#god. i’d really like to suffer at the HANDS of these two……….
stardustvanfleet · 8 months
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good morning babes & gresties…….. suffering at the hands of these two again but what else is new 🫣
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riality-check · 10 months
Steve, realistically, shouldn’t even be at this show. He doesn’t care about the band, he didn’t want to make the drive, and he had to bring Anna along because he couldn’t find a babysitter.
But he was going to suck it up to go with Dustin, who immediately bought tickets to see his favorite band when they went on sale. Who called Steve this morning to inform him, somehow both solemnly and frantically, that he had the worst food poisoning known to man, and, that until he stopped puking and shitting at the same time, he could not leave the bathroom.
Steve very much did not need to know that.
With Dustin went the rest of the Babysitters’ Club, all of them having eaten the same shady pizza and suffering the consequences. The only exception was Mike, lactose intolerant but cursed to take care of his idiot friends.
He texted Steve to ask if he had extra bleach. Steve dropped it outside the house because no way in hell was he entering that building.
Dustin assured him, amidst too much detail and shockingly disgusting background noise, that both tickets shouldn’t go to waste, and with no one able to babysit Anna, Steve should take advantage of both.
So, here he is. Standing in the first level - Dustin couldn’t get floor tickets, thank God - of a show for a metal band he has no intention of ever listening to and holding his four-year-old daughter, who has bright pink ear defenders looped around her neck in preparation for when it gets really, really loud.
“When are they starting?” she asks for the fourth time in as many minutes, with a sigh too big for her little body.
“In a few minutes,” Steve says, keeping an eye on the stage, where he watches the crew set up. Mad respect for them hustling so hard. He could never.
The seats are slowly filling up, and Steve feels a little sad for the first opener, a little sad that they don’t have a full house for their set.
A group of four guys takes the seats right next to Steve, with a pale, long-haired, big-eyed guy right next to him. He’s got tattoos on his arms and rings on all his fingers and a silver bar through his upper ear.
And he’s arguing emphatically with his friend next to him.
“I’m telling you, American Psycho is more recognizable!” he says, hands flying. Steve discreetly makes sure he and Anna aren’t within striking distance. “Not to mention cheaper!”
“A prop chainsaw,” his friend - a short white guy with shorter but equally wild hair - says, “can’t possibly be that hard to find by tomorrow.”
“We already have the axe!”
“I’m with Eddie,” the big white guy at the end of their group says. “I’m a sucker for American Psycho.”
“Okay, but I’m the guy who has to use the props,” the fourth friend, a Black guy with short braids who looks annoyed at this conversation, like they’ve had it before. “And I think I’d have more fun with the chainsaw.”
Eddie - the guy with long hair and heavy jewelry and hands with a mind of their own - rolls his eyes. It’s a full body movement, one that has him spinning to face Steve. When he does, his face cycles through a myriad of emotions too fast for Steve to really track.
“Hi, pretty boy,” he says. His eyes then dart down to Anna, who stares at him with her head cocked to the side. “Pretty dad. Dad. Pretty. Hi.”
“Eddie,” the short guy cautions.
“Yeah, sorry, anyway, can you be a tiebreaker for us?”
“Sure,” Steve says. Anna squirms, so he lets her out of his lap to stand, holding her hand all the while. “What do you need?”
“American Psycho or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?” the big guy asks.
“You gotta give him context.”
“No, I don’t, Jeff.”
The guy who said he’d be using the props - whatever that means - rolls his eyes and stops fighting.
“What’s American Psycho?” Anna asks, choosing the best time to pay attention to the conversation, like always.
“A movie you’re too young to see,” Steve says. “And the one I’m picking out of those two.”
“Oh, thank you,” Eddie says, using a tone that better fits Steve saving his drowning dog or something. He then turns to the rest of his friends and says, “I fucking told you!”
Anna gasps. “You’re not s’posed to say that!”
Jeff smothers a laugh behind his hands, while the other three guys stare at Anna, half confused, half admiring.
Eddie clears his throat, looking significantly abashed. "Sorry, Miss-"
"Anna," she says.
"Anna," Eddie finishes. Then he turns to Steve. "And you are?"
"Steve. No Mister for me though. I might be a dad, but I'm not that old."
"You are old, Daddy," Anna says.
Steve frowns down at her, where she stands at his feet. She's smiling, mischievous like she always is when she says something along these lines. "I'm not that old."
"Yeah you are! You're like, you're like, like, fifteen."
Jeff gives up on hiding his laughter.
"I'm older than fifteen," Steve says gently, trying not to laugh.
Anna’s jaw drops. “You are?”
“Thank God for that,” Eddie mutters, then shuts his jaw with an audible click.
Steve tried to come up with an answer for that, but someone comes on a mic and starts playing the drums, so he moves the defenders over Anna’s ears and pays attention to the show instead.
It's... fun, he guesses. Fun if he were into it, maybe. The first opener has a lot of energy, even if the music isn't melodic enough for Steve's taste. He finds himself tapping along to the steady beat, moving slightly in his seat to the music.
It's nice background noise. He'd put this on while he grades papers. It's steady enough to fill his head but doesn't have a whole lot of lyrics he could get distracted by and sing along to.
Eddie and his friends, meanwhile, are having the time of their lives. The short guy - Gareth, Steve thinks his name is - mimes the drum part of each song with startling accuracy. Archie jumps up and down, Jeff absolutely screams along, and Eddie-
Anna stares up at Eddie, eyes wide and jaw slacked as she watches him bang his head to the music.
Steve almost snaps a picture of it, this little moment, before the second song ends and Eddie snaps out of his zone.
He shakes the hair out of his face, then looks down at Anna, who's still staring at him. "What?"
She cocks her head to the side in a mirror of his. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The," she pauses, then starts shaking her head really hard, side to side. Steve puts a hand on her shoulder before she slams into the chairs in the row in front of them.
Eddie laughs. "The headbanging?"
"Yeah," Anna says, nodding.
"It's a way I move to the music," Eddie explains.
"Like dancing?"
"Sort of," Eddie says. "It's easier. I look stupid when I dance."
"You're not s'posed to say that," Anna tells him solemnly. "Right, Daddy?"
Steve meets Eddie's eyes. Even with the lights down, they're big and pretty and reflective, and Steve is going to kick himself so hard if he chickens out before he can get his number.
"Right," he says, still looking at Eddie. "We're not supposed to call ourselves stupid."
"Sorry," Eddie whispers.
"Don't be."
Anna tugs on Steve's hand, then Eddie's. "Teach me."
"Anna," Steve cautions.
"Can you please teach me?" she corrects.
Eddie glances down at Anna, then back up at Steve. "If it's-"
"Go ahead," Steve says because Eddie has more than passed the vibe check at this point.
Eddie crouches down as a new song starts up, and while Steve can't hear what he's telling her, he sees her smile, bright as day.
By the last song of the first opener, Anna is headbanging along with Eddie, off-beat in the say little kids always are but more than making up for it with effort.
Steve gives into the impulse to take a picture.
When the first opener finishes, Steve picks Anna back up and takes her ear defenders off.
"Woah," she says. "Can I keep them-"
"Nope," Steve says. "They stay on when the music is on. You heard it fine, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you-"
"I have my earplugs in," Steve says, pointing at them.
"So do I," Eddie says, and when he moves his hair back, sure enough, there are black earplugs nestled in his ears.
"You don't seem like the kind of guy to wear earplugs," Steve says.
"You don't seem like the kind of guy to come of a metal show," Eddie counters.
Anna climbs out of Steve's arms and onto his back, where she loops her arms around his shoulders and just hangs, like she does sometimes when she gets bored.
Weirdo kid, Steve thinks affectionately.
"That's because I'm not," Steve says. "I was supposed to come with a friend, but he got sick."
"Yikes," Eddie says. "You coming tomorrow, too?"
"I am," Steve says. "Are you?"
Eddie raises his eyebrows, like he didn't expect Steve to ask that. "Yeah, we'll be here. Not in these seats, though."
The lights go back down before Steve can ask what he means by that. He reaches behind him, scoops Anna back down on the ground, and puts her ear defenders on by the time the second opener strikes a scary-sounding opening chord.
Anna doesn't look scared at all. From the moment the music starts, she looks up at Eddie, and when he starts headbanging, she does, too.
Yup. Steve has effectively created a monster.
He contemplates, if Dustin is fine by tomorrow, skipping out on the show and giving his ticket to Anna, but that means not seeing Eddie again.
He really wants to see Eddie again, even if he won’t have the same seats.
Whatever that means.
Steve decides not to focus on that. He decides instead to focus on the moment. He listens to the music. He lets Anna take his hand and dance with it. He bops his head along with hers, but not too hard because he can’t risk aggravating his whiplash.
He enjoys the show, even if it’s not his cup of tea. It’s easy to enjoy the show, with Eddie next to him. It’s easy to enjoy his wild hair and pretty jewelry and big eyes and contagious enthusiasm.
It’s easy to see the way Eddie looks at him.
It’s also very easy, after the venue clears and Anna falls asleep in the car on the way home, to forget to ask for his number.
(Part 2 is alive!!)
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augiewrites · 7 months
“secret admirer” - dead poets society (final)
summary: y/n confronts their poet (lightly inspired by this post)
pairing: (not-so) anonymous!dead poet x reader
word count: 536
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Y/N felt like they were having an out of body experience—maybe they were dreaming? That seemed like the most reasonable explanation for a night like that.
They kept waiting for the moment where they shot awake in their dorm room, but it had yet to come.
No, this was real, and it was more beautiful than they ever could have imagined.
It was also over much faster than they would have liked. Y/N and Charlie bounced glances back and forth all throughout Neil’s monologue and the following final words from the poets. They were the last two to exit the cave.
Y/N spoke up once there was some distance between them and the rest of the poets, “So it was you this entire time?”
“That it was,” Charlie grinned as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“God, you’re so annoying.”
“What?” Charlie laughed out.
“It’s such a you move to be waxing poetic to me in secret while being an absolute terror in person.”
“Well, I had to get through to you somehow.”
Y/N was having a difficult time being annoyed at the grinning boy.
“You could have tried talking to me like a normal person—you know, the old-fashioned way of doing things.”
“I thought this was the old-fashioned way?” the grin still hadn’t left Charlie’s face, and the light look in his eyes made Y/N’s stomach flutter, “Besides, you wouldn’t have had any of it.”
“Who said I’m having any of it now?”
“Well, you’re here, and you’re actually having a conversation with me without trying to run in the opposite direction,” he stopped walking and faced Y/N, “I’d say that’s a start.”
“Maybe so,” Y/N shrugged and couldn’t help the smile spreading across their face.
Charlie’s features softened, “I liked your poem, by the way…not as good as mine, but it’s the thought that counts.”
“You’re insufferable,” Y/N laughed.
“But you’re suffering me anyway.”
The pair stood in silence for a beat, exchanging soft smiles and savoring the moment.
“So, where do we go from here,” Y/N inquired, “what’s your master plan, Romeo?”
“We go out on a couple dates, get married, grow old together—you know, the usual.”
Y/N rolled their eyes as their cheeks flushed, “would it kill you to be serious for five seconds?”
“Maybe,” Charlie grinned as he entwined his hand in Y/N’s, “I’d really like to kiss you.”
“Then kiss me, Dalton.”
And so he did, and it was perfect.
That is, until the cheering and wolf whistles began from up ahead.
Y/N was impossibly red as Charlie pulled them along with him back to the poets, a mixture of pride and adoration on his face as he looked at them.
“Really, Dalton? We leave you alone with an individual for one minute and you’re already putting the moves on them?” Knox teased the boy.
“Long con, boys,” Charlie wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, “works every time.”
“Have I mentioned that you’re insufferable?”
Charlie just smirked and leaned in for another short kiss. Sounds of mock disgust fell upon deaf ears.
Meeks was right, Y/N thought, this night really did wonders for my spirit.
a/n: keeping it short and sweet for the finale—thanks for all the love on this story <3
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954 @coralineyouareinterribledanger @ashisabitgay
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impishjesters · 8 months
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Aggression Distraction
warning(s): canonical character..death? (it's Kaufmo), nondescript type of panic/anxiety attack (honestly the whole thing glosses over exactly what type of mental state you are in, just that you aren't doing so hot after that experience), cursing, minor suggestive content note(s): This can be read stand-alone but goes in hand with my previous post about Jax with a partner (platonic or romantic) who suffers from depression/suicidal tendencies. Can be read as platonic or romantic but written with more romantic intention in mind, consider it like pre-dating romantics or whatever. A/N: It's worth mentioning that Jax's behavior is a little back and forth, which is intentional. This stuff is new territory for him, but you matter to him so he's trying to be a rock for you, he's just gonna be a little shit while doing it though. ♥ AO3 version
With the latest addition of Pomni and the recent departure of Kaufmo, things had taken a slight turn from the usual day-to-day. You weren’t particularly close to Kaufmo, but to see him abstracted like that? Someone you knew, for god knows how long to just..stop existing like that?
It was horrifying.
As nonchalant as Jax had been over the whole thing like he’d seen it a million times, it had yet to leave your brain. Even days later. Days? It’s still hard to tell the passing of time.
Jax had taken notice when your gaze lingered on Kaufmo’s old room, the large red ‘X’ over his face. Every time he’d swing by your room to pick you up or drop you off he’d catch you staring, and he knew it wasn’t a good thing. Sure, nobody really liked Kaufmo, and you knew him for an even shorter time than them, but he had an inkling what had you so..distracted for a better term.
