#god. god. god god my heart my emotions im.
mysouleaten · 10 hours
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' DOC AND BOSS ' [part two]
mafia boss! izana x doctor! reader
summary ... you find out who this yakuza member is and it brings you to shock..
warnings ... not proofread, fluff, petnames, reader is a little sensitive[me], very very pretty izana
[DOC AND BOSS masterlist]
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It has been two mostly rainy days
nothing interesting has happened even with your yakuza member still recovering in your apartment
he's been a good-- no, great guest so far, his sour attitude from the day you found him has completely melted off. It was even pleasant to talk to him
both of you stayed away from the topic of 'how did you get shot?'
because you knew how, he's part of tenjiku, part of the yakuza
and it's best if you keep your sanity intact, your boss would appreciate it--a lot
but the man--whose name you still didn't know--has improved, his wound is healing nicely, no signs of an infection surprisingly, he did stay god knows how long on the muddy concrete before you found him
he was able to take small walks around your apartment but you instructed him to do so if it was necessary
if he needed anything he could ask you, but it seems he's very prideful and stubborn to ask for more help..
but right now, you and -- ...
"hey, what's your name? i sort of have been calling you lavender in my head this entire time" you questioned
"hmmm...lavender? how lovely" he replied with a cheeky smile
oh that's another thing, he's become comfortable enough to express more emotion with you, which is great--it was very awkward the first couple of times you tried to make small talk with him
"yeah, lavender, because of your eyes--but tell me your name, I want to know my patient's name," you remarked
"always so demanding, but my name is..." he seemed hesitant to tell you, his eyes even removed themselves from you--he's now looking off to the side, with a light frown on his handsome face
"hey- uh- I know- you're like in the yakuza and everything.. don't worry I won't tell your boss anything...hahah.." you tried to joke around to lighten his mood
for some reason, you didn't like his frown... it made your heart clench uncomfortably..?
he looked back over to you quickly "my...boss? hahahahaa!!" he stepped back from you laughing-- he clutched his wounded side in the process
you stared at him with bewilderment
was he...not in the yakuza? did you assume he was?? no! he was wearing the uniform! or did he? now you were second-guessing yourself...
he wiped his eye with the back of his hand and looked at your confused face with such amusement
he even laughed a little more! jerk
you huffed and turned back to the dishes, tears threatening to escape your eyes--you were always a sensitive soul..
and even more sensitive now that a very pretty man was laughing at you, oh my god you felt like a damn joke..
"hey, hey...sweetheart, what's with the baby eyes?" he came back to your side and leaned his face closer to yours
you quickly wiped your eyes with your palm and turned your head away from his gaze
izana blinked at the woman in front of him--hiding her pretty face from him
why was she crying? he didn't say anything insulting?
"hmm? are you going to tell your patient why his doctor is so moody?" izana joked
you finally looked back at him with light puffy eyes "why.. where you laughing?"
he blinked once, then twice "did.. you think I was laughing at you?"
you hesitated but nodded nonetheless
"I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing because you thought I was a servant , I'm the boss, sweetheart"
huh? servant? boss..?
"im izana, izana kurokawa, the leader of tenjiku"
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an .. im a sensitive soul, its me.
taglist ... @firstdivisiongirl  @ureuphoriasworld @sennkawaa @haikyuusboringassmanager @izakawa @peppersapro @khfviq @mariam12344 @wutap @bontensbabygirl @m0onz1
@ilybbg @kazutora-kurokawa @riritvt @manji-hoe @kokoch4n3l
[ im sorry if you don't get tagged :( I tried my best ]
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AND GENYA. GOD. I love the repetitive action technique- it’s SUCH a clever way of demonstrating Genya’s sheer force of will and such a unique alternative to Concentration Breathing. It’s a physical grounding exercise that allows you to break your limits, pushing past them off of the adrenaline from intense emotion. It’s so fucking clever and I love it
Can we talk about how fucking gentle genya is. Good lord im INSANE. This grumpy angry boy is so soft. He’s so soft as he looks at tanjiro, so gentle and patient as he shares what he knows??? GODDDD i love genya so much. He’s starting to trust again after seeing Tanjiro defend him and i am REALLY NORMAL ABOUT THAT GUYS!!!!!!!
