#god having an FP is fucking exhausting
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paleio · 3 months
okay you've tagged bpd!percy and Puerto Rican/Filipino!percy on my different posts now and they have made my day twice so I have to ask you to elaborate on one or both pls and thx po naman 🤲🤲
okay honestly i suck SOOO bad at headcanons because the characters i tend to develop them for are also the characters that are so deeply attached to my own brain that we end up kinda bleeding into each other. there are two different percy jacksons to me—the one i play with in his natural environment and view as a really compelling and interesting individual, and the one that has been inside my head so long he's molded into the shape of my skull. sometimes the line is blurry which is why a lot of my headcanons aren't actually backed up by anything in the canon. i do really like PR/Filipino!percy as is, but bpd!percy doesn't actually make sense (in my opinion) for the way he narrates in the first series. you could argue for it in heroes of olympus but i honestly like your bipolar!percy better and think it makes way more sense.
THAT BEING SAID. i refuse to believe that annabeth chase doesn't have bpd. the attachment issues, the constant fear of abandonment, the sudden mood shifts. it makes her bitterness toward rachel make more sense—percy is clearly her fp (favorite person) so of course she's scared of being ignored or replaced. she was probably panicking constantly throughout the last two books, thinking percy would completely cut contact with her if he got with rachel. it would also better explain her struggles with luke, and with morality as a whole. she seems to have trouble seeing situations and people as anything other as completely evil or completely good (in the first few books at least, she does get to work through this to some extent). her mother? perfect, a genius, always right about everything. her father? horrible, irredeemable, worst parent in the world. of course, this is a struggle for a lot of kids and teens (morality is hard and complicated!), but combined with everything else—and from personal experience—i think bpd works extremely well for annabeth.
as for PR/Filipino!percy, i just think it's neat :3 it could be either or both, but the idea of sally jackson being an immigrant or a child of immigrants makes for some really interesting ideas and goes well with the themes already present in the books. her being a first gen college student would be so cool and so sally, and her financial/familial success would feel even more vindicating. plus it's so tough for neurodivergent kids who are also poc. it would add another layer of bitterness to percy, and possibly another parallel to luke. i personally don't think the luke/percy dynamic is as good or interesting if luke is white and percy is poc, especially because to an extent, luke is RIGHT, and it's kind of uncomfortable to have the only white guy be the most revolutionary character (even if he goes about that revolution in the worst way possible). i was really excited when pjotv cast charlie bushnell as luke and i desperately hope they actually acknowledge that he isn't white (i'm not super optimistic but there's still plenty of time). because that's fucking important. he grew up in a place where he already felt unloved and betrayed by his father and ashamed of his mother, but it would make such a huge impact on his psyche and perspective if his community also alienated him. for context, the town luke canonically grew up in is like 97% white in real life. luke probably felt like he had to be better than everyone around him just to get the same amount of understanding and recognition and love as them. imagine how much harder his anger at the gods—at the world!—would hit. and then imagine if he had that in common with percy. imagine if they bonded over that anger when percy first got to camp (TLT musical, anyone?). and imagine, after luke has gone to kronos's side, percy looking at him and seeing the exhaustion and fear and resentment in his eyes and recognizing it. because that's what percy sees when he looks in the mirror.
AUGHHH. anyway.
those are some of the feelings i have about these headcanons. not sure if any of it makes sense but i'm not going to edit this massive block of text because just looking at it makes my head hurt 👍
also i love your blog. you are so right about everything all the time
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
The jacket
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Co written with @inhumanshadows
Your boyfriend Fangs was officially a Serpent. 
A few days ago he completed all the trials and tonight you would have the honor of giving him his jacket. 
You were in the Wyrm playing pool with him and Sweet Pea when FP called for everyone's attention. 
"Listen here Serpents! We've got a new member to initiate!" He cheered.
The bar erupted in loud cheers at the announcement.
You and the boys halted your game while FP gave a little speech which you took the opportunity to sneak away and grab Fangs’ jacket.
“Now, if our newest member would come up here?” FP said motioning to Fangs. 
All eyes watched him as he walked towards the bar, people nodding his way. 
“Now Fangs, you’ve been through hell to get here, but you’re missing one very important thing... your jacket and here it comes now.”
Fangs turns around to see you holding his serpent jacket.
He smiled wide as you put it on him and once on he turned around and kissed you deeply making all your fellow Serpents holler. 
"Alright alright that's enough lovebirds," FP said tapping your shoulder, "now everyone make this young man feel welcome and enjoy the rest of your night!" 
You and Fangs returned to Sweet Pea who was now with Toni. 
"Congratulations Fangs," Toni told him. 
"Yeah sorry I went a little hard on you in that last trial but I couldn't let Tall boy think I was going on easy on you just cause you're my best friend's boyfriend," Sweet Pea chuckled.
“I understand guys. Images to uphold and all,” Fangs winces when you put your arm around his waist.
“Sorry,” You say, pecking his cheek.
“It’s alright. It’s not as bad as it was before," he assures you. 
Sweet Pea clears his throat. “So shall we finish the game?”
You guys finish your game of pool taking Fangs back to your place for one last celebration. 
Your lips were attached to his as you stumbled through the doorway, walking him backwards down the hallway of your trailer to your bedroom. 
Your jacket was on the floor but when you went to take his off he stopped you. 
"I want to keep it on," he mumbled in between kisses, "i worked hard for this and now I'm gonna fuck you in it."
"God that's hot," You gasp kissing him harder.
You let Fangs take your shirt off before you make quick work of his belt and the button of his jeans, letting them pool at his feet.
You push the palm of your hand to his growing bulge and love the low moan that escapes his perfect lips.
You get to your knees, mouthing the shaft of his cock through his boxers. 
Fangs moans and runs his hand through your hair, gasping as you tug his underwear down letting his erection smack against your cheek.
He chuckles, looking down at you with his cock on your cheek.
"You look good like that baby."
"How about like this?" You ask, taking his cock into your mouth and going down all the way.
This obviously wasn't the first blowjob you've given him and learned to take his cock with ease.
"Fuck," he groans throwing his head back. 
You grip his thighs, bobbing your head quickly with the tip hitting the back of your throat every time.
Fangs hand stays in your hair, adding just a bit of pressure.
He moans quietly, biting his lip as he gets closer.
"Fuck! Y/N… stop baby... I'm too close. Got a condom?"
You get up and grab a condom from your dresser and give it to him. 
He puts it on as you lay back on your bed. 
You look up at Fangs who looks insanely hot in just his Serpent jacket. 
He climbs on top of you, lifting your legs over his shoulders and teasing you with a fingertip.
“You always look so good like this,” Fangs says, kissing your calves.
You gasp as his finger starts to tease your hole and when you hear the pop of a tube of lube you shiver at the sudden coldness on your hole.
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” Fangs chuckles. 
You moan his name and he grins, pushing a finger inside to open you up. 
After a few minutes of stretching you out he replaces his finger with the tip of his cock making you groan as he slips further inside.
“Always so tight for me,” he grunts. 
Fangs gets halfway in and stops, letting you adjust until you give him a thumbs up and he slowly pushes the rest of himself inside you,  bottoming out.
One of his hands runs up your body, palming your chest as he begins thrusting.
Your legs hook around his shoulders making you more sturdy as he picks up the pace.
"So you just want me to fuck you to oblivion huh?" Fangs asks. 
"Yes!" You moan.
He quickens his movements, finding as steady of a rhythm as he can while he pounds into you. 
"Oh fuck," you chant over and over again. 
The material of his jacket scratches at your skin and the sensation turns you on even more.
His hips begin to burn so he slows down for a moment, giving you a few deep thrusts as he recharges. 
