“This is our personal living room.” He said as he slid the door open.
The group went quiet for a moment as they entered and looked around.
“Awww, when was this taken?” Heket cooed, moving closer to a particular photo.
“No clue. Hatty found it hidden on the bookshelf while we were packing.” Kallamar shrugged.
The picture depicted the five siblings as teenagers, dressed in formalwear. Despite their fancy clothing, the photo was taken in the midst of chaos, everyone slightly blurry as they reacted to something out of frame. Narinder began to laugh.
“Look at your face!” He pointed out Heket’s goofy, shocked expression.
“My face? Look at yours! And your fluffed up tail too,”
While Kallamar was initially in a rush to do the tour, he relaxed as he realized everyone was enjoying themselves. No one seemed disinterested or anxious to leave for once.
“Ah, ah. I remember.” Shamura suddenly interjected amidst the younger trio’s teasing of each other. “This is from Kallamar and Narinder’s prom. On the boat? We were boarded and hijacked by terrorists.”
A long ‘ohhh’ came from all four of them in unison. No wonder the photo had been hidden away. That year prom was held on a yacht. Shamura came as a chaperone, Heket tagged along as Narinder’s “plus one”, and Leshy snuck aboard with the aid of Shamura.
“Terrorists” may have been a strong word for what those hijackers were, but they did ruin prom. Kallamar was by-far the most upset by what happened, even years later when what was a fairly terrifying situation became a funny story shared as an icebreaker. It was really Kallamar’s prom after all, Narinder was just a junior. He got to go to a prom the next year that was very fun and wasn’t invaded by pirates.
Once everyone got their fix of looking at old photos and reminiscing, the house tour continued. The rest of it was less of a “gamer pad” and more of a normal house, for now at least.
“The recreation room is through those doors, but right now it’s just the room we’re keeping all the boxes.” Kallamar gave a short chuckle. “But through this door,” He pushed it open and stepped outside. “Is the natural swimming pool!”
He paused for the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’, which he received. Along with a comment from Narinder paired with agreement from Heket.
“You mean, a pond?”
“NO. It’s different!” Kallamar insisted.
“Er… Ponds… are for nature. They’re decorative.”
“Ponds are living ecosystems that maintain themselves. Interference from people can make one clean enough to swim in.” Shamura chimed in. “A natural swimming pool, on the other hand, is just a regular pool kept clean without chemicals.”
The pool was on the smaller end, nothing fit for a large group. But Kallamar didn’t intend to use it for events, this door was slated to be painted red. The walls and ceiling tapered off and blended seamlessly into the path leading into what would be the garden, but was currently just a large patch of grass and dirt.
“Okay, back inside. There’s really only two other rooms I wish to show off.” Kallamar said.
He led the group back the way they came to the main hallway, this time taking them up the stairs. All the while pointing out various features of the house that didn’t need a dedicated stop, like the closets and bathrooms:
“There’s a half-bath halfway up the stairs here, isn’t that queer?”
“I’m thinking of commissioning a mural to put on that wall, so that’s why it’s so bare.”
“I forget which ones which, but this series of doors are Hatty’s, Lulu’s, and Palaal’s rooms.”
“There’s three bathrooms up here, plus the master one. Can you believe that?”
He finally came to the next stop on the tour, situated next to a large, bay window that looked out into the backyard.
“And heeere’s… my office!” He flung the door open with a flourish.
The gamer pad was in full swing in here. Though the LEDs were off in favor of letting in natural light, the vibes didn’t need their assistance. The door would be painted red with the rest, but the walls in this room were painted a bright shade of green. All but one wall had a black, checkboard pattern layer on top of the green, each square a little over a foot long and wide.
There was, of course, his ocean-themed gaming computer that made it look like there were fish swimming through the parts. Lots of recording equipment (cameras, lights, etc) was both setup and placed aside for later use. The floor was carpeted, but was almost completely covered with a massive, light blue rug. On the opposite side of the room was a second computer, one intended for editing. And between them, there was just enough space for a Nugget couch in a pale shade of green.  
“This looks exactly the same as your old office.” Heket said, feigning to be unimpressed, but mostly just messing with him.
“No! It’s totally different! Look, I painted!” Kallamar gestured wildly. “And it’s less cramped,”
“Ah. I’m sorry. This looks like a slightly more spacious version of your old office.”
