#going through an Orlando Bloom phase
deadlymistletoe · 1 year
The sick fic I was planning on writing will end up been written later, when I’m feeling better as I suddenly got worse and don’t feel up to doing much other than watching movies.
The plot of said movies:
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roosterforme · 7 months
It Won't Be Long | Rooster x Reader
Summary: How are you supposed to tell your family that you have to leave? Especially when everything still feels new and flawless and beautiful? Bradley knows it will be rough to break the news to you, but telling Everett will be so much worse.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst, adult language
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
This is a Batting Practice one-shot but can be read alone! Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Oh, shit."
Bradley's heart sank as he read the paperwork that Maverick just handed to him. "Fuck," he groaned, fighting the urge to crumple up the pages. The sounds of conversation buzzing around him in the rec room faded to a dull noise that set his teeth on edge as he thought about how he was going to explain this to you. And even worse....how he would tell Everett. 
"Sorry, Rooster," Maverick replied, cuffing him on the shoulder, but Bradley didn't move except to shake his head a fraction of an inch. He should have known this was coming. He should have been prepared for this, but it felt like a slap in the face. You and he had only been married for less than six months, and he still felt like this was very much the honeymoon phase. How the hell was he supposed to spend a single day without you and Everett, let alone one hundred of them?
He'd been planning to take the three of you up to Disneyland for a little overnight trip during spring break. Kind of a precursor to a longer vacation to Disney World in Orlando in the summer. Well, now he'd be missing all of spring break. And he was going to miss opening day at Petco Park, too.
He vaguely registered that Maverick dismissed him early, and he heard Bob calling his name as he headed for the door. He stopped but didn't turn around as he told his future brother-in-law, "I'll call you later." He'd have to tell Bob and Molly soon, because you and Everett would need them if anything happened while Bradley was deployed, but he didn't want to talk about it with anyone until he told you himself. 
When he got home before you, it gave him plenty of time to mope while he got dinner in the oven. He decided to take a long shower, suddenly wanting nothing more than to change out of his fucking uniform. The Valentine's Day card he gave you a few days ago was still propped up on your dresser, and he sighed when he looked at the pretty flowers still blooming beautifully in the vase next to it. When he opened the card and read what he'd written, he wasn't surprised to find that he had it practically memorized after spending hours agonizing about what to say to his wife on a day dedicated to being in love.
You changed my life and everything in it for the better last spring, and not a minute goes by that I'm not thinking about you. I hope you'll let me love you every Valentine's Day for the rest of my life. I hope you'll love me back for all of them. I'm so happy you're my wife.
P.S.- How do you feel about wearing your collar, leash and your bodysuit tonight?
He set the card down again with a soft groan and stripped out of his uniform. The shower felt amazing, and he treated himself to your expensive body wash before he rinsed himself off. When he put on his sweatpants and started looking for a tee shirt, everything in his drawer seemed to have Top Gun or Navy Waves printed on it. He just wasn't in the mood for any of it since he knew he was about to have two conversations he'd really rather skip, so he pulled on the Phillies shirt that he got for Christmas from you and Everett.
The kitchen timer started going off at the same time he heard your car in the driveway, and Bradley ran back downstairs to get dinner out of the oven. "You're home early!" you said, bursting through the front door with Everett by your side, and for the first time since this morning, everything seemed more colorful and loud in a good way.
"Dad! I aced my math test!" Everett said as he came running into the kitchen, waving a sheet of paper in the air. "A hundred percent!"
Bradley's heart clenched as he picked Everett up in a hug and buried his face against him. "I'm proud of you, kiddo. That's what happens when you stop rushing through your homework."
He held onto his son a little longer than he normally would before kissing his cheek and setting him down. You eyed him closely as you dumped your work stuff on one of the chairs. He must have done something to give himself away, because a second later, you said, "Ev, you promised you'd take ten minutes to clean your room before dinner."
"Fine," he replied, his voice right on the edge of whining. Normally Bradley would remind him not to talk to you that way, but he let it slide right now. Everett headed for the stairs, and once he was out of sight, you were in Bradley's arms. 
"What's wrong, Coach?" you asked, running your fingers along his cheek before pushing them through his damp hair. "What's bothering you?"
When you gently kissed him, he didn't stop you. And when it took him a minute to reply, you didn't rush him. "Baby... I'm being deployed."
Your grip on him grew incrementally tighter as you whispered, "Oh. When?" 
His forehead met yours as he forced out the sentence, "I have to leave mid March, and I'm due back on Ev's birthday."
When you nodded, he could tell you were still letting his words settle in your mind. You took a deep breath and huffed out a little laugh as you whispered, "That's a long time."
Bradley swallowed down his guilt. "It's too damn long. I don't want to go fourteen weeks without you and Ev. I don't even like going a whole day when I can help it. I'm supposed to be here with you."
You nodded, and when you spoke, he could hear the tears in your voice. "We managed without you before, we can do it again. At least you'll get home on his birthday."
He collected you tighter against his body as he groaned. He would rather do almost anything other than miss his son's eighth birthday. "Kitten. Sometimes the dates aren't accurate. Sometimes the carriers run behind schedule. One time I returned a week later than I anticipated." 
You made a soft sound that left him reeling. "Well, if that happens, then I'll explain it to him. And we'll deal with it."
"Fuck," he grunted, slipping out of your grasp and gripping the edge of the countertop with both hands as his anger flared. "I don't want the two of you to have to deal with me missing out on celebrations. I already bought tickets for Ev and I to go to see the Padres on opening day! I was going to let him skip school! If I miss his birthday, I swear I'll be fucking sick, Kitten! And if Molly doesn't have the baby before March fifteenth, then I won't get to meet him until he's three months old!"
"Bradley," you whispered, ducking under his arm so you were right there between him and the counter. "Listen to me," you said, taking his face in your hands and kissing him. "This is why we love you so much. Because you love us so much."
You had tears in your eyes that matched his as he muttered, "I still feel like we just got married. Like every day with you is so exciting. And Ev didn't grow up with a military dad. He's not used to my lifestyle. I..." Bradley paused and dipped his head down, staring at your work shoes as he said, "I feel important every day because both of you rely on me for things around here. More than just my income. Ev and I do his homework together, and I like helping you cook meals. And I live for taking him to the park to play baseball. I live for it, Kitten."
With two firm hands under his chin, you shifted him so he was looking at you. "I said we would be able to manage without you because we did it before. We know how to do it. Not that we would enjoy ourselves, Bradley. My heart will hurt with worry every day that you're gone, and Everett will miss you because you're essential to his happiness. But this is part of your career, and you're very good at it."
Bradley knew he was crying now as he said, "I'll miss the beginning of his baseball season. He's the only one from his old team who is going to play real ball again this spring instead of tee ball."
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "All thanks to you. And I'll take a million videos for you to watch. I'll email them so you can scrutinize his technique, and then I'll help him improve. I mean, look how much more I know about baseball since I first met you."
Of course your words made him feel a little better. They always did. You always validated his place in this family when he started to doubt himself. "You've come a long way, Kitten. And it's a good thing, too, because I don't think Ev is going to lose interest in baseball any time soon."
You smiled as your lips skimmed his. "I really hope not since the two of you turned the extra bedroom into a Phillies shrine."
"Why are you both crying?"
Bradley's gaze snapped toward Everett who was halfway between the bottom of the stairs and the kitchen with a concerned look on his face. "Ev," he started, unsure how to handle this conversation. Part of him wanted to wait until after the three of you had eaten dinner, but right now, he looked very upset.
"Is Aunt Molly okay?" he asked softly. "She was crying the other day when she said the baby was hurting her back."
When Bradley still hesitated, you said, "Aunt Molly is fine. She texted me a picture of her swollen feet at lunchtime." Then you leaned in closer and whispered, "Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No," Bradley replied immediately. "No, I'll do it." But it was harder than he thought it would be to get the words out in a way that would make sense to a seven year old. Why had he convinced himself that he'd be good at this parenting thing? He didn't even know what the hell to say right now. "Grab our gloves," he told his son. "Let's go out back and toss a ball around before we eat dinner."
Everett perked up immediately and ran off, only to return with two well worn baseball gloves and a baseball. "Okay."
Bradley slipped on a pair of shoes. "Okay."
Wordlessly, they threw the ball around for a bit, the quiet space soothing the part of Bradley that was terrified of fucking this up. "Hey, Kiddo?"
"Yeah, Dad?" Everett asked as he threw a scorcher to Bradley.
"You remember how we talked about deployments before?"
"Yeah." His voice was softer this time, and his face fell a little bit. "I remember. It's when you have to go way out into the ocean and fly off of an aircraft carrier."
"Yeah," Bradley croaked, squeezing the ball as hard as he could in his right hand. "I'm going to have to leave to do that in a few weeks."
He watched as his son tried to be strong and keep it together, but then Everett's face crumpled as he started crying. "But you said that lasts for months," he said as he looked at the ground, and Bradley rushed toward him. "And I heard Jayden in my class say deployments are really dangerous."
"Ev," he replied, dropping the ball and his glove and kneeling right in front of him. He swiped at the tears with his fingers as he said, "I can't stand it when you cry. It breaks my heart." 
But Everett just cried more. "I don't want you to leave now. You just got here!"
"Kiddo," he whispered, wrapping him up in a hug. "I'll be back soon. It won't be long. Nothing we can't handle."
"But what if something happens to you?" 
Bradley's heart shattered and was immediately put back together. He hated making you and Everett worry about him, but the fact that you both loved him enough to care made him feel whole. He kissed his son's tear streaked cheeks and said, "The only thing that's going to happen is me flying around in my jet for a few weeks before I come right back home. Sounds pretty boring, right?"
He nodded against Bradley's shoulder. "Yeah, I guess so."
Bradley kissed his forehead and whispered, "I'll be so bored without you. I'm going to need you and Mom to take a bunch of photos and videos and email them to me all day long. And I'll need you to ace all your school assignments and be well behaved for everyone except your Aunt Molly. You think you can do that?"
Everett shrugged, but when his glove slipped off of his hand, he hugged Bradley around the neck. "I'll try, Dad. But I'll miss you."
A tear slipped down Bradley's cheek as he managed to say, "I'll miss you, too."
"It's not time yet," you told Everett as he sat on the couch with the iPad on his lap, staring at it longingly. "Ten more minutes. Why don't you finish your math homework while you wait?"
"Because I like doing my math homework with Dad," Everett explained as he looked at you like you were absolutely ridiculous for even suggesting such a thing. "I want to solve the problem with him."
Even though it meant you would have less time to talk to your husband about other things, you'd let Everett do math homework with him over FaceTime. It wasn't like Bradley was going to complain. They were two peas in a pod. Everett even had the Phillies current pitching stats printed out and ready to share. 
"You'll have to show him your countdown, too. We're getting closer."
Before Bradley left, he and Everett cut up countless strips of paper and wrote numbers on them so Everett could conduct a countdown until his eighth birthday. Until the day Bradley was supposed to return home. There had been a gigantic paper chain snaking through the house, but now you were down to your final ten loops. Just ten more days without Bradley.
When the iPad rang, Everett nearly dropped it in his excitement, and you ran in from the kitchen. "Dad!" he said as Bradley's handsome face filled the screen.
"Hey, Ev," he said, sounding exhausted and relieved. "I miss you, Kiddo. Where's Mom?" 
"She's right here." 
Your son tilted the screen, and Bradley sighed. "Kitten."
"Bradley! We miss you. Ten more days!"
A crooked smile broke out on his face, and he kept his eyes on you for a beat longer while Everett started telling him all about baseball practice with his new coach and how his baby cousin Charlie threw up yesterday and about how the Phillies won three games in a row. You lost him to your son just like you knew you would as soon as Everett asked him for help with his homework. 
You sat quietly on the couch while Bradley looked at the math sheet and helped him work through the problem. Then Everett showed him the remaining length of the paper chain countdown, and as soon as that was finished, Bradley said, "Great job, Kiddo. Now why don't you go clean your room up before bed while I talk to Mom?"
"Okay. Love you, Dad!"
"I love you, too," he promised. "And I'll see you on your birthday."
Everett handed you the iPad and ran upstairs to his bedroom. "After all that, I only get three minutes alone with my husband this week," you said with a little smirk.
Bradley groaned and shook his head. "I can guarantee when I get home, I'll be on you nonstop. Don't worry about that, Baby. We won't sleep for days."
You bit your lip and laughed as he groaned. "What do you want for your birthday, Coach?"
He glanced around the small room where he was sitting before he said, "You can find that information written in your Valentine's Day card. Maybe throw in some vanilla frosting, and I'll be all set."
"Sounds good," you replied, and his smile grew. "We'll count down to Ev's birthday, and then we'll count down to yours."
"Speaking of which, did you get his present ready? All wrapped up in a box?"
You nodded as your heart fluttered. "Exactly to your specifications," you promised, picturing the package you had stashed in the linen closet.
"Perfect. I need to make it up to him for missing opening day for the Padres. I hated disappointing him."
As you glanced around your living room at the remaining countdown numbers and Everett's completed math homework, you said, "Something tells me you could never truly disappoint him. See you in ten days, my love."
Bradley rushed through the crowd on the dock and headed for his family. You looked beautiful, and somehow Everett looked like he grew six inches in three months, but everything was perfect again once he had an arm wrapped around each of you. He kissed your lips and squeezed you to his side. "I missed you, Kitten," he murmured, knowing you wouldn't be too mad if you weren't his main focus until later tonight. "Happy birthday, Kiddo," he said with a smile as he released you to hug his son. "I missed you, too."
