#the flash finale
lands-of-fantasy · 11 months
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The Flash
Behind the Scenes
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dctvheroes · 11 months
After 11 years the Arrowverse has officially ended
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The end of an era…
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enbyspeedster · 11 months
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Eddie Thawne in 9x13 "A New World Part 4"
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Why were Zoom and Godspeed lowkey flirting in the finale
“You got a few screws lose, I like that”
A very heterosexual thing to say for sure
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domnorian · 11 months
The CW flash just made indigenous Max canon I think? I mean it was a cameo in the series finale but still
Yes, I just checked and he's played by Trevor Carroll who's indigenous.
Barry being the one giving him his powers though? Not a fan of that but at least it's a start.
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ukingk24 · 11 months
Flash Finale
With Twitter being an unbearable cesspool, I figure I’d use tumblr to share my unsolicited opinion on the series finale of The Flash. It was just fine, and that in and of itself is not fine. This was the series finale of a show that’s been on for 10 years and gave us what probably will be the best live-action version of Barry Allen that we’ll ever have. It was big, it was loud, it was dramatic, and flashy. But that does not equate to being a satisfying series finale. The villains were defeated, Nora was born, and Barry ran off into the sunset with a smile: the standard superhero happy ending. But it could’ve been so much better. Specifically with the villain’s and their fights.
First thing, give them their original lightning colors back. Sure, they were being powered by the the Negative Speed Force (NSF) but that doesn’t mean they all have to have red lightning, which is even more egregious with Eddie. The man names himself Cobalt Blue and every interaction he’s had with the crystal and NSF has been related with the undercurrent of the color blue, and they gave him red lightning.
Then the match-up’s. These should have been pure speedster vs speedster battles. We have enough and they would have been appropriate for their character arcs and foils. Zoom vs Jay, Nora and Bart vs Godspeed, and Wally vs Savitar. Zoom vs Jay would have let Jay gotten his closure against Hunter, especially with his new ability to steal speed which was the one ting that Hunter wanted. Bart and Nora vs Godspeed would be a good callback to the original Nora from season 5 and her origins and with Bart and Godspeed being established arch-enemies, it just adds to that. Savitar trapped Wally in the Speed Force and tried to kill his sister. Plus it’d be fitting given who they are: the self proclaimed “god of speed” vs Wally, who has been seeking enlightenment and Zen with the Speed Force. And in his battle, he gets a new suit of red and silver and grows out if his role as Kid Flash, becoming a Flash in his own right.
What about Eobard? He’s not in the battle. He’s having a nice family chat with his grandpappy Eddie. Eddie has brought in Eobard to give him a crash course on the NSF, and to Eobard’s great surprise, Eddie picks things up remarkably fast. Just as Eobard is considering Eddie to not the failure he thought, Eddie reverses the conversation they had in season 1 about who the waste of a Thawne is. Eddie reveals that the NSF showed him Eobard’s whole life. Eobard indeed was a genius among genius’ and had a family, but then he became obsessed with The Flash. The NSF exacerbated that obsession to the point where he neglected his family and when he got his powers, he was fully submerged in it. 
(This may or may not be my own personal feelings about the degradation of Eobard’s character through the series. From the layered and complex antagonist of a man we got in Season 1 who grew to love the man he hated his entire life as a pseudo-son and the team he worked with but still willing to do whatever he needed to get back to his home, to the generic, one dimensional “I Hate You because you took my spotlight” villain that we got in the later seasons. Just one of the worst character assassination's I’ve ever seen.)
Eobard tries to kill Eddie for this insult, but Eddie easily stops him and kills him instead and steals his speed. Gloating that he was always meant to be the True Avatar for the NSF, and that Eobard was just a stand-in.
“You know, Eobard. The mistake I made last time with you was I burned down the entire Thawne family tree trying to stop you. This time, I’ll just cut off your branch.” 
As he does so, the rest of the villains are defeated and Eddie takes their speed as well. And Finally, Cobalt Blue makes his move and fights The Flash. Their fight is long and brutal, but Cobalt Blue has the upper hand the entire time. Eddie taunts Barry and when he finally pushes the Iris and Nora button, Barry fights back with his full power and utterly dominates the fight.
