#god why is oviposition so hot
the-grimm-writer · 2 years
You said go ham with the monster fucking, so i have arrived.
Do you know what the oviposition kink is? It's basically a breeding kink...but with eggs; it's usually paired with tentacle kinks. Soooo, I think we know where this is about to go. Just hear me out!: Dabi, he's a monster, idc what kind, who decides to breed y/n via oviposition regardless if she wants it.
If you're not okay with that, then how about this: Femdom yn and dabi who has NO IDEA what fresh, bdsm and mommy kink filled hell he just walked into.
YES YES YES I've mostly read oviposition fics with Hawks but monster Dabi? Sign me tf up.
Monster! Dabi has a grin on his face as he pushes into you, tentacles wrapped around you tight to keep you in place as he fucks you. Going into graphic details about how he’s gonna breed you, fill you up with all his eggs until you’re completely stuffed with them. He can’t wait, talking about how you’re gonna be the perfect mommy for his young when you lay his eggs. And he doesn’t care about how you feel about it, pushing a tentacle into your mouth if you scream or protest too much and fucking your throat with it as he breeds you until you pass out <33
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toxycodone · 5 days
oviposition anon teehee i wanted to elaborate more last night but i was tired as fuck and zooted off the penjamin. but like getting separated from the rest of the party and encountering the slime creacher alone with Laios.... you think he'd tell you what the thing is? im sure he knows alllll about it, like he has a private little list of all the most fuckable monsters and of course the damn oviposition slime is on there. do u think he just dives right in head first, or does he try to create some kind of plausibly deniable situation in battle? youre terrified cause you cant make heads or tails of this creature in order to kill it and arent strong with fire magic but.... why does he look like he's having fun? and is that his clothes getting dissolved in there....? and why is he so hot all helpless suspended in the pink gel (ive just now decided the slime is pink), shuddering with pleasure as each near transparent egg enters his body? if you were to get caught by it without knowing what it is i dont think he'd leave you in there, but when he pulls you out of the goop his raging hard on is impossible to ignore and just BEGS questioning.... maybe you need to go seek out another one? or maybe i need to get writing
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LISTEN TO ME. ANON YOU ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ONTO SOMETHING. (And I would 100% be down to read something full about this bc oh my god???) and pink slime is the superior color you’re based.
contents: monster fucking, mutual masturbation? if you can call it that?
When you two encounter the slime, Laios is oddly…excited? I mean, he’s always excited to see monsters, but this. Is different. He doesn’t brandish his weapon or look stiff at all when you two encounter it, so you put away yours and you’re like…what the fuck is the deal man??
Laios looks between you and the slime. After a few moments, he casually walks to you.
“Well…um…this slime. They’re usually aggressive, but, you can tell by the color that it’s breeding season. And they’re unusually docile when this occurs…”
So you’re like? Okay. Awesome. No fight required. Let’s get out of here.
But Laios taps his fingers. He looks away a little as he plays with his thumbs.
“You see…it’s docile. But it doesn’t mean we can just leave. Unless we want to find another route. But it’s going to keep going until it eventually finds an adventurer…to use as a host….”
And you’re kinda like um? So do you wanna kill it? Or
And Laios is like “I HAVE AN IDEA. So…the secretions of this slime numb pain and promote healing. If we help this slime out…we can get some of those. It may be useful when Marcille’s out of mana….” Laios then puts his hands on your shoulders and looks at you seriously. “I PROPOSE…we let this slime use us as hosts. And in return, we collect its secretions and save any other unaware adventurer an encounter with it!”
And you’re floored. But once he explains to you, it’s just eggs (they lay them in adventurers to spread their kind to other floors). And it’ll feel *good*. You put your hands on your hips.
“Let me guess. You’ve been waiting for us to encounter this monster, huh….?”
*Cue that iconic Laios blushing panel.*
Anyways, you accept. Laios gives you the rundown from his guide and notes from his journal. First, you have to remove your clothing. The slime will get them soaked and likely tear them to shreds anyways, and if you don’t have a spare you’re screwed. Then, the slime’s secretions will coax you into relaxation. You’ll feel yourself go limp, but it’s not a bad thing. It’ll just make it easier for this whole process—so don’t fight it. Lastly…just enjoy? The slime does all the work and the eggs aren’t dangerous. You’ll pass them in a few days when the incubation period has succeeded (Laios wants to keep one or two to eat, but he doesn’t explicitly say that now).
And so you agree. It seems…oddly fun. Neither of you get time to really do anything sexual while dungeon crawling. And this seems like a good release.
And so you let it happen and it’s fucking MIND BLOWING. The slime’s secretions are absorbed through your skin as it surrounds you, making you feel some weird mix between drunk and high. Your body is limp, but everything you feel is extremely heightened.
The slime teases you all over and gently prods at your holes before slowly opening you up. (if you have a cervix) it’s numbing properties keep it from hurting as it spreads you open and pumps its eggs into your womb/hole. It’s honestly one of the best experiences you’ve had.
It’s like. Some sort of ethereal mutual masturbation experience with Laios, because when you look at him his skin is almost as pink as the slime. His brows are furrowed, eyes shut tight as he moans wantonly, not a care in the world. You can tell when an egg is laid in him bc his face contorts, but then his licks his lips and lets out a shaky moan. There’s already streaks of white in the slime and you’re not sure if it’s just a ton of precum or if he’s already came from the slime.
But you don’t have a lot of time to think about that before you’re shuddering from your own orgasm. It seems the slime coaxes as many as it can from you and Laios—as the more you relax and enjoy the experience the easier it is to continue pumping eggs into your system.
And afterwards, the slime resumes its usual light blue color and withdraws from you two. If you weren’t mistaken…you’d think it was blushing….theres two pink patches left on its “cheeks” as it slithers away, streaks of cum and slick still present in its body.
And. Of course. In typical Laios fashion, while you two are coming back to your senses, covered in slick and slime and who knows what else. All he can do is look at you with that same dopey lovestruck expression and mumble about how much he loves you.
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fankerdoodledandy · 2 years
This chapter officially pushes me over 100,000 words posted to AO3 in the 15 or so months since I started writing. I know that that's very much Not A Lot compared to many, many people, but I think me-of-slightly-over-a-year-ago (having just written Lay By Me, 901 words long, intended to be hurt-comfort smut that I gave up on before I got to the smut because oh my god writing is tiring?) would be shocked to hear I'd somehow created that much.
I don't want to get too sappy in the end notes of an oviposition fic (??? what is my life), but my life has changed so much in these 100,000 words: I moved away from home at the end of Covid quarantine, graduated from college, moved again, across the country this time, and started a new job. I've met amazing friends because an incredible author recognized my name when I followed them on tumblr and pspsps'd me onto Discord. I've grown a lot as a writer, I think, though there's still plenty of holes to fill (phrasing).
