#golf shirts yellow
riverwritez · 7 months
golfing motivation.
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a/n: ok so this is a small blurb inspired by the videos of Matt golfing with the group the other night…. let’s just say girl was giggling and kicking her feet at how good he looked. Also I’m rusty at writing so be nice to me :) enjoy! (Also this is not edited-)
warnings; none… all fluff!
“Jesus Christ, Matt!” Colby said after Matt had hit the ball with his… unique style of swinging. Matt looked over at the group with a smile as he started to take his white jacket off, walking back over to the group as he set it down next to you. His green and yellow shirt now in view as he adjusted it to his body.
“It’s either really good or really bad!” Matt said as he gripped the club in his right hand as he placed it under the censor, allowing it to give him a new ball.
“Do it again, Matt.” Larry said as he brought his phone out and started to film the boy. Matt took his rings off before he looked at you, pointing his finger at you.
“If this is a good hit, you give me a kiss-“
“Bet!” You said as you leant back in your seat, watching the him as he placed the club on the left side of the ball. He sighed before swinging the club around in a circle, hitting the ball perfectly as it soared through the air, loosing sight of it quickly from how fair it went.
You got up with a sigh as you went up to him, it now being your turn, plus you had an award to give him. “I will be honest, I was praying on your downfall-“
“Oh shut up.” He said as he placed his hand on your cheek, placing his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and gentle, nothing more than a few seconds. But those few seconds got some cheers from the friends you were with.
“Oh Jesus, they’re kissing again Nick-“
“They always do that… you’re surprised?” Nick asked Chris as you laughed at the brothers as Matt flipped them off.
Taking the club from Matt, you stood on the green mat as a ball came out of the dispenser and you placed it in the middle. You had gone golfing with Matt and his family before while visiting in Boston, and had gone to top golf with them on occasion. But you never really knew how to hit the ball.
You didn’t want to ask for help, not wanting to take to long of a time so the others could have their own fun, so you just stood there, placing your hands in various different ways.
Matt was laughing at something Sam had said when he turned back towards you, placing his rings back on, as he saw you messing with the club. A small smile made its way to his face as he walked over to you, placing his hands on your wrist gently, making you jolt back in surprise.
“It’s just me, sorry for scaring you. Can I help?” Matt whispered to you as he moved closer so he had better access to your hands. You nodded in agreement as you allowed your hands and wrist to relax, letting him move them himself. “Put this one here, mhm, and that one right…. here.” he said as he placed your hands on the club that seemed fit and comfortable to swing with.
“Now just bend your legs and you’re good!” He said as he patted your waist and stepped away.
“Promise not to laugh if I miss?” You asked as you tightened your grip on the club and looked at him. You didn’t care about the others and if they laughed, you only cared about impressing your boyfriend even if you both knew that you kinda suck at golf.
“Promise baby.” Matt said as he crossed his arms and nodded at you, giving you the go ahead you didn’t know you needed. You took a deep breathe before swinging the club back and following through as a the sound of the club hitting the ball rang through the air.
“Ooo that was beautiful!” You heard Chris yell as you faced towards the open field, full of golf balls waiting to be picked up, as you watched your ball soar through the air. It wasn’t far, but it was far enough for you to throw your hands up and bounce on your feet as you made your way over to Matt.
“Did you see that?!” You exclaimed as Matt held a wide smile on his face, nodding as he opened his arms for you to fall into.
“I did, baby! That was so good!” Matt giggled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, wrapping his own around your neck, kissing the top of your head as he whispered ‘that’s my girl.’
“You have another shot, girl!” Larry said as you pointed at the screen, showing you that your name was still present on it.
“Wait…. I have to do that again?!” You asked, eyes wide as Matt laughed a bit as he nodded and everyone else giggled at your words. “I hope you guys aren’t wishing for the again, because that shit would take a miracle-“
“Or maybe just a little motivation from Matt…” Jake interrupted as he looked away from you as to direct the attention away from him.
“Don’t you dare give him that idea-“
“I quite like that! Here let me show you again babe..”
taglist; @titishq @teddysboy (if you wanna be added, you can send me an ask or dm!)
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 2 months
a really great (love?) story, m | kth
pairing(s): taehyung x reader
summary: Hot summer. South of France. On vacation with your younger brother's friends. Uh. Well, might as well make the most of it, despite Kim Taehyung making his weird comments every now and then. That damn French waiter put ideas in his head.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; Taehyung is obv trying to rizz up reader and reader is having none of it (but secretly likes it, keke); smut (fem reader, fingering, m-receiving oral); romantic and hella fluff; non-idol!AU; friends-to-lovers
I bought Tae's photobook and this is the result, what can I say, he's really pretty
“We’d make a really great love story.”
You grimaced and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”
He frowned. His tan skin sparkled in the sun while you stayed curled up under the shade of a white beach umbrella, extra bundled in a wide straw hat and a flowy white linen cover up over a black and red sporty bikini. Even in this heat, you kept a bright yellow beach towel over your legs, not taking any chances with the blaring fireball in the sky.
Kim Taehyung asked you a question.
“Would you date me?”
You answered honestly.
“You're too good-looking and that'll only bring trouble.”
His crochet shirt was gone, leaving him in hip-hugging dark teal baggy shorts with white stripes down the sides. His dark brown hair was damp from the ocean, tangled over his forehead. When he smiled at your reply, he showed all his teeth in a boxy grin. Your indifferent expression didn’t change. You held onto your book. You continued to show your displeasure as he ran off, long legs and rippling back muscles, knowing full well you would soon be bothered again. Sigh. You turned the next page of your book, listening to the sounds of a rambunctious volleyball game, and wondered again why you had accepted your younger brother’s request.
Damn kid fractured his ankle right before his vacation. Non-refundable plane ticket to Europe. South of France, to be exact. Hot as fuck this time of year. He didn’t want to go because it would be a pain for his friends and he wouldn’t be able to have fun, he said. That and you knew he would rather your parents dote on him all day in prime air conditioning rather than sweat it out with fear-of-missing-out. You told him you had plenty of male friends that would be interested, but your brother insisted you needed to get that stick out of your ass and have a vacation.
So, here you were.
On vacation with your younger brother’s friends. On a beach, reading a book, and, oh, look, here comes Kim Taehyung with a bowl of frozen grapes, yelling your name.
Being annoyed.
The other guys were polite. They always asked if you wanted to join in any of the activities. Some days you stayed back at the rented beach property and puttered around, reading, resting, staring at the view. To be fair, you did try some of activities, such as spending all day on the golf course being really terrible at golf. When your head turned away, some of the boys would move your ball closer to the hole so you could maintain some dignity. Nice kids. You even accompanied them to a night beach club – and saw some things that you will never speak of, yikes – and danced with a couple European guys. At some places, you translated for them when you could. Thankfully, a lot of people in the touristy areas spoke some English. Studying English literature at university hadn’t been useless after all. Although, watching a bunch of Korean guys try to hand-gesture their way in conversations was pretty damn funny. In short, so far it was a surprisingly fun and nice vacation.
Until you went with Taehyung to a fancy café wanted to visit, you being his just-in-case English translator, and the waiter mistook you two as a couple.
That was awkward.
“Oh, no, sorry. Just friends.”
It was probably Taehyung feeding you his chocolate croissant. At first, you were going to refuse, but the pastries had been pretty expensive, and you had wanted to try a bite so he had held it out and let you chomp. Then things got weird once he lifted his hand with a laugh and wiped away from chocolate from the edge of your lip, licking it off his thumb.
You did get a free lemon macaron for being a cute couple once you immediately clarified that you weren’t.
The waiter had winked. Taehyung had just smiled because he didn’t understand.
Once you explained, the relentless teasing began. Well, maybe teasing was the wrong word. Taehyung would just say weird shit with a grin and those sparkly brown eyes of his. Because the other guys were not interested in cute pastries or pretty photo ops spots as seen on TikTok, Taehyung finally had a chance to see these places, using you as an excuse to drag you around at dawn or dusk when the main activities weren’t happening. You had probably taken about five hundred photos of Taehyung by now.
He was very photogenic, at least.
“I think you would look good in these,” he would say during one of the many shopping trips, holding up a pair of chocolate brown, slim sunglasses.
“I’m not as a dress-up doll,” you would grumble as you removed your current cat-eye-shaped dark lenses so he could delicately place the new ones on your nose and survey his handiwork. He would tilt your head this way and that and nod to himself solidly.
“I’m going to buy them, so you have to wear them.”
Thus, you now ticked your new sunglasses down and raised your eyebrow at him as he handed you the bowl of frozen grapes. You weren’t sure what he was playing at, but then he ran off to the guys playing volleyball and act like he hadn’t done anything strange. Hah. You would catch him looking back at you while you were sucking on said grapes and roll your eyes. Was that a smirk or a residual smile from the game?
“A hot summer romance sounds fun, right?”
“Go off, then,” you replied dryly, turning the page of your book.
It was nighttime now. The guys were getting ready to go bar-hopping. You heard some hushed whispers of coming back to jump into the sea at night while drunk. Idiots. You would possibly have to play lifeguard if they followed through on being idiots. Sigh. You elected to stay behind this time, to keep the lights on and all that. You had a few packs of ramyeon in your suitcase for such drunken nights. Nothing like spicy Buldak to finish off a spicy night.
Taehyung poked your shoulder. You knew it was him because of his low whisper and his inability to stop giggling at saying ridiculous shit. You waved a hand.
“Come with us.”
“I don’t need to see you boys twerking on table again. No thanks.”
You heard him suck on his teeth, disappointed. “Join in then.”
“That is a little too weird to be doing around my lil bro’s friends, even for me.”
You glanced at him. Despite his dark, strong features, Taehyung still held that boyish charm. Or maybe it was because you couldn’t see past him being your younger brother’s friend, so he always seemed like a kid to you. He was very popular among the locals. Every time you all stepped out, people would be flocking to speak to him even though Taehyung didn’t know any French (or English, for that matter). Didn’t seem to bother anyone though.
It must be his unquestionably handsome, expressive face.
You looked up from your book about science, sex, and murder, to encounter Kim Taehyung’s pouty expression. He was wearing a linen white and sky-blue two-piece set. Short sleeve button up and shorts, complete with floppy brown sandals. He perked up at your acknowledgement. In contrast to his summer heartthrob vibe, you wore a low-waisted long black maxi skirt, a tight black tank, and a draping dark brown lace cardigan. The cardigan color matched his eyes and the slim sunglasses perched on your head that you soon wouldn’t need anymore. The sun was slipping down to bed.
One of the guys called out to you. “Noona, do you want anything while we’re out?”
“We can pick up a man for ya!” Another chimed in loudly with a snort.
Taehyung’s expression darkened.
“Just make sure to do a head count,” you shot back. “Everyone better stay safe or there’ll be hell to pay.”
You caught Taehyung’s look. Didn’t say anything about it. He sighed and headed off to the kitchen with purpose as the other men began to pile out of the room. You figured he was pre-gaming or getting some water. You went back to the pages, only to start as you saw a glass and a chilled bottle of white wine slide in front of you.
Dark eyes looked down at you.
You gazed at him over the top of your book.
Reached up and untangled the sunglasses Kim Taehyung had gifted you. You placed them on the counter, next to the wine glass. He turned and left. The guys crowded by the door, gathering their things and laughing. One of them came back and handed you their gold watch – “I don’t want to break it by accident” “You mean, you don’t want to accidentally give it away because you get too happy when drunk?” – giggling with a silly grin and thanking you quickly before running out the door.
Before the door closed, you noticed Taehyung shooting you an enigmatic expression.
You ticked your head and looked back without much expression.
The wine was pretty good, but you didn’t have more than two glasses.
You remembered to put the watch on the appropriate nightstand before heading out to the back porch and reading as the sun went down. It was nice to read by the sunset waves in relative calm. You must have fallen asleep somehow, breathing in the sea and sounds of summer, only to be woken up by a gentle hand on your shoulder, calling your name from far away.
Hazy and deep.
You shook your head and sat up, seeing Kim Taehyung looking back at you.
“Oh? What are you doing back so soon?” you yawned behind your hand, tucking your bookmark between the pages. “Or is it later than I thought?”
He shook his head of dark waves. He smelled a little like alcohol, but not too bad. “They’re still out. I told them my tummy didn’t feel too good.”
“Ah.” You chuckled. “Too much cheese this afternoon?”
There was a lantern on the back porch, along with a few lounge chairs and low lights that snapped away any pesky bugs. An orange glow dipped over you both. Taehyung had this look in his eyes that you had seen before, although not from him specifically. You were pretty sure every guy on this vacation had considered the same thing, although you had given them none of them a reason to fuck around and find out.
He gave you his puppy-like smile.
You gave him your usual cat-like expression that didn’t mean anything at all.
“You should go lie down,” you recommended.
“You’re my total opposite, I think,” Taehyung responded, which had nothing to do with anything. You didn’t respond to that, but you didn’t tell him he was wrong either. “I wonder what you’re like with your friends.”
You thought about the last time you were in a karaoke session with your few female friends. It had ended with one friend ragdolled on a stretcher and another girl dead asleep in your bathroom until noon of the next day. Stretcher girl was fine after some fluids and a nice, cute, hot male nurse making sure she was okay.
You had hooked up with him as a thanks. For yourself. And him, sorta.
“Girls are different than boys,” and you left it at that.
He raised his hand, spreading his fingers out.
You stared at it.
Taehyung reached over with his other hand and took yours, lifting it up and placing your palm to his.
You blinked slowly.
He was warm, as was the night air. Your hand was smaller, of course, but he wouldn’t be able to engulf it that easily. His palm was rough and worn from summer. From sun, from spiking a volleyball, from swimming in the salty sea. Yours was still soft from turning pages and sipping wine.
“I always thought you would want a very pretty, elegant girl who enjoys pink, parties, and flowers,” you commented, not yet removing your hand.
You did not go around perusing thoughts of your younger brother’s friends’ love lives, because that would be fucking weird. But it was a thought. Especially when you witnessed them get into or fall out of relationships. High school had been… yup. You had covered for lil bro and the boys a few too many times; you were a much better liar. With your parents usually gone for work, you were usually the one in charge, which meant you often played babysitter to way too many idiots. For some reason, over the years, they liked to ask for your opinion of their prospective girlfriends. You suspected it was because this course of action was safer than immediately introducing them to their mothers who were much scarier when it came to their sons. After all the question was always, what would my mom think of this person? You had tried to distance yourself as they all became older, but, alas.
Somehow you always got dragged back in to looking after them.
“There has to be a flower you like,” Taehyung insisted. “There are so many flowers in the world.”
You thought about it for a moment. “I like snowdrops.”
His face brightened. “Ah, yeah, that suits you. I see it.”
Your hands were still touching, palm-to-palm.
You tilted your head.
Taehyung didn’t move his hand away.
“I always thought you were a very pretty, elegant girl who enjoys black, quiet time, and snowdrops,” he said slowly, dreamily, his words turned into honey by his smooth, low voice.
You pointed out the obvious. “I only just told you I like snowdrops.” You scoffed lightheartedly. “And I enjoy quiet time because you all are so damn noisy.”
The sparkle in Taehyung’s eyes dulled a bit.
“Have you ever thought about it?”
You recalled him saying he told the others his stomach hurt. He must have picked up a thing or two from you over the years.
“About candlelit dinners? About going on night walks, buying convenience store snacks, and eating it at the kids’ playground when no one is around?” Taehyung asked one question after another. “About standing in the rain? Sharing an umbrella? Holding hands? About that leather jacket I have, borrowing it when you’re a bit cold, standing beside each other, waiting for the midnight train?”
He interlocked his fingers with yours.
You didn’t react much, other than saying, “You do look like the male lead in a romance drama, Kim Taehyung.”
The obvious was being avoided.
After a long moment, Taehyung let go of your hand, stood up, and went to his room.
You tried to put it out of your mind.
The night was warm enough that you napped a little more. Woke up a few hours later to make ramyeon and hydrate the group, earning many drunken handshakes of enthusiastic thanks. You stayed up a bit with them, learning of the night’s exploits despite the incoherent mess of their speech, and then sent them off to bed, one by one. Cleaned up, stared at the moon for a long time, and then headed to your room. Unlike the others, you weren’t sharing a room. It was small and cozy, as expected. You placed your book by your nightstand and sat in the dark.
You weren’t quite sleepy yet, but you got ready for bed anyway.
A few years ago, you and Taehyung had a… moment.
A very fleeting moment.
It had happened at bar. You had been turning the corner in the hallway to the bathrooms, and a hand grabbed your arm, yanking hard. Your body twisted, instantly on alert, but one look at the other person, and the shock had stopped you from pulling away, thereby allowing a drunken Kim Taehyung kiss you.
The contact had been in less than a second.
He had smelled like warm leather and musky embers.
Taehyung had immediately pulled away, sputtering your name, surprised that you both found yourselves at the same bar, the inopportune fate causing this fateful accident.
“I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else – how… when…?”
You had shaken your head quickly, turning, your passing whisper by his ear.
“Forget about it.”
You entered the bathroom as a girl rounded the corner and fell into Taehyung’s arms.
At that time, you had chalked it up to weird timing. A random encounter. You had been hooking up with a different guy in Daegu. Taehyung was from there, so it wasn’t totally improbable that you could cross paths. Bold move by him. Wasn’t unheard of, though. Guys could be like that. Girls liked that stuff. When you left the bathroom, the couple was gone, which was a relief. You had gone about your night and it ended as expected. That guy had a great ass. It had ended on good terms, but ended all the same.
You wondered what made him bring it up again.
After all, he was the type of man he was, always surrounded by people vying for his attention.
He knew the type of woman you were.
Well, you had started getting a reputation among Daegu men.
After a moment of reminiscing, you stood up to pull back the curtain at your window. Your room was on the lower floor, next to the back porch, and, like a dream, there he was, Kim Taehyung against the rail, leaning over it to look towards the ocean.
You blinked slowly.
He wasn’t exactly looking inside the house, but he must have noticed your movement, because his head turned, and now you were entangled in eye contact broken by a thin pane of glass.
The shadows danced across his face. The lantern light was off but the lower lights along the ground path were still on. For safety, likely. He was only wearing a pair of white, tie-front linen pants. You wondered if Taehyung had been waiting for you or if he was simply admiring the summer night. Hard to tell. A soft breeze ruffled through his dark hair. You stood in your room, one hand on the floral curtain, the other on the button placket of your black silk pajamas. Short sleeved and shorts, breezy and slinky, perfect for the summer weather.
Moonlight shimmered off his bare chest.
After a moment, Taehyung backed away from the rail. You watched him step down the porch and walk over to stand under your window.
He tapped the glass.
You opened it.
Those dark eyes stared at you, blocking the light with his frame.
The window opened inward, a vintage latch at the center to split the two panes. You leaned out a bit, bending slightly, and now you and him were at eye level, surrounded by the salted scent of the sea instead of the dark hallway of a bar next to the bathrooms.
“You stomach didn’t actually hurt, did it?” you asked.
Taehyung smiled, but didn’t reply.
Instead, he too leaned forward a bit, inhaling softly. You had a tendency to spray your perfume in your hair. It lasted longer that way. He could probably smell it off your hair right now.
“I thought I would be fine,” he said, looking into your eyes.
You didn’t say anything.
“I thought I could forget about it,” he breathed in that deep honey voice of his.
Your eyes shifted past his, then back.
You placed your elbows on the windowsill and leaned out. You inside. Him outside. Taehyung seemed like he was searching for something in your expression. You didn’t give him anything. You wondered what he would do. The alcohol must have worn off by now. You weren’t feeling the glasses of excellent white wine anymore, at least. You remembered how the French women at the night beach club had held his arms and leaned against him, complimenting his smile and cooing over his perfect skin and beautiful dark hair. He hadn’t stopped them.
But, also, Taehyung was closing the distance right now, his warm cologne entering your private space.
“Why couldn’t you forget?” you asked, his lips centimeters from yours, viewing him through lashes.
His head was already tilted. His eyes flickered up, having lowered by instinct.
“Couldn’t help but think that you would make a wonderful female lead in a romance novel.”
You smiled, noting the detail between your words and his.
His lips pressed against yours.
You held it for a moment. Soft, deep, breathing in the scent of each other. You drew apart, hearing him suck in a breath hastily. Half-smiled, amused by his nervousness. He raised his head. You shared a questioning look. The night ocean sang, soft waves lapping at the shore.
You tilted your head towards the inside of your room.
Taehyung hesitated for a second, but only for a second.
Less than a minute later, he slipped into your room. Opened and closed the door as quietly as the old wood would allow. You paused, wondering if he had a whole script memorized, being the romantic and all, but Taehyung lifted his eyes and it seemed like he forgot everything. It seemed you had to be the one to make a move. You still stood by the open window, in your black silk pajamas. Night bathed in moonlight.
Well, you did have a reputation among Daegu men. One more couldn’t hurt.
You lifted your hand, palm towards Taehyung.
He closed the distance, almost soundless, and lifted his hand too. Palm to palm. You looked down at your touching hands, then back up at him. He was quite tall, but he wasn’t imposing his presence over you.
“You think we would make a really great love story?”
The moon caught a hint of his blush.
“You don’t think so?” he replied, unsure in the wake of you teasing back for once.
You were honest with him.
“I really don’t know.”
You angled your hand slightly so your fingers and his no longer overlapped.
“You have to be sure that you’re okay with that.”
You let your eyes linger on his chest on purpose before raising your head to make eye contact. The memory of his lips lingered. It was just like how you remembered it, even from that rushed, barely a second, frozen-in-time moment.
His kiss, however brief, had a lasting, forever type of feeling.
“You asked me if I had ever thought about it.”
