#god. why is this zeldris
feralheadphones · 2 years
see i was born a restless child and I could hear the world outside calling me
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7-ratsinatrenchcoat · 2 years
mutuals, cometh h're and maketh me writeth
tell me to update my fics i'm halfway through and I know exactly what happens next i just gotta write it
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 5 months
The Seven Deadly Sins if they played Minecraft
I love minecraft. Imagine this is like a modern AU but they also have all their abilities and stuff still.
-They all have a realm together. Meliodas owns it.
-Ban and Meliodas can’t build for shit and have little dirt houses.
-Elaine, Elizabeth and Diane have a cute girl house that they share (they looked up the design on pinterest) and they let them sleep there in exchange for mining goods and loot
-King builds the most extravagant house ever and Diane eventually moves in with him. He has a dog named Oslow
-Merlin knows how to make all of the potions by heart
-She absolutely stole a villager’s house and sleeps there
-I like to imagine Escanor (daytime) would hype his house up so much and be like “This house is the pinnacle of our village” and it just looks like this
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-Gowther builds a humble little home. It’s very beautiful but it’s not very spacious. It’s simply good for what he needs. He got a cat called Nadja.
-Gowther is also CEO of farming crops. King is CEO of farming animals (Ban breeds them and kills them for meat when he’s not looking because King finds it cruel)
-Meliodas also has a parrot named Wandle
-Escanor writes poems in books and quills and leaves them signed as “Author Unknown” and leaves them in an item frame on Merlin’s doorstep. She knows it’s him but doesn’t have the heart to tell him she knows.
-Merlin somehow has every single rare mob in the game in little glass cases.
-Gowther doesn’t need to sleep so he stays up all night mining and everyone will wake up and he’ll be like “Hey guys i’ve got 269 diamonds you want some?”
-Merlin forces Orlandi to take over the computer and strip mine for her while she does her real life work and experiments
-They invited Zeldris and he was like “Minecraft? That’s a game for little babies. Call me when you’re playing Fortnite like real men”
-Meliodas and Ban probably fought the wither while everyone else was offline and they just came onto their game to find their village blown up and a beacon in the middle of the wreckage.
-King dies all the time to the most random shit. Lightning strikes, fall damage, baby zombies. Once he tried to prank Ban back by leading a creeper into his dirt hut but in the process the creeper got struck by lightning and became charged and absolutely demolished King.
-Diane can’t build to save her life but she takes designs off Pinterest and then pretends she came up with them all on her own
-Elaine is a god at building. She decorates their whole village with lanterns and cherry blossom petals
-Elizabeth can somewhat build but often needs inspiration
-Ban has a horse he named “Young Sheldon”
-They have a discord server and King is the mod. He has constant power trips. The only one who has admin privileges is Diane.
-Escanor kills every mob he can and puts their drops in item frames on his wall as “Reminders of the ones who couldn’t pass him”
Idk why i wrote this, I hope you guys are having a lovely day 💙💙💙
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winterlogysblog · 5 months
I think my brain just glitched...
Ok so... Camelot. Arthur made Camelot through the power of Chaos right. At first, I found it weird that Arthur even needed to steal parts of Britannia to make Camelot. Chaos is incredibly powerful, it literally made three powerful deities that made their own realms for their own created races. So... why can't Arthur just make Camelot on its own. Then, it was later established that these places and people in Camelot are made through the wishes and wants of the people, without it there's nothing. If Chaos is so powerful, why is Arthur limited through that? Then it clicked.
The Sacred Tree is still alive
The Sacred Tree is essentially an embodiment of Nature. Disaster, a power granted by The Sacred Tree to the Fairy Kings is an ability that grants control over life and death.
The 'people' within Camelot function like a physical illusion. They're 'alive' but not really. They're just there, fueled by a wish. They don't even grow old, they just stay like that because that's all they are an illusion, they're not alive because there's no life.
The Demon King's power is darkness. The Supreme Diety's power is light. The Sacred Tree's power is life.
Notice how unnatural-looking the Chaos monsters are. Almost demonic even. That, to me, shows that Chaos is unstable.
The Demon King and his Commandments and The Supreme Deity and her graces are somewhat of an extension of themselves, it's their power passed to others. If we correlate this to Chaos creating the DK, SD and ST as Chaos sacrificing parts of their power, that power is lost or weakened because they have it. But the DK and SD are no longer present and since they are created by Chaos, that power most likely goes back to it. That is my assumption at least. But the graces are still out there. Ludo, Sariel, and Tarmiel died with their graces so they'll just go back after a few thousand years with their graces so that part of the SD probably didn't even go back to Chaos.
I made a post way back and on that, I compared the Commandments and Graces to Disaster as all three are just an extension of the DK, SD, and ST's power, in there I noted how Disaster is different as all three Fairy Kings can use it even if they're all present, it's not like the Commandments and Graces that only one person can use it. So that is also interesting.