Every sweet comment I see in my inbox when I log onto AO3 gets me smiling like a loon at my desk, and the times someone has told me outside my comment section that they enjoy my writing I've needed to lie on the floor for a few minutes. Thank you all for always being so lovely: I love the hermitcraft and hermit/trafficshipping communities so, so much.
Here's to another 100,000 words. :)
Hey everyone if you aren’t following @astronomeridian on ao3 why the fuck not, she is SO cool and SO smart and writes such hot smut, holy shit. I’ve been reading her stuff since the very beginning of hc8 and it’s been so great to make friends with her over the last year.
go read her kinktober right now this is a threat
congrats on 100k, em, looking forward to the next 100 <3
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spriteofmushrooms · 2 years
The golden, early morning light reflecting off the Waffle House yellow table really makes Cas glow. The diner's full, but nobody's fighting the cook yet, so this is a nicer franchise than most. Kinda classy. The forks don't even have water stains.
Dean glances at the next table over, and yep, one of them is checking out Cas. Only natural when he looks like that. Kind of sweet and dopey, but deep, you know? Like he's thinking of something mortals would never take the time to consider.
Actually, she's kind of a milf. Cas would probably like that, you know. Someone nurturing.
"What's on your mind, Cas?" Sam asks.
"Do you ever fantasize about being a mother octopus and dying to feed your young to live on through them?" Cas says.
"What?" Dean chokes.
"I know they die in real life, but since it's a fantasy, wouldn't it be better to live so you can teach them how to be good little octopuses?" Sam pauses. "Octopi?"
"Both forms are correct," Cas says gently. "But you're right, Sam."
Dean's face feels hot enough to steam. "No, he fucking isn't," he hisses.
"I shouldn't abandon my children," Cas continues.
"Dude," Dean leans in to scold Cas quietly, "I think she heard you."
The worst part is, Cas seems amused. His eyes are so bright and happy as he takes in Dean's color. "Why would I care?" he murmurs as if a true co-conspirator, even though he ruined it.
Dean glances at the milf, and, yep, she heard. "Fuck, dude. Look, no one wants to--to fertilize your clutch at 9 a.m., alright? You gotta let people get to know you."
"I feel sufficiently known," Cas says at a normal volume, God damn him. "Besides, you introduced me to the process."
Okay, no, bodies aren't meant to be noticed and feelings aren't supposed to be felt, so nothing is happening and everything is fine. "I didn't," Dean tells Sam. "I did not," he tells Cas. "Hentai is--"
"Yes?" Sam asks with a sip of coffee.
"It's not, okay? It's not. Like that. It's, tentacles are--they hold you."
Something gentle and sweet blooms over Cas's face. "Ah," he says.
"So no oviposition?" Sam says.
"Don't," Dean says.
"That's okay, Dean," Cas says. "I like oviposition, Sam."
"Oh," Sam says, "I need to ask the waitress something." Then leaves. Coward. Milf, yeah, milf is gone.
When Dean looks back, Cas is studying her. Then he returns his gaze to Dean, eyes soft. "I don't think she could satisfy my come inflation kink, either, Dean," Cas says kindly. "But I understand that some things are unrealistic. You taught me that, too."
"I'm so happy to hear that," Dean says, dying.
"Please stop trying to set me up with strangers."
"Yeah, whatever." Dean scrapes his butter knife back and forth across the table. Much better sound than whatever those women are saying about Cas now.
"I'm satisfied with the way things are."
Dean glances up, then back at his knife. "You sure?"
"I am."
Dean coughs, shifts, balls up a napkin, straightens the menus, realigns his flatware. "'Cause I heard you're a slutty little octopus who wants to have a million babies with some asshole who didn't even stick around to teach your noodles how to catch."
"There is that," Cas admits, "but I also have other dreams."
"Like what?"
"Teaching you how to dress."
"Pfft," Dean says. "You love it."
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tomurasprincess · 3 years
Okay but have you ever considered Yandere Hawks going into rut and kidnapping his poor, overworked secretary, taking them home to his lovely nest, and breeding them. I mean, come on, it's spring. If they didn't want to be Keigo's breeding bitch then why did they stick around for so long? 🤔 None of the other secretaries cared enough to last this long. Clearly their still at his agency because they L O V E him~ 😏 Won't they just be so pleased to carry his hatchlings and be his pretty mate? 🥵🙏
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Warnings: Noncon, oviposition, forced breeding, forced orgasms, mating rut, kidnapping, drugging, yandere Note: Sorry this took so long to fill, but uhhh...I went crazy with it and this is a 1.2k monster of a mini fic. 😂
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When you wake up, it takes you several seconds to realize exactly what happened. You were working overtime as per usual when your boss Hawks came in. His pupils were full blown, sweat dripping from his body like he had just run miles, and he couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
You didn’t realize the danger until it was too late and he had you in his arms, pressing a sweet smelling cloth to your mouth and holding you until you passed out. And now, you’re tied to a bed naked, legs spread wide as an even more feral looking Hawks stares at you with hunger in his eyes.
“My pretty little bird,” he whispers as he climbs into bed with you. “You’re finally awake. I didn’t want to do this while you were unconscious, that makes it no fun at all for either of us.”
“Hawks, what is the meaning of this?” You try to sound calm, rational to try and talk some sense into him. “You need to let me go.”
“Why would I do that?” He slips up your body, slotting himself in between your thighs and grinding the bulge in the front of his pants against you. The rough fabric of his jeans pushes against your clit, and you let out a soft gasp. “See? You want this.”
“Whatever this is, no I don’t want it!” You snap at him, but instead of looking angry, the corners of his lips turns up into a smile.
“Of course you do, pretty bird. It’s breeding season for me, and you stayed around like a good little bird. You wanted to be bred by me, filled up with my hatchlings until you’re big and round.”
Your eyes widen in horror. “What - no, I don’t -”
You had heard rumors of Hawks, speculation on just how bird-like the number two hero truly was. But you had no idea of this, not even an inkling. “Your breeding season?” You ask hesitantly.”
“I’m in a rut.” And then he’s unzipping his pants, pulling them off and revealing a truly large, impressive cock that’s already rock hard. “And I can’t wait, my baby bird. I need to be inside of you, need to breed you until you can’t handle any more of my eggs.”
“Eggs? No no no, Hawks, please think about this - “
But he doesn’t answer, sheathing himself inside of your unprepared pussy in one firm snap of his hips. You whine at the painful stretch of your tight muscles around his length, and tears form at the corner of your eyes that he promptly kisses away.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’ll feel good in no time,” he coos at you as he begins to thrust. “Fuck, you’re so tight - you were saving yourself just for me, weren’t you? Of course you were.”
You begin to argue, but then you feel something at the entrance of your pussy, trying to force its way in. He said eggs, you remind yourself with dawning horror, that must be an egg -
“Hawks please, please think about this! I don’t want this!”