Everett clung to him when Bradley knelt down, and he stood up again with him in his arms. "Last week, my new coach said I have a heck of an arm. And school's already over. Mom took a video of my last day on Friday. You have to watch seventeen new videos from last week. We can watch them together tomorrow before we go out for pizza with baby Charlie and Aunt Molly and Uncle Bob."
Bradley buried his face against Everett's shoulder, excited to hear him talking a mile a minute in person. "Absolutely. But first, let's get home and open your birthday present."
The ride in your car was filled with your voice and Everett's, and Bradley sat back with a smile on his face and his fingers laced with yours. "How was the aircraft carrier?" Everett asked.
"Boring, loud and uncomfortable. And they never showed the Phillies games on TV."
"We can watch the game recaps!"
Bradley was already daydreaming about taking a few days off work, lounging on the couch with Everett until lunchtime, going to the park to play baseball, and then making love to you all night.
"We can definitely watch the game recaps," he promised as you pulled into the driveway next to Bradley's prized Bronco. "But first, I really want you to open your birthday present."
He didn't change out of his uniform. He didn't even remove his boots. He just gave Everett the box wrapped in red and white paper after you handed it to him, and he watched his son tear into the paper while your hands came to rest on his chest. "You are the only birthday present that kid wanted," you whispered.
Bradley felt the flush rising in his cheeks as you kissed his neck, but Everett had the lid off the box now. "I don't know about that, Kitten. I think he'll like this one," Bradley replied as Everett put the Phillie Phanatic hat on his head and read the paper he found in the box out loud.
"Three tickets for the Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park! On the Fourth of July! Behind the dugout! That's where the Phanatic dances! We can see the Phanatic for real! In Philadelphia!"
"Told you," Bradley whispered against your lips as Everett ran around the living room, already thrilled for his first trip to Philly.
But you were shaking your head and looking up at him with the most sincere expression as you said, "Just wait for it."
And you were right. A few minutes later, after Everett's excitement for his Phillies tickets tapered off a bit, he asked, "Dad, can we build a blanket tent and watch Toy Story and eat popcorn?"
Bradley paused where he was unlacing his boots and smiled. "Under one condition."
Everett smiled back and shrugged. "Okay. What is it?"
Bradley tossed his boots aside and said, "We change into our matching baseball pajamas and grab the stuffed Phanatic from your bedroom. And Mom gets to join us, too."
An hour and a half later, Bradley was watching one of his favorite movies with two of his favorite people. You were feeding him popcorn and teasing his hair as you lay with your head on his shoulder in the blanket fort. Everett was sound asleep, draped across Bradley's chest, and it felt so good to be home, he almost started crying. 
"I missed this so much," he whispered, kissing Everett's forehead. "Missed my family."
You hummed softly as you raked your fingers through his hair. "Like I said, going to the Phillies game will be great and all, but having you home today was the only thing he really needed for his birthday."
Bradley grinned and asked, "And does my Kitten need me, too?"
You popped up from his shoulder and whispered, "Why don't you carry Ev up to his bed, and then I'll let you find out."
I love emo Coach Bradley, and it was definitely time to check in with the three of them. He never wants to be the reason Everett cries, but that kid loves him so much, it's unavoidable. Let's check back in with them again soon. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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hardly-an-escape · 4 months
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
oooh it's been so long, I'm not even sure! I actually started this sideblog way back in the winter of 2013/14. I was super into Once Upon A Time and Captain Swan back then, as well as a few other fandoms I'm not really in anymore. I must have come across the Lloyd Alexander quote that's in my blog description around that time, or maybe I went looking for clever-sounding quotations about fantasy and writing, because it grabbed my attention. and from Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it. I got hardly-an-escape.
tbh I don't love my username... it doesn't lend itself well to nicknames and it's not very descriptive. but I feel kind of stuck with it at this point. it's fine, I don't hate it, but I'm not crazy about it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
technically I've been writing fanfiction since I was in elementary school, when I wrote part of an epic multi-chapter novel about Jacen and Jaina Solo and a lost Jedi Master (shoutout to my latent obsession with the Star Wars Expanded Universe which is sleeping but never gone). but I didn't even conceptualize that as fanfiction – I was just writing a Star Wars novel. (it was. not good. but in my defense I was like... nine.)
I really got into reading fanfiction when I was in high school and really into Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and specifically Spuffy) and desperate for MOAR. there were a few other fandom detours along the way and a deeply embarrassing phase where I was very into this extremely long and soap opera-esque RPF Orlando Bloom fic (nothing against RPF, but it's really not my jam anymore). but although I was actually writing a lot back then, it was all poetry and personal essays. I was happy to consume fanfiction but didn't really think about telling my own stories.
I didn't really start seriously writing fic and sharing it with other people until I was a whole ass adult! I couldn't really tell you why any particular fandom tickled that part of my brain, because there are a lot of fandoms that I've read fic for but never felt the need to create myself, but Captain Swan and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries did for a while. and then, like I said, that urge was dormant for a long time. I toyed with a few things here and there, and then a year and a half ago I watched The Sandman and just... gave myself permission to lean into something that was making me really happy! and here we are!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I really, really love my job. it's hard and exhausting and it takes a lot out of me, but it's also incredibly rewarding and I truly can't imagine doing anything else.
right now I'm surrounded by some of the kindest, closest friends I've ever had in my life. like, literally surrounded – all our best friends live a short walk away – which is particularly nice because I'm far away from family at the moment.
honestly the euphoria of stumbling headfirst into 911 and BuckTommy got me through a really tough week last week. that first giddy period of new fandom fixation is such a specific feeling and a particular joy!
thanks for the ask!! writers truth & dare ask game...
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immergladsss · 3 years
Moonacre Week 2021
Day 1: Zoom/Video Call
On AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31641653
“For next class, please read chapter 9 and be ready to discuss the social and political impact of the Norman Conquest on England—and don't forget, your essays are due this Friday. Have a wonderful day and stay safe!”
Maria watched, unblinking, as square after black square disappeared from the virtual ‘room’. Not even the professor had their camera on.
‘This meeting has been ended by the host.’
The zoom window finally closed.
Maria blinked.
4:56 pm read the time centered against the starlit wallpaper of her Mac book screen. She turned to look at her planner that was strewn over her bed.
No more classes for the day.
Maria fell back onto her bed with a groan. She rubbed her dry eyes, not caring one bit that she was smearing the little make-up she coaxed herself into putting on that morning.
“ 'Dress the part’ they said. ‘It'll make you feel normal’ they said,” Maria mumbled to herself.
She didn't feel normal, all she felt was drained. It was the start of her second year at university… and well over six months into a pandemic that showed no signs of stopping.
She raised her iphone. 4:57 pm. The locking screen was of her family. A picture taken the day of her nephew’s first birthday, December 2019. Georgie was centered in the picture, sitting between her uncle Benjamin and Loveday. Maria stood next to her uncle, leaning over his shoulder, while Ms. Heliotrope, their nanny, was by her side with an arm around her back. To Loveday’s other side was Loveday’s father, Mr. De Noir, and her brother, Robin.
Maria wiped her eyes with the hem of her t-shirt. It felt like an eternity since she last saw them. She missed them. Unlike her roommates, she didn’t move back home at the beginning of lockdown. She had just started an internship, one that was supposed to go well into the summer. Yet only 3 months later, she and the rest of the interns were dismissed, with promises to still receive full class credits.
With public transportation being the only way to get home, she didn’t want to risk her or her family’s safety. Yet day after day, her longing for home depressingly grew like the number of covid cases.
María turned on her side and clicked her laptop back on. She opened her FaceTime app and typed in Loveday’s name.
She propped herself on her elbow and began the call. As she waited, she grimaced at her disheveled appearance. Her red curls were in a messy bun, black mascara smeared around her eyes, her university-themed t-shirt was slipping over her shoulder. The very picture of a work-from-home student.
Lately, she and Loveday had begun a new game, ‘Fashion: Covid’. They would jokingly judge each other's "outfit”, as well as the rest of the family’s, as though they were judges on Project Runway or Next in Fashion. Maria smiled. She couldn't wait to see what Loveday would tease her about today.
“Maria!” A husky voice greeted, “It's been a while—”  
Her eyes flew open as she slammed her laptop shut.
She scrambled out of bed and ran to her bathroom, stumbling over her laptop’s charging cables. Maria washed her face with cold water and soap, doing nothing more than smearing her make-up.
“Oh bugger...” Maria pried open her mirror cabinet, spilling some products as she grabbed her make-up remover. ‘What was Robin doing at the Manor?’ Maria hastily squirted the remover onto the cotton ball, splashing some on her shirt and cursing under her breath. She scrubbed her eyes, ignoring the sting of the remover seeping in.
She rinsed off her face. Grabbing her hand towel, she rubbed her face dry, and ran back to her room, diving right into her bed.
She opened her laptop. 5:01 pm. ‘Crap’. she took longer than she intended. Maria redialed Loveday, hoping he would still be there.
“Maria, what happened?” Loveday answered the phone. Her blond curls were tucked into a fish-tail braid that draped over her shoulder. She was wearing her uncle’s faded brown jumper from his university days.
“Hi Loveday… sorry my internet went down for a bit. You know how it is.”
Loveday nodded with a frown. “Your face looks a bit red, are you running a fever?”
“No, I—”
“Fever?” She heard Ms. Heliotrope shriek from the back. Maria was startled as Loveday’s camera began to shake, before finally settling a bit too close to Ms. Heliotrope’s face.
“Oh, my goodness, Maria you’re red! I must go to you at once!”
“Ms. Heliotrope, I’m fine! I just washed my face.”
Ms. Heliotrope narrowed her eyes, bringing the phone so close to her face that Maria could only see her forehead.
“I don’t believe you. If I take a plane, I can be there by the end of the day.”
“Hang on! Look, I’ll prove it.” Maria climbed out of bed and pulled out the thermometer gun her family had sent in a care package. Sitting back down in front of the camera, she pointed the gun to her head.
Beep. 36 C.
“See, I’m healthy. Besides, it’s much too dangerous for you to travel.”
Ms. Heliotrope looked crestfallen, almost as though she wished she had a reason to be with Maria. “Hmm… Alright my dear. Make sure you check your temperature every day and report to us any symptoms. Please take care and let me know if you need anything! I love you and miss you dearly.”
“I will Ms. Heliotrope, I love and miss you too.” Maria waved goodbye as the phone was passed back to Loveday, but her uncle intercepted it, planting a quick kiss on Loveday’s head as he took the phone from her grasp.
“Maria,” came her uncle’s gruff voice. Even during a pandemic, he was dressed smartly with his hair neatly combed.  “How are you doing? Do you need anything?”
“Hello uncle, I'm alright, thank you though. The care package you sent is not yet half empty.”
“Good, good. Only say the word and I’ll go pick you up myself. We miss you.”
“I miss you too but it’s too risky.”
“It’s worth the risk if it's to have you back with us.”
Maria’s heart ached. “Thank you, uncle, I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”
Finally, the phone was handed back to Loveday. “I’d ask how you were doing but it seems everyone’s done so already.” Loveday chatted away, telling Maria about how bored they’ve been.  How Marmaduke’s cooking expanded to include various intricate pastries and bread. She recounted with a laugh how only Wrolf and Georgie seemed to love their constant presence.  Though Maria laughed and nodded her head to Loveday’s words, her eyes kept darting to the background trying to see if she could spot him. Loveday grew quiet, she watched Maria with a raised brow and crooked smile, waiting to see how long until Maria noticed.
“Oh, er sorry Loveday, I don’t think I heard you. Were you waiting on my response?”
“Its alright, it seems you’re looking for someone else?”
“No, no…” Maria said sheepishly, “but earlier, Robin answered the phone. He’s back?”
“Yes love. He returned about a month ago but was quarantining at the castle. He’s now running errands and getting groceries for both of our families. I always offer to help, but he insists, and you know how he gets.”  Loveday bit her growing grin. “Do you want to talk to him? He’s playing with Georgie at the moment.”
“Sure, why not,” Maria tried to say nonchalantly. Though she never outright confessed to him, her childhood crush on Robin was no secret. But with four years her senior, Robin always brushed off any comments made about them, saying she was just his best friend. Once he compared her to a little sister. That one stung. Though Maria tried to grow out of it, even having a few boyfriends through her teens, that never stopped Loveday from trying to set them up.
The camera turned black momentarily before turning back on. They were in the parlor now. Robin was on the floor, playing with Georgie and his action figures. Maria’s heart warmed.
His hair was much longer and held up in a messy bun much like hers, though she hated to admit he looked better in it. He wore a black t-shirt with faded black ripped jeans. There were a couple of black and silver chain bracelets on his wrist.
“Oh Robiiin,” Loveday teasingly called. “Seems like someone misses and wants to talk to you.”
“Loveday stop playing!” Maria hissed under her breath, feeling her cheeks grow warm.
Robin jogged over to the phone with a merry grin on his face. Loveday flipped the camera back around, blew a kiss at Maria with a wink, and passed the phone to Robin.
“Hey,” Robin greeted. “Cleaned your face?”
“No!” Maria lied against the growing blush.
“It’s alright princess, not all of us can look as good as I did in smeared eyeliner.”
“Oh please, you mean that emo phase you went through?”