There is also a complete lack of Sacred Tree information and just now, in 4kota is literally the first time we ever step foot inside the Fairy Realm and we got more Fairy Lore which is really nice. Now, what if the reason behind the lack of information about the Sacred Tree is because of Chaos. Nakaba doesn't want us to know anything about Chaos up until the very end because of 4kota, because he wants to keep Chaos a mystery.
In Chapter 140, Tioreh told us about these giant mushrooms that grow on top of the Sacred Tree's roots that are called "God Seats". The DK and SD are the only ones primarily dubbed as Gods. So that part is also interesting.
This is the Demon King's last words to Meliodas.
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"You will regret this..."
In Cursed By Light, before Meliodas and Zeldris beat the Supreme Deity, she says that the only way to maintain balance in the world is by continuing the Holy War.
Before Chaos is established, this is just nonsense. But now that we know... I have a feeling that the DK and SD sealing away Chaos has more to it than what we know. Also, isn't it fun that two beings born to be in conflict with one another worked together to seal Chaos? Now, we don't get to know more because they're gone but the Sacred Tree is still around... so there's that.
I have a huge feeling that Nakaba will give us some juicy lore about the Sacred Tree in the future. Either that or I'm high on copium.
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demonprincezeldris · 1 year
I feel like baby Tristan and Percival would hate bath time. And actively try to escape and run away. Causing a LONG chase through the castle. Bath time is a CHORE with the brothers and their kids. Since Tristan and Percy have so much energy, they have no problem running for a few hours.
The soapy water spilled on the floor makes for a death trap for the brothers. Gelda and Elizabeth just hear Meliodas screaming at Tristan to come back, before a loud cry of alarm, followed by a crash. They peek around the corner, seeing Meliodas face-down on the ground. "Got away from you again, huh?" "Shut up, Elizabeth."
Gods help the brothers when both of their sons take a bath at the same time. Absolute chaos abound. Trails of soapy water all along the castle floors. Zeldris and Meliodas constantly struggle to keep their balance as they slip and slide all over the ground. Sometimes even losing their balance and falling. All the while Percy or Tristan giggles at the sight, before zooming away again.
It's an amusing sight for the castle staff and their lovers. Finally, when Percy and Tristan's mothers tell them to get back in the tub, they listen. Much to their lovers' immense agitation.
"Why don't you bathe them? They clearly listen to you."
"It's funny watching you both chase after them fruitlessly for hours. Entertainment at its finest."
And the brothers could use their magic to catch their sons, but they'd prefer not to.
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smokerswifey · 11 months
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Guinever notifies us about four events that will happen in the future :
• Her (14) and Lancelot (18) will meet in secret in a tower
• He makes a name for himself in service for a king when he's 23, ( her 19 ).
• And then they will part ways for the last time.
So if she and Lance could meet in secret there are multiple ways of how that could happen :
A : someone in Camelot might be an ally that covers for Guinevere when she meets Lancelot or that someone helps Lancelot get inside Camelot .
B : Lancelot disguises himself as a fox ( Idk if the chaos knights know about that )
C : another reason idk
Her and Lancelot's kiss I have nothing to say about that except 19 year old boys shouldn't go around kissing 15 year old girls and I will FOREVER be salty about this .
In the timeskip Lance will be 20 and Guinevere will be 16, so 1 year would have passed after their first kiss so they are probably in a relationship. ( yay......) So these 2 are probably having more secret meetings and whatnot and I feel like it won't be long till arthur will found out about that and he will definitely flip out.... karma.
Him making a name for himself and stuff happen 3 years after the timeskip so I can't really analyse much apart from the question who is the king he is going to serve :
I doubt it would be King or Ban or Zeldris
And it might be Meliodas or another King who will be revealed .
Or....arthur ????? Oh god I hope not .
Or maybe there's another prophecy where there will be a new king of Camelot that will take arthur's place or sm idk I'm going a bit far lmao...
And the last thing she says is that her and Lancelot will " part ways" ( YAAAAAAAY, sorry)
But it's not specified how and why
Does arthur make her break it off ??
Does she do it to save him ??
Does he do it to save her ??
Do they break up put of anger after a fight or sm ?
Or do they genuinely part ways in a way they get separated unwillingly ??
I would say I'm happy they just separated because I'm sorry Languin shippers but I am not feeling it... but I do know Nakaba and they will probably get back together/find each other again or whatever.
Plus she said she didn't want to see everyone before the future so she definitely met everyone in the gang .
But wait she never warned or foreshadowed to Lancelot about Percy or anything and she never mentioned not meeting Percy so this could be hope that she never knew that Percival died because when she saw him in the future he was alive ???????
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Wait for the next chapter of JJK is nerve wracking. I am just curious about your thoughts on another anime series ( Seven deadly sins) I kind of dropped it and I was wondering how it's holding up. The loli allegation have been strong
First of all, sorry for the delay. and second, I like 4kota better than SDS.
I mean, Nanatsu no taizai was one of the first animes I saw, and at the time I liked it for the concepts, but I really don't like it, I just like it now, I've tried to watch it but I just can't get through the first chapters because of the immense amount. amount of fanservice.
not to mention a certain character, MELIODAS.
