#god i need to update my tags
Oh boy, Mona has a ref sheet now! Good for it!
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This uh. Thing! My beloved crazy bitch :)
All its info + hex codes under the cut!
CW: Experimentation, violence, descriptions of gore, implied cannibalism
Full name: It just goes by Pheromone
Aliases: ‘Mona’ (don’t call it that unless you feel like being eaten alive)
Species: Imp (Concept Species 12)
Planet of Origination: Concept Universe (“the Void”)
Age: 132
Height: 6’5”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as genderless
Pronouns: It/Its/Itself — She/Her/Hers (CLOSE FRIENDS ONLY)
Sexuality: Prefers not to label its sexuality; simply refers to itself as gay
S/O: Astrallon
Family: Unnamed parents, unnamed sister
Curious traveler from the Concept Universe, created by the Goddess of Ykka.
Experimented on and transformed into… something.
After escaping the experimentation facility, it settled in the Fae Forest with another victim of the experiments.
It enjoys scaring the living hell out of people it doesn’t like. It utilises its new abilities to do so to the furthest extent.
Loud, sassy, and easily upset. It’s not the kindest when socialising, but it definitely loves to talk, and is never not seen speaking its mind. The experiments done on it had some odd effects, including thicker, bioluminescent blood, the newfound ability to shapeshift specific parts of its body (specifically its wings and the length of its tail), and strangest of all, effective immortality. Even if its head were to be completely detached, it would still be able to move both its disembodied head and the rest of its body, and reconnect the parts. One of the surgeries conducted on it removed the vast majority of its internal organs, replacing them with inorganic structures with unknown uses. Its modified body responded to the foreign objects by forcibly ripping them out, developing odd tentacle-like organs in place of them. The tentacles are coated in an acidic substance capable of burning through most organic materials, including bones if left for long enough, that its body protects itself against with a coating of an unknown substance, that acts similarly to how the stomach prevents its acid from digesting itself.
It usually stays in the forest, occasionally leaving to visit its Earthling friends, or to find something to eat when food in the surrounding forest is low or not to its liking (it is mostly carnivorous, and it has a very large appetite; woodland animals tend to not be enough to fill it).
It utilises its tail and stingers to attack, immobilise and kill its prey, occasionally using its teeth to simply bite through sensitive areas, or scratching through to the internal organs with its claws. When it feels like it, it might also use its tentacles to burn and rip its prey apart.
Hex codes
#000000 — Nose / Fishnets
#131313 — Eyes
#141613 — Hair
#33392F — Skin 2
#EBF3E7 — Skin 1
#EEF0E8 — Wing bones
#FFFFFF — Claws / Teeth
#5FFF28 — Pupil / Blood
Before escape:
#919191 — Chains / Collar
#B4B8B1 — Bandages
#CCE8E0 — Medical gown
After escape:
#101010 — Harnesses
#232323 — Shirt
#184200 — Sutures
#35443F — Shorts
#C4DFB6 — Scars
#C1C1C1 — Metal… things? I’ll be honest, I don’t know what those are called
#111111 — Feathers base
#001D01 — Flight feathers fade
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glass-oranges · 6 months
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Made some core blinkies!!!
update, I made glados and aegis ones here :3
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royaltea000 · 1 year
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I’ve never drawn his wave pattern the same twice 
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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i think the running tour cast right now is pretty neat actually ❤️
(first set of... a few? maybe??)
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r7inyz · 16 days
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hnnghughugguh hi throws rocks
template from pinterest i thinkkkkk
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might rb this with the speedpaint if it loads
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Something that's been bugging me about an inconsistency between some of the stuff Sceleritas says about how Durge was born (plus what they say):
"Bhaal became impotent two hundred years ago, before the time of Sarevok... I don't even know how I was conceived." - Durge
"My simpering lordling, you failed the entrance exam your august Father shed his very seed to prepare you for." - Sceleritas
"Bhaal gave out all of his seed long ago, in the time of Sarevok. You were not conceived. Bhaal sculpted you from a drop of his own gore." - Sceleritas
"This door will open only for one grafted from Bhaalian seed." - Sceleritas, referring to Durge with that description
"I was sculpted from a slice of Bhaal's own dead flesh. I have no birthday." - Durge
*Each piece of the body Bhaal sculpted is sacred. Waste it not. Cherish it. Savour it.* - The Urge/Bhaal
Consistency would be nice. I mean I suppose shedding "seed" to create the duel between Orin and Durge could refer to Sarevok (which doesn't work because Plan A (Bhaalspawn Crisis) hadn't failed yet so there was no need for Plan B (Durge)) but otherwise:
Assuming that Durge isn't being lied to, which they likely aren't because then they'd need to have been conceived prior to 1359 DR as a regular Bhaalspawn, and that clearly doesn't work because Durge can be a dragonborn and those didn't exist on Toril back then at all and that rules that out -
What, did Bhaal carve off a chunk of his own flesh and fornicate with it to produce a child with himself?
...Oh no.
It must be just the writers not communicating! Everything. Is. Fine. (...and that is most likely the actual answer, I suspect... but those lore inconsistencies now exist in BG3 canon to annoy me and Bhaal would.)