You can't help but moan at the change of pace, hitting just the right spot before he returns to his previous actions.
You're both moaning over and over as your climaxes rapidly approach.
Fangs reaches down and strokes your cock in time with his thrusts and you can feel them start to get sloppy.
"I want you to cum with me Y/N."
You look him in the eyes and nod just letting your body take in the immense pleasure. 
The moment you feel him release into you, you let go and find yourself cumming directly onto your chest as he rides you through it.
You're both panting, thoroughly exhausted. Fangs gently pulls out of you and takes the condom off, tying it up and tossing it in the trash.
He goes and grabs a wet rag to clean you off and slides your underwear back on.
"Fuck that was hot," you say trying to catch your breath. 
Fangs finally slips his jacket off so he can comfortably lay in bed next to you. 
"Yeah it was," he smiles helping you finish clean off.
Fangs wipes you down and lays on your chest, fingers tapping on you.
“Welcome to the Serpents Fangs.”
“Glad to be in theme with you," he smiles. 
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Jughead/Reader Request: Jughead goes to dark side when he join the Serpents? Maybe he get jealous?
You’re trying your best not to fall asleep in class but it’s too boring to bother staying awake and you’re being blocked by some bulldog so you don’t bother hiding as the teacher can’t see you. “Y/N. You okay?” Veronica asks and you nod. “Yeah just had to get up early for Vixen practice; since I live farther away; I forgot how exhausting it is to adjust.” “Hopefully it won’t be long. You’re still up for the welcoming committee tomorrow right?” You grin nodding. “Of course; can’t have the southsider’s thinking we’re all like Cheryl now can we.” In truth you’re dreading it; you don’t want to expose yourself as a southsider and you know the Serpent’s will; they won’t understand the precarious position you’ve built yourself into.
You can see the surprise on Toni and Fang’s face and you put your finger to your lips and they nod a fraction; you can see Fangs explain to Sweet Pea and Toni is talking to Jughead; FP Jones’s kid; you heard he was the reason Southside High had gotten shut down and you can’t help but wonder how he managed that; the Ghoulies had bombed it before you’d left and that still hadn’t gotten it shut down. You can tell he’s watching you; you wonder if he recognises you from the Wyrm; or the trailer park. He doesn’t say anything and you decide he doesn’t recognise you at all. This is proven wrong when he approaches you at lunch. “Y/N; what’re you doing here?”
‘Same as you, got transferred with the rest of southside high.” “You weren’t in when I went for the past week.” “It was like four days; ever heard of skipping?” You laugh when he grins. “I’ve heard of it; but we both know you’ve been going here for years.” “Oh you noticed me?” You roll your eyes when he grins and nods. “Course; pretty snake like you in a dog pound; you always notice what’s different.” “Different isn’t good here; gets you killed.” “You saying you’ve been killed?” He laughs and you smirk. “I haven’t been exposed yet; so I haven’t but you and the rest of the Serpents; that could be a threat.” He stands leaning over you. “You think of me, your leader as a threat?” “To my safety at school; yes, to my position in the Vixen’s; yes. You’re dangerous socially to me.” “Not physically?” “You wouldn’t hurt something you care about.” You grin and he smirks showing his teeth.
“You think I care for you?” “You would have exposed me if you didn’t.” He shrugs turning slightly and you catch the other Serpents hesitating as they walk in. “We interrupting?” “No; we were going to Pop’s you want anything?” You follow Jughead after he gets everyone’s orders. “So?” “We’ll be back with their lunch; but first.” He grins as a shake is set between you both. “Splitting a shake? Isn’t this something Cooper would do with you?” “She had some good ideas.” “Some?” You tilt your head and he doesn’t explain farther. “I was thinking of going on a scouting mission; just something for us to keep and eye on the Ghoulies.” “Sounds fun; when do we leave.”
You meet him by his bike at midnight and as you swing around it; hands gripping his waist you wonder how exactly he’s planning to not get caught. “Go along with whatever I do; understand?” You nod as he drags you around the street and back towards the forest that backs up on the house of the dead. “So what’s-“ He cuts you off kissing you; pulling back to mumble into your ear. “If we make enough noise they’ll come running; we can see how many they have guarding this place.” “So what we fake being to northsider’s hooking up? You really think they’re going to buy that?” You snake your arm around his shoulders.
“If we make it believable.” He winks and you laugh pulling him down for a kiss. The ghoulies show up five minutes after Jughead complains you’re not being loud enough and you quip back he’s not doing a good enough job. “What the- god dammit; fucking Northsiders. Get lost. This isn’t a stupid haunted house for you to fuck in and then gloat to your friends.” You try not to laugh at the Ghoulies grumbling and as you gather your clothes you count six extra’s hovering by the sides of the house. “So that went well. I counted seventeen in total.” You grin when Jughead pushes a shake over towards you. “Good job.” He grumbles and you frown. “Are you upset cause you didn’t get to fight or cause you missed out on getting this.” You drag your hands down your body laughing and joking watching as he glares. “They were staring.”
“Well yeah; they’re guys; I was half dressed. What did you expect?” “For it not to bother me.” He hisses and you wait for him to explain the joke. “Oh; it actually bothers you?” “Yeah you’re; you’re a serpent.” “What were you going to say? You changed it.” “Nothing. I didn’t change it.” You arch and eyebrow and nod to him. “Mine; you’re mine.” “And? That doesn’t change the fact they’re guys; they’re still going to stare.” You pull your shake over.
You’re confused when everyone stares at you when you walk in. Toni laughs when you ask what’s going on. “Really Y/N? You have no clue?” “Apparently Jones went on a rampage last night, two ghoulies ended up in the hospital and whenever his dad; who was pissed; asked why he said it was cause of you. Fangs and Sweet Pea overheard and they told Joaquin and Kevin who told Cheryl and Betty. Betty printed out an article about the dangers of gang violence and now Weatherbee is calling an emergency assembly to talk to us about it. We might have to give up out jackets. What happened between yesterday and this morning?” “Jones called me for a scouting mission and a couple of the Ghoulies got too close so we had to bolt.” It’s not a lie you think and Toni nods. “That’s what Jones said but like hell if his dad believed him; so it’s good it’s the truth.” You grin nodding as you and the rest of the Serpent’s file into the school gym.
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justtogetthrough · 3 years
My therapist has a hard time ending sessions with me because everything is so heavy that she feels like she can't lighten my burden at all and worries about sending me ~back into my day/work~ after talking about super heavy shit for an hour and not doing that therapeutic thing where the crying stops and conversation gets lighter and things are okay again at the end. I was like, idk man, this is my daily life tbh. While driving a foster kid from his natural mom's home to his foster home yesterday, I spent the whole time thinking about dying and how much I might get for my estate by selling my house, and how potential foundation issues are gonna fuck all this up. While chopping veggies tonight to make food, I was thinking about what I want to write in my letter to my fp. The one hour of therapy is not any heavier than the other hours of my day, I feel this shitty all the time and I feel heavy and weighed down every second I'm awake. Which today has been from 5 am for no god damn reason.
I'm having such a hard time functioning that I'm not getting any work done and I'm wondering if I should take a leave of absence. But idk if I'd be better off NOT at least feeling like I do need to get up and make phone calls. Work gives me purpose and if we're looking at wholistic healing, there's a real benefit to staying engaged in my job even though I'm having such a hard time following through in any tasks and it makes me spend a lot of my day crying and exhausted. I dont want to share with my manager the state I'm in but I'm seriously struggling and at some point she's gonna stop being so damn busy constantly and notice that I'm MIA for long stretches during the day.