“Yes you do, little bird,” he grunts out, as he begins to make sharp, shallow thrusts into you as the egg forces your pussy to stretch even further. “You wouldn’t have stayed if you didn’t want this.”
You scream as the egg enters you and he fucks it up into your pussy with more sharp thrusts. You feel it press against your g-spot, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cum hard around it. 
“See? I knew it, you fucking wanted this. You cumming around my eggs is so fucking hot, baby bird,” he groans out as he fucks the egg up into you. He reaches the barrier of your cervix, pausing for one second as he reassures you. 
“This will hurt at first,” he admits, “but then it’ll feel good. And it will all be worth it when we have our precious hatchlings.” And then he gives one massive thrust as he forces your cervix open.
The blinding pain takes your breath away, the feeling of the egg pushing past into your womb agonizing. You feel a pop as your cervix gives way, and then the egg is filling up your once empty womb. Suddenly your body is on fire, pussy gushing liquid around his cock as more eggs push inside of you easily now that you’re more stretched open.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you mindlessly babble as the eggs move along your walls, pressing hard against them and causing more orgasms to wrack your body. “Oh fuck, Hawks, oh god, it feels so good - I can’t - “
“Keigo,” he corrects you, “call me Keigo, my beautiful mate, the mother of my children.” He presses against your stomach, rolling the egg around in your tummy and causing you to scream from the sheer pleasure.
More eggs plop into your womb along with the other, and your belly begins to swell and stretch and you’re only able to lay there limply as your body is wracked with more orgasms. “Please, no more,” you whimper pathetically, Keigo, it’s too much - ‘
“Shh, this is the last one, I promise,” he whispers to you, forcing one more egg through your wide open cervix. You glance down at your belly, shocked to see that you look 9 months pregnant already. You can see the outline of the eggs, and you marvel at it for a second before you reach down to touch one.
You give a broken moan as you feel the eggs inside of you, realizing that maybe he was right - isn’t this what you were made for? To be bred and full of eggs? It’s not so bad, you think, and in fact it feels amazing. How were you able to live, being so empty before?
“I knew it,” he smiles happily, “you realize this is what you were meant for.” He begins to thrust again, several sharp movements before he’s cumming against your cervix, shooting hot ropes of cum directly into your womb to fertilize the eggs.
He lifts your hips up, keeping his cock snugly inside of you until your cervix closes again, ensuring that no eggs slip out and all of his cum stays inside of you.
He picks you up gently, placing you in a large ring of pillows and blankets before tucking you in. “This is your nest, little bird. You’ll stay here until the eggs are ready to hatch, okay? Don’t strain yourself, you’re so delicate right now.”
You wouldn’t be able to move much even if you wanted to, you realize. Your belly feels so heavy and full, and you’re unbelievably sleepy. But before you pass out, you hear your mate distantly say something.
“We’re going to be such a happy family, baby bird.”
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rough Sex (Vaginal), biting, scratching, breeding, oviposition, dub/noncon, kidnapping, cursing, blood, use of aphrodisiac, interspecies sex (merman and human), mentions of drowning Words:   5579 Pairing: Mer!Bakugou Katsuki x Human Fem!Reader
a/n: I’ve been getting quite a few requests for mermaid breeding. This... is probably not what you were wanting or expecting, so I won’t include anyone’s request here lol. I may write something a little... gentler later on.
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Tags: @lady-bakuhoe​​, @hoefortodo​​, @sunkissedneptune​​, @softkatsuki​​, @marilla-eldriana​​, @sanurrwrites​​, @hopeismyhope101
There was something different in that familiar crimson gaze today. You hadn’t thought much about it at first, but now, it stuck out to you as something that should have been a huge red flag. The instant you had seen him glaring at you over the water's surface, you should have run away. You should have called to him from the safety of land, to tell him you really weren’t feeling well and decided to go home. Or that you had some type of rash or injury and didn’t want to get too close to the water? Would he have believed you? Probably not. You weren’t sure of what type of fit he would have thrown if he would have tried to persuade you to come to him or just dragged himself up into the sand to chase you down. 
He was strong enough to do that. His upper body strength matched the incredible power of his tail, his arms, and core easily able to lift himself up or drag himself around. If you ran at full speed, he couldn’t get you. Maybe. You couldn’t really think about something like that though right now. The fact of the matter was you hadn’t taken his glare as something menacing. You had ignored the rolling sickness in your stomach, the little voice in your head that told you to flee. Now, it was too late for you to do anything. 
You were as happy to see him as you had always been, greeting the merman with a cheery wave and a smile as you stepped into the rolling ocean waters. You hadn’t even made it a few steps into the cool water before he was suddenly at your feet, snatching you by the ankles and dragging you deeper into the water. The impact of falling on your back onto the hard, wet sand knocked the air out of your lungs, and before you could even breathe again, you were struggling to keep your head above water. 
He hadn’t dragged you out too far, but right now, the distance wasn’t really what mattered. You were completely pinned down to the sand, his heavy red and orange freckled tail resting over your chest to keep you down. Your legs were in his tight grip, held under the knees, and spread open so his head had easy access between your legs. The rolling waves didn’t affect him at all, but as they came washing over your face, you felt as if you might just drown. It was difficult and painful to find the opportunity to inhale as much air as you could when the tide pulled out, gasping and coughing to try and purge the burning saltwater from your lungs before you were overwhelmed again. 
It wasn’t just the water that gave you the feeling of drowning. His tongue, slick and hot against the cold ocean water, was lapping at your cunt eagerly. When he had torn your swimsuit, you weren’t sure. But again, you weren’t sure of anything that was happening to you right now. Why was he eating you out like this? He had never shown any sexual interest in you for the months you had known him. In fact, he hadn’t shown any romantic interest at all. At least, not any that you had been able to notice. Bakugou Katsuki, this fierce and aggressive merman, had originally saved you from drowning while out on a tour boat during vacation. You had been so grateful to him, so you made it a point to come visit him as often as you possibly could. You liked him. But this? This isn’t how you wanted things to happen. 
You had fallen for him. You loved him. But, how could you? You were from two completely different worlds. There was no possible way that you could be together outside of close friends, and that was even a conversation you already had. 
“There’s no way I’d ever fall for a stupid human like you! You can’t even swim!” 
So why was he doing this? Why was he holding you down just for the chance to eat you out so vigorously? If he would have just hit on you a little sweeter, maybe you would have given in to him and you could both enjoy the experience to the fullest. But all of this was for his own gratification, for whatever he felt like or wanted to do with you. It was hard for you to think with the weight on your chest, the water crashing down on your face, and the burning heat between your legs. 
God, it was hot. His tongue and his mouth were like fire, sucking and lapping at your clit with such fierce intensity. You knew that you shouldn’t be feeling good, that you should be screaming for help and struggling against him. No one would hear you this far down the coastline, anyway, but the point still stands. You should have been trying. Instead, all you could do was lay there, your nails digging into the slippery scales of his tail, fighting between coughing, moaning, and yelling out in pain. 
