#Transiting Ceres enters Libra
ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Ceres enters Libra
Timeline (current events in bold)
Monday, November 28, 2022, 18:38 UT - transiting Ceres enters pre-retrograde shadow, 23°47’ Virgo
Sunday, December 18, 2022, 23:26 UT - transiting Ceres enters Libra
Friday, February 3, 2023, 19:16 UT - transiting Ceres stations retrograde, 6°58’ Libra
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 03:52 UT - Ceres retrogrades back into Virgo
Saturday, May 6, 2023, 19:28 UT - transiting Ceres stations direct, 23°47’ Virgo
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 11:22 UT - transiting Ceres re-enters Libra
Saturday, July 15, 2023, 21:10 UT - transiting Ceres exits post-retrograde shadow
Caveat: this probably won’t have much of an impact on you personally, unless Ceres is a player in your chart - closely aspecting the Sun, Moon, and/or an angle.
This is a tricky ingress, coming as it does only three days before the Capricorn Solstice - and two days before Jupiter re-enters Aries. This ties Ceres/Libra in with that Solstice via a Cardinal-sign t-square. Ceres wants to bring peace and balance to her areas (families, nurturing, child care, agriculture and food, animals) but is opposed by this crusading, berserker-type Jupiter. Mediating between them is the task of the Capricorn Sun.
(My hunch is that Ceres wants us all to do some climate mitigation, particulary as it pertains to agriculture and hisbandry - as well as make life more fair for all the children and the elderly.)
But we also know that this is a “mulligan” or a “do-over” kind of ingress for Ceres, because she will have to return to Virgo before this retrograde zone is completed.
We’re in the pre-retrograde shadow now, which is the time we’re supposed to spend taking note of what’s going wrong - so we can “do the work” to fix it during the retrograde. These will probably be pretty apparent this week with all the drama of the Solstice on Wednesday the 21st, and the Capricorn New Moon on Friday the 23rd.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🤗🫂🤗
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🤗 Scorpio Juno often regrets losing virginity before entering marriage. The wish they would have lose it in a more meaningful way with a meaningful partner, their spouse.
🫂 Libra Chiron might have been shamed by others for losing virginity before marriage.
🤗 Women who have Mars in the 12th house often get “the bachelor”, that one man a lot of women wished to marry. If Mars sign is Cancer, it also indicates a lot of hate coming from women because of that.
🫂Venus Conjunct Pluto in a Natal chart: You can be obsessive in love. You have cycles in your partnerships. Your partners have a tendency to come back to you even after you spent years apart. They always seem to return. You transform your lovers.
🤗 The sign of your Vertex shows the Sun sign of the person that will have a role in your awakening. One celebrity example is: Prince Harry has Leo Vertex and his wife Meghan is Leo Sun. Being in the 7th house, you will likely have this awakening while in partnership, marriage or through being a part of a team.
🫂 4th house shows the father in a woman’s natal chart. 10th house shows the mother in a woman’s natal chart. So it’s just reversed for women.
But in a man’s chart 4th house is the mother. 4th house shows the mother in a man’s natal chart. And 10th house shows the father in a man’s natal chart.
🤗 I’ve noticed a lot of Capricorn Rising people tend to attract, be in relationship or even marry a person who is older than them. Which I still don’t fully understand how and why with Cancer over their Descendant. It would make more sense to marry younger, but this is often not what I observed.
🫂In Synastry chart your Sun in someone's 5th house: You might dream of having children together or you could be good at it. You see each other as your personal vacation. You might enjoy doing hobbies together. You share similar interests. You might be more romantic with each other than you are with other people. You could go or have really extravagant dates. You might go all out when you are together, because you want to impress each other. You will compliment each other a lot and these compliments will come very naturally to you. You will want to praise each other. You will feel like you are a star, a celebrity when around each other. You will feel like their spotlight is on you as well.
🤗 I noticed people who have Ceres in the 3rd house, their love language is not that often words of affirmation, but more so just ✨hand holding✨.
🫂Venus Conjunct Uranus in a Natal chart: You could be a part of love triangle at some point so be mindful. You could have a friend to lovers transition. Or a lot of your acquaintances have a crush on you. You might have a long-distance relationship at some point. You could also not see your partner due to the fact that their job might keep them away, like they could be a pilot and you don’t see them for 3 months. You might like quirky, eccentric and unconventional lovers. You go for the weirdo in the room that seems really interesting. You value communication the most in your relationship.
🤗 If your Mars is in the 5th house, you might particularly care for disadvantaged children, those who lack school supplies could be one example.
🫂In Synastry chart Moon in someone's 8th house: You might have sexual awakening with this person. Before one of you or both might have considered yourself aromantic or even asexual, but with this person you will feel awakened. You will feel passion, lust and desire. You will just want them. You might be quick to merge your finance, living situation or even become physical. With this overlay, I suggest getting physical as late as possible, try to prolonge it and don’t give into desire too soon. Because as soon as you merge with this person, obsession, jealous and being territorial might begin. You will experience power struggles, but also understanding on an emotional, physical and mental level like never before. You might have sex dreams about this person, a lot of sexual fantasies (and vice versa of course). It’s an intense, strong bond, but a lot of times unbreakable. You could become too easily dependent on each other and learn to nurture your own individuality and have your own individual lives as well. You will mirror each other a lot. You will challenge each other and learn your mistakes, short-comings. You might be a bit unwilling to change. One might change a lot (8th house person especially), but you will feel like the other person is always the same. But this will not be true, Moon person will go through psychological, inner changes, while you (house person) might change in your actions, outlook on life. You will know each other’s desires, secrets and fears with time. But at first there might be a lot of frustrations, miscommunication and misunderstandings. You might be very vulnerable around each other. You could feel like the other person see right through you. You could feel like are naked in front of each other.
🤗Mars trine Pluto in a Composite chart: This is an intense, but magnetic connection. You enjoy working from the background. You are subtle. Others can sense tension around you, even if just sexual. You might have power struggles and ego death. You also feel like you need to one up each other. You might have tit for tat behaviour towards each other at some point. You feel vulnerable with this person. You think this person sees right through you. You feel like you can hide from this person, they always find you. You feel easily rejected or ignored by this person.
🫂Eros Persona chart: Sun indicates where your pride lies in your sexual desires and intimacy, it’s your basic sexual identity. Moon indicates what traits partner have to have for you to be comfortable with them. Mars indicates how you behave when aroused, what you feel energized by in intimacy and where you are likely spontaneous. North Node indicates the general direction of your sexual desire, what you are meant to learn, who you will likely encounter in life that you will be sexually involved with.
🤗2nd house shows which brands and designers you buy clothes from. It literally shows which brands, designers and people you "give money to" when you buy their clothing. If you have Moon in the 2nd house or even Cancer Venus you could be a fan of Hugo Boss (Cancer Sun) brand. If you have Venus in the 2nd house, Taurus over the 2nd house or Taurus/Libra Venus you might be Fred Perry (Taurus Sun) or Ralph Lauren (Libra Sun) fan. You might like Tommy Hilfiger (Aries Sun) brand if you have Aries Venus or Mars in the 2nd house.
🫂Capricorn Midheaven in Eros Persona chart: Your sexual partner with time will see you as someone who enjoys control or is controlling. As someone who is like a parental figure to them almost. And you will be seen as serious, mature, detached, impatient, reckless and bold. You will be respected. You could enjoy power plays in sex. You will focus more on reality rather than fantasy. You could be seen as less romantic, but your love and sexual attraction are astounding.
🤗Venus trine Jupiter in the Synastry chart: You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally.
🫂Venus in the other's 10th house in a Synastry chart: Both like to be seen in public together. You might enjoy present this person to your parents. If this is a romantic situation, you might be a slow burn. You will take time to get to know this person and to introduce them to your parents. You want to see this person in your future as well. You see this person has a potential for a long-term connection.
🤗Sun conjunct Uranus in a Synastry chart: You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable home. There will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness.
🫂In Midheaven Persona chart Juno shows traits of ideal people that you would like to connect with at your workplace. Vesta shows your »sacred fire« what you will feel overprotective about at your job or about your job, career and reputation. Lilith indicates people in your workplace that you can have power struggles with, because you will feel like they don’t want to cooperate or you can’t “tame” them. Vertex shows where you will encounter fated relationships in your career or at your job. Those relationships that will make you think like it was meant to meet them. It might also indicate people that you will likely “commit” to in a way that you’ll become great work friends.
🤗In Synastry chart one's Venus conjunct the other's Sun: The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Sun person embodies all that Venus person finds attractive and beautiful and Venus person also makes a special effort to please the Sun person. So Sun person responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match!
🫂Mars trine Saturn in a Natal chart: You could like and prefer older people. You might often be the group leader. You might have tension with authority figures. You could also be a bit impatient, especially before first Saturn Return (so before the age of 30). But you will learn patience with time. You could be a late bloomer.
🤗 In Synastry chart someone's Sun trine your Saturn: Saturn person is very dedicated and loyal to Sun person, with a strong desire to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of this relationship. Saturn person is willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices without complaining, for the benefit of the Sun person and the relationship. Sun person is encouraging and supportive of Saturn, inspiring a sense of security and well-being. If the two of you engage in business activities or marry, you will find that you work well together on meeting the problems that arise and you can count on each other to be responsible and trustworthy. There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that holds your relationship together, even when you go through difficult times together.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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sensualnoiree · 4 days
astro notes: daily transits 9/20
Friday, 9/20, begins under the intense influence of a Moon–Pluto square, triggering deep, unresolved emotions like jealousy, anger, and resentment. Although the Moon enters the steady sign of Taurus shortly after, several challenging aspects throughout the day ensure that tensions linger. A Venus–Uranus quincunx demands adjustments in relationships, especially around issues of individuality and space. A possessive Mars–Ceres opposition at noon escalates control dynamics, leading to confrontations rooted in smothering behavior. As the Sun opposes Neptune in the evening, confusion and misunderstandings reign, leaving many bewildered about how to resolve ongoing conflicts.
Key Influences
Moon Square Pluto:Emotional Boiling Point: The day begins with a square between the Aries Moon and Pluto at 1:38 a.m., stirring up intense, hidden emotions. Pluto’s transformative power amplifies feelings of jealousy, anger, and resentment, pushing them to the surface. This is a moment when unresolved issues are likely to come to light, especially in emotionally charged situations. While this aspect can feel overwhelming, it also offers a chance to confront buried emotions and work through them, although the process may not be comfortable. This transit calls for emotional courage and the willingness to face the darker sides of oneself or others.
Moon Entering Taurus:Seeking Peace and Stability: At 2:03 a.m., the Moon shifts into peace-loving Taurus, grounding the emotional turbulence stirred up by the Moon–Pluto square. Taurus energy encourages stability, patience, and a focus on practical solutions, providing a much-needed sense of calm after the intensity of early morning. However, the Moon’s presence in Taurus is somewhat overshadowed by the more dramatic aspects of the day, which keep tensions simmering. Still, this shift offers a reminder to seek out moments of comfort and security amidst the chaos, leaning into Taurus’s earthy, grounding influence.
Venus Quincunx Uranus:Adjusting Relationship Dynamics: At 9°27' Libra–Taurus, Venus forms an awkward quincunx with Uranus, creating a need for adjustment in relationships, especially where there’s tension around individuality and freedom. This aspect highlights issues of autonomy versus closeness, making it clear that something needs to shift in how we relate to others. If one person in the relationship feels stifled or confined, this aspect can trigger sudden reactions or demands for more space. It’s important to find a balance between togetherness and independence, ensuring that each person feels free to express their true selves within the partnership.
Mars Opposite Ceres:Smothering and Control Issues: The midday Mars–Ceres opposition (9°18' Cancer–Capricorn) stirs up possessive and patronizing behavior, especially in relationships involving care or nurturing. This aspect can bring to light issues of “smother love” — where one person’s well-meaning attempts to care for or protect another feel overbearing or controlling. The opposition between nurturing Ceres and aggressive Mars creates a clash of energies, leading to arguments over boundaries, autonomy, and care. Tensions may escalate as one person’s attempts to nurture or protect are perceived as controlling or condescending. It’s crucial to recognize when care becomes overbearing and to adjust behavior accordingly to avoid conflict.