Idk I was at the hospital list night and my friend said they lowkey really wanted me to get admitted and I was like me too dude, me too, I'd give anything to not have to deal with my life right now but this hospital sucks and doesn't admit anyone not in active psychosis so there was no point asking to see crisis. My heaviness, my plan, is chronic/long term and not acute. My friend said, what if you show them this message. And wrote a hypothetical message to the hospital staff identifying themselves as a social worker and that they're extremely worried about me for ____ reasons. I can't stop thinking about what they wrote. I wish I could take back everything I've told them so they wouldn't be worrying so much. Out of everything in the world right now what I really just want is a hug from them but instead I'm anxious as all fuck about going to their house next month to try an equine therapy session with their mom. My body dysmorphia is flaring up, everything I hate about myself is flaring up, I don't want them to see me like this. We voice chat lots where I can be normal and fine so it's not like I'm incapable of having a decent time for a few hours. But what if they give me that look. Not an I wanna kiss you look like last summer but that dreaded I'm worried about you look.
Idk life is really weird right now and I hate it and I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin and I wish I could just... not be me. I'm really stressing out that what's happening now is what leads up to when every other of my best friends IRL abandon me. I don't want them to leave me but I can't stop talking about my reality and lately this is it.
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sadman-morgan · 4 years
Take a Break, for Tonight.
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pairing: Dutch Van Der Linde x Hosea Matthews
category: Modern day AU/ Gamer AU
summary: After a new fps game releases, Hosea begs desperately for his husband to take a break, and come to bed.  
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none, other than tooth rotting modern fluff with the dads. 
It was (once again) another night of this bullshit. 
 A new game had come out, which meant Dutch was barricaded in his room. His hands intertwined with the controller as his eyes melted into the screen. When the screen was on, his mind was off. As he spent countless hours in this new game, his husband was ignored.
Hosea didn’t mind too much. He enjoyed having his alone time. While Dutch was screeching at his new game, Hosea quietly read. He curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, and their cat resting in his lap. Dutch’s incessant noise soon faded into the background with the turn of the pages. 
And time would fly on by. 
Hosea frequently worried about Dutch’s habits. Whenever a new game was released, Dutch vanished off the face of the earth and hid in their room. He’d stay up during all hours of the night, rarely taking breaks to stretch or rest his eyes. The hours his husband spent in front of that screen were concerning. Dutch’s lack of care for his health was distressing. 
In a time like this, Dutch was unrecognizable. Empty plates, snacks, and cups littered around his chair. Energy drink cans began to pile high towards the ceiling. Once slicked back hair developed into an untamed, tangled mess of natural curls as his eyes began to glow a subtle shade of red. Dutch would swear and argue that his habits weren’t an issue, Hosea would just sit back and let him think he was right. 
Hosea quietly read for a few hours, allowing his mind to break from his constant worrying. His mind wandered from this hell on earth, to the depths of his new mystery novel. He idly pet the cat resting peacefully in his lap as he turned the pages. His rare state of tranquility was interrupted by a loud bang and mindless yelling. 
Hosea closed his book and placed it to his side. The sudden movement caused his cat to scurry off. He sat for a moment as his tired eyes began to pull down against his will. Failing to rub the sleep out of his eyes, he glanced over at the clock.
3:00 am. 
He rubbed his eyes again in disbelief. 
The yelling filled their home once more. Hosea sat back against the couch and listened. 
Hosea had enough. At this hour, It was far too late to be yelling obscenities at strangers online. Especially over a game. 
Hosea walked towards their room and slipped through the cracked open door. He stood behind his husband, who was blissfully unaware of the new visitor. 
Hosea watched the gameplay from over Dutch’s shoulder. The game had just ended. A new screen had appeared, showing off the play of the game. Belonging to none other than Vderlinde89, respectfully. 
Hosea gently placed his hand on his husband’s shoulder, the world nearly shattered into pieces. 
“Nice play,” Hosea said
Dutch’s brain began to short circuit as he jumped in his seat. He ripped the headset off his head and spun around. 
“Sweet fucking christ!” he barked. 
“I’m sorry Vderlinde89, did I scare you?” Hosea teased. 
Dutch rubbed and rolled his eyes, starting the next match as Hosea sat beside him. 
Hosea glanced over at Dutch, already wound uptight from the match. Hosea’s attention shifted back to the screen but was quickly uninterested. As he fought the urge to fall asleep on his husband’s shoulder, he lifted his hand and carefully traced Dutch’s jawline, to which his hand was swatted away. 
“Quit it,” Dutch said. 
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Hosea trailed off. 
“I don’t know, midnight?” Dutch replied, refusing any vulnerable eye contact. 
“Try 3:15, love. I’m tired. Come to bed.” 
Dutch shook his head, “let me finish this round.”
The round had already ended, and a new one began. 
“Can you just get off for a night? please?” Hosea pleaded.
“ugh. Fine. just this once,” Dutch said. 
The game suddenly disappeared. A screen once filled with action was now a collection of the bright idle colors of the console’s home screen.
They sat in bitter silence for a moment. Dutch stretched out his fingers as his controller sat in his lap.
Hosea scooched closer toward him. Resuming tracing the rough skin of his husband’s face.
As Dutch’s chin gently rested in his hand, Hosea’s heart began to flutter out of his chest.
Time stood still, only to be resumed by a low growl of aggravation. 
“Why are you so fucking needy right now?” Dutch said into the older man’s hand. 
Hosea tilted his chin for their eyes to meet. Avoiding the vulnerable, uncomfortable eye contact was no longer an option. 
“Real bold of you to call me fucking needy.” 
“How long have you been sitting here? When was the last time you said good morning, or good night to me? When was the last time you told me that you loved me?” Hosea said. 
“When was the last time you’ve been touched?”  
Dutch’s relationship with touch was quite the familiarity for Hosea. Dutch always wanted to be physically close. Always wanting to cuddle, always wanting a hand entangled in his hair, always wanting interlocked hands and interlocked lips. Dutch Van Der Linde was a greedy bastard when it came to touch, and Hosea was always more than happy to overindulge him. 
Hosea moved in closer towards his legs. Now straddling him, he gazed into Dutch’s exhausted eyes, now glossed over with desire and pure desperation to be touched.
“I think it was...uh, I don’t-“
“You know damn well how long it’s been. I’m not going to touch you until you tell me.” 
“Hosea...I….it’s been...nearly a week.” Dutch whimpered 
“A week, hm? How are you not dead, my love?” He cooed into his jaw, halting before his lips could embrace the harsh skin.
Dutch sighed in defeat as his head began to spin, “fuck, Hosea...please.” 
Ignoring his plea, his attention refocused on his husband’s hair. Hosea’s slender fingers repeatedly combed through his curls and traced down his neck. Tingles shot down Dutch’s spine as he softly exhaled, and involuntarily twitched under him. 
The air went dead as their exhausted eyes reunited. 
“I...I’m sorry. I’m tired of playing games. Both on-screen, and with you. I need you so fucking badly, love. You’re driving me crazy. I miss you terribly...and I’m sorry,” Dutch suddenly choked out. 
Hosea nodded as he was suddenly pulled into Dutch. 
Dutch placed his hand along Hosea’s waist as he tugged him closer. Their lips hastily locking together before pulling away for a second. 
Dutch tilted in and carefully grazed his husband’s neck with his lips, pausing ever so slightly to gently nibble at the aged skin. 
Dutch continued kissing his neck as his fingers lingered over the red patches, admiring the loving bruises that had yet to form. 
Dutch slowly rose to the older man’s jawline, leaving small kisses as they exhaled softly. 
“Think it’s time we actually go to bed, I’m exhausted,” Dutch mumbled.
