#god thats story lives in my head rent free
celestie0 · 6 months
ive literally never sent of these asks before so im nervous AS FUCK😭😭😭 but i HAVE to say smth or ill explode
kickoff is no joke one of my fav fanfics ive read on this website and BY GOD THATS SAYING SMTH. its one of those fanfics that ive read and just immediately implemented into my lil daydreams and all that, like i think about kickoff!gojo way too often for it to be normal💀💀💀 guy's living in my head rent free, and i wont even do anything abt it
like the whole story is so beautiful and the characters are so HUMAN, like i think thats what gets me the most. both gojo and reader make mistakes and fuck up and apologise, except when they dont, and they have problems and feelings and they struggle but theyre trying their best and it just BXLAHXKSBXJ !!!!! im fine. promise. anyways. theyre just so intricate. i love it when characters have depth🫶🫶🫶
also FUCK KAI, i KNEW he was a bastard from the moment he made that comment abt reader's dreams being unattainable or wtv in chapter 8. all the fucking alarms went off in my head, like MAJOR DICKBAG ALERT🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 reader fucking GOT HIS ASS THO, HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED !!!!
this is a lil long, esp for my first ask ever but at this point, i could not read this story and NOT say smth. have a lovely day or night or wtv youre having rn, your writing is amazing, keep going !!! ^.^
omg lovely u have me so emotional rn on a saturday AM 😭🫶🏼💕 thank u for sending me this ask even if u dont usually, it means sm to me 🥺✨
for it to be one of ur faves makes me feel so honored and im so glad kickoff gojo be in ur head bc hes been in my head a lot too recently and im suffering 🤣💔 maybe one day our daydreams will sync n then the au will come to life. 🕯️ im manifesting the fuck outta that
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I COULD FR CRYYYYY RN to hear that they’re coming off as human n w depth is srs my largest goal as im writing and i’m so happy you feel that way ab them 😭💕 yess theyre both not perfect n have capacity to hurt but also heal and i’m excited to build their romance on that foundation :””) ugh lemme jus eat u pls
YES FUCK KAI SB HE will have karma circle around to slap him n if it’s not karma it’ll be me LMAO
thank u again sm for ur words my love 🤧💕 i hope u have a wonderfulll day as well and all blessings to you always <33 aaa
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OK NOW THAT YOUVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED HANNIBAL I CAN TELL YOU MY MASON VERGER STORY. OH MY GOD. so . back when i first watched hannibal i was liveblogging my experience over discord chats with aster since shes the one who recommended it to me . ok. and this was myyyy senior year of college so i was ENTRENCHED in marine biology type courses ok. i specifically had a class on aquarium exhibit design and i was going a little bit insane abt it because my professor sucked. anyway. i an rambling. so i see mason vergers motherfucking eel tank and i go NUTS about it.
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THAT THING IS SO GODDAMN EMPTY. EELS NEED SHIT TO HIDE IN AND HE IS KEEPING THEM IN THE AQUARIUM EQUIVALENT OF A CEMENT BRICK. oh it made me so mad. notice the timestamp too this was like. near-midnight sleep deprived madness. theres like a whole rant about enrichment along with this that im not including bc it spanned the course of like 3 hours.
now you think this would be the end of my insanity. you underestimate my power. that goddamn eel tank lived in my head RENT FREE and it makes me SO MAD every single time i rewatch hannibal. and aster has to suffer because i bring it up so much bc i think its hilarious
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<< these are from my second hannibal rewatch which i think is hilarious because its almost exactly a year after i finished watching it yhr first time. i swear i didnt do that on purpose but its REALLY funny
also at my last job we had a moray eel and we would regularly dive in the tank with her so i got a lot of Real Actual Eel Welfare experience so every once in a while id just say shit like this
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anyway. thats the eel saga . every day i am thinking about mason vergers eel tank and the fact that his death is so fucking perfect to me specifically for this insane reason . eel retribution forever
OH MY GOD. MAC THAT IS HILARIOUS. OF COURSE U WOULD GO INSANE OVER AN EEL TANK THIS IS SO MAC CORE!!! i may not be a marine biologist but i knew those little guys were not being kept in a proper tank and it was killing me and i also felt sooooo fucking happy over his death like FUCK YES. FUCK YES. KILL HIM. GET FUCKED BOY!!!!!! i was so happy 2 see him dead. holding ur hand rn mac we both hate mason verger and loved seeing him get murdered by his sad mistreated eels <3 EEL RETRIBUTION FOREVER!!!!!!
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sea-salted-wolverine · 5 months
P, Q, T 👀
*insert grumble mumble while I hunt down which questions those are*
P- invent random AU for a fandom.
Uhhh... Klondike gold rush era Alaska. 1890s and there's money coming out of the ground at the ends of the earth. The corners of the map have all been filled in but there is one last frontier to explore. The mounties are making your characters carry 3 years worth of supplies up the chilkoot pass. They have more money than God in a place where there is nothing to buy. Wump opportunities galore. The only people actually turning a profit are the outfitters and the whores. The closest version of western civilization is a tent city in a swamp run by gangs stealing luggage. (Anchorage mention) Robert Service is writing poetry about a frozen zombie mailman. Jack London is writing about murder dogs.
I am not optimistic about the quality of a gold rush AU written for fan fic purposes because its a super niche thing that would require assloads of research, but its an incredibly rich setting and frankly a fucking insane period of history. Go read the Cremation of Sam Mcgee and slot in whoever you feel would fit. Tag it as #wouldn't it be fucked up if
Q- i don't so much abandon ships as I put them in drydock and forget about them. I have a habit of latching onto underdeveloped characters in mediocre media that are never going to get any more fleshed out than "cute naive love interest" or "comic relief character #2" and then I'm vaguely dissapointed when the mediocre media wraps up and is content to leave them as accessories of the plot. I have a handful of fics that started as ships, and I did so much work extrapolating personalities and fleshing out the characters that it just became original fiction. The worst offenders are usually Shonen Manga and action movies because while there is a solid chunk of my media taste that is a 9 year old boy who wants to see explosions and superpowers and giant rock-em sock-em robots, those are generally not the kinds of stories that have much in the way of character depth.