Sun Opposite Neptune:Confusion and Misunderstandings: As the Sun opposes Neptune (28°30' Virgo–Pisces) in the early evening, a veil of confusion descends over the day, making it difficult to see things clearly. This aspect creates an atmosphere ripe for misunderstandings, miscommunications, and disillusionment. Neptune’s foggy influence can make it hard to differentiate between reality and fantasy, leading to confusion about intentions, actions, or words. This is not a time for making major decisions or trying to resolve conflicts, as clarity is likely to be elusive. Instead, it’s important to practice patience and allow the fog to lift before attempting to find resolutions.
Integrating the Influences
Confront Hidden Emotions:Moon Square Pluto: The Moon–Pluto square brings buried emotions to the surface, offering an opportunity to confront feelings of jealousy, anger, or resentment. While the intensity of this aspect can feel overwhelming, it’s a chance for emotional catharsis. Don’t shy away from these feelings — instead, acknowledge them and explore their root causes. This is a powerful time for emotional transformation, but only if you’re willing to face the darker aspects of your emotional landscape.
Seek Stability Amidst Emotional Turmoil:Moon Entering Taurus: As the Moon enters Taurus, there’s an opportunity to ground yourself and seek stability in the midst of emotional upheaval. Taurus encourages patience, practicality, and a focus on tangible solutions. Lean into this energy by finding ways to stay calm and centered, especially when tensions flare. This is a time to focus on self-care, comfort, and practical steps toward resolution.
Make Space for Individuality in Relationships:Venus Quincunx Uranus: The Venus–Uranus quincunx calls for adjustments in relationship dynamics, particularly around issues of individuality and autonomy. If you’ve been feeling confined or stifled in a relationship, now is the time to address these concerns. However, this aspect can create awkward or unexpected shifts, so approach conversations with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. It’s important to find a balance between closeness and personal freedom, ensuring that each person feels respected and valued for who they are.
Avoid Power Struggles Over Care:Mars Opposite Ceres: The Mars–Ceres opposition highlights control issues related to care and nurturing. Be mindful of how your attempts to care for others may be perceived — what you intend as nurturing could be seen as overbearing or controlling. This aspect can lead to power struggles over boundaries and autonomy, especially in family or caregiving relationships. To avoid conflict, practice empathy and respect for the other person’s needs and desires, giving them space to assert their own independence.
Wait for Clarity Before Taking Action:Sun Opposite Neptune: The Sun–Neptune opposition brings confusion and misunderstandings, making it difficult to see situations clearly. This is not a good time for making major decisions or attempting to resolve conflicts, as the truth is likely to be obscured. Instead, focus on staying grounded and avoid getting swept up in illusions or fantasies. Wait for clarity to emerge before taking any significant action or making judgments.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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esotericfaery · 3 months
With These June 2024 Downloads - Briefly, Black Moon Lilith through the Signs, Planets & Houses
Lilith is the dark, hidden wounded feminine, and her energy expresses differently for everyone within the collective consciousness. This month during Gemini (communications) Season, it’s particularly important to work with Lilith, especially as we’re square-heavy in our transits.
See my post, “Quick Tips for June 11th Through the 22nd, as They’re Particularly Difficult, Plus Good News Amidst Massive Black Moon Lilith Triggers”, for details on transits.
These tips work with any Black Moon Lilith transit, yet are particularly important to keep in mind for at least the rest of this month.
Aries / 1st / Mars: Dark sexual impulse control of lack thereof, aggressive power-plays between the sexes.
Taurus / 2nd / Ceres: Feminine woundedness expressed within mother / daughter dynamics, and how that effects values and material resources.
Gemini / 3rd / Mercury: Healing through, or wallowing within interpersonal duality themes of literature, music, films, or the news. Charismatic words, whether trickery or service towards others. Sexual harassment or other bullying, particularly online.
Cancer / 4th / The Moon: The security of space to equitably nurture and be nurtured is up-ended. The intensely passive-aggressive emotional mirroring of manipulations between the sexes, stemming from early childhood trauma or lineage trauma. Lack of desire for parenthood.
Leo / 5th / The Sun: Challenges to leadership, jealousy leading to smear campaigns, judgementalism of creativity.
Virgo / 6th / Chiron: (Lilith’s current, analytical placement for now) Vindictive competitiveness within challenges involving routines & health. Highly traumatic & confusing struggle to integrate polarities in a modern world which suffers abuses within the medical system, and social restrictions upon healthy emotional expression.
Libra / 7th / Venus: (Lilith enters diplomatic Libra on June 29th) One on one interactions explode between the sexes, particularly in romance. Indecision increases. Radical views of femininity or against other traditional values crop up. Maintaining close relationships of any type becomes difficult to, in some instances, impossible. Diplomacy can be twisted into egotistical control.
Scorpio / 8th / Pluto: Lilith is most similar to the transformative push here. This is crisis energy when new, and, fittingly so, highly rewarding when integrated. Psychic power and emotional depth are strongly inherent here, even when unaspected. This sometimes indicates either the abused or the abuser, particularly within sexuality. Rebellion is common within loans & debts.
Sagittarius / 9th / Jupiter: Repression of freedom within belief systems. Rebellion within approaches to travel & continuing education. Restriction of adventurousness, and within multiple new experiences. Setting oneself up as a dogmatic guru or other master of disciplines.
Capricorn / 10th / Saturn: Themes of hierarchy & power struggles, dharma and public recognition are intensified within restrictive forms, leading to obsession in business. Fear of the power of the self, within rebellion of these lessons about aging.
Aquarius / 11th / Uranus: Forward thinking leads to shunning. Extreme repression, or overall embracing of innovation within rebellion, particularly in social circles and movements, yet ultimately for the collective of humanity.
Pisces / 12th / Neptune: Trauma leading to the desire to escape addictions or obsessions takes form in either self-destruction, or separation of truth from illusion within spirituality. This must be surmounted and transmuted into
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arcanakiss · 1 year
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The Sun entered Cancer today, June 21, marking the beginning of Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice. Ceres also entered Libra, a transit that will last until the 15th of September 2023. During Cancer Season we often feel more connected with our emotions and the feelings of others. We are encouraged to develop our empathy along with healthy boundaries, and we may feel motivated to learn how to protect our energy. These energies can also inspire us to be more intuitive, heart-centered and open to active listening.
youtube.com/@arcanaKISS https://arcanakiss.tumblr.com/
Background image from Pexels by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi
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Ceres and Jupiter Ignition ~ 20 Jan 2023
Ceres and Jupiter Ignition ~ 20 Jan 2023, Philip Sedgwick
First off, a quick note. I am offering the Twin Stars Report - a relationship report using Chiron and cronies as soul-based connections, for a limited time only. Full details can be found at the end of this post.
Mercifully, Mercury and Mars both now travel in direct, prograde motion. Asks the Universe, “So, what are you waiting for? If the Cosmos gave you a burning bush as a sign, most likely you’d call the fire department.” True, Mercury in Capricorn now quincunxes Mars in Gemini. Since Mercury is who they are and Gemini is what it is, there should be a six-fix at hand.
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Claim these personal planets, to figure a plan to conjure at least six options for the next three life steps, right? After all, the quincunx points to creating a constructive personal sequence of events that were not initially part of the plan, or whose inclusion, add essential torque to overcome early year inertia not previously realized or considered.
Online circulate a series of vintage postcards that wish or portend luck in the new year for the recipient. Those images of prosperity, luck and well being: Horseshoes, four-clovers, mushrooms and plump pigs were omens of a fruitful, prosperous year at the beginning of the 20th Century. Missing from the list: Promising Planetary Passages.
Venus now approaches Saturn in Aquarius, that approach complete in two days. Combined, they sextile Eris in Arise, each accomplishing the sextile within days. This pattern says, “You want in? Ante up!” Yes, getting in on the new offers and gizmos guaranteed to make life a galactic groove takes investment of all your resources from financial to physical and psychic energy expended. Venus to Saturn is great to assess and budget what one has available. Should it be that not enough resources appear immediately available, a time line for acquiring needed assets and a strategy for doing so can develop. And one can get on the schedule with this information. Remembering that resources are not only cold hard cash, but benefits than can be transferred, and enthusiasm and applied energy, a plan can formulate for inclusion, albeit considering the obvious resources often overlooked. Says Aquarius to Aries, “You can fill that container if you consider the intangible.” Budget and apply your physical resources as well as imagination, knowledge and wisdom.
Looking down the road to shore up personal well-being and confidence, Jupiter in Aries treks toward Chiron forming an exact conjunction on 11 March. This will do just that. Something to look forward to embracing. More immediately Jupiter opposes Ceres in Libra right as we enter February... and right as Ceres stations into retrograde motion. Given the Jupiter transit immediately at hand, consider negotiations with everyone’s pal, Pluto. Sure adding Pluto arranges a tricky wicket that makes electing a Speaker of the House in the United States House of Representatives appear like a Romper Room play date. But it’s part of the plan to ensure everything - especially primal soul stuff - weaves its way into the transiting tapestry.
When Pluto abducted Ceres’ daughter, Ceres went ballistic. To arbitrate the ceriousness of the matter, Jupiter had to step in. Indeed a difficult set of negotiations caused a compromise to be struck. Of course, neither of the arbitrating parties emerged fully satisfied. Still, each party gained some wishes and did not come away empty-handed. Was it fair and balanced? It was close and it prevented a catastrophe.
Now, In Ceres in Libra fashion, all are inspired to strike deals that work between parties with differing, seemingly divergent, needs.
Astronomers now contend that Ceres once occupied the Kuiper Belt and Jupiter gravitationally escorted her away from the realm of constant interactions with Pluto and into a dominant position in the asteroid belt. How amazing is that!? The physical solar system is believed to have transacted, perhaps emulated, what Jupiter mythologically did to assuage the Ceres to Pluto potential confrontations.
Let’s track Ceres returning to her station point degree later this year and several steps of that return. We all ride this early year Ceres-Jupiter negotiation point in life. We’ve not heard the last of her interactions in the opposition with Jupiter until after her oppositions to Neptune. On or about 10 April, Ceres retrograde opposes Neptune direct, Virgo to Pisces. At this point expect more matters appear to arbitrate because with Jupiter in Aries, Ceres claims to have felt rushed to compile and submit a list of needs, wishes and demands. This upgraded wish list drops on the table in April as she engages Neptune from her detail driven Virgo occupancy. Come about 10 June, when Ceres opposes Neptune again, she dishes out more even more needs and demands. In mid-July Ceres, again in Libra and direct, opposes Jupiter one last time in this aspect cycle. Here, its time for Ceres to resolve her requirements, as it is for anyone with Ceres in the natal horoscope.
If one considers Ceres’ physical characteristics - diameter, mass, specific gravity and density - relative to all other planets with mathematical assessments, she turns out to be more like Kuiper Belt Objects than inner solar system bodies. Add to that, she comes out demonstrating more physical capability that the other planets. Truly, Ceres is a superior physical force with which the other gods and goddesses must contend, and as an astrological component of a full, healthy horoscope, mortals benefit from considering her provocations with solution-based optimism.
Here are some things to consider in the spirit of gaining the most superior results from Ceres in her current aspect run:
One must be on the moral high ground and provoking outcomes not only for the self, but for how the self can do its best in the current incarnation.
Cooperation between all parties must be built. Allies who match the highest objectives can be included as resources. Pot-stirring individuals and provocateurs are best not included.
Negotiations cannot be zero-sum with the intention of or resulting in scorched Earth. Win-win scenarios serve the best outcomes, and more cosmic brain power will be required, calling back any Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius wild ideas.
Improvement and enhancement are cornerstones of evolution. “Include the newfangled ideas,” Uranus crankily yells, while sitting on the porch of Taurus.
Transferring assets and redirecting energy to the highest causes may serve to solve stalemates, urges Pluto on the verge of Aquarius.
Savoring all gains and wins and accomplishment is recommended for increasing satisfaction and filling the sails of the soul, sanctions Jupiter in Aries.