“You think I can’t beat you, Thawne? I am the Fastest Man Alive! And I don’t want to fight you. I want to save you. Let me help you, Eddie!” Barry begs, reminding him of the man he knew Eddie to be: a good man, the Wild Card. This gets through to Eddie, and he breaks through the influence the NSF had on him and realizes the same thing Barry did last season. The forces need to coexist in balance and harmony with each other. 
The ending stays the same, Nora is born, Joe proposes to Cecile (which was surprising to me since I thought they were already married), Caitlin comes back when Khione becomes one with Nature? (Still not entirely sure what happened with that). And this time, when Barry gives his speech about coming together for a better future, in addition to Barry choosing new speedsters, we also see Eddie moving on and rebuilding his life. Maybe he saves a person or takes down a bad guy. 
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ladyelainehilfur · 11 months
Khione...??? sis that's CAITLIN SNOW
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thejinxmaster · 11 months
Were there up & downs during The Flash? Definitely. Did I always come back to it? Definitely. The Flash was always a joy to watch, not matter how invested or infuriated I was. I can’t believe the CW shows have all ended (cough cancelled cough) and tonight was the last night. Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker and so many others were amazing and I will never forget them & their impact. Truly the end of an era
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randomnessoffiction · 11 months
@jewishraypalmer This really is the end isn't it?
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d3monicas · 2 months
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death note if it was a slasher lol... smile, L
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lands-of-fantasy · 11 months
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The Flash
Finale Behind the Scenes
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strangelittlestories · 4 months
After the occupation, the princess was confined to the palace.
Once a month she'd be taken on a walk around the city, heavily guarded of course, to show the people that she still lived. It also served, of course, as a reminder of what they stood to lose if they made trouble. The princess did her best go wave and smile and give the people what encouragement she could.
The rest of the time, her life was spent in musty rooms and dusty towers. She filled most of her time scouring the castle for materials which she would sew into more and more elaborate outfits, which she would show off on the days when she was allowed outside.
Indeed, the public loved their princess and her dresses so much they'd often sketch or paint them along the route and pass the images on so that all could see the princess at least was well.
This pleased the occupiers for two reasons. First: it kept the princess out of trouble. Second: it gave them a reason to sneer and they did love a good sneer.
"What a vain creature she is!" They would remark.
"Doesn't even care we murdered her brothers so long as she gets enough satin to make her little dresses!" They squawked.
This was unfair, of course, for to call her creations "little dresses" was to call Queen Murderfun the Needlessly Genocidal "a tad piquey". Her dresses were gravity-defying wonders lace and pearl. They were thunderstorms captured in velvet and waterfalls summoned in silk. She was a wizard with silk.
Still, she bore their mockery with a tight smile and careful deference.
"Please, good sirs, my home, my people and my city now belong to you. Let me keep, at least, this one last joy."
And they sneered and they crowed most unpleasantly, but they let her keep her sewing room.
Of course, they would have known their mockery to be doubly unfair had they realised the true purpose of the princess's elaborate designs. For hidden in the intricate embroiderings across her gowns, jackets and fans, the princess had encoded secret (and very detailed) messages. When she would go on her monthly walk, the city's loyalists would line the route, sketching down the patterns to decode later.
Thus did the princess transmit all the occupiers' secrets (unearthed while supposedly 'searching the castle for old fabrics') to the city and thus did she build her resistance.
On the day the revolution finally came, she girded herself in armour of thick spider silk and whale bone. She cut a fine figure with a lacy handkerchief in her top pocket and a razor sharp knitting needle keeping her hair up.
As she waltzed through the castle to open the door for her army, the Usurper King tried to stop her and she simply unfolded her handkerchief and showed it to him.
Upon seeing the impossible arcane pattern emblazoned across it, he fell to the floor with blood streaming from his eyes.