Robin stilled. The corners of his mouth turned up into a faint smile. He shut his eyes as he threw his head back and clutched Georgie’s toy like a microphone. “I got your picture! I'm coming with you! Dear Maria count me in!” Robin sang at the top of his voice.
“Oh god no! Not that song again! You were so annoying! I’ll hang up if you don’t stop right now!” Maria threatened through Robin’s laughter.
“It wasn’t a phase. It was a lifestyle! I’m thinking of bringing it back. Reckon I’ll look better with it now.”
“Ugh, your ego has grown along with your hair.”
“Wouldn’t yours too if you looked this good in a bun?”
“Please, I’ve seen better.”
“Oh yeah, name a few.”
“Chris Hemsworth, Ben Barnes, Jason Mamoa, Orlando Bloom, Timothée Chalamet—”
“Alright, alright, I get it. And please don’t get me started on that Chalemutwat. Such a sap, can’t believe that’s what girls are into nowadays.”
“You're just sore you don't fit the profile anymore. Face it Robin, the rock and leather days are long gone. It's all about k-pop and softbois now.”
“Softboys are just fuckboys with flowers in their hair,” Robin grumbled in disgust.
Maria snorted, thinking about the time he wore a flower crown for a May Day festival. “So, I heard you got back a month ago?”
Robin was walking out of the manor. She could see the setting blue sky and moving landscape in his background. “Yeah… The parks closed down. Figured it was time to come back home. I’m surprised you aren’t here.”
“Aww miss me?”
Robin shrugged his shoulders and looked away. “Want to see the gardens?” Robin flipped the camera, showing her around the manor grounds. As he walked her through, he talked of how covid affected his job. The craziness of people. How some thought escaping to the outdoors was the solution, only to end up trampling on preserved wildlife and littering about.
Maria had settled down, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand, she wore a wistful look across her face with a soft smile. Robin paused. His eyes focused on the screen, and he swallowed.
“Such a shame that happened to the park,” Maria said. “I’d be heartbroken if something like that happened to your forest.”
Robin cleared his throat, “Erm-yeah. Really annoying.” He forced his eyes back to the gardens as he continued on his way.
The camera stopped moving as he sat by a tree and flipped the camera back on him. 
“You got an earring?” Maria asked leaning closer to the screen.
“Yeah, was thinking about it for a while.”
“Ooh! Show it to me.”
He brought the phone close, it was a black stud, with a charm of a red feather.
“I like it.”
“Looks good on me, eh?”
“Bring that ego down a notch and then we’ll see. How’s your father, I’m guessing he had to stop with his falconry lessons?”
“Yes, we shut down the school temporarily. The castle feels lonely.”
“I’ve always wanted to learn.”
“Really? I’ll teach you when you get here.”
“Okay! Oh, I took up archery—Well before covid shut it down.”
“No way.”
“Yeah, I can teach you that!”
“Sounds like a deal,” Robin paused, “are you really not coming back soon?”
“Oh, I don’t know. What if lockdown ends?”
 “Don’t bet on it. Words going around it’ll be like this until the vaccine comes out. Give it another six months, maybe a year.”
“A year?”
“Bloody hell.”
Robin frowned. “When did you start cursing?”
“I’ve learned a thing or two at uni. Even got drunk!” Maria said with a proud grin.
Robin’s face fell. “When was this? Who were you with?”
“Oh, lay off. You’ve gotten drunk plenty of times. Don’t forget about that time you broke your arm after trying to climb my tower.”
“That’s not the problem. You’re tiny. Were you with trusted people? Who took you home?”
“Relax birdboy, I was with friends. We went to a pub. I got tipsy, not black-out drunk. My roommates and I walked ourselves home. I didn’t even have a hangover. And I’m not tiny, I’m average.”
“Just barely,” Robin said with a snort though he seemed to relax back against the tree. “Never, ever, get drunk without someone you truly trust. And remember the pack rule. People are shifty.”
“I know, I know. I still remember your lesson before I left for school. Besides with this pandemic, doubt that’ll be happening anytime soon.” Maria told him about school. The weird things she’s seen on her classmate’s cameras. How everyone seemed to care less and less. She was over it all.  
“You should just come back to Moonacre. Study from here. Even my friends are back, they’ve been helping me fly the falcons.”
“The gangs back too? So not fair. I miss them,” Maria whined. “I want to, but it’s too dangerous. My uncle’s the only one working right now, and the upkeep of that old manor is so expensive. I can’t risk their health. If I could get home safely, I would be there in a heartbeat.”
Robin got pensive. “Alright. Well, hopefully I’ll see you soon.”
Maria rolled her eyes. “I just told you that’s not likely. I already feel bad enough as it is. Don’t rub it in.”  
Robin shrugged his shoulders, “Never say never. I should let you go now, it's late and Loveday’s phone is about to die.”
Maria pouted, surprised to see the clock in the corner of her screen read 8:47 pm. “Wow, we don’t speak for ages and you’re already wanting to hang up. I see how it is.”
Robin shook his head with a chuckle and a sad look across his eyes. “You know that’s not the case,” he said softly.
“I know. I’m only teasing. Good night Robin. I…I miss you.”
“Good night princess. I miss you too.”
The screen turned black. Instead of Robin’s face, she now sat staring at her own glum reflection.
8:49 pm.
She closed her laptop and stared at the photo collage above her desk. Pictures of her adventures with friends and family adorned the board. In the middle was one of her and Robin competing in a race at that May Day Festival. Still wearing the flower crown, Robin was giving her a piggyback ride. She was laughing.  They lost after Maria freaked out when a bee landed on a flower in front of her nose, causing Robin to trip. It was the last thing they did before her leaving to school.
Sitting back up, she opened up her essay and began to type. Wondering when she would see him and her family again.
…A few weeks later…
A resounding knock came from the door. Maria frowned. She hadn’t ordered dinner yet… It was probably some package getting delivered. Shrugging her shoulders, she went back to work, deciding to deal with it later... Until the knocking came again. Then her phone lit up. Maria glanced at the screen, wondering who could be calling: Robin.
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
rules: make a new post, name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, then tag 10 people
I got tagged by my wifey @vventure thanks boo
1: Daichi Sawamura (Haikyuu):
I mean like this guys thighs for one, but also his personality and just him in general, my one true husband
2: Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan):
I mean this angry ass little man has my heart after Daichi, he one small bad ass :3
3: Gallowglass (A Discovery of Witches):
4: Felicity Smoak (Arrow):
This girl turned me bi, not only is she smart but she is an absolute badass (and half of Olicity my all time OTP)
5: Legolass (Lord of the Rings and Hobbit)
THIS BADASS ELF made me go through a full Orlando Bloom phase a couple years back and i don’t regret anything
6: Peggy Carter (Marvel):
I literally love her, in Marvel she literally REVOLUTIONISED women in that line of work... SHIELD would not exist without her
7: Ryuji Suguro or Bon (Blue Exorcist)
Blue exorcist was the first anime i watched so its understandable it has a big place in my heart but this guy i literally love him ok
8: Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones):
She is a strong independant woman and did not deserve the ending she got and thats the tea
9: Alice Cullen (Twilight):
I just love her k
10: Hisoka Morow (Hunter x Hunter)
Last but defo not least my favourite Pedo Clown :) Don’t ask me why he just makes me feel things
I TAG @bb-noya @letshaikyuu @cuddlyasahi @thechloethings @rollingnoya @izzyphantomgamer @burnt-tomato and whoever else wants a go
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danachristinehare · 5 years
happy pride month//coming out
y’all remember that time i came out as bisexual? me neither. why do people who are anything other than straight identifying have to “come out” and label themselves for the world to understand. i think i fully understood that i liked woman when i was about 10 years old in 2003. the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie came out, and at an all girls slumber party my pre-teen friends were divided between crushing on Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp. i was alone with my Kierra Knightly crush and felt very alienated. i remember sneaking on the internet late at night to “ask jeeves” what it meant if i was a girl that liked boys and girls. i felt like a freak. bisexual? that’s a thing? come 2007, i started high school in a brand new state. at the time i didn’t know that a lot of girls were going through a bi-curious phase, but it helped me feel more comfortable in being bisexual. so i came out to close friends. i lost a few friends over it. i started only telling those people i knew wouldn’t judge me, people who had already “come out” ...fast forward even further. 2015. getting married to a man. at this point i think most people just assumed i liked girls also? maybe i fit the stereotype? no longer living at home, feeling secure in a marriage (despite it being to a man), just made me feel comfortable in my bisexuality for the first time ever. i nonchalantly added the word “bisexual” to my bio on all of my social media accounts, people probably didn’t even notice, but that was a big step for me. then came the throuple, which turned into just a simple same sex relationship. if people didn’t know i liked women before, they sure as hell figured it out really quickly in 2018 when a woman proposed to me and vis versa. my first OPEN to the public same sex relationship. the relationship came to an end, and i officially proudly spoke openly to everyone about being bisexual because well, everyone knew now...but something in my heart still didn’t feel right about it. after talking to close people in my life who identify as pansexual, and doing a bit of research, and remembering my trans friends that i love so dearly...i realized being bisexual made me feel non inclusive to trans and non binary people. if i can love a man the same way i can love a woman, what’s so different about anyone else that’s a bit “different” than a social norm? hearts not parts. i am attracted to people, not genders. i am attracted to personalities over anything else. so without further ado, and without waiting for another marriage to feel comfortable in my own skin to share this, after 16 years of falling somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum and never “coming out” ...i am coming out to the masses. the year is 2019, and i am proudly pansexual. if you don’t have anything nice to say, get the fuck out of my life. i am who i’m meant to be, this is me.
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red-winters · 5 years
Random Word Vomit About Stuff I Watched Growing Up
sometimes I remember that I was introduced to Monty Python and the Holy Grail through a complete misunderstanding as a little kid and have been plagued by half-remembered scenes of it for years having no idea what it was I had watched
My mom thought it was some sort of serious/dramatized Arthurian film about King Arthur and his knights and that it’d be educational, so she borrowed it from the library for me—now, this was several years before I had regular access to the internet, so my days were filled with listening to the same Kelly Clarkson songs over and over again and messing around on MS Paint for hours—so when the library had anything new, not-boring, and family-friendly (it was a hit and miss when you only had covers to go on) we got it. Oh, I was really young then, too. Six or so, maybe? Just arrived in the US or something and knew absolutely nothing about King Arthur/Arthurian Legends.
I could barely remember the plot years after, but little!me hated it because the completely opposite genre expectations + actual movie + confused tiny immigrant child = memories that feel like a really confusing and head-ache inducing fever dream
and OH that’s not even talking about that time we marathoned the 10th Kingdom like crazy people because we thought it was a really, really, really long film and hadn’t realized it was actually a series. I was sooo sick of it after that, I basically stayed away from any fantasy movies in the library for who-knows-how-long. In fact, if I recall correctly, that’s how mini-me instead started borrowing as many documentaries on String Theory and Astronomy as I could get my hands on.
(I completely forgot I had a String Theory phase as a kid until now. I wonder if I actually understood any of it back then??? In my timeline of Phases I Went Through as A Child, this was slightly before my Ancient Egypt and Egyptian Book of the Dead phase)
I only returned to fantasy when I first saw Princess Bride (which is why I will love that movie forever) and then got into historical/romance with Ever After (still a favorite!), Little House on the Prairie, and Anne of Green Gables. Then it was several years of pretty good movies like that, including Matilda, The Secret Garden, A Little Princess (which I still LOVE!), Mary Poppins, and the Sound of Music. Also, it was around this time I finally got into Cable Television, I think, which made things better.
Also, I actually saw LotR when I was really young, but I was too young to understand what was going on and basically thought it was a horror movie for years because all I could remember from the film was Gollum. My mom convinced me to re-watch it when I was fourteen, which I’m sure she deeply regretted when it was all I would watch for almost an entire year. I watched the trilogy at least once a day, several days of the week, every week for months. She had also given me a portable DVD player for a present that year, so even when we went out of the house, my family couldn’t get away from it.
Then the movies weren’t enough, so I dove into the Silmarillion for More Elf Content looking for elves like Orlando Bloom’s “Amazing, Fantastical, Regal, Pretty” Legolas and instead got the Hot Mess That Was the Feanorians and All the Elves of the First Age, basically, which was both hilarious and eye-opening. And these days, what makes it funnier is when I remember those posts on tumblr about Legolas basically being one of the youngest elves in Middle Earth and also some elf-equivalent of a country bumpkin.
Let me tell you, I was not prepared for the Silmarillion at all, but boy do I still love that book.
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newgeht · 6 years
Binding Ink
Chapter 4: Misleading Entries Summary: Everyone had a name forever embellished on their wrist. This was the name of their mortal enemy… Or at least it was supposed to be. Characters: Minerva Orlando, Gray Fullbuster, Gajeel Redfox, Sting Eucliffe, Lamy, Jiemma, Lucy Heartifilia Rating: T  Words: 4,510 AO3 | FFNet 1 | 2 | 3 
Trigger Warning: Graphic images of abuse up ahead. 
Her very own bike came speeding toward her, those great white lights filled with fury. Minerva pushed herself up against the damp alley wall, dodging Gray's attempt at running her over.
“That's my bike! What the hell do you think you're doing?” Minerva spat, her hands consumed with her magic. She knew better than to run after him, so she stayed to guard the door. “Do you really not trust me?”
