#goldstar discourse
hard--headed--woman · 3 months
deleting this post and putting this addition instead, because i realized that i have said many things wrong in that first post, that it was aggressive when it shouldn't have been (giving the impression that i was attacking goldstar lesbians which is absolutely not my intention - i am a goldstar myself and as my mutuals know i always defend goldstars and this word in itself), and that it just wasn't phrased well at all, which just made it sound like I meant something I didn't mean at all. i repeat ; my post was about lesbians facing abuse, severe homophobia and internalized homophobia, not about women who dated men in the past and now call themselves lesbians for whatever reason.
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mrdyketator · 10 months
incredibly hot take but i think ideally every lesbian would be a goldstar.....imagine not one lesbian or gay man being coerced into heterosexual acts they do not want, imagine lesbians being free right from childhood to know that they're allowed to be gay and that homosexuality is natural, imagine them never having to be confused in compulsory heterosexuality.
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reginageourge · 2 months
How does it feel knowing that a discourse you started has goldstars and non-goldstars fighting to this day even though you're barely active these days?
well tbf I didn't start anything, my anons did and I happened to agree. I just had a large enough following at the time for it to actually get noticed™️ by radblr at large and turn into something that has very much escaped the confines of my blog.
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madohomurat · 1 year
convinced that this person has never in their life been around lesbians specifically. like they went to a gay bar and saw that that as being a "lesbian space" when its just a fucking gay bar and anyone goes there. yeah theres men at gay bars. yeah theres bi women at gay bars. no it does not mean all of them are lesbians.
go talk to a lesbian. genuinely talk to a lesbian. lesbians online are still real people and they count.
lesbians are not "entitled" for not being attracted to men nor being proud of it. this vision that you seem to have of these 'evil lesbian gatekeepers who will shun anyone who has ever touched a man or has ever had any connection to men'
that isnt real my guy. where are you getting this from? genuinely what are you talking about? who are you quoting? why are you demonizing us like this?
we just want to exist and have meaning to who and what we are. we love non-binary lesbians, we love trans lesbians, we love lesbians with complicated relationships to genders, we love lesbians who thought they were bisexual once, we love lesbians who thought they were men once. we just dont love men, and that's an important part of who we are
im actually begging you to listen to us. give us the time of day instead of merely seeing that we dont love men and assuming we are demons. nobody is trying to hurt you
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detransdamnation · 2 years
Are there trivial convo topics that annoy you or make you want to yeet yourself outta somewhere? Mine are horoscopes, baseball and excretions
Veganism, sports, religion, and philosophy. I hate horoscopes, too.
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menalez · 1 year
Hey Mena, do you have some good lesbian blog recommendations?
oh hell yes!!!!
@kronkk for more light-hearted fun stuff
@niazame for more stuff focused on iranian women
@djuvlipen for more stuff focused on romani women
@the-rainbow-lesbian for more radfem & lesbian-related content she justifies & dismisses genocide so nvm
@kaz-fluffdragon for more lesbian-related content and casual stuff too
@rad-by-nature for more black-centric, woc-centric, and lesbian-centric content. also a massive sweetheart
@tejuina for latina-centric (mexican iirc) & detrans content. mutuals for years and ive only seen her give the best most eloquent takes ever.
@ozzy-rae for lesbian-centric content & more discourse
@shamelesslyunladylike for more radfem content & also separatism
@lesbiankind lots of stuff about eastern woc, lesbians, and radfeminism
@clitoralfixation more black lesbian-centric content & also some more casual stuff
@goldstar-futaba lots of talk about lesbian stuff and also radfem stuff
@lez0mbie lesbian, islam-critical, and woc-centric content. one of my long time mutuals and she’s fabulous & soooo underrated
@jotadyke lesbian stuff mixed in with memes and feminism
@thatraginglesbian some lesbian stuff, some feminism, and lots of her interests and cute uplifting things
@madwomxxn lotssss of stuff about butch lesbians specifically, also some feminist stuff and stuff about gender non-conformity in general
@blackfemmex mostly radfem & lesbian stuff
@marshajohnson also lots of radfem & lesbian stuff, also lots of memes and casual posts. she’s also a very lovely person 🥹
@lesorus arab lesbian!! lots of radfem stuff but also lesbian stuff in there.
@totally-halal also middle eastern lesbian. memes, feminism, lesbian stuff
@lavenderfeminist lots of great original posts, talks a lot about lesbianism & feminism!!
@callme-alma2 also an arab lesbian. talks about her experience being iraqi which is always great to learn more about
@shostakovichsymphonyno7leningrad mostly memes but some lesbian posts and feminist ones here and there!!