So, this year, as Ceres plays big and wants her fair due, keep in mind what it means to play nice in the sand box. Avoid cutting off the nose to spite the face. Shun the urge to take your marbles and go home, which runs contrary to Jupiter’s transit to Eris which insists each person be responsible for their full involvement in life. Submit all your needs without compression or attenuation since Jupiter is involved. It likely helps to articulate why you want what you want. As others understand the drive of your passion and your intent and motivation, the organic comprehension tends to clear obstacles from the path as you are no longer perceived with suspicion and interfering vibes.
Luck and lucky icons have nothing to do with it. Nice for last century, but here we are in an eon in which all skills, insights and knowledge meld together for forging optimal results.
So, with all this good, dive in and deal. That’s how get it going, Cosmic Rompers!
More soon.
Should life feel stalled out and in perpetual stalemate, that may be the universe signaling that a consultation would be in order. Remember to ask for a full Ceres, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto assessment and ask that dwarf planets be included to apply galactic grease to those gears. Sessions can be a half hour, full hour or a package of consultations intended to guide your way through the early weeks of a year that portends great progress. A Galactic Report will offer up some subtle life aids. So click on the links below to get yourself on the books in a timely manner!
I now accept Zelle payments. You may remit the amount posted on the store page for the service or product to [email protected]. Send along an email with relevant data and requests. Presto! It’s as simple as that!!
Over the holidays, I conducted a heap of computer de-glitching. As part of that, I was able to restore the Twin Stars report on my computer. This report conducts synastry between two people as I see it and includes two couples in the cosmic centaur camp known to be devoted soul mates: Chiron and Chariklo; Hylonome and Cyllarus. This report will be offered for a limited time only: $21.99! It is not listed on my website's store. To receive this report, send along the birth information in an e-mail and either, request an invoice, or send along the minimal fee via PayPal or Zelle. Soon as I can, the report is headed your way straightaway. This report will be offered only through the duration of the Sun in Aquarius. Order now!
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
week of july 17th, 2022
aries: first, the 'bad' news - chiron goes retrograde in your sign this week. chiron stuff is typically not 'fun' but it *is* healing, so try to go along with it. the better news is that a lot of astrological bodies shift into leo over the course of this week and all of that benefits things that *are* fun - because leo is your 5th house, romantic, creative, and FUN. go out of your way not to be a stick in the mud if chiron churned up some muck!
taurus: while i wouldn't go so far as to say that you should *expect* a message when venus moves into cancer this week, i do think it's quite likely that you'll receive one, or read something online for example, that is quite pleasing to you, even as you have a lot of changes occurring about you. or, perhaps, the change itself is pleasant for you, even as fixed and practically immovable as you normally are.
gemini: your financial omens this week are really good, whether you've been saving up or need to take out a loan. ideally this is done while mercury is still in cancer but once it moves to leo, it makes a trine with jupiter which can spare you some luck or introduce you to a very helpful person.
cancer: this week many objects leave your sign to leo. this is all good news for whatever wealth means to you. and venus enters your sign as well, which makes you magnetic and charming. there's very little that could be said to be working against you this week.
leo: mercury, the sun, and ceres all make it into your sign this week. so this is an energy boost but it can also feel overwhelming. the key is to nurture yourself first, and talk out what needs to be talked out. it lightens up your heart so you can move freely forward.
virgo: expect, this week, to work on a great deal of soul stuff with all the 12th house activity, especially ceres, whom i consider to be your sign's true ruling "planet." the sun and mercury, your "official" ruling planet, are also there beginning this week. there may be a lot going on behind the scenes, but with so much leo-stuff, you probably have to put some conscious work into growth as well.
libra: the huge boost in leo vibes works great for you. you meet heartfelt connections with ease, be they friends, mentors, potential lovers, or just helpful people. this can also be a simple boost of good fortune. be open to it!
scorpio: mercury opposes your ruler pluto before shifting into leo. this can be deeply psychic but also a power struggle, or maybe no one believes your warnings, or maybe you find that when you can see in the dark you see things you'd rather not.
sagittarius: although there's still a lot of water energy which can feel suffocating to you, this week sees a really huge increase in your own fire energy, although not in your sign. especially lit up is your 9th house, so there may be long-distance travel involved or a new spiritual pursuit. but also expect a major healing and/or cathartic romantic development this week.
capricorn: the movement of venus into cancer is probably one of the favorite periods of the year for relationship-oriented capricorns. single and partnered capricorn people alike will feel this as a romantic transit and will have an easier time than usual seeing the beauty inherent in all things. it begins this week.
aquarius: three major bodies make their way into your partnerships house, in leo. for aquarians who are single and looking, this is a likely time for a commitment to be sealed or a future partner to be met. for already paired aquarians, make sure you are communicating your needs *and* your desires to your partner. let no resentment grow, but nurture connection.
pisces: there is a shift: a little less water, a little more fire. it may make you tired. there's a good reason for this - the dream world has a message for you this week. work actual dreaming into your sacred routines this week. don't neglect it. adequate sleep is critical.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
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Celestial Forecast
Week June 15 - 21
On Thursday the 18th, Mercury goes Retrograde
On Saturday the 20th, Sun enters Cancer and it’s the Summer Solstice!
On Sunday the 21st, the New Moon in Cancer will be a Solar Eclipse 
Sorry this is late again! But things are getting hectic as we are facing a week of shifts and transformations. The first half of the week will be all about reviewing beliefs that may no longer match up with your values and shedding what you no longer need. Mercury’s retrograde may further reflect that in it’s 3 week cycle but it will take place towards the middle of the week. At the end we will end this chapter with Summer Solstice which is bound to be a fun and intense day with Mars sextiling Jupiter rx. After that is the new moon which will be a solar eclipse bound to bring inner changes and endings to pave new paths in our lives. 
Note: times are set to UTC. 
Mercury in Cancer sextiles Eros in Taurus Jupiter rx in Capricorn opposite Vesta in Cancer Saturn rx in Aquarius trines Sappho in Libra ☾♈ Moon Opposite Juno and Sappho in Libra ☾♈ Moon Squares Mercury in Cancer then Pluto rx in Capricorn
Energy: Today starts off the week with themes of reflecting on the nature of your work, not just your daily responsibilities, but things you feel called to do. What are your passions? Areas in life that inspire you? That call you to do work for it? These themes may pop up in the day especially as Jupiter rx in Capricorn is opposite Vesta in Cancer. Vesta the asteroid of our goals, ambitions and dedication opposite the planet of philosophy, authentic truth and expansion will bring up how we may act on our goals and ambitions by asking us to expand within. If you have been feeling stuck, channeling this energy may be a place to start. Mercury in Cancer will also sextile Eros in Taurus which will be a helpful harmonious push for us to communicate our desires. Another asteroid helping us with our work ethic and uncovering our truths will be Sappho as Saturn rx in Aquarius will be trining it in Libra which will help us create a bridge of our commitments and areas in life that inspire us to be our authentic selves. The planetary energy playing with the asteroids helps us to re-evaluate our methods and strategies regarding work, our thought process when it comes to making commitments towards our own projects or areas in life that inspire us and how we can take responsibility and commitment to follow our most authentic nature.
The lunar transits will amplify some of these longer transits as the moon will be interacting with some of these planets. First the moon will be opposite Juno and Sappho in Libra. This may highlight where we would feel emotionally fulfilled dedicating our energy towards. This energy (especially with Sappho in Libra) could bring up scenarios where we may find our muse or something that inspires us in another person. Take note of whatever this is as you will have time to reflect on it and incorporate more of what inspires you into your life with some additional astrological themes happening during Cancer season. Lastly the moon will square Mercury in Cancer and then afterwards Pluto rx in Capricorn. The square with mercury will bring up conflicting ideas that may make us have to sit and reflect on our own thoughts and notions on the subject. If you have had mental barriers blocking you from pursuing your goals or living authentically, it could be brought up during this window of time. Additionally moon and mercury square can bring up some disagreements rooted in emotional biases. It's a good time to give everyone space since it can be touchy. When the moon squares Pluto rx, intense emotions can be brought to the surface for us to face. This can be an intense time forcing us to acknowledge our shadows and transform from within so that we may be better aligned with our spirit.
Recommendations: With a lot of asteroid energy and lunar squares, today would be a great day for meditation. Focus on what inspires you to work towards your goals or what gives you that drive to work on projects. If you need inspiration you may find it today in another person. Attraction magic for friendships especially relationships revolving around working on creative projects could work well today. Barrier-breaking magic focusing on undoing beliefs that hold you back could be beneficial after the lunar squares. Since the moon is in Aries, taking paper of qualities you want to banish and burning them could be a satisfactory way of banishing those qualities, especially since the moon is waning. _____
Venus rx in Gemini trines Juno in Libra ☾♈ Moon Squares Jupiter rx in Capricorn ☾♈ Moon Sextiles Sun in Gemini ☾ VOC 1:49 - 10:35 ☾♉ Moon enters Taurus ☾♉ Moon Squares Saturn rx in Aquarius ☾♉ Moon Sextiles Vesta in Cancer
Energy: Todays theme will revolve around devoting our energy towards our innermost values. Venus rx in Gemini will trine Juno in Libra giving us the focus to make commitments to things that truly reflect what we desire. As the moon is in it's waning crescent phase, this is a great time to clean house as well as shed and banish anything we no longer need to clear way for the next cycle (especially since we are in eclipse season). This energy will be amplified with the moon sextiling the Sun in Gemini giving us the incentive to wrap up any loose ends, clear what we no longer need and resolve any outstanding issues. It's notable that Venus rx is trining it's mini celestial body, Juno, on the day that the moon will sextile the sun because it's a point towards the end of the chapter for us to reflect on what we really need to commit to our values, to feel loved and honor ourselves before this lunar cycle ends and begins again next week when Venus will go direct.
Before the moon transits into Taurus it will square Jupiter rx in Capricorn creating tension for us to want to expand within. This may happen for most of us during the early morning so it could be reflected in our dreams (if you dream journal, take note). After the moon enters Taurus it will be squared by Saturn rx in Aquarius putting a weight on our responsibilities and causing us to reflect and strategize on tasks that we need to wrap up on. With the moon sextiling Vesta, we will have that inner boost to work towards our duties and strive towards our goals.
Recommendations: With the moon in it's waning crescent phase, it's a good time for cleansing, shedding and purging. Especially with a notable New Moon Solar eclipse happening (nearly coinciding with the Summer Solstice) it's a good time to clear out your home, change your wardrobe to summer clothes and clear out the energy. With Venus rx trine Juno it's a good time to reflect on your values and make moves to honor that. With the moon squaring Saturn rx and sextiling Vesta you will get the push to work on your tasks and tie up any loose ends. Revisit anything that needs to get done today and finish it to the best of your ability. _____
☾♉ Moon Conjunct Uranus, Eros and Psyche in Taurus ☾♉ Moon Sextiles Ceres in Pisces and Mercury in Cancer
Energy: With the moon in it's waning crescent phase, especially before a powerful new moon Solar eclipse and start of a new season, it's a great time to shed what's no longer needed, banish energy that no longer serves you and cleanse to make way for something new. This energy will be amplified today as the Moon will conjunct Uranus causing change on an inner personal level that can also affect the home and our private space. It will be great to channel that energy towards changing out your wardrobe to a summer one or getting rid of things that you no longer need. On an energetic level it will be great upon reflection of what the transits of previous days have bought up to reflect on old habits and mindsets and change what no longer serves you internally. The moon will also conjunct Eros which will help us highlight our desires and needs and give us a boost to pursue what fulfills our desires emotionally. With the moon conjunct Psyche, the nature of our soul and current karmic path may come to the surface and influence our moods. This reflective period can be beneficial to journal on once the Moon sextiles Mercury in Cancer which will help us to communicate our emotions freely. This transit helps us be better and more creative with our words and links the mind and heart together. It's a great time to journal to self reflect or to even write poetry or creative writing. Any themes the moon and mercury sextile could help us express during this time can be the bigger theme for Mercury retrograde which will station there tomorrow. Taking note of it could highlight where you need to mentally reflect on during that time. Lastly with the moon sextiling Ceres, we may develop a nurturing need towards our space and close ones. This will also make the day a good one to clear out your space for the new cycle to come.