His eyes widened a little bit as you mentioned the previous conversation. Like a movie, the instances played back in your head. The accidental kiss. The awkward silences when you both found yourselves alone in the smallest of moments before brushing past each other. You noticed Taehyung dating on and off, yet not committing to anyone. The times when he would notice you with other guys and quickly look away, as if he witnessed something dirty or wrong. His behavior wasn’t intrusive. He didn’t push you towards anyone, but he didn’t pull you away either.
“Not really,” you admitted. “Mostly because I didn’t think you would want the challenge.”
Taehyung stared into your eyes, slipping his fingers in between yours, holding your hand tightly.
“I think I needed to grow up a little.”
You raised your eyebrows. Looked him up and down. “Seems like you grew a lot.”
He laughed, then toned it down despite the house currently snores abode. You knew what he meant and he knew the double meaning you implied. You lifted your other hand. His chuckling died down, watching. He tensed as the pads of your fingers made contact with his forearm, walking up his muscle.
“You had a plan, hm?”
Your whisper melted into the moonlight.
“I was…” His breath stilled when you stopped. You glanced up, your fingertips poised at the bend of his elbow. “I was… going to ask you what kind of lover you are.”
You ticked your head, not yet moving your hand. “What about you?”
Taehyung’s dark eyes were barely visible under his hair fallen over his forehead.
You paused.
His shoulder lifted in the lightest of shrugs.
“I heard you’re really good. Sometimes rough.”
Word got around then.
“I’m really good. Sometimes soft. So, we will balance out,” he said with a smile.
You removed your hand from his skin.
Your whisper so low it was nearly a growl.
“Is that what you think?”
The fingers of your raised hand spread. Curved. Danced over his neck. Taehyung started slightly at the contact of your middle finger sliding over his throat, your eyes locked with his, and you traced up, into the pocket of his jaw, closing your fingers around the back of his head and pulling his face down to yours.
And you kissed him.
Slow. Soft and intense at the same time, drawing in your breath. For a moment, Taehyung was suspended in surprise before leaning in, gasping against your lips, tangled in your tongue before he knew it. His own hand came up to cup your cheek, more to stabilize himself than for the passion, but then it all meshed together, kiss after kiss. One hand tangled in his hair and the other resting in the dip of his warm chest. He had one hand on your face and the other skimming along your elbow.
Surrounded by salt air and shadows.
You broke the kiss, pulling back with a sigh.
You half-expected him to retreat. Taehyung was one to flirt and not back it up. You were one to not flirt; instead, the first to move. He must have known that. For once, you played the role of the gentlemen this time, waiting for his choice. Toying with a half-smile on your lips, the erratic rise and fall of his built chest under your fingertips. Racing heart. Lingering taste. His dark eyes surveyed you under the messiness of his beach-loved hair.
In silence, you stared into his eyes, daring him to sin.
There must have been something in the French night air.
Taehyung tilted his head, feathering air-light kisses over your jaw. Your neck. You tilted your head back, to the side, letting out a sensual exhale at the tingling of your pulse. Your fingers touched the button placket of your pajamas, leisurely unbuttoning one by one. You felt his fingers ghost over one shoulder, pushing it down, exposing skin to air.
He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest.
You leaned your head back against his collarbone, silk draping down your arms.
Felt him whisper your name into your ear, low and tainted with lust.
His hands covered your chest, fingers spread, large palms hovering, statuesque in pose. Demure for half a second. Moonlight streaming over your torso. You arched your back, and Taehyung sucked in a breath, feeling your naked breasts fill his hands. His lips brushed against your neck, shuddering, and you rubbed your hard nipples into his rough palms, grazing your ass over his crotch.
You turned your head, viewing him from your periphery, melting into his touch without a word.
Your hands migrated to his sides, sliding down, adorning his hips with your curved fingers.
Taehyung moaned softly, his eyes closing. Hands all over your chest, igniting desire. Hungry but deliberate, no sense in rushing, moving to the sound of the sea. His erection pressed into the dip of your ass, linen and silk separating the skin to skin but not enough to hide the hardness to softness. Exhale. His arms crossed over your chest, soft lips on the base of your neck, and you felt him ghost his fingers down, down, past your bellybutton, dancing over the waistband of your shorts.
With one swift movement, you turned your wrist and covered the back of his hand with yours, dragging him in between the layers.
He gasped as he felt your slick wetness coat his fingertips.
Your other hand slid into his pants, grabbing his ass, pinning Taehyung to you while you pressed his fingers into the outer lips, rocking your hips into it, grinding on his growing arousal, grinning when you heard him swear under his breath again.
He shoved a finger into you.
You both moaned at the same time, the sound drowned by the crashing tide outside.
You pressed another in, and he got the hint. Middle and ring finger, his palm pressed to your throbbing clit, and you rode his hand before he moved, blossoming the pleasure all on your own. His moan rumbled in his chest, biting his lip to avoid any obvious noise. The wet sucking sound was conspicuous enough, and you tightened your core, your pussy clenching around his fingers, prompting Taehyung to lean his chin onto your shoulder, his dark hair brushing against your cheekbone, one hand teasing your nipples, the other between your legs, delicious sparks flying through your body knowing he was actively watching.
“The sounds you make… are insane…”
You weren’t aware until he said it. Soft, breathless gasps drifted out of your own lips, inaudible to anyone except for the inescapable closeness of Taehyung pinning you to his tense body. You could feel the shake creep down to your legs, your silk shorts slipping down your thighs, the fullness of each thrust making your lightheaded. And then, you felt Taehyung slightly curve his fingers.
You sucked in a breath, your eyes shutting, seeing stars, pleasure and want increasing tenfold.
“A-Ah, yes… Taehyung…”
His name polluted by sensuality. Foreign but not unwelcome. A sudden arousing surge of lovely wrongness – after all, you should not be fucking one of your younger brother’s closest friends – but you could tell it had an effect on him too. He squeezed your nipple, making you hiss, and then you felt his tongue flat against the side of your neck, sliding up, his breath hot, his impossibly deep voice husky, his command pleading.
“Cum for me.”
You raised yourself to tiptoes, the curve of your ass against his twitching bulge, and sank your nails into his hip as you came, spilling onto his palm in vibrating shivers, delicately moaning to the ceiling. The intense high rushed up your center, through your limbs, all over your nerves, and you let it take over, shuddering, growing limp in Taehyung’s flexed arms.
As expected, he did not drop you.
You stayed in the heady fog of orgasm, slowly waking as if in a lucid dream. Turned your head and found his lips, or perhaps his lips found yours. It was hard to tell. You drew his tongue into your mouth, sucking on it, sensing a growing desperation in the shallowness of his breath.
You pried your fingernails from his hip, rueful. “I got carried away. My bad.”
A hint of a mischievous smirk on Taehyung’s lips. “I never said I didn’t like it.”
You questioned him with half-moon eyes.
“Someone might see.”
The smirk morphed into more of a roguish smile. There he was. “I can say I got scratched up while roughhousing. They’re not gonna think twice about it,” he teased.
“Tch. Tricky, tricky, aren’t you, Kim Taehyung?”
You twisted like a dancer, breaking from his embrace. He let you go, somewhat reluctantly. His right hand was still glistening, covered in your orgasm. He glanced at it, mesmerized, before realizing you were kicking away your shorts and panties, tossing your unbuttoned top onto the bed. His eyes widened when your hand came into contact with his chest. You slid down. In one swift movement, you lowered to a squat, right in front of the massive tent in his pants.
Taehyung had but a second to intake a breath.
You grazed your palm down his stomach, his bellybutton, to the tie of his pants. Tugged on it, unlacing it, and then you hooked your thumbs onto the sides of the waistband and pushed them down.
Part of you was mildly shocked Taehyung was going commando.
The other part of you thought that was pretty on brand for him.
You weren’t too surprised by what you saw. He was well-kept, clean, and not fully hard yet. The latter was mostly a guess from experience. It wasn’t polite to stereotype Daegu men, but, well. If the shoe fit and all that. You raised your eyes, amused at his stunned expression, and then leaned forward to lick along the thickening length.
“Oh, shit…”
He must have expected you to simply put his cock in your mouth or wrap your hand around it. Instead, you pressed your lips to the hot, velvety skin, decorating him with kisses before flickering out your tongue and wrapping it over the head, rubbing your lips against the underside. Back and forth, curling your tongue around the swelling tip, licking off the leaking pre-cum.
He tasted strong. More enjoyable than most.
You looked up as you worked his shaft. Taehyung gasped and his cock twitched as if to affirm his attraction.
“F-Fuck, what…?”
“You should taste my cum while I suck you off,” you murmured against his balls, licking them all over as you spoke.
He wasn’t used to the multiple sensations. You could tell by his heavy pants and the tension rippling all over his torso. How unfortunate, but you would make up for that right now.
“O-Okay… fuck…”
You watched Taehyung slide his fingers into his open lips and his eyes rolled back, groaning deeply as your essence hit his tongue. In one fluid flick of your head, you swallowed his cock, relaxing as your lips pressed to the base, feeling his girth stretch out your throat. You lowered your tongue, bringing him deeper, and perhaps it was a good idea to have Taehyung lick his fingers off. His shocked whine was stifled by his own hand. You paid it no mind, slowly pulling back and diving forward, his scent filling your nose every time you inhaled, catching glimpses of him sliding his fingers in out of his mouth with each ascent.
Somehow Taehyung made the depraved act look almost dreamy.
Your fingertips balanced on the floorboards, lowering your knees to better support yourself. Not using your hands out of pride. You even leaned your head back, both to gain more air and to take him deeper with less resistance. You saw Taehyung pull his fingers out of his mouth, strings of saliva beading on his lower lip, balancing his fingers by his shivering exhales as he watched you, entranced.
You let the pleasure reflect in your eyes.
“How… wow… fuck, your tits and thighs look so good at this angle…”
The strain was prickling through your limbs. You were far too engrossed in your task to care, feeling your pussy dampen from the intoxicating adrenaline, closing your eyes to focus on the pace. Steady, intense, listening to the deepening sound of his groan, his cock throbbing in your throat, signaling he was close, and then his voice ceased, suspended, lost in the warm, encompassing reverie.
His hips tensed, snapping forward, and Taehyung gasped your name.
His hot orgasm gushed onto the back of your tongue, filling your mouth with the viscous, heady flavor, making you as lightheaded as he sounded. Through his jerking length you could feel the flinches ravage his body, and all of a sudden his large hand pressed against the back of your head, holding you down to the brink of danger.
You swallowed, trying to grasp for a sliver of oxygen.
Taehyung almost doubled over, his erotic cry muffled by his other hand slapping over his mouth, and he half-pulled out of your closed lips, only to slide back in again, slowly, groaning above your head. He was trying to keep quiet and contain his sound within the walls of this room. Everyone else in the house was probably too drunk to string a sentence together, let alone figure out sex was happening under the same roof, but it was best not to take any chances.
His expansive girth was trembling, softening as his sensitivity increased. None of that stopped him from continuing to thrust in post-orgasmic bliss, lengthening his pleasure. You swirled your tongue around him and Taehyung trembled, whispering sweet nothings like smoke, his words melding with the melodic sound of ocean waves.
After a few more thrusts, his grip lessened, backing off.
You drew back, licking your lips, throwing your head back, breathing in a long, greedy gulp of fresh salty air. There was something ethereal about the whole scene. If it wasn’t for the ache in your knees, you might have been deceived into thinking it never happened. His memorable taste was still on your tongue. You swallowed again, and then felt a hand on your elbow.
Wordlessly, you opened your eyes and let Taehyung lift you to your feet.
He stared at you, his hair over his eyes, breathing hard. His chest glistened in the moonlight. The rest of him was shadowed by your naked body.
You waited.
“I… I should have asked if you…” He trailed off, grasping your arm tightly.
You half-smiled. “You thought I wouldn’t want to?”
There seemed to be a pink flush on his cheeks. His ears were certainly turning red. “I first wanted to ask you… No, Invite you on a proper date. Not on this vacation but… sometime soon?”
You couldn’t help but tease him. “Why so nervous when we’re naked in front of each other?”
Taehyung spared a glance down and then blushed deeper, clearing his throat. “I don’t know. I’m not usually nervous.” His dark eyes drifted back to your face. “I always thought you were beautiful. But too good for me.”
That almost made you laugh. “Too good? You know my reputation, Taehyung, and ‘good’ does not describe it.”
He shook his head.
Tugged on your arm, pulling you towards him.
“Yin and yang.”
He brought his forehead down, touching yours.
“You need both to have a really great love story.”
You breathed in his rich, warm scent, and leaned in to kiss him again. The sea, the salt air, the heat between you and him, burning, and the next day you were sitting under the beach umbrella again, laying on a teak lounger, book in hand, chocolate brown sunglasses perched on the end of your nose, secretly observing sun-kissed Kim Taehyung diving into the foamy waves as he snuck glances back at you, admiring your watchful form.
You smiled in shade as Taehyung dazzled in the sun.
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doodleswithangie · 2 months
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"Eeny, meeny, miny... YOU."
Redraw of a comic I drew all the way back in 2014 (weirdly enough, around the time The Golf War aired, so this was weeks before Sock Opera came out!)
[Image Description: Comic of Bill Cipher, Dipper and Mabel Pines from "Gravity Falls." Alt text provided and copied below the cut. Scan of original comic below the cut. End ID]
Original Comic:
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Copied Alt Text:
Page One:
Inside the grayed out attic, Bill possessing Mabel floats over Dipper, who shouts, "Mabel! Bill! Let her go!"
Bill taunts him, "Are you kidding? It's been a while since I've had a vessel. And this one smells like strawberries."
Page two:
Bill says, "There's almost nothing you can do to stop me. So I'm gonna bounce! Gotta bunch of things on my to-do list."
A stricken Dipper whispers, "No."
Bill turns and continues, "And a long overdue appointment to keep-"
"NO!" Dipper shouts.
Page three:
Dipper holds onto Mabel's shirt to keep Bill from leaving. "No wait!" he says. "Please. You said almost nothing. So there's gotta be something."
Page four:
Bill says, "Well... there is one thing."
Dipper says, "I'll do it. Just give Mabel back."
Bill grins as the room lights up in blue flame.
Page five:
In Dipper and Mabel's room, Stan is scanning Bill's page in the Journal. Mabel sees Dipper stir awake and runs to him, saying, "Dipper! We saw Bill jump into your head! Are you okay?"
Page six:
Dipper slowly opens his eyes, revealing yellow eyes with slit pupils, and says, "It's... It's been a while since I've had a vessel."
End Copied Alt Text
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respectthepetty · 4 months
I'm here to report on the colors in episode four of Wandee Goodday, but first a few stray thoughts like I have another image to add to my collection of Yak looking at Dee crazy,
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yet still going along with whatever Dee wants.
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Also, Yak being bothered that Dee didn't immediately think of him as a friend was a good beat in establishing the "friend" portion of their benefits. They are friends who share their lives with each other and scheme together, and I'm glad the show is explicitly stating that.
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Because the way the conversation began paralleled the way Yak wants to approach Taem about their relationship - What are we? "Are we datin'? Are we fuckin'? Are we best friends? Are we somethin' in between that?"
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But also the nurse stating Yak must care a lot for his lover to get the vaccine and Yak looking immediately at Dee was perfection because 1) safe sex isn't just about you but about the people you are sleeping with,
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2) you shouldn't be ashamed of caring about sexual health, so even if you hide behind queer pamphlets, drink water, get the shot, wear the condoms, and use the lube. Also, PrEP isn't just for men just like HPV vaccinations aren't just for women, and
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3) it showed that Yak does care enough about DEE, his lover, to take their sexual health seriously -> Yak is on that Bed Friend's King level of sexy, and I'd go through the entire Kama Sutra with them both once all our test results came back clear.
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Translations are always iffy but Ter mentioning that Dee wasn't thinking about his professional persona while Yak reminded Dee to not include his face in the pictures and Yei mentioned his brother being fine with Cher when they first started dating gives me hope that this show is going to lean more into the layers of being out because even though that "666" told me Ter was el diablo, he continues to make comments like that and Golf's other show, The Eclipse (which has been featured often in this show) was very much about (not) passing and levels of outness.
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Yei and Yak's dad was a world champion boxer, yet he wasn't mentioned in this mom-focused episode and the mom is the one who opened the gym, so is the space that Cher and Yei are giving Yak to figure his feelings out something they weren't given by the father? Because Cher was worried about the pressure Yei was putting on Yak to move up a class.
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And if the gym was the mom's, with all of its yellow, is Yak really like his mom as Dee assumed?
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Because putting the opening scenes in black and white is an easy flashback technique, but in this particular story, where Yak and his mom are bright yellow, it was a painfully good choice to take the color and brightness out of the scene.
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And it was an even better choice to parallel Dee comforting Yak in the same way Yak comforted him with a warmer (yellow) light than his normal purple one.
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Because Dee is already in his feelings about Yak without realizing how deep he was, which is why he is wearing a soft yellow while Yak is wearing Dee's fake blue.
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When they practiced what Yak would say to Taem, Dee thought about all their moments together, so he is falling quickly, while the signs are pointing out that Yak isn't there yet.
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But I wouldn't be there either if I was still daydreaming about this beautiful goddess who always rescues Yak with her brilliance, sassy personality, singular focus, and yellow folders, but that sounds a lot like someone else.
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A Purple Prince who is also brilliant and focused on winning but wild and sassy. Good to know Yak has a type. (Sidenote: the music choices swinging between romantic to tension-filled as the scene flipped between Taem and Dee was another great choice)
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Because Taem is taken, even if not officially. She matches her guy. She had on a dark brown and black shirt, so he had on a dark brown cardigan with a black tie.
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And she had on a brown-striped shirt with a black star, and he had on a brown jacket with black writing and a black tie.
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Then again, Dee is no consolation prize. Not looking like that at least.
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No wonder Yak is conflicted about what he feels when he looks at Dee because he most certainly is sexually attracted to him because *duh* who wouldn't be attracted to Dee (TER!), but as they sit in Yak's black and yellow room, it becomes more apparent that whatever he is feeling isn't just sexual desire.
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And when Dee scratches his back just like his mom used to while tutoring him, it starts to become clearer that Dee, wearing his necklace, and in orange which is sooooo close to yellow fits easily into his life. (Sidenote: Together with Me taught me that in Thai, being itchy is slang for being horny, so good for this show and its layers)
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Dee works so well in Yak's life that Yak is willing to get three shots to continue to have sex with him which can take anywhere from eight months to over a year to complete because each dose is spaced out by at least two-to-six months. Basically, Yak committed to a long-term plan . . . with Dee, who is chilling in his yellow-striped shirt.
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So it's not surprising that Yak is wearing a deeper blue next week as he holds Dee on the couch since he is far more invested in this fake relationship than he originally intended.
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I could write 5,000 more posts about them and this episode which I probably will.
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But know that even though the blue Yak is wearing is getting deeper, I will not be satisfied until it turns into purple.
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That's when I'll know they are both in love.
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allbark-no-bite · 2 years
Maniac || Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: she’s dancing in the kitchen while Rafe’s falling in love
word count: 1.7k
warnings: 18+ smut
author’s note: inspired loosely by Macklemore’s ‘Maniac’
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He's laughing now, low and attractive, his pearly teeth on display. His crossed arms bounce against his chest as it rumbles. From the radio sat on the counter, music bounces through the expanse of the kitchen.
"I am not dancing with you."
"C'mon! Get over yourself, Cameron!"
Warm, lemon yellow light slowly creeps across the white kitchen walls, and it makes her hair flash a rich golden color as she twirls through the sunbeams.
Rafe remembers exactly when he fell in love with her because it was a moment similar to this one. She's half dressed, dancing in the kitchen in her tube socks. Her hair is a mess, falling out of the already sloppy bun it's been thrown in, and he's not even sure she's wearing anything under the billowy mass of his shirt. The buttons are misaligned and he's half hoping it will fall further down her shoulder just so he can prove his theory.
God, does she get on his nerves. "Of you? Or looking like an idiot?" Rafe braces himself against the countertop, his lean body relaxed.
Right now he's just content to watch her, socked feet sliding against the white kitchen tile as she does what he has to admit is a fairly decent impression of the moonwalk. Thankfully he doesn't speak too soon because she stumbles over her own feet at the end, catching herself just before she hits the floor.
Rafe just shakes his head, blue eyes shining with a light that only she can put in them. "You're a maniac." His heart hurts. He wishes this wasn't so complicated.
Rafe met (y/n) through Topper, his best friend since grade school. Consequently, Topper was also (y/n)'s older brother. Now, he wants to make this point clear, he never set out to fuck his best friend's kid sister. Shit just happens. He had always liked her, of course, but everyone did. She didn't rat out anything they did at parties, and she was always down to hang out and do... other things. His favorite of those things being the time they had sex in the backseat of Topper's jeep. They'd emerged an hour later, faces hot and clothes rumpled, and returned back to the party as if nothing happened.
Rafe is sure Topper knows he's doing less than decent things with his little sister — they did leave his car reeking of sex for the whole next week — but for the most part, they keep whatever is between them under wraps. She says it's because she doesn't want to hurt her brother if things go south. Rafe knows it's because she's seventeen and doesn't want to commit to anything she doesn't have to.
"We aren't dating, Rafe. You know that."
He's just proposed that they go with Kelce and his girlfriend to the golf club tomorrow.
"Bullshit," he laughs, grinning from ear to ear. She was bad for him, her and her flighty indecisiveness, but so were a lot of other things he did. Rafe figured there were worse things that could kill him.
"You'll get over me eventually. I promise."
He's really grinning now because he knows she's all talk. "Sure," he relents, playing along for the sake of the conversation. "And when I don't?"
She's rolling her eyes now but still smiling as he takes her hand and twirls her around, her toes twirling delicately across the kitchen floor. "You're just like my brother. You'll find another Sarah Cameron and move on with your life."
He actually scoffs at that. "I'd rather not think about the things your brother does to my sister."