Hosea sleepily nodded as he slid off from his lap. As Hosea curled into bed, Dutch turned the tv off and slid under the covers. 
Hosea gently tapped him on the shoulder, signaling to turn around. 
“Just wanted to say goodnight,” Hosea mumbled before gently kissing him on the nose, and then the lips. 
“I love you, y’know? So so much,” he said.
Dutch blushed before mumbling a quiet “I love you more, my dear,” 
Dutch snuggled peacefully against his chest, he happily sighed as Hosea placed his hand deep within his dark curls. 
With each gentle exhale, gravity pulled harder and harder against Dutch’s eyelids before he fell asleep in his husband’s embrace. 
Hosea gazed at the curly haired bastard against his chest and pressed a loving kiss deep within his curls. 
“Goodnight Vderlinde89, I love you the most.” he murmured before finally falling asleep on this exhausting night. 
an: a bit of an odd fic. @darlingescuella and I were discussing modern hcs of Dutch and Hosea’s gaming habits. We concluded that Dutch would love fps games, and thus this fic was born. Hope you enjoy. 
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mc-doppomine · 4 years
I love your analysis of Matenro!!!! Its my fav division too 💞
What do you think of Fling Posse? ✨
Aaaahhhh, thank you so much! I’m so glad that others enjoy my thoughts for this series.
As for Fling Posse, I am honestly hoping so much that KR is about to blow the lid on them in this DRB. Because right now, there’s just so mystique about them and a lot of threads that could lead to something bigger but it hasn’t yet. And right now, I think Fling Posse has the most growth to do to catch up with the other divisions. This isn’t me saying they’re not good, don’t get me wrong, but they are missing something for their team. 
(I guess we’re going to actual analysis because we all know I can’t just blurb.)
But I think that solely lies in HOW they came together. Which is distinct despite initially seeming like MTC’s way of coming together. Distinct being that FP are so immensely independent as people that their team kind of has suffered. Unlike all the rest of the divisions, FP was the one team that was only together ONLY for rapping together. And at least until they were at ‘serious’ risk of not making it to the 1st DRB (in the FP vs MTR manga) that they got better. Better. But they continued to strongly be just themselves. Which isn’t bad, it’s just that you have a higher chance of the ‘too many chefs’ problem. 
Lucky for them, they didn’t have that issue so much as simply being bested. It really could’ve gone either way for them. Personally, I do feel a bit more surprised about their friendship. Not saying that they’re not friends but mmm...I think it really depended on the media that came through for me. FP is one of those divisions that seemed a bit different in from the anime vs...almost everything else I’ve listened to? Like I think the anime is more of what FP gets into once they sufficiently convince the other members to go along with them. But that’s the main thing, if you notice a lot of their initial coming together for the track or chapter, they usually are asking ‘why are you bothering me?’ And it doesn’t always come across as that mean-spiritedness of like calling your friend a mean name that they’d laugh about. They do have a good time once it’s a bit of ribbing but there’s always that brash first few steps. 
Which, honestly, is mainly Gentaro being ‘why have you interrupted me this time?’ But to his credit, he’s like the only introvert amongst two high energy friends. And they are also crazy so he needs the time to regain the energy to be straight-faced through whatever bullshit is about to be pulled again. And speaking of Gentaro, he is such a driving force in FP too. Like he’s an unwitting mom friend and he is both aware of it and absolutely exhausted from it. But I do think he cares a lot. Too much to be honest. And I think that may be that part of Gentaro that is kinda romantic at heart. And that he doesn’t want to admit that he only met Ramuda and Dice for one day but if anything were to happen to them, then he’d kill everyone in the room and then himself. A little exaggerated but Gentaro does seem very attached to these guys when he honestly doesn’t seem the type to really make friends. Maybe their energy remind him of his friend or it’s that whole introvert gets brought into a fold because more outgoing person was like ‘I like you, let’s go.’ 
When it comes to his crew, Gentaro does have apprehension with Ramuda though and kind of rightfully so. His ‘liar’s intuition’ was not off about feeling something was strange with their leader and Ramuda KNEW that Gentaro had that feeling. But they never pried into each other. Gentaro because he could tell Ramuda would shut him out, making his snooping incomplete forever. Ramuda because...well, as far as he’s concerned, he already knows all he needs to about Gentaro. They are honestly such observant and calculating people that they kind of end up in cat and mouse deal. I say this because while I do believe Gentaro does care, I do also believe he is still using Ramuda to some extent for some unseen goal. He probably wouldn’t risk Ramuda’s life over it though. 
Ramuda’s whole journey of feelings could best be summed up as him catching feelings and instead of being glad, he’s like ‘No. God. Fuck! WHY?!’ He didn’t ask for this, you bastards tripped him! Like I feel like Ramuda went through this whole time fulfilling his whims because it’s the only time they would ever be filled. And he was running with it never being able to last because all it takes is one order and it’s done. He’s seen it happen. He’s made it happen. There’s no way he can stop it but...because there is some piece of him that aches for humanity. So, he considers his time with FP like sweets, little indulgences he is allowed until eventually he’s pulled away. But Ramuda still feels things and I felt like FP he was much more guarded than he was with TDD because he was still living down the pain he felt for...basically, taking someone important from people he considered friends! He hurt his friends and probably didn’t want to do that to them again. Which explains this false closeness Ramuda puts up with FP. 
Although they did get to him during the 1st DRB because Gentaro and Dice only cared about how Ramuda was and him doing things his way and on his own terms. Sure they didn’t know what was happening but they gave him courage to be unapologetically himself since that is what he wanted but he never thought of the weight of what that means. That sometimes being yourself means that you choose a path that isn’t easy. And Gentaro and Dice would know what that’s like. While I believe Gentaro is well off, I’m sure he’s still seen as a weirdo just because of how he dresses. It is stubbornly outdated when he lives in, arguably, one of the most trendy and up-to-date wards but he doesn’t care. He’s himself and to hell with those that make fun of him. And Dice, well, his habits make him do and say strange things. I won’t say he has no pride but he is...shameless, which can be very off-putting in the context of the things he’s done for money or the thrill. And Dice doesn’t care either. He’s doing exactly what makes him happy and that’s all that matters. Because they know, they could convey the sincerity in wanting Ramuda’s self shining through that it actually got him. With the 2nd DRB (which at the time of writing, the FP vs MTC CD is not out), I hope that they allow for more time of FP getting to deal with Ramuda’s ‘true self’ and Ramuda allowing that to show. Which...from what I’ve heard from those that have heard the full version of Black Journey....seems like a strong possibility.
Finally rounding off and probably both fortunately and unfortunately my shortest would be Dice. *cue my long and frustrated groan* He has so much to do with things but he isn’t used. Truly, Dice is underutilized story wise. And unfortunately I have the least to say because his is straight forward. He just does not care. Not that he doesn’t care about FP but he does not care about all the things THEY worry he wouldn’t like them for. He doesn’t care about their past. He doesn’t care what they’ve done. He doesn’t care who they decide to be to him. For Dice, I think it’s a simple ‘but I’m loyal if you feed me and I’ll never leave you because, well I need the food.’ It’s not actually that simple since Dice has never and would never leave FP despite someone that could possibly continually provide what he wants or needs (this lovely man named Rio exists). But I just think that Dice doesn’t really hold grudges. Even though they haven’t interacted this go around, I don’t think he really hates Hifumi and Doppo since that’s a lot time of time to invest in not liking them and I just don’t Dice giving enough shits to do so. I do mainly think it’s because if Dice respects them not prying into them, they’ll do so and not look into him. And it’s this lack of prying that earns both Gentaro and Ramuda’s friendship because they don’t want that. That and Dice would defend them regardless of if they could’ve handled the situation are not. All because they are friends. And nothing else. 