 She received no reply as he rounded the corner, now completely out of sight. Now she went running after him, there was no way in hell she was going to lose her bike to a man -much less a fairy. A shirt was left on the sidewalk outside of the alley, Minerva knew that Gray meant business.
 “So you came here for a fight, huh?” Minerva turned on her heel, the spotlight back on her again. Her mouth cocked to the side, the black paint of her bike gleaming under the moon's shine. Those two white eyes coming closer by the moment and she leaped at the last second. Those chilly blue orbs meeting her own.
 She successfully leaped over the charging machine, her heeled boot meeting Gray's chest. She hit him with a force like none other, sending him flying off the seat. His body went one way and her precious vehicle the other. Unlike Gray and her cherished bike, she landed on her two feet. Clashing and clattering followed the bike, but groans spilled from the other direction - Gray. Minerva was cocky, but at least she could admit it. How dare he try to run her over, and with her own bike.
Minerva was tempted to stalk in the other direction to grab her bike but thought naught. No matter how much she wanted to run over the ice mage, she held her temper. Lucy wouldn't appreciate it if she plucked Gray's wings. She noticed her motorcycle wasn't a complete mess as the lights shone on the two of them; her shadow creeping across the length of the eery street.
 Gray coughed and struggled to sit up, a blue light blooming from his fists.
“Don’t even try it.” Minerva kicked him and he grunted, falling back into the ground. His entire torso was littered with road rash and various scrapes. His arms were the worst as his forearms were bleeding, some of the asphalt sticking to his wounds. Settling her hand on her hips, she stood above him. She exuded confidence and reeled her foot back.
 “Where’s Lucy?” His voice was scratchy as he choked out the words. Minerva almost took pity on him, but she grinned.
 “Why is that any of your business? She’s not your girlfriend, is she?” Minerva knew she hit a sensitive spot as his face darkened. She kneeled down, mocking him. “Seems like she’s more interested in me than you.”
 Her fist glowed a bluish black as she pulled her hand back, sending it straight into Gray’s gut. He sputtered and failed to land his own hit on her. “That doesn’t matter. I love Lucy, unlike you.”
 Minerva nodded and tutted at the ice mage. “Of course I don’t. I barely know her.”
 Her words were insensitive and she knew it, which made the whole conversation even better. She hardly spent time with Lucy and the blonde was head-over-heels for Minerva. The thought made her feel better, she was going to win in any situation. The only problem was the frustration that Gray had been causing. He couldn’t seem to let go, it was something that made him weak -something that Minerva took advantage of.
 “Argh…” Gray sat up, his eyes level with her own. “Take me to her or face the wrath of Fairy Tail.”
 Minerva scoffed and stood, looking down upon Gray. With how annoyed she was, he was more like a fly than a fairy. “You’re acting like I kidnapped her. I didn’t. I thought you saw her willingly come along with me.”
 “But she’s seriously injured. Don’t be so ignorant to think that no one knows about that back alley clinic.” He pointed at the dark alleyway, his jaw tightening. “You should have just brought her to us. Not to that vile demon.”
 Minerva rolled her eyes. Lamy was a bit boy-crazy but she wasn’t vile. The other demons of Tartarus were far worse than what Gray had insinuated.
 “Tch, so low of you to think I would injure her on our first date. We all just went because my friend Gajeel got injured. His fight with Jackal wasn’t as easy as he expected.” She lied smoothly, so very smoothly.
 She only got a perplexed look from Gray as he staggered to his feet. “You mean to tell me that Leo is wrong?”
 “Leo?” Minerva questioned, knowing full well Lucy had called him out earlier.
 “Her celestial spirit! You would know this if you cared.” Gray drawled, his eyebrows pinching together.
 “Ah yes, I remember him. The flirtatious lion is probably jealous, just like you.” Toxicity dripped in her voice. Gray frowned and glared at her. He made himself so easy for Minerva to tease, and it was too hard to resist prodding at him. His own annoyance gave her satisfaction. An eye for an eye in the end.
 “Shut up, that’s not what this is about.” His face fell and he shoved his hands in his pockets. A dark cloud seemed to weigh on him and he sighed in exasperation. “Look, I’m sorry for assuming that she was hurt, just let me take her home.”
 Minerva could barely repress her laugh, he completely bought all of her lies. “Alright. I’m sure she’s ready to leave by now. But you owe me, that bike cost me a fortune to build.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry about that.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the bike. “I guess I kinda took things a little overboard.”
 “And you got your ass kicked anyways. Just be glad this involved Lucy, otherwise you would be in much worse shape.” She rapped against the steel door, not ready to wait for Lamy. Gray followed in suit after he brought her bike into the darkened safety of the alley. She turned to look at the ice mage, unimpressed with him so far.
 “As much as I would love for you to pay for my bike, you don’t have to. I’m glad you destroyed it, it gives me an excuse to get an upgrade.” Minerva chuckled as Gray’s eyes widened.
 “I can at least give you some money…”
 The door was pushed open and the dim yellow light from inside shone on the two of them. Lamy began to hyperventilate, her eyes roving over Gray’s body. “Y-You brought me another pretty boy?! I still don’t know whether to hate or love you Minerva.”
 “I think the best would be to love. I’ve brought you so many at this point, haven’t I?” Minerva wasn’t wrong by a long shot and grinned as Gray’s face was wiped with pure irritation. “But like always, you can’t keep this one either. Find your own man for once.”
 “You’re the one who’s always dripping in men. How come you can’t share with me?” Lamy wheezed in rapid succession as she led them to the room that Lucy was originally placed in. It was evident by Gray’s fidgety posture that he wasn’t so comfortable in this place. No one ever was, Lamy was an absolute pig.
 Minerva shot a look at Lamy, daring her to continue her sulking. “You know my interest only
lies with women. And it’s not my fault that Sting is gay or that Gajeel is in a relationship.” She pushed the door open; Sting was lounging on a wooden crate.
 “M’lady, Lucy is… Who’s that? It better not be a new recruit.” He eyed Gray suspiciously, a small look of recognition gracing his features. “Why the hell do ya have to get involved with the fairies so much? All they bring is trouble.” He explained in exasperation, clearly not happy with today’s turn of events.
 “Hush, Gray is fine.” Minerva glowered at the ice mage, “As long as he behaves. Anyways, isn’t Gajeel fixed up yet? We really have to clear this place soon, or Jiemma will come after us.”
 Sting stiffened at the mention of her father, and she couldn’t help feeling a small pang of guilt.  “Y-Yeah, he is. Lamy didn’t have to do much, it’s just Lucy we have to worry about.”
 Minerva cleared her throat, eyeing the blond. “She’s completely fine, Sting. I’m sure she was helping Lamy patch up Gajeel. Right, Lamy?” Her hazel eyes shot the small bunny-demon and it elicited a wheeze.
 “I don’t know if I would call that blonde bimbo a help. She was too handsy with him.” This made everyone laugh.
 “Take me to them, Lamy. I need to speak with Gajeel in private.” The girl’s small head of hair bobbed as she acknowledged Minerva. Dutifully, she led her out of the room.
 Gray tried to come with them, but she held her hand up. “No, you stay. I didn’t say you could go anywhere. You have wounds that need tending to.” Minerva nudged him into the room, looking at Sting. “Get this fairy patched up, will you?”
 “I just want to get Lucy and go. She’s not supposed to be out this late-”
 “If she really cared, Lucy would have asked to leave long ago.” Another lie but Gray wasn’t phased by it. He muttered something under his breath and took residence in a rusty metal chair. Another fault of the fairies, they were extremely gullible. It was just too easy to win, Minerva thought. “I’ll be back with the both of them, soon.”
 Catching her look, Sting grabbed a box of randomly assorted medical supplies and began tending to Gray. Neither were happy with the situation but they came to a mutual understanding.
 Minerva exited and walked with Lamy down a small corridor. “You best hope she’s fixed or you’re dead.” Her voice was low and she could see the white sweat break on Lamy’s face.
 They walked into a room much larger than any in the small clinic. The room was dark and held a green filament, the ceilings being raised another twenty feet or so. In the middle of the room, there were rows of glass cylinders. Each was filled with a murky bile-colored liquid, which was still transparent enough to see through. These were big enough to hold any size animal, ranging from humans to the most dangerous of demons themselves. Which is why this operation is so illegal.
 After Tartarus’ disbandment, Lamy had taken all of her regeneration and youthonizing magic technology, and set up shop here. She had great dealings with the dark guilds, most using her curse to completely regenerate their guild mates and hideous monsters. But Minerva only used the girl on emergency occasions, such as this.
 It was evident that not a single container held a body, all of them empty and flowing with the same repugnant liquid. Lamy’s curse supposedly only worked on the demons of Tartarus, but she found a loophole. She kept it hidden from everyone as to exactly what she did, but Minerva was one of the only ones who didn’t care. As long as she was capable of turning everything back to normal. But not seeing that familiar head of golden hair, made her doubt Lamy’s abilities. “Did you even put her in?”
 “Ah, don’t worry Minerva.” Lamy cringed in on herself as she spoke. The green lighting of the room making the small girl look sickly. “I put her in right as you left.”
 “Don’t worry, buns.” She hated Gajeel’s nickname for her. Minerva’s hair wasn’t even in her signature style right now. “I got the blondie, right 'ere. She seems to be back ta normal, no scars or nothin’.” His piercings were eerily illuminated in the room’s light as he walked out from behind one of the glass encasings.
 For a split second she felt relieved to see Lucy but the feeling dissipated as quickly as it came. This was still strictly business, no matter how much that prophecy bounced around her mind. Her body was limp in Gajeel’s arms. It looked as if she still wouldn’t wake up anytime soon.
 “Good, I’m glad Lamy tended to you as well. But here’s the thing, we’re going to act like Lucy was never injured. A little fairy had the gall to come and find us.” The more Minerva thought about Gray, the more she despised him.
 Once she was done with Lucy, the ice mage was next on her list. A burning sensation enveloped her wrist as she thought of harming Lucy, and she gritted her teeth. This tattoo was going to be the death of her; the vision of their prophetic moment flashing through her mind.
 “Just follow my lead, Gajeel. Don’t say a word about anything that has happened today, not to one person.” Minerva quickly led them all back to the dingy patient room.
 Sting and Gray were silent as she walked in, looking at her with wide eyes. Gray’s upper chest and arms were bandaged, he had some nasty rug burns. But it wasn’t her fault that he chose to strip in the middle of battle, what kind of idiot was he? They both seemed like lost puppies. “Gajeel and Sting, you can leave now. Make sure you get the word out about next week.”
 Even with this big accident today, the fight club would still resume it’s activities. Gajeel nodded and handed Lucy over to Gray, taking his leave with Sting. Lamy began to weep over their absence, excusing herself from the room. Her heavy sobs, echoed in the silent hallway. Minerva was extremely displeased with her performance today. She deserved to cry.
 Blue eyes hardened, becoming void with emotion at Minerva’s presence. Gray coddled Lucy to his chest, looking over her features with worry. “I thought you said she was-”
 “She is. She just fell asleep while waiting for me to come back. Now make sure she gets home safely.”
 Gray cursed under his breath and stopped next to Minerva. Their shoulders were practically touching and the room’s temperature dropping significantly. “I can’t wait until Lucy knows how evil you are, “ the most lethal venom dripped from his voice. He shoved her out of his way, kicking the door closed behind him.   
Minerva was alone, the silence of the room drowning her. His words had stung her, punctured her heart severely. She didn’t know what the feeling was, but the emotional pain as insurmountable. She wasn’t evil, was she? Minerva bit her lip to repress the tears that were threatening to fall. What stopped her was the thought of Jiemma. He could do so much worse than the puny ice mage.
 With a deep breath, she pushed the thought to the back of her mind. Right now she had to worry about getting home before curfew.
By the time Minerva got home, the moon was beginning to crest over the horizon; peaking it’s shiny balded-head over the skyline. So far she had dropped her bike off at Sting’s home and had made the long trek to her own home on her own two feet. It was a couple miles from where she lived, but leaving the bike at her best friend’s house was a step in the right direction. There was no way she could get caught today. It was almost midnight.
 Looking ahead, her antiquated home stood as a flower in a dirt field. Her father constantly was renovating and updating the house’s features. Which meant she had to find another way in every time she stayed out too late, which wasn’t often. It was just her luck that he had gotten a new security system about a week ago. Jiemma never would have bought the technology, but he needed a way to assure that she wouldn’t try to escape.
 Minerva grinned at the thought. No one, not even her father could keep her locked up.
She stood with her hands on her waist, sizing the quaint house up. Her dad’s car sat in the driveway and there were security cameras hovering above the garage. The only thing that had changed from when she left this morning was the absence of dew on their front lawn. Minerva frowned, nothing had particularly stood out of place.
 Instead of some risky procedure, she decided she would crawl through her window. This was her usual method of sneaking in, but caution was always necessary. Even for something so basic.
 With a couple steps back and a great leap forward, she vaulted over her the gate leading to the backyard. Minerva used her hands to push off of the gate. Last time she touched it, the alarm was set off but not this time. Internally she applauded herself, all those gymnastics classes Jiemma forced her to take finally worth the time. She landed on her feet, immediately pressing her back up against the shingled wall.
 There were still cameras back here. But these ones surveyed their grand, olympic-sized swimming pool. Her father absolutely despised the rowdy teens that tried to take an evening dive. Or one who took a skinny dip… That was an absolutely horrible day. Jiemma accidentally blew up their previous pool with his maddening anger.