AND NAKIME!!! I was wondering how they were gonna animate her Blood Demon Art- i am FASCINATED by the way her hair imitates a nervous system i think that is SO clever
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tiredfox64 · 9 hours
Giant Liu kang, okay I'll shut up
No the reader isnt even small, he's just fucking big, bro is a god my guy😭😭😭
Run! It’s God
Yip notes: You can’t go asking this WHEN IM BACK IN MY GODZILLA ERA
Pairing: Liu Kang (MK1) x Gn reader
Warnings‼️: Short stack
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Some may think they will not meet God until they die. Some believe they will see God during a big event that was told in a scripture. Some believe God is not with us. Maybe God is created. Maybe there was never a God
But God is watching us. Hi Liu Kang!
Liu Kang is no ordinary god. He was once human like you and me. He understands how curious humans can be and how emotional they are. It comforts him to watch over his creations. It reminds him of his past life. Though it’s hard to get a clear look at them when his eyes glow bright. It attracts all eyes onto him. He can’t risk others acknowledging his presence. He has found a solution around this issue and that’s by going out at night. Yes, strange solution, he knows. But when his eyes blend in with the stars or even city lights it makes it seem like he’s not even there. But to truly pull that trick off he must change forms. He finds it works best when he is in the form of a titan.
Since the beginning of this timeline, Liu Kang has gained the ability to grow large like a titan. He doesn’t do it often since it involves a lot of energy from an amulet. But tonight he will use it again so he can go out and see the people. They better be acting good or he swears to himself—
The night sky was so clear. Not a dark blue cloud in the sky that could hide away the moon. It was full and bright, using its light to guide your way up the hill. The somewhat overgrown grass tinkles and scratches at your ankles as you reach the top. There you see your favorite spot, a single bench next to a willow tree. The view you get from this height is incredible. You could see how the city lights up with life. Even when the world is dark there are still people on the move whether it be working, partying, or just enjoying life. That’s what you’re doing, enjoying life. The area is quiet with only a few cars driving by at the bottom of the hill. You feel the breeze flow over your body as you take a seat on the wooden bench.
You take deep breaths and feel your heart slow down to the serenity of the experience. It’s good to take time to step back from life’s hardships and breathe. It doesn’t matter if they are large or small, life is hard and it stresses you out to no end. For your own sanity, you must step away. So how about you take a look up at the beautiful stars tonight. Maybe you will find some constellations like the Draco or the Hydra constellation. That’s if the stars would stop moving-
The stars are doing what? The stars are what?
That’s not right. The stars are shifting too fast. Maybe it’s a plane? No, if it was a plane then there would be green and red lights flashing in and out. Your eyes must be playing tricks on you. But if they were why would it be those two specific stars that are moving around? Actually, now that you are staring at them, they seem larger than the others. Even a little hint of blue in them. Great, now the stars are blinking—WHAT?
Oh, it seems like I have been found. I might as well acknowledge my presence.
In that moment you see something moving around. You can’t tell exactly what it is but it’s huge. Those two glowing lights you know aren’t stars come closer to you. The ground beneath you shakes as if a tyrannosaurus is coming towards you. You are frozen in fear, unable to move your legs that wobble from the shaky ground. Finally, you see a face show up in front of you.
“Good evening-“
“GOOD GOD- YOU’RE HUGE!” You yell.
Your hand goes flying up to cover your mouth. The look on Liu Kang’s face shows both shock and disappointment. He did not mean to startle you. Poor thing, your heart must be jumping. Your legs begin to work and you run behind the tree before shouting,
“Oh, no, please do not hide from me. I did not mean to scare you.” Liu Kang speaks in a gentle voice. Sure, his voice can be a little authoritative but he is trying his best to be friendly right now.
You peek your head out from behind the thick trunk of the willow tree. You are surprised by how gentle his voice seems. You still stay behind the tree just in case you are being tricked. But that face that Liu Kang was giving you was getting to your soul. His eyes are not harsh but more like a soft light. He does back away from the hill a little to give you some space. You slowly walk away from the tree and get closer to the bench to get a better look at him.
Your mind cannot comprehend what is happening. Your eyes stare upon a man who is way bigger than you. This is not an elephant sized man, this is a dinosaur sized man. Nope, you are lowballing, this man is the size of Godzilla. Final Wars Godzilla to be exact. His eyes, as we have established, glow in ways that are impossible.
You are a good person, you do no wrong. Your system is clean. If there were any drugs or alcohol found in your system then that was not you who put them in your body. You are not drunk and you are not high on anything. What would make you high enough to make everything feel normal but make you see a huge man?
I’d say datura but legally I don’t know anything about it.
“I apologize for scaring you. I am Lord Liu Kang, protector of Earthrealm and God of fire.” He bows to you.
God? Earthrealm? This is so strange. You plop down on the bench to take a moment to think about this all. It all feels real but your brain can’t comprehend it. You pinch yourself to make sure this is not a dream. Liu Kang lets out a light chuckle at your display of confusion. Usually people just accept who he is or say “What in the actual fuck” but you are truly unable to accept the situation at hand.