As Heket and Kallamar went back and forth about the differences in décor and styles of the old and new office, Shamura went to sit down. They had a sense for how long those two would go on after all these years, and it was long enough that they’d take the chance to rest their legs.
“Don’t sit on that.” Narinder said when he noticed.
Shamura paused mid-squat. “Why not?”
“You don’t know about Nugget couches?”
They straightened up, unsure if they were now being messed with. “I can’t say I do. What’s wrong with them, pray tell?”
“They absolutely have sex on that thing.”
Shamura and Leshy both snickered at the same time, Shamura more out of surprise than anything.
Kallamar sputtered mid-sentence, akin to a verbal keyboard smash, before he could respond. “What!? We do not!”
“You. Are a liar.” Narinder then looked at Shamura. “They’re modular couches for children, but they happen to be great for sex,” He looked back at Kallamar. “And unless there’s a secret child you’ve been hiding from us…”
“I got it from a sponsorship! It’s a cute couch, is it not? A cute, free couch!”
“I’d be more inclined to believe you if it wasn’t in your office.” Heket joined the conversation after processing what had been said.
“It’s too small to go in the living rooms and it doesn’t fit the theme. I stuck it in here because there was space.”
“Sooo, you don’t use it, then? It’s just a space filler?” Leshy asked.
“Yes, exactly.”
“Can I have it?”
Well, now Kallamar was cornered. He wanted to say ‘no’, but it would confirm their accusation. His silence goes unnoticed as the banter continues.
“Why do you want a used sex couch?” Heket laughed.
“Well, it’s not used according to him. Those things are great to sleep on, there’s one at the library.”
“Wasn’t there another stop on the tour?” Shamura chimed in, coming to Kallamar’s rescue as they often did.
“OH! Yes, yes, the most important stop, I almost forgot!” Kallamar jumped at the chance to change the subject. “Lets go everyone, don’t get comfortable.”
Leshy and Heket tittered to each other about the couch as they all were shooed out the room. Kallamar took them further down the hall where they seemed to be storing more boxes waiting to be unpacked. He turned and waited for them to stop chattering amongst themselves, which they do surprisingly quickly.
“Right about here I’d like to get a partition installed, somewhere down the road. It’d give the guest rooms… your rooms… a bit more privacy.”
There was a moment of silence. It’s broken by Shamura’s uncharacteristic squeal of excitement.
“Aww, Kally!” They surged forward and trapped Kallamar in a tight hug. “Did you really…?”
His other siblings had similar things to say about this pleasant surprise. Excited chatter filled the hall.
“Is this your way of inviting us to move in?” Narinder asked, eyebrow raised.
“No.” Kallamar replied, maybe a bit too quickly. “They’re just if… if you guys wanted to visit…! Stay for a few days, or a few weeks. Or if you end up needing somewhere to go, I guess you could move in. And during the holidays too!”
“Look at you, trying to act stand-offish.” Heket grinned. “Get over here!”
Now it was her turn to smother the little squid in a hug(one that was bordering on a headlock). Maybe it was worth missing her movie to see Kallamar’s “gamer pad”.
“This is perfect. You can just move that Nugget couch into my room here!” Leshy chortled.
“Oh my god.” Was all Kallamar had to say to him.
When they went back downstairs, the group noticed the smell of meat wafting through the hallways.
“Would any of you care for a snack before you left?” Kallamar asked.
“Who else is here?” Heket mumbled mostly to herself.
Leshy reminded her that Palaal was said to be around, though none of them had seen him. Narinder was already walking back towards the kitchen.
“Aaah, do we have time to spare?” Shamura directed their question mainly to Heket. “I’m rather peckish, but I wouldn’t want to keep you…”
“We can stay longer.”
And off Shamura went before she could finish her sentence. In the kitchen, Narinder and Palaal were having their usual level of exchange.
“It’s strange of you to sneak around your own house.” Narinder said.
“But I like people’s reaction when they discover—Surprise! I’ve been here the whole time,”
He grabbed a taquito off the tray Palaal held. “Well, Kallamar told us you were here.”
“Awww, really? Shame.” Palaal gave a mock pout. “Well, thanks for the pity-reaction.”
The pout became a barely-contained smile as the two of them held extended eye contact. Narinder’s ear twitched. Palaal broke the eye contact to greet the others.
“Hey Darling! Shamura! I made taquitos!”