Recommendations: Clearing and cleansing your space, shadow work, mediation, journaling on your emotional state and doing tarot for Mercury that will station retrograde tomorrow. _____
Mercury Retrogrades in Cancer Mars in Pisces sextiles Pluto rx in Capricorn Pluto rx in Capricorn opposite Vesta in Cancer ☾♉ Moon Trines Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in Capricorn ☾♉ Moon Sextiles Neptune and Mars in Pisces ☾ VOC 13:02 - 21:59 ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini ☾♊ Moon Trines Saturn rx in Aquarius and Sappho in Libra
Energy: Mercury stations retrograde today! It will only be here for 3 and a half weeks, yet it's a time to reflect on your state of mind, your decisions, thoughts and everything since the last mercury retrograde which ended on March 10th before the world completely collapsed (lol). It's a time to ask yourself what thoughts and beliefs no longer serves you, how some beliefs could have shaped that time frame from the last retrograde to now and to analyze beliefs fueled by your emotions as mercury will be stationed retrograde in watery Cancer and be retrograde for most of Cancer season.   More inner introspection will be highlighted by Pluto rx being opposite Vesta in Cancer which could transform how we use our energy and source of power to approach our goals. Additionally Mars in Pisces will sextile Pluto rx as well giving us the fire power to charge at our goals. Especially if you felt there were barriers before, this transit will help you tackle whatever project may have seemed to hard to take on. It's a good time to wrap up old projects especially with mercury retrograde will bring up those themes again.
The moon will trine Pluto rx and Jupiter rx giving a beneficial flow of energy helping us with our inner transformation and inner expansion. With this boost starting off mercury retrograde, we can get a chance on additional insight to help us through this cycle. The Moon will sextile Neptune and Mars in Pisces giving us a push to focus on our spirituality and increasing our psychic ability along with giving us additional drive, energy and confidence to get anything done. This is a great time for creativity or reflecting on our spiritual path or reviewing any tasks that need to be wrapped up or reflected on. The moon will then enter Gemini and trine Saturn rx in Aquarius giving us another boost to accomplishing work, especially with projects that we have neglected or need to focus on. Another helpful push to your process can be when the moon also trines Sappho in Libra giving you luck in finding that spark that grabs your fascination. Channeling this beneficial energy can help us in our creative pursuits or help us to wrap up projects.
Recommendations: Wrapping up projects will be helpful with the aspects happening today. Using divination can help you understand what themes this mercury retrograde will bring to you. Meditation and introspection. Shadow work can be beneficial with the moon trining Jupiter rx and Pluto rx. Anything creative or spiritual. Energy work with magic should get a boost today but it's good to use it on chapters you need to close or projects to wrap up on as Mercury Retrograde will help you reflect and revisit things you need to finish instead of starting anything new.
☾♊ Moon Conjunct Venus rx in Gemini ☾♊ Moon Trines Juno in Libra ☾♊ Moon Sextiles Chiron in Aries ☾♊ Moon Squares Ceres in Pisces
Energy: Today is the final day of Spring! We may already feel like we are in the warm sunny days of Summer, but the equinox is coming late tomorrow. Today just has some lunar transits as the moon makes it's way through Gemini. The emotional themes the moon will bring up today in our moods will be focusing on our values and devoted commitments along with how we feel nurtured, loved and appreciated. First the moon will conjunct Venus rx in Gemini bringing up emotional themes of self love, how we feel loved and how we honor our values. The moon closely afterwards will trine Juno in Libra giving us a beneficial flow of energy to channel what we value and what deserves our commitment. In this window of time we may emotionally understand what we would want to commit ourselves to and using that energy could be great for manifestation or preparing a spell for tomorrow on the solstice. With the moon sextiling Chiron we have a positive push for inner healing and understanding our past as well as overcoming any troubling memories. With the moon waning and mercury in retrograde (as well as the last day of spring! A lot of symbolism with endings!) it's a good time to bid farewell to the pain these memories could bring as you can allow healing to take place with this sextile. Lastly the moon will square Ceres in Pisces which will give you the need to nurture yourself. This can tie in with the themes of the moon first conjunct with Venus rx where you can honor yourself by doing some self love magic and take some time to nurture yourself. This is also a good time to reach out to loved ones and extend some care their way if they have been feeling lonely.
Recommendations: With all the transits it's a great day for some self love magic and healing yourself. Meditation with venus's frequency can help with self love. Bath magic is a great way to channel venusian energy and be nurturing towards yourself. It's also a good way to cleanse before the new season. Other than the transits, it's a good time to prepare for Litha or the Summer Solstice! Getting candles, if you have a fire-safe space with a fire-safe pit, then getting materials for a bonfire could be cool! Otherwise using sunny yellow candles, decorating with summer flowers like sunflowers, day lillies (be cautious with lillies if you have cats though), daisies and roses. Thinking of ways you'd like to bring Summer into your home and life! _____
SUMMER SOLSTICE! Sun enters Cancer Mars in Pisces sextiles Jupiter rx in Capricorn ☾♊ Moon Squares Neptune and Mars in Pisces ☾ VOC 22:47 - 7:01
Energy: Welcome to Summer!! Also welcome to Cancer Season! The official solstice won't take place until later in the day (London time around 10:43 - EST at 5:43), so for most of the day the sun will still be in Gemini. This summer is going to be a very reflective one, especially Cancer season may bring it's usual summertime sadness in the form of hot melancholy as we will have even more planets retrograding. Soon Neptune is going into retrograde and Mercury has already joined the team. The planets that will soon leave rx is Venus next week yet that's it. Today's summer solstice is going to feel fiery and fun as excitable Mars sextiles the planet of partying, expansion and abundance, Jupiter. This theme will make you feel courageous, outgoing and bring good luck. With jupiter retrograde this transit can show you that if you stay true and authentic to yourself as you courageously pursue your goals, you can achieve anything! The moon will square Neptune and Mars in Pisces giving an intense and also otherworldly mood. With the moon and neptune square we may feel like we are floating in a summery dream land yet the push out of reality means we need to be more responsible as we can fall easily pray to deception, forgetfulness and get easily influenced by substances. If you're the type of witch that likes to fly on sabbats you should be more careful during this time as you may fly too far. With the moon and mars square we may feel more prone to acting on impulse or taking action, but you should think before you act or else chaos can ensue. The key to enjoying this transit is to release any frustrations or bursts of energy in a controlled way. Channeling it towards magic could give your spells a fiery boost!
Recommendations: Celebrating the Summer Solstice! Bringing in Cancer season through bath magic, cooking, playing music, especially summer music. Having a bonfire if you have a safe place for it. Drinking summery drinks and potions, making spells for courage to pursue goals and channeling strength to break through inner barriers (this will help as tomorrow is the solar eclipse), doing divination for insights over the summer retrogrades and the eclipse tomorrow. _____
New Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse ☾♋ Moon enters Cancer ☾♋ Moon Conjunct Sun and Vesta in Cancer ☾♋ Moon Opposite Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in Capricorn ☾♋ Moon Squares Chiron in Aries and Juno and Sappho in Libra ☾♋ Moon Sextiles Uranus in Taurus
Energy: We finish this week with a transformative Solar Eclipse as the new moon enters Cancer! This is not quite the end of eclipse season since the next full moon in Capricorn is also an eclipse so there is still time for more sudden changes and transformations, yet this eclipse is different from external change cause it's all about inner change. Solar Eclipses are a transformative time where our will and hearts are aligned due to the sun and moon conjunction but sudden change, epiphanies and transformation is brought from within in order for us to evolve and be better aligned with our karmic paths. Eclipses are still a force of undoing so this may be us shedding away any beliefs that have been keeping us in mental prisons in order for us to move beyond those bars. It's not a good time to charge magical items that you usually want to use to boost spells unless you want to channel that type of inner undoing energy. A lot of themes of changes are brought today with the moon sextiling Uranus in Taurus giving us a push to create change in our personal space and within (it's a great time to break habits), and the moon being opposite Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in capricorn helping us to understand our inner transformation and inner expansion and truths through outside influences. The moon will also conjunct Vesta in Cancer bringing up moods revolving around our ambitions and how we pursue our goals. With the moon squaring Juno in Libra we may reflect on our commitments and feel called to strategize how we can devote ourselves to what we value the most. This will be amplified by the moon and Sappho square asking us to pursue our true interests that speaks to our authenticity. Lastly the moon will square Chiron in Aries that may bring up painful emotions or past memories that may feel painfully amplified by this solar eclipse but it could be the catalyst to force us to make changes in order to heal.
Recommendations: This is a great day for shadow work and exploring yourself from within to see what needs to change. Meditation could help along with divination. Charging magical items such as crystals for general use can bring chaotic energy such as undoing type energy into your craft that you may not want. You can channel this into solar water if you want to harness the destructive energy of the eclipse but it's not recommended to charge it on all of your tools. Barrier-breaking magic to undo obstacles would be great for this day. If you feel more focused on yourself and your strategy other than outside obstacles then thinking of habits you'd like to break and making a commitment to change them can help especially with the Moon sextiling Uranus. _____
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/full-moon-in-ariestaking-us-deeper-within-self/
Full Moon in Aries~Taking Us Deeper Within Self
Full Moon in Aries~Taking Us Deeper Within Self
By A Gift From Gaia
This week begins today on an incredible full moon in Aries whilst gaining energy from a few interesting planets, such as Eris, Pluto and Jupiter highlighting the magnificent transformation we are collectively moving through and giving an almighty flush though our field to assist in our expansion of light.
The planets are our map, our way of making sense of our experience, a way of understanding self until the language of energy has been remembered and can be translated through the symbolic guidance our field provides, and once this is realised we see that the All is moving like the mechanics of the finest and yet intricate clock and yet whilst we have been gazing into the cogs and movement we forgot somewhere that there is a face in which we can read, tell, exactly where we are as a race.
Some may say the planets control All, I say we are All One moving together in a space and time the human can only comprehend as far as the limited mind allows, the visions we see, the spaces we find ourselves in often are untranslatable upon waking, and therefore currently non-shareable as we have no reference to be able to explain, a gift from me to me from the words of a poetic light code I once transmitted “don’t try to figure out what the soul already knows” allows no judgement when these mysterious patterns, shapes and what appears to be tools, equipment or machinery appear in the minds eye, just a simple smile to know all will be understood humanly when required and an inner knowing all is moving as always.
We are now rapidly expanding our fields, and this is becoming evident as we experience huge influxes of light that allow for instant manifestations, whatever is required will appear the moment the choice has been made, that’s the part that confuses many during these energies as those choosing to experience restriction find it very difficult to surf, getting confused by the energy navigation because all they perceive to manifest is repeats or restrictions, which is only ever a reflection of the choice to stay unconscious, the choice to continue with the same program frequencies and a refusal to expand the mind in order to open more gateways to the heart. It is always a choice and these choices will always show where they are standing in their own way and the more light that enters the more obvious it becomes. However when using this light as intended it is opening into opportunities to create super spaces in which we experience fields of unconditional love, the ever flowing never stopping streams of peace keep the fields fertile to continue building upon our new templates we anchor.
This full moon takes us deeper within Self, to make more adjustments, bringing in more self love, some may be focused on their out there world, relationships out there are nothing but a mirror of the relationship with self and whilst some may not realise this and be totally hooked up in the physical drama, that chaos and repeating pattern will begin to become so loud that going within will be the only place to figure it all out on a Divine level, again a choice, some will continue to reflect the dis-ease in this world and that is OK, it must die out and unconscious choices are down to the individual, we are not here to be the saviour, we are here to shine light, to be the example and through doing so we share the most divine codes. By caring about self, by opening the heart as wide as possible, by saying no without defence, judgement and blame and being open to renewal when understanding that a sorry is only ever a changed behaviour then we open into the most wonderful frequencies of compassion which is ultimately the greatest healer, seen as tough love until realised it is simply about respect and responsibility.
There is a key I share called the Sacred Fields that is available in the SOUL-AR Alignment Program space, a key that opens the magic of the field that creates spaces and experiences aligned with the heart frequency, whilst it is a key that takes full commitment to Self to use it is a key that will transform your earth experience into that of our Divine Purpose, creating Heaven on Earth.