“Perhaps I should explain everything to you.” He suggests.
“Yeah…yeah that would help a lot. Thanks.”
So on a random night you somehow met God? Fascinating! No one will believe you but that’s okay. This will stay between you and Liu Kang.
He was real, as real as the bench you sat on. He even let you touch his hand to make you realize that he was real. He told you the truth that he likes watching humans go about their lives, it’s just not easy with some aspects of him. Even if he changed his clothes his eyes would still stand out. That’s why he goes out at night.
He didn’t expect you to come out and sit at the top of the hill. He was curious about what you were up to since you didn’t seem to be doing anything, It seems like he got too close since you caught him. But now that all that mess was settled…what now? You have a fire god next to you on this hill, no cars are coming by at this time, and you’re alone with each other. Well, you could continue appreciating the view with him.
“Do you often interact with people?” You ask.
“Yes, but not many are strangers. The people I interact with are my warriors and the monks at the Wu Shi Academy.”
“So not many people from the city, huh? Probably not many in the countryside either I’m guessing.”
Liu Kang chuckles before replying, “No. You are the first stranger I have truly interacted with. I do appreciate that you did not run away.”
Don’t you just feel special? You smile as you continue looking at the city lights while kicking your feet. You feel his eyes staring down at you but you don’t look at him. You feel like it would be rude. He’s not looking at you with any ill will. He’s just taking in the fact that he doesn’t speak with others that are not fighters. It’s a nice change. You seem to be a person going through life without the thought of fighting for your realm or having huge goals that seem impossible to achieve for a being like you.
“Would you like to get a different view of the city?” He asks.
You turn around and give him a look of curiosity which is a cute look for you. You tilt your head slightly to the side while you think about it. You decide why the hell not. Let’s see what he will do for you.
Liu Kang places his hand gently on the ground, the grass flattening below him. You look at him to confirm your suspicions of him wanting you to climb into his hand. He nods his head while having a warm smile on his lips. You take your time climbing onto his palm. Your nails claw at his skin as your feet kick you off the ground. You tumble onto his hand before giving him the thumbs up. His other hand swoops in to give you more space and prevent you from falling off. He slowly lifts you higher in the sky which makes you close your eyes in anticipation. Once the movement stops and you feel the wind blow a little harder you open your eyes.
Your eyes sparkle as brightly as the city lights. You get a clearer view of the buildings that are behind and beside the tall ones. So many colors come from apartment buildings with windows glowing blue, purple, red, or multicolor. You watch multiple motorcycles weave through traffic while the cars beep at them. The headlights of cars range from pure white to yellow which illuminates the streets.
“Wow…the city looks entirely different from this point of view.” You reply in amazement.
“Indeed it does. A different point of view is sometimes wonderful.” He says before continuing to look at the city.
The moment lasted for a long time. The only thing that is on your mind is how gorgeous it is and how lucky you are to be in this situation. You rest your head against his finger as you continue looking. One minute. Two minutes. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. You stay like that for fifteen minutes before you feel him slowly bring you down. He opens his hands to allow you to get back on the ground. You hop off his hand with no complaints. You had your moment.
“You should get home. It is getting late and you must be tired.” He advises you.
You nod your head before making your way down the hill. You walk slowly since you truly don’t want to leave this moment. But Liu Kang is already walking away. You swiftly turn around and yell to him.
“Lord Liu Kang, can I ask you something?!”
He turns around and his bright eyes are almost the only thing you can see. You see his silhouette but the rest of him was hard to see in the dark.
“Ask and you shall receive.”
“Can we do this again?!” You yell.
You don’t see it but a smile appears on the fire god’s face, “Of course.”
Yap notes: I didn't get a nosebleed this time but I did have a crisis because I was thinking about how many depict god as having glowing eyes. The only one I could think of in the moment was that short film called The Portrait of God and boy would it suck if Liu Kang looked like that. And then (this is the bad part) I remembered this video or even picture that I believe was about a captured god whose limbs were being stretched and it was in pain. The problem is I can't find it and now I'm wondering if I made it up or the plot is not right...I went on this rant for too long. I promise I did not write this to distract myself from taking notes. Adiós!
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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okay fine i can deal with damian being a weeb but he'll be one on MY TERMS
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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them. Take them. The sillies
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artheresy · 6 months
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I woke up to this, the outcome of my dayhas already been decided I will ne crying
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haunted-xander · 2 months
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Do you think Saix' emotional co-dependence started as a Nobody or did it start as human Isa and just grew to an unhealthy degree?