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employee052 · 2 months
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inkblackorchid · 15 days
Been thinking WIP thoughts recently and thought I'd share a bit. (Feel free to ignore this if you're just here for 5Ds silliness, that's fine—and also, btw, this is not an "I'm droping the WIP"-post. Just some stuff I thought I'd want to share.)
I checked a little while ago, and Embers (the current working title of the WIP) is now just over a year old. I've been writing this fic, which currently stands at ten chapters, for a year. That's a lot. And it's not like I want to stop or anything, my plans are solid, progress is steady, and I really, really wanna show everyone this story. I was just... hoping I'd be able to write it faster, I think. Didn't think the outline would explode on me several times because there's so many good character moments begging to be written, didn't think the thing's plot would get so tight that I'd become too nervous to upload any chapters before the first draft is done for fear of contradicting myself on accident, and also didn't think I'd actually be mad enough to write six duels into this.
I think what mainly bothers me is that I just wish it was done, not because writing it is boring, but because I'd love to fucking talk about it already. Which, yeah, I know, not exactly an unusual problem for writers.
I don't really know what the point of this post is (beyond getting something off my chest in the hopes it'll stop rattling around in my head so I can actually think about writing more), but here's something for you all: The current, total word count of Embers.
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(The current chapter, 10, stands at 26,562 words.)
I'll probably post another snippet once I figure out which tiny shred of this story I can post without giving away massive spoilers. Anyway, happy (belated) birthday to the longest fic I've ever written. And uh, thanks for your patience, everybody.
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itsevanffs · 6 months
insert pun about ABBA here
M | 3.3k | WIP | Chose Not To Warn Tags: Mamma Mia Au, Modern With Magic, Infidelity, Hurt/Comfort
Harry's getting married to the love of his life, and eager to connect with his late mother's memory, he invites all three men his mother's journals mentioned could be his father: James Potter, Sirius Black and Tom Riddle.
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lazaruspiss · 8 months
i still get the occasional follower that has only seen random sfw meme #7592 so heres ur reminder that this is primarily my horny place so if u get jumpscared by nightwing panty shot one of these days than thats on u babe and i take no responsibility for that
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TFW you make a style choice that feels bold and a little risky like new glasses in a new frame shape and color you haven't had in decades, and you wear them instead of your usual default and somehow even worse than someone commenting on them in a less than a glowingly complimentary fashion, after two have days not received a single comment on them from anyone, and you are forced to remind yourself your partner did not even notice when you dyed your hair several dozen shades, there is no need to wallow in the new fear that you have lost the ability to risk-take at all in your thirties
Original Left vs New Right, both kind of bug-eyed because I put these on for photos and have contacts in too rn. You can't tell the new ones are metallic green-blue in the photo well but in sunlight they're very distinct.
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banancrumbs · 2 years
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“You’ll ache. And you’re going to love it. It will crush you. And you’re still going to love all of it. “
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troubldteenz · 4 months
cmon motivation… cmon… all I gotta do is color… cmon…
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I would’ve put the unfinished panel here, but NO SPOILERS
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gncrevan · 3 days
so ... kaos on netflix is bad, right? we all agree that it's uninspired and bad?
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dannybobany · 21 days
Ok so. Angel right. You know the omori character named Angel- well, I used reflection (hero) to symbolize Basil’s self worth issues so you’re never gonna guess what Angel turns into- yeah. Yeah a creature that symbolizes Basil’s religious anxieties
Why is called ‘Nephilim’? Well IN THE BOOK OF ENOCH- (<- lost it, this is an omori au, why am i talking about Nephilim) which is considered one of the unofficial books of the Bible (those are a thing, yeah) (I AM GREATLY SUMMARIZING BY THE WAY) (THIS IS NOT HOW I WOUPE TALK AHOUT TJIS USUALLY BUT IT IS LATE AND I NEED TO GET THIS OUT BEFORE I FORGET AGAIN) the origin of these creatures called Nephilim is explained, these creatures are supposed to the children of angels and humans, which biblically speaking is an abomination
But for the sake of my omori au (STAY WITH ME) this is a very cool and interesting being to design, and making Angel an ACTUAL ANGEL would’ve been a little too op for that character… so what IS a Nephilim if not an Angel? Well it’s a Giant. Of course. Duh (<- again. Lost it)
Which is ✨amusing✨ because Angel is the smallest hooligan, so turning him to the largest monster in Marzenie (not counting the water beast) (ignore that) (not right now) (it’s one in the morning when I’m typing this and I am NOT elaborating at the moment) is a silly haha
Also Nephilim are very interesting and I need an excuse to put them in my work somewhere (iceberg boy has me on that giant juice) (please don’t question that)
So!! That’s what I’m doing with Angel!!
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araneitela · 6 months
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To reciprocate this properly (before I perish at the hands of my muse), Kafka has found her Bladie, folks. So while she'll still be open to interaction with other Blades on a platonic level; the ship in specific is off-limits and exclusive to @daybreakrising from hereon out.
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