UGGGGG I HATE MELIODAS WITH ALL MY SOUL, not only because she is a reverse loli, but because they expect this SEX OFFENDER, who sexually harasses Elizabeth (WHEN SHE IS A MINOR) and who touches her WITHOUT PERMISSION, They expect him to be a LIKEABLE character.
I just can't stand it 😭sorry for the Meliodas stands that see me.
also the theme of lolis...
God it's uncomfortable when you see the OBVIOUS difference in appearance between, for example, Ban and Elaine (be careful, they are my favorite nnt page along with Gelda and Zeldris, but they both have the same problem) simply....WHY?
(in retrospect, I'm glad my parents never saw me watch the series😂)
NNT is a fairly mediocre series and I really can't put into words all the bad things about it for me, but it is an important part of my life and I appreciate it, apart from the fact that it has good things, it has good things.
4kota is better, it has more action and while it definitely also has issues with fanservice, it's definitely MUCH LESS than its predecessor.
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zorria · 1 year
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This definitely makes me think whatever Percy did has something to do with when he lived with zeldris forever ago because everyone seems to know what happened and why Percy is called the savior but Percy
And it was definitely something major for them to treat Percy like a god
I definitely feel like it has something to do with zeldris himself or the demon realm in general but even then what in the world did toddler Percy do???
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zeldriszezinho · 1 year
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Its official: Adult Meliodas and Zeldris got some “Big Rizz energy”. Life is just so unfair, I mean, look at these images. How do you compete with these? If the boys father had this vibe (when young), I can definitely see why Jelly or Steph would fall for him. Dear god…
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Can clever plotting end the Holy War? Sure. But this time the plot’s just, “Meliodas decides to fuck around and find out and drag everyone he can think of into it."
ah yes another drabble that I got too shy to put in the reblogs. this meme format gives me so much joy 
from that reblog chain: Yet another reason why the Demon King ducked up by making his preteen son a war commander. The amount of strategy he displays by doing that is… might I say god awful. He consulted ZERO people on the development of children. Probably freaked out when he saw baby Mel for the first time. Like "STOP SCREAMING I COMMAND YOU TO STOP."  *even louder infant screaming* "YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS INSOLENCE!” levels of ignorance. 
The only thing stopping Ten Commandments Meliodas from getting the audacity to kill him sooner was a lack of a support system. This kid saw the slightest hint of hope and went OH YEAH. PEACE. ALL THE WAY LETS GO. and immediately was such a disaster about it that he sent shockwaves through history. Imagine if he had been allowed to properly communicate with his brother and others even once every several weeks. The hijinks TC Mel would get into.
The traumatized teen leader of the Ten Commandments finds a little hope in his own home. Throwing as much caution to the wind as he can possibly afford, he drags his precious little brother around the Demon Realm and the battlefields of Britannia to find a solution to the war that’s fucked up their lives from the beginning. More and more happless souls are yanked into the rebellion as impulsive kid shenanigans ensue. Then Meliodas and Zeldris accidentally open up a litttle too much to their new friends and news of their (and Elizabeth’s!) home life goes viral, roping in the four archangels and the ten commandments who are not fucking stoked to hear what they’ve been left in the dark about. This is the aftermath. In meme format. 
Zeldris: I remember last time we got the chance to talk like this you asked me why I always work so hard. And I got too nervous to answer
Meliodas: uh huh
Zeldris: well… the truth is… I have this dream. That one day I’ll be able to make the demon realm a peaceful place. No more reliance on violence to prove our value. Just, just us demons, working to be the best we can be.
Meliodas, feeling a lil bit of his soul revive as his third eye is being pried open with a chainsaw: ‘keep it cool Meliodas don’t be a blubbering weakling in an important moment’    d-damn Zel…that...
Zeldris: I know it’s strange. To imagine a world where we could give up satisfying our vengeance against the goddesses. But it’s doing so, so much more harm than good. I can see it. I know you might not understand why I would be willing to give it up, with what the goddesses have done to us… to you… to mom. You think I haven’t guessed what happened to her, but… unless father killed her… no, that’s not important now. What’s important is how we move forward… if we just… stay stuck like this, then what’s the point of it all?
Meliodas: nah FUCK the war. It’s all pointless BS. Mom knew it too
Zeldris: please don’t - wait what
Meliodas: don’t what?
Zeldris: um. I thought you might be really angry
Meliodas: what, for being stronger than me? Strong enough to hold onto hope even after all this time?? Zel. I’m glad you could share that with me
Zeldris: 🥹
Meliodas: That dream... I would love to make it come true. even if trying to make this place less of a hellhole is a big hassle and doesn’t work out like exactly like we thought, I don’t think I could regret trying. You’ve shown me love can grow here after all... I have a reason to try
Zeldris: Big brother… do you… doyouwanttorulethedemonrealmtogether one day?
Zeldris: I’m the second prince, and I know father expects much less of me. But I’m capable. I’ll be of use right by your side. You’re the heir. The one everyone expects will be king. Fullfilling that... Is that the path you’re dreaming of? Is that what you want to do? 