The Full moon in Aries seats us firmly in the I am space, how this is experienced is completely dependent on the core frequency we hold but this may highlight attachments to the out there as Aries wants you to come back to self and begin again, Aries wants action, however sometimes Aries is a little too impatient, a little too pushy, and in its lowest octaves never pays attention or reads the fields which could possibly be experienced with some narcissistic type conversation, overly emotional connections, dramatic connections will be like crazy crossfire, ricocheting and pinging off every surface and nothing actually being a direct hit, the emotional moon, opposing the sun in libra ultimately wants us to move into harmonic frequencies, to level out our foundations and to make sure they are solid.
Some will find the mind is incredibly active, loops appear as repeating thoughts, repeating songs, repeating words, confusion heightens until the crack, the decision is made or the belief is released, higher octaves will lead the now clear mind into incredible spaces to expand, reading, finding out information on new pursuits, new hobbies, new reasons and motivators begin to arise…….palmistry is opening up into something I am really injoying learning about.
The Moon square Pluto continues the October theme of transformations, Pluto is a huge player in our evolution and will be continuing this ground level change until 2024 when he moves into the new phase that Aquarius will show. I think its also fair to say here that whilst we are preparing for the Great Conjunction in January what perhaps we should remember is that our personal planets are now getting prepared for their own conjunction with these bad boys, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars are heading rapidly towards Jupiter who is rapidly heading into Capricorn to join Saturn and Pluto this means we have HUGE conjunctions waiting in the wings, and lets be honest, the collective have been experiencing the gnarly squares and oppositions, the intensity is only going to rise as they meet and take our race through a major reset.
The Full Moon is also conjunct Eris, I have been looking at my own personal journey this morning with these conjunctions, specifically Oct 2013 and October 2016, funny enough both of these were significant repeat endings of the deep wounding type of a relationship I once had, the pattern is so clear, 2013 experiencing what I would then have called narcissistic relationship, complete breakdown, silent treatment and all the rest, whereas in 2016 the pattern shifts from unempowered not knowing anything to 2016’s ahh I understand it through to todays realisation of completion and heart wide open.
Eris points to discord and can reverberate some of those deepest primal instincts, violence and abuse may well become topical for clearing, rebellion rises as do the emotions but don’t lose sight, this is being seen for the completion, the moon is also in conjunction with the fixed star Baten Kaitos which holds a very similar chaotic energy, heightening the emotions, showing depression for the self avoidance it is and yet guiding all within to the space of solitude to figure it all out, well it talks of isolation but that is just the lower unconscious octave of the heavenly space of solitude, its all rainbows and spectrums really.
Well that’s quite a sucker punch to shift the collective! The energy of this week is set and we can see we are heading deeper within to make more adjustments, make more space for light and expansion and to continue reaping what we sow, which as I said is instantaneous, because wherever we appear to move there is something just above us that says, choose conscious and you will reap a bountiful harvest and this Full Moon has just this, it is trine to Jupiter who is now in his final transits for 2019, he has been our planet of expansion, wanting in every moment for us to see our worth, our value, to appreciate, to share and to love MORE and what makes this Moon so super exciting is whilst you may well be diving into some choppy waters, you will also be diving so deep you will be able to pick up some ancient gems that have been long hidden from view. Cosmic surfers and deep conscious divers prepare for incredible gems to be surfaced, gems that have the ability to literally transform and expand upon the completion of those karmic experiences that brought you to this space, as I said it’s a reap what we sow energy and the fruits are ready to harvest.
In a couple of days we begin moving through the need for nurture, as Lilith and Ceres square off, Ceres being the ultimate Mother and nurturer and Lilith, oh Lilith I love you so and I don’t feel comfortable speaking about her as I have learned through the books and words of others, lets just say she is misunderstood in so many ways and I suggest you learn her story in order to harmonise this out within because there is likely to be some conflict, validating the inner child will be required which many find incredibly hard, especially to those who think themselves into healing the broken feminine connections which is what this transit highlights, the ability to move through the process of healing means at first we must feel once again the pain of that inner child, the let down we felt from the Matriarchal suppression, meaning we must stop suppressing the hate and the screams of the inner child that we held towards our Mothers, instead allowing it all to resurface from the septic wound that never healed, this is the most liberating journey, it is the most purest cleansing that can close those wounds, and though the validation of the child we can then introduce the understandings of the adult you, we can then and only then begin the invalidation of the programs because at the point of meeting with the inner child is the point in which the separation is healed and the trust for self is regained.
For those learning to balance out support, understanding about over supporting and finding the point of equilibrium which enables more to be shared with ease and no effort, this again assists those clearing out the programs of the unhealed healer and when we think we got it all we always realise there is more to be adjusted, the unification and coming together of those in your field is the best gauge, are you surrounded by those in need or are you surrounded by those who share, are you energised when you are with your tribe or are you depleted and needing rest.
By mid-week we have a powerful alignment with the Sun entering the domain of the fixed star Spica, our Babylonian Ancestors knew exactly the potency of this star and the following star, Arcturus in which both are incredibly beneficial stars to those who have aligned, I will come back to write about the incoming energy as we are due to receive some solar winds which will change this course of energy somewhat, from a within transformation to a dynamic reality transformation with the physical materialising as though the hand of God moved through delivering gifts, but again what this highlights is the ability to surf some incredible experiences by simply aligning to Source codes, allowing the movements to take us into areas that require attention in order to see the amazement of the higher frequency timelines that are available.
Another diverse week, the entire spectrum is open once you realised the power of the keys observation and choice, the space is here to expand before next week we begin with the Mars square the Nodes setting the tone for the next phase of our journey.
Sending All so much love!
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Transiting Ceres re-enters Libra (post-retrograde shadow)
Timeline (current events in bold)
Monday, November 28, 2022, 18:38 UT - transiting Neptune enters pre-retrograde shadow, 23°49’ Virgo
Sunday, December 18, 2022, 23:26 UT - transiting Ceres enters Libra
Friday, February 3, 2023, 19:16 UT - transiting Ceres stations retrograde, 6°58’ Libra
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 03:52 UT - transiting Ceres retrogrades back into Virgo
Saturday, May 6, 2023, 19:28 UT - transiting Ceres stations direct, 23°47’ Virgo
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 11:22 UT - transiting Ceres re-enters Libra
Saturday, July 15, 2023, 21:10 UT - transiting Ceres exits post-retrograde shadow, 6°58’ Libra
Disclaimer: you won’t “feel” this transit very strongly unless Ceres is prominent in your birth chart (strongly aspecting the Sun, Moon, &/or the angles). A strong Virgo/6th House influence would also predispose one.
Almost done with this slog! Look back to see if you were trying to get a Ceres-type project off the ground between December 18 and February 3 - you have a lot more perspective now, perhaps some new skills or reimagined skills, to use. “Ceres-type projects” include:
Procreative sexuality, parenting, children, family
Child care, nurturing professions
Agriculture, growing cycles, food
Concern for animals (especially domestic ones)
Putting these in a Libra context, we’re trying to bring balance, fairness, justice, and harmony to the situations.
Ceres is (still) very connected to the Sun in the Cancer Solstice chart - you may recall she was also a Player in the Capricorn Solstice and Aries Equinox charts. So much of what we must do henceforward is to (try to) bring back some balance to how we treat the Earth.
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hi I'm the June 17th birthday. I couldn't respond to your message on Kofi but I am totally fine with you putting my reading on your blog. Thank you for doing your best to work around the messages issue!
Thank you for buying me this delicious hot beverage. I drank irish cream black coffee with rice milk while writing your interpretation. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did writing! I listened to some old George Ezra while writing. ;)
Your dominant planets are: 1. Sun, 2. Jupiter and 3. Pluto. Your dominant signs are: 1. Scorpio, 2. Gemini and 3. Leo. Your main mode is Fixed. You are Water dominant.
You have Aquarius IC. You had an unconventional, unique upbringing. Your 4th house is in Aquarius and Pisces. You like to play on your own. Or you created an imaginary world for yourself. Or you could have escaped through music, arts, TV series or film. You were sheltered from what was really going on around you. You might have a hard time establishing healthy boundaries with your family members. They seem to completely merge with you and rely on you emotionally or be completely cold and detached. There were many traditions and superstitions in your family that might have been passed down through generations. If you have any siblings, they are Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. In your elementary and high school years you might have been drawing a lot during classes you didn’t find stimulating. Or you daydream often. You were a mature and responsible student. You seemed a lot older than your peers. You might have viewed your schoolmates as weird sometimes, but they viewed you the same back. You might have often asked yourself if you’re the “weird one” or they are. You have Uranus in the 4th house. You may have changed residence or moved around often, even change schools. There were a lot of unpredictable, sudden changes and events in your early life that were hard to control (and to grasp). You have Sun square Moon. Your mother and father have different personalities and traits. They did not agree on the parenting style, how to raise you. They might have had different views. You have Sun conjunct Mercury. Your father emphasized the importance of communication or that you keep good relations with your siblings. This is also a writer’s placements! You can flatter or cut deep with words. You know how to appeal through words and find exactly the right words. You can sometimes think you “feel” words, because some words would be funny to you or have a “weird” sound to it. You might visualize a lot in your mind. Words, think in imagery and pictures and you have a strong, vivid imagination. You have Sun conjunct Mars. He probably met your open emotional expression with resistance.
PARTNERSHIPS AND FRIENDSHIPS Your friends are Pisces, Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Libra and Virgo. In your romantic relationships you attract Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aries. You have Taurus Venus in the 7th house. You desire, respect and value (also attract) stable, loyal, stubborn, highly opinionated people. Those who like to debate with you. People that have “go to” phrases and are polite, kind, have good manners. You might easily sense fragile egos, self esteem and weak points of other people. You have Gemini Mars in the 8th house. This is how you take action. How you approach your crush. You like to play mind games a bit, use a bit of world play and double entendre. You like to know everything about them and how their mind works. You wonder how they are thinking, what their thought process is. You like to have shared learning experiences with potential partners or dates where you go to an escape room or take a cooking class together and learn a new skill. You like to constantly evolve, expand and regenerate. You need a mental connection and great mental rapport to introduce physical intimacy into a relationship. You have Aries Moon in the 5th house. You have the potential of a serial dater. You need some passion, excitement and playful energy to get the connection started. But even in the early stages of your love affairs, you need a great deal of emotional comfort. You have to feel safe and secure around the person, like they are your family already. You know what you like and you might cut off people instantly when you notice red flags or just something that you don’t like. You know you can’t save people, so you understand the person needs to help themselves first. Otherwise, they would become another one of your problems. You have Venus sextile Jupiter. You might be very generous when you’re in love. You like to spoil your partner and take them out for dinner often. You might be over generous or over loving. With you money, time, affection, attention, praise and compliments. You have Venus square Uranus. You might like some odd, quirky, hard to figure of people. You are fascinated by those. You might have a long distance relationship at some point. Or you could date your friends or online date. You might even have a platonic connection with someone before it being romantic. You have Venus trine Neptune. You might idealize your partner or they do that to you. You might view them through rose tinted glasses. You are attracted to musicians, artists, singers, creators and people who play instruments.
You have Pluto in the 2nd house. You fear poverty, homelessness and being hungry. You are very private when it comes to your financial matters. You don’t discuss it openly or ever. It’s a weird topic for you. Sometimes you fear it, it’s like you’re scared of what it can do. You are very passionate about gaining financial stability. Sometimes your dreams scare you or you might think “too big” or see just the bigger picture and forget to focus on the now as well. You have Sagittarius and Capricorn over your 2nd house. You might be over indulgent and flashy when you have money to spend. But with Capricorn there you also work hard for it. You have Leo MC. You might gain recognition for your accomplishments. You could also be attracted to film, theatre, drama, modelling. Or politics, governmental jobs, administration. Even publishing, media, public relations and public affairs. You could be a representative for a company. You might like to post on your social media. But you perfect your image, caption and you check for grammar errors. You like to be seen as creative, funny, healthy, bright and hard working. You have Virgo North Node in the 10th house. This indicates your life purpose. In this lifetime you are called to organise, to establish healthy boundaries with others, routine, daily habits. To take care of your daily duties, responsibilities, your health and even your pets if you have any. If you don’t. You’d benefit from owning a pet greatly, so that it calms down your Virgo mental restlessness. You could work in accounting, counselling, therapy, even health fields, such as nutrition, dietetics, nursing etc. You could be interested in physical and mental wellbeing. You could be into fitness and wellness. You might like communication, publishing, bookkeeping or even library work. You could use your keen eye for details. You have Leo and Virgo over your 10th house. You will shine and be in the spotlight, yet you’ll have to learn humility as well. Sometimes you might feel underappreciated or undervalued by authority figures, such as your parents, mentors, teachers, bosses. You might feel like you are putting much more effort in your responsibilities and work than you get credit for it. You have Aries and Taurus over the 6th house. This means you like a stable job, because it means stable income (Taurus in the 6th, Capricorn in the 2nd). But at some point in your life, you might desire to be your own boss, be self employed or become a businessperson, since it gives you the freedom of expression, expansion you value (Aries in the 6th house, Sagittarius in the 2nd house). You might even do something athletic or sporty daily or even as a part of your job! You have Cancer Mercury in the 8th house. You need to communicate a lot with your intimate partners. You like to think about your family, siblings, your home, your comforts and safety. You like talking about deep, occult and taboo topics. You might entertain the idea of conspiracy theories as well. You have an excellent memory. You can remember scents, colours, how people made you feel like no other. You have a long term memory. You have Mercury square Jupiter. Sometimes you might be a bit judgemental or be prone to overthinking and overanalyzing. You might also read between the lines. You have Mercury sextile Saturn. You have great power and focus to concentrate for long periods of time when you have a tunnel vision.
