#going to eat glass
I am so fucking obsessed with this show *silence follows as no one is surprised*
One of my favorite things is Barrys attitude about Zoom before and after their first fight
Before was “I’ve already fought my nightmare, the reverse flash.” And him being fairly nonchalant. You can even see it in their first interaction directly before the fight— Barry’s confident, cocky even; everything changes after the fight.
Because afterwards “Zoom destroyed me.” (An actual quote from Gorilla warfare) then he was obsessed with beating Zoom as much as if not more than he was with Thawne. Barry literally had flashbacks when trying to run— and it was all solved with one fucking pep talk
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deep-space-lines · 25 days
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Tumblr shrinks it down pretty bad so please. please. I am begging you. look at the full sized image and zoom in. This art piece made my friends worried for my mental health I need someone to witness the amount of detail and effort I put into this
also the original sketch under the cut bc I think comparing them is really funny
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lotus-pear · 1 month
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top 10 moments before disaster (dazai is about to step on his toes)
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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qpac is so "who am i without you" and qmike is so "yourself" does this make sense to anyone else or am i clinically insane
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chewtoyfrank · 2 years
fucking tour bus. oh god.
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buckxtommy · 1 month
OKAY BUT IMAGINE maddie throwing her flower bouquet and tommy catching it. and imagine him taking out (1) single flower out of the bouquet, kneeling down and handing it to jee, saying something like "they're not as pretty as you little miss, but i think you should have them still ☺️" and then turning to buck and putting the single flower behind his hair with the most lovedrunk awestruck smile on his face. IMAGINE
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cloudpalettes · 8 months
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// link click s2 spoilers
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s0fter-sin · 10 days
codtwt is going off on brainwashed!soap bc of his new warzone skin and it’s making me think of ghost deliberately getting himself captured by makarov bc he knows he’ll be given to his dog to try and break him; knows he won’t be able to resist the irony, the cruelty of being tortured by the teammate he lost
he doesn’t fight; welcomes the chains around his wrists and ankles, welcomes the hands stripping him of his weapons and gear until he's defenceless
he wouldn't use them anyway
when he stalks into the room, the muzzle, the scars, not even the blank hatred or lack of recognition could make him mistake his eyes
that's his johnny
he doesn't flinch as he digs knives into his skin; would never shy away from his kiss even if it's tinged with rusted steel. doesn't swallow his screams; not when he always loved hearing him, when he spent so long coaxing his voice from the grave
frustration joins the anger in johnny's eyes the longer he goes without giving up information
just jokes; dark and puns alike
just advice when he can't get the jumper cables to spark right
ghost's not trying to escape; not trying to barter his return to the 141
he's right where he wants to be
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anybody else feel like their heart breaks looking at the version of joel that lives in jackson in part 2? like the version he is when he dies.
because everytime i see even just a photo of that version of him, i get like a pang in my heart. like that’s the version of him that dies, but its also his most endearing version.
his hair is grown out and we can really see his age here. from looking around his house after he dies, we can see that he is a very cozy, homey guy. he has hobbies like carving wood and making guitars. he plays the guitar out on his porch. he reads, he wears glasses in jackson… he just gets to be an old man.
but we also know that he is alone a lot of the time, since he and ellie aren’t really talking and that is heartbreaking. he definitely has a reputation in jackson, the “known by everybody” kinda guy and we can see this by the flowers and letters left at his house after he dies. so he maybe isn’t alone but i can’t help but think that he felt constantly lonely.
and the biggest void in that lonliness was ellie. no matter his popularity with other townfolk, he never felt completely unalone without ellie.
we can see, and deduce just by who he is, that even though he and ellie weren’t really talking, he worried about her. we can see in his house after he dies that he has a chair pulled up to a corner table by a window with a coffee mug on it, and just in view from the window… is ellie’s shed. he watched over her still, but he kept to himself to not push her… he just can’t fight the urge to worry and care for her.
“old joel”, as i personally call this version of him, is just an old man doing cozy, homey hobbies. living alone, but is also popular around town for his help and hospitality. he’s loved by everyone but only really has eyes for ellie… and they aren’t even talking until the day before he dies. and then he does die. and so do i.
in short, this man has my whole heart, especially this version of him.
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I was just thinking about the Flash finale
How awesome it was to bring back all the old villains and have Barry beat them. It truly showed how far he’s come as a superhero and how his powers have grown so much with him.
oh wait
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music-orthemisery · 5 months
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Patrick Stump performing Explode 8.10.11 [x]
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worblewobble · 6 months
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best friendisms
bonus <3
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cucurucho asking "what must stay in your story?" cellbit answering "my family" bagi answering "my daughter and my brother" siblings siblings siblings i'm going to explode
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hyunin · 1 year
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