The first day or two after the events left everyone a little thrown off. Pomni stuck by Ragatha like a little duckling, Gangle had taken to trying to fix her comedy mask, Zooble did whatever Zooble does, and Kinger? Yeah, nobody cared what he did. But you? You distanced yourself or tried to at least, Jax was never far behind.
It was sweet really, he’s still getting the hang of this whole situation the two of you got going on and it’s been going on for a while. Honestly? It’s almost scary how well he knows you and is able to silently confront you without you realizing something’s even wrong, like some weird sniffer dog.
The thought makes you giggle.
Jax’s head lifts and his gaze falls to you with a brow raised, it’s not the first time you’ve randomly giggled but usually there’s a reason, generally something he did. And he wasn’t doing shit worth giggling over. Waving him off that it’s nothing he shrugs it off and goes back to his little task that his torso is blocking.
To be honest, you aren’t even sure what he’s doing anymore, he kinda just showed up and said “I need my favourite doll for this new little prank, so get off your butt and come to my room.” And then proceeded to drag you off your bed and over his shoulder like a sack of rice into his room.
A prank that he has still yet to tell you if there even is one.
During the time spent together, there’s something you’ve managed to pick up in the way he always goes with the crowd. Sure there are times he’s alone, but it’s different, it’s like he wants to be alone compared to the times he seemed to be following others around simply because he didn’t want to be by himself. It was something you yourself used to do after all. Hanging out with people you didn’t really care about simply so you weren’t completely alone.
Now if you tried to confront him on this little theory, he’d no doubt make some comment about how he’s not sure if it’s sweet or creepy that you’re staring at him so intently. Then immediately follow up with some spiel about how he can’t watch funny stuff happen to others if he’s alone. “Think of all the funny shit I’d miss!” Or whatever.
“Are you ever going to tell me what this latest ‘prank’ is?”
“Mmm..” he hums as if debating, but it doesn’t take a genius to tell you it’ll be a—“nope!” Called it.
You wanna call him out that there isn’t even a prank, he’s not even doing anything other than sitting there polishing a…bowling ball? You sit up from your spot on his bed confused. “Is that.. the bowling ball from—”
“What you think I went back down to that creepy place just for this exact bowling ball?” he scoffs, this place has plenty of the damn things he doesn’t need that one.
As tempting as you wanna say yes, you know just how lazy and manipulative he can be. “You? No. Making someone else fetch it with some excuse about how it’s got meaning and worth to you? Now that I can see.”
His eyes squint as he throws a grin over his shoulder at you, one that looks almost painful if not for the fact that he’s almost always grinning.
“You know me too well sugar,” he turns to face you, bowling ball balancing in his hand like it weighs nothing to him, “but I hate to break it to you. This really is just a different bowling ball, but now you got me wanting to send Gangle down to see if she’ll actually do it.”
“Behave.” You playfully chide. It’d be hypocritical to say “poor Gangle” after all, you’ve also sent her on a wild goose chase once or twice, even if you felt a tad guilty later on.
He scoffs and places a gloved hand on his chest in mock offense. “I always behave. I’m the textbook definition of the word gentleman.”
“Oh yeah? In what book?” Slipping off his bed, you walk over to him and reach out to the bowling ball only for him to yank it out of reach. Even sitting the bastard has enough reach to keep anything away from you.
Jax waves his arm about every time you try to reach for the ball, there’s no real reason to keep it from you, he’s just fucking around at this point. Plus this little endeavor has kept you distracted and him mildly entertained. “Oh, now that’s just rude doll, have a heart.” You stop trying to get the ball and he waggles it at you like he’s trying to tempt an animal. “You don’t think I’m a gentleman?”
“A man? Yes.” You scoff and push the ball out of your face. “Gentle? Only when you want to be.”
He hisses and tosses the ball aside letting it roll away, no longer finding it fun. “So harsh, you really do wound me.”
You flinch at the loud thud, unsurprising at the lack of dent the ball should have created under normal circumstances. “Oh bite me.”
“Is that an invitation?” His shit-eating grin nearly splits his face in two, it’s a shame the others aren’t around, he loves seeing their reactions when the two of you banter like this.
Like an old married couple.
You roll your eyes and step into his personal bubble, one of his ears twitches out of habit and his shoulders tense but they gradually relax as you get yourself situated on his lap.
It takes everything in him not to spit out something insultingly sweet, he’s heavily aware of your mental state right now and that wouldn’t help. Though he really wants to joke about how this definitely seems like an invitation seeing as how you’ve walked into his bubble and made yourself at home on his lap. Maybe later.
Silence falls between the two of you, huddled up against him with your face buried into his chest. He pulls the blanket off his bed and drapes it around you, it’s not cold per say, but you had voiced once that you still liked the habit of curling up into a blanket. Specifically how you were a fan of blanket sushi? Much to his original confusion.
“You know I’ve seen some pretty gross things wrapped in seaweed, you by far are the grossest sushi-filling doll.”
To which your immediate reaction was to question whether or not he’d still try and eat you. That was definitely not something he thought would leave your mouth. Luckily his quick tongue bit back something along the lines of “Not while the playschool toys are around baby”.
Jax placed one hand on your back applying light pressure while rubbing small circles, the other falling loosely to rest on your lower back. Your arms tightened around him and he gave you a squeeze back, when you got too embarrassed early on to keep asking for him to squeeze you the two of you settled on this unspoken method of asking. And it wasn’t always limited to full-body squeezing either, you’d squeeze his hand, arm, or leg and he’d squeeze back.
The longer the silence went the more his irritation grew, not at you though, just overall irritation at the silence, at seeing you like this. Kaufmo’s abstraction itself wasn’t what had you like this, he knew you thought of it more like Kaufmo dying. Which, who’s to say that you weren’t wrong for thinking that? That thing wasn’t Kaufmo, and now he’s in the cellar doing whatever it is abstracted things do. If Caine couldn’t fix them they might as well be considered dead.
The topic of death and dying almost never came up in day-to-day conversation, maybe a joke here or there but nothing like this. And you were doing so well too.
If he had the ability to fall asleep he would’ve, not that it wasn’t cozy and domestic as shit being all huddled up with you, but he was getting bored. His leg began to wiggle, lightly bouncing you in the process, something you recognized as him being antsy and an unintentional aid in soothing you.
Another squeeze to the lilac torso resulted in another returned squeeze, except unlike the first time, the grip didn’t loosen. It wasn’t suffocating but grounding, the hand on your back stopped moving, and both hands were glued to your back to apply pressure like a weighted blanket. If asked, Jax would probably lay himself on you like an actual weighted blanket—but part of you felt like he’d enjoy that too much and force you into some shitty deal to get him off of you.
The thought sparked a tiny giggle, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Jax. What the fuck were you giggling about? Meanwhile, his ass is going numb (it’s not) sitting here holding you like he’s trying to wrestle a balloon and not pop it. Mood swings aside he’s grateful for the sound, it’s not much but it shows him you were coming out of it. Especially when the giggling starts to pick back up.
“What’s so funny you little brat? Finally gone bonkers?” It’s harsh but there’s a fondness in his tone that only causes you to giggle harder. The lost grin slowly returns to his face and he purposely jostles his leg harder now, bouncing you more chaotically.
The giggle turns into a full-on laugh and he can’t help but find himself grinning more at the sound. “Okay, okay! Enough jostling, I’ll lose more brain cells if you keep it up.”
“Oh, you still have those?” He chuckles. “Here lemme just.. shake those loose too.” Both of his legs wiggle, jostling you back and forth like a boat would, his arms caging you in so you don’t actually go flying.
You let out a squeal following more giggles and hold tightly to his neck until he comes to an abrupt stop. “Jeez, that’s a real workout on the legs..” he mumbles, letting out a little exhausted sigh.
“Hey you did that all on your own, you have only yourself to blame.” Your grip doesn’t leave him in its entirety as you shift on his lap turning sideways, he loosens his grip and grumbles out a “watch it” until you settle down.
After making grabby hands at the arm not trapped behind you he rolls his eyes and relents, giving you his newly free hand. It’s obvious that Jax is pushing his limit at both sitting still and being this vulnerable, and you could keep going on and just soak up the affection full well knowing he won’t actually blow up at you. The others however will pay the price of his pent-up aggression. Perhaps you could lessen that by…
You give his palm a few gentle prods with your thumbs like it’s a squish toy before bringing it to your face, moving it in such a way that allows him to take your jaw and squish your cheeks between his thumb and fingers.
And oh boy does he squish, a bit too roughly but it’s not unbearable as he moves your head side to side. He knows what you doing, letting him have some playful aggression with you to lessen what he’ll put the others through.
You’ve done it before but it rarely does much, he’ll play nice when you’re around then subject the others to his full bull shittery when you’re gone. It does give him a good chance to just fuck with you and squish those cheeks and rattle you around, you’re at his mercy and you happen to make some particularly cute little noises after all. It’s a nice and rare chance to soak up being able to have your face in his hand without him having to subject himself to any embarrassing vulnerable shit of outright asking to touch your face in such a.. intimate-like gesture.
His internal struggles are lost on you though, simply content on his lap, in his arms letting him squish and waggle your head around. You silently count down the minutes, or guesstimate the minutes until he’s had enough and lets you go. At least this time he has the decency to help you stand versus shoving you off his lap and onto the floor.
Jax brushes the imaginary dust from his clothes and puts a hand on his hip, gesturing the free hand towards you. “We done here babe?”
You nod, rocking back and forth before shaking your head. “Lean over real quick.”
He rolls his eyes and groans but does as asked, leaning over to be on your level. Before he can ask why he’s breaking his back you lean up and press a quick kiss to the side of his mouth before pulling away and racing out of his bedroom.
The grin slips for a split second while he processes that you literally had him lean down, just to kiss him and then bolt. That face-splitting grin returns as he strolls out of his room just to see you at the end of the hall giggling like a maniac.
“You know what? I’ll give you a head start, better hope I don’t catch you!”
You bolt off with a squeal and he chuckles, maybe when he catches you he’ll just settle all that pent-up aggression toward you—he’s long overdue for an intense tease session after all.
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reiding-writing · 3 months
can i get a fic for number 22 and 23 of the general dialogue prompts for the climacteric event? maybe with a little angst at first but end it with a fluff?
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22. “I think I missed you more than you missed me.” 
23. “I thought I’d lost you.”
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WARNINGS: minor spoilers for the prison arc, bro is just a little guy who needs a hug fr
spencer x gn!reader | hurt/comfort | 0.8k | climacteric event!!
a/n: THANK YOU <3333 a little less angsty than originally planned but full of wonderfully sad emotions 😭
main masterlist!! ⋆。°✩ event masterlist!!
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After 84 days of damn near radio silence, you were finally standing in front of Spencer Reid again.
He looked thinner than before, dark purple bags collecting under his eyes and cheekbones more prominent under the harsh florescent lighting. His hair was longer, curling over his forehead and at the nape of his neck, and there was no spark in his gaze anymore, his scleras a blank slate of absolutely nothing; Like all human emotion had been washed away in those short three months.
Except it didn’t feel short.
It felt like the longest god damn three months of your life and you weren’t even the one in the prison. You can’t imagine how long it felt for Spencer.
But at least now he was home.
Home and safe. For the most part anyway.
“Hi,” You speak almost breathlessly, wringing your hands together behind your back to suppress the urge to just throw yourself at him in relief that he wasn’t suffering behind bars anymore.
“Hi,” God how you missed his voice, flowing through your ear canals like silk and making you melt at his greeting like he’d recited some niche romantic poetry in your ear.
He looked like he was holding back just as much as you were. His fingers tugged the cuffs of his sleeves against his palm, and he traded gazes between you and the floor as he swayed ever so slightly on his feet in an attempt to relive the nervous tension running through his body.
It was like the two of you were locked in a stalemate, neither wanting reach out under the shared knowledge that you’d both break if you do.
But you’d waited eighty four days to see him again, and god would be damned if you had to wait any longer.
“I missed you…”
You swear you can see Spencer’s self-restraint shatter the second the words leave your mouth, and he takes a step forwards to anchor his hand around your back and pull you against his chest, his head pressed securely against your shoulder as he breathes you in.
You return his efforts fervently, bringing your arms up to rest over his shoulders with one splayed in his curls as you hold him tight to you, like you’re afraid it’s the last time you’ll ever get the chance to do so before he disappears again.
“I think I missed you more than you missed me…” His words are muffled against the cotton of your shirt as he buries himself as deep into your embrace as he can, his hands connecting together behind your back as he squeezes you as securely as possible.
You wouldn’t be able to get out of his hold if you tried, but that was the last thing you were worried about.
“That’s not true,” You shake your head against the side of his, sighing next to his ear as you turn to speak into his hair. “I really thought you weren’t coming back… I thought I’d lost you…”
You swear Spencer sinks further into your arms as you confess your lingering worries even though it isn’t humanly possible with ho tightly you’re holding onto each other already. “I’m here… I’m okay…”
“I’m so glad…” Your voice cracks, and that’s it.
You knew you’d break once you finally got him in your arms again, but this has gotta be a record.
Your shoulders begin to tremble softly as the first tears leave your eyes, and Spencer unlinks his hands to rub them in lines over your back.
And then you’re sobbing into his shoulder. Your tears dapple the beige-grey of his blazer, leaving dark stains in their wake, and the hand wrapped around his back leaves wrinkle in the fabric from how tightly you’re holding onto him.
It doesn’t take long for Spencer to mirror your emotional state as he turns his head into your neck, the moisture of his own tears falling down the line of your neck and under the collar of your shirt.