Phew. This is a lot. Like way more than the MTR one but that’s because it has so many moving parts. Like FP are so individualistic that you need to go for each one specifically. I hope that this was something close to what you were looking for lovely anon.
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love-fireflysong · 3 years
J K and Z!!
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I mean I just started playing Dragon Age now didn’t I? Think that answers your question pretty handily I think lol. (Also debating on trying out Borderlands, but I’m terrible at and don’t prefer to play FPS style of games so I’ll have to think about that one a little harder.)
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Oh god, why would you ask me this one Ash????? I’m always terrified that I’m gonna leave someone out and make them think that I don’t like them when I love literally everyone I’m mutuals with lol. So fuck it, I’m just gonna say something nice about everyone and none of you can stop me!
@fudgeroach you are such a cool person and I love seeing how much progress you’re making in school and with you’re art that I cry a little inside everytime lol
@clumsybookworm18 i know we don’t talk a whole lot but I’m missed seeing you on my dash and I’m super excited and relieved to see that you’re back again and hopefully feeling a little bit better!
@elliepollie can’t wait to see what you have planned for when you feel ready enough to start posing again and I need you to know that that comment you left for me on baby it’s cold outside is the reason I’m even still writing in the first place.
@wacem I’m just gonna reply to all the nice things you said about me and say that I’m constantly honored that you’re taking the time out of your busy life with demanding jobs AND taking care of a toddler (cause I know how exhausting that one is lol) to even agree to not only draw that art for me but to beta read all my terrible, terrible grammer in the first place. Plus if anyone here is slow as a mollasacre it’s clearly me lol. 
@queenofbaws just thank you for always answering the multiple prompts i send you every week, still allowing me to send you the shit for (starve) sunday, and just dealing with me constantly sending you random songs and artwork. You are a saint for dealing with my undoubtedly annoying ass (even if we are on opposite sides of this pulp and pop war lol)
@jesus-hotsauce-christmas-cake while i don’t leave you comments like i should, please know that I have read everything you and ellie have been posting for maybe eventually will be our always and I’ve been greatly enjoying it. And it’s nice knowing that at least someone out there will enjoy what ever chrashley parents shit i put out in the future lol.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I’ve always had a loose idea for a Tales of Phantasia au where Dhaos is defeated and everyone goes back to the times that they’re supposed to, but with Cress, Mint, Arche, and Claus defeating Dhaos 100 years ago instead of Morrison (who actually died this time if I remember correctly) it changed history so much that two seperate timelines now exist. One being the ‘original’ timeline where Dhaos was released, Toltus Village destroyed, magic gone form the world, and the other where magic still exists but because Dhaos escaped to the future 150 later, none of the stuff that kicked off the beginning of the game would have gone down.
Would have been angsty as shit lol, and I would have tried to twist the Narikiri Dungeon game and Summoner’s Lineage into it as well. With instead of Arche reuniting with everyone 100 years later like she expected, she won’t be able to see them until over 200 years later when Narikiri Dungeon takes place, and then she’s left with the decision on whether or not to stay in her timeline where she can use magic and where her mother still lives, or travel back into the other timeline instead. No magic at her disposal and with an entirely different version of her mother that won’t really be hers, and having to get used to a new history and world, but being able to finally live out a portion of her life with Chester and the others like she never got to in the first place and has desperately always wanted.
This then would have spawned other fics in this universe, leading to one that is causing the two timelines to collide, but that’s neither here nor there lol.
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord - His type
Fun little AU mishmash with @artisthicc-nikyri ​‘s Ari!
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Ari stifled a laugh as the massive desk jolted and a litany of muffled curses growled out from under the heavy wood. Whatever he’d slammed into it had been enough to lift her from where she sat on top, probably his head considering the hollow thud. 
She leaned forward, smirking between her knees as Calypso’s long torso shuffled into view - awkwardly crawling backwards from under his setup till he was able to sit on his heels and wince, red faced and huffing while he gingerly rubbed the side of his skull.
“So… is there a reason you ain’t the one under this considering you’re fucking joke sized and I’m paying you?”
Troy snarled the question through clenched fangs as he shifted his glare to her, though the intended threat was a little dampened by how bad a job he was doing of trying to hide his genuine embarrassment - cheeks burning as he muttered under his breath.
She coughed gently, using the opportunity to discretely rub at the corners of her mouth and try to get the grin desperate to split it under control. Ari had plenty of sly retorts primed and ready for that one… but friendly enough as he was being, Eden-6 natives knew when to watch their steps around large predators. 
He had a reputation after all, and she was anything but stupid.
"Well, yer liege, because you’re paying me to CAL the feed not do the cablework, and I can’t watch your reverb rate from under there. You got it though!” she twisted to gesture excitedly at one of the rack monitors behind her as he clambered to his feet, making a show of dusting off his baggy pants with his flesh hand while keeping the prosthetic held loosely in her peripheral vision. 
The body language was intentionally non aggressive, and she didn’t need a hunter’s instincts to pick up on the gesture.
“Artifact quality is well under required total, your fps is steady at 50, anddddd the stream delay is minimal enough you’ll not run into that janky chat lag. Amateur hour is over.” she smarmed, confidence slipping into the smirk she threw over her shoulder at him as he leaned closer, tapping steel digits on the desk top impatiently.
“Guess you were right about the refresh rate being off, worth your fee after all, kid…” the God King side eyed her coolly as he straightened to his full height and rolled his shoulder alongside the audible creak of tight ligaments, then sighed in theatrical exhaustion as he lazily flipped open his E-Dev and began to tap in her payment.
“Man… Another person for Ven to swan over recommending for the job, greeeaaat.”
She laughed, swinging off the desk and politely stepping in front of him, clasping her hands behind her back and rocking on her heels as she waited for the transfer to finish.
He seemed nice enough, her clever eyes could read the smirk he’d been doing such a good of hiding while he pretended to ignore the little woman waving back and forth in front of him, so she figured it was safe enough to try and wheedle a little more out of this deal.
Why not make a grab at the opportunity? It wasn’t exactly often that someone with a wallet this deep flashed it around Ari and left a her sized opening..
“Ohhhh the pleasure was all mine, your majesty. And anytime! Cos’ I mean, your upload speed is way lower than I would have expected for someone of your caliber, I could take a look if you like? Wouldn’t take lo-”
He interrupted her with a wave of his prosthetic, then smoothly pocketed the E-Dev and pulled out his glasses, chuckling to himself as he one-handedly rolled the arms open with practiced ease.
“Hehh… Ari, was it?”
“Yes sir!” she beamed in response, tilting her head playfully to the side as he slipped the frames over his nose.
“Great. Thanks for your help. Now fuck off, Ari.”
The grin he flashed her would have made a Skag blush.
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wolfstones · 3 years
taking an ig break because I’m spiraling and doing horribly and nobody needs to see that
I’m so fucking depressed 
My best friend lives in a constant state of catastrophe that I feel I’m always taking care of them. Not to sound ungrateful and I love them and they’re my FP but god I’m exhausted.
It doesn’t help when two people with EDs are spiraling together. Not good. At all. And I have nobody else.
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girlsloveamystery · 3 years
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"Miranda," Jughead began, pointing at her photo with a sad look in his eyes. "She was there for four month, correct? Is that a pattern? Keep them for that time frame and either sell them or…" he trailed off, swallowing harshly before continuing. "Kill them?"