“May I?” Shamura was more hungry than they previously admitted.
“Of course!”
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thebendsbyradiohead · 3 months
another self-pitying commiseration that should be in a journal, feel free to skip
lol i promised myself i wouldn't dwell on this tonight but facebook just showed me a memory from 14 years ago when i posted some lame childish status about finding your soulmate or whatever and i just find it so genuinely pathetic and sad how emotionally stunted i am lmfao like i literally still am that 14 year old!!!! i've never grown from that!!!! i've never been anything more than an undateable chubby 14 year old whose friends get picked over her & i just remain physically used and unloved
and yeah god knows i haven't made it easy with the myriad of trust and commitment issues i've collected over the years but it sure would be fucking nice to have someone care for me for once! i also would like someone to come home to after work who will bring me soup when i'm too tired to get off the couch! is it too fucking much to ask for security and understanding and love?
and i feel so so stupid for allowing myself to tentatively hope something would come from this last fling because i genuinely saw potential there and we had so much in common just to get ghosted by a fucking virgin gamer like if a dude that pathetic doesn't want me then how damaged am i lmao then again i'm the one who's almost 28 and has never experienced genuine romantic intimacy so it's not like i can point fingers at anyone since clearly i'm too big of a piece of shit to deserve it
a month and some change without therapy and i'm ranting on here like a crazy person oh i need to be lobotomized expressly
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metalhead-brainrot · 6 months
[Album of the day] World Eaters - Demo MK-1
Guelph, ON // 2020
[Genres] death metal, war metal
[Themes] In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only riffs...
[FFO] Warhammer 40K*, Bolt Thrower, Chainsword
[Thoughts] You can't traverse the waters of death metal for very long without encountering Warhammer 40K in some form, and I'll confess I count myself a fan.** But you don't need to be a capital-G Gamer to appreciate this ripping demo, a solo project from multi-instrumentalist David Gupta. World Eaters's riffs are as violent as its namesake***, guaranteed to have you itching for the mosh pit. The first two tracks, "Devour" and "Baneblade," will pummel you with energetic rhythm, an auditory siege culminating in the death/doom hellscape of "The Warp" (my very favorite World Eaters song to date).
I picked this demo because I think it's rock-solid, but I'd like to talk about World Eaters's other releases as well. Grinding Advance (2021) is their second EP, doubling down on everything in Demo MK-1. "Armoured Spearhead (Hellhammer)" is six minutes of unbridled energy; "Expedition / Tomb World" is nearly nine minutes, the latter half containing clarinet-infused Nile worship;**** there's even a cover of "Running Up That Hill."
World Eaters's new split, Mothman and the Thunderbirds vs World Eaters, adds two new great tracks to the WE catalogue. It's also the first release without drum programming; joining as the second permanent member, Winter Stomp***** adds ass-kicking blast beats to the bands repertoire. I'm very excited to see more future releases with her style.
Now that Winter Stomp has pledged her gory chainaxe to the sonic blitzkrieg of the World Eaters, the duo have been able to play live. Living outside Ontario I can't say I've been to one of their concerts, but I bet they split skulls; if you live near Guelph, check them out.
Also, I would be remiss for not mentioning that World Eaters has always been very charitable with the profits from their music, leading several donation campaigns for Guelph Pride, an LGBTQ+ nonprofit local to World Eaters's hometown. Winter Stomp has also designed and printed some booty short merch reading, "Be Gay Do Heresy," which tempt me every Bandcamp Friday.******
Thanks for reading the long post today. Keep on killing, maiming, and burning.
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* If you're unfamiliar, Warhammer 40K is a popular tabletop strategy game played with painted miniatures and rolling dice. It's popular with metalheads because the lore is so metal. Indulge me in a quick tl;dr.
It's the 41st century, and the Imperium of Man has spread through the Galaxy under the tutelage of the God Emperor. Though once great, the empire was split 10,000 years prior due to infighting from his übermensch sons, the Primarchs. Now the empire is spread thin across too many star systems, losing the fight against three main threats: the Xenos (other alien civilizations), the Heretics (those who question the authority of a fascist theocracy), and Chaos itself (arcane beings from the Warp, the non-space between wormholes).