In any other instance you’d probably find it mildly uncomfortable, but you didn’t exactly have the mind to care right now. You finally had Spencer in your arms again, that was worth anything.
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omg i loved innate desire to protect! are you going to do a pt 2? if so please let the reader make it out alive😭😭
Yes!! I did this one part angst and part fluff lol, best of both worlds!!!
Thanks for reading😊💚
Part 1:
Warnings: angst, mentions of violence, swearing
Innate Desire to Protect Part 2
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"She’s suffered some major internal bleeding, and it may take some time for her to wake up from these injuries. I really can’t put a time stamp on it, gentleman, I’m sorry.” 
“Thank you Doctor, we appreciate all that you are doing for them.” Price said, patting Ghost on the back.
Each of 141 was continuously in your hospital room, they took turns taking watch on you, none of them really wanting you to wake up alone.
Ghost could only stare at the doctor, he was hoping she would've given a different answer. He wanted you to be awake, he wanted to scold you for doing something so impossibly stupid, jeopardizing your life for his. 
“Alright gents, why don’t 3 of us head on over to Patricks and grab a drink and a bite, we’ll have someone swap out in a bit.” Gaz suggested. They were all tired, and frankly could use a drink after the long days that followed the mission, and the near death scare you gave them. 
“God I’d go for a whiskey.” Price muttered, standing up and heading to the door.
“L.T. why don't you head over to the bar with the guys. I’ll be here to watch her.” Soap said, silently hoping Simon would finally take the chance to decompress. He knew you’d be okay, but Simon hadn’t allowed himself to unwind the tension that had built inside him since you got shot. 
Simon studied Soap for a moment, considering his words. Perhaps a bourbon was just what he needed to relax. He trusted Johnny to stay here and look after you.
“Thanks, Johnny.” He said, making his way out of the room with Price and Gaz, not before sparing you a concerned glance.
“Go, L.T. I’ve got her.” Soap said, noticing his lieutenants hesitance to leave. 
Simon only nodded, the final push from Soap being what he needed to head out the door.
“Stubborn bastard.” Soap chuckled under his breath. He relaxed in his chair, finally taking the time to rest, his gaze thoughtfully landing on you.
It was about two hours later, when you awoke to the sounds of muffled laughter and a voice saying, “Steaming Jesus, that’s too funny.”
Your eyelids fluttered open, and you slowly took in your surroundings. You noticed that Soap was sitting in the armchair next to your hospital bed, watching what seemed to be a children’s tv show, on your hospital tv.
“Truly a kid at heart, aren’t you Johnny.” You said softly, giggling to yourself at the sight.
Soap immediately jerked his head to look at you upon hearing your voice. “Kid, you're awake!” He exclaimed, moving the chair to face you. “Good to see you in one piece.”
“Doesn’t feel like I am in one piece, and you're one to call kid.” You joked back. 
Soap laughed at this, softly putting his hand on yours. “Gave us quite the fright kid, Ghost’s mask was cracking, and fast.” You knew which mask he meant. He meant that Simon was appearing from underneath the mask that was Ghost. There was a fine distinction between Simon, and Ghost. Anytime he was on the field, or preparing for a mission, he was Ghost. When he was off duty, or in the safety of his or your room, he was Simon. Very few people were lucky enough to ever see this side of him. You and the boys of 141 were really the only people who got to see him for who he really was. 
At the mention of his name, you looked around expecting to see your lover sitting somewhere in the room. To say you were disappointed when you didn’t see him, was an understatement. 
Soap took notice of this, and immediately went to ease your worries. “Ah, that lover boy of yours went out with the boys to Patricks. I nearly had to kick him in the ass just to get him out.”
“Sounds like him.” you smiled to yourself. 
“Yeah, stubborn- “ Soap started, just as Ghost came in to relieve him. 
“You’re awake.” He said coolly, eyeing you.
“That’s my cue.” Soap said awkwardly, wanting nothing more than to be as far away from this conversation as possible.
As Soap left, you could feel the atmosphere in the room change significantly. You knew Simon was mad at you for what you did, you just didn’t realize the extent of it.
“It’s good to see you, love.” You said, trying to ease some of the tension.
“It’s good to see you? That is all you have to say to me?!” Simon roared, gripping the foot of the bed. You could see his knuckles turning white, from how hard he was gripping.
“Simon, I don’t know what you want me to say.” You countered.
“How about, Lieutenant, I am sorry I acted a fool, without thought, and charged headfirst into a fight without a plan. How about the fact that you’re reckless, and you could have died. Huh? How about any of those Y/N.” He was full on yelling at this point, not caring who heard him.
You could feel tears pooling in the corner of your eyes. You’d never heard him speak to you like this before. You knew he’d be upset that you tried sacrificing yourself to save him, but you thought that he may be a tad bit grateful at least.
“I- I’m so-” you started.
“No, I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you have. It was my fight, if it was my time to go then so be it. I cannot have people who are careless and have no regard for common sense on my team. Maybe it’s best I talk to Price about having you transferred. I knew us working together would be a problem, I just knew it.”
“You.. want me off the team?” You choked out, the tears now fully coming down. You aggressively wiped them away, not wanting him to see you cry.
“I honestly don’t know what I want anymore Y/N.” He said, his voice now low. Shaking his head, he stood up, and stormed out of the room without sparing you a second glance.
The minute he left the room, you let yourself sob uncontrollably.  You have never been spoken to like that from him before, and it left your heart in shatters. The words he had spoken to you just now, had your mind spinning. What did he mean he didn’t know what he wanted anymore? Did he not want you anymore?
You hadn’t noticed Soap sneak back into the room, and take a seat next to you in the arm chair. “Love.. are you okay?” He asked, putting his hand on your leg.
“No, I’m not. I don’t even know how to feel right now. I saved his life, I’m not dead.. I would’ve thought, I don’t know? I wasn’t expecting whatever the hell that was.” You sobbed, throwing yourself into Soap’s embrace.
“I know, I heard it all. Figured it best I didn’t head out, in case he pulled something like this.” He replied, rubbing your back to comfort you.
“I think he wants to end things with me.. I don’t know what else he could have meant.” You said wiping the abundance of tears streaming down your face.
“I wouldn’t say that love. It’s Ghost saying that, not Simon, I’m sure of it. I know how he reacted isn’t right, but he watched the love of his life nearly get killed trying to save him. I can’t imagine what I would be feeling if I were him.” 
“I don’t know. Maybe this isn’t what is best for us.”
“I am not going to push you into thinking one way or another, but I know that man loves you more than anything. Just give him time, yeah? For now, why don’t you just lay back down and rest. I’ll stay here til morning with you.” Soap said as he helped you lie back down in the bed.
“Thank you, Johnny. For everything.” You replied, shutting your eyes.
“Always, Y/N”
Four days had passed since you woke up. You were discharged two days ago, and your days were filled with paperwork, and mundane office work. Price had strictly ordered you to desk duty for 2 weeks, until the doctors cleared you for field work again. 
You hadn’t seen Simon since the night he lashed out at you. You’d caught glimpses of him in the hallways, but he never met your eyes. The more days that went on without the two of you speaking, the less optimistic you were about your relationship with him.
You were lost in thought when Price had approached the desk you were temporarily occupying. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you take a break. Go get a coffee or something. You’ve been sitting there like a zombie for hours.”
You looked up from the paperwork you were trying to fill out, and gave him a small smile. “Thanks John, I don’t know if coffee will solve the problem I am having.”
“Ahh, well. Never know til ya try, right?” He said, throwing you a wink. 
“Suppose you’re right. Thanks.” You offered, watching Price walk out of the office.
Sighing, you stood up from the desk and started to make your way to the break room. You stopped abruptly when you saw a figure standing by the coffee machine. Ghost.
“I was just stopping to get a cup, I’ll be on my way in a moment.” You said, suddenly feeling very small.
He just looked at you, no ounce of emotion showing behind his skull balaclava. You wanted nothing more than to make your cup of coffee and get out of there. The tension between you two was too thick to bear.
In the few minutes it took to make the coffee, neither of you spoke. The silence was uncomfortable to say the least. The minute the coffee was done, you quickly grabbed the cup, and made a B-Line for the door.
“Y/N” Simon’s voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Sir.” You replied.
“Simon.” He corrected you.
You sighed deeply at this, not knowing what to expect next from him. Frankly, you never knew what to expect with him.
“Simon.” You repeated.
“I- I uh. Bloody hell I suck at this.” He started, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “Y/N, I am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” You countered, putting the arm not holding your coffee crossed against your chest. Simon recognized this immediately for what it was, it was a defense mechanism. You were subconsciously trying to protect yourself, to shell in your heart.
His eyes softened greatly at this, and he moved slowly toward you. You didn’t move away.
“I just couldn’t stop replaying those moments in my head. Watching you just rush in there without a second thought, taking that bullet meant for ME. Y/N I can’t get it out, it’s all I see. If you hadn’t made it.. I.. I.” He couldn’t finish his sentence. But you knew what he meant.
You put the coffee down on the nearest table, and went to embrace him. He immediately accepted the embrace, and squeezed you tight. You both stood there for a few moments, enjoying each other’s warmth.
“I’m sorry, Simon. I know I could’ve handled that better, but the sight of you being hurt like that just made everything go numb. I would do it again, if it meant you being alive.” You said, pulling his chin down so you could look him eye to eye. “I will always protect you. That was our oath to each other, remember? On the field we’d always have each other’s backs.”
“I should’ve been the one who protected you, and I failed.” His voice breaking. Oh, now you understood. Not only was he upset at the prospect of losing you, but he was also feeling like a failure, and that he couldn't protect you. 
"Oh, Simon." You cried softly, pulling him back into an embrace.
"I'm sorry love. I promise to be better. I know 'm shit with my emotions, and it's something I've got to work on. If you'll still have me that is." His voice was laced with trepidation, as if fearing your answer would break his heart. 
"I will always want you, Simon Riley." You cooed, reaching up so you could lift the balaclava slightly, to plant a firm kiss on his lips.
"Now if you ever talk to me like that again, I'll make sure you don't walk for a week Mr. Riley." You pulled away and wagged your finger at him, trying to look as menacing as possible. 
"That's my girl." He chuckled, leaning back down to kiss your forehead, and you could've sworn you heard a soft "thank you" escape his lips. 
Let me know if you have any other requests. I've been enjoying writing these, and hope that you enjoy reading!!🙃
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otomiyaa · 20 days
Tickle Fight
Kabru & Laios
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A/N: A little thingie I made in my phone notes while traveling. These two are so cute hehe. I hope I got rid of all the auto corrects and typos....
Summary: Kabru's biggest mistake of the day = agreeing to have a tickle fight with Laios. Who in the right mind would actually...?! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.1K
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Oh god. Oh no. Run! Hide! Get help - aaaaah!
“Gu-gu-guuuuys?! Anyone?! Why aren’t you helping me?!” Kabru desperately clung to Rin's arm, panicked and out of breath.
She gave him a cold stare and didn’t even budge. “Huh? You agreed to it yourself. Go have fun.”
So cold! Kabru looked around and ran towards Marcille. She was studying her book and together with Senshi looked into how they could give their meal some more effects to boost their health, magic and strength, and didn't seem interested in helping him.
“I told you Laios isn’t someone to have tickle fights with. He gets way too into it,” Marcille said without looking away from her book.
Everyone else was also casually working on dinner and no one would even bother protecting him! Wah!
“B-but! I couldn’t say no!” Kabru cried, remembering how gentle Laios looked when he made the suggestion.
“Here he comes. I’d run if I were you,” Chilchuck said. Kabru looked over his shoulder to see Laios approaching with terrifying speed and determination. He already caught up! 
“N-n-no, Laios, can I still surrender -?” Nope. There wasn’t even time to surrender. Laios was like a huge excited dog, tackling him down as if he were ready to lick him all over his face. If only that was the case, Kabru wouldn’t even mind. 
“Gayaahaaaaaa hahahaha Laiahahaa!” he howled hysterically as soon as Laios started to tickle him. 
"Tickle fight, commence!" Laios sang, and all Kabru could do at this point was squeal and giggle.
"Nohoho Lahhahaios whaha-wahahahait!"
When he and Laios finished their cooking duty early due to their competitive spirit - who could chop the vegetables fastest? - Laios challenged him to a fun tickle fight immediately after, just to kill time until dinner. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” he said. Though hesistant, Kabru responded with “eh s-sure…”, not knowing this would transform Laios into an enormous tickle fanatic right away. There was no chance to back down now. He was stuck.
“Laahahahaios! Nohoho! Stah-ahahah!” Kabru laughed, suffering from the relentless tickle attack.
“Come on. Aren’t you going to tickle me back?” Laios asked eagerly, but instead of granting Kabru any good chance to do so, he caught both his flailing arms and pinned them over his head using only one hand. 
“YOU WOULDN’T!” Kabru expressed his disbelief, thinking Laios couldn’t possibly tickle him while he was in this helpless position, but oh he really did. 
“WAAHHAAH! Hehehehehelp! Aaaaaah!” Kabru squealed hysterically, his legs kicking and his head shaking desperately, but nothing he did convinced Laios that tickling his vulnerable underarm, ribs and side while pinning his arms down was truly a monstrous thing to do. 
“Look, Mr. Monster Lover has turned into one himself!" Kabru could barely hear Chilchuck's voice through his own laughter but he definitely heard that part and agreed.
“A tickle monster alright,” Senshi laughed before tasting the stew he was making. 
“Hmm, needs more herbs.”