It was Sweet Pea who answered him, tone a bit less rough than it had ever been when speaking to him. "We're not sure what her death signifies at this moment, Jones. I assure you; we will find out. She could have fought back – a lot of women do. Sadly, it could have just been with a man stronger than her physically and with drugs weakening her system, it would have been all too easy to overpower her. But, do not, for a minute, think that this means it'll be the fate your sister will meet." His tone turned stern, forceful in ways Betty was used to when they were dealing with families who were all but ready to give up due to exhaustion with their loved ones being gone for whatever reason. "If she's like you or father, she's a hell of a fighter and stubborn. That will only benefit her."
Jughead looked at him, eyes less spite-filled before nodding slowly. "Thank you, Agent Connor."
For once, his tone wasn't bitter, and Betty was sure that was a small impasse they both just came to. She carried onwards.
"Now, to circle back to the leader out of Washington – the man who mainly calls the shots but does answer to one higher up – John Garcia. My time with him gave me the opportunity to learn a few things. He, while very much a ruthless man, comes from a rough background himself – child neglect and abuse. Keep in mind, I am in no way excusing his upbringing for his current discretions and would love to be the one to see him serve three consecutive sentences. But, on the days when I wasn't completely hazy from the drugs, I did acquire knowledge on him and how he runs his operation," she said.
"What did you acquire, Betty?" FP asked just as Jughead said, "How often were you drugged, Betty?"
Ignoring Jughead's question altogether, she cast her eyes to FP. "I found out that they end up selling the women to Europe, mainly. To men of high power in the country. The men pay their investments and in turn, they get what John callously referred to as their 'merchandise'."
"Sick fuck," Sweet Pea growled. She nodded.
"How-how close were you to being sold?" Alice asked, biting her lip. Betty stared at her mother for a moment, debating how much to say.
"The team arrived a week before my rumored departure," she said quietly, not quite able to keep eye-contact at that moment.
It was silent for a moment before a fist banged down on the table.
"God dammit, Betty!" Jughead yelled, standing up and sending his chair flying backwards. Sweet Pea stood up as well, not moving towards him but keeping an eye on him, nonetheless.
"Jughead," he said, no one missing the fact that this was the first time he addressed him by his name. "Calm down, man. Take a breath here. She is safe and we are going to get your sister back. Betty gave you her word, now I'm giving you my word. But, I need you to keep your head on straight so you can help. You'll be of no service to anyone if you lose your shit now."
Betty watched as Jughead took several, long deep breaths before turning and locking eyes with her and she couldn't help the quiet gasp. He looked as if he was being splintered from the inside out. He looked as if she had gutted him alive.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, choking on his words. "I'm so sorry none of us were there for you."
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stattic-writes · 5 years
Support My Writing?
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southsideprince · 4 years
aftermath - sweet pea/reggie
[ a solo para - written by cari, permission given by cc to write reggie. set after the removal of FP from Jaz’s trailer. 1,671 words 8,897 characters. tw: swearing, tw: mention of death ] @mantlethemcgnificent​
How had the night become this? All he had wanted, was to get his boyfriend back and enjoy spending the evening without any drama or bullshit. But as always, it seemed to follow them, determined to get in the way of them. It was hard to imagine, not even six hours ago they were on the sofa, peppering each other with kisses and whispered promises and declarations of love. To when the stranger interrupted their making up time, to the fear and anxiety both experienced as he went back and forth between the Stranger. The threat to his life, on Reggie’s, on Grace, Fangs and Hanna had dampened the mood. But with their new rules, total transparency and the fact they did anything reckless and stupid together the night which should’ve been simple ended up with them doing drive-bys, dropping off packages for the Stranger. This time, Sweet Pea had his own list which still remained in his pocket. Another to pass to Betty when he could see her next.
At least when that was over, they could go back to his. Make up some more, reassure each other both were fine. It had been fine until the texts came. Then before he knew it, he had a body on his hands, a boyfriend in tow, and now a freezer at the Wyrm currently holding the deceased FP Jones. It felt surreal, ridiculous even that they ended up with this. But the only thing that had remained in his head as a constant, was Reggie. How the hell could this man put up with him? Or want to be with him after tonight? He hated dragging him into it, he should’ve just left him asleep, he could’ve kept this hidden or bent the truth slightly. He’d rather do that than remember seeing the look of disgust, of sadness, of discomfort, and then some on his face. But here the man was, curled up in his arms on the small bed in the backroom. He wanted to take it away, to make him forget. No amount of whiskey would help, even if he had made sure to get a few shots down his throat when they arrived.
Sweet Pea wouldn’t sleep, couldn’t sleep. His mind was pondering what to do, his plans having plans, trying to see every angle. He had to break it to Jughead, they couldn’t just dispose of a body without his input. It was a conversation he was dreading. How did one bring up the fact your dad is dead and currently chilling in a freezer. But just why did the Stranger land it on Jaz. What had she done? It just didn’t seem it would be done over a few texts and a delivery. 
“You think too loud.” he was snapped out of his internal thought process by the quiet voice of Reggie. They were led on the bed, his arms wrapped around him as Reggie rested on his chest. “I thought you were asleep....” he replied, hand gently beginning to rub his back. “How can I sleep after....that.” he sounded haunted, it was enough for the guilt he had been feeling to triple. This was a part of his world he never wanted Reggie to get involved with. 
“I’m so sorry.” but even sorry wouldn’t be enough. He could apologize a million times but nothing would erase this from their heads. Was this going to be a constant thing with them? Tragedy, horror, drama, trauma- like a cosmic force was constantly wanting to test them. Would they ever just get a simple, unproblematic relationship? “Will you tell him?” the feeling of movement on his chest, he looked down to see Reggie looking up at him, chocolate irises questioning. “Yes. Despite my own feelings towards FP- it's still his dad. I’ll figure it out.” he had tried, to the best of his ability to move FP with dignity. Even if he had removed his jacket, a personal judgment he had made. FP didn’t deserve to wear it. 
“I won’t mention you, as far as I’m concerned you weren’t there. It will remain serpent business.” he didn’t think it would go over at all well if he mentioned just how many people were involved in transporting his body. “If you’re telling him....then that makes it slightly better. I just feel awful for him.” Sweet Pea felt awful also. FP might not have been the greatest within the serpents, nor the best father but at least he’d been present in his life. It was sometimes hard for him to consider emotional ties to fathers, with his own out of his life and a disappointment he supposed for a long while that FP became the man he looked up to. Who he based himself on. Only for it to become apparent he wasn’t the role model he wanted nor needed. But Jughead had always been different with his dad. “Same.” 
They fell into silence once more, Sweet Pea continuously running his hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. His other hand fell into Reggie’s hair, fingertips gently running through the strands. Until he felt fingers catch his wrist, stilling the motion. “What is that?” Sweet Pea looked down to find Reggie’s gaze on his arm. “What’s what?” More movement, Reggie sat up some more, finger tracing the picture on the inside of his wrist. “That.”
Oh. In the mess of the entire night, it had slipped from his mind completely. He focused on the tattoo which adorned the inside of his wrist. A football, entwined with a snake and two sets of numbers. “Ah...” he felt embarrassment and worry seep in as he watched Reggie’s continuous gaze on it. “I didn’t want to show it yet- if it's too much I’m sorry but I just wanted to show you how much I’m in for us. For this relationship. I thought, if you could see how serious I was, it would help in us getting back together properly. I wanted to surprise you. It’s weird isn’t it? Too much? Fuck.” he made to sit himself up further, pulling himself away from Reggie in an attempt to hide the embarrassment. 
“No- it’s-” a hand came out to grab his arm, stopping him from getting up completely. “It’s just a lot. That’s pretty fucking permanent, Pea.” it was permanent, it was a bold move to make. But Sweet Pea was, as always, a romantic. “Maybe that’s because I want us to be a permanent thing- look, I know I put the brakes on us. But I needed to figure out everything properly, and I came to the decision that you’re it for me. Okay?” he turned to look at him, eyes boring into his intensely. 
