#god of war freya x reader
t-z-gow · 2 years
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Sure thing! However I do keep things gender neutral in my stories unless it's necessary for it to be gendered. It's just so everyone can enjoy!
This one got a little long so I decided I'd have to make it a two part story. I'll start working on the next part soon! (Also hope you don't mind but I added a bit of Freya ^-^;)
PLATONIC Kratos x Freya & Child Reader ~ Silence [Pt 1]
Cold and abandoned was the child Kratos had found in the final remnants of the Fimbulwinter snow. Surprised to see them breathing he was swift to find them help with the Godess Freya.
He could not have known the path that decision would lead him down.
TW: Child Abandonment, Alluding to Child Abuse/Neglect/Harm
Softly yet with swift feet two wolves ran through the deep snow, following the orders of Kratos as he held their reins. Despite the sound of the moving sled the world was rather quiet; almost too quiet.
The constant snow of Fimbulwinter had finally ceased, though that wasn't the end of the snowy landscape. It would take many summers to thaw the sheets of ice that had been created, not to mention how fleeting those summers were, soon replaced by familiar cold again.
It was times like these, traveling around the expanses of the realms in utter silence, that he began to miss his son. To miss his questions, to miss the stories Mimir and him would tell. For the first time in a very long time he found himself uncomfortable in the silence. So uncomfortable in fact that he almost went to ask Mimir for a story, though thought better of it. Mimir had done enough of that over the past few days with the Midguardian children he had been entertaining. He was sure that the man had to be tired of speaking by now-
"So brother, how's the new title been treatin' ya? God of the people and all that" the head that lay in the sled asked. The question caught the quiet god off guard, though he answered after only a moment. He hated the silence.
"They talk a lot" was all he could comment, earning a chuckle from Mimir.
"Or perhaps you talk too little" Mimir pondered back, earning a grunt in response.
"I do not intend to change that" he spoke as his eyes turned to look around the environment, always searching for any possible danger ahead.
Instead his eyes froze on a figure on the ice, all too noticeable against the pure white snow. Seeing as the scene was out of the ordinary he turned his sled towards it, approaching whomever the figure was.
"Course not. Wouldn't expect-...where ya headin' lad?" Mimir asked, quickly noticing the strange change in direction. Kratos didn't speak for a moment, his eyes narrowing to try and see who the figure might be, but still being too far out.
"There is someone on the ice" he responded with a quiet grumble as he approached. The closer he got the more he slowed, taking caution with whoever might be on the snow. Or, more accurately, what might have caused their collapsed state. Only once he was a few feet out that he realized the person slumped held the features of a human. Getting even closer allowed him to notice that they were a child. He sped a little faster towards the end seeing as the situation grew quite a bit grimmer at the realization. Noticing this sudden hastiness Mimir spoke up again.
"What is it brother!" He called out, only to once again receive no response from Kratos who quickly stopped the sled before immediately stepping off of it. He moved just as swiftly to the limp body, only a few steps between. A dread fell in the air, Mimirs worried yells blurring into the sound of the wind.
It was a sight no person would ever wish to see, let alone one who had a child of their own. Yet it was a sight so horribly familiar for the scarred man. The tiny hands frozen in a grasp, the eyes shut in a disturbing calm. He quickly pushed those thoughts away though, instead kneeling to the ground beside the child, his eyes holding a darker look as he stared.
He had at first thought them dead. He had known the ice to preserve bodies long after their deaths and it wasn't entirely uncommon to find the ice melting to reveal hidden corpses. However that wasn't the case here, especially once he noticed the ragged yet still visible rise and fall of the child's chest. The instant he noticed he flew into action, picking up the abandoned child and bringing them back to the sled, laying them in a seat beside him as he sat back at the reins.
"What in the bloody- who-"
"It is a child. They are still alive" he finally answered Mimir before immediately mushing the wolves along.
Heavy. Every bone in your body, every ounce of blood running through your veins. It felt as if every force imaginable pulled you to the earth. After a long enough time held in the silent void, you began to finally push against it. The first few attempts were incredibly difficult and after the third try you began to wonder if it was pointless. It was then though that you began to feel your tongue in your mouth, and the heaviness of the air that made it to your chest. Confused and fearful you tried to call out to the void. But your tongue might as well have been made of metal with how near impossible it was to bend to make coherent sounds. The only noise to leave your lips was a half attempt at a groan. Realizing this your fear grew as you tried, in blind panic, to move anything, to do so much as speak a word. You felt your body adjust slightly, but nothing besides that.
"Shhh shhh. It's alright child" a voice called. You stopped your attempts upon hearing it, confusion flooding through you. The voice was soft and feminine, almost motherly, its tone not of any malice or anger. You felt the touch of a hand on your head; warm and comforting. The strange new presence was calming despite you not even fully understanding it. So you leaned into the hand, seeking more of that comforting feeling.
"It's alright. Rest now" the voice called again. Lulled by its words you stopped pushing against the strange heaviness, allowing your breath to slow and your body to relax, your mind leaving not long after.
Freya felt a smile cross her lips, as melancholy as it felt, as she stared down at the sleeping child. Her hand still held gently to their face as she carefully brushed her thumb against their cheek. She had learned after quite a while of their sounds that they seemed to calm their whining under her touch.
Only after they seemed to have fallen back to sleep did she stand once more, even if every fiber of her being called her back into their presence.
"Are they well?" the familiar voice of Kratos spoke behind her. She didn't jump as she had many times before, having grown used to his sudden appearances. She instead stood and went back to mixing her medicine, knowing that the child would need it upon waking.
"I managed to save their life," she quickly answered as her look grew grim once more, her eyes glancing back at the child that lay sleeping on the table.
"But not without a few consequences" she finished her words with an undertone of agitation, clearly unhappy with the outcome.
The wood of the floor creaked under the heavy foot of Kratos as he stepped closer. His eyes didn't stray from the child for even a second until he took a spot next to Freya.
"And what might those be?" Mimir asked. Upon hearing him speak Kratos removed him from his belt and placed him on the table so that he could more easily speak to them. Freya glanced up at him but seemed far more focused on grinding down the seeds in her bowl.
"I was unable to save three of their fingers, they were far too frostbitten. And while they remain asleep now, they are restless. The spell I used to save their life has some painful after-effects. Which is why we needed these," she motioned to her bowl as her movements became a little more aggressive, though not enough to warrant stopping her.
"Consequences are a given. They are lucky to live" Kratos spoke in some sort of attempt to calm her as he outstretched the final herbs she would need. She turned to meet his eye, her stare dark and burning. He didn't flinch. He didn't even stop staring at her. After a long moment she shook her head, taking the herb from him and continuing her task.
"You're lucky I even returned to this place" she mumbled with a slight sneer.
Silence reigned in a long pause, though that wasn't necessarily uncommon for them. After a few minutes though he left her side, instead turning his attention to the child in the bed. He hesitated, unsure if he should so much as go near the fragile being. Nevertheless, his concern soon pulled him forward and he approached the sleeping kid.
The first thing he noticed was the scars. Littered across their face in noticeable slashes and burns was a history he didn't yet know, but it was all but pretty. His eyes glanced back to Freya when he noticed this, wondering if this was what had her so on edge. Seeing a child with such harm done to them surely wasn't something she was comfortable with.
"The child...they hold many scars" he mentioned, her body tensing at his words.
"I noticed that" she replied, her hands further busying themselves. He was going to turn back to the child, hoping to maybe find some clue as to how they ended up on the ice of Midgard when Freya spoke again.
"They're Aesir" She commented, finally stopping her work to turn to him. He quickly turned his attention to her, his already hardened look narrowing at the comment.
"How did you learn this?" He asked, to which she nodded towards a nearby chair that held the outfit you had been wearing earlier. As torn as it was, Freya knew the design all too well.
"Their clothes. You only find quality like that with Aesir gods. Or at least, that was the case," she elaborated, taking the small bowl in her hand and bringing it to the fire. Mimir, having stayed quiet for a long while now as he clearly felt the tension in the room, finally decided to speak once again.
"Aesir gods? Are you sayin' the wee one's part of the Aesir?" He questioned, Freya nodding along with the words.
"Yes. That or they were somehow involved with them. I hadn't heard any mention of any Aesir gods having children before Ragnarök though. They usually make new family a big deal" Freya's agitation grew more clear the longer she talked, the venom of her words palpable. Both Kratos and Mimir thought on the words for a minute, unsure what any of this could mean. Freya poured her solution into the metal pot above the fire before beginning to mix it in.
"Should we speak to Sif about this?" Kratos suggested, the question giving Freya a slight pause before she shook her head.
"No. She's far too busy. Besides, she was always more concerned with her family than the matters of the Aesir. She wouldn't know" Freya continued her mixing, the two further thinking on the strangeness of the situation.
"Well if they're really part of the Aesir I'm sure she's bound ta have a clue at least. Wouldn't hurt ta talk to her," Mimir pushed, not letting the idea go. The room was quiet for a moment as Freya thought it over. After mixing a little longer she finally responded.
"Sure, she might know...but she isn't going to enjoy the intrusion" she reiterated as she took the pot from the flames, placing it on a metal rack to cool. Turning back to the two of them Freya's features held clear skepticism. She didn't seem to like the idea and the two of them were quickly picking that up.
"Well it seems like our best shot at finding the wee one's parents. I don' think we got much else ta go on" Mimir continued trying to convince her. Freya's eyes strayed from him, glancing back at the child that lay silently before looking back to the two.
"The last time I saw someone try to talk to Sif she nearly pulled their head off for getting in the way of her work. She's consumed with trying to rebuild her home and keeping the peace between the Aesir and the Vanier. Not to mention trying to keep Thrúd out of trouble. She's been a wreck since...well you both already know" Freya continued to explain her reasons for her hesitance. Yet even the thought of being attacked by Sif didn't drive Mimir away from his stance.
"But you two were friends weren't you? Surely she wouldn't be too harsh with ya, 'specially considerin' you're Vanir...worst-case scenario she just sends ya on your way-" Mimir's words suddenly stopped when a strange sound covered the room, causing Freya's eyes to widen as she quickly moved. Confused, Kratos turned to see the child.