“Nah, I’m not a monster! I’m just really good at tickle fights,” Laois said proudly while he clawed up and down Kabru's exposed and helplessly vulnerable torso. 
!!! This wasn’t a tickle fight in the slightest! It was a massacre!
“Plehehease nooooohoho! I gihihive!” 
“What was that? Give what? You’ll give it your all? Sure! Come at me!” Laios said excitedly. He did release Kabru’s arms there, only to start squeezing his sides with both hands. 
Kabru arched his back and cackled for his life. “I cahahahan’t! Releeeease meehehe!“
He reached for the hands executing the horrors and tried to pry them off his ticklish body, but he was just no match for Laios and his abnormal energy. All Kabru could do was laugh and flail.
“Ahahaha! It tickles- hehehe nahahaha!”
“It does? I’m glad!” Laios replied merrily, and he dug into Kabru’s ticklish sides with terrifying enthusiasm. Kabru thought he was going to die. 
… Was that possible?
Kabru was just going over the possibility of death by tickles, when the attack stopped suddenly. He opened his teary eyes and saw Rin and Marcille. Each held one of Laios’ arms, forcefully stopping his tickle attack on Kabru. 
“O-oh! Hello there,” Laios said, and Kabru flinched when he wiggled his fingers eagerly despite being unable to move his arms. 
“Are you joining the tickle fight?” Laios asked. Baffled that he would still give this slaughter such a term, Kabru crawled backwards and gasped for air. 
“Yes? You okay?” Rin asked, and as if they had agreed on this beforehand, she and Marcille both pulled Laios’ arms back, forcing him on his back with a surprised yelp. 
“What is happening now?” he asked, not even bothering to struggle yet. 
“Kabru’s turn to tickle you back! I felt anxious hearing his cries,” Rin huffed, using her knees to pin Kabru’s arm down. Marcille nodded. 
“You are too much, Laios! Learn when enough is enough!”
The blond blinked and sputtered: “E-eh eh? Whaha- what? Hey! That’s not fair! Let go of me!” He kicked his legs dramatically. 
“Very fair. Kabru, go ahead!” Kabru felt conflicted only for a split second; he didn’t like to have their sympathy. He felt embarrassed and humiliated, yes. But seeing Laios blushing already and squirming helplessly, ready to be at his mercy. Well… How could he resist?
“Good... Time for round 2 of this…. Tickle fight,” Kabru said, and while he would’ve loved to hear Laios’ desperate pleas before starting, he just couldn’t wait. 
“NO- nonono aaahahahah lehehehet me gooooaahaha!” he shrieked when Kabru already tickled him. He only just started and barely touched him. He was that sensitive huh! 
“Looks like the tickle monster is quite ticklish himself. Also, Dinner is almost ready,” Senshi announced. 
“No it isn’t! Take your time!” Marcille said, and that was the last bit of normal conversation that could be heard before Laios exploded in a loud, hilarious and hysterical laughing fit.
"KAHAHABRU!! Fohohorgihihive mehehe! MAhha-Mahaharcille lehehet go- aahaahah!"
Kabru was truly amazed that someone as ticklish as Laios, was such a fan of tickle fights.
"You're unbelievable," he muttered with a smile, and while he continued to tickle Laios, he analyzed every reaction, experimented on every tickle spot he could think of, and had a blast until they could finally eat dinner.
And well, they both did learn their lesson. Laios learned that he was a little too intense and behavior like that earned a proper revenge. And Kabru, he learned to not just accept any tickle fight challenge from Laios.
Although... He stared at Laios who, despite getting tickled to death just now, cheerfully munched on his food. Kabru blushed and covered his mouth to hide his smile.
To be honest, Kabru wouldn't really mind trying again. One day, he would be strong enough to beat Laios on his own, in a fair tickle fight!
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picturing jean in a pair of raybans is good for my mental health
“Missed a couple spots. Need a hand?”
jeremy u flirt
do the trojans ever realise that jean is NOT IN FACT deaf and standing right in front of them when they are talking about him?
oh ok so chapter 11 is in fact worse than chapter 10
if anyone reading this has ever believed that they deserved the abuse, trauma/suffering they’ve experienced, i’m here to tell u right now that nobody deserves that and it is not ever ur fault, no matter what others might say or try to convince u. whatever happened to u is unequivocally not ok. please seek help from a professional if u are worried about urself or others in ur life.
if u have ever felt uncomfortable or violated in certain situations just know that no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ the situation may seem (i use these terms loosely because i do not believing in ranking peoples traumas), ur feelings are 100% valid and u always always deserve to be respected and heard.
i hope u know that u are not alone and never will be.
sending lots of love to all of u
wtff jenkins is a girl?? did we all know this or have i just read too many fanfics always thought jenkins was a guy?
It was sacrilegious even in the privacy of his head, and Jean hunched his shoulders against a blow that never came.
fuck that’s a good line. traumatic as fuck and makes me wanna cry for all these boys have gone through but god as an ex-catholic raised queer person i can tell u this line struck hard even though i cant relate to the specifics of the scene
Jean didn’t mind cooking, but he didn’t say that. This was the first time his room truly felt safe and right, and he was content to hold onto it for as long as he could. He closed his eyes again, but now his thoughts were snagged on Jeremy. At length he broke the silence to say, “Two beds would fit in here.”
jean moreau u are so loved
“You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Just because he had to meet with this man didn’t mean he had to speak to him.
jean, u diss aaron earlier in the books but really ur just the same as him
betsy dobson to the mother fuckibg rescue someone get this bitch a ‘worlds best therapist’ mug
and jean, dude do u know how fucking similar u and neil are, seriously like u guys should be besties like-
“It was not my choice,” he sent back in warning. “I do not need counseling.” He didn’t trust her at all, but there was no point spelling it out.
dude wtf is it with me and napping while tryna finish this book, literally just accidentally fell asleep for 2.5 hrs when i could’ve been reading
“Imagine getting changed so we can practice,” Jean said.
king is fed uppp
“It’s not about size, anyway.” ​“Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. ​Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“That’s not—I do care. I want you to play with us, and I want you to have fun again. I want to see what you can do on the court and what you bring to our defense line. I want us to finally win this year after coming so close and failing too many times. But it’s just a game, Jean. Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.”
“Every time you say that you take a year off my life. I’d really like to live to ninety, so please knock it off.”
now the trojans understand how the foxes feel when neil whips out his ‘im fine’ line,, also i’m never gonna stop saying that neil and jean should be besties it’s literally just a fact
“I do not believe you when you are drinking such filth,” Jean said, with a disapproving look toward her drink. Laila stared him down as she sucked a long gulp through the straw,
this book is so devastatingly depressing and explores some of the most horrible traumatic things that could happen to a person but it’s interspersed with some of the funniest scenes that it gives me whiplash
“Pat and Ananya have wanted to fuck Cody’s brains out for almost a year now. I really thought Cody moving in with them this summer was going to finally get that ball moving, but apparently not. It’s getting kind of pitiful.” ​“Pat and Ananya have been engaged almost as long as Cody has known them,” Laila pointed out as she fit herself against Cat’s side. “You can’t blame Cody for being scared of where they might belong in something like that.”
jeremy is so hopelessly crushing on jean and that’s real of him
meanwhile jean:
Threat assessment, he told himself, and it was almost the truth.
sureee buddy
They’d arrived holding hands and dressed in matching cream-and-teal outfits. Even their gold-rimmed sunglasses and teal sneakers were identical.
well that is definitely an outfit!
“Speaking of happy endings, has Laila bought you a sex toy yet?”
this whole scene was so fucking random but jean deserves great friendships
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‘i’m sure the ravens wouldn’t have taken neil in if they’d known he was the son of a mob boss!!’
i don’t know how to tell u this buddy
dude i just cannot stop think about the whole new world of fanfics we’re gonna get now that tsc has come out like the aftg universe is expanding and becoming more detailed it’s gonna be crazy
chapter 14!!!
Jean eyed him. “For what purpose?” ​Jeremy looked to the ceiling for patience. “For fun.” ​Jean sighed as if Jeremy was the one being unreasonable.
oh jean we’ll get there eventually
Jean was a starving dog on a short chain who’d learned years ago not to bite back.
“You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that he hurt you, I’m sorry that you’re still afraid to talk about it, and I’m sorry that you think I’ll never understand. I’m sorry that he tricked you into thinking you deserved it. But I’m not sorry he’s gone. I can’t be.”
“Neither am I.”
everytime one of the trojans says ‘we’re here to listen whenever your ready to talk and open up to us’ and then they go and demand he tell them every secret he’s ever kept
kevin and jeans relationship in this book is so fucking well written, it’s tearing me apart and giving me so much life
they have so much shared trauma and the relationship is so complex but they understand eachother so deeply
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” ​“I will wait as long as it takes,”
“Be careful with it,” Kevin said. “Be careful with him.”
“Night practices with Andrew and Neil,” Kevin said. ​“Obsessed,” Jeremy
exy fiend kevin day representation
“No, Jean is fine. As fine as he can be, anyway. Yes, I know.” (kevin when talking to someone ‘offscreen’) i just know he was talking to neil
She crossed the room and leaned over, catching Jean’s head in her hands so she could plant a kiss to the top of his head.
this is the love jean deserves
chapter 15:
“Your fourth line has a smart mouth, Coach,” Jean said. “I was hoping he would bite his tongue off in the fall and save us both some grief in the long run.”
jean i love u
Jean wished he had the common sense to shut up,
he’s so me
“And keep Kevin’s name out of your ignorant mouth,”
i keep forgetting that jean only learnt english after he moved into evermore and that kevin probably taught him but i love the subtle little reminders every now and then when he has to clarify a word, like when he has to ask what a ‘floozy’ is and:
due to egregious injuries.” ​Jean didn’t recognize that word, but since Lucas was already running his mouth, he didn’t get a chance to ask.
it’s such a good detail that just adds so much more depth to his character
“Permission to break his face, Coach?” Jean asked. ​“Denied,” White said.
catalina alvarez u wonderful human i love u
jean realising how big the world is and the fact that he’s explored more of california than any other place he’s been before is making me tear up he never should’ve been kept trapped inside he deserves to see the world
So long as she existed as fractured memories, she was safe and small and sheltered.
oh god don’t do this to me
Jean gazed out at the endless horizon, feeling small and infinite from one moment to the next.
beautiful, just beautiful, absolutely immaculate
A cool evening breeze. Rainbows. Open roads.
“He is not going to hit you. Okay? We don’t do that here. You said you’d try to do better and that’s enough for us.”
starting off strong
You’re one of my kids now.
don’t mind me i’m just sobbing
no no no no no no no no no
holy shit no what the fucking fuck
don’t do this to jean rn oh my fucking god i’m sick to my stomach on the verge of fully crying right now
actually dreading reading on right now
um ok yeah so i read it and to anyone who hasn’t finished the book yet beware there is a graphic violent scene followed by an intense panic attack in chapter 16 that’s is very difficult to read
i did cry and all i can say is thank fuck for lisinski’s timing
Jeremy’s response was low but unhesitating: “I will not look away.” ​“I do not want you to look.” ​It frightened him how much it sounded like a lie,
only redeeming part of this chapter is that neil’s back but i’m still in so much shock over what’s just happened that i cant properly appreciate him
chapter 17 the finale:
feeling incredibly somber as i reach the end of the book
please god destroy anyone who has ever hurt jean moreau
nora’s really filling in all the plot holes left from aftg - why did nobody question why neil’s hair was dyed after evermore ????? why did nobody question neil being at evernote in the first place???
i’m laughing at neil’s map print-outs he’s so uncool, also i keep forgetting this is still meant to be 2007
jean-yves moreau oh my fucking god
“says who?” Stuart asked. “The dead kid?
stuart hatford u are so funny, is this where neil inherited is sarcasm from?
stuart hatford says fuck riko and so do i
Neil shrugged. “Do you have anyone who can take on local work?”
Neil offered her a disarming smile that would never sit quite right on his face.
devouring these scraps about my boy
Neil filled in the finer details with an ease that would have been impressive to listen to any other day
- yes neil is incredibly smart, thank u jean for confirming to us
The only thing left to ask for was something he barely understood: “I want to go home.”
oh the complicated nature of home and one’s sense of belonging that persists throughout these books will never fail to make me feel absolutely everything. nora knows exactly what i want in a book
“I can see the kitchen. There should be a door out to where the dumpsters are. We can make it back to the garage from there.”
to be loved by neil josten is to be offered a way to evade the fbi together
“Tedious,” Neil said. “I’m trying to eat.”
my hero
Neil waited until he was done before deciding he wanted to finish his drink. Neither agent was impressed with their absolute lack of urgency,
i love u neil josten pls give me ur autograph
Neil, being the person he was, pointed at the fire hydrant adjacent to its front bumper and said, “That’s illegal, just so you know.” ​“Shut up and get in the car.”
i wish neil josten was real
He couldn’t fear a government who was so easily infiltrated and manipulated
Neil flipped his takeout box open and started eating. “I’m allowed to visit people.”
he’s everything to me 🥰
“You’re one to accuse others of intolerable attitudes,” Browning said, and Neil only shrugged indifference.
and—for once—without any of your usual bullshit.”