Meliodas: !    Weeelll. Actually. It never meant anything to me, being the heir. Except more pressure from the Demon King. If there’s gonna be a new Demon King, it should be you. That’s what I think.
Zeldris: Ah. So that’s how you feel... in that case, are you still willing to continue on as a prince at all?
Meliodas: like I’d let you shoulder all this BS all by yourself if I could help it. I trust I’ll... “be of use”? 
Zeldris: No-no-I-that sounds- use? No- I don’t think like that -!
Meliodas: Aw, Zel, your face is all reddddd. Hehe. Always wanted to turn the tables on you like that! Don’t worry. I know it’s because father makes you so unsure, and I unwittingly helped out with that for a while.
Zeldris: Hmph. You just can’t restrain yourself. Don’t make me so anxious when you know I already am!
Meliodas: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you know-
Zeldris: Yes, I know. You love me. When do you think we’ll be capable enough?
Meliodas: hm  *remembers a certain silver haired goddess*
Meliodas: Well, that depends…. How much into the realm of crazy are we willing to let this revolution become?
Zeldris: I’ll do anything I have to for our people.
Meliodas: great. great. How good are you at Public Speaking by the way
*some time later*
The demon king: 👁️👄👁️
Assorted people from all five clans, several Induras, a bucketload of dragons and miscellaneous creatures from all over Britannia, Bloody Ellie and some archangels, all of the vampires under a newly crowned queen, and the demon army, including Gowther who somehow broke out of prison and found Glariza along the way:
. . .  you’ve been staring at us for five minutes. That’s gratifying and all but I hope you don’t expect us to explain. Trust me, you don’t want to ask how we all got here. No time for that anyway. We also have questions. So many questions... Questions we prefer you answer before we all kill you. For starters, why are your sons lolis and how the hell are they talking to those CREATURES in the back. Do you see those? Please tell us we’re hallucinating at least some of them. Is that a pig?
Zeldris: rude. Karen has been dragon queen for eons. She knows more languages than I do and probably understands every word you are saying. I’m just doing my best to translate, that is all.
Meliodas: his name is Wild :D isn’t he cute?
Wild: Meliodas-sama why is your father’s face so red? I think he needs a healer.
Ludociel: a pig that speaks? this truly IS hell. Why the fuck did you summon all these untrustworthy creatures from purgatory. Meliodas, I can’t wait to punish your father for bringing you into this world. I can’t believe his mistake is working in our favor right now. MAEL STOP HUGGING THAT THING
Mael, choking on the fluff: this is the best day of my life for so many reasons
Wild: Good to hear, my friend!
Elizabeth, removing her face from the fluff: AMEM. Thank you for having an audience with us, demon king. We have important news. We are ending the Holy War once and for all. Die or die. I'd give you the option of living, but you'd die anyways. Your people are really pissed that you sent your own kids to war and lied to them about it. Whether you live or die, whatever your punishment for prolonging this war will be, that is their call, not mine.
Demon King: FOOLS. DO YOU REALLY INTEND TO KILL ME? when the dust settles here, you will all be dead, and the Holy War will begin anew!
Elizabeth: when the dust settles, I'll be making love to your son on my golden throne, and you'll be a scorned, forgotten memory.
Meliodas: looking forward to it!
Zeldris: I’m gonna kill you brother
Demon King: you mortals cannot POSSIBLY fathom the thoughts of a God. Why I've done the things I've done is beyond you.
Random demon: could say the same for any other child abuser...
Ludociel, shouting at the demon king with equal ire: YOU could not possibly fathom how MUCH I have had to deal with ever since Lady Elizabeth brought that horrible demon and his gaggle of abominations into our camp! I have seen things. Felt things. Even tasted things. That no goddess should ever have to again. (*Meliodas grins evilly*) I don't even care anymore. What is strategy? What’s logic? We ate rocks made by a 5-year-old to get in here safely
Merlin: I'm 12
    (Bloody) Elizabeth to the demon king: touch her and ill torture you to death 
Demon King, trying desperately to figure out why there's a small child here and why Bloody Ellie is being weird about her, she LOOKS FAMILIAR, oh god is this her child, HOW LONG HAVE THOSE TWO BEEN A THING, this isn't their weird fucked up love child is it??: 
Rou, completely ignoring the 200 ft tall giant: oh my God Mel he fell for it!
Ludociel, also completely ignoring him: WHAT??
Meliodas: that was frozen tree blood. And a prank. Your goddess magic is adequate to protect you that's why we had you all cast Saint's Coat
Merlin: Maple Syrup. It’s called maple syrup. And magic potions don't taste nearly that good. I'm shocked you fell for that Ludo. you really are losing it
Gowther: technically, he isn’t wrong. The potion to combat the miasma is partly made from organic material from purgatory. There were some rocks in it. And also bone.
Sariel: when did you go to purgatory??? 
Mael (muffled by Wild's fur): rock is organic?