Their eyebrows knitted as they tossed and turned in their spot, groaning in some sort of pain. It was only seconds later that Freya was at their side, trying to calm the clearly upset child with sweet shushes and comforting touches. A few seconds later the sounds stopped and the child found rest once more. She remained staring for a moment longer before finally turning over her shoulder to the two, both of them now very aware of her true reason for hesitance. The sudden silence made her aware of their knowing and, with a sigh, she stood.
"The child is still in need of help. They're going to be sick for a while. Finding their parents isn't a priority right now." She conveyed with a truer tone than before, her face twisted in concern. A bit of hesitance lingered, the two realizing the extent of Freya's concerns. After a while, Mimir finally spoke.
"Well I suppose you're right...but we can't put it off for too long. Their parents are probably worried sick" Mimir finally relented and Kratos agreed with a hum. Freya seemed to calm a little as they agreed.
"Would you wish for us to stay?" Kratos asked. The words seemed to catch Freya a little off guard, but she soon nodded.
"It would be best. I have business with the Valkyries in the morning" she agreed. Kratos gave a nod, knowing he had nothing else planned for the day anyway.
You were here again. The darkness, the numbness, the heavy weight. But something felt...different this time. The air that flowed through your lungs felt lighter, your body not as held in place. Noticing this you once again tried to fight against the pull of this unknown force and find yourself outside of this strange purgatory, to finally make some sort of full movement. And, to your utter surprise, you moved your arm.
It was then that a searing pain shot through your body, radiating from the core of your very being and singeing every nerve you had. You shot up, your eyes opening fully as you instantly began to scream in utter agony. Despite your eyes being open you could hardly begin to understand anything that was going on as you cried out, your balance shifting and your muscles stiff. You didn't hear the frantic footsteps, nor did you feel the pull of hands on you, gently grabbing and tugging to move you. You had no energy to stop them even if you did, your body feeling as weak as it had when you fell to the ice. Your mind could do nothing but focus on that pain, that white radiating feeling of suffering.
Something was raised to your lips and you once again didn't fight, not even as the warm liquid began to fall down your throat. Your body's instincts kicked in long enough to stop your crying and drink whatever this was without choking. After a few moments your adrenaline had pumped enough to allow your arms to push away whatever it was. Your head shook as the disgusting taste overtook your tongue. You went into a coughing fit not even a second after as you tried to rid yourself of that horrible taste. Suddenly though the pain racking through your body began to melt away, numbing in slow waves. As it did the world around you began to come into view along with the other sensations of the world. Such as the rolling tears down your face, the comfortable warmth against your skin, and your quick breaths that you tried rather poorly to calm. The next thing you felt was something rubbing slow circles on your back before whispered words met your ears.
"Shh shhh, It's alright child" a voice softly shushed, now allowing you to fully recognize the presence of someone else beside you. The instant you did your fluttering heart nearly stopped, your body quickly shifting in an attempt to get away, nearly falling off of whatever you were on as you did. Their hands grabbed you and your eyes tightly shut as they did, afraid of what they might do.
You were gently pulled back into your previous spot before the hands left you entirely. Slowly opening your eyes once more you came face to face with an utter stranger.
"Are you alright?" The strange woman asked. You stared silently at her, unsure of anything that was happening. You had remembered falling into the cold snow, tired and weak and now you were here...
Where was here exactly? And who was this stranger? And why did everything hurt so bad? Nothing made sense to you. So you gave no answer.
The lack of answer seemed to upset the woman, if only slightly. She continued to stare at you for a moment longer before.
The sound immideatly frightened you and seemingly the woman as well. Your body flinched away and this time, without the woman's help, you fell. You didn't seem to stop once you'd fallen, using what little strength you had to shakingly try and stand. You made it only a few steps before you fell once more. You quickly turned around to face the sound, scooting away as you did so. You then found yourself locking eyes with a terrifying man.
Tall and scarred with eyes the color of a blazing fire. He wielded an ax that looked sharp enough to cut through bone and an all too eye-catching bright red tattoo that swirled around the left of his body.
Even more terrified than before you quickened your attempt to scoot away, hoping that the distance would keep you from him. Suddenly his eyes turned from you and towards the woman. You didn't dare turn your eyes from him though.
"I heard screaming" the man spoke, the sound deep enough to almost be physically felt. The woman quickly regained her composure as she stood and stared at the man with no fear in her stature.
"I told you there would be consequences" she reiterated, soon standing from her spot and quickly approaching you. You continued to back away but it wasn't long until you ran out of space, your back hitting a wall and panic consuming you.
"It's alright. We aren't going to hurt you" she spoke, trying to comfort you. It didn't seem to help as she continued to step closer. She stopped her movements upon noticing her approach was what was further frightening you. She didn't really know what to do at this point, something that showed in her hesitant stare and uncertain movements.
You, however, weren't paying attention to that. You were instead trying to figure out what was going on, trying to remember how you had gotten here, or maybe if you somehow knew these people-
A short glimpse at your hands froze every previous thought and motion, your eyes widening further as you realized a few of your fingers were missing. You felt your breath leave you, dread and terror consuming you as absolute shock ran through your system.
What happened to your hands?
Everything became a blurred mess, nothing made sense. Utterly overwhelmed and at a complete loss, you fainted.
Freya moved towards you the instant you went out, her worry apparent. Kratos stared at this scene with very little to add other than concern and confusion, which he kept rather hidden in his usual silence. Freya quickly returned you to your previous spot before letting out a held breath. Kratos finally moved, soon taking a spot next to Freya.
"What happened?" He asked as he glanced to the child.
"They woke up sooner than they were supposed to. The spell hadn't been able to fully settle. I thought it might happen, which is why I made that medicine earlier. I hadn't expected them to be up this though" Freya explained as she sat down.
Looking at her closely it was clear to see that she was beyond tired. From the slow movements to the quiet speech. The stress of this unexpected task was starting to get to her, which was all but a good sign. Yet the quiet remained, and the silence was all but comforting now.
Silence. It was always so quiet now. Too quiet. Too still.
"You should rest" Kratos finally spoke, her eyes snapping to him at the request. She was dumbfounded to find a serious look on his face, despite knowing full well that he never said anything he didn't mean.
"I-...This child is going to wake up again-"
"And I will handle it" he quickly answered back. She was further baffled by his commitment to his statement as she began to wonder if he had seen what she had.
"Kratos I can't just leave a sick child! What if the medicine wears?! Or- Or they panic again-"
"I will handle it" Kratos once again stood by his words, though there was a difference in it this time. Freya couldn't quite pin down the new strange quality to his tone. Determination? Worry? She didn't quite know. Either way, it instilled a lot more confidence in his capability. He seemed to think he could do this and she had no reason to doubt his assessment of his abilities. So, with another cautious stare, she slowly stood back up.
"Alright...but I will be checking back in the morning." She prefaced to which she earned nothing more than a nod of acknowledgment from him. With that she left for bed, too tired to argue further.
Slowly but surely your body began pushing you from sleep once again. Though, unlike your previous attempts, you no longer felt held down by unknown forces. In fact you couldn't feel anything other than a mild sting rushing through your body.
Despite being awake you didn't move for a few moments, almost afraid to do so. However your other bodily functions began to overcome that, such as hunger and thirst, so you eventually forced your eyes open. It seemed almost impossible but they did eventually open.
The world that met you was strange. Warm and dim yet not dark. Light poured gently through the windows, though it wasn't bright. It held a hue of early morning blue, a color that only barely lulled the dread growing within you.
You began to slowly sit up, your world falling blurry before slowly coming back into focus. Once it did you tried to take some deep breaths, hoping to escape the nervousness that grew upon realizing you had no clue where you were.
You hardly had time to do that though as your senses were filled with an absolutely mouthwatering smell. One that caused you to instantly salivate as your stomach rumbled. You tried to think about how long it had been since you had last eaten but instead found your memories quite jumbled. Your brain could barely focus on thinking when you felt nothing but hunger pull at you.
In fact, that hunger seemed to outweigh the nervousness coursing through you as you found yourself willing to stand to follow the smell. You hesitated for a short moment, part of you realizing you had no clue what was going on. But that soon left your mind as well. Everything left but a need to eat.
You were starving.
So you stood anyway, your legs wobbling as you barely caught yourself on a nearby chair. You stabilized yourself, taking breaths as you gained some strength in your legs. This part was never easy, but you weren't unfamiliar with it. Of holding on to something just to stand, of feeling weakness and exhaustion trying to pull you to the ground once more. But you shoved the weakness away. You shoved it deep down and buried it.
This wasn't a world for the weak.
You carefully let go of the chair, shoving away the fragility of your body as you tried to walk. You drifted with each step, almost losing your balance a few times as you did, but you walked all the same. Slowly you made your way closer and closer but abruptly stopped when the only thing that could override your hunger set it.
Why did the sudden fear rack through you? Well it might just have something to do with the truly terrifying man you saw mixing the source of the smell. Tall, scarred, and with a scowl that brought up more than a few bad memories. You ducked, quickly hiding behind whatever was closest to you.
Unfortunately your swiftness cost stealth, as seen by a cup you managed to knock over upon hiding behind a small table. The man promptly looked up from the pot, his bright amber eyes staring squarely in your direction. He stared for a short time before glancing at where you had once been laying. After that the harsh stare in his eyes calmed and he looked back to his food.
You had thought you had sufficiently hid yourself for a moment, though his voice quickly shot down that idea.
"You should be resting," he spoke, his voice more than matching his face. Gruff and deep with an almost damaged sense to it. As if used and worn over years.
Terror struck back through you like a lightning bolt as you froze. Silence reigned for a long while, the only sounds being him tending to the food. After a moment he moved the pot to which you quickly backed up in response.
"Are you hungry?" He asked, his voice slightly softer than just a second ago. His words greatly piqued your interest, so much so that you almost instinctively responded. Yet you stopped yourself, knowing that this situation could very well be dangerous. So you chose silence once more and hoped that by doing so he might just act as if you had disappeared
Such a thing would never happen of course, but your child-like mind allowed you to believe so.