You have Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn currently transiting your 3rd house. You might spend more time alone and less with your friends, siblings and family members. You might have to work hard daily or commute to another city for work or just travel daily to a different part of the city. You might reevaluate and reconsider, rethink and transform your attitude to the local community, neighbourhood, city, to your siblings, peers, schoolmates. You might meet some new people, some new friends too, when Jupiter enters the scene since it’s a one and a half to two years long transit. You have Scorpio Chiron in the 1st house. You might not like your own name, or there is a visible spot, mark on your face, body that you don’t like. Or you could have been picked on by others for that. You might not like your physical appearance and you’re self conscious about it. You often nit pick it. At some point in life you might have had an identity crisis or just really doubted your personality, ego, self worth, character and traits. You might have been bullied or the power was taken away from you. You often felt powerless. Or scared of your own potential and power. You have Taurus Ceres in the 7th house. This represents how you wish to be nurtured and how you nurture others. You like to cook for them, buy them food, share meals with them and buy them little gifts. You like to listen to them. You might be a therapist for many. I’m sure you received compliments as “you’d be an excellent therapist”. You might empathize with them and really try to understand the other’s perspective and where they are coming from. You like to put yourself in others' shoes. You have Virgo Juno in the 11th house. This indicted your “ideal soulmate”, ideal partner, be it platonic or romantic. You like someone friendly, intelligent, who isn’t afraid to discuss social issues, society and question it all. You like someone who is clean, smells nice and grooms themselves. You like platonic, friendly connections at first. You need a lot of mental simulation. You have Libra Lilith in the 12th house. You might have been accused that you lack ambition. But you just don’t like competition that much or participation in the rat race. You value the inner core and being. You have rich inner workings. You have Leo Part of Fortune in the 9th house. This is where you experience good luck and charm. You might be praised for your views, beliefs, opinions on life. How you choose to constantly expand your horizons. You are at your happiest when you travel, even when you get lost in a good book, TV series or a foreign film. You like to constantly learn something new and you’ll be a life long student.
Your chart ruler is Pluto. The chart ruler of the 1st house is in the 2nd house. Your ego is directly tied to your self worth, financial status, your talents. You might develop your personality, character, ego, self esteem through 2nd house topics, such as working on your talents and pursuing new skills, earning money and becoming financially independent, self care and developing your own set of values.
The house ruler of the 1st house is in the 2nd house. The way you look depends on your self-esteem. Life is oriented to discovering personal values and creating self-esteem. Appearance is a source of security issues. The house ruler of the 2nd house is in the 5th house. You use your money for artistic projects. You are possessive of creative projects. Financial security depends upon your personal creativity. The house ruler of the 3rd house is in the 6th house. Daily conversation revolves around work and health. Your mind is oriented to daily life. Thoughts are oriented to daily routine and work. You are curious about diet and nutrition. You have an efficient mind. You take information and organize it. You have an actively curious mind. The house ruler of the 4th house is in the 4th house. You want a home of your own. Private time is spent with family. Home and family bring up strong core feelings, for better or worse. You want a family for the sake of having a family. The house ruler of the 5th house is in the 3rd house. Creative talents and gifts are hidden. Hobbies revolve around the taboo or occult. The house ruler of the 6th house is in the 8th house. The daily work environment must serve your need to form deep relationships. You use your knowledge of diet, nutrition and exercise to help other people transform. You want an intense work environment. The house ruler of the 7th house is in the 7th house. The partner needs to be willing negotiate and cooperate with you. Marriage partners are business partners, business partners are marriage partners. You want to be with someone who is cooperative. You want a partner who is a good negotiator. The house ruler of the 8th house is in the 8th house. You enter sexual relationships for sex. You get emotionally entangled with other people to form deep connections. Your attitude to life and death affects your ability to deeply connect with other people. The house ruler of the 9th house is in the 5th house. You are philosophical about the way you raise children. You find meaning through the creative arts. You like to take romantic getaways. You enjoy the artistic expression of other cultures. Traveling is for leisure and pleasure. The house ruler of the 10th house is in the 8th house. You bring a professional approach to depth psychology. You find your true vocation by exploring occult subjects. Your career revolves around the need for intensity of experience. Your career involves working with other people’s emotional baggage. Your true vocation involves depth interactions with other people. You achieve recognition as a researcher. You receive awards for your work with people on the fringe of society. The house ruler of the 11th house is in the 8th house. You associate with people who are involved in the occult. Your friends have emotional baggage. You keep your group involvements hidden. You don’t talk about your long term hopes and wishes. The house ruler of the 12th house is in the 7th house. Your partner desires to escape from reality as much as you do. You lose your boundaries when it comes to significant relationships. Your grief and sorrow affect your relationships. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to maintain a serious relationship.
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes: daily transits 8/8
Thursday brings a blend of dreamy and sensitive energies with the Virgo Moon opposing Neptune in the early morning, followed by the Moon's transition into Libra and a trine to Pluto. The day is rounded off with a challenging Moon–Ceres square in the evening, which can make vulnerability difficult, particularly in family dynamics.
Key Influences
Virgo Moon Opposite Neptune (1:40 a.m.): Enigmatic Dreams: This opposition can heighten the abstract and enigmatic nature of dream images, potentially making sleep and early morning reflections more nebulous and confusing.
Moon Enters Libra (2:30 a.m.): Harmony-Seeking: The Moon's ingress into Libra shifts the emotional tone to one that seeks balance, harmony, and fairness in relationships and surroundings.
Moon Trine Pluto (3:30 a.m.): Enhanced Sensitivity: This trine amplifies psychic sensitivity and emotional depth, particularly in understanding and intuiting the needs of loved ones. It fosters a deeper connection and insight into emotional undercurrents.
Moon Square Ceres (7:33 p.m.): Difficulty with Vulnerability: This square can create tension around nurturing and care, making it challenging to express vulnerability or to feel safe in sharing emotional needs, especially within family contexts.
Integrating the Influences
Navigating Dream Confusion: Morning Reflection: Use the early morning hours to reflect on dreams and any nebulous feelings. Journaling can help to capture and make sense of the abstract images and emotions.
Seeking Balance: Embrace Harmony: With the Moon in Libra, focus on creating balance and harmony in your interactions. This is a good time for mediation and finding common ground in relationships.
Deepening Connections: Intuitive Insights: Utilize the Moon-Pluto trine to deepen your connections with loved ones. Pay attention to subtle cues and intuitively respond to the emotional needs of those around you.
Addressing Vulnerability: Safe Spaces: Be mindful of the challenges around vulnerability in the evening. Create safe and supportive environments for yourself and others to share feelings without fear of judgment or rejection.
Practical Applications
Morning Routine: Dream Journal: Start the day by journaling any dreams or early morning reflections. This can help to bring clarity and understanding to the abstract images influenced by the Neptune opposition.
Creating Harmony: Balanced Interactions: Focus on fostering balanced and harmonious interactions throughout the day. Engage in activities that promote peace and cooperation, such as mediation or collaborative projects.
Emotional Sensitivity: Deep Conversations: Use the enhanced sensitivity from the Moon-Pluto trine to engage in deep and meaningful conversations with loved ones. This can help to strengthen emotional bonds and mutual understanding.
Evening Reflection: Supportive Environment: In the evening, create a supportive environment where vulnerability is encouraged and respected. This can involve having open-hearted discussions or simply being present for family members.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or etsy sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Astrology Cafe Daily Astrology ABOUT TODAY DAILY MONTHLY CHART You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Sunday, December 31, 2017 Astrology of Today – Sunday, December 31, 2017 Dec 30, 2017 by Annie Leave a Comment  The Moon is in Gemini. The Moon is void from 6:38 PM forward (until 3:10 AM tomorrow). The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase. The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the Full Moon will occur tomorrow. Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until January 10, 2018. **Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST). Horoscopes Aries  Aries There can be some restlessness and indecision today, dear Aries. In fact, nervous energy is likely, and it can be difficult to concentrate on any one thing for very long! This is the case when the Moon is in your solar third house, encouraging you to act on your curiosity, connect, and explore your options. Its opposition to Mercury tends to generate restlessness, however, or a sense that you may be missing out if you pour your energy into anything substantial. While the last day of the year is often a time for reflection, it can be hard to concentrate right now. However, you’re quite expert at managing many things at once, especially as the day advances. Resolutions for the year ahead can be about career, responsibility, and focus. Taurus  Taurus The day holds some nervous energy, dear Taurus, which is not ideal for reflecting back on the year behind you or wrapping everything up. However, you’re practical enough to know that you can do this on another day just as (or more) effectively, and you’re willing to roll with the punches now. There is good energy for finding creative ways to satisfy your desire for a bit of adventure as well as your need for comfort, family, or familiarity. Doable resolutions for the year ahead might revolve around getting on better schedules and enjoying your close relationships more fully and joyfully, as you have excellent planetary support for these things in 2018. Gemini  Gemini The Moon in your sign all day will take you into the New Year, dear Gemini, and you’re in a celebratory if sometimes distracted mood. Your emotional needs are on the front burner with this brief transit, and you’re inclined to be a little more spontaneous than usual. Your attention span is shorter than usual, which makes serious reflection on the year you’re leaving behind you a little difficult. However, doable resolutions for the year ahead might revolve around reducing debt, enjoying your work, helping others, and paying special attention to health, as you will receive wonderful planetary support for these things in 2018. Cancer  Cancer You end the year with the Moon in the sign just behind yours, dear Cancer, and you can be feeling a little withdrawn or indecisive. Early tomorrow, the Moon enters your sign and later tomorrow, reaches Full. This points to a blossoming or awakening of compelling feelings, but for now, you’re more inclined to keep to yourself or lay low as the lunar cycle draws to a close. You’re also inclined to naturally reflect on recent events now. Resolutions for the year ahead may revolve around straightening out partnerships, drawing clear boundaries with others and between work and play, exploring your creative side, and enjoying yourself more often, as transits are nudging you in these directions. Leo  Leo The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Leo, encouraging you to connect with others and with your own dreams of the future. Happiness goals are on your mind now, and this is an excellent way to end the year and start a new one. Early tomorrow, the Moon will move into your privacy sector and encourage winding down, resting up, and taking a break from overthinking. For today, you tend to stay on your toes. The first half of the day can be a restless one, but as the day advances, you feel far more comfortable and natural. Resolutions for the year ahead that are particularly doable, as you have good planetary backing, can revolve around simplifying and firming up daily routines and health pursuits, improving self-discipline with your work, improving home life and family relationships, and working smarter so that you can enjoy downtime more fully. Virgo  Virgo The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Virgo, and your career, life path, reputation, status, and long-term goals are in focus. Even so, there is a tendency to distract quickly in the first half of the day. Nervous energy is likely as you find it hard to know whether you genuinely want something or think you should want it! However, as the day advances, you find it easier to concentrate, and there is a wonderfully supportive energy with you that can help you bond with others, especially children, lovers, and friends. You’re in both a celebratory and quiet mood, and you’re in good shape to creatively combine the two. Resolutions for the year ahead may revolve around more discipline in your creative or leisure worlds and enjoyment of brushing up your knowledge and skills, communicating more often, and making an extra effort to connect with others. Libra  Libra The Moon spends the day in your house of spirit and adventure, dear Libra, and this lifts your thoughts high. You’re looking at the bigger picture now, and this helps you gain some perspective on your life, which is certainly helpful if you’re doing a year-end review. There is terrific energy, particularly as the day progresses, for bonding with family and friends, and you’re in an excellent position to creatively combine your need to socialize and to stick close to home or with familiar settings. Resolutions for the year ahead may revolve around getting your home and family life into better order, committing to home improvements, and enjoying yourself or the fruits of your labor more often and more fully. Scorpio  Scorpio The Moon spends the day in your solar eighth house, dear Scorpio, and you’re inclined to take on the role of observer more than not today. You tend to nurture your deeper feelings and desires with this transit, as well. The Moon will move into your spirited, adventurous solar ninth house shortly into tomorrow and you’re inclined to greet the New Year quite heartily, but today, you’re in the position to reflect. Resolutions for the year ahead may revolve around putting yourself “out there” more often, trying new things, changing your image, embracing opportunities, and increasing self-discipline to studies or projects. You receive great planetary support for these endeavors in 2018. Sagittarius  Sagittarius The Moon spends another day in your partnership sector, dear Sagittarius, and you’re inclined to want to connect with others, seek some feedback, or pair up. The first half of the day is not particularly conducive to year-end reflection only because there’s some nervous energy now that makes it hard to know the difference between our head and our hearts. However, there is a nurturing, supportive theme to the day as it progresses that is heartwarming and boosts your spirits. Doable resolutions this year may revolve around getting your finances into order, saving more, helping others, and enjoying more time to rest, relax, and process, as you receive good planetary encouragement for these things in 2018. Capricorn  Capricorn The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, dear Capricorn, and you’re inclined to want to keep busy and be productive. The first half of the day holds a bit of nervous energy as well as a tendency to bicker or worry as the Moon opposes Mercury. However, you feel more focused as the day advances. Early tomorrow, the Moon moves into a more sociable area of your chart. Until then, there are many things on your mind! People may be extending genuine gestures now as a Sun-Ceres connection highlights our nurturing sides. You might make resolutions that revolve around getting your life in better order, physical health goals, joining a group, appreciating friends, and enjoying your social life in 2018, as you have excellent planetary support for these things. Aquarius  Aquarius The Moon is in your playful, celebratory solar fifth house all day, dear Aquarius. The day has a more nervous or curious than reflective feel to it, but you’re in a good position to bond and connect well with others. There can be a wonderfully healing, nurturing connection with someone felt now. The New Year will begin with a desire to take care of business as the Moon will move into your work and health sector, but for today, you’re entirely onboard for some entertainment and leisure. Some doable resolutions for the year ahead, as you receive special planetary support in these areas, involve taking care of loose ends, taking the lead more often, enjoying the work you do, and feeling great about meeting your responsibilities. Pisces  Pisces The Moon continues to transit your home and family sector, dear Pisces, and this inclines you to want to keep things simple and familiar. In some ways, it’s a good time for reflection, but there is some nervous and contrary energy to the first half of the day that can lead to indecision, so you may want to wait for a better time to take a serious look back. This evening is more spirited. Doable resolutions for the year ahead may revolve around learning new topics, getting out and about more often, trying out new activities, and firming up lo ng-term plans, for which you have special planetary support in 2018. * Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here. If Your Birthday is December 31st, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here. Astrology of Today – The Details: If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology):    Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 0:00 am Event: Moon in Gemini Description: The Moon in Gemini We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 6:38 pm Event: Moon goes void of course Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 1:29 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Mar Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Mars There can be tension and feelings of restlessness or impatience, as what we want to do may not feel perfectly right, or we may be lacking the courage. Avoid taking it out on the wrong things or people. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 4:10 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Nod Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting North Node A good time for dealing with the public, for making connections, and for taking positive steps towards a personal or professional goal. You are able to make changes. This is a feel-good time for embracing new opportunities. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 6:27 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Jup Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Jupiter Watch for moody decisions and excesses now. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 7:22 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Cer Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Ceres We can be feeling pleasantly attached to, or supported by, our loved ones or family. We are seeking out security, nurturing, and warmth, and we are more likely to express these things towards others. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 7:29 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Mer Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Mercury Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two.Nervous energy, hypersensitivity. How we feel and what we think can be at odds. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 9:29 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Plu Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Pluto We may not be aware of our more demanding or controlling tendencies. We may feel vaguely frustrated, powerless, or tense. There can be undermining going on in our interactions and relationships. Wait for the tension to subside before taking action. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 1:08 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Jun Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Juno There may be clinging or controlling behavior if we are driven by our fears. Hypersensitivity and moodiness are possible. Tread lightly with tricky emotional issues. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 4:17 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ves Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Vesta Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 6:38 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Ura Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Uranus We are open to new ideas. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 6:45 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Chi Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Chiron We may have some difficulty letting go of hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 8:57 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Pal Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Pallas There is a good ability to successfully combine logic and intuition, and to understand problems taking into account the human element. There is sensitivity to people’s issues now. Cooperation. Effective, sensitive decision making. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 5:51 am Event: Tr-Tr Mer Tri Cer Description: Transiting Mercury Trine Transiting Ceres We are imaginative, creative, and communicate warmly and considerately. This is a good time for both teaching and learning, and for expressing feelings. Researching cooking, health, and nutrition can be fruitful now. It’s also a strong time for marketing. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 6:41 am Event: Tr-Tr Ven SSq Ves Description: Transiting Venus SemiSquare Transiting Vesta There may be difficulties showing affection or problems with commitments in relationships now. We might experience creativity blocks or inhibitions. Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 7:49 am Event: Tr-Tr Ves Pll Jun Description: Transiting Vesta Parallel Transiting Juno Date & Time: Dec 31 2017 0:17 am Event: Tr-Tr Pal Cpl Cer Description: Transiting Pallas ContraParallel Transiting Ceres Strong Signs, Elements, Modes BALANCE OF SIGNS GEMINI STRONG Agile, versatile, inquisitive, flowing, conversational, airy, many ideas. Can be volatile, superficial, changeable, restless and inconsistent. SCORPIO STRONG Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic. CAPRICORN STRONG Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous. BALANCE OF ELEMENTS EARTH STRONG We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting. BALANCE OF MODES The modes are balanced. LUNAR PHASE: GIBBOUS Moon 135 to 180 degrees ahead of the Sun. We are looking to attach value and meaning to our goals. This is a time for analyzing, questioning, perfecting, and improving. The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on December 31st: Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies. Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today). **I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). THE MOON THE MOON IN GEMINI We are attracted to new ideas and are especially curious. We may need to discriminate so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual. 21ST DEGREE OF GEMINI Part of Body: Arm muscles Sabian Symbol: A labor demonstration. ASPECTS OF THE MOON OPPOSITION MERCURY Orb 2°40′ Separating There can be disagreement between logic and feeling, the heart and the head. Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two. Nervous energy, hypersensitivity. QUINCUNX PLUTO Orb 1°35′ Separating We may not be aware of our more demanding or controlling tendencies. We may feel vaguely frustrated, powerless, or tense. There can be undermining going on in our interactions and relationships. Wait for the tension to subside before taking action. SQUARE CHIRON Orb 4°16′ Applying We could be dwelling on hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. THE SUN THE SUN IN CAPRICORN You are responsible and respectful, with a strong need to be an authority figure. You command respect and may tend to superiority and bossiness. 11TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Left cruciate ligaments Sabian Symbol: Pheasants display their brilliant colors on a vast lawn. ASPECTS OF THE SUN CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 2°03′ Applying We take pride in our ability to relate well with others or to smooth over differences now. Graciousness, diplomacy, charm, and some superficiality are themes. This is a good period for social affairs, pleasure, amusement, and romance, all things considered. SEXTILE MARS Orb 3°46′ Applying We can be furthering our goals and desires without apology. A time for getting ahead, taking action, and solving problems, and some healthy self-centeredness. Competition. Taking the lead. SEXTILE NEPTUNE Orb 1°41′ Applying Opportunities will arise for you to express your intuitive and artistic nature. CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 8°33′ Applying You are intense, obsessive and have great personal power. You find it easy to rid yourself of the unwanted but may be intolerant of others less powerful. Transformation is the key factor in your life. MERCURY MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS You seek knowledge to expand your world view. You are a born philosopher, enjoying any information which helps you see the big picture. For instance you may enjoy a religious debate. You place importance on freedom of speech and thought. 18TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Right femur Sabian Symbol: Tiny children in sunbonnets. ASPECTS OF MERCURY TRINE URANUS Orb 6°53′ Applying We are mentally alert and aware, and might be experimenting or opening our minds to new ideas. We could be feeling inspired, and our thinking is inventive. Varying our usual routine may be rewarding. VENUS VENUS IN CAPRICORN You are shy in relationships. You will form relationships slowly, but they are likely to be enduring. You may not form close relationships early in life, but later will have solid and committed relationships. You are responsible with your money and possessions. 9TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Nerves of knee Sabian Symbol: An angel carrying a harp. ASPECTS OF VENUS CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 6°48′ Separating You are shy and inhibited in your personal relationships. You fear commitment and tend to either be the one in control or to choose a partner who tries to control you. One of your parents may have been too strict and consequently you fear expressing yourself. Once you overcome your feelings of inadequacy you will have the ability to form secure and long-lasting relationships based on firm foundations. You are faithful and loyal. MARS MARS IN SCORPIO You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent. 14TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Foreskin Sabian Symbol: Telephone linemen at work. ASPECTS OF MARS CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 2°54′ Applying You are generous, self confident and lucky. Your energy level is high and you are courageous. You have a tendency to go where angels fear to tread, as you approach life with gusto regardless of the consequences. Travel and religious causes are likely to feature in your life. You may like to consider a career in the military or competitive sports. TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 2°05′ Separating Inspiration might be found now, and our intuition is strong. There can be letting go of anger, or a softening of the disposition. Creative arts, particularly physical ones, are favored. JUPITER JUPITER IN SCORPIO You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher. 17TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Testicular lobes, left ovary Sabian Symbol: A woman the father of her own child. ASPECTS OF JUPITER TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 4°59′ Separating You are artistic and may also be religious. You have a need to help others and may feel you have a calling. You have the ability to inspire other people’s talents as well. SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 1°52′ Applying You have a chance to achieve a great deal. Your knowledge is broad as you are interested in so many things. You may make a career in the occult or studying the deepest mysteries of life. SATURN SATURN IN CAPRICORN You are conservative and authoritarian, and have strong worldly ambitions. You are a responsible worker. 2ND DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Left patella Sabian Symbol: Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. URANUS URANUS IN ARIES The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019). 25TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Sternocleidomastoid muscle Sabian Symbol: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings. NEPTUNE NEPTUNE IN PISCES A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026) 12TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Plantar artery of right foot Sabian Symbol: An examination of initiates. PLUTO PLUTO IN CAPRICORN Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024). 19TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag. Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect CHIRON CHIRON IN PISCES Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019). 25TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood. VESTA IN SCORPIO You are intensely committed to your work. Dedication and the ability to focus are keys to your work. Sexual morals may feature strongly as you seek to either break existing sexual mores or repress sexual urges behind a strict code of ethics. 23RD DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Nasal bone, fimbria of Fallopian tubes Sabian Symbol: A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy. PALLAS PALLAS IN ARIES You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action. 26TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Skull Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. JUNO JUNO IN AQUARIUS You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship. 7TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Right saphenous veins Sabian Symbol: A child born of an eggshell. CERES CERES IN LEO You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun. 18TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Right cardiac cavity Sabian Symbol: A chemist conducts an experiment before his students. THE NORTH NODE THE NORTH NODE IN LEO This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 16TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Left atrium Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm. THE SOUTH NODE THE SOUTH NODE IN AQUARIUS This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 16TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Lymph vessels of left lower leg Sabian Symbol: A big-businessman at his desk. *** CONJUNCTIONS TO SELECT FIXED STARS *** Transits 31 December 2017 Aspects to Ven 08°Cp09 -23°38′ Cnj 08°Cp32 FACIES — Ruthlessness or the victim. Aspects to Nod 15°Le22 +16°13′ Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful SHARE THIS: EmailFacebookTwitterTumblrGoogleReddit Filed Under: Daily Astrology, Today Tagged With: December 31  « Astrology of Today – Saturday, December 30, 2017Astrology of Today – Monday, January 1, 2018 » Leave a Reply   Search this website … Search Cafe Astrology Cafe Astrology Home Cafe Astrology Free Reports Recent Astrology of Today – Monday, January 1, 2018 Astrology of Today – Sunday, December 31, 2017 Astrology of Today – Saturday, December 30, 2017 Astrology of Today – Friday, December 29, 2017 Astrology of Today – Thursday, December 28, 2017 In this post Full Moon‌ First Quarter Moon‌ The Moon is waxing‌ The Moon is void‌ Tags Jupiter Neptune transit Mars-Pluto transit Mars Chiron transit Mars Jupiter transit Mars Neptune transit Mars Pluto transit Mars Saturn transit Mars Saturn transit Mars Uranus transit Mercury Chiron transit Mercury Jupiter transit Mercury Mars transit Mercury Neptune transit Mercury Pluto transit Mercury Saturn transit Mercury semi-square Venus Mercury square Mars Mercury square Neptune Mercury square Pluto Mercury trine Neptune Mercury trine Pluto Mercury Uranus transit Mercury Venus transit Sun Chiron transit Sun conjunct Mercury Sun Jupiter transit Sun Mars transit Sun Mercury transit Sun Neptune transit Sun Pluto transit Sun Saturn transit Sun sextile Saturn Sun square Neptune Sun trine Neptune Sun trine Saturn Sun Uranus transit Venus-Mars transit Venus Chiron transit Venus Jupiter transit Venus Mars transit Venus Neptune transit Venus Pluto transit Venus Saturn transit Venus square Saturn Venus Uranus transit  Previous  Subscribe via Email Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Current Planetary Positions 12/31/2017 10:38:56 AM Sun 10° Capricorn 16' 51" Moon 21° Gemini 24' 07" Mercury 17° Sagittarius 44' 28" Venus 08° Capricorn 14' 38" Mars 14° Scorpio 01' 41" Jupiter 16° Scorpio 53' 51" Saturn 01° Capricorn 21' 51" Uranus 24° Aries 34' 18" R Neptune 11° Pisces 53' 58" Pluto 18° Capricorn 46' 18" Chiron 24° Pisces 38' 12" TrueNode 15° Leo 22' 18" R Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Categories  Archives  December 2017 M T W T F S S « Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Copyright © 2017 · Astrology Cafe by Cafe Astrology
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achemicalchild · 6 years
Mars’ Transit of Taurus: Trust Your Body.