- browning u love him just like the rest of us don’t lie rn
ngl i’m never getting over the fact that jean and neil are the same age like this is crazy to me nora whyd u have to do this i cant cope
“The more people I hold onto, the less of a threat I am, because I won’t want to endanger them by acting out.”
oh neil look how far uve come, i’m so proud
“Lock your door tonight if it will help, but Grayson will never bother you again.”
all my favourite bamf! neil fics have him taking out a hit on someone for the benefit of the people he loves and i’m so glad that’s canon
i’m going fucjing crazy i didnt think it was possible to love neil anymore than i already do
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best friends ❤️
jean tearing up and throwing away the notebooks and realising he trusts the trojans and the four of them going to eat one of cats new recipes after they waited up last midnight for him
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hqbaby · 2 months
four — can i see you
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tag, ur it! — sakusa ? iwaizumi ? osamu ? 
*ੈ✩‧ love is a losing game your roommate, your ex, or the guy you totally haven’t been seeing—the choice should be simple, right? right?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.1k content. profanity
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You were a freshman. A stupid, naive, lost lamb of a freshman.
It was your first week at college and you’d gotten lost between classes. Your friends—stupid, lost freshmen just like you, though they’d never admit it—were no help at all. 
After walking around, imagining how the professor would scold you for being late for class (you later realized they didn’t care at all), you admitted defeat and sat down on a bench to wallow in your misery.
You contemplated how you’d tell your mother that you were dropping out of school, leaning back and trying your best not to burst into tears.
And that was when you saw him. The love of your life who was going to wreck it all.
He was tossing a frisbee around with a group of guys whose name you’d later come to know all too well. From a distance, he looked terrifying, definitely not the kind of guy you could walk up to and ask for directions. Yet, there you were, somehow pulled out of your seat, drawn to him.
“Hey,” he said, like you were an old friend. “You good?”
That’s when the floodgates opened and you found yourselves bawling to this stranger, blurting out every single one of your doubts and fears as he pulled himself away from his group and sat you down on a patch of grass.
He nodded to each of your worries and rubbed your back, trying to calm you down. “It’ll be okay,” he said between your rambling. “Just relax a little.”
Eventually, you ran out of words and tears and devolved into a hiccuping mess, rubbing your eyes and nose, trying to breathe.
“That’s it,” he said, smiling as you started to settle down.
You blinked at him. The embarrassment suddenly hit you and you buried your face in your hands. “Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you said, avoiding his eyes. “I must look insane.”
He just laughed. “Nah, you’re good,” he told you, moving away from you and sitting down. “It’s good to let things out every now and then, you know. Helps the nerves or some shit.”
You looked up at him and cringed. Had you really just sobbed like a kid to this god of a man?
“I’m so fucking embarrased.”
He laughed again. “Don’t be,” he told you. “Do you want me to do something embarrassing to make up for it?”
You shook your head. “Please don’t. I’d feel worse,” you said. You wiped your eyes and let your shoulders slump. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he told you, getting up. He reached his hand out for you to take, and you surprised yourself when you took it and pulled yourself up. “Come on, let’s get you to class.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Why are you so nice?”
He grinned at you and shrugged. “I don’t know about you, but it’s not every day that a pretty girl comes up to me and asks for help.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m really not,” he told you, grabbing your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “Let’s go, pretty girl, you wouldn’t wanna be late, would you?”
The two of you made your way back to the building, stopping at the restroom so you could try and salvage the way you looked. You already messed up one first impression by looking insane, you didn’t want your classmates to suffer the same fate.
He led you to the third floor where your classroom was, pointing out different places you’d need to know later on as you went. “You’re an art student right?”
You nodded. “Painting major.”
“Damn.” He whistled. “That’s kinda hot.”
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
He shook his head. “I’m really not,” he told you. “You gotta have a little more confidence if you’re gonna make it through college, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl. He’d called you that more times that you could count in the short amount of time that you’d been with him. If anything was going to drive you to the brink of insanity again, it was that silly pet name.
“You’re not some creepy upperclassman who’s gonna start stalking me, are you?” you asked. “Because if you are, I’m only into that in very special cases.”
“Hey, I’m probably a year older than you. Two, tops.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
He stopped in front of the door. 312-B, the classroom you’d spent the last hour looking for. He handed you your bag and smiled that easy smile of his.
“For the record, I’m not,” he said. “A creepy upperclassman, I mean.”
You smiled. “Yeah, I figured. A little boring, but it’s fine.”
“I’m Osamu,” he said, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You reached out and told him your name. “Thank you, really.”
His hand lingered on yours before he pulled away. “Don’t worry about it,” he told you. Then, he winked. “You can always pay me back later, pretty girl.”
And just like that, he turned to leave, waving at you as you pushed the door open.
You sat down in class waiting for your professor who would show up thirty minutes late, and all you could think about was Osamu. And he was really all you thought about for the rest of the week. And the next two years.
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“You’re distracted,” Tsukishima says, dropping the stack of books on your desk. “Mimi wants to give these away.”
“Like donate them?” you ask, looking over the titles. Art books that you suspect you’ll never be able to afford at the rate you’re going. “Would she donate them to me?”
He shakes his head and walks over to his desk. “She just said to give them away,” he tells you. “Have at them.”
Smiling, you slide the books over to the side of your desk and turn back to your laptop. “Have you sent the emails yet?”
“Weren't you supposed to?”
“Yeah,” you say as you look over your laptop at him. You flutter your eyes at him in an attempt to make him weak at the knees. “But I was kinda hoping you’d do it.”
Tsukishima looks at you, immune to your tricks. “I could have her fire you right now, you know.”
You snarl. “I hate you.”
“Thanks. Now, send those emails,” he says, turning back to his own work. “So, why are you so distracted today?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re never this crappy at your job,” he tells you. “What is it?”
You look over at where your phone is placed face down on your desk. You think of the text on it, waiting for your reply.
can i see you?
An overwhelming feeling washes over you. Like you’re a freshman again. Like you’re a fool.
You shudder at the thought.
“Nothing,” you say as you pull up the emails you were supposed to send. “Just tired.”
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notes. and we're back!!! sorry for the late updates but we're starting back up again ;) so excited for you guys to read the rest of this series
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
Sand and Suncream
Eddie Munson X Reader
Summary : Reader, Eddie and their friends have a beach day.
Word count : 1.1k
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Warnings : FLUFF, not proofread, petnames, reader calls him Teddy, swears, hating on summer lmao, play fighting, the sea
A/N : this is for all of my fellow summer sufferers, who can’t wait for the cold to come back! Also i’ve head cannoned eddie as a november baby, he gives off big scorpio vibes!
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It had reached the cooler part of summer, the early autumn breeze blowing in. The trees were turning from green to brown, but there was still a beautiful warmth.
You and Eddie weren’t people who loved the warm, if anything you suffered through it. Eddies thick locks making his head melt and your want for winter making you almost miserable.
Of course your friends thought you were crazy. Just to get them off your backs you had decided to go to the beach with them. It wasn’t too hot, and there were some clouds to save you from the scorching sun.
“Why did we agree to this again?” Eddie asked, clad in a black tank top and shorts.
“I was going to say it’s because we love our friends, but honestly I don’t know at this point.”
Eddie pulled into the parking lot by the beach, next to Steve. Robin waved wildly, also wearing shorts, but a blue crop top on her upper half. “You made it!” she smiled, hugging you as you walked over.
“Of course we did, we were scared you’d kill us if not,” Eddie explained.
“Come on Munson, it’s just the beach,” an eye roll from Harrington.
“It’s just the beach,” he mocked Steve’s voice, “I’m a November baby.”
“Come on! I wanna go in the sea, come with me?” Robin asked you.
Nodding, you grabbed your beach bag, setting it down once you’d found the perfect place. Sliding off your own shorts, you spoke to Robin, “Have you got suncream on?”
“Mhm. Forced Dingus over there to put some on too.”
“What is it with boys and suncream?” you asked. “Honestly!”
“We’re right here you know?” Steve spoke, hands on hips. “Yeah, suncream is gross, makes you all sticky and yuck,” Eddie shivered.
You kissed his cheek, “I’d rather you be sticky and yuck than be burned and get skin cancer. Now let me get your hair out of your face.”
Pulling a hair tie off your wrist you knelt behind Eddie, pulling all of his curls into a loose bun, that sat just above his neck. “Thank you,” he said, pecking your nose.
“That’s enough Lovebirds, let’s go in the sea!” Robin grabbed you hand and dragged you down to the water. She sprinted ahead, falling in and soaking herself, because of course she did.
“Oh my god, it’s so cold,” she whined, you could only laugh at her. Making your way in slowly so you could get used to the temperature, you sighed.
It was so nice, compared to the hot sand, the icy water was beautiful. Robin swamp deeper into the water, you following behind happily, hoping to cool off some more
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d decided to have lunch on the beach, having packed come sandwiches, fruit and other little things that you could pick on. Oh and of course, Uncle Wayne’s famous Sweet tea.
Leaning your head on Eddie, you sipped your drink humming in delight. “I really need Wayne to give me the recipe. I just want it all the time!” you exclaimed.
“If anyone could persuade him on giving it up, it’d be you,” Eddie kissed the top of your head, picking up a sandwich.
“We all need more suncream on in a minute,” Robin spoke. The two boys groaned. “Don’t be babies,” you said to them.
Once lunch was finished, you had to tackle Eddie. Sat on his lower back with his chest on the floor, you smeared suncream everywhere.
He’d taken off his vest and you had explained, people like him and Steve who had loads of freckles and beauty marks caught the sun more. Eddie more so, as his arms, chest and torso were littered in tattoos. “Let me look after you, you little shit!”
When you and Eddie first started dating you noticed the freckles that appeared on him when he’d been in the sun, and his rich chocolate curls, lightened, golden streaks throughout.
“Roll over,” you said, lifting yourself off him. In all honestly he could have easily got you off of him, but he did love you caring for him. Melted his heart.
“Face now,” you spoke and he whined, “Teddy come on, sooner I put it on the sooner it’ll dry.”
“Fine,” he pouted. You leaned down to kiss it away.
Steve and Robin weren’t being as sweet, the girl grabbing him by the legs and forcing him to have the cream on. She almost scalped him at one point.
“Close your eyes Teds,” you said softly, rubbing the cream into his face and neck gently. “All done pretty boy. Now can you help me?”
“Sure Sweetheart.” She took the bottle from your hands and started to rub it in to your shoulder and neck, whilst you did your legs and arms. “Want me to do your face?”
“Mm, please.” He was just as careful as you, never wanting to hurt you. Covering your face in a layer of the cream he smiled, kissing you. “All done.”
“Come in the water with me? It’s nice and cool.” You offered your hand to him, which he took without hesitation. The pair of you wandering down to the water leaving a squabbling Steve and Robin on the towels.
With linked fingers you and Eddie entered the ocean, he sighed in relief. “Okay you were right, this is nice.”
“Did you, Edward Munson, say I was right?” you teased. “I take it back.”
“Too late, you’ve inflated my ego now.”
“Didn’t know it could go up anymore.”
“Rude!” you splashed at him.
“Oh you’re in for it now.” He sent water flying your way, making you squeal at the cold. He grabbed for you, “No no! Teddy please!” you begged.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he lifted you up. “Please!” He laughed at that, placing you down gently, keeping his arms around you. Back to his chest, the waves hit lightly against your tummy.
Resting his head on your shoulder, Eddie kissed your neck. Humming in contentment. “This is nice.”
“It is isn’t it?”
“Mhm, still can’t wait for Halloween though.”
“Me neither, and then theres your birthday!”
“Oh god.”
“It’ll be fun! We don’t have to do anything extravagant, we’ll do whatever you want?”
“What if we went away for a few days, just me and you?”
“Like a holiday?” he hummed a yes. “If that’s what you want. It’ll be nice to steal you away for a few days.”
“Want me all to yourself?” he cocked a brow. “Oh you know it babe,” leaning back you kissed the underside of his jaw.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Teddy.”
That’s when you knew, maybe summer days weren’t all that bad.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : i have realised i haven’t made many summer-y fics and i saw this fanart by @yamonotto (on twitter) and another by @chloerchain and knew i needed to write something!
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Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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uplatterme · 2 years
Oh, Dear Detective! II
cw: heizou x reader, gn!reader, fatui!reader, oooo first kiss how scandalous 👀
a/n: i lowkey feel like rewriting the first one now since i made it as a one-off and u can see how much effort i put into this one than the other 💀 also, ill see how this one does and see if i should make it into a series!
Part I | Commissions
tags: @forgotten-blues, @elaineiris, @zanpastries
Your sudden absence from Inazuma didn’t slip out of Heizou’s mind. The last time he saw you was a week ago, which was quite concerning as you always somehow managed to find wherever he is at all times. Unfortunately, he couldn’t reciprocate that despite him being a professional with these sort of things.
It was as if you never existed to begin with, if not for the hair tie that you left him from before. He wondered if he did something wrong but everything seemed normal that day. You weren’t acting suspicious at all, nor did you have any reason for leaving him without a word. 
So what was our dear detective’s decision?
“Kidnapped. I think (Name)’s been kidnapped.”
“What?! How could that be?!” Paimon exclaimed.
“It’s only a theory for now. I’ve got no one else to ask, which is why I’m turning to you, Traveler.” He explained, it was supposed to be expected. Heizou has made enemies by being a detective. It would only make sense that someone had taken you because of him.
Staring at the hair tie on his wrist, he planted a soft kiss and promised that no matter what, he would find you and make whoever did this pay.
“Still as heartless as ever, (Name).” Pantalone stated.
“It was a shame, but it’s what I do best. Besides, I’d never get with someone who’s working under the murderer of Rosalyne.” You walked right next to him, getting a cigarette out from your pockets. Something to keep you warm against Snezhnaya’s freezing temperature. 
Heizou would always keep you warm.