Your silence didn't seem to bother him. Or more so his features didn't turn any scarier than they already were. He merely continued his actions unbothered by your presence as he grabbed a bowl and dealt out some of the food he had made.
His disregard confused you slightly. It was enough to dull your fear with a hint of deadly curiosity which in turn allowed your hunger to once again overtake them both. Your eyes glued to the bowl he was making as he continued not to look at you, instead putting the pot back over the fire. Afterward he walked away in a direction opposite to you.
"If you will not rest then you should eat," he voiced as he walked, soon leaving your vision altogether. You could still hear him, his large size not allowing for much of any quiet as he walked. He was far enough away now though that you felt safe to leave your hiding spot, even if you did so rather slowly. After peeking just a bit to make sure he wasn't anywhere near, you began to walk. You did so with very little grace, something anyone near was sure to hear as you stumbled into more than a few objects, but you did eventually make it to the table with food. You peeked out again, spotting him with his back turned as he focused on something else. With your eyes held on him for any sudden movements and your stomach practically begging for whatever was in the bowl, you climbed your way onto a chair. You had to sit on your knees just to reach the table, but that didn't bother you too much.
You stared at him a moment longer, as if waiting for him to turn and attack. When he didn't you reached for the spoon.
It was then that you were very swiftly and very horrifically reminded of your injuries from earlier. Wrapped in stained red bandages was the stump of what was supposed to be your middle finger. Looking to the other hand you found your index and pinky finger missing. Your throat tightened as you looked at the wounds, the terror of your current situation hitting you once more. What was weirder was the lack of pain as you looked at it. It felt almost entirely unreal, the shock of your body almost allowing you to believe that it truly was.
Despite the horrifying new sight and with truely no idea what you were supposed to do in this situation, you chose to ignore it. Because that's all you had been trained to do, that's the only recourse you had. To ignore it until it stopped, if it ever did.
You instead chose to focus on eating the meal, knowing that it could very well be the only one you eat for a long while. You cherished every bite as if you had never eaten a day in your life. You had been so hungry. So incredibly and indescribably hungry.
"Are you in any pain?" The man asked, slightly startling you from your meal. He didn't turn to look at you as he spoke, still busy with what he was doing. You found it almost comforting that he did so since it would allow you more time to get away if need be. Overtaken by the food, his vulnerable stance, and the overwhelming realization that your silence could potentially annoy and even possibly anger him, you decided to finally speak.
"No" was all you could really say, your voice frail and almost whisper-like. If it weren't for the silence it might even not have been heard. In response he gave a simple 'hm' and let you get back to eating.
Before you knew it the bowl was empty. As far as you were concerned you could have had ten more. Still, you weren't about to ask for anything more. That was the most food you'd had in months, you weren't about to push it.
Finally he turned to you, his movement immediately catching your eye. This time though since he was no longer hidden behind something he was able to make direct eye contact with you. To your dismay, it seemed to be something he had no problem doing. You, however, shrunk under the unmistakable power of his gaze.
"You need your bandages replaced" he commented, your eyes glancing at the bloodied bandages for only a split second before turning back to him. You quickly noticed the bandages he held in his hands and soon got what he was trying to say. You struggled to swallow with the sudden dryness of your throat, but you knew there was no other answer you could give that wouldn't have the potential to upset him. So you gave a slow and reluctant nod.
He then walked back over to the table, your heart beating ten times for every one of his slow steps. Once he was close he kneeled on the ground in front of you. You leaned away, your eyes fixated on every small movement he made, waiting for any of them to be suddenly violent. He remained slow and purposeful.
Once he was ready he held out his hand to you. As slow as the movement was, you still flinched. After realizing the gesture was harmless you calmed slightly, though you remained very significantly on edge.
You didn't move for a minute longer, waiting for an anger that never came. When silence was left and his features didn't falter from their calm yet intense stare, you finally held out your hand for him to bandage. And, to your relief, it hadn't been a trick to trap you as he did in fact move to re-bandage your wounds.
Your eyes avoided him entirely as he worked. You didn't know this stranger, nor what he wanted. So you were keen on keeping your edge of paranoia for the time being. Even though his help and silence calmed you down quite a lot.
He had only helped you thus far, but you knew better than to trust that.
"Do you have a name?" He asked, suddenly breaking the silence. You shrunk away at his voice, though with him wrapping your hands you weren't able to go too far. You once again calmed rather quickly, though your jumpiness was becoming very apparent.
Afraid that he might become upset with your silence you responded.
"Y/n'' you spoke, though the hesitance in telling him such a thing was very noticeable in the way the name paused slightly on your tongue. He nodded, another 'hm' leaving. Silence continued again, circling suffocatingly around the room. And suddenly thoughts plagued your mind. Questions of your own formed in your head and terrified you to the core. Questions that, being only a child, were bound to spill out.
"Where am I?" You finally asked your own question, though as you did the pure reality of what that question meant fell onto you as your voice cracked and tears unwillingly began to form. Where were you? What happened? Why were you hurt? You just wanted to go home, just be home- just home, just home, home, home-
A hand landed on your shoulder, snapping you back to reality almost immediately. Only then did you notice the wet trails that fell down your cheeks and the hiccups you tried and failed to hold back. However, you were more focused on the sudden contact, your head popping up to look at the hand before turning to the man in front of you. You had expected anger, maybe even a violent glint in his eyes. You were instead surprised to find the opposite written on his face. Soft and concerned, the intensity once held in them now fully calmed. It shocked you to see as the expression so foreign to you. Oddly enough though it did greatly calm you to his presence. It was a look you very rarely ever saw, let alone from someone you had initially thought of as utterly terrifying. No words were exchanged as your tears stopped and your breathing slowed again. You quickly went to wipe away the tears before looking away from him again.
"Sorry," Was all you could think to say. It got yet another hum from him, though you couldn't quite decipher what it meant this time. He removed his hand from your shoulder before speaking.
"You should rest. We can talk more when you are well" he spoke, though you more easily noticed the softness in it than before. You nodded, not looking to disagree with the stranger. So you tried to stand again, knowing you would have to walk back to the bed. You barely took a step when your body began to give out once more, your weight leaned more onto the chair than your legs. He quickly noticed this and, before you could make any protest, you were no longer on the ground.
You yelped at the sudden action, freezing as you quickly covered your head. It was only a few moments later, after a few of his heavy steps, that you were gently placed back down. Once his contact ceased you began to slowly open your eyes again, realizing that he had inflicted no pain. Suddenly you felt the warmth of a blanket placed on top of you as he had picked it up from where you had dropped it onto the floor. The comfort of it along with the warmth of everything around you and your full stomach began to make you feel the heavy weight of your eyelids as you fought to keep them open.
He gave one final 'hm' before walking away to attend to his own tasks. With nothing more to do and just too exhausted to push on, you laid your head back down, quickly wrapping the warm blanket around yourself. It was barely a second before you drifted back to sleep.
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
Hey again! Can you please do fem reader x Freya, where they are lovers and it's Y/N who killed Freya's son, because she wanted to protect Freya? And maybe also include that now Freya is hunting her down (like in the Ragnarok game), with a happy ending where Freya forgives y/n, because she almost lost her on the quest where they tried to free Freya from Odin's magic... please?
Hope it makes sense!
It made sense and it's sound good! thanks for requesting this beautiful idea with me! ^^
I will try my best to write it as soon as possible, and will publish it as a one-shot (probably).
I am so excited to write it because the story is lit.
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whackk-kermitt · 9 months
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Confessing Your Love
Genre: Headconons
Warnings: Cursing(Brok..)
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
“Hmm,” followed by a slow nod.
He wouldn't say anything immediately.
He will just kind of look at you, studying your eyes.
He doesn't want to take chances.
Man has trust issues!
Telling him you love him will make him so happy yet so scared.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
Eventually you'd hear, “I love you, as well.”
He'd immediately ask you to move your things to his home if you haven't already.
He loves you, so you need to stay close so he can protect and provide for you!
He'd start to find more excuses to touch you and you'd laugh telling him he doesn't need them.
Eventually, he will be comfortable enough to walk up to you just for an embrace or smooch.
Before his head got..you know.. His first instinct you be to turn to you completely.
“Really, Las? An old man like me?” He'd laugh but he'd offer to do something romantic.
Smartest man alive, but he never saw that coming.
Either way he’d swear his loyalty and heart to you.
Anything you want, he's on it.
After his head…
He'd probably hesitate to return the sentiment, no matter how genuine it is.
“I- I can't offer you much, Las.” He’d frown.
He'd feel inadequate, and undeserving- he's just a head after all!
What could he give you in terms of love and affection?
After telling him his company is all you desire then he'd probably think you've gone mad.
But after a while of talking about it he'd smile and say it back.
You'd carry his head on your belt during travels throughout the realms after.
Giving him kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
It's simple and innocent devotion and its loves that he's enough for you.
Telling Arteus you've got a crush on him would probably make him completely freeze and go red.
I'm talking his fathers tattoo red!
Lots of stuttering and blushing while you guys talked about it.
He wouldn't really know what to do or say afterwards.
But no doubt he'd eventually be able to get it out that he likes you too.
He's never done any of this before, so he'd probably go to Mimir or Freya for advice.
If and when you ever hold his hand or hug him his palms get sweaty and he gets nervous.
But he's happy to oblige!
He thinks your so cute.
Talks to his dad about it.
He's shy, but after a while of spending more time hanging out with you he’d get cocky and try to show off and impress you more.
Half of the time he’ll be trying so hard he just ends up looking silly or just straight up stupid.
But you laugh it off and tell him how cute and sweet he is.
He's whipped.
No matter how comfortable she is around you, no matter how safe you make her feel, she'll hesitate.
As soon as you tell her you're in love with her, she'll need room away from you.
In every relationship so far, she's been to much or not enough.
The woman is hurt and healing.
She's scared its not the truth, like with Odin.
Or if it is, and you truly love her, then what if she messes it up?