@slayerlez talks a lot about lesbianism. also violence. also loves yaoi (controversial)
@lizlisafem also a lesbian and a woc. talks a lot about those two things & some of the experiences of not being western as well
@gowonsmossball also an eastern lesbian & woc. she doesn’t make many original posts but she’s a sweetheart
@regenderation she’s just memeing and havin her live laugh love era and i love that for her
@sapphicgem a total sweetheart, talks about lesbian & woc stuff a lot. not much discourse/drama i believe which can also be a great way to cool off
@blacklezrage lots of black woman & lesbian centric content & also feminism
@maleswillbemale lesbianism, misandry, and feminism! triple threat
@dyke-bars-never-last talks more about the experiences of east asian lesbians esp irt china. also a total sweetheart
@femaleboyfrriend lesbian stuff, feminism, and stuff about woc too
@mogumon lesbianism, memes, feminism too
@radicallytired mostly feminism stuff but also discusses racism & lesbophobia!
@villanelleisgod this woman is pure at heart fr and is so kind. mostly aesthetic stuff with some feminism & lesbianism thrown in
@dread-and-despair-dyke i can’t even summarise her blog so ull just have to check it out but it’s also got stuff outside of feminism and serious topics which is a good breather for many
@lasdelaintuicion she has some very hot takes. major commie. also lots of original posts
@gaynecologist truly pure hearted as well. she posts feminism stuff a lot. she’s a lovely person overall
@greenwire talks a lot about middle eastern lesbian tingzzz. also about the experience of growing up in post-9/11 USA, and growing up in the middle east too iirc.
@ciccadas mostly reblogs feminism stuff,,, one of my v long term mutuals 🥹
@sweet-simple-duck lesbianism, feminism, personal stuff
@vriskarights only just started following but she seems like a genuine & kind person, her blog has a lot about lesbianism as well
i hope i didnt forget anyone or misremember dhdhshs.
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wiihtigo · 3 months
6 and 7 for casey and also 20 :)c
Ask game
6. What catalyzed their introduction to the plot?
True to her rotten soul, she was summoned to the plot in vp by discourse and disorder in the family. She comes around during a point when Michelle is starting to get sudden positive public attention as goldstar, and since boosters been mostly out of public eye since starting to be the silent protector of the time stream, she’s treated as something of a big new breakout sensation (they’re bored as fuck in metropolis)
Michelle is dealing with some inner turmoil and fighting with booster which she’s been keeping under wraps cuz she’s gods strongest soldier but she sees the attention on goldstar as a way to break away from it all and gain some independence and also as a sort of petty bite back at her brother who is being very annoying at the moment warning her about the dangers of stardom. As if he’s so smart. DIE. She starts spending more time as goldstar the superhero and less as goldstar the time master and is fighting a lot with booster, so she starts looking for her own place and wants to start at university and do all these things for herself (we’re so proud of her. I mean I am. FUCK BOOSTER GOLD) and CUE….. CASEY WILKES
Michelle is enrolled in uni, but she’s still living in the time lab and her brother is driving her fckn crazy every time she’s home. And she’s having trouble adjusting to sxhool life (I imagined she didn’t attend college like booster did, and just kept working out of highschool all the way up till she was dragged into the past) And as if drawn magnetically towards someone else who wants to kill MJ Carter, she and Casey have a chance encounter at a cafe near school and they chat a little. Casey tells Michelle she goes to the university near here too. That’s crazy. We have so much in common! Eventually while talking it turns to venting cuz Michelle was looking a little miserable before they started talking and she accidentally lets boosters name slip in convo. And Casey’s like 🙂 oh thats 🙂 that’s an interesting name. And btw you look. A little familiar? [MR KRAAAAABS I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAA] so from then Casey latches onto her like a leech and eventually gets the confirmation this was destiny and I can’t believe this is BOOSTER GOLDS (I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD) TWIN SISTER. AND SHES MAD AT HIM? THIS IS PERFECT
And then.. well that’s more middle of the story stuff. And this was asking about her introduction! (Her relationship with Michelle is interesting to me because aside from the friendship betrayal stuff it’s a rare case of her being weirdly friendly- at least by her standards)
7. What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
This is something Marty and I entertain ourselves with a lot actually wondering what fandom perception of Casey and nell would be… in a series bible id include things like… she’s genuinely not insecure. Like at all. Her attitude isn’t masking a tortured soul inside she’s just like that, she’s selfish and thoughtless and delusional. Her childhood was objectively difficult but she really has no complaints about the way she was raised or with her mother. She has her problems sure but they’re in other areas.. you’re looking in the wrong place! She also doesn’t really get .. sad? Often or at all? She’s more likely to feel anger than sadness. And also o feel it’s important to realize how monumentally difficult it is to form a relationship with her IF THATS SOMETHING YOU WANTED FOR SOME REASON. Literallt every relationship she has has been based on her thinking she could manipulate the other for something and then it either morphed into Ok I don’t hate seeing you even without anything to gain or morphed into attempted homicide. The illusion of free choice
20. Free Space #2: Which of your OCs would you most like to meet in person, if they could become real (or you could visit them) for a day?