"I'm sure Top feels the same way," she refutes, sidling closer to Rafe until they're nearly pressed chest to chest. The collar of the shirt has slidden off her shoulder, well below her collarbone, and still there's no bra strap in sight. He swallows, a hand sliding up the back of her bare thigh to cup the curve of her backside and pull her closer to him.
She must notice his tentativeness because she offers him a cheeky look, cupping her hand over his own. "No need to be shy. If you're going to touch me then get going with it."
Rafe's blue eyes flit to hers, and the corner of his mouth quirks up into a shy smile, as if he's been caught contemplating and she read his mind. His other hand glides up her shirt, reveling at the warmth of her skin before sliding home. The bud of her breast pebbles under the swipe of his thumb and she shivers.
"What's wrong with being shy?" he mumbles, his head ducking to mouth at the cavern of her collarbone. Her body is warm and impossibly alive in his hands. There are often times like this one that he cannot fathom the fact that like him, she is a living, breathing person. He can feel her heart thumping under the weight of his palm, almost unbearably alive.
The tent in his pants must betray him because she laughs. "Rafe Cameron, you have never been shy a day in your life." Her hips grind up into his and he muffles a groan into her skin. He would say she knows him too well but really there's no hiding what's happening in his pants.
His fingers tug down at her shirt as he cranes his neck lower to mouth at the tender swell of her breast. A pleased sound escapes her. Before she can grip him through his shorts, he swiftly grabs her wrist, placing it instead on his waist. "Later," he huffs. His dick can wait.
When her hand again slips past the waistband of his boxer, his teeth catch her skin, reprimanding her. "Later, dammit," Rafe scolds, but there's no bite to his voice. He's smiling again as he kisses the welp better. His hands are on her waist, thumbs digging in below her hipbones to pull her body into his. Her fingers are in his hair, tickling his scalp and making him sigh into her skin. Rafe smoothes his tongue over the hickey forming on the top of her breast, making sure to attend to the other side as well.
With her hands still in his hair, Rafe drops to his knees on the kitchen tile. He is very, very pleased to find that she is not wearing panties. Narrowing his blue eyes, he shoots her a knowing glare. "You're nothing but trouble, kid."
Her hands tangled in his hair push his head back down. "You sound like you're trying to catch a case calling me that."
Rafe laughs at her impatience. At first he had been painfully aware of their three year age gap. She was Topper's litter sister for god's sake — practically a baby when he was a senior in high school. That number has faded over the years but it doesn't mean he doesn't like to tease her.
Grinning, his nose drags along the tan of her bikini line. She smells like sun tan oil and something he can't quite place. He would like to linger a while longer to figure it out but he's afraid she'll get too impatient with him.
Palms griping the backs of her thighs, he licks through her folds. The contact makes her body jump, but her fingers tighten as much as they can in his cropped hair, forcing his face closer. He just knows his jaw is going to ache tomorrow. Is it actually good head if it doesn't? He doesn't think so.
Rafe drags his tongue up to her clit before sucking at it. She squeaks at this, legs quivering beside his head. Just when he thinks she's going to lose her balance, she thankfully grabs on to the counter behind her before they both topple to the floor.
"Holy..." she begins, but doesn't even finish her sentence.
Grunting, Rafe has to force his wide shoulders in between her knees to keep them open as he laps at her. His tongue dips further into her, causing his nose to nudge her clit each time his mouth explores her further.
Eventually he becomes more insistent with his actions, lapping at her clit until she's whimpering, sensitive to the point that he doesn't know if she's more keen on shoving his head towards her or pushing it away. She comes with a cry, squirming in his hands as his tongue finishes the job properly.
"Oh god, I love you. Please. Fuck, you're— Right there."
Rafe pulls away just a fraction to breathe. "What'd you say?"
He's sure she can still feel his hot breath against her weeping cunt. There's arousal leaking down her thighs and he can feel it dripping down from his chin to his neck.
Panting, her cheeks are flushed as she looks down at him, but he has a feeling it's not from him. "What?" she stammers. "Nothing."
He grins cheshire-like up at her. His hands rub the backs of her thighs soothingly before squeezing her calfs. "You said the "L" word," he accuses.
Her eyes widen in realization. "No. No, I didn't," she protests.
Rafe rises to his feet, hands trailing up her body as his smile grows wider. She's trapped between his body and the counter and has no choice but to try and dodge him as he tries to catch her eyes. "What was it?" He taunts, laughing. "Say it again, baby?"
She tries to cover her face with her hands but with Rafe's overpowering strength, the attempt is useless. Even hiding halfway behind her arms, he can tell she's smiling. "I didn't! I didn't say anything!"
"C'mon! Baby. Baby, look at me." Rafe pulls her her rigid arms away from her face and holds them out to either side of her head. "Hey, I said look at me."
Leveling his gaze with her, they lock eyes for a moment, neither saying anything. Although her expression is fairly calm, if not a little pensive, he can tell she’s searching his face for a reaction. Timidly, he presses his lips to hers, stealing a chaste kiss before pulling away again.
“I love you too.”
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funnyjb · 4 months
To cool for you
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“Joey.”- you
“Mhm.”- Joe
“You got to get up, babe.”- you
He turned his head to face you in his pillow. His hands were under his pillow and his back was bare. He only had his sweatpants on. You rubbed his back.
“That feels good.”- Joe smiled
You laughed
“Well, I’m going to stop because we got to get up.”- You
You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead and got up out of bed.
“No, don’t go.”- Joe
“Joey, we got to get ready, baby.”- you
“Fine.”- joe sighed
He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. You were already brushing your teeth. Joe looked at you in the mirror and you two made eye contact. Joe giggled and proceeded to brush his teeth.
You then later found your outfit for today. And Jean skirt with a white top and your Air Forces . It was only for the day.because later tonight was the after party which you got to get a little dressed up for. So you packed your long, yellow ,floral dress for later along with a Jean jacket incase it gets chilly. Joe the picked out his outfit and put his jeans and other shirt for later tonight in your bag.
“Okay, let’s get going!”- joe
You closed up the house and got In Joes car. The drive was 30 minutes and by the time we got to the venue vans and decorations were being moved.
Joe decided to have a look around and make sure everything was set up. I on the other hand decided to go find Robin and make sure everything was perfect for the surprise tonight!
“Robin!”- You
“There’s my favorite almost daughter-in-law!”- Robin
“Haha, it’s not for a couple more months!”- you
“I know, but I can’t wait to see you in your wedding dress! You will look beautiful as always.”- Robin
“Thank you, Robin.”- you smile
“Where is my son?don’t tell me he left you alone?”- Robin
“Sadly he did, he decided to take a look around and make sure everything was okay, but I don’t mind!”- you
“Ugh, that boy, well at least he is being a good boy and helping.”- Robin laughs
“Yes!”- you laugh
The surprise we were planning on doing tonight for Joe was to put on a firework show! I know it’s pretty basic but ever since Joe was a kid he loved fireworks and to be able to do it at a place where he is given so much love and support is a great time to do it!
“There you guys are!”- Joe
“Hey, baby!”- Robin
She went to go hug Joe
“I’ve been looking for you guys everywhere!”- Joe
“Well, we have been here!”- Robin
Joe smiles and moves over to me.
“Hi, baby.”- Joe
“Hi, Joey!”- you
He leans down and connects his lips with mine for a quick kiss.
“How is it looking?”- you
“Awesome! The decorations are sick!”- Joe
“Yeah, they are pretty awesome!”- you said looking around.
“Alright I just wanted to make sure you guys were ok before I head to the golf course for a while.”- Joe
“We are good! Your fiancé and I are going to walk around for a bit!”- Robin
Joe and I laugh
“Ok, mom!”- Joe
Joe says goodbye and is off to the course to watch the boys play.
(Later that night)
I stepped out of the bathroom and into the room where Robin, Jimmy, and Joe were. There were some other Foundation staff there too. Robin already changed and was making sure that we had enough gifts.
I walked towards them in my long yellow dress paired with my Air Forces. My jacket in hand along with joes clothes that he told me to bring out when I was done.
“Yeah perfect just put them over there! Hey y/n! Wow…you look gorgeous!”- Robin
“Awe, thanks Robin! You look beautiful!”- you
“Thanks, decided to go with some stripes tonight.”- Robin laughs
“Well, it’s looks great on you.”- you smile
Joe then walks over to us
“She’s right, you do look beautiful.”- Joe
“Thank you, Joey!”- You
I get up on my tippy toes to kiss him.
“Here are your clothes.”- you
“Thanks. I will be back.”- Joe
He then goes into the room to change.
After a couple minutes he comes out looking so handsome. His long hair, his Nike shirt that shows his muscles, and his grey jeans.
“You look handsome.”- you smile
“Thanks, baby.”- Joe winks
“Alright guys it’s time to go out there.”- Jimmy
Joe takes a deep breath. I could tell his nerves were up and Robin could too.
Robin then whispers something in my ear.
“How about Jimmy and I will meet you guys out there? Gives him some time to relax. I know he will want you with him.”- Robin
“Yeah, ok. We will see you guys out there!”- You
“Perfect.”- Robin smiles
She leaves the room to go welcome people. Now it’s just Joe and I.
“Hey, everything will be perfect! People are here to support you, Joe. They love you and came here for a good cause. You can always go out on the golf course for a minute alone or come and hang out with me if you’d like.”- you smile
Joe gives me a smile
“Thanks, y/n. I love you so much.”- Joe
He gives me a quick peck on the lips. He then grabs my hand as we exit the room to go greet people. Everyone was here already and you can tell they were having a good time.
I thought Joe would have dropped my hand once we walked out and everyone saw us but he didn’t. He kept holding it. He introduced me to some bengals staff that has helped him with his injury and some men that were golfing earlier.
After a couple minutes he dropped my hand and turned to me. I knew he had to make his rounds. Before he could even speak I spoke up.
“Go. Have fun!”- you smile
He gives me a nod and squeezes my arm then takes off.
I later found a group of people to talk to. Some consisted of Joes family like cousins and some were friends of The Burrows.
I kept looking around for any sight of Joe to make sure he was ok.
He was talking to one of the bengals media guys and Zac Taylor. He had a smile on his face.
One of the other times I noticed him was when he was talking to a big group of guys who were golfing and bombarding him with questions about the new season coming up. I could tell he wanted to get out of there.
After a couple minutes I felt a hand ride up my back. It made me jump a little.
“Hey, it’s just me!”- Joe
“Jeez, you scared me. How is everything going?”- you
“Good…people seem to be having a good time.”- Joe
“Good! It seems like they are having a blast! Especially over there.”- You
I pointed to the bar.
“I saw one guy go up there 6 times. I think he passed out somewhere though.”- you laugh
Joe laughs
God I love that laugh.
“Well, good to know that people like it, but I thinking of taking you up on that offer about what you said earlier.”- Joe
“Okay! But I think I’m too cool to be seen with you, burrow.”- you
“Oh really? I was going to take you somewhere, but I guess your to cool for me. I will just go find that drunk guy.”- Joe
No! I’m not cool anymore!”- you
Joe chuckled
“Okay, baby, but you are always cool. Even too cool for me.”- Joe
“Wow! Mr Cartier said it himself.”- you
We both laugh.
I even forgot the girls were standing there. They were watching us with big smiles on their faces.
“Sorry ladies, but I’m going to steal her for a while.”- Joe
“It’s ok, she’s all yours!”- Joe’s cousin
Joe then took my hand and we walked away.
There was a small path leading out to the golf course away from the crowds.
As we started walking I looked up at Joe. He was still holding my hand looking to his right at the good course I could tell his nerves were easing up.
“You ok?”- You
He looked at me with his baby blues.
“Yeah, happy to get away with you for a moment.”- Joe smiled
I leaned more into him rubbing his arm with my free hand.
“I’m really grateful for you, y/n, You know that? You have always been there for me since day one. You never doubted me and always found ways to cheer me up, you still do. I’m just grateful to have you by my side here today.”- Joe
“Awe, Joey. I’m grateful for you too! I will always be there for you. I love you.”- You
He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me.
Just as we were kissing for probably around five minutes someone called him in. He had to go give his speech.
He took a deep breath.
“You got this Joe. I will be right there watching.”- You
He nodded his head and we started walking back.
“I’m going to pass it off to my very loved, beloved son. Joe Burrowwww.” - Robin
The whole crowd cheered
“Thanks, mom…”- Joe chuckled
“I just want to say thanks for everyone who came here to support. For giving your time, money, and presence to be here today. I want to especially say thank you to my family, my teammates and bengals staff, my friends, and my fiancé. You guys have supported me through thick and thin and wouldn’t be here without you guys, so thank you. Let’s have some fun!”- Joe
Everyone started clapping! I was so proud of him and a little surprised about the shout out but I wasn’t complaining!
“You did great, baby!”- You
He walked up to me and gave me a hug.
“All thanks to you.”- Joe
It was finally dark outside which meant surprise time!
“I think we are ready, y/n!”- Robin
“Awesome! I will get Joe.”- You
I walked over to Joe who was with Sam and Teddy.
“Hey!”- You
“Hi!”- Joe
“Can you do something for me?”- You
“Yeah, is everything ok?”- Joe
“Everything is perfect! I just want you to look up.”- You
“Look up? Why loo-”-Joe
BAMM! Fireworks went off. They were white and orange.
“Oh my god!”- Joe smiled
As they were going off Robin and Jimmy came up to us.
“Did you guys do this?”- Joe
“No actually, your amazing fiancé did!”- Jimmy
He looked at me.
“You did this?”- Joe
“Yeah, wanted it to be a special day for you!”- You
“God, I love you so much.”- Joe
He then squeezed into me tighter and kissed me under the fireworks.
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sunraies · 1 year
How about the reader being a waitress and spilling Rafes drink all over him accidentally and while she's patting him down with a cloth to clean him up he gets an erection with smut pretty please
Sure! I made Rafe soft, no pun intended. I've only proofread once x
Spilt Drink
Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - MDNI!! +18, slight sub!reader x dom!Rafe, smoking reader, smoking, fingering, P in V, pill mentioned, rushed smut.
As requested above
It was a disgustingly hot day. Summer in the Outerbanks was always hot, humid and dry. The Cut was always a dull yellow and the roads dust. While Figure Eight was lush and green with the tarmac melting on the roads.
One good thing about working at the Country Club was the air conditioning but the black restaurant uniform code, still made you sweat. That day you decided to wear as little as possible in the form of a little black dress. Still technically in the uniform code but more cooling than the polo shirt and black pants combo you normally wore.
The moment Rafe entered with Topper and Kelce, he had to do a double take on you. You looked so different, he couldn't pin point how as he had seen you in both your work and Pogue attire but in that dress you looked gorgeous.
You groaned internally as you spotted who walked in after finishing cleaning a table. The three of them were always so loud, taking up the plush sofa chairs in the middle as they would most likely be there for the rest of the afternoon. They had clearly been golfing that morning as Rafe's cheeks were a little pink from the sun.
"Hi, what can I get you?" You asked was fake smile and sweet tone as you pulled your notepad and pen from your apron.
"3 beers" Kelce said, not even looking at you.
"And a water" Topper added as Rafe just sneak looks at you.
He hid his smirk with his hand, faking uninterest as he looked you up and down. Subconsciously you pulled the hem of your dress down a little
"Coming right up" you gave them another smile before heading to the bar and placing the order.
"Rafe was totally checking you out" Mags said as she poured the drinks, giving you a wink. The slightly older woman was one of your close friends.
"Oh fuck off" you whispered "He was not"
"Girl, he was. Man was practically giving you the sex eyes"
"Shut up. He was not"
"I mean who wouldn't. You are killer in that dress"
You tugged the hem again before noticing the top would pull down more, giving a lot of cleavage.
"Why didn't you tell me it did this?!" You hissed
She just hummed and continuing with the drinks. "You look good" she shrugged "not that you don't always"
You shook your head and smiled at her before carrying the drinks over. You interrupted them in the middle of laughing about something. As you placed the drinks down, everything was going fine until the condensation on the glass made it slip out of your hand. 
Time seemed to go in slow motion as the glass hit the table, toppling on its side and pouring all of its contents into Rafe's lap. He managed to open his legs the minute the beer hit him, causing most to go on the floor.
"I'm so sorry, sir" In your panic you went into full customer service mode.
You needed this job, and if he went to your boss, you would be out the door. Just your luck to spill a drink in Rafe fucking Cameron's lap.
He tried not to groan as you leant over him, dabbing his lap with napkins from the table. He felt intoxicated by the smell of your shampoo, perfume and sweat. He closed his eyes a moment as he realised he could see down your dress before slightly jumping as you applied pressure to his crotch.
"I got it" He snapped, trying to take the napkins from you but it was too late as you felt it.
Your cheeks burned as you noticed his erection and quickly moved away. "I'll go get you another beer"
You got Mags to get the drink as you hurried out back, claiming you needed a smoke. As you pushed the back door open, your hands fumbled for your cigarettes before popping a smoke in your mouth before realising you forgot your lighter.
You stood against the wall in the shade, desperately trying not to overthink the whole scene in there. Had he really been looking at you that way and was he really that big, or were you imagining it.
As you were about to head back inside the door opened again and your eyes widened as Rafe walked out. A small part of you was a little scared, although he was never awful to you, he was still a Pogue hating Kook and you had just embarrassed him.
"You need a light?"
You stared at him, that was not the reaction you had been expecting "What?"
"You need a light?"  He pulled out his own cigarette from his pocket and lit it before passing you the lighter
"Your hand's shaking, sweetheart" He pointed out as you took the lighter.
"Just been a hard day" you muttered taking a drag before realising the pun "god, shit, sorry! A long day..."
Your cheeks burned again as you covered your face, deciding to stop talking. You exhaled a shaky breathe as he hummed, leaving the silence between you.  He moved to rest against the wall beside you, his arm touching yours. You didn't dare move until he spoke.
"You don't have any fucking idea, what happened in there, do you?" He sighed, looking over at you.
"I'm honestly so sorry"
You took a few glances at him, noticing him just staring at you before his jaw ticked and he blew out a few smoke rings.
"Why do you keep staring?"  You muttered "because if you are thinking of ways to kill me, stop"
His jaw ticked again before he let out a low chuckle. "I'm staring because you are gorgeous and I'm thinking of ways to fuck you"
You swallowed, glad the wall was holding you up as your knees felt weak. Anyone else talking to you in that way would have been punched but the way his eyes were blown and the effect you knew you had on him. It was causing a whole damn zoo to explode in your stomach.
He smirked, watching your reaction before finishing his smoke, throwing the butt away before you mirrored his actions.
"Would you like that, baby girl?" He asked leaning closer to you as you nodded. "Words, sweetheart"
"Yes" you breathed out
"Yes? What?" His eyes were teasing. You frowned at him a little before he gave you a clue "you know what the word did to me"
"Yes, sir?" You were uncertain before a smile broke out on his face.
"Good" He whispered, his ringed hand cupping your cheek as his thumb ran over your bottom lip.
Your breath hitched in your chest as his ocean eyes locked on yours before he leaned in more. The tip of his nose brushed against yours, before he finally kissed you. He tasted of smoke but you didn't care as his lips were so soft and he knew what he was doing. He gently bit your lip, causing you to gasp and give his tongue entrance.
You felt a warm tingle down your spine as you felt his large hand against your lower back, pulling you towards him. He chuckled against your lips as you wrapped a leg around him.
"Needy, aren't you baby?"  He purred, breaking away to kiss your neck.
You can't help the moan that escape you as he nibbled a sweet spot while his hand glided up your thigh. You knew you had already soaked through your underwear as he continued peppering your neck and jawline in kisses.
A dark laugh left him as his fingers finally glided over your panties. "I've barley touch you and you're already so wet for me, pretty girl"
You whined and his hand slid beneath your panties and he began to rub your clit in slow circles
"We don't have much time, baby"  He whispered "someone could catch us any minute"
"I don't care" you moaned, head resting against the wall "as long as you keep doing that"
"Just this?" He smirked before you gasp as he slided two fingers into you. He knew what he was doing as you began to come undone.
"You look so pretty falling apart for me, baby" He teased.
Soon you were gasping, tightening around his fingers as your legs shook. You whined as he pulled away "Ready?"
"Fuck me, Rafe" you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. He hesitated before you said "I'm on the pill"
Your eyes widened, seeing how big he actually was. Even feeling it briefly earlier didn't do him justice. You whimpered and whined as he kissed you cheeks, nose and forehead
"I know, baby, I know" He whispered "you can take it, pretty girl. I know you can take it"
He was so gentle until you asked for more. He was just the right amount of rough and soon you both climaxed. His head was buried in your chest while you played with his hair. You both desperately tried to catch your breaths.
You fixed your dress as he pulled away. You both stared at each for a moment before you spoke first.
"I should. I should probably go back inside" you turned to the door.
"Wait!"  He stopped you as he held the door shut. Here would be the part he made you swear to tell no one "Do you want to go on a date? We could hang out? Lunch or Dinner?"
You swallowed and nodded slowly before smiling "sure, I mean I would love too. I have tomorrow off"
The smile that forms on his face, melts your heart before he held the door open for you "I'll pick you up and we'll go to the main land"
There was the catch, you couldn't be seen together in Outerbanks but all the thoughts stopped when he kissed you quick again.
Once back inside, it was like nothing ever happened. Rafe went back to his friends but looked at you every so often as you continued to work. You were so thankful that the back area was walled off and there was no cameras but you were 90% sure Mags knew.
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najlepsiznajlepsich · 6 months
tolerate it.
Tumblr media
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
word count: 5.5k
warnings: cursing, age gap (9 years), alcohol consumption, angst, loosely inspired by tolerate it by taylor swift
author's note: this my first ever published fic!! woohoo!! star = time skip, sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. (had this sitting in my drafts for a long long time)
The bright yellow light shone right in your face. Regret was the only thing that you were feeling right now. Your brother just had to have a big party for his birthday, only inviting his friends, and you, for some reason. 80% of these people were strangers to you. 