The God Emperor sits as a corpse upon his throne on Terra, every ounce of his psychic abilities maintaining the Astronomican, a beacon guiding spaceships throughout the Warp. Every day an increasing number of psychics are sacrificed to fuel his powers, for if the beacon fails, the Imperium collapses and humanity falls.
There are no good guys, and there is no hope. For in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.
** Never actually played anything Games Workshop except Necromunda, though I've read a fair few novels. I prefer wargames that won't bleed me for money and bury me in rules, so I mainly play Mantic Games's Kings of War and Firefight. One book for all the rules and force lists at a fraction of the price.
*** The World Eaters are a faction of heretical Space Marines worshipping one of the four Chaos Gods: Khorne, the Blood God, who sits upon a throne made from the skulls of those slain in battle. They are also my favorite faction; he kind of has a Conan-esque backstory of fighting in gladiatorial slave pits. And we all know how much metalheads like Conan.
**** The Egyptian musical themes are themselves referential to the content of the song: Tomb Worlds are the hidden domains of the Necrons, a xenos race that conquered the Galaxy aeons before humanity even gazed at the stars. Annoyed by the emergence of other upstart civilizations, the Dynasties of the Infinite Empire transferred their consciousnesses into mechanical bodies, intending to slumber in hidden tombs until the juvenile races extinguished themselves.
But occasionally something wakes the soulless early, by delving too deep in ancient ruins or experimenting with ancient and unknown tech. And what they find is always ruthless extermination, for the destruction of a Necron's artificial body does not kill a mind capable respawning eternally into an army's worth of mechanical warriors.
***** She's apparently from the Netherlands. Neat.
****** I already have one of their patches on my metal jacket. Very stylish.
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[From the band/label]
Thought for the day: A coward always seeks compromise.
David Gupta: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Drum Programming Psychic screams from the Immaterium are: Adam Ujhelyi (Teleportise, Hellbreather) Justin Krawczyk (Frank Reynolds, BatBoy) Derek Prince-Cox (Wakeless, Yuzun, ex-Arise and Ruin) Stuart Charlton (First World Famine, Inverted Serpent) Nik Wever (ex-The Story Of..., Time the Destroyer) Recorded, Mixed and, "Mastered" by David Gupta at Doyle House. World Eaters logo and Demo MK-1 artwork by Meytheus Rexy, @meytheusrexy_art
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Hiyoko deserves it.
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*Nagi show the recording of the fight on her phone*...
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*presses stop* So... do you believe me now? Hiyoko was the one that tied up Mikan and was about to strike me with that ironing curl wand and I only acted in self-defense.
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So no, I didn't start it - Hiyoko did! So Mahiru... is that enough proof for you?
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O-Oh..oh my god...
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Hiyoko, what the actual hell were you doing to Mikan!? You went way too far this time! Your just like Natsumi, that's all you are! A damn bully that was going to hurt a friend!
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Hatomi was right, you just torment people and hurt others! I should of listen to her - Well, we aren't friends anymore! We are done, Hiyoko Saionji!
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N-No no,... Mahiru you have to believe me! I was framed, she's lying!
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Stop trying to pull those crocodile tears, Hiyoko! No one is buying your phony story or those tears anymore! Your nothing but a bully and a tormentor!
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Bu-But I'm not... I'm re-really really not!
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Pi-Pi-I mean Mikan, don't side with that emo gamer bitch! We were just messing around, you wanted this, right?!
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Don't even think I'm on your side; I want nothing more to do with you, your just a bully and a jerk! I do-don't want to be around you; you did nothing but torment me...
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You act like the damn victim in this, you wanted to hurt me and I try to be your friend but you... you just treated me horribly, you were even going to hurt my leg...
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Honestly, the stuff you did with your childish body made you get away with crap but since your all grown up; it ain't cute anymore.
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So Hiyoko Saionji... prepare to face the consequences!
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Did you hear me, then let me repeat myself so you can hear...
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Well, I think we heard enough... now Hiyoko...
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If you think your going to get away with this, think again; your teacher is no longer here and thus any rules she had no longer applies! So I think will inform your guardian about this and have her deal with you!
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N-No no, don't contact grandma! Pleeeease don't call her!
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Then you shouldn't have done any of this in the first place; your just 1 year off of 18 and yet you still act like a toddler! Actions have consequences and this is your consequence so deal with it!
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I'll bring her to the infirmary and try to get in contact with Hiyoko's guardian but Nagi? Mikan? Can you 2 come with me when they come to pick her up? Will need to explain the situation and let Hiyoko's guardian deal with her...