Though, sometimes I am surprised and a ship I had thought was moldering away in the back, ready to be scuttled for artificial reef building, comes charging up to the forefront guns blazing and colors flying. Usually when someone has an opinion about Christopher Eccleston. NineRose doesn't so much live in my head rent free as it chewed a hole in the wall and pops out at random moments.
T- do I have any headcannons i will die defending?
I have a bit of a unique approach to head cannons. If it makes the story work better If it makes the story work better then everything is fair even if its contradictory. Senshi is the equivalent of a 20-year-old with a full beard and a 1000 yd stare is supported by canon and contradicted by the supplemental material, but thats not the thing that makes or breaks the headcannon. Its hilarious and fits the themes, despite the fact its not the authors intent.
I do get protective over intentional allegory especially unstated intentional allegory. Just because there isn't a great big banner stating that Pacific Rim, the movie about giant monsters from the ocean, rated on a 1 to 5 category system, showing up specifically because of rising CO2 levels and a warming atmosphere, that the goverment decides to fight for a little bit and then ignore and slap an in effective seawall on it and just let everyone on the coast get fucked, is about hurricanes, doesn't mean that I'm making things up when I say it's about hurricanes. The same with reading the Matrix as a trans allegory. The Wachowski Brothers were the Wachowski Sisters by the time they finished making a trilogy about taking a pill to remain comfortable in the status quo or taking a different pill to make some difficult changes and see the world as it is. So denying any queer interpretation of those movies is somewhere between willful ignorance and illiteracy, especially when the pills are color coded to zanax and oral estrogen.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Dirkjake Fic Recs
i will be the first to admit im picky about my dirkjake, largely because i will not fucking stand for any fic where i feel like jake isnt given his just dues. jake is too fascinating and great of a character to just be that guy dirk liked. so here are my four absolute favorite dirkjake fics that i still stand by with my whole chest
The Four Kings, the God Thief, and the Black Diamond Pirates
by @oxfordroulette
Dirk and Vriska have it good. They raid ships, pillage merchant vessels, constantly poison each other, possess a lucrative pact with the Wind King, sing a lot of dope fuckin’ sea shanties, and captain a loveable crew of pirate scum. They’re ready to kick back, take it easy, and become the vile and revered scourge of the diamond trading line. Then they find someone in the water.
this has to be one of the greatest dirkjake fics ever written. oxfordRoulette excels so brilliantly at writing homestuck characters as theyre meant to be: assholes. horrible, horrible, terrible assholes. they pull no punches writing the pirates in this story to be just the most irredeemable pieces of shit and thats what makes it so goddamn good. their dialogue is hilarious, the relationship between dirk and vriska is EVERYTHING to me, and the gods are written so fucking brilliantly its impossible not to love them (predictably, i am particularly in love w dave, but theyre genuinely all so good). plus, its ILLUSTRATED, and their art is just fantastic
Wondrous Adventures of Harley, English, and Strider
by spectralPhobia
Jake English has a pretty straightforward life: he is an amateur writer who travels around the world with his twin sister Jade Harley and their dog Becquerel, thinking this is the best a life could be. Meeting Dirk Strider is only the beginning of the journey of changing his worldview, as well as an epic quest of saving the world, when spirits from an ancient legend come to life. A story about adventures, magic, conspiracy, sacrifices, smart people and clever plans, people who make mistakes, and many instances of great love. Set in a sort of steampunk world (no computer technologies, airships are a predominant way of travelling).
this is ANOTHER one of the greatest dirkjake fics ever written, but its also just one of the best homestuck fics ever written. if you liked my godstuck fics, you should DEFINITELY read this bc it inspired me a lot. the things they do w classpects are so fucking creative and while it is dirkjake its just as much a fic about jade and jake. its brilliantly fucking done, and i recommend it to absolutely everyone and anyone
A House Built
by sunflowerwonder
The Prospitian hero who seduced a foreign prince into sending his country resources. Certainly one for the history books.
medievalstuck. this one, as well as @callmearcturus's followup fic, A Spark, A Flame, A Fire, is definitely worth a read. jake is so often shafted in dirkjake fics, its a rare treasure when you find him written with quite so much care as he is in these fics. both authors have fascinating things to say about who jake is and how he communicates with people, and when it comes to arcs fic, i just LOVE how dave and rose are written, augh. theyre so fucking precious. im also a big big fan of roxy and jakes friendship! i still think about roxys little petnames for jake all the time. the derse vs prospit worldbuilding also just lives in the back of my head rent free at all times. if you liked my fic, Tactical Retreat, you should definitely read these bc god knows they totally influenced my worldbuilding
chamomile, rose water, and other unlikely intoxicants
by @callmearcturus
"I do swear by Skaia's guiding light to eschew ambition and direction to serve in the holy retinue. I will lay my head in the safety of the bower and pay penance in thought and deed. For the King of All Winters and the Undying Prince, I will provide succor and balm, and yield my being to ease the burden he carries for us all."  An off-the-cuff jamfic for the Strilondes discord that spun rapidly out of control. In which Dirk plays the role of resigned god-prince of Skaia, locked in a twisted version of the Year King fable. His life is a sorry routine until one year, he receives a very bold, strange offering from the heir to House Harley, Jake. A story about cycles, and how to break them, and the patterns left in the scattered pieces afterward.
sort of a medieval, fairytale style fic. i just love the way jake is written in this one, hes so fucking charming. the story itself and the plot is really compelling, and the worldbuilding is great! arc also just has a writing style that just sort of... flows, you know? its fucking beautiful honestly i wanted to write like that so bad
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littlest-bugz · 7 months
current hyperfixation? (feel free to infodump!!)
YIPPEEE!!! This made my day FR!! Thank you, mutual <3
This is kind of embarrassing, but I’ve been deeply invested by my own OCverse for going on 8 years now. Its my Special Interest, which sucks because,,, im the only one who can make content of these stinkies,,,,,
I really find it hard to hyperfixate on anything else because of the fact Ive been invested for so long (except for Web Design and coding, which I wont infodump about, since its literally all for these stories, deadass).
