#unholy ascension
Oh boy, Mona has a ref sheet now! Good for it!
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This uh. Thing! My beloved crazy bitch :)
All its info + hex codes under the cut!
CW: Experimentation, violence, descriptions of gore, implied cannibalism
Full name: It just goes by Pheromone
Aliases: ‘Mona’ (don’t call it that unless you feel like being eaten alive)
Species: Imp (Concept Species 12)
Planet of Origination: Concept Universe (“the Void”)
Age: 132
Height: 6’5”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as genderless
Pronouns: It/Its/Itself — She/Her/Hers (CLOSE FRIENDS ONLY)
Sexuality: Prefers not to label its sexuality; simply refers to itself as gay
S/O: Astrallon
Family: Unnamed parents, unnamed sister
Curious traveler from the Concept Universe, created by the Goddess of Ykka.
Experimented on and transformed into… something.
After escaping the experimentation facility, it settled in the Fae Forest with another victim of the experiments.
It enjoys scaring the living hell out of people it doesn’t like. It utilises its new abilities to do so to the furthest extent.
Loud, sassy, and easily upset. It’s not the kindest when socialising, but it definitely loves to talk, and is never not seen speaking its mind. The experiments done on it had some odd effects, including thicker, bioluminescent blood, the newfound ability to shapeshift specific parts of its body (specifically its wings and the length of its tail), and strangest of all, effective immortality. Even if its head were to be completely detached, it would still be able to move both its disembodied head and the rest of its body, and reconnect the parts. One of the surgeries conducted on it removed the vast majority of its internal organs, replacing them with inorganic structures with unknown uses. Its modified body responded to the foreign objects by forcibly ripping them out, developing odd tentacle-like organs in place of them. The tentacles are coated in an acidic substance capable of burning through most organic materials, including bones if left for long enough, that its body protects itself against with a coating of an unknown substance, that acts similarly to how the stomach prevents its acid from digesting itself.
It usually stays in the forest, occasionally leaving to visit its Earthling friends, or to find something to eat when food in the surrounding forest is low or not to its liking (it is mostly carnivorous, and it has a very large appetite; woodland animals tend to not be enough to fill it).
It utilises its tail and stingers to attack, immobilise and kill its prey, occasionally using its teeth to simply bite through sensitive areas, or scratching through to the internal organs with its claws. When it feels like it, it might also use its tentacles to burn and rip its prey apart.
Hex codes
#000000 — Nose / Fishnets
#131313 — Eyes
#141613 — Hair
#33392F — Skin 2
#EBF3E7 — Skin 1
#EEF0E8 — Wing bones
#FFFFFF — Claws / Teeth
#5FFF28 — Pupil / Blood
Before escape:
#919191 — Chains / Collar
#B4B8B1 — Bandages
#CCE8E0 — Medical gown
After escape:
#101010 — Harnesses
#232323 — Shirt
#184200 — Sutures
#35443F — Shorts
#C4DFB6 — Scars
#C1C1C1 — Metal… things? I’ll be honest, I don’t know what those are called
#111111 — Feathers base
#001D01 — Flight feathers fade
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goblinbugthing · 18 days
hiii <3 👕 16 and 🤝 14 for pheromone please
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I’d say telling. Not sure of what though.
I guess its general looks give off a Do Not Come Near Me Or I Will Eat You Alive vibe, which is exactly what I was going for. And it’s also very true, if it doesn’t like you.
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Astrallon, 1M%. Not only are they super close in general, but they were kept in the same containment cell back in the experimentation facility, so aside from each other and the scientists they hated with a passion, they didn’t have anyone else to talk to, really.
If they weren’t communicating with audible speech, they’d just stare at each other affectionately until their thoughts projected into each other’s brains.
A close second would be Sivea. Monstergirls stick together!
(Plus with both of them being technically conventionally attractive feminine people, they of course got sexually harassed by the staff a lot, since a good lot of the scientists are monsterfuckers (which isn’t really surprising since their entire job surrounds turning bitches into monsters) so they talk shit and complain and vent to each other a lot) Yeah they’re friends
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dirtybg3confessions · 3 months
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Confession: (Only companion) Ascended!Astarion fucking his Durge/Dark Tav in the defiled chapel afree killing Cazador together. Either fucking them into the floor or riding them into oblivion, both bloody, Durge jumped him immediately after his ascension, eager to consummate their most unholy union ❤️
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sigritandtheelves · 2 months
in light of recent events, here's a rundown (again) of all the ways txf has made wombs the source of horror, exploitation, medical rape, or (funny??) non-consensual impregnation. TW for these topics, obviously.
"Eve" - medical rape / impregnation with tampered embryos, and the completely tone-deaf scene with the mother ripping up the picture of a daughter she gave birth to because she was an abomination 🙃
"Ascension" / "One Breath" - GA's pregnancy used to set off the abduction/ infertility/ ova harvesting arc.
"Aubrey" - pregnancy makes BJ crazy and murderous, infected (via the womb?) with the spirit of someone who's still alive (???)
"Fearful Symmetry" - human wombs aren't the only ones being exploited! the aliens are coming after animal fetuses now too!
"Memento Mori" - stolen ova; Scully's infertility becomes a plot point; clones made from the product of medical rape.
"Small Potatoes" - goofy jokey rape episode, you know, for laughs. "If everyone is happy, and nobody got hurt, then hypothetically... where's the crime?" 😖
"The Post-Modern Prometheus" - more hilarious medical rape for laughs, now with Cher! "What's not to love?"
"Christmas Carol" / "Emily" - why are all the girl children disposable? Another child of medical rape who was (conveniently) "never meant to be."
Fight the Future - Scully is damseled once again and this time her whole body becomes a womb to host a monstrosity! Fun!
"Terms of Endearment" - so so so many dead babies in this episode 😭 Pregnant people can be victims OR monsters! That's feminism! 🙃
"Two Fathers" / "One Son" - this one might be a little bit of a stretch, but I'd like to point out again that Teena was 19 when she married Bill Mulder and any "affair" she had with CSM the following year was likely not terribly consensual, given what we see of their relationship later. She was 20 when Mulder was born.
"Signs and Wonders" - horrifying snake birth
"En Ami" - retroactively (2018) included yet another medical rape for Scully (though I 100% refuse to accept it); apparently, CSM is perpetually impregnating the Mulder men's partners 🤮
"Per Manum" - more medical rape by corrupt IVF doctors, and we learn that Scully's IVF attempt was probably tampered with, too. does any character deserve this much reproductive trauma?
"Essence" / "Existence" - yeah. we all know, and I'm not talking about it anymore.
Actually, the whole William arc. I'm just not gonna talk about it because it fills me with an unholy rage.
"My Struggle" - Sveta's medical rape / alien rape? idk, i won't watch these again.
"Founder's Mutation" - more of the same, yadda yadda, medical experimentation, monstrous births, etc.
"My Struggle IV" - we don't need to talk about it, but children and pregnancies are not disposable plot points, Christopher.
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I love your Astarion work! I was curious if you could write a semi lengthy (if possible) angst/jealous Astarion x Tav/Reader??? Also hurt reader/Tav is always great too. I crave comfort lol
I hope you like it!