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Yeah I can do that no problem, ma'am. I'll have the video ready and prepare when it happens.
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Right... thank you, now Hiyoko let's go to the infirmary... *Emiko takes Hiyoko by the arm and walks her out of the room; leaving Nagi, Mahiru, Ibuki and Mikan*
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arpmemething2 · 2 years
Scott the Woz sentence starters
Send one for my muse’s reaction.     Feel free to change pronouns as needed. 
“Something better than a lobotomy?”
"Poverty? No thanks."
“Here’s a gun, kill a frog”
I always base my decisions off of what Crest does."
"I smell pointless!"
“Oh, hi! You caught me in a goose!”
“We can put it in a wheel, put it in a gun, put it in a kid”
“These simply look really nice. ‘Like ants’”
“... Oh s**t, it’s pronounced ‘breast’? I thought it was always pronounced ‘beans’”
"Yeah, okay, I wanna f**k a font. Who doesn't?"
“Meet up with a meteorologist, tell him to stop the rain”
"NASDAQ was only my 47th word."
"Hey, hear that? I'm a penis!"
"This is f**king incredible!"
"Oh s**t, it's a white guy!"
"F**k you, house."
“He’s not addicted, he just does it everyday”
"I've always wanted to feel like a Walmart."
"Technically speaking, IBM owns the weather."
"It's dangerous to ask me words."
"Which pregnant woman will squirt one out first? Place your bets and let's find out!"
"I made Lowe's."
"You know what I could go for right now? A working kidney, I have three days to live"
“Death is the most common cause for death”
"Hi, I'll take one corn dog."
"I really shouldn't have spat in this to mark my page."
“If you can’t sue a person, why talk to them?”
"I got f**king soap."
“And I definitely transformed it into my own little virgin circus”
“I like candles, sue me.”
“Something better than a sponge?”
"There's a strict no skin policy! If it ain't covered up, it's getting thrown out. If you don't abide by this policy, you must have flashlight taped to crotch"
"I f**king hate circles!"
“He’s a snitch, he’s a killer, but he’s my friend”
“It really keeps you on your toes, like a mouse”
"Join the club, own a bag."
"Oh f**k, the letters are evolving!"
"Three "ho"s and a merry Jesus' birthday is on December 25th."
“‘Do you agree to practice safe sex?’ What is this, middle school? Lame!”
"With Thanksgiving around the corner, what am I going to do if I can't cook? Be thankful?"
“What, does it look like I’m made out of blood to you?!”
"Finally, the cure for all sex."
"Diet God is still God."
"Let's talk sponges."
"Yeah, you can get laid, on the go."
"Oh please God help, I don't wanna look like a jackass playing Wii Music!"
"What the f**k WAS THIS THING?"
"Here we have sex wall."
“Come on, this is America, I like Mickey Mouse and f*cking my wife”
"I want to feel smart but I don't want to do anything about it."
“‘What does a woman say after a man purposes?’ I’ll think about it”
“F**k yeah, now that’s what I call a baby!”
"Here's a message to all you serial killers out there. STOP."
“Did you know hands could hold garbage and f**king garbage?”
"How do you think it would feel if they didn't pick you, they picked a dead you?"
"Studies show that 9 out of 10 gamers play video games!"
"We're selling soup now."
"I've always wanted to say yes to Guy Fieri."
"Now, I am the least musically viable soul on the planet so it's just cool to me that the cardboard's making noise."
"Pump the brakes, Speed Racer, nobody puts religion in my Dig Dug."
“Oh my God, he has a face?!”
"Hey all!"
“I always leave my fridge unplugged to save energy”
"First things first: this game has controls. We use them to play this game and playing results in a win or a loss."
“I don’t want to wait to be disappointed, this isn’t a pregnancy!”
"I've been staring at this all day, I still don't get it."
“It’s my honor to tell you that you have a urinary tract infection!”
"Beep beep, disappointment coming through."