It is not fun at times because 1) all the characters live rent free in my head and criticize how I write them in my novels [that DID life] and 2) its SO hard to make new projects and get attached to them. Ive been trying for 2 years to make a horror project out of one concept but I seriously cant get fully invested and it SUCKS. Let me make my silly little horror web series damnit!!!!! (@ my brain)
I have 3 novels and one fantasy series im working on so,,,, Infodump time >:3c
TWs: Terminal Illness + brief mentions of (mental institute) hospitalization, murder, war, and some others that I’m not 110% sure the exact tags for them (basically kind of cannibalism, but between nonhuman species). Other than terminal illness, they’re super brief mentions, but still proceed with caution.
Right now, I’m working on one of the books I’ve been writing for nearly my whole time writing. Ive been only working on it since feb 1st (it’s, like, the THIRD draft tho).
Blurb about book
Melissa is a bassist in a rock band she formed with her high school friends. Just as her, and her friends’, career begins takes off, she gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. With a month left to live, and a shit ton of unfinished business, she invokes her best friend’s patron deity who is capable of miracles, Flip. Melissa and Flip make a pact to keep her alive until her business is over, but oh no! Melissa has caught the eyes of another god, and a pretty shitty one at that. How is she going to make her last months peaceful if she’s being hunted down by a god?
The working title is called “Ensuring Your Spot In Hell” because Flip is, essentially, a demon in the universe (rules an infernal ring of hell- it means I would have to explain the worldbuilding around hell and its A LOT), but titles are!!! So hard for me!!!
A list of random facts about the book™️ because I don’t want to write full paragraphs bc I can go on forever if u ask me to:
Flip’s name is a shortened version of his actual name, Fli’pyek. Furthermore, the domain Flip rules over is that of Wrath and Violence
Trinity (Melissa’s childhood bestie, and the friend that worship’s Flip) is a hereditary witch and pagan. Her family has been worshipping Flip and practicing witchcraft for several generations! They literally have their own holy book (generational BoS/Grimoire/whatever u want to call it).
Melissa had been sick with the disease™️ since she was 16. She just neglected the shit out of her own health (me too bestie, me too). It easily could have been prevented if she went to the doctor back when she was, at least, 18 years old, max 24.
At the time Melissa is diagnosed with her terminal illness, she’s 26. By the time she was supposed to die, she would’ve been freshly 27. Has anyone heard of the 27 club theory before? Or is it just an obscure reference I made LMAO
Melissa has extended biological family that worships Flip! It gets super awkward when Melissa visits them with Flip lol
The other primordial god that Melissa finds herself in a predicament with is named Ama, the god of Cruelty and Torture. Not a swell guy to get mixed up with, that’s for sure!
Melissa has an orange and white cat named Cheddar!
Flip always smells like whiskey and freshly cut tobacco. At all times. It’s bc his blood smells like it (and tastes like it too, but why are you tasting it? /j)
Any other facts might be getting into spoiler territory, BUT!! Thats the one Im working on rn, in February. In January I worked on another book, but that one honest to gods might be too triggering for this acc for an indepth thingy like the book I just did. It’s being rewritten to not be so triggering, but bc it’s a throw up of some of our trauma, it’s not an easy task to censor it.
REGARDLESS, Here’s a rundown of ALL of my main novels (minus the one I already talked about)
The Case of Twin Woods [mystery, drama, crime] (the one i worked on January)
Chastity hates her life. She hates her shitty job, she hates her shitty friends, and she hates her shitty family. After opening up too much to an online friend about her chronic suicidality, Chastity gets taken to Twin Woods Mental Institute, the state’s mental institution. There she befriends an eccentric group of patients, then finding out something terrible might be going on with the head warden, Leon Bellamy. She takes it upon herself to find out and solve the mystery, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
Untitled One (but leaning towards the name of ‘Jealousy’ or somethin idk) [drama, romance, crime]
Mia has a quiet life. She works at a library, she fosters cats, and by all means, has what could be considered a ‘boring life’. One day, she gets laid off from her job under the excuse of “cutting costs”, leaving her without a job and severance. While scrambling for a job, she finds one at a local cafe, the most frequented one in the city. There she befriends one of the regulars, a cold, quiet man named Zander, and after she unknowingly helps Zander’s brother, she becomes significantly closer to him. However, her boss, a bitter ex of Zander’s, hears about their ensuing closeness and decides she doesn’t like what’s going on. One failed dinner party and murder attempt later, Mia is left scrambling to hide that she killed Angelina in self defense. Will she be successful in hiding the murder? Or will the justice system make quick work of her?
Untitled Fantasy Series (has about 2 actual novels and 3 novellas… a possible third novel too) [drama, romance]
book one
Since his birth, King Sunshine has known his fate. He is to be sacrificed for the greater good of the realm he resides, killing his oppressive father, but losing his life in the process. It’s a prophecy that has been laid out since the beginning of Racktokian history, one King Sunshine was never able to escape due to his father’s unspoken rage at his own murder. After meeting a Vurtock for the first time, a species his father only used as cattle, Sunshine finds himself quickly entangled in a plot to overthrow his own father to liberate the Vurtockian race. He knows what he has to do, but it isn’t easy.
book two
The great war tore apart the country King Sunshine called home. His father left no stone unturned from his rage, and public opinions split the people. In the rubble of his home, he builds a new country founded on the importance of the civilians, only to be elected as a King in place of his father. Living in the palace he always called home, but had tried to escape, he finds that his father keeps sending assassins to make attempts on his life. One assassin, a vurtock with nothing to lose, hits a soft spot in Sunshines heart. After deescalating the attempt on his life, he offers the vurtock to stay in his castle until they’re able to find the proper resources to help him build a life in the new country. Far away from the oppressive dictatorship of his father. Yet, as his guest begins to stay for longer than intended, he sees that yet another step in the prophecy will begin.
Despite how the second book blurb is written, it’s more from the vurtock’s point of view than Sunshine’s. I just had a total brain fart.
The novellas for the fantasy book follow the POV of other important characters, such as the ruler of the Vurtockian rebellion, the POV of other rulers. For a while I wanted to write one from Raphaël’s POV, but I decided it wouldn’t be worth writing a whole book about a piece of shit finding joy in the pain he causes. Like, no thanks, ill pass.