Rated: M
Warnings: spoilers for dark ending, transformation, vampiric
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The manor is oppressive, heavy as if a ball and chain are leashed to your neck forcing you to bow, this place screams for submission. The want to give in, to let go, be controlled, dominated. It sickens you as Astarion guides you around the home of all his trauma. Naturally, you want to comfort him, hold his hand, and squeeze it to reassure him. However, this is not the time or place. The deeper you both travel into the bowels of Cazador’s palace, the heavier this weight is on your back, choking you as if you misbehaved.
Then came the cells. The sins of the past stabbed and twisted between Astarion’s ribs nicking his heart.
He is distant… You try to tell him this isn’t his fault, that Cazador is to blame. He was used just like they are.
The rules of being a vampire do not help as it is revealed what happened to Cazador’s master is part of the cycle to learn, adapt, and succeed. The rule of two where one will kill the other and repeat the cycle with another. The throne of blood you pray Astarion wants nothing to do with as he sees what is the cost of power.
The Black Mass is unholy and you silently pray to Lathander for his radiance to shine and burn that bastard Szarr to ashes.
Wishful thinking as the moment you enter the ritual chambers things go south, fast.
With now all seven of his spawn, he is strong-- Stronger and though using the spells and holy water do weaken him (barely), he is stronger than most foes.
"Perhaps after my ascension, I shall take your spawn friend as my own." The taunt is spoken during the battle as you struggle to keep up and your hirelings are spread out fighting the summoned bats, werewolves, and ghouls. The words are intended to be salt upon the wound as Astarion is helpless to fight against his master and this ritual. The screams do not help, the blood in the air does not help, and…
You… Are afraid.
This is too close to what happened to you, at the temple of Kanchelsis. Your master was pleased to watch as you writhed in agony as you turned into the beast you are. A vampire who shares the bestial madness of a werewolf.
Being tossed into a column like nothing as the vampire lord takes special interest in attacking you. Your body is in pain, bruises with internal bleeding, and the mental fear is keeping you on the ground struggling to get up. The laugh echoes, your vision blurring, and when you blink you… See your master standing above you with the bat-shaped head of the staff making you tilt your head up.
“Stay right there.”
He… He is going to win… He is going to ascend…
He is going to kill Astarion!
You must push on! Every muscle in your body protesting as you get up, your blood spilling as your form shifts to that beast, bigger, deformed, and grotesque. The whispers of the dark father in the back of your mind as you roared like a beast unleashed from its cage. Jaheira had been teaching you druidic magic as it seemed you had a talent for it. Seems that comes from the beast within, it hungers and Cazador looks like the perfect toy to chew on.
There is a cost, you know it, this power is tapping into the essence of vampirism. The beast, the hunger that comes with the gift and blessing of Kanchelsis; that cost you care not about, not now. No longer will you allow yourself to be chained down by the memories of the years of torture and abuse!
Astarion needs you, you need him, and you need each other.
Damn the cost! Damn this place, damn everything!
The beast roars with rage! An animal instinct as it recognizes Astarion as the mate, a mate in danger.
The slaughter is fighting to this bat-shaped form you are in, Cazador can’t keep up even in his mist form. When you try to rip his head off or attempt to fly and grab him; he knows how to flee.
“Scurry and scatter like rats!” Your voice is not your own, it is the beast that relishes in the hunt this lordling provides.
There are points when you blackout, in and out of a waking dream, then when the bloodlust no longer consumes your body and mind. Your body is back to normal but the wounds are worse, you need blood soon in order to properly heal.
“Wake up!”
Astarion. The sigh of relief hurts though it is being healed, well attempted to, away by the hireling cleric. Your eyes watch the scene of long-awaited and overdue revenge take place.
“I need your help.” His voice does not hide the desperation, the need.
This was your warning, you should have told him to stop or… You can’t raise a claw against him. There is too much between you to end it with steel or claw. So your eyes and mind are his to see through.
It is through those he seals his fate and the fate of seven thousand souls.
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rawrsatthetree · 3 months
So I’ve had three play throughs so far where I’ve romanced Astarion. Two were Dark Urge and one was a vanilla Tav.
Since so many people can’t wrap their head around how anyone could possibly help Astarion Ascend so I want to run through my thought process of why my Dark Urge Tav’s did help him.
First I’ll start with Puk, my evil bard dark urge. I think of Puk as a dark urge that Orin should have stabbed harder.
He naturally falls back into who he always was, never resisting his killing urge and love of chaos. He’s a cruel, manipulative, power hungry, monster and he loves it. He’ll take any offer that equals more power, going so far to become half illithid. His evil nature is only encouraged by Minthara and Astarion. Puk knew as soon as he remembered his heritage that he wanted to reclaim his spot as Bhaal’s chosen having already re-earned his slayer form. Puk never thought twice about Astarion Ascending, more power for his little vampire meant more power for him. And if Astarion could make him immortal all the better. He doesn’t care how it will change Astarion, he’s always been a toy for Puk: a key to immortality and fine breeding stock for ascendant dhampire bhaalspawn. Puk doesn’t mind playing the submissive little consort either, at least until he takes control of the brain and makes his vampiric master nothing more than a thrall to sit at his feet while he becomes absolute in Bhaal’s name.
Next my other dark urge Ilona, they were my first play through. I’ll admit they started out as a self insert but I’ve replayed they’re run and fleshed them out to be their own character. Unlike Puk, Orin left Ilona’s head full of scrambled eggs. They barley remember how to be a person and start off with very little personality beyond their urge. As they gain companions and spend time around others slowly the urge is joined by a new person starting to form. As this new personality arises they start to become scared of the urge realizing how they’re companions react to them whenever they let the it take control. Especially after the Alfira incident they start to resist the urge and wanting to be free of it. Of course because they’re an excellent killer and their brain is easily manipulated goo, Astarion picks them as his protector. Ilona is completely defenseless against him easily falling for his honeyed words and attention. However as they grow closer they become completely codependent on each other. As they become more and more afraid of the urge they become more and more dependent on Astarion. He’s their protector just as much as they’re his. This only spirals out of control when they get to Baldurs Gate and learn of their past, they’re terrified. They start to feel hopeless in standing up to Bhaal becoming an unholy assassin and almost ready to except their fate to become their father’s chosen puppet. They’re so wrapped up in their past they’re not sure how they feel about Astarion ascending. It seems like what he wants to do and when he promises he needs that power to protect them both to keep them both safe forever, Ilona believes him. Plus it’s not like they can judge him what’s 7000 souls when they’ve killed countless innocents for less. They just don’t have the strength to deny him and risk loosing the one source of safety and comfort they have. They don’t mind becoming his spawn, between loosing their memory and the urge they don’t trust their own mind, better to let Astarion have it. Even if one day he compels them, it’s for the best if he does the thinking for them anyways. Deep down they know they deserve how he treats them. That and with the. daddy issues deeply rooted in their psyche from both Sarevok and Bhaal part of them loves it. They’re his little consort his beloved pet and he’s their master, their husband, and father. For better or for worse they feel they deserve each other.
My vanilla Tav is an Oath of Devotion Paladin. They were never really onboard with the whole Ascension thing. They love Astarion but they’re worried about what that kind of power will do to him. They do start to falter in act 3 after facing so many horrors they’re beginning to loose faith in their Oath and fearing the worst. Maybe it would be ok, he could use that power for good! To defeat the absolute and save the city, to save themselves. When he says he wants that power so they can be safe forever, for good; they almost make up their mind then and there to help him when the time comes. They steel their resolve to stand by him just like they promised however when they come face to face with his victims tied to the ritual, they break. Looking into Sebastian’s eyes, easily picturing themselves in that cell with him, they promise he will not die trapped in that cage and they mean it. Even if Astarion hates them, they can’t let him go through with the ritual if not to save him than to save those poor souls that fell for Astarion’s charm just as they had. And when Astarion smiles at them and tells them he loves them, they feel their faith and hope return.