Zeldris: 84% of native purgatory rock is!! It’s even been linked biologically to a demon’s darkness. It’s fascinating. I read a whole book about it
Sariel: hello??? who took this man to purgatory without saying shit to anyone?? 
Tarmiel: I don’t even know who that is. I can’t remember when he got here
Mael: not true, we know who he is!  that’s the boyfriend of the demon I found trapped in a magic circle in the woods, remember? And I was like, I’m kinda having an exestential crisis right now so it could just be me, but if a goddess and a demon can really be friends and being a pacifist is okay actually and everyone was just being a bitch to me for no reason, then fuck it, who cares why the demon king put you in here? I’m setting you free. just promise you won’t wreck anything. make a demon contract with me or whatever and let’s end this cursed war. and she went “yea actually i’m directly an enemy of the demon king. he threw my lover in jail :(” and then me and Elizabeth and that guy over there *Doll Gowther throws up a peace sign* did a jailbreak while you lot were arguing over whether you could trust Mel or not? Remember that guys? 
Ludociel, who did NOT remember, on the verge of fainting:
Mael: Wait did I not tell you ANY of that?!? BROTHER I’M SO SORRY
Doll Gowther: Don’t be. He would not have let you contribute in a substantial way again. 
Elizabeth: do I owe you dessert Mel or does him insulting my virtue in this context not count
Meliodas: I’m not actually sure…might have made that bet too vauge
Zeldris (to Merlin): I’m not letting them adopt you. You can be my little sister
The ground begins to shake violently. Besides the obvious, nothing else happens. 
The Ten Commandments, permanently scarred from realizing that Meliodas the Destoryer and Zeldris the Executioner were kids this whole goddamn time, and not just weirdly short: ...loooooook...uh...here’s the thing. we’re gonna kill you now and we don’t need your power to do it. We got rid of it already. We have the power of, uh, *checks smudged writing on hands, dilligently inscribed by Elizabeth* ... teamwork
TC: and what ... what the pig said
Mael, extracting himself from Wild’s fluff, noticably buffer than 5 minutes ago: Plus the power of the gods! It’s almost noon :)
Zeldris: Damn, we timed this wrong. You better not destroy the castle
Yeah this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks because I don’t know how to end it. Anyone who wants a part 2 let me know lol
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sullina · 1 year
Zeldris is glad that his brother never betray him in all but is still confused how this happened and furious at Elizabeth. She is basically the reason why a lot of demons are suffering and the reason why he sealed his mate away.
When Meliodas snap out of the brainwashed he was probably confused on what is going on (he doesn't remember anything) and why the ten commandments are looking at him like that.
The sins? Specially Merlin (who grows up admiring Elizabeth) reaction would be good to
Merlin would be shocked, she couldn't believe the person she admires would do something like this. Diane will be hurt
Zeldris felt a huge weight off his chest when it was indeed true that his brother didn't betray them after all. That his brother didn't just leave him without so much as a second thought. That being said, it seemed to be a mutual agreement that the goddess Elizabeth had to die, slowly and painfully.
Although since she would always be reincarnated over and over, thanks to the gods, they would still have to break the curse, at least the one that was laid on Elizabeth, so they could kill her for good.
At first, Meliodas remembered nothing. As far as he knew, he had been fighting the pesky goddess and now he's in some unfamiliar stronghold (do they still take over Camelot castle?) with all the commandments staring at him while he's tied up/held down. "What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Meliodas roared, a rare show of emotion on his part.
The commandments, instead of backing away however, just threw themselves at him in a cuddle pile with almost tearful expressions. Most of them anyway.
"What are you doing, get off me!", Meliodas yelled at them, too surprised to do anything himself and a little flustered. This had never happened before. Never. The commandments, including his own brothers, were much too afraid of Meliodas to ever invade his personal space without his permission, permission that he rarely, if ever, gave.
After everyone calmed down, Zeldris and the others explained everything, how he suddenly betrayed the clan, and how he was supposedly in love with the goddess, which they now knew was nothing more than a brainwashing spell.
Some of the memories returned to Meliodas, giving him a killer headache. Despite the pain though, his wrath was so thick, one could cut it with a knife. "I am going to KILL THAT BASTARD GODDESS", Meliodas roared, loud enough to make the ground shake. Zeldris wanted nothing more than to do the same, however, "Meliodas, you're in no condition to-!" But Meliodas was already dashing out the window with the size of his wings matching the size of his anger.
It took every single commandment to wrangle Meliodas back. He was in no condition to fight the goddess.
And in all his anger, Meliodas had also failed to notice that two commandments were absent with two less familiar faces in their place.
"...why are you here?", he asked the fairy and giant king. "Why are they here, they're our enemies!", he demanded to know from Zeldris, who could resist the urge to sigh. His brother had missed so much. For how long had he been brainwashed?
It took a long time to explain everything that happened 3000 years ago to Meliodas. When he learned that two if his teammates were killed at his own hand thanks to the goddess, he decided to make sure she would suffer extra for them.