Theres a possible 3rd book that would essentially be an extended epilogue, since the prophecy doesn’t stop at Sunshine’s death. I just haven’t thought as far as the 2 books and 3 novellas, in terms of outlining the books and stuff.
I honestly could give TONS more info on the fantasy books because that part of my universe has been around nearly the whole time Ive been writing. I have maps of the world, maps of countries, maps of even just cities, house and castle layouts, moodboards, art. Visual references galore. Not to mention the playlists for each character + each book. I also made a document called “The Remian Bible” because it has everything about the world in it, including the alphabets of the languages, grammar structures for said languages and literally 5 holy books for the religions even tho they wont evEN BE TALKED ABOUT IN ENOUGH DEPTH (why did i do that to myself /lh j/. It doesn’t help that I still want the write the holy books in their native languages… oo,,, and imagine writing the actual novels in the native languages,,,,). It’s honestly kind of,,, surreal how much time Ive put into this world 🧍 Like??? Damn,,,,
BUT YEAH!!! Those are all the books that take place in my ocverse + some other info!!! The things that are my hyperfixation,,,, My own books and world LMAO— The books don’t include half of the ocs in my ocverse tho, so thats where the website im coding comes in. It’ll have short stories based on the backstories of various characters on it, and Yes, even the background characters will be on it bc Im fucking bonkers and fleshed them out, even though some of them are in one scene for 2 minutes.
That being said, if anyone, or u mutual (if u read this wall of text), found any of this interesting, or wants to read even just the prologue of any of these, DM me!! I’m always looking for beta readers!! Or people to talk to about it too, that’d be fantastic. I really need beta readers, so seriously. DM me if u want to read my cringey stories!! I can give better in depth tws too!!!
EDIT: I need to mention that I go through spurts of hyperfixating on only one book or series. Thats why its both my hyper fixation AND my Special Interest
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lonesome--hunter · 5 months
hi josiah has been on my mind a lot lately bc im writing a cult whump story and stuff... and im like obsessively imagining my protag (mary) being married off to josiah instead of her canon wife naomi... and like being indoctrinated into a different cult (the cult of horrible suffering and pet whumpees)... and like, she could still have her prayer closet and she could be locked into the closet by josiah and she could still be starved and have it be called "fasting".... and all that...... im foaming at the mouth i kinda rly wanna write a crossover fanfic but i'd have to reread the entirety of the devil's highway to get a good grip on my man again. god i love josiah. he would be SUCH a horrible husband to mary in many respects but then he would also be a very good husband in some ways and aaaaaaaa mary would absolutely 100% believe divorce is not an option and she would also help josiah cope with his suicidal tendencies and GOD ALL OF IT IS SO GOOD IN MY HEAD. im even coming off anon to share all of this even tho im usually too afraid AJDJSKSKSK anyway uh what do u think abt me writing a little fanfic maybe potentially sometime in the future...👉👈 im saying it now tho, i will Not be able to get josiah's awesome accent to work bc im not good enough of an english speaker for that AJDJDKDK but yeah i. am rabid about this concept
in my head, the fic would kinda go like this. mary's upbringing would be the same as in canon, so her family dies in an accident and shes raised by her religious grandma. her grandma passes when shes 19 and from then on shes very alone. and in the crossover she would like work as a waitress in the small town josiah frequents, in a diner he frequents. and they meet often and they kinda fancy each other and mary is religious like josiah and they talk abt jesus sometimes and also josiah eventually takes her out. and then josiah is just like okay that was enough courting i am now taking her By Force. so he kidnaps her on their next date. and then mary is just forced to be a nice stay at home wife and put up with josiah's human pets and cook and clean and go to church with him. they have a backyard wedding in front of god only because thats the only guy that matters anyway. mary is like fucking terrified all the time forever but also she has good moments with josiah and she grows to care for him deeply... im sorry i rambled so much but like yea this lives in my head rent fucking free
I've been feeling crummy with health stuff and this makes my day so much!
I cannot wait to read it!
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First and formost, I'm super obsessed with your hunger au ( I've pretty much adapted all of your world building hc's into my own hc's cuz it's so well fleshed out and adhdvduskjdb) and I am enjoying every step with this story, from where it started as random world building tumblr post to full fleshed story, you're doing amayzing and I can't wait to read more of your content, hunger au or whatever future projects u work on ❤️
But I gotta ask, what is the part you are most excited to write about? The thing that most writers and cave and write first even though it's fourteen chapters away ( not at all talking from experience lol), or maybe you've already posted it? I'd love to hear the brain critters that you have chewing on it lol.
WOSNWJEJSN THANK YOU AAUGH THIS IS SO????? Omg thats such a nice thing to say, im kinda speechless that you like hunger au so much youve adopted my worldbuilding headcanons for it!!!! This is really kind, thank you so much, im ngl this made my night!!!
Oh man..... there's one scene FAR in the future that i keep tucked very close to my chest because it just. HITS. the imagery of it, the absolute gut-wrenching transition from cheerful and happy to suddenly devastating...... that beat drop lives in my head rent fucking free. I dont want to spoil it, but i will say this-- Etho is involved, and my gods is it a doozy.
I havent written it yet, because im weird and really like to write in exact chronological order, but that scene is essentially a movie clip in my head and i know EXACTLY what i want to do with it, so for now i vibrate excitedly and know that this scene is going to have people on the goddamn floor
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wellhellothereem · 6 months
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HEYO! Here is some BTE (Before the Eclipse) concept sketches! Am... Still struggling with some elements of the story and also nervous since this is my first time making an original comic idea...
ALSO yeh sorry It will no longer be a FNAF AU cause I changed so many elements that I feel like making it into its own thing! Not sure actually how closely these Sun and Moon Gods will look like the original sun and moon.. WILL..THINK!!!
I will also take my sweet time on updates cause I don't like putting deadlines on my calender,,, This is more of a personal project. I will mostly post art and a few updates (keyword few) I have a tag for the story so anyone who seems interested can check it out so no one has to scroll on endlessly.