“I’ve been through this before, being in love and after that ended, I swore I wouldn’t ever go through it again. But then you came along and all this happened and I guess I just wanted to do something to not only reassure you but show you that you are now and forever the love of my life. And if this ends badly, I don’t want to regret it. I’ve never had a lover tattooed on me in any sense, but you’re the first and the last and if this ever is over, it will be my last everything. You could’ve walked away tonight, you didn’t have to stick by me but you did and I love you so much for doing so. I guess, I just love you. And I’m hoping, fate allowing, that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Because I want too.” his words were earnest, his tone vulnerable. 
He just laid it all out, knowing others would think him crazy or ludicrous for saying and thinking such things at the age they were. High school relationships never did have a good rep for lasting. He was waiting for Reggie to say something, or do something, anything really to stop his heart from racing out his chest or the twisting feeling in his gut stop.
He was soon met with a dopey, besotted grin from Reggie enough to make him think it was a good thing and before he could say anything else, lips were upon his in a loving, passionate kiss which had him sighing with relief and pleasure as his arms wrapped around him to pull him close. “I love it.” the words sounded god-like against their lips. “I love you.” his heart soared at the affirmation, enough to know that despite what had happened that evening, that they were going to be okay. He decided, then and there, that this was the man he’d spend the rest of his life with. It was far off in the distance, but Sweet Pea knew that Reggie was it for him and when the timing and moment were right, he’d make that next step towards having him forever.
“I love you too.” he whispered, barely a breath as he captured his lips once more quickly. “And my offer still stands...” he added, pulling away slightly as his hands ran up and down his sides. “Of taking you away from here. If you want to. We can go, wherever we want.” his tone was sincere, his meaning truthful. “I’d like that.” and with that, lips met once more in a bruising, amorous kiss as both led back onto the bed.
For the rest of the night, contented in the fact if they’d survived this they could survive anything both gave in to each other over and over, each kiss, affirmation, touch, groan, sigh and movement made was nothing but love and a promise between them. It wasn’t until the early hours of daybreak, were both finally collapsed from exhaustion of the events which had occurred since the early evening before and as sleep caught them both, wrapped in each other it was almost easy to forget just what had happened. For now, it was just another hurdle jumped.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep7 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- FRED 💔💔💔Coming DIRECTLY for my heart I see, okay Riverdale
- WAIT… YOU’RE TELLING ME NO ONE RAN AGAINST HIRAM SO NOW HE’S THE FUCKING MAYOR? I, despite knowing nothing about how to be mayor, would run against him SOLELY so he wouldn’t win and I know I’d win because NOBODY trusts or likes Hiram fucking Lodge………………. god this show
- Do they guys not know that “the guy from the community center” is the one that found and took Dodger to the hospital? I mean I guess not because Archie’s a minor and doesn’t HAVE to stay, he could have just dropped him off and left but like… this is some fucking reaching shit right now. Archie as their enemy has never gone after them without Dodger attacking FIRST. He’s trying to help the KIDS, how does that make you think HE is the one who fucking did it???? The fucking reach… but also…. who DID do it 👀👀 Probably Hiram’s bitch ass…
- This bh scene of them talking on the phone while Betty packs could have been cute but at the same time it’s bh. Plus, I find it hilarious that Jughead doesn’t wait for Betty to say “I love you” back like???
- I love Choni, but God Toni looks EXHAUSTED. I hate how they’ve turned one of the healthiest ships into… this. Toni loves Cheryl which is why she’s not leaving her despite all of this batshit crazy shit going on, but Toni is caring and hardheaded (before they took away her personality smh) and she would shut this dumb Julian and Jason shit DOWN. Just let my girls be happy again, please… putting Cheryl through all of this bullshit CONSTANTLY is getting real old, real fast.
- Why do people always get afraid of killing someone when it’s self defense?? Like, you won’t get in trouble! You were P R O T E C T I N G yourself/someone you love. It’s the same mistake Alice/Betty made with that mystery guy that tried to hurt Chic or whatever, it was self defense but God forbid anyone actually goes to the police and doesn’t have something to use against them later on 🙄🙄🙄
- Veronica goes above and beyond I wanna cry
- Hiram really has to be a bitch ass ON THANKSGIVING? What a real dick… BUT YASSSSS FP BEING ON ARCHIE’S SIDE WE STAN
- FP not quitting because he knows that’s what Hiram wants, ALSO because he’d just put in another Minetta… ALSO SUPPORTIVE FALICE UGH WE STAN! Can they just get married already? They’re basically already married and I’m soft for them.
- Hermosa does realize that the only reason she’s actually invited to a dinner with her father and his family is to manipulate Veronica, right? Like, throughout ALL the years even after her mother died we can tell he didn’t invite her because Veronica didn’t know about her. Like… I just… 
- MARY 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 GOD I’M SO SAD
- Toni’s hair is amazing, and Cheryl’s dress is FIRE
- JUGHEAD WAS THINKING OF MR. CHIPPING WHILE HAVING SEX (I mean it’s implied because they’re cuddling in a bed and the way they’re holding each other tends to be how they hold one another after sex) I’M—THAT’S SO FUCKING FUNNY. I love that when they have sex both of them think of literally ANYTHING else.
- Betty with that hair and that shirt? Yes. See, if they weren’t almost step-siblings and didn’t bring out the worst in each other, this soft scene could actually be cute!
- BETTY… ORDER CHINESE FOOD? THERE’S A LEVEL 4 STORM OUTSIDE?? WHO WOULD BE OPEN DURING AN ICE STORM? Then again… Veronica is the baddest bitch and a go-getter so Pop’s would definitely still be open (also because of the still)
- First of all, that “Yes my fantasy of eating junk food for thanksgiving!” Betty was so cute… but like that’s also a really weird fantasy… although they are almost step siblings, are still together, AND fuck to serial killer documentaries like weirdos so
- lmao “I’m too cool for everything” Brett put on that bunny mask… to scare Jughead? I know he’s annoying (although not as much this season THANK GOD) but damn you buried the kid let him breathe
- This dumb blonde bitch really thinks this kid brutalized Dodger like that despite CLEARLY being a sweet person like??? Maybe pay attention to the clues and don’t just take their word (who also said it was PROBABLY if I’m remembering correctly)
- That pajama jughead with Veronica in her PJ’s,,, the perfect duo that Riverdale will never give us. How fucking tragic 😭😭😭
- What, does Betty suddenly know how to make some kind fo truth serum or something?
- ALL THIS FRED TALK I’M SO SOFT BITCHHHHHH PLUS SHADE ON HIRAM?! Also,,, you can’t give a previous alcoholic drinks, also also that speakeasy is not yours but umm… it’s for Fred so I’ll let it pass
- LMAO BETTY YOU ARE NOT IN THE SERPENTS FUCK OFF. YOU SAVED A DOG. Oh bitch I just KNOW people are going to use that in those not-really badass edits of Betty… but at least Betty KNOWS that she’s not a sweet/nice person lol. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss when Betty was actually a nice, sweet, good person back in season one though
- Can’t she just wait for, idk, dodger to get out of his coma and then ask him who did it? Like I know it was Hiram hiring someone but like???
- YES MARY!! THE QUEEN OF RIVERDALE! Also them being surprised that she went mama bear? girl wbk Mary was a badass not to be fucked with
- Choni is so soft ughhhhhhhh <3
- NOT BETTY REALLY BELIEVING THAT DONNA WASN’T MANIPULATED… and people still want to call Betty a feminist icon? She’s ANYTHING but.