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assorted scribbles and Love Bites!!!!
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sweatyhanded · 2 years
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‘orange blossoms’ comic for the @opflowerszine 🍊
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bacchuschucklefuck · 25 days
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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carbonateddrinks · 9 months
“And I mean, hell. If you’re have to live the rest of your life in a memory… ya might as well make it a good one.”
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prapais · 2 years
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(25.11.22) happy 1 year with fortpeat!
peat: i see how well fort takes care of me. thank you to whatever it is that has brought us to meet, thank you that we have become partners, because especially with me, fort is someone who’s very attentive. even if sometimes i tease him back, fort always knows that i will always love and care about him. and the more we get to know each other, the more we start to be each other’s safe zones. i want to say that you’ll have me here beside you, always. 
fort: i have thought before... what if that day i acted with someone else? how would i be now? if my partner wasn’t p’peat then... how would i turn out today? thank you so much for being with me. honestly, i love him so much. i can straightforwardly say i love him so much, he is one special person for me. he’s a very important person in my life. i want us to be together a long, long time. (x)
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wikitpowers · 5 months
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trying not to think about little boy!magnus and how hurt and broken he was, im so freakin upset don't touch me. he deserves everything good in this world.
artist: @emcreatez
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velvetjune · 3 months
the chapter songs in Alan Wake 2,, flawless
#they deserve more love and discussion#saying this while also not knowing what to say other than they’re so fucking good#alan wake 2#i think it’s partially because poets of the fall’s tracks are iconic so of course they’re in the spotlight (as deserved)#but also the CHAPTER SONGS. them being made for a given chatacter(s) with the help of Sam lakes poetry#the changes with ‘this road’ by Poe with every Alan chapter. becoming more distorted and revealing lyrics and the spiral#the scratch song being 1) hilarious and 2) similar to Zane’s poetry in the aw1 arg#the emotion in superhero when saga feels lost at the story making it so Logan was gone#the lines of her feeling like a ghost in this story forming around her.. how she feels guilty and absent for both what the story’s doing#and being away from Logan because of her job. ashdhhhhjhh my heart#AND. follow you into the dark HAS to be alice. which kills me because at for at I thought of Alan#but no. Alice jumped in the dark place after him. it’s so !!!!!!!!!!!#the rabbit hole line. Alice spiraling deeper and deeper into a dream—into wonderland#the Lost at Sea one is also good. intrigues me. the Bowie and Lynch references are blatantly aw2 Zane#but it’s so similar to diver Zane and the ‘originals’ death. being lost in the dark place with illusions of escape#and losing any sense of identity. whether he’s real at all or the monster of this sea or just a lost soul.#the soft and calm vocals / instrumental really makes the whole thing#NEED to stop typing more tags because this is a Lot. however.#‘no one left to love’ is also a phenomenal song and one of my favorites from the album. GORGEOUS vocals and how it all flows together.#such a powerful and beautiful way to end a chapter#anyway that’s all I had to say :)#god. I’ve started to watch a few playthroughs of the game and 90% of people have skipped the chapter songs and every time im#that’s fair but my brain and soul might implode if I don’t see anyone else talking about how good these songs are
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mblue-art · 2 years
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boyf bestfr boy, friend,,
related to this post ig///
u dont have to look at this part !! lsdkglfd
it gets p indulgent n kinda,, personal?? iguess? not pushing anyone away if you still want to scroll thru here its mostly ramblethoughts of my simping journey or whatever the heck i turned this whole thing into
hhhhgh here's two doodles i made inbetween the two posts,, maaannnnn,,,
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aaaa aa a aa
(iam just putting these here for when future!me looks back on all these posts and go "haha oh wow i used to,, i used to only,, platonically like him when i think about 'me' me interacting w him,, thats,, oh,, huh that was something")
[took me THREE (3) MONTHS (from when i made that doodle on the left)......... and some light nudging and nice & lovely hc/scenarios from friends... to finally wake up one day and realize "oh. oh holy shit? i. i dont feel weird abt this anymore? fr fr? wait shit i-" cue me sitting up in bed and staring at a wall for a long while as thoughts pour in]
(S. SO YEAH. lust sans. 💘💜💙)
(sona lore is theyre still besties but now theyre dating too woooo/////////)
(LN is still a thing- my skelesona (indigo) shipped with a lust (lavender)- theyre SO in love ur honor,, im just kinda flustered abt this new development lmaoaoaoaoaoao it shouldnt be that srs yk i just think its fun and interesting seeing how i feel abt certain characters and try to make something out of that stuff yk;;)
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