BTW The MC is called Wayne and they are non-binary! They live in my head rent free 24/7.....thats all I wanna say about them cause other stuff is spoilers HAGSHJK BUT they will be a kind of... Anti-hero? That's what I have in my head as of now...
k thats all time to go in my cave again
(AH before I go the first pic is supposed to be concept for the first page title, second some concept for the Gods, thirth concept for MC, and fourth a bit of the second and thirth)
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littencloud9 · 8 months
yosano and/or itadori for the character ask game?
omg the specialest people ever…
heres yosano
first impression: i watched bsd anime before i read the manga… so i thought she was that powerful sexy woman archetype 😞
impression now: AUGHHHHHHHHHH. HER STORY HURTS ME SO MUCH. also her ability is beautiful and more people should talk about it
favourite moment: her and chuuya’s fight was so funny to me. mlm wlw hostility. they should let her swing her big ass knife around more often
idea for a story: oh god its in my wips but basically its ranpo&yosano centric (for an event Haha) and yosano vows to never use her ability again, but one day ranpo gets hurt really badly and she uses it again and she spirals because shes afraid the same thing will happen with the soldier and ranpo will end up resenting her and. yeah
unpopular opinion: i. i think she would absolutely hate kouyou actually. and people should stop depicting her as the mom of the agency (shes 25 she should be at the club!!!!)
favourite relationship: her and ranpo are the most special siblings ever god i could CRY. i also really love her and chuuya. not in the way that i think theyd be friends but i want to lock them in a room together and see what happens
favourite headcanon: she has a belly button piercing!! also she brings kyouka and naomi on girl errands together and loves them both like theyre her little sisters <3
and for itadori
first impression: pink!! so precious!!
impression now: SCREAMS AND THROWS UP. someone put him in a slice of life anime NOW. i need to wrap him in a comfy blanket and feed him soup thats my SON
favourite moment: not animated yet but when hes in that bathrobe sipping from a wine glass but its just juice… thats my boy
idea for a story: ive never watched the movies but spiderman!yuuji lives in my head rent free. i think itd be funny if he could swing around everywhere
unpopular opinion: he is the Best mc in jjk ever everyone who says he isnt should shut up. hes so kind and so strong and aughhhsvsh
favourite relationship: i cant say itafushi thats cheating so. him and nobara i MISS them please please please gege give them back. ALSO HIM AND NANAMI. IT MAKES ME SO SAD. but honourable mention to him and todo #bruzahh4ever
favourite headcanon: hes a really good cook and enjoys cooking for his friends! i also think acts of services would be his love language. eg he organises megumi’s bookshelf for him, he carries nobara’s shopping even after complaining about it, he does everyone’s laundry randomly… i love him so much
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doctorweebmd · 9 months
so i saw you reblogging this https://www.tumblr.com/doctorweebmd/738744278835150848 (i hope the link will work?? it's the post about wanting to write soul snatching stories etc) and i wanted you to know that everything you wrote for a litany of love and loss is this to me. these two fics are some of my favorite pieces of mha fanfic and honestly count among my favorite pieces of writing of all time. they killed me dead. i left a comment but i keep thinking about it so i thought i'd reiterate because i cried my eyes out questioned my existence and dissociated for two (2) whole hours while listening to the playlist. i still listen to the playlist on the regular and think about the Themes and Execution and Story Choices and how well everything fit together and ahgghhgh. there are sentences in the first part that just. live in my head rent free. ("when i was god, i weighed the scales of the world against your continued existence, and found the answer obvious" aaaoughhhh oof i can't cope) i don't have the words but i'm so excited to read it again when it'll have settled in my mind a bit.
(and like. in general while im bad at commenting i love your writing, ive ate up everything you've written for mha and i kinda want to get into bsd just so i can read your recent pieces. so. there you go qidjkskfif i hope it's ok to send this. i'm going on anon because social anxiety is a bitch)
(╥﹏╥) i literally have tears in my eyes. honestly honestly. this is embarrassing i dont even know how to express my gratitude - i've just been sitting here trying to find a way to thank you for this without sounding insane lmao. it feels like you reached across time and space and pulled me out of a self-deprecating spiral lmao thank you so much for your kindness and for taking the time to write this like. you dont know how much it means. haha. lol?
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THATS ONE OF MY FAVORITE LINES. Because Deku literally IS a god in the shape of a boy. He has infinite power and such a finite heart. And he loves so completely and so deeply and not only could it destroy him it could destroy EVERYTHING around him. Every time I think of Izuku growing up never having met Katsuki... just how gray the world must have looked in front of him... aldfjalksdfjlaks argh!!! don't have me thinking about it i am ON MY KNEES
and. honestly. i'm 100% there with you on the social anxiety thing. obviously i'm a huge slut for comments but still kinda struggle with leaving them which is SO HYPOCRITICAL AHHH. this is more than i could ever ask. like. i am kissing you sloppy for this. no joke i screenshot-ed this. it is in my camera roll. you are a part of me.
(also YES YES PLEASE come to the dark side. watch bsd. become mentally ill about a significantly inferiorly written this batshit anime. i'm struggling out here. its so good to be a bkdk honestly)
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spiritumantophila · 9 months
ERMMMM FOR THE ASK GAME ABT THIS YEARS ART: I really liked the art you made involving ur short story on SK ^_^ it was rlly effective stuff . I also liked Eris Halloween art that was good shit
AUUAUADWAUUSU THANK U SO MUCH!!!! making the art for the short story was so fun sk's younger design is admittedly really fun for me to draw >_< AND ERI'S HALLOWEEN ART TOO WUAUAUU?!???! my little baby oopy and their blood-drenched swag.. thank u for appreciating them...
as for your art this year that live in my head rent free:
the uri "blood on your hands" drawing w the repeating text in the background SCRATCHED SUCH AN ITCH IN MY HEAD WHEN I FIRST SAW IT GODDDD. i think it changed smth in my brain honest to god. its such a vibe w the dripping blood and bloodshot unreadable stare. inspirational honestly
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just-jessiejames · 2 years
NOOOO i have an idea for a sequel to my stupid christmas story THATS NOT EVEN DONE YET (and probably won't be done until fucking easter smh, i write so slow)
well dammit now i have to finish the first one so i can write the second one huh. definitely not emotionally invested in this tylorpe au i've written or anything now--
but seriously. this sequel. it's so clear. the vision is so good. my god the tension. the ANGST. i need it like i've never needed anything else before. this idea will live in my head rent free until i write it lmaooo.