What shocked Meliodas the most though was when he heard that him, Gloxinia and Drole used to be friends. The mere notion seemed preposterous, how could people of different races ever be friends? Even in the alliance of Stigma, as much as Meliodas remembered, the different races were far from friends.
...but they were here right now. And Galand himself confirmed that in the short time the fairy and giant were with them outside of the seal, they didn't seem all too different.
Back with Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins, there was panic. Elizabeth tried to stay calm, but it was obvious that she wasn't doing well. The Sins assumed it was because she was worried that they would kill Meliodas, but she was more worried that they would be able to undo the spell and hold she had on the demon prince. And if they could, she was as good as dead and the war was over. All of Britannia would be doomed as well, but that was less important to the goddess right now. (That's another question, did Elizabeth learn to appreciate all life Britannia in the 3000 years she lived there? Did she change even a smidge from the way she used to be in Stigma?)
Jumping forward, Meliodas spent several days just remembering all the time he had missed while under Elizabeths spell. The memories just kept coming little by little and he knew that he had a lot of catching up to do. He wondered if he would ever regain all of his memories. As said days went by, he did change a little from the cold leader of the ten commandments. The love he felt from and towards her was fake, of course, but he still had memories and experiences that didn't involve her. One of them were the Sins that he supposedly lead and are the reason why he had the dragon tattoo on his left arm. He wasn't sure how to feel about them just yet. They only knew him as his other, his false, self. And every single one of them were of a different species.
When he wasn't agonizing over fake memories, Meliodas was training with the commandments. He had weakened considerably in the time spent in the human realm.
When the Sins find out, they're shocked and feel betrayed, by Elizabeth. They had all gotten to know her, seen her kindness, and her strength. Was it all fake? Diane especially felt her heart ache. She thought Elizabeth was her friend, one of the first people she could genuinely connect with. But Merlin even more so. When Meliodas saved from her own village 3000 years ago, was that also on the whim of Elizabeth? There were extremely few people that Merlin liked, but Elizabeth would no longer be one of them anymore. The betrayal the little mage felt in her heart was unbearable.
Elizabeth would find that all of her allies were turning against her one by one.
One question would be what would happen now? After snapping out of it, does Meliodas intend to continue the holy war after making Elizabeth pay for everything? Does everyone go their separate ways, or will Meliodas and all the sins befriend each other again, this time with the real Meliodas, not a fake fabricated by brainwashing?
There's also Baltra and the Trio and many other friends that Meliodas had made while brainwashed. Does the real Meliodas even feel connected to them in the slightest?
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7-ratsinatrenchcoat · 10 months
I'M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN'T KILL ME- Meliodas childhood fic, the one I just updated
There is love that doesn't have a place to rest- Artoria backstory, how she married the DK + why she stays
I will beg your forgiveness, but love, I don't deserve it- Your exchange fic! Assassin Ellie x Mercenary Mel
On first and fierce affirming sight (of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)- My one and only Geldris fic. Honestly can't believe I didn't name this one after cherry wine. You know, the song with the blood. For the vampire.
Going unknown (as any angel to me)- Unposted Elizabeth 7:1 fic, emphasis on her healing and journey with magic
If I could hold you for a minute, darling, i'd go through it again- The last fic in the only series i have, I cried while writing this one ngl. not like a few shed tears, i fucking wept
And it's worth it, it's divine- Meliodas being introduced to Drole and Gloxinia. Probably my only fluff.
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine- THIS one is the unposted Elizabeth healing one. Unless I have two? Oh my god, I have two of them.
Under heavy skies in the rain, you're dancing in bare feet- Fae AU. The one I've wanted to update since I posted it. Yeah, that one.
Skinning the children for a war-drum- Demon slayer fic! Centered on Nezuko, I pretty much abandoned this and I feel bad.
My sanctuary (you're holy to me)- Meliodas whump. Dude, I have never had a plot come as quickly and easily as this one did. I had so much fun writing this.
All that we intend is scrawled in sand- Zeldris angst. What more is there to say?
Emotional support goddess/human/who knows- Elizabeth giving the sins therapy. I think it's one of the first things I ever posted, on ao3 at least.
Forgive me for what I'm not, and never will be- Alluka-centric HXH fic. Cute little one shot, not much else to say.
There is love in our madness- One of my favorite fics I've ever written. This is the one where Mel and Ellie meet on the mountain and bond, and it's also where I came up with Saoirse!
And then there's also two original works that I haven't touched in almost two years, but I started them in elementary school. Fun fact, I actually got flagged on my school's computer screening thing because of the amount of gore in it. It was so fucking funny.