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darksvster · 1 year
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happy christmas, i wrapped it up and sent it — ➥ e, one-shot, 10158 words about six months ago, rhaenyra, who spent her days as a wildly popular social media influencer, accidentally started dating the annoying, crass, not-so-young, hot-tempered daemon, an esports gamer and twitch streamer. like any normal relationship, they slowly got to know each other and oh yeah, then happened to find out they're related. by blood!
two break-ins, a lot of sex, and some frank conversations with viserys and aemma later and now they're off to old valyria (located snugly in the Alps) to meet the rest of the family. how will christmas go? what surprises await them in that quaint little eastern european country?
read the holiday special to find out.
a daemyra streamer/influencer au story.
ao3 link
“Okay, I need you to say it for me now.” 
“I was wrong and you were right,” Daemon says, sounding completely unconvincing.
"Hmm... no, that's not enough."
"I was very wrong and I should have listened to you, my sweet and beautiful girlfriend." 
"Yeah, I don't know if that's enough either."
"What if I promise you multiple orgasms on top of my apology?”
"Psh, that doesn’t mean anything to me. You give me multiple orgasms every Wednesday!"
Daemon pouts, moving his chair closer to her in the airport lounge so that he can reach out to stroke her arm. Rhaenyra turns her nose up at him but her upset face breaks when he picks her hand up and kisses her knuckle, offering her a dashing smile.
"God, you’re so annoying," she says, rolling her eyes, suppressing the grin on her face.
"But you love me all the same?"
She frowns, looking at her watch. "I don’t know this trip is really testing me, Uncle." She smirks at him when she sees his eyes darken. God, he was easy to rile up. "You know we could be in the air right now? We could be fucking 30,000 feet up in the air. But no, someone didn’t want to fly in a jet. Even though you fly in jets for VPL all the time!"
"I don’t know how you can watch a documentary about how dangerous private jets are and not be terrified about flying for 12 hours with some random pilot!" Daemon says, throwing his hands up.
"Okay, how dare you! Harry is not some 'random pilot'!"
"What’s his last name?"
Okay, he's got her there. She pauses for a minute. Was it Stone? Rivers? She can't pinpoint it so she shakes her head, unwilling to concede. “That’s not important! He flies a ton of rich and famous people around if they trust him we can. The Kardashians trust him with their lives, Daemon.”
"Private planes are 200 times more likely to be fatal, Rhaenyra!" he yells, throwing his hands up in the air. A couple of children in the lounge look over at them and their parents politely jerk their faces away. Leave the crazy man alone. "Besides, we're flying first class!"
But she just gives him an 'aww you’re so cute' expression. “Babe, first isn’t what it used to be. It’s basically business class at this point,” she says sounding unintentionally haughty.
“I’m a man of the people, Rhaenyra, I don’t have a point of comparison. First class is first class.”
“Ugh, at least on this airline we can lay together," she says as if it's the least they could do.
“We get to lay down?” His head perks up, eyebrows raised.
“Oh babe, you're so cute,” Rhaenyra laughs, nodding over at the bartender in the lounge, who brings her over another glass of champagne. "You're going to be like a little puppy when we get onboard, I just know it."
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How to Start a Blog: A Satire
Hi, over the past week and a half I’ve been on a blog kick, or rather a “I want to start a blog because I have no creative outlet” kick. What I learned is that designing a blog, or any website for that matter, is incredibly difficult and very frustrating. So, I have taken it upon myself to make a how to guide on creating a blog. It’ll be fun, c'mon let’s go!
Step 1: Realize you want to start a blog even though you’ve never shown that much interest in writing because all you’ve ever written were school essays, but you convince yourself you did good on those essays, hence why you should start a blog. (extra points if you realize this on your way home from the beach)
Step 2: Decide on a blog platform! There are numerous websites where you can house your blog, the trick is picking one. Wix is good, if you want your blog header to look deformed on mobile even though it looks *perfect* on desktop. Another popular site is WordPress, unless you have a degree in designing websites, you’re basically screwed. Or maybe I just wasn’t blessed with the website design genes in my family. Thanks mom. Weebly is that one you had to make a power point on in your 7th grade English class and since then it’s just left a bad taste in your mouth. There’s several others but I think whoever coded them watched The Social Network one time and decided they wanted to be the new Mark Zuckerberg. Anyways, step 3 anybody?
Step 3: Time to pick a theme *insert random aesthetic emojis here because my HP laptop has the worst emojis I have EVER seen* Depending on what you want to focus your blog on will be the deciding factor on your theme. Are you a gamer? Choose a color palette that has lots of purples, blues, and neon colors. But are you narrowing it down to a certain video game? Use the games colors in your blog. A beauty blog you say? Pink, white, and lots of light colors, possibly some pastels if you’re feeling spontaneous. 