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morgana-ren · 10 months
Him threatening me should not be that hot
He wants to fuck Tav so bad it makes him look stupid.
He means what he says, no doubt. But what will happen when he finally gets this little revenge he's plotting, hmm? He thinks he's going to kill her? Drain her dry and lay her body and bones to rest?
Ha! Yeah right.
He's going to keep her. He might think he wants this unholy vengeance, but at the end of the day, she's what he wants, and I don't think he much cares what she has to say about it.
I'm a firm believer that he was in love with her before he turned, and still very much is afterward. He just doesn't know what to do with those feelings after his ascension. He thinks he's going to get his way and be able to demand or take whatever he wants, but a non-spawn Tav is a variable he can't control. He cannot command her to stay by his side like he can one he's turned.
So what's he going to do? He's going to do what all obsessive, possessive ex lovers do, and he's going to stalk her and make her life miserable for as long as he needs. And when he gets his hands on her, she's not leaving. He can delude himself into thinking that he's going to hurt her, make her suffer, or even kill her, but he couldn't do that last one, even if he claims to want to.
"You will regret leaving me. More than anything."
He says it so angrily. So venomous. So heartbroken.
But he also says he can have whatever he wants, and what he wants is her. He doesn't want her dead. He wants her. She will regret, oh surely she will regret. But she will live to regret at his side. One way or another.
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Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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corruptedcaps · 9 months
Jane’s Ascension
Special thanks to @lsat (discord: thedivergence, Twitter: LSAT1886) for generating the images used here that allowed a long time idea of mine to come to life.
It had nearly been a year since Tarzan and Jane had defeated their nemesis, the cruel and power-hungry Queen La. She was a formidable adversary, known for her dark magic and ruthless ambition. Queen La had ruled over a faction of jungle-dwelling followers, seeking dominion over all living creatures. However, her reign of terror had come to an end when Tarzan, Jane and their friends thwarted her wicked plans, banishing her from their realm.
It was only now that they had decided to explore the ruins of La’s once thriving city of Opar. Jane had always been enamored by the mysteries of the jungle. Her days alongside Tarzan, swinging through the treetops and learning the ways of the wild, had filled her heart with love for both the man she adored and the lush, untamed world around her. She begged Tarzan to bring her back to Opar, to explore its secrets now that the once threat was long gone. Tarzan had been hesitant but he couldn’t say no to his love.
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“Tarzan this place is amazing isn’t it? Just think of how bustling and vibrant this place once was. It makes me sad that it all ended when La was defeated.” Jane said with a hint of melancholy. Tarzan did not understand her fascination with a place he could sense held great darkness but looking at her he knew that he would do anything for her.
Unbeknownst to both of them, Jane’s words travelled on the air around the ruined city causing the stone walls to creak and the wind to howl. It was as if her words breathed life into the city and it responded by opening a hidden door to a chamber below. Jane and Tarzan looked at each other confused. Tarzan knew Jane would want to investigate but he felt uneasy. Before he could voice his concerns she was already descending into the hidden chamber.
As they descended they saw in awe the full scoot of the chamber. It aas steeped in a chilling aura of both grandeur and malevolence. The walls were adorned with faded murals that depicted the cruel reign of Queen La, showcasing scenes of conquest, subjugation, and dark rituals.
The chamber's ceiling, supported by ornate stone pillars, bore intricate carvings of jungle creatures and twisted vines, as if nature itself had been subjugated by a twisted will. Shafts of eerie, filtered light penetrated the chamber through narrow cracks, casting eerie shadows upon the cold stone floor.
At the center of the chamber, on an obsidian pedestal, rested a necklace. It glimmered with an unholy radiance, its central red gem catching the scarce light and reflecting it in unsettling patterns. Its beauty was mesmerizing. So much so that Jane, who didn’t want for anything in the world, felt immediately compelled to reach out and touch it.
As her fingers barely brushed against the surface of the gem, an otherworldly sensation coursed through her veins. Her eyes widened in surprise and then immediately vacant. She stood like a statue with her index finger barely touching the necklace the entire time.
However Tarzan was quick to notice his paramour was eerily silent and when he saw her transfixed state he jumped into action pulling her away from the necklace. Jane crumbled in his arms unresponsive, seemingly comatose.
“Jane! Jane! Wake up Jane!,” he said urgently. “Hold on, Jane. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Desperation etched his face as he made a painful decision to leave Jane. He knew there were wise shamans living on the far side of the jungle, keepers of ancient knowledge and medicines that might hold the cure for Jane's mysterious ailment. Without delay, he set out on his perilous journey through the dense, untamed wilderness.
Meanwhile, in the solitude of the chamber, in the depths of her coma, Jane found herself walking amongst the buildings and the people of Opar. However this wasn’t the Opar she knew, all empty and ruined. This was a vibrant, alive grand empire. She followed the flow of people to the central hub, the palace. At the center of this opulent building, was a lone woman, beautiful, powerful, strong. It was Queen La like Jane had never seen her. Jane’s hate for all the valuess that La held faded away as she gazed in awe at the magnificent queen astride her throne.
Up until now no one paid Jane any attention, it was if she were a spectre, floating around unseen but one person now saw her. With a smirk and a gesture to come closer, Jane found herself gravitating towards La. Only once she got closer did she notice that the cocoa skinned Queen was positioned in such a way to show off her glistening bare pussy. The sight stopped Jane in her tracks.
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“Come closer Jane, pay tribute to your Queen. Taste royalty so you too may ascend.” La said in a purr. Jane was transfixed, almost hypnotized by La’s words as she knelt in front of La and leaned into the monarch’s most prominent care of regions.
Jane’s tongue gingerly touched the top of La’s clit. As soon as it did it was a revelation for the reserved English scholar. The taste was unlike anything she had known before. It was pleasure personified and Jane wanted more.
Placing her hands on La’s smooth thighs, Jane pulled the Queen closer to her face so she could exploring her depths deeper. La let out a soft moan that Jane took to mean she was equally enjoying the experience.
However as both Jane and La were experiencing pleasure like no other, a voice was breaking through to her. It was Tarzan’s. His voice was acting as her conscious, compelling her to wake up, to reject La’s empty promises. His voice sliced through the trance she was experiencing and she pulled herself away from La.
“Wait this isn’t right, this isn’t who I am.” Jane said unsteadily getting to her feet and wiping away the juices from her lips. However with lightning speed La rose and stood behind her, whispering in her ear.
“And who are you exactly Jane? A sidekick to that muscle bound moron? A damsel in distress always waiting on your prince to save you? Aren’t you tired of that?” La purred in her ear as she place her hands on Jane’s hips.
“Wouldn’t you rather be something more capable? More powerful? More feared? Wouldn’t you like that?” La said as she pulled Jane closer to her, their bodies touching from neck to thigh.
Maybe it was fear that kept Jane from moving but maybe it was La’s tempting words that kept her there. Maybe it was La’s soft breath on her nape that caused Jane to forget about Tarzan in that moment. Maybe it was the promise of beauty and power that made Jane whisper, “More than anything!”