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chaosagenda · 2 years
i really do hate sds and only like a solid maybe 5 characters and heres why
(spoilers because i cant talk about my hatred for this anime without spoiling it)
theres so much pedophilia. i dont give a jack shit if shes the repetitively reincarnated version of your lost lover meliodas STOP groping a 16 YEAR OLD!!! “the age of consent in japan is 16″ die. that isnt even true, the age of consent varies by reigon. but even then, sds does not take place in japan or anywhere that even exists on earth, so shut up
and then there’s ban who engages in a relationship and has children with an actual child “elaine’s thousands of years old!!” that is a CHILD and if you’re attracted to that, and if you think that’s okay, i ask for you to seek help because if you did not feel uncomfortable at all watching his romance boil and kiss someone who looks like she is 6 you have serious issues
the only scene i genuinely like is that one scene in the first season when meliodas and ban reunite and bro so hard they break an indestructible barrier and all their problems were solved yeah man i didnt even need absolute cancel i just threw my bro through 13 different walls and it just busted
then theres the typical anime thing where the men should be twinks but are ripped for no reason. technically this isnt problematic but you seriously cant look at him and think nah man that dude has an 8 pack
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that is a twink. and im not sorry
then theres your standard “these characters should have been gay” and then they werent like guila and jericho were a thing at one point and nobody in the world could convince me otherwise 
and there are scenes so laughably bad, like when veronica kisses tiny griamore on the head and he reverts back to normal size except all of his clothes are ripped and hes ass naked. then guila comes in and just. blasts him (this scene was both actually horrible and legendary at the same time)
then this is more of a dub thing but some of the voices are actually so bad. why does zeldris sound like that. that is a short emo man that is not a buff member of the swat team
fanservice is bad too. you cant tell me nerobasta’s back doesnt HURT from those actually gargantuan jugs. i dont even think those are possible. that dress is hanging on for dear life. this doesnt even work you cant trick me into thinking this animes good by putting e cup anime titties in my face
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anyway this anime’s a 10/10 i recommend it to uh to uh uh a very large audience
and the movies arent that great either, especially cursed by light because you spend have of this plot lollygagging and then suddenly everythings fine, but youre still halfway through the movie so elizabeths mommy has to descend and start throwing hands and with the power of teamwork the cast defeats this universe’s version of god the only part i like about that movie is the two 10 second scenes where arthur and merlin are present and the whole time they’re just like 🧍 ominously
is there anything i like? plot wise, absolutely not i cant think of anything but i do like some of the characters
diane, while annoying a lot of the time, was genuinely okay. she was my first kin and for that she’s pretty close to my heart. but her intense infatuation with meliodas in the first chunk of the anime actually drove me up a wall, but she does get better
king was pretty great, and while a little bland, i still liked him. hes also dubbed by max mittelman and that just increases my adoration for him
gowther is... gowther. the buildup of a tall muscular man in armor but is actually a pink haired androgynous twink was great i loved that, i cosplayed him in 2020 and i still say “✌️sparkle!” to this day
escanor was pretty cool until he... wasnt... and then im not gonna say any more (rest in peace king)
i liked gilthunder after he was out of his emo phase and even enjoyed him when he was still in it. the circumstances of his villain arc were generally stupid as well as confusing and vivian’s existence gets on my nerves but gil was cool, along with howzer, who is probably one of the most horrendous looking characters ive ever seen (as controversial as that statement is) but at least hes funny. theyre also voiced by robbie daymond and ray chase, so if youre a persona fan, like, come on this duo is iconic (duo. i have a strong dislike of griamore and to my concern he does not exist)
merlin, i liked merlin. i liked merlin. a lot. for reasons. for a lot of reasons. she was she was uh and her character arc and backstory was um... i liked merlin yes i did
okay i cant not talk about arthur anymore. i love arthur. hes my little closeted ginger homosexual guy and he’s just great. he has actually zero idea whats happening at any given time but still is op as all hell, and i just love him. he has a baby face and is dubbed by zach aguilar so its really hard for me to not just want to hug him when he died that extremely brutal death i just sat there like ☹️ come on man thats not cool you cant kill off the best character and expect me to keep watching this
yeah thats right i never even finished it. i was a huge sds fan in like 2018 when season 4 and season 5 werent out yet, and then i stopped liking it, and when they did come out, i never finished. i watched a couple general scenes, and im very aware of the plot and what happens after the point i stopped watching and as much of a hate watcher i am there is no way that those last couple seasons are even sort of worth my time. ill watch the movies whenever they come out but... i cant handle any more than that.