The longer his tongue ravaged you, the hotter you began to feel. It was so odd, how every nerve in your body was so sensitive. You had sex before, but your arousal never peaked to this level so early on. Why? Why was it happening? Why was he doing this? You didn’t want this. Did you? Of course, you didn’t. You wanted him to stop. 
“B-Bak-ack!” You hacked and coughed as water rushed into your mouth the instant you tried to speak, using what little strength you could to push yourself up on your elbows. “Bakugou, please-- please, stop-!” A yelp ripped from your throat as his hot tongue left your burning pussy, his teeth and fangs sinking into the plush meat of your inner thigh. Piercing the skin, the saltwater immediately began to burn the wound, but you still found yourself unable to pull away because of his hold on you. Even the slightest twitch had his nails digging into your skin, and by the reaction he gave from your attempt at begging, he didn’t want you to make a single move. 
His tongue ran over the now bleeding bite mark, a low groan rumbling from deep within his chest. He had found something new to taste, and he did so eagerly. “Fuck, you’re so delicious. So sweet and healthy… You’re perfect. I’ve always known you’d be perfect.” His words were almost slurred as if he were a drunken man on a ramble. That was the only way you could describe his actions as if he were intoxicated. But by what?
“I… Bakugou, what-” With a swift change of positions, you were suddenly beneath him, his hand on your throat and entire body weight on you. Before you could even scream or attempt to struggle, his mouth crashed down on yours, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. The metallic taste of your blood would have immediately made you gag if not for the tight grip he had on your throat, which was only further making you light-headed. You tried to push up against his chest, scratch at his arms, and push his hips off you with your legs, but you couldn’t. There was no energy or strength behind your struggles. 
In an instant, everything stopped. Bakugou removed his tongue from your throat, snapping his head up to look towards the beach. Before you noticed what he may have been looking at, you could hear him beginning to growl, a deep and threatening sound that made your stomach twist nervously. What was he looking at? 
With his grip still on your neck, you didn’t have much movement, but you didn’t need it. You could hear the voices of a group of people. How far away or what they had seen so far, you couldn’t tell, as the sound was muffled by the water around your ears. The need to protect yourself suddenly burst forth and you screamed out as loudly as your burning lungs would let you, forcing your body to thrash and struggle even as your limbs burned with searing pain. Had you said anything comprehensible? Had they heard you? 
They wouldn’t have been able to save you, anyway. You already knew that your fate was in Bakugou’s hands. 
In a rush of crushing water, churning foam, and stinging sand, you felt Bakugou snatch you by the right ankle and drag you out further into the sea, not even giving you a moment to take a breath or prepare yourself. You couldn’t open your eyes or struggle, not even as your body was suddenly wrapped tightly in a strong grip. Was he holding you now? Where was he taking you? You could tell that he was moving swiftly, and the incredible pressure building in your ears and your chest told you that he must have been traveling deeper. 
I’m going to drown…! My breath… I can’t hold it!
As the burning and painful strain on your body grew more severe, you couldn’t control your involuntary thrashing, pushing against his presence and kicking where you could. It hurt so bad, worse than anything you had ever felt, and you wished that you would just drift off into unconsciousness. That’s what you had heard happened to people when they drown sometimes. Why couldn’t that happen to you? Why were you being put through this? 
You felt like you had been underwater for hours, but when you finally breached the surface, your body immediately inhaled a massive amount of air, so quick and urgent that you began to cough violently. You didn’t know where you were, and you didn’t care. All you wanted was to find that sweet relief of air in your lungs and something to secure you to reality. When a rocky surface scraped against your flailing and searching hands, you clutched onto it for dear life, somehow pulling yourself out of the strong embrace of your kidnapper to try and claw your way up the ledge. 
Before you could get far, Bakugou’s strong presence pressed up against your back, one hand holding your hip while the other took hold of your neck, constricting and preventing your body from pulling in the air it needed. 
Too weak to resist, you finally forced your eyes open, tears spilling down your cheeks and further blurring your vision. As his lips came to press against your cheek, you whimpered and tried to gasp in the air to your aching lungs. “Ba… Bakugou, please, stop! Take me back to shore!” 
“I found this cave for us last night,” Bakugou ignored your plea, inhaling your scent as if your fear was addicting. “It’s perfect. No one can interrupt us… You’re safe.” 
“I’m not!” You glanced around, trying to take in your surroundings the best you could in the dim light. From what you could tell, you were in a cave, the only source of light being a hole above you where you could clearly see the beautiful blue sky. It was out of your reach, and with no other visible exits, you knew that this was going to be your tomb. “I’m not safe with you!” 
“You’ve always been safe with me,” Growling in your ear, Bakugou dug his nails into the skin of your neck, piercing the delicate flesh and making you whine. “Now more than ever. I’ll protect you with my life. You and our spawn. Our children…” 
What? That’s… he can’t! All of this was because he wanted to mate with you, to impregnate you and force you to have his children. Was that even possible? 
“But… I’m human! You can’t!” 
“I want you, damn it! No other female is worthy of me.” Moving his hand to instead tangle into your hair, he pulled your head back roughly, leaning in to run his tongue over the new bleeding scratches along your neck. Instantly, that same heat that you could still feel throbbing in your pussy spread like fire from the wounds, making you tremble from the stark difference of cold water against your burning skin. 
What is that…? I… It’s so hot! It feels so good. Is it some type of venom? Or… I can’t think…
Your mind was beginning to grow hazy from the heat, his teeth lightly scraping across the skin of your neck and shoulder the only thing you could feel outside of the fire. 
Bite me… Oh god… Bite me! No, no- what am I thinking? I don’t want it! 
A trembling gasp escaped your lips as his teeth clamped down on your skin, easily sinking into your flesh. The fire returned with another stroke of his tongue along the wound, but this time, it was so intense that your body began to quiver, panting into the stale cave air. You felt like you were boiling, half expecting the water around you to begin bubbling and churning with your flame. Your sex was incredibly hot and aching, and you squeezed your thighs together just so you could feel something. 
You needed relief. Whatever he was doing to you with each bite and lick of his tongue against your skin was driving you completely mad. “What… What are you doing to me? Why am I so hot?” 
A low, satisfied purr left Bakugou’s lips as he smirked against your cheek, releasing your hair to run his hands down along your sides. His nails caught and ripped holes into your swimsuit, which had already been ripped apart at the crotch, so it grew looser against your searing skin. “My mate… you’re almost ready for me.” With a light nudge of his nose against your cheek, you weakly turned your head in response, immediately giving into him the instant his lips pressed against yours. You didn’t care about the blood on his lips nor the strange sweet taste that rolled down your throat, making your belly flutter and burn. 
This wasn’t right. This wasn’t safe. What would happen to you if things went wrong? What was he going to be putting inside of you? He had said children… What did that mean? 