 Sucking in, she kept her body pressed into the wall, slowly moving along it until she stood under her window. Looking up, she could see that it stood open. Her silken curtains lightly kissing the window sill. That was odd, Minerva had sworn that she closed it before she left this morning.
 Closing her eyes, she imagined being up at the window sill. A small surge of magic filled her entire body and her hands grasped the edge of the window. She was so happy that she had teleported successfully, but a large tanned hand grabbed her own. In a single moment, she was yanked through the window and thrown to the floor. As she was pulled through, her side had hit the ledge. Minerva cried out, mostly in distress than in pain.
 Fuck, she thought. “Where were you?” That low voice was filled with danger. Minerva looked up and met her father’s gaze. She wished it was a burglar. She wasn’t capable of killing her own father.
 His eyes narrowed and he lifted his hand. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
 Minerva scrambled to get up to her feet, her heart beating too quickly. She had never gotten caught. “I was with Sting.” She managed to speak in a cool tone. It usually worked when she lied.
 Even with her tall stature, Jiemma stood heads above her. His presence was darkened, the light absent from his features. Minerva wished she could run away, just as it did. “You’re leaving some details out.”
 He wouldn’t be mad if she was at Lamy’s but he couldn’t know about her other activities in
the night. “We went to Lamy’s place, with Gajeel.”
 Jiemma scoffed, his eyes burning with rage as his hand marred her cheek. Minerva was an idiot to think she could deceive him. “Do you take me for a fool?”
 Her face felt raw and burned, tears briskly approaching the edge of her lashes. She didn’t dare look at him again, lowering her head in shame. Minerva’s cheek stinging and pulsating as a stray tear slipped from her eye, burning a trail down her face.
 That same calloused hand lifted her chin up. Jiemma looked at her with hollow eyes and yet his words were soft. “Pathetic. It only took one hit this time. I thought you were stronger Minerva.”
 Delicately he wiped the tear away, his fingers bruisingly gripping her chin. Her eyes still hadn’t met his and he frowned. “Look at me when I speak to you.” Anger was always underlying in his words, no matter how gentle he was.
 She complied, her lip quivering with fear; she was looking into the eyes of the devil. “Now tell me, Minerva…” His hand softly pet her hair, treating her like a broken doll. “Who’s name is on your wrist.”
 With the smallest movement, she shook her head. Minerva was completely at a loss of words, how did he know? His hand trailed down from her chin to her neck, those hardened fingers lightly skimming her throat. “I don’t even know who they are…” Minerva breathed out, fear digging into her skin.
 The hand of the devil clasped around her throat, his nails digging into the soft skin. Minerva’s breath was completely taken away. Grasping onto her father’s hand. Jiemma’s eyes filled with the beginnings of insanity as he continued to grip her throat. “You’re not the daughter I’ve raised. When did you protect pansy fairies?”
 He sneered with disgust, his hand flaring a dark and violent purple. Her throat erupted with blistering pain, the struggle to breath worsening. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she clawed against her father’s arm. “I… don’t…” She scrambled to get out. To feel a release.
 She had beaten Gray to the curb but that was just to show him a lesson. And Lucy was different, she was unlike anyone she had ever met before. But Jiemma knew about everything, he always seemed to know. This wasn’t any good for her upcoming plans.
 Jiemma’s eyes flashed with sympathy for only a brief moment and he released her. Minerva fell to the floor, a sniveling pile of utter failure. Jiemma didn’t look at her as he left, “You have training in a couple hours. Get your act together before then or you will face greater consequences.” The man was stone, his words holding truth.
 The door slammed shut and Minerva curled in on herself. She allowed all of her neglected emotions in, the barrier of apathy coming down. Rejection, failure, disappointment, the list could go on. These flooded her at an unbearable force and she wept, the tears never ending.  
 Her whole body wretched with insurmountable pain, everything crashing down on her. Gray’s words violating her mind. She wasn’t good, but she wasn’t evil. Everyone had to take a side, right? How come she couldn’t follow her father’s orders? Why hadn’t she murdered Lucy yet? Questions like this had bounced around her mind, her body quaking with despair.
 The more she dwelled on her thoughts, the more they consumed her. Overwhelming feelings and emotions at play within her body. And Minerva was trapped. She sobbed until she couldn’t, the tremors subsiding as her energy was lost.
 Minerva would take care of her wound and duties later, the chasms of sleep taking her in.
Lucy woke up with a startle, her dreams a distorted flashback of what occurred only a couple hours ago. She was in her own bed, the pink comforter tucked in at her sides. Lucy threw the covers off of herself, only one thing on her mind -her lacrima phone.
 Oh how she wished Minerva had been by her side when she had awakened, but that, sadly, wasn’t the reality she lived in. She was sure that the Sabertooth mage returned home safely. Minerva was just too capable.
 Scrounging through the items in her school bag, she couldn’t find the damned device anywhere. Lucy picked every piece of her room apart in the search for it, but it was no luck. She huffed and plopped down on her bed, the previous hours relaying through her head. The ride with Minerva had been fun but her little “club” was a shock… And then there was her battle with that insane and fiery red head.
 At the thought, Lucy frantically looked over her body for any injuries. Her wrists weren’t burned and her stomach…
 Lifting her night shirt, there wasn’t a scratch. And no blemishes on her skin to signify that she had been injured. Weird, she thought. She distinctly remembered the pain she had suffered not too long ago, but nothing, not one thing to confirm it. Maybe it had been a nightmare after all.
 Her bedside table rattled, the piece of furniture chattering. It was her pink lacrima phone! Picking the gadget up, there was an incoming call from Gray. She pressed down on the red button, sighing.
 When she scrolled through her notifications, she had many messages and missed calls. Most
of them being from her current problem, Gray. She really felt so bad for the guy, he was one of her best friends after all. She wished that he would get the hint already. No matter how Lucy explained to him she wasn’t interested anymore. At this point it was a matter of his stubbornness or that he really didn’t understand, she doubted the ladder choice.
 The rest were from Natsu, Yukino, and… Minerva. She grinned at the text, excited for what she could have possibly sent her.
 She left her phone open on the message as she got ready. Lucy was giddy and filled with a newfound energy, there was no way she could decline Minerva.  
 Minerva: Last night didn’t go as I expected and I’m sure you weren’t impressed either. Would you be willing to let me take you out again?
 She was so sure that today was going to be much better. That was until there was a timid knock at the door. The person she had least wanted to see standing behind that door.
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years
8th house your lesson part 1/2
8th house Aries cusp:
You were born with an aura of the independent pilot. The world itself seems to move slow and almost in a sense out of your orbit. You’re not at all a stranger to intensity or the idea of loss which can come as both a massive hurt to those around you but also an air of emotional absence in the times it matters most. Aries being the child of the zodiac translates to the realm of transformation and rebirth via personal immaturity which in itself means that you often travel down the road of trial and error longer than most and at times to your own detriment. Your lesson is to realize that as much as you’ve mastered self preservation you must also realize that the world is made up of plenty of main characters besides you and some of these characters love and care about you if you’d take your foot of the gas for a moment to see.
Who you share it with: Jay z, Madonna, Keanu Reeves, Walt Disney
Fictional characters like you:
Alfie Solomon & Arthur Shelby(peaky blinders)FX
Nora durst & meg(The Leftovers) HBO
Noah solloway(The affair)Showtime
☄️Arctic monkeys - if you were there
☄️The Kills - pull a u
8th house Taurus cusp:
You were born with a natural sense of stability. The world to you seems easy, people in your eyes throw a fit for nothing, for what reason is there to shout about your discomfort when you could simply create a comfortable situation? You always seek bliss and at times this can cause others to walk around you as if glass were laid about the floor as no one wants to be left in the dust after you deem them to much of a damper to your good mood. It’s easy for you to discontinue something that’s not providing in a sense which is both good and bad as sometimes those you let go are oblivious to the slow burn that’s been taking place underneath your unfazed exterior. Your lesson is to learn that others shouldn’t be casualties in your search for the sensuality and security you seek and security shouldn’t be your sole hold to this world! For what should happen where you to lose all you have?
Who you share it with: Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé knowles, Britney Spears, Adolf hitler.
Fictional characters like you:
Clay Jenson(13 reasons why)Netflix
Wolfgang & Lito Rodriguez(sense8) Netflix
Sydney Barrett(legion) FX
🍃Arctic monkeys - 505
🍃jack white - would you fight for my love
8th house Gemini cusp:
You were born naturally in a pair of two on a emotional level. Parts of you are presented to a situation as is whilst there are often entire personalities inside you bustling around like the streets of New York. Due to your back and forth and often immensely “screened” nature it’s hard for people to truly meet you, which is often further intensified by the way this energy manifest in true Gemini like fashion which is all around like a cyclone never directly landing on target. In emotional times it’s easier for you to hop into one of your varying personas rather than outright dealing with it thus causing venom to build up until it becomes its on separate persona. Your lesson is to realize that the more you try to hide in a crowd inside yourself the less you’ll be able to successfully bring out the real you; let go of the fear you have of confronting the real hurts in you.
Who you share it with: Nicole Kidman, Katy Perry, Bjork, Tom Cruise
Fictional characters like you:
Dexter Morgan( dexter) USA
Rosita & Eugene(The walking dead) AMC
Sansa Stark(game of thrones) HBO
🌴Daughter - dreams of William
🌴Daughter - no care
8th house cancer cusp:
You were born naturally with the ability to embody sincerity and the moon itself. Love and intimacy come easy to you but that same internal forethought is lost externally. It can be hard for you to express your more sensitive and emotive side to those whom you’re untrusting, doubly so to those you actually care for. With cancer here there is a tendency to get carried away with ones emotions often drowned in whatever sea of emotion they happen to be feeling be it anger, sadness, hate, love, and even nothingness is felt with a deep rooted intensity. Your lack of a healthy medium can at times make those around you feel like they’re being given a silent but overwhelming ultimatum. Your lesson is to learn to dial back the lever. Not everything needs to be a black or white end or be all sensation! Try and find a healthy calm before the storm.
Who you share it with: brad Pitt, Scarlett Johansson, Bruce lee, Kim Kardashian
Fictional characters like you:
Jon snow & arya Stark(game of thrones) HBO
Barry brown & pope(animal kingdom)USA
Mr-robot, Angela moss & Darlene Alderson(Mr. robot)USA
🌑jack white - Love is blindness
🌑ane burn all my tears
8th house Leo cusp:
You were born with a inner flame that serves as a driving force between much of what you do. Your ego is both endearing and something to admire out of how through sheer will and individual reliance you push through much of your turmoil. The issue here lies in the spectacle you make of your own misfortune as some inner part of you needs to be recognized for your sorrow, your pain. The innate desire you have to be recognized at times devours the actuality of what you’re going through, it removes the depth that’s been bestowed upon you. Your lesson is to learn to navigate away from public recognition! Not everyone needs to know what lies deep in your closet-nor do you need to relish in telling them about it.
Who you share it with: Jesus Christ, Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey, Ariana grande, Virgin Mary
Fictional characters like you:
Micky milkovich & frank Gallagher(shameless) showtime
Ulrich Nielson(dark) Netflix
Francis underwood & Thomas Yates( House of cards) Netflix
⛅️The smiths - how soon is now
⛅️The psychedelic furs - Love my way
8th house Virgo cusp:
You were born with a rather reserved and impartial energy. There is a noticeable preference to stay out of involvement or as one would say to keep an observant yet detached liaison with ones surroundings here. Ideally you seek intimacy of the mind rather than physical intimacy outright which occasionally clashes with your unconscious need for “touch.” The cutting nature of Virgo is extremely amplified here often creating literal Barriers between you and the outside world around you which may be good in some cases but not always. Unfortunately your more sacrificing and caring traits are shadowed by the cold and often meticulously thought out side you present. Your lesson is to understand that people are flawed, but most importantly as a human your too are indeed flawed.
Who you share it with: Barack Obama, Megan Fox, Nicki Minaj, Russell Crowe, Naomi Campbell.
Fictional characters like you:
Doug stamper & Claire underwood(house of cards) Netflix
Javier pereira(good behavior) USA
Bette Davis(feud: Bette and Joan) FX
🍂The dead weather - rocking horse
🍂Johnny cash - mercy seat
8th house libra cusp:
You were born with a almost unbelievable amount of innocence and charm. Socially your impeccable always capable of giving the world and those around you exactly what they’ve wanted and more. Ironically the weighted nature of libra here actuality provides a bit of clarity on the darker themes associated with the 8th house. You find transformations something more on the side of beauty rather than something on the side of the vulgar and obstructive. There is a dying goddess syndrome associated with this placement being the fact that those whom have this seem to see a gradual death of their beauty only to be completely remodeled even more beautiful than they were previously. Though despite the ease presented here shallowness and inaccessibility cloud you, as often speaking upon real and dark matters with you seem to scare the child in you that wants to see the world as jolly and amicable. Your lesson is to see the beauty in not only the pure side of life but also the struggles and pains that exist; not to turn a blind eye but to see the truth before you.
Who you share it with: michael Jackson, George Clooney, Orlando bloom, David bowe, Whitney Houston.