Jane closed her eyes as she felt La’s warm embrace around her sink into her skin. She felt La’s very essence be absorbed into her body in a pleasurable slurping sound. She felt her drab and simple clothing become La’s gloriously revealing regal attire. Gold hooped earrings drip from her ears pairing well with think gold bracelets adorning her arms.
Her skin gradually taking on a deeper, exotic tan, reminiscent of the sun-kissed hues of the jungle. But the changes were far more profound than a mere alteration in complexion and clothing. Her body seemed to ripple with newfound vitality, her curves becoming voluptuous and alluring. Her nails grew long and sharp, like obsidian talons, ready to strike.
Jane's once-ordinary hair thickened and lengthened, cascading down her back in a torrent of glossy, ebony waves. Her breasts swelled with a newfound plumpness, going from a meagre B cup to a commanding double D. Her figure transformed into an embodiment of seduction and power.
Muscles that had once been delicate and feminine now hardened, sculpting her into an athletic and toned form, blending grace and strength in a way that was both sexy and fearsome.
Carnal images and sensations filled her mind, like a vast library of pleasures were getting downloading into her brain. Knowledge of magic spells, hexes and curses invaded her brain and gave her intimate expertise as if she had been a student of the dark arts for decades. It was intoxicating.
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Opening her eyes she found herself now awake from her coma, standing back in the chamber alone. The necklace that had started all of this was clung tight to her chest. Her eyes, now shimmering with a malevolent light, reflected the eerie radiance of the cursed gem. In that moment, her transformation was complete, and a dark presence had taken root within her.
She gazed at her reflection in an ancient, cracked mirror within the chamber, and her voice, now dripping with seductive cruelty, echoed in the silence. "Ah, much better," she purred, her own voice sounding both familiar and yet profoundly altered, "I was once so naïve, so kind-hearted. But look at me now."
With a haughty laugh, she envisioned herself ruling over Opar, Queen La's dark legacy reborn in her. "I shall be the new queen of this empire, and the jungle will tremble at the mention of my name. No one can resist the allure of power, especially when it's draped in such beauty."
Her fingers, adorned with long, razor-sharp nails, traced the contours of her transformed body, admiring her newfound allure and power. "The jungle will bow before me," she continued, her voice filled with icy determination. "And Tarzan... oh, Tarzan, he will come to realize the joy of serving me."
Almost as if he had been summoned, Tarzan appeared at the foot of the chamber having descended with a shaman mixture that he believed would reawaken Jane but found it suddenly unneeded.
There, before him, stood Jane, but she was unrecognizable. Her once-kind eyes now glinted with a sinister light, and her body had transformed into a vision of seductive power. She wore the cursed necklace with an air of cruel confidence.
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"Jane?" Tarzan's voice quivered with disbelief and desperation as he stepped closer.
She turned to face him, and a wicked smile danced upon her lips. "Oh, Tarzan," she purred, her voice dripping with both familiarity and malevolence, "you've returned."
In that moment, Tarzan realized the depth of the darkness that had taken hold of his beloved Jane. "What has happened to you?" he pleaded, his heart heavy with sorrow.
Her laughter was chilling, a stark contrast to the laughter he once knew. "I've embraced the power that this necklace has given me, Tarzan," she declared. "I am the new queen of Opar, doesn’t royalty suit me perfectly?"
Tarzan's eyes pleaded with Jane, desperate to reach the woman he loved, hidden beneath the darkness that had consumed her. "Jane, please," he implored, his voice filled with anguish, "you must destroy that necklace. It's corrupting you."
But Jane merely chuckled, the sound cold and heartless. "Tarzan, you underestimate me," she said, her voice dripping with scorn. With a swift, mocking gesture, she tore the cursed necklace from her neck.
Tarzan's heart leaped with hope, but it was short-lived. In the palm of her hand, she squeezed the necklace causing it to crumbled to dust, as if it had never existed. Jane's eyes blazed with a newfound malevolence.
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"I don't need the necklace to be queen, you fool," she sneered, her gaze locked on Tarzan. "The power is within me now. I am the queen of Opar, and no one can challenge my reign."
A sense of dread washed over Tarzan as he realized the extent of the transformation that had taken place. Jane had become a force of darkness, and there seemed to be no way to reach the woman he had once known.
"In fact, as a show of my power," Jane hissed, her voice filled with a chilling determination. With a casual flick of her wrist, the very vines that had once been their allies came alive. They slithered and twisted through the air, responding to her dark command.
Tarzan's eyes widened with alarm as the sinewy vines snaked around him, their grip growing tighter with each passing moment. His powerful struggles were rendered futile as they constricted, holding him immobile, like a helpless prey ensnared in the jungle's unforgiving embrace.
Jane's eyes bore into his, devoid of the warmth and love he had once known. Instead, they gleamed with an eerie satisfaction, reveling in her newfound dominance.
"Tarzan," she taunted, her voice dripping with cruel delight, "you see, there is no escaping my rule. The jungle is mine to command now, and you are but a mere obstacle."
"But you may be useful to me yet," Jane mused with a sinister smile, her lips curving in a mocking grin. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Tarzan's with a chilling, calculated tenderness.
As their lips met, a malevolent energy surged from Jane's mouth into Tarzan's, and a darkness seemed to creep through his veins. Agonizing pain wracked his body, and he convulsed as a profound transformation began.
Tarzan's muscles bulged and expanded, his body becoming more impenetrable, like the very stones of the jungle. His once-tanned skin turned an eerie shade of gray, and his eyes, once filled with warmth and life, darkened into abyssal pools of black.
Through the torment, Tarzan's voice turned cold with an eerie subservience as he asked, "What is your bidding, my Queen?"
Jane's malevolent laughter echoed through the chamber as she gazed upon the creature that Tarzan had become, a loyal servant of her dark reign. The jungle had truly fallen under her dominion, and she held the once-mighty Tarzan in her thrall, a grim testament to the extent of her power.
“Come my pet, there is much to do.” She said with a knowing smirk as she released Tarzan from his binds and he followed her obediently.
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For another tale of Jane’s corruption check out this fantastic story here by @misseviehyde
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Nᴏᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Bᴏʏs (Jᴀᴠɪᴇʀ Pᴇñᴀ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Javier Peña × Male Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2,4 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: You had been working for Escobar from the United States until he told you to move to Colombia. It was then when you met him, and he put your world upside down with a single look, and a couple threats.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: angst, violence, mentions of death, mentions of killing, drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of unholy things (such as brothels), mentions of war, 80s typical homophobia, swearing, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N. (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: sorry for breaking your hearts, writing angst is my thing. promise next one is gonna be WAY less angsty. enjoy <3
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It had happened. You had told yourself it wouldn't. But it had. And you were so fucked up.
You had known Javier Peña for several months. With the war against the drugs and the cartels going, everyone knew everyone. That was something you learned fast when you moved to Colombia. The very day you arrived, you were already being tracked by everyone in town, including the kids. Still, you tried to keep it on the low.
You had moved to Colombia as an order from your boss. Of course, and like everyone else was in that time, you were involved in drug activities, and were working for the Medellín cartel from the United States. Your job was as simple as keeping track of the extradited drugsters that got to the States from the cartel and visited them once in a while, informed them of the current situation in the cartel —of course, in secret code so the cops wouldn't get any of that information—, and you kept sending money into their bank accounts for whatever purposes they wanted to give it when they got out from jail or whatever. At least it had been as simple as that, until your boss, Pablo Escobar, ordered you to move to Colombia. As you had heard —from Escobar himself, the news and all the rumors—, the war against drugs had gone to another level. You assumed that was why Escobar wanted you in Colombia, perhaps looking for that extra backup you could give him and his men when they fucked up. Whatever it was, you just did what you did best: obey without questions. And the day right after Escobar told you to come to Colombia, you were already unpacking your luggage in your new appartment.