You wanted to contemplate these things, to try and focus on the questions bouncing about in your mind, but they slipped from your fingers the instant you tried to hold onto them. Your mind was clouded by nothing but heat, pain, longing, throbbing, and aching. All the fear you had been feeling was only a vague prickle along your spine, but it was nothing compared to the new overwhelming desire. 
Both of his hands gripping on tightly to your hips, Bakugou pressed you up tighter against the rocky ledge, the roughness of the jagged surface against your breasts and hard nipples forcing a soft moan from your lips. With the sound, Bakugou released your lips, pressing his own against your ear as he growled deep and low. 
“You’re going to be my mate forever. You hear me? You’re mine. You’re my little horny bitch to breed.” As he spoke to you, so dominating and controlling in a way that made your heart flutter, you felt a new presence between your legs you hadn’t noticed before. It was slick with a slimy consistency, with a curved, ridged head and bumps along the long sides that led back to Bakugou’s hips. It was pulsing and twitching up against your sex, every soft nudge to your clit nearly enough to make you come undone that instant. 
That’s his cock… It’s so big… How will it fit inside me? It’ll rip me open…! 
“Don’t-” You choked out weakly, trying to shift your hips away from him to no avail. “You can’t! That’ll rip me apart-!” Another harsh bite to your neck made you squeal, unconsciously arching back against him and stroking your cunt along the dick still between your thighs. The pain had you squeezing them together around his girth, bringing a deep groan from his chest, teeth still planted in your skin. The longer he stayed there, the hotter the wound became, spreading through your body like the many times before. “Ow, a-ah, that’s hot! It burns, Bakugou, please!” 
Instead of responding with words, Bakugou gave a thrust of his hips, stroking his cock along your sex. The instant he ran across your clit, all your restraint snapped like a twig, waves of pleasure rolling over you as you came. Trembling and moaning, you dug your nails into the rocks you were holding on to, spouting whatever words first came to your mind in a jumbled mess. 
“F-fuck, fuck! I’m so hot; It’s so hot! I can’t take it! Please, please no more!” 
“There’s only one way to make it go away,” Bakugou lapped up the blood on your neck, shifting his hips so that the tip of his cock rested at your still twitching hole. “I have to fill you up, until you’re nice and full of my spawn. Or else you’ll burn until you die.” 
“I-I don’t want them-!” 
“You do. Don’t you want to feel better?” 
“You’ll love having me inside you.” 
“It’ll… feel good…” 
“So fucking good…-” Without waiting for your response, Bakugou began to press himself into you, the head of his thick cock slipping in. The stretch as he vanished inch by inch into your clenching pussy was unlike anything you had ever felt, his girth making you breathless. But it was unlike what you had expected. There was no pain, only an intense pressure and feeling as if you were full all the way up to your throat. By the time he had bottomed out inside you, you had cum again, just the feeling of him pressing against every inch of you enough to push you over the edge. With a low groan, Bakugou dug his nails into your hips, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. “Yes, you’re nice and ready for me. My little mate… so obedient.” 
Your mind was blank to everything but the heat and his overwhelming presence inside you. The sensitivity of your body was heightened to the point that you could feel every ridge, every bump and groove of his cock. As he gave his first slow roll of his hips, pulling all the way out to the tip before plunging in again, you immediately lost all control, craving nothing but the pleasure. 
“Fuck, fuck, I can’t take it! Fuck me, please! Use me! I’m your mate, I want your spawn, please-” Your encouragement immediately set him off to fuck you at a faster pace, slamming into your cunt. Your voice was something that you couldn’t restrain, screaming, moaning, and begging for him to use you. 
“Yeah, that’s it! My filthy little breeding bitch. Tell me who you belong to!” 
“Y-you! I belong to you! I’ll be yours forever- you can use me whenever you want!” 
“You’ll never resist me again?” 
“No, no! Never!” 
As the pleasure began to build rapidly, you rested your forehead against your arm, your eyes rolling back  and unable to stop the drool that dripped down your chin, your mouth permanently open with the most lewd sounds you had ever made. He was using you like a sex toy, fucking you at his own pace and indulging completely in his own pleasures. You didn’t care what he did to you at this point, how many scratches marked your back or how much blood you had lost to his bites. All you could think about was him and his cock inside you. 
You were unsure how long he fucked you like this, but after your third time cumming, he gripped you by the neck and pulled your upper body back. His presence inside you had your hips arched up in perfect position for him, and he didn’t stop, not even as he growled into your ear. 
“Take them all into your hot and precious womb… With this, your body will never be the same for any other man or creature. You are mine. You will be mine forever.” With a few final thrusts, Bakugou came to a stop, buried so deep inside of you that you could feel your cervix stretching uncomfortably. At first, all you could feel was a growing heat, coating your walls and making your core tingle relentlessly. Your clenching and tense core began to pulse with your rapid heartbeat in a way that was new to you, allowing you to relax in his grip. Although your mind was still aching to rid yourself of the fire, whatever was happening to you now loosened your anxious, aching muscles. 
Then came the first egg. About the size of a tennis ball, it passed through Bakugou’s cock slowly, only taking a moment to squeeze into your cunt. Gasping fearfully as it continued to slowly move closer, you gripped onto Bakugou’s hand that was around your throat, finding that you were unable to feel your legs enough to try and kick him off. “N-no, no! It won’t fit- a-ah!” Leaning your head back with your mouth and eyes wide open in a silent scream, you were unable to stop him as he lightly bucked his hips into you, urging the egg further down his shaft. With each light thrust, it moved deeper and deeper, stretching you open. When it finally reached his tip, Bakugou gave a grunt as he snapped his hips roughly into yours, bringing forth a scream from your throat as you came hard from the pressure of the egg breaching your cervix into your womb. 
The waves of your orgasm helped to pass it through, your eyes rolled back as it passed. There was no pain, but you could feel the new presence in your lower belly, tucked safely inside of you. 
Releasing his arm, your hands slid down to caress your own belly, pressing into your lower abdomen lightly. You could feel the tip of Bakugou’s cock inside you, and your light pressure made him growl in your ear. 
“Watch it, my pet.” 
“I… I want to feel it.” 
The next egg coming through was just as blissful as the first, bringing you to orgasm as you kept your fingers pressed into your body. You could feel it this time against your fingertips, bringing a smile to your lips as you bit down eagerly onto your bottom lip. Never in your life had you imagined such pleasure would be yours, to be used and adored by a creature in such an intimate way. 
It was heaven. 
Eight more followed, bloating your belly. Whatever numbing he had done to you had spread to your stomach, so your muscles were relaxed enough to take on the new presence inside you. You felt full, as if you had eaten an incredibly large meal, but there was no pain. Still, that burning need of satisfaction was ravaging your body. It hadn’t gone away like he had promised it would. Was he not done with you? 