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lmaowh-at · 1 year
Actually no I'm not done talking about gesher ragad and it's stage because I was there yesterday again and I got seats on the opposite side of where I was sitting last time. And the way to those seats goes through the stage
Me fangirling at this fact alone aside, I was sitting in the first row. The stage is maybe 5 centimeters above the floor, so when Ros and Guil were standing on the sidelines, giving space for the events in Hamlet play out in front of them without interrupting and being part of the story, they were standing on the same floor my feet were touching. They were on the same level as me. They were watching the play the same way I was watching it. *explodes*
In general this production omits a lot of parts that are taken straight out of Hamlet, removes characters like soldiers, replaces scenes from the main play where there's actually dialogue with shortened versions that have less text and more silent, absurd depictions of them, changes the order of lines and jokes and other scenes, some would say bastardizes the original, but I like it. I really really like it. Maybe I'm biased because it was my first exposure to ragad and I've only skimmed through the original play and didn't like the movie too much (I just don't understand how you can move this play to a different medium since it's so reliant on the fact that its a play) but I legit don't care AT ALL lmao I get to choose how I engage with media and nothing's stopping me. Especially since this production IS good
Some more stuff they did thats worth noticing I think: instead of the pile of corpses coming after Guil's last words, everyone dies on stage after the Player says his "death to all!" Speech. The tragedians do perform everyone's deaths like written in Stoppards play, but they mirror the deaths of the main characters that pile up in the middle of the stage as Ros and Guil are watching. Like when the tragedian that plays Claudius dies- so does actual Claudius that walks to the stage- they mirror each other's moves. Horatio isnt there. After that Ros and Guil say their final words and leave the stage, revealing a pile of corpses and two hanged silhouettes behind the curtains on the two exists from the stage. Then the lights go out, all of the characters are gone and the Player, together with Alfred, walk in, put two signs that say "ROS" and "GUIL", sit down to rest for couple of minutes and walk out. The end
Also, while they start with the usual flipping coin shanenigans, after three or four coins Ros and Guil exit the stage, the music becomes louder and all of the characters walk through the narrow road- Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude, Claudius, Hamlet himself- as if they're re-caping the events of Hamlet- showing us the main heroes- just to go back to Ros and Guil, who are now on the 85th heads.
Aaaand Ros and Guil have a fun little tune they whistle to each other and a little dance they do throughout the play and right before they walk out of the stage for the final time. They also do it when all the actors come in for the applaudisments. My heart :'))
Oh also, their Player fucking lives in my head rent free. Doron Tavory you one hell of a guy
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That's all. Fuck . Watching it again knowing what's it all about and noticing how the Player is messing with them (im paraphrasing but "damn it, he knows all the exists!" "Well of course I do, I've been here before", or the insaneeee scene they made at the end of the second act when the tragedians are playing the murder of gonzago to Ros and Guil and then Guil says that it can't end abruptly like that and then he reads out the foreshadowing to the third act on the boat. Or, of course, the ending.) And how the narrative warps around them and appreciating more of Rosencrantz's slapstick moments (the actor is shorter than Guil's by like 20 cm) and generally just. Remembering how I felt back then. God what an insane play
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thedeadthree · 2 years
🖊🖊 + Hinata and Nadezdha 👀
HIIII MARI ANGEL <3 I hope ur doing well and had a lovely day/holiday!!!! THOSE ARE MY GIRLIESS <3 i missed them sm u know? i also FINALLY at last finished edgerunners (i started it a bit back and finished it at like 4am this morning asjknkd so good oh my god IT HURTT but it was the loveliest u know?) and i missed the babies <3
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🖊 - so funny story, but the man that hinata and oda were sent to zero on behalf of her great grandpops s*aburo..... was actually the man who ordained their wedding sansknksd. SO he was a priest right and one popular with the corpos that were employed by 'saka in NC. well, he started speaking ill of the company and selling company intel to their rivals when the employees would go to confession. so like..... he had to go u know? blah blah talk ill of the corp u get zeroed etc etc. they devised a genius plan to have him marry them, when she says "you may kiss the bride" they do of course buuuuut they also zero him in the process while he's distracted.. and they did just that! and it worked! hinata and oda yank out their mantis blades and the deed was done <3. every great wedding ends in someone getting flatlined right?
🖊 - so this second one will sort of be what i think in theory how she’ll be in phantom liberty? so if this is a post game thingy hideo (her charge and her and odas adopted son bc SOMEONE has to and it sure ain’t his brother yori sjzjhzhx) will be ceo as his brother is to step down and is put on house arrest in a time out bc of the coup ksjzjxhxh. if vika ends up having to take on ‘saka again it may mean that the besties turn into adversaries which would BREAK my heart but also be absolutely EHEM *nova* if the white widow and worlds coolest cyberninja faced off u know? ORR if it’s like during the main story i mean the besties in a spy thriller would so be siiiick u know? oda supporting the wife from the tower in the plaza like “thats my wife” ❣️😌 etc etc!
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🖊 - YAY MARI U SAINT U I ADORE U SM I’ve been wanting to scream about her for literal years slzkxjxj she’s been around for a WHILE living in the head along with vika rent free with luxury room service <3 she was like a blob of like ✨vibes✨ like with the red aesthetic and the red hair for YEARS until i found the perfect fc and name? a little lore into her design color and symbolism is a HUUGE part of her character development and design? the way as growing up she wore a lot of neutrals and it was deliberate as she wished to be as out of sight as possible? then it was as if a switch flipped following a near depth experience in a deep dive into what was the pre data crash net. red is passionate it’s power it’s so much more and all what she wished to be. she became the red queen and faked her charismatic nature until she forgot where the old nadya ended and the red queen began. for the version of her she conveyed to the world and her true nature became one and the same. <3 lilith killed eve the day she became the red queen.