“Scaramouche is heading back to Liyue. I don’t know why but that’s what I’ve gathered.” The mere mention of Liyue had a certain ginger look over to you but you paid no mind.
Pulcinella joined your conversation as the others mourn the tragic death that’s once again caused by a so-called God. “Work is off for now, (Name). How was it?”
“How was what?”
“Inazuma.” He clarified.
“It is very different compared to here but I did enjoy the trip. The food was quite good and–” You quickly stop yourself almost making the mistake of having his name slip out of your mouth.
How would that be a mistake? It didn’t matter to you anymore, your job was done. This was for the Tsaritsa, for Rosalyne, and for everyone here who’s suffered due to an archon’s wrongdoing. 
“I don’t think I could ever live in that country.”
“Hmmm… So, (Name) really didn’t say anything?” Paimon questioned, trailing behind the two.
“No, they always say something if they’re going anywhere but it’s been a week.” 
Aether stopped in his tracks, an idea coming to him. “Commission.”
“I would like the others to help out. However, they’re not particularly fond of the commission.” He remembered having to tug you away, afraid that you’d start a fight with the General. It was funny reminiscing about it now but he was in panic at the time. 
It was incredible in itself actually. You spend so much time with him but he barely knows where to start. “(Name)’s a great detective too. I’m sure if they got taken then they would’ve left something.”
“Excuse me?” Heizou uttered back to Aether. 
Paimon backed away, sensing the unnerving tension.
The blonde sighed, “I’m not saying that (Name) left on their own. There might be clues that we’ve overlooked.”
He felt insulted. Both with the fact that he was distrusting you and his detective skills. Him? Miss a clue? He could never. 
“Right! Maybe they just went fishing is all!” Paimon laughed awkwardly, trying to make a space between them.
Days passed but everything remained the same and Heizou laid down on his futon restless. He can still feel your hands pinning his wrists down. His partner went out of nowhere and all the Commission could do was put missing posters across the country. How would that help at all? He finally understood why you always felt annoyed. The detective’s frustration flowed through his veins.
All he had of you was that stupid hair tie.
It wasn’t blackmail. If it was, then he’d be contacted by now. What’s the use of his skills if he can’t even find you? What’s the use if you’re not there every time to praise him and remind him when he’s overworking himself?
He missed you.
His thoughts rendered back to the first time you worked together. You were like a dog who’s ready to bite off his head and he’s seen a taroumaru on the loose once without dinner.
“I’m Heizou, it’s a pleasure to be working with you.”
“I know.”
He introduced himself in hopes that he’d get a handshake in return but you didn’t even say your name at all. He had to find that out himself.
Well, he’s dealt with much ruder clients. He would be able to handle you.
“Can you stop that? It’s distracting.” You have been relentlessly tapping your shoe on the ground and staring at the board with no further progress on the investigation.
“You act like you’ve been doing anything.” You said, standing from your chair and looking directly in his eyes.
He scoffed. “And you have? I’ve done everything, from interviewing and getting our client’s alibi.”
“Yet, you can’t still solve it…” His patience continued to thin, you were supposed to be working together, not whatever this was?
“Someone’s said that I’m not easy to get along with but I’ve never thought anyone else could top that.”
You sighed, you wanted to get home as soon as possible. Not whatever this was, you just needed to finish your mission then you’d sail away and never come back.
“Why don’t you try looking at it another way, Mr. Detective?”
“Like what?–”
He stumbled off his chair, eyes widened full of surprise. He would’ve never seen this once coming at all.
A deep kiss from you as you held his chin.
Heizou was stunned, unable to find the right words to say next.
He didn’t need a mirror to see how red he was. “(N-Name)! I don’t see how this is helping!”
You threw him a folder to which he confusedly looked at. “I’ve read this one.”
“No, you haven’t. I got this one from the client’s twin.”
With scrunched up eyebrows, he read the file. He never knew that there was another person involved. Yet, here you were presenting evidence out of thin air.
“Sometimes, clues are buried deep in snow.”
He laughed at your answer. “That’s a weird way of phrasing it but alright.”
“Let’s catch this scum.”
“Sometimes, clues are buried deep in snow.” He repeated to himself and looked once more at the hair tie you gave him.
He’d never seen this design before, nor the cloth it was made from. Running as quick as he can to his book shelf, he searched until he finally found it.
Snow. This tie.
It was as if the pieces were there but he had no way of putting it together.
Snezhnaya. The fatui.
“Why are you involved with the fatui, (Name)?”
“Sir Pierro.” You bowed your head from his sudden call. You’ve never actually spoken before with him as you worked under Signora.
He nodded, allowing you to raise your head. Your heartbeat beating fast as you await the rest of his words.
“It’s a shame of what happened. I know how close the two of you were.”
“Yes, she was like family.” You answered, still not knowing where this was about to go.
“That being said…”
“How would you like to be a candidate as a member of the Harbingers?”
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Drunken Words Reveal Sober Thoughts (Phoenix Wright x Reader)
YAY my first Phoenix fic. I’ve been in love with him for a while this should’ve happened a lot sooner.
You should’ve drunk more that night.
Some friends of yours from the detective squad decided to go to a bar, and invited you with them. You had work the next day, but decided to go anyway and keep the drinking light. But that was the problem: while you were trying to avoid a hangover tomorrow, everyone else was drinking the night away.
As you try to find someone to talk to, you pass by many of the invitees. Detective Gumshoe was teetering back and forth, telling some tall tale to Maggey, Officer Marshall was making some dubious threats to someone you didn’t recognize, and Prosecutor Edgeworth… was… was he drinking tea? There wasn’t a hint of flush on his face. Although you were initially relieved to finally find someone to talk to, you weren’t drunk enough to forget that doing that was a bad idea.
Just as you were about to look on the other side, someone else catches your eye: Phoenix Wright. The two of you had talked before, mostly exchanging information about a trial you were both working on, but it was hardly enough to even call the two of you work acquaintances. Still, it didn’t stop you from falling head over heels for him, much to your dismay.
Wright was talking to a man you could’ve sworn you’d seen before, but had no clue where. The other man didn’t matter all that much, anyway. You couldn’t help but be drawn in by Wright’s drunken complexion. His hazy eyes seemed to glimmer from the neon lights around the bar, and the blush on his cheeks complimented his face perfectly.
You snapped yourself out of it. You were being creepy, staring at some guy you hardly knew! What if he caught you? How would your work relationship suffer? Plus, he was drunk! People shouldn’t be cuter than usual when they’re drunk!
Sighing, you decide to go outside for some fresh air. You were in no position to be anywhere near Wright at the moment, as you could let your feelings be known without even meaning to. You knew that bottling them up like this was bad in the long run, but it would be worse if every single case you were both working on was awkward.
God, what am I supposed to do?
A familiar voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to see Wright staring right at you, mouth agape. In his hand was a bottle of beer, but it was quickly dropped and forgotten about.
Was this it? Was Wright about to confess? Would you finally get to be free of the heartache you felt every time you see him? Would you and Phoenix finally enter a relationship?
“You look exactly like this detective I work with! That’s crazy!”
“Really?” You ask, feeling too awkward to reveal your true identity to him.
“Well, I say that I work with them, but it’s really more…”
You stopped listening once Wright started explaining your work relationship, losing yourself in your own thoughts again. It seemed that he was the forgetful type when drunk, and painfully unaware. Of course. Why would you think that he was going to tell you that he liked you? Why would he feel that way about you? You barely know each-
“I mean, I’d love to be closer than we are right now, though. After all, I have a huge crush on them.”
Did Wright just say he had a crush on you? Just like that? To a supposed stranger?
“Oh?” you asked, trying so hard to hide your excitement.
“Yeah, huuuuuge crush. Like this big.” Wright stretched his arms out as far as he could, and almost slapped you in the face. “I mean, I’m head over heels for this one.”
And now, Phoenix was describing everything about you as if you were a Greek sculpture. Every single word he spoke had love poured into it as he went into detail about what he liked about you. He wasn’t great with his words as drunk as he was, but you didn’t care.
“You know, sometimes I look at their lips and I wonder what they’d feel like against mine,” Phoenix said. The way his gaze was suddenly fixated in the distance meant he was probably zoned out, thinking about it right now.
You decided to shoot your shot.
“Well, what if you kissed me?” you asked. “I look exactly like this person, right? My lips would probably feel the same as theirs.”
Phoenix shook his head. “No, sorry. I want to save it for them, once I finally tell them.”
Although the irony of that statement wasn’t lost on you, you were more focused on the loyalty of it. Phoenix, a man you weren’t dating yet, was saving his kiss for you. And here you were, pretending to be someone else, trying to steal it prematurely while he was drunk.
Oh, god. Wright was drunk. You were drunk. You just asked if Wright wanted to kiss you. You were both drunk. You had work in the morning. You had a healthy work relationship with Wright. You tried to kiss him.
“I think I should head home,” you suddenly spoke out, almost involuntarily. “It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.”
“See ya,” was all he said as you hailed a taxi to be driven home.
You were glad you didn’t drink more that night.
It was a bright, sunny day, and although you had a small headache, some pain medication would fix your issue right away. You were walking down to the precinct to clock in for work, but you decided to make a detour first. Gumshoe said it was right next to that hotel, right?
Eventually, you found the building you were looking for, and then the office inside of there. You took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. As it opened, you were greeted with… a girl. She had straight, black hair, partially tied up in a bun, and a purple robe. This wasn’t who you were expecting.
“Welcome to Wright and Co.,” the girl said. At least you were at the right place. “Sorry, Nick’s a little tied up right now. He said he probably got food poisoning from the restaurant he went to last night, and so he’s been in and out of the bathroom.”
Restaurant. Food poisoning. Right.
If this girl didn’t know why Wright was really in the bathroom, then this is a conversation you needed to have out of her earshot. “That’s okay,” you said. “Is it alright if I wait for him in the other room?”
“Sure!” the girl said. You went into the next room, closing the door behind you.
It wasn’t too long before Wright came to talk, but as soon as he opened the door and saw you, his face went pale. He remembered.
“Look, about what happened last night, I’m-”
As Wright was rambling, you suddenly stood up. You didn’t really mean to, nor did you mean to walk up to him and grab his necktie, pulling him into a kiss. It ended as quickly and abruptly as it began, though, as you quickly pulled away and sat back down.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while, actually,” you said, quieter than usual. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you who I was last night, but once you started talking about me, I just wanted to keep listening to you talk about me. If I’m honest, that was the most I’ve really felt loved recently.” You finally looked back up at Phoenix, who was giving you a thousand-yard stare, hands hovering over his lips.
The realization kicked in.
“Oh, my god,” you whispered. “I kissed you. I… oh my god. I’m so sorry! I… that… I’m… it wasn’t… that wasn’t professional! I’m so, so sorry! I just got so caught up in my emotions, I didn’t even…”
As you were rambling, you were suddenly cut off by Phoenix’s lips against yours. This kiss, however, lasted a bit longer, and the pull-away was softer than before.
“Don’t worry,” Phoenix told you, his voice softer than before. “I won’t press charges or anything.” He let out a small laugh. The way he laughed at his own jokes made you involuntarily speak again.
“Dinner tonight?”
Phoenix seemed just as stunned as you were that you asked so bluntly. “Uh… yeah, sure! Anywhere specific you wanna go?”
“What if we walked around… holding hands… and we decided then?”
As soon as you said that out loud, you cringed. What were you, a grade-schooler? Phoenix didn’t seem to mind, though, as he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a plan,” through stifled laughter.
“You’re laughing at me!” you cried out, laughing yourself.
“Sorry!” Phoenix released the laugh he was holding. “It was just unexpected!”
As the two of you calmed down, you stood up again. “Should I meet you here after I’m done with work?” you asked.
Phoenix nodded. “I’ll be waiting!”
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kay-elle-cee · 9 months
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@jilytoberfest 31 Prompts: Day 1 || 689 Words || Read on Ao3 —
“Excuse me?”
Lily looks up from her phone, startled by the proximity of the deep voice calling for her attention. The volume of the pub around them necessitates close proximity for any sort of conversation, and she blinks as her eyes focus on a (very) attractive man sliding into the seat next to her. Quickly, her eyes dart around looking for Dorcas, who should really be on her way back from the loo any second now, to no avail.
“You’re here with Meadowes, right?” The man asks, a black eyebrow raising knowingly, something unspoken and humorous dancing on his lips.
Rolling her eyes, Lily leans back in her seat and drops her attention to her phone. This happens all the time. “You’re not her type, sorry.”
The man lets out a sharp laugh that draws her gaze up once more, and it lingers to take in the untamable curls that fall in front of square-rimmed glasses. “I’d say not.” At the raise of her brow, he shakes his head with a smile. “I’m James. Marlene’s friend.”
Lily sucks a breath through her teeth and reaches for her half-empty drink. “I see.” Taking a long sip, she sets it down and straightens out the napkin on the table, fixing this man—James—with a tired, knowing look. “And I take it Marlene also disappeared to the toilets about ten minutes ago, and has yet to return?”
“‘Gone to get us drinks,’ actually,” James replies, fingers quoting around his friend’s excuse.
“Wonderful. And here I thought Dorcas wanted to have a girls' night.”
“To be fair to Dorcas, I think she is.”
Lily just stares blankly at him. “Does that usually get a laugh?”
“An exasperated groan, actually.”
“Good,” she nods, taking another sip of her drink. “You don’t need the encouragement.”
James places a hand over his heart in mock-pain, a smile spreading on his lips. “So Dorcas lured you here under the pretense of a girl’s night? Marlene said we were coming to a pub quiz. Imagine my disappointment.”