- How would you not realize a camera in your room?? It’s BLINKING. 
- “Dig in, everyone.” A SOBBING
- “We monitor our patients very closely” *patient is gone* cliche of course… there’s no way they could get him out without tripping any alarms. My mom was in the hospital and on a respirator because she couldn’t breathe by herself and ANY slight movement that meant she couldn’t really breathe it would do like this jingle and it was really loud and wouldn’t stop until a nurse came in to fix it. But anyways this is Riverdale and nothing is realistic
- Mmhm Betty once again butting into things she shouldn’t and hurting someone in the process… why do people think she is a good detective again?
- If this means my Serpent babies are going to come back…. I’m going to CRY.
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/werewolf!Reader Request: The song Monster by Besomorph
“You know what they say about Fox forest yeah?” “That it’s filled with monsters and creatures even more horrible than Clifford Blossom’s wigs?” You laugh and Sweet pea grins. “Actual werewolves Y/N.” “That you confessing? I’ve never seen you on a full moon, you need to tell me something then Sweets?” You tilt your head grinning and he laughs shaking his head.
“Nothing you don’t already know; I’m a beast in bed.” He winks as Toni and Fangs groan. “I’ve never been luckier about you having to go home now.” Fangs shoves him towards his bike. Toni and Fangs retreat home and you let them leave before you sigh finally being alone at the edge of the forest. You scratch at the back of your neck feeling excess fur growing and you wrinkle your nose, annoyed before pulling your clothes off, no sense in having them ruined after a shift.
You can feel your arms and legs starting to ache and you force yourself to half walk and half run to the edge of the forest. You cringe when you can hear a bike pulling back around and you hide in the tree cover watching nervously eyeing the clothes you’ve left hoping no one thinks the worst. Of course you luck isn’t that good, Sweet Pea almost running towards your clothes and catching the foot prints you’ve probably left from stumbling towards the forest.
“Y/N?” you shove yourself back into the forest trying your best to avoid making too much noise before you curl behind a hollow tree hoping for once your shift will be fast and that Sweet Pea won’t find you. He doesn’t walk any deeper into the forest than the edges and you can feel the dirt under paws and you’re waiting for the wolf that’s now been let out to attack him, instead you find yourself travelling parallel to him as he paces the perimeter of the forest. You want to say something, to make some noise so you’ll be forced to expose yourself; hiding you were a werewolf was getting exhausting. You debating trying to fight against the wolf, it never ends well for either of you, but the wolf seems too agreeable when you suggest alerting him to your presence.
Sweet Pea doesn’t scream when you charge him; you’re too horrified waiting to taste or smell blood instead you find yourself looking down at from where you sit on his chest. “Jesus fucking-not hot dog, not hot dog.” He scrambles back after shoving you off dashing towards his bike. You trot after him and can almost smell his panic as he sees his keys laying where you’d knocked him over. He eyes you stepping from his bike closer to them and you want to scream at how excited the wolf grows.
When Sweet Pea makes a dash for it you force as much of yourself to the surface rooting the wolf to the spot. He retrieves the keys and as he speeds off you can feel the wolf clawing back control. Once you know Sweet Pea is far enough away do you give in.
You wake two days later, back curled behind the hollow tree, your clothes gone, you nudge the rock next to the tree out of the way digging up the bag of clothes you’d hidden for emergencies. You pull the clothes on and peer from the canopy of trees watching Fangs, and Sweet Pea pacing around where the fire pit was. You debate going out to them, deciding that getting it over now would be better than not. “Hey guys, what did i-“ You still when Sweet Pea almost crushes you in a hug. “You’re okay.” “Yeah, I was at my aunts; what happened?”
“One of the Ghoulies got attacked last night.” “We care about Ghoulies now?” “He died. Some sort of ‘animal’ but everyone thinks it was one of us.” You stare shocked, nervous as you can feel the wolf humming in satisfaction. “Does it look like someone attacked him? Wait was it here??” You spin around and Sweet Pea shakes his head.
“No it was on the way home, you know where that huge tree is, and then it turns off towards that house we used as our headquarters for a while? It was over there he was out back snooping around there and whatever it was got him from behind, looks like there was a fight or something. FP showed us pictures of the body, looks mangled. Could barely tell it was a person.” “Jesus, how do they think one of us did it then?” Sweet Pea shrugs nodding to his bike. “Jughead wanted to meet at Pop’s now that we’re all back. We were really freaked out you were gone you know. You need to let us know when-“ “You, you mean.” Fang nudges him laughing and he rolls his eyes. “Yes, god forbid I care about my girlfriend’s safety. You couldn’t have texted?”
“I was busy and my aunt’s house goes way out of range.” You follow Sweet Pea from where he’s parked his bike into Pop’s everyone grinning as you wave. “Listen Y/N.” You furrow your brow when FP pulls you aside. “I know.” “About?” “The attack.” “You think  I attacked that Ghoulie?” “Yes.” “Because I was away at my aunt’s house?” “Because I watched you.” “You have proof?” You wrinkle your nose when he nods grinning, pulling his phone out and scrolling through a series of pictures, that show the Ghoulie standing around before a shadow springs out attacking him. “I’m a shadow monster now?” You snort and Sweet Pea leans back nervously looking away. “What do you know Sweet Pea.” “Looks like that dog that was gonna go for me the other day.” “Oh of course it does. So now we gotta alert the pound yeah?” FP sighs dragging his hands down his face. “We could just storm the forest, flush it out.” “Sounds good enough. We know its probably a werewolf, or that Ghoul was just heaps unlucky to park his ass around the most magically charged forest in all of Riverdale”
You cringe as you sink into the forest unsure if letting the wolf take control will be the best idea for tonight. While you know the wolf is a simplified selection of your emotions it’s also the best at survival, you try to reason with it; assuring it that Ghoulies are fair bait, but it has to leave the Serpent’s alone.
You don’t mean to let yourself trail Sweet Pea but both you and the wolf agree it’s better to keep him safe even with the exposure risk. You’re pretty sure he knows you’re there, with how he checks over his shoulder, you jog ahead slightly appearing in the middle of the path and tilt your head, almost bowing to him as he freezes in the middle of the forest. “Uhh, hi.” He sighs shaking his head and you can hear him muttering to himself about how stupid he is.
“Listen I just need to look for whatever it was that killed that Ghoulie, we want to thank it, uh I mean prove it wasn’t one of our own that did it. Was it you?” You nod and he groans. “Of course it fucking was Jesus christ. Okay let me just call-“ You tackle him before he can a warning growl reverbing in your chest you hate how he cowers slightly and you huff sitting up onto his chest and watching as he tries to reach for his phone, before you pluck it from his finger tips and toss it farther ahead. You can hear someone swear and then footsteps and you inwardly sigh as Jughead, Toni and Fangs run up glaring at you.
“Okay Sweet Pea you just-“ Jughead’s voice shakes as he tries to help and you roll your eyes and step off of him. “Oh that worked really well. Jesus Christ.” Jughead shoves himself and Toni out of the way as you rush forward running father into the forest and trying to dodge as many of the Serpents as you can. “Leave it to run off where ever. We can try again tomorrow.” You watch hidden from view.
“Why do we have to do this shit at night, why can’t it be during the day. Better yet why do we even have to bother, she can take care of herself, she killed a Ghoulie for Christ’s sake.” Fangs grumbles and Sweet Pea shakes his head. “Because FP says werewolves can only change at night, besides if you think I’m going to let the Ghoulies get Y/N; they have a better chance of getting out alive facing her.”
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lucebee · 7 years
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