By Nadia Gilchrist.
Mars enters Fixed Earth sign Taurus on February 14th. Actions, anger, sexual energy and initiative become focused on survival – what’s real and most valuable.
This is a deliberate placement for Mars. It’s about doing what needs to be done in order to survive and thrive. Momentum can slow which will allow you to carefully consider your next move. This is not about impulse or risk – don’t try to rush or push a situation faster/further than it wants to go. Mars in Taurus is patient and focused on long-term gain. This is a builder’s energy –  many actors known for their amazing physiques have natal Mars in Taurus.
Consider what you can build during this transit. Don’t expect quick results, but imagine what you could accomplish if you focused your energy in the same direction, day after day? Taurus is about routine, and this is the building block of all great accomplishments.
This transit is excellent for looking out for yourself in a financial or emotional situation. It can also be an intensely sensual and indulgent influence as physicality and comfort are emphasized. Mars in Taurus can be basic – if it feels good it’s a yes and if it doesn’t feel good it’s a no. Pay attention to what feels pleasurable/secure. Watch for physical reactions that tell you if a scenario is positive or not – trust your body.
Here are the aspects Mars in Taurus will make:
Feb 27th: sextile the Pisces Sun (9 deg)
Feb 28th: inconjunct Ceres in Sagittarius (9 deg)
Mar 10th: sextile Neptune in Pisces (16 deg)
Mar 14th: trine Saturn in Capricorn (18 deg)
Mar 20th: trine Pluto in Capricorn (22 deg)
Mar 21st: inconjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius (23 deg)
Mar 22nd: trine the Capricorn South Node (24 deg)
Mar 22nd: sextile Vesta in Pisces (24 deg)
Mar 23rd: inconjunct Pallas Rx in Libra (25 deg)
Mar 24th: square Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius (25 deg)
Mar 31st: Gemini ingress
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Astrology Today Full Moon
Zodiac sign? read
Sun opposition moon
Moon) feb 26
Lunar eclipse january 2019
Astrology Club Gemini 2019 Dec 15, 2016 … The gemini horoscope 2019 shows that close relationships look promising in 2019, especially in the first half with Jupiter in a very friendly area. Dec 1, 2016 … Gemini December Horoscope 2019 – How will be the month of December 2019 for Gemini zodiac sign? read our exclusive monthly astrology … Astrology
We are now approaching new moon at 15 degrees Aquarius so you may like to see what you have in …. This is a an abridged version of the full report. … insight into the astrological transits that initiate our psyche during each life stage & transition … Places for this LIVE event are limited so book today to secure your place!
FULL MOON in Cancer December 22nd 2018~ · astral insights … Weekly Astrology from Kaypacha: I want my freedom AND connection with you! astral insights …
Feb 19, 2019, 10:53 AM sun opposition moon (Full moon) feb 26, 2019 ….. Venus enters Capricorn today and will transit the sign until March 1st. It's a time for …
Astrology Symbols For Word Astrology Club Gemini 2019 Dec 15, 2016 … The gemini horoscope 2019 shows that close relationships look promising in 2019, especially in the first half with Jupiter in a very friendly area. Dec 1, 2016 … Gemini December Horoscope 2019 – How will be the month of December 2019 for Gemini zodiac sign? Read our
3 days ago … *Your full moon horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes.
Today's Libra moon is also ruled by Venus. So there's a double …. (For the full story, see my Parenting with Astrology webinar.) So I send him for smaller trips …
Astrology lunar eclipse january 2019 Jan 20, 2019 … The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 20/21 January 2019 falls at 0º Leo. The lunar eclipse january 2019 astrology has Moon sextile ceres. family and … On January 20-21st we have a Super Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of Leo. This Eclipse is ultra potent as it's both a Super Moon and Astrology Aspects For New Job Jan 8, 2010 … donna cunningham skywriter vocational astrology … These transits create new trends and working conditions that color your career potential for … 6th, or 10th house or aspects your Midheaven, it is likely that your career will … Jan 22, 2015 … Astrology has many uses and can answer most any question, … Astrology Symbols Female Astrology symbols have been an important part of astronomy and astrology history. In this article, we breakdown each of the 12 signs, their designs and meaning. … Description: The female symbol; a circle with a cross beneath Meaning/ Definition: love, harmony, sensuality. Feminine Signs : Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. It’s perfect symbol of
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4 days ago … John is a wonderful Tarot reader and astrologer, and writes some of the … transits follow, as always, and I'll be back for the Full Moon in Virgo. … Saturn:I don't do excited, Lady Moon, as the young people of today would say.
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aster-azimuth · 6 years
Moon-Venus-Ceres 11/6 & Healing Trauma
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Late tonight/early tomorrow the Venus-ruled Libra Moon joins Venus and illuminates her conjunction to Ceres, (sustainer of humanity and mother of Persephone.) I’ve mentioned this before, but it seems as though in her time in the underworld of Scorpio, Venus has taken on much of the energy/persona of Persephone: Her wounding at being abducted (and presumably raped by) her uncle, her helplessness in her circumstances, her discovery of her sexual power, and ultimately (eventually) her return from the land of the dead as the triumphant queen...
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This passage by Venus back in to Libra is not the emergence of The Queen after a long dark night of the soul and a lot of self-mastery, however. Libra, afterall, is the entrance to hell, not the exit. I see this moment as a weeping persephone running from the mouth of the cave and into the nurturing arms of her mother, (Ceres/Demeter) knowing full well that she must return to the abyss once again... This time though, when she returns she’s playing for keeps.
This venus retrograde has brought up so much deep wounding for so many people - not just women, but especially women with sexual trauma - and it has brought the discussion of trauma in general to the very front burner of social consciousness. Trauma is a human condition. It affects all of us to one degree or another and it would seem, for the first time in history, that there is public dialogue on a mass scale starting to happen about how to make it okay to expose those vulnerable and wounded parts of ourselves and share our stories in order to address and heal that trauma. I personally believe we as a species need to do so in the name of (in the words of @rhagoddess) “our own liberation and the liberation of all people.” I feel that this journey Venus has been taking is a reflection of this process.
The day that Venus stations direct (11/16), she trines The Moon and Mars in Aquarius, facilitating healing through an understanding of the role the man in her life plays and his transgressions against her (Pluto/Hades, played here by Mars). Perhaps she sees his own trauma that has caused his onerous actions, and is able to see him in a different light... to allow for forgiveness and perhaps to catch a glimpse of the possibility of moving on. This trine between Mars and Venus actually perfects (is exact) on 11/9 - the same time that The Moon is exactly conjunct Mercury. What a fitting time for a meeting of the heart and mind!
On 12/2 Venus begins her descent back (forward) in to the realm of Pluto/Hades... Because forward truly is the only way through. (Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars who is square the asteroid Persephone in Scorpio as I write this, I might add… No coincidences.) Here our heroine Persephone, played by Venus, begins her true journey. She will have retrieved some new pieces of awareness - tools for her second pass through the labyrinth - during her brief time at home in Libra. This time she knows what it will take to shed the cloak of victimhood and become the true Queen of The Underworld. This time she has the secrets of the Elusinian Mysteries of death and rebirth, taught to her by her mother... This time she is empowered and goes bravely and willingly into the darkness.
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On the 1st of next year, these three (The Moon, Ceres & Venus) meet once again, in Scorpio, and at this time they are trine Mars & Chiron. I predict that a profound healing of the divine masculine and feminine will be made possible by this transit… Let’s hope that it manifests on the world stage… I don’t know what that would look like but I’d like to imagine it in to being. What a way to ring in the new year, eh? (Incidentally, 1 week later Venus enters Sagittarius at the same time that Uranus stations direct. New beginnings abound.)
Chiron actually plays a role in this current transit as well, as does Juno, the goddess of marriage. The two are forming a yod to these three, offering an opportunity for either healing or further wounding (Chiron) of the power dynamics in relationships (Juno) between the feminine and masculine (not necessarily read as male and female, thankyouverymuch.) Uranus also sits on the midpoint between these two, opposing the stellium and doing his change thang:
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This configuration offers a VERY potent tension that (unlike most things in this line of subject matter) has more feminine than masculine components. If you’re still reading this, I’d like to know how this is manifesting for you. If you’re not sure and you’d like to know you can email me with your birth details (date, time, place) at [email protected] and I can try to give you an idea.
Back to the subject of healing trauma and empowerment.
It’s my belief that the enormous amount of barbaric hatred that we’re seeing surface recently in the US is like much like the boil that rises as an indication of a deep sickness, and that the sickness is unhealed trauma. This sickness is caused by a culture of shunning and silencing those who act “inappropriately” from a place of suppressed trauma, or who attempt to reach out and express that trauma at the risk of appearing weak or needy...
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It is also my belief that the cause of much of this trauma is a rift between the masculine and feminine parts of the whole consciousness of humanity. Not only does that not mean male/female or men/women, it doesn’t mean just relationship dynamics either - although that is where everything plays out. The imbalance I’m referring to is inherent within the polarization of the two, rather than the integration.
A large part of what I believe causes this rift is the fact that the feminine side of consciousness (intuition, empathy, receptivity and nurturance) is denied in the vast majority of the populace. And I don’t just mean by men, though the imbalance is further reflected in the way that society and the male gender tend to reject this part of themselves the most. Ultimately it isn’t about gender (of which there are more than two) at all - it’s about wholeness. If we can’t figure out how to reintegrate these pieces of our consciousness and figure it out fast we are in for a much bigger problem than the battle of the sexes.
I’d love to know what role you feel you have to play in the human drama. Leave me a comment. :)
Peace, Love and Star Stuff.
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