Fictional characters like you:
Joshua ‘j’ Cody & Catherine brown(animal kingdom) USA
Tyrese, Gabriel stoked & Paul “Jesus”(walking dead) AMC
Celeste wright & ed Mackenzie(Big little lies) HBO
🐿nena - 99 luftballons
🐿Tracy Chapman - fast car
8th house Scorpio cusp:
You were born with an atmosphere of death, like that of a one winged angel out of sight of the sky. Much like Aries intensity is no foreigner to you Nor is the concept of darkness in the life around you. Unlike most you’ve seen the hardships, the falls, the wounds, the scars of the broken. Scorpio is at home in this house-often in such a way that these natives seem the most alive despite the overwhelming flow of contempt that surrounds them. You’re capable of deep healing-healing that could bring someone out of the very clouds themselves but this is something deep within you that just first require you to meet the winged demons lurking around in your own mind and soul. People are frightened by your true nature and because of this at times you wear a cloak around those be it a smile or an exaggerated sense of happiness just so they don’t leave you. Your lesson is to realize that just because people can’t expect your truth doesn’t mean your to much nor does it mean you’re evil or too dark it means your path is unique and your path is one unlike any others.
Who you share it with: Rihanna, Shakira,zayn malik, James Dean, Ryan gosling.
Fictional characters like you:
Ellen barkin & deran Cody(animal kingdom) USA
Maeve Millay & Dr Robert Ford(westworld)HBO
8th house Sagittarius cusp:
Many sag in the 8th house natives are born with a very obscure but unique two Time life trait. Often these natives live life in stage one, infantile and erratic, living life without remorse or commitment-flying from the next fleeting feeling to the next then crashing into phase two the more quietly observant years-viewing the world yet reacting only when necessary, optimistic and deeply self spiritual in what they deem as the unknown. Commitment is something that you grow into, not necessarily something that comes naturally like with most people which can cause you trouble in the realm of romance and the realm of overall projects and even things as small as a job. At some point in these natives lives there is a turning point in which they no longer are a horse prancing about they become a true centaur capable of deep and often soulful commitment to another or whatever calls them forth but as with the 8th house this is a trait that takes time to cultivate. Your lesson in this life is to learn that settling down and committing in no way shape or form takes away any ability for you to live or explore the world any more than you would’ve been capable without! It’s okay to love and belong to something the world won’t stop moving I promise. Stop sabotaging relationships that are good for you just because you’re afraid of missing out on a party that’ll never come.
Who you share it with: Martin Luther king, Mikey Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Mariah Carey, snoop dog.
Fictional characters like you:
Kevin Garvey & matt lamison(the leftovers)HBO
Lenny busker & Kerry loudermilk(Legion)
John Shelby & May Carleton(peaky blinders) Netflix
🐎kid bloom - I kissed a girl and she kissed me
🐎Roosevelt - Montreal
8th house Capricorn cusp:
Ah Capricorn in the 8th your were born with wisdom, wisdom that both to your befit and detriment has aged you before you were even able to waddle across the ground. You have a more astute nature about you, one that makes it clear to others that you’re not to be trifled with. Often there is a heavy energy that shrouds you, capable of bringing a room to a complete stand still once mastered-though in the same token this ability of respect also causes alienation amongst those closest and dear. The world in your eyes is a constant high rise uphill battle, one you refuse for any reason to let get the jump upon you. The bravado and tenacity you’re capable of at times can get you to the top but at what cost? The question for natives of this placements is wether or not power and prestige tower over love and care? Money and glory or intimacy and vulnerability? Your lesson plain and simple is to open your heart, allow the inevitability or a let down or a sad day to touch your heart! Because even though you’d like it not to be true you feel pain and you need a gentle hug as much as the person besides you.
Who you share it with: Albert Einstein, lady Gaga, Sandra Bullock, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.
🐺Chris isaak - wicked game
🐺placebo - running up that Hill
8th house Aquarius cusp:
You were born with a natural detachment from your own body, There has always been a at times cold, yet alarmingly far away nature about you. These natives where often the unproblematic child when growing up on an emotional level, sure outburst were occupant from time to time-but that more childlike and often emotive nature present in us all just wasn’t there with these natives. The older you get the more detachment begins to embody you often leading to the creation similarly to Gemini of alter egos, varying emotional responses, along with altogether emotional alienation. The processing of emotions is either non existent-or a painful process for you leading to avoidance of the big picture which is usually that these natives repress childhood trauma and even present trauma to the point of numbness-leading to a plethora of random, and seemingly obscure emotional reactions at inappropriate moments or moments of aloneness. Either you feel it or you don’t and often times you prefer it to be the latter which can often create an aura of being out of reach which causes many who romantically or even are related to these individuals to seek out reactions from the natives by any means which only serves to further cause the native to dive into themselves. Your lesson is to confront the big bad red door that you’ve placed so many chains upon, take it day by day, year by year if need be and slowly but gradually confront all those demons! Learn their names, their triggers, their motives and their sob stories-and feel every painful rushing feeling-let yourself be alive.
Who you share it with: Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, bill gates, will smith, Mel Gibson, Tyra Banks & George w. Bush.
Fictional characters like you:
Elliot alderson & Joanna wellick(Mr. robot) USA
Lydia & Allison argent(teen wolf)MTV
🌫Stardust - music sounds better with you
🌫 Daughter - run
8th house Pisces cusp:
You were born with a deep receptivity to this world. Often times emotions much like Scorpio and cancer here are the theme but in a much more powerfully cosmic sense! You feel the world around you-it’s tension and quiet underflow which often can be easily overwhelming for these natives unknown to those whom happen to be close to them. Their is a sense of grief for these natives one that colors them even in their happiest moments it always seems like something is wrong and slightly adjacent. Intimacy is something that comes naturally for these natives but is also something that’s subtly avoided out of fear of being so dependent on another that the ego itself is lost in the transaction. They deeply fear the loss of their own selves through another which often causes a repulsion to the idea of sex or commitment yet Pisces nature always somehow leads them directly into the fray as if it were a moving train. Your love is very genuine and true but it can also be so honest and sincere that those whom aren’t ready often find themselves either attracted to what they can take from you or feel as though they don’t deserve you. Your lesson is to grasp yourself from the world of the spiritual-to create an earthy manifestation to ground yourself with, to learn and feel through the energy around you and see who’s deserving and who’s using you-to love the world but also to allow yourself to be loved in the same passion you do it. Stop absorbing all the personalities around you and cultivate your own otherwise you’ll lose track of the real you.
Who you share it with: Marilyn Monroe, Donald trump, Johnny Depp, Drake, Selena Gomez
Fictional characters like you:
Alison Lockhart & Helen solloway(the affair) showtime
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Transiting Ceres enters Libra
September 6 - November 11, 2018
Ceres is peregrine in Libra - she has some strong associations with the Taurus-Scorpio polarity, and with Cancer and Virgo. This particular placement, therefore, may not seem ideal. As we know from the myths, we might almost consider Ceres/Demeter as antagonistic toward marriage. We also have the undeniable fact that Venus and Juno will both be in their retrograde zones during these weeks. How existing notions about “marriage” affect the family structure and the care of children will be a strong focus for the next couple of months.
We’re going to apply the Libran attributes of beauty, fairness, justice, and balance to all of Ceres’ areas.
Procreative sexuality: people joining together for the purpose of creating and raising children? Libra being more about the legalities and the ceremonies of partnership, though - as well as the fact that there aren’t any aspects screaming “FERTILITY!” -  I wouldn’t necessarily expect results.
Unconditional love: Libra sometimes has a lot to learn about unconditional love. There tends to be an element of reciprocity when this sign considers that emotion, which Ceres isn’t happy with. The placement often worries too much about being loved back.
Parenting, child care, and children’s education: I keep hearing a lot of parent types putting up with a lot of “But it’s not fair!” A more positive way for this to work out, would be to enroll Junior in some artistic enrichment program. We may experience struggles with sharing the child-raising responsibilities equally between partners.
Family: again, balance is the keyword. That and “legality.” That these will be issues in the US is a certainty, particularly with the possibility of another right-wing US Supreme Court justice being rubber-stamped. On a more personal level, as seen with the “growth, productivity, and work” section, we’ll seek to balance out home and jobs.
Helping professions, e.g. nursing and teaching: some of the most undervalued people, at least in the US, are members of the helping vocations - which still have been belittled as “women’s work.” Legal challenges around these professions could arise
Agriculture: food: of course, the concept of the balanced diet shows up, with perhaps a little more care and concern given to the “presentation” aspect of food preparation.
Growth, productivity, work: another area where “balance” can have an interesting effect. We may feel that our jobs take up too much of our energies and efforts, and will seek ways to escape from the workload. Or, unfair conditions on the job spur us to take action to make the workplace more equitable.
Loss and renewal: balance is the Libra keyword to apply here.
There are three conjunctions for Ceres during her trip through Libra. Most of the other aspects are of the “challenging” persuasion.
Celebrities with Ceres in Libra:
Mozart, Mark Ruffalo, Britney Spears, Shakira, Kanye, Eminem, Oprah Winfrey, Orlando Bloom, James Dean, Angela Merkel, Richard Gere, Michael Fassbender, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Victor Hugo, Bruce Springsteen, Julius Caesar, Jackie Chan, Sigourney Weaver, Simone de Beauvoir, Usain Bolt, James Hetfield, Judy Garland, Bette Davis, Jamie Foxx, Immanuel Kant, Luciano Pavarotti
Friday, September 7, Chiron Rx/Aries opposite Ceres/Libra, 0:48; Tuesday, September 11, Saturn/Capricorn square Ceres/Libra, 2:34
Not a very good way to start a transit, is it, coming from places of hurt (Chiron) and frustration (Saturn). Not-new issues with our own parents recur, especially if we didn’t do enough (or anything) to address them in the past. This may also show some difficulties about food and nourishment - they’d be denied, or at least curtailed. The key to resolution is in the Cancer qualities of taking care of ourselves as best we can, without allowing “consensus society” to dictate the terms. We need some self-care to balance out the demands of life. The Libra Moon on the 10th will exacerbate the situation(s).
Planets/Points lie between 0:00 and 3:34 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 14:48 and 18:34 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Thursday, September 13, North Node/Leo sextile Ceres/Libra, 3:21; South Node/Aquarius trine Ceres/Libra, 3:21
“Self-care to balance out the demands of life” could be something we adapt as a personality trait, with this sextile/trine. As an example, when I was a new mother I was frequently advised, “You nap when the baby does!” We aren’t going to be very productive if we’re run down, and if nobody else is going to take care of us….
Planets/Points affected lie between 2:21 and 4:21 of the yang signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Thursday, September 27, Mercury/Libra conjunct Ceres/Libra, 9:38
The beginning of a new cycle between Mercury and Ceres, lasting not quite 16 months. It’s an excellent time to set intentions about “the nurturing principle combined with mental expression,” per Demetra George (Asteroid Goddesses). She went on to write, “Integration can be achieved if the individual develops new communication skills that enable them to clearly articulate their needs and actively listen to and receive the responses of others.”
Planets/Points affected lie between 8:38 and 10:38 of the signs Aries*, Gemini, Cancer*, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn*, and Aquarius.
Sunday, October 7, Sun/Libra conjunct Ceres/Libra, 14:05
Another new cycle begins. We might set further intentions concerning (Demetra again) “developing a positive sense of self-worth so that one may extend and receive loving, non-judgmental support.” In Libra “non-judgmental” is especially emphasized! Too often we seek to validate ourselves through other people, and Libra is especially susceptible to that behavior. The New Moon occurs on October 8, so this conjunction will be a big part of the work of that “moon-th.”
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:05 and 15:05 of the signs Aries*, Gemini, Cancer*, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn*, and Aquarius.
Wednesday, October 17, Pluto/Capricorn square Ceres/Libra, 18:50
The traditional enemies squaring off. This particular square is of the “turning away from” variety, and they will remain in this phase of their relationship for the next two months or so. The Ceres themes of loss and letting go will manifest, depending on what Ceres and Pluto are up to in your own chart. Demetra wrote, “The resolution of these challenges lies in transforming one’s attachments through accepting the teaching of the Ceres-Pluto myth - that return and renewal follow letting go, that every death is followed by a birth, and that every loss is replenished by a gain. Thus, a real understanding of this truth permanently erases the fear of loss from one’s subconscious mind and replaces it with trust, acceptance, and joy.” Over October 16/17, the Moon will be in Capricorn, shedding some growing light on what will go.
Planets/Points affected lie between 17:50 and 19:50 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 2:50 and 4:50 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Tuesday, November 6, Venus Rx/Libra conjunct Ceres/Libra, 27:25
Second of three, due to Venus’ retrograde cycle - #1 was back in July, at 7+ degrees Virgo; #3 happens this December, at 19+ Scorpio. Note that the beginning and ending signs are Ceres’ territory - but here in the middle, we’re on Venus’ turf. What we’re working on (Demetra) is the “link between the feeling of being attractive and loved to subconscious images of self-worth.” Or, on validating ourselves through others. This day is also Election Day in the US - and the conjunction will be joined by a Libra Moon!
Planets/Points affected lie between 26:25 and 28:25 of the signs Aries*, Gemini, Cancer*, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn*, and Aquarius.
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ezatluba · 3 years
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As Seagrass Habitats Decline, Florida Manatees Are Dying Of Starvation
Over 10% Of Florida's Total Manatee Population Has Died So Far This Year
June 21, 2021
Manatees are large marine mammals native to Florida that spend their time grazing on sea grass in shallow coastal areas. Since January, recorded manatee deaths have been nearly triple that of the same period for each of the past five years.