Step 4: The time has come to decide between designing your blog from scratch OR picking a premade template that looks awesome but when you try to edit it to match your theme it looks worse than if you had started from scratch. 
Step 5: Put all the decisions you made to work! Now absolutely forget about everything except your theme because all you will focus on for days is making the header look like God hand crafted it himself. You will fail many times but that’s okay, just get back up on the horse and convince yourself to come back to it later. Work on the layout, how is the home page going to look? What pictures do you want to use? Do you need to go find aesthetic stuff of Pinterest to make your blog look better because the only pictures good enough to be online are your graduation pictures and the pictures of your dog that your mom sends you to combat your anxiety, I mean pet pictures are cute yes put them on the blog, in fact make it a blog ABOUT your pet. I guarantee more people will read it if you do that. Can we go to step 6 now please?
Step 6: This step is personally my least favorite and takes the longest. You will bounce between steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 because you aren’t satisfied with anything you have created so far :)
Step 7: Complain about it to your friend in which she asks you, “Is it worth it?” and you respond with the truth that its probably not worth it but you need a creative outlet and have convinced yourself that you aren’t good at anything else.
Step 8: You’re tired aren’t you? That’s okay, let’s take a break. How was your day? Did you do anything fun? Oh you didn’t leave your house because you’ve been trying to make a blog all day. Yeah that happens, but that’s why we’re taking a break now! Go drink some water, eat a sandwich, don’t get on social media though, you’ll never come back to read the rest of my how to guide.
Step 9: You have finally handcrafted something that kind of looks like a blog, this is the part where you realize you set your design expectations too high and you’re actually really liking the simple, minimalistic vibe that you’ve somehow created. Now step 9 is making your domain name, which is the URL people will go to when they want to visit your blog. Coming up with a domain name is like making a new password. Everything you think of has already been used. The issue is you can’t make Ilovetaylorswift123! your domain name... (for clarification that is not my real password, I made that up in like three seconds.) This step is a two parter because I’m feeling chaotic today. As you are getting frustrated about not being able to come up with a good domain name, you realize that the blog platform you used that said you’d get a free domain name, is only half true because somehow, someway, you will be paying for this gosh darn blog- both with money and your sanity.
Step 10: Congratulations, you’ve made it, here’s your trophy in the form of what was supposed to be my first blog post but after claiming that I will in fact not be paying their absurd prices, I came to my early high school second home- Tumblr. One blog platform I didn’t mention in step 2 was Tumblr and there’s a reason for that. It’s not necessarily a traditional platform for a blog and readers have to have an account with Tumblr so when you share the link to your friends, a cute little box pops up that says “Ah, now. You need clearance for that.” and asks them to make an account. Which makes sense because Tumblr IS a social media platform so no hate to them for that. 
In conclusion, (because like I said, I have convinced myself I was very good at school essays) making a blog is hard and not for the faint of heart. You’ll need a solid plan, knowledge on how to use the blog platform you’ve chosen, and money for the domain name. But if you’re like me and don’t have any of those, that’s okay! Because there will always be somewhere for you to share your writings, your passions, and your truths.
Have a good day, friends <3
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mephinomaly · 1 year
[TL] Lady-killer in the Midst of Good Fortune/Chapter 3
Time: The next day
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HiMERU: (A luxury coffee blend only available from the vending machine…HiMERU will have it.)
(...Hm? This vending machine has a prize to be won. The roulette is spinning.)
8, 8, 8—8?
(Fantastic, HiMERU got all the numbers…There’s no need to wait around. Since HiMERU won, he gets to pick another drink.)
(However, this one coffee is plenty for HiMERU…hm?)
—Hakaze-senpai, perfect timing.
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Kaoru: HiMERU-kun? Do you have something for me?
HiMERU: HiMERU won the vending machine roulette. He has around 20 seconds to choose another drink.
Would you like to pick your favourite drink?
Kaoru: Eh. Is that alright~? This time limits come just to confuse me.
Then, don’t mind if I do…I’ll have the juice ♪
Sorry that I just happened to be passing by.
HiMERU: No, HiMERU wouldn’t have known what to do with the extra so Hakaze-senpai came just in the nick of time.