What is her love is to much for you and you leave her?
Or what if, out of fear of being too much, she’s not enough- and you leave her? 
Freya can't take another heartbreak.
But after seeing how understanding you are of her past, and reassuring her worries that you're not going anywhere she's willing to listen.
You'd tell her that it doesn't matter if she loves you the same way, or another, as long as your with her its enough for you.
And hearing that would be enough for her.
You'd have to take things slowand steady with her.
But she is so very much in love with you.
She will make sure you both set boundaries to keep her from going to far and pushing you away.
She doesn't wanna lose you too.
“Well it's about fucking time!”
He's so cool and sure of himself on the outside, so he'll play it off like he know you loved him.
But really he's surprised.
He's not the most romantic man, but he'll give it an honest try for your sake.
He’ll get flowers and sweets for his lady.
Most definitely start bringing about you to everyone he meets every chance he gets.
He's very standoffish when it comes to affection.
So any time you give it to him he'll stutter just slightly and awkwardly reciprocate it while he gets used to someone being infatuated with him.
Very defensive and protective is anyone makes comments about you two.
“Mind your business, you unfuckable drauger-looking bastard!” 
Very confident on the outside, very unsure on the inside.
He's worried he's not doing it right but all he needs is you smiling at him the way you do and he'll be just fine. 
Congratulations, you broke him.
His initial reaction is giving O.O
Wide eyes, red cheeks, mouth open.
He'd stutter for a response and get frustrated with himself for losing his voice for a moment.
Give him some time and words will just start spilling out.
He loves you, that was no secret to anyone!
He’ll tell you all about it when the air come back into his lungs.
He’ll go on and on about how pretty you are, and amazing, and how much he likes your smile.
Lots of nervous chuckles and shy grins from this man.
He hates when people touch him, sorry to say you're no exception.
But you figured you wouldnt be; at least for now.
However he is willing to hook his pink finger to yours every now and then as a very small step in the direction of hugging you.
Having you love him really makes him frustrated with his thing with germs and dirt.
He’s never had a problem with it before.
But now he wants to hold you and be held by you and the thought of it makes him shiver in disgust.
It's a fear he's willing to conquer if it means one day he'll get to see the smile on your face when he holds you with out gagging for the first time.
You know better then to take offense; it's nothing personal.
He gags at everyone. 
He didn't see it coming.
But he had hoped..
It was a happy surprise when you blurted it out while spending time with him while reading.
He gave you a soft smile after the shock settled and returned the sentiment .
Not much had to be said between you two after that.
The only thing that really changed in the relationship were beginning to sit closer together and a lot more gentle touches.
He'd rest against you while you braid his hair, and he'll braid yours.
His eyes have always laid on you softly, but there's something more in them when he looks at you now.
He’s happy to share any moment a with you that he can. 
He knew.
He knew you loved him for a while.
He knew you wanted to say it.
The cooky little shit just waited and waited until you did.
He wanted to hear it.
But when you approached him and said you loved him it felt different then he imagined it would.
He knew you, and he saw in your head that you truly meant it.
He knew you loved the good, the bad, and the ugly in him.
He knew that unlike the other people who have claimed to love him, you didn't think ‘i can change him.’
He saw the unsure insecurities in your head and body language that he wouldn't feel the same way.
After all, he reads minds, and he knew what you felt all this time and never addressed it so clearly he wasn't interested, right?
To be honest, up until that point he hadn't really considered your feelings despite knowing them.
You had told him you loved him, but you had only said it so he would tell you what you believed he would- that he doesn't care.
You had only said it so he could break your heart, and you could get closure, and hopefully move on.
It twisted his gut that you were walking into this fully believing you would be turned away.
He saw in your head that you had already been crying over it.
But that's not what he wanted, so instead being sarcastic or rude like he would be with literally anyone else he smiled at you.
“I know.” He said softly.
“Good for you.”
He's not really interested.
Plus he's still married.
So piss off.
Not proof read.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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ghibliwatcher · 2 years
If Kratos had a child who mostly draws | Kratos x teen reader (platonic)
God of War 4
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He would always be curious to what you’re drawing, especially Mimir
Peers over your shoulder to see what you’re drawing this time (he’s praying that it would be him)
You would occasionally draw your family members every now and then, but you would mostly draw the environment surrounding you wherever you’re in
You and Atreus spend time with each other by drawing! (Literally just chilling at home and draw by the fire)
Atreus would try to draw you while you tried to do the same (he made you look goofy)
Whenever Kratos enters he would sometimes sees you and Atreus draw in silence
“[Name], Atreus, time for hunt—” Sees you and your brother drawing in your journals silently and looking focused
You would also draw Sindri, Brok, Mimir, and Freya too!
Sindri and Freya absolutely loves your work, while Brok huffs in pride that you drew him
Mimir will always be your number one model, since he can’t move around at all (it’s easy to sketch him too)
You also tried to draw your father smiling (which is a thing you can never look at ever again)
In short, Kratos enjoys seeing you draw. It brought comfort to him that you like to grasp the environment you’re in and settling that in your journal.
Whenever you’re sleeping, he sometimes steals your journal and looks at the sketches you’ve made
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arvolna · 5 months
So my friend and I were thinking about a headcanon where GOWR characters saw that I draw "anatomically focused" drawings of them. How would they react?
Kratos--would probably be used to people making statues of him? So he would say "Hmph."
Mimir-- "OOH... UHH... THANKS... LASSIE? UHH... Can you give this to... Sigrún?"
Freya--"Oh... Uhm... Pretty uhh... Accurate... Maybe try giving me some clothes?" would blushing red.
Freyr-- "OMG I'M A MUSE??? AM I YOUR MUSE??? oh and BTW you drew it small. Make it bigger" have you seen the statues of him? His uhh sword big.
Tyr--"Perhaps some meditation to... Uhh... Nevermind. But uh... You are good at what you do..." he would give a pat on the shoulder and leave
Heimdall--"You can't get behind the lie of 'anatomy focused' you know you like me. So tonight. Me. You. Himinbjörg. Don't be late."
Thor--"... I should lose some weight huh..." I would probably hug him and say that he doesn't need to.
Sif-- already killed me with her hair
Hildisvini-- "well... I appreciate the uhh imagination... Thank you. But uh... I prefer clothes" then respectfully leave
Also... The Huldra brothers + Lunda seeing the drawings
Lunda: OH AREN'T YOU A SMALL POCKETFUL OF TALENT! GOOD JOB! Hm. Kratos looks good and oh...freya..
Sindri: *vomiting in a corner* good drawing!
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nyxisaway · 2 years
GOW: A subtle realization
Kratos \ reader fic
Fem companion reader fic about GOW
SFW all fluff
Just a small idea I had while laying awake this morning :)
You looked up from your position at the fire only to be met with a curious stare from Mimir.
“Is there something on your mind mimir?” You said softly so as to not disturb Atreus sleeping across from you. “Aye lass just something the boy said of late”
“Oh?” You replied encouraging him to continue
“You see, I think he, well uh, oh how do I put this plainly sister” “I think he wishes for you and his father too, well I think he’s started seeing you as quite motherly”
You laughed and small bit, of course he did, you mended his things and gave him an open ear when his father was being to rough on him and you taught him some albeit fairly basic magic but it was enough to remind him of how caring his own mother was for him.
“And is that such a bad thing mimir?” You asked, bringing your chin to rest on your knuckles. Truth be told it was more than just Atreus you had bonded with. The stoic god who was absent from our hearth at the moment had also captured your heart. You weren’t fully sure how much of his you had but you did notice you never ran out of arrows, and you’ve never gone a night without food since meeting him.
Kratos was not over Faye and nor would he ever be. You never expected him to be either, instead you helped him move forward with the grief and helped him know that love is never ending and comes in all shapes and sizes, from anywhere and everywhere and that it’s ok to be vulnerable if only for a moment out of time.
Just as mimir was about to respond the very god in question made his way back to the fire, with a large buck strung across his shoulders, as impressive as always you noted mentally
“Ah welcome back brother!” Mimir boasted cheerfully. “Hmn” was all he got in response.
With all the noise and excitement Atreus had sat fully up, as alert as he could be while half asleep. You smiled and reached over to ruffle his short auburn hair, a detail of Faye’s that you loved as well as anyone did.
You mused to yourself about what mimir had said, and smiled looking down. If Atreus sees you as a caretaker of sorts then I suppose that’s a good thing, it just means that the only barrier I have left to get through is the one built so high around a man who needs the least protection.
You smile at Kratos after a moment and he blankly looks back although you can see a softness in his eyes as he stares back at you, he broke the moment by plopping the large buck beside you all and seating himself as well all too quickly. Your focus broke as mimir shouted some forgotten language’s curse words while tumbling to the ground from the sudden *ThWUMP* that accompanied the large animals body being dropped on the cold frozen ground.
You giggled and picked him up tenderly, brushing snow from his beard and sitting him beside you gently.
“no, no not a bad thing at all lass” he said quietly to you as the fire crackled and Atreus laughed quietly in the background, in fact you think you might have just almost heard a slight “humph.” from kratos, maybe just barely.
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hereforreadandwrite · 10 months
Abandoned Part 2
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Your mother always knew what was best for you.
She always saw through the intentions of others, warning you against people who were malicious or who simply wanted to take advantage of you, and she encouraged you to go towards those she liked. When you told him about Kratos and he came to give you your wedding ring. Your mother disapproved of him as soon as he walked through the door, but you were too in love to actually listen.
Your mother knew better, you wish you would have listened to her and stayed away, but no. You listened to your heart and went with Kratos, becoming his "wife."
Why did you think he loved you?
“One way or another, something is going to go wrong,” she said. "He's only here because you're young and he's lonely. As soon as he finds a woman he's interested in, he won't stay. All he does is lie and fool you 'illusion. A man like him has an ego. You deserve much more (Y/N)."
Your mother tried to protect you from this pain, but you didn't listen to her. You were so happy that a man like Kratos was interested in you.
You left your mother.
You left your loving home for a man who didn't care about you.