Oh god. Not Casey. All my ocs are kind of annoying in some way.
Maybe Cain cuz he’s a normal polite boy. I’d ask him to show me his pop two extra arms out of his ribs trick and then id go ewwww lol and ask him to leave
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rad-polls · 3 days
Hey, I was the anon that sent the "what counts as having had sex with a man" poll, and I realized that it had a negative effect. I don't like the goldstar label myself, and my intent was just to understand what people meant by "sex", as I heard quite a few different definitions over time. The poll answer options I gave don't reflect my opinions, and I realize some are weird / flat out wrong, but I just wanted to cover every possible answer out there. I came from a strictly statistic study POV without thinking about the harm that making this topic resurface can cause. In my "defense" there weren't that many goldstar themed polls around when I sent mine, so it's an unfortunate coincidence they were all sent (and therefore published) in a close time span. Again, apologies.
I'm giving this priority in the queue because it's more relevant now that it would be later. Don't worry Nona! It was just a coincidence. Polls related to being a gold star aren't banned or anything, but there are no more in the queue related to the topic (which means at least until next Tuesday) so we have a bit of a rest from them lol
I have to admit it reminds me a bit of the virginity discourse, but it's not really my place to say and since none of the polls seemed ill intentioned I allowed them. This also applies to some other polls people have said have no point or are stupid questions. You are free to have that opinion and express it of course! But I still posted them because they didn't seem harmful to me. For example, the "can you be a radfem if you have an ED" was allowed because I thought it was very possible to have been sent by someone struggling with an ED and considering herself a bad feminist. There were tho possible scenarios: either most people would vote yes (which is what happened, and in this case there's no negative outcome) or many people would vote no (which would have sparked necessary and relevant conversations, so not a negative outcome either)
I feel like my grammar is worse than usual so apologies if some parts of this text are difficult to understand. Love you gyns <3
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hard--headed--woman · 1 month
believe what you want about the goldstar discourse i literally don't care, but if you believe goldstar lesbians are privileged somehow you're not only stupid but also lesbophobic lol. do you even fucking hear yourself ? and you wonder why some goldstars do not support non goldstar lesbians ? well maybe you should try to respect us and to stop acting like the fact we never had sex with a man means we are somehow immune to lesbophobia and grew up without experiencing it ! because we did, it just never lead us to fuck men lmao. i missed the part where a woman is privileged if she had never slept with a man. can't believe i am here trying to understand how some lesbians can force themselves to be with men because i do not want to be close-minded and i want to support all lesbians while those very same lesbians and their supporters are calling me privileged and insult goldstar lesbians as a whole. disgusting.
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no I don’t believe goldstar gays are the only real gays and this “discourse” is so beyond ridiculous and I flat out don’t want to engage in it, you can unfollow and it won’t hurt my feelings and I am also not shy about blocking people, because I don’t owe you shit :)
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haemosexuality · 1 year
sometimes im like "i want to make a post ab Goldstar Lesbian Discourse" and that is always the devil talking. dont listen to tge devil. dont make a post ab goldstar lesbian discourse
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thursdayglrl · 1 year
people are so scared of the fabled “gold star lesbian” when i have never met one outside of the most terminally online discourse. where are they. where are the goldstars shaming you for having a boyfriend
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menalez · 11 months
when will we stop the on and off separatism discourse and on and off “am i a radfem if i-” discourse and the goldstar discourse and the motherhood discourse and the children discourse and is transition mutilation discourse and instead start focusing on the real issues? you guys can discourse like your lives depend on it when it comes to things that’ll ultimately only matter to us and not 99.9999% of women worldwide but when it’s something that DOES affect most women, you give it less attention. when will that stop? can we not just agree to disagree after hashing out such topics to a ridiculous extent and start focusing on things that matter more instead?
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terftopia · 1 year
lesbians don't willingly marry men, and neither do gay men. everyone in the radfem community needs to learn the word 'bisexual'
This is goldstar discourse and I will not be engaging because it is a discussion that requires elite reading comprehension skills that many of you do not have.
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kronkk · 1 year
oh god i can't wait for the drama the radtwt 15yos will come up with
If radblr thinks what I said was biphobic wait for the radtwt girlies. My guess is there will be goldstar discourse again within two weeks if the radtwt girlies log on
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
that espresso user has been fighting with everyone in radblr over every discourse imaginable - veganism, separatism, goldstar, etc. i think they're just an agitator.
oh, that type. sad life, needs therapy, but instead is terminally online and rages at everyone.
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