It’s like you were totally out of place, cursing your brother in your head. Until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around. “It is you!” the man in front of you said.
Carlos. The guy you had a crush on years ago. You didn’t even recognize him at first. But you could recognize that Spanish accent in a crowd full of people. His voice was like a lollypop, reeling you in to hear all his sweet whispers.
He wasn’t the 17-year-old boy playing fifa with your brother. His tight shirt highlighted his muscles, his face was grazed by a light stubble and his deep brown eyes had an emotion in them you haven’t seen before. 
Eyes, in which you wanted to get lost, scanned your silhouette. He threw his arm around your shoulders. His touch was a burning sensation dancing on your skin.  
You also weren’t the 8-year-old girl with pigtails, who sat around just to spend time with them.  “Well, you’ve changed since I last saw you.” “Yeah Carlos, that was ten years ago.”  He laughed and you swore the same butterflies flew around your stomach, just as when you were a kid.
Fuck. He still had the same hold on you. Still the same fool after all. 
You opened the front door to your (your parents’) house. His laugh echoed in the hallway as you took off your shoes. Carlos is here.
“Y/N!! HELP ME!! He is cheating!” your brother shouted as you walked into the living room. “‘m not cheating!!” Carlos mumbled, and your brother, who can’t handle losing, restarted the game.
“WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” Carlos exclaimed. “MAYBE ‘CAUSE YOU’RE CHEATING!” your brother yelled back, an evident smile on his lips. A throaty groan escaped the lips of both guys. Their friendship was something you saw bloom into a close bond. Their arguments sounded just like the ones they had 10 years ago. 
And if it was a different day, maybe you would stay there and just watch them. However, your tired legs carried you to the kitchen. From the fridge you pulled out a bowl of fruits you cut up this morning. 
The laughter of those two man-children was still heard. One of them brings nostalgia and some old-forgotten feelings back. Still loved him after all.
“Hey? You ok?” a small voice next to you asked. You didn’t even notice when he entered the kitchen. Shit, how and why did you zone out. Could’ve avoided him. Well, not him, but this conversation. “Yeah Carlos,” you mumbled out.
He opened a drawer, looking for something. He grabbed a pack of popcorn, threw it into the microwave, and leaned onto the cold kitchen counter behind him. A buttery smell hit your nose pretty quickly.  
Not sure, if it was because of that, but the awkward atmosphere shifted into a comfortable one. It reminded you of the moments from your childhood and his teenage years. The raindrops bounced against the glass of the window. It calmed you down until you heard the microwave beeping and got a mini heart attack.
“Can I have some?” you asked shyly. He didn’t answer, just pulled a second smaller bowl. “Wanna go out golfing tomorrow?” he asked you, as he handed you the popcorn, his voice just barely above a whisper. You looked up at him from your bowl of fruits.
“Just me, you and your brother” “All right” you smiled. “Want some?” you pushed your bowl with cut-up fruit in front of him. He grabbed a piece of an apple.
“Delicious” he moaned as he placed it on his tongue. You giggled at his antics. He really hasn’t changed. “From your garden, right? I remember this taste.” 
He picked up the big bowl of popcorn and straightened his back. “You sure you wanna golf? It’s weird you’re not complaining about it-“  “Go away before I change my mind.”
You leaned into him as you laughed at his joke. His smell was intoxicating, you wish you could smell it throughout your whole life.  He placed his head on yours and you swore you were in a dream.
“Carlos,” you spoke quietly, “you remember when we went golfing?” He smiled at the nice memory. If only you knew he remembered everything. 
The hairstyle that you tried on for the first time, your outfit, the way your eyes sparkled when he said your swing was nice, the pinkish-red sunset you had to take pictures of. He wished you’d take pictures of him, but you didn’t. But, shh, you were taking pictures of him. Just in secret, and for yourself. 
“Yeah, of course I do. Our first date.” “Well-“ “Yeah, I lied to you, your brother was never invited.” You smiled. That was not a new info to you. Your brother was such a gossip. He could never keep a secret. This just confirmed it.
“So you planned that! Carlos!” He couldn’t even be mad at you. The way you said his name made him feel like he was the only person on the earth. He kind of was in your eyes.
“Now look at us babe,” he said and you sat up to take a sip of your coffee. This was your new favorite activity. Laying down on the outside couch, drinking coffee, and talking to your boyfriend, Carlos.
“Half a year went by fast, didn’t it?” you asked, as you handed Carlos his mug. “Because we’re together,” he smiled at you. The same butterflies, you had ten years ago and also 7 months ago, appeared in your stomach.
“I love the coffee you make, it’s laced with something, isn’t it?” You smiled at his dumb joke “Only with love.” “You’re so cheesy, I love you so much.”
“We can split it.” Carlos grinned as he walked into the closet. There you were, sitting on the floor with suitcases all around you. “I don’t want to mess up your clothes,” you whined out and Carlos sat down next to you.
“You won’t mess up anything, just let me help you unpack,” he said with a smile. You started pulling out clothes and you both put them in the drawers or hung them up. Carlos had a bit of a judging era and gave opinions on nearly everything.
His meanness went away when you picked up a white tennis skirt, the one you wore to your golf “date”. “Why haven’t you worn it since?” he asked, voice laced with confusion. “I don’t know,” you answered and folded it up. His gasp made you look at him.
“This is the dress you wore that time we went to try out the new ice cream shop!” he smiled at you and put the dress on a hanger. “You remember that kind of stuff?” you asked him genuinely. Who would’ve thought he was this attentive? “Of course I do,” he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
After spending at least three hours lost in the sea of clothes, you walked out of the closet. Ecstatic, that’s what you both were. Finally moved in together. You already put some of your decorations in his living room. But, the hallway was too empty for your liking.
“Carlos, can I hang some artwork here?” you called out to him in the kitchen. His head peeked around the corner. “Sure, let me help you.” He disappeared and then quickly reappeared with the tools needed for it. He hung up all of them.
“Thanks for letting me hang these up here” you thanked him, your eyes looking to the ground. With his finger he made you look up at him. “Please, it’s the bare minimum” he whispered. That was definitely not that. 
He pulled you into a quick hug, then turned around to look at the art. “They are really pretty. Did you paint these?” he asked, his voice soft. “Yeah, some of them last year and some a long time ago” you laughed. 
“I like that one the most” he giggles, and points to the one that was a portrait of him. “Okay, that was painted last week” you rolled your eyes. “You’re so in love with me it’s funny” “Don’t act like you don’t love me too, Sainz.”
“YOU’VE DONE IT” you yelled as you jumped into his arms. Your boyfriend just won a grand prix. A GRAND PRIX. At that moment you were proud of him like you weren’t of anyone before. This was the first grand prix you attended and he already made it so memorable. 
“It was ‘cause of you! You’re my good luck charm!” he laughed. He smelled like champagne, sweat, and happiness if that even made sense. He held you close and in that moment, you felt you two were the only people on earth.
“My man just won a grand prix,” you whispered into his ear, calming him down a bit. You wish you could be stuck in this moment forever. And while celebrations were fun, coming home was something you both were looking forward to.
Carlos opened the front door to your house, your now colorful hallway greeting you both. He was happy you came with him, but if you didn’t, he knew you would be eagerly waiting for him at the end of the hallway. 
You left your suitcases there and just went to the kitchen to cook up something quick. Like the gentleman that he is, he helped you cut up everything. Your laughs echoed through the whole house. You couldn’t stop laughing even when you were eating, his effect on you was noticeable.
Carlos washed and dried the dishes with you. Ugh, such a gentleman. His mother raised him right. You tiptoed to your shared bedroom, heading straight towards your bathroom.
“Do you want a facemask too?” you asked as you felt his body behind you. He became shy all of a sudden. “I mean- If you want to and have one for me,” he stuttered over his words and you laughed. You couldn’t comprehend how he was so shy at times.
The cold feeling from the mask hit your face. He put on his mask too and smiled at you. “You’re so cute.” He loved watching you do your skincare routine, he was just so mesmerized by you. He sat on the edge of the bath, his eyes never leaving your face.
He was studying everything, and making a mental note to himself about which stuff is for your eyes, lashes, lips. He knew you like his favorite song. His mask was pulled off way later than your own and he headed straight towards your comfortable bed. 
You ran after him almost instantly and plopped right next to him. Your breathing synced up and you could feel a smile forming on your lips. You tilted your head to look at Carlos, to find him already looking at you. Only smiles were exchanged, no words needed.
You loved this. The comfortable silence with him. You never felt so relaxed when you didn’t know what to say. He threw a blanket over you two and you wriggled out of it.
“Carlos we have to change into pyjamas.” “No, we don’t have to baby, come cuddle.” He stretched his arms out towards you. Pulled under the covers again. “You’re lucky I love you,” you muttered under your breath and he giggled. You both got comfortable pretty quick.
Now no one could pull you out of here. “Good night, princess” his lips tickled your forehead, as they placed a quick kiss.
You heard the door opening. He was finally home. You ran down the hall and threw yourself around him. A little peck from you landed on his cheek and he returned it. There was sadness on his face. Something you haven’t seen in a long time.
“What’s wrong?” you asked as you led him to the table where he had dinner waiting for him. His favorite food. “You ate already?” he asked when he noticed an absence of a second plate. Changing the conversation. Wow. So original.
“Carlos. Answer my question.” “I finished out of points.” He grunted as he sat down. You let out a heavy exhale and sat across him. Could’ve been worse.
“Don’t beat yourself up because of that. You’re a great driver, it just wasn’t your weekend.” “Well, it hasn’t been my weekend for a long fuckin’ time.” He mumbled under his breath.
Sometimes comforting him was like consoling a child. You didn’t know what to say and just watched him eat from his plate. You hated when he was like this because there was nothing you could do about it. Either he’d get over it or just be quiet for the whole day.
You stood up from the table and walked slowly towards the kitchen. You knew this wasn’t your fault, but it felt like that. You sat on the counter, looking out of the window. His footsteps echoed through the room. He carefully placed the plate into the sink and his hands gripped your hips.
“Y/N,” he started his sentence, “I’m sorry.” You lifted your gaze to look at him. Your eyes were glossy, and that’s when he knew he fucked up. “It’s really not your fault, I shouldn’t be acting like this.” “It’s fine.” “No. It’s not.”
You knew it wasn’t fine. It tore your heart apart to see him in a shitty mood. He brought you into a hug. His cologne enveloped you and you buried your head into his chest. His fingers played with your hair as he stroked your head.
A tear fell onto his hand when he pinched your cheek. You wanted to speak up, but you couldn’t find your voice. Carlos was one of the people you wanted only the best for. “Please-“ you finally spoke up, “just talk to me when you’re feeling bad. I swear it’s better for us both.” He exhaled and looked down at you.
“Should’ve told me sooner,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have to tell you that,” you thought, as you wriggled out of his hug.
“Come on! We’re gonna be late!” he yelled out as you walked out of the bedroom. His eyes scanned your body. “Oh. We can stay home if you want,” he changed his mind pretty quickly. You had to pull out the new dark red dress for this occasion. 
Today was your 3rd anniversary, and Carlos, the great boyfriend that he is, booked a table in the most expensive restaurant. You ushered him into the car. You weren’t running late, but you were on the edge of that. 
Quiet calming music filled your ears. The ride wasn’t supposed to be long. It felt like that though. You were looking out of the window, your eyes scanning the new buildings you didn’t see yet. Carlos’ hand landed on your thigh. That gave you a weird feeling of comfort. But, it didn’t last long as he parked his car. 
He got out of the car and then ran around it to open your door. You blushed at the act and placed your hand into his. “Let’s go, ma’am,” he said and you laughed. You got through the reception and the waiter took you to your table.
Carlos really took his time with this. The table overlooked the city of Madrid, all of the city lights shining brightly. It looked beautiful. He pulled out your chair for you and you giggled.
“So what can I get for you?” the waiter asked, as you both sat down. “Just a non-alcoholic beer for me, and a bottle of wine for my lady. What kind do you want?” he asked. He knew which one you always ordered, but he didn’t want to risk getting something you wouldn’t drink. 
“Red wine. Please.” You smiled and opened the menu. “Is that all for the drinks?” he asked and you both nodded quietly. “I’ll let you pick out the food,” he turned around on his heel and strutted towards the bar. Carlos smiled at you.
His smile was something that warmed your heart every time. He grabbed your hand and drew small shapes with his thumb. He always knew how to comfort and calm you. You broke eye contact with him and admired the city, while he admired you.
The waiter came with the drinks and took your order. You ordered something simple like always. You started eating together, the conversation topics floating effortlessly.
He was in the middle of telling a story about the crazy stuff he did with his cousins when his phone rang. ‘boss’ was the name that popped up on the screen and you chuckled. “Hold on, I have to take this,” he said and walked away from the table. You continued eating.
Something was off when 20 minutes flew by and he wasn’t back. Finished the food. Still nothing. Drank your bottle of wine. Nothing. An hour has passed and still nothing? You stood up and went towards the bar.
“Hey, do you by any chance know where my boyfriend is?” you asked, completely desperate for an explanation. “He paid your bill and left,” the waiter behind the bar said, with a calm expression. You deeply exhaled and walked back to the table to grab your purse. You stormed out of there.
What the fuck? Why didn’t he tell you anything? You were sitting there like a dumbass for an hour, waiting for him. You called yourself an uber, and while the drive was awkward it was definitely better than sitting in a car with Carlos.
“Got stood up?” the man asked, his gaze focused on you in the mirror. “No, It’s complicated.” “Relationships are complicated,” he laughed. At least that made you feel a bit better. Again, it wasn’t a long drive so you were home relatively quickly.
You walked into the hallway, which felt a bit colorless than before. Your shoes came off quickly and you threw yourself on the couch. Defeated, that’s how you felt. A tear slid down your cheek.
You woke up in your bed next to Carlos. He carried you upstairs. He looked peaceful. So pretty. You hated that you loved him so much because you could forgive him anything. Your brain was fighting itself, you didn’t know what to do.
Carlos was everything to you. First crush, love, relationship. But this really hurt. It was like he didn’t even care about anything. Your bed felt hard as a rock now. You couldn’t fall back asleep. Turning, flipping your pillow, and blanket.
You tried everything. Still up. Your brain was filled with Carlos. Did he not realize how much this would’ve hurt you? Work is important, you get that. But you couldn’t even get a heads-up that he was leaving?
You were mad and sad, and the tears you pushed back that evening came out. And they weren’t stopping anytime soon. Everything dawned on you all of a sudden. You grabbed onto your blanket and wiped your tears into it.
And you were 12 again, crying over a boy who didn’t like you. Your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces and you wished the man, who was lying behind, would pick them up and glue them together. You fought the cry, which nearly came out of your throat, and reached for your phone to look at the time.
The phone brightened up the whole room and you groaned out. 4:55. Too soon. Apparently, you weren’t the only one who was surprised by the brightness because the man next to you turned to face you. He was still sleeping.
Thank god. You didn’t want to deal with him this soon. You put the phone back on the nightstand and snuggled up under the covers. You felt his arms wrap around your waist. Somehow, his touch lost that warmness and you felt goosebumps on your whole body. You didn’t know what to do.
Another round of tears rolled down your cheeks and you never felt weaker. He had an effect on you. It used to be a positive one, but now you weren’t sure if you could continue with this.
Where was he? The question brewing in your mind. Yeah, he was supposed to be working. But, it’s 10 pm.
Your stress levels were increasing by every second. You were starting to worry about him. The dinner on the counter had already been reheated 15 times by now.
You sat down on the cold floor, staring at the ceiling. Your fingers fidgeted with the string of your sweatpants. Anything could’ve happened to Carlos and you didn’t know.
Your worries were cut short as a knock landed on the front door. You shot up from the spot you sat on and ran towards the door. Your keys jingled as you tried to unlock the door as fast as possible. The handle probably left a dent in the wall from how fast you opened it.
And there he was. Carlos with Charles by his side. You threw yourself into his arms and he hugged you back. “Okay Carlos, you’re home now. See you tomorrow!” Charles said carefully and slowly. He turned on his heel and walked rapidly back to his car.
As the front door closed, Carlos still didn’t let go of you. Oh, he’s drunk. You brought him to the kitchen and sat him down on a barstool. “Come on. Eat. Or you’ll have a massive hangover.” He ate slowly, talking about his evening to you.
You stood on the other end of the counter, looking at him like you were a disappointed mother. Arms crossed on your chest gave you a feeling of security and comfort. Something you need right now. As he was finishing his food, you decided to speak up about something you both dreaded to mention. 
“Why did you go to the bar? You told me you were gonna come home immediately after work.” He looked up at you like he was a deer in the headlights. “Just wanted to go out with the guys after a tough day,” he said like he couldn’t figure out why you were mad. You just exhaled, not saying anything. But, your stare spoke a million words.
“Don’t tell me you’re mad because of that.” He spoke, as he handed you an empty plate. You bit into your bottom lip and turned away from him - towards the sink. You turned on the water, so it flowed slowly as you washed his, and your plate that was in the sink for the past three hours. Carlos scoffed.
“You got so boring. What happened with you?” You ignored his drunken indiscretions and continued scrubbing the plates. He sat in silence, at least until the water flow stopped. You grabbed the closest dishcloth, not wanting to turn to see him. There were tears in your eyes, threatening to spill out of your eyes at any second now.
“You know Y/N,” he started, “you changed. You aren’t yourself. You used to be so fun.” You swore you felt like someone had stabbed you right there, and you were starting to bleed out. Maybe past or sober Carlos would help you, but this one just wanted to put another knife through you.
“It’s like you don’t even care about my feelings, I never have fun anymore.” And there it was. The tears spilled from your eyes like a waterfall, and if your heart didn’t break before, now it definitely has. “I can’t even have fun anymore.” He mumbled and walked out of the kitchen.
A sob escapes your lips, and the salty drops cover the newly polished plates. You kept polishing them over and over again, breaking down even more in the process. That job was like a never-ending one.
His hurtful words were on repeat in your head and you swore your knees started giving out. More sobs filled the room, but you stopped crying, once you heard faint footsteps.
“Are you coming to bed or are you gonna keep polishing those dumb plates.” His tone was harsh something you have never heard before. “I don’t want to sleep next to you tonight.” You whispered into the air. “Night.” He grunted and turned off the lights in the hallway. You finally put the plates in their place. 
“Second time you’re falling asleep on the couch.” You thought to yourself as you sat down. You felt like crying again, but there was nothing that could come out. You reached for the blanket on the other end of the couch and found a comfortable position.
What else could you think about, other than your boyfriend? You knew he was drunk. He probably didn’t mean it. You’ve done some shitty things while you were drunk too. 
But, what if it wasn’t just the alcohol in his blood. Were you boring? Did you change? Were you good enough for Carlos? A singular tear fell on the pillow.
You wish you could just fall asleep, not think about Carlos for once. It helped you fall asleep most of the time, but it was also your greatest enemy in times like these. You hugged yourself, but nothing could generate the heat Carlos hugged you with. A sob left your mouth.
“Can’t fall asleep. Please Y/N,” Carlos’ voice scared you. “Please,” he begged again, and you stood up. He let you lead the way, slowly walking behind you. You threw yourself into your shared bed. He just sat down on the edge.
You looked at him for a second, before turning on your other side and falling asleep. Carlos just sat there, looking out of the window. He finally laid down next to you, falling asleep nearly immediately with the familiar body right next to him.
Family dinners. Something you both hated and looked forward to. Your mom handed you plates, and just ushered you out of the kitchen, to the backyard.
Your cousins and you neatly set the table, talking about stuff that happened since you last saw each other. You felt like a kid again. Everyone finally sat down and started eating. You felt terrible and your face probably showed it, because your aunt asked the thing you did not want to hear.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” she asked genuinely and you just shrugged. You were defeated. You always attended his family events and he couldn’t even come on time to yours? You swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Probably at work,” you said, not even looking up from your plate. “Huh. Asshole.” Hearing your brother mutter out that about his friend shocked you. Your mom nodded and your dad just sighed.
An uncomfortable silence fell over the table. You preferred this over them calling you out. But, it’s a family dinner after all. 
“I know you love him Y/N, but that age gap isn’t great,” your cousin proclaimed. “He isn’t treating you right, younger you would never take that disrespect.” Another cousin agreed with her. You finally looked up to see the whole table staring at you. You didn’t know what to say. Maybe ‘cause they were right.
“You could’ve spent your twenties partying, and you’re with that guy.” Your dad spoke up. And you knew it was bad when he commented on it.
You exhaled deeply and opened your mouth to talk, and your brother already had his head in his hands. It’s like he was getting ready for whatever you were going to say. “ You love to just hate on everyone and everything, right?” every pair of eyes looked away from you. Your phone vibrated in your lap and you grabbed it. 
“I’m in front of the house.” You stood up from the table and became the center of attention once again. “You don’t know him like I do!” you shouted as you slid-opened the glass door.
“I know him too well!” your brother yelled out. You slammed the door and ran up to your room. “Give me 5 mins” you typed out with tears in your eyes. For those 5 minutes, you just sat on your old bed, trying to calm yourself down. Your feet swiftly carried you downstairs.
As you were about to make a turn for the door, you saw Carlos sitting in the backyard, laughing with everybody. You walked outside, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I let your boyfriend in, if you don’t mind” your brother joked making everyone laugh. Are you going absolutely fucking crazy? Just a few minutes ago they hated him, and now they are making it seem like you had a problem with him.
You swore you were gonna go insane, but you just sat down smiling at your family. It’s fine. Everything will be fine. But as the night went on, it didn’t feel like that.
He was ignoring every ounce of affection you gave him. Acting, like you didn’t exist. And now you were regretting defending him so much.
You were in the middle of the unspoken routine you and Carlos adapted during the last few days after a big fight. You cleaned up after dinner, while he read emails and work-related stuff.