Now you stood in front of your childhood home. You were terrified of facing your mother. You were sure and certain that she wouldn't want you anymore, especially when you told her that you were pregnant. Speki and Svanna moaned beside you, licking your hands. You smile at the wolves, finally gathering your courage to go and knock on the door. When the door opened, your courage melted like snow in the sun. Your mother looked at you in surprise. You jabbered incomprehensible words. To your surprise, your mother hugged you.
“I missed you so much,” she said, hugging you.
You cried with all the tears in your body, of relief, of anger, of sorrow. It was probably the hormones that were causing you to have this whirlwind of emotions, but you were happy to be back home.
Your mother allowed you and the two she-wolves to go inside. You explained to her what had happened and why you were back home. Your mother had listened to you patiently without interrupting you or judging you. When you told her about your pregnancy, she hugged you, reassuring you, saying that she would do everything to help you with your child.
A weight lifted from your shoulders.
You finally felt welcome and loved.
Your mother also loved Speki and Svanna.
She has always loved animals.
Your pregnancy was going wonderfully. Your belly grew bigger day after day. Six moons had just passed and in all that time, Kratos never came. You would have thought he would have come, at least to pick up Speki and Svanna, but no. He probably never bothered to look for you. Had he even returned? It wouldn't surprise you if that wasn't the case.
Even during Ragnarok, Kratos was always out of the house.
At first, you understood that he had to train Atreus and hunt. There were times when you were alone for days at a time, taking care of Fenri when he was sick. When Kratos came home, he barely spoke to you. He preferred to take care of his weapons and other tasks. Whenever you tried to approach him, he pushed you away.
The only reasons that kept you going were Mimir and Atreus. The two had welcomed you into the home with open arms. Then Atreus left. Mimir was still with Kratos.
You have always been alone.
“I’m sorry mother,” you say, stroking your belly.
“Why are you apologizing?” your mother asked, looking at you perplexed.
"Because... I didn't listen to you... and I left with this man who never cared about me. I was stupid."
"Child. You're not stupid," she said, leaving her work to come and sit next to you. "You were in love. How could I blame you for that? I also had this bad judgment when I fell in love with the man I dreamed of spending the rest of my life with."
“Were you in love before you met father?”
"Yes, I found this man kind and caring. But... he loved me just for my beauty. He didn't hesitate to dump me when he found a more beautiful woman. Then I met your father. He helped me. He consoled me and I agreed to marry him. And before he died, he gave me the greatest gift. You."
You would never have believed your mother had the same experience. That was why he was so harsh towards Kratos. You hugged your mother, crying your eyes out. Your mother always knew what was best for you.
Why did you think Kratos loved you?
He who said he hated the Gods. He was worse than Odin.
Three new moons passed, the baby was ready to come into the world. The day he was born had become the longest day you had to live. The pain that tore through your stomach was horrible. You screamed, cried, begged your mother for this pain to finally stop. Your mother helped you as best she could, telling you to take deep breaths and push. The pain will stop when the baby is out. Speki and Svanna squealed as they heard you scream in pure pain.
Your mother couldn't help but be worried. The birth was long. Too long even. The baby should already be out. But it wasn't just that. You were bleeding profusely. She tried to stop the bleeding, without success. It didn't bode well. After one last painful push, your child finally came out of your body, finally coming into the world. Her tears invaded the little cabin. Strangely, your mother was silent, staring at the horrified child.
"How...what is that?"
"Mother... my baby..."
Your mother showed you your child. You understood why she was so horrified when she saw the baby, her left side was perfectly formed, but her right side was devoid of skin, revealing her muscles and bones as black as darkness.
“It’s a girl,” you said under your breath.
“She’s perfect,” you said, sobbing and hugging your daughter to your chest. “My daugther... you are the best thing that ever happened to me!!”
Your mother looked at you without knowing what to think about this situation. This child should be dead. It was impossible for her to survive with such a deformation. She was brought out of her thoughts by feeling a warm liquid spilling onto her knees. Her gaze rested on the bed. The furs were soaked with your blood. The bleeding had become more severe. Your mother tried to stop the bleeding as best she could, but her attempts were in vain.
Your mother's throat tightened as she noticed that you had just taken your last breath, holding your daughter to your chest.
“No…,” she whispered, shaking you. "(Y/N)! No! Daugther! Open your eyes!"
From outside the cabin, anyone could hear Speki, Svanna, the baby and your mother crying over your death.
It was only at sunrise that your mother had the courage to prepare your pyre. She wrapped the baby in thick furs, placing her granddaughter in a basket. She placed the basket on the table as she went outside to take from her supply of logs. You were never going to be able to see your child grow up, become a woman. You were never going to be able to know all his joys and sorrows. You should never have left first. You should never have died this way. You didn't have time to give your daughter a name. She was going to have to decide for you. It wasn't her role to name your daughter and raise her.
The sun was now high in the sky when your mother placed your body on your pyre and set it on fire. She will be your daughter in her arms, watching your body turn to ash.
How could things have gotten so bad for you?
Why were the Gods so cruel to you?
But now you could finally be at peace. Your mother looked intently at your daughter, her granddaughter.
Neither alive nor dead.
Your mother didn't know how that was possible, but the facts were before her. The night had passed and the child was perfectly well. She slept peacefully in her arms.
"We need to find a name for you, little one. What do you think of Hel? This name suits you perfectly."
Your mother went back inside her house. The Gods have truly been cruel to you. Your mother knew she couldn't allow your daughter to see the outside world. Your mother placed Hel in her basket to close the windows and the front door. Your mother knew she had to hide her granddaughter from the outside world. Other mortals were not going to welcome a different child with open arms.
Your mother didn't know how to protect you as she wanted to do.
She was going to protect Hel as best she could.
tag: @pookiesnatcher
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samieree · 10 months
God of War: Ragnarök Masterlist
[General Masterlist with list of boys I can write one-shots with here]
[my works are also avaiable on Ao3: Samiere and on wattpad: _Saelin]
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Heimdall x Reader one-shots:
Heimdall x Greek Goddess part 1 [request]
Heimdall x Greek Goddess part 2
Heimdall x Greek Goddess part 3 (Mature content)
Reader was away on a mission for a long time, "friends" with benefits relationship [request]
Heimdall x Reader (childhood friends) [request]
Heimdall x Reader (childhood friends) part 2 (Mature content)
Reader is a Greek Girl, who wants to make her revenge on Kratos by killing Atreus [request]
Heimdall x Pregnant Reader
Heimdall x Reader (you slept together after alcohol)
Arranged marriage [request]
Reader is Heimdall's shy, servant girl (Mature content) [request]
Jealous Heimdall x Reader (Mature content) [request]
Banished Heimdall x Reader (Goddess of Nature) [request]
You wanted to learn how to fight, and Heimdall teaches you [request]
Heimdall x Reader with breathing problems [request]
Heimdall x Shy reader, childhood best friend [request]
Heimdall x reader on her period [request]
Heimdall headcanons:
Heimdall x Reader with ADHD [request]
Goddess of Muspelheim || GOW Ragnarök (Heimdall x OC) fanfiction:
Introduction + Prologue
*Chapter 1 || We have to make some rules*
Chapter 2 || Time to see the sun again
*Chapter 3 || Baldur*
*Chapter 4 || What a...!*
Chapter 5 || Goddess of fire
*Chapter 6 || Friends?*
Chapter 7 || Understanding
Chapter 8 || Vanaheim
My tik toks with Heimdall, because I can:
Edit to my fanfic
She do that thing she usually do 🎵
Heimdall being Heimdall
Another Heimdall being Heimdall :D
And another one 😅
Your body language, speaks to me 🎵
Beautiful boy 🎵
Do you like the way I grind, do you like the way I flirt 🎵
I do it for the ladies 🎵
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borzoia · 8 months
Freya relationship Headcanons
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. Sapphic!Freya x Reader . TW; Mention of Magic Mushrooms, a little angst (as a treat)
She’d protect you in any means possible, she’s almost overprotective or too watchful, never in a toxic way but from pure concern.
100% does shrooms and would do shrooms with you (best trip sitter ever??? Her voice is so calming)
Incredibly sarcastic.
Would have a section of her garden just for you even if you don’t live together yet.
Speaking of living together, SHE WILL BOTHER (sweetly) TF OUTTA YOU UNTIL YOU MOVE IN WITH HER.
“You already spend the night so much, besides you wouldn’t even have to move– everything’s already here!”
Her love language is gift giving and acts of service, broke your bow? Take hers. Hungry? She already cooked your favorite meal.
Dramatic sapphic.
Literally writes letters and poetry if you leave for like 3 days, she’s already mourned and created an altar for you.
Post 2018
She would hide from you, too scared to confront the complex emotions she’s dealing with and too scared to break your (and her) heart.
If you did find her she would be cold and distant, not like how she was with Atreus more like she’s emotionally distancing herself from the situation.
Would ask if you’re eating well.
Leaves food for you but never a note.
Post Ragnarok
Would definitely consult Kratos or Sigurn before approaching you, and would take her time to really think about what she wants to say.
When she does see you she has to fight the urge to beg for forgiveness, she knows that letting her emotions get the better of her isn’t the best way to handle it.
Completely understands your anger and mistrust, let’s you think for about a week before coming back. (The longest week of her life)
If you’ve moved on she holds her sorrow until she’s alone, weeping into her pillow in the solace of the night.
If you go back to her she’s so grateful and make sure you knows that, *hint hint*
She tries but things aren’t the same, *she’s* not the same, you two both find comfort in each other’s attempts to bring back what once was.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldur daughter)
I included before and after scenarios of Baldur and Freyas falling out, because I couldn't resist lol.
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Headcanon/Preference # 16
Picture NOT mine.
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| Before the falling out |
• So if this happens before she casts her spell to protect her son...
• She will make an even worse mistake.
• You're so little and frail, so sweet and beautiful. A true gem to the realms, and the fruit of Baldurs light.
• So in order to protect you, she impulsively casts the spell over you instead of her son.
• She was ecstatic to be a grandmother, and to care for you whenever you're father would allow her to.