In Florida, wildlife managers and environmental groups are stunned by a record number of manatee deaths. More than 750 manatees have died since the beginning of the year, the most deaths ever recorded in a five month period. Most of the deaths are in Florida's Indian River Lagoon, where a large die-off of seagrass has left manatees without enough to eat.
Indian River Lagoon isn't actually a river. It's a large estuary bounded by barrier islands on Florida's Atlantic coast, extending more than 150 miles from Cape Canaveral to Stuart. For years, there have been concerns about declining water quality in the lagoon, caused by a number of factors including development, septic systems, storm water runoff and warming temperatures from climate change.
The lagoon's tipping point
Those problems culminated in 2011 when an algae super bloom covered more than 130-thousand acres of the lagoon's water, blocking the sunlight and causing a massive die-off of seagrass. "In hindsight," Ryan Brushwood, a local biologist says, "it probably was the tipping point."
The lagoon saw algae blooms earlier this year in January. Brushwood, who works for a company that plants seagrass in the estuary, says, "When those blooms were really bad, you couldn't see your hand below the surface. There wasn't a lot of light getting to the plants."
Manatees love Indian River Lagoon, and for years it provided them with lush seagrass to eat. That's not the case now. Chuck Jacoby, an environmental scientist with the regional water district has monitored the seagrass decline. Over a 10 year period, he says, "There's been a decrease of about 46,000 acres." That's a 58% decline of the total acres over the decade.
Indian River Lagoon is a special and fragile place. It's one of the most biodiverse estuaries in the Northern Hemisphere, home to 35 species that are endangered or threatened. Nearly a third of Florida's manatees spend some time in the lagoon each year, but the large die-off of seagrass has left them without enough to eat.
A SeaWorld rescue operations team finds a sick manatee in need of rehabilitation.
Jon Peterson heads rescue operations at SeaWorld in Orlando. Since December, his staff has been busy responding to the large numbers of sick and dying manatees.
"It's really eye-awakening when you watch what's going on," he says. "You have animals that are out there floating high to what you would, in a normal year, you would think it's a punctured lung from a boat strike. What it's turning out to be is a starvation event."
An "Unusual Mortality Event" that may be far from over
The high number of manatee deaths this year led the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate it an "Unusual Mortality Event" and open an investigation. The entire population of manatees in Florida is estimated at no more than 6,800.
"When you're talking [about] a population like that and you have a loss of 700 in the first quarter of the year," Peterson says, "it's a very scary look right now."
SeaWorld is one of four facilities in Florida that rehabilitates sick and injured manatees. His staff is caring for 28 of them. Ten are so weak, they're getting nutrition through feeding tubes. Because the manatees have lost so much weight, rehabilitation takes longer than usual.
"You're talking an animal that's down ... 400, 500 pounds," Peterson says. "It will take us three to five months to put that weight back up there to get them to a point where we can release them."
A team at SeaWorld in Orlando, Fla., nurse underfed manatees back to health.
Manatees don't do well in cold water, which is why they congregate during the winter months in Indian River Lagoon and other warm coastal areas. Now that it is warming up, scientists say manatees are beginning to disperse to other areas along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts where they may find ample seagrass. But by late fall, they'll return again in large numbers to familiar waters, including the lagoon.
Michael Walsh, an associate professor at the University of Florida who specializes in aquatic animal health, is worried this mortality event may be far from over. "We have a compromised system that the animals have to utilize and stay in," he says, "but the food is not there in the same amount it used to be."
Manatees need a large-scale restoration effort
The key to helping manatees, Walsh and other scientists say, is to get the Indian River Lagoon healthy again. That will take years, maybe decades, but there are signs of progress. Florida just allocated a half billion dollars to begin phasing out septic systems, a key contributor to the region's nutrient pollution.
In the lagoon, Brushwood's company, Sea and Shoreline, is having success restoring seagrass. Working on a grant from the National Estuary program, Sea and Shoreline planted two acres of a resilient species of seagrass last June. A year later, it's thriving. Similar replanting efforts helped bring back healthy seagrass beds in Crystal River, another manatee habitat in Florida.
Brushwood believes that with enough time and funding, a large-scale effort could bring seagrass back in Indian River Lagoon and tip things back in favor of the manatees.
0 notes
your-dietician · 3 years
the celebrities sitting front row at fashion shows
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Fashion has returned to Paris, and with it comes a host of A-list names.
The biannual Haute Couture Week is in full swing in the French capital, attracting scores of actresses, models and influencers to the city.
Taking place between Monday and Thursday, this season’s couture week includes a return to physical runway shows by a number of labels, as well as digital presentations from a wealth of maisons.
The calendar kicked off with virtual showcases from Schiaparelli, Iris van Herpen and Giambattista Valli, as well as online presentations from Lebanese brands Georges Hobeika and Maison Rabih Kayrouz.
Scroll through the gallery above to see which stars are in Paris for Haute Couture Week.
Christian Dior, meanwhile, staged a return to the runway with an in-person show, inviting a curated group of famous faces, editors and industry professionals to the unveiling of its autumn / winter 2021-22 couture collection.
Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence, The Martian star Jessica Chastain and Little Women actress Florence Pugh were all in attendance, along with models Cara Delevingne and Suki Waterhouse.
Dressed in looks from the storied label, the stars were also joined at the event by influencer and designer Karen Wazen, who lives in Dubai.
Also taking place in Paris on Monday evening was a celebrity-studded dinner to fete a new collection of fragrances by Louis Vuitton.
Stars including Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, and actress Diane Kruger joined creative director Nicolas Ghesquiere for the glitzy bash held at the brand’s French headquarters in the city.
The event was held to celebrate a collaboration with architect Frank Gehry, who designed the bottles for five new scents, imagined by master perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud.
Couture Week is set to welcome live catwalks from more labels in the coming days, such as Lebanon’s Zuhair Murad, Chanel, Giorgio Armani Prive and Jean Paul Gaultier.
Updated: July 6th 2021, 8:22 AM
Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.
The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?
My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it’s downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn’t long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.
The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It’s like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they’re still in the testing phase. It isn’t terrible, but something isn’t quite right either.
So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it’s probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.
    NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
NBA Finals results
Game 1: Warriors 124, Cavaliers 114 Game 2: Warriors 122, Cavaliers 103 Game 3: Cavaliers 102, Warriors 110 Game 4: In Cleveland, Sunday (Monday morning UAE)
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
Tips for used car buyers
Choose cars with GCC specifications
Get a service history for cars less than five years old
Don’t go cheap on the inspection
Check for oil leaks
Do a Google search on the standard problems for your car model
Do your due diligence. Get a transfer of ownership done at an official RTA centre
Check the vehicle’s condition. You don’t want to buy a car that’s a good deal but ends up costing you Dh10,000 in repairs every month
Validate warranty and service contracts with the relevant agency and and make sure they are valid when ownership is transferred
If you are planning to sell the car soon, buy one with a good resale value. The two most popular cars in the UAE are black or white in colour and other colours are harder to sell
Tarek Kabrit, chief executive of Seez, and Imad Hammad, chief executive and co-founder of CarSwitch.com
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
ETFs explained
Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.
ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.
There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
Tax authority targets shisha levy evasion
The Federal Tax Authority will track shisha imports with electronic markers to protect customers and ensure levies have been paid.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, director of the tax authority, on Sunday said the move is to “prevent tax evasion and support the authority’s tax collection efforts”.
The scheme’s first phase, which came into effect on 1st January, 2019, covers all types of imported and domestically produced and distributed cigarettes. As of May 1, importing any type of cigarettes without the digital marks will be prohibited.
He said the latest phase will see imported and locally produced shisha tobacco tracked by the final quarter of this year.
“The FTA also maintains ongoing communication with concerned companies, to help them adapt their systems to meet our requirements and coordinate between all parties involved,” he said.
As with cigarettes, shisha was hit with a 100 per cent tax in October 2017, though manufacturers and cafes absorbed some of the costs to prevent prices doubling.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
What is the Supreme Petroleum Council?
The Abu Dhabi Supreme Petroleum Council was established in 1988 and is the highest governing body in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas industry. The council formulates, oversees and executes the emirate’s petroleum-related policies. It also approves the allocation of capital spending across state-owned Adnoc’s upstream, downstream and midstream operations and functions as the company’s board of directors. The SPC’s mandate is also required for auctioning oil and gas concessions in Abu Dhabi and for awarding blocks to international oil companies. The council is chaired by Sheikh Khalifa, the President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi while Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is the vice chairman.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
Catchweight 82kg Piotr Kuberski (POL) beat Ahmed Saeb (IRQ) by decision.
Women’s bantamweight Corinne Laframboise (CAN) beat Cornelia Holm (SWE) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Omar Hussein (PAL) beat Vitalii Stoian (UKR) by unanimous decision.
Welterweight Josh Togo (LEB) beat Ali Dyusenov (UZB) by unanimous decision.
Flyweight Isaac Pimentel (BRA) beat Delfin Nawen (PHI) TKO round-3.
Catchweight 80kg​​​​​​​ Seb Eubank (GBR) beat Emad Hanbali (SYR) KO round 1.
Lightweight Mohammad Yahya (UAE) beat Ramadan Noaman (EGY) TKO round 2.
Lightweight Alan Omer (GER) beat Reydon Romero (PHI) submission 1.
Welterweight Juho Valamaa (FIN) beat Ahmed Labban (LEB) by unanimous decision.
Featherweight Elias Boudegzdame (ALG) beat Austin Arnett (USA) by unanimous decision.
Super heavyweight Maciej Sosnowski (POL) beat Ibrahim El Sawi (EGY) by submission round 1.
One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  One in nine do not have enough to eat
Created in 1961, the World Food Programme is pledged to fight hunger worldwide as well as providing emergency food assistance in a crisis.
One of the organisation’s goals is the Zero Hunger Pledge, adopted by the international community in 2015 as one of the 17 Sustainable Goals for Sustainable Development, to end world hunger by 2030.
The WFP, a branch of the United Nations, is funded by voluntary donations from governments, businesses and private donations.
Almost two thirds of its operations currently take place in conflict zones, where it is calculated that people are more than three times likely to suffer from malnutrition than in peaceful countries.
It is currently estimated that one in nine people globally do not have enough to eat.
On any one day, the WFP estimates that it has 5,000 lorries, 20 ships and 70 aircraft on the move.
Outside emergencies, the WFP provides school meals to up to 25 million children in 63 countries, while working with communities to improve nutrition. Where possible, it buys supplies from developing countries to cut down transport cost and boost local economies.
  The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Price, base / as tested: Dh101,140 / Dh113,800

Engine: Turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder

Power: 148hp @ 5,500rpm

Torque: 250Nm @ 2,000rpm

Transmission: Eight-speed CVT

Fuel consumption, combined: 7.0L / 100km
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
The flights Etihad and Emirates fly direct from the UAE to Delhi from about Dh950 return including taxes. The hotels Double rooms at Tijara Fort-Palace cost from 6,670 rupees (Dh377), including breakfast. Doubles at Fort Bishangarh cost from 29,030 rupees (Dh1,641), including breakfast. Doubles at Narendra Bhawan cost from 15,360 rupees (Dh869). Doubles at Chanoud Garh cost from 19,840 rupees (Dh1,122), full board. Doubles at Fort Begu cost from 10,000 rupees (Dh565), including breakfast. The tours  Amar Grover travelled with Wild Frontiers. A tailor-made, nine-day itinerary via New Delhi, with one night in Tijara and two nights in each of the remaining properties, including car/driver, costs from £1,445 (Dh6,968) per person.
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
Three trading apps to try
Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:
For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
I Feel Pretty Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel  
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 – Group 1 (PA) $65,000 (Dirt) 2,000m; Winner: Brraq, Ryan Curatolo (jockey), Jean-Claude Pecout (trainer)
7.05pm: Handicap (TB) $65,000 (Turf) 1,800m; Winner: Bright Melody, James Doyle, Charlie Appleby
7.40pm: Meydan Classic – Listed (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,600m; Winner: Naval Crown, Mickael Barzalona, Charlie Appleby
8.15pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy – Group 3 (TB) $195,000 (T) 2,810m; Winner: Volcanic Sky, Frankie Dettori, Saeed bin Suroor
8.50pm: Dubai Millennium Stakes – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (T) 2,000m; Winner: Star Safari, William Buick, Charlie Appleby
9.25pm: Meydan Challenge – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (T) 1,400m; Winner: Zainhom, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The specs: Hyundai Ionic Hybrid
Price, base: Dh117,000 (estimate)
Engine: 1.6L four-cylinder, with 1.56kWh battery
Transmission: Six-speed automatic
Power: 105hp (engine), plus 43.5hp (battery)
Torque: 147Nm (engine), plus 170Nm (battery)
Fuel economy, combined: 3.4L / 100km
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
The biog
Favourite car: Ferrari
Likes the colour: Black
Best movie: Avatar
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in media production from the Higher Colleges of Technology and diploma in production from the New York Film Academy
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
Race card
6.30pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (Dirt) 1.600m
7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 2,000m
7.50pm: Handicap (TB) Dh 82,500 (D) 1,600m
8.15pm: The Garhoud Sprint Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 1,200m
8.50pm: The Entisar Listed (TB) Dh 132,500 (D) 2,000m
9.25pm: Conditions (TB) Dh 120,000 (D) 1,400m
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
2pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (Dirt) 1,200m, Winner: AF Thayer, Tadhg O’Shea (jockey), Ernst Oertel (trainer).