He fell asleep because his soft snores filled the entirety of the living room. You grinned and your heart broke at a thought that popped up in your head. You sat on the barstool, and it’s like he felt like you were watching him, because he woke up and opened up his book, continuing with his work.
Observing him was more fun when you two weren’t mad at each other. That isn’t the case today. He ‘studied‘ the whole book, and you just sat there until he closed it and placed it on the coffee table. You were internally fighting yourself.
Was this a good idea? Is it going to be absolutely worthless? You couldn’t even predict how you were gonna act, how could you know how was he going to react?
A little voice spoke quietly in your head. It’s going to be better.You were walking towards the hallway when his deep voice surprised you.
“Are you not even gonna say anything?” All the pent-up anger made its way to the surface. “You should say something!” you spat out, putting the emphasis on you. He looked down.
“Are you really making yourself the victim?” you continued. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked, not realizing you were one dumb question away from breaking down.
“YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS RUINING THIS,” you strutted towards the couch, “and you’re not even realizing it.” He stayed quiet, waiting for whatever you had to say next. “You used to actually care about me” You shed a tear and he stood up to hug you. But, you just pushed him away.
“Don’t pull that shit, Carlos.” He exhaled and sat down. “I gave you everything!” you shouted. “All my attention, all my time, my energy, I gave it all! And you did nothing with it!”
You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. Something in them screamed: When will she finally calm down. And that angered you even more.
“I don’t know shit about your life anymore! You don’t tell me anything! I have no idea how Ferrari is doing or what happened in the paddock. If you can’t even share the most basic information, how the fuck can we function as a couple?” you asked a rhetorical question. You didn’t want him to answer.
“It’s like my love and me is just extra weight on your shoulders. Is my affection annoying? Huh?” he looked up at you. You loved his deep brown eyes, but now you wished you could jab them out.
“I never you felt like that-,” “Yeah, of course you never know. It’s like you’re blind. Or maybe you just don’t fucking care! So stop acting like you do.” His clueless eyes scanned your hurt face.
Maybe he actually didn’t know. But, it’s not like that was an excuse. He deeply hurt you, and there was no apologizing he could do that was enough.
“Please let me make it up to you” he pleaded, his voice cracking nearly every word. “I swear, I didn’t mean it.” You burst into tears.
“No... Just let me end this.” Words rushed out of your mouth before you broke into another sob. Now, he was crying too. This just broke your heart more.
“You wouldn’t...” he spoke quietly. “I would,” you looked him in the eyes, “and that’s what I’m doing right now.”
“We’re done?” he asked like a little boy.
“Yeah, Carlos. I’ll pick up my stuff." You said as you walked through the hallway. The only thing you picked up, were your keys. You smashed-closed the front door and sat in your car.
You couldn’t bring yourself to drive away. Leaving all the memories behind you. Most importantly, the 7-year-old you that would swear he was your soulmate. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. 
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cipheramnesia · 2 months
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Part 3: The Death, Rebirth, and Afterlife of Parasite Alice
The Riverside Clinic for Wellness and Long-term Care weathered safely the storms of the burn just as all the worst memories navigate the mindscape unimpeded. The venerable history of the red brick and white trimmed building carried it through the poor and homeless left in squalor to the airy chill of lobotomy and electroshock therapy, two wings wide and three floors tall. Its height well serviced its intent, too short for escape even via a yearning leap from the roof to its concrete driveway.
The persistance of such single-minded enclosure of the divergent mind carried forward to the interior, with mutiply sectioned floors along each wing navigable only through a network of stairwells. A more modern elevator spired through the center of the building, lever operated and gated by iron on all sides. None of the layers of white tile or muted gray carpet or soothing art prints or geometic wall paintings over the years could fully excise the prison lovingly built into the architecture. Inside, it promised no escape. Outside its dignified facade offered warm reassurance that aging loved ones to difficult children and everyone in between would be safely forgotten.
Some part of Alice understood all this as the square black truck complained about stopping at the brick stairs with their awkwardly late addition of a wheel chair accessible ramp, leading to wide white doors set with large windows blocked by gauzy white curtains. The driver helped her out of the car and she said, "I can do it just fine!" before almost falling as her legs wobbled. She didn't like strangers touching her, but now everyone was a stranger and she leaned on a stranger just for the simple task of reaching the door of the building where she will die of cancer.
The doors swung inward to reveal an average man with a surfeit of dignity to his gray peppered mustache and deep, dark eyes beneath a noble high forehead and a gently swept back head of mostly gray hair. His thick belly preceded his wide shoulders into any room, and his hands were noticeably large with thick fingers, moving quickly and nimbly to pull a wheelchair onto the small porch. He wore checked trousers, a pale yellow golf shirt, and his arms were exceptionally hairy.
"So good to meet you," he let one hand overtake his stomach to greet Alice, which she disregarded. "My name is Dr Hopewell, and I'm the administrator here at Riverside. I've heard quite a bit about you, and I wanted to make you comfortable right away. You're quite the special guest!" He smiled away the dignity of his profile.
"I don't need a wheelchair," she said. The driver shrugged and let her go, forcing her to grab to armrests to keep standing. "I'm just tired." She gave daggers out of her eyes to both men before maneuvering herself into the seat. "Don't get used to this."
The driver passed a clipboard over her head. "You gotta sign for the delivery, also initial there... and there. Sign and date there too. Okay, nice knowing you."
Dr. Hopewell was already turning her and rolling her into the building before the driver started the truck. "Don't worry Alice, we'll make sure you have the best of care here. You're a celebrity after all, but there may be a few bumps ahead!" They wheeled past a heavy wood door and a much larger orderly took over, pushing her down the hall then bumping up a flight of stairs.
"We specialize these days in unique individuals like yourself. I understand you won't persue treatment?" She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "Well, if you change your mind, we can be ready to start immediately." The chair and orderly bumped back down stairs into another long hallway. "But here is your room, and we've put you with someone you should get along with. She's very unique."
The room was small, two beds with a curtain divider, wall mounted TV sets, a closet bathroom, one tall window and a few small sets of sad artificial wood drawers.
Another woman sat in a rolling tube frame chair in the far corner of the room. She was big and soft and still in pajamas, her belly stuck out a bit from under the top, and her sloping shoulders seemed to be a permanent fixture of her slouch while the sweeping curve of her neck to her chin echoed in her faint jawline. Her nose was long and straight and Alice thought it was very fine with her dark black eyes looking a thousand miles away and her arrow straight glossy black hair hanging behind the chair. Alice wondered what it would be like to hold her hand. Would she squeeze hard or gently? Interlaced or fingers to thumb.
She about the woman's hands and lips and eyes enought, it took her longer than it should have to realize the other woman was also shimmering with the golden glow of the burn.
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teddynivvy · 2 months
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☀︎ before the sun. chapter 2.
pairing: jschlatt x she/her reader. 1.6k words.
warnings: mention of reader's body insecurity.
a/n: chapter 2 babeyyyy. i hope you enjoy this one even tho it kinda just feels like filler but... who wouldn't wanna spend a day with schlatt in the sun hehe <3
summary: you and schlatt spend the day by the pool.
When you wake up the next morning, the sun is already filtering through the windows to illuminate your hotel room. The soft, pale yellow light met your barely-open eyes as you shut them closed again immediately, burying your face into the pillow, and letting out a groan. The bedside clock read 8:23am, much too early to be awake on vacation. 
Checking your phone, there were two texts from your parents on the screen.
Gone golfing, be home this aft!
Have fun at the pool!
Placing your phone back face down, you let your hands come under your pillow, falling into a deep slumber once again.
A few hours later, you awoke to a much brighter, hotter sun streaming through the windows and onto your sleeping body. You pulled back the sheets and rubbed your face, now noticing it was 11:00, which was much more tolerable. Remembering your parents had already gone out for the day, likely with Schlatt’s, you made your way to the bathroom. Your face looked significantly better than yesterday - the linen sheets and comfy mattress had done you well, lessening the bags under your eyes and making you feel worlds better than you had in recent history.
You pulled on the swimsuit you’d purchased yesterday over your body and looked at yourself in the mirror. It was so easy to pick out the flaws, as this was the most revealing you’d looked in public in a long time, pulling at the fabric to cover your skin to no avail.
“It looks nice on you. You really have nothing to be insecure about.”
Schlatt’s words rang in your brain as you straightened up, smiling to yourself in the mirror. After years of feeling inadequate with your ex, it was kind of liberating to feel sexy in something. 
You pulled a t-shirt over your swimsuit and grabbed your beach bag, stuffing a bath towel and some sunscreen in. You opened the door, locking it behind you, and letting out a little yelp when you turned around to see a figure there.
“Oh, hey, (Y/N).”
“Schlatt, hey,” you caught your breath with a hand on your chest. “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he laughed. “You going to the pool?”
“Yeah, was gonna probably go get some breakfast first, what about you?”
“Me too, you wanna go together?”
You felt your cheeks warm. Why were you blushing?
“Yeah… yeah. Let’s go.”
You and Schlatt made polite small talk all the way to the breakfast bistro, before he pulled out your chair for you to sit. Your beach bag sat on the floor below as you looked across the table at him, where he was already flipping through the menu. His long fingers caught your attention, thick and dextrous, making you lose your breath a little.
“You ok?”
“Y-yeah, just no idea what to get,” you covered for yourself, pulling the menu out. “Will you make fun of me for getting pancakes?”
“You’re on vacation!” He laughed, looking at you almost incredulously. “There literally isn’t a better time to get pancakes.”
You both ordered coffees and pancakes when the waiter came around, after Schlatt had declared your mention of them making him want some too.
“So, what are you up to today?” You asked, after taking a sip of water from the glass in front of you. 
“Probably just relaxing by the pool, did your parents tell you that they went out?”
You nodded.
“Yeah, guess you’re stuck with me today.”
You cringed at yourself immediately after saying that, looking up to find Schlatt meeting your eyes. The waiter came by to drop off your food and coffee. A smirk played at his lips as his gaze fell down to his food, cutting into the stack and placing a piece in his mouth, strawberry and whipped cream at the corner of his lip.
“Fine by me.”
By the time you made it to the pool, the hot sun was beating down on you, and you were ready to jump right in. The water was so inviting, a deep blue colour as you pulled off your t-shirt and shorts, putting them on the clean, white beach chair.
You pulled out the bottle of sunscreen from your bag, squirting some out to put on your arms. You handed it over to him wordlessly, as he took it from you, fingertips lightly brushing.
He took some in his hands, coating his arms and face. A white stripe appeared along his nose, just underneath his sunglasses.
You stifle a laugh.
“Do you mean to have it all on your nose like that?”
He cocked an eyebrow. “I burn easily, alright? I don’t get out much.”
You find yourself in a fit of giggles as he laughs with you, turning away slightly to hide his blush blooming across his cheeks at the sound of your laugh.
“Can you get my back?”
You’re turned away from him, straps of your swimsuit pushed down your shoulders. His breath hitches in his throat, your supple skin in the light, straps draped across you and daring to be pulled down, and off. He almost forgets to answer.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, for sure.”
He rubs a bit of the sunscreen in his hands, before pushing it along the plane of your back and shoulders. He slightly kneads into your shoulder blades and neck, deft fingers, over the backs of your arms and just slightly under the corseted bow, tied at the mid-back of your suit.
He’s trying so hard not to look at the way your body curves, your face pointed down so he can access the back of your neck. Soft skin, to kiss, or bite, or…
“All good?”
You grabbed the bottle of sunscreen from him, thanking him with a nod, before tossing it back onto the chair. Stepping towards the pool, you sat on the curved side, dipping your toe in.
“Nice?” Schlatt asked, putting his own feet in the water. He wasn’t looking out onto the gentle waves of the pool though, his gaze was right on you, seemingly not able to tear his eyes away. He pushed his fluffy hair back and adjusted his sunglasses, as you leaned back on your hands. The long line of your body was apparent, as you splashed your feet in the cold water. You could’ve sworn you saw Schlatt take a small gulp as he quickly averted his eyes.
You pushed your body into the water and began to swim around, dipping your head under to get your hair and face wet. Surfacing, you pushed it off your face, turning to face Schlatt, where he sat motionless.
“Aren’t you coming in?”
“I kinda… hate swimming,” he laughed. “I realize how ironic that is.”
You stepped over to him, letting the water droplets glisten off the skin in the sunlight. “Oh, c’mon. This isn’t real swimming. I won’t make you do laps or anything.”
He shook his head.
“C’mon…” you laughed, reaching out to grab his hands that were sitting in his lap. They were rough, but soft at the same time, and you relished the feeling of holding them.
“Just one dip. That’s it. Then we can sit in the sun all day.”
You couldn’t tell if the sunburn was already blooming across his cheeks, or if he was blushing. You were hoping he was blushing.
Realizing you were still holding his hands, you let them go. “Fine. You can sit on the edge of the pool like a loser all day.” Your smile stretched across your face as Schlatt gasped, fake-offended at your roast. 
You swam away, surfacing just to see Schlatt pulling off his t-shirt. Broad shoulders and back, strong arms and freckles peppering him all over. You were staring - you knew it too, as he threw his t-shirt over the pool chair and slid into the bright blue water. You watched as he dipped his head under, shaking his head to get rid of the excess water and pushing it back on his head. 
If you weren’t staring before, you definitely were now.
You blushed furiously, finally averting your gaze.
“Yes. Thank you.”
The sun stayed out all day as you and Schlatt sat by the pool, soaking it up. You mostly had your headphones in, or made small talk, and you swore you saw Schlatt fall asleep in his beach chair at least once, even if he swears he didn’t. 
“I was just resting my eyes!”
Your parents were planning to have dinner at the country club where they had been golfing, which left you and Schlatt to fend for yourselves. You landed at a small restaurant on the property, where you shared plates of pasta and glasses of wine under the deep red-orange sun, feeling like you were finally truly enjoying yourself on this vacation.
Sitting at the table with empty plates, Schlatt yawned. 
“Tired?” You asked, downing the last sip of your wine.
“Yeah. Woke up super early this morning, and the sun makes me sleepy.”
You smiled, nodding along as to agree with his sentiment.
“Probably just gonna go back to my room.”
You pushed out your chair, as did he, walking along the path back towards your rooms. You had spent the entire day together, with not much else to say, you pulled out your room key and pushed open your door.
“I had fun today,” Schlatt laughed, and you felt your heart skip a beat. Schlatt did not seem like the type to talk about his feelings much, let alone express when he had a good time.
“Me too. Hope you get a better sleep tonight.”
“Yeah, me too. See you tomorrow.”
And with that, he disappeared inside his room, as did you. A soft sigh left your lips as you smiled, throwing down your beach bag and flopping onto the freshly made hotel bed.
Maybe this vacation wouldn’t suck so bad after all.
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readyforthegarden · 3 months
Fitting Room
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Adonis and Angel are back for a little adventure! When Angel acts bratty in public, Danny is going to put her in her place, regardless of how far they are from the privacy of their own home.
Warnings: smut, sex in public place, soft dom!danny, restraints, oral (m!receiving), fingering (f!receiving) teasing, choking, full penetration)
WC: 4424
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In your entire life, you never thought that you’d be bored while shopping. You loved diving through racks of clothes, boxes of shoes, furniture and decorations, it was like an Olympic sport to you. Trying to find the best deals on what you wanted or needed usually sends a wave of endorphins through you. 
But today you were on your last leg, following Danny through the department store searching for new golf shirts. He came home from tour for a nice, long break and suddenly his old shirts were too tight in the arms, and had to go. Not that you were complaining, he put the muscles to good use as soon as the two of you were alone, a new level of stamina coming from this tour as well. 
“What do you think about this one?” Danny held up a turquoise colored polo, the sweat resistant material shining in the fluorescent lights above. You could tell your temperament was beginning to get at him too, no longer cheerful in his showing of shirts. You had already snapped a few times, causing him to give you a few looks. 
“It’s very nice, honey.” you muttered, folding your arms over your chest. Your eyes were beginning to feel dry from the air conditioning being pumped into the store, and you squinted, pinching the bridge of your nose, hoping the impending headache you felt would go away. “Just like the last fifteen you’ve shown me.” 
“What’s with the attitude?” Danny furrowed his brows at you. “You’ve been so snippy today.”
“This is the most boring shopping trip ever.” you groaned, stomping your foot a little. Truth be told, it was more than that. You were tired from a late night out, a little hungover if you had to admit, and you were hungry after only eating half of the strawberry poptart Danny had offered you that morning. 
“Oh because it isn’t for you?” Danny challenged, raising an eyebrow with a roll of his eyes. 
“No, because every golf shirt is the same!” You reached up, shuffling through a rack. “White polo, blue polo, yellow polo, stripes oh now we’re getting cuh-razy!” you moved toward the wall of more polos and gestured to them. “Just pick a few and let’s go!” 
It happened quickly. Danny barely glanced around, and suddenly you were against the polo wall, snug between two racks. Danny’s large, free hand was on your throat, squeezing the sides. Your eyes were wide as you looked up at him, and all you received back was something only Danny could master, a tender glare. 
“Where is she, hm?” Danny asked softly, giving a soft squeeze to your throat. “Where is my Angel?” He didn’t let you respond. “Instead she’s been replaced with such a brat. I shouldn’t have to tell you more than once to behave. I have half a mind to take you into the fitting room and bend you over my knee for your attitude.” 
He saw the sparkle in your eye at his words, your head tilting down to look up at him through your lashes. His hand left your throat, grazing your neck until his fingers were moving up into the hair at the base of your skull. He clenched his fist there, tugging your head back so you had to look down your nose at him. A whine emitted from your throat, and he smirked. 
“What? My pretty little Angel didn’t think her god wouldn’t know all her tricks?” Danny laughed under his breath and his voice was lower. A thrill sped up and down your spine, igniting your veins. Adonis was here. “I think you’d like that a little too much.” He glanced down at your chest, watching it rise and fall quickly. “Nah, that’d be too easy. I can’t very well give into you when you’re acting like this.” He let go of your hair, and your head fell forward. His hand now came under your chin, lifting it with his finger, his thumb resting in the middle of your chin. “Be my sweet Angel again and maybe you’ll get rewarded. Can you do that for me?” 
“Yes,” you murmured. Danny bent down, capturing your lips in a sweet but demanding kiss before letting go of you entirely. 
“I think I’m gonna get the turquoise one.” he nodded, back to the sweet and happy go lucky man he normally was. You were still between the racks on the wall, reeling over Danny acting like that in public. In your time together Danny had helped you explore more sexually than you’d ever considered. You’d found new things that turned you on, learned that you had a taste for roleplay here and there, and you especially liked when Danny introduced a soft dominant side of him. But never had he been this way in public before, and the idea of being so exposed, the risk of being caught had you pressing your thighs together. 
You followed Danny around the men’s section, smiling and nodding and giving polite opinions on shirts you knew he didn’t want or like, he simply was testing you. This went on for a few moments until he became distracted, looking for some socks to match his shirt. 
“Stay here,” he instructed, handing you the armful of clothes. “I saw a few pairs around the corner.” he mumbled as he was already stepping away. Adjusting the heavy, sweat wicking clothing on your arm, you glanced around, finding you were close to the women’s section of the store. Craning your neck, you tried to see if anything caught your eye. You raised yourself to your tiptoes, and nearly jumped out of your skin when Danny cleared his throat. 
“Looking for something?”
“I was just trying to see what they had,” you answer, coming back flat on your feet. Danny gazed at you, then to the clothing section behind you, smiling. 
“Well, you’ve been a good girl again so far,” he started, taking the clothes from your arms. “Go ahead and browse a little.”  There was a moment's hesitation, and Danny laughed “Go on!”
Stepping around a few racks, you began looking through what the store had to offer you. Sundresses were on sale, and you thumbed through a row of them, a pretty mauvey pink one catching your eye as you moved deeper into the section. Danny watched you like a hawk, eyeing everything you touched. You tried to think, should you pick one out? Or should you pick one you don’t really like in case he teases you and says you can’t have it? This side of Danny was newer to you. In the bedroom games like this were easy, don’t touch yourself until I say, do this do that. In public, you weren’t sure what the rules were. 
“You like that one baby?” Danny’s voice was low and soft in your ear. You’d been so focused on getting one step ahead of him you hadn’t realized you had frozen, a powder blue dress in your hand. Swallowing nervously, you nodded. “I don’t.” He removed your hand from the dress and reached up, grabbing another one. This sundress was golden yellow, and he held it out to you. 
“This one?” You asked. Danny nodded. 
“I’ll even let you try it on, as a treat.” He grinned. “Let’s go find a fitting room-oh wait! I need to go back and get one more thing,” 
You sighed before you could stop yourself, and once you realized, looked up at Danny. His eyes were glaring, but his mouth was pulled into a smirk. You fell right into his trap, failed the test. Shoving the clothes in his arm at you again, he stood back. 
“Go get a room, I’ll be right there.” Nodding, you scurried off, into the fitting rooms and went to the very last stall, shutting the door. You hung up the shirts and dress, placing the packs of socks on the small shelf. You waited for Danny, ignoring how washed out the overhead lighting made you look in the mirror. 
Three sharp raps on the door and you opened it, letting Danny slide inside before shutting and locking it behind him. He gazed at you for a moment, hands behind his back.
“What?” you asked softly, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze. Danny smirked, sitting down on the small seat in the room. He leaned back, folding his arms over his chest and grinned.
“Try on that pretty little dress for me.” he commanded, nodding to it on the hanger. Reaching down, you unbuttoned your jean shorts, sliding them down your legs and stepping out of them. Kicking off your shoes you stood in just your socks and underwear after pulling your top over your head. Danny adjusted in his seat, eyes raking up and down your body. He knew you were stalling, and held up a hand, index finger pointing down and moving in a circle to tell you to turn around and continue. 