• She thought she was doing a good thing by casting her protection spell over you.
• But when she comes to realize the repercussions of her actions... The side affects the spell had on you.
• She felt horrible, and tried her best to keep it from Baldur, fearing he would keep you from her.
• That didn't last long, he knew you so well already, and the moment he realized you no longer cared to eat anything, though the lack of nourishment never seemed to harm you.
• And you no longer reacted when he blew raspberries onto your pudgy little tummy, something that used to put you into a fit of giggles so strong you often spit up a bit.
• He immediately sought out healers to make sure you were not ill.
• And when he learned it was magic... Vanir magic... He immediately turned to his mother, accusing her of all sorts of horrible things.
• She tried to defend herself, and tried to make him understand that she was only trying to protect you.
• But her pleas fell on deaf ears.
• In Baldur's eyes, she had betrayed him in the worst possible way, she had cursed his child, his only child.
• He would never forgive her for this, and if he were strong enough, he'd have killed her for it.
• Baldur's light grew dark, but never against you, his little shining star.
• And he swore that no matter what it took, he'd find a way to reverse this, even if that meant traveling to unknown worlds.
• Even if he had to fight dragons, trolls, giants, or ogres with his bare hands, or even burn worlds to ash and ruin, he'd find a way.
• You were still a babe when she was cast out, and you don't actually remember her, but you do remember the lullaby she used to hum to you.
| After the falling out |
• She never knew about you until Atreus mentioned the young god/goddess traveling with Baldur.
• She tried to subtly ask Atreus about you, and with how close he describes your relationship, she initially assumes you're a lover.
• Desperate to know more she scours Midgard for more answers, and is astonished to find you are in fact Baldur's child.
• She's hurt that she was never told about your birth, or that she was there to watch you grow.
• She's also honestly surprised Odin didn't rub the news in her face, considering everything else he's done to her.
• Now that she knows about you, she's desperate to meet you. Even so desperate to go to Mímir for advice on how she could cross paths with you.
• And eventually that time comes, and you meet her while scouting for your father. Which is probably ideal considering he'd freak out if he knew.
• You're admittedly confused when this strange woman begins talking to you as if she'd known you your whole life.
• "Look at how beautiful you've become." She beamed. "You have your father's eyes." Her own eyes glossed over.
• "Do I know you?" You questioned, your hand placed on the hilt of your sword, unsure if you could trust this woman.
• She notices your unease, and hold her hands up a little to show you she means no harm. "I'm afraid not, but I know you."
• "Who are you?" You demanded with a growing fire in your eyes, it's then she realizes you've inherited not only your father's rage and distrust, but his father's as well.
• "I am your grandmother Freya." She explains with a sad smile, wishing she could embrace you in a warm and reassuring hug.
• You scowl in return. "You're the reason my father suffers." You hiss with venom, and she wondered for a moment if you'd kill her for it.
• She bowed her head in shame, you'd probably never understand her side of the story, as your father had clearly ingrained his side into your mind.
• "You better hope father doesn't find you. He intends on killing you if he ever does." You warned before stalking away, vanishing before she could stop you.
• She felt even worse now, than she had when she first found out about you.
• Because now she had met you, and she knew you cared not for her, you didn't sympathize with her.
• You merely pitted her, and that hurt so much more, than if you had outright hatted her.
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Long Time No See
Pairing: Adult!Atreus x Freya’sChild!fem!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary/request: based on this request
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I’m so honored to fulfill your first request on tumblr! I’m doing alright and I would be delighted to write this for you! And I appreciate you resending your request when my tumblr broke but luckily I was able to get yours! Anyways I hope you love this!
Also so sorry there’s no GIF, my internet won’t load very well unfortunately.
When Atreus decided that he needed to leave to go find the other giants, the goodbye was bittersweet. You knew it was something he had to do but it didn’t make it any less hard to watch him leave. Especially after he and his father had stumbled into you and your mother's forest, you and the boy had grown close. 
When Atreus decided that he needed to leave to go find the other giants, the goodbye was bittersweet. You knew it was something he had to do but it didn’t make it any less hard to watch him leave. Especially after he and his father had stumbled into you and your mother's forest, you and the boy had grown close. 
You hated to admit it but you bore a childish crush on him, that was up until he and his father had killed your prodigal brother Baldur. You silently thanked the valkyries for Kratos’ interference, Baldur had caused your mother so much grief during your time in Midgard. 
You inadvertently winced as you thought of the rift Baldur’s death had caused between you and your mother. You sighed and stood up out of the garden you tended to. When your mother, Freya had vowed vengeance against Kratos and Atreus she left the woods, to do what you could only imagine being prepping herself to fight a god and his godly child. 
You walked out of the small garden you had been trying to nurse back to life since Fimbulwinter ended a few winters ago, you smiled at Chaurli as he stood and allowed you into the house you’d been living in and trying to repair. 
You grimaced as you stirred the cauldron you remembered Atreus coming to you in a panic after Ragnarok, informing you of the extremely poor state that Chaurli had ended up in. You swear you had almost broke down crying when you heard about it, feeling nothing but guilt for leaving him to try and stop your mother on her revenge path for your brother. 
You huffed and stood, brushing your hands off and cleaning up the small messes you had around the living space. Your mother had dedicated herself to aiding Kratos in his adventures through the realms in his son’s place and when she wasn’t doing that she was in Vanaheim or with her Valkyrie sisters, which means that whenever she came into the woods she was more of a visitor than a fellow occupier as she once had been. 
As you finished up the small chores you felt the ground slightly rattle, signaling that Angrboda and Fenrir were here, after Atreus left you and the giantess had become close, you often visiting her in Jotunnheim and her often visiting you in Midgard. 
You opened the door and smiled to see your favorite giant wolf and giantess walking up the path through your woods, a basket in her arms and a smile on her face. You strode down the path to take the basket from her, smelling the flora of Jotunnheim wafting off her person. 
You gave her a warm smile as Fenrir lent down so you could pet his cold nose. “Hello, Angrboda! You’re looking well since the last we met” You chuckled as she picked some paint off her hand and nodded. 
“Yes, sorry about the delay, Fenrir didn’t want to help me with chores so I had to get Jalla up to help me,” She said and you both laughed, walking toward the door to sit down. Fenrir was good at occupying himself outside while you and the Giantess made conversation in the small home you grew up in.
Once you sat the basket down on one of the many surfaces you hurriedly poured some stew you had roasting over the coals since the day before. Sitting at the table with your friend, eating good food, and talking about whatever came to mind was your favorite pass time in recent days. 
And it was always enjoyable with Angrboda, she often had many good stories about happenings in Jotunnheim in your time apart, whether it was something silly Fenrir did or something she found, or more commonly talking about recent murals she had been working on. 
Before you knew it, hours had passed and the sun began to paint colors of pink and orange across the summer sky and you were saying goodbye to Angrboda and Fenrir. You hugged her tightly, your arms wrapped around her midsection as she squeezed you in return. Over the winter’s she had really sprouted up, now at least a head taller than you.
“Bye Angrboda, I better see you and Fen again before the autumn season you hear me?”  You said sternly as you released her from your vice grip and smiled at her. She laughed sheepishly and shrugged. 
“I’ll try, but sometimes things get busy, and with the whole time difference thing, it's easy to lose track of it” She laughed and smiled at you, and you nodded and smiled back to the giantess. 
“I know, be safe on the way back though okay?” You said and reached out to hug Fenrir’s muzzle. He grumbled as you leaned into his thick wiry fur. When you finally let them go, the warm hues of sunset started morphing into cool blues. You hummed as you walked inside, allowing Chaurli to settle for the night. 
You threw another log onto the fire to keep the coals warm throughout the night and stripped yourself of your day gear, before settling into the summer furs you kept on your bed.
The next morning you were awoken by the familiar rumbling of ground that you recognized to be the giant realm walking wolf you’d befriended long ago. You tumbled out of bed and felt Chaurli rousing from his slumber as he lifted your house out of the ground. 
You barely managed to throw a frock on before swinging the door open to find the giant wolf laying in front of your house and a familiar auburn haired boy, well man now, standing next to him, playing with the fur on his face. 
Your body moved before you could even think as you sprinted toward your childhood best friend and tackled him in a bone crushing hug. You both lay in the dirt as your arms remained around his body, squeezing him. 
He managed to laugh and asked you to release him when you did he stood and offered a hand to help you out of the dirt as well. When you finally got a good chance to look at him the wind spirits swept the breath from your lungs. 
Over the time he had been gone, he had grown beautifully. He certainly resembled his father in the way he carried himself and the way his shoulders were broad and intimidating, but he was still the Atreus you’d known all that time ago. The goofy smile on his face, the lighthearted aura that surrounded him, the kind look in his eye- Oh thor you were staring. 
You almost didn’t care that you allowed your eyes to take their take and examine his every detail, the wrinkle in his brow, the scars that were both faded and new. Your grin widened as he pulled you suddenly into another hug.
“Gods I missed you” His voice was almost the same as when he left, just a pitch lower and gravelly, as though he had rarely had anything to drink. Your fingers dug into the layered clothing he wore as you leaned deeply into him, tears burned your eyes as you realized how truly you had missed Atreus. 
You laughed and squeezed him once more before releasing him, allowing your hands to slide down his arms and grip his wrists, not quite knowing if this was real yet. His actions mirrored yours as you stared at each other in silence for another few moments. 
You inhaled deeply as you smiled so hard your temples were starting to ache, “You’re really here!” You softly cheered and he chuckled, giving you a half nod. “The Norns have been kind to you Atreus” You spoke mostly to yourself but he laughed again the tips of his ears turning pink. 
“Hey, that's my line! You’re the one who looks like not a season has passed since I left” he spoke softly and gave you a sincere smile, clearly meaning the sentiment.
You barked in laughter and couldn’t help but look at the dirt beneath your feet, gods you were like a teenager again. Your gaze was brought back to his face when he squeezed your forearm, the smile on his face had you basically melting into a puddle beneath you. 