Removing his cock from your ravaged body, Bakugou flipped you over to face him, resting you back against the side of the ledge. With a weak grip, you kept yourself up with your legs around his waist, your arms resting limply by your sides. For a moment, you just stared at each other, giving you time to observe his brilliant and handsomely fine features. He was perfection, from the blonde fluff of spiked hair atop his head, to flawless skin, to muscular frame that had you swooning the first time you had met him. He was so gorgeous, and all the sudden so… gentle. 
With your new position, he found the opportunity to caress your swollen belly, running his hands along your skin as he gazed down at your form through the clear, rippling water. It was such an odd look to you. Was it longing? Love? Or was it just pride in the work that he had done here, filling you up with his eggs and making you submit to him. 
Did he even care about you at all? Or did he just care about keeping your body to use as he pleased? 
You were pulled from your stupor of staring at him as his hands traveled up to your breasts, taking hold of the remnants of your swimsuit and ripping it apart. The fabric discarded off to the side, Bakugou leaned in to kiss you again as he squeezed and massaged your breasts, pinching your sensitive nipples between his fingers. Your mouth opened for him with a moan, allowing him to kiss you as he pleased. 
That sweet taste filled your mouth again, making you writhe and wrap your arms around his neck in discomfort of the spreading fire. Your body began to ache again, digging your nails into his skin as you moaned and panted against his lips, which refused to let yours go. Then, without a word, you felt the familiar blunt presence of his cock at your twitching hole, slipping into place like he was simply putting on a glove. You trembled against him as you tried to moan, begging against the kiss for him to let you breathe with any little moment that came your way. He didn’t. He continued to kiss you, to bite and nibble at your lip and your tongue, his sharp fangs piercing the delicate flesh when he was a bit too rough. 
“You’re so delicious,” Bakugou groaned against your lips, glaring into your gaze as your fierce need for pleasure grew more severe. “I never want to stop tasting you.” 
“I-I want to be done… Bakugou, I want to stop-” A squeak escaped your lips as he dug his cock deeper into your cunt, a new presence making itself known as it slithered up along your clit and against your pelvis. It was just as slimy and wet as the cock inside you, but it was smooth, pointed, and not quite as thick. You wanted to look down between your bodies to see, but you were too distracted by his smirk, his tongue dancing across his blood-stained lips. 
“I’m not done with you yet.” 
In that same moment, the new appendage that you couldn’t identify began to press against your cunt, beginning to enter you along with his cock. As you were stretched open, you clutched onto his shoulders, gasping and choking on your attempts to breathe. “N-no, wait-!” Clenching your eyes shut, you pushed back on his chest, but your weak body was no match against his overwhelming presence. “Don’t- not both! I can’t!” 
Sighing in satisfaction as his hand slid up your body to grip the hair at the back of your head, Bakugou pressed his lips against your cheek, his smirk only growing wider. “You can! I would have only done one at a time, but you’ve just been so naughty fighting against me like this. I have to teach you a fucking lesson, that your body belongs to me.” 
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I won’t fight anymore! I won’t!” Tears began to stream down your face as he forced both of his dicks into your cunt. If not for the fire within you that begged for pleasure and the still relaxed muscles from the eggs, you knew that you would be in severe pain. There was none. No, the pleasure is what was driving you mad. You couldn’t take it. It was going to make you go crazy if he kept this up, and you couldn’t bear the thought of him moving. 
When he finally began to thrust into you, it rocked your body so hard with pleasure that you couldn’t even find the air to scream or moan. All you could do was lean back against the rocks, not even able to feel the scratching against your back as he pounded into you, hard and deep. Head leaning back, you were sure that you must have had an insane look on your face, with your eyes rolled back and a wide, pleasured smile on your lips. But you couldn’t help it. 
It was amazing. You wanted nothing more in that moment than to feel his cocks inside you forever, to be fucked and bred at every chance you possibly had. Nothing could ever compare to this bliss, not even achieving your wildest dreams. Your body was going to belong to him. Your soul was going to belong to him. 
This wasn’t right. 
How could you give in like this? How could he break you so easily? 
It didn’t matter. 
“You like my dicks inside you, huh, my pretty mate?” Bakugou hissed in your ear, pulling your consciousness to the front just for a moment. 
“I-I love… I love them. So good! Bakugou-” 
“-No. Katsuki.” He purred against your lips, watching as your face contorted with your oncoming orgasm. 
“Yes… Yes, Katsuki!” 
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” 
“I’m yours, Katsuki! Fuck, I’m going to cum, fuck, I can’t- I can’t hold it! I can’t!” Your entire body seized up with your release, clutching onto him tightly. With his final few erratic thrusts, Bakugou let out a heavy groan, digging his cocks as deep into you as he could. You could feel his hot release into you, the second dick pulsing and coating your walls. What was more, you could feel the very tip of it dug into your womb, filling you up directly with his cum to join the eggs. You couldn’t believe that you could feel it all so clearly, your body so sensitive and yet so in tune with his that it had seemed you were familiar with this. 
You weren’t, of course. As he removed himself from you, leaving you feeling incredibly empty, all your energy felt like it left with him and you collapsed forward, head against his chest. You couldn’t feel him caressing you. You couldn’t feel his fingers tenderly stroking your hair. All you could feel, as the fire within your core began to vanish, was an overwhelming sense of shame. What had you just done? What had you just been forced to do? None of this was right. You shouldn’t be here. 
Those things you had said to him… you didn’t mean it. Did you? Did you really want to belong to him? Were you really going to just lay down and accept that this was it? 
Jumping at the sound of his voice, you timidly sat up, looking up at him in fear as a new wave of tears rolled down your cheeks. Too scared to talk, you waited for him to continue, not even wanting to blink in fear that he would react badly. Though, his expression was quite soft, his crimson eyes glancing over your face with worry. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I… yes.”  You could barely find it in you to speak, the words coming out as a choked whisper. Why did you say that? Of course you weren’t okay. You were scratched up, bitten, bruised, and filled with eggs, for fucks sake! Why weren’t you yelling and screaming at him?
“Here.” Caressing you carefully, Bakugou moved you both over to a different ledge, carefully lifting you up to sit on it. “There’s a blanket and other things there for you.” 
Sitting there with your legs dangling in the water, you slowly wrapped your arms around your swollen belly, beginning to tremble from the cold. “O… okay.” 
With a frustrated grunt at the fact that you neglected to move, Bakugou hoisted himself up onto the ledge, sitting beside you and reaching back to snatch the blanket he had mentioned. “Damn stupid woman, you need to stay warm!” As he draped it around your shoulders, you couldn’t stop but flinch away from him a bit, tears still streaming down your face in fear. “Why are you scared of me?” 
“I don’t… want you to hurt me anymore.” 
Bakugou gave the back of your head a gentle stroke, letting his arm rest around your back. “You got it all wrong, moron. I don’t want to hurt you. Your wounds will heal quickly because of my venom… And being sore won’t last, you’ll be numb for a while.” 