“This is so messy,” Lily sighs, tracing the top of her glass. “The last time they broke up—”
“I know,” James sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Their schedules just really don’t line up. Maybe that’s why they pulled us into it—someone to hold them accountable.”
“Fat load of good that does when they don’t even tell us the reason we’re here. I have other things I could be doing other than sitting alone in a pub on a Tuesday night.”
“Yeah I’m a little peeved at McKinnon. I actually rearranged my schedule because she said they were down a member.”
Lily’s lips twitch. “You rearranged your schedule for a pub quiz?”
“I rearranged my schedule to help a friend,” he answers, aghast.
“Your friend should be more appreciative and not run off to snog her ex-girlfriend in the toilets,” Lily grimaces, finishing her drink.
He sighs, bringing his beer bottle to his lips (and drawing Lily’s gaze there as well). “It’s not the first time she’s done something like this. I’m afraid I’m rather gullible when it comes to my friends.”
“It’s Dorcas’ first time pulling something like this.” She clears her throat and tears her eyes away from his lips, a flush crawling up her neck as she sees she’s been caught. James quirks an eyebrow.
“Maybe we should teach them a lesson. Make sure they don’t do it again.” 
Her pulse quickens. “Maybe. They shouldn’t leave their poor, suffering friends alone in a bar.” Green eyes flicker down to full lips for the quickest of moments. “Do you have an idea?”
“I do,” James breathes, and he’s leaning in towards her. “But I’d feel pretty shit following through without even knowing your name.”
She honest-to-God blacks out for a second, before remembering the four-lettered thing. “Lily.”
“Lily,” he repeats, and the sound of her name in his mouth sends a jolt of electricity through her. “I’m James.”
Her smile is fleeting as she spots two figures heading their way, and she rushes her next words. “You’ve already said that, and they’re coming. Now shut up and kiss me.”
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artyandink · 2 months
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to cafekitsune)
one - green lights and red stains
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I was at my desk in Big Sky Country, Montana’s sheriff’s department, papers strewn over the desk in a similar fashion as they were at home. Making small mountains and also making me rather sympathetic for the trees who suffered just to have me keep ‘em all like this on another plank of wood on more sticks of wood. However, I couldn’t bring myself to clean them, not today. As well as that, the acting sheriff had made his speech today, and I knew if he’d talk to me, I wouldn’t make a great impression, not with all this mess.
“Ain’t this a sight?” I looked up to see none other than Sheriff Arlen, standing in front of me, his stance wide set as he peered at my scribblings which varied between neat and scrawling handwriting. I jolted a little, panic striking through me as I began to shuffle my files into a more orderly pile, but he held out his hand to put me at ease. “Nah, don’t worry about it. Truth be told, I’m not the most organised either.”
In response, I stood up laughing a bit as I ran my hand through my hair, the action not as smooth and easygoing as I hoped as my index encountered a knot in my raven hair which I quickly untangled. “Well, I’m afraid this is what you’ll be seein’ every day.” I gestured down in circular motions to the messy piles.
“Then I’m lookin’ forward to it.” He put out his hand with a broad grin, green eyes twinkling along with his startlingly white teeth. He had an air of giddy charm and confidence around him that I couldn’t help but crack a smile to. “Beau Arlen.”
“Isabelle Joyner.” I replied, shaking his hand firmly. His grip was strong, but comforting in a sense.
“Well, darlin’, I’ve heard some good things about you from Jenny Hoyt, or Hoyt, as she wants me to call her.” Beau chuckled at the thought, glancing towards Jenny, who was in conversation with Poppernak. “She’s a real firecracker.”
“That’s Jenny for you.” I smiled, nodding resignedly and also flicking my eyes to her. “She knows me better than anyone; we’ve been best friends for as long as I remember.” Then I spotted the uncertainty in his eyes as he once more looked at Jenny, and I laughed a bit. “She’ll warm up to you. She’s just a bit miffed, y’know, didn’t get put as acting Sheriff.”
“I learnt that the easy way and the hard way.” He snickered slightly, his shoulders shrugging. “Well, it’s a lesson well learnt.”
“Damn straight.” I grinned, putting my hands in my pockets, and we fell silent for a moment before it got a bit uncomfortable. “Anyway, welcome to Big Sky. I’m sure you’ll be great.”
“I goddamn hope so.”
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“Liv, sweetie?” I called up the stairs, my eyes darting back to the pancake cooking on the stove. It was half past eight in the morning, and I needed to get Olivia, my niece, to her stepfather’s house. Her mother - my sister - had been… lost. In a murder, six years back, but they’d never found who’d done it. In her will, she’d given custody of Olivia to me, that the court had approved. Her stepfather, Markham, was not happy, but there was little he could do.
“Yeah?” Came her sleepy voice from upstairs, making me laugh quietly. She’d grown so much since I got her as a timid nine year old. Now she was sixteen in a week and the most beautiful girl I’d ever see. She was my baby girl at this point, and I couldn’t be prouder.
“I’ve got work, hon, and I’m makin’ pancakes!” I heard a brief pause, then a scramble to get up. I smiled knowingly, returning to the pancake as the thunder of footsteps down the stairs signalled her arrival. Her blonde hair bounced in stunning curls and her brown eyes flashed excitedly, even though they were riddled with sleep. I passed her a plate of pancakes stacked up, shaking the whipped cream. “Mornin’, gumdrop.” I grinned cheerily. “What would you like on your pancakes, hm?���
“Whipped cream, syrup, and raspberries.” She replied instantly, then returned my smile. “And good morning, auntie.” Olivia gave me a bear hug, which I returned gladly, kissing her hair before letting her go with a pat on the back.
“Good choice.” I squirmed the whipped cream in a circle, grabbing the syrup bottle and drizzling it generously before passing her a bowl of freshly washed raspberries so she could knock herself out, also sliding her a fork and knife. “Dig in.”
“Hello, there!” I heard Jenny call, the door opening. Jenny and Cassie walked in with big smiles on their faces, especially so when they found the combination of Olivia and pancakes. “Hope you don’t mind, we just used the spare key under the deco rock.”
“And I’m glad we did, because why weren’t we invited to the party?” Cassie faux-gasped as she gestured to the pancakes.
“Elle, explain yourself.” Jenny chastised, raising an eyebrow at me, but when I passed them each a plate of pancakes, they melted. “Ok, no explanation needed.”
“Yep, we’re all good now, no beef here.” Cassie agreed, dolloping whipped cream on hers before passing the canister to Jenny. “Also, hi, Olivia.”
“Hey, Cassie.” Liv waved with a smile and a mouthful of pancake. “Hi, Jenny.”
“Hey, kiddo.” Jenny grinned, waving before digging into the pancakes.
“Never knew I’d be catering for four today.” I chuckled, turning off the stove and embellishing my own plate of pancakes, making it even more of a sugar rush than it already was.
“Well, now we get to boast to Beau about what we got cooked.” She replied with a cheeky smile. “He’s always returnin’ with clean dishes of what Denise cooked, so I guess we could clap back a little.”
“His favourite deputy cooked us pancakes and not him.” Cassie giggled, making me roll my eyes. These two.
“Shut up. Both of you.” I snickered, trying to remain stern. “If Sheriff Arlen wants pancakes, he can come over and I can make him some pancakes, it’s not exclusive.”
“And here I thought we were special.”
“Aw, hey, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“She did.” Olivia giggled.
“Yeah, she did.” Jenny gave me a look before we all burst out into laughter. We spent a bit of time chatting as we finished our pancakes, telling Olivia the ups and downs of our latest solved case and what movie we wanted for movie night this week. When we were done, I picked up my keys, jangling them.
“Olivia, time to go.” I smiled, but Cassie put her hand on my arm with a smile.
“I’ll drop her off.” She chuckled, holding up her own keys. “I know where Mark lives, and it’s on my way.
“You’re not exactly the most civil with the guy.”
“That’s cause he’s an ass, but I’ll try my best.”
We engaged in a staring contest for five seconds, until I gave in, nodding in defeat. “Fine. But if I get a call from my brother in law-”
“You won’t!” She raised her hands in surrender. “I promise. Now, you and Jenny need to get to work before Beau rings you up.”
“God forbid he does.” I joked.
“C’mon, he hasn’t had the heart to tell you off after you found the hostages a few weeks ago, one of them happening to be his daughter. Another Darlene.” Jenny teased, nudging me playfully.
“You two are really keen on setting us up, hm?” I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head. “You know I’m not that keen on dating. Not after…” I trailed off with a frown. It was a sore memory, one that ended with me waking up at the bar with five empty shot glasses and a bill with far more drinks than I’d usually take.
“After Harry.” She sighed, patting my shoulder. “He wasn’t your fault. After all, he did the deed.”
“He doesn’t know what he lost.” Cassie added sympathetically. “The ass.”
“I wanna kick him in the nuts.” Olivia added, making us all raise an eyebrow.
“That’s fair.”
“And on all of our minds.” Jenny grinned.
“I can’t even be mad.” I sighed, then kissed Olivia’s forehead. “Be good, ok? If I get a good report, I’ll make you an ice cream sundae tonight.” As Cassie and Jenny opened their mouths to speak, I held up a finger. “You guys get one too.”
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I walked into the sheriff’s department with Jenny, and the first person we saw was Beau Arlen himself. “Well, ain’t it my favourite deputies?” He sauntered over with that charming grin of his, looking between us. “Hoyt.”
“Beau.” Jenny smiled.
“Sheriff.” I chuckled, running my hand through my hair.
“C’mon, Belle, call me Beau.” Beau chuckled, gesturing to himself. “No formalities here.” The statement made me laugh, but I shook my head, looking down at my feet before back up into those twinkly green eyes.
“I’ll try my best, Sheriff.” I teased with a grin, then took a sharp breath in, looking around. “Any cases today?”
“A missing person’s case.” Beau’s expression changed slightly as he mentioned it. “Little girl named Harriet Brown, she was out playing in the front yard, parents were arguin’, when they come out, girl’s gone.”
“My god.” I whispered, then cleared my throat. “We should get on the case, and quick.” I pouted slightly, sucking in air through my teeth. “Any leads? License plate? Footage? Maybe someone who has a grudge?”
“Closest to a match we have as an enemy is the girl’s stepfather, Will Brown. And by parents arguing, I mean the birth father and mother arguin’.”
“Stepfather, what, lays claim to the kid?” I asked, concerned. I knew what that was like all too well (and by that I mean the outskirts of those feelings), and if that was the case…
“Possibly. He’s the only recent frequent visitor.” Beau frowned at the look on my face, tilting his head a little in curiosity. “You look a lil’ green around the gills there, Deputy. You doin’ ok?”
I shared a look with Jenny, who subtly patted my wrist, signalling me to speak up. I jolted out of my thoughts, nodding and putting on a smile that I felt didn’t quite reach my eyes. “‘Course, Sheriff. I’m always ok.”
“You sure?”
Beau looked at me for a bit, trying to gauge my reaction, before nodding resignedly and patting me on the shoulder with a small smile. “A’ight. But if anythin’ comes to mind, do tell.”
“Gotcha.” I nodded, my blue eyes looking into his green ones. After I’d met Beau on his first day as acting sheriff, he’d understood me. He knew I was raising Olivia, albeit had never met her, and related to that with his own little girl. Emily was an angel, and I guess I became more of one after he found me getting along well with someone who was his world. As well as that, after the incident with Buck Barnes, I’d managed to find the hostages, including Darlene and Emily, getting them out.
Ever since then, it’s like he treats me as if I’m God’s gift to him. I was just doin’ my job.
I breathed in, then released a deep on through my mouth. “Let’s hit the house, Jen.”
“You got it, Elle.” Jenny smiled. I picked up my jacket, adjusting the photo of my sister and I on my desk as I put it on with a sad smile.
“I miss ya, Lucy. Truly.”
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I was in Beau’s truck, the landscape flying by as we made our way to the Brown’s house. The atmosphere was uncomfortably silent - damn the awkwardness of social interactions sometimes - but somehow Beau made coping with silence look easier than it felt. He wore an easy smile, waffling on about fishing with a charmingly boyish look in his eyes that I’d come to recognise and find adorable.
“While I love talking and yapping about fish to the point your ears fall off, Belle, but, uh, don’t you wanna get that?” I was snapped out of my reverie, finding that my ringtone was playing with the name Dean flashing on my screen over the green circle of light representing the button to accept the call, which I’d gladly do.
“Oh! Yeah, that’s right.” My face lit up as I pressed the ‘accept’ button, bringing the phone to my ear. “Dean, hey!”
‘Isa, hi.’ I heard a cheery voice from the other end. This was Olivia’s birth father, Dean Barlowe, who I preferred in spades to Markham Leeds. I never understood why Lucy and Dean had split up in the first place, since Dean was the best father I’d ask for where Liv is concerned. We hadn’t had contact in months, but this was a pleasant surprise. ‘How’ve you been?’
“Oh, now I feel brilliant.” I laughed, looking out the window. “How about you? It’s been goddamn months, I’ve been dyin’ for a call.”
‘Well, I’m feeling great now too. It’s always nice to talk to you. A familiar face.’
“Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” I nodded with a happy sigh. “Are you holding up ok? After… Lucy? It’s been a while, but it hit you pretty hard too.”
‘Doing better, if that counts.’ I heard a pause on the other end. ‘Hey, do you think Liv would mind if I pop over for a visit in a week’s time?’
“For her birthday, right?”
‘Yeah. Mark wouldn’t be too mad, right?’