“How long are you staying?” You couldn’t stop yourself from blurting the words out, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, only for him to be whisked away again in a few moons. 
You saw his jaw tense as he looked beside him where Fenrir had rested his head “I don’t know yet, I got back last night and my father really wants me to stay awhile, but-” He inhaled sharply “But, I hope to at least stay for a few moon cycles” He said and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You exhaled in slight relief, at least you had a bit of time, you didn’t know if your heart could handle him leaving again so soon. You abruptly hugged him again mumbling “I missed you Atreus” into his tunic and you felt his cheek press into your hair had he spoke a soft “I missed you too little witch”. 
You burst into laughter and lightly shoved him, his dad gave you that nickname after their second visit, and Atreus had soon picked it up after then, despite your very vocal disliking of it. 
“Oh shut up archer boy! You know I hate that nickname!” You huffed in mock displeasure as he chuckled. 
“And you know I hate ‘archer boy’ and yet there you go using it” He teased and you rolled your eyes, but felt a smile creep onto your face as you watched him gesture to himself “And besides I'm an archer MAN now!” He said proudly and you snorted at him, rolling your eyes again, but harder this time. 
“Yeah yeah, sure whatever archer boy. How about you come inside and sit down so you can properly tell me about the exciting adventures you’ve gotten into hm?” You offered and started walking to the ajar door of your home. 
Atreus simply scoffed and followed you inside, giving Chaurli a greeting as he walked down into the small cottage you occupied, leaving Fenrir to his own devices. 
Seeing him sit so domestically in the place you made your home after all this time made your stomach twist with butterflies and almost brought you to tears. You had to look away from him as you made breakfast fixings or you figured you might just cry. 
God’s you really missed him. 
This was really fun to write, sorry for the kinda half assed ending, I really wanted to just post it after working on it for what feels like forever. I really hope you enjoyed it, have a wonderful day or night.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
bloody [gow headcanon]
prompt: when they see you covered with blood
character(s): kratos, thor, baldur, tyr, freya, freyr & heimdall
wc: 1.7k || tags&notes: gn!reader, no use of y/n or pronouns, fluff, kisses, touches. anger, madness, violence, getting hurt, blood, a little angst (maybe), lover!reader.
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KRATOS likely to show a great anger the first time he sees blood on your body, both feeling irritating sense of not being able to protect you and wonder who had enough encourage to touch you – to hurt you. so, his face shows madness coming from pure rage he feels like he felt on his previous life in greek. however, he tries to hide it – decrease it when his palms hold your cheek, making you look at him directly and answer his, “who did this to you?” question which comes like a poison from his mouth – like he is ready to hold blades of chaos and manslaughter everyone cross his path including those hurt you. you only smile as an ensure that you are fine and the blood don’t belong to you. holding his hands, you use them to travel on your body, feeling there is no wound, just blood of others who tried to hurt you. his hazel eyes filled with sparkles of rage soften each moment his hands travel and finally, he takes relaxed breaths, calming down, looking at you with determined and furrowed eye brows, giving a lecture about how you need to be more careful, even calling him whenever there is a treat. he doesn’t speak aloud but his kisses on your face, his hands on your back to push your body to his, hugging you tightly, he shows how much he is afraid to see you hurting. you mean everything to him alongside atreus. he doesn’t waste any time to show you this while he cleans blood with water and cloth as you watch his massive hands work on your body gently. 
THOR is so much like kratos. however, unlike him, thor doesn’t mind using violence at all. he makes you tell names of those who hurt you. if you don’t tell, not wanting to see him acting violently even though they deserve it according to him, he seeks for them after he watches you remove your clothes, getting into a bathtub, cleaning yourself and the wounds you have while thor’s eyes study every part of you from head to toe without any shame, believing he has right to do it without asking for a permission and from deep down, you like seeing him watching you, spending his time like this only for you as his father keep asking him. you know he cares for you, so, you let him sit there, hands on knees, kneeling little towards you. his hands even caress your hair from time to time and after you are done, he picks up clothes you choose for you, helping you get dry and wear them. he kisses every wound you have while doing it, then, he nods, ready to leave for killing those who left marks of violence on your precious body. you let him even if you don’t appreciate his way of solving problems but you know he can’t stop ‘till he breaks bonds, cutting flesh, end their lives. 
BALDUR sees them even though you literally try every spell to hide them from him, knowing very well that if he sees them, he will turn into the madman, using advantage side of being an invulnerable god, killing everyone who crosses his path which goes into torturing creatures who touched his beloved without caring your health and being. however, when he finally sees them, he takes an oath to show them no mercy, put the fact that no one in all realms can think of touching you in any ways into their stupid brains before killing them. he probably choose his dragon to burn them all, laughing menacingly and feeling anger leaving his body with flames coming from burnt out bodies. he never blames you for hiding them but he says how you should stay by his side day and night so he can protect you because the world is cruel and he can’t endure the idea of seeing you getting hurt and sad. you are the only one who gives him the meaning of life and being, so, he always shows you this through these actions, protecting you with all costs, not minding whether his father is disappointed or not, not when he sees you alive and beside him – inside his arms. 
TYR is not likely to act violent against violence, instead, he chooses to take you into a safe zone he knows well, preparing enough medicine to clean wounds properly, giving you your health back, asking you what went wrong and listening carefully with pure attention as you tell the events openly. he helps you calm yourself down, giving you kisses soft as feathers, effective as sun and beautiful as roses. you let yourself getting rid of both wounds and sadness coming with them thanks to his gentle manner, taking you into his arms, covering your body with his massive one and putting kisses on your hair slowly. he is your safe zone, not the place he takes you into, no, he is the meaning of safety and the intoxicated feeling devour you. yes, he gives some advices about being watchful since all realms include danger but he knows you will get stronger after this incident with his help and he just smiles at you, ensure you that he will stay on your side forever, heal every wound you will have even if it means a hundred time. 
FREYA choose not to show her anger when you seek for medicine in her cave, showing where bloods coming from after removing clothes, exposing some parts of your body without thinking twice, being in a safe place giving you confidence to do so. she doesn’t spend any time, picks right and efficient magical spells and potion, using them to make you better – to see you well, safe and sound which she needs to see every day and night. she doesn’t like when you pull a wry face because of the pain, no, she prefers you with a strong gesture and full health. she tells you to rest in her cave, not thinking about anything, just reaching your health back while she discovers how you get hurt – who you get violence from, and she doesn’t think for second time as strong devilish magic of her finds their targets, giving them pain – much more than you felt, anger’s sparkles on her eyes, glowing lights on her palms and arms. she listens sounds that her targets make, her anger getting lower. when she finally is done with them, she rushes to see you again and preparing food to eat – good one because you need to recover and she needs to show her concern through intimate moments. also, she is determined to teach you lots of protection magic and spells ‘till your mind is filled with them. 
FREYR ‘s face will brighten with concern as he rushes to you, his hands reaching to you, grapping your arms, caressing them from up to down ‘till he holds your hands, asking so many questions in a minute such as whether you are okay or not, need anything from him, how you are covered in such blood. his concerned and calm manner changes into angry and mad one as he asks questions like ‘who did this to you’. he needs to know it – he wonders who can put a finger on you in the realm in which he opened his eyes for the first time, called as home. he is ready to take down those stupid creatures who thought they can hurt you and get away with it. however, he is just a silly because you just go for a hunt and the prey’s blood is all over you, so, you aren’t injured, no, instead, you are good and when you tell him that while holding his cheeks, half-laughing, he blinks so many times you ask if he is okay. when he comes to himself once again, he hugs you, saying how happy he is to see you weren’t hurt. he takes you from the hand into his special room, spending some times – some intimate times with you in there, letting you realize how much you mean to him, “don’t do that again. you have no idea how I can go mad if I see you hurt.” you listen him, then, you say you will not scare him like that again. also, you let him go for a few hunts with you after that day because every time he looks at you with cute eyes, making you become softer and let him travel behind you all the time. 
HEIMDALL is surprised and taking back when he sees your face and upper body filled with red blood. firstly, he goes for your mind, reading it to understand how you ended with these much blood. when he sees the fights you had before coming back to asgard – to him, how you got cuts from here to there, nothing serious but enough to make your face darken with pain, his own anger blooms inside his stomach. he is angry because of both how they dared to touch you in the first place and how he failed to show to all realms that no one could touch you since you are beloved one of heimdall, son of odin, god of foresight and lord of the asgard. he notes that he will travel around all realms, making every living beings understand the consequences of hurting and even touching you, heimdall’s beloved one and lover who he can burn all places for. after that, he lets you approach him with a shy expression, knowing he already knows how you ended up like that. you hate to be weak and you hate more when heimdall sees you weak. however, he shows no cockiness as he makes his way to you, putting a hand on your cheek to caress it, saying, “I will make sure each of them suffer enough to remember it ‘till they reach for hell.” with glowing purple eyes filled with proud because of seeing you fight for your life, coming back to him, and rage because of seeing faces of your attackers. he then makes you to follow him into his room he barely uses just for spending time with you in private, removing your clothes, cleans your wounds, reads your thoughts and feeling protective over you. he realizes how his hands go crazy while thinking how it was so easy for those attackers to hurt you while he is afraid to touch you sometimes. he will be their nightmare for sure and he goes for their heads after he spends a quite calm night with you on bed, giving you the love you needs to see after such violent incident. 
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whackk-kermitt · 5 months
Can I ask a request? How would the god of war characters confess their feeling the reader, please🥺
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Confessing Their Love
Genre: Headcanons
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Kratos is a man of few words.
Emotions are hard.
When the day came he fully realized and accepted his growing love for you he struggled to come up with the right words to tell you.
You never knew it, but there were so many moments where he nearly said it but chickened out.
Moments while hunting, fishing, and tending to the wolves and land.
Moments when you two were alone, just talking, or saying nothing at all.
Moments spent watching you laugh and smile.
He wanted you to know but wasn't sure how to say it.
When he finally told you he loved you he didn't actually say it.
But you knew.
You knew by how he looked at you.
By how he held you.
And he knew you loved him just the same.
Awkward and cute.