She always had been a wizard with silk.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to support my writing, you can do so at https://ko-fi.com/strangelittlestories
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elyalovi · 6 months
#TheFlash: Final alternativo
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En lugar de hacer la crítica de la última temporada, he decidido hacer algo más sano; darle un mejor final. Ahora debo aclarar esto, no solamente se trata de un mejor final, sino el final que todo el mundo quería. Y no, no voy a usar ninguna AI para esto. Este “final alternativo” es una de las teorías más importantes y más populares de la serie, es el final que los fanáticos querían. Me refiero a la “teoría del rayo”, según el cual Flash moriría en su capítulo final y se volvería un rayo y este rayo viajaría en el tiempo para darle sus mismos poderes a Barry Allen, construyendo un bucle del tiempo. Esta teoría era tan popular y tan correcta para la serie que incluso su propio protagonista, Grant Gustin, dijo que le hubiera gustado que ese fuera el final, pero la CW, con la esperanza de algún día revivir el Arrowverso, y el showrunner tenían otros planes. 
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Entonces, conociendo esta teoría, vamos a adecuarla al único capítulo rescatable de la última temporada; “It’s My Party and I’ll Die If I Want to”, el capítulo número 100 de la serie, que justo gira alrededor del regreso de Bloodwork y de Oliver Queen. El capítulo comienza con la celebración del cumpleaños 30 de Barry y la fiesta se interrumpe cuando Bloodwork se presenta y ataca a todos; infecta a Kid Flash y este termina “matando” a Barry. En el purgatorio, Barry se encuentra con Oliver, y los dos regresan juntos para luchar contra Bloodwork. El mundo ya está infectado con la sangre de Bloodwork y todos actúan como zombies. Y aquí comienza el fanfic y la diversión. Los otros héroes, las leyendas, Supergirl, Batgirl y Black Lightning, unen fuerzas con Barry para controlar a los zombies. La batalla final incluye un twist, Bloodwork intenta fusionar el multiverso y en el proceso trae de vuelta a los enemigos de Barry, incluyendo a Zavitar, Reverse Flash, Zoom y GoodSpeed (los mismos que aparecieron en el último episodio). Los hijos de Barry, Nora y Bart, viajan del futuro al presente para ayudarlo. 
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Todos están batallando. Oliver puede derrotar a Bloodwork, pero cuando todos están a punto de celebrar, Reverse Flash aprovecha la oportunidad para viajar al pasado, esto provoca una ruptura del multiverso que solo Barry puede reparar. Entonces, Barry comienza a correr… corre tanto que termina desvaneciendo y convirtiéndose en energía; en un rayo. Este rayo viaja por el tiempo, viendo el pasado, presente y futuro, en ese momentos, nosotros vemos los mejores momentos de la serie y también fragmentos del futuro, de los hijos de Barry (quienes ahora serían gemelos), los hijos de Oliver, los hijos de las leyendas, mientras vemos esas imágenes, escuchamos el monólogo final…
¿Quieres escuchar una historia? Está bien, pero antes de comenzar, primero necesito que hagas algo. Necesito que creas en lo imposible. ¿Puedes hacer eso? Bien. Tu padre es rápido. Más rápido que la velocidad del sonido. Y cuanto más rápido voy, más se ralentiza el mundo. Pero no siempre fue fácil. Cuando era niño, perdí a las personas que más me importaban. No quería esa vida para ustedes, pero un héroe siempre es un héroe. Mi amigo Oliver me dijo que el rayo me eligió a mí. Bueno, para mi sorpresa he descubierto que el rayo soy yo. Y este es mi regalo para ustedes, hijos míos, una mejor vida. Tal vez no estaré presente pero estaré con ustedes a cada momento. Solo necesitan creer en lo imposible
 La última escena es de la perspectiva del rayo y como choca contra Barry hasta navegar hacia sus ojos, donde vemos la speedforce. 
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kennycrows · 1 month
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simptasticjoe · 10 months
The Flash Review: An Expensive First Draft
Kinda Spoiler Free This movie needed another draft. It was very clear from the opening scene that the writers were looking for cool vs. logical. In the movie’s first few minutes, Batman is pursuing an armored truck. He starts in the Bat-Plane and then jumps out on a motorcycle. The chase results in property damage, bullets fly, and everything looks cool, but why use the motorcycle? Wouldn’t it…
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