🖊 - OO okay this’ll be the fun one.. for this one we will be discussing! nadyas………. “lovers.” shes got three in her character arc that hold the most meaning to her both good and bad. those would be: y*orinobu (HUUGE) johnny (VERY) and r*ache (VERY and also painful!). if i for sure need to do a deep lore dive essay into the meaning of people in her life especially these three. but in essential the tropes to best depict them are for sure “mutual obsession inevitable downfall” for yori and nadya. “right person wrong time and rivals to lovers” for her and johnny. and! pain pain and suffering “tragic doomed lovers” for nadya and rachie <3
#teehehe i also get to test the new banners <3 BUT ANYWAYS TY FOR THE ASK AND FOR ASKING OF MY BABY#🌹: mari#d-vx#oc: hinata sanderson#oc: nadezdha sovin#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#Ty ty dear and i hope ur doing well <3#i need to do a lore post I need to do it soon or if y’all are interested in asking of her in this i sure can kajsjxhx#Bc we will be here a WHILEE delving into the significance and symbolism and lore behind her skzjjxx#i need to write it down bc it’s EXTENSIVE and yes like the totally normal person I am i have kept it safe in the old noggin kajsjzh#BUT ANYWAY I HOPE U ENJOY ME YELLING ABOUT THE BABIES i missed them ✨😖#no but like when he flatlines rachie a part of her died with him u know? so! painnnn!#but also right person wrong time for johnny blah blah it’s about red string of fate inevitable down fall for her and y*ori etc etc <3#either way hinata will have fun in the new dlc and i am so excited to see what the game will throw at me for the besties <3#SPY THRILLLERRRR THEY SAY?? im sold im so sold#it should also be noted that nadya is one of the most prolific in her time and her Lilith sign in the net is regarded with divinity in the#net <3 rachie programmed all the daemons to have her signature in their code so they’ll never hurt her hehe <3 even the rogue ais see her as#one of their own <3#hinata and o*das wedding was both iconic and deadly and nothing could have been more perfect for them <4#*<3#they’re the icons they’re the moment etc etc i love them both <3#GODD THE NEW BANNERS CAME OUT SO CUTE ✨😖💌💌🥀
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calowlmitygoddess · 1 year
by @/creatackers Mic. Oc related questions!
* Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time? The first oc i had was a self insert named simply Dragon-Girl, eventually i gave her a real name but it was still based on my irl name. Nowadays while she still exists in one of my stories, she's a background myth, a primordial god-figure known as The Archivist
Who is your newest OC? Why did you make them? My PC character in Baldur's gate 3, they're a red dragonborn sorcerer with gold dragon heritage and i think they are neat
Biggest self-insert OC? Intentionally, the first oc mentioned, accidentally i think Aster, he's like THE most wish-fulfilment character i have
What kind of music do your OCs listen to? I have so many characters it really depends. None of them listen to anything out there tough
What are some of your OCs biggest fears? I remember i used to have a character with a very specific fear , but i dont remember who or what it was .w.
Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them? Yes, so many, i try my best to fit characters in stories but since i also like to design/buy designs from others i ended up with quite the backlog of unused characters. Ideally all of them would have their turn to shine, but thats unlikely
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!) SO many. Akila Shadlan and Ryu sibling fuckery, Akila and Althia toxic old woman yuri, Erigon, Kyran and Garlasia Epic codependency, Imay and Hiraki sibling fuckery, Aster and Raine marriage goals. ANd ofc the stars of my current wip, Meira, Wisteria and Orick, The avatar of relationships, able to contain fluff and angst in equal measures
Do you have any OC family trees? YEs, i have an unfinished one, for my old project, and in fact all main characters in that story are somewhat related since they all are connected to the three god siblings
Favourite OC? Akila, she has been living rent free in my mind for like 3 years now. Shes my poor meow meow, my rotten soldier, my silly little boy, my blorbo if you will. Shes the main force behind the story she is for and i think i did a good job with her character.
OC you most struggled to make? at first, Wisteria i think. She felt very flat as her first concept was just 'nice queen everyone loves' but now that ive spiced her up a little she has unfolded.
* Sum up one or more of your wips! My Big Wip that wont see the light of day in years but lives in my head rent free: Big Sibling Spat dooms the world. But then one of the siblings die and now the other two are very pissed and its everyone problem now. Wip two currently being worked on: Three idiots keep being put in Situations until they all fall in love
Which story took the most research? Imagine researching for any story LMAO
Which story has the most lore? Big wip, it has like 10 years worth of miscelanious lore.
Current word count of all your main wips? My only current wip is on almost 40k words wohoo
How many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish? Currently one, the rest are all ideas i HOPE to get to one day, but i do worry i might not due to my skill level
What was you first major project? How far along is it? Currently working on it! just passed the halfway point a month ago and havent worked on it since
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips? Female protagonists+ mostly female cast, Heavy fantasy, Trios, Dragons, Autistic coded Magic specialist guy in a relationship with a redish dragon-adjacent person.
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips Big wip is a heavy fantasy setting that takes place both in Hell dimention and Mortal dimention, its literally what you get when you google Fantasy Landscape, also a mix of tech/magic. Current wip is more lax, i imagine it being a mix of medieval-pre industrial aesthetic, there are some big technologic developments happening but still very early.
What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream? Many things, so many things. Mostly other media. Current wip started as a HK fanfic idea i had.
What story are you the proudest of? Why? Big Wip even tought it doesnt really exist, is the one im most passionate about. Current Wip has grown on me tought, thought my satisfaction with it fluctuates, im proud that it exist in some form, but deeply unsatisfied with how...flat some of it is
* When did you start considering yourself a writer/artist? somewhere back in my teens, i think;
What are all the “kinds” of writing/art you do? (short stories, poetry, screenplays, digital, painting, clay, etc.) I draw aside from writing prose. Tried picking up other artistic hobbies like sculpiting and piano but those felt trought
Are you in any writer/artist groups? (Ex: discord server!) a few!
Do you have/want a career in your medium? If not, what do you do/want to do instead? No, i tried and it made me deeply unhappy. Im now hoping to be able to go into paleontology.
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read? FANTASYYYYY FANTASYYYYY, im a fantasy conosceur, the fact my wip is a more grounded romance thing makes me want to chew drywalls
What are your favourite books? My confort books are the Seven Realm series, very confy fantasy. The Locked Tomb is the one i love the prose the most, absolutely insane series.
What are your favourite movies? i dont really watch movies, really do like the first how to train your dragon movie
Favourite songs at the moment? depends on the moment, not really listening to any on repeat rn
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it? Voltron Legendary Defender, did art exclusively of my queen, my beloved Honerva
How are you doing? <3 pretty good!