2.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,200m, Winner: AF Sahwa, Nathan Crosse, Mohamed Ramadan.
3pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,000m, Winner: AF Thobor, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
3.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 2,000m, Winner: AF Mezmar, Szczepan Mazur, Ernst Oertel.
4pm: Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup presented by Longines (TB) Dh 200,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Galvanize, Nathan Cross, Doug Watson.
4.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh 40,000 (D) 1,700m, Winner: Ajaj, Bernardo Pinheiro, Mohamed Daggash.
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
Porsche Taycan Turbo specs
Engine: Two permanent-magnet synchronous AC motors
Transmission: two-speed
Power: 671hp
Torque: 1050Nm
Range: 450km
Price: Dh601,800
On sale: now
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
$1,000 award for 1,000 days on madrasa portal
Daily cash awards of $1,000 dollars will sweeten the Madrasa e-learning project by tempting more pupils to an education portal to deepen their understanding of math and sciences.
School children are required to watch an educational video each day and answer a question related to it. They then enter into a raffle draw for the $1,000 prize.
“We are targeting everyone who wants to learn. This will be $1,000 for 1,000 days so there will be a winner every day for 1,000 days,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, project manager of the Madrasa e-learning platform that was launched on Tuesday by the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, to reach Arab pupils from kindergarten to grade 12 with educational videos.  
“The objective of the Madrasa is to become the number one reference for all Arab students in the world. The 5,000 videos we have online is just the beginning, we have big ambitions. Today in the Arab world there are 50 million students. We want to reach everyone who is willing to learn.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Are you blond? No, I’m a brunette.
Does it bother you when people have a collar turned up? I don’t care.
Are your nails painted? If so, what color? If not, do you like nail polish? It’s been a few years since I last painted them.
Are you awesome? No.
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? I liked Barney and Baby Bop.
Have you been to the Bzoink Forums yet? Nope. I never go on Bzoink.
Does any key on your computer and or laptop stick? No.
Does fire excite you? No.
Have you ever sung in a choir? I was in choir for a few years in elementary school.
Do you go to church? I’ve been attending regularly via live stream since last year.
Have you ever had a theme(pirate, ninja, civil war) day At school, yeah. We had all kinds of different themed days.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nope.
Have you ever been to Philadelphia PA? No.
Do you think Orlando Bloom is hot? I was never attracted to him.
Do you think Twilight is over-rated? I’m not into it anymore, but I was a big fan when the books and movies were coming out. I got sucked into the hype.
When was the last time you where sick? what did you have? Well, it wasn’t CoVid, thankfully, but it did knock me on my ass from Monday through Saturday, whatever it was. <<< I’ve had something like that for the past week, too. D:
What is your favorite number? 8.
If you are a girl do you hate girl drama? I don’t want to be involved in any kind of drama.
If you are a guy do you hate girls who prolong the drama? --
I’m tired....are you? Of course.
Favorite indie music group? I like a few.
Have you ever pet a monkey? No.
Have you ever ridden a camel? No.
I am disinclined to aqueous your request. What does that phrase mean to you? I have no idea. 
Have you ever punched somebody? No.
Do you like cupcakes? Yes.
Orange or lemon flavoring? Lemon.
Can you sing opera? Pfft, no.
Touchpads or Mouse's? I have a trackpad.
Have you ever been to a Disney theme park? Yes, several times. 
Do you like bacon? Nopeee.
Have you ever wished for something to come true and it did? If yes, was the end result good or bad? Little things, probably.
Do you like Rammstein? I’ve heard of them, but I don’t listen to their music. <<<
Do you know a friend of a friend? I don’t have any friends, but yeah I’ve known many friends of friends.
Do you smile for no reason? No...
if somebody paid you a million dollars to get a green mohawk would you? Gah. I gotta say, it would be tempting... I could just wear a wig until my hair grows out again. 
Ever had a BLT? Did you like it? I don’t like bacon at all and I don’t like lettuce or tomato on my sandwiches, sooo.
Are you in college? Not anymore, I’m finished with school.
Have you ever been to a State Fair? No.
Do you like YouTube? If so what’s your favorite channel? I love YouTube.
Do you enjoy compulsively cleaning electronics? I clean underneath my keyboard quite a bit. 
What is your favorite small dog breed? Maltese are cute.
Do you smell bacon cooking? No.
Have you ever bitten anything for any unknown reason? What was it? Uhh, no...
Do you like the movie "The Master Of Disguise"? Turtle, turtle! <<< lol, that’s like the only thing I know about that movie. I’ve never actually seen it.
What is the closest thing to you that's red? There’s red on one of my throw blankets.
Have you ever gone into a toy store just to play with the toys? When I was a kid, probably.
When was the last time you went through a McDonalds PlayPlace? Wow, not since I was like... 3 or 4?
Do you have an annoying dog? No. My doggo is a goofball.
What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I’ve never been into comic books.
Do you like kids pop-up books? I loved pop up books as a kid or ones where you could open stuff or move things.
Does anybody else think bugs are cool and interesting? I certainly don’t. 
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne.
Do you own a pair of striped socks? Yeah.
What is the most random thing in your bedroom? Hmm. Some random little knickknack things.
In a normal conversation do you slip out Latin? No, I don’t know Latin.
Can you sing? Nope.
If so, what is the highest note you can reach? --
Have you ever been to the cream cheese capital of the world? No.
Was this survey random? Sure.
Have you ever been in a parade? No.
What is your mothers, mothers maiden name? Uh, nice try.
Do you have a different hairstyle? I don’t even have a hairstyle.
Am I annoying yet? Eh...
Do you like soybeans? I’ve never had a soybean.
Do you press buttons just to see what they do? No.
Do you still play Pokémon? I had a brief phase when I was a kid, but that was it.
What is your favorite Pokémon? Jigglypuff, for sure. <<< That was mine, too.
Have you ever put blue streaks in your white cats hair? I’ve never had a cat, but I wouldn’t do that if I did. 
Did you like this survey? It was okay.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Lenny Henry joins the cast of Amazon's 'Lord of the Rings' series
Lenny Henry takes half within the BBC Kids In Want and Comedian Reduction ‘Huge Night time In’ at London on April 23, 2020. (Photograph by Comedian Reduction/BBC Kids in Want/Comedian Reduction through Getty Photographs)
British comic Sir Lenny Henry has been added to the forged of Amazon’s upcoming TV collection primarily based on Lord of the Rings.
The 62-year-old star is ready to tackle an unspecified position within the blockbuster present, which can ultimately turn into the most costly tv collection ever made.
It’s going to give attention to occasions in Center Earth previous to these depicted in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings novels and its subsequent film diversifications.
Learn extra: Lord of the Rings forged members help Tolkien’s home marketing campaign
Amazon Studios in the present day introduced 20 new forged members for the present, together with Henry in addition to veteran Scottish actor Peter Mullan.
They be a part of already introduced performers, together with Saint Maud star Morfydd Clark as Galadriel — the position beforehand performed by Cate Blanchett.
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Elijah Wooden as Frodo within the ‘Lord of the Rings’ franchise. (Credit score: New Line Cinema)
The complete listing of latest additions is: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Maxim Baldry, Ian Blackburn, Kip Chapman, Anthony Crum, Maxine Cunliffe, Trystan Gravelle, Sir Lenny Henry, Thusitha Jayasundera, Fabian McCallum, Simon Merrells, Geoff Morrell, Peter Mullan, Lloyd Owen, Augustus Prew, Peter Tait, Alex Tarrant, Leon Wadham, Benjamin Walker and Sara Zwangobani.
Learn extra: Orlando Bloom can’t wait to see Lord of the Rings present
J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay are serving as showrunners for the collection, with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom filmmaker J.A. Bayona stepping in to direct the primary two episodes.
The present is presently filming in New Zealand, having been delayed earlier within the yr because of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Ian McKellen as Gandalf in ‘Lord of the Rings’. (Credit score: New Line Cinema)
Amazon shelled out $250m (£185m) to safe the rights to this phase of Center Earth mythology and can reportedly spend $1bn (£741m) over the course of a number of seasons.
The streamer might be hoping that they will get a chunk of the monetary success that has greeted J.R.R. Tolkien diversifications on the large display screen, with the Lord of the Rings trilogy incomes $2.96bn (£2.2bn) worldwide and The Hobbit movies including an additional $2.93bn (£2.18bn).
Learn extra: Elijah Wooden reveals ideas on Lord of the Rings TV present
Story continues
Little is thought in regards to the secretive collection, although on-line casting calls earlier this yr appeared to counsel the extent of grownup materials could possibly be nearer to Recreation of Thrones than the household really feel of the flicks.
The Lord of the Rings TV collection is predicted to debut in 2021.
Watch: Elijah Wooden on why Lord of the Rings nonetheless resonates
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/lenny-henry-joins-the-cast-of-amazons-lord-of-the-rings-series/ via https://growthnews.in
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quiet-sunny-corner · 7 years
@bisexual-turin tagged me, thank you!! I’m gonna do it again even though I think I did this (or something similar) recently XD these are too fun lol
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Relationship status: single af lol
Chapstick or lipstick: chapstick every day, I have like 15 different ones in my house 
Favorite colors: golds and reds, even though most of my wardrobe is shades of black lol
Last song I listened to: “Anatevka” from the original cast of Fiddler on the Roof (I’ve been going through a big musical revival phase lol, revisiting my childhood)
Last movie I saw: The Three Musketeers I think? (the 2011 goofy action one with both Orlando Bloom and not-Orlando Bloom, pls watch it)
Top 3 TV shows: So my current faves would be Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Father Brown, and PBS Nature (love me some animal documentaries!!)
Top 3 bands/artists: Current faves are Bastille, Ed Sheeran, and Halsey
Books I’m currently reading: Still working my way through the Silm!  I’m in the middle of the Lay of Luthien :D
ummmm I tagged a bunch of people last time so I’ll just tag @thelonelybrilliance and any of my new followers!  I’d love to get to know you all better :)
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morganbelarus · 5 years
Kim Kardashian Raves About Kanye West’s Mysterious Sunday Service! – Perez Hilton
All praise Yeezy!
In the latest issue of Elle magazine, Kim Kardashian discussed husband Kanye West‘s enigmatic Sunday Service, which is usually located on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and always features an enormous gospel choir and a live band.
Related: Kanye West Is ‘Happy’ In LA & No Longer Wants To Move To Chicago!
The KUWTK star explained:
“It’s honestly more like a healing experience for my husband. It’s just music; there’s no sermon… It’s definitely something he believes in—Jesus—and there’s a Christian vibe. But there’s no preaching. It’s just a very spiritual Christian experience.”
Despite the “Christian vibe,” the weekly event is inclusive to individuals of all faiths.
“[Sister Kourtney Kardashian’s] best friends come all the time and they’re Muslim. All my Jewish friends came on Sunday; they loved it. Everyone that comes understands it’s just a really healing experience with an amazing choir, and amazing messages about love to start off your week.”
As we reported, attendees are treated to a brunch before the service — which has taken place in several locations around Los Angeles, including Kimye’s Calabasas home.
In order to keep the event top secret, guests are reportedly required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they attend — but that doesn’t stop the KarJenner sisters from sharing clips from the service on their respective Instagram pages.
North West (right) dancing with a fellow worshipper. / (c) Khloé Kardashian/Instagram
In fact, Kim has regularly posted videos showing Kanye’s choir singing gospel versions of his songs like Jesus Walks, Lift Off, and Father Stretch My Hands, Pt. 1.
The Church of Yeezy has reportedly also attracted A-listers including Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Tyler, the Creator, Courtney Love, and David Letterman. Of course, KarJenners — including Khloé Kardashian and Kendall Jenner — are all regular members.
In fact, the public will soon get a chance to experience Kanye’s spiritual extravaganza. As we reported, the 41-year-old announced he’ll be putting on an Easter Morning Sunday Service at Coachella later this month.
In the interview, Kim also opened up about her negotiating skills, which she has learned from mom Kris Jenner.
“I am very fortunate that my mom and I have worked together from the very beginning of my career… She is the best negotiator, and that’s always been her role. I didn’t have that loud personality in the beginning that allowed me to negotiate for myself. I was really insecure about how to negotiate for myself, and so I would always look to her to show me how to do that for myself.”
She continued:
“Now I think I’d be very confident in doing that for myself, but it’s always a learning curve… So what I would suggest to someone at the beginning of their career is to start off by saying yes to everything. I felt like there was power in learning from everything and trying it all… Now of course I look back, and although I love that phase of my life and I learned so much going through it, I wish I’d had the confidence to say ‘no’ to things I didn’t believe in.’”
The 38-year-old added:
“I would love to teach that to my kids, and my friends, and my younger sisters… Just stay true to who you are in your career and stand up for what you believe in when negotiating.”
Speaking of her kids, Kim revealed she is concerned with how her littles ones — North (5), Saint (3), and Chicago (14 months) — will react to baby #4, a boy carried via surrogate.
“I do worry about them getting along, because for my sisters and I, we were just so close growing up and obviously still are… And I want them to be, too!”
Gotta have faith!
[Image via Jonathan Rebboah/News Pictures/WENN.]
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Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
Kim Kardashian Raves About Kanye West’s Mysterious Sunday Service! – Perez Hilton was originally posted by MetNews
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