Of course, and as you expected, you had received orders that very day. Your new job consisted of organising the drug deliveries and make sure the were done just in time, and counting the money in case someone had to go take care of the fuckers that tried to trick Escobar. Soon, you were involved in most of his important plans, too. He had said that it was an... ascension for doing your job well. 
That's how you became one of his right hand men, too. You became as close to him as Quica and Limón, who you also became close to. Soon enough, the three of you were eating, drinking, partying and getting high together when Escobar didn't need you. You even went to brothels together every now and then, when you had a night to rest from all the drug war thing.
It was one of those nights in a brothel when you had met him for the first time.
You saw him walking out of one of the brothel's rooms, still fixing his belt over his pants and with a lit cigarette positioned between his lips. 
Those so good-looking lips.
You stood staring at him for a couple of seconds, checking him out. He didn't seem to notice you looking at him until he got out of the brothel, when he glanced at you for a moment. That little glance was enough to make your heart flutter. You hadn't given it much importance then, and just continued your night at the brothel with some random girl.
Or at least you hadn't given it much importance until you met him again.
It was another one of your free nights. That time, though, you had decided to give Quica and Limón some space for themselves at the brothel while you just went to some bar and had a drink. You didn't have much time alone with yourself since you came to Colombia, and you wanted to spend some time relaxing and having a chat with your inner thoughts. But it turned out, that night you weren't able to spend alone time either.
The same man you had seen getting out of the brothel some weeks ago sat next to you at the bar. He called you "the guy that was looking at him when he got out of the brothel", which was kind of embarrassing. Though you didn't give much importance to anything about that conversation either when he got out his DEA agent badge and said that he knew who you were. Of course you were scared at first, he had the authority to take you to jail or even extradite you right there and then. 
But he didn't.
Instead, he tried to convince you to help him stop the drug war. He named some of the men he and his partners at the DEA had lost those last years because of the war against the Medellín cartel, and he numbered all the innocent deaths and every battle they had to fight only so it could result in more innocent people dead. Then he threatened you, saying he'd send you back to the States as one of those extradited drugsters you had been working for not so long ago, if you didn't help him. He knew you were close to Escobar and his other right hand men, and he wanted to get from you as much information as posible.
You felt some pity for the man. He seemed a bit desperate, asking someone as you to help him get Escobar. And you felt bad because of how he looked when he named all the people he had lost because of his stupidity and desperation to do so. And you didn't want to be extradited either —death didn't scare you, but going to a jail in the States did.
So you agreed.
You started giving Peña every information he asked from you. You told him everything Escobar and his family and men did, everywhere they went, all of their plans... You gave him all the information you had access to, which was basically all of it. And after some time of being his informant, you saw how much danger you were putting yourself at. Way too much danger to risk your life just for the money Peña gave you in exchange for all the information.
That's how you realized you weren't just doing it for the money anymore. You were doing it for him.
And it was weird. It hurt.
You met him every free night you had to update him about everything going on. And that's just how it worked: you met, you gave him the information, and he headed off to get more of whatever other intel he could gather from someone else, who were usually sluts from some fancy brothel he liked. Seeing him going to see and fuck one of those sluts he called informants made you jealous, something you couldn't believe.
It kept going like that for a while, though soon, Quica and Limón started to suspect. You weren't as close to them as you had been before the night you talked with Peña. You kept telling them it was fine, that there was nothing wrong and you were just having a bunch of bad days. And it seemed to work.
Until one day, Escobar called you so he could have a private chat with you.
He said Quica and Limón had told him about you being off, not present, and distant with them. He said you were not focused on your job anymore. And he said that you were taking many breaks to go to the bathroom, and way too many free nights. Unfortunately for you, he was joking when he said he blamed it on some girl you were spending time with.
And then, he threatened you.
It was official. Your life was in serious danger. Your own boss had threatened you.
That night you went home shitting your pants. For the first time in the many years you had been working in the drug business, you were scared. And it was all his fault.
You pulled your phone out and messaged him, telling him you needed to see him and talk to him immediately. He showed up in your house shortly after, giving you a hurried "Is everythin' okay?".
"We have a problem. I have a problem and if we don't do something, so do you", you looked at him with a mix of anger and fear.
"Okay, okay, calm down. What's wrong?"
"Quica and Limón know. Escobar knows. And he said he'd kill me if I don't go watching my back from now on", you saw him looking at the ground with a slight frown on his brow, as if he was thinking of what to do.
"Alright, we do have a problem", was all he said.
"You gotta fucking help me, Peña".
"Fine, uh...", he thought for a couple of seconds. And for a moment, it seemed like he had an idea. "If you can wait a couple days, I'll get you a passport to the States or somethin'—".
"Are you fucking kidding me? I'll be dead before you can get the passport. And he'll have men in the States to kill me when I get there anyway. I can't go back", you sighed, trying to find a solution for yourself.
"Stay at my place, or Steve's. His wife can help you. We'll protect you".
"Oh, will you? 'Cause really, I love the way you've been protecting me as your informant. You've protected me so fucking well that my boss found out about me and even my own friends want to end my life now", you spat at him. "So yeah, you've been doing a great shit job at protecting me, Javier".
That moment, your world seemed to stop. Peña looked at you with a mix of anger and shock —though it seemed more angry than anything else. It was then that you realized that you had, for the first time, called him by his name.
"Peña", he said with a stern expression.
"Really? After all this, you're mad that I use your name?", you sighed. You were actually nervous —even scared— about what would happen now, since he seemed more serious and angry than anything you had ever seen on him. "Look, just—".
"You don't get to call me that. What made you think you could?", he gave you another hard look.
"I don't know, it just came out—".
"You don't get to call me that".
He stood looking at you with his eyes burning with anger. You had never been so afraid of how someone looked at you —not even with Escobar— until that very moment. And you were even more afraid knowing that it was Javier Peña.
"I'm sorry", was all you said, trying to match his seriousness. "I didn't think you'd be this mad".
He walked up to you all silent and still looking angry as hell. Your heart was beating pretty fast at the sight of how he towered over you, making you feel weak at the knees.
"No way", he smiled sarcastically. "I'm gonna tell you somethin' and I need you to pay attention, boy", you gulped at his words, scared of what he would say. "You're not one of those whores I fuck to get info from. You're doin' this for money, and I'm doin' this to save the goddamn country. You wanna fuck a big man, go get him yourself at a brothel, I'm sure you'll find one that wants to stick his dick inside a little boy like you".
That crossed your limits. Your blood started to boil, and you heart was beating so fast you'd swear you felt it break at that very instant.
As you watched him walking to your door, you turned around to face him and gave him an even harder look than the one he was giving you before.
"So the great fuckboy Javier Peña leaves once again, heading off to one of his brothels to fuck whatever slut he can find tonight!", you said with an exaggerated, dramatic tone. "You know, it's so fucking sad seeing how you stick to one night stands because you're afraid to start feeling something. And it's sad that you're pushing away the only person that will probably be the only one to feel something for you that's not desperation to get fucked by you, just because you're not into boys", you spat out, being at the very verge of tears. "So go on, have another night of fun with a girl that's gonna fucking pretend she wants you just for your money and your big boy dick, while the only person that actually wants to be with you cries because you broke their fucking heart!".