Taking the cotton dress in your hands, you removed the thin straps off the hanger, it was soft and light, and you knew it would make the perfect dress to run errands in or out to dinner. Pulling it over your head, you let the material fall down your body, adjusting it once it was fully on. Forgetting the game at play, you turned to the mirror, reaching into the top and adjusting your breasts in the sewn-in cups, then flattening down the torso. 
Twisting and turning in the mirror, you scanned every part of yourself in the dress, targeting every flaw and positive you could find. It wasn’t until Danny’s hands rested on your shoulders that you stopped. Looking at him in the mirror, he met your gaze, smiling softly. 
“There’s my Angel,” he murmured softly. “You look so pretty in this dress, in this color.” his right hand, traveled softly up and down your arm, caressing it and leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Are you my sunshine again?”
“Yes, Danny,” Danny’s smile fell.
“I’m sorry, who?”
“Adonis,” you whispered. Danny turned his head, his nose burying into your hair and he inhaled deeply. His slow exhale was warm against your skin and in your hair, causing a shiver to go down your spine. 
“That’s right,” he murmured into your hair. His left hand left your body, reaching behind him. He stood back from you, slightly to the side so you could see as he slid a brown leather belt from his back pocket. Hearing the material softly move through his hands as he made a loop made your pulse race. Softly snapping it a few times, he watched your face, noting the excited gleam in your eyes. “Do you like this?”
“Yes, Adonis,” your voice was a whisper. Anxiety and excitement swirled together in your stomach, watching him step closer. You were preparing to be bent over and spanked, but instead he approached, coming around you and standing in front of your reflection. 
“Hands in front or behind?” you took a few moments to decide, Danny being patient as you made up your mind. You held your wrists out to him, and he smiled, beginning to loop the belt around your wrists, tightening it and glancing up at you, mask dropping to check that you were okay. You nodded and gave him a soft smile, and instantly Adonis was back. “Get on your knees.” 
Lowering yourself to your knees, you kept eye contact with Danny, gazing up at him through your lashes, his hand not in your hair to stop you this time. He bit his bottom lip, reaching down and undoing the button and fly of his pants, pushing them down to his mid-thigh, along with his boxer briefs. His cock was already hardening, and he stroked the length a few times, bringing it closer to your mouth. The tip grazed your bottom lip, soft and velvety smooth. 
“Open,” Danny murmured, and you obliged, laying your tongue flat as Danny tapped his cock against it. You closed your mouth around him, swirling your tongue and tasting him. Humming, you began bobbing your head, working down his length. You already wished for your hands to take care of what you couldn’t take. Soft sighs of pleasure fell from Danny’s open mouth as he stared down at you, hypervigilant of every twitch of your lips, flutter of your eyelashes, and flare of your nostrils as you inched further down his length. 
The weight of his cock on your tongue was something you enjoyed, a low hum of satisfaction vibrating up from your chest, to your tongue, making Danny suck in a quick, sharp breath. Smiling around him, you looked back up through your lashes at him, taking the tip of your tongue and pressing it along the thick vein on the underside of his cock as you pulled back to the tip. One of Danny’s hands held his shirt flat against his toned stomach, the other reached forward, easily cupping the back of your head and gently pushing you back down his length. You let him guide your movements, doing your best to keep breathing as the tip of your nose began grazing the coarse, trimmed hair at the base of him.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you swallowed around him, fighting the reflex in your throat as Danny’s tip grazed the back of it. He began pumping his hips, and you could feel the hot prickling of tears welling up in your eyes as you gagged slightly, taking short, quick breaths through your nose as you let Danny use your mouth. 
“So fucking good,” the words were ragged as he praised you, fucking into your mouth. You hummed, your fingers twitching, itching to grip his thighs, to have some hold on him like he did you. They were also desperate to relieve the ache between your own thighs. Spreading your legs as imperceptibly as possible, you brought your wrists between them, trying to rub them against your core. Danny heard the buckle of the belt around your wrists clink, and let out a breathy laugh. “Aww Angel, you wanna touch yourself?”
“Mhm,” you nodded slightly, blinkin up at Danny. A few tears slipped from your eyes and you knew your mascara was at the very least flaking, if not running down your cheeks. Your hips were still rocking against the bundled leather on your wrists, though it wasn’t doing much. 
“I don’t think you deserve to, after all the attitude you gave me today.” Danny’s words were harsh, matching the thrust he did of his hips. Sniffling, you batted your lashes at him. “Fuck, you look so good with your makeup like that,” he took the hand off the back of your head and swiped his thumb across your cheek, collecting the black stained tear. Without another word, he pulled himself out of your mouth, standing back before leaning down and grasping your arms, lifting you up to your feet. One of his large hands wrapped around the middle of the leather belt, and you got excited, thinking he was going to give in and untie you, but he pulled you toward him as he backed up, taking a seat on the small bench. 
Your stomach flipped watching him stroke himself with his free hand, the clothes next to his head reminding you that you were in a public area. Danny continued to pull you forward, reaching up under your skirt and pulling down your panties, watching you step out of them carefully, He tugged you closer until you were kneeling, a leg on either side of his muscular thighs. He let go of his cock, bringing a hand to your hip, the other raising up the hem of the sundress.
“What do you say,” Danny leaned in close to your face, the tip of his nose gently grazing your cheek as he pressed a chaste kiss to it. “We ruin this fucking dress? Hm?”
“It’s not mine,” you replied shakily, watching Danny pull back and grin wickedly. 
“It was yours the moment I saw it.” he replied. You bit your bottom lip, feeling Danny’s long fingers graze your inner thigh. Your hips jolted as his index and middle fingers slipped between your legs, feeling the wetness that had gathered there. “You’re so wet for me, Angel.” he slipped the tips of his fingers in, making you moan softly. He pumped them in and out, eyes trained on your face as you found some relief at last. Your hands were in between both of you, resting on his stomach, and your fingernails scratched at his skin, the hairs on the trail to his hips, as he reached deeper and deeper.
“So good,” you whispered, Danny twisting his wrist slightly so his thumb grazed your clit with every pump. Your eyes closed as your head fell back, relishing in the pleasure.
“You’re taking my fingers so well,” Danny praised, “Can you take my cock like this?”
“Yes, Adonis,” your voice came out in a whine, raising your hips, ready for him to take his hand away. When he stilled his hand, you brought your head back up and opened your eyes.
“How bad do you want it?” Danny asked. You felt annoyance bubble back up in you, the ache between your legs growing stronger. 
“Badly,” you groaned, rolling your eyes. Danny’s hand left your hip, grabbing your chin roughly. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he hissed. Heat burned your face, and you tried to pull out of his grasp, but his fingers dug in a little harder, keeping you in place. “Answer me.”
“Yes, Adonis.”
“You think because you don’t get what you want exactly when you want it, that you can act this way?” he scolded you, making the heat in your cheeks turn them bright pink with shame and embarrassment. 
“‘M sorry,” you muttered out. Danny loosened his grip slightly.
“What was that?”
“I’m sorry, Adonis.” Danny let go of your chin, using both hands to grab your hips, pulling you forward. He slowly rubbed the tip of his cock through your folds, slickening it before pressing inside of you. You moved to sink down, but Danny’s grip on your hips was strong, keeping you up so just the tip was inside. An aggravated groan rumbled through your chest as you glared at Danny. “Please, what the fuck!”
“I don’t think you deserve any more than this,” Danny hissed. “You were being so good and now you’re failing every test.”
“Please, please,” you whined, leaning down, grasping whatever skin of his you could with the limited movement of your fingers. You were nose to nose, clenching around him, feeling like you were going to cry if he didn’t let you take him fully. The ache was becoming unbearable, and as you looked into his eyes, the Adonis persona faltered, your loving Danny flashing in his eyes. “I need you so bad, baby, it’s starting to hurt,” Without another word, he pulled you down, allowing you to sink down to his hilt. You let out a strangled moan of relief, and Adonis was back.
“I love it when you plead like that, Angel,” he groaned softly, thrusting his hips up into you. “Sounds like a prayer just for me,” you nodded, unable to verbalize much of anything as he pounded up into you. “What am I?” your eyebrows knit together in the middle of your forehead, glancing down at him. “What am I to my Angel?”
“A god?” Danny grinned. 
“That’s right, say it again,” he somehow slid himself down on the bench, the new angle sending tingles down your spine. 
“A god!” you moaned loudly. “A god my god, god!” Danny laughed darkly, bringing a hand up quickly and covering your mouth. 
“I don’t want the whole store to hear it too,” he murmured, leaning forward and pressing a kiss in the valley between your breasts. “Can you keep quiet for me? Think you can cum quietly?” nodding, you gave him an affirmative noise, muffled by his hand. You pressed a kiss to his palm before he pulled it away, and he grabbed your hands, lifting them up and over his head so your body was closer to his. Your head slumped into the space between his neck and shoulder, his thrusts jostling your body. Quiet, high-pitched whines and moans fought their way out from your lips, suddenly, he halted all movement. You raised your head up, ready to argue with him, be a brat again, but he put a finger to his lips, glancing at the door. You heard shuffling outside the door, and your eyes widened, hearing soft voices talking about a sale happening, the sound of cheap metal hangers scraping against the racks they were on.
Danny looked to the door, then back to you, a small, mischievous smirk tugging his lips. He slowly began moving his hips as the voices got closer, and you pressed your lips together tightly, fighting the whimper that wanted to escape. Your stomach was flipping, the excitement and embarrassment of almost being caught and the thrill of doing something so naughty in public turning you on further. He started moving a little faster, and you squeezed your eyes shut, praying he kept this pace so no one would hear the sound of skin slapping and come looking. One of his arms snaked behind you, up your spine and grasping the base of your neck and shoulders, using the grip to pull you down roughly.
“I think they’re gone,” Danny breathed out after a few moments of silence. “We need to be quick in case they come back.” nodding, you followed his lead as he ducked from under your arms and moved you off of him, standing the two of you up. He made quick work of undoing the belt restraint, though he didn’t give you time to rub your sore wrist before you turned you around and pressed a hand on your back, bending you over. 
Grasping the side of the bench, you felt him flip your skirt over your hips, gripping your skin there. You could hear Danny spit, the sound of the lubrication running up and down his cock before he pressed into you again, making your jaw drop. Danny was merciless in his pace, and you winced, though it wasn’t at the grip on your hips of the pressure of his hips bones hitting your ass over and over, but from the sound. You hoped and prayed that no one was around outside the fitting area, that there were no curious shoppers out there. 
“You feel so fucking good around my cock, Angel,” Danny groaned through grit teeth. “You were made for me, so perfect,” he shifted his hips slightly and was suddenly hitting a spot that made your jaw drop, your mind go blank, sharp, breathy curses the only thing able to be vocalized. You clenched around him, feeling the molten hot coil in your core tighten almost unbearably, your body tensing.
“Oh god, please,” you whined, nails digging into the bench. 
“Yeah? Please what, baby?”
“Please, I wanna cum,” you whispered. “Please, Adonis?”
“I don’t think you should,” he shook his head, his sweaty curls bouncing. “You’ve been such a fucking brat today.”
“Please Danny, please Adonis, please god!” you cried softly. If you could have screamed at the top of your lungs, you would have. Danny’s fingers dug deeper into the flesh of your hips, sure to leave bruises, his trimmed nails leaving crescent moons into them. 
“Like I said, I love to hear you beg,” Danny’s hips pounded into you, and you pushed back as much as you could to meet every thrust, whispering his name like it was the only word you knew in the English language. He didn’t punish you for saying Danny this time, letting you have this one win as he felt you cum, your thighs shaking, knees buckling.
“Fuck, Angel, I’m gonna cum, where do you want it?”
“Anywhere, fuck I don’t care,” you were riding out your orgasm, needing his release now just as much as you needed yours. 
“Such a filthy brat,” Danny grunted, hips stuttering as he came, releasing inside of you. He stayed still, bent over you as you both caught your breath. You gasped when he pulled out, feeling empty immediately, but he stuck his fingers inside you, fucking his cum further into you. When he pulled them out, he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around, sticking his fingers into your panting mouth. “Clean ‘em, don’t leave a single drop behind.” he murmured, watching you do as he said. “That’s my girl, do we taste good together?”
“Mhm,” you moaned around his fingers. He withdrew them slowly before grabbing your face, pulling you to him and kissing you passionately, tasting the traces left. When he pulled away, he smiled at you, and Adonis disappeared. 
“That was hot as fuck, baby,” he chuckled, his eyes glimmering, before they dropped down. “Oh, oops,” you followed his eyeline, seeing a few wet spots on the neckline of the sundress. Using your finger, you dabbed at them, giggling as you wiped them on Danny’s boxers as he stepped back and pulled his bottoms up. “I think you’re gonna have to wear that out of the store.”
“Oh for sure,” you agreed, bending down and picking your panties up, slipping them back on. “Do you need to try on these clothes?” you nodded towards the shirts he had you carry in. Danny grinned cheekily.
“Nah, I know they’ll fit,” he admitted, walking over and grabbing them off the hook. “I just wanted to drive you insane.” you straightened from gathering the rest of your clothes, mouth agape. Reaching out, you smacked his shoulder sharply. Danny caught your wrist after the hit landed, bringing to his lips and kissing where your skin was still pink from chafing in the leather belt. “Be careful, I might have to teach you another lesson if you do that again.”
“Is that a promise?” Danny’s eyes flashed as he let go of your wrist, reaching down and snapping the price tag from your dress.
“Go get the pink one you were eyeing, then meet me at the registers. I’m taking you home.” he answered. You turned, a sharp swat landing on your bottom, making you jump. “I’ll show you what a real smack is supposed to feel like.”
“I can’t wait.”
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captainlondonman · 1 year
New Skin Boss
Jed was glad it was Friday. His Boss allowed Friday to be the day when staff could wear what they wanted. During the week Jed had to tone down his gear, just jeans, thick soled shoes and a sweatshirt and anyway he had to wear a warehouse coat over. However on a Friday he did not give a shit what the other two lads in the warehouse thought and he always put on his Skin gear. Christ if you are a skin you have to show that you are, so out came the bleached jeans, the Fred Perry T shirt, the yellow braces and the yellow laced 20 hole Ranger boots. Like all good skins he wore no underwear and you could see the outline of his cock down one leg made more obvious by the piss stains from not shaking his knob when finishing his piss. The other guys wore their jeans and some boring top always looking at him as if he was an alien.
‘Well fuck them’, Jed thought
The Boss , Brian, was young, early 30s and seemed fixated with golf spending most of his free time on the golf course with his boring suburban friends. Jed had to admit he was good looking but God knows if he was straight or not. Had to be Jed thought with all this bloody golf. He was 6ft. good build, gelled hair with perfect parting and one thing Jed always noted was that there was a nice bulge hidden in his chinos. The guy obviously wore boxer shorts so his cock could swing around a bit. This Friday as they were packing up to go, Brian looked at Jed and said.
‘You always wear your Skinhead gear on a Friday, Jed. I just can’t see why and always so tight on you.’
‘Once a Skin always a skin, Brian. You wouldn’t know.’
‘Too right there, Jed, however I do admire you for looking like that. It may not be for me but it actually does suit you.’
 That night Jed met up with his pals at the local Skin club. Great always to be with fellow skins in their gear. Some wore rubber versions of skin stuff and a few of the bigger blokes would bring their slaves in with a thick collar and chain and make them kneel begging for a beer. This was his home and often he would hook up with another Skin for a night of raw sex but it was usually a one night stand. Christ he had probably had half the guys there. He was talking to Otto who was considered the leader of the Skins who frequented the club. Everyone called him Otto because he loved to go off for weekends to the Berlin Skin scene and besides you would not mess with him, he was at least 6’2” and built like a brick shit house, both arms heavily tattooed and a spiders web tat covering his head. Jed was telling the group abut Brian and his comments.
‘Mate it sounds as if you fancy yer boss. I fucking hope not as us Skins stick together.’
‘Shit, Otto, no way am I having sex with anyone other than a Skin.’
‘So what Jed if this boss was a skin, what would you do?’
‘Well IF he was, I fucking love to be his fuck bitch judging from that cock outline I see in his chinos. But that’s not gonna happen ain’t it.’
‘Stranger things have happened. If you are up for it me and two of me mates could help out a bit. Always want to make us Skin boys happy.’
‘You’re bloody joking’
‘Am I? What say we have a go next weekend but I will need all the weekend and you stay out of things till I call you. You will just need to let us in before you leave  and then you bugger off till I call.’
‘Not sure I can believe all this but hey man you are such a boss I’m willing to give it a go.’
‘Great, I like the sound of this commission. Will make for a good weekend.’
 The following week at 5pm the other guys had gone off and Jed did as he was told by putting something Otto had given him into a cup of tea for Brian.
‘Thought you might like a cuppa before I go off, Brian’
T’hat’s nice of you Jed. No doubt you are off for one of your boys night.’
‘You can say Skin instead of boys Brian.’
‘Maybe but that’s not my thing but if you insist yeah, Skin nights. Hope you enjoy. I’ll be another half hour and then I will lock up.’
‘Have a great weekend. I’m sure its gonna be special’
‘Who knows Jed?’
Jed whispered to himself ‘I know’
 He then opened the door to let Otto in and his two sidekicks.
‘You put the liquid in the tea did you, Jed’
‘Of course just as you asked’
‘Christ what have you there? It looks like a bloody huge suitcase.’
‘A bit like that but don’t you worry. Bri’s not gonna know what has hit him but the result will be exactly as you are wanting.’
‘I’m not sure now,’ Jed replied
‘Look fuck off mate and leave this to the professionals. Go.’ And with that Otto pushed him out the door and quietly shut it behind him.
‘Right lads lets give Bri 20minutes. That should be enough.’
They then opened the office door and saw Brian slumped over his desk.
‘Look like it’s worked boys so lets get to action, open up the case. First, hand me the shaving cream and razor as well as the chains and ropes but before we do anything lets get this guys clothes off.’
All three skins quickly removed Brian’s clothes
‘Well’ Otto said, ‘Jed is right, the guys got a good sized cock, I reckon a good 8inches when stiff but well find that out soon enough. A real waste in a pair of chinos. Dom, put these clothes in a bin bag and shove in the bin outside.’
Otto tied Brian to the chair with the ropes and taking out a good thick leather collar buckled that around his neck and then chained it to the back of the chair so his head was fully upright and unable to move.
Otto then took his electric razor and started on Brian’s gelled hair, great pieces falling to the floor. Once most of it was off he sprayed on the shaving foam, mixing it in with a couple of thick heavy globs of spit for good measure. Taking the razor he worked his way around the scalp once and then another go to make sure the head was smooth and properly scalped.
‘Shit that looks better for a start.  He has a good Skin shape of head. Fucking hate blokes with all that gel thinking they look bloody great. Better shut him up before he comes round but first let’s close the blinds and set up the video system for him.’
Brian started to come to and as he started to open his mouth, he felt  a round rubber ball being forced into his mouth almost making him gag and then it was strapped round the back of his head. He could not move his hands were firmly tied behind the chair and his head was immobile. He was vaguely conscious of a thick leather strap around his neck keeping his head firmly in position.
As his eyes still had a fuzz, he could make out in the dark room three men standing in front of him. They all looked dressed the same and he could make out high boots and shaved heads but little else.
One was bigger than the other two and came forwards so his face was up against. The guy looked fearsome and he could make out the guy was a Skinhead as he was dressed similarly to the clothes Jed wore on a Friday. The guy was bulky with thick legs encased in his bleachers and on his head a large tattoo of a spider’s web. On one cheek was another tattoo of a swastika.
‘So Bri, I’ve just put a ball gag in yer mouth to shut you up for now. You might see you’re naked but don’t worry that will get sorted out. Us lads are going to leave you for a while but before going we have a little piece of equipment we think will help you.
Otto opened up the ball stretchers and fitted them around Brian’s hefty pair of balls. As he clicked them in Brian let out a howl of pain as he felt his balls firmly locked and being stretched. You’ve a good pair there, boi, but we want them to give you a lower voice like us and besides you soon grow to love them and never want them off.’
By now Dom had set up the machine with a screen directly in front of Brian so he could not miss what was to be shown.
‘Ready Bri?’
All Brian could do in his anguish was mumble
Otto started the machine. The first video showed a group of skins hanging around some with knuckle dusters and others with bats, a group of chavs started to walk by the with Skins shouting at them. Every word was Fuck this, fuck that, Oi oi. Then the Skins waded in hitting the chavs with the bats punching the lads with their knuckle dusters, showing their power and making the chavs submit and run off. More videos started up all with real aggro Skins, looking for trouble, and always with the volume set loud, Fuck Fuck, Oi Oi. These words kept thumping in Brian’s eardrums
‘Right Bri, good stuff for you to watch. Well leave you now.’
While Brian sat tied up rigid unable not to watch the violence, the aggro, the sheer force and manliness of the Skins, Otto and his mates went next door for a couple of hours for a few beers.
When they returned Brian was wriggling in his seat, trying to force himself free, a look of sheer anger on his face, his eyes bulging with fury. His arms straining to be free.
‘Now what’s going on here Bri. Lets get that ball gag out.’
As Otto forced Brian’s mouth open and took out the gag Brian let rip
‘Fuck, fuck fuck, Fucking Skins. Oi oi ‘which he kept repeating his voice now deeper and his accent different, a working class sound erupting form his body. ‘Fucking skins,’
‘That’s more like it Bri. What I was hoping to hear.’
‘So for now we will leave the gag off but change the videos.’