“You act like you’ve done this before.” 
“... We don’t need to talk about that. It doesn’t fucking matter. You’re all I care about, now. I’m going to protect you.” Bakugou caressed your cheek, turning your head to look up at him. “I don’t just go for random women. I picked you for more than just your body. You should rest…” 
His final words were more of a command than a suggestion, and with that gruff growl in his voice, you listened. Scooting back towards the pad of blankets he had set up on the ground, you used the one around your shoulders to first dry off the best you could, before shuffling under the others. It was warm and oddly comfortable, but you expected that you’d find even a bed full of needles comfortable with how exhausted you were. As you settled down on your side, you watched Bakugou as he slipped back into the water, vanishing beneath the surface and leaving you alone in the cave. 
With the silence, more tears began to flow down your cheeks, running your hands up and down along your swollen belly as you craved the warmth of the sun and the cheeky grinning merman you had loved just yesterday. 
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bondsmagii · 3 years
Writing this mortifies me to no end, but I do genuinely think y'all are onto Something with the kink discussion. I grew up super sheltered and am naturally uncomfortable discussing sex and sexual topics with others (unless it's online anonymously and even then I shake in my boots). All my kinks are things I would never want to try irl with an actual person, and I generally can only tolerate them written or as thoughts, but not visually.
The concept is appealing to me, the core emotion of it, but the motions themselves are kinda meaningless. Idk if that's cause my relationship with sex is weird and distant but it's just like that for me. I can read about some weird shit like oviposition and be like "yeah that sounds interesting" but would never want that to happen to me irl. I think it's about abstraction, maybe. And in some situations, projecting your fear or anger into an object of desire, so you can cope with it. I don't fucking know. Compels me though.
it is very compelling. I do wonder if a lot of kinks are kind of aligned with... well, basically with why people like to watch horror movies or read fucked up books. it's something that's dangerous, and therefore inherently a little exciting, but the situations are definitely not something you'd ever want to experience or do in real life. you don't actually want to get tied up by somebody; you don't actually want to get eaten alive; you don't actually want to get filled with like... I don't even know, eggs or worms or whatever. but people are people, and something that humans have in abundance is curiosity.
I think for a lot of people, as well, danger is inherently tied up in sex. at a certain point, all of our biological reactions kind of start blurring the lines between themselves -- it's why people can get boners after a surge of adrenaline, for example. the body is a machine but it's also imperfect in its way; wires get crossed, and certain sensations can feel close to or even the same as others. (ever touched something so hot it feels honest to god cold, for example?) I think this danger and fear might blur the line or at least overwhelm the senses so much that for some people it feels much like -- or even is -- arousal, so it makes sense that they would then want to safely explore these things with the added benefit of some kind of conclusion or release at the end. a simultaneous experiment and possession of the thing they want to understand, perhaps?
I have no idea. I am not a very sexual person myself, and I don't experience any sexual desire at all, let alone reaching the point of kinks. this is just something I've wondered about, and I'm sure that psychologists much smarter than I have looked into this and come up with various theories, but I do wonder. I'm often of the opinion that a lot of strange or eccentric human behaviour can be explained away by the fact that as a species, we're just a bunch of nosy bastards who count "experimenting" as part of our natural behaviours.
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by ChallengeAcceptedPankratz (CassLikesFic)
“Dragons that lay eggs, are more properly referred to as Dragonkind. They grow to be ten feet tall, walk on two legs, are...somewhat humanoid, and they have a single sex.”
“So the same dragon lays the eggs and fertilizes them?”
“...I’m still missing something.”
“Dragonkind need a host to incubate their eggs for the first few hours after laying.”
“Ohh, so the sheepskin and hot water bottle is to keep it snug while you’re holding it against your chest. I see. Bit of a cuddle.”
“No, Jaskier.”
“...they lay the egg, and then you cuddle it, and they, er. Fertilize it while you’re curled around it? Bit sticky, still doesn’t explain the size of the reward.”
“No, Jaskier.” Geralt added thoughtfully, after a moment. “And the one in this territory uses ‘he.’ Not they.”
“He. Good to know. Well gods damn it then, Geralt, why don’t you explain to me in direct language where little dragons come from then?”
Words: 8151, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Original Dragonborn Character(s)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion / Dragon
Additional Tags: Enthusiastic Consent, no seriously, It's very very enthusiastic, Possibly worryingly enthusiastic, Jaskier | Dandelion is a Size Queen, Safe Sane and Consensual, Xenophilia, Egg Laying, Potions, Kink Negotiation, Stone Top Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Anal Fisting, Fisting, Dirty Talk, Anal Sex, Voyeurism, Praise Kink, Bondage, Rimming, dragon dick, Friends Help Friends Fuck Dragons, Surprisingly Tender Dragon Sex, Aftercare, Size Kink, Size Difference, Crack Treated Seriously, Oviposition, Power Bottom Jaskier | Dandelion, Harkness Test Compliant
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bing-fucker · 5 years
Oh! Intrulogical tentacle alien smut! Like, say Remus is the alien and is a shapeshifter species and has tentacles? Or the kink with the eggs (I cannot for the life of me remember it I'm sorry) -♧
Warnings: Xenophilia, tentacles, ovipositioning, breeding, use of femine-coded words for a trans man's genitals, Remus, Impregnation
Notes: Logan is a trans man. Star Trek AU. Also, I am aware that Changelings probably don't procreate using eggs, but they haven't canonically said how they do.
Logan had always been fascinated by aliens, and space as a whole. Which was why he was very lucky to be able to work on a starship. It was all incredible, and amazing! It was fantastic, and Logan loved it.
And the view across his lab wasn't too bad, either. As one of the leading science officers in Starfleet, Logan was often in his lab. And his lab was right across from the engineering department. And in said engineering department, was Remus.
Remus was a Changeling- a race of liquid shapeshifting lifeforms native to the Gamma quadrant. In his natural form Remus was, as all Changelings were, a bit strange looking. Not that Logan minded that- Remus was hot in all forms. But him and his twin's (a pilot named Roman that was usually on the bridge) preferred a more human form.
Logan spent a majority of his free time watching Remus work in engineering. He was usually working on his own project, making some fun new machine or any other random thing he felt like. And those were the best times, because it meant that they could talk and flirt, as they were doing now.
"So, what are you working on now?" Logan asked, leaning over Remus' desk- more interested in Remus notcing his ass than what he was actually working on.
Remus looked over and quirked an eyebrow, licking his lips lightly. "Oh, nothing much," he said softly, walking over to Logan and brushing his hand over his ass- soft enough that he could pass it off as an accident.
"Well, what is it?"
"It's a music box for Roman. Be broke his last one, so I'm fixing it up for him. It's pretty boring work- I welcome distractions." Remus grinned lasciviously, standing very close behind Logan.