When you finally got to breathe again, you came to realize just how much you were crying. And meanwhile, Peña was looking at you with his emotionless expression.
"I'll try to get you that passport as soon as possible", were the words he ended the silence with, and then he left.
The weight of your conversation hung in the air for the rest of the night. It was something you weren't going to forget easily. Of course you had imagined something like this would happen if you talked with Peña about your feelings for him, but you didn't expect him to be so rude and hard. Though, thinking about it, that was right what you would expect from anyone else. At the end of the day, you were a man that had fallen for another man, in the 80s.
You just were so dumb to think that Peña was different, that you could've had a chance. But of course, you didn't. And you didn't know why —knowing it was this way for everyone else—, it had hurt you that much.
And so, there you were, curled up in your bed as you cried to the thought of him silently, letting your pillow muffle your quiet sobs and get soaked by your non-stopping stream of tears. That night again, you thought of how much you hated Peña for being so heartless, so selfish. And so brave, so handsome, so hot, so perfect, so... Peña.
And you thought about how much you hated yourself for having helped this man, knowing that all he gave you in return was a broken heart and some money you didn't want. You knew he was a dangerous man, but damn, had you fallen hard for him. And damn, did you hate yourself for it.
That night, you cried yourself to sleep thinking about all this. You wished you hadn't moved to Colombia. You wished you didn't have anything to do with drugs or the cartel. You wished you didn't know Javier Peña. And you wished you weren't so in love with him.
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Screaming about Unholy Ascension because I feel like it :)
And I do need to update the info for the characters,,,,,,
AHEM (cw for mention of cults, violence, and non-consensual experimentation (I’d call it human experimentation, but none of the UnAsc MCs are human))
Character names stay the same, but their backstories and places in the story do in fact change!
Jeiviin — Back to being a 16-year-old emo weirdo, though a lot less murderous than they were in beta stages. They still end up getting experimented on by a cult, and they still aren’t transformed into some crazy-ass immortal shapeshifting freak of nature, they just uh. Get some funky New Magic. Idk what magic yet, but it probably has something to do with ghosts and spirits and stuff.
Avaki — Still 17. She’s scene now, good for her! She still doesn’t get experimented on, and goes looking for her dumbass little sibling after they get kidnapped, but doesn’t find them until they escape the experimentation facility they were stuck at. By then, they’ve completely changed, and she is kinda scared of them. Uh. Idk what else to say about her.
Sivea — ALSO an experiment still! She gets to be tradgoth, as a treat. Also she’s trans now. Anyway, she gets new magic like Jeiviin does, but not the Death And Ghosts kind. Probably more centred around blood stuff. She’s also a sweetheart that is very much capable of killing you. And she will, if deemed necessary.
Astrallon — Sweet angel, literally. Back to being an experiment (skill issue). Their reason for entering the UnAsc universe is still mostly the same — looking for their deadbeat mom — but they also just wanted to see what life was like outside of the Concept Universe. Anyway, the experiments performed on him are very different from the Dragons’ treatments. For Ast, the experiments were more of a research type thing; I mean, they’re literally an Angel, of course the fuckwits that captured them would wanna know more about their biology. That research is eventually used by the scientist-cultists to create medical procedures to turn mortal creatures into Other Shit, and those medical procedures were used on experiments like Jeiviin and Sivea.
Now that the OGs’ information remakes are out of the way, it’s time to introduce a new concept OC I made for UnAsc!
Its name is Pheromone, and it’s a being of the Concept Universe like Ast is. It already had a fuckton of weird-ass magic from the beginning, but as they were also an experiment, that magic was made a LOT crazier. It can do illusions, mind control, limited possession, soul-stealing (which is a whole other can of worms for a completely different post), and some limited shapeshifting as well. The experiments done on it accidentally made it completely immortal, which was very much not the cultists’ intention — they just wanted to make it more powerful — and it eventually broke out of its containment and started Killing Shit.
Also, it’s Astrallon’s love interest. It’s been routinely hitting on him for the last century, and he is completely oblivious to the fact that it likes him.
By far, Pheromone is the most edgy OC I’ve created since the experiment trio’s initial conception.
I’ve decided to be unapologetically cringe about my originals now, so this is gonna be a story full of sluts and gore. It’s my original work, and I get to do whatever the fuck I want with it.
…….I think I need to rebrand this blog.
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goblinbugthing · 1 month
okay idk much about Sivea but yeah I think Rynne would get along with them. shaking hands on the fucked-up experiments front. I’d make more comparisons but. I lack knowledge
tbh i also lack knowledge on sivea but yeah theyd be friends i think
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Good morning! I love your ddne and dark stuff 😅 I was wondering if u could maybe do more with "same side different coin"? Or any dark, possessive, prince of hell Magnus?
here is a bit more of same side different coin!
i hope you enjoy!
Edom claims him then. Wraps her power around him and elevates him beyond his wildest, wistful fantasies.
Magnus laughs as his magic settles around him, a vibrant purple hue.  The color of royals. The color of his birthright and the throne Magnus has claimed.
Lilith and Asmodeus fight because Edom remains unclaimed and claims no one.  She allows them to battle across her lands but there is no satisfaction.  Edom was created by lust.  But what is lust that is never sated but a ravenous and gnawing hunger that brings no satisfaction or satiation.
A millennium without a king, and Magnus is the one found worthy.
Magnus will not have to make a deal with one of his uncles. He will not have to activate the thousands of arrays he’s laid throughout Edom. Magnus will not even have to consecrate his ascension with blood, but he will, because that’s what he wants and now none can defy him.
Or deny him.
Magnus stares at the delicate, fading tendril if magic connected to Alexander.
With his unofficial coronation, his powers have expounded and he can see it now.
It’s a silvery blue so bright its almost painful to look at and it’s Alexander’s soul tether. It’s the one part of his angel that he doesn’t own and it’s the only thing that ties him to other realms.  It’s undoubtedly how Raziel is planning on someday claiming Alexander’s soul someday, as if Magnus would ever deign to part with any piece of Alexander.
Purple magic fills the room.
Magnus is lost in the lust of his anger and the depth of his desires. Edom, eager for another taste of satisfaction bends to his will and the line snaps. 
Alexander screams from the bed. A soul deep, heart breaking sound that Magnus can barely hear for the roaring of triumph in his ears.
Alexander’s soul is adrift.  It is untethered and Magnus reaches out with his magic and catches it.  He braids his own and Edom’s magic together until he can wrap it around Alexander’s soul.  He snatches it away from Raziel and ties it to his own magic, the magic of Edom.
Alexander’s wails but Magnus can’t hear him over the gleeful satisfaction he shares with Edom as Alexander’s soul is successfully claimed.  There is a soft, quiet sob and Magnus looks down, honestly surprised to see Alexander awake and staring at him with pain hazed and tear-filled eyes.
Magnus hushes him absently, fingers pressing magic to Alexander’s lips and ignoring the question Alexander tries to speak around them.  It works instantly, Alexander knows that it will bring relief and he suckles the magic without resistance, letting the magic soothe them both, his mouth hot and desperate around Magnus’ fingers.