Ok Dom put the other ones on for our mate here
The machine started up again and the new images flashed on to the screen. Again groups of Skins but this time no fighting, no fists. Instead the Skins were licking their Mates rangers, all in either bleachers or camos, tight, showing off their package, their hands rubbing against their crotchs. Other images showed some young Skins being forced down on their knees and their heads rammed against the older Skins bulges, unzipping and taking out their erect cocks. Being told to get on with their blow job . the older guys grabbing the head of the younger ones and forcing them to take the full shaft down the back of their throat. In other images other guys unzipped their bleachers and took out their cocks slowing wanking for the camera, eyeing each other and some helping their mate out, hands firmly grasped around the dicks, then coming with reams of thick white spunk at the camera. Other shots showed Skins with a rear zip having it undone and the top Skin shoving two or three fingers up their butt, , or getting down to give them a face fuck letting their tongues explore their mate’s arse. Then pictures and a full fuck as the main guy grabbed the other’s waist and pulled him onto his rigid cock, all the time shouting Fuck.  Another video showed a fist fuck with bottom getting down on his knees and sticking his arse up so his mate could slowly start with a. couple of fingers moving then around to open up the guys arse and adding a third and fourth finger as the bottom squirmed begging for the full fist. Then the hand started to disappear in the guys cheeks and finally the arm moved in and up to the hilt. His own cock was out and wanking as he fist fucked his mate, both shouting with Fuck me mate, take my fist you fucking Skin boi.
As these pictures appeared so Otto and his mates decided to leave.
‘Bri needs a good few hours seeing all this, and you two can come with me otherwise you’ll be wanking each other raw. Later OK’
Brian was left alone to force watch the videos
As the guys were downing their beers and smoking their fags they eventually heard a voice next door shouting
‘Fuck the shit out of the bastard.’
‘Go on fucking wank yerself’
‘Get that fucking cock down yer throat’
The words went on and on in  Brian’s new voice
Otto opened a beer and added something to it saying
Time to move on to the next phase boys
They went in and looking at Brian staring at the screen, still shouting
‘Fucking hell, Otto’ Dom said. ‘He’s luving all this, look at that fucking dick of his.’
Brian was sitting shouting at the screen urging on the blow jobs, the wanking and the fucking and his cock was stiff showing a full 8’ of thick manhood with a decent head. It was as if Brian wanted to break free and grab his cock for a wank
‘Good boi.’ Otto smirked. ‘Glad you luvin this what we Skins do to each other. No one has sex like a Skin. So take a beer and calm down’
Brian slurped down the beer and had not even drained the bottle when he conked out.
‘Right lads get the kit out, time for a bit of art work. Otto took out the tattoo kit with all the needles and colours
‘Time this guy looked more like us eh?’
Dom said ‘what you going to do mate’
‘Well we have to make a start and he can always add himself later as he will do. So I’ve worked out a few ideas. There are a couple of obvious ones.’
Taking hold of Brian’s hand he started to etch out Skin on his left hand on each finger, all in black letters a good inch high.
‘Well he can’t hide that now and lets give him another for every bloke to see. Taking the black needle again he etched out a spiders web on Brian’s neck, not as big as his own on his head but one about 4inclhes in diameter and one that no shirt would hide.
‘Looking good. Lets do one more.’
He made a pair of Ranger boots on his right arm with yellow laces.
‘I like a bloke with yellow laces.’ Otto said. ‘Always the sexiest. Right lets clear this up and give him a quick rub with some disinfectant. The bruising will soon go and he can admire himself.’
‘Ok Chas now get the next bit of gear for our friend.’
Chas took out a full rubber hood with no eyelets and just a plastic tube coming out from the mouth. Otto took the hood and put it over Brian’s head zipping down the back to make sure it was a very tight fit. He then fitted a funnel to the end of the tube.
‘Perfect. Christ I’ve been dying for a piss after those beers and cant save it much longer so Bri here is in for a fucking long drink. So lets wake the boy up .’
With that Otto took his hand and gave Brian a resounding slap across the rubber bound mask. ‘Fucking love hitting a bloke in rubber. Take that you fucking shit heap, and take that again,’ whacking Brian 3 times to make sure he was awake.
As Brian came round Otto opened his bleachers fly and pulled out his large thick tool.
‘Shit man,’ Dom said ‘I always luv seeing that big dick of your. Never fails to get me going’ as he started to rub his crotch.
‘Later man but for now lets give Bri here a good drink’
Otto put his dick over the funnel and start to let a stream of hot piss down it. Brin suddenly felt this wave of acrid piss spilling into his mouth but was totally unable to stop swallowing it. At first he hated the taste and tried to block it out as it poured down his throat but something clicked in his mind. It didn’t taste that bad, in fact he loved the taste and the more Otto poured down the more enthusiastically Brian swallowed.
‘You now fucking luv that boi, don’t you. Take my piss, after all those beers there’s plenty for you, as wave after wave poured down.’
Both the guys watching started rubbing each others crotches,  thick outlines in their bleachers showing.
‘Ye see Bri, yer getting me mates all worked up and you can expect some luvly creamy spunk coming yer way from them. So guys hold yerself for now. The guys still rubbed each other precum stains showing through. Brian drank every drop of Otto’s piss.
Otto removed the funnel and then the rubber mask showing `Brian’s skin head glistening with sweat.
‘That was fucking great.’ Brian said. ‘Make sure you get a few more beers and let me have it again.’
‘See boys, the change is working. Well done Bri youre on the right road. Now me, Dom and Chas are gonna stand in front you. I’m gonna remove your neck chains but not the collar, it suits you, and take off the ropes. Us skins like our Rangers nice and clean and with all that piss of mine in yer mouth you are gonna lick every one so now get down on yer knees. ‘
Otto grabbed Brian by his leather collar and forced him down on his knees
‘You got 6 rangers there boi that need a good lickin so get on with it.’
Otto kept his hand on the chain that was attached to the collar and pushed him to start with Chas’s. Brian knew what he had to do and do it right
Chas shouted ‘Get fuckin right down Boi and let me see that tongue shine up me boots.’ Brian let his pissed stained tongue lick deeply on the toe caps using his spit to shin up the spit oozing out his mouth
‘That’s it boi get all the way round.’ Brian was grovelling on the floor licking round the toe caps and the backs of the Rangers his chin buffing up and his hands firmly around the boots. He looked up at Chas to make sure he was doing a good job and saw that he was stroking his crotch and Brian could see the outline of a good sized dick stretching down the inside of his bleachers
‘You lick well boi, gets me going. Me cock now nice a hard., as he unzipped his fly and let his hand go deep inside his bleachers to pull out a long cock.
‘Now fucking lick mine’ Dom shouted. He already had his dick out and was stroking it dropping some spit on to his shaft.
‘Fucking lick and use your tongue and spit boi,’ Otto shouted putting one of his boots firmly on Brian’s head and forcing it down onto the boot. ‘When we say lick you fucking lick got it.’
Chas and Dom now had their hands on each other’s cock giving one another a good wank.
Otto said,’ I’m saving you for later Bri but come on lads let’s see you both spunk over Bri’s face you can see he’s gagging for it
Shit I’ve a load of good spunk ready for him’ Chas shouted
‘Me too’ Dom said ‘I love your hand rubbing me cock, Chas, keep it going. As for you Bri sit up and lets see your face. That’s it, stare at our pricks and get ready for our cum.’
Dom was now using his hand up and down the full length of Chas’s cock and Chas was working Dom’s head knowing he loved his head rubbed with spit.
Otto watched rubbing his own crotch, smirking at his lads getting off on each other.
‘We’re gonna cum together boi so be ready to swallow and what you don’t I’m gonna rub all over yer face’
Dom and Chas had worked one another up to shoot their load.
‘I’m ready now Chas’
‘Me too Dom, yer fucking great at wanking me off, Christ im coming’
‘Take aim’
Both guys let out a stream of cum onto Brian’s face, Brian trying to swallow as much as he could loving their spunk and started using his hands to wipe it into his mouth whilst Dom and Chas rubbed what was left all over Brian’s face
Christ that fels better Ive been dying to shoot ever since we started his on the guy.
Otto said don’t worry I think youll both be at it again soon.
Otto took a wet cloth and wiped Brian’s face removing all excess of spunk.
‘I think its time to get some clothes on you boi, it the only clothes you’ll be wearing from now on, you never want to wear anything else. Once a Skin always a Skin. I’ve your new uniform.
Otto opened the suitcase and brought out the clothes for Brian. A Fred Perry black T shirt with yellow piping, a pair of camos with yellow braces, yellow long socks and 20hole ranger boots.
‘Ok Chas help the guy on with his gear. He needs to know how to do the laces of his boots.’ As Brian put on his clothes he started to feel even more different and wondered what clothing he had ever worn before this weekend. He seemed to know this was right for him and he felt it suited his body, showing off his chest and firm arse. The putting on of the boots was like a sexual surge, feeling them tight around his legs, knowing he could kick the shit out of someone wearing them with their steel caps. The pressure around his legs gave a pressure to his cock as it grew in length down his leg.
,Right Bri time to see the new you. This is what it’s all been about and hope you like what you see.’
Dom brought a mirror in and Otto pushed Brian in front
‘Well boi you look fucking horny,’ Otto said rubbing his dick
Brian was amazed. He now looked just like the others there and his spider Tat looking like a real Skin, but then he is a real Skin. He clenched his fists and could see the Skin tat on his knuckles. By clenching his fists he looked ready for a fight, tough, real aggro and so fucking manly, such a fucking turn on. His cock was rigid.
‘Right Bri time to finish off the transformation and I get the pleasure. Get over here.’
As Brian moved over towards him Otto unzipped his flies and put his hand deep down inside to pull out his thick veined 9inc rampant cock. This ain’t been washed in days boi so all the better for fucking you now bend down over your desk.’
Brian saw Ottos cock and for a moment winced at the thought but seeing this rough man standing in his Skin gear with his massive cock out at the ready, Brian knew he wanted to be fucked by this monster.
Brian did as he was told and Otto unzipped the rear of his camos.
‘I make sure all my bois have a rear zip as I love to fuck them in full gear. Dom you can call Jed now and get him down to see his Boss.. That’s some arse you got there,  Bri, just as I like good firm cheeks and a deep cleft at your hole.’
Otto spat two large globs of spit onto his rancid prick.
‘Makes it a bit easier for you first time.’
As he put his arms around Brian’s waist he moved his cock into the crack.
Dom and Chas were both watching rubbing their cocks knowing how well Otto fucked.
‘Well Dom no point in the two of you just watching and feeling horny so Chas get over to the desk next to Bri and let Dom fuck you at the same time. I know you love his cock.’
‘I fucking do’ Chas said as he leant over next to Brian and  unzipped his rear fly  Cum on Dom give it to me.’
‘Watching Otto fuck the hell out of Bri will make you even more horny.’
Otto took his hands and spread open Brian’s cheeks to let his cock find the hole.
Nice little hairy arse you got there boi and I can see a good slit you have for my big dick.’ With his hands keeping the arse wide open he let his head meet Brains hole and spat another glob to push the head in.
‘Fucking hell Otto what a cock you have, you’ll bloody well split me.’
‘Don’t worry boy once I get the head past, my shaft will glide up your arse right to the hilt. Just look at Chas and how he takes Dom’s cock.’
Chas was starting to move his body back to allow Dom into his arse. Dom had taken Chas by the shoulders and was pushing him against his balls.
‘I want to feel that arse of yours right up tight against my balls. Make em swing Chas.’
Chas rammed his body back as much as he could until he felt Dom’s pubes rubbing against him.
Meanwhile Otto had started pushing in the full length of his cock. That’s it boi take the full load as I’m gonna blast you.’
‘Shit this is fucking great, I’ll never want anything but dick again.’
By now both Dom and Otto were fully up as Chas turned next to Bri and taking hold of his head kissed him plunging his tongue down Brian throat.
‘That’s it bois enjoy one another while we enjoy you.’
‘Come on Dom lets give our lads everything we got and cum together’
The two men fucking started pummeling, grasping their prey and pushing their dicks in an out with increasing force and rapidity. Brian and Chas were giving each other deep throat groaning as they could feel the dicks up their arses ready to explode in side them
‘Christ Bri this is your moment there’s no going back now once I cum inside you. Dom  get your jism ready as I’m about to cum’
‘Me too mate’
And with that both Skins erupted their spunk deep inside Chas and Brian.
 The door opened and Jed stood there transfixed at the scene.
‘Fucking hell it’s a bloody orgy. What have you been doing.’
Otto slipped his cock out of Brian’s arse giving his cheeks a hard slap.
‘Well done Bri, you know how to use that bum of yours. Now see who’s here. It’s your mate Jed who asked us for help to change you.
Otto zipped up Brian’s rear and let him stand up to face Jed
‘Christ you looking fucking amazing’ Jed said staring at his boss. ‘I could never have imagined. I don’t know what to say Otto.’
‘I think you are about to find out.’
Brian walked over to Jed and before Jed knew what had happened Brian had him in a stranglehold making Jed unable to move.
‘So it was you, you fucking little shit who caused all this. You’re the one you has put me through all this, you fucking little wanker. I should have known. It’s you who have made me a skin’, he sneered into Jed’s face  spitting at him and using his spare arm to rub it in. ‘Fucking great life you’ve given me You made me a Skin just like you and Otto here. You’ve changed my life for ever.’
Jed did not know what to say ‘I didn’t know it was going to end this way Brian,’
‘Well it fucking has and let me tell you, its bloody brill. What a fucking great life you’ve given me. Who wants to be anything but a skin but I’ll tell you now having just been fucked good and hard by Otto, my cock needs to get rid of plenty of spunk and its your arse that’s gonna take it all.’
Brian threw Jed at the table and as he undid Jed’s jeans he could feel Jed with a full erect cock.
‘So you like seeing me like this do you. Well all these times I’ve seen you checking out my package you’re now gonna get it as I am so horny after Otto.’
Brian undid his zip by now his camos showing a large stain of precum.
‘Christ I’m ready for you and that arse Jed.’
With one arm firmly on Jed’s back he took hold of his cock and pressed against Jed’s crack which was already moist and waiting. He knew he was going to be fucked and he so wanted Brian inside him.
Brian decided this was no slow fuck he wanted Jed to feel every inch as he rammed the 8 inch prick all the way up so Jed could feel he could go no further. His movements were rapid but Jed wanted it all and was pushing his arse back and forwards to help the sensation and while being fucked he had his hand over his own shaft wanking for all he was worth.
‘Christ Brian fuck me, let me have all your cream as I’m about to spunk all over your desk. Go on faster and faster I want you. Christ I’m ready to explode’
‘You little horny skin you Christ I m ready to give you all my spunk’
‘Me to, shoot mate’
And with that both men groaned deeply and came at the same time a great spray of cum shooting across the desk from Jed and Brian at last cumming as he had so wanted to do during the weekend. He was a Skin and he loved fucking.
‘So guys, looks as if I’ve had another success. I can pack up.’ Otto said
Brian replied, ‘thanks Otto. Jed you’re coming home with me tonight I’ve not finished with you yet. I think you and I have something together and a good night of fucking will see what happens. I may have another job for you Otto.
 On Monday morning Brian and Jed were waiting in full Skin gear for their warehouse staff to arrive. The two guys walked in and saw Brian, no longer in his chinos and light blue shirt, but looking a full skinhead in his bleachers, Rangers and Fred Perry, totally shaved and the spider tattoo showing. He had an arm around Jed and as the blokes took in the scene so he tongued Jed.
‘Well lads as you can see there have been a few changes. You see me as I want to be and I’ve promoted Jed to be my personal assistant. I’ve decided to take the company in a new direction and in order to make the changes I’ve brought in some help, so meet Otto, Dom and Chas.’
The 3 Skins came in and stood behind the employees.
‘You won’t be going home for a couple of days as Otto  will be working on you. We are all going to be one fucking great Skin team.’
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
i'm writing other things but, c'mon now, it's valentines.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Genre: fluffy
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: you send a valentine to peter and hopes he shows up.
Matt broke up with Cynthia and it was rattling the walls of Midtown High. 
Especially because it was valentines day, couples can break up any day but one would assume, birthdays, anniversaries and major holidays would be safe, no one breaks up on those days. 
Except for Matt.
Cynthia is letting the holiday play into her will. Wails coated the school, people pressured to not show love to their honey, people scared their honey will do the same. She was ripping apart flowers Matt had given her before he dumped her, a pretty brutal move on his end. 
You watched with wide eyes, mostly everyone peering over at the girl on the outskirts of campus absolutely losing it. Looking back and forth between the line and the girl you looked to the side of you at MJ, “How long until the resource guards come?” 
Cops. They were cops with a safer sounding name, but they were still cops that would detain, handcuff and transport her to somewhere under lock and key. 
“She’s absolutely batshit right now.” MJ peered at her through her sunglasses, you snorted and took a step forward. You start to peer at the menu, deciphering which flower seemed best. You heard a scream, “Matt! Don’t do this, don’t let them do this!” 
Cynthia was in a full sprint, looping in circles. Yelling out pleas to her ex while he hid his face and let out an “Oh my fucking god,” as she was trying to dodge a cop on foot and a cop in a golf cart. You’ve never seen a more interesting show on valentines, when Cynthia comes back to earth she can never show her face again. You could never live through this humiliation. 
“Hi Y/N! Hi MJ!” Betty gave an over exaggerated wave, her eyes hidden by red tinted heart sunglasses. Her earrings were dangled hearts and she wore a cupid’s arrow pin on her shirt. She looked her part, you always commend her full commitment. 
“Hey Bets! You look awesome, the booth looks even better!” MJ nods at your words, “You make valentines look classy.” 
“Aw guys! I love you both, cause today is love day!” 
MJ grimaced, she preferred to pretend she wasn’t doing this because she had a crush, but because she could. 
You smiled, glad to finally have a reason to spoil your person. 
Betty clapped her hands and got her pen ready. 
“Okay! Y/N, which flowers are you going with?” 
You point, “Secret admirer, crush and I love you.” Betty squeals and begins to cluster the flowers, different colors, each with a tag to explain what they meant to the receiver. “Would you like to write a note to send with it?” You did, and then sat for a minute trying to think of what to say. 
You settled, “If I am who you think I am, I’ll be waiting.” 
Ominus, you know. But it made sense, he would get it. Or at least you hoped he would. He should. 
“And where is this going, and who to?” 
Betty and MJ grinned at you, anxious to hear what they already knew. 
“Peter B. Parker, homeroom one oh three.” 
MJ clapped you on the shoulder, “That’s my girl. I want the yellow one, Bets. It’s for Brad.” 
You held in a laugh, you know MJ and that she’s participating means she’s smitten. However the flower she’s chosen has quite an adorable title, “I notice you,” which could be a little crush or an “hey, you’re not invisible.” 
Betty’s smile falters. “You sure that’s the one? If you want I can throw in a crush for you, on me?” MJ shakes her head, “No, I think just the yellow is fine.” 
You hear an oof, you look to the left and see Cynthia laid out. Two cops laid on top of her, screams never failing. You follow your eyes to Peter who’s watching with his fist to his mouth with Ned, he takes a sharp inhale as the bigger cop elbows her. 
He looks over and waves, you give him one back before throwing a bill at Betty and jogging to catch up. 
Peter’s eyebrows raise, “Candygrams?” 
“I did fall for the capitalist scheme.” 
Peter laughs, “I’m better than buying into all the valentines crap.” You frown slightly, sure it’s mostly junk but sometimes the meaning behind the gift has more value. 
“Because, I did my own.” He pauses to lower his backpack, Ned keeps walking. Peter unzips and digs for a moment, then pulls out a card. You can’t help the growing smile stretching across your face, “You didn’t have to.” 
He shrugs, “I wanted to.” 
You peel the page open. 
“Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N. I’m glad to have you in my life and I’m glad you make me feel like I have to write you a Valentine’s day card. It’s a feeling I haven’t had before, I’d been waiting on it for a while. Love, Peter.” 
A pout takes over your lip, Peter rolls his eyes. He’s glad you like it, but he’s pretending like he doesn’t care if you like it. 
“Peter!” You reach for a hug, he complies. You talk in his ear, he holds tighter. “Thank you, Peter. I love it.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Make sure you frame it. It took me all night thinking of what to say.” He sounds joking but he’s serious. 
You are too. “Seriously, Peter. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
But he does know, it’s that same feeling he gets at homeroom. 
He’s never had a valentine, or given one so this is pretty special for him. Peter nearly slaps himself when his name is announced for a valentine, his name was called clearly. “Peter B. Parker?” Yup, that’s him alright. 
He raises his hand shyly, half convinced it’s a prank. But it’s real, three flowers are dropped on his desk, a red, pink and white one. Each had a special meaning, he had to stop himself from taking a whiff right then. 
Then remembered it came with a note, his hands nearly shook when he opened it. 
“If I am who you think I am, I’ll be waiting.” 
He doesn’t know who he thinks you are, but he knows who he hopes you are.
So, he waits. 
He waits like he hopes you are, he’ll only be a few more minutes. 
You’ve talked about it before. The butterfly museum. 
How bad you’ve always wanted to go on a date there, how cute it sounded. You’d tell him, “to get butterflies with butterflies is the kind of on the nose I’m into.” He hummed and agreed it would be cute, because it would. You would just be so happy to be there, and he’d move heaven and earth to see you happy. 
He assumes you’re there. 
He hopes you’re there. 
Peter holds his breath when he opens the enclosure. A burst of air shoots him, then he’s surrounded. Colorful wings decorated the plants and ceiling, he’s never seen anything so beautiful. He understands why you’ve talked about it so much, how beautiful it was. 
Nearly forgetting why he’s there he tightens the hold on the flowers behind his back, the ones you’ve gifted him. Peter looks in awe and follows some butterflies as they float in front of him, he’s feeling nearly defeated. 
Maybe he has the wrong person, he assumed it was you. But he’s looked all around and couldn’t find you, he had hoped he was right. He wanted it to be you. 
He was ready to turn away, until he heard you laugh. His heart is soaring, he looks around then sees behind a bush you stand with a butterfly in your arm. You hold it in front of you and whisper, Peter can’t help the love that tugs at him. 
How delicate and gentle you are. 
He clears his throat and walks to you, he moves in right behind you. His voice is low in your ear, you jump slightly and turn. In his hand are three flowers. He stretches them out to you. 