Kaoru: Anyhow. This is the first time I’ve seen a vending machine with roulette. It’s crazy that you won.
HiMERU: HiMERU agrees, he did not think he would win. The likelihood of one isn’t high.
Kaoru: It’s that good luck of yours. Maybe it’s Inaba-kun the white rabbit’s power ♪
HiMERU: …Why do you know that name, Hakaze-senpai?
Kaoru: Rei-kun was talking about it last night when he came home. Saying that something along those lines happened at today’s recording.
When I heard about it, I thought it was pretty weird for a rabbit to read someone’s future.
Running into you here must be the reality of your good luck, HiMERU-kun. The fortune-telling was right…or so I think.
HiMERU: I see, is that how it is? Well, it was certainly strange to have Inaba-san jump onto HiMERU’s lap…
HiMERU doesn’t think that fortune-telling will bring extreme luck.
Winning the roulette was also something of a coincidence… HiMERU believes it to be just a rare event.
Kaoru: Yeah? If it happened to me, I’d just take it as it is. Much more fun that way.
Well, you just said your winning was also something of coincidence. What other lucky things have happened to you?
HiMERU: —Nothing that can be counted as super lucky.
However, on the way home from the TV station, there wasn’t a single red light.
And Nagumo was playing a game, and HiMERU pulled for him and was called a “God Gamer.” That was somewhat lucky.
Kaoru: Ehh, is that so?
Maybe you’re gonna get even luckier from now on~? I mean, you were told to “please prepare for tomorrow”, right?
HiMERU: You’re quite informed on the situation.
Kaoru: Ahaha, sorry? Rei-kun likes to gossip, and I’m a good listener ♪
…Anyway. The resting room has got some snacks, right?
HiMERU: Ah, yes, there is. Someone’s set up a dagashiya[1], with hard candy, gum, etc.
Kaoru: Hey, how about trying out your luck?
Well, even if you win, I guess you’ll say it doesn’t really mean anything.
HiMERU: –Mhm. As a thanks for taking the juice, HiMERU will give it a go.
Kaoru: Let’s see… hard candy, gum, chocolate, gummies. Any of those are fine, so let’s just choose a few at random.
HiMERU: Alright…
Kaoru: Oh? You picked the one in front of you and one on the top without much thought.
HiMERU: It would not be a proper test of luck if HiMERU deliberated on it.
Kaoru: I see. If HiMERU-kun’s actually lucky, you’ll be able to win another.
HiMERU: HiMERU doesn’t himself believe in it, but if that’s how it is. Shall we open it right now?
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Kaoru: OK. With this kind of thing, it’ll say on the inside of the bag or package as to whether you've won or not~.
Woah, the gummy I opened was a win! How about yours, HiMERU-kun?
HiMERU: …Both the hard candy and the chocolate are a win.
Kaoru: Eeeh. Wait a sec. You haven’t open the gum yet, do it now—
HiMERU + Kaoru: “You won”...
Kaoru: …No way. I just made a suggestion but it actually worked. What a twist.
HiMERU: —HiMERU agrees. It’s quite troubling how far these coincidences are going.
Kaoru: Is it really a coincidence…? Since, y’know, your good luck has already started.
HiMERU: No, HiMERU is positive, these are all coincidences. Besides, we don’t know how many of these candies are meant to be wins in the first place.
Kaoru: Well… I opened some gum and chocolate just now and neither of them were wins.
Honestly I’m a little disappointed. I thought I could ride your wave of success as well…!
…Guess that’s just how it is. You don’t seem very pleased with these continued wins.
I could tell with every word you said. You’re the type of person who won’t believe in divination no matter how good the results are, right?
HiMERU: …HiMERU supposes you could say that.
HiMERU’s own words and actions, versus third parties— As for the current situation, it’s fortune-telling but…
It’s a force outside oneself, that you can’t see. It’s uncomfortable to be viewed from a pre-decided point of view.
HiMERU will decide for HiMERU’s self.
Kaoru: Hmm… Is that how it is for you?
Well, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. HiMERU-kun can keep thinking it’s just a coincidence if he wants—
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???: Aah! HiMERU-senpai’s here…!
I finally found him! Sakuma-senpai, over here!
HiMERU + Kaoru: ...?
basically they’re these shops that sell super cheap sweets for like 20 yen? and often on the inside of the packaging it might say youve won!! and then you get another one for free
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