The king of stuttering and stumbling.
He'd asked his father how he and his mother took that step, hoping to glean some inspiration and courage from it.
Kratos wasn't much help.
Mimir didn't have advice suitable for a kid his age.
He planned to get you alone and basically serenade you.
But when you were face to face the adrenalin hit and he forgot everything he planned to say and do.
So he awkwardly handed you a flower and told you how nice you looked.
He was so nervous about messing it up that he was messing it up.
After a while, he realized you seemed just as nervous and you two had been dancing around it.
So he told you then that he loved you.
And when you reciprocated it he felt like he would throw up from the butterflies in his stomach.
He pitched himself.
Before losing his body, he would've been shameless in chasing you down and swooning over you.
He'd court you and serenade you, showing you with gifts of flowers, wine, and treats so sweet.
He'd brag to anyone you had an ear about how he adored you so, even if you hadn't accepted him yet.
Afterwards. . .
The man is insecure.
How could he be your lover if he had nothing to give.
He'd wait his time until there was a moment when you two were alone.
A moment where he would confess his heart, despite not actually having one anymore.
His confession would almost feel like an apology.
Like he was becoming a burden to you like you would now have a weight on your shoulders.
But it was a weight he needed off his chest. . . metaphorically.
But then you smiled so sweetly and returned the gesture.
He thought you were making a fool of him for a moment, but only a moment.
The way you held him and pressed a kiss to his cheek told him you were honest.
He'd never been happier.
He wouldn't.
Not directly at least.
Not at first.
He's got an ego that won't sway even for the majesty that is you.
Instead of saying that he loves you, he'd confront that you love him first.
Teasing you for it and poking the subject until you catch on.
The first time he'd ever actually say it is after you'd begin to doubt it.
I mean, he never says it, so. . . maybe it's just pity?
How could you think that? Even if it is just a passing thought!
How could you ever think he wouldn't absolutely adore you?
Are you stupid?
So he said it.
And then again.
And again.
And every time you're alone because PDA is for losers.
If you're good enough for his picky tastes then you are worth more than anything.
You need to understand that or else.
The man doesn't feel.
Driven mad but the numbness.
He just wants to feel the breeze in his hair, the sun on his skin.
He wants to feel the cold of the snow, and the pain of a cut.
But nothing.
His body is numb and he lives forever in agony.
Yet when he met you and knew you. . .
He can not feel his heart, even if you took a knife carved it out, and put it in his hands.
But something about you eased the madness and made him feel something again.
He wasted no time holding onto you and keeping you by him at all times.
It may not be to its fullest potential, not until the curse is broken, but he feels for you so deeply that it's borderline obsessive.
You are his and he adors you, worships you.
He will tell you he loves you just to see that smile, to feel that almost real warmth.
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I might come back and add more characters later. I got bored. NOT PROOF-READ
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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pynkgothicka · 2 years
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General Yandere GOW Headcanons
Synopsis - Just some general Headcanons for one of my favorite game series and characters!!
Tags and Warnings - Harm Towards the Reader, that's all I got.
Authors Note - THIS IS SO CRINGE (please don't unfollow me I'm going through a phase (I'm working on BTS reqs rn I swear))
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Literally is known for killing, and will gladly do it again
Your like family to him and he's seen too many of those he considered family betray him and die
Pre Norse Kratos would be at his absolute worst peak. Any little thing would result in someone else dying.
Looked at you wrong? Cut in Half.
Someone told you something? Eyes Gouged out.
And the worst someone did to you the more serious Kratos would punish them, or really kill them.
His rage is met with something that calms him, makes him feel grounded, aka you.
But my god is he gentle with you, no matter what. He touches you almost like you'd break if he used anymore force.
Even with the little words he uses when talking to you, he truly loves and cares for you. All he wants is for that love to be recognized and given back to him.
But one thing for sure, Kratos kidnaps you. Just to keep you in his sights and a place he knows and can see you whenever
Post Norse Kratos is much more pleasant to be around. He's more stern, more calm, much more approachable, even if needing a much more deeper urge too.
Plus if your good with Atreus, that only makes things better. He sees that maternal aspect in you instantly
However no matter what he keeps is past closer off to you because he doesn't want you to think any different of him.
(HE LOVES BIG WOMEN GUYS I SAID IT. HE GOT TOO. (all his dead wives are skinny (let me be delusional)))
You yelled out running into the middle of of snow. It was freezing cold but you couldn't stop anytime soon. Or else you'd be trapped back in that house, never to see the light of day.
You heard him.
Heavy, labored breaths behind you.
You ducked down behind a rock, trying to slow your breathing. This was hopeless, but you had to Atleast try. Maybe Freya would help you or something, she does a have a thing against your captor.
“Do you wish to die out here.”
A hand went to your mouth, refusing to give in to the fear that overtook you.
“You cannot survive the cold. Come back. Do you not want to be home? With us?”
His footsteps grew louder, he knew what he was. He was intimidating, scary, deep down a killer.
And did he know how to use those aspects to his advantage.
A hand grabbed at your ankle and you were pulled up by your foot. You made direct eye contact with the wall of muscle that you'd grown to fear. His breathing was labored but he took a deep breath in, and sling you over onto his shoulder.
“We are to talk about this later. Understand?”
All you could do was sob silently and nod your head.
Man when I tell you shes reminded of what love feels like, she is reminded hard.
She's already broken, having almost everything taken away from her by Odin. But you mend those tears in her soul, binding them shut with your mere existence.
Freya would've instantly been drawn to you, seeing as all you wish to do is care for the people around you, being free from Odin's eye, as your inconsequential to him
She would grow to envy your freedom, as you traveled the realms as freely as you wished. Your absence would plague her, growing to be that without you she feels empty.
And it gets worse after Bauldur dies.
Once he's gone you flee quickly seeing what she's turned into. Fueled by rage and regret, she would have these outbursts of just heavy emotion. And so you left, avoiding Midgard at all costs.
It wouldn't be long until she finds you, being free from her curse. Freya would tackle you to the ground and capture you, vowing go nrver let you out of her sights again.
And she doesn't, she wants you to either be locked up and with her. And majoirty of the time it's with her. She wants a new spouse, someone to actually call her love and mean it.
“There you are!”
You were tackled to the ground, bound by vines that were never apart of the vegetation of the realm you called home.
The sight of a angered Freya came into view as your eyes opened. Her breathing was labored as she moved her hands, the vines still keeping you stuck. Her hands came to your cheek and you winced at her cold touch. A paled man stood over in the distance watching silently.
“Your just as beautiful as the day you left…” She mumbled to herself bringing your attention back to her. Freya's hands pressed against your cheeks as she leaned in, kissing your forehead passionately. The action almost mimicked a mother, trying to clam her new born baby.
But this wasn't the situation for that.
“Freya please we can tal-”
“So you know how much you hurt me?! You left me alone. Alone with my thoughts, I spiraled without you.” She yelled at you. This is one of the reasons you left in the first place, her mood can switch so easily. “But that's in the past, and all I care for is the future. One where you and me spend eternity together.”
Atreus (But in a platonic crushing way cause ya know he a minor)
He's crazy, literally whipped for you. He's considers you to be his best friend, and does a bunch of harmless flirting.
Of course he thinks your pretty, one of the prettiest people he's ever encountered and has he seen some things. But he knows that staying friends keeps him happier, and less stressed
Being a mortal really didn't help your case, if anything it made Atreus more protective of you and your safety.
Any situation he deemed to dangerous and unsafe for you, he'd make you stay behind (he takes after his father a lot.)
You often are the subject to which he vents too, it's rather unintentional, everything that's happened and is currently happening to him is just so stressful. And god knows he couldn't vent to his father or Sindri.
He has this thing for showing you the world through his eyes. Like he'll tell you what animals are saying and how they're just like him and you. The beauty of nature is something he just has to show you
One thing that's worrisome is how impulsive he is. He's so quick to stand his guard and protect you when it comes to you and your safety. Key example is Heimdall, in which he never liked. Atreus hates how the blonde talks to you, in fact he would immediately pull out the wolf when Heimdall even mentions you.
Off note, Atreus will bring you to Asgard with him. No matter what you say he'll want you to be there with him. His excuse is that you'd make a great duo, but in reality he doesn't want to be alone.
“What is wrong with you!? Your trying or at least considering to go to Asgard?!” You yelled once inside of Freya's abandoned house.
“Its the next best lead I have. But I need you to go with me, I can't do it alone.” Atreus said as if it was the most simple thing ever. You furrowed your brows at the half god.
“Let me break it down for you. I'm a mortal. A mortal in a realm built for gods? Yeah your fucking crazy. Oh let me add this. I'm a child, your a child, WE'RE CHILDREN!"
“I'd say young adults, shit maybe teenagers. But the thing is we have to, we have to save my dad.” Atreus tried to reason with you.
“Since when is it a WE thing? Atreus this is your prophecy not mine. Hell not even Atreus, this is Loki's prophecy."
“Wait don't go I need you!”
“Goodbye Loki.”
“No!” He yelled before shooting a arrow at your arm, cut forming at your forearm. You hissed out and grabbed at the wound, the cold hitting your blood. “Your not going anywhere hurt like that. Step out there and the cold will infect the wound. If you come with me, Odin can heal you.”
“Make a choice.”
“Fine. I'll go….”
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arvolna · 8 months
Freyr: Sooo... Kratos. You're lookin kinda fine today.
Kratos: I'm dating with your sister.
Freyr: damnit! 😭😭😭
Freyr: Lunda you have to stop flirting with people-
Lunda: Dammnnn. Are you a forge? Because you're smokin hot!
Freyr: At least I tried
Freya: So are you interested in anyone these days? Is there someone special?
Freyr, shyly:... His female form.
Freya:For gods sake...
Odin: Heimdall died?
Atreus: GG
Freya: Hey mimir,
Mimir: yes my lady?
Mimir: uhh my lady?
Mimir: Freya?
Kratos: She's trying to annoy you.
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
— Yandere Freya Masterlist
🔞 = NSFW
Platonic is stated first, then romantic.
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