And Magnus works his magic into Alexander and lets Edom tether him even more tightly to her.  Alexander’s soul is full of wounds and Magnus lanced them all.  He cauterizes them now, branding Alexander’s soul with the unholy and divine magic of a fallen angel and feels the last link slip into place.
Alexander belongs to Magnus and Edom now, completely and utterly. His life is now tied to Edom’s magic, forcing him to endure immortality, for Magnus’ wills it. His soul will never rest with his ancestors and Raziel shall never welcome him home.
Magnus laughs, delight and awe at himself and at Edom filling him.  Awe at what he’s done and at what he’s gained.
Alexander whimpers under him, teeth grazing Magnus’ knuckles as he quietly begs for attention.
“Now,” Magnus tells him softly, pressing a kiss to Alexander’s forehead and then his cheek. “Even Edom has claimed you, little angel. You will never stray from her lands, or from me.” Magnus slides his fingers free slowly, teasing Alexander as he takes them away before he soothes Alexander with a deep kiss.
Magnus can taste the spark of his own magic and also the new flavor of Edom and he’s hungry for it.  Greedy to chase the magic and claim Alexander’s mouth, to fuck it possessively with Magnus’ eager tongue and make Alexander shake around him.
Alexander is still raw from the snapping of his soul and the new anchor of it to Edom, but Magnus doesn’t care.
Magnus has him protected now, kept safe in a web that will never fully untangle. The same royal magic that crowns Magnus keeps Alexander both contained and safe and Magnus hums in contentment as he brushes his fingers over Alexander’s face and carefully holds him still.
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders #335: Hephaistion
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today on Grailfinder we’re making Hephaistion, who just kind of showed up one day. it honestly feels really weird to have a new character introduced in an event rerun, but she came, so we’ll make her. that’s how that saying goes, right?
she’s a Crown Paladin to protect her king physically and an Arcana Cleric to protect him magically as well. you have a party with a barbarian who constantly gets charmed? this is the build for you.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: I’ve had three years to figure out how to make counterattacks good in D&D, and didn’t. now the reckoning has arrived.
Ancestry & Background
fun fact, Faker is a Human! unless she was lying about that too. still, we’ll just hope she isn’t and give her +1 Wisdom and Charisma, as well as proficiency with Arcana and the Mounted Combatant feat. while mounted, you get advantage to hit anything smaller than your mount, and you can redirect attacks from your mount to you. also, your mount has evasion, which is nice. you’re a rider sometimes, kind of, so be nice to your rides.
Faker’s technically nameless, but we’re going to call her Faceless instead, so she gets proficiency in Deception and Intimidation. I don’t think deception’s needed for magical stuff, but it’s good to have regardless.
Ability Scores
Faker’s highest score is Wisdom- you need to ask the gods for help with making magic happen, plus you need to not die from the curses aimed at your boss. both of those are wisdom. second is Strength. you hit stuff a lot when you’re fighting, and you use heavy armor. third is Charisma. we need it for multiclassing, and it’ll also help you imitate a man twice your size well enough to pass for him. I wish your Constitution could be higher, but we needed everything before this for multiclassing. besides, while you can take hits for people, you’re kept around to block curses. this means your Intelligence is pretty low, but we’re dumping Dexterity. with your armor, it’s our safest dump stat to pick.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: we need to start off as a paladin if you want gold armor at third ascension, but while you’re here you’ll also get proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as Athletics and Insight. you’re not quite as beefy as Iskandar, but you’ve to be able to keep up with the guy.
at level one you can use your Divine Sense to detect extraplanar being nearby, or you can use Lay on Hands to heal yourself or an ally. what is healing but retroactive protection?
2. Paladin 2: second level paladins get a Fighting Style. you use daggers and shortswords, so Dueling is more your speed, giving you +2 damage on one-armed weapon attacks. your fighting style actually works out really well for us, since it keeps a hand open, we don’t need to pick up warcaster for your spells later.
or now, really, since you can cast Spells this turn using your Charisma. Faker is an accomplished spellcaster, so your ability to prepare spells each day gives the whole build some much needed flexibility. we’ll bring up some particularly useful spells to stay in-character, but feel free to pick what you like.
for example, at first level you can pick up Protection from Evil & Good, Shield of Faith, and Heroism, each one protecting your charge from a magical malady. the first protects from possession and divine/unholy interference, the second gives a creature +2 AC, and the last grants immunity to fear, as well as some extra temporary HP.
if you’d rather, you can also use your spell slots on Divine Smites instead, adding radiant damage to your weapon attacks so even a dagger can hit like a greatsword. the stronger the spell slot, the stronger the damage dealt, though this only works up until level 5 spells.
3. Paladin 3: at third level you gain Divine Health, granting you immunity to disease. you also take up your oath of the Crown, which here grants you the start of your Mystic Eyes of Compulsion- your class spells Command and Compelled Duel. the former lets you give a one word command, which a target must follow on their next turn if they fail a wisdom save. this spell doesn’t work if the command is impossible or would cause them harm, but that’s what the second spell is for! if they fail a wisdom save for Compelled Duel, the target gets disadvantage to hit anyone but you, and needs to make another wisdom save to move away from you each turn. the spell lasts a minute, or until you attack another creature or another creature attacks it.
but we’re not done taunting just yet. once a short rest you can Channel Divinity in one of two ways. the Champion Challenge forces every creature you choose within 30’ of you to make a wisdom save as a bonus action. if they fail, they can’t move more than 30’ away from you unless you get knocked out or move 30’ away from them. alternatively, you can Turn the Tide as a bonus action, healing bloodied creatures near you for 1d6 plus your charisma modifier. Faker doesn’t really have healing, but again, this is just retroactive protection. that’s my justification, at least.
4. Paladin 4: we’re not really getting many magical attacks this time around, so make sure you use this Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Strength. your sword arm’s gonna get quite the workout by the time we’re done here.
5. Paladin 5: fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each attack action, so. two per action. speaking of two, you get second level spells! Warding Bond is the best shielding spell we can get for a while, adding +1 to your charge’s AC and halving all damage they take for an hour. the downside is you also take whatever damage they do, so try to keep them alive. you also get another mystic eye spell, Zone of Truth. it’s a zone, that you tell truth in.
while it’s not a dragon, Find Steed can help you get a horse so your rider abilities won’t go to waste in the meantime. summoning dragons is a bit of a long-term goal.
6. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins have an Aura of Protection, adding your charisma modifier to every save made by friendly creatures near you, including yourself. boom, that’s instant curse protection right there. it’s only a +2 bonus atm, but a bonus is a bonus! plus, it works on any other saves too, like say, Dexterity saves. but I mean really, when would Iskandar ever need to make dex saves?
7. Paladin 7: seventh level crown paladins get a Divine Allegiance, letting you take the hit for another ally as a reaction. you can’t reduce the damage to you if you take a hit this way, just like the warding bond.
8. Cleric 1: we’ve got all the taunts we need, so let’s crank up that magical protection now. as a first level Arcana cleric you become an Arcane Initiate, giving you two cantrip from the wizard spell list like Message for the chaldea-standard holophone, and True Strike, the sign that you’re not sure what other cantrips to give someone. speaking of, you get cleric cantrips too like Guidance and Resistance to protect people better than most, and Spare the Dying. I consider mortality a curse, so I’m counting this as an in-character spell. you can cast these or your other Spells from the cleric spell list using your Wisdom, and again this is a group of spells you can prepare each day. Clerics have some of the strongest spells in the game, and we have to go in deep to grab a dragon, so have fun with it! get the spells you want.
but also get Sanctuary, it’ll force a wisdom save on anyone trying to mess with your charge, whether that’s attacking or by using a spell. if they fail a wisdom save, the attacker will have to change targets or waste the action entirely. this only works for a minute, or until the warded creature attacks someone themselves, but it’s a potent defense while it’s up.