anyway seven deadly sins is actually horrible and nobody should watch it unless its the filler episodes where the characters sit around and complain all day because those have the capability of being fun
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kingdomoftyto · 4 years
I’m finishing catching up on Seven Deadly Sins and somehow every time I manage to forget what a batshit rollercoaster this show is
One minute I’m yelling in anguish to my very confused pets because Elizabeth is taking control of her destiny and vowing to keep Meliodas from sacrificing himself to break the curse, even if it means her own death--
--and the next I’m OHKO’d by the newly-healed Gowther showing up in fucking fuchsia crop top and booty shorts
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Headcanons again my friends
Once more it's seven deadly sins
They're just at random
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I feel like the fact that meliodas (and probably zeldris) cant cook is one of 2 things
Either its a demon thing, like across the board no matter the class
this includes the ten commandments and mael
Or! Since mel and zel were royal, they had cooks or maids or some shit so they just... copied what they saw
They can make it look exactly how it's supposed to, but do not measure a god damn thing and base it on what they think they saw
Like I'm pretty sure meliodas has said something to the tune of;
"I don't know why it tastes so bad, I did what I was supposed to"
Which leads me to believe hes just fucking winging it, eyeballing the entire "recipe"
Meliodas has one regular that no matter where he goes this regular always finds the tavern
After a while of it just happening, meliodas and regular are on a first name basis and are fairly good friends
Meliodas gets concerned if he hasnt seen said regular for a town or two
Mf pops in like "sorry I was sick!" Or "my wife just had a baby! :)"
The baby screamed and cried when it saw meliodas
Also puked on him, multiple times
Meliodas has vowed to never hold a baby again because of this, but never tells the regular that :)
I would also imagine meliodas is like horrifically anal about his tavern, keeps everything super clean, but for fucks sake he cannot organize for shit, except for the booze :)
Nothing has a designated spot
He plays musical shelf/drawers until he finds what he needs
Bans first day meliodas and diane swear up and down they saw a tear run down bans face after spending 45+ min looking for a spatula
After that ban spent several hours organizing the kitchen
The next day meliodas immediately fucked it up and Ban was found later that night drunk and sobbing on the floor
The following morning ban holds up a teaspoon and a 1 cup measuring cup and asks meliodas to spot the difference
Meliodas cannot spot the difference
No one fucks up bans kitchen organization anymore
If kids come in the tavern they immediately flock to hawk
Hawk lives for the scraps attention :)
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bestjeanistmonster · 2 years
In detective au i 100% believe Zel would list Elizabeth as a suspect for most of the cases he works on much to Police Chief Arthur’s confusion. The detective hopes that one day she’ll actually be a suspect in a case, increasing the chance of her going to jail.
Arthur, looking at a picture of Elizabeth that’s pinned to the case file in confusion: Um, mr blackwell, who is this person?
Zeldris in the middle of an experiment wearing his goggles: Elizabeth Agnola Abner Liones, 25 years old, unmarried, works as a nurse at St. George’s hospital, takes her tea with half a sugar and only wears blue on Saturdays, why?
Arthur: okay and what does she have to do with the case? Is she a suspect?
Zeldris: ye-
Elaine, reading a newspaper: not really, Zeldris just puts her on there on every case. He says that he’s ‘considering every possible suspect’ but he just despises her very being and considers her his rival-
Zeldris: like I’d ever consider that bitch worthy enough to be my rival-
Arthur: why does he…
Elaine, shrugs taking a long sip of her tea: no idea, every time I ask he just goes on a rant about her being awful-
Zeldris: and she is!
Elaine unfazed by the interruption: -without explaining how he came to this conclusion. It’s a shame really, if you met you’d see that she’s a truly lovely girl.
Zeldris, growls as he continues with his experiment:
Arthur: and where does she live
Elaine takes a bite of her chocolate biscuit : on the floor below us, pale blue door, number 13.
Arthur: y-your neighbours?!
Elaine: yep.
Arthur stunned: …wow.
Why does Zeldris hate her?
Well Elaine finds out the reason when Zeldris invites her as his plus one to his older brother’s engagement party (platonically ofc). His brother, Meliodas, had gotten the family inheritance after their father died of mysterious circumstances and now lives in the family estate.
He was loaded.
Elaine had first met the man when Zeldris had to swallow his pride and stay at the estate because there was a case they were solving nearby and they had no place to stay. Meliodas was a pretty nice guy all things considered but it’s clear that Zeldris’s odd attraction to danger and general oddness clearly ran in the family.
Meliodas had also previously asked Elaine to send him updates on his brother’s activities cuz he was worried about him and Zeldris never wrote to him. He gave her regular payments to do and she did as requested.
Although she did lie a lot in her letters and secretly split the money with Zeldris, but the blonde didn’t need to know that.
Anyway in the middle of the party while the two detectives were trying to sneak snacks into Elaine’s purse, Meliodas calls for a toast to announce who he was going to be marrying.
“And now it is my greatest pleasure to introduce my fiancé, the love of my life, Ms Elizabeth Angola Liones!”
Elaine watched stunned as Elizabeth, fucking Elizabeth walks out from God knows where to stand at Meliodas’s side, intertwining their hands together and kissing eachother softly while everyone clapped and cheered in congratulation.
Wow. She, she was not expecting that.
The blonde turned her head towards her friend and sees him glaring holes into the happy couple across the room his hand moments away from crushing the champagne glass in his fist
“Uh Zeldris, are you…alright?”
“Never better.”
Elaine calmly unclenched his hand and took away his champagne and set it on the table.
“So… this is why you hate Elizabeth so much, you don’t like that she’s with your older brother?”
“Pretty much.”
They stood there in silence, Elaine knew that the longer they stayed here the more likely it was for Zel’s anger to boil and cause a scene, so for his and her mental health they needed to get out of here.
“…wanna go and get drunk on the roof?”
“I thought you’d never ask. Grab the glasses, I’ll get the wine.”
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