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psychicdamaged · 2 years
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I posted 475 times in 2022
That's 198 more posts than 2021!
123 posts created (26%)
352 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 474 of my posts in 2022
#cr spoilers - 136 posts
#nat one - 125 posts
#critical role - 110 posts
#cr - 105 posts
#critrole - 100 posts
#vox machina - 87 posts
#tlovm - 65 posts
#cr3 - 55 posts
#bell’s hells - 46 posts
#percy de rolo - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#what really bothers me about is that the danger of this didn’t occur to marisha but im a pretentious stem major so thats on me
My Top Posts in 2022:
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pov: your wife/bride just drowned in front of you and was resurrected by your friends while you were stuck to a cliff and in chains
807 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
lines from vox machina that took me out instantly and still live rent-free in my head
"Percival. Sweet Percival."
"your sister lives, Percival"
"do not go far from me"
"Do you think this is what mother saw before she died?"
"It’s going to be all right. Pike is here, it’s going to be all right, it’s going to be all right. Gil?"
"take me instead you raven bitch"
"You are a good person and I have always seen that. Please see it, please. Oh god, my heart is breaking."
"I do not work in wood. I am not brave enough for that. There is a comfort in iron, a promise of safety, a second chance if mistakes are made. But a city is more a forest than a sword. No, it needs more tending than that. Perhaps a city is like a garden, then."
"sometimes breaking is making, even iron can start again, and there are many things that move through fire and find themselves much better for it afterward."
"I love you. If I can find you, I will. If not, stay alive."
I hear the voice of my mother in the morning. “Fuck you.”
"but if he's gone forever I won't be the same"
"I was gonna ask you what your mother’s name is." / "It was Juniper." / "I’m sorry I didn’t know that."
"Well that's just it. I'm a really good liar."
"all we found of her was her leg" / "that means she's still alive"
I think back to Percy's workshop in Greyskull Keep. And I say "I love you too."
"I have a feeling she's pulling our fate strings, anyway. ...mine's connected to yours. Where you go, I go."
"I am here because I have completed my Aramente, and I have come for my blessing." / "Yes, you have. I just wanted to hear it from your lips."
"You look like mother right now. You do."
"And I thought that was it. I had ruined it. But before dawn, she came back, she unrolled her bedding, and she went to sleep, and woke up the next morning and said "what's for breakfast, Dad?"
"Promise me you'll come back with me, no matter what." / "I promise."
Vax is watching, frozen.
"Where's Vax?"
"I thought you died. I watched you die." ... "It's a trick. It's a trick of the feywild."
He's physical. He's cold. But he's there.
"Look. Look at me. Just remember. Whatever happens, remember me. That's all that's important."
"I remember. (softer) I remember. See? It's all up here. So whatever happens, keep me there. All right?"
"She'll probably outlast you, but while you're around, keep her company for me?"
"What if there comes a day when I don't even recognize the name Vox Machina anymore?"
See the full post
1,245 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
laura bailey killing deliliah briarwood in defence of her love interest part 2 electric boogaloo
1,319 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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your honor the little bastard has made a friend
2,954 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Quotes from EXU Calamity I'll Be Thinking About for the Rest of Time
"Of course I'm safe. You'd never let anything happen to me." / "I would never let anything happen to you."
"Dad. You know I won't look like this when you get home."
There are a lot of stories in Exandria of mortals who stumbled their way into Feywild and fell in love with an enchanting fairy that they met there. But there's one story of a fairy who stumbled into this world and fell in love.
And in that instant realizes you can hold all the knowledge in the world. But if it dies with you, it doesn't matter.
"I promised you I'd never forget." / "I promised you I wouldn't either."
You hear in your heart, "Darling, no."
Do I know? Do I feel it? That he's gone? / You do.
Laerryn's screams fill whatever secret hallway she's in.
"No, baby. I'll always have my eye on you." And I squeeze their hands.
"I don't know how deeply you have sacrificed to do what must be done, but I know this: There is no god that strides this world that I worship more than I worship your heart... I bear your name. I bear it on this stone. And one day, I will bring you home."
In the kiss, I'll cast Cure Wounds on you.
"It's all on you, smart girl."
And I'll just turn my back on the door and let it close. / No! No, you have to go.
"I'm sorry, my lady. I love you, but I love another more" / "My child, my heart breaks. But I would rather mine break and yours be kept whole."
"But our two cities are like a married couple. We may have our differences. But we are connected by love for eternity. We made a promise to each other, and it's one we must fulfill."
"...and remember the Architect Arcane, Laerryn, the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Yes, it's me. Just look at my eyes. Don't look at anything else. Just look at my eyes, please."
I've kept so many of my thoughts and dreams and wishes for him. I hand it to him. I set it on the ground because I don't expect him to actually take it from my hands. "This is for you. Everything you've ever wanted to know about me and your father, it's here."
"Dad, dad, wait. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "You have nothing to be sorry about." / "I do." You see, you haven't even looked in his hands. He's holding a basket with a spell kite attached.
"I don't know why I didn't send it." / "I know why, and it's okay. It's okay. Elias, I love you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Everything that I wished for you to know about me, it's in this book. Take it with you. You'll always be five years old to me no matter how much you grow."
You know me. I would never have let my guard down like that. I took those blows.
As I go down, I make sure I don’t miss
"I know what you gave. You found a path beyond the stars. I do not know whence the gods came from, but I know that you found it in your heart. I promise you, Zerxus, I will find that place. I will find the secret of how these worlds were made, and I will come and find you and bring you home."
"Yes, brother. All will be well."
"You think we'll ever get there one day?" / "Of course we will. We're the Okiros."
When you think of the future and what people will say of this time, do you think anyone will talk about how beautiful your dream was? / No. But that's all right, because it was real for us. For those who survived, they will remember, and it will inspire them to dream of things far greater.
What are Patia's final thoughts? / Just that there are many more dreams to come.
"I've been able to become anyone I want my whole life, but I just want to be with you."
"And for whatever time we have left, I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you." / "I love you, too." I'll just kiss her.
See the full post
3,902 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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