“Tag. You’re it.” 
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
dad's best friend!! Sorry it wasn't supposed to be so confusing 😭😭😭😭
It wasn't! I'm just an indecisive person in general😭. Thanks for requesting♡
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First of all can we talk about this suit? Why haven't I seen this? He looks so fucking good😩
(dbf!harry or gangleader!harry and plussize!reader)
Harry- 40, Y/N- 22
[Warning- Smut, mentions of Mafia and gangs, 18 years age gap, dad's best friend, mirror sex, teasing, choking, fingering, edging, orgasm denials, fluff in the end and angst if you squint enough to close your eyes]
You knew teasing Harry was like poking sleeping bear with stick but you couldn't help it.
It was one of the monthly dinner party hosted by your parents. All of your dad's colleagues and friends were at his house dressed to nine. The hall was filled with people in designer suits and dresses.
It was a colour theme party so most of them were in shades of red and black. You were in a short dark coloured off shoulder dress with statement sleeves matching with the long dark red satin dress of your mom and the red shirt of your dad.
Harry hugged his best friend, your dad first thing when he arrived then your mom and then he stood in front of you. He was wearing a dark red suit which fitted him nicely and you already thought of taking pics together later.
"Hello Mr. Styles" You said teasingly being the minx you were. He laughed and hugged you, your face tucked into his chest while his hands subtly slid down to pull you closer to him discreetly so, no one can see.
"Hello princess" He greeted back and pulled from hug. His signature smirk adorning his lips and you were surely red in face, flustered by his deep voice.
"Styles c'mon lets get some drinks" Your dad called Harry. He gave him a nod and shot you a subtle look.
Your parents didn't knew, no one did about you and Harry cause you couldn't even think of what would happen if they got to know that their only daughter was in a relationship with their good friend.
Harry and you met at golf club. It was one of the rare days you decided to join your dad to his golf game and you praise yourself everyday for doing that cause that's how you met him.
You still remember the yellow polo he was wearing. It snugged around his biceps and broad shoulder, the blue pants showing off his fine ass. You felt guilty for thinking he was hot and feeling yourself being turned on. If he was your dad's friend it meant he was closer to his age. He might have a partner or be married.
So, you subtly brought him up in conversation on your way back home and your dad told everything about him. He was your dad's boss some kind. He never goes into details about who or what he works for and you never asked.
Harry was 39 then much younger than your dad who was in his late 40s and drumrolls please....he was single!
Although for a while it didn't change anything but it made you feel less guilty when you touched yourself thinking about him.
Harry was same on the other hand. He shouldn't have been thinking about one of his main hand and best friend's daughter that way but fuck you were something else. The crop white sleeveless polo tshirt you were wearing that day made your boobs bounce everytime you walked and especially when you hugged him and he felt them rub against his chest. Jesus Christ!
He had to excuse himself so he could run to washroom and collect himself (by that he means wank).
Time went by, you stayed in Harry's mind and he in yours. It was your apartment move in party that you met him again. Your dad bought apartment for you cause you were itching to move out and he couldn't let you live in some small, cheap and filthy apartment. You were always daddy's girl considering you were the only child, he spoiled you a lot.
He invited everyone including Harry. Whole time during party both of you made eyes for each other and when party ended Harry stayed after to "clean up" and he sure did clean up.
At first everything from his side was strictly sexual but you were already falling for him after sleeping for second time. You confessing led to a big argument but it went fine as now, a year later you both have been in relationship for 8 months after hooking up for 4 months.
A hour later you were wine tipsy enough to have your cheeks flushed but also be aware of your surroundings. You were searching for Harry not seen him for quite some time.
You walked out in backyard seeing people mingling together. You politely smiled at some of your dad's coworkers your eyes frantically searching for a mop of curly hair.
When you did find him, he was with Sharon. Her manicured hand on his bicep as she laughed way too loudly on something he said. You rolled your eyes feeling jealous, even a blind person could see she had eyes for Harry. Your dad joked about it a lot to Harry in front of you not his fault, he didn't know his daughter was digging nails in her palm so, she wouldn't cry or get angry.
Harry always told your dad he wasn't interested in her and to Sharon also but to everyone he was single. So, your dad kept teasing him about settling down constantly telling him about possible dates. It made you sad but Harry always comforted you telling he doesn't want anyone but you.
You believed him and trust him with your everything but that doesn't stop you from wanting to pluck those flirty eyes out of Sharon's head any less.
Few people walked past them making them shift from their position. Now, Sharon's back was to you and Harry in front of her. You smiked brewing plan in your head. You walked towards them sipping your wine, Harry eyes found yours and he knew something was going on in your brain. He straightened up seeing you walk towards him.
"Mr. Sty-" You cut yourself off and pretended to trip over the stone in front of you. The wine splashed on Harry's black shirt and some on his pants and you "accidentally" collided with Sharon making her fall into the pool. Harry caught you in his arms even though he knew you were safe, it was like a reflex for him.
Sharon screamed sounded followed by splash of water. You bit your lips trying not to laugh as she came above he surface of water looking like a wet dog.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked for confirmation, your eyes softened looking up at his. You gave him nod and then a cheeky smile.
He shook his head and moved towards Sharon to help her get out but before she could touch him you called the guards and made them help her out.
"I'm soo sorry Ms. Sharon. Are you hurt?" You asked her faking innocence. Harry rolled his eyes internally and wanted to laugh at your jealous antics but refrained himself.
Her hardened eyes snapped at yours but she couldn't say anything cause you were her boss's daughter and one wrong word she would have been fired.
She gave you the best fake smile, "No ma'am it's fine mistakes happen"
"I know next time don't stand beside dangerous places. I'm a bit clumsy you know, who knows where you might end up falling" You pouted and passed her towel brought by one of servants. Her smile faltered and she excused herself.
"You want you clean that up Mr. Styles?" You asked him pointing towards his shirt and pants. You looked up at him with doe eyes batting your eyelashes as if you didn't just pulled a stunt.
"You're a brat you know that?" He whispered darkly, his voice getting deep. You kept your eyes on his, "Your brat though" You pouted making him laugh.
"C'mon princess help me get this stain off" He said walking inside. The music was playing loudly now as dinner was served and people were drunk dancing their asses off. You saw your dad chatting with few men so, he didn't see you. Just as you were to slide inside the guest bathroom with him your mom saw you.
"What happened?" She asked looking in between you two. You panicked thinking she caught you but Harry saved your ass.
"Oh nothing Mrs. Y/L/N, little miss here accidentally spilled wine on my shirt. I told her I could get it off myself but she said she felt guilty." He said waving off and pretending to walk inside the bathroom.
"No no. She will help you. ¡Cuántas veces te he dicho que no bebas tanto!" (how many times I have told you not to drink so much!) she said her spanish accent thinking as she got mad.
"Sorry ma I will help him" You said and you really felt like a child getting scolded. You mom hummed and walked back towards the party.
You quickly pulled Harry inside and locked the door. His back was against the door as you started to kiss him. You were a starved woman not being able to kiss your boyfriend for so long.
Harry smiled at your eagerness, his hands sliding down to your ass groping it, pulling them apart then letting them go. He started walking and pushed your back towards the sink pulling you up and sitting down.
He pulled apart to breathe. Both of your lips red, glistening and swollen, your red lipstick smudged around your lips making his heart skip.
"You look so good baby" Harry cooed at his girlfriend. Your cheeks heated up but you kept the eye contact playing with his curls at the nap of his neck.
"You don't look bad yourself Mr. Styles" You teased giggling. He shook his head at your childishness but that's the thing he loved about you most. You were serious, a strong headed woman but also playful, brat and full of life.
Harry leaned down just inches away from your face, "Is that how we're going today? Mr. Styles?" He asked running his nose along your jaw. You closed your eyes and tilted you head to the side as his breath tickled your skin.
"We don't have much time-" You got cut off by a whimper as he started to leave wet kissed down your neck, "People might get suspicious" You said fully losing control of your body to him.
"Mhm I will be quick" He said as his fingers slid down your silky dress to your lace thong barely covering anything. "You're in for it when I get my hands on you later" he groans moving down to your cleavage biting and sucking on them.
"Harry please" You moaned desperately wanting for him to relieve the pain. He stopped moving his fingers but before you could whine in disapproval you earned a sharp slap to your clit. Even though it was covered his rings were enough to have you doubling over.
"Try again sweetheart" he said resuming the slow assault on your clit. Your head was tucked into his chest and only thing you could do was whimper.
"Please Mr. Styles" You begged making him hum in appreciation. He started rubbing your clit faster the thin fabric getting soaked in your arousal. You let out a loud moan getting closer to your climax. Your noises were getting louder and if anyone to pass by the door would know what's going on.
"Shh sweetheart don't want anyone to know you're in here making a mess do you?" He tsked tilting his head. You shook your head not being able to say anything or comprehend. Even if someone did heard you both you couldn't care.
"But I think you would also love for someone to hear you getting of just by me rubbing my fingers on you" He chuckled, "Such a pathetic baby"
You pouted at his words even though his words were making you more wet.
"Don't pout. How would your dad react when he gets to know you pushed that poor woman in pool cause you were jealous" He taunted his fingers still making tight and slow circle on your clothed clit making your hips buck up from time to time.
"Please! Please! Please!" You whined for more. You were incredibly wet and it was aching, you just wanted your release but it never came.
Harry removed his fingers from your clothes pussy making your eyes snap open. You looked up at him frustated and confused while he just smirked.
"You think I would let you cum after you've been a brat" He asked bringing his hands near your shoulders. In one go he flips you around, your back to his chest and his hands over your stomach keeping you against him firmly.
"What you're soo mad I pushed your side chick in pool?" You mocked rolling your eyes at him, starting to get frustrated. So what if you pushed her in pool she had it coming.
"Don't give me that attitude princess" He spanked your ass hard making you moan loudly in return, "It's my duty to remind you of manners you have seem to forget" He pinched your butt then leaving another slap.
Then he pushes him away from you all together, the sudden loss of contact had your body in shivers from cold air.
"Now how this will go princess is I will go is I will fuck this tight warm pussy of yours, get my orgasm" He said his hands roaming all over your body as if he was memorizing every curve.
"What about me?" Your voice faltered as his hands found your boobs. Harry loved your boobs although you told him many times you felt insecure about them he was obsessed. Always holding them, sucking on them like his personal stress ball.
"What about you hm? All you're to me right now is a fuck toy baby" He said his lips sucking on the spot near your neck which can be hidden by hair.
His words should have hurt you but only thing hurting was your cunt for his dick.
He pushed you down your forehead resting on cold mirror as he fumbled with his belt and pants. Once his pants were down his knees he pushed your dress up. Both of your holes were in full display in front of him and he wanted to ruin you right there but they didn't have time.
he pushed your panties to the side and slid inside you without a waning. You moaned loudly from the intrusion, he was so big stretching you out filling you up.
Harry brought his hand to your mouth and covered it. "As much as I would love to hear your maons babygirl, I don't think your father will appreciate it" he spoke in your ears his breath tickling your skin, "What would he think if he finds out his daughter fucking his best friend huh?" He taunted you.
Your brain felt like mush and all you could do was nod. "Such a dumb baby" He spoke and then started pounding in you. Your hips were constantly hitting the sink and you knew you will have bruises there.
You were so close to getting off when you heard the knock on the door. Harry stopped for a second confirming someone was indeed knocking and it wasn't something his brain made up.
"Mr. Styles? Y/N? Who's inside and why is it locked?" You mom asked trying to open the door. Your whole body was rigid and for a second you thought you might get caught. You looked up and found Harry's eyes in mirror and he gave you a shrug and started moving again slower but deeper.
"Go on reply to her" he whispered in her ear.
"Helloo" You mom called out again. You whimpered slightly but got yoursf together.
"It's me mom" You said and bit down on your lip as Harry hit the right spot inside you.
"Y/N? What happened are you okay?" She asked concerned from hearing your weak voice.
"Yeah Yeah just threw up a bit. You know me and-" fuck "wine" You said stumbling over your words.
"Where is Mr. Styles?" She asked. "uh I think he went outside I don't know" You said that in one go amd brought your up so you could moan.
You don't know if she brought it or not but she left after telling you to call her if you need anything. Harry pulled you up by your hair your head falling back on his shoulder.
His pace was flattering but still firm, his hand either groaping your ass or your boobs.
"I'm close Harry can I come please" You begged but he didn't listen.
"No. On knees now" he said and pulled out. You fell on your knees in second, you hand holding his thighs for support. He brought his cock near you lips smearing the precum and your juices on your lips and then pushed inside.
You sucked like your life depends on it. You were a pleaser with no doubt and Harry loved it.
"Yes fuck keep going baby" He said, one hand gripping the sink and other your hair. He was fucking your mouth with same intensity as yiur cunt. You swirled your tongue around him and brought your hands up to massage his balls. He let out another moan and a curse.
"Such a good girl" he moaned out andgripped your head more tightly. "I'm going to cum" he announced and soon you felt him shooting warm thick ropes down your throat. You sucked and cleaned him off until he went soft inside you.
Harry brought you back up and sat on the counter. His lips back on yours tasting himself.
"I'm going to leave and you will leave behind me. 20 minutes I want you in my bed" Ge said and pecked all over your face making you giggle.
"Did so good going to reward my baby" With a wink he opened the window and jumped out landing in front of shed. He fixed his suit and went like nothing happened.
I'm thinking of making this a trope. Gang leader dbf, sounds fun lol.
You can request more here♡
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panlight · 10 months
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The Proud Boys are back: How the far-right domestic terrorist group is rebuilding to rally behind Trump
Aram Roston at Reuters:
A dark SUV cruised past former President Donald Trump’s supporters near his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey on a windy April afternoon. Billowing from the vehicle were three flags: one for the Trump campaign, two others with the initials “PB” – the insignia of the far-right Proud Boys movement. Through the open windows, three Proud Boys flashed the “OK” sign with their hands, a gesture often associated with white supremacy and the far right. Trump’s fans cheered. Four men dressed in the signature black-and-yellow shirts of the Proud Boys spilled out of the SUV and began glad-handing the crowd like homecoming heroes. The Proud Boys are back. Four years after the failed effort to overturn Trump’s 2020 electoral defeat, the violent all-male extremist group that led the storming of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, is rebuilding and regaining strength as Trump campaigns to return to the White House, according to interviews with eight Proud Boys, two U.S. law enforcement officials and four experts who track the group’s online activity.
Since the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, four former Proud Boys leaders have been convicted in federal court of seditious conspiracy, each sentenced to 15 or more years in prison. At least another 70 members were charged with participating in the violence. But that crackdown hasn’t stopped the Proud Boys. Some Proud Boys say they are preparing to emerge once again as a physical force for Trump, drawn to his hardline nationalism and convinced their leaders will be pardoned if he wins. Trump himself promises to pardon convicted Jan. 6 rioters if he’s elected. After last Thursday’s historic guilty verdict against Trump, an Ohio Proud Boys chapter vowed “war” and posted a video of Proud Boy street brawls that ended with the message, “Fighting solves everything.” A Miami chapter said, “Now, more than ever, we are recruiting!” Some posted images of the upside-down American flag symbolizing the “Stop the Steal” movement that falsely claims Trump won the 2020 election. One Proud Boy told Reuters that America is in a period of “calm before the storm.”
The group’s main Telegram channel, however, posted a message urging Proud Boys to stay calm and not get drawn into a trap and risk arrest. “Trump is, of course, getting railroaded but we will not be walking into any honey pots over this.” In recent weeks, the group has become more prominent at pro-Trump events, highlighting the risk of renewed violence in this year’s presidential election. Dozens of Proud Boys – some in body armor and helmets – marked the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection with a show of force at the statehouse in Columbus, Ohio. On April 20, nearly a dozen gathered at a rally for Trump’s Republican campaign in Wilmington, North Carolina.  More recently, groups of Proud Boys from two chapters mixed with tens of thousands of Trump supporters at a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, in May.
On a boardwalk near the entrance of the Wildwood rally, several Proud Boys identified themselves as members of the “New Jersey State” chapter. One said they were there to provide security and stop agitators from “disrespecting or assaulting everybody.” Inscribed on his wraparound sunglasses were the initials “POYB” – short for “Proud of Your Boy.” He wore a ring with the initials “PB” and a black shirt with the yellow laurel wreath of the Proud Boys. Three men from another chapter greeted them, their faces hidden by gaiter masks. The re-emergence of the Proud Boys at Trump’s political rallies and events coincides with polls showing a majority of Americans fearing political violence will flare around November’s election. It also comes when Trump’s use of incendiary rhetoric is inspiring his supporters to target his opponents – including judges, prosecutors and political rivals – in a wave of threats that’s unprecedented in modern American politics.
Trump himself has not ruled out the possibility of political violence if he loses in November. “If we don’t win, you know, it depends,” he said when asked by Time magazine in April if he expected violence after the election. If he’s jailed or put under house arrest, “I’m not sure the public would stand for it,” he said in a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday. “At a certain point there’s a breaking point.” Before the last election, Trump told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” Three months later, federal prosecutors say, the group’s leaders plotted and led the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol. Trump’s baseless, rigged-election claims inspired the gathering, and Trump himself urged the assembled crowd to march on the Capitol as Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s victory.
A spokesperson for Trump did not respond to questions for this story about his rhetoric, Jan. 6 and the Proud Boys. As the Proud Boys regroup, they’ve made changes designed to make them less vulnerable to law enforcement scrutiny, including doing away with layers of top leadership, according to interviews with members. The Proud Boys now operate with self-governing chapters in more than 40 states, with little apparent central coordination, members said. While the group’s structure has changed, its Canadian founder remains an inspirational figure to today’s Proud Boys. Gavin McInnes, a British-born far-right commentator who lives in New York, announced his resignation from the Proud Boys in 2018. But he remains deeply involved with the group, according to interviews with Proud Boys.
After McInnes stepped down, his successor, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, raised the Proud Boys’ profile, pulling them from the fringe of the far-right toward the center of Trump-era Republican politics. Tarrio, a Floridian of Afro-Cuban descent, was sentenced last September to 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy, defined as an effort by two or more people to overthrow the government or use force to hinder its operations, and other charges related to the Capitol riot. He has appealed.
Two criminal defense attorneys for Tarrio did not respond to emailed questions and phone calls. In the past, McInnes, Tarrio and a group of leaders dubbed “Elders” spoke publicly on the group’s behalf, set the agenda and guided its confrontations with left-wing groups around the country. They sat atop a formal structure and could disband Proud Boy chapters or expel members. Now, members say, the chapters are largely independent of each other and ban communications with the media. Most members who spoke to Reuters for this report did so on condition of anonymity. The group’s resilience has surprised some extremism experts. “The amazing thing is that so many people from the Proud Boys can be in jail and yet you have these active chapters,” said Heidi Beirich, co-founder of the nonprofit Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. “Traditionally when the head of a neo-Nazi or white supremacist group goes to jail or dies, the organization will collapse, but that does not seem to be happening with the Proud Boys.”
During the Trump administration, the Proud Boys engaged in large-scale street brawls with antifa – antifascists – and other leftist groups across the country, typically by taunting demonstrators to instigate a fight. They adopted the slogan “Fuck Around And Find Out,” and emblazoned the letters “FAFO” on hats and t-shirts. Some historians compare the Proud Boys to fascist European militias of the 1920s and 1930s such as the Brownshirts, a Nazi paramilitary group that helped bring Hitler to power in Germany. Proud Boys say they’re nothing like the Brownshirts and bear no resemblance to fascists. But street violence and extreme nationalism are features of both groups. In the weeks before the Capitol riots, some wore a patch inscribed with “RWDS,” short for “Right Wing Death Squad,” a term used to describe Central and South American paramilitaries who supported right-wing governments and dictatorships. [...]
After Trump left the White House, the Proud Boys turned to America’s culture wars. They clashed with supporters of abortion rights and vaccine mandates, and harassed organizers of Drag Queen Story Hours, where female impersonators read at libraries or bookstores to children. Fights often ensued. Since the 2021 Capitol attack, Reuters identified 29 incidents of political violence involving the Proud Boys, almost all of them centered around social issues. All but one of the eight cases in 2023 involved clashes between Proud Boys and left-wing activists at demonstrations supporting LGBTQ+ rights. The tally was based largely on news reports and court records of fights, assaults and other physical confrontations. This year, the Proud Boys have returned to politics. In the first three months of 2024, there have been far fewer Proud Boys public events than in the same period last year. But half of them have been pro-Trump and the rest have been political in nature, related to guns or immigration, said Kieran Doyle of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, a U.S.-based nonprofit that monitors political violence.
On April 24, Proud Boys founder McInnes appeared at Columbia University’s pro-Palestinian protests. He told Reuters that the Proud Boys were not getting involved in the anti-Israel unrest, saying he was there to “ridicule” liberals by pretending to be a left-wing journalist. It didn’t work, he said, because people saw him and posted alerts on social media. “They recognized me and were scared.” There’s no authoritative count of Proud Boy members. McInnes claims there are about 5,000, down from 8,000 during Trump’s presidency but up from lows after the Capitol riot arrests. Official estimates of the Proud Boys’ strength vary widely, from 300 to 3,000 members, said a law enforcement source who has monitored the group. Reuters could not independently corroborate its numbers. Some former Proud Boys have abandoned the group for other, more overtly racist and violent groups, including the neo-Nazi Blood Tribe and the underground “Active Club” scene, a white supremacist male movement, one Proud Boy told Reuters.
Reuters has an informative article about far-right domestic terrorist group Proud Boys is rebuilding to rally behind convicted felon Donald Trump.
After the January 6th Insurrection, the group turned towards right-wing culture war items to launch protests, such as COVID mitigation measures (esp. vaccine mandates), drag story hours, and abortion access.
Read the full article at Reuters.
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