Logan blushed faintly and "accidentally" pressed his ass back against Remus. "I think it's rather interesting. Engineering is very complicated, I'm impressed. You must have very skilled hands."
"Oh, I do," Remus purred, gently wrapping an arm around Logan and pulling him up and against his chest. "Wouldn't you like to know just how skilled~?"
Logan pretended to think about it for a second. "I think I have a few minutes free."
"Oh, baby, it'll take more than a few minutes," Remus laughed, pushing everything off his desk carelessly and lifting Logan onto it.
Logan blushed and kissed Remus passionately, spreading his legs and pulling the alien closer.
Remus purred and gripped Logan's hips, sticking his tongue practically down his throat as they kissed. Logan moaned softly, already growing wet.
Logan pulled away from the kiss to take off his and Remus' shirts, purring softly and running his hands across the alien's chest. Remus purred softly and leaned down, taking one of Logan's nipples into his mouth and sucking harshly.
Logan gasped and gripped Remus' hair, moaning softly.
"Ah, Remus, careful of your teeth," he whimpered, shuddering at the gentle scrape against the sensitive bud.
Remus groaned and gripped Logan's thighs, pulling the human nearly off the desk and grinding their clothed crotches together.
Logan moaned softly. "F-fuck, Re. I'm so wet for you."
"Good," Remus growled, stepping away and savagely ripping Logan and his pants off, licking his lips at Logan's near-dripping pussy. "Look at you, all messy for me~"
Logan blushed and pulled him into another kiss, moaning into it as something thick and slimy rubbed against his clit. "Wh-what is that?" he panted against Remus' lips, leaning their foreheads together.
"A tentacle, darling," Remus said, grinning. "I prefer tentacles over those messy human cocks." Logan looked down and, sure enough, Remus cock was a large, thick, squirming tentacle. He let out a started moan as the other tentacle suctioned against his clit.
"So hot," Remus moaned, kissing Logan again. His tongue took the form of another tentacle, pushing itself down his throat as both Remus and Logan moaned. Remus gripped his hips tightly as he pushed his cock inside.
Logan swallowed around Remus' tentacle tongue, drool from both him and his partner leaking down his chin. Remus moaned and thrusted, his squirming tentacle cock reaching deeper than Logan thought anybody could.
They stayed like that for what seemed like pleasure-hazed hours, but was probably only a few minutes until Remus pulled away from the kiss.
"No, don't stop," Logan whimpered. "I'm so close."
"I know, baby, me too," Remus grunted, a slightly gold sheen to his skin. "Can I cum inside of you?"
"God, yes," Logan moaned, dragging his nails down Remus' back as he came, pussy pulsing around him.
Remus groaned and came, burying himself deep inside of Logan as his eggs filled the human.
"Fuck," Logan whimpered, holding Remus in place until he was done.
Remus blushed and pulled away, helping Logan fix his clothes. "Uhm. We're gonna have to talk to HR," he said awkwardly.
Logan looked down at his already bulging stomach and laughed softly. "Yeah. About a few things."
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witcherfic · 4 years
ChallengeAcceptedPankratz (CassLikesFic) March 31, 2020 at 12:45PM
by ChallengeAcceptedPankratz (CassLikesFic)
“Dragons that lay eggs, are more properly referred to as Dragonkind. They grow to be ten feet tall, walk on two legs, are...somewhat humanoid, and they have a single sex.”
“So the same dragon lays the eggs and fertilizes them?”
“...I’m still missing something.”
“Dragonkind need a host to incubate their eggs for the first few hours after laying.”
“Ohh, so the sheepskin and hot water bottle is to keep it snug while you’re holding it against your chest. I see. Bit of a cuddle.”
“No, Jaskier.”
“...they lay the egg, and then you cuddle it, and they, er. Fertilize it while you’re curled around it? Bit sticky, still doesn’t explain the size of the reward.”
“No, Jaskier.” Geralt added thoughtfully, after a moment. “And the one in this territory uses ‘he.’ Not they.”
“He. Good to know. Well gods damn it then, Geralt, why don’t you explain to me in direct language where little dragons come from then?”
Words: 8151, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Original Dragonborn Character(s)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion / Dragon
Additional Tags: Enthusiastic Consent, no seriously, It's very very enthusiastic, Possibly worryingly enthusiastic, Jaskier | Dandelion is a Size Queen, Safe Sane and Consensual, Xenophilia, Egg Laying, Potions, Kink Negotiation, Stone Top Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Anal Fisting, Fisting, Dirty Talk, Anal Sex, Voyeurism, Praise Kink, Bondage, Rimming, dragon dick, Friends Help Friends Fuck Dragons, Surprisingly Tender Dragon Sex, Aftercare, Size Kink, Size Difference, Crack Treated Seriously, Oviposition, Power Bottom Jaskier | Dandelion, Harkness Test Compliant
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Ok ok ok sO-
I had a dream. About moth man Shigiraki and it was lowkey really hot and I wanted to tell you about it :o
So darling was a part of his gang (that was v colorful with lots of neon spray paintings on the walls) and super Bimbo™ and she walks in and he’s yelling at some goons because they didn’t protect his territory right and some other gang took a piece. So he’s super frustrated and darling keeps messing with him and asking dumb questions and being super clingy so he gets fed up and absolutely wrecks her. Like, on the wall, on the floor, the goons come back, he takes her in front of them too.
But!! The big thing! Shigiraki is covered in really pretty tattoos and his stomach is see though and it’s FULL of neon green eggs that kind of glow when he gets angry. So when he cums they squeeze out of his tip and lodge themselves up in her cervix and then he gets up to leave and one falls out. So his darling takes it and gives it to him so he can shove it up into her and her tummy is bulging and he’s like “ok hot” and then takes her AGAIN on his desk and then I woke up-
(Also if 🌌 isn’t taken may I have that one? Or 🌠?)
Oh my god, you have the best dreams ever. Shigaraki wrecking you all over the room, pushing eggs into you, belly bulges, I am feral at this idea.
Warnings: dubcon, oviposition
The feeling of the eggs pressing against your cervix feel so damned good and you’re not even sure why. You want him to fill you with even more, until you’re too full to take even one more. So when you hand him the egg, pleading for him to push it back inside of you, fill you with even more, Shigaraki is instantly back on you.
Shoving you to the ground, forcing himself back into your tight cunt so that he can stretch you back out. As more eggs slide their way against your walls, you can’t stop yourself from cumming around them. He pushes more and more eggs into you, pushing you over the edge as each one presses through your cervix and into your stomach. The sight of your belly bulging with each egg has both you and Shigaraki cumming together at the sight.
He pushes you down onto the desk and absolutely ravages you, loving the sight of your swollen belly bouncing each time he thrusts into you, outline of eggs clearly visible.
He decides he just can’t let you go. Not when you take his eggs so damned well.
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