“Who gives a damn about Markham, just come over, ok?” I smiled, and I could practically hear his own relieved one on the other end of the line. “Liv’s gonna love the surprise, don’t you worry.”
‘You know exactly what to say to soothe my nerves, don’t you?’
“Hey, it’s nothin’. Just being a dutiful sister in law.” I saw an exit sign that said we were almost at the house, so I decided to wrap it up. “Hey, uh, Dean, I’m about to start working a case, so I’ll chat later.”
‘Ah, right. Thanks, Isa. Bye.’
“Bye.” I cut the call, and found Beau smirking at me, his eyebrow raised slightly. “What?”
“You seem real chummy with this Dean fella.” He snickered knowingly, but I shook my head rapidly.
“No, no, no. He’s my brother in law.”
“Wait, this is the ex-husband of your late sister?” Beau nodded approvingly. “By the way you’re talkin’ to him, he seems like he’s got his name written in your good books with sparkly gold ink. Unlike Mark.”
“Well, Mark’s an ass.”
“Markham is an ass.”
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Beau, Jenny and I were flicking through the security tapes of the Brown house the day their little girl Harriet was kidnapped. “Look, there.” I pointed to the screen, where a man was approaching. “It’s our stepfather.”
“Damn straight.” Beau nodded, leaning forward to ID the guy’s face. “Yep, that’s him. And he just scooped the girl up gave her a lollipop and high-tailed it.”
“We need to get this girl back.” Jenny sighed, her expression pensive as she peered at the screen.
“We got an idea on where she could be taken?”
“Possibly his cabin. Witness accounts show that he’s been buyin’ a lot of bedding, more than you’d need.” I frowned, then stood up. “We need to bust this guy and fast.” I didn’t know exactly why, but this was pissing me off. A stepfather, kidnap his own stepdaughter.
“Let’s bust a crooked stepfather.” Jenny got up, and so did we, heading out the door, running to our cars as Jenny texted me the address, which I put into Beau’s GPS. We quickly got in, and Beau floored it.
“You seem rather frustrated on this case, huh, Belle?” He asked, sighing deeply. I shook my head, plastering on a smile that once again did not reach my eyes as I looked back at him.
“No, sir, I’m just concerned for the kid.” I answered not as smoothly as I’d hoped to have done. My voice was slightly shaky, and I knew what he was thinking. Mark had been after custody of Olivia for ages, and was still trying. However, he couldn’t do anything, not when I was named Olivia’s legal guardian and was Lucy’s next of kin.
“It’s about Mark, right?”
I chuckled lowly, nodding. “That obvious?”
“You’re like a mama bear in these cases.” He grinned, then patted my knee. “But now, I need my deputy to have a clear mind. God knows you help me keep mine all clear and sunny skies.”
“Gotcha, Sheriff.” I smiled as we pulled up to the house. “Hear you loud and clear.” I reached under the seat, pulling on my bulletproof vest and strapping it tight. I looked over, seeing that he’d done the same. “Shall we?”
“We shall, darlin’.” We got out at the same time as Jenny, making our way across the front yard before I tried the handle of the door, finding it locked. I nodded to Beau, who reared up and kicked the door open, all of us putting up our guns as we stormed the house. Jenny went to check the kitchen and living room, Beau heading upstairs while I took the basement. I crept down the stairs, treading light in fear of startling Will. I gently tried the door, hearing a little girl whimpering. Then I spotted a middle aged man holding a gun, and a small brunette girl hugged my legs, terrified.
“It’s ok.” I whispered, training my gun on Will Brown. “It’s ok, sweetheart. As for you,” My eyes focused on the man, “Sheriff’s department, put your hands where I can see ‘em-” He fired, and my trigger was pulled in a quick response, aiming for his shoulder while his bullet got me clean in the gut, which was caused by me moving to protect Harriet at the same time. The little girl screamed, while Beau and Jenny started yelling from upstairs. I collapsed against the wall, sliding down as Harriet crawled up to me, looking terrified.
“He hurt you.” She whispered, crying, but I shushed her and brought her head to my shoulder, ignoring the riddling pain in an attempt to soothe this little girl.
“Hey, it’s-” I was overcome by a cough as my hand moved to stem the flow of blood, “it’s ok, sweetheart. Perfectly fine, you’re safe, ok?” I stroked her hair, closing my eyes briefly as the red liquid stained my fingers. My head spun from how damn painful it was, like a thousand daggers piercing one spot on me, driving in slowly. “Just calm down for me, my friends are coming.”
As if on cue, Beau and Jenny rushed in, and once they realised that my attacker and Harriet’s kidnapper was downed, their attention turned to me. Beau instantly knelt in front of me while Jenny checked up on Will, his expression freaked out and pale. “Jesus- Jesus holy Christ, Belle, we’re gonna need a paramedic. Hoyt, call it in, now!” Then he turned back to me, putting his hands over the bullet wound to put pressure. I coughed slightly, hissing, but I kept stroking Harriet’s hair, not wanting her to get too scared.
“Just get her out of here.” I nodded to Harriet. “I’ll hold on, just keep her safe.” My bloodied hand reached out to grip Beau’s bare forearm. “Take her home.”
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@deans-spinster-witch @nancymcl @hobby27
Preview of Chapter Two
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truetogaia · 1 year
Exchanging cultures
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Pairing: Na’vi!Jake x Na’vi!Reader
Just pure fluff, currently suffering from jake sully brain rot and i haven’t written anything for him before so i gotta practice for “Those chatoyant eyes” :)
navigation <- if you want to check out other works <3
Reblogs and support is greatly appreciated <3
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The sun had set several hours earlier. You were curled up in the muscular, husky arms of your lover, neatly tucked away in his loving embrace. The low purr of the boy behind you sang in your ear, the quell and gentle noises of the forest lulling the two of you into a state of pure bliss. 
Jake stretched, disturbing your peace for an instant before sliding his arms around and under your tender being, nuzzling into the crook of your hickey covered neck. He reached his hand to briefly caress the softness of your skin, barely cupping your face, afraid he would somehow damage the silky features. 
You looked over at him, his gaze fixed on your expression, a look of pure adoration adorning his eyes. You smiled at him, feeling lovestruck and mushy in the warmth of the hug. The skin of his eyes stretched as he offered an innocent, beaming smile back, relishing in the tender moment. 
“You remind me of a sun lily,” your voice was soft as clouds in his ears, he raised his eyebrows, “one of those really pretty ones. The ones which are always sought for and preferred. It is my favorite flower.” You looked away, a bit embarrassed about being so openly affectionate. “I like how they glow constantly. They never stop glowing. They are persistent, but in a good way.” You turned to him again, wanting to see his face. “Just like you.” 
Jake had never been compared to a flower before, he thought that was something of the past, the human past. He pondered for a while, humming. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help the ticklish feeling in his tummy, the eager fluttering of his heart. 
“I thought that was a human thing.” He looked deep into your curious eyes. “Is that a normal compliment for na’vi to give each other?” 
You smiled nervously, the embarrassment of being caught sinking into you. “Mm, well, no.” You paused, contemplating whether or not to reveal your secret to him. “I was actually visiting Norm after one of my routine scoutings, and came across a bunch of “papers”, that what Norm called them,” Jake found your  confused expression cute, his heart lurching, “ And the papers described old compliments given to each other by skypeople.” You began nipping at your lip and fiddling with your hands. “I just thought you’d be happily surprised.. or.. Something..” 
You trailed off when you noticed Jake’s expression, it was unreadable. You began worrying that you had accidentally done something wrong, or somehow offending him. You had no idea what sky people were like, or what their culture looked like. Sweat began to announce itself on your forehead as Jake stayed quiet. He was silent for a long time, an uncomfortably long time. 
“Y/N, that's something people say when they share feelings of love for each other.”
“What does that mean?”
“What, love?” You nodded your head, ears attentively turned in his direction. “Love is.. God, how do you translate it? It’s similar to the feeling behind the na’vi, “Oel ngati kameie”. A feeling of adoration and.. devotion, of sorts.” 
The gears turned in your head, trying to make sense of what the blue boy said. Feeling of adoration and devotion?
“Does being very comfortable with them count? As in, the kind of comfortable you can only be with a mate?” You wondered, the curiosity in your voice heavily influencing the pitch.
Jake scratched his neck, a nervous smile lacing his features. “I mean I.. guess so? Yea, yea i’d say it does.”
“Oh well then I guess I.. How do they say it? I love you, I think.” Your accent was prominent in your pronunciation of the foreign language, but the message was clear. 
Jake halted his movements, you loved him? You actually loved him? Like the real deal? No, you couldn’t, you didn’t fully understand the meaning of it. But that was the thing, you did.
He carefully moved towards your figure, sat on the end of a mat, and gently cupped your face. His hands carefully ghosted the skin of your cheeks and jaw, not fully making contact. 
“You love me?” His voice wavered.
“Yes,” you put your hands over his, crumbling his doubts with a touch.
He gently leaned his forehead on yours, closing his eyes. You did the same, savoring the skin on skin contact.  “I love you too, Oel ngati kameie”
(btw, this is a really crappy pic, but this is a sun lily! <;3)
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
Imagine playing the Pepero game with Chan
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“You know what we should definitely play tonight? The Pepero game”, Chan announces to the room, his eyes slyly drifting to YN. Everyone groans good-naturedly.
“Oh, come on, boys, we haven’t played it in forever! Are you scared I will beat you all again with my epic skills?”, Chan boasts, pokes Jisung in the chest and takes Changbin in a headlock. “You tell ‘em, love”, YN encourages her boyfriend indulgently. “You are so transparent, hyung”, Jeongin smirks, “we all know you just want to make out with YN!” ”Whaaaat”, Chan’s voice pitches up with incredulity, draping his arms around YN, “I could just do that whenever I want!”
“Yeah, but you are sadist that wants to make us all suffer through your PDA”, Minho deadpans. YN laughs, and Chan darts his looks from Minho to her: “I resent that accusation. Why are you laughing, baby!” “It’s funny cus it’s true”, she says wisely, stroking down Chan’s arms in a calming gesture.
Chan’s face scrunches up adorably. He taps YN on the nose: “No, it must be because Minho is jealous”, he slowly untangles himself from her and takes an innocent step towards his friend, “if you are jealous, you could just ask for your own kisses – but you barely allow me my hugs!”
That last bit he shouts while chasing Minho around the table. “Just let me love you!”, Chan coos. Minho swears, the others laugh and YN grins at these dorks. After two rounds of running, Minho stops and puts his hands out, bracing against the onslaught of brawn and affection.
“Stop! Fine! We shall play the Pepero game! Just get away from me.” Chan immediately stops making grabby hands at Minho. “I knew you’d come around!” “What’s the prize for the winners?”, interjects Felix. “How about the losers have to buy them dinner?”, says Changbin.
“Great plan, Chan and YN always find the best restaurants anyway”, quips Han. “Hey, hey, what? Why should the losers automatically be me and YN?” “Oh yeah, hyung, sure you will focus on winning, suuuure you will!” “You just watch us!” “I’d really rather stare at my washing machine for an hour than watch you two smooch.”
“Alright, alright, focus”, Seungmin says before Chan can start whining more. YN squeezes him tightly and Chan dutifully snaps his mouth shut. “I’m getting the Pepero and I’ll watch the time. You decide on teams.”
Seungmin leaves the room, and the others start playing gawi-bawi-bo to figure out the pairs. Chan stands aside, his hand on YN’s hip, grinning like the cat who got the cream. He gently strokes her as she leans into him. They watch the boys shouting at each other. Then Seungmin brings back a pack of Pepero. Shaking it, he says: “Teams are decided? Ah”, he looks at the pair of Changbin and Hyunjin, “Well, I know who I am putting my money on. OK, get on with it, sit opposite each other.”
YN is sitting in front of Chan, a Pepero between her teeth. Her eyes glitter with amusement as Chan gets ready, holding her lightly by her shoulders. His warm hands feel good on her. The boys around her are shouting rambunctiously, deciding on strategies, but she concentrates on Chan’s mischievous face.
“OK, ready? 3 – 2 – 1 – start!”
More shouting goes up around them, but YN is entirely focused on the gentle way Chan tilts her head to get the best access to her Pepero. He keeps biting off pieces, far too slow to win, but the excitement she senses is worth it. His eyes are half-closed and his enjoyment is crystal-clear. YN is captivated by the sight, content in the grasp he has on her.
When she can tell his lips are nearly touching hers, she flips the Pepero into her mouth and leans into him. Their lips touch in a sweet kiss and she can feel Chan’s chuckle vibrating through his strong chest. He pulls YN closer, one hand splayed along her neck, his thumb stroking her jaw. With a soft sigh, she opens her lips, allowing their tongues to dance.
“Oh my god, I told you he would do this! Awful!” “Hyung setting a new record in holding his breath.” “Hajimaaa, you guys!”, Jisung has dropped to the floor, dramatically pounding on the ground.
Ignoring the teasing voices of the boys, Chan lifts YN into his lap, giving her one last, delicious kiss. YN’s hands are on his shoulder and neck, enjoying the solidity of his muscles. Chan squeezes her bum tightly, their upper bodies flush against each other. She tilts her head back, her face an invitation for one last caress that he cannot resist. He leans in again, giving her a few pecks down her throat. Finally, he relents to the screaming around him.
“Did we lose?”, he asks innocently. “Duh, obviously, you fools!” “You don’t even have a Pepero to show for all the time you wasted!”
With a cheeky smile, YN says: “I think I can safely say, no matter what happened, we are the real winners here.”
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