9. Cleric 2: second level clerics get their own flavors of Channel Divinity, and I’m pretty sure this is the first time it’s come up, but doubling down on CD doesn’t double the number of uses per short rest, it just gives you more options. options like Turn Undead to scare off zombies and skeletons, and Arcane Abjuration to turn a celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend. it can also gets upgrades like Destroy Undead later, banishing creatures of the same CR. I don’t think this comes up that often, but both of these options would protect Iskandar, so they’re technically in-character.
10. Cleric 3: third level of cleric is literally where the magic happens, as getting second level cleric spells opens up a lot of opportunities. Magic Weapon is nice, but we’re here for Arcana Cleric’s other class spell, Nystul’s Magic Aura. with this, you can make nonmagical items seem magical to spells like Detect Magic, but more importantly you can make yourself appear to be a different creature as far as spells go. technically this could only change your creature type, but I’m sure you can work something out with your DM. it’s also a useful defensive spell against magic, as a lot of weaker spells only work on humanoids, and you can make your king look unhumanoid to spells, shutting them down completely. it’s also super economical, lasting a full 24 hours.
you also get what is probably your most powerful use of your mystic eyes yet, Hold Person. when a target falls under the effect of hold person, all melee attacks against them crit automatically. paladins love crits because it makes your smites twice as effective. being able to command someone to hold still in the middle of a fight is good, actually.
11. Cleric 4: fourth level clerics get another ASI, so bump up that Strength again. you can also cast Light now, which is always going to be useful since you have dumb human eyes.
12. Cleric 5: fifth level clerics can Destroy Undead of CR ½ or lower using their channel divinity. ghosts suck, Iskandar hates ghosts, so just get rid of them. you also get third level spells like Dispel Magic to retroactively protect your king from magic, and Magic Circle to lock ghosts in place while you work to get rid of them. you can also reverse it to give you and your party a safe space away from ghosts and the like.
as far as spells we can choose go, Remove Curse is basically what you were born to do, and Life Transference is more of that retroactive protection we were talking about earlier. it’s healing, but it also hurts you in the process. I don’t know why they put this in the spell list of the most powerful healer in the game, but I’m glad they did.
13. Cleric 6: sixth level clerics can channel divinity twice per rest, and you become a Spell Breaker as well. whenever you heal an ally, you can end a spell’s effect on them for free. you know, like. curses. for instance.
14. Cleric 7: seventh level clerics get fourth level spells, and there’s not much we really need here. this build’s a bit awkward in that Faker is generally a low-level caster in execution, but her NP is a high-level spell, so the middle levels don’t have a lot for us magic-wise. still, that just means you have plenty of space to figure out what spells your Faker needs, so it’s not all bad. we only need Death Ward to block instant death spells, but the freebie spells, Arcane Eye and Leomund’s Secret Chest, aren’t bad either.
15. Cleric 8: eighth level clerics get another ASI, so bump up your Charisma for a stronger aura. you also get a stronger Destroy Undead this level, as well as Potent Spellcasting, adding your wisdom modifier to the damage dealt by cleric cantrips.
we do not have any damaging cleric cantrips.
16. Cleric 9: ninth level cleric, fifth level spells. again, Planar Binding and Teleportation Circle are nice, you’ll get use out of them, but if you want magical eyes that compel people to do what you say, you need to put a Geas on them. it lasts 30 days, and you can force it to either do something you want, or not do something you don’t, if it fails a wisdom save. once a day, if it works against your command, it will take 5d10 psychic damage. you can issue a harmful command, but certain death is off the table.
17. Cleric 10: tenth level clerics get Divine Intervention- once a day (or once a week if you succeed), you can ask the gods for help. you have a Your Level in 100 chance of success, so right now it’s 1/10. if you succeed, your DM will decide what the gods think is appropriate aid.
you also get one last cantrip, so Thaumaturgy. Iskandar is loud, so you need to be too.
18. Cleric 11: it’s an odd level, so you know what that means, more spells! there’s a few sixth-level spells we want, actually, like Fizban’s Platinum Shield to protect your king as best we can, giving him half cover, resistance to most elemental damage, and evasion. you can also swap it between people, but we really just care about the king.
while Mass Suggestion might not seem like the most powerful use of your mystic eyes, since its commands come with more restrictions than Geas, it can force a whole crowd to help you for up to a month by the time this build is done, so it’s not one to be underestimated. that being said, this will force every creature in the crowd to make their own wisdom save, so your DM might not be too happy about it.
19. Cleric 12: with our penultimate level, you receive your ultimate ASI, the Tough feat. it’s a whole 38 extra HP now, plus another two next level. we’re spending our HP on a lot in this build, we need all the stuff we can get.
20. Cleric 13: thirteenth level clerics get seventh level spells. the one spell we definitely need from this list is Conjure Celestial, letting you summon a celestial of CR 4 or lower. the important thing here is that includes Winged Lions, our stand-in for a dragon chariot. though if you wanted to just run people over, winged bulls are certainly an option as well. this spell takes a minute to cast, but after that you have your flying buddy for an hour, which is a lot of trampling time in D&D. plus you can ride on a flying lion, which is cool.
Pros & Cons
you are very good at protecting people. you can lock down individuals or crowds, block off curses, disguise yourself or your king from magic, and just being around you improves everyone’s saving throws. and of course, worst comes to worst you can put your life on the line to shield others from attacks.
speaking of attacks, you’re a paladin that knows hold person. you can deal stupid amounts of damage if you pull that spell off you can just delete someone pretty easily.
also, while protecting people from physical attacks is pretty trivial, you specialize in protecting them from magical effects, which can be a lot more devastating as a whole. think about it. how many berserker builds get dinged for being easily charmed? and of course curses can be just about anything your DM okays, so being able to block those from ever hitting a party member can be huge.
we need three stats for multiclassing, which really stretches how strong you can be in any one of them. don’t get me wrong, you’re okay, but there’s quite a few stats I wish could be higher for this build to really shine. also worth noting, both paladins and clerics have super strong level 20 bonuses, so by multiclassing you miss out on both.
speaking of stats I wish were higher, your HP isn’t bad, per se, but if you’re running a build all about taking damage for others you’d probably want something past 200 HP, not 170. thankfully you’re a palacleric, so you have a shitton of ways to refill that HP bar.
we don’t get your mount until level 20, and before that your best replacement is a regular horse. even with Mounted Combatant your steed will probably get shot out from under you within the first few rounds of combat. riding a flying lion looks cool, but falling from 10 stories up because they just got sniped does not.
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phyrexian-phucker · 1 year
Something so hot about the unholy union of Phyrexian and human, metal and flesh, ichor and blood... violent and ecstatic, an ascension through being defiled so deeply it transmutes your bones from within.
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death-stranded · 8 months
what in the unholy hells even is silent hill: ascension??
you can literally pay money to vote on cutscenes? what boardroom of assholes thought anyone would want this? 🤣🤣
they had me excited for a minute back when they announced a silent hill revival, but this is not it 💀
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